
203 lines
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# cython: profile=True
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from libc.stdlib cimport calloc, free
from libcpp.pair cimport pair
from cython.operator cimport dereference as deref
from spacy.lexeme cimport Lexeme
from spacy.lexeme cimport BLANK_WORD
from spacy.string_tools cimport substr
from . import util
from os import path
def get_normalized(unicode lex, size_t length):
if lex.isalpha() and lex.islower():
return lex
return get_word_shape(lex, length)
def get_word_shape(unicode lex, length):
shape = ""
last = ""
shape_char = ""
seq = 0
for c in lex:
if c.isalpha():
if c.isupper():
shape_char = "X"
shape_char = "x"
elif c.isdigit():
shape_char = "d"
shape_char = c
if shape_char == last:
seq += 1
seq = 0
last = shape_char
if seq < 3:
shape += shape_char
assert shape
return shape
def set_orth_flags(lex, length):
return 0
cdef class Language:
def __cinit__(self, name): = name
self.bacov = {}
self.chunks = dense_hash_map[StringHash, size_t]()
self.vocab = dense_hash_map[StringHash, size_t]()
cdef Tokens tokenize(self, unicode string):
cdef Lexeme** chunk
cdef Tokens tokens = Tokens(self)
cdef size_t length = len(string)
cdef size_t start = 0
cdef size_t i = 0
for c in string:
if _is_whitespace(c):
if start < i:
chunk = self.lookup_chunk(string[start:i])
_extend(tokens, chunk)
start = i + 1
i += 1
if start < i:
chunk = self.lookup_chunk(string[start:])
_extend(tokens, chunk)
return tokens
cdef Lexeme* lookup(self, unicode string) except NULL:
if len(string) == 0:
return &BLANK_WORD
cdef Lexeme* word = <Lexeme*>self.vocab[hash(string)]
if word == NULL:
word = self.new_lexeme(string)
return word
cdef Lexeme** lookup_chunk(self, unicode string) except NULL:
cdef StringHash h = hash(string)
cdef Lexeme** chunk = <Lexeme**>self.chunks[h]
cdef int split
if chunk == NULL:
chunk = self.new_chunk(string, self.find_substrings(string))
return chunk
cdef Lexeme** new_chunk(self, unicode string, list substrings) except NULL:
cdef Lexeme** chunk = <Lexeme**>calloc(len(substrings) + 1, sizeof(Lexeme*))
for i, substring in enumerate(substrings):
chunk[i] = self.lookup(substring)
chunk[i + 1] = NULL
self.chunks[hash(string)] = <size_t>chunk
return chunk
cdef Lexeme* new_lexeme(self, unicode string) except NULL:
cdef Lexeme* word = <Lexeme*>calloc(1, sizeof(Lexeme))
word.lex = hash(string)
self.bacov[word.lex] = string
word.orth = self.new_orth(string)
word.dist = self.new_dist(string)
self.vocab[word.lex] = <size_t>word
return word
cdef Orthography* new_orth(self, unicode lex) except NULL:
cdef unicode last3
cdef unicode norm
cdef unicode shape
cdef int length
length = len(lex)
orth = <Orthography*>calloc(1, sizeof(Orthography))
orth.first = lex[0]
orth.length = length
orth.flags = set_orth_flags(lex, orth.length)
orth.norm = hash(lex)
last3 = substr(lex, length - 3, length, length)
orth.last3 = hash(last3)
norm = get_normalized(lex, length)
orth.norm = hash(norm)
shape = get_word_shape(lex, length)
orth.shape = hash(shape)
self.bacov[orth.last3] = last3
self.bacov[orth.norm] = norm
self.bacov[orth.shape] = shape
return orth
cdef Distribution* new_dist(self, unicode lex) except NULL:
dist = <Distribution*>calloc(1, sizeof(Distribution))
return dist
cdef unicode unhash(self, StringHash hash_value):
'''Fetch a string from the reverse index, given its hash value.'''
return self.bacov[hash_value]
cpdef list find_substrings(self, unicode word):
substrings = []
while word:
split = self.find_split(word)
if split == 0:
word = word[split:]
return substrings
cdef int find_split(self, unicode word):
return len(word)
def load_tokenization(self, token_rules=None):
for chunk, tokens in token_rules:
self.new_chunk(chunk, tokens)
def load_clusters(self):
cdef Lexeme* w
data_dir = path.join(path.dirname(__file__), '..', 'data', 'en')
case_stats = util.load_case_stats(data_dir)
brown_loc = path.join(data_dir, 'clusters')
cdef size_t start
cdef int end
with util.utf8open(brown_loc) as browns_file:
for i, line in enumerate(browns_file):
cluster_str, token_string, freq_str = line.split()
# Decode as a little-endian string, so that we can do & 15 to get
# the first 4 bits. See redshift._parse_features.pyx
cluster = int(cluster_str[::-1], 2)
upper_pc, title_pc = case_stats.get(token_string.lower(), (0.0, 0.0))
cdef inline bint _is_whitespace(Py_UNICODE c) nogil:
if c == ' ':
return True
elif c == '\n':
return True
elif c == '\t':
return True
return False
cdef inline int _extend(Tokens tokens, Lexeme** chunk) nogil:
cdef size_t i = 0
while chunk[i] != NULL:
tokens.length += 1
i += 1