2015-12-07 06:50:26 +01:00

239 lines
7.1 KiB

from __future__ import absolute_import
from os import path
from warnings import warn
import io
import ujson as json
except ImportError:
import json
from .tokenizer import Tokenizer
from .vocab import Vocab
from .syntax.parser import Parser
from .tagger import Tagger
from .matcher import Matcher
from .serialize.packer import Packer
from . import attrs
from . import orth
from .syntax.ner import BiluoPushDown
from .syntax.arc_eager import ArcEager
from .attrs import TAG, DEP, ENT_IOB, ENT_TYPE, HEAD
from .util import default_package
class Language(object):
def lower(string):
return string.lower()
def norm(string):
return string
def shape(string):
return orth.word_shape(string)
def prefix(string):
return string[0]
def suffix(string):
return string[-3:]
def prob(string):
return -30
def cluster(string):
return 0
def is_alpha(string):
return orth.is_alpha(string)
def is_ascii(string):
return orth.is_ascii(string)
def is_digit(string):
return string.isdigit()
def is_lower(string):
return orth.is_lower(string)
def is_punct(string):
return orth.is_punct(string)
def is_space(string):
return string.isspace()
def is_title(string):
return orth.is_title(string)
def is_upper(string):
return orth.is_upper(string)
def like_url(string):
return orth.like_url(string)
def like_num(string):
return orth.like_number(string)
def like_email(string):
return orth.like_email(string)
def is_stop(string):
return 0
def default_lex_attrs(cls):
return {
attrs.LOWER: cls.lower,
attrs.NORM: cls.norm,
attrs.SHAPE: cls.shape,
attrs.PREFIX: cls.prefix,
attrs.SUFFIX: cls.suffix,
attrs.CLUSTER: cls.cluster,
attrs.PROB: lambda string: -10.0,
attrs.IS_ALPHA: cls.is_alpha,
attrs.IS_ASCII: cls.is_ascii,
attrs.IS_DIGIT: cls.is_digit,
attrs.IS_LOWER: cls.is_lower,
attrs.IS_PUNCT: cls.is_punct,
attrs.IS_SPACE: cls.is_space,
attrs.IS_TITLE: cls.is_title,
attrs.IS_UPPER: cls.is_upper,
attrs.LIKE_URL: cls.like_url,
attrs.LIKE_NUM: cls.like_num,
attrs.LIKE_EMAIL: cls.like_email,
attrs.IS_STOP: cls.is_stop,
attrs.IS_OOV: lambda string: True
def default_dep_labels(cls):
return {0: {'ROOT': True}}
def default_ner_labels(cls):
return {0: {'PER': True, 'LOC': True, 'ORG': True, 'MISC': True}}
def default_vocab(cls, package=None, get_lex_attr=None):
if package is None:
package = default_package()
if get_lex_attr is None:
get_lex_attr = cls.default_lex_attrs()
return Vocab.from_package(package, get_lex_attr=get_lex_attr)
def default_parser(cls, package, vocab):
data_dir = package.dir_path('data', 'deps', require=False)
if data_dir and path.exists(data_dir):
return Parser.from_dir(data_dir, vocab.strings, ArcEager)
def default_entity(cls, package, vocab):
data_dir = package.dir_path('data', 'ner', require=False)
if data_dir and path.exists(data_dir):
return Parser.from_dir(data_dir, vocab.strings, BiluoPushDown)
def __init__(self, package=None, vocab=None, tokenizer=None, tagger=None,
parser=None, entity=None, matcher=None, serializer=None,
if load_vectors is not True:
warn("load_vectors is deprecated", DeprecationWarning)
if package in (None, True):
package = default_package()
if vocab in (None, True):
vocab = self.default_vocab(package)
if tokenizer in (None, True):
tokenizer = Tokenizer.from_package(package, vocab)
if tagger in (None, True):
tagger = Tagger.from_package(package, vocab)
if entity in (None, True):
entity = self.default_entity(package, vocab)
if parser in (None, True):
parser = self.default_parser(package, vocab)
if matcher in (None, True):
matcher = Matcher.from_package(package, vocab)
self.vocab = vocab
self.tokenizer = tokenizer
self.tagger = tagger
self.parser = parser
self.entity = entity
self.matcher = matcher
def __reduce__(self):
return (self.__class__,
(None, self.vocab, self.tokenizer, self.tagger, self.parser,
self.entity, self.matcher, None),
None, None)
def __call__(self, text, tag=True, parse=True, entity=True):
"""Apply the pipeline to some text. The text can span multiple sentences,
and can contain arbtrary whitespace. Alignment into the original string
is preserved.
text (unicode): The text to be processed.
tokens (spacy.tokens.Doc):
>>> from spacy.en import English
>>> nlp = English()
>>> tokens = nlp('An example sentence. Another example sentence.')
>>> tokens[0].orth_, tokens[0].head.tag_
('An', 'NN')
tokens = self.tokenizer(text)
if self.tagger and tag:
if self.matcher and entity:
if self.parser and parse:
if self.entity and entity:
return tokens
def end_training(self, data_dir=None):
if data_dir is None:
data_dir = self.data_dir
self.parser.model.dump(path.join(data_dir, 'deps', 'model'))
self.entity.model.dump(path.join(data_dir, 'ner', 'model'))
self.tagger.model.dump(path.join(data_dir, 'pos', 'model'))
strings_loc = path.join(data_dir, 'vocab', 'strings.json')
with, 'w', encoding='utf8') as file_:
with open(path.join(data_dir, 'vocab', 'serializer.json'), 'w') as file_:
(TAG, list(self.tagger.freqs[TAG].items())),
(DEP, list(self.parser.moves.freqs[DEP].items())),
(ENT_IOB, list(self.entity.moves.freqs[ENT_IOB].items())),
(ENT_TYPE, list(self.entity.moves.freqs[ENT_TYPE].items())),
(HEAD, list(self.parser.moves.freqs[HEAD].items()))]))