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# cython: infer_types=True, cdivision=True, boundscheck=False, binding=True
from __future__ import print_function
from cymem.cymem cimport Pool
cimport numpy as np
from itertools import islice
from libcpp.vector cimport vector
from libc.string cimport memset, memcpy
from libc.stdlib cimport calloc, free
import random
from typing import Optional
import srsly
from thinc.api import set_dropout_rate, CupyOps, get_array_module
from thinc.extra.search cimport Beam
import numpy.random
import numpy
import warnings
from ._parser_internals.stateclass cimport StateClass
from ..tokens.doc cimport Doc
from .trainable_pipe import TrainablePipe
from ._parser_internals cimport _beam_utils
from ._parser_internals import _beam_utils
from ..vocab cimport Vocab
from ._parser_internals.transition_system cimport TransitionSystem
from ..training import validate_examples, validate_get_examples
from ..errors import Errors, Warnings
from .. import util
class Parser(TrainablePipe):
Base class of the DependencyParser and EntityRecognizer.
def __init__(
Vocab vocab,
"""Create a Parser.
vocab (Vocab): The vocabulary object. Must be shared with documents
to be processed. The value is set to the `.vocab` attribute.
**cfg: Configuration parameters. Set to the `.cfg` attribute.
If it doesn't include a value for 'moves', a new instance is
created with `self.TransitionSystem()`. This defines how the
parse-state is created, updated and evaluated.
self.vocab = vocab
self.name = name
cfg = {
"moves": moves,
"update_with_oracle_cut_size": update_with_oracle_cut_size,
"multitasks": list(multitasks),
"min_action_freq": min_action_freq,
"learn_tokens": learn_tokens,
"beam_width": beam_width,
"beam_density": beam_density,
"beam_update_prob": beam_update_prob
if moves is None:
# defined by EntityRecognizer as a BiluoPushDown
moves = self.TransitionSystem(self.vocab.strings)
self.moves = moves
self.model = model
if self.moves.n_moves != 0:
self.cfg = cfg
self._multitasks = []
for multitask in cfg["multitasks"]:
self._rehearsal_model = None
def __getnewargs_ex__(self):
"""This allows pickling the Parser and its keyword-only init arguments"""
args = (self.vocab, self.model, self.name, self.moves)
return args, self.cfg
def move_names(self):
names = []
for i in range(self.moves.n_moves):
name = self.moves.move_name(self.moves.c[i].move, self.moves.c[i].label)
# Explicitly removing the internal "U-" token used for blocking entities
if name != "U-":
return names
def labels(self):
class_names = [self.moves.get_class_name(i) for i in range(self.moves.n_moves)]
return class_names
def label_data(self):
return self.moves.labels
def tok2vec(self):
"""Return the embedding and convolutional layer of the model."""
return self.model.get_ref("tok2vec")
def postprocesses(self):
# Available for subclasses, e.g. to deprojectivize
return []
def add_label(self, label):
resized = False
for action in self.moves.action_types:
added = self.moves.add_action(action, label)
if added:
resized = True
if resized:
return 1
return 0
def _resize(self):
self.model.attrs["resize_output"](self.model, self.moves.n_moves)
if self._rehearsal_model not in (True, False, None):
self._rehearsal_model, self.moves.n_moves
def add_multitask_objective(self, target):
# Defined in subclasses, to avoid circular import
raise NotImplementedError
def init_multitask_objectives(self, get_examples, pipeline, **cfg):
"""Setup models for secondary objectives, to benefit from multi-task
learning. This method is intended to be overridden by subclasses.
For instance, the dependency parser can benefit from sharing
an input representation with a label prediction model. These auxiliary
models are discarded after training.
def use_params(self, params):
# Can't decorate cdef class :(. Workaround.
with self.model.use_params(params):
def __call__(self, Doc doc):
"""Apply the parser or entity recognizer, setting the annotations onto
the `Doc` object.
doc (Doc): The document to be processed.
states = self.predict([doc])
self.set_annotations([doc], states)
return doc
def pipe(self, docs, *, int batch_size=256):
"""Process a stream of documents.
stream: The sequence of documents to process.
batch_size (int): Number of documents to accumulate into a working set.
