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synced 2025-03-27 13:24:13 +03:00
* Update matcher engine for regex and extensions Add support for matching over arbitrary Python predicate functions, and arbitrary Python attribute getters. This will allow matching over regex patterns, and allow supporting extension attributes. The results of the Python predicate functions are cached, so that we don't call the same predicate function twice for the same token. The extension attributes are fetched into an array for each token in the doc. This should minimise the performance impact of the new features. We still need to wire up these features to the patterns, and test it all. * Work on wiring up extra attributes in matcher * Work on tests for extra matcher attrs * Add support for extension attrs to matcher * Test extension attribute matching * Work on implementing predicate-based match patterns * Get predicates working for set membership * Add test for set membership * Make extensions+predicates work * Test matcher extensions * Cache predicate results better in Matcher * Remove print statement in matcher test * Use srsly to get key for predicates
314 lines
9.6 KiB
314 lines
9.6 KiB
# coding: utf-8
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import pytest
import re
from spacy.matcher import Matcher, DependencyTreeMatcher
from spacy.tokens import Doc, Token
from ..util import get_doc
def matcher(en_vocab):
rules = {
"JS": [[{"ORTH": "JavaScript"}]],
"GoogleNow": [[{"ORTH": "Google"}, {"ORTH": "Now"}]],
"Java": [[{"LOWER": "java"}]],
matcher = Matcher(en_vocab)
for key, patterns in rules.items():
matcher.add(key, None, *patterns)
return matcher
def test_matcher_from_api_docs(en_vocab):
matcher = Matcher(en_vocab)
pattern = [{"ORTH": "test"}]
assert len(matcher) == 0
matcher.add("Rule", None, pattern)
assert len(matcher) == 1
assert "Rule" not in matcher
matcher.add("Rule", None, pattern)
assert "Rule" in matcher
on_match, patterns = matcher.get("Rule")
assert len(patterns[0])
def test_matcher_from_usage_docs(en_vocab):
text = "Wow 😀 This is really cool! 😂 😂"
doc = Doc(en_vocab, words=text.split(" "))
pos_emoji = ["😀", "😃", "😂", "🤣", "😊", "😍"]
pos_patterns = [[{"ORTH": emoji}] for emoji in pos_emoji]
def label_sentiment(matcher, doc, i, matches):
match_id, start, end = matches[i]
if doc.vocab.strings[match_id] == "HAPPY":
doc.sentiment += 0.1
span = doc[start:end]
token = span.merge()
token.vocab[token.text].norm_ = "happy emoji"
matcher = Matcher(en_vocab)
matcher.add("HAPPY", label_sentiment, *pos_patterns)
assert doc.sentiment != 0
assert doc[1].norm_ == "happy emoji"
def test_matcher_len_contains(matcher):
assert len(matcher) == 3
matcher.add("TEST", None, [{"ORTH": "test"}])
assert "TEST" in matcher
assert "TEST2" not in matcher
def test_matcher_no_match(matcher):
doc = Doc(matcher.vocab, words=["I", "like", "cheese", "."])
assert matcher(doc) == []
def test_matcher_match_start(matcher):
doc = Doc(matcher.vocab, words=["JavaScript", "is", "good"])
assert matcher(doc) == [(matcher.vocab.strings["JS"], 0, 1)]
def test_matcher_match_end(matcher):
words = ["I", "like", "java"]
doc = Doc(matcher.vocab, words=words)
assert matcher(doc) == [(doc.vocab.strings["Java"], 2, 3)]
def test_matcher_match_middle(matcher):
words = ["I", "like", "Google", "Now", "best"]
doc = Doc(matcher.vocab, words=words)
assert matcher(doc) == [(doc.vocab.strings["GoogleNow"], 2, 4)]
def test_matcher_match_multi(matcher):
words = ["I", "like", "Google", "Now", "and", "java", "best"]
doc = Doc(matcher.vocab, words=words)
assert matcher(doc) == [
(doc.vocab.strings["GoogleNow"], 2, 4),
(doc.vocab.strings["Java"], 5, 6),
def test_matcher_empty_dict(en_vocab):
"""Test matcher allows empty token specs, meaning match on any token."""
