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00001740 29 v 04 breathe 0 take_a_breath 0 respire 0 suspire 3 021 * 00005041 v 0000 * 00004227 v 0000 + 03110322 a 0301 + 00831191 n 0303 + 04080833 n 0301 + 04250850 n 0105 + 00831191 n 0101 ^ 00004227 v 0103 ^ 00005041 v 0103 $ 00002325 v 0000 $ 00002573 v 0000 ~ 00002573 v 0000 ~ 00002724 v 0000 ~ 00002942 v 0000 ~ 00003826 v 0000 ~ 00004032 v 0000 ~ 00004227 v 0000 ~ 00005041 v 0000 ~ 00006697 v 0000 ~ 00007328 v 0000 ~ 00017031 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | draw air into, and expel out of, the lungs; "I can breathe better when the air is clean"; "The patient is respiring"
00002325 29 v 01 respire 1 005 $ 00001740 v 0000 @ 02108377 v 0000 + 03110322 a 0101 + 00831191 n 0103 + 00830811 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | undergo the biomedical and metabolic processes of respiration by taking up oxygen and producing carbon monoxide
00002573 29 v 01 respire 2 003 $ 00001740 v 0000 @ 00001740 v 0000 + 03110322 a 0101 01 + 02 00 | breathe easily again, as after exertion or anxiety
00002724 29 v 01 choke 0 002 @ 00001740 v 0000 + 14058252 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | breathe with great difficulty, as when experiencing a strong emotion; "She choked with emotion when she spoke about her deceased husband"
00002942 29 v 01 hyperventilate 0 003 @ 00001740 v 0000 + 00833870 n 0101 $ 00003133 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | breathe excessively hard and fast; "The mountain climber started to hyperventilate"
00003133 29 v 01 hyperventilate 1 003 $ 00002942 v 0000 @ 00078760 v 0000 + 00833870 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | produce hyperventilation in; "The nurses had to hyperventilate the patient"
00003316 29 v 01 aspirate 0 003 @ 00005041 v 0000 + 00836788 n 0103 + 02748491 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | suck in (air)
00003431 29 v 04 burp 0 bubble 0 belch 0 eruct 0 005 @ 00105333 v 0000 + 00117578 n 0405 + 00117578 n 0301 + 09229709 n 0201 + 00117578 n 0103 01 + 02 00 | expel gas from the stomach; "In China it is polite to burp at the table"
00003662 29 v 01 force_out 0 001 @ 00105333 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | emit or cause to move with force of effort; "force out the air"; "force out the splinter"
00003826 29 v 02 hiccup 0 hiccough 0 003 @ 00001740 v 0000 + 14359459 n 0202 + 14359459 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | breathe spasmodically, and make a sound; "When you have to hiccup, drink a glass of cold water"
00004032 29 v 02 sigh 0 suspire 4 004 @ 00001740 v 0000 + 07129602 n 0202 + 07393756 n 0101 + 07129602 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | heave or utter a sigh; breathe deeply and heavily; "She sighed sadly"
00004227 29 v 03 exhale 0 expire 0 breathe_out 0 008 @ 00001740 v 0000 + 03110610 a 0201 + 00835267 n 0202 + 14842091 n 0102 + 00835267 n 0101 ! 00005041 v 0101 ~ 00006523 v 0000 ~ 00007012 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | expel air; "Exhale when you lift the weight"
00004492 29 v 01 hold 4 001 @ 02422663 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | keep from exhaling or expelling; "hold your breath"
00004605 29 v 03 exhale 1 give_forth 0 emanate 0 004 @ 00105333 v 0000 + 15109745 n 0301 + 01253060 n 0302 + 14842091 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | give out (breath or an odor); "The chimney exhales a thick smoke"
00004819 29 v 01 sneeze 0 005 * 00004227 v 0000 @ 00010241 v 0000 + 10616578 n 0101 + 14314850 n 0102 + 14314850 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | exhale spasmodically, as when an irritant entered one's nose; "Pepper makes me sneeze"
00005041 29 v 03 inhale 0 inspire 0 breathe_in 0 014 @ 00001740 v 0000 + 03110485 a 0201 + 00836788 n 0202 + 02749365 a 0101 + 14919156 n 0101 + 00836788 n 0101 + 04080833 n 0102 ! 00004227 v 0101 ~ 00003316 v 0000 ~ 00007549 v 0000 ~ 00101779 v 0000 ~ 00109263 v 0000 ~ 01199009 v 0000 ~ 01200245 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | draw in (air); "Inhale deeply"; "inhale the fresh mountain air"; "The patient has trouble inspiring"; "The lung cancer patient cannot inspire air very well"
00005526 29 v 04 pant 0 puff 0 gasp 0 heave 1 007 @ 00007012 v 0000 + 00834135 n 0402 + 00837098 n 0301 + 00835501 n 0202 + 00834460 n 0201 + 00837098 n 0102 + 00834135 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | breathe noisily, as when one is exhausted; "The runners reached the finish line, panting heavily"
00005815 29 v 01 cough 0 008 @ 00006238 v 0000 + 14359174 n 0101 + 14359174 n 0102 ^ 00006238 v 0103 ^ 00006238 v 0102 ^ 02200341 v 0101 ~ 00006100 v 0000 ~ 00035089 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | exhale abruptly, as when one has a chest cold or congestion; "The smoker coughs all day"
00006100 29 v 02 hack 0 whoop 0 001 @ 00005815 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | cough spasmodically; "The patient with emphysema is hacking all day"
00006238 29 v 05 expectorate 0 cough_up 0 cough_out 0 spit_up 0 spit_out 1 007 @ 00104868 v 0000 + 13477934 n 0101 + 00118552 n 0103 + 10636874 n 0102 ~ 00005815 v 0000 ~ 00101956 v 0000 ~ 00102303 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | discharge (phlegm or sputum) from the lungs and out of the mouth
00006523 29 v 01 snort 0 003 @ 00004227 v 0000 + 10617501 n 0101 + 00834460 n 0103 01 + 02 00 | make a snorting sound by exhaling hard; "The critic snorted contemptuously"
00006697 29 v 01 wheeze 0 002 @ 00001740 v 0000 + 00836407 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | breathe with difficulty
00006802 29 v 03 puff 1 huff 0 chuff 0 004 @ 00007012 v 0000 + 00834460 n 0202 + 00835501 n 0102 + 00834460 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | blow hard and loudly; "he huffed and puffed as he made his way up the mountain"
00007012 29 v 01 blow 0 005 @ 00004227 v 0000 + 00835501 n 0101 ~ 00005526 v 0000 ~ 00006802 v 0000 ~ 00007193 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | exhale hard; "blow on the soup to cool it down"
00007193 29 v 01 insufflate 0 003 @ 00007012 v 0000 + 00835830 n 0101 $ 00079629 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | blow or breathe hard on or into
00007328 29 v 01 yawn 0 004 @ 00001740 v 0000 + 00837293 n 0101 + 10803193 n 0101 + 00837293 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | utter a yawn, as from lack of oxygen or when one is tired; "The child yawned during the long performance"
00007549 29 v 02 sniff 0 sniffle 0 003 @ 00005041 v 0000 + 00836149 n 0202 + 10616670 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | inhale audibly through the nose; "the sick student was sniffling in the back row"
00007739 29 v 04 blink 0 wink 0 nictitate 0 nictate 0 010 @ 00010241 v 0000 + 00117959 n 0407 + 00117959 n 0306 + 00117959 n 0204 + 10783539 n 0201 + 00117959 n 0205 + 00117959 n 0101 + 00117959 n 0103 ~ 00008055 v 0000 ~ 00008195 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | briefly shut the eyes; "The TV announcer never seems to blink"
00008055 29 v 01 palpebrate 0 003 @ 00007739 v 0000 + 05313822 n 0103 + 01265176 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | wink or blink, especially repeatedly
00008195 29 v 02 bat 0 flutter 0 001 @ 00007739 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | wink briefly; "bat one's eyelids"
00008299 29 v 01 wink 2 003 @ 00992041 v 0000 + 06878934 n 0101 + 10783539 n 0101 01 + 22 00 | signal by winking; "She winked at him"
00008435 29 v 03 wink 1 blink 1 blink_away 0 003 @ 00462092 v 0000 + 00117959 n 0201 + 06878934 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | force to go away by blinking; "blink away tears"
00008602 29 v 02 squint 0 squinch 0 003 @ 00034288 v 0000 + 10643727 n 0101 + 00878328 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | cross one's eyes as if in strabismus; "The children squinted so as to scare each other"
00008799 29 v 01 squint 2 001 @ 00033599 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | partly close one's eyes, as when hit by direct blinding light; "The driver squinted as the sun hit his windshield"
00008977 29 v 01 wince 0 002 @ 00034288 v 0000 + 06879056 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | make a face indicating disgust or dislike; "She winced when she heard his pompous speech"
00009147 29 v 05 shed 0 molt 0 exuviate 0 moult 0 slough 0 011 @ 01513430 v 0000 + 09438055 n 0501 + 13555599 n 0502 + 01318660 n 0402 + 13516842 n 0404 + 13516842 n 0403 + 01318660 n 0201 + 13516842 n 0202 + 13516842 n 0201 + 13555599 n 0101 ~ 00009492 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | cast off hair, skin, horn, or feathers; "our dog sheds every Spring"
00009492 29 v 02 desquamate 0 peel_off 0 002 @ 00009147 v 0000 + 11445564 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | peel off in scales; "dry skin desquamates"
00009631 29 v 02 twitch 0 jerk 0 007 @ 00010054 v 0000 + 00335988 n 0201 + 00335988 n 0202 + 14361664 n 0101 + 14361664 n 0102 ~ 00009884 v 0000 $ 01891817 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 23 00 | make an uncontrolled, short, jerky motion; "his face is twitching"
00009884 29 v 01 fibrillate 0 002 @ 00009631 v 0000 + 14362179 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | make fine, irregular, rapid twitching movements; "His heart fibrillated and he died"
00010054 29 v 02 move_involuntarily 0 move_reflexively 0 004 @ 01831531 v 0000 ~ 00009631 v 0000 ~ 00014034 v 0000 ~ 00014201 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 23 00 | move in an uncontrolled manner
00010241 29 v 02 act_involuntarily 0 act_reflexively 0 005 @ 00010435 v 0000 ~ 00004819 v 0000 ~ 00007739 v 0000 ~ 00101629 v 0000 ~ 00102791 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | act in an uncontrolled manner
00010435 29 v 03 act 0 behave 0 do 9 035 $ 00013615 v 0000 ^ 02122522 v 0101 ~ 00010241 v 0000 ~ 00011361 v 0000 ~ 00011551 v 0000 ~ 00011698 v 0000 ~ 00011852 v 0000 ~ 00011982 v 0000 ~ 00012137 v 0000 ~ 00012267 v 0000 ~ 00012434 v 0000 ~ 00012613 v 0000 ~ 00012753 v 0000 ~ 00012854 v 0000 ~ 00012944 v 0000 ~ 00013172 v 0000 ~ 00013328 v 0000 ~ 00013615 v 0000 ~ 00013858 v 0000 ~ 00105554 v 0000 ~ 00106843 v 0000 ~ 00107369 v 0000 ~ 00107468 v 0000 $ 01721556 v 0000 ~ 01784295 v 0000 ~ 02011685 v 0000 ~ 02374572 v 0000 ~ 02518043 v 0000 ~ 02518956 v 0000 ~ 02519890 v 0000 ~ 02592895 v 0000 ~ 02596908 v 0000 ~ 02600255 v 0000 ~ 02602212 v 0000 ~ 02723016 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 07 00 | behave in a certain manner; show a certain behavior; conduct or comport oneself; "You should act like an adult"; "Don't behave like a fool"; "What makes her do this way?"; "The dog acts ferocious, but he is really afraid of people"
00011361 29 v 02 fall_over_backwards 0 bend_over_backwards 0 001 @ 00010435 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | try very hard to please someone; "She falls over backwards when she sees her mother-in-law"
00011551 29 v 01 presume 0 003 @ 00010435 v 0000 + 04838727 n 0101 + 01225562 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | take liberties or act with too much confidence
00011698 29 v 02 vulgarize 0 vulgarise 0 002 @ 00010435 v 0000 + 01950198 a 0105 01 + 02 00 | act in a vulgar manner; "The drunkard tends to vulgarize"
00011852 29 v 02 optimize 0 optimise 0 001 @ 00010435 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | act as an optimist and take a sunny view of the world
00011982 29 v 01 quack 0 004 @ 00010435 v 0000 ;c 00612160 n 0000 + 10497202 n 0101 + 00633108 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | act as a medical quack or a charlatan
00012137 29 v 01 menace 0 002 @ 00010435 v 0000 + 06733782 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | act in a threatening manner; "A menacing person"
00012267 29 v 01 make 8 003 $ 02289295 v 0000 $ 02355596 v 0000 @ 00010435 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | act in a certain way so as to acquire; "make friends"; "make enemies"
00012434 29 v 03 swagger 0 bluster 0 swash 0 003 @ 00010435 v 0000 + 10274318 n 0202 + 10682038 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | act in an arrogant, overly self-assured, or conceited manner
00012613 29 v 01 freeze 2 001 @ 00010435 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | suddenly behave coldly and formally; "She froze when she saw her ex-husband"
00012753 29 v 01 wanton 0 001 @ 00010435 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | behave extremely cruelly and brutally
00012854 29 v 01 romanticize 0 001 @ 00010435 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | act in a romantic way
00012944 29 v 04 sentimentalise 0 sentimentalize 0 sentimentize 0 sentimentise 0 003 @ 00010435 v 0000 + 01219306 n 0201 + 01219306 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | act in a sentimental way or indulge in sentimental thoughts or expression
00013172 29 v 01 bungle 0 003 @ 00010435 v 0000 + 00074790 n 0104 + 09879744 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | spoil by behaving clumsily or foolishly; "I bungled it!"
00013328 29 v 02 play 0 toy 0 003 @ 00010435 v 0000 + 03964744 n 0202 + 00041188 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | engage in an activity as if it were a game rather than take it seriously; "They played games on their opponents"; "play the stock market"; "play with her feelings"; "toy with an idea"
00013615 29 v 03 act 1 play 1 act_as 0 004 @ 00010435 v 0000 + 07014029 n 0101 $ 00010435 v 0000 $ 01719302 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | pretend to have certain qualities or state of mind; "He acted the idiot"; "She plays deaf when the news are bad"
00013858 29 v 01 stooge 0 002 @ 00010435 v 0000 + 10098092 n 0103 01 + 02 00 | act as a stooge, in a compliant or subordinate manner; "He stooged for the flamboyant Senator"
00014034 29 v 02 shake 0 didder 0 003 @ 00010054 v 0000 + 00867983 n 0103 + 14004572 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | move with or as if with a tremor; "his hands shook"
00014201 29 v 02 shiver 0 shudder 0 004 @ 00010054 v 0000 + 00348801 n 0202 + 00867983 n 0102 + 14340287 n 0102 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | shake, as from cold; "The children are shivering--turn on the heat!"
00014405 29 v 01 rest 0 005 @ 01547390 v 0000 + 10524973 n 0101 ! 00014549 v 0101 ~ 00014742 v 0000 ~ 00016380 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | be at rest
00014549 29 v 02 be_active 0 move 6 005 + 14004317 n 0201 + 00165942 n 0201 + 10484526 n 0202 ! 00014405 v 0101 ~ 02083806 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | be in a state of action; "she is always moving"
00014742 29 v 05 sleep 0 kip 0 slumber 0 log_Z's 0 catch_some_Z's 0 018 @ 00014405 v 0000 + 14024882 n 0302 + 10610465 n 0302 + 15273955 n 0201 + 15273626 n 0101 + 14024882 n 0101 + 10610465 n 0101 + 05681117 n 0101 ! 00020133 v 0101 ^ 00015806 v 0102 ^ 00015806 v 0101 ^ 01177314 v 0102 ^ 01177505 v 0102 ~ 00015163 v 0000 ~ 00015498 v 0000 ~ 00015806 v 0000 ~ 00015946 v 0000 ~ 00016183 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | be asleep
00015163 29 v 02 bundle 0 practice_bundling 0 001 @ 00014742 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | sleep fully clothed in the same bed with one's betrothed
00015303 29 v 03 snooze 0 drowse 1 doze 0 005 @ 00015498 v 0000 + 00858849 n 0301 ^ 00017282 v 0307 + 00858849 n 0202 + 00858377 n 0106 01 + 02 00 | sleep lightly or for a short period of time
00015498 29 v 03 nap 0 catnap 0 catch_a_wink 0 005 @ 00014742 v 0000 + 00858377 n 0202 + 00858377 n 0101 + 15273626 n 0102 ~ 00015303 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | take a siesta; "She naps everyday after lunch for an hour"
00015713 29 v 01 oversleep 0 001 * 00014742 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | sleep longer than intended
00015806 29 v 02 sleep_late 0 sleep_in 0 001 @ 00014742 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | sleep later than usual or customary; "On Sundays, I sleep in"
00015946 29 v 02 hibernate 0 hole_up 0 005 @ 00014742 v 0000 + 14013981 n 0101 + 14014849 n 0101 ! 00016183 v 0101 ! 00016183 v 0102 01 + 01 00 | sleep during winter; "Bears must eat a lot of food before they hibernate in their caves"
00016183 29 v 02 estivate 0 aestivate 0 005 @ 00014742 v 0000 + 14014162 n 0202 ! 00015946 v 0201 + 14014162 n 0101 ! 00015946 v 0101 01 + 01 00 | sleep during summer; "certain animals estivate"
00016380 29 v 01 drowse 0 004 @ 00014405 v 0000 + 00858849 n 0102 ^ 00017282 v 0108 ~ 00016573 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | be on the verge of sleeping; "The students were drowsing in the 8 AM class"
00016573 29 v 01 nod 2 001 @ 00016380 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | be almost asleep; "The old man sat nodding by the fireplace"
00016702 29 v 01 nod 3 001 + 00336430 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | let the head fall forward through drowsiness; "The old man was nodding in his chair"
00016855 29 v 01 zonk_out 0 001 @ 00017282 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | fall asleep fast, as when one is extremely tired; "after the long drive, we zonked out and slept for 10 hours"
00017031 29 v 03 snore 0 saw_wood 0 saw_logs 0 006 * 00014742 v 0000 @ 00001740 v 0000 + 00835976 n 0101 + 07394478 n 0101 + 10617397 n 0101 + 00835976 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | breathe noisily during one's sleep; "she complained that her husband snores"
00017282 29 v 08 fall_asleep 0 dope_off 0 flake_out 0 drift_off 0 nod_off 0 drop_off 0 doze_off 0 drowse_off 0 002 ! 00018526 v 0101 ~ 00016855 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | change from a waking to a sleeping state; "he always falls asleep during lectures"
00017531 29 v 02 bed_down 0 bunk_down 0 002 @ 00017865 v 0000 ~ 00017674 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | go to bed; "We bedded down at midnight"
00017674 29 v 03 doss 0 doss_down 0 crash 0 002 @ 00017531 v 0000 + 10026976 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | sleep in a convenient place; "You can crash here, though it's not very comfortable"
00017865 29 v 0a go_to_bed 0 turn_in 0 bed 0 crawl_in 0 kip_down 0 hit_the_hay 0 hit_the_sack 0 sack_out 0 go_to_sleep 1 retire 0 003 ! 00018158 v 0202 ! 00018158 v 0101 ~ 00017531 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | prepare for sleep; "I usually turn in at midnight"; "He goes to bed at the crack of dawn"
00018158 29 v 05 get_up 0 turn_out 0 arise 0 uprise 0 rise 8 004 + 00324384 n 0501 + 10532576 n 0501 ! 00017865 v 0202 ! 00017865 v 0101 01 + 02 00 | get up and out of bed; "I get up at 7 A.M. every day"; "They rose early"; "He uprose at night"
00018405 29 v 01 get_up 1 001 @ 01974062 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | cause to rise; "The sergeant got us up at 2 A.M."
00018526 29 v 07 wake_up 0 awake 0 arouse 5 awaken 1 wake 1 come_alive 0 waken 0 007 * 00014742 v 0000 @ 00146138 v 0000 + 01259773 n 0702 + 10763878 n 0501 + 01259773 n 0401 + 05678745 n 0301 ! 00017282 v 0101 01 + 02 00 | stop sleeping; "She woke up to the sound of the alarm clock"
00018813 29 v 06 awaken 0 wake 2 waken 1 rouse 2 wake_up 1 arouse 1 009 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 10763985 n 0603 + 05678745 n 0601 + 10763985 n 0402 + 01259773 n 0101 ! 00019273 v 0101 ~ 00019182 v 0000 ~ 00022099 v 0000 ~ 00107231 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | cause to become awake or conscious; "He was roused by the drunken men in the street"; "Please wake me at 6 AM."
00019182 29 v 01 reawaken 0 001 @ 00018813 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | awaken once again
00019273 29 v 01 cause_to_sleep 0 003 > 00014742 v 0000 @ 00126264 v 0000 ! 00018813 v 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | make fall asleep; "The soft music caused us to fall asleep"
00019448 29 v 01 affect 0 011 @ 00126264 v 0000 ~ 00019792 v 0000 ~ 00019982 v 0000 ~ 00022316 v 0000 ~ 00022686 v 0000 ~ 00025203 v 0000 ~ 00025654 v 0000 ~ 00031181 v 0000 ~ 00106723 v 0000 ~ 00728224 v 0000 ~ 01190494 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | act physically on; have an effect upon; "the medicine affects my heart rate"
00019792 29 v 01 attack 0 003 @ 00019448 v 0000 + 13435548 n 0101 + 09821253 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | begin to injure; "The cancer cells are attacking his liver"; "Rust is attacking the metal"
00019982 29 v 01 ulcerate 0 003 @ 00019448 v 0000 + 03142636 a 0101 + 14211609 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | affect with an ulcer; "Her stomach was ulcerated"
00020133 29 v 01 wake 0 003 + 05678300 n 0101 ! 00014742 v 0101 ~ 00020259 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | be awake, be alert, be there
00020259 29 v 02 stay_up 0 sit_up 0 001 @ 00020133 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | not go to bed; "Don't stay up so late--you have to go to work tomorrow"; "We sat up all night to watch the election"
00020449 29 v 01 keep_up 0 001 > 00020259 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | prevent from going to bed at night; "The anticipation of the trip kept the children up all night"; "I kept myself up all night studying for the exam"
00020671 29 v 04 hypnotize 0 hypnotise 0 mesmerize 0 mesmerise 0 008 @ 00022316 v 0000 + 11176932 n 0401 + 11176932 n 0301 + 10195261 n 0203 + 14026592 n 0201 + 10195261 n 0102 + 14026592 n 0101 ~ 00020926 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | induce hypnosis in
00020926 29 v 02 entrance 0 spellbind 0 003 @ 00020671 v 0000 + 10634990 n 0201 + 07491286 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | put into a trance
00021065 29 v 06 anesthetize 0 anaesthetize 0 anesthetise 0 anaesthetise 0 put_under 0 put_out 0 012 @ 00084738 v 0000 + 02710766 n 0402 + 02710766 n 0301 + 03041491 a 0201 + 02710766 n 0202 + 02710766 n 0101 ! 00022099 v 0101 ~ 00021554 v 0000 ~ 00021679 v 0000 ~ 00021826 v 0000 ~ 00021997 v 0000 ~ 02198423 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 | administer an anesthetic drug to; "The patient must be anesthetized before the operation"; "anesthetize the gum before extracting the teeth"
00021554 29 v 02 etherize 0 etherise 0 002 @ 00021065 v 0000 + 03299929 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | anesthetize with ether
00021679 29 v 02 cocainize 0 cocainise 0 003 @ 00021065 v 0000 + 03060294 n 0202 + 03060294 n 0102 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | anesthetize with cocaine
00021826 29 v 01 chloroform 0 002 @ 00021065 v 0000 + 03022406 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | anesthetize with chloroform; "Doctors used to put people under by chloroforming them"
00021997 29 v 01 freeze 1 002 @ 00021065 v 0000 ;c 00671351 n 0000 01 + 09 00 | anesthetize by cold
00022099 29 v 04 bring_to 0 bring_back 0 bring_round 0 bring_around 0 003 @ 00018813 v 0000 ! 00021065 v 0101 ~ 00098083 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | return to consciousness; "These pictures bring back sad memories"
00022316 29 v 05 sedate 0 calm 0 tranquilize 0 tranquillize 0 tranquillise 0 009 @ 00019448 v 0000 + 04470232 n 0503 + 04470232 n 0402 + 04470232 n 0301 + 04903813 n 0202 + 02308472 a 0103 + 00695300 n 0101 ! 00022686 v 0101 ~ 00020671 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | cause to be calm or quiet as by administering a sedative to; "The patient must be sedated before the operation"
00022686 29 v 06 stimulate 0 arouse 0 brace 0 energize 0 energise 0 perk_up 1 018 @ 00019448 v 0000 + 10056103 n 0502 ! 00023244 v 0502 + 10056103 n 0401 + 04836683 n 0401 + 05035961 n 0401 + 14050143 n 0401 + 11452218 n 0401 + 01046984 n 0401 ! 00023244 v 0401 + 02888133 n 0301 + 02309341 a 0101 + 04320126 n 0101 ! 00022316 v 0101 ~ 00023380 v 0000 ~ 00024279 v 0000 ~ 00028362 v 0000 ~ 00192836 v 0000 05 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | cause to be alert and energetic; "Coffee and tea stimulate me"; "This herbal infusion doesn't stimulate"
00023244 29 v 02 de-energize 0 de-energise 0 003 @ 00224901 v 0000 ! 00022686 v 0205 ! 00022686 v 0104 01 + 10 00 | deprive of energy
00023380 29 v 01 cathect 0 001 @ 00022686 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | inject with libidinal energy
00023473 29 v 05 perk_up 0 perk 0 percolate 0 pick_up 0 gain_vigor 0 002 @ 00092690 v 0000 + 03930777 n 0401 01 + 02 00 | gain or regain energy; "I picked up after a nap"
00023646 29 v 04 faint 0 conk 0 swoon 0 pass_out 0 003 @ 00023868 v 0000 + 07478318 n 0302 + 07478318 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | pass out from weakness, physical or emotional distress due to a loss of blood supply to the brain
00023868 29 v 03 zonk_out 1 pass_out 1 black_out 0 003 @ 00146138 v 0000 + 05679800 n 0301 ~ 00023646 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | lose consciousness due to a sudden trauma, for example
00024047 29 v 03 come_to 0 revive 2 resuscitate 1 003 $ 00024279 v 0000 $ 00098083 v 0000 @ 00146138 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | return to consciousness; "The patient came to quickly"; "She revived after the doctor gave her an injection"
00024279 29 v 09 animate 0 recreate 2 reanimate 0 revive 0 renovate 0 repair 3 quicken 0 vivify 0 revivify 0 006 @ 00022686 v 0000 + 01047338 n 0905 + 01048466 n 0801 + 09402704 n 0701 + 00401783 n 0202 $ 00024047 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | give new life or energy to; "A hot soup will revive me"; "This will renovate my spirits"; "This treatment repaired my health"
00024649 29 v 03 refresh 0 freshen 0 refreshen 1 004 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 03395745 n 0201 ^ 00024814 v 0204 ! 00075021 v 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | make fresh again
00024814 29 v 04 freshen 2 refresh 2 refreshen 0 freshen_up 2 003 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 00401783 n 0201 ~ 00025034 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | become or make oneself fresh again; "She freshened up after the tennis game"
00025034 29 v 02 wash_up 0 lave 2 003 @ 00024814 v 0000 + 00255710 n 0203 + 00255214 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | wash one's face and hands; "She freshened up in the bathroom"
00025203 29 v 03 tense 0 strain 0 tense_up 0 007 > 00026153 v 0000 @ 00019448 v 0000 + 11515325 n 0201 ! 00025654 v 0202 + 14544335 n 0101 ! 00025654 v 0101 ~ 00027268 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 10 00 | cause to be tense and uneasy or nervous or anxious; "he got a phone call from his lawyer that tensed him up"
00025510 29 v 01 crick 0 002 @ 01222645 v 0000 + 14361182 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | twist (a body part) into a strained position; "crick your neck"
00025654 29 v 06 relax 1 unstrain 0 unlax 1 loosen_up 1 unwind 1 make_relaxed 0 009 > 00026385 v 0000 @ 00019448 v 0000 ! 00025203 v 0202 + 02309004 a 0101 + 07515974 n 0102 + 09407043 n 0101 + 04072811 n 0101 ! 00025203 v 0101 ~ 00025985 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 | cause to feel relaxed; "A hot bath always relaxes me"
00025985 29 v 01 unbend 0 001 @ 00025654 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | release from mental strain, tension, or formality; "unbend the mind from absorbing too much information"
00026153 29 v 02 tense 1 tense_up 1 004 @ 00146138 v 0000 + 14544335 n 0101 + 05573306 n 0101 ! 00026385 v 0101 03 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 23 00 | become tense, nervous, or uneasy; "He tensed up when he saw his opponent enter the room"
00026385 29 v 06 relax 0 loosen_up 0 unbend 1 unwind 0 decompress 0 slow_down 0 007 @ 00146138 v 0000 + 02309004 a 0101 + 13549488 n 0101 + 01064148 n 0104 ! 00026153 v 0101 ~ 00026734 v 0000 ~ 00026941 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 23 00 | become less tense, rest, or take one's ease; "He relaxed in the hot tub"; "Let's all relax after a hard day's work"
00026734 29 v 02 vege_out 0 vegetate 0 003 @ 00026385 v 0000 + 02833331 a 0201 + 01065057 n 0201 01 + 02 00 | engage in passive relaxation; "After a hard day's work, I vegetate in front of the television"
00026941 29 v 02 sit_back 0 take_it_easy 0 001 @ 00026385 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | settle into a comfortable sitting position
00027064 29 v 03 limber_up 0 warm_up 0 loosen_up 3 002 @ 00099721 v 0000 + 01144716 n 0201 01 + 02 00 | make one's body limber or suppler by stretching, as if to prepare for strenuous physical activity
00027268 29 v 02 stretch 1 extend 0 007 @ 00025203 v 0000 + 00369532 n 0201 + 05294606 n 0202 + 00628692 n 0101 + 00628692 n 0102 ~ 00027570 v 0000 ~ 00028167 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 02 01 | extend one's limbs or muscles, or the entire body; "Stretch your legs!"; "Extend your right arm above your head"
00027570 29 v 01 spread-eagle 0 001 @ 00027268 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | stretch out completely; "They spread-eagled him across the floor"
00027705 29 v 06 exsert 0 stretch_out 1 put_out 1 extend 1 hold_out 0 stretch_forth 0 005 @ 00992041 v 0000 + 00944449 a 0402 + 01434530 a 0401 + 05294606 n 0402 ~ 00028010 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | thrust or extend out; "He held out his hand"; "point a finger"; "extend a hand"; "the bee exserted its sting"
00028010 29 v 01 hyperextend 0 002 @ 00027705 v 0000 + 00369694 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | extend a joint beyond its normal range; "Don't hyperextend your elbow"
00028167 29 v 02 crane 0 stretch_out 0 002 @ 00027268 v 0000 + 02012849 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | stretch (the neck) so as to see better; "The women craned their necks to see the President drive by"
00028362 29 v 02 invigorate 0 reinvigorate 0 004 @ 00022686 v 0000 + 04631700 n 0103 + 01048466 n 0102 + 09402704 n 0102 01 + 10 00 | impart vigor, strength, or vitality to; "Exercise is invigorating"
00028565 29 v 01 smile 0 010 @ 00034288 v 0000 + 06878071 n 0101 + 05601357 n 0106 + 10614363 n 0101 + 06878071 n 0102 ~ 00028876 v 0000 ~ 00029025 v 0000 ~ 00029214 v 0000 ~ 00029336 v 0000 ~ 00032539 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | change one's facial expression by spreading the lips, often to signal pleasure
00028876 29 v 01 dimple 0 002 @ 00028565 v 0000 + 05599874 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | produce dimples while smiling; "The child dimpled up to the adults"
00029025 29 v 01 grin 0 004 @ 00028565 v 0000 + 10147262 n 0101 + 06878071 n 0104 + 06878071 n 0103 01 + 02 00 | to draw back the lips and reveal the teeth, in a smile, grimace, or snarl
00029214 29 v 01 beam 0 001 @ 00028565 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | smile radiantly; express joy through one's facial expression
00029336 29 v 02 smirk 0 simper 0 005 @ 00028565 v 0000 + 10599215 n 0201 + 10614507 n 0101 + 06878580 n 0101 ~ 00029518 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | smile affectedly or derisively
00029518 29 v 01 fleer 0 002 @ 00029336 v 0000 + 06716117 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | to smirk contemptuously
00029630 29 v 01 bray 0 002 @ 00031820 v 0000 + 07378059 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | laugh loudly and harshly
00029742 29 v 01 bellylaugh 0 001 @ 00031820 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | laugh a deep, hearty laugh
00029836 29 v 02 roar 0 howl 0 005 @ 00031820 v 0000 + 07126734 n 0201 + 06778925 n 0203 + 07126734 n 0202 + 07121361 n 0108 01 + 02 00 | laugh unrestrainedly and heartily
00030010 29 v 02 snicker 0 snigger 0 003 @ 00031820 v 0000 + 07128060 n 0203 + 07128060 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | laugh quietly
00030142 29 v 02 giggle 0 titter 0 005 @ 00031820 v 0000 + 10713124 n 0201 + 07128225 n 0201 + 10713124 n 0102 + 07127693 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | laugh nervously; "The girls giggled when the rock star came into the classroom"
00030366 29 v 02 break_up 0 crack_up 0 001 @ 00031820 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | laugh unrestrainedly
00030463 29 v 01 break a 001 @ 00224901 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | weaken or destroy in spirit or body; "His resistance was broken"; "a man broken by the terrible experience of near-death"
00030647 29 v 02 break_down 0 collapse 0 005 @ 00065639 v 0000 + 14066203 n 0201 + 14066492 n 0101 ~ 00030853 v 0000 ~ 00031277 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | collapse due to fatigue, an illness, or a sudden attack
00030853 29 v 01 drop_like_flies 0 001 @ 00030647 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | rapidly collapse, die, or drop out in large numbers; "the contestants dropped like flies when the thermometer hit one hundred degrees"
00031068 29 v 01 cramp 0 001 @ 00065639 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | suffer from sudden painful contraction of a muscle
00031181 29 v 01 cramp 1 001 @ 00019448 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | affect with or as if with a cramp
00031277 29 v 02 fall_over 0 go_over 0 001 @ 00030647 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | fall forward and down; "The old woman went over without a sound"
00031418 29 v 01 cackle 0 002 @ 00031820 v 0000 + 07127451 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | emit a loud, unpleasant kind of laughing
00031540 29 v 02 guffaw 0 laugh_loudly 1 002 @ 00031820 v 0000 + 07127790 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | laugh boisterously
00031663 29 v 03 chuckle 0 chortle 0 laugh_softly 0 003 @ 00031820 v 0000 + 07127563 n 0201 + 07127563 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | laugh quietly or with restraint
00031820 29 v 03 laugh 0 express_joy 0 express_mirth 0 021 @ 01802494 v 0000 + 01265308 a 0105 + 06778102 n 0103 + 06878404 n 0101 + 07127006 n 0101 + 10248876 n 0101 ! 00066191 v 0101 ^ 00802136 v 0101 ^ 00802136 v 0102 ^ 00851933 v 0105 ~ 00029630 v 0000 ~ 00029742 v 0000 ~ 00029836 v 0000 ~ 00030010 v 0000 ~ 00030142 v 0000 ~ 00030366 v 0000 ~ 00031418 v 0000 ~ 00031540 v 0000 ~ 00031663 v 0000 ~ 00032297 v 0000 ~ 00032414 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | produce laughter
00032297 29 v 01 convulse 0 002 @ 00031820 v 0000 + 02511340 a 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | be overcome with laughter
00032414 29 v 01 cachinnate 0 002 @ 00031820 v 0000 + 07127350 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | laugh loudly and in an unrestrained way
00032539 29 v 01 sneer 0 005 @ 00028565 v 0000 + 06716675 n 0101 + 06716483 n 0101 + 10616379 n 0101 $ 00032778 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | smile contemptuously; "she sneered at her little sister's efforts to play the song on the piano"
00032778 29 v 01 sneer 1 005 $ 00032539 v 0000 @ 00943837 v 0000 + 06716675 n 0101 + 06716483 n 0101 + 10616379 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | express through a scornful smile; "she sneered her contempt"
00032981 29 v 04 frown 0 glower 0 lour 0 lower 0 004 @ 00034288 v 0000 + 00878797 n 0202 + 06877849 n 0101 ~ 00033852 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | look angry or sullen, wrinkle one's forehead, as if to signal disapproval
00033203 29 v 02 glower 1 glare 0 003 @ 00033406 v 0000 + 00878797 n 0201 + 00878797 n 0102 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | look at with a fixed gaze; "The girl glared at the man who tried to make a pass at her"
00033406 29 v 01 stare 0 004 @ 02130524 v 0000 + 00878456 n 0101 + 10648909 n 0101 ~ 00033203 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | fixate one's eyes; "The ancestor in the painting is staring down menacingly"
00033599 29 v 01 look 0 004 @ 02604760 v 0000 + 04679738 n 0102 + 04674715 n 0101 ~ 00008799 v 0000 02 + 06 00 + 07 00 | have a certain outward or facial expression; "How does she look?"; "The child looks unhappy"; "She looked pale after the surgery"
00033852 29 v 01 scowl 0 002 @ 00032981 v 0000 + 06877849 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | frown with displeasure
00033955 29 v 01 shrug 0 003 @ 00992041 v 0000 + 07273924 n 0101 ^ 00742149 v 0101 01 + 02 00 | raise one's shoulders to indicate indifference or resignation
00034115 29 v 02 clap 0 spat 0 003 @ 00992041 v 0000 + 09926088 n 0101 + 06691989 n 0103 01 + 02 00 | clap one's hands together; "The children were clapping to the music"
00034288 29 v 03 grimace 0 make_a_face 0 pull_a_face 0 008 @ 00740577 v 0000 + 06877578 n 0101 ~ 00008602 v 0000 ~ 00008977 v 0000 ~ 00028565 v 0000 ~ 00032981 v 0000 ~ 00034634 v 0000 ~ 00034758 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | contort the face to indicate a certain mental or emotional state; "He grimaced when he saw the amount of homework he had to do"
00034634 29 v 01 screw_up 0 001 @ 00034288 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | twist into a strained configuration; "screw up one's face"
00034758 29 v 03 pout 0 mop 0 mow 0 003 @ 00034288 v 0000 + 06877742 n 0101 + 10627899 n 0104 01 + 02 00 | make a sad face and thrust out one's lower lip; "mop and mow"; "The girl pouted"
00034948 29 v 01 blow 1 002 @ 00104868 v 0000 + 00835501 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | free of obstruction by blowing air through; "blow one's nose"
00035089 29 v 02 clear_the_throat 0 hawk 1 001 @ 00005815 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | clear mucus or food from one's throat; "he cleared his throat before he started to speak"
00035259 29 v 01 shower 0 003 @ 00035603 v 0000 + 04208936 n 0101 + 00257580 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | take a shower; wash one's body in the shower; "You should shower after vigorous exercise"
00035448 29 v 01 foment 0 002 @ 00037919 v 0000 + 00708168 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | bathe with warm water or medicated lotions; "His legs should be fomented"
00035603 29 v 01 bathe 0 004 @ 00035758 v 0000 + 09843602 n 0101 + 00255214 n 0102 ~ 00035259 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | cleanse the entire body; "bathe daily"
00035758 29 v 02 cleanse 0 clean 0 012 @ 00040353 v 0000 + 00251013 n 0201 + 03040587 n 0102 + 00251013 n 0102 ~ 00035603 v 0000 ~ 00036178 v 0000 ~ 00036362 v 0000 ~ 00036932 v 0000 ~ 00037919 v 0000 ~ 00038199 v 0000 ~ 00041866 v 0000 ~ 00493052 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 | clean one's body or parts thereof, as by washing; "clean up before you see your grandparents"; "clean your fingernails before dinner"
00036178 29 v 01 wash 2 003 @ 00035758 v 0000 + 00255710 n 0101 $ 00036362 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | to cleanse (itself or another animal) by licking; "The cat washes several times a day"
00036362 29 v 02 wash 0 lave 0 012 $ 00036178 v 0000 @ 00035758 v 0000 + 00255710 n 0203 + 00696487 n 0201 + 00255710 n 0101 + 00255710 n 0102 ^ 00025034 v 0101 ~ 00036685 v 0000 ~ 00036780 v 0000 ~ 00037138 v 0000 ~ 00042017 v 0000 ~ 00461234 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 | cleanse (one's body) with soap and water
00036685 29 v 01 sponge_down 0 001 @ 00036362 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 09 00 | wash with a sponge
00036780 29 v 02 scrub 0 scrub_up 0 002 @ 00036362 v 0000 + 00251780 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | wash thoroughly; "surgeons must scrub prior to an operation"
00036932 29 v 02 soap 0 lather 0 005 * 00036362 v 0000 @ 00035758 v 0000 + 09336555 n 0201 + 09439213 n 0203 + 04253437 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | rub soap all over, usually with the purpose of cleaning
00037138 29 v 02 gargle 0 rinse 0 002 @ 00036362 v 0000 + 14848642 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | rinse one's mouth and throat with mouthwash; "gargle with this liquid"
00037298 29 v 01 shave 0 007 @ 00040353 v 0000 + 00254769 n 0101 + 10586903 n 0101 + 04185804 n 0101 + 00254769 n 0102 ~ 00037680 v 0000 ~ 00037779 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 | remove body hair with a razor
00037514 29 v 02 epilate 0 depilate 0 004 @ 00173338 v 0000 + 00211221 a 0201 + 03177165 n 0202 + 00254597 n 0201 01 + 08 00 | remove body hair; "epilate her legs"
00037680 29 v 01 razor 0 002 @ 00037298 v 0000 + 04057047 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | shave with a razor
00037779 29 v 01 tonsure 0 003 @ 00037298 v 0000 + 00254922 n 0101 + 05539717 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | shave the head of a newly inducted monk
00037919 29 v 02 bathe 1 bath 0 008 @ 00035758 v 0000 + 02807731 n 0202 + 02808440 n 0203 + 00257770 n 0201 + 00442437 n 0101 + 09843602 n 0101 + 00427853 n 0101 ~ 00035448 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 09 00 | clean one's body by immersion into water; "The child should bathe every day"
00038199 29 v 01 douche 0 003 @ 00035758 v 0000 + 00695717 n 0101 + 03228533 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 09 00 | direct a spray of water into a bodily cavity, for cleaning
00038365 29 v 03 comb 0 comb_out 0 disentangle 0 009 @ 00040353 v 0000 + 01244593 n 0303 + 00256961 n 0201 + 03075097 n 0101 + 03074855 n 0101 + 00256746 n 0101 + 00256746 n 0102 ~ 00038687 v 0000 ~ 00040188 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | smoothen and neaten with or as with a comb; "comb your hair before dinner"; "comb the wool"
00038687 29 v 03 slick 0 slick_down 0 sleek_down 0 002 @ 00038365 v 0000 + 04947628 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | give a smooth and glossy appearance; "slick one's hair"
00038849 29 v 07 dress 4 arrange 0 set 5 do 4 coif 0 coiffe 0 coiffure 0 007 @ 00040353 v 0000 + 05256862 n 0704 + 05256862 n 0504 + 07938773 n 0201 ~ 00039121 v 0000 ~ 00039488 v 0000 $ 00045639 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | arrange attractively; "dress my hair for the wedding"
00039121 29 v 01 bob 0 002 @ 00038849 v 0000 + 05259109 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | cut hair in the style of a bob; "Bernice bobs her hair these days!"
00039267 29 v 01 pompadour 0 002 @ 01666894 v 0000 + 05260240 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | style women's hair in a pompadour
00039385 29 v 01 marcel 0 001 @ 00039488 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | make a marcel in a woman's hair
00039488 29 v 01 wave 0 005 @ 00038849 v 0000 + 05259240 n 0101 ~ 00039385 v 0000 ~ 00039680 v 0000 ~ 00039824 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | set waves in; "she asked the hairdresser to wave her hair"
00039680 29 v 02 gauffer 0 goffer 0 001 @ 00039488 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make wavy with a heated goffering iron; "goffer the trim of the dress"
00039824 29 v 01 perm 0 002 @ 00039488 v 0000 + 05260533 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | give a permanent wave to; "She perms her hair"
00039950 29 v 02 mousse 0 gel 0 002 @ 00040353 v 0000 + 03794136 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | apply a styling gel to; "she mousses her hair"
00040084 29 v 01 pomade 0 002 @ 00040353 v 0000 + 03980026 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | apply pomade to (hair)
00040188 29 v 02 tease 0 fluff 0 002 @ 00038365 v 0000 + 00256961 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | ruffle (one's hair) by combing the ends towards the scalp, for a full effect
00040353 29 v 02 groom 0 neaten 0 016 @ 00293141 v 0000 + 00828237 n 0102 ~ 00035758 v 0000 ~ 00037298 v 0000 ~ 00038365 v 0000 ~ 00038849 v 0000 ~ 00039950 v 0000 ~ 00040084 v 0000 ~ 00040766 v 0000 ~ 00040928 v 0000 ~ 00042479 v 0000 ~ 00042792 v 0000 ~ 00042936 v 0000 ~ 00043078 v 0000 ~ 00043278 v 0000 ~ 00043480 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 09 00 | care for one's external appearance; "He is always well-groomed"
00040766 29 v 01 clean_up 0 002 @ 00040353 v 0000 + 00251013 n 0103 01 + 02 00 | make oneself clean, presentable or neat; "Clean up before you go to the party"
00040928 29 v 01 make_up 0 007 @ 00040353 v 0000 + 03714235 n 0101 + 03714235 n 0102 ~ 00041206 v 0000 ~ 00041417 v 0000 ~ 00041554 v 0000 ~ 00042173 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 09 00 | apply make-up or cosmetics to one's face to appear prettier; "She makes herself up every morning"
00041206 29 v 01 highlight 0 002 @ 00040928 v 0000 + 03519081 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | apply a highlighter to one's cheeks or eyebrows in order to make them more prominent; "highlight the area above your eyebrows"
00041417 29 v 01 lipstick 0 002 @ 00040928 v 0000 + 03676483 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | apply lipstick to; "She lipsticked her mouth"
00041554 29 v 01 rouge 0 002 @ 00040928 v 0000 + 04112752 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | redden by applying rouge to; "she rouged her cheeks"
00041687 29 v 01 condition 0 002 @ 00042017 v 0000 + 03088020 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | apply conditioner to in order to make smooth and shiny; "I condition my hair after washing it"
00041866 29 v 01 floss 0 002 @ 00035758 v 0000 + 03175843 n 0102 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | use dental floss to clean; "floss your teeth after every meal"
00042017 29 v 01 shampoo 0 004 @ 00036362 v 0000 + 00257115 n 0101 + 04183516 n 0101 ~ 00041687 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 | use shampoo on (hair)
00042173 29 v 01 powder 0 004 @ 00040928 v 0000 + 03994008 n 0101 + 10461169 n 0101 ~ 00042364 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | apply powder to; "She powdered her nose"; "The King wears a powdered wig"
00042364 29 v 01 talc 0 002 @ 00042173 v 0000 + 15066367 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | apply talcum powder to (one's body)
00042479 29 v 01 manicure 0 003 @ 00040353 v 0000 + 00660783 n 0101 + 10290919 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | care for (one's hand) by cutting and shaping the nails, etc.
00042641 29 v 01 manicure 1 003 @ 01552519 v 0000 + 00660783 n 0101 + 10290919 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | trim carefully and neatly; "manicure fingernails"
00042792 29 v 01 barber 0 002 @ 00040353 v 0000 + 09838895 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | perform the services of a barber: cut the hair and/or beard of
00042936 29 v 01 pedicure 0 002 @ 00040353 v 0000 + 00660957 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | care for one's feet by cutting and shaping the nails, etc.
00043078 29 v 04 doll_up 0 do_up 0 pretty_up 0 glam_up 0 001 @ 00040353 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | use special care in dressing, making-up, etc.; "She dolled herself up for the night out with her friends"
00043278 29 v 04 spruce_up 0 spruce 0 slick_up 0 smarten_up 0 001 @ 00040353 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 09 00 | dress and groom with particular care, as for a special occasion; "He spruced up for the party"
00043480 29 v 02 perfume 0 scent 0 005 @ 00040353 v 0000 + 05714466 n 0204 + 05714466 n 0103 + 03916031 n 0101 + 03916470 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | apply perfume to; "She perfumes herself every day"
00043683 29 v 04 preen 0 primp 0 plume 0 dress 5 004 @ 00044149 v 0000 + 02728440 n 0403 + 00828559 n 0201 $ 00046534 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 09 00 | dress or groom with elaborate care; "She likes to dress when going to the opera"
00043912 29 v 01 prank 0 001 @ 00044149 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | dress up showily; "He pranked himself out in his best clothes"
00044037 29 v 01 tart_up 0 001 @ 00044149 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 09 00 | dress up in a cheap and provocative way
00044149 29 v 10 overdress 0 dress_up 0 fig_out 0 fig_up 0 deck_up 0 gussy_up 0 fancy_up 0 trick_up 0 deck_out 0 trick_out 0 prink 0 attire 0 get_up 2 rig_out 0 tog_up 0 tog_out 0 014 $ 00044797 v 0000 $ 00051761 v 0000 @ 00046534 v 0000 + 04092168 n 0e01 + 03859958 n 0d02 + 02756098 n 0c01 ^ 00046534 v 0201 ! 00045346 v 0201 ! 00045346 v 0102 ~ 00043683 v 0000 ~ 00043912 v 0000 ~ 00044037 v 0000 ~ 00045064 v 0000 ~ 00045240 v 0000 03 + 09 00 + 02 02 + 02 01 | put on special clothes to appear particularly appealing and attractive; "She never dresses up, even when she goes to the opera"; "The young girls were all fancied up for the party"
00044797 29 v 02 dress 7 dress_up 6 006 @ 00046534 v 0000 + 02756098 n 0103 + 10033225 n 0101 $ 00044149 v 0000 $ 00046534 v 0000 ~ 00052253 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | dress in a certain manner; "She dresses in the latest Paris fashion"; "he dressed up in a suit and tie"
00045064 29 v 01 enrobe 0 001 @ 00044149 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | adorn with a robe
00045145 29 v 03 prim 0 prim_up 0 prim_out 0 001 @ 00047945 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | dress primly
00045240 29 v 02 bedizen 0 dizen 0 001 @ 00044149 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | dress up garishly and tastelessly
00045346 29 v 02 dress_down 0 underdress 0 003 @ 00046534 v 0000 ! 00044149 v 0201 ! 00044149 v 0102 01 + 02 00 | dress informally and casually; "On Fridays, employees can underdress"
00045532 29 v 01 prink 1 001 @ 00046534 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | dress very carefully and in a finicky manner
00045639 29 v 03 dress 6 groom 3 curry 0 003 $ 00038849 v 0000 @ 00293141 v 0000 + 10644301 n 0203 01 + 08 00 | give a neat appearance to; "groom the dogs"; "dress the horses"
00045817 29 v 07 reduce 0 melt_off 0 lose_weight 0 slim 0 slenderize 0 thin 0 slim_down 0 004 @ 00146138 v 0000 + 13547513 n 0101 ! 00046151 v 0101 ~ 00046022 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 02 | take off weight
00046022 29 v 01 sweat_off 0 001 @ 00045817 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | lose weight by sweating; "I sweated off 3 pounds in the sauna"
00046151 29 v 02 gain 0 put_on 3 005 @ 00146138 v 0000 + 10117739 n 0101 ! 00045817 v 0101 ~ 00046382 v 0000 ~ 00107110 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 01 | increase (one's body weight); "She gained 20 pounds when she stopped exercising"
00046382 29 v 03 round 0 flesh_out 0 fill_out 0 001 @ 00046151 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | become round, plump, or shapely; "The young woman is fleshing out"
00046534 29 v 02 dress 0 get_dressed 0 019 $ 00047945 v 0000 $ 00044797 v 0000 $ 00043683 v 0000 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 02728440 n 0103 + 10033082 n 0101 + 00828237 n 0101 ! 00049900 v 0101 ^ 00044149 v 0102 ^ 00045346 v 0101 ~ 00044149 v 0000 ~ 00044797 v 0000 ~ 00045346 v 0000 ~ 00045532 v 0000 ~ 00047032 v 0000 ~ 00050652 v 0000 ~ 00051637 v 0000 ~ 00051942 v 0000 ~ 00169458 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | put on clothes; "we had to dress quickly"; "dress the patient"; "Can the child dress by herself?"
00047032 29 v 01 bundle_up 0 001 @ 00046534 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | dress warmly; "Mother bundled up the children for the long way to school"
00047172 29 v 01 hat 0 003 @ 00050652 v 0000 + 03497657 n 0101 ~ 00047511 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | put on or wear a hat; "He was unsuitably hatted"
00047317 29 v 02 try_on 0 try 0 002 @ 00050652 v 0000 + 00795008 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | put on a garment in order to see whether it fits and looks nice; "Try on this sweater to see how it looks"
00047511 29 v 01 bonnet 0 002 @ 00047172 v 0000 + 02869837 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | dress in a bonnet
00047610 29 v 01 wear 2 001 @ 02630189 v 0000 02 + 05 00 + 08 00 | have or show an appearance of; "wear one's hair in a certain way"
00047745 29 v 02 wear 4 bear 2 005 @ 02630189 v 0000 + 02539359 a 0101 + 03051540 n 0104 + 00830257 n 0101 + 00830257 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | have on one's person; "He wore a red ribbon"; "bear a scar"
00047945 29 v 0a dress 1 clothe 0 enclothe 0 garb 0 raiment 0 tog 0 garment 0 habilitate 0 fit_out 0 apparel 0 026 @ 00146138 v 0000 + 02728440 n 0a01 + 03419014 n 0701 + 02742322 n 0502 + 02756098 n 0402 + 03051540 n 0201 + 02728440 n 0103 + 10033082 n 0101 + 00828237 n 0101 ~ 00045145 v 0000 $ 00046534 v 0000 ~ 00048633 v 0000 ~ 00048790 v 0000 ~ 00048912 v 0000 ~ 00049007 v 0000 ~ 00049102 v 0000 ~ 00049197 v 0000 ~ 00049309 v 0000 ~ 00049483 v 0000 ~ 00049669 v 0000 ~ 00049770 v 0000 ! 00049900 v 0101 ~ 00051511 v 0000 ~ 00051761 v 0000 ~ 00052043 v 0000 ~ 00106592 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | provide with clothes or put clothes on; "Parents must feed and dress their child"
00048633 29 v 02 cover f wrap_up 0 002 @ 00047945 v 0000 + 00828082 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | clothe, as if for protection from the elements; "cover your head!"
00048790 29 v 01 jacket 0 002 @ 00047945 v 0000 + 03589791 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | put a jacket on; "The men were jacketed"
00048912 29 v 01 frock 0 002 @ 00047945 v 0000 + 03236735 n 0102 01 + 09 00 | put a frock on
00049007 29 v 01 shirt 0 002 @ 00047945 v 0000 + 04197391 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | put a shirt on
00049102 29 v 01 habit 0 002 @ 00047945 v 0000 + 03473966 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | put a habit on
00049197 29 v 01 vesture 0 002 @ 00047945 v 0000 + 03051540 n 0103 01 + 09 00 | provide or cover with a cloak
00049309 29 v 02 overdress 1 overclothe 0 002 @ 00047945 v 0000 ! 00049483 v 0101 01 + 09 00 | dress too warmly; "You should not overclothe the child--she will be too hot"
00049483 29 v 01 underdress 1 002 @ 00047945 v 0000 ! 00049309 v 0101 01 + 09 00 | dress without sufficient warmth; "She was underdressed for the hiking trip and suffered hypothermia"
00049669 29 v 01 corset 0 002 @ 00047945 v 0000 + 03112869 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | dress with a corset
00049770 29 v 01 shoe 0 002 @ 00047945 v 0000 + 04199027 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | furnish with shoes; "the children were well shoed"
00049900 29 v 08 undress 0 discase 0 uncase 0 unclothe 0 strip 1 strip_down 0 disrobe 1 peel 2 009 @ 00179060 v 0000 + 10664340 n 0807 + 00531490 n 0501 + 10664340 n 0501 + 14456752 n 0101 ! 00047945 v 0101 ! 00046534 v 0101 ~ 00050454 v 0000 $ 00177243 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 | get undressed; "please don't undress in front of everybody!"; "She strips in front of strangers every night for a living"
00050315 29 v 01 peel_off 1 001 @ 00050454 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | take off, as with some difficulty; "He peeled off his blood-soaked shirt"
00050454 29 v 01 take_off 3 005 @ 00049900 v 0000 ~ 00050315 v 0000 ~ 00051370 v 0000 ~ 00179227 v 0000 ~ 01590658 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove clothes; "take off your shirt--it's very hot in here"
00050652 29 v 05 wear 1 put_on 0 get_into 0 don 0 assume 0 007 @ 00046534 v 0000 + 02539359 a 0101 + 03051540 n 0104 ~ 00047172 v 0000 ~ 00047317 v 0000 ~ 00051060 v 0000 ~ 00051170 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | put clothing on one's body; "What should I wear today?"; "He put on his best suit for the wedding"; "The princess donned a long blue dress"; "The queen assumed the stately robes"; "He got into his jeans"
00051060 29 v 01 scarf 0 002 @ 00050652 v 0000 + 04143897 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | wrap in or adorn with a scarf
00051170 29 v 01 slip_on 0 003 @ 00050652 v 0000 + 04241249 n 0101 ! 00051370 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | put on with ease or speed; "slip into something more comfortable after work"; "slip on one's shoes"
00051370 29 v 01 slip_off 0 002 @ 00050454 v 0000 ! 00051170 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | take off with ease or speed; "She slipped off her jacket"
00051511 29 v 01 coat 0 003 @ 00047945 v 0000 + 03057021 n 0101 + 03058603 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | cover or provide with a coat
00051637 29 v 01 cross-dress 0 002 @ 00046534 v 0000 + 10726031 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | dress in the clothes of the other sex
00051761 29 v 02 costume 0 dress_up 4 003 @ 00047945 v 0000 + 03113835 n 0101 $ 00044149 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 09 00 | dress in a costume; "We dressed up for Halloween as pumpkins"
00051942 29 v 01 dandify 0 002 @ 00046534 v 0000 + 09991026 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | dress like a dandy
00052043 29 v 02 vest 0 robe 0 006 @ 00047945 v 0000 + 03450516 n 0202 + 04097866 n 0201 + 03051540 n 0103 + 04532106 n 0101 $ 00052253 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | clothe formally; especially in ecclesiastical robes
00052253 29 v 01 vest 1 002 $ 00052043 v 0000 @ 00044797 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | clothe oneself in ecclesiastical garments
00052374 29 v 02 wear 0 have_on 0 004 * 00046534 v 0000 + 02539359 a 0101 + 03051540 n 0104 + 10771809 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | be dressed in; "She was wearing yellow that day"
00052548 29 v 04 inseminate 0 fecundate 0 fertilize 0 fertilise 0 010 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 07436986 n 0301 + 07436986 n 0203 + 00845178 n 0101 + 05404336 n 0101 ~ 00052845 v 0000 ~ 00053159 v 0000 ~ 00053341 v 0000 ~ 00053656 v 0000 ~ 00054059 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | introduce semen into (a female)
00052845 29 v 01 stratify 0 003 $ 01308681 v 0000 @ 00052548 v 0000 + 00919877 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | render fertile and preserve by placing between layers of earth or sand; "stratify seeds"
00053035 29 v 01 quicken 2 002 @ 01831531 v 0000 + 14048134 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | show signs of life; "the fetus quickened"
00053159 29 v 04 impregnate 0 knock_up 0 bang_up 0 prang_up 0 003 @ 00052548 v 0000 + 07436986 n 0104 $ 00053341 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | make pregnant; "He impregnated his wife again"
00053341 29 v 01 impregnate 1 004 $ 00053159 v 0000 @ 00052548 v 0000 + 07436986 n 0104 ~ 00053517 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | fertilize and cause to grow; "the egg was impregnated"
00053517 29 v 01 inoculate 4 001 @ 00053341 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | impregnate with the virus or germ of a disease in order to render immune
00053656 29 v 02 cross-fertilize 0 cross-fertilise 0 004 > 00053889 v 0000 @ 00052548 v 0000 + 07437575 n 0202 + 07437575 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | cause to undergo cross-fertilization; "Mendel cross-fertilized different kinds of beans"
00053889 29 v 02 cross-fertilize 1 cross-fertilise 1 003 @ 00146138 v 0000 + 07437575 n 0202 + 07437575 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | undergo cross-fertilization; become fertile
00054059 29 v 03 pollinate 0 pollenate 0 cross-pollinate 0 006 @ 00052548 v 0000 + 07438792 n 0301 + 07437372 n 0202 + 11675537 n 0101 + 07437372 n 0101 + 02161457 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | fertilize by transfering pollen
00054285 29 v 01 conceive 0 005 * 01428853 v 0000 @ 00146138 v 0000 + 01001945 a 0101 + 00844847 n 0101 ~ 00067850 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | become pregnant; undergo conception; "She cannot conceive"; "My daughter was conceived in Christmas Day"
00054535 29 v 01 nick 0 001 @ 01428853 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | mate successfully; of livestock
00054628 29 v 08 beget 0 get 8 engender 0 father 0 mother 0 sire 0 generate 0 bring_forth 0 010 @ 01617192 v 0000 + 01081592 a 0701 + 08368907 n 0701 + 07324380 n 0702 + 00849982 n 0701 + 01323355 n 0601 + 10102800 n 0603 + 10332385 n 0501 + 10080869 n 0401 + 10080869 n 0103 01 + 09 00 | make children; "Abraham begot Isaac"; "Men often father children but don't recognize them"
00055010 29 v 01 ejaculate 0 004 @ 00104868 v 0000 + 13471815 n 0101 + 05404336 n 0104 + 10048117 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | eject semen
00055142 29 v 03 reproduce 0 procreate 0 multiply 1 012 @ 01617192 v 0000 ;c 06037666 n 0000 + 00849982 n 0302 + 01081592 a 0202 + 00849523 n 0202 + 01081592 a 0103 + 13550318 n 0101 + 00849523 n 0101 ~ 00055539 v 0000 ~ 00056188 v 0000 ~ 00056334 v 0000 ~ 00060185 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | have offspring or produce more individuals of a given animal or plant; "The Bible tells people to procreate"
00055539 29 v 01 propagate 0 005 @ 00055142 v 0000 ;c 06037666 n 0000 + 02785130 a 0101 + 00849982 n 0103 ~ 00055709 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | multiply sexually or asexually
00055709 29 v 01 vegetate 1 003 @ 00055539 v 0000 ;c 06037666 n 0000 + 02136665 a 0102 01 + 01 00 | propagate asexually; "The bacterial growth vegetated along"
00055871 29 v 01 propagate 1 007 > 00055539 v 0000 @ 00515154 v 0000 ;c 00017222 n 0000 + 02785130 a 0101 + 00849982 n 0103 + 10483274 n 0101 ~ 00056093 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cause to propagate, as by grafting or layering
00056093 29 v 01 inoculate 2 001 @ 00055871 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | insert a bud for propagation
00056188 29 v 02 fructify 0 set 6 003 @ 00055142 v 0000 + 13485408 n 0101 + 13134947 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | bear fruit; "the apple trees fructify"
00056334 29 v 02 breed 0 multiply 0 005 @ 00055142 v 0000 + 00849982 n 0202 + 08101410 n 0101 + 00849523 n 0103 ~ 00056589 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | have young (animals) or reproduce (organisms); "pandas rarely breed in captivity"; "These bacteria reproduce"
00056589 29 v 01 pullulate 0 001 @ 00056334 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | breed freely and abundantly
00056683 29 v 01 spawn 0 003 @ 01545079 v 0000 + 02513939 n 0101 ~ 00056829 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | lay spawn; "The salmon swims upstream to spawn"
00056829 29 v 01 spat 1 002 @ 00056683 v 0000 + 01956344 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | spawn; "oysters spat"
00056930 29 v 05 give_birth 0 deliver 1 bear 1 birth 0 have 0 019 * 00054285 v 0000 @ 01752495 v 0000 + 15142167 n 0401 + 13532886 n 0402 + 07320302 n 0401 + 00042541 n 0201 ~ 00057665 v 0000 ~ 00057764 v 0000 ~ 00057895 v 0000 ~ 00058014 v 0000 ~ 00058135 v 0000 ~ 00058265 v 0000 ~ 00058401 v 0000 ~ 00058516 v 0000 ~ 00058645 v 0000 ~ 00058794 v 0000 ~ 00058897 v 0000 $ 00059019 v 0000 ~ 00059019 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 02 01 | cause to be born; "My wife had twins yesterday!"
00057410 29 v 01 lie_in 0 001 * 00056930 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | be in confinement for childbirth
00057506 29 v 02 labor 0 labour 0 004 * 00056930 v 0000 @ 02108377 v 0000 + 14048441 n 0203 + 14048441 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | undergo the efforts of childbirth
00057665 29 v 01 twin 0 002 @ 00056930 v 0000 + 10734394 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | give birth to twins
00057764 29 v 01 drop 0 001 @ 00056930 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | give birth; used for animals; "The cow dropped her calf this morning"
00057895 29 v 01 foal 0 002 @ 00056930 v 0000 + 02376542 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | give birth to a foal; "the mare foaled"
00058014 29 v 01 cub 0 002 @ 00056930 v 0000 + 01322685 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | give birth to cubs; "bears cub every year"
00058135 29 v 01 kitten 0 002 @ 00056930 v 0000 + 02122948 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | have kittens; "our cat kittened again this year"
00058265 29 v 01 lamb 0 003 @ 00056930 v 0000 + 07667151 n 0101 + 02412440 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | give birth to a lamb; "the ewe lambed"
00058401 29 v 01 litter 0 002 @ 00056930 v 0000 + 08400331 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | give birth to a litter of animals
00058516 29 v 02 whelp 0 pup 0 003 @ 00056930 v 0000 + 01322343 n 0201 + 01322343 n 0102 01 + 01 00 | birth; "the dog whelped"
00058645 29 v 02 farrow 0 pig 0 004 @ 00056930 v 0000 + 02395406 n 0202 + 13479034 n 0101 + 13479034 n 0102 01 + 01 00 | give birth; "sows farrow"
00058794 29 v 01 fawn 0 002 @ 00056930 v 0000 + 02430830 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | have fawns; "deer fawn"
00058897 29 v 02 calve 0 have_young 0 001 @ 00056930 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | birth; "the whales calve at this time of year"
00059019 29 v 05 have_a_bun_in_the_oven 0 bear 0 carry 0 gestate 0 expect 0 008 $ 00056930 v 0000 * 00054285 v 0000 @ 00056930 v 0000 + 00173391 a 0503 + 07510923 n 0501 + 15226214 n 0401 + 14046202 n 0402 $ 00059376 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | be pregnant with; "She is bearing his child"; "The are expecting another child in January"; "I am carrying his child"
00059376 29 v 01 expect 2 004 $ 00059019 v 0000 @ 00720063 v 0000 + 00173391 a 0103 + 14486122 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | look forward to the birth of a child; "She is expecting in March"
00059559 29 v 01 carry_to_term 0 002 * 00059019 v 0000 ! 00059769 v 0101 02 + 02 00 + 09 00 | carry out a pregnancy; "She decided to carry the child to term, even though the foetus was shown to be defective"
00059769 29 v 01 miscarry 0 003 @ 00059899 v 0000 + 00230475 n 0102 ! 00059559 v 0101 02 + 02 00 + 09 00 | suffer a miscarriage
00059899 29 v 01 abort 0 004 * 00054285 v 0000 @ 00104868 v 0000 + 00230324 n 0101 ~ 00059769 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | terminate a pregnancy by undergoing an abortion
00060063 29 v 01 abort 1 001 @ 00358431 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | cease development, die, and be aborted; "an aborting fetus"
00060185 29 v 04 brood 0 hatch 0 cover 2 incubate 0 009 $ 01430447 v 0000 $ 00063095 v 0000 * 01984902 v 0000 @ 00055142 v 0000 + 13441812 n 0402 + 03567066 n 0401 + 13491464 n 0201 + 07990824 n 0101 + 03567066 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | sit on (eggs); "Birds brood"; "The female covers the eggs"
00060477 29 v 04 alter 0 neuter 0 spay 0 castrate 2 006 @ 00061595 v 0000 + 00667847 n 0401 + 00692506 n 0401 + 06329313 n 0401 + 00692726 n 0301 ~ 00060701 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | remove the ovaries of; "Is your cat spayed?"
00060701 29 v 02 defeminize 0 defeminise 0 001 @ 00060477 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove the ovaries of (female mammals such as cats)
00060833 29 v 04 emasculate 0 castrate 0 demasculinize 0 demasculinise 0 006 @ 00061595 v 0000 + 00692349 n 0201 + 10066452 n 0202 + 00692349 n 0102 ~ 00061079 v 0000 ~ 00061219 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | remove the testicles of a male animal
00061079 29 v 02 caponize 0 caponise 0 003 @ 00060833 v 0000 + 01792530 n 0201 + 01792530 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | convert a cock into a capon
00061219 29 v 02 geld 0 cut 0 002 @ 00060833 v 0000 + 02377388 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | cut off the testicles (of male animals such as horses); "the vet gelded the young horse"
00061401 29 v 02 vasectomize 0 vasectomise 0 002 @ 00061595 v 0000 + 00716179 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | remove the vas deferens; "many men choose to be vasectomized as a form of safe birth control"
00061595 29 v 07 sterilize 0 sterilise 0 desex 0 unsex 0 desexualize 0 desexualise 0 fix 0 007 @ 00083809 v 0000 + 00692506 n 0702 + 00692130 n 0202 + 00692130 n 0101 ~ 00060477 v 0000 ~ 00060833 v 0000 ~ 00061401 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | make infertile; "in some countries, people with genetically transmissible disabilites are sterilized"
00061933 29 v 02 face-lift 0 lift 0 002 @ 00083809 v 0000 + 00674158 n 0104 01 + 08 00 | perform cosmetic surgery on someone's face
00062067 29 v 01 trephine 0 003 @ 00083809 v 0000 + 00694276 n 0101 + 04479526 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | operate on with a trephine
00062203 29 v 02 menstruate 0 flow 0 004 * 00062397 v 0000 @ 00074834 v 0000 + 13513747 n 0206 + 13513747 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | undergo menstruation; "She started menstruating at the age of 11"
00062397 29 v 01 ovulate 0 004 @ 00104868 v 0000 + 05457973 n 0101 + 05458300 n 0101 + 13530237 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | produce and discharge eggs; "women ovulate about once every month"
00062582 29 v 02 sterilize 1 sterilise 1 006 @ 00089324 v 0000 + 00253919 n 0202 + 02758960 n 0203 + 00253919 n 0101 + 02758960 n 0102 ~ 00062973 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make free from bacteria
00062774 29 v 01 antisepticize 0 001 @ 00089324 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | disinfect with an antiseptic; "The animals were antisepticized by the veterinarian before the operation"
00062973 29 v 01 autoclave 0 002 @ 00062582 v 0000 + 02758960 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | subject to the action of an autoclave
00063095 29 v 01 hatch 1 005 @ 00360932 v 0000 + 13491464 n 0101 + 13491464 n 0102 + 08581299 n 0101 $ 00060185 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | emerge from the eggs; "young birds, fish, and reptiles hatch"
00063291 29 v 01 irritate 0 007 @ 00208210 v 0000 + 02310185 a 0102 + 14531392 n 0101 + 07495973 n 0103 ! 00063916 v 0101 ~ 02119659 v 0000 ~ 02119874 v 0000 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | excite to an abnormal condition, or chafe or inflame; "Aspirin irritates my stomach"
00063557 29 v 01 inflame 0 004 $ 00063724 v 0000 @ 00203866 v 0000 + 01177246 a 0101 + 14336539 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | become inflamed; get sore; "His throat inflamed"
00063724 29 v 01 inflame 1 004 @ 00208210 v 0000 + 01177246 a 0101 + 14336539 n 0101 $ 00063557 v 0000 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | cause inflammation in; "The repetitive motion inflamed her joint"
00063916 29 v 01 soothe 0 002 @ 00064095 v 0000 ! 00063291 v 0101 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | cause to feel better; "the medicine soothes the pain of the inflammation"
00064095 29 v 04 relieve 0 alleviate 0 palliate 0 assuage 0 013 @ 00205885 v 0000 + 07493280 n 0403 + 01341153 a 0306 + 00355547 n 0301 + 01341153 a 0202 + 01341153 a 0201 + 07493280 n 0202 + 00354884 n 0203 + 09784443 n 0201 + 03879854 n 0203 + 03879854 n 0202 ~ 00063916 v 0000 ~ 00082308 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | provide physical relief, as from pain; "This pill will relieve your headaches"
00064487 29 v 01 massage 0 003 @ 00078760 v 0000 + 00659048 n 0101 + 10297983 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | give a massage to; "She massaged his sore back"
00064643 29 v 01 hurt 1 007 > 02122164 v 0000 @ 00064889 v 0000 + 07496463 n 0102 + 07495327 n 0102 ~ 00069879 v 0000 ~ 00070816 v 0000 ~ 00071037 v 0000 03 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | give trouble or pain to; "This exercise will hurt your back"
00064889 29 v 01 indispose 0 005 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 14174455 n 0101 ~ 00064643 v 0000 ~ 00074558 v 0000 ~ 00075021 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | cause to feel unwell; "She was indisposed"
00065070 29 v 02 suffer 0 hurt 2 012 @ 02604760 v 0000 + 14285662 n 0202 + 14322699 n 0202 + 10595647 n 0103 + 14324274 n 0102 + 07495327 n 0101 + 05032795 n 0101 ! 00065495 v 0101 ~ 00065370 v 0000 ~ 00077698 v 0000 ~ 00078665 v 0000 ~ 01188144 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | feel pain or be in pain
00065370 29 v 01 have 2 002 $ 00065639 v 0000 @ 00065070 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | suffer from; be ill with; "She has arthritis"
00065495 29 v 01 be_well 0 002 @ 02604760 v 0000 ! 00065070 v 0101 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | be healthy; feel good; "She has not been well lately"
00065639 29 v 04 suffer 1 sustain 0 have 5 get b 006 @ 02108026 v 0000 + 10595647 n 0103 ~ 00030647 v 0000 ~ 00031068 v 0000 $ 00065370 v 0000 ~ 01785579 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | undergo (as of injuries and illnesses); "She suffered a fracture in the accident"; "He had an insulin shock after eating three candy bars"; "She got a bruise on her leg"; "He got his arm broken in the scuffle"
00066025 29 v 04 wail 0 whimper 0 mewl 0 pule 0 003 @ 00066191 v 0000 + 07211752 n 0201 + 07211950 n 0104 01 + 02 00 | cry weakly or softly; "she wailed with pain"
00066191 29 v 02 cry 0 weep 0 014 @ 01802494 v 0000 + 10773040 n 0201 + 10773126 n 0201 + 00868196 n 0202 + 07014752 n 0101 + 10773126 n 0102 + 00868196 n 0101 ! 00031820 v 0101 ~ 00066025 v 0000 $ 00066685 v 0000 ~ 00066862 v 0000 ~ 00066977 v 0000 ~ 00067129 v 0000 ~ 00067274 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | shed tears because of sadness, rage, or pain; "She cried bitterly when she heard the news of his death"; "The girl in the wheelchair wept with frustration when she could not get up the stairs"
00066685 29 v 01 cry 2 003 $ 00066191 v 0000 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 00868196 n 0101 01 + 20 00 | bring into a particular state by crying; "The little boy cried himself to sleep"
00066862 29 v 01 bawl 0 002 @ 00066191 v 0000 + 09844566 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | cry loudly; "Don't bawl in public!"
00066977 29 v 01 tear 0 003 @ 00066191 v 0000 + 05405324 n 0101 + 13505843 n 0103 01 + 01 00 | fill with tears or shed tears; "Her eyes were tearing"
00067129 29 v 01 sob 0 003 @ 00066191 v 0000 + 00868669 n 0101 + 00868669 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | weep convulsively; "He was sobbing inconsolably"
00067274 29 v 05 snivel 1 sniffle 1 blubber 0 blub 0 snuffle 1 006 @ 00066191 v 0000 + 00836149 n 0501 + 09860940 n 0301 + 00868523 n 0101 + 10776339 n 0104 + 00868523 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | cry or whine with snuffling; "Stop snivelling--you got yourself into this mess!"
00067545 29 v 03 sweat 0 sudate 0 perspire 0 009 @ 00072989 v 0000 + 13535261 n 0301 + 05405751 n 0301 + 13535261 n 0204 + 05405751 n 0102 + 10418735 n 0102 + 13535261 n 0102 ^ 00046022 v 0101 ~ 00069747 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | excrete perspiration through the pores in the skin; "Exercise makes one sweat"
00067850 29 v 01 superfetate 0 002 @ 00054285 v 0000 + 07438396 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | conceive when a fetus is already present in the uterus
00067999 29 v 05 exude 0 exudate 0 transude 0 ooze_out 0 ooze 0 016 @ 00072989 v 0000 + 07432119 n 0502 + 07432119 n 0503 + 07432337 n 0302 + 14852913 n 0201 + 14852913 n 0102 + 07432337 n 0101 + 14852913 n 0101 ~ 00068467 v 0000 ~ 00068627 v 0000 ~ 00068740 v 0000 ~ 00068858 v 0000 ~ 00069012 v 0000 ~ 00069166 v 0000 ~ 00069295 v 0000 ~ 00109389 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | release (a liquid) in drops or small quantities; "exude sweat through the pores"
00068467 29 v 02 distill 0 distil 0 001 @ 00067999 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | give off (a liquid); "The doctor distilled a few drops of disinfectant onto the wound"
00068627 29 v 02 reek 0 fume 0 001 @ 00067999 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | be wet with sweat or blood, as of one's face
00068740 29 v 01 transpire 0 002 @ 00067999 v 0000 + 13570072 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | give off (water) through the skin
00068858 29 v 01 extravasate 0 002 @ 00067999 v 0000 + 14008567 n 0103 02 + 01 00 + 11 00 | geology: cause molten material, such as lava, to pour forth
00069012 29 v 01 stream 0 001 @ 00067999 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 22 00 | exude profusely; "She was streaming with sweat"; "His nose streamed blood"
00069166 29 v 01 gum 0 002 @ 00067999 v 0000 + 14898470 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | exude or form gum; "these trees gum in the Spring"
00069295 29 v 02 secrete 0 release 0 005 @ 00067999 v 0000 + 13549672 n 0201 + 13553916 n 0101 + 05327767 n 0103 ~ 00069570 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | generate and separate from cells or bodily fluids; "secrete digestive juices"; "release a hormone into the blood stream"
00069570 29 v 01 water 0 001 @ 00069295 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | secrete or form water, as tears or saliva; "My mouth watered at the prospect of a good dinner"; "His eyes watered"
00069747 29 v 01 swelter 0 001 @ 00067545 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | suffer from intense heat; "we were sweltering at the beach"
00069879 29 v 02 injure 0 wound 0 025 @ 00064643 v 0000 + 07340249 n 0201 + 00403783 n 0201 + 00403783 n 0202 + 14285662 n 0101 + 07313636 n 0101 + 00744443 n 0101 ~ 00070439 v 0000 ~ 00070633 v 0000 ~ 00070736 v 0000 ~ 00071178 v 0000 ~ 00071803 v 0000 ~ 00090186 v 0000 ~ 00090888 v 0000 ~ 00091124 v 0000 ~ 00091513 v 0000 ~ 00091968 v 0000 ~ 00102586 v 0000 ~ 00106960 v 0000 ~ 00107739 v 0000 ~ 01137138 v 0000 ~ 01231652 v 0000 ~ 01309478 v 0000 ~ 01492725 v 0000 ~ 01608508 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | cause injuries or bodily harm to
00070439 29 v 01 trample 0 003 @ 00069879 v 0000 + 07398659 n 0101 + 10723474 n 0101 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | injure by trampling or as if by trampling; "The passerby was trampled by an elephant"
00070633 29 v 01 concuss 0 001 @ 00069879 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | injure the brain; sustain a concussion
00070736 29 v 01 calk 0 001 @ 00069879 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | injure with a calk
00070816 29 v 03 trouble 0 ail 1 pain 0 006 @ 00064643 v 0000 + 05724694 n 0301 + 14322699 n 0301 + 14055408 n 0201 + 07289014 n 0101 ~ 00309074 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | cause bodily suffering to and make sick or indisposed
00071037 29 v 01 disagree_with 0 001 @ 00064643 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | not be very easily digestible; "Spicy food disagrees with some people"
00071178 29 v 03 torture 0 excruciate 0 torment 0 012 @ 00069879 v 0000 + 14333433 n 0302 + 10716005 n 0302 + 04456276 n 0301 + 14324274 n 0203 + 00422551 n 0202 + 00421437 n 0101 + 14333433 n 0101 + 10716389 n 0101 + 00421437 n 0102 ~ 00071547 v 0000 ~ 00071646 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | subject to torture; "The sinners will be tormented in Hell, according to the Bible"
00071547 29 v 01 rack 0 002 @ 00071178 v 0000 + 04039041 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | torture on the rack
00071646 29 v 03 martyr 0 martyrize 0 martyrise 0 003 @ 00071178 v 0000 + 10296832 n 0201 + 10296618 n 0201 01 + 09 00 | torture and torment like a martyr
00071803 29 v 02 pull 0 overstretch 0 002 @ 00069879 v 0000 + 14299070 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | strain abnormally; "I pulled a muscle in my leg when I jumped up"; "The athlete pulled a tendon in the competition"
00072012 29 v 0f make 1 urinate 0 piddle 0 puddle 0 micturate 0 piss 0 pee 0 pee-pee 0 make_water 0 relieve_oneself 0 take_a_leak 0 spend_a_penny 0 wee 0 wee-wee 0 pass_water 0 017 $ 00074038 v 0000 @ 00072989 v 0000 + 13533886 n 0702 + 14855724 n 0703 + 13533886 n 0701 + 13533886 n 0604 + 14855724 n 0602 + 10435716 n 0601 + 13533886 n 0603 + 13515958 n 0501 + 14855724 n 0304 + 13515958 n 0202 + 14855724 n 0201 + 10435716 n 0202 $ 00072586 v 0000 ~ 00072730 v 0000 ~ 00072897 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | eliminate urine; "Again, the cat had made on the expensive rug"
00072586 29 v 01 urinate 1 002 $ 00072012 v 0000 @ 00072989 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | pass after the manner of urine; "The sick men urinated blood"
00072730 29 v 01 wet 0 002 @ 00072012 v 0000 + 09846586 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | make one's bed or clothes wet by urinating; "This eight year old boy still wets his bed"
00072897 29 v 01 stale 0 001 @ 00072012 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | urinate, of cattle and horses
00072989 29 v 04 excrete 0 egest 0 eliminate 0 pass 0 013 @ 00104868 v 0000 + 00865600 n 0402 + 02724050 a 0101 + 13473097 n 0103 + 13473097 n 0104 + 13473097 n 0301 ~ 00067545 v 0000 ~ 00067999 v 0000 ~ 00072012 v 0000 ~ 00072586 v 0000 ~ 00073343 v 0000 ~ 00074038 v 0000 ~ 00076400 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | eliminate from the body; "Pass a kidney stone"
00073343 29 v 03 evacuate 0 void 0 empty 0 008 @ 00072989 v 0000 + 10000007 n 0202 + 13473097 n 0205 + 00395797 n 0202 + 00638067 a 0102 + 13473097 n 0102 + 00395797 n 0103 ~ 00073584 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | excrete or discharge from the body
00073584 29 v 01 suction 0 005 @ 00073343 v 0000 ;c 00671351 n 0000 + 00842692 n 0103 + 11517494 n 0101 $ 01854679 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | empty or clean (a body cavity) by the force of suction; "suction the uterus in an abortion"
00073813 29 v 01 purge 0 004 > 00073343 v 0000 @ 00078760 v 0000 + 00638067 a 0103 + 00253577 n 0103 02 + 02 00 + 09 00 | excrete or evacuate (someone's bowels or body); "The doctor decided that the patient must be purged"
00074038 29 v 08 stool 0 defecate 0 shit 0 take_a_shit 0 take_a_crap 0 ca-ca 0 crap 0 make 0 013 @ 00072989 v 0000 + 14854581 n 0701 + 04446521 n 0704 + 13555775 n 0301 + 14854581 n 0303 + 10000007 n 0303 + 13459088 n 0303 + 13459088 n 0201 + 10000007 n 0201 + 04446521 n 0107 + 14854262 n 0106 $ 00072012 v 0000 ~ 00074453 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | have a bowel movement; "The dog had made in the flower beds"
00074453 29 v 01 dung 0 002 @ 00074038 v 0000 + 14854847 n 0102 01 + 01 00 | defecate; used of animals
00074558 29 v 02 constipate 0 bind 0 003 @ 00064889 v 0000 + 14371161 n 0101 ~ 00074730 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | cause to be constipated; "These foods tend to constipate you"
00074730 29 v 01 obstipate 0 002 @ 00074558 v 0000 + 14371770 n 0101 01 + 10 00 | constipate severely
00074834 29 v 03 shed_blood 0 bleed 0 hemorrhage 0 005 @ 00104868 v 0000 + 14288235 n 0302 + 10170989 n 0203 + 14288235 n 0201 ~ 00062203 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | lose blood from one's body
00075021 29 v 0c tire 1 wear_upon 0 tire_out 0 wear 3 weary 0 jade 1 wear_out 0 outwear 0 wear_down 0 fag_out 0 fag 0 fatigue 0 008 > 00076114 v 0000 @ 00064889 v 0000 + 14016361 n 0c01 + 02382204 n 0602 + 14562683 n 0401 ! 00024649 v 0101 ~ 00075421 v 0000 ~ 00075998 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | exhaust or get tired through overuse or great strain or stress; "We wore ourselves out on this hike"
00075421 29 v 05 exhaust 0 wash_up 1 beat 0 tucker 0 tucker_out 0 005 @ 00075021 v 0000 + 00356621 n 0101 ~ 00075708 v 0000 ~ 00075875 v 0000 ~ 00355524 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | wear out completely; "This kind of work exhausts me"; "I'm beat"; "He was all washed up after the exam"
00075708 29 v 01 frazzle 0 002 @ 00075421 v 0000 + 14018055 n 0101 01 + 10 00 | exhaust physically or emotionally; "She was frazzled after the visit of her in-laws"
00075875 29 v 01 play 4 001 @ 00075421 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | exhaust by allowing to pull on the line; "play a hooked fish"
00075998 29 v 03 overtire 0 overweary 0 overfatigue 0 001 @ 00075021 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | tire excessively
00076114 29 v 05 tire 0 pall 0 weary 1 fatigue 1 jade 0 005 @ 00092293 v 0000 + 02382204 n 0502 + 07540081 n 0401 ~ 00099517 v 0000 ~ 01766952 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | lose interest or become bored with something or somebody; "I'm so tired of your mother and her complaints about my food"
00076400 29 v 13 vomit 0 vomit_up 0 purge 4 cast 0 sick 0 cat 0 be_sick 1 disgorge 0 regorge 0 retch 0 puke 0 barf 0 spew 0 spue 0 chuck 0 upchuck 0 honk 0 regurgitate 0 throw_up 0 014 @ 00072989 v 0000 + 00118733 n 1204 + 10759702 n 0d02 + 14855992 n 0b03 + 00118733 n 0b06 + 00226951 n 0a02 + 00118733 n 0805 + 07950418 n 0501 + 00118733 n 0101 + 03283519 n 0102 + 14855992 n 0101 + 10759702 n 0101 + 00118733 n 0102 ! 00077369 v 0101 05 + 02 00 + 08 13 + 08 12 + 08 0a + 08 02 | eject the contents of the stomach through the mouth; "After drinking too much, the students vomited"; "He purged continuously"; "The patient regurgitated the food we gave him last night"
00077071 29 v 03 spew 2 spew_out 0 eruct 4 002 @ 00104868 v 0000 + 14008567 n 0302 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | eject or send out in large quantities, also metaphorical; "the volcano spews out molten rocks every day"; "The editors of the paper spew out hostile articles about the Presidential candidate"
00077369 29 v 01 keep_down 0 001 ! 00076400 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | manage not to throw up
00077458 29 v 03 gag 1 heave 0 retch 1 002 + 00226951 n 0302 + 00226951 n 0201 01 + 02 00 | make an unsuccessful effort to vomit; strain to vomit
00077606 29 v 02 gag 2 choke 1 001 @ 00088209 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | cause to retch or choke
00077698 29 v 04 gag 0 choke 3 strangle 3 suffocate 1 004 @ 00065070 v 0000 + 00268383 a 0403 + 14043882 n 0401 + 14058252 n 0201 03 + 02 00 + 13 00 + 22 00 | struggle for breath; have insufficient oxygen intake; "he swallowed a fishbone and gagged"
00077950 29 v 02 choke 4 strangle 2 004 > 00002724 v 0000 @ 01387786 v 0000 + 14298247 n 0201 + 00225786 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | constrict (someone's) throat and keep from breathing
00078138 29 v 01 freeze 0 002 @ 00078401 v 0000 + 11440521 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 23 00 | be cold; "I could freeze to death in this office when the air conditioning is turned on"
00078316 29 v 01 swelter 1 001 @ 00078401 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | be uncomfortably hot
00078401 29 v 01 suffer 3 003 @ 02604760 v 0000 ~ 00078138 v 0000 ~ 00078316 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | feel unwell or uncomfortable; "She is suffering from the hot weather"
00078578 29 v 01 gnash 0 001 @ 01394464 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | grind together, of teeth
00078665 29 v 01 ail 0 002 @ 00065070 v 0000 + 14055408 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | be ill or unwell
00078760 29 v 02 treat 0 care_for 0 025 + 00658082 n 0101 ~ 00003133 v 0000 ~ 00064487 v 0000 ~ 00073813 v 0000 ~ 00079470 v 0000 ~ 00079629 v 0000 ~ 00079788 v 0000 ~ 00079951 v 0000 ~ 00080169 v 0000 ~ 00080304 v 0000 ~ 00080589 v 0000 ~ 00080705 v 0000 ~ 00080929 v 0000 ~ 00081072 v 0000 ~ 00082563 v 0000 ~ 00082714 v 0000 ~ 00083661 v 0000 ~ 00083809 v 0000 ~ 00084230 v 0000 ~ 00086077 v 0000 ~ 00087290 v 0000 ~ 00090386 v 0000 ~ 00108909 v 0000 ~ 00373766 v 0000 ~ 00643197 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | provide treatment for; "The doctor treated my broken leg"; "The nurses cared for the bomb victims"; "The patient must be treated right away or she will die"; "Treat the infection with antibiotics"
00079470 29 v 01 correct 4 002 @ 00078760 v 0000 + 00232754 a 0101 02 + 04 00 + 11 00 | treat a defect; "The new contact lenses will correct for his myopia"
00079629 29 v 01 insufflate 1 003 $ 00007193 v 0000 @ 00078760 v 0000 + 13500674 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | treat by blowing a powder or vapor into a bodily cavity
00079788 29 v 02 detox 0 detoxify 0 002 @ 00078760 v 0000 + 00699320 n 0201 01 + 09 00 | treat for alcohol or drug dependence; "He was detoxified in the clinic"
00079951 29 v 01 irrigate 0 002 @ 00078760 v 0000 + 00695448 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | supply with a constant flow or sprinkling of some liquid, for the purpose of cooling, cleansing, or disinfecting; "irrigate the wound"
00080169 29 v 02 iodize 0 iodise 0 001 @ 00078760 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | treat with iodine so as to prevent infection; "iodize a wound"
00080304 29 v 01 doctor 0 004 @ 00078760 v 0000 ;c 00612160 n 0000 + 10020890 n 0101 ~ 00080456 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | give medical treatment to
00080456 29 v 01 vet 0 003 @ 00080304 v 0000 ;c 00612160 n 0000 + 10749715 n 0104 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | provide veterinary care for
00080589 29 v 01 vet 1 002 @ 00078760 v 0000 ;c 00612160 n 0000 01 + 09 00 | provide (a person) with medical care
00080705 29 v 01 nurse 0 004 @ 00078760 v 0000 ;c 00612160 n 0000 + 10366966 n 0101 + 00665079 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | try to cure by special care of treatment, of an illness or injury; "He nursed his cold with Chinese herbs"
00080929 29 v 01 manipulate 0 002 @ 00078760 v 0000 + 00140652 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | treat manually, as with massage, for therapeutic purposed
00081072 29 v 02 administer 0 dispense 0 011 * 02309165 v 0000 @ 00078760 v 0000 ;c 00612160 n 0000 + 03210552 n 0201 + 13285714 n 0201 + 01083504 n 0201 + 00694990 n 0101 ~ 00081367 v 0000 ~ 00081509 v 0000 ~ 00086320 v 0000 ~ 02309374 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 15 00 | give or apply (medications)
00081367 29 v 01 transfuse 1 003 @ 00081072 v 0000 ;c 00612160 n 0000 + 00324056 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | give a transfusion (e.g., of blood) to
00081509 29 v 01 digitalize 0 004 @ 00081072 v 0000 ;c 00612160 n 0000 + 00709843 n 0101 + 15060131 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | administer digitalis such that the patient benefits maximally without getting adverse effects
00081725 29 v 03 bring_around 1 cure 0 heal 1 008 * 00078760 v 0000 @ 00082081 v 0000 ;c 00612160 n 0000 + 10707233 n 0302 + 00994410 a 0201 + 01165943 a 0201 + 04074482 n 0203 ~ 00093163 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | provide a cure for, make healthy again; "The treatment cured the boy's acne"; "The quack pretended to heal patients but never managed to"
00082081 29 v 02 help 0 aid 0 006 @ 00205885 v 0000 + 00654885 n 0203 + 05154908 n 0103 + 01207609 n 0104 ~ 00081725 v 0000 ~ 02290956 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | improve the condition of; "These pills will help the patient"
00082308 29 v 02 comfort 0 ease 0 007 @ 00064095 v 0000 + 00354884 n 0202 + 00354884 n 0201 + 14445379 n 0101 + 03075768 n 0101 + 04033995 n 0102 + 04033995 n 0103 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | lessen pain or discomfort; alleviate; "ease the pain in your legs"
00082563 29 v 02 remedy 0 relieve 2 003 @ 00078760 v 0000 ;c 00612160 n 0000 + 04074482 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | provide relief for; "remedy his illness"
00082714 29 v 01 dress 2 006 @ 00078760 v 0000 ;c 00612160 n 0000 + 03237639 n 0101 + 00696882 n 0101 ~ 00082929 v 0000 ~ 00083124 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | apply a bandage or medication to; "dress the victim's wounds"
00082929 29 v 02 poultice 0 plaster 0 005 @ 00082714 v 0000 ;c 00612160 n 0000 + 03993403 n 0203 + 00718815 n 0201 + 03993403 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | dress by covering with a therapeutic substance
00083124 29 v 01 bandage 0 004 @ 00082714 v 0000 ;c 00612160 n 0000 + 02785648 n 0101 ~ 00083334 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | dress by covering or binding; "The nurse bandaged a sprained ankle"; "bandage an incision"
00083334 29 v 01 ligate 0 005 @ 00083124 v 0000 ;c 06063588 n 0000 + 00149084 n 0102 + 00148242 n 0101 + 03665083 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | bind with a bandage or ligature; "ligate the artery"
00083523 29 v 01 strap 0 003 @ 01340439 v 0000 ;c 00612160 n 0000 + 04333129 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | secure (a sprained joint) with a strap
00083661 29 v 01 splint 0 003 @ 00078760 v 0000 ;c 00612160 n 0000 + 04282494 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | support with a splint; "splint a broken finger"
00083809 29 v 02 operate_on 0 operate 0 008 @ 00078760 v 0000 ;c 00612160 n 0000 + 01169194 a 0202 + 00671351 n 0201 ~ 00061595 v 0000 ~ 00061933 v 0000 ~ 00062067 v 0000 ~ 00084107 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | perform surgery on; "The doctors operated on the patient but failed to save his life"
00084107 29 v 01 venesect 0 003 @ 00083809 v 0000 ;c 00612160 n 0000 + 00698609 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | practice venesection
00084230 29 v 02 medicate 0 medicine 0 013 ;c 00612160 n 0000 @ 00078760 v 0000 + 00612160 n 0201 + 03740161 n 0201 + 06043075 n 0201 + 01166656 a 0101 + 06043075 n 0101 + 03740161 n 0101 + 00612160 n 0101 + 03740161 n 0102 + 00664110 n 0101 ~ 00084738 v 0000 ~ 00085907 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | treat medicinally, treat with medicine
00084562 29 v 01 medicate 1 005 @ 00497705 v 0000 ;c 00612160 n 0000 + 01166656 a 0101 + 03740161 n 0101 + 00664110 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | impregnate with a medicinal substance
00084738 29 v 02 drug 0 dose 0 011 @ 00084230 v 0000 ;c 00612160 n 0000 + 13772106 n 0202 + 03225238 n 0201 + 03247620 n 0101 + 00695300 n 0102 ~ 00021065 v 0000 ~ 00085046 v 0000 ~ 00085353 v 0000 ~ 00085506 v 0000 ~ 00088339 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | administer a drug to; "They drugged the kidnapped tourist"
00085046 29 v 02 dope 0 dope_up 0 004 @ 00084738 v 0000 ;c 00612160 n 0000 + 03990834 n 0104 ~ 00085246 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | give a narcotic to; "The athletes were dope by the coach before the race"
00085246 29 v 01 soup 0 002 @ 00085046 v 0000 ;c 00612160 n 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | dope (a racehorse)
00085353 29 v 02 overdose 0 o.d. 0 001 @ 00084738 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | dose too heavily; "The rock star overdosed and was found dead in his hotel room"
00085506 29 v 02 narcotize 0 narcotise 0 002 @ 00084738 v 0000 + 03808564 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | administer narcotics to
00085626 29 v 05 anoint 0 inunct 0 oil 0 anele 0 embrocate 0 006 @ 00866505 v 0000 + 03673594 n 0502 + 14966667 n 0301 + 01041674 n 0202 + 00712833 n 0102 + 09795639 n 0101 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 17 00 | administer an oil or ointment to ; often in a religious ceremony of blessing
00085907 29 v 01 salve 0 004 @ 00084230 v 0000 ;c 00612160 n 0000 + 00259392 n 0101 + 03845550 n 0105 01 + 08 00 | apply a salve to, usually for the purpose of healing
00086077 29 v 04 bleed 1 leech 0 phlebotomize 0 phlebotomise 0 004 @ 00078760 v 0000 ;c 00612160 n 0000 + 00698609 n 0302 + 01937909 n 0201 01 + 09 00 | draw blood; "In the old days, doctors routinely bled patients as part of the treatment"
00086320 29 v 02 inject 0 shoot 0 008 @ 00081072 v 0000 ;c 00612160 n 0000 + 01317678 a 0101 + 00697365 n 0101 + 14849215 n 0102 ~ 00086598 v 0000 ~ 00086835 v 0000 $ 01585523 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 17 00 | give an injection to; "We injected the glucose into the patient's vein"
00086598 29 v 01 infuse 0 003 @ 00086320 v 0000 ;c 00612160 n 0000 + 00323532 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | introduce into the body through a vein, for therapeutic purposes; "Some physiologists infuses sugar solutions into the veins of animals"
00086835 29 v 04 immunize 0 immunise 0 inoculate 0 vaccinate 0 012 @ 00086320 v 0000 ;c 00612160 n 0000 + 14364306 n 0401 + 00823884 n 0402 + 04517535 n 0401 + 10207514 n 0402 + 00824054 n 0402 + 00823884 n 0301 + 14919272 n 0301 + 10207514 n 0301 + 00824054 n 0301 + 00828990 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 09 00 | perform vaccinations or produce immunity in by inoculation; "We vaccinate against scarlet fever"; "The nurse vaccinated the children in the school"
00087290 29 v 02 cup 0 transfuse 0 003 @ 00078760 v 0000 ;c 00612160 n 0000 + 00698794 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | treat by applying evacuated cups to the patient's skin
00087454 29 v 02 sicken 0 come_down 0 004 @ 00203866 v 0000 ~ 00087653 v 0000 ~ 00087736 v 0000 ~ 00090075 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | get sick; "She fell sick last Friday, and now she is in the hospital"
00087653 29 v 01 wan 0 001 @ 00087454 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | become pale and sickly
00087736 29 v 03 contract 0 take 8 get 0 004 $ 00087988 v 0000 @ 00087454 v 0000 + 00077981 n 0102 ~ 00087988 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | be stricken by an illness, fall victim to an illness; "He got AIDS"; "She came down with pneumonia"; "She took a chill"
00087988 29 v 01 catch a 003 @ 00087736 v 0000 $ 00087736 v 0000 ~ 00088120 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | contract; "did you catch a cold?"
00088120 29 v 01 catch_cold 0 001 @ 00087988 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | come down with a cold
00088209 29 v 01 sicken 1 002 @ 00102586 v 0000 ~ 00077606 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | make sick or ill; "This kind of food sickens me"
00088339 29 v 01 poison 0 004 @ 00084738 v 0000 + 00224738 n 0101 ~ 00088532 v 0000 $ 01323793 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | administer poison to; "She poisoned her husband but he did not die"
00088532 29 v 01 intoxicate 0 005 @ 00088339 v 0000 + 01159119 a 0101 + 14509712 n 0103 + 14018567 n 0104 + 03581634 n 0101 01 + 10 00 | have an intoxicating effect on, of a drug
00088713 29 v 02 infect 0 taint 0 009 @ 00492706 v 0000 + 14487731 n 0202 + 01168434 a 0101 + 02114746 a 0102 + 13498404 n 0101 + 14174549 n 0101 ! 00089324 v 0101 ~ 00088972 v 0000 ~ 00089154 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | contaminate with a disease or microorganism
00088972 29 v 01 superinfect 0 002 @ 00088713 v 0000 + 14185353 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | infect (an infected cell) further or infect a cell already containing similar organisms
00089154 29 v 01 smut 0 004 @ 00088713 v 0000 ;c 00916464 n 0000 + 13066129 n 0101 + 14283632 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | affect with smut or mildew, as of a crop such as corn
00089324 29 v 01 disinfect 0 008 @ 01532589 v 0000 + 02116054 a 0102 + 00709521 n 0101 + 03208229 n 0101 ! 00088713 v 0101 ~ 00062582 v 0000 ~ 00062774 v 0000 ~ 00089602 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 | destroy microorganisms or pathogens by cleansing; "disinfect a wound"
00089602 29 v 01 chlorinate 0 003 @ 00089324 v 0000 + 14634591 n 0101 + 00709659 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | disinfect with chlorine; "chlorinate a pool"
00089750 29 v 01 infect 1 005 @ 02316868 v 0000 + 01168434 a 0101 + 02114746 a 0102 + 07360647 n 0101 ~ 00089973 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 17 00 | communicate a disease to; "Your children have infected you with this head cold"
00089973 29 v 01 canker 0 002 @ 00089750 v 0000 + 14212759 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | infect with a canker
00090075 29 v 01 canker 1 002 @ 00087454 v 0000 + 14212759 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | become infected with a canker
00090186 29 v 03 traumatize 0 traumatise 0 shock 0 006 @ 00069879 v 0000 + 07298982 n 0301 + 07510625 n 0302 + 14285662 n 0204 + 14285662 n 0104 + 14285276 n 0101 01 + 10 00 | inflict a trauma upon
00090386 29 v 01 shock 1 003 @ 00078760 v 0000 + 00839292 n 0103 ~ 00090513 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | subject to electrical shocks
00090513 29 v 02 galvanize 2 galvanise 2 005 @ 00090386 v 0000 + 13485968 n 0202 + 00662681 n 0202 + 13485968 n 0101 + 00662681 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | stimulate (muscles) by administering a shock
00090708 29 v 02 mutilate 0 mar 0 004 @ 00090888 v 0000 + 07433662 n 0101 + 10341955 n 0101 ~ 01281611 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | destroy or injure severely; "mutilated bodies"
00090888 29 v 01 maim 0 004 @ 00069879 v 0000 + 10341955 n 0102 ~ 00090708 v 0000 ~ 00091647 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | injure or wound seriously and leave permanent disfiguration or mutilation; "people were maimed by the explosion"
00091124 29 v 06 twist 0 sprain 0 wrench 0 turn 0 wrick 0 rick 0 006 @ 00069879 v 0000 + 14361182 n 0603 + 14361182 n 0504 + 14299070 n 0301 + 14299336 n 0201 + 14299070 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | twist suddenly so as to sprain; "wrench one's ankle"; "The wrestler twisted his shoulder"; "the hikers sprained their ankles when they fell"; "I turned my ankle and couldn't walk for several days"
00091513 29 v 01 subluxate 0 002 @ 00069879 v 0000 + 07445149 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | sprain or dislocate slightly; "subluxate the hip"
00091647 29 v 02 cripple 0 lame 0 003 @ 00090888 v 0000 + 09978889 n 0101 ~ 00091851 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | deprive of the use of a limb, especially a leg; "The accident has crippled her for life"
00091851 29 v 01 hamstring 0 002 @ 00091647 v 0000 + 05570704 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | cripple by cutting the hamstring
00091968 29 v 04 disable 0 invalid 0 incapacitate 0 handicap 0 005 @ 00069879 v 0000 + 14548343 n 0403 + 10214230 n 0201 + 14548343 n 0102 ~ 00092204 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | injure permanently; "He was disabled in a car accident"
00092204 29 v 01 hock 0 001 @ 00091968 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | disable by cutting the hock
00092293 29 v 04 devolve 0 deteriorate 0 drop 1 degenerate 0 010 @ 00203866 v 0000 + 00045356 a 0401 + 14440875 n 0402 + 13460299 n 0401 + 14561618 n 0201 + 13464204 n 0201 ! 00092690 v 0201 ~ 00076114 v 0000 ~ 00093593 v 0000 ~ 00093775 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | grow worse; "Her condition deteriorated"; "Conditions in the slums degenerated"; "The discussion devolved into a shouting match"
00092690 29 v 03 recuperate 0 recover 0 convalesce 0 011 @ 00205046 v 0000 + 02543598 a 0301 + 09961605 n 0301 + 13452347 n 0301 + 13452347 n 0203 + 01167540 a 0101 + 13452347 n 0102 ! 00092293 v 0102 ~ 00023473 v 0000 ~ 00093020 v 0000 $ 00093163 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | get over an illness or shock; "The patient is recuperating"
00093020 29 v 01 snap_back 0 001 @ 00092690 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | recover quickly; "After the surgery, the patient snapped back in a few days"
00093163 29 v 01 recuperate 1 004 $ 00092690 v 0000 @ 00081725 v 0000 + 01167540 a 0101 + 13452347 n 0102 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | restore to good health or strength
00093327 29 v 06 relapse 0 lapse 0 recidivate 0 regress 0 retrogress 0 fall_back 0 005 @ 00387310 v 0000 + 00068617 n 0301 + 00068333 n 0202 + 00068333 n 0104 + 00068333 n 0105 01 + 02 00 | go back to bad behavior; "Those who recidivate are often minor criminals"
00093593 29 v 02 languish 0 fade 0 003 @ 00092293 v 0000 + 07427534 n 0202 + 10246395 n 0101 01 + 22 00 | become feeble; "The prisoner has be languishing for years in the dungeon"
00093775 29 v 02 waste 0 rot 0 003 @ 00092293 v 0000 + 13574452 n 0101 ~ 00097394 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become physically weaker; "Political prisoners are wasting away in many prisons all over the world"
00093979 29 v 01 atrophy 0 003 @ 00241689 v 0000 + 14365741 n 0101 + 07427060 n 0101 03 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 23 00 | undergo atrophy; "Muscles that are not used will atrophy"
00094153 29 v 01 hypertrophy 0 002 @ 00230746 v 0000 + 14366759 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | undergo hypertrophy; "muscles can hypertrophy when people take steroids"
00094312 29 v 02 fledge 0 feather 0 002 @ 00094460 v 0000 + 01896031 n 0201 01 + 01 00 | grow feathers; "The young sparrows are fledging already"
00094460 29 v 05 grow 0 develop 0 produce 0 get 1 acquire 0 015 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 00041899 n 0402 + 13489037 n 0204 ~ 00094312 v 0000 ~ 00095012 v 0000 ~ 00095271 v 0000 ~ 00095377 v 0000 ~ 00095595 v 0000 ~ 00095747 v 0000 ~ 00095870 v 0000 ~ 00095990 v 0000 ~ 00096520 v 0000 ~ 00096648 v 0000 ~ 00108475 v 0000 $ 00545557 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | come to have or undergo a change of (physical features and attributes); "He grew a beard"; "The patient developed abdominal pains"; "I got funny spots all over my body"; "Well-developed breasts"
00095012 29 v 01 regrow 0 001 @ 00094460 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | grow anew or continue growth after an injury or interruption; "parts of the trunk of this tree can regrow"; "some invertebrates can regrow limbs or their tail after they lost it due to an injury"
00095271 29 v 01 spring 0 001 @ 00094460 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | develop suddenly; "The tire sprang a leak"
00095377 29 v 02 sprout 1 stock 3 005 @ 00094460 v 0000 + 13127091 n 0201 + 13164583 n 0101 + 07719437 n 0101 + 13487207 n 0102 01 + 01 00 | put forth and grow sprouts or shoots; "the plant sprouted early this year"
00095595 29 v 02 stool 1 tiller 0 003 @ 00094460 v 0000 + 13164970 n 0201 + 13111700 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | grow shoots in the form of stools or tillers
00095747 29 v 01 leaf 0 003 @ 00094460 v 0000 + 13152742 n 0101 + 13152742 n 0102 01 + 01 00 | produce leaves, of plants
00095870 29 v 01 pod 0 003 @ 00094460 v 0000 + 13139055 n 0101 + 13140049 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | produce pods, of plants
00095990 29 v 01 teethe 0 002 @ 00094460 v 0000 + 13565781 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | grow teeth; cut the baby teeth; "The little one is teething now"
00096136 29 v 01 cut e 002 $ 00108475 v 0000 @ 00231557 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | grow through the gums; "The new tooth is cutting"
00096264 29 v 02 ankylose 0 ancylose 0 002 @ 00231557 v 0000 ;c 00612160 n 0000 01 + 01 00 | undergo ankylosis; "joints ankylose"
00096396 29 v 02 ankylose 1 ancylose 1 002 @ 01295275 v 0000 ;c 00612160 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | produce ankylosis by surgery
00096520 29 v 01 pupate 0 002 @ 00094460 v 0000 + 02312427 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | develop into a pupa; "the insect larva pupate"
00096648 29 v 02 work_up 0 get_up 3 001 @ 00094460 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | develop; "we worked up an as of an appetite"
00096766 29 v 03 fester 0 maturate 0 suppurate 0 008 @ 00104868 v 0000 + 02805735 a 0301 + 13479889 n 0302 + 05417472 n 0303 + 13479889 n 0203 + 13479889 n 0101 + 14184254 n 0101 $ 00097179 v 0000 01 + 23 00 | ripen and generate pus; "her wounds are festering"
00097029 29 v 01 draw 0 003 @ 02509919 v 0000 ~ 00097179 v 0000 $ 02097800 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | cause to localize at one point; "Draw blood and pus"
00097179 29 v 02 suppurate 1 mature 4 005 $ 00096766 v 0000 @ 00097029 v 0000 + 13479889 n 0203 + 13479889 n 0102 + 05417472 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | cause to ripen and discharge pus; "The oil suppurates the pustules"
00097394 29 v 04 necrose 0 gangrene 0 mortify 0 sphacelate 0 005 @ 00093775 v 0000 + 14313440 n 0402 + 11486708 n 0404 + 11486708 n 0302 + 14313440 n 0201 01 + 23 00 | undergo necrosis; "the tissue around the wound necrosed"
00097621 29 v 02 regenerate 0 revitalize 0 002 @ 00205885 v 0000 ~ 00250877 v 0000 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | restore strength; "This food revitalized the patient"
00097781 29 v 01 rejuvenate 0 002 @ 00097941 v 0000 + 11505546 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | become young again; "The old man rejuvenated when he became a grandfather"
00097941 29 v 01 regenerate 1 004 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 13548734 n 0101 + 00269963 n 0102 ~ 00097781 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | undergo regeneration
00098083 29 v 02 resuscitate 0 revive 1 007 > 00024047 v 0000 @ 00022099 v 0000 + 01048210 n 0101 + 04082344 n 0101 $ 00024047 v 0000 ~ 00098346 v 0000 ~ 00098517 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | cause to regain consciousness; "The doctors revived the comatose man"
00098346 29 v 03 boot 0 reboot 0 bring_up 0 001 @ 00098083 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cause to load (an operating system) and start the initial processes; "boot your computer"
00098517 29 v 03 resurrect 0 raise 0 upraise 0 003 @ 00098083 v 0000 + 01048059 n 0101 $ 00098770 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | cause to become alive again; "raise from the dead"; "Slavery is already dead, and cannot be resurrected"; "Upraising ghosts"
00098770 29 v 03 resurrect 1 rise 0 uprise 5 003 $ 00098517 v 0000 @ 02004874 v 0000 + 07327288 n 0202 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | return from the dead; "Christ is risen!"; "The dead are to uprise"
00098963 29 v 01 scab 0 002 @ 00099184 v 0000 + 05264247 n 0101 01 + 23 00 | form a scab; "the wounds will eventually scab"
00099089 29 v 01 skin_over 0 001 @ 00099184 v 0000 01 + 23 00 | grow new skin over an injury
00099184 29 v 01 heal 0 005 @ 00205046 v 0000 + 13491616 n 0101 ~ 00098963 v 0000 ~ 00099089 v 0000 ~ 00099374 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 23 00 | get healthy again; "The wound is healing slowly"
00099374 29 v 01 granulate 0 002 @ 00099184 v 0000 + 14237818 n 0101 01 + 23 00 | form granulating tissue; "wounds and ulcers can granulate"
00099517 29 v 05 poop_out 0 peter_out 0 run_down 0 run_out 0 conk_out 0 001 @ 00076114 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | use up all one's strength and energy and stop working; "At the end of the march, I pooped out"
00099721 29 v 02 exercise 0 work_out 0 011 $ 00100551 v 0000 * 01831531 v 0000 + 00624738 n 0205 + 00624738 n 0101 + 03472232 n 0102 + 00624738 n 0102 ~ 00027064 v 0000 ~ 00100044 v 0000 ~ 00100235 v 0000 ~ 00101277 v 0000 ~ 01150370 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | do physical exercise; "She works out in the gym every day"
00100044 29 v 01 train 0 003 @ 00099721 v 0000 + 00893955 n 0101 $ 00833702 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | exercise in order to prepare for an event or competition; "She is training for the Olympics"
00100235 29 v 01 tumble 0 005 @ 00099721 v 0000 + 00437788 n 0101 + 10732967 n 0101 + 00434075 n 0102 ~ 00100410 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | do gymnastics, roll and turn skillfully
00100410 29 v 01 roll 6 002 @ 00100235 v 0000 + 07441619 n 0103 01 + 02 00 | execute a roll, in tumbling; "The gymnasts rolled and jumped"
00100551 29 v 03 exercise 1 work 0 work_out 1 007 > 00099721 v 0000 @ 02407987 v 0000 + 00624738 n 0305 + 00624738 n 0101 + 03472232 n 0102 $ 00099721 v 0000 ~ 00100905 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | give a workout to; "Some parents exercise their infants"; "My personal trainer works me hard"; "work one's muscles"; "this puzzle will exercise your mind"
00100905 29 v 01 warm_up 1 004 @ 00100551 v 0000 @ 02407987 v 0000 + 01144716 n 0101 ~ 00101137 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | cause to do preliminary exercises so as to stretch the muscles; "The coach warmed up the players before the game"
00101137 29 v 01 limber 0 001 @ 00100905 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cause to become limber; "The violist limbered her wrists before the concert"
00101277 29 v 03 tone 0 tone_up 0 strengthen 0 002 @ 00099721 v 0000 + 14544672 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | give a healthy elasticity to; "Let's tone our muscles"
00101434 29 v 02 stretch 2 stretch_out 2 002 @ 01831531 v 0000 + 00341243 n 0103 01 + 02 00 | extend one's body or limbs; "Let's stretch for a minute--we've been sitting here for over 3 hours"
00101629 29 v 02 fart 0 break_wind 0 003 @ 00010241 v 0000 + 00839597 n 0101 + 00839597 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | expel intestinal gases through the anus
00101779 29 v 02 snuffle 0 snivel 0 005 @ 00005041 v 0000 + 00836149 n 0203 + 10776339 n 0204 + 00836149 n 0101 + 10618007 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | snuff up mucus through the nose
00101956 29 v 05 spit 0 ptyalize 0 ptyalise 0 spew 1 spue 1 008 @ 00006238 v 0000 + 13543871 n 0201 + 00118552 n 0101 + 05416198 n 0102 + 10636874 n 0101 + 00118552 n 0102 ^ 00006238 v 0104 ^ 02200341 v 0103 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | expel or eject (saliva or phlegm or sputum) from the mouth; "The father of the victim spat at the alleged murderer"
00102303 29 v 03 splutter 0 sputter 0 spit_out 0 001 @ 00006238 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | spit up in an explosive manner
00102420 29 v 01 stub 0 001 @ 01236164 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | strike (one's toe) accidentally against an object; "She stubbed her toe in the dark and now it's broken"
00102586 29 v 01 harm 0 004 @ 00069879 v 0000 + 00403092 n 0102 + 07420770 n 0102 ~ 00088209 v 0000 05 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 12 00 | cause or do harm to; "These pills won't harm your system"
00102791 29 v 01 salivate 0 004 @ 00010241 v 0000 + 13552528 n 0101 + 05416198 n 0101 ~ 00102974 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | produce saliva; "We salivated when he described the great meal"
00102974 29 v 06 drivel 0 drool 0 slabber 0 slaver 0 slobber 0 dribble 0 011 @ 00102791 v 0000 + 05416678 n 0602 + 10033663 n 0601 + 10033663 n 0503 + 05416678 n 0504 ^ 01827745 v 0502 + 05416678 n 0201 + 10033663 n 0204 ^ 01827745 v 0201 + 05416678 n 0103 + 10033663 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | let saliva drivel from the mouth; "The baby drooled"
00103317 29 v 04 blush 0 crimson 0 flush 0 redden 0 007 @ 00281101 v 0000 + 14050871 n 0303 + 00118268 n 0302 + 04963588 n 0201 + 00118268 n 0101 + 13003522 n 0102 + 04112752 n 0103 01 + 02 00 | turn red, as if in embarrassment or shame; "The girl blushed when a young man whistled as she walked by"
00103619 29 v 03 pale 0 blanch 0 blench 0 002 @ 00281101 v 0000 + 04977561 n 0106 01 + 02 00 | turn pale, as if in fear
00103741 29 v 01 etiolate 0 002 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 04700496 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | make pale or sickly; "alcohol etiolates your skin"
00103875 29 v 02 tan 0 bronze 0 004 @ 00281101 v 0000 + 14290534 n 0101 + 13565622 n 0101 ~ 00104026 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | get a tan, from wind or sun
00104026 29 v 01 suntan 0 002 @ 00103875 v 0000 + 14290534 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | get a tan from being exposed to the sun
00104147 29 v 02 sun 0 sunbathe 0 003 @ 01547001 v 0000 + 10675010 n 0201 + 11485367 n 0103 03 + 02 00 + 22 00 + 09 01 | expose one's body to the sun
00104299 29 v 02 sunburn 0 burn 0 004 @ 00281101 v 0000 + 14290534 n 0204 + 14290365 n 0101 + 14290534 n 0103 01 + 02 00 | get a sunburn by overexposure to the sun
00104465 29 v 02 generalize 0 generalise 0 001 @ 01378556 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | become systemic and spread throughout the body; "this kind of infection generalizes throughout the immune system"
00104667 29 v 02 metastasize 0 metastasise 0 002 @ 01378556 v 0000 + 13515353 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | spread throughout the body; "the cancer had metastasized and the patient could not be saved"
00104868 29 v 05 exhaust 2 discharge 0 expel 0 eject 0 release 1 015 + 13549672 n 0501 + 00116687 n 0403 + 00116687 n 0301 + 13466586 n 0303 + 13466586 n 0201 ~ 00006238 v 0000 ~ 00034948 v 0000 ~ 00055010 v 0000 ~ 00059899 v 0000 ~ 00062397 v 0000 ~ 00072989 v 0000 ~ 00074834 v 0000 ~ 00077071 v 0000 ~ 00096766 v 0000 ~ 00105333 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | eliminate (a substance); "combustion products are exhausted in the engine"; "the plant releases a gas"
00105333 29 v 03 emit 0 breathe 1 pass_off 0 007 @ 00104868 v 0000 + 01253060 n 0101 ~ 00003431 v 0000 ~ 00003662 v 0000 ~ 00004605 v 0000 ~ 00291163 v 0000 ~ 00519056 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | expel (gases or odors)
00105554 29 v 02 joke 0 jest 0 008 @ 00010435 v 0000 + 00431005 n 0201 + 06778102 n 0204 + 10221312 n 0201 + 10224098 n 0101 + 00431005 n 0102 + 06778102 n 0101 ~ 00105778 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | act in a funny or teasing way
00105778 29 v 03 clown 0 clown_around 0 antic 0 005 @ 00105554 v 0000 + 00427580 n 0301 + 09930876 n 0101 + 06781383 n 0102 + 00513401 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | act as or like a clown
00105958 29 v 01 feel 0 003 @ 02604760 v 0000 ~ 00106217 v 0000 ~ 00106412 v 0000 01 + 07 00 | be conscious of a physical, mental, or emotional state; "My cold is gone--I feel fine today"; "She felt tired after the long hike"; "She felt sad after her loss"
00106217 29 v 02 feel_like_a_million 0 feel_like_a_million_dollars 0 001 @ 00105958 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | be in excellent health and spirits; "he feels like a million after he got the promotion"
00106412 29 v 01 suffocate 3 002 @ 00105958 v 0000 + 00268383 a 0103 01 + 08 00 | feel uncomfortable for lack of fresh air; "The room was hot and stuffy and we were suffocating"
00106592 29 v 01 gown 0 004 @ 00047945 v 0000 + 03450734 n 0101 + 03450516 n 0101 + 03450230 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | dress in a gown
00106723 29 v 01 jaundice 0 002 @ 00019448 v 0000 + 14319684 n 0101 01 + 10 00 | affect with, or as if with, jaundice
00106843 29 v 01 piffle 0 002 @ 00010435 v 0000 + 06608143 n 0103 01 + 02 00 | act in a trivial or ineffective way
00106960 29 v 02 run_down 1 run_over 0 001 @ 00069879 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | injure or kill by running over, as with a vehicle
00107110 29 v 01 pack_on 0 001 @ 00046151 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | gain (weight); "He packed on two pounds over the summer"
00107231 29 v 01 call 5 001 @ 00018813 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | rouse somebody from sleep with a call; "I was called at 5 A.M. this morning"
00107369 29 v 01 make 6 001 @ 00010435 v 0000 01 + 07 00 | behave in a certain way; "make merry"
00107468 29 v 01 make_as_if 0 001 @ 00010435 v 0000 01 + 28 00 | begin or appear to begin an action; "He made as if to shake my hand"
00107604 29 v 01 break b 001 @ 00151689 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | diminish or discontinue abruptly; "The patient's fever broke last night"
00107739 29 v 02 fracture 0 break 4 005 @ 00069879 v 0000 + 14292090 n 0202 + 00376994 n 0101 + 14292090 n 0101 $ 00107943 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | fracture a bone of; "I broke my foot while playing hockey"
00107943 29 v 01 fracture 1 005 $ 00107739 v 0000 + 00376994 n 0101 + 14292090 n 0101 ~ 00108121 v 0000 $ 00108303 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | break (a bone); "She broke her clavicle"
00108121 29 v 01 refracture 0 001 @ 00107943 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | break (a bone) that was previously broken but mended in an abnormal way; "The surgeon had to refracture her wrist"
00108303 29 v 01 fracture 2 003 $ 00107943 v 0000 @ 00362348 v 0000 + 14292090 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | become fractured; "The tibia fractured from the blow of the iron pipe"
00108475 29 v 01 cut 4 002 @ 00094460 v 0000 $ 00096136 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | have grow through the gums; "The baby cut a tooth"
00108604 29 v 01 give a 002 @ 02297142 v 0000 $ 00108747 v 0000 01 + 15 00 | proffer (a body part); "She gave her hand to her little sister"
00108747 29 v 01 give b 002 $ 00108604 v 0000 @ 00797697 v 0000 01 + 15 00 | consent to engage in sexual intercourse with a man; "She gave herself to many men"
00108909 29 v 01 pack 0 002 @ 00078760 v 0000 + 03870822 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | treat the body or any part of it by wrapping it, as with blankets or sheets, and applying compresses to it, or stuffing it to provide cover, containment, or therapy, or to absorb blood; "The nurse packed gauze in the wound"; "You had better pack your swollen ankle with ice"
00109263 29 v 01 snuff 2 002 @ 00005041 v 0000 + 00883139 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | inhale audibly through the nose; "snuff coke"
00109389 29 v 01 froth 0 002 @ 00067999 v 0000 ~ 00109540 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | exude or expel foam; "the angry man was frothing at the mouth"
00109540 29 v 01 lather 1 001 @ 00109389 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | exude sweat or lather; "this unfit horse lathers easily"
00109660 30 v 01 change 0 197 + 11412727 n 0101 + 07296428 n 0101 + 03005920 n 0101 ! 00117985 v 0101 ~ 00024814 v 0000 ~ 00046534 v 0000 ~ 00094460 v 0000 ~ 00097941 v 0000 ~ 00113420 v 0000 ~ 00113728 v 0000 ~ 00113853 v 0000 ~ 00114837 v 0000 ~ 00116365 v 0000 ~ 00119873 v 0000 ~ 00121046 v 0000 ~ 00122485 v 0000 ~ 00123018 v 0000 ~ 00125078 v 0000 ~ 00125447 v 0000 ~ 00125841 v 0000 ~ 00134564 v 0000 ~ 00134898 v 0000 ~ 00138508 v 0000 ~ 00140123 v 0000 ~ 00140967 v 0000 ~ 00144850 v 0000 ~ 00146138 v 0000 ~ 00150287 v 0000 ~ 00155547 v 0000 ~ 00160447 v 0000 ~ 00160653 v 0000 ~ 00161012 v 0000 ~ 00169651 v 0000 ~ 00169806 v 0000 ~ 00193328 v 0000 ~ 00202784 v 0000 ~ 00208836 v 0000 ~ 00210738 v 0000 ~ 00214268 v 0000 ~ 00219403 v 0000 ~ 00220461 v 0000 ~ 00229026 v 0000 ~ 00237877 v 0000 ~ 00238372 v 0000 ~ 00238867 v 0000 ~ 00239321 v 0000 ~ 00250539 v 0000 ~ 00254486 v 0000 ~ 00254867 v 0000 ~ 00267041 v 0000 ~ 00271946 v 0000 ~ 00272177 v 0000 ~ 00280930 v 0000 ~ 00281101 v 0000 ~ 00282933 v 0000 ~ 00305109 v 0000 ~ 00312380 v 0000 ~ 00313585 v 0000 ~ 00328128 v 0000 ~ 00336260 v 0000 ~ 00343180 v 0000 ~ 00350283 v 0000 ~ 00356258 v 0000 ~ 00365810 v 0000 ~ 00370126 v 0000 ~ 00373112 v 0000 ~ 00373250 v 0000 ~ 00381601 v 0000 ~ 00384411 v 0000 ~ 00391971 v 0000 ~ 00401373 v 0000 ~ 00409643 v 0000 ~ 00411020 v 0000 ~ 00418563 v 0000 ~ 00419950 v 0000 ~ 00434374 v 0000 ~ 00435103 v 0000 ~ 00443116 v 0000 ~ 00443384 v 0000 ~ 00454651 v 0000 ~ 00461354 v 0000 ~ 00468583 v 0000 ~ 00468791 v 0000 ~ 00476133 v 0000 ~ 00481555 v 0000 ~ 00491456 v 0000 ~ 00492225 v 0000 ~ 00499304 v 0000 ~ 00500356 v 0000 ~ 00501718 v 0000 ~ 00509958 v 0000 ~ 00522751 v 0000 ~ 00524299 v 0000 ~ 00524682 v 0000 ~ 00525164 v 0000 ~ 00525932 v 0000 ~ 00526229 v 0000 ~ 00526339 v 0000 ~ 00526749 v 0000 ~ 00527801 v 0000 ~ 00528836 v 0000 ~ 00531769 v 0000 ~ 00531904 v 0000 ~ 00535988 v 0000 ~ 00536807 v 0000 ~ 00537050 v 0000 ~ 00537153 v 0000 ~ 00537759 v 0000 ~ 00538043 v 0000 ~ 00538199 v 0000 ~ 00538323 v 0000 ~ 00538852 v 0000 ~ 00539110 v 0000 ~ 00542120 v 0000 ~ 00543016 v 0000 ~ 00543287 v 0000 ~ 00543410 v 0000 ~ 00545292 v 0000 ~ 00545557 v 0000 ~ 00547022 v 0000 ~ 00547221 v 0000 ~ 00548479 v 0000 ~ 00548616 v 0000 ~ 00549396 v 0000 ~ 00551210 v 0000 ~ 00552006 v 0000 ~ 00552815 v 0000 ~ 00553407 v 0000 ~ 00554894 v 0000 ~ 00555654 v 0000 ~ 00557216 v 0000 ~ 00561266 v 0000 ~ 00561375 v 0000 ~ 00563360 v 0000 ~ 00564151 v 0000 ~ 00564695 v 0000 ~ 00565279 v 0000 ~ 00565592 v 0000 ~ 00566024 v 0000 ~ 00567099 v 0000 ~ 00567775 v 0000 ~ 00569741 v 0000 ~ 00570694 v 0000 ~ 00571901 v 0000 ~ 00572021 v 0000 ~ 00572362 v 0000 ~ 00572502 v 0000 ~ 00572788 v 0000 ~ 00574218 v 0000 ~ 00574996 v 0000 ~ 00575720 v 0000 ~ 00576384 v 0000 ~ 00576498 v 0000 ~ 00576684 v 0000 ~ 00577500 v 0000 ~ 00577998 v 0000 ~ 00578862 v 0000 ~ 00579367 v 0000 ~ 00580142 v 0000 ~ 00581038 v 0000 ~ 00581355 v 0000 ~ 00581671 v 0000 ~ 00583064 v 0000 ~ 00583523 v 0000 ~ 00584410 v 0000 ~ 00584810 v 0000 ~ 00586387 v 0000 ~ 00586598 v 0000 ~ 00587124 v 0000 ~ 00588084 v 0000 ~ 00644430 v 0000 ~ 00654446 v 0000 ~ 01080523 v 0000 ~ 01557774 v 0000 ~ 01745141 v 0000 ~ 01775914 v 0000 ~ 01969779 v 0000 ~ 01983771 v 0000 ~ 01986715 v 0000 ~ 01989053 v 0000 ~ 02108377 v 0000 ~ 02114056 v 0000 ~ 02149611 v 0000 ~ 02221635 v 0000 ~ 02383440 v 0000 ~ 02467203 v 0000 ~ 02513048 v 0000 ~ 02533907 v 0000 ~ 02601808 v 0000 ~ 02625659 v 0000 ~ 02625916 v 0000 ~ 02627221 v 0000 ~ 02667419 v 0000 ~ 02667558 v 0000 ~ 02725067 v 0000 ~ 02748759 v 0000 ~ 02758581 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | undergo a change; become different in essence; losing one's or its original nature; "She changed completely as she grew older"; "The weather changed last night"
00113420 30 v 01 shade 0 002 @ 00109660 v 0000 $ 00113605 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | pass from one quality such as color to another by a slight degree; "the butterfly wings shade to yellow"
00113605 30 v 01 shade 1 002 $ 00113420 v 0000 @ 00126264 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | vary slightly; "shade the meaning"
00113728 30 v 01 gel 0 002 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 14590542 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | become a gel; "The solid, when heated, gelled"
00113853 30 v 04 brutalize 0 brutalise 0 animalize 0 animalise 0 004 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 00271879 n 0202 + 01263445 a 0105 + 00271879 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | become brutal or insensitive and unfeeling
00114052 30 v 04 brutalize 1 brutalise 1 animalize 1 animalise 1 004 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 00271879 n 0202 + 01263445 a 0105 + 00271879 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | make brutal, unfeeling, or inhuman; "Life in the camps had brutalized him"
00114291 30 v 02 caramelize 0 caramelise 0 006 @ 00115157 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 + 07595180 n 0201 + 07601809 n 0201 + 07595180 n 0101 + 07601809 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | convert to caramel
00114481 30 v 01 rasterize 0 003 @ 00115157 v 0000 ;c 06128570 n 0000 + 04054795 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | convert (an image) into pixels
00114615 30 v 02 caramelize 1 caramelise 1 006 @ 00114837 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 + 07595180 n 0201 + 07601809 n 0201 + 07595180 n 0101 + 07601809 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | be converted into caramel; "The sugar caramelized"
00114837 30 v 01 convert 4 009 $ 00115157 v 0000 @ 00109660 v 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 00348537 a 0101 + 03099945 n 0101 ~ 00114615 v 0000 ~ 00117878 v 0000 ~ 00269889 v 0000 ~ 00280787 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | change in nature, purpose, or function; undergo a chemical change; "The substance converts to an acid"
00115157 30 v 01 convert 3 041 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 01027988 a 0101 + 00400083 n 0101 + 03099945 n 0102 ~ 00114291 v 0000 ~ 00114481 v 0000 $ 00114837 v 0000 ~ 00116079 v 0000 ~ 00116203 v 0000 ~ 00116496 v 0000 ~ 00116619 v 0000 ~ 00116888 v 0000 ~ 00117085 v 0000 ~ 00117346 v 0000 ~ 00117498 v 0000 ~ 00117624 v 0000 ~ 00117757 v 0000 ~ 00321020 v 0000 ~ 00381496 v 0000 ~ 00383871 v 0000 ~ 00458754 v 0000 ~ 00504901 v 0000 ~ 00507664 v 0000 ~ 00511430 v 0000 ~ 00511636 v 0000 ~ 00527232 v 0000 ~ 00550823 v 0000 ~ 00556389 v 0000 ~ 00569870 v 0000 ~ 00576860 v 0000 ~ 00585298 v 0000 ~ 00585405 v 0000 ~ 00585499 v 0000 ~ 00585606 v 0000 ~ 00585705 v 0000 ~ 00585805 v 0000 ~ 00585907 v 0000 ~ 00585986 v 0000 ~ 00586073 v 0000 ~ 00586157 v 0000 ~ 00993892 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | change the nature, purpose, or function of something; "convert lead into gold"; "convert hotels into jails"; "convert slaves to laborers"
00116079 30 v 01 humify 0 002 @ 00115157 v 0000 + 13494192 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | convert (plant remains) into humus
00116203 30 v 02 verbalize 0 verbalise 0 002 @ 00115157 v 0000 ;c 05650820 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | convert into a verb; "many English nouns have become verbalized"
00116365 30 v 01 creolize 0 002 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 06905358 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | develop into a creole; "pidgins often creolize"
00116496 30 v 01 sporulate 0 003 $ 01752728 v 0000 @ 00115157 v 0000 ;c 06066555 n 0000 01 + 11 00 | convert into spores
00116619 30 v 04 novelize 0 novelise 0 fictionalize 0 fictionalise 0 005 @ 00115157 v 0000 + 06367373 n 0402 + 00931040 n 0403 + 00931453 n 0202 + 00931453 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | convert into the form or the style of a novel; "The author novelized the historical event"
00116888 30 v 01 deaden 4 002 @ 00115157 v 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | convert (metallic mercury) into a grey powder consisting of minute globules, as by shaking with chalk or fatty oil
00117085 30 v 02 opalize 0 opalise 0 002 @ 00115157 v 0000 + 14688234 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | replace or convert into opal; "opalized tree trunks"
00117230 30 v 02 opalize 1 opalise 1 002 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 14688234 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make opalescent
00117346 30 v 01 receive 0 002 @ 00115157 v 0000 + 04060647 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | convert into sounds or pictures; "receive the incoming radio signals"
00117498 30 v 01 reconvert 0 001 @ 00115157 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | convert back; "Hollywood is reconverting old films"
00117624 30 v 01 malt 0 004 $ 00117757 v 0000 $ 00186001 v 0000 @ 00115157 v 0000 + 07889274 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | convert into malt
00117757 30 v 01 malt 2 003 @ 00115157 v 0000 + 07888909 n 0101 $ 00117624 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | convert grain into malt
00117878 30 v 01 malt 1 002 @ 00114837 v 0000 + 07889274 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | turn into malt, become malt
00117985 30 v 03 stay 0 remain 0 rest 0 009 @ 02604760 v 0000 + 01053617 n 0101 ! 00109660 v 0101 ~ 00118435 v 0000 ~ 00118922 v 0000 ~ 02487368 v 0000 ~ 02707125 v 0000 ~ 02734800 v 0000 ~ 02744820 v 0000 03 + 04 00 + 06 00 + 07 00 | stay the same; remain in a certain state; "The dress remained wet after repeated attempts to dry it"; "rest assured"; "stay alone"; "He remained unmoved by her tears"; "The bad weather continued for another week"
00118435 30 v 01 keep_out 0 001 @ 00117985 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | remain outside
00118523 30 v 01 continue a 006 @ 02604760 v 0000 + 05051896 n 0103 + 15133621 n 0102 ~ 00235110 v 0000 ~ 02647497 v 0000 ~ 02703018 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | exist over a prolonged period of time; "The bad weather continued for two more weeks"
00118764 30 v 03 keep_up 0 keep_abreast 2 follow 1 001 $ 00729109 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | keep informed; "He kept up on his country's foreign policies"
00118922 30 v 01 sit_tight 0 001 @ 00117985 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | maintain the same position; wait it out; "Let's not make a decision--let's sit tight"
00119074 30 v 01 differentiate 0 005 @ 00160653 v 0000 + 13859307 n 0101 + 07366289 n 0104 + 04748836 n 0101 + 05748285 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | become distinct and acquire a different character
00119266 30 v 04 speciate 0 differentiate 5 specialize 7 specialise 7 004 @ 00251064 v 0000 + 13559782 n 0402 + 13559782 n 0301 + 13560079 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | evolve so as to lead to a new species or develop in a way most suited to the environment
00119524 30 v 01 differentiate 1 005 @ 00252019 v 0000 + 13859307 n 0101 + 04748836 n 0101 + 13559782 n 0103 ! 00119725 v 0101 01 + 01 00 | become different during development; "cells differentiate"
00119725 30 v 01 dedifferentiate 0 003 @ 00252019 v 0000 + 13458840 n 0101 ! 00119524 v 0101 01 + 01 00 | lose specialization in form or function
00119873 30 v 01 mutate 0 008 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 02987332 a 0101 + 02987454 a 0101 + 10341660 n 0102 + 07425011 n 0101 + 10341660 n 0101 + 01324305 n 0101 ~ 00120217 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | undergo mutation; "cells mutate"
00120095 30 v 02 arterialize 0 arterialise 0 001 @ 00126264 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | change venous blood into arterial blood
00120217 30 v 01 revert d 001 @ 00119873 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | undergo reversion, as in a mutation
00120316 30 v 02 make 0 get 1 004 @ 00126264 v 0000 ~ 00120675 v 0000 ~ 00120796 v 0000 ~ 02729414 v 0000 02 + 05 00 + 25 00 | give certain properties to something; "get someone mad"; "She made us look silly"; "He made a fool of himself at the meeting"; "Don't make this into a big deal"; "This invention will make you a millionaire"; "Make yourself clear"
00120675 30 v 01 render 0 001 @ 00120316 v 0000 02 + 05 00 + 25 00 | cause to become; "The shot rendered her immobile"
00120796 30 v 03 get 2 let 1 have 0 001 @ 00120316 v 0000 03 + 20 00 + 21 00 + 24 00 | cause to move; cause to be in a certain position or condition; "He got his squad on the ball"; "This let me in for a big surprise"; "He got a girl into trouble"
00121046 30 v 02 have 1 experience 0 004 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 07285403 n 0201 + 05984584 n 0201 ~ 02739480 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | undergo; "The stocks had a fast run-up"
00121214 30 v 02 alternate 0 take_turns 0 003 @ 02367363 v 0000 + 01010684 n 0101 ~ 00121387 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | do something in turns; "We take turns on the night shift"
00121387 30 v 01 spell 0 001 @ 00121214 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | take turns working; "the workers spell every four hours"
00121506 30 v 02 alternate 1 jump 3 002 @ 00123170 v 0000 + 01010684 n 0101 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | go back and forth; swing back and forth between two states or conditions
00121678 30 v 06 interchange 0 tack 2 switch 0 alternate 2 flip 0 flip-flop 0 005 @ 00138508 v 0000 + 05789808 n 0603 + 07443761 n 0305 + 00196084 n 0301 + 00351334 n 0201 02 + 01 00 + 08 00 | reverse (a direction, attitude, or course of action)
00121926 30 v 03 counterchange 0 transpose 2 interchange 1 001 @ 00126264 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cause to change places; "interchange this screw for one of a smaller size"
00122097 30 v 02 vascularize 0 vascularise 0 004 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 02873811 a 0101 + 13572860 n 0101 $ 00581671 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | make vascular; "the yolk sac is gradually vascularized"
00122289 30 v 01 decrepitate 0 003 $ 00122485 v 0000 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 07383092 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | to roast or calcine so as to cause to crackle or until crackling stops; "decrepitate salts"
00122485 30 v 01 decrepitate 1 003 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 07383092 n 0101 $ 00122289 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | undergo decrepitation and crackle; "The salt decrepitated"
00122648 30 v 01 crackle 0 001 @ 00123170 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 03 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | to become, or to cause to become, covered with a network of small cracks; "The blazing sun crackled the desert sand"
00122853 30 v 02 suburbanize 0 suburbanise 0 002 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 02804590 a 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make suburban in character; "highly suburbanized cities"
00123018 30 v 02 suburbanize 1 suburbanise 1 002 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 02804590 a 0101 01 + 01 00 | take on suburban character; "the city suburbanized"
00123170 30 v 03 change 2 alter 0 vary 1 023 + 02507515 a 0302 + 02504131 a 0301 + 02068277 a 0301 + 05840650 n 0303 + 05840650 n 0302 + 13859043 n 0101 + 11412727 n 0101 + 07296428 n 0101 + 03005920 n 0101 + 00191142 n 0101 ~ 00121506 v 0000 ~ 00122648 v 0000 ~ 00123894 v 0000 ~ 00124074 v 0000 ~ 00124442 v 0000 ~ 00299580 v 0000 ~ 00303940 v 0000 ~ 00304100 v 0000 ~ 00436404 v 0000 ~ 00436668 v 0000 ~ 00437449 v 0000 ~ 00533773 v 0000 ~ 02746449 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | become different in some particular way, without permanently losing one's or its former characteristics or essence; "her mood changes in accordance with the weather"; "The supermarket's selection of vegetables varies according to the season"
00123894 30 v 01 modulate 5 002 @ 00123170 v 0000 + 06281295 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | vary the frequency, amplitude, phase, or other characteristic of (electromagnetic waves)
00124074 30 v 02 avianize 0 avianise 0 001 @ 00123170 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | to modify microorganisms by repeated culture in the developing chick embryo
00124226 30 v 02 optimize 1 optimise 1 003 @ 00169806 v 0000 + 00260051 n 0202 + 00260051 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | modify to achieve maximum efficiency in storage capacity or time or cost; "optimize a computer program"
00124442 30 v 01 move 0 004 @ 00123170 v 0000 ~ 00124659 v 0000 ~ 00124854 v 0000 ~ 01972131 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | go or proceed from one point to another; "the debate moved from family values to the economy"
00124659 30 v 01 step 1 001 @ 00124442 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | move or proceed as if by steps into a new situation; "She stepped into a life of luxury"; "he won't step into his father's footsteps"
00124854 30 v 01 scroll 0 003 @ 00124442 v 0000 ;c 06128570 n 0000 + 06407733 n 0101 01 + 22 00 | move through text or graphics in order to display parts that do not fit on the screen; "Scroll down to see the entire text"
00125078 30 v 02 roll 7 roll_up 2 003 $ 00435688 v 0000 $ 00435853 v 0000 @ 00109660 v 0000 01 + 07 00 | show certain properties when being rolled; "The carpet rolls unevenly"; "dried-out tobacco rolls badly"
00125289 30 v 01 roll 6 001 @ 00140967 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 04 00 + 07 00 | take the shape of a roll or cylinder; "the carpet rolled out"; "Yarn rolls well"
00125447 30 v 04 glaze 0 glass 0 glass_over 0 glaze_over 0 001 @ 00109660 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become glassy or take on a glass-like appearance; "Her eyes glaze over when she is bored"
00125633 30 v 03 revolutionize 0 revolutionise 0 overturn 0 003 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 07424109 n 0201 + 07424109 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | change radically; "E-mail revolutionized communication in academe"
00125841 30 v 02 turn 3 grow 3 006 $ 00146138 v 0000 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 07324673 n 0203 + 07423365 n 0101 ~ 00126143 v 0000 ~ 00282523 v 0000 03 + 04 00 + 05 00 + 06 00 | pass into a condition gradually, take on a specific property or attribute; become; "The weather turned nasty"; "She grew angry"
00126143 30 v 01 bald 0 001 @ 00125841 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | grow bald; lose hair on one's head; "He is balding already"
00126264 30 v 03 change 1 alter 1 modify a 413 > 00109660 v 0000 + 00350069 a 0301 + 00199707 n 0302 + 00349295 a 0201 + 00199707 n 0201 + 07296428 n 0202 + 09609871 n 0101 + 13859043 n 0101 + 11412727 n 0101 + 07296428 n 0101 + 03005920 n 0101 + 00191142 n 0101 ~ 00018813 v 0000 ~ 00019273 v 0000 ~ 00019448 v 0000 ~ 00024649 v 0000 ~ 00052548 v 0000 ~ 00064889 v 0000 ~ 00066685 v 0000 ~ 00103741 v 0000 ~ 00113605 v 0000 ~ 00114052 v 0000 ~ 00115157 v 0000 ~ 00117230 v 0000 ~ 00120095 v 0000 ~ 00120316 v 0000 ~ 00121926 v 0000 ~ 00122097 v 0000 ~ 00122289 v 0000 ~ 00122853 v 0000 ~ 00125633 v 0000 ~ 00134136 v 0000 ~ 00134328 v 0000 ~ 00134737 v 0000 ~ 00135013 v 0000 ~ 00135285 v 0000 ~ 00135578 v 0000 ~ 00135857 v 0000 ~ 00136443 v 0000 ~ 00137313 v 0000 ~ 00139586 v 0000 ~ 00139729 v 0000 ~ 00142191 v 0000 ~ 00145623 v 0000 ~ 00148763 v 0000 ~ 00149469 v 0000 ~ 00151448 v 0000 ~ 00153263 v 0000 ~ 00156276 v 0000 ~ 00160261 v 0000 ~ 00160880 v 0000 ~ 00161987 v 0000 ~ 00165103 v 0000 ~ 00181664 v 0000 ~ 00190682 v 0000 ~ 00190886 v 0000 ~ 00190999 v 0000 ~ 00191385 v 0000 ~ 00191517 v 0000 ~ 00192051 v 0000 ~ 00199490 v 0000 ~ 00200397 v 0000 ~ 00201722 v 0000 ~ 00202445 v 0000 ~ 00202934 v 0000 ~ 00205885 v 0000 ~ 00208210 v 0000 ~ 00214951 v 0000 ~ 00218475 v 0000 ~ 00219012 v 0000 ~ 00220869 v 0000 ~ 00222135 v 0000 ~ 00224901 v 0000 ~ 00227913 v 0000 ~ 00238867 v 0000 ~ 00243124 v 0000 ~ 00249679 v 0000 ~ 00249969 v 0000 ~ 00253501 v 0000 ~ 00253664 v 0000 ~ 00253761 v 0000 ~ 00255389 v 0000 ~ 00258857 v 0000 ~ 00267365 v 0000 ~ 00270440 v 0000 ~ 00270826 v 0000 ~ 00271711 v 0000 ~ 00272391 v 0000 ~ 00272683 v 0000 ~ 00273445 v 0000 ~ 00276373 v 0000 ~ 00282076 v 0000 ~ 00283911 v 0000 ~ 00286605 v 0000 ~ 00288017 v 0000 ~ 00293429 v 0000 ~ 00295563 v 0000 ~ 00296178 v 0000 ~ 00298896 v 0000 ~ 00301338 v 0000 ~ 00302130 v 0000 ~ 00303661 v 0000 ~ 00308399 v 0000 ~ 00308534 v 0000 ~ 00308775 v 0000 ~ 00311559 v 0000 ~ 00312815 v 0000 ~ 00312990 v 0000 ~ 00313712 v 0000 ~ 00313987 v 0000 ~ 00323377 v 0000 ~ 00326170 v 0000 ~ 00336718 v 0000 ~ 00338559 v 0000 ~ 00352826 v 0000 ~ 00361641 v 0000 ~ 00365188 v 0000 ~ 00370412 v 0000 ~ 00371264 v 0000 ~ 00372958 v 0000 ~ 00374668 v 0000 ~ 00375865 v 0000 ~ 00379996 v 0000 ~ 00380159 v 0000 ~ 00380872 v 0000 ~ 00381013 v 0000 ~ 00381850 v 0000 ~ 00382010 v 0000 ~ 00382256 v 0000 ~ 00382493 v 0000 ~ 00382635 v 0000 ~ 00383437 v 0000 ~ 00383542 v 0000 ~ 00384620 v 0000 ~ 00385385 v 0000 ~ 00386252 v 0000 ~ 00386715 v 0000 ~ 00387153 v 0000 ~ 00387919 v 0000 ~ 00388065 v 0000 ~ 00388296 v 0000 ~ 00393398 v 0000 ~ 00393534 v 0000 ~ 00399368 v 0000 ~ 00399788 v 0000 ~ 00400101 v 0000 ~ 00400427 v 0000 ~ 00400883 v 0000 ~ 00401688 v 0000 ~ 00402539 v 0000 ~ 00403609 v 0000 ~ 00405236 v 0000 ~ 00405540 v 0000 ~ 00405853 v 0000 ~ 00406243 v 0000 ~ 00409119 v 0000 ~ 00409281 v 0000 ~ 00409869 v 0000 ~ 00410055 v 0000 ~ 00410244 v 0000 ~ 00410406 v 0000 ~ 00410817 v 0000 ~ 00411312 v 0000 ~ 00411547 v 0000 ~ 00411792 v 0000 ~ 00412292 v 0000 ~ 00412511 v 0000 ~ 00412696 v 0000 ~ 00412860 v 0000 ~ 00416880 v 0000 ~ 00417001 v 0000 ~ 00417596 v 0000 ~ 00419375 v 0000 ~ 00420132 v 0000 ~ 00420716 v 0000 ~ 00420909 v 0000 ~ 00431327 v 0000 ~ 00433668 v 0000 ~ 00437125 v 0000 ~ 00438495 v 0000 ~ 00439087 v 0000 ~ 00439343 v 0000 ~ 00440286 v 0000 ~ 00441445 v 0000 ~ 00444309 v 0000 ~ 00446695 v 0000 ~ 00447950 v 0000 ~ 00448290 v 0000 ~ 00448440 v 0000 ~ 00449692 v 0000 ~ 00452512 v 0000 ~ 00456357 v 0000 ~ 00458276 v 0000 ~ 00461956 v 0000 ~ 00468236 v 0000 ~ 00469187 v 0000 ~ 00469904 v 0000 ~ 00470386 v 0000 ~ 00475819 v 0000 ~ 00479598 v 0000 ~ 00479932 v 0000 ~ 00480221 v 0000 ~ 00480569 v 0000 ~ 00482180 v 0000 ~ 00487554 v 0000 ~ 00489299 v 0000 ~ 00493259 v 0000 ~ 00493703 v 0000 ~ 00495038 v 0000 ~ 00498530 v 0000 ~ 00499812 v 0000 ~ 00500055 v 0000 ~ 00500834 v 0000 ~ 00501159 v 0000 ~ 00501534 v 0000 ~ 00502085 v 0000 ~ 00504270 v 0000 ~ 00505151 v 0000 ~ 00505620 v 0000 ~ 00508032 v 0000 ~ 00511318 v 0000 ~ 00512186 v 0000 ~ 00512877 v 0000 ~ 00514730 v 0000 ~ 00514871 v 0000 ~ 00518115 v 0000 ~ 00519229 v 0000 ~ 00519854 v 0000 ~ 00520881 v 0000 ~ 00521185 v 0000 ~ 00522068 v 0000 ~ 00522613 v 0000 ~ 00523304 v 0000 ~ 00523645 v 0000 ~ 00523895 v 0000 ~ 00524083 v 0000 ~ 00524530 v 0000 ~ 00525281 v 0000 ~ 00525805 v 0000 ~ 00526643 v 0000 ~ 00527367 v 0000 ~ 00530829 v 0000 ~ 00532328 v 0000 ~ 00532429 v 0000 ~ 00532607 v 0000 ~ 00532886 v 0000 ~ 00533897 v 0000 ~ 00534094 v 0000 ~ 00534222 v 0000 ~ 00534369 v 0000 ~ 00534545 v 0000 ~ 00534680 v 0000 ~ 00535669 v 0000 ~ 00535844 v 0000 ~ 00536143 v 0000 ~ 00536304 v 0000 ~ 00536678 v 0000 ~ 00537316 v 0000 ~ 00537494 v 0000 ~ 00537632 v 0000 ~ 00537892 v 0000 ~ 00538454 v 0000 ~ 00538571 v 0000 ~ 00540946 v 0000 ~ 00542668 v 0000 ~ 00543918 v 0000 ~ 00544011 v 0000 ~ 00544549 v 0000 ~ 00545422 v 0000 ~ 00546528 v 0000 ~ 00547300 v 0000 ~ 00547493 v 0000 ~ 00547706 v 0000 ~ 00547802 v 0000 ~ 00547995 v 0000 ~ 00549217 v 0000 ~ 00551718 v 0000 ~ 00551840 v 0000 ~ 00552138 v 0000 ~ 00552253 v 0000 ~ 00552458 v 0000 ~ 00552619 v 0000 ~ 00553208 v 0000 ~ 00553727 v 0000 ~ 00553874 v 0000 ~ 00554110 v 0000 ~ 00554468 v 0000 ~ 00554729 v 0000 ~ 00555447 v 0000 ~ 00556001 v 0000 ~ 00556593 v 0000 ~ 00556855 v 0000 ~ 00557022 v 0000 ~ 00558219 v 0000 ~ 00558963 v 0000 ~ 00559102 v 0000 ~ 00559556 v 0000 ~ 00559754 v 0000 ~ 00559919 v 0000 ~ 00560893 v 0000 ~ 00561887 v 0000 ~ 00562182 v 0000 ~ 00562720 v 0000 ~ 00562882 v 0000 ~ 00563100 v 0000 ~ 00563824 v 0000 ~ 00565081 v 0000 ~ 00565858 v 0000 ~ 00566322 v 0000 ~ 00566569 v 0000 ~ 00566895 v 0000 ~ 00567604 v 0000 ~ 00567971 v 0000 ~ 00568234 v 0000 ~ 00568483 v 0000 ~ 00568661 v 0000 ~ 00568879 v 0000 ~ 00569556 v 0000 ~ 00570383 v 0000 ~ 00571738 v 0000 ~ 00572186 v 0000 ~ 00573247 v 0000 ~ 00573457 v 0000 ~ 00573571 v 0000 ~ 00573671 v 0000 ~ 00573932 v 0000 ~ 00574341 v 0000 ~ 00574735 v 0000 ~ 00575169 v 0000 ~ 00575359 v 0000 ~ 00575970 v 0000 ~ 00576979 v 0000 ~ 00577689 v 0000 ~ 00577839 v 0000 ~ 00578116 v 0000 ~ 00578295 v 0000 ~ 00578733 v 0000 ~ 00579105 v 0000 ~ 00579565 v 0000 ~ 00579952 v 0000 ~ 00580345 v 0000 ~ 00580512 v 0000 ~ 00580720 v 0000 ~ 00580865 v 0000 ~ 00581205 v 0000 ~ 00581509 v 0000 ~ 00581891 v 0000 ~ 00582145 v 0000 ~ 00582318 v 0000 ~ 00582917 v 0000 ~ 00583242 v 0000 ~ 00583759 v 0000 ~ 00583905 v 0000 ~ 00584954 v 0000 ~ 00586241 v 0000 ~ 00586461 v 0000 ~ 00587268 v 0000 ~ 00587849 v 0000 ~ 00587962 v 0000 ~ 00620673 v 0000 ~ 00933566 v 0000 ~ 00940214 v 0000 ~ 00960734 v 0000 ~ 01058036 v 0000 ~ 01098869 v 0000 ~ 01103836 v 0000 ~ 01194938 v 0000 ~ 01207527 v 0000 ~ 01246321 v 0000 ~ 01246444 v 0000 ~ 01246601 v 0000 ~ 01253468 v 0000 ~ 01275516 v 0000 ~ 01284908 v 0000 ~ 01339181 v 0000 ~ 01359145 v 0000 ~ 01368597 v 0000 ~ 01438902 v 0000 ~ 01462005 v 0000 ~ 01488956 v 0000 ~ 01493741 v 0000 ~ 01532589 v 0000 ~ 01534147 v 0000 ~ 01574923 v 0000 ~ 01584875 v 0000 ~ 01610463 v 0000 ~ 01667132 v 0000 ~ 01675963 v 0000 ~ 01801498 v 0000 ~ 01801697 v 0000 ~ 01823528 v 0000 ~ 01984734 v 0000 ~ 02114924 v 0000 ~ 02126863 v 0000 ~ 02138766 v 0000 ~ 02161758 v 0000 ~ 02168194 v 0000 ~ 02191106 v 0000 ~ 02196948 v 0000 ~ 02257767 v 0000 ~ 02304241 v 0000 ~ 02324478 v 0000 ~ 02426799 v 0000 ~ 02467003 v 0000 ~ 02519991 v 0000 ~ 02533748 v 0000 ~ 02535896 v 0000 ~ 02579447 v 0000 ~ 02601996 v 0000 ~ 02603056 v 0000 ~ 02626095 v 0000 ~ 02626934 v 0000 ~ 02753642 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | cause to change; make different; cause a transformation; "The advent of the automobile may have altered the growth pattern of the city"; "The discussion has changed my thinking about the issue"
00133978 30 v 04 sensualize 0 sensualise 0 carnalize 0 carnalise 0 002 @ 02579447 v 0000 + 01778572 a 0302 01 + 09 00 | debase through carnal gratification
00134136 30 v 01 etiolate 0 003 @ 00126264 v 0000 ;c 00017222 n 0000 + 00274206 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | bleach and alter the natural development of (a green plant) by excluding sunlight
00134328 30 v 02 barbarize 0 barbarise 0 004 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 00272123 n 0202 + 00272123 n 0101 $ 00134564 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | make crude or savage in behavior or speech; "his years in prison have barbarized the young man"
00134564 30 v 02 barbarize 1 barbarise 1 003 $ 00134328 v 0000 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 00272123 n 0202 01 + 02 00 | become crude or savage or barbaric in behavior or language
00134737 30 v 02 alkalinize 0 alkalinise 0 002 @ 00126264 v 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make (a substance) alkaline; "The oxide is alkalized"
00134898 30 v 02 alkalinize 1 alkalinise 1 002 @ 00109660 v 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 01 + 01 00 | become alkaline
00135013 30 v 04 mythologize 0 mythologise 0 mythicize 0 mythicise 0 007 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 06769238 n 0202 + 06769238 n 0101 + 06147873 n 0101 + 07978423 n 0101 + 06372680 n 0101 ! 00135578 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | make into a myth; "The Europeans have mythicized Rte. 66"
00135285 30 v 02 allegorize 0 allegorise 0 009 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 09784160 n 0202 + 06880664 n 0202 + 06366581 n 0201 + 06372095 n 0203 + 09784160 n 0101 + 06880664 n 0102 + 06366581 n 0101 + 06372095 n 0103 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make into an allegory; "The story was allegorized over time"
00135578 30 v 02 demythologize 0 demythologise 0 005 @ 00126264 v 0000 ;c 06431740 n 0000 + 06769032 n 0202 + 06769032 n 0101 ! 00135013 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | remove the mythical element from (writings); "the Bible should be demythologized and examined for its historical value"
00135857 30 v 02 bring 0 land 0 003 @ 00126264 v 0000 ^ 00429060 v 0108 ^ 02539788 v 0103 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | bring into a different state; "this may land you in jail"
00136044 30 v 02 secularize 0 secularise 0 003 @ 00146138 v 0000 + 01155465 n 0202 + 01155465 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make secular and draw away from a religious orientation; "Ataturk secularized Turkey"
00136254 30 v 03 rubberize 0 rubberise 0 rubber 0 003 @ 01264283 v 0000 + 15006258 n 0301 + 15006258 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | coat or impregnate with rubber; "rubberize fabric for rain coats"
00136443 30 v 01 coarsen 0 001 @ 00126264 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make less subtle or refined; "coarsen one's ideals"
00136567 30 v 02 anodize 0 anodise 0 001 @ 01264283 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | coat a metal with an oxide coat
00136673 30 v 01 citrate 0 002 @ 00146138 v 0000 + 14812872 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | cause to form a salt or ester of citric acid
00136800 30 v 01 equilibrate 0 005 @ 00146138 v 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 13934900 n 0101 + 13897996 n 0102 + 13446197 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | bring to a chemical stasis or equilibrium
00136991 30 v 03 leave 2 leave_alone 0 leave_behind 3 003 $ 02730135 v 0000 @ 02725714 v 0000 ~ 00496673 v 0000 06 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | leave unchanged or undisturbed or refrain from taking; "leave it as is"; "leave the young fawn alone"; "leave the flowers that you see in the park behind"
00137313 30 v 06 affect 0 impact 0 bear_upon 0 bear_on 0 touch_on 1 touch 0 017 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 11414411 n 0201 + 00157957 n 0203 ~ 00137791 v 0000 ~ 00137940 v 0000 ~ 00138069 v 0000 ~ 00138217 v 0000 ~ 00503164 v 0000 ~ 00515154 v 0000 ~ 00564300 v 0000 ~ 00836926 v 0000 ~ 01036319 v 0000 ~ 01209135 v 0000 ~ 02110927 v 0000 ~ 02507736 v 0000 ~ 02536557 v 0000 ~ 02602685 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | have an effect upon; "Will the new rules affect me?"
00137791 30 v 01 strike_a_blow 0 001 @ 00137313 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | affect adversely; "The court ruling struck a blow at the old segregation laws"
00137940 30 v 01 repercuss 0 002 @ 00137313 v 0000 + 11416722 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | cause repercussions; have an unwanted effect
00138069 30 v 01 tell_on 0 001 @ 00137313 v 0000 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | produce an effect or strain on somebody; "Each step told on his tired legs"
00138217 30 v 01 redound 1 001 @ 00137313 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | have an effect for good or ill; "Her efforts will redound to the general good"
00138360 30 v 02 bacterize 0 bacterise 0 003 @ 02110927 v 0000 + 01348530 n 0202 + 01348530 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | subject to the action of bacteria
00138508 30 v 03 change_by_reversal 0 turn 0 reverse 0 020 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 01760488 a 0301 + 13858604 n 0301 + 00346693 n 0302 + 00234892 n 0301 + 07351612 n 0202 ^ 01510399 v 0202 ^ 01510576 v 0203 ~ 00121678 v 0000 ~ 00139160 v 0000 ~ 00139367 v 0000 ~ 00140751 v 0000 ~ 00199659 v 0000 ~ 00202236 v 0000 ~ 00380424 v 0000 ~ 00384055 v 0000 ~ 00387310 v 0000 ~ 00394563 v 0000 ~ 00867062 v 0000 ~ 01519977 v 0000 05 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | change to the contrary; "The trend was reversed"; "the tides turned against him"; "public opinion turned when it was revealed that the president had an affair with a White House intern"
00139160 30 v 02 turn_the_tables 0 turn_the_tide 0 001 @ 00138508 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | cause a complete reversal of the circumstances; "The tables are turned now that the Republicans are in power!"
00139367 30 v 01 commutate 0 003 @ 00138508 v 0000 + 00728826 a 0101 + 03078670 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | reverse the direction of (an alternating electric current) each half cycle so as to produce a unidirectional current
00139586 30 v 02 alchemize 0 alchemise 0 003 @ 00126264 v 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 05778749 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | alter (elements) by alchemy
00139729 30 v 02 alcoholize 0 alcoholise 0 003 @ 00126264 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 + 07884567 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make alcoholic, as by fermenting; "alcoholize prunes"
00139908 30 v 02 alcoholize 1 alcoholise 1 003 @ 00497705 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 + 07884567 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | treat or infuse with alcohol; "alcoholize the fruit and let them sit in the refrigerator"
00140123 30 v 01 change_integrity 0 029 @ 00109660 v 0000 ~ 00265941 v 0000 ~ 00266197 v 0000 ~ 00266586 v 0000 ~ 00306017 v 0000 ~ 00306723 v 0000 ~ 00322847 v 0000 ~ 00330565 v 0000 ~ 00334186 v 0000 ~ 00364629 v 0000 ~ 00366275 v 0000 ~ 00366858 v 0000 ~ 00378042 v 0000 ~ 00394813 v 0000 ~ 00397576 v 0000 ~ 00399074 v 0000 ~ 00431610 v 0000 ~ 00442267 v 0000 ~ 00443984 v 0000 ~ 00445169 v 0000 ~ 00445467 v 0000 ~ 00445940 v 0000 ~ 00447309 v 0000 ~ 00501048 v 0000 ~ 00507143 v 0000 ~ 00507331 v 0000 ~ 01458973 v 0000 ~ 02041877 v 0000 ~ 02467662 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | change in physical make-up
00140751 30 v 03 switch_over 0 switch 3 exchange 1 004 @ 00138508 v 0000 + 00196485 n 0302 + 07443761 n 0205 + 00196084 n 0201 03 + 02 00 + 21 00 + 22 00 | change over, change around, as to a new order or sequence
00140967 30 v 03 change_shape 0 change_form 0 deform 2 016 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 07358060 n 0301 ~ 00125289 v 0000 ~ 00141524 v 0000 ~ 00263231 v 0000 ~ 00392960 v 0000 ~ 00435853 v 0000 ~ 00463469 v 0000 ~ 00476965 v 0000 ~ 00477665 v 0000 ~ 00546609 v 0000 ~ 01223182 v 0000 ~ 01280014 v 0000 ~ 02035919 v 0000 ~ 02054989 v 0000 ~ 02081946 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | assume a different shape or form
00141362 30 v 01 individuate 0 002 @ 00142191 v 0000 + 04763293 n 0103 01 + 11 00 | give individual shape or form to; "Language that individuates his memories"
00141524 30 v 02 granulate 1 grain 1 002 @ 00140967 v 0000 + 09290777 n 0201 01 + 01 00 | become granular
00141632 30 v 01 tie 0 002 @ 00142191 v 0000 + 03815615 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | form a knot or bow in; "tie a necktie"
00141749 30 v 01 terrace 0 002 @ 00142191 v 0000 + 09456207 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | make into terraces as for cultivation; "The Incas terraced their mountainous land"
00141914 30 v 01 fork 1 003 @ 00142191 v 0000 + 13914265 n 0101 + 03383948 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | shape like a fork; "She forked her fingers"
00142055 30 v 01 constellate 0 003 @ 00144850 v 0000 + 09252970 n 0101 + 05731779 n 0102 01 + 01 00 | form a constellation or cluster
00142191 30 v 02 shape 0 form 1 036 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 03384535 n 0201 + 05930736 n 0201 + 03385117 n 0201 + 00925207 n 0201 + 05064037 n 0101 + 04677514 n 0102 + 10284064 n 0102 + 04184435 n 0101 ~ 00141362 v 0000 ~ 00141632 v 0000 ~ 00141749 v 0000 ~ 00141914 v 0000 ~ 00142967 v 0000 ~ 00143065 v 0000 ~ 00143204 v 0000 ~ 00143338 v 0000 ~ 00143540 v 0000 ~ 00143704 v 0000 ~ 00143914 v 0000 ~ 00144314 v 0000 ~ 00144446 v 0000 ~ 00144544 v 0000 ~ 00145147 v 0000 ~ 00145299 v 0000 ~ 00145448 v 0000 ~ 00263471 v 0000 ~ 00300537 v 0000 ~ 00463778 v 0000 ~ 00476744 v 0000 ~ 00477247 v 0000 ~ 00477382 v 0000 ~ 00477528 v 0000 ~ 00477828 v 0000 ~ 01522716 v 0000 ~ 01584450 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | give shape or form to; "shape the dough"; "form the young child's character"
00142967 30 v 01 tabulate 1 001 @ 00142191 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | shape or cut with a flat surface
00143065 30 v 01 dimension 0 003 @ 00142191 v 0000 + 06011446 n 0101 + 05093581 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | shape or form to required dimensions
00143204 30 v 01 roll a 003 @ 00142191 v 0000 + 13875970 n 0103 + 07441619 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | shape by rolling; "roll a cigarette"
00143338 30 v 01 draw 4 002 @ 00142191 v 0000 $ 00430808 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | flatten, stretch, or mold metal or glass, by rolling or by pulling it through a die or by stretching; "draw steel"
00143540 30 v 01 strike 0 002 $ 01675073 v 0000 @ 00142191 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | cause to form (an electric arc) between electrodes of an arc lamp; "strike an arc"
00143704 30 v 04 crystallize 2 crystallise 2 crystalise 2 crystalize 2 002 @ 00142191 v 0000 + 05772044 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | cause to take on a definite and clear shape; "He tried to crystallize his thoughts"
00143914 30 v 01 twist 0 002 @ 00142191 v 0000 + 05259512 n 0104 01 + 08 00 | form into twists; "Twist the strips of dough"
00144040 30 v 01 culminate 2 001 @ 00144850 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | rise to, or form, a summit; "The helmet culminated in a crest"
00144169 30 v 02 granulate 0 grain 0 004 > 00141524 v 0000 @ 00144850 v 0000 + 09290777 n 0201 + 00925866 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | form into grains
00144314 30 v 01 sliver 1 003 @ 00142191 v 0000 + 09442838 n 0102 + 09385137 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | form into slivers; "sliver wood"
00144446 30 v 01 ridge 0 002 @ 00142191 v 0000 + 13902048 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | form into a ridge
00144544 30 v 01 plume 0 001 @ 00142191 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | form a plume; "The chimneys were pluming the sky"; "The engine was pluming black smoke"
00144694 30 v 02 conglobate 0 conglobe 0 004 @ 00144850 v 0000 + 07375214 n 0202 + 13899404 n 0102 + 13865786 n 0102 01 + 01 00 | assume a globular shape
00144850 30 v 01 form 5 011 @ 00109660 v 0000 ~ 00142055 v 0000 ~ 00144040 v 0000 ~ 00144169 v 0000 ~ 00144694 v 0000 ~ 01484392 v 0000 ~ 01585021 v 0000 ~ 01585142 v 0000 ~ 01585276 v 0000 ~ 02624128 v 0000 ~ 02625521 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | assume a form or shape; "the water formed little beads"
00145147 30 v 03 round 0 round_out 1 round_off 1 003 @ 00142191 v 0000 + 04114193 n 0101 ~ 00145902 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make round; "round the edges"
00145299 30 v 02 scallop 0 scollop 0 002 @ 00142191 v 0000 + 13874558 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | shape or cut in scallops; "scallop the hem of the dress"
00145448 30 v 02 square 0 square_up 0 003 @ 00142191 v 0000 + 04291511 n 0101 + 13878634 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | make square; "Square the circle"; "square the wood with a file"
00145623 30 v 04 round_off 0 round_down 0 round_out 2 round 3 001 @ 00126264 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | express as a round number; "round off the amount"
00145772 30 v 01 prim 0 001 @ 01387786 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | contract one's lips; "She primmed her lips after every bite of food"
00145902 30 v 01 purse 0 002 @ 00145147 v 0000 ~ 00146023 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | contract one's lips into a rounded shape
00146023 30 v 02 pooch 0 pooch_out 0 001 @ 00145902 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | round one's lips as if intending to kiss
00146138 30 v 02 change_state 0 turn 4 080 $ 02626604 v 0000 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 07423365 n 0201 + 00195415 n 0201 ^ 00205598 v 0201 ^ 01808626 v 0201 ~ 00018526 v 0000 ~ 00023868 v 0000 ~ 00024047 v 0000 ~ 00026153 v 0000 ~ 00026385 v 0000 ~ 00045817 v 0000 ~ 00046151 v 0000 ~ 00047945 v 0000 ~ 00053889 v 0000 ~ 00054285 v 0000 $ 00125841 v 0000 ~ 00136044 v 0000 ~ 00136673 v 0000 ~ 00136800 v 0000 ~ 00147815 v 0000 ~ 00149583 v 0000 ~ 00203866 v 0000 ~ 00205046 v 0000 ~ 00220276 v 0000 ~ 00232843 v 0000 ~ 00237511 v 0000 ~ 00258366 v 0000 ~ 00264875 v 0000 ~ 00265094 v 0000 ~ 00266798 v 0000 ~ 00267249 v 0000 ~ 00267519 v 0000 ~ 00268165 v 0000 ~ 00270699 v 0000 ~ 00306539 v 0000 ~ 00358431 v 0000 ~ 00360932 v 0000 ~ 00361388 v 0000 ~ 00369628 v 0000 ~ 00369864 v 0000 ~ 00372665 v 0000 ~ 00373520 v 0000 ~ 00374135 v 0000 ~ 00375021 v 0000 ~ 00377002 v 0000 ~ 00389238 v 0000 ~ 00410649 v 0000 ~ 00430999 v 0000 ~ 00431117 v 0000 ~ 00446514 v 0000 ~ 00446885 v 0000 ~ 00447771 v 0000 ~ 00448680 v 0000 ~ 00451838 v 0000 ~ 00457327 v 0000 ~ 00457569 v 0000 ~ 00457770 v 0000 ~ 00457998 v 0000 ~ 00458471 v 0000 ~ 00467451 v 0000 ~ 00474994 v 0000 ~ 00498662 v 0000 ~ 00498836 v 0000 ~ 00499422 v 0000 ~ 00499512 v 0000 ~ 00500638 v 0000 ~ 00502332 v 0000 ~ 00506225 v 0000 ~ 00506377 v 0000 ~ 00521748 v 0000 ~ 01346804 v 0000 ~ 01346978 v 0000 ~ 01540449 v 0000 ~ 01763829 v 0000 ~ 02342800 v 0000 ~ 02497400 v 0000 ~ 02636810 v 0000 ~ 02757304 v 0000 ~ 02760622 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | undergo a transformation or a change of position or action; "We turned from Socialism to Capitalism"; "The people turned against the President when he stole the election"
00147815 30 v 01 fall 8 010 ^ 02537642 v 0000 ^ 02530003 v 0000 ^ 01997862 v 0000 ^ 00334186 v 0000 ^ 00397405 v 0000 ^ 00204391 v 0000 ^ 01113806 v 0000 @ 00146138 v 0000 ~ 00148341 v 0000 ~ 00148597 v 0000 06 + 04 00 + 06 00 + 07 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 22 00 | pass suddenly and passively into a state of body or mind; "fall into a trap"; "She fell ill"; "They fell out of favor"; "Fall in love"; "fall asleep"; "fall prey to an imposter"; "fall into a strange way of thinking"; "she fell to pieces after she lost her work"
00148341 30 v 01 drop 9 001 @ 00147815 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | fall or sink into a state of exhaustion or death; "shop til you drop"
00148472 30 v 02 fall_off 1 fall_away 1 002 @ 00426958 v 0000 + 13556509 n 0104 01 + 01 00 | diminish in size or intensity
00148597 30 v 01 fall_in_love 0 001 @ 00147815 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | begin to experience feelings of love towards; "She fell in love with her former student"
00148763 30 v 01 suspend 1 005 @ 00126264 v 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 14591091 n 0101 + 01017701 n 0101 ~ 00148967 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cause to be held in suspension in a fluid; "suspend the particles"
00148967 30 v 01 resuspend 0 003 @ 00148763 v 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 14591481 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | put back into suspension; "resuspend particles"
00149118 30 v 02 sober_up 0 sober 0 002 * 01171183 v 0000 @ 00149583 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | become sober after excessive alcohol consumption; "Keep him in bed until he sobers up"
00149296 30 v 02 sober_up 1 sober 1 001 @ 00149583 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | become more realistic; "After thinking about the potential consequences of his plan, he sobered up"
00149469 30 v 01 sober 2 001 @ 00126264 v 0000 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | cause to become sober; "A sobering thought"
00149583 30 v 03 become 0 go 4 get 0 013 @ 00146138 v 0000 ^ 00248659 v 0305 ^ 00248659 v 0306 ^ 01108627 v 0302 ^ 01111028 v 0306 ~ 00149118 v 0000 ~ 00149296 v 0000 ~ 00150096 v 0000 ~ 00522282 v 0000 ~ 00549063 v 0000 ~ 00557404 v 0000 ~ 00558536 v 0000 ~ 00558673 v 0000 04 + 04 00 + 06 00 + 07 00 + 22 00 | enter or assume a certain state or condition; "He became annoyed when he heard the bad news"; "It must be getting more serious"; "her face went red with anger"; "She went into ecstasy"; "Get going!"
00150096 30 v 01 work a 001 @ 00149583 v 0000 01 + 06 00 | arrive at a certain condition through repeated motion; "The stitches of the hem worked loose after she wore the skirt many times"
00150287 30 v 03 adjust 1 conform 1 adapt 2 017 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 00046109 a 0301 + 01027263 a 0301 + 13427078 n 0301 + 13427078 n 0302 + 09957614 n 0201 + 00046558 a 0101 + 13427078 n 0103 + 07369604 n 0101 ~ 00151114 v 0000 ~ 00151574 v 0000 ~ 00159642 v 0000 ~ 00314782 v 0000 ~ 00393677 v 0000 ~ 00456596 v 0000 ~ 02542795 v 0000 ~ 02659656 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 22 00 | adapt or conform oneself to new or different conditions; "We must adjust to the bad economic situation"
00150776 30 v 02 follow 0 conform_to 0 002 @ 01742886 v 0000 ~ 00150977 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | behave in accordance or in agreement with; "Follow a pattern"; "Follow my example"
00150977 30 v 01 go_by 0 001 @ 00150776 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | be or act in accordance with; "Go by this rule and you'll be safe"
00151114 30 v 02 readjust 0 readapt 3 002 @ 00150287 v 0000 + 00194127 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | adjust anew; "After moving back to America, he had to readjust"
00151279 30 v 01 proportion 0 004 @ 00296178 v 0000 + 13815742 n 0101 ~ 00428247 v 0000 ~ 00428418 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | adjust in size relative to other things
00151448 30 v 01 reconstruct 1 001 @ 00126264 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | cause somebody to adapt or reform socially or politically
00151574 30 v 01 readapt 0 001 @ 00150287 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 09 00 + 22 00 | adapt anew; "He readapted himself"
00151689 30 v 04 decrease 0 diminish 0 lessen 0 fall 6 032 @ 00169651 v 0000 + 05111835 n 0403 + 13457378 n 0202 + 00351638 n 0101 + 05109808 n 0101 + 13458571 n 0101 + 07355887 n 0101 ! 00156601 v 0101 ~ 00107604 v 0000 ~ 00152558 v 0000 ~ 00152762 v 0000 ~ 00152887 v 0000 ~ 00153061 v 0000 ~ 00155046 v 0000 ~ 00156485 v 0000 ~ 00223500 v 0000 ~ 00237259 v 0000 ~ 00240571 v 0000 ~ 00241689 v 0000 ~ 00245059 v 0000 ~ 00264705 v 0000 ~ 00267681 v 0000 ~ 00268314 v 0000 ~ 00290983 v 0000 ~ 00315020 v 0000 ~ 00316494 v 0000 ~ 00430494 v 0000 ~ 00431826 v 0000 ~ 00433778 v 0000 ~ 00433933 v 0000 ~ 00439958 v 0000 ~ 00546873 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | decrease in size, extent, or range; "The amount of homework decreased towards the end of the semester"; "The cabin pressure fell dramatically"; "her weight fell to under a hundred pounds"; "his voice fell to a whisper"
00152558 30 v 02 shrink b shrivel b 002 @ 00151689 v 0000 + 00360485 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | decrease in size, range, or extent; "His earnings shrank"; "My courage shrivelled when I saw the task before me"
00152762 30 v 01 taper 2 002 @ 00151689 v 0000 + 00353611 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | diminish gradually; "Interested tapered off"
00152887 30 v 01 drop_off 1 002 @ 00151689 v 0000 + 07355887 n 0103 01 + 01 00 | fall or diminish; "The number of students in this course dropped off after the first test"
00153061 30 v 03 vanish 1 fly 0 vaporize 4 002 @ 00151689 v 0000 $ 02073065 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | decrease rapidly and disappear; "the money vanished in las Vegas"; "all my stock assets have vaporized"
00153263 30 v 01 increase 2 029 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 00363260 n 0101 + 05108947 n 0101 + 13497135 n 0101 + 07356676 n 0101 + 13754293 n 0102 ! 00441445 v 0101 ~ 00154141 v 0000 ~ 00154388 v 0000 ~ 00154608 v 0000 ~ 00154778 v 0000 ~ 00154966 v 0000 ~ 00158503 v 0000 ~ 00240293 v 0000 ~ 00247390 v 0000 ~ 00253277 v 0000 ~ 00264386 v 0000 ~ 00290302 v 0000 ~ 00310937 v 0000 ~ 00317700 v 0000 ~ 00385189 v 0000 ~ 00428583 v 0000 ~ 00432281 v 0000 ~ 00432436 v 0000 ~ 00439698 v 0000 ~ 00439849 v 0000 ~ 00497061 v 0000 ~ 00540235 v 0000 ~ 02206313 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make bigger or more; "The boss finally increased her salary"; "The university increased the number of students it admitted"
00153964 30 v 01 suppress c 001 @ 00441445 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | reduce the incidence or severity of or stop; "suppress a yawn"; "this drug can suppress the hemorrhage"
00154141 30 v 02 extend c stretch d 002 $ 00487748 v 0000 @ 00153263 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | increase in quantity or bulk by adding a cheaper substance; "stretch the soup by adding some more cream"; "extend the casserole with a little rice"
00154388 30 v 01 augment 1 004 @ 00153263 v 0000 + 01340522 a 0101 + 07369470 n 0101 + 00365231 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | enlarge or increase; "The recent speech of the president augmented tensions in the Near East"
00154608 30 v 01 build_up 2 002 @ 00153263 v 0000 + 00372226 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | enlarge, develop, or increase by degrees or in stages; "build up your savings"
00154778 30 v 01 enlarge 3 005 @ 00153263 v 0000 + 00365709 n 0102 ~ 00541163 v 0000 ~ 00541417 v 0000 ~ 00570524 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make larger; "She enlarged the flower beds"
00154966 30 v 01 up 0 001 @ 00153263 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | raise; "up the ante"
00155046 30 v 01 break 8 001 @ 00151689 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | fall sharply; "stock prices broke"
00155143 30 v 03 rise 0 go_up 0 climb 1 005 @ 00230746 v 0000 + 07370410 n 0302 + 00364260 n 0102 ~ 00155406 v 0000 ~ 00156139 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | increase in value or to a higher point; "prices climbed steeply"; "the value of our house rose sharply last year"
00155406 30 v 01 soar 0 001 @ 00155143 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | go or move upward; "The stock market soared after the cease-fire was announced"
00155547 30 v 03 rise 9 jump 1 climb_up 2 002 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 07358985 n 0202 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | rise in rank or status; "Her new novel jumped high on the bestseller list"
00155727 30 v 01 jump 0 002 @ 00433232 v 0000 + 07414222 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | increase suddenly and significantly; "Prices jumped overnight"
00155869 30 v 01 accrue 0 004 @ 00156601 v 0000 + 00372013 n 0103 + 00372013 n 0102 ~ 00156027 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | grow by addition; "The interest accrues"
00156027 30 v 01 redound 0 001 @ 00155869 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | contribute; "Everything redounded to his glory"
00156139 30 v 01 bull 0 003 $ 02272373 v 0000 @ 00155143 v 0000 + 09878921 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | advance in price; "stocks were bulling"
00156276 30 v 03 ease_up 2 ease_off 2 let_up 1 002 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 15274441 n 0301 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | reduce pressure or intensity; "he eased off the gas pedal and the car slowed down"
00156485 30 v 04 ease_up 0 ease_off 0 slacken_off 0 flag 1 001 @ 00151689 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become less intense
00156601 30 v 01 increase 0 028 @ 00169651 v 0000 + 00363260 n 0101 + 05108947 n 0101 + 13497135 n 0101 + 07356676 n 0101 + 13754293 n 0102 ! 00151689 v 0101 ~ 00155869 v 0000 ~ 00157219 v 0000 ~ 00157347 v 0000 ~ 00157462 v 0000 ~ 00157623 v 0000 ~ 00158094 v 0000 ~ 00158384 v 0000 ~ 00158804 v 0000 ~ 00182406 v 0000 ~ 00226566 v 0000 ~ 00227165 v 0000 ~ 00230746 v 0000 ~ 00246930 v 0000 ~ 00303465 v 0000 ~ 00316195 v 0000 ~ 00317468 v 0000 ~ 00432572 v 0000 ~ 00433232 v 0000 ~ 00433525 v 0000 ~ 00546729 v 0000 ~ 00555084 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become bigger or greater in amount; "The amount of work increased"
00157219 30 v 01 spike 4 002 @ 00156601 v 0000 + 07308450 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | manifest a sharp increase; "the voltage spiked"
00157347 30 v 01 add_to 0 001 @ 00156601 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | have an increased effect; "This adds to my worries"
00157462 30 v 02 gain 1 gather 1 001 @ 00156601 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | increase or develop; "the peace movement gained momentum"; "the car gathers speed"
00157623 30 v 02 explode 2 irrupt 0 002 @ 00156601 v 0000 + 07414068 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | increase rapidly and in an uncontrolled manner; "The population of India is exploding"; "The island's rodent population irrupted"
00157844 30 v 01 enlarge 0 002 @ 00230746 v 0000 ~ 00434077 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become larger or bigger
00157950 30 v 01 augment 0 003 @ 00230746 v 0000 + 01340522 a 0101 + 07369470 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | grow or intensify; "The pressure augmented"
00158094 30 v 01 pyramid 0 001 @ 00156601 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | increase rapidly and progressively step by step on a broad base
00158222 30 v 02 advance 1 gain 0 002 @ 00433232 v 0000 + 00364260 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 11 00 | rise in rate or price; "The stock market gained 24 points today"
00158384 30 v 01 snowball 0 001 @ 00156601 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | increase or accumulate at a rapidly accelerating rate
00158503 30 v 01 raise 1 003 @ 00153263 v 0000 + 05110185 n 0101 ~ 00158687 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | raise the level or amount of something; "raise my salary"; "raise the price of bread"
00158687 30 v 01 bump_up 0 001 @ 00158503 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | increase or raise; "OPEC bumped up the price of oil"
00158804 30 v 06 accumulate 0 cumulate 0 conglomerate 0 pile_up 0 gather 0 amass 0 013 @ 00156601 v 0000 + 01014990 n 0502 + 08418103 n 0303 + 07375214 n 0301 + 00048460 a 0202 + 07961480 n 0206 + 07961480 n 0205 + 00048460 a 0101 + 00029769 a 0101 + 00372013 n 0101 ~ 00159236 v 0000 ~ 00159368 v 0000 ~ 00571390 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | collect or gather; "Journals are accumulating in my office"; "The work keeps piling up"
00159236 30 v 01 backlog 0 003 @ 00158804 v 0000 + 13368052 n 0102 + 07953603 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | accumulate and create a backlog
00159368 30 v 01 accrete 1 004 @ 00158804 v 0000 + 02535533 a 0101 + 13425245 n 0101 + 13424865 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | grow or become attached by accretion; "The story accreted emotion"
00159553 30 v 01 run_up 0 001 @ 02304982 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | pile up (debts or scores)
00159642 30 v 01 assimilate 0 005 @ 00150287 v 0000 + 13930928 n 0101 + 13434878 n 0101 ! 00160653 v 0101 ~ 00159880 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 12 00 + 22 00 | become similar to one's environment; "Immigrants often want to assimilate quickly"
00159880 30 v 01 acculturate 0 007 @ 00159642 v 0000 + 03139749 a 0102 + 08287844 n 0101 + 05984936 n 0102 + 05751794 n 0101 + 01128984 n 0103 ~ 00160086 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | assimilate culturally
00160086 30 v 02 detribalize 0 detribalise 0 003 @ 00159880 v 0000 + 01152583 n 0202 + 01152583 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | cause members of a tribe to lose their cultural identity
00160261 30 v 01 assimilate 1 004 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 13930928 n 0101 + 13434878 n 0101 ! 00160880 v 0101 01 + 21 00 | make similar; "This country assimilates immigrants very quickly"
00160447 30 v 01 assimilate 2 004 @ 00109660 v 0000 ;c 06177033 n 0000 + 13434537 n 0101 ! 00161012 v 0101 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | become similar in sound; "The nasal assimilates to the following consonant"
00160653 30 v 01 dissimilate 0 004 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 13467443 n 0101 ! 00159642 v 0101 ~ 00119074 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become dissimilar or less similar; "These two related tribes of people gradually dissimilated over time"
00160880 30 v 01 dissimilate 1 002 @ 00126264 v 0000 ! 00160261 v 0101 01 + 21 00 | make dissimilar; cause to become less similar
00161012 30 v 01 dissimilate 2 004 @ 00109660 v 0000 ;c 06177033 n 0000 + 13467443 n 0101 ! 00160447 v 0101 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | become dissimilar by changing the sound qualities; "These consonants dissimilate"
00161225 30 v 04 change 4 exchange 0 commute 2 convert 2 012 @ 00162688 v 0000 + 00916706 a 0401 + 01093380 n 0401 + 06548498 n 0301 + 01093085 n 0201 + 10069120 n 0201 ~ 00161731 v 0000 ~ 00161872 v 0000 ~ 00162167 v 0000 ~ 00188949 v 0000 $ 00550117 v 0000 ~ 01610666 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | exchange or replace with another, usually of the same kind or category; "Could you convert my dollars into pounds?"; "He changed his name"; "convert centimeters into inches"; "convert holdings into shares"
00161731 30 v 01 rectify 6 002 @ 00161225 v 0000 + 07416308 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | convert into direct current; "rectify alternating current"
00161872 30 v 01 utilize c 001 @ 00161225 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | convert (from an investment trust to a unit trust)
00161987 30 v 03 commute 1 convert 9 exchange 2 004 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 01166258 n 0301 + 06548498 n 0101 + 01165919 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | exchange a penalty for a less severe one
00162167 30 v 02 capitalize 0 capitalise 0 004 @ 00161225 v 0000 + 13354420 n 0201 + 13354420 n 0101 ~ 00162350 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | convert (a company's reserve funds) into capital
00162350 30 v 02 overcapitalize 0 overcapitalise 0 003 @ 00162167 v 0000 + 00093127 n 0202 + 00093127 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | capitalize beyond what the business or the profit-making prospects warrant
00162549 30 v 01 transduce 0 003 @ 00381013 v 0000 + 13568524 n 0101 + 04470953 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | cause transduction (of energy forms)
00162688 30 v 01 replace 0 010 @ 01631072 v 0000 + 10680153 n 0103 + 07443761 n 0104 + 05696425 n 0102 + 00197772 n 0101 + 00197772 n 0102 ~ 00161225 v 0000 ~ 00163251 v 0000 ~ 00577330 v 0000 $ 02405390 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 20 00 + 31 00 | substitute a person or thing for (another that is broken or inefficient or lost or no longer working or yielding what is expected); "He replaced the old razor blade"; "We need to replace the secretary that left a month ago"; "the insurance will replace the lost income"; "This antique vase can never be replaced"
00163251 30 v 01 change 6 001 @ 00162688 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove or replace the coverings of; "Father had to learn how to change the baby"; "After each guest we changed the bed linens"
00163441 30 v 03 refurbish 0 renovate 1 freshen_up 0 005 @ 01631072 v 0000 + 14424517 n 0201 + 00265119 n 0201 + 14424517 n 0103 ~ 00163703 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 02 02 | make brighter and prettier; "we refurbished the guest wing"; "My wife wants us to renovate"
00163703 30 v 01 gentrify 0 002 @ 00163441 v 0000 + 00268824 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | renovate so as to make it conform to middle-class aspirations; "gentrify a row of old houses"; "gentrify the old center of town"
00163915 30 v 01 revamp 0 001 @ 01631072 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | to patch up or renovate; repair or restore; "They revamped their old house before selling it"
00164072 30 v 03 retread 0 remold 0 remould 0 002 @ 01631072 v 0000 + 04083942 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | give new treads to (a tire)
00164201 30 v 02 renovate 0 restitute 0 005 @ 01631072 v 0000 + 00270275 n 0201 + 14424517 n 0101 + 00265119 n 0101 + 10514962 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | restore to a previous or better condition; "They renovated the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel"
00164444 30 v 02 refresh 0 freshen 0 005 @ 01631072 v 0000 + 03395745 n 0201 + 00401783 n 0101 + 07914128 n 0101 ~ 00488770 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | make (to feel) fresh; "The cool water refreshed us"
00164658 30 v 02 revitalize 0 revitalise 0 003 @ 01631072 v 0000 + 01047338 n 0204 + 01047338 n 0103 03 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | give new life or vigor to
00164816 30 v 02 vitalize 0 vitalise 0 007 @ 00220869 v 0000 + 14049552 n 0202 + 10056103 n 0204 + 00119006 a 0103 + 14049552 n 0101 + 10056103 n 0103 ! 00166952 v 0101 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | make more lively or vigorous; "The treatment at the spa vitalized the old man"
00165103 30 v 02 vitalize 1 vitalise 1 002 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 00095094 a 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | give life to; "The eggs are vitalized"
00165244 30 v 02 ruggedize 0 ruggedise 0 003 @ 00220869 v 0000 + 00829721 n 0202 + 00829721 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | produce in a version designed to withstand rough usage; "Detroit ruggedized the family car"
00165450 30 v 01 consolidate 2 001 @ 00220461 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make firm or secure; strengthen; "consolidate one's gains"; "consolidate one's hold on first place"
00165618 30 v 01 consolidate 3 002 @ 00445467 v 0000 + 07374633 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make or form into a solid or hardened mass; "consolidate fibers into boards"
00165789 30 v 01 consolidate 4 003 @ 00445169 v 0000 + 07374633 n 0101 + 09252586 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | form into a solid mass or whole; "The mud had consolidated overnight"
00165971 30 v 01 proof 0 007 @ 00220461 v 0000 ~ 00166220 v 0000 ~ 00166331 v 0000 ~ 00166457 v 0000 ~ 00166593 v 0000 ~ 00166748 v 0000 ~ 00166845 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make resistant (to harm); "proof the materials against shrinking in the dryer"
00166220 30 v 01 bombproof 0 002 @ 00165971 v 0000 + 02868638 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | make safe against bombings
00166331 30 v 01 bulletproof 0 002 @ 00165971 v 0000 + 00144102 a 0101 01 + 08 00 | make bulletproof; "bulletproof the car"
00166457 30 v 02 child-proof 0 childproof 0 001 @ 00165971 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make safe against children; "childproof the apartment"
00166593 30 v 03 goofproof 0 goof-proof 0 foolproof 0 001 @ 00165971 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | proof against human misuse or error; "foolproof this appliance"
00166748 30 v 01 fireproof 0 001 @ 00165971 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make resistant to fire
00166845 30 v 01 weatherproof 0 001 @ 00165971 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make resistant to bad weather
00166952 30 v 02 devitalize 0 devitalise 0 005 @ 00224901 v 0000 + 00354183 n 0202 + 00354183 n 0101 ! 00164816 v 0101 ~ 00167191 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | sap of life or energy; "The recession devitalized the economy"
00167191 30 v 01 eviscerate 3 001 @ 00166952 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | take away a vital or essential part of; "the compromise among the parties eviscerated the bill that had been proposed"
00167385 30 v 01 shake 0 001 @ 00224901 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | undermine or cause to waver; "my faith has been shaken"; "The bad news shook her hopes"
00167535 30 v 01 regenerate 0 001 @ 01617192 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | form or produce anew; "regenerate hatred"
00167652 30 v 02 reincarnate 0 renew 0 001 @ 00168588 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | cause to appear in a new form; "the old product was reincarnated to appeal to a younger market"
00167824 30 v 01 regenerate 4 002 @ 02623906 v 0000 + 00269963 n 0102 01 + 01 00 | be formed or shaped anew
00167934 30 v 03 reform 3 straighten_out 2 see_the_light 0 005 @ 00205046 v 0000 + 01197386 a 0102 + 00261405 n 0101 + 00095971 n 0102 $ 00384620 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | change for the better; "The lazy student promised to reform"; "the habitual cheater finally saw the light"
00168217 30 v 01 surge 3 003 @ 00205046 v 0000 ;c 00523513 n 0000 + 00364787 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | see one's performance improve; "He levelled the score and then surged ahead"
00168393 30 v 01 regenerate 2 002 @ 01619354 v 0000 + 13548734 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | replace (tissue or a body part) through the formation of new tissue; "The snake regenerated its tail"
00168588 30 v 03 regenerate 1 restore 0 rejuvenate 4 008 @ 01631072 v 0000 + 11505546 n 0301 + 01357742 a 0202 + 01167540 a 0202 + 00268557 n 0201 + 01047937 n 0101 ~ 00167652 v 0000 ~ 00168910 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | return to life; get or give new life or energy; "The week at the spa restored me"
00168910 30 v 02 revive 1 resurrect 0 003 @ 00168588 v 0000 + 01047338 n 0101 ~ 00169176 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | restore from a depressed, inactive, or unused state; "He revived this style of opera"; "He resurrected the tango in this remote part of Argentina"
00169176 30 v 01 republish 0 002 @ 00168910 v 0000 ;c 08441203 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | revive (a cancelled will or a libel)
00169298 30 v 01 revive 0 002 @ 00310386 v 0000 + 01047338 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | be brought back to life, consciousness, or strength; "Interest in ESP revived"
00169458 30 v 01 change 3 003 @ 00046534 v 0000 + 03005769 n 0101 $ 00550117 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 09 00 + 22 00 | change clothes; put on different clothes; "Change before you go to the opera"
00169651 30 v 01 change_magnitude 0 004 @ 00109660 v 0000 ~ 00151689 v 0000 ~ 00156601 v 0000 ~ 00319214 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | change in size or magnitude
00169806 30 v 01 modify 0 020 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 00350069 a 0101 + 09609871 n 0102 + 07296428 n 0103 + 03778302 n 0101 + 00199707 n 0102 ~ 00124226 v 0000 ~ 00170381 v 0000 ~ 00170500 v 0000 ~ 00170695 v 0000 ~ 00170857 v 0000 ~ 00170997 v 0000 ~ 00171339 v 0000 ~ 00199309 v 0000 ~ 00203081 v 0000 ~ 00302875 v 0000 ~ 00437732 v 0000 ~ 00513344 v 0000 ~ 00982514 v 0000 ~ 01576917 v 0000 05 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | make less severe or harsh or extreme; "please modify this letter to make it more polite"; "he modified his views on same-gender marriage"
00170381 30 v 01 attemper 0 001 @ 00169806 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | modify the temperature of; "attemper the air"
00170500 30 v 01 syncopate 0 005 @ 00169806 v 0000 ;c 05718935 n 0000 + 07057385 n 0101 + 07087223 n 0101 + 10686694 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | modify the rhythm by stressing or accenting a weak beat
00170695 30 v 01 update 0 002 @ 00169806 v 0000 + 00404170 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | modernize or bring up to date; "We updated the kitchen in the old house"
00170857 30 v 01 update 1 003 @ 00169806 v 0000 ;c 00950705 n 0000 + 00404170 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | bring to the latest state of technology
00170997 30 v 03 soup_up 0 hop_up 0 hot_up 0 001 @ 00169806 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make more powerful; "he souped up the old cars"
00171127 30 v 02 modify 1 qualify 1 006 @ 00182406 v 0000 ;c 06174404 n 0000 + 06320801 n 0202 + 13800801 n 0202 + 06320801 n 0101 + 13800801 n 0101 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 31 00 | add a modifier to a constituent
00171339 30 v 01 cream 0 002 @ 00169806 v 0000 + 07847198 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | add cream to one's coffee, for example
00171458 30 v 01 modulate 0 002 @ 00296178 v 0000 + 07083958 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | adjust the pitch, tone, or volume of
00171586 30 v 01 enrich 0 006 @ 00205885 v 0000 + 00264366 n 0101 ! 00172732 v 0101 ~ 00172381 v 0000 ~ 00173159 v 0000 ~ 00502757 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | make better or improve in quality; "The experience enriched her understanding"; "enriched foods"
00171852 30 v 02 build_up 3 develop 4 010 $ 00603298 v 0000 $ 00411020 v 0000 $ 00253761 v 0000 $ 01627947 v 0000 @ 00205885 v 0000 + 08549070 n 0201 + 00948206 n 0202 + 10010062 n 0201 ~ 00172258 v 0000 ~ 00539338 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | change the use of and make available or usable; "develop land"; "The country developed its natural resources"; "The remote areas of the country were gradually built up"
00172258 30 v 01 redevelop 0 002 @ 00171852 v 0000 + 00265119 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | change the plans for the use of (land)
00172381 30 v 02 round_out 0 fill_out 0 001 @ 00171586 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make bigger or better or more complete
00172505 30 v 02 optimize 0 optimise 0 005 @ 00473572 v 0000 + 00260051 n 0202 + 05143864 n 0201 + 00260051 n 0101 + 05143864 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make optimal; get the most out of; use best; "optimize your resources"
00172732 30 v 02 deprive 0 impoverish 0 006 @ 00203866 v 0000 + 01150467 n 0203 + 14493426 n 0103 + 01150200 n 0102 ! 00171586 v 0101 ~ 00173007 v 0000 01 + 18 00 | take away
00172909 30 v 01 fail 4 001 @ 00203866 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | get worse; "Her health is declining"
00173007 30 v 01 disestablish 0 003 @ 00172732 v 0000 ;c 01032368 n 0000 + 01082886 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | deprive (an established church) of its status
00173159 30 v 02 choke 0 throttle 0 004 @ 00171586 v 0000 + 02670683 n 0205 + 02670186 n 0202 + 03024333 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | reduce the air supply; "choke a carburetor"
00173338 30 v 04 remove 0 take 0 take_away 1 withdraw 1 117 + 00053913 n 0401 ^ 00641252 v 0203 + 00391599 n 0102 + 15003969 n 0101 + 00391599 n 0101 ~ 00037514 v 0000 ~ 00175804 v 0000 ~ 00176021 v 0000 ~ 00176137 v 0000 ~ 00176327 v 0000 ~ 00176459 v 0000 ~ 00176618 v 0000 ~ 00176756 v 0000 ~ 00176874 v 0000 ~ 00177011 v 0000 ~ 00177243 v 0000 ~ 00177578 v 0000 ~ 00177714 v 0000 ~ 00177861 v 0000 ~ 00177984 v 0000 ~ 00178102 v 0000 ~ 00178235 v 0000 ~ 00178380 v 0000 ~ 00178502 v 0000 ~ 00178652 v 0000 ~ 00178773 v 0000 ~ 00178898 v 0000 ~ 00179060 v 0000 ~ 00179311 v 0000 ~ 00179567 v 0000 ~ 00179718 v 0000 ~ 00179852 v 0000 ~ 00179959 v 0000 ~ 00180076 v 0000 ~ 00180197 v 0000 ~ 00180315 v 0000 ~ 00180495 v 0000 ~ 00180602 v 0000 ~ 00180837 v 0000 ~ 00181005 v 0000 ~ 00181180 v 0000 ~ 00181258 v 0000 ~ 00181434 v 0000 ~ 00181559 v 0000 ~ 00190586 v 0000 ~ 00194534 v 0000 ~ 00194696 v 0000 ~ 00195342 v 0000 ~ 00197091 v 0000 ~ 00197423 v 0000 ~ 00197590 v 0000 ~ 00197744 v 0000 ~ 00197956 v 0000 ~ 00198213 v 0000 ~ 00198367 v 0000 ~ 00198477 v 0000 ~ 00313171 v 0000 ~ 00366547 v 0000 ~ 00449426 v 0000 ~ 00488617 v 0000 ~ 00499162 v 0000 ~ 00505349 v 0000 ~ 00520760 v 0000 ~ 00521033 v 0000 ~ 00530442 v 0000 ~ 00531163 v 0000 ~ 00541551 v 0000 ~ 00555780 v 0000 ~ 00557686 v 0000 ~ 00570003 v 0000 ~ 00571596 v 0000 ~ 00574514 v 0000 ~ 00575561 v 0000 ~ 00576228 v 0000 ~ 00587675 v 0000 ~ 01137696 v 0000 ~ 01244516 v 0000 ~ 01254324 v 0000 ~ 01254692 v 0000 ~ 01255057 v 0000 ~ 01261018 v 0000 ~ 01263479 v 0000 ~ 01263659 v 0000 ~ 01264148 v 0000 ~ 01274341 v 0000 ~ 01306047 v 0000 ~ 01309701 v 0000 ~ 01310660 v 0000 ~ 01312371 v 0000 ~ 01351170 v 0000 ~ 01352390 v 0000 ~ 01359303 v 0000 ~ 01360316 v 0000 ~ 01392918 v 0000 ~ 01434278 v 0000 ~ 01483655 v 0000 ~ 01485513 v 0000 ~ 01487927 v 0000 ~ 01488313 v 0000 ~ 01489332 v 0000 ~ 01492576 v 0000 ~ 01513430 v 0000 ~ 01528522 v 0000 ~ 01532434 v 0000 ~ 01540693 v 0000 ~ 01549187 v 0000 ~ 01578821 v 0000 ~ 01579622 v 0000 ~ 01590747 v 0000 ~ 01590915 v 0000 ~ 01592774 v 0000 ~ 01608706 v 0000 ~ 01854132 v 0000 ~ 01995211 v 0000 ~ 02071837 v 0000 ~ 02097800 v 0000 ~ 02311387 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 16 00 + 20 00 | remove something concrete, as by lifting, pushing, or taking off, or remove something abstract; "remove a threat"; "remove a wrapper"; "Remove the dirty dishes from the table"; "take the gun from your pocket"; "This machine withdraws heat from the environment"
00175804 30 v 01 harvest 0 001 @ 00173338 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove from a culture or a living or dead body, as for the purposes of transplantation; "The Chinese are said to harvest organs from executed criminals"
00176021 30 v 01 tip 4 002 @ 00173338 v 0000 + 08663156 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | remove the tip from; "tip artichokes"
00176137 30 v 01 stem 1 003 @ 00173338 v 0000 + 05847753 n 0101 + 06300193 n 0104 01 + 08 00 | remove the stem from; "for automatic natural language processing, the words must be stemmed"
00176327 30 v 01 extirpate 0 003 @ 00173338 v 0000 ;c 06063588 n 0000 + 00393369 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | surgically remove (an organ)
00176459 30 v 01 enucleate 0 003 @ 00173338 v 0000 ;c 06063588 n 0000 + 00671190 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | remove (a tumor or eye) from an enveloping sac or cover
00176618 30 v 01 exenterate 0 003 @ 00173338 v 0000 ;c 06063588 n 0000 + 00673710 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | remove the contents of (an organ)
00176756 30 v 01 enucleate 1 002 @ 00173338 v 0000 ;c 06037666 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove the nucleus from (a cell)
00176874 30 v 01 decorticate 1 003 @ 00173338 v 0000 ;c 00671351 n 0000 + 00670105 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | remove the cortex of (an organ)
00177011 30 v 01 bail 1 002 @ 00173338 v 0000 $ 00177136 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove (water) from a vessel with a container
00177136 30 v 01 bail 2 002 $ 00177011 v 0000 @ 00449692 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | empty (a vessel) by bailing
00177243 30 v 04 strip c undress 0 divest d disinvest 0 004 $ 00049900 v 0000 @ 00173338 v 0000 + 14456752 n 0201 + 00531490 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | remove (someone's or one's own) clothes; "The nurse quickly undressed the accident victim"; "She divested herself of her outdoor clothes"; "He disinvested himself of his garments"
00177578 30 v 01 ablate a 003 @ 00173338 v 0000 ;c 00671351 n 0000 + 00393369 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | remove an organ or bodily structure
00177714 30 v 02 clean 1 pick 1 001 @ 00173338 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove unwanted substances from, such as feathers or pits; "Clean the turkey"
00177861 30 v 01 clean 2 001 @ 00173338 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove shells or husks from; "clean grain before milling it"
00177984 30 v 01 winnow 0 001 @ 00173338 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | blow away or off with a current of air; "winnow chaff"
00178102 30 v 01 pick 0 002 @ 00173338 v 0000 + 03929443 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | remove in small bits; "pick meat from a bone"
00178235 30 v 02 clear 8 clear_up 0 001 @ 00173338 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | free (the throat) by making a rasping sound; "Clear the throat"
00178380 30 v 01 muck 1 002 @ 00173338 v 0000 + 14956661 n 0108 01 + 22 00 | remove muck, clear away muck, as in a mine
00178502 30 v 01 lift 0 001 @ 00173338 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove from a surface; "the detective carefully lifted some fingerprints from the table"
00178652 30 v 01 lift 9 001 @ 00173338 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | take off or away by decreasing; "lift the pressure"
00178773 30 v 01 lift 8 001 @ 00173338 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove from a seedbed or from a nursery; "lift the tulip bulbs"
00178898 30 v 02 tear_away 0 tear_off 0 001 @ 00173338 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | rip off violently and forcefully; "The passing bus tore off her side mirror"
00179060 30 v 01 take_off 0 004 @ 00173338 v 0000 ~ 00049900 v 0000 ~ 00196990 v 0000 ~ 00197206 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | take away or remove; "Take that weight off me!"
00179227 30 v 01 uncloak 0 001 @ 00050454 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | remove a cloak from
00179311 30 v 02 take_away 0 take_out 0 007 @ 00173338 v 0000 ! 00182406 v 0101 ~ 00180728 v 0000 ~ 00478830 v 0000 ~ 00800750 v 0000 ~ 00999815 v 0000 ~ 01451665 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | take out or remove; "take out the chicken after adding the vegetables"
00179567 30 v 02 pit 0 stone 0 003 @ 00173338 v 0000 + 11684739 n 0201 + 11684739 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | remove the pits from; "pit plums and cherries"
00179718 30 v 01 seed 1 003 @ 00173338 v 0000 + 13135832 n 0101 + 04167228 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | remove the seeds from; "seed grapes"
00179852 30 v 01 unhinge 0 001 @ 00173338 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove the hinges from; "unhinge the door"
00179959 30 v 01 shuck 0 002 @ 00173338 v 0000 + 14805899 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | remove the shucks from; "shuck corn"
00180076 30 v 01 hull 0 002 @ 00173338 v 0000 + 13139918 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | remove the hulls from; "hull the berries"
00180197 30 v 01 crumb 0 002 @ 00173338 v 0000 + 07622261 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | remove crumbs from; "crumb the table"
00180315 30 v 02 chip_away 0 chip_away_at 0 001 @ 00173338 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | remove or withdraw gradually: "These new customs are chipping away at the quality of life"
00180495 30 v 01 burl 0 002 @ 00173338 v 0000 + 04948905 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | remove the burls from cloth
00180602 30 v 01 knock_out 0 001 @ 00173338 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | destroy or break forcefully; "The windows were knocked out"
00180728 30 v 01 bus 0 001 @ 00179311 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove used dishes from the table in restaurants
00180837 30 v 02 scavenge 0 clean 0 004 @ 00173338 v 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 00251013 n 0201 + 15020628 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | remove unwanted substances from
00181005 30 v 02 hypophysectomize 0 hypophysectomise 0 004 ;c 00671351 n 0000 @ 00173338 v 0000 + 00677038 n 0201 + 00677038 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | remove the pituitary glands
00181180 30 v 01 degas 0 001 @ 00173338 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove gas from
00181258 30 v 02 husk 0 shell 6 005 @ 00173338 v 0000 + 11683556 n 0201 + 14805899 n 0102 + 13139647 n 0101 + 00394803 n 0105 01 + 08 00 | remove the husks from; "husk corn"
00181434 30 v 02 bur 0 burr 0 003 @ 00173338 v 0000 + 12036368 n 0202 + 12036368 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | remove the burrs from
00181559 30 v 02 clear_off 0 clear_away 0 001 @ 00173338 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | remove from sight
00181664 30 v 02 unclutter 0 clear 2 006 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 08632423 n 0202 ^ 00181559 v 0201 ^ 00181559 v 0202 ! 00181875 v 0101 $ 00195342 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | rid of obstructions; "Clear your desk"
00181875 30 v 02 clutter 0 clutter_up 0 003 @ 00452512 v 0000 + 14500567 n 0101 ! 00181664 v 0101 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 31 00 | fill a space in a disorderly way
00182037 30 v 02 clog 2 overload 0 003 @ 00452512 v 0000 + 03864994 n 0201 + 03047553 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | fill to excess so that function is impaired; "Fear clogged her mind"; "The story was clogged with too many details"
00182269 30 v 01 brim 0 002 @ 00452512 v 0000 + 02902250 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | fill as much as possible; "brim a cup to good fellowship"
00182406 30 v 01 add 0 028 @ 00156601 v 0000 + 01417451 a 0102 + 00363788 n 0101 ! 00179311 v 0101 ~ 00171127 v 0000 ~ 00183241 v 0000 ~ 00183383 v 0000 ~ 00183506 v 0000 ~ 00183757 v 0000 ~ 00183879 v 0000 ~ 00184117 v 0000 ~ 00184511 v 0000 ~ 00184633 v 0000 ~ 00184786 v 0000 ~ 00187268 v 0000 ~ 00187415 v 0000 ~ 00189927 v 0000 ~ 00190023 v 0000 ~ 00190180 v 0000 ~ 00190389 v 0000 ~ 00193486 v 0000 ~ 00194373 v 0000 ~ 00222328 v 0000 ~ 01358023 v 0000 ~ 01368126 v 0000 ~ 02318648 v 0000 ~ 02342132 v 0000 $ 02745172 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | make an addition (to); join or combine or unite with others; increase the quality, quantity, size or scope of; "We added two students to that dorm room"; "She added a personal note to her letter"; "Add insult to injury"; "Add some extra plates to the dinner table"
00183241 30 v 02 gild_the_lily 0 paint_the_lily 0 001 @ 00182406 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | make unnecessary additions to what is already complete
00183383 30 v 01 adjoin 1 001 @ 00182406 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | attach or add; "I adjoin a copy of your my lawyer's letter"
00183506 30 v 01 work_in 0 001 @ 00182406 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | add by mixing or blending on or attaching; "work in the butter and the dough will get the right consistency"; "In his speech, the presidential candidate worked in a lot of learned words"
00183757 30 v 01 add_on 0 002 @ 00182406 v 0000 + 02679415 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | make an addition; "Let's add on to this"
00183879 30 v 01 include 0 003 @ 00182406 v 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 00373130 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | add as part of something else; put in as part of a set, group, or category; "We must include this chemical element in the group"
00184117 30 v 02 mix 1 mix_in 1 008 @ 00182406 v 0000 + 00509377 a 0102 + 00380083 n 0101 + 07374756 n 0101 + 07374756 n 0102 + 00380083 n 0104 + 00380083 n 0106 ~ 00184377 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | add as an additional element or part; "mix water into the drink"
00184377 30 v 01 dash 1 001 @ 00184117 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | add an enlivening or altering element to; "blue paint dashed with white"
00184511 30 v 01 put_on 0 001 @ 00182406 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | add to something existing; "She put on a sun room"
00184633 30 v 01 butylate 0 003 @ 00182406 v 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 15008025 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | introduce the butyl group into a chemical compound
00184786 30 v 01 put_on 1 001 @ 00182406 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | add to the odometer; "He put on 1,000 miles on this trip"
00184907 30 v 02 iodize 0 iodise 0 006 @ 00515154 v 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 13502556 n 0201 + 14641397 n 0201 + 13502556 n 0101 + 14641397 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | treat with iodine; "iodize salt"
00185103 30 v 01 nitrate a 004 @ 00515154 v 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 14766532 n 0101 + 15015501 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | treat with nitric acid, so as to change an organic compound into a nitrate; "nitroglycerin is obtained by nitrating glycerol"
00185348 30 v 01 tank 0 002 @ 00515154 v 0000 + 04388743 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | treat in a tank; "tank animal refuse"
00185465 30 v 04 oxygenate 0 oxygenize 0 oxygenise 0 aerate 1 005 @ 00515154 v 0000 + 00200244 n 0401 + 14648100 n 0201 + 14648100 n 0101 + 13531149 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | impregnate, combine, or supply with oxygen; "oxygenate blood"
00185698 30 v 02 mercerize 0 mercerise 0 002 @ 00515154 v 0000 + 11175445 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | treat to strengthen and improve the luster; "mercerize cotton"
00185857 30 v 01 back 1 003 @ 00220461 v 0000 + 02840619 n 0104 + 02769460 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | strengthen by providing with a back or backing
00186001 30 v 01 malt 3 004 @ 00515154 v 0000 + 07888909 n 0101 + 07926642 n 0102 $ 00117624 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | treat with malt or malt extract; "malt beer"
00186161 30 v 03 fluoridate 0 fluoridize 0 fluoridise 0 006 @ 00515154 v 0000 + 00365012 n 0303 + 00365012 n 0202 + 14871601 n 0201 + 14871601 n 0101 + 00365012 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | subject to fluoridation; treat with fluoride; "fluoridized water"; "fluoridize the teeth of children"
00186446 30 v 01 creosote 0 002 @ 00515154 v 0000 + 14825631 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | treat with creosote; "creosoted wood"
00186567 30 v 01 chlorinate 0 004 @ 00515154 v 0000 + 14634591 n 0101 + 13448622 n 0101 + 00709659 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | treat or combine with chlorine; "chlorinated water"
00186740 30 v 01 carbonate 0 004 @ 00515154 v 0000 + 14796969 n 0101 + 13442998 n 0101 + 14798450 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | treat with carbon dioxide; "Carbonated soft drinks"
00186912 30 v 01 camphorate 0 002 @ 00515154 v 0000 + 14790979 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | treat with camphor
00187016 30 v 02 bromate 0 brominate 0 003 @ 00515154 v 0000 + 14632129 n 0201 + 14632129 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | treat with bromine
00187147 30 v 01 ammoniate 0 003 @ 00515154 v 0000 + 14743840 n 0102 + 14743582 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | treat with ammonia
00187268 30 v 01 inject 0 001 @ 00182406 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | to introduce (a new aspect or element); "He injected new life into the performance"
00187415 30 v 01 welt 0 002 @ 00182406 v 0000 + 04573281 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | put a welt on; "welt the shoes"
00187526 30 v 06 insert 0 enclose 0 inclose 0 stick_in 0 put_in 0 introduce 3 018 @ 01494310 v 0000 + 00320852 n 0602 + 00321956 n 0304 + 06473381 n 0201 + 00320852 n 0101 + 03573282 n 0101 ~ 00188000 v 0000 ~ 00188137 v 0000 ~ 00188252 v 0000 ~ 00188466 v 0000 ~ 00188580 v 0000 ~ 00188721 v 0000 ~ 00189062 v 0000 ~ 00189189 v 0000 ~ 00189511 v 0000 ~ 00189669 v 0000 ~ 00189823 v 0000 ~ 01585523 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 21 00 | introduce; "Insert your ticket here"
00188000 30 v 01 plug 2 002 @ 00187526 v 0000 $ 00188137 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | insert as a plug; "She plugged a cork in the wine bottle"
00188137 30 v 01 plug 3 002 $ 00188000 v 0000 @ 00187526 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | insert a plug into; "plug the wall"
00188252 30 v 01 inoculate 0 002 @ 00187526 v 0000 ~ 00188375 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | introduce a microorganism into
00188375 30 v 01 seed 0 001 @ 00188252 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | inoculate with microorganisms
00188466 30 v 01 inset 0 003 @ 00187526 v 0000 + 03573282 n 0102 + 03471190 n 0102 01 + 21 00 | set or place in
00188580 30 v 01 glass 1 004 @ 00187526 v 0000 + 13767239 n 0101 + 03438661 n 0101 + 03438257 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | put in a glass container
00188721 30 v 02 catheterize 0 catheterise 0 005 @ 00187526 v 0000 + 00321562 n 0201 + 02984469 n 0201 + 02984469 n 0101 + 00321562 n 0202 01 + 08 00 | insert a catheter into (a body part); "catheterize the patient's bladder"
00188949 30 v 01 launder 0 001 @ 00161225 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | convert illegally obtained funds into legal ones
00189062 30 v 01 cup 1 003 @ 00187526 v 0000 + 13766733 n 0101 + 03147509 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | put into a cup; "cup the milk"
00189189 30 v 02 intersperse 0 interlard 0 003 @ 00187526 v 0000 + 00381326 n 0101 ~ 00189364 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | introduce one's writing or speech with certain expressions
00189364 30 v 01 interleave 0 001 @ 00189189 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | intersperse alternately, as of protective covers for book illustrations
00189511 30 v 02 feed 1 feed_in 0 002 @ 00187526 v 0000 + 04169707 n 0102 02 + 21 00 + 31 00 | introduce continuously; "feed carrots into a food processor"
00189669 30 v 01 slip 4 001 @ 00187526 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | insert inconspicuously or quickly or quietly; "He slipped some money into the waiter's hand"
00189823 30 v 01 foist 1 001 @ 00187526 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | insert surreptitiously or without warrant
00189927 30 v 01 intercalate 0 001 @ 00182406 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | insert (days) in a calendar
00190023 30 v 02 punctuate 0 mark 8 004 @ 00182406 v 0000 + 06841365 n 0101 + 00390198 n 0101 ~ 01004403 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | insert punctuation marks into
00190180 30 v 01 concatenate 0 003 @ 00182406 v 0000 + 00146443 n 0101 $ 01465054 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | add by linking or joining so as to form a chain or series; "concatenate terms"; "concatenate characters"
00190389 30 v 02 string 0 string_up 0 002 @ 00182406 v 0000 + 08459648 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | add as if on a string; "string these ideas together"; "string up these songs and you'll have a musical"
00190586 30 v 01 flick 0 001 @ 00173338 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | remove with a flick (of the hand)
00190682 30 v 01 activate 0 005 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 14723079 n 0101 + 00236821 n 0101 ! 00191517 v 0101 ~ 00191940 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | make active or more active; "activate an old file"
00190886 30 v 01 activate 1 002 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 13426376 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | make (substances) radioactive
00190999 30 v 02 activate 2 aerate 0 004 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 14841267 n 0201 + 02682569 n 0201 + 13426376 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | aerate (sewage) so as to favor the growth of organisms that decompose organic matter
00191220 30 v 01 biodegrade 0 001 @ 00209837 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | break down naturally through the action of biological agents; "Plastic bottles do not biodegrade"
00191385 30 v 01 activate 3 002 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 13426376 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make more adsorptive; "activate a metal"
00191517 30 v 02 inactivate 0 deactivate 0 005 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 00233614 n 0201 + 13496771 n 0101 ! 00190682 v 0101 ~ 00268796 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | make inactive; "they deactivated the file"
00191728 30 v 01 deactivate 1 002 @ 01097743 v 0000 + 00233795 n 0101 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | remove from active military status or reassign; "The men were deactivated after five years of service"
00191940 30 v 01 reactivate 0 001 @ 00190682 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | activate (an old file) anew
00192051 30 v 02 deaden 1 blunt 2 006 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 00272878 n 0104 ! 00192836 v 0101 ~ 00192356 v 0000 ~ 00192471 v 0000 ~ 00390215 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make less lively, intense, or vigorous; impair in vigor, force, activity, or sensation; "Terror blunted her feelings"; "deaden a sound"
00192356 30 v 01 obtund 0 001 @ 00192051 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | reduce the edge or violence of; "obtunded reflexes"
00192471 30 v 01 petrify 1 001 @ 00192051 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | cause to become stonelike or stiff or dazed and stunned; "The horror petrified his feelings"; "Fear petrified her thinking"
00192659 30 v 04 jazz_up 0 juice_up 0 pep_up 0 ginger_up 0 001 @ 00192836 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make more interesting or lively; "juice up a party"; "pep up your paper"
00192836 30 v 05 enliven 0 liven 0 liven_up 0 invigorate 0 animate 0 008 @ 00022686 v 0000 + 10056103 n 0505 + 04631700 n 0403 + 01048466 n 0402 + 09402704 n 0103 ! 00192051 v 0101 ~ 00192659 v 0000 ~ 00193130 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | make lively; "let's liven up this room a bit"
00193130 30 v 03 spirit 0 spirit_up 0 inspirit 0 004 @ 00192836 v 0000 + 04632157 n 0103 + 13985818 n 0102 + 14526182 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | infuse with spirit; "The company spirited him up"
00193328 30 v 01 deaden 0 002 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 00272878 n 0104 01 + 01 00 | become lifeless, less lively, intense, or active; lose life, force, or vigor
00193486 30 v 02 compound 0 combine 2 011 @ 00182406 v 0000 + 07963711 n 0201 + 00870453 n 0201 + 07373803 n 0202 + 00378985 n 0202 + 05870180 n 0101 + 00378985 n 0103 ~ 00193790 v 0000 ~ 00193954 v 0000 ~ 00556193 v 0000 ~ 00644066 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | put or add together; "combine resources"
00193790 30 v 02 totalize 0 totalise 0 001 @ 00193486 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make into a total; "Can we totalize these different ideas into one philosophy?"
00193954 30 v 01 recombine 3 002 @ 00193486 v 0000 + 07374357 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | to combine or put together again
00194079 30 v 01 strip 1 001 @ 00194170 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | draw the last milk (of cows)
00194170 30 v 01 milk 0 005 @ 01854132 v 0000 + 05399034 n 0101 + 07844042 n 0101 ~ 00194079 v 0000 $ 00194373 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | take milk from female mammals; "Cows need to be milked every morning"
00194373 30 v 01 milk 1 005 $ 00194170 v 0000 @ 00182406 v 0000 + 07844604 n 0101 + 05399034 n 0101 + 07844042 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | add milk to; "milk the tea"
00194534 30 v 02 strip 2 dismantle 0 003 @ 00173338 v 0000 + 15061550 n 0101 + 00394803 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | take off or remove; "strip a wall of its wallpaper"
00194696 30 v 01 strip 3 002 @ 00173338 v 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove a constituent from a liquid
00194812 30 v 01 strip 4 001 @ 01252971 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | remove the thread (of screws)
00194912 30 v 04 denude 0 bare 0 denudate 0 strip 5 004 @ 00195342 v 0000 + 00394803 n 0101 ~ 00195813 v 0000 ~ 00196252 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | lay bare; "denude a forest"
00195091 30 v 01 clear-cut 0 001 @ 00195342 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove all the trees at one time; "clear-cut an acre of forest"
00195221 30 v 01 stump 0 002 @ 00195342 v 0000 + 13111504 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | remove tree stumps from; "stump a field"
00195342 30 v 01 clear 1 009 $ 00181664 v 0000 @ 00173338 v 0000 + 08632423 n 0102 + 08541288 n 0101 ~ 00194912 v 0000 ~ 00195091 v 0000 ~ 00195221 v 0000 $ 00195617 v 0000 ~ 00196024 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove; "clear the leaves from the lawn"; "Clear snow from the road"
00195617 30 v 01 clear 9 004 $ 00195342 v 0000 @ 01617192 v 0000 + 08632423 n 0102 + 08541288 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | make a way or path by removing objects; "Clear a path through the dense forest"
00195813 30 v 01 defoliate 0 005 @ 00194912 v 0000 + 13460034 n 0101 + 00279674 n 0101 + 14828927 n 0101 + 02161338 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | strip the leaves or branches from; "defoliate the trees with pesticides"
00196024 30 v 03 deforest 0 disforest 0 disafforest 0 004 @ 00195342 v 0000 + 01262441 n 0202 + 14519097 n 0101 + 01262441 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | remove the trees from; "The landscape was deforested by the enemy attacks"
00196252 30 v 01 burn_off 0 001 @ 00194912 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | clear land of its vegetation by burning it off
00196364 30 v 01 burn 3 006 @ 00258857 v 0000 + 00473243 a 0101 + 04694090 n 0101 + 00403911 n 0101 ~ 00196758 v 0000 ~ 00379440 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | burn with heat, fire, or radiation; "The iron burnt a hole in my dress"
00196595 30 v 01 frost 0 002 @ 00258857 v 0000 + 11440521 n 0102 01 + 11 00 | damage by frost; "The icy precipitation frosted the flowers and they turned brown"
00196758 30 v 01 scald 0 003 @ 00196364 v 0000 + 00404058 n 0101 + 14290107 n 0101 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | burn with a hot liquid or steam; "She scalded her hands when she turned on the faucet and hot water came out"
00196990 30 v 01 declaw 0 001 @ 00179060 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove the claws from; "declaw a cat"
00197091 30 v 01 defang 0 001 @ 00173338 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove the fangs from; "defang the poisonous snake"
00197206 30 v 01 dehorn 0 002 @ 00179060 v 0000 ~ 00197318 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | take the horns off (an animal)
00197318 30 v 01 disbud 0 001 @ 00197206 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | destroy undeveloped horn buds (of cattle)
00197423 30 v 02 bone 0 debone 0 003 @ 00173338 v 0000 ;c 00015388 n 0000 + 14757848 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | remove the bones from; "bone the turkey before roasting it"
00197590 30 v 03 disembowel 0 eviscerate 0 draw 5 002 @ 00173338 v 0000 + 00670703 n 0202 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | remove the entrails of; "draw a chicken"
00197744 30 v 01 shell 0 005 @ 00173338 v 0000 + 01904182 n 0101 + 11683556 n 0101 + 10588601 n 0101 ~ 00198057 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove from its shell or outer covering; "shell the legumes"; "shell mussels"
00197956 30 v 01 shuck 3 001 @ 00173338 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove from the shell; "shuck oysters"
00198057 30 v 01 pod 0 003 @ 00197744 v 0000 + 13139055 n 0101 + 13140049 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | take something out of its shell or pod; "pod peas or beans"
00198213 30 v 02 tusk 0 detusk 0 003 @ 00173338 v 0000 + 14757547 n 0102 + 01465713 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | remove the tusks of animals; "tusk an elephant"
00198367 30 v 01 dehorn 1 001 @ 00173338 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | prevent the growth of horns of certain animals
00198477 30 v 01 scalp 0 003 @ 00173338 v 0000 + 05539947 n 0101 ~ 00198623 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | remove the scalp of; "The enemies were scalped"
00198623 30 v 01 lift 3 001 @ 00198477 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove (hair) by scalping
00198710 30 v 01 moderate 3 002 @ 00438495 v 0000 + 05117660 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make less fast or intense; "moderate your speed"
00198850 30 v 01 mitigate 4 006 @ 00441445 v 0000 + 01341153 a 0104 + 01341153 a 0105 + 01785079 a 0101 + 06741728 n 0102 ~ 00199067 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make less severe or harsh; "mitigating circumstances"
00199067 30 v 02 relieve 5 lighten 3 001 @ 00198850 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | alleviate or remove (pressure or stress) or make less oppressive; "relieve the pressure and the stress"; "lighten the burden of caring for her elderly parents"
00199309 30 v 02 qualify 2 restrict 1 004 @ 00169806 v 0000 + 00200563 n 0101 + 06762380 n 0102 + 05849284 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make more specific; "qualify these remarks"
00199490 30 v 03 remodel 0 reconstruct 0 redo 0 002 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 00269258 n 0201 01 + 08 00 | do over, as of (part of) a house; "We are remodeling these rooms"
00199659 30 v 03 correct 0 rectify 2 right 0 006 @ 00138508 v 0000 + 00258854 n 0202 + 00258854 n 0101 ! 00202236 v 0101 ~ 00199912 v 0000 ~ 00200242 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make right or correct; "Correct the mistakes"; "rectify the calculation"
00199912 30 v 05 rectify 0 remediate 0 remedy 0 repair 2 amend 1 007 @ 00199659 v 0000 + 00635078 a 0501 + 00095329 n 0401 + 00259177 n 0302 + 00259177 n 0203 + 00258854 n 0102 + 10512982 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | set straight or right; "remedy these deficiencies"; "rectify the inequities in salaries"; "repair an oversight"
00200242 30 v 01 debug 0 002 @ 00199659 v 0000 + 06574334 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | locate and correct errors in a computer program code; "debug this program"
00200397 30 v 02 edit 0 redact 0 012 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 10513120 n 0201 + 06427831 n 0202 + 10513120 n 0202 + 10044879 n 0101 + 06427831 n 0101 ~ 00201407 v 0000 ~ 00201618 v 0000 ~ 00201906 v 0000 ~ 00202089 v 0000 ~ 00628125 v 0000 ~ 00800586 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | prepare for publication or presentation by correcting, revising, or adapting; "Edit a book on lexical semantics"; "she edited the letters of the politician so as to omit the most personal passages"
00200863 30 v 03 edit 2 blue-pencil 0 delete 0 003 @ 00682928 v 0000 + 00394610 n 0301 + 06428216 n 0301 01 + 08 00 | cut or eliminate; "she edited the juiciest scenes"
00201034 30 v 05 bowdlerize 0 bowdlerise 0 expurgate 0 castrate 3 shorten 7 011 @ 00243900 v 0000 + 00397010 n 0402 + 00397010 n 0301 + 10073992 n 0301 + 00397191 n 0202 + 00396825 n 0202 + 10859669 n 0201 + 10073992 n 0203 + 00397191 n 0101 + 00396825 n 0101 + 10073992 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | edit by omitting or modifying parts considered indelicate; "bowdlerize a novel"
00201407 30 v 03 interpolate 0 alter 4 falsify 3 005 @ 00200397 v 0000 + 00751145 n 0301 + 10076957 n 0301 + 06722186 n 0101 + 01068184 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | insert words into texts, often falsifying it thereby
00201618 30 v 02 hack 0 cut_up 0 001 @ 00200397 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | significantly cut up a manuscript
00201722 30 v 03 edit 1 cut 7 edit_out 0 003 $ 00243900 v 0000 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 00945205 n 0202 01 + 08 00 | cut and assemble the components of; "edit film"; "cut recording tape"
00201906 30 v 01 black_out 0 002 @ 00200397 v 0000 + 15271619 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | suppress by censorship as for political reasons; "parts of the newspaper article were blacked out"
00202089 30 v 01 blank_out 0 001 @ 00200397 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cut out, as for political reasons; "several line in the report were blanked out"
00202236 30 v 01 falsify 0 006 @ 00138508 v 0000 + 00751145 n 0101 + 13960464 n 0101 + 06756407 n 0102 + 10076957 n 0101 ! 00199659 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | falsify knowingly; "She falsified the records"
00202445 30 v 03 tame 0 chasten 1 subdue 0 001 @ 00126264 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | correct by punishment or discipline
00202569 30 v 02 break_in 0 break b 003 $ 00202784 v 0000 > 00202784 v 0000 @ 00302130 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | make submissive, obedient, or useful; "The horse was tough to break"; "I broke in the new intern"
00202784 30 v 01 break c 002 @ 00109660 v 0000 $ 00202569 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | be broken in; "If the new teacher won't break, we'll add some stress"
00202934 30 v 03 chasten 0 moderate 1 temper 3 004 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 07518468 n 0302 + 04642258 n 0301 + 10326087 n 0201 01 + 09 00 | restrain
00203081 30 v 02 corrupt 0 spoil 1 003 @ 00169806 v 0000 + 01249616 n 0201 ~ 00487748 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | alter from the original
00203213 30 v 03 pervert 0 misuse 0 abuse 0 006 @ 01158572 v 0000 + 00947719 n 0302 + 00947719 n 0201 + 00742474 n 0101 ~ 00203739 v 0000 ~ 01161830 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | change the inherent purpose or function of something; "Don't abuse the system"; "The director of the factory misused the funds intended for the health care of his workers"
00203556 30 v 01 abuse 2 001 @ 01158572 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | use wrongly or improperly or excessively; "Her husband often abuses alcohol"; "while she was pregnant, she abused drugs"
00203739 30 v 01 fracture 1 001 @ 00203213 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | violate or abuse; "This writer really fractures the language"
00203866 30 v 02 worsen 0 decline 1 017 @ 00146138 v 0000 + 14422488 n 0201 + 13464204 n 0203 + 14422488 n 0202 + 13464204 n 0104 ! 00205046 v 0101 ~ 00063557 v 0000 ~ 00087454 v 0000 ~ 00092293 v 0000 ~ 00172732 v 0000 ~ 00172909 v 0000 ~ 00204281 v 0000 ~ 00204391 v 0000 ~ 00204750 v 0000 ~ 00204872 v 0000 ~ 00249313 v 0000 ~ 00572940 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | grow worse; "Conditions in the slum worsened"
00204281 30 v 01 tumble 1 001 @ 00203866 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | suffer a sudden downfall, overthrow, or defeat
00204391 30 v 04 slip 0 drop_off 0 drop_away 0 fall_away 0 004 @ 00203866 v 0000 + 13556509 n 0203 + 13556377 n 0101 ~ 00204585 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | get worse; "My grades are slipping"
00204585 30 v 02 lapse 0 backslide 0 003 @ 00204391 v 0000 + 10511239 n 0202 + 00068333 n 0102 01 + 01 00 | drop to a lower level, as in one's morals or standards
00204750 30 v 01 suffer 0 002 @ 00203866 v 0000 $ 00204872 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | get worse; "His grades suffered"
00204872 30 v 02 suffer 2 lose 3 002 $ 00204750 v 0000 @ 00203866 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 | be set at a disadvantage; "This author really suffers in translation"
00205046 30 v 04 better 0 improve 0 ameliorate 0 meliorate 0 023 $ 00205885 v 0000 @ 00146138 v 0000 + 00232385 a 0404 + 14422179 n 0402 + 13470193 n 0401 + 00261029 n 0402 + 00232385 a 0302 + 00232385 a 0303 + 00261029 n 0301 + 14422179 n 0201 + 07357388 n 0201 + 07357388 n 0102 + 05143690 n 0101 ! 00203866 v 0101 ~ 00092690 v 0000 ~ 00099184 v 0000 ~ 00167934 v 0000 ~ 00168217 v 0000 ~ 00205598 v 0000 ~ 00268011 v 0000 ~ 00270561 v 0000 ~ 00506672 v 0000 ~ 00584220 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | get better; "The weather improved toward evening"
00205598 30 v 02 turn_around 0 pick_up 0 001 @ 00205046 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | improve significantly; go from bad to good; "Her performance in school picked up"
00205766 30 v 03 brisk 0 brisk_up 0 brisken 0 001 @ 00438178 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become brisk; "business brisked up"
00205885 30 v 05 better 1 improve 1 amend 0 ameliorate 1 meliorate 1 041 > 00205046 v 0000 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 00232385 a 0504 + 14422179 n 0502 + 00261029 n 0502 + 00232385 a 0402 + 00232385 a 0403 + 00261029 n 0401 + 00635078 a 0301 + 00248977 n 0201 + 10191613 n 0203 + 02679415 n 0203 + 00261029 n 0103 + 05143690 n 0101 ! 00208210 v 0101 ~ 00064095 v 0000 ~ 00082081 v 0000 ~ 00097621 v 0000 ~ 00171586 v 0000 ~ 00171852 v 0000 $ 00205046 v 0000 ~ 00206797 v 0000 ~ 00206998 v 0000 ~ 00207184 v 0000 ~ 00207418 v 0000 ~ 00207911 v 0000 ~ 00208055 v 0000 ~ 00230033 v 0000 ~ 00260648 v 0000 ~ 00265386 v 0000 ~ 00265673 v 0000 ~ 00293141 v 0000 ~ 00447158 v 0000 ~ 00473572 v 0000 ~ 00474017 v 0000 ~ 00475183 v 0000 ~ 00506539 v 0000 ~ 00549982 v 0000 ~ 00558371 v 0000 ~ 00583991 v 0000 ~ 02387486 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | to make better; "The editor improved the manuscript with his changes"
00206797 30 v 01 turn_around c 001 @ 00205885 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | improve dramatically; "The new strategy turned around sales"; "The tutor turned around my son's performance in math"
00206998 30 v 01 help d 003 @ 00205885 v 0000 + 05154908 n 0103 + 01207609 n 0104 01 + 11 00 | improve; change for the better; "New slipcovers will help the old living room furniture"
00207184 30 v 01 upgrade 0 003 @ 00205885 v 0000 + 04513686 n 0101 + 06903255 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | to improve what was old or outdated; "I've upgraded my computer so I can run better software"; "The company upgraded their personnel"
00207418 30 v 01 condition 0 004 @ 00205885 v 0000 + 13920835 n 0101 + 00625551 n 0101 ~ 00207588 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | put into a better state; "he conditions old cars"
00207588 30 v 01 recondition 0 001 @ 00207418 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | bring into an improved condition; "He reconditioned the old appliances"
00207728 30 v 02 degrade 0 cheapen 0 004 @ 00208210 v 0000 + 14440623 n 0102 + 00271263 n 0101 ~ 00493929 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | lower the grade of something; reduce its worth
00207911 30 v 01 emend 0 001 @ 00205885 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make improvements or corrections to; "the text was emended in the second edition"
00208055 30 v 03 iron_out 0 straighten_out 1 put_right 0 001 @ 00205885 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | settle or put right; "we need to iron out our disagreements"
00208210 30 v 04 worsen 1 aggravate 0 exacerbate 0 exasperate 0 008 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 00374835 n 0302 + 00374835 n 0201 + 00266253 n 0101 ! 00205885 v 0101 ~ 00063291 v 0000 ~ 00063724 v 0000 ~ 00207728 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | make worse; "This drug aggravates the pain"
00208497 30 v 01 deteriorate 0 005 @ 00208836 v 0000 + 14561618 n 0101 + 13464204 n 0101 ~ 00208691 v 0000 ~ 00469382 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become worse or disintegrate; "His mind deteriorated"
00208691 30 v 02 go_to_pot 0 go_to_the_dogs 0 001 @ 00208497 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become ruined; "His business went to pot when economy soured"
00208836 30 v 03 decay 0 crumble d dilapidate 0 011 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 14560612 n 0101 + 11444643 n 0101 + 09997939 n 0101 ~ 00208497 v 0000 ~ 00273963 v 0000 ~ 00275088 v 0000 ~ 00275253 v 0000 ~ 00469637 v 0000 ~ 00578993 v 0000 ~ 01369346 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | fall into decay or ruin; "The unoccupied house started to decay"
00209174 30 v 03 decompose 0 break_up 2 break_down 9 006 @ 01458973 v 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 13458268 n 0101 ~ 00209420 v 0000 ~ 00209598 v 0000 ~ 00238542 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 11 00 | separate (substances) into constituent elements or parts
00209420 30 v 01 digest 4 003 @ 00209174 v 0000 + 13465998 n 0101 $ 00397987 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | soften or disintegrate by means of chemical action, heat, or moisture
00209598 30 v 01 dissociate a 003 @ 00209174 v 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 13467700 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | to undergo a reversible or temporary breakdown of a molecule into simpler molecules or atoms; "acids dissociate to give hydrogen ions"
00209837 30 v 04 decompose 1 rot 0 molder 0 moulder 0 008 @ 00552815 v 0000 + 13458019 n 0202 + 14560926 n 0202 + 13458019 n 0203 + 13458019 n 0101 + 11444643 n 0102 ~ 00191220 v 0000 ~ 00210110 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 11 00 | break down; "The bodies decomposed in the heat"
00210110 30 v 01 hang 0 001 @ 00209837 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 11 00 | suspend (meat) in order to get a gamey taste; "hang the venison for a few days"
00210259 30 v 02 spoil 0 go_bad 0 005 @ 00552815 v 0000 + 13560417 n 0101 + 13560417 n 0102 ~ 00210647 v 0000 ~ 00443000 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become unfit for consumption or use; "the meat must be eaten before it spoils"
00210481 30 v 01 smut 1 003 @ 00210738 v 0000 + 13066129 n 0101 + 14283632 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | become affected with smut; "the corn smutted and could not be eaten"
00210647 30 v 01 addle 0 001 @ 00210259 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become rotten; "addled eggs"
00210738 30 v 02 mold 0 mildew 0 007 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 13077295 n 0201 + 13516176 n 0201 + 13077033 n 0101 + 13516176 n 0102 ~ 00210481 v 0000 ~ 00211001 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 11 00 | become moldy; spoil due to humidity; "The furniture molded in the old house"
00211001 30 v 01 dry-rot 0 001 @ 00210738 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 11 00 | affect or be affected with dry rot
00211108 30 v 04 exsiccate 0 dehydrate 0 dry_up 0 desiccate 0 007 @ 00218475 v 0000 + 14536831 n 0402 + 14779796 n 0401 + 14040846 n 0201 + 14536831 n 0201 + 13460568 n 0201 ! 00214020 v 0201 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | lose water or moisture; "In the desert, you get dehydrated very quickly"
00211396 30 v 02 dehydrate 1 desiccate 5 006 @ 00218475 v 0000 + 14536831 n 0202 + 13460568 n 0202 + 14040846 n 0101 + 14536831 n 0101 + 13460568 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | remove water from; "All this exercise and sweating has dehydrated me"
00211642 30 v 01 tumble 3 001 @ 01418536 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | put clothes in a tumbling barrel, where they are whirled about in hot air, usually with the purpose of drying; "Wash in warm water and tumble dry"
00211852 30 v 01 freeze-dry 0 003 * 00211108 v 0000 @ 00212414 v 0000 ~ 00212236 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | preserve by rapid freezing and subsequently drying in a vacuum; "freeze-dry the strawberries"
00212049 30 v 01 conserve 0 003 @ 00212414 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 + 07642471 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | preserve with sugar; "Mom always conserved the strawberries we grew in the backyard"
00212236 30 v 02 lyophilize 0 lyophilise 0 003 @ 00211852 v 0000 + 13484937 n 0203 + 13484937 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | to dry (blood, serum, or tissue) by freezing in a high vacuum
00212414 30 v 02 preserve 0 keep a 014 $ 02734800 v 0000 @ 01664172 v 0000 + 01888554 a 0101 + 07642471 n 0102 + 10467052 n 0101 ~ 00211852 v 0000 ~ 00212049 v 0000 ~ 00212790 v 0000 ~ 00213223 v 0000 ~ 00213353 v 0000 ~ 00213794 v 0000 ~ 00371955 v 0000 ~ 00527572 v 0000 ~ 00528225 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | prevent (food) from rotting; "preserved meats"; "keep potatoes fresh"
00212790 30 v 02 dehydrate 2 desiccate 4 005 @ 00212414 v 0000 + 14536831 n 0202 + 13460568 n 0202 + 14536831 n 0101 + 13460568 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | preserve by removing all water and liquids from; "carry dehydrated food on your camping trip"
00213034 30 v 01 tin 2 003 @ 01395049 v 0000 + 14658855 n 0101 + 00718325 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | prepare (a metal) for soldering or brazing by applying a thin layer of solder to the surface
00213223 30 v 01 pickle 0 003 @ 00212414 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 + 07824988 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | preserve in a pickling liquid
00213353 30 v 01 salt 0 005 @ 00212414 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 + 05717342 n 0101 + 07813107 n 0101 + 10549165 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | preserve with salt; "people used to salt meats on ships"
00213544 30 v 02 marinade 0 marinate 0 004 @ 00327362 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 + 07824502 n 0201 + 07824502 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | soak in marinade; "marinade herring"
00213712 30 v 01 decoct 1 001 @ 00327362 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | steep in hot water
00213794 30 v 03 can 0 tin 0 put_up 0 006 @ 00212414 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 + 02946921 n 0202 + 02949542 n 0203 + 02946921 n 0101 + 02950018 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | preserve in a can or tin; "tinned foods are not very tasty"
00214020 30 v 01 hydrate 0 007 @ 00215800 v 0000 + 13494325 n 0101 + 14910440 n 0101 ! 00211108 v 0102 $ 00214268 v 0000 $ 00214407 v 0000 ~ 00214624 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to be hydrated; add water or moisture to; "hydrate your skin"
00214268 30 v 01 hydrate 2 003 $ 00214020 v 0000 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 13494325 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | become hydrated and combine with water
00214407 30 v 01 hydrate 3 002 $ 00214020 v 0000 @ 02327200 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | supply water or liquid to in order to maintain a healthy balance; "the bicyclists must be hydrated frequently"
00214624 30 v 02 slack 6 slake 3 003 @ 00214020 v 0000 + 14858099 n 0101 ~ 00214794 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cause to heat and crumble by treatment with water; "slack lime"
00214794 30 v 01 air-slake 0 001 @ 00214624 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | alter by exposure to air with conversion at least in part to a carbonate; "air-slake lime"
00214951 30 v 01 wet 0 012 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 14535431 n 0102 + 10775003 n 0101 + 00277376 n 0101 ! 00218475 v 0101 ~ 00215254 v 0000 ~ 00216216 v 0000 ~ 00217956 v 0000 ~ 00228236 v 0000 ~ 00228655 v 0000 ~ 01313411 v 0000 ~ 02649220 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to become wet; "Wet your face"
00215254 30 v 01 bedew 0 001 @ 00214951 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cover with drops of dew or as with dew
00215363 30 v 01 spin-dry 0 001 @ 00218475 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | dry (clothes) by spinning and making use of centrifugal forces
00215491 30 v 01 tumble_dry 0 001 @ 00218475 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | dry by spinning with hot air inside a cylinder; "These fabrics are delicate and cannot be tumbled dry"
00215661 30 v 01 spray-dry 0 001 @ 00218475 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | dry by bringing into the form of a spray, through contact with a hot gas
00215800 30 v 03 humidify 0 moisturize 0 moisturise 0 006 @ 00217956 v 0000 + 14535431 n 0301 + 14535431 n 0201 + 14535643 n 0101 ! 00216057 v 0101 ~ 00214020 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | make (more) humid; "We have a machine that humidifies the air in the house"
00216057 30 v 01 dehumidify 0 002 @ 00218475 v 0000 ! 00215800 v 0101 01 + 11 00 | make less humid; "The air conditioner dehumidifies the air in the summer"
00216216 30 v 06 drench 0 douse 0 dowse 0 soak 1 sop 1 souse 1 010 @ 00214951 v 0000 + 00277811 n 0603 + 00277811 n 0604 + 11502102 n 0407 + 00277811 n 0402 ~ 00216561 v 0000 ~ 00216692 v 0000 ~ 00216801 v 0000 ~ 00216991 v 0000 ~ 00455368 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | cover with liquid; pour liquid onto; "souse water on his hot face"
00216561 30 v 01 brine 0 004 @ 00216216 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 + 15008847 n 0103 + 07937203 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | soak in brine
00216692 30 v 02 bedraggle 0 draggle 0 001 @ 00216216 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | make wet and dirty, as from rain
00216801 30 v 01 bate 0 002 @ 00216216 v 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | soak in a special solution to soften and remove chemicals used in previous treatments; "bate hides and skins"
00216991 30 v 01 ret 0 001 @ 00216216 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | place (flax, hemp, or jute) in liquid so as to promote loosening of the fibers from the woody tissue
00217152 30 v 01 flood 0 006 @ 01207951 v 0000 + 11454591 n 0101 ^ 00751131 v 0103 ~ 00217427 v 0000 ~ 00217700 v 0000 ~ 02771564 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | cover with liquid, usually water; "The swollen river flooded the village"; "The broken vein had flooded blood in her eyes"
00217427 30 v 01 flow 0 004 @ 00217152 v 0000 + 09282534 n 0101 + 01257542 n 0102 ~ 00217576 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cover or swamp with water
00217576 30 v 03 lave 1 lap 2 wash 8 001 @ 00217427 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | wash or flow against; "the waves laved the shore"
00217700 30 v 03 inundate 0 deluge 0 submerge 2 008 @ 00217152 v 0000 + 02472693 a 0301 + 02472693 a 0302 + 07364115 n 0302 + 07364115 n 0301 + 11454591 n 0203 + 11502102 n 0203 + 11454591 n 0102 01 + 11 00 | fill or cover completely, usually with water
00217956 30 v 03 moisten 0 wash 6 dampen 1 008 @ 00214951 v 0000 + 03161016 n 0301 + 00278040 n 0302 + 03161016 n 0102 + 14535431 n 0101 + 00278040 n 0101 ~ 00215800 v 0000 ~ 00321652 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make moist; "The dew moistened the meadows"
00218214 30 v 01 moil 0 001 @ 01252425 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | moisten or soil; "Her tears moiled the letter"
00218330 30 v 02 parch 0 sear 2 001 @ 00218475 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | cause to wither or parch from exposure to heat; "The sun parched the earth"
00218475 30 v 02 dry 1 dry_out 5 016 > 00219403 v 0000 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 14779796 n 0103 + 03251766 n 0102 ! 00214951 v 0101 ~ 00211108 v 0000 ~ 00211396 v 0000 ~ 00215363 v 0000 ~ 00215491 v 0000 ~ 00215661 v 0000 ~ 00216057 v 0000 ~ 00218330 v 0000 ~ 00218888 v 0000 ~ 00219224 v 0000 ~ 00219316 v 0000 ~ 00489029 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | remove the moisture from and make dry; "dry clothes"; "dry hair"
00218888 30 v 01 rough-dry 0 001 @ 00218475 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | dry without smoothing or ironing; "rough-dry the laundry"
00219012 30 v 01 lubricate 2 004 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 14578104 n 0101 + 00716945 n 0101 + 14890659 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make slippery or smooth through the application of a lubricant; "lubricate the key"
00219224 30 v 01 blow-dry 0 001 @ 00218475 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | dry hair with a hair dryer
00219316 30 v 01 drip-dry 0 001 @ 00218475 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | dry by hanging up wet
00219403 30 v 02 dry 0 dry_out 0 005 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 14779796 n 0103 + 03251766 n 0102 ~ 00219597 v 0000 ~ 02771756 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become dry or drier; "The laundry dries in the sun"
00219597 30 v 01 scorch 4 001 @ 00219403 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | become scorched or singed under intense heat or dry conditions; "The exposed tree scorched in the hot sun"
00219775 30 v 01 lock 0 002 @ 00220115 v 0000 ! 00219963 v 0101 01 + 01 00 | become rigid or immoveable; "The therapist noticed that the patient's knees tended to lock in this exercise"
00219963 30 v 01 unlock 0 003 @ 00220276 v 0000 ! 01348174 v 0101 ! 00219775 v 0101 01 + 01 00 | become unlocked; "The door unlocked from the inside"
00220115 30 v 01 engage 0 004 @ 01206218 v 0000 + 07338114 n 0101 ! 00220276 v 0101 ~ 00219775 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | get caught; "make sure the gear is engaged"
00220276 30 v 01 disengage 0 005 @ 00146138 v 0000 + 00390906 n 0102 ! 00220115 v 0101 ~ 00219963 v 0000 ~ 00531068 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become free; "in neutral, the gears disengage"
00220461 30 v 01 strengthen 0 008 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 07427224 n 0101 ! 00223500 v 0101 ~ 00165450 v 0000 ~ 00165971 v 0000 ~ 00185857 v 0000 ~ 00221964 v 0000 ~ 00303309 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | gain strength; "His body strengthened"
00220701 30 v 01 attenuate 0 004 @ 00223500 v 0000 + 07427534 n 0101 + 02755675 n 0101 ~ 00401906 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become weaker, in strength, value, or magnitude
00220869 30 v 03 strengthen 1 beef_up 0 fortify 1 018 > 00220461 v 0000 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 05635624 n 0301 + 00264529 n 0301 + 04336034 n 0101 + 00374063 n 0101 ! 00224901 v 0101 ~ 00164816 v 0000 ~ 00165244 v 0000 ~ 00221413 v 0000 ~ 00221607 v 0000 ~ 00221718 v 0000 ~ 00221840 v 0000 ~ 00222472 v 0000 ~ 00222728 v 0000 ~ 01219993 v 0000 ~ 01306292 v 0000 ~ 01306425 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | make strong or stronger; "This exercise will strengthen your upper body"; "strengthen the relations between the two countries"
00221413 30 v 01 substantiate 2 001 @ 00220869 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | solidify, firm, or strengthen; "The president's trip will substantiate good relations with the former enemy country"
00221607 30 v 01 restrengthen 0 001 @ 00220869 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | make strong again
00221718 30 v 02 undergird 0 brace_up 0 001 @ 00220869 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | make secure underneath; "undergird the ship"
00221840 30 v 01 confirm 0 001 @ 00220869 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make more firm; "Confirm thy soul in self-control!"
00221964 30 v 01 sandbag 0 002 @ 00220461 v 0000 + 04134008 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | protect or strengthen with sandbags; stop up; "The residents sandbagged the beach front"
00222135 30 v 03 spike 0 lace 0 fortify 0 004 @ 00126264 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 + 00264529 n 0301 + 07926127 n 0201 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | add alcohol to (beverages); "the punch is spiked!"
00222328 30 v 01 fortify 2 003 @ 00182406 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 + 00264529 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | add nutrients to; "fortified milk"
00222472 30 v 02 reinforce 0 reenforce 0 008 @ 00220869 v 0000 + 00971463 n 0203 + 04336034 n 0102 + 00971463 n 0102 ~ 00222861 v 0000 ~ 00222993 v 0000 ~ 00223374 v 0000 ~ 01125724 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make stronger; "he reinforced the concrete"
00222728 30 v 01 buttress 0 001 @ 00220869 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | make stronger or defensible; "buttress your thesis"
00222861 30 v 01 buttress 1 002 @ 00222472 v 0000 + 02929289 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | reinforce with a buttress; "Buttress the church"
00222993 30 v 01 line 1 001 @ 00222472 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | reinforce with fabric; "lined books are more enduring"
00223109 30 v 02 back 0 back_up 0 001 @ 00665886 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | establish as valid or genuine; "Can you back up your claims?"
00223250 30 v 01 vouch 0 001 @ 00665886 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | give supporting evidence; "He vouched his words by his deeds"
00223374 30 v 02 bolster 1 bolster_up 0 001 @ 00222472 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | support and strengthen; "bolster morale"
00223500 30 v 01 weaken 0 017 @ 00151689 v 0000 + 07427337 n 0101 ! 00220461 v 0101 ~ 00220701 v 0000 ~ 00223928 v 0000 ~ 00224168 v 0000 ~ 00224460 v 0000 ~ 00224651 v 0000 ~ 00232956 v 0000 ~ 00311113 v 0000 ~ 00389992 v 0000 ~ 00391672 v 0000 ~ 00392142 v 0000 ~ 00419137 v 0000 ~ 00421408 v 0000 ~ 00440580 v 0000 ~ 00469794 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | become weaker; "The prisoner's resistance weakened after seven days"
00223928 30 v 03 melt a disappear a evaporate 3 001 @ 00223500 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | become less intense and fade away gradually; "her resistance melted under his charm"; "her hopes evaporated after years of waiting for her fiance"
00224168 30 v 01 die_down 2 001 @ 00223500 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | become progressively weaker; "the laughter died down"
00224295 30 v 01 die 2 001 ;c 05946687 n 0000 01 + 02 00 | suffer spiritual death; be damned (in the religious sense); "Whosoever..believes in me shall never die"
00224460 30 v 01 collapse 0 002 @ 00223500 v 0000 + 07477945 n 0102 01 + 01 00 | lose significance, effectiveness, or value; "The school system is collapsing"; "The stock market collapsed"
00224651 30 v 02 fade 2 melt 5 002 @ 00223500 v 0000 + 00230172 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | become less clearly visible or distinguishable; disappear gradually or seemingly; "The scene begins to fade"; "The tree trunks are melting into the forest at dusk"
00224901 30 v 01 weaken 1 023 > 00223500 v 0000 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 09476521 n 0101 + 00362355 n 0101 ! 00220869 v 0101 ~ 00023244 v 0000 ~ 00030463 v 0000 ~ 00166952 v 0000 ~ 00167385 v 0000 ~ 00225438 v 0000 ~ 00225580 v 0000 ~ 00225690 v 0000 ~ 00225832 v 0000 ~ 00226071 v 0000 ~ 00226379 v 0000 ~ 00228019 v 0000 ~ 00294884 v 0000 ~ 00389638 v 0000 ~ 00389856 v 0000 ~ 00391553 v 0000 ~ 00470084 v 0000 ~ 00541953 v 0000 ~ 00542533 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | lessen the strength of; "The fever weakened his body"
00225438 30 v 01 depress 0 001 @ 00224901 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | lessen the activity or force of; "The rising inflation depressed the economy"
00225580 30 v 01 unbrace 0 001 @ 00224901 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | remove a brace or braces from
00225690 30 v 01 etiolate 1 002 @ 00224901 v 0000 + 00362862 n 0101 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | make weak by stunting the growth or development of
00225832 30 v 02 cripple 0 stultify 0 001 @ 00224901 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | deprive of strength or efficiency; make useless or worthless; "This measure crippled our efforts"; "Their behavior stultified the boss's hard work"
00226071 30 v 05 dilute 0 thin 2 thin_out 2 reduce 9 cut 5 008 @ 00224901 v 0000 + 00363052 n 0501 + 14835333 n 0203 + 00363052 n 0202 + 14835478 n 0101 + 00362659 n 0101 + 14835333 n 0101 ~ 00488301 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | lessen the strength or flavor of a solution or mixture; "cut bourbon"
00226379 30 v 02 rarefy 0 attenuate 1 004 @ 00224901 v 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 05041712 n 0201 + 07419408 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | weaken the consistency of (a chemical substance)
00226566 30 v 02 intensify 0 deepen 0 009 @ 00156601 v 0000 + 05036394 n 0101 + 00374224 n 0101 ~ 00226882 v 0000 ~ 00227042 v 0000 ~ 00307785 v 0000 ~ 00365647 v 0000 ~ 00392314 v 0000 ~ 00438178 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become more intense; "The debate intensified"; "His dislike for raw fish only deepened in Japan"
00226882 30 v 01 build a 002 @ 00226566 v 0000 $ 00252990 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | develop and grow; "Suspense was building right from the beginning of the opera"
00227042 30 v 01 redouble 1 001 @ 00226566 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | make twice as great or intense; "The screaming redoubled"
00227165 30 v 04 intensify 1 compound 1 heighten 4 deepen 1 011 > 00226566 v 0000 @ 00156601 v 0000 + 05036394 n 0101 + 00374224 n 0101 + 06321054 n 0101 ~ 00227667 v 0000 ~ 00227805 v 0000 ~ 00229605 v 0000 ~ 00263904 v 0000 ~ 00392426 v 0000 ~ 00392588 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make more intense, stronger, or more marked; "The efforts were intensified", "Her rudeness intensified his dislike for her"; "Pot smokers claim it heightens their awareness"; "This event only deepened my convictions"
00227667 30 v 03 heat_up 4 hot_up 1 screw_up 0 001 @ 00227165 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make more intense; "Emotions were screwed up"
00227805 30 v 01 fan 0 001 @ 00227165 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make (an emotion) fiercer; "fan hatred"
00227913 30 v 01 blunt 0 001 @ 00126264 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make less sharp; "blunt the knives"
00228019 30 v 01 blunt 1 001 @ 00224901 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make less intense; "blunted emotions"
00228127 30 v 01 bloody 0 001 @ 01207951 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cover with blood; "bloody your hands"
00228236 30 v 02 water 0 irrigate 0 008 @ 00214951 v 0000 + 01057631 n 0201 + 14845743 n 0101 + 10770767 n 0101 + 00278403 n 0101 ~ 00228521 v 0000 ~ 00454868 v 0000 ~ 00461057 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | supply with water, as with channels or ditches or streams; "Water the fields"
00228521 30 v 02 hose 0 hose_down 0 002 @ 00228236 v 0000 + 03539875 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | water with a hose; "hose the lawn"
00228655 30 v 03 sprinkle 0 sparge 0 besprinkle 0 004 @ 00214951 v 0000 + 00278555 n 0101 + 04289027 n 0101 + 00278555 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | scatter with liquid; wet lightly; "Sprinkle the lawn"
00228858 30 v 01 moonshine 0 004 @ 00229280 v 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 07902520 n 0101 + 09866922 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | distill (alcohol) illegally; produce moonshine
00229026 30 v 02 distill 1 distil 1 009 $ 00229280 v 0000 $ 00475183 v 0000 @ 00109660 v 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 14836960 n 0101 + 13468306 n 0102 + 14836960 n 0102 + 13468306 n 0101 + 03212811 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | undergo the process of distillation
00229280 30 v 03 distill 2 extract 0 distil 2 010 @ 01617192 v 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 01526905 a 0202 + 13478525 n 0201 + 14836960 n 0101 + 14836960 n 0102 + 13468306 n 0101 + 03212811 n 0101 ~ 00228858 v 0000 $ 00229026 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | extract by the process of distillation; "distill the essence of this compound"
00229605 30 v 03 enhance 0 heighten 0 raise 0 003 @ 00227165 v 0000 + 01340522 a 0102 ~ 00229801 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | increase; "This will enhance your enjoyment"; "heighten the tension"
00229801 30 v 01 potentiate 0 003 @ 00229605 v 0000 ;c 03247620 n 0000 + 13539422 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | increase the effect of or act synergistically with (a drug or a physiological or biochemical phenomenon); "potentiate the drug"
00230033 30 v 01 enhance 1 006 @ 00205885 v 0000 + 00070111 a 0102 + 00265992 n 0101 + 05853924 n 0102 ~ 00230276 v 0000 ~ 00230562 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make better or more attractive; "This sauce will enhance the flavor of the meat"
00230276 30 v 01 follow_up 1 007 @ 00230033 v 0000 + 00143251 n 0101 + 00143251 n 0102 + 00455348 n 0101 + 00455348 n 0102 + 03377582 n 0102 + 03377582 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | increase the effectiveness or success of by further action; "The doctor followed up the surgery with radiation"
00230562 30 v 02 touch_up 0 retouch 0 002 @ 00230033 v 0000 ;c 00903559 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | alter so as to produce a more desirable appearance; "This photograph has been retouched!"
00230746 30 v 01 grow 0 021 @ 00156601 v 0000 + 13497135 n 0103 ^ 02540347 v 0101 ~ 00094153 v 0000 ~ 00155143 v 0000 ~ 00157844 v 0000 ~ 00157950 v 0000 ~ 00231288 v 0000 ~ 00231445 v 0000 ~ 00232714 v 0000 ~ 00240810 v 0000 ~ 00252019 v 0000 ~ 00257269 v 0000 ~ 00310386 v 0000 ~ 00310635 v 0000 ~ 00316631 v 0000 ~ 00329244 v 0000 ~ 00357854 v 0000 ~ 00358135 v 0000 ~ 01983134 v 0000 ~ 02077148 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | become larger, greater, or bigger; expand or gain; "The problem grew too large for me"; "Her business grew fast"
00231288 30 v 01 vegetate 4 002 @ 00230746 v 0000 + 05603854 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | grow or spread abnormally; "warts and polyps can vegetate if not removed"
00231445 30 v 01 mushroom 0 001 @ 00230746 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | grow and spread fast; "The problem mushroomed"
00231557 30 v 01 grow 2 012 $ 00245457 v 0000 @ 00252019 v 0000 + 13489037 n 0101 + 13489037 n 0102 ~ 00096136 v 0000 ~ 00096264 v 0000 ~ 00231976 v 0000 ~ 00232101 v 0000 ~ 00232225 v 0000 ~ 00232388 v 0000 ~ 00246125 v 0000 ~ 00357332 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | increase in size by natural process; "Corn doesn't grow here"; "In these forests, mushrooms grow under the trees"; "her hair doesn't grow much anymore"
00231976 30 v 01 undergrow 0 001 @ 00231557 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | grow below something; "The moss undergrew the stone patio"
00232101 30 v 01 exfoliate 0 001 @ 00231557 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | grow by producing or unfolding leaves; "plants exfoliate"
00232225 30 v 01 vegetate 0 003 @ 00231557 v 0000 + 13573057 n 0101 + 02598211 a 0103 01 + 01 00 | grow like a plant; "This fungus usually vegetates vigorously"
00232388 30 v 01 vegetate 1 003 @ 00231557 v 0000 + 13573057 n 0101 + 02598211 a 0103 01 + 01 00 | produce vegetation; "The fields vegetate vigorously"
00232542 30 v 01 vegetate 2 003 @ 00245457 v 0000 + 08436759 n 0101 + 02598211 a 0103 01 + 08 00 | establish vegetation on; "They vegetated the hills behind their house"
00232714 30 v 02 overgrow 1 grow_over 0 001 @ 00230746 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | grow beyond or across; "The ivy overgrew the patio"
00232843 30 v 01 overgrow 2 001 @ 00146138 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become overgrown; "The patio overgrew with ivy"
00232956 30 v 02 subside 0 lessen 1 002 @ 00223500 v 0000 + 07419960 n 0103 01 + 01 00 | wear off or die down; "The pain subsided"
00233089 30 v 02 pare 0 pare_down 0 001 @ 00441445 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | decrease gradually or bit by bit
00233203 30 v 02 reduce 1 tighten 3 001 @ 00233335 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | narrow or limit; "reduce the influx of foreigners"
00233335 30 v 07 restrict 0 restrain 0 trammel 0 limit 1 bound 0 confine 0 throttle 1 026 @ 02510337 v 0000 + 13903079 n 0503 + 08512259 n 0502 + 03669886 n 0401 + 05124057 n 0401 + 15224293 n 0401 + 05846355 n 0402 + 05162455 n 0401 + 00808182 n 0401 + 04181228 n 0304 + 10525134 n 0201 + 02003725 a 0101 + 01148614 n 0101 + 00808182 n 0102 ~ 00233203 v 0000 ~ 00234217 v 0000 ~ 00234390 v 0000 ~ 00234536 v 0000 ~ 00234725 v 0000 ~ 00234857 v 0000 ~ 00234988 v 0000 ~ 00236289 v 0000 ~ 00418765 v 0000 ~ 00418921 v 0000 ~ 00462689 v 0000 ~ 01301051 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | place limits on (extent or access); "restrict the use of this parking lot"; "limit the time you can spend with your friends"
00234057 30 v 01 develop c 002 @ 00541163 v 0000 ;c 06000644 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | expand in the form of a series; "Develop the function in the following form"
00234217 30 v 01 tie 1 002 @ 00233335 v 0000 + 13930385 n 0103 02 + 20 00 + 21 00 | limit or restrict to; "I am tied to UNIX"; "These big jets are tied to large airports"
00234390 30 v 01 gate 0 001 @ 00233335 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | restrict (school boys') movement to the dormitory or campus as a means of punishment
00234536 30 v 02 draw_the_line 0 draw_a_line 0 001 @ 00233335 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | reasonably object (to) or set a limit (on); "I draw the line when it comes to lending money to friends!"
00234725 30 v 02 mark_off 0 mark_out 0 001 @ 00233335 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | set boundaries to and delimit; "mark out the territory"
00234857 30 v 03 rule 0 harness 0 rein 0 002 @ 00233335 v 0000 + 05197574 n 0301 01 + 11 00 | keep in check; "rule one's temper"
00234988 30 v 02 baffle 0 regulate 1 002 @ 00233335 v 0000 + 02772868 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | check the emission of (sound)
00235110 30 v 02 carry 5 extend 6 004 $ 00317888 v 0000 @ 00118523 v 0000 + 00318735 n 0101 $ 00318326 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | continue or extend; "The civil war carried into the neighboring province"; "The disease extended into the remote mountain provinces"
00235368 30 v 03 limit 0 circumscribe 0 confine 1 014 @ 00441445 v 0000 + 01149480 n 0201 + 05124057 n 0101 + 15224293 n 0101 + 05846355 n 0102 + 05162455 n 0101 + 00808182 n 0101 ~ 00235763 v 0000 ~ 00235918 v 0000 ~ 00236104 v 0000 ~ 00236592 v 0000 ~ 00730301 v 0000 ~ 01194238 v 0000 ~ 02234988 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | restrict or confine, "I limit you to two visits to the pub a day"
00235763 30 v 01 hold_down 0 002 @ 00235368 v 0000 + 00808614 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | restrain; "please hold down the noise so that the neighbors can sleep"
00235918 30 v 02 number 0 keep_down 0 005 @ 00235368 v 0000 + 06807198 n 0102 + 06425065 n 0101 + 13582013 n 0101 + 05121418 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | place a limit on the number of
00236104 30 v 01 cap 0 002 @ 00235368 v 0000 + 06657646 n 0103 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | restrict the number or amount of; "We had to cap the number of people we can accept into our club"
00236289 30 v 04 hamper 0 halter 0 cramp 0 strangle 0 002 @ 00233335 v 0000 + 04181228 n 0103 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | prevent the progress or free movement of; "He was hampered in his efforts by the bad weather"; "the imperialist nation wanted to strangle the free trade between the two small countries"
00236592 30 v 04 restrict 2 curtail 0 curb 0 cut_back 0 006 @ 00235368 v 0000 + 01146039 n 0303 + 02003725 a 0101 + 00808182 n 0102 ~ 00236843 v 0000 ~ 00269140 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | place restrictions on; "curtail drinking in school"
00236843 30 v 01 abridge 1 001 @ 00236592 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | lessen, diminish, or curtail; "the new law might abridge our freedom of expression"
00236999 30 v 03 reduce 2 boil_down 0 concentrate 0 005 @ 00441445 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 + 07413899 n 0301 + 00375071 n 0301 + 07567390 n 0301 01 + 08 00 | cook until very little liquid is left; "The cook reduced the sauce by boiling it for a long time"
00237259 30 v 04 boil_down 1 reduce a decoct 2 concentrate 3 005 @ 00151689 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 + 07413899 n 0401 + 00375071 n 0401 + 07567390 n 0401 01 + 01 00 | be cooked until very little liquid is left; "The sauce should reduce to one cup"
00237511 30 v 01 concentrate 1 005 @ 00146138 v 0000 + 07413899 n 0101 + 05038593 n 0101 + 00375071 n 0101 + 14837506 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | make denser, stronger, or purer; "concentrate juice"
00237704 30 v 03 reduce b come_down 0 boil_down 3 002 @ 02626604 v 0000 + 00883611 a 0101 01 + 04 00 | be the essential element; "The proposal boils down to a compromise"
00237877 30 v 03 deoxidize 0 deoxidise 0 reduce 3 009 @ 00109660 v 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 14780267 n 0302 + 14780267 n 0303 + 13547677 n 0302 ! 00238867 v 0101 ~ 00238255 v 0000 ! 00238867 v 0202 ~ 00239973 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | to remove oxygen from a compound, or cause to react with hydrogen or form a hydride, or to undergo an increase in the number of electrons
00238255 30 v 01 benficiate 0 001 @ 00237877 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | subject to a reduction process; "benficiate ores"
00238372 30 v 01 crack 8 003 @ 00109660 v 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 13453861 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | break into simpler molecules by means of heat; "The petroleum cracked"
00238542 30 v 01 crack 7 004 > 00238372 v 0000 @ 00209174 v 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 13453861 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | reduce (petroleum) to a simpler compound by cracking
00238720 30 v 02 catabolize 0 catabolise 0 003 @ 00238867 v 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 13443787 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | subject to catabolism
00238867 30 v 03 oxidize 0 oxidise 0 oxidate 0 019 @ 00126264 v 0000 @ 00109660 v 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 00068883 a 0301 + 13530408 n 0301 + 13530408 n 0203 + 14780040 n 0203 + 14780040 n 0201 + 14971519 n 0201 ! 00237877 v 0202 + 13530408 n 0102 + 14780040 n 0102 + 14780040 n 0101 + 14971519 n 0101 ! 00237877 v 0101 ~ 00238720 v 0000 $ 00239321 v 0000 $ 00239614 v 0000 ~ 00239754 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | add oxygen to or combine with oxygen
00239321 30 v 03 oxidise 1 oxidize 1 oxidate 1 007 $ 00238867 v 0000 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 00068883 a 0301 + 13530408 n 0301 + 13530408 n 0202 + 13530408 n 0103 ~ 00239614 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | enter into a combination with oxygen or become converted into an oxide; "This metal oxidizes easily"
00239614 30 v 01 rust 2 004 $ 00238867 v 0000 @ 00239321 v 0000 + 13552270 n 0101 + 14889479 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | become coated with oxide
00239754 30 v 01 breathe 3 001 @ 00238867 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | reach full flavor by absorbing air and being let to stand after having been uncorked; "This rare Bordeaux must be allowed to breathe for at least 2 hours"
00239973 30 v 01 pole 0 003 @ 00237877 v 0000 ;c 06125698 n 0000 + 03976657 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | deoxidize molten metals by stirring them with a wooden pole
00240131 30 v 02 reduce 4 scale_down 1 004 @ 00241038 v 0000 + 00883611 a 0101 + 00351638 n 0103 ! 00240293 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | make smaller; "reduce an image"
00240293 30 v 03 blow_up 0 enlarge 1 magnify 1 010 @ 00153263 v 0000 ;c 00903559 n 0000 + 05090441 n 0301 + 13822995 n 0301 + 03289462 n 0303 + 03709206 n 0301 + 03289462 n 0201 + 03289660 n 0201 + 03289462 n 0102 ! 00240131 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | make large; "blow up an image"
00240571 30 v 02 shrink 0 contract 4 006 @ 00151689 v 0000 + 00365471 n 0201 ! 02077148 v 0201 + 07313004 n 0102 ! 00240810 v 0101 ~ 02036977 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become smaller or draw together; "The fabric shrank"; "The balloon shrank"
00240810 30 v 01 stretch 0 005 @ 00230746 v 0000 + 00371059 n 0101 + 05021345 n 0101 ! 00240571 v 0101 ~ 01449796 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | become longer by being stretched and pulled; "The fabric stretches"
00241038 30 v 02 shrink 1 reduce 5 011 > 00240571 v 0000 @ 00441445 v 0000 + 00351638 n 0203 + 07313004 n 0102 + 07313004 n 0101 ~ 00240131 v 0000 ~ 00241399 v 0000 ~ 00241496 v 0000 ~ 00531302 v 0000 ~ 00586816 v 0000 ~ 01279474 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | reduce in size; reduce physically; "Hot water will shrink the sweater"; "Can you shrink this image?"
00241399 30 v 01 reef 1 001 @ 00241038 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | reduce (a sail) by taking in a reef
00241496 30 v 02 miniaturize 0 miniaturise 0 005 @ 00241038 v 0000 + 00360601 n 0202 + 03769235 n 0201 + 00360601 n 0101 + 03769235 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | design or construct on a smaller scale
00241689 30 v 04 shrivel 0 shrivel_up 0 shrink 2 wither 0 005 @ 00151689 v 0000 ~ 00093979 v 0000 ~ 00241924 v 0000 ~ 00242026 v 0000 ~ 00242205 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | wither, as with a loss of moisture; "The fruit dried and shriveled"
00241924 30 v 01 blast 3 001 @ 00241689 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | shrivel or wither or mature imperfectly
00242026 30 v 02 die_back 0 die_down 0 002 @ 00241689 v 0000 + 14280298 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | suffer from a disease that kills shoots; "The plants near the garage are dying back"
00242205 30 v 02 mummify 0 dry_up 3 003 @ 00241689 v 0000 + 05218630 n 0101 $ 02227127 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | dry up and shrivel due to complete loss of moisture; "a mummified body was found"
00242396 30 v 01 reduce 6 004 @ 00400427 v 0000 + 00883611 a 0101 + 00192300 n 0101 ~ 00243749 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make less complex; "reduce a problem to a single question"
00242580 30 v 01 consolidate 0 004 @ 00367685 v 0000 + 01331540 a 0101 + 00334940 a 0101 + 01237415 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | unite into one; "The companies consolidated"
00242747 30 v 01 consolidate 1 004 @ 00243124 v 0000 + 01331540 a 0101 + 00334940 a 0101 + 01237415 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | bring together into a single whole or system; "The town and county schools are being consolidated"
00242976 30 v 01 weld 0 001 @ 00243124 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | unite closely or intimately; "Her gratitude welded her to him"
00243124 30 v 03 unite 2 unify 1 merge 2 008 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 07373602 n 0302 + 01238424 n 0302 + 07373602 n 0203 + 01238424 n 0103 ~ 00242747 v 0000 ~ 00242976 v 0000 ~ 00243379 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | join or combine; "We merged our resources"
00243379 30 v 01 consubstantiate 1 003 @ 00243124 v 0000 + 06188292 n 0101 $ 00243572 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | unite in one common substance; "Thought is consubstantiated with the object"
00243572 30 v 01 consubstantiate 0 003 $ 00243379 v 0000 @ 00367685 v 0000 + 06188292 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | become united in substance; "thought and the object consubstantiate"
00243749 30 v 01 abbreviate 0 003 @ 00242396 v 0000 + 07091587 n 0101 + 09754907 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | shorten; "Abbreviate `New York' and write `NY'"
00243900 30 v 07 abridge 0 foreshorten 0 abbreviate 1 shorten 2 cut 8 contract 5 reduce 8 010 @ 00441445 v 0000 + 00365471 n 0601 ! 00955601 v 0607 + 09433952 n 0401 + 09754907 n 0302 + 06468123 n 0102 + 09754907 n 0101 ~ 00201034 v 0000 $ 00201722 v 0000 ~ 00244625 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | reduce in scope while retaining essential elements; "The manuscript must be shortened"
00244284 30 v 01 foreshorten 1 001 @ 00316768 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | shorten lines in a drawing so as to create an illusion of depth
00244416 30 v 04 encapsulate 0 capsule 0 capsulize 0 capsulise 0 003 @ 00244625 v 0000 + 06468123 n 0404 + 06468123 n 0304 01 + 21 00 | put in a short or concise form; reduce in volume; "capsulize the news"
00244625 30 v 03 digest 0 condense 0 concentrate 7 008 @ 00243900 v 0000 + 00375071 n 0301 + 03087366 n 0201 + 06468123 n 0201 + 06593099 n 0102 + 06593542 n 0101 ~ 00244416 v 0000 ~ 00244923 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make more concise; "condense the contents of a book into a summary"
00244923 30 v 01 telescope 3 001 @ 00244625 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make smaller or shorter; "the novel was telescoped into a short play"
00245059 30 v 05 abate 0 let_up 0 slack_off 1 slack 7 die_away 0 003 @ 00151689 v 0000 + 15274441 n 0201 + 07368256 n 0105 01 + 01 00 | become less in amount or intensity; "The storm abated"; "The rain let up after a few hours"
00245289 30 v 03 slake 0 abate 1 slack 4 004 @ 00441445 v 0000 + 13556509 n 0302 + 02288022 a 0201 + 09754051 n 0201 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make less active or intense
00245457 30 v 01 grow 1 012 > 00231557 v 0000 @ 00253761 v 0000 + 13489037 n 0101 + 09779790 n 0104 + 13489037 n 0102 $ 00231557 v 0000 ~ 00232542 v 0000 ~ 00245780 v 0000 ~ 00245913 v 0000 ~ 00257650 v 0000 ~ 00357667 v 0000 ~ 00358314 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cause to grow or develop; "He grows vegetables in his backyard"
00245780 30 v 01 culture 0 001 @ 00245457 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | grow in a special preparation; "the biologist grows microorganisms"
00245913 30 v 01 rotate 4 003 $ 02393894 v 0000 @ 00245457 v 0000 + 05045381 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | plant or grow in a fixed cyclic order of succession; "We rotate the crops so as to maximize the use of the soil"
00246125 30 v 01 twin 0 001 @ 00231557 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | grow as twins; "twin crystals"
00246217 30 v 02 double 0 duplicate 0 007 @ 00247390 v 0000 + 05860200 n 0101 + 13469526 n 0101 + 00803394 n 0101 ^ 01139623 v 0102 ~ 00246475 v 0000 ~ 00246588 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | increase twofold; "The population doubled within 50 years"
00246475 30 v 01 redouble 2 001 @ 00246217 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | double again; "The noise doubled and redoubled"
00246588 30 v 01 geminate 0 002 @ 00246217 v 0000 + 07100253 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | arrange or combine in pairs; "The consonants are geminated in these words"
00246746 30 v 02 triple 0 treble 0 004 @ 00247390 v 0000 + 05860377 n 0101 + 04484780 n 0101 + 13570472 n 0101 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | increase threefold; "Triple your income!"
