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synced 2025-02-24 23:50:45 +03:00
194 lines
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194 lines
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- Site = {}
- Site.name = "spaCy.io"
- Site.slogan = "Build Tomorrow's Language Technologies"
- Site.description = "spaCy is a library for industrial-strength text processing in Python. If you're a small company doing NLP, we want spaCy to seem like a minor miracle."
- Site.image = "http://spacy.io/resources/img/social.png"
- Site.image_small = "http://spacy.io/resources/img/social_small.png"
- Site.twitter = "spacy_io"
- Site.url = "http://spacy.io"
- Authors = {"matt": {}, "spacy": {}};
- Authors.matt.name = "Matthew Honnibal"
- Authors.matt.bio = "Matthew Honnibal is the author of the <a href=\"http://spacy.io\">spaCy</a> software and the sole founder of its parent company. He studied linguistics as an undergrad, and never thought he'd be a programmer. By 2009 he had a PhD in computer science, and in 2014 he left academia to found Syllogism Co. He's from Sydney and lives in Berlin."
- Authors.matt.image = "/resources/img/matt.png"
- Authors.matt.twitter = "honnibal"
- Authors.spacy.name = "SpaCy.io"
- Authors.spacy.bio = "<a href=\"http://spacy.io\">spaCy</a> is a library for industrial-strength natural language processing in Python and Cython. It features state-of-the-art speed and accuracy, a concise API, and great documentation. If you're a small company doing NLP, we want spaCy to seem like a minor miracle."
- Authors.spacy.image = "/resources/img/social_small.png"
- Authors.spacy.twitter = "spacy_io"
- function InitPage(Site, Author, type, headline) {
- var Page = {};
- Page.headline = headline;
- Page.type = type;
- Page.active = {};
- Page.active[type] = true;
- Page.links = [];
- if (type == "home") {
- Page.url = "";
- } else {
- Page.url = "/" + type;
- }
- // Set defaults
- Page.description = Site.description;
- Page.image = Site.image;
- Page.image_small = Site.image_small;
- // Compute titles
- if (type == "blog") {
- Page.title = headline;
- Page.title_full = Page.title + " | " + Site.name;
- } else if (type == "home") {
- Page.title = Site.name + ' | ' + headline;
- Page.title_full = Page.title;
- } else {
- Page.title = headline + " | " + Site.name;
- Page.title_full = headline + " | " + Site.name;
- }
- return Page;
- }
- function InitPost(Site, Author, Meta) {
- var Page = InitPage(Site, Author, "blog", Meta.headline)
- Page.headline = Meta.headline
- Page.description = Meta.description
- Page.date = Meta.date
- Page.url = Meta.url
- Page.active["blog"] = true
- Page.links = Meta.links
- if (Meta.image != null) {
- Page.image = Meta.image
- } else {
- Page.image = Site.image
- }
- if (Meta.image_small != null) {
- Page.image_small = Meta.image_small
- } else {
- Page.image_small = Site.image_small
- }
- return Page;
- }
mixin WritePage(Site, Author, Page)
doctype html
title= Page.title_full
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meta(itemporop="name" content=Page.title)
meta(itemprop="description" content=Page.description)
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meta(name="twitter:creator" content="@" + Author.twitter)
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meta(property="og:type" content="article")
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meta(property="og:image" content=Page.image)
meta(property="og:description" content=Page.description)
meta(property="og:site_name" content=Site.name)
meta(property="article:published_time" content=getDate(Page.date).timestamp)
link(rel="stylesheet" href="/resources/css/style.css")
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h1.logo !{Site.name}
if Page.is_error
| #{Site.slogan}
else if Page.type == "home"
| #{Site.slogan}
| #{Page.type.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + Page.type.slice(1)}
li(class={active: Page.active.home}): a(href="/") Home
li(class={active: Page.active.docs}): a(href="/docs") Docs
li: a(href="/displacy", target="_blank") Demo
//li(class={active: Page.active.license}): a(href="/license") License
li(class={active: Page.active.blog}): a(href="/blog") Blog
// Details polyfill
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| © 2015 Syllogism Co. | #[a(href="mailto:contact@spacy.io") Contact]
mixin WritePost(Meta)
- var Author = Authors[Meta.author_id]
- var Page = InitPost(Site, Author, Meta)
+WritePage(Site, Author, Page)
h2: strike= Meta.struck_headline
h2= Meta.headline
+WriteByline(Author, Meta)
+WriteShareLinks(Meta.headline, Meta.url, Site.twitter, Meta.links)
mixin WriteByline(Author, Meta)
.subhead by #[a(href="//twitter.com/" + Author.twitter, rel="author" target="_blank") #{Author.name}] on #[time #{getDate(Meta.date).fulldate}]
mixin WriteShareLinks(headline, url, twitter, links)
a.button.button-twitter(href="http://twitter.com/share?text=" + headline + "&url=" + Site.url + url + "&via=" + twitter title="Share on Twitter" target="_blank")
| Share on Twitter
if links
for link in links
a(class="button button-#{link.id}", target="_blank" href=link.url, title="Discuss on " + link.name)
if link.title
| #{link.title}
| Discuss on #{link.name}
mixin TweetThis(text, url)
p #[span #{text} #[a.share(href='http://twitter.com/share?text="' + text + '"&url=' + Site.url + url + '&via=' + Site.twitter title='Share on Twitter' target='_blank') Tweet]]
mixin WriteAuthorBio(Author)
p #[img(src=Author.image)] !{Author.bio} #[span.social #[a(href="//twitter.com/" + Author.twitter target="_blank") Twitter]]
- var getDate = function(input) {
- var months = [ "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" ];
- var dates = [];
- var date = new Date(input);
- dates.fulldate = months[date.getMonth()] + " " + date.getDate() + ", " + date.getFullYear();
- dates.timestamp = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(date));
- return dates;
- }