matcher = Matcher(en_vocab)
doc = Doc(matcher.vocab, words=["a", "b", "c"])
matcher.add("A.C", None, [{"ORTH": "a"}, {}, {"ORTH": "c"}])
matches = matcher(doc)
assert len(matches) == 1
assert matches[0][1:] == (0, 3)
matcher = Matcher(en_vocab)
matcher.add("A.", None, [{"ORTH": "a"}, {}])
matches = matcher(doc)
assert matches[0][1:] == (0, 2)
def test_matcher_operator_shadow(en_vocab):
matcher = Matcher(en_vocab)
doc = Doc(matcher.vocab, words=["a", "b", "c"])
pattern = [{"ORTH": "a"}, {"IS_ALPHA": True, "OP": "+"}, {"ORTH": "c"}]
matcher.add("A.C", None, pattern)
matches = matcher(doc)
assert len(matches) == 1
assert matches[0][1:] == (0, 3)
def test_matcher_match_zero(matcher):
words1 = 'He said , " some words " ...'.split()
words2 = 'He said , " some three words " ...'.split()
pattern1 = [
{"ORTH": '"'},
{"OP": "!", "IS_PUNCT": True},
{"OP": "!", "IS_PUNCT": True},
{"ORTH": '"'},
pattern2 = [
{"ORTH": '"'},
{"IS_PUNCT": True},
{"IS_PUNCT": True},
{"IS_PUNCT": True},
{"ORTH": '"'},
matcher.add("Quote", None, pattern1)
doc = Doc(matcher.vocab, words=words1)
assert len(matcher(doc)) == 1
doc = Doc(matcher.vocab, words=words2)
assert len(matcher(doc)) == 0
matcher.add("Quote", None, pattern2)
assert len(matcher(doc)) == 0
def test_matcher_match_zero_plus(matcher):
words = 'He said , " some words " ...'.split()
pattern = [{"ORTH": '"'}, {"OP": "*", "IS_PUNCT": False}, {"ORTH": '"'}]
matcher = Matcher(matcher.vocab)
matcher.add("Quote", None, pattern)
doc = Doc(matcher.vocab, words=words)
assert len(matcher(doc)) == 1
def test_matcher_match_one_plus(matcher):
control = Matcher(matcher.vocab)
control.add("BasicPhilippe", None, [{"ORTH": "Philippe"}])
doc = Doc(control.vocab, words=["Philippe", "Philippe"])
m = control(doc)
assert len(m) == 2
[{"ORTH": "Philippe", "OP": "1"}, {"ORTH": "Philippe", "OP": "+"}],
m = matcher(doc)
assert len(m) == 1
def test_matcher_any_token_operator(en_vocab):
"""Test that patterns with "any token" {} work with operators."""
matcher = Matcher(en_vocab)
matcher.add("TEST", None, [{"ORTH": "test"}, {"OP": "*"}])
doc = Doc(en_vocab, words=["test", "hello", "world"])
matches = [doc[start:end].text for _, start, end in matcher(doc)]
assert len(matches) == 3
assert matches[0] == "test"
assert matches[1] == "test hello"
assert matches[2] == "test hello world"
def test_matcher_extension_attribute(en_vocab):
matcher = Matcher(en_vocab)
getter=lambda token: token.text in ('apple', 'banana'), force=True)
pattern = [{'ORTH': 'an'}, {'_': {'is_fruit': True}}]
matcher.add('HAVING_FRUIT', None, pattern)
doc = Doc(en_vocab, words=['an', 'apple'])
matches = matcher(doc)
assert len(matches) == 1
doc = Doc(en_vocab, words=['an', 'aardvark'])
matches = matcher(doc)
assert len(matches) == 0
def test_matcher_set_value(en_vocab):
matcher = Matcher(en_vocab)
pattern = [{'ORTH': {'IN': ['an', 'a']}}]
matcher.add('A_OR_AN', None, pattern)
doc = Doc(en_vocab, words=['an', 'a', 'apple'])
matches = matcher(doc)
assert len(matches) == 2
doc = Doc(en_vocab, words=['aardvark'])
matches = matcher(doc)
assert len(matches) == 0
def test_matcher_regex(en_vocab):
matcher = Matcher(en_vocab)
pattern = [{'ORTH': {'REGEX': r'(?:a|an)'}}]
matcher.add('A_OR_AN', None, pattern)
doc = Doc(en_vocab, words=['an', 'a', 'hi'])
matches = matcher(doc)
assert len(matches) == 2
doc = Doc(en_vocab, words=['bye'])
matches = matcher(doc)
assert len(matches) == 0
def test_matcher_regex_shape(en_vocab):
matcher = Matcher(en_vocab)
pattern = [{'SHAPE': {'REGEX': r'^[^x]+$'}}]
matcher.add('NON_ALPHA', None, pattern)
doc = Doc(en_vocab, words=['99', 'problems', '!'])
