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synced 2025-03-06 20:35:48 +03:00
138 lines
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138 lines
4.2 KiB
from fabric.api import local, lcd, env, settings, prefix
from os.path import exists as file_exists
from fabtools.python import virtualenv
from os import path
import os
import shutil
PWD = path.dirname(__file__)
VENV_DIR = path.join(PWD, '.env')
def counts():
# Tokenize the corpus
# tokenize()
# get_freqs()
# Collate the counts
# cat freqs | sort -k2 | gather_freqs()
# gather_freqs()
# smooth()
# clean, make, sdist
# cd to new env, install from sdist,
# Push changes to server
# Pull changes on server
# clean make init model
# test --vectors --slow
# train
# test --vectors --slow --models
# sdist
# upload data to server
# change to clean venv
# py2: install from sdist, test --slow, download data, test --models --vectors
# py3: install from sdist, test --slow, download data, test --models --vectors
def prebuild(build_dir='/tmp/build_spacy'):
if file_exists(build_dir):
spacy_dir = path.dirname(__file__)
wn_url = 'http://wordnetcode.princeton.edu/3.0/WordNet-3.0.tar.gz'
build_venv = path.join(build_dir, '.env')
with lcd(build_dir):
local('git clone %s .' % spacy_dir)
local('virtualenv ' + build_venv)
with prefix('cd %s && PYTHONPATH=`pwd` && . %s/bin/activate' % (build_dir, build_venv)):
local('pip install cython fabric fabtools')
local('pip install -r requirements.txt')
local('fab clean make')
local('cp -r %s/corpora/en/wordnet corpora/en/' % spacy_dir)
local('cp %s/corpora/en/freqs.txt.gz corpora/en/' % spacy_dir)
local('PYTHONPATH=`pwd` python bin/init_model.py lang_data/en corpora/en spacy/en/data')
local('fab test')
local('python setup.py sdist')
def docs():
with virtualenv(VENV_DIR):
with lcd(path.join(path.dirname(__file__), 'docs')):
local('make html')
def publish():
with virtualenv(VENV_DIR):
local('python setup.py register')
local('twine upload dist/*.tar.gz')
local('git push origin master')
def env(lang="python2.7"):
if file_exists('.env'):
local('rm -rf .env')
local('virtualenv -p %s .env' % lang)
def install():
with virtualenv(VENV_DIR):
local('pip install --upgrade setuptools')
local('pip install dist/*.tar.gz')
local('pip install pytest')
def make():
with virtualenv(VENV_DIR):
with lcd(path.dirname(__file__)):
local('pip install cython')
local('pip install murmurhash')
local('pip install -r requirements.txt')
local('python setup.py build_ext --inplace')
def clean():
with lcd(path.dirname(__file__)):
local('python setup.py clean --all')
def test():
with virtualenv(VENV_DIR):
# Run each test file separately. pytest is performing poorly, not sure why
with lcd(path.dirname(__file__)):
local('py.test -x tests/')
def train(json_dir=None, dev_loc=None, model_dir=None):
if json_dir is None:
json_dir = 'corpora/en/json'
if model_dir is None:
model_dir = 'models/en/'
with virtualenv(VENV_DIR):
with lcd(path.dirname(__file__)):
local('python bin/init_model.py lang_data/en/ corpora/en/ ' + model_dir)
local('python bin/parser/train.py %s %s' % (json_dir, model_dir))
def travis():
local('open https://travis-ci.org/honnibal/thinc')
def pos():
with virtualenv(VENV_DIR):
local('python tools/train.py ~/work_data/docparse/wsj02-21.conll ~/work_data/docparse/wsj22.conll spacy/en/data')
local('python tools/tag.py ~/work_data/docparse/wsj22.raw /tmp/tmp')
local('python tools/eval_pos.py ~/work_data/docparse/wsj22.conll /tmp/tmp')
def ner():
local('rm -rf data/en/ner')
local('python tools/train_ner.py ~/work_data/docparse/wsj02-21.conll data/en/ner')
local('python tools/tag_ner.py ~/work_data/docparse/wsj22.raw /tmp/tmp')
local('python tools/eval_ner.py ~/work_data/docparse/wsj22.conll /tmp/tmp | tail')
def conll():
local('rm -rf data/en/ner')
local('python tools/conll03_train.py ~/work_data/ner/conll2003/eng.train data/en/ner/')
local('python tools/conll03_eval.py ~/work_data/ner/conll2003/eng.testa')