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synced 2025-03-11 06:45:49 +03:00
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203 lines
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import warnings
import srsly
from .. import util
from ..errors import Warnings
from ..tokens import Token, Doc
from .example import Example
from .iob_utils import biluo_tags_from_offsets
def merge_sents(sents):
m_deps = [[], [], [], [], [], []]
m_cats = {}
m_brackets = []
i = 0
for (ids, words, tags, heads, labels, ner), (cats, brackets) in sents:
m_deps[0].extend(id_ + i for id_ in ids)
m_deps[3].extend(head + i for head in heads)
m_brackets.extend((b["first"] + i, b["last"] + i, b["label"])
for b in brackets)
i += len(ids)
return [(m_deps, (m_cats, m_brackets))]
def docs_to_json(docs, id=0, ner_missing_tag="O"):
"""Convert a list of Doc objects into the JSON-serializable format used by
the spacy train command.
docs (iterable / Doc): The Doc object(s) to convert.
id (int): Id for the JSON.
RETURNS (dict): The data in spaCy's JSON format
- each input doc will be treated as a paragraph in the output doc
if isinstance(docs, Doc):
docs = [docs]
json_doc = {"id": id, "paragraphs": []}
for i, doc in enumerate(docs):
json_para = {'raw': doc.text, "sentences": [], "cats": []}
for cat, val in doc.cats.items():
json_cat = {"label": cat, "value": val}
ent_offsets = [(e.start_char, e.end_char, e.label_) for e in doc.ents]
biluo_tags = biluo_tags_from_offsets(doc, ent_offsets, missing=ner_missing_tag)
for j, sent in enumerate(doc.sents):
json_sent = {"tokens": [], "brackets": []}
for token in sent:
json_token = {"id": token.i, "orth": token.text}
if doc.is_tagged:
json_token["tag"] = token.tag_
json_token["pos"] = token.pos_
json_token["morph"] = token.morph_
json_token["lemma"] = token.lemma_
if doc.is_parsed:
json_token["head"] = token.head.i-token.i
json_token["dep"] = token.dep_
json_token["ner"] = biluo_tags[token.i]
return json_doc
def json_to_examples(doc):
"""Convert an item in the JSON-formatted training data to the format
used by GoldParse.
doc (dict): One entry in the training data.
YIELDS (Example): The reformatted data - one training example per paragraph
for paragraph in doc["paragraphs"]:
example = Example(doc=paragraph.get("raw", None))
words = []
ids = []
tags = []
pos = []
morphs = []
lemmas = []
heads = []
labels = []
ner = []
sent_starts = []
brackets = []
for sent in paragraph["sentences"]:
sent_start_i = len(words)
for i, token in enumerate(sent["tokens"]):
ids.append(token.get('id', sent_start_i + i))
tags.append(token.get('tag', "-"))
pos.append(token.get("pos", ""))
morphs.append(token.get("morph", ""))
lemmas.append(token.get("lemma", ""))
heads.append(token.get("head", 0) + sent_start_i + i)
labels.append(token.get("dep", ""))
# Ensure ROOT label is case-insensitive
if labels[-1].lower() == "root":
labels[-1] = "ROOT"
ner.append(token.get("ner", "-"))
if i == 0:
if "brackets" in sent:
brackets.extend((b["first"] + sent_start_i,
b["last"] + sent_start_i, b["label"])
for b in sent["brackets"])
cats = {}
for cat in paragraph.get("cats", {}):
cats[cat["label"]] = cat["value"]
example.set_token_annotation(ids=ids, words=words, tags=tags,
pos=pos, morphs=morphs, lemmas=lemmas, heads=heads,
deps=labels, entities=ner, sent_starts=sent_starts,
yield example
def read_json_file(loc, docs_filter=None, limit=None):
loc = util.ensure_path(loc)
if loc.is_dir():
for filename in loc.iterdir():
yield from read_json_file(loc / filename, limit=limit)
for doc in json_iterate(loc):
if docs_filter is not None and not docs_filter(doc):
for json_data in json_to_examples(doc):
yield json_data
def read_json_object(json_corpus_section):
"""Take a list of JSON-formatted documents (e.g. from an already loaded
training data file) and yield annotations in the GoldParse format.
json_corpus_section (list): The data.
YIELDS (Example): The reformatted data - one training example per paragraph
for json_doc in json_corpus_section:
examples = json_to_examples(json_doc)
for ex in examples:
yield ex
def json_iterate(loc):
# We should've made these files jsonl...But since we didn't, parse out
# the docs one-by-one to reduce memory usage.
# It's okay to read in the whole file -- just don't parse it into JSON.
cdef bytes py_raw
loc = util.ensure_path(loc)
with loc.open("rb") as file_:
py_raw = file_.read()
cdef long file_length = len(py_raw)
if file_length > 2 ** 30:
raw = <char*>py_raw
cdef int square_depth = 0
cdef int curly_depth = 0
cdef int inside_string = 0
cdef int escape = 0
cdef long start = -1
cdef char c
cdef char quote = ord('"')
cdef char backslash = ord("\\")
cdef char open_square = ord("[")
cdef char close_square = ord("]")
cdef char open_curly = ord("{")
cdef char close_curly = ord("}")
for i in range(file_length):
c = raw[i]
if escape:
escape = False
if c == backslash:
escape = True
if c == quote:
inside_string = not inside_string
if inside_string:
if c == open_square:
square_depth += 1
elif c == close_square:
square_depth -= 1
elif c == open_curly:
if square_depth == 1 and curly_depth == 0:
start = i
curly_depth += 1
elif c == close_curly:
curly_depth -= 1
if square_depth == 1 and curly_depth == 0:
py_str = py_raw[start : i + 1].decode("utf8")
yield srsly.json_loads(py_str)
except Exception:
start = -1