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import warnings
import numpy
from ..tokens import Token
from ..tokens.doc cimport Doc
from ..tokens.span cimport Span
from ..tokens.span import Span
from ..attrs import IDS
from .align cimport Alignment
from .iob_utils import biluo_to_iob, biluo_tags_from_offsets, biluo_tags_from_doc
from .iob_utils import spans_from_biluo_tags
from .align import Alignment
from ..errors import Errors, AlignmentError
from ..syntax import nonproj
from ..util import get_words_and_spaces
cpdef Doc annotations2doc(vocab, tok_annot, doc_annot):
""" Create a Doc from dictionaries with token and doc annotations. Assumes ORTH & SPACY are set. """
attrs, array = _annot2array(vocab, tok_annot, doc_annot)
output = Doc(vocab, words=tok_annot["ORTH"], spaces=tok_annot["SPACY"])
if "entities" in doc_annot:
_add_entities_to_doc(output, doc_annot["entities"])
if array.size:
output = output.from_array(attrs, array)
# links are currently added with ENT_KB_ID on the token level
output.cats.update(doc_annot.get("cats", {}))
return output
cdef class Example:
def __init__(self, Doc predicted, Doc reference, *, Alignment alignment=None):
""" Doc can either be text, or an actual Doc """
msg = "Example.__init__ got None for '{arg}'. Requires Doc."
if predicted is None:
raise TypeError(msg.format(arg="predicted"))
if reference is None:
raise TypeError(msg.format(arg="reference"))
self.x = predicted
self.y = reference
self._alignment = alignment
property predicted:
def __get__(self):
return self.x
def __set__(self, doc):
self.x = doc
property reference:
def __get__(self):
return self.y
def __set__(self, doc):
self.y = doc
def copy(self):
return Example(
def from_dict(cls, Doc predicted, dict example_dict):
if example_dict is None:
raise ValueError("Example.from_dict expected dict, received None")
if not isinstance(predicted, Doc):
raise TypeError(f"Argument 1 should be Doc. Got {type(predicted)}")
example_dict = _fix_legacy_dict_data(example_dict)
tok_dict, doc_dict = _parse_example_dict_data(example_dict)
if "ORTH" not in tok_dict:
tok_dict["ORTH"] = [tok.text for tok in predicted]
tok_dict["SPACY"] = [tok.whitespace_ for tok in predicted]
if not _has_field(tok_dict, "SPACY"):
spaces = _guess_spaces(predicted.text, tok_dict["ORTH"])
return Example(
annotations2doc(predicted.vocab, tok_dict, doc_dict)
def alignment(self):
if self._alignment is None:
spacy_words = [token.orth_ for token in self.predicted]
gold_words = [token.orth_ for token in self.reference]
if gold_words == []:
gold_words = spacy_words
self._alignment = Alignment(spacy_words, gold_words)
return self._alignment
def get_aligned(self, field, as_string=False):
"""Return an aligned array for a token attribute."""
i2j_multi = self.alignment.i2j_multi
cand_to_gold = self.alignment.cand_to_gold
vocab = self.reference.vocab
gold_values = self.reference.to_array([field])
output = [None] * len(self.predicted)
for i, gold_i in enumerate(cand_to_gold):
if self.predicted[i].text.isspace():
output[i] = None
if gold_i is None:
if i in i2j_multi:
output[i] = gold_values[i2j_multi[i]]
output[i] = None
output[i] = gold_values[gold_i]
if as_string and field not in ["ENT_IOB", "SENT_START"]:
output = [vocab.strings[o] if o is not None else o for o in output]
return output
def get_aligned_parse(self, projectivize=True):
cand_to_gold = self.alignment.cand_to_gold
gold_to_cand = self.alignment.gold_to_cand
aligned_heads = [None] * self.x.length
aligned_deps = [None] * self.x.length
heads = [token.head.i for token in self.y]
deps = [token.dep_ for token in self.y]
heads, deps = nonproj.projectivize(heads, deps)
for cand_i in range(self.x.length):
gold_i = cand_to_gold[cand_i]
if gold_i is not None: # Alignment found
gold_head = gold_to_cand[heads[gold_i]]
if gold_head is not None:
aligned_heads[cand_i] = gold_head
aligned_deps[cand_i] = deps[gold_i]
return aligned_heads, aligned_deps
def get_aligned_ner(self):
if not self.y.is_nered:
return [None] * len(self.x) # should this be 'missing' instead of 'None' ?
