mirror of
synced 2025-03-27 13:24:13 +03:00
* new morph feature format * add new languages with tokenization * update with all new pretrained models
298 lines
13 KiB
298 lines
13 KiB
import spacy
import time
import re
import plac
import operator
import datetime
from pathlib import Path
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import conll17_ud_eval
from ud_train import write_conllu
from spacy.lang.lex_attrs import word_shape
from spacy.util import get_lang_class
# All languages in spaCy format (note that Norwegian is 'no' in UD - gets remapped later)
ALL_LANGUAGES = ("af, ar, bg, bn, ca, cs, da, de, el, en, es, et, eu, fa, fi, fr,"
"ga, gu, he, hi, hr, hu, hy, id, is, it, ja, kn, ko, lb, lij, lt, lv, ml, mr, nb,"
"nl, pl, pt, ro, ru, si, sk, sl, sq, sr, sv, ta, te, th, tl,"
"tr, tt, uk, ur, vi, yo, zh")
# Non-parsing tasks that will be evaluated (works for default models)
EVAL_NO_PARSE = ['Tokens', 'Words', 'Lemmas', 'Sentences', 'Feats']
# Tasks that will be evaluated if check_parse=True (does not work for default models)
EVAL_PARSE = ['Tokens', 'Words', 'Lemmas', 'Sentences', 'Feats', 'UPOS', 'XPOS', 'AllTags', 'UAS', 'LAS']
# Minimum frequency an error should have to be printed
# Maximum number of errors printed per category
space_re = re.compile("\s+")
def load_model(modelname, add_sentencizer=False):
""" Load a specific spaCy model """
loading_start = time.time()
nlp = spacy.load(modelname)
if add_sentencizer:
loading_end = time.time()
loading_time = loading_end - loading_start
if add_sentencizer:
return nlp, loading_time, modelname + '_sentencizer'
return nlp, loading_time, modelname
def load_default_model_sentencizer(lang):
""" Load a generic spaCy model and add the sentencizer for sentence tokenization"""
loading_start = time.time()
lang_class = get_lang_class(lang)
nlp = lang_class()
loading_end = time.time()
loading_time = loading_end - loading_start
return nlp, loading_time, lang + "_default_" + 'sentencizer'
def split_text(text):
return [space_re.sub(" ", par.strip()) for par in text.split("\n\n")]
def get_freq_tuples(my_list, print_total_threshold):
""" Turn a list of errors into frequency-sorted tuples thresholded by a certain total number """
d = {}
for token in my_list:
d.setdefault(token, 0)
d[token] += 1
return sorted(d.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True)[:print_total_threshold]
def _contains_blinded_text(stats_xml):
""" Heuristic to determine whether the treebank has blinded texts or not """
tree = ET.parse(stats_xml)
root = tree.getroot()
total_tokens = int(root.find('size/total/tokens').text)
unique_forms = int(root.find('forms').get('unique'))
# assume the corpus is largely blinded when there are less than 1% unique tokens
return (unique_forms / total_tokens) < 0.01
def fetch_all_treebanks(ud_dir, languages, corpus, best_per_language):
"""" Fetch the txt files for all treebanks for a given set of languages """
all_treebanks = dict()
treebank_size = dict()
for l in languages:
all_treebanks[l] = []
treebank_size[l] = 0
for treebank_dir in ud_dir.iterdir():
if treebank_dir.is_dir():
for txt_path in treebank_dir.iterdir():
if txt_path.name.endswith('-ud-' + corpus + '.txt'):
file_lang = txt_path.name.split('_')[0]
if file_lang in languages:
gold_path = treebank_dir / txt_path.name.replace('.txt', '.conllu')
stats_xml = treebank_dir / "stats.xml"
# ignore treebanks where the texts are not publicly available
if not _contains_blinded_text(stats_xml):
if not best_per_language:
# check the tokens in the gold annotation to keep only the biggest treebank per language
with gold_path.open(mode='r', encoding='utf-8') as gold_file:
