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from typing import List, Tuple, Any, Optional
from thinc.api import Ops, Model, normal_init, chain, list2array, Linear
from thinc.types import Floats1d, Floats2d, Floats3d, Ints2d, Floats4d
import numpy
from ..tokens.doc import Doc
TransitionSystem = Any # TODO
State = Any # TODO
def TransitionModel(
tok2vec: Model[List[Doc], List[Floats2d]],
state_tokens: int,
hidden_width: int,
maxout_pieces: int,
nO: Optional[int] = None,
) -> Model[Tuple[List[Doc], TransitionSystem], List[Tuple[State, List[Floats2d]]]]:
"""Set up a transition-based parsing model, using a maxout hidden
layer and a linear output layer.
t2v_width = tok2vec.get_dim("nO") if tok2vec.has_dim("nO") else None
tok2vec_projected = chain(tok2vec, list2array(), Linear(hidden_width, t2v_width)) # type: ignore
tok2vec_projected.set_dim("nO", hidden_width)
return Model(
refs={"tok2vec": tok2vec_projected},
"lower_W": None, # Floats2d W for the hidden layer
"lower_b": None, # Floats1d bias for the hidden layer
"lower_pad": None, # Floats1d bias for the hidden layer
"upper_W": None, # Floats2d W for the output layer
"upper_b": None, # Floats1d bias for the output layer
"nO": None, # Output size
"nP": maxout_pieces,
"nH": hidden_width,
"nI": tok2vec_projected.maybe_get_dim("nO"),
"nF": state_tokens,
"unseen_classes": set(unseen_classes),
"resize_output": resize_output,
def resize_output(model: Model, new_nO: int) -> Model:
old_nO = model.maybe_get_dim("nO")
if old_nO is None:
model.set_dim("nO", new_nO)
return model
elif new_nO <= old_nO:
return model
elif model.has_param("upper_W"):
nH = model.get_dim("nH")
new_W = model.ops.alloc2f(new_nO, nH)
new_b = model.ops.alloc1f(new_nO)
old_W = model.get_param("upper_W")
old_b = model.get_param("upper_b")
new_W[:old_nO] = old_W # type: ignore
new_b[:old_nO] = old_b # type: ignore
for i in range(old_nO, new_nO):
model.set_param("upper_W", new_W)
model.set_param("upper_b", new_b)
model.set_dim("nO", new_nO, force=True)
return model
def init(
X: Optional[Tuple[List[Doc], TransitionSystem]] = None,
Y: Optional[Tuple[List[State], List[Floats2d]]] = None,
if X is not None:
docs, moves = X
inferred_nO = _infer_nO(Y)
if inferred_nO is not None:
current_nO = model.maybe_get_dim("nO")
if current_nO is None:
model.set_dim("nO", inferred_nO)
elif current_nO != inferred_nO:
model.attrs["resize_output"](model, inferred_nO)
nO = model.get_dim("nO")
nP = model.get_dim("nP")
nH = model.get_dim("nH")
nI = model.get_dim("nI")
nF = model.get_dim("nF")
ops = model.ops
Wl = ops.alloc4f(nF, nH, nP, nI)
bl = ops.alloc2f(nH, nP)
padl = ops.alloc4f(1, nF, nH, nP)
Wu = ops.alloc2f(nO, nH)
bu = ops.alloc1f(nO)
Wl = normal_init(ops, Wl.shape, mean=float(ops.xp.sqrt(1.0 / nF * nI))) # type: ignore
padl = normal_init(ops, padl.shape, mean=1.0) # type: ignore
# TODO: Experiment with whether better to initialize upper_W
model.set_param("lower_W", Wl)
model.set_param("lower_b", bl)
model.set_param("lower_pad", padl)
model.set_param("upper_W", Wu)
model.set_param("upper_b", bu)
def forward(model, docs_moves: Tuple[List[Doc], TransitionSystem], is_train: bool):
nF = model.get_dim("nF")
tok2vec = model.get_ref("tok2vec")
lower_pad = model.get_param("lower_pad")
lower_b = model.get_param("lower_b")
upper_W = model.get_param("upper_W")
upper_b = model.get_param("upper_b")
ops = model.ops
docs, moves = docs_moves
states = moves.init_batch(docs)
tokvecs, backprop_tok2vec = tok2vec(docs, is_train)
feats, backprop_feats = _forward_precomputable_affine(model, tokvecs, is_train)
all_ids = []
all_which = []
all_statevecs = []
all_scores = []
next_states = [s for s in states if not s.is_final()]
unseen_mask = _get_unseen_mask(model)
ids = numpy.zeros((len(states), nF), dtype="i")
arange = model.ops.xp.arange(nF)
while next_states:
ids = ids[: len(next_states)]
for i, state in enumerate(next_states):
state.set_context_tokens(ids, i, nF)
# Sum the state features, add the bias and apply the activation (maxout)
# to create the state vectors.
preacts = feats[ids, arange].sum(axis=1) # type: ignore
preacts += lower_b
statevecs, which = ops.maxout(preacts)
# Multiply the state-vector by the scores weights and add the bias,
# to get the logits.
scores = ops.gemm(statevecs, upper_W, trans2=True)
scores += upper_b
scores[:, unseen_mask == 0] = model.ops.xp.nanmin(scores)
# Transition the states, filtering out any that are finished.
next_states = moves.transition_states(next_states, scores)
if is_train:
# Remember intermediate results for the backprop.
def backprop_parser(d_states_d_scores):
_, d_scores = d_states_d_scores
if model.attrs.get("unseen_classes"):