00246930 30 v 01 pullulate 1 002 @ 00156601 v 0000 + 13543968 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | become abundant; increase rapidly
00247048 30 v 01 quadruple 0 004 @ 00247390 v 0000 + 04031166 n 0101 + 13544433 n 0101 + 05860498 n 0101 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | increase fourfold; "His stock earning quadrupled"
00247234 30 v 01 quintuple 0 002 @ 00247390 v 0000 + 13544930 n 0101 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | increase fivefold; "The population of China quintupled"
00247390 30 v 02 multiply 0 manifold 1 009 @ 00153263 v 0000 + 02536123 a 0101 + 13517843 n 0101 + 00871576 n 0101 ~ 00246217 v 0000 ~ 00246746 v 0000 ~ 00247048 v 0000 ~ 00247234 v 0000 ~ 00247830 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | combine or increase by multiplication; "He managed to multiply his profits"
00247702 30 v 01 manifold 0 002 @ 01693881 v 0000 + 14946750 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | make multiple copies of; "multiply a letter"
00247830 30 v 01 proliferate 1 004 $ 00310635 v 0000 @ 00247390 v 0000 + 13542114 n 0101 + 13541975 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | cause to grow or increase rapidly; "We must not proliferate nuclear arms"
00248026 30 v 05 senesce 0 age 0 get_on 3 mature 1 maturate 1 009 @ 00252019 v 0000 + 13489037 n 0503 + 13489037 n 0403 + 15145171 n 0201 + 15153787 n 0203 + 01644709 a 0103 ~ 00248387 v 0000 ~ 00249556 v 0000 ~ 02697610 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | grow old or older; "She aged gracefully"; "we age every day--what a depressing thought!"; "Young men senesce"
00248387 30 v 01 turn e 001 @ 00248026 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | become officially one year older; "She is turning 50 this year"
00248512 30 v 01 age 1 001 @ 00252019 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | begin to seem older; get older; "The death of his wife caused him to age fast"
00248659 30 v 07 progress 0 come_on 2 come_along 1 advance 0 get_on 0 get_along 0 shape_up 0 007 @ 00252019 v 0000 + 07357388 n 0403 + 00282050 n 0404 + 00249501 n 0102 ! 00249313 v 0101 ~ 00249017 v 0000 ~ 00249188 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | develop in a positive way; "He progressed well in school"; "My plants are coming along"; "Plans are shaping up"
00249017 30 v 01 climb 3 002 @ 00248659 v 0000 + 10618685 n 0102 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | improve one's social status; "This young man knows how to climb the social ladder"
00249188 30 v 01 leapfrog 0 001 @ 00248659 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | progress by large jumps instead of small increments
00249313 30 v 03 regress 0 retrograde 0 retrogress 0 006 @ 00203866 v 0000 + 01877299 a 0302 + 00235208 n 0304 + 01876957 a 0101 ! 00248659 v 0101 ~ 01113806 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 22 00 | get worse or fall back to a previous condition
00249556 30 v 02 fossilize 2 fossilise 2 002 @ 00248026 v 0000 + 00201269 n 0202 01 + 02 00 | become mentally inflexible
00249679 30 v 01 age 2 004 > 00248026 v 0000 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 15153787 n 0103 ! 00250877 v 0101 01 + 10 00 | make older; "The death of his child aged him tremendously"
00249852 30 v 01 ripen 0 002 @ 00250181 v 0000 + 13512238 n 0102 01 + 01 00 | grow ripe; "The plums ripen in July"
00249969 30 v 02 ripen 1 mature 4 004 > 00249852 v 0000 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 13512238 n 0203 + 13512238 n 0102 01 + 11 00 | cause to ripen or develop fully; "The sun ripens the fruit"; "Age matures a good wine"
00250181 30 v 03 mature 0 maturate 0 grow 4 011 * 00248026 v 0000 @ 00252019 v 0000 + 13490343 n 0301 + 13489037 n 0301 + 13489037 n 0302 + 13512238 n 0201 + 13512238 n 0103 + 13512238 n 0101 ~ 00249852 v 0000 ~ 00250691 v 0000 ~ 02540347 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | develop and reach maturity; undergo maturation; "He matured fast"; "The child grew fast"
00250539 30 v 01 grow e 001 @ 00109660 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | become attached by or as if by the process of growth; "The tree trunks had grown together"
00250691 30 v 02 find_oneself 0 find d 001 @ 00250181 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | accept and make use of one's personality, abilities, and situation; "My son went to Berkeley to find himself"
00250877 30 v 01 rejuvenate 0 003 @ 00097621 v 0000 + 00401639 n 0101 ! 00249679 v 0101 01 + 10 00 | make younger or more youthful; "The contact with his grandchildren rejuvenated him"
00251064 30 v 01 evolve 0 005 @ 00252019 v 0000 + 13464820 n 0102 + 13477023 n 0101 ~ 00119266 v 0000 ~ 00251791 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | undergo development or evolution; "Modern man evolved a long time ago"
00251270 30 v 02 work_out 0 work_up 3 002 $ 00251463 v 0000 @ 00253761 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | come up with; "His colleagues worked out his interesting idea"; "We worked up an ad for our client"
00251463 30 v 02 elaborate 1 work_out 1 003 @ 00253761 v 0000 + 00250710 n 0101 $ 00251270 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | work out in detail; "elaborate a plan"
00251615 30 v 02 derive 0 educe 0 004 @ 01617192 v 0000 + 00698586 a 0101 + 08508105 n 0101 ~ 01070455 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | develop or evolve from a latent or potential state
00251791 30 v 01 derive 1 007 $ 02737187 v 0000 @ 00251064 v 0000 + 00698586 a 0101 + 13462387 n 0101 + 08508105 n 0101 + 06744154 n 0102 + 06744154 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | come from; "The present name derives from an older form"
00252019 30 v 01 develop 0 018 @ 00230746 v 0000 + 13489037 n 0104 ~ 00119524 v 0000 ~ 00119725 v 0000 ~ 00231557 v 0000 ~ 00248026 v 0000 ~ 00248512 v 0000 ~ 00248659 v 0000 ~ 00250181 v 0000 ~ 00251064 v 0000 ~ 00252710 v 0000 ~ 00252990 v 0000 ~ 00254150 v 0000 ~ 00293760 v 0000 ~ 00294245 v 0000 ~ 00294718 v 0000 $ 00342980 v 0000 ~ 00357998 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | grow, progress, unfold, or evolve through a process of evolution, natural growth, differentiation, or a conducive environment; "A flower developed on the branch"; "The country developed into a mighty superpower"; "The embryo develops into a fetus"; "This situation has developed over a long time"
00252710 30 v 01 adolesce 0 007 @ 00252019 v 0000 + 01647983 a 0101 + 01490061 a 0101 + 02602261 a 0101 + 09772029 n 0101 + 15147850 n 0101 + 14426910 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | become adolescent; pass through adolescence; "The children are beginning to adolesce around the age of 12"
00252990 30 v 04 build_up 0 work_up 0 build 0 progress 1 004 $ 00226882 v 0000 @ 00252019 v 0000 + 00249501 n 0402 $ 00253277 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | form or accumulate steadily; "Resistance to the manager's plan built up quickly"; "Pressure is building up at the Indian-Pakistani border"
00253277 30 v 04 build_up 6 work_up 6 build 5 ramp_up 0 002 $ 00252990 v 0000 @ 00153263 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | bolster or strengthen; "We worked up courage"; "build up confidence"; "ramp up security in the airports"
00253501 30 v 02 antique 0 antiquate 0 003 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 02723754 n 0201 + 02723754 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | give an antique appearance to; "antique furniture"
00253664 30 v 01 antiquate 1 001 @ 00126264 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make obsolete or old-fashioned
00253761 30 v 02 develop 1 make_grow 0 009 > 00252019 v 0000 > 00230746 v 0000 @ 00126264 v 0000 $ 00171852 v 0000 ~ 00245457 v 0000 ~ 00251270 v 0000 ~ 00251463 v 0000 ~ 00282790 v 0000 ~ 02553697 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to grow and differentiate in ways conforming to its natural development; "The perfect climate here develops the grain"; "He developed a new kind of apple"
00254150 30 v 01 incubate 2 003 @ 00252019 v 0000 + 15287578 n 0101 + 00658796 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | grow under conditions that promote development
00254298 30 v 01 mellow 0 002 @ 00254867 v 0000 + 13513222 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 11 00 | make or grow (more) mellow; "These apples need to mellow a bit more"; "The sun mellowed the fruit"
00254486 30 v 03 mellow 3 melt 4 mellow_out 0 003 $ 00254672 v 0000 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 13513222 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | become more relaxed, easygoing, or genial; "With age, he mellowed"
00254672 30 v 01 mellow 1 004 > 00254298 v 0000 @ 00255389 v 0000 + 13513222 n 0101 $ 00254486 v 0000 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | soften, make mellow; "Age and experience mellowed him over the years"
00254867 30 v 01 soften 0 005 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 13557766 n 0101 ! 00443116 v 0101 ~ 00254298 v 0000 ~ 00398741 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become soft or softer; "The bread will soften if you pour some liquid on it"
00255079 30 v 02 encrust 0 incrust 0 006 @ 00443116 v 0000 + 13497650 n 0201 + 09260218 n 0202 + 13497650 n 0102 + 09260218 n 0103 ~ 00255272 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | form a crust or a hard layer
00255272 30 v 01 effloresce 2 001 @ 00255079 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become encrusted with crystals due to evaporation
00255389 30 v 01 soften 1 008 > 00254867 v 0000 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 15055936 n 0101 + 13557766 n 0101 ! 00443384 v 0101 ~ 00254672 v 0000 ~ 00256027 v 0000 ~ 00398484 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | make soft or softer; "This liquid will soften your laundry"
00255654 30 v 01 face-harden 0 001 @ 00443384 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | harden steel by adding carbon
00255752 30 v 01 callus 0 002 @ 00443116 v 0000 + 14364566 n 0102 01 + 01 00 | form a callus or calluses; "His foot callused"
00255880 30 v 01 callus 1 002 @ 00443384 v 0000 + 14364566 n 0102 01 + 11 00 | cause a callus to form on; "The long march had callused his feet"
00256027 30 v 01 mollify 0 001 @ 00255389 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make less rigid or softer
00256117 30 v 03 balloon 0 inflate 2 billow 0 003 @ 00257269 v 0000 + 00367280 n 0201 ~ 00256283 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | become inflated; "The sails ballooned"
00256283 30 v 01 reflate 0 001 @ 00256117 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become inflated again
00256369 30 v 02 bulge 1 bulk 0 003 > 00263231 v 0000 @ 00257650 v 0000 + 13894434 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | cause to bulge or swell outwards
00256507 30 v 05 swell 0 swell_up 0 intumesce 0 tumefy 0 tumesce 0 011 @ 00257269 v 0000 + 01174565 a 0503 + 13570574 n 0401 + 14317720 n 0302 + 14317720 n 0301 + 14315192 n 0101 ~ 00256862 v 0000 ~ 00257535 v 0000 ~ 00263682 v 0000 ~ 00361797 v 0000 ~ 00379774 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | expand abnormally; "The bellies of the starving children are swelling"
00256862 30 v 01 distend 1 005 @ 00256507 v 0000 + 14063633 n 0102 + 00366317 n 0102 + 00366317 n 0101 $ 00257087 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | swell from or as if from internal pressure; "The distended bellies of the starving cows"
00257087 30 v 01 distend 3 003 $ 00256862 v 0000 @ 00361952 v 0000 + 00366317 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | cause to expand as it by internal pressure; "The gas distended the animal's body"
00257269 30 v 01 expand 7 008 @ 00230746 v 0000 + 00947264 a 0103 + 00844263 a 0103 + 00947264 a 0102 + 00844263 a 0102 + 00946499 a 0101 ~ 00256117 v 0000 ~ 00256507 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become larger in size or volume or quantity; "his business expanded rapidly"
00257535 30 v 02 belly 0 belly_out 0 002 @ 00256507 v 0000 + 05555917 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | swell out or bulge out
00257650 30 v 01 swell 1 005 > 00256507 v 0000 @ 00245457 v 0000 ~ 00256369 v 0000 ~ 00257837 v 0000 ~ 00361952 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | cause to become swollen; "The water swells the wood"
00257837 30 v 01 tumefy 1 002 @ 00257650 v 0000 + 13570574 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | cause to become very swollen
00257947 30 v 02 bilge 0 take_in_water 0 003 @ 00258109 v 0000 + 15059797 n 0101 + 02838014 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | take in water at the bilge; "the tanker bilged"
00258109 30 v 01 leak 0 005 * 01369346 v 0000 + 09337048 n 0101 + 07436661 n 0102 + 07436661 n 0103 ~ 00257947 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | have an opening that allows light or substances to enter or go out; "The container leaked gasoline"; "the roof leaks badly"
00258366 30 v 01 break 7 001 @ 00146138 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | crack; of the male voice in puberty; "his voice is breaking--he should no longer sing in the choir"
00258528 30 v 01 bilge 1 002 > 00257947 v 0000 @ 00258857 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to leak; "the collision bilged the vessel"
00258665 30 v 01 break 6 003 @ 00258857 v 0000 + 00376400 n 0101 $ 00434374 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | render inoperable or ineffective; "You broke the alarm clock when you took it apart!"
00258857 30 v 01 damage 0 021 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 07420770 n 0101 + 00403092 n 0101 ~ 00196364 v 0000 ~ 00196595 v 0000 ~ 00258528 v 0000 ~ 00258665 v 0000 ~ 00259382 v 0000 ~ 00259560 v 0000 ~ 00259755 v 0000 ~ 00259927 v 0000 ~ 00260470 v 0000 ~ 00262881 v 0000 ~ 00263044 v 0000 ~ 00274283 v 0000 ~ 00274724 v 0000 ~ 00292672 v 0000 ~ 00334050 v 0000 ~ 00477941 v 0000 ~ 01552390 v 0000 ~ 01566705 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | inflict damage upon; "The snow damaged the roof"; "She damaged the car when she hit the tree"
00259382 30 v 01 total 0 001 @ 00258857 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | damage beyond the point of repair; "My son totaled our new car"; "the rock star totals his guitar at every concert"
00259560 30 v 01 bruise 0 002 @ 00258857 v 0000 ;c 00017222 n 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | damage (plant tissue) by abrasion or pressure; "The customer bruised the strawberries by squeezing them"
00259755 30 v 01 disturb 4 001 @ 00258857 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | damage as if by shaking or jarring; "Don't disturb the patient's wounds by moving him too rapidly!"
00259927 30 v 02 afflict 0 smite 0 005 @ 00258857 v 0000 + 01804175 a 0101 + 14477342 n 0101 ~ 00260142 v 0000 ~ 02771320 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause physical pain or suffering in; "afflict with the plague"
00260142 30 v 01 visit 0 002 @ 00259927 v 0000 + 07316724 n 0101 03 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | assail; "He was visited with a terrible illness that killed him quickly"
00260311 30 v 01 devastate 1 002 @ 01809321 v 0000 + 07509827 n 0101 01 + 10 00 | overwhelm or overpower; "He was devastated by his grief when his son died"
00260470 30 v 02 hurt 4 injure 4 002 @ 00258857 v 0000 + 07420538 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause damage or affect negatively; "Our business was hurt by the new competition"
00260648 30 v 08 repair 0 mend 0 fix 1 bushel 0 doctor 1 furbish_up 0 restore 1 touch_on 0 024 @ 00205885 v 0000 + 04083468 n 0701 + 00266806 n 0302 + 00266806 n 0304 + 10308732 n 0303 + 00266806 n 0303 + 00266806 n 0205 + 10308732 n 0201 + 00266806 n 0206 + 00266806 n 0101 + 00266806 n 0107 + 10308732 n 0102 ! 01369758 v 0101 ~ 00261314 v 0000 ~ 00261533 v 0000 ~ 00261705 v 0000 ~ 00261845 v 0000 ~ 00261957 v 0000 ~ 00262549 v 0000 ~ 00262703 v 0000 ~ 00533403 v 0000 ~ 00533527 v 0000 ~ 00533671 v 0000 ~ 01330676 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | restore by replacing a part or putting together what is torn or broken; "She repaired her TV set"; "Repair my shoes please"
00261314 30 v 02 tinker 0 fiddle 0 002 @ 00260648 v 0000 + 10712229 n 0202 01 + 22 00 | try to fix or mend; "Can you tinker with the T.V. set--it's not working right"; "She always fiddles with her van on the weekend"
00261533 30 v 01 fill 2 005 @ 00260648 v 0000 + 14868243 n 0102 + 14706026 n 0101 + 03338287 n 0101 ~ 01423285 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | plug with a substance; "fill a cavity"
00261705 30 v 02 piece 0 patch 1 002 @ 00260648 v 0000 + 03932203 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | repair by adding pieces; "She pieced the china cup"
00261845 30 v 01 cobble 0 002 @ 00260648 v 0000 + 00617865 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | repair or mend; "cobble shoes"
00261957 30 v 02 point 9 repoint 0 001 @ 00260648 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | repair the joints of bricks; "point a chimney"
00262076 30 v 03 overhaul 0 modernize 0 modernise 0 004 @ 01631072 v 0000 * 00260648 v 0000 + 00268112 n 0101 ~ 00262348 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make repairs, renovations, revisions or adjustments to; "You should overhaul your car engine"; "overhaul the health care system"
00262348 30 v 01 retrofit 0 002 $ 01569896 v 0000 @ 00262076 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | substitute new or modernized parts or equipment for older ones; "The laboratory retrofitted to meet the safety codes"
00262549 30 v 02 trouble-shoot 0 troubleshoot 0 001 @ 00260648 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | solve problems; "He is known to be good at trouble-shooting"
00262703 30 v 02 patch 0 patch_up 0 004 @ 00260648 v 0000 + 03745285 n 0102 + 00267349 n 0101 ^ 00764902 v 0102 02 + 08 00 + 31 00 | mend by putting a patch on; "patch a hole"
00262881 30 v 01 impair 0 003 @ 00258857 v 0000 + 07420770 n 0103 + 09310460 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make worse or less effective; "His vision was impaired"
00263044 30 v 02 flaw 0 blemish 0 004 @ 00258857 v 0000 + 04692157 n 0201 + 14463826 n 0101 + 14464203 n 0103 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | add a flaw or blemish to; make imperfect or defective
00263231 30 v 03 bulge 0 pouch 0 protrude 0 006 @ 00140967 v 0000 + 00944848 a 0302 + 01353226 a 0301 + 13894434 n 030a + 13894434 n 0101 ~ 00263564 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | swell or protrude outwards; "His stomach bulged after the huge meal"
00263471 30 v 01 dish 0 001 @ 00142191 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make concave; shape like a dish
00263564 30 v 01 bulk 1 001 @ 00263231 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | stick out or up; "The parcel bulked in the sack"
00263682 30 v 04 puff 0 puff_up 1 blow_up 2 puff_out 0 002 @ 00256507 v 0000 + 02655020 n 0101 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | to swell or cause to enlarge, "Her faced puffed up from the drugs"; "puffed out chests"
00263904 30 v 01 amplify 1 002 @ 00227165 v 0000 + 02705944 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | increase the volume of; "amplify sound"
00264034 30 v 02 inflate 0 blow_up 4 008 @ 00541163 v 0000 + 00947520 a 0101 + 00367280 n 0101 + 03569494 n 0101 + 03569494 n 0102 ! 00264705 v 0101 ~ 00264285 v 0000 ~ 02041206 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | fill with gas or air; "inflate a balloons"
00264285 30 v 01 reflate 1 001 @ 00264034 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | inflate again; "reflate the balloon"
00264386 30 v 04 inflate 1 blow_up 1 expand 2 amplify 2 003 @ 00153263 v 0000 + 00946499 a 0301 ~ 00264578 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | exaggerate or make bigger; "The charges were inflated"
00264578 30 v 01 puff_up 0 001 @ 00264386 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make larger or distend; "The estimates were puffed up"
00264705 30 v 01 deflate 0 003 @ 00151689 v 0000 + 00361932 n 0101 ! 00264034 v 0101 01 + 01 00 | become deflated or flaccid, as by losing air; "The balloons deflated"
00264875 30 v 02 acidify 0 acetify 0 006 @ 00146138 v 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 14599641 n 0201 + 13426238 n 0101 + 14607521 n 0101 ! 00265094 v 0101 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | turn acidic; "the solution acetified"
00265094 30 v 04 alkalize 0 alkalise 0 alkalify 0 basify 0 008 @ 00146138 v 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 14618253 n 0401 + 14712036 n 0301 + 14618253 n 0302 + 14778019 n 0103 + 14618253 n 0102 ! 00264875 v 0101 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | turn basic and less acidic; "the solution alkalized"
00265386 30 v 01 reform 0 008 @ 00205885 v 0000 + 01197386 a 0101 + 00800940 n 0101 + 00260622 n 0101 + 10515194 n 0102 + 00095971 n 0102 + 10515194 n 0101 $ 00265673 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make changes for improvement in order to remove abuse and injustices; "reform a political system"
00265673 30 v 01 reform 8 005 $ 00265386 v 0000 @ 00205885 v 0000 + 00260622 n 0101 + 10515194 n 0102 + 14424087 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | improve by alteration or correction of errors or defects and put into a better condition; "reform the health system in this country"
00265941 30 v 01 reform 1 003 @ 00140123 v 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 04070003 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | break up the molecules of; "reform oil"
00266081 30 v 01 reform 2 002 @ 01653013 v 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | produce by cracking; "reform gas"
00266197 30 v 02 polymerize 0 polymerise 0 006 @ 00140123 v 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 13538757 n 0202 + 13538757 n 0101 + 14994328 n 0101 ~ 00266391 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | undergo polymerization
00266391 30 v 02 copolymerize 0 copolymerise 0 004 @ 00266197 v 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 14902949 n 0201 + 14902949 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | polymerize together; "the two substances copolymerized"
00266586 30 v 02 polymerize 2 polymerise 2 006 > 00266197 v 0000 @ 00140123 v 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 13538757 n 0202 + 13538757 n 0101 + 14994328 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause (a compound) to polymerize
00266798 30 v 02 ionize 0 ionise 0 009 @ 00146138 v 0000 ;c 06089447 n 0000 + 14577469 n 0202 + 13502909 n 0202 + 09315159 n 0201 + 14577469 n 0101 + 13502909 n 0101 + 09315159 n 0101 $ 00267041 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | convert into ions
00267041 30 v 02 ionize 1 ionise 1 007 $ 00266798 v 0000 @ 00109660 v 0000 ;c 06089447 n 0000 + 14577469 n 0202 + 13502909 n 0202 + 14577469 n 0101 + 13502909 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | become converted into ions
00267249 30 v 01 ossify 0 002 @ 00146138 v 0000 + 13529015 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | become bony; "The tissue ossified"
00267365 30 v 01 ossify 1 002 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 13529015 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to become hard and bony; "The disease ossified the tissue"
00267519 30 v 02 catalyze 0 catalyse 0 003 @ 00146138 v 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 14723628 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | change by catalysis or cause to catalyze
00267681 30 v 03 dwindle 0 dwindle_away 0 dwindle_down 0 002 @ 00151689 v 0000 + 07422800 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | become smaller or lose substance; "Her savings dwindled down"
00267855 30 v 03 turn_down 0 lower 0 lour 0 002 @ 00441445 v 0000 + 00353469 n 0201 01 + 08 00 | make lower or quieter; "turn down the volume of a radio"
00268011 30 v 03 get_well 0 get_over 0 bounce_back 0 002 @ 00205046 v 0000 ! 00268165 v 0101 02 + 02 00 + 08 02 | improve in health; "He got well fast"
00268165 30 v 02 get_worse 0 relapse 0 003 @ 00146138 v 0000 + 00068333 n 0204 ! 00268011 v 0101 01 + 02 00 | deteriorate in health; "he relapsed"
00268314 30 v 01 remit 2 004 @ 00151689 v 0000 + 00883188 a 0101 + 07419960 n 0101 + 07419960 n 0102 01 + 01 00 | diminish or abate; "The pain finally remitted"
00268477 30 v 02 paralyze 0 paralyse 0 002 @ 00269140 v 0000 ~ 00268680 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | cause to be paralyzed and immobile; "The poison paralyzed him"; "Fear paralyzed her"
00268680 30 v 01 palsy 0 003 @ 00268477 v 0000 + 14316470 n 0101 + 14558226 n 0102 01 + 10 00 | affect with palsy
00268796 30 v 02 paralyze 1 paralyse 1 001 @ 00191517 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make powerless and unable to function; "The bureaucracy paralyzes the entire operation"
00268968 30 v 02 stun 0 stupefy 0 002 @ 00269140 v 0000 + 01267135 n 0201 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | make senseless or dizzy by or as if by a blow; "stun fish"
00269140 30 v 02 immobilize 0 immobilise 0 007 @ 00236592 v 0000 + 01146288 n 0202 + 01525116 a 0101 + 01146288 n 0101 + 01146288 n 0103 ~ 00268477 v 0000 ~ 00268968 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | cause to be unable to move; "The sudden storm immobilized the traffic"
00269423 30 v 04 freeze 3 block 2 immobilize 1 immobilise 1 004 @ 02213690 v 0000 ! 00269682 v 0201 + 00808767 n 0101 ! 00269682 v 0102 01 + 08 00 | prohibit the conversion or use of (assets); "Blocked funds"; "Freeze the assets of this hostile government"
00269682 30 v 04 unblock 0 unfreeze 1 free 1 release 0 003 @ 02479323 v 0000 ! 00269423 v 0201 ! 00269423 v 0102 01 + 08 00 | make (assets) available; "release the holdings in the dictator's bank account"
00269889 30 v 02 immobilize 3 immobilise 3 001 @ 00114837 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | convert (assets) into fixed capital
00270005 30 v 03 mobilize 0 mobilise 0 circulate 0 005 > 01831531 v 0000 @ 01850315 v 0000 + 11439031 n 0301 + 07312221 n 0301 + 00368302 n 0301 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to move around; "circulate a rumor"
00270215 30 v 04 mobilize 2 mobilise 2 marshal 0 summon 0 005 @ 01380638 v 0000 + 01156438 n 0202 + 01230283 n 0202 + 01156438 n 0101 + 01230283 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | make ready for action or use; "marshal resources"
00270440 30 v 01 acerbate 0 003 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 04995009 n 0101 + 04994126 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | make sour or bitter
00270561 30 v 02 mend 1 heal 0 002 @ 00205046 v 0000 + 13491616 n 0201 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | heal or recover; "My broken leg is mending"
00270699 30 v 01 fluctuate 0 002 @ 00146138 v 0000 + 04770911 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | be unstable; "The stock market fluctuates"
00270826 30 v 02 stabilize 1 stabilise 1 010 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 01159025 n 0202 ! 00271711 v 0202 + 01159025 n 0101 + 15052667 n 0101 + 04294426 n 0101 + 04294212 n 0101 ! 00271711 v 0101 + 04294212 n 0202 ~ 00271201 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make stable and keep from fluctuating or put into an equilibrium; "The drug stabilized her blood pressure"; "stabilize prices"
00271201 30 v 01 peg 3 001 @ 00270826 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | stabilize (the price of a commodity or an exchange rate) by legislation or market operations; "The weak currency was pegged to the US Dollar"
00271403 30 v 01 ballast 0 002 @ 01219993 v 0000 + 02779845 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make steady with a ballast
00271520 30 v 01 guy 0 002 @ 01219993 v 0000 + 03471779 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | steady or support with a guy wire or cable; "The Italians guyed the Tower of Pisa to prevent it from collapsing"
00271711 30 v 02 destabilize 0 destabilise 0 006 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 01159461 n 0202 ! 00270826 v 0202 + 07356489 n 0101 + 01159461 n 0101 ! 00270826 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make unstable; "Terrorism destabilized the government"
00271946 30 v 02 stabilize 0 stabilise 0 006 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 01159025 n 0202 ! 00272177 v 0101 ! 00272177 v 0102 ~ 00415398 v 0000 ~ 00416571 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | become stable or more stable; "The economy stabilized"
00272177 30 v 02 destabilize 1 destabilise 1 005 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 01159461 n 0202 ! 00271946 v 0201 + 01159461 n 0101 ! 00271946 v 0101 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | become unstable; "The economy destabilized rapidly"
00272391 30 v 05 sensitize 0 sensitise 0 sensify 0 sensibilize 0 sensibilise 0 005 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 05677504 n 0301 + 05651971 n 0301 + 13554343 n 0101 ! 00272683 v 0101 05 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 + 20 00 | make sensitive or aware; "He was not sensitized to her emotional needs"
00272683 30 v 02 desensitize 0 desensitise 0 004 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 13463255 n 0202 + 13463255 n 0101 ! 00272391 v 0101 05 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 + 20 00 | make insensitive; "His military training desensitized him"
00272910 30 v 03 inure 0 harden 3 indurate 4 003 @ 00273445 v 0000 ~ 00273114 v 0000 ~ 00273257 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 20 00 | cause to accept or become hardened to; habituate; "He was inured to the cold"
00273114 30 v 03 callous 0 cauterize 1 cauterise 1 001 @ 00272910 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | make insensitive or callous; deaden feelings or morals
00273257 30 v 04 steel_oneself_against 0 steel_onself_for 0 brace_oneself_for 0 prepare_for 0 001 @ 00272910 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | prepare mentally or emotionally for something unpleasant
00273445 30 v 02 habituate 0 accustom 0 007 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 14062725 n 0105 + 00194831 n 0101 + 00947923 n 0103 ~ 00272910 v 0000 ~ 00273734 v 0000 ~ 01165290 v 0000 01 + 20 00 | make psychologically or physically used (to something); "She became habituated to the background music"
00273734 30 v 01 teach 0 004 @ 00273445 v 0000 + 02451634 a 0102 + 10694258 n 0101 + 05854812 n 0101 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 + 24 00 | accustom gradually to some action or attitude; "The child is taught to obey her parents"
00273963 30 v 02 corrode 0 rust 0 009 $ 00274283 v 0000 @ 00208836 v 0000 + 13552270 n 0201 + 14889479 n 0201 + 00587376 a 0102 + 14561995 n 0101 + 13453428 n 0101 + 13453428 n 0102 ~ 00274633 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become destroyed by water, air, or a corrosive such as an acid; "The metal corroded"; "The pipes rusted"
00274283 30 v 03 corrode 1 eat 0 rust 1 007 @ 00258857 v 0000 + 14889479 n 0301 + 13552270 n 0301 + 00587376 a 0102 + 13453428 n 0101 + 13453428 n 0102 $ 00273963 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | cause to deteriorate due to the action of water, air, or an acid; "The acid corroded the metal"; "The steady dripping of water rusted the metal stopper in the sink"
00274633 30 v 02 fret 0 eat_away 1 001 @ 00273963 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | wear away or erode
00274724 30 v 03 erode 0 eat_away 0 fret 1 006 @ 00258857 v 0000 + 00588062 a 0101 + 14518924 n 0101 + 13475538 n 0101 + 13475538 n 0102 ~ 00274942 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | remove soil or rock; "Rain eroded the terraces"
00274942 30 v 01 wash 9 002 $ 02098179 v 0000 @ 00274724 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | form by erosion; "The river washed a ravine into the mountainside"
00275088 30 v 01 weather 0 002 @ 00208836 v 0000 + 11524662 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 11 00 | change under the action or influence of the weather; "A weathered old hut"
00275253 30 v 05 erode 1 gnaw 0 gnaw_at 0 eat_at 0 wear_away 0 004 @ 00208836 v 0000 + 13475538 n 0505 + 00587376 a 0103 + 14518924 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | become ground down or deteriorate; "Her confidence eroded"
00275466 30 v 01 ablate 0 003 @ 00469382 v 0000 + 00050260 a 0101 + 13423489 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | wear away through erosion or vaporization
00275607 30 v 02 regularize 0 regularise 0 005 @ 01463963 v 0000 + 13925015 n 0202 + 00806902 n 0203 + 13925015 n 0101 ~ 00416705 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make regular or more regular; "regularize the heart beat with a pace maker"
00275843 30 v 07 tidy 0 tidy_up 0 clean_up 3 neaten 0 straighten 0 straighten_out 0 square_away 0 003 @ 00277659 v 0000 ~ 00276068 v 0000 ~ 01533442 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | put (things or places) in order; "Tidy up your room!"
00276068 30 v 02 make 2 make_up 0 002 @ 00275843 v 0000 $ 01755504 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | put in order or neaten; "make the bed"; "make up a room"
00276214 30 v 02 mess 0 mess_up 0 002 @ 00276373 v 0000 + 14500047 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make a mess of or create disorder in; "He messed up his room"
00276373 30 v 02 disorder 0 disarray 0 008 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 04897604 n 0201 + 14499262 n 0102 ! 00277659 v 0101 ~ 00276214 v 0000 ~ 00276601 v 0000 ~ 00278117 v 0000 ~ 01472807 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | bring disorder to
00276601 30 v 03 perturb 0 derange 0 throw_out_of_kilter 0 004 @ 00276373 v 0000 + 00554850 n 0202 + 04904996 n 0101 + 00553173 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | throw into great confusion or disorder; "Fundamental Islamicists threaten to perturb the social order in Algeria and Egypt"
00276883 30 v 01 order 1 005 @ 01463963 v 0000 + 08456993 n 0102 + 01009871 n 0101 + 10381369 n 0101 + 01009871 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | place in a certain order; "order the photos chronologically"
00277086 30 v 03 predate 0 antedate 0 foredate 0 002 @ 00277399 v 0000 ! 00277254 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | establish something as being earlier relative to something else
00277254 30 v 01 postdate 0 002 @ 00277399 v 0000 ! 00277086 v 0101 01 + 09 00 | establish something as being later relative to something else
00277399 30 v 02 chronologize 0 chronologise 0 006 @ 00619183 v 0000 + 13845114 n 0101 + 06503224 n 0101 + 06156346 n 0101 ~ 00277086 v 0000 ~ 00277254 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | establish the order in time of something; "The archivist chronologized the documents"
00277659 30 v 01 order 0 010 @ 01463963 v 0000 + 08456993 n 0102 + 01009871 n 0101 + 10381369 n 0101 + 01009871 n 0102 ! 00276373 v 0101 ~ 00275843 v 0000 ~ 00480969 v 0000 ~ 01385759 v 0000 ~ 01463520 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | bring order to or into; "Order these files"
00277935 30 v 01 straighten 2 003 @ 01463963 v 0000 ^ 01463520 v 0103 ^ 00621058 v 0108 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make straight or straighter; "Straighten this post"; "straighten hair"
00278117 30 v 01 disarrange 0 003 @ 00276373 v 0000 + 14500341 n 0103 ~ 00278899 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | disturb the arrangement of; "disarrange the papers"
00278280 30 v 01 rearrange 0 004 @ 01463963 v 0000 + 00338821 n 0101 ~ 00278514 v 0000 ~ 00278710 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | put into a new order or arrangement; "Please rearrange these files"; "rearrange the furniture in my room"
00278514 30 v 01 recode 0 002 @ 00278280 v 0000 + 00616951 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | put into a different code; rearrange mentally; "People recode and restructure information in order to remember it"
00278710 30 v 01 reshuffle 1 002 @ 00278280 v 0000 + 01084489 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | reorganize and assign posts to different people; "The new Prime Minister reshuffled his cabinet"
00278899 30 v 02 randomize 0 randomise 0 003 @ 00278117 v 0000 + 01009001 n 0202 + 01009001 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | arrange in random order; "Randomize the order of the numbers"
00279075 30 v 02 serialize 0 serialise 0 003 @ 01463963 v 0000 + 01102862 n 0202 + 01102862 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | arrange serially; "Serialize the numbers"
00279239 30 v 02 alphabetize 0 alphabetise 0 006 @ 01463963 v 0000 + 09785409 n 0202 + 06497459 n 0201 + 01011028 n 0101 + 09785409 n 0101 + 06497459 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | arrange in alphabetical order; "Alphabetize the list"
00279465 30 v 01 bleach 0 005 @ 00280301 v 0000 + 14779205 n 0102 + 00274009 n 0101 + 09859684 n 0101 ~ 00279661 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make whiter or lighter; "bleach the laundry"
00279661 30 v 01 peroxide 0 002 @ 00279465 v 0000 + 14781225 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | bleach with peroxide; "She must peroxide her hair-it looks unnaturally blond"
00279822 30 v 0b bleach 1 bleach_out 0 decolor 0 decolour 0 decolorize 0 decolourize 0 decolorise 0 decolourise 0 discolorize 0 discolourise 0 discolorise 0 003 @ 00282076 v 0000 + 04961136 n 0101 + 09859684 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | remove color from; "The sun bleached the red shirt"
00280112 30 v 01 wash_out 2 002 @ 00282933 v 0000 $ 00282343 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | lose color in the process of being washed; "The expensive shirt washed out in the German washing machine"
00280301 30 v 02 whiten 0 white 0 006 @ 00281101 v 0000 + 04960729 n 0201 + 14779205 n 0104 + 00273877 n 0101 ! 00280532 v 0101 ~ 00279465 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | turn white; "This detergent will whiten your laundry"
00280532 30 v 05 blacken 0 melanize 0 melanise 0 nigrify 0 black 0 004 @ 00281101 v 0000 + 04960277 n 0501 + 14757172 n 0201 ! 00280301 v 0101 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make or become black; "The smoke blackened the ceiling"; "The ceiling blackened"
00280787 30 v 02 melanize 1 melanise 1 002 @ 00114837 v 0000 + 14757172 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | convert into, or infiltrate with melanin
00280930 30 v 02 lighten 2 lighten_up 1 004 @ 00109660 v 0000 ~ 00291757 v 0000 ~ 00291873 v 0000 ! 00312380 v 0101 01 + 01 00 | become lighter; "The room lightened up"
00281101 30 v 04 discolor 0 discolour 0 colour 0 color 1 025 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 04956594 n 0401 + 00274941 n 0401 + 14984973 n 0304 + 00274941 n 0302 + 04695176 n 0203 + 00274707 n 0202 + 04695176 n 0102 + 00274707 n 0101 ~ 00103317 v 0000 ~ 00103619 v 0000 ~ 00103875 v 0000 ~ 00104299 v 0000 ~ 00280301 v 0000 ~ 00280532 v 0000 ~ 00282523 v 0000 ~ 00282652 v 0000 ~ 00283090 v 0000 ~ 00289031 v 0000 ~ 00289297 v 0000 ~ 00289392 v 0000 ~ 00289840 v 0000 ~ 00290132 v 0000 ~ 00521478 v 0000 ~ 00521641 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | change color, often in an undesired manner; "The shirts discolored"
00281703 30 v 01 blackwash 0 001 @ 00283911 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | color with blackwash
00281790 30 v 01 sallow 0 001 @ 00282076 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | cause to become sallow; "The illness has sallowed her face"
00281913 30 v 01 bronze 0 002 @ 00283090 v 0000 + 14717275 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | give the color and appearance of bronze to something; "bronze baby shoes"
00282076 30 v 01 discolor 2 008 > 00281101 v 0000 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 04695176 n 0102 + 00274707 n 0101 ~ 00279822 v 0000 ~ 00281790 v 0000 ~ 00282343 v 0000 ~ 00311865 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to lose or change color; "The detergent discolored my shirts"
00282343 30 v 01 wash_out 3 002 $ 00280112 v 0000 @ 00282076 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | drain off the color in the course of laundering; "The harsh soap washed out the delicate blouse"
00282523 30 v 01 turn 9 002 @ 00125841 v 0000 @ 00281101 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | change color; "In Vermont, the leaves turn early"
00282652 30 v 01 silver 1 002 @ 00281101 v 0000 + 04962062 n 0103 01 + 01 00 | turn silver; "The man's hair silvered very attractively"
00282790 30 v 01 foliate 0 003 @ 00253761 v 0000 + 13152742 n 0103 + 13483190 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | grow leaves; "the tree foliated in Spring"
00282933 30 v 01 discolor 1 003 @ 00109660 v 0000 ! 00283911 v 0101 ~ 00280112 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | lose color or turn colorless; "The painting discolored"
00283090 30 v 01 dye 0 013 @ 00281101 v 0000 + 10040515 n 0101 + 00275424 n 0101 + 14985383 n 0101 ~ 00281913 v 0000 ~ 00283415 v 0000 ~ 00283584 v 0000 ~ 00283805 v 0000 ~ 00286008 v 0000 ~ 00288192 v 0000 ~ 00288314 v 0000 ~ 00288673 v 0000 ~ 00288947 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | color with dye; "Please dye these shoes"
00283415 30 v 01 stain 4 003 @ 00283090 v 0000 + 15052970 n 0101 + 00275572 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | color for microscopic study; "The laboratory worker dyed the specimen"
00283584 30 v 01 deep-dye 0 001 @ 00283090 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | dye thoroughly
00283664 30 v 01 henna 0 002 @ 00286928 v 0000 + 14988741 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | apply henna to one's hair; "She hennas her hair every month"
00283805 30 v 02 impress 8 yarn-dye 0 001 @ 00283090 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | dye (fabric) before it is spun
00283911 30 v 08 color 0 colorize 3 colorise 3 colourise 3 colourize 3 colour 9 color_in 0 colour_in 0 029 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 07567139 n 0602 + 04956594 n 0604 + 04956594 n 0201 + 00161739 n 0101 + 04956594 n 0101 + 07567139 n 0101 + 04956594 n 0103 ! 00282933 v 0101 ~ 00281703 v 0000 ~ 00284669 v 0000 ~ 00284813 v 0000 ~ 00284958 v 0000 ~ 00285088 v 0000 ~ 00285231 v 0000 ~ 00285314 v 0000 ~ 00285414 v 0000 ~ 00285506 v 0000 ~ 00285705 v 0000 ~ 00285856 v 0000 ~ 00286928 v 0000 ~ 00287258 v 0000 ~ 00287735 v 0000 ~ 00288563 v 0000 ~ 00289532 v 0000 ~ 00289679 v 0000 ~ 00289974 v 0000 ~ 00534837 v 0000 ~ 01696135 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | add color to; "The child colored the drawings"; "Fall colored the trees"; "colorize black and white film"
00284669 30 v 02 motley 0 parti-color 0 002 @ 00283911 v 0000 + 03789603 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make motley; color with different colors
00284813 30 v 03 polychrome 0 polychromize 0 polychromise 0 001 @ 00283911 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | color with many colors; make polychrome
00284958 30 v 01 azure 0 002 @ 00283911 v 0000 + 04969242 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | color azure; "Morning azured the village"
00285088 30 v 03 purple 0 empurple 0 purpurate 0 003 @ 00283911 v 0000 + 04970059 n 0301 + 04970059 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | color purple
00285231 30 v 01 aurify 0 001 @ 00283911 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | turn golden
00285314 30 v 01 verdigris 0 002 @ 00283911 v 0000 + 15096524 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | color verdigris
00285414 30 v 01 pinkify 0 002 @ 00283911 v 0000 + 04970916 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | make pink
00285506 30 v 01 incarnadine 0 001 @ 00283911 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make flesh-colored
00285593 30 v 01 madder 0 002 @ 00534837 v 0000 + 12661227 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | color a moderate to strong red
00285705 30 v 02 embrown 0 brown 1 001 @ 00283911 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make brown in color; "the draught browned the leaves on the trees in the yard"
00285856 30 v 02 handcolor 0 handcolour 0 002 @ 00283911 v 0000 ;c 00903559 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | color by hand; "Some old photographs are handcolored"
00286008 30 v 01 stain 1 007 @ 00283090 v 0000 + 10646032 n 0101 ~ 00286333 v 0000 ~ 00286483 v 0000 ~ 01681333 v 0000 ~ 01681492 v 0000 ~ 01696350 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | color with a liquid dye or tint; "Stain this table a beautiful walnut color"; "people knew how to stain glass a beautiful blue in the middle ages"
00286333 30 v 02 ebonize 0 ebonise 0 003 @ 00286008 v 0000 ;c 03405725 n 0000 + 04960582 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | stain black to make it look like ebony
00286483 30 v 01 dip 0 002 @ 00286008 v 0000 + 07364434 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | stain an object by immersing it in a liquid
00286605 30 v 01 stain 0 005 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 14498096 n 0105 + 04695176 n 0101 ~ 00286798 v 0000 $ 01531998 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | produce or leave stains; "Red wine stains the table cloth"
00286798 30 v 01 smut 0 002 @ 00286605 v 0000 + 14793533 n 0104 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | stain with a dirty substance, such as soot
00286928 30 v 04 tint 0 tinct 0 tinge 0 touch 1 009 @ 00283911 v 0000 + 04959567 n 0302 + 14986004 n 0301 + 10712474 n 0101 + 00275151 n 0101 + 04959230 n 0102 ~ 00283664 v 0000 ~ 00287560 v 0000 ~ 00287848 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | color lightly; "her greying hair was tinged blond"; "the leaves were tinged red in November"
00287258 30 v 01 pigment 0 002 @ 00283911 v 0000 + 14989820 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | color or dye with a pigment; "pigment a photograph"
00287392 30 v 01 pigment 1 004 @ 00288017 v 0000 + 14989820 n 0101 + 13537622 n 0101 + 04976319 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | acquire pigment; become colored or imbued
00287560 30 v 01 tincture 0 003 @ 00286928 v 0000 + 14986004 n 0101 + 04959230 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | stain or tint with a color; "The leaves were tinctured with a bright red"
00287735 30 v 02 imbue 0 hue 0 002 @ 00283911 v 0000 + 04975122 n 0201 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | suffuse with color
00287848 30 v 01 complexion 0 003 @ 00286928 v 0000 + 04675193 n 0101 + 04976952 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | give a certain color to; "The setting sun complexioned the hills"
00288017 30 v 01 hue 1 003 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 04975122 n 0101 ~ 00287392 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | take on color or become colored; "In highlights it hued to a dull silver-grey"
00288192 30 v 01 fast_dye 0 001 @ 00283090 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | dye with fast colors; "These shirts should be fast-dyed"
00288314 30 v 01 double_dye 0 001 @ 00283090 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | dye twice
00288391 30 v 01 tie-dye 0 001 @ 00288673 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | dye after knotting the fabric to produce an irregular pattern; "The flower children tie-dye their T-shirts"
00288563 30 v 01 retouch 1 001 @ 00283911 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | give retouches to (hair); "retouch the roots"
00288673 30 v 01 hand-dye 0 003 @ 00283090 v 0000 ~ 00288391 v 0000 ~ 00288814 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | dye by hand; "This fabric is hand-dyed"
00288814 30 v 01 batik 0 002 @ 00288673 v 0000 + 02809105 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | dye with wax; "Indonesian fabrics are often batiked"
00288947 30 v 01 piece-dye 0 001 @ 00283090 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | dye after weaving
00289031 30 v 01 redden 0 002 @ 00281101 v 0000 ~ 00289159 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | turn red or redder; "The sky reddened"
00289159 30 v 01 blush 1 001 @ 00289031 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | become rosy or reddish; "her cheeks blushed in the cold winter air"
00289297 30 v 01 purple 1 002 @ 00281101 v 0000 + 04970059 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | become purple
00289392 30 v 02 grey 0 gray 0 003 @ 00281101 v 0000 + 04961691 n 0201 + 04961691 n 0103 01 + 01 00 | turn grey; "Her hair began to grey"
00289532 30 v 01 silver 0 002 @ 00283911 v 0000 + 04962062 n 0103 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make silver in color; "Her worries had silvered her hair"
00289679 30 v 02 grey 1 gray 1 003 @ 00283911 v 0000 + 04961691 n 0201 + 04961691 n 0103 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make grey; "The painter decided to grey the sky"
00289840 30 v 01 yellow 0 002 @ 00281101 v 0000 + 04965661 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | turn yellow; "The pages of the book began to yellow"
00289974 30 v 01 tone 1 003 @ 00283911 v 0000 + 04959230 n 0104 + 15076011 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | change to a color image; "tone a photographic image"
00290132 30 v 01 tone 2 004 @ 00281101 v 0000 + 04959230 n 0104 + 15076011 n 0101 + 15075867 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | change the color or tone of; "tone a negative"
00290302 30 v 03 escalate 0 intensify 2 step_up 0 007 @ 00153263 v 0000 + 00363260 n 0302 + 05036394 n 0201 + 00374224 n 0201 + 00366846 n 0101 ! 00290740 v 0101 ~ 00290581 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | increase in extent or intensity; "The Allies escalated the bombing"
00290581 30 v 01 redouble 0 001 @ 00290302 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | double in magnitude, extent, or intensity; "The enemy redoubled their screaming on the radio"
00290740 30 v 03 de-escalate 0 weaken 3 step_down 4 005 @ 00441445 v 0000 + 00351638 n 0304 + 09476521 n 0201 + 00355252 n 0101 ! 00290302 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | reduce the level or intensity or size or scope of; "de-escalate a crisis"
00290983 30 v 01 de-escalate 1 002 @ 00151689 v 0000 + 00355252 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | diminish in size, scope, or intensity; "The war of words between them de-escalated with time"
00291163 30 v 01 radiate 0 001 @ 00105333 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | send out real or metaphoric rays; "She radiates happiness"
00291286 30 v 01 effuse 0 002 @ 02767308 v 0000 + 07014320 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | give out or emit (also metaphorically); "The room effuses happiness"
00291444 30 v 02 irradiate 0 ray 1 004 @ 00515154 v 0000 + 11428379 n 0202 + 14577753 n 0101 ~ 00291624 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 | expose to radiation; "irradiate food"
00291624 30 v 01 bombard 0 002 @ 00291444 v 0000 ;c 06090869 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | direct high energy particles or radiation against
00291757 30 v 01 irradiate 1 002 @ 00280930 v 0000 + 11428023 n 0108 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cast rays of light upon
00291873 30 v 05 light 0 illume 0 illumine 0 light_up 0 illuminate 3 012 @ 00280930 v 0000 + 13983147 n 0501 + 05018542 n 0502 + 14687513 n 0501 + 13983304 n 0101 + 04951373 n 0101 + 08646188 n 0101 + 05018103 n 0106 + 03665366 n 0101 + 11473954 n 0101 ~ 00292247 v 0000 ~ 00292368 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make lighter or brighter; "This lamp lightens the room a bit"
00292247 30 v 01 floodlight 0 002 @ 00291873 v 0000 + 03365374 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | illuminate with floodlights
00292368 30 v 01 spotlight 0 002 @ 00291873 v 0000 + 04286575 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | illuminate with a spotlight, as in the theater
00292507 30 v 02 cut 0 cut_off 0 002 @ 00778275 v 0000 ^ 00778275 v 0104 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cease, stop; "cut the noise"; "We had to cut short the conversation"
00292672 30 v 03 mutilate 0 mangle 0 cut_up 2 004 @ 00258857 v 0000 + 10341955 n 0203 + 07433662 n 0101 + 10341955 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | destroy or injure severely; "The madman mutilates art work"
00292877 30 v 03 clip 0 curtail 1 cut_short 0 002 @ 00316768 v 0000 + 05134122 n 0201 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | terminate or abbreviate before its intended or proper end or its full extent; "My speech was cut short"; "Personal freedom is curtailed in many countries"
00293141 30 v 04 fancify 0 beautify 0 embellish 0 prettify 0 010 @ 00205885 v 0000 + 00261604 n 0201 + 04683814 n 0201 ! 00293429 v 0201 ~ 00040353 v 0000 ~ 00045639 v 0000 ~ 00293528 v 0000 ~ 00293977 v 0000 ~ 01245637 v 0000 ~ 02724258 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make more beautiful
00293429 30 v 01 uglify 0 002 @ 00126264 v 0000 ! 00293141 v 0102 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make ugly
00293528 30 v 02 dress_up 0 window-dress 0 001 @ 00293141 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make something appear superficially attractive; "The researcher tried to dress up the uninteresting data"; "Don't try to dress up the unpleasant truth"
00293760 30 v 04 blossom 0 blossom_out 0 blossom_forth 0 unfold 0 003 @ 00252019 v 0000 + 13571217 n 0401 + 15295045 n 0106 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | develop or come to a promising stage; "Youth blossomed into maturity"
00293977 30 v 07 spruce_up 0 spruce 0 titivate 0 tittivate 0 smarten_up 0 slick_up 0 spiff_up 0 003 @ 00293141 v 0000 + 00263492 n 0402 + 00263492 n 0301 03 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | make neat, smart, or trim; "Spruce up your house for Spring"; "titivate the child"
00294245 30 v 03 bloom 0 blossom 1 flower 0 009 @ 00252019 v 0000 + 11669921 n 0301 + 11669335 n 0301 + 13439570 n 0302 + 11669335 n 0203 + 13439390 n 0102 + 11669335 n 0102 + 11672269 n 0101 ~ 00294522 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | produce or yield flowers; "The cherry tree bloomed"
00294522 30 v 02 effloresce 0 burst_forth 1 003 @ 00294245 v 0000 + 01488856 a 0102 + 13439570 n 0106 01 + 01 00 | come into or as if into flower; "These manifestations effloresced in the past"
00294718 30 v 02 spike 1 spike_out 0 002 @ 00252019 v 0000 + 13133613 n 0102 01 + 01 00 | bring forth a spike or spikes; "my hyacinths and orchids are spiking now"
00294884 30 v 03 temper 0 season 1 mollify 1 003 @ 00224901 v 0000 + 13970764 n 0301 + 01151097 n 0302 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make more temperate, acceptable, or suitable by adding something else; moderate; "she tempered her criticism"
00295120 30 v 02 season 0 harden 2 001 @ 00303309 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | make fit; "This trip will season even the hardiest traveller"
00295254 30 v 01 temper 1 001 @ 00296178 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | adjust the pitch (of pianos)
00295346 30 v 02 tune 0 tune_up 0 005 @ 00296178 v 0000 + 04987169 n 0101 + 10733117 n 0101 + 00999588 n 0101 ! 00295563 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | adjust the pitches of (musical instruments); "My piano needs to be tuned"
00295563 30 v 01 untune 0 002 @ 00126264 v 0000 ! 00295346 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | cause to be out of tune; "Don't untune that string!"
00295697 30 v 03 calibrate 0 graduate 0 fine-tune 2 004 @ 00296178 v 0000 + 06801965 n 0201 + 03451473 n 0201 + 00999245 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | make fine adjustments or divide into marked intervals for optimal measuring; "calibrate an instrument"; "graduate a cylinder"
00295966 30 v 02 tune 1 tune_up 1 006 @ 00296178 v 0000 + 01000969 n 0201 + 00999588 n 0101 ~ 00302763 v 0000 ~ 00456937 v 0000 ~ 02171514 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | adjust for (better) functioning; "tune the engine"
00296178 30 v 03 adjust 0 set 0 correct 9 032 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 00232754 a 0301 + 00046558 a 0101 + 00344686 a 0101 + 00999787 n 0101 + 09769929 n 0101 ~ 00151279 v 0000 ~ 00171458 v 0000 ~ 00295254 v 0000 ~ 00295346 v 0000 ~ 00295697 v 0000 ~ 00295966 v 0000 ~ 00296973 v 0000 ~ 00297193 v 0000 ~ 00297333 v 0000 ~ 00297507 v 0000 ~ 00297669 v 0000 ~ 00297780 v 0000 ~ 00297906 v 0000 ~ 00298556 v 0000 ~ 00299341 v 0000 ~ 00314272 v 0000 ~ 00393953 v 0000 ~ 00403149 v 0000 ~ 00403967 v 0000 ~ 00456740 v 0000 ~ 00465634 v 0000 ~ 00466053 v 0000 ~ 00482473 v 0000 ~ 00489145 v 0000 ~ 00489699 v 0000 ~ 00499642 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 21 00 | alter or regulate so as to achieve accuracy or conform to a standard; "Adjust the clock, please"; "correct the alignment of the front wheels"
00296973 30 v 01 time 6 002 @ 00296178 v 0000 + 15245515 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | adjust so that a force is applied and an action occurs at the desired time; "The good player times his swing so as to hit the ball squarely"
00297193 30 v 01 trim 4 002 @ 00296178 v 0000 ;c 04194289 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | adjust (sails on a ship) so that the wind is optimally used
00297333 30 v 02 zero 0 zero_in 0 001 @ 00296178 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | adjust (as by firing under test conditions) the zero of (a gun); "He zeroed in his rifle at 200 yards"
00297507 30 v 01 zero 1 004 @ 00296178 v 0000 + 13740168 n 010b + 13742358 n 0101 + 05856217 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | adjust (an instrument or device) to zero value
00297669 30 v 02 readjust 1 reset 1 001 @ 00296178 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | adjust again after an initial failure
00297780 30 v 01 attune 0 001 @ 00296178 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 21 00 | adjust or accustom to; bring into harmony with
00297906 30 v 01 time 1 004 @ 00296178 v 0000 + 15129927 n 0102 + 15122231 n 0101 + 04438507 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | regulate or set the time of; "time the clock"
00298067 30 v 01 adjust 3 003 @ 00299580 v 0000 + 01027686 a 0101 + 00199707 n 0103 02 + 08 00 + 15 00 | make correspondent or conformable; "Adjust your eyes to the darkness"
00298244 30 v 02 gear 0 pitch 2 002 @ 00299580 v 0000 ~ 00578508 v 0000 01 + 15 00 | set the level or character of; "She pitched her speech to the teenagers in the audience"
00298420 30 v 01 pitch 0 002 @ 00298896 v 0000 + 04985198 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | set to a certain pitch; "He pitched his voice very low"
00298556 30 v 01 set 2 005 @ 00296178 v 0000 + 08623927 n 0101 ^ 01994288 v 0102 ~ 00298773 v 0000 ~ 01994288 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | set to a certain position or cause to operate correctly; "set clocks or instruments"
00298773 30 v 01 reset 0 002 @ 00298556 v 0000 + 04078955 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | set to zero; "reset instruments and dials"
00298896 30 v 01 set 1 009 @ 00126264 v 0000 ^ 02717831 v 0103 ^ 00407848 v 0101 ^ 01643657 v 0105 ^ 00677683 v 0103 ^ 00724150 v 0104 ^ 00851239 v 0103 ~ 00298420 v 0000 ~ 00299188 v 0000 02 + 05 00 + 21 00 | put into a certain state; cause to be in a certain state; "set the house afire"
00299188 30 v 01 keynote 0 002 @ 00298896 v 0000 + 05926049 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | set the keynote of; "Comfort keynotes this designer's Fall collection"
00299341 30 v 02 regulate 0 modulate 1 004 @ 00296178 v 0000 + 00200379 n 0201 + 02004685 a 0102 + 04072193 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | fix or adjust the time, amount, degree, or rate of; "regulate the temperature"; "modulate the pitch"
00299580 30 v 02 adapt 1 accommodate 0 019 @ 00123170 v 0000 + 07369604 n 0202 + 05755486 n 0201 + 00046109 a 0102 + 01027263 a 0101 + 02678897 n 0102 + 02678897 n 0101 ~ 00298067 v 0000 ~ 00298244 v 0000 ~ 00300113 v 0000 ~ 00300317 v 0000 ~ 00301544 v 0000 ~ 00301662 v 0000 ~ 00301856 v 0000 ~ 00302464 v 0000 ~ 00386085 v 0000 ~ 00412993 v 0000 ~ 00505802 v 0000 ~ 01708113 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make fit for, or change to suit a new purpose; "Adapt our native cuisine to the available food resources of the new country"
00300113 30 v 01 fit 2 001 @ 00299580 v 0000 02 + 20 00 + 21 00 | insert or adjust several objects or people; "Can you fit the toy into the box?"; "This man can't fit himself into our work environment"
00300317 30 v 02 anglicise 0 anglicize 0 004 @ 00299580 v 0000 + 03003344 a 0201 + 13432085 n 0201 + 13432085 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | make English in appearance; "She anglicised her name after moving from Paris to London"
00300537 30 v 01 fit 1 006 > 02659763 v 0000 @ 00142191 v 0000 + 04930307 n 0101 + 10093908 n 0101 + 07369604 n 0103 ~ 02660290 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | make fit; "fit a dress"; "He fitted other pieces of paper to his cut-out"
00300761 30 v 02 qualify 0 dispose 0 005 @ 02387034 v 0000 + 04728068 n 0101 ! 00301338 v 0101 ~ 00300989 v 0000 ~ 00301179 v 0000 03 + 10 00 + 11 00 + 24 00 | make fit or prepared; "Your education qualifies you for this job"
00300989 30 v 01 habilitate 0 001 @ 00300761 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | qualify for teaching at a university in Europe; "He habilitated after his sabbatical at a prestigious American university"
00301179 30 v 01 capacitate 0 002 @ 00300761 v 0000 + 05203397 n 0101 01 + 10 00 | make capable; "This instruction capacitates us to understand the problem"
00301338 30 v 03 disqualify 0 unfit 0 indispose 0 004 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 04722574 n 0101 + 01078086 n 0101 ! 00300761 v 0101 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | make unfit or unsuitable; "Your income disqualifies you"
00301544 30 v 01 shoehorn 0 001 @ 00299580 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | fit for a specific purpose even when not well suited
00301662 30 v 02 tailor 0 orient 0 001 @ 00299580 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | adjust to a specific need or market; "a magazine oriented towards young people"; "tailor your needs to your surroundings"
00301856 30 v 02 domesticate 2 tame 2 003 @ 00299580 v 0000 ;c 00015388 n 0000 $ 00302130 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make fit for cultivation, domestic life, and service to humans; "The horse was domesticated a long time ago"; "The wolf was tamed and evolved into the house dog"
00302130 30 v 05 domesticate 0 domesticize 0 domesticise 0 reclaim 4 tame 4 007 $ 00301856 v 0000 @ 00126264 v 0000 ;c 00015388 n 0000 + 02451828 a 0502 + 02451828 a 0501 + 10690538 n 0501 ~ 00202569 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | overcome the wildness of; make docile and tractable; "He tames lions for the circus"; "reclaim falcons"
00302464 30 v 05 domesticate 1 cultivate 1 naturalize 3 naturalise 3 tame 1 006 @ 00299580 v 0000 ;c 00017222 n 0000 + 04787324 n 0402 + 00920956 n 0402 + 04787324 n 0301 + 00920956 n 0301 01 + 08 00 | adapt (a wild plant or unclaimed land) to the environment; "domesticate oats"; "tame the soil"
00302763 30 v 02 fine-tune 0 tweak 0 001 @ 00295966 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | adjust finely; "fine-tune the engine"
00302875 30 v 02 temper 2 harden 4 004 @ 00169806 v 0000 + 05021535 n 0101 + 00402951 n 0102 + 00381567 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | harden by reheating and cooling in oil; "temper steel"
00303056 30 v 03 anneal 0 temper 4 normalize 3 004 @ 00443384 v 0000 + 05021535 n 0201 + 00402951 n 0202 + 00381567 n 0201 01 + 08 00 | bring to a desired consistency, texture, or hardness by a process of gradually heating and cooling; "temper glass"
00303309 30 v 01 toughen 0 002 @ 00220461 v 0000 ~ 00295120 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | make tough or tougher; "This experience will toughen her"
00303465 30 v 01 widen 0 005 @ 00156601 v 0000 + 13574804 n 0101 ! 00305109 v 0101 ~ 00304252 v 0000 ~ 00305537 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become broader or wider or more extensive; "The road widened"
00303661 30 v 01 widen 3 004 > 00303465 v 0000 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 00407270 n 0101 ~ 00303806 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make wider; "widen the road"
00303806 30 v 01 white_out 0 002 @ 00303661 v 0000 ;c 06677302 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | widen the interlinear spacing by inserting leads
00303940 30 v 02 let_out 0 widen 5 002 @ 00123170 v 0000 ! 00304100 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | make (clothes) larger; "Let out that dress--I gained a lot of weight"
00304100 30 v 01 take_in 0 002 @ 00123170 v 0000 ! 00303940 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | make (clothes) smaller; "Please take in this skirt--I've lost weight"
00304252 30 v 02 flare_out 0 flare 0 002 @ 00303465 v 0000 + 13862644 n 0201 01 + 01 00 | become flared and widen, usually at one end; "The bellbottom pants flare out"
00304422 30 v 03 constrict 0 constringe 0 narrow 1 006 @ 00419950 v 0000 + 05071027 n 0301 + 13912992 n 0101 + 07313518 n 0101 ~ 00304662 v 0000 ~ 00304828 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 08 00 | become tight or as if tight; "Her throat constricted"
00304662 30 v 01 astringe 0 003 @ 00304422 v 0000 + 00189580 a 0101 + 02750835 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | become constricted or compressed; "The cold substance astringes"
00304828 30 v 01 strangulate 0 001 @ 00304422 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become constricted; "The hernia will strangulate"
00304946 30 v 01 bottleneck 0 002 @ 00305109 v 0000 + 13912992 n 0102 01 + 01 00 | become narrow, like a bottleneck; "Right by the bridge, the road bottlenecks"
00305109 30 v 02 narrow 0 contract 0 008 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 00365471 n 0201 + 09365863 n 0101 + 00407407 n 0101 ! 00303465 v 0101 ^ 00437449 v 0104 ~ 00304946 v 0000 ~ 00305417 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make or become more narrow or restricted; "The selection was narrowed"; "The road narrowed"
00305417 30 v 01 taper_off 0 001 @ 00305109 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become smaller or less active; "Business tapered off"
00305537 30 v 02 dilate 1 distend 0 011 @ 00303465 v 0000 + 00946844 a 0201 + 00366317 n 0201 + 14063633 n 0202 + 00366317 n 0202 + 05222467 n 0101 + 03198383 n 0101 + 03198223 n 0101 + 00365995 n 0101 + 14063633 n 0101 + 00365995 n 0102 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | become wider; "His pupils were dilated"
00305846 30 v 02 implode 0 go_off 2 004 @ 01989053 v 0000 + 07365524 n 0101 + 07116304 n 0101 ! 00306017 v 0101 02 + 01 00 + 08 01 | burst inward; "The bottle imploded"
00306017 30 v 02 explode 0 burst 9 008 @ 00140123 v 0000 + 00377364 n 0202 + 03008275 n 0202 + 00377364 n 0101 ! 00305846 v 0101 ~ 00307191 v 0000 ~ 00307295 v 0000 ~ 00307568 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | burst outward, usually with noise; "The champagne bottle exploded"
00306298 30 v 03 detonate 1 explode 4 blow_up 5 002 + 00474883 a 0101 + 07308563 n 0102 01 + 01 00 | burst and release energy as through a violent chemical or physical reaction;"the bomb detonated at noon"; "The Molotov cocktail exploded"
00306539 30 v 03 explode 3 burst_forth 0 break_loose 0 002 @ 00146138 v 0000 + 07014854 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | be unleashed; emerge with violence or noise; "His anger exploded"
00306723 30 v 04 explode 1 detonate 0 blow_up 3 set_off 0 010 > 00306298 v 0000 @ 00140123 v 0000 + 07308563 n 0303 + 00474883 a 0201 + 00377686 n 0201 + 03182232 n 0201 + 00377364 n 0101 + 07308563 n 0101 ~ 00307060 v 0000 ~ 00307419 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cause to burst with a violent release of energy; "We exploded the nuclear bomb"
00307060 30 v 01 fulminate 0 002 @ 00306723 v 0000 + 00377907 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | cause to explode violently and with loud noise
00307191 30 v 01 crump 0 001 @ 00306017 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | explode heavily or with a loud dull noise
00307295 30 v 01 go_off 0 001 @ 00306017 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | be discharged or activated; "the explosive devices went off"
00307419 30 v 01 dynamite 0 003 @ 00306723 v 0000 + 10040789 n 0101 + 03260293 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | blow up with dynamite; "The rock was dynamited"
00307568 30 v 03 erupt 0 belch 0 extravasate 0 004 @ 00306017 v 0000 + 14008567 n 0303 + 14008567 n 0101 + 07436475 n 0102 01 + 01 00 | become active and spew forth lava and rocks; "Vesuvius erupts once in a while"
00307785 30 v 06 erupt 2 irrupt 3 flare_up 0 flare 1 break_open 0 burst_out 0 004 @ 00226566 v 0000 + 07434942 n 0303 + 07435273 n 0203 + 07435273 n 0102 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | erupt or intensify suddenly; "Unrest erupted in the country"; "Tempers flared at the meeting"; "The crowd irrupted into a burst of patriotism"
00308105 30 v 01 dehisce 0 003 @ 00548266 v 0000 + 00702773 a 0101 + 11444816 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | burst or split open; "flowers dehisce when they release pollen"
00308269 30 v 02 oxygenize 1 oxygenise 1 002 @ 00308399 v 0000 + 14648100 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | dehydrogenate with oxygen
00308399 30 v 01 dehydrogenate 0 003 @ 00126264 v 0000 ! 00308534 v 0101 ~ 00308269 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | remove hydrogen from
00308534 30 v 01 hydrogenate 0 004 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 14640434 n 0101 + 13494707 n 0101 ! 00308399 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | combine or treat with or expose to hydrogen; add hydrogen to the molecule of (an unsaturated organic compound)
00308775 30 v 02 oxygenize 2 oxygenise 2 001 @ 00126264 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | change (a compound) by increasing the proportion of the electronegative part; or change (an element or ion) from a lower to a higher positive valence: remove one or more electrons from (an atom, ion, or molecule)
00309074 30 v 03 erupt 3 recrudesce 0 break_out 0 002 @ 00070816 v 0000 + 00040534 a 0101 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | become raw or open; "He broke out in hives"; "My skin breaks out when I eat strawberries"; "Such boils tend to recrudesce"
00309310 30 v 03 burst 0 split 1 break_open 1 006 @ 00334186 v 0000 + 09443136 n 0201 + 00377364 n 0102 ~ 00309582 v 0000 ~ 00310155 v 0000 ~ 00310274 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | come open suddenly and violently, as if from internal pressure; "The bubble burst"
00309582 30 v 01 pop 3 003 @ 00309310 v 0000 + 07390400 n 0101 $ 00309792 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | burst open with a sharp, explosive sound; "The balloon popped"; "This popcorn pops quickly in the microwave oven"
00309792 30 v 01 pop 4 004 $ 00309582 v 0000 @ 01989562 v 0000 + 07390400 n 0101 + 03983712 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to burst with a loud, explosive sound; "The child popped the balloon"
00309990 30 v 01 puncture 3 004 @ 00334186 v 0000 + 07314658 n 0101 + 00942988 n 0101 + 04024396 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | be pierced or punctured; "The tire punctured"
00310155 30 v 01 blow 7 001 @ 00309310 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 08 00 | burst suddenly; "The tire blew"; "We blew a tire"
00310274 30 v 02 stave 0 stave_in 0 001 @ 00309310 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | burst or force (a hole) into something
00310386 30 v 04 boom 0 thrive 0 flourish 1 expand 1 005 @ 00230746 v 0000 + 00947264 a 0403 + 14488813 n 0101 ~ 00169298 v 0000 ~ 00310812 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | grow vigorously; "The deer population in this town is thriving"; "business is booming"
00310635 30 v 01 proliferate 0 004 @ 00230746 v 0000 + 13542114 n 0101 + 13541975 n 0101 $ 00247830 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | grow rapidly; "Pizza parlors proliferate in this area"
00310812 30 v 01 luxuriate 0 002 @ 00310386 v 0000 + 00015247 a 0103 01 + 01 00 | thrive profusely or flourish extensively
00310937 30 v 01 boost 2 002 @ 00153263 v 0000 + 01211019 n 0101 04 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | give a boost to; be beneficial to; "The tax cut will boost the economy"
00311113 30 v 03 blur 0 dim 4 slur 0 005 @ 00223500 v 0000 ^ 02516255 v 0304 + 05940414 n 0101 ! 00314782 v 0101 ~ 00311338 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become vague or indistinct; "The distinction between the two theories blurred"
00311338 30 v 02 obliterate 0 efface 0 004 $ 00313987 v 0000 @ 00311113 v 0000 + 07331013 n 0102 + 00218208 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | remove completely from recognition or memory; "efface the memory of the time in the camps"
00311559 30 v 01 darken 1 012 > 00312380 v 0000 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 00274437 n 0102 ! 00312815 v 0101 ~ 00311980 v 0000 ~ 00312060 v 0000 ~ 00312165 v 0000 ~ 00312278 v 0000 ~ 00313464 v 0000 ~ 00313860 v 0000 ~ 02768702 v 0000 ~ 02770717 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make dark or darker; "darken a room"
00311865 30 v 01 infuscate 0 001 @ 00282076 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | darken with a brownish tinge, as of insect wings
00311980 30 v 01 embrown 1 001 @ 00311559 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cause to darken
00312060 30 v 01 murk 0 002 @ 00311559 v 0000 + 14521648 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | make dark, dim, or gloomy
00312165 30 v 01 dun 0 003 @ 00311559 v 0000 + 04973110 n 0101 + 02381261 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | make a dun color
00312278 30 v 02 blind 1 dim 3 001 @ 00311559 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | make dim by comparison or conceal
00312380 30 v 01 darken 0 006 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 00274437 n 0102 ! 00280930 v 0101 ~ 00312575 v 0000 ~ 00312648 v 0000 ~ 02771020 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become dark or darker; "The sky darkened"
00312575 30 v 01 dusk 0 001 @ 00312380 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become dusk
00312648 30 v 02 black_out 1 blacken_out 0 003 @ 00312380 v 0000 + 07422506 n 0101 + 13984082 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | darken completely; "The dining room blackened out"
00312815 30 v 03 brighten 1 lighten_up 0 lighten 1 002 @ 00126264 v 0000 ! 00311559 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make lighter or brighter; "The paint will brighten the room"
00312990 30 v 02 blur 1 blear 0 004 > 00311113 v 0000 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 05940414 n 0101 ! 00314272 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make dim or indistinct; "The fog blurs my vision"
00313171 30 v 01 weed 0 005 @ 00173338 v 0000 + 13085113 n 0101 + 10772937 n 0101 + 04570416 n 0101 ~ 00313354 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 22 00 | clear of weeds; "weed the garden"
00313354 30 v 01 stub 0 001 @ 00313171 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | clear of weeds by uprooting them; "stub a field"
00313464 30 v 01 dim 0 001 @ 00311559 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make dim or lusterless; "Time had dimmed the silver"
00313585 30 v 01 dim 1 001 @ 00109660 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become dim or lusterless; "the lights dimmed and the curtain rose"
00313712 30 v 03 obscure 0 bedim 1 overcloud 0 001 @ 00126264 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make obscure or unclear; "The distinction was obscured"
00313860 30 v 02 benight 0 bedim 0 001 @ 00311559 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make darker and difficult to perceive by sight
00313987 30 v 05 obscure 2 blot_out 0 obliterate 1 veil 0 hide 0 005 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 01048912 n 0503 + 00898132 a 0301 $ 00311338 v 0000 ~ 00518653 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make undecipherable or imperceptible by obscuring or concealing; "a hidden message"; "a veiled threat"
00314272 30 v 04 focus 1 focalize 1 focalise 1 sharpen 3 009 > 00314782 v 0000 @ 00296178 v 0000 + 00375625 n 0302 + 00375625 n 0201 + 04703235 n 0101 + 00375625 n 0103 ^ 02676496 v 0101 ! 00312990 v 0101 ~ 00314605 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 21 00 | put (an image) into focus; "Please focus the image; we cannot enjoy the movie"
00314605 30 v 01 refocus 1 002 @ 00314272 v 0000 + 00375938 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | put again into focus or focus more sharply; "refocus the image until it is very sharp"
00314782 30 v 03 focus 0 focalize 0 focalise 0 006 @ 00150287 v 0000 + 00375625 n 0302 + 00375625 n 0201 + 11455695 n 0101 + 00375625 n 0103 ! 00311113 v 0101 02 + 01 00 + 22 00 | become focussed or come into focus; "The light focused"
00315020 30 v 04 depreciate 0 undervalue 0 devaluate 0 devalue 1 010 @ 00151689 v 0000 + 00805524 n 0401 + 00805524 n 0301 + 00353992 n 0301 + 02536911 a 0102 + 02536911 a 0103 + 13328357 n 0101 + 00364600 n 0101 ! 00316195 v 0101 $ 00315330 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | lose in value; "The dollar depreciated again"
00315330 30 v 01 depreciate 1 008 $ 00315020 v 0000 @ 00493703 v 0000 + 02536911 a 0102 + 02536911 a 0103 + 13328357 n 0101 + 00364600 n 0101 ! 00315605 v 0101 ~ 00315956 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | lower the value of something; "The Fed depreciated the dollar once again"
00315605 30 v 03 appreciate 1 apprize 0 apprise 0 003 $ 00316195 v 0000 @ 00315810 v 0000 ! 00315330 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | increase the value of; "The Germans want to appreciate the Deutsche Mark"
00315810 30 v 01 revalue 1 003 @ 00660971 v 0000 + 05747582 n 0102 ~ 00315605 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | value anew; "revalue the German Mark"
00315956 30 v 03 expense 0 write_off 0 write_down a 004 @ 00315330 v 0000 + 13328853 n 0302 + 13328853 n 0201 + 00232604 n 0201 01 + 08 00 | reduce the estimated value of something; "For tax purposes you can write off the laser printer"
00316195 30 v 04 appreciate 0 apprize 1 apprise 1 revalue 0 004 $ 00315605 v 0000 @ 00156601 v 0000 + 05747582 n 0402 ! 00315020 v 0101 01 + 01 00 | gain in value; "The yen appreciated again!"
00316390 30 v 01 deafen 1 001 @ 00390215 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make soundproof; "deafen a room"
00316494 30 v 01 shorten 0 002 @ 00151689 v 0000 ! 00316631 v 0101 01 + 01 00 | become short or shorter; "In winter, the days shorten"
00316631 30 v 01 lengthen 0 002 @ 00230746 v 0000 ! 00316494 v 0101 01 + 01 00 | become long or longer; "In Spring, the days lengthen"
00316768 30 v 01 shorten 1 008 > 00316494 v 0000 @ 00429060 v 0000 + 09433952 n 0101 ! 00317700 v 0101 ~ 00244284 v 0000 ~ 00292877 v 0000 ~ 00317086 v 0000 ~ 00317241 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make shorter than originally intended; reduce or retrench in length or duration; "He shortened his trip due to illness"
00317086 30 v 01 syncopate 1 003 @ 00316768 v 0000 + 07132729 n 0102 + 07132729 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | omit a sound or letter in a word; "syncopate a word"
00317241 30 v 02 truncate 0 cut_short 3 003 * 01299268 v 0000 @ 00316768 v 0000 + 00370261 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make shorter as if by cutting off; "truncate a word"; "Erosion has truncated the ridges of the mountains"
00317468 30 v 01 broaden 0 001 @ 00156601 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become broader; "The road broadened"
00317569 30 v 01 broaden 1 002 > 00317468 v 0000 @ 00540235 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | make broader; "broaden the road"
00317700 30 v 01 lengthen 1 005 > 00316631 v 0000 @ 00153263 v 0000 ! 00316768 v 0101 ~ 00317888 v 0000 ~ 00318816 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make longer; "Lengthen this skirt, please"
00317888 30 v 04 prolong 0 protract 0 extend 2 draw_out 0 011 @ 00317700 v 0000 + 01434530 a 0301 + 05051896 n 0204 + 01018366 n 0202 + 05051896 n 0102 + 05133535 n 0103 + 01018366 n 0101 $ 00235110 v 0000 ~ 00318326 v 0000 ~ 00318484 v 0000 ~ 00318706 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | lengthen in time; cause to be or last longer; "We prolonged our stay"; "She extended her visit by another day"; "The meeting was drawn out until midnight"
00318326 30 v 01 extend f 003 $ 00235110 v 0000 @ 00317888 v 0000 + 01434530 a 0101 01 + 08 00 | prolong the time allowed for payment of; "extend the loan"
00318484 30 v 02 temporize 0 temporise 0 003 @ 00317888 v 0000 + 10699558 n 0202 + 10699558 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | draw out a discussion or process in order to gain time; "The speaker temporized in order to delay the vote"
00318706 30 v 02 spin 0 spin_out 0 001 @ 00317888 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | prolong or extend; "spin out a visit"
00318816 30 v 02 elongate 0 stretch 4 009 > 00240810 v 0000 @ 00317700 v 0000 + 00371059 n 0201 + 04336996 n 0201 + 00366521 n 0201 + 05133839 n 0101 + 03281935 n 0101 + 00406007 n 0101 ~ 00319111 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make long or longer by pulling and stretching; "stretch the fabric"
00319111 30 v 02 tree 0 shoetree 0 001 @ 00318816 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | stretch (a shoe) on a shoetree
00319214 30 v 01 size 0 006 @ 00169651 v 0000 + 05095691 n 0101 + 05098942 n 0101 ^ 02153387 v 0101 ~ 00319406 v 0000 ~ 00319629 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make to a size; bring to a suitable size
00319406 30 v 01 scale 1 006 @ 00319214 v 0000 + 04141838 n 0101 + 13816862 n 0101 + 13850304 n 0101 + 01005814 n 0101 + 01005284 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | size or measure according to a scale; "This model must be scaled down"
00319629 30 v 01 resize 0 002 @ 00319214 v 0000 ~ 00319761 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | change the size of; make the size more appropriate
00319761 30 v 01 rescale 0 003 @ 00319629 v 0000 ~ 00428247 v 0000 ~ 00428418 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | establish on a new scale
00319886 30 v 01 bake 0 006 @ 00322847 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 + 00246341 n 0101 ~ 00320121 v 0000 ~ 00320536 v 0000 ~ 00322395 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cook and make edible by putting in a hot oven; "bake the potatoes"
00320121 30 v 01 ovenbake 0 002 @ 00319886 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | bake in an oven; "ovenbake this chicken"
00320246 30 v 01 brown 0 003 @ 00322847 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 + 04971928 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | fry in a pan until it changes color; "brown the meat in the pan"
00320410 30 v 01 coddle 0 002 @ 00322847 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | cook in nearly boiling water; "coddle eggs"
00320536 30 v 01 fire 0 003 @ 00319886 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 + 13480848 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | bake in a kiln so as to harden; "fire pottery"
00320681 30 v 02 farce 0 stuff 0 005 @ 00452512 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 + 07678729 n 0201 + 07679140 n 0102 $ 00321148 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 21 00 + 31 00 | fill with a stuffing while cooking; "Have you stuffed the turkey yet?"
00320911 30 v 01 fetishize 0 002 @ 01777817 v 0000 + 01207342 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | make a fetish of
00321020 30 v 01 feudalize 0 002 @ 00115157 v 0000 + 07972425 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | bring (a country or people) under feudalism
00321148 30 v 01 stuff 2 004 $ 00320681 v 0000 @ 00452512 v 0000 + 10693459 n 0103 ~ 00321341 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 21 00 + 31 00 | fill tightly with a material; "stuff a pillow with feathers"
00321341 30 v 01 cork 0 001 @ 00321148 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | stuff with cork; "The baseball player stuffed his bat with cork to make it lighter"
00321486 30 v 02 pad 0 bolster 0 003 @ 00452512 v 0000 + 03872495 n 0101 + 03873064 n 0101 03 + 08 00 + 21 00 + 31 00 | add padding to; "pad the seat of the chair"
00321652 30 v 01 baste 0 003 @ 00217956 v 0000 * 00322847 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | cover with liquid before cooking; "baste a roast"
00321801 30 v 01 souse 0 003 @ 00322847 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 + 07678313 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | cook in a marinade; "souse herring"
00321936 30 v 04 microwave 0 micro-cook 0 zap 0 nuke 4 004 @ 00322847 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 + 03761084 n 0101 + 11482312 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | cook or heat in a microwave oven; "You can microwave the leftovers"
00322151 30 v 03 crispen 0 toast 0 crisp 0 006 @ 00371264 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 + 07712559 n 0302 + 07686873 n 0201 + 04442312 n 0201 + 00246552 n 0201 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make brown and crisp by heating; "toast bread"; "crisp potatoes"
00322395 30 v 01 shirr 0 003 @ 00319886 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 + 00246460 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | bake (eggs) in their shells until they are set; "shirr the eggs"
00322559 30 v 02 blanch 0 parboil 0 002 @ 00322847 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | cook (vegetables) briefly; "Parboil the beans before freezing them"
00322719 30 v 01 overboil 1 002 @ 00328128 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | boil excessively; "The peas are overboiled"
00322847 30 v 01 cook 0 021 @ 00140123 v 0000 + 09963320 n 0101 + 00243918 n 0101 + 00243918 n 0102 ~ 00319886 v 0000 ~ 00320246 v 0000 ~ 00320410 v 0000 ~ 00321801 v 0000 ~ 00321936 v 0000 ~ 00322559 v 0000 $ 00323377 v 0000 ~ 00323571 v 0000 ~ 00323703 v 0000 ~ 00323856 v 0000 ~ 00324560 v 0000 ~ 00325208 v 0000 ~ 00325328 v 0000 ~ 00326773 v 0000 ~ 00327145 v 0000 ~ 00328679 v 0000 ~ 00544404 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 08 00 | transform and make suitable for consumption by heating; "These potatoes have to cook for 20 minutes"
00323377 30 v 01 cook 3 003 $ 00322847 v 0000 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 03101156 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | transform by heating; "The apothecary cooked the medicinal mixture in a big iron kettle"
00323571 30 v 01 overcook 0 001 @ 00322847 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 08 00 | cook too long; "The vegetables were completely overcooked"
00323703 30 v 01 fricassee 0 003 @ 00322847 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 + 07592094 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | make a fricassee of by cooking; "fricassee meats"
00323856 30 v 01 stew 0 005 @ 00322847 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 + 07588947 n 0101 + 00247792 n 0102 ~ 00324071 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 08 00 | cook slowly and for a long time in liquid; "Stew the vegetables in wine"
00324071 30 v 01 jug 0 004 @ 00323856 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 + 13767956 n 0101 + 03603722 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | stew in an earthenware jug; "jug the rabbit"
00324231 30 v 01 simmer 0 004 @ 00328128 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 + 00247792 n 0103 + 05014556 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 08 00 | boil slowly at low temperature; "simmer the sauce"; "simmering water"
00324427 30 v 02 seethe 0 roll 8 001 @ 01885430 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | boil vigorously; "The liquid was seething"; "The water rolled"
00324560 30 v 01 roast 0 007 @ 00322847 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 + 07580782 n 0101 + 04097760 n 0101 + 10534277 n 0101 + 00247442 n 0101 ~ 00325085 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 08 00 | cook with dry heat, usually in an oven; "roast the turkey"
00324806 30 v 03 barbeque 0 barbecue 0 cook_out 0 006 @ 00326773 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 + 07576577 n 0301 + 07654148 n 0201 + 07576781 n 0201 + 02790669 n 0201 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | cook outdoors on a barbecue grill; "let's barbecue that meat"; "We cooked out in the forest"
00325085 30 v 01 pan_roast 0 002 @ 00324560 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | roast in a pan; "pan-roast that meat"
00325208 30 v 01 braise 0 002 @ 00322847 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 02 + 01 00 + 08 00 | cook in liquid; "braise beef"
00325328 30 v 01 fry 0 012 @ 00322847 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 + 07645469 n 0101 + 07645469 n 0102 + 00246940 n 0101 ~ 00325647 v 0000 ~ 00325777 v 0000 ~ 00325910 v 0000 ~ 00326049 v 0000 ~ 00326310 v 0000 ~ 00326459 v 0000 ~ 00326619 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 08 00 | cook on a hot surface using fat; "fry the pancakes"
00325647 30 v 01 frizzle 0 002 @ 00325328 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | fry something until it curls and becomes crisp
00325777 30 v 01 deep-fat-fry 0 002 @ 00325328 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | fry in deep fat; "deep-fry the potato chips"
00325910 30 v 01 griddle 0 003 @ 00325328 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 + 03459328 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | cook on a griddle; "griddle pancakes"
00326049 30 v 01 pan-fry 0 002 @ 00325328 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | fry in a pan; "pan-fry the dumplings"
00326170 30 v 02 slenderize 0 slenderise 0 001 @ 00126264 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make slender or appear to be slender; "slenderizing skirts"
00326310 30 v 02 french-fry 0 deep-fry 0 002 @ 00325328 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | cook by immersing in fat; "french-fry the potatoes"
00326459 30 v 01 stir_fry 0 002 @ 00325328 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 02 + 01 00 + 08 00 | fry very quickly over high heat; "stir-fry the vegetables in a wok"
00326619 30 v 01 saute 0 003 @ 00325328 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 + 00246940 n 0102 02 + 01 00 + 08 00 | fry briefly over high heat; "saute the onions"
00326773 30 v 01 grill 0 008 @ 00322847 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 + 03459914 n 0102 + 03459591 n 0101 + 00246754 n 0103 ~ 00324806 v 0000 ~ 00327010 v 0000 ~ 00328370 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 08 00 | cook over a grill; "grill the sausages"
00327010 30 v 01 hibachi 0 003 @ 00326773 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 + 03517509 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | cook over a hibachi grill
00327145 30 v 01 steam 0 005 @ 00322847 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 + 15055181 n 0101 + 07787429 n 0102 + 04309548 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 08 00 | cook something by letting steam pass over it; "just steam the vegetables"
00327362 30 v 02 steep 0 infuse 0 007 @ 00456151 v 0000 + 04312311 n 0101 ~ 00213544 v 0000 ~ 00213712 v 0000 $ 00327654 v 0000 ~ 00327654 v 0000 ~ 00327982 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | let sit in a liquid to extract a flavor or to cleanse; "steep the blossoms in oil"; "steep the fruit in alcohol"
00327654 30 v 01 infuse 2 003 $ 00327362 v 0000 @ 00327362 v 0000 + 13500023 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | undergo the process of infusion; "the mint tea is infusing"
00327813 30 v 01 brew 0 002 @ 00456151 v 0000 + 07886572 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 08 00 | sit or let sit in boiling water so as to extract the flavor; "the tea is brewing"
00327982 30 v 01 draw f 002 @ 00327362 v 0000 $ 00430808 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 08 00 | steep; pass through a strainer; "draw pulp from the fruit"
00328128 30 v 01 boil 0 005 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 05014099 n 0102 + 03612814 n 0102 ~ 00322719 v 0000 ~ 00324231 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 08 00 | immerse or be immersed in a boiling liquid, often for cooking purposes; "boil potatoes"; "boil wool"
00328370 30 v 02 broil 0 oven_broil 0 006 @ 00326773 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 + 00246754 n 0101 + 07645242 n 0101 + 02905036 n 0101 ~ 00328579 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 08 00 | cook under a broiler; "broil fish"
00328579 30 v 01 pan-broil 0 002 @ 00328370 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | broil in a pan
00328679 30 v 01 pressure-cook 0 002 @ 00322847 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | cook in a pressure cooker
00328802 30 v 05 branch 0 ramify 0 fork 0 furcate 0 separate 4 016 @ 02032415 v 0000 + 13886724 n 0401 + 00388392 n 0303 + 13886724 n 0302 + 00388392 n 0304 + 13913849 n 0203 + 05083200 n 0201 + 00388392 n 0202 + 13913849 n 0101 + 09228324 n 0101 ^ 00436404 v 0102 $ 00329244 v 0000 ~ 00329495 v 0000 ~ 00329654 v 0000 ~ 00329817 v 0000 ~ 00330003 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | divide into two or more branches so as to form a fork; "The road forks"
00329244 30 v 02 ramify 1 branch 1 005 $ 00328802 v 0000 @ 00230746 v 0000 + 13913849 n 0103 + 05083200 n 0101 + 00388392 n 0102 01 + 01 00 | grow and send out branches or branch-like structures; "these plants ramify early and get to be very large"
00329495 30 v 02 arborize 0 arborise 0 003 @ 00328802 v 0000 + 13107891 n 0201 + 13107891 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | branch out like trees; "nerve fibers arborize"
00329654 30 v 01 twig 0 002 @ 00328802 v 0000 + 13163991 n 0102 01 + 01 00 | branch out in a twiglike manner; "The lightning bolt twigged in several directions"
00329817 30 v 01 bifurcate 0 005 @ 00328802 v 0000 + 00388392 n 0103 + 13887056 n 0101 + 13886910 n 0101 + 00388710 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | divide into two branches; "The road bifurcated"
00330003 30 v 01 trifurcate 0 002 @ 00328802 v 0000 + 00388842 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | divide into three; "The road trifurcates at the bridge"
00330144 30 v 02 atomize 0 atomise 0 008 @ 00338071 v 0000 + 00388210 n 0202 + 02754103 n 0202 + 14585519 n 0201 + 14619225 n 0201 + 00388210 n 0101 + 02754103 n 0101 + 14619225 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | break up into small particles; "the fine powder had been atomized by air"
00330426 30 v 02 dialyse 0 dialyze 0 003 @ 01458973 v 0000 + 00649760 n 0201 + 03187751 n 0201 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | separate by dialysis
00330565 30 v 03 break_up 4 disperse 0 scatter 0 002 @ 00140123 v 0000 ~ 00330751 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to separate; "break up kidney stones"; "disperse particles"
00330751 30 v 01 backscatter 0 002 @ 00330565 v 0000 ;c 06090869 n 0000 01 + 01 00 | scatter (radiation) by the atoms of the medium through which it passes
00330909 30 v 02 peptize 0 peptise 0 004 @ 01458973 v 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 13534098 n 0202 + 13534098 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | disperse in a medium into a colloidal state
00331082 30 v 05 grind 0 mash 0 crunch 0 bray 0 comminute 0 013 @ 00338071 v 0000 + 00358089 n 0302 + 07805254 n 0201 + 14948645 n 0201 + 03724417 n 0201 + 00358290 n 0101 + 05307773 n 0102 + 03765561 n 0102 + 11460063 n 0101 + 09294716 n 0101 ~ 00331713 v 0000 ~ 00331842 v 0000 ~ 00332017 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | reduce to small pieces or particles by pounding or abrading; "grind the spices in a mortar"; "mash the garlic"
00331514 30 v 01 pound 3 003 @ 00338071 v 0000 + 01175316 n 0102 + 03919430 n 0103 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | break down and crush by beating, as with a pestle; "pound the roots with a heavy flat stone"
00331713 30 v 01 pulp 0 002 @ 00331082 v 0000 + 09400826 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | reduce to pulp; "pulp fruit"; "pulp wood"
00331842 30 v 01 pestle 0 004 @ 00331082 v 0000 + 04300080 n 0102 + 03919430 n 0101 + 03919289 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | grind, mash or pulverize in a mortar; "pestle the garlic"
00332017 30 v 01 mill 0 003 @ 00331082 v 0000 + 00358290 n 0102 + 03765561 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | grind with a mill; "mill grain"
00332154 30 v 05 powderize 0 powderise 0 powder 0 pulverize 0 pulverise 0 006 @ 00397576 v 0000 + 00358290 n 0504 + 00358290 n 0403 + 14997012 n 0301 + 14997012 n 0101 $ 00332445 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make into a powder by breaking up or cause to become dust; "pulverize the grains"
00332445 30 v 04 powderize 1 pulverize 1 pulverise 1 powderise 1 004 $ 00332154 v 0000 @ 00397576 v 0000 + 14997012 n 0303 + 14997012 n 0202 01 + 01 00 | become powder or dust; "When it was blown up, the building powderized"
00332672 30 v 02 run 4 unravel 1 004 $ 00334803 v 0000 @ 00397576 v 0000 + 10016954 n 0203 + 00309011 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | become undone; "the sweater unraveled"
00332835 30 v 02 partition 0 zone 0 006 @ 02031158 v 0000 + 08509442 n 0201 + 03894379 n 0101 + 00397953 n 0102 + 00397953 n 0103 ~ 00333426 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | separate or apportion into sections; "partition a room off"
00333066 30 v 01 subdivide 0 004 @ 02467662 v 0000 + 00398427 n 0101 + 10668280 n 0101 $ 00333277 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | divide into smaller and smaller pieces; "This apartment cannot be subdivided any further!"
00333277 30 v 01 subdivide 1 003 $ 00333066 v 0000 @ 01557774 v 0000 + 00398427 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | form into subdivisions; "The cells subdivided"
00333426 30 v 02 screen_off 0 separate_off 0 001 @ 00332835 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | partition by means of a divider, such as a screen; "screen off this part of the room"
00333594 30 v 02 burst 1 bust 0 002 @ 00334186 v 0000 ~ 00333758 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | break open or apart suddenly and forcefully; "The dam burst"
00333758 30 v 01 shatter 0 002 @ 00333594 v 0000 + 00376825 n 0102 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | break into many pieces; "The wine glass shattered"
00333907 30 v 01 shatter 1 002 @ 00334996 v 0000 + 00376825 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to break into many pieces; "shatter the plate"
00334050 30 v 01 shatter 2 001 @ 00258857 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | damage or destroy; "The news of her husband's death shattered her life"
00334186 30 v 05 break 0 separate 3 split_up 0 fall_apart 3 come_apart 0 015 @ 00140123 v 0000 + 00708017 a 0101 + 09278537 n 0106 + 07367548 n 0101 + 00376400 n 0102 ^ 00209174 v 0102 ~ 00309310 v 0000 ~ 00309990 v 0000 ~ 00333594 v 0000 ~ 00334649 v 0000 ~ 00334803 v 0000 $ 00334996 v 0000 ~ 00337065 v 0000 ~ 00338071 v 0000 ~ 00559390 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become separated into pieces or fragments; "The figurine broke"; "The freshly baked loaf fell apart"
00334649 30 v 01 smash a 002 $ 00335923 v 0000 @ 00334186 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | break suddenly into pieces, as from a violent blow; "The window smashed"
00334803 30 v 02 ladder 0 run 1 004 @ 00334186 v 0000 + 07443010 n 0201 + 07443010 n 0102 $ 00332672 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | come unraveled or undone as if by snagging; "Her nylons were running"
00334996 30 v 01 break a 010 $ 00334186 v 0000 @ 02031158 v 0000 + 00708017 a 0101 + 00376400 n 0102 + 00376400 n 0101 + 09873604 n 0101 ~ 00333907 v 0000 ~ 00335366 v 0000 ~ 00335555 v 0000 ~ 00335923 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | destroy the integrity of; usually by force; cause to separate into pieces or fragments; "He broke the glass plate"; "She broke the match"
00335366 30 v 01 fracture a 004 @ 00334996 v 0000 + 00376994 n 0101 + 14292090 n 0101 + 09278537 n 0105 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | break into pieces; "The pothole fractured a bolt on the axle"
00335555 30 v 01 break_in 1 002 @ 00334996 v 0000 ~ 00335697 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | break so as to fall inward; "He broke in the door"
00335697 30 v 01 stave_in 1 001 @ 00335555 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | break in the staves (of); "stave in a cask"
00335814 30 v 01 sunder 0 001 @ 00338071 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | break apart or in two, using violence
00335923 30 v 02 smash 0 dash 0 006 @ 00334996 v 0000 + 07410207 n 0104 + 10614225 n 0101 + 00376825 n 0101 $ 00334649 v 0000 ~ 00336158 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | break into pieces, as by striking or knocking over; "Smash a plate"
00336158 30 v 02 blast 2 knock_down 0 001 @ 00335923 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | shatter as if by explosion
00336260 30 v 03 crack 1 check 3 break f 007 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 00708017 a 0301 + 14292090 n 0302 + 04692908 n 0201 $ 00336539 v 0000 $ 00336718 v 0000 ~ 00337234 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become fractured; break or crack on the surface only; "The glass cracked when it was heated"
00336539 30 v 02 check 9 chink 0 004 $ 00336260 v 0000 @ 00336718 v 0000 + 09243769 n 0201 + 04692908 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | make cracks or chinks in; "The heat checked the paint"
00336718 30 v 01 crack 5 004 $ 00336260 v 0000 @ 00126264 v 0000 ~ 00336539 v 0000 ~ 00336922 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to become cracked; "heat and light cracked the back of the leather chair"
00336922 30 v 01 fissure 0 003 @ 00336718 v 0000 + 09258715 n 0104 + 13907272 n 0104 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | break into fissures or fine cracks
00337065 30 v 02 snap 0 crack 0 002 @ 00334186 v 0000 + 07367708 n 0101 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | break suddenly and abruptly, as under tension; "The pipe snapped"
00337234 30 v 01 crack 2 005 @ 00336260 v 0000 + 09258715 n 0101 ~ 00337428 v 0000 ~ 00337568 v 0000 ~ 00337700 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | break partially but keep its integrity; "The glass cracked"
00337428 30 v 01 chap 0 002 @ 00337234 v 0000 + 09241929 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | crack due to dehydration; "My lips chap in this dry weather"
00337568 30 v 01 craze 0 002 @ 00337234 v 0000 + 04693274 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | develop a fine network of cracks; "Crazed ceramics"
00337700 30 v 01 alligator 0 002 @ 00337234 v 0000 + 14760447 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | crack and acquire the appearance of alligator hide, as from weathering or improper application; of paint and varnishes
00337903 30 v 02 splinter 0 sliver 0 003 @ 00338071 v 0000 + 09442838 n 0202 + 09442838 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | break up into splinters or slivers; "The wood splintered"
00338071 30 v 04 break_up 0 fragment 0 fragmentize 0 fragmentise 0 019 @ 00334186 v 0000 + 09285254 n 0301 + 09285254 n 0201 + 07008680 n 0201 + 04184701 n 0203 + 13993517 n 0201 + 13484303 n 0201 + 07409121 n 0201 + 00388210 n 0203 ~ 00330144 v 0000 ~ 00331082 v 0000 ~ 00331514 v 0000 ~ 00335814 v 0000 ~ 00337903 v 0000 ~ 00338736 v 0000 ~ 00338866 v 0000 ~ 00338964 v 0000 ~ 00339085 v 0000 ~ 01394464 v 0000 01 + 18 00 | break or cause to break into pieces; "The plate fragmented"
00338559 30 v 02 dissolve 9 dismiss 9 002 @ 00126264 v 0000 $ 00355955 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | declare void; "The President dissolved the parliament and called for new elections"
00338736 30 v 01 rag 0 002 @ 00338071 v 0000 ;c 00922327 n 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | break into lumps before sorting; "rag ore"
00338866 30 v 01 crumb 1 002 @ 00338071 v 0000 + 07622261 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | break into crumbs
00338964 30 v 01 brecciate 0 002 @ 00338071 v 0000 + 14697839 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | break into breccia; "brecciate rock"
00339085 30 v 01 crush 0 004 @ 00338071 v 0000 + 00358089 n 0101 + 03141702 n 0101 ~ 00339268 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | break into small pieces; "The car crushed the toy"
00339268 30 v 01 bruise 1 002 @ 00339085 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | break up into small pieces for food preparation; "bruise the berries with a wooden spoon and strain them"
00339464 30 v 03 break 1 recrudesce 1 develop 3 006 @ 00339934 v 0000 + 07423560 n 0301 + 07435891 n 0201 ^ 00345508 v 0102 ^ 00426749 v 0101 $ 00342980 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | happen; "Report the news as it develops"; "These political movements recrudesce from time to time"
00339738 30 v 02 arise 0 come_up 0 004 @ 00339934 v 0000 ~ 00365446 v 0000 ~ 00540101 v 0000 ~ 02721840 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | result or issue; "A slight unpleasantness arose from this discussion"
00339934 30 v 09 happen 0 hap 0 go_on 0 pass_off 0 occur 0 pass 0 fall_out 0 come_about 0 take_place 0 028 + 07314277 n 0201 + 07283608 n 0101 ~ 00339464 v 0000 ~ 00339738 v 0000 ~ 00340704 v 0000 ~ 00340846 v 0000 ~ 00341040 v 0000 ~ 00341184 v 0000 ~ 00341285 v 0000 ~ 00341422 v 0000 ~ 00341560 v 0000 ~ 00341917 v 0000 ~ 00342443 v 0000 ~ 00342640 v 0000 ~ 00342980 v 0000 ~ 00343334 v 0000 ~ 00343898 v 0000 ~ 00344042 v 0000 ~ 00344174 v 0000 ~ 00344643 v 0000 ~ 00345000 v 0000 ~ 00345312 v 0000 ~ 02378950 v 0000 ~ 02594102 v 0000 ~ 02600082 v 0000 ~ 02611976 v 0000 ~ 02634133 v 0000 ~ 02739254 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 04 00 + 34 00 | come to pass; "What is happening?"; "The meeting took place off without an incidence"; "Nothing occurred that seemed important"
00340704 30 v 01 result 0 001 @ 00339934 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | come about or follow as a consequence; "nothing will result from this meeting"
00340846 30 v 01 intervene 0 001 @ 00339934 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | occur between other event or between certain points of time; "the war intervened between the birth of her two children"
00341040 30 v 01 transpire 9 001 @ 00339934 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | come about, happen, or occur; "Several important events transpired last week"
00341184 30 v 01 give d 002 @ 00339934 v 0000 ;u 07157273 n 0000 01 + 01 00 | occur; "what gives?"
00341285 30 v 01 operate 0 002 @ 00339934 v 0000 + 05701363 n 0104 01 + 04 00 | happen; "What is going on in the minds of the people?"
00341422 30 v 01 supervene 0 002 @ 00339934 v 0000 + 07479525 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | take place as an additional or unexpected development
00341560 30 v 02 proceed 0 go 1 003 @ 00339934 v 0000 ~ 00341757 v 0000 ~ 02617567 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 06 00 | follow a certain course; "The inauguration went well"; "how did your interview go?"
00341757 30 v 03 drag 3 drag_on 0 drag_out 0 001 @ 00341560 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | proceed for an extended period of time; "The speech dragged on for two hours"
00341917 30 v 01 come 1 004 @ 00339934 v 0000 + 05046471 n 0103 ~ 00342164 v 0000 $ 00542120 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | come to pass; arrive, as in due course; "The first success came three days later"; "It came as a shock"; "Dawn comes early in June"
00342164 30 v 03 fall d descend d settle d 002 @ 00341917 v 0000 $ 00342314 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | come as if by falling; "Night fell"; "Silence fell"
00342314 30 v 01 fall f 002 $ 00342164 v 0000 @ 00426958 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | go as if by falling; "Grief fell from our hearts"
00342443 30 v 01 fall 0 002 $ 02661015 v 0000 @ 00339934 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | occur at a specified time or place; "Christmas falls on a Monday this year"; "The accent falls on the first syllable"
00342640 30 v 01 anticipate 0 002 @ 00339934 v 0000 + 00122245 a 0101 01 + 08 00 | be a forerunner of or occur earlier than; "This composition anticipates Impressionism"
00342812 30 v 01 come 2 001 @ 02603699 v 0000 03 + 04 00 + 06 00 + 07 00 | be found or available; "These shoes come in three colors; The furniture comes unassembled"
00342980 30 v 01 develop 5 004 $ 02624263 v 0000 $ 00252019 v 0000 $ 00339464 v 0000 @ 00339934 v 0000 01 + 34 00 | be gradually disclosed or unfolded; become manifest; "The plot developed slowly";
00343180 30 v 01 transpire 1 001 @ 00109660 v 0000 01 + 34 00 | come to light; become known; "It transpired that she had worked as spy in East Germany"
00343334 30 v 02 recur 0 repeat 0 009 @ 00339934 v 0000 + 00592539 a 0202 + 01964367 a 0201 + 07342049 n 0201 + 07342049 n 0202 + 00592880 a 0102 + 07343363 n 0101 ~ 00343600 v 0000 ~ 00343771 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | happen or occur again; "This is a recurring story"
00343600 30 v 01 iterate 1 004 @ 00343334 v 0000 ;c 06128570 n 0000 ;c 06000644 n 0000 + 01964632 a 0101 01 + 01 00 | run or be performed again; "the function iterates"
00343771 30 v 01 cycle 0 003 @ 00343334 v 0000 + 15287830 n 0101 + 07342495 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | recur in repeating sequences
00343898 30 v 03 go_off 1 come_off 0 go_over 0 001 @ 00339934 v 0000 01 + 07 00 | happen in a particular manner; "how did your talk go over?"
00344042 30 v 02 come_around 6 roll_around 0 001 @ 00339934 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | happen regularly; "Christmas rolled around again"
00344174 30 v 03 happen 1 materialize 0 materialise 0 010 @ 00339934 v 0000 + 07323024 n 0302 + 13512036 n 0302 + 07295047 n 0303 ! 00344492 v 0302 + 13512036 n 0201 + 07295047 n 0202 + 07323024 n 0201 ! 00344492 v 0201 ~ 00425967 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | come into being; become reality; "Her dream really materialized"
00344492 30 v 02 dematerialize 0 dematerialise 0 003 @ 02156546 v 0000 ! 00344174 v 0203 ! 00344174 v 0102 01 + 01 00 | become immaterial; disappear
00344643 30 v 03 happen 2 befall 0 bechance 0 002 $ 02593912 v 0000 @ 00339934 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | happen, occur, or be the case in the course of events or by chance; "It happens that today is my birthday"; "These things befell" (Santayana)
00344886 30 v 01 come d 001 @ 02634265 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | happen as a result; "Nothing good will come of this"
00345000 30 v 03 befall 1 bechance 1 betide 0 001 @ 00339934 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | become of; happen to; "He promised that no harm would befall her"; "What has become of my children?"
00345184 30 v 01 spin_off 0 002 @ 01652139 v 0000 + 02930492 n 0103 01 + 11 00 | produce as a consequence of something larger
00345312 30 v 02 concur 0 coincide 0 005 @ 00339934 v 0000 + 02378496 a 0201 + 05048301 n 0202 + 02378496 a 0104 + 05048301 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | happen simultaneously; "The two events coincided"
00345508 30 v 02 erupt 1 break_out 4 001 @ 02608347 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | start abruptly; "After 1989, peace broke out in the former East Bloc"
00345652 30 v 01 bud 2 001 @ 02608347 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | start to grow or develop; "a budding friendship"
00345761 30 v 08 get_down 0 begin 0 get c start_out 0 start 0 set_about 0 set_out 0 commence 0 021 + 00235435 n 0803 + 00235435 n 0502 + 15265518 n 0506 + 07325190 n 0501 + 10355449 n 0504 + 10363913 n 0202 + 00235435 n 0201 ! 00352826 v 0201 ~ 00346537 v 0000 ~ 00346714 v 0000 ~ 00346839 v 0000 ~ 00347104 v 0000 ~ 00347276 v 0000 ~ 00347420 v 0000 ~ 00347610 v 0000 ~ 00347804 v 0000 ~ 00347918 v 0000 ~ 00348103 v 0000 ~ 00348252 v 0000 ~ 00348541 v 0000 $ 01070777 v 0000 05 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 28 00 + 33 00 | take the first step or steps in carrying out an action; "We began working at dawn"; "Who will start?"; "Get working as soon as the sun rises!"; "The first tourists began to arrive in Cambodia"; "He began early in the day"; "Let's get down to work now"
00346537 30 v 01 recommence 0 002 @ 00345761 v 0000 + 00242003 n 0102 05 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 28 00 + 33 00 | begin again; "we recommenced his reading after a short nap"
00346714 30 v 01 strike_out 3 001 @ 00345761 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | set out on a course of action; "He struck out on his own"
00346839 30 v 01 fall c 001 @ 00345761 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | begin vigorously; "The prisoners fell to work right away"
00346958 30 v 01 break_out 3 001 @ 02608347 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 33 00 | begin suddenly and sometimes violently; "He broke out shouting"
00347104 30 v 01 jump_off 0 001 @ 00345761 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | set off quickly, usually with success; "The freshman jumped off to a good start in his math class"
00347276 30 v 01 get_to 0 001 @ 00345761 v 0000 01 + 32 00 | arrive at the point of; "She gets to fretting if I stay away from home too long"
00347420 30 v 01 auspicate 0 002 @ 00345761 v 0000 + 07286799 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | commence in a manner calculated to bring good luck; "They auspicated the trip with a bottle of champagne"
00347610 30 v 01 attack 0 002 @ 00345761 v 0000 + 09821253 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | set to work upon; turn one's energies vigorously to a task; "I attacked the problem as soon as I got out of bed"
00347804 30 v 01 break_in 3 001 @ 00345761 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | start in a certain activity, enterprise, or role
00347918 30 v 02 plunge a launch a 002 @ 00345761 v 0000 $ 01834053 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | begin with vigor; "He launched into a long diatribe"; "She plunged into a dangerous adventure"
00348103 30 v 01 come_on 0 001 @ 00345761 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | occur or become available; "water or electricity came on again after the earthquake"
00348252 30 v 02 embark a enter a 002 @ 00345761 v 0000 ~ 00348422 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | set out on (an enterprise or subject of study); "she embarked upon a new career"
00348422 30 v 01 take_up 0 001 @ 00348252 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | pursue or resume; "take up a matter for consideration"
00348541 30 v 07 get_cracking 0 bestir_oneself 0 get_going 0 get_moving 0 get_weaving 0 get_started 0 get_rolling 0 001 @ 00345761 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | start to be active; "Get cracking, please!"
00348746 30 v 04 begin 1 lead_off 0 start 1 commence 1 014 > 02608347 v 0000 + 00235435 n 0403 + 00235435 n 0302 + 15265518 n 0306 + 07325190 n 0301 + 10107303 n 0102 + 07290905 n 0101 ! 00352826 v 0101 ~ 00349223 v 0000 ~ 00349416 v 0000 ~ 00349592 v 0000 ~ 00349785 v 0000 ~ 01650610 v 0000 $ 02609203 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | set in motion, cause to start; "The U.S. started a war in the Middle East"; "The Iraqis began hostilities"; "begin a new chapter in your life"
00349223 30 v 02 jumpstart 0 jump-start 0 001 @ 00348746 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | start or re-start vigorously; "The Secretary of State intends to jumpstart the Middle East Peace Process"
00349416 30 v 01 recommence 1 002 @ 00348746 v 0000 + 00242003 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to start anew; "The enemy recommenced hostilities after a few days of quiet"
00349592 30 v 03 inaugurate 0 usher_in 0 introduce 0 002 @ 00348746 v 0000 + 07286014 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | be a precursor of; "The fall of the Berlin Wall ushered in the post-Cold War period"
00349785 30 v 01 set_off 1 001 @ 00348746 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | set in motion or cause to begin; "The guide set the tour off to a good start"
00349951 30 v 01 carry_over 0 002 @ 02647497 v 0000 + 05756203 n 0103 01 + 01 00 | transfer or persist from one stage or sphere of activity to another
00350104 30 v 03 resume 0 restart 0 re-start 0 002 @ 02679899 v 0000 + 00242003 n 0101 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 28 00 | take up or begin anew; "We resumed the negotiations"
00350283 30 v 02 resume 1 take_up 1 001 @ 00109660 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | return to a previous location or condition; "The painting resumed its old condition when we restored it"
00350461 30 v 05 persevere 0 persist 1 hang_in 0 hang_on 0 hold_on 0 011 @ 02679899 v 0000 + 00593071 a 0201 + 04864515 n 0204 + 01021579 n 0202 + 06200010 n 0101 + 01021579 n 0103 + 01021579 n 0101 ~ 00350889 v 0000 ~ 00351048 v 0000 ~ 00351266 v 0000 ~ 00351406 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 28 02 | be persistent, refuse to stop; "he persisted to call me every night"; "The child persisted and kept asking questions"
00350889 30 v 01 obstinate 0 002 @ 00350461 v 0000 + 04863074 n 0104 01 + 02 00 | persist stubbornly; "he obstinates himself against all rational arguments"
00351048 30 v 02 ask_for_it 0 ask_for_trouble 0 001 @ 00350461 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | persist with actions or an attitude despite the probability that it will cause trouble; "He is asking for trouble with his behavior"
00351266 30 v 02 plug 0 plug_away 0 001 @ 00350461 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | persist in working hard; "Students must plug away at this problem"
00351406 30 v 03 stick_to 0 stick_with 0 follow c 002 $ 02542280 v 0000 @ 00350461 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 33 00 | keep to; "Stick to your principles"; "stick to the diet"
00351576 30 v 01 pass_away 1 001 @ 02609764 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | go out of existence; "She hoped that the problem would eventually pass away"
00351719 30 v 01 close_out 0 001 @ 00352826 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | terminate; "We closed out our account"
00351824 30 v 01 lapse 1 002 @ 02609764 v 0000 + 15271417 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | end, at least for a long time; "The correspondence lapsed"
00351963 30 v 01 finish 3 003 @ 00352826 v 0000 + 07291312 n 0103 + 15267536 n 0104 01 + 10 00 | cause to finish a relationship with somebody; "That finished me with Mary"
00352137 30 v 01 close 8 001 @ 00484166 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | finish a game in baseball by protecting a lead; "The relief pitcher closed with two runs in the second inning"
00352310 30 v 01 cut_out 1 001 @ 02609764 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | cease operating; "The pump suddenly cut out"
00352419 30 v 01 go_out 0 001 @ 02609764 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become extinguished; "The lights suddenly went out and we were in the dark"
00352558 30 v 06 finish_up 2 land_up 0 fetch_up 0 end_up 1 wind_up 2 finish 1 002 @ 02367363 v 0000 + 00211110 n 0504 01 + 33 00 | finally be or do something; "He ended up marrying his high school sweetheart"; "he wound up being unemployed and living at home again"
00352826 30 v 02 end 1 terminate 1 031 > 02609764 v 0000 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 01010569 a 0201 + 00209943 n 0201 + 14562960 n 0101 + 05868477 n 0101 + 07291794 n 0101 + 15266911 n 0101 + 00209943 n 0102 ! 00348746 v 0101 ! 00345761 v 0102 ~ 00351719 v 0000 ~ 00351963 v 0000 ~ 00353839 v 0000 ~ 00354030 v 0000 ~ 00354195 v 0000 ~ 00354317 v 0000 ~ 00355038 v 0000 ~ 00355803 v 0000 ~ 00355955 v 0000 ~ 00362348 v 0000 ~ 00364064 v 0000 ~ 00478682 v 0000 ~ 00481941 v 0000 ~ 00484166 v 0000 ~ 00527034 v 0000 ~ 00698855 v 0000 ~ 00715074 v 0000 ~ 00763831 v 0000 ~ 01642820 v 0000 ~ 02425913 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | bring to an end or halt; "She ended their friendship when she found out that he had once been convicted of a crime"; "The attack on Poland terminated the relatively peaceful period after WW I"
00353639 30 v 03 give_the_axe 0 give_the_bounce 0 give_the_gate 0 001 @ 02431320 v 0000 01 + 14 00 | terminate a relationship abruptly; "Mary gave John the axe after she saw him with another woman"
00353839 30 v 01 abort 0 003 @ 00352826 v 0000 + 01082714 a 0101 + 07319652 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | terminate before completion; "abort the mission"; "abort the process running on my computer"
00354030 30 v 01 culminate 3 002 @ 00352826 v 0000 + 15291199 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 10 00 | bring to a head or to the highest point; "Seurat culminated pointillism"
00354195 30 v 02 lift 2 raise d 001 @ 00352826 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | put an end to; "lift a ban"; "raise a siege"
00354317 30 v 02 ax 0 axe 0 001 @ 00352826 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | terminate; "The NSF axed the research program and stopped funding it"
00354452 30 v 04 stem 0 stanch 0 staunch 0 halt 2 002 @ 00354634 v 0000 + 07365849 n 0402 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | stop the flow of a liquid; "staunch the blood flow"; "stem the tide"
00354634 30 v 01 check a 003 @ 01859221 v 0000 + 14010927 n 0102 ~ 00354452 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | arrest the motion (of something) abruptly; "He checked the flow of water by shutting off the main valve"
00354845 30 v 01 die 1 004 @ 00426958 v 0000 + 15143477 n 0101 + 14562960 n 0103 + 15143477 n 0102 01 + 01 00 | disappear or come to an end; "Their anger died"; "My secret will die with me!"
00355038 30 v 02 stamp_out 0 kill 8 001 @ 00352826 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | end or extinguish by forceful means; "Stamp out poverty!"
00355177 30 v 01 kill 2 002 @ 01619929 v 0000 $ 00355365 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | destroy a vitally essential quality of or in; "Eating artichokes kills the taste of all other foods"
00355365 30 v 01 kill 3 004 $ 00355177 v 0000 @ 01510576 v 0000 + 00217593 n 0101 $ 00355524 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cause to cease operating; "kill the engine"
00355524 30 v 01 kill 4 002 $ 00355365 v 0000 @ 00075421 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | tire out completely; "The daily stress of her work is killing her"
00355670 30 v 01 snap 1 002 @ 01345109 v 0000 + 07381423 n 0103 01 + 01 00 | close with a snapping motion; "The lock snapped shut"
00355803 30 v 02 dissolve 2 break_up 1 001 @ 00352826 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | come to an end; "Their marriage dissolved"; "The tobacco monopoly broke up"
00355955 30 v 02 dissolve 8 break_up 9 005 $ 00338559 v 0000 @ 00352826 v 0000 + 13467916 n 0101 + 00216038 n 0102 + 00215314 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | bring the association of to an end or cause to break up; "The decree officially dissolved the marriage"; "the judge dissolved the tobacco company"
00356258 30 v 01 change_surface 0 015 @ 00109660 v 0000 ~ 00356649 v 0000 ~ 00356789 v 0000 ~ 00356954 v 0000 ~ 00362128 v 0000 ~ 00435481 v 0000 ~ 00435688 v 0000 ~ 00523436 v 0000 ~ 01252971 v 0000 ~ 01253621 v 0000 ~ 01277974 v 0000 ~ 01307142 v 0000 ~ 01531635 v 0000 ~ 01531742 v 0000 ~ 01531998 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | undergo or cause to undergo a change in the surface
00356649 30 v 02 level 0 level_off 0 002 @ 00356258 v 0000 + 03658858 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | become level or even; "The ground levelled off"
00356789 30 v 01 crust 0 003 * 00219403 v 0000 @ 00356258 v 0000 + 09260218 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | form a crust or form into a crust; "The bread crusted in the oven"
00356954 30 v 03 heave 0 buckle 0 warp 0 005 @ 00356258 v 0000 + 13885700 n 0301 + 13885700 n 0202 + 07350069 n 0101 ~ 00357198 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | bend out of shape, as under pressure or from heat; "The highway buckled during the heat wave"
00357198 30 v 01 lift 4 001 @ 00356954 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | rise upward, as from pressure or moisture; "The floor is lifting slowly"
00357332 30 v 07 shoot 0 spud 0 germinate 0 pullulate 0 bourgeon 0 burgeon_forth 0 sprout 0 009 @ 00231557 v 0000 + 07719437 n 0701 + 13164583 n 0701 + 13487207 n 0702 + 13544073 n 0401 + 05229805 n 0301 + 13487207 n 0301 + 13164763 n 0101 $ 00357667 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | produce buds, branches, or germinate; "the potatoes sprouted"
00357667 30 v 01 germinate 1 004 $ 00357332 v 0000 @ 00245457 v 0000 + 13487207 n 0101 + 07324235 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | cause to grow or sprout; "the plentiful rain germinated my plants"
00357854 30 v 01 burgeon 1 001 @ 00230746 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | grow and flourish; "The burgeoning administration"; "The burgeoning population"
00357998 30 v 01 bud 0 003 @ 00252019 v 0000 + 11674914 n 0101 + 13165086 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | develop buds; "The hibiscus is budding!"
00358135 30 v 01 root 0 004 @ 00230746 v 0000 + 13125117 n 0101 + 13552124 n 0101 $ 00358314 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | take root and begin to grow; "this plant roots quickly"
00358314 30 v 01 root 1 003 $ 00358135 v 0000 @ 00245457 v 0000 + 13552124 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | cause to take roots
00358431 30 v 12 die 0 decease 0 perish 0 go 0 exit 0 pass_away 0 expire 0 pass b kick_the_bucket 0 cash_in_one's_chips 0 buy_the_farm 0 conk 0 give-up_the_ghost 0 drop_dead 0 pop_off 0 choke 1 croak 0 snuff_it 0 028 $ 02109818 v 0000 @ 00146138 v 0000 + 07333649 n 0801 + 07333649 n 0705 + 07333649 n 0504 + 07333649 n 0406 + 09994943 n 0205 + 07355491 n 0202 + 07355491 n 0101 + 11444117 n 0101 + 15143276 n 0101 + 09488259 n 0101 + 13962498 n 0101 + 00219575 n 0101 ^ 00427683 v 0101 ^ 00427683 v 0102 ^ 00242026 v 0102 ^ 00224168 v 0101 ! 00360932 v 0101 ~ 00060063 v 0000 ~ 00359511 v 0000 ~ 00359806 v 0000 ~ 00360501 v 0000 ~ 00360805 v 0000 $ 00434374 v 0000 ~ 01187537 v 0000 ~ 02620213 v 0000 ~ 02620466 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | pass from physical life and lose all bodily attributes and functions necessary to sustain life; "She died from cancer"; "The children perished in the fire"; "The patient went peacefully"; "The old guy kicked the bucket at the age of 102"
00359405 30 v 01 strangle 6 002 @ 00359511 v 0000 + 14298247 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | die from strangulation
00359511 30 v 03 suffocate 2 stifle 3 asphyxiate 0 008 $ 01569181 v 0000 @ 00358431 v 0000 + 14043882 n 0302 + 00225593 n 0302 + 14042423 n 0301 + 00268383 a 0103 + 00225593 n 0101 ~ 00359405 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | be asphyxiated; die from lack of oxygen; "The child suffocated under the pillow"
00359806 30 v 02 buy_it 0 pip_out 0 002 @ 00358431 v 0000 ;u 07157273 n 0000 01 + 02 00 | be killed or die;
00359916 30 v 01 go 8 001 @ 00426958 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | be abolished or discarded; "These ugly billboards have to go!"; "These luxuries all had to go under the Khmer Rouge"
00360092 30 v 02 leave 3 leave_behind 0 004 $ 02229055 v 0000 * 00358431 v 0000 ~ 00360337 v 0000 $ 02081578 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | be survived by after one's death; "He left six children"; "At her death, she left behind her husband and 11 cats"
00360337 30 v 01 widow 0 002 @ 00360092 v 0000 + 10780284 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | cause to be without a spouse; "The war widowed many women in the former Yugoslavia"
00360501 30 v 01 drown 0 001 @ 00358431 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | die from being submerged in water, getting water into the lungs, and asphyxiating; "The child drowned in the lake"
00360678 30 v 01 fall 9 001 @ 00360932 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | be born, used chiefly of lambs; "The lambs fell in the afternoon"
00360805 30 v 01 predecease 0 001 @ 00358431 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | die before; die earlier than; "She predeceased her husband"
00360932 30 v 01 be_born 0 009 @ 00146138 v 0000 ! 00358431 v 0101 + 15142167 n 0101 + 07320302 n 0101 + 13532886 n 0102 ~ 00063095 v 0000 ~ 00360678 v 0000 ~ 00361208 v 0000 ~ 02698726 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | come into existence through birth; "She was born on a farm"
00361208 30 v 02 come_to_life 0 come_into_being 1 001 @ 00360932 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | be born or come into existence; "All these flowers come to life when the rains come"
00361388 30 v 01 cloud_over 0 001 @ 00146138 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become overcast; "the sky clouded over"
00361495 30 v 02 mist 0 mist_over 0 002 @ 01207951 v 0000 + 11482706 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | become covered with mist; "The windshield misted over"
00361641 30 v 02 demist 0 defog 0 003 * 00371264 v 0000 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 03174605 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | free from mist; "demist the car windows"
00361797 30 v 01 bloat 0 002 @ 00256507 v 0000 + 14315549 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | become bloated or swollen or puff up; "The dead man's stomach was bloated"
00361952 30 v 01 bloat 1 004 > 00361797 v 0000 @ 00257650 v 0000 + 14315549 n 0101 ~ 00257087 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | make bloated or swollen; "Hunger bloated the child's belly"
00362128 30 v 03 curl 0 curve 0 kink 0 005 * 01280014 v 0000 @ 00356258 v 0000 + 13877918 n 0301 + 02829696 n 0202 + 13875970 n 0104 01 + 01 00 | form a curl, curve, or kink; "the cigar smoke curled up at the ceiling"
00362348 30 v 04 break 2 break_off 0 discontinue 0 stop 5 006 @ 00352826 v 0000 + 01076046 n 0401 + 01022483 n 0302 ~ 00108303 v 0000 ~ 00363742 v 0000 ~ 00778275 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | prevent completion; "stop the project"; "break off the negotiations"
00362610 30 v 02 hold_on 5 stop c 003 @ 00364064 v 0000 + 14010927 n 0206 + 14010927 n 0207 01 + 02 00 | stop and wait, as if awaiting further instructions or developments; "Hold on a moment!"
00362805 30 v 03 cut_short 2 break_short 0 break_off 3 002 @ 00364064 v 0000 ~ 00363003 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | interrupt before its natural or planned end; "We had to cut short our vacation"
00363003 30 v 01 hang_up 0 001 @ 00362805 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | interrupt a telephone conversation
00363110 30 v 02 drop 1 knock_off 0 002 @ 02680814 v 0000 ~ 00363268 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 02 02 | stop pursuing or acting; "drop a lawsuit"; "knock it off!"
00363268 30 v 03 nolle_pros 0 nolle_prosequi 0 nol.pros. 0 002 @ 00363110 v 0000 + 06505252 n 0201 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | drop prosecution of by entering a nolle prosequi in the court records; "They nolle prossed the charge"
00363493 30 v 02 freeze 1 suspend 0 005 @ 00364064 v 0000 + 15271008 n 0205 + 14010636 n 0202 + 07368256 n 0201 + 01063697 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | stop a process or a habit by imposing a freeze on it; "Suspend the aid to the war-torn country"
00363742 30 v 02 bog_down 1 bog 1 001 @ 00362348 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | get stuck while doing something; "She bogged down many times while she wrote her dissertation"
00363916 30 v 02 bog_down 0 bog 0 001 @ 00440786 v 0000 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | cause to slow down or get stuck; "The vote would bog down the house"
00364064 30 v 02 interrupt 0 break 3 004 @ 00352826 v 0000 ~ 00362610 v 0000 ~ 00362805 v 0000 ~ 00363493 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | terminate; "She interrupted her pregnancy"; "break a lucky streak"; "break the cycle of poverty"
00364297 30 v 03 adjourn 0 recess 0 break_up 8 003 @ 02609764 v 0000 + 01062997 n 0202 + 00216038 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | close at the end of a session; "The court adjourned"
00364478 30 v 01 punctuate 1 001 @ 00778275 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | interrupt periodically; "Her sharp questions punctuated the speaker's drone"
00364629 30 v 02 pasteurize 0 pasteurise 0 006 > 00364868 v 0000 @ 00140123 v 0000 + 00254166 n 0202 + 11224877 n 0201 + 00254166 n 0101 + 11224877 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | heat food in order to kill harmful microorganisms; "pasteurize milk"
00364868 30 v 03 condense 1 distill 4 distil 4 006 $ 00365446 v 0000 $ 00366547 v 0000 @ 00443984 v 0000 + 14836960 n 0201 + 13451348 n 0101 + 11446242 n 0102 01 + 01 00 | undergo condensation; change from a gaseous to a liquid state and fall in drops; "water condenses"; "The acid distills at a specific temperature"
00365188 30 v 03 condense 4 concentrate c contract 7 005 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 00365471 n 0301 + 00375071 n 0201 + 07313241 n 0102 $ 00365647 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | compress or concentrate; "Congress condensed the three-year plan into a six-month plan"
00365446 30 v 01 condense 7 004 @ 00339738 v 0000 + 00357680 n 0102 + 00357680 n 0101 $ 00364868 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | develop due to condensation; "All our planets condensed out of the same material"
00365647 30 v 01 condense 6 003 $ 00365188 v 0000 @ 00226566 v 0000 + 07313241 n 0102 01 + 01 00 | become more compact or concentrated; "Her feelings condensed"
00365810 30 v 02 sublime 0 sublimate 0 006 * 00366275 v 0000 * 00366858 v 0000 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 15062284 n 0201 + 15062284 n 0101 ~ 00366741 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | vaporize and then condense right back again
00366020 30 v 02 sublime 5 sublimate 5 003 @ 00442267 v 0000 + 15062284 n 0201 + 07360293 n 0201 02 + 01 00 + 11 00 | change or cause to change directly from a solid into a vapor without first melting; "sublime iodine"; "some salts sublime when heated"
00366275 30 v 01 condense 3 008 @ 00140123 v 0000 + 03087521 n 0101 + 03087643 n 0101 + 13451348 n 0101 + 11446242 n 0101 + 11446242 n 0102 + 00357680 n 0101 $ 00366547 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cause a gas or vapor to change into a liquid; "The cold air condensed the steam"
00366547 30 v 01 condense 5 006 $ 00366275 v 0000 @ 00173338 v 0000 + 07313241 n 0102 + 00357680 n 0102 + 00357680 n 0101 $ 00364868 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove water from; "condense the milk"
00366741 30 v 01 resublime 0 002 @ 00365810 v 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 01 + 01 00 | sublime (a compound) once again
00366858 30 v 03 evaporate 0 vaporize 1 vaporise 1 011 @ 00140123 v 0000 + 13572436 n 0302 + 15055633 n 0301 + 13572436 n 0303 + 02519813 a 0204 + 13572436 n 0201 + 15055633 n 0201 + 13572436 n 0203 + 13572436 n 0103 + 13460568 n 0104 ~ 00367563 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | lose or cause to lose liquid by vaporization leaving a more concentrated residue; "evaporate milk"
00367241 30 v 01 pervaporate 0 003 @ 00575970 v 0000 + 00375348 n 0101 $ 00367416 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause (a liquid) to evaporate through a semipermeable membrane
00367416 30 v 01 pervaporate 1 003 $ 00367241 v 0000 @ 00575720 v 0000 + 00375348 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | evaporate through a semipermeable membrane
00367563 30 v 01 transpire 2 002 @ 00366858 v 0000 + 13569774 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | exude water vapor; "plants transpire"
00367685 30 v 03 unify 0 unite 0 merge 0 016 @ 00467451 v 0000 + 01238424 n 0302 + 00146856 n 0301 + 00381680 n 0201 + 00381680 n 0203 + 07373602 n 0103 + 00381680 n 0102 + 05869857 n 0101 + 00003553 n 0102 ! 00368662 v 0101 ~ 00242580 v 0000 ~ 00243572 v 0000 ~ 00368522 v 0000 ~ 00368847 v 0000 ~ 00369442 v 0000 ~ 01461152 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | become one; "Germany unified officially in 1990"; "the cells merge"
00368109 30 v 02 unitize 0 unitise 0 007 @ 00654625 v 0000 + 13810323 n 0101 + 13583724 n 0102 + 09465459 n 0101 + 08189659 n 0101 + 05869857 n 0101 + 00003553 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | separate or classify into units; "The hospital was unitized for efficiency"
00368367 30 v 02 clog 3 clot 4 003 @ 01461152 v 0000 + 05402091 n 0201 + 13454479 n 0202 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | coalesce or unite in a mass; "Blood clots"
00368522 30 v 02 syncretize 1 syncretise 1 002 @ 00367685 v 0000 + 14421724 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | unite (beliefs or conflicting principles)
00368662 30 v 02 disunify 0 break_apart 1 002 @ 02431320 v 0000 ! 00367685 v 0101 01 + 01 00 | break up or separate; "The country is disunifying"; "Yugoslavia broke apart after 1989"
00368847 30 v 01 converge 0 003 @ 00367685 v 0000 + 00612114 a 0101 + 00146572 n 0102 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | come together so as to form a single product; "Social forces converged to bring the Fascists back to power"
00369064 30 v 01 league 0 003 @ 02469835 v 0000 + 08305114 n 0101 + 08231184 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | unite to form a league
00369194 30 v 03 federate 0 federalize 0 federalise 0 004 @ 02469835 v 0000 + 08303504 n 0101 + 08303275 n 0103 + 01153305 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | unite on a federal basis or band together as a league; "The country was federated after the civil war"
00369442 30 v 03 federate 1 federalize 2 federalise 2 001 @ 00367685 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | enter into a league for a common purpose; "The republics federated to become the Soviet Union"
00369628 30 v 02 carbonize 0 carbonise 0 007 * 00372665 v 0000 @ 00146138 v 0000 + 13443370 n 0202 + 14633206 n 0201 + 02863724 a 0103 + 13443370 n 0101 + 14633206 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | turn into carbon, as by burning; "carbonize coal"
00369864 30 v 03 cool 0 chill 0 cool_down 1 007 @ 00146138 v 0000 + 05015463 n 0201 + 13453160 n 0202 + 05016001 n 0101 + 14822141 n 0101 + 13453160 n 0101 ! 00372665 v 0101 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | loose heat; "The air cooled considerably after the thunderstorm"
00370126 30 v 03 cool 2 cool_off 0 cool_down 2 001 @ 00109660 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | lose intensity; "His enthusiasm cooled considerably"
00370263 30 v 01 overheat 0 002 @ 00372665 v 0000 + 13530108 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | get excessively and undesirably hot; "The car engines overheated"
00370412 30 v 03 cool 1 chill 1 cool_down 0 014 > 00369864 v 0000 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 05015463 n 0201 + 13453160 n 0202 + 05016001 n 0101 + 07914006 n 0101 + 03102654 n 0101 + 14822141 n 0101 + 13453160 n 0101 + 03102859 n 0102 ! 00371264 v 0101 ~ 00370773 v 0000 ~ 00370921 v 0000 ~ 00371051 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make cool or cooler; "Chill the food"
00370773 30 v 01 quench 2 001 @ 00370412 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cool (hot metal) by plunging into cold water or other liquid; "quench steel"
00370921 30 v 01 ice 0 002 @ 00370412 v 0000 + 14915184 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | put ice on or put on ice; "Ice your sprained limbs"
00371051 30 v 01 refrigerate 0 005 @ 00370412 v 0000 + 01253661 a 0101 + 13548531 n 0101 + 15003797 n 0101 + 04070727 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | cool or chill in or as if in a refrigerator; "refrigerate this medicine"
00371264 30 v 02 heat 1 heat_up 0 017 > 00372665 v 0000 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 01249137 a 0101 + 05725527 n 0101 + 05016171 n 0102 + 11466043 n 0101 + 03508101 n 0101 ! 00370412 v 0101 ~ 00322151 v 0000 ~ 00371717 v 0000 ~ 00372157 v 0000 ~ 00372251 v 0000 ~ 00372400 v 0000 ~ 00372501 v 0000 ~ 00377715 v 0000 ~ 00544136 v 0000 ~ 00544280 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | make hot or hotter; "the sun heats the oceans"; "heat the water on the stove"
00371717 30 v 01 scald 1 001 @ 00371264 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | heat to the boiling point; "scald the milk"
00371823 30 v 01 scald 2 001 @ 00515154 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | treat with boiling water; "scald tomatoes so that they can be peeled"
00371955 30 v 01 refrigerate 1 004 @ 00212414 v 0000 + 01253661 a 0101 + 13548531 n 0101 + 04070727 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | preserve by chilling; "many foods must be refrigerated or else they will spoil"
00372157 30 v 01 soak 2 001 @ 00371264 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | heat a metal prior to working it
00372251 30 v 01 calcine 0 003 @ 00371264 v 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 13442476 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | heat a substance so that it oxidizes or reduces
00372400 30 v 01 preheat 0 001 @ 00371264 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | heat beforehand; "Preheat the oven!"
00372501 30 v 01 overheat 1 003 > 00370263 v 0000 @ 00371264 v 0000 + 13530108 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | make excessively or undesirably hot; "The room was overheated"
00372665 30 v 03 heat 0 hot_up 2 heat_up 1 010 @ 00146138 v 0000 + 01249137 a 0101 + 03509025 n 0104 + 05725527 n 0101 + 05016171 n 0102 + 11466043 n 0101 + 13491876 n 0101 ! 00369864 v 0101 ~ 00370263 v 0000 ~ 02738241 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | gain heat or get hot; "The room heated up quickly"
00372958 30 v 01 warm 1 003 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 03508101 n 0102 ~ 00373397 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make warm or warmer; "The blanket will warm you"
00373112 30 v 01 warm_up 1 001 @ 00109660 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | become more friendly or open; "She warmed up after we had lunch together"
00373250 30 v 02 warm 0 warm_up 0 002 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 13491876 n 0102 01 + 01 00 | get warm or warmer; "The soup warmed slowly on the stove"
00373397 30 v 01 chafe 0 002 @ 00372958 v 0000 + 14333136 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | warm by rubbing, as with the hands
00373520 30 v 04 carbonize 1 carbonise 1 carburize 0 carburise 0 006 @ 00146138 v 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 14633206 n 0401 + 14633206 n 0301 + 14633206 n 0201 + 14633206 n 0101 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | unite with carbon; "carburize metal"
00373766 30 v 03 cauterize 0 cauterise 0 burn 8 010 * 00377715 v 0000 @ 00078760 v 0000 + 14289590 n 0301 + 00668112 n 0203 + 02987047 n 0201 + 00668112 n 0201 + 00668112 n 0102 + 02987047 n 0102 + 02987047 n 0101 + 00668112 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | burn, sear, or freeze (tissue) using a hot iron or electric current or a caustic agent; "The surgeon cauterized the wart"
00374135 30 v 01 freeze 0 007 $ 00445711 v 0000 * 00445169 v 0000 @ 00146138 v 0000 + 13484644 n 0101 + 13484644 n 0102 ! 00375021 v 0101 ~ 00374375 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | change to ice; "The water in the bowl froze"
00374375 30 v 01 glaciate 0 004 @ 00374135 v 0000 + 14519673 n 0101 + 13487409 n 0101 + 09289331 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | become frozen and covered with glaciers
00374534 30 v 01 concrete 0 003 @ 00445467 v 0000 + 07419233 n 0103 + 00382109 n 0104 01 + 08 00 | form into a solid mass; coalesce
00374668 30 v 01 boil 2 005 > 00375021 v 0000 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 05014099 n 0102 + 02863750 n 0101 ~ 00374893 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | bring to, or maintain at, the boiling point; "boil this liquid until it evaporates"
00374893 30 v 01 decoct 0 002 @ 00374668 v 0000 + 13457665 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | extract the essence of something by boiling it
00375021 30 v 01 boil 1 005 @ 00146138 v 0000 + 05014099 n 0102 + 02863750 n 0101 ! 00374135 v 0101 ~ 00375268 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 08 00 | come to the boiling point and change from a liquid to vapor; "Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius"
00375268 30 v 02 boil_over 0 overboil 0 001 @ 00375021 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | overflow or cause to overflow while boiling; "The milk is boiling over"
00375417 30 v 01 deep_freeze 0 002 @ 00375865 v 0000 + 03170635 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | store in a deep-freeze, as for conservation; "deep-freeze the food"
00375579 30 v 01 ice 3 001 @ 00375865 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cause to become ice or icy; "an iced summer drink"
00375690 30 v 02 quick-freeze 0 flash-freeze 0 001 @ 00375865 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | freeze rapidly so as to preserve the natural juices and flavors; "quick-freeze the shrimp"
00375865 30 v 01 freeze 2 008 > 00374135 v 0000 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 13484644 n 0101 + 03170635 n 0104 + 13484644 n 0102 ~ 00375417 v 0000 ~ 00375579 v 0000 ~ 00375690 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to freeze; "Freeze the leftover food"
00376106 30 v 06 dissolve 7 thaw 0 unfreeze 0 unthaw 0 dethaw 0 melt 0 010 @ 00443984 v 0000 + 02265594 a 0601 + 13566535 n 0602 + 10307114 n 0601 + 13566535 n 0604 + 11482140 n 0201 + 13566535 n 0201 + 13566535 n 0203 ~ 00376625 v 0000 ~ 00376807 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | become or cause to become soft or liquid; "The sun melted the ice"; "the ice thawed"; "the ice cream melted"; "The heat melted the wax"; "The giant iceberg dissolved over the years during the global warming phase"; "dethaw the meat"
00376625 30 v 01 deliquesce 0 002 @ 00376106 v 0000 + 00492157 a 0101 01 + 01 00 | melt or become liquid by absorbing moisture from the air; "this type of salt deliquesces easily"
00376807 30 v 03 defrost 0 deice 0 de-ice 0 003 @ 00376106 v 0000 + 03172211 n 0202 + 03172211 n 0101 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make or become free of frost or ice; "Defrost the car window"
00377002 30 v 02 burn 0 combust 0 014 @ 00146138 v 0000 + 00472992 a 0201 + 00473502 a 0203 + 13450206 n 0201 + 00473243 a 0101 + 00403911 n 0101 ~ 00377351 v 0000 ~ 00377569 v 0000 $ 00378664 v 0000 ~ 00582743 v 0000 ~ 00585148 v 0000 ~ 02759443 v 0000 ~ 02762806 v 0000 ~ 02764438 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | undergo combustion; "Maple wood burns well"
00377351 30 v 03 burn_down 0 burn_up 3 go_up 4 002 @ 00377002 v 0000 ~ 00378361 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | burn completely; be consumed or destroyed by fire; "The hut burned down"; "The mountain of paper went up in flames"
00377569 30 v 02 smolder 0 smoulder 0 002 @ 00377002 v 0000 + 07304096 n 0201 01 + 01 00 | burn slowly and without a flame; "a smoldering fire"
00377715 30 v 02 sear 0 scorch 3 004 @ 00371264 v 0000 + 14289942 n 0201 + 04695504 n 0201 ~ 00377906 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make very hot and dry; "The heat scorched the countryside"
00377906 30 v 01 sizzle 0 001 @ 00377715 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | burn or sear with a sizzling sound; "The fat sizzled in the pan"
00378042 30 v 02 burn 1 incinerate 0 009 @ 00140123 v 0000 + 00378706 n 0201 + 03566193 n 0201 + 00473243 a 0101 + 04694090 n 0101 + 00403911 n 0101 + 02923129 n 0101 $ 00378361 v 0000 $ 00378664 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | cause to undergo combustion; "burn garbage"; "The car burns only Diesel oil"
00378361 30 v 01 incinerate 1 003 $ 00378042 v 0000 @ 00377351 v 0000 + 00378706 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | become reduced to ashes; "The paper incinerated quickly"
00378521 30 v 02 singe 0 swinge 0 002 @ 00379440 v 0000 + 14289942 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | burn superficially or lightly; "I singed my eyebrows"
00378664 30 v 03 burn 2 fire 1 burn_down 2 012 $ 00377002 v 0000 $ 00378042 v 0000 @ 01564144 v 0000 + 03343560 n 0201 + 13480848 n 0201 + 07302836 n 0201 + 00473243 a 0101 + 04694090 n 0101 ~ 00379023 v 0000 ~ 00379154 v 0000 ~ 00379280 v 0000 ~ 00582527 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | destroy by fire; "They burned the house and his diaries"
00379023 30 v 01 backfire 0 001 @ 00378664 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | set a controlled fire to halt an advancing forest to prairie fire
00379154 30 v 01 cremate 0 002 @ 00378664 v 0000 + 00378880 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | reduce to ashes; "Cremate a corpse"
00379280 30 v 01 torch 0 003 @ 00378664 v 0000 + 04456115 n 0101 + 02855390 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | burn maliciously, as by arson; "The madman torched the barns"
00379440 30 v 04 char 0 blacken 1 sear 1 scorch 2 004 @ 00196364 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 + 14289942 n 0401 ~ 00378521 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | burn slightly and superficially so as to affect color; "The cook blackened the chicken breast"; "The fire charred the ceiling above the mantelpiece"; "the flames scorched the ceiling"
00379774 30 v 02 blister 0 vesicate 0 006 @ 00256507 v 0000 + 01611683 a 0201 + 01611683 a 0202 + 13573181 n 0202 + 05517837 n 0101 $ 00379996 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | get blistered; "Her feet blistered during the long hike"
00379996 30 v 01 blister 1 002 $ 00379774 v 0000 @ 00126264 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cause blisters to form on; "the tight shoes and perspiration blistered her feet"
00380159 30 v 03 switch 1 change_over 1 shift 0 006 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 07444668 n 0301 + 00196084 n 0101 + 00196084 n 0102 ~ 00560628 v 0000 ~ 00560764 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make a shift in or exchange of; "First Joe led; then we switched"
00380424 30 v 03 permute 0 commute 0 transpose 0 006 @ 00138508 v 0000 + 00339776 n 0301 + 00196485 n 0203 + 00339646 n 0101 + 00870312 n 0101 ~ 00380698 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | change the order or arrangement of; "Dyslexics often transpose letters in a word"
00380698 30 v 02 map 0 represent 6 003 @ 00380424 v 0000 + 13783816 n 0104 + 13783816 n 0105 02 + 04 00 + 21 00 | to establish a mapping (of mathematical elements or sets)
00380872 30 v 01 transpose 1 002 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 00102162 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | change key; "Can you transpose this fugue into G major?"
00381013 30 v 02 convert 0 change_over 2 008 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 07415730 n 0203 + 07415730 n 0101 + 03099945 n 0101 ~ 00162549 v 0000 ~ 00381331 v 0000 ~ 00530592 v 0000 ~ 00566181 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | change from one system to another or to a new plan or policy; "We converted from 220 to 110 Volt"
00381331 30 v 04 metricize 0 metricise 0 metrify 0 metricate 0 002 @ 00381013 v 0000 + 00194645 n 0402 01 + 08 00 | convert from a non-metric to the metric system
00381496 30 v 01 flour 0 002 @ 00115157 v 0000 + 07569106 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | convert grain into flour
00381601 30 v 03 transform 3 transmute 0 metamorphose 2 003 @ 00109660 v 0000 ~ 00382410 v 0000 ~ 02626604 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | change in outward structure or looks; "He transformed into a monster"; "The salesman metamorphosed into an ugly beetle"
00381850 30 v 01 transform 4 003 @ 00126264 v 0000 ;c 06090869 n 0000 + 04471315 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | increase or decrease (an alternating current or voltage)
00382010 30 v 01 transform 5 003 @ 00126264 v 0000 ;c 06037666 n 0000 + 00399030 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | change (a bacterial cell) into a genetically distinct cell by the introduction of DNA from another cell of the same or closely related species
00382256 30 v 01 transform 6 002 @ 00126264 v 0000 ;c 06090869 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | convert (one form of energy) to another; "transform energy to light"
00382410 30 v 01 aurify 1 001 @ 00381601 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | transform into gold
00382493 30 v 01 transmute 1 003 @ 00126264 v 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 07416441 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | alter the nature of (elements)
00382635 30 v 03 transform 0 transmute 2 transubstantiate 0 009 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 01250826 n 0302 + 01250826 n 0201 + 00398704 n 0101 ~ 00383093 v 0000 ~ 00383275 v 0000 ~ 00569087 v 0000 ~ 00569318 v 0000 ~ 01668603 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | change or alter in form, appearance, or nature; "This experience transformed her completely"; "She transformed the clay into a beautiful sculpture"; "transubstantiate one element into another"
00383093 30 v 01 transubstantiate 1 003 @ 00382635 v 0000 ;c 06226057 n 0000 + 06192411 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | change (the Eucharist bread and wine) into the body and blood of Christ
00383275 30 v 02 sorcerize 0 sorcerise 0 003 @ 00382635 v 0000 + 05978812 n 0201 + 05978812 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | transform or change by means of sorcery
00383437 30 v 01 ash 0 002 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 14769160 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | convert into ashes
00383542 30 v 02 translate 1 transform 1 004 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 00398704 n 0102 ~ 00383764 v 0000 ~ 00521874 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | change from one form or medium into another; "Braque translated collage into oil"
00383764 30 v 02 metricize 1 metricise 1 001 @ 00383542 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | express in the metric system
00383871 30 v 01 reclaim 0 002 @ 00115157 v 0000 + 00269018 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | make useful again; transform from a useless or uncultivated state; "The people reclaimed the marshes"
00384055 30 v 03 metamorphose 0 transfigure 0 transmogrify 0 003 @ 00138508 v 0000 + 00399846 n 0301 + 00402308 n 0201 01 + 01 00 | change completely the nature or appearance of; "In Kafka's story, a person metamorphoses into a bug"; "The treatment and diet transfigured her into a beautiful young woman"; "Jesus was transfigured after his resurrection"
00384411 30 v 01 convert 1 004 $ 00385385 v 0000 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 07355194 n 0101 + 09962414 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | change religious beliefs, or adopt a religious belief; "She converted to Buddhism"
00384620 30 v 04 reform 4 reclaim 8 regenerate 5 rectify 8 010 $ 00167934 v 0000 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 00258854 n 0402 + 00095971 n 0201 + 01197386 a 0101 + 01197386 a 0102 + 00261405 n 0101 + 10515194 n 0102 + 00095971 n 0102 ~ 00385047 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | bring, lead, or force to abandon a wrong or evil course of life, conduct, and adopt a right one; "The Church reformed me"; "reform your conduct"
00385047 30 v 02 moralize 0 moralise 0 003 @ 00384620 v 0000 + 00265773 n 0202 + 00265773 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | improve the morals of
00385189 30 v 01 regenerate 6 002 @ 00153263 v 0000 + 13539262 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | amplify (an electron current) by causing part of the power in the output circuit to act upon the input circuit
00385385 30 v 01 convert 7 009 > 00384411 v 0000 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 09962414 n 0101 $ 00384411 v 0000 ~ 00385685 v 0000 ~ 00385865 v 0000 ~ 00386390 v 0000 ~ 00386566 v 0000 ~ 00769834 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | cause to adopt a new or different faith; "The missionaries converted the Indian population"
00385685 30 v 02 Islamize 0 Islamise 0 002 > 00384411 v 0000 @ 00385385 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | convert to Islam; "The Mughals Islamized much of Northern India in the 16th century"
00385865 30 v 02 Christianize 0 Christianise 0 003 @ 00385385 v 0000 + 07355347 n 0202 + 07355347 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | convert to Christianity; "missionaries have tried to Christianize native people all over the world"
00386085 30 v 01 Christianize 1 001 @ 00299580 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | adapt in the name of Christianity; "some people want to Christianize ancient pagan sites"
00386252 30 v 02 Islamize 1 Islamise 1 001 @ 00126264 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cause to conform to Islamic law; "Islamize the dietary laws"
00386390 30 v 02 evangelize 0 evangelise 0 002 @ 00385385 v 0000 + 07244613 n 0201 01 + 09 00 | convert to Christianity; "The missionaries evangelized the Pacific Islanders"
00386566 30 v 04 catholicize 0 catholicise 0 latinize 0 latinise 0 002 @ 00385385 v 0000 + 06227263 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | cause to adopt Catholicism
00386715 30 v 03 turn_back 9 invert 0 reverse 1 008 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 01759676 a 0301 + 00346693 n 0302 + 07411160 n 0301 + 00346693 n 0303 + 00335653 n 0201 + 00335814 n 0201 + 03582959 n 0201 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | turn inside out or upside down
00386965 30 v 02 invert 3 reverse 3 001 @ 00659112 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | reverse the position, order, relation, or condition of; "when forming a question, invert the subject and the verb"
00387153 30 v 01 invert 1 002 @ 00126264 v 0000 ;c 07020895 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | make an inversion (in a musical composition); "here the theme is inverted"
00387310 30 v 05 revert 0 return 0 retrovert 0 regress 1 turn_back 0 011 @ 00138508 v 0000 + 00235208 n 0402 + 00235208 n 0401 + 00235208 n 0305 + 07447022 n 0201 + 00203123 a 0102 + 00235208 n 0103 + 00068333 n 0107 ~ 00093327 v 0000 ~ 00387680 v 0000 ~ 00528339 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | go back to a previous state; "We reverted to the old rules"
00387680 30 v 01 resile 2 005 @ 00387310 v 0000 + 00843595 a 0104 + 05020697 n 0102 + 07350567 n 0101 + 05020697 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | return to the original position or state after being stretched or compressed; "The rubber tubes resile"
00387919 30 v 02 customize 0 customise 0 002 @ 01654628 v 0000 @ 00126264 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make according to requirements; "customize a car"
00388065 30 v 04 personalize 0 personalise 0 individualize 0 individualise 0 004 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 00007846 n 0302 ! 00388296 v 0202 ! 00388296 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make personal or more personal; "personalized service"
00388296 30 v 03 depersonalize 0 depersonalise 0 objectify 0 007 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 14394094 n 0202 + 00932298 n 0202 ! 00388065 v 0202 + 14394094 n 0101 + 00932298 n 0101 ! 00388065 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make impersonal or present as an object; "Will computers depersonalize human interactions?"; "Pornography objectifies women"
00388635 30 v 06 lay_waste_to 0 waste 0 devastate 0 desolate 1 ravage 1 scourge 2 013 @ 01564144 v 0000 + 14445226 n 0603 + 07334876 n 0501 + 00967157 n 0501 + 14525548 n 0402 + 14562142 n 0402 + 07335414 n 0402 + 14562142 n 0301 + 07335414 n 0301 + 00967157 n 0302 + 00217014 n 0302 + 10008716 n 0204 ~ 01566490 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause extensive destruction or ruin utterly; "The enemy lay waste to the countryside after the invasion"
00389083 30 v 02 harry 0 ravage 0 002 @ 01564144 v 0000 + 07334876 n 0201 01 + 08 00 | make a pillaging or destructive raid on (a place), as in wartimes
00389238 30 v 01 emaciate 0 002 @ 00146138 v 0000 + 05001867 n 0103 01 + 02 00 | grow weak and thin or waste away physically; "She emaciated during the chemotherapy"
00389406 30 v 03 waste 1 emaciate 1 macerate 3 006 > 00389238 v 0000 @ 00389638 v 0000 + 05001867 n 0305 + 05001867 n 0203 + 13574452 n 0101 + 14548105 n 0103 01 + 10 00 | cause to grow thin or weak; "The treatment emaciated him"
00389638 30 v 03 enfeeble 0 debilitate 0 drain 4 006 @ 00224901 v 0000 + 01358096 a 0201 + 14547643 n 0203 + 07331210 n 0201 + 07331210 n 0103 ~ 00389406 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | make weak; "Life in the camp drained him"
00389856 30 v 01 enervate 0 003 @ 00224901 v 0000 + 07331210 n 0102 + 05041871 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | weaken mentally or morally
00389992 30 v 03 pine_away 0 waste 2 languish 0 003 @ 00223500 v 0000 + 10246395 n 0301 + 13574452 n 0201 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | lose vigor, health, or flesh, as through grief; "After her husband died, she just pined away"
00390215 30 v 05 dampen 0 damp 0 soften 2 weaken 4 break 9 005 @ 00192051 v 0000 + 09476521 n 0401 + 03161725 n 0201 ~ 00316390 v 0000 ~ 00390560 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | lessen in force or effect; "soften a shock"; "break a fall"
00390459 30 v 01 dampen 2 001 @ 00440286 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | check; keep in check (a fire)
00390560 30 v 03 dampen 3 deaden 6 damp 1 002 @ 00390215 v 0000 + 03161450 n 0301 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make vague or obscure or make (an image) less visible; "muffle the message"
00390741 30 v 01 shush 0 001 @ 00461493 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | silence (someone) by uttering `shush!'
00390842 30 v 02 stifle 0 dampen 5 004 @ 00462092 v 0000 + 10656223 n 0101 ! 00503164 v 0101 ~ 00391021 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | smother or suppress; "Stifle your curiosity"
00391021 30 v 02 suffocate 3 choke 6 002 @ 00390842 v 0000 $ 00391203 v 0000 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | suppress the development, creativity, or imagination of; "His job suffocated him"
00391203 30 v 02 suffocate 8 choke 8 002 $ 00391021 v 0000 @ 02626604 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | become stultified, suppressed, or stifled; "He is suffocating--living at home with his aged parents in the small village"
00391417 30 v 03 choke_off 0 choke_down 0 choke_back 0 001 @ 00462092 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | suppress; "He choked down his rage"
00391553 30 v 01 dampen 4 001 @ 00224901 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | reduce the amplitude (of oscillations or waves)
00391672 30 v 01 dull 1 002 @ 00223500 v 0000 ~ 00391833 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make less lively or vigorous; "Middle age dulled her appetite for travel"
00391833 30 v 01 cloud 3 001 @ 00391672 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | make milky or dull; "The chemical clouded the liquid to which it was added"
00391971 30 v 01 dull 0 001 @ 00109660 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become dull or lusterless in appearance; lose shine or brightness; "the varnished table top dulled with time"
00392142 30 v 01 pall 0 001 @ 00223500 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | lose strength or effectiveness; become or appear boring, insipid, or tiresome (to); "the course palled on her"
00392314 30 v 01 sharpen 0 001 @ 00226566 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become sharp or sharper; "The debate sharpened"
00392426 30 v 01 sharpen 1 002 > 00392314 v 0000 @ 00227165 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make crisp or more crisp and precise; "We had to sharpen our arguments"
00392588 30 v 02 sharpen 5 heighten 5 002 @ 00227165 v 0000 ~ 00392758 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make (one's senses) more acute; "This drug will sharpen your vision"
00392758 30 v 02 subtilize 1 subtilise 1 001 @ 00392588 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make (senses) more keen
00392860 30 v 01 strap 0 001 @ 01246601 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | sharpen with a strap; "strap a razor"
00392960 30 v 03 sharpen 8 taper 0 point 0 009 @ 00140967 v 0000 + 13902482 n 0301 + 03974215 n 0301 + 05071556 n 0301 + 05071368 n 0201 + 13902793 n 0201 ^ 00305417 v 0201 ^ 02683671 v 0201 ~ 00393227 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | give a point to; "The candles are tapered"
00393227 30 v 01 acuminate 0 003 @ 00392960 v 0000 + 13089526 n 0101 + 05621808 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make sharp or acute; taper; make (something) come to a point
00393398 30 v 01 sharpen 2 003 @ 00126264 v 0000 ;c 07020895 n 0000 ! 00393534 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | raise the pitch of (musical notes)
00393534 30 v 02 flatten 3 drop 5 003 @ 00126264 v 0000 ;c 07020895 n 0000 ! 00393398 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | lower the pitch of (musical notes)
00393677 30 v 03 acclimatize 0 acclimatise 0 acclimate 0 007 @ 00150287 v 0000 + 14519366 n 0301 + 13424643 n 0303 + 13424643 n 0202 + 14519366 n 0201 + 13424643 n 0101 + 14519366 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | get used to a certain climate; "They never acclimatized in Egypt"
00393953 30 v 03 synchronize 0 synchronise 0 sync 0 015 @ 00296178 v 0000 + 01001097 n 0202 + 00807500 n 0202 + 04375926 n 0204 + 13845239 n 0202 + 01001097 n 0204 ! 00394563 v 0202 + 01001097 n 0101 + 00807500 n 0101 + 04375926 n 0103 + 13845239 n 0102 + 01001097 n 0103 + 00807500 n 0103 ! 00394563 v 0101 ~ 00394381 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make synchronous and adjust in time or manner; "Let's synchronize our efforts"
00394381 30 v 01 phase 0 002 @ 00393953 v 0000 + 15290132 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | adjust so as to be in a synchronized condition; "he phased the intake with the output of the machine"
00394563 30 v 02 desynchronize 0 desynchronise 0 006 @ 00138508 v 0000 + 13845838 n 0204 ! 00393953 v 0202 + 13845838 n 0103 + 13845838 n 0105 ! 00393953 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to become desynchronized; cause to occur at unrelated times
00394813 30 v 0b blend 0 flux 0 mix 0 conflate 0 commingle 0 immix 0 fuse 0 coalesce 0 meld 0 combine 0 merge 1 031 @ 00140123 v 0000 + 07963711 n 0a01 + 07373803 n 0a02 + 00378985 n 0a02 + 00382109 n 0803 + 14418662 n 0801 + 00382109 n 0802 + 01506385 a 0701 + 07373602 n 0701 + 00380568 n 0701 + 00509377 a 0302 + 03775199 n 0301 + 00380083 n 0301 + 07374756 n 0301 + 14586258 n 0301 + 08398773 n 0302 + 07882497 n 0302 + 00380083 n 0304 ^ 00620379 v 0302 + 14860102 n 0201 + 07375405 n 0101 + 00380696 n 0101 ~ 00395583 v 0000 ~ 00395698 v 0000 ~ 00395841 v 0000 ~ 00396035 v 0000 ~ 00396325 v 0000 ~ 00396513 v 0000 ~ 00396703 v 0000 ~ 00396880 v 0000 ~ 00553616 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | mix together different elements; "The colors blend well"
00395583 30 v 01 gauge 3 001 @ 00394813 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | mix in specific proportions; "gauge plaster"
00395698 30 v 01 absorb 0 001 @ 00394813 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | cause to become one with; "The sales tax is absorbed into the state income tax"
00395841 30 v 02 melt 2 meld 6 001 @ 00394813 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | lose its distinct outline or shape; blend gradually; "Hundreds of actors were melting into the scene"
00396035 30 v 02 blend_in 0 mix_in 0 002 @ 00394813 v 0000 ~ 00396234 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cause (something) to be mixed with (something else); "At this stage of making the cake, blend in the nuts"
00396234 30 v 01 cut_in 1 001 @ 00396035 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | mix in with cutting motions
00396325 30 v 01 accrete 0 003 @ 00394813 v 0000 ;c 00017222 n 0000 + 02535533 a 0101 01 + 01 00 | grow together (of plants and organs); "After many years the rose bushes grew together"
00396513 30 v 01 conjugate 0 003 @ 00394813 v 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 14820425 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | unite chemically so that the product is easily broken down into the original compounds
00396703 30 v 01 admix 0 004 @ 00394813 v 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 02681084 n 0101 + 00380083 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | mix or blend; "Hyaline casts were admixed with neutrophils"
00396880 30 v 01 alloy 2 003 @ 00394813 v 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 ;c 06125698 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | make an alloy of
00396997 30 v 01 fuse 2 004 $ 00397192 v 0000 @ 00444629 v 0000 + 01506385 a 0101 + 00380568 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make liquid or plastic by heating; "The storm fused the electric mains"
00397192 30 v 01 fuse 3 004 @ 00443984 v 0000 * 00372665 v 0000 + 01506385 a 0101 $ 00396997 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become plastic or fluid or liquefied from heat; "The substances fused at a very high temperature"
00397405 30 v 02 crumble 0 fall_apart 4 001 @ 00397576 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | break or fall apart into fragments; "The cookies crumbled"; "The Sphinx is crumbling"
00397576 30 v 01 disintegrate 0 012 @ 00140123 v 0000 + 01331878 a 0101 + 14561327 n 0102 + 13467916 n 0102 ! 00466651 v 0101 ~ 00332154 v 0000 ~ 00332445 v 0000 ~ 00332672 v 0000 ~ 00397405 v 0000 ~ 00397987 v 0000 ~ 00446329 v 0000 ~ 01562061 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 11 00 | break into parts or components or lose cohesion or unity; "The material disintegrated"; "the group disintegrated after the leader died"
00397987 30 v 01 digest 7 002 $ 00209420 v 0000 @ 00397576 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | soften or disintegrate, as by undergoing exposure to heat or moisture
00398138 30 v 01 fold 0 001 @ 00466651 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | incorporate a food ingredient into a mixture by repeatedly turning it over without stirring or beating; "Fold the egg whites into the batter"
00398349 30 v 01 reintegrate 0 001 @ 00466651 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | integrate again; "Russia must be reintegrated into Europe"
00398484 30 v 01 macerate 1 003 * 00216216 v 0000 @ 00255389 v 0000 + 13510152 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | soften, usually by steeping in liquid, and cause to disintegrate as a result; "macerate peaches"; "the gizzards macerates the food in the digestive system"
00398741 30 v 01 macerate 2 003 @ 00254867 v 0000 + 02901331 a 0101 $ 00398953 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become soft or separate and disintegrate as a result of excessive soaking; "the tissue macerated in the water"
00398953 30 v 01 macerate 4 002 $ 00398741 v 0000 @ 01458973 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | separate into constituents by soaking
00399074 30 v 03 disintegrate 1 decay 1 decompose 2 006 @ 00140123 v 0000 ;c 06090869 n 0000 + 13456899 n 0201 + 13456567 n 0201 + 13456899 n 0103 $ 00399368 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | lose a stored charge, magnetic flux, or current; "the particles disintegrated during the nuclear fission process"
00399368 30 v 01 disintegrate 3 005 $ 00399074 v 0000 @ 00126264 v 0000 ;c 06090869 n 0000 + 01331878 a 0101 + 13456899 n 0103 01 + 11 00 | cause to undergo fission or lose particles
00399553 30 v 01 putrefy 0 006 @ 00552815 v 0000 * 02123672 v 0000 + 02115034 a 0101 + 02115034 a 0102 + 14560926 n 0101 + 13458019 n 0104 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | become putrid; decay with an offensive smell; "organic matter putrefies"
00399788 30 v 02 magnetize 0 magnetise 0 010 @ 00126264 v 0000 ;c 06090869 n 0000 + 13510433 n 0202 + 03705379 n 0201 ! 00400101 v 0202 + 13599547 n 0101 + 13510433 n 0101 + 05020225 n 0101 + 03705379 n 0101 ! 00400101 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make magnetic; "The strong magnet magnetized the iron shavings"
00400101 30 v 03 demagnetize 0 demagnetise 0 degauss 0 007 @ 00126264 v 0000 ;c 06090869 n 0000 + 13460129 n 0301 + 13460991 n 0202 ! 00399788 v 0202 + 13460991 n 0101 ! 00399788 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make nonmagnetic; take away the magnetic properties (of); "demagnetize the iron shavings"; "they degaussed the ship"
00400427 30 v 01 simplify 0 007 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 06739180 n 0101 + 00192300 n 0102 + 01211888 n 0101 ! 00402539 v 0101 ~ 00242396 v 0000 ~ 00400741 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make simpler or easier or reduce in complexity or extent; "We had to simplify the instructions"; "this move will simplify our lives"
00400741 30 v 01 oversimplify 0 002 @ 00400427 v 0000 + 06739345 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | make too simple; "Don't oversimplify the instructions"
00400883 30 v 04 complicate 1 refine 6 rarify 0 elaborate 0 009 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 07357679 n 0402 + 04766852 n 0402 + 00250710 n 0401 + 04766620 n 0102 + 01076359 n 0101 ~ 00401538 v 0000 ~ 00402130 v 0000 ~ 00402389 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make more complex, intricate, or richer; "refine a design or pattern"
00401202 30 v 01 complexify 0 003 @ 00402539 v 0000 + 04766275 n 0101 + 09947127 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 10 00 | make complex; "he unnecessarily complexified every problem"
00401373 30 v 02 complexify 1 ramify 4 002 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 07423899 n 0202 01 + 01 00 | have or develop complicating consequences; "These actions will ramify"
00401538 30 v 01 involve 0 001 @ 00400883 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make complex or intricate or complicated; "The situation was rather involved"
00401688 30 v 01 refine 5 002 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 06606191 n 0105 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make more precise or increase the discriminatory powers of; "refine a method of analysis"; "refine the constant in the equation"
00401906 30 v 01 refine 3 001 @ 00220701 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | attenuate or reduce in vigor, strength, or validity by polishing or purifying; "many valuable nutrients are refined out of the foods in our modern diet"
00402130 30 v 01 develop d 003 $ 00925873 v 0000 @ 00400883 v 0000 $ 00545557 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | elaborate by the unfolding of a musical idea and by the working out of the rhythmic and harmonic changes in the theme; "develop the melody and change the key"
00402389 30 v 01 sophisticate 0 002 @ 00400883 v 0000 + 05641205 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make more complex or refined; "a sophisticated design"
00402539 30 v 02 complicate 0 perplex 0 008 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 14074041 n 0101 + 13933221 n 0101 + 07423899 n 0101 + 01076359 n 0101 ! 00400427 v 0101 ~ 00401202 v 0000 ~ 00402831 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make more complicated; "There was a new development that complicated the matter"
00402831 30 v 03 snarl 0 snarl_up 0 embrangle 0 003 @ 00402539 v 0000 + 05685879 n 0102 ~ 00403016 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make more complicated or confused through entanglements
00403016 30 v 01 snafu 0 002 @ 00402831 v 0000 + 00075283 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to be in a state of complete confusion
00403149 30 v 02 pressurize 0 pressurise 0 005 @ 00296178 v 0000 + 11495041 n 0201 ! 00403967 v 0202 + 11495041 n 0101 ! 00403967 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | increase the pressure in or of; "The captain will pressurize the cabin for the passengers' comfort"
00403401 30 v 02 pressurize 1 pressurise 1 003 @ 02681795 v 0000 + 11495041 n 0201 + 11495041 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | maintain a certain pressure; "the airplane cabin is pressurized"; "pressurize a space suit"
00403609 30 v 03 supercharge 0 pressurize 2 pressurise 2 004 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 11495041 n 0301 + 11495041 n 0201 + 04357930 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | increase the pressure on a gas or liquid
00403798 30 v 01 puncture 0 002 @ 00403967 v 0000 + 07314658 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to lose air pressure or collapse by piercing; "puncture an air balloon"
00403967 30 v 03 depressurize 0 depressurise 0 decompress 0 006 @ 00296178 v 0000 + 00357451 n 0301 + 00357451 n 0302 ! 00403149 v 0202 ! 00403149 v 0101 ~ 00403798 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | decrease the pressure of; "depressurize the cabin in the air plane"
00404222 30 v 01 structure 0 004 @ 00404642 v 0000 + 05726345 n 0101 + 04931965 n 0101 ~ 00404401 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | give a structure to; "I need to structure my days"
00404401 30 v 02 restructure 2 reconstitute 2 001 @ 00404222 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | construct or form anew or provide with a new structure; "After his accident, he had to restructure his life"; "The governing board was reconstituted"
00404642 30 v 03 organize 0 organise 0 coordinate 0 016 @ 01463963 v 0000 + 09963914 n 0301 + 05726596 n 0203 + 04768657 n 0202 + 01008378 n 0202 + 01136519 n 0202 + 10383237 n 0101 + 03918737 n 0105 + 08164585 n 0106 + 05726596 n 0102 + 04768657 n 0101 + 00237078 n 0104 + 01008378 n 0101 + 01136519 n 0101 ~ 00404222 v 0000 ~ 00405079 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | bring order and organization to; "Can you help me organize my files?"
00405079 30 v 02 interlock 0 mesh 0 002 @ 00404642 v 0000 + 00140393 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | coordinate in such a way that all parts work together effectively
00405236 30 v 03 centralize 0 centralise 0 concentrate 2 008 @ 00126264 v 0000 ! 00405540 v 0302 + 01015175 n 0202 + 01237872 n 0202 ! 00405540 v 0203 + 01015175 n 0101 + 01237872 n 0101 ! 00405540 v 0101 02 + 01 00 + 08 00 | make central; "The Russian government centralized the distribution of food"
00405540 30 v 03 decentralize 0 deconcentrate 0 decentralise 0 008 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 01238058 n 0302 ! 00405236 v 0203 + 13457181 n 0101 + 01238058 n 0101 ! 00405236 v 0101 ! 00405236 v 0102 ~ 00504464 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 08 00 | make less central; "After the revolution, food distribution was decentralized"
00405853 30 v 02 socialize 0 socialise 0 003 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 01266745 n 0202 + 01266745 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | make conform to socialist ideas and philosophies; "Health care should be socialized!"
00406053 30 v 02 socialize 1 socialise 1 003 @ 00406243 v 0000 + 01128984 n 0202 + 01128984 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | prepare for social life; "Children have to be socialized in school"
00406243 30 v 06 fix 3 prepare 0 set_up 2 ready 0 gear_up 0 set 9 020 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 05674584 n 0601 + 14031523 n 0401 + 01143040 n 0402 + 00126830 a 0202 + 00126830 a 0201 + 14031108 n 0203 + 01143040 n 0201 ~ 00406053 v 0000 ~ 00406963 v 0000 ~ 00407146 v 0000 ~ 00407328 v 0000 ~ 00407458 v 0000 ~ 00407633 v 0000 ~ 00407848 v 0000 ~ 00408272 v 0000 ~ 00408448 v 0000 ~ 00408624 v 0000 ~ 01741446 v 0000 ~ 01806109 v 0000 09 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 + 28 00 + 02 05 + 02 02 | make ready or suitable or equip in advance for a particular purpose or for some use, event, etc; "Get the children ready for school!"; "prepare for war"; "I was fixing to leave town after I paid the hotel bill"
00406963 30 v 01 provide 5 002 @ 00406243 v 0000 + 01894758 a 0101 01 + 22 00 | take measures in preparation for; "provide for the proper care of the passengers on the cruise ship"
00407146 30 v 01 cram 0 005 $ 00605783 v 0000 @ 00406243 v 0000 + 09975806 n 0101 + 08278707 n 0101 + 06414727 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | prepare (students) hastily for an impending exam
00407328 30 v 01 precondition 0 002 @ 00406243 v 0000 + 05892880 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | put into the required condition beforehand
00407458 30 v 01 fix 2 003 @ 00406243 v 0000 ;c 06070503 n 0000 + 00276342 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | kill, preserve, and harden (tissue) in order to prepare for microscopic study
00407633 30 v 01 mount 1 005 @ 00406243 v 0000 + 03792526 n 0101 + 02769460 n 0102 + 10335123 n 0101 + 03793186 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | fix onto a backing, setting, or support; "mount slides for macroscopic analysis"
00407848 30 v 03 set_up 0 lay_out 0 set c 003 @ 00406243 v 0000 + 05674584 n 0301 + 03953743 n 0302 01 + 08 00 | get ready for a particular purpose or event; "set up an experiment"; "set the table"; "lay out the tools for the surgery"
00408085 30 v 03 rig 0 set 6 set_up 3 005 @ 02339413 v 0000 + 04091247 n 0101 + 10530769 n 0101 + 04091247 n 0102 + 04091693 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | equip with sails or masts; "rig a ship"
00408272 30 v 02 winterize 0 winterise 0 003 @ 00406243 v 0000 + 15237782 n 0101 ! 00408448 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | prepare for winter; "winterize cars"; "winterize your houses"
00408448 30 v 02 summerize 0 summerise 0 003 @ 00406243 v 0000 + 15237250 n 0101 ! 00408272 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | prepare for summer; "summerize your car"; "summerize a house"
00408624 30 v 01 prime 0 002 @ 00406243 v 0000 + 03407122 n 0105 05 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 + 21 00 | insert a primer into (a gun, mine, or charge) preparatory to detonation or firing; "prime a cannon"; "prime a mine"
00408852 30 v 02 communize 0 communise 0 007 @ 00411547 v 0000 + 01153139 n 0202 + 08541609 n 0201 + 08375369 n 0201 + 01151788 n 0103 + 08365855 n 0101 + 06214744 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | make into property owned by the state; "The new government communized all banks"
00409119 30 v 02 internationalize 0 internationalise 0 001 @ 00126264 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make international in character; "We internationalized the committee"
00409281 30 v 04 communize 1 communise 1 bolshevize 0 bolshevise 0 010 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 09863936 n 0401 + 09863749 n 0401 + 09863936 n 0301 + 01152973 n 0202 + 08541609 n 0201 + 08375369 n 0201 + 01152973 n 0101 + 08365855 n 0101 + 06214744 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make Communist or bring in accord with Communist principles; "communize the government"
00409643 30 v 02 Americanize 0 Americanise 0 004 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 13429888 n 0202 + 02927512 a 0101 + 13429888 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | become American in character; "After a year in Iowa, he has totally Americanized"
00409869 30 v 02 Europeanize 1 Europeanise 1 003 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 13476440 n 0202 + 13476440 n 0101 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | make (continental) European in customs, character, or ideas
00410055 30 v 02 Europeanize 0 Europeanise 0 001 @ 00126264 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | denationalize and subject (a territory) to the supervision of an agency of a European community of nations
00410244 30 v 02 bestialize 0 bestialise 0 002 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 01263445 a 0102 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | make brutal and depraved; give animal-like qualities to
00410406 30 v 02 Americanize 1 Americanise 1 005 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 13429888 n 0202 + 02927512 a 0101 + 13429888 n 0101 + 09738708 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | make American in character; "The year in the US has completely Americanized him"
00410649 30 v 01 Frenchify 0 002 @ 00146138 v 0000 + 09732903 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | become French in appearance or character; "This restaurant has Frenchified"
00410817 30 v 01 Frenchify 1 002 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 09732903 n 0101 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | make French in appearance or character; "let's Frenchify the restaurant and charge more money"
00411020 30 v 03 modernize 2 modernise 2 develop 9 005 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 00250259 n 0301 + 00264913 n 0202 + 00264913 n 0101 $ 00171852 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | become technologically advanced; "Many countries in Asia are now developing at a very fast pace"; "Viet Nam is modernizing rapidly"
00411312 30 v 02 civilize 1 civilise 1 003 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 13448970 n 0202 + 08111783 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | raise from a barbaric to a civilized state; "The wild child found wandering in the forest was gradually civilized"
00411547 30 v 02 nationalize 0 nationalise 0 006 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 01151788 n 0202 ! 00411792 v 0202 + 01151788 n 0101 ! 00411792 v 0101 ~ 00408852 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | put under state control or ownership; "Mitterand nationalized the banks"
00411792 30 v 02 denationalize 0 denationalise 0 006 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 01152033 n 0202 ! 00411547 v 0202 + 01152033 n 0101 ! 00411547 v 0101 ~ 00412048 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | put under private control or ownership; "The steel industry was denationalized"
00412048 30 v 02 privatize 0 privatise 0 005 @ 00411792 v 0000 ;c 00923444 n 0000 ;c 01094725 n 0000 + 01152033 n 0204 + 01152033 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | change from governmental to private control or ownership; "The oil industry was privatized"
00412292 30 v 02 naturalize 0 naturalise 0 005 @ 00126264 v 0000 * 00413432 v 0000 + 01187620 n 0202 + 01187620 n 0101 ! 00412511 v 0101 01 + 09 00 | make into a citizen; "The French family was naturalized last year"
00412511 30 v 02 denaturalize 0 denaturalise 0 002 @ 00126264 v 0000 ! 00412292 v 0101 01 + 09 00 | strip of the rights and duties of citizenship; "The former Nazi was denaturalized"
00412696 30 v 02 naturalize 1 naturalise 1 004 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 04787324 n 0202 + 04787324 n 0101 ! 00412860 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | make more natural or lifelike
00412860 30 v 02 denaturalize 1 denaturalise 1 002 @ 00126264 v 0000 ! 00412696 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | make less natural or unnatural
00412993 30 v 02 naturalize 2 naturalise 2 003 @ 00299580 v 0000 + 00084642 n 0202 + 00084642 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | adopt to another place; "The stories had become naturalized into an American setting"
00413195 30 v 02 adopt 0 take_in 3 006 @ 02205272 v 0000 + 00055765 a 0101 + 01406263 a 0101 + 09772330 n 0101 + 01185292 n 0101 + 09772448 n 0102 02 + 09 00 + 20 00 | take into one's family; "They adopted two children from Nicaragua"
00413432 30 v 01 immigrate 0 006 @ 01856626 v 0000 * 02005948 v 0000 + 08413834 n 0101 + 00056311 n 0101 + 10199489 n 0101 ! 00416135 v 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | come into a new country and change residency; "Many people immigrated at the beginning of the 20th century"
00413704 30 v 01 immigrate 2 002 @ 02078591 v 0000 + 08413834 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 20 00 | introduce or send as immigrants; "Britain immigrated many colonists to America"
00413876 30 v 02 settle 0 locate 0 009 * 01855606 v 0000 + 01051331 n 0202 + 00027167 n 0201 + 08672562 n 0101 + 08374049 n 0102 + 01252280 n 0103 + 10583387 n 0101 ~ 00414174 v 0000 ~ 00415828 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | take up residence and become established; "The immigrants settled in the Midwest"
00414174 30 v 02 colonize 0 colonise 0 005 @ 00413876 v 0000 + 01252280 n 0202 + 08374049 n 0201 + 01252280 n 0101 + 08374049 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | settle as colonists or establish a colony (in); "The British colonized the East Coast"
00414409 30 v 01 relocate 1 004 $ 00414627 v 0000 @ 01850315 v 0000 + 01252566 n 0102 + 00168658 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | move or establish in a new location; "We had to relocate the office because the rent was too high"
00414627 30 v 01 relocate 0 004 @ 01855606 v 0000 + 01252566 n 0102 + 00168658 n 0102 $ 00414409 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | become established in a new location; "Our company relocated to the Midwest"
00414823 30 v 01 dislocate 1 004 @ 02013571 v 0000 + 14291561 n 0101 + 07367385 n 0101 + 00553362 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | put out of its usual place, position, or relationship; "The colonists displaced the natives"
00415044 30 v 01 settle 1 005 * 01856626 v 0000 + 08672562 n 0101 + 08374049 n 0102 + 10583387 n 0101 ~ 00415231 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | form a community; "The Swedes settled in Minnesota"
00415231 30 v 01 homestead 0 003 @ 00415044 v 0000 + 13249400 n 0101 + 10643218 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | settle land given by the government and occupy it as a homestead
00415398 30 v 05 settle 2 root 2 take_root 1 steady_down 0 settle_down 0 002 @ 00271946 v 0000 ~ 00415635 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | become settled or established and stable in one's residence or life style; "He finally settled down"
00415635 30 v 01 roost 0 001 @ 00415398 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | settle down or stay, as if on a roost
00415743 30 v 01 set_in 0 000 01 + 01 00 | become established; "winter has set in"
00415828 30 v 01 resettle 0 002 @ 00413876 v 0000 + 01252566 n 0101 01 + 22 00 | settle in a new place; "The immigrants had to resettle"
00415967 30 v 01 immigrate 1 002 @ 01856626 v 0000 + 00056311 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | migrate to a new environment; "only few plants can immigrate to the island"
00416135 30 v 01 emigrate 0 006 * 02009433 v 0000 @ 01856626 v 0000 + 00056087 n 0101 + 10051975 n 0101 ! 00413432 v 0101 ~ 00416399 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | leave one's country of residence for a new one; "Many people had to emigrate during the Nazi period"
00416399 30 v 01 expatriate 1 003 @ 00416135 v 0000 + 00056087 n 0103 + 10071332 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | move away from one's native country and adopt a new residence abroad
00416571 30 v 03 steady 0 calm 0 becalm 0 001 @ 00271946 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | make steady; "steady yourself"
00416705 30 v 02 even 1 even_out 0 005 > 00416880 v 0000 @ 00275607 v 0000 ^ 02672540 v 0105 ^ 02672540 v 0106 ^ 02672540 v 0107 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make even or more even
00416880 30 v 02 even 0 even_out 1 001 @ 00126264 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become even or more even; "even out the surface"
00417001 30 v 05 equal 0 match 7 equalize 0 equalise 0 equate 0 012 $ 02672187 v 0000 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 09626238 n 0502 + 13946760 n 0503 + 13874073 n 0501 + 00044673 n 0402 + 03118539 n 0406 + 00044673 n 0301 + 03118539 n 0305 ~ 00417482 v 0000 ~ 00457100 v 0000 ~ 01115190 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make equal, uniform, corresponding, or matching; "let's equalize the duties among all employees in this office"; "The company matched the discount policy of its competitors"
00417482 30 v 02 homologize 0 homologise 0 002 @ 00417001 v 0000 + 04744319 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | make homologous
00417596 30 v 01 stiffen 1 008 > 00418563 v 0000 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 15060825 n 0101 + 13561521 n 0101 ! 00419375 v 0101 ~ 00417856 v 0000 ~ 00417975 v 0000 ~ 00418110 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make stiff or stiffer; "Stiffen the cream by adding gelatine"
00417856 30 v 01 starch 0 002 @ 00417596 v 0000 + 15053867 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | stiffen with starch; "starch clothes"
00417975 30 v 01 buckram 0 002 @ 00417596 v 0000 + 02910542 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | stiffen with or as with buckram; "buckram the skirt"
00418110 30 v 03 rigidify 1 ossify 2 petrify 2 005 @ 00417596 v 0000 + 13528852 n 0201 + 04801763 n 0201 + 05023741 n 0101 + 04660261 n 0102 01 + 11 00 | make rigid and set into a conventional pattern; "rigidify the training schedule"; "ossified teaching methods"; "slogans petrify our thinking"
00418408 30 v 01 rigidify 0 004 @ 00418563 v 0000 + 13561521 n 0103 + 05023741 n 0101 + 13561521 n 0102 01 + 01 00 | become rigid; "The body rigidified"
00418563 30 v 01 stiffen 0 004 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 01025411 n 0101 ! 00419137 v 0101 ~ 00418408 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | become stiff or stiffer; "He stiffened when he saw his boss enter the room"
00418765 30 v 04 stiffen 2 tighten 2 tighten_up 0 constrain 0 001 @ 00233335 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | restrict; "Tighten the rules"; "stiffen the regulations"
00418921 30 v 02 clamp_down a crack_down a 003 @ 00233335 v 0000 + 01148182 n 0201 + 00808967 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | repress or suppress (something regarded as undesirable); "The police clamped down on illegal drugs"
00419137 30 v 03 loosen 0 relax 2 loose 1 005 @ 00223500 v 0000 + 07443210 n 0201 + 07443210 n 0102 + 00147862 n 0101 ! 00418563 v 0101 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | become loose or looser or less tight; "The noose loosened"; "the rope relaxed"
00419375 30 v 02 loosen 1 loose 2 010 > 00419137 v 0000 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 07443210 n 0102 + 00147862 n 0101 ! 00417596 v 0101 ~ 00419685 v 0000 ~ 00421125 v 0000 ~ 00536535 v 0000 ~ 01352528 v 0000 ~ 01352680 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | make loose or looser; "loosen the tension on a rope"
00419685 30 v 02 relax 1 unbend 0 004 @ 00419375 v 0000 + 13549488 n 0101 + 09407043 n 0101 ~ 00419866 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make less taut; "relax the tension on the rope"
00419866 30 v 01 unbrace 1 001 @ 00419685 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove from tension
00419950 30 v 01 tighten 0 005 @ 00109660 v 0000 ~ 00304422 v 0000 ~ 00420549 v 0000 ~ 01387786 v 0000 ~ 01572728 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become tight or tighter; "The rope tightened"
00420132 30 v 02 tighten 1 fasten 0 006 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 00148057 n 0101 ~ 00420337 v 0000 ~ 00420434 v 0000 ~ 01352806 v 0000 ~ 01522052 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make tight or tighter; "Tighten the wire"
00420337 30 v 01 frap 0 001 @ 00420132 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | take up the slack of; "frap a rope"
00420434 30 v 02 tauten 1 firm 1 001 @ 00420132 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make taut or tauter; "tauten a rope"
00420549 30 v 02 tauten 0 firm 0 001 @ 00419950 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become taut or tauter; "Your muscles will firm when you exercise regularly"; "the rope tautened"
00420716 30 v 02 transitivize 0 transitivise 0 003 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 02488705 a 0101 ! 00420909 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make transitive; "adding `out' to many verbs transitivizes them"
00420909 30 v 04 detransitivize 0 detransitivise 0 intransitivize 0 intransitivise 0 002 @ 00126264 v 0000 ! 00420716 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | intransitivize; "removing the object will intransitivize the verbs"
00421125 30 v 02 slacken 1 remit 0 004 > 00421408 v 0000 @ 00419375 v 0000 + 07443210 n 0103 ~ 00421306 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make slack as by lessening tension or firmness
00421306 30 v 02 douse 1 dowse 1 001 @ 00421125 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | slacken; "douse a rope"
00421408 30 v 01 slacken 0 002 @ 00223500 v 0000 ^ 00156485 v 0103 01 + 01 00 | become looser or slack; "the rope slackened"
00421535 30 v 02 absent 0 remove 1 003 @ 00426958 v 0000 + 09757653 n 0101 + 01234345 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 20 00 | go away or leave; "He absented himself"
00421691 30 v 06 evanesce 0 fade 0 blow_over 0 pass_off 1 fleet 0 pass 1 004 @ 00426958 v 0000 + 07292577 n 0601 + 01756940 a 0101 + 07335917 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | disappear gradually; "The pain eventually passed off"
00421917 30 v 02 fade 1 wither 1 003 @ 00426958 v 0000 + 07427060 n 0202 + 07427534 n 0102 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | lose freshness, vigor, or vitality; "Her bloom was fading"
00422090 30 v 01 appear 0 028 + 01618376 a 0101 + 00050484 n 0101 + 07321772 n 0101 + 04673965 n 0101 ! 00426958 v 0101 ~ 00422764 v 0000 ~ 00422899 v 0000 ~ 00423075 v 0000 ~ 00423257 v 0000 ~ 00423430 v 0000 ~ 00423702 v 0000 ~ 00423971 v 0000 ~ 00424499 v 0000 ~ 00424691 v 0000 ~ 00424869 v 0000 ~ 00425522 v 0000 ~ 00425845 v 0000 ~ 00426156 v 0000 ~ 00426301 v 0000 ~ 00426581 v 0000 ~ 00426749 v 0000 ~ 00548266 v 0000 ~ 00584604 v 0000 ~ 00609352 v 0000 ~ 01966501 v 0000 ~ 01991347 v 0000 ~ 02139544 v 0000 ~ 02157519 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | come into sight or view; "He suddenly appeared at the wedding"; "A new star appeared on the horizon"
00422764 30 v 01 peep 0 001 @ 00422090 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | appear as though from hiding; "the new moon peeped through the tree tops"
00422899 30 v 01 erupt 6 002 $ 00548266 v 0000 @ 00422090 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | appear on the skin; "A rash erupted on her arms after she had touched the exotic plant"
00423075 30 v 01 manifest 0 002 @ 00422090 v 0000 + 07323024 n 0103 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | reveal its presence or make an appearance; "the ghost manifests each year on the same day"
00423257 30 v 01 wash_up 0 002 @ 00422090 v 0000 $ 02080482 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | be carried somewhere by water or as if by water; "The body washed up on the beach"
00423430 30 v 02 come_to_light 0 come_to_hand 0 001 @ 00422090 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | be revealed or disclosed; "The truth finally came to light"
00423575 30 v 01 gleam 0 001 @ 00425071 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | appear briefly; "A terrible thought gleamed in her mind"
00423702 30 v 05 come_on 1 come_out 0 turn_up 0 surface 0 show_up 0 002 @ 00422090 v 0000 + 05612809 n 0402 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | appear or become visible; make a showing; "She turned up at the funeral"; "I hope the list key is going to surface again"
00423971 30 v 01 emerge 0 006 @ 00422090 v 0000 + 00050693 n 0102 + 07319909 n 0101 + 00044455 n 0103 ~ 00424224 v 0000 ~ 01513710 v 0000 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | come out into view, as from concealment; "Suddenly, the proprietor emerged from his office"
00424224 30 v 01 burst 2 001 @ 00423971 v 0000 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | emerge suddenly; "The sun burst into view"
00424337 30 v 02 get_on 1 be_on 0 001 @ 00973728 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | appear in a show, on T.V. or radio; "The news won't be on tonight"
00424499 30 v 01 outcrop 0 003 @ 00422090 v 0000 + 09381242 n 0102 + 09381242 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | appear on the surface, come to the surface on the ground; "Big boulders outcropped"
00424691 30 v 01 flash 3 004 @ 00422090 v 0000 + 06682494 n 0103 + 07287088 n 0101 + 07287088 n 0102 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | appear briefly; "The headlines flashed on the screen"
00424869 30 v 01 flash 4 005 @ 00422090 v 0000 + 04953186 n 0101 + 07412092 n 0101 + 02852173 n 0102 + 03358841 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | emit a brief burst of light; "A shooting star flashed and was gone"
00425071 30 v 02 appear 2 come_along 0 005 + 00050484 n 0101 ! 00427397 v 0102 ~ 00423575 v 0000 ~ 00425381 v 0000 ~ 02612368 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | come into being or existence, or appear on the scene; "Then the computer came along and changed our lives"; "Homo sapiens appeared millions of years ago"
00425381 30 v 01 fulminate 1 002 @ 00425071 v 0000 + 01144102 a 0101 01 + 01 00 | come on suddenly and intensely; "the disease fulminated"
00425522 30 v 01 turn_out 0 001 @ 00422090 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | come, usually in answer to an invitation or summons; "How many people turned out that evening?"
00425691 30 v 01 resurface 0 001 @ 00426301 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | appear again; "The missing man suddenly resurfaced in New York"
00425845 30 v 02 basset 0 crop_out 0 001 @ 00422090 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | appear at the surface; "A seam of coal bassets"
00425967 30 v 02 appear 1 come_out 1 001 @ 00344174 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | be issued or published; "Did your latest book appear yet?"; "The new Woody Allen film hasn't come out yet"
00426156 30 v 02 pop_out 1 burst_out 1 001 @ 00422090 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | appear suddenly; "Spring popped up everywhere in the valley"
00426301 30 v 02 reappear 0 re-emerge 0 005 @ 00422090 v 0000 + 07321967 n 0101 + 00050887 n 0101 ~ 00425691 v 0000 ~ 00548153 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | appear again; "The sores reappeared on her body"; "Her husband reappeared after having left her years ago"
00426581 30 v 01 emerge 1 003 @ 00422090 v 0000 + 00050693 n 0102 + 07324673 n 0101 01 + 34 00 | become known or apparent; "Some nice results emerged from the study"
00426749 30 v 02 break_through 0 come_through 0 002 @ 00422090 v 0000 + 00975955 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | penetrate; "The sun broke through the clouds"; "The rescue team broke through the wall in the mine shaft"
00426958 30 v 03 disappear 0 vanish 0 go_away 0 015 + 10746346 n 0201 + 07336104 n 0201 + 00053609 n 0101 + 00053609 n 0102 ! 00422090 v 0101 ~ 00148472 v 0000 ~ 00342314 v 0000 ~ 00354845 v 0000 ~ 00359916 v 0000 ~ 00421535 v 0000 ~ 00421691 v 0000 ~ 00421917 v 0000 ~ 00427558 v 0000 ~ 00427683 v 0000 ~ 00570205 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | get lost, as without warning or explanation; "He disappeared without a trace"
00427397 30 v 02 vanish 2 disappear 2 003 @ 02609764 v 0000 + 00230172 n 0202 ! 00425071 v 0201 01 + 01 00 | cease to exist; "An entire civilization vanished"
00427558 30 v 02 skip_town 0 take_a_powder 0 001 @ 00426958 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | disappear without notifying anyone (idiom)
00427683 30 v 02 die_out 0 die_off 0 001 @ 00426958 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | become extinct; "Dinosaurs died out"
00427802 30 v 02 minimize 0 minimise 0 008 @ 00441445 v 0000 + 00355919 n 0202 + 13763384 n 0201 ! 00428583 v 0202 + 00355919 n 0101 + 13763384 n 0101 ! 00428583 v 0101 ~ 00428067 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make small or insignificant; "Let's minimize the risk"
00428067 30 v 01 hedge 0 002 @ 00427802 v 0000 + 10167838 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | minimize loss or risk; "diversify your financial portfolio to hedge price risks"; "hedge your bets"
00428247 30 v 01 scale_down 0 004 * 00151689 v 0000 @ 00319761 v 0000 @ 00151279 v 0000 ! 00428418 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | reduce proportionally; "The model is scaled down"
00428418 30 v 01 scale_up 0 004 * 00156601 v 0000 @ 00151279 v 0000 @ 00319761 v 0000 ! 00428247 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | increase proportionally; "scale up the model"
00428583 30 v 02 maximize 0 maximise 0 009 @ 00153263 v 0000 + 00367066 n 0202 + 13776137 n 0201 + 05124928 n 0203 ! 00427802 v 0202 + 00367066 n 0101 + 13776137 n 0101 + 05124928 n 0103 ! 00427802 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make as big or large as possible; "Maximize your profits!"
00428870 30 v 02 maximize 1 maximise 1 005 @ 01164273 v 0000 + 13776137 n 0201 + 05124928 n 0203 + 13776137 n 0101 + 05124928 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | make the most of; "He maximized his role"
00429060 30 v 08 reduce 0 cut_down 0 cut_back 1 trim 0 trim_down 0 trim_back 0 cut 6 bring_down 0 019 @ 00441445 v 0000 + 00359903 n 0401 + 00353782 n 0301 + 00050446 a 0101 + 00351638 n 0103 ~ 00316768 v 0000 ~ 00429642 v 0000 ~ 00429763 v 0000 $ 00429968 v 0000 ~ 00430099 v 0000 ~ 00430261 v 0000 ~ 00430370 v 0000 ~ 00430625 v 0000 ~ 00532115 v 0000 ~ 00562303 v 0000 ~ 00562523 v 0000 ~ 00586682 v 0000 ~ 00586973 v 0000 ~ 02349597 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cut down on; make a reduction in; "reduce your daily fat intake"; "The employer wants to cut back health benefits"
00429642 30 v 01 spill 4 002 @ 00429060 v 0000 ;c 00313806 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | reduce the pressure of wind on (a sail)
00429763 30 v 01 quench 4 002 @ 00429060 v 0000 ;c 06090869 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | reduce the degree of (luminescence or phosphorescence) in (excited molecules or a material) by adding a suitable substance
00429968 30 v 01 cut c 002 $ 00429060 v 0000 @ 00441445 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | have a reducing effect; "This cuts into my earnings"
00430099 30 v 01 retrench 0 002 @ 00429060 v 0000 + 00192910 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | make a reduction, as in one's workforce; "The company had to retrench"
00430261 30 v 01 slash 0 001 @ 00429060 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cut drastically; "Prices were slashed"
00430370 30 v 01 thin_out 0 002 @ 00429060 v 0000 ~ 01321002 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make sparse; "thin out the young plants"
00430494 30 v 01 thin_out 1 001 @ 00151689 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become sparser; "Towards the end of town, the houses thinned out"
00430625 30 v 01 thin 1 005 > 00430999 v 0000 @ 00429060 v 0000 + 14835333 n 0103 ! 00431327 v 0101 ~ 00430808 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make thin or thinner; "Thin the solution"
00430808 30 v 01 draw 8 003 $ 00327982 v 0000 $ 00143338 v 0000 @ 00430625 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | reduce the diameter of (a wire or metal rod) by pulling it through a die; "draw wire"
00430999 30 v 01 thin 0 002 @ 00146138 v 0000 ! 00431117 v 0101 01 + 01 00 | lose thickness; become thin or thinner
00431117 30 v 02 thicken 0 inspissate 0 004 @ 00146138 v 0000 + 00357906 n 0202 ! 00430999 v 0101 $ 00431327 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become thick or thicker; "The sauce thickened"; "The egg yolk will inspissate"
00431327 30 v 02 thicken 1 inspissate 1 007 $ 00431117 v 0000 > 00431117 v 0000 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 00357906 n 0202 + 15069820 n 0102 + 00357906 n 0101 ! 00430625 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make thick or thicker; "Thicken the sauce"; "inspissate the tar so that it becomes pitch"
00431610 30 v 02 thicken 2 inspissate 3 005 @ 00140123 v 0000 + 13500557 n 0201 + 00357906 n 0202 + 15069820 n 0102 + 00357906 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make viscous or dense; "thicken the sauce by adding flour"
00431826 30 v 03 decline 0 go_down 0 wane 2 007 @ 00151689 v 0000 + 13470491 n 0303 + 07423001 n 0301 + 13457378 n 0101 ~ 00432061 v 0000 ~ 00432176 v 0000 ~ 00432683 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | grow smaller; "Interest in the project waned"
00432061 30 v 01 dip 1 002 @ 00431826 v 0000 + 13904506 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | go down momentarily; "Prices dipped"
00432176 30 v 01 wear_on 0 001 @ 00431826 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | pass slowly (of time); "The day wore on"
00432281 30 v 01 heighten 2 001 @ 00153263 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make more extreme; raise in quantity, degree, or intensity; "heightened interest"
00432436 30 v 02 heighten 1 rise 2 002 @ 00153263 v 0000 + 07324917 n 0201 01 + 01 00 | become more extreme; "The tension heightened"
00432572 30 v 01 shoot_up 0 001 @ 00156601 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | rise dramatically; "Prices shot up overnight"
00432683 30 v 01 drop 0 004 @ 00431826 v 0000 + 05111835 n 0101 ~ 00432839 v 0000 ~ 00433069 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | go down in value; "Stock prices dropped"
00432839 30 v 03 slump 0 fall_off 0 sink 0 005 @ 00432683 v 0000 + 13556509 n 0204 + 14489113 n 0102 + 13556509 n 0101 $ 01985923 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | fall heavily or suddenly; decline markedly; "The real estate market fell off"
00433069 30 v 01 tumble 0 002 @ 00432683 v 0000 + 00076884 n 0102 01 + 01 00 | fall suddenly and sharply; "Prices tumbled after the devaluation of the currency"
00433232 30 v 04 wax 0 mount 0 climb 0 rise 3 009 @ 00156601 v 0000 + 05068918 n 0402 + 07370410 n 0301 + 00325110 n 0202 + 07370410 n 0203 + 07414566 n 0101 ! 00433933 v 0101 ~ 00155727 v 0000 ~ 00158222 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | go up or advance; "Sales were climbing after prices were lowered"
00433525 30 v 02 wax 1 full 0 003 @ 00156601 v 0000 + 07414566 n 0101 ! 00433778 v 0101 01 + 01 00 | increase in phase; "the moon is waxing"
00433668 30 v 01 full 1 001 @ 00126264 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make (a garment) fuller by pleating or gathering
00433778 30 v 01 wane 1 004 @ 00151689 v 0000 + 13470491 n 0103 + 07423001 n 0101 ! 00433525 v 0101 01 + 01 00 | decrease in phase; "the moon is waning"
00433933 30 v 01 wane 0 003 @ 00151689 v 0000 + 07423001 n 0101 ! 00433232 v 0101 01 + 01 00 | become smaller; "Interest in his novels waned"
00434077 30 v 02 magnify 0 amplify 0 008 @ 00157844 v 0000 + 02705944 n 0201 + 05168890 n 0101 + 05090441 n 0101 + 13822995 n 0101 + 06758835 n 0103 + 03289462 n 0103 + 00367427 n 0101 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | increase in size, volume or significance; "Her terror was magnified in her mind"
00434374 30 v 09 fail 0 go_bad 1 give_way 0 die 4 give_out 0 conk_out 0 go 3 break 5 break_down 0 010 $ 00358431 v 0000 $ 00258665 v 0000 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 07421316 n 0901 + 00708017 a 0801 + 14059663 n 0101 ~ 00434919 v 0000 ~ 00435294 v 0000 ~ 01134653 v 0000 ~ 01525295 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | stop operating or functioning; "The engine finally went"; "The car died on the road"; "The bus we travelled in broke down on the way to town"; "The coffee maker broke"; "The engine failed on the way to town"; "her eyesight went after the accident"
00434919 30 v 02 crash a go_down e 002 @ 00434374 v 0000 + 07478874 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | stop operating; "My computer crashed last night"; "The system goes down at least once a week"
00435103 30 v 02 give_way 1 yield 0 001 @ 00109660 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 22 00 | end resistance, as under pressure or force; "The door yielded to repeated blows with a battering ram"
00435294 30 v 03 blow_out 0 burn_out 0 blow 4 002 @ 00434374 v 0000 + 07318618 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | melt, break, or become otherwise unusable; "The lightbulbs blew out"; "The fuse blew"
00435481 30 v 02 unfurl 0 unroll 0 002 @ 00356258 v 0000 ! 00435688 v 0101 02 + 01 00 + 08 00 | unroll, unfold, or spread out or be unrolled, unfolded, or spread out from a furled state; "unfurl a banner"
00435688 30 v 02 roll_up 0 wrap_up 0 003 @ 00356258 v 0000 ! 00435481 v 0101 $ 00125078 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 08 00 | form a cylinder by rolling; "roll up a banner"
00435853 30 v 02 roll_up 1 furl 0 007 @ 00140967 v 0000 $ 00125078 v 0000 ~ 00436093 v 0000 ~ 00436185 v 0000 ~ 00436304 v 0000 ~ 01214786 v 0000 ~ 01214927 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 08 00 | form into a cylinder by rolling; "Roll up the cloth"
00436093 30 v 01 douse 2 001 @ 00435853 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | lower quickly; "douse a sail"
00436185 30 v 01 reef 0 001 @ 00435853 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | roll up (a portion of a sail) in order to reduce its area
00436304 30 v 01 bolt 0 001 @ 00435853 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | make or roll into bolts; "bolt fabric"
00436404 30 v 03 diversify 0 branch_out 0 broaden 5 006 @ 00123170 v 0000 + 04735711 n 0101 + 14575180 n 0101 + 00195569 n 0101 ! 00437449 v 0101 ! 00437449 v 0102 03 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 08 00 | vary in order to spread risk or to expand; "The company diversified"
00436668 30 v 02 diversify 3 radiate 5 003 @ 00123170 v 0000 + 07439883 n 0201 + 14575180 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | spread into new habitats and produce variety or variegate; "The plants on this island diversified"
00436879 30 v 03 vary 4 variegate 0 motley 1 007 @ 00437125 v 0000 + 08398773 n 030a + 00195569 n 0202 + 02507515 a 0102 + 02505415 a 0101 + 00195194 n 0101 ~ 00437322 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make something more diverse and varied; "Vary the menu"
00437125 30 v 01 diversify 2 005 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 04751305 n 0102 + 14575180 n 0101 + 00195569 n 0101 ~ 00436879 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make (more) diverse; "diversify a course of study"
00437322 30 v 02 checker 0 chequer 0 001 @ 00436879 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | variegate with different colors, shades, or patterns
00437449 30 v 04 specialize 0 specialise 0 narrow 5 narrow_down 1 004 @ 00123170 v 0000 ! 00436404 v 0201 ! 00436404 v 0101 ~ 00437976 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | become more focus on an area of activity or field of study; "She specializes in Near Eastern history"
00437732 30 v 02 specialize 1 specialise 1 003 @ 00169806 v 0000 + 00583747 n 0202 + 00583747 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | suit to a special purpose; "specialize one's research"; "this kind of beak has become specialized in certain Galapagos finches"
00437976 30 v 02 overspecialize 0 overspecialise 0 001 @ 00437449 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | become overly specialized; "She overspecialized when she concentrated on verbs in Fijian"
00438178 30 v 04 accelerate 0 speed_up 0 speed 0 quicken 1 010 @ 00226566 v 0000 + 00330457 n 0402 + 00330160 n 0301 + 15282696 n 0301 + 05058140 n 0301 + 00330457 n 0203 + 02535161 a 0102 + 02535161 a 0101 ! 00439958 v 0101 ~ 00205766 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | move faster; "The car accelerated"
00438495 30 v 02 decelerate 1 slow_down 2 007 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 01067577 n 0201 + 05061345 n 0101 ! 00439343 v 0101 ~ 00198710 v 0000 ~ 00438752 v 0000 ~ 00439199 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | reduce the speed of; "He slowed down the car"
00438752 30 v 01 retard 1 003 @ 00438495 v 0000 + 09408250 n 0103 ~ 00438954 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 10 00 | cause to move more slowly or operate at a slower rate; "This drug will retard your heart rate"
00438954 30 v 01 deaden 2 001 @ 00438752 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | lessen the momentum or velocity of; "deaden a ship's headway"
00439087 30 v 01 deaden 3 001 @ 00126264 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | make vapid or deprive of spirit; "deadened wine"
00439199 30 v 01 fishtail 0 001 @ 00438495 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | slow down by moving the tail sideways; "The airplane fishtailed on the runway"
00439343 30 v 03 accelerate 1 speed 2 speed_up 1 012 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 00330457 n 0303 + 00330160 n 0201 + 15282696 n 0201 + 05058140 n 0201 + 02535161 a 0102 + 02535161 a 0101 + 05060783 n 0101 + 00330457 n 0101 + 02670683 n 0101 + 02670186 n 0101 ! 00438495 v 0101 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | cause to move faster; "He accelerated the car"
00439698 30 v 02 rev_up 0 rev 0 002 @ 00153263 v 0000 + 15281870 n 0203 01 + 08 00 | increase the number of rotations per minute; "rev up an engine"
00439849 30 v 02 rev_up 1 step_up 1 001 @ 00153263 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | speed up; "let's rev up production"
00439958 30 v 05 decelerate 0 slow 0 slow_down 0 slow_up 1 retard 0 009 @ 00151689 v 0000 + 05061345 n 0503 + 01067577 n 0503 + 01067577 n 0301 + 05061345 n 0202 + 05061345 n 0101 ! 00438178 v 0101 ~ 00440786 v 0000 ~ 00459776 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | lose velocity; move more slowly; "The car decelerated"
00440286 30 v 03 check 2 retard 7 delay 5 007 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 15272029 n 0301 + 01066163 n 0301 + 10197525 n 0207 + 05646218 n 0201 ~ 00390459 v 0000 ~ 00460900 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | slow the growth or development of; "The brain damage will retard the child's language development"
00440580 30 v 05 slow 1 slow_down 1 slow_up 3 slack 5 slacken 2 004 @ 00223500 v 0000 + 13556509 n 0402 + 01067577 n 0201 + 05061345 n 0102 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | become slow or slower; "Production slowed"
00440786 30 v 03 slow 5 slow_down 4 slow_up 2 004 @ 00439958 v 0000 + 01067577 n 0201 ~ 00363916 v 0000 ~ 00441007 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | cause to proceed more slowly; "The illness slowed him down"
00441007 30 v 02 clog 0 constipate 1 001 @ 00440786 v 0000 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | impede with a clog or as if with a clog; "The market is being clogged by these operations"; "My mind is constipated today"
00441212 30 v 04 slack 3 slacken 3 slack_up 0 relax 5 003 @ 00441445 v 0000 + 07443210 n 0401 + 13556509 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make less active or fast; "He slackened his pace as he got tired"; "Don't relax your efforts now"
00441445 30 v 03 decrease 1 lessen 2 minify 0 018 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 07355887 n 0101 ! 00153263 v 0101 ~ 00153964 v 0000 ~ 00198850 v 0000 ~ 00233089 v 0000 ~ 00235368 v 0000 ~ 00236999 v 0000 ~ 00241038 v 0000 ~ 00243900 v 0000 ~ 00245289 v 0000 ~ 00267855 v 0000 ~ 00290740 v 0000 ~ 00427802 v 0000 ~ 00429060 v 0000 ~ 00429968 v 0000 ~ 00441212 v 0000 ~ 00441881 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make smaller; "He decreased his staff"
00441881 30 v 02 diminish 4 belittle 0 001 @ 00441445 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | lessen the authority, dignity, or reputation of; "don't belittle your colleagues"
00442063 30 v 02 quicken 0 invigorate 1 004 @ 00503164 v 0000 + 04631700 n 0203 + 01048466 n 0202 + 09402704 n 0101 03 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | give life or energy to; "The cold water invigorated him"
00442267 30 v 04 gasify 0 vaporize 0 vaporise 0 aerify 0 015 @ 00140123 v 0000 + 14841267 n 0401 + 13572436 n 0302 + 15055633 n 0301 + 13572436 n 0303 + 02519813 a 0204 + 13572436 n 0201 + 15055633 n 0201 + 13572436 n 0203 + 13486270 n 0101 + 14960090 n 0102 + 14686913 n 0103 + 14877585 n 0101 + 14481080 n 0101 ~ 00366020 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | turn into gas; "The substance gasified"
00442669 30 v 03 jell 0 set 7 congeal 0 003 @ 00445169 v 0000 + 13451508 n 0302 + 13491060 n 0204 01 + 01 00 | become gelatinous; "the liquid jelled after we added the enzyme"
00442847 30 v 01 curdle 1 002 @ 00457998 v 0000 + 13454479 n 0101 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | turn from a liquid to a solid mass; "his blood curdled"
00443000 30 v 01 curdle 2 002 @ 00210259 v 0000 + 13454479 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | go bad or sour; "The milk curdled"
00443116 30 v 02 harden 0 indurate 0 009 $ 00443384 v 0000 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 14110411 n 0202 + 13491060 n 0101 ! 00254867 v 0101 ~ 00255079 v 0000 ~ 00255752 v 0000 ~ 00498988 v 0000 ~ 00527935 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | become hard or harder; "The wax hardened"
00443384 30 v 02 harden 1 indurate 1 009 > 00443116 v 0000 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 14110411 n 0202 + 00402789 n 0101 ! 00255389 v 0101 ~ 00255654 v 0000 ~ 00255880 v 0000 ~ 00303056 v 0000 $ 00443116 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | make hard or harder; "The cold hardened the butter"
00443670 30 v 04 crystallize 0 crystalize 0 crystalise 0 effloresce 1 010 @ 00445169 v 0000 + 14879750 n 0205 + 14883206 n 0201 + 09260466 n 0201 + 11410298 n 0101 + 09260466 n 0102 + 11410298 n 0103 + 14879750 n 0105 + 14883206 n 0101 ~ 00505717 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | assume crystalline form; become crystallized
00443984 30 v 03 liquefy 0 flux 1 liquify 0 011 @ 00140123 v 0000 ;c 06090869 n 0000 + 02261985 a 0302 + 14940100 n 0301 + 14480420 n 0301 + 07407970 n 0201 + 02261985 a 0101 + 13508651 n 0101 ~ 00364868 v 0000 ~ 00376106 v 0000 ~ 00397192 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become liquid or fluid when heated; "the frozen fat liquefied"
00444309 30 v 04 liquefy 1 liquify 1 liquidize 0 liquidise 0 009 @ 00126264 v 0000 ;c 06090869 n 0000 + 02850732 n 0402 + 02850732 n 0302 + 02261985 a 0202 + 14940100 n 0201 + 14480420 n 0201 + 02261985 a 0101 + 13508651 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make (a solid substance) liquid, as by heating; "liquefy the silver"
00444629 30 v 03 melt 1 run 0 melt_down 0 007 @ 00447309 v 0000 + 02265594 a 0101 + 13566535 n 0102 + 13566535 n 0104 ~ 00396997 v 0000 ~ 00444975 v 0000 $ 02060792 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | reduce or cause to be reduced from a solid to a liquid state, usually by heating; "melt butter"; "melt down gold"; "The wax melted in the sun"
00444975 30 v 02 try 0 render 4 002 @ 00444629 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | melt (fat or lard) in order to separate out impurities; "try the yak butter"; "render fat in a casserole"
00445169 30 v 01 solidify 0 011 @ 00140123 v 0000 ;c 06090869 n 0000 + 13491060 n 0103 + 15046900 n 0101 + 14480772 n 0101 + 13860793 n 0101 + 13491060 n 0102 ~ 00165789 v 0000 ~ 00442669 v 0000 ~ 00443670 v 0000 ~ 00445711 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become solid; "The metal solidified when it cooled"
00445467 30 v 01 solidify 1 008 > 00445169 v 0000 @ 00140123 v 0000 ;c 06090869 n 0000 + 13491060 n 0103 + 14480772 n 0101 + 13491060 n 0102 ~ 00165618 v 0000 ~ 00374534 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make solid or more solid; cause to solidify
00445711 30 v 03 freeze 4 freeze_out 0 freeze_down 0 004 @ 00445169 v 0000 ;c 06090869 n 0000 + 13484644 n 0102 $ 00374135 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | change from a liquid to a solid when cold; "Water freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit"
00445940 30 v 04 crystallize 1 crystallise 1 crystalize 1 crystalise 1 012 > 00443670 v 0000 @ 00140123 v 0000 ;c 06090869 n 0000 + 14879750 n 0305 + 14883206 n 0301 + 09260466 n 0301 + 11410298 n 0202 + 11410298 n 0101 + 09260466 n 0102 + 11410298 n 0103 + 14879750 n 0105 + 14883206 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to form crystals or assume crystalline form; "crystallize minerals"
00446329 30 v 01 dissolve 0 004 @ 00397576 v 0000 + 13468094 n 0102 + 15047313 n 0103 + 13468094 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | pass into a solution; "The sugar quickly dissolved in the coffee"
00446514 30 v 01 solvate 0 005 @ 00146138 v 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 15047988 n 0101 + 15047313 n 0101 + 13558125 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | undergo solvation or convert into a solvate
00446695 30 v 01 solvate 1 006 > 00446514 v 0000 @ 00126264 v 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 15047988 n 0101 + 15047313 n 0101 + 13558125 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | cause a solvation in (a substance)
00446885 30 v 01 react 0 006 @ 00146138 v 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 01928608 a 0101 + 13447361 n 0102 + 14694765 n 0101 ~ 00525674 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | undergo a chemical reaction; react with another substance under certain conditions; "The hydrogen and the oxygen react"
00447158 30 v 01 build 2 003 @ 00205885 v 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 15097209 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | improve the cleansing action of; "build detergents"
00447309 30 v 03 dissolve 1 resolve 7 break_up 3 009 > 00446329 v 0000 @ 00140123 v 0000 + 15047313 n 0205 + 13468094 n 0102 + 15047313 n 0102 + 15047313 n 0103 + 13468094 n 0101 ~ 00444629 v 0000 ~ 00447654 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to go into a solution; "The recipe says that we should dissolve a cup of sugar in two cups of water"
00447654 30 v 01 cut f 001 @ 00447309 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | dissolve by breaking down the fat of; "soap cuts grease"
00447771 30 v 03 dissolve 3 fade_out 0 fade_away 0 004 @ 00146138 v 0000 + 07336214 n 0202 + 06618035 n 0101 $ 00447950 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become weaker; "The sound faded out"
00447950 30 v 01 dissolve b 003 $ 00447771 v 0000 @ 00126264 v 0000 ~ 00448110 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to fade away; "dissolve a shot or a picture"
00448110 30 v 01 etch 3 001 @ 00447950 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | selectively dissolve the surface of (a semiconductor or printed circuit) with a solvent, laser, or stream of electrons
00448290 30 v 01 validate 0 002 @ 00126264 v 0000 ! 00448440 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make valid or confirm the validity of; "validate a ticket"
00448440 30 v 03 invalidate 0 void 0 vitiate 0 005 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 00233212 n 0301 + 01760293 a 0202 + 01240979 n 0102 ! 00448290 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | take away the legal force of or render ineffective; "invalidate a contract"
00448680 30 v 02 empty 0 discharge 0 004 @ 00146138 v 0000 + 03284308 n 0101 ! 00451838 v 0101 ~ 00449011 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become empty or void of its content; "The room emptied"
00448864 30 v 02 clean_out 0 clear_out 0 002 @ 00449692 v 0000 ~ 00526895 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | empty completely; "We cleaned out all the drawers"
00449011 30 v 02 flow_away 0 flow_off 0 001 @ 00448680 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | flow off or away gradually; "The water flowed off from the pipe"
00449153 30 v 01 bleed 0 001 @ 00449692 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | drain of liquid or steam; "bleed the radiators"; "the mechanic bled the engine"
00449295 30 v 01 evacuate 0 002 @ 00449692 v 0000 + 00395797 n 0103 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | empty completely; "evacuate the bottle"
00449426 30 v 02 bail_out 0 bale_out 0 001 @ 00173338 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove (water) from a boat by dipping and throwing over the side
00449567 30 v 01 evacuate 1 001 @ 00449692 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | create a vacuum in (a bulb, flask, reaction vessel)
00449692 30 v 01 empty 1 019 > 00448680 v 0000 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 03284308 n 0101 + 00395797 n 0101 ! 00452512 v 0101 ~ 00177136 v 0000 ~ 00448864 v 0000 ~ 00449153 v 0000 ~ 00449295 v 0000 ~ 00449567 v 0000 ~ 00450168 v 0000 ~ 00450303 v 0000 ~ 00450565 v 0000 ~ 00450863 v 0000 ~ 00450997 v 0000 ~ 00451153 v 0000 ~ 00451648 v 0000 ~ 01282545 v 0000 ~ 01591012 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make void or empty of contents; "Empty the box"; "The alarm emptied the building"
00450168 30 v 01 eviscerate 2 002 @ 00449692 v 0000 ;c 00612160 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove the contents of; "eviscerate the stomach"
00450303 30 v 01 void 4 002 @ 00449692 v 0000 + 13910116 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | clear (a room, house, place) of occupants or empty or clear (a place or receptacle) of something; "The chemist voided the glass bottle"; "The concert hall was voided of the audience"
00450565 30 v 01 clear a 002 @ 00449692 v 0000 $ 00450691 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove the occupants of; "Clear the building"
00450691 30 v 01 clear b 002 $ 00450565 v 0000 @ 02404904 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | remove (people) from a building; "clear the patrons from the theater after the bomb threat"
00450863 30 v 01 clear c 002 @ 00449692 v 0000 ;c 06128570 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | rid of instructions or data; "clear a memory buffer"
00450997 30 v 01 exhaust 0 002 @ 00449692 v 0000 + 00356621 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | use up the whole supply of; "We have exhausted the food supplies"
00451153 30 v 01 knock_out 2 001 @ 00449692 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | empty (as of tobacco) by knocking out; "knocked out a pipe"
00451279 30 v 01 populate 2 003 @ 00452512 v 0000 + 01257969 n 0101 ~ 00451461 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | fill with inhabitants; "populate the forest with deer and wild boar for hunting"
00451461 30 v 01 people 0 004 @ 00451279 v 0000 + 08180190 n 0105 + 08160276 n 0102 + 07942152 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | fill with people; "Stalin wanted to people the empty steppes"
00451648 30 v 01 drain 1 004 @ 00449692 v 0000 + 00396029 n 0102 + 03231912 n 0101 + 00396029 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | empty of liquid; drain the liquid from; "We drained the oil tank"
00451838 30 v 02 fill 0 fill_up 1 007 @ 00146138 v 0000 + 14868243 n 0102 + 13480541 n 0101 ! 00448680 v 0101 ~ 00452098 v 0000 ~ 00452220 v 0000 ~ 00452394 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become full; "The pool slowly filled with water"; "The theater filled up slowly"
00452098 30 v 01 water 4 002 @ 00451838 v 0000 + 13505843 n 0104 01 + 01 00 | fill with tears; "His eyes were watering"
00452220 30 v 01 flood 1 003 @ 00451838 v 0000 + 01257542 n 0101 + 11454591 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | become filled to overflowing; "Our basement flooded during the heavy rains"
00452394 30 v 01 rack_up 0 001 @ 00451838 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | supply a rack with feed for (horses or other animals)
00452512 30 v 03 fill 1 fill_up 0 make_full 0 034 > 00451838 v 0000 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 14868243 n 0102 + 06676254 n 0101 + 03714721 n 0102 + 03338009 n 0101 + 00402535 n 0101 ! 00449692 v 0101 ^ 01695567 v 0102 ^ 01194938 v 0104 ~ 00181875 v 0000 ~ 00182037 v 0000 ~ 00182269 v 0000 ~ 00320681 v 0000 ~ 00321148 v 0000 ~ 00321486 v 0000 ~ 00451279 v 0000 ~ 00453294 v 0000 ~ 00453424 v 0000 ~ 00453554 v 0000 ~ 00453680 v 0000 ~ 00453803 v 0000 ~ 00454018 v 0000 ~ 00454135 v 0000 ~ 00455750 v 0000 ~ 00497705 v 0000 ~ 00498299 v 0000 ~ 00506040 v 0000 ~ 01484982 v 0000 ~ 01488714 v 0000 ~ 01489989 v 0000 ~ 01490336 v 0000 ~ 01524523 v 0000 ~ 02086963 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 31 00 | make full, also in a metaphorical sense; "fill a container"; "fill the child with pride"
00453294 30 v 01 top_off c 001 @ 00452512 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | fill to the point of almost overflowing; "She topped off the cup"
00453424 30 v 01 heap 0 002 @ 00452512 v 0000 + 13774404 n 0107 01 + 08 00 | fill to overflow; "heap the platter with potatoes"
00453554 30 v 01 overfill 0 001 @ 00452512 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 31 00 | fill beyond capacity; "overfill the baskets"
00453680 30 v 01 ink 0 003 @ 00452512 v 0000 + 14917635 n 0101 ~ 00509228 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | fill with ink; "ink a pen"
00453803 30 v 03 replenish 0 refill 0 fill_again 0 003 @ 00452512 v 0000 + 13547925 n 0201 + 13547925 n 0102 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 31 00 | fill something that had previously been emptied; "refill my glass, please"
00454018 30 v 01 prime 1 001 @ 00452512 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | fill with priming liquid; "prime a car engine"
00454135 30 v 01 line 0 001 @ 00452512 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 21 00 | fill plentifully; "line one's pockets"
00454251 30 v 02 suffuse 1 perfuse 0 003 @ 00454868 v 0000 + 00469468 a 0101 + 13534954 n 0103 02 + 11 00 + 21 00 | cause to spread or flush or flood through, over, or across; "The sky was suffused with a warm pink color"
00454475 30 v 01 perfuse 1 002 @ 00454868 v 0000 + 00324233 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | force a fluid through (a body part or tissue); "perfuse a liver with a salt solution"
00454651 30 v 01 suffuse 0 003 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 00469468 a 0101 + 13534954 n 0103 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | to become overspread as with a fluid, a colour, a gleam of light; "His whole frame suffused with a cold dew"
00454868 30 v 01 flush 3 005 > 02066939 v 0000 @ 00228236 v 0000 + 07439570 n 0101 ~ 00454251 v 0000 ~ 00454475 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to flow or flood with or as if with water; "flush the meadows"
00455079 30 v 02 wash_down 0 flush_down 0 001 @ 00455212 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | flow freely; "The body washed down the river"
00455212 30 v 01 flush 0 003 @ 02066939 v 0000 + 07439570 n 0101 ~ 00455079 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | flow freely; "The garbage flushed down the river"
00455368 30 v 02 sluice 1 flush 2 003 @ 00216216 v 0000 + 07439570 n 0201 + 04244379 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | irrigate with water from a sluice; "sluice the earth"
00455529 30 v 03 flush 1 scour 0 purge 3 003 @ 01536168 v 0000 + 00252430 n 0301 + 08647457 n 0201 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | rinse, clean, or empty with a liquid; "flush the wound with antibiotics"; "purge the old gas tank"
00455750 30 v 01 complete 0 001 @ 00452512 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | bring to a whole, with all the necessary parts or elements; "A child would complete the family"
00455919 30 v 01 complement 2 002 @ 02673134 v 0000 + 05109511 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make complete or perfect; supply what is wanting or form the complement to; "I need some pepper to complement the sweet touch in the soup"
00456151 30 v 02 soak 0 imbue 1 004 @ 00497705 v 0000 + 13557158 n 0101 ~ 00327362 v 0000 ~ 00327813 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 21 00 | fill, soak, or imbue totally; "soak the bandage with disinfectant"
00456357 30 v 01 saturate 1 003 @ 00126264 v 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 00402671 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause (a chemical compound, vapour, solution, magnetic material) to unite with the greatest possible amount of another substance
00456596 30 v 01 match 0 003 $ 00456740 v 0000 @ 00150287 v 0000 + 05696020 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | be equal or harmonize; "The two pieces match"
00456740 30 v 02 match 1 fit 0 005 @ 00296178 v 0000 + 07369604 n 0203 + 05696020 n 0101 $ 00456596 v 0000 ~ 02673134 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make correspond or harmonize; "Match my sweater"
00456937 30 v 01 service 0 002 @ 00295966 v 0000 + 00268112 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | make fit for use; "service my truck"; "the washing machine needs to be serviced"
00457100 30 v 02 homogenize 1 homogenise 1 004 $ 00457327 v 0000 @ 00417001 v 0000 + 00380994 n 0202 + 00380994 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to become equal or homogeneous as by mixing; "homogenize the main ingredients"
00457327 30 v 02 homogenize 0 homogenise 0 005 @ 00146138 v 0000 + 00380994 n 0202 + 00380994 n 0101 $ 00457100 v 0000 ! 00457770 v 0201 01 + 01 00 | become homogeneous or similar, as by mixing; "The two liquids homogenized in the blender"
00457569 30 v 02 homogenize 2 homogenise 2 005 @ 00146138 v 0000 + 00380994 n 0202 ! 00457770 v 0201 + 00380994 n 0101 ! 00457770 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | break up the fat globules of; "homogenized milk"
00457770 30 v 03 curdle 0 clabber 0 clot 0 007 @ 00146138 v 0000 + 13454479 n 0302 + 07850219 n 0201 + 13454479 n 0101 ! 00457569 v 0101 ! 00457327 v 0102 ! 00457569 v 0102 02 + 01 00 + 11 00 | turn into curds; "curdled milk"
00457998 30 v 02 clot 1 coagulate 0 008 @ 00146138 v 0000 + 05402091 n 0202 + 13454479 n 0203 + 14815728 n 0201 + 14815728 n 0202 + 05402091 n 0101 + 13454479 n 0102 ~ 00442847 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 11 00 | change from a liquid to a thickened or solid state; "coagulated blood"
00458276 30 v 02 clot 2 coagulate 1 004 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 05402091 n 0202 + 13454479 n 0203 + 05402091 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to change from a liquid to a solid or thickened state
00458471 30 v 04 sour 1 turn 1 ferment 0 work d 006 $ 00458754 v 0000 @ 00146138 v 0000 + 13575433 n 0303 + 14738752 n 0301 + 13575433 n 0305 + 13559409 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | go sour or spoil; "The milk has soured"; "The wine worked"; "The cream has turned--we have to throw it out"
00458754 30 v 02 ferment 1 work e 008 > 00458471 v 0000 @ 00115157 v 0000 + 13575433 n 0103 + 14738752 n 0101 + 13575433 n 0105 + 13575433 n 0104 $ 00458471 v 0000 ~ 00459114 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to undergo fermentation; "We ferment the grapes for a very long time to achieve high alcohol content"; "The vintner worked the wine in big oak vats"
00459114 30 v 01 vinify 0 004 @ 00458754 v 0000 ;c 01126564 n 0000 + 13573666 n 0101 + 07891726 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | convert a juice into wine by fermentation; "vinify grape juice"
00459296 30 v 02 rush 1 hurry 1 005 > 00459498 v 0000 @ 00765649 v 0000 + 14451189 n 0201 + 00555648 n 0103 ! 00459776 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | urge to an unnatural speed; "Don't rush me, please!"
00459498 30 v 05 rush 0 hasten 0 hurry 0 look_sharp 0 festinate 0 007 @ 02367363 v 0000 + 14313154 n 0501 + 05060189 n 0303 + 07436352 n 0101 + 00555648 n 0103 + 10543795 n 0101 + 00555648 n 0104 01 + 02 00 | act or move at high speed; "We have to rush!"; "hurry--it's late!"
00459776 30 v 03 delay 0 detain 0 hold_up 0 008 @ 00439958 v 0000 + 01066163 n 0302 + 01066163 n 0101 ! 00459296 v 0101 ~ 00460132 v 0000 ~ 00460357 v 0000 ~ 00460555 v 0000 ~ 00460759 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | cause to be slowed down or delayed; "Traffic was delayed by the bad weather"; "she delayed the work that she didn't want to perform"
00460132 30 v 01 stonewall 0 002 @ 00459776 v 0000 + 10659571 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | engage in delaying tactics or refuse to cooperate; "The President stonewalled when he realized the plot was being uncovered by a journalist"
00460357 30 v 01 catch d 002 @ 00459776 v 0000 $ 01328012 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | delay or hold up; prevent from proceeding on schedule or as planned; "I was caught in traffic and missed the meeting"
00460555 30 v 01 stall 0 003 @ 00459776 v 0000 + 01075725 n 0101 + 01075725 n 0102 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | deliberately delay an event or action; "she doesn't want to write the report, so she is stalling"
00460759 30 v 01 buy_time 0 001 @ 00459776 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | act so as to delay an event or action in order to gain an advantage
00460900 30 v 03 stay 1 detain 1 delay 1 003 @ 00440286 v 0000 + 01066163 n 0301 + 06542267 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | stop or halt; "Please stay the bloodshed!"
00461057 30 v 01 hush 2 002 @ 00228236 v 0000 ;c 00922327 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | run water over the ground to erode (soil), revealing the underlying strata and valuable minerals
00461234 30 v 01 hush 3 002 @ 00036362 v 0000 ;c 00922327 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | wash by removing particles; "Wash ores"
00461354 30 v 01 hush 0 002 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 04982478 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | become quiet or still; fall silent; "hush my baby!"
00461493 30 v 06 hush 1 quieten 0 silence 0 still 0 shut_up 0 hush_up 0 016 > 00461354 v 0000 $ 02190188 v 0000 @ 00462092 v 0000 + 04982478 n 0403 + 04651974 n 0302 + 04982207 n 0301 + 13925550 n 0301 + 04218773 n 0301 + 04218564 n 0301 ! 00461956 v 0201 + 04982478 n 0101 ^ 02148109 v 0104 ~ 00390741 v 0000 ~ 00558061 v 0000 ~ 01809784 v 0000 ~ 02190943 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | cause to be quiet or not talk; "Please silence the children in the church!"
00461956 30 v 01 louden 0 003 @ 00126264 v 0000 ! 00461493 v 0102 $ 02190477 v 0000 03 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | cause to become loud
00462092 30 v 06 suppress 0 stamp_down 0 inhibit 0 subdue 1 conquer 0 curb 1 020 @ 02510337 v 0000 + 09956578 n 0501 + 00089027 n 0502 + 10668450 n 0401 + 00201923 n 0302 + 01070892 n 0301 + 02005065 a 0101 + 01079604 n 0101 + 01147950 n 0101 + 04361641 n 0102 + 10678472 n 0102 + 10678472 n 0101 ~ 00008435 v 0000 ~ 00390842 v 0000 ~ 00391417 v 0000 ~ 00461493 v 0000 ~ 00462894 v 0000 ~ 00463007 v 0000 ~ 00463234 v 0000 ~ 01568630 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | to put down by force or authority; "suppress a nascent uprising"; "stamp down on littering"; "conquer one's desires"
00462689 30 v 01 inhibit 1 003 @ 00233335 v 0000 + 02004176 a 0101 + 14724436 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | limit the range or extent of; "Contact between the young was inhibited by strict social customs"
00462894 30 v 01 burke 0 001 @ 00462092 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | get rid of, silence, or suppress; "burke an issue"
00463007 30 v 01 silence 2 002 @ 00462092 v 0000 + 04652177 n 0103 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | keep from expression, for example by threats or pressure; "All dissenters were silenced when the dictator assumed power"
00463234 30 v 03 squelch 0 quell 0 quench 1 005 @ 00462092 v 0000 + 01079604 n 0203 + 06716796 n 0102 + 06716796 n 0103 + 04293258 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | suppress or crush completely; "squelch any sign of dissent"; "quench a rebellion"
00463469 30 v 02 flatten 0 flatten_out 0 003 @ 00140967 v 0000 ~ 00463633 v 0000 ~ 01390616 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become flat or flatter; "The landscape flattened"
00463633 30 v 01 splat 1 002 @ 00463469 v 0000 + 07395303 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | flatten on impact; "The snowballs splatted on the trees"
00463778 30 v 01 flatten 1 005 @ 00142191 v 0000 ~ 00464006 v 0000 ~ 00464173 v 0000 ~ 01391280 v 0000 ~ 01391538 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make flat or flatter; "flatten a road"; "flatten your stomach with these exercises"
00464006 30 v 02 steamroll 0 steamroller 0 002 @ 00463778 v 0000 + 04310157 n 0201 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make level or flat with a steamroller; "steamroll the roads"
00464173 30 v 01 splat 0 002 @ 00463778 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | split open and flatten for cooking; "splat fish over an open fire"
00464321 30 v 04 align 0 aline 0 line_up 0 adjust 5 009 @ 00468791 v 0000 + 05077146 n 0101 ! 00466484 v 0101 ~ 00464687 v 0000 ~ 00464828 v 0000 ~ 00465145 v 0000 ~ 00465291 v 0000 ~ 00465461 v 0000 ~ 00731789 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | place in a line or arrange so as to be parallel or straight; "align the car with the curb"; "align the sheets of paper on the table"
00464687 30 v 01 address 0 002 @ 00464321 v 0000 ;c 00464894 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | adjust and aim (a golf ball) at in preparation of hitting
00464828 30 v 02 synchronize 3 synchronise 3 002 @ 00464321 v 0000 $ 00464996 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cause to indicate the same time or rate; "synchronize your watches"
00464996 30 v 02 synchronize 1 synchronise 1 002 $ 00464828 v 0000 @ 01224744 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | operate simultaneously; "The clocks synchronize"
00465145 30 v 02 realign 0 realine 0 001 @ 00464321 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | align anew or better; "The surgeon realigned my jaw after the accident"
00465291 30 v 02 true 0 true_up 0 002 @ 00464321 v 0000 + 05077348 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | make level, square, balanced, or concentric; "true up the cylinder of an engine"
00465461 30 v 01 collimate 0 004 @ 00464321 v 0000 ;c 06100778 n 0000 + 01000276 n 0101 + 03070854 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | adjust the line of sight of (an optical instrument)
00465634 30 v 01 plumb 0 002 @ 00296178 v 0000 + 03968728 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | adjust with a plumb line so as to make vertical
00465762 30 v 04 dislocate 0 luxate 0 splay 0 slip 3 006 @ 01850315 v 0000 + 00329031 n 0402 + 00328885 n 0401 + 07445010 n 0201 + 14291561 n 0101 + 07367385 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | move out of position; "dislocate joints"; "the artificial hip joint luxated and had to be put back surgically"
00466053 30 v 03 align 1 ordinate 0 coordinate 1 004 @ 00296178 v 0000 + 00807273 n 0301 + 01000068 n 0101 ~ 00466327 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | bring (components or parts) into proper or desirable coordination correlation; "align the wheels of my car"; "ordinate similar parts"
00466327 30 v 01 misalign 0 002 @ 00466053 v 0000 + 05077524 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | align imperfectly or badly; "the elements of the turbine were misaligned"
00466484 30 v 01 skew 0 002 @ 00468791 v 0000 ! 00464321 v 0101 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | turn or place at an angle; "the lines on the sheet of paper are skewed"
00466651 30 v 02 integrate 0 incorporate 0 011 @ 01461328 v 0000 + 01238267 n 0201 + 00373278 n 0201 + 00334940 a 0102 + 01330986 a 0101 + 01237415 n 0102 ! 00397576 v 0101 ~ 00398138 v 0000 ~ 00398349 v 0000 ~ 00467151 v 0000 ~ 00467346 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | make into a whole or make part of a whole; "She incorporated his suggestions into her proposal"
00467015 30 v 01 lysogenize 0 002 @ 00467451 v 0000 + 13509967 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | become integrated into the genome of (a bacterium)
00467151 30 v 01 build_in 0 001 @ 00466651 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | make something an integral part of something else; "we can build in a special clause to make the contract better for you"
00467346 30 v 01 re-incorporate 0 001 @ 00466651 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | incorporate again or anew
00467451 30 v 01 integrate 1 005 @ 00146138 v 0000 + 01237415 n 0102 + 01202415 n 0102 ~ 00367685 v 0000 ~ 00467015 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | become one; become integrated; "The students at this school integrate immediately, despite their different backgrounds"
00467717 30 v 02 standardize 0 standardise 0 014 @ 02511551 v 0000 + 01158690 n 0202 + 10647582 n 0202 + 13617952 n 0201 + 13373214 n 0201 + 07260623 n 0201 + 05924920 n 0202 + 00999245 n 0102 + 10647582 n 0101 + 13617952 n 0101 + 13373214 n 0101 + 07260623 n 0101 + 05924920 n 0102 ~ 00468116 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cause to conform to standard or norm; "The weights and measures were standardized"
00468116 30 v 01 gauge 2 001 @ 00467717 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | adapt to a specified measurement; "gauge the instruments"
00468236 30 v 04 normalize 1 normalise 1 renormalize 0 renormalise 0 006 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 01158690 n 0204 + 10362428 n 0202 + 01158690 n 0103 + 10362428 n 0101 $ 00468583 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make normal or cause to conform to a norm or standard; "normalize relations with China"; "normalize the temperature"; "normalize the spelling"
00468583 30 v 02 normalize 6 normalise 3 002 $ 00468236 v 0000 @ 00109660 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become normal or return to its normal state; "Let us hope that relations with this country will normalize soon"
00468791 30 v 01 reorient 0 004 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 00346296 n 0102 ~ 00464321 v 0000 ~ 00466484 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | set or arrange in a new or different determinate position; "Orient the house towards the South"
00469030 30 v 01 morph 0 001 @ 01350699 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | change shape as via computer animation; "In the video, Michael Jackson morphed into a panther"
00469187 30 v 01 morph 1 002 > 00469030 v 0000 @ 00126264 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | cause to change shape in a computer animation; "The computer programmer morphed the image"
00469382 30 v 05 wear 0 wear_off 0 wear_out 0 wear_down 0 wear_thin 0 004 @ 00208497 v 0000 + 14562683 n 0101 ~ 00275466 v 0000 ~ 01370439 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | deteriorate through use or stress; "The constant friction wore out the cloth"
00469637 30 v 02 wilt 0 droop 0 004 @ 00208836 v 0000 + 13905572 n 0202 + 14283178 n 0101 + 00362546 n 0102 01 + 01 00 | become limp; "The flowers wilted"
00469794 30 v 01 wilt 1 001 @ 00223500 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | lose strength; "My opponent was wilting"
00469904 30 v 02 neutralize 0 neutralise 0 003 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 13521072 n 0202 + 13521072 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make chemically neutral; "She neutralized the solution"
00470084 30 v 04 neutralize 1 neutralise 1 nullify 0 negate 3 004 @ 00224901 v 0000 + 00231567 n 0301 + 00233386 n 0202 + 00233386 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make ineffective by counterbalancing the effect of; "Her optimism neutralizes his gloom"; "This action will negate the effect of my efforts"
00470386 30 v 03 commercialize 0 commercialise 0 market 0 009 @ 00126264 v 0000 ;c 01090446 n 0000 + 02062133 a 0301 + 02061998 a 0301 + 00877119 a 0301 + 01097292 n 0301 + 01112420 n 0301 + 00951781 n 0202 + 00951781 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | make commercial; "Some Amish people have commercialized their way of life"
00470701 30 v 07 eliminate 0 annihilate 0 extinguish 1 eradicate 0 wipe_out 0 decimate 0 carry_off 0 009 @ 01323958 v 0000 + 00218427 n 0601 + 07334490 n 0503 + 07332691 n 0301 + 00586617 a 0201 + 07330828 n 0201 + 00218208 n 0201 + 09794917 n 0201 $ 00471058 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | kill in large numbers; "the plague wiped out an entire population"
00471058 30 v 01 decimate 1 002 $ 00470701 v 0000 @ 01323958 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | kill one in every ten, as of mutineers in Roman armies
00471196 30 v 02 cancel_out 0 wipe_out 4 002 @ 00471711 v 0000 + 07334490 n 0203 01 + 11 00 | wipe out the effect of something; "The new tax effectively cancels out my raise"; "The `A' will cancel out the `C' on your record"
00471423 30 v 01 decouple 0 002 @ 00471711 v 0000 ;c 06099269 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | reduce or eliminate the coupling of (one circuit or part to another)
00471576 30 v 01 decouple 1 002 @ 00471711 v 0000 ;c 06090869 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | eliminate airborne shock waves from (an explosive)
00471711 30 v 04 extinguish 3 eliminate 1 get_rid_of 0 do_away_with 0 014 @ 01619929 v 0000 + 00395333 n 0201 + 00223720 n 0201 + 09272468 n 0201 ~ 00471196 v 0000 ~ 00471423 v 0000 ~ 00471576 v 0000 ~ 00472230 v 0000 ~ 00472426 v 0000 ~ 00472532 v 0000 ~ 00472671 v 0000 ~ 00473322 v 0000 ~ 00478217 v 0000 ~ 00615774 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | terminate, end, or take out; "Let's eliminate the course on Akkadian hieroglyphics"; "Socialism extinguished these archaic customs"; "eliminate my debts"
00472230 30 v 01 obliterate 3 005 @ 00471711 v 0000 + 00898132 a 0101 + 07331013 n 0102 + 00218208 n 0102 + 09376078 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | do away with completely, without leaving a trace
00472426 30 v 01 knock_out 1 001 @ 00471711 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | eliminate; "knock out a target"
00472532 30 v 01 drown 2 001 @ 00471711 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | get rid of as if by submerging; "She drowned her trouble in alcohol"
00472671 30 v 01 cut_out 0 003 @ 00471711 v 0000 + 03153681 n 0101 ~ 00472871 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | delete or remove; "Cut out the extra text"; "cut out the newspaper article"
00472871 30 v 01 excise 2 002 @ 00472671 v 0000 + 00393369 n 0104 01 + 08 00 | remove by cutting; "The surgeon excised the tumor"
00473003 30 v 03 sparkle 1 scintillate 0 coruscate 0 004 @ 02604760 v 0000 + 05619903 n 0301 + 05620190 n 0201 + 04953380 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | be lively or brilliant or exhibit virtuosity; "The musical performance sparkled"; "A scintillating conversation"; "his playing coruscated throughout the concert hall"
00473322 30 v 04 cut 2 prune 0 rationalize 0 rationalise 0 004 @ 00471711 v 0000 ^ 00236592 v 0104 ^ 00429060 v 0103 ^ 00472671 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | weed out unwanted or unnecessary things; "We had to lose weight, so we cut the sugar from our diet"
00473572 30 v 02 perfect 0 hone 0 006 @ 00205885 v 0000 + 01751693 a 0101 + 00260494 n 0101 + 10415439 n 0101 ~ 00172505 v 0000 ~ 00473799 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make perfect or complete; "perfect your French in Paris!"
00473799 30 v 05 polish 0 round 1 round_off 2 polish_up 0 brush_up 0 002 @ 00473572 v 0000 + 14459824 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | bring to a highly developed, finished, or refined state; "polish your social manners"
00474017 30 v 04 polish 1 refine 1 fine-tune 1 down 0 007 @ 00205885 v 0000 + 14459824 n 0202 + 07357679 n 0201 + 10514784 n 0201 + 14459824 n 0101 ~ 00474308 v 0000 ~ 02388403 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 | improve or perfect by pruning or polishing; "refine one's style of writing"
00474308 30 v 02 overrefine 0 over-refine 0 002 @ 00474017 v 0000 + 00751529 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | refine too much or with excess of subtlety; "He is overrefining this matter"
00474492 30 v 02 refine 0 rectify 5 005 @ 00475183 v 0000 + 13547199 n 0201 + 13548105 n 0102 + 10514784 n 0101 + 13548105 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | reduce to a fine, unmixed, or pure state; separate from extraneous matter or cleanse from impurities; "refine sugar"
00474762 30 v 01 refine 2 004 @ 00515154 v 0000 + 13548105 n 0102 + 10514784 n 0101 + 04068441 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | treat or prepare so as to put in a usable condition; "refine paper stock"; "refine pig iron"; "refine oil"
00474994 30 v 01 precipitate 0 005 @ 00146138 v 0000 + 14591635 n 0101 + 13540199 n 0101 + 14997393 n 0101 + 03998673 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | separate as a fine suspension of solid particles
00475183 30 v 04 purify 0 sublimate 1 make_pure 0 distill 3 014 @ 00205885 v 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 14836960 n 0401 + 13468306 n 0402 + 14836960 n 0402 + 13468306 n 0401 + 15062284 n 0201 + 13548105 n 0103 + 00253270 n 0101 + 14486767 n 0101 + 04026053 n 0101 $ 00229026 v 0000 ~ 00474492 v 0000 ~ 00475647 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | remove impurities from, increase the concentration of, and separate through the process of distillation; "purify the water"
00475647 30 v 01 purge 0 004 @ 00475183 v 0000 + 00252430 n 0101 + 00252662 n 0102 + 00252430 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | rid of impurities; "purge the water"; "purge your mind"
00475819 30 v 03 purify 1 purge 4 sanctify 0 010 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 01039925 n 0301 + 10325243 n 0304 + 10546850 n 0301 + 00252662 n 0201 + 00253070 n 0202 + 00253070 n 0101 + 13990064 n 0101 ~ 00476313 v 0000 ~ 00476538 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make pure or free from sin or guilt; "he left the monastery purified"
00476133 30 v 01 purify 2 002 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 00252894 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | become clean or pure or free of guilt and sin; "The hippies came to the ashram in order to purify"
00476313 30 v 02 spiritualize 0 spiritualise 0 003 @ 00475819 v 0000 + 00583933 n 0202 + 00583933 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | purify from the corrupting influences of the world; "During his stay at the ashram he was spiritualized"
00476538 30 v 01 lustrate 0 002 @ 00475819 v 0000 + 01027662 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | purify by means of a ritual; also used in post-Communist countries to refer to the political cleansing of former officials
00476744 30 v 03 deform 1 distort 1 strain 0 004 @ 00142191 v 0000 + 14298102 n 0301 + 07358060 n 0101 ~ 00477107 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | alter the shape of (something) by stress; "His body was deformed by leprosy"
00476965 30 v 01 draw 0 002 @ 00140967 v 0000 $ 01278817 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | contract; "The material drew after it was washed in hot water"
00477107 30 v 01 jaundice 0 002 @ 00476744 v 0000 + 04643397 n 0104 01 + 11 00 | distort adversely; "Jealousy had jaundiced his judgment"
00477247 30 v 01 blow 8 003 @ 00142191 v 0000 + 00835501 n 0101 + 13439807 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | shape by blowing; "Blow a glass vase"
00477382 30 v 01 block 0 001 @ 00142191 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | shape into a block or blocks; "block the graphs so one can see the results clearly"
00477528 30 v 01 block 1 002 @ 00142191 v 0000 + 13914608 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | shape by using a block; "Block a hat"; "block a garment"
00477665 30 v 01 deform 0 003 @ 00140967 v 0000 + 07358060 n 0101 + 07433973 n 0102 01 + 01 00 | become misshapen; "The sidewalk deformed during the earthquake"
00477828 30 v 01 cup 0 001 @ 00142191 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | form into the shape of a cup; "She cupped her hands"
00477941 30 v 05 mar 0 impair 1 spoil 2 deflower 0 vitiate 1 008 @ 00258857 v 0000 + 00966718 n 0401 + 01263018 n 0301 + 00403334 n 0201 + 09310460 n 0201 + 04692157 n 0103 ~ 01537959 v 0000 ~ 01549905 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make imperfect; "nothing marred her beauty"
00478217 30 v 02 snuff_out 0 extinguish 0 006 @ 00471711 v 0000 + 00229934 n 0201 + 10617904 n 0101 + 04253168 n 0101 ~ 00478488 v 0000 ~ 01569017 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | put an end to; kill; "The Nazis snuffed out the life of many Jewish children"
00478488 30 v 01 stamp 0 001 @ 00478217 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | destroy or extinguish as if by stamping with the foot; "Stamp fascism into submission"; "stamp out tyranny"
00478682 30 v 04 stub_out 0 crush_out 0 extinguish 5 press_out 0 001 @ 00352826 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | extinguish by crushing; "stub out your cigar"
00478830 30 v 03 kill 0 obliterate 2 wipe_out 2 004 @ 00179311 v 0000 + 07334490 n 0303 + 00898132 a 0201 + 07331013 n 0202 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | mark for deletion, rub off, or erase; "kill these lines in the President's speech"
00479060 30 v 01 drown 1 001 @ 01323958 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | kill by submerging in water; "He drowned the kittens"
00479176 30 v 03 massacre 0 slaughter 0 mow_down 0 003 @ 01323958 v 0000 + 00223983 n 0201 + 00223983 n 0102 01 + 09 00 | kill a large number of people indiscriminately; "The Hutus massacred the Tutsis in Rwanda"
00479391 30 v 02 erase 0 wipe_out 3 003 @ 01323958 v 0000 + 07334490 n 0203 + 00397760 n 0103 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | remove from memory or existence; "The Turks erased the Armenians in 1915"
00479598 30 v 02 mechanize 0 mechanise 0 006 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 14578302 n 0202 + 00102457 n 0203 + 14578302 n 0101 + 00102457 n 0102 ~ 00479817 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make mechanical; "mechanize the procedure"
00479817 30 v 02 dehumanize 0 dehumanise 0 001 @ 00479598 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make mechanical or routine
00479932 30 v 03 automatize 0 automatise 0 automate 0 005 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 00102457 n 0301 + 14574504 n 0301 + 00181476 a 0101 ~ 00480396 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make automatic or control or operate automatically; "automatize the production"; "automate the movement of the robot"
00480221 30 v 02 automatize 5 automatise 5 005 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 09825519 n 0201 + 01499999 a 0101 + 09825519 n 0101 + 02761392 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | turn into an automaton
00480396 30 v 02 semi-automatize 0 semi-automatise 0 001 @ 00479932 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make semiautomatic; "Can we semi-automatize the semantic tagging process?"
00480569 30 v 02 mechanize 1 mechanise 1 001 @ 00126264 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make monotonous; make automatic or routine; "If your work becomes too mechanized, change jobs!"
00480751 30 v 04 mechanize 2 mechanise 2 motorize 0 motorise 0 004 @ 02339413 v 0000 + 00102927 n 0402 + 00102927 n 0301 + 03789946 n 0301 01 + 08 00 | equip with armed and armored motor vehicles; "mechanize armies"
00480969 30 v 04 systematize 0 systematise 0 systemize 0 systemise 0 013 @ 00277659 v 0000 + 10381369 n 0405 + 05726596 n 0404 + 04768657 n 0403 + 10381369 n 0304 + 05726596 n 0304 + 04768657 n 0303 + 01009190 n 0202 + 10381369 n 0203 + 01009190 n 0101 + 10381369 n 0102 ~ 00481391 v 0000 ~ 00481739 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | arrange according to a system or reduce to a system; "systematize our scientific knowledge"
00481391 30 v 01 digest 1 001 @ 00480969 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | systematize, as by classifying and summarizing; "the government digested the entire law into a code"
00481555 30 v 01 digest 2 004 $ 01197338 v 0000 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 01182024 a 0101 + 03060385 a 0101 01 + 01 00 | become assimilated into the body; "Protein digests in a few hours"
00481739 30 v 01 codify 1 004 @ 00480969 v 0000 + 06667317 n 0102 + 01009507 n 0101 + 06667317 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | organize into a code or system, such as a body of law; "Hammurabi codified the laws"
00481941 30 v 04 finalize 0 finalise 0 settle 4 nail_down 0 004 @ 00352826 v 0000 ^ 00486703 v 0302 + 00211462 n 0202 + 00211462 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | make final; put the last touches on; put into final form; "let's finalize the proposal"
00482180 30 v 03 harmonize 1 harmonise 1 chord 0 008 @ 00126264 v 0000 ;c 05718935 n 0000 + 06869951 n 0301 + 07027458 n 0202 + 01253778 n 0202 + 07027458 n 0101 + 01253778 n 0101 ~ 00483656 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | bring into consonance, harmony, or accord while making music or singing
00482473 30 v 03 harmonize 2 harmonise 2 reconcile 0 007 @ 00296178 v 0000 + 00185104 n 0301 + 09952163 n 0305 + 10160412 n 0101 + 13969243 n 0101 + 10160412 n 0202 ~ 00482749 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | bring into consonance or accord; "harmonize one's goals with one's abilities"
00482749 30 v 01 key 0 001 @ 00482473 v 0000 01 + 20 00 | harmonize with or adjust to; "key one's actions to the voters' prevailing attitude"
00482893 30 v 03 accommodate 1 reconcile 1 conciliate 0 005 @ 00483181 v 0000 + 00185104 n 0201 + 07369604 n 0102 + 07177437 n 0101 + 05755486 n 0101 01 + 21 00 | make (one thing) compatible with (another); "The scientists had to accommodate the new results with the existing theories"
00483181 30 v 02 harmonize 3 harmonise 3 007 @ 02458103 v 0000 + 10160412 n 0202 + 13969243 n 0201 + 10160412 n 0101 + 13969243 n 0101 ~ 00482893 v 0000 ~ 00483466 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | bring (several things) into consonance or relate harmoniously; "harmonize the different interests"
00483466 30 v 01 proportion 1 003 @ 00483181 v 0000 + 13898315 n 0102 + 05076827 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | give pleasant proportions to; "harmonize a building with those surrounding it"
00483656 30 v 01 key a 004 @ 00482180 v 0000 ;c 05718935 n 0000 + 04986147 n 0101 + 06863751 n 0101 01 + 21 00 | regulate the musical pitch of
00483801 30 v 03 compartmentalize 0 compartmentalise 0 cut_up 1 010 @ 01556921 v 0000 + 14417146 n 0202 + 01012712 n 0205 + 03080309 n 0201 + 03079741 n 0201 + 00329034 a 0101 + 14417146 n 0101 + 01012712 n 0104 + 03080309 n 0101 + 03079741 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | separate into isolated compartments or categories; "You cannot compartmentalize your life like this!"
00484166 30 v 02 complete 2 finish 2 014 @ 00352826 v 0000 + 09930257 n 0202 + 07291312 n 0203 + 15267536 n 0204 + 00210518 n 0201 + 00210518 n 0202 + 00211110 n 0101 ~ 00352137 v 0000 ~ 00484712 v 0000 ~ 00484892 v 0000 ~ 00485147 v 0000 ~ 00485274 v 0000 ~ 00486018 v 0000 ~ 01640855 v 0000 04 + 02 00 + 33 00 + 08 01 + 11 01 | come or bring to a finish or an end; "He finished the dishes"; "She completed the requirements for her Master's Degree"; "The fastest runner finished the race in just over 2 hours; others finished in over 4 hours"
00484712 30 v 02 top 3 top_off 3 001 @ 00484166 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | finish up or conclude; "They topped off their dinner with a cognac"; "top the evening with champagne"
00484892 30 v 07 get_through 0 wrap_up 4 finish_off 0 mop_up 0 polish_off 0 clear_up 2 finish_up 0 003 @ 00484166 v 0000 + 00211110 n 0405 ~ 00485435 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | finish a task completely; "I finally got through this homework assignment"
00485147 30 v 01 see_through 0 001 @ 00484166 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remain with until completion; "I must see the job through"
00485274 30 v 02 round_out 3 finish_out 0 001 @ 00484166 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | fill out; "These studies round out the results of many years of research"
00485435 30 v 01 cap_off 0 001 @ 00484892 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 31 00 | finish or complete, as with some decisive action; "he capped off the meeting with a radical proposal"
00485609 30 v 02 culminate 0 climax 0 007 @ 02609764 v 0000 + 07417043 n 0201 + 06373747 n 0201 + 15291199 n 0102 + 06373747 n 0102 + 00211110 n 0102 ~ 00485891 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | end, especially to reach a final or climactic stage; "The meeting culminated in a tearful embrace"
00485891 30 v 02 crown 1 top 1 001 @ 00485609 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | be the culminating event; "The speech crowned the meeting"
00486018 30 v 07 follow_through 0 follow_up 0 follow_out 0 carry_out 0 implement 0 put_through 0 go_through 0 011 @ 00484166 v 0000 + 01127379 n 0502 + 03377582 n 0202 + 00211593 n 0101 + 00143251 n 0202 + 00143251 n 0201 + 00455348 n 0202 + 00455348 n 0201 + 03377582 n 0201 ~ 00486557 v 0000 $ 01640855 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 22 07 + 22 01 | pursue to a conclusion or bring to a successful issue; "Did he go through with the treatment?"; "He implemented a new economic plan"; "She followed up his recommendations with a written proposal"
00486557 30 v 01 adhere 0 001 @ 00486018 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | follow through or carry out a plan without deviation; "They adhered to their plan"
00486703 30 v 02 fixate 0 settle_on 0 001 @ 01834730 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | become fixed (on); "Her eyes fixated on a point on the horizon"
00486850 30 v 01 glue 0 002 @ 01343892 v 0000 + 14702875 n 0101 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 22 00 | be fixed as if by glue; "His eyes were glued on her"
00486998 30 v 02 fixate 1 fix 0 003 @ 01296462 v 0000 + 01260182 n 0101 + 00276342 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make fixed, stable or stationary; "let's fix the picture to the frame"
00487182 30 v 02 polarize 0 polarise 0 003 @ 01557774 v 0000 + 14002109 n 0202 + 11492014 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | become polarized in a conflict or contrasting situation
00487350 30 v 02 polarize 1 polarise 1 003 @ 01556921 v 0000 + 14002109 n 0202 + 11492014 n 0101 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | cause to concentrate about two conflicting or contrasting positions
00487554 30 v 02 polarize 2 polarise 2 004 @ 00126264 v 0000 ;c 06090869 n 0000 + 11492014 n 0202 + 14002109 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | cause to vibrate in a definite pattern; "polarize light waves"
00487748 30 v 05 load c adulterate 0 stretch f dilute 2 debase 1 010 @ 00203081 v 0000 + 14487443 n 0502 + 00362659 n 0401 + 02117232 a 0202 + 14616939 n 0201 + 14616939 n 0202 + 09772606 n 0201 $ 00154141 v 0000 ~ 00488175 v 0000 ~ 00488430 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | corrupt, debase, or make impure by adding a foreign or inferior substance; often by replacing valuable ingredients with inferior ones; "adulterate liquor"
00488175 30 v 01 water_down 4 001 @ 00487748 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | thin by adding water to; "They watered down the moonshine"
00488301 30 v 01 water_down 0 001 @ 00226071 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make less strong or intense; "water down the mixture"
00488430 30 v 03 sophisticate 1 doctor 0 doctor_up 0 001 @ 00487748 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | alter and make impure, as with the intention to deceive; "Sophisticate rose water with geraniol"
00488617 30 v 02 leach 0 strip 6 002 @ 00173338 v 0000 + 13506587 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | remove substances from by a percolating liquid; "leach the soil"
00488770 30 v 04 vent 0 ventilate 0 air_out 0 air 0 004 @ 00164444 v 0000 + 04526241 n 0201 + 04526964 n 0201 + 01253277 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | expose to cool or cold air so as to cool or freshen; "air the old winter clothes"; "air out the smoke-filled rooms"
00489029 30 v 01 air 1 001 @ 00218475 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | expose to warm or heated air, so as to dry; "Air linen"
00489145 30 v 02 linearize 0 linearise 0 001 @ 00296178 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make linear or get into a linear form; "a catalyst linearizes polyethylene"
00489299 30 v 01 glorify 0 004 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 14437134 n 0102 + 14437134 n 0101 + 04684358 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | bestow glory upon; "The victory over the enemy glorified the Republic"
00489496 30 v 01 glorify 1 004 @ 00956405 v 0000 + 01219075 n 0103 + 14437134 n 0101 + 04684358 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to seem more splendid; "You are glorifying a rather mediocre building"
00489699 30 v 01 justify 0 002 @ 00296178 v 0000 ;c 01103159 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | adjust the spaces between words; "justify the margins"
00489837 30 v 02 quantify 0 measure 0 017 @ 01061017 v 0000 + 01498769 a 0201 + 03735637 n 0202 + 00033615 n 0201 + 00996969 n 0203 + 00996969 n 0201 + 05855125 n 0101 + 01003570 n 0101 ~ 00490285 v 0000 ~ 00490428 v 0000 ~ 00490586 v 0000 ~ 00490722 v 0000 ~ 00490968 v 0000 ~ 00491689 v 0000 ~ 00491910 v 0000 ~ 00730647 v 0000 ~ 02704617 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | express as a number or measure or quantity; "Can you quantify your results?"
00490285 30 v 01 gauge 0 002 @ 00489837 v 0000 + 13854101 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | measure precisely and against a standard; "the wire is gauged"
00490428 30 v 01 scale 0 003 @ 00489837 v 0000 + 04141975 n 0101 + 01005284 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | measure with or as if with scales; "scale the gold"
00490586 30 v 01 meter 0 002 @ 00489837 v 0000 + 03753077 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | measure with a meter; "meter the flow of water"
00490722 30 v 02 pace 0 step 0 008 @ 00489837 v 0000 + 13762579 n 0201 + 00285557 n 0201 + 13757249 n 0203 + 13650447 n 0102 + 00285889 n 0101 + 13757249 n 0102 + 15280497 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | measure (distances) by pacing; "step off ten yards"
00490968 30 v 02 clock 0 time 0 008 @ 00489837 v 0000 + 15270431 n 0201 + 15122231 n 0201 + 10711483 n 0202 + 04438304 n 0201 + 03046257 n 0101 + 15133903 n 0101 ~ 00491313 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | measure the time or duration of an event or action or the person who performs an action in a certain period of time; "he clocked the runners"
00491313 30 v 01 mistime 0 002 @ 00490968 v 0000 + 15180304 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | time incorrectly; "She mistimed the marathon runner"
00491456 30 v 01 regress 6 001 @ 00109660 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | go back to a statistical means
00491551 30 v 01 click_off 0 001 @ 01712704 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | perform or finish an action rapidly; "The game was clicked off in 1:48"
00491689 30 v 02 fathom 0 sound 0 006 @ 00489837 v 0000 + 09440186 n 0201 + 04261767 n 0201 + 05135451 n 0201 + 01004961 n 0201 + 13660178 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | measure the depth of (a body of water) with a sounding line
00491910 30 v 01 titrate 0 004 @ 00489837 v 0000 + 05038823 n 0102 + 00648237 n 0101 + 04441790 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | measure by (the volume or concentration of solutions) by titration
00492095 30 v 01 quantify 1 003 @ 00947077 v 0000 ;c 06163751 n 0000 + 06165623 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | use as a quantifier
00492225 30 v 01 foul 0 001 @ 00109660 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become soiled and dirty
00492310 30 v 01 foul 1 001 @ 01534147 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make unclean; "foul the water"
00492410 30 v 04 foul 2 befoul 0 defile 0 maculate 0 006 @ 02547225 v 0000 + 05244934 n 0402 + 00276813 n 0403 + 14498404 n 0302 + 10451858 n 0302 + 14498404 n 0201 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | spot, stain, or pollute; "The townspeople defiled the river by emptying raw sewage into it"
00492706 30 v 03 pollute 0 foul 3 contaminate 0 012 @ 01534147 v 0000 + 02114483 a 0301 + 14821984 n 0302 + 14487731 n 0301 + 00276987 n 0301 + 14821984 n 0301 + 14498404 n 0103 + 14516743 n 0101 + 00276987 n 0102 + 10451858 n 0101 + 14857278 n 0101 ~ 00088713 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make impure; "The industrial wastes polluted the lake"
00493052 30 v 01 decontaminate 0 003 @ 00035758 v 0000 + 00394485 n 0101 ! 00493259 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | rid of contamination; "The soil around the housing development had to be decontaminated by the city"
00493259 30 v 01 contaminate 1 006 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 02114483 a 0101 + 14821984 n 0102 + 14487731 n 0101 + 00276987 n 0101 ! 00493052 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make radioactive by adding radioactive material; "Don't drink the water--it's contaminated"
00493517 30 v 02 debase 0 alloy 0 004 @ 00493703 v 0000 ;c 06125698 n 0000 + 14586769 n 0201 + 09997212 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | lower in value by increasing the base-metal content
00493703 30 v 01 devalue 0 006 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 00805524 n 0101 + 00353992 n 0101 ~ 00315330 v 0000 ~ 00493517 v 0000 ~ 00531489 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | lower the value or quality of; "The tear devalues the painting"
00493929 30 v 02 devalue 2 devaluate 1 004 @ 00207728 v 0000 + 00353992 n 0201 + 00353992 n 0101 ~ 00494103 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove the value from; deprive of its value
00494103 30 v 02 demonetize 0 demonetise 0 003 @ 00493929 v 0000 + 00155085 n 0202 + 00155085 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | deprive of value for payment; "demonetize a coin"
00494269 30 v 02 isolate 0 insulate 0 010 @ 02512305 v 0000 + 14415518 n 0201 + 02111339 a 0101 + 14414715 n 0101 ~ 00494613 v 0000 ~ 00494880 v 0000 ~ 00495636 v 0000 ~ 00495998 v 0000 ~ 00496266 v 0000 ~ 00496489 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | place or set apart; "They isolated the political prisoners from the other inmates"
00494613 30 v 01 segregate 0 002 @ 00494269 v 0000 + 01202184 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | separate or isolate (one thing) from another and place in a group apart from others; "the sun segregates the carbon"; "large mining claims are segregated into smaller claims"
00494880 30 v 02 ghettoize 0 ghettoise 0 002 @ 00494269 v 0000 + 08578951 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | put in a ghetto; "The Jews in Eastern Europe were ghettoized"
00495038 30 v 01 insulate 1 007 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 14920844 n 0103 + 00827010 n 0101 + 14920844 n 0102 + 14821590 n 0101 ~ 00495336 v 0000 ~ 00495505 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | protect from heat, cold, or noise by surrounding with insulating material; "We had his bedroom insulated before winter came"
00495336 30 v 01 weatherstrip 0 001 @ 00495038 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | provide with weatherstripping; "The window must be weatherstripped before the cold weather sets in"
00495505 30 v 01 soundproof 0 001 @ 00495038 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | insulate against noise; "Proust had his apartment soundproofed"
00495636 30 v 01 cloister 0 002 @ 00494269 v 0000 + 04073948 n 0102 01 + 09 00 | seclude from the world in or as if in a cloister; "She cloistered herself in the office"
00495808 30 v 05 sequester 1 sequestrate 0 keep_apart 0 set_apart 1 isolate 2 001 @ 01556921 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | set apart from others; "The dentist sequesters the tooth he is working on"
00495998 30 v 04 seclude 0 sequester 0 sequestrate 1 withdraw 0 006 @ 00494269 v 0000 + 10785333 n 0401 + 00053913 n 0401 + 01202184 n 0202 + 01201773 n 0101 $ 02428487 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | keep away from others; "He sequestered himself in his study to write a book"
00496266 30 v 01 quarantine 0 003 @ 00494269 v 0000 + 01201645 n 0101 + 14415335 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | place into enforced isolation, as for medical reasons; "My dog was quarantined before he could live in England"
00496489 30 v 01 maroon 0 002 @ 00494269 v 0000 + 10295190 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | leave stranded on a desert island without resources; "The mutinous sailors were marooned on an island"
00496673 30 v 01 let 0 001 @ 00136991 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | leave unchanged; "let it be"
00496770 30 v 01 isolate 1 004 @ 02210855 v 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 02111339 a 0101 ~ 00496956 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | obtain in pure form; "The chemist managed to isolate the compound"
00496956 30 v 01 preisolate 0 002 @ 00496770 v 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | isolate beforehand
00497061 30 v 03 boost 0 advance 8 supercharge 3 001 @ 00153263 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | increase or raise; "boost the voltage in an electrical circuit"
00497219 30 v 01 ammonify 0 004 @ 00497705 v 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 13430262 n 0101 + 14744120 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | treat with ammonia; cause to undergo ammonification
00497391 30 v 01 thoriate 0 003 @ 00497705 v 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 14658109 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | impregnate with thorium oxide to increase thermionic emission
00497555 30 v 01 stuff c 002 @ 00497705 v 0000 * 00511430 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | treat with grease, fill, and prepare for mounting; "stuff a bearskin"
00497705 30 v 02 impregnate 0 saturate 4 010 @ 00452512 v 0000 + 13496517 n 0101 ~ 00084562 v 0000 ~ 00139908 v 0000 ~ 00456151 v 0000 ~ 00497219 v 0000 ~ 00497391 v 0000 ~ 00497555 v 0000 ~ 00498016 v 0000 ~ 00498163 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | infuse or fill completely; "Impregnate the cloth with alcohol"
00498016 30 v 01 charge d 002 $ 01488956 v 0000 @ 00497705 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | saturate; "The room was charged with tension and anxiety"
00498163 30 v 02 imbrue 0 drench 1 001 @ 00497705 v 0000 01 + 17 00 | permeate or impregnate; "The war drenched the country in blood"
00498299 30 v 04 impregnate 1 infuse 1 instill 0 tincture 1 002 @ 00452512 v 0000 + 00248748 n 0201 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | fill, as with a certain quality; "The heavy traffic tinctures the air with carbon monoxide"
00498530 30 v 01 calcify 1 002 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 14632648 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | convert into lime; "the salts calcified the rock"
00498662 30 v 01 calcify 0 003 @ 00146138 v 0000 + 14364980 n 0101 + 14632648 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | turn into lime; become calcified; "The rock calcified over the centuries"
00498836 30 v 01 coke 0 003 @ 00146138 v 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 14685768 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | become coke; "petroleum oils coke after distillation"
00498988 30 v 01 calcify 2 005 @ 00443116 v 0000 + 14364980 n 0101 + 13442312 n 0101 + 14632648 n 0101 ! 00499162 v 0101 01 + 01 00 | become impregnated with calcium salts
00499162 30 v 01 decalcify 0 002 @ 00173338 v 0000 ! 00498988 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | remove calcium or lime from; "decalcify the rock"
00499304 30 v 01 decalcify 1 002 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 13456252 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | lose calcium or calcium compounds
00499422 30 v 01 carnify 0 001 @ 00146138 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become muscular or fleshy
00499512 30 v 01 chondrify 0 002 @ 00146138 v 0000 + 14730802 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | turn into cartilage; "The tissue chondrifies"
00499642 30 v 01 citify 0 003 @ 00296178 v 0000 + 08524735 n 0101 + 08226335 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | accustom to urban ways; "Immigration will citify the country?"
00499812 30 v 02 urbanize 0 urbanise 0 005 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 13571763 n 0202 + 02052333 a 0101 + 13571763 n 0101 $ 00500055 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make more industrial or city-like; "The area was urbanized after many people moved in"
00500055 30 v 02 urbanize 1 urbanise 1 005 $ 00499812 v 0000 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 14580334 n 0202 + 02052333 a 0101 + 14580334 n 0101 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | impart urban habits, ways of life, or responsibilities upon; "Birds are being urbanized by people in outdoor cafes feeding them"
00500356 30 v 02 industrialize 0 industrialise 0 005 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 00923802 n 0202 + 08364757 n 0201 + 00923802 n 0101 + 08364757 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | develop industry; become industrial; "The nations of South East Asia will quickly industrialize and catch up with the West"
00500638 30 v 01 emulsify 0 005 @ 00146138 v 0000 + 14674408 n 0101 + 14674584 n 0101 + 03284482 n 0101 ! 00501048 v 0101 01 + 01 00 | form into or become an emulsion; "The solution emulsified"
00500834 30 v 01 emulsify 1 006 > 00500638 v 0000 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 14674408 n 0101 + 14674584 n 0101 + 03284482 n 0101 ! 00501159 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to become an emulsion; make into an emulsion
00501048 30 v 01 demulsify 0 002 @ 00140123 v 0000 ! 00500638 v 0101 01 + 01 00 | break down into components
00501159 30 v 01 demulsify 1 003 > 00501048 v 0000 @ 00126264 v 0000 ! 00500834 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to demulsify
00501288 30 v 01 denazify 0 003 @ 00501896 v 0000 + 13461722 n 0101 ! 00502085 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | free from Nazi ideology or detach from Nazi allegiance; "Germany was denazified after WW II"; "The highest judges were never denazified"
00501534 30 v 01 decarboxylate 1 004 @ 00126264 v 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 13456367 n 0101 $ 00501718 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | remove a carboxyl group from (a chemical compound)
00501718 30 v 01 decarboxylate 0 004 $ 00501534 v 0000 @ 00109660 v 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 13456367 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | lose a carboxyl group; "the compound decarboxylated"
00501896 30 v 01 cleanse 5 002 @ 02350175 v 0000 ~ 00501288 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | purge of an ideology, bad thoughts, or sins; "Purgatory is supposed to cleanse you from your sins"
00502085 30 v 01 nazify 0 003 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 08366440 n 0101 ! 00501288 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | cause or force to adopt Nazism or a Nazi character; "Hitler nazified Germany in the 1930's"; "The arts were nazified everywhere in Germany"
00502332 30 v 01 denitrify 0 003 @ 00146138 v 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 ! 00502478 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | remove nitrogen from; "Denitrify the soil"
00502478 30 v 01 nitrify 0 004 @ 00502757 v 0000 + 13521616 n 0101 + 15015501 n 0101 ! 00502332 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | treat (soil) with nitrates
00502623 30 v 01 dung 0 002 @ 00502757 v 0000 + 14854847 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | fertilize or dress with dung; "you must dung the land"
00502757 30 v 03 fertilize 0 fertilise 0 feed 0 007 @ 00171586 v 0000 ;c 00916464 n 0000 + 07434473 n 0101 + 14859344 n 0101 ~ 00502478 v 0000 ~ 00502623 v 0000 ~ 00503058 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | provide with fertilizers or add nutrients to; "We should fertilize soil if we want to grow healthy plants"
00503058 30 v 01 topdress 0 001 @ 00502757 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | scatter manure or fertilizer over (land)
00503164 30 v 02 stimulate 0 excite 0 013 @ 00137313 v 0000 + 02309971 a 0203 + 02309971 a 0201 + 01260867 n 0202 + 01260867 n 0201 + 02309341 a 0101 + 02310371 a 0101 + 05827684 n 0102 + 05827684 n 0103 ! 00390842 v 0101 ~ 00442063 v 0000 ~ 00503569 v 0000 ~ 00503715 v 0000 05 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | act as a stimulant; "The book stimulated her imagination"; "This play stimulates"
00503569 30 v 01 innervate 0 002 @ 00503164 v 0000 ;c 06080522 n 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | stimulate to action; "innervate a muscle or a nerve"
00503715 30 v 01 irritate 0 005 @ 00503164 v 0000 ;c 06080522 n 0000 + 02310185 a 0102 + 14036356 n 0103 ~ 00504019 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | excite to some characteristic action or condition, such as motion, contraction, or nervous impulse, by the application of a stimulus; "irritate the glands of a leaf"
00504019 30 v 02 pinch 0 vellicate 0 003 @ 00503715 v 0000 + 00357275 n 0101 + 00842281 n 0102 02 + 01 00 + 11 00 | irritate as if by a nip, pinch, or tear; "smooth surfaces can vellicate the teeth"; "the pain is as if sharp points pinch your back"
00504270 30 v 03 fertilize 1 fecundate 0 fertilise 1 003 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 07434473 n 0203 + 14859344 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | make fertile or productive; "The course fertilized her imagination"
00504464 30 v 02 federalize 1 federalise 1 005 @ 00405540 v 0000 + 14418970 n 0202 + 00804379 n 0202 + 14418970 n 0101 + 00804379 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | put under the control and authority of a federal government
00504676 30 v 03 nitrify 1 nitrogenize 0 nitrogenise 0 006 @ 00515154 v 0000 + 14647235 n 0201 + 13521873 n 0101 + 14766725 n 0101 + 14647235 n 0101 + 15015501 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | treat with nitrogen or a nitrogen compound
00504901 30 v 01 nitrify 2 006 * 00238867 v 0000 @ 00115157 v 0000 + 13521616 n 0101 + 14766725 n 0101 + 14766532 n 0101 + 15015501 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | convert into nitric acid, nitrous acid, or nitrate, especially with the action of nitrobacteria
00505151 30 v 01 clarify 2 003 @ 00126264 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 + 00264192 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | make clear by removing impurities or solids, as by heating; "clarify the butter"; "clarify beer"
00505349 30 v 02 detoxify 0 detoxicate 0 003 @ 00173338 v 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 00699146 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | remove poison from; "detoxify the soil"
00505512 30 v 01 devitrify 1 001 @ 00505620 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make (glassy materials) brittle or opaque
00505620 30 v 01 embrittle 0 002 @ 00126264 v 0000 ~ 00505512 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make brittle
00505717 30 v 01 devitrify 0 001 @ 00443670 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become crystalline
00505802 30 v 02 electrify 0 wire 0 007 @ 00299580 v 0000 + 04594489 n 0201 + 10783734 n 0202 + 00714806 n 0201 + 11450566 n 0101 + 11449907 n 0101 + 00952615 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | equip for use with electricity; "electrify an appliance"
00506040 30 v 01 electrify 1 005 @ 00452512 v 0000 ;c 06090869 n 0000 + 11450566 n 0101 + 11449907 n 0101 + 00952615 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | charge (a conductor) with electricity
00506225 30 v 01 esterify 0 003 @ 00146138 v 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 14850483 n 0101 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | change (a compound) into an ester
00506377 30 v 01 etherify 0 003 @ 00146138 v 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 03299929 n 0101 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | change into an ether; "etherify an alcohol"
00506539 30 v 01 fructify 1 001 @ 00205885 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make productive or fruitful; "The earth that he fructified"
00506672 30 v 01 fructify 0 003 @ 00205046 v 0000 + 13134947 n 0101 + 13485408 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | become productive or fruitful; "The seeds fructified"
00506827 30 v 01 interstratify 0 002 @ 01308681 v 0000 ;c 06115701 n 0000 01 + 11 00 | arrange rocks in alternating strata
00506952 30 v 01 stratify 0 005 $ 01308681 v 0000 @ 01463963 v 0000 ;c 06115701 n 0000 + 13562328 n 0101 + 08657249 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 11 00 | form layers or strata; "The rock stratifies"
00507143 30 v 02 jellify 1 jelly 0 005 @ 00140123 v 0000 + 14925198 n 0201 + 14925198 n 0101 + 07643981 n 0102 + 07643306 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make into jelly; "jellify a liquid"
00507331 30 v 01 jellify 0 004 @ 00140123 v 0000 + 14925198 n 0101 + 07643981 n 0102 + 07643306 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | become jelly; "The sauce jellified"
00507485 30 v 02 lapidify 0 petrify 0 004 @ 00507664 v 0000 + 13535583 n 0201 + 09390680 n 0201 + 13535583 n 0202 01 + 11 00 | change into stone; "the wood petrified with time"
00507664 30 v 02 fossilize 0 fossilise 0 005 @ 00115157 v 0000 + 13483726 n 0202 + 13483726 n 0101 + 09284589 n 0101 ~ 00507485 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 11 00 | convert to a fossil; "The little animals fossilized and are now embedded in the limestone"
00507913 30 v 01 dot 0 002 @ 00508032 v 0000 + 13911872 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | mark with a dot; "dot your `i's"
00508032 30 v 01 mark 0 026 $ 01588493 v 0000 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 06798750 n 0101 + 07270179 n 0103 + 03722007 n 0101 + 00263642 n 0101 ^ 00234725 v 0101 ^ 00234725 v 0102 ~ 00507913 v 0000 ~ 00508645 v 0000 ~ 00508844 v 0000 ~ 00508933 v 0000 ~ 00509100 v 0000 ~ 00509449 v 0000 ~ 00509607 v 0000 ~ 00510713 v 0000 ~ 00510869 v 0000 ~ 00511040 v 0000 ~ 00511178 v 0000 ~ 01004235 v 0000 ~ 01273263 v 0000 ~ 01273406 v 0000 ~ 01273529 v 0000 ~ 01582645 v 0000 ~ 01591476 v 0000 ~ 02508663 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make or leave a mark on; "the scouts marked the trail"; "ash marked the believers' foreheads"
00508645 30 v 02 stigmatize 0 stigmatise 0 003 @ 00508032 v 0000 + 01223488 n 0202 + 01223488 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | mark with a stigma or stigmata; "They wanted to stigmatize the adulteress"
00508844 30 v 01 raddle 0 001 @ 00508032 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | mark or paint with raddle
00508933 30 v 01 striate 0 005 @ 00508032 v 0000 + 13908348 n 0102 + 04680465 n 0104 + 13908348 n 0101 + 04680465 n 0103 01 + 11 00 | mark with striae or striations
00509100 30 v 01 ink 3 001 @ 00508032 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | mark, coat, cover, or stain with ink; "he inked his finger"
00509228 30 v 01 red-ink 0 001 @ 00453680 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | mark with red ink; "red-ink the area that is restricted"
00509349 30 v 01 reline 0 001 @ 01276361 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | put new lines on; "reline the paper"
00509449 30 v 01 dimple 0 002 @ 00508032 v 0000 + 13896695 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | mark with, or as if with, dimples; "drops dimpled the smooth stream"
00509607 30 v 01 spot 0 005 @ 00508032 v 0000 + 04682462 n 0101 + 10640195 n 0101 ~ 00509857 v 0000 ~ 00510364 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | mark with a spot or spots so as to allow easy recognition; "spot the areas that one should clearly identify"
00509857 30 v 01 freckle 0 002 @ 00509607 v 0000 + 05245192 n 0101 01 + 10 00 | mark with freckles
00509958 30 v 01 spot 1 004 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 04694441 n 0102 ~ 00510116 v 0000 ~ 00510234 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become spotted; "This dress spots quickly"
00510116 30 v 01 freckle 1 002 @ 00509958 v 0000 + 05245192 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | become freckled; "I freckle easily"
00510234 30 v 01 fox 0 002 @ 00509958 v 0000 + 14764910 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | become discolored with, or as if with, mildew spots
00510364 30 v 03 mottle 0 dapple 0 cloud 2 005 @ 00509607 v 0000 + 04682462 n 0203 + 00263947 n 0101 ~ 00510576 v 0000 ~ 01538469 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | colour with streaks or blotches of different shades
00510576 30 v 01 harlequin 0 001 @ 00510364 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | variegate with spots or marks; "His face was harlequined with patches"
00510713 30 v 01 crisscross 0 002 @ 00508032 v 0000 + 04681387 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | mark with a pattern of crossing lines; "crisscross the sheet of paper"
00510869 30 v 02 star 0 asterisk 0 003 @ 00508032 v 0000 + 06828389 n 0201 + 06828389 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | mark with an asterisk; "Linguists star unacceptable sentences"
00511040 30 v 01 flag 0 001 @ 00508032 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | provide with a flag; "Flag this file so that I can recognize it immediately"
00511178 30 v 01 tip 0 002 @ 00508032 v 0000 + 08663156 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | mark with a tip; "tip the arrow with the small stone"
00511318 30 v 01 nick 0 001 @ 00126264 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | divide or reset the tail muscles of; "nick horses"
00511430 30 v 01 tan 0 005 @ 00115157 v 0000 + 10690742 n 0101 + 00927062 n 0101 + 04390759 n 0101 ~ 00511763 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | treat skins and hides with tannic acid so as to convert them into leather
00511636 30 v 01 dress 8 002 @ 00115157 v 0000 + 00828862 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | convert into leather; "dress the tanned skins"
00511763 30 v 01 bark 0 001 @ 00511430 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | tan (a skin) with bark tannins
00511855 30 v 03 froth 1 spume 0 suds 0 004 @ 01617192 v 0000 + 09439213 n 0302 + 09443641 n 0201 + 09282724 n 0102 01 + 01 00 | make froth or foam and become bubbly; "The river foamed"
00512043 30 v 01 lather 0 003 @ 00519363 v 0000 + 09336555 n 0101 + 09439213 n 0103 01 + 01 00 | form a lather; "The shaving cream lathered"
00512186 30 v 03 disable 0 disenable 0 incapacitate 0 007 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 14548343 n 0102 ! 00512877 v 0101 ~ 00512482 v 0000 ~ 00512640 v 0000 ~ 00512749 v 0000 ~ 01301410 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 | make unable to perform a certain action; "disable this command on your computer"
00512482 30 v 01 lay_up 0 001 @ 00512186 v 0000 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | disable or confine, as with an illness; "She was laid up with pneumonia for six weeks"
00512640 30 v 01 nobble 0 001 @ 00512186 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | disable by drugging; "nobble the race horses"
00512749 30 v 01 pinion 0 003 @ 00512186 v 0000 + 02152446 n 0102 + 02468864 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | cut the wings off (of birds)
00512877 30 v 01 enable 0 004 @ 00126264 v 0000 ! 00512186 v 0101 ~ 00513177 v 0000 ~ 02474239 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 | render capable or able for some task; "This skill will enable you to find a job on Wall Street"; "The rope enables you to secure yourself when you climb the mountain"
00513177 30 v 01 equip 0 001 @ 00512877 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | provide with abilities or understanding; "She was never equipped to be a dancer"
00513344 30 v 01 buffer 0 002 @ 00169806 v 0000 + 14785941 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | add a buffer (a solution); "buffered saline solution for the eyes"
00513492 30 v 03 background 0 play_down 0 downplay 0 006 @ 01013367 v 0000 ! 00514069 v 0204 + 07285191 n 0101 ! 00514069 v 0101 ~ 00513936 v 0000 ~ 00840264 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | understate the importance or quality of; "he played down his royal ancestry"
00513757 30 v 01 pick_up 1 001 @ 00514463 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | lift out or reflect from a background; "The scarf picks up the color of the skirt"; "His eyes picked up his smile"
00513936 30 v 01 wave_off 0 001 @ 00513492 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | dismiss as insignificant; "He waved off suggestions of impropriety"
00514069 30 v 04 foreground 0 highlight 0 spotlight 1 play_up 0 009 @ 00514463 v 0000 ! 00513492 v 0402 + 14433769 n 0302 + 03518943 n 0201 + 13810141 n 0201 + 04952120 n 0202 + 05934278 n 0101 ! 00513492 v 0101 + 03519081 n 0201 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | move into the foreground to make more visible or prominent; "The introduction highlighted the speaker's distinguished career in linguistics"
00514463 30 v 02 bring_out 0 set_off 2 004 @ 01013367 v 0000 ~ 00513757 v 0000 ~ 00514069 v 0000 ~ 00557537 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | direct attention to, as if by means of contrast; "This dress accentuates your nice figure!"; "I set off these words by brackets"
00514730 30 v 03 de-emphasize 0 de-emphasise 0 destress 0 002 @ 00126264 v 0000 ~ 00587522 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | reduce the emphasis
00514871 30 v 03 tender 0 tenderize 0 tenderise 0 006 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 00248063 n 0302 + 15068436 n 0302 + 02446651 a 0201 + 00248063 n 0201 + 15068436 n 0201 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make tender or more tender as by marinating, pounding, or applying a tenderizer; "tenderize meat"
00515154 30 v 02 process 0 treat 1 038 @ 00137313 v 0000 + 01134861 n 0201 + 10477955 n 0101 + 08065937 n 0101 + 13541167 n 0101 ~ 00055871 v 0000 ~ 00184907 v 0000 ~ 00185103 v 0000 ~ 00185348 v 0000 ~ 00185465 v 0000 ~ 00185698 v 0000 ~ 00186001 v 0000 ~ 00186161 v 0000 ~ 00186446 v 0000 ~ 00186567 v 0000 ~ 00186740 v 0000 ~ 00186912 v 0000 ~ 00187016 v 0000 ~ 00187147 v 0000 ~ 00291444 v 0000 ~ 00371823 v 0000 ~ 00474762 v 0000 ~ 00504676 v 0000 ~ 00516142 v 0000 ~ 00516294 v 0000 ~ 00516425 v 0000 ~ 00516584 v 0000 ~ 00516747 v 0000 ~ 00516932 v 0000 ~ 00517128 v 0000 ~ 00517240 v 0000 ~ 00517365 v 0000 ~ 00517529 v 0000 ~ 00526081 v 0000 ~ 00577170 v 0000 ~ 01197338 v 0000 ~ 02127100 v 0000 ~ 02331575 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | subject to a process or treatment, with the aim of readying for some purpose, improving, or remedying a condition; "process cheese"; "process hair"; "treat the water so it can be drunk"; "treat the lawn with chemicals" ; "treat an oil spill"
00516142 30 v 01 reverberate 2 001 @ 00515154 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | treat, process, heat, melt, or refine in a reverberatory furnace; "reverberate ore"
00516294 30 v 01 curry 2 002 @ 00515154 v 0000 + 09984187 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | treat by incorporating fat; "curry tanned leather"
00516425 30 v 01 seed 2 002 @ 00515154 v 0000 + 10575594 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | sprinkle with silver iodide particles to disperse and cause rain; "seed clouds"
00516584 30 v 01 dose 0 003 @ 00515154 v 0000 + 13772106 n 0102 + 13772106 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | treat with an agent; add (an agent) to; "The ray dosed the paint"
00516747 30 v 02 sulphur 0 sulfur 0 003 @ 00515154 v 0000 + 14656219 n 0201 + 14656219 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | treat with sulphur in order to preserve; "These dried fruits are sulphured"
00516932 30 v 02 vulcanize 1 vulcanise 1 005 @ 00515154 v 0000 + 13573915 n 0202 + 10761519 n 0202 + 13573915 n 0101 + 10761519 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | subject to vulcanization; "vulcanized rubber"
00517128 30 v 01 chrome 0 002 @ 00515154 v 0000 + 14810704 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | treat with a chromium compound
00517240 30 v 02 bituminize 0 bituminise 0 002 @ 00515154 v 0000 + 14911530 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | treat with bitumen
00517365 30 v 02 Agenize 0 Agenise 0 003 @ 00515154 v 0000 + 15017121 n 0202 + 15017121 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | age or bleach flour with Agene (nitrogen trichloride)
00517529 30 v 01 run 7 003 @ 00515154 v 0000 ~ 00517684 v 0000 $ 01717169 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | cause to perform; "run a subject"; "run a process"
00517684 30 v 01 rerun 0 001 @ 00517529 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | cause to perform again; "We have to rerun the subjects--they misunderstood the instructions"
00517847 30 v 01 charge 0 005 @ 02327200 v 0000 + 03008976 n 0101 + 11435028 n 0101 $ 00518115 v 0000 ~ 00518288 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | energize a battery by passing a current through it in the direction opposite to discharge; "I need to charge my car battery"
00518115 30 v 01 charge 3 003 $ 00517847 v 0000 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 11435028 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | cause formation of a net electrical charge in or on; "charge a conductor"
00518288 30 v 01 recharge 0 001 @ 00517847 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | charge anew; "recharge a battery"
00518395 30 v 03 facilitate 0 ease 0 alleviate 0 006 @ 02547586 v 0000 + 07357101 n 0201 + 01196484 a 0101 + 14575531 n 0101 + 01208291 n 0101 + 10075693 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make easier; "you could facilitate the process by sharing your knowledge"
00518653 30 v 01 mystify 0 006 @ 00313987 v 0000 + 05685030 n 0105 + 03803911 n 0101 + 01266152 n 0101 + 05685538 n 0101 ! 00518852 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make mysterious; "mystify the story"
00518852 30 v 01 demystify 0 002 @ 00939857 v 0000 ! 00518653 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make less mysterious or remove the mystery from; "let's demystify the event by explaining what it is all about"
00519056 30 v 01 bubble 0 004 @ 00105333 v 0000 + 09229709 n 0101 ^ 01763101 v 0101 ~ 00519363 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | form, produce, or emit bubbles; "The soup was bubbling"
00519229 30 v 01 bubble 1 002 > 00519056 v 0000 @ 00126264 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | cause to form bubbles; "bubble gas through a liquid"
00519363 30 v 06 foam 5 froth 0 fizz 0 effervesce 0 sparkle 0 form_bubbles 0 010 @ 00519056 v 0000 + 02276088 a 0401 + 13471681 n 0401 + 04733347 n 0402 + 07919310 n 0301 + 09282724 n 0202 + 09282724 n 0101 + 02277279 a 0402 ~ 00512043 v 0000 ~ 00519751 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become bubbly or frothy or foaming; "The boiling soup was frothing"; "The river was foaming"; "Sparkling water"
00519751 30 v 01 seethe 3 001 @ 00519363 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | foam as if boiling; "a seething liquid"
00519854 30 v 01 sweeten 0 003 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 05695232 n 0105 + 00265992 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | make sweeter, more pleasant, or more agreeable; "sweeten a deal"
00520019 30 v 02 interrupt 3 disturb 0 001 @ 02367363 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | destroy the peace or tranquility of; "Don't interrupt me when I'm reading"
00520194 30 v 01 cut_in 0 001 @ 00520357 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | interrupt a dancing couple in order to take one of them as one's own partner; "Jim always cuts in!"
