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synced 2025-02-23 06:50:32 +03:00
* Clean up Vocab constructor * Change effective type of `strings` from `Iterable[str]` to `Optional[StringStore]` * Don't automatically add strings to vocab * Change default values to `None` * Remove `**deprecated_kwargs` * Format
201 lines
7.0 KiB
201 lines
7.0 KiB
import pickle
import pytest
from thinc.api import get_current_ops
import spacy
from spacy.lang.en import English
from spacy.strings import StringStore
from spacy.tokens import Doc
from spacy.util import ensure_path, load_model
from spacy.vectors import Vectors
from spacy.vocab import Vocab
from ..util import make_tempdir
test_strings = [
(StringStore(), StringStore()),
(StringStore(["rats", "are", "cute"]), StringStore(["i", "like", "rats"])),
test_strings_attrs = [(StringStore(["rats", "are", "cute"]), "Hello")]
def test_issue599(en_vocab):
doc = Doc(en_vocab)
doc2 = Doc(doc.vocab)
assert doc2.has_annotation("DEP")
def test_issue4054(en_vocab):
"""Test that a new blank model can be made with a vocab from file,
and that serialization does not drop the language at any point."""
nlp1 = English()
vocab1 = nlp1.vocab
with make_tempdir() as d:
vocab_dir = ensure_path(d / "vocab")
if not vocab_dir.exists():
vocab2 = Vocab().from_disk(vocab_dir)
nlp2 = spacy.blank("en", vocab=vocab2)
nlp_dir = ensure_path(d / "nlp")
if not nlp_dir.exists():
nlp3 = load_model(nlp_dir)
assert nlp3.lang == "en"
def test_issue4133(en_vocab):
nlp = English()
vocab_bytes = nlp.vocab.to_bytes()
words = ["Apple", "is", "looking", "at", "buying", "a", "startup"]
pos = ["NOUN", "VERB", "ADP", "VERB", "PROPN", "NOUN", "ADP"]
doc = Doc(en_vocab, words=words)
for i, token in enumerate(doc):
token.pos_ = pos[i]
# usually this is already True when starting from proper models instead of blank English
doc_bytes = doc.to_bytes()
vocab = Vocab()
vocab = vocab.from_bytes(vocab_bytes)
doc = Doc(vocab).from_bytes(doc_bytes)
actual = []
for token in doc:
assert actual == pos
@pytest.mark.parametrize("text", ["rat"])
def test_serialize_vocab(en_vocab, text):
text_hash = en_vocab.strings.add(text)
vocab_bytes = en_vocab.to_bytes(exclude=["lookups"])
new_vocab = Vocab().from_bytes(vocab_bytes)
assert new_vocab.strings[text_hash] == text
assert new_vocab.to_bytes(exclude=["lookups"]) == vocab_bytes
@pytest.mark.parametrize("strings1,strings2", test_strings)
def test_serialize_vocab_roundtrip_bytes(strings1, strings2):
vocab1 = Vocab(strings=strings1)
vocab2 = Vocab(strings=strings2)
vocab1_b = vocab1.to_bytes()
vocab2_b = vocab2.to_bytes()
if strings1.to_bytes() == strings2.to_bytes():
assert vocab1_b == vocab2_b
assert vocab1_b != vocab2_b
vocab1 = vocab1.from_bytes(vocab1_b)
assert vocab1.to_bytes() == vocab1_b
new_vocab1 = Vocab().from_bytes(vocab1_b)
assert new_vocab1.to_bytes() == vocab1_b
assert len(new_vocab1.strings) == len(strings1)
assert sorted([s for s in new_vocab1.strings]) == sorted(strings1)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("strings1,strings2", test_strings)
def test_serialize_vocab_roundtrip_disk(strings1, strings2):
vocab1 = Vocab(strings=strings1)
vocab2 = Vocab(strings=strings2)
with make_tempdir() as d:
file_path1 = d / "vocab1"