YIELDS (Doc): Documents, in order.
cdef Doc doc
for batch in util.minibatch(docs, size=batch_size):
batch_in_order = list(batch)
by_length = sorted(batch, key=lambda doc: len(doc))
for subbatch in util.minibatch(by_length, size=max(batch_size//4, 2)):
subbatch = list(subbatch)
parse_states = self.predict(subbatch)
self.set_annotations(subbatch, parse_states)
yield from batch_in_order
def predict(self, docs):
if isinstance(docs, Doc):
docs = [docs]
if not any(len(doc) for doc in docs):
result = self.moves.init_batch(docs)
return result
if self.cfg["beam_width"] == 1:
return self.greedy_parse(docs, drop=0.0)
return self.beam_parse(
def greedy_parse(self, docs, drop=0.):
set_dropout_rate(self.model, drop)
# This is pretty dirty, but the NER can resize itself in init_batch,
# if labels are missing. We therefore have to check whether we need to
# expand our model output.
states, scores = self.model.predict((docs, self.moves))
return states
def beam_parse(self, docs, int beam_width, float drop=0., beam_density=0.):
raise NotImplementedError
def set_annotations(self, docs, states_or_beams):
cdef StateClass state
cdef Beam beam
cdef Doc doc
states = _beam_utils.collect_states(states_or_beams, docs)
for i, (state, doc) in enumerate(zip(states, docs)):
self.moves.set_annotations(state, doc)
for hook in self.postprocesses:
def update(self, examples, *, drop=0., sgd=None, losses=None):
cdef StateClass state
if losses is None:
losses = {}
losses.setdefault(self.name, 0.)
validate_examples(examples, "Parser.update")
for multitask in self._multitasks:
multitask.update(examples, drop=drop, sgd=sgd)
# We need to take care to act on the whole batch, because we might be
# getting vectors via a listener.
n_examples = len([eg for eg in examples if self.moves.has_gold(eg)])
if n_examples == 0:
return losses
set_dropout_rate(self.model, drop)
docs = [eg.x for eg in examples]
(states, scores), backprop_scores = self.model.begin_update((docs, self.moves))
d_scores = self.get_loss((states, scores), examples)
if sgd not in (None, False):
losses[self.name] += (d_scores**2).sum()
# Ugh, this is annoying. If we're working on GPU, we want to free the
# memory ASAP. It seems that Python doesn't necessarily get around to
# removing these in time if we don't explicitly delete? It's confusing.
del backprop_scores
return losses
def get_loss(self, states_scores, examples):
states, scores = states_scores
costs = self._get_costs_from_histories(
[list(state.history) for state in states]
xp = get_array_module(scores)
best_costs = costs.min(axis=1, keepdims=True)
is_gold = costs <= costs.min(axis=1, keepdims=True)
gscores = scores[is_gold]
max_ = scores.max(axis=1)
gmax = gscores.max(axis=1, keepdims=True)
exp_scores = xp.exp(scores - max_)
exp_gscores = xp.exp(gscores - gmax)
Z = exp_scores.sum(axis=1, keepdims=True)
gZ = exp_gscores.sum(axis=1, keepdims=True)
d_scores = exp_scores / Z
d_scores[is_gold] -= exp_gscores / gZ
return d_scores
def _get_costs_from_histories(self, examples, histories):
cdef TransitionSystem moves = self.moves
cdef StateClass state
cdef int clas
cdef int nF = self.model.state2vec.nF
cdef int nO = moves.n_moves
cdef int nS = sum([len(history) for history in histories])
cdef np.ndarray costs = numpy.zeros((nS, nO), dtype="f")
cdef Pool mem = Pool()
is_valid = <int*>mem.alloc(nO, sizeof(int))
c_costs = <float*>costs.data
states = moves.init_states([eg.x for eg in examples])
cdef int i = 0
for eg, state, history in zip(examples, states, histories):
gold = moves.init_gold(state, eg)
for clas in history:
moves.set_costs(is_valid, &c_costs[i*nO], state.c, gold)
action = moves.c[clas]
action.do(state.c, action.label)
i += 1
# If the model is on GPU, copy the costs to device.
costs = self.model.ops.asarray(costs)
return costs
def rehearse(self, examples, sgd=None, losses=None, **cfg):
"""Perform a "rehearsal" update, to prevent catastrophic forgetting."""