00520357 30 v 02 interrupt 4 disrupt 0 005 @ 00780191 v 0000 + 00383952 n 0203 + 00383952 n 0102 ~ 00520194 v 0000 ~ 00520602 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | interfere in someone else's activity; "Please don't interrupt me while I'm on the phone"
00520602 30 v 01 cut_short 4 001 @ 00520357 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | cause to end earlier than intended; "The spontaneous applause cut the singer short"
00520760 30 v 01 de-ionate 0 002 @ 00173338 v 0000 ! 00521185 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | remove ions from; "ionate thyroxine"
00520881 30 v 01 iodinate 0 003 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 14641397 n 0101 ! 00521033 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | cause to combine with iodine; "iodinate thyroxine"
00521033 30 v 01 de-iodinate 0 003 @ 00173338 v 0000 + 13460863 n 0101 ! 00520881 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | remove iodine from; "de-iodinate the thyroxine"
00521185 30 v 01 ionate 0 003 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 09315159 n 0101 ! 00520760 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | add ions to
00521296 30 v 01 upset 0 001 @ 01207527 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | disturb the balance or stability of; "The hostile talks upset the peaceful relations between the two countries"
00521478 30 v 01 green 0 004 @ 00281101 v 0000 + 04967191 n 0101 + 11505546 n 0102 + 13153633 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | turn or become green; "The trees are greening"
00521641 30 v 01 blue 0 003 @ 00281101 v 0000 + 04968895 n 0101 + 13439935 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | turn blue
00521748 30 v 01 thrombose 0 001 @ 00146138 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become blocked by a thrombus; "the blood vessel thrombosed"
00521874 30 v 02 diagonalize 0 diagonalise 0 005 @ 00383542 v 0000 + 05783357 n 0202 + 08268321 n 0201 + 05783357 n 0101 + 08268321 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | transform a matrix to a diagonal matrix
00522068 30 v 02 archaize 0 archaise 0 005 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 07073447 n 0201 + 09804230 n 0201 + 07073447 n 0101 + 09804230 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | give an archaic appearance of character to; "archaized craftwork"
00522282 30 v 01 take_effect 0 001 @ 00149583 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | go into effect or become effective or operative; "The new law will take effect next month"
00522441 30 v 01 translate 0 003 @ 01850315 v 0000 ;c 06004685 n 0000 + 07446404 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | change the position of (figures or bodies) in space without rotation
00522613 30 v 01 inform 0 001 @ 00126264 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | give character or essence to; "The principles that inform modern teaching"
00522751 30 v 05 receive 1 get 3 find 0 obtain 0 incur 0 003 $ 02210855 v 0000 @ 00109660 v 0000 ~ 00523095 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | receive a specified treatment (abstract); "These aspects of civilization do not find expression or receive an interpretation"; "His movie received a good review"; "I got nothing but trouble for my good intentions"
00523095 30 v 01 take 8 001 @ 00522751 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | ascertain or determine by measuring, computing or take a reading from a dial; "take a pulse"; "A reading was taken of the earth's tremors"
00523304 30 v 02 officialize 0 officialise 0 001 @ 00126264 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make official; "We officialized our relationship"
00523436 30 v 02 marbleize 0 marbleise 0 005 @ 00356258 v 0000 + 04951186 n 0202 + 04951186 n 0101 + 04951186 n 0103 + 14947807 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | make something look like marble; "marbleize the fireplace"
00523645 30 v 04 occidentalize 0 occidentalise 0 westernize 0 westernise 0 004 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 00825089 a 0301 ! 00523895 v 0202 ! 00523895 v 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | make western in character; "The country was Westernized after it opened up"
00523895 30 v 02 orientalize 0 orientalise 0 003 @ 00126264 v 0000 ! 00523645 v 0202 ! 00523645 v 0101 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 | make oriental in character; "orientalize your garden"
00524083 30 v 03 acetylate 1 acetylize 1 acetylise 1 005 @ 00126264 v 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 14594456 n 0201 + 14594456 n 0101 + 13425637 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | introduce an acetyl group into (a chemical compound)
00524299 30 v 03 acetylate 0 acetylize 0 acetylise 0 005 @ 00109660 v 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 14594456 n 0201 + 14594456 n 0101 + 13425637 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | receive substitution of an acetyl group; "the compounds acetylated"
00524530 30 v 02 achromatize 0 achromatise 0 002 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 00386392 a 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | remove color from; "achromatize the lenses"
00524682 30 v 05 assume 0 acquire 0 adopt 1 take_on 0 take 1 002 @ 00109660 v 0000 ~ 00525027 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | take on a certain form, attribute, or aspect; "His voice took on a sad tone"; "The story took a new turn"; "he adopted an air of superiority"; "She assumed strange manners"; "The gods assume human or animal form in these fables"
00525027 30 v 01 re-assume 0 001 @ 00524682 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | take on again, as after a time lapse; "He re-assumed his old behavior"
00525164 30 v 01 prim 1 001 @ 00109660 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | assume a prim appearance; "They mince and prim"
00525281 30 v 02 parallel 0 collimate 1 001 @ 00126264 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make or place parallel to something; "They paralleled the ditch to the highway"
00525446 30 v 02 ritualize 0 ritualise 0 003 @ 02478936 v 0000 + 01030820 n 0101 + 01027859 n 0101 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make or evolve into a ritual; "The growing up of children has become ritualized in many cultures"
00525674 30 v 02 bromate 1 brominate 1 003 @ 00446885 v 0000 + 14632129 n 0201 + 14632129 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | react with bromine
00525805 30 v 01 camp 0 002 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 05649960 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | give an artificially banal or sexual quality to
00525932 30 v 01 capacitate 2 001 @ 00109660 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | cause (spermatozoa) to undergo the physical changes necessary to fertilize an egg
00526081 30 v 01 carboxylate 0 002 @ 00515154 v 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | treat (a chemical compound) with carboxyl or carboxylic acid
00526229 30 v 01 caseate 0 001 @ 00109660 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become cheeselike; "necrotic tissue caseates"
00526339 30 v 01 caseate 1 001 @ 00109660 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | turn into cheese; "The milk caseated"
00526441 30 v 02 hack 1 hack_on 0 002 @ 01747717 v 0000 + 10154871 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 02 01 | fix a computer program piecemeal until it works; "I'm not very good at hacking but I'll give it my best"
00526643 30 v 02 classicize 0 classicise 0 001 @ 00126264 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make classic or classical
00526749 30 v 01 clinker 0 002 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 09245212 n 0102 01 + 01 00 | turn to clinker or form clinker under excessive heat in burning
00526895 30 v 01 clinker 1 001 @ 00448864 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | clear out the cinders and clinker from; "we clinkered the fire frequently"
00527034 30 v 02 closure 0 cloture 0 003 @ 00352826 v 0000 + 06666829 n 0202 + 06666829 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | terminate debate by calling for a vote; "debate was closured"; "cloture the discussion"
00527232 30 v 01 compost 0 002 @ 00115157 v 0000 + 14818101 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 08 00 | convert to compost; "compost organic debris"
00527367 30 v 02 conventionalize 0 conventionalise 0 003 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 01159964 n 0202 + 01159964 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make conventional or adapt to conventions; "conventionalized behavior"
00527572 30 v 01 cure 0 004 @ 00212414 v 0000 + 13491060 n 0105 $ 00527801 v 0000 ~ 00528115 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | prepare by drying, salting, or chemical processing in order to preserve; "cure meats"; "cure pickles"; "cure hay"
00527801 30 v 01 cure 1 002 $ 00527572 v 0000 @ 00109660 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | be or become preserved; "the apricots cure in the sun"
00527935 30 v 01 cure 2 002 @ 00443116 v 0000 + 01521776 a 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make (substances) hard and improve their usability; "cure resin"; "cure cement"; "cure soap"
00528115 30 v 01 dun 1 002 @ 00527572 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | cure by salting; "dun codfish"
00528225 30 v 01 corn 0 002 @ 00212414 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | preserve with salt; "corned beef"
00528339 30 v 03 recover 0 go_back 0 recuperate 2 003 @ 00387310 v 0000 + 07419792 n 0101 ~ 00528608 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 | regain a former condition after a financial loss; "We expect the stocks to recover to $2.90"; "The company managed to recuperate"
00528608 30 v 02 rally 0 rebound 0 003 @ 00528339 v 0000 + 00859691 n 0201 + 13545845 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | return to a former condition; "The jilted lover soon rallied and found new friends"; "The stock market rallied"
00528836 30 v 01 dawn 0 003 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 15168790 n 0101 + 15168790 n 0102 01 + 01 00 | become light; "It started to dawn, and we had to get up"
00528990 30 v 06 issue 0 emerge 2 come_out 4 come_forth 0 go_forth 0 egress 0 012 + 00044455 n 0602 + 07319909 n 0602 + 00044455 n 0601 + 00050693 n 0202 + 03303965 n 0102 ~ 00529411 v 0000 ~ 00529582 v 0000 ~ 00529759 v 0000 ~ 00530017 v 0000 ~ 00530177 v 0000 ~ 00530291 v 0000 ~ 02097925 v 0000 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | come out of; "Water issued from the hole in the wall"; "The words seemed to come out by themselves"
00529411 30 v 01 pop_out 0 001 @ 00528990 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | come out suddenly or forcefully; "you stick a bill in the vending machine and the change pops out"
00529582 30 v 01 radiate 2 003 @ 00528990 v 0000 + 00280463 a 0104 + 09403211 n 0101 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | issue or emerge in rays or waves; "Heat radiated from the metal box"
00529759 30 v 01 leak 4 004 @ 00528990 v 0000 + 07436661 n 0102 + 09337048 n 0101 + 07436661 n 0103 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | enter or escape as through a hole or crack or fissure; "Water leaked out of the can into the backpack"; "Gas leaked into the basement"
00530017 30 v 01 escape 4 002 @ 00528990 v 0000 + 07436661 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | issue or leak, as from a small opening; "Gas escaped into the bedroom"
00530177 30 v 01 fall a 001 @ 00528990 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | come out; issue; "silly phrases fell from her mouth"
00530291 30 v 01 debouch 0 001 @ 00528990 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | pass out or emerge; especially of rivers; "The tributary debouched into the big river"
00530442 30 v 05 decarbonize 0 decarbonise 0 decarburize 0 decarburise 0 decoke 0 001 @ 00173338 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove carbon from (an engine)
00530592 30 v 02 decimalize 0 decimalise 0 005 @ 00381013 v 0000 + 00194414 n 0202 + 13585309 n 0201 + 00194414 n 0101 + 13585309 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | change to the decimal system; "The country decimalized the currency in 1975"
00530829 30 v 02 decimalize 1 decimalise 1 005 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 00194414 n 0202 + 13736197 n 0202 + 00194414 n 0101 + 13736197 n 0102 01 + 11 00 | change from fractions to decimals; "Stock prices will be decimalized in the year 2000"
00531068 30 v 01 declutch 0 001 @ 00220276 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | disengage the clutch of a car
00531163 30 v 01 delouse 0 001 @ 00173338 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | free of lice; "They deloused the prisoners after they liberated the camps"
00531302 30 v 02 depopulate 0 desolate 0 003 @ 00241038 v 0000 + 07335414 n 0202 + 14519208 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | reduce in population; "The epidemic depopulated the countryside"
00531489 30 v 02 lower 1 lour 1 003 @ 00493703 v 0000 ~ 00531644 v 0000 ~ 00579712 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | set lower; "lower a rating"; "lower expectations"
00531644 30 v 01 derate 0 001 @ 00531489 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | lower the rated electrical capability of electrical apparatus
00531769 30 v 01 salinate 0 003 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 14590293 n 0102 ! 00531904 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | add salt to; "salinated solution"
00531904 30 v 04 desalinate 0 desalt 0 desalinize 0 desalinise 0 005 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 13462795 n 0403 + 13462795 n 0302 + 13462795 n 0101 ! 00531769 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | remove salt from; "desalinate water"
00532115 30 v 02 take_away 3 detract 4 004 @ 00429060 v 0000 + 02537181 a 0201 + 01220754 n 0201 + 10009671 n 0201 01 + 11 00 | take away a part from; diminish; "His bad manners detract from his good character"
00532328 30 v 01 dizzy 0 001 @ 00126264 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | make dizzy or giddy; "a dizzying pace"
00532429 30 v 02 poison 0 envenom 0 003 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 15032376 n 0101 + 00224738 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | add poison to; "Her husband poisoned her drink in order to kill her"
00532607 30 v 05 exteriorize 0 exteriorise 0 externalize 0 externalise 0 objectify 1 005 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 03838160 n 0501 + 00932088 n 0501 + 00002684 n 0501 + 00932624 n 0204 01 + 08 00 | make external or objective, or give reality to; "language externalizes our thoughts"
00532886 30 v 04 glamorize 0 glamourise 0 glamourize 0 glamorise 0 007 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 00261972 n 0402 + 00261972 n 0303 + 00261972 n 0204 + 04685195 n 0202 + 00261972 n 0101 + 04685195 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | make glamorous and attractive; "This new wallpaper really glamorizes the living room!"
00533185 30 v 02 sentimentalize 0 sentimentalise 0 002 @ 00836705 v 0000 + 01219306 n 0202 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | look at with sentimentality or turn into an object of sentiment; "Don't sentimentalize the past events"
00533403 30 v 02 sole 0 resole 0 002 @ 00260648 v 0000 + 04258982 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | put a new sole on; "sole the shoes"
00533527 30 v 02 vamp 0 revamp 1 002 @ 00260648 v 0000 + 04520020 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | provide (a shoe) with a new vamp; "revamp my old boots"
00533671 30 v 02 heel 0 reheel 0 001 @ 00260648 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | put a new heel on; "heel shoes"
00533773 30 v 01 honeycomb 0 002 @ 00123170 v 0000 + 03530642 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | make full of cavities, like a honeycomb
00533897 30 v 01 introvert 0 005 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 01351021 a 0102 + 01351021 a 0101 + 10213429 n 0101 + 04621963 n 0101 03 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | turn inside; "He introverted his feelings"
00534094 30 v 02 laicize 0 laicise 0 001 @ 00126264 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | reduce to lay status; "laicize the parochial schools"
00534222 30 v 02 politicize 0 politicise 0 001 @ 00126264 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | give a political character to; "politicize the discussion"
00534369 30 v 01 radicalize 0 001 @ 00126264 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | make more radical in social or political outlook; "Her work in the developing world radicalized her"
00534545 30 v 01 proof 1 001 @ 00126264 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | activate by mixing with water and sometimes sugar or milk; "proof yeast"
00534680 30 v 02 romanticize 0 romanticise 0 001 @ 00126264 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make romantic in style; "The designer romanticized the little black dress"
00534837 30 v 01 redden 1 007 @ 00283911 v 0000 ~ 00285593 v 0000 ~ 00535061 v 0000 ~ 00535148 v 0000 ~ 00535256 v 0000 ~ 00535360 v 0000 ~ 00535570 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make red; "The setting sun reddened the sky"
00535061 30 v 01 encrimson 0 001 @ 00534837 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make crimson
00535148 30 v 01 vermilion 0 002 @ 00534837 v 0000 + 04964977 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | color vermilion
00535256 30 v 01 carmine 0 002 @ 00534837 v 0000 + 04963449 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | color carmine
00535360 30 v 01 rubify 0 003 @ 00534837 v 0000 + 04963588 n 0102 ~ 00535481 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make ruby red
00535481 30 v 01 rubric 0 001 @ 00535360 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | adorn with ruby red color
00535570 30 v 01 ruddle 0 001 @ 00534837 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | redden as if with a red ocher color
00535669 30 v 01 rusticate 0 003 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 14579215 n 0101 + 00913274 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 10 00 | lend a rustic character to; "rusticate the house in the country"
00535844 30 v 01 sauce 0 002 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 07829412 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | add zest or flavor to, make more interesting; "sauce the roast"
00535988 30 v 02 shallow 0 shoal 0 003 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 09433134 n 0201 + 09433134 n 0102 01 + 01 00 | become shallow; "the lake shallowed over time"
00536143 30 v 02 shallow 1 shoal 1 003 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 09433134 n 0201 + 09433134 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make shallow; "The silt shallowed the canal"
00536304 30 v 01 tense 0 003 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 11515051 n 0101 + 00366675 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | increase the tension on; "alternately relax and tense your calf muscle"; "tense the rope manually before tensing the spring"
00536535 30 v 01 slack 0 003 @ 00419375 v 0000 + 04233556 n 0101 + 04775357 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | release tension on; "slack the rope"
00536678 30 v 01 steepen 0 001 @ 00126264 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | make steeper; "The landslides have steepened the mountain sides"
00536807 30 v 01 steepen 1 001 @ 00109660 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become steeper; "The mountain side has steepened"
00536921 30 v 01 superannuate 0 001 @ 02379753 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | retire or become ineligible because of old age or infirmity
00537050 30 v 01 superannuate 1 002 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 04925577 n 0102 01 + 01 00 | become obsolete
00537153 30 v 01 ulcerate 0 004 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 03142636 a 0101 + 13570783 n 0101 + 14211609 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | undergo ulceration; "Her stomach ulcerated"
00537316 30 v 01 scramble 0 003 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 04150474 n 0101 ! 00537494 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | make unintelligible; "scramble the message so that nobody can understand it"
00537494 30 v 01 unscramble 0 002 @ 00126264 v 0000 ! 00537316 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | make intelligible; "Can you unscramble the message?"
00537632 30 v 01 unsex 0 001 @ 00126264 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | remove the qualities typical of one's sex; "She unsexed herself"
00537759 30 v 01 vitrify 0 002 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 13573805 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | undergo vitrification; become glassy or glass-like
00537892 30 v 01 vitrify 1 002 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 15112565 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | change into glass or a glass-like substance by applying heat
00538043 30 v 02 vulcanize 0 vulcanise 0 003 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 13573915 n 0202 + 13573915 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | undergo vulcanization; "vulcanize rubber"
00538199 30 v 02 pall 1 dull 2 002 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 09867437 n 0202 01 + 01 00 | become less interesting or attractive
00538323 30 v 03 die 5 pall 2 become_flat 1 001 @ 00109660 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | lose sparkle or bouquet; "wine and beer can pall"
00538454 30 v 01 pall 3 002 > 00538323 v 0000 @ 00126264 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | cause to become flat; "pall the beer"
00538571 30 v 01 saponify 0 005 @ 00126264 v 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 13552858 n 0101 + 04253437 n 0101 $ 00538852 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | convert into soap by hydrolizing an ester into an acid and alcohol as a result of treating it with an alkali; "saponify oils and fats"
00538852 30 v 01 saponify 1 004 $ 00538571 v 0000 @ 00109660 v 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 13552858 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | become converted into soap by being hydrolized into an acid and alcohol as a result of being treated with an alkali; "the oil saponified"
00539110 30 v 03 move 1 go 2 run 2 002 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 00791078 n 0303 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | progress by being changed; "The speech has to go through several more drafts"; "run through your presentation before the meeting"
00539338 30 v 01 settle 3 003 @ 00171852 v 0000 + 08672562 n 0101 + 08374049 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | establish or develop as a residence; "He settled the farm 200 years ago"; "This land was settled by Germans"
00539546 30 v 02 lead_up 0 initiate 0 003 @ 01628449 v 0000 + 01009343 a 0202 + 00156390 n 0203 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | set in motion, start an event or prepare the way for; "Hitler's attack on Poland led up to World War II"
00539770 30 v 02 break_through 2 crack 9 001 @ 02050132 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | pass through (a barrier); "Registrations cracked through the 30,000 mark in the county"
00539936 30 v 02 open 0 open_up 0 003 > 00540101 v 0000 @ 02339171 v 0000 + 14485249 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make available; "This opens up new possibilities"
00540101 30 v 02 open 1 open_up 1 002 @ 00339738 v 0000 + 14485249 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | become available; "an opportunity opened up"
00540235 30 v 03 widen 1 broaden 2 extend 1 009 @ 00153263 v 0000 + 01386234 a 0301 + 00367768 n 0301 + 13941125 n 0301 ~ 00317569 v 0000 ~ 00540624 v 0000 ~ 00540739 v 0000 $ 00540946 v 0000 ~ 00541746 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | extend in scope or range or area; "The law was extended to all citizens"; "widen the range of applications"; "broaden your horizon"; "Extend your backyard"
00540624 30 v 02 territorialize 0 territorialise 0 001 @ 00540235 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | extend by adding territory
00540739 30 v 02 globalize 0 globalise 0 003 @ 00540235 v 0000 + 13488110 n 0202 + 13488110 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make world-wide in scope or application; "Markets are being increasingly globalized"
00540946 30 v 02 extend 9 expand 9 004 $ 00540235 v 0000 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 00947264 a 0202 + 00946499 a 0201 01 + 08 00 | expand the influence of; "The King extended his rule to the Eastern part of the continent"
00541163 30 v 01 expand c 006 @ 00154778 v 0000 + 00947264 a 0103 + 00947264 a 0102 + 00946499 a 0101 ~ 00234057 v 0000 ~ 00264034 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make bigger or wider in size, volume, or quantity; "expand the house by adding another wing"
00541417 30 v 01 ream 0 003 @ 00154778 v 0000 + 04059399 n 0101 $ 00541551 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | enlarge with a reamer; "ream a hole"
00541551 30 v 01 ream 1 002 $ 00541417 v 0000 @ 00173338 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove by making a hole or by boring; "the dentist reamed out the debris in the course of the root canal treatment"
00541746 30 v 01 stretch 5 002 @ 00540235 v 0000 + 00371059 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | extend the scope or meaning of; often unduly; "Stretch the limits"; "stretch my patience"; "stretch the imagination"
00541953 30 v 02 emasculate 0 castrate 2 002 @ 00224901 v 0000 + 04668713 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | deprive of strength or vigor; "The Senate emasculated the law"
00542120 30 v 01 come 3 002 $ 00341917 v 0000 @ 00109660 v 0000 01 + 28 00 | reach or enter a state, relation, condition, use, or position; "The water came to a boil"; "We came to understand the true meaning of life"; "Their anger came to a boil"; "I came to realize the true meaning of life"; "The shoes came untied"; "come into contact with a terrorist group"; "his face went red"; "your wish will come true"
00542533 30 v 01 wash_out 0 001 @ 00224901 v 0000 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | deplete of strength or vitality; "The illness washed her out"
00542668 30 v 02 suspend 2 set_aside 0 001 @ 00126264 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make inoperative or stop; "suspend payments on the loan"
00542809 30 v 02 dress 0 dress_out 0 005 $ 01679433 v 0000 $ 01364184 v 0000 * 01323958 v 0000 @ 01664172 v 0000 + 07678729 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | kill and prepare for market or consumption; "dress a turkey"
00543016 30 v 01 catch 0 002 @ 00109660 v 0000 $ 02109645 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | be struck or affected by; "catch fire"; "catch the mood"
00543161 30 v 01 bring_home 0 001 @ 02148788 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | make understandable and clear; "This brings home my point"
00543287 30 v 01 catch_on 0 001 @ 00109660 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | become popular; "This fashion caught on in Paris"
00543410 30 v 02 develop a grow a 004 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 13464820 n 0101 ~ 00543745 v 0000 ~ 00545953 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | grow emotionally or mature; "The child developed beautifully in her new kindergarten"; "When he spent a summer at camp, the boy grew noticeably and no longer showed some of his old adolescent behavior"
00543745 30 v 01 outgrow 1 001 @ 00543410 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | grow too large or too mature for; "I have outgrown these clothes"; "She outgrew her childish habits"
00543918 30 v 01 muddy 0 001 @ 00126264 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | make turbid; "muddy the water"
00544011 30 v 01 transform 2 002 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 13785136 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | subject to a mathematical transformation
00544136 30 v 02 broil 1 bake 2 001 @ 00371264 v 0000 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | heat by a natural force; "The sun broils the valley in the summer"
00544280 30 v 01 reheat 0 001 @ 00371264 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 10 00 | heat again; "Please reheat the food from last night"
00544404 30 v 01 poach 0 003 @ 00322847 v 0000 + 03972372 n 0101 + 00247342 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | cook in a simmering liquid; "poached apricots"
00544549 30 v 03 lift 7 raise 2 elevate 0 005 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 13940456 n 0303 + 00373544 n 0303 ~ 00544790 v 0000 ~ 00544936 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 | raise in rank or condition; "The new law lifted many people from poverty"
00544790 30 v 01 dignify 1 001 @ 00544549 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | raise the status of; "I shall not dignify this insensitive remark with an answer"
00544936 30 v 01 exalt 0 003 @ 00544549 v 0000 + 01029114 n 0102 ~ 00545140 v 0000 02 + 20 00 + 21 00 | raise in rank, character, or status; "exalted the humble shoemaker to the rank of King's adviser"
00545140 30 v 01 deify 1 002 @ 00544936 v 0000 + 01029114 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | exalt to the position of a God; "the people deified their King"
00545292 30 v 01 fly 1 001 @ 00109660 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | change quickly from one emotional state to another; "fly into a rage"
00545422 30 v 01 harshen 0 001 @ 00126264 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make harsh or harsher; "Winter harshened the look of the city"
00545557 30 v 03 develop 6 acquire 5 evolve 3 006 $ 00094460 v 0000 $ 00925873 v 0000 $ 01627947 v 0000 $ 00402130 v 0000 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 13477023 n 0301 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | gain through experience; "I acquired a strong aversion to television"; "Children must develop a sense of right and wrong"; "Dave developed leadership qualities in his new position"; "develop a passion for painting"
00545953 30 v 01 make c 002 @ 00543410 v 0000 + 04717139 n 0102 01 + 10 00 | develop into; "He will make a splendid father!"
00546080 30 v 02 flow_out 0 effuse 1 002 @ 00546192 v 0000 + 00329943 n 0201 01 + 04 00 | flow or spill forth
00546192 30 v 01 emanate 0 004 @ 01849221 v 0000 + 15109745 n 0101 + 01253060 n 0102 ~ 00546080 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | proceed or issue forth, as from a source; "Water emanates from this hole in the ground"
00546398 30 v 02 white-out 1 whiteout 0 001 @ 02287789 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | lose daylight visibility in heavy fog, snow, or rain
00546528 30 v 01 dinge 0 001 @ 00126264 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make dingy
00546609 30 v 02 dinge 1 batter 0 001 @ 00140967 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make a dent or impression in; "dinge a soft hat"
00546729 30 v 01 crescendo 0 003 @ 00156601 v 0000 + 04990525 n 0101 ! 00546873 v 0101 01 + 01 00 | grow louder; "The music crescendoes here"
00546873 30 v 01 decrescendo 0 003 @ 00151689 v 0000 + 04991225 n 0101 ! 00546729 v 0101 01 + 01 00 | grow quieter; "The music decrescendoes here"
00547022 30 v 01 assibilate 0 004 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 07118747 n 0101 + 13434406 n 0101 + 07129202 n 0102 01 + 01 00 | change into a sibilant; "In the syllable /si/, the /s/ sibilates in Japanese"
00547221 30 v 01 smoothen 0 001 @ 00109660 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become smooth
00547300 30 v 02 demonize 0 demonise 0 005 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 06710152 n 0202 + 06710152 n 0101 + 10329945 n 0104 + 09542339 n 0103 01 + 10 00 | make into a demon; "Power had demonized him"
00547493 30 v 04 devilize 0 devilise 0 diabolize 0 diabolise 0 004 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 09543353 n 0103 + 10329945 n 0103 + 09542339 n 0101 01 + 19 00 | turn into a devil or make devilish; "Man devilized by war"
00547706 30 v 02 etherealize 0 etherialise 0 001 @ 00126264 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | make ethereal
00547802 30 v 04 immaterialize 0 immaterialise 0 unsubstantialize 0 unsubstantialise 0 003 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 00625774 a 0302 ~ 01645290 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | render immaterial or incorporeal
00547995 30 v 03 animize 0 animise 0 animate 1 002 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 09794550 n 0301 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | give lifelike qualities to; "animated cartoons"
00548153 30 v 02 come_back 0 return 1 001 @ 00426301 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | be restored; "Her old vigor returned"
00548266 30 v 04 erupt 4 come_out 3 break_through 1 push_through 0 004 @ 00422090 v 0000 + 07320176 n 0101 ~ 00308105 v 0000 $ 00422899 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | break out; "The tooth erupted and had to be extracted"
00548479 30 v 01 turn_on 0 001 @ 00109660 v 0000 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | become hostile towards; "The dog suddenly turned on the mailman"
00548616 30 v 01 drop 2 001 @ 00109660 v 0000 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | change from one level to another; "She dropped into army jargon"
00548750 30 v 03 mangle 1 mutilate 1 murder 0 001 @ 00835903 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | alter so as to make unrecognizable; "The tourists murdered the French language"
00548913 30 v 01 shift 1 002 @ 02257767 v 0000 + 07444668 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | move and exchange for another; "shift the date for our class reunion"
00549063 30 v 01 run 3 001 @ 00149583 v 0000 04 + 06 00 + 07 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | change from one state to another; "run amok"; "run rogue"; "run riot"
00549217 30 v 01 clear 3 002 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 00264192 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make clear, bright, light, or translucent; "The water had to be cleared through filtering"
00549396 30 v 01 break_into 0 001 @ 00109660 v 0000 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | change pace; "The dancers broke into a cha-cha"; "The horse broke into a gallop"
00549552 30 v 02 save 0 make_unnecessary 0 001 @ 02452885 v 0000 02 + 11 00 + 14 00 | make unnecessary an expenditure or effort; "This will save money"; "I'll save you the trouble"; "This will save you a lot of time"
00549771 30 v 01 turn_to 0 000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | direct one's interest or attention towards; go into; "The pedophile turned to boys for satisfaction"; "People turn to mysticism at the turn of a millennium"
00549982 30 v 02 raise 3 lift 5 001 @ 00205885 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | invigorate or heighten; "lift my spirits"; "lift his ego"
00550117 30 v 03 switch 2 shift 2 change 5 012 $ 00169458 v 0000 $ 00161225 v 0000 + 07444668 n 0201 + 00196084 n 0101 ~ 00550546 v 0000 ~ 00551065 v 0000 ~ 00551412 v 0000 ~ 00551611 v 0000 ~ 00560391 v 0000 ~ 00744237 v 0000 ~ 01860107 v 0000 ~ 02101373 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 | lay aside, abandon, or leave for another; "switch to a different brand of beer"; "She switched psychiatrists"; "The car changed lanes"
00550546 30 v 01 transition 0 003 @ 00550117 v 0000 + 00201058 n 0102 + 07358576 n 0101 02 + 12 00 + 22 00 | make or undergo a transition (from one state or system to another); "The airline transitioned to more fuel-efficient jets"; "The adagio transitioned into an allegro"
00550823 30 v 01 transition 1 004 > 00550546 v 0000 @ 00115157 v 0000 + 07358576 n 0101 + 07415730 n 0102 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | cause to convert or undergo a transition; "the company had to transition the old practices to modern technology"
00551065 30 v 01 shift b 002 @ 00550117 v 0000 + 03432129 n 0103 01 + 02 00 | change gears; "you have to shift when you go down a steep hill"
00551210 30 v 02 deepen 2 change 8 001 @ 00109660 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become deeper in tone; "His voice began to change when he was 12 years old"; "Her voice deepened when she whispered the password"
00551412 30 v 01 break e 001 @ 00550117 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | change suddenly from one tone quality or register to another; "Her voice broke to a whisper when she started to talk about her children"
00551611 30 v 02 surf 0 channel-surf 0 001 @ 00550117 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | switch channels, on television
00551718 30 v 02 dynamize 0 dynamise 0 001 @ 00126264 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make (a drug) effective; "dynamized medicine"
00551840 30 v 02 dynamize 1 dynamise 1 001 @ 00126264 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | make more dynamic; "She was dynamized by her desire to go to grad school"
00552006 30 v 02 concretize 0 concretise 0 001 @ 00109660 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become specific; "the idea concretized in her mind"
00552138 30 v 03 rarefy 1 sublimate 2 subtilize 0 001 @ 00126264 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make more subtle or refined
00552253 30 v 02 volatilize 0 volatilise 0 005 @ 00126264 v 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 02519813 a 0207 + 02519555 a 0101 + 02519813 a 0106 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make volatile; cause to pass off in a vapor
00552458 30 v 02 uniformize 0 uniformise 0 002 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 00744506 a 0102 03 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | make uniform; "the data have been uniformized"
00552619 30 v 02 symmetrize 0 symmetrise 0 005 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 13898315 n 0201 + 05064827 n 0201 + 13898315 n 0101 + 05064827 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make symmetric; "symmetrized waves"
00552815 30 v 01 decay 2 006 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 11444643 n 0101 ~ 00209837 v 0000 ~ 00210259 v 0000 ~ 00399553 v 0000 ~ 00553053 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | undergo decay or decomposition; "The body started to decay and needed to be cremated"
00553053 30 v 01 deliquesce 1 002 @ 00552815 v 0000 + 00492157 a 0101 01 + 02 00 | melt away in the process of decay; "The fungi eventually deliquesced"
00553208 30 v 06 immortalize 0 immortalise 0 eternize 0 eternise 0 eternalize 0 eternalise 0 001 @ 00126264 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 10 00 | make famous forever; "This melody immortalized its composer"
00553407 30 v 02 commute 4 transpose 3 003 ;c 06000644 n 0000 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 00196485 n 0103 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | exchange positions without a change in value; "These operators commute with each other"
00553616 30 v 02 syncretize 0 syncretise 0 002 @ 00394813 v 0000 + 13564215 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | become fused
00553727 30 v 01 denature 0 001 @ 00126264 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make (alcohol) unfit for drinking without impairing usefulness for other purposes
00553874 30 v 01 denature 1 002 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 14710024 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | modify (as a native protein) especially by heat, acid, alkali, or ultraviolet radiation so that all of the original properties are removed or diminished
00554110 30 v 01 denature 2 002 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 14710024 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | add nonfissionable material to (fissionable material) so as to make unsuitable for use in an atomic bomb
00554298 30 v 01 disrupt 1 002 + 01923720 a 0101 + 00553173 n 0101 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | throw into disorder; "This event disrupted the orderly process"
00554468 30 v 02 sanitize 0 sanitise 0 001 @ 00126264 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make less offensive or more acceptable by removing objectionable features; "sanitize a document before releasing it to the press"; "sanitize history"; "sanitize the language in a book"
00554729 30 v 01 verbify 0 003 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 06318062 n 0101 + 06320569 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | make into a verb; "'mouse' has been verbified by computer users"
00554894 30 v 01 introject 0 004 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 05754197 n 0101 + 05754519 n 0101 + 05924165 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | incorporate (attitudes or ideas) into one's personality unconsciously
00555084 30 v 01 swell 2 001 @ 00156601 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | increase in size, magnitude, number, or intensity; "The music swelled to a crescendo"
00555240 30 v 03 transfer 0 transpose 5 transplant 0 001 @ 00555447 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | transfer from one place or period to another; "The ancient Greek story was transplanted into Modern America"
00555447 30 v 01 shift 3 004 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 00196084 n 0103 + 07359599 n 0103 ~ 00555240 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | move from one setting or context to another; "shift the emphasis"; "shift one's attention"
00555654 30 v 01 shift 4 002 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 07359599 n 0103 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | change in quality; "His tone shifted"
00555780 30 v 01 brush 0 003 @ 00173338 v 0000 + 02908217 n 0101 $ 01243982 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove with or as if with a brush; "brush away the crumbs"; "brush the dust from the jacket"; "brush aside the objections"
00556001 30 v 01 sputter 0 001 @ 00126264 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | cause to undergo a process in which atoms are removed; "The solar wind protons must sputter away the surface atoms of the dust"
00556193 30 v 01 mix 2 006 @ 00193486 v 0000 + 00509377 a 0102 + 03775388 n 0101 + 07374756 n 0101 + 00380083 n 0101 + 00380083 n 0106 01 + 08 00 | combine (electronic signals); "mixing sounds"
00556389 30 v 01 transcribe 0 003 @ 00115157 v 0000 ;c 06079620 n 0000 + 13568238 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | convert the genetic information in (a strand of DNA) into a strand of RNA, especially messenger RNA
00556593 30 v 01 draw e 001 @ 00126264 v 0000 03 + 11 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | bring or lead someone to a certain action or condition; "She was drawn to despair"; "The President refused to be drawn into delivering an ultimatum"; "The session was drawn to a close"
00556855 30 v 01 make f 001 @ 00126264 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | change from one form into another; "make water into wine"; "make lead into gold"; "make clay into bricks"
00557022 30 v 01 dope 0 002 @ 00126264 v 0000 ;c 06099269 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | add impurities to (a semiconductor) in order to produce or modify its properties; "The resistors have been doped"
00557216 30 v 01 swing 8 002 @ 00109660 v 0000 ~ 01876907 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | alternate dramatically between high and low values; "his mood swings"; "the market is swinging up and down"
00557404 30 v 01 take 9 001 @ 00149583 v 0000 01 + 07 00 | be seized or affected in a specified way; "take sick"; "be taken drunk"
00557537 30 v 01 raise e 001 @ 00514463 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | bring (a surface or a design) into relief and cause to project; "raised edges"
00557686 30 v 04 wash 5 wash_out 4 wash_off 0 wash_away 0 003 @ 00173338 v 0000 $ 01270199 v 0000 $ 01535742 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove by the application of water or other liquid and soap or some other cleaning agent; "he washed the dirt from his coat"; "The nurse washed away the blood"; "Can you wash away the spots on the windows?"; "he managed to wash out the stains"
00558061 30 v 02 lull 0 calm_down 3 002 @ 00461493 v 0000 + 15274441 n 0102 01 + 01 00 | become quiet or less intensive; "the fighting lulled for a moment"
00558219 30 v 01 prostrate 0 002 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 01167548 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | render helpless or defenseless; "They prostrated the enemy"
00558371 30 v 01 advance 9 003 @ 00205885 v 0000 + 00249501 n 0101 + 00282050 n 0105 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | develop further; "We are advancing technology every day"
00558536 30 v 01 break 4 001 @ 00149583 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | come into being; "light broke over the horizon"; "Voices broke in the air"
00558673 30 v 01 settle 5 001 @ 00149583 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | become resolved, fixed, established, or quiet; "The roar settled to a thunder"; "The wind settled in the West"; "it is settling to rain"; "A cough settled in her chest"; "Her mood settled into lethargy"
00558963 30 v 01 excite 1 002 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 14036356 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | produce a magnetic field in; "excite the neurons"
00559102 30 v 03 excite 2 energize 0 energise 0 009 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 10056103 n 0302 + 10056103 n 0201 + 04633197 n 0201 + 05035961 n 0201 + 14050143 n 0201 + 11452218 n 0201 + 01046984 n 0201 + 02309971 a 0103 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | raise to a higher energy level; "excite the atoms"
00559390 30 v 01 crush 8 001 @ 00334186 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | become injured, broken, or distorted by pressure; "The plastic bottle crushed against the wall"
00559556 30 v 01 shake 1 001 @ 00126264 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | bring to a specified condition by or as if by shaking; "He was shaken from his dreams"; "shake the salt out of the salt shaker"
00559754 30 v 01 outmode 0 001 @ 00126264 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make unfashionable, outdated, or obsolete; "Modern ways of cooking have outmoded the hearth"
00559919 30 v 02 spice 0 spice_up 0 003 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 04992570 n 0103 ~ 00560122 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make more interesting or flavorful; "Spice up the evening by inviting a belly dancer"
00560122 30 v 01 salt 1 001 @ 00559919 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | add zest or liveliness to; "She salts her lectures with jokes"
00560247 30 v 03 fail 7 run_out 2 give_out 3 000 01 + 01 00 | prove insufficient; "The water supply for the town failed after a long drought"
00560391 30 v 02 leap 0 jump 5 003 @ 00550117 v 0000 + 06618427 n 0201 + 07358985 n 0101 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | pass abruptly from one state or topic to another; "leap into fame"; "jump to a conclusion"; "jump from one thing to another"
00560628 30 v 01 back 3 002 @ 00380159 v 0000 ! 00560764 v 0101 01 + 01 00 | shift to a counterclockwise direction; "the wind backed"
00560764 30 v 01 veer 3 002 @ 00380159 v 0000 ! 00560628 v 0101 01 + 01 00 | shift to a clockwise direction; "the wind veered"
00560893 30 v 01 shorten 9 004 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 09433952 n 0101 + 00358931 n 0101 ~ 00561090 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make short or shorter; "shorten the skirt"; "shorten the rope by a few inches"
00561090 30 v 01 cut e 004 @ 00560893 v 0000 ~ 01248782 v 0000 ~ 01299127 v 0000 ~ 01553761 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | shorten as if by severing the edges or ends of; "cut my hair"
00561266 30 v 01 fall e 002 @ 00109660 v 0000 $ 00561375 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | be cast down; "his eyes fell"
00561375 30 v 01 fall b 002 $ 00561266 v 0000 @ 00109660 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | assume a disappointed or sad expression; "Her face fell when she heard that she would be laid off"; "his crest fell"
00561571 30 v 01 run_out c 002 @ 02609764 v 0000 $ 00561714 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become used up; be exhausted; "Our supplies finally ran out"
00561714 30 v 01 run_out 3 002 $ 00561571 v 0000 @ 01157517 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | exhaust the supply of; "We ran out of time just as the discussion was getting interesting"
00561887 30 v 01 think 0 001 @ 00126264 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | bring into a given condition by mental preoccupation; "She thought herself into a state of panic over the final exam"
00562067 30 v 01 make e 001 @ 01627947 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | favor the development of; "Practice makes the winner"
00562182 30 v 01 make a 001 @ 00126264 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to be enjoyable or pleasurable; "make my day"
00562303 30 v 01 deflate a 003 @ 00429060 v 0000 + 13459821 n 0101 ! 00562523 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 10 00 | reduce or cut back the amount or availability of, creating a decline in value or prices; "deflate the currency"
00562523 30 v 01 inflate a 003 @ 00429060 v 0000 + 13498828 n 0101 ! 00562303 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 10 00 | increase the amount or availability of, creating a rise in value; "inflate the currency"
00562720 30 v 01 deflate b 003 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 13459821 n 0101 ! 00562882 v 0101 01 + 11 00 | produce deflation in; "The new measures deflated the economy"
00562882 30 v 01 inflate b 004 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 13498828 n 0101 ! 00562720 v 0101 ~ 00563100 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | cause prices to rise by increasing the available currency or credit; "The war inflated the economy"
00563100 30 v 01 reflate 4 004 @ 00562882 v 0000 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 13548350 n 0101 $ 00563360 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | economics: raise demand, expand the money supply, or raise prices, after a period of deflation; "These measures reflated the economy"
00563360 30 v 01 reflate 5 003 $ 00563100 v 0000 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 13548350 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | economics: experience reflation; "The economy reflated after the Fed took extreme measures"
00563552 30 v 03 format 9 initialize a initialise a 005 @ 02467662 v 0000 + 06637350 n 0303 + 06637350 n 0202 + 06636806 n 0101 + 06636806 n 0102 01 + 01 00 | divide (a disk) into marked sectors so that it may store data; "Please format this disk before entering data!"
00563824 30 v 04 digitize 0 digitise 0 digitalize 0 digitalise 0 008 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 13741022 n 0301 + 05803212 n 0202 + 03197446 n 0202 + 13741022 n 0201 + 05803212 n 0101 + 03197446 n 0101 + 13741022 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | put into digital form, as for use in a computer; "he bought a device to digitize the data"
00564151 30 v 02 hydrolyze 0 hydrolyse 0 002 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 02744876 a 0101 01 + 01 00 | undergo hydrolysis; decompose by reacting with water
00564300 30 v 02 hydrolize 1 hydrolise 1 005 > 00564151 v 0000 @ 00137313 v 0000 + 13494919 n 0201 + 13494919 n 0101 ~ 00564514 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make a compound react with water and undergo hydrolysis
00564514 30 v 01 saccharify 0 001 @ 00564300 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | convert into a simple soluble fermentable sugar by hydrolyzing a sugar derivative or complex carbohydrate
00564695 30 v 02 fold a fold_up a 003 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 00406612 n 0101 ~ 00564857 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become folded or folded up; "The bed folds in a jiffy"
00564857 30 v 05 rumple a crumple a wrinkle a crease a crinkle a 004 @ 00564695 v 0000 + 13905792 n 0504 + 13905792 n 0403 + 13905792 n 0301 01 + 01 00 | become wrinkled or crumpled or creased; "This fabric won't wrinkle"
00565081 30 v 02 gelatinize 1 gelatinise 1 003 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 14730553 n 0101 $ 00565279 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | convert into gelatinous form or jelly; "hot water will gelatinize starch"
00565279 30 v 02 gelatinize 0 gelatinise 0 003 $ 00565081 v 0000 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 14730553 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | become gelatinous or change into a jelly; "the starch gelatinized when it was heated"
00565481 30 v 01 gelatinize 2 002 @ 01264283 v 0000 + 14730553 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | coat with gelatin
00565592 30 v 07 felt 0 felt_up 0 mat_up 0 matt-up 0 matte_up 0 matte 0 mat 0 004 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 04956110 n 0704 + 03730893 n 0701 + 03326795 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | change texture so as to become matted and felt-like; "The fabric felted up after several washes"
00565858 30 v 01 recombine 1 003 $ 00566024 v 0000 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 07374152 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | cause genetic recombination; "should scientists recombine DNA?"
00566024 30 v 01 recombine 0 003 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 07374152 n 0101 $ 00565858 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | undergo genetic recombination; "The DNA can recombine"
00566181 30 v 01 float 3 001 @ 00381013 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | convert from a fixed point notation to a floating point notation; "float data"
00566322 30 v 05 feminize 0 feminise 0 effeminize 0 effeminise 0 womanize 0 002 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 10787470 n 0501 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | to give a (more) feminine, effeminate, or womanly quality or appearance to; "This hairdo feminizes the man"
00566569 30 v 04 masculinize 0 masculinise 0 virilize 0 virilise 0 004 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 13511755 n 0303 + 13511755 n 0101 $ 00566895 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | produce virilism in or cause to assume masculine characteristics, as through a hormonal imbalance or hormone therapy; "the drugs masculinized the teenage girl"
00566895 30 v 01 masculinize 1 002 $ 00566569 v 0000 @ 00126264 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | give a masculine appearance or character to; "Fashion designers have masculinized women's looks in the 1990s"
00567099 30 v 02 feminize 1 feminise 1 003 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 13479605 n 0202 + 13479605 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | assume (more) feminine characteristics; "feminized language"; "feminized frogs"
00567291 30 v 01 bind 9 005 @ 01356750 v 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 14704465 n 0101 + 04689198 n 0101 ~ 00567484 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | form a chemical bond with; "The hydrogen binds the oxygen"
00567484 30 v 01 ligate 0 002 @ 00567291 v 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 01 + 01 00 | bind chemically; "The enzyme ligated"
00567604 30 v 02 disharmonize 0 dissonate 0 004 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 01164561 a 0202 + 05720248 n 0202 + 04984514 n 0201 01 + 08 00 | cause to sound harsh and unpleasant
00567775 30 v 01 obsolesce 0 003 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 00669367 a 0101 + 13523983 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | become obsolete, fall into disuse; "This word has not obsolesced, although it is rarely used"
00567971 30 v 02 sexualize 0 sexualise 0 001 @ 00126264 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 | make sexual, endow with sex, attribute sex to; "The god was sexualized and married to another god"; "Some languages sexualize all nouns and do not have a neuter gender"
00568234 30 v 02 schematize 1 schematise 1 005 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 00192457 n 0202 + 00192457 n 0101 + 05927813 n 0102 + 05927813 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | give conventional form to; "some art forms schematise designs into geometrical patterns"
00568483 30 v 01 patent 0 002 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 04706290 n 0104 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make open to sight or notice; "His behavior has patented an embarrassing fact about him"
00568661 30 v 02 constitutionalize 0 constitutionalise 0 001 @ 00126264 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | incorporate into a constitution, make constitutional; "A woman's right to an abortion was constitutionalized in the 1970's"
00568879 30 v 02 rationalize 1 rationalise 1 004 @ 00126264 v 0000 ;c 06000644 n 0000 + 01212225 n 0202 + 01212225 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | remove irrational quantities from; "This function can be rationalized"
00569087 30 v 02 stalinize 0 stalinise 0 004 @ 00382635 v 0000 + 13560911 n 0202 + 13560911 n 0101 ! 00569318 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | transform in accordance with Stalin's policies; "Russia was slowly stalinized after Lenin's death"
00569318 30 v 02 destalinize 0 destalinise 0 004 @ 00382635 v 0000 + 13463656 n 0203 + 13463656 n 0101 ! 00569087 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | counteract the effects and policies of Stalinism; "Russia was slowly destalinized in the late 1950's"
00569556 30 v 02 plasticize 0 plasticise 0 003 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 14593162 n 0202 + 14593162 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | make plastic, as by the addition of a plasticizer; "plasticized PVC"
00569741 30 v 02 plasticize 1 plasticise 1 001 @ 00109660 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become plastic, as by having a plasticizer added
00569870 30 v 01 scrap 0 001 @ 00115157 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make into scrap or refuse; "scrap the old airplane and sell the parts"
00570003 30 v 01 desorb 1 004 @ 00173338 v 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 13463490 n 0101 $ 00570205 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | remove from a surface on which it is adsorbed; "the substance was desorbed"
00570205 30 v 01 desorb 0 004 $ 00570003 v 0000 @ 00426958 v 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 13463490 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | go away from the surface to which (a substance) is adsorbed
00570383 30 v 01 rarefy 3 002 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 07419408 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | lessen the density or solidity of; "The bones are rarefied"
00570524 30 v 01 deepen 3 002 @ 00154778 v 0000 + 13458968 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make deeper; "They deepened the lake so that bigger pleasure boats could use it"
00570694 30 v 01 recede 0 004 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 00057486 n 0102 + 07336214 n 0101 ~ 00570907 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become faint or more distant; "the unhappy memories of her childhood receded as she grew older"
00570907 30 v 01 ebb 1 003 @ 00570694 v 0000 + 13470491 n 0101 + 13470491 n 0102 01 + 01 00 | fall away or decline; "The patient's strength ebbed away"
00571061 30 v 02 remove 2 take_away 2 001 ~ 00571273 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | get rid of something abstract; "The death of her mother removed the last obstacle to their marriage"; "God takes away your sins"
00571273 30 v 01 wash_away 1 001 @ 00571061 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | eliminate; "wash away all the differences"
00571390 30 v 01 drift 0 002 @ 00158804 v 0000 + 09270233 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | be piled up in banks or heaps by the force of wind or a current; "snow drifting several feet high"; "sand drifting like snow"
00571596 30 v 01 pull b 002 @ 00173338 v 0000 $ 01995211 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | take away; "pull the old soup cans from the supermarket shelf"
00571738 30 v 02 paganize 0 paganise 0 002 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 10166394 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make pagan in character; "The Church paganized Christianity"
00571901 30 v 01 defervesce 0 002 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 07368482 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | experience an abatement of a fever
00572021 30 v 01 incandesce 0 003 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 11467786 n 0101 + 05018674 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | become incandescent or glow with heat; "an incandescing body"
00572186 30 v 01 incandesce 1 003 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 11467786 n 0101 + 05018674 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to become incandescent or glow; "the lamp was incandesced"
00572362 30 v 01 calcify 4 002 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 14011408 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | become inflexible and unchanging; "Old folks can calcify"
00572502 30 v 01 drift a 003 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 06197664 n 0101 $ 02662821 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | be subject to fluctuation; "The stock market drifted upward"
00572661 30 v 01 leave_off 0 001 @ 02680814 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | stop using; "leave off your jacket--no need to wear it here"
00572788 30 v 01 play_out 0 002 $ 02280869 v 0000 @ 00109660 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become spent or exhausted; "The champion's strength played out fast"
00572940 30 v 01 turn_down 3 001 @ 00203866 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | take a downward direction; "The economy finally turned down after a long boom"
00573085 30 v 01 damp 4 002 @ 02510337 v 0000 + 01145905 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 10 00 | restrain or discourage; "the sudden bad news damped the joyous atmosphere"
00573247 30 v 02 deaminate 0 deaminize 0 003 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 13456071 n 0202 + 13456071 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | remove the amino radical (usually by hydrolysis) from an amino compound; to perform deamination
00573457 30 v 01 angulate 0 002 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 13887509 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 08 00 | make or become angular
00573571 30 v 01 circularize 0 002 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 02040652 a 0102 01 + 08 00 | make circular
00573671 30 v 02 sensitize 1 sensitise 1 003 @ 00126264 v 0000 ;c 00903559 n 0000 + 14724025 n 0202 01 + 08 00 | make (a material) sensitive to light, often of a particular colour, by coating it with a photographic emulsion; "sensitize the photographic film"
00573932 30 v 02 sensitize 2 sensitise 2 006 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 14724025 n 0202 + 14531983 n 0202 + 00829170 n 0204 + 14724025 n 0101 + 00829170 n 0103 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | make sensitive to a drug or allergen; "Long-term exposure to this medicine may sensitize you to the allergen"
00574218 30 v 01 conjugate 4 003 @ 00109660 v 0000 ;c 06037666 n 0000 + 00847340 n 0104 01 + 01 00 | undergo conjugation
00574341 30 v 02 depolarize 0 depolarise 0 004 @ 00126264 v 0000 ;c 06090869 n 0000 + 11492240 n 0202 + 11492240 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | eliminate the polarization of
00574514 30 v 02 demineralize 0 demineralise 0 005 @ 00173338 v 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 13461525 n 0202 + 14210716 n 0202 + 13461525 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | remove the minerals or salts from; "demineralize water"
00574735 30 v 01 intensify a 004 @ 00126264 v 0000 ;c 00620554 n 0000 + 04975340 n 0103 + 00374677 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make the chemically affected part of (a negative) denser or more opaque in order produce a stronger contrast between light and dark
00574996 30 v 02 isomerize 0 isomerise 0 005 @ 00109660 v 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 07416107 n 0202 + 07416107 n 0101 $ 00575169 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | change into an isomer
00575169 30 v 02 isomerize 1 isomerise 1 005 $ 00574996 v 0000 @ 00126264 v 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 07416107 n 0202 + 07416107 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to change into an isomer
00575359 30 v 01 legitimate 0 002 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 01195584 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | make (an illegitimate child) legitimate; declare the legitimacy of (someone); "They legitimized their natural child"
00575561 30 v 01 eliminate 6 003 @ 00173338 v 0000 ;c 06000644 n 0000 + 00395503 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | remove (an unknown variable) from two or more equations
00575720 30 v 02 evaporate 1 vaporise 4 007 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 02924428 a 0101 + 15055633 n 0101 + 13572436 n 0103 + 13572436 n 0105 ~ 00367416 v 0000 $ 00575970 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | change into a vapor; "The water evaporated in front of our eyes"
00575970 30 v 02 evaporate 2 vaporise 5 007 $ 00575720 v 0000 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 02924428 a 0101 + 15055633 n 0101 + 13572436 n 0103 + 13572436 n 0105 ~ 00367241 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to change into a vapor; "The chemist evaporated the water"
00576228 30 v 03 expectorate 3 clear_out 3 drive_out 3 001 @ 00173338 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | clear out the chest and lungs; "This drug expectorates quickly"
00576384 30 v 01 indurate 2 001 @ 00109660 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become fixed or established; "indurated customs"
00576498 30 v 01 gradate 0 001 @ 00109660 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | pass imperceptibly from one degree, shade, or tone into another; "The paint on these walls gradates but you don't see it"
00576684 30 v 02 keratinize 0 keratinise 0 004 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 13505249 n 0202 + 13505249 n 0101 $ 00576860 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become horny and impregnated with keratin
00576860 30 v 02 keratinize 1 keratinise 1 002 $ 00576684 v 0000 @ 00115157 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | convert into keratin
00576979 30 v 02 industrialize 1 industrialise 1 001 @ 00126264 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | organize (the production of something) into an industry; "The Chinese industrialized textile production"
00577170 30 v 01 beneficiate 0 003 @ 00515154 v 0000 ;c 06125698 n 0000 + 13516312 n 0106 01 + 08 00 | process (ores or other raw materials), as by reduction
00577330 30 v 01 novate 0 003 @ 00162688 v 0000 ;c 06534659 n 0000 + 00196848 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | replace with something new, especially an old obligation by a new one
00577500 30 v 01 opacify 0 003 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 13524686 n 0101 $ 00577689 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become opaque; "the tissue in the eye's cornea may opacify and the patient may go blind"
00577689 30 v 01 opacify 1 002 $ 00577500 v 0000 @ 00126264 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make opaque; "The glass was opacified more greater privacy"
00577839 30 v 01 opsonize 0 003 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 13525912 n 0102 + 13525912 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | make (cells) more susceptible to the action of phagocytes
00577998 30 v 01 mature 3 001 @ 00109660 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become due for repayment; "These bonds mature in 2005"
00578116 30 v 02 militarize 0 militarise 0 003 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 01156438 n 0204 + 01156438 n 0103 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | adopt for military use; "militarize the Civil Service"
00578295 30 v 02 nationalize 1 nationalise 1 003 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 01152300 n 0202 + 01152300 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make national in character or scope; "His heroic deeds were nationalized by the press"
00578508 30 v 02 popularize 0 popularise 0 004 $ 00970215 v 0000 @ 00298244 v 0000 + 07174260 n 0202 + 07174260 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | make understandable to the general public; "Carl Sagan popularized cosmology in his books"
00578733 30 v 01 recommend 0 001 @ 00126264 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | make attractive or acceptable; "Honesty recommends any person"
00578862 30 v 01 rejuvenate 3 001 @ 00109660 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | develop youthful topographical features; "the land rejuvenated"
00578993 30 v 01 ruin 0 003 @ 00208836 v 0000 + 04118635 n 0101 + 13466312 n 0102 01 + 01 00 | fall into ruin
00579105 30 v 02 sentimentalize 3 sentimentalise 3 001 @ 00126264 v 0000 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | make (someone or something) sentimental or imbue with sentimental qualities; "Too much poetry sentimentalizes the mind"; "These experiences have sentimentalized her"
00579367 30 v 01 sequester 6 003 @ 00109660 v 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 13554586 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | undergo sequestration by forming a stable compound with an ion; "The cations were sequestered"
00579565 30 v 02 solemnize 0 solemnise 0 001 @ 00126264 v 0000 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | make solemn and grave; "This ceremony solemnized our hearts"
00579712 30 v 02 subordinate 3 subdue 3 003 @ 00531489 v 0000 + 10669991 n 0101 + 01128655 n 0102 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | make subordinate, dependent, or subservient; "Our wishes have to be subordinated to that of our ruler"
00579952 30 v 02 territorialize 1 territorialise 1 003 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 01016973 n 0202 + 01016973 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | place on a territorial basis; "The railways were territorialized"
00580142 30 v 01 transaminate 0 004 @ 00109660 v 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 13567960 n 0101 $ 00580345 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | undergo transfer from one compound to another; "amino groups can transaminate"
00580345 30 v 01 transaminate 1 002 $ 00580142 v 0000 @ 00126264 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | change (an amino group) by transferring it from one compound to another
00580512 30 v 03 transfigure 2 glorify 3 spiritualize 3 004 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 15299367 n 0101 + 07358377 n 0101 + 00399717 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | elevate or idealize, in allusion to Christ's transfiguration
00580720 30 v 01 unsanctify 0 002 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 04856014 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | remove the sanctification from or make unsanctified
00580865 30 v 01 vesiculate 0 003 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 13573181 n 0101 $ 00581038 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | cause to become vesicular or full of air cells; "vesiculate an organ"
00581038 30 v 01 vesiculate 1 003 $ 00580865 v 0000 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 13573181 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | become vesicular or full of air cells; "The organs vesiculated"
00581205 30 v 02 visualize 0 visualise 0 001 @ 00126264 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make visible; "With this machine, ultrasound can be visualized"
00581355 30 v 01 undulate 0 001 @ 00109660 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | increase and decrease in volume or pitch, as if in waves; "The singer's voice undulated"
00581509 30 v 01 variegate 1 002 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 04735828 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | change the appearance of, especially by marking with different colors
00581671 30 v 02 vascularize 1 vascularise 1 004 $ 00122097 v 0000 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 02873811 a 0101 + 13572860 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | become vascular and have vessels that circulate fluids; "The egg yolk vascularized"
00581891 30 v 01 ventilate 1 004 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 02823423 a 0101 + 04526964 n 0101 + 00266645 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | furnish with an opening to allow air to circulate or gas to escape; "The architect did not think about ventilating the storage space"
00582145 30 v 01 vivify 1 002 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 04631700 n 0105 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make more striking or animated; "his remarks always vivify an otherwise dull story"
00582318 30 v 02 vulgarise 1 vulgarize 1 004 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 01950198 a 0205 + 01268020 n 0201 + 01268020 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | debase and make vulgar; "The Press has vulgarized Love and Marriage"
00582527 30 v 01 scorch 5 002 @ 00378664 v 0000 + 14289942 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | destroy completely by or as if by fire; "The wildfire scorched the forest and several homes"; "the invaders scorched the land"
00582743 30 v 03 scorch 7 sear 7 singe 7 002 @ 00377002 v 0000 + 14289942 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | become superficially burned; "my eyebrows singed when I bent over the flames"
00582917 30 v 01 supple 0 001 @ 00126264 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make pliant and flexible; "These boots are not yet suppled by frequent use"
00583064 30 v 01 crash b 002 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 07477945 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | undergo a sudden and severe downturn; "the economy crashed"; "will the stock market crash again?"
00583242 30 v 02 professionalize 0 professionalise 0 003 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 13541491 n 0101 $ 00583523 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make professional or give a professional character to; "Philosophy has not always been professionalized and used to be a subject pursued only by amateurs"
00583523 30 v 02 professionalize 1 professionalise 1 003 $ 00583242 v 0000 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 13541491 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | become professional or proceed in a professional manner or in an activity for pay or as a means of livelihood
00583759 30 v 01 smut 2 002 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 00747215 n 0105 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make obscene; "This line in the play smuts the entire act"
00583905 30 v 01 still 5 001 @ 00126264 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | make motionless
00583991 30 v 01 upgrade 4 003 @ 00205885 v 0000 + 05795654 n 0101 $ 00584220 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | give better travel conditions to; "The airline upgraded me when I arrived late and Coach Class was full"
00584220 30 v 01 upgrade 5 003 $ 00583991 v 0000 @ 00205046 v 0000 + 05795654 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | get better travel conditions; "I upgraded to First Class when Coach Class was overbooked"
00584410 30 v 01 shift c 002 @ 00109660 v 0000 ;c 06177033 n 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | change phonetically as part of a systematic historical change; "Grimm showed how the consonants shifted"
00584604 30 v 01 roll_in 0 001 @ 00422090 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | pour or flow in a steady stream; "mist rolled in from the sea"; "tourists rolled in from the neighboring countryside"
00584810 30 v 02 flip d flip_out 0 001 @ 00109660 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | go mad, go crazy; "He flipped when he heard that he was being laid off"
00584954 30 v 01 weaponize 0 002 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 04565375 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make into or use as a weapon or a potential weapon; "Will modern physicists weaponize String Theory?"
00585148 30 v 01 deflagrate 0 002 @ 00377002 v 0000 + 13450417 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | burn with great heat and intense light; "the powder deflagrated"
00585298 30 v 01 diazotize 0 001 @ 00115157 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | convert (an amine) into a diazo compound
00585405 30 v 01 hay 0 001 @ 00115157 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | convert (plant material) into hay
00585499 30 v 01 lignify 0 001 @ 00115157 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | convert into wood or cause to become woody
00585606 30 v 01 mineralize 0 001 @ 00115157 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | transform (a metal) into an ore
00585705 30 v 01 mineralize 1 001 @ 00115157 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | convert into a mineral substance
00585805 30 v 02 ozonize 0 ozonise 0 001 @ 00115157 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | convert (oxygen) into ozone
00585907 30 v 01 slag 0 001 @ 00115157 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | convert into slag
00585986 30 v 01 sulfate 0 001 @ 00115157 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | convert into a sulfate
00586073 30 v 01 cutinize 0 001 @ 00115157 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | convert into cutin
00586157 30 v 01 duplex 0 001 @ 00115157 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | change into a duplex
00586241 30 v 02 eroticize 0 sex_up 0 001 @ 00126264 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | give erotic character to or make more interesting; "eroticize the ads"
00586387 30 v 01 gum 0 001 @ 00109660 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become sticky
00586461 30 v 01 piggyback 0 001 @ 00126264 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | bring into alignment with; "an amendment to piggyback the current law"
00586598 30 v 01 repress 0 001 @ 00109660 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | block the action of
00586682 30 v 01 downsize 0 001 @ 00429060 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | reduce in size or number; "the company downsized its research staff"
00586816 30 v 01 downsize 1 001 @ 00241038 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make in a smaller size; "the car makers downsized the SUVs when fuel became very expensive"
00586973 30 v 01 subtract 0 001 @ 00429060 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | take off or away; "this prefix was subtracted when the word was borrowed from French"
00587124 30 v 01 shear 2 002 @ 00109660 v 0000 ;c 06090869 n 0000 01 + 01 00 | become deformed by forces tending to produce a shearing strain
00587268 30 v 01 port 0 001 @ 00126264 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | modify (software) for use on a different machine or platform
00587390 30 v 01 obscure 3 002 @ 00587522 v 0000 ;c 06172789 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | reduce a vowel to a neutral one, such as a schwa
00587522 30 v 01 reduce c 003 @ 00514730 v 0000 ;c 06172789 n 0000 ~ 00587390 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | destress and thus weaken a sound when pronouncing it
00587675 30 v 01 carve_out 0 001 @ 00173338 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove from a larger whole; "the new start-up company carved out a large chunk of the market within a year"
00587849 30 v 01 lifehack 0 001 @ 00126264 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | make one's day-to-day activities more efficient
00587962 30 v 01 cloud 4 001 @ 00126264 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | make less clear; "the stroke clouded memories of her youth"
00588084 30 v 01 damage 1 001 @ 00109660 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | suffer or be susceptible to damage; "These fine china cups damage easily"
00588221 31 v 08 grok 0 get_the_picture 0 comprehend 0 savvy 0 dig 0 grasp 0 compass 0 apprehend 0 015 @ 00588888 v 0000 + 00533452 a 0801 + 01745027 a 0801 + 05805475 n 0802 + 10240082 n 0802 + 05806623 n 0602 + 05806855 n 0601 + 05805475 n 0404 + 00532892 a 0301 + 00532892 a 0302 + 05805902 n 0301 ~ 00590241 v 0000 ~ 00590366 v 0000 ~ 00590761 v 0000 ~ 00590924 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 26 00 + 02 02 | get the meaning of something; "Do you comprehend the meaning of this letter?"
00588703 31 v 01 lie_low 0 001 @ 02145814 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | to try to avoid detection especially by police; "After we knock off that liquor store we'll have to lay low for a while"
00588888 31 v 01 understand 0 013 + 00533452 a 0105 + 05805475 n 0101 ~ 00588221 v 0000 ~ 00589309 v 0000 ~ 00589738 v 0000 ~ 00589904 v 0000 ~ 00590642 v 0000 ~ 00593852 v 0000 ~ 00620239 v 0000 ~ 00623151 v 0000 ~ 00626300 v 0000 ~ 00634906 v 0000 ~ 00728954 v 0000 04 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 26 00 | know and comprehend the nature or meaning of; "She did not understand her husband"; "I understand what she means"
00589309 31 v 01 sense 2 003 @ 00588888 v 0000 + 02105990 a 0101 + 05614657 n 0105 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | comprehend; "I sensed the real meaning of his letter"
00589469 31 v 03 smell 0 smell_out 0 sense 3 004 @ 00591519 v 0000 + 00191265 a 0301 + 02105990 a 0301 + 05677504 n 0301 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | become aware of not through the senses but instinctively; "I sense his hostility"; "i smell trouble"; "smell out corruption"
00589738 31 v 01 follow e 001 @ 00588888 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 | grasp the meaning; "Can you follow her argument?"; "When he lectures, I cannot follow"
00589904 31 v 02 catch 3 get 9 003 @ 00588888 v 0000 $ 01738107 v 0000 $ 02359340 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | grasp with the mind or develop an understanding of; "did you catch that allusion?"; "We caught something of his theory in the lecture"; "don't catch your meaning"; "did you get it?"; "She didn't get the joke"; "I just don't get him"
00590241 31 v 01 figure 2 002 @ 00588221 v 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | understand; "He didn't figure her"
00590366 31 v 08 catch_on 0 get_wise 0 get_onto 0 tumble 0 latch_on 0 cotton_on 0 twig 0 get_it 0 001 @ 00588221 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 22 00 + 08 03 | understand, usually after some initial difficulty; "She didn't know what her classmates were plotting but finally caught on"
00590642 31 v 01 touch 0 001 @ 00588888 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | comprehend; "He could not touch the meaning of the poem"
00590761 31 v 01 intuit 0 004 @ 00588221 v 0000 + 01431471 a 0101 + 05919034 n 0101 + 05707495 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | know or grasp by intuition or feeling
00590924 31 v 01 digest 0 004 @ 00588221 v 0000 + 05753379 n 0101 + 06593099 n 0102 + 06593542 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | arrange and integrate in the mind; "I cannot digest all this information"
00591115 31 v 04 understand 1 realize 0 realise 0 see 1 008 $ 01635432 v 0000 $ 02129709 v 0000 + 05807540 n 0302 + 05807540 n 0201 + 00533452 a 0105 + 05805475 n 0101 ~ 00591519 v 0000 ~ 00592341 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 26 00 | perceive (an idea or situation) mentally; "Now I see!"; "I just can't see your point"; "Does she realize how important this decision is?"; "I don't understand the idea"
00591519 31 v 01 perceive 0 006 @ 00591115 v 0000 + 01746605 a 0101 + 01744111 a 0101 + 00771616 a 0102 + 05708432 n 0101 ~ 00589469 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | become conscious of; "She finally perceived the futility of her protest"
00591755 31 v 08 click d get_through 0 dawn d come_home d get_across 0 sink_in 0 penetrate 1 fall_into_place 0 001 > 00588888 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become clear or enter one's consciousness or emotions; "It dawned on him that she had betrayed him"; "she was penetrated with sorrow"
00592037 31 v 02 resonate 0 come_across 0 003 > 00588888 v 0000 + 13811740 n 0102 ~ 00592186 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 07 00 | be received or understood
00592186 31 v 01 strike_a_chord 0 001 @ 00592037 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 04 00 | create an emotional response; "The music struck a chord with the listeners"
00592341 31 v 02 appreciate 0 take_account c 002 @ 00591115 v 0000 + 09802445 n 0101 03 + 08 00 + 26 00 + 22 02 | be fully aware of; realize fully; "Do you appreciate the full meaning of this letter?"
00592544 31 v 01 do_justice 0 001 @ 02256109 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 12 00 | show due and full appreciation; "The diners did the food and wine justice"
00592702 31 v 01 expect 5 002 @ 00690614 v 0000 + 05944958 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | consider reasonable or due; "I'm expecting a full explanation as to why these files were destroyed"
00592883 31 v 04 acknowledge 9 recognize 2 recognise 2 know 6 003 @ 00686447 v 0000 + 14411981 n 0102 + 06628861 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | accept (someone) to be what is claimed or accept his power and authority; "The Crown Prince was acknowledged as the true heir to the throne"; "We do not recognize your gods"
00593200 31 v 01 attorn 0 002 @ 00817311 v 0000 ;c 08441203 n 0000 01 + 02 00 | acknowledge a new land owner as one's landlord; "he was attorned by the tenants"
00593363 31 v 01 write_off 0 001 @ 00817311 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | concede the loss or worthlessness of something or somebody; "write it off as a loss"
00593522 31 v 02 understand 2 infer 1 001 @ 00683280 v 0000 01 + 26 00 | believe to be the case; "I understand you have no previous experience?"
00593669 31 v 01 extrapolate 1 003 @ 00636574 v 0000 ;c 05664069 n 0000 + 05781145 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | gain knowledge of (an area not known or experienced) by extrapolating
00593852 31 v 04 understand 3 read 4 interpret 2 translate 0 002 @ 00588888 v 0000 + 00533452 a 0105 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 26 00 | make sense of a language; "She understands French"; "Can you read Greek?"
00594058 31 v 05 sympathize 0 sympathise 0 empathize 0 empathise 0 understand 4 006 + 00533452 a 0505 + 06199142 n 0502 + 07554856 n 0401 + 07554856 n 0301 + 06199142 n 0201 + 06199142 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | be understanding of; "You don't need to explain--I understand!"
00594337 31 v 01 know 0 001 $ 00608372 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | be familiar or acquainted with a person or an object; "She doesn't know this composer"; "Do you know my sister?"; "We know this movie"; "I know him under a different name"; "This flower is known as a Peruvian Lily"
00594621 31 v 03 know 1 cognize 0 cognise 0 012 $ 00595630 v 0000 + 00190115 a 0303 + 05675905 n 0304 + 02898584 a 0201 + 00190115 a 0202 + 05675905 n 0203 + 01374582 a 0101 + 10240082 n 0101 + 05804793 n 0101 ! 00595505 v 0101 ~ 00595134 v 0000 ~ 00728617 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 26 00 | be cognizant or aware of a fact or a specific piece of information; possess knowledge or information about; "I know that the President lied to the people"; "I want to know who is winning the game!"; "I know it's time"
00595134 31 v 01 keep_track 0 002 @ 00594621 v 0000 ! 00595306 v 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | keep informed of fully aware; "I keep track of the stock market developments"
00595306 31 v 01 lose_track 0 002 @ 02529284 v 0000 ! 00595134 v 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | fail to keep informed or aware; "She has so many books, she just lost track and cannot find this volume"
00595505 31 v 01 ignore 1 002 + 05988282 n 0101 ! 00594621 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | be ignorant of or in the dark about
00595630 31 v 01 know 2 003 + 01374582 a 0101 $ 00594621 v 0000 ~ 00720808 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | be aware of the truth of something; have a belief or faith in something; regard as true beyond any doubt; "I know that I left the key on the table"; "Galileo knew that the earth moves around the sun"
00595935 31 v 01 know 3 003 ~ 00596484 v 0000 ~ 00597385 v 0000 ~ 00597634 v 0000 01 + 28 00 | know how to do or perform something; "She knows how to knit"; "Does your husband know how to cook?"
00596132 31 v 01 know f 002 + 01374582 a 0101 ~ 00596342 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | have fixed in the mind; "I know Latin"; "This student knows her irregular verbs"; "Do you know the poem well enough to recite it?"
00596342 31 v 01 have_down 0 001 @ 00596132 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | have (something) mastered; "She has the names of the fifty states down pat"
00596484 31 v 05 know_the_score 0 be_with_it 0 be_on_the_ball 0 know_what's_going_on 0 know_what's_what 0 001 @ 00595935 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | be well-informed
00596644 31 v 03 know 4 experience 0 live 0 005 @ 02110220 v 0000 + 05984584 n 0201 + 01374582 a 0101 ~ 00597061 v 0000 ~ 00597216 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | have firsthand knowledge of states, situations, emotions, or sensations; "I know the feeling!"; "have you ever known hunger?"; "I have lived a kind of hell when I was a drug addict"; "The holocaust survivors have lived a nightmare"; "I lived through two divorces"
00597061 31 v 01 taste 5 002 @ 00596644 v 0000 + 07288024 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | experience briefly; "The ex-slave tasted freedom shortly before she died"
00597216 31 v 02 relive 0 live_over 0 002 @ 00596644 v 0000 + 05810768 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | experience again, often in the imagination; "He relived the horrors of war"
00597385 31 v 02 master 0 control 0 006 * 00588888 v 0000 @ 00595935 v 0000 + 05641959 n 0202 + 10280130 n 0102 ~ 00635794 v 0000 $ 01224744 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | have a firm understanding or knowledge of; be on top of; "Do you control these data?"
00597634 31 v 02 master 1 get_the_hang 0 006 * 00606093 v 0000 * 00597915 v 0000 @ 00595935 v 0000 + 10280130 n 0102 + 05641959 n 0103 + 05757234 n 0101 03 + 08 00 + 02 02 + 22 02 | be or become completely proficient or skilled in; "She mastered Japanese in less than two years"
00597915 31 v 03 learn 0 larn 0 acquire 0 008 + 05752544 n 0302 + 05637558 n 0304 + 09801864 n 0102 + 10251779 n 0101 ~ 00598278 v 0000 ~ 00598753 v 0000 ~ 00602255 v 0000 ~ 00607114 v 0000 04 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 22 00 + 28 00 | gain knowledge or skills; "She learned dancing from her sister"; "I learned Sanskrit"; "Children acquire language at an amazing rate"
00598278 31 v 01 relearn 0 001 @ 00597915 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | learn something again, as after having forgotten or neglected it; "After the accident, he could not walk for months and had to relearn how to walk down stairs"
00598502 31 v 01 unlearn 0 001 @ 02222318 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 28 00 | discard something previously learnt, like an old habit
00598629 31 v 01 unlearn 1 001 @ 00610167 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 28 00 | try to forget; put out of one's memory or knowledge
00598753 31 v 01 catch_up 0 001 @ 00597915 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | learn belatedly; find out about something after it happened; "I'm trying to catch up with the latest developments in molecular biology"
00598954 31 v 09 learn 1 hear 0 get_word 0 get_wind 1 pick_up 0 find_out 0 get_a_line 0 discover 1 see 2 009 + 07214432 n 0801 + 05808218 n 0801 + 00043195 n 0801 ~ 00599434 v 0000 ~ 00599613 v 0000 ~ 00599835 v 0000 ~ 00721302 v 0000 ~ 00721437 v 0000 $ 02128873 v 0000 08 + 08 00 + 26 09 + 26 08 + 22 07 + 22 04 + 02 03 + 26 02 + 26 01 | get to know or become aware of, usually accidentally; "I learned that she has two grown-up children"; "I see that you have been promoted"
00599434 31 v 01 get_the_goods 0 001 @ 00598954 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | discover some bad or hidden information about; "She got the goods on her co-worker after reading his e-mail"
00599613 31 v 01 wise_up 0 001 @ 00598954 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | get wise to; "They wised up to it"
00599720 31 v 01 wise_up 1 001 @ 00831651 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 20 00 | cause someone to become aware of something
00599835 31 v 02 trip_up 0 catch 0 002 @ 00598954 v 0000 + 00076563 n 0102 01 + 09 00 | detect a blunder or misstep; "The reporter tripped up the senator"
00599992 31 v 04 learn 2 study 0 read 5 take 2 006 + 05996646 n 0207 + 05755883 n 0201 + 06598445 n 0204 ~ 00600235 v 0000 ~ 00602805 v 0000 ~ 00606093 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | be a student of a certain subject; "She is reading for the bar exam"
00600235 31 v 01 audit 0 002 @ 00599992 v 0000 + 09823153 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | attend academic courses without getting credit
00600370 31 v 04 absorb 3 engross 0 engage 0 occupy 0 010 @ 01821423 v 0000 + 00582868 n 0401 + 00582388 n 0401 + 05704266 n 0202 + 05700087 n 0204 + 04865722 n 0202 + 05700087 n 0103 ~ 00600724 v 0000 ~ 00600903 v 0000 ~ 00722675 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | consume all of one's attention or time; "Her interest in butterflies absorbs her completely"
00600724 31 v 01 involve 0 002 @ 00600370 v 0000 + 05682950 n 0102 01 + 10 00 | occupy or engage the interest of; "His story completely involved me during the entire afternoon"
00600903 31 v 01 consume 0 001 @ 00600370 v 0000 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | engage fully; "The effort to pass the exam consumed all his energy"
00601043 31 v 07 steep 0 immerse 0 engulf 0 plunge 0 engross 2 absorb 6 soak_up 0 008 @ 00722232 v 0000 + 05704266 n 0603 + 05704266 n 0502 + 05700087 n 0504 + 04865722 n 0502 + 05704266 n 0204 $ 00601378 v 0000 ~ 00737005 v 0000 04 + 09 00 + 20 00 + 08 07 + 08 06 | devote (oneself) fully to; "He immersed himself into his studies"
00601378 31 v 02 plunge 1 immerse 1 003 $ 00601043 v 0000 > 00601043 v 0000 + 00277569 n 0202 01 + 09 00 | cause to be immersed; "The professor plunged his students into the study of the Italian text"
00601581 31 v 01 welter 0 000 01 + 22 00 | be immersed in; "welter in work"
00601659 31 v 01 swallow 0 001 @ 00683280 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | believe or accept without questioning or challenge; "Am I supposed to swallow that story?"
00601822 31 v 04 espouse 0 embrace 0 adopt 4 sweep_up 0 004 @ 00686447 v 0000 + 00084371 n 0302 + 00180770 n 0201 ~ 00602112 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | take up the cause, ideology, practice, method, of someone and use it as one's own; "She embraced Catholicism"; "They adopted the Jewish faith"
00602112 31 v 05 take_up 0 latch_on 3 fasten_on 0 hook_on 0 seize_on 0 001 @ 00601822 v 0000 02 + 22 00 + 08 01 | adopt; "take up new ideas"
00602255 31 v 04 absorb 0 assimilate 0 ingest 0 take_in 0 006 @ 00597915 v 0000 + 05757049 n 0202 + 05755714 n 0201 + 10251779 n 0203 + 13434878 n 0102 ~ 00602510 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | take up mentally; "he absorbed the knowledge or beliefs of his tribe"
00602510 31 v 01 imbibe 0 001 @ 00602255 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | receive into the mind and retain; "Imbibe ethical principles"
00602635 31 v 01 apprentice 0 002 @ 00602805 v 0000 + 09801864 n 0101 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 22 00 | be or work as an apprentice; "She apprenticed with the great master"
00602805 31 v 02 train 0 prepare 0 009 @ 00599992 v 0000 + 00126830 a 0201 + 00729108 n 0203 + 10722385 n 0101 ~ 00602635 v 0000 ~ 00603179 v 0000 $ 00603298 v 0000 ~ 00604094 v 0000 $ 02387034 v 0000 01 + 27 00 | undergo training or instruction in preparation for a particular role, function, or profession; "She is training to be a teacher"; "He trained as a legal aid"
00603179 31 v 01 retrain 0 001 @ 00602805 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | train again; "He is retraining to become an IT worker"
00603298 31 v 04 train 1 develop 0 prepare 1 educate 0 018 $ 00602805 v 0000 $ 02387034 v 0000 @ 00829107 v 0000 + 01324424 a 0401 + 05753564 n 0401 + 05984287 n 0401 + 00611433 n 0401 + 00883297 n 0401 + 00126830 a 0301 + 00893955 n 0302 + 10722385 n 0101 + 10722575 n 0101 + 00893955 n 0101 $ 00171852 v 0000 ~ 00603822 v 0000 ~ 00603981 v 0000 ~ 00604225 v 0000 ~ 00604449 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | create by training and teaching; "The old master is training world-class violinists"; "we develop the leaders for the future"
00603822 31 v 01 retrain 1 002 @ 00603298 v 0000 + 00895879 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | teach new skills; "We must retrain the linguists who cannot find employment"
00603981 31 v 01 drill 3 001 @ 00603298 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | train in the military, e.g., in the use of weapons
00604094 31 v 01 drill 4 002 @ 00602805 v 0000 + 00894359 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | undergo military training or do military exercises
00604225 31 v 02 housebreak 0 house-train 0 001 @ 00603298 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | train (a pet) to live cleanly in a house
00604347 31 v 01 roughhouse 0 001 @ 02418686 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | engage in rough or disorderly play
00604449 31 v 01 toilet-train 0 002 @ 00603298 v 0000 + 00896228 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | train (a small child) to use the toilet
00604576 31 v 04 memorize 0 memorise 0 con 0 learn 3 011 @ 00607114 v 0000 + 05755156 n 0202 + 10308504 n 0202 + 05935060 n 0201 + 05760202 n 0201 + 05755156 n 0101 + 10308504 n 0101 + 05935060 n 0101 + 05760202 n 0101 + 05651399 n 0101 ~ 00604930 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | commit to memory; learn by heart; "Have you memorized your lines for the play yet?"
00604930 31 v 02 understudy 0 alternate 0 003 @ 00604576 v 0000 + 10680153 n 0202 + 10737103 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | be an understudy or alternate for a role
00605086 31 v 01 indoctrinate 0 005 @ 00829107 v 0000 + 05943300 n 0101 + 00888796 n 0101 ~ 00605310 v 0000 ~ 00605671 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | teach doctrines to; teach uncritically; "The Moonies indoctrinate their disciples"
00605310 31 v 03 revolutionize 0 revolutionise 0 inspire 0 004 @ 00605086 v 0000 + 10118382 n 0303 + 07424109 n 0201 + 07424109 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | fill with revolutionary ideas
00605498 31 v 01 infect 1 002 @ 01767949 v 0000 + 06282383 n 0102 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | affect in a contagious way; "His laughter infects everyone who is in the same room"
00605671 31 v 01 brainwash 0 001 @ 00605086 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | submit to brainwashing; indoctrinate forcibly
00605783 31 v 09 cram 0 grind_away 0 drum 0 bone_up 0 swot 0 get_up 0 mug_up 0 swot_up 0 bone 0 005 @ 00607114 v 0000 + 10684630 n 0501 + 09975933 n 0101 + 06414727 n 0101 $ 00407146 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 21 00 | study intensively, as before an exam; "I had to bone up on my Latin verbs before the final exam"
00606093 31 v 04 drill 0 exercise 0 practice 0 practise 0 004 @ 00599992 v 0000 + 00894552 n 0302 + 00894552 n 0201 + 00894552 n 0103 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | learn by repetition; "We drilled French verbs every day"; "Pianists practice scales"
00606335 31 v 01 drill 1 004 @ 00829107 v 0000 + 00894552 n 0103 ~ 00606471 v 0000 ~ 00606600 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | teach by repetition
00606471 31 v 04 hammer_in 0 drill_in 0 ram_down 0 beat_in 0 001 @ 00606335 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | teach by drills and repetition
00606600 31 v 03 inculcate 0 instill 1 infuse 0 004 @ 00606335 v 0000 + 00889082 n 0203 + 00889082 n 0101 ~ 00606850 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | teach and impress by frequent repetitions or admonitions; "inculcate values into the young generation"
00606850 31 v 01 din 0 001 @ 00606600 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | instill (into a person) by constant repetition; "he dinned the lessons into his students"
00607000 31 v 01 hold a 001 @ 00689344 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 22 01 | remain committed to; "I hold to these ideas"
00607114 31 v 02 study 1 hit_the_books 0 006 * 00625119 v 0000 @ 00597915 v 0000 + 05755883 n 0101 + 06598445 n 0104 ~ 00604576 v 0000 ~ 00605783 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | learn by reading books; "He is studying geology in his room"; "I have an exam next week; I must hit the books now"
00607405 31 v 01 study 3 004 + 05996646 n 0107 + 05755883 n 0101 + 10665698 n 0101 ~ 00607609 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | be a student; follow a course of study; be enrolled at an institute of learning
00607609 31 v 01 major 9 003 @ 00607405 v 0000 + 10283366 n 0101 + 05997659 n 0101 01 + 22 00 | have as one's principal field of study; "She is majoring in linguistics"
00607780 31 v 07 remember 0 retrieve 0 recall 0 call_back 0 call_up 4 recollect 0 think 2 013 + 05833840 n 0702 + 05786372 n 0701 ^ 00611256 v 0702 + 02005756 a 0602 + 05761559 n 0602 + 05761559 n 0301 + 05761380 n 0201 + 05761918 n 0101 + 05760202 n 0102 ! 00609100 v 0101 ~ 00608372 v 0000 ~ 00610374 v 0000 ~ 00696852 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 26 00 + 33 00 | recall knowledge from memory; have a recollection; "I can't remember saying any such thing"; "I can't think what her last name was"; "can you remember her phone number?"; "Do you remember that he once loved you?"; "call up memories"
00608372 31 v 01 know e 002 $ 00594337 v 0000 @ 00607780 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | perceive as familiar; "I know this voice!"
00608502 31 v 01 know c 002 @ 00650353 v 0000 + 01374582 a 0101 01 + 08 00 | be able to distinguish, recognize as being different; "The child knows right from wrong"
00608670 31 v 01 know b 001 @ 00728617 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | know the nature or character of; "we all knew her as a big show-off"
00608808 31 v 01 think 8 003 + 05786372 n 0101 + 05833840 n 0102 + 05770926 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | be capable of conscious thought; "Man is the only creature that thinks"
00608978 31 v 02 slip 1 slip_one's_mind 0 002 @ 00609100 v 0000 + 00073828 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | pass out of one's memory
00609100 31 v 04 forget 0 block 0 blank_out 0 draw_a_blank 0 003 + 05645199 n 0201 ! 00607780 v 0101 ~ 00608978 v 0000 04 + 02 00 + 08 02 + 09 02 + 26 02 | be unable to remember; "I'm drawing a blank"; "You are blocking the name of your first wife!"
00609352 31 v 02 come_to_mind 0 spring_to_mind 0 001 @ 00422090 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | be remembered; "His name comes to mind when you mention the strike"
00609506 31 v 02 mind 0 bear_in_mind 0 005 @ 00609683 v 0000 + 05762149 n 0101 + 05611302 n 0101 ! 00614829 v 0101 ~ 00616670 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 26 00 | keep in mind
00609683 31 v 02 remember 1 think_of 0 006 + 05761918 n 0101 ! 00610167 v 0101 ~ 00609506 v 0000 ~ 00610010 v 0000 ~ 00737193 v 0000 ~ 00956687 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | keep in mind for attention or consideration; "Remember the Alamo"; "Remember to call your mother every day!"; "Think of the starving children in India!"
00610010 31 v 01 retain 0 003 @ 00609683 v 0000 + 02005756 a 0101 + 05651399 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | keep in one's mind; "I cannot retain so much information"
00610167 31 v 02 forget 1 bury 0 003 ! 00609683 v 0101 ~ 00598629 v 0000 ~ 00612841 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 26 00 | dismiss from the mind; stop remembering; "I tried to bury these unpleasant memories"
00610374 31 v 02 recognize 0 recognise 0 004 * 00594337 v 0000 @ 00607780 v 0000 + 05762998 n 0101 ~ 00618451 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | perceive to be the same
00610538 31 v 01 remind 0 006 > 00607780 v 0000 + 05813626 n 0101 + 06506757 n 0101 ~ 00610770 v 0000 ~ 00610928 v 0000 ~ 00612042 v 0000 04 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 18 00 + 24 00 | put in the mind of someone; "Remind me to call Mother"
00610770 31 v 01 take_back 0 001 @ 00610538 v 0000 02 + 10 00 + 20 00 | cause someone to remember the past; "This photo takes me back to the good old days"
00610928 31 v 01 nag 0 001 @ 00610538 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 24 00 | remind or urge constantly; "she nagged to take a vacation"
00611055 31 v 01 reminisce 0 004 @ 00611256 v 0000 + 01977669 a 0104 + 05762848 n 0101 + 05761559 n 0103 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | recall the past; "The grandparents sat there, reminiscing all afternoon"
00611256 31 v 02 remember 2 think_back 0 004 + 05761918 n 0101 + 05760202 n 0102 ~ 00611055 v 0000 ~ 00696414 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | recapture the past; indulge in memories; "he remembered how he used to pick flowers"
00611481 31 v 02 commemorate 0 remember 9 003 + 05761918 n 0201 + 03055809 a 0101 + 07452841 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | call to remembrance; keep alive the memory of someone or something, as in a ceremony; "We remembered the 50th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz"; "Remember the dead of the First World War"
00611802 31 v 01 remember 8 003 @ 00713167 v 0000 + 05761918 n 0101 + 05760202 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | exercise, or have the power of, memory; "After the shelling, many people lost the ability to remember"; "some remember better than others"
00612042 31 v 06 commemorate 1 memorialize 0 memorialise 0 immortalize 0 immortalise 0 record 0 007 @ 00610538 v 0000 + 06647206 n 0601 + 06688522 n 0201 + 03743902 n 0201 + 03055809 a 0101 + 06688522 n 0102 ~ 00612454 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | be or provide a memorial to a person or an event; "This sculpture commemorates the victims of the concentration camps"; "We memorialized the Dead"
00612454 31 v 02 monumentalize 0 monumentalise 0 001 @ 00612042 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | record or memorialize lastingly with a monument
00612612 31 v 02 commemorate 2 mark 1 003 @ 02578510 v 0000 + 03055809 a 0101 + 07452841 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | mark by some ceremony or observation; "The citizens mark the anniversary of the revolution with a march and a parade"
00612841 31 v 02 suppress 0 repress 0 004 @ 00610167 v 0000 ;c 06055946 n 0000 + 01070892 n 0102 ~ 00737352 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 26 00 | put out of one's consciousness
00613018 31 v 02 forget 2 leave 2 002 @ 02287618 v 0000 $ 00613683 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 21 00 | leave behind unintentionally; "I forgot my umbrella in the restaurant"; "I left my keys inside the car and locked the doors"
00613248 31 v 01 jilt 0 002 @ 00613683 v 0000 + 10222259 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | cast aside capriciously or unfeelingly; "jilt a lover or a bride"
00613393 31 v 02 abandon 1 give_up 0 003 $ 01989053 v 0000 $ 01848465 v 0000 + 00204439 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | stop maintaining or insisting on; of ideas or claims; "He abandoned the thought of asking for her hand in marriage"; "Both sides have to give up some claims in these negotiations"
00613683 31 v 01 leave 5 004 $ 00613018 v 0000 + 00053097 n 0102 ~ 00613248 v 0000 ~ 00614057 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 | go and leave behind, either intentionally or by neglect or forgetfulness; "She left a mess when she moved out"; "His good luck finally left him"; "her husband left her after 20 years of marriage"; "she wept thinking she had been left behind"
00614057 31 v 04 abandon 0 forsake 0 desolate 0 desert 0 011 @ 00613683 v 0000 + 00055315 n 0401 + 10007109 n 0401 + 10006842 n 0401 + 07534108 n 0303 + 00205543 n 0201 + 00055315 n 0102 ~ 00614444 v 0000 ~ 00614664 v 0000 ~ 02228268 v 0000 ~ 02228355 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 | leave someone who needs or counts on you; leave in the lurch; "The mother deserted her children"
00614444 31 v 01 expose 3 002 @ 00614057 v 0000 + 00204659 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | abandon by leaving out in the open air; "The infant was exposed by the teenage mother"; "After Christmas, many pets get abandoned"
00614664 31 v 01 walk_out 3 001 @ 00614057 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | leave suddenly, often as an expression of disapproval; "She walked out on her husband and children"
00614829 31 v 01 forget 3 002 @ 00614999 v 0000 ! 00609506 v 0101 01 + 28 00 | forget to do something; "Don't forget to call the chairman of the board to the meeting!"
00614999 31 v 08 neglect 0 pretermit 0 omit 0 drop 0 miss 0 leave_out 0 overlook 0 overleap 0 010 + 01857410 a 0301 + 02765190 a 0301 + 05706954 n 0301 + 00074624 n 0301 + 05707146 n 0201 + 00739270 n 0103 + 10351625 n 0101 ! 00616670 v 0101 ~ 00614829 v 0000 ~ 00616498 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 28 00 | leave undone or leave out; "How could I miss that typo?"; "The workers on the conveyor belt miss one out of ten"
00615421 31 v 01 elide 0 004 @ 00615774 v 0000 + 13473536 n 0101 + 05707269 n 0103 ~ 00615615 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | leave or strike out; "This vowel is usually elided before a single consonant"
00615615 31 v 01 drop 6 001 @ 00615421 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | omit (a letter or syllable) in speaking or writing; " New Englanders drop their post-vocalic r's"
00615774 31 v 06 exclude 1 except 0 leave_out 1 leave_off 0 omit 1 take_out 0 008 @ 00471711 v 0000 + 01857410 a 0501 + 00074624 n 0501 + 05707269 n 0201 + 02152985 a 0101 + 05707269 n 0102 ! 00684838 v 0101 ~ 00615421 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 10 00 | prevent from being included or considered or accepted; "The bad results were excluded from the report"; "Leave off the top piece"
00616153 31 v 01 neglect 5 006 + 00754873 a 0101 + 04665813 n 0102 + 00418615 n 0102 + 05706629 n 0102 + 10351625 n 0101 ~ 00616361 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | fail to attend to; "he neglects his children"
00616361 31 v 01 slack 0 002 @ 00616153 v 0000 + 00741478 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | be inattentive to, or neglect; "He slacks his attention"
00616498 31 v 04 jump 0 pass_over 0 skip 1 skip_over 0 001 @ 00614999 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | bypass; "He skipped a row in the text and so the sentence was incomprehensible"
00616670 31 v 02 attend_to 0 take_to_heart 0 002 @ 00609506 v 0000 ! 00614999 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | get down to; pay attention to; take seriously; "Attend to your duties, please"
00616857 31 v 03 neglect 1 ignore 3 disregard 0 006 + 00418615 n 0301 + 05706629 n 0301 + 00754873 a 0101 + 05706629 n 0102 + 10351625 n 0101 ~ 00617293 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | give little or no attention to; "Disregard the errors"
00617095 31 v 01 receive 8 003 @ 00690614 v 0000 + 01773420 a 0101 + 01985247 a 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | regard favorably or with disapproval; "Her new collection of poems was not well received"
00617293 31 v 01 pretermit 1 002 @ 00616857 v 0000 + 05707146 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | disregard intentionally or let pass
00617413 31 v 02 slight 0 cold-shoulder 0 003 @ 00800930 v 0000 + 01225997 n 0203 + 01225783 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | pay no attention to, disrespect; "She cold-shouldered her ex-fiance"
00617605 31 v 01 misremember 0 002 * 00611256 v 0000 @ 00617748 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | remember incorrectly; "I misremembered the date"
00617748 31 v 03 err 0 mistake 1 slip 0 012 + 00073828 n 0301 ^ 00618057 v 0302 + 06769392 n 0202 + 05895723 n 0201 + 00070965 n 0201 + 04805472 n 0101 + 04802629 n 0102 + 00070965 n 0102 ~ 00617605 v 0000 ~ 00618057 v 0000 ~ 00671190 v 0000 ~ 02537642 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | to make a mistake or be incorrect
00618057 31 v 03 stumble 0 slip_up 0 trip_up 1 005 @ 00617748 v 0000 + 00076563 n 0302 + 00073828 n 0202 + 00076563 n 0103 + 09879744 n 0105 01 + 02 00 | make an error; "She slipped up and revealed the name"
00618267 31 v 02 mistake 2 misidentify 0 003 @ 00618451 v 0000 + 07174433 n 0103 ~ 00619610 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | identify incorrectly; "Don't mistake her for her twin sister"
00618451 31 v 01 identify 2 005 @ 00610374 v 0000 + 04743024 n 0101 ~ 00618267 v 0000 ~ 00618682 v 0000 ~ 02192992 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | consider to be equal or the same; "He identified his brother as one of the fugitives"
00618682 31 v 02 type 0 typecast 0 003 @ 00618451 v 0000 + 09909060 n 0103 + 05840188 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | identify as belonging to a certain type; "Such people can practically be typed"
00618878 31 v 02 identify 0 place 0 007 @ 00699815 v 0000 + 01272397 a 0101 + 14577046 n 0101 + 05762998 n 0102 + 05763412 n 0101 + 04618070 n 0101 ~ 00650353 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | recognize as being; establish the identity of someone or something; "She identified the man on the 'wanted' poster"
00619183 31 v 01 date 0 008 @ 00699815 v 0000 + 15160579 n 0101 + 15179888 n 0101 + 15159819 n 0101 + 15159583 n 0101 + 00992331 n 0101 ~ 00277399 v 0000 ~ 00619503 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | assign a date to; determine the (probable) date of; "Scientists often cannot date precisely archeological or prehistorical findings"
00619503 31 v 01 misdate 0 002 @ 00619183 v 0000 + 15180304 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | assign the wrong date to
00619610 31 v 02 confuse 2 confound 1 004 $ 00620673 v 0000 @ 00618267 v 0000 + 00072473 n 0101 $ 01657254 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 21 00 | mistake one thing for another; "you are confusing me with the other candidate"; "I mistook her for the secretary"
00619869 31 v 06 misconstrue 1 misinterpret 2 misconceive 1 misunderstand 1 misapprehend 1 be_amiss 1 008 @ 00623151 v 0000 + 05895723 n 0503 + 07174433 n 0402 + 05895723 n 0402 + 05893653 n 0301 + 07174433 n 0201 + 07174877 n 0102 + 07174877 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | interpret in the wrong way; "Don't misinterpret my comments as criticism"; "She misconstrued my remarks"
00620239 31 v 01 read 8 002 @ 00588888 v 0000 $ 00624476 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | to hear and understand; "I read you loud and clear!"
00620379 31 v 02 stump 0 mix_up 0 002 @ 00622384 v 0000 + 06785367 n 0102 01 + 10 00 | cause to be perplexed or confounded; "This problem stumped her"
00620532 31 v 03 addle 0 muddle 0 puddle 0 002 @ 01657254 v 0000 + 14500567 n 0203 01 + 08 00 | mix up or confuse; "He muddled the issues"
00620673 31 v 04 confuse 1 blur 0 obscure 0 obnubilate 0 003 $ 00619610 v 0000 @ 00126264 v 0000 ~ 00620926 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make unclear, indistinct, or blurred; "Her remarks confused the debate"; "Their words obnubilate their intentions"
00620926 31 v 01 muddy 0 001 @ 00620673 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | cause to become muddy; "These data would have muddied the prediction"
00621058 31 v 0c clear 0 clear_up 0 shed_light_on 0 crystallize 0 crystallise 0 crystalize 0 crystalise 0 straighten_out 0 sort_out 1 enlighten 0 illuminate 0 elucidate 0 007 @ 00939857 v 0000 + 01323815 a 0c02 + 14379703 n 0c01 + 04820258 n 0c02 + 07232655 n 0c01 + 07171206 n 0c02 + 07171206 n 0b03 01 + 08 00 | make free from confusion or ambiguity; make clear; "Could you clarify these remarks?"; "Clear up the question of who is at fault"
00621504 31 v 01 read_between_the_lines 0 001 @ 00623151 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 26 00 | read what is implied but not expressed on the surface
00621653 31 v 01 puzzle_over 0 001 @ 00628491 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | try to solve
00621734 31 v 08 confuse 3 throw 0 fox 0 befuddle 0 fuddle 0 bedevil 0 confound 2 discombobulate 0 008 @ 02604760 v 0000 + 07507912 n 0802 + 05685030 n 0404 + 05683582 n 0101 ~ 00622204 v 0000 ~ 00622384 v 0000 $ 01790739 v 0000 ~ 02159741 v 0000 03 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | be confusing or perplexing to; cause to be unable to think clearly; "These questions confuse even the experts"; "This question completely threw me"; "This question befuddled even the teacher"
00622204 31 v 01 demoralize 0 002 @ 00621734 v 0000 + 13975988 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | confuse or put into disorder; "the boss's behavior demoralized everyone in the office"
00622384 31 v 10 perplex 0 vex 2 stick 0 get a puzzle 0 mystify 0 baffle 0 beat 0 pose 9 bewilder 0 flummox 0 stupefy 0 nonplus 0 gravel 0 amaze 1 dumbfound 0 017 @ 00621734 v 0000 + 07510495 n 0c01 + 05685030 n 0a01 + 06785367 n 0901 + 05685030 n 0706 + 03803911 n 0601 + 01266152 n 0601 + 06784639 n 0603 + 05685538 n 0601 + 06784639 n 0501 + 05685030 n 0503 + 06784639 n 0502 ^ 00621653 v 0501 ^ 00634906 v 0504 ~ 00620379 v 0000 ~ 00623006 v 0000 ~ 02723232 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | be a mystery or bewildering to; "This beats me!"; "Got me--I don't know the answer!"; "a vexing problem"; "This question really stuck me"
00623006 31 v 01 riddle 1 002 @ 00622384 v 0000 + 06785223 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 10 00 | set a difficult problem or riddle; "riddle me a riddle"
00623151 31 v 03 interpret 0 construe 0 see d 018 @ 00588888 v 0000 + 06742630 n 0201 ^ 02660819 v 0202 + 07170753 n 0101 + 05928513 n 0101 + 05766247 n 0101 ~ 00619869 v 0000 ~ 00621504 v 0000 ~ 00623656 v 0000 ~ 00623812 v 0000 ~ 00623947 v 0000 ~ 00624140 v 0000 ~ 00624263 v 0000 ~ 00624476 v 0000 ~ 00625119 v 0000 ~ 00627520 v 0000 $ 00690614 v 0000 ~ 01630532 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make sense of; assign a meaning to; "What message do you see in this letter?"; "How do you interpret his behavior?"
00623656 31 v 02 mythicize 0 mythicise 0 001 @ 00623151 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | interpret as a myth or in terms of mythology; "mythicize the ancient stories"
00623812 31 v 02 literalize 0 literalise 0 002 @ 00623151 v 0000 ! 00623947 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | make literal; "literalize metaphors"
00623947 31 v 02 spiritualize 0 spiritualise 0 004 @ 00623151 v 0000 + 00583933 n 0202 + 00583933 n 0101 ! 00623812 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | give a spiritual meaning to; read in a spiritual sense
00624140 31 v 01 reinterpret 0 002 @ 00623151 v 0000 + 05928733 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | assign a new or different meaning to
00624263 31 v 02 allegorize 0 allegorise 0 007 @ 00623151 v 0000 + 06880664 n 0202 + 06366581 n 0201 + 06372095 n 0203 + 06880664 n 0102 + 06366581 n 0101 + 06372095 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | interpret as an allegory
00624476 31 v 02 take 7 read 9 005 $ 00620239 v 0000 $ 00627091 v 0000 @ 00623151 v 0000 + 07173766 n 0201 ~ 00624801 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | interpret something in a certain way; convey a particular meaning or impression; "I read this address as a satire"; "How should I take this message?"; "You can't take credit for this!"
00624801 31 v 02 misread 0 misinterpret 1 003 @ 00624476 v 0000 + 07174433 n 0201 + 07175102 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | interpret wrongly; "I misread Hamlet all my life!"
00624967 31 v 02 idealize 1 idealise 1 003 @ 01634142 v 0000 + 05923696 n 0201 + 05923696 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | form ideals; "Man has always idealized"
00625119 31 v 01 read 0 013 $ 00626428 v 0000 $ 02730813 v 0000 @ 00623151 v 0000 + 06590065 n 0101 + 10508862 n 0101 + 10508710 n 0101 + 05808794 n 0101 ~ 00625518 v 0000 ~ 00625723 v 0000 ~ 00625841 v 0000 ~ 00626130 v 0000 ~ 00627824 v 0000 ~ 00627970 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 26 00 | interpret something that is written or printed; "read the advertisement"; "Have you read Salman Rushdie?"
00625518 31 v 03 anagram 0 anagrammatize 0 anagrammatise 0 004 @ 00625119 v 0000 + 06287620 n 0301 + 06287620 n 0201 + 06287620 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | read letters out of order to discover a hidden meaning
00625723 31 v 01 reread 0 001 @ 00625119 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | read anew; read again; "He re-read her letters to him"
00625841 31 v 01 dip_into 0 001 @ 00625119 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | read selectively; read only certain passages from a text
00625963 31 v 03 empanel 0 impanel 0 panel 0 003 @ 00674607 v 0000 + 08414381 n 0301 + 08414807 n 0302 01 + 09 00 | select from a list; "empanel prospective jurors"
00626130 31 v 02 decipher 0 trace 4 001 @ 00625119 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | read with difficulty; "Can you decipher this letter?"; "The archeologist traced the hieroglyphs"
00626300 31 v 01 make_out 0 001 @ 00588888 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | comprehend; "I cannot make out what this politician is saying"
00626428 31 v 01 read 1 008 @ 00941990 v 0000 + 10508862 n 0101 + 10508710 n 0101 + 07234881 n 0103 $ 00625119 v 0000 ~ 00626768 v 0000 ~ 00626890 v 0000 ~ 01067995 v 0000 05 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 14 00 + 15 00 + 27 00 | look at, interpret, and say out loud something that is written or printed; "The King will read the proclamation at noon"
00626768 31 v 01 numerate 0 002 @ 00626428 v 0000 + 07230959 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | read out loud as words written numbers
00626890 31 v 01 dictate 0 004 @ 00626428 v 0000 + 10012244 n 0101 + 06387332 n 0101 + 07160635 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | say out loud for the purpose of recording; "He dictated a report to his secretary"
00627091 31 v 01 read 2 003 $ 00624476 v 0000 @ 00917772 v 0000 ~ 00627420 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | interpret the significance of, as of palms, tea leaves, intestines, the sky; also of human behavior; "She read the sky and predicted rain"; "I can't read his strange behavior"; "The fortune teller read his fate in the crystal ball"
00627420 31 v 01 scry 0 001 @ 00627091 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | divine by gazing into crystals
00627520 31 v 02 read 6 scan 0 002 @ 00623151 v 0000 ~ 00627693 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | obtain data from magnetic tapes; "This dictionary can be read by the computer"
00627693 31 v 01 misread 2 002 @ 00627520 v 0000 + 07175102 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | read or interpret wrongly; "He misread the data"
00627824 31 v 02 skim 0 skim_over 0 004 @ 00625119 v 0000 + 06598746 n 0101 + 10605510 n 0101 + 06598746 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | read superficially
00627970 31 v 03 lipread 0 lip-read 0 speech-read 0 002 @ 00625119 v 0000 + 00882554 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | interpret by lipreading; of deaf people
00628125 31 v 03 copyread 0 subedit 0 copyedit 0 003 @ 00200397 v 0000 + 10045361 n 0201 + 09964659 n 0102 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | edit and correct (written or printed material)
00628302 31 v 02 proofread 0 proof 0 004 * 00625119 v 0000 @ 00662589 v 0000 + 06590885 n 0201 + 10482768 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | read for errors; "I should proofread my manuscripts"
00628491 31 v 03 think 0 cogitate 0 cerebrate 0 029 + 05770926 n 0304 + 02419933 a 0201 + 02898433 a 0201 + 05784242 n 0201 + 05770926 n 0102 + 05786372 n 0101 + 10708292 n 0101 + 10708454 n 0101 + 05770926 n 0101 ^ 00630380 v 0102 ^ 00629889 v 0101 ^ 01634142 v 0101 ~ 00621653 v 0000 ~ 00629257 v 0000 ~ 00629738 v 0000 ~ 00630026 v 0000 ~ 00630223 v 0000 ~ 00630380 v 0000 ~ 00632627 v 0000 ~ 00634472 v 0000 ~ 00670261 v 0000 ~ 00704388 v 0000 ~ 00704690 v 0000 ~ 00713167 v 0000 ~ 00722232 v 0000 ~ 00732224 v 0000 ~ 00734348 v 0000 ~ 00739082 v 0000 ~ 00739340 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | use or exercise the mind or one's power of reason in order to make inferences, decisions, or arrive at a solution or judgments; "I've been thinking all day and getting nowhere"
00629257 31 v 02 rationalize 0 rationalise 0 003 @ 00628491 v 0000 + 01009190 n 0204 + 01009190 n 0103 01 + 02 00 | think rationally; employ logic or reason; "When one wonders why one is doing certain things, one should rationalize"
00629492 31 v 02 rationalize_away 0 rationalise_away 0 001 @ 00632627 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | substitute a natural for a supernatural explanation of; "you can rationalize away all the strange noises you hear--there is no poltergeist in the house!"
00629738 31 v 01 think e 003 @ 00628491 v 0000 + 05786372 n 0101 + 05833840 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | have or formulate in the mind; "think good thoughts"
00629889 31 v 01 think_out 0 001 @ 00705227 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | consider carefully and rationally; "Every detail has been thought out"
00630026 31 v 02 philosophize 0 philosophise 0 006 @ 00628491 v 0000 + 10426184 n 0202 + 06158346 n 0201 + 10426184 n 0101 + 06158346 n 0101 + 06742772 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | reason philosophically
00630223 31 v 01 brainstorm 0 003 @ 00628491 v 0000 + 01203277 n 0101 + 05807306 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | try to solve a problem by thinking intensely about it
00630380 31 v 0c chew_over 0 think_over 0 meditate 0 ponder 0 excogitate 0 contemplate 1 muse 0 reflect 0 mull 0 mull_over 0 ruminate 0 speculate 0 026 @ 00628491 v 0000 + 00664879 a 0c02 + 05785885 n 0c02 + 02419434 a 0b09 + 05785508 n 0b04 + 10339504 n 0b04 + 10339504 n 0902 + 02419434 a 0808 + 01333331 a 0801 + 05835162 n 0701 + 10339504 n 0701 + 05785508 n 0705 + 02419434 a 0603 + 05785508 n 0601 + 02420390 a 0501 + 10339504 n 0403 + 02419434 a 0304 + 05785885 n 0301 ~ 00631244 v 0000 ~ 00631398 v 0000 ~ 00631591 v 0000 ~ 00683127 v 0000 ~ 00703512 v 0000 ~ 00925110 v 0000 ~ 01831308 v 0000 ~ 02166460 v 0000 03 + 22 00 + 08 02 + 08 01 | reflect deeply on a subject; "I mulled over the events of the afternoon"; "philosophers have speculated on the question of God for thousands of years"; "The scientist must stop to observe and start to excogitate"
00631244 31 v 01 premeditate 1 001 @ 00630380 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | think or reflect beforehand or in advance; "I rarely premeditate, which is a mistake"
00631398 31 v 02 theologize 0 theologise 0 003 @ 00630380 v 0000 + 10705615 n 0204 + 10705615 n 0103 01 + 02 00 | make theoretical speculations about theology or discuss theological subjects
00631591 31 v 01 introspect 0 003 @ 00630380 v 0000 + 01350674 a 0101 + 05786655 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | reflect on one's own thoughts and feelings
00631737 31 v 06 think 3 opine 2 suppose 0 imagine 1 reckon 2 guess 0 010 @ 00719734 v 0000 + 06782680 n 0601 + 05803938 n 0601 + 10150794 n 0601 + 05779712 n 0301 + 05779712 n 0302 + 05945642 n 0201 + 05945642 n 0105 + 05833840 n 0102 ~ 00924873 v 0000 02 + 24 00 + 26 00 | expect, believe, or suppose; "I imagine she earned a lot of money with her new novel"; "I thought to find her in a bad state"; "he didn't think to find her in the kitchen"; "I guess she is angry at me for standing her up"
00632236 31 v 03 assume 0 presume 0 take_for_granted 0 011 @ 00719734 v 0000 + 01413576 a 0201 + 00645281 a 0201 + 05781347 n 0201 + 05893356 n 0202 + 01225562 n 0201 + 00028008 a 0101 + 06753800 n 0103 + 05892096 n 0101 + 00083260 n 0101 ~ 00716531 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 26 00 | take to be the case or to be true; accept without verification or proof; "I assume his train was late"
00632627 31 v 01 reason 0 011 @ 00628491 v 0000 + 05651680 n 0101 + 10510339 n 0101 + 05772356 n 0101 ~ 00629492 v 0000 ~ 00632931 v 0000 ~ 00633094 v 0000 ~ 00633265 v 0000 ~ 00637259 v 0000 ~ 00657260 v 0000 ~ 00927049 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 26 00 | think logically; "The children must learn to reason"
00632931 31 v 01 theorize 1 003 @ 00632627 v 0000 + 05779371 n 0101 $ 00633094 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | form or construct theories; "he thinks and theorizes all day"
00633094 31 v 01 theorize 2 003 $ 00632931 v 0000 @ 00632627 v 0000 + 05779371 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | construct a theory about; "Galileo theorized the motion of the stars"
00633265 31 v 01 ratiocinate 0 005 @ 00632627 v 0000 + 01430716 a 0101 + 05783658 n 0101 + 05793210 n 0101 + 10510339 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | reason methodologically and logically
00633443 31 v 08 speculate 1 theorize 0 theorise 0 conjecture 0 hypothesize 0 hypothesise 0 hypothecate 0 suppose 1 022 @ 00719734 v 0000 + 05779712 n 0801 + 05779712 n 0802 + 06782680 n 0707 + 05888929 n 0701 + 06782680 n 0507 + 07162545 n 0501 + 05888929 n 0501 + 05773923 n 0401 + 05891783 n 0402 + 10706812 n 0304 + 05779371 n 0302 + 05952979 n 0301 + 05888929 n 0303 + 10706812 n 0203 + 05952979 n 0201 + 05888929 n 0203 + 00861818 a 0102 + 05891783 n 0101 + 10634316 n 0101 ~ 00634090 v 0000 ~ 00925873 v 0000 01 + 26 00 | to believe especially on uncertain or tentative grounds; "Scientists supposed that large dinosaurs lived in swamps"
00634090 31 v 03 reconstruct 0 construct 0 retrace 0 003 @ 00633443 v 0000 + 05762258 n 0101 ~ 00634286 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | reassemble mentally; "reconstruct the events of 20 years ago"
00634286 31 v 02 etymologize 0 etymologise 0 005 @ 00634090 v 0000 ;c 06172789 n 0000 + 06514621 n 0101 + 06168855 n 0101 + 06744154 n 0103 01 + 02 00 | construct the history of words
00634472 31 v 03 reason 1 reason_out 0 conclude 0 014 @ 00628491 v 0000 + 00550282 a 0301 + 00162632 n 0303 + 14379829 n 0102 + 05651680 n 0101 + 09178999 n 0101 + 10510339 n 0101 ~ 00636441 v 0000 ~ 00636574 v 0000 ~ 00653449 v 0000 ~ 00715239 v 0000 ~ 00944924 v 0000 ~ 00945125 v 0000 ~ 01022420 v 0000 01 + 26 00 | decide by reasoning; draw or come to a conclusion; "We reasoned that it was cheaper to rent than to buy a house"
00634906 31 v 06 solve 0 work_out 4 figure_out 0 puzzle_out 0 lick 0 work d 013 @ 00588888 v 0000 * 00632627 v 0000 + 01822563 a 0605 + 00190783 n 0101 + 10458111 n 0102 + 06743506 n 0105 + 00153809 n 0102 ~ 00635523 v 0000 ~ 00635714 v 0000 ~ 00635904 v 0000 ~ 00636061 v 0000 ~ 00636279 v 0000 ~ 00738314 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | find the solution to (a problem or question) or understand the meaning of; "did you solve the problem?"; "Work out your problems with the boss"; "this unpleasant situation isn't going to work itself out"; "did you get it?"; "Did you get my meaning?"; "He could not work the math problem"
00635523 31 v 02 answer 3 resolve 4 002 @ 00634906 v 0000 + 02266351 a 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | understand the meaning of; "The question concerning the meaning of life cannot be answered"
00635714 31 v 01 riddle 0 001 @ 00634906 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | explain a riddle
00635794 31 v 01 cinch 0 002 @ 00597385 v 0000 + 00575365 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | get a grip on; get mastery of
00635904 31 v 01 strike 0 001 @ 00634906 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | arrive at after reckoning, deliberating, and weighing; "strike a balance"; "strike a bargain"
00636061 31 v 02 guess 2 infer 2 003 @ 00634906 v 0000 + 10150794 n 0101 ~ 00720961 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | guess correctly; solve by guessing; "He guessed the right number of beans in the jar and won the prize"
00636279 31 v 01 answer 0 002 @ 00634906 v 0000 + 06743506 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | give the correct answer or solution to; "answer a question"; "answer the riddle"
00636441 31 v 01 induce 0 003 @ 00634472 v 0000 ;c 05664069 n 0000 + 05774415 n 0103 01 + 26 00 | reason or establish by induction
00636574 31 v 04 deduce 0 infer 0 deduct 0 derive 0 011 @ 00634472 v 0000 ;c 05664069 n 0000 + 05780718 n 0401 + 05774129 n 0301 + 05774614 n 0201 + 01296474 a 0101 + 05774129 n 0101 + 02710294 a 0101 ~ 00593669 v 0000 ~ 00689205 v 0000 ~ 00728826 v 0000 01 + 26 00 | reason by deduction; establish by deduction
00636888 31 v 04 establish 3 base 0 ground 0 found 0 005 + 13790712 n 0401 + 05793554 n 0403 + 09178999 n 0302 + 05793554 n 0202 ~ 00637115 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | use as a basis for; found on; "base a claim on some observation"
00637115 31 v 01 build 3 001 @ 00636888 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | found or ground; "build a defense on nothing but the accused person's reputation"
00637259 31 v 07 calculate 0 cipher 0 cypher 0 compute 0 work_out 6 reckon 1 figure 0 043 ;c 06000644 n 0000 @ 00632627 v 0000 + 05121418 n 0702 + 13331634 n 0701 + 09887034 n 0703 + 05802185 n 0703 ^ 00634906 v 0703 + 09887034 n 0602 + 05802185 n 0604 ^ 00712708 v 0606 + 05802185 n 0402 + 00868910 n 0402 + 09887034 n 0405 + 03082979 n 0401 + 13742358 n 0305 + 13742358 n 0204 + 00301187 a 0101 + 06013741 n 0101 + 05802185 n 0101 + 00868910 n 0101 + 09887034 n 0101 + 02938886 n 0101 ~ 00638194 v 0000 $ 00638585 v 0000 ~ 00638723 v 0000 ~ 00638837 v 0000 ~ 00639148 v 0000 ~ 00639478 v 0000 ~ 00639693 v 0000 ~ 00639998 v 0000 ~ 00640385 v 0000 ~ 00640828 v 0000 ~ 00641252 v 0000 ~ 00641672 v 0000 ~ 00642098 v 0000 ~ 00642644 v 0000 ~ 00642803 v 0000 ~ 00642980 v 0000 ~ 00646738 v 0000 ~ 00672433 v 0000 ~ 00724029 v 0000 ~ 00731159 v 0000 ~ 00733044 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | make a mathematical calculation or computation
00638194 31 v 02 quantize 0 quantise 0 004 @ 00637259 v 0000 ;c 06090869 n 0000 + 00389308 n 0202 + 00389308 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | apply quantum theory to; restrict the number of possible values of (a quantity) or states of (a physical entity or system) so that certain variables can assume only certain discrete magnitudes that are integral multiples of a common factor; "Quantize gravity"
00638585 31 v 01 work_out 7 002 $ 00637259 v 0000 @ 02645007 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | be calculated; "The fees work out to less than $1,000"
00638723 31 v 01 extract 2 002 @ 00637259 v 0000 ;c 06000644 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | calculate the root of a number
00638837 31 v 01 process 0 002 @ 00637259 v 0000 + 02995345 n 0105 01 + 08 00 | perform mathematical and logical operations on (data) according to programmed instructions in order to obtain the required information; "The results of the elections were still being processed when he gave his acceptance speech"
00639148 31 v 01 prorate 0 003 @ 00637259 v 0000 + 00807925 n 0101 $ 00639331 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | divide or assess proportionally; "The rent was prorated for the rest of the month"
00639331 31 v 01 prorate 1 003 $ 00639148 v 0000 @ 02254258 v 0000 + 00807925 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | make a proportional settlement or distribution
00639478 31 v 02 miscalculate 0 misestimate 0 004 @ 00637259 v 0000 ;c 06004067 n 0000 + 00072808 n 0203 + 00072808 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | calculate incorrectly; "I miscalculated the number of guests at the wedding"
00639693 31 v 01 recalculate 0 003 @ 00637259 v 0000 ;c 06004067 n 0000 + 00870101 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | calculate anew; "The costs had to be recalculated"
00639849 31 v 01 get 3 002 * 00637259 v 0000 $ 02359340 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | reach by calculation; "What do you get when you add up these numbers?"
00639998 31 v 02 average 0 average_out 0 003 ;c 06004067 n 0000 @ 00637259 v 0000 + 06021761 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | compute the average of
00640136 31 v 01 square 0 003 @ 00641672 v 0000 ;c 06004067 n 0000 + 13731021 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | raise to the second power
00640262 31 v 01 cube 0 003 @ 00641672 v 0000 ;c 06004067 n 0000 + 13731241 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | raise to the third power
00640385 31 v 03 factor 0 factor_in 0 factor_out 0 007 @ 00637259 v 0000 ;c 06004067 n 0000 + 13733402 n 0102 + 13593219 n 0101 + 05783041 n 0101 + 05783041 n 0102 + 05783041 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | resolve into factors; "a quantum computer can factor the number 15"
00640650 31 v 03 factor 1 factor_in 1 factor_out 1 001 @ 02166460 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | consider as relevant when making a decision; "You must factor in the recent developments"
00640828 31 v 02 add 0 add_together 0 010 $ 00949288 v 0000 @ 00637259 v 0000 ;c 06004067 n 0000 + 00048129 a 0101 + 00048706 a 0101 + 00872107 n 0102 + 02679142 n 0101 ! 00641252 v 0101 ^ 02645007 v 0103 ~ 00641138 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | make an addition by combining numbers; "Add 27 and 49, please!"
00641138 31 v 02 foot 0 foot_up 0 002 @ 00640828 v 0000 ;c 06004067 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | add a column of numbers
00641252 31 v 03 subtract 0 deduct 1 take_off 0 008 @ 00637259 v 0000 ;c 06004067 n 0000 + 00360757 n 0202 + 00050083 a 0101 + 00871862 n 0101 + 00360757 n 0101 ! 00640828 v 0101 ~ 00641532 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | make a subtraction; "subtract this amount from my paycheck"
00641532 31 v 01 carry_back 0 001 @ 00641252 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | deduct a loss or an unused credit from taxable income for a prior period
00641672 31 v 01 multiply 0 009 @ 00637259 v 0000 ;c 06004067 n 0000 + 02536123 a 0101 + 00871576 n 0101 + 13733818 n 0101 ! 00642098 v 0101 ~ 00640136 v 0000 ~ 00640262 v 0000 ~ 00641929 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | combine by multiplication; "multiply 10 by 15"
00641929 31 v 01 raise 0 002 @ 00641672 v 0000 ;c 06004067 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | multiply (a number) by itself a specified number of times: 8 is 2 raised to the power 3
00642098 31 v 02 divide 0 fraction 0 008 @ 00637259 v 0000 ;c 06004067 n 0000 + 13732078 n 0201 + 00784533 a 0101 + 00870912 n 0101 ! 00641672 v 0101 ~ 00642357 v 0000 ~ 00642498 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 01 | perform a division; "Can you divide 49 by seven?"
00642357 31 v 01 halve 0 002 @ 00642098 v 0000 ;c 06004067 n 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | divide by two; divide into halves; "Halve the cake"
00642498 31 v 01 quarter 0 003 @ 00642098 v 0000 ;c 06004067 n 0000 + 00386553 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | divide by four; divide into quarters
00642644 31 v 02 interpolate 0 extrapolate 0 004 @ 00637259 v 0000 ;c 06000644 n 0000 + 05802547 n 0201 + 05802730 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | estimate the value of
00642803 31 v 01 differentiate 0 004 @ 00637259 v 0000 ;c 06000644 n 0000 + 00870640 n 0101 ! 00642980 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 02 01 | calculate a derivative; take the derivative
00642980 31 v 01 integrate 0 006 @ 00637259 v 0000 ;c 06000644 n 0000 + 06015505 n 0101 + 00871418 n 0101 + 03577312 n 0101 ! 00642803 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 02 01 | calculate the integral of; calculate by integration
00643197 31 v 04 analyze 3 analyse 2 psychoanalyze 0 psychoanalyse 0 005 @ 00078760 v 0000 ;c 06055946 n 0000 + 09790278 n 0302 + 09790278 n 0101 + 00704305 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | subject to psychoanalytic treatment; "I was analyzed in Vienna by a famous psychiatrist"
00643473 31 v 05 analyze 1 analyse 1 break_down 0 dissect 0 take_apart 0 009 + 05782140 n 0401 + 00648931 n 0401 + 05781800 n 0301 + 02708711 n 0202 + 09790482 n 0101 + 02708711 n 0101 ! 00644066 v 0101 ~ 00643910 v 0000 ~ 00645415 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make a mathematical, chemical, or grammatical analysis of; break down into components or essential features; "analyze a specimen"; "analyze a sentence"; "analyze a chemical compound"
00643910 31 v 01 parse 0 002 @ 00643473 v 0000 ;c 06174404 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | analyze syntactically by assigning a constituent structure to (a sentence)
00644066 31 v 02 synthesize 0 synthesise 0 009 @ 00193486 v 0000 + 10687231 n 0203 + 04376400 n 0202 + 13565379 n 0201 + 05774129 n 0203 + 05783940 n 0201 + 10687231 n 0102 + 04376400 n 0101 ! 00643473 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | combine so as to form a more complex, product; "his operas synthesize music and drama in perfect harmony"; "The liver synthesizes vitamins"
00644430 31 v 01 synthesize 1 001 @ 00109660 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | combine and form a synthesis; "Vitamin D only synthesizes when sunlight is available"
00644583 31 v 06 analyze 0 analyse 0 study 2 examine 0 canvass 2 canvas 2 020 + 05787005 n 0402 + 00644503 n 0302 + 02708711 n 0202 + 09790482 n 0101 + 05772667 n 0101 ~ 00645241 v 0000 ~ 00645552 v 0000 ~ 00645771 v 0000 ~ 00646542 v 0000 ~ 00647929 v 0000 ~ 00652900 v 0000 ~ 00661824 v 0000 ~ 00694974 v 0000 ~ 00696189 v 0000 ~ 00697062 v 0000 ~ 00697419 v 0000 ~ 00729109 v 0000 ~ 00789138 v 0000 ~ 01460594 v 0000 ~ 02130300 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | consider in detail and subject to an analysis in order to discover essential features or meaning; "analyze a sonnet by Shakespeare"; "analyze the evidence in a criminal trial"; "analyze your real motives"
00645241 31 v 01 anatomize 0 002 @ 00644583 v 0000 + 00646187 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | analyze down to the smallest detail; "This writer anatomized the depth of human behavior"
00645415 31 v 02 botanize 0 botanise 0 003 @ 00643473 v 0000 + 06066555 n 0201 + 06066555 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | collect and study plants
00645552 31 v 02 diagnose 0 name 0 004 @ 00644583 v 0000 + 00152727 n 0101 + 00152727 n 0102 ~ 00646271 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | determine or distinguish the nature of a problem or an illness through a diagnostic analysis
00645771 31 v 01 diagnose 1 005 @ 00644583 v 0000 ;c 00612160 n 0000 + 00152727 n 0101 + 00152727 n 0102 ~ 00645939 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | subject to a medical analysis
00645939 31 v 01 explore 3 006 @ 00645771 v 0000 ;c 00612160 n 0000 + 00877345 a 0101 + 00945777 n 0101 ~ 00646135 v 0000 $ 00646271 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | examine (organs) for diagnostic purposes
00646135 31 v 01 put_out_feelers 0 001 @ 00645939 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | make some preliminary investigations or test the waters
00646271 31 v 01 explore 2 006 $ 00645939 v 0000 @ 00645552 v 0000 + 00877345 a 0101 + 05785311 n 0101 + 00945777 n 0101 ~ 00646442 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | examine minutely
00646442 31 v 01 plumb 2 001 @ 00646271 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | examine thoroughly and in great depth
00646542 31 v 02 survey 0 appraise 0 003 @ 00644583 v 0000 + 06469694 n 0102 + 00644503 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | consider in a comprehensive way; "He appraised the situation carefully before acting"
00646738 31 v 01 survey 1 006 * 00489837 v 0000 @ 00637259 v 0000 + 00881649 n 0102 + 10680609 n 0101 + 01005579 n 0101 ~ 00646912 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | plot a map of (land)
00646912 31 v 01 triangulate 0 003 @ 00646738 v 0000 + 00617337 n 0101 + 13879320 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | survey by triangulation; "The land surveyor worked by triangulating the plot"
00647094 31 v 03 measure 0 mensurate 0 measure_out 0 013 @ 00697589 v 0000 + 00996969 n 0204 + 01498769 a 0101 + 03735637 n 0102 + 00033615 n 0101 + 00996969 n 0103 + 00996969 n 0101 + 10304383 n 0101 + 00996969 n 0102 ~ 00647508 v 0000 ~ 00647629 v 0000 ~ 00647770 v 0000 ~ 00739536 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | determine the measurements of something or somebody, take measurements of; "Measure the length of the wall"
00647508 31 v 01 shoot 0 001 @ 00647094 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | measure the altitude of by using a sextant; "shoot a star"
00647629 31 v 01 triangulate 1 002 @ 00647094 v 0000 + 06008148 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | measure by using trigonometry; "triangulate the angle"
00647770 31 v 02 caliper 0 calliper 0 003 @ 00647094 v 0000 + 02939866 n 0202 + 02939866 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | measure the diameter of something with calipers
00647929 31 v 01 survey 2 003 @ 00644583 v 0000 + 10680796 n 0101 ~ 02454312 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make a survey of; for statistical purposes
00648071 31 v 01 prospect 0 002 @ 00648224 v 0000 + 10485298 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | explore for useful or valuable things or substances, such as minerals
00648224 31 v 03 research 0 search 0 explore 0 014 @ 00789138 v 0000 + 00877345 a 0302 + 00877345 a 0301 + 05785311 n 0301 + 00637354 n 0201 + 10575787 n 0202 + 05797597 n 0103 + 00636921 n 0101 + 10523076 n 0102 ~ 00648071 v 0000 ~ 00648764 v 0000 ~ 00649033 v 0000 ~ 00649245 v 0000 ~ 00649362 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | inquire into; "the students had to research the history of the Second World War for their history project"; "He searched for information on his relatives on the web"; "Scientists are exploring the nature of consciousness"
00648764 31 v 01 google 0 003 @ 00648224 v 0000 ;c 06128570 n 0000 + 06578905 n 0101 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 | search the internet (for information) using the Google search engine; "He googled the woman he had met at the party"; "My children are googling all day"
00649033 31 v 01 mapquest 0 003 @ 00648224 v 0000 ;c 06128570 n 0000 + 06578527 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | search for a location and directions by means of the MapQuest program; "you can just mapquest the restaurant"
00649245 31 v 01 re-explore 0 001 @ 00648224 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | explore anew; "We need to re-explore Colonialism"
00649362 31 v 03 cast_about 0 beat_about 0 cast_around 0 001 @ 00648224 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | search anxiously
00649481 31 v 01 explore 1 009 @ 00789138 v 0000 + 00877345 a 0102 + 00877345 a 0101 + 05785311 n 0101 + 00310063 n 0101 + 10072708 n 0101 ~ 00649757 v 0000 ~ 00649887 v 0000 ~ 00710606 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | travel to or penetrate into; "explore unknown territory in biology"
00649757 31 v 01 pioneer 0 002 @ 00649481 v 0000 + 10434424 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | open up and explore a new area; "pioneer space"
00649887 31 v 02 cave 0 spelunk 0 003 @ 00649481 v 0000 + 10460286 n 0202 + 09238926 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | explore natural caves
00650016 31 v 02 discriminate 0 know_apart 0 006 @ 00650353 v 0000 + 00775301 a 0101 + 00775301 a 0102 + 05748054 n 0101 + 10012815 n 0102 ~ 00650233 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | recognize or perceive the difference
00650233 31 v 01 subtilize 0 001 @ 00650016 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | mark fine distinctions and subtleties, as among words
00650353 31 v 09 distinguish 0 separate 1 differentiate 1 secern 1 secernate 0 severalize 0 severalise 0 tell 1 tell_apart 0 020 * 00652900 v 0000 @ 00618878 v 0000 + 07366289 n 0304 + 04748836 n 0301 + 05748285 n 0301 + 10012815 n 0301 + 05748285 n 0102 ~ 00608502 v 0000 ~ 00650016 v 0000 ~ 00650932 v 0000 ~ 00651480 v 0000 ~ 00651630 v 0000 ~ 00651759 v 0000 ~ 00661213 v 0000 ~ 00661480 v 0000 ~ 00661584 v 0000 ~ 00714273 v 0000 ~ 00730499 v 0000 ~ 02512305 v 0000 ~ 02512808 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 16 00 | mark as different; "We distinguish several kinds of maple"
00650932 31 v 01 label 0 002 @ 00650353 v 0000 + 14620066 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | distinguish (an element or atom) by using a radioactive isotope or an isotope of unusual mass for tracing through chemical reactions
00651145 31 v 01 treat 0 002 @ 00717358 v 0000 $ 02514187 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | regard or consider in a specific way; "I treated his advances as a joke"
00651298 31 v 01 bristle 0 001 @ 00717358 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | react in an offended or angry manner; "He bristled at her suggestion that he should teach her how to use the program"
00651480 31 v 01 label 1 002 @ 00650353 v 0000 + 14620066 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | distinguish (as a compound or molecule) by introducing a labeled atom
00651630 31 v 01 sex 0 003 @ 00650353 v 0000 + 07999291 n 0101 + 05006898 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | tell the sex (of young chickens)
00651759 31 v 02 individualize 0 individualise 0 004 @ 00650353 v 0000 + 05749402 n 0202 + 05749402 n 0101 + 10203839 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | make or mark or treat as individual; "The sounds were individualized by sharpness and tone"
00651991 31 v 03 distinguish 2 mark 9 differentiate 2 008 $ 00921738 v 0000 @ 00956687 v 0000 + 07366289 n 0304 + 04748836 n 0301 + 05748285 n 0301 + 07270179 n 0203 + 07270179 n 0201 ~ 02697950 v 0000 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | be a distinctive feature, attribute, or trait; sometimes in a very positive sense; "His modesty distinguishes him from his peers"
00652346 31 v 07 identify 1 discover 3 key 0 key_out 0 distinguish 1 describe 0 name 1 006 * 00654625 v 0000 + 06333653 n 0701 + 07230502 n 0701 + 01272397 a 0101 + 00152018 n 0102 + 05763412 n 0101 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 | identify as in botany or biology, for example
00652622 31 v 02 catalogue 0 catalog 0 007 @ 00654625 v 0000 + 06487897 n 0201 + 06416206 n 0201 + 06487897 n 0102 + 06416206 n 0102 + 09900499 n 0102 + 09900499 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | make an itemized list or catalog of; classify; "He is cataloguing his photographic negatives"
00652900 31 v 01 compare 0 009 $ 02729632 v 0000 @ 00644583 v 0000 + 04746842 n 0102 + 13853808 n 0101 + 00142665 n 0101 + 00142665 n 0102 + 00006032 a 0102 ~ 00653283 v 0000 ~ 00661713 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 + 21 00 | examine and note the similarities or differences of; "John compared his haircut to his friend's"; "We compared notes after we had both seen the movie"
00653283 31 v 02 analogize 0 analogise 0 005 @ 00652900 v 0000 + 05780339 n 0201 + 00651176 n 0201 + 05780339 n 0101 + 00651176 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | make an analogy
00653449 31 v 02 syllogize 0 syllogise 0 005 @ 00634472 v 0000 + 10685123 n 0203 + 05779116 n 0201 + 10685123 n 0102 + 05779116 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | reason by syllogisms
00653620 31 v 03 compare 1 liken 0 equate 0 009 @ 02166460 v 0000 + 09626238 n 0302 + 00185307 n 0301 + 00185307 n 0302 + 02990954 a 0101 + 04746842 n 0102 + 04746842 n 0101 + 00142665 n 0102 + 00006032 a 0102 02 + 20 00 + 21 00 | consider or describe as similar, equal, or analogous; "We can compare the Han dynasty to the Romans"; "You cannot equate success in financial matters with greed"
00654015 31 v 01 reconsider 0 004 @ 00690614 v 0000 + 07139532 n 0101 + 05790012 n 0101 $ 00654258 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 33 00 | consider again; give new consideration to; usually with a view to changing; "Won't you reconsider your decision?"
00654258 31 v 01 reconsider 1 003 $ 00654015 v 0000 ;c 01125693 n 0000 @ 00690614 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | consider again (a bill) that had been voted upon before, with a view to altering it
00654446 31 v 02 come_round 0 come_around 0 002 * 00654015 v 0000 @ 00109660 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | change one's position or opinion; "He came around to our point of view"
00654625 31 v 06 classify 0 class 0 sort 0 assort 0 sort_out 0 separate 0 030 @ 00657260 v 0000 * 00652900 v 0000 + 01012712 n 0406 + 05839024 n 0302 + 13558696 n 0301 + 10626867 n 0301 + 04261116 n 0301 + 13558696 n 0302 + 01016832 n 0301 + 07997703 n 0201 + 03018802 a 0101 + 08239808 n 0101 + 08103777 n 0101 + 07974025 n 0101 + 07939638 n 0101 + 05732756 n 0101 + 01012712 n 0103 + 09926862 n 0101 + 07997703 n 0101 ~ 00368109 v 0000 ~ 00652622 v 0000 ~ 00655378 v 0000 ~ 00655555 v 0000 ~ 00655792 v 0000 ~ 00655987 v 0000 ~ 00656107 v 0000 ~ 00656292 v 0000 ~ 00656576 v 0000 ~ 00657550 v 0000 ~ 02731632 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | arrange or order by classes or categories; "How would you classify these pottery shards--are they prehistoric?"
00655378 31 v 01 isolate 5 004 @ 00654625 v 0000 ;c 06136258 n 0000 + 02111339 a 0101 + 13503673 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | separate (experiences) from the emotions relating to them
00655555 31 v 01 refer 0 002 @ 00654625 v 0000 + 05923314 n 0101 01 + 21 00 | think of, regard, or classify under a subsuming principle or with a general group or in relation to another; "This plant can be referred to a known species"
00655792 31 v 01 reclassify 0 001 @ 00654625 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | classify anew, change the previous classification; "The zoologists had to reclassify the mollusks after they found new species"
00655987 31 v 01 size 0 003 @ 00654625 v 0000 + 05095691 n 0101 + 05098942 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | sort according to size
00656107 31 v 02 dichotomize 0 dichotomise 0 004 @ 00654625 v 0000 + 00389135 n 0202 + 00389135 n 0101 + 07939880 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | divide into two opposing groups or kinds
00656292 31 v 03 pigeonhole 0 stereotype 0 stamp 0 005 @ 00654625 v 0000 + 07998573 n 0301 + 05927586 n 0201 + 05839663 n 0101 + 05733090 n 0102 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | treat or classify according to a mental stereotype; "I was stereotyped as a lazy Southern European"
00656576 31 v 01 group 0 007 @ 00654625 v 0000 + 00031264 n 0101 + 01012360 n 0101 ~ 00656825 v 0000 ~ 00656916 v 0000 ~ 00657016 v 0000 ~ 01386073 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | arrange into a group or groups; "Can you group these shapes together?"
00656825 31 v 01 regroup 0 001 @ 00656576 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | reorganize into new groups
00656916 31 v 01 bracket 0 002 @ 00656576 v 0000 + 08006094 n 0101 01 + 31 00 | classify or group
00657016 31 v 03 collocate 0 lump d chunk d 006 @ 00656576 v 0000 + 07961016 n 0306 + 05731568 n 0303 + 10276477 n 0201 + 09307300 n 0202 + 01051801 n 0103 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | group or chunk together in a certain order or place side by side
00657260 31 v 02 categorize 0 categorise 0 008 * 00652900 v 0000 @ 00632627 v 0000 + 07939638 n 0102 + 05732756 n 0102 + 01012712 n 0101 + 07997703 n 0102 + 05838765 n 0101 ~ 00654625 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | place into or assign to a category; "Children learn early on to categorize"
00657550 31 v 01 grade 0 005 @ 00654625 v 0000 + 05737153 n 0102 + 14429608 n 0101 + 01003729 n 0101 + 00874977 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | determine the grade of or assign a grade to
00657728 31 v 03 grade 5 score 5 mark 0 008 @ 00681429 v 0000 + 00874977 n 0301 + 05737153 n 0203 + 10562135 n 0202 + 00874977 n 0203 + 01003729 n 0101 + 10140783 n 0101 + 00874977 n 0102 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | assign a grade or rank to, according to one's evaluation; "grade tests"; "score the SAT essays"; "mark homework"
00658052 31 v 06 rate 0 rank 0 range 0 order 0 grade 3 place 1 020 @ 00670261 v 0000 + 06483454 n 0601 + 05737153 n 0502 + 14428160 n 0501 + 14429608 n 0501 + 01003729 n 0501 + 10140783 n 0501 + 01010334 n 0502 + 05091316 n 0401 + 01009871 n 0402 + 14429985 n 0201 ~ 00658619 v 0000 ~ 00658798 v 0000 ~ 00658913 v 0000 ~ 00659112 v 0000 ~ 00659535 v 0000 ~ 00660381 v 0000 ~ 00660571 v 0000 ~ 00660730 v 0000 ~ 00660851 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | assign a rank or rating to; "how would you rank these students?"; "The restaurant is rated highly in the food guide"
00658619 31 v 01 superordinate 0 001 @ 00658052 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | place in a superior order or rank; "These two notions are superordinated to a third"
00658798 31 v 01 shortlist 0 001 @ 00658052 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | put someone or something on a short list
00658913 31 v 01 seed 0 003 @ 00658052 v 0000 ;c 00523513 n 0000 + 10575463 n 0102 01 + 09 00 | distribute (players or teams) so that outstanding teams or players will not meet in the early rounds
00659112 31 v 01 reorder 0 004 @ 00658052 v 0000 + 00339463 n 0101 ~ 00386965 v 0000 ~ 00659260 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | assign a new order to
00659260 31 v 01 countermarch 0 001 @ 00659112 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | change the order of soldiers during a march
00659373 31 v 01 outclass 0 002 @ 00659535 v 0000 ;c 00523513 n 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | cause to appear in a lower class; "The Yankees outclassed Cincinnati"
00659535 31 v 01 subordinate 0 004 @ 00658052 v 0000 + 10669991 n 0101 + 14001852 n 0101 ~ 00659373 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | rank or order as less important or consider of less value; "Art is sometimes subordinated to Science in these schools"
00659776 31 v 03 place 3 come_in 0 come_out 0 002 @ 00660102 v 0000 + 06483454 n 0101 02 + 06 00 + 07 00 | take a place in a competition; often followed by an ordinal; "Jerry came in third in the Marathon"
00659984 31 v 01 come d 001 @ 00660102 v 0000 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | have a certain priority; "My family comes first"
00660102 31 v 01 rank d 007 @ 02604760 v 0000 + 14429985 n 0101 + 10506915 n 0101 + 10506762 n 0101 + 14429484 n 0101 ~ 00659776 v 0000 ~ 00659984 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | take or have a position relative to others; "This painting ranks among the best in the Western World"
00660381 31 v 02 prioritize 0 prioritise 0 003 @ 00658052 v 0000 + 13949802 n 0103 + 05047279 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | assign a priority to; "we have too many things to do and must prioritize"
00660571 31 v 01 sequence 0 005 @ 00658052 v 0000 + 01010458 n 0102 + 08459252 n 0101 + 05044822 n 0101 + 04173344 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | arrange in a sequence
00660730 31 v 01 downgrade 0 002 @ 00658052 v 0000 ! 00660851 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | rate lower; lower in value or esteem
00660851 31 v 01 upgrade 0 002 @ 00658052 v 0000 ! 00660730 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | rate higher; raise in value or esteem
00660971 31 v 02 rate 1 value 2 004 @ 00681429 v 0000 + 05736149 n 0103 + 00874806 n 0102 ~ 00315810 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | estimate the value of; "How would you rate his chances to become President?"; "Gold was rated highly among the Romans"
00661213 31 v 01 contrast 0 004 @ 00650353 v 0000 + 13855627 n 0101 + 05748786 n 0104 + 00651813 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | put in opposition to show or emphasize differences; "The middle school teacher contrasted her best student's work with that of her weakest student"
00661480 31 v 02 severalize 1 severalise 1 001 @ 00650353 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | distinguish or separate
00661584 31 v 01 contradistinguish 0 002 @ 00650353 v 0000 + 05748614 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | distinguish by contrasting qualities
00661713 31 v 01 collate 0 002 @ 00652900 v 0000 + 00651531 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | compare critically; of texts
00661824 31 v 08 check 0 check_up_on 0 look_into 0 check_out 0 suss_out 0 check_over 0 go_over 1 check_into 0 007 @ 00644583 v 0000 + 00141806 n 0402 + 05738625 n 0102 + 00141806 n 0101 + 09912995 n 0101 $ 00662182 v 0000 ~ 02455407 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | examine so as to determine accuracy, quality, or condition; "check the brakes"; "Check out the engine"
00662182 31 v 06 check 1 check_off 0 mark 8 mark_off 0 tick_off 0 tick 0 005 $ 00661824 v 0000 $ 00662589 v 0000 @ 00664483 v 0000 + 06818747 n 0102 ~ 00662485 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | put a check mark on or near or next to; "Please check each name on the list"; "tick off the items"; "mark off the units"
00662485 31 v 01 receipt 0 002 @ 00662182 v 0000 + 06520222 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | mark or stamp as paid
00662589 31 v 08 see 3 check 2 insure 0 see_to_it 0 ensure 0 control 1 ascertain 0 assure 0 015 $ 00920336 v 0000 @ 00664483 v 0000 + 05825245 n 0203 + 00141806 n 0201 ~ 00628302 v 0000 $ 00662182 v 0000 ~ 00663160 v 0000 $ 00663353 v 0000 ~ 00663549 v 0000 ~ 00663682 v 0000 ~ 00663819 v 0000 ~ 00663894 v 0000 ~ 00664111 v 0000 ~ 00967455 v 0000 $ 02520997 v 0000 02 + 26 00 + 28 01 | be careful or certain to do something; make certain of something; "He verified that the valves were closed"; "See that the curtains are closed"; "control the quality of the product"
00663160 31 v 01 control b 004 ;c 07073447 n 0000 @ 00662589 v 0000 + 09761403 n 0103 + 05798569 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | verify by using a duplicate register for comparison; "control an account"
00663353 31 v 01 check c 003 $ 00662589 v 0000 @ 00664483 v 0000 + 00141806 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | verify by consulting a source or authority; "check the spelling of this word"; "check your facts"
00663549 31 v 01 double-check 0 002 @ 00662589 v 0000 + 05738894 n 0102 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | check once more to be absolutely sure
00663682 31 v 01 cross-check 0 001 @ 00662589 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | check out conflicting sources; crosscheck facts, for example
00663819 31 v 01 cinch 1 001 @ 00662589 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make sure of
00663894 31 v 01 card 0 002 @ 00662589 v 0000 + 06477371 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | ask someone for identification to determine whether he or she is old enough to consume liquor; "I was carded when I tried to buy a beer!"
00664111 31 v 01 spot-check 0 002 @ 00662589 v 0000 + 00142140 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | pick out random samples for examination in order to ensure high quality
00664276 31 v 01 authenticate 0 006 * 00664483 v 0000 @ 00820976 v 0000 + 06855035 n 0101 + 00154233 n 0101 + 09802239 n 0102 ~ 00665771 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | establish the authenticity of something
00664483 31 v 01 verify 1 009 @ 00665886 v 0000 + 02355521 a 010b + 01615785 a 0101 + 00859453 a 0102 + 05825245 n 0102 + 10760763 n 0102 ~ 00662182 v 0000 ~ 00662589 v 0000 ~ 00663353 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 26 00 | confirm the truth of; "Please verify that the doors are closed"; "verify a claim"
00664788 31 v 05 prove 0 demonstrate 0 establish 0 show 0 shew 0 008 @ 00665886 v 0000 + 05826291 n 0301 + 01323962 a 0201 ! 00667424 v 0101 ~ 00665235 v 0000 ~ 00665630 v 0000 ~ 00666886 v 0000 ~ 01801080 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 26 00 | establish the validity of something, as by an example, explanation or experiment; "The experiment demonstrated the instability of the compound"; "The mathematician showed the validity of the conjecture"
00665235 31 v 01 prove_oneself 0 001 @ 00664788 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | show one's ability or courage
00665335 31 v 01 explode 1 001 @ 00667424 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | show (a theory or claim) to be baseless, or refute and make obsolete
00665476 31 v 03 lay_down 0 establish 2 make d 002 @ 01617192 v 0000 ~ 01062395 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | institute, enact, or establish; "make laws"
00665630 31 v 01 prove 2 002 @ 00664788 v 0000 ;c 06000644 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | prove formally; demonstrate by a mathematical, formal proof
00665771 31 v 01 prove 1 002 @ 00664276 v 0000 ;c 08441203 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | obtain probate of; "prove a will"
00665886 31 v 06 confirm 0 corroborate 0 sustain 0 substantiate 0 support 0 affirm 0 021 + 01821920 a 0601 + 01186192 n 0601 ! 00666886 v 0601 + 00154433 n 0502 + 02355521 a 0408 + 05825245 n 0404 + 00153961 n 0403 + 02806261 a 0301 + 02355521 a 0205 + 02355521 a 0206 + 06650431 n 0203 + 02355521 a 0102 + 02355521 a 0104 + 06650070 n 0101 + 05825245 n 0101 ~ 00223109 v 0000 ~ 00223250 v 0000 ~ 00664483 v 0000 ~ 00664788 v 0000 ~ 00666510 v 0000 ~ 00667224 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 26 00 | establish or strengthen as with new evidence or facts; "his story confirmed my doubts"; "The evidence supports the defendant"
00666510 31 v 01 document 0 005 @ 00665886 v 0000 + 06470073 n 0101 + 06650431 n 0101 + 00154433 n 0101 ~ 00666722 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | support or supply with references; "Can you document your claims?"
00666722 31 v 01 source 0 003 @ 00666510 v 0000 + 07258664 n 0102 + 06675122 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | specify the origin of; "The writer carefully sourced her report"
00666886 31 v 02 negate 0 contradict 0 006 @ 00664788 v 0000 ;c 05664069 n 0000 + 00075515 a 0101 ! 00665886 v 0106 ~ 00667102 v 0000 ~ 00667424 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 26 00 | prove negative; show to be false
00667102 31 v 02 invalidate 0 nullify 0 002 @ 00666886 v 0000 ! 00667224 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | show to be invalid
00667224 31 v 01 validate 0 005 @ 00665886 v 0000 + 02355521 a 010a + 05826291 n 0102 + 00153961 n 0101 ! 00667102 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | prove valid; show or confirm the validity of something
00667424 31 v 02 disprove 0 confute 0 010 @ 00666886 v 0000 + 00721371 a 0204 + 10510546 n 0204 + 07201105 n 0201 + 05826722 n 0201 + 10510546 n 0102 ! 00664788 v 0101 ~ 00665335 v 0000 ~ 00667747 v 0000 ~ 00667942 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 26 00 | prove to be false; "The physicist disproved his colleagues' theories"
00667747 31 v 03 refute 0 rebut 0 controvert 0 005 @ 00667424 v 0000 + 10510546 n 0201 + 05826469 n 0103 + 00155298 n 0104 + 10510546 n 0103 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | prove to be false or incorrect
00667942 31 v 01 falsify 0 004 @ 00667424 v 0000 + 05826469 n 0102 + 13960464 n 0101 + 00155298 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | prove false; "Falsify a claim"
00668099 31 v 0c digest 3 endure 0 stick_out 0 stomach 0 bear 0 stand 0 tolerate 0 support 4 brook 0 abide 0 suffer 0 put_up 0 017 @ 00802318 v 0000 + 04638175 n 0b03 + 01021889 n 0a01 + 01736883 a 0701 + 01041209 a 0702 + 04638175 n 0701 + 01071090 n 0701 + 02435206 a 0501 + 05032565 n 0201 ~ 00668805 v 0000 ~ 00669099 v 0000 ~ 00669243 v 0000 ~ 00669366 v 0000 ~ 00669630 v 0000 ~ 00670179 v 0000 ~ 00737884 v 0000 $ 01794668 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 22 0c | put up with something or somebody unpleasant; "I cannot bear his constant criticism"; "The new secretary had to endure a lot of unprofessional remarks"; "he learned to tolerate the heat"; "She stuck out two years in a miserable marriage"
00668805 31 v 03 accept 3 live_with 0 swallow 3 002 @ 00668099 v 0000 + 04638175 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | tolerate or accommodate oneself to; "I shall have to accept these unpleasant working conditions"; "I swallowed the insult"; "She has learned to live with her husband's little idiosyncrasies"
00669099 31 v 02 stand_for 0 hold_still_for 0 001 @ 00668099 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | tolerate or bear; "I won't stand for this kind of behavior!"
00669243 31 v 01 bear_up 0 001 @ 00668099 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | endure cheerfully; "She bore up under the enormous strain"
00669366 31 v 01 take_lying_down 0 001 @ 00668099 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | suffer without protest; suffer or endure passively; "I won't take this insult lying down"
00669528 31 v 01 take_it_on_the_chin 0 001 @ 02528380 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | undergo failure or defeat
00669630 31 v 01 take_a_joke 0 001 @ 00668099 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | listen to a joke at one's own expense; "Can't you take a joke?"
00669762 31 v 02 take 9 submit c 005 $ 02109045 v 0000 @ 02108377 v 0000 + 01166926 n 0201 + 09852081 n 0101 ~ 00669970 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 22 02 | accept or undergo, often unwillingly; "We took a pay cut"
00669970 31 v 01 test 6 007 $ 01112584 v 0000 $ 00786458 v 0000 @ 00669762 v 0000 + 07197021 n 0103 + 00794367 n 0101 + 01006675 n 0101 + 10703692 n 0101 01 + 07 00 | undergo a test; "She doesn't test well"
00670179 31 v 01 sit_out 0 001 @ 00668099 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | endure to the end
00670261 31 v 03 evaluate 1 pass_judgment 0 judge 0 026 @ 00628491 v 0000 + 10066732 n 0302 + 00874067 n 0301 + 05789432 n 0303 + 00649892 a 0102 ~ 00658052 v 0000 ~ 00670991 v 0000 ~ 00673983 v 0000 ~ 00674340 v 0000 ~ 00679937 v 0000 ~ 00681281 v 0000 ~ 00681429 v 0000 ~ 00682592 v 0000 ~ 00685683 v 0000 ~ 00686447 v 0000 ~ 00689344 v 0000 ~ 00712135 v 0000 ~ 00719734 v 0000 ~ 00726300 v 0000 ~ 00740053 v 0000 ~ 00807178 v 0000 ~ 00822367 v 0000 ~ 00855512 v 0000 ~ 02523784 v 0000 ~ 02523953 v 0000 ~ 02531625 v 0000 05 + 05 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 24 00 + 26 00 | form a critical opinion of; "I cannot judge some works of modern art"; "How do you evaluate this grant proposal?" "We shouldn't pass judgment on other people"
00670991 31 v 01 stand 1 004 @ 00670261 v 0000 + 06210363 n 0103 + 06196284 n 0102 ~ 00733632 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | have or maintain a position or stand on an issue; "Where do you stand on the War?"
00671190 31 v 01 misjudge 0 004 @ 00617748 v 0000 ~ 00671335 v 0000 ~ 00672017 v 0000 ~ 00712389 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | judge incorrectly
00671335 31 v 02 underestimate 1 underrate 0 005 @ 00671190 v 0000 + 05804491 n 0203 + 05804491 n 0102 ! 00672017 v 0101 ~ 00671653 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | make too low an estimate of; "he underestimated the work that went into the renovation"; "Don't underestimate the danger of such a raft trip on this river"
00671653 31 v 01 sell_short 0 001 @ 00671335 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | underestimate the real value or ability of; "Don't sell your students short--they are just shy and don't show off their knowledge"
00671859 31 v 02 overcapitalize 0 overcapitalise 0 001 @ 00672017 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | overestimate the market value of; "overcapitalize a property"
00672017 31 v 02 overestimate 0 overrate 0 007 @ 00671190 v 0000 + 05804274 n 0203 + 06528992 n 0101 + 06528992 n 0102 + 05804274 n 0102 ! 00671335 v 0101 ~ 00671859 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | make too high an estimate of; "He overestimated his own powers"
00672277 31 v 01 judge 2 004 @ 00698855 v 0000 + 10066732 n 0102 + 00874067 n 0101 ~ 01085237 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | determine the result of (a competition)
00672433 31 v 05 estimate 0 gauge 0 approximate 0 guess 1 judge 1 025 @ 00637259 v 0000 + 10066732 n 0502 + 05789432 n 0501 + 05789432 n 0503 + 06782680 n 0401 + 10150794 n 0401 + 00915976 a 0302 + 06783598 n 0101 + 06528783 n 0102 + 05803379 n 0101 + 06528783 n 0103 + 05803379 n 0102 + 00875246 n 0102 ^ 00672017 v 0101 ^ 00673766 v 0102 ~ 00673095 v 0000 ~ 00673341 v 0000 ~ 00673448 v 0000 ~ 00673571 v 0000 ~ 00673766 v 0000 ~ 00682230 v 0000 ~ 00698104 v 0000 ~ 00712556 v 0000 ~ 00740290 v 0000 ~ 00918746 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 22 00 + 26 00 | judge tentatively or form an estimate of (quantities or time); "I estimate this chicken to weigh three pounds"
00673095 31 v 02 quantize 1 quantise 1 003 @ 00672433 v 0000 ;c 06128307 n 0000 + 00389308 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | approximate (a signal varying continuously in amplitude) by one whose amplitude is restricted to a prescribed set of discrete values
00673341 31 v 01 misgauge 0 001 @ 00672433 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | gauge something incorrectly or improperly
00673448 31 v 03 place d put d set d 001 @ 00672433 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | estimate; "We put the time of arrival at 8 P.M."
00673571 31 v 01 give 0 001 @ 00672433 v 0000 01 + 14 00 | estimate the duration or outcome of something; "He gave the patient three months to live"; "I gave him a very good chance at success"
00673766 31 v 02 lowball 0 underestimate 0 003 @ 00672433 v 0000 + 05804491 n 0201 + 05804491 n 0202 01 + 08 00 | make a deliberately low estimate; "The construction company wanted the contract badly and lowballed"
00673983 31 v 01 approve 0 008 @ 00670261 v 0000 + 00996089 a 0103 + 00996089 a 0104 + 07500612 n 0101 + 06687178 n 0101 + 07500159 n 0101 ! 00674340 v 0101 ~ 00674517 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 | judge to be right or commendable; think well of
00674237 31 v 02 frown_on 0 frown_upon 0 001 @ 00674340 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | look disapprovingly upon
00674340 31 v 01 disapprove 0 005 @ 00670261 v 0000 + 07502829 n 0101 ! 00673983 v 0101 ~ 00674237 v 0000 ~ 00732837 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 | consider bad or wrong
00674517 31 v 01 rubberstamp 0 001 @ 00673983 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | approve automatically
00674607 31 v 04 choose 0 take 1 select 0 pick_out 0 028 @ 00697589 v 0000 + 01863246 a 0301 + 00775693 a 0301 + 00161243 n 0302 + 10431625 n 0303 ~ 00625963 v 0000 ~ 00675412 v 0000 ~ 00675592 v 0000 ~ 00675768 v 0000 ~ 00675901 v 0000 ~ 00676135 v 0000 ~ 00676267 v 0000 ~ 00676450 v 0000 ~ 00676864 v 0000 ~ 00677021 v 0000 ~ 00677203 v 0000 ~ 00677445 v 0000 ~ 00677544 v 0000 ~ 00677683 v 0000 ~ 00679239 v 0000 ~ 00723222 v 0000 ~ 00947077 v 0000 ~ 02346895 v 0000 ~ 02400378 v 0000 ~ 02400637 v 0000 ~ 02400760 v 0000 ~ 02401523 v 0000 ~ 02461314 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 02 01 | pick out, select, or choose from a number of alternatives; "Take any one of these cards"; "Choose a good husband for your daughter"; "She selected a pair of shoes from among the dozen the salesgirl had shown her"
00675412 31 v 01 anoint 0 001 @ 00674607 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | choose by or as if by divine intervention; "She was anointed the head of the Christian fundamentalist group"
00675592 31 v 01 field 0 001 @ 00674607 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | select (a team or individual player) for a game; "The Buckeyes fielded a young new quarterback for the Rose Bowl"
00675768 31 v 02 sieve 0 sift 0 001 @ 00674607 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | distinguish and separate out; "sift through the job candidates"
00675901 31 v 01 draw d 003 @ 00674607 v 0000 + 03233246 n 0101 + 03233423 n 0101 02 + 20 00 + 21 00 | select or take in from a given group or region; "The participants in the experiment were drawn from a representative population"
00676135 31 v 01 dial 0 002 @ 00674607 v 0000 + 03186818 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | choose by means of a dial; "dial a telephone number"
00676267 31 v 02 plump c go c 001 @ 00674607 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | give support (to) or make a choice (of) one out of a group or number; "I plumped for the losing candidates"
00676450 31 v 01 pick 0 006 @ 00674607 v 0000 + 00161243 n 0104 + 08387035 n 0102 + 05790242 n 0102 + 10431625 n 0101 ~ 00676714 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 22 00 | select carefully from a group; "She finally picked her successor"; "He picked his way carefully"
00676714 31 v 01 hand-pick 0 001 @ 00676450 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | pick personally and very carefully; "the director hand-picked his new team"
00676864 31 v 01 elect 0 002 @ 00674607 v 0000 + 00847577 a 0101 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 28 00 | choose; "I elected to have my funds deposited automatically"
00677021 31 v 03 excerpt 0 extract 0 take_out 1 003 @ 00674607 v 0000 + 06400510 n 0203 + 06400510 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | take out of a literary work in order to cite or copy
00677203 31 v 02 cull_out 0 winnow 0 001 @ 00674607 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | select desirable parts from a group or list; "cull out the interesting letters from the poet's correspondence"; "winnow the finalists from the long list of applicants"
00677445 31 v 02 cream_off 0 skim_off 0 001 @ 00674607 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | pick the best
00677544 31 v 02 sieve_out 0 pick_over 0 001 @ 00674607 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | separate or remove; "The customer picked over the selection"
00677683 31 v 03 assign 0 specify 5 set_apart 0 005 @ 00674607 v 0000 + 07231199 n 0201 + 00796586 n 0101 ~ 00677966 v 0000 ~ 00678105 v 0000 02 + 20 00 + 21 00 | select something or someone for a specific purpose; "The teacher assigned him to lead his classmates in the exercise"
00677966 31 v 01 dedicate 0 002 @ 00677683 v 0000 + 07452348 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | set apart to sacred uses with solemn rites, of a church
00678105 31 v 01 detail 0 003 @ 00677683 v 0000 + 08404549 n 0102 + 08243081 n 0101 01 + 21 00 | assign to a specific task; "The ambulances were detailed to the fire station"
00678282 31 v 01 schedule 0 007 @ 00704690 v 0000 + 05910940 n 0103 + 01144355 n 0101 ~ 00678547 v 0000 ~ 00678777 v 0000 ~ 00678981 v 0000 ~ 00679112 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | plan for an activity or event; "I've scheduled a concert next week"
00678547 31 v 01 time 0 003 @ 00678282 v 0000 + 15245515 n 0101 + 05046009 n 0101 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | assign a time for an activity or event; "The candidate carefully timed his appearance at the disaster scene"
00678777 31 v 01 book 0 003 @ 00678282 v 0000 + 09865954 n 0101 + 00270919 n 0102 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | engage for a performance; "Her agent had booked her for several concerts in Tokyo"
00678981 31 v 01 calendar 0 003 @ 00678282 v 0000 + 08266849 n 0101 + 06487395 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | enter into a calendar
00679112 31 v 01 slot 0 002 @ 00678282 v 0000 + 15270245 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | assign a time slot; "slot a television program"
00679239 31 v 01 single_out 0 001 @ 00674607 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | select from a group; "She was singled out for her outstanding performance"
00679389 31 v 03 choose 2 prefer 0 opt 0 006 * 00652900 v 0000 + 03094006 a 0301 + 00161243 n 0303 + 00198631 n 0201 + 06200344 n 0202 ~ 00679715 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | select as an alternative over another; "I always choose the fish over the meat courses in this restaurant"; "She opted for the job on the East coast"
00679715 31 v 02 opt_out 0 cop_out 0 002 @ 00679389 v 0000 + 00069060 n 0201 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | choose not to do something, as out of fear of failing; "She copped out when she was supposed to get into the hang glider"
00679937 31 v 01 choose 1 001 @ 00670261 v 0000 02 + 26 00 + 28 00 | see fit or proper to act in a certain way; decide to act in a certain way; "She chose not to attend classes and now she failed the exam"
00680145 31 v 02 prejudice 0 prepossess 0 005 @ 02536557 v 0000 + 05949937 n 0202 + 06201908 n 0102 ~ 00680346 v 0000 ~ 01085677 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | influence (somebody's) opinion in advance
00680346 31 v 02 bias 0 predetermine 1 003 @ 00680145 v 0000 + 06201908 n 0101 ~ 00680485 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | cause to be biased
00680485 31 v 03 slant 0 angle 0 weight 0 003 @ 00680346 v 0000 + 13589321 n 0301 + 06211078 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | present with a bias; "He biased his presentation so as to please the share holders"
00680692 31 v 01 predispose 0 002 @ 00680841 v 0000 + 06200178 n 0101 01 + 10 00 | make susceptible; "This illness predisposes you to gain weight"
00680841 31 v 02 dispose 0 incline 3 006 @ 00701040 v 0000 + 07498854 n 0201 + 06196584 n 0201 + 06196584 n 0102 ! 00681125 v 0101 ~ 00680692 v 0000 02 + 10 00 + 24 00 | make receptive or willing towards an action or attitude or belief; "Their language inclines us to believe them"
00681125 31 v 02 indispose 0 disincline 0 004 @ 00701040 v 0000 + 04645943 n 0204 + 04645943 n 0105 ! 00680841 v 0101 02 + 10 00 + 24 00 | make unwilling
00681281 31 v 01 prejudge 0 002 @ 00670261 v 0000 + 05789666 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | judge beforehand, especially without sufficient evidence
00681429 31 v 06 measure 1 evaluate 0 valuate 0 assess 0 appraise 1 value 0 029 @ 00670261 v 0000 + 13413493 n 0601 + 10745894 n 0601 + 09802239 n 0501 + 09802050 n 0501 + 05733583 n 0501 + 02400471 a 0401 + 05733583 n 0402 + 10692883 n 0402 + 05736149 n 0302 + 13413493 n 0301 + 05138488 n 0301 + 09802050 n 0302 + 00649892 a 0202 + 13413493 n 0201 + 05138488 n 0201 + 05736149 n 0201 + 00874806 n 0201 + 10066732 n 0201 + 03735637 n 0102 + 00996969 n 0103 + 00033615 n 0101 ~ 00657728 v 0000 ~ 00660971 v 0000 $ 00682230 v 0000 ~ 00682436 v 0000 ~ 00682781 v 0000 ~ 00682928 v 0000 ~ 00856824 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | evaluate or estimate the nature, quality, ability, extent, or significance of; "I will have the family jewels appraised by a professional"; "access all the factors when taking a risk"
00682230 31 v 01 assess 1 004 $ 00681429 v 0000 @ 00672433 v 0000 + 02400471 a 0101 + 05146055 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | estimate the value of (property) for taxation; "Our house hasn't been assessed in years"
00682436 31 v 02 standardize 0 standardise 0 003 @ 00681429 v 0000 + 00999245 n 0203 + 01158690 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | evaluate by comparing with a standard
00682592 31 v 01 reappraise 0 002 @ 00670261 v 0000 + 05747582 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | appraise anew; "Homes in our town are reappraised every five years and taxes are increased accordingly"
00682781 31 v 02 reassess 0 reevaluate 0 003 @ 00681429 v 0000 + 05737025 n 0201 + 05747582 n 0104 01 + 08 00 | revise or renew one's assessment
00682928 31 v 01 censor 0 003 @ 00681429 v 0000 + 09903639 n 0101 ~ 00200863 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | subject to political, religious, or moral censorship; "This magazine is censored by the government"
00683127 31 v 01 bethink 0 001 @ 00630380 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 29 00 | consider or ponder something carefully; "She bethought her of their predicament"
00683280 31 v 01 believe 0 011 @ 00686447 v 0000 + 00644839 a 0102 + 05941423 n 0101 + 09848489 n 0101 ! 00684645 v 0101 ~ 00593522 v 0000 ~ 00601659 v 0000 ~ 00683670 v 0000 ~ 00684273 v 0000 ~ 00688377 v 0000 ~ 00733895 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 26 00 | accept as true; take to be true; "I believed his report"; "We didn't believe his stories from the War"; "She believes in spirits"
00683670 31 v 01 buy 9 001 @ 00683280 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | accept as true; "I can't buy this story"
00683771 31 v 01 hold 8 002 @ 01011031 v 0000 $ 00693780 v 0000 01 + 26 00 | assert or affirm; "Rousseau's philosophy holds that people are inherently good"
00683930 31 v 01 credit 0 002 @ 00688377 v 0000 ~ 00684068 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | have trust in; trust in the truth or veracity of
00684068 31 v 01 believe 2 002 @ 00683930 v 0000 + 00644839 a 0102 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | credit with veracity; "You cannot believe this man"; "Should we believe a publication like the National Enquirer?"
00684273 31 v 01 believe 1 004 @ 00683280 v 0000 ;c 05946687 n 0000 + 09847727 n 0101 ~ 00684507 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | follow a credo; have a faith; be a believer; "When you hear his sermons, you will be able to believe, too"
00684507 31 v 01 misbelieve 0 003 @ 00684273 v 0000 ;c 05946687 n 0000 + 10171755 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | hold a false or unorthodox belief
00684645 31 v 02 disbelieve 0 discredit 0 005 @ 00685683 v 0000 + 10015897 n 0101 ! 00683280 v 0101 ~ 00687295 v 0000 ~ 00687926 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | reject as false; refuse to accept
00684838 31 v 01 include 0 007 @ 00690614 v 0000 + 01863680 a 0101 + 00373130 n 0101 ! 00615774 v 0101 ~ 00685081 v 0000 ~ 00685224 v 0000 ~ 00738951 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | consider as part of something; "I include you in the list of culprits"
00685081 31 v 01 count 0 001 @ 00684838 v 0000 02 + 20 00 + 21 00 | include as if by counting; "I can count my colleagues in the opposition"
00685224 31 v 02 subsume 1 colligate 0 003 @ 00684838 v 0000 + 05764197 n 0201 + 05736002 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | consider (an instance of something) as part of a general rule or principle
00685419 31 v 04 rule_out 0 eliminate 0 winnow_out 0 reject 2 000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | dismiss from consideration or a contest; "John was ruled out as a possible suspect because he had a strong alibi"; "This possibility can be eliminated from our consideration"
00685683 31 v 01 reject 0 010 @ 00670261 v 0000 + 00076341 a 0101 + 00203342 n 0101 ! 00686447 v 0101 ~ 00684645 v 0000 ~ 00686039 v 0000 ~ 00686249 v 0000 ~ 00687181 v 0000 ~ 00757544 v 0000 ~ 00800930 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 26 00 | refuse to accept or acknowledge; "I reject the idea of starting a war"; "The journal rejected the student's paper"
00686039 31 v 01 repudiate 0 003 @ 00685683 v 0000 + 00076739 a 0101 + 07205718 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | refuse to acknowledge, ratify, or recognize as valid; "The woman repudiated the divorce settlement"
00686249 31 v 01 recuse 0 003 @ 00685683 v 0000 ;c 08441203 n 0000 + 01026020 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | challenge or except to a judge as being incompetent or interested, in canon and civil law
00686447 31 v 01 accept 0 016 $ 00719231 v 0000 @ 00670261 v 0000 + 01985557 a 0102 + 14412725 n 0101 + 06602801 n 0103 + 06193727 n 0102 ! 00685683 v 0101 ~ 00592883 v 0000 ~ 00601822 v 0000 ~ 00683280 v 0000 ~ 00686879 v 0000 ~ 00687033 v 0000 ~ 00732394 v 0000 ~ 00740449 v 0000 ~ 00899204 v 0000 ~ 02457233 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | consider or hold as true; "I cannot accept the dogma of this church"; "accept an argument"
00686879 31 v 01 receive 0 003 @ 00686447 v 0000 + 01773420 a 0101 + 01985247 a 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | accept as true or valid; "He received Christ"
00687033 31 v 01 approbate 0 004 @ 00686447 v 0000 + 07500612 n 0101 + 06687178 n 0101 ! 00687181 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | accept (documents) as valid
00687181 31 v 01 reprobate 0 002 @ 00685683 v 0000 ! 00687033 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | reject (documents) as invalid
00687295 31 v 01 doubt 0 004 @ 00684645 v 0000 + 05698247 n 0101 + 09779124 n 0102 + 10604634 n 0103 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 26 01 | consider unlikely or have doubts about; "I doubt that she will accept his proposal of marriage"
00687523 31 v 01 doubt 1 002 @ 00687926 v 0000 + 04757522 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | lack confidence in or have doubts about; "I doubt these reports"; "I suspect her true motives"; "she distrusts her stepmother"
00687738 31 v 01 discredit 1 002 @ 00800930 v 0000 + 14439745 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | cause to be distrusted or disbelieved; "The paper discredited the politician with its nasty commentary"
00687926 31 v 03 distrust 0 mistrust 0 suspect 0 010 @ 00684645 v 0000 + 10681383 n 0301 + 05698791 n 0304 + 04895773 n 0203 + 05698791 n 0202 ! 00688377 v 0201 + 04895773 n 0101 + 05698791 n 0103 ! 00688377 v 0101 ~ 00687523 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | regard as untrustworthy; regard with suspicion; have no faith or confidence in
00688261 31 v 01 lean a 001 @ 00688377 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | rely on for support; "We can lean on this man"
00688377 31 v 04 trust 0 swear a rely b bank 2 010 @ 00683280 v 0000 + 00727113 a 0301 + 14001728 n 0301 + 05697976 n 0301 + 05943066 n 0102 ! 00687926 v 0102 ! 00687926 v 0101 ~ 00683930 v 0000 ~ 00688261 v 0000 ~ 00712708 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | have confidence or faith in; "We can trust in God"; "Rely on your friends"; "bank on your good education"; "I swear by my grandmother's recipes"
00688768 31 v 01 rethink 0 004 @ 00689344 v 0000 + 05790012 n 0104 ~ 00688960 v 0000 ~ 00689068 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 01 | change one's mind; "He rethought his decision to take a vacation"
00688960 31 v 01 backpedal 0 001 @ 00688768 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | modify one's opinion, make it less strong
00689068 31 v 01 about-face 0 002 @ 00688768 v 0000 + 00163406 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | change one's mind and assume the opposite viewpoint
00689205 31 v 01 surmise 0 003 @ 00636574 v 0000 + 06782680 n 0104 + 06782680 n 0105 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | infer from incomplete evidence
00689344 31 v 04 think 1 believe 4 consider 8 conceive 0 011 @ 00670261 v 0000 + 07138915 n 0301 + 05784831 n 0301 + 05945642 n 0105 + 05833840 n 0102 ~ 00607000 v 0000 ~ 00688768 v 0000 ~ 00689809 v 0000 ~ 00689950 v 0000 ~ 00690305 v 0000 ~ 00690614 v 0000 02 + 05 00 + 09 00 | judge or regard; look upon; judge; "I think he is very smart"; "I believe her to be very smart"; "I think that he is her boyfriend"; "The racist conceives such people to be inferior"
00689809 31 v 01 think f 002 @ 00689344 v 0000 + 05954481 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | dispose the mind in a certain way; "Do you really think so?"
00689950 31 v 07 think_of 1 repute 0 regard_as 0 look_upon 0 look_on 0 esteem 0 take_to_be 0 005 @ 00689344 v 0000 + 14439294 n 0201 + 14438125 n 0202 + 06207199 n 0201 + 14438125 n 0201 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | look on as or consider; "she looked on this affair as a joke"; "He thinks of himself as a brilliant musician"; "He is reputed to be intelligent"
00690305 31 v 01 feel 1 002 @ 00689344 v 0000 + 07513035 n 0101 04 + 05 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 + 24 00 | have a feeling or perception about oneself in reaction to someone's behavior or attitude; "She felt small and insignificant"; "You make me feel naked"; "I made the students feel different about themselves"
00690614 31 v 05 see 0 consider 0 reckon 0 view 0 regard 0 025 $ 00623151 v 0000 @ 00689344 v 0000 + 06782019 n 0402 + 05945642 n 0404 + 06208751 n 0402 ~ 00592702 v 0000 ~ 00617095 v 0000 ~ 00654015 v 0000 ~ 00654258 v 0000 ~ 00684838 v 0000 ~ 00691312 v 0000 ~ 00691516 v 0000 ~ 00691665 v 0000 ~ 00691834 v 0000 ~ 00691944 v 0000 ~ 00692143 v 0000 ~ 00692329 v 0000 ~ 00692580 v 0000 ~ 00692907 v 0000 ~ 00693780 v 0000 ~ 00694068 v 0000 ~ 00694641 v 0000 ~ 00698256 v 0000 ~ 00731000 v 0000 ~ 02256109 v 0000 04 + 05 00 + 08 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | deem to be; "She views this quite differently from me"; "I consider her to be shallow"; "I don't see the situation quite as negatively as you do"
00691312 31 v 01 consider 5 003 @ 00690614 v 0000 + 04841358 n 0101 + 01229793 n 0101 03 + 05 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | regard or treat with consideration, respect, and esteem; "Please consider your family"
00691516 31 v 01 call 5 002 @ 00690614 v 0000 $ 00971015 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | consider or regard as being; "I would not call her beautiful"
00691665 31 v 01 like 0 001 @ 00690614 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | feel about or towards; consider, evaluate, or regard; "How did you like the President's speech last night?"
00691834 31 v 02 relativize 0 relativise 0 001 @ 00690614 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | consider or treat as relative
00691944 31 v 01 identify 4 003 @ 00690614 v 0000 + 04618581 n 0101 + 04743024 n 0101 03 + 02 00 + 17 00 + 22 00 | consider (oneself) as similar to somebody else; "He identified with the refugees"
00692143 31 v 02 favor 0 favour 0 003 @ 00690614 v 0000 + 07500414 n 0101 + 05156319 n 0101 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | consider as the favorite; "The local team was favored"
00692329 31 v 01 abstract 0 006 @ 00690614 v 0000 + 00860932 a 0101 + 05854150 n 0101 + 00002137 n 0101 + 05780104 n 0101 + 05854150 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | consider a concept without thinking of a specific example; consider abstractly or theoretically
00692580 31 v 01 reify 0 003 @ 00690614 v 0000 + 00932804 n 0103 ~ 00692718 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | consider an abstract concept to be real
00692718 31 v 02 hypostatize 0 hypostatise 0 004 @ 00692580 v 0000 + 00932804 n 0202 + 00932804 n 0101 + 05921868 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | construe as a real existence, of a conceptual entity
00692907 31 v 02 idealize 0 idealise 0 007 @ 00690614 v 0000 + 13495636 n 0202 + 05923696 n 0201 + 01219075 n 0101 + 05923696 n 0101 ~ 00693172 v 0000 ~ 00693401 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | consider or render as ideal; "She idealized her husband after his death"
00693172 31 v 04 romanticize 0 romanticise 0 glamorize 1 glamourise 1 003 @ 00692907 v 0000 + 01219306 n 0204 + 01219306 n 0103 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | interpret romantically; "Don't romanticize this uninteresting and hard work!"
00693401 31 v 01 deify 0 006 @ 00692907 v 0000 + 10418577 n 0101 + 14575063 n 0101 + 01029114 n 0101 + 09505418 n 0101 ~ 00693633 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | consider as a god or godlike; "These young men deify financial success"
00693633 31 v 03 apotheosize 0 apotheosise 0 apotheose 0 003 @ 00693401 v 0000 + 10325243 n 0205 + 10325243 n 0105 01 + 09 00 | deify or glorify
00693780 31 v 04 deem 0 hold 1 view_as 0 take_for 0 002 $ 00683771 v 0000 @ 00690614 v 0000 03 + 05 00 + 14 00 + 26 00 | keep in mind or convey as a conviction or view; "take for granted"; "view as important"; "hold these truths to be self-evident"; "I hold him personally responsible"
00694068 31 v 05 respect 0 esteem 1 value 1 prize 0 prise 0 015 @ 00690614 v 0000 + 02587738 a 0301 + 05923983 n 0301 + 06206800 n 0202 + 07500741 n 0202 + 14437552 n 0201 ! 00694641 v 0202 + 01228877 n 0102 + 06206800 n 0101 + 14437552 n 0103 + 10524223 n 0101 ! 00694641 v 0101 ~ 00694508 v 0000 ~ 01778568 v 0000 ~ 01827858 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | regard highly; think much of; "I respect his judgement"; "We prize his creativity"
00694508 31 v 01 think_the_world_of 0 001 @ 00694068 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | esteem very highly; "She thinks the world of her adviser"
00694641 31 v 02 disrespect 0 disesteem 0 006 @ 00690614 v 0000 + 14437845 n 0201 ! 00694068 v 0202 + 04915687 n 0102 ! 00694068 v 0101 ~ 00694866 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | have little or no respect for; hold in contempt
00694866 31 v 01 undervalue 1 002 @ 00694641 v 0000 + 05736593 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | esteem lightly
00694974 31 v 01 assay 0 004 @ 00644583 v 0000 + 00791527 n 0101 + 09814252 n 0101 ~ 00695120 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | analyze (chemical substances)
00695120 31 v 01 bioassay 0 002 @ 00694974 v 0000 + 05740300 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | subject to a bio-assay
00695226 31 v 01 value 3 006 @ 00699815 v 0000 + 13413493 n 0101 + 10745894 n 0101 ~ 00695475 v 0000 ~ 00695761 v 0000 ~ 00696042 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | fix or determine the value of; assign a value to; "value the jewelry and art work in the estate"
00695475 31 v 02 overvalue 0 overestimate 2 008 @ 00695226 v 0000 + 06528992 n 0201 + 05804274 n 0201 + 06528992 n 0202 ! 00695761 v 0202 + 06528992 n 0103 + 05736468 n 0101 ! 00695761 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | assign too high a value to; "You are overestimating the value of your old car"
00695761 31 v 02 undervalue 0 underestimate 2 006 @ 00695226 v 0000 + 05804491 n 0201 + 05804491 n 0202 ! 00695475 v 0202 + 05736593 n 0101 ! 00695475 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | assign too low a value to; "Don't underestimate the value of this heirloom-you may sell it at a good price"
00696042 31 v 01 float 0 001 @ 00695226 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | allow (currencies) to fluctuate; "The government floated the ruble for a few months"
00696189 31 v 02 review 0 reexamine 0 006 @ 00644583 v 0000 + 00143251 n 0203 + 01197258 n 0101 + 00143251 n 0104 + 05747582 n 0103 + 09942431 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | look at again; examine again; "let's review your situation"
00696414 31 v 03 review 1 look_back 0 retrospect 0 006 @ 00611256 v 0000 + 01884539 a 0301 + 06766654 n 0301 + 05764973 n 0301 + 05788029 n 0301 + 06469377 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | look back upon (a period of time, sequence of events); remember; "she reviewed her achievements with pride"
00696700 31 v 03 review 2 go_over 0 survey 3 003 @ 02165543 v 0000 + 00644503 n 0301 + 00879271 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | hold a review (of troops)
00696852 31 v 03 review 4 brush_up 0 refresh 0 004 @ 00607780 v 0000 + 00891850 n 0302 + 00897811 n 0202 + 00897811 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 22 02 | refresh one's memory; "I reviewed the material before the test"
00697062 31 v 04 audit 1 scrutinize 0 scrutinise 0 inspect 0 010 @ 00644583 v 0000 + 10067968 n 0402 + 10565302 n 0302 + 00878052 n 0301 + 00635850 n 0302 + 10565302 n 0201 + 00878052 n 0201 + 00635850 n 0202 + 09822955 n 0101 + 13411157 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | examine carefully for accuracy with the intent of verification; "audit accounts and tax returns"
00697419 31 v 01 screen 0 004 * 00471711 v 0000 @ 00644583 v 0000 + 10564224 n 0101 + 00644967 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | examine methodically; "screen the suitcases"
00697589 31 v 03 decide 0 make_up_one's_mind 0 determine 0 016 * 00812580 v 0000 + 00684782 a 0302 + 05838176 n 0302 + 00162632 n 0302 + 00685638 a 0101 + 00162632 n 0101 + 05788149 n 0102 ~ 00647094 v 0000 ~ 00674607 v 0000 ~ 00698398 v 0000 ~ 00698732 v 0000 ~ 00699626 v 0000 ~ 00715868 v 0000 ~ 02159197 v 0000 ~ 02501278 v 0000 ~ 02511551 v 0000 07 + 08 00 + 26 03 + 29 03 + 02 02 + 02 01 + 26 01 + 29 01 | reach, make, or come to a decision about something; "We finally decided after lengthy deliberations"
00698104 31 v 01 make c 003 $ 00730758 v 0000 @ 00672433 v 0000 $ 00698256 v 0000 01 + 05 00 | calculate as being; "I make the height about 100 feet"
00698256 31 v 01 make a 002 $ 00698104 v 0000 @ 00690614 v 0000 01 + 05 00 | consider as being; "It wasn't the problem some people made it"
00698398 31 v 01 will 1 004 @ 00697589 v 0000 + 05983654 n 0101 + 05652593 n 0102 + 00163047 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | determine by choice; "This action was willed and intended"
00698572 31 v 01 design 6 002 @ 00708538 v 0000 + 05982152 n 0105 01 + 28 00 | intend or have as a purpose; "She designed to go far in the world of business"
00698732 31 v 01 seal 0 002 @ 00697589 v 0000 + 06705984 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | decide irrevocably; "sealing dooms"
00698855 31 v 04 decide 1 settle 0 resolve 1 adjudicate 0 011 @ 00352826 v 0000 + 02603926 a 0401 + 02603926 a 0402 + 10225219 n 0401 + 06511874 n 0303 + 07177924 n 0201 + 10583916 n 0201 + 00685638 a 0101 + 05788149 n 0102 ~ 00672277 v 0000 ~ 00699334 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | bring to an end; settle conclusively; "The case was decided"; "The judge decided the case in favor of the plaintiff"; "The father adjudicated when the sons were quarreling over their inheritance"
00699334 31 v 01 adjust 0 003 @ 00698855 v 0000 + 13274092 n 0102 + 09769929 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | decide how much is to be paid on an insurance claim
00699485 31 v 01 decide 2 002 > 00697589 v 0000 @ 00770437 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | cause to decide; "This new development finally decided me!"
00699626 31 v 02 purpose 0 resolve 2 004 @ 00697589 v 0000 + 06511874 n 0203 + 00180228 n 0201 + 04864200 n 0102 02 + 26 00 + 28 00 | reach a decision; "he resolved never to drink again"
00699815 31 v 02 determine 1 set 4 012 + 06199702 n 0202 + 05838176 n 0102 + 00162632 n 0102 ~ 00618878 v 0000 ~ 00619183 v 0000 ~ 00695226 v 0000 ~ 00700162 v 0000 ~ 00700336 v 0000 ~ 00700517 v 0000 ~ 00700896 v 0000 ~ 02308389 v 0000 ~ 02351010 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 26 00 + 27 00 | fix conclusively or authoritatively; "set the rules"
00700162 31 v 01 filiate 0 003 @ 00699815 v 0000 ;c 08441203 n 0000 + 13813042 n 0104 01 + 08 00 | fix the paternity of; "The court filiated the child born out of wedlock"
00700336 31 v 01 format a 003 @ 00699815 v 0000 + 06636806 n 0101 + 06636806 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | determine the arrangement of (data) for storage and display (in computer science)
00700517 31 v 01 charge c 002 @ 00699815 v 0000 + 13306870 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | set or ask for a certain price; "How much do you charge for lunch?"; "This fellow charges $100 for a massage"
00700708 31 v 01 determine 3 003 @ 02611630 v 0000 + 00151497 n 0101 ~ 00715541 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | fix in scope; fix the boundaries of; "the tree determines the border of the property"
00700896 31 v 02 initialize 0 initialise 0 002 @ 00699815 v 0000 + 06637350 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | assign an initial value to a computer program
00701040 31 v 05 determine 2 shape 0 mold 0 influence 0 regulate 0 019 @ 01645601 v 0000 + 00805034 n 0501 + 11414608 n 0401 + 10461747 n 0401 + 00157081 n 0401 + 05930736 n 0202 + 05941210 n 0201 + 13555446 n 0201 + 05692419 n 0101 ~ 00680841 v 0000 ~ 00681125 v 0000 ~ 00701576 v 0000 ~ 00701724 v 0000 ~ 00701877 v 0000 ~ 00702065 v 0000 ~ 00702226 v 0000 ~ 00702434 v 0000 ~ 00702601 v 0000 ~ 00702773 v 0000 02 + 11 00 + 29 00 | shape or influence; give direction to; "experience often determines ability"; "mold public opinion"
00701576 31 v 01 miscreate 0 002 @ 00701040 v 0000 + 07367091 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | shape or form or make badly; "Our miscreated fantasies"
00701724 31 v 01 carry_weight 0 001 @ 00701040 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | have influence to a specified degree; "Her opinion carries a lot of weight"
00701877 31 v 01 decide 6 002 @ 00701040 v 0000 + 00684480 a 0101 01 + 11 00 | influence or determine; "The vote in New Hampshire often decides the outcome of the Presidential election"
00702065 31 v 01 reshape 0 001 @ 00701040 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | shape anew or differently; "The new foreign minister reshaped the foreign policy of his country"
00702226 31 v 01 time 1 003 @ 00701040 v 0000 + 15245515 n 0101 + 04438304 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | set the speed, duration, or execution of; "we time the process to manufacture our cars very precisely"
00702434 31 v 01 index 0 003 @ 00701040 v 0000 + 13851067 n 0101 + 00805868 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | adjust through indexation; "The government indexes wages and prices"
00702601 31 v 01 pace 0 004 @ 00701040 v 0000 + 15283097 n 0102 + 05058580 n 0101 + 02388143 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | regulate or set the pace of; "Pace your efforts"
00702773 31 v 01 predetermine 0 006 @ 00701040 v 0000 + 05838530 n 0101 + 00155970 n 0101 + 05966129 n 0104 ~ 00702969 v 0000 ~ 00703310 v 0000 03 + 11 00 + 26 00 + 29 00 | determine beforehand
00702969 31 v 03 predestine 0 foreordain 0 preordain 0 005 @ 00702773 v 0000 + 05966129 n 0303 + 05966129 n 0202 + 07330666 n 0101 ~ 00703184 v 0000 03 + 11 00 + 26 00 + 29 00 | foreordain or determine beforehand
00703184 31 v 01 jinx 0 002 @ 00702969 v 0000 + 10224446 n 0102 01 + 10 00 | foredoom to failure; "This project is jinxed!"
00703310 31 v 03 predestine 1 predestinate 0 foreordain 1 004 @ 00702773 v 0000 ;c 06183899 n 0000 + 05966129 n 0302 + 05966129 n 0101 03 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 26 00 | foreordain by divine will or decree
00703512 31 v 01 cogitate 1 004 @ 00630380 v 0000 + 02419933 a 0101 + 05835568 n 0101 + 05784242 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 29 00 | consider carefully and deeply; reflect upon; turn over in one's mind
00703708 31 v 01 see 8 001 @ 00813044 v 0000 01 + 29 00 | deliberate or decide; "See whether you can come tomorrow"; "let's see--which movie should we see tonight?"
00703875 31 v 01 contemplate 2 003 @ 00734054 v 0000 + 05785508 n 0101 ~ 00711715 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 33 00 | consider as a possibility; "I contemplated leaving school and taking a full-time job"
00704073 31 v 01 premeditate 0 003 @ 00813044 v 0000 + 05796222 n 0101 + 05796617 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | consider, ponder, or plan (an action) beforehand; "premeditated murder"
00704249 31 v 02 brood 0 dwell 0 002 @ 01766748 v 0000 ^ 02640226 v 0201 02 + 22 00 + 02 01 | think moodily or anxiously about something
00704388 31 v 03 study 4 meditate 2 contemplate 0 008 @ 00628491 v 0000 + 02419434 a 0303 + 05785508 n 0301 + 02419434 a 0204 + 05786184 n 0201 + 05785885 n 0201 + 05784242 n 0102 + 05705355 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | think intently and at length, as for spiritual purposes; "He is meditating in his study"
00704690 31 v 01 plan 0 016 @ 00628491 v 0000 + 05728678 n 0102 + 05898568 n 0101 + 03956785 n 0101 + 10438172 n 0101 + 01144133 n 0101 ~ 00678282 v 0000 ~ 00705095 v 0000 ~ 00706243 v 0000 ~ 00706804 v 0000 ~ 00708128 v 0000 ~ 00708376 v 0000 ~ 00709379 v 0000 ~ 00710005 v 0000 ~ 00711040 v 0000 ~ 00794981 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 33 00 | make plans for something; "He is planning a trip with his family"
00705095 31 v 01 chart 0 001 @ 00704690 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | plan in detail; "Bush is charting a course to destroy Saddam Hussein"
00705227 31 v 02 plan 1 be_after 0 004 @ 00708538 v 0000 ~ 00629889 v 0000 ~ 00705517 v 0000 ~ 00706047 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 28 00 + 33 00 | have the will and intention to carry out some action; "He plans to be in graduate school next year"; "The rebels had planned turmoil and confusion"
00705517 31 v 04 draw_a_bead_on 0 aspire 0 aim 0 shoot_for 0 007 @ 00705227 v 0000 + 00104533 a 0201 + 07484547 n 0202 + 04836491 n 0201 + 09801533 n 0201 + 09801533 n 0202 ~ 00705778 v 0000 03 + 28 00 + 08 04 + 08 01 | have an ambitious plan or a lofty goal
00705778 31 v 01 overshoot 0 003 @ 00705517 v 0000 + 00281898 n 0101 ~ 00705924 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | aim too high; "The plan overshoots its aim"
00705924 31 v 01 overrun 3 001 @ 00705778 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 11 00 | run beyond or past; "The plane overran the runway"
00706047 31 v 02 hope 0 go_for 0 002 @ 00705227 v 0000 + 10185148 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 33 00 | intend with some possibility of fulfilment; "I hope to have finished this work by tomorrow evening"
00706243 31 v 02 project 0 propose 0 005 @ 00704690 v 0000 + 10484526 n 0201 + 07162680 n 0202 ~ 00706557 v 0000 ~ 00706693 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 28 00 + 33 00 | present for consideration, examination, criticism, etc.; "He proposed a new plan for dealing with terrorism"; "She proposed a new theory of relativity"
00706557 31 v 01 offer 0 002 @ 00706243 v 0000 + 07164546 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | put forward for consideration; "He offered his opinion"
00706693 31 v 01 introduce 0 001 @ 00706243 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | put before (a body); "introduce legislation"
00706804 31 v 03 frame 0 compose 0 draw_up 0 003 @ 00704690 v 0000 + 10108464 n 0101 + 00941451 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | make up plans or basic details for; "frame a policy"
00706975 31 v 05 conspire 0 cabal 0 complot 0 conjure 0 machinate 0 008 @ 00708128 v 0000 + 05908520 n 0502 + 09958892 n 0504 + 05908882 n 0202 + 02919275 a 0102 + 09958892 n 0101 + 05908882 n 0101 ~ 00707322 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | engage in plotting or enter into a conspiracy, swear together; "They conspired to overthrow the government"
00707322 31 v 01 coconspire 0 002 @ 00706975 v 0000 + 09958892 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | conspire together; "The two men coconspired to cover up the Federal investigation"
00707490 31 v 01 counterplot 0 002 @ 00708128 v 0000 + 05908391 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | make a plot in response to another plot
00707624 31 v 02 conspire 1 collude 0 006 @ 02376958 v 0000 + 01707084 a 0201 + 07176962 n 0202 + 05795244 n 0201 + 02919275 a 0102 + 06524935 n 0101 03 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 28 00 | act in unison or agreement and in secret towards a deceitful or illegal purpose; "The two companies conspired to cause the value of the stock to fall"
00707956 31 v 03 scheme 0 intrigue 0 connive 0 003 @ 00708128 v 0000 + 07176962 n 0301 + 05908520 n 0201 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | form intrigues (for) in an underhand manner
00708128 31 v 01 plot 0 006 @ 00704690 v 0000 + 10556518 n 0102 + 05907682 n 0101 ~ 00706975 v 0000 ~ 00707490 v 0000 ~ 00707956 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | plan secretly, usually something illegal; "They plotted the overthrow of the government"
00708376 31 v 01 scheme 1 004 @ 00704690 v 0000 + 05891572 n 0103 + 05927813 n 0102 + 10556518 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 33 00 | devise a system or form a scheme for
00708538 31 v 03 intend 0 mean 0 think 6 005 + 00163233 n 0101 + 05982152 n 0102 ~ 00698572 v 0000 ~ 00705227 v 0000 ~ 00708980 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 28 00 | have in mind as a purpose; "I mean no harm"; "I only meant to help you"; "She didn't think to harm me"; "We thought to return early that night"
00708840 31 v 01 mean 5 001 @ 00709379 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | destine or designate for a certain purpose; "These flowers were meant for you"
00708980 31 v 04 aim 1 purpose 1 purport 0 propose 1 006 @ 00708538 v 0000 + 06605897 n 0302 + 04864200 n 0202 + 05982152 n 0201 + 05981230 n 0101 + 05982152 n 0104 01 + 28 00 | propose or intend; "I aim to arrive at noon"
00709205 31 v 01 want 1 004 $ 01317064 v 0000 @ 00754942 v 0000 + 10766025 n 0101 + 07486229 n 0103 01 + 09 00 | wish or demand the presence of; "I want you here at noon!"
00709379 31 v 04 intend 1 destine 0 designate 0 specify 0 006 @ 00704690 v 0000 + 05981768 n 0201 ~ 00708840 v 0000 ~ 00709625 v 0000 ~ 00709844 v 0000 ~ 00713015 v 0000 01 + 24 00 | design or destine; "She was intended to become the director"
00709625 31 v 01 design 0 004 @ 00709379 v 0000 + 03179318 n 0101 + 05728678 n 0101 + 00928077 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | plan something for a specific role or purpose or effect; "This room is not designed for work"
00709844 31 v 01 slate 0 001 @ 00709379 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 24 00 | designate or schedule; "He slated his talk for 9 AM"; "She was slated to be his successor"
00710005 31 v 06 mastermind 0 engineer 0 direct 0 organize 0 organise 0 orchestrate 0 013 @ 00704690 v 0000 + 01008801 n 0601 + 01008378 n 0502 + 08164585 n 0507 + 01136519 n 0502 + 10383505 n 0401 + 08164585 n 0406 + 01008378 n 0401 + 01136519 n 0401 + 00199114 a 0303 + 09615807 n 0201 + 10383816 n 0103 ~ 00710415 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | plan and direct (a complex undertaking); "he masterminded the robbery"
00710415 31 v 01 choreograph 0 001 @ 00710005 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | plan and oversee the development and details of; "The meeting between the two Presidents had been carefully choreographed"
00710606 31 v 01 map 1 002 @ 00649481 v 0000 + 03720163 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | explore or survey for the purpose of making a map; "We haven't even begun to map the many galaxies that we know exist"
00710803 31 v 01 chart d 002 @ 01687876 v 0000 + 03009920 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | make a chart of; "chart the territory"
00710922 31 v 02 plat 0 plot 1 002 @ 01687876 v 0000 + 07000065 n 0201 01 + 08 00 | make a plat of; "Plat the town"
00711040 31 v 01 lay_out 0 004 @ 00704690 v 0000 + 01010901 n 0101 ~ 00711236 v 0000 ~ 00711420 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | provide a detailed plan or design; "She laid out her plans for the new house"
00711236 31 v 01 block_out 0 001 @ 00711040 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | plan where and when songs should be inserted into a theatrical production, or plan a theatrical production in general
00711420 31 v 01 loft 0 001 @ 00711040 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | lay out a full-scale working drawing of the lines of a vessel's hull
00711550 31 v 01 engineer 1 003 @ 01639714 v 0000 + 09615807 n 0101 + 00949619 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | design as an engineer; "He engineered the water supply project"
00711715 31 v 05 entertain 0 think_of 3 toy_with 0 flirt_with 0 think_about 3 001 @ 00703875 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 33 00 | take into consideration, have in view; "He entertained the notion of moving to South America"
00711932 31 v 03 dally 1 trifle 1 play 1 002 @ 00734054 v 0000 $ 02437465 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | consider not very seriously; "He is trifling with her"; "She plays with the thought of moving to Tasmania"
00712135 31 v 06 calculate 3 estimate 1 reckon 3 count_on 1 figure 1 forecast 0 007 @ 00670261 v 0000 + 06749881 n 0602 + 10102506 n 0601 + 09887034 n 0204 + 00301187 a 0101 + 00868910 n 0101 ~ 00723545 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | judge to be probable
00712389 31 v 02 miscalculate 1 misestimate 1 002 @ 00671190 v 0000 + 00072808 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | judge incorrectly; "I had misestimated his determination"
00712556 31 v 02 reckon d count c 001 @ 00672433 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | take account of; "You have to reckon with our opponents"; "Count on the monsoon"
00712708 31 v 06 count 2 bet 0 depend 0 look 2 calculate 5 reckon 5 002 @ 00688377 v 0000 + 14001348 n 0303 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | have faith or confidence in; "you can count on me to help you any time"; "Look to your friends for support"; "You can bet on that!"; "Depend on your family in times of crisis"
00713015 31 v 03 calculate 2 aim 2 direct 1 001 @ 00709379 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | specifically design a product, event, or activity for a certain public
00713167 31 v 07 associate 0 tie_in 0 relate 0 link 0 colligate 2 link_up 0 connect 0 021 @ 00628491 v 0000 + 00563980 a 0701 + 05763916 n 0702 + 05763916 n 0703 + 14420954 n 0504 + 05764197 n 0501 + 14419164 n 0402 + 13792579 n 0401 + 00031921 n 0301 + 00157389 a 0101 + 00157659 a 0101 + 00157389 a 0102 + 14421139 n 0101 + 05763916 n 0101 ! 00714273 v 0102 ~ 00611802 v 0000 ~ 00713818 v 0000 ~ 00713996 v 0000 ~ 00714531 v 0000 ~ 00714718 v 0000 ~ 00730052 v 0000 02 + 17 00 + 31 00 | make a logical or causal connection; "I cannot connect these two pieces of evidence in my mind"; "colligate these facts"; "I cannot relate these events at all"
00713818 31 v 01 interrelate 0 003 $ 02724417 v 0000 @ 00713167 v 0000 + 13844212 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | place into a mutual relationship; "I cannot interrelate these two events"
00713996 31 v 01 correlate 0 006 $ 02658979 v 0000 @ 00713167 v 0000 + 01974298 a 0101 + 13841651 n 0101 + 06031248 n 0101 + 06032246 n 0103 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | bring into a mutual, complementary, or reciprocal relation; "I cannot correlate these two pieces of information"
00714273 31 v 02 decouple 0 dissociate 0 005 @ 00650353 v 0000 + 00785298 a 0201 + 14416845 n 0201 + 00384802 n 0201 ! 00713167 v 0201 01 + 08 00 | regard as unconnected; "you must dissociate these two events!"; "decouple our foreign policy from ideology"
00714531 31 v 01 identify 3 002 @ 00713167 v 0000 + 00152018 n 0102 02 + 17 00 + 31 00 | conceive of as united or associated; "Sex activity is closely identified with the hypothalamus"
00714718 31 v 01 free-associate 0 002 @ 00713167 v 0000 ;c 00700652 n 0000 02 + 17 00 + 31 00 | associate freely; "Let's associate freely to bring up old memories"
00714884 31 v 01 debate 0 003 @ 00813044 v 0000 + 07140978 n 0103 + 09997404 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 09 00 | argue with one another; "We debated the question of abortion"; "John debated Mary"
00715074 31 v 01 conclude 1 003 @ 00352826 v 0000 + 00209943 n 0103 ~ 01051698 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | bring to a close; "The committee concluded the meeting"
00715239 31 v 02 find a feel 0 004 $ 00971999 v 0000 @ 00634472 v 0000 + 05677340 n 0201 + 05916739 n 0202 01 + 26 00 | come to believe on the basis of emotion, intuitions, or indefinite grounds; "I feel that he doesn't like me"; "I find him to be obnoxious"; "I found the movie rather entertaining"
00715541 31 v 06 pin_down 0 peg_down 0 nail_down 0 narrow_down 0 narrow 0 specify 2 003 @ 00700708 v 0000 + 10633298 n 0601 ~ 00715769 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | define clearly; "I cannot narrow down the rules for this game"
00715769 31 v 01 concretize 0 001 @ 00715541 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make something concrete
00715868 31 v 02 rule 0 decree 0 007 @ 00697589 v 0000 + 06539770 n 0201 + 06652242 n 0101 + 10541229 n 0101 ^ 02629390 v 0102 ~ 00716130 v 0000 ~ 01147562 v 0000 01 + 26 00 | decide with authority; "The King decreed that all firstborn males should be killed"
00716130 31 v 05 overrule 0 overturn 0 override 0 overthrow 0 reverse 0 002 @ 00715868 v 0000 + 01185981 n 0501 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | rule against; "The Republicans were overruled when the House voted on the bill"
00716345 31 v 02 presuppose 0 suppose 5 002 @ 00930599 v 0000 ;c 06163751 n 0000 01 + 11 00 | require as a necessary antecedent or precondition; "This step presupposes two prior ones"
00716531 31 v 02 presuppose 1 suppose 6 004 @ 00632236 v 0000 + 05779923 n 0101 ~ 00716758 v 0000 ~ 00717208 v 0000 01 + 26 00 | take for granted or as a given; suppose beforehand; "I presuppose that you have done your work"
00716758 31 v 02 postulate 0 posit 0 007 @ 00716531 v 0000 + 06753299 n 0202 + 00083448 n 0201 + 06753299 n 0101 + 06733227 n 0101 + 10457444 n 0101 ~ 00717045 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 26 00 | take as a given; assume as a postulate or axiom; "He posited three basic laws of nature"
00717045 31 v 02 insist 0 assert 0 003 @ 00716758 v 0000 + 01821920 a 0202 + 07203126 n 0202 01 + 08 00 | assert to be true; "The letter asserts a free society"
00717208 31 v 02 premise 0 premiss 0 003 @ 00716531 v 0000 + 06753800 n 0202 + 06753800 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | take something as preexisting and given
00717358 31 v 02 react 0 respond 0 025 @ 02367363 v 0000 + 01999306 a 0201 + 01999608 a 0202 + 10524413 n 0202 + 10524413 n 0201 + 02105176 a 0101 + 11417129 n 0101 + 00859001 n 0101 ~ 00651145 v 0000 ~ 00651298 v 0000 ~ 00717921 v 0000 ~ 00718117 v 0000 ~ 00718308 v 0000 ~ 00718489 v 0000 ~ 00718645 v 0000 ~ 00718737 v 0000 ~ 00718907 v 0000 ~ 00719062 v 0000 ~ 00719231 v 0000 ~ 00719590 v 0000 ~ 00797430 v 0000 ~ 00797697 v 0000 ~ 00925490 v 0000 ~ 01059123 v 0000 ~ 02755017 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 12 00 + 22 00 | show a response or a reaction to something
00717921 31 v 02 flip 0 flip_out 0 001 @ 00717358 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | react in an excited, delighted, or surprised way; "he flipped when he heard that he was accepted into Princeton University"
00718117 31 v 01 overreact 0 002 @ 00717358 v 0000 + 00859863 n 0101 03 + 02 00 + 12 00 + 22 00 | show an exaggerated response to something; "Don't overreact to the bad news--take it easy"
00718308 31 v 01 answer 5 002 @ 00717358 v 0000 + 01234952 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | react to a stimulus or command; "The steering of my new car answers to the slightest touch"
00718489 31 v 01 accept 8 001 @ 00717358 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | be sexually responsive to, used of a female domesticated mammal; "The cow accepted the bull"
00718645 31 v 01 stool 0 001 @ 00717358 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | react to a decoy, of wildfowl
00718737 31 v 01 respond 1 002 @ 00717358 v 0000 + 10524413 n 0102 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | respond favorably or as hoped; "The cancer responded to the aggressive therapy"
00718907 31 v 01 greet 0 001 @ 00717358 v 0000 04 + 05 00 + 17 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | react to in a certain way; "The President was greeted with catcalls"
00719062 31 v 01 explode 0 001 @ 00717358 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | show a violent emotional reaction; "The boss exploded when he heard of the resignation of the secretary"
00719231 31 v 01 accept 1 009 @ 00717358 v 0000 + 01985557 a 0101 + 00075952 a 0101 + 01985557 a 0102 + 14412725 n 0101 + 00180413 n 0103 + 13932421 n 0101 + 00180413 n 0102 $ 00686447 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | react favorably to; consider right and proper; "People did not accept atonal music at that time"; "We accept the idea of universal health care"
00719590 31 v 01 answer 2 002 @ 00717358 v 0000 + 01234952 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | respond to a signal; "answer the door"; "answer the telephone"
00719734 31 v 02 expect 0 anticipate 0 009 @ 00670261 v 0000 + 01228797 a 0103 + 07510923 n 0101 + 05944958 n 0101 ~ 00631737 v 0000 ~ 00632236 v 0000 ~ 00633443 v 0000 $ 00720063 v 0000 ~ 00721098 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 26 00 + 28 00 | regard something as probable or likely; "The meteorologists are expecting rain for tomorrow"
00720063 31 v 04 expect 1 look 0 await 0 wait 0 010 $ 00719734 v 0000 + 10763725 n 0401 + 01228797 a 0103 + 14486122 n 0102 + 05951323 n 0102 ~ 00059376 v 0000 ~ 00720497 v 0000 ~ 00720617 v 0000 ~ 00790509 v 0000 ~ 01804961 v 0000 05 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 33 00 + 28 04 + 28 02 | look forward to the probable occurrence of; "We were expecting a visit from our relatives"; "She is looking to a promotion"; "he is waiting to be drafted"
00720497 31 v 01 look_forward 0 001 @ 00720063 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | expect or hope for; "I look to hear from you soon"
00720617 31 v 01 look_to 1 001 @ 00720063 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 | turn one's interests or expectations towards; "look to the future"; "this method looks to significant wavings"
00720808 31 v 04 anticipate 1 previse 0 foreknow 0 foresee 0 003 @ 00595630 v 0000 + 05805277 n 0201 + 09797113 n 0101 01 + 26 00 | realize beforehand
00720961 31 v 01 tell 0 001 @ 00636061 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 26 00 | discern or comprehend; "He could tell that she was unhappy"
00721098 31 v 02 believe 3 trust 2 004 @ 00719734 v 0000 + 05697976 n 0202 + 09848489 n 0202 + 05916739 n 0103 01 + 26 00 | be confident about something; "I believe that he will come back from the war"
00721302 31 v 01 ascertain 1 003 @ 00598954 v 0000 + 00738829 a 0101 ~ 00721889 v 0000 01 + 26 00 | learn or discover with certainty
00721437 31 v 02 discover 0 find 9 009 @ 00598954 v 0000 + 00043195 n 0202 ^ 00598954 v 0206 + 07214432 n 0101 + 05808218 n 0101 + 00043195 n 0101 ~ 00721755 v 0000 ~ 00722065 v 0000 $ 01637982 v 0000 01 + 26 00 | make a discovery; "She found that he had lied to her"; "The story is false, so far as I can discover"
00721755 31 v 01 rake_up 0 001 @ 00721437 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | bring to light; "He raked up the misdeeds of his predecessor"
00721889 31 v 01 price 0 003 @ 00721302 v 0000 + 13303315 n 0101 + 05736736 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | ascertain or learn the price of; "Have you priced personal computers lately?"
00722065 31 v 02 ferret_out 0 ferret 0 001 @ 00721437 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | search and discover through persistent investigation; "She ferreted out the truth"
00722232 31 v 06 concentrate 0 focus 0 center 0 centre 0 pore 0 rivet 0 014 @ 00628491 v 0000 + 05812038 n 0301 + 05704694 n 0306 + 05704694 n 0201 + 05704694 n 0203 + 05704694 n 0202 + 05704266 n 0101 + 04865502 n 0103 ~ 00601043 v 0000 $ 00722675 v 0000 ~ 00722848 v 0000 ~ 00723056 v 0000 ~ 02153253 v 0000 ~ 02171039 v 0000 02 + 13 00 + 02 01 | direct one's attention on something; "Please focus on your studies and not on your hobbies"
00722675 31 v 01 rivet 1 002 $ 00722232 v 0000 @ 00600370 v 0000 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | hold (someone's attention); "The discovery of the skull riveted the paleontologists"
00722848 31 v 01 recall 6 001 @ 00722232 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 | cause one's (or someone else's) thoughts or attention to return from a reverie or digression; "She was recalled by a loud laugh"
00723056 31 v 01 think 9 003 @ 00722232 v 0000 + 05833840 n 0102 + 05786372 n 0101 01 + 07 00 | focus one's attention on a certain state; "Think big"; "think thin"
00723222 31 v 01 think_of 4 001 @ 00674607 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | choose in one's mind; "Think of any integer between 1 and 25"
00723349 31 v 02 occur 0 come e 001 @ 02623529 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | come to one's mind; suggest itself; "It occurred to me that we should hire another secretary"; "A great idea then came to her"
00723545 31 v 02 allow 0 take_into_account 0 003 @ 00712135 v 0000 + 01762257 a 0101 ~ 00723851 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 24 00 | allow or plan for a certain possibility; concede the truth or validity of something; "I allow for this possibility"; "The seamstress planned for 5% shrinkage after the first wash"
00723851 31 v 01 budget_for 0 001 @ 00723545 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | calculate enough money for; provide for in the budget; "I have not budgeted for these expensive meals"
00724029 31 v 01 budget 0 003 @ 00637259 v 0000 + 13421462 n 0101 + 13421832 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | make a budget
00724150 31 v 05 allow 1 appropriate 0 earmark 0 set_aside 0 reserve 0 005 @ 02228698 v 0000 + 13368052 n 0501 + 04732543 n 0303 + 00093433 a 0201 + 13286254 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 15 00 | give or assign a resource to a particular person or cause; "I will earmark this money for your research"; "She sets aside time for meditation every day"
00724492 31 v 01 mind 2 004 @ 00734348 v 0000 + 05703956 n 0101 + 05982915 n 0101 ~ 01766748 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | be concerned with or about something or somebody
00724664 31 v 02 beware 0 mind 3 001 @ 02151966 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 02 01 | be on one's guard; be cautious or wary about; be alert to; "Beware of telephone salesmen"
00724832 31 v 03 amaze 0 astonish 0 astound 0 004 @ 00725274 v 0000 + 07509572 n 0201 + 07509572 n 0102 ~ 00725046 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | affect with wonder; "Your ability to speak six languages amazes me!"
00725046 31 v 01 dazzle 0 001 @ 00724832 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | amaze or bewilder, as with brilliant wit or intellect or skill; "Her arguments dazzled everyone"; "The dancer dazzled the audience with his turns and jumps"
00725274 31 v 01 surprise 0 010 @ 01767949 v 0000 + 00553655 n 0101 + 07298154 n 0101 + 07510348 n 0101 + 00553655 n 0102 ~ 00724832 v 0000 ~ 00725563 v 0000 ~ 00725748 v 0000 ~ 00726153 v 0000 ~ 01809064 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | cause to be surprised; "The news really surprised me"
00725563 31 v 01 explode_a_bombshell 0 001 @ 00725274 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | utter or do something surprising; "Father exploded a bombshell when he forbade us to go to the prom"
00725748 31 v 01 catch 1 002 @ 00725274 v 0000 $ 00726009 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | discover or come upon accidentally, suddenly, or unexpectedly; catch somebody doing something or in a certain state; "She caught her son eating candy"; "She was caught shoplifting"
00726009 31 v 01 catch a 002 $ 00725748 v 0000 @ 02128873 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | become aware of; "he caught her staring out the window"
00726153 31 v 03 flabbergast 0 boggle 0 bowl_over 0 001 @ 00725274 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | overcome with amazement; "This boggles the mind!"
00726300 31 v 04 impute 0 ascribe 0 assign 2 attribute 0 016 @ 00670261 v 0000 + 00171590 a 0401 + 00171872 a 0201 + 05734559 n 0202 + 05735478 n 0101 $ 00726784 v 0000 ~ 00726784 v 0000 ~ 00727012 v 0000 ~ 00727143 v 0000 ~ 00727305 v 0000 ~ 00727409 v 0000 ~ 00727573 v 0000 ~ 00727791 v 0000 ~ 00727991 v 0000 ~ 00729642 v 0000 ~ 00729781 v 0000 02 + 15 00 + 21 00 | attribute or credit to; "We attributed this quotation to Shakespeare"; "People impute great cleverness to cats"
00726784 31 v 01 impute 1 003 $ 00726300 v 0000 @ 00726300 v 0000 + 07237038 n 0101 02 + 15 00 + 21 00 | attribute (responsibility or fault) to a cause or source; "The teacher imputed the student's failure to his nervousness"
00727012 31 v 02 sensualize 0 carnalize 0 002 @ 00726300 v 0000 + 02976040 a 0201 01 + 08 00 | ascribe to an origin in sensation
00727143 31 v 01 credit 1 002 @ 00726300 v 0000 + 06688274 n 0102 02 + 15 00 + 17 00 | give someone credit for something; "We credited her for saving our jobs"
00727305 31 v 01 reattribute 0 001 @ 00726300 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 15 00 | attribute to another source
00727409 31 v 02 anthropomorphize 0 anthropomorphise 0 003 @ 00726300 v 0000 + 05767386 n 0201 + 05767386 n 0101 01 + 15 00 | ascribe human features to something
00727573 31 v 02 personify 0 personate 0 004 @ 00726300 v 0000 + 00933259 n 0101 + 05217688 n 0101 + 00007846 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | attribute human qualities to something; "The Greeks personated their gods ridiculous"
00727791 31 v 02 accredit 0 credit c 003 @ 00726300 v 0000 + 06763681 n 0204 + 06346681 n 0201 03 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 22 02 | ascribe an achievement to; "She was not properly credited in the program"
00727991 31 v 02 blame 0 charge a 004 @ 00726300 v 0000 + 01321529 a 0103 + 01321529 a 0102 + 07237758 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | attribute responsibility to; "We blamed the accident on her"; "The tragedy was charged to her inexperience"
00728224 31 v 01 register 0 002 $ 02105810 v 0000 @ 00019448 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | enter into someone's consciousness; "Did this event register in your parents' minds?"
00728393 31 v 03 impress 0 ingrain 0 instill 0 003 @ 01767949 v 0000 + 00889082 n 0303 + 00835292 a 0101 01 + 21 00 | produce or try to produce a vivid impression of; "Mother tried to ingrain respect for our elders in us"
00728617 31 v 06 recognize 1 recognise 1 realize 1 realise 1 agnize 0 agnise 0 004 @ 00594621 v 0000 + 05807540 n 0402 + 05807540 n 0301 ~ 00608670 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | be fully aware or cognizant of
00728826 31 v 01 elicit 0 002 @ 00636574 v 0000 ;c 05664069 n 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | derive by reason; "elicit a solution"
00728954 31 v 03 penetrate 0 fathom 0 bottom 0 003 @ 00588888 v 0000 + 01744515 a 0107 + 05710356 n 0101 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 26 00 | come to understand
00729109 31 v 02 trace 0 follow 0 003 $ 02455407 v 0000 $ 00118764 v 0000 @ 00644583 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | follow, discover, or ascertain the course of development of something; "We must follow closely the economic development is Cuba" ; "trace the student's progress"
00729378 31 v 03 wonder 0 inquire 0 enquire 2 006 @ 00785008 v 0000 + 00879259 a 0201 + 00664879 a 0201 + 05682570 n 0102 + 10789709 n 0101 ~ 01069809 v 0000 01 + 29 00 | have a wish or desire to know something; "He wondered who had built this beautiful church"
00729642 31 v 03 project 1 externalize 0 externalise 0 002 @ 00726300 v 0000 ;c 06136258 n 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | regard as objective
00729781 31 v 04 internalize 0 internalise 0 interiorize 0 interiorise 0 005 @ 00726300 v 0000 ;c 06136258 n 0000 + 08588294 n 0302 + 05753954 n 0202 + 05753954 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | incorporate within oneself; make subjective or personal; "internalize a belief"
00730052 31 v 03 think_of 2 have_in_mind 1 mean 1 002 @ 00713167 v 0000 ~ 01024190 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | intend to refer to; "I'm thinking of good food when I talk about France"; "Yes, I meant you when I complained about people who gossip!"
00730301 31 v 03 demarcate 0 delimit 0 delimitate 0 004 @ 00235368 v 0000 + 08512736 n 0304 + 08512736 n 0204 + 08592656 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | set, mark, or draw the boundaries of something
00730499 31 v 01 demarcate 1 003 @ 00650353 v 0000 + 08592656 n 0102 + 05748786 n 0103 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | separate clearly, as if by boundaries
00730647 31 v 01 plumb 0 002 @ 00489837 v 0000 + 00999089 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | measure the depth of something
00730758 31 v 02 draw 0 make 0 002 @ 01631534 v 0000 $ 00698104 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make, formulate, or derive in the mind; "I draw a line here"; "draw a conclusion"; "draw parallels"; "make an estimate"; "What do you make of his remarks?"
00731000 31 v 02 capitalize 0 capitalise 0 002 @ 00690614 v 0000 + 13354420 n 0201 01 + 08 00 | consider expenditures as capital assets rather than expenses
00731159 31 v 02 capitalize 1 capitalise 1 007 @ 00637259 v 0000 + 00952214 n 0202 + 13354420 n 0201 + 13353607 n 0201 + 00952214 n 0101 + 13354420 n 0101 ~ 00731400 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | compute the present value of a business or an income
00731400 31 v 02 overcapitalize 1 overcapitalise 1 001 @ 00731159 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | estimate the capital value of (a company) at an unreasonably or unlawfully high level
00731574 31 v 02 find_out 1 catch_out 0 001 @ 02154508 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | trap; especially in an error or in a reprehensible act; "He was caught out"; "She was found out when she tried to cash the stolen checks"
00731789 31 v 05 concenter 0 concentre 0 focalize 0 focalise 0 focus 1 007 @ 00464321 v 0000 + 04821084 n 0501 + 05704694 n 0501 + 00375625 n 0503 + 00375625 n 0402 + 00375625 n 0301 ~ 00732091 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | bring into focus or alignment; to converge or cause to converge; of ideas or emotions
00732091 31 v 01 refocus 0 002 @ 00731789 v 0000 + 00375938 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | focus anew; "The group needs to refocus its goals"
00732224 31 v 03 give 2 pay 0 devote 0 002 @ 00628491 v 0000 $ 02343595 v 0000 02 + 15 00 + 21 00 | dedicate; "give thought to"; "give priority to"; "pay attention to"
00732394 31 v 03 resign 0 reconcile 0 submit 0 002 @ 00686447 v 0000 + 07542433 n 0101 01 + 20 00 | accept as inevitable; "He resigned himself to his fate"
00732552 31 v 03 observe 0 keep 0 maintain 0 005 + 06767035 n 0101 + 05818741 n 0101 + 05703429 n 0102 + 01002956 n 0101 + 00879759 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | stick to correctly or closely; "The pianist kept time with the metronome"; "keep count"; "I cannot keep track of all my employees"
00732837 31 v 01 discountenance 0 001 @ 00674340 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | show disapproval by discouraging; "any measure tending to fuse invalids into a class with special privileges should be discountenanced"
00733044 31 v 02 resolve 3 solve 1 005 @ 00637259 v 0000 + 10458111 n 0202 + 00153809 n 0202 + 00153809 n 0101 ~ 00733250 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 22 02 | find the solution; "solve an equation"; "solve for x"
00733250 31 v 02 factorize 0 factorise 0 006 @ 00733044 v 0000 + 05783041 n 0202 + 05783041 n 0101 + 13593219 n 0101 + 13733402 n 0102 + 05868954 n 0104 01 + 08 00 | resolve (a polynomial) into factors
00733454 31 v 01 misgive 0 003 @ 01765908 v 0000 + 07525555 n 0103 + 05951566 n 0102 01 + 10 00 | suggest fear or doubt; "Her heart misgave her that she had acted inexcusably"
00733632 31 v 02 align 0 array 0 004 @ 00670991 v 0000 + 08293982 n 0103 ~ 00733804 v 0000 ~ 01148961 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | align oneself with a group or a way of thinking
00733804 31 v 01 fall_in_line c 001 @ 00733632 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | agree on (a position)
00733895 31 v 01 believe_in 1 001 @ 00683280 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 33 00 | have a firm conviction as to the goodness of something; "John believes in oat bran"
00734054 31 v 04 consider 1 take 3 deal a look_at 0 006 @ 00734348 v 0000 + 05822746 n 0103 ~ 00703875 v 0000 ~ 00711932 v 0000 ~ 00734587 v 0000 ~ 01805113 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 22 03 | take into consideration for exemplifying purposes; "Take the case of China"; "Consider the following case"
00734348 31 v 01 think_about 5 003 @ 00628491 v 0000 ~ 00724492 v 0000 ~ 00734054 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | have on one's mind, think about actively; "I'm thinking about my friends abroad"; "She always thinks about her children first"
00734587 31 v 01 abstract 1 003 @ 00734054 v 0000 + 00860932 a 0101 + 05854150 n 0102 01 + 22 00 | consider apart from a particular case or instance; "Let's abstract away from this particular example"
00734790 31 v 02 plant 0 implant 0 001 @ 00742320 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | put firmly in the mind; "Plant a thought in the students' minds"
00734927 31 v 01 date 1 006 @ 02327200 v 0000 + 15179888 n 0101 + 15159819 n 0101 + 15159583 n 0101 ~ 00735224 v 0000 ~ 00735389 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | provide with a dateline; mark with a date; "She wrote the letter on Monday but she dated it Saturday so as not to reveal that she procrastinated"
00735224 31 v 03 dateline 0 datemark 0 date-mark 0 002 @ 00734927 v 0000 + 06349030 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | mark with a date and place; "dateline a newspaper article"
00735389 31 v 02 date 2 date_stamp 0 004 @ 00734927 v 0000 @ 01273016 v 0000 + 15159819 n 0101 + 15159583 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | stamp with a date; "The package is dated November 24"
00735571 31 v 04 arrange 0 set_up 0 put 0 order 1 005 @ 02432530 v 0000 + 08456993 n 0402 + 08456993 n 0401 ~ 00735866 v 0000 ~ 00961114 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | arrange thoughts, ideas, temporal events; "arrange my schedule"; "set up one's life"; "I put these memories with those of bygone times"
00735866 31 v 04 synchronize 0 synchronise 0 contemporize 0 contemporise 0 003 @ 00735571 v 0000 + 13845239 n 0202 + 13845239 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | arrange or represent events so that they co-occur; "synchronize biblical events"
00736095 31 v 01 awaken 0 001 @ 01767949 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | make aware; "They were awakened to the sad facts"
00736216 31 v 02 analyze 4 analyse 4 004 + 09791530 n 0101 + 00634276 n 0101 + 02708711 n 0101 ~ 00736429 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | break down into components or essential features; "analyze today's financial market"
00736429 31 v 02 factor_analyse 0 factor_analyze 0 002 @ 00736216 v 0000 + 06030196 n 0201 01 + 08 00 | to perform a factor analysis of correlational data
00736586 31 v 01 hold 4 002 @ 01806505 v 0000 + 05197232 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 11 00 | hold the attention of; "The soprano held the audience"; "This story held our interest"; "She can hold an audience spellbound"
00736799 31 v 01 re-create 0 003 @ 01631534 v 0000 + 00908772 n 0101 ~ 01737141 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | form anew in the imagination; recollect and re-form in the mind; "His mind re-creates the entire world"
00737005 31 v 02 drink_in 0 drink 0 001 @ 00601043 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | be fascinated or spell-bound by; pay close attention to; "The mother drinks in every word of her son on the stage"
00737193 31 v 01 keep_note 0 001 @ 00609683 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | maintain in the forefront of one's awareness; "He kept note of the location of the soldiers"
00737352 31 v 01 swallow 1 001 @ 00612841 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | keep from expressing; "I swallowed my anger and kept quiet"
00737476 31 v 02 grab 0 seize 0 001 @ 02678839 v 0000 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | capture the attention or imagination of; "This story will grab you"; "The movie seized my imagination"
00737656 31 v 03 seize 4 clutch 4 get_hold_of 0 002 @ 01809321 v 0000 + 14032737 n 0201 01 + 10 00 | affect; "Fear seized the prisoners"; "The patient was seized with unbearable pains"; "He was seized with a dreadful disease"
00737884 31 v 01 pay 3 003 @ 00668099 v 0000 + 10409752 n 0101 ~ 00738159 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 22 00 | bear (a cost or penalty), in recompense for some action; "You'll pay for this!"; "She had to pay the penalty for speaking out rashly"; "You'll pay for this opinion later"
00738159 31 v 02 take_one's_lumps 0 get_one's_lumps 0 001 @ 00737884 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | suffer the results or consequences of one's behavior or actions
00738314 31 v 01 break 5 002 @ 00634906 v 0000 $ 00738440 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | find the solution or key to; "break the code"
00738440 31 v 01 break 6 002 $ 00738314 v 0000 @ 01564144 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | find a flaw in; "break an alibi"; "break down a proof"
00738583 31 v 01 call 0 002 @ 00869126 v 0000 $ 00869393 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | challenge the sincerity or truthfulness of; "call the speaker on a question of fact"
00738747 31 v 01 call d 004 $ 00913065 v 0000 @ 00983824 v 0000 + 09888429 n 0101 + 07120524 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | utter in a loud voice or announce; "He called my name"; "The auctioneer called the bids"
00738951 31 v 01 carry c 001 @ 00684838 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | include, as on a list; "How many people are carried on the payroll?"
00739082 31 v 01 think d 005 @ 00628491 v 0000 + 05786372 n 0101 + 05770926 n 0102 + 05833840 n 0102 $ 00739340 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 29 00 | ponder; reflect on, or reason about; "Think the matter through"; "Think how hard life in Russia must be these days"
00739340 31 v 01 think c 004 $ 00739082 v 0000 @ 00628491 v 0000 + 05786372 n 0101 + 05770926 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | decide by pondering, reasoning, or reflecting; "Can you think what to do next?"
00739536 31 v 01 calibrate 2 002 @ 00647094 v 0000 + 05103283 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | measure the caliber of; "calibrate a gun"
00739662 31 v 02 relegate 2 classify 1 012 @ 00740053 v 0000 + 03018802 a 0201 + 08239808 n 0201 + 07974025 n 0201 + 07997703 n 0201 + 07939638 n 0201 + 05732756 n 0201 + 01012712 n 0203 + 06308436 n 0201 + 09926862 n 0201 + 08103777 n 0201 + 01013434 n 0101 01 + 21 00 | assign to a class or kind; "How should algae be classified?"; "People argue about how to relegate certain mushrooms"
00740053 31 v 02 assign 3 attribute 1 004 @ 00670261 v 0000 + 05734559 n 0201 + 00164345 n 0101 ~ 00739662 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | decide as to where something belongs in a scheme; "The biologist assigned the mushroom to the proper class"
00740290 31 v 01 truncate 0 002 @ 00672433 v 0000 ;c 06000644 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | approximate by ignoring all terms beyond a chosen one; "truncate a series"
00740449 31 v 01 acknowledge 2 001 @ 00686447 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | accept as legally binding and valid; "acknowledge the deed"
00740577 32 v 02 communicate 0 intercommunicate 0 046 @ 02376958 v 0000 + 06252743 n 0201 + 00494907 a 0101 + 00494907 a 0102 + 06252138 n 0101 + 00033020 n 0101 + 09610660 n 0101 + 06252138 n 0102 ~ 00034288 v 0000 ~ 00741573 v 0000 ~ 00741702 v 0000 ~ 00741911 v 0000 ~ 00742051 v 0000 ~ 00743223 v 0000 ~ 00743344 v 0000 ~ 00748282 v 0000 ~ 00760187 v 0000 ~ 00784342 v 0000 ~ 00790703 v 0000 ~ 00831651 v 0000 ~ 00853633 v 0000 ~ 00865280 v 0000 ~ 00897125 v 0000 ~ 00897564 v 0000 ~ 00898210 v 0000 ~ 00929160 v 0000 ~ 00941990 v 0000 ~ 00962447 v 0000 ~ 00963570 v 0000 ~ 00992041 v 0000 ~ 00992804 v 0000 ~ 00993014 v 0000 ~ 01007495 v 0000 ~ 01031966 v 0000 ~ 01032840 v 0000 ~ 01039330 v 0000 ~ 01040158 v 0000 ~ 01043441 v 0000 ~ 01060317 v 0000 ~ 01060494 v 0000 ~ 01060746 v 0000 ~ 01061017 v 0000 ~ 01063049 v 0000 ~ 01063529 v 0000 ~ 01063930 v 0000 ~ 01066036 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 15 00 | transmit thoughts or feelings; "He communicated his anxieties to the psychiatrist"
00741573 32 v 02 yak 0 gab 0 001 @ 00740577 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | talk profusely; "she was yakking away about her grandchildren"
00741702 32 v 02 fingerspell 0 finger-spell 0 002 @ 00740577 v 0000 + 06875883 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | communicate by means of specific gestures, as an alternative to sign language; "The Deaf often fingerspell"
00741911 32 v 02 aphorize 0 aphorise 0 003 @ 00740577 v 0000 + 07153130 n 0201 + 07153130 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | speak or write in aphorisms
00742051 32 v 01 riddle 0 002 @ 00740577 v 0000 + 06785223 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | speak in riddles
00742149 32 v 01 shrug_off 0 001 @ 00800930 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | minimize the importance of, brush aside; "Jane shrugged off the news that her stock had fallen 3 points"
00742320 32 v 05 communicate 1 pass_on 0 pass 1 pass_along 0 put_across 0 019 @ 02231661 v 0000 + 02956371 a 0101 + 00494907 a 0101 + 00494907 a 0102 + 13792842 n 0101 + 06252138 n 0101 + 00033020 n 0101 + 09610660 n 0101 + 06252138 n 0102 ~ 00734790 v 0000 ~ 00742865 v 0000 ~ 00743082 v 0000 ~ 00744904 v 0000 ~ 00752764 v 0000 ~ 00892698 v 0000 ~ 01061320 v 0000 ~ 01062253 v 0000 ~ 01071474 v 0000 ~ 01071632 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 15 00 | transmit information ; "Please communicate this message to all employees"; "pass along the good news"
00742865 32 v 01 send_a_message 0 001 @ 00742320 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | give or constitute a signal, not necessarily verbally; "The lack of good teachers sends a strong message to all parents in the community"
00743082 32 v 01 relay 0 002 @ 00742320 v 0000 + 00318567 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 15 00 | pass along; "Please relay the news to the villagers"
00743223 32 v 01 project 0 001 @ 00740577 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | communicate vividly; "He projected his feelings"
00743344 32 v 04 reach 0 get_through 0 get_hold_of 0 contact 0 006 @ 00740577 v 0000 + 06261260 n 0403 + 00039297 n 0401 ~ 00743692 v 0000 ~ 00743911 v 0000 ~ 00744070 v 0000 03 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 02 02 | be in or establish communication with; "Our advertisements reach millions"; "He never contacted his children after he emigrated to Australia"
00743692 32 v 01 ping 0 002 @ 00743344 v 0000 ;c 06128570 n 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 | send a message from one computer to another to check whether it is reachable and active; "ping your machine in the office"
00743911 32 v 01 ping 1 001 @ 00743344 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | contact, usually in order to remind of something; "I'll ping my accountant--April 15 is nearing"
00744070 32 v 01 raise e 002 @ 00743344 v 0000 ;c 06277135 n 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | establish radio communications with; "They managed to raise Hanoi last night"
00744237 32 v 02 diphthongize 0 diphthongise 0 003 @ 00550117 v 0000 + 07112364 n 0101 ~ 00744439 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | change from a simple vowel to a diphthong; "This vowel diphthongized in Germanic"
00744439 32 v 01 break 7 001 @ 00744237 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | undergo breaking; "The simple vowels broke in many Germanic languages"
00744572 32 v 01 reach_out 0 002 @ 02376958 v 0000 ~ 00744776 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | attempt to communicate; "I try to reach out to my daughter but she doesn't want to have anything to do with me"
00744776 32 v 01 draw_out 0 001 @ 00744572 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | cause to speak, "Can you draw her out--she is always so quiet"
00744904 32 v 02 get_across 0 put_over 0 001 @ 00742320 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | communicate successfully; "I couldn't get across the message"; "He put over the idea very well"
00745078 32 v 01 twang 0 002 @ 00978549 v 0000 + 04989512 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | pronounce with a nasal twang
00745187 32 v 03 vocalize 4 vocalise 5 phonate 0 006 @ 00941990 v 0000 + 07111047 n 0301 + 07110615 n 0305 + 02825355 a 0101 + 07109847 n 0102 + 10743675 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | utter speech sounds
00745383 32 v 01 troll 2 001 @ 00941990 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | speak or recite rapidly or in a rolling voice
00745499 32 v 01 order 0 010 @ 00752764 v 0000 + 06529219 n 0101 + 01009871 n 0101 + 07279687 n 0101 + 10381698 n 0101 ~ 00745810 v 0000 ~ 00745970 v 0000 ~ 00754156 v 0000 ~ 00903098 v 0000 ~ 02480803 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 16 00 | make a request for something; "Order me some flowers"; "order a work stoppage"
00745810 32 v 01 reorder 0 001 @ 00745499 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make a new request to be supplied with; "The store had to reorder the popular CD several times"
00745970 32 v 01 place 1 001 @ 00745499 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | to arrange for; "place a phone call"; "place a bet"
00746084 32 v 01 ordain 0 005 @ 01027508 v 0000 + 06565788 n 0101 ~ 00746242 v 0000 ~ 00746366 v 0000 ~ 00746479 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | issue an order
00746242 32 v 01 predestine 0 002 @ 00746084 v 0000 + 07330666 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | decree or determine beforehand
00746366 32 v 01 will 0 001 @ 00746084 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | decree or ordain; "God wills our existence"
00746479 32 v 04 destine 0 fate 0 doom 1 designate 1 005 @ 00746084 v 0000 + 09504915 n 0202 + 07330007 n 0202 + 08567877 n 0102 + 05981768 n 0101 01 + 24 00 | decree or designate beforehand; "She was destined to become a great pianist"
00746718 32 v 04 order 1 tell 2 enjoin 0 say 4 009 @ 00753428 v 0000 + 07170467 n 0301 + 06539770 n 0104 + 07168623 n 0101 ~ 00749205 v 0000 ~ 00749963 v 0000 ~ 00751567 v 0000 ~ 00792471 v 0000 ~ 00833071 v 0000 02 + 24 00 + 26 00 | give instructions to or direct somebody to do something with authority; "I said to him to go home"; "She ordered him to do the shopping"; "The mother told the child to get dressed"
00747135 32 v 03 order 2 prescribe 0 dictate 0 010 @ 00748282 v 0000 + 09824135 n 0302 + 05871245 n 0301 + 06663940 n 0301 + 07168131 n 0304 + 00732456 a 0201 + 06788565 n 0201 + 06539770 n 0104 + 07168623 n 0101 ~ 00751389 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 27 03 | issue commands or orders for
00747418 32 v 02 force 0 thrust 0 004 @ 02506546 v 0000 + 05194578 n 0101 + 10461424 n 0102 ~ 00748084 v 0000 03 + 19 00 + 24 00 + 30 00 | impose urgently, importunately, or inexorably; "She forced her diet fads on him"
00747640 32 v 01 begin 3 001 @ 00941990 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | begin to speak or say; "Now listen, friends," he began
00747757 32 v 02 intrude 0 obtrude 0 002 @ 00748282 v 0000 + 01352067 a 0101 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | thrust oneself in as if by force; "The colors don't intrude on the viewer"
00747932 32 v 01 clamp 0 001 @ 00748282 v 0000 01 + 19 00 | impose or inflict forcefully; "The military government clamped a curfew onto the capital"
00748084 32 v 02 stick 0 sting 0 001 @ 00747418 v 0000 01 + 17 00 | saddle with something disagreeable or disadvantageous; "They stuck me with the dinner bill"; "I was stung with a huge tax bill"
00748282 32 v 04 inflict 0 bring_down 0 visit 1 impose 0 010 @ 00740577 v 0000 + 05833371 n 0401 + 01127623 n 0401 + 07372959 n 0303 + 00744758 n 0101 ~ 00747135 v 0000 ~ 00747757 v 0000 ~ 00747932 v 0000 ~ 00748616 v 0000 ~ 00749092 v 0000 01 + 19 00 | impose something unpleasant; "The principal visited his rage on the students"
00748616 32 v 01 give a 003 $ 02309374 v 0000 @ 00748282 v 0000 $ 01069638 v 0000 01 + 15 00 | inflict as a punishment; "She gave the boy a good spanking"; "The judge gave me 10 years"
00748803 32 v 01 furlough 0 002 @ 00802318 v 0000 + 15139432 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | grant a leave to; "The prisoner was furloughed for the weekend to visit her children"
00748972 32 v 01 give 7 001 @ 00802318 v 0000 01 + 15 00 | allow to have or take; "I give you two minutes to respond"
00749092 32 v 01 foist 0 001 @ 00748282 v 0000 01 + 19 00 | to force onto another; "He foisted his work on me"
00749205 32 v 01 direct 0 003 @ 00746718 v 0000 + 07170080 n 0101 ~ 01070968 v 0000 01 + 24 00 | command with authority; "He directed the children to do their homework"
00749376 32 v 01 direct 1 003 @ 00831074 v 0000 ~ 00749584 v 0000 ~ 00749794 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 20 00 | give directions to; point somebody into a certain direction; "I directed them towards the town hall"
00749584 32 v 01 talk_down 2 001 @ 00749376 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | direct and control (the flight of an airplane during landing) via radio; "the control tower talked down the plane whose pilot fell ill"
00749794 32 v 01 point_the_way 0 001 @ 00749376 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | indicate the right path or direction; "The sign pointed the way to London"
00749963 32 v 01 instruct 1 003 @ 00746718 v 0000 ~ 00750172 v 0000 ~ 00750345 v 0000 01 + 24 00 | give instructions or directions for some task; "She instructed the students to work on their pronunciation"
00750172 32 v 01 charge b 002 @ 00749963 v 0000 + 00731222 n 0102 01 + 24 00 | instruct or command with authority; "The teacher charged the children to memorize the poem"
00750345 32 v 01 charge c 003 @ 00749963 v 0000 ;c 08441203 n 0000 + 07169480 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | instruct (a jury) about the law, its application, and the weighing of evidence
00750532 32 v 03 charge 1 saddle 0 burden 0 007 @ 00751567 v 0000 + 05832745 n 0301 + 00731222 n 0102 ~ 00750842 v 0000 ~ 00750979 v 0000 ~ 00751131 v 0000 ~ 00755331 v 0000 02 + 17 00 + 24 01 | impose a task upon, assign a responsibility to; "He charged her with cleaning up all the files over the weekend"
00750842 32 v 01 overburden 0 002 @ 00750532 v 0000 + 03864994 n 0102 02 + 09 00 + 17 00 | burden with too much work or responsibility
00750979 32 v 01 bear_down 1 001 @ 00750532 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | exert a force or cause a strain upon; "This tax bears down on the lower middle class"
00751131 32 v 03 overwhelm 0 deluge 0 flood_out 0 002 @ 00750532 v 0000 + 13775706 n 0203 02 + 09 00 + 17 00 | charge someone with too many tasks
00751279 32 v 01 mandate 0 002 @ 02391803 v 0000 + 10290099 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 15 01 | assign authority to
00751389 32 v 01 mandate 2 003 @ 00747135 v 0000 + 00848466 a 0102 + 06556481 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | make mandatory; "the new director of the school board mandated regular tests"
00751567 32 v 02 command 0 require 0 007 @ 00746718 v 0000 + 07192240 n 0201 + 07169848 n 0101 + 07168131 n 0101 ~ 00750532 v 0000 ~ 00754430 v 0000 ~ 00795863 v 0000 01 + 24 00 | make someone do something
00751775 32 v 01 featherbed 0 001 @ 02409412 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | hire more workers than are necessary
00751887 32 v 01 command 1 011 @ 02539334 v 0000 + 13953608 n 0101 + 08190292 n 0101 + 05197797 n 0101 + 09941964 n 0102 + 09941383 n 0101 + 09780828 n 0102 + 09941571 n 0101 + 09941964 n 0103 ~ 00752193 v 0000 ~ 00752335 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | be in command of; "The general commanded a huge army"
00752193 32 v 01 general 0 002 @ 00751887 v 0000 + 10123844 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | command as a general; "We are generaled by an incompetent!"
00752335 32 v 01 officer 0 004 @ 00751887 v 0000 + 10371741 n 0101 + 10448983 n 0103 + 10317007 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | direct or command as an officer
00752493 32 v 01 ask 1 007 @ 00752764 v 0000 ^ 01469770 v 0102 ^ 02384686 v 0102 ^ 02384686 v 0103 ^ 02486693 v 0101 ~ 00753428 v 0000 ~ 00753734 v 0000 04 + 16 00 + 24 00 + 26 00 + 28 01 | make a request or demand for something to somebody; "She asked him for a loan"
00752764 32 v 04 request 1 bespeak 0 call_for 4 quest 1 026 $ 01063695 v 0000 @ 00742320 v 0000 + 07185325 n 0101 ~ 00745499 v 0000 ~ 00752493 v 0000 ~ 00754313 v 0000 ~ 00754731 v 0000 ~ 00754942 v 0000 ~ 00755447 v 0000 ~ 00758887 v 0000 ~ 00765396 v 0000 ~ 00782057 v 0000 ~ 00795632 v 0000 ~ 00808343 v 0000 ~ 00894221 v 0000 ~ 01018065 v 0000 ~ 01018352 v 0000 ~ 01063695 v 0000 ~ 01469770 v 0000 ~ 01826378 v 0000 ~ 02270815 v 0000 ~ 02275365 v 0000 ~ 02384686 v 0000 ~ 02429810 v 0000 ~ 02486693 v 0000 ~ 02498320 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | express the need or desire for; ask for; "She requested an extra bed in her room"; "She called for room service"
00753428 32 v 01 request 2 007 @ 00752493 v 0000 + 06513366 n 0101 + 07185325 n 0101 ~ 00746718 v 0000 ~ 00753881 v 0000 ~ 00793580 v 0000 ~ 00879764 v 0000 03 + 24 00 + 25 00 + 26 00 | ask (a person) to do something; "She asked him to be here at noon"; "I requested that she type the entire manuscript"
00753734 32 v 01 solicit 5 001 @ 00752493 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | make a solicitation or petition for something desired; "She is too shy to solicit"
00753881 32 v 01 call e 004 $ 00792471 v 0000 @ 00753428 v 0000 + 06198505 n 0101 + 00583246 n 0102 01 + 09 00 | order, summon, or request for a specific duty or activity, work, role; "He was already called 4 times for jury duty"; "They called him to active military duty"
00754156 32 v 01 call f 001 @ 00745499 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | order or request or give a command for; "The unions called a general strike for Sunday"
00754313 32 v 01 encore 0 002 @ 00752764 v 0000 + 00099439 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | request an encore, from a performer
00754430 32 v 01 requisition 0 002 @ 00751567 v 0000 + 06476200 n 0101 01 + 24 00 | make a formal request for official services
00754560 32 v 01 page 0 003 @ 01041762 v 0000 + 02823124 n 0102 + 07128322 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | contact, as with a pager or by calling somebody's name over a P.A. system
00754731 32 v 01 petition 0 004 @ 00752764 v 0000 + 06513366 n 0102 + 10672192 n 0102 ~ 00759087 v 0000 03 + 09 00 + 24 00 + 26 00 | write a petition for something to somebody; request formally and in writing
00754942 32 v 01 demand 0 009 @ 00752764 v 0000 + 01061333 n 0101 + 07191279 n 0101 + 10001647 n 0101 ~ 00709205 v 0000 ~ 00755745 v 0000 ~ 00774641 v 0000 ~ 00845144 v 0000 ~ 01068565 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 26 00 + 28 00 | request urgently and forcefully; "The victim's family is demanding compensation"; "The boss demanded that he be fired immediately"; "She demanded to see the manager"
00755331 32 v 01 adjure 0 003 @ 00750532 v 0000 + 00712765 a 0101 + 07187150 n 0101 01 + 24 00 | command solemnly
00755447 32 v 02 appeal 0 invoke 4 006 @ 00752764 v 0000 + 07190290 n 0201 + 00097244 n 0201 + 07186828 n 0103 ~ 00759501 v 0000 ~ 00794640 v 0000 01 + 12 00 | request earnestly (something from somebody); ask for aid or protection; "appeal to somebody for help"; "Invoke God in times of trouble"
00755745 32 v 03 ask 5 require 1 expect 0 004 @ 00754942 v 0000 + 05944958 n 0301 + 05892651 n 0201 ~ 00874002 v 0000 02 + 16 00 + 24 00 | consider obligatory; request and expect; "We require our secretary to be on time"; "Aren't we asking too much of these children?"; "I expect my students to arrive in time for their lessons"
00756076 32 v 03 claim 1 take 0 exact 1 002 @ 02627934 v 0000 $ 02627934 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | take as an undesirable consequence of some event or state of affairs; "the accident claimed three lives"; "The hard work took its toll on her"
00756338 32 v 01 claim 0 009 @ 01011725 v 0000 + 06730563 n 0101 ! 00757375 v 0101 ~ 00756649 v 0000 ~ 00756898 v 0000 ~ 00757056 v 0000 ~ 00757192 v 0000 ~ 00819756 v 0000 ~ 00843959 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | assert or affirm strongly; state to be true or existing; "He claimed that he killed the burglar"
00756649 32 v 02 profess 4 pretend 6 001 @ 00756338 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | state insincerely; "He professed innocence but later admitted his guilt"; "She pretended not to have known the suicide bomber"; "She pretends to be an expert on wine"
00756898 32 v 02 contend 2 postulate 0 002 @ 00756338 v 0000 + 06731378 n 0101 01 + 26 00 | maintain or assert; "He contended that Communism had no future"
00757056 32 v 01 make_out 6 001 @ 00756338 v 0000 01 + 34 00 | try to establish; "She made out that she know nothing about the crime"
00757192 32 v 01 purport 0 001 @ 00756338 v 0000 01 + 28 00 | have the often specious appearance of being, intending, or claiming; "The letter purports to express people's opinion"
00757375 32 v 01 disclaim 0 003 @ 00816556 v 0000 + 07207680 n 0101 ! 00756338 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make a disclaimer about; "He disclaimed any responsibility"
00757544 32 v 03 disown 0 renounce 0 repudiate 0 009 @ 00685683 v 0000 + 07207410 n 0301 + 07207410 n 0202 + 07254594 n 0202 ~ 00757856 v 0000 ~ 00798717 v 0000 ~ 00799076 v 0000 ~ 00814850 v 0000 ~ 00817003 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | cast off; "She renounced her husband"; "The parents repudiated their son"
00757856 32 v 03 apostatize 0 apostatise 0 tergiversate 0 004 @ 00757544 v 0000 + 00204814 n 0302 + 10007109 n 0202 + 10007109 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | abandon one's beliefs or allegiances
00758042 32 v 01 abnegate 0 003 @ 00817003 v 0000 + 07204665 n 0101 + 09754633 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | deny or renounce; "They abnegated their gods"
00758197 32 v 01 disclaim 1 003 @ 02227487 v 0000 + 07207680 n 0101 ! 00758333 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | renounce a legal claim or title to
00758333 32 v 02 claim 3 take 9 004 $ 02275365 v 0000 @ 01011031 v 0000 + 05175904 n 0101 ! 00758197 v 0101 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 | lay claim to; as of an idea; "She took credit for the whole idea"
00758538 32 v 01 crave 0 001 @ 00759269 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | plead or ask for earnestly
00758627 32 v 01 supplicate 0 008 @ 00759269 v 0000 + 00714889 a 0103 + 00714889 a 0102 + 07187638 n 0101 + 10420031 n 0103 + 10420031 n 0102 $ 00758887 v 0000 $ 00759087 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | ask humbly (for something); "He supplicated the King for clemency"
00758887 32 v 01 supplicate 1 004 $ 00758627 v 0000 @ 00752764 v 0000 + 00714889 a 0103 + 00714889 a 0102 02 + 08 00 + 33 00 | ask for humbly or earnestly, as in prayer; "supplicate God's blessing"
00759087 32 v 01 supplicate 2 004 $ 00758627 v 0000 @ 00754731 v 0000 + 00714889 a 0103 + 00714889 a 0102 01 + 02 00 | make a humble, earnest petition; "supplicate for permission"
00759269 32 v 03 beg 0 implore 0 pray 1 006 @ 00759501 v 0000 + 07187996 n 0101 ^ 00894221 v 0102 ~ 00758538 v 0000 ~ 00758627 v 0000 ~ 00777931 v 0000 02 + 22 00 + 24 00 | call upon in supplication; entreat; "I beg you to stop!"
00759501 32 v 01 plead 0 003 @ 00755447 v 0000 ~ 00759269 v 0000 ~ 00759657 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | appeal or request earnestly; "I pleaded with him to stop"
00759657 32 v 06 bid 2 beseech 0 entreat 0 adjure 1 press 1 conjure 3 006 @ 00759501 v 0000 + 00714190 a 0401 + 07187150 n 0401 + 01612627 a 0102 + 07168131 n 0102 + 07168131 n 0103 02 + 09 00 + 24 00 | ask for or request earnestly; "The prophet bid all people to become good persons"
00759944 32 v 01 pray 0 005 @ 00760187 v 0000 + 10464052 n 0101 + 07189130 n 0101 + 06455990 n 0101 + 01041968 n 0101 03 + 02 00 + 26 00 + 27 00 | address a deity, a prophet, a saint or an object of worship; say a prayer; "pray to the Lord"
00760187 32 v 01 commune 2 003 @ 00740577 v 0000 + 07134575 n 0101 ~ 00759944 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | communicate intimately with; be in a state of heightened, intimate receptivity; "He seemed to commune with nature"
00760402 32 v 02 commune 1 communicate 7 004 @ 01030832 v 0000 + 00033020 n 0201 + 01036333 n 0101 $ 01030678 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | receive Communion, in the Catholic church
00760576 32 v 01 plead 1 003 @ 01010118 v 0000 ;c 08441203 n 0000 + 06559365 n 0101 01 + 07 00 | enter a plea, as in courts of law; "She pleaded not guilty"
00760735 32 v 01 profess 3 002 @ 01010118 v 0000 + 06732925 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | confess one's faith in, or allegiance to; "The terrorists professed allegiance to their country"; "he professes to be a Communist"
00760956 32 v 05 intercede 0 mediate 0 intermediate 0 liaise 0 arbitrate 0 015 @ 00761713 v 0000 + 02637973 a 0501 + 00140233 a 0501 + 01190884 n 0503 + 01190884 n 0502 + 09803429 n 0501 + 07150850 n 0501 + 01190884 n 0501 + 09803429 n 0502 + 01240432 n 0302 + 09624559 n 0303 + 07150644 n 0201 + 01240432 n 0201 + 09624559 n 0201 + 01240210 n 0102 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | act between parties with a view to reconciling differences; "He interceded in the family dispute"; "He mediated a settlement"
00761454 32 v 02 clear 9 solve a 002 @ 00763399 v 0000 + 02026312 a 0201 01 + 08 00 | settle, as of a debt; "clear a debt"; "solve an old debt"
00761600 32 v 01 concert 0 001 @ 00763399 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | settle by agreement; "concert one's differences"
00761713 32 v 03 negociate 0 negotiate 0 talk_terms 0 010 @ 00813978 v 0000 + 01024400 a 0201 + 00093556 a 0203 + 07148192 n 0201 + 10351874 n 0202 + 10351874 n 0201 ~ 00760956 v 0000 ~ 00762043 v 0000 ~ 02259829 v 0000 ~ 02261464 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | discuss the terms of an arrangement; "They negotiated the sale of the house"
00762043 32 v 02 renegociate 0 renegotiate 0 003 @ 00761713 v 0000 ;c 06520944 n 0000 ~ 02271667 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | revise the terms of in order to limit or regain excess profits gained by the contractor; "We renegociated our old mortgage now that the interest rates have come down"
00762329 32 v 02 renegociate 1 renegotiate 1 001 @ 00762478 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | negociate anew; "The two warring parties will have to renegociate"
00762478 32 v 01 negociate 1 005 @ 00813978 v 0000 ~ 00762329 v 0000 ~ 00762720 v 0000 ~ 00762889 v 0000 ~ 00763009 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | confer with another in order to come to terms or reach an agreement; "The parties negociated all night"
00762720 32 v 01 treat 3 002 @ 00762478 v 0000 + 10351874 n 0103 01 + 22 00 | engage in negotiations in order to reach an agreement; "they had to treat with the King"
00762889 32 v 01 horse-trade 0 002 @ 00762478 v 0000 + 07150499 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | negotiate with much give and take
00763009 32 v 01 parley 0 003 @ 00762478 v 0000 + 07141437 n 0101 ~ 00763260 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | discuss, as between enemies
00763136 32 v 01 powwow 0 002 @ 00813978 v 0000 + 07144416 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | hold a powwow, talk, conference or meeting
00763260 32 v 01 palaver 0 001 @ 00763009 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | have a lengthy discussion, usually between people of different backgrounds
00763399 32 v 04 settle 0 square_off 0 square_up 0 determine 5 009 @ 01021420 v 0000 + 06649567 n 0402 + 05838176 n 0402 + 00162632 n 0402 + 07177924 n 0101 ~ 00761454 v 0000 ~ 00761600 v 0000 ~ 00763713 v 0000 ~ 01035380 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | settle conclusively; come to terms; "We finally settled the argument"
00763713 32 v 01 clinch 0 002 @ 00763399 v 0000 + 05692758 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | settle conclusively; "clinch a deal"
00763831 32 v 01 close 5 001 @ 00352826 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | complete a business deal, negotiation, or an agreement; "We closed on the house on Friday"; "They closed the deal on the building"
00764032 32 v 01 settle 1 003 @ 00805376 v 0000 + 07177924 n 0101 + 05789089 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | end a legal dispute by arriving at a settlement; "The two parties finally settled"
00764222 32 v 01 agree 1 007 @ 00797697 v 0000 + 00553279 a 0101 + 06770275 n 0101 + 07175241 n 0101 ~ 00764526 v 0000 ~ 00764782 v 0000 ~ 00804139 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 28 00 | consent or assent to a condition, or agree to do something; "She agreed to all my conditions"; "He agreed to leave her alone"
00764526 32 v 01 plea-bargain 0 004 @ 00764222 v 0000 ;c 08441203 n 0000 + 06563950 n 0101 + 06563950 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | agree to plead guilty in return for a lesser charge; "If he plea-bargains, he will be sent to a medium-security prison for 8 years"
00764782 32 v 01 bargain 0 002 @ 00764222 v 0000 + 09839167 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | come to terms; arrive at an agreement
00764902 32 v 05 reconcile 0 patch_up 0 make_up 0 conciliate 0 settle 2 009 @ 00805376 v 0000 + 00759551 a 0402 + 01026262 a 0402 + 00759551 a 0401 + 13971561 n 0401 + 07151122 n 0401 + 01205827 n 0101 ~ 00765213 v 0000 ~ 01093587 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | come to terms; "After some discussion we finally made up"
00765213 32 v 02 propitiate 0 appease 0 006 @ 00764902 v 0000 + 01784946 a 0201 + 09800249 n 0201 + 00760289 a 0101 + 00760289 a 0102 + 01151407 n 0103 01 + 09 00 | make peace with
00765396 32 v 01 apply 0 005 @ 00752764 v 0000 + 06512580 n 0101 + 09607280 n 0101 + 09607280 n 0102 ~ 01072641 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 22 00 + 27 00 | ask (for something); "He applied for a leave of absence"; "She applied for college"; "apply for a job"
00765649 32 v 04 urge 0 urge_on 0 press 0 exhort 0 010 @ 00872886 v 0000 + 00866735 a 0402 + 07139700 n 0401 + 07246036 n 0401 + 05195362 n 0301 + 00713558 a 0102 + 07252378 n 0105 ~ 00459296 v 0000 ~ 00765977 v 0000 ~ 00827730 v 0000 01 + 24 00 | force or impel in an indicated direction; "I urged him to finish his studies"
00765977 32 v 02 push 1 bear_on 0 006 $ 02406916 v 0000 @ 00765649 v 0000 + 04836683 n 0102 + 00282485 n 0101 ~ 00766289 v 0000 ~ 02374449 v 0000 06 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 + 24 00 + 02 01 | press, drive, or impel (someone) to action or completion of an action; "He pushed her to finish her doctorate"
00766289 32 v 01 nudge 0 002 @ 00765977 v 0000 + 10365514 n 0101 01 + 24 00 | push into action by pestering or annoying gently
00766418 32 v 01 persuade 0 022 @ 00770437 v 0000 + 02361848 a 0103 + 01769843 a 0101 + 07245125 n 0101 + 10418841 n 0101 ! 00770141 v 0101 ~ 00767019 v 0000 ~ 00767122 v 0000 ~ 00767530 v 0000 ~ 00767635 v 0000 ~ 00767807 v 0000 ~ 00768512 v 0000 ~ 00768630 v 0000 ~ 00768778 v 0000 ~ 00769553 v 0000 ~ 00769989 v 0000 ~ 00776268 v 0000 ~ 00776523 v 0000 ~ 00777793 v 0000 ~ 00783689 v 0000 ~ 00784184 v 0000 ~ 01428578 v 0000 03 + 30 00 + 09 01 + 24 01 | cause somebody to adopt a certain position, belief, or course of action; twist somebody's arm; "You can't persuade me to buy this ugly vase!"
00767019 32 v 01 hustle 0 001 @ 00766418 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | pressure or urge someone into an action
00767122 32 v 02 bring_round 0 bring_around 0 001 @ 00766418 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | cause to adopt an opinion or course of action; "His urgent letter finally brought me around to give money to the school"
00767334 32 v 01 bring 3 002 @ 00770437 v 0000 $ 01808218 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | induce or persuade; "The confession of one of the accused brought the others to admit to the crime as well"
00767530 32 v 01 badger 0 001 @ 00766418 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 24 00 | persuade through constant efforts
00767635 32 v 01 sell 0 001 @ 00766418 v 0000 03 + 11 00 + 14 00 + 15 00 | persuade somebody to accept something; "The French try to sell us their image as great lovers"
00767807 32 v 01 chat_up 1 001 @ 00766418 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | talk to someone with the aim of persuading him
00767918 32 v 01 blaze_away 0 001 @ 00989201 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | speak with fire and passion; "He blazed away at his opponents in the Senate"
00768062 32 v 02 memorialize 0 memorialise 0 003 @ 00989201 v 0000 + 07452841 n 0203 + 07452841 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | address in a memorial; "The President memorialized the heroes of the battle"
00768265 32 v 01 keynote 0 002 @ 00989201 v 0000 + 07240278 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | give the keynote address to (an audience)
00768389 32 v 01 talk_out_of 0 002 @ 00770141 v 0000 ! 00768512 v 0101 01 + 30 00 | persuade someone not to do something
00768512 32 v 01 talk_into 0 002 @ 00766418 v 0000 ! 00768389 v 0101 01 + 30 00 | persuade somebody to do something
00768630 32 v 01 rope_in 0 001 @ 00766418 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 24 00 | draw in as if with a rope; lure; "The agent had roped in several customers"
00768778 32 v 07 wheedle 0 cajole 0 palaver 1 blarney 0 coax 0 sweet-talk 0 inveigle 0 011 @ 00766418 v 0000 + 10775379 n 0502 + 06696025 n 0502 + 03059366 n 0502 + 06696025 n 0401 + 06695862 n 0303 + 06695862 n 0202 + 10775379 n 0101 + 00159899 n 0102 ~ 00769453 v 0000 ~ 01035199 v 0000 01 + 30 00 | influence or urge by gentle urging, caressing, or flattering; "He palavered her into going along"
00769180 32 v 01 elocute 0 003 @ 01051364 v 0000 + 00150505 a 0101 + 07083246 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | declaim in an elocutionary manner; "The poet elocuted beautifully"
00769355 32 v 01 soft-soap 0 001 @ 00880227 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | use flattering talk on somebody
00769453 32 v 01 soft-soap 1 001 @ 00768778 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | persuade someone through flattery
00769553 32 v 03 convert 0 win_over 0 convince 0 003 @ 00766418 v 0000 + 02361848 a 0301 ~ 01830445 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | make (someone) agree, understand, or realize the truth or validity of something; "He had finally convinced several customers of the advantages of his product"
00769834 32 v 02 proselytize 0 proselytise 0 003 * 00827730 v 0000 @ 00385385 v 0000 + 10485168 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | convert to another faith or religion
00769989 32 v 01 brainwash 0 001 @ 00766418 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | persuade completely, often through coercion; "The propaganda brainwashed many people"
00770141 32 v 02 dissuade 0 deter 0 009 @ 00872886 v 0000 + 01764543 a 0201 + 07254057 n 0201 + 07254057 n 0202 + 01770903 a 0101 + 07253948 n 0101 + 07245686 n 0101 ! 00766418 v 0101 ~ 00768389 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | turn away from by persuasion; "Negative campaigning will only dissuade people"
00770437 32 v 06 induce 0 stimulate 1 cause 0 have 0 get 0 make 0 023 + 00322457 a 0301 + 00042311 n 0302 + 07326557 n 0301 + 06740402 n 0301 + 00007347 n 0302 + 05827684 n 0201 + 01261974 n 0201 + 05827684 n 0202 + 00324013 a 0102 + 09179776 n 0102 + 00156390 n 0102 + 10418841 n 0102 + 00159177 n 0102 ~ 00699485 v 0000 ~ 00766418 v 0000 ~ 00767334 v 0000 ~ 00771133 v 0000 ~ 00771341 v 0000 ~ 00771490 v 0000 ~ 00771632 v 0000 ~ 00771961 v 0000 ~ 00834943 v 0000 ~ 02506546 v 0000 05 + 25 00 + 24 05 + 24 03 + 24 02 + 24 01 | cause to do; cause to act in a specified manner; "The ads induced me to buy a VCR"; "My children finally got me to buy a computer"; "My wife made me buy a new sofa"
00771133 32 v 01 solicit 4 001 @ 00770437 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | incite, move, or persuade to some act of lawlessness or insubordination; "He was accused of soliciting his colleagues to destroy the documents"
00771341 32 v 01 encourage 0 001 @ 00770437 v 0000 03 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 24 00 | spur on; "His financial success encouraged him to look for a wife"
00771490 32 v 01 let 0 001 @ 00770437 v 0000 01 + 25 00 | actively cause something to happen; "I let it be known that I was not interested"
00771632 32 v 01 lead 0 003 @ 00770437 v 0000 + 09623038 n 0101 ~ 00771806 v 0000 01 + 24 00 | cause to undertake a certain action; "Her greed led her to forge the checks"
00771806 32 v 01 give 9 001 @ 00771632 v 0000 01 + 24 00 | guide or direct, as by behavior of persuasion; "You gave me to think that you agreed with me"
00771961 32 v 03 prompt 0 inspire 0 instigate 1 005 @ 00770437 v 0000 + 07251619 n 0303 + 00156625 n 0302 + 10209082 n 0301 + 07246582 n 0102 01 + 24 00 | serve as the inciting cause of; "She prompted me to call my relatives"
00772189 32 v 02 argue 2 reason 0 012 @ 00772967 v 0000 + 14379829 n 0202 + 05651680 n 0201 + 10510339 n 0201 + 01799670 a 0101 + 07140978 n 0101 + 07140978 n 0102 + 05773049 n 0101 + 09997404 n 0102 ~ 00772488 v 0000 ~ 00773285 v 0000 ~ 00895304 v 0000 01 + 26 00 | present reasons and arguments
00772488 32 v 01 re-argue 0 001 @ 00772189 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | argue again; "This politician will be forced into re-arguing an old national campaign"
00772640 32 v 02 argue 1 indicate 2 009 @ 00772967 v 0000 + 02091300 a 0201 + 06671818 n 0201 + 06797169 n 0201 + 05816790 n 0203 + 06797169 n 0202 + 06648724 n 0101 + 07140978 n 0102 + 05773049 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | give evidence of; "The evidence argues for your claim"; "The results indicate the need for more work"
00772967 32 v 03 present 0 represent b lay_out 0 006 @ 01009240 v 0000 + 05926676 n 0201 + 06891022 n 0101 ~ 00772189 v 0000 ~ 00772640 v 0000 ~ 00953700 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 15 00 | bring forward and present to the mind; "We presented the arguments to him"; "We cannot represent this knowledge to our formal reason"
00773285 32 v 01 expostulate 0 002 @ 00772189 v 0000 + 07246742 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 26 00 | reason with (somebody) for the purpose of dissuasion
00773432 32 v 04 argue 0 contend 1 debate 1 fence 0 013 @ 00964694 v 0000 * 00804802 v 0000 + 00602117 a 0302 + 07140978 n 0303 + 07183151 n 0202 + 00603367 a 0101 + 07183151 n 0107 + 09997404 n 0102 ~ 00773786 v 0000 ~ 00773922 v 0000 ~ 00774056 v 0000 ~ 00775156 v 0000 ~ 00775831 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 22 00 | have an argument about something
00773786 32 v 01 stickle 0 002 @ 00773432 v 0000 + 10655986 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | dispute or argue stubbornly (especially minor points)
00773922 32 v 01 spar 0 002 @ 00773432 v 0000 + 07182744 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | fight verbally; "They were sparring all night"
00774056 32 v 06 quibble 0 niggle 0 pettifog 0 bicker 0 squabble 0 brabble 0 007 @ 00773432 v 0000 + 07184735 n 0505 + 07184735 n 0401 + 10501203 n 0304 + 07184735 n 0306 + 09896826 n 0202 + 10501203 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | argue over petty things; "Let's not quibble over pennies"
00774344 32 v 02 brawl 0 wrangle 0 006 @ 00775156 v 0000 + 07184149 n 0202 + 10792746 n 0201 + 07150138 n 0204 + 01176431 n 0101 + 09873348 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | to quarrel noisily, angrily or disruptively; "The bar keeper threw them out, but they continued to wrangle on down the street"
00774641 32 v 02 clamor 3 clamour 3 003 @ 00754942 v 0000 + 07122118 n 0203 + 07122118 n 0102 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | make loud demands; "he clamored for justice and tolerance"
00774817 32 v 01 spat 0 002 @ 00775156 v 0000 + 07184735 n 0103 01 + 02 00 | engage in a brief and petty quarrel
00774932 32 v 04 polemize 0 polemise 0 polemicize 0 polemicise 0 004 @ 00775156 v 0000 + 07183660 n 0401 + 07183660 n 0301 + 07183660 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | engage in a controversy; "The two historians polemicized for years"
00775156 32 v 05 quarrel 0 dispute 1 scrap 0 argufy 0 altercate 0 016 @ 00773432 v 0000 + 01170962 n 0304 + 09939313 n 0305 + 00603804 a 0204 + 01170813 n 0201 + 07181935 n 0201 + 07183151 n 0204 + 07242104 n 0202 + 09615465 n 0201 + 07184149 n 0101 + 10498422 n 0102 + 10498422 n 0101 ~ 00774344 v 0000 ~ 00774817 v 0000 ~ 00774932 v 0000 ~ 00775692 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | have a disagreement over something; "We quarreled over the question as to who discovered America"; "These two fellows are always scrapping over something"
00775692 32 v 01 fall_out 0 001 @ 00775156 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | have a breach in relations; "We fell out over a trivial question"
00775831 32 v 01 oppose 1 006 @ 00773432 v 0000 + 01246148 a 0101 + 00202284 n 0102 + 09773245 n 0104 + 09773245 n 0103 ~ 00869596 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | be against; express opposition to; "We oppose the ban on abortion"
00776059 32 v 03 oppose 0 controvert 0 contradict 1 005 @ 00814850 v 0000 + 01246148 a 0101 + 09773245 n 0104 ~ 02473431 v 0000 ~ 02521410 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | be resistant to; "The board opposed his motion"
00776268 32 v 01 assure 1 003 @ 00766418 v 0000 + 07227406 n 0101 ~ 01019808 v 0000 02 + 18 00 + 24 00 | assure somebody of the truth of something with the intention of giving the listener confidence; "I assured him that traveling to Cambodia was safe"
00776523 32 v 03 charm 0 influence 0 tempt 0 009 @ 00766418 v 0000 + 02362904 a 0301 + 00159620 n 0302 + 10699752 n 0301 + 10461747 n 0201 + 11414608 n 0201 + 05194151 n 0201 + 04687333 n 0103 ~ 00777522 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 30 00 | induce into action by using one's charm; "She charmed him into giving her all his money"
00776846 32 v 01 gibber 1 003 @ 00983824 v 0000 + 06608728 n 0102 + 06608728 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | chatter inarticulately; of monkeys
00776988 32 v 06 hex 0 bewitch 1 glamour 0 witch 0 enchant 1 jinx 2 013 @ 02586458 v 0000 + 07160424 n 0602 + 14407536 n 0501 + 05979454 n 0501 + 10055085 n 0501 + 09503282 n 0401 + 10055297 n 0402 + 05979350 n 0402 + 04685195 n 0302 + 05979454 n 0202 + 07160424 n 0101 ~ 00777391 v 0000 ~ 01064560 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | cast a spell over someone or something; put a hex on someone or something
00777391 32 v 01 voodoo 0 003 @ 00776988 v 0000 + 06245816 n 0101 + 03603958 n 0102 01 + 09 00 | bewitch by or as if by a voodoo
00777522 32 v 06 magnetize 0 mesmerize 0 mesmerise 0 magnetise 0 bewitch 0 spellbind 0 004 @ 00776523 v 0000 + 10634990 n 0601 + 13599547 n 0101 + 03705379 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | attract strongly, as if with a magnet; "She magnetized the audience with her tricks"
00777793 32 v 01 prevail 2 001 @ 00766418 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | use persuasion successfully; "He prevailed upon her to visit his parents"
00777931 32 v 02 importune 0 insist 3 004 @ 00759269 v 0000 + 07191777 n 0202 + 01214557 n 0201 ~ 00778122 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | beg persistently and urgently; "I importune you to help them"
00778122 32 v 01 besiege 0 001 @ 00777931 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | harass, as with questions or requests; "The press photographers besieged the movie star"
00778275 32 v 04 interrupt 0 disrupt 0 break_up 0 cut_off 0 016 @ 00362348 v 0000 + 00383952 n 0203 + 00383952 n 0102 + 03580990 n 0101 ~ 00292507 v 0000 ~ 00364478 v 0000 ~ 00778745 v 0000 ~ 00778885 v 0000 ~ 00779061 v 0000 ~ 00780191 v 0000 ~ 00780444 v 0000 ~ 00907800 v 0000 ~ 00914769 v 0000 ~ 01057034 v 0000 ~ 01862918 v 0000 ~ 02411950 v 0000 05 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | make a break in; "We interrupt the program for the following messages"
00778745 32 v 01 break d 002 @ 00778275 v 0000 + 03034244 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | interrupt the flow of current in; "break a circuit"
00778885 32 v 02 put_away 0 put_aside 0 001 @ 00778275 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | turn away from and put aside, perhaps temporarily; "it's time for you to put away childish things"
00779061 32 v 03 pause 1 intermit 0 break 4 008 @ 00778275 v 0000 + 01062997 n 0303 + 01063578 n 0201 + 15271008 n 0101 + 01062817 n 0101 ~ 00779360 v 0000 ~ 00779908 v 0000 ~ 00780052 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | cease an action temporarily; "We pause for station identification"; "let's break for lunch"
00779360 32 v 04 rest 0 breathe 0 catch_one's_breath 0 take_a_breather 0 005 @ 00779061 v 0000 + 15274695 n 0202 + 00831191 n 0201 + 15274074 n 0102 + 10524973 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | take a short break from one's activities in order to relax
00779601 32 v 01 rest 1 005 + 14012501 n 0101 + 15274074 n 0102 + 10524973 n 0101 ^ 00779360 v 0101 ~ 00779804 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | give a rest to; "He rested his bad leg"; "Rest the dogs for a moment"
00779804 32 v 01 blow c 001 @ 00779601 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | allow to regain its breath; "blow a horse"
00779908 32 v 01 take_five 0 001 @ 00779061 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | take a break for five minutes; "The musicians took five during the rehearsal"
00780052 32 v 01 take_ten 0 001 @ 00779061 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | take a ten minute break; "The players took ten during the long rehearsal"
00780191 32 v 07 chime_in 0 cut_in 0 put_in 0 butt_in 0 chisel_in 0 barge_in 0 break_in 0 002 @ 00778275 v 0000 ~ 00520357 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | break into a conversation; "her husband always chimes in, even when he is not involved in the conversation"
00780444 32 v 02 burst_in_on 0 burst_upon 0 001 @ 00778275 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | spring suddenly; "He burst upon our conversation"
00780575 32 v 04 digress 0 stray 0 divagate 0 wander 0 006 @ 00952524 v 0000 + 06600684 n 0304 + 00350380 n 0306 + 00768397 a 0101 + 06600684 n 0101 + 00350380 n 0103 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | lose clarity or turn aside especially from the main subject of attention or course of argument in writing, thinking, or speaking; "She always digresses when telling a story"; "her mind wanders"; "Don't digress when you give a lecture"
00781000 32 v 04 continue 0 go_on 0 carry_on 0 proceed 0 005 @ 00962447 v 0000 + 05051896 n 0103 + 01017987 n 0102 ~ 00781491 v 0000 ~ 02684453 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 28 00 + 33 00 | continue talking; "I know it's hard," he continued, "but there is no choice"; "carry on--pretend we are not in the room"
00781303 32 v 02 go_ahead 0 plow_ahead 0 003 @ 02367363 v 0000 + 06874391 n 0102 + 04836074 n 0104 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | proceed (with a plan of action); "He went ahead with the project"
00781491 32 v 01 segue 0 001 @ 00781000 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 22 00 | proceed without interruption; in music or talk; "He segued into another discourse"
00781652 32 v 03 hook 0 solicit 1 accost 0 003 $ 00783042 v 0000 @ 02296726 v 0000 + 00161044 n 0201 02 + 02 00 + 09 00 | approach with an offer of sexual favors; "he was solicited by a prostitute"; "The young man was caught soliciting in the park"
00781903 32 v 01 hit c 001 @ 00990392 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | pay unsolicited and usually unwanted sexual attention to; "He tries to hit on women in bars"
00782057 32 v 03 solicit 0 beg 1 tap 0 007 @ 00752764 v 0000 + 07187996 n 0201 + 07187773 n 0101 + 10623354 n 0101 ~ 00782428 v 0000 ~ 02458747 v 0000 ~ 02458943 v 0000 01 + 16 00 | make a solicitation or entreaty for something; request urgently or persistently; "Henry IV solicited the Pope for a divorce"; "My neighbor keeps soliciting money for different charities"
00782428 32 v 01 quest 0 001 @ 00782057 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | seek alms, as for religious purposes
00782527 32 v 03 entice 0 lure 0 tempt 4 018 @ 00794079 v 0000 + 02362904 a 0301 + 00159620 n 0302 + 10699752 n 0301 + 02776205 n 0203 + 05695232 n 0204 + 04689660 n 0201 + 05694791 n 0102 + 04689660 n 0102 + 00159620 n 0101 ~ 00783042 v 0000 ~ 00783246 v 0000 ~ 00783523 v 0000 ~ 00783859 v 0000 ~ 00783956 v 0000 ~ 00784080 v 0000 ~ 02577755 v 0000 ~ 02577877 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 30 00 | provoke someone to do something through (often false or exaggerated) promises or persuasion; "He lured me into temptation"
00783042 32 v 02 hook 9 snare 0 004 @ 00782527 v 0000 + 05837370 n 0202 + 05695232 n 0103 $ 00781652 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | entice and trap; "The car salesman had snared three potential customers"
00783246 32 v 01 seduce 0 004 $ 01428578 v 0000 @ 00782527 v 0000 + 00160415 n 0101 + 10575241 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | lure or entice away from duty, principles, or proper conduct; "She was seduced by the temptation of easy money and started to work in a massage parlor"
00783523 32 v 01 call b 003 $ 00975036 v 0000 @ 00782527 v 0000 + 06796642 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | lure by imitating the characteristic call of an animal; "Call ducks"
00783689 32 v 01 drag 0 001 @ 00766418 v 0000 01 + 20 00 | persuade to come away from something attractive or interesting; "He dragged me away from the television set"
00783859 32 v 01 stool 0 001 @ 00782527 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | lure with a stool, as of wild fowl
00783956 32 v 01 lead_on 0 001 @ 00782527 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | entice or induce especially when unwise or mistaken
00784080 32 v 01 tweedle 0 001 @ 00782527 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 30 00 | entice through the use of music
00784184 32 v 01 tempt 3 003 @ 00766418 v 0000 + 02362904 a 0101 + 10699752 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | try presumptuously; "St. Anthony was tempted in the desert"
00784342 32 v 03 ask 0 inquire 1 enquire 0 011 $ 00784727 v 0000 $ 00897746 v 0000 @ 00740577 v 0000 + 10207831 n 0302 + 07193596 n 0303 + 10207831 n 0201 + 07193596 n 0202 + 07193184 n 0202 + 10207831 n 0105 ~ 00784874 v 0000 ~ 00877559 v 0000 05 + 02 00 + 14 00 + 20 00 + 22 00 + 29 00 | inquire about; "I asked about their special today"; "He had to ask directions several times"
00784727 32 v 01 ask 2 003 @ 00980453 v 0000 + 10207831 n 0105 $ 00784342 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | direct or put; seek an answer to; "ask a question"
00784874 32 v 01 pry 0 002 @ 00784342 v 0000 + 05683390 n 0102 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | be nosey; "Don't pry into my personal matters!"