x_text = self.x.text
# Get a list of entities, and make spans for non-entity tokens.
# We then work through the spans in order, trying to find them in
# the text and using that to get the offset. Any token that doesn't
# get a tag set this way is tagged None.
# This could maybe be improved? It at least feels easy to reason about.
y_spans = list(self.y.ents)
x_text_offset = 0
x_spans = []
for y_span in y_spans:
if x_text.count(y_span.text) >= 1:
start_char = x_text.index(y_span.text) + x_text_offset
end_char = start_char + len(y_span.text)
x_span = self.x.char_span(start_char, end_char, label=y_span.label)
if x_span is not None:
x_text = self.x.text[end_char:]
x_text_offset = end_char
x_tags = biluo_tags_from_offsets(
[(e.start_char, e.end_char, e.label_) for e in x_spans],
gold_to_cand = self.alignment.gold_to_cand
for token in self.y:
if token.ent_iob_ == "O":
cand_i = gold_to_cand[token.i]
if cand_i is not None and x_tags[cand_i] is None:
x_tags[cand_i] = "O"
i2j_multi = self.alignment.i2j_multi
for i, tag in enumerate(x_tags):
if tag is None and i in i2j_multi:
gold_i = i2j_multi[i]
if gold_i is not None and self.y[gold_i].ent_iob_ == "O":
x_tags[i] = "O"
return x_tags
def to_dict(self):
return {
"doc_annotation": {
"cats": dict(self.reference.cats),
"entities": biluo_tags_from_doc(self.reference),
"links": self._links_to_dict()
"token_annotation": {
"ids": [t.i+1 for t in self.reference],
"words": [t.text for t in self.reference],
"tags": [t.tag_ for t in self.reference],
"lemmas": [t.lemma_ for t in self.reference],
"pos": [t.pos_ for t in self.reference],
"morphs": [t.morph_ for t in self.reference],
"heads": [t.head.i for t in self.reference],
"deps": [t.dep_ for t in self.reference],
"sent_starts": [int(bool(t.is_sent_start)) for t in self.reference]
def _links_to_dict(self):
links = {}
for ent in self.reference.ents:
if ent.kb_id_:
links[(ent.start_char, ent.end_char)] = {ent.kb_id_: 1.0}
return links
def split_sents(self):
""" Split the token annotations into multiple Examples based on
sent_starts and return a list of the new Examples"""
if not self.reference.is_sentenced:
return [self]
sent_starts = self.get_aligned("SENT_START")
sent_starts.append(1) # appending virtual start of a next sentence to facilitate search
output = []
pred_start = 0
for sent in self.reference.sents:
new_ref = sent.as_doc()
pred_end = sent_starts.index(1, pred_start+1) # find where the next sentence starts
new_pred = self.predicted[pred_start : pred_end].as_doc()
output.append(Example(new_pred, new_ref))
pred_start = pred_end
return output
property text:
def __get__(self):
return self.x.text
def __str__(self):
return str(self.to_dict())
def __repr__(self):
return str(self.to_dict())
def _annot2array(vocab, tok_annot, doc_annot):
attrs = []
values = []
for key, value in doc_annot.items():
if value:
if key == "entities":
elif key == "links":
entities = doc_annot.get("entities", {})
if not entities:
raise ValueError(Errors.E981)
ent_kb_ids = _parse_links(vocab, tok_annot["ORTH"], value, entities)
tok_annot["ENT_KB_ID"] = ent_kb_ids
elif key == "cats":
raise ValueError(f"Unknown doc attribute: {key}")
for key, value in tok_annot.items():
if key not in IDS:
raise ValueError(f"Unknown token attribute: {key}")
elif key in ["ORTH", "SPACY"]:
elif key == "HEAD":
values.append([h-i for i, h in enumerate(value)])
elif key == "SENT_START":
elif key == "MORPH":
values.append([vocab.morphology.add(v) for v in value])
values.append([vocab.strings.add(v) for v in value])
array = numpy.asarray(values, dtype="uint64")
return attrs, array.T
def _add_entities_to_doc(doc, ner_data):
if ner_data is None:
elif ner_data == []:
doc.ents = []
elif isinstance(ner_data[0], tuple):
return _add_entities_to_doc(
biluo_tags_from_offsets(doc, ner_data)
