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synced 2025-03-24 11:54:30 +03:00
* adding e-KTP in tokenizer exceptions list * add exception token * removing lines with containing space as it won't matter since we use .split() method in the end, added new tokens in exception * add tokenizer exceptions list * combining base_norms with norm_exceptions * adding norm_exception * fix double key in lemmatizer * remove unused import on punctuation.py * reformat stop_words to reduce number of lines, improve readibility * updating tokenizer exception * implement is_currency for lang/id * adding orth_first_upper in tokenizer_exceptions * update the norm_exception list * remove bunch of abbreviations * adding contributors file
91 lines
3.9 KiB
91 lines
3.9 KiB
Daftar singkatan dan Akronim dari:
# coding: utf8
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from ._tokenizer_exceptions_list import ID_BASE_EXCEPTIONS
from ...symbols import ORTH, LEMMA, NORM
_exc = {}
_exc[orth] = [{ORTH: orth}]
orth_title = orth.title()
_exc[orth_title] = [{ORTH: orth_title}]
orth_caps = orth.upper()
_exc[orth_caps] = [{ORTH: orth_caps}]
orth_lower = orth.lower()
_exc[orth_lower] = [{ORTH: orth_lower}]
orth_first_upper = orth[0].upper() + orth[1:]
_exc[orth_first_upper] = [{ORTH: orth_first_upper}]
if '-' in orth:
orth_title = '-'.join([part.title() for part in orth.split('-')])
_exc[orth_title] = [{ORTH: orth_title}]
orth_caps = '-'.join([part.upper() for part in orth.split('-')])
_exc[orth_caps] = [{ORTH: orth_caps}]
for exc_data in [
{ORTH: "Jan.", LEMMA: "Januari", NORM: "Januari"},
{ORTH: "Feb.", LEMMA: "Februari", NORM: "Februari"},
{ORTH: "Mar.", LEMMA: "Maret", NORM: "Maret"},
{ORTH: "Apr.", LEMMA: "April", NORM: "April"},
{ORTH: "Jun.", LEMMA: "Juni", NORM: "Juni"},
{ORTH: "Jul.", LEMMA: "Juli", NORM: "Juli"},
{ORTH: "Agu.", LEMMA: "Agustus", NORM: "Agustus"},
{ORTH: "Ags.", LEMMA: "Agustus", NORM: "Agustus"},
{ORTH: "Sep.", LEMMA: "September", NORM: "September"},
{ORTH: "Okt.", LEMMA: "Oktober", NORM: "Oktober"},
{ORTH: "Nov.", LEMMA: "November", NORM: "November"},
{ORTH: "Des.", LEMMA: "Desember", NORM: "Desember"}]:
_exc[exc_data[ORTH]] = [exc_data]
_other_exc = {
"do'a": [{ORTH: "do'a", LEMMA: "doa", NORM: "doa"}],
"jum'at": [{ORTH: "jum'at", LEMMA: "Jumat", NORM: "Jumat"}],
"Jum'at": [{ORTH: "Jum'at", LEMMA: "Jumat", NORM: "Jumat"}],
"la'nat": [{ORTH: "la'nat", LEMMA: "laknat", NORM: "laknat"}],
"ma'af": [{ORTH: "ma'af", LEMMA: "maaf", NORM: "maaf"}],
"mu'jizat": [{ORTH: "mu'jizat", LEMMA: "mukjizat", NORM: "mukjizat"}],
"Mu'jizat": [{ORTH: "Mu'jizat", LEMMA: "mukjizat", NORM: "mukjizat"}],
"ni'mat": [{ORTH: "ni'mat", LEMMA: "nikmat", NORM: "nikmat"}],
"raka'at": [{ORTH: "raka'at", LEMMA: "rakaat", NORM: "rakaat"}],
"ta'at": [{ORTH: "ta'at", LEMMA: "taat", NORM: "taat"}],
for orth in [
"A.AB.", "A.Ma.", "A.Md.", "A.Md.Keb.", "A.Md.Kep.", "A.P.",
"B.A.", "B.Ch.E.", "B.Sc.", "Dr.", "Dra.", "Drs.", "Hj.", "Ka.", "Kp.",
"M.AB", "M.Ag.", "M.AP", "M.Arl", "M.A.R.S", "M.Hum.", "M.I.Kom.",
"M.Kes,", "M.Kom.", "M.M.", "M.P.", "M.Pd.", "M.Psi.", "M.Psi.T.", "M.Sc.",
"M.SArl", "M.Si.", "M.Sn.", "M.T.", "M.Th.", "No.", "Pjs.", "Plt.", "R.A.",
"S.AB", "S.AP", "S.Adm", "S.Ag.", "S.Agr", "S.Ant", "S.Arl", "S.Ars",
"S.A.R.S", "S.Ds", "S.E.", "S.E.I.", "S.Farm", "S.Gz.", "S.H.", "S.Han",
"S.H.Int", "S.Hum", "S.Hut.", "S.In.", "S.IK.", "S.I.Kom.", "S.I.P",
"S.IP", "S.P.", "S.Pt", "S.Psi", "S.Ptk", "S.Keb", "S.Ked", "S.Kep",
"S.KG", "S.KH", "S.Kel", "S.K.M.", "S.Kedg.", "S.Kedh.", "S.Kom.", "S.KPM",
"S.Mb", "S.Mat", "S.Par", "S.Pd.", "S.Pd.I.", "S.Pd.SD", "S.Pol.",
"S.Psi.", "S.S.", "S.SArl.", "S.Sn", "S.Si.", "S.Si.Teol.", "S.SI.",
"S.ST.", "S.ST.Han", "S.STP", "S.Sos.", "S.Sy.", "S.T.", "S.T.Han",
"S.Th.", "S.Th.I" "S.TI.", "S.T.P.", "S.TrK", "S.Tekp.", "S.Th.",
"Prof.", "drg.", "KH.", "Ust.", "Lc", "Pdt.", "S.H.H.", "Rm.", "Ps.",
"St.", "M.A.", "M.B.A", "M.Eng.", "M.Eng.Sc.", "M.Pharm.", "Dr. med",
"Dr.-Ing", "Dr. rer. nat.", "Dr. phil.", "Dr. iur.", "Dr. rer. oec",
"Dr. rer. pol.", "R.Ng.", "R.", "R.M.", "R.B.", "R.P.", "R.Ay.", "Rr.",
"R.Ngt.", "a.l.", "a.n.", "a.s.", "b.d.", "d.a.", "d.l.", "d/h", "dkk.",
"dll.", "dr.", "drh.", "ds.", "dsb.", "dst.", "faks.", "fax.", "hlm.",
"i/o", "n.b.", "p.p." "pjs.", "s.d.", "tel.", "u.p."]:
_exc[orth] = [{ORTH: orth}]