Adriane Boyd 3171f2d80c Remove cuda extras for non-linux arm in install widget (#10796)
* Remove cuda extras for non-linux arm platforms in install widget
* Extend cuda versions install widget
* Update GPU install docs to clarify cuda
2022-05-20 09:58:11 +02:00

261 lines
11 KiB

import React, { useState } from 'react'
import { StaticQuery, graphql } from 'gatsby'
import { Quickstart, QS } from '../components/quickstart'
import { repo, DEFAULT_BRANCH } from '../components/util'
const DEFAULT_OS = 'mac'
const DEFAULT_PLATFORM = 'x86'
const DEFAULT_MODELS = ['en']
const DEFAULT_OPT = 'efficiency'
const DEFAULT_HARDWARE = 'cpu'
const DEFAULT_CUDA = 'cuda113'
const CUDA = {
'8.0': 'cuda80',
'9.0': 'cuda90',
'9.1': 'cuda91',
'9.2': 'cuda92',
'10.0': 'cuda100',
'10.1': 'cuda101',
'10.2': 'cuda102',
'11.0': 'cuda110',
'11.1': 'cuda111',
'11.2': 'cuda112',
'11.3': 'cuda113',
'11.4': 'cuda114',
'11.5': 'cuda115',
'11.6': 'cuda116',
const LANG_EXTRAS = ['ja'] // only for languages with models
const QuickstartInstall = ({ id, title }) => {
const [train, setTrain] = useState(false)
const [platform, setPlatform] = useState(DEFAULT_PLATFORM)
const [os, setOs] = useState(DEFAULT_OS)
const [hardware, setHardware] = useState(DEFAULT_HARDWARE)
const [cuda, setCuda] = useState(DEFAULT_CUDA)
const [selectedModels, setModels] = useState(DEFAULT_MODELS)
const [efficiency, setEfficiency] = useState(DEFAULT_OPT === 'efficiency')
const setters = {
hardware: v => (Array.isArray(v) ? setHardware(v[0]) : setCuda(v)),
config: v => setTrain(v.includes('train')),
models: setModels,
optimize: v => setEfficiency(v.includes('efficiency')),
platform: v => setPlatform(v[0]),
os: v => setOs(v[0]),
const showDropdown = {
hardware: () => hardware === 'gpu',
const modelExtras = train ? selectedModels.filter(m => LANG_EXTRAS.includes(m)) : []
const apple = os === 'mac' && platform === 'arm'
const pipExtras = [
(hardware === 'gpu' && (platform !== 'arm' || os === 'linux')) && cuda,
train && 'transformers',
train && 'lookups',
apple && 'apple',
.filter(e => e)
return (
render={({ site }) => {
const { nightly, languages } = site.siteMetadata
const pkg = nightly ? 'spacy-nightly' : 'spacy'
const models = languages.filter(({ models }) => models !== null)
const data = [
id: 'os',
title: 'Operating system',
options: [
{ id: 'mac', title: 'macOS / OSX', checked: true },
{ id: 'windows', title: 'Windows' },
{ id: 'linux', title: 'Linux' },
defaultValue: DEFAULT_OS,
id: 'platform',
title: 'Platform',
options: [
{ id: 'x86', title: 'x86', checked: true },
{ id: 'arm', title: 'ARM / M1' },
id: 'package',
title: 'Package manager',
options: [
{ id: 'pip', title: 'pip', checked: true },
!nightly ? { id: 'conda', title: 'conda' } : null,
{ id: 'source', title: 'from source' },
].filter(o => o),
id: 'hardware',
title: 'Hardware',
options: [
{ id: 'cpu', title: 'CPU', checked: DEFAULT_HARDWARE === 'cpu' },
{ id: 'gpu', title: 'GPU', checked: DEFAULT_HARDWARE == 'gpu' },
dropdown: Object.keys(CUDA).map(id => ({
id: CUDA[id],
title: `CUDA ${id}`,
defaultValue: DEFAULT_CUDA,
id: 'config',
title: 'Configuration',
multiple: true,
options: [
id: 'venv',
title: 'virtual env',
help: 'Use a virtual environment',
id: 'train',
title: 'train models',
'Check this if you plan to train your own models with spaCy to install extra dependencies and data resources',
id: 'models',
title: 'Trained pipelines',
multiple: true,
options: models
.sort((a, b) =>
.map(({ code, name }) => ({
id: code,
title: name,
checked: DEFAULT_MODELS.includes(code),
if (selectedModels.length) {
id: 'optimize',
title: 'Select pipeline for',
options: [
id: 'efficiency',
title: 'efficiency',
checked: DEFAULT_OPT === 'efficiency',
help: 'Faster and smaller pipeline, but less accurate',
id: 'accuracy',
title: 'accuracy',
checked: DEFAULT_OPT === 'accuracy',
help: 'Larger and slower pipeline, but more accurate',
return (
<QS package="pip" config="venv">
python -m venv .env
<QS package="pip" config="venv" os="mac">
source .env/bin/activate
<QS package="pip" config="venv" os="linux">
source .env/bin/activate
<QS package="pip" config="venv" os="windows">
<QS package="source" config="venv">
python -m venv .env
<QS package="source" config="venv" os="mac">
source .env/bin/activate
<QS package="source" config="venv" os="linux">
source .env/bin/activate
<QS package="source" config="venv" os="windows">
<QS package="conda" config="venv">
conda create -n venv
<QS package="conda" config="venv">
conda activate venv
<QS package="pip">pip install -U pip setuptools wheel</QS>
<QS package="source">pip install -U pip setuptools wheel</QS>
<QS package="pip">
? `pip install -U '${pkg}[${pipExtras}]'`
: `pip install -U ${pkg}`}
{nightly ? ' --pre' : ''}
<QS package="conda">conda install -c conda-forge spacy</QS>
<QS package="conda" hardware="gpu">
conda install -c conda-forge cupy
<QS package="conda" config="train">
conda install -c conda-forge spacy-transformers
<QS package="source">
git clone{repo}
{nightly ? ` --branch ${DEFAULT_BRANCH}` : ''}
<QS package="source">cd spaCy</QS>
<QS package="source">pip install -r requirements.txt</QS>
<QS package="source">
pip install --no-build-isolation --editable {train || hardware == 'gpu' ? `'.[${pipExtras}]'` : '.'}
<QS config="train" package="conda" comment prompt={false}>
# packages only available via pip
<QS config="train" package="conda">
pip install spacy-lookups-data
{{ code, models: modelOptions }) => {
const pkg = modelOptions[efficiency ? 0 : modelOptions.length - 1]
return (
<QS models={code} key={code}>
python -m spacy download {pkg}
export default QuickstartInstall
const query = graphql`
query QuickstartInstallQuery {
site {
siteMetadata {
languages {