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| A #[+api("doc") #[code Doc]] object's sentences are available via the
| #[code Doc.sents] property. Unlike other libraries, spaCy uses the
| dependency parse to determine sentence boundaries. This is usually more
| accurate than a rule-based approach, but it also means you'll need a
| #[strong statistical model] and accurate predictions. If your
| texts are closer to general-purpose news or web text, this should work
| well out-of-the-box. For social media or conversational text that
| doesn't follow the same rules, your application may benefit from a custom
| rule-based implementation. You can either plug a rule-based component
| into your #[+a("/usage/processing-pipelines") processing pipeline] or use
| the #[code SentenceSegmenter] component with a custom stategy.
+h(3, "sbd-parser") Default: Using the dependency parse
+tag-model("dependency parser")
| To view a #[code Doc]'s sentences, you can iterate over the
| #[code Doc.sents], a generator that yields
| #[+api("span") #[code Span]] objects.
import spacy
nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm')
doc = nlp(u"This is a sentence. This is another sentence.")
for sent in doc.sents:
+h(3, "sbd-manual") Setting boundaries manually
| spaCy's dependency parser respects already set boundaries, so you can
| preprocess your #[code Doc] using custom rules #[code before] it's
| parsed. This can be done by adding a
| #[+a("/usage/processing-pipelines") custom pipeline component]. Depending
| on your text, this may also improve accuracy, since the parser is
| constrained to predict parses consistent with the sentence boundaries.
+infobox("Important note", "⚠️")
| To prevent inconsitent state, you can only set boundaries #[em before] a
| document is parsed (and #[code Doc.is_parsed] is #[code False]). To
| ensure that your component is added in the right place, you can set
| #[code before='parser'] or #[code first=True] when adding it to the
| pipeline using #[+api("language#add_pipe") #[code nlp.add_pipe]].
| Here's an example of a component that implements a pre-processing rule
| for splitting on #[code '...'] tokens. The component is added before
| the parser, which is then used to further segment the text. This
| approach can be useful if you want to implement #[em additional] rules
| specific to your data, while still being able to take advantage of
| dependency-based sentence segmentation.
import spacy
text = u"this is a sentence...hello...and another sentence."
nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm')
doc = nlp(text)
print('Before:', [sent.text for sent in doc.sents])
def set_custom_boundaries(doc):
for token in doc[:-1]:
if token.text == '...':
doc[token.i+1].is_sent_start = True
return doc
nlp.add_pipe(set_custom_boundaries, before='parser')
doc = nlp(text)
print('After:', [sent.text for sent in doc.sents])
+h(3, "sbd-component") Rule-based pipeline component
| The #[code sentencizer] component is a
| #[+a("/usage/processing-pipelines") pipeline component] that splits
| sentences on punctuation like #[code .], #[code !] or #[code ?].
| You can plug it into your pipeline if you only need sentence boundaries
| without the dependency parse. Note that #[code Doc.sents] will
| #[strong raise an error] if no sentence boundaries are set.
import spacy
from spacy.lang.en import English
nlp = English() # just the language with no model
sbd = nlp.create_pipe('sentencizer') # or: nlp.create_pipe('sbd')
doc = nlp(u"This is a sentence. This is another sentence.")
for sent in doc.sents:
+h(3, "sbd-custom") Custom rule-based strategy
| If you want to implement your own strategy that differs from the default
| rule-based approach of splitting on sentences, you can also instantiate
| the #[code SentenceSegmenter] directly and pass in your own strategy.
| The strategy should be a function that takes a #[code Doc] object and
| yields a #[code Span] for each sentence. Here's an example of a custom
| segmentation strategy for splitting on newlines only:
from spacy.lang.en import English
from spacy.pipeline import SentenceSegmenter
def split_on_newlines(doc):
start = 0
seen_newline = False
for word in doc:
if seen_newline and not word.is_space:
yield doc[start:word.i]
start = word.i
seen_newline = False
elif word.text == '\n':
seen_newline = True
if start < len(doc):
yield doc[start:len(doc)]
nlp = English() # just the language with no model
sbd = SentenceSegmenter(nlp.vocab, strategy=split_on_newlines)
doc = nlp(u"This is a sentence\n\nThis is another sentence\nAnd more")
for sent in doc.sents:
print([token.text for token in sent])