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Example sentences to test spaCy and its language models.
>>> from spacy.lang.kmr.examples import sentences
>>> docs = nlp.pipe(sentences)
sentences = [
"Berê mirovan her tim li geşedana pêşerojê ye", # People's gaze is always on the development of the future
"Kawa Nemir di 14 salan de Ulysses wergerand Kurmancî.", # Kawa Nemir translated Ulysses into Kurmanji in 14 years.
"Mem Ararat hunermendekî Kurd yê bi nav û deng e.", # Mem Ararat is a famous Kurdish artist
"Firat Cewerî 40 sal e pirtûkên Kurdî dinivîsîne.", # Firat Ceweri has been writing Kurdish books for 40 years
"Rojnamegerê ciwan nûçeyeke balkêş li ser rewşa aborî nivîsand", # The young journalist wrote an interesting news article about the economic situation
"Sektora çandiniyê beşeke giring a belavkirina gaza serayê li seranserê cîhanê pêk tîne", # The agricultural sector constitutes an important part of greenhouse gas emissions worldwide
"Xwendekarên jêhatî di pêşbaziya matematîkê de serkeftî bûn", # Talented students succeeded in the mathematics competition
"Ji ber ji tunebûnê bavê min xwişkeke min nedan xwendin ew ji min re bû derd û kulek.", # Because of poverty, my father didn't send my sister to school, which became a pain and sorrow for me