# If we have a negative gradient (i.e. the probability should
# increase) on any classes we filtered out as unseen, mark
# them as seen.
for clas in set(model.attrs["unseen_classes"]):
if (d_scores[:, clas] < 0).any():
d_scores *= unseen_mask
statevecs = ops.xp.vstack(all_statevecs)
which = ops.xp.vstack(all_which)
# Calculate the gradients for the parameters of the upper layer.
model.inc_grad("upper_b", d_scores.sum(axis=0))
model.inc_grad("upper_W", model.ops.gemm(d_scores, statevecs, trans1=True))
# Now calculate d_statevecs, by backproping through the upper linear layer.
d_statevecs = model.ops.gemm(d_scores, upper_W)
# Backprop through the maxout activation
d_preacts = model.ops.backprop_maxout(d_statevecs, which, model.get_dim("nP"))
# We don't need to backprop the summation, because we pass back the IDs instead
d_state_features = backprop_feats((d_preacts, all_ids))
ids1d = model.ops.xp.vstack(all_ids).flatten()
d_state_features = d_state_features.reshape((ids1d.size, -1))
d_tokvecs = model.ops.alloc((tokvecs.shape[0] + 1, tokvecs.shape[1]))
model.ops.scatter_add(d_tokvecs, ids1d, d_state_features)
return (backprop_tok2vec(d_tokvecs[:-1]), None)
return (states, all_scores), backprop_parser
def _get_unseen_mask(model: Model) -> Floats1d:
mask = model.ops.alloc1f(model.get_dim("nO"))
for class_ in model.attrs.get("unseen_classes", set()):
mask[class_] = 0
return mask
def _forward_precomputable_affine(model, X: Floats2d, is_train: bool):
W: Floats4d = model.get_param("lower_W")
pad: Floats4d = model.get_param("lower_pad")
nF = model.get_dim("nF")
nH = model.get_dim("nH")
nP = model.get_dim("nP")
nI = model.get_dim("nI")
assert X.shape == (X.shape[0], nI), X.shape
Yf_ = model.ops.gemm(X, model.ops.reshape2f(W, nF * nH * nP, nI), trans2=True)
Yf = model.ops.reshape4f(Yf_, Yf_.shape[0], nF, nH, nP)
Yf = model.ops.xp.vstack((Yf, pad))
def backward(dY_ids: Tuple[Floats3d, Ints2d]):
# This backprop is particularly tricky, because we get back a different
# thing from what we put out. We put out an array of shape:
# (nB, nF, nH, nP), and get back:
# (nB, nH, nP) and ids (nB, nF)
# The ids tell us the values of nF, so we would have:
# dYf = zeros((nB, nF, nH, nP))
# for b in range(nB):
# for f in range(nF):
# dYf[b, ids[b, f]] += dY[b]
# However, we avoid building that array for efficiency -- and just pass
# in the indices.
dY, ids = dY_ids
assert dY.ndim == 3
assert dY.shape[1] == nH, dY.shape
assert dY.shape[2] == nP, dY.shape
# nB = dY.shape[0]
"lower_pad", _backprop_precomputable_affine_padding(model, dY, ids)
model.inc_grad("lower_b", dY.sum(axis=0)) # type: ignore
dY = model.ops.reshape2f(dY, dY.shape[0], nH * nP)
Wopfi = W.transpose((1, 2, 0, 3))
Wopfi = Wopfi.reshape((nH * nP, nF * nI))
dXf = model.ops.gemm(dY.reshape((dY.shape[0], nH * nP)), Wopfi)
ids1d = model.ops.xp.vstack(ids).flatten()
Xf = model.ops.reshape2f(X[ids1d], -1, nF * nI)
dWopfi = model.ops.gemm(dY, Xf, trans1=True)
dWopfi = dWopfi.reshape((nH, nP, nF, nI))
# (o, p, f, i) --> (f, o, p, i)
dWopfi = dWopfi.transpose((2, 0, 1, 3))
model.inc_grad("W", dWopfi)
return model.ops.reshape3f(dXf, dXf.shape[0], nF, nI)
return Yf, backward
def _backprop_precomputable_affine_padding(model, dY, ids):
ids = model.ops.xp.vstack(ids)
nB = dY.shape[0]
nF = model.get_dim("nF")
nP = model.get_dim("nP")
nH = model.get_dim("nH")
# Backprop the "padding", used as a filler for missing values.
# Values that are missing are set to -1, and each state vector could
# have multiple missing values. The padding has different values for
# different missing features. The gradient of the padding vector is:
# for b in range(nB):
# for f in range(nF):
# if ids[b, f] < 0:
# d_pad[f] += dY[b]
# Which can be rewritten as:
# (ids < 0).T @ dY
mask = model.ops.asarray(ids < 0, dtype="f")
d_pad = model.ops.gemm(mask, dY.reshape(nB, nH * nP), trans1=True)
return d_pad.reshape((1, nF, nH, nP))
def _infer_nO(Y: Optional[Tuple[List[State], List[Floats2d]]]) -> Optional[int]:
if Y is None:
return None
_, scores = Y
if len(scores) == 0:
return None
assert scores[0].shape[0] >= 1
assert len(scores[0].shape) == 2
return scores[0].shape[1]
def _lsuv_init(model):
"""This is like the 'layer sequential unit variance', but instead
of taking the actual inputs, we randomly generate whitened data.
Why's this all so complicated? We have a huge number of inputs,
and the maxout unit makes guessing the dynamics tricky. Instead
we set the maxout weights to values that empirically result in
whitened outputs given whitened inputs.
return None