00785008 32 v 02 question 0 query 0 013 @ 00897746 v 0000 + 10207831 n 0204 + 07193596 n 0204 + 07196682 n 0101 + 07193596 n 0101 + 10207831 n 0103 + 07193184 n 0101 ~ 00729378 v 0000 ~ 00785329 v 0000 ~ 00786816 v 0000 ~ 00788057 v 0000 ~ 00809071 v 0000 ~ 00831476 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 29 00 | pose a question
00785329 32 v 01 interpellate 0 002 @ 00785008 v 0000 + 06653160 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | question formally about policy or government business
00785470 32 v 01 spy 0 004 @ 00785962 v 0000 + 10642151 n 0101 + 10641755 n 0101 + 00654234 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | secretly collect sensitive or classified information; engage in espionage; "spy for the Russians"
00785690 32 v 04 spy 1 stag 1 snoop 0 sleuth 0 009 * 00785962 v 0000 @ 02163301 v 0000 + 00635205 n 0404 + 10611613 n 0401 + 10617193 n 0302 + 10617193 n 0301 + 10641755 n 0101 + 10642151 n 0101 + 00881441 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | watch, observe, or inquire secretly
00785962 32 v 03 investigate 1 inquire 2 enquire 2 013 @ 00788564 v 0000 + 10207831 n 0302 + 00636728 n 0302 + 00879259 a 0201 + 00636728 n 0201 + 07193184 n 0202 + 00879030 a 0102 + 00879030 a 0103 + 05800611 n 0102 + 00633864 n 0101 + 10009276 n 0102 + 00633864 n 0102 ~ 00785470 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 | conduct an inquiry or investigation of; "The district attorney's office investigated reports of possible irregularities"; "inquire into the disappearance of the rich old lady"
00786458 32 v 02 quiz 0 test 0 010 @ 00786816 v 0000 + 07197021 n 0203 + 00794367 n 0201 + 01006675 n 0201 + 10703692 n 0201 + 10068234 n 0202 + 00636461 n 0202 + 10068234 n 0103 + 07199191 n 0101 $ 00669970 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 20 00 | examine someone's knowledge of something; "The teacher tests us every week"; "We got quizzed on French irregular verbs"
00786816 32 v 01 examine 0 009 @ 00785008 v 0000 + 10703692 n 0102 + 07193958 n 0102 + 07197021 n 0101 + 00636461 n 0101 ~ 00786458 v 0000 ~ 00787049 v 0000 ~ 00787359 v 0000 ~ 00788821 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 20 00 | question closely
00787049 32 v 02 cross_examine 0 cross_question 0 005 @ 00786816 v 0000 + 07195630 n 0201 + 09980458 n 0202 + 07194950 n 0101 + 09980458 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 20 00 | question closely, or question a witness that has already been questioned by the opposing side; "The witness was cross-examined by the defense"
00787359 32 v 02 catechize 0 catechise 0 003 @ 00786816 v 0000 + 07194293 n 0201 + 07194293 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | examine through questioning and answering
00787515 32 v 02 catechize 1 catechise 1 003 @ 00829107 v 0000 + 06412771 n 0201 + 06412771 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | give religious instructions to
00787660 32 v 02 reinforce 0 reward 0 005 @ 00829107 v 0000 + 01219551 n 0201 + 05828552 n 0103 + 01219551 n 0102 + 05828552 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | strengthen and support with rewards; "Let's reinforce good behavior"
00787876 32 v 01 spoonfeed 0 002 @ 00829107 v 0000 + 00892711 n 0101 03 + 09 00 + 14 00 + 15 00 | teach without challenging the students; "This professor spoonfeeds his students"
00788057 32 v 01 pump 0 001 @ 00785008 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | question persistently; "She pumped the witnesses for information"
00788184 32 v 02 interrogate 0 question 3 010 @ 00897746 v 0000 + 07196682 n 0201 + 07193596 n 0201 + 07193184 n 0201 + 00687163 a 0101 + 00687163 a 0102 + 07193596 n 0105 + 07196682 n 0102 + 07193958 n 0101 + 10208287 n 0102 01 + 09 00 | pose a series of questions to; "The suspect was questioned by the police"; "We questioned the survivor about the details of the explosion"
00788564 32 v 02 probe 0 examine 1 008 @ 00789138 v 0000 + 07193958 n 0202 + 07197021 n 0201 + 00636461 n 0201 + 05800611 n 0101 ~ 00785962 v 0000 ~ 00788971 v 0000 ~ 02500902 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 22 00 | question or examine thoroughly and closely
00788821 32 v 01 grill 0 001 @ 00786816 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | examine thoroughly; "the student was grilled for two hours on the subject of phonology"
00788971 32 v 01 re-examine 0 002 @ 00788564 v 0000 ;c 08441203 n 0000 01 + 09 00 | question after cross-examination by opposing counsel; "re-examine one's witness"
00789138 32 v 02 investigate 0 look_into 0 009 @ 00644583 v 0000 + 00633864 n 0101 + 10523076 n 0103 + 00633864 n 0102 ~ 00648224 v 0000 ~ 00649481 v 0000 ~ 00788564 v 0000 ~ 00877327 v 0000 ~ 02532595 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 29 00 | investigate scientifically; "Let's investigate the syntax of Chinese"
00789448 32 v 05 call 1 telephone 0 call_up 0 phone 0 ring 0 014 * 00790308 v 0000 @ 00790703 v 0000 ;c 06272290 n 0000 + 07391863 n 0501 + 04401088 n 0402 + 09888017 n 0403 + 06272290 n 0201 + 04401088 n 0201 + 09888017 n 0204 + 09888017 n 0101 + 06272803 n 0101 ~ 00789934 v 0000 ~ 00790135 v 0000 $ 01062739 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 09 00 | get or try to get into communication (with someone) by telephone; "I tried to call you all night"; "Take two aspirin and call me in the morning"
00789934 32 v 01 cell_phone 0 003 @ 00789448 v 0000 ;c 06272290 n 0000 + 02992529 n 0103 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 | call up by using a cellular phone; "If the train is late, I will cell phone you"
00790135 32 v 01 call_in 0 003 @ 00789448 v 0000 ;c 06272290 n 0000 + 06273555 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 07 00 | make a phone call; "call in to a radio station"; "call in sick"
00790308 32 v 01 dial 0 003 @ 01224744 v 0000 ;c 06272290 n 0000 + 03186818 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | operate a dial to select a telephone number; "You must take the receiver off the hook before you dial"
00790509 32 v 03 hang_on 0 hold_the_line 0 hold_on 0 003 * 00789448 v 0000 @ 00720063 v 0000 ;c 06272290 n 0000 01 + 02 00 | hold the phone line open; "Please hang on while I get your folder"
00790703 32 v 01 telecommunicate 0 008 @ 00740577 v 0000 + 06271778 n 0101 ~ 00789448 v 0000 ~ 00790965 v 0000 ~ 01007222 v 0000 ~ 01007676 v 0000 ~ 01032451 v 0000 ~ 01062739 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | communicate over long distances, as via the telephone or e-mail
00790965 32 v 01 telex 0 002 @ 00790703 v 0000 + 04404200 n 0104 03 + 08 00 + 14 00 + 15 00 | communicate by telex; "We telexed the information to our sister company"
00791134 32 v 03 summon 0 summons 0 cite 7 006 @ 00792471 v 0000 + 06558277 n 0301 + 07169098 n 0201 + 06556692 n 0201 ~ 00792165 v 0000 ~ 01068985 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 20 00 | call in an official matter, such as to attend court
00791372 32 v 01 beep 1 003 @ 00792471 v 0000 + 07377082 n 0101 + 02823124 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | call, summon, or alert with a beeper
00791506 32 v 02 recall 2 call_back 8 003 @ 00792471 v 0000 + 01218213 n 0201 + 01258719 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | summon to return; "The ambassador was recalled to his country"; "The company called back many of the workers it had laid off during the recession"
00791764 32 v 01 call_back 9 002 @ 00815686 v 0000 + 06273207 n 0101 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 | return or repeat a telephone call; "I am busy right now--can you call back in an hour?"; "She left a message but the contractor never called back"
00792011 32 v 01 call_in 2 002 $ 01469960 v 0000 @ 00792471 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | summon to a particular activity or employment; "Experts were called in"
00792165 32 v 01 vouch 0 002 @ 00791134 v 0000 + 10760622 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | summon (a vouchee) into court to warrant or defend a title
00792304 32 v 01 buzz 0 004 @ 01041762 v 0000 + 07378234 n 0101 + 02930080 n 0101 + 03222516 n 0103 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | call with a buzzer; "he buzzed the servant"
00792471 32 v 02 call 5 send_for 0 016 $ 02429810 v 0000 @ 00746718 v 0000 + 09888429 n 0101 ^ 01629958 v 010b ^ 01646866 v 0103 ^ 01097960 v 0101 $ 00753881 v 0000 ~ 00791134 v 0000 ~ 00791372 v 0000 ~ 00791506 v 0000 ~ 00792011 v 0000 ~ 00792921 v 0000 ~ 00793271 v 0000 ~ 00900499 v 0000 ~ 01041762 v 0000 ~ 01097960 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 20 00 | order, request, or command to come; "She was called into the director's office"; "Call the police!"
00792921 32 v 01 lift 1 001 @ 00792471 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | call to stop the hunt or to retire, as of hunting dogs
00793037 32 v 02 convoke 0 convene 0 006 @ 01041762 v 0000 + 01231819 n 0201 + 09961739 n 0201 + 01231819 n 0202 + 08402222 n 0101 + 01230850 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 20 00 | call together; "The students were convened in the auditorium"
00793271 32 v 01 muster 0 003 @ 00792471 v 0000 + 01157850 n 0102 + 08479615 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | call to duty, military service, jury duty, etc.
00793418 32 v 01 subpoena 0 002 @ 01438681 v 0000 + 06557047 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | serve or summon with a subpoena; "The witness and her records were subpoenaed"
00793580 32 v 02 invite 0 bid 0 006 @ 00753428 v 0000 + 01612627 a 0202 + 07186528 n 0201 + 07186148 n 0101 ~ 00793785 v 0000 ~ 00868591 v 0000 01 + 25 00 | ask someone in a friendly way to do something
00793785 32 v 02 tempt 1 allure 0 008 @ 00793580 v 0000 * 01807882 v 0000 + 04688842 n 0202 + 00161044 n 0202 + 04688842 n 0201 + 02362904 a 0101 + 07485281 n 0101 + 10699752 n 0101 03 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 24 00 | dispose or incline or entice to; "We were tempted by the delicious-looking food"
00794079 32 v 02 provoke 0 stimulate 0 011 @ 00868591 v 0000 + 02310371 a 0201 + 05827684 n 0202 + 01896478 a 0101 + 09184975 n 0103 + 07252764 n 0101 ~ 00782527 v 0000 ~ 00794383 v 0000 ~ 00794533 v 0000 ~ 00851239 v 0000 ~ 02585050 v 0000 03 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 24 00 | provide the needed stimulus for
00794383 32 v 01 rejuvenate 2 002 @ 00794079 v 0000 ;c 09411430 n 0000 01 + 11 00 | cause (a stream or river) to erode, as by an uplift of the land
00794533 32 v 01 jog 0 001 @ 00794079 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 10 00 | stimulate to remember; "jog my memory"
00794640 32 v 02 call_on 0 turn e 001 @ 00755447 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 24 00 | have recourse to or make an appeal or request for help or information to; "She called on her Representative to help her"; "She turned to her relatives for help"
00794880 32 v 01 book_up 0 001 @ 00795632 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | book all available places or tickets
00794981 32 v 01 schedule 0 007 @ 00704690 v 0000 + 06495328 n 0101 + 05910940 n 0103 + 04145417 n 0101 + 01144355 n 0101 ~ 00795264 v 0000 ~ 00795475 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 24 00 | make a schedule; plan the time and place for events; "I scheduled an exam for this afternoon"
00795264 32 v 02 program 0 programme 0 005 @ 00794981 v 0000 + 05898568 n 0203 + 01144355 n 0202 + 05898568 n 0102 + 01144355 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | arrange a program of or for; "program the 80th birthday party"
00795475 32 v 01 reschedule 0 001 @ 00794981 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | assign a new time and place for an event; "We had to reschedule the doctor's appointment"
00795632 32 v 01 reserve 0 005 $ 02498320 v 0000 @ 00752764 v 0000 + 05795460 n 0101 + 01218327 n 0102 ~ 00794880 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 14 00 | obtain or arrange (for oneself) in advance; "We managed to reserve a table at Maxim's"
00795863 32 v 07 forbid 0 prohibit 0 interdict 0 proscribe 0 veto 0 disallow 0 nix 0 016 @ 00751567 v 0000 ! 00802318 v 0602 + 00209546 n 0501 + 06542047 n 0403 + 00206302 n 0402 + 06558088 n 0301 + 07255299 n 0301 + 00201923 n 0201 + 07255401 n 0104 + 07255401 n 0103 + 00201923 n 0103 ! 00802318 v 0101 ~ 00796392 v 0000 ~ 00796588 v 0000 ~ 00796839 v 0000 ~ 02480923 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 24 00 | command against; "I forbid you to call me late at night"; "Mother vetoed the trip to the chocolate store"; "Dad nixed our plans"
00796392 32 v 01 ban 0 003 @ 00795863 v 0000 + 07255401 n 0101 + 06542047 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 33 00 | prohibit especially by legal means or social pressure; "Smoking is banned in this building"
00796588 32 v 03 bar 0 debar 0 exclude 1 005 @ 00795863 v 0000 + 01862386 a 0301 + 13935227 n 0301 + 14427991 n 0201 + 01077350 n 0102 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | prevent from entering; keep out; "He was barred from membership in the club"
00796839 32 v 01 enjoin 1 004 @ 00795863 v 0000 + 06542830 n 0101 + 06542830 n 0103 + 06542830 n 0102 01 + 20 00 | issue an injunction
00796976 32 v 07 reject 2 spurn 0 freeze_off 0 scorn 0 pooh-pooh 0 disdain 0 turn_down 0 009 $ 02237338 v 0000 $ 02502916 v 0000 @ 00797430 v 0000 + 00205349 n 0702 + 10616379 n 0402 + 10641551 n 0201 + 00076341 a 0101 + 05790572 n 0102 ~ 00798539 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | reject with contempt; "She spurned his advances"
00797303 32 v 01 puff 0 001 @ 00883226 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | speak in a blustering or scornful manner; "A puffing kind of man"
00797430 32 v 02 refuse 0 decline 0 007 @ 00717358 v 0000 ! 00797697 v 0101 ~ 00796976 v 0000 ~ 00798402 v 0000 ~ 00911761 v 0000 ~ 00911917 v 0000 ~ 02543181 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 28 00 | show unwillingness towards; "he declined to join the group on a hike"
00797697 32 v 03 accept 0 consent 0 go_for 0 012 @ 00717358 v 0000 + 06689667 n 0201 + 14412725 n 0101 + 00180413 n 0103 ! 00797430 v 0101 ~ 00108747 v 0000 ~ 00764222 v 0000 ~ 00798091 v 0000 ~ 00798249 v 0000 ~ 00802318 v 0000 ~ 00804476 v 0000 ~ 02539686 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | give an affirmative reply to; respond favorably to; "I cannot accept your invitation"; "I go for this resolution"
00798091 32 v 01 settle 4 002 @ 00797697 v 0000 + 00228535 n 0102 01 + 22 00 | accept despite lack of complete satisfaction; "We settled for a lower price"
00798249 32 v 01 contract_in 0 002 @ 00797697 v 0000 ! 00798402 v 0101 01 + 02 00 | consent in writing to pay money to a trade union for political use
00798402 32 v 01 contract_out 0 002 @ 00797430 v 0000 ! 00798249 v 0101 01 + 02 00 | refuse to pay a levy to a union for political use
00798539 32 v 03 rebuff 0 snub 0 repel 0 003 @ 00796976 v 0000 + 07208000 n 0202 + 01225783 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | reject outright and bluntly; "She snubbed his proposal"
00798717 32 v 05 abjure 0 recant 0 forswear 0 retract 0 resile 0 006 @ 00757544 v 0000 + 07206096 n 0401 + 00205079 n 0303 + 07206096 n 0203 + 07206096 n 0102 + 09754541 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | formally reject or disavow a formerly held belief, usually under pressure; "He retracted his earlier statements about his religion"; "She abjured her beliefs"
00799076 32 v 04 swallow 0 take_back 0 unsay 0 withdraw 1 002 @ 00757544 v 0000 + 07206302 n 0401 01 + 08 00 | take back what one has said; "He swallowed his words"
00799243 32 v 01 misstate 0 002 @ 01009240 v 0000 + 06768735 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | state something incorrectly; "You misstated my position"
00799383 32 v 08 retreat 0 pull_back c back_out 0 back_away 0 crawfish 0 crawfish_out 0 pull_in_one's_horns 0 withdraw 0 004 + 10785085 n 0801 + 10784922 n 0801 + 00053913 n 0801 $ 01994442 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | make a retreat from an earlier commitment or activity; "We'll have to crawfish out from meeting with him"; "He backed out of his earlier promise"; "The aggressive investment company pulled in its horns"
00799798 32 v 09 revoke 0 annul 0 lift 0 countermand 0 reverse 0 repeal 0 overturn 0 rescind 0 vacate 0 012 @ 02477334 v 0000 + 01253665 n 0901 + 00232863 n 0801 + 00232863 n 0802 + 00231887 n 0602 + 01760488 a 0501 + 13858604 n 0501 + 05789808 n 0501 + 07168486 n 0401 + 00231887 n 0203 + 01258852 n 0101 ~ 00800242 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cancel officially; "He revoked the ban on smoking"; "lift an embargo"; "vacate a death sentence"
00800242 32 v 04 renege 0 renege_on 0 renegue_on 0 go_back_on 0 003 * 00884011 v 0000 @ 00799798 v 0000 + 01259211 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 02 01 | fail to fulfill a promise or obligation; "She backed out of her promise"
00800460 32 v 02 cancel 1 invalidate 0 001 @ 01004062 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make invalid for use; "cancel cheques or tickets"
00800586 32 v 02 bracket 0 bracket_out 0 003 @ 00200397 v 0000 + 06842452 n 0101 + 06842290 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | place into brackets; "Please bracket this remark"
00800750 32 v 05 cross_off 0 cross_out 0 strike_out 0 strike_off 0 mark 1 001 @ 00179311 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove from a list; "Cross the name of the dead person off the list"
00800930 32 v 07 dismiss 0 disregard 0 brush_aside 0 brush_off 1 discount 0 push_aside 0 ignore 0 013 @ 00685683 v 0000 + 00203649 n 0401 + 05706629 n 0201 + 00418615 n 0201 + 01343411 a 0101 ~ 00617413 v 0000 ~ 00687738 v 0000 ~ 00742149 v 0000 ~ 00801522 v 0000 ~ 00801782 v 0000 ~ 00801977 v 0000 ~ 00802136 v 0000 ~ 00886173 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | bar from attention or consideration; "She dismissed his advances"
00801355 32 v 01 recount 2 002 @ 00948071 v 0000 + 00653958 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | count again; "We had to recount all the votes after an accusation of fraud was made"
00801522 32 v 01 pass_off 0 001 @ 00800930 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | disregard; "She passed off the insult"
00801626 32 v 02 dismiss 2 throw_out 1 001 + 01190172 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | cease to consider; put out of judicial consideration; "This case is dismissed!"
00801782 32 v 02 scoff 1 flout 1 005 @ 00800930 v 0000 + 10561320 n 0202 + 06716234 n 0104 + 10561320 n 0101 + 06716234 n 0105 01 + 08 00 | treat with contemptuous disregard; "flout the rules"
00801977 32 v 01 turn_a_blind_eye 2 001 @ 00800930 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | refuse to acknowledge; "He turns a blind eye to the injustices in his office"
00802136 32 v 02 laugh_off 0 laugh_away 0 001 @ 00800930 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | deal with a problem by laughing or pretending to be amused by it; "She laughs away all these problems"
00802318 32 v 04 permit 0 allow 0 let 2 countenance 0 021 $ 02255462 v 0000 @ 00797697 v 0000 + 06687358 n 0402 + 01762257 a 0201 ! 00795863 v 0206 + 01760944 a 0101 + 01762839 a 0101 + 01139194 n 0103 + 06549661 n 0103 + 01139194 n 0102 ! 00795863 v 0101 ~ 00668099 v 0000 ~ 00748803 v 0000 ~ 00748972 v 0000 ~ 00802946 v 0000 ~ 00803325 v 0000 ~ 02449847 v 0000 ~ 02453692 v 0000 ~ 02481436 v 0000 ~ 02481819 v 0000 ~ 02502536 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 24 00 | consent to, give permission; "She permitted her son to visit her estranged husband"; "I won't let the police search her basement"; "I cannot allow you to see your exam"
00802946 32 v 03 allow 6 permit 6 tolerate 1 006 @ 00802318 v 0000 + 01762839 a 0201 + 01139194 n 0203 + 06549661 n 0203 + 04749991 n 0101 + 01141841 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | allow the presence of or allow (an activity) without opposing or prohibiting; "We don't allow dogs here"; "Children are not permitted beyond this point"; "We cannot tolerate smoking in the hospital"
00803325 32 v 04 authorize 0 authorise 0 pass 0 clear 1 015 @ 00802318 v 0000 + 01141593 n 0401 + 06691083 n 0301 + 05176607 n 0203 + 01138670 n 0202 + 09825096 n 0202 + 05176607 n 0102 + 09825096 n 0101 ~ 00803815 v 0000 ~ 00804002 v 0000 ~ 00806502 v 0000 ~ 02444555 v 0000 ~ 02444662 v 0000 ~ 02475261 v 0000 ~ 02478701 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 24 00 | grant authorization or clearance for; "Clear the manuscript for publication"; "The rock star never authorized this slanderous biography"
00803815 32 v 01 approbate 0 006 @ 00803325 v 0000 + 14412374 n 0101 + 06686736 n 0101 + 01215392 n 0102 + 07500612 n 0101 + 06687178 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | approve or sanction officially
00804002 32 v 01 certificate 0 003 @ 00803325 v 0000 + 13416345 n 0102 + 06471345 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | authorize by certificate
00804139 32 v 03 assent 0 accede 1 acquiesce 0 010 @ 00764222 v 0000 + 01612627 a 0301 + 14413162 n 0301 + 07175575 n 0302 + 07177192 n 0201 + 00075389 a 0101 + 07175575 n 0101 ! 00804653 v 0101 + 09814567 n 0101 ~ 02585360 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | to agree or express agreement; "The Maestro assented to the request for an encore"
00804476 32 v 05 yield 0 give_in 1 succumb 0 knuckle_under 0 buckle_under 0 003 @ 00797697 v 0000 + 07255027 n 0102 ~ 00878348 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 27 00 | consent reluctantly
00804653 32 v 01 dissent 0 003 @ 00804802 v 0000 + 00075737 a 0101 ! 00804139 v 0101 01 + 02 00 | withhold assent; "Several Republicans dissented"
00804802 32 v 04 disagree 0 differ 0 dissent 1 take_issue 0 013 + 00075737 a 0301 + 07181358 n 0301 + 07209305 n 0301 + 13982357 n 0302 + 07181546 n 0302 + 10018021 n 0301 + 07181935 n 0202 + 13982357 n 0101 + 07180787 n 0101 ! 00805376 v 0101 ~ 00804653 v 0000 ~ 00805228 v 0000 ~ 00823436 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 13 01 | be of different opinions; "I beg to differ!"; "She disagrees with her husband on many questions"
00805228 32 v 01 clash 0 002 @ 00804802 v 0000 + 13981137 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 13 00 | disagree violently; "We clashed over the new farm policies"
00805376 32 v 04 agree 0 hold f concur 0 concord 0 014 $ 01035530 v 0000 + 07180183 n 0402 + 07180183 n 0403 + 07176682 n 0301 + 00553279 a 0101 + 07175241 n 0101 ! 00804802 v 0101 ~ 00764032 v 0000 ~ 00764902 v 0000 ~ 00805910 v 0000 ~ 00806049 v 0000 ~ 00806314 v 0000 ~ 01021420 v 0000 ~ 01021629 v 0000 04 + 02 00 + 13 00 + 26 00 + 28 00 | be in accord; be in agreement; "We agreed on the terms of the settlement"; "I can't agree with you!"; "I hold with those who say life is sacred"; "Both philosophers concord on this point"
00805910 32 v 01 see_eye_to_eye 0 001 @ 00805376 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | be in agreement; "We never saw eye to eye on this question"
00806049 32 v 03 concede 1 yield 1 grant 0 006 @ 00805376 v 0000 + 07176243 n 0203 + 03056010 a 0101 + 07176243 n 0101 + 07176243 n 0102 ~ 00903385 v 0000 07 + 08 00 + 14 00 + 15 00 + 26 00 + 27 00 + 02 02 + 02 01 | be willing to concede; "I grant you this much"
00806314 32 v 02 subscribe 3 support 0 004 * 00806502 v 0000 @ 00805376 v 0000 + 01212519 n 0201 + 10670668 n 0101 01 + 22 00 | adopt as a belief; "I subscribe to your view on abortion"
00806502 32 v 04 approve 0 O.K. 0 okay 0 sanction 1 014 @ 00803325 v 0000 + 06687358 n 0401 + 06687701 n 0303 + 06687701 n 0202 + 00996089 a 0103 + 06687178 n 0101 + 09802844 n 0101 + 01215392 n 0102 ! 00807178 v 0101 + 06687701 n 0201 ~ 00806891 v 0000 ~ 00807059 v 0000 ~ 02453889 v 0000 ~ 02476518 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 22 00 | give sanction to; "I approve of his educational policies"
00806891 32 v 01 sanction 2 002 @ 00806502 v 0000 + 01124246 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | give religious sanction to, such as through on oath; "sanctify the marriage"
00807059 32 v 01 visa 1 001 @ 00806502 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | approve officially; "The list of speakers must be visaed"
00807178 32 v 02 disapprove 0 reject 0 008 @ 00670261 v 0000 + 00076341 a 0201 + 00203342 n 0201 + 00874621 n 0101 ! 00806502 v 0101 ~ 00807461 v 0000 ~ 00856429 v 0000 ~ 00908099 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | deem wrong or inappropriate; "I disapprove of her child rearing methods"
00807461 32 v 01 object 0 010 @ 00807178 v 0000 + 07246742 n 0104 + 01177033 n 0102 + 10018021 n 0104 ~ 00807941 v 0000 ~ 00808162 v 0000 ~ 00808671 v 0000 ~ 00848707 v 0000 ~ 00910555 v 0000 ~ 00910654 v 0000 04 + 12 00 + 22 00 + 26 00 + 02 01 | express or raise an objection or protest or criticism or express dissent; "She never objected to the amount of work her boss charged her with"; "When asked to drive the truck, she objected that she did not have a driver's license"
00807941 32 v 02 demur 0 except 0 005 @ 00807461 v 0000 + 07209533 n 0201 + 07209089 n 0101 + 06562802 n 0101 + 07209089 n 0103 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | take exception to; "he demurred at my suggestion to work on Saturday"
00808162 32 v 02 challenge 2 take_exception 3 004 @ 00807461 v 0000 ;c 08441203 n 0000 + 07208565 n 0101 ~ 02497824 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | raise a formal objection in a court of law
00808343 32 v 01 challenge 3 003 * 01860795 v 0000 @ 00752764 v 0000 + 07191569 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | ask for identification; "The illegal immigrant was challenged by the border guard"
00808528 32 v 01 counterchallenge 0 001 @ 00868591 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | challenge in turn; "The authentication was counterchallenged"
00808671 32 v 03 cavil 0 carp 0 chicane 0 005 @ 00807461 v 0000 + 09896826 n 0201 + 10501203 n 0102 + 10501203 n 0103 + 06761798 n 0103 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | raise trivial objections
00808855 32 v 02 interview 0 question 9 005 @ 00964694 v 0000 + 07193596 n 0201 + 07196075 n 0101 + 10213180 n 0101 + 10213319 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | conduct an interview in television, newspaper, and radio reporting
00809071 32 v 03 check_out 1 sound_out 0 feel_out 0 001 @ 00785008 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | try to learn someone's opinions and intentions; "I have to sound out the new professor"
00809248 32 v 01 interview 1 003 @ 00964694 v 0000 + 07196075 n 0101 + 10213180 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | discuss formally with (somebody) for the purpose of an evaluation; "We interviewed the job candidates"
00809453 32 v 01 interview 2 003 * 00765396 v 0000 @ 00964694 v 0000 + 07196075 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | go for an interview in the hope of being hired; "The job candidate interviewed everywhere"
00809654 32 v 0b hedge 0 fudge 0 evade 0 put_off 3 circumvent 0 parry 0 elude 0 skirt 0 dodge 0 duck 0 sidestep 0 012 @ 00811375 v 0000 + 06756680 n 0901 + 10022759 n 0901 + 00203753 n 0904 + 00740712 n 0903 + 00741685 n 0501 + 00740712 n 0301 + 06761603 n 0101 + 10168012 n 0101 + 06761603 n 0102 ~ 00810226 v 0000 ~ 00810385 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | avoid or try to avoid fulfilling, answering, or performing (duties, questions, or issues); "He dodged the issue"; "she skirted the problem"; "They tend to evade their responsibilities"; "he evaded the questions skillfully"
00810226 32 v 01 beg 2 001 @ 00809654 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | dodge, avoid answering, or take for granted; "beg the question"; "beg the point in the discussion"
00810385 32 v 01 quibble 1 003 @ 00809654 v 0000 + 06761798 n 0101 + 10501203 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | evade the truth of a point or question by raising irrelevant objections
00810557 32 v 02 miss 0 escape 0 003 @ 00811375 v 0000 + 00204199 n 0201 + 00740712 n 0202 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | fail to experience; "Fortunately, I missed the hurricane"
00810729 32 v 05 get_off 0 get_away 0 get_by 0 get_out 3 escape 4 003 @ 00811375 v 0000 + 00740712 n 0502 ~ 00811039 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | escape potentially unpleasant consequences; get away with a forbidden action; "She gets away with murder!"; "I couldn't get out from under these responsibilities"
00811039 32 v 01 evade 3 001 @ 00810729 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | use cunning or deceit to escape or avoid; "The con man always evades"
00811171 32 v 04 bypass 0 short-circuit 0 go_around 1 get_around 1 002 @ 00811375 v 0000 + 02828648 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | avoid something unpleasant or laborious; "You cannot bypass these rules!"
00811375 32 v 01 avoid 0 010 + 00203753 n 0101 ! 00812298 v 0101 ~ 00809654 v 0000 ~ 00810557 v 0000 ~ 00810729 v 0000 ~ 00811171 v 0000 ~ 00811720 v 0000 ~ 00811881 v 0000 ~ 00811995 v 0000 ~ 00812149 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | stay clear from; keep away from; keep out of the way of someone or something; "Her former friends now avoid her"
00811720 32 v 02 keep_off 0 stay_off 0 001 @ 00811375 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | refrain from entering or walking onto; "keep off the grass"; "stay off the premises"
00811881 32 v 01 shirk 0 001 @ 00811375 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | avoid dealing with; "She shirks her duties"
00811995 32 v 01 shy_away_from 0 001 @ 00811375 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 33 00 | avoid having to deal with some unpleasant task; "I shy away from this task"
00812149 32 v 02 shun 0 eschew 0 002 @ 00811375 v 0000 + 00203753 n 0103 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | avoid and stay away from deliberately; stay clear of
00812298 32 v 03 confront 0 face_up 3 face 0 004 @ 02439281 v 0000 ! 00811375 v 0101 $ 01066433 v 0000 ~ 02569630 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 22 02 | deal with (something unpleasant) head on; "You must confront your problems"; "He faced the terrible consequences of his mistakes"
00812580 32 v 02 debate 0 deliberate 0 011 @ 00813978 v 0000 + 02420215 a 0201 + 07142365 n 0201 + 05785067 n 0201 + 04661151 n 0201 + 00602117 a 0102 + 00590669 a 0101 + 07140978 n 0103 + 07242104 n 0101 + 09997404 n 0101 ~ 00812882 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | discuss the pros and cons of an issue
00812882 32 v 01 vex 4 001 @ 00812580 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | subject to prolonged examination, discussion, or deliberation; "vex the subject of the death penalty"
00813044 32 v 05 consider 2 debate 2 moot 0 turn_over 0 deliberate 1 012 $ 02166460 v 0000 @ 00813978 v 0000 + 07142365 n 0501 + 05785067 n 0501 + 04661151 n 0501 + 07138915 n 0101 + 05784831 n 0101 ~ 00703708 v 0000 ~ 00704073 v 0000 ~ 00714884 v 0000 ~ 00813495 v 0000 ~ 01066292 v 0000 05 + 02 00 + 21 00 + 26 00 + 29 00 + 08 04 | think about carefully; weigh; "They considered the possibility of a strike"; "Turn the proposal over in your mind"
00813495 32 v 01 wrestle 0 001 @ 00813044 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | engage in deep thought, consideration, or debate; "I wrestled with this decision for years"
00813651 32 v 02 bandy 0 kick_around 0 001 @ 00813978 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | discuss lightly; "We bandied around these difficult questions"
00813790 32 v 03 moderate 0 chair 0 lead 1 004 @ 00813978 v 0000 + 01256743 n 0301 + 10468962 n 0204 + 10326257 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | preside over; "John moderated the discussion"
00813978 32 v 03 hash_out 0 discuss 0 talk_over 0 015 @ 00943563 v 0000 + 07140659 n 0201 + 09615336 n 0201 ~ 00761713 v 0000 ~ 00762478 v 0000 ~ 00763136 v 0000 ~ 00812580 v 0000 ~ 00813044 v 0000 ~ 00813651 v 0000 ~ 00813790 v 0000 ~ 00872886 v 0000 ~ 00876665 v 0000 ~ 00964911 v 0000 ~ 00970107 v 0000 ~ 01064151 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 | speak with others about (something); talk (something) over in detail; have a discussion; "We discussed our household budget"
00814458 32 v 01 blaspheme 1 003 $ 00865387 v 0000 @ 00943563 v 0000 + 09859412 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | speak of in an irreverent or impious manner; "blaspheme God"
00814621 32 v 03 hold_forth 0 discourse 0 dissertate 0 002 @ 00962447 v 0000 + 06409085 n 0301 01 + 13 00 | talk at length and formally about a topic; "The speaker dissertated about the social politics in 18th century England"
00814850 32 v 02 refute 0 rebut 0 009 @ 00757544 v 0000 + 06562993 n 0201 + 10510546 n 0201 + 07201220 n 0201 + 07200813 n 0101 + 05826469 n 0103 + 10510546 n 0103 ~ 00776059 v 0000 ~ 00815171 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 | overthrow by argument, evidence, or proof; "The speaker refuted his opponent's arguments"
00815171 32 v 01 answer 6 002 @ 00814850 v 0000 + 06560254 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | give a defence or refutation of (a charge) or in (an argument); "The defendant answered to all the charges of the prosecution"
00815379 32 v 01 counter 0 002 @ 00815686 v 0000 + 07199922 n 0107 02 + 02 00 + 26 00 | speak in response; "He countered with some very persuasive arguments"
00815539 32 v 01 field 0 001 @ 00815686 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | answer adequately or successfully; "The lawyer fielded all questions from the press"
00815686 32 v 03 answer 0 reply 0 respond 0 014 @ 01009240 v 0000 + 10524413 n 0302 + 10524413 n 0301 + 07199565 n 0201 + 06746005 n 0202 + 06746005 n 0101 + 07200527 n 0101 + 10524413 n 0103 ~ 00791764 v 0000 ~ 00815379 v 0000 ~ 00815539 v 0000 ~ 00816143 v 0000 ~ 00816353 v 0000 ~ 01056918 v 0000 04 + 02 00 + 09 00 + 26 00 + 27 00 | react verbally; "She didn't want to answer"; "answer the question"; "We answered that we would accept the invitation"
00816143 32 v 01 sass 0 002 @ 00815686 v 0000 + 06721949 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | answer back in an impudent or insolent manner; "don't sass me!"; "The teacher punished the students who were sassing all morning";
00816353 32 v 06 retort 0 come_back 1 repay 0 return 1 riposte 0 rejoin 0 005 @ 00815686 v 0000 + 07199922 n 0504 + 07199922 n 0403 + 07199922 n 0206 + 07199922 n 0102 02 + 02 00 + 26 00 | answer back
00816556 32 v 01 deny 0 007 @ 00823436 v 0000 + 10003283 n 0101 + 07204240 n 0101 ! 00817311 v 0101 ~ 00757375 v 0000 ~ 00816828 v 0000 ~ 00820075 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | declare untrue; contradict; "He denied the allegations"; "She denied that she had taken money"
00816828 32 v 01 repudiate 4 003 @ 00816556 v 0000 + 00076739 a 0101 + 00522338 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | reject as untrue, unfounded, or unjust; "She repudiated the accusations"
00817003 32 v 01 deny 1 003 @ 00757544 v 0000 + 10003283 n 0101 ~ 00758042 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | refuse to accept or believe; "He denied his fatal illness"
00817167 32 v 01 deny 4 002 @ 00820075 v 0000 + 10003283 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | refuse to recognize or acknowledge; "Peter denied Jesus"
00817311 32 v 02 admit 0 acknowledge 0 013 @ 00822367 v 0000 + 01272609 a 0201 + 14411981 n 0202 + 07215948 n 0101 ! 00816556 v 0101 ~ 00593200 v 0000 ~ 00593363 v 0000 ~ 00817752 v 0000 ~ 00818422 v 0000 ~ 00818553 v 0000 ~ 00818805 v 0000 ~ 00819508 v 0000 ~ 00819923 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | declare to be true or admit the existence or reality or truth of; "He admitted his errors"; "She acknowledged that she might have forgotten"
00817752 32 v 01 make_no_bones_about 0 001 @ 00817311 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | acknowledge freely and openly; "He makes no bones about the fact that he is gay"
00817909 32 v 03 make_a_clean_breast_of 0 own_up 0 fess_up 0 001 @ 00818553 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | admit or acknowledge a wrongdoing or error; "the writer of the anonymous letter owned up after they identified his handwriting"
00818135 32 v 01 superannuate 0 002 @ 00822367 v 0000 + 04925577 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | declare to be obsolete
00818253 32 v 02 bastardize 0 bastardise 0 004 @ 00822367 v 0000 + 09842823 n 0201 + 06726478 n 0101 + 09842823 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | declare a child to be illegitimate
00818422 32 v 01 sustain 0 002 @ 00817311 v 0000 + 02806261 a 0101 01 + 08 00 | admit as valid; "The court sustained the motion"
00818553 32 v 03 concede 0 profess 2 confess 1 006 @ 00817311 v 0000 + 06472242 n 0301 + 07216083 n 0301 + 09954479 n 0301 + 06732925 n 0201 ~ 00817909 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | admit (to a wrongdoing); "She confessed that she had taken the money"
00818805 32 v 01 confess 3 003 @ 00817311 v 0000 + 01039307 n 0101 + 09954355 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | confess to God in the presence of a priest, as in the Catholic faith
00818974 32 v 02 insist 0 take_a_firm_stand 0 003 + 07191777 n 0101 ~ 00819163 v 0000 ~ 01016778 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 13 00 | be emphatic or resolute and refuse to budge; "I must insist!"
00819163 32 v 04 stand_pat 0 stand_firm 0 hold_firm 0 stand_fast 0 002 @ 00818974 v 0000 ~ 00819335 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 13 00 | refuse to abandon one's opinion or belief
00819335 32 v 01 hunker_down 0 001 @ 00819163 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | hold stubbornly to a position; "The wife hunkered down and the husband's resistance began to break down"
00819508 32 v 03 confess 0 squeal 0 fink 0 006 @ 00817311 v 0000 + 10091012 n 0301 + 10206173 n 0204 + 06472242 n 0101 + 07216083 n 0101 + 09954479 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | confess to a punishable or reprehensible deed, usually under pressure
00819756 32 v 01 profess 0 001 @ 00756338 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | practice as a profession, teach, or claim to be knowledgeable about; "She professes organic chemistry"
00819923 32 v 02 avow 1 avouch 0 003 @ 00817311 v 0000 + 09826698 n 0101 ! 00820075 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | admit openly and bluntly; make no bones about
00820075 32 v 01 disavow 0 004 @ 00816556 v 0000 + 07205946 n 0101 ! 00819923 v 0101 ~ 00817167 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | refuse to acknowledge; disclaim knowledge of; responsibility for, or association with; "Her husband disavowed her after 30 years of marriage and six children"
00820352 32 v 01 attest 0 005 $ 00820611 v 0000 @ 01011031 v 0000 + 06649915 n 0101 + 09822640 n 0102 + 09822640 n 0101 03 + 08 00 + 22 00 + 26 00 | authenticate, affirm to be true, genuine, or correct, as in an official capacity; "I attest this signature"
00820611 32 v 01 attest 4 004 $ 00820976 v 0000 @ 00923307 v 0000 + 06649915 n 0101 $ 00820352 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | establish or verify the usage of; "This word is not attested until 1993"
00820801 32 v 01 declare 1 004 @ 01011031 v 0000 + 00686890 a 0101 + 00686890 a 0102 + 09814660 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | state firmly; "He declared that he was innocent"
00820976 32 v 05 attest 1 certify 0 manifest 0 demonstrate 0 evidence 0 013 @ 01015244 v 0000 + 06643408 n 0501 + 01323962 a 0401 + 06880249 n 0302 + 06798558 n 0301 + 06650431 n 0202 + 06649915 n 0101 ~ 00664276 v 0000 $ 00820611 v 0000 ~ 00821580 v 0000 ~ 00821765 v 0000 ~ 00822101 v 0000 ~ 02149302 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | provide evidence for; stand as proof of; show by one's behavior, attitude, or external attributes; "His high fever attested to his illness"; "The buildings in Rome manifest a high level of architectural sophistication"; "This decision demonstrates his sense of fairness"
00821580 32 v 01 reflect 0 003 @ 00820976 v 0000 $ 00821765 v 0000 ~ 00821944 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | give evidence of the quality of; "The mess in his dorm room reflects on the student"
00821765 32 v 01 reflect 1 002 $ 00821580 v 0000 @ 00820976 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | give evidence of a certain behavior; "His lack of interest in the project reflects badly on him"
00821944 32 v 01 mirror 0 001 @ 00821580 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | reflect or resemble; "The plane crash in Milan mirrored the attack in the World Trade Center"
00822101 32 v 02 notarize 0 notarise 0 002 @ 00820976 v 0000 + 10363149 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | authenticate as a notary; "We had to have the signature notarized"
00822262 32 v 01 certify 1 002 @ 00822367 v 0000 + 02075594 a 0101 01 + 09 00 | declare legally insane
00822367 32 v 03 declare 4 adjudge 0 hold b 012 @ 00670261 v 0000 + 00686890 a 0101 ~ 00817311 v 0000 ~ 00818135 v 0000 ~ 00818253 v 0000 ~ 00822262 v 0000 ~ 00822746 v 0000 ~ 00822912 v 0000 ~ 00823129 v 0000 ~ 00971650 v 0000 ~ 02477334 v 0000 ~ 02478936 v 0000 02 + 05 00 + 14 00 | declare to be; "She was declared incompetent"; "judge held that the defendant was innocent"
00822746 32 v 01 call 8 003 $ 01068793 v 0000 @ 00822367 v 0000 + 00164801 n 0101 01 + 14 00 | declare in the capacity of an umpire or referee; "call a runner out"
00822912 32 v 01 beatify 0 002 @ 00822367 v 0000 + 01040128 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | declare (a dead person) to be blessed; the first step of achieving sainthood; "On Sunday, the martyr will be beatified by the Vatican"
00823129 32 v 03 canonize 0 canonise 0 saint 0 007 @ 00822367 v 0000 ;c 08081668 n 0000 + 10547145 n 0301 + 01040390 n 0202 + 06487729 n 0201 + 01040390 n 0101 + 06487729 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | declare (a dead person) to be a saint; "After he was shown to have performed a miracle, the priest was canonized"
00823436 32 v 03 contradict 0 negate 0 contravene 0 008 @ 00804802 v 0000 + 00075515 a 0201 + 07280941 n 0201 + 07206461 n 0201 + 00508750 a 0101 + 02382144 a 0101 + 07206596 n 0101 ~ 00816556 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | deny the truth of
00823669 32 v 03 reprimand 0 censure 0 criminate 1 004 @ 00826509 v 0000 + 06709998 n 0201 + 06711855 n 0105 ~ 00827158 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | rebuke formally
00823827 32 v 04 savage 0 blast 2 pillory 2 crucify 3 001 @ 00826509 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | criticize harshly or violently; "The press savaged the new President"; "The critics crucified the author for plagiarizing a famous passage"
00824066 32 v 02 admonish 0 reprove 0 006 @ 00826509 v 0000 + 10740017 n 0202 + 06711855 n 0203 + 00996864 a 0101 + 06714420 n 0102 + 06714420 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | take to task; "He admonished the child for his bad behavior"
00824292 32 v 05 chastise 0 castigate 0 objurgate 1 chasten 0 correct 0 008 @ 00824767 v 0000 + 01300661 a 0501 + 06712833 n 0303 + 06713187 n 0201 + 01161017 n 0201 + 06714288 n 0103 + 01161017 n 0102 ~ 00824593 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | censure severely; "She chastised him for his insensitive remarks"
00824593 32 v 01 flame 0 001 @ 00824292 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | criticize harshly, usually via an electronic medium; "the person who posted an inflammatory message got flamed"
00824767 32 v 15 call_on_the_carpet 0 take_to_task 0 rebuke 0 rag 0 trounce 0 reproof 0 lecture 0 reprimand 1 jaw 1 dress_down 0 call_down 0 scold 0 chide 0 berate 0 bawl_out 0 remonstrate 4 chew_out 0 chew_up 0 have_words 0 lambaste 0 lambast 0 011 @ 00826509 v 0000 + 06712833 n 0d01 + 10561861 n 0c02 + 06712833 n 0c02 + 06711855 n 0805 + 06713930 n 0701 + 06711855 n 0602 + 10740017 n 0304 + 06711855 n 0301 ~ 00824292 v 0000 ~ 00825648 v 0000 04 + 09 00 + 22 13 + 22 10 + 22 09 | censure severely or angrily; "The mother scolded the child for entering a stranger's car"; "The deputy ragged the Prime Minister"; "The customer dressed down the waiter for bringing cold soup"
00825447 32 v 01 represent a 002 @ 01013230 v 0000 + 06739782 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | point out or draw attention to in protest or remonstrance; "our parents represented to us the need for more caution"
00825648 32 v 02 tell_off 0 brush_down 0 001 @ 00824767 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | reprimand; "She told the misbehaving student off"
00825776 32 v 02 lip_off 0 shoot_one's_mouth_off 0 001 @ 00941990 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | speak spontaneously and without restraint; "She always shoots her mouth off and says things she later regrets"
00825975 32 v 02 reproach 0 upbraid 0 004 @ 00842989 v 0000 + 10740017 n 0201 + 06713187 n 0205 + 10740017 n 0103 01 + 09 00 | express criticism towards; "The president reproached the general for his irresponsible behavior"
00826201 32 v 01 reprehend 0 003 @ 00826509 v 0000 + 02035765 a 0104 + 06711855 n 0104 01 + 09 00 | express strong disapproval of
00826333 32 v 01 deplore 0 002 @ 00826509 v 0000 ~ 00864910 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | express strong disapproval of; "We deplore the government's treatment of political prisoners"
00826509 32 v 04 knock 2 criticize 0 criticise 0 pick_apart 0 023 * 00670261 v 0000 @ 01058574 v 0000 + 06374587 n 0301 + 06710546 n 0301 + 05734018 n 0301 + 09979072 n 0201 + 09979321 n 0201 + 09979589 n 0201 ! 00856824 v 0201 ~ 00823669 v 0000 ~ 00823827 v 0000 ~ 00824066 v 0000 ~ 00824767 v 0000 ~ 00826201 v 0000 ~ 00826333 v 0000 ~ 00827302 v 0000 ~ 00827458 v 0000 ~ 00841580 v 0000 ~ 00842772 v 0000 ~ 00845909 v 0000 ~ 00846218 v 0000 ~ 00862683 v 0000 ~ 01072133 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | find fault with; express criticism of; point out real or perceived flaws; "The paper criticized the new movie"; "Don't knock the food--it's free"
00827158 32 v 01 animadvert 1 002 @ 00823669 v 0000 + 06709998 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | express blame or censure or make a harshly critical remark
00827302 32 v 02 belabor 2 belabour 2 001 @ 00826509 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | attack verbally with harsh criticism; "She was belabored by her fellow students"
00827458 32 v 01 come_down c 001 @ 00826509 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | criticize or reprimand harshly; "The critics came down hard on the new play"
00827601 32 v 01 troll 1 001 @ 00856824 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | praise or celebrate in song; "All tongues shall troll you"
00827730 32 v 02 preach 0 advocate 1 006 @ 00765649 v 0000 + 09774783 n 0202 + 09774783 n 0201 + 01214171 n 0201 + 06712325 n 0102 ~ 00828374 v 0000 03 + 24 00 + 26 00 + 27 00 | speak, plead, or argue in favor of; "The doctor advocated a smoking ban in the entire house"
00828003 32 v 02 preach 2 prophesy 1 005 @ 00830761 v 0000 + 07244949 n 0102 + 10464178 n 0101 + 07243837 n 0103 ~ 00828227 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 12 00 + 13 00 | deliver a sermon; "The minister is not preaching this Sunday"
00828227 32 v 02 evangelize 0 evangelise 0 003 @ 00828003 v 0000 + 07244613 n 0201 + 07244613 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 09 00 | preach the gospel (to)
00828374 32 v 05 sermonize 0 sermonise 0 preachify 0 moralize 0 moralise 0 011 @ 00827730 v 0000 + 06742932 n 0503 + 06742932 n 0402 + 06742932 n 0401 + 06743230 n 0301 + 10464178 n 0204 + 06712325 n 0201 + 07243837 n 0201 + 10464178 n 0103 + 06712325 n 0101 + 07243837 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | speak as if delivering a sermon; express moral judgements; "This man always sermonizes"
00828754 32 v 01 pontificate 0 001 @ 00962447 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | talk in a dogmatic and pompous manner; "The new professor always pontificates"
00828901 32 v 01 orate 0 003 @ 00962447 v 0000 + 10380672 n 0101 ~ 00829014 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | talk pompously
00829014 32 v 01 bloviate 0 001 @ 00828901 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | orate verbosely and windily
00829107 32 v 03 teach 0 learn 0 instruct 0 025 > 00597915 v 0000 @ 00831651 v 0000 + 01323449 a 0301 + 00883297 n 0302 + 10694258 n 0302 + 02451634 a 0102 + 10694258 n 0101 + 05854812 n 0101 + 00883297 n 0103 ~ 00603298 v 0000 ~ 00605086 v 0000 ~ 00606335 v 0000 ~ 00787515 v 0000 ~ 00787660 v 0000 ~ 00787876 v 0000 ~ 00829761 v 0000 ~ 00829947 v 0000 ~ 00830188 v 0000 ~ 00830348 v 0000 ~ 00830498 v 0000 ~ 00830648 v 0000 ~ 00830761 v 0000 ~ 00833702 v 0000 ~ 00991385 v 0000 ~ 02571768 v 0000 07 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 24 00 + 26 00 + 02 01 + 14 01 + 15 01 | impart skills or knowledge to; "I taught them French"; "He instructed me in building a boat"
00829761 32 v 01 induct 0 003 @ 00829107 v 0000 + 00156390 n 0102 + 00238527 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | introduce or initiate; "The young geisha was inducted into the ways of her profession"
00829947 32 v 01 mentor 0 001 @ 00829107 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 09 00 | serve as a teacher or trusted counselor; "The famous professor mentored him during his years in graduate school"; "She is a fine lecturer but she doesn't like mentoring"
00830188 32 v 01 tutor 0 002 @ 00829107 v 0000 + 00889294 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | be a tutor to someone; give individual instruction; "She tutored me in Spanish"
00830348 32 v 01 unteach 0 001 @ 00829107 v 0000 01 + 14 00 | cause to disbelieve; teach someone the contrary of what he or she had learned earlier
00830498 32 v 01 unteach 1 002 > 00598502 v 0000 @ 00829107 v 0000 01 + 24 00 | cause to unlearn; "teach somebody to unlearn old habits or methods"
00830648 32 v 01 ground 0 001 @ 00829107 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | instruct someone in the fundamentals of a subject
00830761 32 v 02 lecture 1 talk 5 008 @ 00829107 v 0000 + 07240549 n 0203 + 10630188 n 0202 + 00892861 n 0101 + 07240549 n 0101 + 10252222 n 0102 + 10252547 n 0101 ~ 00828003 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 12 00 + 13 00 | deliver a lecture or talk; "She will talk at Rutgers next week"; "Did you ever lecture at Harvard?"
00831074 32 v 03 instruct 2 apprise 1 apprize 0 003 @ 00831651 v 0000 ~ 00749376 v 0000 ~ 00831273 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 24 00 | make aware of; "Have the students been apprised of the tuition hike?"
00831273 32 v 01 brief 0 003 @ 00831074 v 0000 + 06468640 n 0101 + 07217782 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | give essential information to someone; "The reporters were briefed about the President's plan to invade"
00831476 32 v 01 debrief 0 002 @ 00785008 v 0000 + 07220466 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | put someone through a debriefing and make him report; "The released hostages were debriefed"
00831651 32 v 01 inform 0 046 @ 00740577 v 0000 + 01323449 a 0102 + 01325777 a 0102 + 01304570 a 0101 + 01304570 a 0102 + 08462320 n 0102 + 06634376 n 0101 + 05816287 n 0101 + 10786033 n 0103 + 10205985 n 0101 + 07212190 n 0101 ~ 00599720 v 0000 ~ 00829107 v 0000 ~ 00831074 v 0000 ~ 00832617 v 0000 ~ 00832778 v 0000 ~ 00832907 v 0000 ~ 00833199 v 0000 ~ 00833392 v 0000 ~ 00833546 v 0000 ~ 00834009 v 0000 ~ 00841125 v 0000 ~ 00841986 v 0000 ~ 00854788 v 0000 ~ 00870213 v 0000 ~ 00873682 v 0000 ~ 00874175 v 0000 ~ 00877848 v 0000 ~ 00880102 v 0000 ~ 00901103 v 0000 ~ 00911562 v 0000 ~ 00923793 v 0000 ~ 00928015 v 0000 ~ 00928232 v 0000 ~ 00936913 v 0000 ~ 00939277 v 0000 ~ 00952524 v 0000 ~ 00953216 v 0000 ~ 00954271 v 0000 ~ 00965035 v 0000 ~ 00965390 v 0000 ~ 00967098 v 0000 ~ 00974367 v 0000 ~ 00991577 v 0000 ~ 01013230 v 0000 ~ 01015244 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | impart knowledge of some fact, state or affairs, or event to; "I informed him of his rights"
00832617 32 v 01 inoculate 0 001 @ 00831651 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | introduce an idea or attitude into the mind of; "My teachers inoculated me with their beliefs"
00832778 32 v 01 acquaint 2 001 @ 00831651 v 0000 01 + 20 00 | inform; "Please acquaint your colleagues of your plans to move"
00832907 32 v 01 warn 2 002 @ 00831651 v 0000 + 10768022 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | notify, usually in advance; "I warned you that I would ask some difficult questions"
00833071 32 v 01 warn 3 001 @ 00746718 v 0000 01 + 20 00 | ask to go away; "The old man warned the children off his property"
00833199 32 v 01 inform a 004 @ 00831651 v 0000 + 10206173 n 0101 + 07214994 n 0101 ~ 00954422 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | act as an informer; "She had informed on her own parents for years"
00833392 32 v 01 fill_in 0 001 @ 00831651 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | supply with information on a specific topic; "He filled me in on the latest developments"
00833546 32 v 01 update 0 003 @ 00831651 v 0000 + 06643303 n 0101 + 00404170 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | bring up to date; supply with recent information
00833702 32 v 02 coach 0 train 0 006 $ 00100044 v 0000 @ 00829107 v 0000 + 10722575 n 0201 + 00893955 n 0201 + 09931640 n 0101 + 00270800 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 24 00 | teach and supervise (someone); act as a trainer or coach (to), as in sports; "He is training our Olympic team"; "She is coaching the crew"
00834009 32 v 02 misinform 0 mislead 0 008 @ 00831651 v 0000 + 10322391 n 0201 + 06634960 n 0101 ~ 00834259 v 0000 ~ 00835506 v 0000 ~ 00839834 v 0000 ~ 00841394 v 0000 ~ 00854420 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | give false or misleading information to
00834259 32 v 01 lie 0 007 @ 00834009 v 0000 + 06756831 n 0101 + 10256537 n 0101 + 00751944 n 0101 ~ 00834557 v 0000 ~ 00834745 v 0000 ~ 00835294 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 27 00 | tell an untruth; pretend with intent to deceive; "Don't lie to your parents"; "She lied when she told me she was only 29"
00834557 32 v 01 romance 0 003 @ 00834259 v 0000 + 06369216 n 0101 + 05208422 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | tell romantic or exaggerated lies; "This author romanced his trip to an exotic country"
00834745 32 v 01 perjure 0 004 @ 00834259 v 0000 * 01013040 v 0000 + 10416909 n 0101 + 00772381 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | knowingly tell an untruth in a legal court and render oneself guilty of perjury
00834943 32 v 01 suborn 0 004 > 00834745 v 0000 @ 00770437 v 0000 + 06736946 n 0101 $ 00835158 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | induce to commit perjury or give false testimony; "The President tried to suborn false witnesses"
00835158 32 v 01 suborn 1 003 $ 00834943 v 0000 @ 02238770 v 0000 + 06736946 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | procure (false testimony or perjury)
00835294 32 v 01 fib 0 004 @ 00834259 v 0000 + 10660333 n 0102 + 00752144 n 0101 + 06757057 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | tell a relatively insignificant lie; "Fibbing is not acceptable, even if you don't call it lying"
00835506 32 v 05 beat_around_the_bush 0 equivocate 0 tergiversate 1 prevaricate 0 palter 0 011 @ 00834009 v 0000 + 00752144 n 0502 + 06756831 n 0402 + 04825383 n 0402 + 00751944 n 0402 + 10256537 n 0402 + 00751779 n 0302 + 06761099 n 0202 + 04825383 n 0201 + 00751779 n 0201 + 10168012 n 0202 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | be deliberately ambiguous or unclear in order to mislead or withhold information
00835903 32 v 04 falsify 0 distort 0 garble 0 warp 0 011 @ 00836705 v 0000 + 14504726 n 0402 + 07434102 n 0402 + 11511765 n 0201 + 00073713 n 0201 + 00751529 n 0201 + 00751145 n 0101 + 13960464 n 0101 + 06756407 n 0102 + 10076957 n 0101 ~ 00548750 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make false by mutilation or addition; as of a message or story
00836236 32 v 05 typify 0 symbolize 0 symbolise 0 stand_for 1 represent 2 015 @ 00955148 v 0000 + 01981699 a 0501 + 05926676 n 0501 + 05765415 n 0303 + 10685853 n 0303 + 06806469 n 0301 + 05765415 n 0301 + 05765415 n 0202 + 10685853 n 0202 + 00900070 n 0201 + 06806469 n 0201 + 05765415 n 0201 + 00900581 n 0101 ~ 02697725 v 0000 ~ 02699141 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | express indirectly by an image, form, or model; be a symbol; "What does the Statue of Liberty symbolize?"
00836705 32 v 02 misrepresent 0 belie 0 005 @ 00988028 v 0000 + 06758225 n 0101 ~ 00533185 v 0000 ~ 00835903 v 0000 ~ 00838043 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | represent falsely; "This statement misrepresents my intentions"
00836926 32 v 04 tinge d color 0 colour 3 distort 1 001 @ 00137313 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | affect as in thought or feeling; "My personal feelings color my judgment in this case"; "The sadness tinged his life"
00837133 32 v 03 color 1 colour 4 gloss 2 002 @ 00894738 v 0000 + 04677952 n 0302 01 + 08 00 | give a deceptive explanation or excuse for; "color a lie"
00837288 32 v 03 pose d impersonate 0 personate 0 008 @ 00854420 v 0000 + 00548802 n 0304 + 00549284 n 0302 + 00756331 n 0202 + 00549284 n 0201 + 10200365 n 0201 + 10455915 n 0102 ~ 00837617 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 22 01 | pretend to be someone you are not; sometimes with fraudulent intentions; "She posed as the Czar's daughter"
00837617 32 v 01 masquerade 0 002 @ 00837288 v 0000 + 00756194 n 0101 01 + 22 00 | pretend to be someone or something that you are not; "he is masquerading as an expert on the internet"; "This silly novel is masquerading as a serious historical treaty"
00837872 32 v 01 bluff 0 003 @ 01779165 v 0000 + 06759602 n 0101 + 09861718 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 30 00 | frighten someone by pretending to be stronger than one really is
00838043 32 v 05 feign 0 sham 0 pretend 0 affect 0 dissemble 0 016 @ 00836705 v 0000 + 10195593 n 0502 + 06759349 n 0504 + 10201535 n 0303 + 06759349 n 0301 + 00754956 n 0301 + 00754956 n 0303 + 03318438 n 0202 + 10286539 n 0203 + 10201535 n 0208 + 06759349 n 0103 $ 00838524 v 0000 ~ 00838995 v 0000 ~ 00839085 v 0000 ~ 00839526 v 0000 ~ 01040707 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 26 00 + 28 00 | make believe with the intent to deceive; "He feigned that he was ill"; "He shammed a headache"
00838524 32 v 03 make 9 pretend 1 make_believe 1 005 $ 00838043 v 0000 @ 01719302 v 0000 + 00755500 n 0301 + 00755500 n 0202 ~ 00838786 v 0000 02 + 26 00 + 22 01 | represent fictitiously, as in a play, or pretend to be or act like; "She makes like an actress"
00838786 32 v 01 go_through_the_motions 0 001 @ 00838524 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | pretend to do something by acting as if one was really doing it; "She isn't really working--she's just going through the motions"
00838995 32 v 01 play_possum 0 001 @ 00838043 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | to pretend to be dead
00839085 32 v 01 take_a_dive 0 001 @ 00838043 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | pretend to be knocked out, as of a boxer
00839194 32 v 06 bamboozle 0 snow 0 hoodwink 0 pull_the_wool_over_someone's_eyes 0 lead_by_the_nose 0 play_false 0 001 @ 00854420 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | conceal one's true motives from especially by elaborately feigning good intentions so as to gain an end; "He bamboozled his professors into thinking that he knew the subject well"
00839526 32 v 04 talk_through_one's_hat 0 bullshit 0 bull 0 fake 0 005 @ 00838043 v 0000 + 03318438 n 0401 + 10201535 n 0405 + 06611376 n 0302 + 06611376 n 0201 02 + 02 00 + 13 00 | speak insincerely or without regard for facts or truths; "The politician was not well prepared for the debate and faked it"
00839834 32 v 07 overstate 0 exaggerate 0 overdraw 0 hyperbolize 0 hyperbolise 0 magnify 0 amplify 0 011 @ 00834009 v 0000 + 06758835 n 0603 + 07106502 n 0401 + 07106502 n 0202 + 06758835 n 0201 + 00367552 n 0201 + 06758835 n 0102 ! 00841125 v 0101 ~ 00840609 v 0000 ~ 00883226 v 0000 ~ 00956405 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | to enlarge beyond bounds or the truth; "tended to romanticize and exaggerate this `gracious Old South' imagery"
00840264 32 v 01 soft-pedal 0 001 @ 00513492 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | play down or obscure; "His advisers soft-pedaled the president's blunder"
00840413 32 v 02 trivialize 0 trivialise 0 003 @ 00841125 v 0000 + 01280908 a 010a + 02165432 a 0102 01 + 08 00 | make trivial or insignificant; "Don't trivialize the seriousness of the issue!"
00840609 32 v 03 overemphasize 0 overemphasise 0 overstress 0 001 @ 00839834 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | place special or excessive emphasis on; "I cannot overemphasize the importance of this book"
00840809 32 v 02 re-emphasise 0 re-emphasize 0 001 @ 01013367 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | emphasize anew; "The director re-emphasized the need for greater productivity"
00840980 32 v 01 bear_down c 001 @ 01013367 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | pay special attention to; "The lectures bore down on the political background"
00841125 32 v 04 understate 0 minimize 1 minimise 1 downplay 0 008 @ 00831651 v 0000 + 00355919 n 0302 + 13763384 n 0301 + 00355919 n 0201 + 13763384 n 0201 + 06759063 n 0101 ! 00839834 v 0101 ~ 00840413 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | represent as less significant or important
00841394 32 v 01 sandbag 2 003 * 00841125 v 0000 @ 00834009 v 0000 + 10549925 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | downplay one's ability (towards others) in a game in order to deceive, as in gambling
00841580 32 v 01 denounce 0 004 @ 00826509 v 0000 + 07232988 n 0102 ~ 00841767 v 0000 ~ 00864159 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | speak out against; "He denounced the Nazis"
00841767 32 v 02 fulminate 0 rail 4 002 @ 00841580 v 0000 + 07233304 n 0101 01 + 22 00 | criticize severely; "He fulminated against the Republicans' plan to cut Medicare"; "She railed against the bad social policies"
00841986 32 v 0a denounce 1 tell_on 0 betray 0 give_away 1 rat 9 grass 9 shit 9 shop 9 snitch 9 stag 9 010 @ 00831651 v 0000 + 10091012 n 0902 + 10091012 n 0903 + 13555775 n 0701 + 14854581 n 0703 + 10206173 n 0503 + 10007109 n 0506 + 07214994 n 0502 + 10206173 n 0302 ~ 00936763 v 0000 07 + 09 00 + 22 0a + 22 09 + 22 08 + 22 07 + 22 06 + 22 05 | give away information about somebody; "He told on his classmate who had cheated on the exam"
00842429 32 v 01 denounce 2 001 @ 00974367 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | announce the termination of, as of treaties
00842538 32 v 02 blame 0 fault 0 007 @ 00843468 v 0000 + 04669692 n 0201 + 00070965 n 0203 + 01321529 a 0103 + 01321529 a 0102 + 07237758 n 0103 ! 00902424 v 0101 05 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 + 17 00 | put or pin the blame on
00842772 32 v 03 blame 1 find_fault a pick 9 003 @ 00826509 v 0000 + 09986532 n 0202 + 06713752 n 0101 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 22 03 + 22 02 | harass with constant criticism; "Don't always pick on your little brother"
00842989 32 v 04 accuse 0 impeach 0 incriminate 0 criminate 0 016 @ 00843468 v 0000 + 00924952 a 0401 + 00924952 a 0402 + 00766234 n 0401 + 07237758 n 0301 + 00766234 n 0301 + 00924257 a 0104 + 00924257 a 0101 + 00924257 a 0102 + 07234230 n 0101 + 09762385 n 0101 + 07234230 n 0102 ~ 00825975 v 0000 ~ 00843852 v 0000 ~ 00844553 v 0000 ~ 00869931 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 18 00 | bring an accusation against; level a charge against; "The neighbors accused the man of spousal abuse"
00843468 32 v 02 charge 2 accuse 1 012 + 00924257 a 0204 + 00924257 a 0201 + 00924257 a 0202 + 06730780 n 0201 + 09762385 n 0201 + 07234230 n 0202 + 06730780 n 0102 + 06561942 n 0101 ~ 00842538 v 0000 ~ 00842989 v 0000 ~ 00846509 v 0000 ~ 02521284 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 17 01 | blame for, make a claim of wrongdoing or misbehavior against; "he charged the director with indifference"
00843852 32 v 01 arraign 0 001 @ 00842989 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | accuse of a wrong or an inadequacy
00843959 32 v 01 charge 3 004 @ 00756338 v 0000 + 06730780 n 0102 ~ 00844161 v 0000 ~ 00844298 v 0000 01 + 26 00 | make an accusatory claim; "The defense attorney charged that the jurors were biased"
00844161 32 v 01 tax 0 001 @ 00843959 v 0000 01 + 17 00 | make a charge against or accuse; "They taxed him failure to appear in court"
00844298 32 v 01 complain 1 004 @ 00843959 v 0000 + 06561942 n 0102 + 06562217 n 0101 + 10437852 n 0102 01 + 26 00 | make a formal accusation; bring a formal charge; "The plaintiff's lawyer complained that he defendant had physically abused his client"
00844553 32 v 01 recriminate 0 003 @ 00842989 v 0000 + 00925287 a 0101 + 00925287 a 0102 01 + 09 00 | return an accusation against someone or engage in mutual accusations; charge in return
00844744 32 v 01 impeach 1 002 @ 00869931 v 0000 + 07235790 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | charge (a public official) with an offense or misdemeanor committed while in office; "The President was impeached"
00844941 32 v 03 nag 0 peck 0 hen-peck 0 003 @ 00907147 v 0000 + 10561861 n 0103 + 10561861 n 0104 02 + 02 00 + 09 00 | bother persistently with trivial complaints; "She nags her husband all day long"
00845144 32 v 01 dun 0 001 @ 00754942 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | persistently ask for overdue payment; "The grocer dunned his customers every day by telephone"
00845299 32 v 04 abuse 0 clapperclaw 0 blackguard 0 shout c 007 @ 00862683 v 0000 + 01628531 a 0101 + 06715223 n 0101 + 09758643 n 0101 ~ 00845658 v 0000 ~ 00847870 v 0000 ~ 00866314 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 22 04 | use foul or abusive language towards; "The actress abused the policeman who gave her a parking ticket"; "The angry mother shouted at the teacher"
00845658 32 v 01 slang 0 002 @ 00845299 v 0000 + 07159467 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | abuse with coarse language
00845765 32 v 01 claw 0 001 @ 00862683 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | attack as if with claws; "The politician clawed his rival"
00845909 32 v 03 disparage 0 belittle 0 pick_at 0 009 @ 00826509 v 0000 + 06717170 n 0101 + 01219893 n 0101 + 10009671 n 0102 ! 00880227 v 0101 ~ 00846344 v 0000 ~ 00847478 v 0000 ~ 00855933 v 0000 ~ 00864475 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | express a negative opinion of; "She disparaged her student's efforts"
00846218 32 v 01 nitpick 0 002 @ 00826509 v 0000 + 10359422 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | be overly critical; criticize minor details
00846344 32 v 03 pan 0 tear_apart 0 trash 0 001 @ 00845909 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | express a totally negative opinion of; "The critics panned the performance"
00846509 32 v 09 defame 0 slander 0 smirch 0 asperse 0 denigrate 1 calumniate 0 smear 0 sully 0 besmirch 0 019 @ 00843468 v 0000 + 06720216 n 0701 + 06719579 n 0602 + 01220336 n 0602 + 01161233 a 0506 + 01220336 n 0505 + 06718543 n 0401 + 01220336 n 0401 + 00072261 n 0303 + 01220336 n 0203 + 06720600 n 0201 + 09999135 n 0203 + 01161233 a 0103 + 06719579 n 0101 + 01220336 n 0104 + 09999135 n 0101 ~ 00847158 v 0000 ~ 00847683 v 0000 ~ 00848169 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | charge falsely or with malicious intent; attack the good name and reputation of someone; "The journalists have defamed me!" "The article in the paper sullied my reputation"
00847158 32 v 01 assassinate 0 002 @ 00846509 v 0000 + 06719974 n 0102 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | destroy or damage seriously, as of someone's reputation; "He assassinated his enemy's character"
00847365 32 v 01 blackwash 0 001 @ 00933821 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | bring (information) out of concealment
00847478 32 v 02 discredit 0 disgrace 0 003 @ 00845909 v 0000 + 14440137 n 0202 + 14439745 n 0102 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 | damage the reputation of; "This newspaper story discredits the politicians"
00847683 32 v 01 libel 0 003 @ 00846509 v 0000 + 09999135 n 0105 + 06720371 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | print slanderous statements against; "The newspaper was accused of libeling him"
00847870 32 v 04 vilify 0 revile 0 vituperate 0 rail 1 007 @ 00845299 v 0000 + 00648614 a 0302 + 06721604 n 0301 + 06715223 n 0203 + 06715223 n 0105 + 06720216 n 0102 + 09999135 n 0104 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 02 04 + 02 03 | spread negative information about; "The Nazi propaganda vilified the Jews"
00848169 32 v 04 badmouth 0 malign 0 traduce 0 drag_through_the_mud 0 005 @ 00846509 v 0000 + 06719579 n 0305 + 09999135 n 0307 + 06720216 n 0203 + 09999135 n 0202 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | speak unfavorably about; "She badmouths her husband everywhere"
00848420 32 v 03 diss 0 insult 0 affront 0 004 @ 01793177 v 0000 + 01225027 n 0302 + 01225027 n 0201 + 06715223 n 0202 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | treat, mention, or speak to rudely; "He insulted her with his rude remarks"; "the student who had betrayed his classmate was dissed by everyone"
00848707 32 v 01 mind 0 002 @ 00807461 v 0000 ~ 00848894 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 26 00 + 02 01 | be offended or bothered by; take offense with, be bothered by; "I don't mind your behavior"
00848894 32 v 04 bristle_at 0 bridle_at 0 bridle_up 0 bristle_up 0 001 @ 00848707 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 02 04 + 02 03 | show anger or indignation; "She bristled at his insolent remarks"
00849080 32 v 02 mock 0 bemock 0 006 @ 02514187 v 0000 + 10561320 n 0103 + 06716234 n 0103 ~ 00850501 v 0000 ~ 00851933 v 0000 ~ 00852922 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 | treat with contempt; "The new constitution mocks all democratic principles"
00849332 32 v 01 mock 1 006 @ 01742886 v 0000 + 10561320 n 0103 + 01224700 n 0101 ~ 00849592 v 0000 ~ 00849788 v 0000 ~ 00849939 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | imitate with mockery and derision; "The children mocked their handicapped classmate"
00849592 32 v 02 caricature 0 ape 0 002 @ 00849332 v 0000 + 06780069 n 0101 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | represent in or produce a caricature of; "The drawing caricatured the President"
00849788 32 v 01 impersonate 1 003 @ 00849332 v 0000 + 05929008 n 0105 + 06780069 n 0103 01 + 09 00 | represent another person with comic intentions
00849939 32 v 03 spoof 0 burlesque 0 parody 0 007 @ 00849332 v 0000 + 10400998 n 0301 + 06780309 n 0301 + 07017999 n 0201 + 06780309 n 0207 + 06780309 n 0103 ~ 01724083 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | make a parody of; "The students spoofed the teachers"
00850192 32 v 05 jeer 0 scoff 0 flout 0 barrack 0 gibe 0 009 @ 00850501 v 0000 + 06767922 n 0507 + 10561320 n 0302 + 06716234 n 0204 + 10561320 n 0201 + 06716234 n 0205 + 10561320 n 0104 + 06716234 n 0101 + 06716234 n 0102 01 + 22 00 | laugh at with contempt and derision; "The crowd jeered at the speaker"
00850501 32 v 0b tease 0 razz 0 rag 1 cod 0 tantalize 0 tantalise 0 bait 0 taunt 0 twit 0 rally 0 ride 0 016 @ 00849080 v 0000 + 01222859 n 0901 + 01222859 n 0803 + 01222859 n 0802 + 10690849 n 0602 + 09593651 n 0601 + 10690849 n 0501 + 09593651 n 0501 + 00425905 n 0504 + 07123870 n 0206 + 00425905 n 0101 + 10695555 n 0101 + 10695555 n 0102 + 00425905 n 0102 ~ 00850192 v 0000 ~ 00855295 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | harass with persistent criticism or carping; "The children teased the new teacher"; "Don't ride me so hard over my failure"; "His fellow workers razzed him when he wore a jacket and tie"
00851100 32 v 02 pull_the_leg_of 0 kid 1 001 @ 00854904 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | tell false information to for fun; "Are you pulling my leg?"
00851239 32 v 04 incite 0 instigate 0 set_off 0 stir_up 0 012 > 02367363 v 0000 @ 00794079 v 0000 + 01897378 a 0204 + 00156625 n 0202 + 10209246 n 0204 + 10209246 n 0201 + 01897378 a 0102 + 01261490 n 0102 + 09184975 n 0102 + 01261490 n 0101 + 10209246 n 0103 ~ 00851625 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 24 00 | provoke or stir up; "incite a riot"; "set off great unrest among the people"
00851625 32 v 01 raise 6 001 @ 00851239 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | activate or stir up; "raise a mutiny"
00851733 32 v 02 needle 0 goad 1 003 @ 01789514 v 0000 + 07252378 n 0201 + 07252378 n 0202 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | goad or provoke,as by constant criticism; "He needled her with his sarcastic remarks"
00851933 32 v 09 ridicule 0 roast 0 guy 0 blackguard 1 laugh_at 0 jest_at 0 rib 0 make_fun 0 poke_fun 0 011 @ 00849080 v 0000 + 06767693 n 0701 + 00425905 n 0703 + 05734381 n 0202 + 01224517 n 0102 + 06715786 n 0101 + 10552742 n 0103 ~ 00852506 v 0000 ~ 00852685 v 0000 ~ 00853195 v 0000 ~ 00853445 v 0000 06 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 21 09 + 22 09 + 21 08 + 22 08 | subject to laughter or ridicule; "The satirists ridiculed the plans for a new opera house"; "The students poked fun at the inexperienced teacher"; "His former students roasted the professor at his 60th birthday"
00852506 32 v 01 tease 9 003 @ 00851933 v 0000 + 09965134 n 0106 + 10695555 n 0102 02 + 02 00 + 09 00 | mock or make fun of playfully; "the flirting man teased the young woman"
00852685 32 v 03 satirize 0 satirise 0 lampoon 0 005 @ 00851933 v 0000 + 10400998 n 0302 + 06780309 n 0302 + 06777164 n 0203 + 06777164 n 0103 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | ridicule with satire; "The writer satirized the politician's proposal"
00852922 32 v 01 deride 0 006 @ 00849080 v 0000 + 02570643 a 0103 + 01995596 a 0101 + 06715638 n 0101 + 01224517 n 0101 ~ 01060909 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | treat or speak of with contempt; "He derided his student's attempt to solve the biggest problem in mathematics"
00853195 32 v 02 debunk 0 expose 0 004 @ 00851933 v 0000 + 07215568 n 0201 + 00522338 n 0102 ~ 00935631 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | expose while ridiculing; especially of pretentious or false claims and ideas; "The physicist debunked the psychic's claims"
00853445 32 v 01 stultify 0 002 @ 00851933 v 0000 + 06716992 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to appear foolish; "He stultified himself by contradicting himself and being inconsistent"
00853633 32 v 02 joke 0 jest 0 011 @ 00740577 v 0000 + 00431005 n 0201 + 06778102 n 0204 + 10221312 n 0201 ^ 00851933 v 0206 + 10224098 n 0101 + 00431005 n 0102 + 06778102 n 0101 ~ 00853958 v 0000 ~ 00854150 v 0000 ~ 01702331 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | tell a joke; speak humorously; "He often jokes even when he appears serious"
00853958 32 v 02 gag 0 quip 0 004 @ 00853633 v 0000 + 06767777 n 0204 + 07153727 n 0202 + 06778102 n 0102 02 + 02 00 + 26 00 | make jokes or quips; "The students were gagging during dinner"
00854150 32 v 04 horse_around 0 arse_around 0 fool_around 0 fool 0 004 @ 02418686 v 0000 @ 00853633 v 0000 + 10221312 n 0402 + 00512843 n 0402 01 + 02 00 | indulge in horseplay; "Enough horsing around--let's get back to work!"; "The bored children were fooling about"
00854420 32 v 03 deceive 0 betray 3 lead_astray 0 010 @ 00834009 v 0000 + 10027590 n 0204 + 01938975 a 0101 + 01224253 a 0101 + 00752431 n 0101 + 09998101 n 0101 ! 00854788 v 0101 ~ 00837288 v 0000 ~ 00839194 v 0000 ~ 00854904 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | cause someone to believe an untruth; "The insurance company deceived me when they told me they were covering my house"
00854788 32 v 01 undeceive 0 002 @ 00831651 v 0000 ! 00854420 v 0101 01 + 09 00 | free from deception or illusion
00854904 32 v 0a gull 0 dupe 0 slang 1 befool 0 cod 1 fool 1 put_on 0 take_in 0 put_one_over 3 put_one_across 0 009 @ 00854420 v 0000 + 00756780 n 0801 + 00753685 n 0706 + 10100761 n 0601 + 09921409 n 0602 + 10752480 n 0202 + 00753685 n 0203 + 09921409 n 0103 ~ 00851100 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 22 09 | fool or hoax; "The immigrant was duped because he trusted everyone"; "You can't fool me!"
00855295 32 v 05 kid 0 chaff 0 jolly 0 josh 0 banter 0 003 @ 00850501 v 0000 + 06777794 n 0501 + 07450343 n 0301 03 + 02 00 + 09 02 + 09 01 | be silly or tease one another; "After we relaxed, we just kidded around"
00855512 32 v 02 review 0 critique 0 007 @ 00670261 v 0000 + 05734018 n 0202 + 06410391 n 0202 + 06597758 n 0101 + 06410391 n 0101 + 10526927 n 0101 ~ 00855794 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | appraise critically; "She reviews books for the New York Times"; "Please critique this performance"
00855794 32 v 02 referee 0 peer_review 0 002 @ 00855512 v 0000 + 10526927 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | evaluate professionally a colleague's work
00855933 32 v 03 deprecate 0 depreciate 0 vilipend 0 009 @ 00845909 v 0000 + 00906655 a 0205 + 00906655 a 0206 + 06717170 n 0202 + 10009671 n 0203 + 00906655 a 0103 + 00906655 a 0104 + 01220152 n 0101 ~ 00856234 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | belittle; "The teacher should not deprecate his student's efforts"
00856234 32 v 02 deflate 0 puncture 0 002 @ 00855933 v 0000 + 13257792 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | reduce or lessen the size or importance of; "The bad review of his work deflated his self-confidence"
00856429 32 v 01 deprecate 1 003 @ 00807178 v 0000 + 00648238 a 0101 + 01220152 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | express strong disapproval of; deplore
00856578 32 v 01 condemn 2 006 * 00670261 v 0000 @ 01010118 v 0000 + 14574846 n 0101 + 01223257 n 0101 ~ 00862225 v 0000 ~ 00862467 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | declare or judge unfit for use or habitation; "The building was condemned by the inspector"
00856824 32 v 01 praise 0 016 @ 00681429 v 0000 + 06693198 n 0101 ! 00826509 v 0102 ~ 00827601 v 0000 ~ 00857270 v 0000 ~ 00860292 v 0000 ~ 00860620 v 0000 ~ 00880227 v 0000 ~ 00880780 v 0000 ~ 00881661 v 0000 ~ 00882220 v 0000 ~ 00882395 v 0000 ~ 00882948 v 0000 ~ 00976653 v 0000 ~ 01065272 v 0000 ~ 01703730 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | express approval of; "The parents praised their children for their academic performance"
00857270 32 v 01 salute 3 001 @ 00856824 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | express commendation of; "I salute your courage!"
00857407 32 v 01 overpraise 0 001 @ 02568999 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | praise excessively
00857517 32 v 01 crow 1 002 @ 00983824 v 0000 + 07229747 n 0104 02 + 22 00 + 26 00 | express pleasure verbally; "She crowed with joy"
00857653 32 v 01 crow 2 002 @ 00983824 v 0000 + 07382286 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | utter shrill sounds; "The cocks crowed all morning"
00857784 32 v 01 trumpet 2 002 @ 00983824 v 0000 + 10171219 n 0102 01 + 01 00 | utter in trumpet-like sounds; "Elephants are trumpeting"
00857923 32 v 05 exuberate 0 exult 0 rejoice 0 triumph 1 jubilate 0 015 @ 00859153 v 0000 + 01367211 a 0504 + 00704898 a 0503 + 07527817 n 0504 + 07129422 n 0503 + 07527817 n 0503 + 07527817 n 0502 + 00704898 a 0407 + 07129422 n 0302 + 00704898 a 0201 + 07129422 n 0201 + 02279723 a 0102 + 07555647 n 0101 + 04634540 n 0101 ~ 00858341 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | to express great joy; "Who cannot exult in Spring?"
00858341 32 v 01 glory 0 002 @ 00857923 v 0000 + 14437134 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | rejoice proudly
00858437 32 v 01 cheerlead 0 002 @ 00858781 v 0000 + 09913455 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 09 00 | act as a cheerleader in a sports event
00858568 32 v 01 cheer 2 005 @ 00860292 v 0000 + 06692572 n 0101 + 09913329 n 0101 + 07251779 n 0101 ~ 01814074 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | show approval or good wishes by shouting; "everybody cheered the birthday boy"
00858781 32 v 08 cheer 1 root_on 0 inspire 1 urge 1 barrack 1 urge_on 1 exhort 1 pep_up 0 009 @ 01818235 v 0000 + 00866735 a 0702 + 07139700 n 0701 + 07246036 n 0701 + 00713558 a 0402 + 01214746 n 0401 + 09913329 n 0101 + 07251779 n 0101 ~ 00858437 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | spur on or encourage especially by cheers and shouts; "The crowd cheered the demonstrating strikers"
00859153 32 v 03 cheer 0 cheer_up 0 chirk_up 0 005 @ 01813884 v 0000 + 04630689 n 0102 ! 00907147 v 0101 ~ 00857923 v 0000 ~ 00860136 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | become cheerful
00859325 32 v 04 cheer 3 cheer_up 1 jolly_along 0 jolly_up 0 003 > 00859153 v 0000 + 04630689 n 0102 ~ 00859758 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | cause (somebody) to feel happier or more cheerful; "She tried to cheer up the disappointed child when he failed to win the spelling bee"
00859604 32 v 02 humor 0 humour 0 004 @ 01182293 v 0000 + 07551052 n 0204 + 07551052 n 0103 + 01073241 n 0104 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | put into a good mood
00859758 32 v 01 amuse 0 004 @ 00859325 v 0000 + 01344485 a 0102 + 07491476 n 0101 ~ 00859937 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | make (somebody) laugh; "The clown amused the children"
00859937 32 v 01 convulse 0 004 > 00032297 v 0000 @ 00859758 v 0000 + 02511340 a 0101 + 14082595 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | make someone convulse with laughter; "The comedian convulsed the crowd"
00860136 32 v 03 lighten 0 lighten_up 0 buoy_up 0 001 @ 00859153 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | become more cheerful; "after a glass of wine, he lightened up a bit"
00860292 32 v 01 applaud 0 005 @ 00856824 v 0000 + 02585545 a 0101 + 09926088 n 0102 ~ 00858568 v 0000 ~ 00861725 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | express approval of; "I applaud your efforts"
00860482 32 v 01 bravo 0 002 @ 00861929 v 0000 + 06692834 n 0101 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 | applaud with shouts of `bravo' or `brava'
00860620 32 v 05 laud 0 extol 0 exalt 0 glorify 0 proclaim 1 015 @ 00856824 v 0000 + 14437134 n 0402 + 01218932 n 0401 + 14437134 n 0401 + 04684358 n 0401 + 01029114 n 0302 + 10248711 n 0203 + 06693198 n 0204 + 00906312 a 0101 + 02585545 a 0103 + 10248711 n 0102 ~ 00861077 v 0000 ~ 00861200 v 0000 ~ 00861333 v 0000 ~ 00861423 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | praise, glorify, or honor; "extol the virtues of one's children"; "glorify one's spouse's cooking"
00861077 32 v 02 canonize 2 canonise 2 001 @ 00860620 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | treat as a sacred person; "He canonizes women"
00861200 32 v 01 ensky 0 001 @ 00860620 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | exalt to the skies; lift to the skies or to heaven with praise
00861333 32 v 01 crack_up 0 001 @ 00860620 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | rhapsodize about
00861423 32 v 01 hymn 0 002 @ 00860620 v 0000 + 07035870 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | praise by singing a hymn; "They hymned their love of God"
00861560 32 v 01 promulgate 1 004 @ 00965871 v 0000 + 06726939 n 0101 + 01266491 n 0102 + 10482587 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | put a law into effect by formal declaration
00861725 32 v 03 acclaim 0 hail 2 herald 1 003 @ 00860292 v 0000 + 06691684 n 0102 + 06691684 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | praise vociferously; "The critics hailed the young pianist as a new Rubinstein"
00861929 32 v 04 applaud 1 clap 0 spat 1 acclaim 1 008 * 00806502 v 0000 @ 00992041 v 0000 + 06691684 n 0401 + 09926088 n 0201 + 06691989 n 0203 + 09926088 n 0102 ! 00862225 v 0101 ~ 00860482 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 | clap one's hands or shout after performances to indicate approval
00862225 32 v 02 boo 0 hiss 2 007 @ 00856578 v 0000 + 07384898 n 0201 + 07123870 n 0204 + 10177014 n 0201 + 07384898 n 0202 + 07123870 n 0101 ! 00861929 v 0101 03 + 02 00 + 09 00 + 22 00 | show displeasure, as after a performance or speech
00862467 32 v 01 explode 0 002 * 00862225 v 0000 @ 00856578 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | drive from the stage by noisy disapproval
00862591 32 v 01 sizzle 0 001 @ 02172888 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | make a sound like frying fat
00862683 32 v 06 attack 0 round b assail 0 lash_out b snipe b assault 0 014 @ 00826509 v 0000 + 01629349 a 0601 + 09821253 n 0604 + 09821253 n 0303 + 06711159 n 0102 + 09821253 n 0101 ~ 00845299 v 0000 ~ 00845765 v 0000 ~ 00863174 v 0000 ~ 00863277 v 0000 ~ 00863433 v 0000 ~ 00863579 v 0000 ~ 00863906 v 0000 ~ 01062165 v 0000 07 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 + 22 05 + 22 04 + 22 02 | attack in speech or writing; "The editors of the left-leaning paper attacked the new House Speaker"
00863174 32 v 01 vitriol 0 001 @ 00862683 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | subject to bitter verbal abuse
00863277 32 v 01 rip 0 001 @ 00862683 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | criticize or abuse strongly and violently; "The candidate ripped into his opponent mercilessly"
00863433 32 v 01 whang 0 002 @ 00862683 v 0000 + 00133338 n 0105 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | attack forcefully; "whang away at the school reform plan"
00863579 32 v 02 bombard 0 barrage 0 004 @ 00862683 v 0000 + 07083441 n 0201 + 07083441 n 0101 + 07083441 n 0102 01 + 09 00 | address with continuously or persistently, as if with a barrage; "The speaker was barraged by an angry audience"; "The governor was bombarded with requests to grant a pardon to the convicted killer"
00863906 32 v 03 blister 0 scald 0 whip 0 001 @ 00862683 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | subject to harsh criticism; "The Senator blistered the administration in his speech on Friday"; "the professor scaled the students"; "your invectives scorched the community"
00864159 32 v 05 condemn 0 reprobate 0 decry 0 objurgate 0 excoriate 0 006 @ 00841580 v 0000 + 07233214 n 0501 + 06201042 n 0201 + 00924791 a 0101 + 14574846 n 0101 + 06709692 n 0102 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 | express strong disapproval of; "We condemn the racism in South Africa"; "These ideas were reprobated"
00864475 32 v 04 minimize 0 belittle 1 denigrate 0 derogate 0 010 @ 00845909 v 0000 + 00907032 a 0401 + 00907032 a 0402 + 06717170 n 0403 + 01161233 a 0304 + 06718434 n 0301 + 01220152 n 0302 + 00355919 n 0101 + 13763384 n 0101 ~ 00864814 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to seem less serious; play down; "Don't belittle his influence"
00864814 32 v 01 talk_down 0 001 @ 00864475 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | belittle through talk
00864910 32 v 07 accurse 0 execrate 0 anathemize 1 comminate 0 anathemise 0 anathematize 0 anathematise 0 009 @ 00826333 v 0000 + 00206600 n 0701 + 07233863 n 0701 + 00206600 n 0601 + 07233863 n 0601 + 00924635 a 0401 + 07233634 n 0201 + 05811884 n 0201 + 00206600 n 0702 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | curse or declare to be evil or anathema or threaten with divine punishment
00865280 32 v 01 blog 0 001 @ 00740577 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | read, write, or edit a shared on-line journal
00865387 32 v 05 curse 0 cuss 0 blaspheme 0 swear 1 imprecate 0 006 @ 00940384 v 0000 + 10682501 n 0401 + 07125096 n 0405 + 07125096 n 0207 + 07125096 n 0101 $ 00814458 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | utter obscenities or profanities; "The drunken men were cursing loudly in the street"
00865664 32 v 01 gee 0 001 @ 00912048 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | give a command to a horse to turn to the right side
00865776 32 v 02 ooh 0 aah 0 001 @ 00912048 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | express admiration and pleasure by uttering `ooh' or `aah'; "They oohed and aahed when they unwrapped the presents"
00865958 32 v 08 curse 1 beshrew 0 damn 0 bedamn 0 anathemize 0 anathemise 1 imprecate 1 maledict 0 009 @ 01629958 v 0000 + 07233996 n 0802 + 07233996 n 0701 + 00925177 a 0301 + 14458593 n 0301 + 07233542 n 0301 + 07160424 n 0103 + 07233634 n 0103 ! 00866505 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | wish harm upon; invoke evil upon; "The bad witch cursed the child"
00866314 32 v 01 curse 2 002 @ 00845299 v 0000 + 07125096 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | heap obscenities upon; "The taxi driver who felt he didn't get a high enough tip cursed the passenger"
00866505 32 v 01 bless 0 005 @ 01629958 v 0000 + 07189411 n 0102 + 01043693 n 0101 ! 00865958 v 0101 ~ 00085626 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | give a benediction to; "The dying man blessed his son"
00866702 32 v 04 consecrate 0 bless 1 hallow 0 sanctify 0 007 @ 01010118 v 0000 + 01039925 n 0401 + 10547145 n 0401 + 10546850 n 0401 + 01040646 n 0101 ! 00867062 v 0101 ~ 00866953 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | render holy by means of religious rites
00866953 32 v 01 reconsecrate 0 001 @ 00866702 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | consecrate anew, as after a desecration
00867062 32 v 03 desecrate 0 unhallow 0 deconsecrate 0 002 @ 00138508 v 0000 ! 00866702 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | remove the consecration from a person or an object
00867231 32 v 02 bless 2 sign 3 002 @ 00992041 v 0000 + 06791372 n 0203 01 + 09 00 | make the sign of the cross over someone in order to call on God for protection; consecrate
00867409 32 v 03 question 1 oppugn 0 call_into_question 0 002 @ 00868591 v 0000 + 04757522 n 0104 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 26 00 | challenge the accuracy, probity, or propriety of; "We must question your judgment in this matter"
00867644 32 v 02 account 0 answer_for 0 003 @ 01010118 v 0000 + 01996875 a 0101 + 06738281 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | furnish a justifying analysis or explanation; "I can't account for the missing money"
00867843 32 v 01 impeach 3 001 @ 00868591 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | challenge the honesty or veracity of; "the lawyers tried to impeach the credibility of the witnesses"
00868009 32 v 01 impugn 0 001 @ 00868591 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | attack as false or wrong
00868097 32 v 02 defy 0 dare 0 005 @ 00868591 v 0000 + 07231532 n 0201 + 07231532 n 0202 + 07231943 n 0101 ~ 00868471 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 24 00 | challenge; "I dare you!"
00868270 32 v 01 call_one's_bluff 0 001 @ 00868591 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | ask to prove what someone is claiming; "John called Mary's bluff when she claimed she could prove the theorem in under an hour"
00868471 32 v 01 brazen 0 001 @ 00868097 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | face with defiance or impudence; "brazen it out"
00868591 32 v 01 challenge 0 015 @ 00793580 v 0000 + 10533013 n 0102 + 07231294 n 0101 ~ 00794079 v 0000 ~ 00808528 v 0000 ~ 00867409 v 0000 ~ 00867843 v 0000 ~ 00868009 v 0000 ~ 00868097 v 0000 ~ 00868270 v 0000 ~ 00868979 v 0000 ~ 00949974 v 0000 ~ 02497586 v 0000 ~ 02582042 v 0000 ~ 02582450 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | issue a challenge to; "Fischer challenged Spassky to a match"
00868979 32 v 01 call_out c 002 @ 00868591 v 0000 + 07231840 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | challenge to a duel; "Aaron Burr called out Alexander Hamilton"
00869126 32 v 03 challenge 1 dispute 0 gainsay 0 008 * 00867409 v 0000 @ 00869596 v 0000 + 07181935 n 0201 + 07183151 n 0204 + 00590564 a 0101 + 07193405 n 0101 ~ 00738583 v 0000 ~ 00869393 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | take exception to; "She challenged his claims"
00869393 32 v 01 call 7 002 $ 00738583 v 0000 @ 00869126 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | challenge (somebody) to make good on a statement; charge with or censure for an offense; "He deserves to be called on that"
00869596 32 v 03 contest 0 contend 0 repugn 0 009 @ 00775831 v 0000 + 13858045 n 0304 + 07183151 n 0202 + 00590390 a 0101 + 01168961 n 0101 + 07183151 n 0103 + 09612131 n 0101 + 09612291 n 0101 ~ 00869126 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | to make the subject of dispute, contention, or litigation; "They contested the outcome of the race"
00869931 32 v 03 charge 0 lodge 0 file 1 007 @ 00842989 v 0000 + 03337140 n 0301 + 06508816 n 0301 + 10087736 n 0301 + 07236627 n 0202 + 06561942 n 0101 ~ 00844744 v 0000 03 + 09 00 + 17 00 + 26 00 | file a formal charge against; "The suspect was charged with murdering his wife"
00870213 32 v 01 warn 0 008 $ 00870577 v 0000 @ 00831651 v 0000 + 10768022 n 0101 + 07224151 n 0101 ~ 00870942 v 0000 ~ 00871195 v 0000 ~ 00871405 v 0000 ~ 00872414 v 0000 05 + 02 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 18 00 + 26 00 | notify of danger, potential harm, or risk; "The director warned him that he might be fired"; "The doctor warned me about the dangers of smoking"
00870577 32 v 04 warn 1 discourage 2 admonish 2 monish 0 007 @ 00872886 v 0000 + 06672297 n 0402 + 01771124 a 0301 + 06672297 n 0301 + 09771855 n 0301 + 06672297 n 0103 $ 00870213 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 22 00 | admonish or counsel in terms of someone's behavior; "I warned him not to go too far"; "I warn you against false assumptions"; "She warned him to be quiet"
00870942 32 v 02 forewarn 0 previse 0 002 @ 00870213 v 0000 + 07225450 n 0101 03 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 18 00 | warn in advance or beforehand; give an early warning; "I forewarned him of the trouble that would arise if he showed up at his ex-wife's house"
00871195 32 v 03 caution 0 admonish 1 monish 1 006 @ 00870213 v 0000 + 06672297 n 0302 + 01771124 a 0201 + 06672297 n 0201 + 09771855 n 0201 + 07225167 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | warn strongly; put on guard
00871405 32 v 01 threaten 0 002 @ 00870213 v 0000 ~ 00871623 v 0000 05 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 + 17 00 + 24 00 | to utter intentions of injury or punishment against:"He threatened me when I tried to call the police"
00871623 32 v 01 offer 6 001 @ 00871405 v 0000 01 + 27 00 | threaten to do something; "I offered to leave the committee if they did not accept my proposal"
00871781 32 v 01 threaten 1 001 @ 00871942 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 11 00 | to be a menacing indication of something:"The clouds threaten rain"; "Danger threatens"
00871942 32 v 0d bode 0 portend 0 auspicate 0 prognosticate 1 omen 0 presage 0 betoken 0 foreshadow 0 augur 0 foretell 1 prefigure 0 forecast 1 predict 1 014 @ 00921300 v 0000 + 01883325 a 0d01 + 06749881 n 0c02 + 01882162 a 0b03 + 09823287 n 0901 + 05776015 n 0802 + 07286368 n 0603 + 07286368 n 0501 + 07286368 n 0405 + 06749881 n 0401 + 07286799 n 0301 + 07286368 n 0202 ~ 00871781 v 0000 ~ 00924777 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | indicate by signs; "These signs bode bad news"
00872414 32 v 02 alarm 0 alert 0 006 @ 00870213 v 0000 + 14031660 n 0201 + 06803157 n 0202 + 07224774 n 0201 + 07519773 n 0101 ~ 00872747 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | warn or arouse to a sense of danger or call to a state of preparedness; "The empty house alarmed him"; "We alerted the new neighbors to the high rate of burglaries"
00872747 32 v 01 wake 2 001 @ 00872414 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | make aware of; "His words woke us to terrible facts of the situation"
00872886 32 v 03 rede 0 advise 0 counsel 0 022 @ 00813978 v 0000 + 09775663 n 0302 + 06650701 n 0302 + 09968845 n 0301 + 09968845 n 0302 + 06650701 n 0304 + 06650701 n 0303 + 00067038 a 0201 + 01304802 a 0201 + 06747008 n 0201 + 05785067 n 0203 + 09774167 n 0201 + 09774266 n 0202 + 09774266 n 0201 ~ 00765649 v 0000 ~ 00770141 v 0000 ~ 00870577 v 0000 ~ 00873469 v 0000 ~ 00876104 v 0000 ~ 00876332 v 0000 ~ 00876442 v 0000 ~ 00928476 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 24 00 | give advice to; "The teacher counsels troubled students"; "The lawyer counselled me when I was accused of tax fraud"
00873469 32 v 02 tip_off 1 tip 4 003 @ 00872886 v 0000 + 06651577 n 0201 + 05827129 n 0101 03 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 24 00 | give insider information or advise to; "He tipped off the police about the terrorist plot"
00873682 32 v 06 advise 1 notify 0 give_notice 0 send_word 0 apprise 0 apprize 1 007 @ 00831651 v 0000 + 07212424 n 0502 + 07185668 n 0201 + 07212424 n 0203 + 07185668 n 0202 + 06747670 n 0201 + 00471698 a 0201 04 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 18 00 + 26 00 | inform (somebody) of something; "I advised him that the rent was due"
00874002 32 v 01 call c 003 $ 02359061 v 0000 @ 00755745 v 0000 + 00080743 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | require the presentation of for redemption before maturation; "Call a bond"
00874175 32 v 03 familiarize 0 familiarise 0 acquaint 1 008 $ 00901103 v 0000 @ 00831651 v 0000 + 05758382 n 0202 + 05758382 n 0101 ~ 00874537 v 0000 ~ 00874714 v 0000 ~ 00874867 v 0000 ~ 00875000 v 0000 01 + 17 00 | make familiar or conversant with; "you should acquaint yourself with your new computer"; "We familiarized ourselves with the new surroundings"
00874537 32 v 01 orient 1 001 @ 00874175 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | familiarize (someone) with new surroundings or circumstances; "The dean of students tries to orient the freshmen"
00874714 32 v 01 verse 0 001 @ 00874175 v 0000 01 + 17 00 | familiarize through thorough study or experience; "She versed herself in Roman archeology"
00874867 32 v 01 reacquaint 0 001 @ 00874175 v 0000 01 + 17 00 | familiarize anew; "We reacquainted ourselves with this technique"
00875000 32 v 01 get_into 0 001 @ 00874175 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 33 00 | familiarize oneself thoroughly with; "He really got into semantics"
00875141 32 v 03 recommend 1 urge 3 advocate 0 004 @ 00875394 v 0000 + 00713558 a 0202 + 07188385 n 0202 + 06671637 n 0101 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 26 00 | push for something; "The travel agent recommended strongly that we not travel on Thanksgiving Day"
00875394 32 v 03 propose 0 suggest 0 advise 2 014 @ 01010118 v 0000 + 02362708 a 0201 + 07246582 n 0201 + 07162680 n 0201 + 10673451 n 0201 + 07161429 n 0102 + 10673451 n 0102 + 07161429 n 0101 ~ 00875141 v 0000 ~ 00875806 v 0000 ~ 00875951 v 0000 ~ 00876200 v 0000 ~ 00878136 v 0000 ~ 00879356 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make a proposal, declare a plan for something; "the senator proposed to abolish the sales tax"
00875806 32 v 02 advance 0 throw_out 0 001 @ 00875394 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | bring forward for consideration or acceptance; "advance an argument"
00875951 32 v 01 proposition 0 002 @ 00875394 v 0000 + 07161912 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | suggest sex to; "She was propositioned by a stranger at the party"
00876104 32 v 02 misadvise 0 misguide 0 001 @ 00872886 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | give bad advice to
00876200 32 v 01 feed_back 0 003 * 00815686 v 0000 @ 00875394 v 0000 + 06746471 n 0101 01 + 15 00 | respond to a query or outcome
00876332 32 v 01 propound 0 002 @ 00872886 v 0000 + 09774783 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | put forward, as of an idea
00876442 32 v 01 consult 0 006 @ 00872886 v 0000 + 01304802 a 0104 + 01304802 a 0102 + 01304802 a 0103 + 07143137 n 0101 + 09774266 n 0103 02 + 02 00 + 09 00 | advise professionally; "The professor consults for industry"
00876665 32 v 04 confer 0 confabulate 1 confab 1 consult 5 009 @ 00813978 v 0000 + 07143137 n 0401 + 07143624 n 0401 + 07134850 n 0302 + 07134850 n 0203 + 09953965 n 0101 + 08308497 n 0101 + 07142566 n 0101 ~ 00876994 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | have a conference in order to talk something over; "We conferred about a plan of action"
00876994 32 v 01 collogue 0 001 @ 00876665 v 0000 02 + 22 00 + 02 01 | confer secretly
00877083 32 v 03 consult 1 refer c look_up 0 005 @ 00877327 v 0000 + 07258664 n 0201 + 06417598 n 0202 + 07143137 n 0101 + 01264050 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 22 02 | seek information from; "You should consult the dictionary"; "refer to your notes"
00877327 32 v 01 research 0 004 @ 00789138 v 0000 + 05797597 n 0103 + 10523076 n 0102 ~ 00877083 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | attempt to find out in a systematically and scientific manner; "The student researched the history of that word"
00877559 32 v 02 consult 2 confer_with 0 006 @ 00784342 v 0000 + 01304802 a 0104 + 01304802 a 0102 + 01304802 a 0103 + 07143137 n 0101 + 07143624 n 0101 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 02 01 | get or ask advice from; "Consult your local broker"; "They had to consult before arriving at a decision"
00877848 32 v 03 prompt 1 remind 0 cue 0 006 @ 00831651 v 0000 + 07011209 n 0301 + 07011803 n 0101 + 10482414 n 0101 + 04010779 n 0101 + 07011803 n 0102 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | assist (somebody acting or reciting) by suggesting the next words of something forgotten or imperfectly learned
00878136 32 v 04 submit 0 state 1 put_forward 0 posit 2 004 @ 00875394 v 0000 + 07203126 n 0203 + 06648724 n 0202 + 06731510 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 15 00 | put before; "I submit to you that the accused is guilty"
00878348 32 v 05 submit 2 bow 1 defer 0 accede 0 give_in 2 007 @ 00804476 v 0000 + 01994180 a 0301 + 04913839 n 0301 + 00788821 a 0101 + 14580090 n 0101 + 01166926 n 0101 + 10669727 n 0101 01 + 27 00 | yield to another's wish or opinion; "The government bowed to the military pressure"
00878636 32 v 02 submit 1 subject 4 005 @ 01952898 v 0000 + 07167578 n 0101 ~ 00878876 v 0000 ~ 00879028 v 0000 ~ 02589013 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 15 00 | refer for judgment or consideration; "The lawyers submitted the material to the court"
00878876 32 v 01 give e 001 @ 00878636 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 15 00 | submit for consideration, judgment, or use; "give one's opinion"; "give an excuse"
00879028 32 v 01 return 2 002 @ 00878636 v 0000 ~ 00879212 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 15 00 | submit (a report, etc.) to someone in authority; "submit a bill to a legislative body"
00879212 32 v 01 report_out 0 001 @ 00879028 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | return a bill after consideration and revision to a legislative body
00879356 32 v 02 move 0 make_a_motion 0 003 @ 00875394 v 0000 + 10484526 n 0102 $ 01076615 v 0000 03 + 13 00 + 26 00 + 28 00 | propose formally; in a debate or parliamentary meeting
00879540 32 v 03 nominate 0 put_up 0 put_forward 1 006 @ 02401523 v 0000 + 00846625 a 0102 + 13926535 n 0101 + 07240925 n 0103 + 00164152 n 0101 + 10360101 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 22 00 | propose as a candidate for some honor
00879764 32 v 04 propose 1 declare_oneself 0 offer c pop_the_question 0 002 @ 00753428 v 0000 + 07161741 n 0104 02 + 02 00 + 27 00 | ask (someone) to marry you; "he popped the question on Sunday night"; "she proposed marriage to the man she had known for only two months"; "The old bachelor finally declared himself to the young woman"
00880102 32 v 01 volunteer 0 001 @ 00831651 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | tell voluntarily; "He volunteered the information"
00880227 32 v 02 flatter 0 blandish 0 011 @ 00856824 v 0000 + 06695862 n 0201 + 00159899 n 0201 + 10095869 n 0101 + 06695579 n 0101 ! 00845909 v 0101 ~ 00769355 v 0000 ~ 00880518 v 0000 ~ 00880658 v 0000 ~ 00880978 v 0000 ~ 00881534 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | praise somewhat dishonestly
00880518 32 v 01 adulate 0 003 @ 00880227 v 0000 + 00907830 a 0101 + 10095869 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | flatter in an obsequious manner
00880658 32 v 01 stroke 0 001 @ 00880227 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | treat gingerly or carefully; "You have to stroke the boss"
00880780 32 v 02 eulogize 0 eulogise 0 003 @ 00856824 v 0000 + 06694359 n 0201 + 06694359 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | praise formally and eloquently; "The dead woman was eulogized at the funeral"
00880978 32 v 07 fawn 0 toady 0 truckle 0 bootlick 0 kowtow 0 kotow 0 suck_up 0 009 @ 00880227 v 0000 + 07275275 n 0602 + 07275275 n 0501 + 09800631 n 0402 + 09800631 n 0306 + 01167385 n 0301 + 10684827 n 0202 + 09800631 n 0103 ~ 00881329 v 0000 02 + 22 00 + 02 01 | try to gain favor by cringing or flattering; "He is always kowtowing to his boss"
00881329 32 v 04 curry_favor 0 curry_favour 0 court_favor 0 court_favour 0 001 @ 00880978 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | seek favor by fawning or flattery; "This employee is currying favor with his superordinates"
00881534 32 v 02 butter_up 0 brown-nose 0 001 @ 00880227 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | flatter with the intention of getting something
00881661 32 v 02 compliment 0 congratulate 0 004 @ 00856824 v 0000 + 01000093 a 0201 + 07140348 n 0201 + 06695227 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 20 00 | say something to someone that expresses praise; "He complimented her on her last physics paper"
00881901 32 v 01 compliment 1 001 @ 00897125 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | express respect or esteem for
00881998 32 v 02 congratulate 1 felicitate 0 007 @ 00902932 v 0000 + 04716210 n 0201 + 07140348 n 0202 + 06633896 n 0202 + 01000093 a 0101 + 07140348 n 0101 + 06633896 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 20 00 | express congratulations
00882220 32 v 02 rave 0 gush 0 003 @ 00856824 v 0000 + 07014320 n 0202 + 06693744 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | praise enthusiastically; "She raved about that new restaurant"
00882395 32 v 01 commend 0 003 @ 00856824 v 0000 + 06686736 n 0102 + 06706125 n 0102 02 + 09 00 + 22 00 | express approval of
00882523 32 v 02 commend 1 remember 0 001 @ 01024190 v 0000 01 + 20 00 | mention as by way of greeting or to indicate friendship; "Remember me to your wife"
00882682 32 v 01 speak_of_the_devil 0 001 @ 01024190 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | mention someone's name who just then appears
00882802 32 v 01 remember 7 002 @ 01024190 v 0000 + 06688522 n 0103 01 + 09 00 | mention favorably, as in prayer; "remember me in your prayers"
00882948 32 v 02 commend 2 recommend 0 004 @ 00856824 v 0000 + 06694540 n 0201 + 06671637 n 0201 + 06686736 n 0102 02 + 09 00 + 26 00 | express a good opinion of
00883112 32 v 01 commend 3 001 @ 02349212 v 0000 01 + 15 00 | give to in charge; "I commend my children to you"
00883226 32 v 0a boast 0 tout 0 swash 0 shoot_a_line 0 brag 0 gas 0 blow 3 bluster 0 vaunt 0 gasconade 0 014 @ 00839834 v 0000 + 07229747 n 0a07 + 09872066 n 0906 + 07230227 n 0901 + 07230089 n 0802 + 06889591 n 0802 + 10274318 n 0802 + 09872066 n 0501 + 09872066 n 0502 + 07229747 n 0501 + 07229530 n 0101 + 09872066 n 0103 ~ 00797303 v 0000 ~ 00883635 v 0000 04 + 02 00 + 22 00 + 26 00 + 27 00 | show off
00883635 32 v 03 gloat 0 triumph 0 crow 0 006 @ 00883226 v 0000 + 07229747 n 0303 + 07229747 n 0304 + 07532276 n 0101 + 07532276 n 0102 ~ 00883847 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 22 00 + 26 00 | dwell on with satisfaction
00883847 32 v 02 preen 0 congratulate b 003 @ 00883635 v 0000 + 01000093 a 0201 + 06633896 n 0201 01 + 02 00 | pride or congratulate (oneself) for an achievement
00884011 32 v 02 promise 0 assure 2 011 @ 01010118 v 0000 + 07227772 n 0201 + 02997740 a 0101 + 10482054 n 0101 + 07226545 n 0101 + 10481929 n 0101 + 10482054 n 0102 ~ 00884540 v 0000 ~ 00884814 v 0000 ~ 00888786 v 0000 ~ 00889555 v 0000 04 + 26 00 + 28 00 + 08 01 + 24 01 | make a promise or commitment
00884317 32 v 01 promise 1 006 @ 01010118 v 0000 + 02997740 a 0101 + 07226545 n 0101 + 05950733 n 0101 + 10481929 n 0101 + 10482054 n 0102 02 + 14 00 + 15 00 | promise to undertake or give; "I promise you my best effort"
00884540 32 v 02 pledge 0 plight 0 008 @ 00884011 v 0000 + 07228105 n 0201 + 10441694 n 0101 + 07227772 n 0102 ~ 00886759 v 0000 ~ 00890100 v 0000 ~ 01030832 v 0000 ~ 02474780 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | promise solemnly and formally; "I pledge that I will honor my wife"
00884814 32 v 01 swear_off 0 001 @ 00884011 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | promise to abstain from; "I have sworn off cigarettes altogether"
00884946 32 v 01 pledge 1 002 @ 00885217 v 0000 + 07227772 n 0102 01 + 20 00 | bind or secure by a pledge; "I was pledged to silence"
00885082 32 v 01 article 0 002 @ 00885217 v 0000 + 06392935 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | bind by a contract; especially for a training period
00885217 32 v 04 oblige 0 bind 0 hold d obligate 0 009 @ 02458103 v 0000 + 14490110 n 0401 + 06773150 n 0401 + 05689801 n 0201 + 06773150 n 0101 ~ 00884946 v 0000 ~ 00885082 v 0000 ~ 00885569 v 0000 ~ 00885768 v 0000 03 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 24 00 | bind by an obligation; cause to be indebted; "He's held by a contract"; "I'll hold you by your promise"
00885569 32 v 02 indenture 0 indent 2 003 @ 00885217 v 0000 + 06772837 n 0201 + 06772837 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | bind by or as if by indentures, as of an apprentice or servant; "an indentured servant"
00885768 32 v 01 tie_down 0 001 @ 00885217 v 0000 03 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 24 00 | restrain from independence by an obligation; "He was tied down by his work"
00885925 32 v 02 oblige 1 accommodate 0 007 @ 02542280 v 0000 + 00020787 a 0202 + 01210816 n 0201 + 10369166 n 0202 + 13782033 n 0101 + 10369166 n 0101 ! 00886173 v 0101 01 + 09 00 | provide a service or favor for someone; "We had to oblige him"
00886173 32 v 01 disoblige 0 002 @ 00800930 v 0000 ! 00885925 v 0101 01 + 09 00 | ignore someone's wishes
00886281 32 v 01 pledge 2 005 @ 02347637 v 0000 + 13350702 n 0101 ~ 00886457 v 0000 ~ 00888009 v 0000 ~ 01062050 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | give as a guarantee; "I pledge my honor"
00886457 32 v 01 collateralize 0 001 @ 00886281 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | pledge as a collateral; "The loan was collateralized by government bonds"
00886602 32 v 04 betroth 0 engage 0 affiance 0 plight 1 003 @ 00886759 v 0000 + 07228211 n 0203 + 01036778 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 20 00 | give to in marriage
00886759 32 v 01 vow 0 006 @ 00884540 v 0000 + 07228751 n 0101 + 10760951 n 0101 ~ 00886602 v 0000 ~ 00888326 v 0000 ~ 00889947 v 0000 02 + 26 00 + 28 00 | make a vow; promise; "He vowed never to drink alcohol again"
00886978 32 v 02 vow 1 consecrate 1 004 @ 00887463 v 0000 + 01041111 n 0201 + 01040646 n 0201 + 07228751 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 15 00 | dedicate to a deity by a vow
00887142 32 v 01 dedicate 1 003 @ 01060746 v 0000 + 06406317 n 0101 ~ 00887325 v 0000 01 + 15 00 | inscribe or address by way of compliment; "She dedicated her book to her parents"
00887325 32 v 01 inscribe 2 001 @ 00887142 v 0000 01 + 15 00 | address, (a work of literature) in a style less formal than a dedication
00887463 32 v 05 give 3 dedicate 0 consecrate 4 commit 1 devote 0 015 @ 01158872 v 0000 + 01044448 n 0502 + 01206553 n 0501 + 10077593 n 0503 + 01206153 n 0401 + 01041111 n 0301 + 07452348 n 0201 + 06684383 n 0202 + 04877421 n 0201 + 01206153 n 0204 ~ 00886978 v 0000 $ 00888009 v 0000 ~ 00888150 v 0000 $ 02343595 v 0000 ~ 02595523 v 0000 03 + 14 00 + 15 00 + 24 00 | give entirely to a specific person, activity, or cause; "She committed herself to the work of God"; "give one's talents to a good cause"; "consecrate your life to the church"
00888009 32 v 01 give f 003 $ 00887463 v 0000 @ 00886281 v 0000 + 06685198 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | offer in good faith; "He gave her his word"
00888150 32 v 01 rededicate 0 002 @ 00887463 v 0000 + 07452559 n 0101 03 + 14 00 + 15 00 + 24 00 | dedicate anew; "They were asked to rededicate themselves to their country"
00888326 32 v 01 profess 1 004 @ 00886759 v 0000 + 06685040 n 0101 ~ 00888519 v 0000 $ 00888657 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 09 00 | take vows, as in religious order; "she professed herself as a nun"
00888519 32 v 01 take_the_veil 0 001 @ 00888326 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | become a nun; "The young woman took the veil after her fiance died"
00888657 32 v 01 profess 8 002 $ 00888326 v 0000 @ 02236624 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | receive into a religious order or congregation
00888786 32 v 02 contract 0 undertake 1 008 @ 00884011 v 0000 + 06520944 n 0101 + 09960688 n 0101 ~ 00889026 v 0000 ~ 00889229 v 0000 ~ 01018928 v 0000 ~ 02460199 v 0000 ~ 02460619 v 0000 01 + 28 00 | enter into a contractual arrangement
00889026 32 v 01 stipulate 6 002 @ 00888786 v 0000 ;c 06534659 n 0000 01 + 02 00 | make an oral contract or agreement in the verbal form of question and answer that is necessary to give it legal force
00889229 32 v 01 sign 0 009 @ 00888786 v 0000 + 10597234 n 0101 ~ 00996919 v 0000 ~ 00997020 v 0000 ~ 00997133 v 0000 ~ 00997307 v 0000 ~ 00997432 v 0000 ~ 00997659 v 0000 ~ 00997794 v 0000 01 + 28 00 | be engaged by a written agreement; "He signed to play the casino on Dec. 18"; "The soprano signed to sing the new opera"
00889555 32 v 02 undertake 0 guarantee 1 003 @ 00884011 v 0000 + 06686174 n 0201 ~ 00889740 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 28 00 | promise to do or accomplish; "guarantee to free the prisoners"
00889740 32 v 03 underwrite 1 subvention 0 subvent 0 003 @ 00889555 v 0000 + 13267263 n 0301 + 01061203 n 0301 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | guarantee financial support of; "The opera tour was subvented by a bank"
00889947 32 v 01 swear 2 003 @ 00886759 v 0000 + 10682380 n 0101 ^ 00884814 v 0101 04 + 02 00 + 15 00 + 26 00 + 28 00 | promise solemnly; take an oath
00890100 32 v 02 guarantee 0 vouch c 008 @ 00884540 v 0000 + 10760763 n 0201 + 06685456 n 0101 + 06686174 n 0101 ~ 00890403 v 0000 $ 00890590 v 0000 ~ 01019472 v 0000 ~ 02349706 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 26 00 + 22 02 | give surety or assume responsibility; "I vouch for the quality of my products"
00890403 32 v 01 bail 0 005 @ 00890100 v 0000 + 01763683 a 0101 + 09833275 n 0101 + 05903445 n 0101 $ 02421749 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | secure the release of (someone) by providing security
00890590 32 v 05 guarantee 3 ensure 0 insure 4 assure 3 secure 0 004 $ 00890100 v 0000 + 06686174 n 0101 ~ 00890855 v 0000 ~ 00891038 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | make certain of; "This nest egg will ensure a nice retirement for us"; "Preparation will guarantee success!"
00890855 32 v 01 doom 4 002 @ 00890590 v 0000 + 07334206 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make certain of the failure or destruction of; "This decision will doom me to lose my position"
00891038 32 v 01 make e 002 @ 00890590 v 0000 ! 02559395 v 0101 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | assure the success of; "A good review by this critic will make your play!"
00891216 32 v 03 cover 0 insure 0 underwrite 0 010 $ 02395000 v 0000 @ 00891936 v 0000 + 10209731 n 0304 + 08070465 n 0305 + 08070465 n 0203 + 13344804 n 0201 + 13344664 n 0101 ~ 00891541 v 0000 ~ 02251247 v 0000 $ 02672859 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | protect by insurance; "The insurance won't cover this"
00891541 32 v 01 reinsure 1 001 @ 00891216 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | insure again by assuming all or a part of the liability of an insurance company already covering a risk
00891734 32 v 01 reinsure 0 002 @ 02251065 v 0000 + 13348456 n 0101 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | insure again by transferring to another insurance company all or a part of a liability assumed
00891936 32 v 02 guarantee 2 warrant 1 010 @ 02453889 v 0000 + 06685456 n 0202 + 10768148 n 0201 + 10149527 n 0203 + 10149527 n 0204 + 06686174 n 0101 + 06685456 n 0101 + 10149527 n 0101 ~ 00891216 v 0000 ~ 02447793 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | stand behind and guarantee the quality, accuracy, or condition of; "The dealer warrants all the cars he sells"; "I warrant this information"
00892315 32 v 02 thank 0 give_thanks 4 002 @ 00928630 v 0000 ~ 00892467 v 0000 03 + 09 00 + 20 00 + 22 02 | express gratitude or show appreciation to
00892467 32 v 03 acknowledge 1 recognize 0 recognise 0 003 @ 00892315 v 0000 + 06628861 n 0101 ~ 01805982 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | express obligation, thanks, or gratitude for; "We must acknowledge the kindness she showed towards us"
00892698 32 v 02 acknowledge 4 receipt 0 003 @ 00742320 v 0000 + 06520222 n 0201 + 00090253 n 0202 02 + 08 00 + 15 00 | report the receipt of; "The program committee acknowledged the submission of the authors of the paper"
00892923 32 v 02 apologize 0 apologise 0 003 * 00817311 v 0000 + 06633363 n 0201 + 06633363 n 0101 03 + 02 00 + 26 00 + 27 00 | acknowledge faults or shortcomings or failing; "I apologized for being late"; "He apologized for the many typoes"
00893167 32 v 02 excuse 2 condone 0 004 @ 00903385 v 0000 + 01227351 n 0201 + 06741305 n 0101 + 10399299 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | excuse, overlook, or make allowances for; be lenient with; "excuse someone's behavior"; "She condoned her husband's occasional infidelities"
00893435 32 v 02 excuse 3 explain 2 004 @ 00896141 v 0000 + 07232421 n 0201 + 06741305 n 0101 ~ 00893741 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | serve as a reason or cause or justification of; "Your need to sleep late does not excuse your late arrival at work"; "Her recent divorce may explain her reluctance to date again"
00893741 32 v 01 alibi 0 003 @ 00893435 v 0000 + 06741305 n 0102 + 06741099 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 11 00 | exonerate by means of an alibi
00893878 32 v 04 excuse 4 relieve 1 let_off 0 exempt 0 003 @ 00902424 v 0000 + 06626446 n 0101 ~ 00894080 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 20 00 | grant exemption or release to; "Please excuse me from this class"
00894080 32 v 01 frank 0 001 @ 00893878 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | exempt by means of an official pass or letter, as from customs or other checks
00894221 32 v 02 excuse 5 beg_off 0 002 @ 00752764 v 0000 + 06626446 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | ask for permission to be released from an engagement
00894365 32 v 01 plead 2 001 @ 00894738 v 0000 03 + 07 00 + 08 00 + 26 00 | offer as an excuse or plea; "She was pleading insanity"
00894499 32 v 02 take_the_Fifth 0 take_the_Fifth_Amendment 0 001 @ 01010118 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | refuse to testify by invoking the Fifth Amendment, which states that nobody may be forced to testify as a witness against himself or herself
00894738 32 v 06 apologize 1 apologise 1 excuse 1 justify 2 rationalize 0 rationalise 0 017 @ 00895304 v 0000 + 05794403 n 0602 + 05794403 n 0501 + 01632066 a 0402 + 01632066 a 0403 + 01722140 a 0401 + 06740183 n 0401 + 05823054 n 0401 + 01241767 n 0401 + 09798534 n 0403 + 01631830 a 0302 + 06741305 n 0301 + 06740919 n 0201 + 06633363 n 0201 ~ 00837133 v 0000 ~ 00894365 v 0000 ~ 00906037 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | defend, explain, clear away, or make excuses for by reasoning; "rationalize the child's seemingly crazy behavior"; "he rationalized his lack of success"
00895304 32 v 03 defend 0 support 1 fend_for 0 010 @ 00772189 v 0000 + 02354537 a 0201 + 01212519 n 0201 + 10407954 n 0203 + 10677713 n 0201 + 09614684 n 0101 + 06740644 n 0102 ~ 00894738 v 0000 ~ 00895641 v 0000 ~ 00896017 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | argue or speak in defense of; "She supported the motion to strike"
00895641 32 v 02 stand_up 0 stick_up 0 001 @ 00895304 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | defend against attack or criticism; "He stood up for his friend"; "She stuck up for the teacher who was accused of harassing the student"
00895855 32 v 01 cover_for 1 001 @ 01128193 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | provide an excuse or alibi for someone so as to cover up guilt; "I won't lie and cover for you"
00896017 32 v 01 uphold 0 001 @ 00895304 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | stand up for; stick up for; of causes, principles, or ideals
00896141 32 v 02 justify 0 vindicate 0 012 @ 00896497 v 0000 + 00923790 a 0203 + 06740644 n 0203 + 09798534 n 0202 + 00923790 a 0101 + 01632066 a 0102 + 00923790 a 0102 + 06740183 n 0101 + 05823054 n 0101 + 09798534 n 0103 ~ 00893435 v 0000 ~ 00896677 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | show to be right by providing justification or proof; "vindicate a claim"
00896497 32 v 02 uphold 2 maintain 3 003 @ 01012073 v 0000 + 10740219 n 0101 ~ 00896141 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | support against an opponent; "The appellate court upheld the verdict"
00896677 32 v 01 legitimate 2 002 @ 00896141 v 0000 + 01195380 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | show or affirm to be just and legitimate
00896803 32 v 02 justify 1 warrant 0 007 @ 01012073 v 0000 + 00923790 a 0101 + 00923790 a 0102 + 01722140 a 0101 + 06740183 n 0101 + 05823054 n 0101 + 01241767 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | show to be reasonable or provide adequate ground for; "The emergency does not warrant all of us buying guns"; "The end justifies the means"
00897125 32 v 01 greet 1 003 @ 00740577 v 0000 + 06630017 n 0101 ~ 00881901 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | send greetings to
00897241 32 v 03 greet 0 recognize 1 recognise 1 012 @ 00990655 v 0000 + 10146927 n 0101 + 06630017 n 0101 ~ 00898019 v 0000 ~ 00899352 v 0000 ~ 00899597 v 0000 ~ 00899956 v 0000 ~ 00900214 v 0000 ~ 00900376 v 0000 ~ 00900583 v 0000 ~ 00900961 v 0000 ~ 00902932 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | express greetings upon meeting someone
00897564 32 v 02 address 0 turn_to 1 004 @ 00740577 v 0000 + 09769345 n 0101 ~ 00897746 v 0000 ~ 02601456 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | speak to; "He addressed the crowd outside the window"
00897746 32 v 01 ask 4 005 @ 00897564 v 0000 + 10207831 n 0105 $ 00784342 v 0000 ~ 00785008 v 0000 ~ 00788184 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | address a question to and expect an answer from; "Ask your teacher about trigonometry"; "The children asked me about their dead grandmother"
00898019 32 v 01 shake_hands 0 003 @ 00897241 v 0000 + 06632097 n 0101 + 06632097 n 0103 02 + 02 00 + 21 00 | take someone's hands and shake them as a gesture of greeting or congratulation
00898210 32 v 01 nod 0 002 @ 00740577 v 0000 + 00336430 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 27 00 | lower and raise the head, as to indicate assent or agreement or confirmation; "The teacher nodded when the student gave the right answer"
00898434 32 v 01 nod 1 002 @ 00992041 v 0000 + 07274316 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | express or signify by nodding; "He nodded his approval"
00898568 32 v 01 cross_oneself 0 001 @ 00992041 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | make the sign of the cross; in the Catholic religion
00898691 32 v 02 bow 0 bow_down 0 003 @ 00992041 v 0000 + 07274425 n 0101 ~ 00898918 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 22 00 + 27 00 | bend one's knee or body, or lower one's head; "He bowed before the King"; "She bowed her head in shame"
00898918 32 v 02 congee 0 conge 0 002 @ 00898691 v 0000 + 00216607 n 0201 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | perform a ceremonious bow
00899041 32 v 01 take_a_bow 0 001 @ 02040273 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 22 00 + 27 00 | acknowledge applause by inclining the head, as of an artist after a performance
00899204 32 v 01 take_a_bow 1 001 @ 00686447 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | acknowledge praise or accept credit; "They finally took a bow for what they did"
00899352 32 v 02 curtsy 0 bob 0 004 @ 00897241 v 0000 * 00898691 v 0000 + 00336274 n 0201 + 07274890 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | make a curtsy; usually done only by girls and women; as a sign of respect; "She curtsied when she shook the Queen's hand"
00899597 32 v 01 salute 0 006 @ 00897241 v 0000 + 06632358 n 0101 + 06397789 n 0101 + 06630017 n 0102 + 10146927 n 0102 ~ 00899847 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | greet in a friendly way; "I meet this men every day on my way to work and he salutes me"
00899847 32 v 01 salaam 0 002 @ 00899597 v 0000 + 07275713 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 09 00 | greet with a salaam
00899956 32 v 02 salute 1 present 3 003 * 00992041 v 0000 @ 00897241 v 0000 + 06633041 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | recognize with a gesture prescribed by a military regulation; assume a prescribed position; "When the officers show up, the soldiers have to salute"
00900214 32 v 01 salute 2 003 @ 00897241 v 0000 + 06633041 n 0101 + 06688913 n 0102 01 + 09 00 | honor with a military ceremony, as when honoring dead soldiers
00900376 32 v 02 hail 0 herald 2 002 @ 00897241 v 0000 + 06631050 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | greet enthusiastically or joyfully
00900499 32 v 01 hail 1 001 @ 00792471 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | call for; "hail a cab"
00900583 32 v 02 welcome 0 receive 0 003 @ 00897241 v 0000 + 10146927 n 0103 ! 00900961 v 0101 01 + 09 00 | bid welcome to; greet upon arrival
00900728 32 v 02 dismiss 1 usher_out 0 003 @ 00900961 v 0000 + 06689829 n 0101 + 00076580 a 0101 01 + 09 00 | end one's encounter with somebody by causing or permitting the person to leave; "I was dismissed after I gave my report"
00900961 32 v 01 say_farewell 0 003 @ 00897241 v 0000 ! 00900583 v 0101 ~ 00900728 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 27 00 | say good-bye or bid farewell
00901103 32 v 03 introduce 0 present 1 acquaint 0 009 @ 00831651 v 0000 + 05817145 n 0301 + 07217349 n 0201 + 10466198 n 0201 + 07217349 n 0102 $ 00874175 v 0000 ~ 00901464 v 0000 ~ 00901651 v 0000 ~ 01065115 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 28 00 | cause to come to know personally; "permit me to acquaint you with my son"; "introduce the new neighbors to the community"
00901464 32 v 02 reintroduce 0 re-introduce 0 002 @ 00901103 v 0000 + 07217673 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 28 00 | introduce anew; "We haven't met in a long time, so let me reintroduce myself"
00901651 32 v 01 present 4 002 @ 00901103 v 0000 + 07217349 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | formally present a debutante, a representative of a country, etc.
00901799 32 v 04 precede 3 preface 0 premise 1 introduce 1 006 @ 01009240 v 0000 + 00126339 a 0401 + 01009709 a 0401 + 06397903 n 0202 ~ 00902144 v 0000 ~ 00902289 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | furnish with a preface or introduction; "She always precedes her lectures with a joke"; "He prefaced his lecture with a critical remark about the institution"
00902144 32 v 01 preamble 0 002 @ 00901799 v 0000 + 06398090 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | make a preliminary introduction, usually to a formal document
00902289 32 v 03 prologize 0 prologuize 0 prologise 0 002 @ 00901799 v 0000 + 07009421 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | write or speak a prologue
00902424 32 v 03 absolve 0 justify 3 free 0 006 @ 00903385 v 0000 + 06740183 n 0201 + 00923495 a 0101 ! 00842538 v 0101 ~ 00893878 v 0000 ~ 00902654 v 0000 01 + 18 00 | let off the hook; "I absolve you from this responsibility"
00902654 32 v 01 wash_one's_hands 0 001 @ 00902424 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | to absolve oneself of responsibility or future blame; "I wash my hands of this"
00902807 32 v 01 meld 0 002 @ 00974367 v 0000 + 00497060 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | announce for a score; of cards in a card game
00902932 32 v 02 wish 0 bid 1 003 @ 00897241 v 0000 + 06630627 n 0102 ~ 00881998 v 0000 02 + 14 00 + 15 00 | invoke upon; "wish you a nice evening"; "bid farewell"
00903098 32 v 01 wish 1 002 $ 00903212 v 0000 @ 00745499 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | order politely; express a wish for
00903212 32 v 01 wish 2 004 @ 00940384 v 0000 + 07486229 n 0101 + 07185870 n 0101 $ 00903098 v 0000 01 + 26 00 | make or express a wish; "I wish that Christmas were over"
00903385 32 v 01 forgive 0 008 @ 00806049 v 0000 + 10399299 n 0102 ~ 00893167 v 0000 ~ 00902424 v 0000 ~ 00903711 v 0000 ~ 00903947 v 0000 ~ 00905399 v 0000 ~ 00905852 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 14 00 | stop blaming or grant forgiveness; "I forgave him his infidelity"; "She cannot forgive him for forgetting her birthday"
00903711 32 v 02 shrive 0 absolve 2 005 @ 00903385 v 0000 + 00923495 a 0201 + 14574349 n 0201 + 00094240 n 0201 + 09755555 n 0201 01 + 09 00 | grant remission of a sin to; "The priest absolved him and told him to say ten Hail Mary's"
00903947 32 v 01 remit 4 001 @ 00903385 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | forgive; "God will remit their sins"
00904046 32 v 06 acquit 0 assoil 1 clear 0 discharge 0 exonerate 0 exculpate 0 014 * 00670261 v 0000 @ 00971650 v 0000 + 00923321 a 0601 + 01227691 n 0601 + 00923495 a 0502 + 14575399 n 0501 + 01241331 n 0502 + 13990502 n 0301 + 01247647 n 0301 + 01193886 n 0101 ! 00906367 v 0101 ~ 00904494 v 0000 ~ 00904878 v 0000 ~ 00905283 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 18 00 | pronounce not guilty of criminal charges; "The suspect was cleared of the murder charges"
00904494 32 v 01 vindicate 1 001 @ 00904046 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | clear of accusation, blame, suspicion, or doubt with supporting proof; "You must vindicate yourself and fight this libel"
00904690 32 v 01 vindicate 2 004 @ 01017643 v 0000 + 09798534 n 0102 + 06740644 n 0103 + 01241331 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | maintain, uphold, or defend; "vindicate the rights of the citizens"
00904878 32 v 01 whitewash 0 002 @ 00904046 v 0000 + 01241594 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | exonerate by means of a perfunctory investigation or through biased presentation of data
00905059 32 v 01 get_off 1 001 ;c 08441203 n 0000 01 + 09 00 | cause to be acquitted; get off the hook; in a legal case; "The lawyer got him off, even though there was no doubt in everybody's mind that he killed his wife"
00905283 32 v 01 purge 0 003 @ 00904046 v 0000 + 00252662 n 0101 + 00252662 n 0103 01 + 09 00 | clear of a charge
00905399 32 v 01 pardon 0 007 @ 00903385 v 0000 ;c 08441203 n 0000 + 01249315 n 0102 + 06552639 n 0101 + 10399299 n 0101 + 10399130 n 0101 ~ 00905677 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 14 00 | grant a pardon to; "Ford pardoned Nixon"; "The Thanksgiving turkey was pardoned by the President"
00905677 32 v 01 amnesty 0 005 @ 00905399 v 0000 ;c 08441203 n 0000 + 14529082 n 0101 + 06552639 n 0102 + 01249315 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | grant a pardon to (a group of people)
00905852 32 v 02 excuse 0 pardon 1 003 @ 00903385 v 0000 + 01227190 n 0202 + 06741305 n 0101 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | accept an excuse for; "Please excuse my dirty hands"
00906037 32 v 03 extenuate 0 palliate 0 mitigate 0 009 @ 00894738 v 0000 ;c 08441203 n 0000 + 01341153 a 0304 + 01341153 a 0305 + 06741728 n 0302 + 00354583 n 0302 + 00354583 n 0203 + 06741728 n 0101 + 00354583 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | lessen or to try to lessen the seriousness or extent of; "The circumstances extenuate the crime"
00906367 32 v 01 convict 0 008 * 00670261 v 0000 @ 00971650 v 0000 ;c 08441203 n 0000 + 01189282 n 0101 + 09963159 n 0101 + 09962966 n 0101 ! 00904046 v 0101 ~ 00906637 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 18 00 | find or declare guilty; "The man was convicted of fraud and sentenced"
00906637 32 v 01 reconvict 0 002 @ 00906367 v 0000 ;c 08441203 n 0000 01 + 09 00 | convict anew
00906735 32 v 03 sentence 0 condemn 1 doom 0 009 * 00906367 v 0000 @ 01010118 v 0000 ;c 08441203 n 0000 + 14574846 n 0201 + 06709692 n 0202 + 15224692 n 0102 + 01189282 n 0104 ~ 00907066 v 0000 ~ 01071155 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 24 00 | pronounce a sentence on (somebody) in a court of law; "He was condemned to ten years in prison"
00907066 32 v 01 foredoom 0 001 @ 00906735 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | doom beforehand
00907147 32 v 06 complain 0 kick 0 plain 0 sound_off 0 quetch 0 kvetch 0 016 + 07209965 n 0202 + 07208708 n 0101 + 10776339 n 0102 ! 00859153 v 0101 ~ 00844941 v 0000 ~ 00907657 v 0000 ~ 00907930 v 0000 ~ 00909219 v 0000 ~ 00909573 v 0000 ~ 00910135 v 0000 ~ 00910891 v 0000 ~ 00910973 v 0000 ~ 00911261 v 0000 ~ 00911350 v 0000 ~ 00965542 v 0000 ~ 01048492 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 26 00 | express complaints, discontent, displeasure, or unhappiness; "My mother complains all day"; "She has a lot to kick about"
00907657 32 v 02 backbite 0 bitch 0 004 @ 00907147 v 0000 + 07209965 n 0204 + 01222333 n 0201 + 09999135 n 0106 01 + 02 00 | say mean things
00907800 32 v 01 heckle 0 003 @ 00778275 v 0000 + 10167565 n 0101 + 01068633 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 09 00 | challenge aggressively
00907930 32 v 04 whine 0 grizzle 0 yammer 0 yawp 0 004 $ 01042531 v 0000 @ 00907147 v 0000 + 07211752 n 0102 + 10776339 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 26 00 | complain whiningly
00908099 32 v 02 deter 1 discourage 1 005 @ 00807178 v 0000 + 01076724 n 0201 + 01764543 a 0101 + 05689249 n 0103 + 01076488 n 0101 03 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | try to prevent; show opposition to; "We should discourage this practice among our youth"
00908351 32 v 02 foster 0 nurture 0 008 @ 01818235 v 0000 + 01129532 n 0205 + 04922113 n 0203 + 01129532 n 0104 + 07252206 n 0101 + 01129532 n 0103 ~ 00908621 v 0000 ~ 02670578 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | help develop, help grow; "nurture his talents"
00908621 32 v 05 patronize 0 patronise 0 patronage 0 support 2 keep_going 0 007 @ 00908351 v 0000 + 10407954 n 0403 + 01096454 n 0302 + 08401554 n 0302 + 10407726 n 0201 + 10407726 n 0101 $ 02684254 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | be a regular customer or client of; "We patronize this store"; "Our sponsor kept our art studio going for as long as he could"
00908977 32 v 03 patronize 1 patronise 1 condescend a 003 @ 02376958 v 0000 + 06719404 n 0301 ~ 00909134 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 22 03 | treat condescendingly
00909134 32 v 01 stoop_to 0 001 @ 00908977 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | make concessions to
00909219 32 v 05 murmur 1 mutter 0 grumble 0 croak 0 gnarl 0 009 @ 00907147 v 0000 + 07211092 n 0301 + 10776339 n 0307 + 07211092 n 0302 + 07211092 n 0205 + 07211092 n 0206 + 07211092 n 0103 + 07211092 n 0104 + 10342543 n 0103 03 + 02 00 + 22 00 + 26 00 | make complaining remarks or noises under one's breath; "she grumbles when she feels overworked"
00909573 32 v 03 grouch 0 grumble 1 scold 1 006 @ 00907147 v 0000 + 10561861 n 0301 + 10561861 n 0302 + 07211092 n 0201 + 10776339 n 0207 + 10148305 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | show one's unhappiness or critical attitude; "He scolded about anything that he thought was wrong"; "We grumbled about the increased work load"
00909896 32 v 01 coo 0 002 @ 00983824 v 0000 + 07381329 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | cry softly, as of pigeons
00910000 32 v 01 coo 1 001 @ 01044114 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | speak softly or lovingly; "The mother who held her baby was cooing softly"
00910135 32 v 01 protest 0 008 @ 00907147 v 0000 + 00514175 a 0101 + 07210553 n 0101 + 07210225 n 0101 + 06733119 n 0101 + 10018021 n 0103 + 10002760 n 0102 ~ 00910364 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 22 00 + 26 00 | utter words of protest
00910364 32 v 02 declaim 2 inveigh 1 002 @ 00910135 v 0000 + 07242324 n 0101 01 + 20 00 | speak against in an impassioned manner; "he declaimed against the wasteful ways of modern society"
00910555 32 v 01 remonstrate 0 001 @ 00807461 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | argue in protest or opposition
00910654 32 v 03 raise_hell 0 make_a_stink 0 raise_a_stink 0 001 @ 00807461 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | take strong and forceful action, as to object or express discontent; "She raised hell when she found out that she wold not be hired again"
00910891 32 v 01 repine 0 001 @ 00907147 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | express discontent
00910973 32 v 08 gripe 0 bitch 1 grouse 0 crab 0 beef 0 squawk 0 bellyache 0 holler 0 007 @ 00907147 v 0000 + 10776339 n 0706 + 07209965 n 0605 + 10776339 n 0608 + 07209965 n 0503 + 09974054 n 0401 + 07209965 n 0101 03 + 02 00 + 22 00 + 26 00 | complain; "What was he hollering about?"
00911261 32 v 02 rail 0 inveigh 0 001 @ 00907147 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | complain bitterly
00911350 32 v 04 deplore 1 lament 0 bewail 0 bemoan 0 003 @ 00907147 v 0000 + 01126841 a 0203 + 10335246 n 0204 01 + 08 00 | regret strongly; "I deplore this hostile action"; "we lamented the loss of benefits"
00911562 32 v 01 regret 2 004 @ 00831651 v 0000 + 07535670 n 0102 $ 00911761 v 0000 ~ 01780568 v 0000 01 + 28 00 | express with regret; "I regret to say that you did not gain admission to Harvard"
00911761 32 v 01 regret 0 002 $ 00911562 v 0000 @ 00797430 v 0000 02 + 26 00 + 28 00 | decline formally or politely; "I regret I can't come to the party"
00911917 32 v 01 repudiate 6 002 @ 00797430 v 0000 + 07205718 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | refuse to recognize or pay; "repudiate a debt"
00912048 32 v 06 exclaim 0 cry 7 cry_out 0 outcry 0 call_out 1 shout 8 009 $ 00975584 v 0000 $ 00913065 v 0000 @ 00940384 v 0000 + 07120524 n 0605 + 00842041 a 0102 + 07125523 n 0101 + 07125523 n 0102 ~ 00865664 v 0000 ~ 00865776 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | utter aloud; often with surprise, horror, or joy; "`I won!' he exclaimed"; "`Help!' she cried"; "`I'm here,' the mother shouted when she saw her child looking lost"
00912473 32 v 01 shout 0 008 @ 00941990 v 0000 + 07120524 n 0105 + 10533983 n 0106 ! 00915830 v 0101 ~ 00912833 v 0000 ~ 00915423 v 0000 ~ 00915605 v 0000 ~ 01048569 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 26 00 | utter in a loud voice; talk in a loud voice (usually denoting characteristic manner of speaking); "My grandmother is hard of hearing--you'll have to shout"
00912833 32 v 02 yell 0 scream 8 005 @ 00912473 v 0000 + 06345773 n 0201 + 01860497 n 0201 + 07120524 n 0104 + 10533983 n 0107 01 + 02 00 | utter or declare in a very loud voice; "You don't have to yell--I can hear you just fine"
00913065 32 v 09 shout 1 shout_out 0 cry 1 call 9 yell 1 scream 1 holler 5 hollo 0 squall 0 026 $ 00738747 v 0000 @ 00983824 v 0000 + 07121361 n 0806 + 07121361 n 0704 + 07121361 n 0705 + 07123012 n 0601 + 01860497 n 0601 + 07123012 n 0602 + 07121157 n 0502 + 07120524 n 0504 + 07123552 n 0501 + 07120524 n 0403 ^ 00975584 v 0401 + 07121157 n 0301 + 07120524 n 0301 ^ 00912048 v 0303 + 07120524 n 0105 + 07123552 n 0102 $ 00912048 v 0000 ~ 00913795 v 0000 ~ 00913982 v 0000 ~ 00914061 v 0000 ~ 00914215 v 0000 ~ 00914420 v 0000 ~ 01046932 v 0000 ~ 01048939 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | utter a sudden loud cry; "she cried with pain when the doctor inserted the needle"; "I yelled to her from the window but she couldn't hear me"
00913795 32 v 01 hollo 1 002 @ 00913065 v 0000 + 07121361 n 0106 01 + 02 00 | cry hollo
00913885 32 v 01 hollo 2 001 @ 01818235 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | encourage somebody by crying hollo
00913982 32 v 01 hurrah 0 001 @ 00913065 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | shout `hurrah!'
00914061 32 v 01 halloo 0 002 @ 00913065 v 0000 + 07122409 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 15 00 | shout `halloo', as when greeting someone or attracting attention
00914215 32 v 01 whoop 0 003 @ 00913065 v 0000 + 07123288 n 0101 + 01859325 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | shout, as if with joy or enthusiasm; "The children whooped when they were led to the picnic table"
00914420 32 v 04 shriek 0 shrill 0 pipe_up 1 pipe 0 006 @ 00913065 v 0000 + 07393589 n 0201 + 07393161 n 0103 + 07123012 n 0103 + 07123012 n 0104 ~ 00914634 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 26 00 | utter a shrill cry
00914634 32 v 02 yowl 0 caterwaul 0 003 @ 00914420 v 0000 + 07378569 n 0201 + 07121361 n 010a 01 + 01 00 | utter shrieks, as of cats
00914769 32 v 06 interject 0 come_in 0 interpose 0 put_in 2 throw_in 0 inject 0 005 @ 00778275 v 0000 + 01052215 n 0301 + 01068184 n 0302 + 07125958 n 0102 + 01068184 n 0101 03 + 08 00 + 26 00 + 02 02 | to insert between other elements; "She interjected clever remarks"
00915041 32 v 02 clamor 0 clamour 0 004 @ 00940384 v 0000 + 07122118 n 0203 + 07122118 n 0101 + 07122118 n 0102 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | utter or proclaim insistently and noisily; "The delegates clamored their disappointment"
00915265 32 v 02 vociferate 1 shout_out 3 002 @ 00940384 v 0000 + 10758589 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | utter in a very loud voice; "They vociferated their demands"
00915423 32 v 02 holler 6 holler_out 0 003 @ 00912473 v 0000 + 07121361 n 0104 + 07121361 n 0105 03 + 08 00 + 26 00 + 28 00 | shout out; "He hollered out to surrender our weapons"
00915605 32 v 02 thunder 0 roar 3 005 @ 00912473 v 0000 + 07121361 n 0208 + 10533983 n 0201 + 07121361 n 0209 + 07377682 n 0104 03 + 02 00 + 22 00 + 26 00 | utter words loudly and forcefully; "`Get out of here,' he roared"
00915830 32 v 01 whisper 0 005 @ 00941990 v 0000 + 07130341 n 0101 + 10777299 n 0101 + 07130341 n 0102 ! 00912473 v 0101 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 26 00 | speak softly; in a low voice
00916011 32 v 01 peep 1 001 @ 00941990 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | speak in a hesitant and high-pitched tone of voice
00916123 32 v 01 speak_up 3 001 @ 00941990 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | speak louder; raise one's voice; "The audience asked the lecturer to please speak up"
00916274 32 v 02 snap 0 snarl 0 003 @ 00941990 v 0000 + 06878706 n 0201 + 07129758 n 0201 03 + 02 00 + 22 00 + 26 00 | utter in an angry, sharp, or abrupt tone; "The sales clerk snapped a reply at the angry customer"; "The guard snarled at us"
00916520 32 v 01 snarl 1 002 @ 02176268 v 0000 + 07129758 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | make a snarling noise or move with a snarling noise; "Bullets snarled past us"
00916679 32 v 01 enthuse 0 002 @ 00941990 v 0000 ~ 00916783 v 0000 01 + 26 00 | utter with enthusiasm
00916783 32 v 02 rhapsodize 0 rhapsodise 0 001 @ 00916679 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | say (something) with great enthusiasm
00916909 32 v 04 guess 0 venture 0 pretend 2 hazard 0 008 @ 00927049 v 0000 + 11418138 n 0404 + 05803938 n 0101 + 06782680 n 0101 + 10150794 n 0101 + 05803938 n 0103 ~ 00917772 v 0000 ~ 00921072 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | put forward, of a guess, in spite of possible refutation; "I am guessing that the price of real estate will rise again"; "I cannot pretend to say that you are wrong"
00917300 32 v 02 suppose 0 say 3 003 @ 00927049 v 0000 + 06782680 n 0103 + 05892096 n 0103 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | express a supposition; "Let us say that he did not tell the truth"; "Let's say you had a lot of money--what would you do?"
00917537 32 v 01 second-guess 0 001 @ 01033189 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | evaluate or criticize with hindsight
00917651 32 v 02 second-guess 1 outguess 0 001 @ 00917772 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | attempt to anticipate or predict
00917772 32 v 07 predict 0 foretell 0 prognosticate 0 call a forebode 0 anticipate 0 promise 2 019 @ 00916909 v 0000 + 00122245 a 0601 + 07522128 n 0501 + 07286905 n 0501 + 01883325 a 0303 + 06748969 n 0304 + 05775407 n 0302 + 06749881 n 0301 + 10102506 n 0303 + 06748969 n 0202 + 01883325 a 0101 + 05775081 n 0101 + 10102506 n 0102 ~ 00627091 v 0000 ~ 00917651 v 0000 ~ 00918471 v 0000 ~ 00918580 v 0000 ~ 00926472 v 0000 ~ 00926702 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | make a prediction about; tell in advance; "Call the outcome of an election"
00918312 32 v 01 vaticinate 1 003 @ 00926702 v 0000 + 05775407 n 0103 + 10483530 n 0105 01 + 08 00 | foretell through or as if through the power of prophecy
00918471 32 v 01 augur 1 002 @ 00917772 v 0000 + 09823287 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | predict from an omen
00918580 32 v 02 bet 0 wager 0 003 @ 00917772 v 0000 + 00506658 n 0202 ^ 01139104 v 0101 01 + 26 00 | maintain with or as if with a bet; "I bet she will be there!"
00918746 32 v 01 guesstimate 0 002 @ 00672433 v 0000 + 05804136 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | estimate based on a calculation
00918872 32 v 04 determine 0 find 0 find_out 0 ascertain 1 016 $ 00920336 v 0000 $ 01637982 v 0000 + 00738829 a 0401 + 05808218 n 0203 + 09279458 n 0201 + 00162632 n 0102 + 00151497 n 0101 ~ 00919424 v 0000 ~ 00919608 v 0000 ~ 00919829 v 0000 ~ 00919960 v 0000 ~ 00920125 v 0000 ~ 00920929 v 0000 ~ 00948071 v 0000 ~ 02295082 v 0000 ~ 02694933 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 29 00 | establish after a calculation, investigation, experiment, survey, or study; "find the product of two numbers"; "The physicist who found the elusive particle won the Nobel Prize"
00919424 32 v 01 gauge 0 002 @ 00918872 v 0000 + 03429288 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | determine the capacity, volume, or contents of by measurement and calculation; "gauge the wine barrels"
00919608 32 v 01 translate 5 003 @ 00918872 v 0000 ;c 06075527 n 0000 + 13568983 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 08 00 | determine the amino-acid sequence of a protein during its synthesis by using information on the messenger RNA
00919829 32 v 01 rectify 2 002 @ 00918872 v 0000 + 00156119 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | math: determine the length of; "rectify a curve"
00919960 32 v 01 redetermine 0 002 @ 00918872 v 0000 + 00156293 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | fix, find, or establish again; "the physicists redetermined Planck's constant"
00920125 32 v 01 sequence 0 005 @ 00918872 v 0000 + 05044822 n 0101 + 08459252 n 0101 + 04173511 n 0101 + 04173344 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | determine the order of constituents in; "They sequenced the human genome"
00920336 32 v 07 determine 1 check a find_out 1 see 0 ascertain 0 watch 9 learn 2 006 + 00738829 a 0501 + 00141806 n 0201 + 00151497 n 0101 $ 00662589 v 0000 $ 00918872 v 0000 ~ 00920778 v 0000 01 + 29 00 | find out, learn, or determine with certainty, usually by making an inquiry or other effort; "I want to see whether she speaks French"; "See whether it works"; "find out if he speaks Russian"; "Check whether the train leaves on time"
00920778 32 v 01 test 8 003 @ 00920336 v 0000 + 00791078 n 0101 + 00644702 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | determine the presence or properties of (a substance)
00920929 32 v 01 refract 0 003 @ 00918872 v 0000 + 02312918 a 0102 + 02788005 a 0101 01 + 08 00 | determine the refracting power of (a lens)
00921072 32 v 02 suspect 0 surmise 0 003 @ 00916909 v 0000 + 06782680 n 0204 + 05919034 n 0103 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | imagine to be the case or true or probable; "I suspect he is a fugitive"; "I surmised that the butler did it"
00921300 32 v 05 bespeak 1 betoken 1 indicate 1 point c signal 1 009 @ 00952524 v 0000 + 06791372 n 0501 + 02091300 a 0301 + 06797671 n 0301 + 06797169 n 0301 + 06797169 n 0302 + 07262579 n 0301 ~ 00871942 v 0000 ~ 00921738 v 0000 02 + 11 00 + 04 04 | be a signal for or a symptom of; "These symptoms indicate a serious illness"; "Her behavior points to a severe neurosis"; "The economic indicators signal that the euro is undervalued"
00921738 32 v 01 mark 2 010 @ 00921300 v 0000 + 06798750 n 0101 + 03722007 n 0101 + 03721797 n 0101 $ 00651991 v 0000 ~ 00922025 v 0000 ~ 00922142 v 0000 ~ 00922320 v 0000 ~ 00922438 v 0000 ~ 00922771 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | designate as if by a mark; "This sign marks the border"
00922025 32 v 01 blaze 0 001 @ 00921738 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | indicate by marking trees with blazes; "blaze a trail"
00922142 32 v 01 dimension 0 002 @ 00921738 v 0000 + 05093581 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | indicate the dimensions on; "These techniques permit us to dimension the human heart"
00922320 32 v 01 signpost 0 002 @ 00921738 v 0000 + 06794374 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | mark with a signpost, as of a path
00922438 32 v 03 signalize 0 signalise 0 distinguish 0 005 @ 00921738 v 0000 + 06798336 n 0202 + 06798336 n 0101 + 06791372 n 0101 ~ 00922641 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make conspicuous or noteworthy
00922641 32 v 02 singularize 0 singularise 0 001 @ 00922438 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | distinguish as singular
00922771 32 v 01 buoy 0 002 @ 00921738 v 0000 + 07266178 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | mark with a buoy
00922867 32 v 04 read 2 register 0 show 4 record 3 007 @ 00928015 v 0000 + 00999787 n 0202 + 05816790 n 0101 + 01004582 n 0101 ~ 00923197 v 0000 ~ 00923307 v 0000 ~ 00923622 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | indicate a certain reading; of gauges and instruments; "The thermometer showed thirteen degrees below zero"; "The gauge read `empty'"
00923197 32 v 01 say 9 002 @ 00922867 v 0000 $ 00928959 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | indicate; "The clock says noon"
00923307 32 v 01 show 3 003 @ 00922867 v 0000 ~ 00820611 v 0000 ~ 00923481 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | give evidence of, as of records; "The diary shows his distress that evening"
00923481 32 v 01 surcharge 0 001 @ 00923307 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | show an omission in (an account) for which credit ought to have been given
00923622 32 v 01 strike 0 001 @ 00922867 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | indicate (a certain time) by striking; "The clock struck midnight"; "Just when I entered, the clock struck"
00923793 32 v 04 indicate 3 point 0 designate 3 show 1 009 @ 00831651 v 0000 + 06818121 n 0202 + 03150795 n 0202 + 03975232 n 0201 + 07231048 n 0101 ~ 00924255 v 0000 ~ 00924431 v 0000 ~ 00924612 v 0000 ~ 02136892 v 0000 05 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 14 00 + 15 00 + 26 00 | indicate a place, direction, person, or thing; either spatially or figuratively; "I showed the customer the glove section"; "He pointed to the empty parking space"; "he indicated his opponents"
00924255 32 v 01 point b 001 @ 00923793 v 0000 02 + 04 00 + 11 00 | indicate the presence of (game) by standing and pointing with the muzzle; "the dog pointed the dead duck"
00924431 32 v 01 finger 0 003 @ 00923793 v 0000 + 05566504 n 0101 + 01053207 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | indicate the fingering for the playing of musical scores for keyboard instruments
00924612 32 v 04 signalize 2 signalise 2 point_out 3 call_attention 0 002 @ 00923793 v 0000 + 06791372 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | point out carefully and clearly
00924777 32 v 01 foreshow 0 001 @ 00871942 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | foretell by divine inspiration
00924873 32 v 01 suspect 2 004 @ 00631737 v 0000 + 09762101 n 0102 + 10681383 n 0101 + 13982839 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | hold in suspicion; believe to be guilty; "The U.S. suspected Bin Laden as the mastermind behind the terrorist attacks"
00925110 32 v 02 wonder 1 question 2 003 @ 00630380 v 0000 + 04757522 n 0204 ~ 00925372 v 0000 02 + 29 00 + 02 01 | place in doubt or express doubtful speculation; "I wonder whether this was the right thing to do"; "she wondered whether it would snow tonight"
00925372 32 v 01 scruple 0 003 @ 00925110 v 0000 + 05957737 n 0101 + 07525555 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | have doubts about
00925490 32 v 02 wonder c marvel c 007 @ 00717358 v 0000 + 07289588 n 0202 + 10789534 n 0202 + 07509996 n 0102 + 07509996 n 0101 + 07289588 n 0101 + 10789534 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | be amazed at; "We marvelled at the child's linguistic abilities"
00925735 32 v 01 marvel 0 002 @ 00940384 v 0000 + 07289588 n 0102 02 + 22 00 + 26 00 | express astonishment or surprise about something
00925873 32 v 03 explicate 1 formulate 3 develop 0 007 @ 00633443 v 0000 + 00940842 n 0203 + 06743362 n 0101 $ 00402130 v 0000 $ 00545557 v 0000 ~ 00926156 v 0000 ~ 00926310 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | elaborate, as of theories and hypotheses; "Could you develop the ideas in your thesis"
00926156 32 v 01 mature 0 002 @ 00925873 v 0000 + 13512238 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | develop and work out fully in one's mind; "I need to mature my thoughts"
00926310 32 v 02 redevelop 0 reformulate 0 002 @ 00925873 v 0000 + 00265119 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | formulate or develop again, of an improved theory or hypothesis
00926472 32 v 02 forecast 0 calculate 1 008 @ 00917772 v 0000 + 00301187 a 0201 + 01155603 a 0202 + 05796423 n 0201 + 00868910 n 0201 + 06749881 n 0102 + 10102506 n 0101 + 06748969 n 0103 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | predict in advance
00926702 32 v 02 prophesy 0 vaticinate 0 005 @ 00917772 v 0000 + 05775407 n 0203 + 10483530 n 0205 ~ 00918312 v 0000 ~ 00926932 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 26 00 | predict or reveal through, or as if through, divine inspiration
00926932 32 v 02 enlighten 1 irradiate 0 001 @ 00926702 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | give spiritual insight to; in religion
00927049 32 v 01 speculate 0 006 @ 00632627 v 0000 + 00861818 a 0102 + 06782680 n 0106 + 10634316 n 0101 ~ 00916909 v 0000 ~ 00917300 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 26 00 | talk over conjecturally, or review in an idle or casual way and with an element of doubt or without sufficient reason to reach a conclusion; "We were speculating whether the President had to resign after the scandal"
00927430 32 v 02 hint 0 suggest 4 010 @ 00928630 v 0000 + 02362708 a 0201 + 07162680 n 0201 + 10673451 n 0201 + 06651577 n 0106 + 06802785 n 0101 + 07163988 n 0101 ~ 00927711 v 0000 ~ 00927900 v 0000 ~ 01026728 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 22 00 + 26 00 | drop a hint; intimate by a hint
00927711 32 v 03 intimate 0 adumbrate 1 insinuate 0 003 @ 00927430 v 0000 + 07238455 n 0301 + 05916306 n 0102 01 + 26 00 | give to understand; "I insinuated that I did not like his wife"
00927900 32 v 01 clue_in 0 001 @ 00927430 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | provide someone with a clue; "Can you clue me in?"
00928015 32 v 01 indicate 0 005 @ 00831651 v 0000 ~ 00922867 v 0000 ! 00928476 v 0101 ~ 01039854 v 0000 ~ 01068793 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 26 00 | to state or express briefly; "indicated his wishes in a letter"
00928232 32 v 02 indicate 4 suggest 3 005 @ 00831651 v 0000 + 02091300 a 0101 + 06671818 n 0101 + 06797671 n 0101 ! 00928476 v 0101 01 + 11 00 | suggest the necessity of an intervention; in medicine; "Tetracycline is indicated in such cases"
00928476 32 v 01 contraindicate 0 004 @ 00872886 v 0000 + 06797947 n 0101 ! 00928015 v 0101 ! 00928232 v 0101 01 + 11 00 | make a treatment inadvisable
00928630 32 v 01 convey 0 011 @ 02296153 v 0000 + 09962789 n 0102 + 06252954 n 0101 ~ 00892315 v 0000 ~ 00927430 v 0000 ~ 00928959 v 0000 ~ 00929362 v 0000 ~ 00929509 v 0000 ~ 00929703 v 0000 ~ 00943837 v 0000 ~ 00955148 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 15 00 | make known; pass on, of information; "She conveyed the message to me"
00928959 32 v 01 say 7 002 $ 00923197 v 0000 @ 00928630 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | communicate or express nonverbally; "What does this painting say?"; "Did his face say anything about how he felt?"
00929160 32 v 01 sign 4 003 @ 00740577 v 0000 + 06876144 n 0101 + 10597505 n 0101 01 + 26 00 | communicate in sign language; "I don't know how to sign, so I could not communicate with my deaf cousin"
00929362 32 v 01 look 0 002 @ 00928630 v 0000 + 04679738 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 15 00 | convey by one's expression; "She looked her devotion to me"
00929509 32 v 01 flash 0 002 @ 00928630 v 0000 + 06682494 n 0103 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make known or cause to appear with great speed; "The latest intelligence is flashed to all command posts"
00929703 32 v 01 breathe 3 001 @ 00928630 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 15 00 | manifest or evince; "She breathes the Christian spirit"
00929839 32 v 02 imply 0 connote 1 004 @ 00943837 v 0000 + 05923566 n 0201 + 00723542 a 0101 + 05920791 n 0103 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 26 00 | express or state indirectly
00930009 32 v 01 burst_out 0 002 @ 00943837 v 0000 ~ 00930194 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 33 00 | give sudden release to an expression; "We burst out laughing"; "'I hate you,' she burst out"
00930194 32 v 01 rip_out 0 001 @ 00930009 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 22 00 | burst out with a violent or profane utterance; "ripped out a vicious oath"; "ripped out with an oath"
00930368 32 v 03 suggest 1 evoke 1 paint_a_picture 0 006 @ 00943837 v 0000 + 01977669 a 0201 + 05769833 n 0201 + 05771679 n 0101 ~ 02194723 v 0000 ~ 02636921 v 0000 02 + 11 00 + 02 03 | call to mind; "this remark evoked sadness"
00930599 32 v 01 imply 1 006 @ 00943837 v 0000 + 00723542 a 0101 + 13860281 n 0101 ~ 00716345 v 0000 ~ 00930806 v 0000 ~ 00931232 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | suggest as a logically necessary consequence; in logic
00930806 32 v 02 suggest 2 intimate 1 008 @ 00930599 v 0000 + 07163988 n 0202 + 05916306 n 0202 + 02362708 a 0101 + 02091300 a 0105 + 00723542 a 0102 + 07246582 n 0101 ~ 00931085 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | imply as a possibility; "The evidence suggests a need for more clarification"
00931085 32 v 01 make_out 3 001 @ 00930806 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | imply or suggest; "Your remarks make me out to be stupid"
00931232 32 v 02 connote 0 predicate 1 003 @ 00930599 v 0000 + 06733227 n 0202 + 06602935 n 0102 01 + 11 00 | involve as a necessary condition of consequence; as in logic; "solving the problem is predicated on understanding it well"
00931467 32 v 02 denote 0 refer 0 015 @ 00931852 v 0000 + 05923314 n 0201 + 05922949 n 0201 + 00722110 a 0102 + 01418989 a 0101 + 00722110 a 0101 + 05922949 n 0102 $ 00932161 v 0000 ~ 00932798 v 0000 ~ 00933107 v 0000 ~ 00959524 v 0000 ~ 01026095 v 0000 ~ 01026558 v 0000 ~ 01044891 v 0000 ~ 01061481 v 0000 03 + 11 00 + 04 02 + 22 02 | have as a meaning; "`multi-' denotes `many' "
00931852 32 v 04 mean 3 intend 2 signify 2 stand_for 0 007 + 06601327 n 0303 + 06811625 n 0301 + 06290637 n 0303 + 06601327 n 0101 + 05919866 n 0101 ~ 00931467 v 0000 $ 00932324 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | denote or connote; "`maison' means `house' in French"; "An example sentence would show what this word means"
00932161 32 v 01 denote 1 003 $ 00931467 v 0000 @ 01030132 v 0000 + 07231048 n 0102 01 + 11 00 | be a sign or indication of; "Her smile denoted that she agreed"
00932324 32 v 01 signify 0 008 $ 00931852 v 0000 @ 00955148 v 0000 + 01497387 a 0103 + 06811625 n 0101 + 06791372 n 0103 + 06876144 n 0101 + 06646243 n 0101 + 06601327 n 0102 03 + 11 00 + 15 00 + 21 00 | convey or express a meaning; "These words mean nothing to me!"; "What does his strange behavior signify?"
00932636 32 v 02 spell 1 import 0 003 @ 00955148 v 0000 + 06601327 n 0204 + 05920791 n 0202 01 + 11 00 | indicate or signify; "I'm afraid this spells trouble!"
00932798 32 v 05 twist 0 twist_around 0 pervert 0 convolute 0 sophisticate 0 005 @ 00931467 v 0000 + 05895138 n 0503 + 00753472 n 0501 + 07173959 n 0102 + 00751529 n 0105 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | practice sophistry; change the meaning of or be vague about in order to mislead or deceive; "Don't twist my words"
00933107 32 v 02 euphemize 0 euphemise 0 002 @ 00931467 v 0000 + 06605046 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | refer to something with a euphemism
00933239 32 v 01 speak_in_tongues 0 001 @ 00941990 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | speak unintelligibly in or as if in religious ecstasy; "The parishioners spoke in tongues"
00933403 32 v 01 voice 0 004 @ 00940384 v 0000 + 00179683 n 0101 + 07073208 n 0102 + 10758847 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | give voice to; "He voiced his concern"
00933566 32 v 03 tone_down 0 moderate 1 tame 0 002 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 05117660 n 0201 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make less strong or intense; soften; "Tone down that aggressive letter"; "The author finally tamed some of his potentially offensive statements"
00933821 32 v 0b unwrap 0 disclose 0 let_on 0 bring_out 6 reveal 0 discover 4 expose 1 divulge 0 break 0 give_away 0 let_out 0 023 > 00935987 v 0000 $ 00935987 v 0000 @ 00952524 v 0000 + 07214894 n 0a01 + 07214267 n 0802 + 07214267 n 0801 + 07215377 n 0701 + 07215568 n 0701 + 07214432 n 0601 + 05808102 n 0501 + 07213395 n 0503 + 07213395 n 0201 ~ 00847365 v 0000 ~ 00934744 v 0000 ~ 00934965 v 0000 ~ 00935264 v 0000 ~ 00935456 v 0000 ~ 00935827 v 0000 ~ 00936330 v 0000 ~ 00936465 v 0000 ~ 00937023 v 0000 ~ 00937208 v 0000 ~ 02144243 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 15 00 + 26 00 | make known to the public information that was previously known only to a few people or that was meant to be kept a secret; "The auction house would not disclose the price at which the van Gogh had sold"; "The actress won't reveal how old she is"; "bring out the truth"; "he broke the news to her"; "unwrap the evidence in the murder case"
00934744 32 v 01 muckrake 0 003 @ 00933821 v 0000 + 10336537 n 0101 + 07215816 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | explore and expose misconduct and scandals concerning public figures; "This reporter was well-known for his muckraking"
00934965 32 v 01 blow 9 001 @ 00933821 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cause to be revealed and jeopardized; "The story blew their cover"; "The double agent was blown by the other side"
00935141 32 v 02 out 0 come_out 0 000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | be made known; be disclosed or revealed; "The truth will out"
00935264 32 v 01 out 1 001 @ 00933821 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | reveal (something) about somebody's identity or lifestyle; "The gay actor was outed last week"; "Someone outed a CIA agent"
00935456 32 v 03 come_out_of_the_closet 0 out 2 come_out 1 001 @ 00933821 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | to state openly and publicly one's homosexuality; "This actor outed last year"
00935631 32 v 02 unmask 0 uncloak 0 002 @ 00853195 v 0000 + 07215568 n 0102 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | reveal the true nature of; "The journal article unmasked the corrupt politician"
00935827 32 v 01 spring 0 001 @ 00933821 v 0000 01 + 19 00 | produce or disclose suddenly or unexpectedly; "He sprang these news on me just as I was leaving"
00935987 32 v 03 break 5 get_out 0 get_around 0 002 $ 00933821 v 0000 ~ 00936169 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | be released or become known; of news; "News of her death broke in the morning"
00936169 32 v 02 leak 1 leak_out 0 003 @ 00935987 v 0000 + 07215185 n 0101 + 10251612 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | be leaked; "The news leaked out despite his secrecy"
00936330 32 v 02 betray 1 bewray 0 001 @ 00933821 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | reveal unintentionally; "Her smile betrayed her true feelings"
00936465 32 v 01 confide 0 005 * 00688377 v 0000 @ 00933821 v 0000 + 09954639 n 0101 + 06673435 n 0101 ~ 00936648 v 0000 02 + 15 00 + 22 00 | reveal in private; tell confidentially
00936648 32 v 02 unbosom 0 relieve 0 001 @ 00936465 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | relieve oneself of troubling information
00936763 32 v 01 sell_out a 003 * 00933821 v 0000 @ 00841986 v 0000 + 00750216 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 22 01 | give information that compromises others
00936913 32 v 01 nark 0 002 @ 00831651 v 0000 + 10345659 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | inform or spy (for the police)
00937023 32 v 01 leak 0 004 > 00935987 v 0000 @ 00933821 v 0000 + 07215185 n 0101 + 10251612 n 0101 03 + 08 00 + 14 00 + 15 00 | tell anonymously; "The news were leaked to the paper"
00937208 32 v 0a spill_the_beans 0 let_the_cat_out_of_the_bag 0 talk 6 tattle 1 blab 0 peach 0 babble 1 sing 1 babble_out 0 blab_out 0 009 @ 00933821 v 0000 + 06805297 n 0802 + 10206173 n 0505 + 06805297 n 0401 + 10692696 n 0402 + 00773299 a 0304 + 07223985 n 0301 ! 00937619 v 0301 $ 00952841 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 0a + 08 09 | divulge confidential information or secrets; "Be careful--his secretary talks"
00937619 32 v 03 keep_quiet 0 shut_one's_mouth 0 keep_one's_mouth_shut 0 001 ! 00937208 v 0103 01 + 02 00 | refrain from divulging sensitive information; keep quiet about confidential information; "Don't tell him any secrets--he cannot keep his mouth shut!"
00937879 32 v 02 spell 0 spell_out 1 004 @ 00945255 v 0000 + 10635149 n 0101 + 06353445 n 0101 ~ 00938146 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | orally recite the letters of or give the spelling of; "How do you spell this word?" "We had to spell out our names for the police officer"
00938146 32 v 01 misspell 0 002 @ 00937879 v 0000 + 06353653 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | spell incorrectly
00938247 32 v 02 rede 1 interpret 0 015 @ 00939277 v 0000 + 01325017 a 0202 + 01325017 a 0201 + 07170753 n 0201 + 05928513 n 0201 + 05766247 n 0201 + 00100543 n 0203 + 05766247 n 0202 ~ 00938621 v 0000 ~ 00938748 v 0000 ~ 00938899 v 0000 ~ 00939035 v 0000 ~ 00939182 v 0000 ~ 00961329 v 0000 ~ 00961586 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | give an interpretation or explanation to
00938621 32 v 02 moralize 1 moralise 1 001 @ 00938247 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | interpret the moral meaning of; "moralize a story"
00938748 32 v 01 deconstruct 0 002 @ 00938247 v 0000 + 05970012 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | interpret (a text or an artwork) by the method of deconstructing
00938899 32 v 02 reinterpret 0 re-explain 0 002 @ 00938247 v 0000 + 00100889 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | interpret from a different viewpoint
00939035 32 v 01 commentate 0 003 @ 00938247 v 0000 + 06765044 n 0102 + 10369528 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | serve as a commentator, as in sportscasting
00939182 32 v 01 misinterpret 0 001 @ 00938247 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | interpret falsely
00939277 32 v 02 explain 0 explicate 0 010 @ 00831651 v 0000 + 07232811 n 0201 + 06743362 n 0201 + 01324683 a 0101 + 07232421 n 0101 ~ 00938247 v 0000 ~ 00939621 v 0000 ~ 00939757 v 0000 ~ 00939857 v 0000 ~ 01033189 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 + 26 00 | make plain and comprehensible; "He explained the laws of physics to his students"
00939621 32 v 01 account_for 0 001 @ 00939277 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | give reasons for; "Can you account for all these absences?"
00939757 32 v 01 naturalize 0 001 @ 00939277 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | explain with reference to nature
00939857 32 v 03 clarify 0 clear_up 0 elucidate 0 011 @ 00939277 v 0000 + 01323815 a 0302 + 04820258 n 0302 + 07232655 n 0301 + 07171206 n 0302 + 07171206 n 0101 ! 00940214 v 0101 ~ 00518852 v 0000 ~ 00621058 v 0000 ~ 00955601 v 0000 ~ 00957178 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make clear and (more) comprehensible; "clarify the mystery surrounding her death"
00940214 32 v 01 obfuscate 0 005 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 05685030 n 0102 + 00274586 n 0101 + 01266152 n 0102 ! 00939857 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make obscure or unclear
00940384 32 v 05 express 0 verbalize 3 verbalise 3 utter 1 give_tongue_to 0 025 + 00943831 a 0402 + 10743675 n 0401 + 07109847 n 0401 + 07080868 n 0302 + 00943363 a 0101 + 00497148 a 0101 + 07139873 n 0101 ~ 00865387 v 0000 ~ 00903212 v 0000 ~ 00912048 v 0000 ~ 00915041 v 0000 ~ 00915265 v 0000 ~ 00925735 v 0000 ~ 00933403 v 0000 ~ 00941166 v 0000 ~ 00941346 v 0000 ~ 00941446 v 0000 ~ 00941565 v 0000 ~ 00941855 v 0000 ~ 00951769 v 0000 ~ 00979870 v 0000 ~ 00988028 v 0000 ~ 01009240 v 0000 ~ 01064062 v 0000 ~ 01067664 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | articulate; either verbally or with a cry, shout, or noise; "She expressed her anger"; "He uttered a curse"
00941037 32 v 01 swallow 1 001 @ 00941990 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | utter indistinctly; "She swallowed the last words of her speech"
00941166 32 v 01 raise 0 002 @ 00940384 v 0000 ~ 01025455 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cause to be heard or known; express or utter; "raise a shout"; "raise a protest"; "raise a sad cry"
00941346 32 v 01 breathe 1 001 @ 00940384 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | utter or tell; "not breathe a word"
00941446 32 v 01 drop 0 001 @ 00940384 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | utter with seeming casualness; "drop a hint"; drop names"
00941565 32 v 01 pour_out 0 001 @ 00940384 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | express without restraint; "The woman poured out her frustrations as the judge listened"
00941719 32 v 02 miaou 0 miaow 0 003 @ 00983824 v 0000 + 07386614 n 0204 + 07386614 n 0103 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | make a cat-like sound
00941855 32 v 01 get_off 4 001 @ 00940384 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | deliver verbally; "He got off the best line I've heard in a long time"
00941990 32 v 06 talk 0 speak 0 utter 0 mouth 0 verbalize 0 verbalise 0 061 @ 00740577 v 0000 + 07080868 n 0602 + 07080868 n 0501 + 10630188 n 0504 + 06721949 n 0406 + 10335801 n 0402 + 05301908 n 0401 + 05302499 n 0401 ^ 01051956 v 0402 + 00943831 a 0302 + 10630188 n 0303 + 07109847 n 0301 + 07130050 n 0201 + 10630188 n 0201 + 07129867 n 0201 ^ 00916123 v 0201 + 07139316 n 0101 + 07135734 n 0101 + 10630188 n 0102 ~ 00626428 v 0000 ~ 00745187 v 0000 ~ 00745383 v 0000 ~ 00747640 v 0000 ~ 00825776 v 0000 ~ 00912473 v 0000 ~ 00915830 v 0000 ~ 00916011 v 0000 ~ 00916123 v 0000 ~ 00916274 v 0000 ~ 00916679 v 0000 ~ 00933239 v 0000 ~ 00941037 v 0000 $ 00943281 v 0000 ~ 00943281 v 0000 ~ 00943436 v 0000 ~ 00943563 v 0000 ~ 00943732 v 0000 ~ 00944788 v 0000 ~ 00981544 v 0000 ~ 00981814 v 0000 ~ 00981944 v 0000 ~ 00982293 v 0000 ~ 00989602 v 0000 ~ 01022906 v 0000 ~ 01036804 v 0000 ~ 01037303 v 0000 ~ 01037498 v 0000 ~ 01041298 v 0000 ~ 01042531 v 0000 ~ 01044114 v 0000 ~ 01044533 v 0000 ~ 01044811 v 0000 ~ 01047596 v 0000 ~ 01048073 v 0000 ~ 01051956 v 0000 ~ 01054186 v 0000 ~ 01056554 v 0000 ~ 01065630 v 0000 ~ 01066775 v 0000 ~ 01067002 v 0000 ~ 01729431 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | express in speech; "She talks a lot of nonsense"; "This depressed patient does not verbalize"
00943281 32 v 02 verbalize 1 verbalise 1 002 $ 00941990 v 0000 @ 00941990 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | be verbose; "This lawyer verbalizes and is rather tedious"
00943436 32 v 01 whiff 0 002 @ 00941990 v 0000 + 11497888 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | utter with a puff of air; "whiff out a prayer"
00943563 32 v 02 talk_of 0 talk_about 1 003 @ 00941990 v 0000 ~ 00813978 v 0000 ~ 00814458 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | discuss or mention; "They spoke of many things"
00943732 32 v 02 blubber 0 blubber_out 0 001 @ 00941990 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | utter while crying
00943837 32 v 03 express 1 show 2 evince 0 016 @ 00928630 v 0000 + 00943363 a 0101 + 00497148 a 0101 ~ 00032778 v 0000 ~ 00929839 v 0000 ~ 00930009 v 0000 ~ 00930368 v 0000 ~ 00930599 v 0000 ~ 00944247 v 0000 ~ 00944415 v 0000 ~ 00944548 v 0000 ~ 00980453 v 0000 ~ 01013367 v 0000 ~ 01067194 v 0000 ~ 01067380 v 0000 ~ 01067512 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | give expression to; "She showed her disappointment"
00944247 32 v 01 give 8 001 @ 00943837 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | manifest or show; "This student gives promise of real creativity"; "The office gave evidence of tampering"
00944415 32 v 01 exude 0 001 @ 00943837 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make apparent by one's mood or behavior; "She exudes great confidence"
00944548 32 v 03 vent 0 ventilate 0 give_vent 0 004 @ 00943837 v 0000 + 07144190 n 0202 + 01264447 n 0103 + 10747672 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 22 03 | give expression or utterance to; "She vented her anger"; "The graduates gave vent to cheers"
00944788 32 v 02 drone 0 drone_on 0 003 @ 00941990 v 0000 + 07084560 n 0102 + 07084560 n 0103 01 + 02 00 | talk in a monotonous voice
00944924 32 v 02 deduce 0 infer 0 006 @ 00634472 v 0000 + 05774614 n 0201 + 01296718 a 0101 + 01296474 a 0101 + 05774129 n 0101 + 02710294 a 0101 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | conclude by reasoning; in logic
00945125 32 v 01 gather 0 001 @ 00634472 v 0000 01 + 26 00 | conclude from evidence; "I gather you have not done your homework"
00945255 32 v 01 recite 0 006 @ 00957679 v 0000 + 07235218 n 0101 ~ 00937879 v 0000 ~ 00945499 v 0000 ~ 00945648 v 0000 ~ 00947857 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | repeat aloud from memory; "she recited a poem"; "The pupil recited his lesson for the day"
00945499 32 v 01 say 8 002 @ 00945255 v 0000 + 07151380 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | recite or repeat a fixed text; "Say grace"; "She said her `Hail Mary'"
00945648 32 v 05 rattle_down 0 rattle_off 0 reel_off 0 spiel_off 0 roll_off 0 001 @ 00945255 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | recite volubly or extravagantly; "He could recite the names of all the chemical elements"
00945853 32 v 02 list 0 name 9 005 @ 00946105 v 0000 + 06481320 n 0101 + 10265891 n 0101 + 06481320 n 0102 + 01011166 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | give or make a list of; name individually; give the names of; "List the states west of the Mississippi"
00946105 32 v 04 enumerate 0 recite 3 itemize 0 itemise 0 014 @ 01026095 v 0000 + 01011166 n 0403 + 06795746 n 0402 + 06482401 n 0401 + 05817845 n 0402 + 03588414 n 0401 + 01011166 n 0302 + 13809920 n 0303 + 06795746 n 0302 + 06482401 n 0301 + 05817845 n 0302 + 03588414 n 0301 + 06490887 n 0101 ~ 00945853 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | specify individually; "She enumerated the many obstacles she had encountered"; "The doctor recited the list of possible side effects of the drug"
00946588 32 v 02 itemize 1 itemise 1 003 @ 00946755 v 0000 + 01011166 n 0203 + 01011166 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | place on a list of items; "itemize one's tax deductions"
00946755 32 v 02 number 1 list 1 010 @ 01026095 v 0000 + 06481320 n 0201 + 06481320 n 0202 + 01011166 n 0201 + 06807198 n 0102 + 06425065 n 0101 + 13582013 n 0101 + 05121418 n 0101 + 06490887 n 0102 ~ 00946588 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | enumerate; "We must number the names of the great mathematicians"
00947077 32 v 06 specify 2 set 0 determine 3 define 1 fix 3 limit 0 011 @ 00674607 v 0000 + 15268857 n 0603 + 05124057 n 0601 + 00684782 a 0302 + 06324475 n 0301 + 05692419 n 0302 + 06199702 n 0202 ~ 00492095 v 0000 ~ 00947439 v 0000 ~ 00947591 v 0000 ~ 00957378 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | decide upon or fix definitely; "fix the variables"; "specify the parameters"
00947439 32 v 01 name 7 003 @ 00947077 v 0000 + 06333653 n 0101 + 07230502 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | mention and identify by name; "name your accomplices!"
00947591 32 v 01 reset 0 002 @ 00947077 v 0000 + 04078955 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | set anew; "They re-set the date on the clock"
00947717 32 v 01 count_down 0 002 @ 00947857 v 0000 + 00653518 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | count backwards; before detonating a bomb, for example
00947857 32 v 01 count 1 005 @ 00945255 v 0000 + 00634586 n 0102 ^ 00947717 v 0101 ^ 01101313 v 0101 ~ 00947717 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | name or recite the numbers in ascending order; "The toddler could count to 100"
00948071 32 v 04 count 0 number 0 enumerate 1 numerate 0 019 @ 00918872 v 0000 + 00301589 a 0404 + 00634586 n 0403 + 00634586 n 0304 + 09904057 n 0302 + 06807198 n 0202 + 06425065 n 0201 + 13582013 n 0201 + 05121418 n 0201 + 00301589 a 0101 + 03117420 n 0101 + 03117199 n 0101 + 03116767 n 0101 + 00634586 n 0102 + 09969491 n 0101 ~ 00801355 v 0000 ~ 00948602 v 0000 ~ 00948707 v 0000 ~ 00949288 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 | determine the number or amount of; "Can you count the books on your shelf?"; "Count your change"
00948602 32 v 01 miscount 0 002 @ 00948071 v 0000 + 00653719 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | count wrongly
00948707 32 v 01 census 0 002 @ 00948071 v 0000 + 00653388 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | conduct a census; "They censused the deer in the forest"
00948853 32 v 01 number 3 007 @ 01030132 v 0000 + 06807198 n 0102 + 06425065 n 0101 + 13582013 n 0101 + 05121418 n 0101 + 06490887 n 0102 ~ 00949093 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | give numbers to; "You should number the pages of the thesis"
00949093 32 v 03 foliate 0 paginate 0 page 1 005 @ 00948853 v 0000 + 06256697 n 0301 + 06258680 n 0304 + 06258680 n 0201 + 06256697 n 0201 01 + 08 00 | number the pages of a book or manuscript
00949288 32 v 0b total 0 tot 0 tot_up 0 sum 0 sum_up 3 summate 0 tote_up 0 add 0 add_together 0 tally 0 add_up 0 018 @ 00948071 v 0000 + 00634586 n 0a06 + 00048706 a 0802 + 01417451 a 0802 + 00048129 a 0801 + 00048706 a 0801 + 00872107 n 0802 + 02679142 n 0801 + 07959016 n 0601 + 05861067 n 0601 + 04353803 n 0601 + 04353803 n 0401 + 07959016 n 0401 + 05861067 n 0401 + 00872107 n 0401 + 04353803 n 0102 + 05861067 n 0103 $ 00640828 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | determine the sum of; "Add all the people in this town to those of the neighboring town"
00949841 32 v 02 tally 1 chalk_up 0 003 * 00948071 v 0000 @ 01000214 v 0000 + 00189565 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | keep score, as in games
00949974 32 v 03 remit 1 remand 0 send_back 0 004 @ 00868591 v 0000 + 00122106 n 0103 + 00122106 n 0101 + 00122106 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 15 00 | refer (a matter or legal case) to another committee or authority or court for decision
00950206 32 v 02 take_a_dare 0 pick_up_the_gauntlet 0 001 @ 02530167 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | be dared to do something and attempt it
00950337 32 v 01 take_a_dare 1 000 01 + 02 00 | be dared to do something and not attempt it
00950431 32 v 03 consider 0 count 3 weigh 0 002 + 05785067 n 0302 + 05822746 n 0103 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | show consideration for; take into account; "You must consider her age"; "The judge considered the offender's youth and was lenient"
00950670 32 v 01 devoice 0 002 @ 00978549 v 0000 ! 00952182 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | utter with tense vocal chords
00950782 32 v 01 raise f 001 @ 00978549 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | pronounce (vowels) by bringing the tongue closer to the roof of the mouth; "raise your `o'"
00950936 32 v 01 lilt 0 002 @ 00978549 v 0000 + 04992008 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 26 00 | articulate in a very careful and rhythmic way
00951069 32 v 02 palatalize 0 palatalise 0 001 @ 00978549 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | pronounce a consonant with the tongue against the palate
00951206 32 v 02 nasalize 0 nasalise 0 004 @ 00978549 v 0000 + 07118002 n 0202 + 07118002 n 0101 $ 00951399 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | pronounce with a lowered velum; "She nasalizes all her vowels"
00951399 32 v 02 nasalize 1 nasalise 1 003 $ 00951206 v 0000 @ 00978549 v 0000 + 07118002 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | speak nasally or through the nose; "In this part of the country, people tend to nasalize"
00951601 32 v 02 mispronounce 0 misspeak 0 002 @ 00978549 v 0000 + 07130918 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | pronounce a word incorrectly; "She mispronounces many Latinate words"
00951769 32 v 01 platitudinize 0 001 @ 00940384 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | utter platitudes; "The candidate platitudinized and bored the audience"
00951911 32 v 03 tsk 0 tut 0 tut-tut 0 001 @ 00983824 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | utter `tsk,' `tut,' or `tut-tut,' as in disapproval
00952039 32 v 01 aspirate 0 003 @ 00978549 v 0000 + 07116869 n 0101 + 07116758 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | pronounce with aspiration; of stop sounds
00952182 32 v 04 voice 1 sound 0 vocalize 2 vocalise 2 013 @ 00978549 v 0000 + 07110615 n 0403 + 10743675 n 0403 + 07110615 n 0302 + 10743675 n 0302 + 10599806 n 0303 + 07111047 n 0203 + 07120364 n 0201 + 05202284 n 0101 + 07110615 n 0101 ! 00950670 v 0101 ~ 01049140 v 0000 ~ 01051118 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | utter with vibrating vocal chords
00952524 32 v 01 tell 0 012 @ 00831651 v 0000 ^ 00825648 v 0101 + 07221094 n 0104 ~ 00780575 v 0000 ~ 00921300 v 0000 ~ 00933821 v 0000 ~ 00952841 v 0000 ~ 00954608 v 0000 ~ 00958334 v 0000 ~ 00970873 v 0000 ~ 00974173 v 0000 ~ 02296153 v 0000 01 + 26 00 | let something be known; "Tell them that you will be late"
00952841 32 v 02 spill 0 talk 2 003 $ 00937208 v 0000 @ 00952524 v 0000 + 07135734 n 0201 02 + 02 00 + 08 01 | reveal information; "If you don't oblige me, I'll talk!"; "The former employee spilled all the details"
00953058 32 v 01 relate 0 002 @ 00953216 v 0000 + 07222823 n 0101 04 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 15 00 + 26 00 | give an account of; "The witness related the events"
00953216 32 v 04 tell 1 narrate 0 recount 0 recite 1 016 @ 00831651 v 0000 + 07221756 n 0401 + 07220773 n 0402 + 07222823 n 0303 + 00498912 a 0201 + 06397307 n 0201 + 07221094 n 0202 + 07220773 n 0201 + 10345804 n 0201 + 07221094 n 0104 + 10345804 n 0103 + 07222823 n 0102 ~ 00953058 v 0000 ~ 00953923 v 0000 ~ 00954038 v 0000 ~ 00954137 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 15 00 + 14 01 | narrate or give a detailed account of; "Tell what happened"; "The father told a story to his child"
00953700 32 v 01 spin 0 002 @ 00772967 v 0000 ~ 01033942 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | twist and turn so as to give an intended interpretation; "The President's spokesmen had to spin the story to make it less embarrassing"
00953923 32 v 01 crack 0 002 @ 00953216 v 0000 + 06767777 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | tell spontaneously; "crack a joke"
00954038 32 v 01 yarn 0 002 @ 00953216 v 0000 + 07220773 n 0103 01 + 02 00 | tell or spin a yarn
00954137 32 v 02 rhapsodize 1 rhapsodise 1 003 @ 00953216 v 0000 + 06382590 n 0201 + 06382590 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | recite a rhapsody
00954271 32 v 01 narrate 1 003 @ 00831651 v 0000 + 07221094 n 0102 + 07220773 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | provide commentary for a film, for example
00954422 32 v 02 tell 3 evidence 2 004 @ 00833199 v 0000 + 06733939 n 0201 + 06805297 n 0103 ^ 02193194 v 0108 01 + 02 00 | give evidence; "he was telling on all his former colleague"
00954608 32 v 04 publicize 0 publicise 0 air 0 bare 0 009 @ 00952524 v 0000 + 10490699 n 0203 + 10490699 n 0102 + 01101329 n 0102 ~ 00954908 v 0000 ~ 00955033 v 0000 ~ 00967625 v 0000 ~ 00968211 v 0000 ~ 00973056 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 26 00 | make public; "She aired her opinions on welfare"
00954908 32 v 01 hype 0 001 @ 00954608 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | publicize in an exaggerated and often misleading manner
00955033 32 v 01 bulletin 0 002 @ 00954608 v 0000 + 06682290 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | make public by bulletin
00955148 32 v 02 mean 1 intend 0 009 @ 00928630 v 0000 + 06605897 n 0201 + 06601327 n 0101 + 05919866 n 0101 ~ 00836236 v 0000 ~ 00932324 v 0000 ~ 00932636 v 0000 ~ 00955472 v 0000 ~ 01026975 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | mean or intend to express or convey; "You never understand what I mean!"; "what do his words intend?"
00955472 32 v 01 aim 0 001 @ 00955148 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | direct (a remark) toward an intended goal; "She wanted to aim a pun"
00955601 32 v 09 elaborate 0 lucubrate 0 expatiate 0 exposit 1 enlarge 4 flesh_out 0 expand a expound 0 dilate a 018 @ 00939857 v 0000 + 07137950 n 0901 + 01324870 a 0801 + 09618760 n 0801 + 06742426 n 0802 + 07172756 n 0701 + 00371314 n 0701 ! 00243900 v 0706 + 07172756 n 0502 + 06742173 n 0401 + 07139151 n 0301 + 06377133 n 0201 + 07172756 n 0103 + 00371487 n 0102 ~ 00956250 v 0000 ~ 01001294 v 0000 ~ 01021128 v 0000 ~ 01021973 v 0000 04 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 22 00 | add details, as to an account or idea; clarify the meaning of and discourse in a learned way, usually in writing; "She elaborated on the main ideas in her dissertation"
00956250 32 v 01 detail 0 005 @ 00955601 v 0000 + 07137807 n 0101 + 13809920 n 0101 + 05817845 n 0101 + 07202812 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | provide details for
00956405 32 v 09 embroider 0 pad 0 lard 0 embellish 0 aggrandize 0 aggrandise 0 blow_up 0 dramatize 0 dramatise 0 007 @ 00839834 v 0000 + 07290278 n 0801 + 00373544 n 0602 + 00373544 n 0501 + 07172979 n 0401 + 07172979 n 0102 ~ 00489496 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 31 00 | add details to
00956687 32 v 03 qualify 1 characterize 0 characterise 0 011 @ 00609683 v 0000 + 07201562 n 0302 + 07201804 n 0307 + 06694796 n 0301 + 05849284 n 0302 + 07201562 n 0201 + 05849284 n 0202 + 05849284 n 0101 + 04723816 n 0101 ~ 00651991 v 0000 ~ 02144644 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | describe or portray the character or the qualities or peculiarities of; "You can characterize his behavior as that of an egotist"; "This poem can be characterized as a lament for a dead lover"
00957178 32 v 01 disambiguate 0 003 @ 00939857 v 0000 + 07171513 n 0101 + 06572204 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | state unambiguously or remove ambiguities from; "Can you disambiguate this statement?"
00957378 32 v 01 define 0 003 @ 00947077 v 0000 + 06744396 n 0101 ~ 00957549 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | give a definition for the meaning of a word; "Define `sadness'"
00957549 32 v 01 redefine 0 002 @ 00957378 v 0000 + 06745628 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | give a new or different definition of (a word)
00957679 32 v 02 repeat 1 echo 0 007 @ 00983824 v 0000 + 07200290 n 0201 ~ 00945255 v 0000 ~ 00957945 v 0000 ~ 00958078 v 0000 ~ 00958174 v 0000 ~ 00959178 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 26 00 | to say again or imitate; "followers echoing the cries of their leaders"
00957945 32 v 01 cuckoo 0 002 @ 00957679 v 0000 + 01823013 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | repeat monotonously, like a cuckoo repeats his call
00958078 32 v 01 reecho 0 001 @ 00957679 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | repeat back like an echo
00958174 32 v 01 parrot 0 002 @ 00957679 v 0000 + 10401331 n 0101 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 26 00 | repeat mindlessly; "The students parroted the teacher's words"
00958334 32 v 06 repeat 0 reiterate 0 ingeminate 0 iterate 0 restate 0 retell 0 017 @ 00952524 v 0000 + 06768901 n 0501 + 01964632 a 0401 + 13504173 n 0401 + 13503908 n 0401 + 01019129 n 0401 + 01964632 a 0202 + 01019372 n 0202 + 07342049 n 0101 + 01018630 n 0101 ~ 00958823 v 0000 ~ 00959027 v 0000 ~ 00959367 v 0000 ~ 00959827 v 0000 ~ 00961736 v 0000 ~ 01007924 v 0000 ~ 01023259 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 26 00 | to say, state, or perform again; "She kept reiterating her request"
00958823 32 v 01 perseverate 0 002 @ 00958334 v 0000 + 01021579 n 0103 01 + 02 00 | psychology: repeat a response after the cessation of the original stimulus; "The subjects in this study perseverated"
00959027 32 v 01 ditto 0 002 @ 00958334 v 0000 + 06821279 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | repeat an action or statement; "The next speaker dittoed her argument"
00959178 32 v 02 regurgitate 0 reproduce 0 002 @ 00957679 v 0000 + 05762671 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | repeat after memorization; "For the exam, you must be able to regurgitate the information"
00959367 32 v 02 harp 0 dwell 0 001 @ 00958334 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | come back to; "Don't dwell on the past"; "She is always harping on the same old things"
00959524 32 v 04 hark_back 0 return 0 come_back 0 recall 0 002 @ 00931467 v 0000 ~ 00959714 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | go back to something earlier; "This harks back to a previous remark of his"
00959714 32 v 02 recur 0 go_back 0 001 @ 00959524 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | return in thought or speech to something
00959827 32 v 03 translate 0 interpret 1 render 4 011 @ 00958334 v 0000 + 10212501 n 0201 + 06575932 n 0201 + 06536389 n 0101 + 10725280 n 0101 + 10212501 n 0102 ~ 00960369 v 0000 ~ 00960453 v 0000 ~ 00960961 v 0000 ~ 00961243 v 0000 $ 02728142 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 | restate (words) from one language into another language; "I have to translate when my in-laws from Austria visit the U.S."; "Can you interpret the speech of the visiting dignitaries?"; "She rendered the French poem into English"; "He translates for the U.N."
00960369 32 v 01 retranslate 0 001 @ 00959827 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | translate again
00960453 32 v 01 mistranslate 0 002 @ 00959827 v 0000 + 06347122 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | translate incorrectly
00960562 32 v 01 dub 1 004 * 00959827 v 0000 @ 00960734 v 0000 ;c 06613686 n 0000 + 03252959 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | provide (movies) with a soundtrack of a foreign language
00960734 32 v 02 synchronize 0 synchronise 0 004 @ 00126264 v 0000 ;c 06613686 n 0000 + 13845239 n 0102 ~ 00960562 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make (motion picture sound) exactly simultaneous with the action; "synchronize this film"
00960961 32 v 01 gloss 0 003 @ 00959827 v 0000 + 06420781 n 0102 + 06744000 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | provide an interlinear translation of a word or phrase
00961114 32 v 01 phrase 1 001 @ 00735571 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | divide, combine, or mark into phrases; "phrase a musical passage"
00961243 32 v 01 Latinize 0 001 @ 00959827 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | translate into Latin
00961329 32 v 03 gloss 1 comment 1 annotate 0 005 @ 00938247 v 0000 + 06763273 n 0301 + 06762711 n 0201 + 06420781 n 0102 + 06744000 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | provide interlinear explanations for words or phrases; "He annotated on what his teacher had written"
00961586 32 v 01 commentate b 004 @ 00938247 v 0000 + 06762711 n 0102 + 06762711 n 0101 + 09942431 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | make a commentary on
00961736 32 v 03 paraphrase 0 rephrase 0 reword 0 005 @ 00958334 v 0000 + 06429145 n 0301 + 06429145 n 0203 + 06429316 n 0101 ~ 00961947 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | express the same message in different words
00961947 32 v 01 translate 6 001 @ 00961736 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | express, as in simple and less technical language; "Can you translate the instructions in this manual for a layman?"; "Is there a need to translate the psychiatrist's remarks?"
00962190 32 v 02 lexicalize 0 lexicalise 0 002 @ 00980453 v 0000 + 13507472 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | make or coin into a word or accept a new word into the lexicon of a language; "The concept expressed by German `Gemuetlichkeit' is not lexicalized in English"
00962447 32 v 02 talk 1 speak 1 022 @ 00740577 v 0000 + 07110457 n 0201 ^ 02542141 v 0201 + 00496938 a 0102 + 07139316 n 0101 + 07135734 n 0101 + 07135734 n 0102 ~ 00781000 v 0000 ~ 00814621 v 0000 ~ 00828754 v 0000 ~ 00828901 v 0000 ~ 00963015 v 0000 ~ 00963155 v 0000 ~ 00963283 v 0000 ~ 00963452 v 0000 ~ 00964237 v 0000 ~ 00964365 v 0000 ~ 00964478 v 0000 ~ 00964694 v 0000 ~ 01037910 v 0000 ~ 01041954 v 0000 ~ 01042432 v 0000 05 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 + 27 00 | exchange thoughts; talk with; "We often talk business"; "Actions talk louder than words"
00963015 32 v 01 talk_down 1 001 @ 00962447 v 0000 01 + 12 00 | speak in a condescending manner, as if to a child; "He talks down to her"
00963155 32 v 01 spiel 0 002 @ 00962447 v 0000 + 07013400 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | speak at great length (about something)
00963283 32 v 02 dogmatize 1 dogmatise 1 005 @ 00962447 v 0000 + 10023656 n 0201 + 10023656 n 0101 + 06790042 n 0101 + 05960464 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | speak dogmatically
00963452 32 v 01 cheek 0 003 @ 00962447 v 0000 + 06721813 n 0102 + 04838210 n 0105 01 + 09 00 | speak impudently to
00963570 32 v 02 speak 2 talk 3 008 @ 00740577 v 0000 + 07135734 n 0201 + 10630188 n 0202 + 05650820 n 0102 + 07129867 n 0101 ~ 00963872 v 0000 ~ 00963961 v 0000 ~ 00964110 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | use language; "the baby talks already"; "the prisoner won't speak"; "they speak a strange dialect"
00963872 32 v 01 run_on 0 001 @ 00963570 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | talk or narrate at length
00963961 32 v 01 smatter 0 002 @ 00963570 v 0000 + 05806498 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | speak with spotty or superficial knowledge; "She smatters Russian"
00964110 32 v 01 slang 2 003 @ 00963570 v 0000 + 07157273 n 0101 + 07159467 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | use slang or vulgar language
00964237 32 v 01 level 1 001 @ 00962447 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | talk frankly with; lay it on the line; "I have to level with you"
00964365 32 v 01 talk_turkey 0 001 @ 00962447 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | discuss frankly, often in a business context
00964478 32 v 04 monologuize 0 monologuise 0 soliloquize 0 soliloquise 0 006 @ 00962447 v 0000 + 07011529 n 0301 + 07160752 n 0301 + 07156819 n 0101 + 07011387 n 0101 + 07160752 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | talk to oneself
00964694 32 v 02 converse 0 discourse 1 007 @ 00962447 v 0000 + 07133701 n 0101 ~ 00773432 v 0000 ~ 00808855 v 0000 ~ 00809248 v 0000 ~ 00809453 v 0000 ~ 01038666 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | carry on a conversation
00964911 32 v 02 broach 0 initiate 0 002 @ 00813978 v 0000 ~ 01033527 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | bring up a topic for discussion
00965035 32 v 03 report 0 describe 1 account 2 007 @ 00831651 v 0000 + 06738281 n 0302 + 00732682 a 0201 + 07201365 n 0201 + 07218470 n 0101 + 07217924 n 0101 + 06681551 n 0101 06 + 02 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 + 15 00 + 22 00 + 26 00 | to give an account or representation of in words; "Discreet Italian police described it in a manner typically continental"
00965390 32 v 01 report 1 001 @ 00831651 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 15 00 | make known to the authorities; "One student reported the other to the principal"
00965542 32 v 01 report 2 001 @ 00907147 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 15 00 | complain about; make a charge against; "I reported her to the supervisor"
00965687 32 v 01 report 3 004 @ 00974367 v 0000 ~ 00966152 v 0000 ~ 00966492 v 0000 ~ 00966640 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | announce one's presence; "I report to work every day at 9 o'clock"
00965871 32 v 02 announce 2 declare 5 009 @ 01009240 v 0000 + 00686890 a 0201 + 06726158 n 0204 + 02626487 a 0101 + 06726158 n 0101 + 06746580 n 0101 + 09795124 n 0101 + 09795334 n 0101 ~ 00861560 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | announce publicly or officially; "The President declared war"
00966152 32 v 02 check_in 0 sign_in 0 003 @ 00965687 v 0000 + 00141669 n 0101 ! 00966492 v 0101 03 + 02 00 + 09 00 + 22 00 | announce one's arrival, e.g. at hotels or airports
00966330 32 v 03 clock_in 0 punch_in 0 clock_on 0 003 @ 01000214 v 0000 ! 00966640 v 0202 ! 00966640 v 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | register one's arrival at work
00966492 32 v 01 check_out 0 003 @ 00965687 v 0000 ! 00966152 v 0101 + 15181282 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | announce one's departure from a hotel
00966640 32 v 03 clock_out 0 punch_out 0 clock_off 0 003 @ 00965687 v 0000 ! 00966330 v 0202 ! 00966330 v 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | register one's departure from work
00966809 32 v 01 report 4 002 @ 00974367 v 0000 + 07218470 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | announce as the result of an investigation or experience or finding; "Dozens of incidents of wife beatings are reported daily in this city"; "The team reported significant advances in their research"
00967098 32 v 02 report d cover 2 008 @ 00831651 v 0000 + 06683784 n 0201 + 07217924 n 0101 + 06681551 n 0101 + 10521662 n 0101 + 06683784 n 0103 + 06683784 n 0102 $ 00967455 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 22 01 | be responsible for reporting the details of, as in journalism; "Snow reported on China in the 1950's"; "The cub reporter covered New York City"
00967455 32 v 01 cover c 002 $ 00967098 v 0000 @ 00662589 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | maintain a check on; especially by patrolling; "The second officer covered the top floor"
00967625 32 v 05 publish 0 bring_out 0 put_out 0 issue 0 release 0 013 @ 00954608 v 0000 + 04073208 n 0501 + 01103614 n 0401 + 06596978 n 0401 + 08055150 n 0401 + 06589574 n 0101 + 01103614 n 0102 + 01101958 n 0101 + 10491575 n 0101 + 10491309 n 0101 + 08062623 n 0101 + 01101958 n 0102 ~ 00968038 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | prepare and issue for public distribution or sale; "publish a magazine or newspaper"
00968038 32 v 01 edit 0 001 @ 00967625 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | supervise the publication of; "The same family has been editing the influential newspaper for almost 100 years"
00968211 32 v 0b circulate 0 circularize 0 circularise 0 distribute 0 disseminate 0 propagate 0 broadcast 0 spread 0 diffuse 0 disperse 0 pass_around 0 027 > 00969873 v 0000 @ 00954608 v 0000 + 00468362 a 0a03 + 00368592 n 0a01 + 00368592 n 0a02 + 00468362 a 0902 + 00368592 n 0904 + 00367976 n 0801 + 05088324 n 0802 + 07445896 n 0801 + 06253140 n 0804 + 06619428 n 0701 + 06254007 n 0701 + 06253518 n 0601 + 10483138 n 0601 + 00468362 a 0504 + 06253140 n 0501 + 05088056 n 0501 + 00368592 n 0503 + 10483138 n 0502 + 07250339 n 0301 + 00368302 n 0101 ~ 00968962 v 0000 ~ 00969370 v 0000 $ 00969873 v 0000 ~ 00970215 v 0000 ~ 01746359 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cause to become widely known; "spread information"; "circulate a rumor"; "broadcast the news"
00968962 32 v 01 podcast 0 001 @ 00968211 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | distribute (multimedia files) over the internet for playback on a mobile device or a personal computer
00969137 32 v 01 satellite 0 002 @ 00973056 v 0000 + 04137444 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | broadcast or disseminate via satellite
00969260 32 v 01 sportscast 0 002 @ 00973056 v 0000 + 10639637 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | broadcast a sports event
00969370 32 v 01 sow 0 002 @ 00968211 v 0000 + 10629020 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | introduce into an environment; "sow suspicion or beliefs"
00969506 32 v 02 telecast 0 televise 0 008 @ 00973056 v 0000 ;c 06277280 n 0000 + 06277280 n 0201 + 04404412 n 0201 + 10697420 n 0101 + 06277280 n 0102 + 06622595 n 0101 ~ 00969769 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | broadcast via television; "The Royal wedding was televised"
00969769 32 v 01 colorcast 0 002 @ 00969506 v 0000 ;c 06277280 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | broadcast in color
00969873 32 v 03 go_around 0 spread 2 circulate 1 004 $ 00968211 v 0000 @ 01835496 v 0000 + 05088324 n 0202 + 07445896 n 0201 01 + 01 00 | become widely known and passed on; "the rumor spread"; "the story went around in the office"
00970107 32 v 01 bandy_about 0 001 @ 00813978 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | discuss casually; "bandy about an idea"
00970215 32 v 06 popularize 0 popularise 0 vulgarize 0 vulgarise 0 generalize 4 generalise 4 011 @ 00968211 v 0000 + 00273077 n 0404 + 10454752 n 0404 + 01593079 a 0303 + 00273077 n 0303 + 10454752 n 0303 + 00273077 n 0202 + 10454752 n 0202 + 00273077 n 0101 + 10454752 n 0101 $ 00578508 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cater to popular taste to make popular and present to the general public; bring into general or common use; "They popularized coffee in Washington State"; "Relativity Theory was vulgarized by these authors"
00970732 32 v 02 propagandize 0 propagandise 0 003 @ 00976653 v 0000 + 06674542 n 0201 + 06674542 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | spread by propaganda
00970873 32 v 02 propagandize 1 propagandise 1 003 @ 00952524 v 0000 + 06674542 n 0201 + 06674542 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | subject to propaganda
00971015 32 v 01 call 0 006 $ 00691516 v 0000 @ 01029852 v 0000 ~ 00971324 v 0000 $ 01028748 v 0000 ~ 01031109 v 0000 $ 01067995 v 0000 02 + 05 00 + 14 00 | ascribe a quality to or give a name of a common noun that reflects a quality; "He called me a bastard"; "She called her children lazy and ungrateful"
00971324 32 v 02 misname 0 miscall 0 001 @ 00971015 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | assign in incorrect name to; "These misnamed philanthropists"
00971460 32 v 01 tout 2 003 @ 00971650 v 0000 + 10718349 n 0101 + 10718349 n 0102 01 + 05 00 | advertize in strongly positive terms; "This product was touted as a revolutionary invention"
00971650 32 v 03 pronounce 0 label 1 judge 0 012 @ 00822367 v 0000 + 00874067 n 0301 + 07202579 n 0201 + 07272172 n 0201 + 06727616 n 0101 ~ 00904046 v 0000 ~ 00906367 v 0000 ~ 00971460 v 0000 ~ 00971999 v 0000 ~ 00972191 v 0000 ~ 00972608 v 0000 ~ 01050313 v 0000 02 + 05 00 + 14 00 | pronounce judgment on; "They labeled him unfit to work here"
00971999 32 v 02 rule 0 find 1 004 @ 00971650 v 0000 + 01191975 n 0201 + 01191158 n 0102 $ 00715239 v 0000 02 + 05 00 + 22 00 | decide on and make a declaration about; "find someone guilty"
00972191 32 v 01 qualify 2 005 @ 00971650 v 0000 + 04717139 n 0101 + 04728068 n 0101 ! 00972608 v 0101 ~ 00972457 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 24 00 | pronounce fit or able; "She was qualified to run the marathon"; "They nurses were qualified to administer the injections"
00972457 32 v 01 capacitate 2 003 @ 00972191 v 0000 ;c 08441203 n 0000 + 05203397 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | make legally capable or qualify in law
00972608 32 v 01 disqualify 0 006 @ 00971650 v 0000 + 04722574 n 0101 + 01078086 n 0101 ! 00972191 v 0101 ~ 00972867 v 0000 ~ 02480588 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 24 00 | declare unfit; "She was disqualified for the Olympics because she was a professional athlete"
00972867 32 v 01 recuse 0 005 @ 00972608 v 0000 ;c 08441203 n 0000 + 01614558 a 0101 + 01080062 n 0101 + 01080062 n 0102 01 + 09 00 | disqualify oneself (as a judge) in a particular case
00973056 32 v 05 air 1 send 3 broadcast 1 beam 0 transmit 0 016 > 00973728 v 0000 @ 00954608 v 0000 ;c 06264176 n 0000 + 06251781 n 0501 + 04472726 n 0501 + 06792645 n 0402 + 06619428 n 0301 + 06254007 n 0301 + 09875786 n 0301 + 04472726 n 0202 + 06255354 n 0101 ~ 00969137 v 0000 ~ 00969260 v 0000 ~ 00969506 v 0000 ~ 00973530 v 0000 ~ 00973888 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 21 00 | broadcast over the airwaves, as in radio or television; "We cannot air this X-rated song"
00973530 32 v 01 interrogate 9 003 @ 00973056 v 0000 ;c 06264176 n 0000 + 07280599 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | transmit (a signal) for setting off an appropriate response, as in telecommunication
00973728 32 v 01 air 2 003 ;c 06264176 n 0000 + 06255354 n 0101 ~ 00424337 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | be broadcast; "This show will air Saturdays at 2 P.M."
00973888 32 v 02 rerun 0 rebroadcast 0 003 @ 00973056 v 0000 ;c 06264176 n 0000 + 06620063 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | broadcast again, as of a film
00974031 32 v 01 sign_off 0 002 @ 02680814 v 0000 ;c 06264176 n 0000 01 + 02 00 | cease broadcasting; get off the air; as of radio stations
00974173 32 v 05 announce 1 annunciate 0 harbinger 0 foretell 2 herald 0 004 @ 00952524 v 0000 + 06802571 n 0504 + 06802571 n 0301 + 02714139 n 0201 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | foreshadow or presage
00974367 32 v 02 announce 0 denote 2 015 @ 00831651 v 0000 + 02626487 a 0101 + 09795124 n 0101 + 09795334 n 0101 ~ 00842429 v 0000 ~ 00902807 v 0000 ~ 00965687 v 0000 ~ 00966809 v 0000 ~ 00974786 v 0000 ~ 00975202 v 0000 ~ 00975334 v 0000 ~ 00975584 v 0000 ~ 00975902 v 0000 ~ 00991683 v 0000 ~ 02180529 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 + 26 00 | make known; make an announcement; "She denoted her feelings clearly"
00974786 32 v 02 cry 2 blazon_out 0 003 @ 00974367 v 0000 + 09977520 n 0101 + 10719132 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | proclaim or announce in public; "before we had newspapers, a town crier would cry the news"; "He cried his merchandise in the market square"
00975036 32 v 01 call 3 003 @ 00983824 v 0000 + 06796642 n 0102 $ 00783523 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | utter a characteristic note or cry; "bluejays called to one another"
00975202 32 v 02 trump 0 trump_out 0 001 @ 00974367 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | proclaim or announce with or as if with a fanfare
00975334 32 v 02 blare_out 0 blat_out 0 001 @ 00974367 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | announce loudly
00975427 32 v 01 announce 7 002 @ 01026095 v 0000 + 09795334 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | give the names of; "He announced the winners of the spelling bee"
00975584 32 v 01 call_out 0 003 @ 00974367 v 0000 $ 00912048 v 0000 ~ 00975733 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | call out loudly, as of names or numbers
00975733 32 v 01 count_off 0 001 @ 00975584 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | call in turn from right to left or from back to front numbers that determine some position or function
00975902 32 v 04 advertise 1 publicize 1 advertize 1 publicise 1 008 @ 00974367 v 0000 + 10490699 n 0401 + 10490699 n 0403 + 10490699 n 0201 + 10490699 n 0202 + 01101329 n 0202 ~ 00976224 v 0000 ~ 00976365 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 26 02 + 26 01 | call attention to; "Please don't advertise the fact that he has AIDS"
00976224 32 v 01 headline 0 002 @ 00975902 v 0000 + 06344461 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | publicize widely or highly, as if with a headline
00976365 32 v 01 ballyhoo 0 002 @ 00975902 v 0000 + 07248507 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | advertize noisily or blatantly
00976487 32 v 01 plug 0 003 @ 00976653 v 0000 + 10482220 n 0103 + 07248507 n 0104 01 + 08 00 | make a plug for; praise the qualities or in order to sell or promote
00976653 32 v 04 advertise 0 advertize 0 promote 0 push 0 014 $ 02589576 v 0000 @ 00856824 v 0000 + 10482220 n 0301 + 07247071 n 0301 + 07248801 n 0203 + 09773962 n 0202 + 07248801 n 0102 + 09773962 n 0101 + 07248801 n 0104 + 01101329 n 0101 ~ 00970732 v 0000 ~ 00976487 v 0000 ~ 00977153 v 0000 ~ 02589576 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make publicity for; try to sell (a product); "The salesman is aggressively pushing the new computer model"; "The company is heavily advertizing their new laptops"
00977153 32 v 01 bill 0 002 @ 00976653 v 0000 + 06793426 n 0105 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | advertise especially by posters or placards; "He was billed as the greatest tenor since Caruso"
00977336 32 v 03 proclaim 0 exclaim 1 promulgate 0 010 @ 01010118 v 0000 + 06726939 n 0301 + 06746580 n 0302 + 01266491 n 0302 + 00842041 a 0202 + 07102802 n 0202 + 01266491 n 0101 ~ 00977689 v 0000 ~ 00977871 v 0000 ~ 00978055 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | state or announce; "`I am not a Communist,' he exclaimed"; "The King will proclaim an amnesty"
00977689 32 v 01 declare 6 001 @ 00977336 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | proclaim one's support, sympathy, or opinion for or against; "His wife declared at once for moving to the West Coast"
00977871 32 v 01 trumpet 0 002 @ 00977336 v 0000 + 10171219 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | proclaim on, or as if on, a trumpet; "Liberals like to trumpet their opposition to the death penalty"
00978055 32 v 01 clarion 0 002 @ 00977336 v 0000 + 03037899 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | proclaim on, or as if on, a clarion
00978173 32 v 01 proclaim 2 003 @ 01029500 v 0000 + 06726158 n 0102 + 01266491 n 0101 02 + 05 00 + 14 00 | declare formally; declare someone to be something; of titles; "He was proclaimed King"
00978369 32 v 04 articulate 1 enunciate 0 vocalize 1 vocalise 1 004 @ 01009240 v 0000 + 07132415 n 0201 + 02643446 a 0102 + 07073208 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | express or state clearly
00978549 32 v 06 pronounce 1 articulate 0 enounce 0 sound_out 1 enunciate 1 say 2 033 * 00941990 v 0000 + 07132415 n 0501 + 02643446 a 0202 + 02643446 a 0201 + 07073208 n 0201 + 07131854 n 0201 + 09811712 n 0201 + 07128692 n 0101 + 07128946 n 0101 ~ 00745078 v 0000 ~ 00950670 v 0000 ~ 00950782 v 0000 ~ 00950936 v 0000 ~ 00951069 v 0000 ~ 00951206 v 0000 ~ 00951399 v 0000 ~ 00951601 v 0000 ~ 00952039 v 0000 ~ 00952182 v 0000 ~ 00979411 v 0000 ~ 00979667 v 0000 ~ 00979988 v 0000 ~ 00980176 v 0000 ~ 00980339 v 0000 ~ 00982178 v 0000 ~ 00983333 v 0000 ~ 00983635 v 0000 ~ 01055146 v 0000 ~ 01055266 v 0000 ~ 01055404 v 0000 ~ 01055558 v 0000 ~ 01055661 v 0000 ~ 01055978 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | speak, pronounce, or utter in a certain way; "She pronounces French words in a funny way"; "I cannot say `zip wire'"; "Can the child sound out this complicated word?"
00979411 32 v 01 retroflex 0 002 @ 00978549 v 0000 + 07132226 n 0102 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | articulate (a consonant) with the tongue curled back against the palate; "Indian accents can be characterized by the fact that speakers retroflex their consonants"
00979667 32 v 02 subvocalize 0 subvocalise 0 002 @ 00978549 v 0000 + 10671467 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | articulate without making audible sounds; "she was reading to herself and merely subvocalized"
00979870 32 v 01 say f 001 @ 00940384 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | utter aloud; "She said `Hello' to everyone in the office"
00979988 32 v 02 syllabize 0 syllabise 0 002 @ 00978549 v 0000 + 06304671 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | utter with distinct articulation of each syllable; "The poet syllabized the verses he read"
00980176 32 v 01 drawl 0 003 @ 00978549 v 0000 + 10032884 n 0101 + 07131741 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | lengthen and slow down or draw out; "drawl one's vowels"
00980339 32 v 03 round 0 labialize 0 labialise 0 001 @ 00978549 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | pronounce with rounded lips
00980453 32 v 05 give_voice 0 formulate 0 word 0 phrase 0 articulate 2 015 @ 00943837 v 0000 + 07073208 n 0501 + 07154330 n 0405 + 06316048 n 0401 + 07081739 n 0403 + 06738162 n 0301 + 06286395 n 0301 + 07081739 n 0301 + 07069948 n 0201 + 00940842 n 0203 ~ 00784727 v 0000 ~ 00962190 v 0000 ~ 00980908 v 0000 ~ 00981083 v 0000 ~ 00981276 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 04 01 | put into words or an expression; "He formulated his concerns to the board of trustees"
00980908 32 v 02 dogmatize 0 dogmatise 0 005 @ 00980453 v 0000 + 10023656 n 0201 + 10023656 n 0101 + 06790042 n 0101 + 05960464 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | state as a dogma
00981083 32 v 02 formularize 0 formularise 0 006 @ 00980453 v 0000 + 06816935 n 0101 + 06732013 n 0101 + 06731802 n 0101 + 05846932 n 0102 + 05667613 n 0105 01 + 08 00 | express as a formula
00981276 32 v 05 frame 0 redact 0 cast 0 put 0 couch 0 004 @ 00980453 v 0000 + 13913566 n 0301 + 00931608 n 0201 + 03391301 n 0101 01 + 21 00 | formulate in a particular style or language; "I wouldn't put it that way"; "She cast her request in very polite language"
00981544 32 v 04 bumble 0 stutter 0 stammer 0 falter 0 006 @ 00941990 v 0000 + 01063350 n 0403 + 10646780 n 0301 + 14402922 n 0301 + 10646780 n 0202 + 14402922 n 0202 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | speak haltingly; "The speaker faltered when he saw his opponent enter the room"
00981814 32 v 01 rasp 0 003 @ 00941990 v 0000 + 07130774 n 0101 + 07130774 n 0102 02 + 02 00 + 26 00 | utter in a grating voice
00981944 32 v 05 blurt_out 0 blurt 0 blunder_out 0 blunder 0 ejaculate 0 003 @ 00941990 v 0000 + 07125958 n 0501 + 10048001 n 0501 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | utter impulsively; "He blurted out the secret"; "He blundered his stupid ideas"
00982178 32 v 01 lisp 0 003 @ 00978549 v 0000 + 14402763 n 0101 + 10265801 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | speak with a lisp
00982293 32 v 03 tone 2 inflect 0 modulate 0 007 @ 00941990 v 0000 + 07083958 n 0301 + 07084166 n 0302 + 07083958 n 0202 + 07083732 n 0202 + 04987620 n 0104 + 04986883 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | vary the pitch of one's speech
00982514 32 v 01 inflect 1 007 @ 00169806 v 0000 + 13803782 n 0102 + 13803782 n 0101 ~ 00982779 v 0000 ~ 00982913 v 0000 ~ 00983123 v 0000 ~ 01071916 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | change the form of a word in accordance as required by the grammatical rules of the language
00982779 32 v 01 compare 0 001 @ 00982514 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | to form the comparative or superlative form on an adjective or adverb
00982913 32 v 01 decline 1 003 @ 00982514 v 0000 + 13804203 n 0101 + 08006511 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | inflect for number, gender, case, etc., "in many languages, speakers decline nouns, pronouns, and adjectives"
00983123 32 v 01 conjugate 0 004 @ 00982514 v 0000 + 13804085 n 0101 + 08006868 n 0101 + 08006741 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | add inflections showing person, number, gender, tense, aspect, etc.; "conjugate the verb"
00983333 32 v 03 stress 1 accent 0 accentuate 1 008 @ 00978549 v 0000 + 07155661 n 0303 + 06822198 n 0301 + 07131511 n 0301 + 07085375 n 0303 + 07085786 n 0301 + 07085375 n 0203 + 07085375 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | put stress on; utter with an accent; "In Farsi, you accent the last syllable of each word"
00983635 32 v 04 vocalize 0 vocalise 0 vowelize 0 vowelise 0 002 @ 00978549 v 0000 + 07112550 n 0301 01 + 08 00 | pronounce as a vowel; "between two consonants, this liquid is vowelized"
00983824 32 v 04 utter 2 emit 0 let_out 2 let_loose 0 065 + 00943831 a 0102 + 10743675 n 0101 + 07109847 n 0101 ~ 00738747 v 0000 ~ 00776846 v 0000 ~ 00857517 v 0000 ~ 00857653 v 0000 ~ 00857784 v 0000 ~ 00909896 v 0000 ~ 00913065 v 0000 ~ 00941719 v 0000 ~ 00951911 v 0000 ~ 00957679 v 0000 ~ 00975036 v 0000 ~ 00985219 v 0000 ~ 00985334 v 0000 ~ 00985464 v 0000 ~ 00985593 v 0000 ~ 00985706 v 0000 ~ 00985800 v 0000 ~ 00985923 v 0000 ~ 00986074 v 0000 ~ 00986173 v 0000 ~ 00986311 v 0000 ~ 00986417 v 0000 ~ 00986586 v 0000 ~ 00986750 v 0000 ~ 00986897 v 0000 ~ 00989869 v 0000 ~ 01042725 v 0000 ~ 01043231 v 0000 ~ 01043768 v 0000 ~ 01045073 v 0000 ~ 01045318 v 0000 ~ 01045419 v 0000 ~ 01045719 v 0000 ~ 01047381 v 0000 ~ 01047745 v 0000 ~ 01048330 v 0000 ~ 01048718 v 0000 ~ 01052301 v 0000 ~ 01052562 v 0000 ~ 01052671 v 0000 ~ 01052782 v 0000 ~ 01053098 v 0000 ~ 01053221 v 0000 ~ 01053339 v 0000 ~ 01053771 v 0000 ~ 01054399 v 0000 ~ 01054553 v 0000 ~ 01054694 v 0000 ~ 01054849 v 0000 ~ 01055018 v 0000 ~ 01056369 v 0000 ~ 01058426 v 0000 ~ 01059743 v 0000 ~ 01059945 v 0000 ~ 01060065 v 0000 ~ 01060198 v 0000 ~ 01061704 v 0000 ~ 01061799 v 0000 ~ 01064401 v 0000 ~ 01067816 v 0000 ~ 01197208 v 0000 ~ 02562901 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | express audibly; utter sounds (not necessarily words); "She let out a big heavy sigh"; "He uttered strange sounds that nobody could understand"
00985219 32 v 01 shoot 5 001 @ 00983824 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | utter fast and forcefully; "She shot back an answer"
00985334 32 v 01 gurgle 0 001 @ 00983824 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | utter with a gurgling sound; "`Help,' the stabbing victim gurgled"
00985464 32 v 01 cry 3 002 @ 00983824 v 0000 + 07382572 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | utter a characteristic sound; "The cat was crying"
00985593 32 v 01 nasale 0 001 @ 00983824 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | speak in a nasal voice; "`Come here,' he nasaled"
00985706 32 v 01 bite_out 0 001 @ 00983824 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | utter; "She bit out a curse"
00985800 32 v 01 sigh 1 003 @ 00983824 v 0000 + 07393756 n 0101 + 07129602 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | utter with a sigh
00985923 32 v 01 troat 0 001 @ 00983824 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | emit a cry intended to attract other animals; used especially of animals at rutting time
00986074 32 v 01 lift 2 001 @ 00983824 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make audible; "He lifted a war whoop"
00986173 32 v 01 pant 0 003 @ 00983824 v 0000 + 00837098 n 0102 + 00834135 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | utter while panting, as if out of breath
00986311 32 v 01 volley 0 001 @ 00983824 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | utter rapidly; "volley a string of curses"
00986417 32 v 01 break_into 0 001 @ 00983824 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | express or utter spontaneously; "break into a yodel"; "break into a song"; "break into tears"
00986586 32 v 01 heave 0 001 @ 00983824 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | utter a sound, as with obvious effort; "She heaved a deep sigh when she saw the list of things to do"
00986750 32 v 01 chorus 0 003 @ 00983824 v 0000 + 08187988 n 0101 + 07379695 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | utter in unison; "`yes,' the children chorused"
00986897 32 v 02 sputter 0 splutter 0 004 @ 00983824 v 0000 + 07130183 n 0202 + 07394814 n 0206 + 07130183 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | utter with a spitting sound, as if in a rage
00987071 32 v 03 describe 0 depict 1 draw 0 007 @ 01001294 v 0000 + 07201804 n 0204 + 07201804 n 0205 + 07201365 n 0101 ~ 00987345 v 0000 ~ 00989084 v 0000 ~ 01006421 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | give a description of; "He drew an elaborate plan of attack"
00987345 32 v 01 represent c 003 @ 00987071 v 0000 ~ 00987597 v 0000 ~ 00987870 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | describe or present, usually with respect to a particular quality; "He represented this book as an example of the Russian 19th century novel"
00987597 32 v 02 symbolize 1 symbolise 1 003 @ 00987345 v 0000 + 06602324 n 0202 + 06602324 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | represent or identify by using a symbol; use symbols; "The poet symbolizes love in this poem"; "These painters believed that artists should symbolize"
00987870 32 v 02 actualize 0 actualise 0 003 @ 00987345 v 0000 + 01933731 a 0101 + 00043765 a 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | represent or describe realistically
00988028 32 v 01 represent 0 006 @ 00940384 v 0000 + 01981699 a 0101 ~ 00836705 v 0000 ~ 00988287 v 0000 ~ 00988890 v 0000 ~ 02740352 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | serve as a means of expressing something; "The flower represents a young girl"
00988287 32 v 02 dramatize 1 dramatise 1 012 @ 00988028 v 0000 + 00899292 n 0202 + 07290278 n 0201 + 07007945 n 0202 + 06376154 n 0201 + 04626705 n 0201 + 00899292 n 0101 + 07290278 n 0101 + 07007945 n 0102 + 06376154 n 0101 + 04626705 n 0101 ~ 00988692 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | represent something in a dramatic manner; "These events dramatize the lack of social responsibility among today's youth"
00988692 32 v 02 overdramatize 0 overdramatise 0 001 @ 00988287 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | present in an overly dramatic manner; "She is overdramatizing her child's failure in the physics class"
00988890 32 v 01 portray 0 004 @ 00988028 v 0000 + 07202391 n 0102 + 07202391 n 0103 + 07202391 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | portray in words; "The book portrays the actor as a selfish person"
00989084 32 v 01 delineate 0 002 @ 00987071 v 0000 + 07201804 n 0103 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | describe in vivid detail
00989201 32 v 02 address 2 speak 3 009 * 00963570 v 0000 + 07238694 n 0202 + 07241837 n 0203 + 09769345 n 0101 + 07238694 n 0101 ~ 00767918 v 0000 ~ 00768062 v 0000 ~ 00768265 v 0000 ~ 00990249 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 02 02 | give a speech to; "The chairman addressed the board of trustees"
00989490 32 v 01 take_the_floor 0 001 * 00989201 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | rise in order to make a speech or motion
00989602 32 v 02 deliver 0 present 2 005 @ 00941990 v 0000 + 07167415 n 0201 + 06891022 n 0201 + 07071483 n 0103 ~ 00990008 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | deliver (a speech, oration, or idea); "The commencement speaker presented a forceful speech that impressed the students"
00989869 32 v 01 deliver 2 001 @ 00983824 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | utter (an exclamation, noise, etc.); "The students delivered a cry of joy"
00990008 32 v 01 speechify 0 004 @ 00989602 v 0000 + 10380672 n 0105 + 06713930 n 0102 + 07238694 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | make speeches; hold forth, or harangue with a certain degree of formality; "These ministers speechify on every occasion"
00990249 32 v 01 harangue 0 003 @ 00989201 v 0000 + 10159714 n 0101 + 07242912 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | deliver a harangue to; address forcefully
00990392 32 v 01 approach 0 004 @ 00990655 v 0000 + 00134060 a 0101 + 07164349 n 0103 ~ 00781903 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | make advances to someone, usually with a proposal or suggestion; "I was approached by the President to serve as his adviser in foreign matters"
00990655 32 v 03 address 1 accost 1 come_up_to 0 004 @ 01849221 v 0000 + 09769345 n 0101 ~ 00897241 v 0000 ~ 00990392 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | speak to someone
00990812 32 v 02 address 3 direct 2 007 @ 01029852 v 0000 + 09769345 n 0101 + 08491027 n 0101 + 06787150 n 0101 ~ 00991025 v 0000 ~ 00991151 v 0000 ~ 00991264 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | put an address on (an envelope)
00991025 32 v 02 misdirect 0 misaddress 0 001 @ 00990812 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | put a wrong address on; "misdirect the letter"
00991151 32 v 01 instrument 0 002 @ 00990812 v 0000 + 06479665 n 0104 01 + 09 00 | address a legal document to
00991264 32 v 01 re-address 0 001 @ 00990812 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | put a new address on (an envelope), as for forwarding
00991385 32 v 02 enlighten 0 edify 0 003 @ 00829107 v 0000 + 05987835 n 0201 + 05986395 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | make understand; "Can you enlighten me--I don't understand this proposal"
00991577 32 v 01 disabuse 0 001 @ 00831651 v 0000 01 + 18 00 | free somebody (from an erroneous belief)
00991683 32 v 01 post 3 005 @ 00974367 v 0000 + 09854510 n 0102 + 06793426 n 0101 + 06793426 n 0102 ~ 00991900 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | publicize with, or as if with, a poster; "I'll post the news on the bulletin board"
00991900 32 v 02 placard 0 bill 1 003 @ 00991683 v 0000 + 06793426 n 0205 + 06793426 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | publicize or announce by placards
00992041 32 v 03 gesticulate 0 gesture 0 motion 0 018 @ 00740577 v 0000 + 06876309 n 0302 + 06876309 n 0201 + 00334509 n 0201 + 06876309 n 0101 + 00334509 n 0101 + 06876771 n 0101 ~ 00008299 v 0000 ~ 00027705 v 0000 ~ 00033955 v 0000 ~ 00034115 v 0000 ~ 00861929 v 0000 ~ 00867231 v 0000 ~ 00898434 v 0000 ~ 00898568 v 0000 ~ 00898691 v 0000 ~ 00992518 v 0000 ~ 01041415 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 27 00 | show, express or direct through movement; "He gestured his desire to leave"
00992518 32 v 01 shake 0 002 @ 00992041 v 0000 + 06632097 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | shake (a body part) to communicate a greeting, feeling, or cognitive state; "shake one's head"; "She shook her finger at the naughty students"; "The old enemies shook hands"; "Don't shake your fist at me!"
00992804 32 v 02 telepathize 0 telepathise 0 002 @ 00740577 v 0000 + 07255998 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | communicate nonverbally by telepathy; "some people believe they can telepathize with others around the world"
00993014 32 v 01 write 0 016 $ 01007027 v 0000 @ 00740577 v 0000 + 10801291 n 0101 + 00614224 n 0101 ~ 00993453 v 0000 ~ 00993608 v 0000 ~ 00993754 v 0000 ~ 00995838 v 0000 ~ 00996485 v 0000 ~ 01004692 v 0000 ~ 01005209 v 0000 ~ 01006056 v 0000 ~ 01006239 v 0000 ~ 01020356 v 0000 ~ 01064799 v 0000 ~ 01068134 v 0000 06 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 15 00 + 26 00 + 02 01 + 14 01 | communicate or express by writing; "Please write to me every week"
00993453 32 v 01 write_in 0 001 @ 00993014 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | write to an organization; "Many listeners wrote in after the controversial radio program"
00993608 32 v 01 style 4 002 @ 00993014 v 0000 + 06789215 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | make consistent with certain rules of style; "style a manuscript"
00993754 32 v 02 apostrophize 0 apostrophise 0 003 @ 00993014 v 0000 + 06841987 n 0201 + 06841987 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | use an apostrophe
00993892 32 v 01 encode 0 004 @ 00115157 v 0000 + 00615887 n 0101 ! 00994454 v 0101 ~ 00994076 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | convert information into code; "encode pictures digitally"
00994076 32 v 07 code 0 encipher 0 cipher 0 cypher 0 encrypt 0 inscribe 4 write_in_code 0 010 @ 00993892 v 0000 + 00615887 n 0502 + 06355307 n 0402 + 06254239 n 0402 + 06254239 n 0301 + 06355307 n 0301 + 06355894 n 0101 + 06353934 n 0101 + 10481268 n 0103 + 00614489 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | convert ordinary language into code; "We should encode the message for security reasons"
00994454 32 v 03 decode 0 decrypt 0 decipher 1 007 @ 00995838 v 0000 + 00617059 n 0303 + 09995398 n 0302 + 09995253 n 0301 + 00617059 n 0202 + 00617059 n 0101 ! 00993892 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | convert code into ordinary language
00994682 32 v 02 transliterate 0 transcribe 0 004 @ 00995838 v 0000 + 06349828 n 0101 ~ 00995525 v 0000 ~ 00995716 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | rewrite in a different script; "The Sanskrit text had to be transliterated"
00994895 32 v 01 transcribe 2 003 @ 00995838 v 0000 + 10724132 n 0101 + 10723984 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | make a phonetic transcription of; "The anthropologist transcribed the sentences of the native informant"
00995103 32 v 01 transcribe 1 003 @ 01020356 v 0000 + 06349597 n 0101 + 10723984 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | write out from speech, notes, etc.; "Transcribe the oral history of this tribe"
00995286 32 v 01 notate 0 003 @ 01020356 v 0000 + 06808493 n 0101 + 00615182 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | put into notation, as of music or choreography; "Nowadays, you can notate an entire ballet; in the old days, the steps had to be memorized"
00995525 32 v 04 Romanize 0 Romanise 0 Latinize 1 Latinise 0 001 @ 00994682 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | write in the Latin alphabet; "many shops in Japan now carry neon signs with Romanized names"
00995716 32 v 01 braille 0 003 @ 00994682 v 0000 + 10862281 n 0101 + 06362792 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | transcribe in braille
00995838 32 v 01 rewrite 0 008 @ 00993014 v 0000 + 06364149 n 0101 + 10513120 n 0104 + 06428792 n 0101 ~ 00994454 v 0000 ~ 00994682 v 0000 ~ 00994895 v 0000 ~ 00996102 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | write differently; alter the writing of; "The student rewrote his thesis"
00996102 32 v 01 revise 0 008 @ 00995838 v 0000 + 06428976 n 0103 + 06428976 n 0101 + 00399393 n 0101 + 10513120 n 0103 + 06428792 n 0102 + 06428976 n 0102 ~ 00996328 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make revisions in; "revise a thesis"
00996328 32 v 01 amend 0 004 @ 00996102 v 0000 + 00232620 a 0101 + 06723635 n 0101 + 01250101 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | make amendments to; "amend the document"
00996485 32 v 02 sign 2 subscribe 2 008 @ 00993014 v 0000 + 00615659 n 0201 + 06404582 n 0101 + 10597234 n 0101 ^ 00966152 v 0102 ^ 02343816 v 0101 ^ 02343816 v 0102 ~ 00996810 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 22 00 | mark with one's signature; write one's name (on); "She signed the letter and sent it off"; "Please sign here"
00996810 32 v 01 rubricate 0 001 @ 00996485 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | sign with a mark instead of a name
00996919 32 v 01 undersign 0 001 @ 00889229 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | sign at the bottom of (a document)
00997020 32 v 01 ink 0 001 @ 00889229 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | append one's signature to; "They inked the contract"
00997133 32 v 02 autograph 0 inscribe 0 003 @ 00889229 v 0000 + 06404907 n 0101 + 06407094 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | mark with one's signature; "The author autographed his book"
00997307 32 v 01 initial 0 003 * 00806502 v 0000 @ 00889229 v 0000 + 06830997 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | mark with one's initials
00997432 32 v 01 countersign 0 003 @ 00889229 v 0000 + 06405020 n 0102 + 06405020 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | add one's signature to after another's to attest authenticity; "You must countersign on this line of the contract"
00997659 32 v 01 execute 0 001 @ 00889229 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | sign in the presence of witnesses; "The President executed the treaty"
00997794 32 v 02 endorse 0 indorse 0 007 @ 00889229 v 0000 + 10057271 n 0202 + 06405198 n 0202 + 06405198 n 0101 + 10057271 n 0101 ~ 00998030 v 0000 ~ 00998182 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | sign as evidence of legal transfer; "endorse cheques"
00998030 32 v 02 cosign 0 co-sign 0 002 @ 00997794 v 0000 + 09613853 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | sign and endorse (another person's signature), as for a loan
00998182 32 v 01 visa 0 002 @ 00997794 v 0000 + 06687883 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | provide (a passport) with a visa
00998294 32 v 01 dot 0 002 @ 01691057 v 0000 + 13911872 n 0102 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | make a dot or dots
00998399 32 v 02 record 1 tape 0 013 @ 01000214 v 0000 + 04391838 n 0201 + 03708036 n 0203 + 04391838 n 0203 + 03924069 n 0103 + 04063373 n 0101 + 00910203 n 0101 ! 00999815 v 0101 ~ 00998886 v 0000 ~ 00999270 v 0000 ~ 00999429 v 0000 ~ 01756416 v 0000 ~ 01756563 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | register electronically; "They recorded her singing"
00998762 32 v 02 demagnetize 0 demagnetise 0 001 @ 00999815 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | erase (a magnetic storage device)
00998886 32 v 02 write 3 save 4 003 @ 00998399 v 0000 ;c 06128570 n 0000 ~ 00999079 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | record data on a computer; "boot-up instructions are written on the hard disk"
00999079 32 v 01 overwrite 0 002 @ 00998886 v 0000 ;c 06128570 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | write new data on top of existing data and thus erase the previously existing data; "overwrite that file"
00999270 32 v 01 tape_record 0 004 @ 00998399 v 0000 ;c 00910203 n 0000 + 04393095 n 0101 + 04391838 n 0102 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | record with a tape recorder
00999429 32 v 01 prerecord 0 002 @ 00998399 v 0000 ;c 00910203 n 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | record before presentation, as of a broadcast
00999568 32 v 01 accession 0 002 @ 01000214 v 0000 ;c 00910203 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | make a record of additions to a collection, such as a library
00999715 32 v 01 post 0 001 @ 01000214 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | display, as of records in sports games
00999815 32 v 02 erase 0 delete 0 005 @ 00179311 v 0000 ;c 00910203 n 0000 + 03294833 n 0101 ! 00998399 v 0101 ~ 00998762 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | wipe out digitally or magnetically recorded information; "Who erased the files form my hard disk?"
01000058 32 v 01 ring_up 0 001 @ 01000214 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | to perform and record a sale on a cash register; "Sally rang up Eve's purchase of tomatoes"
01000214 32 v 03 record 0 enter 4 put_down 5 029 @ 02225492 v 0000 ;c 00910203 n 0000 + 06503724 n 0201 + 13403643 n 0101 + 06647206 n 0101 + 10516874 n 0103 + 04063373 n 0101 ~ 00949841 v 0000 ~ 00966330 v 0000 ~ 00998399 v 0000 ~ 00999568 v 0000 ~ 00999715 v 0000 ~ 01000058 v 0000 ~ 01000878 v 0000 ~ 01001008 v 0000 ~ 01001136 v 0000 ~ 01001643 v 0000 ~ 01002297 v 0000 ~ 01002481 v 0000 ~ 01002618 v 0000 ~ 01002740 v 0000 ~ 01003049 v 0000 ~ 01003249 v 0000 ~ 01004062 v 0000 ~ 01004550 v 0000 ~ 01065877 v 0000 ~ 01711965 v 0000 ~ 02471690 v 0000 ~ 02498136 v 0000 05 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 + 26 00 | make a record of; set down in permanent form
01000878 32 v 01 manifest 1 001 @ 01000214 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | record in a ship's manifest; "each passenger must be manifested"
01001008 32 v 01 inscribe 3 002 @ 01000214 v 0000 + 00615011 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | write, engrave, or print as a lasting record
01001136 32 v 01 chronicle 0 003 @ 01000214 v 0000 + 09921168 n 0101 + 06514093 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | record in chronological order; make a historical record
01001294 32 v 03 set_forth 0 expound 1 exposit 0 004 @ 00955601 v 0000 + 06742426 n 0301 ~ 00987071 v 0000 ~ 01001467 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | state; "set forth one's reasons"
01001467 32 v 01 premise 0 001 @ 01001294 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | set forth beforehand, often as an explanation; "He premised these remarks so that his readers might understand"
01001643 32 v 02 file 0 file_away 0 005 @ 01000214 v 0000 + 06508816 n 0101 + 03337140 n 0101 + 10087574 n 0103 + 00811491 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | place in a container for keeping records; "File these bills, please"
01001857 32 v 02 file 2 register 3 009 @ 02471690 v 0000 ;c 08441203 n 0000 + 13412321 n 0201 + 06507041 n 0201 + 06507041 n 0202 + 03337140 n 0101 + 06508816 n 0101 + 07167954 n 0101 ~ 01002161 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | record in a public office or in a court of law; "file for divorce"; "file a complaint"
01002161 32 v 01 trademark 0 001 @ 01001857 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | register the trademark of; "The company trademarked their new gadget"
01002297 32 v 01 document 0 003 @ 01000214 v 0000 + 06616806 n 0101 + 06588326 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | record in detail; "The parents documented every step of their child's development"
01002481 32 v 01 log 0 003 @ 01000214 v 0000 + 06503884 n 0101 ^ 01002618 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | enter into a log, as on ships and planes
01002618 32 v 02 log_up 0 clock_up 1 001 @ 01000214 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | record a distance travelled; on planes and cars
01002740 32 v 03 film 0 shoot 1 take 2 009 @ 01000214 v 0000 ;c 06613686 n 0000 + 00908133 n 0301 + 03338821 n 0101 + 06262567 n 0101 + 06613686 n 0102 + 00907919 n 0101 $ 01003249 v 0000 ~ 01003741 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 02 01 | make a film or photograph of something; "take a scene"; "shoot a movie"
01003049 32 v 02 videotape 0 tape 3 006 @ 01000214 v 0000 ;c 06613686 n 0000 + 03708036 n 0203 + 04391838 n 0201 + 04534520 n 0101 + 04534359 n 0101 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 | record on videotape
01003249 32 v 03 photograph 0 snap 1 shoot 0 008 $ 01002740 v 0000 @ 01000214 v 0000 ;c 00903559 n 0000 + 04248607 n 0202 + 03925226 n 0101 + 10426749 n 0101 ~ 01003588 v 0000 ~ 01003885 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 | record on photographic film; "I photographed the scene of the accident"; "She snapped a picture of the President"
01003588 32 v 01 retake 0 003 @ 01003249 v 0000 ;c 00903559 n 0000 + 00908292 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | photograph again; "Please retake that scene"
01003741 32 v 01 reshoot 0 002 @ 01002740 v 0000 ;c 06613686 n 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | shoot again; "We had to reshoot that scene 24 times"
01003885 32 v 01 x-ray 0 003 @ 01003249 v 0000 ;c 00903559 n 0000 + 00901316 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | take an x-ray of something or somebody; "The doctor x-rayed my chest"
01004062 32 v 02 score 0 mark 0 005 @ 01000214 v 0000 + 06817782 n 0201 + 04681387 n 0203 + 03722007 n 0201 ~ 00800460 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make underscoring marks
01004235 32 v 02 underline 3 underscore 3 003 @ 00508032 v 0000 + 06801418 n 0201 + 06801418 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | draw a line or lines underneath to call attention to
01004403 32 v 01 quote 7 002 @ 00190023 v 0000 + 06844199 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | put quote marks around; "Here the author is quoting his colleague"
01004550 32 v 01 notch 0 003 @ 01000214 v 0000 + 00387897 n 0101 + 03832405 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | notch a surface to record something
01004692 32 v 02 type 0 typewrite 0 012 @ 00993014 v 0000 + 04505036 n 0201 + 06402565 n 0202 + 04504486 n 0101 + 06825120 n 0101 + 10735173 n 0101 + 06402565 n 0101 ~ 01005049 v 0000 ~ 01005373 v 0000 ~ 01005548 v 0000 ~ 01005654 v 0000 ~ 01005782 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | write by means of a keyboard with types; "type the acceptance letter, please"
01005049 32 v 01 shift 4 001 @ 01004692 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | use a shift key on a keyboard; "She could not shift so all her letters are written in lower case"
01005209 32 v 01 handwrite 0 003 @ 00993014 v 0000 + 06403393 n 0101 + 00614730 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | write by hand; "You should handwrite the note to your guests"
01005373 32 v 01 backspace 0 002 @ 01004692 v 0000 + 02771004 n 0103 01 + 02 00 | hit the backspace key on a computer or typewriter keyboard; "To erase, you must backspace"
01005548 32 v 01 double-space 0 001 @ 01004692 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | type with a full space between lines
01005654 32 v 01 triple-space 0 002 @ 01004692 v 0000 + 06402970 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | type with two empty spaces between lines
01005782 32 v 01 touch-type 0 002 @ 01004692 v 0000 + 10717772 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | type without looking at the keyboard
01005904 32 v 01 spell_out 0 001 @ 01021973 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 26 00 | make explicit; specify in detail; "You should spell out your demands"
01006056 32 v 02 jot_down 0 jot 0 004 @ 00993014 v 0000 + 06505799 n 0202 + 06415688 n 0201 + 06505799 n 0201 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | write briefly or hurriedly; write a short note of
01006239 32 v 02 scribble 0 scrabble 0 004 @ 00993014 v 0000 + 04155310 n 0202 + 04155310 n 0101 + 10564660 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | write down quickly without much attention to detail
01006421 32 v 03 sketch 0 outline 0 adumbrate 0 005 @ 00987071 v 0000 + 06468951 n 0201 + 06469694 n 0101 + 07203016 n 0101 ~ 01006699 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | describe roughly or briefly or give the main points or summary of; "sketch the outline of the book"; "outline his ideas"
01006699 32 v 01 block_out 0 001 @ 01006421 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | indicate roughly; "We sketched out our plan"
01006810 32 v 01 correspond 0 004 * 00993014 v 0000 + 09966554 n 0101 + 06623614 n 0101 ~ 01007027 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | exchange messages; "My Russian pen pal and I have been corresponding for several years"
01007027 32 v 02 write 8 drop_a_line 0 004 $ 00993014 v 0000 $ 01031966 v 0000 @ 01006810 v 0000 + 10801291 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 27 00 | communicate (with) in writing; "Write her soon, please!"
01007222 32 v 03 cable 0 telegraph 0 wire 0 008 @ 00790703 v 0000 ;c 06274921 n 0000 + 06622709 n 0302 + 10784015 n 0301 + 10697519 n 0202 + 10697519 n 0201 + 04400499 n 0201 + 06275095 n 0101 05 + 02 00 + 09 00 + 14 00 + 15 00 + 26 00 | send cables, wires, or telegrams
01007495 32 v 01 radio 0 004 @ 00740577 v 0000 + 04041544 n 0101 + 04043733 n 0104 + 06277135 n 0101 02 + 14 00 + 15 00 | transmit messages via radio waves; "he radioed for help"
01007676 32 v 03 fax 0 telefax 0 facsimile 0 004 @ 00790703 v 0000 + 03316274 n 0301 + 03316105 n 0301 + 03316105 n 0103 05 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 14 00 + 15 00 | send something via a facsimile machine; "Can you fax me the report right away?"
01007924 32 v 04 sum_up 0 summarize 0 summarise 0 resume 0 011 @ 00958334 v 0000 + 06469694 n 0403 + 06467445 n 0302 + 06467007 n 0301 + 06467445 n 0201 + 06467007 n 0201 ~ 01008288 v 0000 ~ 01008437 v 0000 ~ 01008546 v 0000 ~ 01008903 v 0000 $ 02752695 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | give a summary (of); "he summed up his results"; "I will now summarize"
01008288 32 v 01 abstract 0 004 @ 01007924 v 0000 + 09755086 n 0101 + 06468951 n 0103 + 09755086 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | give an abstract (of)
01008437 32 v 01 precis 0 002 @ 01007924 v 0000 + 06468951 n 0104 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make a summary (of)
01008546 32 v 01 docket 0 003 @ 01007924 v 0000 ;c 08441203 n 0000 + 06485593 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | make a summary or abstract of a legal document and inscribe it in a list
01008719 32 v 01 docket 1 003 @ 01494310 v 0000 ;c 08441203 n 0000 + 06485593 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | place on the docket for legal action; "Only 5 of the 120 cases docketed were tried"
01008903 32 v 02 recapitulate 0 recap 0 004 @ 01007924 v 0000 + 06469377 n 0202 + 06469377 n 0101 ~ 01009097 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | summarize briefly; "Let's recapitulate the main ideas"
01009097 32 v 03 retrograde 0 rehash 0 hash_over 0 002 @ 01008903 v 0000 + 06635759 n 0201 01 + 08 00 | go back over; "retrograde arguments"
01009240 32 v 03 state 0 say 0 tell 4 021 @ 00940384 v 0000 + 10345804 n 0303 + 07212424 n 0301 + 14485526 n 0201 + 07203126 n 0103 + 06722453 n 0101 ~ 00772967 v 0000 ~ 00799243 v 0000 ~ 00815686 v 0000 ~ 00901799 v 0000 ~ 00965871 v 0000 ~ 00978369 v 0000 $ 01009821 v 0000 ~ 01009986 v 0000 ~ 01010118 v 0000 ~ 01010852 v 0000 ~ 01020005 v 0000 ~ 01027174 v 0000 ~ 01065456 v 0000 ~ 02235842 v 0000 ~ 02752695 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 26 00 | express in words; "He said that he wanted to marry her"; "tell me what is bothering you"; "state your opinion"; "state your name"
01009821 32 v 01 say d 002 $ 01009240 v 0000 + 14485526 n 0101 01 + 26 00 | state as one's opinion or judgement; declare; "I say let's forget this whole business"
01009986 32 v 01 get_out 1 001 @ 01009240 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | express with difficulty; "I managed to get out a few words"
01010118 32 v 01 declare 0 022 @ 01009240 v 0000 + 00686890 a 0101 + 00686890 a 0102 + 06725877 n 0101 ~ 00760576 v 0000 ~ 00760735 v 0000 ~ 00856578 v 0000 ~ 00866702 v 0000 ~ 00867644 v 0000 ~ 00875394 v 0000 ~ 00884011 v 0000 ~ 00884317 v 0000 ~ 00894499 v 0000 ~ 00906735 v 0000 ~ 00977336 v 0000 ~ 01010690 v 0000 ~ 01011031 v 0000 ~ 01013040 v 0000 ~ 01014821 v 0000 ~ 01027508 v 0000 ~ 01027668 v 0000 ~ 01101313 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | state emphatically and authoritatively; "He declared that he needed more money to carry out the task he was charged with"
01010690 32 v 01 profess a 001 @ 01010118 v 0000 01 + 26 00 | state freely; "The teacher professed that he was not generous when it came to giving good grades"
01010852 32 v 01 declare 3 002 @ 01009240 v 0000 + 07204110 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | make a declaration (of dutiable goods) to a customs official; "Do you have anything to declare?"
01011031 32 v 07 affirm 0 verify 3 assert 0 avow 0 aver 0 swan 0 swear 3 018 @ 01010118 v 0000 + 10682380 n 0701 + 06684572 n 0702 + 06729499 n 0502 + 09814660 n 0405 + 06732350 n 0401 + 01821920 a 0302 + 07203126 n 0302 + 09814660 n 0301 + 07203126 n 0101 + 06732350 n 0103 + 09814660 n 0103 ~ 00683771 v 0000 ~ 00758333 v 0000 ~ 00820352 v 0000 ~ 00820801 v 0000 ~ 01011542 v 0000 ~ 01019643 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | to declare or affirm solemnly and formally as true; "Before God I swear I am innocent"
01011542 32 v 01 protest 1 003 @ 01011031 v 0000 + 07210225 n 0101 + 07210225 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | affirm or avow formally or solemnly; "The suspect protested his innocence"
01011725 32 v 01 affirm 1 007 + 00075135 a 0101 + 00075135 a 0102 + 07203126 n 0101 ~ 00756338 v 0000 ~ 01011923 v 0000 ~ 01012073 v 0000 ~ 01017643 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 26 00 | say yes to
01011923 32 v 01 reaffirm 0 002 @ 01011725 v 0000 + 06732581 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | affirm once again; "He reaffirmed his faith in the church"
01012073 32 v 02 confirm 0 reassert 0 010 @ 01011725 v 0000 + 06732581 n 0201 + 02355521 a 0104 + 06650070 n 0101 + 05825245 n 0101 ~ 00896497 v 0000 ~ 00896803 v 0000 ~ 01012395 v 0000 ~ 01012561 v 0000 ~ 01012905 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | strengthen or make more firm; "The witnesses confirmed the victim's account"
01012395 32 v 01 verify 4 003 @ 01012073 v 0000 ;c 08441203 n 0000 + 06736769 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | attach or append a legal verification to (a pleading or petition)
01012561 32 v 02 validate 0 corroborate 0 008 @ 01012073 v 0000 + 02355521 a 0205 + 02355521 a 0206 + 06650431 n 0203 + 02355521 a 010a + 05826291 n 0102 + 00153961 n 0101 ~ 01012792 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | give evidence for
01012792 32 v 01 circumstantiate 0 001 @ 01012561 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | give circumstantial evidence for
01012905 32 v 01 reconfirm 0 001 @ 01012073 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | confirm again; "You must reconfirm your flight reservations"
01013040 32 v 03 swear 0 depose 0 depone 0 005 @ 01010118 v 0000 + 10703905 n 0302 + 10703905 n 0203 + 07194499 n 0201 + 06684572 n 0102 01 + 26 00 | make a deposition; declare under oath
01013230 32 v 02 remonstrate 1 point_out 2 002 @ 00831651 v 0000 ~ 00825447 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | present and urge reasons in opposition
01013367 32 v 06 stress 0 emphasize 0 emphasise 0 punctuate 0 accent 1 accentuate 0 015 @ 00943837 v 0000 + 14434866 n 0602 + 01264243 n 0603 + 14434866 n 0502 + 01264243 n 0201 + 14434866 n 0201 + 14435187 n 0101 ~ 00513492 v 0000 ~ 00514463 v 0000 ~ 00840809 v 0000 ~ 00840980 v 0000 ~ 01013856 v 0000 ~ 01014186 v 0000 ~ 01014362 v 0000 ~ 01014609 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 26 00 | to stress, single out as important; "Dr. Jones emphasizes exercise in addition to a change in diet"
01013856 32 v 01 topicalize 0 003 @ 01013367 v 0000 ;c 06172789 n 0000 + 06484279 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | emphasize by putting heavy stress on or by moving to the front of the sentence; "Speakers topicalize more often than they realize"; "The object of the sentence is topicalized in what linguists call `Yiddish Movement'"
01014186 32 v 01 point_up 0 001 @ 01013367 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 26 00 | emphasize, especially by identification; "This novel points up the racial problems in England"
01014362 32 v 03 drive_home 0 ram_home 0 press_home 0 001 @ 01013367 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make clear by special emphasis and try to convince somebody of something; "drive home a point or an argument"; "I'm trying to drive home these basic ideas"
01014609 32 v 04 underscore 0 underline 0 emphasize 3 emphasise 3 002 @ 01013367 v 0000 + 01264243 n 0301 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 26 00 | give extra weight to (a communication); "Her gesture emphasized her words"
01014821 32 v 04 testify 1 attest 2 take_the_stand 0 bear_witness 0 009 @ 01010118 v 0000 ;c 08441203 n 0000 + 06736405 n 0201 + 10786270 n 0202 + 06648207 n 0101 + 06732710 n 0101 + 10703905 n 0101 + 06734467 n 0101 ~ 01015104 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | give testimony in a court of law
01015104 32 v 01 vouch 1 002 @ 01014821 v 0000 + 10760763 n 0101 01 + 22 00 | give personal assurance; guarantee; "Will he vouch for me?"
01015244 32 v 05 testify 2 bear_witness 2 prove 0 evidence 1 show 0 011 @ 00831651 v 0000 ;c 08441203 n 0000 + 06643408 n 0401 + 05823932 n 0401 + 06733939 n 0401 + 06648207 n 0101 + 06732710 n 0101 + 10703905 n 0101 ~ 00820976 v 0000 ~ 01015677 v 0000 ~ 01015866 v 0000 05 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 26 00 + 22 02 + 22 01 | provide evidence for; "The blood test showed that he was the father"; "Her behavior testified to her incompetence"
01015677 32 v 01 presume 0 003 @ 01015244 v 0000 + 01413576 a 0101 + 00645281 a 0101 01 + 11 00 | constitute reasonable evidence for; "A restaurant bill presumes the consumption of food"
01015866 32 v 03 adduce 0 abduce 0 cite 6 003 @ 01015244 v 0000 + 06613056 n 0303 + 06763681 n 0301 01 + 08 00 | advance evidence for
01016002 32 v 03 allege 0 aver 1 say 1 004 @ 01016778 v 0000 + 14485526 n 0301 + 06731186 n 0102 ~ 01016316 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 26 00 | report or maintain; "He alleged that he was the victim of a crime"; "He said it was too late to intervene in the war"; "The registrar says that I owe the school money"
01016316 32 v 01 plead 3 005 @ 01016002 v 0000 ;c 08441203 n 0000 + 09775663 n 0106 + 06559365 n 0101 ~ 01016626 v 0000 01 + 26 00 | make an allegation in an action or other legal proceeding, especially answer the previous pleading of the other party by denying facts therein stated or by alleging new facts
01016626 32 v 01 demur 2 005 @ 01016316 v 0000 ;c 08441203 n 0000 + 06562802 n 0101 + 07209089 n 0103 + 07209089 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | enter a demurrer
01016778 32 v 03 assert 1 asseverate 0 maintain 0 007 @ 00818974 v 0000 + 06729499 n 0203 + 09814660 n 0204 + 01821920 a 0102 + 06729499 n 0101 ~ 01016002 v 0000 ~ 01017001 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | state categorically
01017001 32 v 02 predicate 0 proclaim 3 002 @ 01016778 v 0000 + 06733227 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | affirm or declare as an attribute or quality of; "The speech predicated the fitness of the candidate to be President"
01017222 32 v 01 predicate 2 005 @ 02724417 v 0000 + 00172993 a 0101 + 06316626 n 0101 + 06316813 n 0101 + 06316376 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | make the (grammatical) predicate in a proposition; "The predicate `dog' is predicated of the subject `Fido' in the sentence `Fido is a dog'"
01017501 32 v 01 swear_in 0 001 @ 02395782 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | administer on oath to; "The speaker of the House swore in the new President"
01017643 32 v 02 maintain 1 defend 1 004 @ 01011725 v 0000 + 02525876 a 0202 + 01632066 a 0201 ~ 00904690 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | state or assert; "He maintained his innocence"
01017826 32 v 02 demand 2 exact 0 006 @ 01018352 v 0000 + 01061526 n 0201 + 01061333 n 0101 + 10001647 n 0101 ~ 01018177 v 0000 ~ 02359061 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 16 00 + 26 00 | claim as due or just; "The bank demanded payment of the loan"
01018065 32 v 01 demand 6 001 @ 00752764 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | ask to be informed of; "I demand an explanation"
01018177 32 v 01 command 2 001 @ 01017826 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | demand as one's due; "This speaker commands a high fee"; "The author commands a fair hearing from his readers"
01018352 32 v 01 claim 2 007 @ 00752764 v 0000 + 05175904 n 0101 + 01061945 n 0101 + 09925592 n 0101 ~ 01017826 v 0000 ~ 01018645 v 0000 ~ 01069090 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 22 00 | ask for legally or make a legal claim to, as of debts, for example; "They claimed on the maximum allowable amount"
01018645 32 v 01 counterclaim 0 003 @ 01018352 v 0000 ;c 08441203 n 0000 + 01184407 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | set up a claim in opposition to a previous claim
01018800 32 v 01 remit 0 001 @ 02477334 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | release from (claims, debts, or taxes); "The taxes were remitted"
01018928 32 v 04 stipulate 0 qualify 0 condition 0 specify 3 011 @ 00888786 v 0000 + 06725067 n 0401 + 01149303 n 0402 + 06755568 n 0301 + 06770875 n 0301 + 05822746 n 0302 + 04717139 n 0201 + 00603194 a 0102 + 01149303 n 0101 $ 01019472 v 0000 ~ 01063188 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 26 00 | specify as a condition or requirement in a contract or agreement; make an express demand or provision in an agreement; "The will stipulates that she can live in the house for the rest of her life"; "The contract stipulates the dates of the payments"
01019472 32 v 01 stipulate 1 002 $ 01018928 v 0000 @ 00890100 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | give a guarantee or promise of; "They stipulated to release all the prisoners"
01019643 32 v 02 assure 0 tell 8 001 @ 01011031 v 0000 02 + 18 00 + 26 00 | inform positively and with certainty and confidence; "I tell you that man is a crook!"
01019808 32 v 01 reassure 0 002 @ 00776268 v 0000 + 01215719 n 0101 03 + 09 00 + 18 00 + 26 00 | give or restore confidence in; cause to feel sure or certain; "I reassured him that we were safe"
01020005 32 v 04 note 0 observe 0 mention 0 remark 0 008 @ 01009240 v 0000 + 06765044 n 0401 + 06766190 n 0301 + 10309347 n 0301 + 10369528 n 0201 + 05703429 n 0202 + 06763273 n 0101 ~ 01058574 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | make mention of; "She observed that his presentation took up too much time"; "They noted that it was a fine day to go sailing"
01020356 32 v 04 write_down 1 set_down 0 get_down 0 put_down 0 005 @ 00993014 v 0000 ~ 00995103 v 0000 ~ 00995286 v 0000 ~ 01020594 v 0000 ~ 01020934 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | put down in writing; of texts, musical compositions, etc.
01020594 32 v 02 dash_down 0 dash_off 0 001 @ 01020356 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | write down hastily; "She dashed off a letter to her lawyer"
01020731 32 v 04 complete 0 fill_out 0 fill_in 2 make_out 2 001 * 01020356 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | write all the required information onto a form; "fill out this questionnaire, please!"; "make out a form"
01020934 32 v 02 note 1 take_down 0 003 @ 01020356 v 0000 + 06504462 n 0101 + 06763273 n 0103 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | make a written note of; "she noted everything the teacher said that morning"
01021128 32 v 03 exemplify 0 illustrate 0 instance 0 010 @ 00955601 v 0000 + 05820620 n 0303 + 01305123 a 0202 + 06880533 n 0202 + 05820620 n 0202 + 06880533 n 0101 + 07308889 n 0103 + 05937112 n 0102 + 05925366 n 0102 + 05820620 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | clarify by giving an example of
01021420 32 v 02 conclude 1 resolve 0 005 @ 00805376 v 0000 + 06511874 n 0203 + 00550282 a 0101 + 00162632 n 0103 ~ 00763399 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | reach a conclusion after a discussion or deliberation
01021629 32 v 02 arrange 4 fix_up 0 006 @ 00805376 v 0000 + 05795044 n 0102 + 10383237 n 0103 ~ 01021871 v 0000 ~ 01648488 v 0000 ~ 02254258 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 01 | make arrangements for; "Can you arrange a meeting with the President?"
01021871 32 v 01 firm_up 0 001 @ 01021629 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | arrange firmly; "firm up one's plans"
01021973 32 v 05 specify 0 particularize 0 particularise 0 specialize 0 specialise 0 005 @ 00955601 v 0000 + 07202812 n 0302 + 07202812 n 0201 ! 01022906 v 0101 ~ 01005904 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 26 00 | be specific about; "Could you please specify your criticism of my paper?"
01022257 32 v 02 overgeneralize 0 overgeneralise 0 001 @ 01022420 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | draw too general a conclusion; "It is dangerous to overgeneralize"
01022420 32 v 04 generalize 1 generalise 1 extrapolate 0 infer 1 010 @ 00634472 v 0000 + 05774614 n 0401 + 05781145 n 0301 + 05780104 n 0203 + 05756414 n 0202 + 05780104 n 0102 + 05756414 n 0101 + 05774415 n 0101 ~ 01022257 v 0000 ~ 01022740 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | draw from specific cases for more general cases
01022740 32 v 02 universalize 0 universalise 0 002 @ 01022420 v 0000 + 00527188 a 0105 01 + 08 00 | make universal; "This author's stories universalize old themes"
01022906 32 v 02 generalize 0 generalise 0 004 @ 00941990 v 0000 + 05913275 n 0202 + 05913275 n 0101 ! 01021973 v 0101 01 + 02 00 | speak or write in generalities
01023071 32 v 02 mention 1 cite 1 003 @ 01059123 v 0000 + 06706125 n 0201 + 06706317 n 0101 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | commend; "he was cited for his outstanding achievements"
01023259 32 v 02 quote 0 cite 2 010 @ 00958334 v 0000 + 07180570 n 0201 + 06613056 n 0203 + 06763681 n 0201 + 06613056 n 0102 + 06613056 n 0101 + 01030642 n 0101 + 10502204 n 0101 $ 01023574 v 0000 ~ 01023781 v 0000 05 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 14 00 + 15 00 | repeat a passage from; "He quoted the Bible to her"
01023574 32 v 02 quote 2 cite 5 002 $ 01023259 v 0000 @ 01024190 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | refer to for illustration or proof; "He said he could quote several instances of this behavior"
01023781 32 v 01 misquote 0 002 @ 01023259 v 0000 + 06613576 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | quote incorrectly; "He had misquoted the politician"
01023925 32 v 01 quote d 003 @ 02235842 v 0000 + 06756267 n 0101 ~ 01024066 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | name the price of; "quote prices for cars"
01024066 32 v 01 underquote 0 001 @ 01023925 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | quote a price lower than that quoted by (another seller)
01024190 32 v 06 mention 2 advert c bring_up 0 cite 0 name 4 refer 1 020 @ 00730052 v 0000 + 06766190 n 0602 + 06333653 n 0501 + 07230502 n 0501 + 07180570 n 0401 + 06613056 n 0403 + 06763681 n 0401 + 06763681 n 0106 + 06766190 n 0101 + 10309347 n 0101 ~ 00882523 v 0000 ~ 00882682 v 0000 ~ 00882802 v 0000 ~ 01023574 v 0000 ~ 01024763 v 0000 ~ 01024864 v 0000 ~ 01025089 v 0000 ~ 01025246 v 0000 ~ 01025785 v 0000 ~ 01025935 v 0000 07 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 + 04 06 + 22 06 + 22 02 | make reference to; "His name was mentioned in connection with the invention"
01024763 32 v 01 touch_on 1 001 @ 01024190 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | refer to or discuss briefly
01024864 32 v 02 invoke 1 appeal c 001 @ 01024190 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 22 02 | cite as an authority; resort to; "He invoked the law that would save him"; "I appealed to the law of 1900"; "She invoked an ancient law"
01025089 32 v 01 namedrop 0 001 @ 01024190 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | refer to people that one assumes one's interlocutors admire in order to try to impress them
01025246 32 v 02 raise 1 bring_up 6 001 @ 01024190 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | put forward for consideration or discussion; "raise the question of promotions"; "bring up an unpleasant topic"
01025455 32 v 02 call_up 3 bring_forward 0 001 @ 00941166 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | bring forward for consideration; "The case was called up in court"
01025602 32 v 04 slip_in 0 stick_in 0 sneak_in 0 insert 0 002 @ 01027174 v 0000 ~ 01639592 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | insert casually; "She slipped in a reference to her own work"
01025785 32 v 02 drag_up 0 dredge_up 0 001 @ 01024190 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | mention something unpleasant from the past; "Drag up old stories"
01025935 32 v 01 cross-refer 0 001 @ 01024190 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 12 00 | refer from one entry to another, as in catalogues, books, and lists
01026095 32 v 02 name 2 identify 0 009 @ 00931467 v 0000 + 14577046 n 0201 + 06885083 n 0201 + 00152018 n 0202 + 05763412 n 0201 + 07230502 n 0101 ~ 00946105 v 0000 ~ 00946755 v 0000 ~ 00975427 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | give the name or identifying characteristics of; refer to by name or some other identifying characteristic property; "Many senators were named in connection with the scandal"; "The almanac identifies the auspicious months"
01026558 32 v 01 apply 1 002 @ 00931467 v 0000 + 00949134 n 0101 02 + 15 00 + 21 00 | refer (a word or name) to a person or thing; "He applied this racial slur to me!"
01026728 32 v 03 allude 0 touch 9 advert 1 005 * 00931467 v 0000 @ 00927430 v 0000 + 00766957 a 0101 + 06766544 n 0101 $ 02676054 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | make a more or less disguised reference to; "He alluded to the problem but did not mention it"
01026975 32 v 03 drive 0 get 8 aim 9 004 @ 00955148 v 0000 + 06197664 n 0101 + 05922651 n 0101 + 00798245 n 0104 01 + 22 00 | move into a desired direction of discourse; "What are you driving at?"
