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synced 2025-03-18 17:12:14 +03:00
* Initial Spanish lemmatizer * Handle merged verb+pron(s) multi-word tokens * Use VERB for AUX rule lookup * Add morph to lemma cache key * Fix aux lookups, minor refactoring * Improve verb+pron handling * Move verb+pron handling into its own method * Check for exceptions (primarily for se) * Collect pronouns in the same (not reversed) order * Only add modified possible lemmas
424 lines
16 KiB
424 lines
16 KiB
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple
import re
from ...pipeline import Lemmatizer
from ...tokens import Token
class SpanishLemmatizer(Lemmatizer):
Spanish rule-based lemmatizer with morph-based rule selection.
def get_lookups_config(cls, mode: str) -> Tuple[List[str], List[str]]:
if mode == "rule":
required = ["lemma_rules", "lemma_rules_groups", "lemma_index", "lemma_exc"]
return (required, [])
return super().get_lookups_config(mode)
def rule_lemmatize(self, token: Token) -> List[str]:
cache_key = (token.orth, token.pos, str(token.morph))
if cache_key in self.cache:
return self.cache[cache_key]
string = token.text
pos = token.pos_.lower()
features = set(token.morph)
if pos in ("", "eol", "space"):
return [string.lower()]
if pos in (
if token.is_sent_start and pos != "propn":
return [string.lower()]
return [string]
string = string.lower()
exc = self.lookups.get_table("lemma_exc").get(pos, {}).get(string)
if exc is not None:
lemmas = list(exc)
if pos == "aux":
rule_pos = "verb"
rule_pos = pos
rule = self.select_rule(rule_pos, features)
index = self.lookups.get_table("lemma_index").get(rule_pos, [])
lemmas = getattr(self, "lemmatize_" + rule_pos)(
string, features, rule, index
# Remove duplicates but preserve the ordering
lemmas = list(dict.fromkeys(lemmas))
self.cache[cache_key] = lemmas
return lemmas
def select_rule(self, pos: str, features: List[str]) -> Optional[str]:
groups = self.lookups.get_table("lemma_rules_groups")
if pos in groups:
for group in groups[pos]:
if set(group[1]).issubset(features):
return group[0]
return None
def lemmatize_adj(
self, word: str, features: List[str], rule: str, index: List[str]
) -> List[str]:
Lemmatize an adjective.
word (str): The word to lemmatize.
features (List[str]): The morphological features as a list of Feat=Val
index (List[str]): The POS-specific lookup list.
RETURNS (List[str]): The list of lemmas.
# Initialize empty lists for the generated lemmas
possible_lemmas = []
selected_lemmas = []
# Apply lemmatization rules
for old, new in self.lookups.get_table("lemma_rules").get(rule, []):
possible_lemma = re.sub(old + "$", new, word)
if possible_lemma != word:
# Additional rule for plurals that go from esdrújula to grave and end in
# 'n' or 's', e.g., jóvenes -> joven
additional_lemmas = []
if "Number=Plur" in features:
for possible_lemma in possible_lemmas:
if possible_lemma.endswith("n") or possible_lemma.endswith("s"):
for old, new in self.lookups.get_table("lemma_rules").get(
"accents", []
additional_lemmas.append(re.sub(old, new, possible_lemma))
for lemma in possible_lemmas:
if lemma in index:
# If one or more of the created possible lemmas are in the lookup list,
# return all of them
if len(selected_lemmas) > 0:
return selected_lemmas
elif len(possible_lemmas) > 0:
return possible_lemmas
return [word]
def lemmatize_adv(
self, word: str, features: List[str], rule: str, index: List[str]
) -> List[str]:
Lemmatize an adverb.
word (str): The word to lemmatize.
features (List[str]): The morphological features as a list of Feat=Val
index (List[str]): The POS-specific lookup list.
RETURNS (List[str]): The list of lemmas.
