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synced 2025-03-09 13:55:49 +03:00
* Update sent_starts in Example.from_dict Update `sent_starts` for `Example.from_dict` so that `Optional[bool]` values have the same meaning as for `Token.is_sent_start`. Use `Optional[bool]` as the type for sent start values in the docs. * Use helper function for conversion to ternary ints
403 lines
13 KiB
403 lines
13 KiB
import pytest
from spacy.training.example import Example
from spacy.tokens import Doc
from spacy.vocab import Vocab
from spacy.util import to_ternary_int
def test_Example_init_requires_doc_objects():
vocab = Vocab()
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
Example(None, None)
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
Example(Doc(vocab, words=["hi"]), None)
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
Example(None, Doc(vocab, words=["hi"]))
def test_Example_from_dict_basic():
example = Example.from_dict(
Doc(Vocab(), words=["hello", "world"]), {"words": ["hello", "world"]}
assert isinstance(example.x, Doc)
assert isinstance(example.y, Doc)
"annots", [{"words": ["ice", "cream"], "weirdannots": ["something", "such"]}]
def test_Example_from_dict_invalid(annots):
vocab = Vocab()
predicted = Doc(vocab, words=annots["words"])
with pytest.raises(KeyError):
Example.from_dict(predicted, annots)
"pred_words", [["ice", "cream"], ["icecream"], ["i", "ce", "cream"]]
@pytest.mark.parametrize("annots", [{"words": ["icecream"], "tags": ["NN"]}])
def test_Example_from_dict_with_tags(pred_words, annots):
vocab = Vocab()
predicted = Doc(vocab, words=pred_words)
example = Example.from_dict(predicted, annots)
for i, token in enumerate(example.reference):
assert token.tag_ == annots["tags"][i]
aligned_tags = example.get_aligned("TAG", as_string=True)
assert aligned_tags == ["NN" for _ in predicted]
def test_aligned_tags():
pred_words = ["Apply", "some", "sunscreen", "unless", "you", "can", "not"]
gold_words = ["Apply", "some", "sun", "screen", "unless", "you", "cannot"]
gold_tags = ["VERB", "DET", "NOUN", "NOUN", "SCONJ", "PRON", "VERB"]
annots = {"words": gold_words, "tags": gold_tags}
vocab = Vocab()
predicted = Doc(vocab, words=pred_words)
example1 = Example.from_dict(predicted, annots)
aligned_tags1 = example1.get_aligned("TAG", as_string=True)
assert aligned_tags1 == ["VERB", "DET", "NOUN", "SCONJ", "PRON", "VERB", "VERB"]
# ensure that to_dict works correctly
example2 = Example.from_dict(predicted, example1.to_dict())
aligned_tags2 = example2.get_aligned("TAG", as_string=True)
assert aligned_tags2 == ["VERB", "DET", "NOUN", "SCONJ", "PRON", "VERB", "VERB"]
def test_aligned_tags_multi():
pred_words = ["Applysome", "sunscreen", "unless", "you", "can", "not"]
gold_words = ["Apply", "somesun", "screen", "unless", "you", "cannot"]
gold_tags = ["VERB", "DET", "NOUN", "SCONJ", "PRON", "VERB"]
annots = {"words": gold_words, "tags": gold_tags}
vocab = Vocab()
predicted = Doc(vocab, words=pred_words)
example = Example.from_dict(predicted, annots)
aligned_tags = example.get_aligned("TAG", as_string=True)
assert aligned_tags == [None, None, "SCONJ", "PRON", "VERB", "VERB"]
"words": ["I", "like", "London", "and", "Berlin", "."],
"deps": ["nsubj", "ROOT", "dobj", "cc", "conj", "punct"],
"heads": [1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1],
def test_Example_from_dict_with_parse(annots):
vocab = Vocab()
predicted = Doc(vocab, words=annots["words"])
example = Example.from_dict(predicted, annots)
for i, token in enumerate(example.reference):
assert token.dep_ == annots["deps"][i]
assert token.head.i == annots["heads"][i]
"words": ["Sarah", "'s", "sister", "flew"],
"morphs": [
def test_Example_from_dict_with_morphology(annots):
vocab = Vocab()
predicted = Doc(vocab, words=annots["words"])
example = Example.from_dict(predicted, annots)
for i, token in enumerate(example.reference):