01027174 32 v 03 add 1 append 0 supply 0 003 @ 01009240 v 0000 ~ 01025602 v 0000 ~ 01027361 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 26 00 | state or say further; "`It doesn't matter,' he supplied"
01027361 32 v 01 toss_in 0 001 @ 01027174 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | add casually to a conversation; "`I don't agree with this,' she tossed in"
01027508 32 v 01 decree 0 004 @ 01010118 v 0000 + 06539770 n 0101 ~ 00746084 v 0000 ~ 02427916 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | issue a decree; "The King only can decree"
01027668 32 v 05 opine 0 speak_up 0 speak_out 0 animadvert 0 sound_off 1 004 @ 01010118 v 0000 + 00288362 a 0102 + 06782019 n 0101 ~ 01027924 v 0000 01 + 26 00 | express one's opinion openly and without fear or hesitation; "John spoke up at the meeting"
01027924 32 v 02 editorialize 0 editorialise 0 002 @ 01027668 v 0000 + 06268567 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | insert personal opinions into an objective statement
01028079 32 v 03 baptize 0 baptise 0 christen 0 004 @ 01028748 v 0000 + 01038375 n 0301 + 01037819 n 0201 + 01037819 n 0101 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 14 00 | administer baptism to; "The parents had the child baptized"
01028294 32 v 01 refer 4 001 @ 01028748 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | use a name to designate; "Christians refer to the mother of Jesus as the Virgin Mary"
01028466 32 v 02 style 0 title 2 002 @ 01028748 v 0000 + 06346461 n 0201 01 + 08 00 | designate by an identifying term; "They styled their nation `The Confederate States'"
01028640 32 v 02 dub 0 nickname 0 002 @ 01028748 v 0000 + 06337693 n 0201 01 + 14 00 | give a nickname to
01028748 32 v 02 name 3 call 2 014 $ 00971015 v 0000 @ 01029852 v 0000 + 10344774 n 0101 + 06333653 n 0101 + 07230502 n 0101 ~ 01028079 v 0000 ~ 01028294 v 0000 ~ 01028466 v 0000 ~ 01028640 v 0000 ~ 01029212 v 0000 ~ 01029500 v 0000 ~ 01029642 v 0000 ~ 01029760 v 0000 $ 02601456 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 14 00 | assign a specified (usually proper) proper name to; "They named their son David"; "The new school was named after the famous Civil Rights leader"
01029212 32 v 01 rename 0 001 @ 01028748 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | assign a new name to; "Many streets in the former East Germany were renamed in 1990"
01029368 32 v 02 go_by 0 go_under 0 000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | be called; go by a certain name; "She goes by her maiden name again"
01029500 32 v 02 entitle 0 title 0 004 @ 01028748 v 0000 + 06343520 n 0201 + 05181199 n 0201 ~ 00978173 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | give a title to
01029642 32 v 01 term 0 002 @ 01028748 v 0000 + 06303888 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | name formally or designate with a term
01029760 32 v 01 tag 0 001 @ 01028748 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | provide with a name or nickname
01029852 32 v 01 label 0 007 @ 01030132 v 0000 + 07272172 n 0101 + 07202579 n 0101 ~ 00971015 v 0000 ~ 00990812 v 0000 ~ 01028748 v 0000 ~ 02508245 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 | assign a label to; designate with a label; "These students were labelled `learning disabled'"
01030132 32 v 02 designate 0 denominate 0 009 + 08006989 n 0201 + 08146782 n 0201 + 06338908 n 0202 + 00722611 a 0101 + 06338908 n 0103 + 00152018 n 0101 ~ 00932161 v 0000 ~ 00948853 v 0000 ~ 01029852 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 | assign a name or title to
01030397 32 v 03 excommunicate 0 unchurch 0 curse 3 005 @ 02449340 v 0000 + 14413993 n 0101 + 00208277 n 0101 ! 01030678 v 0101 $ 02402112 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | exclude from a church or a religious community; "The gay priest was excommunicated when he married his partner"
01030678 32 v 01 communicate 8 004 $ 00760402 v 0000 @ 01030832 v 0000 + 00033020 n 0101 ! 01030397 v 0101 01 + 02 00 | administer Communion; in church
01030832 32 v 01 covenant 0 004 @ 00884540 v 0000 + 06772260 n 0101 ~ 00760402 v 0000 ~ 01030678 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | enter into a covenant or formal agreement; "They covenanted with Judas for 30 pieces of silver"; "The nations covenanted to fight terrorism around the world"
01031109 32 v 02 post 1 brand 0 002 @ 00971015 v 0000 + 06794666 n 0203 01 + 14 00 | mark or expose as infamous; "She was branded a loose woman"
01031256 32 v 03 mail 0 post 2 send 0 017 @ 02232190 v 0000 + 10578656 n 0301 + 10578762 n 0301 + 00121166 n 0301 + 00318186 n 0201 + 06264398 n 0204 + 06796119 n 0201 + 00122338 n 0202 + 10282920 n 0101 + 03709644 n 0101 + 06264398 n 0101 + 08463647 n 0101 + 00122338 n 0101 ~ 01031756 v 0000 ~ 01032127 v 0000 ~ 01032326 v 0000 ~ 01033030 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 15 00 | cause to be directed or transmitted to another place; "send me your latest results"; "I'll mail you the paper when it's written"
01031756 32 v 01 express 9 004 @ 01031256 v 0000 + 06265475 n 0101 + 01106460 n 0101 + 01106460 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | send by rapid transport or special messenger service; "She expressed the letter to Florida"
01031966 32 v 01 write 1 003 @ 00740577 v 0000 + 10801291 n 0101 $ 01007027 v 0000 01 + 26 00 | communicate by letter; "He wrote that he would be coming soon"
01032127 32 v 01 airmail 0 003 @ 01031256 v 0000 + 06264812 n 0101 + 02690715 n 0101 03 + 08 00 + 14 00 + 15 00 | send or transport by airmail; "Letters to Europe from the U.S. are best airmailed"
01032326 32 v 01 register 5 001 @ 01031256 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | send by registered mail; "I'd like to register this letter"
01032451 32 v 03 e-mail 0 email 0 netmail 0 006 * 01031256 v 0000 @ 00790703 v 0000 ;c 06128570 n 0000 + 06279326 n 0203 + 06279326 n 0102 ~ 01032715 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 14 00 + 15 00 | communicate electronically on the computer; "she e-mailed me the good news"
01032715 32 v 01 spam 0 002 @ 01032451 v 0000 ;c 06128570 n 0000 03 + 08 00 + 14 00 + 15 00 | send unwanted or junk e-mail
01032840 32 v 01 network 0 003 @ 00740577 v 0000 ;c 06128570 n 0000 + 08434259 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | communicate with and within a group; "You have to network if you want to get a good job"
01033030 32 v 01 express-mail 0 001 @ 01031256 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 14 00 + 15 00 | send by express mail or courier; "Express-mail the documents immediately"
01033189 32 v 01 comment a 004 @ 00939277 v 0000 + 06762711 n 0101 ~ 00917537 v 0000 ~ 01033346 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | explain or interpret something
01033346 32 v 03 disk-jockey 0 disc-jockey 0 DJ 0 002 @ 01033189 v 0000 + 10017272 n 0303 01 + 02 00 | comment on music to be played; "He has a job disk-jockeying on the weekend"
01033527 32 v 06 cover 1 treat 0 handle 0 plow 0 deal 8 address 4 007 @ 00964911 v 0000 + 07138085 n 0202 + 05123760 n 0101 ~ 01034118 v 0000 ~ 01034312 v 0000 $ 02514187 v 0000 $ 02629793 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 + 22 05 | act on verbally or in some form of artistic expression; "This book deals with incest"; "The course covered all of Western Civilization"; "The new book treats the history of China"
01033942 32 v 01 sugarcoat 0 001 @ 00953700 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to appear more pleasant or appealing; "The mayor did not sugarcoat the reality of the tax cuts"
01034118 32 v 02 theologize 0 theologise 0 003 @ 01033527 v 0000 + 10705615 n 0204 + 10705615 n 0103 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | treat from a theological viewpoint or render theological in character
01034312 32 v 03 discourse 2 talk_about 0 discuss 1 005 @ 01033527 v 0000 + 07138085 n 0301 + 07138085 n 0103 ~ 01034647 v 0000 ~ 01034766 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | to consider or examine in speech or writing; "The author talks about the different aspects of this question"; "The class discussed Dante's `Inferno'"
01034647 32 v 01 descant 1 001 @ 01034312 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | talk at great length about something of one's interest
01034766 32 v 01 talk_shop 0 001 @ 01034312 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | discuss matters that are related to work; "As soon as they met, the linguists started to talk shop"
01034932 32 v 01 stonewall 0 003 @ 02557199 v 0000 + 10659571 n 0101 + 01075893 n 0101 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 | obstruct or hinder any discussion; "Nixon stonewalled the Watergate investigation"; "When she doesn't like to face a problem, she simply stonewalls"
01035199 32 v 03 browbeat 0 bully 0 swagger 1 002 @ 00768778 v 0000 + 09879297 n 0201 02 + 09 00 + 30 00 | discourage or frighten with threats or a domineering manner; intimidate
01035380 32 v 01 compromise 0 004 * 00805376 v 0000 @ 00763399 v 0000 + 07179342 n 0101 + 01205564 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | settle by concession
01035530 32 v 01 agree 4 006 + 00553279 a 0101 + 13971065 n 0101 + 07175241 n 0101 $ 00805376 v 0000 ~ 01035803 v 0000 ~ 01071762 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | achieve harmony of opinion, feeling, or purpose; "No two of my colleagues would agree on whom to elect chairman"
01035803 32 v 01 compromise 1 005 @ 01035530 v 0000 + 07179342 n 0101 + 01205564 n 0101 ~ 01036047 v 0000 ~ 01036188 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | make a compromise; arrive at a compromise; "nobody will get everything he wants; we all must compromise"
01036047 32 v 01 whore 1 001 @ 01035803 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | compromise oneself for money or other gains; "She whored herself to Hollywood"
01036188 32 v 01 give_and_take 0 001 @ 01035803 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | make mutual concessions; "In life you have to give and take"
01036319 32 v 05 queer 0 expose 2 scupper 0 endanger 0 peril 0 006 @ 00137313 v 0000 + 14543552 n 0502 + 14541852 n 0503 + 00802238 n 0502 + 14543931 n 0202 ~ 01036592 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | put in a dangerous, disadvantageous, or difficult position
01036592 32 v 01 compromise 3 001 @ 01036319 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | expose or make liable to danger, suspicion, or disrepute; "The nuclear secrets of the state were compromised by the spy"
01036804 32 v 0e chatter 0 piffle 0 palaver 2 prate 0 tittle-tattle 0 twaddle 0 clack 0 maunder 1 prattle 0 blab 2 gibber 0 tattle 0 blabber 0 gabble 0 015 @ 00941990 v 0000 + 06610992 n 0e03 + 10206173 n 0d05 + 10463943 n 0901 + 07137129 n 0902 + 10733999 n 0601 + 06611147 n 060b + 07135080 n 0508 + 09911570 n 0403 + 07137129 n 0401 + 06609503 n 0301 + 06608143 n 0203 + 07136940 n 0104 + 09911570 n 0101 ~ 01037650 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | speak (about unimportant matters) rapidly and incessantly
01037303 32 v 01 chatter 2 004 @ 00941990 v 0000 + 07378781 n 0101 + 09911570 n 0101 + 07378781 n 0102 01 + 01 00 | make noise as if chattering away; "The magpies were chattering in the trees"
01037498 32 v 05 yack 0 jaw 2 yack_away 0 rattle_on 0 yap_away 0 002 @ 00941990 v 0000 + 07136940 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | talk incessantly and tiresomely
01037650 32 v 05 babble 0 blather 0 smatter 1 blether 0 blither 0 006 @ 01036804 v 0000 + 07137129 n 0404 + 06610332 n 0201 + 09911570 n 0102 + 06610143 n 0101 + 06610143 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | to talk foolishly; "The two women babbled and crooned at the baby"
01037910 32 v 09 chat_up 0 flirt 0 dally 0 butterfly 0 coquet 0 coquette 0 romance 1 philander 0 mash 0 013 @ 00962447 v 0000 + 10787197 n 0904 + 06371267 n 0702 + 13931436 n 0702 + 09965134 n 0601 + 00512522 n 0504 + 00512522 n 0305 + 00512522 n 0201 + 09965134 n 0202 + 00512522 n 0203 + 00512522 n 0202 ~ 01038434 v 0000 ~ 01038538 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 22 00 + 09 01 | talk or behave amorously, without serious intentions; "The guys always try to chat up the new secretaries"; "My husband never flirts with other women"
01038434 32 v 01 wanton 0 002 @ 01037910 v 0000 + 10766260 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | engage in amorous play
01038538 32 v 01 vamp 0 003 @ 01037910 v 0000 + 09965134 n 0103 + 09965134 n 0104 01 + 09 00 | act seductively with (someone)
01038666 32 v 0e chew_the_fat 0 shoot_the_breeze 0 chat 0 confabulate 0 confab 0 chitchat 0 chit-chat 0 chatter 1 chaffer 0 natter 0 gossip 1 jaw 0 claver 0 visit 0 011 @ 00964694 v 0000 + 10757193 n 0e01 + 07135080 n 0b07 + 07136940 n 0804 + 09911570 n 0801 + 07135080 n 0601 + 07134850 n 0403 + 07134850 n 0301 + 07135080 n 0603 + 07135080 n 0602 ~ 01039162 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | talk socially without exchanging too much information; "the men were sitting in the cafe and shooting the breeze"
01039162 32 v 05 shmooze 0 shmoose 0 schmooze 0 schmoose 0 jawbone 0 002 @ 01038666 v 0000 + 09961999 n 0303 01 + 02 00 | talk idly or casually and in a friendly way
01039330 32 v 04 sign 1 signal 0 signalize 1 signalise 1 015 @ 00740577 v 0000 + 06791372 n 0301 + 06791372 n 0201 + 10596899 n 0202 + 10596899 n 0201 + 06791372 n 0202 + 06791372 n 0103 + 06876144 n 0101 + 10597505 n 0101 + 06875697 n 0102 ~ 01040031 v 0000 ~ 01040278 v 0000 ~ 01040400 v 0000 ~ 01040550 v 0000 ~ 01043612 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 09 00 | communicate silently and non-verbally by signals or signs; "He signed his disapproval with a dismissive hand gesture"; "The diner signaled the waiters to bring the menu"
01039854 32 v 01 signify 1 002 @ 00928015 v 0000 + 01497387 a 0103 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | make known with a word or signal; "He signified his wish to pay the bill for our meal"
01040031 32 v 01 wigwag 0 001 @ 01039330 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | signal by or as if by a flag or light waved according to a code
01040158 32 v 01 semaphore 0 002 @ 00740577 v 0000 + 04171208 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | convey by semaphore, of information
01040278 32 v 01 semaphore 1 002 @ 01039330 v 0000 + 04171208 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | send signals by or as if by semaphore
01040400 32 v 01 heliograph 0 002 @ 01039330 v 0000 + 03512452 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | signal by means of a mirror and the using the sun's rays
01040550 32 v 01 flag 0 004 @ 01039330 v 0000 + 06875094 n 0101 + 03354903 n 0101 ^ 01860620 v 0101 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | communicate or signal with a flag
01040707 32 v 01 mouth 1 005 @ 00838043 v 0000 + 06721949 n 0106 + 05301908 n 0101 + 05302499 n 0101 ~ 01040920 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | articulate silently; form words with the lips only; "She mouthed a swear word"
01040920 32 v 02 lip-synch 0 lip-sync 0 001 @ 01040707 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | move the lips in synchronization (with recorded speech or song)
01041061 32 v 08 close_up 0 clam_up 0 dummy_up 0 shut_up 0 belt_up 0 button_up 0 be_quiet 0 keep_mum 0 001 ! 01041298 v 0101 01 + 02 00 | refuse to talk or stop talking; fall silent; "The children shut up when their father approached"
01041298 32 v 01 open_up 0 002 @ 00941990 v 0000 ! 01041061 v 0101 01 + 02 00 | talk freely and without inhibition
01041415 32 v 02 beckon 0 wave 0 004 @ 00992041 v 0000 + 07274027 n 0201 + 10771270 n 0201 + 07274027 n 0202 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 27 00 | signal with the hands or nod; "She waved to her friends"; "He waved his hand hospitably"
01041644 32 v 01 beckon 1 001 @ 01041762 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | summon with a wave, nod, or some other gesture
01041762 32 v 01 summon 5 006 @ 00792471 v 0000 + 05978623 n 0102 ~ 00754560 v 0000 ~ 00792304 v 0000 ~ 00793037 v 0000 ~ 01041644 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | ask to come; "summon a lawyer"
01041954 32 v 02 dish_the_dirt 0 gossip 0 006 @ 00962447 v 0000 + 10139347 n 0202 + 10139347 n 0201 + 07223170 n 0201 + 07135450 n 0201 ~ 01042228 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | wag one's tongue; speak about others and reveal secrets or intimacies; "She won't dish the dirt"
01042228 32 v 03 rumor 0 rumour 0 bruit 0 003 @ 01041954 v 0000 + 07223450 n 0202 + 07223450 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 26 00 | tell or spread rumors; "It was rumored that the next president would be a woman"
01042432 32 v 01 rap 0 002 @ 00962447 v 0000 + 07141537 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | talk volubly
01042531 32 v 02 snivel 0 whine 1 006 @ 00941990 v 0000 + 07211752 n 0202 + 10776339 n 0201 + 00868523 n 0101 + 10776339 n 0104 $ 00907930 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 26 00 | talk in a tearful manner
01042725 32 v 01 hoot 0 005 @ 00983824 v 0000 + 07123870 n 0102 + 02761834 n 0105 ~ 01042995 v 0000 ~ 01043112 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | to utter a loud clamorous shout; "the toughs and blades of the city hoot and bang their drums, drink arak, play dice, and dance"
01042995 32 v 01 pant-hoot 0 001 @ 01042725 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | communicate by hooting and panting, as of primates
01043112 32 v 01 grunt-hoot 0 001 @ 01042725 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | communicate by hooting and grunting, as of primates
01043231 32 v 01 grunt 0 004 @ 00983824 v 0000 + 07384614 n 0101 + 10149436 n 0101 + 02395406 n 0103 03 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 26 00 | issue a grunting, low, animal-like noise; "He grunted his reluctant approval"
01043441 32 v 01 whistle 0 003 @ 00740577 v 0000 + 10777768 n 0101 + 00547454 n 0101 03 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 08 00 | utter or express by whistling; "She whistled a melody"
01043612 32 v 01 whistle 2 003 @ 01039330 v 0000 + 06806098 n 0101 + 06806098 n 0102 01 + 22 00 | give a signal by whistling; "She whistled for her maid"
01043768 32 v 01 wolf-whistle 0 001 @ 00983824 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | whistle or howl approvingly at a female, of males
01043887 32 v 02 whistle 1 sing 0 004 @ 02176268 v 0000 + 07394588 n 0201 + 07400156 n 0101 + 07400156 n 0102 01 + 01 00 | make a whining, ringing, or whistling sound; "the kettle was singing"; "the bullet sang past his ear"
01044114 32 v 01 murmur 0 007 @ 00941990 v 0000 + 07386920 n 0103 + 07386920 n 0105 + 07386920 n 0104 + 10342543 n 0103 ~ 00910000 v 0000 ~ 01044377 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 26 00 | speak softly or indistinctly; "She murmured softly to the baby in her arms"
01044377 32 v 01 susurrate 0 005 @ 01044114 v 0000 + 01456038 a 0102 + 07396233 n 0102 + 07396233 n 0101 + 07130341 n 0103 01 + 02 00 | issue soft noises
01044533 32 v 04 mumble 0 mutter 1 maunder 0 mussitate 0 008 @ 00941990 v 0000 + 07386920 n 0406 + 07386920 n 0201 + 10342543 n 0201 + 07386920 n 0202 + 10342543 n 0102 + 07132634 n 0101 + 07127252 n 0101 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 26 00 | talk indistinctly; usually in a low voice
01044811 32 v 01 slur 0 001 @ 00941990 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | utter indistinctly
01044891 32 v 01 slur 1 002 @ 00931467 v 0000 + 06718543 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | speak disparagingly of; e.g., make a racial slur; "your comments are slurring your co-workers"
01045073 32 v 01 snort 0 004 @ 00983824 v 0000 + 07128060 n 0102 + 07123870 n 0108 + 10617501 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | indicate contempt by breathing noisily and forcefully through the nose; "she snorted her disapproval of the proposed bridegroom"
01045318 32 v 02 spit 0 spit_out 0 001 @ 00983824 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | utter with anger or contempt
01045419 32 v 02 groan 0 moan 0 005 @ 00983824 v 0000 + 10776339 n 0203 + 07126383 n 0202 + 10147619 n 0101 + 07126383 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 26 00 | indicate pain, discomfort, or displeasure; "The students groaned when the professor got out the exam booklets"; "The ancient door soughed when opened"
01045719 32 v 03 grumble 2 growl 0 rumble 0 009 @ 00983824 v 0000 + 07392483 n 0301 + 07392483 n 0302 + 10149128 n 0201 + 07384473 n 0202 + 07210951 n 0201 + 07384473 n 0201 + 07392483 n 0103 + 07392483 n 0104 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | to utter or emit low dull rumbling sounds; "he grumbled a rude response"; "Stones grumbled down the cliff"
01046059 32 v 02 roar 1 howl 1 007 @ 02172888 v 0000 + 07385367 n 0201 + 07377682 n 0102 + 07377682 n 0103 ~ 01046357 v 0000 ~ 01046480 v 0000 ~ 01046587 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | make a loud noise, as of wind, water, or vehicles; "The wind was howling in the trees"; "The water roared down the chute"
01046357 32 v 01 vroom 0 001 @ 01046059 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | make a loud, roaring sound, as of a car engine, while moving
01046480 32 v 02 yawp 1 bawl 1 002 @ 01046059 v 0000 + 10533983 n 0202 01 + 01 00 | make a raucous noise
01046587 32 v 01 thunder 1 003 @ 01046059 v 0000 + 07377682 n 0104 + 04431925 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | to make or produce a loud noise; "The river thundered below"; "The engine roared as the driver pushed the car to full throttle"
01046815 32 v 02 sough 3 purl 0 001 @ 02172888 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | make a murmuring sound; "the water was purling"
01046932 32 v 06 howl 2 ululate 0 wail 0 roar 2 yawl 0 yaup 0 010 @ 00913065 v 0000 + 07121361 n 0408 + 07121361 n 0409 + 07211950 n 0304 + 10763245 n 0301 + 00868799 n 0301 + 07126734 n 0203 + 07126734 n 0101 + 07126734 n 0102 ~ 01047263 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | emit long loud cries; "wail in self-pity"; "howl with sorrow"
01047263 32 v 03 squall 1 waul 0 wawl 0 001 @ 01046932 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | make high-pitched, whiney noises
01047381 32 v 04 howl 3 wrawl 0 yammer 1 yowl 1 004 @ 00983824 v 0000 + 07121361 n 040a + 07385548 n 0101 + 02492660 n 0102 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | cry loudly, as of animals; "The coyotes were howling in the desert"
01047596 32 v 01 bark 1 002 @ 00941990 v 0000 + 07376731 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 26 00 | speak in an unfriendly tone; "She barked into the dictaphone"
01047745 32 v 01 bark 0 006 @ 00983824 v 0000 + 07376621 n 0101 + 09839515 n 0101 + 02084732 n 0104 ~ 01047951 v 0000 ~ 01048171 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | make barking sounds; "The dogs barked at the stranger"
01047951 32 v 02 bay 0 quest 2 002 @ 01047745 v 0000 + 07376836 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | bark with prolonged noises, of dogs
01048073 32 v 01 bay 1 001 @ 00941990 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 22 00 | utter in deep prolonged tones
01048171 32 v 03 yelp 0 yip 0 yap 0 003 @ 01047745 v 0000 + 07400552 n 0102 + 07400552 n 0103 01 + 01 00 | bark in a high-pitched tone; "the puppies yelped"
01048330 32 v 04 bleat 0 blate 0 blat 0 baa 0 003 @ 00983824 v 0000 + 07376168 n 0401 + 07377931 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | cry plaintively; "The lambs were bleating"
01048492 32 v 01 bleat 1 001 @ 00907147 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | talk whiningly
01048569 32 v 02 bawl 0 bellow 0 003 @ 00912473 v 0000 + 07121361 n 0201 + 07121361 n 0202 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | shout loudly and without restraint
01048718 32 v 02 bellow 1 roar 5 006 @ 00983824 v 0000 + 07392280 n 0201 + 10533983 n 0201 + 07121361 n 0209 + 07121361 n 0101 + 07121361 n 0102 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | make a loud noise, as of animal; "The bull bellowed"
01048939 32 v 05 squawk 1 screak 0 skreak 0 skreigh 0 screech 1 005 @ 00913065 v 0000 + 07123012 n 0505 + 10533983 n 0505 + 07395446 n 0101 + 10776339 n 0108 01 + 02 00 | utter a harsh abrupt scream
01049140 32 v 01 chirk 0 001 @ 00952182 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | make a shrill creaking, squeaking, or noise, as of a door, mouse, or bird
01049276 32 v 01 place 0 001 @ 01729431 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | sing a note with the correct pitch
01049373 32 v 01 troll 0 001 @ 01729431 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | sing loudly and without inhibition
01049470 32 v 01 croon 0 004 @ 01729431 v 0000 + 09980090 n 0101 + 00547101 n 0101 + 00546972 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | sing softly
01049606 32 v 01 carry 0 001 @ 01712704 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | sing or play against other voices or parts; "He cannot carry a tune"
01049737 32 v 04 chant 0 intone 0 intonate 0 cantillate 0 014 @ 01729431 v 0000 + 01254882 n 0401 + 07084166 n 0301 + 00544842 n 0301 + 01254978 n 0301 + 01254685 n 0301 + 07084166 n 0201 + 00544842 n 0201 + 01254978 n 0201 + 01254685 n 0201 + 07034634 n 0101 + 03006626 n 0101 + 01254685 n 0102 ~ 01050165 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | recite with musical intonation; recite as a chant or a psalm; "The rabbi chanted a prayer"
01050165 32 v 01 singsong 0 003 @ 01049737 v 0000 + 01255648 n 0102 + 07084927 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | speak, chant, or declaim in a singsong
01050313 32 v 02 intonate 1 intone 1 005 @ 00971650 v 0000 + 07084166 n 0201 + 07082573 n 0101 + 04986883 n 0101 + 07084166 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | speak carefully, as with rising and falling pitch or in a particular tone; "please intonate with sadness"
01050565 32 v 01 pipe_up 0 001 @ 01712704 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | begin to play or sing
01050651 32 v 03 yodel 0 warble 1 descant 0 005 @ 01729431 v 0000 + 07032026 n 0301 + 10803838 n 0101 + 01256124 n 0101 + 07123710 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | sing by changing register; sing by yodeling; "The Austrians were yodeling in the mountains"
01050896 32 v 03 warble 0 trill 0 quaver 0 004 @ 01729431 v 0000 + 06871384 n 0302 + 06860177 n 0201 + 10766492 n 0101 03 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 08 00 | sing or play with trills, alternating with the half note above or below
01051118 32 v 02 quaver 1 waver 0 002 @ 00952182 v 0000 + 07390857 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | give off unsteady sounds, alternating in amplitude or frequency
01051271 32 v 01 treble 0 002 @ 01729431 v 0000 + 04985930 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | sing treble
01051364 32 v 02 declaim 0 recite 2 007 * 00941990 v 0000 @ 01712704 v 0000 + 07234881 n 0201 + 07242470 n 0101 ~ 00769180 v 0000 ~ 01051573 v 0000 ~ 01051828 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | recite in elocution
01051573 32 v 01 perorate 0 002 @ 01051364 v 0000 + 07241723 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | deliver an oration in grandiloquent style
01051698 32 v 01 perorate 1 002 @ 00715074 v 0000 + 06399126 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | conclude a speech with a formal recapitulation
01051828 32 v 01 scan 0 003 @ 01051364 v 0000 + 07094508 n 0101 + 10555156 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | read metrically; "scan verses"
01051956 32 v 06 rant 0 mouth_off 0 jabber 0 spout 0 rabbit_on 0 rave 1 011 @ 00941990 v 0000 + 10507070 n 0602 + 07243193 n 0601 + 09911570 n 0406 + 10034785 n 0302 + 06610992 n 0302 + 06610992 n 0301 + 07087777 n 0103 + 07242912 n 0102 + 10507070 n 0101 + 07242912 n 0103 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | talk in a noisy, excited, or declamatory manner
01052301 32 v 04 peep 0 cheep 0 chirp 0 chirrup 0 007 @ 00983824 v 0000 + 07379577 n 0401 + 07379409 n 0301 + 07379094 n 0201 + 01315213 n 0101 + 07379094 n 0102 ~ 01053623 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | make high-pitched sounds; "the birds were chirping in the bushes"
01052562 32 v 02 churr 0 whirr 0 001 @ 00983824 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | make a vibrant sound, as of some birds
01052671 32 v 01 chirr 0 001 @ 00983824 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | make a vibrant noise, of grasshoppers or cicadas
01052782 32 v 02 meow 0 mew 0 004 @ 00983824 v 0000 + 07386614 n 0202 + 02041678 n 0201 + 07386614 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | cry like a cat; "the cat meowed"
01052936 32 v 02 purr 0 make_vibrant_sounds 0 002 @ 02175958 v 0000 + 07390645 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | indicate pleasure by purring; characteristic of cats
01053098 32 v 01 quack 0 002 @ 00983824 v 0000 + 07390762 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | utter quacking noises; "The ducks quacked"
01053221 32 v 01 hoot 1 002 @ 00983824 v 0000 + 01621127 n 0104 01 + 01 00 | utter the characteristic sound of owls
01053339 32 v 02 honk 0 cronk 1 003 @ 00983824 v 0000 + 07385249 n 0101 + 01857632 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | cry like a goose; "The geese were honking"
01053495 32 v 02 honk 1 claxon 0 003 @ 02172888 v 0000 + 03622058 n 0202 + 10183556 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | use the horn of a car
01053623 32 v 02 chitter 0 twitter 0 003 @ 01052301 v 0000 + 02511730 n 0201 + 07379577 n 0202 01 + 01 00 | make high-pitched sounds, as of birds
01053771 32 v 04 hiss 0 siss 0 sizz 0 sibilate 0 007 @ 00983824 v 0000 + 01157179 a 0403 + 07384898 n 0405 + 07384898 n 0101 + 07123870 n 0104 + 10177014 n 0101 + 07384898 n 0102 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | make a sharp hissing sound, as if to show disapproval
01054027 32 v 01 assibilate 0 003 @ 01054399 v 0000 + 07118747 n 0101 + 07129202 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | insert a sibilant sound before or after (another sound)
01054186 32 v 04 hiss 1 sizz 1 siss 1 sibilate 1 006 @ 00941990 v 0000 + 07129202 n 0401 + 07118747 n 0401 + 07384898 n 0101 + 07123870 n 0104 + 07384898 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | express or utter with a hiss
01054399 32 v 01 sibilate 2 005 @ 00983824 v 0000 + 01157179 a 0103 + 07129202 n 0101 + 07118747 n 0101 ~ 01054027 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | utter a sibilant
01054553 32 v 02 hee-haw 0 bray 0 003 @ 00983824 v 0000 + 07378059 n 0201 + 07127911 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | braying characteristic of donkeys
01054694 32 v 02 squeal 1 oink 0 003 @ 00983824 v 0000 + 07395777 n 0101 + 02395406 n 0104 01 + 01 00 | utter a high-pitched cry, characteristic of pigs
01054849 32 v 03 cluck 0 click 0 clack 1 003 @ 00983824 v 0000 + 07379963 n 0301 + 07381100 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | make a clucking sounds, characteristic of hens
01055018 32 v 02 moo 0 low 0 002 @ 00983824 v 0000 + 07386821 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | make a low noise, characteristic of bovines
01055146 32 v 01 click 1 002 @ 00978549 v 0000 + 07118210 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | produce a click; "Xhosa speakers click"
01055266 32 v 01 trill 1 001 @ 00978549 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | pronounce with a trill, of the phoneme `r'; "Some speakers trill their r's"
01055404 32 v 01 sibilate 3 004 @ 00978549 v 0000 + 01157179 a 0103 + 07129202 n 0101 + 07118747 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | pronounce with an initial sibilant
01055558 32 v 01 flap 0 001 @ 00978549 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | pronounce with a flap, of alveolar sounds
01055661 32 v 01 explode 2 002 @ 00978549 v 0000 + 07116443 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | cause to burst as a result of air pressure; of stop consonants like /p/, /t/, and /k/
01055829 32 v 01 hum 0 003 @ 01729431 v 0000 + 10191802 n 0101 + 01253944 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | sing with closed lips; "She hummed a melody"
01055978 32 v 01 roll 0 001 @ 00978549 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | pronounce with a roll, of the phoneme /r/; "She rolls her r's"
01056102 32 v 01 cackel 2 001 @ 02135048 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | make a cackling sound; "The fire cackled cozily"
01056214 32 v 01 hum 1 003 @ 02172888 v 0000 + 07385803 n 0101 + 07385803 n 0102 01 + 01 00 | make a low continuous sound; "The refrigerator is humming"
01056369 32 v 01 cackle 0 005 @ 00983824 v 0000 + 07378437 n 0101 + 01566645 n 0102 + 01792808 n 0101 ~ 01056780 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | squawk shrilly and loudly, characteristic of hens
01056554 32 v 01 cackle 1 003 @ 00941990 v 0000 + 07136940 n 0105 + 01792808 n 0101 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 26 00 | talk or utter in a cackling manner; "The women cackled when they saw the movie star step out of the limousine"
01056780 32 v 01 gaggle 0 002 @ 01056369 v 0000 + 07992116 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | make a noise characteristic of a goose; "Cackling geese"
01056918 32 v 01 bridle 0 002 @ 00815686 v 0000 + 02900160 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | respond to the reins, as of horses
01057034 32 v 02 jam 0 block 0 007 @ 00778275 v 0000 + 01253379 n 0103 + 01253379 n 0101 ~ 01057342 v 0000 ~ 01057558 v 0000 ~ 01057709 v 0000 ~ 01057837 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | interfere with or prevent the reception of signals; "Jam the Voice of America"; "block the signals emitted by this station"
01057342 32 v 01 barrage_jam 0 001 @ 01057034 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | jam an entire frequency spectrum; "During the Cold War, the Soviets routinely barrage jammed to interfere with transmissions from the West"
01057558 32 v 01 point_jam 0 001 @ 01057034 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | jam a narrow band of frequencies; "We can counter point-jamming effectively"
01057709 32 v 01 spot_jam 0 001 @ 01057034 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | jam a single frequency; "This operator is spot-jammed"
01057837 32 v 01 blanket_jam 0 001 @ 01057034 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | jam a broad spectrum of frequencies to affect all communications in the area except for directional antenna communications
01058036 32 v 03 mince 0 soften 0 moderate 6 002 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 00353249 n 0301 01 + 08 00 | make less severe or harsh; "He moderated his tone when the students burst out in tears"
01058224 32 v 04 crunch 0 scranch 0 scraunch 0 crackle 0 003 @ 02172888 v 0000 + 07382414 n 0101 ~ 02184797 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | make a crushing noise; "his shoes were crunching on the gravel"
01058426 32 v 01 gobble 0 003 @ 00983824 v 0000 + 07384127 n 0101 + 01794344 n 0102 01 + 01 00 | make a gurgling sound, characteristic of turkeys
01058574 32 v 04 comment 0 notice 0 remark 1 point_out 1 008 @ 01020005 v 0000 + 05710573 n 0301 + 06410776 n 0201 + 06762711 n 0102 + 06765044 n 0102 ~ 00826509 v 0000 ~ 01058880 v 0000 ~ 01058995 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 02 01 + 26 01 | make or write a comment on; "he commented the paper of his colleague"
01058880 32 v 01 wisecrack 0 002 @ 01058574 v 0000 + 06767777 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | make a comment, usually ironic
01058995 32 v 02 kibitz 0 kibbitz 0 002 @ 01058574 v 0000 + 10230432 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | make unwanted and intrusive comments
01059123 32 v 02 notice 1 acknowledge 7 006 @ 00717358 v 0000 + 06763681 n 0203 + 06628861 n 0201 + 05703803 n 0101 + 05703429 n 0101 ~ 01023071 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | express recognition of the presence or existence of, or acquaintance with; "He never acknowledges his colleagues when they run into him in the hallway"; "She acknowledged his complement with a smile"; "it is important to acknowledge the work of others in one's own writing"
01059564 32 v 04 ignore 2 disregard 2 snub 1 cut 5 002 @ 02514187 v 0000 + 01225997 n 0301 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 26 00 | refuse to acknowledge; "She cut him dead at the meeting"
01059743 32 v 04 neigh 0 nicker 0 whicker 0 whinny 0 005 @ 00983824 v 0000 + 07387316 n 0404 + 07387316 n 0303 + 07387316 n 0202 + 07387316 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | make a characteristic sound, of a horse
01059945 32 v 01 gargle 0 002 @ 00983824 v 0000 + 07384023 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | utter with gargling or burbling sounds
01060065 32 v 01 caw 0 002 @ 00983824 v 0000 + 07378682 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | utter a cry, characteristic of crows, rooks, or ravens
01060198 32 v 01 mew 3 002 @ 00983824 v 0000 + 02041678 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | utter a high-pitched cry, as of seagulls
01060317 32 v 02 give 0 throw 0 001 @ 00740577 v 0000 01 + 14 00 | convey or communicate; of a smile, a look, a physical gesture; "Throw a glance"; "She gave me a dirty look"
01060494 32 v 02 give 1 pay 0 002 @ 00740577 v 0000 ~ 02297742 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 14 00 + 15 00 | convey, as of a compliment, regards, attention, etc.; bestow; "Don't pay him any mind"; "give the orders"; "Give him my best regards"; "pay attention"
01060746 32 v 02 give 2 render 0 004 $ 01069638 v 0000 @ 00740577 v 0000 + 01122037 n 0201 ~ 00887142 v 0000 01 + 15 00 | bestow; "give homage"; "render thanks"
01060909 32 v 01 catcall 0 002 @ 00852922 v 0000 + 07122018 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | utter catcalls at
01061017 32 v 03 carry 2 convey 1 express 2 006 $ 02079933 v 0000 @ 00740577 v 0000 + 00943363 a 0301 + 00497148 a 0301 + 00318735 n 0101 ~ 00489837 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | serve as a means for expressing something; "The painting of Mary carries motherly love"; "His voice carried a lot of anger"
01061320 32 v 01 carry 7 002 $ 01449974 v 0000 @ 00742320 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | pass on a communication; "The news was carried to every village in the province"
01061481 32 v 02 express 3 state 2 004 @ 00931467 v 0000 + 00943363 a 0101 ~ 02462386 v 0000 ~ 02462580 v 0000 02 + 11 00 + 21 00 | indicate through a symbol, formula, etc.; "Can you express this distance in kilometers?"
01061704 32 v 01 haw 0 001 @ 00983824 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | utter `haw'; "he hemmed and hawed"
01061799 32 v 01 hem 0 001 @ 00983824 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | utter `hem' or `ahem'
01061881 32 v 01 hem_and_haw 0 001 @ 02641035 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | utter `hems' and `haws'; indicated hesitation; "He hemmed and hawed when asked to address the crowd"
01062050 32 v 01 hypothecate 0 001 @ 00886281 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | pledge without delivery or title of possession
01062165 32 v 01 rubbish 0 001 @ 00862683 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | attack strongly
01062253 32 v 03 render 1 deliver 1 return 3 001 @ 00742320 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | pass down; "render a verdict"; "deliver a judgment"
01062395 32 v 02 set 1 mark 3 002 @ 00665476 v 0000 + 00064789 n 0203 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | establish as the highest level or best performance; "set a record"
01062555 32 v 03 send 2 get_off 5 send_off 0 003 @ 02232190 v 0000 + 06629858 n 0302 + 00121166 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | transfer; "The spy sent the classified information off to Russia"
01062739 32 v 01 call 4 003 $ 00789448 v 0000 @ 00790703 v 0000 ;c 06271778 n 0000 05 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 | send a message or attempt to reach someone by radio, phone, etc.; make a signal to in order to transmit a message; "Hawaii is calling!"; "A transmitter in Samoa was heard calling"
01063049 32 v 01 issue 1 002 @ 00740577 v 0000 + 01103614 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | bring out an official document (such as a warrant)
01063188 32 v 01 provide 0 002 @ 01018928 v 0000 + 06755947 n 0101 03 + 04 00 + 26 00 + 34 00 | determine (what is to happen in certain contingencies), especially by including a proviso condition or stipulation; "The will provides that each child should receive half of the money"; "The Constitution provides for the right to free speech"
01063529 32 v 02 come_across 0 come_over 0 001 @ 00740577 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | communicate the intended meaning or impression; "He came across very clearly"
01063695 32 v 02 invite 1 call_for 3 004 @ 00752764 v 0000 + 01358534 a 0101 + 07186148 n 0101 $ 00752764 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | request the participation or presence of; "The organizers invite submissions of papers for the conference"
01063930 32 v 01 share 0 002 @ 00740577 v 0000 + 07134575 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | communicate; "I'd like to share this idea with you"
01064062 32 v 01 pooh-pooh 1 001 @ 00940384 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | express contempt about
01064151 32 v 02 thrash_out 0 hammer_out 0 001 @ 00813978 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | discuss vehemently in order to reach a solution or an agreement; "The leaders of the various Middle Eastern countries are trying to hammer out a peace agreement"
01064401 32 v 02 croak 1 cronk 0 004 @ 00983824 v 0000 + 07125367 n 0101 + 02596381 n 0101 + 07125367 n 0102 01 + 01 00 | utter a hoarse sound, like a raven
01064560 32 v 01 spell 2 004 @ 00776988 v 0000 + 07159791 n 0101 + 14407536 n 0102 ! 01064696 v 0101 01 + 09 00 | place under a spell
01064696 32 v 01 unspell 0 002 @ 02421374 v 0000 ! 01064560 v 0101 01 + 09 00 | release from a spell
01064799 32 v 04 write_out 0 issue 2 make_out 0 cut 0 002 @ 00993014 v 0000 ~ 01064999 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make out and issue; "write out a check"; "cut a ticket"; "Please make the check out to me"
01064999 32 v 01 check 7 002 @ 01064799 v 0000 + 13381734 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | write out a check on a bank account
01065115 32 v 02 introduce 2 bring_out 1 001 @ 00901103 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | bring before the public for the first time, as of an actor, song, etc.
01065272 32 v 02 puff 1 puff_up 0 002 @ 00856824 v 0000 + 06695110 n 0101 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | praise extravagantly; "The critics puffed up this Broadway production"
01065456 32 v 01 explain 1 003 @ 01009240 v 0000 + 01324683 a 0101 + 06738281 n 0101 01 + 26 00 | define; "The committee explained their plan for fund-raising to the Dean"
01065630 32 v 01 babble 2 004 @ 00941990 v 0000 + 09911570 n 0102 + 06610143 n 0101 + 06610143 n 0102 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | utter meaningless sounds, like a baby, or utter in an incoherent way; "The old man is only babbling--don't pay attention"
01065877 32 v 02 keep 0 maintain 4 001 @ 01000214 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | maintain by writing regular records; "keep a diary"; "maintain a record"; "keep notes"
01066036 32 v 01 get 3 001 @ 00740577 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | communicate with a place or person; establish communication with, as if by telephone; "Bill called this number and he got Mary"; "The operator couldn't get Kobe because of the earthquake"
01066292 32 v 01 think_twice 0 001 @ 00813044 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | consider and reconsider carefully; "Think twice before you have a child"
01066433 32 v 03 confront 3 face 3 present 6 002 $ 00812298 v 0000 + 00651670 n 0101 05 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 + 17 03 | present somebody with something, usually to accuse or criticize; "We confronted him with the evidence"; "He was faced with all the evidence and could no longer deny his actions"; "An enormous dilemma faces us"
01066775 32 v 03 tone 0 chant 1 intone 4 003 @ 00941990 v 0000 + 01254685 n 0301 + 07034634 n 0201 01 + 08 00 | utter monotonously and repetitively and rhythmically; "The students chanted the same slogan over and over again"
01067002 32 v 01 gulp 0 002 @ 00941990 v 0000 + 00840363 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | utter or make a noise, as when swallowing too quickly; "He gulped for help after choking on a big piece of meat"
01067194 32 v 01 menace 0 002 @ 00943837 v 0000 + 06733782 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | express a threat either by an utterance or a gesture; "he menaced the bank manager with a stick"
01067380 32 v 01 beam 1 001 @ 00943837 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 15 00 | express with a beaming face or smile; "he beamed his approval"
01067512 32 v 01 smile 0 003 @ 00943837 v 0000 + 06878071 n 0101 + 10614363 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 15 00 | express with a smile; "She smiled her thanks"
01067664 32 v 02 hurl 0 throw 3 001 @ 00940384 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | utter with force; utter vehemently; "hurl insults"; "throw accusations at someone"
01067816 32 v 01 sing 8 004 @ 00983824 v 0000 + 06796642 n 0104 + 10599806 n 0101 $ 01731031 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 11 00 | to make melodious sounds; "The nightingale was singing"
01067995 32 v 01 call d 002 $ 00971015 v 0000 @ 00626428 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | read aloud to check for omissions or absentees; "Call roll"
01068134 32 v 01 write_up 2 002 @ 00993014 v 0000 + 06681551 n 0105 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | bring to public notice by writing, with praise or condemnation; "The New York Times wrote him up last week"; "Did your boss write you up?"
01068380 32 v 02 traverse 0 deny 5 003 ;c 00611143 n 0000 + 10003283 n 0201 + 01198750 n 0203 01 + 08 00 | deny formally (an allegation of fact by the opposing party) in a legal suit
01068565 32 v 01 ask 9 001 @ 00754942 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | require or ask for as a price or condition; "He is asking $200 for the table"; "The kidnappers are asking a million dollars in return for the release of their hostage"
01068793 32 v 01 call 6 004 @ 00928015 v 0000 ;c 00523513 n 0000 + 00164801 n 0101 $ 00822746 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | indicate a decision in regard to; "call balls and strikes behind the plate"
01068985 32 v 01 demand 5 002 $ 01069090 v 0000 @ 00791134 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | summon to court
01069090 32 v 01 demand 9 002 @ 01018352 v 0000 $ 01068985 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | lay legal claim to
01069190 32 v 01 connect 0 003 @ 01295275 v 0000 + 00145218 n 0102 $ 01069391 v 0000 01 + 20 00 | join for the purpose of communication; "Operator, could you connect me to the Raffles in Singapore?"
01069391 32 v 01 connect c 004 $ 01069190 v 0000 @ 01295275 v 0000 + 00145218 n 0102 + 00145218 n 0103 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | join by means of communication equipment; "The telephone company finally put in lines to connect the towns in this area"
01069638 32 v 01 give b 004 $ 00748616 v 0000 @ 02255268 v 0000 ;c 08441203 n 0000 $ 01060746 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | accord by verdict; "give a decision for the plaintiff"
01069809 32 v 01 request d 003 @ 00729378 v 0000 + 07185325 n 0101 ~ 01069989 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 16 00 | inquire for (information); "I requested information from the secretary"
01069989 32 v 01 seek 0 001 @ 01069809 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 16 00 | inquire for; "seek directions from a local"
01070102 32 v 01 communicate 2 008 @ 02376958 v 0000 + 00494907 a 0101 + 00494907 a 0102 + 06252138 n 0101 + 00033020 n 0101 + 09610660 n 0101 + 06252138 n 0102 ~ 01071328 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | be in verbal contact; interchange information or ideas; "He and his sons haven't communicated for years"; "Do you communicate well with your advisor?"
01070455 32 v 02 etymologize 0 etymologise 0 003 @ 00251615 v 0000 + 06514621 n 0101 + 06168855 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | give the etymology or derivation or suggest an etymology (for a word); "The linguist probably etymologized the words incorrectly"; "Although he is not trained in this, his hobby is etymologizing"
01070777 32 v 01 begin 4 001 $ 00345761 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | begin to speak, understand, read, and write a language; "She began Russian at an early age"; "We started French in fourth grade"
01070968 32 v 01 stet 0 002 @ 00749205 v 0000 $ 02601680 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | printing: direct that a matter marked for omission or correction is to be retained (used in the imperative)
01071155 32 v 01 reprobate 1 003 @ 00906735 v 0000 ;c 06183899 n 0000 + 14414146 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | abandon to eternal damnation; "God reprobated the unrepenting sinner"
01071328 32 v 01 message 0 002 @ 01070102 v 0000 $ 01071474 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | send a message; "There is no messaging service at this company"
01071474 32 v 01 message 1 003 $ 01071328 v 0000 @ 00742320 v 0000 $ 01071632 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | send as a message; "She messaged the final report by fax"
01071632 32 v 01 message 2 002 $ 01071474 v 0000 @ 00742320 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | send a message to; "She messaged the committee"
01071762 32 v 01 conclude 6 001 @ 01035530 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | reach agreement on; "They concluded an economic agreement"; "We concluded a cease-fire"
01071916 32 v 02 pluralize 0 pluralise 0 003 @ 00982514 v 0000 + 13804507 n 0202 + 13804507 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | mark with a grammatical morpheme that indicates plural; "How do speakers pluralize nouns in Japanese?"
01072133 32 v 01 harsh_on 0 001 @ 00826509 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | criticize harshly; "the teacher keeps harshing on the same kid"
01072262 33 v 03 compete 0 vie 0 contend 0 013 + 01168569 n 0302 + 10533013 n 0305 + 00512487 a 0101 + 00512487 a 0102 + 01168569 n 0101 + 10533013 n 0103 ~ 01072807 v 0000 ~ 01072949 v 0000 ~ 01081505 v 0000 ~ 01086103 v 0000 ~ 01122194 v 0000 ~ 01122405 v 0000 ~ 02672187 v 0000 02 + 22 00 + 02 01 | compete for something; engage in a contest; measure oneself against others
01072641 33 v 02 put_in 0 submit 2 002 @ 00765396 v 0000 + 10669486 n 0201 01 + 02 00 | make an application as for a job or funding; "We put in a grant to the NSF"
01072807 33 v 02 try_for 0 go_for 0 001 @ 01072262 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make an attempt at achieving something; "She tried for the Olympics"
01072949 33 v 01 play 0 045 @ 01072262 v 0000 + 15256915 n 0103 + 00557588 n 0101 + 10440387 n 0101 + 10439851 n 0101 + 00041188 n 0101 ^ 01081652 v 0101 ~ 01073953 v 0000 ~ 01074074 v 0000 ~ 01074206 v 0000 ~ 01074357 v 0000 ~ 01074509 v 0000 ~ 01074701 v 0000 ~ 01074914 v 0000 ~ 01075044 v 0000 ~ 01075164 v 0000 ~ 01075327 v 0000 ~ 01075498 v 0000 ~ 01075612 v 0000 ~ 01075883 v 0000 ~ 01076017 v 0000 ~ 01076130 v 0000 ~ 01076250 v 0000 ~ 01076370 v 0000 ~ 01076514 v 0000 ~ 01078689 v 0000 $ 01079480 v 0000 ~ 01081652 v 0000 ~ 01081852 v 0000 ~ 01082454 v 0000 ~ 01084048 v 0000 ~ 01084170 v 0000 ~ 01085130 v 0000 ~ 01117484 v 0000 ~ 01138523 v 0000 ~ 01140654 v 0000 ~ 01146507 v 0000 ~ 01146793 v 0000 ~ 01147296 v 0000 ~ 01147709 v 0000 ~ 01154382 v 0000 ~ 01154669 v 0000 ~ 01403785 v 0000 ~ 01992375 v 0000 ~ 02300060 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | participate in games or sport; "We played hockey all afternoon"; "play cards"; "Pele played for the Brazilian teams in many important matches"
01073953 33 v 01 line_up 0 002 @ 01072949 v 0000 ;c 00468480 n 0000 01 + 02 00 | take one's position before a kick-off
01074074 33 v 01 curl 0 003 @ 01072949 v 0000 ;c 00523513 n 0000 + 00461611 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | play the Scottish game of curling
01074206 33 v 01 snooker 0 003 @ 01072949 v 0000 ;c 00501304 n 0000 + 00501304 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | leave one's opponent unable to take a direct shot
01074357 33 v 01 revoke 4 003 @ 01072949 v 0000 ;c 00488225 n 0000 + 01259211 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | fail to follow suit when able and required to do so
01074509 33 v 01 develop 2 004 $ 01074701 v 0000 @ 01072949 v 0000 ;c 00503237 n 0000 + 14422871 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | move into a strategically more advantageous position; "develop the rook"
01074701 33 v 01 develop 3 004 @ 01072949 v 0000 ;c 00503237 n 0000 + 14422871 n 0101 $ 01074509 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | move one's pieces into strategically more advantageous positions; "Spassky developed quickly"
01074914 33 v 01 die 0 002 @ 01072949 v 0000 ;c 00471613 n 0000 01 + 02 00 | to be on base at the end of an inning, of a player
01075044 33 v 01 misplay 0 002 @ 01072949 v 0000 + 00072068 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | play wrong or in an unskillful manner
01075164 33 v 01 start 0 005 @ 01072949 v 0000 ;c 00523513 n 0000 + 00235435 n 0102 + 00241699 n 0101 + 00241699 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | play in the starting lineup
01075327 33 v 01 fumble 0 003 @ 01072949 v 0000 ;c 00471613 n 0000 + 00075912 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | drop or juggle or fail to play cleanly a grounder; "fumble a grounder"
01075498 33 v 01 volley 0 003 @ 01072949 v 0000 ;c 00479076 n 0000 + 00569733 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | make a volley
01075612 33 v 01 unblock 0 002 @ 01072949 v 0000 ;c 00488225 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | play the cards of (a suit) so that the last trick on which a hand can follow suit will be taken by a higher card in the hand of a partner who has the remaining cards of a combined holding
01075883 33 v 01 replay 0 002 @ 01072949 v 0000 + 07343195 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | play again; "We replayed the game"; "replay a point"
01076017 33 v 01 cricket 0 003 @ 01072949 v 0000 + 00476389 n 0101 + 09977326 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | play cricket
01076130 33 v 01 backstop 0 003 @ 01072949 v 0000 ;c 00471613 n 0000 + 02771547 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | act as a backstop
01076250 33 v 01 fullback 0 003 @ 01072949 v 0000 ;c 00468480 n 0000 + 10115430 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | play the fullback
01076370 33 v 01 quarterback 0 004 @ 01072949 v 0000 ;c 00468480 n 0000 + 00726567 n 0101 + 10498816 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | play the quarterback
01076514 33 v 01 cradle 0 002 @ 01072949 v 0000 ;c 00477392 n 0000 01 + 02 00 | run with the stick
01076615 33 v 02 move 0 go 0 013 $ 00879356 v 0000 * 01072949 v 0000 + 15292069 n 0201 + 00166172 n 0101 ~ 01076953 v 0000 ~ 01077203 v 0000 ~ 01077329 v 0000 ~ 01077568 v 0000 ~ 01077887 v 0000 ~ 01078050 v 0000 ~ 01078235 v 0000 ~ 01109863 v 0000 ~ 01139756 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | have a turn; make one's move in a game; "Can I go now?"
01076953 33 v 02 bluff 0 bluff_out 0 004 @ 01076615 v 0000 ;c 00488225 n 0000 + 00756598 n 0101 + 09861718 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 09 00 | deceive an opponent by a bold bet on an inferior hand with the result that the opponent withdraws a winning hand
01077203 33 v 01 stalemate 0 003 @ 01076615 v 0000 ;c 00503237 n 0000 + 07354080 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | subject to a stalemate
01077329 33 v 01 castle 0 005 @ 01076615 v 0000 ;c 00503237 n 0000 + 02980625 n 0101 + 00166552 n 0101 + 00166552 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | move the king two squares toward a rook and in the same move the rook to the square next past the king
01077568 33 v 01 serve 1 005 @ 01076615 v 0000 ;c 00479076 n 0000 + 00568430 n 0101 + 10582604 n 0101 ~ 01077759 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | put the ball into play; "It was Agassi's turn to serve"
01077759 33 v 01 ace 1 003 @ 01077568 v 0000 ;c 00482298 n 0000 + 00568701 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | serve an ace against (someone)
01077887 33 v 01 open 0 003 @ 01076615 v 0000 ;c 00503237 n 0000 + 00239230 n 0104 01 + 02 00 | make the opening move; "Kasparov opened with a standard opening"
01078050 33 v 02 draw 1 cast 0 005 @ 01076615 v 0000 + 01245813 n 0201 + 03233246 n 0101 + 03233423 n 0101 + 00508091 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | choose at random; "draw a card"; "cast lots"
01078235 33 v 02 trump 1 ruff 0 007 @ 01076615 v 0000 ;c 00488225 n 0000 + 01259380 n 0201 + 04491135 n 0101 + 01259380 n 0102 ~ 01078426 v 0000 ~ 01078573 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | play a trump
01078426 33 v 01 overtrump 0 002 @ 01078235 v 0000 ;c 00488225 n 0000 01 + 02 00 | play a trump higher than (one previously played) to the trick
01078573 33 v 01 crossruff 0 002 @ 01078235 v 0000 ;c 00488225 n 0000 01 + 02 00 | trump alternately in two hands
01078689 33 v 01 exit 0 002 @ 01072949 v 0000 ;c 00488225 n 0000 01 + 02 00 | lose the lead
01078783 33 v 02 confront 0 face 0 008 @ 01079480 v 0000 + 04838210 n 0204 ^ 01084048 v 0201 + 07231728 n 0101 + 01169744 n 0101 ~ 01079172 v 0000 ~ 01079339 v 0000 ~ 01081152 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | oppose, as in hostility or a competition; "You must confront your opponent"; "Jackson faced Smith in the boxing ring"; "The two enemies finally confronted each other"
01079172 33 v 02 front 0 breast 0 003 @ 01078783 v 0000 + 08573472 n 0101 + 03398467 n 0101 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | confront bodily; "breast the storm"
01079339 33 v 01 take_the_bull_by_the_horns 0 001 @ 01078783 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | face a difficulty and grapple with it without avoiding it
01079480 33 v 04 meet 0 encounter 0 play 2 take_on 1 011 $ 01072949 v 0000 * 01072262 v 0000 + 15256915 n 0303 + 00041188 n 0301 + 00959376 n 0203 + 07467846 n 0101 ~ 01078783 v 0000 $ 01079873 v 0000 $ 01080064 v 0000 $ 01080691 v 0000 ~ 01081001 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | contend against an opponent in a sport, game, or battle; "Princeton plays Yale this weekend"; "Charlie likes to play Mary"
01079873 33 v 01 play c 004 $ 01079480 v 0000 @ 01158872 v 0000 + 00557588 n 0101 $ 01149470 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | employ in a game or in a specific position; "They played him on first base"
01080064 33 v 01 play d 005 $ 01079480 v 0000 @ 01158872 v 0000 + 00557588 n 0101 ~ 01080235 v 0000 $ 01149470 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | use or move; "I had to play my queen"
01080235 33 v 01 promote 0 004 @ 01080064 v 0000 ;c 00503237 n 0000 $ 01080523 v 0000 ~ 02593790 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | change a pawn for a better piece by advancing it to the eighth row, or change a checker piece for a more valuable piece by moving it to the row closest to your opponent
01080523 33 v 01 promote 1 004 $ 01080235 v 0000 @ 00109660 v 0000 ;c 00502415 n 0000 ~ 01969991 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | be changed for a superior chess or checker piece
01080691 33 v 01 play 9 004 $ 01079480 v 0000 @ 01405044 v 0000 + 00556313 n 0103 ~ 01080883 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | shoot or hit in a particular manner; "She played a good backhand last night"
01080883 33 v 01 hook 0 002 @ 01080691 v 0000 ;c 00470966 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | secure with the foot; "hook the ball"
01081001 33 v 01 replay 1 002 @ 01079480 v 0000 + 07343195 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | repeat a game against the same opponent; "Princeton replayed Harvard"
01081152 33 v 04 pit 0 oppose 0 match 0 play_off 0 005 @ 01078783 v 0000 + 07465290 n 0401 + 07470671 n 0301 + 01246148 a 0201 + 10379620 n 0202 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | set into opposition or rivalry; "let them match their best athletes against ours"; "pit a chess player against the Russian champion"; "He plays his two children off against each other"
01081505 33 v 01 run_off 0 003 @ 01072262 v 0000 ;c 00455599 n 0000 + 00183357 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | decide (a contest or competition) by a runoff
01081652 33 v 01 play_out 0 003 @ 01072949 v 0000 ;c 00455599 n 0000 $ 01715185 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | play to a finish; "We have got to play this game out, even thought it is clear that we have last"
01081852 33 v 01 field 0 006 @ 01072949 v 0000 ;c 00523513 n 0000 + 08570758 n 0104 + 10086383 n 0101 + 10086568 n 0101 + 00126721 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | play as a fielder
01082023 33 v 01 bear_down 0 002 @ 01090335 v 0000 ;c 00471613 n 0000 01 + 02 00 | exert full strength; "The pitcher bore down"
01082153 33 v 01 fistfight 0 002 @ 01090335 v 0000 + 01173826 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | fight with the fists; "The man wanted to fist-fight"
01082290 33 v 01 field 1 004 @ 01210737 v 0000 + 10086383 n 0101 + 08570758 n 0104 + 00126721 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | catch or pick up (balls) in baseball or cricket
01082454 33 v 01 catch 0 004 @ 01072949 v 0000 ;c 00471613 n 0000 + 09901143 n 0101 $ 01439190 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | be the catcher; "Who is catching?"
01082606 33 v 02 enter 0 participate 0 007 + 00716211 a 0201 + 13924659 n 0201 + 01239064 n 0202 + 10401829 n 0201 + 10060075 n 0101 ! 01083044 v 0101 ~ 01082937 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 22 00 | become a participant; be involved in; "enter a race"; "enter an agreement"; "enter a drug treatment program"; "enter negotiations"
01082937 33 v 01 jump 3 001 @ 01082606 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | enter eagerly into; "He jumped into the game"
01083044 33 v 08 drop_out 0 give_up 0 fall_by_the_wayside 0 drop_by_the_wayside 0 throw_in 0 throw_in_the_towel 0 quit 5 chuck_up_the_sponge 0 002 + 10502046 n 0701 ! 01082606 v 0101 04 + 02 00 + 22 00 + 08 07 + 08 02 | give up in the face of defeat of lacking hope; admit defeat; "In the second round, the challenger gave up"
01083373 33 v 02 demolish 0 destroy 0 005 @ 01108148 v 0000 + 01249483 n 0101 ~ 01083576 v 0000 ~ 01083769 v 0000 ~ 01083920 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | defeat soundly; "The home team demolished the visitors"
01083576 33 v 01 smash 0 001 @ 01083373 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | overthrow or destroy (something considered evil or harmful); "The police smashed the drug ring after they were tipped off"
01083769 33 v 01 swallow 0 001 @ 01083373 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | engulf and destroy; "The Nazis swallowed the Baltic countries"
01083920 33 v 01 cut_to_ribbons 0 001 @ 01083373 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | defeat totally; "We must cut the other team to ribbons!"
01084048 33 v 02 face_off 0 bully_off 0 002 @ 01072949 v 0000 + 00239024 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | start a game by a face-off
01084170 33 v 01 tee_off 0 003 @ 01072949 v 0000 ;c 00464894 n 0000 + 00574077 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | strike a ball from the teeing ground at the start of a hole
01084331 33 v 01 par 0 003 @ 01111816 v 0000 ;c 00464894 n 0000 + 13596756 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | make a score (on a hole) equal to par
01084466 33 v 01 shoot 6 002 @ 01111816 v 0000 ;c 00523513 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | score; "shoot a basket"; "shoot a goal"
01084588 33 v 01 convert 0 004 @ 01111816 v 0000 ;c 00461782 n 0000 $ 01084724 v 0000 $ 01084866 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | score (a spare)
01084724 33 v 01 convert 1 002 $ 01084588 v 0000 @ 01111816 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | complete successfully; "score a penalty shot or free throw"
01084866 33 v 01 convert 2 003 $ 01084588 v 0000 @ 01111816 v 0000 + 00189106 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | score an extra point or points after touchdown by kicking the ball through the uprights or advancing the ball into the end zone; "Smith converted and his team won"
01085130 33 v 01 ace 2 002 @ 01072949 v 0000 ;c 00464894 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | play (a hole) in one stroke
01085237 33 v 02 referee 0 umpire 0 007 @ 00672277 v 0000 ;c 00523513 n 0000 + 07151285 n 0201 + 01191755 n 0201 + 10735984 n 0201 + 10514429 n 0101 + 01191755 n 0104 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | be a referee or umpire in a sports competition
01085474 33 v 03 handicap 0 hinder 0 hamper 0 003 @ 02513460 v 0000 + 04181228 n 0303 + 05689249 n 0108 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | put at a disadvantage; "The brace I have to wear is hindering my movements"
01085677 33 v 01 bias 0 003 @ 00680145 v 0000 + 06201908 n 0101 ~ 01085874 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | influence in an unfair way; "you are biasing my choice by telling me yours"
01085874 33 v 01 handicap 1 003 @ 01085677 v 0000 + 05156822 n 0101 + 10370683 n 0102 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | attempt to forecast the winner (especially in a horse race) and assign odds for or against a contestant
01086103 33 v 02 race 0 run 1 016 @ 01072262 v 0000 + 07460104 n 0203 + 10542888 n 0201 + 00440039 n 0202 ^ 01081505 v 0201 + 07458453 n 0101 + 07472657 n 0101 + 04037443 n 0101 + 02384858 n 0101 + 00449295 n 0101 ~ 01086549 v 0000 ~ 01086691 v 0000 ~ 01086854 v 0000 ~ 01086965 v 0000 ~ 01094086 v 0000 ~ 01938288 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | compete in a race; "he is running the Marathon this year"; "let's race and see who gets there first"
01086549 33 v 01 show 0 001 @ 01086103 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | finish third or better in a horse or dog race; "he bet $2 on number six to show"
01086691 33 v 01 place 2 002 @ 01086103 v 0000 + 06483454 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | finish second or better in a horse or dog race; "he bet $2 on number six to place"
01086854 33 v 01 boat-race 0 002 * 01944692 v 0000 @ 01086103 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | participate in a boat race
01086965 33 v 01 horse-race 0 002 @ 01086103 v 0000 ~ 01087074 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | compete in a horse race
01087074 33 v 01 jockey 3 002 @ 01086965 v 0000 + 10223177 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | ride a racehorse as a professional jockey
01087197 33 v 04 arm 0 build_up 0 fortify 0 gird 0 008 + 05635624 n 0301 + 03420559 n 0302 + 08197742 n 0101 + 01156899 n 0102 + 04565375 n 0102 ! 01087835 v 0101 ~ 01087559 v 0000 ~ 01087729 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | prepare oneself for a military confrontation; "The U.S. is girding for a conflict in the Middle East"; "troops are building up on the Iraqi border"
01087559 33 v 02 rearm 0 re-arm 0 002 @ 01087197 v 0000 + 01157384 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | arm anew; "After the war, the defeated country was not allowed to rearm"
01087729 33 v 01 forearm 0 001 @ 01087197 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 09 00 | arm in advance of a confrontation
01087835 33 v 03 disarm 0 demilitarize 2 demilitarise 2 003 + 01157557 n 0102 + 01157557 n 0101 ! 01087197 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | remove offensive capability from
01088005 33 v 02 disarm 1 unarm 0 005 @ 02314275 v 0000 + 01157557 n 0102 + 10390199 n 0103 + 01157557 n 0101 ~ 01099390 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | take away the weapons from; render harmless
01088192 33 v 03 demobilize 0 demobilise 0 demob 0 005 @ 01097743 v 0000 + 01158190 n 0202 ! 01088381 v 0202 + 01158190 n 0101 ! 01088381 v 0101 01 + 02 00 | retire from military service
01088381 33 v 02 mobilize 0 mobilise 0 005 @ 01098869 v 0000 + 01156438 n 0202 ! 01088192 v 0202 + 01156438 n 0101 ! 01088192 v 0101 01 + 02 00 | get ready for war
01088547 33 v 01 man 0 004 @ 01088749 v 0000 + 10745332 n 0105 ~ 01089614 v 0000 $ 02420991 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | provide with workers; "We cannot man all the desks"; "Students were manning the booths"
01088749 33 v 01 staff 0 004 @ 01182709 v 0000 + 08287586 n 0101 + 08439955 n 0101 ~ 01088547 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | provide with staff; "This position is not always staffed"
01088923 33 v 04 station 0 post 0 send 0 place 0 007 @ 01850315 v 0000 + 00586262 n 0407 + 08624385 n 0102 + 08656590 n 0101 ~ 01089137 v 0000 ~ 01155421 v 0000 ~ 02333689 v 0000 01 + 20 00 | assign to a station
01089137 33 v 01 garrison 0 003 @ 01088923 v 0000 + 08398036 n 0101 + 03420559 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | station (troops) in a fort or garrison
01089285 33 v 02 team 0 team_up 0 002 @ 01089878 v 0000 + 08208560 n 0101 01 + 22 00 | form a team; "We teamed up for this new project"
01089423 33 v 01 embed 0 001 @ 01089878 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | attach to, as a journalist to a military unit when reporting on a war; "The young reporter was embedded with the Third Division"
01089614 33 v 01 crew 0 003 @ 01088547 v 0000 + 08273736 n 0101 + 08273167 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | serve as a crew member on
01089737 33 v 02 gang 0 gang_up 0 003 @ 01089878 v 0000 + 08242799 n 0101 + 08273843 n 0103 02 + 09 00 + 22 00 | act as an organized group
01089878 33 v 02 group 0 aggroup 0 008 @ 02428924 v 0000 + 00031264 n 0101 + 01012360 n 0101 ~ 01089285 v 0000 ~ 01089423 v 0000 ~ 01089737 v 0000 ~ 01090107 v 0000 ~ 01090216 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | form a group or group together
01090107 33 v 01 pool 0 002 @ 01089878 v 0000 + 08481369 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | join or form a pool of people
01090216 33 v 01 brigade 0 002 @ 01089878 v 0000 + 08213978 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 09 00 | form or unite into a brigade
01090335 33 v 03 contend 1 fight 0 struggle 0 032 * 01072262 v 0000 + 00958896 n 0302 + 00446493 n 0201 + 00953559 n 0203 + 01170962 n 0201 + 09939313 n 0204 + 03335030 n 0201 + 01170962 n 0202 ^ 01131197 v 0203 ~ 01082023 v 0000 ~ 01082153 v 0000 ~ 01091160 v 0000 ~ 01091298 v 0000 ~ 01091427 v 0000 ~ 01092128 v 0000 ~ 01092284 v 0000 ~ 01092366 v 0000 ~ 01093172 v 0000 ~ 01119169 v 0000 ~ 01121948 v 0000 ~ 01122736 v 0000 ~ 01123030 v 0000 ~ 01123159 v 0000 ~ 01123261 v 0000 ~ 01123765 v 0000 ~ 01138446 v 0000 ~ 01146918 v 0000 ~ 01419982 v 0000 ~ 01420304 v 0000 ~ 01504480 v 0000 ~ 01504699 v 0000 ~ 02376089 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 09 00 + 22 00 | be engaged in a fight; carry on a fight; "the tribesmen fought each other"; "Siblings are always fighting"; "Militant groups are contending for control of the country"
01091160 33 v 01 join_battle 0 001 @ 01090335 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | engage in a conflict; "The battle over health care reform was joined"
01091298 33 v 01 tug 0 001 @ 01090335 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | struggle in opposition; "She tugged and wrestled with her conflicts"
01091427 33 v 05 fight 1 oppose 1 fight_back 0 fight_down 0 defend 5 012 @ 01090335 v 0000 + 01632066 a 0501 + 01246148 a 0201 + 01169744 n 0202 + 09773245 n 0204 + 07184391 n 0101 + 09939313 n 0104 + 03335030 n 0101 ~ 01091844 v 0000 ~ 01115916 v 0000 ~ 01116585 v 0000 ~ 01131197 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 | fight against or resist strongly; "The senator said he would oppose the bill"; "Don't fight it!"
01091844 33 v 01 recalcitrate 0 002 @ 01091427 v 0000 + 04907575 n 0103 01 + 22 00 | show strong objection or repugnance; manifest vigorous opposition or resistance; be obstinately disobedient; "The Democratic senators recalcitrated against every proposal from the Republican side"
01092128 33 v 02 settle a get_back d 001 @ 01090335 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | get one's revenge for a wrong or an injury; "I finally settled with my old enemy"
01092284 33 v 01 fight_back 1 001 @ 01090335 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | defend oneself
01092366 33 v 02 battle 0 combat 0 011 @ 01090335 v 0000 + 00082766 a 0203 + 01517632 a 0201 + 01170962 n 0203 + 00964343 n 0201 + 09939313 n 0201 + 00958896 n 0103 + 00953559 n 0101 + 09939313 n 0102 ~ 01092826 v 0000 ~ 01092981 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 | battle or contend against in or as if in a battle; "The Kurds are combating Iraqi troops in Northern Iraq"; "We must combat the prejudices against other races"; "they battled over the budget"
01092826 33 v 01 dogfight 0 003 @ 01092366 v 0000 + 00971802 n 0101 + 00974224 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | engage in an aerial battle with another fighter plane
01092981 33 v 01 wrestle 1 002 @ 01092366 v 0000 + 10793168 n 0101 01 + 22 00 | combat to overcome an opposing tendency or force; "He wrestled all his life with his feeling of inferiority"
01093172 33 v 01 war 0 007 @ 01090335 v 0000 + 13981403 n 0101 + 00973077 n 0101 + 10768585 n 0101 ! 01093587 v 0101 ~ 01093365 v 0000 ~ 01093465 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | make or wage war
01093365 33 v 01 blitzkrieg 0 001 @ 01093172 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | fight a quick and surprising war
01093465 33 v 03 go_to_war 0 take_arms 0 take_up_arms 0 001 @ 01093172 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | commence hostilities
01093587 33 v 01 make_peace 0 003 @ 00764902 v 0000 + 09952163 n 0102 ! 01093172 v 0101 01 + 02 00 | end hostilities; "The brothers who had been fighting over their inheritance finally made peace"
01093786 33 v 02 campaign 0 take_the_field 1 003 * 01093172 v 0000 + 00968155 n 0101 ~ 01093944 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | go on a campaign; go off to war
01093944 33 v 01 crusade 0 003 @ 01093786 v 0000 + 00968715 n 0101 + 09981365 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | go on a crusade; fight a holy war
01094086 33 v 02 campaign 1 run 6 008 @ 01086103 v 0000 + 07472929 n 0203 + 07472929 n 0102 + 09889691 n 0101 ~ 01094384 v 0000 ~ 01094539 v 0000 ~ 01095083 v 0000 ~ 02472033 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | run, stand, or compete for an office or a position; "Who's running for treasurer this year?"
01094384 33 v 01 stump 0 001 @ 01094086 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | travel through a district and make political speeches; "the candidate stumped the Northeast"
01094539 33 v 01 rerun 0 001 @ 01094086 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | run again for office; "Bush wants to rerun in 1996"
01094661 33 v 01 barnstorm 0 002 @ 01714208 v 0000 $ 01094898 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | tour the country making political speeches, giving lectures, or presenting plays; "The presidential candidates are busy barnstorming this month"
01094898 33 v 01 barnstorm 1 003 $ 01094661 v 0000 @ 01714208 v 0000 + 09839860 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | appear at county fairs and carnivals as a stunt flier and parachute jumper
01095083 33 v 01 whistlestop 0 001 @ 01094086 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | tour the country in order to solicit votes for an election
01095218 33 v 01 serve 0 009 @ 02410855 v 0000 ~ 01095581 v 0000 ~ 01095739 v 0000 ~ 01095899 v 0000 ~ 01096305 v 0000 ~ 01096497 v 0000 ~ 01096860 v 0000 $ 02411621 v 0000 ~ 02541509 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | do duty or hold offices; serve in a specific function; "He served as head of the department for three years"; "She served in Congress for two terms"
01095581 33 v 01 sit 0 001 @ 01095218 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | serve in a specific professional capacity; "the priest sat for confession"; "she sat on the jury"
01095739 33 v 01 staff 1 003 @ 01095218 v 0000 + 08287586 n 0101 + 08439955 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | serve on the staff of; "The two men staff the reception desk"
01095899 33 v 01 act 0 004 @ 01095218 v 0000 + 09767197 n 0101 ~ 01096097 v 0000 ~ 02343252 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | discharge one's duties; "She acts as the chair"; "In what capacity are you acting?"
01096097 33 v 02 criticize 0 criticise 0 004 @ 01095899 v 0000 + 09979072 n 0101 + 09979321 n 0101 + 09979589 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | act as a critic; "Those who criticize others often are not perfect, either"
01096305 33 v 01 rotate 0 003 $ 02393894 v 0000 @ 01095218 v 0000 + 05045381 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | perform a job or duty on a rotating basis; "Interns have to rotate for a few months"
01096497 33 v 02 officiate 0 function 0 010 @ 01095218 v 0000 + 00720565 n 0201 + 10372373 n 0202 + 00548173 n 0101 + 01191755 n 0102 + 13945102 n 0101 + 00586262 n 0104 + 00720565 n 0102 + 01033458 n 0101 + 01191755 n 0103 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | perform duties attached to a particular office or place or function; "His wife officiated as his private secretary"
01096860 33 v 02 caddie 0 caddy 0 004 @ 01095218 v 0000 ;c 00464894 n 0000 + 02935387 n 0201 + 09886403 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | act as a caddie and carry clubs for a player
01097031 33 v 01 soldier 0 004 @ 02708420 v 0000 + 10622053 n 0101 + 08397255 n 0102 + 05640184 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | serve as a soldier in the military
01097192 33 v 01 enlist 0 003 @ 01097309 v 0000 + 15293590 n 0101 ~ 01098706 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | join the military
01097309 33 v 01 sign_up 0 002 @ 02434976 v 0000 ~ 01097192 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | join a club, an activity, etc. with the intention to join or participate, "Sign up for yoga classes"
01097500 33 v 03 enlist 1 draft 0 muster_in 0 008 @ 02471327 v 0000 + 01157850 n 0203 + 10028765 n 0201 + 15293590 n 0101 + 10512201 n 0102 + 01263711 n 0102 ! 01097743 v 0101 ~ 01098452 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | engage somebody to enter the army
01097743 33 v 02 discharge 0 muster_out 0 007 @ 01474550 v 0000 + 00213694 n 0103 ! 01097500 v 0101 ~ 00191728 v 0000 ~ 01088192 v 0000 ~ 01098206 v 0000 ~ 01134522 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | release from military service
01097960 33 v 04 call_up 0 mobilize 1 mobilise 1 rally 0 007 @ 00792471 v 0000 + 00045646 n 0402 + 01156438 n 0302 + 01230283 n 0302 + 01156438 n 0201 ! 01098206 v 0201 + 07169353 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | call to arms; of military personnel
01098206 33 v 03 demobilize 3 inactivate 0 demobilise 3 005 @ 01097743 v 0000 + 01158190 n 0302 + 00233795 n 0202 + 01158190 n 0101 ! 01097960 v 0102 01 + 09 00 | release from military service or remove from the active list of military service
01098452 33 v 03 recruit 0 levy 0 raise 0 006 @ 01097500 v 0000 + 01158064 n 0201 + 10512201 n 0101 + 10512372 n 0101 + 01263711 n 0101 + 10512562 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | cause to assemble or enlist in the military; "raise an army"; "recruit new soldiers"
01098706 33 v 01 conscript 0 003 @ 01097192 v 0000 + 01157850 n 0101 + 10028765 n 0102 01 + 09 00 | enroll into service compulsorily; "The men were conscripted"
01098869 33 v 02 militarize 0 militarise 0 009 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 01156438 n 0204 + 08199025 n 0201 ! 01099390 v 0202 + 01156438 n 0103 + 08199025 n 0101 ! 01099390 v 0101 ~ 01088381 v 0000 ~ 01099220 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | lend a military character to (a country), as by building up a military force; "militarize Germany again after the war"
01099220 33 v 02 remilitarize 0 remilitarise 0 003 @ 01098869 v 0000 + 01158543 n 0202 + 01158543 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | militarize anew; "Should Japan be remilitarized?"
01099390 33 v 02 demilitarize 0 demilitarise 0 004 @ 01088005 v 0000 ! 01098869 v 0202 ! 01098869 v 0101 ~ 01117931 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | do away with the military organization and potential of
01099592 33 v 01 lose 0 009 * 01072262 v 0000 + 10273064 n 0102 + 10272913 n 0101 + 10272782 n 0101 ! 01100145 v 0101 ~ 01099866 v 0000 ~ 01100008 v 0000 ~ 01125209 v 0000 ~ 01156706 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 27 00 | fail to win; "We lost the battle but we won the war"
01099866 33 v 01 go_down 0 001 @ 01099592 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | be defeated; "If America goes down, the free world will go down, too"
01100008 33 v 01 drop 0 002 @ 01099592 v 0000 ;c 00523513 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | lose (a game); "The Giants dropped 11 of their first 13"
01100145 33 v 01 win 0 013 * 01072262 v 0000 + 07354731 n 0101 + 10782791 n 0101 + 10782940 n 0101 + 13259917 n 0101 ! 01099592 v 0101 ~ 01100567 v 0000 ~ 01100672 v 0000 ~ 01100830 v 0000 ~ 01100952 v 0000 ~ 01101416 v 0000 ~ 01101734 v 0000 ~ 01107895 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 22 00 | be the winner in a contest or competition; be victorious; "He won the Gold Medal in skating"; "Our home team won"; "Win the game"
01100567 33 v 01 romp 0 002 @ 01100145 v 0000 + 07475107 n 0103 01 + 02 00 | win easily; "romp a race"
01100672 33 v 01 carry c 003 $ 01101416 v 0000 $ 01101571 v 0000 @ 01100145 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | be successful in; "She lost the game but carried the match"
01100830 33 v 01 take 8 001 @ 01100145 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | obtain by winning; "Winner takes all"; "He took first prize"
01100952 33 v 01 sweep 0 001 @ 01100145 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | win an overwhelming victory in or on; "Her new show dog swept all championships"
01101103 33 v 02 outpoint 0 outscore 0 001 @ 01101913 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | score more points than one's opponents
01101218 33 v 01 homer 0 002 @ 01111816 v 0000 + 00132355 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | hit a home run
01101313 33 v 01 count_out 0 002 @ 01010118 v 0000 ;c 00445802 n 0000 01 + 09 00 | declare the loser
01101416 33 v 01 carry 1 003 @ 01100145 v 0000 $ 01100672 v 0000 $ 02586121 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | win in an election; "The senator carried his home state"
01101571 33 v 01 carry 2 002 @ 02238085 v 0000 $ 01100672 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | secure the passage or adoption (of bills and motions); "The motion carried easily"
01101734 33 v 02 prevail 0 triumph 0 003 @ 01100145 v 0000 + 00695209 a 0201 + 07473441 n 0202 01 + 02 00 | prove superior; "The champion prevailed, though it was a hard fight"
01101913 33 v 06 beat 0 beat_out 0 crush 0 shell 3 trounce 0 vanquish 0 026 * 01100145 v 0000 @ 01108148 v 0000 + 00569304 a 0602 + 09956578 n 0602 + 07476623 n 0506 + 00569304 a 0101 + 01176219 n 0101 ~ 01101103 v 0000 ~ 01102667 v 0000 ~ 01102839 v 0000 ~ 01102997 v 0000 ~ 01103603 v 0000 ~ 01104018 v 0000 ~ 01104248 v 0000 ~ 01104376 v 0000 ~ 01104624 v 0000 $ 01104852 v 0000 ~ 01105639 v 0000 ~ 01108627 v 0000 ~ 01109259 v 0000 ~ 01109431 v 0000 ~ 01110517 v 0000 ~ 01114475 v 0000 ~ 01121508 v 0000 ~ 01154957 v 0000 ~ 01412912 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 | come out better in a competition, race, or conflict; "Agassi beat Becker in the tennis championship"; "We beat the competition"; "Harvard defeated Yale in the last football game"
01102667 33 v 01 walk_over 0 002 @ 01101913 v 0000 + 00575365 n 0108 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | beat easily; "The local team walked over their old rivals for the championship"
01102839 33 v 01 eliminate 0 001 @ 01101913 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | remove from a contest or race; "The cyclist has eliminated all the competitors in the race"
01102997 33 v 05 worst 0 pip 0 mop_up 0 whip 0 rack_up 0 002 @ 01101913 v 0000 + 07476623 n 0407 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | defeat thoroughly; "He mopped up the floor with his opponents"
01103180 33 v 01 wallop 0 003 @ 01108148 v 0000 + 10765000 n 0101 + 07476623 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | defeat soundly and utterly; "We'll wallop them!"
01103336 33 v 01 down 0 002 @ 01108148 v 0000 ;c 00523513 n 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | bring down or defeat (an opponent)
01103459 33 v 01 overrun 4 001 @ 01108148 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | seize the position of and defeat; "the Crusaders overran much of the Holy Land"
01103603 33 v 01 whomp 0 001 @ 01101913 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | beat overwhelmingly
01103693 33 v 02 lurch 0 skunk 0 004 @ 01108148 v 0000 ;c 00488225 n 0000 + 07476495 n 0202 + 07476282 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | defeat by a lurch
01103836 33 v 02 break_down 0 crush 1 002 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 00553362 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make ineffective; "Martin Luther King tried to break down racial discrimination"
01104018 33 v 03 get_the_best 2 have_the_best 2 overcome 2 001 @ 01101913 v 0000 03 + 10 00 + 22 02 + 22 01 | overcome, usually through no fault or weakness of the person that is overcome; "Heart disease can get the best of us"
01104248 33 v 03 spread-eagle 0 spreadeagle 0 rout 1 002 @ 01101913 v 0000 + 07476404 n 0301 01 + 09 00 | defeat disastrously
01104376 33 v 01 get_the_jump 0 001 @ 01101913 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | be there first; "They had gotten the jump on their competitors"
01104509 33 v 02 cut_down 0 cut_out 0 002 @ 01131473 v 0000 ;c 00471613 n 0000 01 + 09 00 | intercept (a player)
01104624 33 v 06 cheat 0 chouse 0 shaft 0 screw 0 chicane 0 jockey 1 005 @ 01101913 v 0000 + 00752954 n 0502 + 00752954 n 0503 + 00780148 n 0102 + 09998101 n 0103 02 + 09 00 + 11 00 | defeat someone through trickery or deceit
01104852 33 v 06 outwit 0 overreach 0 outsmart 0 outfox 1 beat e circumvent 0 003 $ 01101913 v 0000 @ 01105639 v 0000 + 00569304 a 0501 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | beat through cleverness and wit; "I beat the traffic"; "She outfoxed her competitors"
01105097 33 v 01 outgrow 0 001 @ 01105639 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 11 00 | grow faster than
01105186 33 v 02 outshout 0 outcry 0 002 @ 01105639 v 0000 + 07120524 n 0202 01 + 09 00 | shout louder than
01105296 33 v 01 outroar 0 001 @ 01105639 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 11 00 | roar louder than
01105385 33 v 01 outsail 0 001 @ 01105639 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 | sail faster or better than; "They outsailed the Roman fleet"
01105526 33 v 01 outdraw 0 001 @ 01105639 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | draw a gun faster, or best someone in a gunfight
01105639 33 v 08 surpass 0 outstrip 0 outmatch 0 outgo 0 exceed 0 outdo 0 surmount 1 outperform 0 021 @ 01101913 v 0000 + 01533974 a 0501 ~ 01104852 v 0000 ~ 01105097 v 0000 ~ 01105186 v 0000 ~ 01105296 v 0000 ~ 01105385 v 0000 ~ 01105526 v 0000 ~ 01106377 v 0000 ~ 01106504 v 0000 ~ 01106670 v 0000 ~ 01106864 v 0000 ~ 01107254 v 0000 ~ 01107439 v 0000 ~ 01107544 v 0000 ~ 01107625 v 0000 ~ 01107705 v 0000 ~ 01107806 v 0000 ~ 01108053 v 0000 ~ 01110880 v 0000 ~ 02705303 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | be or do something to a greater degree; "her performance surpasses that of any other student I know"; "She outdoes all other athletes"; "This exceeds all my expectations"; "This car outperforms all others in its class"
01106377 33 v 01 outsell 0 001 @ 01105639 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | sell more than others; "This salesman outsells his colleagues"
01106504 33 v 01 outsell 1 001 @ 01105639 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | be sold more often than other, similar products; "The new Toyota outsells the Honda by a wide margin"
01106670 33 v 01 outpace 0 001 @ 01105639 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 | surpass in speed; "Malthus believed that population increase would outpace increases in the means of subsistence"
01106864 33 v 02 better 0 break 0 002 @ 01105639 v 0000 + 05143690 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | surpass in excellence; "She bettered her own record"; "break a record"
01107024 33 v 01 upstage 0 002 @ 01107254 v 0000 + 10740732 n 0101 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | steal the show, draw attention to oneself away from someone else; "When the dog entered the stage, he upstaged the actress"
01107254 33 v 01 outshine 0 002 @ 01105639 v 0000 ~ 01107024 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 11 00 | attract more attention and praise than others; "This film outshone all the others in quality"
01107439 33 v 01 outrange 0 001 @ 01105639 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | have a greater range than (another gun)
01107544 33 v 01 outweigh 0 001 @ 01105639 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | be heavier than
01107625 33 v 01 outbrave 0 001 @ 01105639 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | be braver than
01107705 33 v 01 out-herod 0 001 @ 01105639 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | surpass someone in cruelty or evil
01107806 33 v 01 outfox 0 001 @ 01105639 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | outdo someone in trickery
01107895 33 v 01 take_the_cake 0 001 @ 01100145 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | rank first; used often in a negative context; "He takes the cake for chutzpah!"
01108053 33 v 01 shame 0 001 @ 01105639 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | surpass or beat by a wide margin
01108148 33 v 03 get_the_better_of 0 overcome 3 defeat 0 012 + 10668450 n 0203 ~ 01083373 v 0000 ~ 01101913 v 0000 ~ 01103180 v 0000 ~ 01103336 v 0000 ~ 01103459 v 0000 ~ 01103693 v 0000 ~ 01108951 v 0000 ~ 01109087 v 0000 ~ 01109644 v 0000 ~ 01114303 v 0000 ~ 02619924 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | win a victory over; "You must overcome all difficulties"; "defeat your enemies"; "He overcame his shyness"; "He overcame his infirmity"; "Her anger got the better of her and she blew up"
01108627 33 v 05 overcome 1 get_over 0 subdue 0 surmount 0 master 0 002 @ 01101913 v 0000 ~ 01108815 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | get on top of; deal with successfully; "He overcame his shyness"
01108815 33 v 01 bulldog 1 001 @ 01108627 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | throw a steer by seizing the horns and twisting the neck, as in a rodeo
01108951 33 v 03 rout 0 rout_out 0 expel 0 001 @ 01108148 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | cause to flee; "rout out the fighters from their caves"
01109087 33 v 01 upset 0 003 @ 01108148 v 0000 + 00068170 n 0102 + 10740594 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | defeat suddenly and unexpectedly; "The foreign team upset the local team"
01109259 33 v 05 outdo 1 outflank 0 trump 0 best 0 scoop 0 002 @ 01101913 v 0000 ~ 01110247 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | get the better of; "the goal was to best the competition"
01109431 33 v 01 outfight 0 001 @ 01101913 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | to fight better than; get the better of; "the Rangers outfought the Maple Leafs"; "The French forces outfought the Germans"
01109644 33 v 01 nose 0 002 @ 01108148 v 0000 + 13762458 n 0101 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | defeat by a narrow margin
01109773 33 v 01 outgeneral 0 001 @ 01110247 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | surpass in generalship
01109863 33 v 04 manoeuver 0 maneuver 0 manoeuvre 0 operate 0 005 @ 01076615 v 0000 + 00955060 n 0401 + 00959992 n 0302 + 00959992 n 0201 ~ 01110143 v 0000 02 + 21 00 + 22 00 | perform a movement in military or naval tactics in order to secure an advantage in attack or defense
01110143 33 v 01 jockey d 001 @ 01109863 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | compete (for an advantage or a position)
01110247 33 v 03 outmaneuver 0 outmanoeuvre 0 outsmart 1 002 @ 01109259 v 0000 ~ 01109773 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | defeat by more skillful maneuvering; "The English troops outmaneuvered the Germans"; "My new supervisor knows how to outmaneuver the boss in most situations"
01110517 33 v 03 overpower 0 overmaster 0 overwhelm 0 002 @ 01101913 v 0000 ~ 01110661 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | overcome by superior force
01110661 33 v 02 steamroller 0 steamroll 0 004 $ 02505807 v 0000 @ 01110517 v 0000 + 10226556 n 0202 + 10226556 n 0102 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | overwhelm by using great force; "steamroller the opposition"
01110880 33 v 01 outmarch 0 001 @ 01105639 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | march longer distances and for a longer time than; "This guy can outmarch anyone!"
01111028 33 v 07 gain 0 advance 0 win 1 pull_ahead 0 make_headway 0 get_ahead 0 gain_ground 0 005 + 07354731 n 0301 + 10117511 n 0101 ! 01113806 v 0101 ~ 01111458 v 0000 ~ 01111816 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | obtain advantages, such as points, etc.; "The home team was gaining ground"; "After defeating the Knicks, the Blazers pulled ahead of the Lakers in the battle for the number-one playoff berth in the Western Conference"
01111458 33 v 01 steal 0 003 @ 01111028 v 0000 ;c 00471613 n 0000 + 00725152 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | steal a base
01111570 33 v 02 win_back 0 get_back 1 001 @ 02210855 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | recover something or somebody that appeared to be lost; "We got back the money after we threatened to sue the company"; "He got back his son from the kidnappers"
01111816 33 v 04 score 0 hit 2 tally 0 rack_up 1 020 * 01072262 v 0000 @ 01111028 v 0000 + 00189565 n 0302 + 00043902 n 0201 + 00186634 n 0101 + 13594585 n 0101 + 10562391 n 0101 ~ 01084331 v 0000 ~ 01084466 v 0000 ~ 01084588 v 0000 ~ 01084724 v 0000 ~ 01084866 v 0000 ~ 01101218 v 0000 ~ 01112979 v 0000 ~ 01113134 v 0000 ~ 01113264 v 0000 ~ 01113367 v 0000 ~ 01113473 v 0000 ~ 01115411 v 0000 ~ 02355596 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | gain points in a game; "The home team scored many times"; "He hit a home run"; "He hit .300 in the past season"
01112364 33 v 01 score 1 003 @ 02526085 v 0000 + 05737153 n 0103 ~ 01112584 v 0000 02 + 07 00 + 08 00 | get a certain number or letter indicating quality or performance; "She scored high on the SAT"; "He scored a 200"
01112584 33 v 01 test 0 005 @ 01112364 v 0000 + 00794367 n 0101 + 01006675 n 0101 + 07197021 n 0103 $ 00669970 v 0000 01 + 07 00 | achieve a certain score or rating on a test; "She tested high on the LSAT and was admitted to all the good law schools"
01112837 33 v 01 place-kick 0 003 @ 01112979 v 0000 ;c 00468480 n 0000 + 00137279 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | score (a goal) by making a place kick
01112979 33 v 01 kick 5 003 @ 01111816 v 0000 ;c 00468480 n 0000 ~ 01112837 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make a goal; "He kicked the extra point after touchdown"
01113134 33 v 01 eagle 0 003 @ 01111816 v 0000 ;c 00464894 n 0000 + 13595968 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | shoot in two strokes under par
01113264 33 v 01 hole_up 0 002 @ 01111816 v 0000 ;c 00464894 n 0000 01 + 02 00 | score a hole in one
01113367 33 v 01 ace 0 001 @ 01111816 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | score an ace against; "He aced his opponents"
01113473 33 v 01 walk 0 004 $ 01140654 v 0000 @ 01111816 v 0000 ;c 00471613 n 0000 + 00127286 n 0102 02 + 02 00 + 09 00 | obtain a base on balls
01113620 33 v 01 drive_in 0 002 > 01111816 v 0000 ;c 00471613 n 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | cause a run or runner to be scored; "His line double drove in Jim Lemon with the winning run"
01113806 33 v 05 fall_back 0 lose 1 drop_off 0 fall_behind 0 recede 0 004 @ 00249313 v 0000 + 01249991 n 0501 + 00057486 n 0501 ! 01111028 v 0101 01 + 02 00 | retreat
01113975 33 v 01 keep_up 0 002 * 01072262 v 0000 ~ 01114143 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | maintain a required pace or level; "He could not keep up and dropped out of the race"
01114143 33 v 02 keep_step 0 keep_pace 0 001 @ 01113975 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | maintain the same pace; "The child cannot keep step with his big brother"
01114303 33 v 01 conquer 0 003 @ 01108148 v 0000 + 09956578 n 0101 + 00089027 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | overcome by conquest; "conquer your fears"; "conquer a country"
01114475 33 v 02 checkmate 0 mate 0 004 @ 01101913 v 0000 ;c 00503237 n 0000 + 00167764 n 0202 + 00167764 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | place an opponent's king under an attack from which it cannot escape and thus ending the game; "Kasparov checkmated his opponent after only a few moves"
01114764 33 v 01 check 0 003 * 01076615 v 0000 @ 01118449 v 0000 ;c 00503237 n 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | place into check; "He checked my kings"
01114911 33 v 01 bait 0 001 @ 01120069 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | attack with dogs or set dogs upon
01115006 33 v 02 sic 0 set 0 001 @ 01120069 v 0000 01 + 19 00 | urge to attack someone; "The owner sicked his dogs on the intruders"; "the shaman sics sorcerers on the evil spirits"
01115190 33 v 02 tie 0 draw 0 005 @ 00417001 v 0000 * 01072949 v 0000 + 07353716 n 0201 + 07353716 n 0103 + 10710509 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | finish a game with an equal number of points, goals, etc.; "The teams drew a tie"
01115411 33 v 03 equalize 0 equalise 0 get_even 0 004 @ 01111816 v 0000 + 00044673 n 0202 + 00044673 n 0101 + 00483098 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | compensate; make the score equal
01115585 33 v 02 surrender 0 give_up 1 008 @ 01116447 v 0000 + 00067707 n 0103 + 07255027 n 0103 + 10679998 n 0101 ! 01116585 v 0101 ~ 01116275 v 0000 ~ 01117609 v 0000 ~ 01117812 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 15 00 | give up or agree to forgo to the power or possession of another; "The last Taleban fighters finally surrendered"
01115916 33 v 03 resist 1 stand 0 fend 0 008 @ 01091427 v 0000 + 03328201 n 0301 + 03328076 n 0301 + 03327841 n 0301 + 02911158 n 0302 + 00960851 n 0201 + 00007990 a 0102 $ 02702120 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | withstand the force of something; "The trees resisted her"; "stand the test of time"; "The mountain climbers had to fend against the ice and snow"
01116275 33 v 01 abnegate 0 002 @ 01115585 v 0000 + 09754633 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 15 00 | surrender (power or a position); "The King abnegated his power to the ministers"
01116447 33 v 01 yield 0 003 + 10679998 n 0102 ~ 01115585 v 0000 ~ 02304507 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 27 00 | cease opposition; stop fighting
01116585 33 v 04 resist 0 hold_out 0 withstand 0 stand_firm 0 014 @ 01091427 v 0000 + 09615211 n 0302 + 10180580 n 0201 + 07150328 n 0201 + 00695938 a 0103 + 00695938 a 0102 + 00955987 n 0101 ! 01115585 v 0101 ~ 01116980 v 0000 ~ 01117086 v 0000 ~ 01117219 v 0000 ~ 01117325 v 0000 ~ 02702120 v 0000 ~ 02706816 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | stand up or offer resistance to somebody or something
01116980 33 v 01 stand_out 1 001 @ 01116585 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | be stubborn in resolution or resistance
01117086 33 v 01 stand_up 0 001 @ 01116585 v 0000 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | refuse to back down; remain solid under criticism or attack
01117219 33 v 01 outbrave 1 001 @ 01116585 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | resist bravely; "He outbraved the enemy"
01117325 33 v 01 hold_off 0 001 @ 01116585 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | resist and fight to a standoff; "Dallas had enough of a lead to hold the Broncos off"
01117484 33 v 02 complete 0 nail 0 003 @ 01072949 v 0000 ;c 00468480 n 0000 + 00557419 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | complete a pass
01117609 33 v 01 concede 0 003 @ 01115585 v 0000 + 07176243 n 0101 + 07176243 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | acknowledge defeat; "The candidate conceded after enough votes had come in to show that he would lose"
01117812 33 v 01 capitulate 0 002 @ 01115585 v 0000 + 00067707 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | surrender under agreed conditions
01117931 33 v 02 neutralize 0 neutralise 0 003 @ 01099390 v 0000 + 00234423 n 0202 + 00234423 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | make incapable of military action
01118081 33 v 01 submit 0 007 * 01115585 v 0000 + 00790691 a 0103 + 00788821 a 0101 + 14580090 n 0101 + 01166926 n 0101 + 10669727 n 0101 ~ 01118292 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | yield to the control of another
01118292 33 v 01 subject 0 001 @ 01118081 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | make accountable for; "He did not want to subject himself to the judgments of his superiors"
01118449 33 v 02 attack 1 aggress 0 013 @ 02367363 v 0000 + 01244846 a 0201 + 01237167 n 0201 + 00964569 n 0201 + 09821253 n 0202 + 00972621 n 0101 + 09821253 n 0101 ~ 01114764 v 0000 ~ 01118888 v 0000 $ 01119169 v 0000 ~ 01120759 v 0000 ~ 01121621 v 0000 ~ 01150164 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 08 01 + 09 01 | take the initiative and go on the offensive; "The Serbs attacked the village at night"; "The visiting team started to attack"
01118888 33 v 01 fork 0 002 @ 01118449 v 0000 ;c 00503237 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | place under attack with one's own pieces, of two enemy pieces
01119030 33 v 01 bulldog 0 002 @ 01120069 v 0000 + 02108672 n 0101 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | attack viciously and ferociously
01119169 33 v 02 attack 0 assail 1 021 $ 01118449 v 0000 @ 01090335 v 0000 + 02523664 a 0201 + 09821253 n 0203 + 00972621 n 0101 + 09821253 n 0101 ! 01127795 v 0101 ~ 01119803 v 0000 ~ 01121320 v 0000 ~ 01123887 v 0000 ~ 01125084 v 0000 ~ 01125373 v 0000 ~ 01126051 v 0000 ~ 01126219 v 0000 ~ 01126360 v 0000 ~ 01127411 v 0000 ~ 01131902 v 0000 ~ 01136142 v 0000 ~ 01136481 v 0000 ~ 01137983 v 0000 ~ 02494850 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | launch an attack or assault on; begin hostilities or start warfare with; "Hitler attacked Poland on September 1, 1939 and started World War II"; "Serbian forces assailed Bosnian towns all week"
01119803 33 v 01 submarine 0 001 @ 01119169 v 0000 04 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 | attack by submarine; "The Germans submarined the Allies"
01119950 33 v 01 rush 0 002 @ 01120069 v 0000 ~ 01121719 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | attack suddenly
01120069 33 v 04 assail 0 assault 0 set_on 0 attack 2 019 + 00773814 n 0401 + 09821253 n 0401 + 01629349 a 0201 + 00773402 n 0203 + 00767826 n 0201 + 09821253 n 0204 + 09821253 n 0103 ~ 01114911 v 0000 ~ 01115006 v 0000 ~ 01119030 v 0000 ~ 01119950 v 0000 ~ 01120612 v 0000 ~ 01120900 v 0000 ~ 01121052 v 0000 ~ 01121178 v 0000 ~ 01126700 v 0000 ~ 02567519 v 0000 ~ 02568065 v 0000 ~ 02569495 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 | attack someone physically or emotionally; "The mugger assaulted the woman"; "Nightmares assailed him regularly"
01120612 33 v 01 blindside 0 001 @ 01120069 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | attack or hit on or from the side where the attacked person's view is obstructed
01120759 33 v 01 harass 0 002 @ 01118449 v 0000 + 10160012 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | exhaust by attacking repeatedly; "harass the enemy"
01120900 33 v 01 savage 0 003 @ 01120069 v 0000 + 09845589 n 0103 + 00424934 n 0104 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | attack brutally and fiercely
01121052 33 v 01 reassail 0 001 @ 01120069 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 | assail again; "Her old fears reassailed her"
01121178 33 v 01 jump 0 001 @ 01120069 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | make a sudden physical attack on; "The muggers jumped the woman in the fur coat"
01121320 33 v 02 pepper 0 pelt 0 003 * 01508368 v 0000 @ 01119169 v 0000 + 10413429 n 0201 01 + 17 00 | attack and bombard with or as if with missiles; "pelt the speaker with questions"
01121508 33 v 02 immobilize 0 immobilise 0 001 @ 01101913 v 0000 03 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | make defenseless
01121621 33 v 01 pin 0 002 @ 01118449 v 0000 ;c 00503237 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | immobilize a piece
01121719 33 v 02 charge 0 bear_down 3 003 @ 01119950 v 0000 + 02378625 n 0101 + 00974762 n 0101 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 02 01 | to make a rush at or sudden attack upon, as in battle; "he saw Jess charging at him with a pitchfork"
01121948 33 v 01 duel 0 005 @ 01090335 v 0000 + 10038929 n 0103 + 01172784 n 0101 + 10038929 n 0102 + 10038929 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 09 00 | fight a duel, as over one's honor or a woman; "In the 19th century, men often dueled over small matters"
01122194 33 v 01 rival 0 004 @ 01072262 v 0000 + 10533013 n 0101 + 01168569 n 0103 ~ 01122630 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 11 00 | be the rival of, be in competition with; "we are rivaling for first place in the race"
01122405 33 v 01 emulate 0 003 @ 01072262 v 0000 + 07484929 n 0101 + 01021270 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 11 00 | compete with successfully; approach or reach equality with; "This artist's drawings cannot emulate his water colors"
01122630 33 v 02 outrival 0 outvie 0 001 @ 01122194 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 11 00 | be more of a rival than
01122736 33 v 01 joust 0 003 @ 01090335 v 0000 + 07472460 n 0101 ~ 01122906 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | joust against somebody in a tournament by fighting on horseback
01122906 33 v 01 tilt 0 003 @ 01122736 v 0000 + 07472460 n 0102 + 10711144 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | charge with a tilt
01123030 33 v 02 chicken-fight 0 chickenfight 0 001 @ 01090335 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | fight while sitting on somebody's shoulders
01123159 33 v 01 tourney 0 002 @ 01090335 v 0000 + 07464725 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | engage in a tourney
01123261 33 v 01 feud 0 002 @ 01090335 v 0000 + 01236173 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | carry out a feud; "The two professors have been feuding for years"
01123415 33 v 01 carry 3 004 $ 01123609 v 0000 @ 01835496 v 0000 ;c 00464894 n 0000 + 00318735 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | cover a certain distance or advance beyond; "The drive carried to the green"
01123609 33 v 01 carry 4 003 @ 02630189 v 0000 + 00318735 n 0101 $ 01123415 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | have a certain range; "This rifle carries for 3,000 feet"
01123765 33 v 01 skirmish 0 003 @ 01090335 v 0000 + 10605848 n 0101 + 00959376 n 0104 01 + 02 00 | engage in a skirmish
01123887 33 v 02 strike 0 hit 0 009 $ 01137138 v 0000 @ 01119169 v 0000 + 00109414 n 0101 + 00977301 n 0101 ~ 01124389 v 0000 ~ 01124535 v 0000 ~ 01124608 v 0000 ~ 01153165 v 0000 $ 01209135 v 0000 05 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | make a strategic, offensive, assault against an enemy, opponent, or a target; "The Germans struck Poland on Sept. 1, 1939"; "We must strike the enemy's oil fields"; "in the fifth inning, the Giants struck, sending three runners home to win the game 5 to 2"
01124389 33 v 01 slice 0 003 @ 01123887 v 0000 + 00572043 n 0101 + 00572043 n 0103 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | hit a ball so that it causes a backspin
01124535 33 v 01 chop 0 001 @ 01123887 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | hit sharply
01124608 33 v 01 stroke 0 002 @ 01123887 v 0000 + 00565302 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | strike a ball with a smooth blow
01124722 33 v 01 stroke 1 002 @ 01946996 v 0000 + 10664850 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | row at a particular rate
01124828 33 v 02 feather 0 square 0 003 @ 01946996 v 0000 + 00342565 n 0101 + 00342565 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | turn the oar, while rowing
01124964 33 v 02 feather 2 square 1 002 @ 01947887 v 0000 + 00342565 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | turn the paddle; in canoeing
01125084 33 v 02 counterattack 0 counterstrike 0 002 @ 01119169 v 0000 + 00978173 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | make a counterattack
01125209 33 v 02 take_the_count 0 remain_down 0 002 ;c 00445802 n 0000 @ 01099592 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | be counted out; remain down while the referee counts to ten
01125373 33 v 01 gas 0 003 @ 01119169 v 0000 + 00224936 n 0101 ~ 01125558 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | attack with gas; subject to gas fumes; "The despot gassed the rebellious tribes"
01125558 33 v 01 teargas 0 001 @ 01125373 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | attack with teargas; subject to teargas fumes; "The students were teargassed during the riot"
01125724 33 v 01 mine 0 004 @ 00222472 v 0000 + 03768132 n 0101 + 00961962 n 0101 ~ 01125882 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | lay mines; "The Vietnamese mined Cambodia"
01125882 33 v 01 countermine 0 002 @ 01125724 v 0000 + 01077190 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | destroy enemy mines with one's own mines; "We countermined the banks of the river"
01126051 33 v 02 storm 0 surprise 0 004 @ 01119169 v 0000 + 07298154 n 0201 + 10679723 n 0201 + 00974630 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | attack by storm; attack suddenly
01126219 33 v 01 blitz 0 002 @ 01119169 v 0000 + 00975781 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | attack suddenly and without warning; "Hitler blitzed Poland"
01126360 33 v 02 invade 0 occupy 0 007 @ 01119169 v 0000 + 10369955 n 0201 + 01133106 n 0201 + 01629681 a 0103 + 00976531 n 0101 + 10214062 n 0101 ~ 02020413 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | march aggressively into another's territory by military force for the purposes of conquest and occupation; "Hitler invaded Poland on September 1, 1939"
01126700 33 v 02 beset 0 set_upon 0 001 @ 01120069 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | assail or attack on all sides: "The zebra was beset by leopards"
01126846 33 v 02 blockade 0 seal_off 0 002 @ 01127411 v 0000 + 00954086 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | impose a blockade on
01126961 33 v 02 blockade 1 block_off 0 002 @ 01476483 v 0000 + 02853218 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | obstruct access to
01127075 33 v 02 barricade 0 barricado 0 003 @ 01476483 v 0000 + 04096848 n 0102 + 02796412 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | block off with barricades
01127215 33 v 01 barricade 1 003 @ 01476483 v 0000 + 04096848 n 0102 + 02796412 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | prevent access to by barricading; "The street where the President lives is always barricaded"
01127411 33 v 05 besiege 0 beleaguer 0 surround 0 hem_in 0 circumvent 1 004 @ 01119169 v 0000 + 09850974 n 0101 ~ 01126846 v 0000 ~ 01127638 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | surround so as to force to give up; "The Turks besieged Vienna"
01127638 33 v 01 ebb 0 001 @ 01127411 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | hem in fish with stakes and nets so as to prevent them from going back into the sea with the ebb
01127795 33 v 01 defend 0 010 * 01090335 v 0000 @ 02450505 v 0000 + 02525876 a 0102 + 01630117 a 0101 + 08081403 n 0102 ! 01119169 v 0101 ~ 01128071 v 0000 ~ 01128193 v 0000 ~ 01129591 v 0000 ~ 01131473 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | be on the defensive; act against an attack
01128071 33 v 01 bulwark 0 003 @ 01127795 v 0000 + 04051825 n 0102 + 02894605 n 0105 01 + 08 00 | defend with a bulwark
01128193 33 v 01 protect 0 023 @ 01127795 v 0000 + 01887076 a 0101 + 04014297 n 0103 + 00817680 n 0101 + 09614684 n 0103 ~ 00895855 v 0000 ~ 01128778 v 0000 ~ 01128899 v 0000 ~ 01129064 v 0000 ~ 01129201 v 0000 ~ 01129337 v 0000 ~ 01129876 v 0000 ~ 01130169 v 0000 ~ 01130455 v 0000 ~ 01130607 v 0000 ~ 01138102 v 0000 ~ 01148296 v 0000 ~ 01148580 v 0000 ~ 01154825 v 0000 ~ 02026868 v 0000 ~ 02251065 v 0000 ~ 02395000 v 0000 ~ 02733122 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | shield from danger, injury, destruction, or damage; "Weatherbeater protects your roof from the rain"
01128778 33 v 02 immunize 0 immunise 0 001 @ 01128193 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | law: grant immunity from prosecution
01128899 33 v 01 overprotect 0 002 @ 01128193 v 0000 + 00820721 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | protect excessively; "Don't overprotect your son--he is an adult now!"
01129064 33 v 01 look_out a 001 @ 01128193 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | to protect someone's interests; "A man's gotta look out for his family"
01129201 33 v 01 cover 1 003 @ 01128193 v 0000 + 00988893 n 0101 $ 02687916 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | hold within range of an aimed firearm
01129337 33 v 02 guard 0 ward 0 005 @ 01128193 v 0000 + 10767020 n 0201 + 10767265 n 0201 + 08215603 n 0101 ~ 02550168 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | watch over or shield from danger or harm; protect; "guard my possessions while I'm away"
01129591 33 v 01 ward_off 0 001 @ 01127795 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | avert, turn away, or repel; "Ward off danger"
01129710 33 v 01 protect 1 004 @ 02414710 v 0000 ;c 01091905 n 0000 + 01887076 a 0101 + 01127874 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | use tariffs to favor domestic industry
01129876 33 v 03 defend 2 guard 3 hold 5 006 @ 01128193 v 0000 + 02525876 a 0102 + 01630117 a 0101 + 09614684 n 0101 + 08064130 n 0102 $ 02441897 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | protect against a challenge or attack; "Hold that position behind the trees!"; "Hold the bridge against the enemy's attacks"
01130169 33 v 02 shield 0 screen 0 009 @ 01128193 v 0000 + 02851099 n 0202 + 04153025 n 0202 + 04152387 n 0201 + 01049685 n 0203 + 04192698 n 0101 + 04192858 n 0101 + 09614684 n 0104 + 00818362 n 0101 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | protect, hide, or conceal from danger or harm
01130455 33 v 01 charm 0 003 @ 01128193 v 0000 + 07159791 n 0104 + 03009633 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | protect through supernatural powers or charms
01130607 33 v 05 wall 0 palisade 0 fence 0 fence_in 0 surround 1 011 @ 01128193 v 0000 + 08567235 n 0504 + 03327234 n 0301 + 03878963 n 0201 + 04547592 n 0101 + 04051825 n 0103 + 04546855 n 0101 ^ 01389942 v 0101 ^ 01389942 v 0102 ~ 01130930 v 0000 ~ 01131058 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | surround with a wall in order to fortify
01130930 33 v 01 stockade 0 002 @ 01130607 v 0000 + 04322531 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | surround with a stockade in order to fortify
01131058 33 v 01 circumvallate 0 001 @ 01130607 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | surround with or as if with a rampart or other fortification
01131197 33 v 05 repel 0 repulse 0 fight_off 0 rebuff 0 drive_back 0 005 @ 01091427 v 0000 + 07208000 n 0401 + 07208000 n 0203 + 00961001 n 0201 + 00170156 a 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | force or drive back; "repel the attacker"; "fight off the onslaught"; "rebuff the attack"
01131473 33 v 06 check 6 turn_back 0 arrest 0 stop 0 contain 0 hold_back 0 005 @ 01127795 v 0000 + 05986948 n 0501 + 01147451 n 0501 + 02982790 n 0402 ~ 01104509 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | hold back, as of a danger or an enemy; check the expansion or influence of; "Arrest the downward trend"; "Check the growth of communism in South East Asia"; "Contain the rebel movement"; "Turn back the tide of communism"
01131902 33 v 02 bombard 0 bomb 0 018 @ 01119169 v 0000 + 09864536 n 0201 + 02867715 n 0201 + 02866578 n 0201 + 00978413 n 0201 + 00978413 n 0102 ~ 01132355 v 0000 ~ 01132541 v 0000 ~ 01132667 v 0000 ~ 01132797 v 0000 ~ 01132880 v 0000 ~ 01132980 v 0000 ~ 01133096 v 0000 ~ 01133194 v 0000 ~ 01133288 v 0000 ~ 01133488 v 0000 ~ 01133667 v 0000 ~ 01135922 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | throw bombs at or attack with bombs; "The Americans bombed Dresden"
01132355 33 v 01 carpet_bomb 0 002 @ 01131902 v 0000 + 00978993 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | bomb a large area systematically and extensively; "The U.S. decided to carpet bomb Vietnam"
01132541 33 v 01 bomb_out 0 001 @ 01131902 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | make somebody homeless by destroying their houses with bombs
01132667 33 v 01 dive-bomb 0 003 @ 01131902 v 0000 + 03215191 n 0101 + 00979180 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | bomb from a diving airplane
01132797 33 v 01 glide-bomb 0 001 @ 01131902 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | bomb by gliding
01132880 33 v 01 skip-bomb 0 001 @ 01131902 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | attack with delayed release bombs
01132980 33 v 02 atom-bomb 0 nuke 1 002 @ 01131902 v 0000 + 02753881 n 0204 01 + 08 00 | bomb with atomic weapons
01133096 33 v 01 hydrogen-bomb 0 001 @ 01131902 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | attack with a hydrogen bomb
01133194 33 v 01 pattern-bomb 0 001 @ 01131902 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | bomb in certain patterns
01133288 33 v 04 nuke 0 atomize 0 atomise 0 zap 0 004 @ 01131902 v 0000 + 00218602 n 0302 + 00218602 n 0201 + 02753881 n 0104 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | strike at with firepower or bombs; "zap the enemy"
01133488 33 v 01 letter_bomb 0 002 @ 01131902 v 0000 + 03657918 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | send an explosive to; "The Unabomber letter bombed a number of individuals and institutions"
01133667 33 v 01 firebomb 0 002 @ 01131902 v 0000 + 03565991 n 0103 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | attack with incendiary bombs; "The rioters fire-bombed the stores"
01133825 33 v 02 fire 0 discharge 1 008 > 01134238 v 0000 + 00123234 n 0201 + 00986938 n 0101 + 00123234 n 0102 ~ 01134071 v 0000 ~ 01134375 v 0000 ~ 01134781 v 0000 ~ 01137582 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cause to go off; "fire a gun"; "fire a bullet"
01134071 33 v 01 pop 0 003 @ 01133825 v 0000 + 07390400 n 0101 + 07390400 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | fire a weapon with a loud explosive noise; "The soldiers were popping"
01134238 33 v 03 fire 2 discharge 2 go_off 0 002 + 00123234 n 0201 + 00986938 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | go off or discharge; "The gun fired"
01134375 33 v 03 loose_off 0 let_fly 0 let_drive 0 001 @ 01133825 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | fire as from a gun; "The soldiers let drive their bullets"
01134522 33 v 01 cannon 0 004 @ 01097743 v 0000 + 02950482 n 0101 + 02950256 n 0101 + 09811852 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | fire a cannon
01134653 33 v 01 misfire 0 002 @ 00434374 v 0000 + 07421749 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | fail to fire or detonate; "The guns misfired"
01134781 33 v 02 blast 1 shoot 0 011 @ 01133825 v 0000 + 10593115 n 0202 + 00122954 n 0201 + 00122661 n 0201 ~ 01135086 v 0000 ~ 01135219 v 0000 ~ 01135501 v 0000 ~ 01135783 v 0000 ~ 01136614 v 0000 $ 01137138 v 0000 ~ 01155307 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 22 00 | fire a shot; "the gunman blasted away"
01135086 33 v 02 blaze_away 0 blaze 0 001 @ 01134781 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | shoot rapidly and repeatedly; "He blazed away at the men"
01135219 33 v 01 overshoot 0 004 * 01151110 v 0000 @ 01237901 v 0000 @ 01134781 v 0000 ! 01152532 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | shoot beyond or over (a target)
01135371 33 v 01 trigger 0 002 * 01133825 v 0000 + 03470629 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | release or pull the trigger on; "Trigger a gun"
01135501 33 v 02 sharpshoot 0 snipe 0 005 @ 01134781 v 0000 + 00124151 n 0201 + 10616899 n 0201 + 10586793 n 0101 + 10294953 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | aim and shoot with great precision
01135683 33 v 01 snipe 1 002 @ 01143838 v 0000 + 02031934 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | hunt or shoot snipe
01135783 33 v 02 open_fire 0 fire 1 003 @ 01134781 v 0000 + 00986938 n 0201 + 00986938 n 0202 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | start firing a weapon
01135922 33 v 02 blast 0 shell 0 006 @ 01131902 v 0000 + 04190464 n 0201 + 00987863 n 0205 + 07408171 n 0101 + 09859557 n 0101 ~ 01136393 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | use explosives on; "The enemy has been shelling us all day"
01136142 33 v 01 strafe 0 003 @ 01119169 v 0000 + 10660621 n 0101 + 01246334 n 0101 03 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | attack with machine guns or cannon fire from a low-flying plane; "civilians were strafed in an effort to force the country's surrender"
01136393 33 v 01 crump 0 001 @ 01135922 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | bombard with heavy shells
01136481 33 v 01 cannonade 0 002 @ 01119169 v 0000 + 00994623 n 0101 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 | attack with cannons or artillery
01136614 33 v 01 gun 0 009 @ 01134781 v 0000 + 00123430 n 0101 + 10152083 n 0104 + 10593392 n 0102 + 02746365 n 0103 + 03467984 n 0101 + 09811852 n 0103 ^ 01136964 v 0101 ~ 01136835 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | shoot with a gun
01136835 33 v 01 machine_gun 0 003 * 01137138 v 0000 @ 01136614 v 0000 + 03701391 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | shoot with a machine gun
01136964 33 v 01 gun_down 0 001 @ 01137138 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | strike down or shoot down
01137055 33 v 01 grass 0 001 @ 01137138 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | shoot down, of birds
01137138 33 v 03 shoot 1 hit 1 pip 1 010 $ 01134781 v 0000 $ 02484570 v 0000 @ 00069879 v 0000 + 00125629 n 0202 + 00122954 n 0101 + 10593115 n 0102 $ 01123887 v 0000 ~ 01136964 v 0000 ~ 01137055 v 0000 ~ 01137415 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | hit with a missile from a weapon
01137415 33 v 01 kneecap 0 001 @ 01137138 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | shoot in the kneecap, often done by terrorist groups as a warning; "They kneecapped the industrialist"
01137582 33 v 01 fusillade 0 002 @ 01133825 v 0000 + 00988320 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | attack with fusillade
01137696 33 v 01 defuse 0 003 @ 00173338 v 0000 + 00233614 n 0102 ! 01137829 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | remove the triggering device from
01137829 33 v 01 fuse 0 004 @ 02339413 v 0000 + 03407122 n 0101 + 03407369 n 0101 ! 01137696 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | equip with a fuse; provide with a fuse
01137983 33 v 01 torpedo 0 002 @ 01119169 v 0000 + 04456472 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | attack or hit with torpedoes
01138102 33 v 01 safeguard 0 002 @ 01128193 v 0000 + 00822970 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | make safe
01138204 33 v 07 ambush 0 scupper 0 bushwhack 0 waylay 0 lurk 0 ambuscade 0 lie_in_wait 0 006 @ 02637938 v 0000 + 01246926 n 0602 + 10277352 n 0501 + 09881748 n 0301 + 01246926 n 0101 + 09788073 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | wait in hiding to attack
01138446 33 v 01 bandy 0 001 @ 01090335 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | exchange blows
01138523 33 v 01 gamble 0 008 @ 01072949 v 0000 + 13342987 n 0101 + 10118844 n 0101 + 00430140 n 0101 ~ 01138733 v 0000 ~ 01138822 v 0000 ~ 01138911 v 0000 ~ 01155687 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | play games for money
01138733 33 v 01 dice 0 002 @ 01138523 v 0000 + 03191029 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | play dice
01138822 33 v 01 shoot_craps 0 001 @ 01138523 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | play a game of craps
01138911 33 v 01 play 1 004 $ 01156115 v 0000 @ 01138523 v 0000 + 00430140 n 0103 ~ 01139496 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | bet or wager (money); "He played $20 on the new horse"; "She plays the races"
01139104 33 v 06 bet_on 0 back 0 gage 0 stake 0 game 0 punt 0 006 @ 01155687 v 0000 + 09851876 n 0604 + 00430140 n 0502 + 13343526 n 0401 ~ 01139380 v 0000 ~ 01139623 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 13 00 | place a bet on; "Which horse are you backing?"; "I'm betting on the new horse"
01139380 33 v 01 ante 0 003 @ 01139104 v 0000 ;c 00488225 n 0000 + 13343917 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | place one's stake
01139496 33 v 01 underplay 0 002 @ 01138911 v 0000 ;c 00488225 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | play a card lower than (a held high card)
01139623 33 v 02 parlay 0 double_up 0 001 @ 01139104 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 13 00 | stake winnings from one bet on a subsequent wager
01139756 33 v 01 check 2 002 @ 01076615 v 0000 ;c 00488225 n 0000 01 + 02 00 | decline to initiate betting
01139865 33 v 02 bird 0 birdwatch 0 005 @ 02169352 v 0000 + 09856500 n 0201 + 10384214 n 0202 + 09856500 n 0102 + 01503061 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | watch and study birds in their natural habitat
01140065 33 v 01 crab 0 003 @ 01140794 v 0000 + 01976957 n 0101 + 07787715 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | fish for crab
01140184 33 v 01 seine 0 002 @ 01140794 v 0000 + 04168541 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | fish with a seine; catch fish with a seine
01140315 33 v 02 scallop 0 scollop 0 007 @ 01140794 v 0000 + 07654886 n 0203 + 01965889 n 0202 + 07797641 n 0202 + 01965889 n 0101 + 07654886 n 0102 + 07797641 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | fish for scallops
01140515 33 v 01 harpoon 0 003 @ 01439190 v 0000 + 10160913 n 0101 + 03495671 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | spear with a harpoon; "harpoon whales"
01140654 33 v 01 walk 1 004 @ 01072949 v 0000 ;c 00471613 n 0000 + 00127286 n 0102 $ 01113473 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | give a base on balls to
01140794 33 v 01 fish 0 019 @ 01439190 v 0000 + 07775375 n 0101 + 02512053 n 0101 + 10093658 n 0102 + 00454121 n 0101 + 00453935 n 0101 + 03350880 n 0101 ~ 01140065 v 0000 ~ 01140184 v 0000 ~ 01140315 v 0000 ~ 01141271 v 0000 ~ 01141413 v 0000 ~ 01141612 v 0000 ~ 01142070 v 0000 ~ 01143410 v 0000 ~ 01143614 v 0000 ~ 01143713 v 0000 ~ 01145468 v 0000 ~ 01382606 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 22 00 | catch or try to catch fish or shellfish; "I like to go fishing on weekends"
01141271 33 v 01 rail 0 001 @ 01140794 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | fish with a handline over the rails of a boat; "They are railing for fresh fish"
01141413 33 v 01 brail 0 001 @ 01140794 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | haul fish aboard with brails
01141504 33 v 02 fly-fish 0 flyfish 0 001 @ 01141612 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | fish with flies as lures
01141612 33 v 01 angle 0 005 @ 01140794 v 0000 + 02548247 n 0102 + 09793946 n 0101 ~ 01141504 v 0000 ~ 01141763 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | fish with a hook
01141763 33 v 01 troll 0 004 @ 01141612 v 0000 + 04486934 n 0101 + 00454493 n 0101 + 09793946 n 0102 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | angle with a hook and line drawn through the water
01141938 33 v 01 whale 0 004 @ 01143838 v 0000 + 02062744 n 0101 + 10775128 n 0101 + 04574471 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | hunt for whales
01142070 33 v 01 shrimp 0 004 @ 01140794 v 0000 + 07794159 n 0102 + 01986806 n 0101 + 04210288 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | fish for shrimp
01142203 33 v 02 still-hunt 0 ambush 1 003 @ 01143838 v 0000 + 01246926 n 0201 + 09788073 n 0201 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | hunt (quarry) by stalking and ambushing
01142363 33 v 01 turtle 0 002 @ 01143838 v 0000 + 10733705 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | hunt for turtles, especially as an occupation
01142490 33 v 01 drive 0 002 @ 01143838 v 0000 $ 01142636 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | hunting: chase from cover into more open ground; "drive the game"
01142636 33 v 01 drive 1 002 $ 01142490 v 0000 @ 01143838 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | hunting: search for game; "drive the forest"
01142761 33 v 01 rabbit 0 004 @ 01143838 v 0000 + 07666521 n 0101 + 14765324 n 0102 + 02324045 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | hunt rabbits
01142899 33 v 01 fowl 0 003 @ 01143838 v 0000 + 01789740 n 0102 ~ 01143028 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | hunt fowl in the forest
01143028 33 v 01 grouse 0 003 @ 01142899 v 0000 + 01795088 n 0101 + 07647115 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | hunt grouse
01143147 33 v 01 whelk 0 003 @ 01382917 v 0000 + 07782804 n 0101 + 01947396 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | gather whelk
01143266 33 v 01 poach 0 002 @ 01143838 v 0000 + 10444058 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | hunt illegally; "people are poaching elephants for their ivory"
01143410 33 v 01 net_fish 0 001 @ 01140794 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | fish with nets
01143498 33 v 01 seal 0 003 @ 01143838 v 0000 + 02076196 n 0101 + 14766040 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | hunt seals
01143614 33 v 01 shark 0 002 @ 01140794 v 0000 + 01482330 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | hunt shark
01143713 33 v 01 trawl 0 003 @ 01140794 v 0000 + 04475900 n 0101 + 04475749 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | fish with trawlers
01143838 33 v 04 hunt 0 run 2 hunt_down 0 track_down 0 026 $ 02092309 v 0000 @ 01480149 v 0000 + 00452293 n 0101 + 00622584 n 0101 + 10193026 n 0101 + 00452293 n 0102 + 00622584 n 0102 ~ 01135683 v 0000 ~ 01141938 v 0000 ~ 01142203 v 0000 ~ 01142363 v 0000 ~ 01142490 v 0000 ~ 01142636 v 0000 ~ 01142761 v 0000 ~ 01142899 v 0000 ~ 01143266 v 0000 ~ 01143498 v 0000 ~ 01144550 v 0000 $ 01144657 v 0000 ~ 01144873 v 0000 ~ 01145024 v 0000 ~ 01145365 v 0000 ~ 01145612 v 0000 ~ 01145766 v 0000 ~ 01145944 v 0000 ~ 02269894 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 | pursue for food or sport (as of wild animals); "Goering often hunted wild boars in Poland"; "The dogs are running deer"; "The Duke hunted in these woods"
01144550 33 v 01 ferret 0 002 @ 01143838 v 0000 + 02443484 n 0102 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | hunt with ferrets
01144657 33 v 01 hunt 2 006 $ 01143838 v 0000 @ 02153709 v 0000 + 00452293 n 0101 + 00622584 n 0101 + 10193026 n 0101 + 00452293 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | search (an area) for prey; "The King used to hunt these forests"
01144873 33 v 01 course 0 003 @ 01143838 v 0000 ;c 00455599 n 0000 + 00453126 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | hunt with hounds; "He often courses hares"
01145024 33 v 01 foxhunt 0 003 @ 01143838 v 0000 + 00453478 n 0102 + 00453478 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | hunt foxes, on horseback and with dogs
01145163 33 v 01 tree 0 002 @ 02001858 v 0000 + 13104059 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | chase an animal up a tree; "the hunters treed the bear with dogs and killed it"; "her dog likes to tree squirrels"
01145365 33 v 02 jacklight 0 jack 0 001 @ 01143838 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | hunt with a jacklight
01145468 33 v 01 still-fish 0 001 @ 01140794 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | fish with the line and bait resting still or stationary in the water
01145612 33 v 01 hawk 0 003 @ 01143838 v 0000 + 01605630 n 0101 + 10076604 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | hunt with hawks; "the tribes like to hawk in the desert"
01145766 33 v 01 falcon 0 004 @ 01143838 v 0000 + 01610955 n 0101 + 10076604 n 0101 + 05635448 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | hunt with falcons; "The tribes like to falcon in the desert"
01145944 33 v 01 fowl 1 003 @ 01143838 v 0000 + 10108240 n 0101 + 01789740 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | hunt fowl
01146051 33 v 03 strive 0 reach 0 strain 0 006 @ 02406916 v 0000 + 00624553 n 0301 + 00788766 n 0304 ~ 01146290 v 0000 ~ 01146382 v 0000 ~ 02507464 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | to exert much effort or energy; "straining our ears to hear"
01146290 33 v 01 extend_oneself 0 001 @ 01146051 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | strain to the utmost
01146382 33 v 02 kill_oneself 0 overexert_oneself 0 001 @ 01146051 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | strain oneself more than is healthy
01146507 33 v 01 bowl 0 004 @ 01072949 v 0000 + 02881546 n 0101 + 09869961 n 0101 ~ 01146697 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | engage in the sport of bowling; "My parents like to bowl on Friday nights"
01146697 33 v 01 skittle 0 002 @ 01146507 v 0000 + 03825271 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | play skittles
01146793 33 v 01 golf 0 004 @ 01072949 v 0000 + 10136959 n 0101 + 00127021 n 0101 + 00464894 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | play golf
01146918 33 v 01 fence 1 004 @ 01090335 v 0000 + 10085217 n 0101 + 01171644 n 0101 ~ 01147060 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | fight with fencing swords
01147060 33 v 03 parry 0 block 0 deflect 0 006 @ 01146918 v 0000 + 09860248 n 0201 + 00562398 n 0202 + 01074694 n 0201 + 00562398 n 0201 + 00135504 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | impede the movement of (an opponent or a ball); "block an attack"
01147296 33 v 01 bandy 1 003 @ 01072949 v 0000 ;c 00523513 n 0000 ~ 01147432 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | toss or strike a ball back and forth
01147432 33 v 01 shuttlecock 0 002 @ 01147296 v 0000 + 04212282 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | send or toss to and fro, like a shuttlecock
01147562 33 v 02 rule_out 0 rule_in 0 001 @ 00715868 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | include or exclude by determining judicially or in agreement with rules
01147709 33 v 01 foul 0 004 @ 01072949 v 0000 + 00770997 n 0101 ~ 01148101 v 0000 ~ 01148199 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | commit a foul; break the rules
01147855 33 v 01 foul 1 004 @ 01405044 v 0000 ;c 00471613 n 0000 + 00770997 n 0101 ~ 01404774 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | hit a foul ball
01147987 33 v 01 cannon 1 003 @ 01405044 v 0000 ;c 00499924 n 0000 + 00500449 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | make a cannon
01148101 33 v 01 hack 0 002 @ 01147709 v 0000 ;c 00470966 n 0000 01 + 09 00 | kick on the shins
01148199 33 v 01 hack 1 002 @ 01147709 v 0000 ;c 00480993 n 0000 01 + 09 00 | kick on the arms
01148296 33 v 01 cover 0 003 @ 01128193 v 0000 ~ 01148460 v 0000 $ 01148580 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | protect or defend (a position in a game); "he covered left field"
01148460 33 v 01 double-team 0 002 @ 01148296 v 0000 ;c 00523513 n 0000 01 + 09 00 | cover with two defensive players
01148580 33 v 01 cover d 002 $ 01148296 v 0000 @ 01128193 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | be responsible for guarding an opponent in a game
01148710 33 v 02 pull d root_for 0 001 @ 01148961 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | take sides with; align oneself with; show strong sympathy for; "We all rooted for the home team"; "I'm pulling for the underdog"; "Are you siding with the defender of the title?"
01148961 33 v 01 side 0 002 @ 00733632 v 0000 ~ 01148710 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | take sides for or against; "Who are you widing with?"; "I"m siding against the current candidate"
01149138 33 v 02 champion 0 defend 4 005 @ 02453889 v 0000 + 02525876 a 0202 + 09614684 n 0201 + 10677713 n 0103 + 09906538 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | protect or fight for as a champion
01149327 33 v 01 deploy 0 003 @ 01987160 v 0000 + 01143409 n 0101 ~ 01149470 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | place troops or weapons in battle formation
01149470 33 v 01 play 3 007 $ 01079873 v 0000 $ 01080064 v 0000 @ 01149327 v 0000 + 00430140 n 0103 ~ 01149868 v 0000 ~ 01150010 v 0000 ~ 02300549 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | put (a card or piece) into play during a game, or act strategically as if in a card game; "He is playing his cards close to his chest"; "The Democrats still have some cards to play before they will concede the electoral victory"
01149868 33 v 01 pitch 4 003 @ 01149470 v 0000 ;c 00488225 n 0000 + 00498558 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | lead (a card) and establish the trump suit
01150010 33 v 01 cover 7 002 @ 01149470 v 0000 ;c 00488225 n 0000 01 + 02 00 | play a higher card than the one previously played; "Smith covered again"
01150164 33 v 01 tackle 1 005 @ 01118449 v 0000 ;c 00468480 n 0000 + 10688070 n 0101 + 00561985 n 0101 + 10688238 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | seize and throw down an opponent player, who usually carries the ball
01150370 33 v 03 weight-lift 0 weightlift 0 press 0 004 @ 00099721 v 0000 + 00627013 n 0301 + 10773394 n 0201 + 00626188 n 0202 01 + 02 00 | lift weights; "This guy can press 300 pounds"
01150559 33 v 05 target 0 aim a place 3 direct 1 point a 007 @ 01151110 v 0000 + 08664443 n 0302 + 00815644 n 0201 + 05981230 n 0104 + 10470460 n 0103 ~ 01150981 v 0000 ~ 01153007 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 22 05 + 22 02 | intend (something) to move towards a certain goal; "He aimed his fists towards his opponent's face"; "criticism directed at her superior"; "direct your anger towards others, not towards yourself"
01150981 33 v 01 address 0 003 @ 01150559 v 0000 + 09769345 n 0101 + 07067591 n 0101 01 + 21 00 | direct a question at someone
01151110 33 v 05 aim 0 take 9 train 0 take_aim 0 direct 0 010 @ 01987160 v 0000 + 00815644 n 0101 ~ 01150559 v 0000 ~ 01151627 v 0000 ~ 01151753 v 0000 ~ 01151889 v 0000 ~ 01152040 v 0000 ~ 01152214 v 0000 ~ 01152896 v 0000 ~ 02199307 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 21 00 + 22 00 | point or cause to go (blows, weapons, or objects such as photographic equipment) towards; "Please don't aim at your little brother!"; "He trained his gun on the burglar"; "Don't train your camera on the women"; "Take a swipe at one's opponent"
01151627 33 v 01 draw_a_bead_on 0 001 @ 01151110 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | aim with a gun; "The hunter drew a bead on the rabbit"
01151753 33 v 01 hold 0 001 @ 01151110 v 0000 01 + 20 00 | aim, point, or direct; "Hold the fire extinguisher directly on the flames"
01151889 33 v 01 turn d 001 @ 01151110 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | direct at someone; "She turned a smile on me"; "They turned their flashlights on the car"
01152040 33 v 01 swing 0 002 @ 01151110 v 0000 + 01173660 n 0101 01 + 22 00 | hit or aim at with a sweeping arm movement; "The soccer player began to swing at the referee"
01152214 33 v 03 charge 1 level 1 point 0 002 $ 01152670 v 0000 @ 01151110 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | direct into a position for use; "point a gun"; "He charged his weapon at me"
01152396 33 v 01 hit 3 003 * 01151110 v 0000 @ 02524171 v 0000 + 00125629 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | hit the intended target or goal
01152532 33 v 01 undershoot 0 003 * 01134781 v 0000 @ 01237901 v 0000 ! 01135219 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | shoot short of or below (a target)
01152670 33 v 01 point 2 006 @ 02604760 v 0000 + 03974769 n 0101 + 06818121 n 0102 + 03150795 n 0102 + 03975232 n 0101 $ 01152214 v 0000 02 + 04 00 + 06 00 | be positionable in a specified manner; "The gun points with ease"
01152896 33 v 01 level 2 001 @ 01151110 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | aim at; "level criticism or charges at somebody"
01153007 33 v 03 range_in c home_in c zero_in c 001 @ 01150559 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | direct onto a point or target, especially by automatic navigational aids
01153165 33 v 02 retaliate 0 strike_back 4 003 @ 01123887 v 0000 + 01903160 a 0101 + 01235258 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | make a counterattack and return like for like, especially evil for evil; "The Empire strikes back"; "The Giants struck back and won the opener"; "The Israeli army retaliated for the Hamas bombing"
01153486 33 v 03 revenge 0 avenge 0 retaliate 1 007 @ 02499629 v 0000 + 01903160 a 0301 + 01235258 n 0301 + 09826074 n 0302 + 09826074 n 0201 + 01235258 n 0102 ~ 01153762 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | take revenge for a perceived wrong; "He wants to avenge the murder of his brother"
01153762 33 v 02 get_even 1 get_back 0 002 @ 01153486 v 0000 ~ 01153947 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | take revenge or even out a score; "I cannot accept the defeat--I want to get even"
01153947 33 v 04 pay_back 0 pay_off 0 get 0 fix 0 003 @ 01153762 v 0000 + 01235463 n 0103 $ 02344243 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 20 00 | take vengeance on or get even; "We'll get them!"; "That'll fix him good!"; "This time I got him"
01154175 33 v 02 retire 0 strike_out 0 003 > 01848465 v 0000 ;c 00471613 n 0000 + 00130347 n 0201 01 + 09 00 | cause to get out; "The pitcher retired three batters"; "the runner was put out at third base"
01154382 33 v 01 put_out 0 003 @ 01072949 v 0000 ;c 00471613 n 0000 + 00130093 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | retire; "he was put out at third base on a long throw from left field"
01154554 33 v 01 take_the_field 0 001 @ 02016523 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | go on the playing field, of a football team
01154669 33 v 01 croquet 0 002 @ 01072949 v 0000 + 00466880 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | play a game in which players hit a wooden ball through a series of hoops
01154825 33 v 01 mothproof 0 001 @ 01128193 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | protect from moths; "mothproof woollen clothes during the summer"
01154957 33 v 01 outplay 0 001 @ 01101913 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 11 00 | excel or defeat in a game; "The Knicks outplayed the Lakers"
01155090 33 v 03 overtake 0 catch a catch_up_with 0 003 * 01072262 v 0000 + 00340192 n 0102 $ 02018372 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 11 00 | catch up with and possibly overtake; "The Rolls Royce caught us near the exit ramp"
01155307 33 v 01 pump 0 001 @ 01134781 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | deliver forth; "pump bullets into the dummy"
01155421 33 v 01 fort 0 003 @ 01088923 v 0000 + 03420559 n 0102 + 03386011 n 0102 01 + 09 00 | station (troops) in a fort
01155545 33 v 01 rise 0 001 @ 02569630 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | exert oneself to meet a challenge; "rise to a challenge"; "rise to the occasion"
01155687 33 v 03 bet 0 wager 0 play 8 014 @ 01138523 v 0000 + 00430140 n 0303 + 13343526 n 0204 + 00506658 n 0202 + 09851876 n 0203 + 09851876 n 0101 + 13343526 n 0103 + 00506658 n 0101 + 09851876 n 0102 ~ 01139104 v 0000 $ 01156115 v 0000 ~ 01156115 v 0000 ~ 01156291 v 0000 ~ 01156568 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | stake on the outcome of an issue; "I bet $100 on that new horse"; "She played all her money on the dark horse"
01156115 33 v 01 play 7 004 $ 01155687 v 0000 @ 01155687 v 0000 + 00430140 n 0103 $ 01138911 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make bets; "Play the races"; "play the casinos in Trouville"
01156291 33 v 01 raise 8 002 @ 01155687 v 0000 ;c 00488225 n 0000 01 + 09 00 | bet more than the previous player
01156406 33 v 01 raise 9 004 @ 02300060 v 0000 ;c 00490569 n 0000 + 00803208 n 0101 + 10505613 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | bid (one's partner's suit) at a higher level
01156568 33 v 01 see 0 002 @ 01155687 v 0000 ;c 00488225 n 0000 01 + 09 00 | match or meet; "I saw the bet of one of my fellow players"
01156706 33 v 01 drop_one's_serve 0 002 @ 01099592 v 0000 ;c 00482298 n 0000 01 + 02 00 | lose a game in which one is serving
01156834 34 v 05 consume 0 ingest 0 take_in 0 take 0 have 0 022 ^ 01197980 v 0404 + 00838098 n 0202 + 01867502 a 0101 + 00838098 n 0101 + 09612848 n 0101 ! 01196037 v 0101 ~ 01157421 v 0000 ~ 01162291 v 0000 ~ 01165043 v 0000 ~ 01166351 v 0000 ~ 01168468 v 0000 ~ 01170052 v 0000 ~ 01171183 v 0000 ~ 01172701 v 0000 ~ 01179865 v 0000 ~ 01193721 v 0000 ~ 01195299 v 0000 ~ 01197980 v 0000 ~ 01198101 v 0000 ~ 01200440 v 0000 ~ 01201856 v 0000 ~ 01205459 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | serve oneself to, or consume regularly; "Have another bowl of chicken soup!"; "I don't take sugar in my coffee"
01157421 34 v 01 hit 0 001 @ 01156834 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | consume to excess; "hit the bottle"
01157517 34 v 08 consume 1 eat_up 3 use_up 0 eat d deplete 0 exhaust 0 run_through 0 wipe_out 0 013 @ 02267060 v 0000 + 00356621 n 0601 + 14017332 n 0501 + 00356199 n 0501 + 01867502 a 0101 + 00932829 a 0101 ~ 00561714 v 0000 ~ 01158022 v 0000 ~ 01191645 v 0000 ~ 01205000 v 0000 ~ 02267529 v 0000 $ 02267989 v 0000 ~ 02280869 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 22 04 | use up (resources or materials); "this car consumes a lot of gas"; "We exhausted our savings"; "They run through 20 bottles of wine a week"
01158022 34 v 01 drain 0 002 @ 01157517 v 0000 + 01062255 n 0101 03 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | deplete of resources; "The exercise class drains me of energy"
01158181 34 v 04 consume 2 squander 0 waste 0 ware 0 010 @ 02267060 v 0000 + 00742645 n 0301 + 10769459 n 0302 + 10479561 n 0203 + 00743822 n 0201 ~ 01195804 v 0000 ~ 01204803 v 0000 ~ 02264601 v 0000 ~ 02266317 v 0000 ~ 02269003 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 02 03 | spend extravagantly; "waste not, want not"
01158484 34 v 01 spare 0 001 @ 01158572 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | use frugally or carefully
01158572 34 v 02 use 0 expend 0 009 * 01157517 v 0000 + 00356367 n 0203 + 13451804 n 0104 ^ 01157517 v 0103 ~ 00203213 v 0000 ~ 00203556 v 0000 ~ 01158484 v 0000 ~ 02267989 v 0000 ~ 02268351 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | use up, consume fully; "The legislature expended its time on school questions"
01158872 34 v 05 use 1 utilize 0 utilise 0 apply 0 employ 0 044 $ 02561332 v 0000 > 02676789 v 0000 + 00947128 n 0505 + 01834812 a 0401 + 01834812 a 0402 + 00949134 n 0401 + 00947128 n 0304 + 05148699 n 0301 + 02497013 a 0201 + 00947128 n 0203 + 10743124 n 0201 + 05148699 n 0201 + 02496674 a 0101 + 02124253 a 0103 + 00777650 a 0103 + 02496674 a 0102 + 02124253 a 0102 + 00777650 a 0102 + 00947128 n 0101 + 10741590 n 0101 + 00947128 n 0102 ~ 00887463 v 0000 ~ 01079873 v 0000 ~ 01080064 v 0000 ~ 01160193 v 0000 ~ 01160370 v 0000 ~ 01160806 v 0000 ~ 01160899 v 0000 ~ 01161087 v 0000 ~ 01161290 v 0000 ~ 01161561 v 0000 ~ 01161695 v 0000 ~ 01162143 v 0000 ~ 01162425 v 0000 ~ 01162754 v 0000 ~ 01164273 v 0000 ~ 01165579 v 0000 ~ 01166093 v 0000 ~ 01192510 v 0000 ~ 01842690 v 0000 ~ 02295550 v 0000 ~ 02407987 v 0000 ~ 02408965 v 0000 ~ 02590072 v 0000 06 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 + 15 00 + 21 00 + 24 00 | put into service; make work or employ for a particular purpose or for its inherent or natural purpose; "use your head!"; "we only use Spanish at home"; "I can't use this tool"; "Apply a magnetic field here"; "This thinking was applied to many projects"; "How do you utilize this tool?"; "I apply this rule to get good results"; "use the plastic bags to store the food"; "He doesn't know how to use a computer"
01160193 34 v 01 pull_out_all_the_stops 0 001 @ 01158872 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | use all resources available; "The organizers pulled out all the stops for the centennial meeting"
01160370 34 v 02 put 0 assign 0 002 @ 01158872 v 0000 ~ 01160645 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | attribute or give; "She put too much emphasis on her the last statement"; "He put all his efforts into this job"; "The teacher put an interesting twist to the interpretation of the story"
01160645 34 v 01 repose 0 001 @ 01160370 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | put or confide something in a person or thing; "These philosophers reposed the law in the people"
01160806 34 v 01 ply 1 001 @ 01158872 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | use diligently; "ply your wits!"
01160899 34 v 01 address 0 002 @ 01158872 v 0000 + 00183932 a 0101 02 + 15 00 + 20 00 | address or apply oneself to something, direct one's efforts towards something, such as a question
01161087 34 v 01 waste 5 003 @ 01158872 v 0000 + 04894964 n 0102 + 00742645 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | use inefficiently or inappropriately; "waste heat"; "waste a joke on an unappreciative audience"
01161290 34 v 02 misapply 0 misuse 0 003 @ 01158872 v 0000 + 00947719 n 0201 + 00949516 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | apply to a wrong thing or person; apply badly or incorrectly; "The words are misapplied in this context"; "You are misapplying the name of this religious group"
01161561 34 v 01 avail 0 001 @ 01158872 v 0000 01 + 20 00 | use to one's advantage; "He availed himself of the available resources"
01161695 34 v 02 overuse 0 overdrive 0 002 @ 01158872 v 0000 + 00951433 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | make use of too often or too extensively
01161830 34 v 01 take_in_vain 0 001 @ 00203213 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | use a name, such as God, without proper respect
01161947 34 v 03 work_through 0 run_through 1 go_through 1 003 @ 02413480 v 0000 + 00897506 n 0201 ~ 02374282 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | apply thoroughly; think through; "We worked through an example"
01162143 34 v 02 cannibalize 1 cannibalise 1 002 * 01657977 v 0000 @ 01158872 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | use parts of something to repair something else
01162291 34 v 02 cannibalize 0 cannibalise 0 003 @ 01156834 v 0000 + 09891079 n 0201 + 09891079 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | eat human flesh
01162425 34 v 03 recycle 0 reprocess 0 reuse 0 004 @ 01158872 v 0000 + 00948868 n 0101 ~ 01162629 v 0000 ~ 02226833 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | use again after processing; "We must recycle the cardboard boxes"
01162629 34 v 01 rehash 0 002 @ 01162425 v 0000 + 06635759 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | present or use over, with no or few changes
01162754 34 v 02 exploit 0 work a 013 @ 01158872 v 0000 + 01867768 a 0103 + 01867768 a 0101 + 01867768 a 0102 + 00418903 n 0101 + 00948206 n 0101 + 10072546 n 0101 ~ 01163197 v 0000 ~ 01163355 v 0000 ~ 01193569 v 0000 ~ 01203715 v 0000 $ 02116980 v 0000 ~ 02600490 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | use or manipulate to one's advantage; "He exploit the new taxation system"; "She knows how to work the system"; "he works his parents for sympathy"
01163197 34 v 01 make_hay 0 001 @ 01162754 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | turn to one's advantage; "The environmentalist lobby made hay of the nuclear plant accident"
01163355 34 v 01 play d 002 @ 01162754 v 0000 + 00556313 n 0103 01 + 22 00 | use to one's advantage; "She plays on her clients' emotions"
01163495 34 v 01 harness 0 001 @ 01164273 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | exploit the power of; "harness natural forces and resources"
01163620 34 v 01 mine 0 007 * 01309701 v 0000 @ 01164273 v 0000 ;c 00922327 n 0000 + 03768346 n 0101 + 10319796 n 0101 + 00922327 n 0101 ~ 01164081 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | get from the earth by excavation; "mine ores and metals"
01163847 34 v 01 quarry 0 006 * 01309701 v 0000 @ 01164273 v 0000 ;c 00922968 n 0000 + 03949442 n 0102 + 10498551 n 0102 + 00922968 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | extract (something such as stones) from or as if from a quarry; "quarry marble"
01164081 34 v 03 strip_mine 0 surface_mine 0 surface-mine 0 004 @ 01163620 v 0000 ;c 00922327 n 0000 + 10664235 n 0101 + 04340231 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | extract (ore) from a strip-mine
01164273 34 v 02 exploit 1 tap 0 009 @ 01158872 v 0000 + 00948206 n 0101 ~ 00428870 v 0000 ~ 01163495 v 0000 ~ 01163620 v 0000 ~ 01163847 v 0000 ~ 01164568 v 0000 ~ 01164725 v 0000 ~ 01164906 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | draw from; make good use of; "we must exploit the resources we are given wisely"
01164568 34 v 01 overexploit 0 002 @ 01164273 v 0000 + 00951433 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | exploit excessively; "We should not overexploit our natural resources"
01164725 34 v 01 commercialize 0 001 @ 01164273 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | exploit for maximal profit, usually by sacrificing quality; "The hotel owners are commercializing the beaches"
01164906 34 v 01 milk 0 001 @ 01164273 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | exploit as much as possible; "I am milking this for all it's worth"
01165043 34 v 02 use 2 habituate 0 007 @ 01156834 v 0000 + 05669034 n 0201 + 00414179 n 0201 + 00947128 n 0101 + 10036266 n 0103 ~ 01172275 v 0000 ~ 01177118 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | take or consume (regularly or habitually); "She uses drugs rarely"
01165290 34 v 02 addict 0 hook 0 008 @ 00273445 v 0000 * 01165043 v 0000 + 05695232 n 0203 + 00047786 a 0101 + 00087849 n 0101 + 14062725 n 0101 + 09769076 n 0101 + 09768830 n 0101 01 + 20 00 | to cause (someone or oneself) to become dependent (on something, especially a narcotic drug)
01165579 34 v 02 strain 0 extend 0 006 @ 01158872 v 0000 + 00788766 n 0104 + 00624553 n 0101 + 00624553 n 0102 ~ 01165898 v 0000 ~ 01166237 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | use to the utmost; exert vigorously or to full capacity; "He really extended himself when he climbed Kilimanjaro"; "Don't strain your mind too much"
01165898 34 v 02 overstrain 0 overextend 0 002 @ 01165579 v 0000 + 11515644 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | strain excessively; "He overextended himself when he accepted the additional assignment"
01166093 34 v 02 exert 0 exercise 0 002 @ 01158872 v 0000 + 00947128 n 0206 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | put to use; "exert one's power or influence"
01166237 34 v 02 tax 0 task 0 001 @ 01165579 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | use to the limit; "you are taxing my patience"
01166351 34 v 01 eat 1 022 @ 01156834 v 0000 + 10042300 n 0101 + 00838367 n 0101 ^ 01167537 v 0101 ^ 01167640 v 0101 ^ 01196802 v 0101 ~ 01166940 v 0000 ~ 01167188 v 0000 ~ 01167537 v 0000 ~ 01167640 v 0000 ~ 01167981 v 0000 ~ 01168259 v 0000 $ 01168468 v 0000 ~ 01168468 v 0000 ~ 01172545 v 0000 ~ 01173405 v 0000 ~ 01176079 v 0000 ~ 01185304 v 0000 ~ 01185604 v 0000 ~ 01185740 v 0000 ~ 01185981 v 0000 ~ 01193099 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | eat a meal; take a meal; "We did not eat until 10 P.M. because there were so many phone calls"; "I didn't eat yet, so I gladly accept your invitation"
01166940 34 v 02 take_out 0 take_away 0 003 @ 01166351 v 0000 + 07594511 n 0203 + 07594511 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | buy and consume food from a restaurant or establishment that sells prepared food; "We'll take out pizza, since I am too tired to cook"
01167188 34 v 01 victual 0 002 @ 01166351 v 0000 + 07556637 n 0105 01 + 02 00 | take in nourishment
01167290 34 v 01 wash_down 0 001 @ 01168468 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | eat food accompanied by lots of liquid; also use metaphorically; "She washed down her dinner with a bottle of red wine"; "He washes down his worries with a nightly glass of whisky"
01167537 34 v 02 eat_in 0 dine_in 0 002 @ 01166351 v 0000 ! 01167640 v 0101 01 + 02 00 | eat at home
01167640 34 v 02 eat_out 0 dine_out 0 002 @ 01166351 v 0000 ! 01167537 v 0101 01 + 02 00 | eat at a restaurant or at somebody else's home
01167780 34 v 01 dine 2 005 @ 01178565 v 0000 + 08253815 n 0101 + 07575726 n 0101 + 03199647 n 0101 + 03200357 n 0102 01 + 09 00 | give dinner to; host for dinner; "I'm wining and dining my friends"
01167981 34 v 01 dine 1 009 @ 01166351 v 0000 + 08253815 n 0101 + 07575726 n 0101 + 10013242 n 0101 + 03199647 n 0101 + 03200357 n 0102 + 00840517 n 0101 ^ 01167537 v 0102 ^ 01167640 v 0102 01 + 02 00 | have supper; eat dinner; "We often dine with friends in this restaurant"
01168259 34 v 01 picnic 0 004 @ 01166351 v 0000 + 07576438 n 0101 + 10432189 n 0101 + 10432189 n 0102 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | eat alfresco, in the open air; "We picnicked near the lake on this gorgeous Sunday"
01168468 34 v 01 eat 0 026 $ 01166351 v 0000 $ 01179865 v 0000 @ 01166351 v 0000 * 01201089 v 0000 * 01201856 v 0000 @ 01156834 v 0000 + 10042300 n 0101 + 07708260 n 0101 + 00838367 n 0101 ~ 01167290 v 0000 ~ 01169067 v 0000 ~ 01169205 v 0000 ~ 01169328 v 0000 ~ 01172969 v 0000 ~ 01173057 v 0000 ~ 01173656 v 0000 ~ 01173813 v 0000 ~ 01173933 v 0000 ~ 01174099 v 0000 ~ 01174294 v 0000 ~ 01174555 v 0000 ~ 01192312 v 0000 ~ 01196653 v 0000 ~ 01196802 v 0000 ~ 01197014 v 0000 ~ 01203893 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | take in solid food; "She was eating a banana"; "What did you eat for dinner last night?"
01169067 34 v 03 gluttonize 0 gluttonise 0 fress 0 002 @ 01168468 v 0000 + 10132988 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | eat a lot and without restraint
01169205 34 v 02 wolf 0 wolf_down 0 001 @ 01168468 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | eat hastily; "The teenager wolfed down the pizza"
01169328 34 v 01 slurp 0 001 @ 01168468 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | eat noisily; "He slurped his soup"
01169433 34 v 02 swill 0 swill_down 0 002 @ 01170052 v 0000 + 00843325 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | drink large quantities of (liquid, especially alcoholic drink)
01169589 34 v 01 drench 0 003 > 01170052 v 0000 @ 01182709 v 0000 ;c 00015388 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | force to drink
01169704 34 v 01 suck 4 007 @ 01170052 v 0000 + 00842692 n 0102 + 00842692 n 0103 + 10672066 n 0101 + 00842692 n 0101 ^ 01197980 v 0103 $ 01186428 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | draw into the mouth by creating a practical vacuum in the mouth; "suck the poison from the place where the snake bit"; "suck on a straw"; "the baby sucked on the mother's breast"
01170052 34 v 02 drink 0 imbibe 0 020 @ 01156834 v 0000 + 00843128 n 0203 + 10034201 n 0202 + 00843128 n 0202 + 07881800 n 0102 + 00839778 n 0102 + 07885223 n 0101 + 10034614 n 0101 + 00843128 n 0101 ^ 01175937 v 0102 ^ 01202374 v 0107 ~ 01169433 v 0000 ~ 01169704 v 0000 ~ 01170566 v 0000 ~ 01170687 v 0000 ~ 01170824 v 0000 ~ 01170983 v 0000 ~ 01175937 v 0000 ~ 01202068 v 0000 ~ 01202374 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | take in liquids; "The patient must drink several liters each day"; "The children like to drink soda"
01170566 34 v 02 guggle 0 gurgle 0 001 @ 01170052 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | drink from a flask with a gurgling sound
01170687 34 v 01 sip 0 003 @ 01170052 v 0000 + 10601362 n 0101 + 00843494 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | drink in sips; "She was sipping her tea"
01170824 34 v 01 guzzle 0 002 @ 01170052 v 0000 + 00843325 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | drink greedily or as if with great thirst; "The boys guzzled the cheap vodka"
01170983 34 v 03 lap 0 lap_up 0 lick 0 002 @ 01170052 v 0000 + 00150591 n 0102 01 + 11 00 | take up with the tongue; "The cat lapped up the milk"; "the cub licked the milk from its mother's breast"
01171183 34 v 03 drink 1 booze 0 fuddle 0 015 $ 01172275 v 0000 @ 01156834 v 0000 + 09782167 n 0204 + 07901587 n 0203 + 00748515 n 0101 + 10034201 n 0101 + 00748515 n 0102 ~ 01171563 v 0000 ~ 01171661 v 0000 ~ 01171799 v 0000 ~ 01171941 v 0000 ~ 01172114 v 0000 ~ 01190277 v 0000 ~ 01190840 v 0000 ~ 01205153 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | consume alcohol; "We were up drinking all night"
01171563 34 v 01 tank 0 001 @ 01171183 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | consume excessive amounts of alcohol
01171661 34 v 01 port 0 002 @ 01171183 v 0000 + 07900825 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | drink port; "We were porting all in the club after dinner"
01171799 34 v 01 claret 0 002 @ 01171183 v 0000 + 07895435 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | drink claret; "They were clareting until well past midnight"
01171941 34 v 02 pub-crawl 0 bar_hop 0 001 @ 01171183 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | go from one pub to the next and get progressively more drunk; "he pub-crawled around Birmingham"
01172114 34 v 02 tipple 0 bib 0 003 @ 01171183 v 0000 + 10712690 n 0101 + 07883980 n 0104 01 + 02 00 | drink moderately but regularly; "We tippled the cognac"
01172275 34 v 02 drink 2 tope 0 007 @ 01165043 v 0000 + 10034201 n 0203 + 00748515 n 0101 + 10037385 n 0101 + 10034201 n 0101 + 00748515 n 0102 $ 01171183 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | drink excessive amounts of alcohol; be an alcoholic; "The husband drinks and beats his wife"
01172545 34 v 01 break_bread 0 001 @ 01166351 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | have a meal, usually with company; "The early Christian disciples broke bread together"
01172701 34 v 02 partake d touch 0 002 @ 01156834 v 0000 ~ 01172838 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | consume; "She didn't touch her food all night"
01172838 34 v 01 receive 0 002 @ 01172701 v 0000 ;c 06226057 n 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | partake of the Holy Eucharist sacrament
01172969 34 v 01 fare 0 002 @ 01168468 v 0000 + 07560652 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | eat well
01173057 34 v 02 pitch_in 0 dig_in 0 001 @ 01168468 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | eat heartily; "The food was placed on the table and the children pitched in"
01173208 34 v 03 tuck_in 0 tuck_away 0 put_away 0 002 @ 01196802 v 0000 * 01166351 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | eat up; usually refers to a considerable quantity of food; "My son tucked in a whole pizza"
01173405 34 v 02 nosh 0 snack 0 006 @ 01166351 v 0000 + 10362765 n 0202 + 07577374 n 0203 + 10362765 n 0101 + 07577538 n 0101 ~ 01174742 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | eat a snack; eat lightly; "She never loses weight because she snacks between meals"
01173656 34 v 03 pick_at 0 peck_at 0 peck 1 001 @ 01168468 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 02 + 08 01 | eat like a bird; "The anorexic girl just picks at her food"
01173813 34 v 02 peck 0 pick_up 0 002 @ 01168468 v 0000 + 01758308 n 0105 01 + 11 00 | eat by pecking at, like a bird
01173933 34 v 02 gobble 0 bolt 0 003 @ 01168468 v 0000 + 10134282 n 0101 ^ 01174099 v 0102 01 + 08 00 | eat hastily without proper chewing; "Don't bolt your food!"
01174099 34 v 04 garbage_down 0 gobble_up 0 shovel_in 0 bolt_down 0 001 @ 01168468 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | eat a large amount of food quickly; "The children gobbled down most of the birthday cake"
01174294 34 v 03 nibble 1 pick 0 piece 0 004 @ 01168468 v 0000 + 07654667 n 0301 + 13625884 n 0102 + 10357484 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | eat intermittently; take small bites of; "He pieced at the sandwich all morning"; "She never eats a full meal--she just nibbles"
01174555 34 v 01 ruminate 0 006 @ 01168468 v 0000 ;c 02399000 n 0000 + 02789920 a 0101 + 00279377 n 0101 + 02399424 n 0101 + 02399000 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | chew the cuds; "cows ruminate"
01174742 34 v 02 browse 0 graze 2 003 @ 01173405 v 0000 + 00841091 n 0201 + 00839023 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | eat lightly, try different dishes; "There was so much food at the party that we quickly got sated just by browsing"
01174973 34 v 02 chomp 0 champ 0 003 @ 01201089 v 0000 + 00279136 n 0101 + 00838816 n 0102 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | chew noisily; "The boy chomped his sandwich"
01175132 34 v 01 champ 1 001 @ 01201089 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | chafe at the bit, like horses
01175224 34 v 02 mumble 0 gum 0 004 @ 01201089 v 0000 + 05304932 n 0202 + 00279235 n 0202 + 00279235 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | grind with the gums; chew without teeth and with great difficulty; "the old man had no teeth left and mumbled his food"
01175467 34 v 05 toast 0 drink c pledge 0 salute 0 wassail 0 009 * 01171183 v 0000 @ 02546075 v 0000 + 07931280 n 0501 + 10713502 n 0502 + 06688913 n 0401 + 06688913 n 0402 + 07884413 n 0301 + 07884413 n 0102 ~ 01175810 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 22 02 | propose a toast to; "Let us toast the birthday girl!"; "Let's drink to the New Year"
01175810 34 v 01 give a 001 @ 01175467 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | propose; "He gave the first of many toasts at the birthday party"
01175937 34 v 02 drain_the_cup 0 drink_up 0 001 @ 01170052 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | drink to the last drop; "drink up--there's more wine coming"
01176079 34 v 01 mess 0 005 @ 01166351 v 0000 ;c 08199025 n 0000 + 03751065 n 0101 + 07565608 n 0101 + 07650792 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | eat in a mess hall
01176232 34 v 02 regale 0 treat 0 006 @ 01182709 v 0000 + 07557165 n 0205 ~ 01176567 v 0000 ~ 01176734 v 0000 ~ 01182152 v 0000 $ 02261642 v 0000 03 + 09 00 + 17 00 + 20 00 | provide with choice or abundant food or drink; "Don't worry about the expensive wine--I'm treating"; "She treated her houseguests with good food every night"
01176567 34 v 01 wine 1 003 @ 01176232 v 0000 + 07891726 n 0101 + 04592465 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | treat to wine; "Our relatives in Italy wined and dined us for a week"
01176734 34 v 01 alcoholize 0 001 @ 01176232 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | subject to the influence of alcohol; "After we finished dinner, we were thoroughly alcoholized"
01176897 34 v 01 board 0 006 @ 01182709 v 0000 * 01178565 v 0000 + 07565259 n 0101 + 03201208 n 0102 $ 01177118 v 0000 ~ 01177314 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | provide food and lodging (for); "The old lady is boarding three men"
01177118 34 v 01 board 1 007 $ 01176897 v 0000 * 01156834 v 0000 @ 01165043 v 0000 + 07565259 n 0101 + 03201208 n 0102 + 09862345 n 0101 + 10269458 n 0102 01 + 22 00 | lodge and take meals (at)
01177314 34 v 02 live_in 0 sleep_in 0 002 @ 01176897 v 0000 ! 01177505 v 0101 01 + 02 00 | live in the house where one works; "our babysitter lives in, as it is too far to commute for her"
01177505 34 v 02 live_out 0 sleep_out 0 002 @ 02061846 v 0000 ! 01177314 v 0101 01 + 02 00 | work in a house where one does not live; "our cook lives out; he can easily commute from his home"
01177699 34 v 01 forage 0 003 @ 01179865 v 0000 + 07801091 n 0102 ~ 01203500 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | wander and feed; "The animals forage in the woods"
01177857 34 v 01 raven 1 001 @ 01179865 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | feed greedily; "The lions ravened the bodies"
01177973 34 v 01 scavenge 0 002 @ 01178565 v 0000 + 01316422 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | feed on carrion or refuse; "hyenas scavenge"
01178101 34 v 01 fodder 0 002 @ 01178565 v 0000 + 07800740 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | give fodder (to domesticated animals)
01178220 34 v 02 slop 0 swill 1 003 @ 01178565 v 0000 + 07805006 n 0203 + 07805006 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | feed pigs
01178335 34 v 01 regurgitate 0 001 @ 01178565 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | feed through the beak by regurgitating previously swallowed food; "many birds feed their young by regurgitating what they have swallowed and carried to the nest"
01178565 34 v 02 feed 1 give 0 024 > 01168468 v 0000 @ 01182709 v 0000 + 01086081 n 0201 + 04169707 n 0102 + 01057759 n 0101 ! 01187740 v 0101 ~ 01167780 v 0000 ~ 01177973 v 0000 ~ 01178101 v 0000 ~ 01178220 v 0000 ~ 01178335 v 0000 ~ 01179155 v 0000 ~ 01179276 v 0000 ~ 01179530 v 0000 ~ 01179638 v 0000 ~ 01179740 v 0000 ~ 01185475 v 0000 ~ 01185875 v 0000 ~ 01186428 v 0000 ~ 01187271 v 0000 ~ 01195201 v 0000 ~ 01204191 v 0000 ~ 01204439 v 0000 ~ 01576478 v 0000 03 + 09 00 + 14 02 + 15 02 | give food to; "Feed the starving children in India"; "don't give the child this tough meat"
01179155 34 v 01 corn 0 003 @ 01178565 v 0000 + 12144580 n 0101 + 12143676 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | feed (cattle) with corn
01179276 34 v 02 undernourish 0 malnourish 0 003 @ 01178565 v 0000 + 14040490 n 0202 + 14040490 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | provide with insufficient quality or quantity of nourishment; "The stunted growth of these children shows that they are undernourished"
01179530 34 v 01 overfeed 0 002 @ 01178565 v 0000 + 01059096 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | feed excessively
01179638 34 v 01 spoonfeed 0 002 @ 01178565 v 0000 + 01059189 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | feed with a spoon
01179740 34 v 01 force-feed 0 002 @ 01178565 v 0000 + 01058291 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | feed someone who will not or cannot eat
01179865 34 v 02 feed 0 eat 2 010 @ 01156834 v 0000 + 00838367 n 0201 + 07800091 n 0101 + 10042300 n 0102 + 00838367 n 0102 $ 01168468 v 0000 ~ 01177699 v 0000 ~ 01177857 v 0000 ~ 01187385 v 0000 ~ 01576165 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | take in food; used of animals only; "This dog doesn't eat certain kinds of meat"; "What do whales eat?"
01180206 34 v 01 feed 2 002 @ 01182709 v 0000 + 07800091 n 0101 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | serve as food for; be the food for; "This dish feeds six"
01180351 34 v 05 serve 0 serve_up 0 dish_out 0 dish_up 0 dish 0 006 @ 01182709 v 0000 + 13766896 n 0501 + 07557434 n 0501 + 03206908 n 0501 ~ 01180701 v 0000 $ 01181295 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | provide (usually but not necessarily food); "We serve meals for the homeless"; "She dished out the soup at 8 P.M."; "The entertainers served up a lively show"
01180701 34 v 01 plank 0 002 @ 01180351 v 0000 + 15101854 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | cook and serve on a plank; "Planked vegetable"; "Planked shad"
01180844 34 v 01 cater 1 002 @ 01182709 v 0000 + 09901642 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | supply food ready to eat; for parties and banquets
01180975 34 v 03 pander 0 pimp 0 procure 0 005 @ 01182709 v 0000 + 10433737 n 0302 + 10433737 n 0201 + 10433737 n 0104 + 10433737 n 0103 01 + 02 00 | arrange for sexual partners for others
01181166 34 v 01 feed 3 002 @ 02327200 v 0000 + 09278997 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | feed into; supply; "Her success feeds her vanity"
01181295 34 v 02 serve 1 help 0 006 $ 01180351 v 0000 @ 01182709 v 0000 + 07578363 n 0201 + 10763383 n 0102 + 04175039 n 0101 + 07578363 n 0103 01 + 09 00 | help to some food; help with food or drink; "I served him three times, and after that he helped himself"
01181559 34 v 01 power 0 003 @ 01182709 v 0000 + 11453016 n 0101 ~ 01181741 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | supply the force or power for the functioning of; "The gasoline powers the engines"
01181741 34 v 01 drive 7 003 @ 01181559 v 0000 + 06574473 n 0101 + 03242995 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | cause to function by supplying the force or power for or by controlling; "The amplifier drives the tube"; "steam drives the engines"; "this device drives the disks for the computer"
01182021 34 v 01 feed 4 002 @ 01182709 v 0000 + 01057759 n 0101 02 + 14 00 + 15 00 | provide as food; "Feed the guests the nuts"
01182152 34 v 02 feed 5 feast 2 002 @ 01176232 v 0000 + 07290144 n 0201 02 + 09 00 + 21 00 | gratify; "feed one's eyes on a gorgeous view"
01182293 34 v 03 gratify 0 pander d indulge 0 008 @ 01182709 v 0000 + 04638585 n 0301 + 01073241 n 0302 + 10395926 n 0201 + 01072780 n 0101 ~ 00859604 v 0000 ~ 01182559 v 0000 ~ 01192179 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | yield (to); give satisfaction to
01182559 34 v 01 spree 0 002 @ 01182293 v 0000 + 00510475 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | engage without restraint in an activity and indulge, as when shopping
01182709 34 v 04 provide 0 supply 0 ply 0 cater 0 027 @ 02199590 v 0000 + 09901642 n 0401 + 01057200 n 0202 + 13777344 n 0201 + 01057200 n 0101 + 10486349 n 0101 ~ 01088749 v 0000 ~ 01169589 v 0000 ~ 01176232 v 0000 ~ 01176897 v 0000 ~ 01178565 v 0000 ~ 01180206 v 0000 ~ 01180351 v 0000 ~ 01180844 v 0000 ~ 01180975 v 0000 ~ 01181295 v 0000 ~ 01181559 v 0000 ~ 01182021 v 0000 ~ 01182293 v 0000 ~ 01183424 v 0000 ~ 01183573 v 0000 ~ 01184058 v 0000 ~ 01184333 v 0000 ~ 01184453 v 0000 ~ 01202728 v 0000 ~ 01203369 v 0000 ~ 01204677 v 0000 06 + 08 00 + 21 00 + 27 04 + 17 03 + 17 02 + 17 01 | give what is desired or needed, especially support, food or sustenance; "The hostess provided lunch for all the guests"
01183424 34 v 01 underlay 0 001 @ 01182709 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | provide with a base, support, lining, or backing; "underlay the boards with joists"
01183573 34 v 05 meet 0 satisfy 1 fill 2 fulfill 0 fulfil 0 012 @ 01182709 v 0000 + 07532112 n 0502 + 07532112 n 0401 + 13580723 n 0301 + 01124768 a 0201 + 02080577 a 0201 + 01072565 n 0201 + 09424489 n 0201 ~ 01183896 v 0000 ~ 01194114 v 0000 ~ 01203234 v 0000 ~ 01204021 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | fill or meet a want or need
01183896 34 v 01 answer 0 001 @ 01183573 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | be satisfactory for; meet the requirements of or serve the purpose of; "This may answer her needs"
01184058 34 v 01 horse 0 003 @ 01182709 v 0000 + 02374451 n 0101 ~ 01184195 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | provide with a horse or horses
01184195 34 v 01 remount 0 002 @ 01184058 v 0000 + 02378149 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | provide with fresh horses; "remount a regiment"
01184333 34 v 01 shower c 001 @ 01182709 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | provide abundantly with; "He showered her with presents"
01184453 34 v 01 accommodate 0 002 @ 01182709 v 0000 + 01210816 n 0101 01 + 17 00 | provide with something desired or needed; "Can you accommodate me with a rental car?"
01184625 34 v 03 sustain 0 keep 0 maintain 0 008 @ 02203362 v 0000 + 13366311 n 0301 + 01216191 n 0304 + 13365286 n 0202 + 13365286 n 0106 ~ 01185011 v 0000 ~ 01185148 v 0000 ~ 02682954 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | supply with necessities and support; "She alone sustained her family"; "The money will sustain our good cause"; "There's little to earn and many to keep"
01185011 34 v 01 patronage 0 002 @ 01184625 v 0000 + 01153861 n 0101 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | support by being a patron of
01185148 34 v 01 reseed 0 001 @ 01184625 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | maintain by seeding without human intervention; "Some plants reseed themselves indefinitely"
01185304 34 v 01 lunch 0 004 @ 01166351 v 0000 + 10277132 n 0101 + 07575076 n 0101 + 00841297 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | take the midday meal; "At what time are you lunching?"
01185475 34 v 01 lunch 1 002 @ 01178565 v 0000 + 07575076 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | provide a midday meal for; "She lunched us well"
01185604 34 v 01 brunch 0 002 @ 01166351 v 0000 + 07574923 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | eat a meal in the late morning; "We brunch in Sundays"
01185740 34 v 01 breakfast 0 002 @ 01166351 v 0000 + 07574602 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | eat an early morning meal; "We breakfast at seven"
01185875 34 v 01 breakfast 1 002 @ 01178565 v 0000 + 07574602 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | provide breakfast for
01185981 34 v 03 feast 0 banquet 0 junket 0 007 $ 01186208 v 0000 @ 01166351 v 0000 + 07449862 n 0102 + 07578093 n 0102 + 08253640 n 0102 + 00840751 n 0101 ~ 01194777 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | partake in a feast or banquet
01186208 34 v 03 feast 1 banquet 1 junket 1 007 @ 01194418 v 0000 + 08253640 n 0201 + 07578093 n 0201 + 07449862 n 0102 + 07578093 n 0102 + 08253640 n 0102 $ 01185981 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | provide a feast or banquet for
01186428 34 v 07 breastfeed 0 suckle 0 suck 2 nurse 0 wet-nurse 0 lactate 0 give_suck 0 011 $ 01169704 v 0000 @ 01178565 v 0000 + 15142836 n 0601 + 13505987 n 0601 + 00842997 n 0602 + 10345100 n 0403 + 01058870 n 0401 + 03836062 n 0401 + 00842692 n 0302 + 02465414 n 0301 ! 01187271 v 0101 02 + 02 00 + 09 00 | give suck to; "The wetnurse suckled the infant"; "You cannot nurse your baby in public in some places"
01186844 34 v 01 dry-nurse 0 001 @ 02550296 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | take care of an infant without breastfeeding it
01186958 34 v 02 wean 0 ablactate 0 003 * 01186428 v 0000 @ 02313250 v 0000 + 00198270 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | gradually deprive (infants and young mammals) of mother's milk; "she weaned her baby when he was 3 months old and started him on powdered milk"; "The kitten was weaned and fed by its owner with a bottle"
01187271 34 v 01 bottlefeed 0 002 @ 01178565 v 0000 ! 01186428 v 0101 01 + 09 00 | feed (infants) with a bottle
01187385 34 v 01 suckle 1 002 * 01170052 v 0000 @ 01179865 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | suck milk from the mother's breasts; "the infant was suckling happily"
01187537 34 v 02 starve 2 famish 2 001 @ 00358431 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | die of food deprivation; "The political prisoners starved to death"; "Many famished in the countryside during the drought"
01187740 34 v 02 starve 3 famish 3 006 > 01188144 v 0000 @ 02313250 v 0000 + 01150662 n 0101 + 01150662 n 0102 ! 01178565 v 0101 $ 01187948 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | deprive of food; "They starved the prisoners"
01187948 34 v 01 starve 4 002 $ 01187740 v 0000 @ 02313250 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | deprive of a necessity and cause suffering; "he is starving her of love"; "The engine was starved of fuel"
01188144 34 v 03 starve 0 hunger 0 famish 0 004 @ 00065070 v 0000 + 14039534 n 0201 + 14040310 n 0101 ! 01188342 v 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | be hungry; go without food; "Let's eat--I'm starving!"
01188342 34 v 01 be_full 0 001 ! 01188144 v 0101 01 + 02 00 | be sated, have enough to eat; "I'm full--don't give me any more beans, please"
01188485 34 v 05 crave 0 hunger 1 thirst 0 starve 1 lust 0 006 @ 01825237 v 0000 + 07489714 n 0502 + 00759335 n 0501 + 04945254 n 0303 + 04945254 n 0201 + 07485475 n 0101 02 + 22 00 + 08 01 | have a craving, appetite, or great desire for
01188725 34 v 03 want 0 need 0 require 0 007 @ 02604760 v 0000 + 09367203 n 0303 + 14449126 n 0201 + 10766025 n 0101 + 14449405 n 0103 + 09367991 n 0102 ~ 01188987 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | have need of; "This piano wants the attention of a competent tuner"
01188987 34 v 01 cry 0 001 @ 01188725 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | demand immediate action; "This situation is crying for attention"
01189113 34 v 01 need 1 000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | have or feel a need for; "always needing friends and money"
01189224 34 v 01 diet 0 006 @ 01189427 v 0000 + 10012377 n 0101 + 07561590 n 0101 + 01070187 n 0101 + 07561112 n 0101 + 01070187 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | eat sparingly, for health reasons or to lose weight
01189427 34 v 01 fast 0 004 @ 01196037 v 0000 + 01069980 n 0101 + 01069980 n 0102 ~ 01189224 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | abstain from eating; "Before the medical exam, you must fast"
01189604 34 v 01 fast 1 004 @ 01196037 v 0000 + 01069980 n 0101 + 01069980 n 0102 ~ 01190012 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | abstain from certain foods, as for religious or medical reasons; "Catholics sometimes fast during Lent"
01189823 34 v 02 keep_off 0 avoid 0 001 @ 01196037 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | refrain from certain foods or beverages; "I keep off drugs"; "During Ramadan, Muslims avoid tobacco during the day"
01190012 34 v 01 diet 1 006 @ 01189604 v 0000 + 07561590 n 0101 + 01070187 n 0101 + 07561112 n 0101 + 01070187 n 0102 + 10012377 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | follow a regimen or a diet, as for health reasons; "He has high blood pressure and must stick to a low-salt diet"
01190277 34 v 04 souse 0 soak 0 inebriate 0 hit_it_up 0 006 @ 01171183 v 0000 + 14064644 n 0303 + 14018567 n 0302 + 10037385 n 0305 + 09782167 n 0206 + 09782167 n 0107 01 + 02 00 | become drunk or drink excessively
01190494 34 v 03 intoxicate 0 soak 1 inebriate 1 008 @ 00019448 v 0000 + 14064644 n 0303 + 14018567 n 0302 + 07884567 n 0305 + 10037385 n 0305 + 14018567 n 0104 + 07884567 n 0104 ~ 01190741 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | make drunk (with alcoholic drinks)
01190741 34 v 02 befuddle 0 fuddle 1 001 @ 01190494 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | make stupid with alcohol
01190840 34 v 01 wine 0 003 @ 01171183 v 0000 + 07891726 n 0101 + 04592465 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | drink wine
01190948 34 v 03 delight 0 enjoy 0 revel 0 009 * 01158572 v 0000 + 07491708 n 0201 + 01072072 n 0201 + 10058411 n 0201 + 07491038 n 0101 + 05829782 n 0102 ~ 01191232 v 0000 ~ 01191403 v 0000 ~ 01191512 v 0000 02 + 22 00 + 08 02 | take delight in; "he delights in his granddaughter"
01191232 34 v 02 have_a_ball 0 have_a_good_time 0 001 @ 01190948 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | enjoy oneself greatly; "We had a ball at the party and didn't come home until 2 AM"
01191403 34 v 01 wallow 0 001 @ 01190948 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | delight greatly in; "wallow in your success!"
01191512 34 v 01 live_it_up 0 001 @ 01190948 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 22 00 | enjoy oneself; "it's your birthday, so let's live it up!"
01191645 34 v 02 indulge c luxuriate e 005 @ 01157517 v 0000 + 01071921 n 0201 + 14492373 n 0201 + 04884627 n 0101 ~ 01191838 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | enjoy to excess; "She indulges in ice cream"
01191838 34 v 01 surfeit 0 003 @ 01191645 v 0000 + 14452294 n 0101 + 00841628 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | indulge (one's appetite) to satiety
01191974 34 v 01 wallow 1 001 @ 02511276 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | devote oneself entirely to something; indulge in to an immoderate degree, usually with pleasure; "Wallow in luxury"; "wallow in your sorrows"
01192179 34 v 02 sow_one's_oats 0 sow_one's_wild_oats 0 001 @ 01182293 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | live promiscuously and self-indulgently
01192312 34 v 02 dunk 0 dip 0 004 @ 01168468 v 0000 + 07582609 n 0201 + 07364434 n 0201 + 03204306 n 0201 01 + 21 00 | dip into a liquid while eating; "She dunked the piece of bread in the sauce"
01192510 34 v 01 enjoy 1 002 @ 01158872 v 0000 + 05190106 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | have benefit from; "enjoy privileges"
01192628 34 v 01 afford 0 001 @ 02267060 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | be able to spare or give up; "I can't afford to spend two hours with this person"
01192773 34 v 03 run_low 0 run_short 0 go 0 002 @ 02609764 v 0000 $ 01192992 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | to be spent or finished; "The money had gone after a few days"; "Gas is running low at the gas stations in the Midwest"
01192992 34 v 01 go 9 001 $ 01192773 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | be spent; "All my money went for food and rent"
01193099 34 v 10 gorge 0 ingurgitate 0 overindulge 0 glut 0 englut 0 stuff 0 engorge 0 overgorge 0 overeat 0 gormandize 0 gormandise 0 gourmandize 0 binge 0 pig_out 0 satiate 1 scarf_out 0 008 @ 01166351 v 0000 + 00510723 n 0d03 + 10132988 n 0c02 + 10132988 n 0c03 + 00759186 n 0902 + 00840630 n 0701 + 01073655 n 0301 + 10561613 n 0102 01 + 22 00 | overeat or eat immodestly; make a pig of oneself; "She stuffed herself at the dinner"; "The kids binged on ice cream"
01193569 34 v 02 avail 4 help 4 002 @ 01162754 v 0000 + 00183053 a 0101 01 + 08 00 | take or use; "She helped herself to some of the office supplies"
01193721 34 v 04 satiate 0 sate 0 replete 0 fill 0 005 @ 01156834 v 0000 + 13580723 n 0401 + 00841628 n 0301 + 01072984 n 0101 ~ 01193932 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 | fill to satisfaction; "I am sated"
01193932 34 v 02 cloy 0 pall 0 001 @ 01193721 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | cause surfeit through excess though initially pleasing; "Too much spicy food cloyed his appetite"
01194114 34 v 03 quell 0 stay 0 appease 0 001 @ 01183573 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 10 00 | overcome or allay; "quell my hunger"
01194238 34 v 01 content 0 003 @ 00235368 v 0000 + 07531105 n 0101 + 14412882 n 0102 01 + 20 00 | satisfy in a limited way; "He contented himself with one glass of beer per day"
01194418 34 v 01 host 0 008 @ 02492198 v 0000 + 10186774 n 0101 + 10299250 n 0103 + 10187130 n 0101 ~ 01186208 v 0000 ~ 01194661 v 0000 ~ 02592397 v 0000 ~ 02592543 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | be the host of or for; "We hosted 4 couples last night"
01194661 34 v 01 wine_and_dine 1 001 @ 01194418 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | provide with food and drink, usually lavishly
01194777 34 v 01 wine_and_dine 0 003 * 01166351 v 0000 * 01171183 v 0000 @ 01185981 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | eat sumptuously; "we wined and dined in Paris"
01194938 34 v 08 fatten 0 fat 0 flesh_out 0 fill_out 0 plump 0 plump_out 0 fatten_out 0 fatten_up 0 004 * 01178565 v 0000 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 05268965 n 0202 + 04999401 n 0202 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | make fat or plump; "We will plump out that poor starving child"
01195201 34 v 01 inject 0 001 @ 01178565 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 17 00 + 20 00 | feed intravenously
01195299 34 v 04 sample 0 try 0 try_out 0 taste 0 013 @ 01156834 v 0000 + 07578879 n 0401 + 10692482 n 0401 + 05822612 n 0401 + 00841901 n 0401 + 05799212 n 0304 + 10728998 n 0201 + 05799212 n 0201 + 05821775 n 0101 + 10692482 n 0104 + 08463817 n 0101 + 04133211 n 0101 ~ 01195675 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | take a sample of; "Try these new crackers"; "Sample the regional dishes"
01195675 34 v 01 degust 0 002 @ 01195299 v 0000 + 00841901 n 0105 01 + 08 00 | taste with relish; "degust this wonderful soup"
01195804 34 v 07 fritter 0 frivol_away 0 dissipate 0 shoot 0 fritter_away 0 fool 0 fool_away 0 003 @ 01158181 v 0000 * 01157517 v 0000 + 00742645 n 0303 01 + 08 00 | spend frivolously and unwisely; "Fritter away one's inheritance"
01196037 34 v 03 abstain 0 refrain 0 desist 0 011 + 00009346 a 0101 + 04882622 n 0102 + 09757944 n 0102 + 09757944 n 0101 + 09758173 n 0101 + 04882622 n 0101 ! 01156834 v 0101 ~ 01189427 v 0000 ~ 01189604 v 0000 ~ 01189823 v 0000 ~ 01196364 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 22 00 + 33 00 | choose not to consume; "I abstain from alcohol"
01196364 34 v 01 teetotal 0 002 @ 01196037 v 0000 + 10697282 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | practice teetotalism and abstain from the consumption of alcoholic beverages
01196524 34 v 02 kick 0 give_up 0 001 @ 02534062 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 33 00 | stop consuming; "kick a habit"; "give up alcohol"
01196653 34 v 04 devour 0 guttle 0 raven 0 pig 0 002 @ 01168468 v 0000 + 10179649 n 0402 01 + 08 00 | eat greedily; "he devoured three sandwiches"
01196802 34 v 03 eat_up 0 finish 0 polish_off 0 002 @ 01168468 v 0000 ~ 01173208 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 02 01 | finish eating all the food on one's plate or on the table; "She polished off the remaining potatoes"
01197014 34 v 04 devour 1 down 1 consume 3 go_through 0 002 @ 01168468 v 0000 + 10010864 n 0101 01 + 10 00 | eat immoderately; "Some people can down a pound of meat in the course of one meal"
01197208 34 v 01 smack 0 001 @ 00983824 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | press (the lips) together and open (the lips) noisily, as in eating
01197338 34 v 01 digest 0 009 * 01156834 v 0000 @ 00515154 v 0000 + 01182024 a 0101 + 03060385 a 0101 + 13465809 n 0101 + 03195332 n 0101 $ 00481555 v 0000 ~ 01197626 v 0000 ~ 01197870 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | convert food into absorbable substances; "I cannot digest milk products"
01197626 34 v 01 stomach 0 002 @ 01197338 v 0000 + 07485916 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | bear to eat; "He cannot stomach raw fish"
01197750 34 v 02 metabolize 0 metabolise 0 002 * 01197338 v 0000 + 13514314 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | produce by metabolism
01197870 34 v 01 predigest 0 002 @ 01197338 v 0000 ;c 02399000 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | digest (food) beforehand
01197980 34 v 04 take_in 1 sop_up 0 suck_in 0 take_up 0 001 @ 01156834 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | take up as if with a sponge
01198101 34 v 01 smoke 0 011 * 00005041 v 0000 * 00004227 v 0000 @ 01156834 v 0000 + 00834636 n 0101 + 03990834 n 0109 + 04103491 n 0102 + 10614976 n 0101 + 00834636 n 0102 ~ 01198452 v 0000 ~ 01198616 v 0000 ~ 01198779 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | inhale and exhale smoke from cigarettes, cigars, pipes; "We never smoked marijuana"; "Do you smoke?"
01198452 34 v 01 chain-smoke 0 002 @ 01198101 v 0000 + 09905697 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | smoke one cigarette after another; light one cigarette from the preceding one
01198616 34 v 02 puff 1 whiff 2 003 @ 01198101 v 0000 + 00837675 n 0101 + 00834866 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | smoke and exhale strongly; "puff a cigar"; "whiff a pipe"
01198779 34 v 01 inhale 0 005 @ 01198101 v 0000 + 02749365 a 0101 + 03571155 n 0102 + 00836788 n 0101 + 14919156 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | draw deep into the lungs in by breathing; "Clinton smoked marijuana but never inhaled"
01199009 34 v 03 puff 0 drag 0 draw 1 004 * 01198101 v 0000 @ 00005041 v 0000 + 00837675 n 0202 + 00837675 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | suck in or take (air); "draw a deep breath"; "draw on a cigarette"
01199213 34 v 01 inject 1 004 @ 01200440 v 0000 + 14849215 n 0102 ~ 01199365 v 0000 ~ 01199487 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | take by injection; "inject heroin"
01199365 34 v 01 mainline 0 001 @ 01199213 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | inject into the vein; "She is mainlining heroin"
01199487 34 v 01 pop 0 002 @ 01199213 v 0000 ~ 01199661 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | take drugs, especially orally; "The man charged with murder popped a valium to calm his nerves"
01199661 34 v 01 skin_pop 0 001 @ 01199487 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | inject (drugs) into the skin
01199755 34 v 02 take_a_hit c snort 1 002 @ 01200440 v 0000 ;c 03247620 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 22 01 | inhale through the nose
01199881 34 v 03 light_up 0 fire_up 0 light 0 003 * 01198101 v 0000 @ 02759614 v 0000 + 03666591 n 0302 02 + 02 00 + 08 03 | begin to smoke; "After the meal, some of the diners lit up"
01200068 34 v 02 free-base 0 base 0 003 @ 01200440 v 0000 + 14618253 n 0201 + 02798769 n 0201 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | use (purified cocaine) by burning it and inhaling the fumes
01200245 34 v 02 huff 0 snort 2 002 @ 00005041 v 0000 * 01200440 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | inhale recreational drugs; "The addict was snorting cocaine almost every day"; "the kids were huffing glue"
01200440 34 v 02 drug 0 do_drugs 0 008 > 01200934 v 0000 @ 01156834 v 0000 + 03247620 n 0101 ~ 01199213 v 0000 ~ 01199755 v 0000 ~ 01200068 v 0000 ~ 01200661 v 0000 ~ 01200806 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | use recreational drugs
01200661 34 v 01 drop 0 001 @ 01200440 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | take (a drug, especially LSD), by mouth; "She dropped acid when she was a teenager"
01200806 34 v 01 dope 0 002 @ 01200440 v 0000 + 03990834 n 0104 01 + 02 00 | take drugs to improve one's athletic performance
01200934 34 v 04 trip 0 trip_out 0 turn_on 0 get_off 0 001 + 14378311 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 13 00 | get high, stoned, or drugged; "He trips every weekend"
01201089 34 v 04 chew 0 masticate 0 manducate 0 jaw 0 014 @ 01394464 v 0000 + 05603160 n 0401 + 05546040 n 0401 + 00278810 n 0203 + 09915964 n 0101 + 07579399 n 0101 + 00278810 n 0101 + 00278810 n 0102 ~ 01174973 v 0000 ~ 01175132 v 0000 ~ 01175224 v 0000 ~ 01201574 v 0000 ~ 01201693 v 0000 ~ 01445597 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | chew (food); to bite and grind with the teeth; "He jawed his bubble gum"; "Chew your food and don't swallow it!"; "The cows were masticating the grass"
01201574 34 v 01 chaw 0 002 @ 01201089 v 0000 + 07579399 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | chew without swallowing; "chaw tobacco"
01201693 34 v 02 crunch 0 munch 0 003 @ 01201089 v 0000 + 00841393 n 0201 + 10338391 n 0201 01 + 08 00 | chew noisily; "The children crunched the celery sticks"
01201856 34 v 02 swallow 0 get_down 0 003 @ 01156834 v 0000 + 00839778 n 0101 ~ 01202651 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | pass through the esophagus as part of eating or drinking; "Swallow the raw fish--it won't kill you!"
01202068 34 v 03 gulp 1 quaff 0 swig 0 009 * 01201856 v 0000 @ 01170052 v 0000 + 00840189 n 0304 + 10497946 n 0201 + 07884182 n 0201 + 00840363 n 0101 + 00840189 n 0101 + 10151957 n 0101 + 00843325 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | to swallow hurriedly or greedily or in one draught; "The men gulped down their beers"
01202374 34 v 08 toss_off 0 pop 2 bolt_down 1 belt_down 0 pour_down 0 down 0 drink_down 0 kill 0 001 @ 01170052 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | drink down entirely; "He downed three martinis before dinner"; "She killed a bottle of brandy that night"; "They popped a few beer after work"
01202651 34 v 01 bolt 1 001 @ 01201856 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | swallow hastily
01202728 34 v 03 nourish 0 nurture 0 sustain 1 008 @ 01182709 v 0000 + 02806261 a 0301 + 01216191 n 0303 + 07570720 n 0304 + 00665358 n 0201 + 02557719 a 0104 + 07570720 n 0102 ~ 01203074 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | provide with nourishment; "We sustained ourselves on bread and water"; "This kind of food is not nourishing for young children"
01203074 34 v 01 carry 1 003 @ 01202728 v 0000 ;c 01887474 n 0000 $ 01740320 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | be able to feed; "This land will carry ten cows to the acre"
01203234 34 v 02 feed_on 0 feed_upon 0 001 @ 01183573 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | be sustained by; "He fed on the great ideas of her mentor"
01203369 34 v 01 fix_up 0 001 @ 01182709 v 0000 01 + 17 00 | find (something or someone) for; "I'll fix you up with a nice girl"
01203500 34 v 03 raven 2 prey a predate 0 004 @ 01177699 v 0000 + 00967310 n 0302 + 00711897 n 0301 + 02152881 n 0201 04 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 22 02 + 02 01 | prey on or hunt for; "These mammals predate certain eggs"
01203715 34 v 02 prey 1 feed 9 002 @ 01162754 v 0000 + 10470460 n 0101 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | profit from in an exploitatory manner; "He feeds on her insecurity"
01203893 34 v 02 fill_up 0 fill 1 001 @ 01168468 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 22 01 | eat until one is sated; "He filled up on turkey"
01204021 34 v 04 quench 0 slake 0 allay 0 assuage 0 002 * 01156834 v 0000 @ 01183573 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | satisfy (thirst); "The cold water quenched his thirst"
01204191 34 v 03 nutrify 0 aliment 0 nourish 1 009 @ 01178565 v 0000 + 02557719 a 0304 + 00664849 n 0301 + 02611694 a 0201 + 07570720 n 0206 + 01057759 n 0202 + 07570720 n 0205 + 13523661 n 0101 + 00021265 n 0102 01 + 11 00 | give nourishment to
01204439 34 v 01 range 0 003 @ 01178565 v 0000 + 08629199 n 0101 $ 01576165 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | let eat; "range the animals in the prairie"
01204581 34 v 01 grass 0 002 @ 01576478 v 0000 + 12102133 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | feed with grass
01204677 34 v 01 gutter 0 002 @ 01182709 v 0000 + 03471473 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | provide with gutters; "gutter the buildings"
01204803 34 v 02 luxuriate 0 wanton 0 005 @ 01158181 v 0000 + 14492373 n 0101 + 05146471 n 0102 + 05119223 n 0101 + 01071921 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | become extravagant; indulge (oneself) luxuriously
01205000 34 v 03 burn_off 0 burn 0 burn_up 0 001 @ 01157517 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | use up (energy); "burn off calories through vigorous exercise"
01205153 34 v 02 carry 0 hold 0 001 @ 01171183 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | drink alcohol without showing ill effects; "He can hold his liquor"; "he had drunk more than he could carry"
01205331 34 v 01 go_down 0 000 02 + 01 00 + 06 00 | be ingested; "This wine sure goes down well"; "The food wouldn't go down"
01205459 34 v 01 sup 2 005 @ 01156834 v 0000 + 07579276 n 0102 + 08256567 n 0101 + 07575984 n 0101 + 00841777 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | take solid or liquid food into the mouth a little at a time either by drinking or by eating with a spoon
01205696 35 v 04 touch 1 adjoin 3 meet 0 contact 3 015 + 14419510 n 0401 + 07339329 n 0401 + 00124880 n 0401 + 00566733 a 0201 + 00147454 n 0202 + 07409592 n 0101 ~ 01207951 v 0000 ~ 01220885 v 0000 ~ 01250908 v 0000 ~ 01290255 v 0000 ~ 01396524 v 0000 ~ 01466978 v 0000 ~ 01467370 v 0000 ~ 01590007 v 0000 $ 02710402 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | be in direct physical contact with; make contact; "The two buildings touch"; "Their hands touched"; "The wire must not contact the metal cover"; "The surfaces contact at this point"
01206218 35 v 01 touch 0 024 + 07409592 n 0101 + 10717589 n 0101 + 00046522 n 0102 ^ 01979702 v 0101 ~ 00220115 v 0000 ~ 01206849 v 0000 ~ 01207044 v 0000 ~ 01207402 v 0000 ~ 01209426 v 0000 ~ 01209953 v 0000 ~ 01210152 v 0000 ~ 01210352 v 0000 ~ 01210737 v 0000 ~ 01225970 v 0000 ~ 01236164 v 0000 ~ 01240720 v 0000 ~ 01247550 v 0000 ~ 01400044 v 0000 ~ 01410223 v 0000 ~ 01431230 v 0000 ~ 01431723 v 0000 ~ 01432474 v 0000 ~ 01447257 v 0000 ~ 01600600 v 0000 06 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | make physical contact with, come in contact with; "Touch the stone for good luck"; "She never touched her husband"
01206849 35 v 01 touch 4 004 @ 01206218 v 0000 + 00046522 n 0101 + 07409592 n 0101 + 10717589 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | cause to be in brief contact with; "He touched his toes to the horse's flanks"
01207044 35 v 01 toe 0 002 @ 01206218 v 0000 + 05577410 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | touch with the toe
01207149 35 v 04 trap 2 pin 3 immobilize 0 immobilise 0 004 + 01260309 n 0402 + 01525116 a 0301 + 01260309 n 0301 + 01146288 n 0303 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | to hold fast or prevent from moving; "The child was pinned under the fallen tree"
01207402 35 v 01 pick_up 1 001 @ 01206218 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | take up by hand; "He picked up the book and started to read"
01207527 35 v 02 touch 3 disturb 0 004 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 00333829 n 0201 ~ 00521296 v 0000 ~ 01207688 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | tamper with; "Don't touch my CDs!"
01207688 35 v 01 violate 0 001 @ 01207527 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | destroy; "Don't violate my garden"; "violate my privacy"
01207817 35 v 01 break_in 0 001 @ 02018524 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | intrude on uninvited; "The nosy couple broke in on our conversation"
01207951 35 v 02 cover 1 spread_over 0 019 $ 01332730 v 0000 @ 01205696 v 0000 + 02840619 n 0103 + 04151940 n 0102 + 09257949 n 0101 ~ 00217152 v 0000 ~ 00228127 v 0000 ~ 00361495 v 0000 ~ 01208708 v 0000 ~ 01208896 v 0000 ~ 01209025 v 0000 ~ 01262321 v 0000 ~ 01339294 v 0000 ~ 01605404 v 0000 ~ 01617034 v 0000 ~ 02749405 v 0000 ~ 02749520 v 0000 ~ 02749633 v 0000 ~ 02749768 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | form a cover over; "The grass covered the grave"
01208400 35 v 01 frost 4 003 @ 01332730 v 0000 + 13485270 n 0101 + 14915622 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | cover with frost; "ice crystals frosted the glass"
01208549 35 v 01 frost 2 001 @ 01332730 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | provide with a rough or speckled surface or appearance; "frost the glass"; "she frosts her hair"
01208708 35 v 01 glaciate 0 004 @ 01207951 v 0000 + 14519673 n 0101 + 13487409 n 0101 + 09289331 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | cover with ice or snow or a glacier; "the entire area was glaciated"
01208896 35 v 01 strew 4 001 @ 01207951 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cover; be dispersed over; "Dead bodies strewed the ground"
01209025 35 v 02 grass 2 grass_over 0 002 @ 01207951 v 0000 + 12102133 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | cover with grass
01209135 35 v 02 hit 5 strike 2 002 $ 01123887 v 0000 @ 00137313 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 + 22 02 | affect or afflict suddenly, usually adversely; "We were hit by really bad weather"; "He was stricken with cancer when he was still a teenager"; "The earthquake struck at midnight"
01209426 35 v 02 strike 3 hit 2 001 @ 01206218 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | produce by manipulating keys or strings of musical instruments, also metaphorically; "The pianist strikes a middle C"; "strike `z' on the keyboard"; "her comments struck a sour note"
01209678 35 v 02 feel 0 finger 5 008 * 01206218 v 0000 + 05566504 n 0201 + 00140900 n 0201 + 02585285 n 0102 + 02584915 n 0102 + 04946553 n 0102 + 05722427 n 0105 $ 02127613 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | examine by touch; "Feel this soft cloth!"; "The customer fingered the sweater"
01209953 35 v 02 finger 0 thumb 0 004 @ 01206218 v 0000 + 05567217 n 0201 + 05566504 n 0101 + 00140900 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | feel or handle with the fingers; "finger the binding of the book"
01210152 35 v 01 feel b 004 @ 01206218 v 0000 ;u 07157273 n 0000 + 00854538 n 0101 $ 02127613 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | pass one's hands over the sexual organs of; "He felt the girl in the movie theater"
01210352 35 v 02 palpate 0 feel 1 006 @ 01206218 v 0000 ;c 00612160 n 0000 + 04946553 n 0202 + 02773293 a 0101 + 00143885 n 0101 $ 02127613 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | examine (a body part) by palpation; "The nurse palpated the patient's stomach"; "The runner felt her pulse"
01210622 35 v 01 stub 0 001 @ 02761897 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | extinguish by crushing; "stub out your cigarette now"
01210737 35 v 02 handle 0 palm 0 009 @ 01206218 v 0000 + 13656075 n 0201 + 05565696 n 0201 + 03485997 n 0101 + 00140652 n 0101 ~ 01082290 v 0000 ~ 01211019 v 0000 ~ 01211699 v 0000 ~ 01412089 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | touch, lift, or hold with the hands; "Don't handle the merchandise"
01211019 35 v 01 fumble 1 001 @ 01210737 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | handle clumsily
01211098 35 v 01 paw 0 004 * 01206218 v 0000 @ 01226215 v 0000 + 05564590 n 0104 + 10409322 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | touch clumsily; "The man tried to paw her"
01211263 35 v 01 grope 2 002 @ 01226215 v 0000 + 00141027 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | fondle for sexual pleasure; "He made some sexual advances at the woman in his office and groped her repeatedly"
01211455 35 v 01 paw 1 002 @ 01308160 v 0000 + 02439929 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | scrape with the paws; "The bear pawed the door"
01211581 35 v 01 dandle 0 001 @ 01226215 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | pet; "the grandfather dandled the small child"
01211699 35 v 01 manipulate 0 013 @ 01210737 v 0000 + 00140652 n 0102 + 10291110 n 0101 ~ 01212024 v 0000 ~ 01212115 v 0000 ~ 01224211 v 0000 ~ 01224415 v 0000 ~ 01224744 v 0000 ~ 01232738 v 0000 ~ 01235355 v 0000 ~ 01418667 v 0000 ~ 01586018 v 0000 ~ 01586278 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | hold something in one's hands and move it
01212024 35 v 01 lay_hands_on 0 001 @ 01211699 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | manage with the hands
01212115 35 v 01 mouse 0 002 @ 01211699 v 0000 + 03793489 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | manipulate the mouse of a computer
01212230 35 v 04 guide 0 run 1 draw d pass 0 007 ^ 01392237 v 0402 ^ 00968211 v 040b ~ 01249724 v 0000 $ 01359432 v 0000 ~ 01359803 v 0000 ~ 01521912 v 0000 $ 02686625 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | pass over, across, or through; "He ran his eyes over her body"; "She ran her fingers along the carved figurine"; "He drew her hair through his fingers"
01212572 35 v 03 seize 0 prehend 0 clutch 0 017 @ 01214265 v 0000 + 00812526 n 0303 + 00812274 n 0204 + 00812274 n 0103 ~ 01213273 v 0000 ~ 01213348 v 0000 ~ 01213504 v 0000 ~ 01215137 v 0000 ~ 01215421 v 0000 ~ 01215851 v 0000 ~ 01222328 v 0000 ~ 01224001 v 0000 ~ 01350283 v 0000 ~ 01439190 v 0000 ~ 01439745 v 0000 ~ 01572978 v 0000 ~ 01574292 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 | take hold of; grab; "The sales clerk quickly seized the money on the counter"; "She clutched her purse"; "The mother seized her child by the arm"; "Birds of prey often seize small mammals"
01213146 35 v 01 snatch 2 001 + 00138956 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | to make grasping motions; "the cat snatched at the butterflies"
01213273 35 v 01 nab 1 001 @ 01212572 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | seize suddenly
01213348 35 v 01 rack 1 001 @ 01212572 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | seize together, as of parallel ropes of a tackle in order to prevent running through the block
01213504 35 v 01 claw 1 001 @ 01212572 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | clutch as if in panic; "She clawed the doorknob"
01213614 35 v 01 seize 1 007 @ 01214265 v 0000 + 00775286 n 0102 + 10586265 n 0102 ~ 01213908 v 0000 ~ 01213998 v 0000 ~ 01471043 v 0000 ~ 01471825 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | take or capture by force; "The terrorists seized the politicians"; "The rebels threaten to seize civilian hostages"
01213908 35 v 01 raven 0 001 @ 01213614 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | obtain or seize by violence
01213998 35 v 01 wrest 1 002 @ 01213614 v 0000 + 10793019 n 0101 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 16 00 | obtain by seizing forcibly or violently, also metaphorically; "wrest the knife from his hands"; "wrest a meaning from the old text"; "wrest power from the old government"
01214265 35 v 02 take 0 get_hold_of 0 009 + 00714477 n 0102 ^ 02492584 v 0101 ^ 02569630 v 0103 ^ 01312371 v 0105 ^ 01434278 v 0101 ^ 01214786 v 0101 ^ 01572510 v 0102 ~ 01212572 v 0000 ~ 01213614 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | get into one's hands, take physically; "Take a cookie!"; "Can you take this bag, please"
01214597 35 v 02 bring_out 1 get_out 0 002 @ 01485513 v 0000 ~ 01352154 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | take out of a container or enclosed space; "Get out your best dress--we are going to a party!"
01214786 35 v 02 take_in 0 gather_in 0 003 @ 00435853 v 0000 ~ 01541000 v 0000 ~ 01599983 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | fold up; "take in the sails"
01214927 35 v 01 brail 0 001 @ 00435853 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | take in a sail with a brail
01215017 35 v 02 calve 0 break_up 4 001 @ 01557774 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | release ice; "The icebergs and glaciers calve"
01215137 35 v 07 collar 0 nail 1 apprehend 0 arrest 0 pick_up 0 nab 0 cop 0 007 @ 01212572 v 0000 + 09879144 n 0702 + 06547832 n 0501 + 00088725 n 0402 + 00088725 n 0301 + 09801102 n 0301 + 00088725 n 0104 01 + 09 00 | take into custody; "the police nabbed the suspected criminals"
01215421 35 v 03 get 9 catch 1 capture 1 005 @ 01212572 v 0000 + 00775286 n 0301 + 00088725 n 0203 ~ 01439604 v 0000 ~ 01604251 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | succeed in catching or seizing, especially after a chase; "We finally got the suspect"; "Did you catch the thief?"
01215694 35 v 01 collar 1 004 @ 02339413 v 0000 + 03068486 n 0101 + 03024882 n 0102 + 03068181 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | furnish with a collar; "collar the dog"
01215851 35 v 01 collar 2 004 @ 01212572 v 0000 + 03068486 n 0101 + 03024882 n 0102 + 03068181 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | seize by the neck or collar
01216004 35 v 02 grasp 0 hold_on 0 006 @ 01216670 v 0000 + 00812526 n 0105 + 00812274 n 0101 ~ 01216194 v 0000 ~ 01216331 v 0000 ~ 01216522 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 | hold firmly
01216194 35 v 01 latch_on 0 001 @ 01216004 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | take hold of or attach to; "The biochip latches onto the genes"
01216331 35 v 02 cling 2 hang 7 001 @ 01216004 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 22 00 | hold on tightly or tenaciously; "hang on to your father's hands"; "The child clung to his mother's apron"
01216522 35 v 01 clasp 0 004 @ 01216004 v 0000 + 00812526 n 0101 ! 01222485 v 0101 ~ 01424456 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | hold firmly and tightly
01216670 35 v 02 hold 0 take_hold 0 009 + 00812526 n 0107 ! 01474550 v 0101 ~ 01216004 v 0000 ~ 01220303 v 0000 ~ 01222177 v 0000 ~ 01573143 v 0000 ~ 01606736 v 0000 ~ 01606931 v 0000 ~ 01876735 v 0000 07 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 + 02 02 + 04 02 + 22 02 | have or hold in one's hands or grip; "Hold this bowl for a moment, please"; "A crazy idea took hold of him"
01217043 35 v 04 hold 1 support 0 sustain 0 hold_up 0 017 + 01017320 n 0201 + 04359589 n 0201 + 04360501 n 0201 + 03421117 n 0202 + 01017320 n 0202 + 03525454 n 0101 ~ 01217617 v 0000 ~ 01217924 v 0000 ~ 01218084 v 0000 ~ 01218396 v 0000 ~ 01218512 v 0000 ~ 01218652 v 0000 ~ 01218791 v 0000 ~ 01218918 v 0000 ~ 01219004 v 0000 ~ 01219397 v 0000 ~ 01219706 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | be the physical support of; carry the weight of; "The beam holds up the roof"; "He supported me with one hand while I balanced on the beam"; "What's holding that mirror?"
01217617 35 v 01 scaffold 0 002 @ 01217043 v 0000 + 04141712 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | provide with a scaffold for support; "scaffold the building before painting it"
01217780 35 v 02 pleat 2 plicate 0 003 @ 01277974 v 0000 + 13907415 n 0203 + 00406800 n 0201 01 + 08 00 | fold into pleats, "Pleat the cloth"
01217924 35 v 01 block 6 001 @ 01217043 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | support, secure, or raise with a block; "block a plate for printing"; "block the wheels of a car"
01218084 35 v 01 carry 9 004 $ 02682954 v 0000 $ 02556537 v 0000 @ 01217043 v 0000 + 02969886 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | bear or be able to bear the weight, pressure,or responsibility of; "His efforts carried the entire project"; "How many credits is this student carrying?"; "We carry a very large mortgage"
01218396 35 v 01 chock 0 002 @ 01217043 v 0000 + 03023878 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | support on chocks; "chock the boat"
01218512 35 v 02 buoy 0 buoy_up 0 002 @ 01217043 v 0000 + 01187072 a 0101 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | keep afloat; "The life vest buoyed him up"
01218652 35 v 01 pole 1 002 @ 01217043 v 0000 + 03976657 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | support on poles; "pole climbing plants like beans"
01218791 35 v 01 bracket 0 002 @ 01217043 v 0000 + 02888569 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | support with brackets; "bracket bookshelves"
01218918 35 v 01 underpin 0 001 @ 01217043 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | support from beneath
01219004 35 v 04 prop_up 0 prop 0 shore_up 0 shore 3 006 @ 01217043 v 0000 + 04204468 n 0401 + 01017550 n 0401 + 01017550 n 0302 + 04011242 n 0201 ~ 01219282 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | support by placing against something solid or rigid; "shore and buttress an old building"
01219282 35 v 01 bolster 0 002 @ 01219004 v 0000 + 02865509 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | prop up with a pillow or bolster
01219397 35 v 01 truss 0 002 @ 01217043 v 0000 + 04492375 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | support structurally; "truss the roofs"; "trussed bridges"
01219544 35 v 02 jack 0 jack_up 0 002 @ 01974062 v 0000 + 03588951 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | lift with a special device; "jack up the car so you can change the tire"
01219706 35 v 01 brace 0 005 @ 01217043 v 0000 + 02887209 n 0101 + 02886599 n 0101 + 02886599 n 0102 ~ 01219867 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | support by bracing
01219867 35 v 01 tread 1 001 @ 01219706 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | brace (an archer's bow) by pressing the foot against the center
01219993 35 v 04 brace 1 steady 0 stabilize 2 stabilise 2 005 @ 00220869 v 0000 + 01266945 n 0301 + 02887209 n 0101 ~ 00271403 v 0000 ~ 00271520 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 | support or hold steady and make steadfast, with or as if with a brace; "brace your elbows while working on the potter's wheel"
01220303 35 v 04 cling_to 0 hold_close 0 hold_tight 0 clutch 4 003 @ 01216670 v 0000 + 00812526 n 0403 ~ 01424948 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | hold firmly, usually with one's hands; "She clutched my arm when she got scared"
01220528 35 v 01 slat 1 002 @ 01345109 v 0000 + 04234455 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | close the slats of (windows)
01220636 35 v 02 stopper 0 stopple 0 003 @ 01422886 v 0000 + 03967942 n 0203 + 03967942 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | close or secure with or as if with a stopper; "She stoppered the wine bottle"; "The mothers stoppered their babies' mouths with pacifiers"
01220885 35 v 05 cling 0 cleave 2 adhere 1 stick 1 cohere 0 014 $ 01356750 v 0000 * 01290422 v 0000 @ 01205696 v 0000 + 00053564 a 0501 + 00053384 a 0501 + 14420464 n 0503 + 14420464 n 0502 + 14420464 n 0501 + 00053032 a 0301 + 04935528 n 0302 ~ 01221405 v 0000 ~ 01221542 v 0000 ~ 01221684 v 0000 $ 01614581 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | come or be in close contact with; stick or hold together and resist separation; "The dress clings to her body"; "The label stuck to the box"; "The sushi rice grains cohere"
01221405 35 v 01 mold 0 001 @ 01220885 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | fit tightly, follow the contours of; "The dress molds her beautiful figure"
01221542 35 v 01 conglutinate 0 002 @ 01220885 v 0000 + 13571365 n 0102 01 + 01 00 | stick together; "the edges of the wound conglutinated"
01221684 35 v 01 agglutinate 0 003 @ 01220885 v 0000 + 13428608 n 0101 ~ 01221842 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | clump together; as of bacteria, red blood cells, etc.
01221842 35 v 02 haemagglutinate 0 hemagglutinate 0 003 @ 01221684 v 0000 + 13492136 n 0201 + 13492136 n 0102 01 + 11 00 | cause the clumping together (of red blood cells)
01222016 35 v 01 agglutinate 1 003 @ 01290422 v 0000 + 00112018 a 0101 + 13428421 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | string together (morphemes in an agglutinating language)
01222177 35 v 01 cradle 0 002 @ 01216670 v 0000 + 03125729 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | hold gently and carefully; "He cradles the child in his arms"
01222328 35 v 01 clasp 1 003 @ 01212572 v 0000 + 00812526 n 0101 ! 01222485 v 0101 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 | grasp firmly; "The child clasped my hands"
01222485 35 v 01 unclasp 0 003 @ 01474550 v 0000 ! 01216522 v 0101 ! 01222328 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | release from a clasp; "She clasped and unclasped her hands"
01222645 35 v 01 twist 0 005 @ 01907258 v 0000 + 00343249 n 0103 ~ 00025510 v 0000 ~ 01222830 v 0000 ~ 01223616 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | turn in the opposite direction; "twist one's head"
01222830 35 v 01 quirk 0 001 @ 01222645 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | twist or curve abruptly; "She quirked her head in a peculiar way"
01222958 35 v 03 flip 3 flip_over 0 turn_over 1 002 @ 01907258 v 0000 + 07624466 n 0301 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | turn upside down, or throw so as to reverse; "flip over the pork chop"; "turn over the pancakes"
01223182 35 v 03 twist 1 twine 4 distort 1 010 @ 00140967 v 0000 + 13867276 n 0302 + 13877918 n 0102 ! 01223508 v 0101 ~ 01349130 v 0000 ~ 01350699 v 0000 ~ 01462928 v 0000 ~ 01517662 v 0000 ~ 01518772 v 0000 ~ 01518924 v 0000 05 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 + 21 00 | form into a spiral shape; "The cord is all twisted"
01223508 35 v 01 untwist 0 002 @ 01368597 v 0000 ! 01223182 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | cause to become untwisted
01223616 35 v 02 curl 0 wave 1 005 @ 01222645 v 0000 + 05259240 n 0201 + 05257737 n 0102 + 03150232 n 0101 ~ 01223833 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | twist or roll into coils or ringlets; "curl my hair, please"
01223833 35 v 06 crimp 0 crape 0 frizzle 0 frizz 0 kink_up 0 kink 0 003 @ 01223616 v 0000 + 13877918 n 0601 + 05258299 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | curl tightly; "crimp hair"
01224001 35 v 01 grip 0 005 @ 01212572 v 0000 + 03485997 n 0102 + 00812526 n 0106 ~ 01445932 v 0000 ~ 01456771 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | hold fast or firmly; "He gripped the steering wheel"
01224211 35 v 02 twiddle 0 fiddle_with 0 002 @ 01211699 v 0000 + 10734235 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | manipulate, as in a nervous or unconscious manner; "He twiddled his thumbs while waiting for the interview"
01224415 35 v 03 wield 0 handle 1 manage 3 004 @ 01211699 v 0000 ~ 01224653 v 0000 ~ 01225684 v 0000 ~ 01593763 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | handle effectively; "The burglar wielded an axe"; "The young violinist didn't manage her bow very well"
01224653 35 v 01 ply 0 001 @ 01224415 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | wield vigorously; "ply an axe"
01224744 35 v 02 operate 0 control 0 017 $ 00597385 v 0000 @ 01211699 v 0000 + 03096960 n 0201 + 00830448 n 0201 + 01091728 a 0102 + 00409211 n 0101 + 10378412 n 0101 ~ 00464996 v 0000 ~ 00790308 v 0000 ~ 01225215 v 0000 ~ 01225357 v 0000 ~ 01225461 v 0000 ~ 01225576 v 0000 ~ 01602907 v 0000 ~ 01728052 v 0000 ~ 01930874 v 0000 ~ 01941093 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | handle and cause to function; "do not operate machinery after imbibing alcohol"; "control the lever"
01225215 35 v 01 turn a 001 @ 01224744 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | alter the functioning or setting of; "turn the dial to 10"; "turn the heat down"
01225357 35 v 01 submarine 2 002 @ 01224744 v 0000 + 10669357 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | control a submarine
01225461 35 v 01 treadle 0 002 @ 01224744 v 0000 + 03903424 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | operate (machinery) by a treadle
01225576 35 v 01 relay 0 002 @ 01224744 v 0000 + 04072960 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | control or operate by relay
01225684 35 v 01 pump 0 003 @ 01224415 v 0000 + 04021798 n 0101 ~ 01225867 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | operate like a pump; move up and down, like a handle or a pedal; "pump the gas pedal"
01225867 35 v 01 goose 1 001 @ 01225684 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | give a spurt of fuel to; "goose the car"
01225970 35 v 01 stroke 0 006 @ 01206218 v 0000 + 00144632 n 0101 + 07413815 n 0101 + 00144632 n 0102 ~ 01226215 v 0000 ~ 01432176 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | touch lightly and repeatedly, as with brushing motions; "He stroked his long beard"
01226215 35 v 02 caress 0 fondle 0 011 @ 01225970 v 0000 + 00854000 n 0203 + 00144778 n 0101 ~ 01211098 v 0000 ~ 01211263 v 0000 ~ 01211581 v 0000 ~ 01226600 v 0000 ~ 01243661 v 0000 ~ 01424350 v 0000 ~ 01425892 v 0000 ~ 01431987 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | touch or stroke lightly in a loving or endearing manner; "He caressed her face"; "They fondled in the back seat of the taxi"
01226600 35 v 01 pet 1 004 @ 01226215 v 0000 + 09991867 n 0104 + 10420649 n 0101 + 00854000 n 0107 02 + 02 00 + 09 00 | stroke or caress in an erotic manner, as during lovemaking
01226781 35 v 01 canoodle 0 001 @ 01425892 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | fondle or pet affectionately
01226875 35 v 03 probe 0 dig_into 0 poke_into 0 004 @ 01227675 v 0000 + 00641522 n 0101 + 04006411 n 0101 ~ 01310125 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | examine physically with or as if with a probe; "probe an anthill"
01227088 35 v 01 cut e 001 @ 01227675 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | penetrate injuriously; "The glass from the shattered windshield cut into her forehead"
01227235 35 v 02 interpenetrate 0 permeate 2 005 @ 01227675 v 0000 + 13534954 n 0201 + 00051712 n 0202 + 00975658 n 0101 ~ 01227488 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | penetrate mutually or be interlocked; "The territories of two married people interpenetrate a lot"
01227488 35 v 01 invade 0 003 @ 01227235 v 0000 + 01355966 a 0101 + 07332313 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | penetrate or assault, in a harmful or injurious way; "The cancer had invaded her lungs"
01227675 35 v 02 penetrate 0 perforate 3 022 @ 02016523 v 0000 + 09389867 n 0201 + 10413688 n 0101 ~ 01226875 v 0000 ~ 01227088 v 0000 ~ 01227235 v 0000 ~ 01228235 v 0000 ~ 01228396 v 0000 ~ 01228635 v 0000 ~ 01228753 v 0000 ~ 01228866 v 0000 ~ 01229071 v 0000 ~ 01229809 v 0000 ~ 01441100 v 0000 ~ 01441510 v 0000 ~ 01442361 v 0000 ~ 01444037 v 0000 ~ 01457954 v 0000 ~ 01530898 v 0000 ~ 01577635 v 0000 ~ 01586600 v 0000 ~ 01605537 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 22 00 | pass into or through, often by overcoming resistance; "The bullet penetrated her chest"
01228235 35 v 01 strike 9 001 @ 01227675 v 0000 02 + 04 00 + 11 00 | pierce with force; "The bullet struck her thigh"; "The icy wind struck through our coats"
01228396 35 v 01 break 9 002 @ 01227675 v 0000 $ 01228524 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | pierce or penetrate; "The blade broke her skin"
01228524 35 v 01 break d 001 $ 01228396 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become punctured or penetrated; "The skin broke"
01228635 35 v 01 foray 0 002 @ 01227675 v 0000 + 00976953 n 0101 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | briefly enter enemy territory
01228753 35 v 01 poke_into 1 001 @ 01227675 v 0000 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | enter briefly; "We poked into the bar"
01228866 35 v 02 sneak_in 0 creep_in 0 001 @ 01227675 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | enter surreptitiously; "He sneaked in under cover of darkness"; "In this essay, the author's personal feelings creep in"
01229071 35 v 07 permeate 1 pervade 0 penetrate 5 interpenetrate 3 diffuse 0 imbue 0 riddle 2 014 @ 01227675 v 0000 + 00468362 a 0502 + 00368592 n 0504 + 03194992 n 0502 + 03194812 n 0502 + 00051712 n 0401 + 00802514 a 0301 + 00468795 a 0204 + 13534954 n 0202 + 00468795 a 0103 + 00468795 a 0101 + 13534954 n 0101 + 00051712 n 0102 ~ 01229631 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | spread or diffuse through; "An atmosphere of distrust has permeated this administration"; "music penetrated the entire building"; "His campaign was riddled with accusations and personal attacks"
01229631 35 v 02 spiritize 0 spiritise 0 005 @ 01229071 v 0000 + 14526182 n 0101 + 10636598 n 0101 + 04632157 n 0103 + 04620558 n 0101 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | imbue with a spirit
01229809 35 v 01 honeycomb 0 001 @ 01227675 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | penetrate thoroughly and into every part; "the revolutionaries honeycombed the organization"
01229976 35 v 05 jab 0 prod 1 stab 1 poke 1 dig 3 007 @ 01899262 v 0000 + 00135311 n 0501 + 00334935 n 0403 + 00334935 n 0404 + 04007664 n 0201 + 00135311 n 0102 + 00334935 n 0102 02 + 20 00 + 21 00 | poke or thrust abruptly; "he jabbed his finger into her ribs"
01230241 35 v 01 poke 0 002 @ 01441100 v 0000 + 00334935 n 0103 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make a hole by poking
01230350 35 v 02 stab 0 jab 2 004 @ 01899262 v 0000 + 01173965 n 0101 + 10644179 n 0101 ~ 01240935 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 | stab or pierce; "he jabbed the piece of meat with his pocket knife"
01230555 35 v 01 jab 1 003 @ 01410223 v 0000 + 00135952 n 0101 + 00334935 n 0101 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 22 00 | strike or punch with quick and short blows
01230710 35 v 03 prod 0 incite 0 egg_on 0 009 + 09184975 n 0201 + 09184975 n 0202 + 01261490 n 0201 + 10209246 n 0203 + 07252378 n 0103 + 07252378 n 0104 ~ 01231061 v 0000 ~ 01231140 v 0000 ~ 01241073 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | urge on; cause to act; "The other children egged the boy on, but he did not want to throw the stone through the window"
01231061 35 v 01 goose 2 001 @ 01230710 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | prod into action
01231140 35 v 01 halloo 0 001 @ 01230710 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | urge on with shouts; "halloo the dogs in a hunt"
01231252 35 v 03 nudge 0 poke_at 0 prod 2 006 @ 01871979 v 0000 + 04007664 n 0301 + 00112997 n 0101 + 10365514 n 0101 ~ 01231528 v 0000 ~ 01239494 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 | to push against gently; "She nudged my elbow when she saw her friend enter the restaurant"
01231528 35 v 01 jog 0 002 @ 01231252 v 0000 + 00112997 n 0102 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | give a slight push to
01231652 35 v 02 knife 0 stab 2 007 @ 00069879 v 0000 + 01173965 n 0201 + 10644179 n 0201 + 03624134 n 0101 + 03623556 n 0101 ~ 01231878 v 0000 ~ 01231980 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | use a knife on; "The victim was knifed to death"
01231878 35 v 01 poniard 0 002 @ 01231652 v 0000 + 03981094 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | stab with a poniard
01231980 35 v 01 bayonet 0 002 @ 01231652 v 0000 + 02812949 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | stab or kill someone with a bayonet
01232098 35 v 02 maul 0 mangle 2 005 * 00090708 v 0000 * 00069879 v 0000 @ 01549905 v 0000 + 10341955 n 0203 + 10303513 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | injure badly by beating
01232272 35 v 01 maul 1 002 @ 01556572 v 0000 + 03731695 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | split (wood) with a maul and wedges
01232387 35 v 01 laminate 2 005 $ 01391538 v 0000 $ 01365131 v 0000 @ 01556572 v 0000 + 03635668 n 0101 + 05580929 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | split (wood) into thin sheets
01232554 35 v 01 lapidate 1 002 @ 01507914 v 0000 + 01164394 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | throw stones at; "Pilgrims lapidate a stone pillar in commemoration of Abraham's temptation"
01232738 35 v 03 massage 0 rub_down 1 knead 1 005 @ 01211699 v 0000 * 01249724 v 0000 + 00258695 n 0201 + 00659048 n 0101 + 10297983 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | manually manipulate (someone's body), usually for medicinal or relaxation purposes; "She rubbed down her child with a sponge"
01233027 35 v 02 dab 0 pat 0 004 @ 01410223 v 0000 + 07388987 n 0201 + 00125436 n 0202 + 00125436 n 0103 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | hit lightly; "pat him on the shoulder"
01233194 35 v 03 dab 1 swab 1 swob 1 004 @ 01363648 v 0000 + 04367746 n 0201 + 00125436 n 0103 + 13761171 n 0101 01 + 31 00 | apply (usually a liquid) to a surface; "dab the wall with paint"
01233387 35 v 02 daub 0 smear 3 005 @ 01332730 v 0000 + 14828683 n 0101 + 09992746 n 0101 ~ 01233642 v 0000 $ 01313249 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | cover (a surface) by smearing (a substance) over it; "smear the wall with paint"; "daub the ceiling with plaster"
01233642 35 v 01 blood 0 002 @ 01233387 v 0000 + 05399847 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | smear with blood, as in a hunting initiation rite, where the face of a person is smeared with the blood of the kill
01233838 35 v 01 thatch 0 004 @ 01233993 v 0000 + 04417672 n 0101 + 15069712 n 0101 + 10705211 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | cover with thatch; "thatch the roofs"
01233993 35 v 01 roof 0 007 @ 01332730 v 0000 + 04105068 n 0101 + 10538272 n 0101 + 00617989 n 0101 ~ 01233838 v 0000 ~ 01234223 v 0000 ~ 01338368 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | provide a building with a roof; cover a building with a roof
01234223 35 v 01 shingle 0 004 @ 01233993 v 0000 + 15039445 n 0101 + 10589566 n 0101 + 00618264 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | cover with shingles; "shingle a roof"
01234379 35 v 01 mulch 0 002 @ 01332730 v 0000 + 03797896 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | cover with mulch; "mulch the flowerbeds"
01234500 35 v 01 turf 0 001 @ 01332730 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cover (the ground) with a surface layer of grass or grass roots
01234625 35 v 01 bury 0 003 * 01332730 v 0000 @ 01575675 v 0000 + 01050627 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | place in the earth and cover with soil; "They buried the stolen goods"
01234793 35 v 01 bank 1 001 @ 01332730 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cover with ashes so to control the rate of burning; "bank a fire"
01234920 35 v 01 carpet 0 003 @ 01332730 v 0000 + 04118021 n 0102 + 04118021 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | cover with a carpet; "carpet the floors of the house"
01235073 35 v 01 carpet 1 002 @ 01332730 v 0000 + 04118021 n 0102 01 + 11 00 | cover completely, as if with a carpet; "flowers carpeted the meadows"
01235224 35 v 01 board_up 0 001 @ 01332730 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cover with wooden boards; "board up windows before the hurricane"
01235355 35 v 02 knead 0 work 0 005 $ 01741446 v 0000 @ 01211699 v 0000 ~ 01235558 v 0000 ~ 01235667 v 0000 $ 02751271 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make uniform; "knead dough"; "work the clay until it is soft"
01235558 35 v 01 proof 0 001 @ 01235355 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | knead to reach proper lightness; "proof dough"
01235667 35 v 01 masticate 0 001 @ 01235355 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | grind and knead; "masticate rubber"
01235769 35 v 02 butt 0 bunt 0 004 @ 01410223 v 0000 + 09884815 n 0101 ^ 01240308 v 0104 ~ 01236009 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | to strike, thrust or shove against; "He butted his sister out of the way"; "The goat butted the hiker with his horns"
01236009 35 v 01 headbutt 0 001 @ 01235769 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | butt with the head; "The soccer player headbutted his oponent and was sent off the field"
01236164 35 v 05 hit 1 strike 1 impinge_on 0 run_into 1 collide_with 0 023 $ 01410223 v 0000 @ 01206218 v 0000 + 07410021 n 0202 + 10178216 n 0202 + 04337740 n 0201 + 07339329 n 0203 + 07302542 n 0102 + 00125629 n 0102 ! 01237901 v 0101 ~ 00102420 v 0000 ~ 01236795 v 0000 ~ 01236941 v 0000 ~ 01237088 v 0000 ~ 01237231 v 0000 ~ 01237761 v 0000 ~ 01238061 v 0000 ~ 01238204 v 0000 ~ 01238358 v 0000 ~ 01238500 v 0000 ~ 01239619 v 0000 ~ 01240308 v 0000 ~ 01561143 v 0000 ~ 01893000 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | hit against; come into sudden contact with; "The car hit a tree"; "He struck the table with his elbow"
01236795 35 v 01 ping 0 002 @ 01236164 v 0000 + 07389569 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | hit with a pinging noise; "The bugs pinged the lamp shade"
01236941 35 v 02 spang 0 bang 2 002 @ 01236164 v 0000 ;u 07155661 n 0000 02 + 04 00 + 11 00 | leap, jerk, bang; "Bullets spanged into the trees"
01237088 35 v 01 rear-end 0 001 @ 01236164 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | collide with the rear end of; "The car rear-ended me"
01237231 35 v 01 broadside 0 002 @ 01236164 v 0000 + 02904348 n 0101 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | collide with the broad side of; "her car broad-sided mine"
01237398 35 v 01 clap 0 004 @ 01405044 v 0000 + 07379963 n 0102 + 07376257 n 0102 + 03037228 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | strike together so as to produce a sharp percussive noise; "clap two boards together"
01237599 35 v 01 clap 1 001 @ 01400044 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | strike with the flat of the hand; usually in a friendly way, as in encouragement or greeting
01237761 35 v 01 connect 1 001 @ 01236164 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | land on or hit solidly; "The brick connected on her head, knocking her out"
01237901 35 v 01 miss 0 004 + 07319774 n 0101 ! 01236164 v 0101 ~ 01135219 v 0000 ~ 01152532 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | fail to reach; "The arrow missed the target"
01238061 35 v 01 spat 0 001 @ 01236164 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | strike with a sound like that of falling rain; "Bullets were spatting the leaves"
01238204 35 v 01 thud 0 002 @ 01236164 v 0000 + 07396945 n 0105 02 + 04 00 + 11 00 | strike with a dull sound; "Bullets were thudding against the wall"
01238358 35 v 01 bottom 0 003 @ 01236164 v 0000 + 08511970 n 0101 + 08511241 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | strike the ground, as with a ship's bottom
01238500 35 v 01 bottom_out 0 001 @ 01236164 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | hit the ground; "the car bottomed out where the driveway meets the road"
01238640 35 v 02 knock 4 strike_hard 0 007 @ 01410223 v 0000 + 00133338 n 0101 + 07410207 n 0101 ^ 01909978 v 0105 ^ 01412346 v 0104 ^ 01414088 v 0102 ^ 01414088 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | deliver a sharp blow or push :"He knocked the glass clear across the room"
01238907 35 v 01 shoulder 0 002 @ 01899262 v 0000 + 05548840 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | push with the shoulders; "He shouldered his way into the crowd"
01239054 35 v 01 shoulder 1 002 @ 01449974 v 0000 + 05548840 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | carry a burden, either real or metaphoric; "shoulder the burden"
01239202 35 v 01 port 0 001 @ 01449974 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | carry or hold with both hands diagonally across the body, especially of weapons; "port a rifle"
01239359 35 v 01 shoulder 2 003 @ 01974062 v 0000 + 05549061 n 0101 + 05548840 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | lift onto one's shoulders
01239494 35 v 01 elbow 0 002 @ 01231252 v 0000 + 05579944 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | shove one's elbow into another person's ribs
01239619 35 v 02 bump 0 knock 0 006 @ 01236164 v 0000 ^ 01240308 v 0205 ^ 01417705 v 0202 + 07338681 n 0102 + 02918595 n 0101 ^ 01240308 v 0102 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 22 00 | knock against with force or violence; "My car bumped into the tree"
01239862 35 v 05 down 0 knock_down 1 cut_down 0 push_down 0 pull_down 0 003 @ 01410223 v 0000 + 04166553 n 0104 ~ 01240188 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | cause to come or go down; "The policeman downed the heavily armed suspect"; "The mugger knocked down the old lady after she refused to hand over her wallet"
01240188 35 v 01 submarine 0 002 @ 01239862 v 0000 ;c 00523513 n 0000 01 + 09 00 | bring down with a blow to the legs
01240308 35 v 05 run_into 0 bump_into 0 jar_against 0 butt_against 1 knock_against 0 001 @ 01236164 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 | collide violently with an obstacle; "I ran into the telephone pole"
01240514 35 v 03 graze 0 crease 2 rake 2 005 @ 01240720 v 0000 + 14286885 n 0101 + 00841091 n 0101 + 00150762 n 0101 ~ 01248597 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | scrape gently; "graze the skin"
01240720 35 v 01 brush 0 005 $ 01870043 v 0000 @ 01206218 v 0000 + 07413714 n 0101 ~ 01240514 v 0000 ~ 01242071 v 0000 04 + 04 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 22 00 | touch lightly and briefly; "He brushed the wall lightly"
01240935 35 v 02 goad 1 prick 4 002 @ 01230350 v 0000 + 04007664 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | stab or urge on as if with a pointed stick
01241073 35 v 01 goad 0 005 @ 01230710 v 0000 + 07252378 n 0101 + 04007664 n 0102 + 07252378 n 0102 ~ 01241253 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 | urge with or as if with a goad
01241253 35 v 01 spur 0 002 @ 01241073 v 0000 + 04290259 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | goad with spurs; "the rider spurred his horse"
01241379 35 v 01 spur 1 002 @ 02339413 v 0000 + 04290259 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | equip with spurs; "spur horses"
01241490 35 v 01 spur 2 003 * 00069879 v 0000 @ 01410223 v 0000 + 13912839 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | strike with a spur
01241614 35 v 01 flip 5 003 @ 01511706 v 0000 + 03364156 n 0101 + 02465084 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | move with a flick or light motion
01241753 35 v 01 rocket 0 003 @ 01511706 v 0000 + 04099429 n 0101 + 06135659 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | propel with a rocket
01241881 35 v 01 carry c 002 @ 01511706 v 0000 $ 01449974 v 0000 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | propel or give impetus to; "The sudden gust of air propelled the ball to the other side of the fence"
01242071 35 v 01 flick 1 001 @ 01240720 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | touch or hit with a light, quick blow; "flicked him with his hand"
01242208 35 v 03 snap 2 click 0 flick 2 004 @ 01831531 v 0000 + 00344699 n 0101 + 07394236 n 0101 + 03125352 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | cause to make a snapping sound; "snap your fingers"
01242391 35 v 02 slam 0 bang 0 003 @ 01400044 v 0000 + 07410207 n 0203 + 07338970 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | strike violently; "slam the ball"
01242537 35 v 05 lam_into 0 tear_into 0 lace_into 0 pitch_into 0 lay_into 0 001 @ 01400044 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | hit violently, as in an attack
01242689 35 v 02 slam 2 flap_down 0 002 @ 01508368 v 0000 + 07338970 n 0101 01 + 21 00 | throw violently; "He slammed the book on the table"
01242832 35 v 02 slam 1 bang 1 003 @ 01345109 v 0000 + 07394115 n 0101 + 10608658 n 0101 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | close violently; "He slammed the door shut"
01242996 35 v 01 shutter 0 002 @ 01345109 v 0000 + 04211356 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | close with shutters; "We shuttered the window to keep the house cool"
01243148 35 v 01 draw 2 001 @ 01345109 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | move or pull so as to cover or uncover something; "draw the shades"; "draw the curtains"
01243298 35 v 02 pull_back 1 draw 9 002 @ 01449591 v 0000 $ 01449053 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | stretch back a bowstring (on an archer's bow); "The archers were drawing their bows"
01243474 35 v 03 peck 1 pick 0 beak 0 004 @ 01410223 v 0000 + 01758510 n 0301 + 01758308 n 0301 + 01758308 n 0105 04 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | hit lightly with a picking motion
01243661 35 v 02 chuck 1 pat 1 002 @ 01226215 v 0000 + 00125436 n 0202 01 + 21 00 | pat or squeeze fondly or playfully, especially under the chin
01243809 35 v 01 brush 1 002 @ 01249724 v 0000 + 02908217 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | rub with a brush, or as if with a brush; "Johnson brushed the hairs from his jacket"
01243982 35 v 01 brush 2 003 $ 00555780 v 0000 @ 01532589 v 0000 + 02908217 n 0101 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 | clean with a brush; "She brushed the suit before hanging it back into the closet"
01244178 35 v 02 swab 0 swob 0 004 @ 01393339 v 0000 + 04367480 n 0202 + 04367480 n 0101 + 00252020 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | wash with a swab or a mop; "swab the ship's decks"
01244351 35 v 01 dust 0 004 * 00173338 v 0000 @ 01532589 v 0000 + 14839846 n 0101 + 03258330 n 0103 02 + 08 00 + 02 01 | remove the dust from; "dust the cabinets"
01244516 35 v 01 dredge 0 003 @ 00173338 v 0000 + 03236217 n 0101 + 03236423 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | remove with a power shovel, usually from a bottom of a body of water
01244692 35 v 02 dredge 1 drag 2 002 @ 01315613 v 0000 + 03236217 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | search (as the bottom of a body of water) for something valuable or lost
01244853 35 v 03 vacuum 0 vacuum-clean 0 hoover 0 004 @ 01532589 v 0000 + 11059079 n 0301 + 03534776 n 0301 + 04517823 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | clean with a vacuum cleaner; "vacuum the carpets"
01245052 35 v 04 sanitize 0 sanitise 0 hygienize 0 hygienise 0 003 @ 01532589 v 0000 + 00254415 n 0203 + 00254415 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | make sanitary by cleaning or sterilizing
01245229 35 v 01 bream 0 001 @ 01532589 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | clean (a ship's bottom) with heat
01245325 35 v 02 steam 0 steam_clean 0 002 @ 01532589 v 0000 + 15055181 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | clean by means of steaming; "steam-clean the upholstered sofa"
01245490 35 v 02 Simonize 0 Simonise 0 002 @ 01245637 v 0000 + 15042542 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | polish with wax; "The motorcycle has been Simonized"
01245637 35 v 04 polish 0 smooth 1 smoothen 1 shine 0 011 * 01249724 v 0000 @ 00293141 v 0000 + 00578795 n 0401 + 14996020 n 0101 + 04955160 n 0101 + 02911332 n 0102 + 00578795 n 0102 ~ 01245490 v 0000 ~ 01245986 v 0000 ~ 01246095 v 0000 ~ 01682582 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make (a surface) shine; "shine the silver, please"; "polish my shoes"
01245986 35 v 02 slick 0 sleek 0 002 @ 01245637 v 0000 + 04947628 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | make slick or smooth
01246095 35 v 03 buff 0 burnish 0 furbish 0 005 @ 01245637 v 0000 + 04955160 n 0204 + 02910964 n 0101 + 02910964 n 0102 + 02911332 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | polish and make shiny; "buff the wooden floors"; "buff my shoes"
01246321 35 v 01 dull 1 001 @ 00126264 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make dull in appearance; "Age had dulled the surface"
01246444 35 v 02 dull 2 blunt 0 002 @ 00126264 v 0000 ! 01246601 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make dull or blunt; "Too much cutting dulls the knife's edge"
01246601 35 v 01 sharpen 0 008 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 04185071 n 0101 ! 01246444 v 0101 ~ 00392860 v 0000 ~ 01246843 v 0000 ~ 01246959 v 0000 ~ 01247074 v 0000 ~ 01247181 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make sharp or sharper; "sharpen the knives"
01246843 35 v 01 edge 1 002 @ 01246601 v 0000 + 03264136 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | provide with an edge; "edge a blade"
01246959 35 v 01 strop 0 002 @ 01246601 v 0000 + 04341288 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | sharpen on a strop; "strop razors"
01247074 35 v 01 whet 0 001 @ 01246601 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | sharpen by rubbing, as on a whetstone
01247181 35 v 01 hone 0 003 @ 01246601 v 0000 + 03530511 n 0101 ~ 01247322 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | sharpen with a hone; "hone a knife"
01247322 35 v 01 set 4 001 @ 01247181 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | give a fine, sharp edge to a knife or razor
01247426 35 v 01 cock 0 002 @ 01494310 v 0000 + 03481824 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | set the trigger of a firearm back for firing
01247550 35 v 02 skim_over 0 skim 0 001 @ 01206218 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | move or pass swiftly and lightly over the surface of
01247684 35 v 02 squeak_by 0 squeak_through 0 001 @ 02050132 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | escape; "She squeaked by me"
01247804 35 v 02 tap 0 tip 4 006 @ 01410223 v 0000 + 07388987 n 0103 + 00125436 n 0101 + 07410021 n 0103 + 10691600 n 0101 ~ 01248023 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | strike lightly; "He tapped me on the shoulder"
01248023 35 v 01 percuss 0 004 @ 01247804 v 0000 + 03004701 a 0101 + 00876239 n 0101 + 03966751 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | strike or tap firmly; "the doctor percussed his chest and back"
01248205 35 v 01 postpose 0 002 @ 01494310 v 0000 + 06483702 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | place after another constituent in the sentence; "Japanese postposes the adpositions, whereas English preposes them"
01248405 35 v 01 prepose 0 002 @ 01494310 v 0000 + 06483992 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | place before another constituent in the sentence; "English preposes the adpositions; Japanese postposes them"
01248597 35 v 01 shave 0 003 @ 01240514 v 0000 + 00150762 n 0102 ~ 01249046 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 | touch the surface of lightly; "His back shaved the counter in passing"
01248782 35 v 02 shave 1 trim 1 004 @ 00561090 v 0000 + 00359903 n 0201 + 00359903 n 0202 ~ 01560369 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | cut closely; "trim my beard"
01248950 35 v 01 scissor 0 001 @ 01552519 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cut with or as if with scissors
01249046 35 v 01 skive 0 001 @ 01248597 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove the surface of; "skive leather"
01249147 35 v 01 shave 3 002 @ 01255967 v 0000 + 09385137 n 0103 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make shavings of or reduce to shavings; "shave the radish"
01249294 35 v 02 fillet 0 filet 0 006 @ 01255967 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 + 07655337 n 0202 + 07660065 n 0202 + 07655337 n 0101 + 07660065 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | cut into filets; "filet the fish"
01249490 35 v 02 plane 0 shave 2 004 @ 01552519 v 0000 + 03954731 n 0101 + 03955296 n 0101 + 03955296 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cut or remove with or as if with a plane; "The machine shaved off fine layers from the piece of wood"
01249724 35 v 01 rub 0 021 * 01206218 v 0000 @ 01212230 v 0000 + 00125126 n 0101 + 00712031 n 0103 ^ 01254013 v 0104 ^ 01254013 v 0105 ^ 01232738 v 0102 ^ 01548718 v 0102 ~ 01243809 v 0000 ~ 01250243 v 0000 ~ 01250374 v 0000 ~ 01250474 v 0000 ~ 01250676 v 0000 ~ 01250795 v 0000 ~ 01251109 v 0000 ~ 01251228 v 0000 ~ 01251651 v 0000 ~ 01251928 v 0000 ~ 01308160 v 0000 ~ 01392237 v 0000 ~ 01574077 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | move over something with pressure; "rub my hands"; "rub oil into her skin"
01250243 35 v 01 pumice 0 002 @ 01249724 v 0000 + 14700438 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | rub with pumice, in order to clean or to smoothen
01250374 35 v 01 gauge 0 001 @ 01249724 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | rub to a uniform size; "gauge bricks"
01250474 35 v 02 puree 0 strain a 003 @ 01249724 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 + 07651025 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | rub through a strainer or process in an electric blender; "puree the vegetables for the baby"
01250676 35 v 01 rosin 0 002 @ 01249724 v 0000 + 14894140 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | rub rosin onto; "rosin the violin bow"
01250795 35 v 02 sponge_down 0 sponge_off 0 001 @ 01249724 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | clean with a sponge, by rubbing
01250908 35 v 05 rub 1 fray 1 fret 0 chafe 1 scratch 3 004 @ 01205696 v 0000 + 14286549 n 0502 + 14333136 n 0401 + 11459538 n 0102 03 + 01 00 + 04 00 + 10 00 | cause friction; "my sweater scratches"
01251109 35 v 01 worry 1 001 @ 01249724 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | touch or rub constantly; "The old man worried his beads"
01251228 35 v 02 scrub 0 scour 1 009 @ 01249724 v 0000 + 08647457 n 0201 + 10562645 n 0201 + 00251780 n 0203 + 00251780 n 0101 + 10565048 n 0101 + 04156140 n 0103 + 00251780 n 0102 ~ 01251515 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | clean with hard rubbing; "She scrubbed his back"
01251515 35 v 01 holystone 0 002 @ 01251228 v 0000 + 09305229 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | scrub with a holystone; "holystone the ship's deck"
01251651 35 v 02 scour 0 abrade 1 004 @ 01249724 v 0000 + 02239289 a 0201 + 02668393 n 0201 + 08647457 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | rub hard or scrub; "scour the counter tops"
01251828 35 v 02 bedaub 0 besmear 0 001 @ 01332730 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | spread or daub (a surface)
01251928 35 v 04 smear 1 blur 0 smudge 0 smutch 0 005 @ 01249724 v 0000 + 04694441 n 0301 + 04694441 n 0105 ~ 01252130 v 0000 ~ 01252216 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make a smudge on; soil by smudging
01252130 35 v 01 resmudge 0 001 @ 01251928 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | smudge again
01252216 35 v 01 dust 2 002 @ 01251928 v 0000 + 14857897 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | rub the dust over a surface so as to blur the outlines of a shape; "The artist dusted the charcoal drawing down to a faint image"
01252425 35 v 01 smear 2 004 @ 01534147 v 0000 + 04694441 n 0105 ~ 00218214 v 0000 ~ 01252601 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | stain by smearing or daubing with a dirty substance
01252601 35 v 02 smirch 1 besmirch 0 002 @ 01252425 v 0000 + 04694441 n 0106 01 + 08 00 | smear so as to make dirty or stained
01252730 35 v 01 slime 0 002 @ 01534147 v 0000 + 14956661 n 0102 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | cover or stain with slime; "The snake slimed his victim"
01252875 35 v 02 muddy 0 muddy_up 0 001 @ 01534147 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | dirty with mud
01252971 35 v 02 smooth 0 smoothen 0 014 * 01249724 v 0000 @ 00356258 v 0000 + 01263924 n 0101 + 03250588 n 0104 ! 01253621 v 0101 ^ 02516255 v 0103 ~ 00194812 v 0000 ~ 01253363 v 0000 ~ 01307020 v 0000 ~ 01307389 v 0000 ~ 01361998 v 0000 ~ 01386433 v 0000 ~ 01386741 v 0000 ~ 01387022 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make smooth or smoother, as if by rubbing; "smooth the surface of the wood"
01253363 35 v 01 launch 5 001 @ 01252971 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | smoothen the surface of; "launch plaster"
01253468 35 v 01 coarsen 0 001 @ 00126264 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make or become coarse or coarser; "coarsen the surface"; "Their minds coarsened"
01253621 35 v 01 roughen 0 003 @ 00356258 v 0000 * 01254013 v 0000 ! 01252971 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make rough or rougher; "roughen the surfaces so they will stick to each other"
01253808 35 v 02 chafe 0 excoriate 0 003 @ 01254013 v 0000 + 14286549 n 0204 + 14333136 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | tear or wear off the skin or make sore by abrading; "This leash chafes the dog's neck"
01254013 35 v 05 abrade 0 corrade 0 abrase 0 rub_down 0 rub_off 0 012 @ 01254324 v 0000 + 13423615 n 0203 + 02239289 a 0101 + 14286549 n 0101 + 13423615 n 0101 + 11460063 n 0102 + 14799244 n 0102 + 02668393 n 0102 + 02668393 n 0101 + 00258695 n 0401 ~ 01253808 v 0000 ~ 01386906 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | wear away
01254324 35 v 02 wear_away 0 wear_off 0 002 @ 00173338 v 0000 ~ 01254013 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | diminish, as by friction; "Erosion wore away the surface"
01254477 35 v 02 slice 0 slice_up 0 006 @ 01552519 v 0000 + 09437241 n 0101 + 07654667 n 0102 + 04237423 n 0101 + 04237287 n 0101 + 00387424 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cut into slices; "Slice the salami, please"
01254692 35 v 02 amputate 0 cut_off 1 007 * 01552519 v 0000 @ 00173338 v 0000 ;c 00612160 n 0000 + 14550469 n 0101 + 00666350 n 0101 + 09789449 n 0101 ~ 01254912 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove surgically; "amputate limbs"
01254912 35 v 01 slough_off 0 002 @ 01254692 v 0000 ;c 00612160 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | separate from surrounding living tissue, as in an abortion
01255057 35 v 02 resect 0 eviscerate 1 003 @ 00173338 v 0000 ;c 00612160 n 0000 + 00691050 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | surgically remove a part of a structure or an organ
01255222 35 v 01 abscise 0 003 @ 01299268 v 0000 + 00392709 n 0101 $ 01255355 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove or separate by abscission
01255355 35 v 01 abscise 1 002 $ 01255222 v 0000 @ 01513430 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | shed flowers and leaves and fruit following formation of a scar tissue
01255508 35 v 01 pink 0 001 @ 01552519 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cut in a zigzag pattern with pinking shears, in sewing
01255624 35 v 01 jag 0 005 @ 01552519 v 0000 + 03591901 n 0101 + 03592055 n 0101 + 09320826 n 0101 ~ 01255807 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cut teeth into; make a jagged cutting edge
01255807 35 v 01 serrate 0 002 @ 01255624 v 0000 + 14568621 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make saw-toothed or jag the edge of; "serrate the edges of the teeth"
01255967 35 v 02 carve 0 cut_up 0 005 @ 01552519 v 0000 + 09985470 n 0102 ^ 02467662 v 0106 ~ 01249147 v 0000 ~ 01249294 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cut to pieces; "Father carved the ham"
01256157 35 v 01 carve 1 007 @ 01552519 v 0000 @ 01659248 v 0000 + 10566072 n 0103 + 00942234 n 0101 ~ 01260685 v 0000 ~ 01551871 v 0000 ~ 01752025 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | form by carving; "Carve a flower from the ice"
01256374 35 v 02 swage 0 upset 0 002 @ 01659248 v 0000 + 04515444 n 0201 01 + 08 00 | form metals with a swage
01256487 35 v 01 step 0 002 @ 01494310 v 0000 + 04315185 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | place (a ship's mast) in its step
01256600 35 v 02 carve 2 chip_at 0 007 @ 01552519 v 0000 ^ 01259458 v 0201 + 10789963 n 0102 + 00937656 n 0102 ~ 01259328 v 0000 ~ 01321895 v 0000 ~ 01322223 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | engrave or cut by chipping away at a surface; "carve one's name into the bark"
01256867 35 v 02 cube 0 dice 0 005 @ 01552519 v 0000 + 03191029 n 0202 + 03191451 n 0201 + 13916721 n 0101 + 13914608 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cut into cubes; "cube the cheese"
01257049 35 v 01 julienne 0 001 @ 01552519 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cut into long thin strips; "julienne the potatoes"
01257173 35 v 02 chop 0 hack 2 008 @ 01552519 v 0000 + 03474467 n 0201 + 05283498 n 0101 + 03041632 n 0103 ^ 01257507 v 0101 ^ 01258091 v 0102 ^ 01299268 v 0102 ~ 01257953 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cut with a hacking tool
01257399 35 v 01 hash 0 002 @ 01258091 v 0000 + 07869391 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | chop up; "hash the potatoes"
01257507 35 v 01 chop_down 0 001 @ 01258302 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cut down; "George chopped down the cherry tree"
01257621 35 v 01 undercut 3 003 * 01258302 v 0000 @ 01552519 v 0000 + 04507891 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | cut obliquely into (a tree) below the main cut and on the side toward which the tree will fall
01257817 35 v 01 hack 1 002 @ 01552519 v 0000 + 03474467 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cut away; "he hacked his way through the forest"
01257953 35 v 02 axe 0 ax 0 003 @ 01257173 v 0000 + 02764044 n 0201 + 02764044 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | chop or split with an ax; "axe wood"
01258091 35 v 02 chop 1 chop_up 0 006 @ 01552519 v 0000 + 07653982 n 0101 + 05283498 n 0101 + 03041632 n 0103 ~ 01257399 v 0000 ~ 01560583 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cut into pieces; "Chop wood"; "chop meat"
01258302 35 v 04 fell 0 drop 3 strike_down 0 cut_down 2 008 > 01970826 v 0000 @ 01552519 v 0000 + 10276045 n 0104 + 00222376 n 0101 ~ 01257507 v 0000 ~ 01258642 v 0000 ~ 01258828 v 0000 ~ 01319738 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 | cause to fall by or as if by delivering a blow; "strike down a tree"; "Lightning struck down the hikers"
01258642 35 v 02 poleax 0 poleaxe 0 005 @ 01258302 v 0000 + 03977266 n 0202 + 03977430 n 0202 + 03977266 n 0101 + 03977430 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | fell with or as if with a poleax
01258828 35 v 02 log 0 lumber 0 005 @ 01258302 v 0000 + 14943580 n 0201 + 10276045 n 0103 + 14942762 n 0101 + 00581772 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | cut lumber, as in woods and forests
01259005 35 v 02 nick 0 chip 3 003 @ 01552519 v 0000 + 04692908 n 0202 + 00387897 n 0102 03 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | cut a nick into
01259141 35 v 02 nick 1 snick 0 003 @ 01552519 v 0000 + 00387897 n 0203 + 00387897 n 0102 03 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | cut slightly, with a razor; "The barber's knife nicked his cheek"
01259328 35 v 01 chisel 0 002 @ 01256600 v 0000 + 03020692 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | carve with a chisel; "chisel the marble"
01259458 35 v 04 chip 0 knap 1 cut_off 2 break_off 0 005 @ 01552519 v 0000 + 09222051 n 0102 + 00377169 n 0101 + 00377169 n 0102 ^ 01256600 v 0102 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | break a small piece off from; "chip the glass"; "chip a tooth"
01259691 35 v 05 chip 1 chip_off 0 come_off 1 break_away 0 break_off 1 006 @ 01557774 v 0000 + 09222051 n 0102 + 00377169 n 0101 + 00377169 n 0102 ~ 01259951 v 0000 ~ 01260159 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | break off (a piece from a whole); "Her tooth chipped"
01259951 35 v 04 peel_off 1 peel 1 flake_off 0 flake 0 003 @ 01259691 v 0000 + 09222051 n 0403 + 11445564 n 0202 01 + 01 00 | come off in flakes or thin small pieces; "The paint in my house is peeling off"
01260159 35 v 01 exfoliate 3 003 @ 01259691 v 0000 + 11445753 n 0101 + 09425607 n 0103 01 + 01 00 | come off in a very thin piece
01260291 35 v 01 chip 2 002 @ 01659248 v 0000 + 09222051 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | form by chipping; "They chipped their names in the stone"
01260428 35 v 01 hew 0 004 @ 01410223 v 0000 + 10174148 n 0101 ^ 01260685 v 0102 ~ 01260593 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | strike with an axe; cut down, strike; "hew an oak"
01260593 35 v 01 snag 1 002 @ 01260428 v 0000 + 13895745 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | hew jaggedly
01260685 35 v 02 hew 2 hew_out 0 003 @ 01256157 v 0000 + 10174148 n 0101 ~ 01260850 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make or shape as with an axe; "hew out a path in the rock"
01260850 35 v 02 rough-hew 0 roughcast 0 002 @ 01260685 v 0000 + 04112921 n 0201 01 + 08 00 | hew roughly, without finishing the surface; "rough-hew stone or timber"
01261018 35 v 04 skim 1 skim_off 0 cream_off 0 cream 1 006 @ 00173338 v 0000 ^ 00677445 v 0401 + 09436531 n 0101 + 04229959 n 0101 + 01262574 n 0101 ^ 00677445 v 0102 01 + 08 00 | remove from the surface; "skim cream from the surface of milk"
01261263 35 v 01 skim 3 002 @ 01264283 v 0000 + 09436531 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | coat (a liquid) with a layer
01261371 35 v 01 stucco 0 002 @ 01264283 v 0000 + 15062057 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | coat with stucco; "stucco the ceiling"
01261491 35 v 01 egg 0 003 @ 01264283 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 + 07840804 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | coat with beaten egg; "egg a schnitzel"
01261628 35 v 02 encrust 0 incrust 0 003 @ 01264283 v 0000 + 09260218 n 0202 + 09260218 n 0103 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cover or coat with a crust
01261773 35 v 01 dredge 3 003 @ 01264283 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 ~ 01261950 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | cover before cooking; "dredge the chicken in flour before frying it"
01261950 35 v 01 flour 0 003 @ 01261773 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 + 07569106 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | cover with flour; "flour fish or meat before frying it"
01262113 35 v 01 layer 0 005 @ 01659248 v 0000 + 01463259 n 0101 + 06246896 n 0102 + 08591680 n 0101 + 03650173 n 0101 03 + 02 00 + 08 01 + 11 01 | make or form a layer; "layer the different colored sands"
01262321 35 v 02 coat 1 cake 1 003 @ 01207951 v 0000 + 03058107 n 0102 + 03058107 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | form a coat over; "Dirt had coated her face"
01262470 35 v 01 soot 0 002 @ 01264283 v 0000 + 14793533 n 0103 01 + 11 00 | coat with soot
01262564 35 v 02 pare 0 trim 3 004 @ 01552519 v 0000 + 04483925 n 0201 + 10399895 n 0101 ~ 01262813 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | remove the edges from and cut down to the desired size; "pare one's fingernails"; "trim the photograph"; "trim lumber"
01262813 35 v 01 dress c 001 @ 01262564 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cut down rough-hewn (lumber) to standard thickness and width
01262936 35 v 03 skin 0 peel 0 pare 2 010 @ 01263479 v 0000 + 03890093 n 0301 + 07851054 n 0301 + 07738353 n 0201 + 03904909 n 0201 + 10412784 n 0201 + 07738353 n 0102 + 10607706 n 0101 ~ 01263215 v 0000 ~ 01274657 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | strip the skin off; "pare apples"
01263215 35 v 01 peel_off 0 002 @ 01262936 v 0000 ~ 01263336 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | peel off the outer layer of something
01263336 35 v 01 exfoliate 1 003 @ 01263215 v 0000 + 11445753 n 0101 + 09425607 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | remove the surface, in scales or laminae
01263479 35 v 01 strip 0 005 @ 00173338 v 0000 ~ 01262936 v 0000 ~ 01263784 v 0000 ~ 01263999 v 0000 ~ 01384275 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | remove the surface from; "strip wood"
01263659 35 v 01 strip 1 002 @ 00173338 v 0000 + 10664656 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | strip the cured leaves from; "strip tobacco"
01263784 35 v 02 bark 0 skin 1 002 @ 01263479 v 0000 + 13162297 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | remove the bark of a tree
01263904 35 v 01 bark 1 002 @ 01332730 v 0000 + 13162297 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | cover with bark
01263999 35 v 01 decorticate 0 002 @ 01263479 v 0000 + 00670105 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | remove the outer layer of; "decorticate a tree branch"
01264148 35 v 02 scale 0 descale 0 002 @ 00173338 v 0000 + 01902877 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | remove the scales from; "scale fish"
01264283 35 v 02 coat 0 surface 0 045 @ 01332730 v 0000 + 04362025 n 0201 + 03058107 n 0102 + 04700642 n 0101 + 03058107 n 0101 + 00712225 n 0102 ~ 00136254 v 0000 ~ 00136567 v 0000 ~ 00565481 v 0000 ~ 01261263 v 0000 ~ 01261371 v 0000 ~ 01261491 v 0000 ~ 01261628 v 0000 ~ 01261773 v 0000 ~ 01262470 v 0000 ~ 01265246 v 0000 ~ 01265386 v 0000 ~ 01265499 v 0000 ~ 01265649 v 0000 ~ 01265740 v 0000 ~ 01265880 v 0000 ~ 01265989 v 0000 ~ 01266457 v 0000 ~ 01266604 v 0000 ~ 01266749 v 0000 ~ 01266895 v 0000 ~ 01267098 v 0000 ~ 01269008 v 0000 ~ 01269521 v 0000 ~ 01272457 v 0000 ~ 01335202 v 0000 ~ 01360899 v 0000 ~ 01361240 v 0000 ~ 01362136 v 0000 ~ 01362736 v 0000 ~ 01366926 v 0000 ~ 01394938 v 0000 ~ 01395049 v 0000 ~ 01603303 v 0000 ~ 01603418 v 0000 ~ 01610278 v 0000 ~ 01615602 v 0000 ~ 01615695 v 0000 ~ 01615789 v 0000 ~ 01615906 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | put a coat on; cover the surface of; furnish with a surface; "coat the cake with chocolate"
01265246 35 v 01 refinish 0 002 @ 01264283 v 0000 + 10514962 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | give a new surface; "refinish the dining room furniture"
01265386 35 v 01 brush_on 0 001 @ 01264283 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | apply with a brush; "Brush butter on the roast"
01265499 35 v 03 patinate 0 patinize 0 patinise 0 003 @ 01264283 v 0000 + 03899612 n 0201 + 03899612 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | coat with a patina
01265649 35 v 01 resurface 0 001 @ 01264283 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cover with a new surface
01265740 35 v 01 crumb 0 003 @ 01264283 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 + 07622261 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | coat with bread crumbs; "crumb a cutlet"
01265880 35 v 01 copper 0 002 @ 01264283 v 0000 + 14635722 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | coat with a layer of copper
01265989 35 v 01 finish 0 007 @ 01264283 v 0000 + 04700642 n 0102 + 09619605 n 0101 + 09619452 n 0101 + 04700642 n 0103 ~ 01266269 v 0000 ~ 01266375 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | provide with a finish; "The carpenter finished the table beautifully"; "this shirt is not finished properly"
01266269 35 v 01 dress 2 001 @ 01265989 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | put a finish on; "dress the surface smooth"
01266375 35 v 01 broom 1 001 @ 01265989 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | finish with a broom
01266457 35 v 02 bonderize 0 bonderise 0 001 @ 01264283 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | coat with a substance that will prevent corrosion; "bonderize steel"
01266604 35 v 01 blacktop 0 003 @ 01264283 v 0000 + 14976871 n 0102 + 14976871 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | coat with blacktop; "blacktop the driveway"
01266749 35 v 01 foliate 0 003 @ 01264283 v 0000 + 03375694 n 0101 + 00713135 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | coat or back with metal foil; "foliate glass"
01266895 35 v 02 galvanize 0 galvanise 0 006 @ 01264283 v 0000 + 00713250 n 0202 + 10118382 n 0202 + 00713250 n 0101 + 10118587 n 0101 + 10118587 n 0202 01 + 11 00 | cover with zinc; "galvanize steel"
01267098 35 v 01 pave 0 012 @ 01264283 v 0000 + 14977504 n 0102 + 04215402 n 0102 + 03900750 n 0101 + 13315518 n 0101 + 14977504 n 0101 + 03900750 n 0102 + 00717081 n 0101 ~ 01267475 v 0000 ~ 01267611 v 0000 ~ 01267742 v 0000 ~ 01267866 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cover with a material such as stone or concrete to make suitable for vehicle traffic; "pave the roads in the village"
01267475 35 v 02 cobble 0 cobblestone 0 003 @ 01267098 v 0000 + 03059528 n 0101 + 09933098 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | pave with cobblestones
01267611 35 v 01 hard_surface 0 001 @ 01267098 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cover with asphalt or a similar surface; "hard-surface roads"
01267742 35 v 01 causeway 0 002 @ 01267098 v 0000 + 02986920 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | pave a road with cobblestones or pebbles
01267866 35 v 01 asphalt 0 002 @ 01267098 v 0000 + 14769465 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | cover with tar or asphalt; "asphalt the driveway"
01267998 35 v 01 butter 0 002 @ 01332730 v 0000 + 07848338 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | spread butter on; "butter bread"
01268112 35 v 02 wallpaper 0 paper 1 006 @ 01332730 v 0000 + 14974264 n 0201 + 10397001 n 0202 + 00718573 n 0201 + 15093938 n 0101 + 10765189 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | cover with wallpaper
01268297 35 v 01 canvas 0 001 @ 01332730 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cover with canvas; "She canvassed the walls of her living room so as to conceal the ugly cracks"
01268457 35 v 01 paper 0 002 @ 01332730 v 0000 + 14974264 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | cover with paper; "paper the box"
01268571 35 v 01 oil 0 003 @ 01332730 v 0000 + 14966667 n 0101 + 10374415 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | cover with oil, as if by rubbing; "oil the wooden surface"
01268726 35 v 01 wax 0 004 @ 01332730 v 0000 + 15094294 n 0101 + 00719388 n 0101 ~ 01268870 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cover with wax; "wax the car"
01268870 35 v 01 beeswax 0 002 @ 01268726 v 0000 + 15094824 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | cover with beeswax; "Chris beeswaxed the kitchen table"
01269008 35 v 02 varnish 0 seal 4 008 @ 01264283 v 0000 + 04159545 n 0201 + 14705718 n 0201 + 14705718 n 0202 + 00830099 n 0202 + 10746460 n 0101 + 04521987 n 0101 ~ 01270589 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cover with varnish
01269224 35 v 01 veneer 0 003 @ 01332730 v 0000 + 04525417 n 0101 + 00927161 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | cover with veneer; "veneer the furniture to protect it"
01269379 35 v 01 grease 0 003 @ 01332730 v 0000 + 14890945 n 0101 + 14498096 n 0106 01 + 08 00 | lubricate with grease; "grease the wheels"
01269521 35 v 01 glaze 0 003 @ 01264283 v 0000 + 04701039 n 0101 ^ 02158034 v 0102 01 + 08 00 | coat with a glaze; "the potter glazed the dishes"; "glaze the bread with eggwhite"
01269702 35 v 01 whitewash 0 003 @ 01269844 v 0000 + 04581102 n 0101 ~ 01269988 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cover with whitewash; "whitewash walls"
01269844 35 v 01 wash a 003 @ 01332730 v 0000 + 04553389 n 0101 ~ 01269702 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | apply a thin coating of paint, metal, etc., to
01269988 35 v 01 calcimine 0 002 @ 01269702 v 0000 + 02938321 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | cover with calcimine; "calcimine the walls"
01270116 35 v 01 water-wash 0 001 @ 01535246 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | wash with water
01270199 35 v 02 wash 2 rinse 2 010 $ 01535246 v 0000 $ 01536344 v 0000 $ 00557686 v 0000 @ 01438681 v 0000 + 00256309 n 0201 + 02533810 a 0101 + 03648219 n 0102 + 10768903 n 0101 + 04554684 n 0101 ~ 01270463 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | clean with some chemical process
01270463 35 v 01 elute 0 002 @ 01270199 v 0000 + 13473836 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | wash out with a solvent, as in chromatography
01270589 35 v 02 shellac 0 shellack 0 003 @ 01269008 v 0000 + 14701628 n 0101 + 04191150 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | cover with shellac; "She wanted to shellac the desk to protect it from water spots"
01270784 35 v 01 line 0 009 @ 01332730 v 0000 + 03673270 n 0101 + 03673270 n 0102 + 03673767 n 0101 + 00827240 n 0101 ~ 01271064 v 0000 ~ 01271936 v 0000 ~ 01272234 v 0000 ~ 01272349 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 21 00 | cover the interior of; "line the gloves"; "line a chimney"
01271064 35 v 01 reline 0 001 @ 01270784 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | provide with a new lining; "the old fur coat must be relined"
01271189 35 v 01 face 1 008 @ 01332730 v 0000 + 03313456 n 0101 + 03315990 n 0101 + 03315644 n 0101 + 00827379 n 0102 ~ 01271454 v 0000 ~ 01271778 v 0000 $ 01271936 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cover the front or surface of; "The building was faced with beautiful stones"
01271454 35 v 01 revet 0 003 @ 01271189 v 0000 + 04085873 n 0101 $ 01271658 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | face with a layer of stone or concrete or other supporting material so as to retain; "face an embankment"
01271658 35 v 01 revet 1 003 $ 01271454 v 0000 @ 01654628 v 0000 + 04085873 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | construct a revetment
01271778 35 v 01 reface 1 002 @ 01271189 v 0000 ;c 00911048 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | provide with a new facing; "The building was refaced with beautiful stones"
01271936 35 v 01 face 0 004 $ 01271189 v 0000 @ 01270784 v 0000 + 03315805 n 0101 ~ 01272139 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | line the edge (of a garment) with a different material; "face the lapels of the jacket"
01272139 35 v 01 reface 0 001 @ 01271936 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | put a new facing on (a garment)
01272234 35 v 01 crib 0 001 @ 01270784 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | line with beams or planks; "crib a construction hole"
01272349 35 v 01 babbitt 0 002 @ 01270784 v 0000 + 14772007 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | line with a Babbitt metal
01272457 35 v 01 tar 0 002 @ 01264283 v 0000 + 14911704 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | coat with tar; "tar the roof"; "tar the roads"
01272582 35 v 01 tar-and-feather 0 002 * 01332730 v 0000 @ 02499629 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | smear the body of (someone) with tar and feathers; done in some societies as punishment; "The thief was tarred and feathered"
01272798 35 v 01 feather 0 002 @ 01332730 v 0000 + 01896031 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cover or fit with feathers
01272915 35 v 01 feather 1 001 @ 01291069 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | join tongue and groove, in carpentry
01273016 35 v 01 stamp 1 005 @ 01531742 v 0000 + 06855207 n 0101 ~ 00735389 v 0000 ~ 01273632 v 0000 ~ 01274104 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | to mark, or produce an imprint in or on something; "a man whose name is permanently stamped on our maps"
01273263 35 v 01 stripe 0 004 @ 00508032 v 0000 + 04683136 n 0101 + 02784732 n 0103 + 00264088 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | mark with stripes
01273406 35 v 01 speck 0 002 @ 00508032 v 0000 + 04681230 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | produce specks in or on; "speck the cloth"
01273529 35 v 01 bespot 0 001 @ 00508032 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | mark with, or as if with, spots
01273632 35 v 02 rubberstamp 0 handstamp 0 002 @ 01273016 v 0000 + 03488887 n 0201 01 + 08 00 | stamp with a rubber stamp, usually an indication of official approval on a document
01273814 35 v 01 stamp 2 003 @ 01356370 v 0000 + 06796119 n 0103 ~ 01273974 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | affix a stamp to; "Are the letters properly stamped?"
01273974 35 v 01 meter 0 001 @ 01273814 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | stamp with a meter indicating the postage; "meter the mail"
01274104 35 v 02 postmark 0 frank 0 002 @ 01273016 v 0000 + 07270718 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | stamp with a postmark to indicate date and time of mailing
01274254 35 v 01 sideswipe 0 001 @ 01410223 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | strike from the side
01274341 35 v 01 circumcise 0 004 * 01552519 v 0000 @ 00173338 v 0000 + 01031194 n 0101 + 00395654 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | cut the foreskin off male babies or teenage boys; "During the bris, the baby boy is circumcised"
01274559 35 v 01 circumcise 1 001 @ 01552519 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | cut the skin over the clitoris
01274657 35 v 01 flay 0 001 @ 01262936 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | strip the skin off
01274745 35 v 01 scarify 0 002 @ 01274971 v 0000 + 14363483 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | puncture and scar (the skin), as for purposes or tribal identification or rituals; "The men in some African tribes scarify their faces"
01274971 35 v 01 puncture 0 005 @ 01441100 v 0000 + 04024396 n 0101 + 00942988 n 0101 + 07314658 n 0101 ~ 01274745 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | pierce with a pointed object; make a hole into; "puncture a tire"
01275182 35 v 01 puncture 2 002 @ 01617192 v 0000 + 04024396 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | make by piercing; "puncture a hole"
01275301 35 v 01 riddle 0 001 @ 01441100 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | pierce with many holes; "The bullets riddled his body"
01275427 35 v 01 scarify 1 001 @ 01275516 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | break up; "scarify soil"
01275516 35 v 01 loosen 0 003 @ 00126264 v 0000 ~ 01275427 v 0000 ~ 01391806 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make less dense; "loosen the soil"
01275658 35 v 01 scarify 2 001 @ 01275762 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | scratch the surface of; "scarify seeds"
01275762 35 v 03 score 0 nock 0 mark 1 010 @ 01276970 v 0000 + 06798750 n 0301 + 04681387 n 0303 + 13905405 n 0101 + 10562283 n 0101 ~ 01275658 v 0000 ~ 01276080 v 0000 ~ 01276192 v 0000 ~ 01276361 v 0000 $ 01551195 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make small marks into the surface of; "score the clay before firing it"
01276080 35 v 01 scotch 0 002 @ 01275762 v 0000 + 13905405 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | make a small cut or score into
01276192 35 v 01 scribe 0 003 @ 01275762 v 0000 + 04155457 n 0102 + 04155457 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | score a line on with a pointed instrument, as in metalworking
01276361 35 v 01 line 2 008 @ 01275762 v 0000 + 13905792 n 0106 + 06799897 n 0101 + 08612786 n 0102 + 00263813 n 0101 ~ 00509349 v 0000 ~ 01276593 v 0000 ~ 01276800 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | mark with lines; "sorrow had lined his face"
01276593 35 v 01 hatch 4 004 @ 01276361 v 0000 + 04681797 n 0101 + 04681797 n 0104 + 04681797 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | draw, cut, or engrave lines, usually parallel, on metal, wood, or paper; "hatch the sheet"
01276800 35 v 01 crisscross 0 002 @ 01276361 v 0000 + 04681387 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | mark with or consist of a pattern of crossed lines; "wrinkles crisscrossed her face"
01276970 35 v 01 notch 0 006 @ 01555742 v 0000 + 00387897 n 0101 + 03832405 n 0101 + 13905275 n 0101 ~ 01275762 v 0000 ~ 01277173 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cut or make a notch into; "notch the rope"
01277173 35 v 01 indent 2 003 @ 01276970 v 0000 + 00406939 n 0101 ~ 01277305 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | notch the edge of or make jagged
01277305 35 v 01 recess 0 002 @ 01277173 v 0000 + 13872421 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | make a recess in; "recess the piece of wood"
01277431 35 v 03 furrow 0 rut 0 groove 0 005 @ 01309701 v 0000 + 13893786 n 0301 + 05222591 n 0301 + 13894154 n 0201 + 03406966 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | hollow out in the form of a furrow or groove; "furrow soil"
01277649 35 v 03 furrow 2 chamfer 0 chase 2 002 @ 01552519 v 0000 + 02833576 n 0203 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cut a furrow into a columns
01277784 35 v 03 furrow 1 wrinkle 2 crease 1 004 @ 01277974 v 0000 + 13905792 n 0303 + 13905792 n 0201 + 13905792 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make wrinkled or creased; "furrow one's brow"
01277974 35 v 03 fold 0 fold_up 0 turn_up 0 016 @ 00356258 v 0000 + 03145843 n 0302 + 13907415 n 0101 + 00406612 n 0101 + 03376279 n 0101 + 00406612 n 0102 ! 01579813 v 0101 ~ 01217780 v 0000 ~ 01277784 v 0000 ~ 01278427 v 0000 ~ 01387164 v 0000 ~ 01387301 v 0000 ~ 01390327 v 0000 ~ 01457206 v 0000 ~ 01914657 v 0000 ~ 02083497 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | bend or lay so that one part covers the other; "fold up the newspaper"; "turn up your collar"
01278427 35 v 07 wrinkle 0 ruckle 0 crease 0 crinkle 0 scrunch 0 scrunch_up 0 crisp 0 006 @ 01277974 v 0000 + 13905792 n 0404 + 13905792 n 0303 + 13905792 n 0101 ~ 01278817 v 0000 ~ 01279015 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make wrinkles or creases on a smooth surface; make a pressed, folded or wrinkled line in; "The dress got wrinkled"; "crease the paper like this to make a crane"
01278817 35 v 05 pucker 0 rumple 1 cockle 0 crumple 0 knit 0 002 $ 00476965 v 0000 @ 01278427 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 01 01 | to gather something into small wrinkles or folds; "She puckered her lips"
01279015 35 v 03 pucker 2 ruck 0 ruck_up 0 003 @ 01278427 v 0000 + 13907847 n 0202 + 13907847 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | become wrinkled or drawn together; "her lips puckered"
01279186 35 v 02 buckle 1 crumple 1 001 @ 01989053 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | fold or collapse; "His knees buckled"
01279305 35 v 02 purse 0 wrinkle 1 002 @ 01279474 v 0000 + 13905792 n 0201 02 + 01 00 + 08 00 | gather or contract into wrinkles or folds; pucker; "purse ones's lips"
01279474 35 v 01 contract 0 003 @ 00241038 v 0000 + 00365471 n 0101 ~ 01279305 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make smaller; "The heat contracted the woollen garment"
01279631 35 v 02 indent 0 dent 0 005 @ 01280014 v 0000 * 01400044 v 0000 + 13904843 n 0205 + 04693384 n 0201 + 13537894 n 0103 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make a depression into; "The bicycle dented my car"
01279833 35 v 01 indent 1 001 @ 01552519 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cut or tear along an irregular line so that the parts can later be matched for authentication; "indent the documents"
01280014 35 v 05 flex 2 bend 0 deform 1 twist 2 turn b 013 @ 00140967 v 0000 + 07358060 n 0301 + 00404726 n 0302 + 01022367 a 0201 + 02830157 n 0201 + 13907415 n 0206 ! 01281069 v 0201 + 01022064 a 0101 ~ 01279631 v 0000 ~ 01280645 v 0000 ~ 01280808 v 0000 ~ 01280958 v 0000 ~ 01281184 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause (a plastic object) to assume a crooked or angular form; "bend the rod"; "twist the dough into a braid"; "the strong man could turn an iron bar"
01280488 35 v 02 flex 3 bend 8 003 @ 01831531 v 0000 + 14035909 n 0101 + 00405360 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | bend a joint; "flex your wrists"; "bend your knees"
01280645 35 v 01 incurvate 0 003 @ 01280014 v 0000 + 13864965 n 0103 + 00406234 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to curve inward; "gravity incurvates the rays"
01280808 35 v 01 gnarl 0 002 @ 01280014 v 0000 + 13885836 n 0102 01 + 11 00 | twist into a state of deformity; "The wind has gnarled this old tree"
01280958 35 v 01 crank 1 002 @ 01280014 v 0000 + 03127024 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | bend into the shape of a crank
01281069 35 v 01 unbend 0 002 @ 01368597 v 0000 ! 01280014 v 0102 01 + 08 00 | free from flexure; "unbend a bow"
01281184 35 v 02 convolve 0 convolute 0 003 @ 01280014 v 0000 + 00404959 n 0201 + 00404959 n 0101 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | curl, wind, or twist together
01281343 35 v 01 gouge_out 0 001 @ 01554799 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make gouges into a surface; "The woman's spiked heels gouged out the wooden floor"
01281500 35 v 01 rabbet 0 002 @ 01554799 v 0000 + 04036776 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | cut a rectangular groove into
01281611 35 v 02 gouge 0 force_out 0 004 @ 00090708 v 0000 + 10140051 n 0101 + 00942900 n 0101 ^ 01281343 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | force with the thumb; "gouge out his eyes"
01281782 35 v 02 rout 0 gouge 1 003 @ 01282545 v 0000 + 04693384 n 0203 + 03449309 n 0201 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make a groove in
01281912 35 v 02 scallop 0 scollop 0 001 @ 01282545 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | form scallops in; "scallop the meat"
01282023 35 v 01 hole 0 003 @ 01282545 v 0000 + 09304465 n 0101 + 03526198 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make holes in
01282142 35 v 02 suck_in 1 draw_in 1 002 @ 01282545 v 0000 $ 01540693 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | draw in as if by suction; "suck in your cheeks and stomach"
01282294 35 v 01 scoop_out 0 001 @ 01282545 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | hollow out with a scoop; "scoop out a melon"
01282413 35 v 03 rout 1 root 0 rootle 0 001 @ 01309701 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | dig with the snout; "the pig was rooting for truffles"
01282545 35 v 03 hollow 0 hollow_out 0 core_out 0 012 @ 00449692 v 0000 + 09304750 n 0102 ~ 01281782 v 0000 ~ 01281912 v 0000 ~ 01282023 v 0000 ~ 01282142 v 0000 ~ 01282294 v 0000 ~ 01282888 v 0000 ~ 01283033 v 0000 ~ 01311103 v 0000 ~ 01311378 v 0000 ~ 01590523 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | remove the interior of; "hollow out a tree trunk"
01282888 35 v 02 cavern 0 cavern_out 0 003 @ 01282545 v 0000 + 09239451 n 0101 + 09239302 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | hollow out as if making a cavern
01283033 35 v 02 cave 0 undermine 0 002 @ 01282545 v 0000 ~ 01310555 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | hollow out as if making a cave or opening; "The river was caving the banks"
01283208 35 v 02 wrap 0 wrap_up 0 013 @ 01332730 v 0000 + 04605726 n 0102 + 04605726 n 0103 + 03817647 n 0104 + 04605446 n 0102 + 04369025 n 0102 ! 01284271 v 0101 ~ 01283611 v 0000 ~ 01283746 v 0000 ~ 01283893 v 0000 ~ 01284002 v 0000 ~ 01284160 v 0000 ~ 01300437 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | arrange or fold as a cover or protection; "wrap the baby before taking her out"; "Wrap the present"
01283611 35 v 01 do_up 0 001 @ 01283208 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | wrap for decorative purposes; "The gift was done up in pretty red paper"
01283746 35 v 01 parcel 0 004 @ 01283208 v 0000 + 08008017 n 0104 + 03871083 n 0102 + 00386164 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | make into a wrapped container
01283893 35 v 01 cere 0 001 @ 01283208 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | wrap up in a cerecloth; "cere a corpse"
01284002 35 v 01 shrinkwrap 0 001 @ 01283208 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | wrap something tightly with heated plastic that shrinks upon cooling; "shrinkwrap the CDs"
01284160 35 v 01 gift-wrap 0 002 @ 01283208 v 0000 + 03436549 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | wrap (a gift) attractively
01284271 35 v 02 unwrap 0 undo 3 003 @ 01339505 v 0000 + 10737431 n 0201 ! 01283208 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | remove the outer cover or wrapping of; "Let's unwrap the gifts!"; "undo the parcel"
01284461 35 v 03 untie 0 unbrace 0 unlace 0 005 @ 01519977 v 0000 + 10737431 n 0104 ! 01285440 v 0101 ~ 01285159 v 0000 ~ 01303954 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | undo the ties of; "They untied the prisoner"
01284683 35 v 02 gag 7 muzzle 3 003 @ 01285440 v 0000 + 03410740 n 0202 + 03410740 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | tie a gag around someone's mouth in order to silence them; "The burglars gagged the home owner and tied him to a chair"
01284908 35 v 03 untie 1 undo 1 loosen 5 006 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 00147862 n 0301 + 10737431 n 0201 + 00149262 n 0202 + 10737431 n 0104 + 00149262 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | cause to become loose; "undo the shoelace"; "untie the knot"; "loosen the necktie"
01285159 35 v 02 unloose 0 unloosen 0 001 @ 01284461 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | loosen the ties of; "unloose your sneakers"
01285286 35 v 01 retie 0 001 @ 01285440 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | tie again or anew; "retie the string and make it strong enough now"
01285440 35 v 02 tie 0 bind 1 024 @ 01340439 v 0000 + 00161684 a 0201 + 02840361 n 0201 + 04433185 n 0101 + 03673971 n 0103 + 10710403 n 0101 + 04434059 n 0101 + 00149084 n 0101 ! 01284461 v 0101 ^ 01286913 v 0101 ^ 01286913 v 0102 ~ 01284683 v 0000 ~ 01285286 v 0000 ~ 01286038 v 0000 ~ 01286290 v 0000 ~ 01286674 v 0000 ~ 01287537 v 0000 ~ 01287797 v 0000 ~ 01289155 v 0000 ~ 01289492 v 0000 ~ 01300144 v 0000 ~ 01303707 v 0000 ~ 01304342 v 0000 ~ 01521603 v 0000 05 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 15 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | fasten or secure with a rope, string, or cord; "They tied their victim to the chair"
01286038 35 v 02 tie_up 1 bind_off 0 002 @ 01285440 v 0000 ;c 03624966 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | finish the last row
01286151 35 v 01 rig 0 002 @ 01340439 v 0000 + 04091097 n 0101 01 + 21 00 | connect or secure to; "They rigged the bomb to the ignition"
01286290 35 v 01 loop 1 002 @ 01285440 v 0000 + 03132438 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | fasten or join with a loop; "He looped the watch through his belt"
01286436 35 v 01 chain_up 0 001 @ 01286913 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | tie up with chains; "chain up the prisoners"
01286554 35 v 01 bitt 0 002 @ 01340439 v 0000 + 02864593 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | secure with a bitt; "bitt the ship line"
01286674 35 v 01 cord 1 002 @ 01285440 v 0000 + 03106110 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | bind or tie with a cord
01286777 35 v 01 latch 0 003 @ 01340439 v 0000 + 03644858 n 0101 + 03645011 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | fasten with a latch; "latch the door"
01286913 35 v 04 tie_down 0 tie_up 0 bind 7 truss 2 007 * 01340439 v 0000 @ 01301410 v 0000 + 00161684 a 0301 ~ 01286436 v 0000 ~ 01287242 v 0000 ~ 01287388 v 0000 ~ 01287929 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | secure with or as if with ropes; "tie down the prisoners"; "tie up the old newspapers and bring them to the recycling shed"
01287242 35 v 03 faggot 0 fagot 0 faggot_up 0 001 @ 01286913 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | bind or tie up in or as if in a faggot; "faggot up the sticks"
01287388 35 v 02 faggot 1 fagot 1 002 @ 01286913 v 0000 ;c 06125698 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | fasten together rods of iron in order to heat or weld them
01287537 35 v 01 lash_together 0 001 @ 01285440 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | bind together with a cord or rope; "Lash together these barrels!"
01287681 35 v 01 garter 0 002 @ 01340439 v 0000 + 03421117 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | fasten with or as if with a garter
01287797 35 v 01 truss 1 002 @ 01285440 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | tie the wings and legs of a bird before cooking it
01287929 35 v 01 hog-tie 0 001 @ 01286913 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | tie together somebody's limbs; "The prisoner was hog-tied"
01288052 35 v 02 fetter 0 shackle 0 004 @ 01301410 v 0000 + 04181228 n 0201 + 03330947 n 0101 ~ 01288201 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | restrain with fetters
01288201 35 v 03 manacle 0 cuff 1 handcuff 0 004 @ 01288052 v 0000 + 03484576 n 0301 + 03484576 n 0202 + 03484576 n 0104 01 + 09 00 | confine or restrain with or as if with manacles or handcuffs; "The police handcuffed the suspect at the scene of the crime"
01288461 35 v 01 enchain 0 001 @ 01301410 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | restrain or bind with chains
01288554 35 v 01 unchain 1 001 @ 02421374 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | make free
01288636 35 v 01 chain 0 003 @ 01340439 v 0000 + 02999410 n 0101 ! 01288808 v 0101 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 21 00 | fasten or secure with chains; "Chain the chairs together"
01288808 35 v 01 unchain 0 002 @ 01344293 v 0000 ! 01288636 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | remove the chains from
01288921 35 v 01 cable 0 001 @ 01340439 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | fasten with a cable; "cable trees"
01289026 35 v 01 picket 0 002 @ 01340439 v 0000 + 03929952 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | fasten with a picket; "picket the goat"
01289155 35 v 02 rope 0 leash 0 004 @ 01285440 v 0000 + 03652932 n 0201 + 04108268 n 0101 ^ 00768630 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | fasten with a rope; "rope the bag securely"
01289330 35 v 01 rope_up 0 001 @ 01340439 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | attach to one another, for safety; "The mountaineers roped up when they started the final ascent"
01289492 35 v 01 strap 0 004 @ 01285440 v 0000 + 04333129 n 0101 ! 01289871 v 0101 ~ 01289633 v 0000 02 + 20 00 + 21 00 | tie with a strap
01289633 35 v 02 hopple 0 hobble 0 002 @ 01289492 v 0000 + 03330947 n 0202 01 + 08 00 | strap the foreleg and hind leg together on each side (of a horse) in order to keep the legs on the same side moving in unison; "hobble race horses"
01289871 35 v 01 unstrap 0 002 @ 01519977 v 0000 ! 01289492 v 0101 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | remove the strap or straps from
01290009 35 v 01 tether 0 002 @ 01296462 v 0000 + 03652932 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | tie with a tether; "tether horses"
01290133 35 v 01 fasten 3 001 @ 01296462 v 0000 01 + 15 00 | attach to; "They fastened various nicknames to each other"
01290255 35 v 01 attach 2 005 @ 01205696 v 0000 + 00161431 a 0101 + 02755352 n 0101 ^ 02705535 v 0102 ~ 01357141 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | be attached; be in contact with
01290422 35 v 01 attach 0 010 @ 01291069 v 0000 + 00161431 a 0101 + 02755352 n 0101 ! 01299758 v 0101 ^ 02716165 v 0101 ~ 01222016 v 0000 ~ 01290730 v 0000 ~ 01343892 v 0000 ~ 01356750 v 0000 ~ 01538785 v 0000 03 + 04 00 + 12 00 + 22 00 | become attached; "The spider's thread attached to the window sill"
01290730 35 v 01 implant 2 001 @ 01290422 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become attached to and embedded in the uterus; "The egg fertilized in vitro implanted in the uterus of the birth mother with no further complications"
01290945 35 v 01 blow_off 0 001 @ 01299758 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | come off due to an explosion or other strong force
01291069 35 v 02 join 0 conjoin 0 018 @ 01354673 v 0000 + 00563648 a 0201 + 00145218 n 0101 ! 01294182 v 0101 ~ 01272915 v 0000 ~ 01290422 v 0000 ~ 01291527 v 0000 ~ 01292366 v 0000 ~ 01428853 v 0000 ~ 01492283 v 0000 ~ 01530678 v 0000 ~ 01560034 v 0000 ~ 01560184 v 0000 ~ 01590171 v 0000 ~ 01595260 v 0000 ~ 01595830 v 0000 ~ 01667449 v 0000 ~ 01672014 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | make contact or come together; "The two roads join here"
01291527 35 v 01 cross-link 0 003 @ 01291069 v 0000 + 11436929 n 0102 + 11436929 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | join by creating covalent bonds (of adjacent chains of a polymer or protein)
01291707 35 v 01 miter 1 002 @ 01295275 v 0000 + 03774461 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | fit together in a miter joint
01291817 35 v 01 ply 3 001 @ 01295275 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | join together as by twisting, weaving, or molding; "ply fabric"
01291941 35 v 02 close_up 1 close f 002 @ 01295275 v 0000 + 00281462 n 0201 01 + 08 00 | unite or bring into contact or bring together the edges of; "close the circuit"; "close a wound"; "close a book"; "close up an umbrella"
01292169 35 v 02 anastomose 0 inosculate 0 003 @ 01295275 v 0000 + 05249420 n 0202 $ 01292366 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cause to join or open into each other by anastomosis; "anastomose blood vessels"
01292366 35 v 02 anastomose 1 inosculate 1 002 $ 01292169 v 0000 @ 01291069 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | come together or open into each other; "the blood vessels anastomose"
01292534 35 v 01 ground 2 004 @ 01354673 v 0000 + 03462747 n 0101 + 00148836 n 0101 ~ 01292727 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | connect to a ground; "ground the electrical connections for safety reasons"
01292727 35 v 01 earth 0 004 @ 01292534 v 0000 + 14842992 n 0101 + 09334396 n 0103 + 00148836 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | connect to the earth; "earth the circuit"
01292885 35 v 05 match 8 mate 2 couple 2 pair 1 twin 0 011 @ 01295275 v 0000 + 07976936 n 0401 + 07985223 n 0401 + 13743605 n 0301 + 04613158 n 0302 + 03728811 n 0202 + 07988857 n 0103 + 09900981 n 0102 $ 01293389 v 0000 ~ 01293548 v 0000 ~ 01294026 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | bring two objects, ideas, or people together; "This fact is coupled to the other one"; "Matchmaker, can you match my daughter with a nice young man?"; "The student was paired with a partner for collaboration on the project"
01293389 35 v 01 match a 005 $ 01292885 v 0000 @ 01295275 v 0000 + 10299875 n 0102 + 07988857 n 0103 + 09900981 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | give or join in marriage
01293548 35 v 01 mismate 0 001 @ 01292885 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | provide with an unsuitable mate
01293644 35 v 02 mortice 0 mortise 0 003 @ 01295275 v 0000 + 03787308 n 0201 + 03787308 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | join by a tenon and mortise
01293782 35 v 02 mortise 1 mortice 1 003 @ 01552519 v 0000 + 03787308 n 0202 + 03787308 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | cut a hole for a tenon in
01293918 35 v 01 cog 0 002 @ 01295275 v 0000 + 03064935 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | join pieces of wood with cogs
01294026 35 v 01 mismatch 0 002 @ 01292885 v 0000 + 05696199 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | match badly; match two objects or people that do not go together
01294182 35 v 02 disjoin 0 disjoint 0 005 @ 01557774 v 0000 + 00564262 a 0101 + 14417697 n 0101 + 14417697 n 0102 ! 01291069 v 0101 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | become separated, disconnected or disjoint
01294396 35 v 02 disjoin 1 disjoint 1 006 > 01294182 v 0000 @ 01556921 v 0000 + 00564262 a 0101 + 00385649 n 0102 + 14417697 n 0102 ! 01295275 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 16 00 | make disjoint, separated, or disconnected; undo the joining of
01294632 35 v 02 disjoint 2 disarticulate 0 001 @ 01556921 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | separate at the joints; "disjoint the chicken before cooking it"
01294778 35 v 01 fair 0 001 @ 01295275 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | join so that the external surfaces blend smoothly
01294889 35 v 01 scarf 1 002 @ 01295275 v 0000 + 04144241 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | unite by a scarf joint
01294992 35 v 01 piece 0 001 @ 01559868 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | join during spinning; "piece the broken pieces of thread, slivers, and rovings"
01295134 35 v 01 rebate 1 002 @ 01295275 v 0000 + 04036776 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | join with a rebate; "rebate the pieces of timber and stone"
01295275 35 v 02 join 1 bring_together 1 026 > 01291069 v 0000 @ 01354673 v 0000 + 00147454 n 0101 + 00145218 n 0101 ! 01294396 v 0101 ~ 00096396 v 0000 ~ 01069190 v 0000 ~ 01069391 v 0000 ~ 01291707 v 0000 ~ 01291817 v 0000 ~ 01291941 v 0000 ~ 01292169 v 0000 ~ 01292885 v 0000 ~ 01293389 v 0000 ~ 01293644 v 0000 ~ 01293918 v 0000 ~ 01294778 v 0000 ~ 01294889 v 0000 ~ 01295134 v 0000 ~ 01295910 v 0000 ~ 01296016 v 0000 ~ 01296324 v 0000 ~ 01607288 v 0000 ~ 01615354 v 0000 ~ 01656788 v 0000 ~ 02434119 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | cause to become joined or linked; "join these two parts so that they fit together"
01295910 35 v 01 rabbet 1 002 @ 01295275 v 0000 + 04036776 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | join with a rabbet joint
01296016 35 v 01 seam 0 003 @ 01295275 v 0000 + 04160372 n 0101 ~ 01296154 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | put together with a seam; "seam a dress"
01296154 35 v 01 suture 0 004 @ 01296016 v 0000 + 04367205 n 0101 + 04367371 n 0101 + 00716055 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | join with a suture; "suture the wound after surgery"
01296324 35 v 01 bridge 0 003 @ 01295275 v 0000 + 00278266 a 0101 + 02898711 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | make a bridge across; "bridge a river"
01296462 35 v 01 attach 1 035 > 01290422 v 0000 @ 01354673 v 0000 + 00161431 a 0101 + 00379422 n 0101 + 00147595 n 0102 ! 01298668 v 0101 ~ 00486998 v 0000 ~ 01290009 v 0000 ~ 01290133 v 0000 ~ 01297174 v 0000 ~ 01297274 v 0000 ~ 01297401 v 0000 ~ 01297624 v 0000 ~ 01298283 v 0000 ~ 01303242 v 0000 ~ 01327816 v 0000 ~ 01328513 v 0000 ~ 01328705 v 0000 ~ 01331818 v 0000 ~ 01332205 v 0000 ~ 01340149 v 0000 ~ 01340283 v 0000 ~ 01340439 v 0000 ~ 01343204 v 0000 ~ 01356370 v 0000 ~ 01357831 v 0000 ~ 01366426 v 0000 ~ 01367616 v 0000 ~ 01421622 v 0000 ~ 01490958 v 0000 ~ 01491697 v 0000 ~ 01492052 v 0000 ~ 01492422 v 0000 ~ 01588493 v 0000 ~ 01603620 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 21 00 | cause to be attached
01297174 35 v 01 hinge 0 002 @ 01296462 v 0000 + 03521076 n 0101 01 + 21 00 | attach with a hinge
01297274 35 v 01 bell 0 003 @ 01296462 v 0000 + 07377244 n 0101 + 02824448 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | attach a bell to; "bell cows"
01297401 35 v 02 ring 0 band a 003 @ 01296462 v 0000 + 02785191 n 0102 + 04092609 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | attach a ring to the foot of, in order to identify; "ring birds"; "band the geese to observe their migratory patterns"
01297624 35 v 03 couple 1 couple_on 0 couple_up 0 004 @ 01296462 v 0000 + 03119510 n 0102 + 03119510 n 0101 ! 01297813 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | link together; "can we couple these proposals?"