matches = matcher(doc)
assert len(matches) == 2
doc = Doc(en_vocab, words=['bye'])
matches = matcher(doc)
assert len(matches) == 0
def test_matcher_compare_length(en_vocab):
matcher = Matcher(en_vocab)
pattern = [{'LENGTH': {'>=': 2}}]
matcher.add('LENGTH_COMPARE', None, pattern)
doc = Doc(en_vocab, words=['a', 'aa', 'aaa'])
matches = matcher(doc)
assert len(matches) == 2
doc = Doc(en_vocab, words=['a'])
matches = matcher(doc)
assert len(matches) == 0
def test_matcher_extension_set_membership(en_vocab):
matcher = Matcher(en_vocab)
getter=lambda token: ''.join(reversed(token.text)), force=True)
pattern = [{'_': {'reversed': {"IN": ["eyb", "ih"]}}}]
matcher.add('REVERSED', None, pattern)
doc = Doc(en_vocab, words=['hi', 'bye', 'hello'])
matches = matcher(doc)
assert len(matches) == 2
doc = Doc(en_vocab, words=['aardvark'])
matches = matcher(doc)
assert len(matches) == 0
def text():
return "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy fox"
def heads():
return [3, 2, 1, 1, 0, -1, 2, 1, -3]
def deps():
return ["det", "amod", "amod", "nsubj", "prep", "pobj", "det", "amod"]
def dependency_tree_matcher(en_vocab):
def is_brown_yellow(text):
return bool(re.compile(r"brown|yellow|over").match(text))
IS_BROWN_YELLOW = en_vocab.add_flag(is_brown_yellow)
pattern1 = [
{"SPEC": {"NODE_NAME": "fox"}, "PATTERN": {"ORTH": "fox"}},
"SPEC": {"NODE_NAME": "q", "NBOR_RELOP": ">", "NBOR_NAME": "fox"},
"PATTERN": {"LOWER": "quick"},
"SPEC": {"NODE_NAME": "r", "NBOR_RELOP": ">", "NBOR_NAME": "fox"},
pattern2 = [
{"SPEC": {"NODE_NAME": "jumped"}, "PATTERN": {"ORTH": "jumped"}},
"SPEC": {"NODE_NAME": "fox", "NBOR_RELOP": ">", "NBOR_NAME": "jumped"},
"PATTERN": {"LOWER": "fox"},
"SPEC": {"NODE_NAME": "over", "NBOR_RELOP": ">", "NBOR_NAME": "fox"},
matcher = DependencyTreeMatcher(en_vocab)
matcher.add("pattern1", None, pattern1)
matcher.add("pattern2", None, pattern2)
return matcher
def test_dependency_tree_matcher_compile(dependency_tree_matcher):
assert len(dependency_tree_matcher) == 2
def test_dependency_tree_matcher(dependency_tree_matcher, text, heads, deps):
doc = get_doc(dependency_tree_matcher.vocab, text.split(), heads=heads, deps=deps)
matches = dependency_tree_matcher(doc)
assert len(matches) == 2