file_path2 = d / "vocab2"
vocab1_d = Vocab().from_disk(file_path1)
vocab2_d = Vocab().from_disk(file_path2)
# check strings rather than lexemes, which are only reloaded on demand
assert set(strings1) == set([s for s in vocab1_d.strings])
assert set(strings2) == set([s for s in vocab2_d.strings])
if set(strings1) == set(strings2):
assert [s for s in vocab1_d.strings] == [s for s in vocab2_d.strings]
assert [s for s in vocab1_d.strings] != [s for s in vocab2_d.strings]
@pytest.mark.parametrize("strings,lex_attr", test_strings_attrs)
def test_serialize_vocab_lex_attrs_bytes(strings, lex_attr):
vocab1 = Vocab(strings=strings)
vocab2 = Vocab()
s = next(iter(vocab1.strings))
vocab1[s].norm_ = lex_attr
assert vocab1[s].norm_ == lex_attr
assert vocab2[s].norm_ != lex_attr
vocab2 = vocab2.from_bytes(vocab1.to_bytes())
assert vocab2[s].norm_ == lex_attr
@pytest.mark.parametrize("strings,lex_attr", test_strings_attrs)
def test_deserialize_vocab_seen_entries(strings, lex_attr):
# Reported in #2153
vocab = Vocab(strings=strings)
assert len(vocab.strings) == len(strings)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("strings,lex_attr", test_strings_attrs)
def test_serialize_vocab_lex_attrs_disk(strings, lex_attr):
vocab1 = Vocab(strings=strings)
vocab2 = Vocab()
s = next(iter(vocab1.strings))
vocab1[s].norm_ = lex_attr
assert vocab1[s].norm_ == lex_attr
assert vocab2[s].norm_ != lex_attr
with make_tempdir() as d:
file_path = d / "vocab"
vocab2 = vocab2.from_disk(file_path)
assert vocab2[s].norm_ == lex_attr
@pytest.mark.parametrize("strings1,strings2", test_strings)
def test_serialize_stringstore_roundtrip_bytes(strings1, strings2):
sstore1 = StringStore(strings=strings1)
sstore2 = StringStore(strings=strings2)
sstore1_b = sstore1.to_bytes()
sstore2_b = sstore2.to_bytes()
if set(strings1) == set(strings2):
assert sstore1_b == sstore2_b
assert sstore1_b != sstore2_b
sstore1 = sstore1.from_bytes(sstore1_b)
assert sstore1.to_bytes() == sstore1_b
new_sstore1 = StringStore().from_bytes(sstore1_b)
assert new_sstore1.to_bytes() == sstore1_b
assert set(new_sstore1) == set(strings1)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("strings1,strings2", test_strings)
def test_serialize_stringstore_roundtrip_disk(strings1, strings2):
sstore1 = StringStore(strings=strings1)
sstore2 = StringStore(strings=strings2)
with make_tempdir() as d:
file_path1 = d / "strings1"
file_path2 = d / "strings2"
sstore1_d = StringStore().from_disk(file_path1)
sstore2_d = StringStore().from_disk(file_path2)
assert set(sstore1_d) == set(sstore1)
assert set(sstore2_d) == set(sstore2)
if set(strings1) == set(strings2):
assert set(sstore1_d) == set(sstore2_d)
assert set(sstore1_d) != set(sstore2_d)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("strings,lex_attr", test_strings_attrs)
def test_pickle_vocab(strings, lex_attr):
vocab = Vocab(strings=strings)
ops = get_current_ops()
vectors = Vectors(data=ops.xp.zeros((10, 10)), mode="floret", hash_count=1)
vocab.vectors = vectors
vocab[strings[0]].norm_ = lex_attr
vocab_pickled = pickle.dumps(vocab)
vocab_unpickled = pickle.loads(vocab_pickled)
assert vocab.to_bytes() == vocab_unpickled.to_bytes()
assert vocab_unpickled.vectors.mode == "floret"