01297813 35 v 02 uncouple 0 decouple 0 002 @ 01356038 v 0000 ! 01297624 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | disconnect or separate; "uncouple the hounds"
01297961 35 v 01 prefix 0 004 @ 01298283 v 0000 + 00927845 n 0101 + 06308304 n 0101 ! 01298123 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | attach a prefix to; "prefixed words"
01298123 35 v 01 suffix 0 004 @ 01298283 v 0000 + 00927961 n 0101 + 06308987 n 0101 ! 01297961 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | attach a suffix to; "suffix words"
01298283 35 v 01 affix 2 007 @ 01296462 v 0000 + 06177923 n 0101 + 00927694 n 0101 + 06308049 n 0101 ~ 01297961 v 0000 ~ 01298123 v 0000 ~ 01298545 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | attach or become attached to a stem word; "grammatical morphemes affix to the stem"
01298545 35 v 01 infix 0 002 @ 01298283 v 0000 + 06309272 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | attach a morpheme into a stem word
01298668 35 v 01 detach 1 006 @ 01356038 v 0000 + 00390906 n 0101 ! 01296462 v 0101 ~ 01298931 v 0000 ~ 01304197 v 0000 ~ 01366321 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | cause to become detached or separated; take off; "detach the skin from the chicken before you eat it"
01298931 35 v 03 break 5 break_off 2 snap_off 0 004 @ 01298668 v 0000 + 00708017 a 0101 + 00376400 n 0101 + 09873604 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | break a piece from a whole; "break a branch from a tree"
01299127 35 v 01 French 0 001 @ 00561090 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cut (e.g, beans) lengthwise in preparation for cooking; "French the potatoes"
01299268 35 v 03 cut_off 0 chop_off 0 lop_off 0 003 @ 01299758 v 0000 ~ 01255222 v 0000 ~ 01299473 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | remove by or as if by cutting; "cut off the ear"; "lop off the dead branch"
01299473 35 v 01 roach 0 001 @ 01299268 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cut the mane off (a horse)
01299562 35 v 01 roach 1 002 @ 01596645 v 0000 + 05261088 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | comb (hair) into a roach
01299667 35 v 01 unsolder 0 001 @ 01299758 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove the soldering from
01299758 35 v 03 detach 0 come_off 0 come_away 0 007 @ 01557774 v 0000 + 07331400 n 0103 ! 01290422 v 0101 ~ 01290945 v 0000 ~ 01299268 v 0000 ~ 01299667 v 0000 ~ 01300040 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | come to be detached; "His retina detached and he had to be rushed into surgery"
01300040 35 v 01 fall_off 0 001 @ 01299758 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | come off; "This button had fallen off"
01300144 35 v 01 knot 0 002 @ 01285440 v 0000 + 03627232 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | tie or fasten into a knot; "knot the shoelaces"
01300271 35 v 02 swaddle 0 swathe 0 003 @ 01303242 v 0000 + 04369146 n 0201 + 04369025 n 0201 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | wrap in swaddling clothes; "swaddled the infant"
01300437 35 v 01 shroud 0 002 @ 01283208 v 0000 + 03879116 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | wrap in a shroud; "shroud the corpses"
01300565 35 v 02 pinion 0 shackle 1 001 @ 01301410 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | bind the arms of
01300655 35 v 01 bridle 0 004 @ 01301051 v 0000 ! 02366451 v 0101 + 02900160 n 0101 ~ 01300805 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | put a bridle on; "bridle horses"
01300805 35 v 01 snaffle 0 002 @ 01300655 v 0000 + 04247876 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | fit or restrain with a snaffle; "snaffle a horse"
01300937 35 v 01 curb 0 002 @ 01301051 v 0000 + 03148920 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | keep to the curb; "curb your dogs"
01301051 35 v 04 restrain 1 encumber 0 cumber 0 constrain 0 005 @ 00233335 v 0000 + 10525134 n 0101 ~ 01300655 v 0000 ~ 01300937 v 0000 ~ 01301230 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | hold back
01301230 35 v 01 clog 1 001 @ 01301051 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | impede the motion of, as with a chain or a burden; "horses were clogged until they were tamed"
01301410 35 v 03 restrain 0 confine 1 hold 3 013 @ 00512186 v 0000 + 13999663 n 0303 + 03525252 n 0301 + 10525134 n 0101 + 13998781 n 0102 ~ 01286913 v 0000 ~ 01288052 v 0000 ~ 01288461 v 0000 ~ 01300565 v 0000 ~ 01302183 v 0000 ~ 01302365 v 0000 ~ 01345877 v 0000 ~ 01502762 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | to close within bounds, limit or hold back from movement; "This holds the local until the express passengers change trains"; "About a dozen animals were held inside the stockade"; "The illegal immigrants were held at a detention center"; "The terrorists held the journalists for ransom"
01302019 35 v 01 keep a 003 @ 02495038 v 0000 + 03525252 n 0102 $ 02450505 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | hold and prevent from leaving; "The student was kept after school"
01302183 35 v 02 impound 0 pound 4 003 @ 01301410 v 0000 + 03993703 n 0201 $ 01302365 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | place or shut up in a pound; "pound the cows so they don't stray"
01302365 35 v 02 pound 5 pound_up 0 003 $ 01302183 v 0000 @ 01301410 v 0000 + 00086297 n 0104 01 + 09 00 | shut up or confine in any enclosure or within any bounds or limits; "The prisoners are safely pounded"
01302577 35 v 01 cabin 0 003 @ 01347298 v 0000 + 02932227 n 0101 + 02932019 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | confine to a small space, such as a cabin
01302717 35 v 01 closet 0 002 @ 01347298 v 0000 + 03049457 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | confine to a small space, as for intensive work
01302854 35 v 02 gird 0 encircle 0 002 @ 01303242 v 0000 ~ 01303123 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | bind with something round or circular
01302982 35 v 02 cinch 0 girth 0 003 @ 01340439 v 0000 + 03031756 n 0202 + 03031756 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | tie a cinch around; "cinch horses"
01303123 35 v 01 hoop 0 002 @ 01302854 v 0000 + 03533972 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | bind or fasten with a hoop; "hoop vats"
01303242 35 v 01 bind 0 008 @ 01296462 v 0000 + 00161684 a 0101 + 02840361 n 0101 + 02840134 n 0101 ! 01304197 v 0101 ~ 01300271 v 0000 ~ 01302854 v 0000 ~ 01304076 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 21 00 | make fast; tie or secure, with or as if with a rope; "The Chinese would bind the feet of their women"
01303547 35 v 02 bind 8 bandage 3 003 @ 01340439 v 0000 + 00161684 a 0101 + 00696882 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | wrap around with something so as to cover or enclose
01303707 35 v 01 lash 2 003 @ 01285440 v 0000 ! 01303954 v 0101 ~ 01303855 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | bind with a rope, chain, or cord; "lash the horse"
01303855 35 v 01 frap 0 001 @ 01303707 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make secure by lashing; "frap a sail"
01303954 35 v 01 unlash 0 002 @ 01284461 v 0000 ! 01303707 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | untie the lashing of; "unlash the horse"
01304076 35 v 01 cement 1 001 @ 01303242 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make fast as if with cement; "We cemented our friendship"
01304197 35 v 01 unbind 0 002 @ 01298668 v 0000 ! 01303242 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | untie or unfasten; "unbind the feet of this poor woman"
01304342 35 v 01 band 0 002 @ 01285440 v 0000 + 02784998 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | bind or tie together, as with a band
01304466 35 v 01 cramp 0 003 @ 01340439 v 0000 + 03126090 n 0101 + 03126251 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | secure with a cramp; "cramp the wood"
01304602 35 v 01 cleat 0 002 @ 01340439 v 0000 + 03041114 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | secure on a cleat; "cleat a line"
01304716 35 v 03 anchor 0 cast_anchor 0 drop_anchor 0 004 @ 01340439 v 0000 + 02709367 n 0101 + 08639776 n 0101 + 00052052 n 0101 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 22 00 + 08 01 | secure a vessel with an anchor; "We anchored at Baltimore"
01304944 35 v 02 anchor 1 ground 8 002 @ 01340439 v 0000 + 05694232 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | fix firmly and stably; "anchor the lamppost in concrete"
01305099 35 v 01 moor 0 003 @ 01340439 v 0000 + 00052146 n 0102 + 03784475 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | secure with cables or ropes; "moor the boat"
01305241 35 v 01 wharf 0 002 @ 01305542 v 0000 + 03933529 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | moor at a wharf; "The ship was wharfed"
01305361 35 v 03 moor 3 berth 3 wharf 3 003 @ 02085742 v 0000 + 03933529 n 0302 + 08640111 n 0203 01 + 01 00 | come into or dock at a wharf; "the big ship wharfed in the evening"
01305542 35 v 03 moor 1 berth 0 tie_up 5 004 @ 01340439 v 0000 + 08640111 n 0203 + 08640111 n 0101 ~ 01305241 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | secure in or as if in a berth or dock; "tie up the boat"
01305731 35 v 01 dock 0 007 @ 01931768 v 0000 + 03216828 n 0101 + 03933529 n 0104 + 10655169 n 0104 + 00052146 n 0101 ! 01306047 v 0101 ~ 01305939 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | maneuver into a dock; "dock the ships"
01305939 35 v 02 dry-dock 0 drydock 0 001 @ 01305731 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | maneuver (a ship) into a drydock
01306047 35 v 01 undock 0 002 @ 00173338 v 0000 ! 01305731 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | take (a ship) out of a dock; "undock the ship"
01306175 35 v 01 spike 1 003 @ 01340439 v 0000 + 04276050 n 0101 + 04275904 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | secure with spikes
01306292 35 v 01 batten 0 002 @ 00220869 v 0000 + 02810008 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | secure with battens; "batten down a ship's hatches"
01306425 35 v 03 batten 1 batten_down 0 secure 3 002 @ 00220869 v 0000 + 02810008 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | furnish with battens; "batten ships"
01306566 35 v 01 clapperclaw 0 001 @ 01306654 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | claw with the nails
01306654 35 v 01 claw 0 005 @ 01309143 v 0000 + 02156532 n 0101 + 02154742 n 0101 + 02156140 n 0101 ~ 01306566 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 22 00 | scratch, scrape, pull, or dig with claws or nails
01306853 35 v 01 rake 0 005 * 01308160 v 0000 @ 01380638 v 0000 + 04050066 n 0101 ^ 02284662 v 0101 ^ 02290029 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | gather with a rake; "rake leaves"
01307020 35 v 01 rake 1 002 @ 01252971 v 0000 + 04050066 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | level or smooth with a rake; "rake gravel"
01307142 35 v 04 flush 3 level 1 even_out 0 even 0 007 @ 00356258 v 0000 + 03658858 n 0201 + 10255567 n 0202 + 10255567 n 0201 ~ 01307609 v 0000 ~ 01308008 v 0000 ~ 01585390 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make level or straight; "level the ground"
01307389 35 v 01 plane 3 005 @ 01252971 v 0000 + 03954731 n 0101 + 03955296 n 0101 + 13538182 n 0101 + 03955296 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | make even or smooth, with or as with a carpenter's plane; "plane the top of the door"
01307609 35 v 01 grade 0 005 @ 01307142 v 0000 + 05132045 n 0101 + 05068716 n 0101 + 00912576 n 0101 ~ 01307771 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | level to the right gradient
01307771 35 v 01 aggrade 0 002 @ 01307609 v 0000 ! 01307896 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | build up to a level by depositing sediment
01307896 35 v 01 degrade 0 001 ! 01307771 v 0101 02 + 01 00 + 08 00 | reduce the level of land, as by erosion
01308008 35 v 02 strickle 0 strike a 002 * 01252971 v 0000 @ 01307142 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | smooth with a strickle; "strickle the grain in the measure"
01308160 35 v 02 scrape 0 grate 1 005 @ 01249724 v 0000 + 04693900 n 0102 + 14286549 n 0103 + 04150980 n 0101 ~ 01211455 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | scratch repeatedly; "The cat scraped at the armchair"
01308381 35 v 02 replace 0 put_back 0 003 @ 01494310 v 0000 ~ 01309027 v 0000 $ 02405390 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | put something back where it belongs; "replace the book on the shelf after you have finished reading it"; "please put the clean dishes back in the cabinet when you have washed them"
01308681 35 v 01 stratify 0 005 $ 00506952 v 0000 @ 01494310 v 0000 + 13562328 n 0101 $ 00052845 v 0000 ~ 00506827 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | form, arrange, or deposit in layers; "The fish are stratified in barrels"; "The rock was stratified by the force of the water"; "A statistician stratifies the list of names according to the addresses"
01309027 35 v 01 hang_up 0 001 @ 01308381 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | put a telephone receiver back in its cradle
01309143 35 v 03 scratch 0 scrape 2 scratch_up 0 011 @ 01555742 v 0000 + 14286549 n 0203 + 04693900 n 0202 + 04693900 n 0101 + 13904843 n 0102 + 14286549 n 0102 + 10563826 n 0101 + 04151108 n 0101 ^ 01549719 v 0101 ~ 01306654 v 0000 ~ 01370336 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | cut the surface of; wear away the surface of
01309478 35 v 02 skin 2 scrape 1 004 @ 00069879 v 0000 + 14286549 n 0203 + 01895735 n 0103 + 05238282 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | bruise, cut, or injure the skin or the surface of; "The boy skinned his knee when he fell"
01309701 35 v 04 dig 0 delve 0 cut_into 1 turn_over 0 014 @ 00173338 v 0000 + 08550076 n 0101 + 00941974 n 0103 + 03996416 n 0103 + 00941974 n 0102 ^ 01313923 v 0102 ^ 01173057 v 0102 ^ 01312261 v 0101 ~ 01277431 v 0000 ~ 01282413 v 0000 ~ 01310249 v 0000 ~ 01312810 v 0000 ~ 01313113 v 0000 ~ 02042067 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 22 00 | turn up, loosen, or remove earth; "Dig we must"; "turn over the soil for aeration"
01310125 35 v 01 gutter 0 001 @ 01226875 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | wear or cut gutters into; "The heavy rain guttered the soil"
01310249 35 v 01 spade 0 003 @ 01309701 v 0000 + 04266486 n 0101 ~ 01310417 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | dig (up) with a spade; "I spade compost into the flower beds"
01310417 35 v 01 ridge 0 002 @ 01310249 v 0000 + 13902048 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | spade into alternate ridges and troughs; "ridge the soil"
01310555 35 v 01 sap 0 002 @ 01283033 v 0000 + 10551576 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | excavate the earth beneath
01310660 35 v 03 excavate 1 dig 2 hollow 5 008 @ 00173338 v 0000 + 09304750 n 0302 + 08550076 n 0201 + 00941974 n 0203 + 03302121 n 0101 + 00922327 n 0102 ~ 01310964 v 0000 ~ 01311896 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | remove the inner part or the core of; "the mining company wants to excavate the hillside"
01310964 35 v 01 drive 6 003 @ 01310660 v 0000 ;c 00922327 n 0000 + 03239399 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | excavate horizontally; "drive a tunnel"
01311103 35 v 02 dig 1 dig_out 0 009 @ 01282545 v 0000 * 00173338 v 0000 + 00941974 n 0103 + 08550076 n 0101 + 10012989 n 0101 + 03996416 n 0103 ~ 01311608 v 0000 ~ 01311722 v 0000 ~ 01312123 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | create by digging; "dig a hole"; "dig out a channel"
01311378 35 v 01 excavate 2 004 @ 01282545 v 0000 + 03302121 n 0101 + 09617292 n 0101 + 03996416 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | form by hollowing; "Carnegie had a lake excavated for Princeton University's rowing team"; "excavate a cavity"
01311608 35 v 01 lift 2 001 @ 01311103 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | take (root crops) out of the ground; "lift potatoes"
01311722 35 v 01 trench 1 003 @ 01311103 v 0000 + 04478889 n 0101 + 10728117 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | dig a trench or trenches; "The National Guardsmen were sent out to trench"
01311896 35 v 02 trench 3 ditch 1 005 @ 01310660 v 0000 + 09267758 n 0201 + 03214253 n 0201 + 04478889 n 0101 + 10728117 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | cut a trench in, as for drainage; "ditch the land to drain it"; "trench the fields"
01312123 35 v 01 dibble 1 002 @ 01311103 v 0000 + 03190458 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | make a hole with a wooden hand tool; "dibble the ground"
01312261 35 v 01 dig_out 3 001 @ 01475953 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 09 00 | dig out from underneath earth or snow
01312371 35 v 05 scoop 1 scoop_out 2 lift_out 2 scoop_up 0 take_up 0 006 @ 00173338 v 0000 + 13894306 n 0101 + 04149208 n 0101 + 04149083 n 0101 + 13769317 n 0101 ~ 01312657 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | take out or up with or as if with a scoop; "scoop the sugar out of the container"
01312657 35 v 01 dip c 001 @ 01312371 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | scoop up by plunging one's hand or a ladle below the surface; "dip water out of a container"
01312810 35 v 01 shovel 0 008 @ 01309701 v 0000 + 03996416 n 0104 + 04208427 n 0101 + 13769870 n 0101 + 04208210 n 0101 + 10593618 n 0101 ^ 01174099 v 0103 ^ 02290029 v 0102 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 21 00 | dig with or as if with a shovel; "shovel sand"; "he shovelled in the backyard all afternoon long"
01313113 35 v 01 trowel 0 002 @ 01309701 v 0000 + 04489817 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | use a trowel on; for light garden work or plaster work
01313249 35 v 01 daub 2 004 $ 01233387 v 0000 $ 01360899 v 0000 @ 01363648 v 0000 + 14828683 n 0101 01 + 21 00 | apply to a surface; "daub paint onto the wall"
01313411 35 v 01 squirt a 004 @ 00214951 v 0000 + 07436100 n 0102 + 04561548 n 0104 ~ 01613589 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | wet with a spurt of liquid; "spurt the wall with water"
01313592 35 v 01 spritz 0 002 @ 01332730 v 0000 + 07446599 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | cover (a location) wholly or partially by squirting a liquid onto it; "Spritz the lawn with water"
01313780 35 v 01 spritz 2 002 @ 01375637 v 0000 + 07446599 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | eject (a liquid) quickly; "spritz water on a surface"
01313923 35 v 03 excavate 0 dig_up 0 turn_up 3 008 @ 02238085 v 0000 + 08550076 n 0102 + 03302121 n 0101 + 00941974 n 0101 ~ 01314208 v 0000 ~ 01314323 v 0000 $ 02286204 v 0000 ~ 02457058 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | find by digging in the ground; "I dug up an old box in the garden"
01314208 35 v 02 grub_up 0 grub_out 0 001 @ 01313923 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | dig up; "grub up roots and tree stumps"
01314323 35 v 01 nuzzle 1 001 @ 01313923 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | dig out with the snout; "the pig nuzzled the truffle"
01314440 35 v 02 grope_for 0 scrabble d 001 @ 02127613 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | feel searchingly; "She groped for his keys in the dark"
01314573 35 v 01 finger 1 001 @ 01315613 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | search for on the computer; "I fingered my boss and found that he is not logged on in the afternoons"
01314738 35 v 02 grope 1 fumble 0 003 @ 01315613 v 0000 + 00141027 n 0101 ^ 01314440 v 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | feel about uncertainly or blindly; "She groped for her glasses in the darkness of the bedroom"
01314948 35 v 01 divine 0 003 @ 01315613 v 0000 + 10020031 n 0101 ~ 01315140 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | search by divining, as if with a rod; "He claimed he could divine underground water"
01315140 35 v 01 dowse 0 005 @ 01314948 v 0000 + 05776679 n 0101 + 10770891 n 0102 + 03216199 n 0102 + 05776679 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | use a divining rod in search of underground water or metal
01315333 35 v 02 browse 0 surf 3 004 $ 02326355 v 0000 @ 01315613 v 0000 + 09877587 n 0101 + 06571301 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | look around casually and randomly, without seeking anything in particular; "browse a computer directory"; "surf the internet or the world wide web"
01315613 35 v 03 search 0 seek 0 look_for 0 020 + 00946650 n 0202 + 00945401 n 0101 + 10567401 n 0101 + 10575787 n 0102 ~ 01244692 v 0000 ~ 01314573 v 0000 ~ 01314738 v 0000 ~ 01314948 v 0000 ~ 01315333 v 0000 ~ 01316209 v 0000 ~ 01316401 v 0000 ~ 01316619 v 0000 ~ 01317064 v 0000 ~ 01317276 v 0000 ~ 01317424 v 0000 ~ 01317533 v 0000 ~ 01319346 v 0000 ~ 01319473 v 0000 ~ 02127613 v 0000 ~ 02326355 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | try to locate or discover, or try to establish the existence of; "The police are searching for clues"; "They are searching for the missing man in the entire county"
01316209 35 v 01 leave_no_stone_unturned 0 001 @ 01315613 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | search thoroughly and exhaustively; "The police left no stone unturned in looking for the President's murderer"
01316401 35 v 01 hunt 3 005 @ 01315613 v 0000 + 05770257 n 0101 + 00945401 n 0102 + 10193719 n 0101 + 00945401 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | seek, search for; "She hunted for her reading glasses but was unable to locate them"
01316619 35 v 01 gather 4 004 @ 01315613 v 0000 + 01014990 n 0101 + 10122300 n 0101 ~ 01316813 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | look for (food) in nature; "Our ancestors gathered nuts in the Fall"
01316813 35 v 01 shell 8 003 @ 01316619 v 0000 + 01904182 n 0101 + 14758536 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | look for and collect shells by the seashore
01316955 35 v 01 felt 0 002 @ 01332730 v 0000 + 03326795 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | cover with felt; "felt a cap"
01317064 35 v 01 want 0 003 @ 01315613 v 0000 + 10766025 n 0101 $ 00709205 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | hunt or look for; want for a particular reason; "Your former neighbor is wanted by the FBI"; "Uncle Sam wants you"
01317276 35 v 01 scour 3 002 @ 01315613 v 0000 + 00993488 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | examine minutely; "The police scoured the country for the fugitive"
01317424 35 v 01 seek_out 0 001 @ 01315613 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | look for a specific person or thing
01317533 35 v 04 quest_for 0 go_after 0 quest_after 0 pursue 0 003 @ 01315613 v 0000 + 05770391 n 0401 + 05770391 n 0402 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | go in search of or hunt for; "pursue a hobby"
01317723 35 v 01 search 1 011 @ 02131279 v 0000 + 00644366 n 0101 + 10567401 n 0101 + 10575787 n 0102 ~ 01318081 v 0000 ~ 01318223 v 0000 ~ 01318470 v 0000 ~ 01318659 v 0000 ~ 01318849 v 0000 ~ 01319049 v 0000 ~ 01319193 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | subject to a search; "The police searched the suspect"; "We searched the whole house for the missing keys"
01318081 35 v 01 raid 2 001 @ 01317723 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | search for something needed or desired; "Our babysitter raided our refrigerator"
01318223 35 v 01 frisk 0 003 @ 01317723 v 0000 + 00946060 n 0101 + 00946060 n 0102 01 + 09 00 | search as for concealed weapons by running the hands rapidly over the clothing and through the pockets; "The police frisked everyone at the airport"
01318470 35 v 01 strip-search 0 001 @ 01317723 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | search (someone) for weapons or drugs by having the person remove their clothes; "He was strip-searched at the airport"
01318659 35 v 01 scan 0 004 @ 01317723 v 0000 + 00643943 n 0101 + 04142999 n 0101 + 04142731 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make a wide, sweeping search of; "The beams scanned the night sky"
01318849 35 v 02 rifle d go d 001 @ 01317723 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | go through in search of something; search through someone's belongings in an unauthorized way; "Who rifled through my desk drawers?"
01319049 35 v 01 rummage 0 002 @ 01317723 v 0000 + 00946806 n 0102 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | search haphazardly; "We rummaged through the drawers"
01319193 35 v 02 comb 0 ransack 2 002 @ 01317723 v 0000 + 00946806 n 0201 01 + 08 00 | search thoroughly; "They combed the area for the missing child"
01319346 35 v 02 fish 0 angle 0 002 @ 01315613 v 0000 + 02512053 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | seek indirectly; "fish for compliments"
01319473 35 v 01 grub 3 001 @ 01315613 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | search about busily
01319562 35 v 02 mow 0 cut_down 1 004 @ 01552519 v 0000 + 03500557 n 0103 + 03649909 n 0102 ~ 01319885 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cut with a blade or mower; "mow the grass"
01319738 35 v 01 cut d 001 @ 01258302 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | fell by sawing; hew; "The Vietnamese cut a lot of timber while they occupied Cambodia"
01319885 35 v 01 scythe 0 002 @ 01319562 v 0000 + 04158250 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | cut with a scythe; "scythe grass or grain"
01320009 35 v 03 reap 0 harvest 0 glean 0 011 @ 01380638 v 0000 + 10132641 n 0301 + 00921790 n 0201 + 01015310 n 0201 + 13085864 n 0202 + 03496892 n 0201 + 10161363 n 0201 + 01015310 n 0202 + 10161363 n 0102 + 03496892 n 0102 ~ 01320424 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | gather, as of natural products; "harvest the grapes"
01320321 35 v 01 club 1 001 @ 01380638 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | gather into a club-like mass; "club hair"
01320424 35 v 01 cut f 001 @ 01320009 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | reap or harvest; "cut grain"
01320513 35 v 01 shear 0 004 @ 01321002 v 0000 + 04186848 n 0101 + 10587227 n 0101 + 00360242 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cut with shears; "shear hedges"
01320669 35 v 02 poll 0 pollard 0 003 @ 01321002 v 0000 + 13108323 n 0201 + 13108323 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | convert into a pollard; "pollard trees"
01320816 35 v 01 shear 1 004 @ 01552519 v 0000 + 04186709 n 0101 + 10587227 n 0101 + 00360242 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cut or cut through with shears; "shear the wool off the lamb"
01321002 35 v 08 snip 0 clip 4 crop 0 trim 2 lop 0 dress 3 prune 0 cut_back 0 018 @ 00430370 v 0000 + 10487182 n 0701 + 04016240 n 0701 + 00360143 n 0701 + 04016240 n 0503 + 00359903 n 0401 + 10487182 n 0402 + 00359903 n 0402 + 13085864 n 0301 + 00359614 n 0201 + 03045074 n 0201 + 00359903 n 0203 + 04250026 n 0101 + 00359614 n 0103 ~ 01320513 v 0000 ~ 01320669 v 0000 ~ 01321509 v 0000 ~ 01321671 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cultivate, tend, and cut back the growth of; "dress the plants in the garden"
01321509 35 v 02 top 0 pinch 2 004 @ 01321002 v 0000 + 08663860 n 0101 + 10715544 n 0101 ~ 01321796 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cut the top off; "top trees and bushes"
01321671 35 v 01 disbud 0 001 @ 01321002 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | thin out buds to improve the quality of the remaining flowers
01321796 35 v 01 tail 1 001 @ 01321509 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove the stalk of fruits or berries
01321895 35 v 04 scratch 4 engrave 0 grave 0 inscribe 0 004 @ 01256600 v 0000 + 10058155 n 0201 $ 01322223 v 0000 ~ 01322391 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | carve, cut, or etch into a material or surface; "engrave a pen"; "engraved the trophy cupt with the winner's"; "the lovers scratched their names into the bark of the tree"
01322223 35 v 02 engrave 1 etch 3 002 $ 01321895 v 0000 @ 01256600 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | carve or cut a design or letters into; "engrave the pen with the owner's name"
01322391 35 v 01 character 0 002 @ 01321895 v 0000 + 06818970 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | engrave or inscribe characters on
01322509 35 v 02 slash 0 gash 0 004 @ 01552519 v 0000 + 00388065 n 0202 + 14287113 n 0202 + 14287113 n 0103 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cut open; "she slashed her wrists"
01322675 35 v 02 slash 1 cut_down 3 004 @ 01552519 v 0000 + 00388065 n 0101 + 14287113 n 0103 + 10609092 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | cut with sweeping strokes; as with an ax or machete
01322854 35 v 02 butcher 0 slaughter 0 010 * 01552519 v 0000 @ 01323958 v 0000 + 00223854 n 0201 + 09884133 n 0202 + 09884391 n 0101 + 09884133 n 0101 + 02666943 n 0102 + 00223983 n 0105 + 00620424 n 0101 ~ 01323202 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | kill (animals) usually for food consumption; "They slaughtered their only goat to survive the winter"
01323202 35 v 01 chine 0 003 @ 01322854 v 0000 + 07654538 n 0101 + 01895128 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | cut through the backbone of an animal
01323338 35 v 01 poison 0 005 @ 01323958 v 0000 + 15032376 n 0101 + 10448568 n 0101 + 00224738 n 0101 $ 01323793 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | kill with poison; "She poisoned her husband"
01323518 35 v 02 stone 0 lapidate 0 007 @ 01323958 v 0000 + 01164394 n 0202 + 10659393 n 0202 + 14696793 n 0102 + 09416076 n 0102 + 10659393 n 0101 + 01164394 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | kill by throwing stones at; "People wanted to stone the woman who had a child out of wedlock"
01323793 35 v 01 poison 1 004 $ 01323338 v 0000 $ 00088339 v 0000 @ 01323958 v 0000 + 15032376 n 0101 01 + 10 00 | kill by its poison; "This mushrooms can poison"
01323958 35 v 01 kill 0 045 > 00358431 v 0000 + 00829041 a 0101 + 00219012 n 0102 + 14540564 n 0102 + 10231087 n 0101 + 07361576 n 0101 + 00219012 n 0101 ^ 01327582 v 0102 ~ 00470701 v 0000 ~ 00471058 v 0000 ~ 00479060 v 0000 ~ 00479176 v 0000 ~ 00479391 v 0000 ~ 01322854 v 0000 ~ 01323338 v 0000 ~ 01323518 v 0000 ~ 01323793 v 0000 ~ 01324996 v 0000 ~ 01325128 v 0000 ~ 01325288 v 0000 $ 01325536 v 0000 ~ 01326093 v 0000 ~ 01326323 v 0000 ~ 01326424 v 0000 ~ 01326528 v 0000 ~ 01326730 v 0000 ~ 01326890 v 0000 ~ 01327020 v 0000 ~ 01327133 v 0000 ~ 01327301 v 0000 ~ 01327582 v 0000 ~ 01569181 v 0000 ~ 01570935 v 0000 ~ 01571354 v 0000 ~ 01572003 v 0000 ~ 01572224 v 0000 ~ 01605021 v 0000 ~ 01616151 v 0000 ~ 02482425 v 0000 ~ 02483000 v 0000 ~ 02483267 v 0000 ~ 02483564 v 0000 ~ 02484397 v 0000 ~ 02484570 v 0000 ~ 02484957 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 | cause to die; put to death, usually intentionally or knowingly; "This man killed several people when he tried to rob a bank"; "The farmer killed a pig for the holidays"
01324996 35 v 01 commit_suicide 0 001 @ 01323958 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | kill oneself; "the terminally ill patient committed suicide"
01325128 35 v 01 dispatch 0 002 @ 01323958 v 0000 + 00222248 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | kill without delay; "the traitor was dispatched by the conspirators"
01325288 35 v 02 zap 0 vaporize 4 002 @ 01323958 v 0000 + 04614083 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | kill with or as if with a burst of gunfire or electric current or as if by shooting; "in this computer game, space travellers are vaporized by aliens"
01325536 35 v 01 kill 1 006 $ 01323958 v 0000 + 00219012 n 0102 + 14540564 n 0102 + 07361576 n 0101 $ 01325774 v 0000 ~ 02485135 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | cause the death of, without intention; "She was killed in the collision of three cars"
01325774 35 v 01 kill 2 003 $ 01325536 v 0000 + 00219012 n 0102 ~ 01325934 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 10 00 | deprive of life; "AIDS has killed thousands in Africa"
01325934 35 v 01 strike_down 2 001 @ 01325774 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | cause to die, especially suddenly; "The disease struck down many young men in the village"
01326093 35 v 01 sacrifice 0 002 @ 01323958 v 0000 + 00227595 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | kill or destroy; "The animals were sacrificed after the experiment"; "The general had to sacrifice several soldiers to save the regiment"
01326323 35 v 01 take_off 0 001 @ 01323958 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | prove fatal; "The disease took off"
01326424 35 v 01 tomahawk 1 002 @ 01323958 v 0000 + 04449966 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | kill with a tomahawk
01326528 35 v 02 destroy 1 put_down 3 001 @ 01323958 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | put (an animal) to death; "The customs agents destroyed the dog that was found to be rabid"; "the sick cat had to be put down"
01326730 35 v 02 saber 0 sabre 0 005 @ 01323958 v 0000 + 04121511 n 0202 + 02987492 n 0203 + 04121511 n 0101 + 02987492 n 0102 01 + 09 00 | kill with a saber
01326890 35 v 02 overlie 0 overlay 1 001 @ 01323958 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 11 00 | kill by lying on; "The sow overlay her piglets"
01327020 35 v 01 brain 1 002 @ 01323958 v 0000 + 05481095 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | kill by smashing someone's skull
01327133 35 v 02 put_away 0 put_to_sleep 1 001 @ 01323958 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | kill gently, as with an injection; "the cat was very ill and we had to put it to sleep"
01327301 35 v 06 neutralize 0 neutralise 0 liquidate 0 waste 0 knock_off 0 do_in 0 003 @ 01323958 v 0000 + 00223720 n 0302 + 10338707 n 0302 01 + 09 00 | get rid of (someone who may be a threat) by killing; "The mafia liquidated the informer"; "the double agent was neutralized"
01327582 35 v 02 exterminate 1 kill_off 0 002 @ 01323958 v 0000 + 10074339 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | kill en masse; kill on a large scale; kill many; "Hitler wanted to exterminate the Jews, Gypsies, Communists, and homosexuals of Europe"
01327816 35 v 02 hitch 0 catch 6 005 @ 01296462 v 0000 + 02982599 n 0201 ! 01328340 v 0101 $ 01328012 v 0000 ~ 01328212 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | to hook or entangle; "One foot caught in the stirrup"
01328012 35 v 01 catch 8 002 $ 01327816 v 0000 $ 00460357 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | cause to become accidentally or suddenly caught, ensnared, or entangled; "I caught the hem of my dress in the brambles"
01328212 35 v 01 snag 0 002 @ 01327816 v 0000 + 13895745 n 0101 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | catch on a snag; "I snagged my stocking"
01328340 35 v 01 unhitch 0 004 @ 01519977 v 0000 ! 01327816 v 0101 ~ 01491360 v 0000 ~ 01491886 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | unfasten or release from or as if from a hitch
01328513 35 v 05 append 0 tag_on 0 tack_on 0 tack 6 hang_on 0 003 @ 01296462 v 0000 + 02728763 n 0101 ~ 01329026 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 15 00 | fix to; attach; "append a charm to the necklace"
01328705 35 v 04 append 1 add_on 0 supplement 0 affix 1 008 @ 01296462 v 0000 + 00379422 n 0402 + 06399631 n 0302 + 00371846 n 0301 + 02671421 n 0204 + 02728763 n 0101 + 00158864 a 0101 ~ 01329141 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 15 00 | add to the very end; "He appended a glossary to his novel where he used an invented language"
01329026 35 v 01 subjoin 0 003 @ 01328513 v 0000 + 00371846 n 0102 + 00371846 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | add to the end
01329141 35 v 01 annex 0 002 @ 01328705 v 0000 + 02713594 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | attach to
01329239 35 v 04 sew 0 run_up 1 sew_together 0 stitch 0 021 * 01291069 v 0000 @ 01340439 v 0000 + 04321238 n 0401 + 10657306 n 0401 + 00715674 n 0402 + 04179385 n 0402 + 10584318 n 0101 + 00715674 n 0101 ~ 01329732 v 0000 ~ 01329875 v 0000 ~ 01330093 v 0000 ~ 01330269 v 0000 ~ 01330567 v 0000 ~ 01330822 v 0000 ~ 01331147 v 0000 ~ 01331237 v 0000 ~ 01331348 v 0000 ~ 01331518 v 0000 ~ 01331689 v 0000 ~ 01671463 v 0000 ~ 01671609 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | fasten by sewing; do needlework
01329732 35 v 01 hem 0 002 @ 01329239 v 0000 + 03513627 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | fold over and sew together to provide with a hem; "hem my skirt"
01329875 35 v 01 resew 0 001 @ 01329239 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | sew again; "The cuff of the coat had been resewn"
01329987 35 v 01 unpick 1 001 @ 01519977 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | undo (the stitches) of (a piece of sewing)
01330093 35 v 01 overcast 0 003 @ 01329239 v 0000 + 03863442 n 0101 + 03863442 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | sew with an overcast stitch from one section to the next; "overcast books"
01330269 35 v 01 overcast 1 004 @ 01329239 v 0000 + 03863442 n 0101 + 03863442 n 0102 ~ 01330442 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | sew over the edge of with long slanting wide stitches
01330442 35 v 01 oversew 0 001 @ 01330269 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | sew (two edges) with close stitches that pass over them both
01330567 35 v 01 backstitch 0 002 @ 01329239 v 0000 + 02771383 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | do backstitches
01330676 35 v 01 darn 0 004 * 01329239 v 0000 @ 00260648 v 0000 + 00267217 n 0101 + 09992138 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | repair by sewing; "darn socks"
01330822 35 v 03 gather 3 pucker 1 tuck 3 006 @ 01329239 v 0000 + 04494906 n 0301 + 10732748 n 0301 + 13907847 n 0201 + 03428805 n 0101 + 03428805 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | draw together into folds or puckers
01331027 35 v 01 needle 0 003 @ 01440801 v 0000 ;c 04179385 n 0000 + 03816136 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | prick with a needle
01331147 35 v 01 finedraw 0 001 @ 01329239 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | sew together very finely
01331237 35 v 01 fell 2 002 @ 01329239 v 0000 + 03326475 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | sew a seam by folding the edges
01331348 35 v 02 baste 0 tack 5 003 @ 01329239 v 0000 + 09843048 n 0202 + 02805111 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | sew together loosely, with large stitches; "baste a hem"
01331518 35 v 01 hemstitch 0 004 @ 01329239 v 0000 + 03514693 n 0101 + 03514588 n 0101 + 03514693 n 0102 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | sew with hemstitches; "hemstitch a sleeve"
01331689 35 v 02 tick 0 retick 0 003 @ 01329239 v 0000 + 04432308 n 0101 + 04432662 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | sew; "tick a mattress"
01331818 35 v 01 tape 0 003 @ 01296462 v 0000 + 04391569 n 0101 ~ 01331988 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | fasten or attach with tape; "tape the shipping label to the box"
01331988 35 v 02 scotch_tape 0 sellotape 0 003 @ 01331818 v 0000 + 02992795 n 0203 + 02992795 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | fasten or attach with sellotape; "The hotel manager scotch taped a note to the guest's door"
01332205 35 v 02 glue 0 paste 1 006 @ 01296462 v 0000 + 07272545 n 0203 + 14704966 n 0201 + 10404998 n 0201 + 14702875 n 0101 ~ 01332483 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | join or attach with or as if with glue; "paste the sign on the wall"; "cut and paste the sentence in the text"
01332483 35 v 01 epoxy 0 002 @ 01332205 v 0000 + 14902733 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | glue with epoxy; "epoxy the shards"
01332599 35 v 01 paste 2 002 @ 01332730 v 0000 + 10404998 n 0101 01 + 21 00 | cover the surface of; "paste the wall with burlap"
01332730 35 v 01 cover 0 089 $ 01336635 v 0000 + 02840619 n 0103 + 04151940 n 0102 + 03122748 n 0101 ! 01339505 v 0101 $ 01207951 v 0000 ~ 01208400 v 0000 ~ 01208549 v 0000 ~ 01233387 v 0000 ~ 01233993 v 0000 ~ 01234379 v 0000 ~ 01234500 v 0000 ~ 01234793 v 0000 ~ 01234920 v 0000 ~ 01235073 v 0000 ~ 01235224 v 0000 ~ 01251828 v 0000 ~ 01263904 v 0000 ~ 01264283 v 0000 ~ 01267998 v 0000 ~ 01268112 v 0000 ~ 01268297 v 0000 ~ 01268457 v 0000 ~ 01268571 v 0000 ~ 01268726 v 0000 ~ 01269224 v 0000 ~ 01269379 v 0000 ~ 01269844 v 0000 ~ 01270784 v 0000 ~ 01271189 v 0000 ~ 01272798 v 0000 ~ 01283208 v 0000 ~ 01313592 v 0000 ~ 01316955 v 0000 ~ 01332599 v 0000 ~ 01334535 v 0000 ~ 01334647 v 0000 ~ 01334744 v 0000 ~ 01334931 v 0000 ~ 01335075 v 0000 ~ 01335322 v 0000 ~ 01335461 v 0000 ~ 01335588 v 0000 ~ 01335711 v 0000 ~ 01335804 v 0000 ~ 01336159 v 0000 ~ 01336334 v 0000 ~ 01336440 v 0000 ~ 01336541 v 0000 ~ 01337092 v 0000 ~ 01337224 v 0000 ~ 01337412 v 0000 ~ 01337526 v 0000 ~ 01337653 v 0000 ~ 01337819 v 0000 ~ 01337927 v 0000 ~ 01338113 v 0000 ~ 01338247 v 0000 ~ 01338501 v 0000 ~ 01338663 v 0000 ~ 01339050 v 0000 ~ 01358328 v 0000 ~ 01358737 v 0000 ~ 01358855 v 0000 ~ 01359007 v 0000 ~ 01362430 v 0000 ~ 01362568 v 0000 ~ 01363482 v 0000 ~ 01363648 v 0000 ~ 01365131 v 0000 ~ 01373551 v 0000 ~ 01373718 v 0000 ~ 01517175 v 0000 ~ 01568886 v 0000 ~ 01580467 v 0000 ~ 01581635 v 0000 ~ 01599805 v 0000 ~ 01600355 v 0000 ~ 01602821 v 0000 ~ 01603032 v 0000 ~ 01603175 v 0000 ~ 01603732 v 0000 ~ 01607871 v 0000 ~ 01608340 v 0000 ~ 01611901 v 0000 ~ 01612487 v 0000 ~ 01612660 v 0000 ~ 01612964 v 0000 ~ 01614907 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | provide with a covering or cause to be covered; "cover her face with a handkerchief"; "cover the child with a blanket"; "cover the grave with flowers"
01334535 35 v 01 cloak 0 001 @ 01332730 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | cover with or as if with a cloak; "cloaked monks"
01334647 35 v 01 coif 0 002 @ 01332730 v 0000 + 03065243 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | cover with a coif
01334744 35 v 01 hold 9 001 @ 01332730 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cover as for protection against noise or smell; "She held her ears when the jackhammer started to operate"; "hold one's nose"
01334931 35 v 01 jacket 0 001 @ 01332730 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | provide with a thermally non-conducting cover; "The tubing needs to be jacketed"
01335075 35 v 01 foil 0 002 @ 01332730 v 0000 + 03375694 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cover or back with foil; "foil mirrors"
01335202 35 v 01 enrobe 0 001 @ 01264283 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | provide with a coating; "enrobe the nuts with chocolate"
01335322 35 v 02 whiteout 0 white_out 0 001 @ 01332730 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cover up with a liquid correction fluid; "white-out the typo"
01335461 35 v 01 flash 0 001 @ 01332730 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | protect by covering with a thin sheet of metal; "flash the roof"
01335588 35 v 01 pall 0 003 @ 01332730 v 0000 + 03151077 n 0105 + 03879116 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cover with a pall
01335711 35 v 01 sod 0 002 @ 01332730 v 0000 + 09463919 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | cover with sod
01335804 35 v 01 bind 2 006 @ 01332730 v 0000 + 02840245 n 0101 + 02840927 n 0101 + 02840619 n 0101 + 02840515 n 0101 ~ 01336007 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | provide with a binding; "bind the books in leather"
01336007 35 v 01 rebind 0 001 @ 01335804 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | provide with a new binding; "The tattered old book is valuable and we need to rebind it"
01336159 35 v 02 plank 0 plank_over 0 004 @ 01332730 v 0000 + 15101854 n 0102 + 03956623 n 0101 + 00714693 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | cover with planks; "The streets were planked"
01336334 35 v 01 parcel 1 001 @ 01332730 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cover with strips of canvas; "parcel rope"
01336440 35 v 01 flake 1 001 @ 01332730 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cover with flakes or as if with flakes
01336541 35 v 01 recover 0 001 @ 01332730 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cover anew; "recover a chair"
01336635 35 v 02 overlay 0 cover e 005 + 04453910 n 0202 + 04187233 n 0102 + 04187233 n 0103 $ 01332730 v 0000 ~ 01336864 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | put something on top of something else; "cover the meat with a lot of gravy"
01336864 35 v 01 splash 6 002 @ 01336635 v 0000 + 13761171 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | mark or overlay with patches of contrasting color or texture; cause to appear splashed or spattered; "The mountain was splashed with snow"
01337092 35 v 01 hood 0 002 @ 01332730 v 0000 + 03531281 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 10 00 | cover with a hood; "The bandits were hooded"
01337224 35 v 01 cowl 0 004 @ 01332730 v 0000 + 03124474 n 0101 + 03530910 n 0104 + 03530910 n 0103 02 + 08 00 + 10 00 | cover with or as with a cowl; "cowl the boys and veil the girls"
01337412 35 v 01 clapboard 0 002 @ 01332730 v 0000 + 15103007 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cover with clapboards
01337526 35 v 01 canopy 0 003 @ 01332730 v 0000 + 02952237 n 0101 + 02951843 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cover with a canopy
01337653 35 v 01 bread 0 003 @ 01332730 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 + 07679356 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | cover with bread crumbs; "bread the pork chops before frying them"
01337819 35 v 01 blinker 0 002 @ 01332730 v 0000 + 04593629 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | put blinders on (a horse)
01337927 35 v 01 blindfold 0 002 @ 01332730 v 0000 + 02851939 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | cover the eyes of (someone) to prevent him from seeing; "the hostage was blindfolded and driven away"
01338113 35 v 02 aluminize 0 aluminise 0 003 @ 01332730 v 0000 + 14627820 n 0201 + 14627820 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | cover with aluminum
01338247 35 v 01 crown 0 002 @ 01332730 v 0000 + 05308141 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | put an enamel cover on; "crown my teeth"
01338368 35 v 01 slate 0 003 @ 01233993 v 0000 + 15043002 n 0101 + 01105152 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | cover with slate; "slate the roof"
01338501 35 v 01 sheet 0 003 @ 01332730 v 0000 + 04188179 n 0101 + 04189282 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | cover with a sheet, as if by wrapping; "sheet the body"
01338663 35 v 01 tile 0 006 @ 01332730 v 0000 + 15074568 n 0101 + 04435180 n 0101 + 10710913 n 0101 + 00719274 n 0101 ~ 01338878 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cover with tiles; "tile the wall and the floor of the bathroom"
01338878 35 v 01 tessellate 0 004 @ 01338663 v 0000 + 00263164 n 0101 + 04414909 n 0101 + 04414821 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | tile with tesserae; "tessellate the kitchen floor"
01339050 35 v 01 lag 1 002 @ 01332730 v 0000 + 14786943 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | cover with lagging to prevent heat loss; "lag pipes"
01339181 35 v 01 barb 0 002 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 02790550 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | provide with barbs; "barbed wire"
01339294 35 v 03 submerge 0 drown 0 overwhelm 0 002 @ 01207951 v 0000 ^ 02172534 v 0201 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cover completely or make imperceptible; "I was drowned in work"; "The noise drowned out her speech"
01339505 35 v 02 uncover 0 expose 0 007 ! 01332730 v 0101 ~ 01284271 v 0000 ~ 01339812 v 0000 ~ 01339903 v 0000 ~ 01340028 v 0000 ~ 01358573 v 0000 ~ 01483478 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | remove all or part of one's clothes to show one's body; "uncover your belly"; "The man exposed himself in the subway"
01339812 35 v 01 undrape 0 001 @ 01339505 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | strip something of drapery
01339903 35 v 01 unclothe 0 001 @ 01339505 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | take the covers off; "She unclothed her innermost feelings"
01340028 35 v 01 bare 0 001 @ 01339505 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | lay bare; "bare your breasts"; "bare your feelings"
01340149 35 v 02 pin_down 0 pin_up 0 001 @ 01296462 v 0000 02 + 20 00 + 21 00 | attach with or as if with a pin; "pin up a picture"
01340283 35 v 02 peg 0 peg_down 0 003 @ 01296462 v 0000 + 03905540 n 0101 ^ 00715541 v 0102 01 + 08 00 | fasten or secure with a wooden pin; "peg a tent"
01340439 35 v 03 fasten 1 fix 0 secure 1 067 > 01343892 v 0000 @ 01296462 v 0000 + 04777098 n 0204 + 03354613 n 0201 + 10080337 n 0101 + 03323703 n 0101 + 00147595 n 0101 ! 01344293 v 0101 ~ 00083523 v 0000 ~ 01285440 v 0000 ~ 01286151 v 0000 ~ 01286554 v 0000 ~ 01286777 v 0000 ~ 01287681 v 0000 ~ 01288636 v 0000 ~ 01288921 v 0000 ~ 01289026 v 0000 ~ 01289330 v 0000 ~ 01302982 v 0000 ~ 01303547 v 0000 ~ 01304466 v 0000 ~ 01304602 v 0000 ~ 01304716 v 0000 ~ 01304944 v 0000 ~ 01305099 v 0000 ~ 01305542 v 0000 ~ 01306175 v 0000 ~ 01329239 v 0000 ~ 01341815 v 0000 ~ 01342124 v 0000 ~ 01342340 v 0000 ~ 01342439 v 0000 ~ 01342536 v 0000 ~ 01342636 v 0000 ~ 01342755 v 0000 ~ 01342910 v 0000 ~ 01343610 v 0000 ~ 01343773 v 0000 ~ 01344643 v 0000 ~ 01344748 v 0000 ~ 01344903 v 0000 ~ 01348174 v 0000 ~ 01348452 v 0000 ~ 01348599 v 0000 ~ 01353670 v 0000 ~ 01357429 v 0000 ~ 01360423 v 0000 ~ 01365549 v 0000 ~ 01366061 v 0000 ~ 01366653 v 0000 ~ 01366809 v 0000 ~ 01367069 v 0000 ~ 01367266 v 0000 ~ 01367862 v 0000 ~ 01368264 v 0000 ~ 01481360 v 0000 ~ 01481647 v 0000 ~ 01528069 v 0000 ~ 01531025 v 0000 ~ 01548290 v 0000 ~ 01548576 v 0000 ~ 01591940 v 0000 ~ 01599052 v 0000 ~ 01600098 v 0000 ~ 01604586 v 0000 ~ 01604696 v 0000 ~ 01608004 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 21 00 | cause to be firmly attached; "fasten the lock onto the door"; "she fixed her gaze on the man"
01341815 35 v 01 crank 2 001 @ 01340439 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | fasten with a crank
01341897 35 v 01 reeve 0 001 @ 02053190 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | fasten by passing through a hole or around something
01342012 35 v 01 padlock 0 002 @ 01348174 v 0000 + 03874599 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | fasten with a padlock
01342124 35 v 01 noose 0 002 @ 01340439 v 0000 + 03829563 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | secure with a noose
01342224 35 v 01 unzip 0 002 @ 01344293 v 0000 ! 01353670 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | open the zipper of; "unzip the bag"
01342340 35 v 01 chock 1 002 @ 01340439 v 0000 + 03023878 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | secure with chocks
01342439 35 v 01 brad 0 002 @ 01340439 v 0000 + 02888817 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | fasten with brads
01342536 35 v 01 bight 0 002 @ 01340439 v 0000 + 13875884 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | fasten with a bight
01342636 35 v 01 belay 0 002 @ 01340439 v 0000 + 09218494 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | fasten a boat to a bitt, pin, or cleat
01342755 35 v 01 belay 1 002 @ 01340439 v 0000 + 09218494 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | turn a rope round an object or person in order to secure it or him
01342910 35 v 01 bar 1 004 @ 01340439 v 0000 + 02789271 n 0101 + 02788689 n 0101 ! 01343079 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | secure with, or as if with, bars; "He barred the door"
01343079 35 v 01 unbar 0 003 * 01519977 v 0000 @ 01346003 v 0000 ! 01342910 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | remove a bar from (a door)
01343204 35 v 01 mount 0 003 @ 01296462 v 0000 + 02769460 n 0102 ~ 01343372 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | attach to a support; "They mounted the aerator on a floating"
01343372 35 v 01 remount 0 001 @ 01343204 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | mount again, as after disassembling something
01343482 35 v 01 impact 1 002 @ 01527271 v 0000 + 14577331 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | press or wedge together; pack together
01343610 35 v 01 clamp 0 002 @ 01340439 v 0000 + 03036866 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | fasten or fix with a clamp; "clamp the chair together until the glue has hardened"
01343773 35 v 01 velcro 0 002 @ 01340439 v 0000 + 04524594 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | fasten with Velcro; "velcro the belt"
01343892 35 v 01 fasten 0 008 @ 01290422 v 0000 + 03323703 n 0101 + 03323703 n 0102 ! 01344140 v 0101 ~ 00486850 v 0000 ~ 01614235 v 0000 ~ 01614426 v 0000 ~ 01614581 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | become fixed or fastened; "This dress fastens in the back"
01344140 35 v 01 unfasten 0 003 @ 01346804 v 0000 + 00149262 n 0103 ! 01343892 v 0101 01 + 01 00 | become undone or untied; "The shoelaces unfastened"
01344293 35 v 01 unfasten 1 008 > 01344140 v 0000 @ 01519977 v 0000 + 10737431 n 0103 + 00149262 n 0103 ! 01340439 v 0101 ~ 01288808 v 0000 ~ 01342224 v 0000 ~ 01344537 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to become undone; "unfasten your belt"
01344537 35 v 01 unbend 1 001 @ 01344293 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | unfasten, as a sail, from a spar or a stay
01344643 35 v 01 stay 0 002 @ 01340439 v 0000 + 04307619 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | fasten with stays
01344748 35 v 01 clinch 0 002 $ 01344903 v 0000 @ 01340439 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | flatten the ends (of nails and rivets); "the nails were clinched"
01344903 35 v 01 clinch 1 003 $ 01344748 v 0000 @ 01340439 v 0000 + 03042984 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | secure or fasten by flattening the ends of nails or bolts; "The girder was clinched into the wall"
01345109 35 v 02 close 0 shut 0 018 > 01346978 v 0000 + 04211356 n 0201 + 04211528 n 0201 + 00344040 n 0201 ^ 01347678 v 0205 ^ 01587062 v 0204 + 01074694 n 0102 + 00344040 n 0102 ! 01346003 v 0101 ~ 00355670 v 0000 ~ 01220528 v 0000 ~ 01242832 v 0000 ~ 01242996 v 0000 ~ 01243148 v 0000 ~ 01345589 v 0000 ~ 01345769 v 0000 $ 01346978 v 0000 ~ 01354006 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | move so that an opening or passage is obstructed; make shut; "Close the door"; "shut the window"
01345589 35 v 01 roll_up 1 001 @ 01345109 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | close (a car window) by causing it to move up, as with a handle; "she rolled up the window when it started to rain"
01345769 35 v 01 bung 0 002 @ 01345109 v 0000 + 02919648 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | close with a cork or stopper
01345877 35 v 02 pen_up 0 fold 4 002 @ 01301410 v 0000 + 03376159 n 0201 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | confine in a fold, like sheep
01346003 35 v 02 open 0 open_up 0 017 > 01346804 v 0000 + 10737431 n 0102 + 03848348 n 0101 + 00383390 n 0101 + 00338641 n 0101 ! 01345109 v 0101 ~ 01343079 v 0000 ~ 01346430 v 0000 ~ 01346548 v 0000 ~ 01346693 v 0000 ~ 01348705 v 0000 ~ 01348987 v 0000 ~ 01353873 v 0000 ~ 01423793 v 0000 ~ 01593254 v 0000 ~ 01593614 v 0000 ~ 01603885 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to open or to become open; "Mary opened the car door"
01346430 35 v 01 break_open 1 001 @ 01346003 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | open with force; "He broke open the picnic basket"
01346548 35 v 01 click_open 0 001 @ 01346003 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | open with a clicking sound; "These keys have clicked open many doors"
01346693 35 v 01 reopen 0 001 @ 01346003 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | open again or anew; "They reopened the theater"
01346804 35 v 02 open 6 open_up 6 005 @ 00146138 v 0000 + 00383390 n 0101 ! 01346978 v 0101 ~ 01344140 v 0000 ~ 01347172 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become open; "The door opened"
01346978 35 v 02 close 6 shut 6 005 $ 01345109 v 0000 @ 00146138 v 0000 + 04211528 n 0201 + 00344040 n 0102 ! 01346804 v 0101 01 + 01 00 | become closed; "The windows closed with a loud bang"
01347172 35 v 01 fly_open 0 001 @ 01346804 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | come open suddenly; "the doors flew open in the strong gust"
01347298 35 v 01 confine 3 006 @ 02422663 v 0000 ~ 01302577 v 0000 ~ 01302717 v 0000 ~ 01347519 v 0000 ~ 01347678 v 0000 ~ 01348013 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | prevent from leaving or from being removed
01347519 35 v 02 coop_up 0 coop_in 0 001 @ 01347298 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 20 00 | confine in or as if in a coop; "she coops herself up in the library all day"
01347678 35 v 07 lock_in 0 lock_away 0 lock 2 put_away 1 shut_up 0 shut_away 0 lock_up 0 002 @ 01347298 v 0000 + 00827638 n 0702 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | place in a place where something cannot be removed or someone cannot escape; "The parents locked her daughter up for the weekend"; "She locked her jewels in the safe"
01348013 35 v 02 lock_in 1 seal_in 0 001 @ 01347298 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | close with or as if with a tight seal; "This vacuum pack locks in the flavor!"
01348174 35 v 01 lock 0 009 @ 01340439 v 0000 + 03682487 n 0101 + 03683606 n 0101 ! 01348705 v 0101 ^ 01347678 v 0107 ^ 01348452 v 0101 ! 00219963 v 0101 ~ 01342012 v 0000 ~ 01348838 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | fasten with a lock; "lock the bike to the fence"
01348452 35 v 01 lock_up 1 002 @ 01340439 v 0000 + 00827638 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | secure by locking; "lock up the house before you go on vacation"
01348599 35 v 01 hasp 0 002 @ 01340439 v 0000 + 03497352 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | secure or lock with a hasp
01348705 35 v 01 unlock 0 002 @ 01346003 v 0000 ! 01348174 v 0101 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 21 00 | open the lock of; "unlock the door"
01348838 35 v 01 bolt 0 003 @ 01348174 v 0000 + 02865931 n 0101 ! 01348987 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | secure or lock with a bolt; "bolt the door"
01348987 35 v 01 unbolt 0 003 * 01519977 v 0000 @ 01346003 v 0000 ! 01348838 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | undo the bolt of; "unbolt the door"
01349130 35 v 02 wring 0 wrench 1 003 @ 01223182 v 0000 ^ 01349318 v 0101 $ 01350699 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 21 00 | twist and compress, as if in pain or anguish; "Wring one's hand"
01349318 35 v 02 wring_out 0 squeeze_out 0 002 * 01387786 v 0000 @ 01351170 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | extract (liquid) by squeezing or pressing; "wring out the washcloth"
01349493 35 v 02 wrench 0 twist 6 004 @ 01609287 v 0000 + 07351909 n 0201 + 00343249 n 0203 + 04606574 n 0101 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 21 00 | twist or pull violently or suddenly, especially so as to remove (something) from that to which it is attached or from where it originates; "wrench a window off its hinges"; "wrench oneself free from somebody's grip"; "a deep sigh was wrenched from his chest"
01349893 35 v 01 gather 5 001 @ 01609287 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | draw and bring closer; "she gathered her shawl around her shoulders"
01350025 35 v 01 attract 1 004 @ 01609287 v 0000 + 00169955 a 0101 + 01469927 a 0101 + 11426530 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | exert a force on (a body) causing it to approach or prevent it from moving away; "the gravitational pull of a planet attracts other bodies"
01350283 35 v 01 grab 5 002 @ 01212572 v 0000 + 00138956 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | take or grasp suddenly; "She grabbed the child's hand and ran out of the room"
01350449 35 v 01 force 5 009 @ 02367363 v 0000 + 05194578 n 0101 + 11458624 n 0101 + 10461424 n 0102 ^ 01281611 v 0102 ^ 01375637 v 0102 ^ 01468058 v 0102 ^ 01506157 v 0104 ~ 01609287 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | do forcibly; exert force; "Don't force it!"
01350699 35 v 04 contort 0 deform 2 distort 0 wring 1 009 $ 01349130 v 0000 $ 01350971 v 0000 @ 01223182 v 0000 + 13867276 n 0302 + 07358060 n 0201 + 00404726 n 0202 + 13885370 n 0104 + 00404726 n 0101 ~ 00469030 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | twist and press out of shape
01350971 35 v 01 wring 2 004 @ 01593937 v 0000 + 07351031 n 0102 + 04607242 n 0101 $ 01350699 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | twist, squeeze, or compress in order to extract liquid; "wring the towels"
01351170 35 v 06 extract 4 pull_out 0 pull a pull_up 0 take_out 9 draw_out 5 008 @ 00173338 v 0000 + 01526905 a 0102 + 00392950 n 0101 + 03308152 n 0101 ~ 01349318 v 0000 ~ 01351601 v 0000 ~ 01359917 v 0000 $ 01995211 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 21 00 | remove, usually with some force or effort; also used in an abstract sense; "pull weeds"; "extract a bad tooth"; "take out a splinter"; "extract information from the telegram"
01351601 35 v 01 demodulate 0 003 @ 01351170 v 0000 + 06282209 n 0101 + 03181501 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | extract information from a modulated carrier wave
01351754 35 v 03 press_out 9 express b extract 5 005 @ 02210855 v 0000 + 01526905 a 0302 + 14848785 n 0302 + 00358528 n 0201 ~ 01352010 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | obtain from a substance, as by mechanical action; "Italians express coffee rather than filter it"
01352010 35 v 01 ream 0 002 @ 01351754 v 0000 + 04059516 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | squeeze the juice out (of a fruit) with a reamer; "ream oranges"
01352154 35 v 02 winkle 0 winkle_out 0 001 @ 01214597 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | remove or displace from a position
01352273 35 v 01 pulp 1 002 @ 01352390 v 0000 + 13096035 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | remove the pulp from, as from a fruit
01352390 35 v 01 take_out 0 002 @ 00173338 v 0000 ~ 01352273 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove something from a container or an enclosed space
01352528 35 v 01 unscrew 0 002 @ 00419375 v 0000 * 02045790 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | loosen something by unscrewing it; "unscrew the outlet plate"
01352680 35 v 01 unscrew 1 002 @ 00419375 v 0000 ! 01352806 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | loosen by turning; "unscrew the bottle cap"
01352806 35 v 01 screw 1 004 @ 00420132 v 0000 ! 01352680 v 0101 + 04153751 n 0101 + 04154340 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | tighten or fasten by means of screwing motions; "Screw the bottle cap on"
01352996 35 v 02 screw 2 drive_in 0 002 @ 02045043 v 0000 + 04153751 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | cause to penetrate, as with a circular motion; "drive in screws or bolts"
01353169 35 v 01 screw 3 004 @ 02045043 v 0000 + 04153751 n 0101 + 04154340 n 0101 ~ 01353311 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | turn like a screw
01353311 35 v 01 screw_up 0 001 @ 01353169 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | screw or turn higher
01353405 35 v 01 seal 0 008 * 01340439 v 0000 @ 01423285 v 0000 + 06855985 n 0101 + 04159058 n 0101 + 14705718 n 0101 + 10567268 n 0101 ! 01353873 v 0101 $ 01354006 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | close with or as if with a seal; "She sealed the letter with hot wax"
01353670 35 v 03 zip_up 0 zipper 0 zip 0 005 @ 01340439 v 0000 + 04238321 n 0302 + 04238321 n 0303 + 04238321 n 0203 ! 01342224 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | close with a zipper; "Zip up your jacket--it's cold"
01353873 35 v 01 unseal 0 002 @ 01346003 v 0000 ! 01353405 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | break the seal of; "He unsealed the letter"
01354006 35 v 02 seal 3 seal_off 0 009 $ 01353405 v 0000 @ 01345109 v 0000 + 04159354 n 0101 + 14705718 n 0101 + 14705718 n 0102 ~ 01354285 v 0000 ~ 01354405 v 0000 ~ 01354565 v 0000 ~ 01484884 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make tight; secure against leakage; "seal the windows"
01354285 35 v 01 reseal 0 001 @ 01354006 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | seal again; "reseal the bottle after using the medicine"
01354405 35 v 01 waterproof 0 004 @ 01354006 v 0000 + 04561734 n 0101 + 04049405 n 0102 + 00830099 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | make watertight; "Waterproof the coat"
01354565 35 v 02 caulk 0 calk 0 001 @ 01354006 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | seal with caulking; "caulk the window"
01354673 35 v 04 connect 0 link 0 tie 1 link_up 0 021 + 03673971 n 0402 + 03673971 n 0303 + 13792692 n 0201 + 03673971 n 0201 + 00148978 n 0201 + 00563980 a 0101 + 03091374 n 0103 + 03091374 n 0104 ! 01356038 v 0101 ~ 01291069 v 0000 ~ 01292534 v 0000 ~ 01295275 v 0000 ~ 01296462 v 0000 ~ 01355276 v 0000 ~ 01355411 v 0000 ~ 01355646 v 0000 ~ 01355810 v 0000 ~ 01355906 v 0000 ~ 01614774 v 0000 ~ 02622033 v 0000 ~ 02623194 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | connect, fasten, or put together two or more pieces; "Can you connect the two loudspeakers?"; "Tie the ropes together"; "Link arms"
01355276 35 v 01 daisy-chain 0 001 @ 01354673 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | connect devices on a part of a chip or circuit board in a computer
01355411 35 v 01 tie 2 002 @ 01354673 v 0000 + 06866124 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | unite musical notes by a tie
01355518 35 v 01 communicate 0 002 @ 02622812 v 0000 + 13792842 n 0101 01 + 04 00 | join or connect; "The rooms communicated"
01355646 35 v 02 interconnect 1 interlink 1 002 @ 01354673 v 0000 + 00145929 n 0101 04 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | cause to be interconnected or interwoven
01355810 35 v 01 tee 1 001 @ 01354673 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | connect with a tee; "tee two pipes"
01355906 35 v 01 put_through 0 001 @ 01354673 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | connect by telephone; "the operator put a call through to Rio"
01356038 35 v 01 disconnect 0 005 @ 01556921 v 0000 + 00385649 n 0101 ! 01354673 v 0101 ~ 01297813 v 0000 ~ 01298668 v 0000 06 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | make disconnected, disjoin or unfasten
01356256 35 v 02 tease 0 card 0 001 @ 01458973 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | separate the fibers of; "tease wool"
01356370 35 v 02 affix 0 stick_on 0 006 > 01356750 v 0000 @ 01296462 v 0000 ~ 01273814 v 0000 ~ 01356582 v 0000 ~ 01591621 v 0000 ~ 01612818 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 21 00 | attach to; "affix the seal here"
01356582 35 v 01 seal 1 005 @ 01356370 v 0000 + 06855985 n 0101 + 04159058 n 0101 + 04160036 n 0102 + 10567268 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | affix a seal to; "seal the letter"
01356750 35 v 06 adhere 0 hold_fast 0 bond 0 bind 6 stick 0 stick_to 3 013 @ 01290422 v 0000 + 07272545 n 0502 + 14704465 n 0401 + 04689198 n 0401 + 00053248 a 0301 + 04935528 n 0304 + 02755352 n 0302 + 03323703 n 0203 + 00052672 a 0101 + 00053032 a 0101 + 04935528 n 0102 ~ 00567291 v 0000 $ 01220885 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | stick to firmly; "Will this wallpaper adhere to the wall?"
01357141 35 v 01 leech_onto 0 001 @ 01290255 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | admire boundlessly and follow around; "the groupies leeched onto the rock star"
01357288 35 v 01 gum_up 0 001 @ 01478603 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 11 00 | stick together as if with gum; "the inside of the pipe has gummed up"
01357429 35 v 01 tack 0 007 @ 01340439 v 0000 + 04383130 n 0101 + 04303357 n 0103 + 10687922 n 0101 + 09843048 n 0102 ^ 01328513 v 0103 ~ 01357656 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | fasten with tacks; "tack the notice on the board"
01357656 35 v 01 thumbtack 0 002 @ 01357429 v 0000 + 04431745 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | fasten with thumbtacks; "The teacher thumbtacked the notice on the bulletin board"
01357831 35 v 01 nail 0 004 @ 01296462 v 0000 + 03804744 n 0101 + 10344203 n 0101 ^ 00715541 v 0103 01 + 21 00 | attach something somewhere by means of nails; "nail the board onto the wall"
01358023 35 v 01 stud 0 003 @ 00182406 v 0000 ;c 00607775 n 0000 + 04143365 n 0102 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 21 00 | provide with or construct with studs; "stud the wall"
01358191 35 v 01 calk 1 003 @ 02327200 v 0000 ;c 00917211 n 0000 + 02940143 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | provide with calks; "calk horse shoes"
01358328 35 v 01 mask 0 006 @ 01332730 v 0000 + 03725035 n 0101 + 08253450 n 0104 + 03724870 n 0101 + 10297841 n 0102 ! 01358573 v 0101 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | put a mask on or cover with a mask; "Mask the children for Halloween"
01358573 35 v 01 unmask 0 003 @ 01339505 v 0000 + 07215568 n 0102 ! 01358328 v 0101 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | take the mask off; "unmask the imposter"
01358737 35 v 02 mask 1 block_out 0 002 @ 01332730 v 0000 ;c 00903559 n 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | shield from light
01358855 35 v 01 mask 2 004 * 00322847 v 0000 @ 01332730 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 + 01049475 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | cover with a sauce; "mask the meat"
01359007 35 v 01 blanket 0 002 @ 01332730 v 0000 + 09223725 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | cover as if with a blanket; "snow blanketed the fields"
01359145 35 v 01 string 0 004 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 04338143 n 0101 + 02880546 n 0102 ! 01359303 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | provide with strings; "string my guitar"
01359303 35 v 01 unstring 0 002 @ 00173338 v 0000 ! 01359145 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | remove the strings from; "unstring my guitar"
01359432 35 v 03 string 2 thread 1 draw e 010 $ 01212230 v 0000 @ 01463963 v 0000 + 04426788 n 0201 + 02861509 n 0202 + 02999757 n 0102 + 04338359 n 0101 + 04337974 n 0101 + 10662046 n 0101 ~ 01360091 v 0000 ~ 01599325 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | thread on or as if on a string; "string pearls on a string"; "the child drew glass beads on a string"; "thread dried cranberries"
01359803 35 v 01 thread 8 001 @ 01212230 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | pass through or into; "thread tape"; "thread film"
01359917 35 v 01 thread 7 001 @ 01351170 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove facial hair by tying a fine string around it and pulling at the string; "She had her eyebrows threaded"
01360091 35 v 01 bead 0 002 @ 01359432 v 0000 + 02815071 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | string together like beads
01360197 35 v 01 marshal 0 001 @ 01463963 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | arrange in logical order; "marshal facts or arguments"
01360316 35 v 01 string 3 001 @ 00173338 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove the stringy parts of; "string beans"
01360423 35 v 01 string 4 002 @ 01340439 v 0000 + 04337974 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | string together; tie or fasten with a string; "string the package"
01360571 35 v 01 string 5 003 @ 01463963 v 0000 + 04338359 n 0101 ^ 01360715 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | stretch out or arrange like a string
01360715 35 v 02 string_out 0 spread_out 0 001 @ 01463963 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | set out or stretch in a line, succession, or series; "the houses were strung out in a long row"
01360899 35 v 02 plaster 0 daub 1 014 ;c 00608896 n 0000 @ 01264283 v 0000 + 14828683 n 0201 + 00718815 n 0202 + 03957567 n 0101 + 14992287 n 0101 + 10438842 n 0101 + 00718815 n 0101 $ 01313249 v 0000 ~ 01361387 v 0000 ~ 01361561 v 0000 ~ 01361779 v 0000 ~ 01361884 v 0000 ~ 01362291 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | coat with plaster; "daub the wall"
01361240 35 v 01 render 0 002 @ 01264283 v 0000 ;c 00608896 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | coat with plastic or cement; "render the brick walls in the den"
01361387 35 v 01 render-set 0 002 @ 01360899 v 0000 ;c 00608896 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | cover with two coats of plaster; "render-set the walls so they'll look nice and smooth"
01361561 35 v 01 parget 0 008 @ 01360899 v 0000 ;c 00608896 n 0000 + 14977358 n 0101 + 03890358 n 0102 + 00718689 n 0102 + 03890358 n 0103 + 03890358 n 0101 + 00718689 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | apply ornamental plaster to
01361779 35 v 01 roughcast 1 001 @ 01360899 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | apply roughcast to; "roughcast a wall"
01361884 35 v 01 mud 1 003 @ 01360899 v 0000 ;c 00608896 n 0000 + 14956325 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | plaster with mud
01361998 35 v 01 float 0 002 @ 01252971 v 0000 ;c 00608896 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | make the surface of level or smooth; "float the plaster"
01362136 35 v 01 skimcoat 0 002 @ 01264283 v 0000 ;c 00608896 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | coat with a mixture of gypsum and spackle; "he skimcoated the drywall"
01362291 35 v 01 mortar 0 003 @ 01360899 v 0000 ;c 00608896 n 0000 + 14955889 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | plaster with mortar; "mortar the wall"
01362430 35 v 03 plaster 1 plaster_over 0 stick_on 1 002 @ 01332730 v 0000 + 00718815 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | apply a heavy coat to
01362568 35 v 01 plaster 2 004 @ 01332730 v 0000 + 14992613 n 0102 + 14992287 n 0101 + 00718815 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | apply a plaster cast to; "plaster the broken arm"
01362736 35 v 01 paint 0 009 @ 01264283 v 0000 + 03875218 n 0101 + 10393909 n 0101 + 00717208 n 0101 + 00609236 n 0101 ~ 01363005 v 0000 ~ 01363174 v 0000 ~ 01363320 v 0000 ~ 01365355 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | apply paint to; coat with paint; "We painted the rooms yellow"
01363005 35 v 01 grain 1 004 @ 01362736 v 0000 + 09290777 n 0101 + 04950713 n 0101 + 04951071 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | paint (a surface) to make it look like stone or wood
01363174 35 v 01 repaint 0 001 @ 01362736 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | paint again; "He repainted the wall after the child smeared it with tomato sauce"
01363320 35 v 01 airbrush 0 002 @ 01362736 v 0000 + 02685995 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | paint with an airbrush; "The old car looks like new now that we airbrushed it"
01363482 35 v 01 paint 1 003 @ 01332730 v 0000 + 03875218 n 0101 + 00717208 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | apply a liquid to; e.g., paint the gutters with linseed oil
01363648 35 v 02 put_on 0 apply 0 013 @ 01332730 v 0000 + 03691128 n 0202 + 00712225 n 0201 + 02730265 n 0202 ~ 01233194 v 0000 ~ 01313249 v 0000 ~ 01364019 v 0000 ~ 01364184 v 0000 ~ 01364483 v 0000 ~ 01364637 v 0000 ~ 01364733 v 0000 ~ 01364874 v 0000 ~ 01364997 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | apply to a surface; "She applied paint to the back of the house"; "Put on make-up!"
01364019 35 v 01 gum 0 002 @ 01363648 v 0000 + 14702875 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | cover, fill, fix or smear with or as if with gum; "if you gum the tape it is stronger"
01364184 35 v 01 dress 0 005 $ 01679433 v 0000 @ 01363648 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 + 07832902 n 0101 $ 00542809 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | put a dressing on; "dress the salads"
01364357 35 v 01 sauce 0 003 @ 02191766 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 + 07829412 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | dress (food) with a relish
01364483 35 v 01 cream 2 002 @ 01363648 v 0000 + 03128519 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | put on cream, as on one's face or body; "She creams her face every night"
01364637 35 v 01 cold-cream 0 001 @ 01363648 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | put cold cream on one's face
01364733 35 v 01 putty 0 002 @ 01363648 v 0000 + 14703797 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | apply putty in order to fix or fill; "putty the window sash"
01364874 35 v 01 sponge_on 0 001 @ 01363648 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | apply with a sponge; "The painter sponged on his washes"
01364997 35 v 03 slap_on 0 clap_on 0 slam_on 0 001 @ 01363648 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | apply carelessly; "slap some paint onto the wall"
01365131 35 v 01 laminate 0 006 @ 01332730 v 0000 + 03635668 n 0101 + 05580929 n 0101 + 03635932 n 0101 + 00926923 n 0101 $ 01232387 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cover with a thin sheet of non-fabric material; "laminate the table"
01365355 35 v 03 prime 0 ground 3 undercoat 0 005 @ 01362736 v 0000 + 04507689 n 0301 + 03360845 n 0307 + 03360845 n 0202 + 03360845 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | cover with a primer; apply a primer to
01365549 35 v 01 hook 0 005 @ 01340439 v 0000 + 03532672 n 0101 + 03532919 n 0101 ! 01366321 v 0101 ^ 01366426 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | fasten with a hook
01365709 35 v 01 hook 1 003 @ 01439190 v 0000 + 03532342 n 0101 ~ 01365839 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | catch with a hook; "hook a fish"
01365839 35 v 01 seize 9 001 @ 01365709 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | hook by a pull on the line; "strike a fish"
01365945 35 v 02 net 0 nett 0 002 @ 01439190 v 0000 + 03819994 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | catch with a net; "net a fish"
01366061 35 v 01 belt 1 003 @ 01340439 v 0000 + 02827606 n 0101 ! 01366199 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | fasten with a belt; "belt your trousers"
01366199 35 v 01 unbelt 0 002 @ 01519977 v 0000 ! 01366061 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | undo the belt of; "unbelt your trousers"
01366321 35 v 01 unhook 0 002 @ 01298668 v 0000 ! 01365549 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | take off a hook
01366426 35 v 01 hook_up 0 003 @ 01296462 v 0000 + 03533654 n 0101 + 03533486 n 0101 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 21 00 | connect or link; "hook up the houses to the gas supply line"; "Hook up the components of the new sound system"
01366653 35 v 01 cement 0 004 @ 01340439 v 0000 + 14804641 n 0101 + 14804175 n 0101 $ 01366926 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | bind or join with or as if with cement
01366809 35 v 01 grout 0 002 @ 01340439 v 0000 + 14891988 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | bind with grout; "grout the bathtub"
01366926 35 v 01 cement 2 004 $ 01366653 v 0000 @ 01264283 v 0000 + 14804641 n 0101 + 14804175 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | cover or coat with cement
01367069 35 v 01 staple 0 004 @ 01340439 v 0000 + 04303095 n 0101 + 04303497 n 0101 ! 01367456 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | secure or fasten with a staple or staples; "staple the papers together"
01367266 35 v 01 rivet 0 006 @ 01340439 v 0000 + 04095342 n 0101 + 10533541 n 0102 + 04095577 n 0103 + 10533541 n 0101 + 04095577 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | fasten with a rivet or rivets
01367456 35 v 01 unstaple 0 002 @ 01519977 v 0000 ! 01367069 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | take the staples off; "unstaple the piece of paper from the receipt"
01367616 35 v 01 clip 1 003 @ 01296462 v 0000 + 03043958 n 0101 ! 01367760 v 0101 01 + 21 00 | attach with a clip; "clip the papers together"
01367760 35 v 01 unclip 0 002 @ 01519977 v 0000 ! 01367616 v 0101 01 + 21 00 | remove the clip from
01367862 35 v 01 button 0 003 @ 01340439 v 0000 + 02928608 n 0101 ! 01368001 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | fasten with buttons; "button the dress"
01368001 35 v 01 unbutton 0 002 @ 01519977 v 0000 ! 01367862 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | undo the buttons of; "unbutton the shirt"
01368126 35 v 01 button 1 003 * 01329239 v 0000 @ 00182406 v 0000 + 02928608 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | provide with buttons; "button a shirt"
01368264 35 v 01 pin 1 003 @ 01340439 v 0000 + 03940256 n 0101 ! 01368474 v 0101 01 + 21 00 | attach or fasten with pins or as if with pins; "pin the needle to the shirt". "pin the blame on the innocent man"
01368474 35 v 01 unpin 0 002 @ 01519977 v 0000 ! 01368264 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | remove the pins from; unfasten the pins of
01368597 35 v 02 straighten 0 straighten_out 0 009 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 04331639 n 0101 ~ 01223508 v 0000 ~ 01281069 v 0000 ~ 01368863 v 0000 ~ 01369059 v 0000 ~ 01518203 v 0000 ~ 01519321 v 0000 ~ 01596645 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make straight
01368863 35 v 01 extend a 004 @ 01368597 v 0000 + 00944449 a 0102 + 01434530 a 0101 $ 02054989 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | open or straighten out; unbend; "Can we extend the legs of this dining table?"
01369059 35 v 02 channelize 1 channelise 1 002 @ 01368597 v 0000 + 03006105 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | cause to form a channel; "channelize a stream"
01369204 35 v 02 fray 0 frazzle 0 001 @ 01369346 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | wear away by rubbing; "The friction frayed the sleeve"
01369346 35 v 05 break 0 wear 0 wear_out 0 bust 0 fall_apart 0 012 @ 00208836 v 0000 + 14562683 n 0201 ^ 01254324 v 0201 ^ 01254324 v 0202 ^ 01552390 v 0203 + 00708017 a 0101 ^ 01259691 v 0104 ^ 01259691 v 0105 ^ 01562061 v 0102 ^ 01562061 v 0103 ~ 01369204 v 0000 $ 01369758 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | go to pieces; "The lawn mower finally broke"; "The gears wore out"; "The old chair finally fell apart completely"
01369758 35 v 02 break 1 bust 1 015 > 01369346 v 0000 $ 01369346 v 0000 @ 01564144 v 0000 + 07365024 n 0202 + 09883452 n 0201 ^ 01566185 v 0201 + 00708017 a 0101 + 00376400 n 0101 ! 00260648 v 0101 ^ 01657977 v 0104 ^ 01657977 v 0105 ^ 01259458 v 0104 ^ 01560984 v 0102 ^ 00643473 v 0103 ~ 01370126 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | ruin completely; "He busted my radio!"
01370126 35 v 01 break_down 1 002 > 02041877 v 0000 @ 01369758 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to fall or collapse
01370245 35 v 01 scuff 0 001 @ 01370561 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | poke at with the foot or toe
01370336 35 v 01 scuff 1 001 @ 01309143 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | mar by scuffing; "scuffed shoes"
01370439 35 v 01 scuff 2 001 @ 00469382 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | get or become scuffed; "These patent leather shoes scuffed"
01370561 35 v 01 kick 0 009 @ 01400044 v 0000 + 00136329 n 0101 + 00136329 n 0103 ^ 02401809 v 0105 ^ 01371651 v 0101 ^ 01586738 v 0101 ^ 01586738 v 0102 ~ 01370245 v 0000 ~ 01372556 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | strike with the foot; "The boy kicked the dog"; "Kick the door down"
01370843 35 v 02 drop-kick 0 dropkick 2 004 @ 01371756 v 0000 ;c 00468480 n 0000 + 10035655 n 0201 + 10035655 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | drop and kick (a ball) as it touches the ground, as for a field goal
01371044 35 v 01 place-kick 0 003 @ 01371756 v 0000 + 10436851 n 0101 + 00137279 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | kick (a ball) from a stationary position, in football
01371201 35 v 01 plant 6 002 @ 01494310 v 0000 + 05906080 n 0101 03 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | place something or someone in a certain position in order to secretly observe or deceive; "Plant a spy in Moscow"; "plant bugs in the dissident's apartment"
01371454 35 v 03 kick_back 0 recoil 0 kick 8 003 @ 01892104 v 0000 + 07350754 n 0302 + 07350754 n 0201 01 + 01 00 | spring back, as from a forceful thrust; "The gun kicked back into my shoulder"
01371651 35 v 01 kick_up 0 001 @ 01974062 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cause to rise by kicking; "kick up dust"
01371756 35 v 01 kick 1 010 * 01850315 v 0000 @ 01511706 v 0000 ;c 00523513 n 0000 + 00136329 n 0101 + 10230580 n 0101 + 00136329 n 0103 ~ 01370843 v 0000 ~ 01371044 v 0000 ~ 01372026 v 0000 ~ 01372408 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | drive or propel with the foot
01372026 35 v 02 dropkick 0 drop-kick 2 003 @ 01371756 v 0000 ;c 00468480 n 0000 + 00137877 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | make the point after a touchdown with a dropkick
01372189 35 v 02 punt 0 pole 0 005 * 01871979 v 0000 @ 01511706 v 0000 + 03976657 n 0201 + 04024983 n 0101 + 10493419 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | propel with a pole; "pole barges on the river"; "We went punting in Cambridge"
01372408 35 v 01 punt 1 005 @ 01371756 v 0000 ;c 00523513 n 0000 + 00136984 n 0101 + 10493199 n 0101 + 00136984 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | kick the ball
01372556 35 v 01 boot 0 003 @ 01370561 v 0000 + 00136329 n 0102 ^ 02401809 v 0104 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | kick; give a boot to
01372682 35 v 01 spray 0 009 @ 01376245 v 0000 + 15056541 n 0101 + 02754103 n 0103 + 02754103 n 0104 + 13762305 n 0102 ~ 01372994 v 0000 ~ 01373138 v 0000 ~ 01373303 v 0000 ~ 01373422 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 21 00 | scatter in a mass or jet of droplets; "spray water on someone"; "spray paint on the wall"
01372994 35 v 01 shower 0 001 @ 01372682 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 19 00 + 21 00 | spray or sprinkle with; "The guests showered rice on the couple"
01373138 35 v 02 atomize 0 atomise 0 004 @ 01372682 v 0000 + 02754103 n 0202 + 14619225 n 0201 + 02754103 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | spray very finely; "atomize perfume"
01373303 35 v 01 mist 0 002 @ 01372682 v 0000 + 11482706 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | spray finely or cover with mist
01373422 35 v 01 syringe 0 002 @ 01372682 v 0000 + 04376876 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | spray or irrigate (a body part) with a syringe
01373551 35 v 01 spray 3 003 @ 01332730 v 0000 + 10641112 n 0101 + 00717468 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cover by spraying with a liquid; "spray the wall with paint"
01373718 35 v 01 brush a 001 @ 01332730 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cover by brushing; "brush the bread with melted butter"
01373844 35 v 01 spray 1 003 @ 01376245 v 0000 + 15056541 n 0101 + 02754103 n 0103 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | be discharged in sprays of liquid; "Water sprayed all over the floor"
01374020 35 v 06 spatter 0 splatter 1 plash 0 splash 0 splosh 0 swash 0 013 @ 01376245 v 0000 + 07344528 n 0601 + 07395104 n 0401 + 00278221 n 0401 + 00717748 n 0403 + 00717748 n 0404 + 07395104 n 0302 + 13761171 n 0203 + 00717748 n 0205 + 00717748 n 0101 + 00717748 n 0102 ~ 01374465 v 0000 ~ 01374587 v 0000 06 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 + 17 00 + 31 00 | dash a liquid upon or against; "The mother splashed the baby's face with water"
01374465 35 v 01 puddle 3 002 @ 01374020 v 0000 + 09397607 n 0102 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | make a puddle by splashing water
01374587 35 v 04 slosh 0 slush 0 slosh_around 0 slush_around 0 001 @ 01374020 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | spill or splash copiously or clumsily; "slosh paint all over the walls"
01374767 35 v 03 sprinkle 0 splash 1 splosh 1 009 @ 01376245 v 0000 + 00278221 n 0201 + 00717748 n 0203 + 07395104 n 0201 + 00717748 n 0204 + 00278555 n 0101 + 04289027 n 0101 ~ 01375120 v 0000 ~ 01376082 v 0000 05 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 + 31 00 | cause (a liquid) to spatter about, especially with force; "She splashed the water around her"
01375120 35 v 01 salt 0 001 @ 01374767 v 0000 05 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 + 31 00 | sprinkle as if with salt; "the rebels had salted the fields with mines and traps"
01375295 35 v 01 splash 2 002 + 00278221 n 0102 ~ 01375458 v 0000 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | strike and dash about in a liquid; "The boys splashed around in the pool"
01375458 35 v 01 swatter 1 002 @ 01375295 v 0000 + 04369282 n 0101 03 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 | splash and flutter about in or as if in water; "She swattered about in the pool"
01375637 35 v 04 squirt 0 force_out 1 squeeze_out 1 eject 0 006 @ 01377032 v 0000 + 00116687 n 0403 + 07436100 n 0102 + 04561548 n 0104 ~ 01313780 v 0000 ~ 01375909 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | cause to come out in a squirt; "the boy squirted water at his little sister"
01375909 35 v 01 extravasate 0 003 @ 01375637 v 0000 + 14858794 n 0101 + 13478813 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | force out or cause to escape from a proper vessel or channel
01376082 35 v 02 drizzle 0 moisten 0 002 @ 01374767 v 0000 + 00278040 n 0201 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | moisten with fine drops; "drizzle the meat with melted butter"
01376245 35 v 05 scatter 0 sprinkle 1 dot 0 dust 1 disperse 0 012 @ 01377032 v 0000 + 00468362 a 0503 + 14840092 n 0401 + 13761966 n 0202 + 00369138 n 0101 + 05088324 n 0101 ~ 01372682 v 0000 ~ 01373844 v 0000 ~ 01374020 v 0000 ~ 01374767 v 0000 ~ 01377444 v 0000 ~ 01377758 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 21 00 | distribute loosely; "He scattered gun powder under the wagon"
01376620 35 v 01 intersperse 2 004 @ 01494310 v 0000 + 00381326 n 0101 + 00381326 n 0102 ~ 01376818 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | place at intervals in or among; "intersperse exclamation marks in the text"
01376818 35 v 01 interleave 0 001 @ 01376620 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | intersperse the sectors on the concentric magnetic circular patterns written on a computer disk surface to guide the storing and recording of data
01377032 35 v 01 discharge 0 006 @ 01378556 v 0000 + 07407777 n 0101 ~ 01375637 v 0000 ~ 01376245 v 0000 ~ 01377239 v 0000 ~ 01377571 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | pour forth or release; "discharge liquids"
01377239 35 v 01 play 7 001 @ 01377032 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 08 00 | discharge or direct or be discharged or directed as if in a continuous stream; "play water from a hose"; "The fountains played all day"
01377444 35 v 01 bespangle 1 001 @ 01376245 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | dot or sprinkle with sparkling or glittering objects
01377571 35 v 01 volley 0 003 @ 01377032 v 0000 + 00988320 n 0103 $ 02029492 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | discharge in, or as if in, a volley; "the attackers volleyed gunshots at the civilians"
01377758 35 v 02 aerosolize 0 aerosolise 0 003 @ 01376245 v 0000 + 11422597 n 0201 + 11422597 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | disperse as an aerosol; "The bacteria suspension was aerosolized"
01377940 35 v 02 aerosolize 1 aerosolise 1 003 @ 02028994 v 0000 + 11422597 n 0201 + 11422597 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | become dispersed as an aerosol; "the bacteria quickly aerosolised"
01378123 35 v 02 strew 0 straw 0 004 @ 01378556 v 0000 + 00369138 n 0103 ~ 01378331 v 0000 ~ 01378421 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | spread by scattering ("straw" is archaic); "strew toys all over the carpet"
01378331 35 v 01 bestrew 0 001 @ 01378123 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cover by strewing
01378421 35 v 01 litter 0 002 @ 01378123 v 0000 + 14858292 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | make a place messy by strewing garbage around
01378556 35 v 02 spread 0 distribute 1 021 + 01083077 n 0201 + 00367976 n 0101 + 05088324 n 0102 + 07445896 n 0101 + 04287986 n 0101 + 00367976 n 0102 ! 01380638 v 0101 ^ 02060141 v 0103 ^ 02077148 v 0102 ^ 02028994 v 0104 ^ 01360715 v 0102 ~ 00104465 v 0000 ~ 00104667 v 0000 ~ 01377032 v 0000 ~ 01378123 v 0000 ~ 01379097 v 0000 ~ 01379256 v 0000 ~ 01379600 v 0000 ~ 01379965 v 0000 ~ 02032227 v 0000 ~ 02060141 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 21 00 | distribute or disperse widely; "The invaders spread their language all over the country"
01379097 35 v 01 export 4 001 @ 01378556 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to spread in another part of the world; "The Russians exported Marxism to Africa"
01379256 35 v 01 propagate 1 002 @ 01378556 v 0000 + 06253518 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | transmit or cause to broaden or spread; "This great civilization was propagated throughout the land"
01379449 35 v 01 slather 0 001 @ 01611901 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | spread thickly; "I can't eat bagels without slathering them with cream cheese"
01379600 35 v 01 deploy 0 003 @ 01378556 v 0000 + 01143409 n 0101 ~ 01379804 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | to distribute systematically or strategically; "The U.S. deploys its weapons in the Middle East"
01379804 35 v 01 redeploy 0 002 @ 01379600 v 0000 + 01143760 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | deploy anew; "The U.S. must redeploy their troops in the Middle East"
01379965 35 v 01 redistribute 0 002 @ 01378556 v 0000 + 01083350 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | distribute anew; "redistribute the troops more strategically"
01380122 35 v 02 spread 7 propagate 6 005 @ 01831531 v 0000 + 00367976 n 0101 + 05088324 n 0102 + 07445896 n 0101 ~ 01380366 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become distributed or widespread; "the infection spread"; "Optimism spread among the population"
01380366 35 v 01 catch b 001 @ 01380122 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | spread or be communicated; "The fashion did not catch"
01380483 35 v 01 benight 0 001 @ 01580467 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | envelop with social, intellectual, or moral darkness; "The benighted peoples of this area"
01380638 35 v 04 gather 0 garner 0 collect 0 pull_together 0 024 + 01014066 n 0301 + 01014066 n 0302 + 01014990 n 0101 ! 01378556 v 0101 ^ 01976089 v 0103 ~ 00270215 v 0000 ~ 01306853 v 0000 ~ 01320009 v 0000 ~ 01320321 v 0000 ~ 01381244 v 0000 ~ 01381357 v 0000 ~ 01381549 v 0000 ~ 01381913 v 0000 ~ 01382083 v 0000 ~ 01382720 v 0000 ~ 01382917 v 0000 ~ 01383245 v 0000 ~ 01383393 v 0000 ~ 01383511 v 0000 ~ 01383646 v 0000 ~ 01383800 v 0000 ~ 01383947 v 0000 ~ 01386308 v 0000 ~ 01504298 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 | assemble or get together; "gather some stones"; "pull your thoughts together"
01381244 35 v 01 hive 0 001 @ 01380638 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | gather into a hive; "The beekeeper hived the swarm"
01381357 35 v 02 salvage 0 scavenge 1 003 @ 01380638 v 0000 + 10281276 n 0202 + 10549510 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | collect discarded or refused material; "She scavenged the garbage cans for food"
01381549 35 v 05 muster 2 rally 1 summon 2 come_up 1 muster_up 0 002 @ 01380638 v 0000 + 00045646 n 0201 02 + 08 00 + 22 04 | gather or bring together; "muster the courage to do something"; "she rallied her intellect"; "Summon all your courage"
01381796 35 v 01 corral 2 001 @ 02304982 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | collect or gather; "corralling votes for an election"
01381913 35 v 01 round_up 0 003 @ 01380638 v 0000 + 00635544 n 0101 + 00921627 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | seek out and bring together; "round up some loyal followers"
01382083 35 v 03 pick 1 pluck 1 cull 0 013 @ 01380638 v 0000 ^ 00677203 v 0301 + 13759558 n 0102 + 10431514 n 0101 + 00714357 n 0101 ^ 02107248 v 0101 ^ 02117955 v 0102 ^ 01957107 v 0101 ^ 01592456 v 0104 ^ 00677544 v 0102 ^ 00598954 v 0105 ~ 01382437 v 0000 ~ 01384102 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | look for and gather; "pick mushrooms"; "pick flowers"
01382437 35 v 01 mushroom 0 003 @ 01382083 v 0000 + 07734744 n 0101 + 13001041 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | pick or gather mushrooms; "We went mushrooming in the Fall"
01382606 35 v 01 prawn 0 003 @ 01140794 v 0000 + 01987545 n 0101 + 07794159 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | fish for prawns
01382720 35 v 01 nut 0 002 @ 01380638 v 0000 + 13136556 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | gather nuts
01382818 35 v 01 frog 0 002 @ 01480149 v 0000 + 01639765 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | hunt frogs for food
01382917 35 v 01 snail 0 004 @ 01380638 v 0000 + 07782475 n 0102 + 01944390 n 0101 ~ 01143147 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | gather snails; "We went snailing in the summer"
01383089 35 v 01 blackberry 0 002 @ 01384102 v 0000 + 07744811 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | pick or gather blackberries; "The children went blackberrying"
01383245 35 v 02 birdnest 0 bird-nest 0 001 @ 01380638 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | gather birdnests; "They went birdnesting in the early morning"
01383393 35 v 01 nest 1 003 @ 01380638 v 0000 + 01514926 n 0101 + 09369169 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | gather nests
01383511 35 v 01 oyster 0 003 @ 01380638 v 0000 + 07786164 n 0102 + 01960459 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | gather oysters, dig oysters
01383646 35 v 01 sponge 3 004 @ 01380638 v 0000 + 01906749 n 0101 + 14597758 n 0101 + 10638813 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | gather sponges, in the ocean
01383800 35 v 01 pearl 0 003 @ 01380638 v 0000 + 13372403 n 0101 + 10410531 n 0102 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | gather pearls, from oysters in the ocean
01383947 35 v 01 clam 0 003 @ 01380638 v 0000 + 07786686 n 0101 + 01956481 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | gather clams, by digging in the sand by the ocean
01384102 35 v 01 berry 0 004 @ 01382083 v 0000 + 13137409 n 0101 + 07742704 n 0101 ~ 01383089 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | pick or gather berries; "We went berrying in the summer"
01384275 35 v 06 pluck 3 pull 5 tear 6 deplume 0 deplumate 0 displume 0 001 @ 01263479 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | strip of feathers; "pull a chicken"; "pluck the capon"
01384439 35 v 02 collect 1 pull_in 1 005 @ 02304982 v 0000 + 01014066 n 0101 + 01014066 n 0102 ~ 01384638 v 0000 ~ 01385643 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | get or bring together; "accumulate evidence"
01384638 35 v 02 archive 0 file_away 0 002 @ 01384439 v 0000 + 02735086 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | put into an archive
01384752 35 v 04 scrape 3 scrape_up 0 scratch 5 come_up 2 002 @ 02304982 v 0000 ~ 01385013 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 22 04 | gather (money or other resources) together over time; "She had scraped together enough money for college"; "they scratched a meager living"
01385013 35 v 01 nickel-and-dime 0 001 @ 01384752 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | accumulate gradually; "she nickeled-and-dimed together a small house for her family"
01385170 35 v 02 aggregate 0 combine 3 011 @ 01462005 v 0000 + 07964495 n 0201 + 08272961 n 0201 + 07963711 n 0201 + 00870453 n 0201 + 07373803 n 0202 + 07373803 n 0201 + 00467240 a 0103 + 09936620 n 0102 + 04353803 n 0104 ~ 01385458 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | gather in a mass, sum, or whole
01385458 35 v 02 unitize 0 unitise 0 005 @ 01385170 v 0000 + 01104174 n 0202 + 01104174 n 0101 + 09465459 n 0101 + 00003553 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | make into a unit; "unitize a car body"
01385643 35 v 03 beat_up 0 drum_up 0 rally 0 001 @ 01384439 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | gather; "drum up support"
01385759 35 v 01 collate 0 003 * 01380638 v 0000 @ 00277659 v 0000 + 01014607 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | to assemble in proper sequence; "collate the papers"
01385920 35 v 02 lump 0 chunk 0 002 @ 02304982 v 0000 + 09307300 n 0102 01 + 21 00 | put together indiscriminately; "lump together all the applicants"
01386073 35 v 01 batch 0 002 @ 00656576 v 0000 + 08400452 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | batch together; assemble or process as a batch
01386200 35 v 01 bale 0 002 @ 02304982 v 0000 + 02778456 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | make into a bale; "bale hay"
01386308 35 v 01 shock 0 002 @ 01380638 v 0000 + 07962707 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | collect or gather into shocks; "shock grain"
01386433 35 v 02 sandpaper 0 sand 0 004 @ 01252971 v 0000 + 03250588 n 0203 + 14849880 n 0102 ~ 01386611 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | rub with sandpaper; "sandpaper the wooden surface"
01386611 35 v 01 rough-sand 0 001 @ 01386433 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | sand roughly; "rough-sand the door before painting it"
01386741 35 v 01 sandblast 0 003 @ 01252971 v 0000 + 04134170 n 0101 + 11465425 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | grind with a sandblast; "sandblast the facade of the building"
01386906 35 v 01 rasp 0 003 * 01249724 v 0000 @ 01254013 v 0000 + 04054670 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | scrape with a rasp
01387022 35 v 01 file 0 003 * 01249724 v 0000 @ 01252971 v 0000 + 00925489 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | smooth with a file; "file one's fingernails"
01387164 35 v 01 corrugate 0 003 @ 01277974 v 0000 + 13902229 n 0101 + 00406485 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | fold into ridges; "corrugate iron"
01387301 35 v 02 ruffle 0 pleat 0 004 @ 01277974 v 0000 + 03965907 n 0201 + 00406800 n 0202 + 03397532 n 0103 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | pleat or gather into a ruffle; "ruffle the curtain fabric"
01387493 35 v 04 ruffle 2 ruffle_up 0 rumple 0 mess_up 1 001 @ 01466733 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | disturb the smoothness of; "ruffle the surface of the water"
01387656 35 v 01 plait 0 003 @ 01518924 v 0000 + 05259512 n 0102 + 10438042 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | weave into plaits; "plait hair"
01387786 35 v 06 compress 0 constrict 0 squeeze 1 compact 0 contract 4 press 2 023 @ 00419950 v 0000 + 00113113 n 0601 + 00113113 n 0603 + 00369802 n 0501 + 00369399 n 0501 + 05289601 n 0502 + 01149911 n 0201 + 01741562 n 0201 + 01153435 a 0101 + 00514396 a 0101 + 07313241 n 0101 + 00356790 n 0101 + 03082807 n 0101 + 00356790 n 0102 ~ 00077950 v 0000 ~ 00145772 v 0000 ~ 01388386 v 0000 ~ 01388653 v 0000 ~ 01388813 v 0000 ~ 01389007 v 0000 ~ 01389186 v 0000 ~ 01570562 v 0000 ~ 01570744 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | squeeze or press together; "she compressed her lips"; "the spasm contracted the muscle"
01388386 35 v 01 astringe 0 003 @ 01387786 v 0000 + 00189580 a 0101 + 02750835 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | constrict or bind or draw together; "Lemon juice astringes the tissue in the mouth"
01388571 35 v 01 straiten 2 001 @ 02495038 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | squeeze together
01388653 35 v 01 strangulate 1 002 @ 01387786 v 0000 + 00227264 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | constrict a hollow organ or vessel so as to stop the flow of blood or air
01388813 35 v 01 convulse 0 004 @ 01387786 v 0000 + 02303754 a 0101 + 14082595 n 0101 $ 01389007 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | contract involuntarily, as in a spasm; "The muscles in her face convulsed"
01389007 35 v 01 convulse 1 004 $ 01388813 v 0000 @ 01387786 v 0000 + 02303754 a 0101 + 14082595 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | cause to contract; "The spasm convulses her facial muscles"
01389186 35 v 02 bear_down 1 overbear 0 001 @ 01387786 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | contract the abdominal muscles during childbirth to ease delivery
01389329 35 v 03 compress 1 compact 3 pack_together 0 007 * 01447257 v 0000 @ 01527271 v 0000 + 00358089 n 0203 ! 01389607 v 0101 + 00616083 n 0101 + 00356790 n 0102 ~ 01574571 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 21 00 | make more compact by or as if by pressing; "compress the data"
01389607 35 v 02 decompress 0 uncompress 0 003 @ 02552449 v 0000 + 00616641 n 0101 ! 01389329 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | restore to its uncompressed form; "decompress data"
01389776 35 v 02 tuck 0 insert 1 002 @ 01587062 v 0000 + 00320852 n 0201 01 + 21 00 | fit snugly into; "insert your ticket into the slot"; "tuck your shirttail in"
01389942 35 v 02 wall_in 0 wall_up 0 002 @ 01587062 v 0000 ~ 01390078 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | enclose with a wall
01390078 35 v 03 brick_in 0 brick_up 0 brick_over 0 001 @ 01389942 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | wall up with brick
01390210 35 v 02 embower 0 bower 0 002 @ 01587062 v 0000 + 02732827 n 0203 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | enclose in a bower
01390327 35 v 01 tuck 1 002 @ 01277974 v 0000 + 10732748 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make a tuck or several folds in; "tuck the fabric"; "tuck in the sheet"
01390486 35 v 01 mangle 1 002 @ 01390833 v 0000 + 03717285 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | press with a mangle; "mangle the sheets"
01390616 35 v 01 press 1 005 @ 00463469 v 0000 + 00113113 n 0101 + 00113113 n 0103 ~ 01390833 v 0000 ~ 01391095 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | place between two surfaces and apply weight or pressure; "pressed flowers"
01390833 35 v 03 iron 0 iron_out 0 press 3 006 @ 01390616 v 0000 * 00371264 v 0000 + 03584829 n 0101 + 03585875 n 0101 + 00581090 n 0101 ~ 01390486 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | press and smooth with a heated iron; "press your shirts"; "she stood there ironing"
01391095 35 v 01 calender 0 002 @ 01390616 v 0000 + 02939565 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | press between rollers or plates so as to smooth, glaze, or thin into sheets; "calender paper"
01391280 35 v 02 roll_out 1 roll 5 004 @ 00463778 v 0000 + 13875970 n 0203 ~ 01391460 v 0000 ~ 01391697 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | flatten or spread with a roller; "roll out the paper"
01391460 35 v 01 cog 1 001 @ 01391280 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | roll steel ingots
01391538 35 v 01 laminate 1 004 @ 00463778 v 0000 + 03635668 n 0101 + 05580929 n 0101 $ 01232387 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | press or beat (metals) into thin sheets
01391697 35 v 01 mill 2 001 @ 01391280 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | roll out (metal) with a rolling machine
01391806 35 v 02 ruffle 1 fluff 0 002 @ 01275516 v 0000 ^ 01391946 v 0201 01 + 08 00 | erect or fluff up; "the bird ruffled its feathers"
01391946 35 v 03 fluff_up 0 plump_up 0 shake_up 0 001 @ 01889610 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make fuller by shaking; "fluff up the pillows"
01392080 35 v 02 preen 0 plume 0 003 @ 01463963 v 0000 @ 01532589 v 0000 + 01896031 n 0202 02 + 01 00 + 08 00 | clean with one's bill; "The birds preened"
01392237 35 v 02 wipe 0 pass_over 0 015 @ 01249724 v 0000 ^ 01212230 v 0204 + 00125126 n 0102 + 10783646 n 0101 + 04593866 n 0101 + 04590746 n 0103 ^ 01392918 v 0101 ^ 01392918 v 0102 ^ 01548718 v 0105 ^ 01157517 v 0108 ~ 01392663 v 0000 ~ 01392790 v 0000 ~ 01393714 v 0000 ~ 01394335 v 0000 ~ 01435254 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | rub with a circular motion; "wipe the blackboard"; "He passed his hands over the soft cloth"
01392663 35 v 01 sponge 0 002 @ 01392237 v 0000 + 14597758 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | wipe with a sponge, so as to clean or moisten
01392790 35 v 01 squeegee 0 002 @ 01392237 v 0000 + 04292921 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | wipe with a squeegee; "squeegee the windows"
01392918 35 v 02 wipe_off 0 wipe_away 0 002 @ 00173338 v 0000 ~ 01393038 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | remove by wiping
01393038 35 v 01 deterge 0 006 @ 01392918 v 0000 + 02118181 a 0102 + 02118181 a 0101 + 03181899 n 0101 + 05149127 n 0101 + 05149127 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | wipe away; to wash off or out, cleanse; chiefly in medical use: to clear away foul matter from the body; "This drug is powerful enough to deterge"
01393339 35 v 03 wipe_up 0 mop_up 0 mop 1 006 @ 01539063 v 0000 + 04367480 n 0303 + 10330722 n 0301 + 00252020 n 0302 ~ 01244178 v 0000 ~ 01393611 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | to wash or wipe with or as if with a mop; "Mop the hallway now"; "He mopped her forehead with a towel"
01393611 35 v 01 sponge 2 002 @ 01393339 v 0000 + 14597758 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | soak up with a sponge
01393714 35 v 02 sweep 0 broom 0 006 $ 01393996 v 0000 @ 01392237 v 0000 + 02906734 n 0201 + 10682713 n 0101 + 02967782 n 0102 + 00252307 n 0101 04 + 04 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 22 00 | sweep with a broom or as if with a broom; "Sweep the crumbs off the table"; "Sweep under the bed"
01393996 35 v 01 sweep 1 006 @ 01532589 v 0000 + 09919061 n 0103 + 10682713 n 0101 + 02967782 n 0102 + 00252307 n 0101 $ 01393714 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | clean by sweeping; "Please sweep the floor"
01394200 35 v 01 swipe 0 003 @ 01400044 v 0000 + 00566040 n 0101 ^ 01274254 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | strike with a swiping motion
01394335 35 v 01 towel 0 002 @ 01392237 v 0000 + 04459362 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | wipe with a towel; "towel your hair dry"
01394464 35 v 02 grate 0 grind 0 006 * 01249724 v 0000 @ 00338071 v 0000 + 00358290 n 0201 + 07384344 n 0201 ~ 00078578 v 0000 ~ 01201089 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make a grating or grinding sound by rubbing together; "grate one's teeth in anger"
01394715 35 v 01 grit 0 001 @ 01394812 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | clench together; "grit one's teeth"
01394812 35 v 01 clench 2 002 @ 01447868 v 0000 ~ 01394715 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | squeeze together tightly; "clench one's jaw"
01394938 35 v 01 grit 1 002 @ 01264283 v 0000 + 14700594 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | cover with a grit; "grit roads"
01395049 35 v 01 plate 0 013 @ 01264283 v 0000 + 03959936 n 0101 + 10439203 n 0101 + 03963028 n 0101 + 00719016 n 0101 ~ 00213034 v 0000 ~ 01395382 v 0000 ~ 01395493 v 0000 ~ 01395663 v 0000 ~ 01395782 v 0000 ~ 01395945 v 0000 ~ 01396091 v 0000 ~ 01396328 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | coat with a layer of metal; "plate spoons with silver"
01395382 35 v 01 tin 0 003 @ 01395049 v 0000 + 14658855 n 0101 + 00718195 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | plate with tin
01395493 35 v 01 silver 0 003 @ 01395049 v 0000 + 03361837 n 0102 + 14654954 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | coat with a layer of silver or a silver amalgam; "silver the necklace"
01395663 35 v 01 nickel 0 002 @ 01395049 v 0000 + 14646610 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | plate with nickel; "nickel the plate"
01395782 35 v 01 electroplate 0 003 @ 01395049 v 0000 + 10049788 n 0101 + 03280064 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | coat with metal by electrolysis; "electroplate the watch"
01395945 35 v 02 chrome 0 chromium-plate 0 002 @ 01395049 v 0000 + 14810704 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | plate with chromium; "chrome bathroom fixtures"
01396091 35 v 03 goldplate 0 gold-plate 0 gold_plate 0 007 @ 01395049 v 0000 + 03445472 n 0301 + 03445326 n 0301 + 03445472 n 0201 + 03445326 n 0201 + 03445472 n 0101 + 03445326 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | plate with gold; "goldplate a watch"
01396328 35 v 02 silverplate 0 silver-plate 0 005 @ 01395049 v 0000 + 04220805 n 0201 + 04220945 n 0201 + 04220805 n 0101 + 04220945 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | plate with silver; "silverplate a watch"
01396524 35 v 01 hug 0 001 @ 01205696 v 0000 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | fit closely or tightly; "The dress hugged her hips"
01396644 35 v 01 smite 0 001 @ 01400044 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | inflict a heavy blow on, with the hand, a tool, or a weapon
01396790 35 v 01 hook 2 003 @ 01400044 v 0000 ;c 00445802 n 0000 + 00135799 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | hit with a hook; "His opponent hooked him badly"
01396937 35 v 01 swat 0 003 @ 01400044 v 0000 + 04369282 n 0101 + 00134391 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | hit swiftly with a violent blow; "Swat flies"
01397088 35 v 06 sock 0 bop 0 whop 1 whap 0 bonk 0 bash 0 002 @ 01400044 v 0000 + 07410207 n 0602 01 + 09 00 | hit hard
01397210 35 v 03 beat 1 beat_up 1 work_over 0 013 * 01400044 v 0000 + 01160729 n 0101 ~ 01397707 v 0000 ~ 01397870 v 0000 ~ 01397945 v 0000 ~ 01398235 v 0000 ~ 01398323 v 0000 ~ 01411085 v 0000 ~ 01412204 v 0000 ~ 01414088 v 0000 ~ 01416193 v 0000 ~ 01417416 v 0000 ~ 01420928 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | give a beating to; subject to a beating, either as a punishment or as an act of aggression; "Thugs beat him up when he walked down the street late at night"; "The teacher used to beat the students"
01397707 35 v 01 strong-arm 0 002 @ 01397210 v 0000 + 10184081 n 0108 01 + 09 00 | use physical force against; "They strong-armed me when I left the restaurant"
01397870 35 v 01 soak 0 001 @ 01397210 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | beat severely
01397945 35 v 01 pistol-whip 0 001 @ 01397210 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | beat with a pistol
01398032 35 v 02 whip 2 lash 0 004 @ 01410223 v 0000 + 03643907 n 0201 + 00134574 n 0202 ~ 02120912 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | strike as if by whipping; "The curtain whipped her face"
01398235 35 v 02 belabour 0 belabor 0 001 @ 01397210 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | beat soundly
01398323 35 v 01 rough_up 0 001 @ 01397210 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | treat violently; "The police strong-armed the suspect"
01398443 35 v 02 flagellate 0 scourge 0 007 @ 01411085 v 0000 + 04149968 n 0201 + 10096964 n 0202 + 04149968 n 0102 + 01163047 n 0105 + 10094444 n 0101 + 10094320 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | whip; "The religious fanatics flagellated themselves"
01398682 35 v 01 leather 0 001 @ 01411085 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | whip with a leather strap
01398772 35 v 01 horsewhip 0 003 @ 01411085 v 0000 + 01163429 n 0101 + 03539754 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | whip with a whip intended for horses
01398919 35 v 01 beat 0 014 $ 01399576 v 0000 @ 01410223 v 0000 + 07376937 n 0101 + 00547616 n 0101 + 02817650 n 0101 ~ 01399305 v 0000 ~ 01399450 v 0000 ~ 01399821 v 0000 ~ 01399921 v 0000 ~ 01412346 v 0000 ~ 01412548 v 0000 ~ 01412644 v 0000 ~ 01416364 v 0000 ~ 01416539 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | hit repeatedly; "beat on the door"; "beat the table with his shoe"
01399305 35 v 01 full 2 002 @ 01398919 v 0000 + 10115603 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | beat for the purpose of cleaning and thickening; "full the cloth"
01399450 35 v 01 beat c 001 @ 01398919 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | strike (water or bushes) repeatedly to rouse animals for hunting
01399576 35 v 01 beat a 003 @ 01410223 v 0000 + 07086518 n 0102 $ 01398919 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | strike (a part of one's own body) repeatedly, as in great emotion or in accompaniment to music; "beat one's breast"; "beat one's foot rhythmically"
01399821 35 v 01 beetle 0 002 @ 01398919 v 0000 + 03715386 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | beat with a beetle
01399921 35 v 01 bastinado 0 002 @ 01398919 v 0000 + 02805845 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | beat somebody on the soles of the feet
01400044 35 v 01 hit 0 036 @ 01206218 v 0000 + 00125629 n 0101 + 00125629 n 0102 ~ 01237599 v 0000 ~ 01242391 v 0000 ~ 01242537 v 0000 ~ 01370561 v 0000 ~ 01394200 v 0000 ~ 01396644 v 0000 ~ 01396790 v 0000 ~ 01396937 v 0000 ~ 01397088 v 0000 ~ 01400856 v 0000 ~ 01401005 v 0000 ~ 01401115 v 0000 ~ 01401371 v 0000 ~ 01401552 v 0000 ~ 01401676 v 0000 ~ 01401772 v 0000 ~ 01401955 v 0000 ~ 01410079 v 0000 ~ 01413173 v 0000 ~ 01413436 v 0000 ~ 01413561 v 0000 ~ 01413917 v 0000 ~ 01414626 v 0000 ~ 01414916 v 0000 ~ 01415162 v 0000 ~ 01415285 v 0000 ~ 01415585 v 0000 ~ 01415807 v 0000 ~ 01416020 v 0000 ~ 01417578 v 0000 ~ 01420765 v 0000 ~ 01423929 v 0000 ~ 01424106 v 0000 05 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 + 17 00 | deal a blow to, either with the hand or with an instrument; "He hit her hard in the face"
01400856 35 v 01 bean 0 003 @ 01400044 v 0000 + 05539454 n 0102 + 00107551 n 0102 01 + 09 00 | hit on the head, especially with a pitched baseball
01401005 35 v 01 pop 6 001 @ 01400044 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | hit or strike; "He popped me on the head"
01401115 35 v 02 get a catch d 001 @ 01400044 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | reach with a blow or hit in a particular spot; "the rock caught her in the back of the head"; "The blow got him in the back"; "The punch caught him in the stomach"
01401371 35 v 01 conk 0 002 @ 01400044 v 0000 + 05598868 n 0101 05 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 + 17 00 | hit, especially on the head; "The stranger conked him and he fainted"
01401552 35 v 01 cosh 0 002 @ 01400044 v 0000 + 02847461 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | hit with a cosh, usually on the head
01401676 35 v 01 brain 0 002 @ 01400044 v 0000 + 05481095 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | hit on the head
01401772 35 v 04 smash 0 nail 2 boom 0 blast 0 004 @ 01400044 v 0000 + 00128867 n 0401 + 07410207 n 0104 + 10614225 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | hit hard; "He smashed a 3-run homer"
01401955 35 v 01 crack 0 002 @ 01400044 v 0000 + 00376994 n 0103 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 17 00 | hit forcefully; deal a hard blow, making a cracking noise; "The teacher cracked him across the face with a ruler"
01402173 35 v 01 ground_out 0 002 @ 01405044 v 0000 ;c 00471613 n 0000 01 + 02 00 | make an out by hitting the ball on the ground
01402305 35 v 01 toe 3 003 @ 01405044 v 0000 ;c 00464894 n 0000 + 04444345 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | drive (a golf ball) with the toe of the club
01402447 35 v 01 shank 0 003 @ 01405044 v 0000 ;c 00464894 n 0000 + 00573945 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | hit (a golf ball) with the heel of a club, causing the ball to veer in the wrong direction
01402637 35 v 01 pitch 4 002 @ 01405044 v 0000 + 00573664 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | hit (a golf ball) in a high arc with a backspin
01402765 35 v 01 fly 1 003 @ 01405044 v 0000 ;c 00471613 n 0000 + 00128638 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | hit a fly
01402872 35 v 01 snap 3 003 @ 01405044 v 0000 + 00120943 n 0102 + 09904321 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | put in play with a snap; "snap a football"
01403012 35 v 01 whang 0 001 @ 01405044 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | propel or hit with force; "whang the ball"
01403117 35 v 01 undercut 0 002 @ 01405044 v 0000 + 00565809 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | strike (the ball) in golf, tennis, or hockey obliquely downward so as to give a backspin or elevation to the shot
01403314 35 v 01 tap 2 003 @ 01552519 v 0000 + 04391158 n 0101 + 10691485 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | cut a female screw thread with a tap
01403447 35 v 01 hob 0 002 @ 01552519 v 0000 + 03523398 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | cut with a hob
01403540 35 v 01 putt 0 006 @ 01405044 v 0000 ;c 00464894 n 0000 + 00572838 n 0101 + 10496081 n 0101 + 04028074 n 0101 + 00572838 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | strike (a golf ball) lightly, with a putter; "he putted the ball several feet past the hole"
01403785 35 v 01 putt 1 006 @ 01072949 v 0000 ;c 00464894 n 0000 + 00572838 n 0101 + 10496081 n 0101 + 04028074 n 0101 + 00572838 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | hit a putt; "he lost because he putted so poorly"
01403987 35 v 01 heel 0 003 @ 01405044 v 0000 ;c 00464894 n 0000 + 03511786 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | strike with the heel of the club; "heel a golf ball"
01404138 35 v 01 toe 1 003 @ 01405044 v 0000 ;c 00464894 n 0000 + 04444345 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | hit (a golf ball) with the toe of the club
01404278 35 v 01 bunker 0 002 @ 01405044 v 0000 + 02920369 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | hit a golf ball into a bunker
01404389 35 v 01 bounce 3 003 @ 01405044 v 0000 + 05020981 n 0101 ~ 01404538 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | hit something so that it bounces; "bounce a ball"
01404538 35 v 01 bounce_out 0 002 @ 01404389 v 0000 ;c 00471613 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | bounce a ball so that it becomes an out
01404664 35 v 01 backhand 0 002 @ 01405044 v 0000 + 00566690 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | hit a tennis ball backhand
01404774 35 v 01 foul_out 0 001 @ 01147855 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | baseball: hit a ball such that it is caught from an out in foul territory
01404913 35 v 01 pop 0 002 @ 01405044 v 0000 ;c 00471613 n 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | hit a pop-fly; "He popped out to shortstop"
01405044 35 v 01 hit 3 049 @ 01511706 v 0000 + 10178216 n 0101 + 00043902 n 0101 + 00125629 n 0102 ~ 01080691 v 0000 ~ 01147855 v 0000 ~ 01147987 v 0000 ~ 01237398 v 0000 ~ 01402173 v 0000 ~ 01402305 v 0000 ~ 01402447 v 0000 ~ 01402637 v 0000 ~ 01402765 v 0000 ~ 01402872 v 0000 ~ 01403012 v 0000 ~ 01403117 v 0000 ~ 01403540 v 0000 ~ 01403987 v 0000 ~ 01404138 v 0000 ~ 01404278 v 0000 ~ 01404389 v 0000 ~ 01404664 v 0000 ~ 01404913 v 0000 ~ 01406016 v 0000 ~ 01406195 v 0000 ~ 01406356 v 0000 ~ 01406512 v 0000 ~ 01406897 v 0000 ~ 01407059 v 0000 ~ 01407235 v 0000 ~ 01407376 v 0000 ~ 01407568 v 0000 ~ 01407722 v 0000 ~ 01407904 v 0000 ~ 01408153 v 0000 ~ 01408297 v 0000 ~ 01408489 v 0000 ~ 01408633 v 0000 ~ 01408760 v 0000 ~ 01408958 v 0000 ~ 01409177 v 0000 ~ 01409374 v 0000 ~ 01409523 v 0000 ~ 01409642 v 0000 ~ 01561583 v 0000 ~ 01597286 v 0000 ~ 01598255 v 0000 ~ 01600873 v 0000 ~ 01604012 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 02 01 | cause to move by striking; "hit a ball"
01406016 35 v 01 follow_through 0 003 @ 01405044 v 0000 ;c 00523513 n 0000 + 00211776 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | carry a stroke to natural completion after hitting or releasing a ball
01406195 35 v 01 shell 7 001 @ 01405044 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | hit the pitches of hard and regularly; "He shelled the pitcher for eight runs in the first inning"
01406356 35 v 01 ground a 005 @ 01405044 v 0000 ;c 00471613 n 0000 + 09334396 n 0104 $ 01406512 v 0000 $ 01406684 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | hit onto the ground
01406512 35 v 01 ground b 004 $ 01406356 v 0000 @ 01405044 v 0000 ;c 00471613 n 0000 + 00129089 n 0101 01 + 03 00 | hit a groundball; "he grounded to the second baseman"
01406684 35 v 01 ground c 004 $ 01406356 v 0000 @ 01508368 v 0000 ;c 00468480 n 0000 + 09334396 n 0104 01 + 08 00 | throw to the ground in order to stop play and avoid being tackled behind the line of scrimmage
01406897 35 v 01 top 2 002 @ 01405044 v 0000 + 08663354 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | strike (the top part of a ball in golf, baseball, or pool) giving it a forward spin
01407059 35 v 01 pull 3 002 @ 01405044 v 0000 ;c 00471613 n 0000 01 + 03 00 | hit in the direction that the player is facing when carrying through the swing; "pull the ball"
01407235 35 v 01 kill 5 003 @ 01405044 v 0000 ;c 00523513 n 0000 $ 01407376 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | hit with great force; "He killed the ball"
01407376 35 v 01 kill 6 003 $ 01407235 v 0000 @ 01405044 v 0000 ;c 00523513 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | hit with so much force as to make a return impossible, in racket games; "She killed the ball"
01407568 35 v 01 connect 7 002 @ 01405044 v 0000 ;c 00471613 n 0000 01 + 22 00 | hit or play a ball successfully; "The batter connected for a home run"
01407722 35 v 01 drive 2 004 @ 01405044 v 0000 ;c 00523513 n 0000 + 00567044 n 0101 $ 01407904 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | hit very hard, as by swinging a bat horizontally; "drive a ball"
01407904 35 v 01 drive 3 008 $ 01407722 v 0000 @ 01405044 v 0000 ;c 00464894 n 0000 + 00572489 n 0101 + 10035314 n 0101 + 03244047 n 0101 + 00572489 n 0102 $ 01509584 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | strike with a driver, as in teeing off; "drive a golf ball"
01408153 35 v 02 hole 1 hole_out 0 003 @ 01405044 v 0000 ;c 00464894 n 0000 + 03526805 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 08 02 | hit the ball into the hole
01408297 35 v 02 bunt 1 drag_a_bunt 0 004 @ 01405044 v 0000 ;c 00471613 n 0000 + 00128477 n 0101 + 09880338 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | hit a ball in such a way so as to make it go a short distance
01408489 35 v 01 snick 2 003 @ 01405044 v 0000 ;c 00476389 n 0000 + 00128324 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | hit a glancing blow with the edge of the bat
01408633 35 v 01 racket 0 003 @ 01405044 v 0000 ;c 00523513 n 0000 + 04039381 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | hit (a ball) with a racket
01408760 35 v 02 dribble 0 carry 8 005 @ 01405044 v 0000 ;c 00523513 n 0000 + 00478647 n 0101 + 10033888 n 0101 + 00478647 n 0102 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | propel, "Carry the ball"; "dribble the ball"
01408958 35 v 01 slice 2 005 @ 01405044 v 0000 ;c 00464894 n 0000 + 00572043 n 0101 + 10611729 n 0101 + 00572043 n 0103 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | hit a ball and put a spin on it so that it travels in a different direction
01409177 35 v 01 hook 3 005 @ 01405044 v 0000 ;c 00464894 n 0000 + 00572285 n 0101 + 10184683 n 0101 + 00572285 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | hit a ball and put a spin on it so that it travels to the left
01409374 35 v 01 single 0 003 @ 01405044 v 0000 ;c 00471613 n 0000 + 00132601 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | hit a single; "the batter singled to left field"
01409523 35 v 01 double 0 003 @ 01405044 v 0000 ;c 00471613 n 0000 + 00132756 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | hit a two-base hit
01409642 35 v 01 triple 0 003 @ 01405044 v 0000 ;c 00471613 n 0000 + 00132982 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | hit a three-base hit
01409763 35 v 01 fan 1 002 @ 01509280 v 0000 ;c 00471613 n 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | strike out (a batter), (of a pitcher)
01409888 35 v 01 whiff 0 004 @ 01509280 v 0000 ;c 00471613 n 0000 + 00130512 n 0101 + 10775771 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | strike out by swinging and missing the pitch charged as the third
01410079 35 v 02 sandbag 0 stun 0 002 @ 01400044 v 0000 + 04134008 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | hit something or somebody as if with a sandbag
01410223 35 v 01 strike 0 027 @ 01206218 v 0000 + 07410021 n 0102 + 10178216 n 0102 + 04337740 n 0101 + 00125629 n 0103 ^ 01258302 v 0103 ~ 01230555 v 0000 ~ 01233027 v 0000 ~ 01235769 v 0000 $ 01236164 v 0000 ~ 01238640 v 0000 ~ 01239862 v 0000 ~ 01241490 v 0000 ~ 01243474 v 0000 ~ 01247804 v 0000 ~ 01260428 v 0000 ~ 01274254 v 0000 ~ 01398032 v 0000 ~ 01398919 v 0000 ~ 01399576 v 0000 ~ 01410946 v 0000 ~ 01412759 v 0000 ~ 01414288 v 0000 ~ 01415454 v 0000 ~ 01416871 v 0000 ~ 01417257 v 0000 ~ 01417705 v 0000 05 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | deliver a sharp blow, as with the hand, fist, or weapon; "The teacher struck the child"; "the opponent refused to strike"; "The boxer struck the attacker dead"
01410946 35 v 01 sclaff 1 003 @ 01410223 v 0000 ;c 00464894 n 0000 + 00573775 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | strike (the ground) in making a sclaff
01411085 35 v 08 flog 0 welt 0 whip 0 lather 1 lash 1 slash 2 strap 1 trounce 0 018 @ 01397210 v 0000 + 01160729 n 0806 + 04332987 n 0701 + 00134574 n 0502 + 03643907 n 0501 + 04577769 n 0301 + 00134574 n 0301 + 10684146 n 0302 + 01163047 n 0301 + 14298620 n 0202 + 01163047 n 0103 ~ 01398443 v 0000 ~ 01398682 v 0000 ~ 01398772 v 0000 ~ 01411630 v 0000 ~ 01411768 v 0000 ~ 01411870 v 0000 ~ 01411978 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | beat severely with a whip or rod; "The teacher often flogged the students"; "The children were severely trounced"
01411630 35 v 01 switch 3 003 @ 01411085 v 0000 + 04372171 n 0101 + 10684146 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | flog with or as if with a flexible rod
01411768 35 v 01 cowhide 0 002 @ 01411085 v 0000 + 03124313 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | flog with a cowhide
01411870 35 v 01 cat 0 002 @ 01411085 v 0000 + 02985606 n 0102 01 + 09 00 | beat with a cat-o'-nine-tails
01411978 35 v 01 birch 0 002 @ 01411085 v 0000 + 02842809 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | whip with a birch twig
01412089 35 v 01 manhandle 0 001 @ 01210737 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | handle roughly; "I was manhandled by the police"
01412204 35 v 04 cane 0 flog 1 lambaste 0 lambast 0 003 @ 01397210 v 0000 + 01163047 n 0203 + 02949084 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | beat with a cane
01412346 35 v 05 deck 0 coldcock 0 dump 0 knock_down 0 floor 0 004 @ 01398919 v 0000 + 09282208 n 0501 + 03365592 n 0501 + 00133981 n 0401 01 + 09 00 | knock down with force; "He decked his opponent"
01412548 35 v 01 whang 1 002 @ 01398919 v 0000 + 00133338 n 0105 01 + 08 00 | beat with force
01412644 35 v 01 paste 0 001 @ 01398919 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | hit with the fists; "He pasted his opponent"
01412759 35 v 01 clout 0 002 @ 01410223 v 0000 + 00134780 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | strike hard, especially with the fist; "He clouted his attacker"
01412912 35 v 06 cream 3 bat 0 clobber 0 drub 0 thrash 2 lick 1 004 $ 01416193 v 0000 @ 01101913 v 0000 + 07476623 n 0501 + 07476623 n 0404 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | beat thoroughly and conclusively in a competition or fight; "We licked the other team on Sunday!"
01413173 35 v 01 bat 1 009 @ 01400044 v 0000 ;c 00471613 n 0000 + 04292414 n 0103 + 02806379 n 0101 + 09843956 n 0101 + 00126584 n 0101 $ 01413436 v 0000 $ 01413561 v 0000 ~ 01413719 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | strike with, or as if with a baseball bat; "bat the ball"
01413436 35 v 01 bat 2 003 $ 01413173 v 0000 @ 01400044 v 0000 ;c 00471613 n 0000 01 + 02 00 | use a bat; "Who's batting?"
01413561 35 v 01 bat 3 003 $ 01413173 v 0000 @ 01400044 v 0000 ;c 00471613 n 0000 01 + 02 00 | have a turn at bat; "Jones bats first, followed by Martinez"
01413719 35 v 01 switch-hit 0 003 @ 01413173 v 0000 ;c 00471613 n 0000 + 10684311 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | bat right-handed against a left-handed and left-handed against a right-handed pitcher
01413917 35 v 01 cut 7 002 @ 01400044 v 0000 ;c 00523513 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | hit (a ball) with a spin so that it turns in the opposite direction; "cut a Ping-Pong ball"
01414088 35 v 03 knock_cold 0 knock_out 0 kayo 0 002 @ 01397210 v 0000 + 00134099 n 0201 01 + 09 00 | knock unconscious or senseless; "the boxing champion knocked out his opponent in a few seconds"
01414288 35 v 02 rap 0 knap 0 004 @ 01410223 v 0000 + 00133338 n 0103 + 07410021 n 0101 ~ 01414467 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 21 00 + 22 00 | strike sharply; "rap him on the knuckles"
01414467 35 v 01 knock 1 004 @ 01414288 v 0000 + 07386370 n 0101 + 10239761 n 0101 + 07386370 n 0102 01 + 22 00 | rap with the knuckles; "knock on the door"
01414626 35 v 03 thump 0 pound 0 poke 2 005 @ 01400044 v 0000 + 00134780 n 0303 + 01175316 n 0202 + 01175316 n 0204 + 01175099 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | hit hard with the hand, fist, or some heavy instrument; "the salesman pounded the door knocker"; "a bible-thumping Southern Baptist"
01414916 35 v 02 smack 2 thwack 0 006 @ 01400044 v 0000 + 00133567 n 0201 + 00133668 n 0101 + 07410745 n 0102 + 00133875 n 0101 + 00133668 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | deliver a hard blow to; "The teacher smacked the student who had misbehaved"
01415162 35 v 01 belt 0 002 @ 01400044 v 0000 + 07410207 n 0105 01 + 09 00 | deliver a blow to; "He belted his opponent"
01415285 35 v 02 punch 0 plug 0 003 @ 01400044 v 0000 + 00134780 n 0101 + 10492627 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | deliver a quick blow to; "he punched me in the stomach"
01415454 35 v 01 chop 3 003 @ 01410223 v 0000 + 00566889 n 0101 + 00129317 n 0102 01 + 09 00 | strike sharply, as in some sports
01415585 35 v 03 slug 0 slog 0 swig 0 004 @ 01400044 v 0000 + 09871095 n 0101 + 09843956 n 0103 + 00134780 n 0106 01 + 09 00 | strike heavily, especially with the fist or a bat; "He slugged me so hard that I passed out"
01415807 35 v 04 whack 0 wham 0 whop 0 wallop 0 005 @ 01400044 v 0000 + 01176031 n 0401 + 10765098 n 0401 + 00133338 n 0104 + 01160729 n 0107 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 | hit hard; "The teacher whacked the boy"
01416020 35 v 03 pummel 0 pommel 0 biff 0 002 @ 01400044 v 0000 + 00134780 n 0305 01 + 09 00 | strike, usually with the fist; "The pedestrians pummeled the demonstrators"
01416193 35 v 04 thrash 0 thresh 0 lam 0 flail 0 004 @ 01397210 v 0000 + 03356279 n 0401 + 01160729 n 0102 $ 01412912 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | give a thrashing to; beat hard
01416364 35 v 02 thrash 1 thresh 1 005 @ 01398919 v 0000 ;c 00916464 n 0000 + 04428191 n 0201 + 00393161 n 0201 + 04428191 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | beat the seeds out of a grain
01416539 35 v 01 hammer 0 005 @ 01398919 v 0000 + 03481172 n 0101 + 01175316 n 0103 ~ 01416732 v 0000 $ 01675245 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | beat with or as if with a hammer; "hammer the metal flat"
01416732 35 v 02 sledgehammer 0 sledge 0 003 @ 01416539 v 0000 + 03731695 n 0202 + 03731695 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | beat with a sledgehammer
01416871 35 v 01 slap 0 005 @ 01410223 v 0000 + 00133668 n 0103 + 07410745 n 0101 + 10608803 n 0101 ~ 01417162 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 | hit with something flat, like a paddle or the open hand; "The impatient teacher slapped the student"; "a gunshot slapped him on the forehead"
01417162 35 v 02 cuff 0 whomp 0 001 @ 01416871 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | hit with the hand
01417257 35 v 01 sclaff 0 003 @ 01410223 v 0000 ;c 00464894 n 0000 + 00573775 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | strike (a golf ball) such that the ground is scraped first
01417416 35 v 03 clobber 1 baste 1 batter 0 001 @ 01397210 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | strike violently and repeatedly; "She clobbered the man who tried to attack her"
01417578 35 v 02 buffet 1 buff 2 001 @ 01400044 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | strike, beat repeatedly; "The wind buffeted him"
01417705 35 v 03 buffet 0 knock_about 0 batter 1 001 @ 01410223 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | strike against forcefully; "Winds buffeted the tent"
01417868 35 v 02 whisk 0 whip 1 003 @ 01418179 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 ^ 01666002 v 0201 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | whip with or as if with a wire whisk; "whisk the eggs"
01418037 35 v 01 cream 0 003 @ 01418179 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 + 07847198 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | make creamy by beating; "Cream the butter"
01418179 35 v 02 beat 3 scramble 2 005 @ 01419473 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 + 02817650 n 0101 ~ 01417868 v 0000 ~ 01418037 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | stir vigorously; "beat the egg whites"; "beat the cream"
01418389 35 v 01 churn 0 003 @ 01894320 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 + 03029445 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | stir (cream) vigorously in order to make butter
01418536 35 v 01 toss 0 003 * 01462005 v 0000 @ 01419473 v 0000 ~ 00211642 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | agitate; "toss the salad"
01418667 35 v 03 shuffle 0 ruffle 4 mix 2 009 @ 01211699 v 0000 + 07374756 n 0301 + 00380083 n 0301 + 10594523 n 0101 + 00340463 n 0101 + 00340463 n 0102 ~ 01418959 v 0000 ~ 01419160 v 0000 ~ 01555437 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | mix so as to make a random order or arrangement; "shuffle the cards"
01418959 35 v 01 reshuffle 0 004 @ 01418667 v 0000 ;c 00488225 n 0000 + 00340662 n 0101 + 00340662 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | shuffle again; "So as to prevent cheating, he was asked to reshuffle the cards"
01419160 35 v 01 riffle 0 003 @ 01418667 v 0000 ;c 00488225 n 0000 + 00340838 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | shuffle (playing cards) by separating the deck into two parts and riffling with the thumbs so the cards intermix
01419373 35 v 01 paddle 3 002 @ 01894320 v 0000 + 03873699 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | stir with a paddle
01419473 35 v 07 agitate 0 vex 0 disturb 1 commove 0 shake_up 1 stir_up 0 raise_up 0 005 @ 01850315 v 0000 ~ 01418179 v 0000 ~ 01418536 v 0000 ~ 01419729 v 0000 ~ 01424220 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | change the arrangement or position of
01419729 35 v 02 roil 0 rile 0 002 @ 01419473 v 0000 ~ 01419867 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make turbid by stirring up the sediments of
01419867 35 v 02 muddle 0 puddle 1 001 @ 01419729 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make into a puddle; "puddled mire"
01419982 35 v 01 box 1 008 @ 01090335 v 0000 ;c 00523513 n 0000 + 00135148 n 0101 + 09870208 n 0101 + 00445802 n 0101 ~ 01420194 v 0000 ~ 01420451 v 0000 ~ 01420616 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | engage in a boxing match
01420194 35 v 01 spar 0 003 @ 01419982 v 0000 ;c 00523513 n 0000 + 00446804 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | box lightly
01420304 35 v 01 spar 1 003 @ 01090335 v 0000 ;c 00452152 n 0000 ;c 00523513 n 0000 01 + 01 00 | fight with spurs; "the gamecocks were sparring"
01420451 35 v 01 prizefight 0 005 @ 01419982 v 0000 ;c 00523513 n 0000 + 10477077 n 0101 + 07471806 n 0101 + 07471806 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | box for a prize or money
01420616 35 v 01 shadowbox 0 003 @ 01419982 v 0000 ;c 00523513 n 0000 + 00898286 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | go through boxing motions without an opponent
01420765 35 v 01 box 0 004 @ 01400044 v 0000 + 00135148 n 0101 + 09870208 n 0101 + 00445802 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | hit with the fist; "I'll box your ears!"
01420928 35 v 03 spank 0 paddle 7 larrup 0 005 @ 01397210 v 0000 + 03873574 n 0201 + 10608803 n 0102 + 01162784 n 0101 + 00134472 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | give a spanking to; subject to a spanking
01421122 35 v 03 plug_in 0 plug_into 0 connect 3 006 * 01295275 v 0000 @ 01421622 v 0000 + 03091374 n 0301 + 03091374 n 0302 + 03091374 n 0303 ! 01421417 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | plug into an outlet; "Please plug in the toaster!"; "Connect the TV so we can watch the football game tonight"
01421417 35 v 02 unplug 0 disconnect 3 002 @ 01519977 v 0000 ! 01421122 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | pull the plug of (electrical appliances) and render inoperable; "unplug the hair dryer after using it"
01421622 35 v 04 insert 0 infix 1 enter 3 introduce 0 013 @ 01296462 v 0000 + 00320852 n 0402 + 00320852 n 0101 + 00384329 n 0102 + 03573282 n 0101 ~ 01421122 v 0000 ~ 01422003 v 0000 ~ 01422172 v 0000 ~ 01422539 v 0000 ~ 01422662 v 0000 ~ 01528821 v 0000 ~ 01529906 v 0000 ~ 01530431 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | put or introduce into something; "insert a picture into the text"
01422003 35 v 01 penetrate 4 002 @ 01421622 v 0000 + 00846817 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | insert the penis into the vagina or anus of; "Did the molester penetrate the child?"
01422172 35 v 05 cannulate 0 cannulize 0 cannulise 0 intubate 0 canulate 0 011 @ 01421622 v 0000 + 00321195 n 0502 + 00321195 n 0407 + 00321195 n 0303 + 00321195 n 0204 + 02951170 n 0101 + 00321195 n 0106 + 00321195 n 0105 + 00321195 n 0104 + 00321195 n 0103 + 00321195 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | introduce a cannula or tube into; "Cannulate the blood vessel in the neck"
01422539 35 v 01 input 0 002 @ 01421622 v 0000 ;c 06128570 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | enter (data or a program) into a computer
01422662 35 v 02 instill 1 instil 1 006 @ 01421622 v 0000 + 00321731 n 0203 + 00321731 n 0102 + 14920728 n 0101 + 00321731 n 0101 + 03574416 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | enter drop by drop; "instill medication into my eye"
01422886 35 v 03 plug 1 stop_up 0 secure 2 007 * 01421622 v 0000 @ 01423285 v 0000 + 03967942 n 0101 ~ 01220636 v 0000 ~ 01423167 v 0000 ~ 01423506 v 0000 ~ 01423623 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | fill or close tightly with or as if with a plug; "plug the hole"; "stop up the leak"
01423167 35 v 01 tampon 0 003 @ 01422886 v 0000 + 14508368 n 0102 + 04388162 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | plug with a tampon
01423285 35 v 02 close b fill_up 3 006 @ 00261533 v 0000 + 01074694 n 0102 + 00344040 n 0102 ~ 01353405 v 0000 ~ 01422886 v 0000 ~ 01600191 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | fill or stop up; "Can you close the cracks with caulking?"
01423506 35 v 01 chink 0 002 @ 01422886 v 0000 + 09243769 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | fill the chinks of, as with caulking
01423623 35 v 02 cork 0 cork_up 0 005 @ 01422886 v 0000 + 03108853 n 0101 + 14823227 n 0101 + 03109033 n 0101 ! 01423793 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | close a bottle with a cork
01423793 35 v 01 uncork 0 002 @ 01346003 v 0000 ! 01423623 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | draw the cork from (bottles); "uncork the French wine"
01423929 35 v 02 club 0 bludgeon 0 005 @ 01400044 v 0000 + 09861059 n 0201 + 02855793 n 0201 + 03446070 n 0103 + 03053474 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | strike with a club or a bludgeon
01424106 35 v 02 cudgel 0 fustigate 0 002 @ 01400044 v 0000 + 03145384 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | strike with a cudgel
01424220 35 v 01 poke 3 002 @ 01419473 v 0000 + 03975926 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | stir by poking; "poke the embers in the fireplace"
01424350 35 v 02 nuzzle 0 nose 0 002 @ 01226215 v 0000 + 05598147 n 0201 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | rub noses
01424456 35 v 04 embrace 0 hug 1 bosom 0 squeeze 4 011 @ 01216522 v 0000 + 05553486 n 0301 + 00417859 n 0201 + 10191001 n 0201 + 00854000 n 0204 + 00417397 n 0103 + 00417397 n 0101 + 00417397 n 0102 ~ 01424867 v 0000 ~ 01425511 v 0000 ~ 01606018 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 | squeeze (someone) tightly in your arms, usually with fondness; "Hug me, please"; "They embraced"; "He hugged her close to him"
01424867 35 v 01 clinch 4 001 @ 01424456 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | embrace amorously
01424948 35 v 06 cuddle 0 snuggle 0 nestle 0 nest 2 nuzzle 2 draw_close 0 008 @ 01220303 v 0000 + 00417643 n 0302 + 00854000 n 0209 + 00417643 n 0203 + 00417643 n 0101 + 00854000 n 0102 $ 01425348 v 0000 $ 01609953 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | move or arrange oneself in a comfortable and cozy position; "We cuddled against each other to keep warm"; "The children snuggled into their sleeping bags"
01425348 35 v 02 nestle 1 snuggle 1 002 $ 01424948 v 0000 @ 01494310 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | position comfortably; "The baby nestled her head in her mother's elbow"
01425511 35 v 01 cuddle 1 003 @ 01424456 v 0000 + 00417643 n 0101 + 00854000 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | hold (a person or thing) close, as for affection, comfort, or warmth; "I cuddled the baby"
01425709 35 v 02 smooch 0 spoon 1 003 @ 01426153 v 0000 + 00854000 n 0108 + 00138599 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | snuggle and lie in a position where one person faces the back of the others
01425892 35 v 01 pet 0 005 @ 01226215 v 0000 + 09991867 n 0104 ~ 01226781 v 0000 ~ 01426072 v 0000 ~ 01426153 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 09 00 | stroke or caress gently; "pet the lamb"
01426072 35 v 01 gentle 0 001 @ 01425892 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | stroke soothingly
01426153 35 v 02 neck 0 make_out 1 005 $ 01426397 v 0000 @ 01425892 v 0000 + 10351064 n 0101 + 00854000 n 0106 ~ 01425709 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | kiss, embrace, or fondle with sexual passion; "The couple were necking in the back seat of the car"
01426397 35 v 19 sleep_together 0 roll_in_the_hay 0 love 0 make_out 0 make_love 0 sleep_with 0 get_laid 0 have_sex 0 know 0 do_it 0 be_intimate 0 have_intercourse 0 have_it_away 0 have_it_off 0 screw 4 fuck 0 jazz 0 eff 0 hump 0 lie_with 0 bed 0 have_a_go_at_it 0 bang 4 get_it_on 0 bonk 1 014 @ 01428853 v 0000 + 02818832 n 1501 + 10114550 n 1001 + 00846021 n 1002 + 00846021 n 1001 + 00846021 n 0f03 + 00846021 n 0f04 ;u 07073447 n 0f01 + 00846515 n 0304 + 07488340 n 0301 + 09622745 n 0301 $ 01426153 v 0000 ~ 01427127 v 0000 ~ 01427278 v 0000 05 + 02 00 + 09 14 + 09 13 + 09 10 + 09 0f | have sexual intercourse with; "This student sleeps with everyone in her dorm"; "Adam knew Eve"; "Were you ever intimate with this man?"
01427127 35 v 02 take e have 0 001 @ 01426397 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | have sex with; archaic use; "He had taken this woman when she was most vulnerable"
01427278 35 v 01 fornicate 0 007 @ 01426397 v 0000 + 00848745 n 0101 + 09772746 n 0102 ~ 01427483 v 0000 ~ 01427695 v 0000 ~ 01427806 v 0000 ~ 02095390 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | have sex without being married
01427483 35 v 01 swing 8 002 @ 01427278 v 0000 + 10683675 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | engage freely in promiscuous sex, often with the husband or wife of one's friends; "There were many swinging couples in the 1960's"
01427695 35 v 01 whore 0 002 @ 01427278 v 0000 + 10485440 n 0103 01 + 02 00 | have unlawful sex with a whore
01427806 35 v 01 wench 0 002 @ 01427278 v 0000 + 10774223 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | frequent prostitutes
01427907 35 v 01 tread 2 001 @ 01428853 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | mate with; "male birds tread the females"
01428011 35 v 02 serve 1 service 0 004 @ 01428853 v 0000 + 00853649 n 0202 + 00853649 n 0201 ~ 01428203 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | mate with; "male animals serve the females for breeding purposes"
01428203 35 v 01 stand a 002 @ 01428011 v 0000 ;c 00917211 n 0000 01 + 01 00 | be available for stud services; "male domestic animals such as stallions serve selected females"
01428381 35 v 02 deflower 0 ruin 2 003 @ 01428853 v 0000 + 00966718 n 0101 + 00844994 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | deprive of virginity; "This dirty old man deflowered several young girls in the village"
01428578 35 v 03 seduce 0 score 1 make d 006 * 01426397 v 0000 @ 00766418 v 0000 + 00160688 n 0202 + 00160532 n 0101 + 10575089 n 0101 $ 00783246 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 02 02 | induce to have sex; "Harry finally seduced Sally"; "Did you score last night?"; "Harry made Sally"
01428853 35 v 04 copulate 0 mate 0 pair 0 couple 0 019 @ 01291069 v 0000 + 07988857 n 0401 + 00847340 n 0401 + 07976936 n 0301 + 00847340 n 0303 + 10640620 n 0204 + 10300303 n 0201 + 00847340 n 0202 + 02887741 a 0102 + 00845523 n 0104 ~ 00054535 v 0000 ~ 01426397 v 0000 ~ 01427907 v 0000 ~ 01428011 v 0000 ~ 01428381 v 0000 ~ 01429322 v 0000 ~ 01430447 v 0000 ~ 02568392 v 0000 ~ 02568572 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | engage in sexual intercourse; "Birds mate in the Spring"
01429322 35 v 02 ride 3 mount 7 002 @ 01428853 v 0000 ;c 01861778 n 0000 01 + 11 00 | copulate with; "The bull was riding the cow"
01429455 35 v 01 breed 1 006 @ 01621555 v 0000 + 08101410 n 0101 + 09873899 n 0101 + 00914929 n 0101 ~ 01429663 v 0000 ~ 01429953 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | cause to procreate (animals); "She breeds dogs"
01429663 35 v 02 mongrelize 0 mongrelise 0 003 @ 01429455 v 0000 + 02804772 n 0102 + 02084861 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | cause to become a mongrel; "mongrelized dogs"
01429825 35 v 01 backcross 0 001 @ 01429953 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | mate a hybrid of the first generation with one of its parents
01429953 35 v 05 crossbreed 0 cross 0 hybridize 0 hybridise 0 interbreed 0 013 @ 01429455 v 0000 + 00849768 n 0503 + 00850425 n 0506 + 00850425 n 0402 + 00850425 n 0301 + 00850425 n 0307 + 05870615 n 0301 + 01327322 n 0301 + 01327322 n 0203 + 00850425 n 0204 + 01327322 n 0102 + 00850425 n 0205 ~ 01429825 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | breed animals or plants using parents of different races and varieties; "cross a horse and a donkey"; "Mendel tried crossbreeding"; "these species do not interbreed"
01430447 35 v 02 breed 0 cover 2 003 @ 01428853 v 0000 ;c 00917211 n 0000 $ 00060185 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | copulate with a female, used especially of horses; "The horse covers the mare"
01430633 35 v 06 masturbate 0 wank 0 fuck_off 0 she-bop 0 jack_off 0 jerk_off 0 009 * 01226215 v 0000 @ 02116118 v 0000 + 10717196 n 0602 + 00856193 n 0204 + 10717196 n 0203 + 00855674 n 0101 + 10299700 n 0101 $ 01430952 v 0000 ~ 01431132 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 09 00 | get sexual gratification through self-stimulation
01430952 35 v 01 masturbate 1 003 $ 01430633 v 0000 @ 02116118 v 0000 + 00855674 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | stimulate sexually; "The old man wanted to be masturbated by the prostitute"
01431132 35 v 01 scarf 0 001 @ 01430633 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | masturbate while strangling oneself
01431230 35 v 04 snog 0 kiss 0 buss 0 osculate 0 009 @ 01206218 v 0000 + 00138221 n 0403 + 10237196 n 0402 + 00138221 n 0302 + 00138221 n 0201 + 10237196 n 0201 + 00854000 n 0205 + 00854393 n 0101 ~ 01431879 v 0000 05 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | touch with the lips or press the lips (against someone's mouth or other body part) as an expression of love, greeting, etc.; "The newly married couple kissed"; "She kissed her grandfather on the forehead when she entered the room"
01431723 35 v 01 kiss 1 002 @ 01206218 v 0000 + 00138078 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | touch lightly or gently; "the blossoms were kissed by the soft rain"
01431879 35 v 02 smack 1 peck 0 002 @ 01431230 v 0000 + 00138599 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | kiss lightly
01431987 35 v 01 tickle 0 004 @ 01226215 v 0000 + 05723417 n 0101 + 00144445 n 0101 + 00144445 n 0102 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 | touch or stroke lightly; "The grass tickled her calves"
01432176 35 v 02 lick 0 lap 0 004 @ 01225970 v 0000 + 00150591 n 0202 + 00150591 n 0101 ~ 01432353 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | pass the tongue over; "the dog licked her hand"
01432353 35 v 01 tongue 0 002 @ 01432176 v 0000 + 05301072 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | lick or explore with the tongue
01432474 35 v 01 mouth 0 003 @ 01206218 v 0000 + 05301908 n 0101 + 05302499 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | touch with the mouth
01432601 35 v 01 bear 0 008 @ 01449974 v 0000 * 01850315 v 0000 * 01831531 v 0000 + 09897696 n 0102 + 10395073 n 0102 + 10311243 n 0101 $ 01601234 v 0103 ~ 01451351 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | move while holding up or supporting; "Bear gifts"; "bear a heavy load"; "bear news"; "bearing orders"
01432914 35 v 01 spirit_away 0 001 @ 01434278 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | carry away rapidly and secretly, as if mysteriously
01433042 35 v 01 bucket 0 003 @ 01449974 v 0000 + 13765749 n 0101 + 02909870 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | carry in a bucket
01433159 35 v 01 return 1 003 @ 01449974 v 0000 ;c 00468480 n 0000 + 00559724 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | make a return; "return a kickback"
01433294 35 v 04 bring 0 get 3 convey 0 fetch 0 008 @ 01435380 v 0000 * 01849221 v 0000 + 00315986 n 0305 ~ 01433809 v 0000 ~ 01433991 v 0000 ! 01434278 v 0101 ~ 01438304 v 0000 $ 02077656 v 0000 05 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 + 21 00 | go or come after and bring or take back; "Get me those books over there, please"; "Could you bring the wine?"; "The dog fetched the hat"
01433674 35 v 01 fetch 3 001 @ 02077656 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | take away or remove; "The devil will fetch you!"
01433809 35 v 01 retrieve 0 003 @ 01433294 v 0000 + 02099029 n 0101 $ 01433991 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 11 00 | run after, pick up, and bring to the master; "train the dog to retrieve"
01433991 35 v 01 retrieve 2 002 $ 01433809 v 0000 @ 01433294 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | go for and bring back; "retrieve the car from the parking garage"
01434140 35 v 01 bring 2 002 * 01849221 v 0000 $ 02077656 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | be accompanied by; "Can I bring my cousin to the dinner?"
01434278 35 v 05 take_away 0 bear_off 0 bear_away 0 carry_away 0 carry_off 0 006 * 02009433 v 0000 @ 00173338 v 0000 ! 01433294 v 0101 ~ 01432914 v 0000 ~ 01435000 v 0000 ~ 01435128 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | remove from a certain place, environment, or mental or emotional state; transport into a new location or state; "Their dreams carried the Romantics away into distant lands"; "The car carried us off to the meeting"; "I'll take you away on a holiday"; "I got carried away when I saw the dead man and I started to cry"
01434822 35 v 01 pile 3 002 @ 01494310 v 0000 + 07961480 n 0101 01 + 21 00 | place or lay as if in a pile; "The teacher piled work on the students until the parents protested"
01435000 35 v 02 spirit_away 1 spirit_off 0 001 @ 01434278 v 0000 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | carry off mysteriously; as if by magic
01435128 35 v 02 whisk_off 0 whisk_away 0 001 @ 01434278 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 | take away quickly and suddenly
01435254 35 v 02 whisk 1 whisk_off 1 002 @ 01392237 v 0000 + 04578801 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | brush or wipe off lightly
01435380 35 v 06 transmit 0 transfer 0 transport 1 channel 0 channelize 0 channelise 0 025 @ 01850315 v 0000 + 01142519 n 0602 + 01142519 n 0501 + 06260121 n 0501 + 06259898 n 0501 + 05250659 n 0504 + 01142519 n 0401 + 01142519 n 0402 + 06260121 n 0401 + 03100490 n 0302 + 01105259 n 0303 + 00201671 n 0201 + 10724699 n 0201 + 10724699 n 0202 + 00315986 n 0204 + 00121366 n 0101 + 10578762 n 0102 + 00121366 n 0103 + 00121366 n 0102 ~ 01433294 v 0000 ~ 01436015 v 0000 ~ 01436139 v 0000 ~ 01436290 v 0000 ~ 01436518 v 0000 ~ 01437254 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 21 00 | send from one person or place to another; "transmit a message"
01436015 35 v 01 project 1 001 @ 01435380 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | transfer (ideas or principles) from one domain into another
01436139 35 v 01 propagate 0 003 $ 02085573 v 0000 @ 01435380 v 0000 + 11512992 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | transmit; "propagate sound or light through air"
01436290 35 v 01 translate 0 001 @ 01435380 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | bring to a certain spiritual state
01436391 35 v 01 pipe_in 0 001 @ 01449974 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | transport to a destiny through pipes; "We have to pipe in oil"
01436518 35 v 02 turn 8 release 1 004 @ 01435380 v 0000 + 00329619 n 0203 ~ 01436721 v 0000 ~ 01437011 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | let (something) fall or spill from a container; "turn the flour onto a plate"
01436721 35 v 01 deflate 0 002 @ 01436518 v 0000 + 00361932 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | release contained air or gas from; "deflate the air mattress"
01436865 35 v 01 deflate 1 002 @ 02083497 v 0000 + 00361932 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | collapse by releasing contained air or gas; "deflate a balloon"
01437011 35 v 01 throw 8 002 @ 01436518 v 0000 ~ 01437144 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | throw (a die) out onto a flat surface; "Throw a six"
01437144 35 v 01 shoot 3 002 @ 01437011 v 0000 + 10591678 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | throw dice, as in a crap game
01437254 35 v 02 send 0 send_out 0 007 @ 01435380 v 0000 + 10578762 n 0101 + 00121166 n 0101 ^ 00949974 v 0103 ~ 01437597 v 0000 ~ 01437725 v 0000 ~ 01437888 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 15 00 + 21 00 | to cause or order to be taken, directed, or transmitted to another place; "He had sent the dispatches downtown to the proper people and had slept"
01437597 35 v 01 send_in 0 001 @ 01437254 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | mail in; cause to be delivered; "Send in your comments"
01437725 35 v 01 mail_out 0 001 @ 01437254 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 15 00 | transmit by mail; "The company mailed out the catalog to all potential customers"
01437888 35 v 02 mail 0 get_off 0 009 @ 01437254 v 0000 + 10282920 n 0101 + 08463063 n 0101 + 03709644 n 0101 + 06264398 n 0101 + 06275634 n 0101 + 08463647 n 0101 + 00122338 n 0101 ~ 01438183 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 14 00 + 15 00 | send via the postal service; "I'll mail you the check tomorrow"
01438183 35 v 01 pouch 1 001 @ 01437888 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | send by special mail that goes through diplomatic channels
01438304 35 v 01 deliver 0 008 @ 01433294 v 0000 + 10001058 n 0101 + 10001217 n 0103 + 00317207 n 0101 ~ 01438585 v 0000 ~ 01438681 v 0000 ~ 01489465 v 0000 ~ 02348459 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 15 00 | bring to a destination, make a delivery; "our local super market delivers"
01438585 35 v 01 misdeliver 0 001 @ 01438304 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | deliver to the wrong address
01438681 35 v 03 serve 0 process 0 swear_out 0 004 @ 01438304 v 0000 + 06556692 n 0202 ~ 00793418 v 0000 ~ 01270199 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 17 00 | deliver a warrant or summons to someone; "He was processed by the sheriff"
01438902 35 v 01 bring 4 003 @ 00126264 v 0000 ^ 01295275 v 0102 ^ 00967625 v 0102 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | cause to come into a particular state or condition; "Long hard years of on the job training had brought them to their competence"; "bring water to the boiling point"
01439190 35 v 03 catch 0 grab 0 take_hold_of 1 012 $ 01082454 v 0000 @ 01212572 v 0000 + 00138956 n 0202 + 00138956 n 0101 + 09901143 n 0101 + 00723241 n 0101 ^ 01998793 v 0101 ~ 01140515 v 0000 ~ 01140794 v 0000 ~ 01365709 v 0000 ~ 01365945 v 0000 ~ 01440378 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | take hold of so as to seize or restrain or stop the motion of; "Catch the ball!"; "Grab the elevator door!"
01439604 35 v 02 recapture 0 retake 0 002 @ 01215421 v 0000 + 00096969 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | capture again; "recapture the escaped prisoner"
01439745 35 v 03 snatch 0 snatch_up 0 snap 0 006 @ 01212572 v 0000 + 00138956 n 0304 ^ 02304648 v 0301 + 00138956 n 0103 + 10615929 n 0101 ~ 01440010 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | to grasp hastily or eagerly; "Before I could stop him the dog snatched the ham bone"
01440010 35 v 02 swoop 0 swoop_up 0 002 @ 01439745 v 0000 + 00977214 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | seize or catch with a swooping motion
01440139 35 v 02 reach 0 reach_out 0 004 @ 01831531 v 0000 + 00341243 n 0101 + 00341243 n 0102 ^ 00744572 v 0101 01 + 22 00 | move forward or upward in order to touch; also in a metaphorical sense; "Government reaches out to the people"
01440378 35 v 02 intercept 0 stop 0 005 @ 01439190 v 0000 + 02982790 n 0202 + 01078279 n 0101 + 03577672 n 0101 ~ 01440646 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | seize on its way; "The fighter plane was ordered to intercept an aircraft that had entered the country's airspace"
01440646 35 v 02 cut_off 3 cut_out 3 001 @ 01440378 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | cut off and stop; "The bicyclist was cut out by the van"
01440801 35 v 02 prickle 0 prick 0 007 @ 01441100 v 0000 + 13089631 n 0204 + 02888898 n 0202 + 00944789 n 0201 + 13904843 n 0203 + 00944789 n 0202 ~ 01331027 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make a small hole into, as with a needle or a thorn; "The nurse pricked my finger to get a small blood sample"
01441100 35 v 01 pierce 0 010 @ 01227675 v 0000 * 01552519 v 0000 ~ 01230241 v 0000 ~ 01274971 v 0000 ~ 01275301 v 0000 ~ 01440801 v 0000 ~ 01441382 v 0000 ~ 01442779 v 0000 ~ 01445407 v 0000 ~ 01613732 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make a hole into; "The needle pierced her flesh"
01441382 35 v 01 bite 1 001 @ 01441100 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | penetrate or cut, as with a knife; "The fork bit into the surface"
01441510 35 v 02 pierce 1 thrust 1 010 @ 01227675 v 0000 + 01173965 n 0202 ~ 01441793 v 0000 ~ 01441993 v 0000 ~ 01442203 v 0000 ~ 01443740 v 0000 ~ 01444326 v 0000 ~ 01445027 v 0000 ~ 01445235 v 0000 ~ 01604119 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | penetrate or cut through with a sharp instrument
01441793 35 v 01 stick 3 003 @ 01441510 v 0000 + 03158885 n 0102 $ 01441993 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | pierce or penetrate or puncture with something pointed; "He stuck the needle into his finger"
01441993 35 v 01 stick 4 004 $ 01441793 v 0000 @ 01441510 v 0000 + 13089631 n 0105 + 03158885 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | pierce with a thrust using a pointed instrument; "he stuck the cloth with the needle"
01442203 35 v 01 peg 1 003 @ 01441510 v 0000 + 07271791 n 0101 + 03905540 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | pierce with a wooden pin or knock or thrust a wooden pin into
01442361 35 v 01 pierce 2 002 @ 01227675 v 0000 ~ 01442578 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cut or make a way through; "the knife cut through the flesh"; "The path pierced the jungle"; "Light pierced through the forest"
01442578 35 v 02 pick 2 break_up 3 003 * 01257173 v 0000 @ 01442361 v 0000 + 03929202 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | attack with or as if with a pickaxe of ice or rocky ground, for example; "Pick open the ice"
01442779 35 v 02 punch 1 perforate 0 005 @ 01441100 v 0000 + 03915900 n 0201 + 00944633 n 0201 + 04023249 n 0101 + 04023249 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make a hole into or between, as for ease of separation; "perforate the sheets of paper"
01443021 35 v 02 bore 0 drill 0 012 @ 01552519 v 0000 + 03239726 n 0201 + 03240140 n 0201 + 00942799 n 0201 + 00923130 n 0202 + 05103283 n 0101 + 02875233 n 0101 + 02875436 n 0102 + 01923025 n 0102 ~ 01443490 v 0000 ~ 01443631 v 0000 ~ 01443871 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make a hole, especially with a pointed power or hand tool; "don't drill here, there's a gas pipe"; "drill a hole into the wall"; "drill for oil"; "carpenter bees are boring holes into the wall"
01443490 35 v 01 spud 0 001 @ 01443021 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | initiate drilling operations, as for petroleum; "The well was spudded in April"
01443631 35 v 01 counter-drill 0 001 @ 01443021 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | drill in an opposite direction
01443740 35 v 01 center_punch 0 001 @ 01441510 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make a small hole in something as a guide for a drill
01443871 35 v 01 trepan 0 004 @ 01443021 v 0000 ;c 00671351 n 0000 + 04479405 n 0101 + 04479526 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cut a hole with a trepan, as in surgery
01444037 35 v 01 tunnel 0 002 @ 01227675 v 0000 + 04497962 n 0101 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | force a way through
01444146 35 v 01 funnel 0 003 @ 01850315 v 0000 + 03403643 n 0101 + 13872822 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | move or pour through a funnel; "funnel the liquid into the small bottle"
01444326 35 v 04 transfix 0 impale 0 empale 0 spike 0 005 @ 01441510 v 0000 + 04276249 n 0401 + 00420877 n 0201 ~ 01444723 v 0000 ~ 01444887 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | pierce with a sharp stake or point; "impale a shrimp on a skewer"
01444563 35 v 02 skewer 0 spit 0 003 @ 01444723 v 0000 + 04280970 n 0201 + 04227900 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | drive a skewer through; "skewer the meat for the BBQ"
01444723 35 v 01 pin 2 003 @ 01444326 v 0000 + 03940256 n 0101 ~ 01444563 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | pierce with a pin; "pin down the butterfly"
01444887 35 v 01 spear 0 003 @ 01444326 v 0000 + 04271148 n 0101 + 04270891 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | pierce with a spear; "spear fish"
01445027 35 v 02 horn 0 tusk 0 005 @ 01441510 v 0000 + 14757547 n 0202 + 01465713 n 0201 + 01325853 n 0101 + 01325417 n 0101 01 + 10 00 | stab or pierce with a horn or tusk; "the rhino horned the explorer"
01445235 35 v 01 gore 2 003 @ 01441510 v 0000 + 05401753 n 0101 + 00221178 n 0102 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | wound by piercing with a sharp or penetrating object or instrument
01445407 35 v 03 sting 1 bite 2 prick 3 004 @ 01441100 v 0000 + 14297870 n 0202 + 14297870 n 0101 + 02465693 n 0101 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | deliver a sting to; "A bee stung my arm yesterday"
01445597 35 v 01 gnaw 0 003 @ 01201089 v 0000 @ 01445932 v 0000 + 02329401 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | bite or chew on with the teeth; "gnaw an old cracker"
01445756 35 v 02 snap_at 0 bite_off 0 001 @ 01445932 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | bite off with a quick bite; "The dog snapped off a piece of cloth from the intruder's pants"
01445932 35 v 02 bite 0 seize_with_teeth 0 011 @ 01224001 v 0000 + 14287408 n 0101 + 00838816 n 0101 + 09857852 n 0101 ^ 01445756 v 0102 ~ 01445597 v 0000 ~ 01445756 v 0000 ~ 01446301 v 0000 ~ 01446420 v 0000 ~ 01446569 v 0000 ~ 01446729 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | to grip, cut off, or tear with or as if with the teeth or jaws; "Gunny invariably tried to bite her"
01446301 35 v 01 snap 4 001 @ 01445932 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | bring the jaws together; "he snapped indignantly"
01446420 35 v 01 nibble 2 002 @ 01445932 v 0000 + 00842197 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | bite gently; "The woman tenderly nibbled at her baby's ear"
01446569 35 v 01 nip 2 002 @ 01445932 v 0000 + 00842281 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | give a small sharp bite to; "The Queen's corgis always nip at her staff's ankles"
01446729 35 v 01 nibble 0 003 @ 01445932 v 0000 + 13625884 n 0102 + 10357484 n 0101 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 22 00 | bite off very small pieces; "She nibbled on her cracker"
01446901 35 v 03 brandish 0 flourish 0 wave 0 006 * 01216670 v 0000 @ 01850315 v 0000 + 10771270 n 0301 + 06890254 n 0201 + 06890254 n 0102 ~ 01447124 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | move or swing back and forth; "She waved her gun"
01447124 35 v 01 wigwag 0 001 @ 01446901 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | send a signal by waving a flag or a light according to a certain code
01447257 35 v 01 press 0 011 @ 01206218 v 0000 + 00113113 n 0101 + 11495041 n 0101 + 00113113 n 0102 + 00113113 n 0103 ~ 01447868 v 0000 ~ 01593937 v 0000 ~ 01594978 v 0000 ~ 01597096 v 0000 ~ 01605291 v 0000 ~ 01872645 v 0000 05 + 04 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 21 00 + 22 00 | exert pressure or force to or upon; "He pressed down on the boards"; "press your thumb on this spot"
01447632 35 v 02 press 6 push 6 004 @ 01871979 v 0000 + 11498203 n 0201 + 00112312 n 0201 + 00113113 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | make strenuous pushing movements during birth to expel the baby; "`Now push hard,' said the doctor to the woman"
01447868 35 v 01 squeeze 0 007 @ 01447257 v 0000 + 00357023 n 0101 + 00357023 n 0102 ^ 01675780 v 0102 ^ 01349318 v 0102 ^ 01375637 v 0103 ~ 01394812 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | press firmly; "He squeezed my hand"
01448100 35 v 03 pull 0 draw 3 force 1 030 $ 01609287 v 0000 $ 02103162 v 0000 @ 01850315 v 0000 + 11458624 n 0301 + 00115036 n 0201 + 00115667 n 0203 + 00114431 n 0101 + 10492202 n 0101 + 00114431 n 0102 ! 01871979 v 0101 ^ 01661804 v 0107 ^ 01592456 v 0103 ^ 01351170 v 0104 ^ 01351170 v 0102 ^ 01453718 v 0103 ^ 01505254 v 0103 ^ 01449053 v 0101 ~ 01448778 v 0000 ~ 01449053 v 0000 ~ 01449236 v 0000 ~ 01449427 v 0000 ~ 01449591 v 0000 ~ 01452546 v 0000 ~ 01453109 v 0000 ~ 01453433 v 0000 ~ 01454810 v 0000 ~ 01505254 v 0000 ~ 01592072 v 0000 ~ 01592306 v 0000 ~ 01592456 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | cause to move by pulling; "draw a wagon"; "pull a sled"
01448778 35 v 01 twitch 2 002 @ 01448100 v 0000 ~ 01448917 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | move or pull with a sudden motion
01448917 35 v 01 skitter 0 001 @ 01448778 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | twitch the hook of a fishing line through or along the surface of water
01449053 35 v 01 pull_back 0 002 $ 01243298 v 0000 @ 01448100 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | move to a rearward position; pull towards the back; "Pull back your arms!"
01449236 35 v 01 adduct 0 005 @ 01448100 v 0000 + 00003131 a 0102 + 00333203 n 0101 + 05291728 n 0101 ! 01449427 v 0101 01 + 01 00 | draw a limb towards the body; "adduct the thigh muscle"
01449427 35 v 01 abduct 0 004 @ 01448100 v 0000 + 00333037 n 0101 + 05291010 n 0101 ! 01449236 v 0101 01 + 01 00 | pull away from the body; "this muscle abducts"
01449591 35 v 01 stretch 0 002 @ 01448100 v 0000 ~ 01243298 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 | pull in opposite directions; "During the Inquisition, the torturers would stretch their victims on a rack"
01449796 35 v 02 give 0 yield 0 003 @ 00240810 v 0000 + 05021151 n 0101 ^ 00804476 v 0102 01 + 01 00 | be flexible under stress of physical force; "This material doesn't give"
01449974 35 v 02 transport 0 carry 2 027 $ 01241881 v 0000 @ 01850315 v 0000 + 09897696 n 0201 + 08057633 n 0201 + 02970100 n 0201 + 02687172 n 0202 + 00318735 n 0201 + 00315986 n 0101 + 04474035 n 0101 + 03100897 n 0105 + 00315986 n 0102 $ 01061320 v 0000 ~ 01239054 v 0000 ~ 01239202 v 0000 ~ 01432601 v 0000 ~ 01433042 v 0000 ~ 01433159 v 0000 ~ 01436391 v 0000 ~ 01450792 v 0000 ~ 01450961 v 0000 ~ 01451176 v 0000 ~ 01451502 v 0000 ~ 01451842 v 0000 ~ 01452255 v 0000 ~ 01454246 v 0000 ~ 01949817 v 0000 ~ 02077656 v 0000 06 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | move while supporting, either in a vehicle or in one's hands or on one's body; "You must carry your camping gear"; "carry the suitcases to the car"; "This train is carrying nuclear waste"; "These pipes carry waste water into the river"
01450792 35 v 01 port 7 003 @ 01449974 v 0000 + 10455447 n 0101 + 00319717 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | carry, bear, convey, or bring; "The small canoe could be ported easily"
01450961 35 v 01 porter 0 004 @ 01449974 v 0000 + 10455447 n 0101 + 13324710 n 0101 + 00319825 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | carry luggage or supplies; "They portered the food up Mount Kilimanjaro for the tourists"
01451176 35 v 01 pack 8 003 @ 01449974 v 0000 + 03870672 n 0101 + 00319312 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | carry, as on one's back; "Pack your tents to the top of the mountain"
01451351 35 v 01 frogmarch 0 001 @ 01432601 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | carry someone against his will upside down such that each limb is held by one person
01451502 35 v 01 cart 1 005 @ 01449974 v 0000 + 01106118 n 0101 + 09897914 n 0101 + 03484083 n 0103 + 02970849 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | transport something in a cart
01451665 35 v 04 cart_off 0 cart_away 0 haul_off 0 haul_away 0 001 @ 00179311 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | take away by means of a vehicle; "They carted off the old furniture"
01451842 35 v 01 fly 0 004 @ 01449974 v 0000 + 00302394 n 0102 ~ 01452057 v 0000 $ 01941093 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | transport by aeroplane; "We fly flowers from the Caribbean to North America"
01452057 35 v 02 airlift 0 lift 4 002 @ 01451842 v 0000 + 00316594 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | fly people or goods to or from places not accessible by other means; "Food is airlifted into Bosnia"
01452255 35 v 01 haul 0 007 @ 01449974 v 0000 + 00115036 n 0102 + 10162507 n 0101 + 00115036 n 0103 + 01105909 n 0101 ~ 01602096 v 0000 ~ 01602191 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | transport in a vehicle; "haul stones from the quarry in a truck"; "haul vegetables to the market"
01452546 35 v 03 pluck 2 plunk 0 pick 5 004 @ 01448100 v 0000 + 03929660 n 0301 + 00116008 n 0101 ~ 01452783 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 22 00 | pull lightly but sharply with a plucking motion; "he plucked the strings of his mandolin"
01452783 35 v 01 twang 0 002 @ 01452546 v 0000 + 07398873 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | pluck (strings of an instrument); "He twanged his bow"
01452918 35 v 01 tug 0 003 @ 01505254 v 0000 + 00115500 n 0101 + 10492202 n 0102 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | pull hard; "The prisoner tugged at the chains"; "This movie tugs at the heart strings"
01453109 35 v 01 tug 1 002 @ 01448100 v 0000 + 00115500 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | pull or strain hard at; "Each oar was tugged by several men"
01453256 35 v 01 tug 2 003 @ 01850315 v 0000 + 00115500 n 0101 + 10492202 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | move by pulling hard; "The horse finally tugged the cart out of the mud"
01453433 35 v 01 drag 0 006 @ 01448100 v 0000 + 00114871 n 0101 + 10492202 n 0103 ^ 02677797 v 0106 ~ 01453718 v 0000 ~ 01453969 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | pull, as against a resistance; "He dragged the big suitcase behind him"; "These worries were dragging at him"
01453718 35 v 03 shlep 0 schlep 0 pull_along 0 002 @ 01453433 v 0000 ~ 01454431 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | pull along heavily, like a heavy load against a resistance; "Can you shlep this bag of potatoes upstairs?"; "She pulled along a large trunk"
01453969 35 v 02 trail 3 train 4 005 @ 01453433 v 0000 + 04468476 n 0201 + 04467307 n 0101 + 04467099 n 0101 $ 01542842 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | drag loosely along a surface; allow to sweep the ground; "The toddler was trailing his pants"; "She trained her long scarf behind her"
01454246 35 v 03 lug 0 tote 0 tug 3 004 @ 01449974 v 0000 + 09897696 n 0203 + 02970408 n 0203 + 02774630 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | carry with difficulty; "You'll have to lug this suitcase"
01454431 35 v 01 tow 0 005 @ 01453718 v 0000 + 04495843 n 0104 + 00115292 n 0102 + 00115292 n 0101 ~ 01454636 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | drag behind; "Horses used to tow barges along the canal"
01454636 35 v 01 tug 4 003 @ 01454431 v 0000 + 04495843 n 0102 + 10492202 n 0102 01 + 11 00 | tow (a vessel) with a tug; "The tugboat tugged the freighter into the harbor"
01454810 35 v 04 haul 1 hale 0 cart 0 drag 1 009 @ 01448100 v 0000 + 00114871 n 0401 + 10492202 n 0403 + 04476116 n 0402 + 00115036 n 0102 + 10162507 n 0101 + 00115036 n 0103 + 01105909 n 0101 ~ 01455095 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | draw slowly or heavily; "haul stones"; "haul nets"
01455095 35 v 02 bowse 0 bouse 0 001 @ 01454810 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | haul with a tackle
01455184 35 v 03 hoist 0 lift 1 wind 3 007 @ 01974062 v 0000 + 00116376 n 0201 + 03281145 n 0202 + 04231693 n 0203 + 03525074 n 0101 + 10179817 n 0101 ~ 01455506 v 0000 06 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 + 21 00 + 22 00 | raise or haul up with or as if with mechanical help; "hoist the bicycle onto the roof of the car"
01455506 35 v 02 trice 0 trice_up 0 001 @ 01455184 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | hoist up or in and lash or secure with a small rope
01455639 35 v 02 trice 1 trice_up 1 001 @ 01974062 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | raise with a line; "trice a window shade"
01455754 35 v 02 hoist 1 run_up 0 001 @ 01974062 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | raise; "hoist the flags"; "hoist a sail"
01455866 35 v 04 heave 0 heave_up 0 heft 0 heft_up 0 007 @ 01579153 v 0000 + 00116376 n 0103 + 00324834 n 0101 + 10166762 n 0101 + 00324834 n 0102 ~ 01456088 v 0000 ~ 01456199 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | lift or elevate
01456088 35 v 01 upheave 0 002 @ 01455866 v 0000 + 07375781 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | lift forcefully from beneath
01456199 35 v 02 weigh_anchor 0 weigh_the_anchor 0 001 @ 01455866 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | heave up an anchor in preparation for sailing
01456341 35 v 01 heft 1 002 * 01579153 v 0000 @ 02704617 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | test the weight of something by lifting it
01456463 35 v 05 nip 1 nip_off 0 clip 3 snip 7 snip_off 0 008 @ 01552519 v 0000 + 00359614 n 0403 + 04250026 n 0401 + 04250026 n 0403 + 00359614 n 0301 + 03045074 n 0301 + 03044934 n 0301 + 00359614 n 0302 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | sever or remove by pinching or snipping; "nip off the flowers"
01456771 35 v 06 pinch 0 squeeze 2 twinge 0 tweet 0 nip 0 twitch 0 007 @ 01224001 v 0000 + 02156532 n 0503 + 07351031 n 0201 + 00357023 n 0201 + 00357275 n 0101 ~ 01457079 v 0000 ~ 01592669 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | squeeze tightly between the fingers; "He pinched her behind"; "She squeezed the bottle"
01457079 35 v 01 goose 0 001 @ 01456771 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | pinch in the buttocks; "he goosed the unsuspecting girl"
01457206 35 v 02 crimp 1 pinch 1 004 @ 01277974 v 0000 + 00357275 n 0201 + 13907415 n 0105 ~ 01457376 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make ridges into by pinching together
01457376 35 v 01 flute 0 003 @ 01457206 v 0000 + 03372355 n 0101 + 03372355 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | form flutes in
01457489 35 v 01 groove 2 006 @ 01555742 v 0000 + 13893786 n 0101 + 03461988 n 0101 + 00926026 n 0101 ~ 01457710 v 0000 ~ 01457825 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make a groove in, or provide with a groove; "groove a vinyl record"
01457710 35 v 01 dado 0 002 @ 01457489 v 0000 ;c 00607775 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | cut a dado into or fit into a dado
01457825 35 v 01 mill 0 002 @ 01457489 v 0000 + 03766600 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | produce a ridge around the edge of; "mill a coin"
01457954 35 v 04 percolate 0 sink_in 0 permeate 0 filter 1 008 @ 01227675 v 0000 + 13480667 n 0401 + 00191980 n 0401 + 00468795 a 0301 + 13534954 n 0301 + 13534274 n 0101 ~ 01913532 v 0000 ~ 01913707 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | pass through; "Water permeates sand easily"
01458228 35 v 01 percolate 2 005 > 01457954 v 0000 + 14997888 n 0101 + 13534274 n 0101 + 00192149 n 0101 ~ 01458464 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cause (a solvent) to pass through a permeable substance in order to extract a soluble constituent
01458464 35 v 01 percolate 3 006 @ 01458228 v 0000 + 14997888 n 0101 + 13534274 n 0101 + 00192149 n 0101 + 00248252 n 0101 + 03915118 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | prepare in a percolator; "percolate coffee"
01458664 35 v 05 filter 0 filtrate 0 strain 0 separate_out 0 filter_out 0 008 @ 01458973 v 0000 + 04332243 n 0301 + 03339643 n 0201 + 14868564 n 0201 + 03339643 n 0101 + 13480667 n 0101 + 00191980 n 0101 + 14868564 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | remove by passing through a filter; "filter out the impurities"
01458973 35 v 01 separate 2 016 @ 00140123 v 0000 + 01254253 n 0101 + 02995998 n 0103 ~ 00209174 v 0000 ~ 00330426 v 0000 ~ 00330909 v 0000 ~ 00398953 v 0000 ~ 01356256 v 0000 ~ 01458664 v 0000 ~ 01459392 v 0000 ~ 01459542 v 0000 ~ 01459696 v 0000 ~ 01460029 v 0000 ~ 01536344 v 0000 ~ 01616608 v 0000 ~ 02032117 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | divide into components or constituents; "Separate the wheat from the chaff"
01459392 35 v 01 extract 7 004 @ 01458973 v 0000 ;c 00922327 n 0000 + 01526905 a 0102 + 13478525 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | separate (a metal) from an ore
01459542 35 v 01 fractionate 0 004 @ 01458973 v 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 14922107 n 0101 + 13484082 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | obtain by a fractional process
01459696 35 v 01 fractionate 1 004 @ 01458973 v 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 13484082 n 0101 + 00389508 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | separate into constituents or fractions containing concentrated constituents
01459896 35 v 01 concoct 0 003 @ 01462005 v 0000 + 07375053 n 0101 + 00926668 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | make a concoction (of) by mixing
01460029 35 v 03 sift 0 sieve 0 strain 1 011 @ 01458973 v 0000 + 04332243 n 0301 + 04216634 n 0201 ^ 00677544 v 0201 + 04216860 n 0101 + 01254051 n 0103 + 04216634 n 0101 ~ 01460408 v 0000 ~ 01460712 v 0000 ~ 01460785 v 0000 ~ 01460937 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | separate by passing through a sieve or other straining device to separate out coarser elements; "sift the flour"
01460408 35 v 01 rice 0 004 @ 01460029 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 + 07804323 n 0101 + 04088441 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | sieve so that it becomes the consistency of rice; "rice the potatoes"
01460594 35 v 02 sieve 1 sift 2 001 @ 00644583 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | check and sort carefully; "sift the information"
01460712 35 v 01 resift 0 001 @ 01460029 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | sift anew
01460785 35 v 02 riddle 1 screen 1 003 @ 01460029 v 0000 + 04216634 n 0202 + 04088696 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | separate with a riddle, as grain from chaff
01460937 35 v 02 winnow 5 fan 0 003 @ 01460029 v 0000 + 01254051 n 0101 + 01254051 n 0102 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | separate the chaff from by using air currents; "She stood there winnowing chaff all day in the field"
01461152 35 v 01 coalesce 0 005 @ 00367685 v 0000 + 00382109 n 0103 + 00382109 n 0102 + 00382109 n 0101 ~ 00368367 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | fuse or cause to grow together
01461328 35 v 02 compound 0 combine 1 011 @ 01462005 v 0000 + 01331244 a 0201 + 00472336 a 0201 + 07373803 n 0202 + 00378985 n 0202 + 05870180 n 0101 + 00378985 n 0103 ~ 00466651 v 0000 ~ 01461646 v 0000 ~ 01461885 v 0000 ~ 01599435 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | combine so as to form a whole; mix; "compound the ingredients"
01461646 35 v 01 heterodyne 0 001 @ 01461328 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | combine (a radio frequency wave) with a locally generated wave of a different frequency so as to produce a new frequency equal to the sum or the difference between the two
01461885 35 v 02 sulfurette 0 sulphurette 0 002 @ 01461328 v 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | combine with sulfur
01462005 35 v 05 mix 0 mingle 0 commix 0 unify 0 amalgamate 0 015 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 02615587 a 0501 + 09786922 n 0501 + 07963987 n 0501 + 00003553 n 0402 + 00380083 n 0302 + 00380083 n 0101 + 07374756 n 0101 + 07374756 n 0102 + 00380083 n 0104 + 00380083 n 0106 ~ 01385170 v 0000 ~ 01459896 v 0000 ~ 01461328 v 0000 ~ 01462468 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | to bring or combine together or with something else; "resourcefully he mingled music and dance"
01462468 35 v 04 blend 0 intermix 0 immingle 0 intermingle 0 007 @ 01462005 v 0000 + 02681084 n 0202 + 00380083 n 0205 + 07375405 n 0101 + 00380696 n 0101 + 02850732 n 0101 ~ 01462806 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | combine into one; "blend the nuts and raisins together"; "he blends in with the crowd"; "We don't intermingle much"
01462806 35 v 01 commingle 0 001 @ 01462468 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | mix or blend; "His book commingles sarcasm and sadness"
01462928 35 v 04 entangle 0 tangle 0 mat 0 snarl 0 007 @ 01223182 v 0000 + 05685879 n 0402 ! 01463520 v 0402 + 09454412 n 0201 ! 01463520 v 0101 ~ 01463212 v 0000 ~ 01463340 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | twist together or entwine into a confusing mass; "The child entangled the cord"
01463212 35 v 01 felt 1 002 @ 01462928 v 0000 + 03326795 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | mat together and make felt-like; "felt the wool"
01463340 35 v 03 enmesh 0 mesh 0 ensnarl 0 002 @ 01462928 v 0000 + 03819595 n 0203 06 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | entangle or catch in (or as if in) a mesh
01463520 35 v 03 disentangle 0 unsnarl 0 straighten_out 1 007 @ 00277659 v 0000 + 01244593 n 0201 ! 01462928 v 0204 + 01244593 n 0103 ! 01462928 v 0101 ~ 01463792 v 0000 ~ 01521367 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | extricate from entanglement; "Can you disentangle the cord?"
01463792 35 v 03 tease 1 tease_apart 0 loosen 3 003 @ 01463520 v 0000 + 04398167 n 0101 + 10695822 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | disentangle and raise the fibers of; "tease wool"
01463963 35 v 02 arrange 0 set_up 0 037 @ 01494310 v 0000 + 05075602 n 0102 + 10383237 n 0103 ! 01466733 v 0101 ~ 00275607 v 0000 ~ 00276883 v 0000 ~ 00277659 v 0000 ~ 00277935 v 0000 ~ 00278280 v 0000 ~ 00279075 v 0000 ~ 00279239 v 0000 ~ 00404642 v 0000 ~ 00506952 v 0000 ~ 01359432 v 0000 ~ 01360197 v 0000 ~ 01360571 v 0000 ~ 01360715 v 0000 ~ 01392080 v 0000 ~ 01464781 v 0000 ~ 01464931 v 0000 ~ 01465218 v 0000 ~ 01465506 v 0000 ~ 01465732 v 0000 ~ 01465921 v 0000 ~ 01466047 v 0000 ~ 01466198 v 0000 ~ 01466303 v 0000 ~ 01466543 v 0000 ~ 01474209 v 0000 ~ 01483779 v 0000 ~ 01503404 v 0000 ~ 01504130 v 0000 ~ 01542525 v 0000 ~ 01543000 v 0000 ~ 01607445 v 0000 ~ 01614079 v 0000 ~ 02704213 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | put into a proper or systematic order; "arrange the books on the shelves in chronological order"
01464781 35 v 01 stack 6 001 @ 01463963 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | arrange the order of so as to increase one's winning chances; "stack the deck of cards"
01464931 35 v 01 chain 1 002 @ 01463963 v 0000 ~ 01465054 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | connect or arrange into a chain by linking
01465054 35 v 01 concatenate 0 004 $ 00190180 v 0000 @ 01464931 v 0000 ;c 06128570 n 0000 + 14419737 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | combine two strings to form a single one
01465218 35 v 02 pair 3 geminate 0 003 @ 01463963 v 0000 + 13743605 n 0102 $ 01465365 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | arrange in pairs; "Pair these numbers"
01465365 35 v 02 pair 4 geminate 1 004 $ 01465218 v 0000 @ 02612368 v 0000 + 13743605 n 0102 + 07985223 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | occur in pairs
01465506 35 v 01 concord 0 003 @ 01463963 v 0000 + 13797313 n 0102 + 06492040 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | arrange the words of a text so as to create a concordance; "The team concorded several thousand nouns, verbs, and adjectives"
01465732 35 v 01 cascade 0 002 @ 01463963 v 0000 ;c 06128570 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | arrange (open windows) on a computer desktop so that they overlap each other, with the title bars visible
01465921 35 v 01 settle 1 001 @ 01463963 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | arrange or fix in the desired order; "She settled the teacart"
01466047 35 v 01 pyramid 0 003 @ 01463963 v 0000 + 04029125 n 0101 + 13914837 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | arrange or build up as if on the base of a pyramid
01466198 35 v 01 corral 1 001 @ 01463963 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | arrange wagons so that they form a corral
01466303 35 v 02 catenate 0 catenulate 0 007 @ 01463963 v 0000 + 09240621 n 0201 + 08376250 n 0201 + 08376526 n 0201 + 09240621 n 0101 + 08376250 n 0101 + 08376526 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | arrange in a series of rings or chains, as for spores
01466543 35 v 02 dress 4 decorate 0 005 @ 01463963 v 0000 + 01091234 a 0202 + 03579355 n 0202 + 03169390 n 0201 + 00262249 n 0201 01 + 08 00 | provide with decoration; "dress the windows"
01466733 35 v 01 disarrange 0 006 @ 01850315 v 0000 + 14500341 n 0103 ! 01463963 v 0101 ~ 01387493 v 0000 ~ 01473886 v 0000 ~ 01474034 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | destroy the arrangement or order of; "My son disarranged the papers on my desk"
01466978 35 v 08 border 0 adjoin 2 edge 0 abut 0 march 0 butt 2 butt_against 0 butt_on 0 010 @ 01205696 v 0000 + 02928413 n 0602 + 08513163 n 0503 + 08620763 n 0401 + 09758781 n 0401 + 13903079 n 0302 + 03265479 n 0301 + 08565701 n 0102 + 08512736 n 0102 ~ 02608004 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | lie adjacent to another or share a boundary; "Canada adjoins the U.S."; "England marches with Scotland"
01467370 35 v 05 surround 0 environ 0 ring 3 skirt 0 border 1 012 @ 01205696 v 0000 + 08565701 n 0502 + 08512736 n 0502 + 02875013 n 0501 + 08567235 n 0104 + 08567235 n 0103 ~ 01467751 v 0000 ~ 01467917 v 0000 ~ 01471434 v 0000 ~ 01587062 v 0000 ~ 01607716 v 0000 ~ 02724126 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | extend on all sides of simultaneously; encircle; "The forest surrounds my property"
01467751 35 v 01 fringe 0 002 @ 01467370 v 0000 + 03397762 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | decorate with or as if with a surrounding fringe; "fur fringed the hem of the dress"
01467917 35 v 02 girdle 0 gird 1 002 @ 01467370 v 0000 + 03112869 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | put a girdle on or around; "gird your loins"
01468058 35 v 02 evict 0 force_out 2 003 @ 01468576 v 0000 + 01194331 n 0101 $ 01468327 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 20 00 | expel from one's property or force to move out by a legal process; "The landlord evicted the tenants after they had not paid the rent for four months"
01468327 35 v 01 evict 1 003 $ 01468058 v 0000 @ 01468576 v 0000 + 01194904 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 20 00 | expel or eject without recourse to legal process; "The landlord wanted to evict the tenants so he banged on the pipes every morning at 3 a.m."
01468576 35 v 06 eject 1 chuck_out 0 exclude 0 turf_out 0 boot_out 0 turn_out 0 009 @ 02501738 v 0000 + 00206927 n 0302 + 00206927 n 0101 + 02972533 n 0102 ~ 01468058 v 0000 ~ 01468327 v 0000 ~ 01468948 v 0000 ~ 01469080 v 0000 ~ 01527877 v 0000 05 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | put out or expel from a place; "The unruly student was excluded from the game"
01468948 35 v 01 show_the_door 0 001 @ 01468576 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | ask to leave; "I was shown the door when I asked for a raise"
01469080 35 v 01 bounce 0 002 @ 01468576 v 0000 + 09869009 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | eject from the premises; "The ex-boxer's job is to bounce people who want to enter this private club"
01469263 35 v 03 superimpose 0 superpose 1 lay_over 0 003 @ 01494310 v 0000 + 01053067 n 0201 ~ 01469623 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | place on top of; "can you superimpose the two images?"
01469445 35 v 01 superpose 0 003 @ 01494310 v 0000 + 01053404 n 0101 + 01053067 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | place (one geometric figure) upon another so that their perimeters coincide
01469623 35 v 01 develop 4 001 @ 01469263 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | superimpose a three-dimensional surface on a plane without stretching, in geometry
01469770 35 v 02 invite 0 ask_in 0 004 @ 00752764 v 0000 + 07186148 n 0101 ~ 01469960 v 0000 $ 02384686 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | ask to enter; "We invited the neighbors in for a cup of coffee"
01469960 35 v 01 call_in 0 002 @ 01469770 v 0000 $ 00792011 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | summon to enter; "The nurse called in the next patient"
01470098 35 v 01 welcome 0 002 @ 01470225 v 0000 + 14413265 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | receive someone, as into one's house
01470225 35 v 03 receive 0 take_in 1 invite c 007 + 07186148 n 0301 + 01773420 a 0101 ~ 01470098 v 0000 ~ 01470524 v 0000 ~ 01470670 v 0000 ~ 01470856 v 0000 ~ 02384554 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | express willingness to have in one's home or environs; "The community warmly received the refugees"
01470524 35 v 01 absorb a 001 @ 01470225 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | assimilate or take in; "The immigrants were quickly absorbed into society"
01470670 35 v 01 see 9 002 @ 01470225 v 0000 $ 02488304 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | receive as a specified guest; "the doctor will see you now"; "The minister doesn't see anybody before noon"
01470856 35 v 01 assume 0 003 @ 01470225 v 0000 ;c 06226057 n 0000 + 07357866 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | take up someone's soul into heaven; "This is the day when May was assumed into heaven"
01471043 35 v 04 kidnap 0 nobble 0 abduct 2 snatch 1 010 @ 01213614 v 0000 ;c 00766234 n 0000 + 00775702 n 0402 + 10230801 n 0404 + 00775460 n 0301 + 10230801 n 0303 + 10230801 n 0101 + 00775702 n 0101 + 10230801 n 0102 ~ 01471547 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | take away to an undisclosed location against their will and usually in order to extract a ransom; "The industrialist's son was kidnapped"
01471434 35 v 01 cloister 0 001 @ 01467370 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | surround with a cloister; "cloister the garden"
01471547 35 v 02 shanghai 0 impress 1 005 @ 01471043 v 0000 ;c 00766234 n 0000 + 00086654 n 0202 + 00086654 n 0201 + 10586265 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | take (someone) against his will for compulsory service, especially on board a ship; "The men were shanghaied after being drugged"
01471825 35 v 04 commandeer 0 hijack 0 highjack 0 pirate 0 014 @ 01213614 v 0000 ;c 00766234 n 0000 + 03947888 n 0401 + 00783527 n 0401 + 00769944 n 0302 + 10175725 n 0301 + 10175507 n 0301 + 00783199 n 0301 + 00769944 n 0201 + 10175507 n 0203 + 10175725 n 0202 + 00783199 n 0202 ~ 01472251 v 0000 ~ 01472417 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | take arbitrarily or by force; "The Cubans commandeered the plane and flew it to Miami"
01472251 35 v 01 skyjack 0 002 @ 01471825 v 0000 ;c 00766234 n 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | subject an aircraft to air piracy; "the plane was skyjacked to Uzbekistan"
01472417 35 v 01 carjack 0 003 @ 01471825 v 0000 ;c 00766234 n 0000 + 00227484 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | take someone's car from him by force, usually with the intention of stealing it; "My car was carjacked last night!"
01472642 35 v 01 expropriate 0 002 @ 02314275 v 0000 + 00086140 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | deprive of possessions; "The Communist government expropriated the landowners"
01472807 35 v 03 scramble 0 jumble 0 throw_together 1 006 @ 00276373 v 0000 + 05953416 n 0203 + 14500567 n 0202 + 00789391 n 0101 + 04150474 n 0101 ~ 01473020 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | bring into random order
01473020 35 v 01 tumble 0 001 @ 01472807 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | throw together in a confused mass; "They tumbled the teams with no apparent pattern"
01473176 35 v 04 putter 0 potter 0 potter_around 0 putter_around 0 003 @ 01831531 v 0000 + 10496193 n 0202 + 10496193 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | move around aimlessly
01473346 35 v 08 putter 1 mess_around 0 potter 1 tinker 0 monkey 0 monkey_around 0 muck_about 0 muck_around 0 007 @ 02413480 v 0000 + 10712055 n 0401 + 10712055 n 0402 + 10712229 n 0401 + 10496193 n 0302 + 10496193 n 0101 ~ 01473729 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | do random, unplanned work or activities or spend time idly; "The old lady is usually mucking about in her little house"
01473729 35 v 01 puddle 0 001 @ 01473346 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | mess around, as in a liquid or paste; "The children are having fun puddling in paint"
01473886 35 v 02 muss 0 tussle 0 002 @ 01466733 v 0000 + 14500047 n 0103 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make messy or untidy; "the child mussed up my hair"
01474034 35 v 03 tousle 0 dishevel 0 tangle 1 002 @ 01466733 v 0000 + 09454412 n 0301 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | disarrange or rumple; dishevel; "The strong wind tousled my hair"
01474209 35 v 04 range 0 array 0 lay_out 0 set_out 0 003 @ 01463963 v 0000 + 07939382 n 0201 ~ 01474449 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | lay out orderly or logically in a line or as if in a line; "lay out the clothes"; "lay out the arguments"
01474449 35 v 01 compart 0 001 @ 01474209 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | lay out in parts according to a plan
01474550 35 v 04 let_go_of 0 let_go 0 release 0 relinquish 2 012 + 00212808 n 0401 ! 01216670 v 0101 ~ 01097743 v 0000 ~ 01222485 v 0000 ~ 01474980 v 0000 ~ 01475075 v 0000 ~ 01475217 v 0000 ~ 01475301 v 0000 ~ 01475415 v 0000 ~ 01475536 v 0000 ~ 01475828 v 0000 ~ 01511380 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 02 02 | release, as from one's grip; "Let go of the door handle, please!"; "relinquish your grip on the rope--you won't fall"
01474980 35 v 01 pop 7 001 @ 01474550 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | release suddenly; "pop the clutch"
01475075 35 v 01 toggle 1 002 @ 01474550 v 0000 + 04445952 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | release by a toggle switch; "toggle a bomb from an airplane"
01475217 35 v 01 unhand 0 001 @ 01474550 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove the hand from
01475301 35 v 02 bring_out 0 let_out 0 001 @ 01474550 v 0000 02 + 20 00 + 21 00 | bring out of a specific state
01475415 35 v 01 unleash 0 002 @ 01474550 v 0000 ~ 01475737 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | release or vent; "unleash one's anger"
01475536 35 v 03 unleash 2 let_loose 0 loose 0 001 @ 01474550 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | turn loose or free from restraint; "let loose mines"; "Loose terrible plagues upon humanity"
01475737 35 v 01 uncork 1 001 @ 01475415 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | release; "uncork his anger"
01475828 35 v 01 unleash 1 001 @ 01474550 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | release from a leash; "unleash the dogs in the park"
01475953 35 v 02 free 1 disengage 1 005 ! 01476483 v 0101 ~ 01312261 v 0000 ~ 01479138 v 0000 ~ 01479682 v 0000 ~ 01585759 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | free or remove obstruction from; "free a path across the cluttered floor"
01476180 35 v 04 suffocate 1 stifle 3 asphyxiate 1 choke 3 006 @ 01476483 v 0000 + 14058252 n 0401 + 14043882 n 0302 + 14042423 n 0301 + 00268383 a 0103 + 14043882 n 0101 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | impair the respiration of or obstruct the air passage of; "The foul air was slowly suffocating the children"
01476483 35 v 07 obstruct 0 obturate 0 impede 0 occlude 0 jam 2 block c close_up 0 021 @ 02451370 v 0000 + 00562398 n 0601 + 02950154 a 0401 + 01074694 n 0403 + 03839993 n 0304 + 03840327 n 0201 + 01764351 a 0104 + 01074498 n 0101 + 03839993 n 0103 + 03839993 n 0102 ! 01475953 v 0101 ~ 01126961 v 0000 ~ 01127075 v 0000 ~ 01127215 v 0000 ~ 01476180 v 0000 ~ 01477014 v 0000 ~ 01477224 v 0000 ~ 01477538 v 0000 ~ 01477888 v 0000 ~ 01478002 v 0000 ~ 01478603 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | block passage through; "obstruct the path"
01477014 35 v 01 tie_up 4 002 @ 01476483 v 0000 + 07366145 n 0103 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | restrain from moving or operating normally; "Traffic is tied up for miles around the bridge where the accident occurred"
01477224 35 v 02 dam 0 dam_up 0 002 @ 01476483 v 0000 + 03160309 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | obstruct with, or as if with, a dam; "dam the gorges of the Yangtse River"
01477394 35 v 03 shut_off 0 block_off 1 close_off 0 001 @ 01478002 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | block off the passage through; "We shut off the valve"
01477538 35 v 02 screen 0 block_out 1 003 @ 01476483 v 0000 + 02851099 n 0102 ~ 01477704 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | prevent from entering; "block out the strong sunlight"
01477704 35 v 01 shade 0 002 @ 01477538 v 0000 + 04181718 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | protect from light, heat, or view; "Shade your eyes when you step out into the bright sunlight"
01477888 35 v 02 land_up 0 earth_up 0 001 @ 01476483 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | block with earth, as after a landslide
01478002 35 v 07 barricade 0 block 0 blockade 0 stop c block_off 0 block_up 0 bar 0 012 $ 02145543 v 0000 @ 01476483 v 0000 + 02789271 n 0701 + 02982790 n 0402 + 03967942 n 0402 + 02853218 n 0301 + 01074694 n 0201 + 00562398 n 0201 + 04096848 n 0102 + 02796412 n 0101 ~ 01477394 v 0000 ~ 01478423 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | render unsuitable for passage; "block the way"; "barricade the streets"; "stop the busy road"
01478423 35 v 01 close 7 003 @ 01478002 v 0000 + 01074694 n 0102 + 00344040 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | bar access to; "Due to the accident, the road had to be closed for several hours"
01478603 35 v 07 clog 0 choke_off 0 clog_up 0 back_up 0 congest 0 choke 1 foul 0 010 @ 01476483 v 0000 + 03007354 a 0501 + 13944747 n 0501 + 13437181 n 0401 + 03047553 n 0101 ! 01479138 v 0101 ~ 01357288 v 0000 ~ 01479009 v 0000 ~ 01479333 v 0000 ~ 01479545 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | become or cause to become obstructed; "The leaves clog our drains in the Fall"; "The water pipe is backed up"
01479009 35 v 01 crap_up 0 001 @ 01478603 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | become obstructed or chocked up; "The drains clogged up"
01479138 35 v 01 unclog 0 002 @ 01475953 v 0000 ! 01478603 v 0101 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | become or cause to become unobstructed; "The chemical that we poured down the drain unclogged it"
01479333 35 v 04 stuff 1 lug 2 choke_up 0 block 2 004 @ 01478603 v 0000 + 02853449 n 0402 + 02853449 n 0401 ! 01479682 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | obstruct; "My nose is all stuffed"; "Her arteries are blocked"
01479545 35 v 02 silt_up 0 silt 0 002 @ 01478603 v 0000 + 15042052 n 0201 01 + 01 00 | become chocked with silt; "The river silted up"
01479682 35 v 02 unstuff 0 loosen_up 0 003 @ 01475953 v 0000 ! 01479333 v 0101 ~ 01616460 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to become unblocked; "The medicine unstuffed my nose in minutes!"
01479874 35 v 01 bag 1 003 @ 01480149 v 0000 ;c 00452293 n 0000 + 13754778 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | capture or kill, as in hunting; "bag a few pheasants"
01480025 35 v 01 batfowl 0 002 @ 01480149 v 0000 ;c 00452293 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | catch birds by temporarily blinding them
01480149 35 v 02 capture 0 catch 3 010 @ 02210855 v 0000 + 13755822 n 0201 + 09609561 n 0102 ~ 01143838 v 0000 ~ 01382818 v 0000 ~ 01479874 v 0000 ~ 01480025 v 0000 $ 01480469 v 0000 ~ 01480641 v 0000 ~ 01480770 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | capture as if by hunting, snaring, or trapping; "I caught a rabbit in the trap today"
01480469 35 v 01 catch c 003 $ 01480149 v 0000 @ 02304982 v 0000 + 02983357 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | take in and retain; "We have a big barrel to catch the rainwater"
01480641 35 v 01 rat 0 003 @ 01480149 v 0000 + 02331046 n 0101 + 02094562 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | catch rats, especially with dogs
01480770 35 v 05 trap 0 entrap 0 snare 0 ensnare 0 trammel 0 007 @ 01480149 v 0000 ;c 00452293 n 0000 + 04248851 n 0301 + 10615808 n 0301 + 04474466 n 0101 + 10726233 n 0101 ~ 01481027 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | catch in or as if in a trap; "The men trap foxes"
01481027 35 v 01 gin 0 003 @ 01480770 v 0000 ;c 00452293 n 0000 + 04248851 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | trap with a snare; "gin game"
01481154 35 v 01 suspend 0 004 @ 01481360 v 0000 + 01017701 n 0101 + 02887489 n 0102 ~ 01482285 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | hang freely; "The secret police suspended their victims from the ceiling and beat them"
01481360 35 v 02 hang 0 hang_up 1 008 > 01482075 v 0000 $ 01482075 v 0000 @ 01340439 v 0000 + 10159434 n 0101 + 03490884 n 0101 + 03491178 n 0101 ~ 01481154 v 0000 ~ 02105453 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | cause to be hanging or suspended; "Hang that picture on the wall"
01481647 35 v 01 hang 4 002 @ 01340439 v 0000 $ 01481819 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | place in position as by a hinge so as to allow free movement in one direction; "hang a door"
01481819 35 v 01 hang 5 001 $ 01481647 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | be placed in position as by a hinge; "This cabinet door doesn't hang right!"
01481957 35 v 01 hang 6 001 + 01017701 n 0103 01 + 04 00 | be suspended or poised; "Heavy fog hung over the valley"
01482075 35 v 01 hang 3 005 $ 02741003 v 0000 + 03491178 n 0101 $ 01481360 v 0000 ~ 02697435 v 0000 ~ 02717472 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | be suspended or hanging; "The flag hung on the wall"
01482285 35 v 01 dangle 0 002 @ 01481154 v 0000 + 01017701 n 0102 01 + 21 00 | cause to dangle or hang freely; "He dangled the ornaments from the Christmas tree"
01482449 35 v 01 pack 0 010 @ 01486312 v 0000 + 03870546 n 0101 + 10390427 n 0101 + 08008017 n 0101 + 00322228 n 0101 ! 01485513 v 0101 ~ 01482744 v 0000 ~ 01485839 v 0000 ~ 01487008 v 0000 ~ 01493234 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 21 00 + 31 00 | arrange in a container; "pack the books into the boxes"
01482744 35 v 02 containerize 0 containerise 0 003 @ 01482449 v 0000 + 03094503 n 0201 + 03094503 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | package in a container; "The cargo was containerized for safe and efficient shipping"
01482958 35 v 02 enshrine 0 shrine 0 002 @ 01587062 v 0000 + 04210390 n 0201 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | enclose in a shrine; "the saint's bones were enshrined in the cathedral"
01483131 35 v 02 pack 1 load_down 0 002 @ 01489989 v 0000 + 03870672 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | load with a pack
01483247 35 v 01 veil 0 005 * 01332730 v 0000 @ 02144835 v 0000 + 03548930 n 0102 + 03502331 n 0102 ! 01483478 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | to obscure, or conceal with or as if with a veil; "women in Afghanistan veil their faces"
01483478 35 v 01 unveil 0 002 @ 01339505 v 0000 ! 01483247 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | remove the veil from; "Women must not unveil themselves in public in Islamic societies"
01483655 35 v 01 unveil 1 002 @ 00173338 v 0000 + 06891339 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | remove the cover from; "unveil a painting"
01483779 35 v 04 pack 2 bundle 1 wad 1 compact 2 007 @ 01463963 v 0000 + 00358089 n 0403 + 07579399 n 0306 ^ 01955009 v 0201 + 14976448 n 0102 $ 01484027 v 0000 ~ 01484267 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | compress into a wad; "wad paper into the box"
01484027 35 v 02 compact 9 pack b 003 $ 01483779 v 0000 @ 02604760 v 0000 + 07419233 n 0101 01 + 07 00 | have the property of being packable or of compacting easily; "This powder compacts easily"; "Such odd-shaped items do not pack well"
01484267 35 v 01 puddle 2 002 @ 01483779 v 0000 + 14992945 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | work a wet mixture, such as concrete or mud
01484392 35 v 05 bunch 0 bunch_up 0 bundle 3 cluster 0 clump 0 008 @ 00144850 v 0000 + 07959943 n 0502 + 07959943 n 0403 + 07959943 n 0404 + 08008017 n 0302 + 02919414 n 0301 + 07959943 n 0101 ~ 01484714 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 21 00 | gather or cause to gather into a cluster; "She bunched her fingers into a fist"
01484714 35 v 01 agglomerate 0 005 @ 01484392 v 0000 + 00467019 a 0103 + 14711647 n 0101 + 07961480 n 0104 + 02684356 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 08 00 | form into one cluster
01484884 35 v 01 pack 4 001 @ 01354006 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | seal with packing; "pack the faucet"
01484982 35 v 02 lubricate 0 lube 0 004 @ 00452512 v 0000 + 14578104 n 0101 + 00716945 n 0101 + 14890659 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 31 00 | apply a lubricant to; "lubricate my car"
01485158 35 v 02 box 2 package 0 008 @ 01486312 v 0000 + 03871083 n 0201 + 08008017 n 0201 + 01103788 n 0201 + 02883344 n 0101 + 10390427 n 0103 + 00322228 n 0102 ! 01485393 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | put into a box; "box the gift, please"
01485393 35 v 01 unbox 0 002 @ 01485513 v 0000 ! 01485158 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | remove from a box; "unbox the presents"
01485513 35 v 02 unpack 0 take_out 1 006 @ 00173338 v 0000 ! 01482449 v 0101 ~ 01214597 v 0000 ~ 01485393 v 0000 ~ 01485732 v 0000 ~ 01486870 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | remove from its packing; "unpack the presents"
01485732 35 v 01 break_out 0 001 @ 01485513 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | take from stowage in preparation for use
01485839 35 v 01 bag 0 006 @ 01482449 v 0000 + 02775359 n 0101 + 02774152 n 0101 + 10390427 n 0102 + 04123567 n 0102 ~ 01486050 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | put into a bag; "The supermarket clerk bagged the groceries"
01486050 35 v 01 pouch 0 002 @ 01485839 v 0000 + 03993180 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | put into a small bag
01486151 35 v 01 sack 0 004 @ 01486312 v 0000 + 13769206 n 0101 + 04122825 n 0101 ^ 02291258 v 0103 01 + 08 00 | put in a sack; "The grocer sacked the onions"
01486312 35 v 03 encase 0 incase 0 case 1 013 @ 01587062 v 0000 + 13766436 n 0301 + 05238036 n 0302 + 04190747 n 0302 + 02975212 n 0301 + 02974697 n 0301 + 04190747 n 0303 + 00322488 n 0202 + 00322488 n 0101 ~ 01482449 v 0000 ~ 01485158 v 0000 ~ 01486151 v 0000 ~ 01486678 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | enclose in, or as if in, a case; "my feet were encased in mud"
01486678 35 v 01 crate 0 003 @ 01486312 v 0000 + 03127925 n 0101 ! 01486870 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | put into a crate; as for protection; "crate the paintings before shipping them to the museum"
01486870 35 v 01 uncrate 0 002 @ 01485513 v 0000 ! 01486678 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | remove from the crate; "uncrate the glassed carefully!"
01487008 35 v 03 bundle 0 bundle_up 0 roll_up 0 003 @ 01482449 v 0000 + 08008017 n 0102 + 02919414 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | make into a bundle; "he bundled up his few possessions"
01487185 35 v 02 roll_out 2 straighten 3 001 @ 01523823 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | straighten by unrolling; "roll out the big map"
01487311 35 v 04 burden 0 burthen 0 weight 0 weight_down 0 008 @ 01488956 v 0000 + 04571088 n 0301 + 02924023 n 0201 + 03679986 n 0103 ! 01487927 v 0101 ~ 01487718 v 0000 ~ 01487830 v 0000 ~ 01490814 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 31 00 | weight down with a load
01487573 35 v 01 lighten 0 001 @ 01487927 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | reduce the weight on; make lighter; "she lightened the load on the tired donkey"
01487718 35 v 01 overburden 0 002 @ 01487311 v 0000 + 03864994 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | load with excessive weight
01487830 35 v 01 plumb 0 002 @ 01487311 v 0000 + 03968728 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | weight with lead
01487927 35 v 02 unburden 0 disburden 0 003 @ 00173338 v 0000 ! 01487311 v 0101 ~ 01487573 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 18 00 | take the burden off; remove the burden from; "unburden the donkey"
01488123 35 v 03 unload 0 unlade 0 offload 0 002 @ 01488313 v 0000 + 00714173 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | take the load off (a container or vehicle); "unload the truck"; "offload the van"
01488313 35 v 01 empty 0 004 @ 00173338 v 0000 + 03284308 n 0101 + 00395797 n 0101 ~ 01488123 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | remove; "Empty the water"
01488463 35 v 01 bomb_up 0 001 @ 01489989 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | load an aircraft with bombs
01488555 35 v 03 overload 0 surcharge 2 overcharge 0 002 @ 01489989 v 0000 + 03864994 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | place too much a load on; "don't overload the car"
01488714 35 v 01 surcharge 0 001 @ 00452512 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | fill to an excessive degree; "The air was surcharged with tension"
01488847 35 v 01 overload 1 001 + 03864994 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | become overloaded; "The aerator overloaded"
01488956 35 v 01 charge 0 005 @ 00126264 v 0000 ! 01489332 v 0101 $ 00498016 v 0000 ~ 01487311 v 0000 ~ 01489161 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 17 00 + 21 00 | fill or load to capacity; "charge the wagon with hay"
01489161 35 v 01 freight 0 005 @ 01488956 v 0000 + 02964389 n 0103 + 02878222 n 0102 + 13326198 n 0102 + 01106272 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | load with goods for transportation
01489332 35 v 01 discharge 1 003 @ 00173338 v 0000 + 00123234 n 0101 ! 01488956 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | remove the charge from
01489465 35 v 06 drop 0 drop_off 0 set_down 0 put_down 1 unload 2 discharge 6 004 @ 01438304 v 0000 + 03246052 n 0101 ~ 01489734 v 0000 ~ 01489859 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | leave or unload; "unload the cargo"; "drop off the passengers at the hotel"
01489734 35 v 01 wharf 2 002 @ 01489465 v 0000 + 03933529 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | discharge at a wharf; "wharf the passengers"
01489859 35 v 01 air-drop 0 001 @ 01489465 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | drop (an object) from the air; unload from a plane or helicopter
01489989 35 v 04 load 1 lade 1 laden 1 load_up 0 011 @ 00452512 v 0000 + 02964389 n 0202 + 03679986 n 0101 + 02964389 n 0104 + 10655169 n 0102 + 00713952 n 0101 ~ 01483131 v 0000 ~ 01488463 v 0000 ~ 01488555 v 0000 ~ 01490690 v 0000 ~ 01503952 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 21 00 + 31 00 | fill or place a load on; "load a car"; "load the truck with hay"
01490336 35 v 02 load 2 charge 2 005 @ 00452512 v 0000 + 03008275 n 0201 + 04551375 n 0103 + 10268505 n 0101 ~ 01490572 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | provide (a device) with something necessary; "He loaded his gun carefully"; "load the camera"
01490572 35 v 02 recharge 0 reload 1 001 @ 01490336 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | load anew; "She reloaded the gun carefully"
01490690 35 v 01 reload 0 001 @ 01489989 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 31 00 | place a new load on; "The movers reloaded the truck"
01490814 35 v 01 saddle a 001 @ 01487311 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | load or burden; encumber; "he saddled me with that heavy responsibility"
01490958 35 v 01 yoke 0 006 @ 01296462 v 0000 ;c 00917211 n 0000 + 04613350 n 0101 + 04612840 n 0101 ! 01491360 v 0101 ~ 01491186 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | put a yoke on or join with a yoke; "Yoke the draft horses together"
01491186 35 v 01 inspan 0 004 @ 01490958 v 0000 @ 01491697 v 0000 ;c 00917211 n 0000 ! 01491517 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | attach a yoke or harness to; "inspan the draft animals"
01491360 35 v 01 unyoke 0 004 @ 01328340 v 0000 ;c 00917211 n 0000 ! 01490958 v 0101 ~ 01491517 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove the yoke from; "unyoke the cow"
01491517 35 v 01 outspan 0 004 @ 01491360 v 0000 @ 01491886 v 0000 ;c 00917211 n 0000 ! 01491186 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | remove the yoke or harness from; "outspan the draft animals"
01491697 35 v 02 harness 0 tackle 5 005 @ 01296462 v 0000 ;c 00917211 n 0000 + 03494706 n 0101 ! 01491886 v 0101 ~ 01491186 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | put a harness; "harness the horse"
01491886 35 v 01 unharness 0 004 @ 01328340 v 0000 ;c 00917211 n 0000 ! 01491697 v 0101 ~ 01491517 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove the harness from; "unharness a horse"
01492052 35 v 02 yoke 1 link 2 007 @ 01296462 v 0000 ;c 00917211 n 0000 + 14419164 n 0202 + 13792692 n 0201 + 04613158 n 0101 + 04613350 n 0101 + 04612840 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | link with or as with a yoke; "yoke the oxen together"
01492283 35 v 01 yoke 2 003 @ 01291069 v 0000 ;c 00917211 n 0000 + 04613158 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | become joined or linked together
01492422 35 v 01 saddle 1 004 @ 01296462 v 0000 + 04123740 n 0101 + 04295081 n 0102 ! 01492576 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | put a saddle on; "saddle the horses"
01492576 35 v 02 unsaddle 0 offsaddle 0 002 @ 00173338 v 0000 ! 01492422 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | remove the saddle from; "They unsaddled their mounts"
01492725 35 v 02 bruise 0 contuse 0 005 @ 00069879 v 0000 + 00126100 n 0201 + 09878702 n 0102 + 14288871 n 0101 ~ 01492944 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | injure the underlying soft tissue or bone of; "I bruised my knee"
01492944 35 v 02 jam 3 crush 1 001 @ 01492725 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | crush or bruise; "jam a toe"
01493041 35 v 01 garner 1 002 @ 02282506 v 0000 + 03452449 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | store grain
01493142 35 v 01 bin 0 002 @ 02281093 v 0000 + 02839910 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | store in bins
01493234 35 v 01 stow 1 003 @ 01482449 v 0000 + 00811921 n 0101 + 00811921 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | fill by packing tightly; "stow the cart"
01493380 35 v 01 park 0 004 @ 01494310 v 0000 + 03890881 n 0101 + 08615638 n 0103 + 13778671 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 02 01 | place temporarily; "park the car in the yard"; "park the children with the in-laws"; "park your bag in this locker"
01493619 35 v 02 ensconce 0 settle 0 001 @ 01494310 v 0000 01 + 20 00 | fix firmly; "He ensconced himself in the chair"
01493741 35 v 01 put 5 014 @ 00126264 v 0000 ^ 01790739 v 0104 ^ 01800422 v 0105 ^ 01819387 v 0102 ^ 01569017 v 0102 ^ 00021065 v 0106 ^ 00021065 v 0105 ^ 01327133 v 0101 ^ 01355906 v 0101 ^ 01327133 v 0102 ^ 00213794 v 0103 ^ 00486018 v 0106 ^ 02760495 v 0102 ~ 01494178 v 0000 02 + 20 00 + 21 00 | cause to be in a certain state; cause to be in a certain relation; "That song put me in awful good humor"; "put your ideas in writing"
01494178 35 v 01 put_to_sleep 2 001 @ 01493741 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | help someone go to bed; "Mother put the baby to sleep"
01494310 35 v 06 put 0 set 0 place 0 pose 2 position 0 lay 1 107 @ 01850315 v 0000 ^ 01474209 v 0603 + 01051331 n 0504 + 04110439 n 0502 + 06389553 n 0303 + 08621598 n 0302 + 08664443 n 0302 + 05075602 n 0301 + 01052853 n 0201 + 08623927 n 0201 ^ 01489465 v 0203 ^ 02702674 v 0201 ^ 02573127 v 0202 ^ 02578008 v 0204 ^ 01979241 v 0203 ^ 01656788 v 0204 ^ 01661243 v 0204 ^ 01463963 v 0202 ^ 01474209 v 0204 ^ 02642814 v 0104 ^ 01308381 v 0102 ^ 02702674 v 0103 ^ 02642814 v 010a ^ 01981036 v 0102 ^ 02494356 v 0109 ^ 01656788 v 0103 ^ 01363648 v 0101 ^ 01570403 v 0102 ^ 01544692 v 0102 ^ 00742320 v 0105 ~ 00187526 v 0000 ~ 01008719 v 0000 ~ 01247426 v 0000 ~ 01248205 v 0000 ~ 01248405 v 0000 ~ 01256487 v 0000 ~ 01308381 v 0000 ~ 01308681 v 0000 ~ 01371201 v 0000 ~ 01376620 v 0000 ~ 01425348 v 0000 ~ 01434822 v 0000 ~ 01463963 v 0000 ~ 01469263 v 0000 ~ 01469445 v 0000 ~ 01493380 v 0000 ~ 01493619 v 0000 ~ 01496497 v 0000 ~ 01496630 v 0000 ~ 01496843 v 0000 ~ 01496978 v 0000 ~ 01497292 v 0000 ~ 01497458 v 0000 ~ 01497634 v 0000 ~ 01497750 v 0000 ~ 01497864 v 0000 ~ 01498166 v 0000 ~ 01498319 v 0000 ~ 01498498 v 0000 ~ 01498615 v 0000 ~ 01498713 v 0000 ~ 01498872 v 0000 ~ 01499006 v 0000 ~ 01499265 v 0000 ~ 01499692 v 0000 ~ 01499849 v 0000 ~ 01499948 v 0000 ~ 01500082 v 0000 ~ 01500214 v 0000 ~ 01500372 v 0000 ~ 01500873 v 0000 ~ 01501793 v 0000 ~ 01501960 v 0000 ~ 01502122 v 0000 ~ 01502279 v 0000 ~ 01502441 v 0000 ~ 01502540 v 0000 ~ 01502654 v 0000 ~ 01502946 v 0000 ~ 01503101 v 0000 ~ 01517515 v 0000 ~ 01543998 v 0000 ~ 01544285 v 0000 ~ 01544692 v 0000 ~ 01546768 v 0000 ~ 01547641 v 0000 ~ 01567275 v 0000 ~ 01569566 v 0000 ~ 01575675 v 0000 ~ 01578993 v 0000 ~ 01602665 v 0000 ~ 01606574 v 0000 ~ 01607590 v 0000 ~ 01610101 v 0000 ~ 01611240 v 0000 ~ 01612084 v 0000 ~ 01612295 v 0000 ~ 01613239 v 0000 ~ 01613391 v 0000 ~ 01616901 v 0000 ~ 01987160 v 0000 ~ 01987781 v 0000 ~ 01988080 v 0000 ~ 01988325 v 0000 ~ 01988458 v 0000 ~ 02097341 v 0000 ~ 02689146 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | put into a certain place or abstract location; "Put your things here"; "Set the tray down"; "Set the dogs on the scent of the missing children"; "Place emphasis on a certain point"
01496497 35 v 01 dispose 0 001 @ 01494310 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | place or put in a particular order; "the dots are unevenly disposed"
01496630 35 v 01 emplace 0 003 @ 01494310 v 0000 + 01051331 n 0106 $ 01496843 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | put into place or position; "the box with the ancestors' ashes was emplaced on the top shelf of the house altar"
01496843 35 v 01 emplace 1 003 $ 01496630 v 0000 @ 01494310 v 0000 + 03284120 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | provide a new emplacement for guns
01496978 35 v 01 ship 9 003 @ 01494310 v 0000 + 04194289 n 0101 ~ 01497141 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | place on board a ship; "ship the cargo in the hold of the vessel"
01497141 35 v 01 reship 0 002 @ 01496978 v 0000 + 00061453 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | place on a ship again or transfer to another ship; "reship the cargo"
01497292 35 v 01 underlay 0 002 @ 01494310 v 0000 + 02967626 n 0104 01 + 08 00 | put (something) under or beneath; "They underlaid the shingles with roofing paper"
01497458 35 v 01 trench 6 002 @ 01494310 v 0000 + 04478889 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | set, plant, or bury in a trench; "trench the fallen soldiers"; "trench the vegetables"
01497634 35 v 01 pigeonhole 0 002 @ 01494310 v 0000 + 03144486 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | place into a small compartment
01497750 35 v 01 shelve a 002 @ 01494310 v 0000 + 10588724 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | place on a shelf; "shelve books"
01497864 35 v 01 jar a 003 @ 01494310 v 0000 + 13767822 n 0101 + 03593526 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | place in a cylindrical vessel; "jar the jam"
01498005 35 v 01 prostrate 0 002 @ 01508368 v 0000 + 00341109 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | throw down flat, as on the ground; "She prostrated herself with frustration"
01498166 35 v 01 repose 3 001 @ 01494310 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | to put something (eg trust) in something; "The nation reposed its confidence in the King"
01498319 35 v 01 sign 2 003 @ 01494310 v 0000 + 04217882 n 0102 + 06793231 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | place signs, as along a road; "sign an intersection"; "This road has been signed"
01498498 35 v 01 middle 0 003 @ 01494310 v 0000 + 05868272 n 0101 + 08523483 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | put in the middle
01498615 35 v 01 parallelize 0 001 @ 01494310 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | place parallel to one another
01498713 35 v 01 butt 1 002 @ 01494310 v 0000 + 02928413 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | place end to end without overlapping; "The frames must be butted at the joints"
01498872 35 v 01 recess 1 003 @ 01494310 v 0000 + 04061969 n 0101 + 13872421 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | put into a recess; "recess lights"
01499006 35 v 01 reposition 1 003 @ 01494310 v 0000 + 01052739 n 0101 ~ 01499137 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | place into another position
01499137 35 v 01 reduce 1 001 @ 01499006 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | reposition (a broken bone after surgery) back to its normal site
01499265 35 v 02 throw 2 thrust 8 004 @ 01494310 v 0000 + 00334935 n 0205 + 04429971 n 0101 ~ 01499510 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | place or put with great energy; "She threw the blanket around the child"; "thrust the money in the hands of the beggar"
01499510 35 v 01 pop 5 001 @ 01499265 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | put or thrust suddenly and forcefully; "pop the pizza into the microwave oven"; "He popped the petit-four into his mouth"
01499692 35 v 02 tee 0 tee_up 0 004 @ 01494310 v 0000 ;c 00464894 n 0000 + 04399537 n 0101 + 08661277 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | place on a tee; "tee golf balls"
01499849 35 v 01 rack_up 0 001 @ 01494310 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | place in a rack; "rack pool balls"
01499948 35 v 01 coffin 0 002 @ 01494310 v 0000 + 03064758 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | place into a coffin; "her body was coffined"
01500082 35 v 01 bed 1 002 @ 01494310 v 0000 + 02818832 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | put to bed; "The children were bedded at ten o'clock"
01500214 35 v 01 appose 0 004 @ 01494310 v 0000 + 02635941 a 0102 + 01662510 a 0102 + 01051801 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | place side by side or in close proximity
01500372 35 v 03 set_down 2 put_down 2 place_down 0 002 @ 01494310 v 0000 ~ 01500572 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to sit or seat or be in a settled position or place; "set down your bags here"
01500572 35 v 08 plank 1 flump 0 plonk 0 plop 0 plunk 2 plump_down 0 plunk_down 0 plump 0 002 @ 01500372 v 0000 + 07389931 n 0301 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | set (something or oneself) down with or as if with a noise; "He planked the money on the table"; "He planked himself into the sofa"
01500873 35 v 02 sow 0 seed 1 010 $ 01501347 v 0000 @ 01494310 v 0000 ;c 00916464 n 0000 + 11683989 n 0201 + 13135832 n 0201 + 04167346 n 0201 + 10629020 n 0101 ~ 01501184 v 0000 ~ 01501347 v 0000 ~ 01501676 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | place (seeds) in or on the ground for future growth; "She sowed sunflower seeds"
01501184 35 v 01 broadcast 0 003 @ 01500873 v 0000 ;c 00916464 n 0000 + 02903204 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | sow over a wide area, especially by hand; "broadcast seeds"
01501347 35 v 03 inseminate 0 sow 2 sow_in 0 005 @ 01500873 v 0000 ;c 00916464 n 0000 + 10629020 n 0201 + 00919692 n 0101 $ 01500873 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | place seeds in or on (the ground); "sow the ground with sunflower seeds"
01501575 35 v 01 reseed 0 002 @ 01542056 v 0000 ;c 00916464 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | seed again or anew
01501676 35 v 01 scatter 1 002 @ 01500873 v 0000 + 00369138 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | sow by scattering; "scatter seeds"
01501793 35 v 01 misplace 0 002 @ 01494310 v 0000 + 05079074 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | place or position wrongly; put in the wrong position; "misplaced modifiers"
01501960 35 v 01 juxtapose 0 003 @ 01494310 v 0000 + 08624095 n 0101 + 01051801 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | place side by side; "The fauvists juxtaposed strong colors"
01502122 35 v 01 set_down 1 001 @ 01494310 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | put or settle into a position; "The hotel was set down at the bottom of the valley"
01502279 35 v 01 bottle 0 004 @ 01494310 v 0000 + 13765396 n 0101 + 02876657 n 0101 + 08066644 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | put into bottles; "bottle the mineral water"
01502441 35 v 01 bucket 1 002 @ 01494310 v 0000 + 02909870 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | put into a bucket
01502540 35 v 01 barrel 0 003 @ 01494310 v 0000 + 13764764 n 0101 + 02795169 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | put in barrels
01502654 35 v 01 ground 0 002 @ 01494310 v 0000 + 09334396 n 0104 01 + 08 00 | place or put on the ground
01502762 35 v 01 ground 1 002 @ 01301410 v 0000 + 09334396 n 0104 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | confine or restrict to the ground; "After the accident, they grounded the plane and the pilot"
01502946 35 v 02 pillow 0 rest 2 003 @ 01494310 v 0000 + 04081044 n 0201 + 03938244 n 0101 01 + 21 00 | rest on or as if on a pillow; "pillow your head"
01503101 35 v 03 misplace 1 mislay 0 lose 0 001 @ 01494310 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | place (something) where one cannot find it again; "I misplaced my eyeglasses"
01503268 35 v 01 rail 3 002 @ 01544692 v 0000 + 04463679 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | lay with rails; "hundreds of miles were railed out here"
01503404 35 v 03 stack 0 pile 0 heap 0 010 @ 01463963 v 0000 + 07961480 n 0302 ^ 01504298 v 0302 + 07961480 n 0201 ^ 01504298 v 0201 + 07963087 n 0101 + 10644469 n 0101 ^ 01504298 v 0103 ~ 01503736 v 0000 ~ 01503841 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | arrange in stacks; "heap firewood around the fireplace"; "stack your books up on the shelves"
01503736 35 v 01 rick 0 002 @ 01503404 v 0000 + 07963208 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | pile in ricks; "rick hay"
01503841 35 v 01 cord 0 002 @ 01503404 v 0000 + 13602401 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | stack in cords; "cord firewood"
01503952 35 v 01 stack 1 004 @ 01489989 v 0000 + 07963087 n 0101 + 10644469 n 0101 ^ 02281093 v 0106 02 + 08 00 + 31 00 | load or cover with stacks; "stack a truck with boxes"
01504130 35 v 02 stagger 0 distribute 0 001 @ 01463963 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 21 00 | to arrange in a systematic order; "stagger the chairs in the lecture hall"
01504298 35 v 03 pile_up 0 heap_up 0 stack_up 0 001 @ 01380638 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 04 00 + 08 00 + 21 00 | arrange into piles or stacks; "She piled up her books in my living room"
01504480 35 v 02 scuffle 0 tussle 1 004 @ 01090335 v 0000 + 01172441 n 0203 + 00789391 n 0102 + 01172441 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | fight or struggle in a confused way at close quarters; "the drunken men started to scuffle"
01504699 35 v 01 wrestle 0 005 @ 01090335 v 0000 + 00622266 n 0101 + 00622266 n 0102 + 00447540 n 0101 ~ 01504910 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | engage in a wrestling match; "The children wrestled in the garden"
01504910 35 v 02 mudwrestle 0 mud-wrestle 0 001 @ 01504699 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | wrestle in mud; "some people enjoy watching people who mudwrestle"
01505058 35 v 01 struggle 0 003 @ 02531199 v 0000 + 00622068 n 0101 + 10665302 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | to exert strenuous effort against opposition; "he struggled to get free from the rope"
01505254 35 v 05 attract 0 pull 2 pull_in 0 draw 6 draw_in 0 016 $ 01506583 v 0000 $ 02098458 v 0000 @ 01448100 v 0000 + 04019696 n 0201 + 11498040 n 0201 + 00114431 n 0201 + 00170847 a 0101 + 10032676 n 0103 + 06615561 n 0101 + 05850823 n 0101 + 04688246 n 0101 ! 01506157 v 0101 ~ 01452918 v 0000 ~ 01505958 v 0000 ~ 01506583 v 0000 ~ 01808218 v 0000 07 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 + 15 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | direct toward itself or oneself by means of some psychological power or physical attributes; "Her good looks attract the stares of many men"; "The ad pulled in many potential customers"; "This pianist pulls huge crowds"; "The store owner was happy that the ad drew in many new customers"
01505958 35 v 03 catch 7 arrest 1 get 0 001 @ 01505254 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | attract and fix; "His look caught her"; "She caught his eye"; "Catch the attention of the waiter"
01506157 35 v 06 repel 0 drive b repulse 0 force_back 0 push_back 0 beat_back 0 009 @ 01871979 v 0000 + 00980779 n 0502 + 07208000 n 0303 + 00961001 n 0301 + 00798245 n 0204 + 00103834 n 0201 + 00170156 a 0101 ! 01505254 v 0101 $ 01509584 v 0000 07 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 + 16 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | cause to move back by force or influence; "repel the enemy"; "push back the urge to smoke"; "beat back the invaders"
01506583 35 v 02 draw_in 3 retract 0 004 @ 01505254 v 0000 + 00341695 n 0201 $ 01505254 v 0000 ~ 01506812 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | pull inward or towards a center; "The pilot drew in the landing gear"; "The cat retracted his claws"
01506812 35 v 02 invaginate 0 introvert 0 005 @ 01506583 v 0000 + 14062332 n 0202 + 13501941 n 0202 + 13501941 n 0101 ~ 01507006 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | fold inwards; "some organs can invaginate"
01507006 35 v 01 intussuscept 0 002 @ 01506812 v 0000 + 13501941 n 0103 01 + 01 00 | introvert or invaginate; "the intussuscepted gut"
01507143 35 v 03 hurl 0 hurtle 0 cast 0 010 @ 01508368 v 0000 + 00105479 n 0302 + 00454624 n 0301 ^ 01304716 v 0302 + 00105479 n 0101 + 10435988 n 0102 ~ 01507407 v 0000 ~ 01507596 v 0000 ~ 01514348 v 0000 ~ 01616738 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | throw forcefully
01507407 35 v 02 crash 7 dash 2 001 @ 01507143 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 21 00 | hurl or thrust violently; "He dashed the plate against the wall"; "Waves were dashing against the rock"
01507596 35 v 01 precipitate 0 003 @ 01507143 v 0000 + 07434320 n 0101 + 05061149 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | hurl or throw violently; "The bridge broke and precipitated the train into the river below"
01507792 35 v 01 heave 1 003 @ 01508368 v 0000 + 00105271 n 0101 + 00105271 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | throw with great effort
01507914 35 v 02 pelt 0 bombard 0 006 @ 01508368 v 0000 + 10413429 n 0101 + 05045208 n 0102 ~ 01232554 v 0000 ~ 01508166 v 0000 ~ 01508268 v 0000 01 + 17 00 | cast, hurl, or throw repeatedly with some missile; "They pelted each other with snowballs"
01508166 35 v 01 snowball 0 002 @ 01507914 v 0000 + 04251560 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | throw snowballs at
01508268 35 v 01 egg 1 002 @ 01507914 v 0000 + 07840804 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | throw eggs at
01508368 35 v 01 throw 0 023 @ 01511706 v 0000 + 00104539 n 0101 + 10709529 n 0101 ~ 01242689 v 0000 ~ 01406684 v 0000 ~ 01498005 v 0000 ~ 01507143 v 0000 ~ 01507792 v 0000 ~ 01507914 v 0000 ~ 01508884 v 0000 ~ 01509079 v 0000 ~ 01509492 v 0000 ~ 01509584 v 0000 ~ 01509824 v 0000 ~ 01509933 v 0000 ~ 01510082 v 0000 ~ 01512465 v 0000 ~ 01513290 v 0000 ~ 01514525 v 0000 ~ 01515924 v 0000 ~ 01604814 v 0000 ~ 01893465 v 0000 ~ 02231473 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 14 00 + 21 00 | propel through the air; "throw a frisbee"
01508884 35 v 01 defenestrate 0 002 @ 01508368 v 0000 + 00116989 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | throw through or out of the window; "The rebels stormed the palace and defenestrated the President"
01509079 35 v 02 deliver 6 pitch d 003 @ 01508368 v 0000 + 00106272 n 0201 + 10435988 n 0201 01 + 08 00 | throw or hurl from the mound to the batter, as in baseball; "The pitcher delivered the ball"
01509280 35 v 01 strike_out 0 004 @ 02529284 v 0000 ;c 00471613 n 0000 ~ 01409763 v 0000 ~ 01409888 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | put out or be put out by a strikeout; "Oral struck out three batters to close the inning"
01509492 35 v 01 shy 0 002 @ 01508368 v 0000 + 00106888 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | throw quickly
01509584 35 v 01 drive 1 005 $ 01506157 v 0000 $ 01407904 v 0000 @ 01508368 v 0000 + 00572489 n 0101 + 00567044 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to move rapidly by striking or throwing with force; "drive the ball far out into the field"
01509824 35 v 02 deep-six 0 throw_overboard 1 001 @ 01508368 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | throw from a boat
01509933 35 v 01 ridge 1 002 @ 01508368 v 0000 + 13902048 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | throw soil toward (a crop row) from both sides; "He ridged his corn"
01510082 35 v 01 jettison 0 001 @ 01508368 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | throw as from an airplane
01510173 35 v 03 throw 1 flip 1 switch 0 004 @ 01510827 v 0000 + 04372370 n 0301 ~ 01510399 v 0000 ~ 01510576 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cause to go on or to be engaged or set in operation; "switch on the light"; "throw the lever"
01510399 35 v 02 switch_on 0 turn_on 0 002 @ 01510173 v 0000 ! 01510576 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | cause to operate by flipping a switch; "switch on the light"; "turn on the stereo"
01510576 35 v 04 switch_off 0 cut 8 turn_off 0 turn_out 1 003 @ 01510173 v 0000 ! 01510399 v 0101 ~ 00355365 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cause to stop operating by disengaging a switch; "Turn off the stereo, please"; "cut the engine"; "turn out the lights"
01510827 35 v 04 engage 0 mesh 1 lock 1 operate 2 010 @ 01850315 v 0000 + 14008806 n 0401 + 00409211 n 0401 + 07338114 n 0202 + 00140393 n 0201 + 07338114 n 0203 + 07338114 n 0101 ! 01511380 v 0101 ~ 01510173 v 0000 ~ 01511134 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 04 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | keep engaged; "engaged the gears"
01511134 35 v 01 ride 0 001 @ 01510827 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | keep partially engaged by slightly depressing a pedal with the foot; "Don't ride the clutch!"
01511289 35 v 01 unlock 1 001 @ 01511380 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | set free or release
01511380 35 v 02 disengage 0 withdraw 0 006 @ 01474550 v 0000 + 10785203 n 0201 + 00053913 n 0201 + 00390906 n 0102 ! 01510827 v 0101 ~ 01511289 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 04 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | release from something that holds fast, connects, or entangles; "I want to disengage myself from his influence"; "disengage the gears"
01511706 35 v 02 propel 0 impel 0 024 @ 01850315 v 0000 + 00842550 a 0201 + 00104249 n 0202 + 03563460 n 0201 + 00809790 a 0104 + 00809790 a 0102 + 00809790 a 0101 + 00045250 n 0101 + 04011827 n 0101 + 14691822 n 0102 + 14691822 n 0101 + 04011827 n 0102 ~ 01241614 v 0000 ~ 01241753 v 0000 ~ 01241881 v 0000 ~ 01371756 v 0000 ~ 01372189 v 0000 ~ 01405044 v 0000 ~ 01508368 v 0000 ~ 01512259 v 0000 ~ 01514655 v 0000 ~ 01515566 v 0000 ~ 01515791 v 0000 ~ 01604442 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to move forward with force; "Steam propels this ship"
01512259 35 v 01 drive 7 005 @ 01511706 v 0000 + 00567044 n 0101 + 00572489 n 0101 + 10035430 n 0101 + 00298497 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | push, propel, or press with force; "Drive a nail into the wall"
01512465 35 v 01 fling 0 003 @ 01508368 v 0000 + 00105164 n 0101 ~ 01512625 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | throw with force or recklessness; "fling the frisbee"
01512625 35 v 04 flip 0 toss 4 sky 0 pitch 0 008 @ 01512465 v 0000 + 00106104 n 0401 + 00105820 n 0202 + 10717055 n 0201 + 00105820 n 0103 ~ 01512921 v 0000 ~ 01513045 v 0000 ~ 01513145 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | throw or toss with a light motion; "flip me the beachball"; "toss me newspaper"
01512921 35 v 01 submarine 1 002 @ 01512625 v 0000 ;c 00471613 n 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | throw with an underhand motion
01513045 35 v 01 lag 0 001 @ 01512625 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | throw or pitch at a mark, as with coins
01513145 35 v 02 throw_back 0 toss_back 0 001 @ 01512625 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | throw back with a quick, light motion; "She tossed back her head"
01513290 35 v 01 lob 0 003 @ 01508368 v 0000 + 00120804 n 0101 + 00569361 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | propel in a high arc; "lob the tennis ball"
01513430 35 v 08 shed 1 cast 1 cast_off 0 shake_off 0 throw 7 throw_off 0 throw_away 0 drop 1 005 @ 00173338 v 0000 ~ 00009147 v 0000 ~ 01255355 v 0000 ~ 01513838 v 0000 ~ 01513990 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | get rid of; "he shed his image as a pushy boss"; "shed your clothes"
01513710 35 v 01 shell 9 002 @ 00423971 v 0000 + 11683556 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | fall out of the pod or husk; "The corn shelled"
01513838 35 v 01 exfoliate 0 003 @ 01513430 v 0000 + 11445753 n 0101 + 09425607 n 0103 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cast off in scales, laminae, or splinters
01513990 35 v 02 autotomize 0 autotomise 0 002 @ 01513430 v 0000 + 00394242 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | cause a body part to undergo autotomy
01514126 35 v 02 pitch 1 set_up 1 002 @ 01982866 v 0000 ~ 01514248 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | erect and fasten; "pitch a tent"
01514248 35 v 02 camp 0 camp_down 0 001 @ 01514126 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | establish or set up a camp
01514348 35 v 02 sling 0 catapult 1 005 @ 01507143 v 0000 + 04240097 n 0203 + 04240097 n 0102 + 10611988 n 0101 + 00107016 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | hurl as if with a sling
01514525 35 v 02 chuck 0 toss 5 002 @ 01508368 v 0000 + 00105820 n 0202 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | throw carelessly; "chuck the ball"
01514655 35 v 01 launch 0 006 @ 01511706 v 0000 + 00103140 n 0102 + 02982232 n 0102 + 03647520 n 0101 ~ 01514887 v 0000 ~ 01515056 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 21 00 | propel with force; "launch the space shuttle"; "Launch a ship"
01514887 35 v 01 float 4 005 $ 01874568 v 0000 @ 01514655 v 0000 + 03364340 n 0101 + 11527967 n 0102 + 11527967 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | put into the water; "float a ship"
01515056 35 v 01 blast_off 0 002 @ 01514655 v 0000 + 00103590 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | launch with great force; "the rockets were blasted off"
01515196 35 v 02 launch 4 set_in_motion 5 002 @ 01850315 v 0000 ~ 01515415 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 21 00 | get going; give impetus to; "launch a career"; "Her actions set in motion a complicated judicial process"
01515415 35 v 01 launch 2 002 @ 01515196 v 0000 + 00103140 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | launch for the first time; launch on a maiden voyage; "launch a ship"
01515566 35 v 01 catapult 0 003 @ 01511706 v 0000 + 02982232 n 0101 + 02981911 n 0101 05 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 21 00 + 22 00 | shoot forth or launch, as if from a catapult; "the enemy catapulted rocks towards the fort"
01515791 35 v 02 project 0 send_off 0 001 @ 01511706 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | throw, send, or cast forward; "project a missile"
01515924 35 v 03 skim 2 skip 0 skitter 1 001 @ 01508368 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | cause to skip over a surface; "Skip a stone across the pond"
01516071 35 v 01 boost 0 003 @ 01899262 v 0000 + 02872333 n 0101 + 01211339 n 0101 01 + 21 00 | push or shove upward, as if from below or behind; "The singer had to be boosted onto the stage by a special contraption"
01516290 35 v 02 jet 0 gush 0 004 @ 02066939 v 0000 + 03471030 n 0201 + 07436100 n 0101 + 03387926 n 0102 01 + 04 00 | issue in a jet; come out in a jet; stream or spring forth; "Water jetted forth"; "flames were jetting out of the building"
01516534 35 v 03 force 2 drive 0 ram 0 008 $ 02505358 v 0000 @ 01899262 v 0000 + 04050410 n 0301 ^ 00606471 v 0303 + 00798245 n 0204 ^ 01352996 v 0202 ~ 01516865 v 0000 $ 01646300 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | force into or from an action or state, either physically or metaphorically; "She rammed her mind into focus"; "He drives me mad"
01516865 35 v 02 toe 2 toenail 0 001 @ 01516534 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | drive obliquely; "toe a nail"
01516965 35 v 02 wreathe 0 wind 2 001 @ 01517662 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | form into a wreath
01517055 35 v 01 wreathe 1 001 @ 01675963 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | decorate or deck with wreaths; "wreathe the grave site"
01517175 35 v 02 frost 0 ice 0 005 @ 01332730 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 + 07620822 n 0203 + 07620822 n 0202 + 07620822 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | decorate with frosting; "frost a cake"
01517355 35 v 03 encrust 1 incrust 1 beset 0 003 @ 01675963 v 0000 + 03566860 n 0201 + 03566860 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | decorate or cover lavishly (as with gems)
01517515 35 v 01 upend 0 002 @ 01494310 v 0000 + 00335814 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | set, turn, or stand on end; "upend the box and empty the contents"
01517662 35 v 06 intertwine 0 twine 0 entwine 0 enlace 0 interlace 0 lace 1 010 @ 01223182 v 0000 + 04337974 n 0202 + 10734568 n 0201 ! 01518203 v 0201 ~ 01516965 v 0000 $ 01518047 v 0000 ~ 01518343 v 0000 ~ 01518659 v 0000 ~ 01521124 v 0000 ~ 01559868 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | spin,wind, or twist together; "intertwine the ribbons"; "Twine the threads into a rope"; "intertwined hearts"
01518047 35 v 01 twine 1 003 $ 01517662 v 0000 @ 01617192 v 0000 + 10734568 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | make by twisting together or intertwining; "twine a rope"
01518203 35 v 01 untwine 0 002 @ 01368597 v 0000 ! 01517662 v 0102 01 + 08 00 | undo what has been twined together; "untwine the strings"
01518343 35 v 01 wattle 0 002 @ 01517662 v 0000 + 04564118 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | interlace to form wattle
01518449 35 v 01 inweave 0 001 @ 01518924 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | weave together into a fabric or design
01518552 35 v 02 raddle 0 ruddle 0 001 @ 01518924 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | twist or braid together, interlace
01518659 35 v 02 pleach 0 plash 1 001 @ 01517662 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | interlace the shoots of; "pleach a hedge"
01518772 35 v 01 spin 0 003 @ 01223182 v 0000 + 10636340 n 0101 + 00909193 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | work natural fibers into a thread; "spin silk"
01518924 35 v 02 weave 0 interweave 0 009 @ 01223182 v 0000 + 04568298 n 0101 ! 01519321 v 0101 ~ 01387656 v 0000 ~ 01518449 v 0000 ~ 01518552 v 0000 ~ 01519184 v 0000 ~ 01519446 v 0000 ~ 01519569 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | interlace by or as if by weaving
01519184 35 v 01 shoot a 001 @ 01518924 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | variegate by interweaving weft threads of different colors; "shoot cloth"
01519321 35 v 01 unweave 0 002 @ 01368597 v 0000 ! 01518924 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | undo strands that have been woven together
01519446 35 v 01 tinsel 0 002 @ 01518924 v 0000 + 04440059 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | interweave with tinsel; "tinseled velvet"
01519569 35 v 02 braid 0 pleach 1 003 @ 01518924 v 0000 + 05259512 n 0101 ! 01519857 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | form or weave into a braid or braids; "braid hair"
01519727 35 v 01 braid 1 002 @ 01675963 v 0000 + 02889035 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | decorate with braids or ribbons; "braid a collar"
01519857 35 v 01 unbraid 0 002 @ 01519977 v 0000 ! 01519569 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | undo the braids of; "unbraid my hair"
01519977 35 v 01 undo 0 019 @ 00138508 v 0000 + 00235074 n 0101 ~ 01284461 v 0000 ~ 01289871 v 0000 ~ 01328340 v 0000 ~ 01329987 v 0000 ~ 01344293 v 0000 ~ 01366199 v 0000 ~ 01367456 v 0000 ~ 01367760 v 0000 ~ 01368001 v 0000 ~ 01368474 v 0000 ~ 01421417 v 0000 ~ 01519857 v 0000 ~ 01520844 v 0000 ~ 01523823 v 0000 ~ 01548447 v 0000 ~ 01579813 v 0000 ~ 01599225 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cancel, annul, or reverse an action or its effect; "I wish I could undo my actions"
01520454 35 v 02 vandalize 0 vandalise 0 004 @ 01564144 v 0000 + 10746056 n 0201 + 10746056 n 0101 ~ 01520655 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | destroy wantonly, as through acts of vandalism; "vandalize the park"
01520655 35 v 01 key 0 002 @ 01520454 v 0000 + 03613294 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | vandalize a car by scratching the sides with a key; "His new Mercedes was keyed last night in the parking lot"
01520844 35 v 05 unravel 0 unknot 0 unscramble 0 untangle 0 unpick 0 005 * 01556921 v 0000 @ 01519977 v 0000 ! 01521124 v 0203 + 10016954 n 0102 ! 01521124 v 0101 02 + 01 00 + 08 00 | become or cause to become undone by separating the fibers or threads of; "unravel the thread"
01521124 35 v 03 ravel 0 tangle 3 knot 2 007 @ 01517662 v 0000 + 13885836 n 0301 ! 01520844 v 0302 + 05685879 n 0201 + 07443010 n 0103 ! 01521367 v 0102 ! 01520844 v 0101 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 21 00 | tangle or complicate; "a ravelled story"
01521367 35 v 03 ravel 1 unravel 1 ravel_out 0 007 @ 01463520 v 0000 + 10016954 n 0203 + 10016954 n 0202 + 07443010 n 0103 + 15002959 n 0102 + 15002959 n 0101 ! 01521124 v 0201 01 + 08 00 | disentangle; "can you unravel the mystery?"
01521603 35 v 02 lace 0 lace_up 0 006 * 01340439 v 0000 @ 01285440 v 0000 + 03631445 n 0101 + 10242439 n 0101 + 03631445 n 0102 ~ 01521813 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | draw through eyes or holes; "lace the shoelaces"
01521813 35 v 01 relace 0 001 @ 01521603 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | lace again; "She relaced her boots"
01521912 35 v 01 thread 0 003 @ 01212230 v 0000 + 04426788 n 0101 + 02861509 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | pass a thread through; "thread a needle"
01522052 35 v 02 wind 0 wind_up 0 005 * 01907258 v 0000 @ 00420132 v 0000 + 00345641 n 0101 + 10781984 n 0101 + 04586581 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | coil the spring of (some mechanical device) by turning a stem; "wind your watch"
01522276 35 v 04 wind 6 wrap 2 roll 0 twine 3 013 @ 01850315 v 0000 + 03150232 n 0303 + 07441619 n 0303 ^ 00435688 v 0301 ^ 00435688 v 0202 + 04586421 n 0101 + 10781984 n 0101 ! 01523654 v 0101 ~ 01522878 v 0000 ~ 01523105 v 0000 ~ 01523270 v 0000 ~ 01523401 v 0000 ~ 01523986 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | arrange or or coil around; "roll your hair around your finger"; "Twine the thread around the spool"; "She wrapped her arms around the child"
01522716 35 v 02 encircle c circle c 003 @ 00142191 v 0000 + 13873917 n 0201 + 00954086 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | form a circle around; "encircle the errors"
01522878 35 v 01 spool 0 003 @ 01522276 v 0000 + 02860415 n 0102 ~ 01523004 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | wind onto a spool or a reel
01523004 35 v 01 cheese 0 001 @ 01522878 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | wind onto a cheese; "cheese the yarn"
01523105 35 v 01 reel 0 005 @ 01522276 v 0000 + 04067658 n 0101 + 02860415 n 0103 + 04067472 n 0101 ~ 01523520 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 01 | wind onto or off a reel
01523270 35 v 01 ball 0 002 @ 01522276 v 0000 + 05576194 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | form into a ball by winding or rolling; "ball wool"
01523401 35 v 02 clue 0 clew 0 002 @ 01522276 v 0000 + 07961379 n 0201 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | roll into a ball
01523520 35 v 02 reel_off 0 unreel 0 001 @ 01523105 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | unwind from or as if from a reel; "unreel the tape"
01523654 35 v 03 unwind 6 wind_off 0 unroll 0 002 @ 01850315 v 0000 ! 01522276 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | reverse the winding or twisting of; "unwind a ball of yarn"
01523823 35 v 02 unwind 0 disentangle 1 004 @ 01519977 v 0000 + 01244593 n 0203 ~ 01487185 v 0000 ~ 01524199 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 08 00 | separate the tangles of
01523986 35 v 03 coil 0 loop 0 curl 1 006 @ 01522276 v 0000 + 13875970 n 0304 + 13875571 n 0201 + 13875970 n 0101 + 03065424 n 0101 ! 01524199 v 0101 02 + 04 00 + 21 00 | wind around something in coils or loops
01524199 35 v 01 uncoil 0 002 @ 01523823 v 0000 ! 01523986 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | unwind or untwist
01524298 35 v 06 jam 0 jampack 0 ram 3 chock_up 0 cram 0 wad 0 004 $ 01612295 v 0000 @ 01524871 v 0000 + 13774404 n 061b + 08183398 n 0102 03 + 08 00 + 21 00 + 31 00 | crowd or pack to capacity; "the theater was jampacked"
01524523 35 v 04 deluge 0 flood 0 inundate 0 swamp 0 008 @ 00452512 v 0000 + 13775706 n 0302 + 11454591 n 0302 + 01257542 n 0201 + 11454591 n 0201 + 00702418 n 0202 ^ 02007680 v 0201 + 11502102 n 0103 02 + 08 00 + 31 00 | fill quickly beyond capacity; as with a liquid; "the basement was inundated after the storm"; "The images flooded his mind"
01524871 35 v 01 stuff 0 004 @ 01612295 v 0000 ~ 01524298 v 0000 ~ 01525066 v 0000 ~ 01526956 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 21 00 + 31 00 | cram into a cavity; "The child stuffed candy into his pockets"
01525066 35 v 01 overstuff 0 001 @ 01524871 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | stuff too much; "The pillow was overstuffed"
01525177 35 v 01 jam 1 001 @ 01525295 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | get stuck and immobilized; "the mechanism jammed"
01525295 35 v 02 malfunction 0 misfunction 0 004 @ 00434374 v 0000 + 07318476 n 0101 ! 01525666 v 0101 ~ 01525177 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | fail to function or function improperly; "the coffee maker malfunctioned"
01525505 35 v 01 double 1 001 @ 01525666 v 0000 01 + 03 00 | do double duty; serve two purposes or have two functions; "She doubles as his wife and secretary"
01525666 35 v 05 function 0 work 2 operate 3 go 0 run 0 013 $ 01526290 v 0000 + 01091728 a 0302 + 00832609 a 0301 + 13525549 n 0301 + 00577068 n 0301 + 13525549 n 0102 ! 01525295 v 0101 ~ 01525505 v 0000 ~ 01526139 v 0000 ~ 01526290 v 0000 ~ 01611123 v 0000 $ 02444159 v 0000 ~ 02541251 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | perform as expected when applied; "The washing machine won't go unless it's plugged in"; "Does this old car still run well?"; "This old radio doesn't work anymore"
01526139 35 v 01 roll 1 001 @ 01525666 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | begin operating or running; "The cameras were rolling"; "The presses are already rolling"
01526290 35 v 01 run 4 004 @ 01525666 v 0000 + 14009481 n 0101 ! 01526483 v 0101 $ 01525666 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | be operating, running or functioning; "The car is still running--turn it off!"
01526483 35 v 02 idle 0 tick_over 0 001 ! 01526290 v 0101 01 + 01 00 | run disconnected or idle; "the engine is idling"
01526605 35 v 03 go_on 0 come_up 0 come_on 0 002 @ 01864230 v 0000 ! 01526792 v 0101 01 + 01 00 | start running, functioning, or operating; "the lights went on"; "the computer came up"
01526792 35 v 01 go_off 0 002 @ 01860795 v 0000 ! 01526605 v 0101 01 + 01 00 | stop running, functioning, or operating; "Our power went off during the hurricane"
01526956 35 v 02 pad 0 fill_out 0 004 @ 01524871 v 0000 + 03872495 n 0101 + 03873064 n 0101 ~ 01527135 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 31 00 | line or stuff with soft material; "pad a bra"
01527135 35 v 01 rat 1 002 @ 01526956 v 0000 + 04055030 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | give (hair) the appearance of being fuller by using a rat
01527271 35 v 03 wedge 0 squeeze 3 force 0 005 @ 01850315 v 0000 + 13919547 n 0101 + 04569520 n 0101 ~ 01343482 v 0000 ~ 01389329 v 0000 02 + 20 00 + 21 00 | squeeze like a wedge into a tight space; "I squeezed myself into the corner"
01527508 35 v 02 dislodge 1 bump 1 003 @ 02013571 v 0000 + 00395199 n 0102 ~ 01527754 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | remove or force from a position of dwelling previously occupied; "The new employee dislodged her by moving into her office space"
01527754 35 v 01 throw 6 001 @ 01527508 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | cause to fall off; "The horse threw its inexperienced rider"
01527877 35 v 02 exorcise 0 exorcize 0 004 @ 01468576 v 0000 ;c 08081668 n 0000 + 05978472 n 0201 + 10072054 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | expel through adjuration or prayers; "exorcise evil spirits"
01528069 35 v 04 lodge 0 wedge 1 stick 2 deposit 0 006 @ 01340439 v 0000 ^ 02713372 v 0301 + 04777634 n 0102 + 04777634 n 0103 ! 01528522 v 0101 ~ 01576001 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | put, fix, force, or implant; "lodge a bullet in the table"; "stick your thumb in the crack"
01528339 35 v 01 lounge 0 004 @ 01543123 v 0000 + 03692004 n 0101 + 04062428 n 0103 + 04256520 n 0103 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | sit or recline comfortably; "He was lounging on the sofa"
01528522 35 v 02 dislodge 0 free 2 002 @ 00173338 v 0000 ! 01528069 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | remove or force out from a position; "The dentist dislodged the piece of food that had been stuck under my gums"; "He finally could free the legs of the earthquake victim who was buried in the rubble"
01528821 35 v 05 implant 0 engraft 0 embed 0 imbed 0 plant 1 009 @ 01421622 v 0000 + 01052450 n 0501 + 13496286 n 0101 + 00677808 n 0101 + 01052618 n 0101 + 03563710 n 0101 ~ 01529491 v 0000 ~ 01529766 v 0000 ~ 01530098 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | fix or set securely or deeply; "He planted a knee in the back of his opponent"; "The dentist implanted a tooth in the gum"
01529194 35 v 01 root 4 002 @ 01567275 v 0000 + 13125117 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | plant by the roots
01529292 35 v 01 puddle 4 001 @ 01567275 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | dip into mud before planting; "puddle young plants"
01529407 35 v 01 checkrow 0 001 @ 01567275 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | plant in checkrows
01529491 35 v 01 pot 0 003 @ 01528821 v 0000 + 03991062 n 0101 ~ 01529624 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | plant in a pot; "He potted the palm"
01529624 35 v 01 repot 0 001 @ 01529491 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | put in a new, usually larger, pot; "The plant had grown and had to be repotted"
01529766 35 v 01 nest 0 003 @ 01528821 v 0000 + 01514926 n 0101 + 03819336 n 0101 01 + 21 00 | fit together or fit inside; "nested bowls"
01529906 35 v 01 sandwich 0 001 @ 01421622 v 0000 02 + 20 00 + 21 00 | insert or squeeze tightly between two people or objects; "She was sandwiched in her airplane seat between two fat men"
01530098 35 v 02 bury 1 sink 0 002 @ 01528821 v 0000 ~ 01530273 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | embed deeply; "She sank her fingers into the soft sand"; "He buried his head in her lap"
01530273 35 v 02 set 5 countersink 0 002 @ 01530098 v 0000 + 03118051 n 0201 01 + 08 00 | insert (a nail or screw below the surface, as into a countersink)
01530431 35 v 02 transplant 0 graft 1 007 * 01831531 v 0000 @ 01421622 v 0000 + 05582859 n 0201 + 00379588 n 0202 + 05582859 n 0102 + 00693679 n 0101 + 00693679 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | place the organ of a donor into the body of a recipient
01530678 35 v 03 graft 0 engraft 1 ingraft 1 003 @ 01291069 v 0000 + 00379588 n 0101 + 00379588 n 0102 01 + 15 00 | cause to grow together parts from different plants; "graft the cherry tree branch onto the plum tree"
01530898 35 v 02 ingrain 0 grain 0 001 @ 01227675 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | thoroughly work in; "His hands were grained with dirt"
01531025 35 v 02 entrench 0 intrench 0 001 @ 01340439 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | fix firmly or securely
01531124 35 v 02 entrench 1 dig_in 0 001 + 03291551 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | occupy a trench or secured area; "The troops dug in for the night"
01531265 35 v 03 emboss 0 boss 0 stamp 3 007 @ 01531742 v 0000 + 04299963 n 0301 + 04159058 n 0302 + 06855207 n 0301 + 03626115 n 0202 + 04073669 n 0104 ~ 01531492 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | raise in a relief; "embossed stationery"
01531492 35 v 01 block 3 001 @ 01531265 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | stamp or emboss a title or design on a book with a block; "block the book cover"
01531635 35 v 01 tease 2 002 * 01243809 v 0000 @ 00356258 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | raise the nap of (fabrics)
01531742 35 v 02 impress 0 imprint 0 006 * 01447257 v 0000 @ 00356258 v 0000 + 06855432 n 0201 + 00113532 n 0101 ~ 01273016 v 0000 ~ 01531265 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | mark or stamp with or as if with pressure; "To make a batik, you impress a design with wax"
01531998 35 v 04 spot 0 fleck 0 blob 0 blot 1 011 $ 00286605 v 0000 @ 00356258 v 0000 + 04694441 n 0403 + 13910019 n 0301 + 04682462 n 0205 + 04694441 n 0102 + 00276813 n 0102 ~ 01532329 v 0000 ~ 01537409 v 0000 ~ 01538310 v 0000 ~ 01538629 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make a spot or mark onto; "The wine spotted the tablecloth"
01532329 35 v 01 splotch 0 002 @ 01531998 v 0000 + 04694809 n 0103 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | blotch or spot
01532434 35 v 01 clean 2 003 @ 00173338 v 0000 + 00251013 n 0101 $ 01533442 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | remove while making clean; "Clean the spots off the rug"
01532589 35 v 02 clean 0 make_clean 0 022 $ 01533442 v 0000 $ 02741960 v 0000 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 09927305 n 0101 + 09927089 n 0101 + 03040587 n 0103 + 00251013 n 0101 ! 01534147 v 0101 ~ 00089324 v 0000 ~ 01243982 v 0000 ~ 01244351 v 0000 ~ 01244853 v 0000 ~ 01245052 v 0000 ~ 01245229 v 0000 ~ 01245325 v 0000 ~ 01392080 v 0000 ~ 01393996 v 0000 ~ 01533166 v 0000 ~ 01533324 v 0000 ~ 01534043 v 0000 ~ 01535117 v 0000 ~ 01535246 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make clean by removing dirt, filth, or unwanted substances from; "Clean the stove!"; "The dentist cleaned my teeth"
01533166 35 v 02 wash_up 2 do_the_dishes 0 002 @ 01532589 v 0000 + 00255600 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | wash dishes; "I cook and my husband washes up after dinner"
01533324 35 v 01 pipe-clay 0 001 @ 01532589 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | whiten or clean with pipe-clay; "pipe-clay leather"
01533442 35 v 03 houseclean 0 clean_house 0 clean 1 008 $ 01532434 v 0000 @ 00275843 v 0000 + 09927089 n 0301 + 00251013 n 0301 + 00580370 n 0101 $ 01532589 v 0000 ~ 01533715 v 0000 ~ 01533851 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | clean and tidy up the house; "She housecleans every week"
01533715 35 v 02 G.I. 0 GI 0 001 @ 01533442 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | clean in preparation for inspection; "the soldiers GIed the barracks"
01533851 35 v 01 spring-clean 0 002 @ 01533442 v 0000 + 00251636 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | thoroughly clean the entire house, often done only once a year; "she started spring-cleaning on April 1"
01534043 35 v 01 scavenge 0 001 @ 01532589 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | clean refuse from; "Scavenge a street"
01534147 35 v 06 dirty 0 soil 0 begrime 0 grime 0 colly 0 bemire 0 016 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 14498096 n 0403 + 14498096 n 0204 + 00276620 n 0202 + 00276620 n 0201 + 00276620 n 0103 ! 01532589 v 0101 ~ 00492310 v 0000 ~ 00492706 v 0000 ~ 01252425 v 0000 ~ 01252730 v 0000 ~ 01252875 v 0000 ~ 01534609 v 0000 ~ 01534745 v 0000 ~ 01535002 v 0000 ~ 01538161 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make soiled, filthy, or dirty; "don't soil your clothes when you play outside!"
01534609 35 v 01 splash 4 003 @ 01534147 v 0000 + 00278221 n 0101 + 00717748 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | soil or stain with a splashed liquid
01534745 35 v 04 mire 0 muck 0 mud 0 muck_up 0 004 @ 01534147 v 0000 + 14956325 n 0301 + 14956661 n 0208 + 09355850 n 0101 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | soil with mud, muck, or mire; "The child mucked up his shirt while playing ball in the garden"
01535002 35 v 01 crock 0 002 @ 01534147 v 0000 + 03133415 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | soil with or as with crock
01535117 35 v 01 dry_clean 0 003 @ 01532589 v 0000 + 09927305 n 0102 + 00252169 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | clean with chemical agents
01535246 35 v 02 wash 0 launder 0 020 $ 02742842 v 0000 @ 01532589 v 0000 + 03648219 n 0201 + 03648066 n 0201 + 02533810 a 0101 + 03648219 n 0102 + 00255710 n 0101 + 10768903 n 0101 + 04554684 n 0101 ~ 01270116 v 0000 $ 01270199 v 0000 ~ 01535742 v 0000 ~ 01535915 v 0000 ~ 01536076 v 0000 ~ 01536168 v 0000 ~ 01536663 v 0000 ~ 01536776 v 0000 ~ 01536925 v 0000 ~ 01537114 v 0000 ~ 01537271 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cleanse with a cleaning agent, such as soap, and water; "Wash the towels, please!"
01535742 35 v 01 wash_out 1 002 $ 00557686 v 0000 @ 01535246 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | wash free from unwanted substances, such as dirt; "Wash out your dirty shirt in the sink"
01535915 35 v 02 pressure-wash 0 powerwash 0 001 @ 01535246 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | wash before painting to remove old paint and mildew; "pressure-wash the house"
01536076 35 v 01 suds 0 002 @ 01535246 v 0000 + 09439213 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | wash in suds
01536168 35 v 02 rinse 0 rinse_off 0 004 @ 01535246 v 0000 + 00396642 n 0101 + 00396642 n 0102 ~ 00455529 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 | wash off soap or remaining dirt
01536344 35 v 01 wash 1 004 * 01536168 v 0000 @ 01458973 v 0000 $ 01270199 v 0000 ~ 01536508 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | separate dirt or gravel from (precious minerals)
01536508 35 v 03 pan 0 pan_out 0 pan_off 0 002 @ 01536344 v 0000 + 03880323 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | wash dirt in a pan to separate out the precious minerals
01536663 35 v 01 cradle 1 002 @ 01535246 v 0000 + 04098795 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | wash in a cradle; "cradle gold"
01536776 35 v 02 stonewash 0 stone-wash 0 001 @ 01535246 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | wash with stones to achieve a worn appearance; "stonewash blue jeans"
01536925 35 v 02 handwash 0 hand-wash 0 002 @ 01535246 v 0000 ! 01537114 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | wash or launder by hand instead of with a machine; "This delicate sweater must be handwashed"
01537114 35 v 02 machine_wash 0 machine-wash 0 002 @ 01535246 v 0000 ! 01536925 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | wash by machine; "Can these shirts be machine-washed?"
01537271 35 v 01 acid-wash 0 001 @ 01535246 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | wash with acid so as to achieve a bleached look; "acid-wash blue jeans"
01537409 35 v 05 tarnish 0 stain 5 maculate 0 sully 0 defile 0 007 @ 01531998 v 0000 + 05244934 n 0302 + 00276813 n 0303 + 06794666 n 0204 + 00072261 n 0205 + 04695963 n 0101 ~ 01537829 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make dirty or spotty, as by exposure to air; also used metaphorically; "The silver was tarnished by the long exposure to the air"; "Her reputation was sullied after the affair with a married man"
01537829 35 v 01 darken 0 001 @ 01537409 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | tarnish or stain; "a scandal that darkened the family's good name"
01537959 35 v 05 defile 1 sully 1 corrupt 0 taint 0 cloud 0 002 @ 00477941 v 0000 + 13982999 n 0501 03 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | place under suspicion or cast doubt upon; "sully someone's reputation"
01538161 35 v 02 blemish 0 spot 1 002 @ 01534147 v 0000 + 04692157 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | mar or impair with a flaw; "her face was blemished"
01538310 35 v 02 speckle 0 bespeckle 0 002 @ 01531998 v 0000 + 04682462 n 0102 01 + 11 00 | mark with small spots; "speckle the wall with tiny yellow spots"
01538469 35 v 02 stipple 0 speckle 1 002 @ 00510364 v 0000 + 04682462 n 0202 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | produce a mottled effect; "The sunlight stippled the trees"
01538629 35 v 02 spatter 1 bespatter 0 002 @ 01531998 v 0000 + 00717748 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | spot, splash, or soil; "The baby spattered the bib with food"
01538785 35 v 01 spat 1 002 @ 01290422 v 0000 + 01956344 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | become permanently attached; "mollusks or oysters spat"
01538928 35 v 01 blot 0 003 @ 01539063 v 0000 + 04694441 n 0103 + 14781752 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | dry (ink) with blotting paper
01539063 35 v 09 absorb 0 suck 0 imbibe 1 soak_up 0 sop_up 0 suck_up 0 draw 4 take_in 4 take_up 3 011 ^ 01505254 v 0705 ^ 01282142 v 0702 + 10034201 n 0302 + 00842692 n 0202 + 09921409 n 0207 ^ 01282142 v 0201 + 13423922 n 0101 + 14598079 n 0101 ~ 01393339 v 0000 ~ 01538928 v 0000 ~ 01539487 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | take in, also metaphorically; "The sponge absorbs water well"; "She drew strength from the minister's words"
01539487 35 v 01 sponge_up 0 001 @ 01539063 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 10 00 | absorb as if with a sponge; "sponge up the spilled milk on the counter"
01539633 35 v 01 absorb 1 010 @ 01540449 v 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 00006336 a 0102 + 00006336 a 0101 + 13423922 n 0101 + 14597628 n 0101 + 14597413 n 0102 + 14598079 n 0101 ~ 01539913 v 0000 ~ 01540042 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become imbued; "The liquids, light, and gases absorb"
01539913 35 v 02 reabsorb 0 resorb 0 003 @ 01539633 v 0000 + 13550504 n 0201 + 13550504 n 0102 01 + 01 00 | undergo resorption
01540042 35 v 02 assimilate 0 imbibe 0 005 @ 01539633 v 0000 + 13496017 n 0201 + 00006885 a 0102 + 00006885 a 0103 + 13434688 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | take (gas, light or heat) into a solution
01540232 35 v 01 adsorb 0 007 @ 01540449 v 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 00008877 a 0101 + 00008206 a 0102 + 00008206 a 0101 + 13427789 n 0101 + 14598525 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | accumulate (liquids or gases) on the surface
01540449 35 v 02 sorb 0 take_up 4 007 @ 00146138 v 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 13558490 n 0101 + 14597158 n 0101 ~ 01539633 v 0000 ~ 01540232 v 0000 ~ 01599666 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | take up a liquid or a gas either by adsorption or by absorption
01540693 35 v 03 aspirate 0 draw_out 0 suck_out 0 002 $ 01282142 v 0000 @ 00173338 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove as if by suction; "aspirate the wound"
01540844 35 v 02 take_in 2 take_up 1 002 @ 02210119 v 0000 ~ 02237024 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | accept; "The cloth takes up the liquid"
01541000 35 v 01 incorporate 0 003 @ 01214786 v 0000 + 02535831 a 0101 + 01238267 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | unite or merge with something already in existence; "incorporate this document with those pertaining to the same case"
01541231 35 v 01 work e 002 @ 01850315 v 0000 ~ 01541467 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 22 00 | move into or onto; "work the raisins into the dough"; "the student worked a few jokes into his presentation"; "work the body onto the flatbed truck"
01541467 35 v 01 stir 4 001 @ 01541231 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | mix or add by stirring; "Stir nuts into the dough"
01541579 35 v 03 spill 0 shed 0 disgorge 0 003 @ 01850315 v 0000 ~ 01542056 v 0000 $ 01542207 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | cause or allow (a solid substance) to flow or run out or over; "spill the beans all over the table"
01541803 35 v 03 spill 1 shed 2 pour_forth 0 003 @ 02069551 v 0000 + 00329619 n 0101 + 15049594 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | pour out in drops or small quantities or as if in drops or small quantities; "shed tears"; "spill blood"; "God shed His grace on Thee"
01542056 35 v 01 seed 0 003 @ 01541579 v 0000 + 11683989 n 0101 ~ 01501575 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | go to seed; shed seeds; "The dandelions went to seed"
01542207 35 v 03 spill 4 slop 0 splatter 0 008 $ 01541579 v 0000 $ 02069888 v 0000 @ 01850315 v 0000 + 04277034 n 0102 + 00329619 n 0101 + 15049594 n 0101 + 10587378 n 0102 + 00329619 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | cause or allow (a liquid substance) to run or flow from a container; "spill the milk"; "splatter water"
01542525 35 v 01 drape 0 003 * 01277974 v 0000 @ 01463963 v 0000 + 04930139 n 0101 01 + 21 00 | arrange in a particular way; "drape a cloth"
01542668 35 v 03 hang 2 fall 0 flow 4 001 + 04931837 n 0101 01 + 06 00 | fall or flow in a certain way; "This dress hangs well"; "Her long black hair flowed down her back"
01542842 35 v 01 trail 5 001 $ 01453969 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | hang down so as to drag along the ground; "The bride's veiled trailed along the ground"
01543000 35 v 01 drape 1 001 @ 01463963 v 0000 02 + 20 00 + 21 00 | place casually; "The cat draped herself on the sofa"
01543123 35 v 02 sit 0 sit_down 3 012 $ 01984902 v 0000 $ 01543998 v 0000 * 01984902 v 0000 + 00344259 n 0101 ! 01546111 v 0101 ! 01547001 v 0101 ^ 00670179 v 0101 ^ 01984902 v 0101 ~ 01528339 v 0000 ~ 01543426 v 0000 ~ 01543731 v 0000 ~ 01545314 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | be seated
01543426 35 v 01 sprawl 0 006 @ 01543123 v 0000 @ 01547001 v 0000 + 05082337 n 0101 + 10640968 n 0101 + 05082337 n 0102 ~ 01543626 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | sit or lie with one's limbs spread out
01543626 35 v 01 spread-eagle 0 001 @ 01543426 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | stand with arms and legs spread out
01543731 35 v 03 perch 0 roost 0 rest 1 007 @ 01543123 v 0000 + 04081044 n 0301 + 04107870 n 0201 + 04107984 n 0201 + 03914919 n 0101 + 09627017 n 0101 + 01523656 n 0104 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | sit, as on a branch; "The birds perched high in the tree"
01543998 35 v 03 seat 0 sit 1 sit_down 0 008 > 01543123 v 0000 @ 01494310 v 0000 + 04161358 n 0101 + 04161981 n 0101 + 08647616 n 0101 + 01210699 n 0101 $ 01543123 v 0000 ~ 01544558 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 20 00 | show to a seat; assign a seat for; "The host seated me next to Mrs. Smith"
01544285 35 v 01 seat 2 002 > 01543123 v 0000 @ 01494310 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 20 00 | place in or on a seat; "the mother seated the toddler on the high chair"
01544445 35 v 01 unseat 0 001 @ 01850315 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 20 00 | dislodge from one's seat, as from a horse
01544558 35 v 01 reseat 0 001 @ 01543998 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 20 00 | show to a different seat; "The usher insisted on reseating us"
01544692 35 v 03 lay 0 put_down 0 repose 1 012 > 01547001 v 0000 @ 01494310 v 0000 ^ 02663643 v 0301 ^ 01494310 v 0201 ^ 01469263 v 0103 ^ 02305856 v 0104 ^ 02265979 v 0102 ~ 01503268 v 0000 ~ 01545079 v 0000 ~ 01545208 v 0000 ~ 02456493 v 0000 ~ 02456851 v 0000 02 + 20 00 + 21 00 | put in a horizontal position; "lay the books on the table"; "lay the patient carefully onto the bed"
01545079 35 v 01 lay 2 003 @ 01544692 v 0000 + 01793159 n 0101 ~ 00056683 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | lay eggs; "This hen doesn't lay"
01545208 35 v 01 blow 8 001 @ 01544692 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | lay eggs; "certain insects are said to blow"
01545314 35 v 06 squat 0 crouch 0 scrunch 2 scrunch_up 1 hunker 0 hunker_down 0 004 @ 01543123 v 0000 + 00344942 n 0101 + 00630071 n 0102 + 00344942 n 0102 03 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 22 00 | sit on one's heels; "In some cultures, the women give birth while squatting"; "The children hunkered down to protect themselves from the sandstorm"
01545649 35 v 01 kneel 0 005 @ 01545883 v 0000 + 10238272 n 0101 + 03623073 n 0101 + 00337078 n 0102 + 00337078 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | rest one's weight on one's knees; "In church you have to kneel during parts of the service"
01545883 35 v 01 rest 0 007 @ 02604760 v 0000 + 14012501 n 0101 + 10524973 n 0101 ^ 01590007 v 0102 ^ 02663643 v 0102 ~ 01545649 v 0000 ~ 01546111 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | not move; be in a resting position
01546111 35 v 02 stand 0 stand_up 0 014 * 01983264 v 0000 $ 01546768 v 0000 @ 01545883 v 0000 + 08653706 n 0101 + 10647745 n 0101 + 10648033 n 0101 + 00349080 n 0101 + 05082507 n 0101 ! 01543123 v 0101 ! 01547001 v 0101 ^ 01983264 v 0105 ~ 01546513 v 0000 ~ 01546633 v 0000 ~ 02036755 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | be standing; be upright; "We had to stand for the entire performance!"