assert str(token.morph) == annots["morphs"][i]
"words": ["This", "is", "one", "sentence", "this", "is", "another"],
"sent_starts": [1, False, 0, None, True, -1, -5.7],
def test_Example_from_dict_with_sent_start(annots):
vocab = Vocab()
predicted = Doc(vocab, words=annots["words"])
example = Example.from_dict(predicted, annots)
assert len(list(example.reference.sents)) == 2
for i, token in enumerate(example.reference):
if to_ternary_int(annots["sent_starts"][i]) == 1:
assert token.is_sent_start is True
elif to_ternary_int(annots["sent_starts"][i]) == 0:
assert token.is_sent_start is None
assert token.is_sent_start is False
"words": ["This", "is", "a", "sentence"],
"cats": {"cat1": 1.0, "cat2": 0.0, "cat3": 0.5},
def test_Example_from_dict_with_cats(annots):
vocab = Vocab()
predicted = Doc(vocab, words=annots["words"])
example = Example.from_dict(predicted, annots)
assert len(list(example.reference.cats)) == 3
assert example.reference.cats["cat1"] == 1.0
assert example.reference.cats["cat2"] == 0.0
assert example.reference.cats["cat3"] == 0.5
"words": ["I", "like", "New", "York", "and", "Berlin", "."],
"entities": [(7, 15, "LOC"), (20, 26, "LOC")],
def test_Example_from_dict_with_entities(annots):
vocab = Vocab()
predicted = Doc(vocab, words=annots["words"])
example = Example.from_dict(predicted, annots)
assert len(list(example.reference.ents)) == 2
# fmt: off
assert [example.reference[i].ent_iob_ for i in range(7)] == ["O", "O", "B", "I", "O", "B", "O"]
assert example.get_aligned("ENT_IOB") == [2, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 2]
# fmt: on
assert example.reference[2].ent_type_ == "LOC"
assert example.reference[3].ent_type_ == "LOC"
assert example.reference[5].ent_type_ == "LOC"
"words": ["I", "like", "New", "York", "and", "Berlin", "."],
"entities": [
(0, 4, "LOC"),
(21, 27, "LOC"),
], # not aligned to token boundaries
def test_Example_from_dict_with_entities_invalid(annots):
vocab = Vocab()
predicted = Doc(vocab, words=annots["words"])
with pytest.warns(UserWarning):
example = Example.from_dict(predicted, annots)
assert len(list(example.reference.ents)) == 0
"words": ["I", "like", "New", "York", "and", "Berlin", "."],
"entities": [
(7, 15, "LOC"),
(11, 15, "LOC"),
(20, 26, "LOC"),
], # overlapping
def test_Example_from_dict_with_entities_overlapping(annots):
vocab = Vocab()
predicted = Doc(vocab, words=annots["words"])
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
Example.from_dict(predicted, annots)
"words": ["I", "like", "New", "York", "and", "Berlin", "."],
"spans": {
"cities": [(7, 15, "LOC"), (20, 26, "LOC")],
"people": [(0, 1, "PERSON")],
def test_Example_from_dict_with_spans(annots):
vocab = Vocab()
predicted = Doc(vocab, words=annots["words"])
example = Example.from_dict(predicted, annots)
assert len(list(example.reference.ents)) == 0
assert len(list(example.reference.spans["cities"])) == 2
assert len(list(example.reference.spans["people"])) == 1
for span in example.reference.spans["cities"]:
assert span.label_ == "LOC"
for span in example.reference.spans["people"]:
assert span.label_ == "PERSON"
"words": ["I", "like", "New", "York", "and", "Berlin", "."],
"spans": {
"cities": [(7, 15, "LOC"), (11, 15, "LOC"), (20, 26, "LOC")],
"people": [(0, 1, "PERSON")],
def test_Example_from_dict_with_spans_overlapping(annots):
vocab = Vocab()
predicted = Doc(vocab, words=annots["words"])
example = Example.from_dict(predicted, annots)
assert len(list(example.reference.ents)) == 0
assert len(list(example.reference.spans["cities"])) == 3
assert len(list(example.reference.spans["people"])) == 1
for span in example.reference.spans["cities"]:
assert span.label_ == "LOC"
for span in example.reference.spans["people"]:
assert span.label_ == "PERSON"
"words": ["I", "like", "New", "York", "and", "Berlin", "."],
"spans": [(0, 1, "PERSON")],