raise NotImplementedError
def update_beam(self, examples, *, beam_width,
drop=0., sgd=None, losses=None, beam_density=0.0):
raise NotImplementedError
def set_output(self, nO):
self.model.attrs["resize_output"](self.model, nO)
def initialize(self, get_examples, nlp=None, labels=None):
validate_get_examples(get_examples, "Parser.initialize")
lexeme_norms = self.vocab.lookups.get_table("lexeme_norm", {})
if len(lexeme_norms) == 0 and self.vocab.lang in util.LEXEME_NORM_LANGS:
langs = ", ".join(util.LEXEME_NORM_LANGS)
util.logger.debug(Warnings.W033.format(model="parser or NER", langs=langs))
if labels is not None:
actions = dict(labels)
actions = self.moves.get_actions(
for action, labels in self.moves.labels.items():
actions.setdefault(action, {})
for label, freq in labels.items():
if label not in actions[action]:
actions[action][label] = freq
# make sure we resize so we have an appropriate upper layer
doc_sample = []
if nlp is not None:
for name, component in nlp.pipeline:
if component is self:
# non-trainable components may have a pipe() implementation that refers to dummy
# predict and set_annotations methods
if hasattr(component, "pipe"):
doc_sample = list(component.pipe(doc_sample, batch_size=8))
doc_sample = [component(doc) for doc in doc_sample]
if not doc_sample:
for example in islice(get_examples(), 10):
assert len(doc_sample) > 0, Errors.E923.format(name=self.name)
if nlp is not None:
self.init_multitask_objectives(get_examples, nlp.pipeline)
def to_disk(self, path, exclude=tuple()):
serializers = {
"model": lambda p: (self.model.to_disk(p) if self.model is not True else True),
"vocab": lambda p: self.vocab.to_disk(p),
"moves": lambda p: self.moves.to_disk(p, exclude=["strings"]),
"cfg": lambda p: srsly.write_json(p, self.cfg)
util.to_disk(path, serializers, exclude)
def from_disk(self, path, exclude=tuple()):
deserializers = {
"vocab": lambda p: self.vocab.from_disk(p),
"moves": lambda p: self.moves.from_disk(p, exclude=["strings"]),
"cfg": lambda p: self.cfg.update(srsly.read_json(p)),
"model": lambda p: None,
util.from_disk(path, deserializers, exclude)
if "model" not in exclude:
path = util.ensure_path(path)
with (path / "model").open("rb") as file_:
bytes_data = file_.read()
except AttributeError:
raise ValueError(Errors.E149) from None
return self
def to_bytes(self, exclude=tuple()):
serializers = {
"model": lambda: (self.model.to_bytes()),
"vocab": lambda: self.vocab.to_bytes(),
"moves": lambda: self.moves.to_bytes(exclude=["strings"]),
"cfg": lambda: srsly.json_dumps(self.cfg, indent=2, sort_keys=True)
return util.to_bytes(serializers, exclude)
def from_bytes(self, bytes_data, exclude=tuple()):
deserializers = {
"vocab": lambda b: self.vocab.from_bytes(b),
"moves": lambda b: self.moves.from_bytes(b, exclude=["strings"]),
"cfg": lambda b: self.cfg.update(srsly.json_loads(b)),
"model": lambda b: None,
msg = util.from_bytes(bytes_data, deserializers, exclude)
if 'model' not in exclude:
if 'model' in msg:
except AttributeError:
raise ValueError(Errors.E149) from None
return self