01546513 35 v 01 ramp 0 001 @ 01546111 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | stand with arms or forelegs raised, as if menacing
01546633 35 v 01 stand_back 0 001 @ 01546111 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | stand away from an object or person; "He stood back to look at her"
01546768 35 v 03 stand 1 stand_up 3 place_upright 0 005 > 01546111 v 0000 @ 01494310 v 0000 + 08653706 n 0101 + 04301242 n 0101 $ 01546111 v 0000 02 + 20 00 + 21 00 | put into an upright position; "Can you stand the bookshelf up?"
01547001 35 v 01 lie 0 012 * 01985029 v 0000 $ 01985029 v 0000 + 08624196 n 0101 ! 01546111 v 0101 ! 01543123 v 0101 ~ 00104147 v 0000 ~ 01543426 v 0000 ~ 01547390 v 0000 ~ 01547797 v 0000 ~ 01547925 v 0000 ~ 01548072 v 0000 ~ 01548181 v 0000 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | be lying, be prostrate; be in a horizontal position; "The sick man lay in bed all day"; "the books are lying on the shelf"
01547390 35 v 03 recumb 0 repose 2 recline 0 006 @ 01547001 v 0000 + 00341548 n 0301 + 01064148 n 0203 + 01238201 a 0103 ~ 00014405 v 0000 $ 01547641 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | lean in a comfortable resting position; "He was reposing on the couch"
01547641 35 v 01 recline 3 003 $ 01547390 v 0000 @ 01494310 v 0000 + 04062428 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | cause to recline; "She reclined her head on the pillow"
01547797 35 v 01 overlie 1 001 @ 01547001 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | lie upon; lie on top of; "the granite overlies the older rocks"
01547925 35 v 01 lie_awake 0 001 @ 01547001 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | lie without sleeping; "She was so worried, she lay awake all night long"
01548072 35 v 01 repose 0 001 @ 01547001 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | lie when dead; "Mao reposes in his mausoleum"
01548181 35 v 01 bask 0 001 @ 01547001 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | be exposed; "The seals were basking in the sun"
01548290 35 v 02 buckle 0 clasp 2 004 @ 01340439 v 0000 + 03038281 n 0201 + 02910353 n 0101 ! 01548447 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | fasten with a buckle or buckles
01548447 35 v 01 unbuckle 0 002 @ 01519977 v 0000 ! 01548290 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | undo the buckle of; "Unbuckle your seat belt"
01548576 35 v 02 brooch 0 clasp 3 003 @ 01340439 v 0000 + 03038281 n 0201 + 02906438 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | fasten with or as if with a brooch
01548718 35 v 05 erase 0 rub_out 0 score_out 0 efface 0 wipe_off 1 008 * 01249724 v 0000 @ 01549187 v 0000 + 06389230 n 0101 + 00397760 n 0103 + 06428646 n 0101 + 03294833 n 0101 ~ 01549057 v 0000 ~ 01549719 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | remove by or as if by rubbing or erasing; "Please erase the formula on the blackboard--it is wrong!"
01549057 35 v 01 sponge 1 002 @ 01548718 v 0000 + 14597758 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | erase with a sponge; as of words on a blackboard
01549187 35 v 02 delete 0 cancel 0 005 @ 00173338 v 0000 + 06428216 n 0101 + 00394610 n 0101 ~ 01548718 v 0000 ~ 01549420 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | remove or make invisible; "Please delete my name from your list"
01549420 35 v 04 strike 8 scratch 7 expunge 0 excise 0 004 @ 01549187 v 0000 + 06428216 n 0402 + 00397760 n 0301 + 00397760 n 0302 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | remove by erasing or crossing out or as if by drawing a line; "Please strike this remark from the record"; "scratch that remark"
01549719 35 v 02 scratch_out 0 cut_out 1 001 @ 01548718 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 21 00 | strike or cancel by or as if by rubbing or crossing out; "scratch out my name on that list"
01549905 35 v 03 deface 0 disfigure 0 blemish 1 008 @ 00477941 v 0000 + 04692157 n 0301 + 04691178 n 0201 + 00403466 n 0202 + 04691178 n 0202 + 00403466 n 0101 ~ 01232098 v 0000 ~ 01551195 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | mar or spoil the appearance of; "scars defaced her cheeks"; "The vandals disfigured the statue"
01550220 35 v 01 dissect 0 004 @ 01552519 v 0000 + 00387214 n 0101 ~ 01550403 v 0000 ~ 01550594 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | cut open or cut apart; "dissect the bodies for analysis"
01550403 35 v 01 vivisect 0 002 @ 01550220 v 0000 + 00716777 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | cut (a body) open while still alive; "people no longer vivisect animals--it's considered unethical"
01550594 35 v 02 anatomize 0 anatomise 0 004 @ 01550220 v 0000 + 06057539 n 0201 + 00646187 n 0201 + 06057539 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | dissect in order to analyze; "anatomize the bodies of the victims of this strange disease"
01550817 35 v 01 bisect 0 002 @ 01552519 v 0000 + 00386450 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cut in half or cut in two; "bisect a line"
01550949 35 v 01 transect 0 001 @ 01552519 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cut across or divide transversely; "the trails transect the property"
01551092 35 v 01 trisect 0 001 @ 01552519 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cut in three; "trisect a line"
01551195 35 v 04 scar 0 mark 2 pock 0 pit 0 011 $ 01275762 v 0000 @ 01549905 v 0000 * 01555742 v 0000 + 13872211 n 0401 + 13537894 n 0401 + 14334511 n 0301 + 04693900 n 0204 + 04693900 n 0103 + 14363483 n 0101 ~ 01551530 v 0000 ~ 01551679 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | mark with a scar; "The skin disease scarred his face permanently"
01551530 35 v 01 pockmark 0 001 @ 01551195 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | mark with or as if with pockmarks; "Her face was pockmarked by the disease"
01551679 35 v 02 cicatrize 0 cicatrise 0 003 @ 01551195 v 0000 + 14363483 n 0202 + 14363483 n 0102 01 + 01 00 | form a scar, after an injury; "the skin will cicatrize and it will heal soon"
01551871 35 v 03 sculpt 0 sculpture 0 grave 1 008 $ 01684337 v 0000 @ 01256157 v 0000 + 00937656 n 0201 + 04157320 n 0201 + 10566072 n 0202 + 04157320 n 0101 + 00937656 n 0101 + 10566072 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | shape (a material like stone or wood) by whittling away at it; "She is sculpting the block of marble into an image of her husband"
01552219 35 v 02 whittle 0 pare 1 003 @ 01552519 v 0000 + 09385137 n 0201 + 10779775 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | cut small bits or pare shavings from; "whittle a piece of wood"
01552390 35 v 03 whittle_away 0 whittle_down 0 wear_away 2 001 @ 00258857 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cut away in small pieces
01552519 35 v 01 cut 0 063 @ 01556921 v 0000 + 09985279 n 0101 + 03154073 n 0101 + 00386915 n 0102 ^ 01553987 v 0101 ^ 01554799 v 0101 ^ 01255967 v 0102 ^ 01309701 v 0103 ^ 01259458 v 0103 ^ 01549719 v 0102 ~ 00042641 v 0000 ~ 01248950 v 0000 ~ 01249490 v 0000 ~ 01254477 v 0000 ~ 01255508 v 0000 ~ 01255624 v 0000 ~ 01255967 v 0000 ~ 01256157 v 0000 ~ 01256600 v 0000 ~ 01256867 v 0000 ~ 01257049 v 0000 ~ 01257173 v 0000 ~ 01257621 v 0000 ~ 01257817 v 0000 ~ 01258091 v 0000 ~ 01258302 v 0000 ~ 01259005 v 0000 ~ 01259141 v 0000 ~ 01259458 v 0000 ~ 01262564 v 0000 ~ 01274559 v 0000 ~ 01277649 v 0000 ~ 01279833 v 0000 ~ 01293782 v 0000 ~ 01319562 v 0000 ~ 01320816 v 0000 ~ 01322509 v 0000 ~ 01322675 v 0000 ~ 01403314 v 0000 ~ 01403447 v 0000 ~ 01443021 v 0000 ~ 01456463 v 0000 ~ 01550220 v 0000 ~ 01550817 v 0000 ~ 01550949 v 0000 ~ 01551092 v 0000 ~ 01552219 v 0000 ~ 01553869 v 0000 ~ 01553987 v 0000 ~ 01554519 v 0000 ~ 01554622 v 0000 ~ 01555193 v 0000 ~ 01555648 v 0000 ~ 01555742 v 0000 ~ 01556037 v 0000 ~ 01556178 v 0000 ~ 01559055 v 0000 ~ 01559590 v 0000 ~ 01560731 v 0000 ~ 01583881 v 0000 ~ 01583993 v 0000 ~ 01601025 v 0000 ~ 01601147 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | separate with or as if with an instrument; "Cut the rope"
01553761 35 v 01 crop 2 001 @ 00561090 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cut short; "She wanted her hair cropped short"
01553869 35 v 01 chatter 0 002 @ 01552519 v 0000 + 07378952 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | cut unevenly with a chattering tool
01553987 35 v 01 cut_away 0 003 @ 01552519 v 0000 ~ 01554165 v 0000 ~ 01554318 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | remove by cutting off or away; "cut away the branch that sticks out"
01554165 35 v 01 undercut 1 003 @ 01553987 v 0000 + 00387526 n 0101 + 15083974 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | cut away the underpart of; "undercut a vein of ore"
01554318 35 v 01 undercut 2 003 @ 01553987 v 0000 + 00387526 n 0101 + 15083974 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | cut away material from the underside of (an object) so as to leave an overhanging portion in relief
01554519 35 v 01 tomahawk 0 002 @ 01552519 v 0000 + 04449966 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | cut with a tomahawk
01554622 35 v 02 sabre 1 saber 1 005 @ 01552519 v 0000 + 02987492 n 0202 + 04121511 n 0201 + 04121511 n 0102 + 02987492 n 0103 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | cut or injure with a saber
01554799 35 v 01 cut_out 2 006 * 01552519 v 0000 @ 01659248 v 0000 + 03153681 n 0101 ~ 01281343 v 0000 ~ 01281500 v 0000 ~ 01555034 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | form and create by cutting out; "Picasso cut out a guitar from a piece of paper"
01555034 35 v 02 die 0 die_out 0 003 @ 01554799 v 0000 + 03192907 n 0101 + 03192790 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | cut or shape with a die; "Die out leather for belts"
01555193 35 v 01 rebate 0 003 @ 01552519 v 0000 + 04036776 n 0102 ~ 01555326 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cut a rebate in (timber or stone)
01555326 35 v 01 rusticate 0 002 @ 01555193 v 0000 + 00913274 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | give (stone) a rustic look
01555437 35 v 01 cut 5 002 @ 01418667 v 0000 + 00489475 n 0102 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | divide a deck of cards at random into two parts to make selection difficult; "Wayne cut"; "She cut the deck for a long time"
01555648 35 v 01 cradle 2 001 @ 01552519 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cut grain with a cradle scythe
01555742 35 v 01 incise 0 011 @ 01552519 v 0000 + 00802020 a 0101 + 13904843 n 0101 + 00678010 n 0101 + 13905121 n 0101 ~ 01276970 v 0000 ~ 01309143 v 0000 ~ 01457489 v 0000 ~ 01558883 v 0000 ~ 01559473 v 0000 ~ 01608122 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make an incision into by carving or cutting
01556037 35 v 01 trench 0 002 @ 01552519 v 0000 + 04479155 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | cut or carve deeply into; "letters trenched into the stone"
01556178 35 v 03 dock 1 tail 0 bob 0 004 @ 01552519 v 0000 + 02158066 n 0302 + 02157557 n 0201 + 02158066 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | remove or shorten the tail of an animal
01556346 35 v 01 tear 1 004 @ 01556921 v 0000 + 00391086 n 0101 + 09410928 n 0105 ~ 01556572 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | to separate or be separated by force; "planks were in danger of being torn from the crossbars"
01556572 35 v 03 cleave 0 split 0 rive 1 011 @ 01556346 v 0000 + 00391407 n 0203 + 09410928 n 0204 + 10505206 n 0202 + 10637839 n 0201 + 13908201 n 0101 + 00386345 n 0101 + 03041632 n 0101 ~ 01232272 v 0000 ~ 01232387 v 0000 $ 01558681 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | separate or cut with a tool, such as a sharp instrument; "cleave the bone"
01556921 35 v 04 separate 1 disunite 0 divide 1 part 1 017 > 01557774 v 0000 @ 01850315 v 0000 + 00565289 a 0401 + 00383606 n 0101 ~ 00483801 v 0000 ~ 00487350 v 0000 ~ 00495808 v 0000 ~ 01294396 v 0000 ~ 01294632 v 0000 ~ 01356038 v 0000 ~ 01552519 v 0000 ~ 01556346 v 0000 ~ 01557426 v 0000 ~ 01557517 v 0000 ~ 01557646 v 0000 ~ 01560984 v 0000 ~ 01573515 v 0000 05 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 + 16 00 | force, take, or pull apart; "He separated the fighting children"; "Moses parted the Red Sea"
01557426 35 v 01 joint 1 001 @ 01556921 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | separate (meat) at the joint
01557517 35 v 01 gin 3 002 @ 01556921 v 0000 + 03115525 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | separate the seeds from (cotton) with a cotton gin
01557646 35 v 01 break 4 001 @ 01556921 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | separate from a clinch, in boxing; "The referee broke the boxers"
01557774 35 v 03 separate 0 divide 0 part 0 018 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 00565289 a 0301 + 03097289 a 0301 + 00784533 a 0201 + 07331400 n 0101 ~ 00333277 v 0000 ~ 00487182 v 0000 ~ 01215017 v 0000 ~ 01259691 v 0000 ~ 01294182 v 0000 ~ 01299758 v 0000 ~ 01558218 v 0000 ~ 01558440 v 0000 ~ 01558582 v 0000 ~ 01563005 v 0000 ~ 01563724 v 0000 ~ 01572510 v 0000 ~ 02467516 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | come apart; "The two pieces that we had glued separated"
01558218 35 v 01 segregate 2 002 @ 01557774 v 0000 + 01202184 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | divide from the main body or mass and collect; "Many towns segregated into new counties"; "Experiments show clearly that genes segregate"
01558440 35 v 01 segment 1 003 $ 01563005 v 0000 @ 01557774 v 0000 + 09429387 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | divide or split up; "The cells segmented"
01558582 35 v 01 reduce 0 001 @ 01557774 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | undergo meiosis; "The cells reduce"
01558681 35 v 01 cleave 1 004 $ 01556572 v 0000 * 01552519 v 0000 @ 01617192 v 0000 + 13908201 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make by cutting into; "The water is going to cleave a channel into the rock"
01558883 35 v 01 slit 0 004 @ 01555742 v 0000 + 13904843 n 0104 + 09437369 n 0101 + 04241940 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cut a slit into; "slit the throat of the victim"
01559055 35 v 02 slit 1 slice 1 004 @ 01552519 v 0000 + 14287113 n 0204 + 04237423 n 0201 + 13904843 n 0104 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make a clean cut through; "slit her throat"
01559230 35 v 01 gore 1 002 @ 01666717 v 0000 + 03448253 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | cut into gores; "gore a skirt"
01559340 35 v 01 lacerate 0 003 @ 01573515 v 0000 + 14287314 n 0101 + 00391293 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cut or tear irregularly
01559473 35 v 01 worry 0 001 @ 01555742 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | lacerate by biting; "the dog worried his bone"
01559590 35 v 01 saw 0 005 @ 01552519 v 0000 + 03996145 n 0102 + 04140064 n 0101 + 10554141 n 0101 ~ 01559767 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cut with a saw; "saw wood for the fireplace"
01559767 35 v 01 whipsaw 0 002 @ 01559590 v 0000 + 04503836 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | saw with a whipsaw
01559868 35 v 01 splice 0 004 @ 01517662 v 0000 + 03642573 n 0102 + 10637229 n 0101 ~ 01294992 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | join by interweaving strands; "Splice the wires"
01560034 35 v 01 splice 2 002 $ 01560184 v 0000 @ 01291069 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | join together so as to form new genetic combinations; "splice genes"
01560184 35 v 01 splice 1 006 @ 01291069 v 0000 + 04281998 n 0101 + 10637360 n 0101 + 04282231 n 0101 + 04281998 n 0102 $ 01560034 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | join the ends of; "splice film"
01560369 35 v 02 fleece 0 shear 2 007 @ 01248782 v 0000 + 04186848 n 0201 + 10587089 n 0201 + 00360242 n 0201 + 01899593 n 0102 + 14763508 n 0102 + 15104752 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | shear the wool from; "shear sheep"
01560583 35 v 01 mince 0 003 @ 01258091 v 0000 + 07650903 n 0101 + 03767966 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cut into small pieces; "mince the garlic"
01560731 35 v 03 discerp 1 sever 0 lop 1 005 @ 01552519 v 0000 + 04016240 n 0303 + 00359492 n 0202 + 00359492 n 0201 $ 01560984 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cut off from a whole; "His head was severed from his body"; "The soul discerped from the body"
01560984 35 v 02 sever 1 break_up 1 003 $ 01560731 v 0000 @ 01556921 v 0000 + 07313814 n 0104 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | set or keep apart; "sever a relationship"
01561143 35 v 02 collide 0 clash 0 006 @ 01236164 v 0000 + 07302542 n 0101 + 07301543 n 0101 ~ 01561408 v 0000 ~ 01561713 v 0000 ~ 01561819 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | crash together with violent impact; "The cars collided"; "Two meteors clashed"
01561408 35 v 01 smash 5 002 @ 01561143 v 0000 + 07317369 n 0101 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | collide or strike violently and suddenly; "The motorcycle smashed into the guard rail"
01561583 35 v 01 smash 6 002 @ 01405044 v 0000 + 00569474 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | hit (a tennis ball) in a powerful overhead stroke
01561713 35 v 01 shock 1 002 @ 01561143 v 0000 + 01172252 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | collide violently
01561819 35 v 02 crash 0 ram 1 003 @ 01561143 v 0000 + 00126236 n 0101 + 07301950 n 0101 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | undergo damage or destruction on impact; "the plane crashed into the ocean"; "The car crashed into the lamp post"
01562061 35 v 03 crash 1 break_up 2 break_apart 0 002 @ 00397576 v 0000 $ 01562209 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | break violently or noisily; smash;
01562209 35 v 01 crash 2 006 > 01562061 v 0000 $ 01562061 v 0000 @ 01562733 v 0000 ~ 01562478 v 0000 ~ 01562627 v 0000 ~ 01562891 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cause to crash; "The terrorists crashed the plane into the palace"; "Mother crashed the motorbike into the lamppost"
01562478 35 v 01 wrap 3 001 @ 01562209 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | crash into so as to coil around; "The teenager wrapped his car around the fire hydrant"
01562627 35 v 01 prang 0 003 @ 01562209 v 0000 ;c 02958343 n 0000 ;c 02691156 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | crash
01562733 35 v 01 collide 1 003 + 07302542 n 0101 + 03070193 n 0101 ~ 01562209 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cause to collide; "The physicists collided the particles"
01562891 35 v 01 ditch 0 001 @ 01562209 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | crash or crash-land; "ditch a car"; "ditch a plane"
01563005 35 v 02 segment 0 section 0 011 @ 01557774 v 0000 + 07747455 n 0201 + 05867413 n 0202 + 04164989 n 0201 + 08648322 n 0201 + 09429387 n 0101 + 04164989 n 0102 + 00397953 n 0104 $ 01558440 v 0000 ~ 01563336 v 0000 ~ 01563575 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | divide into segments; "segment an orange"; "segment a compound word"
01563336 35 v 04 syllabify 0 syllabicate 0 syllabize 0 syllabise 0 006 @ 01563005 v 0000 + 06304671 n 0301 + 06304671 n 0201 + 00390581 n 0201 + 00390581 n 0102 + 06304671 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | divide into syllables; "syllabify the words"
01563575 35 v 01 quarter 1 003 @ 01563005 v 0000 + 13737480 n 0104 + 00386553 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | divide into quarters; "quarter an apple"
01563724 35 v 02 partition 0 partition_off 0 006 @ 01557774 v 0000 + 10402285 n 0101 + 03894379 n 0101 + 00397953 n 0102 + 00397953 n 0103 ~ 01563996 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | divide into parts, pieces, or sections; "The Arab peninsula was partitioned by the British"
01563996 35 v 02 pound 6 pound_off 0 001 @ 01563724 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | partition off into compartments; "The locks pound the water of the canal"
01564144 35 v 02 destroy 0 ruin 0 028 + 00217773 n 0202 + 07335243 n 0201 + 14562324 n 0201 + 00217773 n 0204 + 10008716 n 0202 + 00217773 n 0203 + 00737973 a 0101 + 07334490 n 0101 + 00217014 n 0101 + 10008716 n 0101 + 03180504 n 0101 ~ 00378664 v 0000 ~ 00388635 v 0000 ~ 00389083 v 0000 ~ 00738440 v 0000 ~ 01369758 v 0000 ~ 01520454 v 0000 ~ 01564836 v 0000 ~ 01565028 v 0000 ~ 01565211 v 0000 ~ 01565360 v 0000 ~ 01565472 v 0000 ~ 01565795 v 0000 ~ 01565921 v 0000 ~ 01566038 v 0000 ~ 01566185 v 0000 ~ 01586738 v 0000 ~ 01605851 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | destroy completely; damage irreparably; "You have ruined my car by pouring sugar in the tank!"; "The tears ruined her make-up"
01564836 35 v 01 do_a_job_on 0 001 @ 01564144 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | destroy completely or make ugly or useless; "The dog did a job on my pillow"; "The seamstress did a job on my wedding gown"
01565028 35 v 01 subvert 0 002 @ 01564144 v 0000 + 00215838 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | destroy completely; "we must not let our civil liberties be subverted by the current crisis"
01565211 35 v 01 get c 001 @ 01564144 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | overcome or destroy; "The ice storm got my hibiscus"; "the cat got the goldfish"
01565360 35 v 01 devour 0 001 @ 01564144 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | destroy completely; "Fire had devoured our home"
01565472 35 v 05 rape 1 spoil 0 despoil 0 violate 1 plunder 1 009 @ 01564144 v 0000 + 00965895 n 0501 + 00966869 n 0305 + 00966869 n 0306 + 13262462 n 0201 + 00966869 n 0201 + 00966869 n 0202 + 00966869 n 0203 + 00966384 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | destroy and strip of its possession; "The soldiers raped the beautiful country"
01565795 35 v 01 explode 0 001 @ 01564144 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | destroy by exploding; "The enemy exploded the bridge"
01565921 35 v 01 consume 0 001 @ 01564144 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | destroy completely; "The fire consumed the building"
01566038 35 v 01 shipwreck 0 003 @ 01564144 v 0000 + 07353075 n 0101 + 04197110 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | destroy a ship; "The vessel was shipwrecked"
01566185 35 v 03 bust_up 0 wreck 0 wrack 0 010 @ 01564144 v 0000 + 07335581 n 0301 + 14423870 n 0201 + 07353075 n 0202 + 04606251 n 0201 + 10792856 n 0201 + 10544748 n 0202 + 04461696 n 0203 + 04606358 n 0201 + 00217773 n 0205 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | smash or break forcefully; "The kid busted up the car"
01566490 35 v 01 ruin 1 006 @ 00388635 v 0000 + 00217773 n 0102 + 04118635 n 0101 + 14562324 n 0102 + 10008716 n 0102 + 00217773 n 0103 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | reduce to ruins; "The country lay ruined after the war"
01566705 35 v 03 bang_up 0 smash_up 0 smash 8 003 @ 00258857 v 0000 + 07410207 n 0304 + 10614225 n 0301 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | damage or destroy as if by violence; "The teenager banged up the car of his mother"
01566916 35 v 04 uproot 0 extirpate 0 deracinate 0 root_out 0 005 @ 01850315 v 0000 + 00315830 n 0302 + 00115803 n 0303 + 00115803 n 0201 ~ 01567183 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | pull up by or as if by the roots; "uproot the vine that has spread all over the garden"
01567183 35 v 01 stub 1 001 @ 01566916 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | pull up (weeds) by their roots
01567275 35 v 02 plant 0 set 9 013 @ 01494310 v 0000 + 01052853 n 0201 + 00017222 n 0101 + 03957315 n 0101 + 00919513 n 0101 ~ 01529194 v 0000 ~ 01529292 v 0000 ~ 01529407 v 0000 ~ 01567653 v 0000 ~ 01567754 v 0000 ~ 01567888 v 0000 ~ 01568489 v 0000 ~ 01616293 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | put or set (seeds, seedlings, or plants) into the ground; "Let's plant flowers in the garden"
01567653 35 v 01 bed 2 001 @ 01567275 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | place (plants) in a prepared bed of soil
01567754 35 v 01 dibble 0 002 @ 01567275 v 0000 + 03190458 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | plant with a wooden hand tool; "dibble Spring bulbs"
01567888 35 v 02 afforest 0 forest 0 007 @ 01567275 v 0000 + 09284015 n 0201 + 08438533 n 0201 + 06071934 n 0201 + 00400278 n 0101 ~ 01568145 v 0000 ~ 01568346 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | establish a forest on previously unforested land; "afforest the mountains"
01568145 35 v 01 re-afforest 0 002 @ 01567888 v 0000 + 00400449 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | reestablish a forest after clear-cutting or fire, etc.; "re-afforest the area that was burned during the fighting"
01568346 35 v 01 reforest 0 002 @ 01567888 v 0000 + 00400449 n 0101 01 + 10 00 | forest anew; "After the fire, they reforested the mountain"
01568489 35 v 01 replant 0 001 @ 01567275 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | plant again or anew; "They replanted the land"; "He replanted the seedlings"
01568630 35 v 05 smother 1 stifle 0 strangle 1 muffle 0 repress 0 004 @ 00462092 v 0000 + 10656223 n 0201 + 01079604 n 0204 + 10656223 n 0102 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | conceal or hide; "smother a yawn"; "muffle one's anger"; "strangle a yawn"
01568886 35 v 02 smother 2 surround 1 001 @ 01332730 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | envelop completely; "smother the meat in gravy"
01569017 35 v 02 smother 3 put_out 0 002 * 01332730 v 0000 @ 00478217 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | deprive of the oxygen necessary for combustion; "smother fires"
01569181 35 v 03 smother 0 asphyxiate 0 suffocate 0 007 * 01332730 v 0000 @ 01323958 v 0000 + 00225593 n 0301 + 14043882 n 0202 + 14042423 n 0201 + 00225593 n 0202 $ 00359511 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | deprive of oxygen and prevent from breathing; "Othello smothered Desdemona with a pillow"; "The child suffocated herself with a plastic bag that the parents had left on the floor"
01569566 35 v 04 install 0 instal 0 put_in 0 set_up 2 009 @ 01494310 v 0000 + 00240938 n 0204 + 00240938 n 0202 + 00240938 n 0103 + 00240938 n 0101 + 00240938 n 0102 ~ 01569896 v 0000 ~ 01570258 v 0000 ~ 01570403 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | set up for use; "install the washer and dryer"; "We put in a new sink"
01569896 35 v 01 retrofit 0 003 $ 02361329 v 0000 @ 01569566 v 0000 $ 00262348 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | fit in or on an existing structure, such as an older house; "The mansion was retrofitted with modern plumbing"
01570108 35 v 04 install 1 instal 1 set_up 4 establish 0 001 + 03315023 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | place; "Her manager had set her up at the Ritz"
01570258 35 v 01 reinstall 0 001 @ 01569566 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 20 00 | install again; "She reinstalled the washer after it had been repaired"
01570403 35 v 02 post 0 put_up 0 002 @ 01569566 v 0000 + 06793426 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | place so as to be noticed; "post a sign"; "post a warning at the dump"
01570562 35 v 03 choke 0 gag 0 fret 3 003 @ 01387786 v 0000 + 03024882 n 0101 + 03024746 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | be too tight; rub or press; "This neckband is choking the cat"
01570744 35 v 02 choke 2 scrag 1 005 @ 01387786 v 0000 + 07665713 n 0201 + 07666933 n 0201 + 10121246 n 0105 + 00225786 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | wring the neck of; "The man choked his opponent"
01570935 35 v 03 strangle 0 strangulate 0 throttle 0 010 * 01387786 v 0000 @ 01323958 v 0000 + 10121246 n 0304 + 00225786 n 0304 + 00225786 n 0203 + 00225786 n 0103 + 13123431 n 0101 + 10121246 n 0103 + 00225786 n 0102 ~ 01571744 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | kill by squeezing the throat of so as to cut off the air; "he tried to strangle his opponent"; "A man in Boston has been strangling several dozen prostitutes"
01571354 35 v 03 decapitate 0 behead 0 decollate 0 002 @ 01323958 v 0000 ~ 01571538 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | cut the head of; "the French King was beheaded during the Revolution"
01571538 35 v 01 guillotine 0 002 @ 01571354 v 0000 + 03467068 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | kill by cutting the head off with a guillotine; "The French guillotined many Vietnamese while they occupied the country"
01571744 35 v 04 garrote 0 garrotte 0 garotte 0 scrag 0 005 @ 01570935 v 0000 + 03420935 n 0302 + 10121246 n 0202 + 03420935 n 0203 + 10121246 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | strangle with an iron collar; "people were garrotted during the Inquisition in Spain"
01572003 35 v 02 impale 1 stake 2 004 @ 01323958 v 0000 * 01441100 v 0000 + 04298906 n 0201 + 00420877 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 20 00 | kill by piercing with a spear or sharp pole; "the enemies were impaled and left to die"
01572224 35 v 01 dismember 0 002 @ 01323958 v 0000 + 07433510 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | separate the limbs from the body; "the tiger dismembered the tourist"
01572386 35 v 01 tease 3 001 @ 01573891 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | tear into pieces; "tease tissue for microscopic examinations"
01572510 35 v 03 dismember 1 take_apart 0 discerp 0 001 @ 01557774 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | divide into pieces; "our department was dismembered when our funding dried up"; "The Empire was discerped after the war"
01572728 35 v 02 strain 2 tense 0 004 @ 00419950 v 0000 + 11515051 n 0201 + 00366675 n 0201 + 11515325 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | become stretched or tense or taut; "the bodybuilder's neck muscles tensed;" "the rope strained when the weight was attached"
01572978 35 v 02 clench 1 clinch 2 003 @ 01212572 v 0000 + 00417859 n 0202 + 00812526 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | hold in a tight grasp; "clench a steering wheel"
01573143 35 v 01 clinch c 001 @ 01216670 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | hold a boxing opponent with one or both arms so as to prevent punches
01573276 35 v 04 rend 0 rip 0 rive 0 pull 1 003 @ 01573515 v 0000 + 00391407 n 0202 + 09410928 n 0201 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | tear or be torn violently; "The curtain ripped from top to bottom"; "pull the cooked chicken into strips"
01573515 35 v 04 tear 0 rupture 0 snap 1 bust 2 012 @ 01556921 v 0000 + 07367708 n 0301 + 00376715 n 0201 + 14295248 n 0201 + 00391086 n 0101 + 09410928 n 0105 ^ 01573891 v 0102 ^ 00846344 v 0102 ^ 01661804 v 0105 ~ 01559340 v 0000 ~ 01573276 v 0000 ~ 01573891 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | separate or cause to separate abruptly; "The rope snapped"; "tear the paper"
01573891 35 v 03 shred 0 tear_up 0 rip_up 0 005 @ 01573515 v 0000 + 04210120 n 0101 + 13773725 n 0101 + 04045941 n 0102 ~ 01572386 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | tear into shreds
01574077 35 v 01 grate 2 002 @ 01249724 v 0000 + 03454885 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | reduce to small shreds or pulverize by rubbing against a rough or sharp perforated surface; "grate carrots and onions"; "grate nutmeg"
01574292 35 v 02 grapple 1 grip 3 006 @ 01212572 v 0000 + 00812526 n 0206 + 10793168 n 0102 + 00622266 n 0103 + 00447540 n 0103 + 00622266 n 0104 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 22 00 | to grip or seize, as in a wrestling match; "the two men grappled with each other for several minutes"
01574571 35 v 03 tamp_down 0 tamp 0 pack 6 003 @ 01389329 v 0000 + 04387706 n 0202 + 04387706 n 0201 01 + 08 00 | press down tightly; "tamp the coffee grinds in the container to make espresso"
01574766 35 v 02 press_down a depress a 003 @ 01850315 v 0000 + 00112674 n 0201 + 03177708 n 0201 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | press down; "Depress the space key"
01574923 35 v 02 lower 3 depress c 004 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 05552467 n 0201 + 03693973 n 0102 + 00353469 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to drop or sink; "The lack of rain had depressed the water level in the reservoir"
01575146 35 v 03 ram 2 ram_down 0 pound 1 004 @ 01899262 v 0000 + 01175316 n 0302 + 04050410 n 0101 + 04051439 n 0101 02 + 11 00 + 21 00 | strike or drive against with a heavy impact; "ram the gate with a sledgehammer"; "pound on the door"
01575388 35 v 01 bulldoze 0 003 @ 01661804 v 0000 * 01527271 v 0000 + 02916179 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | flatten with or as if with a bulldozer
01575536 35 v 01 punch 4 001 @ 01899262 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | drive forcibly as if by a punch; "the nail punched through the wall"
01575675 35 v 04 situate 0 fix 1 posit 0 deposit 1 006 @ 01494310 v 0000 + 00372448 n 0402 + 00372448 n 0401 + 01051331 n 0304 ~ 01234625 v 0000 ~ 01988755 v 0000 02 + 20 00 + 21 00 | put (something somewhere) firmly; "She posited her hand on his shoulder"; "deposit the suitcase on the bench"; "fix your eyes on this spot"
01576001 35 v 01 redeposit 0 002 @ 01528069 v 0000 + 13547380 n 0101 03 + 08 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | deposit anew; "The water had redeposited minerals on the rocks"
01576165 35 v 05 crop 1 browse 1 graze 1 range 2 pasture 0 010 $ 01204439 v 0000 @ 01179865 v 0000 + 08616050 n 0501 + 07801091 n 0503 + 07801091 n 0504 + 08629199 n 0401 + 00841091 n 0301 + 00841091 n 0302 + 00839023 n 0201 $ 01576478 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | feed as in a meadow or pasture; "the herd was grazing"
01576478 35 v 03 crop a graze a pasture a 011 $ 01576165 v 0000 @ 01178565 v 0000 ;c 00015388 n 0000 + 08616050 n 0301 + 07801091 n 0303 + 07801091 n 0304 + 10144962 n 0201 + 00841091 n 0201 + 00841091 n 0202 ~ 01204581 v 0000 ~ 01576779 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | let feed in a field or pasture or meadow
01576779 35 v 01 drift 3 001 @ 01576478 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | drive slowly and far afield for grazing; "drift the cattle herds westwards"
01576917 35 v 03 cushion 0 buffer 0 soften 0 004 @ 00169806 v 0000 + 02911158 n 0201 + 04198797 n 0103 + 03873064 n 0102 01 + 11 00 | protect from impact; "cushion the blow"
01577093 35 v 05 dunk 0 dip 0 souse 0 plunge 0 douse 0 011 @ 01577635 v 0000 + 00277569 n 0504 + 00442847 n 0402 + 03970156 n 0401 + 00277811 n 0303 + 07364434 n 0201 + 03204306 n 0201 + 09677830 n 0102 ~ 01577513 v 0000 ~ 01976220 v 0000 ~ 01976384 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | immerse briefly into a liquid so as to wet, coat, or saturate; "dip the garment into the cleaning solution"; "dip the brush into the paint"
01577513 35 v 01 sop 0 002 @ 01577093 v 0000 + 07861421 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | dip into liquid; "sop bread into the sauce"
01577635 35 v 02 immerse 0 plunge 1 011 @ 01227675 v 0000 + 00442847 n 0202 + 10019406 n 0202 + 03970156 n 0201 + 03948950 n 0202 ~ 01577093 v 0000 ~ 01577966 v 0000 ~ 01578124 v 0000 ~ 01578254 v 0000 ~ 01578513 v 0000 ~ 01578714 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 + 22 00 | thrust or throw into; "Immerse yourself in hot water"
01577966 35 v 01 dip a 001 @ 01577635 v 0000 03 + 20 00 + 21 00 + 22 00 | plunge (one's hand or a receptacle) into a container; "He dipped into his pocket"
01578124 35 v 01 dip b 002 @ 01577635 v 0000 + 07364434 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | immerse in a disinfectant solution; "dip the sheep"
01578254 35 v 02 submerge 1 submerse 0 008 @ 01577635 v 0000 + 00277569 n 0201 + 07364115 n 0203 + 02472693 a 0101 + 02472693 a 0102 + 00277569 n 0101 + 07364115 n 0102 + 07364115 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | put under water; "submerge your head completely"
01578513 35 v 01 soak 1 005 @ 01577635 v 0000 + 13557158 n 0101 + 13557158 n 0102 + 13557158 n 0103 + 00256501 n 0102 02 + 20 00 + 22 00 | submerge in a liquid; "I soaked in the hot tub for an hour"
01578714 35 v 01 sheathe 2 001 @ 01577635 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | plunge or bury (a knife or sword) in flesh
01578821 35 v 03 ladle 0 lade 2 laden 0 002 @ 00173338 v 0000 ~ 01579488 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | remove with or as if with a ladle; "ladle the water out of the bowl"
01578993 35 v 01 ladle 1 002 @ 01494310 v 0000 + 03633091 n 0101 01 + 21 00 | put (a liquid) into a container by means of a ladle; "ladle soup into the bowl"
01579153 35 v 01 lift 0 003 @ 01850315 v 0000 ~ 01455866 v 0000 ~ 01579340 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | take hold of something and move it to a different location; "lift the box onto the table"
01579340 35 v 02 pitchfork 0 fork 0 003 @ 01579153 v 0000 + 03384167 n 0201 + 03950359 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | lift with a pitchfork; "pitchfork hay"
01579488 35 v 01 slop 1 002 @ 01578821 v 0000 + 07805006 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | ladle clumsily; "slop the food onto the plate"
01579622 35 v 01 spoon 0 004 * 01577635 v 0000 @ 00173338 v 0000 + 13770169 n 0101 + 04284002 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | scoop up or take up with a spoon; "spoon the sauce over the roast"
01579813 35 v 04 unfold 0 spread 3 spread_out 3 open 8 009 @ 01519977 v 0000 + 00383390 n 0401 ! 01277974 v 0101 ~ 01580142 v 0000 ~ 01580250 v 0000 ~ 01580348 v 0000 ~ 01613921 v 0000 ~ 01914792 v 0000 ~ 02045655 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | spread out or open from a closed or folded state; "open the map"; "spread your arms"
01580142 35 v 01 divaricate 0 001 @ 01579813 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | spread apart; "divaricate one's fingers"
01580250 35 v 01 exfoliate 2 001 @ 01579813 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | spread by opening the leaves of
01580348 35 v 01 grass 1 001 @ 01579813 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | spread out clothes on the grass to let it dry and bleach
01580467 35 v 05 envelop 0 enfold 0 enwrap 0 wrap 1 enclose 1 015 @ 01332730 v 0000 + 03285912 n 0501 + 00321956 n 0501 + 00321956 n 0502 + 04605726 n 0402 + 00406365 n 0202 + 00321956 n 0103 ~ 01380483 v 0000 ~ 01580928 v 0000 ~ 01581070 v 0000 ~ 01581217 v 0000 ~ 01581362 v 0000 ~ 01581933 v 0000 ~ 01582070 v 0000 ~ 01582200 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | enclose or enfold completely with or as if with a covering; "Fog enveloped the house"
01580928 35 v 01 tube 0 004 @ 01580467 v 0000 + 05246511 n 0101 + 13901321 n 0102 + 04493505 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | place or enclose in a tube
01581070 35 v 04 capsule 0 capsulate 0 capsulize 0 capsulise 0 002 @ 01580467 v 0000 + 02957586 n 0201 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | enclose in a capsule
01581217 35 v 01 engulf 0 001 @ 01580467 v 0000 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | flow over or cover completely; "The bright light engulfed him completely"
01581362 35 v 01 sheathe 0 002 @ 01580467 v 0000 ! 01581485 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | enclose with a sheath; "sheathe a sword"
01581485 35 v 01 unsheathe 0 002 @ 01995211 v 0000 ! 01581362 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | draw from a sheath or scabbard; "the knight unsheathed his sword"
01581635 35 v 01 sheathe 1 003 @ 01332730 v 0000 + 04187233 n 0101 ~ 01581789 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cover with a protective sheathing; "sheathe her face"
01581789 35 v 01 invaginate 2 003 @ 01581635 v 0000 ;c 06066555 n 0000 + 14062332 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | sheathe; "The chrysalis is invaginated"
01581933 35 v 01 cocoon 0 002 @ 01580467 v 0000 + 02312744 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | wrap in or as if in a cocoon, as for protection
01582070 35 v 01 bathe 0 001 @ 01580467 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | suffuse with or as if with light; "The room was bathed in sunlight"
01582200 35 v 04 shroud 1 enshroud 0 hide 0 cover d 002 @ 01580467 v 0000 + 03879116 n 0102 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 21 00 | cover as if with a shroud; "The origins of this civilization are shrouded in mystery"
01582409 35 v 05 immerse 1 swallow 0 swallow_up 0 bury 2 eat_up 0 001 @ 01587062 v 0000 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | enclose or envelop completely, as if by swallowing; "The huge waves swallowed the small boat and it sank shortly thereafter"
01582645 35 v 05 trace 0 draw 1 line 1 describe 0 delineate 0 017 $ 01690294 v 0000 $ 01643464 v 0000 @ 00508032 v 0000 + 03173524 n 0501 + 00900726 n 0502 + 06799897 n 0301 + 08612786 n 0302 + 00263813 n 0301 + 03234306 n 0201 + 04463273 n 0102 + 04463017 n 0101 + 00938419 n 0101 ~ 01583142 v 0000 ~ 01583344 v 0000 ~ 01583494 v 0000 ~ 01583656 v 0000 ~ 01691057 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 21 00 | make a mark or lines on a surface; "draw a line"; "trace the outline of a figure in the sand"
01583142 35 v 01 construct 0 003 @ 01582645 v 0000 ;c 06004685 n 0000 + 00873381 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | draw with suitable instruments and under specified conditions; "construct an equilateral triangle"
01583344 35 v 01 inscribe 1 002 @ 01582645 v 0000 ;c 06004685 n 0000 01 + 02 00 | draw within a figure so as to touch in as many places as possible
01583494 35 v 01 circumscribe 0 003 $ 01583656 v 0000 @ 01582645 v 0000 + 01149480 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | draw a line around; "He drew a circle around the points"
01583656 35 v 01 circumscribe 1 004 @ 01582645 v 0000 ;c 06004685 n 0000 + 01149480 n 0101 $ 01583494 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | to draw a geometric figure around another figure so that the two are in contact but do not intersect
01583881 35 v 01 chase 0 001 @ 01552519 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 21 00 | cut a groove into; "chase silver"
01583993 35 v 02 bevel 0 chamfer 1 005 @ 01552519 v 0000 + 02833576 n 0203 + 02833576 n 0101 ~ 01584199 v 0000 ~ 01584321 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cut a bevel on; shape to a bevel; "bevel the surface"
01584199 35 v 01 miter 0 002 @ 01583993 v 0000 + 03774124 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | bevel the edges of, to make a miter joint
01584321 35 v 01 cone 0 003 @ 01583993 v 0000 + 13872592 n 0101 + 03089348 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | make cone-shaped; "cone a tire"
01584450 35 v 01 turn 6 005 $ 02562425 v 0000 @ 00142191 v 0000 + 10733487 n 0101 + 04500390 n 0101 + 04500294 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | shape by rotating on a lathe or cutting device or a wheel; "turn the legs of the table"; "turn the clay on the wheel"
01584701 35 v 01 shove 0 003 @ 01871979 v 0000 + 00113726 n 0101 + 10495421 n 0102 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 | push roughly; "the people pushed and shoved to get in line"
01584875 35 v 01 deform 0 002 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 07358060 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make formless; "the heat deformed the plastic sculpture"
01585021 35 v 01 brecciate 0 002 @ 00144850 v 0000 + 14697839 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | form into breccia; "brecciated rock"
01585142 35 v 01 reticulate 0 003 @ 00144850 v 0000 + 13550755 n 0101 + 05501485 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | divide so as to form a network
01585276 35 v 01 flake 2 001 @ 00144850 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | form into flakes; "The substances started to flake"
01585390 35 v 01 strickle 1 001 @ 01307142 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | level off with a strickle in a measuring container; "strickle sand"
01585523 35 v 02 inject 0 shoot 0 005 $ 00086320 v 0000 @ 00187526 v 0000 + 01317678 a 0101 + 00322634 n 0101 + 03571439 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 17 00 | force or drive (a fluid or gas) into by piercing; "inject hydrogen into the balloon"
01585759 35 v 04 extricate 0 untangle 1 disentangle 2 disencumber 0 004 @ 01475953 v 0000 + 01244593 n 0303 + 01244593 n 0202 + 01244593 n 0104 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 21 00 | release from entanglement of difficulty; "I cannot extricate myself from this task"
01586018 35 v 03 tamper c fiddle 3 monkey c 002 @ 01211699 v 0000 + 10200047 n 0303 01 + 08 00 | play around with or alter or falsify, usually secretively or dishonestly; "Someone tampered with the documents on my desk"; "The reporter fiddle with the facts"
01586278 35 v 04 toy 0 fiddle 0 diddle 0 play 0 004 @ 01211699 v 0000 + 10734235 n 0202 ^ 00711715 v 0103 ~ 01615457 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | manipulate manually or in one's mind or imagination; "She played nervously with her wedding ring"; "Don't fiddle with the screws"; "He played with the idea of running for the Senate"
01586600 35 v 02 storm 0 force 3 003 @ 01227675 v 0000 + 00965404 n 0202 + 00974630 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | take by force; "Storm the fort"
01586738 35 v 02 kick_in 0 kick_down 0 001 @ 01564144 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | open violently; "kick in the doors"
01586850 35 v 03 frame 0 frame_in 0 border 2 005 @ 01587062 v 0000 + 02875013 n 0301 + 03391301 n 0101 + 03390983 n 0102 + 03390983 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | enclose in or as if in a frame; "frame a picture"
01587062 35 v 04 enclose 0 close_in 0 inclose 0 shut_in 0 019 @ 01467370 v 0000 + 00321956 n 0101 ~ 01389776 v 0000 ~ 01389942 v 0000 ~ 01390210 v 0000 ~ 01482958 v 0000 ~ 01486312 v 0000 ~ 01582409 v 0000 ~ 01586850 v 0000 ~ 01587575 v 0000 ~ 01587705 v 0000 ~ 01587818 v 0000 ~ 01587984 v 0000 ~ 01588134 v 0000 ~ 01588297 v 0000 ~ 01599539 v 0000 ~ 01600478 v 0000 ~ 01606205 v 0000 ~ 01615020 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | surround completely; "Darkness enclosed him"; "They closed in the porch with a fence"
01587575 35 v 02 glass 0 glass_in 0 002 @ 01587062 v 0000 + 14881303 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | enclose with glass; "glass in a porch"
01587705 35 v 01 bank 0 002 @ 01587062 v 0000 + 09213565 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | enclose with a bank; "bank roads"
01587818 35 v 02 dike 0 dyke 0 003 @ 01587062 v 0000 + 03160309 n 0203 + 03160309 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | enclose with a dike; "dike the land to protect it from water"
01587984 35 v 01 encapsulate 0 003 @ 01587062 v 0000 + 13998395 n 0101 + 13474495 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | enclose in a capsule or other small container
01588134 35 v 02 fence 0 fence_in 0 003 @ 01587062 v 0000 + 03327234 n 0101 + 03327234 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | enclose with a fence; "we fenced in our yard"
01588297 35 v 03 rope_in 0 rope_off 0 cordon_off 0 001 @ 01587062 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 + 31 00 | divide by means of a rope; "The police roped off the area where the crime occurred"
01588493 35 v 03 tag 0 label 0 mark 9 015 @ 01296462 v 0000 + 07270179 n 0302 ^ 02320078 v 0301 ^ 02319824 v 0301 + 07272172 n 0201 + 07202579 n 0201 + 07273136 n 0101 $ 00508032 v 0000 ~ 01588876 v 0000 ~ 01589056 v 0000 ~ 01589224 v 0000 ~ 01589363 v 0000 ~ 01589497 v 0000 ~ 01589723 v 0000 ~ 01589869 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 31 00 | attach a tag or label to; "label these bottles"
01588876 35 v 03 brand 0 trademark 0 brandmark 0 001 @ 01588493 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | mark with a brand or trademark; "when this product is not branded it sells for a lower price"
01589056 35 v 01 point c 003 @ 01588493 v 0000 + 06843520 n 0102 + 13911872 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | mark (a psalm text) to indicate the points at which the music changes
01589224 35 v 01 point b 003 @ 01588493 v 0000 + 06843520 n 0102 + 13911872 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | mark with diacritics; "point the letter"
01589363 35 v 01 point d 003 @ 01588493 v 0000 + 06843520 n 0102 + 13911872 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | mark (Hebrew words) with diacritics
01589497 35 v 01 calibrate 2 002 @ 01588493 v 0000 + 00999245 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | mark (the scale of a measuring instrument) so that it can be read in the desired units; "he calibrated the thermometer for the Celsius scale"
01589723 35 v 01 code 0 001 @ 01588493 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | attach a code to; "Code the pieces with numbers so that you can identify them later"
01589869 35 v 01 badge 0 002 @ 01588493 v 0000 + 06882561 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | put a badge on; "The workers here must be badged"
01590007 35 v 03 lean_on 0 rest_on 0 lean_against 0 001 @ 01205696 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 | rest on for support; "you can lean on me if you get tired"
01590171 35 v 02 patch 0 piece 2 006 @ 01291069 v 0000 + 03932203 n 0201 + 03745285 n 0102 + 03897943 n 0101 + 00267349 n 0101 ~ 01590389 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 31 00 | to join or unite the pieces of; "patch the skirt"
01590389 35 v 02 vamp 0 vamp_up 0 001 @ 01590171 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | piece (something old) with a new part; "vamp up an old speech"
01590523 35 v 01 core 0 002 @ 01282545 v 0000 + 08524262 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | remove the core or center from; "core an apple"
01590658 35 v 01 doff 0 001 @ 00050454 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove; "He doffed his hat"
01590747 35 v 01 gut 0 005 @ 00173338 v 0000 + 02983741 n 0102 + 05534333 n 0103 + 03471685 n 0101 + 10153009 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | remove the guts of; "gut the sheep"
01590915 35 v 01 head 0 001 @ 00173338 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove the head of; "head the fish"
01591012 35 v 01 gut 1 002 @ 00449692 v 0000 + 10153009 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | empty completely; destroy the inside of; "Gut the building"
01591158 35 v 02 jerk 0 flick 3 003 @ 01871979 v 0000 + 07338358 n 0201 + 00335988 n 0101 01 + 21 00 | throw or toss with a quick motion; "flick a piece of paper across the table"; "jerk his head"
01591357 35 v 03 flick 4 ruffle 3 riffle 1 001 @ 01850315 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | twitch or flutter; "the paper flicked"
01591476 35 v 02 stake 0 post 1 003 @ 00508032 v 0000 + 03988170 n 0201 + 07257815 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | mark with a stake; "stake out the path"
01591621 35 v 01 post 2 006 * 00974367 v 0000 @ 01356370 v 0000 + 09854510 n 0102 + 06793426 n 0101 + 06793426 n 0102 ~ 01591835 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | affix in a public place or for public notice; "post a warning"
01591835 35 v 01 placard 1 002 @ 01591621 v 0000 + 06793426 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | post in a public place
01591940 35 v 01 stake 1 002 @ 01340439 v 0000 + 07257815 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | tie or fasten to a stake; "stake your goat"
01592072 35 v 02 yank 0 jerk 1 005 @ 01448100 v 0000 + 00115500 n 0202 + 00335988 n 0201 + 10802147 n 0202 + 10802147 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | pull, or move with a sudden movement; "He turned the handle and jerked the door open"
01592306 35 v 01 winch 0 002 @ 01448100 v 0000 + 04585745 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | pull or lift up with or as if with a winch; "winch up the slack line"
01592456 35 v 04 pluck 0 tweak 0 pull_off 0 pick_off 0 004 $ 01592774 v 0000 @ 01448100 v 0000 + 00357275 n 0202 ~ 01593011 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | pull or pull out sharply; "pluck the flowers off the bush"
01592669 35 v 01 tweak 1 002 @ 01456771 v 0000 + 00357275 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | pinch or squeeze sharply
01592774 35 v 03 draw_off 0 draw_away 1 pull_off 1 002 @ 00173338 v 0000 $ 01592456 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove by drawing or pulling; "She placed the tray down and drew off the cloth"; "draw away the cloth that is covering the cheese"
01593011 35 v 01 tweeze 0 002 @ 01592456 v 0000 + 03941684 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | pluck with tweezers; "tweeze facial hair"
01593134 35 v 02 hike_up 0 hitch_up 0 001 @ 01609287 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | pull up; "He hitched up his socks and pants"
01593254 35 v 05 pry 0 prise 0 prize 0 lever 0 jimmy 0 007 * 00419375 v 0000 @ 01346003 v 0000 + 03599351 n 0501 + 03659809 n 0401 + 03659292 n 0401 + 11473138 n 0401 + 03138344 n 0103 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | to move or force, especially in an effort to get something open; "The burglar jimmied the lock": "Raccoons managed to pry the lid off the garbage pail"
01593614 35 v 02 gap 0 breach 0 004 @ 01346003 v 0000 + 09228801 n 0201 + 03416329 n 0101 + 09379111 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | make an opening or gap in
01593763 35 v 03 swing 0 sweep 3 swing_out 0 003 @ 01224415 v 0000 + 00345149 n 0201 + 01173660 n 0101 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 21 00 | make a big sweeping gesture or movement
01593937 35 v 05 squash 0 crush 0 squelch 0 mash 0 squeeze 5 012 @ 01447257 v 0000 + 07351031 n 0501 + 04293119 n 0501 + 14948645 n 0401 + 07805254 n 0401 + 00358089 n 0201 + 03141702 n 0201 ~ 01350971 v 0000 ~ 01594362 v 0000 ~ 01594514 v 0000 ~ 01594664 v 0000 ~ 01594782 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | to compress with violence, out of natural shape or condition; "crush an aluminum can"; "squeeze a lemon"
01594362 35 v 01 stamp 4 002 @ 01593937 v 0000 + 04300080 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | crush or grind with a heavy instrument; "stamp fruit extract the juice"
01594514 35 v 01 steamroller 0 002 @ 01593937 v 0000 + 04310157 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | crush with a steamroller as if to level; "steamroller the road"
01594664 35 v 01 tread 0 001 @ 01593937 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | crush as if by treading on; "tread grapes to make wine"
01594782 35 v 01 telescope 0 001 @ 01593937 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | crush together or collapse; "In the accident, the cars telescoped"; "my hiking sticks telescope and can be put into the backpack"
01594978 35 v 04 crunch 0 cranch 0 craunch 0 grind 2 003 @ 01447257 v 0000 + 00358290 n 0401 ^ 02587239 v 0403 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | press or grind with a crushing noise
01595149 35 v 02 crank 0 crank_up 0 002 @ 02045790 v 0000 + 03127024 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | rotate with a crank
01595260 35 v 01 solder 0 007 @ 01291069 v 0000 + 10621941 n 0101 + 00148653 n 0102 + 14718822 n 0101 ~ 01595491 v 0000 ~ 01595605 v 0000 ~ 01595697 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | join or fuse with solder; "solder these two pipes together"
01595491 35 v 01 dip_solder 0 001 @ 01595260 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | solder by immersion in a bath of molten solder
01595605 35 v 01 soft-solder 0 001 @ 01595260 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | repair with soft-solder
01595697 35 v 01 braze 0 001 @ 01595260 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | solder together by using hard solder with a high melting point
01595830 35 v 01 weld 0 008 * 00394813 v 0000 @ 01291069 v 0000 + 04572235 n 0101 + 04571958 n 0101 + 10773665 n 0101 + 00149508 n 0101 ~ 01596056 v 0000 ~ 01596404 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | join together by heating; "weld metal"
01596056 35 v 02 spotweld 0 spot-weld 0 013 @ 01595830 v 0000 + 00149895 n 0201 + 04286960 n 0201 + 04286960 n 0202 + 10640446 n 0201 + 00149895 n 0101 + 04286960 n 0101 + 04286960 n 0102 + 10640446 n 0101 + 00149895 n 0102 + 00149895 n 0202 + 10640446 n 0102 + 10640446 n 0202 01 + 08 00 | make circular welds; "These pipes are only spotwelded"
01596404 35 v 02 butt-weld 0 buttweld 0 009 @ 01595830 v 0000 + 02929582 n 0202 + 02929582 n 0201 + 00149699 n 0201 + 02929582 n 0102 + 02929582 n 0101 + 00149699 n 0101 + 00149699 n 0202 + 00149699 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | join by a butt weld
01596645 35 v 01 comb 1 007 @ 01368597 v 0000 + 03074855 n 0101 + 00256746 n 0101 + 00256746 n 0102 ~ 01299562 v 0000 ~ 01596855 v 0000 ~ 01596972 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | straighten with a comb; "comb your hair"
01596855 35 v 01 currycomb 0 002 @ 01596645 v 0000 + 03150661 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | clean (a horse) with a currycomb
01596972 35 v 03 heckle 0 hackle 0 hatchel 0 001 @ 01596645 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | comb with a heckle; "heckle hemp or flax"
01597096 35 v 05 drag_down 0 bear_down 0 bear_down_on 0 press_down_on 0 weigh_down 0 001 @ 01447257 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | exert a force with a heavy weight; "The snow bore down on the roof"
01597286 35 v 01 shoot 1 012 @ 01405044 v 0000 + 10591481 n 0101 + 04396093 n 0102 ~ 01597662 v 0000 ~ 01597995 v 0000 ~ 01598140 v 0000 ~ 01598395 v 0000 ~ 01598507 v 0000 ~ 01598637 v 0000 ~ 01598785 v 0000 ~ 01598921 v 0000 ~ 01605169 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | throw or propel in a specific direction or towards a specific objective; "shoot craps"; "shoot a golf ball"
01597662 35 v 01 dunk 1 004 @ 01597286 v 0000 ;c 00480993 n 0000 + 00110554 n 0101 ~ 01597832 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make a dunk shot, in basketball; "He dunked the ball"
01597832 35 v 01 slam-dunk 0 003 @ 01597662 v 0000 ;c 00480993 n 0000 + 00110745 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | make a slam dunk; shoot a basketball in a slam dunk
01597995 35 v 01 break e 003 @ 01597286 v 0000 ;c 00499924 n 0000 + 00500280 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | make the opening shot that scatters the balls
01598140 35 v 01 chip 4 003 @ 01597286 v 0000 ;c 00464894 n 0000 + 00573530 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | play a chip shot
01598255 35 v 01 volley 1 002 @ 01405044 v 0000 + 00569733 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | hit before it touches the ground; "volley the tennis ball"
01598395 35 v 01 carom 0 003 @ 01597286 v 0000 ;c 00499924 n 0000 + 00500449 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | make a carom
01598507 35 v 01 birdie 0 003 @ 01597286 v 0000 ;c 00464894 n 0000 + 13595276 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | shoot in one stroke under par
01598637 35 v 02 eagle 0 double_birdie 0 002 @ 01597286 v 0000 ;c 00464894 n 0000 01 + 02 00 | shoot two strokes under par; "She eagled the hole"
01598785 35 v 01 double_bogey 0 003 @ 01597286 v 0000 ;c 00464894 n 0000 + 13595699 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | to shoot two strokes over par
01598921 35 v 01 bogey 0 003 @ 01597286 v 0000 ;c 00464894 n 0000 + 13595414 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | to shoot in one stroke over par
01599052 35 v 01 wire 0 003 @ 01340439 v 0000 + 04594218 n 0101 ! 01599225 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | fasten with wire; "The columns were wired to the beams for support"
01599225 35 v 01 unwire 0 002 @ 01519977 v 0000 ! 01599052 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | undo the wiring of
01599325 35 v 01 wire 1 002 @ 01359432 v 0000 + 04594218 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | string on a wire; "wire beads"
01599435 35 v 01 carburet 0 002 @ 01461328 v 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | combine with carbon
01599539 35 v 01 casket 0 003 @ 01587062 v 0000 + 03064758 n 0102 + 02978055 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | enclose in a casket
01599666 35 v 01 chemisorb 0 003 @ 01540449 v 0000 + 13447923 n 0102 + 13447923 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | take up a substance by chemisorption
01599805 35 v 02 crape 2 crepe 0 004 @ 01332730 v 0000 + 03130563 n 0201 + 14826173 n 0201 + 03130563 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cover or drape with crape; "crape the mirror"
01599983 35 v 01 coal 0 002 @ 01214786 v 0000 + 14814616 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | take in coal; "The big ship coaled"
01600098 35 v 01 coapt 0 001 @ 01340439 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | fit tightly and fasten
01600191 35 v 02 coapt 1 conglutinate 1 003 @ 01423285 v 0000 + 13571365 n 0202 + 00382109 n 0205 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to adhere; "The wounds were coapted"
01600355 35 v 01 concrete 0 002 @ 01332730 v 0000 + 14820180 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | cover with cement; "concrete the walls"
01600478 35 v 01 corral 0 002 @ 01587062 v 0000 + 03124590 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | enclose in a corral; "corral the horses"
01600600 35 v 01 tag 1 004 @ 01206218 v 0000 ;c 00471613 n 0000 + 00145024 n 0101 ~ 01600759 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | touch a player while he is holding the ball
01600759 35 v 01 nab 2 002 @ 01600600 v 0000 ;c 00471613 n 0000 01 + 09 00 | tag the base runner to get him out
01600873 35 v 01 croquet 0 002 @ 01405044 v 0000 ;c 00466880 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | drive away by hitting with one's ball, "croquet the opponent's ball"
01601025 35 v 02 crosscut 0 cut_across 0 002 @ 01552519 v 0000 + 08617311 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | cut using a diagonal line
01601147 35 v 01 rip 1 001 @ 01552519 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cut (wood) along the grain
01601234 35 v 03 hold 2 carry 1 bear 1 009 + 05002822 n 0302 + 05002822 n 0201 + 00318735 n 0201 $ 01432601 v 0301 ~ 01601547 v 0000 ~ 01601685 v 0000 ~ 01601934 v 0000 ~ 01602318 v 0000 ~ 02518161 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | support or hold in a certain manner; "She holds her head high"; "He carried himself upright"
01601547 35 v 01 sling 1 001 @ 01601234 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | hold or carry in a sling; "he cannot button his shirt with his slinged arm"
01601685 35 v 01 stoop 2 003 @ 01601234 v 0000 + 00336654 n 0101 + 10659762 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | carry oneself, often habitually, with head, shoulders, and upper back bent forward; "The old man was stooping but he could walk around without a cane"
01601934 35 v 01 piggyback 0 001 @ 01601234 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | support on the back and shoulders; "He piggybacked her child so she could see the show"
01602096 35 v 01 piggyback 2 001 @ 01452255 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | haul by railroad car
01602191 35 v 01 piggyback 3 001 @ 01452255 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | haul truck trailers loaded with commodities on railroad cars
01602318 35 v 02 poise 1 balance 0 007 @ 01601234 v 0000 + 14002279 n 0201 + 02152212 n 0203 + 09833751 n 0201 + 14003880 n 0101 ~ 01602527 v 0000 $ 02673134 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | hold or carry in equilibrium
01602527 35 v 01 juggle 3 001 @ 01602318 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | hold with difficulty and balance insecurely; "the player juggled the ball"
01602665 35 v 01 poise 2 003 > 01602318 v 0000 @ 01494310 v 0000 + 14003880 n 0101 04 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | cause to be balanced or suspended
01602821 35 v 01 blacklead 0 001 @ 01332730 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cover with graphite
01602907 35 v 01 gate 0 001 @ 01224744 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | control with a valve or other device that functions like a gate
01603032 35 v 01 grass 0 002 @ 01332730 v 0000 + 12102133 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | cover with grass; "The owners decided to grass their property"
01603175 35 v 01 gravel 0 002 @ 01332730 v 0000 + 14698884 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | cover with gravel; "We gravelled the driveway"
01603303 35 v 01 metal 0 003 @ 01264283 v 0000 + 14586769 n 0102 + 14625458 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | cover with metal
01603418 35 v 03 macadamize 0 macadamise 0 tarmac 0 005 @ 01264283 v 0000 + 14977188 n 0302 + 04394630 n 0302 + 14977075 n 0101 + 04394630 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | surface with macadam; "macadam the road"
01603620 35 v 02 limber 0 limber_up 0 001 @ 01296462 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | attach the limber; "limber a cannon"
01603732 35 v 01 lime 0 003 @ 01332730 v 0000 + 14789885 n 0103 + 14936010 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | cover with lime so as to induce growth; "lime the lawn"
01603885 35 v 01 lance 0 002 @ 01346003 v 0000 + 03637618 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | open by piercing with a lancet; "lance a boil"
01604012 35 v 01 loft 1 001 @ 01405044 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | kick or strike high in the air; "loft a ball"
01604119 35 v 01 lance 1 002 @ 01441510 v 0000 + 04270891 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | pierce with a lance, as in a knights' fight
01604251 35 v 02 lasso 0 rope 3 006 @ 01215421 v 0000 + 04108268 n 0201 + 10538853 n 0201 + 10538733 n 0201 + 00299680 n 0201 + 03644378 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | catch with a lasso; "rope cows"
01604442 35 v 01 loft 0 001 @ 01511706 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | propel through the air; "The rocket lofted the space shuttle into the air"
01604586 35 v 01 joggle 0 002 @ 01340439 v 0000 + 03229244 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | fasten or join with a joggle
01604696 35 v 01 joint 0 003 @ 01340439 v 0000 + 03600977 n 0101 + 13911151 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | fasten with a joint
01604814 35 v 01 juggle 0 005 @ 01508368 v 0000 + 00099799 n 0101 + 10226413 n 0101 + 00099799 n 0102 + 00562179 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | throw, catch, and keep in the air several things simultaneously
01605021 35 v 01 martyr 0 003 @ 01323958 v 0000 + 10296832 n 0101 + 10296618 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | kill as a martyr; "Saint Sebastian was martyred"
01605169 35 v 01 knuckle 1 001 @ 01597286 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | shoot a marble while keeping one's knuckles on the ground
01605291 35 v 01 knuckle 0 002 @ 01447257 v 0000 + 05585205 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | press or rub with the knuckles
01605404 35 v 01 mantle 0 002 @ 01207951 v 0000 + 09223725 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | cover like a mantle; "The ivy mantles the building"
01605537 35 v 01 ooze_through 0 002 @ 01227675 v 0000 ~ 01605692 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | run slowly and gradually; "Blood oozed through the bandage"
01605692 35 v 02 sop 2 soak_through 0 002 @ 01605537 v 0000 + 07861421 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | be or become thoroughly soaked or saturated with a liquid
01605851 35 v 01 wash_out 0 002 @ 01564144 v 0000 + 13574193 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | wear or destroy by the force of water; "The hail storms had washed out the bridges"
01606018 35 v 02 interlock 0 lock 3 003 @ 01424456 v 0000 + 00814458 n 0201 + 00140393 n 0104 01 + 02 00 | become engaged or intermeshed with one another; "They were locked in embrace"
01606205 35 v 02 fortify 0 fort 0 007 @ 01587062 v 0000 + 03386011 n 0202 + 03385557 n 0101 + 03420559 n 0102 + 03386011 n 0102 ~ 01606423 v 0000 ~ 02366745 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | enclose by or as if by a fortification
01606423 35 v 01 trench 5 002 @ 01606205 v 0000 + 04478657 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | fortify by surrounding with trenches; "He trenched his military camp"
01606574 35 v 01 lean 0 003 @ 01494310 v 0000 + 05068080 n 0104 + 00105624 n 0101 01 + 21 00 | cause to lean or incline; "He leaned his rifle against the wall"
01606736 35 v 03 lock 4 interlock 1 interlace 1 003 @ 01216670 v 0000 + 00140393 n 0203 + 00814458 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | hold in a locking position; "He locked his hands around her neck"
01606931 35 v 01 trap 1 001 @ 01216670 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | hold or catch as if in a trap; "The gaps between the teeth trap food particles"
01607072 35 v 03 bond 1 bring_together 2 draw_together 0 002 @ 02603056 v 0000 + 13792183 n 0102 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | bring together in a common cause or emotion; "The death of their child had drawn them together"
01607288 35 v 01 close e 001 @ 01295275 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | bring together all the elements or parts of; "Management closed ranks"
01607445 35 v 01 set 2 003 @ 01463963 v 0000 + 01052853 n 0101 + 03792526 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | fix in a border; "The goldsmith set the diamond"
01607590 35 v 01 clap 3 001 @ 01494310 v 0000 02 + 20 00 + 21 00 | put quickly or forcibly; "The judge clapped him in jail"
01607716 35 v 01 hem_in 0 002 @ 01467370 v 0000 ~ 01615190 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | surround in a restrictive manner; "The building was hemmed in by flowers"
01607871 35 v 01 mound_over 0 001 @ 01332730 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | form mounds over; "The huts can be mounded over to form shelters"
01608004 35 v 01 toggle 0 002 @ 01340439 v 0000 + 04445327 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | fasten with, or as if with, a toggle
01608122 35 v 02 girdle 1 deaden 3 003 @ 01555742 v 0000 ;c 00017222 n 0000 + 05578911 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | cut a girdle around so as to kill by interrupting the circulation of water and nutrients; "girdle the plant"
01608340 35 v 01 straw 1 002 @ 01332730 v 0000 + 14959939 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | cover or provide with or as if with straw; "cows were strawed to weather the snowstorm"
01608508 35 v 01 graze 2 004 @ 00069879 v 0000 + 14286885 n 0101 + 00841091 n 0101 + 00150762 n 0101 01 + 10 00 | break the skin (of a body part) by scraping; "She was grazed by the stray bullet"
01608706 35 v 02 clean 4 strip 4 001 @ 00173338 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 18 00 + 22 00 | remove all contents or possession from, or empty completely; "The boys cleaned the sandwich platters"; "The trees were cleaned of apples by the storm"
01608951 35 v 01 clean c 001 @ 02314275 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | deprive wholly of money in a gambling game, robbery, etc.; "The other players cleaned him completely"
01609115 35 v 03 pick_at 0 pluck_at 0 pull_at 0 001 @ 01609287 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | pluck or pull at with the fingers; "She picked nervously at the buttons of her blouse"
01609287 35 v 01 pull 4 013 @ 01350449 v 0000 + 00114431 n 0101 + 11498040 n 0101 + 10492447 n 0101 + 00114431 n 0102 ~ 01349493 v 0000 ~ 01349893 v 0000 ~ 01350025 v 0000 $ 01448100 v 0000 ~ 01593134 v 0000 ~ 01609115 v 0000 ~ 01609773 v 0000 ~ 01609953 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | apply force so as to cause motion towards the source of the motion; "Pull the rope"; "Pull the handle towards you"; "pull the string gently"; "pull the trigger of the gun"; "pull your knees towards your chin"
01609773 35 v 03 retract 2 pull_back 3 draw_back 4 002 @ 01609287 v 0000 + 04083800 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | use a surgical instrument to hold open (the edges of a wound or an organ)
01609953 35 v 01 draw_close 2 002 $ 01424948 v 0000 @ 01609287 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | pull towards oneself; "He drew the crying child close"
01610101 35 v 01 rest 4 002 @ 01494310 v 0000 + 04081044 n 0101 01 + 21 00 | put something in a resting position, as for support or steadying; "Rest your head on my shoulder"
01610278 35 v 01 size 0 003 @ 01264283 v 0000 + 14706372 n 0101 + 14706372 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | cover or stiffen or glaze a porous material with size or sizing (a glutinous substance)
01610463 35 v 02 break a break_up a 003 $ 01610666 v 0000 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 00708017 a 0101 01 + 08 00 | destroy the completeness of a set of related items; "The book dealer would not break the set"
01610666 35 v 01 break b 002 @ 00161225 v 0000 $ 01610463 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | exchange for smaller units of money; "I had to break a $100 bill just to buy the candy"
01610834 35 v 01 cut a 003 + 00387657 n 0102 + 00386915 n 0102 $ 01610990 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | make an incision or separation; "cut along the dotted line"
01610990 35 v 01 cut b 002 $ 01610834 v 0000 @ 02604760 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | allow incision or separation; "This bread cuts easily"
01611123 35 v 01 cut c 001 @ 01525666 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | function as a cutting instrument; "This knife cuts well"
01611240 35 v 01 perch a 001 @ 01494310 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | cause to perch or sit; "She perched her hat on her head"
01611359 35 v 01 hoist a 001 @ 01974062 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | move from one place to another by lifting; "They hoisted the patient onto the operating table"
01611516 35 v 03 dribble a drip a drop c 006 @ 02069551 v 0000 + 13771404 n 0301 + 03247083 n 0301 + 07432559 n 0201 + 07432559 n 0103 $ 02071142 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | let or cause to fall in drops; "dribble oil into the mixture"
01611746 35 v 01 spread d 002 + 07856270 n 0101 + 04287986 n 0101 01 + 21 00 | distribute over a surface in a layer; "spread cheese on a piece of bread"
01611901 35 v 01 spread c 004 @ 01332730 v 0000 + 07856270 n 0101 + 04287986 n 0101 ~ 01379449 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | cover by spreading something over; "spread the bread with cheese"
01612084 35 v 01 load a 005 @ 01494310 v 0000 + 02964389 n 0104 + 03679986 n 0101 + 10655169 n 0102 + 00713952 n 0101 01 + 21 00 | put (something) on a structure or conveyance; "load the bags onto the trucks"
01612295 35 v 01 cram a 003 @ 01494310 v 0000 $ 01524298 v 0000 ~ 01524871 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | put something somewhere so that the space is completely filled; "cram books into the suitcase"
01612487 35 v 01 drape a 003 @ 01332730 v 0000 + 04930139 n 0101 + 03233123 n 0101 02 + 17 00 + 21 00 | cover or dress loosely with cloth; "drape the statue with a sheet"
01612660 35 v 01 dust 3 002 @ 01332730 v 0000 + 14840092 n 0101 02 + 17 00 + 21 00 | cover with a light dusting of a substance; "dust the bread with flour"
01612818 35 v 01 plaster a 002 @ 01356370 v 0000 $ 01612964 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | affix conspicuously; "She plastered warnings all over the wall"
01612964 35 v 02 plaster b beplaster 0 002 $ 01612818 v 0000 @ 01332730 v 0000 01 + 31 00 | cover conspicuously or thickly, as by pasting something on; "The demonstrators plastered the hallways with posters"; "She let the walls of the apartment be beplastered with stucco"
01613239 35 v 01 set f 002 @ 01494310 v 0000 + 01052853 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | put into a position that will restore a normal state; "set a broken bone"
01613391 35 v 01 siphon 0 002 @ 01494310 v 0000 + 04224155 n 0101 01 + 21 00 | move a liquid from one container into another by means of a siphon or a siphoning action; "siphon gas into the tank"
01613589 35 v 01 squish 0 001 @ 01313411 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | put (a liquid) into a container or another place by means of a squirting action
01613732 35 v 01 tap 4 003 $ 02360274 v 0000 @ 01441100 v 0000 + 04390977 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | pierce in order to draw a liquid from; "tap a maple tree for its syrup"; "tap a keg of beer"
01613921 35 v 01 butterfly 0 002 @ 01579813 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | cut and spread open, as in preparation for cooking; "butterflied shrimp"
01614079 35 v 01 gradate 0 003 @ 01463963 v 0000 + 14429608 n 0101 + 01003729 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | arrange according to grades; "These lines are gradated"
01614235 35 v 01 stick a 002 @ 01343892 v 0000 $ 01614581 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | fasten into place by fixing an end or point into something; "stick the corner of the sheet under the mattress"
01614426 35 v 01 stick 9 002 @ 01343892 v 0000 $ 01614581 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | fasten with or as with pins or nails; "stick the photo onto the corkboard"
01614581 35 v 01 stick 8 004 $ 01220885 v 0000 $ 01614426 v 0000 $ 01614235 v 0000 @ 01343892 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | fasten with an adhesive material like glue; "stick the poster onto the wall"
01614774 35 v 01 hitch d 002 @ 01354673 v 0000 + 03522863 n 0101 01 + 21 00 | connect to a vehicle: "hitch the trailer to the car"
01614907 35 v 01 steel 0 002 @ 01332730 v 0000 + 14802450 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | cover, plate, or edge with steel
01615020 35 v 02 hedge 0 hedge_in 1 002 @ 01587062 v 0000 $ 01615190 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | enclose or bound in with or as it with a hedge or hedges; "hedge the property"
01615190 35 v 01 hedge 1 002 $ 01615020 v 0000 @ 01607716 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | hinder or restrict with or as if with a hedge; "The animals were hedged in"
01615354 35 v 01 ligate 0 001 @ 01295275 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | join letters in a ligature when writing
01615457 35 v 02 put_out 1 retire 0 003 @ 01586278 v 0000 ;c 00471613 n 0000 + 00130093 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | cause to be out on a fielding play
01615602 35 v 02 metalize 0 metallize 0 001 @ 01264283 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | coat with metal
01615695 35 v 01 platinize 0 001 @ 01264283 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | coat with metallic platinum
01615789 35 v 01 porcelainize 0 001 @ 01264283 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | coat with porcelain or a porcelain-like surface
01615906 35 v 01 zinc 0 001 @ 01264283 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | coat or cover with zinc
01615991 35 v 02 put_away 3 put_aside 0 000 01 + 08 00 | stop using; "the children were told to put away their toys"; "the students put away their notebooks"
01616151 35 v 01 shed_blood 0 001 @ 01323958 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | kill violently; "They will never stop shedding the blood of their enemies"
01616293 35 v 01 tree 1 002 @ 01567275 v 0000 + 13104059 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | plant with trees; "this lot should be treed so that the house will be shaded in summer"
01616460 35 v 01 unblock 2 001 @ 01479682 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | clear or remove an obstruction from; "the procedure unblocked his arteries"
01616608 35 v 01 disperse 5 001 @ 01458973 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | separate (light) into spectral rays; "the prosm disperses light"
01616738 35 v 01 bowl 4 002 @ 01507143 v 0000 ;c 00476389 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | hurl a cricket ball from one end of the pitch towards the batsman at the other end
01616901 35 v 01 seat 1 001 @ 01494310 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | place or attach firmly in or on a base; "seat the camera on the tripod"
01617034 35 v 04 clothe 0 cloak 1 drape 2 robe 0 001 @ 01207951 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | cover as if with clothing; "the mountain was clothed in tropical trees"
01617192 36 v 02 make 0 create 0 063 + 09976429 n 0201 + 00015388 n 0205 + 00923995 n 0103 ^ 01619725 v 0104 ^ 01634424 v 0104 ~ 00054628 v 0000 ~ 00055142 v 0000 ~ 00167535 v 0000 ~ 00195617 v 0000 ~ 00229280 v 0000 ~ 00251615 v 0000 ~ 00511855 v 0000 ~ 00665476 v 0000 ~ 01275182 v 0000 ~ 01518047 v 0000 ~ 01558681 v 0000 ~ 01618468 v 0000 ~ 01618547 v 0000 ~ 01618884 v 0000 ~ 01619354 v 0000 ~ 01624449 v 0000 ~ 01627355 v 0000 ~ 01628449 v 0000 ~ 01629403 v 0000 ~ 01629589 v 0000 ~ 01629958 v 0000 ~ 01631534 v 0000 ~ 01640207 v 0000 ~ 01644746 v 0000 ~ 01645601 v 0000 ~ 01647672 v 0000 ~ 01649809 v 0000 ~ 01652139 v 0000 ~ 01653013 v 0000 ~ 01654628 v 0000 ~ 01655505 v 0000 ~ 01656788 v 0000 ~ 01666894 v 0000 ~ 01675073 v 0000 ~ 01693881 v 0000 ~ 01697816 v 0000 ~ 01705494 v 0000 ~ 01708317 v 0000 ~ 01710317 v 0000 ~ 01711965 v 0000 ~ 01712204 v 0000 ~ 01737617 v 0000 ~ 01747085 v 0000 ~ 01750156 v 0000 ~ 01752495 v 0000 ~ 01752884 v 0000 ~ 01754105 v 0000 ~ 01754271 v 0000 ~ 01754737 v 0000 ~ 01754915 v 0000 ~ 01755651 v 0000 ~ 01756006 v 0000 ~ 01758410 v 0000 ~ 01758696 v 0000 ~ 01759021 v 0000 ~ 01759326 v 0000 ~ 02448079 v 0000 ~ 02448185 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make or cause to be or to become; "make a mess in one's office"; "create a furor"
01618468 36 v 01 track 0 001 @ 01617192 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make tracks upon
01618547 36 v 02 institute 0 bring 1 001 @ 01617192 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | advance or set forth in court; "bring charges", "institute proceedings"
01618693 36 v 01 introduce 1 002 @ 01647672 v 0000 ~ 02079051 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | bring in or establish in a new place or environment; "introduce a rule"; "introduce exotic fruits"
01618884 36 v 02 short-circuit 0 short 0 002 @ 01617192 v 0000 + 04204755 n 0202 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | create a short circuit in
01619014 36 v 02 do 0 make 5 002 @ 01640207 v 0000 ! 01619231 v 0201 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | create or design, often in a certain way; "Do my room in blue"; "I did this piece in wood to express my love for the forest"
01619231 36 v 02 unmake 0 undo 0 002 ! 01619014 v 0102 ~ 01619929 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | deprive of certain characteristics
01619354 36 v 01 re-create 0 014 @ 01617192 v 0000 + 00908772 n 0101 ~ 00168393 v 0000 ~ 01631072 v 0000 ~ 01635176 v 0000 ~ 01654271 v 0000 ~ 01686132 v 0000 ~ 01703454 v 0000 ~ 01711445 v 0000 ~ 01714208 v 0000 ~ 01719302 v 0000 ~ 01722815 v 0000 ~ 01722980 v 0000 ~ 01724459 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | create anew; "Re-create the boom of the West on a small scale"
01619725 36 v 04 remake 0 refashion 1 redo 0 make_over 0 005 @ 01621555 v 0000 + 00269674 n 0401 + 04074329 n 0101 + 00660570 n 0401 ~ 01658586 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make new; "She is remaking her image"
01619929 36 v 02 destroy 0 destruct 0 020 @ 01619231 v 0000 + 00737973 a 0101 + 00586183 a 0101 + 00217014 n 0101 + 10008716 n 0101 + 03180504 n 0101 ~ 00355177 v 0000 ~ 00471711 v 0000 ~ 01620436 v 0000 ~ 01620688 v 0000 ~ 01620854 v 0000 ~ 01621084 v 0000 ~ 01621219 v 0000 ~ 01621418 v 0000 ~ 01656458 v 0000 ~ 01657977 v 0000 ~ 01661804 v 0000 ~ 01662118 v 0000 ~ 01662434 v 0000 ~ 01757196 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | do away with, cause the destruction or undoing of; "The fire destroyed the house"
01620436 36 v 02 self-destruct 0 self-destroy 0 005 @ 01619929 v 0000 + 00222766 n 0201 + 00222485 n 0202 + 00222766 n 0101 + 00222485 n 0102 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | do away with oneself or itself; "The machine will self-destruct if you tamper with it"
01620688 36 v 01 destruct 1 001 @ 01619929 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | destroy (one's own missile or rocket); "The engineers had to destruct the rocket for safety reasons"
01620854 36 v 01 end d 006 @ 01619929 v 0000 + 06398401 n 0102 + 14562960 n 0101 + 07291794 n 0101 + 15266911 n 0101 + 07291312 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | put an end to; "The terrible news ended our hopes that he had survived"
01621084 36 v 01 fracture 0 001 @ 01619929 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | interrupt, break, or destroy; "fracture the balance of power"
01621219 36 v 02 wipe_out 0 sweep_away 0 002 @ 01619929 v 0000 + 07334490 n 0103 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | eliminate completely and without a trace; "The old values have been wiped out"
01621418 36 v 01 interdict 0 001 @ 01619929 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | destroy by firepower, such as an enemy's line of communication
01621555 36 v 03 produce 0 make 1 create 3 038 $ 01640207 v 0000 + 03129123 n 0301 + 00908492 n 0301 + 10284064 n 0201 + 08060446 n 0202 + 05845140 n 0202 + 00923995 n 0203 + 10292316 n 0102 + 03748886 n 0103 + 04007894 n 0101 ~ 01429455 v 0000 ~ 01619725 v 0000 ~ 01622445 v 0000 ~ 01622595 v 0000 ~ 01622795 v 0000 ~ 01623027 v 0000 ~ 01623365 v 0000 ~ 01623489 v 0000 ~ 01623656 v 0000 ~ 01623792 v 0000 ~ 01623967 v 0000 ~ 01625044 v 0000 ~ 01625206 v 0000 ~ 01625343 v 0000 ~ 01625532 v 0000 ~ 01625666 v 0000 ~ 01625985 v 0000 ~ 01628197 v 0000 ~ 01629000 v 0000 ~ 01675780 v 0000 ~ 01681913 v 0000 ~ 01736822 v 0000 ~ 01739263 v 0000 ~ 01739675 v 0000 ~ 01745722 v 0000 ~ 01750813 v 0000 ~ 01752316 v 0000 ~ 01756277 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | create or manufacture a man-made product; "We produce more cars than we can sell"; "The company has been making toys for two centuries"
01622445 36 v 01 prefabricate 1 001 @ 01621555 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | produce synthetically, artificially, or stereotypically and unoriginally
01622595 36 v 01 underproduce 0 002 @ 01621555 v 0000 + 00914509 n 0101 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | produce below capacity or demand; "The East German factories were underproducing for many years"
01622795 36 v 01 output 0 004 @ 01621555 v 0000 + 03860882 n 0101 + 00914632 n 0101 + 03287178 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | to create or manufacture a specific amount; "the computer is outputting the data from the job I'm running"
01623027 36 v 02 pulse 0 pulsate 0 005 @ 01621555 v 0000 + 07420991 n 0201 + 07420991 n 0203 + 07420991 n 0103 + 07420991 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | produce or modulate (as electromagnetic waves) in the form of short bursts or pulses or cause an apparatus to produce pulses; "pulse waves"; "a transmitter pulsed by an electronic tube"
01623365 36 v 03 clap_up 0 clap_together 0 slap_together 0 001 @ 01621555 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make hastily and carelessly
01623489 36 v 04 custom-make 0 customize 0 customise 0 tailor-make 1 001 @ 01621555 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make to specifications; "I had this desk custom-made for me"
01623656 36 v 02 dummy 0 dummy_up 0 001 @ 01621555 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make a dummy of; "dummy up the books that are to be published"
01623792 36 v 01 turn_out 1 002 @ 01621555 v 0000 + 03860882 n 0103 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | produce quickly or regularly, usually with machinery; "This factory turns out saws"
01623967 36 v 01 machine 0 004 @ 01621555 v 0000 + 03699975 n 0101 + 10279018 n 0101 + 03701640 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | make by machinery; "The Americans were machining while others still hand-made cars"
01624169 36 v 01 machine 1 003 @ 01659248 v 0000 + 03699975 n 0101 + 10279018 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | turn, shape, mold, or otherwise finish by machinery
01624321 36 v 01 grind 4 001 @ 01659248 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | shape or form by grinding; "grind lenses for glasses and cameras"
01624449 36 v 01 grind 5 001 @ 01617192 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | created by grinding; "grind designs into the glass bowl"
01624568 36 v 01 stamp 0 004 @ 01659248 v 0000 + 13913566 n 0104 + 10647168 n 0101 + 04300509 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | form or cut out with a mold, form, or die; "stamp needles"
01624743 36 v 01 puddle 0 003 @ 01659248 v 0000 + 14992945 n 0101 + 10491869 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | subject to puddling or form by puddling; "puddle iron"
01624897 36 v 01 beat 0 003 @ 01659248 v 0000 + 00547616 n 0101 ~ 01675245 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | shape by beating; "beat swords into ploughshares"
01625044 36 v 01 churn_out 0 001 @ 01621555 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | produce something at a fast rate; "He churns out papers, but they are all about the same topic"
01625206 36 v 01 overproduce 1 002 @ 01621555 v 0000 + 00914343 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | produce in excess; "The country overproduces cars"
01625343 36 v 01 elaborate 0 002 @ 01621555 v 0000 + 00250710 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | produce from basic elements or sources; change into a more developed product; "The bee elaborates honey"
01625532 36 v 01 put_out 0 001 @ 01621555 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | put out considerable effort; "He put out the same for seven managers"
01625666 36 v 01 laminate 0 006 @ 01621555 v 0000 + 03635668 n 0101 + 05580929 n 0101 + 03635932 n 0101 + 00926923 n 0101 + 10244226 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | create laminate by bonding sheets of material with a bonding material
01625891 36 v 01 mass-produce 0 001 @ 01653442 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | produce on a large scale
01625985 36 v 01 bootleg 0 002 @ 01621555 v 0000 + 07902520 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | produce or distribute illegally; "bootleg tapes of the diva's singing"
01626138 36 v 02 compose 9 compile 0 009 @ 01653873 v 0000 + 06593099 n 0201 + 01014731 n 0201 + 09946957 n 0201 + 01014731 n 0202 + 09949946 n 0101 ~ 01626600 v 0000 ~ 01626705 v 0000 ~ 01626844 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | put together out of existing material; "compile a list"
01626420 36 v 03 confect 0 confection 0 comfit 0 003 @ 01656788 v 0000 + 00926668 n 0201 + 00926668 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | make into a confection; "This medicine is home-confected"
01626600 36 v 02 cobble_together 0 cobble_up 0 001 @ 01626138 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | put together hastily
01626705 36 v 02 anthologize 0 anthologise 0 003 @ 01626138 v 0000 + 06591609 n 0201 + 06591609 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | compile an anthology
01626844 36 v 02 catalogue 0 catalog 0 007 @ 01626138 v 0000 + 06487897 n 0201 + 06416206 n 0201 + 06487897 n 0102 + 06416206 n 0102 + 09900499 n 0102 + 09900499 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | make a catalogue, compile a catalogue; "She spends her weekends cataloguing"
01627105 36 v 01 compile 1 003 @ 01653873 v 0000 + 01014731 n 0101 + 06573600 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | use a computer program to translate source code written in a particular programming language into computer-readable machine code that can be executed
01627355 36 v 02 generate 0 bring_forth 1 009 @ 01617192 v 0000 + 01867295 a 0101 + 15290930 n 0101 + 07324380 n 0102 + 10126177 n 0101 ~ 01627779 v 0000 ~ 01627947 v 0000 ~ 01644050 v 0000 ~ 01757994 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | bring into existence; "The new manager generated a lot of problems"; "The computer bug generated chaos in the office"; "The computer generated this image"; "The earthquake generated a tsunami"
01627779 36 v 01 come_up 3 001 @ 01627355 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | bring forth, usually something desirable; "The committee came up with some interesting recommendations"
01627947 36 v 01 develop 9 004 @ 01627355 v 0000 $ 00171852 v 0000 $ 00545557 v 0000 ~ 00562067 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | generate gradually; "We must develop more potential customers"; "develop a market for the new mobile phone"
01628197 36 v 01 generate 1 004 @ 01621555 v 0000 + 01867295 a 0101 + 00922144 n 0101 + 03433877 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | produce (energy); "We can't generate enough power for the entire city"; "The hydroelectric plant needs to generate more electricity"
01628449 36 v 03 originate 0 initiate 1 start 0 017 @ 01617192 v 0000 + 00235435 n 0302 + 15265518 n 0306 + 07325190 n 0301 + 10355449 n 0304 + 01009343 a 0202 + 01009343 a 0203 + 00156390 n 0203 + 00240184 n 0201 + 00643250 a 0102 + 07323922 n 0101 + 00240184 n 0105 + 10383816 n 0101 ^ 02627666 v 0101 ~ 00539546 v 0000 ~ 01628899 v 0000 ~ 02723951 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | bring into being; "He initiated a new program"; "Start a foundation"
01628899 36 v 01 set c 001 @ 01628449 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | apply or start; "set fire to a building"
01629000 36 v 05 render 0 yield 0 return 0 give 0 generate 2 009 @ 01621555 v 0000 + 00922144 n 0501 + 13260190 n 0301 + 13260190 n 0206 + 04612722 n 0201 + 00914632 n 0202 + 13758745 n 0202 $ 01629403 v 0000 $ 01647672 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | give or supply; "The cow brings in 5 liters of milk"; "This year's crop yielded 1,000 bushels of corn"; "The estate renders some revenue for the family"
01629403 36 v 02 give 3 yield 1 002 $ 01629000 v 0000 @ 01617192 v 0000 03 + 11 00 + 14 00 + 15 00 | cause to happen or be responsible for; "His two singles gave the team the victory"
01629589 36 v 05 bring 0 work 1 play d wreak 0 make_for 0 006 @ 01617192 v 0000 + 01822563 a 0205 ^ 01644050 v 0102 ^ 02522864 v 0103 ^ 01629958 v 0109 $ 02525447 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to happen or to occur as a consequence; "I cannot work a miracle"; "wreak havoc"; "bring comments"; "play a joke"; "The rain brought relief to the drought-stricken area"
01629958 36 v 0b raise 1 conjure 0 conjure_up 0 invoke 0 evoke 2 stir 0 call_down 0 arouse 0 bring_up 0 put_forward 0 call_forth 0 013 $ 01646866 v 0000 @ 01617192 v 0000 + 05978623 n 0501 + 07160296 n 0401 + 05978159 n 0404 + 10280674 n 0203 + 07160116 n 0202 + 05978159 n 0202 + 10280674 n 0204 + 05978159 n 0203 + 05978159 n 0201 ~ 00865958 v 0000 ~ 00866505 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | summon into action or bring into existence, often as if by magic; "raise the specter of unemployment"; "he conjured wild birds in the air"; "call down the spirits from the mountain"
01630532 36 v 05 educe 0 evoke 1 elicit 0 extract 0 draw_out 0 001 @ 00623151 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | deduce (a principle) or construe (a meaning); "We drew out some interesting linguistic data from the native informant"
01630751 36 v 02 extort 0 wring_from 0 002 @ 02238085 v 0000 ~ 01630903 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | get or cause to become in a difficult or laborious manner
01630903 36 v 02 pry 0 prise 0 002 @ 01630751 v 0000 + 05683390 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | make an uninvited or presumptuous inquiry; "They pried the information out of him"
01631072 36 v 02 regenerate 0 renew 0 013 @ 01619354 v 0000 + 01248852 n 0201 + 00269963 n 0102 ~ 00162688 v 0000 ~ 00163441 v 0000 ~ 00163915 v 0000 ~ 00164072 v 0000 ~ 00164201 v 0000 ~ 00164444 v 0000 ~ 00164658 v 0000 ~ 00168588 v 0000 ~ 00262076 v 0000 ~ 02552449 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | reestablish on a new, usually improved, basis or make new or like new; "We renewed our friendship after a hiatus of twenty years"; "They renewed their membership"
01631534 36 v 02 create_by_mental_act 0 create_mentally 0 016 @ 01617192 v 0000 ~ 00730758 v 0000 ~ 00736799 v 0000 ~ 01631959 v 0000 ~ 01632103 v 0000 ~ 01632411 v 0000 ~ 01633343 v 0000 ~ 01634142 v 0000 ~ 01636397 v 0000 ~ 01638368 v 0000 ~ 01639714 v 0000 ~ 01692834 v 0000 ~ 01738597 v 0000 ~ 01747717 v 0000 ~ 01757546 v 0000 ~ 01757721 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | create mentally and abstractly rather than with one's hands
01631959 36 v 01 give_birth 0 001 @ 01631534 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | create or produce an idea; "Marx and Engels gave birth to communism"
01632103 36 v 01 schematize 0 007 * 00404642 v 0000 @ 01631534 v 0000 + 00900207 n 0101 + 05891572 n 0103 + 05927813 n 0102 + 05927813 n 0101 + 05891572 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | formulate in regular order; to reduce to a scheme or formula; "The chemists schematized the various reactions in a coherent fashion"
01632411 36 v 06 invent 0 contrive 0 devise 0 excogitate 0 formulate 0 forge 8 014 @ 01631534 v 0000 + 06732013 n 0501 + 00940842 n 0503 + 05633385 n 0403 + 05792842 n 0401 + 10068804 n 0401 + 10438172 n 0303 + 00923995 n 0301 + 00940709 n 0301 + 00940709 n 0202 + 00643863 a 0102 + 05633385 n 0101 + 00940412 n 0101 + 10214637 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | come up with (an idea, plan, explanation, theory, or principle) after a mental effort; "excogitate a way to measure the speed of light"
01632897 36 v 04 project 3 cast 2 contrive 2 throw 2 003 @ 01951480 v 0000 + 00105479 n 0202 ~ 02096047 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | put or send forth; "She threw the flashlight beam into the corner"; "The setting sun threw long shadows"; "cast a spell"; "cast a warm light"
01633173 36 v 01 formulate 1 005 @ 01653013 v 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 06788785 n 0102 + 05846932 n 0102 + 14873641 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | prepare according to a formula
01633343 36 v 04 gestate 3 conceive 0 conceptualize 0 conceptualise 0 015 @ 01631534 v 0000 + 05836275 n 0402 + 00940842 n 0402 + 05835747 n 0401 + 00012362 a 0301 + 05836275 n 0301 + 00940842 n 0301 + 05835747 n 0301 + 05633385 n 0204 + 05835747 n 0201 + 10383816 n 0202 + 05772215 n 0101 ~ 01633825 v 0000 ~ 01634011 v 0000 ~ 01637982 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 22 00 | have the idea for; "He conceived of a robot that would help paralyzed patients"; "This library was well conceived"
01633825 36 v 01 design 9 002 @ 01633343 v 0000 + 05982152 n 0105 01 + 08 00 | conceive or fashion in the mind; invent; "She designed a good excuse for not attending classes that day"
01634011 36 v 01 preconceive 0 002 @ 01633343 v 0000 + 05949937 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | conceive beforehand; "a preconceived notion"
01634142 36 v 05 think_up 0 think_of 0 dream_up 0 hatch 0 concoct 0 004 @ 01631534 v 0000 + 05634219 n 0501 ~ 00624967 v 0000 ~ 01634424 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | devise or invent; "He thought up a plan to get rich quickly"; "no-one had ever thought of such a clever piece of software"
01634424 36 v 05 fabricate 0 manufacture 1 cook_up 0 make_up 1 invent 1 010 @ 01634142 v 0000 + 00940412 n 0501 + 06757891 n 0101 + 00931040 n 0101 + 10660333 n 0103 ~ 01634734 v 0000 ~ 01634887 v 0000 ~ 01635056 v 0000 ~ 01639500 v 0000 ~ 01739545 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make up something artificial or untrue
01634734 36 v 02 mythologize 0 mythologise 0 001 @ 01634424 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | construct a myth; "The poet mythologized that the King had three sons"
01634887 36 v 01 confabulate 3 003 @ 01634424 v 0000 ;c 06055946 n 0000 + 05935535 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | unconsciously replace fact with fantasy in one's memory
01635056 36 v 02 trump_up 0 concoct 2 002 @ 01634424 v 0000 + 05634219 n 0201 01 + 08 00 | invent; "trump up charges"
01635176 36 v 03 fictionalize 0 fictionalise 0 retell 7 005 @ 01619354 v 0000 + 06367373 n 0101 + 00931040 n 0102 + 06757891 n 0102 + 06367107 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | make into fiction; "The writer fictionalized the lives of his parents in his latest novel"
01635432 36 v 09 visualize 0 visualise 0 envision 0 project 0 fancy 0 see 0 figure 0 picture 1 image 0 017 @ 01636397 v 0000 + 05928118 n 0901 + 03265874 n 0902 + 03931044 n 0902 + 05767733 n 0902 + 05767733 n 0903 + 05936704 n 0802 + 05768415 n 0801 + 00899927 n 0701 + 10756433 n 0603 + 05896059 n 0504 + 05632272 n 0501 + 05768415 n 0302 + 05936381 n 0102 + 10757492 n 0101 $ 00591115 v 0000 $ 01636008 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | imagine; conceive of; see in one's mind; "I can't see him on horseback!"; "I can see what will happen"; "I can see a risk in this strategy"
01636008 36 v 02 visualize 2 visualise 2 003 $ 01635432 v 0000 @ 01636397 v 0000 + 05936381 n 0203 01 + 02 00 | form a mental picture of something that is invisible or abstract; "Mathematicians often visualize"
01636221 36 v 02 envision 1 foresee 0 002 @ 01636397 v 0000 + 05768415 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | picture to oneself; imagine possible; "I cannot envision him as President"
01636397 36 v 04 imagine 0 conceive_of 1 ideate 1 envisage 0 014 @ 01631534 v 0000 + 05833840 n 0301 + 05784699 n 0301 + 00643863 a 0101 + 05767733 n 0101 + 05625465 n 0101 ~ 01635432 v 0000 ~ 01636008 v 0000 ~ 01636221 v 0000 ~ 01636859 v 0000 ~ 01636993 v 0000 ~ 01637166 v 0000 ~ 01637368 v 0000 ~ 01637633 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | form a mental image of something that is not present or that is not the case; "Can you conceive of him as the president?"
01636859 36 v 02 fantasize 1 fantasise 1 001 @ 01636397 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | portray in the mind; "he is fantasizing the ideal wife"
01636993 36 v 01 prefigure 1 003 @ 01636397 v 0000 + 05939109 n 0101 + 05776015 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | imagine or consider beforehand; "It wasn't as bad as I had prefigured"
01637166 36 v 01 think 0 003 @ 01636397 v 0000 + 05786372 n 0101 + 05833840 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | imagine or visualize; "Just think--you could be rich one day!"; "Think what a scene it must have been!"
01637368 36 v 03 fantasy 0 fantasize 0 fantasise 0 005 @ 01636397 v 0000 + 05896059 n 0202 + 05632446 n 0201 + 05896059 n 0102 + 05632446 n 0101 03 + 02 00 + 22 00 + 26 00 | indulge in fantasies; "he is fantasizing when he says he plans to start his own company"
01637633 36 v 04 dream 0 daydream 0 woolgather 0 stargaze 0 012 @ 01636397 v 0000 + 09994119 n 0402 + 09993901 n 0302 + 05769726 n 0301 + 05769471 n 0203 + 09993901 n 0201 + 05769471 n 0204 + 05768806 n 0101 + 10196965 n 0102 + 10062996 n 0102 + 05768806 n 0102 ^ 01634142 v 0103 03 + 02 00 + 22 00 + 26 00 | have a daydream; indulge in a fantasy
01637982 36 v 02 discover 0 find 0 011 $ 00721437 v 0000 @ 01633343 v 0000 + 05808218 n 0203 + 00043195 n 0202 + 09279458 n 0201 + 10214637 n 0102 + 07214432 n 0101 + 05808218 n 0101 + 00043195 n 0101 $ 00918872 v 0000 $ 02154508 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | make a discovery, make a new finding; "Roentgen discovered X-rays"; "Physicists believe they found a new elementary particle"
01638368 36 v 04 plan 0 project 1 contrive 1 design 2 014 @ 01631534 v 0000 + 05633385 n 0405 + 05982152 n 0405 + 05728678 n 0401 + 10438172 n 0302 + 05910453 n 0201 + 00795720 n 0202 + 05728678 n 0102 + 05898568 n 0101 + 10438172 n 0101 + 05794694 n 0101 ~ 01638825 v 0000 ~ 01639003 v 0000 ~ 01756149 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 28 00 | make or work out a plan for; devise; "They contrived to murder their boss"; "design a new sales strategy"; "plan an attack"
01638825 36 v 01 plot 3 001 @ 01638368 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | devise the sequence of events in (a literary work or a play, movie, or ballet); "the writer is plotting a new novel"
01639003 36 v 01 concert 0 001 @ 01638368 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | contrive (a plan) by mutual agreement
01639105 36 v 03 mint 0 coin 0 strike 2 007 @ 01653013 v 0000 + 13388245 n 0201 + 09935233 n 0201 + 09934921 n 0201 + 03772269 n 0101 + 09934921 n 0102 + 00909796 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | form by stamping, punching, or printing; "strike coins"; "strike a medal"
01639364 36 v 01 spin 0 002 * 01675780 v 0000 @ 01653013 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | form a web by making a thread; "spiders spin a fine web"
01639500 36 v 01 spin 1 001 @ 01634424 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make up a story; "spin a yarn"
01639592 36 v 01 spatchcock 0 001 @ 01025602 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | interpolate or insert (words) into a sentence or story
01639714 36 v 02 design 0 plan 1 012 @ 01631534 v 0000 + 03954199 n 0201 + 10438172 n 0201 + 00928371 n 0201 + 05633385 n 0105 + 03179318 n 0101 + 00928077 n 0101 + 09805475 n 0102 + 00928077 n 0102 ~ 00711550 v 0000 ~ 01640107 v 0000 ~ 01683582 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make a design of; plan out in systematic, often graphic form; "design a better mousetrap"; "plan the new wing of the museum"
01640107 36 v 01 redesign 0 001 @ 01639714 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | design anew, make a new design for
01640207 36 v 02 create d make 9 009 @ 01617192 v 0000 + 00923995 n 0203 + 00585202 a 0101 + 00643250 a 0101 + 07328942 n 0101 ~ 01619014 v 0000 $ 01621555 v 0000 ~ 01640550 v 0000 ~ 01753596 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | create by artistic means; "create a poem"; "Schoenberg created twelve-tone music"; "Picasso created Cubism"; "Auden made verses"
01640550 36 v 01 design 1 008 @ 01640207 v 0000 + 03178782 n 0101 + 09972157 n 0104 + 09805475 n 0102 + 00928077 n 0102 ~ 01666717 v 0000 ~ 01753465 v 0000 $ 01753596 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | create the design for; create or execute in an artistic or highly skilled manner; "Chanel designed the famous suit"
01640855 36 v 07 carry_through 0 accomplish 0 execute 0 carry_out 0 action 0 fulfill 0 fulfil 0 015 $ 00486018 v 0000 @ 00484166 v 0000 @ 01642924 v 0000 + 00062451 n 0702 + 00062451 n 0601 + 03017922 a 0301 + 01127379 n 0301 + 01821690 a 0201 + 00035189 n 0201 ~ 01641341 v 0000 ~ 01641545 v 0000 ~ 01641632 v 0000 ~ 01641751 v 0000 ~ 02561995 v 0000 ~ 02563724 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | put in effect; "carry out a task"; "execute the decision of the people"; "He actioned the operation"
01641341 36 v 01 get_over 0 001 @ 01640855 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | to bring (a necessary but unpleasant task) to an end; "Let's get this job over with"; "It's a question of getting over an unpleasant task"
01641545 36 v 01 run 0 001 @ 01640855 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | carry out; "run an errand"
01641632 36 v 01 consummate 0 002 @ 01640855 v 0000 + 00061598 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | make perfect; bring to perfection
01641751 36 v 01 consummate 1 004 * 01426397 v 0000 @ 01640855 v 0000 + 00061792 n 0101 + 00061598 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | fulfill sexually; "consummate a marriage"
01641914 36 v 02 initiate 0 pioneer 1 012 @ 01645601 v 0000 + 10434725 n 0201 + 00240184 n 0101 + 10209082 n 0102 ~ 01642311 v 0000 ~ 01642437 v 0000 ~ 01643657 v 0000 ~ 01647229 v 0000 ~ 01648126 v 0000 ~ 01649124 v 0000 ~ 01651293 v 0000 ~ 01651444 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | take the lead or initiative in; participate in the development of; "This South African surgeon pioneered heart transplants"
01642311 36 v 01 strike_up 0 001 @ 01641914 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | begin; "strike up a conversation"; "strike up a friendship"
01642437 36 v 02 introduce 0 innovate 0 008 @ 01641914 v 0000 + 01687586 a 0201 + 03582658 n 0202 + 00240184 n 0207 + 10434725 n 0202 ~ 01642717 v 0000 ~ 01645421 v 0000 ~ 01718015 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | bring something new to an environment; "A new word processor was introduced"
01642717 36 v 01 phase_in 0 002 @ 01642437 v 0000 ! 01642820 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | introduce gradually
01642820 36 v 01 phase_out 0 002 @ 00352826 v 0000 ! 01642717 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | terminate gradually
01642924 36 v 03 effect 0 effectuate 0 set_up 3 014 > 00339934 v 0000 @ 01645601 v 0000 + 14311348 n 0201 + 11410625 n 0202 + 00044150 n 0202 + 00510644 a 0101 + 00834198 a 0101 + 05917477 n 0101 + 10046527 n 0101 ~ 01640855 v 0000 ~ 01643297 v 0000 ~ 01644339 v 0000 ~ 01644522 v 0000 ~ 02670398 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | produce; "The scientists set up a shock wave"
01643297 36 v 02 draw 1 get 0 002 @ 01642924 v 0000 ;c 00471613 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | earn or achieve a base by being walked by the pitcher; "He drew a base on balls"
01643464 36 v 01 draw 2 005 @ 01685313 v 0000 + 10029068 n 0102 + 07003119 n 0101 + 00935940 n 0101 $ 01582645 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | engage in drawing; "He spent the day drawing in the garden"
01643657 36 v 09 trip 0 actuate 0 trigger 0 activate 0 set_off 0 spark_off 0 spark 0 trigger_off 0 touch_off 0 010 > 00339934 v 0000 @ 01641914 v 0000 + 13773539 n 0701 + 13426376 n 0401 + 00156390 n 0301 + 02678384 n 0201 + 00030358 n 0201 + 00045250 n 0202 + 04485226 n 0102 + 04485226 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | put in motion or move to act; "trigger a reaction"; "actuate the circuits"
01644050 36 v 02 induce 0 bring_on 0 005 @ 01627355 v 0000 + 00324013 a 0102 + 00159177 n 0101 + 00238527 n 0101 + 00159177 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to arise; "induce a crisis"
01644238 36 v 01 bring_on 1 000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to appear; "bring on the birthday cake"
01644339 36 v 01 precipitate 0 003 @ 01642924 v 0000 + 01270868 a 0104 + 05061149 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | bring about abruptly; "The crisis precipitated by Russia's revolution"
01644522 36 v 04 induce 1 stimulate 0 rush 0 hasten 0 003 @ 01642924 v 0000 + 00238527 n 0101 + 00159177 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to occur rapidly; "the infection precipitated a high fever and allergic reactions"
01644746 36 v 05 realize 0 realise 0 actualize 0 actualise 0 substantiate 4 012 @ 01617192 v 0000 + 00931847 n 0404 + 01933731 a 0301 + 01933520 a 0301 + 00043765 a 0301 + 00931847 n 0303 + 00061917 n 0202 + 00931847 n 0202 + 00061917 n 0101 + 00931847 n 0101 ~ 01645157 v 0000 ~ 02144460 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make real or concrete; give reality or substance to; "our ideas must be substantiated into actions"
01645157 36 v 01 incarnate 0 003 @ 01644746 v 0000 + 10418302 n 0102 ! 01645290 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make concrete and real
01645290 36 v 01 disincarnate 0 002 @ 00547802 v 0000 ! 01645157 v 0101 01 + 11 00 | make immaterial; remove the real essence of
01645421 36 v 02 pioneer 0 open_up 0 002 @ 01642437 v 0000 + 10434725 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | open up an area or prepare a way; "She pioneered a graduate program for women students"
01645601 36 v 03 cause 0 do 2 make 8 016 @ 01617192 v 0000 + 00322457 a 0101 + 00042311 n 0102 + 07326557 n 0101 + 06740402 n 0101 + 00007347 n 0102 ~ 00701040 v 0000 ~ 01641914 v 0000 ~ 01642924 v 0000 ~ 01646075 v 0000 ~ 01646528 v 0000 ~ 01646866 v 0000 ~ 01649024 v 0000 ~ 01649999 v 0000 ~ 01650425 v 0000 ~ 01757338 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | give rise to; cause to happen or occur, not always intentionally; "cause a commotion"; "make a stir"; "cause an accident"
01646075 36 v 01 make f 002 @ 01645601 v 0000 ~ 01646300 v 0000 01 + 24 00 | compel or make somebody or something to act in a certain way; "People cannot be made to integrate just by passing a law!"; "Heat makes you sweat"
01646300 36 v 01 drive 0 004 $ 02505358 v 0000 $ 01516534 v 0000 @ 01646075 v 0000 + 00798245 n 0104 01 + 24 00 | compel somebody to do something, often against his own will or judgment; "She finally drove him to change jobs"
01646528 36 v 01 occasion 0 005 @ 01645601 v 0000 + 14485064 n 0101 + 09179264 n 0101 + 15245829 n 0101 ~ 01646682 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | give occasion to
01646682 36 v 01 inspire 0 002 @ 01646528 v 0000 + 05834567 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | supply the inspiration for; "The article about the artist inspired the exhibition of his recent work"
01646866 36 v 04 provoke 0 evoke 0 call_forth 1 kick_up 0 005 @ 01645601 v 0000 + 05827253 n 0201 + 09184975 n 0103 $ 01629958 v 0000 ~ 01647131 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | evoke or provoke to appear or occur; "Her behavior provoked a quarrel between the couple"
01647131 36 v 01 pick 0 001 @ 01646866 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | provoke; "pick a fight or a quarrel"
01647229 36 v 05 establish 0 found 0 plant 0 constitute 0 institute 1 009 @ 01641914 v 0000 + 00240184 n 0504 + 00237078 n 0401 + 00240184 n 0203 + 10107303 n 0201 + 00240184 n 0202 + 00237078 n 0102 ~ 01647543 v 0000 ~ 02396205 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | set up or lay the groundwork for; "establish a new department"
01647543 36 v 01 fix 1 001 @ 01647229 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | set or place definitely; "Let's fix the date for the party!"
01647672 36 v 02 establish 1 give 1 004 $ 01629000 v 0000 @ 01617192 v 0000 ~ 01618693 v 0000 ~ 01647867 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | bring about; "The trompe l'oeil-illusion establishes depth"
01647867 36 v 01 pacify 0 006 @ 01647672 v 0000 + 06773976 n 0103 + 14539524 n 0101 + 13970236 n 0101 + 06773976 n 0101 + 09952163 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | fight violence and try to establish peace in (a location); "The U.N. troops are working to pacify Bosnia"
01648126 36 v 02 stage 1 arrange 3 006 @ 01641914 v 0000 + 08646566 n 0101 + 10645611 n 0102 ~ 01648373 v 0000 ~ 01648684 v 0000 ~ 01648894 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | plan, organize, and carry out (an event); "the neighboring tribe staged an invasion"
01648373 36 v 01 dogfight 0 002 @ 01648126 v 0000 + 00971802 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | arrange for an illegal dogfight
01648488 36 v 01 concord 0 002 @ 01021629 v 0000 + 07180183 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | arrange by concord or agreement; "Concord the conditions for the marriage of the Prince of Wales with a commoner"
01648684 36 v 01 tee_up 0 001 @ 01648126 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make detailed arrangements or preparations
01648790 36 v 01 prearrange 0 002 @ 01706129 v 0000 + 05795334 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | arrange beforehand
01648894 36 v 01 phase 0 002 @ 01648126 v 0000 + 15290337 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | arrange in phases or stages; "phase a withdrawal"
01649024 36 v 03 engender 0 breed 0 spawn 0 001 @ 01645601 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | call forth
01649124 36 v 01 mount 0 001 @ 01641914 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | put up or launch; "mount a campaign against pornography"
01649251 36 v 02 mount 1 put_on 0 002 @ 01651444 v 0000 ~ 01649482 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | prepare and supply with the necessary equipment for execution or performance; "mount a theater production"; "mount an attack"; "mount a play"
01649482 36 v 01 rerun 0 002 @ 01649251 v 0000 + 06620063 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | rerun a performance of a play, for example
01649605 36 v 01 riff 0 002 @ 01724459 v 0000 + 07045788 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | play riffs
01649695 36 v 01 misplay 0 001 @ 01724459 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | play incorrectly, e.g., play a wrong note
01649809 36 v 02 put_on 1 turn_in 0 001 @ 01617192 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | carry out (performances); "They turned in a splendid effort"; "They turned in top jobs for the second straight game"
01649999 36 v 06 motivate 0 actuate 2 propel 0 move 0 prompt 0 incite 0 013 $ 01767949 v 0000 $ 01771390 v 0000 @ 01645601 v 0000 + 07252764 n 0602 + 09184975 n 0602 + 00045250 n 0301 + 00030358 n 0201 + 00324195 a 0101 + 14578471 n 0101 + 00070641 n 0101 + 00023773 n 0101 + 00023773 n 0102 + 09179776 n 0103 05 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 + 24 00 | give an incentive for action; "This moved me to sacrifice my career"
01650425 36 v 02 impel 0 force 0 004 @ 01645601 v 0000 + 05194578 n 0201 + 00808940 a 0102 + 11447851 n 0103 01 + 24 00 | urge or force (a person) to an action; constrain or motivate
01650610 36 v 04 start 1 start_up 0 embark_on 0 commence 0 008 @ 00348746 v 0000 + 00235435 n 0403 + 00239910 n 0202 + 00235435 n 0102 + 15265518 n 0106 + 07325190 n 0101 ~ 02395782 v 0000 ~ 02425462 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | get off the ground; "Who started this company?"; "We embarked on an exciting enterprise"; "I start my day with a good breakfast"; "We began the new semester"; "The afternoon session begins at 4 PM"; "The blood shed started when the partisans launched a surprise attack"
01651110 36 v 02 sound_off 0 strike_up 1 004 @ 01725051 v 0000 ;c 07020895 n 0000 ;c 05718935 n 0000 ;c 00543233 n 0000 01 + 02 00 | start playing; "The musicians struck up a tune"
01651293 36 v 03 undertake 0 set_about 0 attempt 0 002 @ 01641914 v 0000 + 00795720 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 33 00 | enter upon an activity or enterprise
01651444 36 v 06 organize 0 organise 0 prepare 0 devise 1 get_up 0 machinate 0 016 @ 01641914 v 0000 + 05908520 n 0602 + 10438172 n 0403 + 00923995 n 0401 + 00126830 a 0302 + 08008335 n 0202 + 00237078 n 0205 + 08008335 n 0101 + 00237078 n 0104 + 01136519 n 0101 ~ 01649251 v 0000 ~ 01651972 v 0000 ~ 01661472 v 0000 ~ 01665081 v 0000 ~ 01665332 v 0000 ~ 01758180 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | arrange by systematic planning and united effort; "machinate a plot"; "organize a strike"; "devise a plan to take over the director's office"
01651972 36 v 01 lay 0 001 @ 01651444 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | prepare or position for action or operation; "lay a fire"; "lay the foundation for a new health care plan"
01652139 36 v 02 bear 0 turn_out 0 007 @ 01617192 v 0000 ^ 02663340 v 0103 ~ 00345184 v 0000 ~ 01652429 v 0000 ~ 01652537 v 0000 ~ 01652652 v 0000 ~ 01652731 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | bring forth, "The apple tree bore delicious apples this year"; "The unidentified plant bore gorgeous flowers"
01652429 36 v 01 seed 0 003 @ 01652139 v 0000 + 11683989 n 0101 + 13135832 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | bear seeds
01652537 36 v 01 crop 0 002 @ 01652139 v 0000 + 13085864 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | yield crops; "This land crops well"
01652652 36 v 01 overbear 0 001 @ 01652139 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | bear too much
01652731 36 v 01 fruit 0 004 @ 01652139 v 0000 + 13134947 n 0101 + 14575849 n 0101 + 13086753 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | bear fruit; "the trees fruited early this year"
01652895 36 v 01 fruit 1 003 > 01652731 v 0000 + 13134947 n 0101 + 13086753 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | cause to bear fruit
01653013 36 v 02 create_from_raw_material 0 create_from_raw_stuff 0 018 @ 01617192 v 0000 ~ 00266081 v 0000 ~ 01633173 v 0000 ~ 01639105 v 0000 ~ 01639364 v 0000 ~ 01653873 v 0000 ~ 01659248 v 0000 ~ 01660976 v 0000 ~ 01663749 v 0000 ~ 01663920 v 0000 ~ 01664172 v 0000 ~ 01665638 v 0000 ~ 01671039 v 0000 ~ 01672753 v 0000 ~ 01673732 v 0000 ~ 01673891 v 0000 ~ 01674544 v 0000 ~ 01755504 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make from scratch
01653442 36 v 03 manufacture 0 fabricate 1 construct 1 010 @ 01653873 v 0000 + 00751944 n 0203 + 00912001 n 0201 + 00924825 n 0201 + 00924825 n 0102 + 00923444 n 0102 + 10292316 n 0101 + 08060446 n 0101 ~ 01625891 v 0000 ~ 01654156 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | put together out of artificial or natural components or parts; "the company fabricates plastic chairs"; "They manufacture small toys"; He manufactured a popular cereal"
01653873 36 v 01 make b 007 @ 01653013 v 0000 + 00923995 n 0103 ~ 01626138 v 0000 ~ 01627105 v 0000 ~ 01653442 v 0000 ~ 01658188 v 0000 ~ 01659144 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make by shaping or bringing together constituents; "make a dress"; "make a cake"; "make a wall of stones"
01654156 36 v 01 raft 0 002 @ 01653442 v 0000 + 04045397 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | make into a raft; "raft these logs"
01654271 36 v 03 forge 1 fake 0 counterfeit 0 009 @ 01619354 v 0000 + 10105085 n 0302 + 03562262 n 0301 + 10201535 n 0204 + 03318438 n 0201 + 00752298 n 0201 + 10105085 n 0101 + 03562262 n 0102 + 00768921 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | make a copy of with the intent to deceive; "he faked the signature"; "they counterfeited dollar bills"; "She forged a Green Card"
01654628 36 v 03 construct 0 build 0 make d 021 @ 01617192 v 0000 + 10284064 n 0301 + 05845140 n 0302 + 00923995 n 0303 + 09878275 n 0201 + 00911048 n 0202 + 00911048 n 0101 + 09878275 n 0102 ~ 00387919 v 0000 ~ 01271658 v 0000 ~ 01655221 v 0000 ~ 01655347 v 0000 ~ 01655639 v 0000 ~ 01655763 v 0000 ~ 01655902 v 0000 ~ 01656107 v 0000 ~ 01656233 v 0000 ~ 01661243 v 0000 $ 01685601 v 0000 ~ 01750895 v 0000 ~ 01757021 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 02 02 | make by combining materials and parts; "this little pig made his house out of straw"; "Some eccentric constructed an electric brassiere warmer"
01655221 36 v 01 dry-wall 0 001 @ 01654628 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | construct with drywall; "dry-wall the basement of the house"
01655347 36 v 01 lock 4 003 @ 01654628 v 0000 + 03683079 n 0101 + 03683457 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | build locks in order to facilitate the navigation of vessels
01655505 36 v 02 build 9 establish a 001 @ 01617192 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | build or establish something abstract; "build a reputation"
01655639 36 v 01 wattle 0 003 @ 01654628 v 0000 ;c 00911048 n 0000 + 04564118 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | build of or with wattle
01655763 36 v 02 frame 0 frame_up 0 002 @ 01654628 v 0000 ;c 00911048 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | construct by fitting or uniting parts together
01655902 36 v 02 rebuild 0 reconstruct 0 004 @ 01654628 v 0000 ;c 00911048 n 0000 + 00269258 n 0201 + 00270186 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | build again; "The house was rebuild after it was hit by a bomb"
01656107 36 v 01 groin 0 002 @ 01654628 v 0000 ;c 00911048 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | build with groins; "The ceiling was groined"
01656233 36 v 01 cantilever 0 003 @ 01654628 v 0000 ;c 00610738 n 0000 + 02953056 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | construct with girders and beams such that only one end is fixed; "Frank Lloyd Wright liked to cantilever his buildings"
01656458 36 v 03 demolish 0 pulverize 0 pulverise 0 006 @ 01619929 v 0000 + 00218753 n 0302 + 00218753 n 0201 + 07334490 n 0102 + 01249483 n 0101 + 00218045 n 0104 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | destroy completely; "the wrecking ball demolished the building"; "demolish your enemies"; "pulverize the rebellion before it gets out of hand"
01656788 36 v 06 assemble 0 piece 0 put_together 0 set_up 0 tack 5 tack_together 0 012 @ 01295275 v 0000 @ 01617192 v 0000 + 03932203 n 0201 + 07951464 n 0104 + 03533486 n 0102 ! 01657977 v 0101 ~ 01626420 v 0000 ~ 01657254 v 0000 ~ 01657524 v 0000 ~ 01657641 v 0000 ~ 01657828 v 0000 ~ 01661655 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | create by putting components or members together; "She pieced a quilt"; "He tacked together some verses"; "They set up a committee"
01657254 36 v 03 jumble 0 confuse 0 mix_up 0 006 $ 00619610 v 0000 @ 01656788 v 0000 + 00379754 n 0201 + 14500567 n 0102 + 05953416 n 0103 ~ 00620532 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | assemble without order or sense; "She jumbles the words when she is supposed to write a sentence"
01657524 36 v 01 reassemble 0 001 @ 01656788 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | assemble once again, after taking something apart
01657641 36 v 01 configure 0 002 @ 01656788 v 0000 + 05731779 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | set up for a particular purpose; "configure my new computer"; "configure a plane for a combat mission"
01657828 36 v 01 compound 0 004 @ 01656788 v 0000 + 14818238 n 0101 + 05870180 n 0101 + 00378985 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | create by mixing or combining
01657977 36 v 05 disassemble 0 dismantle 0 take_apart 0 break_up 0 break_apart 0 004 @ 01619929 v 0000 + 00912274 n 0202 + 00912274 n 0201 ! 01656788 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | take apart into its constituent pieces
01658188 36 v 02 fashion 0 forge 2 005 @ 01653873 v 0000 + 00923995 n 0102 ~ 01658444 v 0000 ~ 01658762 v 0000 ~ 01666327 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make out of components (often in an improvising manner); "She fashioned a tent out of a sheet and a few sticks"
01658444 36 v 01 tie 0 002 @ 01658188 v 0000 + 00149084 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | make by tying pieces together; "The fishermen tied their flies"
01658586 36 v 03 recast 2 reforge 0 remodel 0 001 @ 01619725 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cast or model anew; "She had to recast her image to please the electorate in her home state"
01658762 36 v 01 craft 0 007 @ 01658188 v 0000 + 05638063 n 0101 + 08436562 n 0101 + 00606370 n 0102 + 09975425 n 0102 ~ 01659007 v 0000 ~ 01757871 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make by hand and with much skill; "The artisan crafted a complicated tool"
01659007 36 v 01 handcraft 0 002 @ 01658762 v 0000 + 03485655 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | make something by hand; "We handcraft all our paper"
01659144 36 v 01 cooper 0 002 @ 01653873 v 0000 + 09963773 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | make barrels and casks
01659248 36 v 06 shape 0 form 0 work c mold 1 mould 1 forge 3 032 @ 01653013 v 0000 + 13913566 n 0402 + 03384535 n 0201 + 03385117 n 0201 + 00237078 n 0203 + 00925207 n 0201 + 04677514 n 0102 + 10284064 n 0102 + 00925207 n 0102 ~ 01256157 v 0000 ~ 01256374 v 0000 ~ 01260291 v 0000 ~ 01262113 v 0000 ~ 01554799 v 0000 ~ 01624169 v 0000 ~ 01624321 v 0000 ~ 01624568 v 0000 ~ 01624743 v 0000 ~ 01624897 v 0000 ~ 01660082 v 0000 ~ 01660252 v 0000 ~ 01660386 v 0000 ~ 01660640 v 0000 ~ 01660772 v 0000 ~ 01660870 v 0000 ~ 01661096 v 0000 ~ 01662771 v 0000 ~ 01663443 v 0000 ~ 01663580 v 0000 $ 01668603 v 0000 ~ 01684337 v 0000 ~ 01697027 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | make something, usually for a specific function; "She molded the rice balls carefully"; "Form cylinders from the dough"; "shape a figure"; "Work the metal into a sword"
01660082 36 v 01 preform 0 003 @ 01659248 v 0000 + 05992949 n 0101 $ 01660252 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | form or shape beforehand or determine the shape of beforehand
01660252 36 v 01 preform 1 002 $ 01660082 v 0000 @ 01659248 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | form into a shape resembling the final, desired one
01660386 36 v 01 mound 0 004 @ 01659248 v 0000 + 03792048 n 0101 + 09326662 n 0102 ~ 01660547 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | form into a rounded elevation; "mound earth"
01660547 36 v 01 mound_over 0 001 @ 01660386 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | form a mound over
01660640 36 v 01 hill 0 004 @ 01659248 v 0000 + 09303008 n 0101 + 03792048 n 0102 + 03792334 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | form into a hill
01660772 36 v 01 roughcast 0 002 @ 01659248 v 0000 + 04112921 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | shape roughly
01660870 36 v 02 reshape 0 remold 1 001 @ 01659248 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | shape again or shape differently
01660976 36 v 01 dip 0 002 @ 01653013 v 0000 + 03203089 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | place (candle wicks) into hot, liquid wax
01661096 36 v 01 sinter 0 001 @ 01659248 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cause (ores or powdery metals) to become a coherent mass by heating without melting
01661243 36 v 05 raise 2 erect 0 rear 0 set_up 1 put_up 0 006 @ 01654628 v 0000 ;c 00911048 n 0000 + 03295140 n 0201 + 00911752 n 0202 + 00911752 n 0201 ! 01661804 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | construct, build, or erect; "Raise a barn"
01661472 36 v 01 set_up 2 001 @ 01651444 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | begin, or enable someone else to begin, a venture by providing the means, logistics, etc.; "set up an election"
01661655 36 v 01 rig_up 0 001 @ 01656788 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | erect or construct, especially as a temporary measure; "Can he rig up a P.A. system?"
01661804 36 v 07 level 0 raze 0 rase 0 dismantle 2 tear_down 0 take_down 0 pull_down 0 007 @ 01619929 v 0000 + 07335097 n 0201 + 00218045 n 0201 + 03536348 n 0102 + 03658858 n 0101 ! 01661243 v 0101 ~ 01575388 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | tear down so as to make flat with the ground; "The building was levelled"
01662118 36 v 05 uproot 0 eradicate 0 extirpate 0 root_out 0 exterminate 0 005 @ 01619929 v 0000 + 00115803 n 0301 + 07331013 n 0201 + 10074339 n 0203 + 10008716 n 0105 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | destroy completely, as if down to the roots; "the vestiges of political democracy were soon uprooted" "root out corruption"
01662434 36 v 01 dilapidate 0 003 @ 01619929 v 0000 + 14562541 n 0102 + 13466312 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | bring into a condition of decay or partial ruin by neglect or misuse
01662614 36 v 02 press 0 press_out 0 003 @ 01662771 v 0000 + 03999992 n 0101 + 04000867 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | press from a plastic; "press a record"
01662771 36 v 03 cast 0 mold 0 mould 0 016 @ 01659248 v 0000 + 03779621 n 0302 + 03779621 n 0304 + 00844461 a 0202 + 03779621 n 0201 + 03779370 n 0201 + 13913566 n 0202 + 03779621 n 0203 + 00909899 n 0201 + 02979662 n 0101 + 09609746 n 0101 + 02979662 n 0102 + 00909899 n 0102 ~ 01662614 v 0000 ~ 01663205 v 0000 ~ 01663339 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | form by pouring (e.g., wax or hot metal) into a cast or mold; "cast a bronze sculpture"
01663205 36 v 03 recast 1 remold 0 remould 0 001 @ 01662771 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cast again; "The bell cracked and had to be recast"
01663339 36 v 01 sand_cast 0 001 @ 01662771 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | pour molten metal into a mold of sand
01663443 36 v 01 throw 0 002 @ 01659248 v 0000 + 10460806 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | make on a potter's wheel; "she threw a beautiful teapot"
01663580 36 v 03 handbuild 0 hand-build 0 coil 0 001 @ 01659248 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make without a potter's wheel; "This famous potter hand-builds all of her vessels"
01663749 36 v 01 bake 0 004 @ 01653013 v 0000 + 09833651 n 0101 + 09833536 n 0101 + 00715843 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | prepare with dry heat in an oven; "bake a cake"
01663920 36 v 01 brew 0 007 * 00458471 v 0000 @ 01653013 v 0000 + 07886572 n 0101 + 09874118 n 0101 + 09874014 n 0101 + 07886572 n 0102 + 02897237 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 08 00 | prepare by brewing; "people have been brewing beer for thousands of years"
01664172 36 v 05 cook 0 fix 0 ready 0 make 7 prepare 1 018 @ 01653013 v 0000 + 00243918 n 0503 + 09963320 n 0101 + 03101156 n 0101 + 00243918 n 0101 + 00243918 n 0102 ~ 00212414 v 0000 ~ 00542809 v 0000 ~ 01664704 v 0000 ~ 01664847 v 0000 ~ 01664981 v 0000 ~ 01665185 v 0000 ~ 01665507 v 0000 ~ 01665836 v 0000 ~ 01666002 v 0000 ~ 01666131 v 0000 ~ 01679669 v 0000 $ 01755504 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | prepare for eating by applying heat; "Cook me dinner, please"; "can you make me an omelette?"; "fix breakfast for the guests, please"
01664704 36 v 01 deglaze 0 001 @ 01664172 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | dissolve cooking juices or solid food in (a pan) by adding liquid and stirring
01664847 36 v 02 scallop 1 escallop 0 001 @ 01664172 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | bake in a sauce, milk, etc., often with breadcrumbs on top
01664981 36 v 01 flambe 0 001 @ 01664172 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | pour liquor over and ignite (a dish)
01665081 36 v 01 sandwich 0 002 @ 01651444 v 0000 + 07695965 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | make into a sandwich
01665185 36 v 01 put_on 2 002 @ 01664172 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | put on the stove or ready for cooking; "put on the tea, please!"
01665332 36 v 01 spatchcock 1 003 @ 01651444 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 + 07645886 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | prepare for eating if or as if a spatchcock; "spatchcock a guinea hen"
01665507 36 v 01 devil 0 002 @ 01664172 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | coat or stuff with a spicy paste; "devilled eggs"
01665638 36 v 01 cook 1 006 * 00322847 v 0000 @ 01653013 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 + 09963320 n 0101 + 00243918 n 0101 + 00243918 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | prepare a hot meal; "My husband doesn't cook"
01665836 36 v 01 precook 0 002 @ 01664172 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | cook beforehand so that the actual preparation won't take long; "precook the rice"
01666002 36 v 02 whip_up 0 whomp_up 0 002 @ 01664172 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | prepare or cook quickly or hastily
01666131 36 v 02 concoct 1 cook_up 1 004 @ 01664172 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 + 00926668 n 0102 + 07882497 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | prepare or cook by mixing ingredients; "concoct a strange mixture"
01666327 36 v 03 sew 0 tailor 0 tailor-make 0 007 @ 01658188 v 0000 + 10689564 n 0201 + 00618436 n 0201 + 10584318 n 0101 + 04179385 n 0101 ~ 01666604 v 0000 ~ 01667304 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | create (clothes) with cloth; "Can the seamstress sew me a suit by next week?"
01666604 36 v 01 run_up 0 001 @ 01666327 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | make by sewing together quickly; "run up a skirt"
01666717 36 v 02 cut 0 tailor 1 004 @ 01640550 v 0000 ;c 05750657 n 0000 + 10689564 n 0201 ~ 01559230 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | style and tailor in a certain fashion; "cut a dress"
01666894 36 v 01 style 0 006 @ 01617192 v 0000 ;c 05750657 n 0000 + 05844105 n 0101 + 10155849 n 0103 + 10155849 n 0104 ~ 00039267 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make consistent with a certain fashion or style; "Style my hair"; "style the dress"
01667132 36 v 01 alter 0 004 * 01666327 v 0000 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 00349295 a 0101 + 00199707 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | make an alteration to; "This dress needs to be altered"
01667304 36 v 01 quilt 0 004 * 00321486 v 0000 @ 01666327 v 0000 + 04033995 n 0101 + 04034477 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | create by stitching together
01667449 36 v 01 quilt 1 004 @ 01291069 v 0000 * 01329239 v 0000 + 04033995 n 0101 + 04034477 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | stitch or sew together; "quilt the skirt"
01667607 36 v 02 embroider 0 broider 0 007 * 01329239 v 0000 @ 01675963 v 0000 + 10051552 n 0101 + 03282933 n 0101 ~ 01667816 v 0000 ~ 01668144 v 0000 ~ 01668278 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | decorate with needlework
01667816 36 v 02 faggot 0 fagot 0 001 @ 01667607 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | ornament or join (fabric) by faggot stitch; "He fagotted the blouse for his wife"
01667969 36 v 01 stick 3 001 @ 01675963 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cover and decorate with objects that pierce the surface; "stick some feathers in the turkey before you serve it"
01668144 36 v 01 purl 0 003 $ 01668278 v 0000 @ 01667607 v 0000 + 04026304 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | embroider with gold or silver thread
01668278 36 v 01 purl 1 003 @ 01667607 v 0000 + 04026304 n 0101 $ 01668144 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | edge or border with gold or silver embroidery
01668421 36 v 01 illustrate 1 004 @ 01675963 v 0000 + 06999233 n 0101 + 03561345 n 0101 + 09812068 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | supply with illustrations; "illustrate a book with drawings"
01668603 36 v 03 work 0 work_on 0 process 0 011 $ 01659248 v 0000 @ 00382635 v 0000 + 01023820 n 0302 + 01822563 a 0105 ~ 01668958 v 0000 ~ 01669070 v 0000 ~ 01669174 v 0000 ~ 01669285 v 0000 ~ 01669419 v 0000 ~ 01669547 v 0000 ~ 01740608 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | shape, form, or improve a material; "work stone into tools"; "process iron"; "work the metal"
01668958 36 v 01 hot-work 0 001 @ 01668603 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | roll, press, forge, or shape (metal) while hot
01669070 36 v 02 coldwork 0 cold_work 0 001 @ 01668603 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | shape (metal) without heat
01669174 36 v 01 overwork 0 001 @ 01668603 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | use too much; "This play has been overworked"
01669285 36 v 03 rework 0 make_over 2 retread 0 001 @ 01668603 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | use again in altered form; "retread an old plot"
01669419 36 v 01 rack 0 003 * 01449591 v 0000 @ 01668603 v 0000 + 04038727 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | work on a rack; "rack leather"
01669547 36 v 01 tool 0 002 @ 01668603 v 0000 + 04451818 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | work with a tool
01669643 36 v 01 garland 0 002 @ 01675963 v 0000 + 04606014 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | adorn with bands of flowers or leaves; "They garlanded the statue"
01669792 36 v 02 fledge 0 flight 0 001 @ 01675963 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | decorate with feathers; "fledge an arrow"
01669906 36 v 02 spangle 0 bespangle 0 002 @ 01675963 v 0000 + 04173698 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | decorate with spangles; "the star-spangled banner"
01670051 36 v 01 foliate 1 003 @ 01675963 v 0000 + 03377077 n 0102 + 03377077 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | decorate with leaves
01670172 36 v 01 flag 0 002 @ 01675963 v 0000 + 03354903 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | decorate with flags; "the building was flagged for the holiday"
01670315 36 v 04 caparison 0 bard 0 barde 0 dress_up 0 003 @ 01675963 v 0000 + 02792305 n 0201 + 02955540 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | put a caparison on; "caparison the horses for the festive occasion"
01670511 36 v 01 bead 0 002 @ 01675963 v 0000 + 02815071 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | decorate by sewing beads onto; "bead the wedding gown"
01670645 36 v 01 pipe 1 003 * 01666327 v 0000 @ 01675963 v 0000 + 03947681 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | trim with piping; "pipe the skirt"
01670777 36 v 01 applique 0 003 * 01666327 v 0000 @ 01675963 v 0000 + 02730437 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | sew on as a decoration
01670901 36 v 01 macrame 0 002 @ 01673732 v 0000 + 03703730 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | make knotted patterns; "macrame a plant holder"
01671039 36 v 01 knit 0 011 * 01329239 v 0000 @ 01653013 v 0000 ;c 00714944 n 0000 + 03624966 n 0101 + 03625226 n 0101 + 03625355 n 0101 + 10239619 n 0101 + 03624966 n 0102 + 00909471 n 0101 ~ 01671333 v 0000 ~ 01671755 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | make (textiles) by knitting; "knit a scarf"
01671333 36 v 01 purl 2 003 @ 01671039 v 0000 ;c 00714944 n 0000 + 04026180 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | knit with a purl stitch
01671463 36 v 01 cast_on 0 003 @ 01329239 v 0000 ;c 00714944 n 0000 ! 01671609 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | make the first row of stitches when knitting
01671609 36 v 01 cast_off 0 003 @ 01329239 v 0000 ;c 00714944 n 0000 ! 01671463 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | make the last row of stitches when knitting
01671755 36 v 01 rib 0 002 @ 01671039 v 0000 ;c 00714944 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | form vertical ribs by knitting; "A ribbed sweater"
01671885 36 v 01 purl_stitch 0 003 @ 01672014 v 0000 ;c 00714944 n 0000 + 04026180 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | make with purl stitches
01672014 36 v 02 knit 1 entwine 0 004 @ 01291069 v 0000 + 03624966 n 0101 ~ 01671885 v 0000 ~ 01673472 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | tie or link together
01672168 36 v 02 web 0 net 0 007 @ 01673891 v 0000 + 03819595 n 0201 + 00909386 n 0201 + 09477037 n 0101 + 08434259 n 0102 + 04568713 n 0101 + 04568841 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | construct or form a web, as if by weaving
01672384 36 v 01 loom 0 001 @ 01673891 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | weave on a loom; "materials loomed in Egypt"
01672490 36 v 02 crochet 0 hook 0 005 @ 01673472 v 0000 ;c 00714944 n 0000 + 03532342 n 0201 + 03132879 n 0102 $ 01672753 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make a piece of needlework by interlocking and looping thread with a hooked needle; "She sat there crocheting all day"
01672753 36 v 01 crochet 1 008 $ 01672490 v 0000 @ 01653013 v 0000 ;c 00714944 n 0000 + 03132879 n 0101 + 00909565 n 0101 ~ 01673007 v 0000 ~ 01673137 v 0000 ~ 01673305 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | create by looping or crocheting; "crochet a bedspread"
01673007 36 v 01 shell_stitch 0 003 @ 01672753 v 0000 ;c 00714944 n 0000 + 04191502 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | make by shell stitching
01673137 36 v 02 double_crochet 0 double_stitch 0 004 @ 01672753 v 0000 ;c 00714944 n 0000 + 03226743 n 0202 + 03226743 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | make by double stitching
01673305 36 v 02 single_crochet 0 single_stitch 0 004 @ 01672753 v 0000 ;c 00714944 n 0000 + 04222594 n 0202 + 04222594 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | make by single stitching
01673472 36 v 02 loop 0 intertwine 0 004 @ 01672014 v 0000 + 13875571 n 0101 ~ 01672490 v 0000 ~ 01673630 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make a loop in; "loop a rope"
01673630 36 v 01 noose 0 002 @ 01673472 v 0000 + 03829563 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | make a noose in or of
01673732 36 v 01 knot 0 003 @ 01653013 v 0000 + 13885836 n 0101 ~ 01670901 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make into knots; make knots out of; "She knotted her fingers"
01673891 36 v 02 weave 0 tissue 0 011 @ 01653013 v 0000 ;c 00714944 n 0000 + 04568298 n 0101 + 10772190 n 0101 + 00909281 n 0101 ~ 01672168 v 0000 ~ 01672384 v 0000 ~ 01674243 v 0000 ~ 01674375 v 0000 ~ 01674717 v 0000 ~ 01674938 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | create a piece of cloth by interlacing strands of fabric, such as wool or cotton; "tissue textiles"
01674243 36 v 01 brocade 0 003 @ 01673891 v 0000 ;c 00714944 n 0000 + 02904803 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | weave a design into (textiles)
01674375 36 v 01 lace 0 003 @ 01673891 v 0000 ;c 00714944 n 0000 + 03631177 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | do lacework; "The Flemish women were lacing in front of the cathedral"
01674544 36 v 02 tat 0 intertwine 1 004 * 01673732 v 0000 @ 01653013 v 0000 ;c 00714944 n 0000 + 00909672 n 0102 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | make lacework by knotting or looping
01674717 36 v 03 braid 0 lace 1 plait 0 006 @ 01673891 v 0000 ;c 00714944 n 0000 + 03965907 n 0302 + 10438042 n 0301 + 03631177 n 0201 + 02889035 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | make by braiding or interlacing; "lace a tablecloth"
01674938 36 v 01 twill 0 003 @ 01673891 v 0000 + 04503155 n 0101 + 04503269 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | weave diagonal lines into (textiles)
01675073 36 v 01 strike 0 002 @ 01617192 v 0000 $ 00143540 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | produce by ignition or a blow; "strike fire from the flintstone"; "strike a match"
01675245 36 v 02 forge 0 hammer 0 008 $ 01416539 v 0000 @ 01624897 v 0000 + 03481172 n 0201 + 03383646 n 0101 + 10105260 n 0101 + 00925622 n 0101 ~ 01675522 v 0000 ~ 01675667 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | create by hammering; "hammer the silver into a bowl"; "forge a pair of tongues"
01675522 36 v 01 foliate 0 003 @ 01675245 v 0000 + 03375694 n 0101 + 00924438 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | hammer into thin flat foils; "foliate metal"
01675667 36 v 01 dropforge 0 001 @ 01675245 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | forge with a dropforge; "drop-force the metal"
01675780 36 v 02 extrude 0 squeeze_out 0 003 @ 01621555 v 0000 + 01355556 a 0101 + 00358702 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | form or shape by forcing through an opening; "extrude steel"
01675963 36 v 06 decorate 0 adorn 0 grace 0 ornament 0 embellish 0 beautify 0 058 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 00261604 n 0601 + 04683814 n 0601 + 00262743 n 0502 + 00262743 n 0401 + 03169390 n 0402 + 05003590 n 0301 + 00262596 n 0201 + 01091234 a 0102 + 03579355 n 0102 + 03169390 n 0101 + 00262249 n 0101 + 09998907 n 0101 ~ 01517055 v 0000 ~ 01517355 v 0000 ~ 01519727 v 0000 ~ 01667607 v 0000 ~ 01667969 v 0000 ~ 01668421 v 0000 ~ 01669643 v 0000 ~ 01669792 v 0000 ~ 01669906 v 0000 ~ 01670051 v 0000 ~ 01670172 v 0000 ~ 01670315 v 0000 ~ 01670511 v 0000 ~ 01670645 v 0000 ~ 01670777 v 0000 ~ 01677242 v 0000 ~ 01677387 v 0000 ~ 01677509 v 0000 ~ 01677716 v 0000 ~ 01677858 v 0000 ~ 01677989 v 0000 ~ 01678140 v 0000 ~ 01678279 v 0000 ~ 01678407 v 0000 ~ 01678519 v 0000 ~ 01678685 v 0000 ~ 01678957 v 0000 ~ 01679106 v 0000 ~ 01679254 v 0000 ~ 01679339 v 0000 ~ 01679433 v 0000 ~ 01679806 v 0000 ~ 01679980 v 0000 ~ 01680267 v 0000 ~ 01681723 v 0000 ~ 01682039 v 0000 ~ 01682761 v 0000 ~ 01683101 v 0000 ~ 01683758 v 0000 ~ 01684180 v 0000 ~ 01696648 v 0000 ~ 01751021 v 0000 ~ 01751722 v 0000 ~ 01751836 v 0000 $ 02749247 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make more attractive by adding ornament, colour, etc.; "Decorate the room for the party"; "beautify yourself for the special day"
01677242 36 v 02 gild_the_lily 0 paint_the_lily 0 001 @ 01675963 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | adorn unnecessarily (something that is already beautiful)
01677387 36 v 01 vermiculate 0 002 @ 01675963 v 0000 + 04528490 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | decorate with wavy or winding lines
01677509 36 v 01 smock 0 003 @ 01675963 v 0000 + 04246271 n 0101 + 03258730 n 0104 01 + 08 00 | embellish by sewing in straight lines crossing each other diagonally; "The folk dancers wore smocked shirts"
01677716 36 v 01 hang 0 002 @ 01675963 v 0000 + 03491178 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | decorate or furnish with something suspended; "Hang wallpaper"
01677858 36 v 01 prank 0 001 @ 01675963 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | dress or decorate showily or gaudily; "Roses were pranking the lawn"
01677989 36 v 01 tinsel 0 003 @ 01675963 v 0000 + 04440059 n 0101 + 04440210 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | adorn with tinsel; "snow flakes tinseled the trees"
01678140 36 v 01 tart_up 0 001 @ 01675963 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | decorate in a cheap and flashy way; "the small-town bar was all tarted up"
01678279 36 v 01 stucco 0 002 @ 01675963 v 0000 + 15062057 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | decorate with stucco work; "stuccoed ceilings"
01678407 36 v 01 redecorate 0 001 @ 01675963 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | redo the decoration of an apartment or house
01678519 36 v 01 panel 0 004 @ 01675963 v 0000 + 03882058 n 0101 + 03882611 n 0102 + 03882611 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | decorate with panels; "panel the walls with wood"
01678685 36 v 02 bejewel 0 jewel 0 008 @ 01675963 v 0000 + 03596787 n 0201 + 10221777 n 0202 + 10221777 n 0201 + 10221956 n 0203 + 10221956 n 0202 + 03597469 n 0201 + 03597469 n 0202 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 | adorn or decorate with precious stones; "jeweled dresses"
01678957 36 v 02 fillet 0 filet 0 003 @ 01675963 v 0000 + 03337727 n 0201 + 04383696 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | decorate with a lace of geometric designs
01679106 36 v 01 scallop 0 002 @ 01675963 v 0000 + 13874558 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | decorate an edge with scallops; "the dress had a scalloped skirt"
01679254 36 v 01 bedizen 0 001 @ 01675963 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | decorate tastelessly
01679339 36 v 01 dress_ship 0 001 @ 01675963 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | decorate a ship with flags
01679433 36 v 03 trim 0 garnish 0 dress 0 006 @ 01675963 v 0000 + 03420440 n 0201 + 07621618 n 0201 + 04484160 n 0102 $ 00542809 v 0000 $ 01364184 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | decorate (food), as with parsley or other ornamental foods
01679669 36 v 01 lard 0 003 @ 01664172 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 + 07672421 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | prepare or cook with lard; "lard meat"
01679806 36 v 01 trim 1 003 @ 01675963 v 0000 + 04484160 n 0102 + 04484160 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | decorate, as with ornaments; "trim the christmas tree"; "trim a shop window"
01679980 36 v 03 deck 0 bedight 0 bedeck 0 002 @ 01675963 v 0000 ~ 01680132 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 17 00 + 21 00 | decorate; "deck the halls with holly"
01680132 36 v 01 plume 0 003 @ 01679980 v 0000 + 03969998 n 0101 + 01896031 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | deck with a plume; "a plumed helmet"
01680267 36 v 01 festoon 0 004 @ 01675963 v 0000 + 03330274 n 0101 + 03330441 n 0101 + 03330274 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | decorate with strings of flowers; "The public buildings were festooned for the holiday"
01680473 36 v 02 sensualize 0 carnalize 0 001 @ 01686132 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | represent materialistically, as in a painting or a sculpture
01680621 36 v 01 silhouette 0 002 @ 01686132 v 0000 + 04219277 n 0101 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | represent by a silhouette
01680756 36 v 02 animalize 0 animalise 0 003 @ 01686132 v 0000 + 00015388 n 0201 + 00015388 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | represent in the form of an animal
01680913 36 v 01 profile 0 002 @ 01686132 v 0000 + 08613202 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | represent in profile, by drawing or painting
01681048 36 v 01 finger-paint 0 004 @ 01684899 v 0000 ;c 00933420 n 0000 + 03342127 n 0101 + 00718066 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | apply colors with one's fingers
01681212 36 v 01 stipple 2 002 @ 01684899 v 0000 + 10657165 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | apply (paint) in small dots or strokes
01681333 36 v 01 tattoo 0 004 * 01440801 v 0000 @ 00286008 v 0000 + 00263353 n 0101 + 04395651 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 19 00 | stain (skin) with indelible color
01681492 36 v 01 marble 0 003 @ 00286008 v 0000 ;c 00714944 n 0000 + 14947807 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | paint or stain like marble; "marble paper"
01681635 36 v 01 bodypaint 0 001 @ 01684899 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | apply paint to a body
01681723 36 v 01 enamel 0 006 * 00320536 v 0000 @ 01675963 v 0000 ;c 00714944 n 0000 + 15110454 n 0101 + 05308655 n 0101 + 03284743 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | coat, inlay, or surface with enamel
01681913 36 v 01 smelt 0 003 * 00371264 v 0000 @ 01621555 v 0000 + 04246156 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | extract (metals) by heating
01682039 36 v 01 inlay 0 005 @ 01675963 v 0000 ;c 00714944 n 0000 + 03572449 n 0101 ~ 01682234 v 0000 ~ 01682446 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | decorate the surface of by inserting wood, stone, and metal
01682234 36 v 01 hatch 3 003 @ 01682039 v 0000 ;c 00714944 n 0000 + 04681797 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | inlay with narrow strips or lines of a different substance such as gold or silver, for the purpose of decorating
01682446 36 v 01 damascene 0 003 @ 01682039 v 0000 ;c 00714944 n 0000 + 03160593 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | inlay metal with gold and silver
01682582 36 v 01 gloss 0 005 * 01249724 v 0000 @ 01245637 v 0000 + 04955160 n 0102 ^ 02516255 v 0101 ^ 02148109 v 0102 01 + 08 00 | give a shine or gloss to, usually by rubbing
01682761 36 v 01 lacquer 0 005 @ 01675963 v 0000 ;c 00714944 n 0000 + 03631811 n 0101 + 14928729 n 0101 ~ 01682946 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | coat with lacquer; "A lacquered box from China"
01682946 36 v 01 japan 0 004 @ 01682761 v 0000 ;c 00714944 n 0000 + 03593222 n 0101 + 03593362 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | coat with a lacquer, as done in Japan
01683101 36 v 03 gild 0 begild 0 engild 0 003 @ 01675963 v 0000 + 10129585 n 0101 + 03437430 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | decorate with, or as if with, gold leaf or liquid gold
01683271 36 v 01 fresco 0 004 @ 01684899 v 0000 ;c 00933420 n 0000 + 00937105 n 0101 + 03395630 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | paint onto wet plaster on a wall
01683422 36 v 01 distemper 0 005 @ 01684899 v 0000 ;c 00933420 n 0000 + 00936901 n 0101 + 03212535 n 0101 + 14264042 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | paint with distemper
01683582 36 v 03 blueprint 0 draft 5 draught 0 005 @ 01639714 v 0000 + 03230785 n 0201 + 00608037 n 0201 + 05902327 n 0101 + 02856109 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | make a blueprint of
01683758 36 v 01 illuminate 0 005 * 01684663 v 0000 @ 01675963 v 0000 ;c 00933420 n 0000 + 03769397 n 0102 ~ 01683957 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | add embellishments and paintings to (medieval manuscripts)
01683957 36 v 02 miniate 1 rubricate 0 003 @ 01683758 v 0000 ;c 00933420 n 0000 + 06652712 n 0201 01 + 08 00 | decorate (manuscripts) with letters painted red; "In this beautiful book, all the place names are rubricated"
01684180 36 v 02 emblazon 0 blazon 0 004 @ 01675963 v 0000 ;c 00933420 n 0000 + 03058726 n 0204 + 03058726 n 0203 01 + 08 00 | decorate with heraldic arms
01684337 36 v 02 sculpt 0 sculpture 0 009 @ 01659248 v 0000 ;c 00933420 n 0000 + 00937656 n 0201 + 04157320 n 0201 + 10566072 n 0202 + 04157320 n 0101 + 00937656 n 0101 + 10566072 n 0101 $ 01551871 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | create by shaping stone or wood or any other hard material; "sculpt a swan out of a block of ice"
01684663 36 v 01 paint 0 007 @ 01686132 v 0000 ;c 00933420 n 0000 + 03875218 n 0101 + 10391653 n 0101 + 03876519 n 0101 + 00936620 n 0101 ~ 01685797 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | make a painting of; "He painted his mistress many times"
01684899 36 v 01 paint 1 015 @ 01685313 v 0000 ;c 00933420 n 0000 + 03875218 n 0101 + 10391653 n 0101 + 03876519 n 0101 + 00936620 n 0101 ~ 01681048 v 0000 ~ 01681212 v 0000 ~ 01681635 v 0000 ~ 01683271 v 0000 ~ 01683422 v 0000 ~ 01685960 v 0000 ~ 01695567 v 0000 ~ 01695773 v 0000 ~ 01696435 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | make a painting; "he painted all day in the garden"; "He painted a painting of the garden"
01685313 36 v 01 create 1 008 @ 02367363 v 0000 + 00585202 a 0101 + 00643250 a 0101 + 00908492 n 0101 + 09614315 n 0101 ~ 01643464 v 0000 ~ 01684899 v 0000 ~ 01685601 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | pursue a creative activity; be engaged in a creative activity; "Don't disturb him--he is creating"
01685601 36 v 01 build a 004 $ 01654628 v 0000 @ 01685313 v 0000 ;c 06123363 n 0000 + 01104637 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | be engaged in building; "These architects build in interesting and new styles"
01685797 36 v 01 repaint 0 002 @ 01684663 v 0000 ;c 00933420 n 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | paint again; "He repainted the same scenery many times during his life"
01685960 36 v 01 charge 0 003 @ 01684899 v 0000 ;c 00933420 n 0000 + 03008565 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | place a heraldic bearing on; "charge all weapons, shields, and banners"
01686132 36 v 02 represent 1 interpret 1 019 @ 01619354 v 0000 ;c 00933420 n 0000 + 00100543 n 0203 + 10212780 n 0201 + 04076846 n 0101 ~ 01680473 v 0000 ~ 01680621 v 0000 ~ 01680756 v 0000 ~ 01680913 v 0000 ~ 01684663 v 0000 ~ 01686626 v 0000 ~ 01686956 v 0000 ~ 01687569 v 0000 ~ 01687876 v 0000 ~ 01688256 v 0000 ~ 01688771 v 0000 ~ 01690294 v 0000 ~ 01697406 v 0000 ~ 01755137 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | create an image or likeness of; "The painter represented his wife as a young girl"
01686626 36 v 01 capture 0 002 @ 01686132 v 0000 ~ 01686827 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | succeed in representing or expressing something intangible; "capture the essence of Spring"; "capture an idea"
01686827 36 v 01 recapture 0 001 @ 01686626 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | take up anew; "The author recaptures an old idea here"
01686956 36 v 04 picture 0 depict 0 render 4 show 0 013 @ 01686132 v 0000 ;c 00933420 n 0000 + 01979326 a 0202 + 00900726 n 0201 + 06999436 n 0201 + 03931044 n 0201 + 05766984 n 0201 + 06999436 n 0101 + 03876519 n 0102 + 03931044 n 0101 + 00900375 n 0102 ~ 01687401 v 0000 ~ 01688114 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | show in, or as in, a picture; "This scene depicts country life"; "the face of the child is rendered with much tenderness in this painting"
01687401 36 v 01 illustrate 0 005 @ 01686956 v 0000 ;c 00933420 n 0000 + 01323962 a 0102 + 06999233 n 0101 + 03561345 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | depict with an illustration
01687569 36 v 03 stylize 0 stylise 0 conventionalize 0 009 @ 01686132 v 0000 ;c 00933420 n 0000 + 01159964 n 0301 + 01159776 n 0202 + 01159776 n 0101 + 07066659 n 0102 + 05844105 n 0101 + 05750163 n 0103 + 04928903 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | represent according to a conventional style; "a stylized female head"
01687876 36 v 01 map 0 006 @ 01686132 v 0000 + 10442573 n 0102 + 03720163 n 0101 ~ 00710803 v 0000 ~ 00710922 v 0000 $ 01688114 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make a map of; show or establish the features of details of; "map the surface of Venus"
01688114 36 v 01 map 1 002 $ 01687876 v 0000 @ 01686956 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | depict as if on a map; "sorrow was mapped on the mother's face"
01688256 36 v 03 portray 0 depict 1 limn 0 011 @ 01686132 v 0000 ;c 00933420 n 0000 + 10455619 n 0304 + 01979326 a 0202 + 05766984 n 0202 + 03876519 n 0202 + 05766984 n 0201 + 10455619 n 0101 + 00900957 n 0101 + 05766984 n 0103 + 05766984 n 0104 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | make a portrait of; "Goya wanted to portray his mistress, the Duchess of Alba"
01688604 36 v 01 pencil 0 003 * 01582645 v 0000 @ 01690294 v 0000 + 03908204 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | write, draw, or trace with a pencil; "he penciled a figure"
01688771 36 v 02 portray 2 present 8 010 @ 01686132 v 0000 ;c 00933420 n 0000 + 00521562 n 0202 + 03210940 n 0202 + 10455619 n 0101 + 00900957 n 0101 + 10455619 n 0103 + 05766984 n 0103 + 00900726 n 0103 ~ 01689169 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | represent abstractly, for example in a painting, drawing, or sculpture; "The father is portrayed as a good-looking man in this painting"
01689169 36 v 01 commend 0 002 @ 01688771 v 0000 + 06686736 n 0102 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | present as worthy of regard, kindness, or confidence; "His paintings commend him to the artistic world"
01689379 36 v 03 delineate 0 limn 1 outline 1 007 @ 01690294 v 0000 + 08612786 n 0301 + 01979326 a 0101 + 03173524 n 0101 + 00900726 n 0102 ~ 01689589 v 0000 ~ 01689752 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | trace the shape of
01689589 36 v 01 lipstick 0 002 @ 01689379 v 0000 + 03676483 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | form by tracing with lipstick; "The clown had lipsticked circles on his cheeks"
01689752 36 v 01 contour 0 004 @ 01689379 v 0000 + 06801580 n 0101 + 05064037 n 0104 ~ 01689899 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | form the contours of
01689899 36 v 01 streamline 0 002 @ 01689752 v 0000 + 04334504 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | contour economically or efficiently
01690020 36 v 01 rule 0 003 @ 01690294 v 0000 + 04118776 n 0101 + 04118776 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | mark or draw with a ruler; "rule the margins"
01690163 36 v 01 chalk 0 003 * 01582645 v 0000 @ 01690294 v 0000 + 03003091 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | write, draw, or trace with chalk
01690294 36 v 01 draw 0 019 @ 01686132 v 0000 ;c 00933420 n 0000 + 10029068 n 0102 + 07003119 n 0101 + 03234306 n 0101 $ 01582645 v 0000 ~ 01688604 v 0000 ~ 01689379 v 0000 ~ 01690020 v 0000 ~ 01690163 v 0000 ~ 01690972 v 0000 ~ 01692709 v 0000 ~ 01692978 v 0000 ~ 01693138 v 0000 ~ 01693324 v 0000 ~ 01693453 v 0000 ~ 01693727 v 0000 ~ 01695567 v 0000 ~ 01697628 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 | represent by making a drawing of, as with a pencil, chalk, etc. on a surface; "She drew an elephant"; "Draw me a horse"
01690816 36 v 01 draw 7 002 @ 01698271 v 0000 ^ 00706804 v 0103 01 + 08 00 | write a legal document or paper; "The deed was drawn in the lawyer's office"
01690972 36 v 01 project 8 001 @ 01690294 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | draw a projection of
01691057 36 v 01 write 1 014 @ 01582645 v 0000 + 10801291 n 0101 ~ 00998294 v 0000 ~ 01691506 v 0000 ~ 01691660 v 0000 ~ 01691798 v 0000 ~ 01691927 v 0000 ~ 01692096 v 0000 ~ 01692266 v 0000 ~ 01692443 v 0000 ~ 01746715 v 0000 ~ 01747203 v 0000 ~ 01747374 v 0000 ~ 01747945 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | mark or trace on a surface; "The artist wrote Chinese characters on a big piece of white paper"; "Russian is written with the Cyrillic alphabet"
01691506 36 v 01 stenograph 0 001 @ 01691057 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | write in shorthand; "The students were able to stenograph and record the conversation"
01691660 36 v 01 calligraph 0 003 @ 01691057 v 0000 + 09889170 n 0101 + 09889170 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | write beautifully and ornamentally
01691798 36 v 01 cross 9 002 @ 01691057 v 0000 + 04681387 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | trace a line through or across; "cross your `t'"
01691927 36 v 01 superscribe 0 003 @ 01691057 v 0000 + 06406177 n 0101 + 00615336 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | write on the outside or upper part of; "superscribe an envelope"
01692096 36 v 01 superscribe 1 003 @ 01691057 v 0000 + 06406177 n 0101 + 00615336 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | write on the top or outside; "superscribe one's name and address"
01692266 36 v 02 capitalize 0 capitalise 0 005 @ 01691057 v 0000 + 06402425 n 0202 + 06824227 n 0201 + 06402425 n 0101 + 06824227 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | write in capital letters
01692443 36 v 01 letter 0 003 @ 01691057 v 0000 + 06828818 n 0101 + 10255348 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | mark letters on or mark with letters
01692579 36 v 01 letter 1 003 @ 01747945 v 0000 + 06828818 n 0101 + 10255348 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | set down or print with letters
01692709 36 v 01 crayon 0 002 @ 01690294 v 0000 + 03128248 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | write, draw, or trace with a crayon
01692834 36 v 01 write a 001 @ 01631534 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | create code, write a computer program; "She writes code faster than anybody else"
01692978 36 v 03 check 0 checker 0 chequer 0 002 @ 01690294 v 0000 + 03011162 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | mark into squares or draw squares on; draw crossed lines on
01693138 36 v 01 charcoal 0 005 * 01582645 v 0000 @ 01690294 v 0000 ;c 00933420 n 0000 + 03007955 n 0101 + 03007824 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | draw, trace, or represent with charcoal
01693324 36 v 01 doodle 0 003 * 01582645 v 0000 @ 01690294 v 0000 + 04155310 n 0103 01 + 02 00 | make a doodle; draw aimlessly
01693453 36 v 02 diagram 0 plot 0 006 @ 01690294 v 0000 + 10442573 n 0201 + 03967396 n 0201 + 00900207 n 0103 + 03186399 n 0101 ~ 01755291 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make a schematic or technical drawing of that shows interactions among variables or how something is constructed
01693727 36 v 01 cartoon 0 005 @ 01690294 v 0000 ;c 00933420 n 0000 + 09898346 n 0101 + 06616464 n 0101 + 06780678 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | draw cartoons of
01693881 36 v 02 copy 1 re-create 1 014 @ 01617192 v 0000 + 00908772 n 0201 + 09964805 n 0101 + 03104594 n 0101 + 03257586 n 0102 + 01019524 n 0101 ~ 00247702 v 0000 ~ 01694263 v 0000 ~ 01694376 v 0000 ~ 01694620 v 0000 ~ 01694850 v 0000 ~ 01694984 v 0000 ~ 01695257 v 0000 ~ 01695459 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make a replica of; "copy that drawing"; "re-create a picture by Rembrandt"
01694263 36 v 01 imitate 3 002 @ 01693881 v 0000 + 01116380 a 0102 01 + 08 00 | make a reproduction or copy of
01694376 36 v 01 trace 0 003 @ 01693881 v 0000 + 04463273 n 0102 + 04463017 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | copy by following the lines of the original drawing on a transparent sheet placed upon it; make a tracing of; "trace a design"; "trace a pattern"
01694620 36 v 01 back_up 0 003 @ 01693881 v 0000 ;c 03082979 n 0000 + 02771840 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | make a copy of (a computer file) especially for storage in another place as a security copy; "You'd better back up these files!"
01694850 36 v 01 hectograph 0 002 @ 01693881 v 0000 + 03510987 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | copy on a duplicator; "hectograph the hand-outs"
01694984 36 v 01 clone 0 002 @ 01693881 v 0000 + 07940242 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | make multiple identical copies of; "people can clone a sheep nowadays"
01695143 36 v 01 recopy 0 001 @ 01747374 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | copy again; "The child had to recopy the homework"
01695257 36 v 02 mimeograph 0 mimeo 0 003 @ 01693881 v 0000 + 03767459 n 0202 + 03767459 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | print copies from (a prepared stencil) using a mimeograph; "She mimeographed the syllabus"
01695459 36 v 01 roneo 0 002 @ 01693881 v 0000 + 03767459 n 0104 01 + 01 00 | make copies on a Roneograph
01695567 36 v 02 shade 0 fill_in 0 006 @ 01690294 v 0000 @ 01684899 v 0000 ;c 00933420 n 0000 + 04181983 n 0101 + 04682018 n 0101 ~ 01695976 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | represent the effect of shade or shadow on
01695773 36 v 01 stipple 1 003 @ 01684899 v 0000 ;c 00933420 n 0000 + 10657165 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | make by small short touches that together produce an even or softly graded shadow, as in paint or ink
01695976 36 v 01 crosshatch 0 002 @ 01695567 v 0000 + 04681797 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | shade with multiple crossing lines; "the draftsman crosshatched the area"
01696135 36 v 03 mottle 0 streak 0 blotch 0 004 @ 00283911 v 0000 + 04694809 n 0301 + 04683136 n 0202 + 00263947 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | mark with spots or blotches of different color or shades of color as if stained
01696350 36 v 01 vein 0 001 @ 00286008 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make a veinlike pattern
01696435 36 v 02 watercolour 0 watercolor 0 007 @ 01684899 v 0000 ;c 00933420 n 0000 + 10770545 n 0201 + 14991319 n 0201 + 04558804 n 0201 + 04558578 n 0201 + 10770545 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | paint with watercolors
01696648 36 v 03 color 1 colour 1 emblazon 1 006 @ 01675963 v 0000 + 14984973 n 0204 + 09938672 n 0101 + 00161739 n 0101 + 04956594 n 0101 ~ 01696893 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | decorate with colors; "color the walls with paint in warm tones"
01696893 36 v 01 miniate 0 003 @ 01696648 v 0000 ;c 00933420 n 0000 + 15003329 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | paint with red lead or vermilion
01697027 36 v 03 model 0 mold 2 mould 2 015 @ 01659248 v 0000 ;c 00933420 n 0000 + 03779621 n 0302 + 00937895 n 0304 + 00844461 a 0202 + 03779621 n 0201 + 03779370 n 0201 + 13913566 n 0202 + 00909899 n 0201 + 00937895 n 0203 + 00898804 n 0101 + 03777283 n 0101 + 00937895 n 0102 + 03779621 n 0105 + 00937895 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | form in clay, wax, etc; "model a head with clay"
01697406 36 v 02 model 1 mock_up 0 007 @ 01686132 v 0000 + 03777283 n 0101 + 00898804 n 0101 + 10325774 n 0102 + 10325774 n 0101 + 00898804 n 0102 + 00898804 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | construct a model of; "model an airplane"
01697628 36 v 02 sketch 0 chalk_out 0 005 @ 01690294 v 0000 ;c 00933420 n 0000 + 04227144 n 0101 + 10604880 n 0101 + 04227519 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | make a sketch of; "sketch the building"
01697816 36 v 01 create_verbally 0 005 @ 01617192 v 0000 ~ 01697986 v 0000 ~ 01698271 v 0000 ~ 01701858 v 0000 ~ 01744611 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | create with or from words
01697986 36 v 01 coin 1 005 @ 01697816 v 0000 + 09935107 n 0101 + 06294441 n 0103 + 00940560 n 0103 ~ 01698152 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make up; "coin phrases or words"
01698152 36 v 01 sloganeer 0 003 @ 01697986 v 0000 + 07246469 n 0101 + 10612373 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | coin new slogans
01698271 36 v 04 write 0 compose 1 pen 0 indite 0 028 * 01699896 v 0000 $ 01744611 v 0000 @ 01697816 v 0000 ;c 00929718 n 0000 + 03906997 n 0301 + 00929718 n 0304 + 00929718 n 0203 + 10794014 n 0101 + 00929718 n 0101 ^ 01754576 v 0101 ~ 01690816 v 0000 ~ 01698916 v 0000 ~ 01699172 v 0000 ~ 01699346 v 0000 ~ 01699539 v 0000 ~ 01699700 v 0000 ~ 01700540 v 0000 ~ 01700655 v 0000 ~ 01700934 v 0000 ~ 01701152 v 0000 ~ 01701311 v 0000 ~ 01701634 v 0000 ~ 01702514 v 0000 ~ 01704452 v 0000 ~ 01704953 v 0000 ~ 01705257 v 0000 ~ 01754576 v 0000 ~ 01756719 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | produce a literary work; "She composed a poem"; "He wrote four novels"
01698916 36 v 01 lyric 0 004 @ 01698271 v 0000 ;c 07092592 n 0000 + 07051975 n 0101 ~ 01699059 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | write lyrics for (a song)
01699059 36 v 01 relyric 0 002 @ 01698916 v 0000 ;c 07092592 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | write new lyrics for (a song)
01699172 36 v 03 write_on 0 write_of 0 write_about 0 002 @ 01698271 v 0000 ;c 00929718 n 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | write about a particular topic; "Snow wrote about China"
01699346 36 v 01 profile 1 003 @ 01698271 v 0000 ;c 00929718 n 0000 + 06516404 n 0101 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | write about; "The author of this article profiles a famous painter"
01699539 36 v 01 paragraph 0 004 @ 01698271 v 0000 ;c 00929718 n 0000 + 06399995 n 0101 + 10397694 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | write paragraphs; work as a paragrapher
01699700 36 v 01 paragraph 1 003 @ 01698271 v 0000 + 06399995 n 0101 + 10397694 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | write about in a paragraph; "All her friends were paragraphed in last Monday's paper"
01699896 36 v 02 spell 0 write 3 003 + 06353445 n 0101 ~ 01700149 v 0000 ~ 01700326 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | write or name the letters that comprise the conventionally accepted form of (a word or part of a word); "He spelled the word wrong in this letter"
01700149 36 v 01 spell_out 0 001 @ 01699896 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | spell fully and without abbreviating; "Can you spell out your middle name instead of just giving the initial?"
01700326 36 v 02 hyphenate 0 hyphen 0 005 @ 01699896 v 0000 + 06843148 n 0201 + 00390735 n 0102 + 00390445 n 0101 + 06843148 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | divide or connect with a hyphen; "hyphenate these words and names"
01700540 36 v 01 write_off 0 001 @ 01698271 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | write something fluently, and without hesitation
01700655 36 v 05 dash_off 0 scratch_off 0 knock_off 0 toss_off 0 fling_off 0 002 @ 01698271 v 0000 ;c 00929718 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | write quickly; "She dashed off a note to her husband saying she would not be home for supper"; "He scratched off a thank-you note to the hostess"
01700934 36 v 01 rewrite 0 004 @ 01698271 v 0000 ;c 00929718 n 0000 + 06364149 n 0101 + 10513120 n 0104 01 + 08 00 | rewrite so as to make fit to suit a new or different purpose; "re-write a play for use in schools"
01701152 36 v 01 write_copy 0 002 @ 01698271 v 0000 ;c 00929718 n 0000 01 + 02 00 | write for commercial publications; "She writes copy for Harper's Bazaar"
01701311 36 v 03 dramatize 0 dramatise 0 adopt 0 011 @ 01698271 v 0000 ;c 00929718 n 0000 + 10030277 n 0201 + 00899292 n 0202 + 07007945 n 0202 + 06376154 n 0201 + 10030277 n 0101 + 00930868 n 0101 + 00899292 n 0101 + 07007945 n 0102 + 06376154 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | put into dramatic form; "adopt a book for a screenplay"
01701634 36 v 02 draft 0 outline 3 006 @ 01698271 v 0000 ;c 00929718 n 0000 + 05891572 n 0201 + 06390962 n 0101 + 10028977 n 0101 + 00930736 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | draw up an outline or sketch for something; "draft a speech"
01701858 36 v 02 rhyme 0 rime 0 006 @ 01697816 v 0000 ;c 07092592 n 0000 + 06381869 n 0102 + 10528493 n 0101 ~ 01702033 v 0000 ~ 01702154 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | compose rhymes
01702033 36 v 01 tag 0 002 @ 01701858 v 0000 ;c 07092592 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | supply (blank verse or prose) with rhymes
01702154 36 v 01 alliterate 0 005 @ 01701858 v 0000 ;c 07092592 n 0000 + 01965849 a 0101 + 07097094 n 0101 + 09784564 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | use alliteration as a form of poetry
01702331 36 v 01 pun 0 003 @ 00853633 v 0000 + 06781581 n 0102 + 06781581 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | make a play on words; "Japanese like to pun--their language is well suited to punning"
01702514 36 v 04 verse 0 versify 0 poetize 0 poetise 0 020 @ 01698271 v 0000 ;c 07092592 n 0000 + 10528493 n 0405 + 10444194 n 0401 + 10528493 n 0304 + 10444194 n 0301 + 07093759 n 0201 + 07093603 n 0201 + 07093489 n 0201 + 10528493 n 0203 + 07092592 n 0203 + 06384708 n 0201 + 06381869 n 0201 + 06384708 n 0101 + 06381869 n 0101 + 07092592 n 0103 ~ 01703023 v 0000 ~ 01703195 v 0000 ~ 01703326 v 0000 ~ 01703613 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | compose verses or put into verse; "He versified the ancient saga"
01703023 36 v 01 metrify 0 003 @ 01702514 v 0000 ;c 07092592 n 0000 + 00931300 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | compose in poetic meter; "The bard metrified his poems very precisely"
01703195 36 v 02 spondaize 0 spondaise 0 002 @ 01702514 v 0000 ;c 07092592 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | make spondaic; "spondaize verses"
01703326 36 v 02 elegize 0 elegise 0 003 @ 01702514 v 0000 ;c 07092592 n 0000 + 06379568 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | compose an elegy
01703454 36 v 02 recite 0 retell 0 003 @ 01619354 v 0000 + 07234881 n 0101 + 07234881 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | render verbally, "recite a poem"; "retell a story"
01703613 36 v 01 sonnet 0 003 @ 01702514 v 0000 ;c 07092592 n 0000 + 06381372 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | compose a sonnet
01703730 36 v 01 sonnet 1 003 @ 00856824 v 0000 ;c 07092592 n 0000 + 06381372 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | praise in a sonnet
01703857 36 v 01 serenade 0 003 @ 01712704 v 0000 + 07042586 n 0102 + 07053732 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 09 00 | sing and play for somebody; "She was serenaded by her admirers"
01704030 36 v 02 belt_out 0 belt 0 001 @ 01729431 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | sing loudly and forcefully
01704129 36 v 01 descant_on 0 001 @ 01729431 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | sing a descant on a main tune or melody
01704236 36 v 02 vocalize 0 vocalise 0 005 @ 01729431 v 0000 + 10599806 n 0204 + 02825533 a 0101 + 10599806 n 0103 + 00545501 n 0102 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | sing (each note a scale or in a melody) with the same vowel
01704452 36 v 01 author 0 005 @ 01698271 v 0000 ;c 00929718 n 0000 + 10794014 n 0102 ~ 01704631 v 0000 ~ 01704752 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | be the author of; "She authored this play"
01704631 36 v 01 co-author 0 002 @ 01704452 v 0000 ;c 00929718 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | be a co-author on (a book, a paper)
01704752 36 v 02 ghost 0 ghostwrite 0 004 @ 01704452 v 0000 ;c 00929718 n 0000 + 10128748 n 0201 + 10128748 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | write for someone else; "How many books have you ghostwritten so far?"
01704953 36 v 02 annotate 0 footnote 0 007 @ 01698271 v 0000 ;c 00929718 n 0000 + 06764244 n 0201 + 06763273 n 0101 + 06763273 n 0102 + 00371735 n 0101 + 09795010 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | add explanatory notes to or supply with critical comments; "The scholar annotated the early edition of a famous novel"
01705257 36 v 02 reference 0 cite 0 007 @ 01698271 v 0000 ;c 00929718 n 0000 + 07180570 n 0201 + 06613056 n 0203 + 06763681 n 0201 + 07258664 n 0101 + 06763681 n 0105 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | refer to; "he referenced his colleagues' work"
01705494 36 v 02 compose 3 write 4 013 @ 01617192 v 0000 ;c 07020895 n 0000 + 07037465 n 0103 + 00939452 n 0102 + 09947232 n 0101 + 00939452 n 0101 ~ 01705841 v 0000 ~ 01706014 v 0000 ~ 01706129 v 0000 ~ 01706488 v 0000 ~ 01706756 v 0000 ~ 01707306 v 0000 ~ 01707925 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | write music; "Beethoven composed nine symphonies"
01705841 36 v 01 counterpoint 0 003 @ 01705494 v 0000 ;c 07020895 n 0000 + 07025419 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | write in counterpoint; "Bach perfected the art of counterpointing"
01706014 36 v 01 set_to_music 0 002 @ 01705494 v 0000 ;c 07020895 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | write (music) for (a text)
01706129 36 v 02 arrange 0 set 0 007 @ 01705494 v 0000 ;c 07020895 n 0000 + 09809925 n 0101 ~ 01648790 v 0000 ~ 01706375 v 0000 ~ 01706631 v 0000 ~ 01745536 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | adapt for performance in a different way; "set this poem to music"
01706375 36 v 01 put d 002 @ 01706129 v 0000 ;c 07020895 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | adapt; "put these words to music"
01706488 36 v 01 score 0 004 @ 01705494 v 0000 ;c 07020895 n 0000 + 06815714 n 0101 ~ 01707737 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | write a musical score for
01706631 36 v 01 transpose 0 002 @ 01706129 v 0000 ;c 07020895 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | put (a piece of music) into another key
01706756 36 v 02 melodize 0 melodise 0 003 @ 01705494 v 0000 ;c 07020895 n 0000 + 07028373 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | supply a melody for
01706889 36 v 02 harmonize 0 harmonise 0 008 @ 01729431 v 0000 ;c 07020895 n 0000 ;c 00543233 n 0000 ;c 05718935 n 0000 + 01253778 n 0202 + 01253778 n 0101 + 10160624 n 0202 + 10160624 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | sing or play in harmony
01707128 36 v 02 reharmonize 0 reharmonise 0 003 @ 01707306 v 0000 ;c 05718556 n 0000 + 07027651 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | provide with a different harmony; "reharmonize the melody"
01707306 36 v 02 harmonize 1 harmonise 1 006 @ 01705494 v 0000 ;c 05718556 n 0000 + 07027458 n 0202 + 07027458 n 0101 ~ 01707128 v 0000 ~ 01707495 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | write a harmony for
01707495 36 v 02 realize 7 realise 7 004 @ 01707306 v 0000 ;c 07020895 n 0000 + 07039056 n 0101 + 00940043 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | expand or complete (a part in a piece of baroque music) by supplying the harmonies indicated in the figured bass
01707737 36 v 01 orchestrate 0 006 @ 01706488 v 0000 ;c 05718556 n 0000 + 08248157 n 0101 + 07038615 n 0101 + 00939818 n 0101 + 10381100 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | write an orchestra score for
01707925 36 v 02 instrument 0 instrumentate 0 005 @ 01705494 v 0000 ;c 05718556 n 0000 + 03800933 n 0202 + 03800933 n 0102 + 00939818 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | write an instrumental score for
01708113 36 v 01 transcribe 0 003 @ 00299580 v 0000 ;c 05718556 n 0000 + 09809925 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | rewrite or arrange a piece of music for an instrument or medium other than that originally intended
01708317 36 v 01 choreograph 0 003 @ 01617192 v 0000 ;c 07020538 n 0000 + 09920283 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | compose a sequence of dance steps, often to music; "Balanchine choreographed many pieces to Stravinsky's music"
01708542 36 v 01 jive 0 003 @ 01708676 v 0000 ;c 00428270 n 0000 + 07066042 n 0103 01 + 02 00 | dance to jive music; dance the jive
01708676 36 v 03 dance 0 trip_the_light_fantastic 0 trip_the_light_fantastic_toe 0 048 $ 01894649 v 0000 @ 01831531 v 0000 ;c 00428270 n 0000 + 07448717 n 0101 + 00428270 n 0102 + 08253141 n 0101 + 07020538 n 0101 + 09990415 n 0101 + 09989502 n 0101 + 00428270 n 0101 ~ 01708542 v 0000 ~ 01709781 v 0000 ~ 01709931 v 0000 ~ 01710048 v 0000 ~ 01710190 v 0000 ~ 01751545 v 0000 ~ 01755389 v 0000 ~ 01895263 v 0000 ~ 01895383 v 0000 ~ 01895519 v 0000 ~ 01895612 v 0000 ~ 01895757 v 0000 ~ 01896007 v 0000 ~ 01896119 v 0000 ~ 01896213 v 0000 ~ 01896295 v 0000 ~ 01896484 v 0000 ~ 01896657 v 0000 ~ 01896767 v 0000 ~ 01896881 v 0000 ~ 01896995 v 0000 ~ 01897097 v 0000 ~ 01897203 v 0000 ~ 01897306 v 0000 ~ 01897406 v 0000 ~ 01897489 v 0000 ~ 01897583 v 0000 ~ 01897677 v 0000 ~ 01897779 v 0000 ~ 01897885 v 0000 ~ 01898032 v 0000 ~ 01898181 v 0000 ~ 01898769 v 0000 ~ 01898893 v 0000 ~ 01899158 v 0000 ~ 02048511 v 0000 ~ 02048586 v 0000 ~ 02048682 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 22 00 | move in a pattern; usually to musical accompaniment; do or perform a dance; "My husband and I like to dance at home to the radio"
01709781 36 v 01 hoof 3 004 @ 01708676 v 0000 ;u 07157273 n 0000 ;c 07020538 n 0000 + 10184403 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | dance in a professional capacity
01709931 36 v 01 clog 0 003 @ 01708676 v 0000 ;c 00428270 n 0000 + 00530208 n 0103 01 + 02 00 | dance a clog dance
01710048 36 v 01 tap_dance 0 004 @ 01708676 v 0000 ;c 00428270 n 0000 ;c 07020538 n 0000 + 00527872 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | perform a tap dance
01710190 36 v 01 belly_dance 0 003 @ 01708676 v 0000 ;c 00428270 n 0000 + 00530554 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | perform a belly dance
01710317 36 v 01 direct 0 004 @ 01617192 v 0000 ;c 06157326 n 0000 + 10015215 n 0101 ~ 01711336 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | guide the actors in (plays and films)
01710481 36 v 01 cast 1 010 * 01711965 v 0000 * 01711445 v 0000 * 01712704 v 0000 @ 02391803 v 0000 ;c 06157326 n 0000 + 08237863 n 0101 ~ 01710934 v 0000 ~ 01711073 v 0000 ~ 01711211 v 0000 $ 02385813 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | select to play,sing, or dance a part in a play, movie, musical, opera, or ballet; "He cast a young woman in the role of Desdemona"
01710836 36 v 01 descant 0 002 @ 01729431 v 0000 + 07032026 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | sing in descant
01710934 36 v 01 recast 0 002 @ 01710481 v 0000 ;c 06157326 n 0000 01 + 09 00 | cast again, in a different role; "He was recast as Iago"
01711073 36 v 01 miscast 0 002 @ 01710481 v 0000 ;c 06157326 n 0000 01 + 09 00 | cast an actor, singer, or dancer in an unsuitable role
01711211 36 v 01 typecast 0 002 @ 01710481 v 0000 ;c 06157326 n 0000 01 + 09 00 | cast repeatedly in the same kind of role
01711336 36 v 01 stage_direct 0 002 @ 01710317 v 0000 ;c 06157326 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | direct for the stage
01711445 36 v 03 stage 0 present 0 represent b 009 @ 01619354 v 0000 ;c 06157326 n 0000 + 06893885 n 0303 + 00521562 n 0202 + 07006712 n 0101 + 04296562 n 0101 + 10645611 n 0102 + 07007171 n 0102 ~ 01711749 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | perform (a play), especially on a stage; "we are going to stage `Othello'"
01711749 36 v 04 set 1 localize 0 localise 0 place 0 006 @ 01711445 v 0000 + 08664443 n 0402 + 05075602 n 0401 + 00155487 n 0201 + 08677628 n 0202 + 01052853 n 0101 01 + 21 00 | locate; "The film is set in Africa"
01711965 36 v 01 film 0 008 @ 01000214 v 0000 @ 01617192 v 0000 + 06262567 n 0101 + 03338821 n 0101 + 06613686 n 0102 + 00907919 n 0101 ~ 01712298 v 0000 ~ 01712450 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 02 01 | record in film; "The coronation was filmed"
01712204 36 v 01 film-make 0 001 @ 01617192 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | make films; be a film maker
01712298 36 v 02 cinematize 0 cinematise 0 001 @ 01711965 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make a film of or adopt so as to make into a film; "cinematize history"
01712450 36 v 01 microfilm 0 002 @ 01711965 v 0000 + 03759432 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | record on microfilm
01712554 36 v 01 cut_corners 0 001 @ 01712704 v 0000 01 + 13 00 | do something the cheapest or easiest way; "Cut corners to make a cheaper product"
01712704 36 v 03 perform 0 execute 1 do 1 023 + 09767197 n 0302 + 00097504 n 0202 + 10069296 n 0201 + 00097504 n 0101 ~ 00491551 v 0000 ~ 01049606 v 0000 ~ 01050565 v 0000 ~ 01051364 v 0000 ~ 01703857 v 0000 ~ 01712554 v 0000 ~ 01713348 v 0000 ~ 01713491 v 0000 ~ 01713587 v 0000 ~ 01713983 v 0000 ~ 01714095 v 0000 ~ 01718185 v 0000 ~ 01720980 v 0000 ~ 01721169 v 0000 ~ 01723224 v 0000 ~ 01728840 v 0000 ~ 01732172 v 0000 ~ 01732921 v 0000 ~ 01755816 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | carry out or perform an action; "John did the painting, the weeding, and he cleaned out the gutters"; "the skater executed a triple pirouette"; "she did a little dance"
01713348 36 v 01 stunt 0 004 @ 01712704 v 0000 ;c 06157326 n 0000 + 00046344 n 0101 + 00302861 n 0103 01 + 02 00 | perform a stunt or stunts
01713491 36 v 01 cut f 001 @ 01712704 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | perform or carry out; "cut a caper"
01713587 36 v 01 blaze_away 0 002 @ 01712704 v 0000 ;c 06157326 n 0000 01 + 02 00 | perform (an acting passage) brilliantly and rapidly; "Mr. Jones blazed away in one passage after another to loud applause"
01713796 36 v 01 interlude 0 003 @ 01714208 v 0000 ;c 00543233 n 0000 + 00520880 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | perform an interlude; "The guitar player interluded with a beautiful improvisation"
01713983 36 v 01 scamp 0 002 @ 01712704 v 0000 ;c 00543233 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | perform hastily and carelessly
01714095 36 v 01 churn_out 1 002 @ 01712704 v 0000 ;c 00543233 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | perform in a mechanical way
01714208 36 v 01 perform 1 022 @ 01619354 v 0000 ;c 06157326 n 0000 + 10415638 n 0101 + 00548326 n 0104 + 06891493 n 0101 ~ 01094661 v 0000 ~ 01094898 v 0000 ~ 01713796 v 0000 ~ 01714805 v 0000 ~ 01715040 v 0000 ~ 01715185 v 0000 ~ 01715357 v 0000 ~ 01715525 v 0000 ~ 01715997 v 0000 ~ 01716112 v 0000 ~ 01716407 v 0000 ~ 01716619 v 0000 ~ 01717851 v 0000 ~ 01718535 v 0000 ~ 01719921 v 0000 ~ 01725051 v 0000 ~ 01733213 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 22 00 | give a performance (of something); "Horowitz is performing at Carnegie Hall tonight"; "We performed a popular Gilbert and Sullivan opera"
01714805 36 v 01 grandstand 0 003 @ 01714208 v 0000 ;c 06157326 n 0000 + 10143371 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | perform ostentatiously in order to impress the audience and with an eye to the applause; "She never misses a chance to grandstand"
01715040 36 v 01 solo 0 003 @ 01714208 v 0000 + 07040939 n 0101 + 10623650 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | perform a piece written for a single instrument
01715185 36 v 01 play_out 0 002 $ 01081652 v 0000 @ 01714208 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 08 00 | perform or be performed to the end; "How will the election drama be played out?"
01715357 36 v 01 underperform 0 002 @ 01714208 v 0000 ;c 06157326 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | perform too rarely; "Her plays are underperformed, although they are very good"
01715525 36 v 02 sightread 0 sight-read 0 004 @ 01714208 v 0000 ;c 00543233 n 0000 + 10596517 n 0101 ~ 01715784 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | perform music from a score without having seen the score before; "He is a brilliant pianist but he cannot sightread"
01715784 36 v 02 sightsing 0 sight-sing 0 002 @ 01715525 v 0000 ;c 06157326 n 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | sing from a score without having seen it before; "This tenor can sightsing even the most difficult pieces"
01715997 36 v 01 rap a 003 @ 01714208 v 0000 ;c 00543233 n 0000 + 07064055 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | perform rap music
01716112 36 v 01 give c 003 @ 01714208 v 0000 ;c 06157326 n 0000 $ 01716283 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | perform for an audience; "Pollini is giving another concert in New York"
01716283 36 v 01 give d 002 $ 01716112 v 0000 @ 02137132 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | present to view; "He gave the sign to start"
01716407 36 v 02 concertize 0 concertise 0 004 @ 01714208 v 0000 ;c 00543233 n 0000 + 06892775 n 0201 + 06892775 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | give concerts; perform in concerts; "My niece is off concertizing in Europe"
01716619 36 v 01 play 3 005 @ 01714208 v 0000 ;c 06157326 n 0000 + 07018931 n 0101 + 07007945 n 0101 $ 01719921 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | perform on a certain location; "The prodigy played Carnegie Hall at the age of 16"; "She has been playing on Broadway for years"
01716882 36 v 01 play 4 005 ;c 06157326 n 0000 + 07007945 n 0101 + 07018931 n 0101 ~ 01717628 v 0000 $ 01719921 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | be performed or presented for public viewing; "What's playing in the local movie theater?"; "`Cats' has been playing on Broadway for many years"
01717169 36 v 02 play 5 run 1 003 $ 00517529 v 0000 $ 02563327 v 0000 $ 01717436 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to emit recorded audio or video; "They ran the tapes over and over again"; "I'll play you my favorite record"; "He never tires of playing that video"
01717436 36 v 01 play b 002 $ 01717169 v 0000 @ 02135048 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 11 00 | emit recorded sound; "The tape was playing for hours"; "the stereo was playing Beethoven when I entered"
01717628 36 v 01 debut 0 003 @ 01716882 v 0000 ;c 06157326 n 0000 + 00238022 n 0102 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | appear for the first time in public; "The new ballet that debuts next months at Covent Garden, is already sold out"
01717851 36 v 01 debut 1 002 @ 01714208 v 0000 ;c 06157326 n 0000 01 + 02 00 | make one's debut; "This young soprano debuts next month at the Metropolitan Opera"
01718015 36 v 01 debut 2 002 @ 01642437 v 0000 ;c 06157326 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | present for the first time to the public; "The band debuts a new song or two each month"
01718185 36 v 02 premier 0 premiere 0 003 @ 01712704 v 0000 ;c 06157326 n 0000 + 06893285 n 0201 01 + 08 00 | perform a work for the first time
01718331 36 v 02 premier 1 premiere 1 002 ;c 06157326 n 0000 + 06893285 n 0201 01 + 01 00 | be performed for the first time; "We premiered the opera of the young composer and it was a critical success"
01718535 36 v 02 audition 0 try_out 0 005 @ 01714208 v 0000 ;c 06157326 n 0000 + 00794614 n 0202 + 00794614 n 0101 ~ 01718755 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | perform in order to get a role; "She auditioned for a role on Broadway"
01718755 36 v 01 read 5 002 @ 01718535 v 0000 ;c 06157326 n 0000 01 + 22 00 | audition for a stage role by reading parts of a role; "He is auditioning for `Julius Caesar' at Stratford this year"
01718952 36 v 03 cybernate 0 computerize 0 computerise 0 007 @ 02407987 v 0000 ;c 06128570 n 0000 + 09887034 n 0305 + 03082979 n 0301 + 03082979 n 0201 + 00102779 n 0201 + 00102779 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | control a function, process, or creation by a computer; "They computerized the car industry"; "we live in a cybernated age"; "cybernate a factory"
01719302 36 v 03 act 0 play 2 represent 2 021 $ 00013615 v 0000 $ 01722077 v 0000 $ 01719921 v 0000 @ 01619354 v 0000 ;c 06157326 n 0000 + 06893885 n 0303 + 07018931 n 0201 + 07007945 n 0201 + 09765278 n 0203 + 00548326 n 0202 + 00795785 a 0101 + 09765278 n 0101 + 06892016 n 0101 + 00548326 n 0101 ~ 00838524 v 0000 ~ 01720773 v 0000 ~ 01722447 v 0000 ~ 01722645 v 0000 ~ 01723690 v 0000 ~ 01723963 v 0000 ~ 01772806 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 | play a role or part; "Gielgud played Hamlet"; "She wants to act Lady Macbeth, but she is too young for the role"; "She played the servant to her husband's master"
01719921 36 v 04 act 3 play a roleplay 0 playact 0 021 $ 01716619 v 0000 $ 01716882 v 0000 @ 01714208 v 0000 ;c 07006119 n 0000 + 09840050 n 0402 + 00548326 n 0403 + 00552097 n 0301 + 07018931 n 0201 + 07007945 n 0201 + 09765278 n 0203 + 00548326 n 0202 + 00795785 a 0101 + 09765278 n 0101 + 06892016 n 0101 + 00548326 n 0101 $ 01719302 v 0000 ~ 01720491 v 0000 ~ 01724185 v 0000 ~ 01751173 v 0000 ~ 01751389 v 0000 $ 02744977 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | perform on a stage or theater; "She acts in this play"; "He acted in `Julius Caesar'"; "I played in `A Christmas Carol'"
01720491 36 v 01 stooge 0 003 @ 01719921 v 0000 ;c 07006119 n 0000 + 09884666 n 0104 01 + 02 00 | act as the stooge; "His role was to stooge for the popular comedian"
01720660 36 v 01 enter 0 003 * 01719302 v 0000 ;c 07006119 n 0000 + 00049003 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | come on stage
01720773 36 v 01 support 0 003 @ 01719302 v 0000 ;c 07006119 n 0000 + 07031752 n 0104 01 + 09 00 | play a subordinate role to (another performer); "Olivier supported Gielgud beautifully in the second act"
01720980 36 v 01 star 0 006 @ 01712704 v 0000 ;c 07006119 n 0000 + 10163723 n 0102 + 10648696 n 0101 + 09762509 n 010a ~ 01721415 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | be the star in a performance
01721169 36 v 01 appear 0 003 @ 01712704 v 0000 ;c 07006119 n 0000 + 00050195 n 0101 01 + 22 00 | appear as a character on stage or appear in a play, etc.; "Gielgud appears briefly in this movie"; "She appeared in `Hamlet' on the London stage"
01721415 36 v 01 co-star 0 003 @ 01720980 v 0000 ;c 07006119 n 0000 + 09967967 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | be the co-star in a performance
01721556 36 v 03 dissemble 0 pretend 0 act 4 004 $ 00010435 v 0000 + 07014029 n 0301 + 10201535 n 0203 ~ 01721754 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | behave unnaturally or affectedly; "She's just acting"
01721754 36 v 04 simulate 0 assume 0 sham 0 feign 0 008 @ 01721556 v 0000 + 00754956 n 0405 + 10201535 n 0307 + 10286539 n 0303 + 10201535 n 0308 + 00754956 n 0104 ~ 01722077 v 0000 ~ 01722299 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make a pretence of; "She assumed indifference, even though she was seething with anger"; "he feigned sleep"
01722077 36 v 01 play 6 002 @ 01721754 v 0000 $ 01719302 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 26 00 | pretend to be somebody in the framework of a game or playful activity; "Let's play like I am mommy"; "Play cowboy and Indians"
01722299 36 v 01 feint 0 002 @ 01721754 v 0000 + 00172073 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | deceive by a mock action; "The midfielder feinted to shoot"
01722447 36 v 03 enact 0 reenact 0 act_out 0 002 @ 01719302 v 0000 + 00548802 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | act out; represent or perform as if in a play; "She reenacted what had happened earlier that day"
01722645 36 v 01 act_out 1 001 @ 01719302 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | represent an incident, state, or emotion by action, especially on stage; "She could act neurotic anxiety"
01722815 36 v 01 reenact 1 003 @ 01619354 v 0000 + 10514121 n 0101 + 00551913 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | enact or perform again; "They reenacted the battle of Princeton"
01722980 36 v 02 model 4 simulate 2 004 @ 01619354 v 0000 + 05666700 n 0201 + 04221823 n 0201 + 05890249 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | create a representation or model of; "The pilots are trained in conditions simulating high-altitude flights"
01723224 36 v 03 rehearse 0 practise 0 practice 0 006 @ 01712704 v 0000 ;c 06157326 n 0000 + 00894552 n 0302 + 00897026 n 0101 ~ 01723437 v 0000 ~ 01723579 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | engage in a rehearsal (of)
01723437 36 v 01 walk_through 0 002 @ 01723224 v 0000 + 00897608 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | perform in a perfunctory way, as for a first rehearsal
01723579 36 v 01 scrimmage 0 002 @ 01723224 v 0000 + 00898127 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | practice playing (a sport)
01723690 36 v 02 impersonate 0 portray 1 006 @ 01719302 v 0000 ;c 06157326 n 0000 + 00548802 n 0201 + 05929008 n 0105 + 00756331 n 0102 + 00549284 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | assume or act the character of; "She impersonates Madonna"; "The actor portrays an elderly, lonely man"
01723963 36 v 01 parody 0 002 @ 01719302 v 0000 + 00549610 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | make a spoof of or make fun of
01724083 36 v 01 travesty 0 002 @ 00849939 v 0000 + 07016250 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | make a travesty of
01724185 36 v 02 mime 0 pantomime 0 006 @ 01719921 v 0000 + 10318892 n 0205 + 10318892 n 0204 + 00550016 n 0202 + 10318892 n 0102 + 00550016 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | act out without words but with gestures and bodily movements only; "The acting students mimed eating an apple"
01724459 36 v 02 play 0 spiel 0 016 @ 01619354 v 0000 + 00101191 n 0101 ~ 01649605 v 0000 ~ 01649695 v 0000 ~ 01724891 v 0000 $ 01725051 v 0000 ~ 01725530 v 0000 ~ 01725615 v 0000 ~ 01725734 v 0000 ~ 01725886 v 0000 ~ 01726039 v 0000 ~ 01727490 v 0000 ~ 01727866 v 0000 ~ 01728213 v 0000 ~ 01729142 v 0000 ~ 01734300 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | replay (as a melody); "Play it again, Sam"; "She played the third movement very beautifully"
01724891 36 v 01 fiddle 2 003 $ 01733667 v 0000 @ 01724459 v 0000 ;c 07020895 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | play on a violin; "Zuckerman fiddled that song very nicely"
01725051 36 v 01 play c 012 $ 01726172 v 0000 $ 01724459 v 0000 @ 01714208 v 0000 ;c 07020895 n 0000 + 10340312 n 0103 + 00101191 n 0101 ~ 01651110 v 0000 ~ 01725375 v 0000 ~ 01727052 v 0000 ~ 01728355 v 0000 ~ 01729295 v 0000 ~ 01759166 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | play on an instrument; "The band played all night long"
01725375 36 v 01 swing 3 003 @ 01725051 v 0000 ;c 07020895 n 0000 + 04992008 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | play with a subtle and intuitively felt sense of rhythm
01725530 36 v 01 replay 0 001 @ 01724459 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | play (a melody) again
01725615 36 v 01 prelude 0 003 @ 01724459 v 0000 ;c 00543233 n 0000 + 07040543 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | play as a prelude
01725734 36 v 01 jazz 0 004 @ 01724459 v 0000 ;c 00543233 n 0000 + 07060976 n 0101 + 07062697 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | play something in the style of jazz
01725886 36 v 01 rag 0 004 @ 01724459 v 0000 ;c 07020895 n 0000 ;c 00543233 n 0000 + 07060844 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | play in ragtime; "rag that old tune"
01726039 36 v 01 bugle 0 004 @ 01724459 v 0000 ;c 00543233 n 0000 + 02912894 n 0101 + 09878179 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | play on a bugle
01726172 36 v 01 play 1 016 @ 02179518 v 0000 ;c 07020895 n 0000 ;c 00543233 n 0000 + 00101191 n 0101 $ 01725051 v 0000 ~ 01726605 v 0000 ~ 01726762 v 0000 ~ 01726879 v 0000 ~ 01727230 v 0000 ~ 01727354 v 0000 ~ 01727684 v 0000 ~ 01732532 v 0000 ~ 01732713 v 0000 ~ 01733667 v 0000 ~ 01733829 v 0000 ~ 01733994 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | perform music on (a musical instrument); "He plays the flute"; "Can you play on this old recorder?"
01726605 36 v 01 register 0 004 @ 01726172 v 0000 ;c 00543233 n 0000 + 05126849 n 0101 + 04987356 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | manipulate the registers of an organ
01726762 36 v 01 skirl 0 003 @ 01726172 v 0000 ;c 00543233 n 0000 + 07393988 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | play the bagpipes
01726879 36 v 01 beat 5 004 @ 01726172 v 0000 ;c 07020895 n 0000 + 07086518 n 0102 $ 01880673 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | produce a rhythm by striking repeatedly; "beat the drum"
01727052 36 v 02 symphonize 0 symphonise 0 004 @ 01725051 v 0000 ;c 00543233 n 0000 + 08248856 n 0102 + 07044760 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | play or sound together, in harmony
01727230 36 v 01 tweedle 0 002 @ 01726172 v 0000 ;c 00543233 n 0000 01 + 02 00 | play negligently on a musical instrument
01727354 36 v 01 chord 0 003 @ 01726172 v 0000 ;c 07020895 n 0000 + 06869951 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | play chords on (a string instrument)
01727490 36 v 04 reprise 0 reprize 0 repeat 1 recapitulate 0 004 @ 01724459 v 0000 ;c 00543233 n 0000 + 07039238 n 0401 + 07342049 n 0301 01 + 08 00 | repeat an earlier theme of a composition
01727684 36 v 01 pipe 0 006 @ 01726172 v 0000 ;c 00543233 n 0000 + 10435041 n 0101 + 00101708 n 0101 ^ 01050565 v 0101 + 03945615 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | play on a pipe; "pipe a tune"
01727866 36 v 01 slur 0 003 @ 01724459 v 0000 ;c 00543233 n 0000 + 06865953 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | play smoothly or legato; "the pianist slurred the most beautiful passage in the sonata"
01728052 36 v 01 pedal 0 004 * 01724459 v 0000 @ 01224744 v 0000 ;c 00543233 n 0000 + 06858674 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | operate the pedals on a keyboard instrument
01728213 36 v 01 bang_out 0 002 @ 01724459 v 0000 ;c 00543233 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | play loudly; "They banged out `The star-spangled banner'"
01728355 36 v 03 play_along 0 accompany 0 follow 1 004 @ 01725051 v 0000 ;c 00543233 n 0000 + 09760913 n 0201 + 07031752 n 0201 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | perform an accompaniment to; "The orchestra could barely follow the frequent pitch changes of the soprano"
01728613 36 v 01 sing_along 0 002 @ 01729431 v 0000 + 01255648 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | sing with a choir or an orchestra; "Every year the local orchestra and choir perform the `Messiah' and the audience is invited to sing along"
01728840 36 v 05 improvise 0 improvize 0 ad-lib 0 extemporize 0 extemporise 0 007 @ 01712704 v 0000 + 00099588 n 0502 + 00099588 n 0401 + 06714697 n 0301 + 03565402 n 0101 + 00099588 n 0103 + 00178832 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | perform without preparation; "he extemporized a speech at the wedding"
01729142 36 v 01 modulate 0 003 @ 01724459 v 0000 ;c 00543233 n 0000 + 07087641 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | change the key of, in music; "modulate the melody"
01729295 36 v 01 bow 0 003 @ 01725051 v 0000 ;c 00543233 n 0000 + 02879517 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | play on a string instrument with a bow
01729431 36 v 01 sing 0 026 @ 00941990 v 0000 ;c 00543233 n 0000 + 07048000 n 0101 + 00546389 n 0101 + 10599806 n 0101 + 00545501 n 0101 ~ 01049276 v 0000 ~ 01049373 v 0000 ~ 01049470 v 0000 ~ 01049737 v 0000 ~ 01050651 v 0000 ~ 01050896 v 0000 ~ 01051271 v 0000 ~ 01055829 v 0000 ~ 01704030 v 0000 ~ 01704129 v 0000 ~ 01704236 v 0000 ~ 01706889 v 0000 ~ 01710836 v 0000 ~ 01728613 v 0000 ~ 01730059 v 0000 ~ 01730216 v 0000 ~ 01730384 v 0000 ~ 01730663 v 0000 ~ 01730799 v 0000 ~ 01731031 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 22 00 + 27 00 | produce tones with the voice; "She was singing while she was cooking"; "My brother sings very well"
01730059 36 v 01 psalm 0 003 @ 01729431 v 0000 ;c 00543233 n 0000 + 10487363 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | sing or celebrate in psalms; "He psalms the works of God"
01730216 36 v 01 minstrel 0 004 @ 01729431 v 0000 ;c 00543233 n 0000 + 10321474 n 0101 + 10099093 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | celebrate by singing, in the style of minstrels
01730384 36 v 01 solmizate 0 005 @ 01729431 v 0000 ;c 00543233 n 0000 + 06867675 n 0101 + 01255935 n 0101 $ 01731353 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | sing using syllables like `do', `re' and `mi' to represent the tones of the scale; "The voice teacher showed the students how to solmizate"
01730663 36 v 02 tweedle 1 chirp 0 003 @ 01729431 v 0000 ;c 00543233 n 0000 + 07379409 n 0201 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | sing in modulation
01730799 36 v 02 choir 0 chorus 0 009 @ 01729431 v 0000 ;c 00543233 n 0000 + 08187988 n 0201 + 08188449 n 0201 + 08187837 n 0201 + 07050177 n 0202 + 08188814 n 0101 + 08188638 n 0101 + 03024064 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | sing in a choir
01731031 36 v 01 sing 1 013 @ 01729431 v 0000 $ 01067816 v 0000 @ 01732172 v 0000 ;c 00543233 n 0000 + 07048000 n 0101 + 00546389 n 0101 + 10599806 n 0101 + 00545501 n 0101 ~ 01731353 v 0000 ~ 01731577 v 0000 ~ 01731718 v 0000 ~ 01731828 v 0000 ~ 01732014 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | deliver by singing; "Sing Christmas carols"
01731353 36 v 01 solmizate 1 005 $ 01730384 v 0000 @ 01731031 v 0000 ;c 07020895 n 0000 + 06867675 n 0101 + 01255935 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | sing by the syllables of solmization; "solmizate a song before you learn the lyrics"
01731577 36 v 01 troll 0 003 @ 01731031 v 0000 ;c 00543233 n 0000 + 07053089 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | sing the parts of (a round) in succession
01731718 36 v 01 hymn 0 003 ;c 00543233 n 0000 @ 01731031 v 0000 + 07035870 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | sing a hymn
01731828 36 v 01 carol 0 005 @ 01731031 v 0000 ;c 00543233 n 0000 + 00546613 n 0101 + 09896401 n 0102 + 09896401 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | sing carols; "They went caroling on Christmas Day"
01732014 36 v 01 madrigal 0 003 @ 01731031 v 0000 ;c 00543233 n 0000 + 07052925 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | sing madrigals; "The group was madrigaling beautifully"
01732172 36 v 02 interpret 0 render 3 011 @ 01712704 v 0000 ;c 06157326 n 0000 + 00100543 n 0201 + 06893565 n 0202 + 00100543 n 0202 + 01325017 a 0102 + 01325017 a 0101 + 05766247 n 0101 + 00100543 n 0103 + 10212780 n 0101 ~ 01731031 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | give an interpretation or rendition of; "The pianist rendered the Beethoven sonata beautifully"
01732532 36 v 01 drum 0 006 @ 01726172 v 0000 ;c 00543233 n 0000 + 07383475 n 0101 + 03249569 n 0101 + 10036929 n 0101 + 00545194 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | play a percussion instrument
01732713 36 v 01 harp 0 006 * 01592456 v 0000 @ 01726172 v 0000 ;c 00543233 n 0000 + 03494278 n 0103 + 03495258 n 0101 + 10160770 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | play the harp; "She harped the Saint-Saens beautifully"
01732921 36 v 03 conduct 0 lead 0 direct 2 006 @ 01712704 v 0000 ;c 00543233 n 0000 + 09952539 n 0303 + 01256743 n 0201 + 01133760 n 0101 $ 01733213 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | lead, as in the performance of a composition; "conduct an orchestra; Barenboim conducted the Chicago symphony for years"
01733213 36 v 01 conduct 4 005 $ 01732921 v 0000 @ 01714208 v 0000 ;c 00543233 n 0000 + 09952539 n 0101 + 01133760 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | lead musicians in the performance of; "Bernstein conducted Mahler like no other conductor"; "she cannot conduct modern pieces"
01733477 36 v 05 hold 0 throw 8 have 0 make 4 give 2 001 @ 02439501 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | organize or be responsible for; "hold a reception"; "have, throw, or make a party"; "give a course"
01733667 36 v 01 fiddle 0 005 @ 01726172 v 0000 ;c 00543233 n 0000 + 04536866 n 0102 + 10754578 n 0102 $ 01724891 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | play the violin or fiddle
01733829 36 v 01 trumpet 0 005 * 00007012 v 0000 @ 01726172 v 0000 ;c 00543233 n 0000 + 03110669 n 0103 + 10732010 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | play or blow on the trumpet
01733994 36 v 01 clarion 0 004 @ 01726172 v 0000 ;c 00543233 n 0000 ;c 05718935 n 0000 + 03037899 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | blow the clarion
01734131 36 v 02 double_tongue 0 triple-tongue 0 003 @ 01734300 v 0000 ;c 05718935 n 0000 ;c 00543233 n 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | play fast notes on a wind instrument
01734300 36 v 01 tongue 0 005 @ 01724459 v 0000 ;c 05718935 n 0000 ;c 00543233 n 0000 + 05301072 n 0101 ~ 01734131 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | articulate by tonguing, as when playing wind instruments
01734502 36 v 05 duplicate 0 reduplicate 0 double 0 repeat 0 replicate 0 013 @ 01736822 v 0000 + 01249060 n 0501 + 04076533 n 0501 + 00592539 a 0402 + 07342049 n 0401 + 01018630 n 0401 + 10511425 n 0402 + 10521470 n 0401 + 01018630 n 0402 + 05860200 n 0301 ~ 01734929 v 0000 ~ 01735144 v 0000 ~ 01735556 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make or do or perform again; "He could never replicate his brilliant performance of the magic trick"
01734929 36 v 02 replicate 1 copy 3 003 @ 01734502 v 0000 ;c 06037666 n 0000 + 13549916 n 0101 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | reproduce or make an exact copy of; "replicate the cell"; "copy the genetic information"
01735144 36 v 01 recapitulate 1 002 @ 01734502 v 0000 + 13531652 n 0102 01 + 11 00 | repeat stages of evolutionary development during the embryonic phase of life
01735308 36 v 01 duplicate 1 006 @ 01736822 v 0000 + 03257343 n 0101 + 03307981 n 0102 + 03257343 n 0102 + 01019703 n 0101 + 03257586 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make a duplicate or duplicates of; "Could you please duplicate this letter for me?"
01735556 36 v 02 reduplicate 1 geminate 0 002 @ 01734502 v 0000 ;c 06172789 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | form by reduplication; "The consonant reduplicates after a short vowel"; "The morpheme can be reduplicated to emphasize the meaning of the word"
01735799 36 v 01 triplicate 0 002 @ 01736822 v 0000 + 04484780 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | reproduce threefold; "triplicate the letter for the committee"
01735947 36 v 01 quadruplicate 0 003 @ 01736822 v 0000 + 05860498 n 0101 + 04031166 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | reproduce fourfold; "quadruplicate the bill"
01736098 36 v 02 reprint 0 reissue 0 005 @ 01736822 v 0000 + 06270308 n 0201 + 06269785 n 0102 + 06270308 n 0102 + 06270308 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | print anew; "They never reprinted the famous treatise"
01736299 36 v 03 photocopy 0 run_off 0 xerox 0 007 @ 01736822 v 0000 + 04609235 n 0301 + 04608923 n 0301 + 03924679 n 0101 + 03924811 n 0101 ~ 01736523 v 0000 ~ 01736669 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | reproduce by xerography
01736523 36 v 01 microcopy 0 001 @ 01736299 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | photocopy printed or other graphic matter so that it is reduced in size
01736669 36 v 01 photostat 0 003 @ 01736299 v 0000 + 03927539 n 0101 + 03927299 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | make a copy by means of a Photostat device
01736822 36 v 01 reproduce 0 012 @ 01621555 v 0000 + 01019901 n 0101 ~ 01734502 v 0000 ~ 01735308 v 0000 ~ 01735799 v 0000 ~ 01735947 v 0000 ~ 01736098 v 0000 ~ 01736299 v 0000 ~ 01738347 v 0000 ~ 01742886 v 0000 ~ 01748748 v 0000 ~ 01749184 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make a copy or equivalent of; "reproduce the painting"
01737141 36 v 01 reproduce 3 003 @ 00736799 v 0000 ;c 06156968 n 0000 ~ 01738107 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | recreate a sound, image, idea, mood, atmosphere, etc.; "this DVD player reproduces the sound of the piano very well"; "He reproduced the feeling of sadness in the portrait"
01737417 36 v 02 induce 3 induct 0 004 @ 01752884 v 0000 ;c 06090869 n 0000 + 11468172 n 0201 + 11468172 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | produce electric current by electrostatic or magnetic processes
01737617 36 v 01 recreate 5 002 @ 01617192 v 0000 ~ 01737778 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | create anew; "she recreated the feeling of the 1920's with her stage setting"
01737778 36 v 01 reinvent 0 001 @ 01737617 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | create anew and make over; "He reinvented African music for American listeners"
01737923 36 v 01 reinvent 1 001 @ 01753788 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | bring back into existence; "The candidate reinvented the concept of national health care so that he would get elected"
01738107 36 v 02 catch c get e 002 $ 00589904 v 0000 @ 01737141 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | apprehend and reproduce accurately; "She really caught the spirit of the place in her drawings"; "She got the mood just right in her photographs"
01738347 36 v 02 play_back 0 replay 1 004 @ 01736822 v 0000 + 01020117 n 0201 + 01020770 n 0101 + 03963294 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | reproduce (a recording) on a recorder; "The lawyers played back the conversation to show that their client was innocent"
01738597 36 v 03 evolve 0 germinate 0 develop 0 003 $ 01738774 v 0000 @ 01631534 v 0000 + 05834758 n 0203 01 + 08 00 | work out; "We have developed a new theory of evolution"
01738774 36 v 01 develop 1 004 @ 01753788 v 0000 + 00250259 n 0101 $ 01738597 v 0000 ~ 01739099 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make something new, such as a product or a mental or artistic creation; "Her company developed a new kind of building material that withstands all kinds of weather"; "They developed a new technique"
01739099 36 v 01 build 4 001 @ 01738774 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | give form to, according to a plan; "build a modern nation"; "build a million-dollar business"
01739263 36 v 02 prefabricate 0 preassemble 0 003 @ 01621555 v 0000 ;c 00911048 n 0000 + 00926468 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | to manufacture sections of (a building), especially in a factory, so that they can be easily transported to and rapidly assembled on a building site of buildings
01739545 36 v 02 vamp 0 vamp_up 0 001 @ 01634424 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make up; "vamp up an excuse for not attending the meeting"
01739675 36 v 02 fudge_together 0 throw_together 0 001 @ 01621555 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | produce shoddily, without much attention to detail
01739814 36 v 04 grow 0 raise 3 farm 0 produce 5 012 @ 01742726 v 0000 ;c 00916464 n 0000 + 07705711 n 0401 + 03322099 n 0301 + 10078806 n 0301 + 00916464 n 0301 + 09779790 n 0205 + 08438067 n 0101 + 09779790 n 0104 ~ 01740320 v 0000 ~ 01740468 v 0000 ~ 02652016 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cultivate by growing, often involving improvements by means of agricultural techniques; "The Bordeaux region produces great red wines"; "They produce good ham in Parma"; "We grow wheat here"; "We raise hogs here"
01740320 36 v 01 carry 8 003 $ 01203074 v 0000 @ 01739814 v 0000 ;c 00916464 n 0000 01 + 11 00 | bear (a crop); "this land does not carry olives"
01740468 36 v 01 overproduce 0 002 @ 01739814 v 0000 + 00914343 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | produce in excess; produce more than needed or wanted
01740608 36 v 01 till 0 011 * 01741446 v 0000 @ 01668603 v 0000 ;c 00916464 n 0000 + 15074772 n 0101 + 10711005 n 0101 + 03146846 n 0102 + 09260907 n 0106 + 00918176 n 0101 + 00918820 n 0101 ~ 01741864 v 0000 ~ 01742556 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | work land as by ploughing, harrowing, and manuring, in order to make it ready for cultivation; "till the soil"
01740969 36 v 01 garden 0 009 @ 02549847 v 0000 ;c 00918383 n 0000 + 08439808 n 0101 + 03417749 n 0101 + 03417345 n 0101 + 10120671 n 0101 + 10120533 n 0101 + 00918383 n 0101 ~ 01741221 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | work in the garden; "My hobby is gardening"
01741221 36 v 01 landscape 0 005 @ 01740969 v 0000 ;c 00918383 n 0000 + 10245863 n 0104 + 00921160 n 0101 $ 01751836 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | do landscape gardening; "My sons landscapes for corporations and earns a good living"
01741446 36 v 03 cultivate 1 crop 1 work 9 007 @ 00406243 v 0000 ;c 00916464 n 0000 + 13085864 n 0201 + 00915722 n 0101 + 03146846 n 0101 $ 01235355 v 0000 ~ 01741692 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | prepare for crops; "Work the soil"; "cultivate the land"
01741692 36 v 02 overcrop 0 overcultivate 0 002 @ 01741446 v 0000 ;c 00916464 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | to exhaust by excessive cultivation; "the farmers overcropped the land"
01741864 36 v 03 plow 0 plough 0 turn 0 010 * 01309701 v 0000 @ 01740608 v 0000 ;c 00916464 n 0000 + 03967562 n 0202 + 00918644 n 0202 + 10442815 n 0103 + 03967562 n 0101 + 00918644 n 0101 ~ 01742244 v 0000 ~ 01742415 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | to break and turn over earth especially with a plow; "Farmer Jones plowed his east field last week"; "turn the earth in the Spring"
01742244 36 v 01 ridge 0 003 @ 01741864 v 0000 ;c 00916464 n 0000 + 13902048 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | plough alternate strips by throwing the furrow onto an unploughed strip
01742415 36 v 02 harrow 0 disk 0 003 @ 01741864 v 0000 ;c 00916464 n 0000 + 03496612 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | draw a harrow over (land)
01742556 36 v 01 hoe 0 004 * 01309701 v 0000 @ 01740608 v 0000 ;c 00916464 n 0000 + 03524574 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | dig with a hoe; "He is hoeing the flower beds"
01742726 36 v 01 cultivate 0 005 ;c 00916464 n 0000 + 00915722 n 0101 + 09779790 n 0103 + 13454318 n 0101 ~ 01739814 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | foster the growth of
01742886 36 v 03 imitate 0 copy 0 simulate 4 013 @ 01736822 v 0000 + 03104594 n 0201 + 01019524 n 0201 + 01216456 a 0101 + 01020936 n 0101 + 09964411 n 0102 ~ 00150776 v 0000 ~ 00849332 v 0000 ~ 01743313 v 0000 ~ 01743531 v 0000 ~ 01743784 v 0000 ~ 01744450 v 0000 ~ 02675701 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | reproduce someone's behavior or looks; "The mime imitated the passers-by"; "Children often copy their parents or older siblings"
01743313 36 v 01 take_off 0 003 @ 01742886 v 0000 + 00549610 n 0103 + 06780309 n 0106 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | mimic or imitate in an amusing or satirical manner; "This song takes off from a famous aria"
01743531 36 v 02 mimic 0 mime 1 004 @ 01742886 v 0000 + 10319163 n 0102 + 10319163 n 0101 + 10318892 n 0201 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 | imitate (a person or manner), especially for satirical effect; "The actor mimicked the President very accurately"
01743784 36 v 02 model 2 pattern 0 011 @ 01742886 v 0000 + 05938795 n 0201 + 05902327 n 0203 + 00898804 n 0101 + 05937112 n 0101 + 03777283 n 0101 + 05890249 n 0101 + 10325774 n 0102 + 10325774 n 0101 ~ 01744082 v 0000 ~ 01744266 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | plan or create according to a model or models
01744082 36 v 01 scale 0 003 @ 01743784 v 0000 + 13816862 n 0101 + 13850304 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | pattern, make, regulate, set, measure, or estimate according to some rate or standard
01744266 36 v 02 sovietize 0 sovietise 0 001 @ 01743784 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | model a country's social, political, and economic structure on the Soviet Union; "Castro sovietized Cuba"
01744450 36 v 02 take_after 0 follow 0 001 @ 01742886 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | imitate in behavior; take as a model; "Teenagers follow their friends in everything"
01744611 36 v 02 publish 0 write 2 004 @ 01697816 v 0000 + 10794014 n 0201 + 06589574 n 0101 $ 01698271 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | have (one's written work) issued for publication; "How many books did Georges Simenon write?"; "She published 25 books during her long career"
01744888 36 v 02 typeset 0 set b 002 @ 01747945 v 0000 + 09949946 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | set in type; "My book will be typeset nicely"; "set these words in italics"
01745052 36 v 01 prove 0 001 @ 01747945 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | take a trial impression of
01745141 36 v 02 format 0 arrange 2 005 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 04677385 n 0101 + 06636806 n 0102 ~ 01745377 v 0000 ~ 01756875 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | set (printed matter) into a specific format; "Format this letter so it can be printed out"
01745377 36 v 01 indent 0 003 @ 01745141 v 0000 + 06389753 n 0103 + 06389753 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | set in from the margin; "Indent the paragraphs of a letter"
01745536 36 v 04 table 0 tabularize 0 tabularise 0 tabulate 0 004 @ 01706129 v 0000 + 07002992 n 0401 + 00652659 n 0401 + 08266235 n 0401 01 + 08 00 | arrange or enter in tabular form
01745722 36 v 02 print 2 publish 1 014 @ 01621555 v 0000 + 06589574 n 0201 + 01103614 n 0202 + 01101958 n 0201 + 10491575 n 0201 + 10491309 n 0201 + 08062623 n 0201 + 06678302 n 0101 + 10475297 n 0101 + 04004767 n 0101 + 04004475 n 0101 + 06677302 n 0101 ~ 01746145 v 0000 ~ 01746604 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | put into print; "The newspaper published the news of the royal couple's divorce"; "These news should not be printed"
01746145 36 v 01 republish 0 004 @ 01745722 v 0000 + 07258964 n 0101 + 01102574 n 0101 + 01102574 n 0102 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | publish again; "The scientist republished his results after he made some corrections"
01746359 36 v 02 carry 0 run 2 001 @ 00968211 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | include as the content; broadcast or publicize; "We ran the ad three times"; "This paper carries a restaurant review"; "All major networks carried the press conference"
01746604 36 v 01 gazette 0 002 @ 01745722 v 0000 + 06267655 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | publish in a gazette
01746715 36 v 01 print 3 002 @ 01691057 v 0000 ~ 01746839 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | write as if with print; not cursive
01746839 36 v 01 misprint 0 002 @ 01746715 v 0000 + 06769670 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | print incorrectly
01746940 36 v 01 offset 0 002 @ 01747945 v 0000 + 06680570 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | produce by offset printing; "offset the conference proceedings"
01747085 36 v 01 offset 1 002 @ 01617192 v 0000 + 04176747 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | create an offset in; "offset a wall"
01747203 36 v 02 scribble 0 scrawl 0 005 @ 01691057 v 0000 + 10563940 n 0201 + 06404147 n 0203 + 06404147 n 0101 + 10563940 n 0102 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | write carelessly
01747374 36 v 01 copy 5 006 @ 01691057 v 0000 + 09964805 n 0101 + 06505517 n 0102 + 01019524 n 0101 ~ 01695143 v 0000 ~ 01747602 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | copy down as is; "The students were made to copy the alphabet over and over"
01747602 36 v 01 copy_out 0 001 @ 01747374 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | copy very carefully and as accurately as possible
01747717 36 v 02 program 0 programme 0 008 @ 01631534 v 0000 ;c 06128570 n 0000 + 06568978 n 0202 + 00928947 n 0201 + 06568978 n 0101 + 10481268 n 0101 + 00928947 n 0102 ~ 00526441 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | write a computer program
01747945 36 v 02 print 0 impress 0 014 @ 01691057 v 0000 + 06678302 n 0101 + 10475297 n 0101 + 04004767 n 0101 + 04004475 n 0101 + 06677302 n 0101 ~ 01692579 v 0000 ~ 01744888 v 0000 ~ 01745052 v 0000 ~ 01746940 v 0000 ~ 01748273 v 0000 ~ 01748578 v 0000 ~ 01748916 v 0000 ~ 01749017 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | reproduce by printing
01748273 36 v 02 overprint 0 print_over 0 003 @ 01747945 v 0000 + 03865704 n 0101 ~ 01748462 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | print (additional text or colors) onto an already imprinted paper
01748462 36 v 01 surcharge 0 001 @ 01748273 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | print a new denomination on a stamp or a banknote
01748578 36 v 01 cyclostyle 0 002 @ 01747945 v 0000 + 03155915 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | print with an implement with small toothed wheels that cuts small holes in a stencil
01748748 36 v 01 fingerprint 0 004 @ 01736822 v 0000 + 04694980 n 0102 + 06644393 n 0101 + 00152338 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | take an impression of a person's fingerprints
01748916 36 v 01 boldface 0 002 @ 01747945 v 0000 + 06827219 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | print in boldface
01749017 36 v 02 italicize 0 italicise 0 005 @ 01747945 v 0000 + 06350918 n 0201 + 06827344 n 0201 + 06350918 n 0101 + 06827344 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | print in italics
01749184 36 v 01 print 1 007 @ 01736822 v 0000 + 03926575 n 0102 ~ 01749394 v 0000 ~ 01749554 v 0000 ~ 01749660 v 0000 ~ 01749790 v 0000 ~ 01750421 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make into a print; "print the negative"
01749394 36 v 01 lithograph 0 005 @ 01749184 v 0000 ;c 00933420 n 0000 + 03677976 n 0101 + 03678220 n 0101 + 10266486 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | make by lithography
01749554 36 v 01 silkscreen 0 002 @ 01749184 v 0000 ;c 00933420 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | print by silkscreen
01749660 36 v 01 stencil 0 003 @ 01749184 v 0000 ;c 00933420 n 0000 + 04314216 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | mark or print with a stencil
01749790 36 v 02 engrave 0 etch 2 007 @ 01749184 v 0000 ;c 00933420 n 0000 + 01103374 n 0101 + 10058027 n 0101 + 00938791 n 0101 ~ 01750061 v 0000 ~ 01750302 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | carve or cut into a block used for printing or print from such a block; "engrave a letter"
01750061 36 v 01 benday 0 001 @ 01749790 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | reproduce by the Benday process
01750156 36 v 01 scrape 0 002 @ 01617192 v 0000 + 04150980 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make by scraping; "They scraped a letter into the stone"
01750302 36 v 01 stipple 0 002 @ 01749790 v 0000 ;c 00933420 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | engrave by means of dots and flicks
01750421 36 v 01 etch 0 008 * 00273963 v 0000 @ 01749184 v 0000 ;c 00933420 n 0000 + 10064977 n 0101 + 03299519 n 0101 + 03299406 n 0101 + 00938791 n 0102 ~ 01750668 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make an etching of; "He etched her image into the surface"
01750668 36 v 01 aquatint 0 004 @ 01750421 v 0000 ;c 00933420 n 0000 + 02732295 n 0101 + 00939091 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | etch in aquatint
01750813 36 v 01 confect 1 001 @ 01621555 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make or construct
01750895 36 v 01 corduroy 0 002 @ 01654628 v 0000 + 03107609 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | build (a road) from logs laid side by side
01751021 36 v 01 fringe 0 003 @ 01675963 v 0000 ;c 00714944 n 0000 + 03397762 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | adorn with a fringe; "The weaver fringed the scarf"
01751173 36 v 04 overact 0 ham_it_up 0 ham 0 overplay 0 006 @ 01719921 v 0000 ;c 07006119 n 0000 + 10158010 n 0301 + 00551585 n 0301 + 00551585 n 0102 ! 01751389 v 0101 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | exaggerate one's acting
01751389 36 v 02 underact 0 underplay 0 003 @ 01719921 v 0000 ;c 07006119 n 0000 ! 01751173 v 0101 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | act (a role) with great restraint
01751545 36 v 01 heel 0 005 @ 01708676 v 0000 ;c 00428270 n 0000 ;c 07020538 n 0000 + 05578095 n 0101 + 03511426 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | perform with the heels; "heel that dance"
01751722 36 v 01 fret 0 002 @ 01675963 v 0000 + 03396311 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | decorate with an interlaced design
01751836 36 v 01 landscape 1 005 $ 01741221 v 0000 @ 01675963 v 0000 ;c 00918383 n 0000 + 10245863 n 0104 + 03640288 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | embellish with plants; "Let's landscape the yard"
01752025 36 v 01 fret 1 004 @ 01256157 v 0000 ;c 00714944 n 0000 + 03396311 n 0101 ~ 01752162 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | carve a pattern into
01752162 36 v 01 honeycomb 0 002 @ 01752025 v 0000 + 03530642 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | carve a honeycomb pattern into; "The cliffs were honeycombed"
01752316 36 v 01 proof 0 003 @ 01621555 v 0000 + 04011130 n 0101 + 06590885 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | make or take a proof of, such as a photographic negative, an etching, or typeset
01752495 36 v 02 produce 2 bring_forth 0 006 @ 01617192 v 0000 + 07328756 n 0101 ~ 00056930 v 0000 ~ 01752728 v 0000 ~ 01753272 v 0000 ~ 01758882 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | bring forth or yield; "The tree would not produce fruit"
01752728 36 v 01 sporulate 0 004 @ 01752495 v 0000 ;c 06066555 n 0000 + 13517199 n 0102 $ 00116496 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | produce spores; "plants sporulate"
01752884 36 v 03 produce 3 bring_about 3 give_rise 1 004 @ 01617192 v 0000 + 11415842 n 0101 ~ 01737417 v 0000 ~ 02635659 v 0000 02 + 11 00 + 22 03 | cause to happen, occur or exist; "This procedure produces a curious effect"; "The new law gave rise to many complaints"; "These chemicals produce a noxious vapor"; "the new President must bring about a change in the health care system"
01753272 36 v 02 grind_out 0 crank_out 0 001 @ 01752495 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | produce in a routine or monotonous manner; "We have to crank out publications in order to receive funding"
01753465 36 v 01 make_up 3 001 @ 01640550 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | devise or compose; "This designer makes up our Spring collections"
01753596 36 v 01 design 7 005 $ 01640550 v 0000 @ 01640207 v 0000 + 03178782 n 0101 + 10210648 n 0102 + 09972157 n 0104 01 + 02 00 | create designs; "Dupont designs for the house of Chanel"
01753788 36 v 01 create 2 009 + 00585202 a 0101 + 07328942 n 0101 + 03129123 n 0101 + 00237869 n 0101 + 00240184 n 0106 + 00908492 n 0101 ~ 01737923 v 0000 ~ 01738774 v 0000 ~ 01758526 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | bring into existence; "The company was created 25 years ago"; "He created a new movement in painting"
01754105 36 v 01 press 1 003 @ 01617192 v 0000 + 00113113 n 0101 + 03999992 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | create by pressing; "Press little holes into the soft clay"
01754271 36 v 01 prepare 2 002 @ 01617192 v 0000 ~ 01754452 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | to prepare verbally, either for written or spoken delivery; "prepare a report"; "prepare a speech"
01754452 36 v 03 rough_in 0 rough 1 rough_out 0 001 @ 01754271 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | prepare in preliminary or sketchy form
01754576 36 v 02 write_out 0 write_up 0 002 @ 01698271 v 0000 ;c 00929718 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | put into writing; write in complete form; "write out a contract"
01754737 36 v 01 cut b 004 @ 01617192 v 0000 + 00942234 n 0102 + 00359238 n 0102 $ 01754915 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | form or shape by cutting or incising; "cut paper dolls"
01754915 36 v 01 cut 1 003 $ 01754737 v 0000 @ 01617192 v 0000 ~ 01758276 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | form by probing, penetrating, or digging; "cut a hole"; "cut trenches"; "The sweat cut little rivulets into her face"
01755137 36 v 02 graph 0 chart 4 003 @ 01686132 v 0000 + 09910840 n 0201 + 07000195 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | represent by means of a graph; "chart the data"
01755291 36 v 01 graph 1 002 @ 01693453 v 0000 + 07000195 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | plot upon a graph
01755389 36 v 01 shimmy 0 003 @ 01708676 v 0000 ;c 00428270 n 0000 + 00533535 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | dance a shimmy
01755504 36 v 01 make a 003 $ 01664172 v 0000 $ 00276068 v 0000 @ 01653013 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | gather and light the materials for; "make a fire"
01755651 36 v 01 raise 6 001 @ 01617192 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | create a disturbance, especially by making a great noise; "raise hell"; "raise the roof"; "raise Cain"
01755816 36 v 01 make c 003 $ 02560585 v 0000 @ 01712704 v 0000 ~ 02488056 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | perform or carry out; "make a decision"; "make a move"; "make advances"; "make a phone call"
01756006 36 v 01 beat 2 002 * 01929467 v 0000 @ 01617192 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make by pounding or trampling; "beat a path through the forest"
01756149 36 v 02 map 3 map_out 3 001 @ 01638368 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | plan, delineate, or arrange in detail; "map one's future"
01756277 36 v 02 cut 6 burn 5 002 @ 01621555 v 0000 $ 01756416 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | create by duplicating data; "cut a disk"; "burn a CD"
01756416 36 v 01 cut 4 003 $ 01756277 v 0000 @ 00998399 v 0000 $ 01756563 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | record a performance on (a medium); "cut a record"
01756563 36 v 01 cut 5 002 $ 01756416 v 0000 @ 00998399 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make a recording of; "cut the songs"; "She cut all of her major titles again"
01756719 36 v 01 script 0 003 @ 01698271 v 0000 ;c 00929718 n 0000 + 07009946 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | write a script for; "The playwright scripted the movie"
01756875 36 v 01 rubricate 1 001 @ 01745141 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | furnish with rubrics or regulate by rubrics; "the manuscript is not rubricated"
01757021 36 v 02 channelize 0 channelise 0 001 @ 01654628 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make a channel for; provide with a channel; "channelize the country for better transportation"
01757196 36 v 01 demyelinate 0 001 @ 01619929 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | destroy the myelin sheath of; "the disease demyelinated the nerve fibers"
01757338 36 v 01 facilitate 3 004 @ 01645601 v 0000 ;c 05005064 n 0000 + 01196648 a 0101 + 11454042 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | increase the likelihood of (a response); "The stimulus facilitates a delayed impulse"
01757546 36 v 01 construct 2 001 @ 01631534 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | create by organizing and linking ideas, arguments, or concepts; "construct a proof"; "construct an argument"
01757721 36 v 01 construct 3 001 @ 01631534 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | create by linking linguistic units; "construct a sentence"; "construct a paragraph"
01757871 36 v 01 filigree 0 002 @ 01658762 v 0000 + 03337822 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | make filigree, as with a precious metal
01757994 36 v 03 release 3 free 3 liberate 3 002 @ 01627355 v 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | release (gas or energy) as a result of a chemical reaction or physical decomposition
01758180 36 v 01 embattle 0 001 @ 01651444 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | prepare for battle or conflict
01758276 36 v 01 blast 2 001 @ 01754915 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make with or as if with an explosion; "blast a tunnel through the Alps"
01758410 36 v 01 chop 0 001 @ 01617192 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | form or shape by chopping; "chop a hole in the ground"
01758526 36 v 01 carve_out 0 001 @ 01753788 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | establish or create through painstaking effort; "She carved out a reputation among her male colleagues"
01758696 36 v 01 manufacture 2 001 @ 01617192 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | create or produce in a mechanical way; "This novelist has been manufacturing his books following his initial success"
01758882 36 v 01 manufacture 3 001 @ 01752495 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | produce naturally; "this gland manufactures a specific substance only"
01759021 36 v 02 blast 0 shell 0 001 @ 01617192 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | create by using explosives; "blast a passage through the mountain"
01759166 36 v 01 busk 0 001 @ 01725051 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | play music in a public place and solicit money for it; "three young men were busking in the plaza"
01759326 37 v 08 arouse 0 elicit 0 enkindle 0 kindle 0 evoke 0 fire 0 raise 8 provoke 0 022 @ 01617192 v 0000 + 01896478 a 0801 + 09184975 n 0803 + 01977669 a 0501 + 05827253 n 0501 + 05827253 n 0203 + 00242808 n 0101 ~ 01759926 v 0000 ~ 01760143 v 0000 ~ 01760300 v 0000 ~ 01760552 v 0000 ~ 01760677 v 0000 ~ 01760945 v 0000 ~ 01761120 v 0000 ~ 01761706 v 0000 ~ 01772960 v 0000 ~ 01785971 v 0000 ~ 01790020 v 0000 ~ 01792287 v 0000 ~ 01793177 v 0000 ~ 01809321 v 0000 ~ 01821423 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | call forth (emotions, feelings, and responses); "arouse pity"; "raise a smile"; "evoke sympathy"
01759926 37 v 02 strike_a_chord 1 touch_a_chord 0 001 @ 01759326 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | evoke a reaction, response, or emotion; "this writer strikes a chord with young women"; "The storyteller touched a chord"
01760143 37 v 02 invite 1 ask_for 0 002 @ 01759326 v 0000 + 04689048 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | increase the likelihood of; "ask for trouble"; "invite criticism"
01760300 37 v 01 draw 1 002 @ 01759326 v 0000 $ 02293148 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | elicit responses, such as objections, criticism, applause, etc.; "The President's comments drew sharp criticism from the Republicans"; "The comedian drew a lot of laughter"
01760552 37 v 01 rekindle 0 001 @ 01759326 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | arouse again; "rekindle hopes"; "rekindle her love"
01760677 37 v 01 infatuate 0 004 @ 01759326 v 0000 + 07544351 n 0104 + 07481084 n 0101 + 05813109 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | arouse unreasoning love or passion in and cause to behave in an irrational way; "His new car has infatuated him"; "love has infatuated her"
01760945 37 v 01 prick 0 001 @ 01759326 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | to cause a sharp emotional pain; "The thought of her unhappiness pricked his conscience"
01761120 37 v 06 inflame 0 stir_up 0 wake 0 ignite 0 heat 0 fire_up 0 006 @ 01759326 v 0000 + 04628192 n 0501 + 01897378 a 0103 + 01261712 n 0101 + 01261712 n 0102 ~ 01761533 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | arouse or excite feelings and passions; "The ostentatious way of living of the rich ignites the hatred of the poor"; "The refugees' fate stirred up compassion around the world"; "Wake old feelings of hatred"
01761533 37 v 01 ferment 0 002 @ 01761120 v 0000 + 13979503 n 0103 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | work up into agitation or excitement; "Islam is fermenting Africa"
01761706 37 v 05 stimulate 0 shake 0 shake_up 0 excite 0 stir 1 014 @ 01759326 v 0000 + 07514345 n 0501 + 10555679 n 0502 ^ 02585050 v 0503 + 14037011 n 0401 + 14037011 n 0402 ~ 01762178 v 0000 ~ 01762283 v 0000 ~ 01779165 v 0000 ~ 01796346 v 0000 ~ 01807529 v 0000 ~ 01811736 v 0000 ~ 01812720 v 0000 ~ 01816219 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | stir the feelings, emotions, or peace of; "These stories shook the community"; "the civil war shook the country"
01762178 37 v 01 fuel 0 001 @ 01761706 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | stimulate; "fuel the debate on creationism"
01762283 37 v 05 arouse 1 sex 0 excite 1 turn_on 0 wind_up 0 005 @ 01761706 v 0000 + 05828102 n 0401 + 07487695 n 0201 + 00844254 n 0203 ~ 01807770 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | stimulate sexually; "This movie usually arouses the male audience"
01762528 37 v 07 agitate 0 rouse 4 turn_on 2 charge 5 commove 0 excite 3 charge_up 0 012 @ 01770501 v 0000 + 02309971 a 0601 + 01260867 n 0602 + 07528470 n 0403 + 05828102 n 0301 + 00242808 n 0202 + 01896925 a 0101 ! 01764800 v 0101 ~ 01763482 v 0000 ~ 01791535 v 0000 ~ 01820077 v 0000 ~ 01830798 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | cause to be agitated, excited, or roused; "The speaker charged up the crowd with his inflammatory remarks"
01762963 37 v 01 jolt 0 001 @ 01770501 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | disturb (someone's) composure; "The audience was jolted by the play"
01763101 37 v 03 bubble_over 0 overflow 0 spill_over 0 001 @ 01767612 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | overflow with a certain feeling; "The children bubbled over with joy"; "My boss was bubbling over with anger"
01763303 37 v 01 ferment 1 002 @ 01767612 v 0000 + 13979503 n 0103 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | be in an agitated or excited state; "The Middle East is fermenting"; "Her mind ferments"
01763482 37 v 02 hype_up 0 psych_up 0 001 @ 01762528 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | get excited or stimulated; "The children were all psyched up after the movie"
01763643 37 v 01 lull 1 003 @ 01764800 v 0000 + 14522956 n 0101 + 15274441 n 0102 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | calm by deception; "Don't let yourself be lulled into a false state of security"
01763829 37 v 07 calm 1 calm_down 1 cool_off 0 chill_out 0 simmer_down 0 settle_down 0 cool_it 0 002 @ 00146138 v 0000 + 04903813 n 0102 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | become quiet or calm, especially after a state of agitation; "After the fight both men need to cool off."; "It took a while after the baby was born for things to settle down again."
01764171 37 v 07 perturb 0 unhinge 0 disquiet 0 trouble 0 cark 0 distract 2 disorder 0 009 @ 01770501 v 0000 + 05684440 n 0601 + 07524242 n 0402 + 07289014 n 0401 + 04904851 n 0301 + 07524760 n 0302 + 14403282 n 0102 + 04904996 n 0101 ~ 01765908 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | disturb in mind or make uneasy or cause to be worried or alarmed; "She was rather perturbed by the news that her father was seriously ill"
01764586 37 v 02 unbalance 0 derange 1 003 @ 01787822 v 0000 + 14397714 n 0201 + 14397714 n 0103 01 + 10 00 | derange mentally, throw out of mental balance; make insane; "The death of his parents unbalanced him"
01764800 37 v 09 calm 0 calm_down 0 quiet 0 tranquilize 0 tranquillize 0 tranquillise 0 quieten 0 lull 0 still 0 010 @ 01814815 v 0000 + 04982478 n 0903 + 15274441 n 0802 + 04470232 n 0401 + 04904352 n 0302 ! 01762528 v 0101 ~ 01763643 v 0000 ~ 01765178 v 0000 ~ 01765392 v 0000 ~ 01766407 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | make calm or still; "quiet the dragons of worry and fear"
01765178 37 v 01 compose 0 002 @ 01764800 v 0000 + 04903813 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | calm (someone, especially oneself); make quiet; "She had to compose herself before she could reply to this terrible insult"
01765392 37 v 09 pacify 0 lenify 0 conciliate 0 assuage 0 appease 0 mollify 0 placate 0 gentle 0 gruntle 0 015 @ 01764800 v 0000 + 00759826 a 0703 + 00759826 a 0704 + 01151407 n 0701 + 13970764 n 0601 + 01151097 n 0602 + 01784946 a 0501 + 00759551 a 0302 + 13971561 n 0301 + 01151407 n 0302 + 09952163 n 0301 + 01151097 n 0101 + 13969700 n 0101 + 07515790 n 0101 + 03075768 n 0102 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 | cause to be more favorably inclined; gain the good will of; "She managed to mollify the angry customer"
01765908 37 v 02 worry 1 vex 2 010 > 01767163 v 0000 @ 01764171 v 0000 + 05832264 n 0204 + 05832264 n 0102 + 00425278 n 0102 ! 01766407 v 0101 ~ 00733454 v 0000 ~ 01766273 v 0000 ~ 01766638 v 0000 $ 01767163 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | disturb the peace of mind of; afflict with mental agitation or distress; "I cannot sleep--my daughter's health is worrying me"
01766273 37 v 02 eat 0 eat_on 0 001 @ 01765908 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | worry or cause anxiety in a persistent way; "What's eating you?"
01766407 37 v 02 reassure 0 assure 0 003 @ 01764800 v 0000 + 01215719 n 0101 ! 01765908 v 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | cause to feel sure; give reassurance to; "The airline tried to reassure the customers that the planes were safe"
01766638 37 v 01 nag 0 001 @ 01765908 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | worry persistently; "nagging concerns and doubts"
01766748 37 v 02 worry c care c 006 @ 00724492 v 0000 + 07524529 n 0202 + 07505047 n 0201 + 07524242 n 0101 + 05832264 n 0102 ~ 00704249 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | be concerned with; "I worry about my grades"
01766952 37 v 02 retire 0 withdraw 0 005 @ 00076114 v 0000 + 10785333 n 0201 + 07506031 n 0201 $ 02380009 v 0000 ~ 02380980 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | lose interest; "he retired from life when his wife died"
01767163 37 v 01 worry 0 009 $ 01765908 v 0000 + 04711435 n 0103 + 10792178 n 0101 + 07524242 n 0101 + 05832264 n 0102 ~ 01767461 v 0000 ~ 01780729 v 0000 ~ 01793933 v 0000 ~ 01831143 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 22 00 + 26 00 | be worried, concerned, anxious, troubled, or uneasy; "I worry about my job"
01767461 37 v 01 fret 0 002 @ 01767163 v 0000 ~ 01820189 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | be agitated or irritated; "don't fret over these small details"
01767612 37 v 02 seethe 0 boil 0 004 @ 02604760 v 0000 ~ 01763101 v 0000 ~ 01763303 v 0000 ~ 01767818 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | be in an agitated emotional state; "The customer was seething with anger"
01767818 37 v 01 sizzle 0 001 @ 01767612 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | seethe with deep anger or resentment; "She was sizzling with anger"
01767949 37 v 04 affect 0 impress 1 move 0 strike 0 027 $ 02108791 v 0000 > 01771535 v 0000 + 02364448 a 0203 + 00835292 a 0201 + 01282014 a 0201 + 00854255 a 0102 + 07479926 n 0101 ~ 00605498 v 0000 ~ 00725274 v 0000 ~ 00728393 v 0000 ~ 00736095 v 0000 $ 01649999 v 0000 ~ 01768630 v 0000 ~ 01768764 v 0000 ~ 01768935 v 0000 ~ 01769090 v 0000 ~ 01769220 v 0000 ~ 01769413 v 0000 ~ 01769565 v 0000 ~ 01769693 v 0000 ~ 01769902 v 0000 ~ 01770370 v 0000 ~ 01770501 v 0000 ~ 01770802 v 0000 ~ 01771390 v 0000 ~ 01813053 v 0000 ~ 01823888 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | have an emotional or cognitive impact upon; "This child impressed me as unusually mature"; "This behavior struck me as odd"
01768630 37 v 01 engrave 0 001 @ 01767949 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | impress or affect deeply; "The event engraved itself into her memory"
01768764 37 v 01 strike_dumb 0 001 @ 01767949 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | render speechless, as by surprising or shocking; "we were struck dumb by the candidate's announcement"
01768935 37 v 01 zap 0 001 @ 01767949 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | strike suddenly and with force; "This show zaps the viewers with some shocking scenes"
01769090 37 v 01 jar 0 001 @ 01767949 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | affect in a disagreeable way; "This play jarred the audience"
01769220 37 v 04 hit_home 0 strike_home 0 strike_a_chord 0 strike_a_note 0 001 @ 01767949 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 03 | refer to or be relevant or familiar to; "I hope this message hits home!"
01769413 37 v 01 smite 0 001 @ 01767949 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | affect suddenly with deep feeling; "He was smitten with love for this young girl"
01769565 37 v 01 cloud 0 001 @ 01767949 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | make gloomy or depressed; "Their faces were clouded with sadness"
01769693 37 v 01 pierce 0 001 @ 01767949 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | move or affect (a person's emotions or bodily feelings) deeply or sharply; "The cold pierced her bones"; "Her words pierced the students"
01769902 37 v 01 impress 0 004 @ 01767949 v 0000 + 01282014 a 0101 ~ 01770096 v 0000 ~ 01770252 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | impress positively; "The young chess player impressed her audience"
01770096 37 v 01 prepossess 1 001 @ 01769902 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | make a positive impression (on someone) beforehand; "A prepossessing appearance"
01770252 37 v 01 wow 0 001 @ 01769902 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | impress greatly; "The speaker wowed the audience"
01770370 37 v 02 sweep_away 0 sweep_off 0 001 @ 01767949 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | overwhelm emotionally; "Her swept her away"
01770501 37 v 03 disturb 0 upset 0 trouble 1 010 @ 01767949 v 0000 + 07524242 n 0302 + 07289014 n 0301 + 00554850 n 0201 + 14403282 n 0203 + 14403282 n 0101 ~ 01762528 v 0000 ~ 01762963 v 0000 ~ 01764171 v 0000 ~ 01798100 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | move deeply; "This book upset me"; "A troubling thought"
01770802 37 v 02 touch 0 stir 0 005 @ 01767949 v 0000 + 07514345 n 0201 + 01261845 n 0202 ^ 01761120 v 0202 ~ 01771039 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | affect emotionally; "A stirring movie"; "I was touched by your kind letter of sympathy"
01771039 37 v 01 get b 002 @ 01770802 v 0000 $ 01771194 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | evoke an emotional response; "Brahms's `Requiem' gets me every time"
01771194 37 v 02 get c get_under_one's_skin 0 002 $ 01771039 v 0000 @ 01787955 v 0000 03 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 12 00 | irritate; "Her childish behavior really get to me"; "His lying really gets me"
01771390 37 v 01 move 1 002 @ 01767949 v 0000 $ 01649999 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | arouse sympathy or compassion in; "Her fate moved us all"
01771535 37 v 02 feel 0 experience 0 025 + 05984584 n 0201 + 07285403 n 0201 + 07513035 n 0101 + 00026192 n 0101 ^ 01821996 v 0101 ~ 01772172 v 0000 ~ 01772363 v 0000 ~ 01772498 v 0000 ~ 01772699 v 0000 ~ 01773130 v 0000 ~ 01777707 v 0000 ~ 01787106 v 0000 ~ 01788733 v 0000 ~ 01794668 v 0000 ~ 01795333 v 0000 ~ 01796582 v 0000 ~ 01813393 v 0000 ~ 01813884 v 0000 ~ 01822724 v 0000 ~ 01828993 v 0000 ~ 01829292 v 0000 ~ 01829475 v 0000 ~ 01829625 v 0000 ~ 01829747 v 0000 ~ 01830042 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 05 01 + 06 01 + 22 01 | undergo an emotional sensation or be in a particular state of mind; "She felt resentful"; "He felt regret"
01772172 37 v 01 incline 0 001 @ 01771535 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | feel favorably disposed or willing; "She inclines to the view that people should be allowed to expres their religious beliefs"
01772363 37 v 01 recapture 0 001 @ 01771535 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | experience anew; "She could not recapture that feeling of happiness"
01772498 37 v 03 pride 0 plume 0 congratulate 0 004 @ 01771535 v 0000 + 01000093 a 0301 + 07140348 n 0301 + 07531536 n 0101 01 + 20 00 | be proud of; "He prides himself on making it into law school"
01772699 37 v 02 smolder 0 smoulder 0 001 @ 01771535 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | have strong suppressed feelings
01772806 37 v 01 emote 0 003 @ 01719302 v 0000 + 00854255 a 0103 + 07480068 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | give expression or emotion to, in a stage or movie role
01772960 37 v 01 excite 2 005 @ 01759326 v 0000 + 14037011 n 0101 + 07528212 n 0102 + 14037011 n 0102 ~ 01830192 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | arouse or elicit a feeling
01773130 37 v 05 harbor 0 harbour 0 hold 0 entertain 0 nurse 0 001 @ 01771535 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | maintain (a theory, thoughts, or feelings); "bear a grudge"; "entertain interesting notions"; "harbor a resentment"
01773346 37 v 01 resent 0 003 @ 01776727 v 0000 + 07548978 n 0101 ~ 01774005 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | feel bitter or indignant about; "She resents being paid less than her co-workers"
01773535 37 v 03 embitter 0 envenom 0 acerbate 0 003 > 01773346 v 0000 + 04643397 n 0303 + 13988871 n 0101 01 + 10 00 | cause to be bitter or resentful; "These injustices embittered her even more"
01773734 37 v 01 grudge 0 001 * 01773346 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | accept or admit unwillingly
01773825 37 v 04 eat_into 0 fret 2 rankle 0 grate 0 001 @ 01787955 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | gnaw into; make resentful or angry; "The injustice rankled her"; "his resentment festered"
01774005 37 v 02 stew 0 grudge 1 002 @ 01773346 v 0000 + 07549536 n 0201 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | bear a grudge; harbor ill feelings
01774136 37 v 02 hate 0 detest 0 007 @ 01776727 v 0000 + 07503430 n 0203 + 10162194 n 0101 + 07546465 n 0101 ! 01775164 v 0101 ~ 01774426 v 0000 ~ 01774799 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | dislike intensely; feel antipathy or aversion towards; "I hate Mexican food"; "She detests politicians"
01774426 37 v 04 abhor 0 loathe 0 abominate 0 execrate 0 013 @ 01774136 v 0000 + 07503430 n 0404 + 05811884 n 0401 + 01460679 a 0301 + 09756961 n 0301 + 07503430 n 0302 + 00745431 n 0301 + 09754780 n 0301 + 09754780 n 0202 + 07503430 n 0205 + 01625063 a 0101 + 09756195 n 0101 + 07503430 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | find repugnant; "I loathe that man"; "She abhors cats"
01774799 37 v 04 contemn 0 despise 0 scorn 0 disdain 0 008 @ 01774136 v 0000 + 07502980 n 0402 + 06715927 n 0302 + 07502980 n 0303 + 10616379 n 0302 + 07547674 n 0202 + 07547674 n 0201 ~ 01828070 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | look down on with disdain; "He despises the people he has to work for"; "The professor scorns the students who don't catch on immediately"
01775164 37 v 01 love 0 012 + 01459422 a 0102 + 01459422 a 0101 + 09849598 n 0105 + 05813229 n 0101 + 07543288 n 0101 + 10077593 n 0104 + 09622302 n 0101 ! 01774136 v 0101 ~ 01775535 v 0000 ~ 01776214 v 0000 ~ 01777459 v 0000 ~ 01777817 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | have a great affection or liking for; "I love French food"; "She loves her boss and works hard for him"
01775535 37 v 01 love 1 008 @ 01775164 v 0000 + 01459422 a 0102 + 01459422 a 0101 + 09849598 n 0105 + 05813229 n 0101 + 07543288 n 0101 + 09622302 n 0101 ~ 01775782 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | be enamored or in love with; "She loves her husband deeply"
01775782 37 v 01 romance 0 003 @ 01775535 v 0000 + 06371267 n 0102 + 13931436 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | have a love affair with
01775914 37 v 01 fall_for 0 001 @ 00109660 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | fall in love with; become infatuated with; "She fell for the man from Brazil"
01776065 37 v 01 cling 0 000 01 + 11 00 | to remain emotionally or intellectually attached; "He clings to the idea that she might still love him."
01776214 37 v 04 care_for 8 cherish 0 hold_dear 0 treasure 0 003 @ 01775164 v 0000 + 13370448 n 0401 ~ 01777605 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | be fond of; be attached to
01776383 37 v 02 enshrine 0 saint 0 001 @ 01778568 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | hold sacred
01776468 37 v 03 fancy 0 go_for 0 take_to 0 004 * 01777210 v 0000 @ 01825237 v 0000 + 07497797 n 0102 + 10078131 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | have a fancy or particular liking or desire for; "She fancied a necklace that she had seen in the jeweler's window"
01776727 37 v 01 dislike 0 005 * 00674340 v 0000 + 07501545 n 0101 ! 01777210 v 0101 ~ 01773346 v 0000 ~ 01774136 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 32 00 | have or feel a dislike or distaste for; "I really dislike this salesman"
01776952 37 v 01 like 4 004 + 01461292 a 0102 + 02376277 a 0103 + 01461292 a 0101 + 02376277 a 0104 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | be fond of; "I like my nephews"
01777107 37 v 01 cotton 0 001 @ 01777210 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | take a liking to; "cotton to something"
01777210 37 v 01 like 5 006 * 00673983 v 0000 ! 01776727 v 0101 ~ 01777107 v 0000 ~ 01826498 v 0000 ~ 01828623 v 0000 ~ 01828736 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 28 00 + 33 00 | find enjoyable or agreeable; "I like jogging"; "She likes to read Russian novels"
01777459 37 v 01 dote 2 001 @ 01775164 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | shower with love; show excessive affection for; "Grandmother dotes on her the twins"
01777605 37 v 01 yearn a 001 @ 01776214 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | have affection for; feel tenderness for
01777707 37 v 01 cool_off 1 001 @ 01771535 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | feel less enamoured of something or somebody
01777817 37 v 01 adore 0 005 @ 01775164 v 0000 + 01459755 a 0101 + 09771435 n 0102 ~ 00320911 v 0000 ~ 01778017 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 28 00 + 32 00 | love intensely; "he just adored his wife"
01778017 37 v 05 idolize 0 idolise 0 worship 0 hero-worship 0 revere 1 019 @ 01777817 v 0000 + 01781882 a 0502 + 02011810 a 0501 + 06207561 n 0501 + 07501420 n 0301 + 10792335 n 0301 + 10792335 n 0302 + 01218766 n 0203 + 01043820 n 0202 + 10198437 n 0201 + 05924519 n 0202 + 03560161 n 0201 + 01218766 n 0102 + 01043820 n 0101 + 10198832 n 0101 + 10198437 n 0101 + 05924519 n 0102 + 03560161 n 0101 ~ 01827745 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | love unquestioningly and uncritically or to excess; venerate as an idol; "Many teenagers idolized the Beatles"
01778568 37 v 04 reverence 0 fear 1 revere 0 venerate 0 011 @ 00694068 v 0000 + 07521039 n 0404 + 10747548 n 0401 + 01781882 a 0302 + 02011810 a 0301 + 07521039 n 0302 + 07521039 n 0201 + 06207561 n 0101 + 07521039 n 0102 ~ 01776383 v 0000 ~ 01778990 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | regard with feelings of respect and reverence; consider hallowed or exalted or be in awe of; "Fear God as your father"; "We venerate genius"
01778990 37 v 01 worship 1 004 @ 01778568 v 0000 ;c 05946687 n 0000 + 09847727 n 0102 + 09847727 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | show devotion to (a deity); "Many Hindus worship Shiva"
01779165 37 v 04 frighten 0 fright 0 scare 0 affright 0 016 > 01780202 v 0000 @ 01761706 v 0000 + 07520612 n 0403 + 07521437 n 0301 + 04143712 n 0305 + 07519253 n 0203 + 01222666 n 0103 ^ 01785748 v 0105 ^ 01785748 v 0107 ~ 00837872 v 0000 ~ 01779644 v 0000 ~ 01780941 v 0000 ~ 01781180 v 0000 ~ 01782650 v 0000 ~ 01791053 v 0000 ~ 01830965 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | cause fear in; "The stranger who hangs around the building frightens me"; "Ghosts could never affright her"
01779644 37 v 01 awe 0 003 @ 01779165 v 0000 + 07510184 n 0101 ~ 01779803 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | inspire awe in; "The famous professor awed the undergraduates"
01779803 37 v 02 overawe 0 cow 0 003 @ 01779644 v 0000 + 09614047 n 0201 ~ 01780010 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | subdue, restrain, or overcome by affecting with a feeling of awe; frighten (as with threats)
01780010 37 v 01 buffalo 0 001 @ 01779803 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | intimidate or overawe
01780104 37 v 01 frighten 1 001 @ 02002720 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | drive out by frightening
01780202 37 v 02 fear 0 dread 0 003 + 07521674 n 0203 + 07519253 n 0101 ~ 01782218 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 28 00 | be afraid or scared of; be frightened of; "I fear the winters in Moscow"; "We should not fear the Communists!"
01780434 37 v 01 fear d 001 + 07524529 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | be uneasy or apprehensive about; "I fear the results of the final exams"
01780568 37 v 01 fear 2 001 @ 00911562 v 0000 01 + 26 00 | be sorry; used to introduce an unpleasant statement; "I fear I won't make it to your wedding party"
01780729 37 v 01 fear 3 002 @ 01767163 v 0000 + 07524529 n 0103 02 + 22 00 + 26 00 | be afraid or feel anxious or apprehensive about a possible or probable situation or event; "I fear she might get aggressive"
01780941 37 v 03 terrify 0 terrorize 0 terrorise 0 007 @ 01779165 v 0000 + 01222666 n 0302 + 07520612 n 0302 + 01222666 n 0201 + 07520612 n 0202 + 07520612 n 0102 ~ 01781983 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | fill with terror; frighten greatly
01781180 37 v 01 intimidate 0 006 @ 01779165 v 0000 + 07523760 n 0101 + 07254057 n 0103 + 01222477 n 0102 ~ 01781387 v 0000 ~ 01781520 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | make timid or fearful; "Her boss intimidates her"
01781387 37 v 01 hold_over 0 001 @ 01781180 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | intimidate somebody (with a threat); "She was holding it over him"
01781520 37 v 08 strong-arm 0 bully 0 browbeat 0 bullyrag 0 ballyrag 0 boss_around 0 hector 0 push_around 0 002 @ 01781180 v 0000 ~ 01781757 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | be bossy towards; "Her big brother always bullied her when she was young"
01781757 37 v 03 tyrannize 0 tyrannise 0 domineer 0 002 @ 01781520 v 0000 + 10735298 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | rule or exercise power over (somebody) in a cruel and autocratic manner; "her husband and mother-in-law tyrannize her"
01781983 37 v 01 panic 1 004 > 01782218 v 0000 @ 01780941 v 0000 + 07520612 n 0101 + 14405931 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | cause sudden fear in or fill with sudden panic; "The mere thought of an isolation cell panicked the prisoners"
01782218 37 v 01 panic 0 003 @ 01780202 v 0000 + 07520612 n 0101 ~ 01784148 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | be overcome by a sudden fear; "The students panicked when told that final exams were less than a week away"
01782432 37 v 02 apprehend 0 quail_at 0 007 * 01780202 v 0000 @ 01804961 v 0000 + 00822907 a 0101 + 00079069 a 0101 + 07521674 n 0101 + 05951566 n 0101 + 10240082 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | anticipate with dread or anxiety
01782650 37 v 05 dismay 0 alarm 0 appal 1 appall a horrify 1 006 @ 01779165 v 0000 + 07520411 n 0501 + 09781504 n 0201 + 07519773 n 0201 + 07519773 n 0102 ~ 01783022 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | fill with apprehension or alarm; cause to be unpleasantly surprised; "I was horrified at the thought of being late for my interview"; "The news of the executions horrified us"
01783022 37 v 01 shock 0 004 @ 01782650 v 0000 + 07510625 n 0102 + 07298982 n 0101 + 07247803 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | strike with horror or terror; "The news of the bombing shocked her"
01783214 37 v 03 haunt 0 obsess 0 ghost 0 003 @ 01783394 v 0000 + 05898171 n 0301 + 05700401 n 0201 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | haunt like a ghost; pursue; "Fear of illness haunts her"
01783394 37 v 01 preoccupy 0 006 @ 02441022 v 0000 + 05836921 n 0101 + 05700087 n 0101 + 05700087 n 0102 ~ 01783214 v 0000 ~ 01783746 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | engage or engross the interest or attention of beforehand or occupy urgently or obsessively; "His work preoccupies him"; "The matter preoccupies her completely--she cannot think of anything else"
01783746 37 v 01 prepossess 0 001 @ 01783394 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | cause to be preoccupied; "The idea of his failure prepossesses him"
01783881 37 v 04 faze 0 unnerve 0 enervate 0 unsettle 0 002 @ 01790020 v 0000 ~ 01784025 v 0000 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | disturb the composure of
01784025 37 v 01 unman 0 001 @ 01783881 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | cause to lose one's nerve; "an unmanning experience"
01784148 37 v 03 freak_out 0 freak 0 gross_out 0 001 @ 01782218 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | lose one's nerve; "When he saw the accident, he freaked out"
01784295 37 v 03 break_down 0 lose_it 0 snap 0 005 @ 00010435 v 0000 + 14066492 n 0101 ~ 01784592 v 0000 ~ 01784953 v 0000 ~ 01829126 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | lose control of one's emotions; "When she heard that she had not passed the exam, she lost it completely"; "When her baby died, she snapped"
01784592 37 v 01 dissolve 0 002 @ 01784295 v 0000 $ 01784799 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | lose control emotionally; "She dissolved into tears when she heard that she had lost all her savings in the pyramid scheme"
01784799 37 v 01 dissolve 4 002 $ 01784592 v 0000 @ 01790020 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | cause to lose control emotionally; "The news dissolved her into tears"
01784953 37 v 01 die 0 001 @ 01784295 v 0000 02 + 22 00 + 33 00 | be brought to or as if to the point of death by an intense emotion such as embarrassment, amusement, or shame; "I was dying with embarrassment when my little lie was discovered"; "We almost died laughing during the show"
01785242 37 v 01 die 1 001 @ 01805684 v 0000 02 + 22 00 + 28 00 | languish as with love or desire; "She dying for a cigarette"; "I was dying to leave"
01785395 37 v 03 break 0 burst 0 erupt 0 001 @ 01802494 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | force out or release suddenly and often violently something pent up; "break into tears"; "erupt in anger"
01785579 37 v 05 crack_up 0 crack 0 crock_up 0 break_up 4 collapse 0 003 @ 00065639 v 0000 + 14066203 n 0501 + 14066492 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | suffer a nervous breakdown
01785748 37 v 08 daunt 0 dash 0 scare_off 0 pall 0 frighten_off 0 scare_away 0 frighten_away 0 scare 4 003 @ 01819554 v 0000 + 14405931 n 0802 + 07537259 n 0402 01 + 10 00 | cause to lose courage; "dashed by the refusal"
01785971 37 v 01 anger 0 013 > 01787106 v 0000 @ 01759326 v 0000 + 14036539 n 0101 + 07516354 n 0101 + 00758972 n 0102 ~ 01786419 v 0000 ~ 01786620 v 0000 ~ 01786760 v 0000 ~ 01786906 v 0000 ~ 01787600 v 0000 ~ 01789270 v 0000 ~ 01795888 v 0000 ~ 01820901 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | make angry; "The news angered him"
01786292 37 v 01 bridle 0 001 @ 01787106 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | anger or take offense; "She bridled at his suggestion to elope"
01786419 37 v 01 combust 1 002 > 01795428 v 0000 @ 01785971 v 0000 03 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | cause to become violent or angry; "Riots combusted Pakistan after the U.S. air attacks on Afghanistan"
01786620 37 v 01 miff 0 002 @ 01785971 v 0000 + 14407070 n 0102 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | cause to be annoyed; "His behavior really miffed me"
01786760 37 v 02 gall 0 irk 0 002 @ 01785971 v 0000 + 07548978 n 0103 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | irritate or vex; "It galls me that we lost the suit"
01786906 37 v 03 infuriate 0 exasperate 1 incense 1 006 @ 01785971 v 0000 + 07518878 n 0202 + 00425451 n 0201 + 14391876 n 0104 + 07516997 n 0101 + 07517417 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | make furious
01787106 37 v 02 anger 1 see_red 0 007 @ 01771535 v 0000 + 14036539 n 0101 + 07516354 n 0101 + 00758972 n 0102 ~ 01786292 v 0000 ~ 01787319 v 0000 ~ 01787469 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | become angry; "He angers easily"
01787319 37 v 01 steam 0 001 @ 01787106 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | get very angry; "her indifference to his amorous advances really steamed the young man"
01787469 37 v 01 raise_the_roof 0 001 @ 01787106 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | get very angry; "He will raise the roof when he hears this"
01787600 37 v 01 madden 0 001 @ 01785971 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | make mad; "His behavior is maddening"
01787709 37 v 01 madden 1 001 @ 01803003 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | drive up the wall; go on someone's nerves
01787822 37 v 02 madden 2 craze 0 002 + 14391876 n 0201 ~ 01764586 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | cause to go crazy; cause to lose one's mind
01787955 37 v 0d annoy 0 rag 1 get_to 0 bother 0 get_at 0 irritate 0 rile 0 nark 0 nettle 0 gravel 0 vex 0 chafe 0 devil 0 025 @ 01817130 v 0000 + 00736375 n 0d06 + 00736375 n 0d04 + 00736375 n 0d05 + 14406573 n 0b03 + 00418394 n 0b04 + 10695555 n 0b04 + 14406573 n 0601 + 07518468 n 0603 + 00418394 n 0603 + 01221790 n 0602 + 05831784 n 0601 + 14406573 n 0404 + 05830059 n 0403 + 05830059 n 0402 + 10695555 n 0103 + 00418394 n 0101 ~ 01771194 v 0000 ~ 01773825 v 0000 $ 01788733 v 0000 ~ 01788932 v 0000 ~ 01789047 v 0000 ~ 01789164 v 0000 ~ 01789514 v 0000 ~ 01807314 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | cause annoyance in; disturb, especially by minor irritations; "Mosquitoes buzzing in my ear really bothers me"; "It irritates me that she never closes the door after she leaves"
01788733 37 v 01 chafe 1 002 $ 01787955 v 0000 @ 01771535 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | feel extreme irritation or anger; "He was chafing at her suggestion that he stay at home while she went on a vacation"
01788932 37 v 01 peeve 0 001 @ 01787955 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | cause to be annoyed, irritated, or resentful
01789047 37 v 01 ruffle 0 001 @ 01787955 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | trouble or vex; "ruffle somebody's composure"
01789164 37 v 01 fret 1 002 > 01767461 v 0000 @ 01787955 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | cause annoyance in
01789270 37 v 02 pique 0 offend 1 006 > 01773346 v 0000 @ 01785971 v 0000 + 00908672 a 0202 + 01628302 a 0201 + 07517550 n 0203 + 07518468 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | cause to feel resentment or indignation; "Her tactless remark offended me"
01789514 37 v 0b harass 0 hassle 0 harry 0 chivy 0 chivvy 0 chevy 0 chevvy 0 beset 0 plague 0 molest 0 provoke 1 013 @ 01787955 v 0000 + 01896478 a 0b01 + 01221790 n 0b03 + 10209246 n 0b02 + 00419644 n 0a02 + 05831939 n 0901 + 10160012 n 0302 + 07372565 n 0204 + 10161178 n 0101 + 00419644 n 0101 ~ 00851733 v 0000 ~ 01803003 v 0000 ~ 02585722 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | annoy continually or chronically; "He is known to harry his staff when he is overworked"; "This man harasses his female co-workers"
01790020 37 v 05 upset 1 discompose 0 untune 0 disconcert 1 discomfit 0 013 @ 01759326 v 0000 + 07508232 n 0501 + 07508232 n 0404 + 07508232 n 0403 + 07508232 n 0202 + 04904664 n 0201 + 14403282 n 0103 ~ 01783881 v 0000 ~ 01784799 v 0000 ~ 01791232 v 0000 ~ 01792097 v 0000 ~ 01792567 v 0000 ~ 01797730 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | cause to lose one's composure
01790383 37 v 01 fluster 0 004 > 01791973 v 0000 @ 01790739 v 0000 + 04904996 n 0102 ~ 01790538 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | cause to be nervous or upset
01790538 37 v 01 ruffle 1 001 @ 01790383 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | discompose; "This play is going to ruffle some people"; "She has a way of ruffling feathers among her colleagues"
01790739 37 v 04 confuse 0 flurry 0 disconcert 2 put_off 2 008 $ 00621734 v 0000 @ 01792097 v 0000 + 07508232 n 0304 + 07508232 n 0303 + 07507912 n 0101 ~ 01790383 v 0000 ~ 01791408 v 0000 ~ 01791756 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | cause to feel embarrassment; "The constant attention of the young man confused her"
01791053 37 v 01 consternate 0 001 @ 01779165 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | fill with anxiety, dread, dismay, or confusion; "After the terrorist attack, people look consternated"
01791232 37 v 04 bewilder 0 bemuse 0 discombobulate 0 throw 0 003 @ 01790020 v 0000 + 07507912 n 0302 + 05685030 n 0207 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | cause to be confused emotionally
01791408 37 v 01 bother 2 002 @ 01790739 v 0000 $ 01791535 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | make confused or perplexed or puzzled
01791535 37 v 01 bother 3 004 $ 01791408 v 0000 @ 01762528 v 0000 + 14406573 n 0104 + 05830059 n 0103 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | make nervous or agitated; "The mere thought of her bothered him and made his heart beat faster"
01791756 37 v 02 distract 0 deflect 6 002 @ 01790739 v 0000 + 00200041 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | draw someone's attention away from something; "The thief distracted the bystanders"; "He deflected his competitors"
01791973 37 v 01 fluster 1 002 @ 02518161 v 0000 + 04904996 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | be flustered; behave in a confused manner
01792097 37 v 02 embarrass 0 abash 0 004 @ 01790020 v 0000 + 07508092 n 0201 + 07305551 n 0101 ~ 01790739 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | cause to be embarrassed; cause to feel self-conscious
01792287 37 v 01 shame 0 003 @ 01759326 v 0000 + 07506569 n 0101 ~ 01792413 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | cause to be ashamed
01792413 37 v 01 discountenance 0 001 @ 01792287 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | look with disfavor on; "The republic soon discountenanced its few friends"
01792567 37 v 03 pain 0 anguish 0 hurt 1 012 > 01794668 v 0000 @ 01790020 v 0000 + 07495327 n 0302 + 14449022 n 0201 + 07496755 n 0201 + 05830059 n 0104 + 07494363 n 0101 + 14322699 n 0101 ~ 01792951 v 0000 ~ 01794523 v 0000 ~ 01798782 v 0000 ~ 01802689 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | cause emotional anguish or make miserable; "It pains me to see my children not being taught well in school"
01792951 37 v 01 break_someone's_heart 0 001 @ 01792567 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | cause deep emotional pain and grief to somebody; "The young man broke the girl's heart when he told her was going to marry her best friend"
01793177 37 v 06 hurt 0 wound 0 injure 0 bruise 0 offend 0 spite 0 011 @ 01759326 v 0000 + 04842515 n 0603 + 07550666 n 0603 + 00908672 a 0502 + 01628302 a 0501 + 01224031 n 0503 + 01224031 n 0502 ~ 00848420 v 0000 ~ 01793587 v 0000 ~ 01793742 v 0000 ~ 01799794 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | hurt the feelings of; "She hurt me when she did not include me among her guests"; "This remark really bruised my ego"
01793587 37 v 01 lacerate 0 002 @ 01793177 v 0000 + 00391293 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | deeply hurt the feelings of; distress; "his lacerating remarks"
01793742 37 v 01 sting 0 004 @ 01793177 v 0000 + 14329762 n 0102 + 06721461 n 0101 + 14332085 n 0102 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | cause an emotional pain, as if by stinging; "His remark stung her"
01793933 37 v 03 fuss 0 niggle 0 fret 3 005 @ 01767163 v 0000 + 14403560 n 0301 + 14403772 n 0103 ~ 01794195 v 0000 ~ 01819911 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | worry unnecessarily or excessively; "don't fuss too much over the grandchildren--they are quite big now"
01794195 37 v 01 scruple 0 003 @ 01793933 v 0000 + 05957737 n 0101 + 07525555 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 22 00 | raise scruples; "He lied and did not even scruple about it"
01794363 37 v 02 agonize 0 agonise 0 004 @ 01794668 v 0000 + 14324274 n 0201 + 07495551 n 0201 + 14324274 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | suffer agony or anguish
01794523 37 v 02 agonize 1 agonise 1 004 > 01794363 v 0000 @ 01792567 v 0000 + 14324274 n 0201 + 07495551 n 0201 01 + 10 00 | cause to agonize
01794668 37 v 01 suffer 0 009 $ 00668099 v 0000 @ 01771535 v 0000 + 10296618 n 0102 + 14448910 n 0101 + 07496463 n 0103 ~ 01794363 v 0000 ~ 01794969 v 0000 ~ 01795082 v 0000 ~ 01797347 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 22 00 + 08 01 | experience (emotional) pain; "Every time her husband gets drunk, she suffers"
01794969 37 v 01 anguish 2 002 @ 01794668 v 0000 + 07496755 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | suffer great pains or distress
01795082 37 v 01 lose 0 001 @ 01794668 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | suffer the loss of a person through death or removal; "She lost her husband in the war"; "The couple that wanted to adopt the child lost her when the biological parents claimed her"
01795333 37 v 01 fume 0 001 @ 01771535 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | be mad, angry, or furious
01795428 37 v 0e flip_one's_lid 0 blow_up 0 throw_a_fit 0 hit_the_roof 0 hit_the_ceiling 0 have_kittens 0 have_a_fit 0 combust 0 blow_one's_stack 0 fly_off_the_handle 0 flip_one's_wig 0 lose_one's_temper 0 blow_a_fuse 0 go_ballistic 0 002 @ 01796033 v 0000 + 07014320 n 0204 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | get very angry and fly into a rage; "The professor combusted when the student didn't know the answer to a very elementary question"; "Spam makes me go ballistic"
01795888 37 v 01 enrage 0 003 > 01796033 v 0000 @ 01785971 v 0000 + 07517417 n 0102 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | put into a rage; make violently angry
01796033 37 v 01 rage 0 004 + 14036735 n 0101 + 07516997 n 0102 ~ 01795428 v 0000 ~ 01796215 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | feel intense anger; "Rage against the dying of the light!"
01796215 37 v 02 foam_at_the_mouth 0 froth_at_the_mouth 0 001 @ 01796033 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | be in a state of uncontrolled anger
01796346 37 v 03 thrill 2 tickle 1 vibrate 2 004 @ 01761706 v 0000 + 07520112 n 0106 + 01261293 n 0101 + 07528470 n 0106 01 + 10 00 | feel sudden intense sensation or emotion; "he was thrilled by the speed and the roar of the engine"
01796582 37 v 03 repent 0 regret 0 rue 0 005 @ 01771535 v 0000 + 07535670 n 0303 + 07535670 n 0202 + 01743217 a 0102 + 07536870 n 0101 03 + 08 00 + 26 02 + 33 02 | feel remorse for; feel sorry for; be contrite about
01796800 37 v 02 repent 1 atone 0 002 + 00095121 n 0202 + 01743217 a 0102 01 + 02 00 | turn away from sin or do penitence
01796924 37 v 01 regret 1 002 @ 01805523 v 0000 + 07535670 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | feel sad about the loss or absence of
01797051 37 v 01 mourn 0 003 @ 01797347 v 0000 + 10335246 n 0101 + 13989280 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | feel sadness; "She is mourning her dead child"
01797204 37 v 01 mourn 1 002 @ 02578510 v 0000 + 10335246 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | observe the customs of mourning after the death of a loved one
01797347 37 v 02 grieve 0 sorrow 0 009 @ 01794668 v 0000 + 13989051 n 0202 + 05833683 n 0202 + 07535670 n 0201 + 07534430 n 0201 + 10335246 n 0203 + 10335246 n 0102 ~ 01797051 v 0000 ~ 01821996 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | feel grief
01797582 37 v 02 grieve 1 aggrieve 0 002 > 01797347 v 0000 @ 01797730 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | cause to feel sorrow; "his behavior grieves his mother"
01797730 37 v 01 afflict 0 007 @ 01790020 v 0000 + 01804175 a 0101 + 14477342 n 0101 + 07305234 n 0101 ~ 01797582 v 0000 ~ 01797989 v 0000 ~ 01798452 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | cause great unhappiness for; distress; "she was afflicted by the death of her parents"
01797989 37 v 01 tribulate 0 002 @ 01797730 v 0000 + 07372959 n 0102 01 + 10 00 | oppress or trouble greatly
01798100 37 v 01 distress 0 003 @ 01770501 v 0000 + 07496463 n 0101 ~ 01798287 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | cause mental pain to; "The news of her child's illness distressed the mother"
01798287 37 v 01 besiege 0 001 @ 01798100 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | cause to feel distressed or worried; "She was besieged by so many problems that she got discouraged"
01798452 37 v 03 try 0 strain 0 stress 0 006 @ 01797730 v 0000 + 14410089 n 0301 + 14376188 n 0303 + 09448829 n 0301 + 00624553 n 0201 ~ 01798678 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | test the limits of; "You are trying my patience!"