"words": ["I", "like", "New", "York", "and", "Berlin", "."],
"spans": {"cities": (7, 15, "LOC")},
"words": ["I", "like", "New", "York", "and", "Berlin", "."],
"spans": {"cities": [7, 11]},
"words": ["I", "like", "New", "York", "and", "Berlin", "."],
"spans": {"cities": [[7]]},
def test_Example_from_dict_with_spans_invalid(annots):
vocab = Vocab()
predicted = Doc(vocab, words=annots["words"])
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
Example.from_dict(predicted, annots)
"words": ["I", "like", "New", "York", "and", "Berlin", "."],
"entities": [(7, 15, "LOC"), (20, 26, "LOC")],
"links": {
(7, 15): {"Q60": 1.0, "Q64": 0.0},
(20, 26): {"Q60": 0.0, "Q64": 1.0},
def test_Example_from_dict_with_links(annots):
vocab = Vocab()
predicted = Doc(vocab, words=annots["words"])
example = Example.from_dict(predicted, annots)
assert example.reference[0].ent_kb_id_ == ""
assert example.reference[1].ent_kb_id_ == ""
assert example.reference[2].ent_kb_id_ == "Q60"
assert example.reference[3].ent_kb_id_ == "Q60"
assert example.reference[4].ent_kb_id_ == ""
assert example.reference[5].ent_kb_id_ == "Q64"
assert example.reference[6].ent_kb_id_ == ""
"words": ["I", "like", "New", "York", "and", "Berlin", "."],
"links": {(7, 14): {"Q7381115": 1.0, "Q2146908": 0.0}},
def test_Example_from_dict_with_links_invalid(annots):
vocab = Vocab()
predicted = Doc(vocab, words=annots["words"])
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
Example.from_dict(predicted, annots)
def test_Example_from_dict_sentences():
vocab = Vocab()
predicted = Doc(vocab, words=["One", "sentence", ".", "one", "more"])
annots = {"sent_starts": [1, 0, 0, 1, 0]}
ex = Example.from_dict(predicted, annots)
assert len(list(ex.reference.sents)) == 2
# this currently throws an error - bug or feature?
# predicted = Doc(vocab, words=["One", "sentence", "not", "one", "more"])
# annots = {"sent_starts": [1, 0, 0, 0, 0]}
# ex = Example.from_dict(predicted, annots)
# assert len(list(ex.reference.sents)) == 1
predicted = Doc(vocab, words=["One", "sentence", "not", "one", "more"])
annots = {"sent_starts": [1, -1, 0, 0, 0]}
ex = Example.from_dict(predicted, annots)
assert len(list(ex.reference.sents)) == 1
def test_Example_missing_deps():
vocab = Vocab()
words = ["I", "like", "London", "and", "Berlin", "."]
deps = ["nsubj", "ROOT", "dobj", "cc", "conj", "punct"]
heads = [1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1]
annots_head_only = {"words": words, "heads": heads}
annots_head_dep = {"words": words, "heads": heads, "deps": deps}
predicted = Doc(vocab, words=words)
# when not providing deps, the head information is considered to be missing
# in this case, the token's heads refer to themselves
example_1 = Example.from_dict(predicted, annots_head_only)
assert [t.head.i for t in example_1.reference] == [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
# when providing deps, the head information is actually used
example_2 = Example.from_dict(predicted, annots_head_dep)
assert [t.head.i for t in example_2.reference] == heads
def test_Example_missing_heads():
vocab = Vocab()
words = ["I", "like", "London", "and", "Berlin", "."]
deps = ["nsubj", "ROOT", "dobj", None, "conj", "punct"]
heads = [1, 1, 1, None, 2, 1]
annots = {"words": words, "heads": heads, "deps": deps}
predicted = Doc(vocab, words=words)
example = Example.from_dict(predicted, annots)
parsed_heads = [t.head.i for t in example.reference]
assert parsed_heads[0] == heads[0]
assert parsed_heads[1] == heads[1]
assert parsed_heads[2] == heads[2]
assert parsed_heads[4] == heads[4]
assert parsed_heads[5] == heads[5]
expected = [True, True, True, False, True, True]
assert [t.has_head() for t in example.reference] == expected
# Ensure that the missing head doesn't create an artificial new sentence start
expected = [True, False, False, False, False, False]
assert example.get_aligned_sent_starts() == expected