gold_ud = conll17_ud_eval.load_conllu(gold_file)
gold_tokens = len(gold_ud.tokens)
if treebank_size[file_lang] < gold_tokens:
all_treebanks[file_lang] = [txt_path]
treebank_size[file_lang] = gold_tokens
return all_treebanks
def run_single_eval(nlp, loading_time, print_name, text_path, gold_ud, tmp_output_path, out_file, print_header,
check_parse, print_freq_tasks):
"""" Run an evaluation of a model nlp on a certain specified treebank """
with text_path.open(mode='r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
flat_text = f.read()
# STEP 1: tokenize text
tokenization_start = time.time()
texts = split_text(flat_text)
docs = list(nlp.pipe(texts))
tokenization_end = time.time()
tokenization_time = tokenization_end - tokenization_start
# STEP 2: record stats and timings
tokens_per_s = int(len(gold_ud.tokens) / tokenization_time)
print_header_1 = ['date', 'text_path', 'gold_tokens', 'model', 'loading_time', 'tokenization_time', 'tokens_per_s']
print_string_1 = [str(datetime.date.today()), text_path.name, len(gold_ud.tokens),
print_name, "%.2f" % loading_time, "%.2f" % tokenization_time, tokens_per_s]
# STEP 3: evaluate predicted tokens and features
with tmp_output_path.open(mode="w", encoding="utf8") as tmp_out_file:
write_conllu(docs, tmp_out_file)
with tmp_output_path.open(mode="r", encoding="utf8") as sys_file:
sys_ud = conll17_ud_eval.load_conllu(sys_file, check_parse=check_parse)
scores = conll17_ud_eval.evaluate(gold_ud, sys_ud, check_parse=check_parse)
# STEP 4: format the scoring results
eval_headers = EVAL_PARSE
if not check_parse:
eval_headers = EVAL_NO_PARSE
for score_name in eval_headers:
score = scores[score_name]
print_string_1.extend(["%.2f" % score.precision,
"%.2f" % score.recall,
"%.2f" % score.f1])
print_string_1.append("-" if score.aligned_accuracy is None else "%.2f" % score.aligned_accuracy)
print_string_1.append("-" if score.undersegmented is None else "%.4f" % score.under_perc)
print_string_1.append("-" if score.oversegmented is None else "%.4f" % score.over_perc)
print_header_1.extend([score_name + '_p', score_name + '_r', score_name + '_F', score_name + '_acc',
score_name + '_under', score_name + '_over'])
if score_name in print_freq_tasks:
print_header_1.extend([score_name + '_word_under_ex', score_name + '_shape_under_ex',
score_name + '_word_over_ex', score_name + '_shape_over_ex'])
d_under_words = get_freq_tuples(score.undersegmented, PRINT_TOTAL)
d_under_shapes = get_freq_tuples([word_shape(x) for x in score.undersegmented], PRINT_TOTAL)
d_over_words = get_freq_tuples(score.oversegmented, PRINT_TOTAL)
d_over_shapes = get_freq_tuples([word_shape(x) for x in score.oversegmented], PRINT_TOTAL)
# saving to CSV with ; seperator so blinding ; in the example output
str({k: v for k, v in d_under_words if v > PRINT_FREQ}).replace(";", "*SEMICOLON*"))
str({k: v for k, v in d_under_shapes if v > PRINT_FREQ}).replace(";", "*SEMICOLON*"))
str({k: v for k, v in d_over_words if v > PRINT_FREQ}).replace(";", "*SEMICOLON*"))
str({k: v for k, v in d_over_shapes if v > PRINT_FREQ}).replace(";", "*SEMICOLON*"))
# STEP 5: print the formatted results to CSV
if print_header:
out_file.write(';'.join(map(str, print_header_1)) + '\n')
out_file.write(';'.join(map(str, print_string_1)) + '\n')
def run_all_evals(models, treebanks, out_file, check_parse, print_freq_tasks):
"""" Run an evaluation for each language with its specified models and treebanks """
print_header = True
for tb_lang, treebank_list in treebanks.items():