elif isinstance(ner_data[0], str) or ner_data[0] is None:
return _add_entities_to_doc(
spans_from_biluo_tags(doc, ner_data)
elif isinstance(ner_data[0], Span):
# Ugh, this is super messy. Really hard to set O entities
doc.ents = ner_data
doc.ents = [span for span in ner_data if span.label_]
raise ValueError("Unexpected type for NER data")
def _parse_example_dict_data(example_dict):
return (
def _fix_legacy_dict_data(example_dict):
token_dict = example_dict.get("token_annotation", {})
doc_dict = example_dict.get("doc_annotation", {})
for key, value in example_dict.items():
if value:
if key in ("token_annotation", "doc_annotation"):
elif key == "ids":
elif key in ("cats", "links"):
doc_dict[key] = value
elif key in ("ner", "entities"):
doc_dict["entities"] = value
token_dict[key] = value
# Remap keys
remapping = {
"words": "ORTH",
"tags": "TAG",
"pos": "POS",
"lemmas": "LEMMA",
"deps": "DEP",
"heads": "HEAD",
"sent_starts": "SENT_START",
"morphs": "MORPH",
"spaces": "SPACY",
old_token_dict = token_dict
token_dict = {}
for key, value in old_token_dict.items():
if key in ("text", "ids", "brackets"):
elif key in remapping:
token_dict[remapping[key]] = value
raise KeyError(Errors.E983.format(key=key, dict="token_annotation", keys=remapping.keys()))
text = example_dict.get("text", example_dict.get("raw"))
if _has_field(token_dict, "ORTH") and not _has_field(token_dict, "SPACY"):
token_dict["SPACY"] = _guess_spaces(text, token_dict["ORTH"])
if "HEAD" in token_dict and "SENT_START" in token_dict:
# If heads are set, we don't also redundantly specify SENT_START.
warnings.warn("Ignoring annotations for sentence starts, as dependency heads are set")
return {
"token_annotation": token_dict,
"doc_annotation": doc_dict
def _has_field(annot, field):
if field not in annot:
return False
elif annot[field] is None:
return False
elif len(annot[field]) == 0:
return False
elif all([value is None for value in annot[field]]):
return False
return True
def _parse_ner_tags(biluo_or_offsets, vocab, words, spaces):
if isinstance(biluo_or_offsets[0], (list, tuple)):
# Convert to biluo if necessary
# This is annoying but to convert the offsets we need a Doc
# that has the target tokenization.
reference = Doc(vocab, words=words, spaces=spaces)
biluo = biluo_tags_from_offsets(reference, biluo_or_offsets)
biluo = biluo_or_offsets
ent_iobs = []
ent_types = []
for iob_tag in biluo_to_iob(biluo):
if iob_tag in (None, "-"):
if iob_tag.startswith("I") or iob_tag.startswith("B"):
ent_types.append(iob_tag.split("-", 1)[1])
return ent_iobs, ent_types
def _parse_links(vocab, words, links, entities):
reference = Doc(vocab, words=words)
starts = {token.idx: token.i for token in reference}
ends = {token.idx + len(token): token.i for token in reference}
ent_kb_ids = ["" for _ in reference]
entity_map = [(ent[0], ent[1]) for ent in entities]
# links annotations need to refer 1-1 to entity annotations - throw error otherwise
for index, annot_dict in links.items():
start_char, end_char = index
if (start_char, end_char) not in entity_map:
raise ValueError(Errors.E981)
for index, annot_dict in links.items():
true_kb_ids = []
for key, value in annot_dict.items():
if value == 1.0:
if len(true_kb_ids) > 1:
raise ValueError(Errors.E980)
if len(true_kb_ids) == 1:
start_char, end_char = index
start_token = starts.get(start_char)
end_token = ends.get(end_char)
for i in range(start_token, end_token+1):
ent_kb_ids[i] = true_kb_ids[0]
return ent_kb_ids
def _guess_spaces(text, words):
if text is None:
return [True] * len(words)
spaces = []
text_pos = 0
# align words with text
for word in words:
word_start = text[text_pos:].index(word)
except ValueError:
text_pos += word_start + len(word)
if text_pos < len(text) and text[text_pos] == " ":
return spaces