Sasho Savkov 250879bb96 Missing import statement
It is useful to know where the Matcher class is if you haven't used it before. Or you are simply too lazy to remember, like me :)

FYI: some packages don't appear in the PyCharm autocompletion lists. `spacy.matcher` is one of them.
2016-11-11 12:04:08 +00:00

157 lines
6.2 KiB

include ../../_includes/_mixins
| spaCy features a rule-matching engine that operates over tokens, similar
| to regular expressions. The rules can refer to token annotations and
| flags, and matches support callbacks to accept, modify and/or act on the
| match. The rule matcher also allows you to associate patterns with
| entity IDs, to allow some basic entity linking or disambiguation.
p Here's a minimal example. We first add a pattern that specifies three tokens:
+item A token whose lower-case form matches "hello"
+item A token whose #[code is_punct] flag is set to #[code True]
+item A token whose lower-case form matches "world"
| Once we've added the pattern, we can use the #[code matcher] as a
| callable, to receive a list of #[code (ent_id, start, end)] tuples:
from spacy.matcher import Matcher
matcher = Matcher(nlp.vocab)
matcher.add_pattern("HelloWorld", [{LOWER: "hello"}, {IS_PUNCT: True}, {LOWER: "world"}])
doc = nlp(u'Hello, world!')
matches = matcher(doc)
| The returned matches include the ID, to let you associate the matches
| with the patterns. You can also group multiple patterns together, which
| is useful when you have a knowledge base of entities you want to match,
| and you want to write multiple patterns for each entity.
+h(2, "entities-patterns") Entities and patterns
"GoogleNow", # Entity ID -- Helps you act on the match.
{"ent_type": "PRODUCT", "wiki_en": "Google_Now"}, # Arbitrary attributes (optional)
"GoogleNow", # Entity ID -- Created if doesn't exist.
[ # The pattern is a list of *Token Specifiers*.
{ # This Token Specifier matches tokens whose orth field is "Google"
ORTH: "Google"
{ # This Token Specifier matches tokens whose orth field is "Now"
ORTH: "Now"
label=None # Can associate a label to the pattern-match, to handle it better.
+h(2, "quantifiers") Using quantifiers
+table([ "Name", "Description", "Example"])
+cell #[code !]
+cell match exactly 0 times
+cell negation
+cell #[code *]
+cell match 0 or more times
+cell optional, variable number
+cell #[code +]
+cell match 1 or more times
+cell mandatory, variable number
+cell #[code ?]
+cell match 0 or 1 times
+cell optional, max one
| There are no nested or scoped quantifiers. You can build those
| behaviours with acceptors and
| #[+api("matcher#add_entity") #[code on_match]] callbacks.
+h(2, "acceptor-functions") Acceptor functions
| The #[code acceptor] keyword of #[code matcher.add_entity()] allows you to
| pass a function to reject or modify matches. The function you pass should
| take five arguments: #[code doc], #[code ent_id], #[code label], #[code start],
| and #[code end]. You can return a falsey value to reject the match, or
| return a 4-tuple #[code (ent_id, label, start, end)].
def trim_title(doc, ent_id, label, start, end):
if doc[start].check_flag(IS_TITLE_TERM):
return (ent_id, label, start+1, end)
return (ent_id, label, start, end)
titles = set(title.lower() for title in [u'Mr.', 'Dr.', 'Ms.', u'Admiral'])
IS_TITLE_TERM = matcher.vocab.add_flag(lambda string: string.lower() in titles)
matcher.add_entity('PersonName', acceptor=trim_title)
matcher.add_pattern('PersonName', {LOWER: 'mr.'}, {LOWER: 'cruise'}])
matcher.add_pattern('PersonName', {LOWER: 'dr.'}, {LOWER: 'seuss'}])
doc = Doc(matcher.vocab, words=[u'Mr.', u'Cruise', u'likes', 'Dr.', u'Seuss'])
for ent_id, label, start, end in matcher(doc):
# Cruise
# Seuss
| Passing an #[code acceptor] function allows you to match patterns with
| arbitrary logic that can't easily be expressed by a finite-state machine.
| You can look at the entirety of the
| matched phrase, and its context in the document, and decide to move
| the boundaries or reject the match entirely.
+h(2, "callback-functions") Callback functions
| In spaCy <1.0, the #[code Matcher] automatically tagged matched phrases
| with entity types. Since spaCy 1.0, the matcher no longer acts on matches
| automatically. By default, the match list is returned for the user to action.
| However, it's often more convenient to register the required actions as a
| callback. You can do this by passing a function to the #[code on_match]
| keyword argument of #[code matcher.add_entity].
def merge_phrases(matcher, doc, i, matches):
Merge a phrase. We have to be careful here because we'll change the token indices.
To avoid problems, merge all the phrases once we're called on the last match.
if i != len(matches)-1:
return None
# Get Span objects
spans = [(ent_id, label, doc[start : end]) for ent_id, label, start, end in matches]
for ent_id, label, span in spans:
span.merge(label=label, tag='NNP' if label else span.root.tag_)
matcher.add_entity('GoogleNow', on_match=merge_phrases)
matcher.add_pattern('GoogleNow', {ORTH: 'Google'}, {ORTH: 'Now'}])
doc = Doc(matcher.vocab, words=[u'Google', u'Now', u'is', u'being', u'rebranded'])
print([w.text for w in doc])
# [u'Google Now', u'is', u'being', u'rebranded']
| The matcher will first collect all matches over the document. It will
| then iterate over the matches, look-up the callback for the entity ID
| that was matched, and invoke it. When the callback is invoked, it is
| passed four arguments: the matcher itself, the document, the position of
| the current match, and the total list of matches. This allows you to
| write callbacks that consider the entire set of matched phrases, so that
| you can resolve overlaps and other conflicts in whatever way you prefer.