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synced 2025-03-09 22:05:50 +03:00
Remove hacks and wrappers, keep code in sync across our libraries and move spaCy a few steps closer to only depending on packages with binary wheels 🎉 See here: https://github.com/explosion/srsly Serialization is hard, especially across Python versions and multiple platforms. After dealing with many subtle bugs over the years (encodings, locales, large files) our libraries like spaCy and Prodigy have steadily grown a number of utility functions to wrap the multiple serialization formats we need to support (especially json, msgpack and pickle). These wrapping functions ended up duplicated across our codebases, so we wanted to put them in one place. At the same time, we noticed that having a lot of small dependencies was making maintainence harder, and making installation slower. To solve this, we've made srsly standalone, by including the component packages directly within it. This way we can provide all the serialization utilities we need in a single binary wheel. srsly currently includes forks of the following packages: ujson msgpack msgpack-numpy cloudpickle * WIP: replace json/ujson with srsly * Replace ujson in examples Use regular json instead of srsly to make code easier to read and follow * Update requirements * Fix imports * Fix typos * Replace msgpack with srsly * Fix warning
220 lines
7.4 KiB
220 lines
7.4 KiB
# cython: infer_types=True
# coding: utf-8
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from cpython.ref cimport Py_INCREF
from cymem.cymem cimport Pool
from thinc.typedefs cimport weight_t
from thinc.extra.search cimport Beam
from collections import OrderedDict, Counter
import srsly
from . cimport _beam_utils
from ..tokens.doc cimport Doc
from ..structs cimport TokenC
from .stateclass cimport StateClass
from ..typedefs cimport attr_t
from ..errors import Errors
from .. import util
cdef weight_t MIN_SCORE = -90000
class OracleError(Exception):
cdef void* _init_state(Pool mem, int length, void* tokens) except NULL:
cdef StateC* st = new StateC(<const TokenC*>tokens, length)
return <void*>st
cdef class TransitionSystem:
def __init__(self, StringStore string_table, labels_by_action=None, min_freq=None):
self.mem = Pool()
self.strings = string_table
self.n_moves = 0
self._size = 100
self.c = <Transition*>self.mem.alloc(self._size, sizeof(Transition))
self.labels = {}
if labels_by_action:
self.initialize_actions(labels_by_action, min_freq=min_freq)
self.root_label = self.strings.add('ROOT')
self.init_beam_state = _init_state
def __reduce__(self):
return (self.__class__, (self.strings, self.labels), None, None)
def init_batch(self, docs):
cdef StateClass state
states = []
offset = 0
for doc in docs:
state = StateClass(doc, offset=offset)
offset += len(doc)
return states
def init_beams(self, docs, beam_width, beam_density=0.):
cdef Doc doc
beams = []
cdef int offset = 0
for doc in docs:
beam = Beam(self.n_moves, beam_width, min_density=beam_density)
beam.initialize(self.init_beam_state, doc.length, doc.c)
for i in range(beam.width):
state = <StateC*>beam.at(i)
state.offset = offset
offset += len(doc)
beam.check_done(_beam_utils.check_final_state, NULL)
return beams
def get_oracle_sequence(self, doc, GoldParse gold):
cdef Pool mem = Pool()
costs = <float*>mem.alloc(self.n_moves, sizeof(float))
is_valid = <int*>mem.alloc(self.n_moves, sizeof(int))
cdef StateClass state = StateClass(doc, offset=0)
history = []
while not state.is_final():
self.set_costs(is_valid, costs, state, gold)
for i in range(self.n_moves):
if is_valid[i] and costs[i] <= 0:
action = self.c[i]
action.do(state.c, action.label)
raise ValueError(Errors.E024)
return history
cdef int initialize_state(self, StateC* state) nogil:
cdef int finalize_state(self, StateC* state) nogil:
def finalize_doc(self, doc):
def preprocess_gold(self, GoldParse gold):
raise NotImplementedError
def is_gold_parse(self, StateClass state, GoldParse gold):
raise NotImplementedError
cdef Transition lookup_transition(self, object name) except *:
raise NotImplementedError
cdef Transition init_transition(self, int clas, int move, attr_t label) except *:
raise NotImplementedError
def is_valid(self, StateClass stcls, move_name):
action = self.lookup_transition(move_name)
if action.move == 0:
return False
return action.is_valid(stcls.c, action.label)
cdef int set_valid(self, int* is_valid, const StateC* st) nogil:
cdef int i
for i in range(self.n_moves):
is_valid[i] = self.c[i].is_valid(st, self.c[i].label)
cdef int set_costs(self, int* is_valid, weight_t* costs,
StateClass stcls, GoldParse gold) except -1:
cdef int i
self.set_valid(is_valid, stcls.c)
cdef int n_gold = 0
for i in range(self.n_moves):
if is_valid[i]:
costs[i] = self.c[i].get_cost(stcls, &gold.c, self.c[i].label)
n_gold += costs[i] <= 0
costs[i] = 9000
if n_gold <= 0:
raise ValueError(Errors.E024)
def get_class_name(self, int clas):
act = self.c[clas]
return self.move_name(act.move, act.label)
def initialize_actions(self, labels_by_action, min_freq=None):
self.labels = {}
self.n_moves = 0
for action, label_freqs in sorted(labels_by_action.items()):
action = int(action)
# Make sure we take a copy here, and that we get a Counter
self.labels[action] = Counter()
# Have to be careful here: Sorting must be stable, or our model
# won't be read back in correctly.
sorted_labels = [(f, L) for L, f in label_freqs.items()]
for freq, label_str in sorted_labels:
self.add_action(int(action), label_str)
self.labels[action][label_str] = freq
def add_action(self, int action, label_name):
cdef attr_t label_id
if not isinstance(label_name, int) and \
not isinstance(label_name, long):
label_id = self.strings.add(label_name)
label_id = label_name
# Check we're not creating a move we already have, so that this is
# idempotent
for trans in self.c[:self.n_moves]:
if trans.move == action and trans.label == label_id:
return 0
if self.n_moves >= self._size:
self._size *= 2
self.c = <Transition*>self.mem.realloc(self.c, self._size * sizeof(self.c[0]))
self.c[self.n_moves] = self.init_transition(self.n_moves, action, label_id)
self.n_moves += 1
# Add the new (action, label) pair, making up a frequency for it if
# necessary. To preserve sort order, the frequency needs to be lower
# than previous frequencies.
if self.labels.get(action, []):
new_freq = min(self.labels[action].values())
self.labels[action] = Counter()
new_freq = -1
if new_freq > 0:
new_freq = 0
self.labels[action][label_name] = new_freq-1
return 1
def to_disk(self, path, **exclude):
with path.open('wb') as file_:
def from_disk(self, path, **exclude):
with path.open('rb') as file_:
byte_data = file_.read()
self.from_bytes(byte_data, **exclude)
return self
def to_bytes(self, **exclude):
transitions = []
serializers = {
'moves': lambda: srsly.json_dumps(self.labels),
'strings': lambda: self.strings.to_bytes()
return util.to_bytes(serializers, exclude)
def from_bytes(self, bytes_data, **exclude):
labels = {}
deserializers = {
'moves': lambda b: labels.update(srsly.json_loads(b)),
'strings': lambda b: self.strings.from_bytes(b)
msg = util.from_bytes(bytes_data, deserializers, exclude)
return self