# Apply lemmatization rules
for old, new in self.lookups.get_table("lemma_rules").get("adverbs", []):
if word == old:
return [new]
# If none of the rules applies, return the original word
return [word]
def lemmatize_det(
self, word: str, features: List[str], rule: str, index: List[str]
) -> List[str]:
Lemmatize a determiner.
word (str): The word to lemmatize.
features (List[str]): The morphological features as a list of Feat=Val
index (List[str]): The POS-specific lookup list.
RETURNS (List[str]): The list of lemmas.
# Initialize empty lists for the generated lemmas
possible_lemmas = []
selected_lemmas = []
# First, search in rules specific to determiners
for old, new in self.lookups.get_table("lemma_rules").get("det", []):
if word == old:
return [new]
# If none of the specfic rules apply, search in the common rules for
# determiners and pronouns that follow a unique pattern for
# lemmatization. If the word is in the list, return the corresponding
# lemma.
for old, new in self.lookups.get_table("lemma_rules").get(
"det_and_pron_fixed", []
if word == old:
return [new]
# If the word is not in the list of unique determiners and pronouns,
# apply general rules of lemmatization. Include the original word in the # list of possible lemmas.
for old, new in self.lookups.get_table("lemma_rules").get(
"det_and_pron_general", []
possible_lemma = re.sub(old + "$", new, word)
if len(possible_lemmas) == 1:
return possible_lemmas
elif len(possible_lemmas) > 1:
for lemma in possible_lemmas:
if lemma in index:
if len(selected_lemmas) >= 1:
return selected_lemmas
return possible_lemmas
def lemmatize_noun(
self, word: str, features: List[str], rule: str, index: List[str]
) -> List[str]:
Lemmatize a noun.
word (str): The word to lemmatize.
features (List[str]): The morphological features as a list of Feat=Val
index (List[str]): The POS-specific lookup list.
RETURNS (List[str]): The list of lemmas.
# Initialize empty lists for the generated lemmas
possible_lemmas = []
selected_lemmas = []
# Apply lemmatization rules
for old, new in self.lookups.get_table("lemma_rules").get(rule, []):
possible_lemma = re.sub(old + "$", new, word)
if possible_lemma != word:
# Additional rule for plurals that go from esdrújula to grave and end in
# 'n' or 's', e.g., órdenes -> orden, exámenes -> examen
additional_lemmas = []
if "Number=Plur" in features:
for possible_lemma in possible_lemmas:
if possible_lemma.endswith("n") or possible_lemma.endswith("s"):
for old, new in self.lookups.get_table("lemma_rules").get(
"accents", []
additional_lemmas.append(re.sub(old, new, possible_lemma))
for lemma in possible_lemmas:
if lemma in index:
# If one or more of the created possible lemmas are in the lookup list,
# return all of them
if len(selected_lemmas) > 0:
return selected_lemmas
elif len(possible_lemmas) > 0:
return possible_lemmas
return [word]
def lemmatize_num(
self, word: str, features: List[str], rule: str, index: List[str]
) -> List[str]:
Lemmatize a numeral.
word (str): The word to lemmatize.
features (List[str]): The morphological features as a list of Feat=Val
index (List[str]): The POS-specific lookup list.
RETURNS (List[str]): The list of lemmas.
# If the word is in the list of rules for numerals, return the
# corresponding lemma
for old, new in self.lookups.get_table("lemma_rules").get("num", []):
if word == old:
return [new]
# Normalize punctuation
splitted_word = word.split(",")
if re.search(r"(\.)([0-9]{3})$", splitted_word[0]):
word = re.sub(r"\.", r"", word)
word = re.sub(r",", r".", word)
return [word]
def lemmatize_pron(
self, word: str, features: List[str], rule: str, index: List[str]
) -> List[str]:
Lemmatize a pronoun.
word (str): The word to lemmatize.
features (List[str]): The morphological features as a list of Feat=Val
index (List[str]): The POS-specific lookup list.
RETURNS (List[str]): The list of lemmas.
