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//- 💫 DOCS > USAGE
include ../../_includes/_mixins
| spaCy is compatible with #[strong 64-bit CPython 2.6+∕3.3+] and
| runs on #[strong Unix/Linux], #[strong macOS/OS X] and
| #[strong Windows]. The latest spaCy releases are currently only
| available as source packages over
| #[+a("https://pypi.python.org/pypi/spacy") pip]. Installation requires a
| working build environment. See notes on
| #[a(href="#source-ubuntu") Ubuntu], #[a(href="#source-osx") macOS/OS X]
| and #[a(href="#source-windows") Windows] for details.
+code(false, "bash").
pip install -U spacy
| After installation you need to download a language model. Models for
| English (#[code en]) and German (#[code de]) are available.
+code(false, "bash").
python -m spacy.en.download all
python -m spacy.de.download all
+aside-code("Examples", "bash").
# Install English tagger, parser and NER
python -m spacy.en.download parser
# Install English GloVe vectors
python -m spacy.en.download glove
# Upgrade/overwrite existing data
python -m spacy.en.download --force
# Check whether the model was successfully installed
python -c "import spacy; spacy.load('en'); print('OK')"
p The download command fetches about 1 GB of data which it installs within the #[code spacy] package directory.
+h(2, "source") Compile from source
| The other way to install spaCy is to clone its
| #[+a(gh("spaCy")) GitHub repository] and build it from source. That is
| the common way if you want to make changes to the code base.
| You'll need to make sure that you have a development enviroment
| consisting of a Python distribution including header files, a compiler,
| #[+a("https://pip.pypa.io/en/latest/installing/") pip],
| #[+a("https://virtualenv.pypa.io/") virtualenv] and
| #[+a("https://git-scm.com") git] installed. The compiler part is the
| trickiest. How to do that depends on your system. See notes on
| #[a(href="#source-ubuntu") Ubuntu], #[a(href="#source-osx") OS X] and
| #[a(href="#source-windows") Windows] for details.
+h(3, "source-ubuntu") Ubuntu
p Install system-level dependencies via #[code apt-get]:
+code(false, "bash").
sudo apt-get install build-essential python-dev git
+h(3, "source-osx") macOS / OS X
| Install a recent version of #[+a("https://developer.apple.com/xcode/") XCode],
| including the so-called "Command Line Tools". macOS and OS X ship with
| Python and git preinstalled.
| To compile spaCy with multi-threading support on macOS / OS X,
| #[+a("https://github.com/explosion/spaCy/issues/267") see here].
+h(3, "source-windows") Windows
| Install a version of
| #[+a("https://www.visualstudio.com/vs/visual-studio-express/") Visual Studio Express]
| that matches the version that was used to compile your Python
| interpreter. For official distributions these are:
+table([ "Distribution", "Version"])
+cell Python 2.7
+cell Visual Studio 2008
+cell Python 3.4
+cell Visual Studio 2010
+cell Python 3.5
+cell Visual Studio 2015
+h(2, "tests") Run tests
| spaCy comes with an extensive test suite. First, find out where spaCy is
| installed:
+code(false, "bash").
python -c "import os; import spacy; print(os.path.dirname(spacy.__file__))"
| Then run #[code pytest] on that directory. The flags #[code --vectors],
| #[code --slow] and #[code --model] are optional and enable additional
| tests:
+code(false, "bash").
# make sure you are using recent pytest version
python -m pip install -U pytest
python -m pytest <spacy-directory> --vectors --model --slow
+h(2, "custom-location") Download model to custom location
| You can specify where #[code spacy.en.download] and
| #[code spacy.de.download] download the language model to using the
| #[code --data-path] or #[code -d] argument:
+code(false, "bash").
python -m spacy.en.download all --data-path /some/dir
| If you choose to download to a custom location, you will need to tell
| spaCy where to load the model from in order to use it. You can do this
| either by calling #[code spacy.util.set_data_path()] before calling
| #[code spacy.load()], or by passing a #[code path] argument to the
| #[code spacy.en.English] or #[code spacy.de.German] constructors.