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2017-05-09 00:00:00 +02:00

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This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

# coding: utf8
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import regex as re
from ._tokenizer_exceptions_list import FR_BASE_EXCEPTIONS
from .punctuation import ELISION, HYPHENS
from ..tokenizer_exceptions import URL_PATTERN
from ..char_classes import ALPHA_LOWER
from ...symbols import ORTH, LEMMA, TAG, NORM
from ...deprecated import PRON_LEMMA
def upper_first_letter(text):
if len(text) == 0:
return text
if len(text) == 1:
return text.upper()
return text[0].upper() + text[1:]
def lower_first_letter(text):
if len(text) == 0:
return text
if len(text) == 1:
return text.lower()
return text[0].lower() + text[1:]
_exc = {
"J.-C.": [
{LEMMA: "Jésus", ORTH: "J."},
{LEMMA: "Christ", ORTH: "-C."}]
for exc_data in [
{LEMMA: "avant", ORTH: "av."},
{LEMMA: "janvier", ORTH: "janv."},
{LEMMA: "février", ORTH: "févr."},
{LEMMA: "avril", ORTH: "avr."},
{LEMMA: "juillet", ORTH: "juill."},
{LEMMA: "septembre", ORTH: "sept."},
{LEMMA: "octobre", ORTH: "oct."},
{LEMMA: "novembre", ORTH: "nov."},
{LEMMA: "décembre", ORTH: "déc."},
{LEMMA: "après", ORTH: "apr."},
{LEMMA: "docteur", ORTH: "Dr."},
{LEMMA: "monsieur", ORTH: "M."},
{LEMMA: "monsieur", ORTH: "Mr."},
{LEMMA: "madame", ORTH: "Mme."},
{LEMMA: "mademoiselle", ORTH: "Mlle."},
{LEMMA: "numéro", ORTH: ""},
{LEMMA: "degrés", ORTH: ""},
{LEMMA: "saint", ORTH: "St."},
{LEMMA: "sainte", ORTH: "Ste."}]:
_exc[exc_data[ORTH]] = [dict(exc_data)]
for orth in FR_BASE_EXCEPTIONS + ["etc."]:
_exc[orth] = [{ORTH: orth}]
for verb, verb_lemma in [
("a", "avoir"),
("est", "être"),
("semble", "sembler"),
("indique", "indiquer"),
("moque", "moquer"),
("passe", "passer")]:
for orth in [verb, verb.title()]:
for pronoun in ["elle", "il", "on"]:
token = "{}-t-{}".format(orth, pronoun)
_exc[token] = [
{LEMMA: verb_lemma, ORTH: orth, TAG: "VERB"},
{LEMMA: "t", ORTH: "-t"},
{LEMMA: pronoun, ORTH: "-" + pronoun}]
for verb, verb_lemma in [
for orth in [verb, verb.title()]:
token = "{}-ce".format(orth)
_exc[token] = [
{LEMMA: verb_lemma, ORTH: orth, TAG: "VERB"},
{LEMMA: 'ce', ORTH: '-ce'}]
for pre, pre_lemma in [
("qu'", "que"),
("n'", "ne")]:
for orth in [pre,pre.title()]:
_exc['%sest-ce' % orth] = [
{LEMMA: pre_lemma, ORTH: orth, TAG: "ADV"},
{LEMMA: 'être', ORTH: "est", TAG: "VERB"},
{LEMMA: 'ce', ORTH: '-ce'}]
_infixes_exc = []
for elision_char in ELISION:
for hyphen_char in ['-', '']:
_infixes_exc += [infix.replace("'", elision_char).replace('-', hyphen_char)