print("Language", tb_lang)
for text_path in treebank_list:
print(" Evaluating on", text_path)
gold_path = text_path.parent / (text_path.stem + '.conllu')
print(" Gold data from ", gold_path)
# nested try blocks to ensure the code can continue with the next iteration after a failure
with gold_path.open(mode='r', encoding='utf-8') as gold_file:
gold_ud = conll17_ud_eval.load_conllu(gold_file)
for nlp, nlp_loading_time, nlp_name in models[tb_lang]:
print(" Benchmarking", nlp_name)
tmp_output_path = text_path.parent / str('tmp_' + nlp_name + '.conllu')
run_single_eval(nlp, nlp_loading_time, nlp_name, text_path, gold_ud, tmp_output_path, out_file,
print_header, check_parse, print_freq_tasks)
print_header = False
except Exception as e:
print(" Ran into trouble: ", str(e))
except Exception as e:
print(" Ran into trouble: ", str(e))
out_path=("Path to output CSV file", "positional", None, Path),
ud_dir=("Path to Universal Dependencies corpus", "positional", None, Path),
check_parse=("Set flag to evaluate parsing performance", "flag", "p", bool),
langs=("Enumeration of languages to evaluate (default: all)", "option", "l", str),
exclude_trained_models=("Set flag to exclude trained models", "flag", "t", bool),
exclude_multi=("Set flag to exclude the multi-language model as default baseline", "flag", "m", bool),
hide_freq=("Set flag to avoid printing out more detailed high-freq tokenization errors", "flag", "f", bool),
corpus=("Whether to run on train, dev or test", "option", "c", str),
best_per_language=("Set flag to only keep the largest treebank for each language", "flag", "b", bool)
def main(out_path, ud_dir, check_parse=False, langs=ALL_LANGUAGES, exclude_trained_models=False, exclude_multi=False,
hide_freq=False, corpus='train', best_per_language=False):
Assemble all treebanks and models to run evaluations with.
When setting check_parse to True, the default models will not be evaluated as they don't have parsing functionality
languages = [lang.strip() for lang in langs.split(",")]
print_freq_tasks = []
if not hide_freq:
print_freq_tasks = ['Tokens']
# fetching all relevant treebank from the directory
treebanks = fetch_all_treebanks(ud_dir, languages, corpus, best_per_language)
print("Loading all relevant models for", languages)
models = dict()
# multi-lang model
multi = None
if not exclude_multi and not check_parse:
multi = load_model('xx_ent_wiki_sm', add_sentencizer=True)
# initialize all models with the multi-lang model
for lang in languages:
UD_lang = lang
# Norwegian is 'nb' in spaCy but 'no' in the UD corpora
if lang == "nb":
UD_lang = "no"
models[UD_lang] = [multi] if multi else []
# add default models if we don't want to evaluate parsing info
if not check_parse:
print(f"Exception initializing lang {lang} - skipping")
# language-specific trained models
if not exclude_trained_models:
news_languages = ["da", "de", "el", "es", "fr", "it", "ja", "lt", "nb", "nl", "pl", "pt", "ro"]
news_languages = ["nb"]
web_languages = ["en", "zh"]
sizes = ["sm", "md", "lg"]
for lang in web_languages:
UD_lang = lang
for size in sizes:
model_name = f'{lang}_core_web_{size}'
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error loading {model_name}: {e}")
for lang in news_languages:
UD_lang = lang
if lang == "nb":
UD_lang = "no"
for size in sizes:
model_name = f'{lang}_core_news_{size}'
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error loading {model_name}: {e}")
with out_path.open(mode='w', encoding='utf-8') as out_file:
run_all_evals(models, treebanks, out_file, check_parse, print_freq_tasks)
if __name__ == "__main__":