# Initialize empty lists for the generated lemmas
possible_lemmas = []
selected_lemmas = []
# First, search in rules specific to pronouns
for old, new in self.lookups.get_table("lemma_rules").get("pron", []):
if word == old:
return [new]
# If none of the specfic rules apply, search in the common rules for
# determiners and pronouns that follow a unique pattern for
# lemmatization. If the word is in the list, return the corresponding
# lemma.
for old, new in self.lookups.get_table("lemma_rules").get(
"det_and_pron_fixed", []
if word == old:
return [new]
# If the word is not in the list of unique determiners and pronouns,
# apply general rules of lemmatization. Include the original word in the
# list of possible lemmas.
for old, new in self.lookups.get_table("lemma_rules").get(
"det_and_pron_general", []
possible_lemma = re.sub(old + "$", new, word)
if possible_lemma != word:
if len(possible_lemmas) == 1:
return possible_lemmas
elif len(possible_lemmas) > 1:
for lemma in possible_lemmas:
if lemma in index:
if len(selected_lemmas) >= 1:
return selected_lemmas
return possible_lemmas
def lemmatize_verb(
self, word: str, features: List[str], rule: str, index: List[str]
) -> List[str]:
Lemmatize a verb.
word (str): The word to lemmatize.
features (List[str]): The morphological features as a list of Feat=Val
index (List[str]): The POS-specific lookup list.
RETURNS (List[str]): The list of lemmas.
# Exceptions for verb+pronoun(s)
if "PronType=Prs" in features:
return self.lemmatize_verb_pron(word, features, rule, index)
# Initialize empty lists for the generated lemmas
possible_lemmas = []
selected_lemmas = []
# Apply lemmatization rules
for old, new in self.lookups.get_table("lemma_rules").get(rule, []):
possible_lemma = re.sub(old + "$", new, word)
if possible_lemma != word:
for lemma in possible_lemmas:
if lemma in index:
if len(selected_lemmas) == 0:
# If none of the possible lemmas are in the lookup list,
# apply vocalic alternation rules and search in the lookup list
# again
for lemma in possible_lemmas:
for old, new in self.lookups.get_table("lemma_rules").get(
"voc_alt_1", []
if old in lemma:
for i, char in enumerate(lemma):
if char == old:
voc_alt_lemma = lemma[:i] + new + lemma[i + 1 :]
if voc_alt_lemma in index:
for old, new in self.lookups.get_table("lemma_rules").get(
"voc_alt_2", []
if old in lemma:
voc_alt_lemma = lemma.replace(old, new, 1)
if voc_alt_lemma in index:
# Additional rule for verbs that lose the accent mark when lemmatized,
# e.g., amplían -> ampliar
additional_lemmas = []
for possible_lemma in possible_lemmas:
for old, new in self.lookups.get_table("lemma_rules").get("accents", []):
additional_lemmas.append(re.sub(old, new, possible_lemma))
# If one or more of the created possible lemmas are in the lookup list,
# return all of them
if len(selected_lemmas) > 0:
return selected_lemmas
elif len(possible_lemmas) > 0:
return possible_lemmas
return [word]
def lemmatize_verb_pron(
self, word: str, features: List[str], rule: str, index: List[str]
) -> List[str]:
# Strip and collect pronouns
pron_patt = "^(.*?)([mts]e|l[aeo]s?|n?os)$"
prons = []
verb = word
m = re.search(pron_patt, verb)
while m is not None and len(prons) <= 3:
verb = re.sub(m.group(2) + "$", "", verb)
prons = [m.group(2)] + prons
m = re.search(pron_patt, verb)
# Strip accents from verb form
for old, new in self.lookups.get_table("lemma_rules").get("accents", []):
verb = re.sub(old, new, verb)
# Lemmatize the verb and pronouns, checking for exceptions
exc = self.lookups.get_table("lemma_exc").get("verb", {}).get(verb)
if exc is not None:
verb_lemma = exc[0]
rule = self.select_rule("verb", features)
verb_lemma = self.lemmatize_verb(
verb, features - {"PronType=Prs"}, rule, index
pron_lemmas = []
for pron in prons:
exc = self.lookups.get_table("lemma_exc").get("pron", {}).get(pron)
if exc is not None:
rule = self.select_rule("pron", features)
pron_lemmas.append(self.lemmatize_pron(pron, features, rule, index)[0])
return [verb_lemma + " " + " ".join(pron_lemmas)]