for infix in FR_BASE_EXCEPTIONS]
_infixes_exc += [upper_first_letter(word) for word in _infixes_exc]
_infixes_exc = list(set(_infixes_exc))
for orth in _infixes_exc:
_exc[orth] = [{ORTH: orth}]
_hyphen_prefix = [
'a[ée]ro', 'abat', 'a[fg]ro', 'after', 'am[ée]ricano', 'anglo', 'anti',
'apr[èe]s', 'arabo', 'arcs?', 'archi', 'arrières?', 'avant', 'auto',
'banc', 'bas(?:ses?)?', 'bec?', 'best', 'bio?', 'bien', 'blanc', 'bo[îi]te',
'bois', 'bou(?:c|rg)', 'b[êe]ta', 'cache', 'cap(?:ello)?', 'champ',
'chapelle', 'ch[âa]teau', 'cha(?:ud|t)e?s?', 'chou', 'chromo', 'claire?s?',
'co(?:de|ca)?', 'compte', 'contre', 'cordon', 'coupe?', 'court', 'crash',
'crise', 'croche', 'cross', 'cyber', 'côte', 'demi', 'di(?:sney)?',
'd[ée]s?', 'double', 'dys', 'entre', 'est', 'ethno', 'extra', 'extrême',
'[ée]co', 'fil', 'fort', 'franco?s?', 'gallo', 'gardes?', 'gastro',
'grande?', 'gratte', 'gr[ée]co', 'gros', 'g[ée]o', 'haute?s?', 'hyper',
'indo', 'infra', 'inter', 'intra', 'islamo', 'italo', 'jean', 'labio',
'latino', 'live', 'lot', 'louis', 'm[ai]cro', 'mesnil', 'mi(?:ni)?', 'mono',
'mont?s?', 'moyen', 'multi', 'm[ée]cano', 'm[ée]dico', 'm[ée]do', 'm[ée]ta',
'mots?', 'noix', 'non', 'nord', 'notre', 'n[ée]o', 'ouest', 'outre', 'ouvre',
'passe', 'perce', 'pharmaco', 'ph[oy]to', 'pique', 'poissons?', 'ponce',
'pont', 'po[rs]t', 'primo', 'pro(?:cès|to)?', 'pare', 'petite?', 'porte',
'pré', 'prêchi', 'pseudo', 'pêle', 'péri', 'puy', 'quasi', 'recourt',
'rythmo', 'r[ée]', 'r[ée]tro', 'sans', 'sainte?s?', 'semi', 'social',
'sous', 'su[bdr]', 'super', 'tire', 'thermo', 'tiers', 'trans',
'tr(?:i|ou)', 't[ée]l[ée]', 'vi[cd]e', 'vid[ée]o', 'vie(?:ux|illes?)',
'vill(?:e|eneuve|ers|ette|iers|y)', 'ultra', 'à', '[ée]lectro', '[ée]qui']
_elision_prefix = ['entr', 'grande?s?']
_other_hyphens = ''.join([h for h in HYPHENS if h != '-'])
_regular_exp = [
'^droits?[{hyphen}]de[{hyphen}]l\'homm[{alpha}]+$'.format(hyphen=HYPHENS, alpha=ALPHA_LOWER),
'^zig[{hyphen}]zag[{alpha}]*$'.format(hyphen=HYPHENS, alpha=ALPHA_LOWER),
'^prud[{elision}]homm[{alpha}]*$'.format(elision=ELISION, alpha=ALPHA_LOWER)]
_regular_exp += ["^{prefix}[{hyphen}][{alpha}][{alpha}{elision}{other_hyphen}\-]*$".format(
prefix=p, hyphen=HYPHENS, other_hyphen=_other_hyphens,
elision=ELISION, alpha=ALPHA_LOWER)
for p in _hyphen_prefix]
_regular_exp += ["^{prefix}[{elision}][{alpha}][{alpha}{elision}{hyphen}\-]*$".format(
prefix=p, elision=HYPHENS, hyphen=_other_hyphens, alpha=ALPHA_LOWER)
for p in _elision_prefix]
TOKEN_MATCH = re.compile('|'.join('(?:{})'.format(m) for m in _regular_exp), re.IGNORECASE).match