01798678 37 v 01 rack 0 001 @ 01798452 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | stretch to the limits; "rack one's brains"
01798782 37 v 01 try 1 002 @ 01792567 v 0000 + 07372959 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | give pain or trouble to; "I've been sorely tried by these students"
01798936 37 v 02 disappoint 0 let_down 0 007 @ 02558172 v 0000 + 07540602 n 0202 + 07540602 n 0101 + 00068755 n 0101 ~ 01799235 v 0000 ~ 01799484 v 0000 ~ 01817755 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | fail to meet the hopes or expectations of; "Her boyfriend let her down when he did not propose marriage"
01799235 37 v 02 fail 0 betray 0 001 @ 01798936 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | disappoint, prove undependable to; abandon, forsake; "His sense of smell failed him this time"; "His strength finally failed him"; "His children failed him in the crisis"
01799484 37 v 02 fall_short c come_short c 001 @ 01798936 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | fail to meet (expectations or standards)
01799629 37 v 01 hamstring 0 001 @ 01803003 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make ineffective or powerless; "The teachers were hamstrung by the overly rigid schedules"
01799794 37 v 05 humiliate 0 mortify 1 chagrin 1 humble 0 abase 0 011 @ 01793177 v 0000 + 00273449 n 0502 + 07507742 n 0301 + 07507742 n 0203 + 07309223 n 0202 + 14440488 n 0101 + 07507742 n 0102 + 07309223 n 0101 + 00273449 n 0101 ~ 01800195 v 0000 ~ 01800422 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | cause to feel shame; hurt the pride of; "He humiliated his colleague by criticising him in front of the boss"
01800195 37 v 03 crush 0 smash 0 demolish 0 002 @ 01799794 v 0000 + 01249483 n 0301 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | humiliate or depress completely; "She was crushed by his refusal of her invitation"; "The death of her son smashed her"
01800422 37 v 05 take_down 0 degrade 0 disgrace 0 demean 0 put_down 0 007 @ 01799794 v 0000 + 06716796 n 0501 + 14440623 n 0202 + 00271263 n 0201 + 06716796 n 0104 ~ 01800907 v 0000 ~ 01801297 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | reduce in worth or character, usually verbally; "She tends to put down younger women colleagues"; "His critics took him down after the lecture"
01800789 37 v 01 efface 0 002 @ 01801697 v 0000 + 00054328 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | make inconspicuous; "efface oneself"
01800907 37 v 01 reduce 0 001 @ 01800422 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | lower in grade or rank or force somebody into an undignified situation; "She reduced her niece to a servant"
01801080 37 v 01 stultify 0 003 @ 00664788 v 0000 ;c 08441203 n 0000 + 06716992 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | prove to be of unsound mind or demonstrate someone's incompetence; "nobody is legally allowed to stultify himself"
01801297 37 v 02 dehumanize 0 dehumanise 0 004 @ 01800422 v 0000 + 00271636 n 0202 + 00271636 n 0101 ! 01801498 v 0101 01 + 10 00 | deprive of human qualities; "Life in poverty has dehumanized them"
01801498 37 v 02 humanize 0 humanise 0 004 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 00264775 n 0202 + 00264775 n 0101 ! 01801297 v 0101 01 + 10 00 | make more humane; "The mayor tried to humanize life in the big city"
01801697 37 v 01 humble 1 002 @ 00126264 v 0000 ~ 01800789 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | cause to be unpretentious; "This experience will humble him"
01801847 37 v 03 mortify 2 subdue 0 crucify 3 004 * 01196037 v 0000 @ 02510337 v 0000 + 01069311 n 0101 ~ 01802070 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | hold within limits and control; "subdue one's appetites"; "mortify the flesh"
01802070 37 v 01 mortify 4 003 @ 01801847 v 0000 @ 02553697 v 0000 + 01069311 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | practice self-denial of one's body and appetites
01802219 37 v 02 lament 0 keen 0 009 * 01797347 v 0000 @ 01802494 v 0000 + 07042735 n 0201 + 06379568 n 0102 + 07050619 n 0103 + 07211950 n 0101 + 07211950 n 0102 + 01072236 n 0101 + 10335246 n 0104 01 + 08 00 | express grief verbally; "we lamented the death of the child"
01802494 37 v 02 express_emotion 0 express_feelings 0 004 ~ 00031820 v 0000 ~ 00066191 v 0000 ~ 01785395 v 0000 ~ 01802219 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | give verbal or other expression to one's feelings
01802689 37 v 04 torment 0 torture 0 excruciate 0 rack 1 011 @ 01792567 v 0000 + 04039041 n 0401 + 14324274 n 0303 + 07495551 n 0203 + 07496755 n 0203 + 10716389 n 0201 + 07495551 n 0102 + 07496755 n 0102 + 10716005 n 0102 + 04456276 n 0101 + 10716005 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | torment emotionally or mentally
01803003 37 v 06 torment 1 rag 0 bedevil 0 crucify 0 dun 0 frustrate 0 012 @ 01789514 v 0000 + 07518663 n 0601 + 00422551 n 0401 + 00425278 n 0304 + 00425278 n 0103 + 07519040 n 0102 + 10716005 n 0102 + 10716005 n 0101 ~ 01787709 v 0000 ~ 01799629 v 0000 ~ 01803380 v 0000 ~ 02585489 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | treat cruelly; "The children tormented the stuttering teacher"
01803380 37 v 05 tease 0 badger 0 pester 0 bug 0 beleaguer 0 006 @ 01803003 v 0000 + 10419630 n 0304 + 10167565 n 0202 + 00425905 n 0101 + 10695555 n 0101 + 10695555 n 0102 01 + 09 00 | annoy persistently; "The children teased the boy because of his stammer"
01803641 37 v 01 tease 1 004 * 01762283 v 0000 * 01798936 v 0000 @ 01803936 v 0000 + 09965134 n 0106 01 + 09 00 | to arouse hope, desire, or curiosity without satisfying them; "The advertisement is intended to tease the customers"; "She has a way of teasing men with her flirtatious behavior"
01803936 37 v 03 manipulate 0 keep_in_line 0 control 6 008 @ 02376958 v 0000 + 10525134 n 0302 + 00803617 n 0301 + 00149461 a 0101 + 00158185 n 0101 ~ 01803641 v 0000 ~ 01804414 v 0000 ~ 01804595 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | control (others or oneself) or influence skillfully, usually to one's advantage; "She manipulates her boss"; "She is a very controlling mother and doesn't let her children grow up"; "The teacher knew how to keep the class in line"; "she keeps in line"
01804414 37 v 01 handle 5 003 @ 01803936 v 0000 + 10159045 n 0102 + 09931640 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | show and train; "The prize-winning poodle was handled by Mrs. Priscilla Prescott"
01804595 37 v 01 ingratiate 0 003 @ 01803936 v 0000 + 00908143 a 0103 ~ 01804753 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 20 00 | gain favor with somebody by deliberate efforts
01804753 37 v 06 cozy_up 9 cotton_up 9 shine_up 9 play_up 9 sidle_up 9 suck_up 9 001 @ 01804595 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | ingratiate oneself to; often with insincere behavior; "She is playing up to the chairman"
01804961 37 v 03 anticipate 0 look_for 0 look_to 0 003 @ 00720063 v 0000 + 01228797 a 0102 ~ 01782432 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | be excited or anxious about
01805113 37 v 01 warm_to 0 001 @ 00734054 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | become excited about; "He warmed to the idea of a trip to Antarctica"
01805247 37 v 03 mope 0 moon_around 0 moon_about 0 002 @ 02604760 v 0000 + 09988703 n 0104 01 + 02 00 | be apathetic, gloomy, or dazed
01805384 37 v 03 grizzle 0 brood 0 stew 1 002 @ 02719016 v 0000 + 14403560 n 0302 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | be in a huff; be silent or sullen
01805523 37 v 01 miss 0 003 * 01796582 v 0000 @ 01825237 v 0000 ~ 01796924 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | feel or suffer from the lack of; "He misses his mother"
01805684 37 v 05 ache 6 yearn 1 yen 0 pine 0 languish 0 006 @ 01828405 v 0000 + 07487063 n 0401 + 07486922 n 0302 + 10270878 n 0203 + 07486628 n 0202 ~ 01785242 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | have a desire for something or someone who is not present; "She ached for a cigarette"; "I am pining for my lover"
01805982 37 v 01 appreciate 0 002 @ 00892467 v 0000 + 01146732 a 0101 01 + 08 00 | recognize with gratitude; be grateful for
01806109 37 v 02 brace 0 poise 0 003 @ 00406243 v 0000 + 04904162 n 0204 ~ 01806271 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | prepare (oneself) for something unpleasant or difficult
01806271 37 v 02 steel 0 nerve 0 002 @ 01806109 v 0000 + 04857490 n 0203 01 + 09 00 | get ready for something difficult or unpleasant
01806407 37 v 02 take_heart 0 buck_up 0 001 @ 01817938 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | gain courage
01806505 37 v 0d capture 0 enamour 0 trance 0 catch 5 becharm 0 enamor 0 captivate 0 beguile 0 charm 0 fascinate 1 bewitch 0 entrance 0 enchant 1 017 @ 01807882 v 0000 + 07497976 n 0d02 + 07491286 n 0c01 + 04686388 n 0b01 + 07497976 n 0a04 + 10615179 n 0904 + 04687333 n 0903 + 09910374 n 0901 + 04686388 n 0802 + 09910374 n 0802 + 09893600 n 0701 + 14407899 n 0702 + 07497976 n 0701 + 09900981 n 0401 + 14407536 n 0303 ~ 00736586 v 0000 ~ 01817574 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | attract; cause to be enamored; "She captured all the men's hearts"
01807051 37 v 01 beckon 0 001 @ 01807882 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | appear inviting; "The shop window decorations beckoned"
01807170 37 v 01 endear 0 002 @ 01815628 v 0000 + 01227805 n 0101 01 + 20 00 | make attractive or lovable; "This behavior endeared her to me"
01807314 37 v 02 antagonize 0 antagonise 0 005 @ 01787955 v 0000 + 13980288 n 0203 + 07548366 n 0201 + 13980288 n 0103 + 07548366 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | provoke the hostility of; "Don't antagonize your boss"
01807529 37 v 02 tempt 0 invite 0 005 @ 01761706 v 0000 + 04689048 n 0201 + 02362904 a 0101 + 05694791 n 0101 + 10699752 n 0101 01 + 10 00 | give rise to a desire by being attractive or inviting; "the window displays tempted the shoppers"
01807770 37 v 01 tempt 1 003 @ 01762283 v 0000 + 02362904 a 0101 + 10699752 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | try to seduce
01807882 37 v 02 attract 0 appeal 0 009 + 04687333 n 0201 + 00166146 a 0101 + 06615561 n 0101 + 05850823 n 0101 + 04688246 n 0101 + 05850823 n 0102 ! 01808769 v 0101 ~ 01806505 v 0000 ~ 01807051 v 0000 03 + 04 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 | be attractive to; "The idea of a vacation appeals to me"; "The beautiful garden attracted many people"
01808218 37 v 01 bring 5 002 $ 00767334 v 0000 @ 01505254 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | attract the attention of; "The noise and the screaming brought the curious"
01808374 37 v 05 disgust 0 revolt 0 nauseate 0 sicken 0 churn_up 0 004 @ 01808769 v 0000 + 07504111 n 0301 + 07503260 n 0101 ~ 01810447 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | cause aversion in; offend the moral sense of; "The pornographic pictures sickened us"
01808626 37 v 02 turn_off 0 put_off 4 002 @ 01808769 v 0000 + 05828263 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | cause to feel intense dislike or distaste
01808769 37 v 02 repel 0 repulse 0 011 @ 01817130 v 0000 + 00221934 a 0102 + 01625063 a 0105 + 01804422 a 0103 + 01625893 a 0108 + 01625893 a 0107 + 14920388 n 0101 + 14920388 n 0102 ! 01807882 v 0101 ~ 01808374 v 0000 ~ 01808626 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | be repellent to; cause aversion in
01809064 37 v 05 shock 1 floor 0 ball_over 0 blow_out_of_the_water 0 take_aback 0 003 @ 00725274 v 0000 + 07298982 n 0101 ~ 01821634 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | surprise greatly; knock someone's socks off; "I was floored when I heard that I was promoted"
01809321 37 v 06 overwhelm 0 overpower 0 sweep_over 0 whelm 0 overcome 0 overtake 0 008 @ 01759326 v 0000 ~ 00260311 v 0000 ~ 00737656 v 0000 ~ 01809617 v 0000 ~ 01809884 v 0000 ~ 01809980 v 0000 ~ 01810126 v 0000 ~ 01810320 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | overcome, as with emotions or perceptual stimuli
01809617 37 v 01 kill 0 001 @ 01809321 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | overwhelm with hilarity, pleasure, or admiration; "The comedian was so funny, he was killing me!"
01809784 37 v 01 shout_down 0 001 @ 00461493 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | silence or overwhelm by shouting
01809884 37 v 01 benight 0 001 @ 01809321 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | overtake with darkness or night
01809980 37 v 01 knock_out 0 001 @ 01809321 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | overwhelm with admiration; "All the guys were knocked out by her charm"
01810126 37 v 01 stagger 0 001 @ 01809321 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | astound or overwhelm, as with shock; "She was staggered with bills after she tried to rebuild her house following the earthquake"
01810320 37 v 01 lock 0 001 @ 01809321 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | hold fast (in a certain state); "He was locked in a laughing fit"
01810447 37 v 07 shock 2 offend 2 scandalize 0 scandalise 0 appal 0 appall 0 outrage 1 015 @ 01808374 v 0000 + 07306252 n 0702 + 01225397 n 0703 + 07517737 n 0702 + 01225397 n 0402 + 07306252 n 0401 + 07223811 n 0401 + 01225397 n 0301 + 07306252 n 0301 + 07223811 n 0301 + 02560035 a 0206 + 01627965 a 0203 + 01624633 a 0201 + 07510625 n 0102 + 10590977 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | strike with disgust or revulsion; "The scandalous behavior of this married woman shocked her friends"
01810933 37 v 01 despair 0 006 + 07541923 n 0101 + 14486274 n 0101 + 14486274 n 0102 + 10008535 n 0101 ! 01811441 v 0101 ~ 01811172 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | abandon hope; give up hope; lose heart; "Don't despair--help is on the way!"
01811172 37 v 01 despond 0 004 @ 01810933 v 0000 + 01230153 a 0101 + 07538395 n 0101 + 07538395 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | lose confidence or hope; become dejected; "The supporters of the Presidential candidate desponded when they learned the early results of the election"
01811441 37 v 01 hope 0 008 @ 01825237 v 0000 + 04848262 n 0101 + 10184946 n 0101 + 05950733 n 0102 + 07541053 n 0101 + 07511733 n 0101 + 10185148 n 0101 ! 01810933 v 0101 03 + 02 00 + 22 00 + 26 00 | be optimistic; be full of hope; have hopes; "I am still hoping that all will turn out well"
01811736 37 v 05 elate 0 lift_up 0 uplift 0 pick_up 0 intoxicate 0 009 > 01813884 v 0000 @ 01761706 v 0000 + 07528807 n 0501 + 14405225 n 0101 + 07527656 n 0101 ! 01814396 v 0101 ~ 01812068 v 0000 ~ 01812197 v 0000 ~ 01812324 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | fill with high spirits; fill with optimism; "Music can uplift your spirits"
01812068 37 v 01 beatify 1 003 @ 01811736 v 0000 + 13987719 n 0103 + 01265475 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | make blessedly happy
01812197 37 v 01 puff 0 001 @ 01811736 v 0000 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | make proud or conceited; "The sudden fame puffed her ego"
01812324 37 v 06 exhilarate 0 tickle_pink 0 inebriate 0 thrill 1 exalt 1 beatify 3 008 @ 01811736 v 0000 + 13987719 n 0603 + 01265475 n 0601 + 13986372 n 0504 + 01261293 n 0401 + 07520112 n 0406 + 07528470 n 0406 + 07528212 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | fill with sublime emotion; "The children were thrilled at the prospect of going to the movies"; "He was inebriated by his phenomenal success"
01812720 37 v 05 inspire 0 animate 0 invigorate 0 enliven 0 exalt 0 004 @ 01761706 v 0000 + 13986372 n 0504 + 01048466 n 0302 ~ 01818235 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | heighten or intensify; "These paintings exalt the imagination"
01812950 37 v 01 gladden 0 002 @ 01813884 v 0000 ! 01813393 v 0101 01 + 02 00 | become glad or happy
01813053 37 v 01 sadden 1 004 > 01813393 v 0000 @ 01767949 v 0000 ! 01813499 v 0101 ~ 01814266 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | make unhappy; "The news of her death saddened me"
01813228 37 v 01 overjoy 0 001 @ 01813499 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | cause to feel extremely joyful or happy; "the economic growth overjoyed the German industry"
01813393 37 v 01 sadden 0 002 @ 01771535 v 0000 ! 01812950 v 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | come to feel sad
01813499 37 v 02 gladden 1 joy 1 005 > 01812950 v 0000 + 05829782 n 0201 + 07527352 n 0201 ! 01813053 v 0101 ~ 01813228 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | make glad or happy
01813668 37 v 04 exult 0 walk_on_air 0 be_on_cloud_nine 0 jump_for_joy 0 005 @ 01813884 v 0000 + 13987905 n 0205 + 00704898 a 0101 + 07527817 n 0101 ~ 01823370 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | feel extreme happiness or elation
01813884 37 v 02 rejoice 0 joy 0 006 @ 01771535 v 0000 + 07527352 n 0201 + 07529563 n 0101 ~ 00859153 v 0000 ~ 01812950 v 0000 ~ 01813668 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | feel happiness or joy
01814074 37 v 03 lighten 1 lighten_up 1 buoy_up 1 003 > 00860136 v 0000 @ 00858568 v 0000 ! 01814266 v 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | make more cheerful; "the conversation lightened me up a bit"
01814266 37 v 02 weigh_down 0 weigh_on 0 002 @ 01813053 v 0000 ! 01814074 v 0101 01 + 10 00 | be oppressive or disheartening to
01814396 37 v 08 depress 0 deject 0 cast_down 0 get_down 0 dismay 1 dispirit 0 demoralize 0 demoralise 0 009 @ 01819147 v 0000 + 07537973 n 0802 + 07537973 n 0701 + 07542675 n 0503 + 14486533 n 0201 + 02308214 a 0101 + 04166553 n 0103 ! 01811736 v 0101 ~ 01818972 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | lower someone's spirits; make downhearted; "These news depressed her"; "The bad state of her child's health demoralizes her"
01814815 37 v 04 comfort 1 soothe 0 console 0 solace 0 014 + 01211667 n 0403 + 14446161 n 0401 + 07492655 n 0402 + 14446161 n 0402 + 07492655 n 0403 + 01232204 a 0301 + 00197319 a 0302 + 07492655 n 0301 + 01211667 n 0301 + 01211667 n 0102 + 10518349 n 0103 + 10686313 n 0103 ~ 01764800 v 0000 ~ 01815185 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | give moral or emotional strength to
01815185 37 v 04 still 1 allay 0 relieve 0 ease 0 007 @ 01814815 v 0000 + 14445749 n 0402 + 00354884 n 0402 + 10518349 n 0301 + 10518349 n 0202 + 04982478 n 0103 ~ 01815471 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | lessen the intensity of or calm; "The news eased my conscience"; "still the fears"
01815471 37 v 01 abreact 0 003 @ 01815185 v 0000 ;c 00704305 n 0000 + 00253395 n 0103 01 + 02 00 | discharge bad feelings or tension through verbalization
01815628 37 v 02 please 0 delight 0 015 > 01777210 v 0000 > 01776952 v 0000 @ 01816431 v 0000 + 05829782 n 0202 + 07491038 n 0201 + 01800349 a 0101 + 07490713 n 0101 + 05829782 n 0103 + 01071746 n 0101 + 10441124 n 0101 + 01073556 n 0101 ! 01817130 v 0101 ~ 01807170 v 0000 $ 01816054 v 0000 ~ 01817314 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | give pleasure to or be pleasing to; "These colors please the senses"; "a pleasing sensation"
01816054 37 v 01 please 3 003 $ 01815628 v 0000 @ 01816431 v 0000 + 01586866 a 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | give satisfaction; "The waiters around her aim to please"
01816219 37 v 01 titillate 0 003 * 01815628 v 0000 @ 01761706 v 0000 + 01262345 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | excite pleasurably or erotically; "A titillating story appeared in the usually conservative magazine"
01816431 37 v 02 satisfy 0 gratify 0 007 + 13986679 n 0201 + 01072780 n 0201 + 09424489 n 0101 ! 01816645 v 0101 ~ 01815628 v 0000 ~ 01816054 v 0000 ~ 01816844 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | make happy or satisfied
01816645 37 v 01 dissatisfy 0 007 * 01798936 v 0000 @ 01817130 v 0000 + 02082611 a 0102 + 07539511 n 0101 ! 01816431 v 0101 ~ 01816983 v 0000 ~ 01830600 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | fail to satisfy
01816844 37 v 01 content 0 003 @ 01816431 v 0000 + 14412882 n 0102 ! 01816983 v 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | make content; "I am contented"
01816983 37 v 01 discontent 0 004 @ 01816645 v 0000 + 07538965 n 0101 + 07538965 n 0102 ! 01816844 v 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | make dissatisfied
01817130 37 v 01 displease 0 006 > 01776727 v 0000 + 07540424 n 0101 ! 01815628 v 0101 ~ 01787955 v 0000 ~ 01808769 v 0000 ~ 01816645 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | give displeasure to
01817314 37 v 07 enchant 0 enrapture 0 transport 0 enthrall 0 ravish 0 enthral 0 delight 2 007 @ 01815628 v 0000 + 07491286 n 0502 + 07497976 n 0403 + 13986372 n 0303 + 14407536 n 0101 + 05979454 n 0101 ! 01817755 v 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | hold spellbound
01817574 37 v 01 work a 002 @ 01806505 v 0000 $ 02116980 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | gratify and charm, usually in order to influence; "the political candidate worked the crowds"
01817755 37 v 02 disenchant 0 disillusion 0 005 @ 01798936 v 0000 + 05988097 n 0203 + 05988097 n 0202 + 05988097 n 0101 ! 01817314 v 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | free from enchantment
01817938 37 v 04 cheer 2 hearten 0 recreate 0 embolden 0 004 @ 01818235 v 0000 ! 01819387 v 0201 + 07251779 n 0101 ~ 01806407 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | give encouragement to
01818116 37 v 01 rise 0 000 01 + 01 00 | become heartened or elated; "Her spirits rose when she heard the good news"
01818235 37 v 01 encourage 0 011 > 01811441 v 0000 @ 01812720 v 0000 + 07541449 n 0101 ! 01819147 v 0101 ~ 00858781 v 0000 ~ 00908351 v 0000 ~ 00913885 v 0000 ~ 01817938 v 0000 ~ 01818538 v 0000 ~ 01818669 v 0000 ~ 01818835 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | inspire with confidence; give hope or courage to
01818538 37 v 01 draw_out 0 001 @ 01818235 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | make more sociable; "The therapist drew out the shy girl"
01818669 37 v 01 bring_out 0 001 @ 01818235 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | encourage to be less reserved; "The teacher tried to bring out the shy boy"
01818835 37 v 02 spur 0 goad 0 003 @ 01818235 v 0000 + 07252378 n 0201 + 07252378 n 0106 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | give heart or courage to
01818972 37 v 01 chill 0 002 @ 01814396 v 0000 + 07537259 n 0101 03 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | depress or discourage; "The news of the city's surrender chilled the soldiers"
01819147 37 v 01 discourage 0 006 + 07542675 n 0101 ! 01818235 v 0101 ~ 01814396 v 0000 ~ 01819387 v 0000 ~ 01819554 v 0000 ~ 01819772 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | deprive of courage or hope; take away hope from; cause to feel discouraged
01819387 37 v 02 dishearten 0 put_off 0 004 @ 01819147 v 0000 + 07542675 n 0102 + 07253814 n 0101 ! 01817938 v 0102 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | take away the enthusiasm of
01819554 37 v 02 intimidate 1 restrain 0 006 @ 01819147 v 0000 * 00870213 v 0000 + 10525134 n 0201 + 07254057 n 0103 + 01222477 n 0102 ~ 01785748 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | to compel or deter by or as if by threats
01819772 37 v 02 throw_cold_water_on 0 pour_cold_water_on 0 001 @ 01819147 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | be discouraging or negative about
01819911 37 v 03 dither 0 flap 0 pother 0 004 @ 01793933 v 0000 + 14403772 n 0302 + 14403772 n 0205 + 14403772 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | make a fuss; be agitated
01820077 37 v 01 pother 1 002 @ 01762528 v 0000 + 14403772 n 0102 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | make upset or troubled
01820189 37 v 01 dither 1 001 @ 01767461 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | act nervously; be undecided; be uncertain
01820302 37 v 05 enjoy 0 bask d relish 0 savor 0 savour 0 007 * 01777210 v 0000 + 07491981 n 0302 + 07491708 n 0101 + 01072072 n 0101 + 10058411 n 0101 ~ 01820648 v 0000 ~ 01820798 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 33 00 + 22 02 | derive or receive pleasure from; get enjoyment from; take pleasure in; "She relished her fame and basked in her glory"
01820648 37 v 01 feast_one's_eyes 0 001 @ 01820302 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | look at with great enjoyment; "She feasted her eyes on the Tuscan landscape"
01820798 37 v 01 devour 0 001 @ 01820302 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | enjoy avidly; "She devoured his novels"
01820901 37 v 03 exacerbate 0 exasperate 0 aggravate 0 007 @ 01785971 v 0000 + 01221790 n 0301 + 07518878 n 0301 + 09778537 n 0301 + 07518878 n 0202 + 00425451 n 0201 + 01222157 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | exasperate or irritate
01821132 37 v 04 fascinate 0 transfix 0 grip 0 spellbind 0 005 @ 01821423 v 0000 + 10634990 n 0401 + 05194874 n 0301 + 14407899 n 0101 + 04689450 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | to render motionless, as with a fixed stare or by arousing terror or awe; "The snake charmer fascinates the cobra"
01821423 37 v 01 interest 0 006 @ 01759326 v 0000 + 05192451 n 0101 + 05682950 n 0101 ! 01821884 v 0101 ~ 00600370 v 0000 ~ 01821132 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | excite the curiosity of; engage the interest of
01821634 37 v 03 startle 0 galvanize 0 galvanise 0 005 @ 01809064 v 0000 + 10118382 n 0302 + 01262109 n 0201 + 10118382 n 0201 + 01262109 n 0302 03 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 30 00 | to stimulate to action ; "..startled him awake"; "galvanized into action"
01821884 37 v 02 bore 0 tire 1 002 + 09867437 n 0101 ! 01821423 v 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | cause to be bored
01821996 37 v 05 feel_for 0 pity 0 compassionate 0 condole_with 0 sympathize_with 0 007 @ 01797347 v 0000 + 07553741 n 0301 + 04829550 n 0301 + 04829550 n 0202 + 07553964 n 0202 ~ 01822248 v 0000 ~ 01822936 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | share the suffering of
01822248 37 v 03 commiserate 0 sympathize 0 sympathise 0 009 @ 01821996 v 0000 + 10686313 n 0302 + 07553301 n 0301 + 10686313 n 0201 + 07553301 n 0201 + 02375312 a 0101 + 07553964 n 0101 + 06633692 n 0102 ~ 01822536 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | to feel or express sympathy or compassion
01822536 37 v 01 condole 0 002 @ 01822248 v 0000 + 06633692 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | express one's sympathetic grief, on the occasion of someone's death; "You must condole the widow"
01822724 37 v 02 sympathize 1 sympathise 1 005 @ 01771535 v 0000 + 10686073 n 0202 + 13811900 n 0201 + 10686073 n 0101 + 13811900 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | share the feelings of; understand the sentiments of
01822936 37 v 01 care 2 005 @ 01821996 v 0000 + 07505047 n 0101 + 07546125 n 0102 ^ 02550296 v 0101 ^ 01776214 v 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | feel concern or interest; "I really care about my work"; "I don't care"
01823149 37 v 04 care_a_hang 0 give_a_hoot 0 give_a_hang 0 give_a_damn 0 000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | show no concern or interest; always used in the negative; "I don't give a hoot"; "She doesn't give a damn about her job"
01823370 37 v 03 wallow 0 rejoice 2 triumph 0 004 @ 01813668 v 0000 + 00704898 a 0307 + 07528097 n 0301 + 07529563 n 0201 01 + 21 00 | be ecstatic with joy
01823528 37 v 04 estrange 0 alienate 0 alien 0 disaffect 0 006 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 07502387 n 0402 + 09783369 n 0201 + 14415773 n 0102 ~ 01824050 v 0000 ~ 01824253 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | arouse hostility or indifference in where there had formerly been love, affection, or friendliness; "She alienated her friends when she became fanatically religious"
01823888 37 v 01 alienate 1 001 @ 01767949 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | make withdrawn or isolated or emotionally dissociated; "the boring work alienated his employees"
01824050 37 v 02 drift_apart 0 drift_away 3 001 @ 01823528 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | lose personal contact over time; "The two women, who had been roommates in college, drifted apart after they got married"
01824253 37 v 01 wean 0 001 @ 01823528 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | detach the affections of
01824339 37 v 01 wish 0 005 @ 01825237 v 0000 + 07486229 n 0101 + 07185870 n 0101 + 07486229 n 0102 ~ 01826723 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 28 00 | hope for; have a wish; "I wish I could go home now"
01824532 37 v 02 wish 1 wish_well 0 004 @ 01825237 v 0000 + 07486229 n 0101 + 07185870 n 0101 ! 01825125 v 0101 02 + 14 00 + 09 02 | feel or express a desire or hope concerning the future or fortune of
01824736 37 v 03 wish 2 care 0 like 1 003 @ 01825237 v 0000 + 07486229 n 0101 ~ 01824958 v 0000 01 + 28 00 | prefer or wish to do something; "Do you care to try this dish?"; "Would you like to come along to the movies?"
01824958 37 v 01 please 1 002 @ 01824736 v 0000 + 01071746 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | be the will of or have the will (to); "he could do many things if he pleased"
01825125 37 v 02 begrudge 0 resent 1 001 ! 01824532 v 0101 02 + 26 00 + 14 01 | wish ill or allow unwillingly
01825237 37 v 02 desire 0 want 0 020 + 10766025 n 0201 + 07486229 n 0203 + 07484265 n 0101 + 14038993 n 0101 + 04945057 n 0101 ~ 01188485 v 0000 ~ 01776468 v 0000 ~ 01805523 v 0000 ~ 01811441 v 0000 ~ 01824339 v 0000 ~ 01824532 v 0000 ~ 01824736 v 0000 ~ 01825761 v 0000 ~ 01825962 v 0000 ~ 01826060 v 0000 ~ 01826184 v 0000 ~ 01827064 v 0000 ~ 01828256 v 0000 ~ 01828405 v 0000 ~ 02240481 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 26 00 + 28 00 + 24 02 | feel or have a desire for; want strongly; "I want to go home now"; "I want my own room"
01825761 37 v 02 itch 0 spoil 0 002 @ 01825237 v 0000 + 07490451 n 0102 01 + 28 00 | have a strong desire or urge to do something; "She is itching to start the project"; "He is spoiling for a fight"
01825962 37 v 01 like 6 001 @ 01825237 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | want to have; "I'd like a beer now!"
01826060 37 v 01 ambition 0 003 @ 01825237 v 0000 + 07484547 n 0101 + 04836268 n 0101 01 + 28 00 | have as one's ambition
01826184 37 v 01 feel_like 0 001 @ 01825237 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 33 00 | have an inclination for something or some activity; "I feel like staying in bed all day"; "I feel like a cold beer now"
01826378 37 v 01 desire 1 003 @ 00752764 v 0000 + 14038993 n 0101 + 04945057 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | express a desire for
01826498 37 v 01 prefer 0 002 @ 01777210 v 0000 + 07498210 n 0101 05 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 15 00 + 27 00 + 33 00 | like better; value more highly; "Some people prefer camping to staying in hotels"; "We prefer sleeping outside"
01826723 37 v 03 hope 1 trust 0 desire 2 009 @ 01824339 v 0000 + 04945057 n 0301 + 14038993 n 0301 + 04848262 n 0101 + 10184946 n 0101 + 05950733 n 0102 + 07541053 n 0101 + 07511733 n 0101 + 10185148 n 0101 01 + 26 00 | expect and wish; "I trust you will behave better from now on"; "I hope she understands that she cannot expect a raise"
01827064 37 v 02 envy 0 begrudge 1 004 @ 01825237 v 0000 + 07549716 n 0101 + 00758335 n 0101 ~ 01827232 v 0000 02 + 14 00 + 09 01 | be envious of; set one's heart on
01827232 37 v 01 covet 0 002 @ 01827064 v 0000 ~ 01827425 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | wish, long, or crave for (something, especially the property of another person); "She covets her sister's house"
01827425 37 v 02 salivate 0 drool 0 001 @ 01827232 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | be envious, desirous, eager for, or extremely happy about something; "She was salivating over the raise she anticipated"
01827619 37 v 01 envy 1 002 @ 01827858 v 0000 + 07549716 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 14 01 | feel envious towards; admire enviously
01827745 37 v 02 drool_over 0 slobber_over 0 001 @ 01778017 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | envy without restraint
01827858 37 v 02 admire 0 look_up_to 0 007 @ 00694068 v 0000 + 07500741 n 0101 + 10677713 n 0104 + 09771664 n 0101 + 09771435 n 0101 ! 01828070 v 0101 ~ 01827619 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | feel admiration for
01828070 37 v 01 look_down_on 0 002 @ 01774799 v 0000 ! 01827858 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | regard with contempt; "the new neighbor looks down on us because our house is very modest"
01828256 37 v 02 lust_after 0 lech_after 0 001 @ 01825237 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | have a strong sexual desire for; "he is lusting after his secretary"
01828405 37 v 03 hanker 0 long 2 yearn 0 007 @ 01825237 v 0000 + 10270878 n 0303 + 07486628 n 0302 + 10270878 n 0201 + 07486628 n 0201 + 07486922 n 0101 ~ 01805684 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | desire strongly or persistently
01828623 37 v 01 care_for 1 001 @ 01777210 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 33 00 | have a liking, fondness, or taste (for)
01828736 37 v 02 love 2 enjoy 1 009 @ 01777210 v 0000 + 07491708 n 0201 + 01072072 n 0201 + 10058411 n 0201 + 05813229 n 0101 + 07543288 n 0101 + 10077593 n 0104 + 09622302 n 0101 ~ 02197250 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 28 00 | get pleasure from; "I love cooking"
01828993 37 v 02 take_pride 9 pride_oneself 9 001 @ 01771535 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | feel proud of; "She took great pride in her sons"
01829126 37 v 02 fall_apart 0 go_to_pieces 0 001 @ 01784295 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | lose one's emotional or mental composure; "She fell apart when her only child died"
01829292 37 v 01 burn 0 001 @ 01771535 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | feel strong emotion, especially anger or passion; "She was burning with anger"; "He was burning to try out his new skies"
01829475 37 v 01 die 3 001 @ 01771535 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | feel indifferent towards; "She died to worldly things and eventually entered a monastery"
01829625 37 v 01 fly_high 0 001 @ 01771535 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | be elated; "He was flying high during the summer months"
01829747 37 v 04 glow 0 beam 1 radiate 0 shine 0 004 @ 01771535 v 0000 + 14051201 n 0301 + 14051056 n 0102 + 07480521 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | experience a feeling of well-being or happiness, as from good health or an intense emotion; "She was beaming with joy"; "Her face radiated with happiness"
01830042 37 v 01 glow 1 002 @ 01771535 v 0000 + 14051056 n 0102 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | be exuberant or high-spirited; "Make the people's hearts glow"
01830192 37 v 01 enthuse 0 002 @ 01772960 v 0000 ~ 01830307 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | cause to feel enthusiasm
01830307 37 v 01 bring_down 0 001 @ 01830192 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | cause to be enthusiastic; "Her playing brought down the house"
01830445 37 v 01 disarm 0 001 @ 00769553 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | make less hostile; win over; "Her charm disarmed the prosecution lawyer completely"
01830600 37 v 01 disgruntle 0 002 @ 01816645 v 0000 + 07539259 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | put into a bad mood or into bad humour; "The employees were disgruntled by their bad working conditions"
01830798 37 v 01 electrify 0 003 @ 01762528 v 0000 + 07514600 n 0101 + 01047191 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | excite suddenly and intensely; "The news electrified us"
01830965 37 v 01 spook 0 002 @ 01779165 v 0000 + 05898171 n 0103 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | frighten or scare, and often provoke into a violent action; "The noise spooked the horse"
01831143 37 v 01 obsess 3 003 @ 01767163 v 0000 + 01585022 a 0102 + 05700401 n 0101 01 + 22 00 | be preoccupied with something; "She is obsessing over her weight"
01831308 37 v 01 puzzle 3 003 @ 00630380 v 0000 + 06784639 n 0101 + 05685030 n 0103 01 + 22 00 | be uncertain about; think about without fully understanding or being able to decide; "We puzzled over her sudden departure"
01831531 38 v 01 move 0 101 + 00331950 n 0101 + 00331950 n 0103 + 00331950 n 0102 ! 01834485 v 0101 ^ 01848465 v 0101 ~ 00010054 v 0000 ~ 00053035 v 0000 ~ 00101434 v 0000 ~ 01242208 v 0000 ~ 01280488 v 0000 ~ 01380122 v 0000 ~ 01440139 v 0000 ~ 01473176 v 0000 ~ 01708676 v 0000 ~ 01833508 v 0000 ~ 01833717 v 0000 ~ 01835280 v 0000 ~ 01842068 v 0000 ~ 01848465 v 0000 ~ 01860485 v 0000 ~ 01864634 v 0000 ~ 01864865 v 0000 ~ 01865203 v 0000 ~ 01865383 v 0000 ~ 01866030 v 0000 ~ 01868370 v 0000 ~ 01869003 v 0000 ~ 01869196 v 0000 ~ 01869299 v 0000 ~ 01869563 v 0000 ~ 01870043 v 0000 ~ 01871321 v 0000 ~ 01871471 v 0000 ~ 01875820 v 0000 ~ 01876530 v 0000 ~ 01877785 v 0000 ~ 01879579 v 0000 ~ 01880113 v 0000 ~ 01881034 v 0000 ~ 01884383 v 0000 ~ 01884577 v 0000 ~ 01884974 v 0000 ~ 01885430 v 0000 ~ 01888295 v 0000 ~ 01889610 v 0000 ~ 01891249 v 0000 ~ 01891817 v 0000 ~ 01893601 v 0000 ~ 01893771 v 0000 ~ 01893988 v 0000 ~ 01894164 v 0000 ~ 01894649 v 0000 ~ 01900408 v 0000 ~ 01901289 v 0000 ~ 01901783 v 0000 ~ 01902126 v 0000 ~ 01907258 v 0000 ~ 01910373 v 0000 ~ 01918669 v 0000 ~ 01923414 v 0000 ~ 01923909 v 0000 ~ 01936361 v 0000 ~ 01963942 v 0000 ~ 01966039 v 0000 ~ 01973486 v 0000 ~ 01982395 v 0000 ~ 01992251 v 0000 ~ 02015598 v 0000 ~ 02030158 v 0000 ~ 02032415 v 0000 ~ 02039013 v 0000 ~ 02047857 v 0000 ~ 02054541 v 0000 ~ 02058191 v 0000 ~ 02058448 v 0000 ~ 02058590 v 0000 ~ 02061069 v 0000 ~ 02062212 v 0000 ~ 02064759 v 0000 ~ 02066510 v 0000 ~ 02066939 v 0000 ~ 02084252 v 0000 ~ 02087605 v 0000 ~ 02088470 v 0000 ~ 02088627 v 0000 ~ 02088792 v 0000 ~ 02088949 v 0000 ~ 02093390 v 0000 ~ 02094428 v 0000 ~ 02095211 v 0000 ~ 02096167 v 0000 ~ 02096494 v 0000 ~ 02096670 v 0000 ~ 02097204 v 0000 ~ 02098332 v 0000 ~ 02099075 v 0000 ~ 02099239 v 0000 ~ 02101649 v 0000 ~ 02104503 v 0000 ~ 02105082 v 0000 ~ 02105549 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | move so as to change position, perform a nontranslational motion; "He moved his hand slightly to the right"
01833508 38 v 01 drop_back 0 001 @ 01831531 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | take position in the rear, as in a military formation or in the line of scrimmage in football; "The defender dropped back behind his teammate"
01833717 38 v 02 hit_the_dirt 0 hit_the_deck 0 001 @ 01831531 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | fall or drop suddenly, usually to evade some danger; "The soldiers hit the dirt when they heard gunfire"
01833906 38 v 01 prolapse 0 002 @ 01970826 v 0000 + 14559208 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | slip or fall out of place, as of body parts; "prolapsed rectum"
01834053 38 v 01 plunge 5 002 $ 00347918 v 0000 @ 02061495 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | dash violently or with great speed or impetuosity; "She plunged at it eagerly"
01834213 38 v 01 ease 0 002 @ 01835496 v 0000 ^ 01848465 v 0104 02 + 20 00 + 21 00 | move gently or carefully; "He eased himself into the chair"
01834360 38 v 01 whish 0 001 @ 01835496 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | move with a whishing sound; "The car whished past her"
01834485 38 v 01 stand_still 0 004 + 14015361 n 0105 ! 01831531 v 0101 ~ 01834730 v 0000 ~ 01834896 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | remain in place; hold still; remain fixed or immobile; "Traffic stood still when the funeral procession passed by"
01834730 38 v 02 freeze 0 stop_dead 0 002 @ 01834485 v 0000 ~ 00486703 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | stop moving or become immobilized; "When he saw the police car he froze"
01834896 38 v 04 grind_to_a_halt 0 get_stuck 0 bog_down 0 mire 0 003 @ 01834485 v 0000 + 09355850 n 0401 $ 01835103 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | be unable to move further; "The car bogged down in the sand"
01835103 38 v 02 mire 1 bog_down 1 003 $ 01834896 v 0000 > 01834896 v 0000 + 09355850 n 0101 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | cause to get stuck as if in a mire; "The mud mired our cart"
01835280 38 v 01 gravitate 0 005 @ 01831531 v 0000 + 02737183 a 0102 + 11464143 n 0102 + 07362830 n 0101 + 11464143 n 0101 01 + 04 00 | move due to the pull of gravitation; "The stars gravitate towards each other"
01835496 38 v 04 travel 0 go 0 move 3 locomote 0 153 $ 01850315 v 0000 + 02994448 a 0401 + 04773596 n 0401 + 00283127 n 0401 + 00279835 n 0301 + 00279835 n 0303 + 00279835 n 0302 + 07309781 n 0301 + 10335931 n 0301 ^ 01992503 v 0304 ^ 01856211 v 0301 ^ 01994442 v 0308 ^ 01992503 v 0206 ^ 01921964 v 0204 ^ 02072849 v 0207 ^ 02073714 v 0206 ^ 02667558 v 0201 ^ 02051694 v 0205 ^ 01968569 v 0205 ^ 01989873 v 0203 ^ 01970646 v 0202 ^ 01970826 v 0203 ^ 01989873 v 0204 ^ 00781000 v 0202 ^ 00969873 v 0201 + 07311115 n 0102 + 00283127 n 0102 + 09629752 n 0102 + 09629752 n 0101 ! 01848355 v 0101 ~ 00969873 v 0000 ~ 01123415 v 0000 ~ 01834213 v 0000 ~ 01834360 v 0000 ~ 01838651 v 0000 ~ 01839030 v 0000 ~ 01839170 v 0000 ~ 01839280 v 0000 ~ 01839404 v 0000 ~ 01839538 v 0000 ~ 01839690 v 0000 ~ 01839807 v 0000 ~ 01839963 v 0000 ~ 01840092 v 0000 ~ 01841079 v 0000 ~ 01841347 v 0000 ~ 01841772 v 0000 ~ 01842508 v 0000 ~ 01842888 v 0000 ~ 01843497 v 0000 ~ 01844859 v 0000 ~ 01846916 v 0000 ~ 01849221 v 0000 ~ 01858910 v 0000 ~ 01868139 v 0000 ~ 01872877 v 0000 ~ 01875144 v 0000 ~ 01877620 v 0000 ~ 01881180 v 0000 ~ 01882170 v 0000 ~ 01882814 v 0000 ~ 01884126 v 0000 ~ 01885845 v 0000 ~ 01886334 v 0000 ~ 01886488 v 0000 ~ 01887020 v 0000 ~ 01887576 v 0000 ~ 01892608 v 0000 ~ 01894520 v 0000 ~ 01902783 v 0000 ~ 01903385 v 0000 ~ 01904293 v 0000 ~ 01904649 v 0000 ~ 01904930 v 0000 ~ 01909812 v 0000 ~ 01911339 v 0000 ~ 01916033 v 0000 ~ 01925694 v 0000 ~ 01926984 v 0000 ~ 01928838 v 0000 ~ 01930117 v 0000 ~ 01930738 v 0000 ~ 01938426 v 0000 ~ 01940403 v 0000 ~ 01944976 v 0000 ~ 01945183 v 0000 ~ 01948872 v 0000 ~ 01949218 v 0000 ~ 01949333 v 0000 ~ 01957529 v 0000 ~ 01959181 v 0000 ~ 01960911 v 0000 ~ 01968569 v 0000 ~ 01969216 v 0000 ~ 01970826 v 0000 ~ 01972298 v 0000 ~ 01991744 v 0000 ~ 01991931 v 0000 ~ 01992503 v 0000 ~ 01994442 v 0000 ~ 01994960 v 0000 ~ 01995549 v 0000 ~ 01997119 v 0000 ~ 01998302 v 0000 ~ 01998432 v 0000 ~ 01999218 v 0000 ~ 02000868 v 0000 ~ 02004874 v 0000 ~ 02011865 v 0000 ~ 02025353 v 0000 ~ 02025550 v 0000 ~ 02041728 v 0000 ~ 02042237 v 0000 ~ 02044278 v 0000 ~ 02044866 v 0000 ~ 02050132 v 0000 ~ 02051694 v 0000 ~ 02055649 v 0000 ~ 02055975 v 0000 ~ 02056209 v 0000 ~ 02057656 v 0000 ~ 02058994 v 0000 ~ 02059916 v 0000 ~ 02062081 v 0000 ~ 02069014 v 0000 ~ 02079818 v 0000 ~ 02082181 v 0000 ~ 02082527 v 0000 ~ 02085158 v 0000 ~ 02085446 v 0000 ~ 02085573 v 0000 ~ 02088107 v 0000 ~ 02088241 v 0000 ~ 02089082 v 0000 ~ 02091165 v 0000 ~ 02091410 v 0000 ~ 02091885 v 0000 ~ 02092183 v 0000 ~ 02092476 v 0000 ~ 02093088 v 0000 ~ 02095900 v 0000 ~ 02096853 v 0000 ~ 02097544 v 0000 ~ 02098827 v 0000 ~ 02099413 v 0000 ~ 02099544 v 0000 ~ 02099829 v 0000 ~ 02100176 v 0000 ~ 02101470 v 0000 ~ 02102002 v 0000 ~ 02102398 v 0000 ~ 02103451 v 0000 ~ 02103612 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | change location; move, travel, or proceed, also metaphorically; "How fast does your new car go?"; "We travelled from Rome to Naples by bus"; "The policemen went from door to door looking for the suspect"; "The soldiers moved towards the city in an attempt to take it before night fell"; "news travelled fast"
01838651 38 v 01 float 4 004 $ 01902783 v 0000 @ 01835496 v 0000 $ 01904293 v 0000 ~ 02750154 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | move lightly, as if suspended; "The dancer floated across the stage"
01838860 38 v 01 thrash b 001 @ 01839030 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | move data into and out of core rather than performing useful computation; "The system is thrashing again!"
01839030 38 v 01 swap 0 002 @ 01835496 v 0000 ~ 01838860 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | move (a piece of a program) into memory, in computer science
01839170 38 v 01 seek 0 001 @ 01835496 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | go to or towards; "a liquid seeks its own level"
01839280 38 v 01 whine 0 001 @ 01835496 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | move with a whining sound; "The bullets were whining past us"
01839404 38 v 01 fly 8 001 @ 01835496 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | be dispersed or disseminated; "Rumors and accusations are flying"
01839538 38 v 01 ride 2 001 @ 01835496 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | move like a floating object; "The moon rode high in the night sky"
01839690 38 v 01 come 3 001 @ 01835496 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cover a certain distance; "She came a long way"
01839807 38 v 01 ghost 0 002 @ 01835496 v 0000 + 09545976 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | move like a ghost; "The masked men ghosted across the moonlit yard"
01839963 38 v 01 betake_oneself 0 001 @ 01835496 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | displace oneself; go from one location to another
01840092 38 v 02 pass_over 3 overfly 0 002 @ 01835496 v 0000 ;c 00300441 n 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | fly over; "The plane passed over Damascus"
01840238 38 v 01 fly 5 007 @ 01841079 v 0000 ;c 00300441 n 0000 + 10096217 n 0102 + 10096217 n 0101 + 00302394 n 0102 ~ 01840505 v 0000 $ 01941093 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | travel in an airplane; "she is flying to Cincinnati tonight"; "Are we driving or flying?"
01840505 38 v 01 red-eye 0 002 @ 01840238 v 0000 ;c 00300441 n 0000 01 + 02 00 | travel on an overnight flight; "The candidate red-eyed from California to the East Coast the night before the election to give a last stump speech"
01840736 38 v 01 hop 5 002 @ 01841079 v 0000 $ 02095211 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | travel by means of an aircraft, bus, etc.; "She hopped a train to Chicago"; "He hopped rides all over the country"
01840929 38 v 01 tube 2 001 @ 01955984 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | ride or float on an inflated tube; "We tubed down the river on a hot summer day"
01841079 38 v 01 travel 3 007 @ 01835496 v 0000 + 07311115 n 0102 + 09629752 n 0102 + 09629752 n 0101 ~ 01840238 v 0000 ~ 01840736 v 0000 ~ 01955984 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | undergo transportation as in a vehicle; "We travelled North on Rte. 508"
01841347 38 v 01 wend 0 001 @ 01835496 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | direct one's course or way; "wend your way through the crowds"
01841471 38 v 01 sheer 1 001 @ 01931768 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cause to sheer; "She sheered her car around the obstacle"
01841591 38 v 01 pull_over 0 001 @ 01931768 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | steer a vehicle to the side of the road; "The car pulled over when the ambulance approached at high speed"
01841772 38 v 01 do 0 001 @ 01835496 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | travel or traverse (a distance); "This car does 150 miles per hour"; "We did 6 miles on our hike every day"
01841947 38 v 01 astrogate 0 003 @ 01846320 v 0000 ;c 06096913 n 0000 + 09817694 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | navigate in space
01842068 38 v 01 fly 2 001 @ 01831531 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | move quickly or suddenly; "He flew about the place"
01842204 38 v 01 go_out 2 002 @ 02009433 v 0000 ~ 02485844 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | leave the house to go somewhere; "We never went out when our children were small"
01842367 38 v 01 desert 2 001 @ 02009433 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | leave behind; "the students deserted the campus after the end of exam period"
01842508 38 v 01 raft 0 004 $ 01949966 v 0000 @ 01835496 v 0000 + 04045397 n 0101 + 10504545 n 0103 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 22 00 | travel by raft in water; "Raft the Colorado River"
01842690 38 v 01 take 2 001 @ 01158872 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | travel or go by means of a certain kind of transportation, or a certain route; "He takes the bus to work"; "She takes Route 1 to Newark"
01842888 38 v 02 get_around 0 get_about 0 001 @ 01835496 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | move around; move from place to place; "How does she get around without a car?"
01843055 38 v 03 travel 1 trip 2 jaunt 0 012 > 01835496 v 0000 + 00311809 n 0302 + 00308370 n 0201 + 10596689 n 0203 + 09629752 n 0102 + 09629752 n 0101 ~ 01843364 v 0000 ~ 01843689 v 0000 ~ 01845720 v 0000 ~ 01864038 v 0000 ~ 02061846 v 0000 ~ 02081006 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 20 00 | make a trip for pleasure
01843364 38 v 02 junketeer 0 junket 0 003 @ 01843055 v 0000 + 00311809 n 0204 + 00312160 n 0201 01 + 02 00 | go on a pleasure trip
01843497 38 v 02 repair 0 resort 0 003 @ 01835496 v 0000 + 08640531 n 0201 + 08581503 n 0104 01 + 08 00 | move, travel, or proceed toward some place; "He repaired to his cabin in the woods"
01843689 38 v 02 travel_to 0 visit 0 005 @ 01843055 v 0000 + 10757193 n 0201 + 01056236 n 0201 ~ 01843904 v 0000 ~ 01844431 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | go to certain places as for sightseeing; "Did you ever visit Paris?"
01843904 38 v 01 sightsee 0 003 @ 01843689 v 0000 + 10596689 n 0101 + 00879607 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | visit famous or interesting sights
01844048 38 v 02 visit 1 inspect 0 004 + 00879271 n 0201 + 08385280 n 0101 + 00652069 n 0101 + 10757193 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | come to see in an official or professional capacity; "The governor visited the prison"; "The grant administrator visited the laboratory"
01844319 38 v 01 revisit 0 001 @ 02004874 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | visit again; "We revisited Rome after 25 years"
01844431 38 v 02 frequent 0 haunt 2 005 @ 01843689 v 0000 + 08581503 n 0201 + 01066542 a 0101 + 10407726 n 0102 ~ 02390287 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | be a regular or frequent visitor to a certain place; "She haunts the ballet"
01844653 38 v 01 cruise 1 003 @ 01846320 v 0000 + 02932891 n 0102 + 00312932 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 20 00 | sail or travel about for pleasure, relaxation, or sightseeing; "We were cruising in the Caribbean"
01844859 38 v 01 cruise 2 004 @ 01835496 v 0000 ;c 00300441 n 0000 + 03141065 n 0101 ~ 01845105 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 22 00 | travel at a moderate speed; "Please keep your seat belt fastened while the plane is reaching cruising altitude"
01845105 38 v 01 stooge 0 002 @ 01844859 v 0000 ;c 00300441 n 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | cruise in slow or routine flights
01845229 38 v 01 tour 0 006 @ 01845720 v 0000 + 00310666 n 0101 + 10718131 n 0101 + 10718131 n 0102 ~ 01845587 v 0000 ~ 02493030 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | make a tour of a certain place; "We toured the Provence this summer"
01845457 38 v 01 globe-trot 0 001 @ 01845720 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | travel all over the world for pleasure and sightseeing
01845587 38 v 01 take_the_road 0 001 @ 01845229 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | give theatrical performances while traveling from town to town
01845720 38 v 02 travel 4 journey 0 016 $ 01846916 v 0000 @ 01843055 v 0000 + 00306426 n 0201 + 10771392 n 0202 + 00306426 n 0202 + 00295701 n 0101 + 09629752 n 0102 + 09629752 n 0101 + 00295701 n 0103 + 00295701 n 0102 ~ 01845229 v 0000 ~ 01845457 v 0000 ~ 01846099 v 0000 ~ 01846320 v 0000 ~ 01847220 v 0000 ~ 01847392 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 20 00 | undertake a journey or trip
01846099 38 v 01 sledge 2 002 @ 01845720 v 0000 + 04235291 n 0102 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | ride in or travel with a sledge; "the antarctic expedition sledged along the coastline"; "The children sledged all day by the lake"
01846320 38 v 03 voyage 0 sail 2 navigate 2 009 @ 01845720 v 0000 + 01724743 a 0301 + 01105737 n 0301 + 00312932 n 0202 + 00312784 n 0102 + 00312553 n 0101 + 10761190 n 0101 ~ 01841947 v 0000 ~ 01844653 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 20 00 | travel on water propelled by wind or by other means; "The QE2 will sail to Southampton tomorrow"
01846658 38 v 01 sail 3 005 @ 01846916 v 0000 + 00312932 n 0102 + 04127904 n 0101 + 09861395 n 0103 + 10546633 n 0101 04 + 01 00 + 04 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | traverse or travel on (a body of water); "We sailed the Atlantic"; "He sailed the Pacific all alone"
01846916 38 v 02 travel 2 journey 1 011 @ 01835496 v 0000 + 00306426 n 0201 + 10771392 n 0202 + 00295701 n 0101 + 09629752 n 0102 $ 01845720 v 0000 ~ 01846658 v 0000 ~ 01847582 v 0000 ~ 01847676 v 0000 ~ 01847845 v 0000 ~ 01931566 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | travel upon or across; "travel the oceans"
01847220 38 v 01 trek 0 002 @ 01845720 v 0000 + 10727944 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | make a long and difficult journey; "They trekked towards the North Pole with sleds and skis"
01847392 38 v 01 trek 1 002 @ 01845720 v 0000 + 10727944 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | journey on foot, especially in the mountains; "We spent the summer trekking in the foothills of the Himalayas"
01847582 38 v 01 ship 3 002 @ 01846916 v 0000 + 04194289 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | travel by ship
01847676 38 v 01 ride 7 003 @ 01846916 v 0000 + 00307631 n 0102 $ 01955984 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | ride over, along, or through; "Ride the freeways of California"
01847845 38 v 01 fly 4 004 @ 01846916 v 0000 + 00302394 n 0102 $ 01940403 v 0000 $ 01941093 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | travel over (an area of land or sea) in an aircraft; "Lindbergh was the first to fly the Atlantic"
01848058 38 v 01 fly 7 003 > 01902783 v 0000 $ 02140965 v 0000 ~ 01848190 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cause to fly or float; "fly a kite"
01848190 38 v 01 kite 0 002 @ 01848058 v 0000 + 03621473 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | fly a kite; "Kids were kiting in the park"; "They kited the Red Dragon model"
01848355 38 v 01 stay_in_place 0 002 ! 01835496 v 0101 ~ 01857392 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | be stationary
01848465 38 v 05 move_over 0 give_way 0 give 0 ease_up 0 yield 0 002 @ 01831531 v 0000 $ 00613393 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | move in order to make room for someone for something; "The park gave way to a supermarket"; "`Move over,' he told the crowd"
01848718 38 v 03 go 1 go_away 5 depart 4 008 @ 02015598 v 0000 + 07333649 n 0303 + 00042757 n 0301 + 10004539 n 0301 + 10004539 n 0103 + 00042757 n 0102 ! 01849221 v 0101 ~ 01849054 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | move away from a place into another direction; "Go away before I start to cry"; "The train departs at noon"
01849054 38 v 03 shove_off 0 shove_along 0 blow 8 001 @ 01848718 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | leave; informal or rude; "shove off!"; "The children shoved along"; "Blow now!"
01849221 38 v 02 come 0 come_up 2 013 @ 01835496 v 0000 + 00280853 n 0103 ! 01848718 v 0101 ^ 02716165 v 0103 ^ 02524171 v 0103 ^ 02667419 v 0101 ^ 02619924 v 0104 ^ 01970348 v 0102 ^ 01990281 v 0102 ~ 00546192 v 0000 ~ 00990655 v 0000 ~ 01849746 v 0000 ~ 02053941 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | move toward, travel toward something or somebody or approach something or somebody; "He came singing down the road"; "Come with me to the Casbah"; "come down here!"; "come out of the closet!"; "come into the room"
01849746 38 v 02 approach 1 come_near 1 004 @ 01849221 v 0000 + 05046471 n 0101 ~ 01849983 v 0000 $ 02053941 v 0000 06 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | come near in time; "Winter is approaching"; "approaching old age"
01849983 38 v 01 get_on 2 001 @ 01849746 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | grow late or (of time) elapse; "It is getting on midnight--let's all go to bed!"
01850135 38 v 01 drive_up 0 002 @ 02053941 v 0000 ;c 00298497 n 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | approach while driving; "The truck entered the driveway and drove up towards the house"
01850315 38 v 02 move 1 displace 2 102 > 01831531 v 0000 + 01523724 a 0102 + 01526062 a 0101 + 01523724 a 0101 + 00279835 n 0103 + 00279835 n 0102 + 00280586 n 0101 + 10336234 n 0101 + 08478482 n 0101 ~ 00270005 v 0000 ~ 00414409 v 0000 ~ 00465762 v 0000 ~ 00522441 v 0000 ~ 01088923 v 0000 ~ 01419473 v 0000 ~ 01435380 v 0000 ~ 01444146 v 0000 ~ 01446901 v 0000 ~ 01448100 v 0000 ~ 01449974 v 0000 ~ 01453256 v 0000 ~ 01466733 v 0000 ~ 01494310 v 0000 ~ 01510827 v 0000 ~ 01511706 v 0000 ~ 01515196 v 0000 ~ 01522276 v 0000 ~ 01523654 v 0000 ~ 01527271 v 0000 ~ 01541231 v 0000 ~ 01541579 v 0000 ~ 01542207 v 0000 ~ 01544445 v 0000 ~ 01556921 v 0000 ~ 01566916 v 0000 ~ 01574766 v 0000 ~ 01579153 v 0000 ~ 01591357 v 0000 $ 01835496 v 0000 ~ 01852468 v 0000 ~ 01852591 v 0000 ~ 01852701 v 0000 ~ 01853192 v 0000 ~ 01855447 v 0000 ~ 01865051 v 0000 ~ 01865726 v 0000 ~ 01866610 v 0000 ~ 01871979 v 0000 ~ 01876028 v 0000 ~ 01877204 v 0000 ~ 01879777 v 0000 ~ 01883344 v 0000 ~ 01887901 v 0000 ~ 01894320 v 0000 ~ 01903562 v 0000 ~ 01909978 v 0000 ~ 01950798 v 0000 ~ 01951480 v 0000 ~ 01953810 v 0000 ~ 01965654 v 0000 ~ 01973125 v 0000 ~ 01973759 v 0000 ~ 01974062 v 0000 ~ 01977701 v 0000 ~ 01986869 v 0000 ~ 01993926 v 0000 ~ 02002720 v 0000 ~ 02012344 v 0000 ~ 02013571 v 0000 ~ 02028722 v 0000 ~ 02042843 v 0000 ~ 02043190 v 0000 ~ 02056466 v 0000 ~ 02056971 v 0000 ~ 02059462 v 0000 ~ 02069120 v 0000 ~ 02069551 v 0000 ~ 02076501 v 0000 ~ 02084104 v 0000 ~ 02086100 v 0000 ~ 02087745 v 0000 ~ 02089420 v 0000 ~ 02089984 v 0000 ~ 02090435 v 0000 ~ 02090990 v 0000 ~ 02092309 v 0000 ~ 02093234 v 0000 ~ 02093610 v 0000 ~ 02095696 v 0000 ~ 02096312 v 0000 ~ 02098179 v 0000 ~ 02099669 v 0000 ~ 02100632 v 0000 ~ 02101789 v 0000 ~ 02103162 v 0000 ~ 02103781 v 0000 ~ 02103925 v 0000 ~ 02104161 v 0000 ~ 02105340 v 0000 ~ 02221959 v 0000 ~ 02232190 v 0000 ~ 02501738 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | cause to move or shift into a new position or place, both in a concrete and in an abstract sense; "Move those boxes into the corner, please"; "I'm moving my money to another bank"; "The director moved more responsibilities onto his new assistant"
01852468 38 v 01 work 2 001 @ 01850315 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | move in an agitated manner; "His fingers worked with tension"
01852591 38 v 01 take_back 0 001 @ 01850315 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | move text to the previous line; in printing
01852701 38 v 02 center 0 centre 0 004 @ 01850315 v 0000 + 08521816 n 0202 + 08521816 n 0101 ^ 02676496 v 0102 01 + 08 00 | move into the center; "That vase in the picture is not centered"
01852892 38 v 01 re-enter 0 002 @ 02016523 v 0000 + 00328230 n 0101 05 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 08 00 + 22 00 | enter again; "You cannot re-enter the country with this visa"
01853069 38 v 01 pump 0 002 @ 01974062 v 0000 + 04021798 n 0101 02 + 11 00 + 21 00 | raise (gases or fluids) with a pump
01853192 38 v 01 pump 3 001 @ 01850315 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | move up and down; "The athlete pumps weights in the gym"
01853310 38 v 01 pump 1 003 * 02069551 v 0000 @ 01854132 v 0000 + 04021798 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | draw or pour with a pump
01853440 38 v 01 transfuse 0 001 @ 02069551 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | pour out of one vessel into another
01853542 38 v 03 siphon 0 syphon 0 siphon_off 0 002 @ 01854132 v 0000 + 04224155 n 0202 01 + 08 00 | convey, draw off, or empty by or as if by a siphon
01853696 38 v 01 transit 1 003 $ 01915365 v 0000 @ 02077656 v 0000 + 04473432 n 0103 01 + 11 00 | cause or enable to pass through; "The canal will transit hundreds of ships every day"
01853882 38 v 01 sluice 0 002 @ 01854132 v 0000 + 04244379 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | draw through a sluice; "sluice water"
01854001 38 v 01 sluice 1 002 @ 01953810 v 0000 + 04244379 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | transport in or send down a sluice; "sluice logs"
01854132 38 v 02 draw 0 take_out 0 014 @ 00173338 v 0000 + 00392093 n 0101 ^ 01630532 v 0105 ~ 00194170 v 0000 ~ 01853310 v 0000 ~ 01853542 v 0000 ~ 01853882 v 0000 ~ 01854519 v 0000 ~ 01854888 v 0000 ~ 01855058 v 0000 ~ 01987936 v 0000 $ 01995211 v 0000 $ 02311387 v 0000 $ 02742107 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | take liquid out of a container or well; "She drew water from the barrel"
01854519 38 v 01 tap 4 004 $ 02360274 v 0000 @ 01854132 v 0000 + 04390977 n 0101 + 10691764 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | draw (liquor) from a tap; "tap beer in a bar"
01854679 38 v 01 suction 0 003 $ 00073584 v 0000 + 00842692 n 0103 + 11517494 n 0101 01 + 22 00 | remove or draw away by the force of suction; "the doctors had to suction the water from the patient's lungs"
01854888 38 v 01 suck 0 003 @ 01854132 v 0000 + 00842692 n 0102 + 00842692 n 0103 01 + 01 00 | draw something in by or as if by a vacuum; "Mud was sucking at her feet"
01855058 38 v 01 rack 1 001 @ 01854132 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | draw off from the lees; "rack wine"
01855155 38 v 02 transplant 0 transfer 5 008 @ 02013571 v 0000 + 10724699 n 0201 + 10724699 n 0202 + 00331102 n 0101 + 00331102 n 0102 + 10725613 n 0101 + 00331102 n 0103 $ 02753255 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | lift and reset in another soil or situation; "Transplant the young rice plants"
01855447 38 v 01 scan 0 003 @ 01850315 v 0000 + 04143140 n 0101 + 13553083 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | move a light beam over; in electronics, to reproduce an image
01855606 38 v 01 move 2 010 + 00168658 n 0101 + 00279835 n 0102 + 10335931 n 0101 ! 01857392 v 0101 ~ 00414627 v 0000 ~ 01855982 v 0000 ~ 01856211 v 0000 ~ 01856450 v 0000 ~ 01856626 v 0000 ~ 01857093 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | change residence, affiliation, or place of employment; "We moved from Idaho to Nebraska"; "The basketball player moved from one team to another"
01855982 38 v 01 move_in 0 002 @ 01855606 v 0000 ! 01856211 v 0101 01 + 02 00 | move into a new house or office
01856096 38 v 01 move_in 2 001 @ 02648639 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | occupy a place; "The crowds are moving in"
01856211 38 v 01 move_out 0 003 @ 01855606 v 0000 ! 01855982 v 0101 ~ 01856350 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | move out of one's old house or office
01856350 38 v 01 clear_out 0 001 @ 01856211 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | move out and leave nothing behind
01856450 38 v 01 evacuate 1 002 @ 01855606 v 0000 + 00054821 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | move out of an unsafe location into safety; "After the earthquake, residents were evacuated"
01856626 38 v 02 migrate 0 transmigrate 0 011 @ 01855606 v 0000 + 02127815 a 0102 + 07966421 n 0101 + 01123095 n 0101 + 10314952 n 0101 + 10314952 n 0102 + 01318478 n 0101 ~ 00413432 v 0000 ~ 00415967 v 0000 ~ 00416135 v 0000 $ 01857093 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | move from one country or region to another and settle there; "Many Germans migrated to South America in the mid-19th century"; "This tribe transmigrated many times over the centuries"
01857093 38 v 01 migrate 1 006 $ 01856626 v 0000 @ 01855606 v 0000 + 02127815 a 0102 + 02129007 a 0101 + 02127815 a 0101 + 07312616 n 0101 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | move periodically or seasonally; "birds migrate in the Winter"; "The workers migrate to where the crops need harvesting"
01857392 38 v 04 stay 0 stick 0 stick_around 0 stay_put 0 003 @ 01848355 v 0000 + 01053617 n 0101 ! 01855606 v 0101 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | stay put (in a certain place); "We are staying in Detroit; we are not moving to Cincinnati"; "Stay put in the corner here!"; "Stick around and you will learn something!"
01857717 38 v 02 start 1 start_up 0 008 > 01864230 v 0000 + 00242431 n 0201 ! 01859221 v 0101 ~ 01858016 v 0000 ~ 01858167 v 0000 ~ 01858686 v 0000 ~ 01858796 v 0000 ~ 01859050 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | get going or set in motion; "We simply could not start the engine"; "start up the computer"
01858016 38 v 01 kick-start 0 003 @ 01857717 v 0000 + 03616763 n 0101 + 03616763 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | start (a motorcycle) by means of a kick starter
01858167 38 v 01 hot-wire 1 001 @ 01857717 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | start (a car engine) without a key by bypassing the ignition interlock; "The woman who lost the car keys had to hot-wire her van"
01858362 38 v 02 rein 1 rein_in 1 003 @ 01859221 v 0000 + 04072551 n 0101 ~ 01858573 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | stop or check by or as if by a pull at the reins; "He reined in his horses in front of the post office"
01858573 38 v 01 pull 4 001 @ 01858362 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | rein in to keep from winning a race; "pull a horse"
01858686 38 v 02 restart 0 re-start 0 001 @ 01857717 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | start an engine again, for example
01858796 38 v 02 crank 0 crank_up 0 001 @ 01857717 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | start by cranking; "crank up the engine"
01858910 38 v 01 round 0 002 @ 01835496 v 0000 + 03032811 n 0102 01 + 11 00 | wind around; move along a circular course; "round the bend"
01859050 38 v 03 jumpstart 0 jump-start 0 jump 7 001 @ 01857717 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | start (a car engine whose battery is dead) by connecting it to another car's battery
01859221 38 v 01 stop 1 014 > 01860795 v 0000 + 07365849 n 0101 + 01076046 n 0102 ! 01857717 v 0101 ~ 00354634 v 0000 ~ 01858362 v 0000 ~ 01859586 v 0000 ~ 01859854 v 0000 ~ 01859995 v 0000 ~ 01860620 v 0000 ~ 01862496 v 0000 ~ 01862640 v 0000 ~ 01863410 v 0000 ~ 01863593 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | cause to stop; "stop a car"; "stop the thief"
01859586 38 v 03 halt 5 hold 5 arrest 0 006 @ 01859221 v 0000 + 02742468 n 0301 + 15272029 n 0202 + 07365849 n 0102 + 01063697 n 0102 + 14010927 n 0103 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | cause to stop; "Halt the engines"; "Arrest the progress"; "halt the presses"
01859854 38 v 01 bring_up 2 001 @ 01859221 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | cause to come to a sudden stop; "The noise brought her up in shock"
01859995 38 v 01 cut 0 002 @ 01859221 v 0000 $ 01860107 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | stop filming; "cut a movie scene"
01860107 38 v 01 cut 1 005 $ 01859995 v 0000 @ 00550117 v 0000 + 00945205 n 0102 ^ 01860485 v 0101 ~ 01860320 v 0000 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | make an abrupt change of image or sound; "cut from one scene to another"
01860320 38 v 01 cut_away 0 001 @ 01860107 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | move quickly to another scene or focus when filming; "`cut away now!' the director shouted"
01860485 38 v 01 cut_to 0 001 @ 01831531 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | move to another scene when filming; "The camera cut to the sky"
01860620 38 v 01 flag_down 0 001 @ 01859221 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | signal to stop; "Let's flag down a cab--it's starting to rain"; "The policeman flagged down our car"
01860795 38 v 02 stop 0 halt 1 016 + 14010927 n 0203 + 01063697 n 0202 + 07365849 n 0202 + 07365849 n 0101 ! 01864230 v 0101 ~ 01526792 v 0000 ~ 01861230 v 0000 ~ 01861403 v 0000 ~ 01861622 v 0000 ~ 01861767 v 0000 ~ 01862090 v 0000 ~ 01862340 v 0000 ~ 01862776 v 0000 ~ 01863158 v 0000 ~ 01863817 v 0000 ~ 01987058 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | come to a halt, stop moving; "the car stopped"; "She stopped in front of a store window"
01861230 38 v 01 pull_up_short 0 002 @ 01860795 v 0000 ;c 00298497 n 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | stop abruptly; "The police car pulled up short and then turned around fast"
01861403 38 v 01 check f 004 @ 01860795 v 0000 + 14010927 n 0102 $ 01861622 v 0000 $ 01861767 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | stop for a moment, as if out of uncertainty or caution; "She checked for an instant and missed a step"
01861622 38 v 01 check c 002 $ 01861403 v 0000 @ 01860795 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | stop in a chase especially when scent is lost; "The dog checked"
01861767 38 v 01 check e 003 $ 01861403 v 0000 @ 01860795 v 0000 ;c 05635448 n 0000 01 + 01 00 | abandon the intended prey, turn, and pursue an inferior prey
01861927 38 v 01 turn_on_a_dime 0 002 @ 01907258 v 0000 ;c 00298497 n 0000 01 + 01 00 | have a small turning radius; "My little subcompact car turns on a dime!"
01862090 38 v 02 rein 0 rein_in 0 003 @ 01860795 v 0000 ;c 00298497 n 0000 + 04072551 n 0101 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | stop or slow up one's horse or oneself by or as if by pulling the reins; "They reined in in front of the post office"
01862340 38 v 02 stall 0 conk 0 003 @ 01860795 v 0000 ;c 00298497 n 0000 + 07318824 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | come to a stop; "The car stalled in the driveway"
01862496 38 v 01 stall 1 001 @ 01859221 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause an engine to stop; "The inexperienced driver kept stalling the car"
01862640 38 v 01 stall 2 003 @ 01859221 v 0000 ;c 00300441 n 0000 + 07318824 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | cause an airplane to go into a stall
01862776 38 v 01 stall 4 003 @ 01860795 v 0000 ;c 00300441 n 0000 + 07318824 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | experience a stall in flight, of airplanes
01862918 38 v 02 stop 2 stop_over 0 005 @ 00778275 v 0000 + 08656893 n 0101 + 01056411 n 0101 ~ 02487901 v 0000 ~ 02652922 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | interrupt a trip; "we stopped at Aunt Mary's house"; "they stopped for three days in Florence"
01863158 38 v 03 draw_up 0 pull_up 2 haul_up 0 003 $ 01863410 v 0000 @ 01860795 v 0000 ;c 00298497 n 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | come to a halt after driving somewhere; "The Rolls pulled up on pour front lawn"; "The chauffeur hauled up in front of us"
01863410 38 v 02 draw_up 1 pull_up 1 003 $ 01863158 v 0000 @ 01859221 v 0000 ;c 00298497 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | cause (a vehicle) to stop; "He pulled up the car in front of the hotel"
01863593 38 v 01 brake 0 005 @ 01859221 v 0000 ;c 00298497 n 0000 + 02889425 n 0101 $ 01863817 v 0000 ~ 01871217 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to stop by applying the brakes; "brake the car before you go into a curve"
01863817 38 v 01 brake 1 004 $ 01863593 v 0000 @ 01860795 v 0000 ;c 00298497 n 0000 + 02889425 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | stop travelling by applying a brake; "We had to brake suddenly when a chicken crossed the road"
01864038 38 v 02 ply 0 run 9 004 @ 01843055 v 0000 + 00308871 n 0201 + 10442093 n 0101 $ 02242256 v 0000 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | travel a route regularly; "Ships ply the waters near the coast"
01864230 38 v 03 start 0 go 9 get_going 0 003 ! 01860795 v 0101 ~ 01526605 v 0000 ~ 01864438 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 08 00 | begin or set in motion; "I start at eight in the morning"; "Ready, set, go!"
01864438 38 v 02 get_off_the_ground 0 take_off 1 001 @ 01864230 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | get started or set in motion, used figuratively; "the project took a long time to get off the ground"
01864634 38 v 03 lurch 0 pitch 3 shift 3 006 @ 01831531 v 0000 + 00331655 n 0301 + 00337210 n 0202 + 00337210 n 0203 + 00290276 n 0101 + 00337210 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | move abruptly; "The ship suddenly lurched to the left"
01864865 38 v 02 jolt 0 jar 0 004 @ 01831531 v 0000 + 07339098 n 0202 + 00335988 n 0103 + 07339098 n 0101 03 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 08 00 | move or cause to move with a sudden jerky motion
01865051 38 v 03 jar 1 shake_up 0 bump_around 0 001 @ 01850315 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | shock physically; "Georgia was shaken up in the Tech game"
01865203 38 v 01 duck 0 001 @ 01831531 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 08 00 | to move (the head or body) quickly downwards or away; "Before he could duck, another stone struck him"
01865383 38 v 01 bob 0 004 @ 01831531 v 0000 + 02860063 n 0102 ~ 01865575 v 0000 ~ 01865866 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | move up and down repeatedly; "her rucksack bobbed gently on her back"
01865575 38 v 01 dabble 1 001 @ 01865383 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | bob forward and under so as to feed off the bottom of a body of water; "dabbling ducks"
01865726 38 v 01 dandle 0 002 @ 01850315 v 0000 ;u 06288527 n 0000 01 + 09 00 | move (a baby) up and down in one's arms or on one's knees
01865866 38 v 02 bob_around 0 bob_about 0 001 @ 01865383 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | move up and down with no specific path; "the cork bobbed around in the pool"
01866030 38 v 02 wallow 0 welter 0 003 @ 01831531 v 0000 + 09474557 n 0101 + 07442874 n 0101 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | roll around, "pigs were wallowing in the mud"
01866192 38 v 02 roll 0 turn_over 3 008 @ 01907258 v 0000 + 07441619 n 0103 + 04101701 n 0101 + 04101497 n 0101 ^ 01966706 v 0102 ^ 01867816 v 0101 ~ 01866497 v 0000 $ 01866610 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | move by turning over or rotating; "The child rolled down the hill"; "turn over on your left side"
01866497 38 v 01 rim 0 001 @ 01866192 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | roll around the rim of; "the ball rimmed the basket"
01866610 38 v 02 roll b revolve 2 004 $ 01866192 v 0000 @ 01850315 v 0000 + 07441619 n 0103 ~ 01866872 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cause to move by turning over or in a circular manner of as if on an axis; "She rolled the ball"; "They rolled their eyes at his words"
01866872 38 v 01 transit 2 002 @ 01866610 v 0000 + 04419073 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | revolve (the telescope of a surveying transit) about its horizontal transverse axis in order to reverse its direction
01867072 38 v 01 transit 3 001 @ 02050132 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 11 00 | pass across (a sign or house of the zodiac) or pass across (the disk of a celestial body or the meridian of a place); "The comet will transit on September 11"
01867303 38 v 01 transpose 0 002 @ 02012344 v 0000 + 00869260 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | transfer a quantity from one side of an equation to the other side reversing its sign, in order to maintain equality
01867504 38 v 03 tramp_down 0 trample 4 tread_down 0 003 @ 01904930 v 0000 + 07398659 n 0201 + 10723474 n 0201 01 + 08 00 | walk on and flatten; "tramp down the grass"; "trample the flowers"
01867697 38 v 01 somersault 0 003 @ 01867816 v 0000 + 00439484 n 0105 + 00439484 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | do a somersault
01867816 38 v 01 roll_over 0 004 @ 01907258 v 0000 ~ 01867697 v 0000 ~ 01867997 v 0000 ~ 02086260 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | make a rolling motion or turn; "The dog rolled over"
01867997 38 v 01 tumble 4 003 @ 01867816 v 0000 + 04497005 n 0101 + 01814755 n 0102 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | roll over and over, back and forth
01868139 38 v 01 trundle 0 001 @ 01835496 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | move heavily; "the streetcar trundled down the avenue"
01868258 38 v 02 waver 0 weave 1 002 @ 01877355 v 0000 + 00348571 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | sway to and fro
01868370 38 v 06 writhe 0 wrestle 0 wriggle 0 worm 0 squirm 0 twist 1 008 @ 01831531 v 0000 + 07351909 n 0601 + 11519450 n 0602 + 10781236 n 0503 + 00349705 n 0503 + 10781236 n 0302 + 00349705 n 0302 ~ 01868780 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | to move in a twisting or contorted motion, (especially when struggling); "The prisoner writhed in discomfort"; "The child tried to wriggle free from his aunt's embrace"
01868780 38 v 01 wrench 0 002 @ 01868370 v 0000 + 07351909 n 0102 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | make a sudden twisting motion
01868899 38 v 01 wreathe 0 000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | move with slow, sinuous movements
01869003 38 v 02 wobble 0 coggle 1 003 @ 01831531 v 0000 + 07364700 n 0101 + 04596630 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | move unsteadily; "His knees wobbled"; "The old cart wobbled down the street"
01869196 38 v 02 sidle 0 sashay 1 002 @ 01831531 v 0000 + 00534152 n 0202 01 + 22 00 | move sideways
01869299 38 v 01 sidle 1 001 @ 01831531 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | move unobtrusively or furtively; "The young man began to sidle near the pretty girl sitting on the log"
01869465 38 v 01 pronk 0 001 @ 01963942 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | jump straight up; "kangaroos pronk"
01869563 38 v 02 sweep 0 sail 1 006 @ 01831531 v 0000 ^ 02522581 v 0205 + 00345149 n 0101 ^ 02522581 v 0104 ~ 01869893 v 0000 $ 01870043 v 0000 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | move with sweeping, effortless, gliding motions; "The diva swept into the room"; "Shreds of paper sailed through the air"; "The searchlights swept across the sky"
01869893 38 v 01 swan 1 001 @ 01869563 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | sweep majestically; "Airplanes were swanning over the mountains"
01870043 38 v 02 brush 0 sweep 1 004 $ 01869563 v 0000 @ 01831531 v 0000 + 00345149 n 0201 $ 01240720 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | sweep across or over; "Her long skirt brushed the floor"; "A gasp swept cross the audience"
01870275 38 v 05 skid 0 slip 0 slue 1 slew 1 slide 1 011 @ 01887576 v 0000 + 00328502 n 0501 + 04238128 n 0501 + 07404944 n 0501 + 00109081 n 0501 + 00329031 n 0202 ^ 00618057 v 0202 + 00329031 n 0101 ~ 01870674 v 0000 ~ 01870867 v 0000 ~ 01871042 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | move obliquely or sideways, usually in an uncontrolled manner; "the wheels skidded against the sidewalk"
01870674 38 v 01 submarine 0 001 @ 01870275 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | move forward or under in a sliding motion; "The child was injured when he submarined under the safety belt of the car"
01870867 38 v 01 skid 3 003 @ 01870275 v 0000 + 00329031 n 0101 + 10605088 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | slide without control; "the car skidded in the curve on the wet road"
01871042 38 v 01 side-slip 0 001 @ 01870275 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | slide sideways through the air in a downward direction in an airplane along an inclined lateral axis
01871217 38 v 01 skid 1 002 @ 01863593 v 0000 + 02890940 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | apply a brake or skid to
01871321 38 v 02 wamble 0 waggle 1 002 @ 01831531 v 0000 + 00347652 n 0202 02 + 01 00 + 22 00 | move unsteadily or with a weaving or rolling motion
01871471 38 v 01 chop 0 001 @ 01831531 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | move suddenly
01871546 38 v 02 shimmy 0 wobble 1 001 @ 01891249 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | tremble or shake; "His voice wobbled with restrained emotion"
01871680 38 v 02 jostle 0 shove 0 007 @ 01871979 v 0000 + 00113726 n 0201 + 10495421 n 0202 + 00114095 n 0101 + 00114095 n 0102 ~ 01873942 v 0000 ~ 01874071 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 | come into rough contact with while moving; "The passengers jostled each other in the overcrowded train"
01871979 38 v 02 push 0 force 0 029 * 01447257 v 0000 * 01831531 v 0000 @ 01850315 v 0000 + 00842324 a 0201 + 11458624 n 0201 ^ 02013840 v 0201 ^ 02056466 v 0203 + 11498203 n 0101 + 00112312 n 0101 + 02766534 n 0109 + 00112312 n 0102 ! 01448100 v 0101 ~ 01231252 v 0000 ~ 01447632 v 0000 ~ 01506157 v 0000 ~ 01584701 v 0000 ~ 01591158 v 0000 ~ 01871680 v 0000 $ 01872645 v 0000 ~ 01873051 v 0000 ~ 01873157 v 0000 ~ 01873294 v 0000 ~ 01873417 v 0000 ~ 01873530 v 0000 ~ 01899262 v 0000 ~ 01939553 v 0000 ~ 01993668 v 0000 ~ 02094569 v 0000 ~ 02097047 v 0000 06 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 + 22 00 | move with force, "He pushed the table into a corner"
01872645 38 v 01 push 2 004 $ 01871979 v 0000 @ 01447257 v 0000 + 00112312 n 0101 $ 01872877 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | press against forcefully without moving; "she pushed against the wall with all her strength"
01872877 38 v 01 push 8 003 $ 01872645 v 0000 @ 01835496 v 0000 + 00112312 n 0101 03 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 | move strenuously and with effort; "The crowd pushed forward"
01873051 38 v 01 nose 0 002 @ 01871979 v 0000 + 05598147 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | push or move with the nose
01873157 38 v 03 push_out 0 obtrude 0 thrust_out 0 002 @ 01871979 v 0000 + 01353866 a 0201 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | push to thrust outward
01873294 38 v 02 push_aside 0 push_away 0 001 @ 01871979 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | push out of the way
01873417 38 v 01 muscle_into 0 001 @ 01871979 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | force one's way; "He muscled into the union"
01873530 38 v 01 push_up 0 003 @ 01871979 v 0000 ~ 01873666 v 0000 ~ 01873784 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | push upward
01873666 38 v 01 uplift 0 003 @ 01873530 v 0000 + 04514241 n 0101 + 07376008 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | lift up or elevate
01873784 38 v 01 boost_up 0 001 @ 01873530 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | push upward; "She pushed up her children when the policeman came by"
01873942 38 v 01 elbow 0 003 @ 01871680 v 0000 + 05579944 n 0101 + 00114298 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | push one's way with the elbows
01874071 38 v 01 shoulder_in 0 001 @ 01871680 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | push one's way in with one's shoulders
01874178 38 v 01 waft 0 001 @ 01902783 v 0000 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | be driven or carried along, as by the air; "Sounds wafted into the room"
01874320 38 v 01 tide 2 002 @ 01902783 v 0000 + 07402519 n 0101 01 + 04 00 | be carried with the tide
01874424 38 v 01 tide 3 004 > 01874320 v 0000 @ 01874568 v 0000 + 07402519 n 0101 ^ 02623346 v 0101 01 + 11 00 | cause to float with the tide
01874568 38 v 01 float 2 009 @ 01953810 v 0000 + 03364340 n 0101 + 11527967 n 0102 + 11527967 n 0101 $ 01514887 v 0000 ~ 01874424 v 0000 ~ 01874875 v 0000 ~ 01875036 v 0000 $ 01904293 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | set afloat; "He floated the logs down the river"; "The boy floated his toy boat on the pond"
01874875 38 v 01 drift 6 003 $ 01902783 v 0000 @ 01874568 v 0000 + 11447851 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | cause to be carried by a current; "drift the boats downstream"
01875036 38 v 01 refloat 0 001 @ 01874568 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | set afloat again; "refloat a grounded boat"
01875144 38 v 01 travel_purposefully 0 001 @ 01835496 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | travel volitionally and in a certain direction with a certain goal
01875295 38 v 03 rock 0 sway 0 shake 2 011 @ 01876530 v 0000 + 00347652 n 0303 + 00348008 n 0203 + 05194043 n 0201 + 04099969 n 0102 + 00348008 n 0101 ~ 01875684 v 0000 $ 01876028 v 0000 ~ 01876311 v 0000 ~ 01876434 v 0000 ~ 01919042 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | move back and forth or sideways; "the ship was rocking"; "the tall building swayed"; "She rocked back and forth on her feet"
01875684 38 v 01 roll c 001 @ 01875295 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | move, rock, or sway from side to side; "The ship rolled on the heavy seas"
01875820 38 v 01 reciprocate 0 004 @ 01831531 v 0000 + 01946595 a 0102 + 00341435 n 0101 + 01946595 a 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | alternate the direction of motion of; "the engine reciprocates the propeller"
01876028 38 v 02 rock 6 sway 6 006 $ 01875295 v 0000 @ 01850315 v 0000 + 00348008 n 0203 + 10536021 n 0101 + 00348008 n 0101 + 04098513 n 0101 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | cause to move back and forth; "rock the cradle"; "rock the baby"; "the wind swayed the trees gently"
01876311 38 v 01 nutate 0 002 @ 01875295 v 0000 + 00336561 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | rock, sway, or nod; usually involuntarily
01876434 38 v 01 swag 0 001 @ 01875295 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | sway heavily or unsteadily
01876530 38 v 01 move_back_and_forth 0 004 @ 01831531 v 0000 ~ 01875295 v 0000 ~ 01877355 v 0000 ~ 01878719 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 22 00 | move in one direction and then into the opposite direction
01876735 38 v 01 cradle 0 002 @ 01216670 v 0000 + 03125729 n 0101 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 | hold or place in or as if in a cradle; "He cradled the infant in his arms"
01876907 38 v 03 fluctuate 0 vacillate 0 waver 1 007 @ 00557216 v 0000 + 00348571 n 0301 + 04770911 n 0302 + 00327824 n 0203 + 07346057 n 0101 + 07337390 n 0102 $ 01877204 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | move or sway in a rising and falling or wavelike pattern; "the line on the monitor vacillated"
01877204 38 v 01 fluctuate 3 003 $ 01876907 v 0000 @ 01850315 v 0000 + 07346057 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | cause to fluctuate or move in a wavelike pattern
01877355 38 v 02 swing 0 sway 1 008 @ 01876530 v 0000 + 00348008 n 0203 + 00327824 n 0101 + 10683801 n 0101 ~ 01868258 v 0000 ~ 01877946 v 0000 ~ 01878063 v 0000 ~ 01891489 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 22 00 | move or walk in a swinging or swaying manner; "He swung back"
01877620 38 v 01 swing 3 002 @ 01835496 v 0000 + 00327824 n 0101 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | change direction with a swinging motion; turn; "swing back"; "swing forward"
01877785 38 v 01 nod 0 001 @ 01831531 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | sway gently back and forth, as in a nodding motion; "the flowers were nodding in the breeze"
01877946 38 v 01 lash 4 001 @ 01877355 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | lash or flick about sharply; "The lion lashed its tail"
01878063 38 v 02 oscillate 0 vibrate 1 009 @ 01877355 v 0000 + 04533199 n 0201 + 07345166 n 0202 + 00345926 n 0201 + 01967917 a 0101 + 07341038 n 0102 + 07345166 n 0101 ~ 01878376 v 0000 ~ 01878566 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | move or swing from side to side regularly; "the needle on the meter was oscillating"
01878376 38 v 01 hunt 5 001 @ 01878063 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | oscillate about a desired speed, position, or state to an undesirable extent; "The oscillator hunts about the correct frequency"
01878566 38 v 01 librate 0 002 @ 01878063 v 0000 + 13507617 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | vibrate before coming to a total rest; "the children's swing librated"
01878719 38 v 05 flicker 0 waver 2 flitter 0 flutter 1 quiver 4 005 @ 01876530 v 0000 + 00348571 n 0402 + 07439284 n 0404 + 00348571 n 0201 + 00348571 n 0103 01 + 04 00 | move back and forth very rapidly; "the candle flickered"
01878949 38 v 03 swing_around 0 swing_about 0 turn_around 0 002 @ 01907258 v 0000 + 07411160 n 0302 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | turn abruptly and face the other way, either physically or metaphorically; "He turned around to face his opponent"; "My conscience told me to turn around before I made a mistake"
01879251 38 v 03 pulsate 0 throb 1 pulse 0 008 @ 01880113 v 0000 + 15280695 n 0301 + 07400906 n 0301 + 07401726 n 0201 + 07400906 n 0102 + 15280695 n 0101 + 07400906 n 0101 $ 01879579 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | expand and contract rhythmically; beat rhythmically; "The baby's heart was pulsating again after the surgeon massaged it"
01879579 38 v 03 pulsate 1 beat d quiver 3 002 $ 01879251 v 0000 @ 01831531 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | move with or as if with a regular alternating motion; "the city pulsated with music and excitement"
01879777 38 v 01 pulse 1 002 > 01879251 v 0000 @ 01850315 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | drive by or as if by pulsation; "A soft breeze pulsed the air"
01879928 38 v 02 palpitate 0 flutter 0 005 @ 01880113 v 0000 + 14111355 n 0201 + 02304322 a 0101 + 14335097 n 0101 $ 01889392 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | beat rapidly; "His heart palpitated"
01880113 38 v 03 beat 0 pound 0 thump 0 009 $ 01880673 v 0000 @ 01831531 v 0000 + 07401726 n 0203 + 07086518 n 0102 + 07400906 n 0104 ~ 01879251 v 0000 ~ 01879928 v 0000 ~ 01880390 v 0000 ~ 01880888 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | move rhythmically; "Her heart was beating fast"
01880390 38 v 01 thrash a 001 @ 01880113 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | beat so fast that (the heart's) output starts dropping until (it) does not manage to pump out blood at all
01880560 38 v 03 beat_out 0 tap_out 0 thump_out 0 001 @ 01880673 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | beat out a rhythm
01880673 38 v 01 beat 3 005 $ 02174830 v 0000 $ 01726879 v 0000 + 07086518 n 0102 $ 01880113 v 0000 ~ 01880560 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | indicate by beating, as with the fingers or drumsticks; "Beat the rhythm"
01880888 38 v 01 flap 0 003 @ 01880113 v 0000 + 07439284 n 0101 + 07439284 n 0102 01 + 01 00 | move noisily; "flags flapped in the strong wind"
01881034 38 v 03 teeter 0 seesaw 2 totter 0 002 @ 01831531 v 0000 + 04167759 n 0201 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | move unsteadily, with a rocking motion
01881180 38 v 0c roll 9 wander 0 swan 0 stray 1 tramp 2 roam 0 cast 1 ramble 1 rove 0 range 0 drift 1 vagabond 0 019 @ 01835496 v 0000 + 10744544 n 0c04 + 09468237 n 0c01 + 00297062 n 0c03 + 10744544 n 0b02 + 00297404 n 0b01 + 00297062 n 0902 + 00284409 n 0801 + 10506220 n 0801 + 10765679 n 0602 + 10176111 n 0502 + 02122580 n 0401 + 10660729 n 0402 + 10765679 n 0201 + 00297062 n 0201 ~ 01882081 v 0000 ~ 01882689 v 0000 $ 01925694 v 0000 $ 02102840 v 0000 04 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 08 00 + 22 00 | move about aimlessly or without any destination, often in search of food or employment; "The gypsies roamed the woods"; "roving vagabonds"; "the wandering Jew"; "The cattle roam across the prairie"; "the laborers drift from one town to the next"; "They rolled from town to town"
01881957 38 v 01 tramp 3 002 @ 01912159 v 0000 + 10176111 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | cross on foot; "We had to tramp the creeks"
01882081 38 v 01 maunder 0 001 @ 01881180 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | wander aimlessly
01882170 38 v 02 walk 4 take_the_air 0 007 @ 01835496 v 0000 + 05003090 n 0101 + 04544979 n 0101 + 00284798 n 0101 + 00283568 n 0101 ~ 01882479 v 0000 $ 01904930 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | take a walk; go for a walk; walk for pleasure; "The lovers held hands while walking"; "We like to walk every Sunday"
01882479 38 v 01 constitutionalize 0 002 @ 01882170 v 0000 + 00284544 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | take a walk for one's health or to aid digestion, as after a meal; "A good way of exercising is to constitutionalize"
01882689 38 v 03 gallivant 0 gad 0 jazz_around 0 001 @ 01881180 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | wander aimlessly in search of pleasure
01882814 38 v 05 weave 0 wind 0 thread 0 meander 0 wander 1 006 $ 02102840 v 0000 @ 01835496 v 0000 + 09349648 n 0401 + 09409203 n 0302 + 00284409 n 0402 ~ 01883210 v 0000 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | to move or cause to move in a sinuous, spiral, or circular course; "the river winds through the hills"; "the path meanders through the vineyards"; "sometimes, the gout wanders through the entire body"
01883210 38 v 01 snake 0 001 @ 01882814 v 0000 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | move along a winding path; "The army snaked through the jungle"
01883344 38 v 03 shift 0 dislodge 0 reposition 0 004 @ 01850315 v 0000 + 00331655 n 0101 + 00331655 n 0102 ~ 01883550 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 22 00 | change place or direction; "Shift one's position"
01883550 38 v 01 beat_down 0 001 @ 01883344 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | dislodge from a position; "She beat the dealer down to a much better price"
01883716 38 v 0c frolic 0 lark 0 rollick 0 skylark 0 disport 0 sport 0 cavort 0 gambol 0 frisk 0 romp 0 run_around 0 lark_about 0 007 @ 02418686 v 0000 + 00511817 n 0a03 + 10538154 n 0a01 + 00511817 n 0804 + 00523513 n 0601 + 00429322 n 0202 + 00511817 n 0102 01 + 22 00 | play boisterously; "The children frolicked in the garden"; "the gamboling lambs in the meadows"; "The toddlers romped in the playroom"
01884126 38 v 03 forge 0 spurt 0 spirt 0 001 @ 01835496 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | move or act with a sudden increase in speed or energy
01884266 38 v 01 forge 1 001 @ 01992503 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 22 00 | move ahead steadily; "He forged ahead"
01884383 38 v 03 buck 0 jerk 1 hitch 2 003 @ 01831531 v 0000 + 00335988 n 0201 + 01888264 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | jump vertically, with legs stiff and back arched; "the yung filly bucked"
01884577 38 v 05 cant 0 cant_over 0 tilt 1 slant 1 pitch 2 008 @ 01831531 v 0000 + 05069199 n 0501 + 05069199 n 0403 + 00348008 n 0304 + 04435870 n 0301 + 09213828 n 0102 + 02833576 n 0102 ~ 01884868 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 08 00 | heel over; "The tower is tilting"; "The ceiling is slanting"
01884868 38 v 01 cock 1 001 @ 01884577 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | tilt or slant to one side; "cock one's head"
01884974 38 v 04 careen 0 wobble 2 shift 4 tilt 2 006 @ 01831531 v 0000 + 00348008 n 0404 + 00331655 n 0301 + 07364700 n 0201 + 04596630 n 0201 + 00348008 n 0102 03 + 01 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | move sideways or in an unsteady way; "The ship careened out of control"
01885239 38 v 02 scend 0 surge 4 002 @ 01968569 v 0000 + 07348545 n 0202 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | rise or heave upward under the influence of a natural force such as a wave; "the boats surged"
01885430 38 v 04 churn 0 boil 0 moil 0 roil 0 002 @ 01831531 v 0000 ~ 00324427 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | be agitated; "the sea was churning in the storm"
01885580 38 v 01 fan 0 003 @ 01889610 v 0000 + 03320046 n 0101 ~ 01885708 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 | agitate the air
01885708 38 v 01 winnow 0 001 @ 01885580 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | blow on; "The wind was winnowing her hair"; "the wind winnowed the grass"
01885845 38 v 02 crawl 0 creep 0 011 @ 01835496 v 0000 + 07312503 n 0201 + 00294868 n 0203 + 09976119 n 0202 + 00294868 n 0204 + 00294868 n 0101 + 00330035 n 0101 + 09976119 n 0101 + 01935395 n 0108 + 00294868 n 0102 ~ 01886228 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 22 00 | move slowly; in the case of people or animals with the body near the ground; "The crocodile was crawling along the riverbed"
01886228 38 v 01 formicate 0 002 @ 01885845 v 0000 + 14325006 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | crawl about like ants
01886334 38 v 01 scramble 0 003 @ 01835496 v 0000 + 00556142 n 0102 + 10563403 n 0101 01 + 22 00 | to move hurriedly; "The friend scrambled after them"
01886488 38 v 02 slither 0 slide 0 004 @ 01835496 v 0000 + 10275940 n 0202 ^ 01988886 v 0202 ^ 02072849 v 0208 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | to pass or move unobtrusively or smoothly; "They slid through the wicket in the big gate"
01886728 38 v 01 coast 0 004 @ 01887576 v 0000 + 00328502 n 0103 + 09932616 n 0101 ~ 01886907 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | move effortlessly; by force of gravity
01886907 38 v 01 freewheel 0 001 @ 01886728 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | coast in a vehicle using the freewheel
01887020 38 v 02 wheel 2 roll 1 007 @ 01835496 v 0000 + 07441619 n 0203 + 00122530 n 0202 + 04574999 n 0101 + 00122530 n 0101 ~ 01887324 v 0000 ~ 01887454 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | move along on or as if on wheels or a wheeled vehicle; "The President's convoy rolled past the crowds"
01887324 38 v 01 bowl 0 004 @ 01887020 v 0000 ;c 00041740 n 0000 + 02881546 n 0101 + 09869961 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | roll (a ball)
01887454 38 v 01 troll 0 001 @ 01887020 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cause to move round and round; "The child trolled her hoop"
01887576 38 v 01 glide 0 013 @ 01835496 v 0000 + 00328502 n 0102 + 03439814 n 0101 ^ 02072849 v 0105 ~ 01870275 v 0000 ~ 01886728 v 0000 ~ 01888048 v 0000 ~ 01888165 v 0000 ~ 01936753 v 0000 ~ 01942718 v 0000 ~ 01948077 v 0000 ~ 01948339 v 0000 ~ 02104860 v 0000 03 + 04 00 + 21 00 + 22 00 | move smoothly and effortlessly
01887901 38 v 01 glide 2 002 @ 01850315 v 0000 + 00328502 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to move or pass silently, smoothly, or imperceptibly
01888048 38 v 01 skitter 1 001 @ 01887576 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | glide easily along a surface
01888165 38 v 01 snake 1 002 @ 01887576 v 0000 + 04248010 n 0101 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | move smoothly and sinuously, like a snake
01888295 38 v 02 steal 0 slip 1 006 @ 01831531 v 0000 + 00329031 n 0202 + 00059376 n 0201 ^ 02072849 v 0206 + 01051082 n 0102 ^ 02076027 v 0102 01 + 22 00 | move stealthily; "The ship slipped away in the darkness"
01888511 38 v 01 tremble 0 006 @ 01889610 v 0000 + 00867983 n 0101 + 10498046 n 0102 + 14004572 n 0103 ~ 01888946 v 0000 ~ 01889129 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | move or jerk quickly and involuntarily up and down or sideways; "His hands were trembling when he signed the document"
01888784 38 v 02 tremor 0 quake 2 003 @ 01889610 v 0000 + 07428954 n 0202 + 07429484 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | shake with seismic vibrations; "The earth was quaking"
01888946 38 v 04 shudder 0 shiver 0 throb 0 thrill 0 003 @ 01888511 v 0000 + 07520112 n 0202 + 00348801 n 0102 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | tremble convulsively, as from fear or excitement
01889129 38 v 03 quiver 0 quake 1 palpitate 1 007 @ 01888511 v 0000 + 02304322 a 0301 + 14004572 n 0307 + 10498046 n 0201 + 00345926 n 0102 + 14004572 n 0104 + 14004572 n 0105 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | shake with fast, tremulous movements; "His nostrils palpitated"
01889392 38 v 01 palpitate 2 004 $ 01879928 v 0000 @ 01889610 v 0000 + 02304322 a 0101 + 14335097 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to throb or beat rapidly; "Her violent feelings palpitated the young woman's heart"
01889610 38 v 02 shake 0 agitate 1 016 @ 01831531 v 0000 + 00347652 n 0103 + 04183329 n 0101 + 00347180 n 0101 ~ 01391946 v 0000 ~ 01885580 v 0000 ~ 01888511 v 0000 ~ 01888784 v 0000 ~ 01889392 v 0000 ~ 01890088 v 0000 ~ 01890223 v 0000 ~ 01890351 v 0000 ~ 01890510 v 0000 ~ 01890626 v 0000 ~ 01890792 v 0000 ~ 01898282 v 0000 05 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 | move or cause to move back and forth; "The chemist shook the flask vigorously"; "My hands were shaking"
01890088 38 v 01 convulse 1 001 @ 01889610 v 0000 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | shake uncontrollably; "earthquakes convulsed the countryside"
01890223 38 v 01 sparge 0 001 @ 01889610 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | agitate by introducing air or compressed gas; "sparge the water"
01890351 38 v 02 succuss 0 shake_up 7 002 @ 01889610 v 0000 + 00876377 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | shake; especially (a patient to detect fluids or air in the body)
01890510 38 v 01 concuss 0 003 @ 01889610 v 0000 + 07409930 n 0101 + 07411490 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | shake violently
01890626 38 v 01 rattle 0 004 @ 01889610 v 0000 + 04056289 n 0101 + 01754876 n 0102 + 07391240 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | shake and cause to make a rattling noise
01890792 38 v 08 convulse 0 thresh 0 thresh_about 0 thrash 1 thrash_about 0 slash 0 toss 1 jactitate 0 005 @ 01889610 v 0000 + 04625515 n 0801 + 00345817 n 0701 + 00575083 n 0401 ~ 01891092 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | move or stir about violently; "The feverish patient thrashed around in his bed"
01891092 38 v 01 whip 0 001 @ 01890792 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | thrash about flexibly in the manner of a whiplash; "The tall grass whipped in the wind"
01891249 38 v 01 vibrate 0 005 @ 01831531 v 0000 + 14004572 n 0106 + 04533042 n 0101 ~ 01871546 v 0000 ~ 01891638 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | shake, quiver, or throb; move back and forth rapidly, usually in an uncontrolled manner
01891489 38 v 01 brachiate 0 002 @ 01877355 v 0000 + 00283450 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | swing from one hold to the next; "the monkeys brachiate"
01891638 38 v 02 judder 0 shake 1 002 @ 01891249 v 0000 ;r 08860123 n 0000 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | shake or vibrate rapidly and intensively; "The old engine was juddering"
01891817 38 v 02 jerk 0 twitch 1 007 $ 00009631 v 0000 @ 01831531 v 0000 + 14361664 n 0201 + 14361664 n 0202 + 00335988 n 0101 + 00115500 n 0102 + 00335988 n 0102 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 22 00 | move with abrupt, seemingly uncontrolled motions; "The patient's legs were jerkings"
01892104 38 v 09 bounce 0 resile 0 take_a_hop 0 spring 0 bound 0 rebound 0 recoil 1 reverberate 3 ricochet 0 013 @ 01963942 v 0000 + 07409475 n 0901 + 07350192 n 0701 + 07350192 n 0603 + 00120202 n 0505 + 00120202 n 0403 + 00843595 a 0204 + 07350567 n 0202 + 07350401 n 0101 + 05020981 n 0101 ~ 01371454 v 0000 ~ 01892734 v 0000 ~ 01892849 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | spring back; spring away from an impact; "The rubber ball bounced"; "These particles do not resile but they unite after they collide"
01892608 38 v 02 bounce 2 jounce 0 002 @ 01835496 v 0000 + 07350401 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | move up and down repeatedly
01892734 38 v 02 skip 3 bound_off 0 001 @ 01892104 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | bound off one point after another
01892849 38 v 01 carom 0 002 @ 01892104 v 0000 + 07409475 n 0102 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | rebound after hitting; "The car caromed off several lampposts"
01893000 38 v 01 glance 0 001 @ 01236164 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | hit at an angle
01893079 38 v 02 flip 0 toss 0 004 @ 01907258 v 0000 + 01246086 n 0202 + 10717055 n 0201 + 01246086 n 0101 03 + 01 00 + 04 00 + 08 00 | lightly throw to see which side comes up; "I don't know what to do--I may as well flip a coin!"
01893313 38 v 03 capsize 0 turtle 0 turn_turtle 0 001 @ 01909397 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | overturn accidentally; "Don't rock the boat or it will capsize!"
01893465 38 v 02 flip 1 flick 0 002 @ 01508368 v 0000 + 00105820 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | cause to move with a flick; "he flicked his Bic"
01893601 38 v 02 flip 2 twitch 0 002 @ 01831531 v 0000 + 00105820 n 0103 03 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 08 00 | toss with a sharp movement so as to cause to turn over in the air
01893771 38 v 02 snap 0 click 0 004 @ 01831531 v 0000 + 07379223 n 0202 + 00112828 n 0201 + 07381423 n 0103 02 + 01 00 + 08 00 | move or strike with a noise; "he clicked on the light"; "his arm was snapped forward"
01893988 38 v 04 stir 0 shift 1 budge 0 agitate 0 003 @ 01831531 v 0000 + 00331655 n 0201 + 00331655 n 0202 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | move very slightly; "He shifted in his seat"
01894164 38 v 02 arouse 0 stir 4 001 @ 01831531 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | to begin moving, "As the thunder started the sleeping children began to stir"
01894320 38 v 01 stir 1 004 @ 01850315 v 0000 + 04320871 n 0101 ~ 01418389 v 0000 ~ 01419373 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | move an implement through; "stir the soup"; "stir my drink"; "stir the soil"
01894520 38 v 01 breeze 0 003 @ 01835496 v 0000 + 00575365 n 0102 ^ 02522581 v 0101 01 + 22 00 | to proceed quickly and easily
01894649 38 v 01 dance 1 008 @ 01831531 v 0000 * 01928838 v 0000 + 09990415 n 0101 + 09989502 n 0101 $ 01708676 v 0000 ~ 01894914 v 0000 ~ 01895027 v 0000 ~ 01895168 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | move in a graceful and rhythmical way; "The young girl danced into the room"
01894914 38 v 01 glissade 0 002 @ 01894649 v 0000 + 00534344 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | perform a glissade, in ballet
01895027 38 v 02 chasse 0 sashay 2 003 @ 01894649 v 0000 + 00534152 n 0202 + 00534152 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | perform a chasse step, in ballet
01895168 38 v 01 capriole 0 001 @ 01894649 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | perform a capriole, in ballet
01895263 38 v 02 bop 0 bebop 0 003 @ 01708676 v 0000 + 07063101 n 0202 + 07063101 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | dance the bebop
01895383 38 v 01 bump 0 001 @ 01708676 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | dance erotically or dance with the pelvis thrust forward; "bump and grind"
01895519 38 v 01 twist 2 002 @ 01708676 v 0000 + 00534631 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | do the twist
01895612 38 v 02 waltz 0 waltz_around 0 004 @ 01708676 v 0000 + 07058184 n 0101 + 00537534 n 0101 + 10765587 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | dance a waltz
01895757 38 v 02 tapdance 0 tap 1 003 @ 01708676 v 0000 + 04391276 n 0201 + 10691148 n 0202 01 + 02 00 | dance and make rhythmic clicking sounds by means of metal plates nailed to the sole of the dance shoes; "Glover tapdances better than anybody"
01896007 38 v 01 tango 0 003 @ 01708676 v 0000 + 07057829 n 0101 + 00537423 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | dance a tango
01896119 38 v 01 shag 0 002 @ 01708676 v 0000 + 00533404 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | dance the shag
01896213 38 v 01 foxtrot 0 001 @ 01708676 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | dance the foxtrot
01896295 38 v 04 contradance 0 country-dance 0 contredanse 0 contra_danse 0 004 @ 01708676 v 0000 + 00539121 n 0404 + 00539121 n 0303 + 00539121 n 0201 01 + 02 00 | perform a contradance
01896484 38 v 03 break_dance 0 break-dance 0 break 0 002 @ 01708676 v 0000 + 00526412 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | do a break dance; "Kids were break-dancing at the street corner"
01896657 38 v 01 cakewalk 0 002 @ 01708676 v 0000 + 00530874 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | perform the cakewalk dance
01896767 38 v 01 conga 0 003 @ 01708676 v 0000 + 07055295 n 0101 + 00536516 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | dance the conga
01896881 38 v 01 samba 0 003 @ 01708676 v 0000 + 00537192 n 0101 + 07056895 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | dance the samba
01896995 38 v 01 two-step 0 002 @ 01708676 v 0000 + 00536120 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | dance the two-step
01897097 38 v 01 Charleston 0 002 @ 01708676 v 0000 + 00536359 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | dance the Charleston
01897203 38 v 01 boogie 0 002 @ 01708676 v 0000 + 07063249 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | dance to boogie music
01897306 38 v 01 cha-cha 0 002 @ 01708676 v 0000 + 00535557 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | dance the cha-cha
01897406 38 v 01 disco 0 001 @ 01708676 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | dance to disco music
01897489 38 v 01 mambo 0 002 @ 01708676 v 0000 + 00538668 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | dance a mambo
01897583 38 v 01 polka 0 002 @ 01708676 v 0000 + 00538144 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | dance a polka
01897677 38 v 01 one-step 0 002 @ 01708676 v 0000 + 00535732 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | dance the one-step
01897779 38 v 02 rhumba 0 rumba 0 002 @ 01708676 v 0000 + 07056764 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | dance the rhumba
01897885 38 v 04 slam_dance 0 slam 0 mosh 0 thrash 0 003 @ 01708676 v 0000 + 00527498 n 0101 + 00527498 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | dance the slam dance
01898032 38 v 01 jig 0 003 @ 01708676 v 0000 + 00538991 n 0101 + 07055805 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | dance a quick dance with leaping and kicking motions
01898181 38 v 01 jitterbug 0 002 @ 01708676 v 0000 + 00532441 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | do the jitterbug
01898282 38 v 03 jiggle 0 joggle 0 wiggle 0 008 @ 01889610 v 0000 + 00349705 n 0301 + 10781236 n 0301 + 02200509 n 0301 + 01935395 n 0305 + 00347359 n 0201 + 00347359 n 0102 ~ 01898592 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 08 00 | move to and fro; "Don't jiggle your finger while the nurse is putting on the bandage!"
01898592 38 v 02 wag 0 waggle 0 003 @ 01898282 v 0000 + 00347652 n 0202 + 00347652 n 0101 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | move from side to side; "The happy dog wagged his tail"
01898769 38 v 01 folk_dance 0 003 @ 01708676 v 0000 + 00537682 n 0101 + 00537682 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | perform a folk-dance
01898893 38 v 01 square_dance 0 003 @ 01708676 v 0000 + 10642596 n 0101 + 00539951 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | dance in formation
01899017 38 v 02 call 0 call_off 0 002 * 01898893 v 0000 + 09888635 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | give the calls (to the dancers) for a square dance
01899158 38 v 01 quickstep 0 002 @ 01708676 v 0000 + 00536964 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | perform a quickstep
01899262 38 v 01 thrust 0 010 @ 01871979 v 0000 ^ 01996574 v 0102 ~ 01229976 v 0000 ~ 01230350 v 0000 ~ 01238907 v 0000 ~ 01516071 v 0000 ~ 01516534 v 0000 ~ 01575146 v 0000 ~ 01575536 v 0000 ~ 01899557 v 0000 04 + 14 00 + 15 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | push forcefully; "He thrust his chin forward"
01899557 38 v 01 dig 0 001 @ 01899262 v 0000 02 + 20 00 + 21 00 | thrust down or into; "dig the oars into the water"; "dig your foot into the floor"
01899708 38 v 01 dart 2 003 @ 02062212 v 0000 + 00334356 n 0102 + 01314910 n 0101 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | move with sudden speed; "His forefinger darted in all directions as he spoke"
01899891 38 v 04 flit 0 flutter 2 fleet 1 dart 1 005 @ 02055649 v 0000 + 00334356 n 0402 + 00348571 n 0202 + 00334356 n 0101 ~ 01900156 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | move along rapidly and lightly; skim or dart; "The hummingbird flitted among the branches"
01900156 38 v 01 butterfly 1 001 @ 01899891 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | flutter like a butterfly
01900255 38 v 01 flutter 3 001 @ 02093610 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | flap the wings rapidly or fly with flapping movements; "The seagulls fluttered overhead"
01900408 38 v 02 stumble 0 trip 0 006 @ 01831531 v 0000 * 01904930 v 0000 + 07317519 n 0202 + 10667041 n 0202 + 10667041 n 0101 ~ 01900648 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | miss a step and fall or nearly fall; "She stumbled over the tree root"
01900648 38 v 01 founder 2 001 @ 01900408 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | stumble and nearly fall; "the horses foundered"
01900760 38 v 02 trip 1 trip_up 0 002 > 01900408 v 0000 + 07317519 n 0102 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | cause to stumble; "The questions on the test tripped him up"
01900918 38 v 01 lollop 0 001 @ 01904930 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | walk clumsily and with a bounce
01901021 38 v 01 tap 0 002 @ 01904930 v 0000 + 07388987 n 0103 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | walk with a tapping sound
01901133 38 v 03 stumble 1 falter 0 bumble 0 002 @ 01904930 v 0000 + 00289388 n 0102 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | walk unsteadily; "The drunk man stumbled about"
01901289 38 v 02 falter 1 waver 3 003 @ 01831531 v 0000 + 00348571 n 0201 + 01063350 n 0104 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | move hesitatingly, as if about to give way
01901447 38 v 03 trot 0 jog 1 clip 0 007 @ 01926311 v 0000 + 00294190 n 0201 + 10223459 n 0201 + 00628390 n 0201 + 00294190 n 0102 + 02439568 n 0101 + 02388276 n 0102 01 + 22 00 | run at a moderately swift pace
01901660 38 v 01 trot 2 002 @ 01907076 v 0000 + 00287561 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | cause to trot; "She trotted the horse home"
01901783 38 v 04 roll a undulate 0 flap 1 wave 0 008 @ 01831531 v 0000 + 00346095 n 0401 + 07439284 n 0301 + 07439284 n 0302 + 07352048 n 0201 + 07345593 n 0202 + 07349532 n 0101 ~ 01902246 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 08 00 | move in a wavy pattern or with a rising and falling motion; "The curtains undulated"; "the waves rolled towards the beach"
01902126 38 v 03 mill 0 mill_about 0 mill_around 0 001 @ 01831531 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | move about in a confused manner
01902246 38 v 01 luff 0 002 @ 01901783 v 0000 + 00313971 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | flap when the wind is blowing equally on both sides; "the sails luffed"
01902405 38 v 04 scurry 0 scamper 0 skitter 0 scuttle 0 004 @ 01926311 v 0000 + 00556142 n 0201 + 00556142 n 0103 ~ 01902678 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | to move about or proceed hurriedly; "so terrified by the extraordinary ebbing of the sea that they scurried to higher ground"
01902678 38 v 01 crab 0 001 @ 01902405 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 | scurry sideways like a crab
01902783 38 v 04 float 0 drift 2 be_adrift 0 blow 0 008 @ 01835496 v 0000 + 11465017 n 0403 + 11447851 n 0201 $ 01838651 v 0000 ~ 01874178 v 0000 ~ 01874320 v 0000 $ 01874875 v 0000 ~ 02070679 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | be in motion due to some air or water current; "The leaves were blowing in the wind"; "the boat drifted on the lake"; "The sailboat was adrift on the open sea"; "the shipwrecked boat drifted away from the shore"
01903218 38 v 01 drift 5 002 $ 02617338 v 0000 @ 02042237 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | move in an unhurried fashion; "The unknown young man drifted among the invited guests"
01903385 38 v 01 play 0 002 @ 01835496 v 0000 + 07411851 n 0102 01 + 04 00 | move or seem to move quickly, lightly, or irregularly; "The spotlights played on the politicians"
01903562 38 v 01 play 3 002 @ 01850315 v 0000 + 04774511 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to move or operate freely within a bounded space; "The engine has a wheel that is playing in a rack"
01903756 38 v 02 tide 1 surge 3 005 @ 02066939 v 0000 + 07348545 n 0202 + 07440240 n 0203 + 07444495 n 0101 ! 01903935 v 0101 01 + 01 00 | rise or move forward; "surging waves"
01903935 38 v 05 ebb 0 ebb_away 0 ebb_down 0 ebb_out 0 ebb_off 0 003 @ 01904120 v 0000 + 07402147 n 0101 ! 01903756 v 0101 01 + 01 00 | flow back or recede; "the tides ebbed at noon"
01904120 38 v 01 fall_back 3 003 @ 01994442 v 0000 + 00057306 n 0102 ~ 01903935 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | move back and away from; "The enemy fell back"
01904293 38 v 02 float 1 swim 1 012 $ 01874568 v 0000 $ 01838651 v 0000 @ 01835496 v 0000 + 00442115 n 0202 + 00443231 n 0101 + 10096620 n 0101 + 09281777 n 0101 + 03364340 n 0101 + 11527967 n 0102 + 11527967 n 0101 ! 01989873 v 0101 ~ 01904795 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 08 00 | be afloat either on or below a liquid surface and not sink to the bottom
01904649 38 v 01 swim 2 001 @ 01835496 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | move as if gliding through water; "this snake swims through the soil where it lives"
01904795 38 v 01 buoy 0 003 @ 01904293 v 0000 + 01187072 a 0101 + 07266178 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | float on the surface of water
01904930 38 v 01 walk 0 057 * 01928838 v 0000 $ 01912893 v 0000 $ 01907076 v 0000 $ 01882170 v 0000 $ 01906823 v 0000 $ 01959776 v 0000 @ 01835496 v 0000 + 05003090 n 0101 + 04544979 n 0101 + 00284798 n 0101 + 00283568 n 0101 + 10412055 n 0102 + 00283568 n 0102 ! 01955984 v 0101 ^ 01910965 v 0103 ^ 01910965 v 0102 ~ 01867504 v 0000 ~ 01900918 v 0000 ~ 01901021 v 0000 ~ 01901133 v 0000 ~ 01906202 v 0000 ~ 01906322 v 0000 ~ 01906525 v 0000 ~ 01910873 v 0000 ~ 01910965 v 0000 ~ 01911698 v 0000 ~ 01911888 v 0000 ~ 01916214 v 0000 ~ 01916634 v 0000 ~ 01916960 v 0000 ~ 01917123 v 0000 ~ 01917244 v 0000 ~ 01917549 v 0000 ~ 01917980 v 0000 ~ 01918183 v 0000 ~ 01918304 v 0000 ~ 01918521 v 0000 ~ 01918803 v 0000 ~ 01919226 v 0000 ~ 01919391 v 0000 ~ 01919711 v 0000 ~ 01920932 v 0000 ~ 01921204 v 0000 ~ 01924023 v 0000 ~ 01924148 v 0000 ~ 01924405 v 0000 ~ 01924882 v 0000 ~ 01925170 v 0000 ~ 01925338 v 0000 ~ 01925548 v 0000 ~ 01929254 v 0000 ~ 01929467 v 0000 ~ 01929824 v 0000 ~ 01929927 v 0000 ~ 01930033 v 0000 ~ 01996735 v 0000 ~ 02091689 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 22 00 | use one's feet to advance; advance by steps; "Walk, don't run!"; "We walked instead of driving"; "She walks with a slight limp"; "The patient cannot walk yet"; "Walk over to the cabinet"
01906202 38 v 01 spacewalk 0 002 @ 01904930 v 0000 + 00292981 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | move in space outside a space craft
01906322 38 v 04 foot 0 leg_it 0 hoof 0 hoof_it 0 005 @ 01904930 v 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 + 00284665 n 0101 + 05563266 n 0101 + 10412055 n 0103 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | walk; "let's hoof it to the disco"
01906525 38 v 01 toe 0 002 @ 01904930 v 0000 + 05577410 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | walk so that the toes assume an indicated position or direction; "She toes inwards"
01906687 38 v 01 chariot 0 004 @ 01955984 v 0000 + 03009269 n 0101 + 03009111 n 0101 + 09910222 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | ride in a chariot
01906823 38 v 01 walk 5 007 @ 02506546 v 0000 + 05003090 n 0101 + 00283568 n 0101 $ 01904930 v 0000 $ 01907076 v 0000 ~ 01924712 v 0000 ~ 02084587 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | make walk; "He walks the horse up the mountain"; "Walk the dog twice a day"
01907076 38 v 01 walk 1 005 $ 01906823 v 0000 @ 02025550 v 0000 ~ 01901660 v 0000 $ 01904930 v 0000 ~ 02084380 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | accompany or escort; "I'll walk you to your car"
01907258 38 v 01 turn 0 038 $ 02089984 v 0000 @ 01831531 v 0000 + 00346532 n 0101 + 07351612 n 0102 + 00350030 n 0101 + 07351612 n 0101 + 00350030 n 0102 ^ 02004528 v 0102 ^ 02034300 v 0103 ^ 00897564 v 0102 ~ 01222645 v 0000 ~ 01222958 v 0000 ~ 01861927 v 0000 ~ 01866192 v 0000 ~ 01867816 v 0000 ~ 01878949 v 0000 ~ 01893079 v 0000 ~ 01908204 v 0000 ~ 01908365 v 0000 ~ 01908658 v 0000 ~ 01908809 v 0000 ~ 01908941 v 0000 ~ 01909042 v 0000 ~ 01909161 v 0000 ~ 01909275 v 0000 ~ 01909397 v 0000 ~ 02033137 v 0000 ~ 02033295 v 0000 ~ 02033805 v 0000 ~ 02034300 v 0000 ~ 02034511 v 0000 ~ 02045415 v 0000 ~ 02045790 v 0000 ~ 02046572 v 0000 ~ 02049190 v 0000 ~ 02049561 v 0000 ~ 02064887 v 0000 ~ 02081410 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 | change orientation or direction, also in the abstract sense; "Turn towards me"; "The mugger turned and fled before I could see his face"; "She turned from herself and learned to listen to others' needs"
01908204 38 v 01 port 3 002 @ 01907258 v 0000 + 03642928 n 0102 01 + 01 00 | turn or go to the port or left side, of a ship; "The big ship was slowly porting"
01908365 38 v 01 face 0 002 $ 02137907 v 0000 @ 01907258 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | turn so as to face; turn the face in a certain direction; "Turn and face your partner now"
01908543 38 v 01 reorient 0 003 @ 02089984 v 0000 + 00346296 n 0102 ~ 02039544 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cause to turn
01908658 38 v 01 turn_off 0 002 @ 01907258 v 0000 + 04500704 n 0101 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | make a turn; "turn off at the parking area"
01908809 38 v 01 turn_away 2 001 @ 01907258 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | move so as not face somebody or something
01908941 38 v 01 gee 0 001 @ 01907258 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | turn to the right side; "the horse geed"
01909042 38 v 01 about-face 0 002 @ 01907258 v 0000 + 00346936 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | turn, usually 180 degrees
01909161 38 v 01 caracole 0 001 @ 01907258 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | make a half turn on a horse, in dressage
01909275 38 v 01 corner 0 002 @ 01907258 v 0000 + 03109486 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | turn a corner; "the car corners"
01909397 38 v 04 overturn 0 turn_over 0 tip_over 0 tump_over 1 006 @ 01907258 v 0000 + 00348312 n 0203 + 00348312 n 0102 ~ 01893313 v 0000 ~ 01909679 v 0000 $ 01909978 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | turn from an upright or normal position; "The big vase overturned"; "The canoe tumped over"
01909679 38 v 01 upend 0 002 @ 01909397 v 0000 + 00335814 n 0102 01 + 01 00 | become turned or set on end; "the airplanes upended"
01909812 38 v 02 turn 3 move_around 3 002 @ 01835496 v 0000 + 07351612 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | pass to the other side of; "turn the corner"; "move around the obstacle"
01909978 38 v 07 overturn 1 tip_over 1 turn_over 2 upset 0 knock_over 0 bowl_over 0 tump_over 0 006 > 01909397 v 0000 $ 01909397 v 0000 @ 01850315 v 0000 + 00348312 n 0401 + 00348312 n 0303 + 00348312 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to overturn from an upright or normal position; "The cat knocked over the flower vase"; "the clumsy customer turned over the vase"; "he tumped over his beer"
01910373 38 v 03 startle 0 jump 4 start 4 008 @ 01831531 v 0000 + 00867357 n 0303 + 00867357 n 0202 + 00867357 n 0101 ~ 01910680 v 0000 ~ 01910779 v 0000 ~ 01981933 v 0000 ~ 02097676 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | move or jump suddenly, as if in surprise or alarm; "She startled when I walked into the room"
01910680 38 v 01 shy 0 001 @ 01910373 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | start suddenly, as from fright
01910779 38 v 01 boggle 0 001 @ 01910373 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | startle with amazement or fear
01910873 38 v 02 traipse 0 shlep 0 001 @ 01904930 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | walk or tramp about
01910965 38 v 03 perambulate 0 walk_about 0 walk_around 0 004 @ 01904930 v 0000 + 00293657 n 0201 + 00284101 n 0105 + 00284101 n 0101 01 + 22 00 | walk with no particular goal; "we were walking around in the garden"; "after breakfast, she walked about in the park"
01911232 38 v 02 circumambulate 0 walk_around 1 001 @ 01911339 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | walk around something
01911339 38 v 01 circle 1 005 @ 01835496 v 0000 + 00295172 n 0102 ~ 01911232 v 0000 ~ 01911526 v 0000 ~ 02082355 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | travel around something; "circle the globe"
01911526 38 v 02 circumnavigate 0 compass 0 002 @ 01911339 v 0000 + 00296263 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | travel around, either by plane or ship; "We compassed the earth"
01911698 38 v 01 ambulate 0 005 @ 01904930 v 0000 + 01522985 a 0102 + 01522985 a 0101 + 00284101 n 0101 + 00283951 n 0101 01 + 22 00 | walk about; not be bedridden or incapable of walking
01911888 38 v 04 sneak 0 mouse 0 creep 4 pussyfoot 0 006 @ 01904930 v 0000 + 09976917 n 0301 + 09976119 n 0302 + 10486679 n 0102 ^ 02076027 v 0103 ^ 02076027 v 0105 01 + 22 00 | to go stealthily or furtively; "..stead of sneaking around spying on the neighbor's house"
01912159 38 v 09 traverse 0 track 1 cover 0 cross 0 pass_over 1 get_over 0 get_across 0 cut_through 0 cut_across 0 018 @ 02050132 v 0000 + 03137228 n 0401 + 00297532 n 0401 + 00313245 n 0401 + 09387222 n 0202 + 00296946 n 0102 + 10727016 n 0101 + 00296946 n 0101 ~ 01881957 v 0000 ~ 01912709 v 0000 ~ 01912893 v 0000 ~ 01913237 v 0000 ~ 01913849 v 0000 ~ 01915131 v 0000 ~ 01915253 v 0000 ~ 01930482 v 0000 ~ 02067540 v 0000 ~ 02095060 v 0000 03 + 04 00 + 08 00 + 22 00 | travel across or pass over; "The caravan covered almost 100 miles each day"
01912709 38 v 01 stride 3 003 @ 01912159 v 0000 + 13757249 n 0104 + 00285889 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | cover or traverse by taking long steps; "She strode several miles towards the woods"
01912893 38 v 01 walk 3 010 @ 01912159 v 0000 + 10412055 n 0102 + 04545748 n 0101 + 04545471 n 0101 + 04545305 n 0101 + 05003090 n 0101 + 04544979 n 0101 + 00284798 n 0101 + 00283568 n 0101 $ 01904930 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | traverse or cover by walking; "Walk the tightrope"; "Paul walked the streets of Damascus"; "She walks 3 miles every day"
01913237 38 v 01 crisscross 0 002 @ 01912159 v 0000 + 04681387 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cross in a pattern, often random
01913363 38 v 02 infiltrate 0 pass_through 1 003 @ 02050132 v 0000 + 00976698 n 0101 + 10205714 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | pass through an enemy line; in a military conflict
01913532 38 v 01 infiltrate 3 002 @ 01457954 v 0000 + 13534274 n 0102 01 + 01 00 | pass into or through by filtering or permeating; "the substance infiltrated the material"
01913707 38 v 01 infiltrate 1 002 @ 01457954 v 0000 + 13534274 n 0102 01 + 11 00 | cause (a liquid) to enter by penetrating the interstices
01913849 38 v 01 ford 0 004 @ 01912159 v 0000 + 09283623 n 0101 + 00297657 n 0101 + 00297657 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | cross a river where it's shallow
01913997 38 v 01 cross 1 002 @ 02023396 v 0000 ~ 01914113 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | meet and pass; "the trains crossed"
01914113 38 v 01 decussate 1 002 @ 01913997 v 0000 + 05228496 n 0103 01 + 11 00 | cross or intersect so as to form a cross; "this nerve decussates the other"; "the fibers decussate"
01914297 38 v 01 claw 0 001 @ 02051031 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | move as if by clawing, seizing, or digging; "They clawed their way to the top of the mountain"
01914453 38 v 01 jostle 2 003 @ 02051031 v 0000 + 00114095 n 0101 + 00114095 n 0102 01 + 22 00 | make one's way by jostling, pushing, or shoving; "We had to jostle our way to the front of the platform"
01914657 38 v 01 cross 4 002 @ 01277974 v 0000 ! 01914792 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | fold so as to resemble a cross; "she crossed her legs"
01914792 38 v 01 uncross 0 002 @ 01579813 v 0000 ! 01914657 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | change from a crossed to an uncrossed position; "She uncrossed her legs"
01914947 38 v 01 run 5 004 @ 02050132 v 0000 + 00293916 n 0101 + 07460104 n 0103 $ 01926311 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cover by running; run a certain distance; "She ran 10 miles that day"
01915131 38 v 01 bridge 0 003 @ 01912159 v 0000 + 00278266 a 0101 + 02898711 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | cross over on a bridge
01915253 38 v 01 jaywalk 0 002 @ 01912159 v 0000 + 10220360 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | cross the road at a red light
01915365 38 v 05 transit 0 pass_through 0 move_through 0 pass_across 0 pass_over 2 005 @ 02050132 v 0000 + 00309115 n 0102 + 00201058 n 0102 $ 01853696 v 0000 ~ 01915730 v 0000 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | make a passage or journey from one place to another; "The tourists moved through the town and bought up all the souvenirs;" "Some travelers pass through the desert"
01915730 38 v 01 cut c 002 @ 01915365 v 0000 $ 01915865 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | pass through or across; "The boat cut the water"
01915865 38 v 01 cut d 002 $ 01915730 v 0000 @ 02050132 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | pass directly and often in haste; "We cut through the neighbor's yard to get home sooner"
01916033 38 v 02 slice_into 0 slice_through 0 001 @ 01835496 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | move through a body or an object with a slicing motion; "His hand sliced through the air"
01916214 38 v 01 wade 0 005 @ 01904930 v 0000 + 02000954 n 0102 + 00293307 n 0101 + 11369676 n 0101 ~ 01916471 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 22 00 | walk (through relatively shallow water); "Can we wade across the river to the other side?"; "Wade the pond"
01916471 38 v 01 puddle 0 002 @ 01916214 v 0000 + 09397607 n 0102 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | wade or dabble in a puddle; "The ducks and geese puddled in the backyard"
01916634 38 v 07 tittup 0 swagger 0 ruffle 1 prance 0 strut 0 sashay 0 cock 0 006 @ 01904930 v 0000 + 00290125 n 0501 + 02378870 n 0401 + 00290125 n 0402 + 00290125 n 0203 + 10682038 n 0201 01 + 22 00 | to walk with a lofty proud gait, often in an attempt to impress others; "He struts around like a rooster in a hen house"
01916960 38 v 02 sleepwalk 0 somnambulate 0 004 @ 01904930 v 0000 + 00285141 n 0203 + 10611361 n 0101 + 00285141 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | walk in one's sleep
01917123 38 v 01 slink 0 001 @ 01904930 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | walk stealthily; "I saw a cougar slinking toward its prey"
01917244 38 v 04 limp 0 gimp 0 hobble 0 hitch 1 007 @ 01904930 v 0000 + 00286756 n 0401 + 00286756 n 0302 + 10178917 n 0301 + 14549937 n 0203 + 00286756 n 0103 + 10178917 n 0102 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | walk impeded by some physical limitation or injury; "The old woman hobbles down to the store every day"
01917549 38 v 03 shuffle 0 scuffle 0 shamble 0 007 @ 01904930 v 0000 + 00292712 n 0302 + 00292712 n 0301 + 10594408 n 0101 + 00292712 n 0103 + 00292712 n 0104 ~ 01917845 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | walk by dragging one's feet; "he shuffled out of the room"; "We heard his feet shuffling down the hall"
01917845 38 v 02 scuff 0 drag 2 003 @ 01917549 v 0000 + 00125315 n 0101 + 04156411 n 0101 01 + 22 00 | walk without lifting the feet
01917980 38 v 02 stroll 0 saunter 0 006 @ 01904930 v 0000 + 00284101 n 0203 + 00289737 n 0201 + 10553235 n 0201 + 00284101 n 0104 + 10553235 n 0102 01 + 22 00 | walk leisurely and with no apparent aim
01918183 38 v 02 amble 0 mosey 0 003 @ 01904930 v 0000 + 10553235 n 0103 + 00284101 n 0101 01 + 22 00 | walk leisurely
01918304 38 v 01 prowl 0 003 @ 01904930 v 0000 + 00292125 n 0101 + 10486679 n 0101 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 22 00 | move about in or as if in a predatory manner; "The suspicious stranger prowls the streets of the town"
01918521 38 v 01 skulk 0 001 @ 01904930 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 22 00 | move stealthily; "The lonely man skulks down the main street all day"
01918669 38 v 02 mope 0 mope_around 0 002 @ 01831531 v 0000 + 09988703 n 0104 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | move around slowly and aimlessly
01918803 38 v 06 toddle 0 coggle 0 totter 1 dodder 0 paddle 4 waddle 0 006 @ 01904930 v 0000 + 00290406 n 0601 + 10762064 n 0601 + 10022645 n 0401 + 10645854 n 0302 + 10714465 n 0101 01 + 22 00 | walk unsteadily; "small children toddle"
01919042 38 v 01 totter 2 001 @ 01875295 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | move without being stable, as if threatening to fall; "The drunk man tottered over to our table"
01919226 38 v 01 promenade 0 003 @ 01904930 v 0000 + 00284101 n 0102 + 04010205 n 0101 01 + 22 00 | take a leisurely walk; "The ladies promenaded along the beach"
01919391 38 v 01 march 0 006 @ 01904930 v 0000 + 08428019 n 0101 + 00290579 n 0101 + 10293332 n 0101 ^ 01992503 v 0105 ~ 01919898 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | walk fast, with regular or measured steps; walk with a stride; "He marched into the classroom and announced the exam"; "The soldiers marched across the border"
01919711 38 v 01 stride 0 004 @ 01904930 v 0000 + 13757249 n 0104 + 00285889 n 0102 + 10661865 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | walk with long steps; "He strode confidently across the hall"
01919898 38 v 01 troop 0 002 @ 01919391 v 0000 + 08274565 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | move or march as if in a crowd; "They children trooped into the room"
01920048 38 v 01 file 0 004 @ 01996735 v 0000 + 08428756 n 0101 ^ 01920220 v 0101 ^ 01920594 v 0101 01 + 22 00 | proceed in line; "The students filed into the classroom"
01920220 38 v 01 file_in 0 002 @ 02016523 v 0000 ! 01920594 v 0101 01 + 02 00 | enter by marching in a file
01920330 38 v 01 pop_in 0 002 @ 02016523 v 0000 ! 01920457 v 0101 01 + 02 00 | enter briefly; "He popped in for two minutes"
01920457 38 v 01 pop_out 0 002 @ 02015598 v 0000 ! 01920330 v 0101 01 + 02 00 | exit briefly; "He popped out for a quick coffee break"
01920594 38 v 01 file_out 0 002 @ 02015598 v 0000 ! 01920220 v 0101 01 + 02 00 | march out, in a file
01920698 38 v 01 tramp 0 005 @ 01920932 v 0000 ;c 00523513 n 0000 + 00288970 n 0103 + 10176111 n 0102 + 10176111 n 0103 01 + 22 00 | travel on foot, especially on a walking expedition; "We went tramping about the state of Colorado"
01920932 38 v 01 hike 0 006 @ 01904930 v 0000 ;c 00523513 n 0000 + 00288970 n 0101 + 10176111 n 0101 ~ 01920698 v 0000 ~ 01926031 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 22 00 | walk a long way, as for pleasure or physical exercise; "We were hiking in Colorado"; "hike the Rockies"
01921204 38 v 06 slog 0 footslog 0 plod 0 trudge 1 pad 0 tramp 1 011 @ 01904930 v 0000 + 10646942 n 0603 + 02440523 n 0501 + 00289175 n 0401 + 10731848 n 0401 + 10442417 n 0301 + 10731848 n 0302 + 10442232 n 0301 + 00291965 n 0301 + 10204921 n 0204 ~ 01921591 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | walk heavily and firmly, as when weary, or through mud; "Mules plodded in a circle around a grindstone"
01921591 38 v 06 squelch 0 squish 0 splash 0 splosh 0 slosh 0 slop 0 001 @ 01921204 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | walk through mud or mire; "We had to splosh across the wet meadow"
01921772 38 v 07 clamber 0 scramble 1 shin 0 shinny 0 skin 0 struggle 0 sputter 0 003 @ 01923909 v 0000 + 00622068 n 0601 + 00325502 n 0101 01 + 22 00 | climb awkwardly, as if by scrambling
01921964 38 v 04 climb 0 climb_up 0 mount 0 go_up 1 018 @ 01968569 v 0000 + 00325110 n 0302 + 10334957 n 0301 + 07370410 n 0303 + 09206985 n 0105 + 00325110 n 0101 + 13102409 n 0101 + 10334957 n 0102 + 09929298 n 0101 + 03126385 n 0104 + 07370410 n 0102 ^ 01923414 v 0106 ^ 01978576 v 0102 ~ 01922466 v 0000 ~ 01922576 v 0000 ~ 01922754 v 0000 ~ 01922895 v 0000 ~ 02095545 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 22 00 | go upward with gradual or continuous progress; "Did you ever climb up the hill behind your house?"
01922466 38 v 01 scale 0 002 @ 01921964 v 0000 + 00325364 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | climb up by means of a ladder
01922576 38 v 01 escalade 0 003 @ 01921964 v 0000 + 00325631 n 0101 + 10062785 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | climb up and over; "They had to escalade canyons to reach their destination"
01922754 38 v 01 ramp 2 001 @ 01921964 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | creep up -- used especially of plants; "The roses ramped over the wall"
01922895 38 v 01 mountaineer 0 004 @ 01921964 v 0000 ;c 00523513 n 0000 + 00325785 n 0102 + 10334567 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | climb mountains for pleasure as a sport
01923058 38 v 03 rappel 0 abseil 0 rope_down 0 003 @ 01970826 v 0000 * 01922895 v 0000 ;c 00523513 n 0000 01 + 02 00 | lower oneself with a rope coiled around the body from a mountainside; "The ascent was easy--roping down the mountain would be much more difficult and dangerous"; "You have to learn how to abseil when you want to do technical climbing"
01923414 38 v 07 hop_on 0 mount 1 mount_up 0 get_on 0 jump_on 0 climb_on 0 bestride 0 004 @ 01831531 v 0000 + 02377703 n 0203 ! 01923732 v 0101 ~ 01923630 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | get up on the back of; "mount a horse"
01923630 38 v 01 remount 0 001 @ 01923414 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | mount again; "he remounted his horse"
01923732 38 v 02 hop_out 0 get_off 1 002 @ 02015598 v 0000 ! 01923414 v 0101 01 + 02 00 | get out of quickly; "The officer hopped out when he spotted an illegally parked car"
01923909 38 v 01 climb 1 002 @ 01831531 v 0000 ~ 01921772 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | move with difficulty, by grasping
01924023 38 v 03 tiptoe 0 tip 0 tippytoe 0 002 @ 01904930 v 0000 + 05577304 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | walk on one's toes
01924148 38 v 01 stalk 0 003 @ 01904930 v 0000 + 00290015 n 0101 + 10646528 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | walk stiffly
01924267 38 v 01 buzz 0 002 @ 01940403 v 0000 ;c 00300441 n 0000 02 + 01 00 + 10 00 | fly low; "Planes buzzed the crowds in the square"
01924405 38 v 01 flounce 0 002 @ 01904930 v 0000 + 00289267 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | walk emphatically
01924505 38 v 03 parade 0 troop 1 promenade 1 004 @ 01996735 v 0000 + 08460395 n 0101 + 08428485 n 0101 + 10293332 n 0102 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | march in a procession; "the veterans paraded down the street"
01924712 38 v 03 parade 1 exhibit 0 march 3 002 @ 01906823 v 0000 + 00521085 n 0101 02 + 20 00 + 21 00 | walk ostentatiously; "She parades her new husband around town"
01924882 38 v 06 stagger 0 reel 0 keel 0 lurch 3 swag 1 careen 1 006 @ 01904930 v 0000 + 00348008 n 0602 + 00289388 n 0401 + 10645854 n 0203 + 00289388 n 0103 + 10645854 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | walk as if unable to control one's movements; "The drunken man staggered into the room"
01925170 38 v 02 stagger 1 flounder 0 002 @ 01904930 v 0000 + 00289388 n 0103 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | walk with great difficulty; "He staggered along in the heavy snow"
01925338 38 v 03 stomp 0 stamp 0 stump 0 004 @ 01904930 v 0000 + 10646942 n 0201 + 10646942 n 0102 + 00533691 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | walk heavily; "The men stomped through the snow in their heavy boots"
01925548 38 v 02 lumber 0 pound 1 001 @ 01904930 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | move heavily or clumsily; "The heavy man lumbered across the room"
01925694 38 v 03 stray 0 err 0 drift 4 007 $ 01881180 v 0000 @ 01835496 v 0000 + 07366799 n 0301 + 13469674 n 0301 + 00297404 n 0301 + 00600395 a 0201 + 10660729 n 0102 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | wander from a direct course or at random; "The child strayed from the path and her parents lost sight of her"; "don't drift from the set course"
01926031 38 v 02 backpack 0 pack 1 008 * 01451176 v 0000 @ 01920932 v 0000 ;c 00523513 n 0000 + 03870672 n 0201 + 09830629 n 0202 + 10304505 n 0202 + 00319312 n 0201 + 02769748 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | hike with a backpack; "Every summer they are backpacking in the Rockies"
01926311 38 v 01 run 0 020 $ 01914947 v 0000 @ 02055649 v 0000 + 00293916 n 0101 + 07460104 n 0103 + 10542761 n 0101 + 00293916 n 0102 ^ 01883716 v 010b ^ 02075049 v 0106 ~ 01901447 v 0000 ~ 01902405 v 0000 ~ 01926878 v 0000 ~ 01927211 v 0000 ~ 01927330 v 0000 ~ 01927447 v 0000 ~ 01927608 v 0000 ~ 01928390 v 0000 ~ 01928579 v 0000 ~ 01928730 v 0000 ~ 02059770 v 0000 ~ 02085004 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 22 00 | move fast by using one's feet, with one foot off the ground at any given time; "Don't run--you'll be out of breath"; "The children ran to the store"
01926878 38 v 01 romp 1 002 @ 01926311 v 0000 + 10538154 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | run easily and fairly fast
01926984 38 v 01 run d 003 $ 02099829 v 0000 @ 01835496 v 0000 + 00293916 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | travel rapidly, by any (unspecified) means; "Run to the store!"; "She always runs to Italy, because she has a lover there"
01927211 38 v 01 run_bases 0 002 @ 01926311 v 0000 ;c 00471613 n 0000 01 + 02 00 | run around the bases, in baseball
01927330 38 v 01 streak 1 002 @ 01926311 v 0000 + 10662306 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | run naked in a public place
01927447 38 v 01 run 6 004 @ 01926311 v 0000 ;c 00523513 n 0000 + 00558883 n 0101 + 00558883 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | run with the ball; in such sports as football
01927608 38 v 01 outrun 0 001 @ 01926311 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 11 00 | run faster than; "in this race, I managed to outran everybody else"
01927747 38 v 02 run 2 consort 0 002 @ 02025550 v 0000 + 09958724 n 0201 01 + 04 00 | keep company; "the heifers run with the bulls to produce offspring"
01927903 38 v 01 run 3 001 @ 01945516 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | sail before the wind
01927992 38 v 02 bear_down_on 0 bear_down_upon 0 003 * 01945516 v 0000 @ 02053941 v 0000 ;c 00815801 n 0000 01 + 02 00 | sail towards another vessel, of a ship
01928154 38 v 02 luff 1 point 9 003 @ 01945516 v 0000 ;c 00815801 n 0000 + 00313971 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | sail close to the wind
01928283 38 v 01 weather 1 002 @ 01945516 v 0000 ;c 00815801 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | sail to the windward of
01928390 38 v 01 jog 0 005 @ 01926311 v 0000 ;c 00523513 n 0000 + 00294190 n 0101 + 10223459 n 0101 + 00628390 n 0101 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 22 00 | run for exercise; "jog along the canal"
01928579 38 v 01 sprint 0 003 @ 01926311 v 0000 + 10641413 n 0101 + 00294452 n 0102 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | run very fast, usually for a short distance
01928730 38 v 01 lope 0 003 @ 01926311 v 0000 + 00294190 n 0103 + 00288486 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | run easily
01928838 38 v 01 step 0 006 @ 01835496 v 0000 + 07383823 n 0103 + 00285557 n 0101 + 13757249 n 0103 ^ 02016401 v 0101 ~ 01929041 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | shift or move by taking a step; "step back"
01929041 38 v 01 backpedal 1 001 @ 01928838 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | step backwards, in boxing
01929133 38 v 01 goose_step 0 002 @ 01996735 v 0000 + 00291154 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | march in a military fashion
01929254 38 v 01 pace 0 006 @ 01904930 v 0000 + 00285889 n 0101 + 05058580 n 0101 + 13757249 n 0102 + 15280497 n 0101 + 00289555 n 0101 01 + 22 00 | walk with slow or fast paces; "He paced up and down the hall"
01929467 38 v 02 tread 0 trample 0 005 @ 01904930 v 0000 + 07398659 n 0201 + 10646942 n 0204 + 07398659 n 0202 ~ 01929688 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | tread or stomp heavily or roughly; "The soldiers trampled across the fields"
01929688 38 v 01 treadle 0 001 @ 01929467 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | tread over; "the brick maker treadles over clay to pick out the stones"
01929824 38 v 01 slouch 0 002 @ 01904930 v 0000 + 05003273 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | walk slovenly
01929927 38 v 01 mince 0 001 @ 01904930 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | walk daintily; "She minced down the street"
01930033 38 v 02 clump 0 clomp 0 001 @ 01904930 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | walk clumsily
01930117 38 v 02 drive 0 motor 0 010 * 01955984 v 0000 @ 01835496 v 0000 ;c 00298497 n 0000 + 10334101 n 0201 + 00299112 n 0201 + 03789946 n 0201 + 03244388 n 0102 + 03242713 n 0101 + 00307631 n 0101 $ 01930482 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | travel or be transported in a vehicle; "We drove to the university every morning"; "They motored to London for the theater"
01930482 38 v 02 drive b take b 008 $ 01930117 v 0000 $ 02056971 v 0000 $ 01930874 v 0000 @ 01912159 v 0000 ;c 00298497 n 0000 + 03244388 n 0102 + 00307631 n 0101 + 03242713 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | proceed along in a vehicle; "We drive the turnpike to work"
01930738 38 v 01 automobile 0 003 @ 01835496 v 0000 ;c 00298497 n 0000 + 02958343 n 0103 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | travel in an automobile
01930874 38 v 01 drive 1 014 $ 02742232 v 0000 @ 01224744 v 0000 ;c 00298497 n 0000 + 03244388 n 0102 + 03242713 n 0101 + 00307631 n 0101 + 10034906 n 0101 + 00298497 n 0101 $ 01930482 v 0000 ~ 01931262 v 0000 ~ 01931375 v 0000 ~ 02057656 v 0000 ~ 02100341 v 0000 $ 02408281 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | operate or control a vehicle; "drive a car or bus"; "Can you drive this four-wheel truck?"
01931262 38 v 01 coach 0 003 @ 01930874 v 0000 ;c 00298497 n 0000 + 03055670 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | drive a coach
01931375 38 v 01 test_drive 0 004 @ 01930874 v 0000 ;c 00298497 n 0000 + 10703553 n 0101 + 05800387 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | test a vehicle by driving it; "I want to test drive the new Porsche"
01931566 38 v 01 cruise 3 002 @ 01846916 v 0000 ;c 00298497 n 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | drive around aimlessly but ostentatiously and at leisure; "She cruised the neighborhood in her new convertible"
01931768 38 v 0a steer 0 maneuver 0 manoeuver 0 manoeuvre 0 direct 3 point 5 head 1 guide 1 channelize 3 channelise 3 028 @ 02441022 v 0000 + 01142519 n 0a02 + 10741821 n 0802 + 10151570 n 0801 + 08572467 n 0702 + 08482271 n 0701 + 07372779 n 0702 + 08680888 n 0702 + 00556313 n 0402 + 01523249 a 0201 + 10290422 n 0201 + 10169796 n 0103 + 00815173 n 0102 + 00815173 n 0101 + 01144876 n 0102 ~ 01305731 v 0000 ~ 01841471 v 0000 ~ 01841591 v 0000 ~ 01932482 v 0000 ~ 01932586 v 0000 ~ 01932704 v 0000 ~ 01932834 v 0000 ~ 01932951 v 0000 ~ 01933093 v 0000 ~ 01933305 v 0000 ~ 01933900 v 0000 ~ 01934205 v 0000 ~ 01934427 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 21 00 | direct the course; determine the direction of travelling
01932482 38 v 01 helm 0 001 @ 01931768 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | be at or take the helm of; "helm the ship"
01932586 38 v 01 crab 2 002 @ 01931768 v 0000 ;c 00300441 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | direct (an aircraft) into a crosswind
01932704 38 v 01 navigate 3 001 @ 01931768 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | direct carefully and safely; "He navigated his way to the altar"
01932834 38 v 01 stand_out 0 002 @ 01931768 v 0000 ;c 00314469 n 0000 01 + 01 00 | steer away from shore, of ships
01932951 38 v 01 starboard 0 003 @ 01931768 v 0000 ;c 00314469 n 0000 + 04303672 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | turn to the right, of helms or rudders
01933093 38 v 01 conn 0 001 @ 01931768 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | conduct or direct the steering of a ship or plane
01933204 38 v 01 beacon 0 002 @ 01999798 v 0000 + 02814860 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | guide with a beacon
01933305 38 v 02 navigate 0 pilot 1 010 @ 01931768 v 0000 + 10433452 n 0201 + 00609506 n 0202 + 00815801 n 0202 + 00609506 n 0201 + 00815801 n 0203 + 00815801 n 0101 + 10546428 n 0102 + 10348365 n 0101 ~ 01933766 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | act as the navigator in a car, plane, or vessel and plan, direct, plot the path and position of the conveyance; "Is anyone volunteering to navigate during the trip?"; "Who was navigating the ship during the accident?"
01933766 38 v 01 astrogate 1 003 @ 01933305 v 0000 ;c 06096913 n 0000 + 09817694 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | guide in interplanetary travel
01933900 38 v 03 channel 0 canalize 0 canalise 0 009 @ 01931768 v 0000 + 01142519 n 0304 + 02947212 n 0301 + 01142519 n 0203 + 05250659 n 0203 + 02947212 n 0201 + 01142519 n 0101 + 01142519 n 0102 + 06260121 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | direct the flow of; "channel information towards a broad audience"
01934205 38 v 02 corner 1 tree 0 005 @ 01931768 v 0000 + 14408951 n 0101 + 13872421 n 0104 + 08659993 n 0101 + 03109881 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | force a person or an animal into a position from which he cannot escape
01934427 38 v 01 park 0 008 @ 01931768 v 0000 ;c 00298497 n 0000 + 08615638 n 0103 + 03890881 n 0101 + 00168505 n 0101 ~ 01934731 v 0000 ~ 01934842 v 0000 ~ 01934976 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | maneuver a vehicle into a parking space; "Park the car in front of the library"; "Can you park right here?"
01934731 38 v 01 angle-park 0 002 @ 01934427 v 0000 ;c 00298497 n 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | park at an angle
01934842 38 v 01 parallel-park 0 002 @ 01934427 v 0000 ;c 00298497 n 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | park directly behind another vehicle
01934976 38 v 01 double-park 0 002 @ 01934427 v 0000 ;c 00298497 n 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | park a vehicle alongside another
01935104 38 v 01 steer 1 002 * 01835496 v 0000 @ 02441022 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | direct (oneself) somewhere; "Steer clear of him"
01935233 38 v 01 head 0 006 @ 01995549 v 0000 + 08572467 n 0102 + 08482271 n 0101 + 07372779 n 0102 + 08680888 n 0102 ~ 02075857 v 0000 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | to go or travel towards; "where is she heading"; "We were headed for the mountains"
01935476 38 v 05 bicycle 0 cycle 1 bike 0 pedal 0 wheel 6 015 @ 01955984 v 0000 + 04574999 n 0501 + 09986189 n 0504 + 03903424 n 0401 + 10411163 n 0402 + 10411163 n 0401 + 03790512 n 0302 + 02834778 n 0302 + 09986189 n 0201 + 00451370 n 0201 + 09986189 n 0102 + 09986189 n 0103 + 02834778 n 0101 ~ 01935846 v 0000 ~ 01935953 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | ride a bicycle
01935846 38 v 01 unicycle 0 002 @ 01935476 v 0000 + 04509417 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | ride a unicycle
01935953 38 v 01 backpedal 0 001 @ 01935476 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | pedal backwards on a bicycle
01936048 38 v 03 motorbike 0 motorcycle 0 cycle 0 005 @ 01955984 v 0000 * 01370561 v 0000 + 00451370 n 0301 + 00451635 n 0201 + 03790512 n 0201 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | ride a motorcycle
01936233 38 v 01 kick 0 002 @ 01936361 v 0000 + 00336805 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | thrash about or strike out with the feet
01936361 38 v 01 strike_out 0 002 @ 01831531 v 0000 ~ 01936233 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | make a motion as with one's fist or foot towards an object or away from one's body
01936537 38 v 02 train 0 rail 0 004 @ 01955984 v 0000 + 04463679 n 0202 + 04046810 n 0201 + 04468005 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | travel by rail or train; "They railed from Rome to Venice"; "She trained to Hamburg"
01936753 38 v 01 skate 0 010 @ 01887576 v 0000 ;c 00523513 n 0000 + 04225729 n 0101 + 10604491 n 0101 + 00448466 n 0101 ~ 01937222 v 0000 ~ 01937394 v 0000 ~ 01937534 v 0000 ~ 01937795 v 0000 ~ 01937992 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 22 00 | move along on skates; "The Dutch often skate along the canals in winter"
01937067 38 v 01 spread-eagle 0 002 @ 01937394 v 0000 ;c 00523513 n 0000 01 + 02 00 | execute a spread eagle on skates, with arms and legs stretched out
01937222 38 v 01 ice_skate 0 005 @ 01936753 v 0000 ;c 00523513 n 0000 + 03558404 n 0101 + 10196490 n 0101 + 00448640 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | move along on ice skates
01937394 38 v 01 figure_skate 0 004 * 01708676 v 0000 @ 01936753 v 0000 ;c 00523513 n 0000 ~ 01937067 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | dance on skates
01937534 38 v 01 roller_skate 0 004 @ 01936753 v 0000 ;c 00523513 n 0000 + 10537107 n 0101 + 04102618 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | travel on shoes with steel or rubber rollers attached to their soles; "In some fashionable restaurants, the waiters roller skate around"
01937795 38 v 01 skateboard 0 005 @ 01936753 v 0000 ;c 00523513 n 0000 + 10604380 n 0101 + 00449054 n 0101 + 04225987 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | ride on a flat board with rollers attached to the bottom
01937992 38 v 01 Rollerblade 0 003 @ 01936753 v 0000 ;c 00523513 n 0000 + 04102162 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | travel on shoes with a single line of rubber wheels attached to their soles; "you'd better wear a helmet and knee protectors when you Rollerblade!"; "The muscular actor loves to Rollerblade"
01938288 38 v 01 speed_skate 0 004 * 01936753 v 0000 @ 01086103 v 0000 ;c 00523513 n 0000 + 04273972 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | race on skates
01938426 38 v 01 ski 0 010 @ 01835496 v 0000 ;c 00523513 n 0000 + 10605253 n 0101 + 00440747 n 0101 + 04228054 n 0101 ~ 01938739 v 0000 ~ 01938837 v 0000 ~ 01938942 v 0000 ~ 01939037 v 0000 ~ 01940248 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 22 00 | move along on skis; "We love to ski the Rockies"; "My children don't ski"
01938739 38 v 01 wedel 0 001 @ 01938426 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | ski, alternating directions
01938837 38 v 01 hot-dog 0 001 @ 01938426 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | perform intricate maneuvers while skiing
01938942 38 v 01 schuss 0 002 @ 01938426 v 0000 ;c 00523513 n 0000 01 + 02 00 | ski downhill
01939037 38 v 01 slalom 0 003 * 01991744 v 0000 @ 01938426 v 0000 + 07463950 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | race on skis around obstacles
01939174 38 v 02 sled 0 sleigh 0 009 @ 01955984 v 0000 ;c 00523513 n 0000 + 04235291 n 0203 + 10610333 n 0101 + 00447073 n 0101 + 04235291 n 0101 ~ 01939406 v 0000 ~ 01939811 v 0000 ~ 01940034 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | ride (on) a sled
01939406 38 v 02 dogsled 0 mush 0 004 @ 01939174 v 0000 + 10339717 n 0201 + 03218198 n 0101 $ 01939678 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | travel with a dogsled
01939553 38 v 01 drive a 002 @ 01871979 v 0000 ~ 01939678 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | urge forward; "drive the cows into the barn"
01939678 38 v 01 mush 1 003 $ 01939406 v 0000 @ 01939553 v 0000 + 10339717 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | drive (a team of dogs or a dogsled)
01939811 38 v 02 bobsled 0 bob 1 005 @ 01939174 v 0000 ;c 00523513 n 0000 + 02860847 n 0203 + 02861022 n 0101 + 02860847 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | ride a bobsled; "The boys bobbed down the hill screaming with pleasure"
01940034 38 v 02 toboggan 0 luge 0 007 @ 01939174 v 0000 ;c 00523513 n 0000 + 00447361 n 0201 + 03695753 n 0201 + 10714195 n 0101 + 00447221 n 0101 + 04443433 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | move along on a luge or toboggan
01940248 38 v 01 water_ski 0 005 * 01942718 v 0000 @ 01938426 v 0000 ;c 00523513 n 0000 + 04562262 n 0101 + 00445226 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | ride water skis
01940403 38 v 02 fly 0 wing 0 014 $ 01847845 v 0000 @ 01835496 v 0000 + 04592741 n 0201 + 02151625 n 0201 + 02190166 n 0101 + 10096217 n 0102 + 10096217 n 0101 + 00302394 n 0102 ~ 01924267 v 0000 ~ 01940782 v 0000 ~ 01940868 v 0000 ~ 01941006 v 0000 ~ 01943338 v 0000 ~ 01943448 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | travel through the air; be airborne; "Man cannot fly"
01940782 38 v 01 rack 3 001 @ 01940403 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | fly in high wind
01940868 38 v 01 flight 0 003 @ 01940403 v 0000 + 08220620 n 0101 + 00302394 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | fly in a flock; "flighting wild geese"
01941006 38 v 01 fly_on 0 001 @ 01940403 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | continue flying
01941093 38 v 03 fly 1 aviate 0 pilot 0 028 $ 01840238 v 0000 $ 01847845 v 0000 $ 01451842 v 0000 * 01940403 v 0000 @ 01224744 v 0000 ;c 00300441 n 0000 ;c 02686568 n 0000 + 10433164 n 0301 + 00609506 n 0302 + 00815801 n 0302 + 00609506 n 0301 + 00815801 n 0303 + 08067218 n 0201 + 05635188 n 0201 + 09826204 n 0201 + 09826204 n 0105 + 09826204 n 0104 + 00302394 n 0102 ~ 01941704 v 0000 ~ 01941838 v 0000 ~ 01941987 v 0000 ~ 01942137 v 0000 ~ 01942234 v 0000 ~ 01942347 v 0000 ~ 01943153 v 0000 ~ 01948659 v 0000 ~ 01955703 v 0000 ~ 01955808 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | operate an airplane; "The pilot flew to Cuba"
01941704 38 v 01 fly_blind 0 002 @ 01941093 v 0000 ;c 00300441 n 0000 01 + 02 00 | fly an airplane solely by relying on instruments
01941838 38 v 01 fly_contact 0 002 @ 01941093 v 0000 ;c 00300441 n 0000 01 + 02 00 | fly a plane by using visible landmarks or points of reference
01941987 38 v 01 solo 0 003 @ 01941093 v 0000 ;c 00300441 n 0000 + 00304729 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | fly alone, without a co-pilot or passengers
01942137 38 v 01 test_fly 0 002 @ 01941093 v 0000 ;c 00300441 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | test a plane
01942234 38 v 01 jet 0 003 @ 01941093 v 0000 ;c 00300441 n 0000 + 03595860 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | fly a jet plane
01942347 38 v 01 glide 1 007 @ 01941093 v 0000 ;c 00300441 n 0000 + 00303495 n 0101 + 03439814 n 0101 + 00303495 n 0102 ~ 01942560 v 0000 ~ 01942959 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | fly in or as if in a glider plane
01942560 38 v 01 kite 1 002 @ 01942347 v 0000 ;c 00300441 n 0000 01 + 02 00 | soar or fly like a kite; "The pilot kited for a long time over the mountains"
01942718 38 v 02 plane 0 skim 0 003 @ 01887576 v 0000 ~ 01942854 v 0000 ~ 01956512 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | travel on the surface of water
01942854 38 v 01 aquaplane 0 002 @ 01942718 v 0000 + 02731900 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | ride on an aquaplane
01942959 38 v 02 sailplane 0 soar 2 006 * 01941093 v 0000 @ 01942347 v 0000 ;c 00300441 n 0000 + 00303495 n 0204 + 00303495 n 0103 + 03439814 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | fly a plane without an engine
01943153 38 v 02 hydroplane 0 seaplane 0 005 * 01887576 v 0000 @ 01941093 v 0000 + 04160586 n 0201 + 03552749 n 0102 + 04160586 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | glide on the water in a hydroplane
01943338 38 v 01 soar 0 002 @ 01940403 v 0000 + 00326291 n 0101 01 + 04 00 | fly upwards or high in the sky
01943448 38 v 01 hover 0 002 @ 01940403 v 0000 ~ 01943571 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | hang in the air; fly or be suspended above
01943571 38 v 01 poise 0 001 @ 01943448 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | be motionless, in suspension; "The bird poised for a few moments before it attacked"
01943718 38 v 05 soar 1 soar_up 0 soar_upwards 0 surge 0 zoom 3 005 @ 01968569 v 0000 + 07375525 n 0503 + 00326291 n 0502 + 00364787 n 0401 ~ 02041422 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | rise rapidly; "the dollar soared against the yen"
01943949 38 v 01 go_up 2 001 @ 01968569 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | be erected, built, or constructed; "New buildings are going up everywhere"
01944086 38 v 02 rocket 0 skyrocket 0 003 @ 01968569 v 0000 + 04232902 n 0201 + 07263053 n 0202 01 + 01 00 | shoot up abruptly, like a rocket; "prices skyrocketed"
01944252 38 v 02 levitate 0 hover 1 003 * 01968569 v 0000 + 11408733 n 0101 $ 01944466 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | be suspended in the air, as if in defiance of gravity; "The guru claimed that he could levitate"
01944466 38 v 01 levitate 1 003 $ 01944252 v 0000 @ 01974062 v 0000 + 11408733 n 0101 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | cause to rise in the air and float, as if in defiance of gravity; "The magician levitated the woman"
01944692 38 v 01 boat 0 012 @ 01955984 v 0000 ;c 00815801 n 0000 + 02858304 n 0101 + 09861946 n 0102 + 00315390 n 0101 ~ 01945277 v 0000 ~ 01945381 v 0000 ~ 01945516 v 0000 ~ 01946996 v 0000 ~ 01947543 v 0000 ~ 01947735 v 0000 ~ 01947887 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | ride in a boat on water
01944976 38 v 02 steamer 0 steam 2 004 @ 01835496 v 0000 ;c 00815801 n 0000 + 04309348 n 0201 + 04309348 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | travel by means of steam power; "The ship steamed off into the Pacific"
01945183 38 v 01 tram 0 002 @ 01835496 v 0000 + 04335435 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | travel by tram
01945277 38 v 01 motorboat 0 002 @ 01944692 v 0000 + 03790230 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | ride in a motorboat
01945381 38 v 01 yacht 0 004 @ 01944692 v 0000 ;c 00815801 n 0000 + 04610013 n 0101 + 00315390 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | travel in a yacht
01945516 38 v 01 sail 0 014 @ 01944692 v 0000 ;c 00815801 n 0000 + 00312932 n 0102 + 04127904 n 0101 + 00313806 n 0101 ~ 01927903 v 0000 ~ 01928154 v 0000 ~ 01928283 v 0000 ~ 01945938 v 0000 ~ 01946138 v 0000 ~ 01946279 v 0000 ~ 01946408 v 0000 ~ 01946660 v 0000 ~ 01946817 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 22 00 | travel on water propelled by wind; "I love sailing, especially on the open sea"; "the ship sails on"
01945938 38 v 01 beat 1 003 @ 01945516 v 0000 ;c 00815801 n 0000 + 00314094 n 0101 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | sail with much tacking or with difficulty; "The boat beat in the strong wind"
01946138 38 v 02 scud 1 rack 2 004 @ 01945516 v 0000 ;c 00815801 n 0000 + 00330836 n 0101 + 00330836 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | run before a gale
01946279 38 v 01 outpoint 0 002 @ 01945516 v 0000 ;c 00815801 n 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 | sail closer to the wind than
01946408 38 v 02 tack 0 wear_round 0 006 @ 01945516 v 0000 ;c 02858304 n 0000 ;c 00815801 n 0000 + 04188368 n 0102 + 08681084 n 0101 + 00351334 n 0102 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | turn into the wind; "The sailors decided to tack the boat"; "The boat tacked"
01946660 38 v 01 wear_ship 0 002 @ 01945516 v 0000 ;c 00815801 n 0000 01 + 02 00 | turn away from the wind; "The sailors decided it was time to wear ship"
01946817 38 v 04 jibe 0 gybe 0 jib 0 change_course 0 002 @ 01945516 v 0000 + 03598151 n 0301 01 + 02 00 | shift from one side of the ship to the other; "The sail jibbed wildly"
01946996 38 v 01 row 0 008 @ 01944692 v 0000 + 00445351 n 0102 + 10368920 n 0102 + 00445351 n 0101 ~ 01124722 v 0000 ~ 01124828 v 0000 ~ 01947247 v 0000 ~ 01947352 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 22 00 | propel with oars; "row the boat across the lake"
01947247 38 v 01 pull 2 001 @ 01946996 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | operate when rowing a boat; "pull the oars"
01947352 38 v 01 scull 0 006 @ 01946996 v 0000 ;c 02858304 n 0000 ;c 00523513 n 0000 + 04156814 n 0101 + 10565764 n 0101 + 00445685 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | propel with sculls; "scull the boat"
01947543 38 v 01 canoe 0 005 * 01947887 v 0000 @ 01944692 v 0000 ;c 00523513 n 0000 + 09891470 n 0101 + 02951358 n 0101 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 22 00 | travel by canoe; "canoe along the canal"
01947735 38 v 01 kayak 0 003 @ 01944692 v 0000 ;c 00523513 n 0000 + 03609235 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | travel in a small canoe; "we kayaked down the river"
01947887 38 v 01 paddle 0 005 @ 01944692 v 0000 ;c 00523513 n 0000 + 03873416 n 0101 + 09891470 n 0102 ~ 01124964 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | propel with a paddle; "paddle your own canoe"
01948077 38 v 02 surfboard 0 surf 0 007 @ 01887576 v 0000 ;c 00523513 n 0000 + 07344233 n 0201 + 10679054 n 0201 + 00445055 n 0201 + 04363559 n 0101 ~ 01948450 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | ride the waves of the sea with a surfboard; "Californians love to surf"
01948339 38 v 01 body-surf 0 001 @ 01887576 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | ride the crest of a wave without a surfboard
01948450 38 v 01 windsurf 0 002 @ 01948077 v 0000 ;c 00523513 n 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | ride standing on a surfboard with an attached sail, on water; "You cannot windsurf when the air is completely still"
01948659 38 v 01 balloon 0 003 @ 01941093 v 0000 + 09835348 n 0101 + 02782093 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | ride in a hot-air balloon; "He tried to balloon around the earth but storms forced him to land in China"
01948872 38 v 01 taxi 1 001 @ 01835496 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | travel slowly; "The plane taxied down the runway"
01949007 38 v 02 taxi 0 cab 3 002 @ 01955984 v 0000 + 02930766 n 0103 01 + 02 00 | ride in a taxicab
01949110 38 v 01 bus 0 002 @ 01955984 v 0000 + 02924116 n 0101 03 + 02 00 + 09 00 + 21 00 | ride in a bus
01949218 38 v 01 ferry 0 003 @ 01835496 v 0000 ;c 00815801 n 0000 + 03329663 n 0101 01 + 22 00 | travel by ferry
01949333 38 v 01 caravan 0 002 @ 01835496 v 0000 + 08427629 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | travel in a caravan
01949435 38 v 01 ferry 1 004 @ 01953810 v 0000 ;c 00815801 n 0000 + 03329663 n 0101 + 01106587 n 0102 02 + 20 00 + 21 00 | transport by ferry
01949579 38 v 01 wheelbarrow 0 001 @ 01953810 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | transport in a wheelbarrow
01949674 38 v 01 ferry 2 003 @ 02077656 v 0000 ;c 00815801 n 0000 + 01106587 n 0101 02 + 20 00 + 21 00 | transport from one place to another
01949817 38 v 01 chariot 1 004 @ 01449974 v 0000 + 03009269 n 0101 + 03009111 n 0101 + 09910222 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | transport in a chariot
01949966 38 v 01 raft 1 004 @ 01953810 v 0000 ;c 00815801 n 0000 + 04045397 n 0101 $ 01842508 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | transport on a raft; "raft wood down a river"
01950128 38 v 01 bus 1 002 @ 01953810 v 0000 + 02924116 n 0101 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | send or move around by bus; "The children were bussed to school"
01950295 38 v 01 pipe 0 005 @ 01953810 v 0000 + 03944672 n 0101 + 13323102 n 0101 + 03944672 n 0102 + 03944672 n 0103 02 + 15 00 + 21 00 | transport by pipeline; "pipe oil, water, and gas into the desert"
01950502 38 v 01 barge 1 004 @ 01950798 v 0000 ;c 00815801 n 0000 + 10261388 n 0103 + 02792552 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | transport by barge on a body of water
01950657 38 v 01 railroad 0 004 @ 01950798 v 0000 + 04048075 n 0102 + 04048568 n 0102 + 00951037 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | transport by railroad
01950798 38 v 03 transport 1 send 0 ship 0 014 @ 01850315 v 0000 + 02964389 n 0307 + 00061290 n 0303 + 10590339 n 0301 + 08481715 n 0301 + 01105259 n 0302 ^ 01955508 v 0202 ^ 01955127 v 0203 + 01105259 n 0103 + 01105259 n 0101 ~ 01950502 v 0000 ~ 01950657 v 0000 ~ 01955127 v 0000 ~ 01955508 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | transport commercially
01951159 38 v 03 air-ship 0 airfreight 0 air-freight 0 001 @ 01951276 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | transport (cargo) by air
01951276 38 v 01 freight 0 007 @ 01953810 v 0000 + 13326198 n 0101 + 01106272 n 0101 + 02878222 n 0102 + 13326198 n 0102 + 01106272 n 0102 ~ 01951159 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | transport commercially as cargo
01951480 38 v 02 send 1 direct 1 012 @ 01850315 v 0000 + 00121166 n 0101 ^ 02402825 v 0107 ^ 02465939 v 0103 ~ 01632897 v 0000 ~ 01951937 v 0000 ~ 01952208 v 0000 ~ 01952363 v 0000 ~ 01952750 v 0000 ~ 01952898 v 0000 ~ 01953334 v 0000 ~ 02101046 v 0000 05 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | cause to go somewhere; "The explosion sent the car flying in the air"; "She sent her children to camp"; "He directed all his energies into his dissertation"
01951937 38 v 01 turn e 002 @ 01951480 v 0000 ~ 02591171 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | channel one's attention, interest, thought, or attention toward or away from something; "The pedophile turned to boys for satisfaction"; "people turn to mysticism at the turn of a millennium"
01952208 38 v 01 turn 6 001 @ 01951480 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | to send or let go; "They turned away the crowd at the gate of the governor's mansion"
01952363 38 v 01 divert 1 003 @ 01951480 v 0000 ~ 01952564 v 0000 ~ 02065085 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | send on a course or in a direction different from the planned or intended one
01952564 38 v 01 route 1 002 @ 01952363 v 0000 + 08616311 n 0102 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | divert in a specified direction; "divert the low voltage to the engine cylinders"
01952750 38 v 01 route 0 003 @ 01951480 v 0000 + 04096066 n 0102 + 08616311 n 0102 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | send via a specific route
01952898 38 v 01 refer 0 007 @ 01951480 v 0000 + 10526927 n 0102 + 10514429 n 0101 + 01264050 n 0101 + 00121904 n 0101 ~ 00878636 v 0000 ~ 01953191 v 0000 01 + 15 00 | send or direct for treatment, information, or a decision; "refer a patient to a specialist"; "refer a bill to a committee"
01953191 38 v 01 recommit 0 001 @ 01952898 v 0000 01 + 15 00 | send back to a committee; "The bill was recommitted three times in the House"
01953334 38 v 02 redirect 0 airt 0 002 @ 01951480 v 0000 ~ 01953527 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | channel into a new direction; "redirect your attention to the danger from the fundamentalists"
01953527 38 v 01 sublimate 0 003 @ 01953334 v 0000 + 07297927 n 0101 ~ 01953675 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | direct energy or urges into useful activities
01953675 38 v 02 desexualize 0 desexualise 0 001 @ 01953527 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | direct one's libidinous urges into another direction
01953810 38 v 01 transport 0 022 @ 01850315 v 0000 + 03100490 n 0102 + 04473432 n 0102 + 04474035 n 0101 + 04473884 n 0101 ~ 01854001 v 0000 ~ 01874568 v 0000 ~ 01949435 v 0000 ~ 01949579 v 0000 ~ 01949966 v 0000 ~ 01950128 v 0000 ~ 01950295 v 0000 ~ 01951276 v 0000 ~ 01954341 v 0000 ~ 01954559 v 0000 ~ 01954741 v 0000 ~ 01954852 v 0000 ~ 01957107 v 0000 ~ 02046441 v 0000 ~ 02079330 v 0000 ~ 02102655 v 0000 ~ 02104690 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | move something or somebody around; usually over long distances
01954341 38 v 01 truck 0 005 @ 01953810 v 0000 + 04490091 n 0101 + 10695192 n 0102 + 01105909 n 0102 + 01105909 n 0103 02 + 20 00 + 21 00 | convey (goods etc.) by truck; "truck fresh vegetables across the mountains"
01954559 38 v 01 rail 4 003 @ 01953810 v 0000 + 04463679 n 0102 + 04046810 n 0101 02 + 20 00 + 21 00 | convey (goods etc.) by rails; "fresh fruit are railed from Italy to Belgium"
01954741 38 v 01 sledge 1 002 @ 01953810 v 0000 + 04235291 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | transport in a sleigh
01954852 38 v 01 lighter 0 004 @ 01953810 v 0000 + 02792552 n 0104 + 13322520 n 0101 + 00651954 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 20 00 | transport in a flatbottom boat
01955009 38 v 01 bundle_off 0 002 > 02009433 v 0000 @ 01955127 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 20 00 | send off unceremoniously
01955127 38 v 03 dispatch 0 despatch 0 send_off 0 006 @ 01950798 v 0000 + 00061290 n 0202 + 06682794 n 0101 + 10017422 n 0101 ~ 01955009 v 0000 ~ 01955364 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | send away towards a designated goal
01955364 38 v 01 route 2 002 @ 01955127 v 0000 + 04096066 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 15 00 | send documents or materials to appropriate destinations
01955508 38 v 02 forward 0 send_on 0 002 @ 01950798 v 0000 + 00121645 n 0101 03 + 08 00 + 14 00 + 15 00 | send or ship onward from an intermediate post or station in transit; "forward my mail"
01955703 38 v 02 hedgehop 0 flat-hat 0 001 @ 01941093 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | fly very close to the ground
01955808 38 v 02 hang_glide 0 soar 3 005 * 01942347 v 0000 @ 01941093 v 0000 + 00326291 n 0201 + 00303495 n 0204 + 00303748 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | fly by means of a hang glider
01955984 38 v 01 ride 0 020 $ 02742232 v 0000 $ 01847676 v 0000 @ 01841079 v 0000 + 00307631 n 0102 + 10403876 n 0102 ! 01904930 v 0101 ~ 01840929 v 0000 ~ 01906687 v 0000 ~ 01935476 v 0000 ~ 01936048 v 0000 ~ 01936537 v 0000 ~ 01939174 v 0000 ~ 01944692 v 0000 ~ 01949007 v 0000 ~ 01949110 v 0000 ~ 01956708 v 0000 ~ 01956955 v 0000 ~ 01957273 v 0000 ~ 01957403 v 0000 $ 02102398 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 22 00 | be carried or travel on or in a vehicle; "I ride to work in a bus"; "He rides the subway downtown every day"
01956512 38 v 01 aquaplane 1 001 @ 01942718 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | rise up onto a thin film of water between the tires and road so that there is no more contact with the road; "the car aquaplaned"
01956708 38 v 03 joyride 0 tool 0 tool_around 0 004 @ 01955984 v 0000 ;c 00298497 n 0000 + 00309368 n 0101 $ 02100341 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | ride in a car with no particular goal and just for the pleasure of it; "We tooled down the street"
01956955 38 v 03 hitchhike 0 hitch 0 thumb 0 002 @ 01955984 v 0000 + 10178077 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | travel by getting free rides from motorists
01957107 38 v 01 pick_up 0 002 @ 01953810 v 0000 + 00319176 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | give a passenger or a hitchhiker a lift; "We picked up a hitchhiker on the highway"
01957273 38 v 01 snowmobile 0 003 @ 01955984 v 0000 ;c 00298497 n 0000 + 04252077 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | ride a snowmobile
01957403 38 v 01 piggyback 0 001 @ 01955984 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | ride on someone's shoulders or back
01957529 38 v 02 ride 1 sit 3 013 @ 01835496 v 0000 ;c 00299217 n 0000 + 00307631 n 0102 + 10529965 n 0101 + 00299217 n 0101 ~ 01957995 v 0000 ~ 01958103 v 0000 ~ 01958278 v 0000 ~ 01958615 v 0000 ~ 01959022 v 0000 ~ 01959482 v 0000 ~ 01960296 v 0000 $ 02102398 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | sit and travel on the back of animal, usually while controlling its motions; "She never sat a horse!"; "Did you ever ride a camel?"; "The girl liked to drive the young mare"
01957995 38 v 01 override 3 002 @ 01957529 v 0000 ;c 00299217 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | ride (a horse) too hard
01958103 38 v 01 ride_herd 0 001 @ 01957529 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | driving animals such as horses and cattle while riding along with them; "Joe was riding herd during the day"
01958278 38 v 01 outride 0 002 @ 01957529 v 0000 ;c 00299217 n 0000 01 + 09 00 | ride better, faster, or further than; "The champion bicyclist outrode all his competitors"
01958452 38 v 05 unhorse 0 dismount 0 light 1 get_off 0 get_down 1 003 @ 01970826 v 0000 ;c 00299217 n 0000 + 01252800 n 0201 01 + 02 00 | alight from (a horse)
01958615 38 v 01 ride_horseback 0 010 @ 01957529 v 0000 ;c 00299217 n 0000 ;c 00450335 n 0000 + 00450335 n 0102 + 00299217 n 0102 ~ 01958868 v 0000 ~ 01959340 v 0000 ~ 01959927 v 0000 ~ 01960105 v 0000 ~ 01960779 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | ride on horseback
01958868 38 v 01 prance 1 003 @ 01958615 v 0000 ;c 00299217 n 0000 ;c 00450335 n 0000 01 + 02 00 | ride a horse such that it springs and bounds forward
01959022 38 v 01 prance 2 004 $ 01959181 v 0000 @ 01957529 v 0000 ;c 00299217 n 0000 ;c 00450335 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | cause (a horse) to bound spring forward
01959181 38 v 01 prance 3 002 @ 01835496 v 0000 $ 01959022 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | spring forward on the hind legs; "The young horse was prancing in the meadow"
01959340 38 v 01 canter 0 003 @ 01958615 v 0000 ;c 00299217 n 0000 + 00288486 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | ride at a canter; "The men cantered away"
01959482 38 v 01 canter 3 004 @ 01957529 v 0000 ;c 00299217 n 0000 ;c 00450335 n 0000 + 00288486 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | ride at a cantering pace; "He cantered the horse across the meadow"
01959669 38 v 01 canter 1 002 @ 02091165 v 0000 + 00288486 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | go at a canter, of horses
01959776 38 v 01 walk 2 003 @ 02091165 v 0000 + 00287142 n 0101 $ 01904930 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | walk at a pace; "The horses walked across the meadow"
01959927 38 v 01 gallop 0 004 @ 01958615 v 0000 ;c 00299217 n 0000 ;c 00450335 n 0000 + 00288671 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | ride at a galloping pace; "He was galloping down the road"
01960105 38 v 01 post 4 003 @ 01958615 v 0000 ;c 00299217 n 0000 ;c 00450335 n 0000 01 + 02 00 | ride Western style and bob up and down in the saddle in rhythm with a horse's trotting gait
01960296 38 v 02 gallop 3 extend e 004 @ 01957529 v 0000 ;c 00299217 n 0000 ;c 00450335 n 0000 + 00288671 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | cause to move at full gallop; "Did you gallop the horse just now?"
01960491 38 v 02 single-foot 0 rack 0 003 @ 02091165 v 0000 + 00287276 n 0201 + 00287276 n 0102 01 + 01 00 | go at a rack; "the horses single-footed"
01960643 38 v 01 gallop 1 002 @ 02091165 v 0000 + 00288671 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | go at galloping speed; "The horse was galloping along"
01960779 38 v 01 trot 1 004 @ 01958615 v 0000 ;c 00299217 n 0000 ;c 00450335 n 0000 + 00287561 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | ride at a trot
01960911 38 v 01 swim 0 014 @ 01835496 v 0000 + 00442115 n 0102 + 10683126 n 0101 + 10683349 n 0101 + 00442115 n 0101 ~ 01961334 v 0000 ~ 01961510 v 0000 ~ 01961691 v 0000 ~ 01961859 v 0000 ~ 01961974 v 0000 ~ 01962178 v 0000 ~ 01962375 v 0000 ~ 01962498 v 0000 ~ 01962671 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 22 00 | travel through water; "We had to swim for 20 minutes to reach the shore"; "a big fish was swimming in the tank"
01961334 38 v 01 school 0 002 @ 01960911 v 0000 + 07995453 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | swim in or form a large group of fish; "A cluster of schooling fish was attracted to the bait"
01961510 38 v 02 fin 0 break_water 0 002 @ 01960911 v 0000 + 02466132 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | show the fins above the water while swimming; "The sharks were finning near the surface"
01961691 38 v 01 fin 1 004 @ 01960911 v 0000 ;c 00441824 n 0000 + 02466132 n 0101 + 03364156 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | propel oneself through the water in a finning motion
01961859 38 v 01 paddle 1 002 @ 01960911 v 0000 ;c 00441824 n 0000 01 + 01 00 | swim like a dog in shallow water
01961974 38 v 01 crawl 1 003 @ 01960911 v 0000 ;c 00441824 n 0000 + 00570366 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | swim by doing the crawl; "European children learn the breast stroke; they often don't know how to crawl"
01962178 38 v 01 breaststroke 0 003 @ 01960911 v 0000 ;c 00441824 n 0000 + 09873769 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | swim with the face down and extend the arms forward and outward while kicking with the leg
01962375 38 v 01 backstroke 0 003 @ 01960911 v 0000 ;c 00441824 n 0000 + 09831303 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | swim on one's back
01962498 38 v 01 skinny-dip 0 003 @ 01960911 v 0000 + 10605737 n 0101 + 00442654 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | bathe in the nude; "The young people were skinny-dipping in the pond"
01962671 38 v 01 dive 1 004 @ 01960911 v 0000 + 10019552 n 0101 ~ 01963130 v 0000 ~ 01963795 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | swim under water; "the children enjoyed diving and looking for shells"
01962865 38 v 01 dive 2 007 @ 01991472 v 0000 ;c 00441824 n 0000 + 00442981 n 0101 + 10019406 n 0101 + 00442981 n 0102 ~ 01963316 v 0000 ~ 01963459 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | plunge into water; "I was afraid to dive from the board into the pool"
01963130 38 v 01 skin-dive 0 004 @ 01962671 v 0000 ;c 00523513 n 0000 + 10607291 n 0101 + 00444651 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | swim underwater with no breathing apparatus other than a snorkel
01963316 38 v 01 belly-flop 0 002 @ 01962865 v 0000 ;c 00441824 n 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | dive so that one hits the water with one's belly
01963459 38 v 01 jackknife 0 003 @ 01962865 v 0000 ;c 00523513 n 0000 + 00444340 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | dive into the water bending the body at the waist at a right angle, like a jackknife
01963655 38 v 01 power-dive 0 002 @ 01967373 v 0000 ;c 00300441 n 0000 02 + 01 00 + 08 00 | make a power dive; "The airplane power-dived"
01963795 38 v 01 snorkel 0 004 @ 01962671 v 0000 ;c 00523513 n 0000 + 04251144 n 0101 + 00444937 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | dive with a snorkel
01963942 38 v 04 jump 0 leap 0 bound 1 spring 1 026 @ 01831531 v 0000 + 00120202 n 0403 + 09869171 n 0301 + 00120202 n 0305 + 05086740 n 0201 + 00120202 n 0201 + 09869171 n 0202 ^ 02674564 v 0201 + 00119568 n 0101 + 00119568 n 0102 ^ 01923414 v 0105 ~ 01869465 v 0000 ~ 01892104 v 0000 ~ 01964634 v 0000 ~ 01964788 v 0000 ~ 01964891 v 0000 ~ 01964998 v 0000 ~ 01965331 v 0000 ~ 01965464 v 0000 ~ 01965806 v 0000 ~ 01965911 v 0000 ~ 01966168 v 0000 ~ 01966352 v 0000 ~ 01966861 v 0000 ~ 01967104 v 0000 ~ 02094788 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 22 00 | move forward by leaps and bounds; "The horse bounded across the meadow"; "The child leapt across the puddle"; "Can you jump over the fence?"
01964634 38 v 01 burst 0 001 @ 01963942 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | move suddenly, energetically, or violently; "He burst out of the house into the cool night"
01964788 38 v 01 bounce 1 001 @ 01963942 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | leap suddenly; "He bounced to his feet"
01964891 38 v 01 capriole 1 001 @ 01963942 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | perform a capriole, of horses in dressage
01964998 38 v 01 galumph 0 001 @ 01963942 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | move around heavily and clumsily; "the giant tortoises galumphed around in their pen"
01965156 38 v 02 jump 1 leap a 003 > 01963942 v 0000 + 05086740 n 0201 + 00120202 n 0201 01 + 08 00 | cause to jump or leap; "the trainer jumped the tiger through the hoop"
01965331 38 v 01 ski_jump 0 004 @ 01963942 v 0000 ;c 00523513 n 0000 + 00441073 n 0101 + 04229620 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | jump on skis
01965464 38 v 01 saltate 0 003 @ 01963942 v 0000 + 00428270 n 0104 + 00120202 n 0104 03 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | leap or skip, often in dancing; "These fish swim with a saltating motion"
01965654 38 v 01 saltate 1 002 @ 01850315 v 0000 + 13552644 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | move by saltation; "The sand grains are saltated by the wind"
01965806 38 v 01 vault 0 002 @ 01963942 v 0000 + 10746931 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | bound vigorously
01965911 38 v 01 leapfrog 0 002 @ 01963942 v 0000 + 00485998 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | jump across; "He leapfrogged his classmates"
01966039 38 v 01 bolt 0 002 @ 01831531 v 0000 + 00555983 n 0102 01 + 04 00 | move or jump suddenly; "She bolted from her seat"
01966168 38 v 02 vault 1 overleap 0 005 @ 01963942 v 0000 + 00120515 n 0101 + 10746931 n 0101 + 00288190 n 0102 ~ 01967205 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | jump across or leap over (an obstacle)
01966352 38 v 01 curvet 0 002 @ 01963942 v 0000 + 00288190 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | perform a leap where both hind legs come off the ground, of a horse
01966501 38 v 04 leap_out 0 rush_out 0 sally_out 0 burst_forth 0 001 @ 00422090 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | jump out from a hiding place and surprise (someone); "The attackers leapt out from the bushes"
01966706 38 v 02 avalanche 0 roll_down 0 002 @ 01970826 v 0000 + 07405137 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | gather into a huge mass and roll down a mountain, of snow
01966861 38 v 03 hop 0 skip 0 hop-skip 0 009 @ 01963942 v 0000 + 00289906 n 0201 ^ 00616498 v 0204 + 07449548 n 0101 + 00120010 n 0101 + 10185327 n 0101 + 03535284 n 0101 + 00129089 n 0104 ^ 01923414 v 0101 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | jump lightly
01967104 38 v 01 caper 0 002 @ 01963942 v 0000 + 00511817 n 0105 01 + 02 00 | jump about playfully
01967205 38 v 01 hurdle 0 006 @ 01966168 v 0000 ;c 00523513 n 0000 + 03549589 n 0101 + 00120515 n 0102 + 10193864 n 0101 + 07469162 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | jump a hurdle
01967373 38 v 03 dive 0 plunge 1 plunk 0 008 $ 01977080 v 0000 @ 01970826 v 0000 + 07434209 n 0201 ~ 01963655 v 0000 ~ 01967634 v 0000 ~ 01967792 v 0000 ~ 01967923 v 0000 ~ 01968275 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 22 00 | drop steeply; "the stock market plunged"
01967634 38 v 01 nosedive 0 002 @ 01967373 v 0000 ;c 00300441 n 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | plunge nose first; drop with the nose or front first, of aircraft
01967792 38 v 01 duck 1 002 @ 01967373 v 0000 + 00277569 n 0103 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 21 00 + 22 00 | submerge or plunge suddenly
01967923 38 v 01 crash-dive 0 002 @ 01967373 v 0000 ;c 00300441 n 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | descend steeply and rapidly
01968045 38 v 02 sky_dive 0 skydive 0 005 @ 01968275 v 0000 + 00304040 n 0201 + 10608188 n 0201 + 10608188 n 0101 + 00304040 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | jump from an airplane and perform various maneuvers before opening one's parachute
01968275 38 v 03 chute 0 parachute 0 jump c 010 @ 01967373 v 0000 * 01942347 v 0000 * 01970826 v 0000 + 00303849 n 0301 + 10397482 n 0201 + 10397482 n 0202 + 00303849 n 0202 + 03888257 n 0201 + 03888257 n 0102 ~ 01968045 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | jump from an airplane and descend with a parachute
01968569 38 v 07 rise 0 lift 3 arise 4 move_up 0 go_up 0 come_up 3 uprise 1 017 @ 01835496 v 0000 + 07370671 n 0202 + 07445480 n 0101 + 00324384 n 0101 + 07445480 n 0102 ! 01970826 v 0102 ^ 01990281 v 0103 ~ 01885239 v 0000 ~ 01921964 v 0000 ~ 01943718 v 0000 ~ 01943949 v 0000 ~ 01944086 v 0000 ~ 01969084 v 0000 ~ 01969601 v 0000 ~ 01970125 v 0000 ~ 01970272 v 0000 ~ 01970348 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | move upward; "The fog lifted"; "The smoke arose from the forest fire"; "The mist uprose from the meadows"
01969084 38 v 01 bubble 0 001 @ 01968569 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | rise in bubbles or as if in bubbles; "bubble to the surface"
01969216 38 v 02 ascend 2 go_up a 012 @ 01835496 v 0000 + 02083391 a 0101 + 02484638 a 0103 + 02484638 a 0101 + 07445480 n 0104 + 00324384 n 0103 + 07445480 n 0103 + 00324384 n 0102 + 09813522 n 0101 ! 01970826 v 0101 ~ 01990281 v 0000 ~ 01990562 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | travel up, "We ascended the mountain"; "go up a ladder"; "The mountaineers slowly ascended the steep slope"
01969601 38 v 01 uplift 2 002 @ 01968569 v 0000 + 07375781 n 0102 01 + 01 00 | lift up from the earth, as by geologic forces; "the earth's movement uplifted this part of town"
01969779 38 v 03 ascend 5 move_up 1 rise 6 001 @ 00109660 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | move to a better position in life or to a better job; "She ascended from a life of poverty to one of great
01969991 38 v 01 queen 0 003 @ 01080523 v 0000 ;c 00503237 n 0000 + 04033287 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | become a queen; "her pawn queened"
01970125 38 v 01 chandelle 0 002 @ 01968569 v 0000 ;c 00300441 n 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | climb suddenly and steeply; "The airplane chandelled"
01970272 38 v 01 steam 1 001 @ 01968569 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | rise as vapor
01970348 38 v 04 rise 8 come_up 0 uprise 2 ascend 3 006 @ 01968569 v 0000 ;c 06095022 n 0000 + 02484638 a 0402 + 07311661 n 0401 + 07445480 n 0101 ! 01970646 v 0101 01 + 01 00 | come up, of celestial bodies; "The sun also rises"; "The sun uprising sees the dusk night fled..."; "Jupiter ascends"
01970646 38 v 03 set 0 go_down 1 go_under 8 003 @ 01970826 v 0000 ;c 06095022 n 0000 ! 01970348 v 0101 01 + 01 00 | disappear beyond the horizon; "the sun sets early these days"
01970826 38 v 04 descend 0 fall 0 go_down 2 come_down 0 028 @ 01835496 v 0000 + 07370270 n 0201 ! 01968569 v 0201 ^ 01989053 v 0202 + 02486122 a 0101 + 02486122 a 0102 + 07363346 n 0101 ! 01969216 v 0101 ~ 01833906 v 0000 ~ 01923058 v 0000 ~ 01958452 v 0000 ~ 01966706 v 0000 ~ 01967373 v 0000 ~ 01970646 v 0000 ~ 01971603 v 0000 ~ 01971750 v 0000 ~ 01971929 v 0000 ~ 01972570 v 0000 ~ 01972753 v 0000 ~ 01976488 v 0000 ~ 01976841 v 0000 ~ 01977266 v 0000 ~ 01978436 v 0000 ~ 01978576 v 0000 ~ 01989873 v 0000 ~ 02064358 v 0000 ~ 02071142 v 0000 ~ 02071316 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | move downward and lower, but not necessarily all the way; "The temperature is going down"; "The barometer is falling"; "The curtain fell on the diva"; "Her hand went up and then fell again"
01971603 38 v 03 decline 3 slump 3 correct 3 001 @ 01970826 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | go down in value; "the stock market corrected"; "prices slumped"
01971750 38 v 01 precipitate 1 002 @ 01970826 v 0000 + 07434320 n 0101 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | fall vertically, sharply, or headlong; "Our economy precipitated into complete ruin"
01971929 38 v 02 sink 6 subside 3 001 @ 01970826 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | descend into or as if into some soft substance or place; "He sank into bed"; "She subsided into the chair"
01972131 38 v 03 sink 7 pass 2 lapse 1 002 @ 00124442 v 0000 + 00201058 n 0201 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | pass into a specified state or condition; "He sank into nirvana"
01972298 38 v 01 fall 3 005 $ 02756821 v 0000 @ 01835496 v 0000 + 10076778 n 0101 + 07362386 n 0102 + 00076884 n 0103 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | descend in free fall under the influence of gravity; "The branch fell from the tree"; "The unfortunate hiker fell into a crevasse"
01972570 38 v 01 crash 2 001 @ 01970826 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | fall or come down violently; "The branch crashed down on my car"; "The plane crashed in the sea"
01972753 38 v 01 flop 0 001 @ 01970826 v 0000 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | fall suddenly and abruptly
01972849 38 v 01 flop 1 002 @ 01989053 v 0000 + 00327510 n 0101 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | fall loosely; "He flopped into a chair"
01972976 38 v 01 break 1 002 @ 01989053 v 0000 + 07344233 n 0102 01 + 01 00 | curl over and fall apart in surf or foam, of waves; "The surf broke"
01973125 38 v 05 lower 0 take_down 0 let_down 0 get_down 0 bring_down 1 009 @ 01850315 v 0000 > 01970826 v 0000 + 03693973 n 0102 + 00327683 n 0101 ! 01974062 v 0101 ~ 01973636 v 0000 ~ 01973932 v 0000 ~ 02041109 v 0000 ~ 02063018 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | move something or somebody to a lower position; "take down the vase from the shelf"
01973486 38 v 01 get_down 2 001 @ 01831531 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | lower (one's body) as by kneeling; "Get down on your knees!"
01973636 38 v 01 reef 2 001 @ 01973125 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | lower and bring partially inboard; "reef the sailboat's mast"
01973759 38 v 02 lift 1 raise 2 005 > 01968569 v 0000 @ 01850315 v 0000 + 00116376 n 0202 + 07370671 n 0203 + 00116376 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | move upwards; "lift one's eyes"
01973932 38 v 01 depress 0 001 @ 01973125 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | lower (prices or markets); "The glut of oil depressed gas prices"
01974062 38 v 05 raise 0 lift 0 elevate 0 get_up 0 bring_up 0 037 > 01968569 v 0000 @ 01850315 v 0000 + 09366317 n 0302 + 07370671 n 0301 + 05131283 n 0301 + 03281145 n 0301 + 00116376 n 0201 + 00316594 n 0202 + 03281145 n 0202 + 03664514 n 0201 + 04231693 n 0203 + 07348399 n 0201 + 07370671 n 0202 + 10773394 n 0202 ^ 01976089 v 0202 + 00116376 n 0102 + 09206985 n 0104 ! 01973125 v 0101 ~ 00018405 v 0000 ~ 01219544 v 0000 ~ 01239359 v 0000 ~ 01371651 v 0000 ~ 01455184 v 0000 ~ 01455639 v 0000 ~ 01455754 v 0000 ~ 01611359 v 0000 ~ 01853069 v 0000 ~ 01944466 v 0000 ~ 01974916 v 0000 ~ 01975121 v 0000 ~ 01975237 v 0000 ~ 01975387 v 0000 ~ 01975587 v 0000 ~ 01975753 v 0000 ~ 01975912 v 0000 ~ 01976089 v 0000 ~ 01982866 v 0000 05 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | raise from a lower to a higher position; "Raise your hands"; "Lift a load"
01974916 38 v 01 underlay 0 002 @ 01974062 v 0000 ;c 06677302 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | raise or support (the level of printing) by inserting a piece of paper or cardboard under the type; "underlay the plate"
01975121 38 v 01 skid 2 003 @ 01974062 v 0000 + 04228844 n 0101 + 10604979 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | elevate onto skids
01975237 38 v 01 pinnacle 0 002 @ 01974062 v 0000 + 03943266 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | raise on or as if on a pinnacle; "He did not want to be pinnacled"
01975387 38 v 02 chin 0 chin_up 0 003 @ 01974062 v 0000 ;c 00433802 n 0000 + 00629597 n 0202 01 + 02 00 | raise oneself while hanging from one's hands until one's chin is level with the support bar
01975587 38 v 03 raise 1 leaven 0 prove 0 003 @ 01974062 v 0000 > 01983134 v 0000 + 14934031 n 0201 01 + 11 00 | cause to puff up with a leaven; "unleavened bread"
01975753 38 v 01 heighten 0 001 @ 01974062 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | increase the height of; "The athletes kept jumping over the steadily heightened bars"
01975912 38 v 03 hike 1 hike_up 0 boost 0 004 @ 01974062 v 0000 + 05110408 n 0302 + 05110408 n 0103 + 05110185 n 0104 01 + 08 00 | increase; "The landlord hiked up the rents"
01976089 38 v 03 pick_up 1 lift_up 0 gather_up 0 001 @ 01974062 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | take and lift upward
01976220 38 v 03 dip 0 douse 0 duck 2 003 @ 01577093 v 0000 + 00277569 n 0303 + 00442847 n 0101 02 + 04 00 + 21 00 | dip into a liquid; "He dipped into the pool"
01976384 38 v 01 dabble 0 001 @ 01577093 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | dip a foot or hand briefly into a liquid
01976488 38 v 02 tumble 0 topple 0 003 @ 01970826 v 0000 + 00076884 n 0102 ~ 01976702 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | fall down, as if collapsing; "The tower of the World Trade Center tumbled after the plane hit it"
01976702 38 v 01 keel_over 0 001 @ 01976488 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | turn over and fall; "the man had a heart attack and keeled over"
01976841 38 v 01 drop 0 007 @ 01970826 v 0000 + 07362386 n 0101 ~ 01977080 v 0000 $ 01977701 v 0000 ~ 01978199 v 0000 ~ 01978340 v 0000 ~ 02039876 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | to fall vertically; "the bombs are dropping on enemy targets"
01977080 38 v 02 plunge 0 dump 1 004 @ 01976841 v 0000 + 07434209 n 0101 + 10019406 n 0102 $ 01967373 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | fall abruptly; "It plunged to the bottom of the well"
01977266 38 v 01 plop 0 002 @ 01970826 v 0000 + 07390049 n 0101 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | drop with the sound of something falling into water
01977421 38 v 01 plop 1 002 @ 01977701 v 0000 + 07390049 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | drop something with a plopping sound
01977545 38 v 01 dump 0 002 @ 01977701 v 0000 + 03256166 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | drop (stuff) in a heap or mass; "The truck dumped the garbage in the street"
01977701 38 v 01 drop 1 009 $ 01976841 v 0000 $ 01985923 v 0000 @ 01850315 v 0000 + 00327366 n 0101 + 07362386 n 0101 ~ 01977421 v 0000 ~ 01977545 v 0000 ~ 01977962 v 0000 ~ 01978069 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | let fall to the ground; "Don't drop the dishes"
01977962 38 v 01 hang 3 001 @ 01977701 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | let drop or droop; "Hang one's head in shame"
01978069 38 v 03 plonk_down 0 plump_down 0 plank_down 0 001 @ 01977701 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | drop heavily
01978199 38 v 02 plummet 0 plump 1 002 @ 01976841 v 0000 + 07390205 n 0201 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | drop sharply; "The stock market plummeted"
01978340 38 v 02 flump 0 flump_down 0 001 @ 01976841 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | fall heavily
01978436 38 v 01 pitch 0 001 @ 01970826 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 08 00 | fall or plunge forward; "She pitched over the railing of the balcony"
01978576 38 v 02 alight 0 climb_down 0 001 @ 01970826 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 22 00 | come down; "the birds alighted"
01978700 38 v 03 alight 1 light 0 perch 0 001 @ 01979901 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 22 00 | to come to rest, settle; "Misfortune lighted upon him"
01978850 38 v 01 force-land 0 001 @ 01979901 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | make a forced landing
01978947 38 v 01 beach 0 002 @ 01979901 v 0000 + 09217230 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | land on a beach; "the ship beached near the port"
01979085 38 v 01 port 5 003 @ 01979901 v 0000 + 08633957 n 0101 $ 02087472 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | land at or reach a port; "The ship finally ported"
01979241 38 v 03 disembark 0 debark 0 set_down 0 005 @ 01979901 v 0000 + 00058002 n 0201 + 00058002 n 0103 + 00058002 n 0102 ! 01979462 v 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | go ashore; "The passengers disembarked at Southampton"
01979462 38 v 02 embark 0 ship 1 005 @ 02018049 v 0000 + 04194289 n 0201 + 00058337 n 0103 ! 01979241 v 0101 ~ 02018265 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | go on board
01979624 38 v 01 entrain 0 001 @ 02018049 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | board a train
01979702 38 v 01 touch_down 0 003 @ 01979901 v 0000 ;c 02686568 n 0000 + 00305005 n 0101 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | come or bring (a plane) to a landing; "the plane touched down at noon"
01979901 38 v 02 land 0 set_down 1 013 @ 02005948 v 0000 + 03638180 n 0101 + 09334396 n 0101 + 00052500 n 0101 ~ 01978700 v 0000 ~ 01978850 v 0000 ~ 01978947 v 0000 ~ 01979085 v 0000 ~ 01979241 v 0000 ~ 01979702 v 0000 ~ 01980476 v 0000 ~ 01980617 v 0000 ~ 01980766 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 22 00 | reach or come to rest; "The bird landed on the highest branch"; "The plane landed in Istanbul"
01980300 38 v 01 drive_in 0 001 @ 02005948 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | arrive by motorcar; "The star and her manager drive in today from their motor tour across the country"
01980476 38 v 01 undershoot 0 001 @ 01979901 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | fall short of (the runway) in a landing; "The plane undershot the runway"
01980617 38 v 01 belly-land 0 002 @ 01979901 v 0000 ;c 00300441 n 0000 03 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 08 00 | land on the underside without the landing gear
01980766 38 v 01 crash_land 0 003 @ 01979901 v 0000 ;c 00300441 n 0000 ~ 01980920 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | make an emergency landing
01980920 38 v 01 ditch 0 002 @ 01980766 v 0000 ;c 00300441 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | make an emergency landing on water
01981036 38 v 03 land 1 put_down 0 bring_down 0 005 > 01979901 v 0000 @ 02005948 v 0000 ;c 00300441 n 0000 + 09334396 n 0101 + 00052500 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | cause to come to the ground; "the pilot managed to land the airplane safely"
01981279 38 v 03 down 0 shoot_down 0 land 6 001 + 09334396 n 0301 01 + 08 00 | shoot at and force to come down; "the enemy landed several of our aircraft"
01981436 38 v 03 land 2 set_ashore 0 shore 0 004 @ 02005948 v 0000 + 09433442 n 0301 + 09334396 n 0101 + 00052334 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | arrive on shore; "The ship landed in Pearl Harbor"
01981623 38 v 02 rear 0 rise_up 1 002 @ 01982044 v 0000 ~ 01981791 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | stand up on the hind legs, of quadrupeds; "The horse reared in terror"
01981791 38 v 01 rear_back 0 001 @ 01981623 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | rear backwards on its hind legs; "the frightened horse reared back"
01981933 38 v 01 rear_back 1 001 @ 01910373 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | start with anger or resentment or in protest
01982044 38 v 01 straighten 1 003 @ 01983771 v 0000 ~ 01981623 v 0000 ~ 01982686 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | get up from a sitting or slouching position; "The students straightened when the teacher entered"
01982253 38 v 02 drop_open 0 fall_open 0 001 @ 01985923 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | open involuntarily; "His mouth dropped open"; "Her jaw dropped"
01982395 38 v 04 assume 0 take 0 strike 8 take_up 3 002 @ 01831531 v 0000 $ 02394183 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | occupy or take on; "He assumes the lotus position"; "She took her seat on the stage"; "We took our seats in the orchestra"; "She took up her position behind the tree"; "strike a pose"
01982686 38 v 03 draw_up 2 pull_up 3 straighten_up 1 002 @ 01982044 v 0000 + 00629597 n 0201 01 + 09 00 | straighten oneself; "He drew himself up when he talked to his superior"
01982866 38 v 02 rear 1 erect 0 004 @ 01974062 v 0000 + 00911752 n 0202 ~ 01514126 v 0000 ~ 01983006 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cause to rise up
01983006 38 v 03 prick_up 0 prick 0 cock_up 0 001 @ 01982866 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | raise; "The dog pricked up his ears"
01983134 38 v 02 rise 2 prove 1 001 @ 00230746 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | increase in volume; "the dough rose slowly in the warm room"
01983264 38 v 05 arise 0 rise 5 uprise 3 get_up 1 stand_up 0 006 @ 01983771 v 0000 + 00324384 n 0201 + 10532576 n 0201 ! 01984902 v 0101 ! 01985029 v 0101 ~ 01983508 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | rise to one's feet; "The audience got up and applauded"
01983508 38 v 01 take_the_floor 0 001 @ 01983264 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | stand up to dance
01983597 38 v 03 bristle 0 uprise 4 stand_up 6 001 + 01901610 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | rise up as in fear; "The dog's fur bristled"; "It was a sight to make one's hair uprise!"
01983771 38 v 01 change_posture 0 014 @ 00109660 v 0000 ~ 01982044 v 0000 ~ 01983264 v 0000 ~ 01984119 v 0000 ~ 01984317 v 0000 ~ 01984574 v 0000 ~ 01984902 v 0000 ~ 01985029 v 0000 ~ 01985923 v 0000 ~ 02035559 v 0000 ~ 02035781 v 0000 ~ 02040273 v 0000 ~ 02063486 v 0000 ~ 02098680 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | undergo a change in bodily posture
01984119 38 v 01 fall e 003 @ 01983771 v 0000 + 00076884 n 0103 $ 01984317 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | drop oneself to a lower or less erect position; "She fell back in her chair"; "He fell to his knees"
01984317 38 v 02 fall f fall_down f 004 $ 01984119 v 0000 @ 01983771 v 0000 + 00076884 n 0103 + 07362386 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | lose an upright position suddenly; "The vase fell over and the water spilled onto the table"; "Her hair fell across her forehead"
01984574 38 v 01 right 0 002 @ 01983771 v 0000 $ 01984734 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | regain an upright or proper position; "The capsized boat righted again"
01984734 38 v 01 right 3 002 $ 01984574 v 0000 @ 00126264 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | put in or restore to an upright position; "They righted the sailboat that had capsized"
01984902 38 v 02 sit_down 0 sit 0 003 @ 01983771 v 0000 ! 01983264 v 0101 $ 01543123 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | take a seat
01985029 38 v 02 lie_down 0 lie 0 006 @ 01983771 v 0000 ! 01983264 v 0101 $ 01547001 v 0000 ~ 01985271 v 0000 ~ 01985424 v 0000 ~ 02063610 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | assume a reclining position; "lie down on the bed until you feel better"
01985271 38 v 02 stretch 2 stretch_out 2 001 @ 01985029 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | lie down comfortably; "To enjoy the picnic, we stretched out on the grass"
01985424 38 v 01 charge 1 001 @ 01985029 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | lie down on command, of hunting dogs
01985524 38 v 04 sag 0 droop 0 swag 2 flag 1 005 @ 01985923 v 0000 + 13905572 n 0202 + 13905572 n 0101 ~ 01989720 v 0000 ~ 02717362 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | droop, sink, or settle from or as if from pressure or loss of tautness
01985757 38 v 02 sag 1 sag_down 0 002 @ 01985923 v 0000 + 13905572 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | cause to sag; "The children sagged their bottoms down even more comfortably"
01985923 38 v 03 sink 1 drop 5 drop_down 0 007 $ 00432839 v 0000 @ 01983771 v 0000 + 03246454 n 0203 $ 01977701 v 0000 ~ 01982253 v 0000 ~ 01985524 v 0000 ~ 01985757 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | fall or descend to a lower place or level; "He sank to his knees"
01986185 38 v 02 subside 0 settle 4 003 @ 01989873 v 0000 + 09269972 n 0202 + 07362218 n 0201 01 + 01 00 | sink down or precipitate; "the mud subsides when the waters become calm"
01986367 38 v 01 subside 2 004 @ 02039679 v 0000 + 07362218 n 0102 + 07361416 n 0102 + 07362218 n 0103 01 + 01 00 | sink to a lower level or form a depression; "the valleys subside"
01986551 38 v 01 settle 2 003 @ 01986869 v 0000 + 09269972 n 0102 $ 01986715 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to become clear by forming a sediment (of liquids)
01986715 38 v 01 settle 9 002 $ 01986551 v 0000 @ 00109660 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become clear by the sinking of particles; "the liquid gradually settled"
01986869 38 v 01 sink 2 004 > 01989873 v 0000 $ 01989873 v 0000 @ 01850315 v 0000 ~ 01986551 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to sink; "The Japanese sank American ships in Pearl Harbor"
01987058 38 v 01 settle 0 002 @ 01860795 v 0000 + 04177820 n 0101 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | come to rest
01987160 38 v 01 position 0 011 @ 01494310 v 0000 + 08622201 n 0101 + 05074774 n 0101 + 08621598 n 0101 + 04110439 n 0102 + 01051331 n 0105 ~ 01149327 v 0000 ~ 01151110 v 0000 ~ 01987493 v 0000 ~ 02036650 v 0000 ~ 02712914 v 0000 05 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | cause to be in an appropriate place, state, or relation
01987493 38 v 01 square 0 003 @ 01987160 v 0000 + 04291511 n 0101 ~ 01987648 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | position so as to be square; "He squared his shoulders"
01987648 38 v 03 square_up 0 jog 2 even_up 0 001 @ 01987493 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | even up the edges of a stack of paper, in printing
01987781 38 v 02 glycerolize 0 glycerolise 0 004 @ 01494310 v 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 14885684 n 0101 ! 01987936 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | place in glycerol
01987936 38 v 02 deglycerolize 0 deglycerolise 0 003 ;c 06084469 n 0000 @ 01854132 v 0000 ! 01987781 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | remove from glycerol
01988080 38 v 01 space 0 005 @ 01494310 v 0000 + 15172212 n 0102 + 06839190 n 0101 + 13910384 n 0101 + 05083328 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | place at intervals; "Space the interviews so that you have some time between the different candidates"
01988325 38 v 01 marshal 0 002 @ 01494310 v 0000 + 10296176 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | place in proper rank; "marshal the troops"
01988458 38 v 02 settle 1 settle_down 0 002 @ 01494310 v 0000 ~ 01988645 v 0000 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | settle into a position, usually on a surface or ground; "dust settled on the roofs"
01988645 38 v 01 sediment 0 002 @ 01988458 v 0000 $ 01988755 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | settle as sediment
01988755 38 v 01 sediment 1 003 $ 01988645 v 0000 @ 01575675 v 0000 + 11445395 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | deposit as a sediment
01988886 38 v 03 slump 0 slide_down 0 sink 3 001 @ 01989053 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 22 00 | fall or sink heavily; "He slumped onto the couch"; "My spirits sank"
01989053 38 v 07 collapse 0 fall_in 0 cave_in 0 give d give_way 1 break b founder 0 011 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 07361416 n 0301 + 07477945 n 0102 + 07361128 n 0101 ~ 00305846 v 0000 $ 00613393 v 0000 ~ 01279186 v 0000 ~ 01972849 v 0000 ~ 01972976 v 0000 ~ 01988886 v 0000 $ 01989562 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | break down, literally or metaphorically; "The wall collapsed"; "The business collapsed"; "The dam broke"; "The roof collapsed"; "The wall gave in"; "The roof finally gave under the weight of the ice"
01989562 38 v 02 collapse 3 burst 4 003 > 01989053 v 0000 $ 01989053 v 0000 ~ 00309792 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to burst; "The ice broke the pipe"
01989720 38 v 02 slump 1 slouch 1 003 @ 01985524 v 0000 + 05003273 n 0201 + 10612803 n 0201 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | assume a drooping posture or carriage
01989873 38 v 04 sink 0 settle 7 go_down 0 go_under 0 009 @ 01970826 v 0000 + 04223778 n 0101 + 07363883 n 0101 ! 01904293 v 0101 ^ 01457954 v 0102 ~ 01986185 v 0000 $ 01986869 v 0000 ~ 01990168 v 0000 ~ 01991472 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | go under, "The raft sank and its occupants drowned"
01990168 38 v 01 founder 1 002 @ 01989873 v 0000 + 07364573 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | sink below the surface
01990281 38 v 04 surface 0 come_up 1 rise_up 0 rise 4 010 @ 01969216 v 0000 + 07348399 n 0402 + 05853449 n 0101 + 09451517 n 0101 + 08660339 n 0101 + 00061171 n 0101 ~ 01990694 v 0000 ~ 01990848 v 0000 ~ 01990946 v 0000 ~ 01991204 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | come to the surface
01990562 38 v 01 uprise 6 001 @ 01969216 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | ascend as a sound; "The choirs singing uprose and filled the church"
01990694 38 v 01 emerge 0 002 @ 01990281 v 0000 + 00050693 n 0102 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | come up to the surface of or rise; "He felt new emotions emerge"
01990848 38 v 01 resurface 0 001 @ 01990281 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | reappear on the surface
01990946 38 v 02 bubble_up 0 intumesce 0 001 @ 01990281 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | move upwards in bubbles, as from the effect of heating; also used metaphorically; "Gases bubbled up from the earth"; "Marx's ideas have bubbled up in many places in Latin America"
01991204 38 v 02 well 0 swell 7 001 @ 01990281 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | come up, as of a liquid; "Tears well in her eyes"; "the currents well up"
01991347 38 v 01 break 9 001 @ 00422090 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | emerge from the surface of a body of water; "The whales broke"
01991472 38 v 02 submerge 0 submerse 0 008 @ 01989873 v 0000 + 07364115 n 0203 + 02472693 a 0101 + 02472693 a 0102 + 07364115 n 0103 + 07364115 n 0102 + 07364115 n 0101 ~ 01962865 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 08 00 | sink below the surface; go under or as if under water
01991744 38 v 02 zigzag 0 crank 1 003 * 01907258 v 0000 @ 01835496 v 0000 + 13887319 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | travel along a zigzag path; "The river zigzags through the countryside"
01991931 38 v 02 follow 1 travel_along 0 003 @ 01835496 v 0000 ~ 01992114 v 0000 ~ 02103021 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | travel along a certain course; "follow the road"; "follow the trail"
01992114 38 v 01 heel 0 003 @ 01991931 v 0000 + 05578095 n 0101 + 03511426 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | follow at the heels of a person
01992251 38 v 01 seesaw 0 002 @ 01831531 v 0000 + 04167759 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | move up and down as if on a seesaw
01992375 38 v 03 teeter-totter 0 teetertotter 0 seesaw 1 002 @ 01072949 v 0000 + 04167759 n 0301 01 + 02 00 | ride on a plank
01992503 38 v 06 advance 0 progress 0 pass_on 1 move_on 0 march_on 0 go_on 0 020 @ 01835496 v 0000 + 00282050 n 0201 + 07445265 n 0201 + 00282050 n 0202 + 00282050 n 0105 + 07445265 n 0103 + 00282050 n 0104 + 09773076 n 0101 ! 01994442 v 0105 ~ 01884266 v 0000 ~ 01993031 v 0000 ~ 01993212 v 0000 ~ 01993352 v 0000 ~ 01993549 v 0000 ~ 01993805 v 0000 ~ 02049696 v 0000 ~ 02054703 v 0000 ~ 02072501 v 0000 ~ 02072673 v 0000 ~ 02072849 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | move forward, also in the metaphorical sense; "Time marches on"
01993031 38 v 01 penetrate 6 002 @ 01992503 v 0000 + 05201452 n 0101 01 + 22 00 | make one's way deeper into or through; "The hikers did not manage to penetrate the dense forest"
01993212 38 v 02 creep_up 0 sneak_up 0 001 @ 01992503 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | advance stealthily or unnoticed; "Age creeps up on you"
01993352 38 v 03 encroach 0 infringe 0 impinge 0 005 @ 01992503 v 0000 + 00770543 n 0202 + 07429976 n 0102 + 00733483 n 0102 + 10214062 n 0102 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | advance beyond the usual limit
01993549 38 v 03 press_on 0 push_on 0 plough_on 0 001 @ 01992503 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | continue moving forward
01993668 38 v 01 jam 1 001 @ 01871979 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | push down forcibly; "The driver jammed the brake pedal to the floor"
01993805 38 v 02 string 0 string_along 0 001 @ 01992503 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | move or come along
01993926 38 v 02 advance 1 bring_forward 0 004 @ 01850315 v 0000 + 00282050 n 0105 ! 01997512 v 0101 ~ 01994128 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | cause to move forward; "Can you move the car seat forward?"
01994128 38 v 01 nose 2 002 @ 01993926 v 0000 + 03830835 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | advance the forward part of with caution; "She nosed the car into the left lane"
01994288 38 v 02 advance 4 set_ahead 0 001 @ 00298556 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | move forward; "we have to advance clocks and watches when we travel eastward"
01994442 38 v 08 withdraw 0 retreat 0 pull_away 0 draw_back 0 recede 1 pull_back 0 retire 0 move_back 0 009 $ 00799383 v 0000 @ 01835496 v 0000 + 00056688 n 0601 + 00057486 n 0501 + 00053913 n 0101 ~ 01904120 v 0000 ! 01992503 v 0501 ~ 01994846 v 0000 ~ 01997680 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 22 00 | pull back or move away or backward; "The enemy withdrew"; "The limo pulled away from the curb"
01994846 38 v 02 retrograde 0 retreat 1 001 @ 01994442 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | move back; "The glacier retrogrades"
01994960 38 v 01 retrograde 1 001 @ 01835496 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | move in a direction contrary to the usual one; "retrograding planets"
01995097 38 v 01 retrograde 2 001 @ 02043982 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | move backward in an orbit, of celestial bodies
01995211 38 v 05 draw 1 pull 3 pull_out 3 get_out 2 take_out a 006 $ 01854132 v 0000 $ 01351170 v 0000 $ 00571596 v 0000 @ 00173338 v 0000 + 03233905 n 0101 ~ 01581485 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | bring, take, or pull out of a container or from under a cover; "draw a weapon"; "pull out a gun"; "The mugger pulled a knife on his victim"
01995549 38 v 03 proceed 0 go_forward 0 continue 0 009 @ 01835496 v 0000 + 01017987 n 0302 + 00282050 n 0103 ~ 01935233 v 0000 ~ 01995949 v 0000 ~ 01996188 v 0000 ~ 01996402 v 0000 ~ 02102840 v 0000 $ 02679899 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | move ahead; travel onward in time or space; "We proceeded towards Washington"; "She continued in the direction of the hills"; "We are moving ahead in time now"
01995949 38 v 01 trace 3 001 @ 01995549 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | make one's course or travel along a path; travel or pass over, around, or along; "The children traced along the edge of the dark forest"; "The women traced the pasture"
01996188 38 v 01 roar 0 001 @ 01995549 v 0000 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | act or proceed in a riotous, turbulent, or disorderly way; "desperadoes from the hills regularly roared in to take over the town"-R.A.Billington
01996402 38 v 01 limp 1 002 @ 01995549 v 0000 + 00286756 n 0103 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | proceed slowly or with difficulty; "the boat limped into the harbor"
01996574 38 v 03 barge 0 thrust_ahead 0 push_forward 0 002 @ 02058994 v 0000 ^ 00780191 v 0106 01 + 22 00 | push one's way; "she barged into the meeting room"
01996735 38 v 02 march 1 process 0 009 @ 01904930 v 0000 + 08428019 n 0101 + 00290579 n 0101 + 00290579 n 0102 ~ 01920048 v 0000 ~ 01924505 v 0000 ~ 01929133 v 0000 ~ 01997020 v 0000 ~ 02083923 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | march in a procession; "They processed into the dining room"
01997020 38 v 01 countermarch 0 001 @ 01996735 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | march back along the same way
01997119 38 v 01 back 0 007 $ 01997512 v 0000 @ 01835496 v 0000 ^ 01997680 v 0101 ^ 01997680 v 0102 ^ 01997680 v 0103 ^ 01997376 v 0101 ~ 01997376 v 0000 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | travel backward; "back into the driveway"; "The car backed up and hit the tree"
01997376 38 v 01 back_out 0 001 @ 01997119 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | move out of a space backwards; "He backed out of the driveway"
01997512 38 v 01 back 1 003 > 01997119 v 0000 ! 01993926 v 0101 $ 01997119 v 0000 02 + 20 00 + 21 00 | cause to travel backward; "back the car into the parking spot"
01997680 38 v 03 back_up 0 back_off 0 back_down 0 002 @ 01994442 v 0000 + 07206302 n 0302 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | move backwards from a certain position; "The bully had to back down"
01997862 38 v 04 lag 0 dawdle 1 fall_back 0 fall_behind 0 006 @ 01998432 v 0000 + 09993252 n 0201 + 01067577 n 0102 + 09993252 n 0104 + 09993252 n 0103 ~ 02058756 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | hang (back) or fall (behind) in movement, progress, development, etc.
01998125 38 v 01 tailgate 0 002 @ 01998432 v 0000 + 10689429 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | follow at a dangerously close distance; "it is dangerous to tailgate another vehicle"
01998302 38 v 01 pan 0 001 @ 01835496 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | make a sweeping movement; "The camera panned across the room"
01998432 38 v 01 follow 0 008 @ 01835496 v 0000 + 10100124 n 0101 + 00319939 n 0104 ! 01999218 v 0101 ~ 01997862 v 0000 ~ 01998125 v 0000 ~ 02001461 v 0000 ~ 02001699 v 0000 05 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 | to travel behind, go after, come after; "The ducklings followed their mother around the pond"; "Please follow the guide through the museum"
01998793 38 v 01 catch_up 0 003 @ 02020590 v 0000 * 01998432 v 0000 ~ 01998982 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | reach the point where one should be after a delay; "I caught up on my homework"
01998982 38 v 01 come_back 1 001 @ 01998793 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | even the score, in sports
01999082 38 v 02 scale 1 surmount 0 001 @ 02020590 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | reach the highest point of; "We scaled the Mont Blanc"
01999218 38 v 02 precede 0 lead 2 004 @ 01835496 v 0000 + 01257145 n 0103 ! 01998432 v 0101 ~ 01999423 v 0000 06 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | move ahead (of others) in time or space
01999423 38 v 02 lead 0 head 2 007 @ 01999218 v 0000 + 07372779 n 0202 + 08572467 n 0202 + 08482271 n 0201 + 09623038 n 0101 ~ 01999688 v 0000 $ 02729023 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | travel in front of; go in advance of others; "The procession was headed by John"
01999688 38 v 01 draw_away 0 001 @ 01999423 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | move ahead of (one's competitors) in a race
01999798 38 v 05 lead 1 take 9 direct 0 conduct 1 guide 0 006 + 10741821 n 0502 + 09623038 n 0101 ~ 01933204 v 0000 ~ 02000133 v 0000 ~ 02000288 v 0000 ~ 02000547 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | take somebody somewhere; "We lead him to our chief"; "can you take me to the main entrance?"; "He conducted us to the palace"
02000133 38 v 01 hand 0 002 @ 01999798 v 0000 + 01208460 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | guide or conduct or usher somewhere; "hand the elderly lady into the taxi"
02000288 38 v 04 mislead 0 misdirect 0 misguide 0 lead_astray 0 003 @ 01999798 v 0000 + 06787037 n 0201 + 10322391 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | lead someone in the wrong direction or give someone wrong directions; "The pedestrian misdirected the out-of-town driver"
02000547 38 v 02 usher 0 show 0 003 @ 01999798 v 0000 + 10741821 n 0101 ~ 02000757 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 02 01 | take (someone) to their seats, as in theaters or auditoriums; "The usher showed us to our seats"
02000757 38 v 01 marshal 1 001 @ 02000547 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 20 00 | lead ceremoniously, as in a procession
02000868 38 v 02 pursue 0 follow d 009 @ 01835496 v 0000 + 10100124 n 0201 + 00319939 n 0204 + 00319939 n 0101 + 10494935 n 0101 ~ 02001252 v 0000 ~ 02001858 v 0000 ~ 02004009 v 0000 $ 02198602 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | follow in or as if in pursuit; "The police car pursued the suspected attacker"; "Her bad deed followed her and haunted her dreams all her life"
02001252 38 v 01 stalk 3 005 @ 02000868 v 0000 + 00711523 n 0101 + 10486679 n 0103 + 10646433 n 0101 + 00711523 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | go through (an area) in search of prey; "stalk the woods for deer"
02001461 38 v 01 shadow 0 005 @ 01998432 v 0000 + 10585359 n 0101 + 10689104 n 0102 + 10689104 n 0103 + 00320486 n 0101 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | follow, usually without the person's knowledge; "The police are shadowing her"
02001699 38 v 01 carry 7 002 @ 01998432 v 0000 + 00318735 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | pursue a line of scent or be a bearer; "the dog was taught to fetch and carry"
02001858 38 v 09 chase 0 chase_after 0 trail 0 tail 0 tag 0 give_chase 0 dog 0 go_after 1 track 0 017 @ 02000868 v 0000 + 05826914 n 0902 + 10720097 n 0901 + 00320284 n 0902 + 00487874 n 0501 ^ 02027030 v 0501 + 10689104 n 0401 + 00320486 n 0402 + 00320284 n 0301 + 10494935 n 0102 + 07883860 n 0101 + 00319939 n 0102 ^ 02002720 v 0101 ~ 01145163 v 0000 ~ 02002591 v 0000 ~ 02003601 v 0000 ~ 02004227 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 | go after with the intent to catch; "The policeman chased the mugger down the alley"; "the dog chased the rabbit"
02002410 38 v 01 fire 2 001 @ 02002720 v 0000 03 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | drive out or away by or as if by fire; "The soldiers were fired"; "Surrender fires the cold skepticism"
02002591 38 v 01 quest 0 001 @ 02001858 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | search the trail of (game); "The dog went off and quested"
02002720 38 v 07 chase_away 0 drive_out 1 turn_back 2 drive_away 0 dispel 0 drive_off 6 run_off 0 007 $ 02056466 v 0000 @ 01850315 v 0000 ~ 01780104 v 0000 ~ 02002410 v 0000 ~ 02003186 v 0000 ~ 02003359 v 0000 ~ 02003480 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 | force to go away; used both with concrete and metaphoric meanings; "Drive away potential burglars"; "drive away bad thoughts"; "dispel doubts"; "The supermarket had to turn back many disappointed customers"
02003186 38 v 01 clear_the_air 0 001 @ 02002720 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | dispel differences or negative emotions; "The group called a meeting to finally clear the air"
02003359 38 v 01 banish 0 001 @ 02002720 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | drive away; "banish bad thoughts"; "banish gloom"
02003480 38 v 03 shoo_off 0 shoo 0 shoo_away 0 001 @ 02002720 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | drive away by crying `shoo!'
02003601 38 v 03 hound 0 hunt 0 trace 0 006 @ 02001858 v 0000 + 00452293 n 0201 + 00622584 n 0201 + 10193026 n 0201 + 02087551 n 0101 ~ 02003910 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | pursue or chase relentlessly; "The hunters traced the deer into the woods"; "the detectives hounded the suspect until they found him"
02003910 38 v 01 ferret 0 001 @ 02003601 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | hound or harry relentlessly
02004009 38 v 02 haunt 0 stalk 1 002 @ 02000868 v 0000 + 00320625 n 0201 01 + 08 00 | follow stealthily or recur constantly and spontaneously to; "her ex-boyfriend stalked her"; "the ghost of her mother haunted her"
02004227 38 v 01 run_down 0 001 @ 02001858 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | pursue until captured; "They ran down the fugitive"
02004352 38 v 02 trace 1 retrace 0 002 @ 02004874 v 0000 + 06647036 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | to go back over again; "we retraced the route we took last summer"; "trace your path"
02004528 38 v 03 backtrack 0 turn_back 0 double_back 0 001 @ 02004874 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | retrace one's course; "The hikers got into a storm and had to turn back"
02004701 38 v 02 cut_back 0 flash_back 0 002 @ 02004874 v 0000 + 06401526 n 0201 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | return in time; "the film cut back to an earlier event in the story"
02004874 38 v 01 return 0 013 @ 01835496 v 0000 + 00051192 n 0101 + 00328015 n 0101 ~ 00098770 v 0000 ~ 01844319 v 0000 ~ 02004352 v 0000 ~ 02004528 v 0000 ~ 02004701 v 0000 ~ 02005347 v 0000 ~ 02005496 v 0000 ~ 02005617 v 0000 ~ 02005778 v 0000 ~ 02254923 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 22 00 | go or come back to place, condition, or activity where one has been before; "return to your native land"; "the professor returned to his teaching position after serving as Dean"
02005347 38 v 01 home 0 002 @ 02004874 v 0000 + 08559508 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | return home accurately from a long distance; "homing pigeons"
02005496 38 v 02 go_home 0 head_home 0 001 @ 02004874 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | return home; "After the movie, we went home"
02005617 38 v 01 return 1 001 @ 02004874 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | return to a previous position; in mathematics; "The point returned to the interior of the figure"
02005778 38 v 01 boomerang 0 003 @ 02004874 v 0000 + 02871963 n 0101 + 00073032 n 0102 01 + 01 00 | return to the initial position from where it came; like a boomerang
02005948 38 v 03 arrive 0 get 0 come 4 016 + 09810166 n 0303 + 00048828 n 0302 + 09810166 n 0102 + 00048374 n 0101 ! 02009433 v 0101 ~ 01979901 v 0000 ~ 01980300 v 0000 ~ 01981036 v 0000 ~ 01981436 v 0000 ~ 02006453 v 0000 $ 02006573 v 0000 ~ 02006709 v 0000 ~ 02006834 v 0000 ~ 02007680 v 0000 ~ 02015384 v 0000 ~ 02017416 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | reach a destination; arrive by movement or progress; "She arrived home at 7 o'clock"; "She didn't get to Chicago until after midnight"
02006453 38 v 01 roll_up 3 001 @ 02005948 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | arrive in a vehicle: "He rolled up in a black Mercedes"
02006573 38 v 01 get c 002 $ 02005948 v 0000 @ 02018372 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | reach and board; "She got the bus just as it was leaving"
02006709 38 v 02 come 2 come_in 1 001 @ 02005948 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | be received; "News came in of the massacre in Rwanda"
02006834 38 v 03 reach 0 hit 7 attain 0 004 @ 02005948 v 0000 + 00048656 n 0301 ~ 02007111 v 0000 ~ 02007237 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | reach a point in time, or a certain state or level; "The thermometer hit 100 degrees"; "This car can reach a speed of 140 miles per hour"
02007111 38 v 01 max_out 0 001 @ 02006834 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | reach a maximum; "I maxed out on all my credit cards"
02007237 38 v 01 break_even 0 001 @ 02006834 v 0000 02 + 06 00 + 07 00 | attain a level at which there is neither gain nor loss, as in business, gambling, or a competitive sport
02007417 38 v 02 access 0 get_at 0 004 @ 02020590 v 0000 + 00019131 a 0101 + 00236581 n 0101 + 00281132 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | reach or gain access to; "How does one access the attic in this house?"; "I cannot get to the T.V. antenna, even if I climb on the roof"
02007680 38 v 01 flood_in 0 001 @ 02005948 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | arrive in great numbers
02007777 38 v 01 crest 0 001 @ 02008066 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | reach a high point; "The river crested last night"
02007898 38 v 01 bottom_out 0 002 @ 02020590 v 0000 ! 02008066 v 0101 01 + 01 00 | reach the low point; "Prices bottomed out and started to rise again after a while"
02008066 38 v 02 top_out 0 peak 0 006 * 01968569 v 0000 @ 02020590 v 0000 + 13940456 n 0204 + 13653902 n 0202 ! 02007898 v 0101 ~ 02007777 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | to reach the highest point; attain maximum intensity, activity; "That wild, speculative spirit peaked in 1929";"Bids for the painting topped out at $50 million"
02008396 38 v 03 depart 0 take_leave 0 quit 0 010 @ 02009433 v 0000 + 07333649 n 0103 + 00042757 n 0101 + 10004539 n 0101 ! 02009200 v 0101 ~ 02008863 v 0000 ~ 02008978 v 0000 ~ 02009347 v 0000 ~ 02017550 v 0000 ~ 02076857 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 22 00 + 02 02 | go away or leave
02008674 38 v 01 fall_out 2 001 @ 02015598 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | leave (a barracks) in order to take a place in a military formation, or leave a military formation; "the soldiers fell out"
02008863 38 v 01 walk_out_of 0 001 @ 02008396 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | leave, usually as an expression of disapproval
02008978 38 v 01 congee 0 001 @ 02008396 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | depart after obtaining formal permission; "He has congeed with the King"
02009122 38 v 01 pop_off 0 001 @ 02009433 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | leave quickly
02009200 38 v 01 stay 1 001 ! 02008396 v 0101 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | remain behind; "I had to stay at home and watch the children"
02009347 38 v 01 beat_a_retreat 0 001 @ 02008396 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | depart hastily
02009433 38 v 03 leave 1 go_forth 0 go_away 0 025 $ 02015598 v 0000 + 10004539 n 0102 + 00053097 n 0102 ! 02005948 v 0101 ~ 01842204 v 0000 ~ 01842367 v 0000 ~ 02008396 v 0000 ~ 02009122 v 0000 ~ 02010082 v 0000 ~ 02010255 v 0000 ~ 02010400 v 0000 ~ 02010572 v 0000 ~ 02010698 v 0000 ~ 02010864 v 0000 ~ 02011040 v 0000 ~ 02011302 v 0000 ~ 02011437 v 0000 ~ 02011560 v 0000 ~ 02014165 v 0000 ~ 02015168 v 0000 ~ 02059675 v 0000 ~ 02075049 v 0000 ~ 02076027 v 0000 ~ 02076676 v 0000 $ 02383440 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | go away from a place; "At what time does your train leave?"; "She didn't leave until midnight"; "The ship leaves at midnight"
02010082 38 v 02 walk_off 1 walk_away 0 001 @ 02009433 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | go away from; "The actor walked off before he got his cue"; "I got annoyed and just walked off"
02010255 38 v 01 hightail 0 001 @ 02009433 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | leave as fast as possible; "We hightailed it when we saw the police walking in"
02010400 38 v 01 walk_out 0 002 @ 02009433 v 0000 + 01178195 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | leave abruptly, often in protest or anger; "The customer that was not served walked out"
02010572 38 v 01 come_away 0 001 @ 02009433 v 0000 02 + 07 00 + 22 00 | leave in a certain condition; "She came away angry"
02010698 38 v 03 decamp 0 skip 2 vamoose 0 002 @ 02009433 v 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0201 02 + 02 00 + 08 02 | leave suddenly; "She persuaded him to decamp"; "skip town"
02010864 38 v 05 scram 0 buzz_off 0 fuck_off 0 get f bugger_off 0 001 @ 02009433 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | leave immediately; used usually in the imperative form; "Scram!"
02011040 38 v 05 run_off 1 run_out 2 bolt 1 bolt_out 0 beetle_off 0 001 @ 02009433 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | leave suddenly and as if in a hurry; "The listeners bolted when he discussed his strange ideas"; "When she started to tell silly stories, I ran out"
02011302 38 v 02 ride_off 0 ride_away 0 001 @ 02009433 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | ride away on a horse, for example
02011437 38 v 01 go_out 1 001 @ 02009433 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 22 00 | take the field; "The soldiers went out on missions"
02011560 38 v 02 tarry 0 linger 1 002 @ 02009433 v 0000 + 01068423 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | leave slowly and hesitantly
02011685 38 v 02 dally 0 dawdle 4 005 @ 00010435 v 0000 + 09993252 n 0201 + 01067819 n 0202 + 09988703 n 0101 + 01067819 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | waste time; "Get busy--don't dally!"
02011865 38 v 02 derail 0 jump 5 002 @ 01835496 v 0000 + 07302267 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | run off or leave the rails; "the train derailed because a cow was standing on the tracks"
02012043 38 v 01 derail 1 002 @ 02543607 v 0000 + 07302267 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to run off the tracks; "they had planned to derail the trains that carried atomic waste"
02012227 38 v 01 shunt 0 002 @ 02012344 v 0000 + 04211219 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | transfer to another track, of trains
02012344 38 v 02 transfer 0 shift 2 012 @ 01850315 v 0000 + 00331655 n 0201 + 10724699 n 0102 ~ 01867303 v 0000 ~ 02012227 v 0000 ~ 02012725 v 0000 ~ 02012973 v 0000 ~ 02013163 v 0000 ~ 02013322 v 0000 ~ 02013427 v 0000 ~ 02086458 v 0000 ~ 02362323 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | move around; "transfer the packet from his trouser pockets to a pocket in his jacket"
02012725 38 v 01 carry a 003 $ 02233195 v 0000 @ 02012344 v 0000 + 00318735 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | transfer (a number, cipher, or remainder) to the next column or unit's place before or after, in addition or multiplication; "put down 5 and carry 2"
02012973 38 v 01 shuffle 1 001 @ 02012344 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | move about, move back and forth; "He shuffled his funds among different accounts in various countries so as to avoid the IRS"
02013163 38 v 01 transship 0 002 @ 02012344 v 0000 + 00316460 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | transfer for further transportation from one ship or conveyance to another
02013322 38 v 01 bunker 0 001 @ 02012344 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | transfer cargo from a ship to a warehouse
02013427 38 v 02 carry_over 0 carry_forward 0 002 @ 02012344 v 0000 ;c 00618734 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | transfer from one time period to the next
02013571 38 v 01 displace 0 007 @ 01850315 v 0000 ~ 00414823 v 0000 ~ 01527508 v 0000 ~ 01855155 v 0000 ~ 02013840 v 0000 ~ 02014024 v 0000 ~ 02538553 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | cause to move, usually with force or pressure; "the refugees were displaced by the war"
02013840 38 v 02 force_out 0 crowd_out 0 001 @ 02013571 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | press, force, or thrust out of a small space; "The weeds crowded out the flowers"
02014024 38 v 01 evacuate 0 003 > 01855606 v 0000 @ 02013571 v 0000 + 00054821 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | move people from their homes or country
02014165 38 v 08 depart 1 part 0 start 2 start_out 0 set_forth 0 set_off 0 set_out 0 take_off 0 012 @ 02009433 v 0000 + 00306102 n 0801 + 00053097 n 0204 ^ 02345647 v 0203 + 07333649 n 0103 + 00042757 n 0101 + 10004539 n 0101 + 07375635 n 0801 ~ 02014553 v 0000 ~ 02014733 v 0000 ~ 02014863 v 0000 ~ 02015031 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 22 00 | leave; "The family took off for Florida"
02014553 38 v 02 take_off 2 lift_off 0 003 @ 02014165 v 0000 + 07371168 n 0201 + 07375635 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | depart from the ground; "The plane took off two hours late"
02014733 38 v 01 roar_off 0 001 @ 02014165 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | leave; "The car roared off into the fog"
02014863 38 v 02 blaze 0 blaze_out 0 001 @ 02014165 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | move rapidly and as if blazing; "The spaceship blazed out into space"
02015031 38 v 02 sally_forth 0 sally_out 1 001 @ 02014165 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | set out in a sudden, energetic or violent manner
02015168 38 v 02 pull_out 0 get_out 0 004 $ 02380980 v 0000 @ 02009433 v 0000 + 00057306 n 0103 ! 02015384 v 0101 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 22 00 | move out or away; "The troops pulled out after the cease-fire"
02015384 38 v 04 pull_in 0 get_in 0 move_in 1 draw_in 0 003 @ 02005948 v 0000 ! 02015168 v 0101 $ 02054703 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | of trains; move into (a station); "The bullet train drew into Tokyo Station"
02015598 38 v 04 exit 0 go_out 0 get_out 1 leave 0 016 @ 01831531 v 0000 + 00053097 n 0402 + 00058519 n 0101 + 03303965 n 0101 ! 02016523 v 0101 ~ 01848718 v 0000 ~ 01920457 v 0000 ~ 01920594 v 0000 ~ 01923732 v 0000 ~ 02008674 v 0000 $ 02009433 v 0000 ~ 02016062 v 0000 ~ 02016401 v 0000 ~ 02076999 v 0000 ~ 02085971 v 0000 ~ 02249293 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | move out of or depart from; "leave the room"; "the fugitive has left the country"
02016062 38 v 01 get_off 2 004 @ 02015598 v 0000 ! 02018049 v 0102 ~ 02016220 v 0000 ~ 02016298 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | leave a vehicle, aircraft, etc.
02016220 38 v 01 detrain 0 001 @ 02016062 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | leave a train
02016298 38 v 01 deplane 0 002 @ 02016062 v 0000 ;c 00300441 n 0000 01 + 02 00 | get off an airplane
02016401 38 v 01 step_out 0 001 @ 02015598 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | go outside a room or building for a short period of time
02016523 38 v 07 enter 0 come_in 2 get_into 0 get_in 1 go_into 0 go_in 0 move_into 0 024 ^ 01855982 v 0701 + 03290771 n 0105 + 10060175 n 0101 + 07370125 n 0101 + 00049003 n 0101 + 03290771 n 0104 + 00049003 n 0103 + 07370125 n 0102 + 00049003 n 0102 ! 02015598 v 0101 ^ 02212646 v 0101 ~ 01154554 v 0000 ~ 01227675 v 0000 ~ 01852892 v 0000 ~ 01920220 v 0000 ~ 01920330 v 0000 ~ 02017149 v 0000 ~ 02017299 v 0000 ~ 02017663 v 0000 ~ 02017775 v 0000 ~ 02018049 v 0000 ~ 02018524 v 0000 ~ 02019716 v 0000 ~ 02085742 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | to come or go into; "the boat entered an area of shallow marshes"
02017149 38 v 01 walk_in 0 002 @ 02016523 v 0000 + 10764296 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | enter by walking; "She walks in at all hours, as if she lived here"
02017299 38 v 02 call_at 0 out_in 0 001 @ 02016523 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | enter a harbor; "the ship called in Athens"
02017416 38 v 01 plump_in 0 001 @ 02005948 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | arrive suddenly and unannounced; "He plumped in on a Sunday morning"
02017550 38 v 01 plump_out 0 001 @ 02008396 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | depart suddenly; "He plumped out of the house"
02017663 38 v 01 take_water 0 001 @ 02016523 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | enter the water; "the wild ducks took water"
02017775 38 v 01 turn_in 0 001 @ 02016523 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 22 00 + 24 00 | make an entrance by turning from a road; "Turn in after you see the gate"
02017937 38 v 02 edge_in 0 edge_up 0 001 @ 02053941 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | push one's way into (a space)
02018049 38 v 02 board 0 get_on 3 006 @ 02016523 v 0000 + 09862479 n 0101 ~ 01979462 v 0000 ~ 01979624 v 0000 ! 02016062 v 0201 ~ 02018372 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | get on board of (trains, buses, ships, aircraft, etc.)
02018265 38 v 02 emplane 0 enplane 0 002 @ 01979462 v 0000 ;c 00300441 n 0000 01 + 02 00 | board a plane
02018372 38 v 01 catch 0 003 $ 01155090 v 0000 @ 02018049 v 0000 ~ 02006573 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | reach in time; "I have to catch a train at 7 o'clock"
02018524 38 v 02 intrude 1 irrupt 1 010 @ 02016523 v 0000 + 00049636 n 0201 + 01352067 a 0101 + 00733483 n 0104 + 10213652 n 0101 ^ 02019716 v 0101 ~ 01207817 v 0000 ~ 02018858 v 0000 ~ 02019011 v 0000 ~ 02019175 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | enter uninvited; "They intruded on our dinner party"; "She irrupted into our sitting room"
02018858 38 v 01 bother 0 001 @ 02018524 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | intrude or enter uninvited; "Don't bother the professor while she is grading term papers"
02019011 38 v 03 barge_in 0 crash 0 gate-crash 0 002 @ 02018524 v 0000 + 10121952 n 0202 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | enter uninvited; informal; "let's crash the party!"
02019175 38 v 01 move_in_on 0 001 @ 02018524 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | make intrusive advances towards
02019282 38 v 01 crash 4 001 @ 02050132 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 22 00 | move violently as through a barrier; "The terrorists crashed the gate"
02019431 38 v 01 muscle 0 002 @ 02050132 v 0000 + 05030418 n 0103 01 + 22 00 | make one's way by force; "He muscled his way into the office"
02019574 38 v 03 transgress 0 trespass 0 overstep 0 002 @ 02050132 v 0000 + 00744862 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | pass beyond (limits or boundaries)
02019716 38 v 04 intrude_on 0 invade 0 obtrude_upon 0 encroach_upon 0 005 @ 02016523 v 0000 + 01352320 a 0202 + 07429976 n 0201 + 10214062 n 0201 ~ 02020027 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | to intrude upon, infringe, encroach on, violate; "This new colleague invades my territory"; "The neighbors intrude on your privacy"
02020027 38 v 02 foray_into 0 raid 0 003 @ 02019716 v 0000 + 10443170 n 0206 ~ 02020237 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | enter someone else's territory and take spoils; "The pirates raided the coastal villages regularly"
02020237 38 v 01 maraud 0 003 @ 02020027 v 0000 + 00976953 n 0103 + 10293172 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | raid and rove in search of booty; "marauding rebels overran the countryside"
02020413 38 v 02 infest 0 overrun 1 003 @ 01126360 v 0000 + 14452616 n 0101 + 07996412 n 0101 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | invade in great numbers; "the roaches infested our kitchen"
02020590 38 v 06 reach 1 make 0 attain 1 hit 0 arrive_at 0 gain 0 015 * 01835496 v 0000 + 00048656 n 0301 ~ 01998793 v 0000 ~ 01999082 v 0000 ~ 02007417 v 0000 ~ 02007898 v 0000 ~ 02008066 v 0000 ~ 02021149 v 0000 ~ 02021376 v 0000 $ 02021532 v 0000 ~ 02021532 v 0000 ~ 02021653 v 0000 ~ 02021773 v 0000 ~ 02021921 v 0000 ~ 02022359 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | reach a destination, either real or abstract; "We hit Detroit by noon"; "The water reached the doorstep"; "We barely made it to the finish line"; "I have to hit the MAC machine before the weekend starts"
02021149 38 v 02 summit 0 breast 1 002 @ 02020590 v 0000 + 08617963 n 0106 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | reach the summit (of a mountain); "They breasted the mountain"; "Many mountaineers go up Mt. Everest but not all summit"
02021376 38 v 01 top 4 002 @ 02020590 v 0000 + 08617963 n 0104 01 + 08 00 | reach or ascend the top of; "The hikers topped the mountain just before noon"
02021532 38 v 01 make f 002 $ 02020590 v 0000 @ 02020590 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | reach in time; "We barely made the plane"
02021653 38 v 01 find a 001 @ 02020590 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | succeed in reaching; arrive at; "The arrow found its mark"
02021773 38 v 01 culminate 0 002 @ 02020590 v 0000 + 08548239 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | reach the highest altitude or the meridian, of a celestial body
02021921 38 v 02 get_through 0 come_through 0 001 @ 02020590 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | succeed in reaching a real or abstract destination after overcoming problems; "We finally got through the bureaucracy and could talk to the Minister"
02022162 38 v 04 reach 6 make 2 get_to 2 progress_to 0 002 @ 02526085 v 0000 + 00048225 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | reach a goal, e.g., "make the first team"; "We made it!"; "She may not make the grade"
02022359 38 v 02 ground 0 run_aground 3 002 @ 02020590 v 0000 + 09334396 n 0104 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | hit or reach the ground
02022486 38 v 03 ground 1 strand 2 run_aground 1 003 > 02022359 v 0000 @ 02087156 v 0000 + 09334396 n 0104 01 + 08 00 | bring to the ground; "the storm grounded the ship"
02022659 38 v 01 miss 0 003 * 01835496 v 0000 @ 02528380 v 0000 + 07319774 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | fail to reach or get to; "She missed her train"
02022804 38 v 01 meet 6 002 @ 02428924 v 0000 ~ 02022977 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | meet by design; be present at the arrival of; "Can you meet me at the train station?"
02022977 38 v 01 meet_up_with 0 001 @ 02022804 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | meet with by appointment; "She met up with her former lover"
02023107 38 v 06 meet 1 run_into 1 encounter 0 run_across 0 come_across 0 see 0 005 $ 02428924 v 0000 + 00147187 n 0301 + 08307589 n 0101 + 07414922 n 0101 ~ 02023396 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 | come together; "I'll probably see you at the meeting"; "How nice to see you again!"
02023396 38 v 02 intersect 0 cross 3 006 @ 02023107 v 0000 + 08547938 n 0201 + 03581125 n 0204 + 00653044 a 0102 + 00146111 n 0101 ~ 01913997 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | meet at a point
02023600 38 v 01 congregate 0 005 @ 02428924 v 0000 + 07976181 n 0101 + 07991364 n 0101 + 01231686 n 0101 + 01231686 n 0102 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | come together, usually for a purpose; "The crowds congregated in front of the Vatican on Christmas Eve"
02023851 38 v 01 hive 0 001 @ 02428924 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | move together in a hive or as if in a hive; "The bee swarms are hiving"
02023992 38 v 02 fort 0 fort_up 0 003 @ 02428924 v 0000 + 03386011 n 0102 + 03420559 n 0102 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | gather in, or as if in, a fort, as for protection or defense
02024168 38 v 01 mass 0 003 @ 02027612 v 0000 + 07962124 n 0101 ~ 02024367 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | join together into a mass or collect or form a mass; "Crowds were massing outside the palace"
02024367 38 v 01 press 0 002 @ 02024168 v 0000 + 08183398 n 0103 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | crowd closely; "The crowds pressed along the street"
02024508 38 v 01 convene 0 005 @ 02428924 v 0000 + 01231819 n 0101 + 01231819 n 0102 ~ 02024716 v 0000 ~ 02024874 v 0000 04 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 22 00 | meet formally; "The council convened last week"
02024716 38 v 01 reconvene 0 001 @ 02024508 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | meet again; "The bill will be considered when the Legislature reconvenes next Fall"
02024874 38 v 01 sit 1 002 @ 02024508 v 0000 + 07146190 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | be in session; "When does the court of law sit?"
02025009 38 v 04 cluster 0 constellate 0 flock 0 clump 1 009 @ 02428924 v 0000 + 07959943 n 0402 + 08274565 n 0302 + 09252970 n 0201 + 05731779 n 0202 + 07959943 n 0103 + 07959943 n 0104 ~ 02027226 v 0000 ~ 02027411 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | come together as in a cluster or flock; "The poets constellate in this town every summer"
02025353 38 v 01 flock 1 002 @ 01835496 v 0000 + 08274565 n 0102 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | move as a crowd or in a group; "Tourists flocked to the shrine where the statue was said to have shed tears"
02025550 38 v 01 accompany 0 007 @ 01835496 v 0000 + 00827782 n 0102 ~ 01907076 v 0000 ~ 01927747 v 0000 ~ 02025829 v 0000 ~ 02026086 v 0000 ~ 02027030 v 0000 05 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 + 20 00 | go or travel along with; "The nurse accompanied the old lady everywhere"
02025829 38 v 01 escort 0 006 @ 02025550 v 0000 + 09992538 n 0102 ~ 02026203 v 0000 ~ 02026327 v 0000 ~ 02026433 v 0000 ~ 02026712 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | accompany as an escort; "She asked her older brother to escort her to the ball"
02026086 38 v 02 see 3 escort 1 001 @ 02025550 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | accompany or escort; "I'll see you to the door"
02026203 38 v 01 squire 0 002 @ 02025829 v 0000 + 10643937 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | attend upon as a squire; serve as a squire
02026327 38 v 01 safeguard 0 002 @ 02025829 v 0000 + 06691267 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | escort safely
02026433 38 v 01 convoy 0 005 @ 02025829 v 0000 * 01128193 v 0000 + 08417673 n 0101 + 08417801 n 0101 + 00827974 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | escort in transit; "the trucks convoyed the cars across the battle zone"; "the warships convoyed the merchant ships across the Pacific"
02026712 38 v 02 chaperone 0 chaperon 0 004 @ 02025829 v 0000 * 01128193 v 0000 + 09908273 n 0201 + 09908273 n 0102 01 + 09 00 | accompany as a chaperone
02026868 38 v 01 body_guard 0 004 @ 01128193 v 0000 * 02025829 v 0000 + 09863031 n 0101 + 08215801 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | accompany and protect from physical harm
02027030 38 v 01 tag_along 0 002 @ 02025550 v 0000 + 10688671 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | go along with, often uninvited; "my younger brother often tagged along when I went out with my friends"
02027226 38 v 02 huddle 1 huddle_together 0 003 @ 02025009 v 0000 + 08184439 n 0101 + 10190871 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | crowd or draw together; "let's huddle together--it's cold!"
02027411 38 v 03 bunch_together 0 bunch 0 bunch_up 0 002 @ 02025009 v 0000 + 07959943 n 0201 01 + 22 00 | form into a bunch; "The frightened children bunched together in the corner of the classroom"
02027612 38 v 02 crowd 0 crowd_together 0 008 @ 02428924 v 0000 + 08182379 n 0101 + 13933841 n 0101 ~ 02024168 v 0000 ~ 02027926 v 0000 ~ 02028366 v 0000 ~ 02028616 v 0000 ~ 02064131 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | to gather together in large numbers; "men in straw boaters and waxed mustaches crowded the verandah"
02027926 38 v 01 overcrowd 0 002 @ 02027612 v 0000 + 13944747 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | crowd together too much
02028034 38 v 01 surcharge 0 001 @ 02028181 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | fill to capacity with people; "The air raids had surcharged the emergency wards"
02028181 38 v 01 overcrowd 1 003 @ 02028722 v 0000 + 13944747 n 0102 ~ 02028034 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | cause to crowd together too much; "The students overcrowded the cafeteria"
02028366 38 v 05 pour 0 swarm 0 stream 3 teem 0 pullulate 0 004 @ 02027612 v 0000 + 14005892 n 0301 + 08184217 n 0203 ~ 02070150 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | move in large numbers; "people were pouring out of the theater"; "beggars pullulated in the plaza"
02028616 38 v 01 herd 0 002 @ 02027612 v 0000 + 08183046 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | move together, like a herd
02028722 38 v 02 herd 1 crowd 1 006 @ 01850315 v 0000 + 08182379 n 0201 + 13933841 n 0201 + 08183046 n 0102 + 10171567 n 0101 ~ 02028181 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | cause to herd, drive, or crowd together; "We herded the children into a spare classroom"
02028994 38 v 04 disperse 0 dissipate 0 scatter 0 spread_out 2 009 @ 02030158 v 0000 + 05088324 n 0301 + 00369138 n 0301 + 00369138 n 0302 + 07332148 n 0201 + 07331759 n 0101 ~ 01377940 v 0000 ~ 02029369 v 0000 ~ 02029492 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | move away from each other; "The crowds dispersed"; "The children scattered in all directions when the teacher approached";
02029369 38 v 01 break 8 001 @ 02028994 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | scatter or part; "The clouds broke after the heavy downpour"
02029492 38 v 01 volley 1 003 $ 01377571 v 0000 @ 02028994 v 0000 + 00988320 n 0103 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | be dispersed in a volley; "gun shots volleyed at the attackers"
02029663 38 v 01 break_up 0 003 @ 02030158 v 0000 + 07331400 n 0102 ~ 02029944 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | come apart; "the group broke up"
02029805 38 v 01 diffract 0 002 @ 02030158 v 0000 + 11446934 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | undergo diffraction; "laser light diffracts electrons"
02029944 38 v 02 disband 0 dissolve 0 002 @ 02029663 v 0000 + 01082720 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | stop functioning or cohering as a unit; "The political wing of the party dissolved after much internal fighting"
02030158 38 v 03 separate 0 part 2 split 0 007 @ 01831531 v 0000 + 00386676 n 0302 + 00053097 n 0204 + 01201021 n 0101 ~ 02028994 v 0000 ~ 02029663 v 0000 ~ 02029805 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | go one's own way; move apart; "The friends separated after the party"
02030424 38 v 05 disperse 1 dissipate 1 dispel 1 break_up 1 scatter 1 008 @ 02031158 v 0000 + 05088324 n 0501 + 00369138 n 0501 + 07331759 n 0502 + 00369138 n 0502 + 07332148 n 0201 + 00368592 n 0101 ~ 02030967 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | to cause to separate and go in different directions; "She waved her hand and scattered the crowds"
02030764 38 v 01 break a 003 @ 02075462 v 0000 ;c 08199025 n 0000 $ 02073233 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | make a rupture in the ranks of the enemy or one's own by quitting or fleeing; "The ranks broke"
02030967 38 v 01 disband 1 002 @ 02030424 v 0000 + 01082720 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | cause to break up or cease to function; "the principal disbanded the political student organization"
02031158 38 v 02 separate 1 divide 0 009 + 00784533 a 0201 + 00397953 n 0201 + 00565289 a 0102 ~ 00332835 v 0000 ~ 00334996 v 0000 ~ 02030424 v 0000 ~ 02031430 v 0000 ~ 02031622 v 0000 ~ 02031826 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | make a division or separation
02031430 38 v 02 rail 1 rail_off 0 003 @ 02031158 v 0000 + 04047401 n 0102 + 04047401 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | separate with a railing; "rail off the crowds from the Presidential palace"
02031622 38 v 01 detach 0 003 @ 02031158 v 0000 ;c 08199025 n 0000 + 08215248 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | separate (a small unit) from a larger, especially for a special assignment; "detach a regiment"
02031826 38 v 02 shut_off 0 close_off 0 002 @ 02031158 v 0000 ~ 02032010 v 0000 05 + 06 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | isolate or separate; "She was shut off from the friends"
02032010 38 v 01 curtain_off 0 001 @ 02031826 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 10 00 | separate by means of a curtain
02032117 38 v 01 avulse 0 002 @ 01458973 v 0000 + 00384658 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | separate by avulsion
02032227 38 v 02 sprawl 0 straggle 1 002 @ 01378556 v 0000 + 07939159 n 0201 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | go, come, or spread in a rambling or irregular way; "Branches straggling out quite far"
02032415 38 v 01 diverge 0 006 @ 01831531 v 0000 + 00612652 a 0101 + 01004072 n 0102 + 01004072 n 0101 ! 02032634 v 0101 ~ 00328802 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 22 00 | move or draw apart; "The two paths diverge here"
02032634 38 v 01 converge 0 008 @ 02428924 v 0000 + 00612114 a 0101 + 00146572 n 0103 + 00146572 n 0101 + 07414740 n 0101 + 00146572 n 0102 ! 02032415 v 0101 ~ 02032934 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | move or draw together at a certain location; "The crowd converged on the movie star"
02032934 38 v 01 concentrate 0 003 @ 02032634 v 0000 + 05088804 n 0101 + 01231980 n 0101 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | draw together or meet in one common center; "These groups concentrate in the inner cities"
02033137 38 v 01 bend 1 004 @ 01907258 v 0000 + 00107875 n 0104 + 13869327 n 0101 + 02829696 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | change direction; "The road bends"
02033295 38 v 08 swerve 0 sheer 0 curve 0 trend 0 veer 0 slue 0 slew 0 cut 8 010 @ 01907258 v 0000 + 01263257 n 0503 + 08681222 n 0402 + 13867641 n 0301 + 02829696 n 0302 + 07411350 n 0102 + 01263257 n 0101 + 01263257 n 0102 ~ 02033703 v 0000 ~ 02034004 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | turn sharply; change direction abruptly; "The car cut to the left at the intersection"; "The motorbike veered to the right"
02033703 38 v 01 peel_off 0 002 @ 02033295 v 0000 ;c 00300441 n 0000 01 + 01 00 | leave a formation
02033805 38 v 01 deflect 0 005 @ 01907258 v 0000 + 02312918 a 0101 + 00350380 n 0105 + 00350380 n 0104 + 03172038 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | turn aside and away from an initial or intended course
02034004 38 v 01 yaw 1 001 @ 02033295 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | swerve off course momentarily; "the ship yawed when the huge waves hit it"
02034147 38 v 01 hunt 4 002 @ 02066028 v 0000 ;c 02691156 n 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | yaw back and forth about a flight path; "the plane's nose yawed"
02034300 38 v 03 deflect 1 bend 2 turn_away 0 004 @ 01907258 v 0000 + 00350380 n 0105 + 00350380 n 0104 + 03172038 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | turn from a straight course, fixed direction, or line of interest
02034511 38 v 02 avert 0 turn_away 1 002 @ 01907258 v 0000 + 00204022 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | turn away or aside; "They averted their eyes when the King entered"
02034671 38 v 02 crook 0 curve 2 004 @ 02035919 v 0000 + 14213328 n 0201 + 13869327 n 0102 ~ 02034883 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 08 00 | bend or cause to bend; "He crooked his index finger"; "the road curved sharply"
02034883 38 v 01 recurve 0 001 @ 02034671 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | curve or bend (something) back or down
02034986 38 v 03 arch 0 curve 1 arc 0 011 @ 02035919 v 0000 + 13896100 n 0302 + 13874384 n 0301 + 05072663 n 0202 + 14213328 n 0201 + 05072663 n 0201 + 13886133 n 0101 + 05576573 n 0101 + 02734217 n 0101 + 02733524 n 0101 ~ 02035425 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 08 00 | form an arch or curve; "her back arches"; "her hips curve nicely"
02035315 38 v 02 overarch 0 arch_over 0 000 01 + 11 00 | form an arch over; "Big rocks overarch the stream"
02035425 38 v 01 camber 0 003 @ 02034986 v 0000 + 13864423 n 0101 + 09213828 n 0103 02 + 01 00 + 08 00 | curve upward in the middle
02035559 38 v 04 hunch 0 hump 0 hunch_forward 0 hunch_over 0 004 * 02035919 v 0000 @ 01983771 v 0000 + 13894434 n 0203 + 00406114 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | round one's back by bending forward and drawing the shoulders forward
02035781 38 v 02 straighten 0 unbend 0 002 @ 01983771 v 0000 ! 02035919 v 0101 02 + 01 00 + 08 00 | straighten up or out; make straight
02035919 38 v 02 bend 0 flex 0 017 @ 00140967 v 0000 + 00405360 n 0202 + 13907415 n 0204 + 01022367 a 0101 + 02830157 n 0101 + 13869327 n 0101 + 13907415 n 0106 ! 02035781 v 0101 ~ 02034671 v 0000 ~ 02034986 v 0000 ~ 02036339 v 0000 ~ 02036498 v 0000 ~ 02038357 v 0000 ~ 02062632 v 0000 ~ 02063309 v 0000 ~ 02063771 v 0000 ~ 02098458 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | form a curve; "The stick does not bend"
02036339 38 v 01 incurvate 0 003 @ 02035919 v 0000 + 00406234 n 0101 + 13864965 n 0103 01 + 01 00 | bend inwards; "The body incurvates a little at the back"
02036498 38 v 02 retroflex 0 replicate 0 003 @ 02035919 v 0000 + 00341890 n 0101 + 00341890 n 0102 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | bend or turn backward
02036650 38 v 02 dress 7 line_up 0 001 @ 01987160 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | arrange in ranks; "dress troops"
02036755 38 v 03 line_up 1 queue_up 0 queue 0 004 * 02637938 v 0000 @ 01546111 v 0000 + 08432345 n 0301 + 08431205 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | form a queue, form a line, stand in line; "Customers lined up in front of the store"
02036977 38 v 01 flex 1 002 @ 00240571 v 0000 + 00405628 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 08 00 | contract; "flex a muscle"
02037090 38 v 03 slope 0 incline 0 pitch 1 015 @ 02038357 v 0000 + 05069199 n 0301 + 04051549 n 0202 + 09437454 n 0202 + 13889843 n 0201 + 13889602 n 0201 + 13892897 n 0205 + 05068080 n 0203 + 05068461 n 0102 + 09437454 n 0101 ~ 02037472 v 0000 ~ 02037683 v 0000 ~ 02037839 v 0000 ~ 02037989 v 0000 ~ 02038145 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | be at an angle; "The terrain sloped down"
02037472 38 v 01 ascend 1 006 @ 02037090 v 0000 + 02484638 a 0103 + 02484638 a 0102 + 02484638 a 0101 + 09206985 n 0101 + 06830561 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | slope upwards; "The path ascended to the top of the hill"
02037683 38 v 01 stoop 5 002 @ 02037090 v 0000 + 10659762 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | sag, bend, bend over or down; "the rocks stooped down over the hiking path"
02037839 38 v 01 fall b 002 @ 02037090 v 0000 + 09265620 n 0103 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | slope downward; "The hills around here fall towards the ocean"
02037989 38 v 01 climb 6 002 @ 02037090 v 0000 + 09206985 n 0105 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | slope upward; "The path climbed all the way to the top of the hill"
02038145 38 v 01 dip 2 002 @ 02037090 v 0000 + 13904506 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | slope downwards; "Our property dips towards the river"
02038278 38 v 01 weather 0 001 @ 02038357 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cause to slope
02038357 38 v 05 lean 0 tilt 0 tip 1 slant 0 angle 0 015 @ 02035919 v 0000 + 13887509 n 0501 + 05069199 n 0403 ^ 01909978 v 0302 ^ 01909397 v 0303 + 05068080 n 0201 + 00348008 n 0204 + 05068080 n 0104 + 00105624 n 0101 ^ 01590007 v 0103 ^ 01590007 v 0101 ~ 02037090 v 0000 ~ 02038278 v 0000 ~ 02038791 v 0000 ~ 02039156 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | to incline or bend from a vertical position; "She leaned over the banister"
02038791 38 v 02 list 0 heel 1 003 @ 02038357 v 0000 + 05068080 n 0102 $ 02039013 v 0000 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | tilt to one side; "The balloon heeled over"; "the wind made the vessel heel"; "The ship listed to starboard"
02039013 38 v 02 list 1 lean 7 002 $ 02038791 v 0000 @ 01831531 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | cause to lean to the side; "Erosion listed the old tree"
02039156 38 v 02 lean_back 0 recline 0 003 @ 02038357 v 0000 + 00341548 n 0201 ~ 02039315 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | move the upper body backwards and down
02039315 38 v 01 fall_back 1 001 @ 02039156 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | fall backwards and down
02039413 38 v 01 bank 0 002 @ 02039544 v 0000 + 00169305 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | tip laterally; "the pilot had to bank the aircraft"
02039544 38 v 01 tip 2 003 @ 01908543 v 0000 + 03256166 n 0106 ~ 02039413 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cause to tilt; "tip the screen upward"
02039679 38 v 02 dip 1 sink 4 002 @ 02039876 v 0000 ~ 01986367 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | appear to move downward; "The sun dipped below the horizon"; "The setting sun sank below the tree line"
02039876 38 v 01 decline 0 005 @ 01976841 v 0000 + 09265620 n 0104 + 09265620 n 0106 + 09265620 n 0105 ~ 02039679 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | go down; "The roof declines here"
02040054 38 v 05 ripple 0 ruffle 0 riffle 0 cockle 0 undulate 1 005 @ 02066510 v 0000 * 01277974 v 0000 + 07344663 n 0303 + 07344663 n 0101 + 07344663 n 0102 02 + 01 00 + 08 00 | stir up (water) so as to form ripples
02040273 38 v 01 bow 0 007 @ 01983771 v 0000 + 07274425 n 0101 ^ 02063610 v 0102 ~ 00899041 v 0000 ~ 02040549 v 0000 ~ 02040709 v 0000 ~ 02040934 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | bend the head or the upper part of the body in a gesture of respect or greeting; "He bowed before the King"
02040549 38 v 02 curtsy 0 curtsey 0 003 @ 02040273 v 0000 + 07274890 n 0202 + 07274890 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | bend the knees in a gesture of respectful greeting
02040709 38 v 03 scrape 0 kowtow 0 genuflect 1 006 @ 02040273 v 0000 + 07275078 n 0301 + 07275078 n 0302 + 07275275 n 0201 + 07275489 n 0101 + 07275489 n 0102 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | bend the knees and bow in a servile manner
02040934 38 v 01 genuflect 0 003 @ 02040273 v 0000 + 07275078 n 0101 + 07275078 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | bend the knees and bow in church or before a religious superior or image
02041109 38 v 01 dip 3 001 @ 01973125 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | lower briefly; "She dipped her knee"
02041206 38 v 03 billow 0 surge 1 heave 0 005 @ 00264034 v 0000 + 07370968 n 0301 + 07370968 n 0302 + 07440240 n 0203 + 07348545 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | rise and move, as in waves or billows; "The army surged forward"
02041422 38 v 02 billow 2 wallow 2 002 @ 01943718 v 0000 ~ 02041577 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | rise up as if in waves; "smoke billowed up into the sky"
02041577 38 v 01 cloud 0 002 @ 02041422 v 0000 + 09247410 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | billow up in the form of a cloud; "The smoke clouded above the houses"
02041728 38 v 01 billow 3 001 @ 01835496 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | move with great difficulty; "The soldiers billowed across the muddy riverbed"
02041877 38 v 05 crumble 0 crumple 0 tumble 3 break_down 0 collapse 2 001 @ 00140123 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | fall apart; "the building crumbled after the explosion"; "Negotiations broke down"
02042067 38 v 02 burrow 0 tunnel 0 003 @ 01309701 v 0000 + 09230041 n 0202 + 09230041 n 0101 01 + 04 00 | move through by or as by digging; "burrow through the forest"
02042237 38 v 01 circulate 0 002 @ 01835496 v 0000 ~ 01903218 v 0000 05 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 08 00 + 22 00 | move around freely; "She circulates among royalty"
02042404 38 v 01 circulate 1 004 @ 02066939 v 0000 + 02951565 a 0101 + 11439031 n 0101 ~ 02042672 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | move through a space, circuit or system, returning to the starting point; "Blood circulates in my veins"; "The air here does not circulate"
02042672 38 v 01 ventilate 0 003 @ 02042404 v 0000 + 04526520 n 0101 + 00266645 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | circulate through and freshen; "The gust of air ventilated the room"
02042843 38 v 01 circulate 4 005 > 02042404 v 0000 @ 01850315 v 0000 + 11439031 n 0101 + 07312221 n 0101 ~ 02043068 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to move in a circuit or system; "The fan circulates the air in the room"
02043068 38 v 01 convect 0 002 @ 02042843 v 0000 + 13452750 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | circulate hot air by convection
02043190 38 v 04 circulate 3 pass_around 0 pass_on 0 distribute 0 008 @ 01850315 v 0000 + 07250339 n 0101 + 13592384 n 0101 + 06253371 n 0101 + 00368302 n 0101 ~ 02043501 v 0000 ~ 02043851 v 0000 ~ 02082690 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 15 00 | cause be distributed; "This letter is being circulated among the faculty"
02043501 38 v 01 send_around 0 002 @ 02043190 v 0000 ~ 02043665 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 15 00 | forward to others; "he is sending around an appeal for funds"
02043665 38 v 02 circularize 0 circularise 0 005 @ 02043501 v 0000 + 01101753 n 0202 + 07250339 n 0201 + 01101753 n 0101 + 07250339 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | distribute circulars to
02043851 38 v 01 utter 0 002 @ 02043190 v 0000 + 10743543 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | put into circulation; "utter counterfeit currency"
02043982 38 v 03 orb 0 orbit 0 revolve 1 006 @ 02044278 v 0000 + 07440979 n 0302 + 08612340 n 0201 + 08612049 n 0201 + 04137444 n 0203 ~ 01995097 v 0000 02 + 04 00 + 11 00 | move in an orbit; "The moon orbits around the Earth"; "The planets are orbiting the sun"; "electrons orbit the nucleus"
02044278 38 v 02 circle 0 circulate 2 008 @ 01835496 v 0000 + 03032811 n 0201 + 00295172 n 0202 + 00295172 n 0102 ~ 02043982 v 0000 ~ 02044503 v 0000 ~ 02044596 v 0000 ~ 02044745 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | move in circles
02044503 38 v 01 troll 1 001 @ 02044278 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | circulate, move around
02044596 38 v 01 loop 0 002 @ 02044278 v 0000 + 00169811 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | fly loops, perform a loop; "the stunt pilot looped his plane"
02044745 38 v 01 loop 1 001 @ 02044278 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | move in loops; "The bicycle looped around the tree"
02044866 38 v 01 angle 1 003 @ 01835496 v 0000 + 13887509 n 0101 + 09794081 n 0101 03 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 | move or proceed at an angle; "he angled his way into the room"
02045043 38 v 03 revolve 0 go_around 1 rotate 1 010 @ 02096167 v 0000 + 00342028 n 0301 + 07440979 n 0102 ^ 02676496 v 0103 ~ 01352996 v 0000 ~ 01353169 v 0000 $ 02045790 v 0000 ~ 02046075 v 0000 ~ 02046755 v 0000 ~ 02048891 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | turn on or around an axis or a center; "The Earth revolves around the Sun"; "The lamb roast rotates on a spit over the fire"
02045415 38 v 04 turn_out 0 splay 0 spread_out 3 rotate 7 002 @ 01907258 v 0000 + 00534480 n 0101 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | turn outward; "These birds can splay out their toes"; "ballet dancers can rotate their legs out by 90 degrees"
02045655 38 v 01 splay 1 001 @ 01579813 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | spread open or apart; "He splayed his huge hands over the table"
02045790 38 v 02 rotate 0 circumvolve 0 009 > 02045043 v 0000 $ 02045043 v 0000 @ 01907258 v 0000 + 00342424 n 0201 + 02939919 a 0101 + 00342028 n 0101 ~ 01595149 v 0000 ~ 02048051 v 0000 ~ 02048272 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to turn on an axis or center; "Rotate the handle"
02046075 38 v 02 wheel 0 wheel_around 0 003 @ 02045043 v 0000 + 10775536 n 0101 ~ 02046286 v 0000 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | change directions as if revolving on a pivot; "They wheeled their horses around and left"
02046286 38 v 01 cartwheel 0 002 @ 02046075 v 0000 + 00434657 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | do cartwheels: perform an acrobatic movement using both hands and feet
02046441 38 v 02 wheel 4 wheel_around 1 002 @ 01953810 v 0000 + 04574999 n 0101 02 + 20 00 + 21 00 | wheel somebody or something
02046572 38 v 02 pivot 0 swivel 0 005 @ 01907258 v 0000 + 04373563 n 0201 + 00342916 n 0101 + 03951971 n 0101 ~ 02048384 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 04 00 + 08 00 + 22 00 | turn on a pivot
02046755 38 v 05 spin 1 spin_around 0 whirl 4 reel 3 gyrate 1 010 @ 02045043 v 0000 + 07440979 n 0503 + 00342755 n 0501 + 13878112 n 0301 + 00343249 n 0305 + 10777147 n 0302 + 04578708 n 0301 + 00343249 n 0101 + 04278605 n 0101 ~ 02047148 v 0000 03 + 04 00 + 08 00 + 22 00 | revolve quickly and repeatedly around one's own axis; "The dervishes whirl around and around without getting dizzy"
02047148 38 v 01 whirligig 0 002 @ 02046755 v 0000 + 04454240 n 0102 01 + 01 00 | whirl or spin like a whirligig
02047263 38 v 02 centrifuge 0 centrifugate 0 005 @ 02068062 v 0000 + 02995998 n 0201 + 13445296 n 0101 + 02995998 n 0101 ~ 02047500 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | rotate at very high speed in order to separate the liquids from the solids
02047500 38 v 01 ultracentrifuge 0 002 @ 02047263 v 0000 + 13570923 n 0101 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 21 00 | subject to the action of an ultracentrifuge
02047650 38 v 05 eddy 0 purl 0 whirlpool 0 swirl 0 whirl 0 005 @ 02066939 v 0000 + 07442068 n 0501 + 13878112 n 0402 + 07433145 n 0301 + 07432973 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | flow in a circular current, of liquids
02047857 38 v 03 whirl 3 tumble 7 whirl_around 0 002 @ 01831531 v 0000 + 07442068 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | fly around; "The clothes tumbled in the dryer"; "rising smoke whirled in the air"
02048051 38 v 04 whirl 2 birl 0 spin 2 twirl 1 007 @ 02045790 v 0000 + 00343249 n 0402 + 09843824 n 0402 + 00343249 n 0301 + 04278751 n 0301 + 13878112 n 0101 + 00343249 n 0105 01 + 08 00 | cause to spin; "spin a coin"
02048272 38 v 02 birl 1 birle 0 001 @ 02045790 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cause a floating log to rotate by treading
02048384 38 v 01 pirouette 0 002 @ 02046572 v 0000 + 00343730 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | do a pirouette, usually as part of a dance
02048511 38 v 01 kick 1 001 @ 01708676 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | kick a leg up
02048586 38 v 01 skank 0 002 @ 01708676 v 0000 + 00527319 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | dance the skank
02048682 38 v 01 grind 0 001 @ 01708676 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | dance by rotating the pelvis in an erotically suggestive way, often while in contact with one's partner such that the dancers' legs are interlaced
02048891 38 v 04 twirl 0 swirl 1 twiddle 0 whirl 1 007 @ 02045043 v 0000 + 07442068 n 0401 + 00342755 n 0402 + 00340989 n 0301 + 13878112 n 0202 + 00343249 n 0102 + 10435988 n 0103 04 + 01 00 + 04 00 + 08 00 + 22 00 | turn in a twisting or spinning motion; "The leaves swirled in the autumn wind"
02049190 38 v 03 gyrate 0 spiral 0 coil 0 006 @ 01907258 v 0000 + 13875970 n 0301 + 03065424 n 0301 + 03065424 n 0202 + 13876371 n 0201 + 00342755 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | to wind or move in a spiral course; "the muscles and nerves of his fine drawn body were coiling for action"; "black smoke coiling up into the sky"; "the young people gyrated on the dance floor"
02049561 38 v 02 corkscrew 0 spiral 1 002 @ 01907258 v 0000 + 00343606 n 0201 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | move in a spiral or zigzag course
02049696 38 v 03 pass 1 overtake 0 overhaul 0 007 @ 01992503 v 0000 + 00340192 n 0202 + 07310642 n 0102 + 07310642 n 0101 + 00340192 n 0101 ~ 02049963 v 0000 ~ 02081178 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | travel past; "The sports car passed all the trucks"
02049963 38 v 01 get_by 0 001 @ 02049696 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | pass or move in front of; "Bride's Biscuit got by the other dogs to win the race"
02050132 38 v 03 pass 0 go_through 0 go_across 0 020 @ 01835496 v 0000 ^ 00616498 v 0102 ^ 01915365 v 0105 ^ 01912159 v 0105 ~ 00539770 v 0000 ~ 01247684 v 0000 ~ 01867072 v 0000 ~ 01912159 v 0000 ~ 01913363 v 0000 ~ 01914947 v 0000 ~ 01915365 v 0000 ~ 01915865 v 0000 ~ 02019282 v 0000 ~ 02019431 v 0000 ~ 02019574 v 0000 ~ 02050688 v 0000 ~ 02050865 v 0000 ~ 02051031 v 0000 ~ 02051270 v 0000 ~ 02051547 v 0000 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | go across or through; "We passed the point where the police car had parked"; "A terrible thought went through his mind"
02050688 38 v 02 negotiate 0 negociate 0 001 @ 02050132 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | succeed in passing through, around, or over; "The hiker negociated the high mountain pass"
02050865 38 v 01 lock 4 004 @ 02050132 v 0000 + 03683079 n 0101 + 03683457 n 0101 + 00313385 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | pass by means through a lock in a waterway
02051031 38 v 02 make a work 0 005 $ 02373015 v 0000 @ 02050132 v 0000 ~ 01914297 v 0000 ~ 01914453 v 0000 ~ 02053723 v 0000 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | proceed along a path; "work one's way through the crowd"; "make one's way into the forest"
02051270 38 v 01 cycle 2 004 @ 02050132 v 0000 + 07342495 n 0101 + 15287830 n 0101 ~ 02051444 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | pass through a cycle; "This machine automatically cycles"
02051444 38 v 01 cycle_on 0 001 @ 02051270 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | come to the starting point of a cycle
02051547 38 v 02 fumble 0 blunder 0 001 @ 02050132 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | make one's way clumsily or blindly; "He fumbled towards the door"
02051694 38 v 06 travel_by 1 pass_by 0 surpass 0 go_past 0 go_by 1 pass 5 006 @ 01835496 v 0000 + 10404672 n 0603 ~ 02052090 v 0000 ~ 02052226 v 0000 ~ 02052358 v 0000 ~ 02053829 v 0000 06 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | move past; "A black limousine passed by when she looked out the window"; "He passed his professor in the hall"; "One line of soldiers surpassed the other"
02052090 38 v 01 skirt 0 001 @ 02051694 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | pass around or about; move along the border; "The boat skirted the coast"
02052226 38 v 01 run_by 0 001 @ 02051694 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | pass by while running; "We watched children were running by"
02052358 38 v 01 fly_by 0 001 @ 02051694 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | pass by while flying; "An enemy plane flew by"
02052476 38 v 02 pass 4 make_pass 0 005 > 02050132 v 0000 ~ 02052675 v 0000 ~ 02052965 v 0000 ~ 02053190 v 0000 ~ 02686625 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to pass; "She passed around the plates"
02052675 38 v 01 cycle 3 004 @ 02052476 v 0000 + 07342495 n 0101 + 15287830 n 0101 ~ 02052877 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | cause to go through a recurring sequence; "cycle the laundry in this washing program"
02052877 38 v 01 recycle 0 001 @ 02052675 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | cause to repeat a cycle
02052965 38 v 01 pass_off 0 001 @ 02052476 v 0000 02 + 20 00 + 21 00 | cause to be circulated and accepted in a false character or identity; "She passed the glass off as diamonds"; "He passed himself off as a secret agent"
02053190 38 v 01 pass_through 2 004 @ 02052476 v 0000 ~ 01341897 v 0000 ~ 02053381 v 0000 ~ 02053621 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to move through; "Pass a chemical through a solution"
02053381 38 v 01 reeve 0 001 @ 02053190 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | pass through a hole or opening; "reeve a rope"
02053490 38 v 01 clear 1 001 @ 02523351 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | pass an inspection or receive authorization; "clear customs"
02053621 38 v 01 reeve 1 001 @ 02053190 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | pass a rope through; "reeve an opening"
02053723 38 v 01 bushwhack 0 001 @ 02051031 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | cut one's way through the woods or bush
02053829 38 v 03 zip_by 0 fly_by 1 whisk_by 0 001 @ 02051694 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | move by very quickly
02053941 38 v 07 approach 0 near 0 come_on 0 go_up 3 draw_near 0 draw_close 0 come_near 0 011 $ 01849746 v 0000 * 01992503 v 0000 @ 01849221 v 0000 + 00019349 a 0101 + 07310507 n 0101 + 00280853 n 0101 ~ 01850135 v 0000 ~ 01927992 v 0000 ~ 02017937 v 0000 ~ 02054382 v 0000 ~ 02054864 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 08 00 | move towards; "We were approaching our destination"; "They are drawing near"; "The enemy army came nearer and nearer"
02054382 38 v 01 close f 003 @ 02053941 v 0000 + 00281462 n 0102 + 00281462 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | draw near; "The probe closed with the space station"
02054541 38 v 02 close a come_together 3 001 @ 01831531 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | come together, as if in an embrace; "Her arms closed around her long lost relative"
02054703 38 v 02 close_in 0 draw_in 1 002 $ 02015384 v 0000 @ 01992503 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | advance or converge on; "The police were closing in on him"
02054864 38 v 02 push 1 crowd 2 001 @ 02053941 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | approach a certain age or speed; "She is pushing fifty"
02054989 38 v 04 unfold 0 stretch 0 stretch_out 0 extend a 003 $ 01368863 v 0000 @ 00140967 v 0000 + 00944449 a 0402 02 + 01 00 + 08 00 | extend or stretch out to a greater or the full length; "Unfold the newspaper"; "stretch out that piece of cloth"; "extend the TV antenna"
02055267 38 v 05 tear 0 shoot 1 shoot_down 1 charge 0 buck 1 004 @ 02058994 v 0000 ^ 00432572 v 0201 $ 02061495 v 0000 ~ 02098041 v 0000 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | move quickly and violently; "The car tore down the street"; "He came charging into my office"
02055521 38 v 04 zoom 0 zoom_along 0 whizz 0 whizz_along 0 001 @ 02055649 v 0000 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | move along very quickly
02055649 38 v 04 travel_rapidly 0 speed 0 hurry 0 zip 0 010 @ 01835496 v 0000 + 00555648 n 0302 + 00330160 n 0303 + 00330160 n 0201 + 15282696 n 0201 + 05058140 n 0201 ^ 00438178 v 0202 ~ 01899891 v 0000 ~ 01926311 v 0000 ~ 02055521 v 0000 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | move very fast; "The runner zipped past us at breakneck speed"
02055975 38 v 01 speed 1 006 @ 01835496 v 0000 + 00330160 n 0101 + 15282696 n 0101 + 05058140 n 0101 + 10634596 n 0101 + 00330160 n 0102 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | travel at an excessive or illegal velocity; "I got a ticket for speeding"
02056209 38 v 01 zoom 1 001 @ 01835496 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | move with a low humming noise
02056300 38 v 01 stampede 0 004 * 01926311 v 0000 * 02058994 v 0000 @ 02075462 v 0000 + 01123420 n 0101 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 | run away in a stampede
02056466 38 v 04 rout_out 0 drive_out 0 force_out 1 rouse 0 004 @ 01850315 v 0000 $ 02002720 v 0000 ~ 02056691 v 0000 ~ 02056854 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | force or drive out; "The police routed them out of bed at 2 A.M."
02056691 38 v 01 hunt 3 001 @ 02056466 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | chase away, with as with force; "They hunted the unwanted immigrants out of the neighborhood"
02056854 38 v 01 smoke_out 0 001 @ 02056466 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | drive out with smoke; "smoke out the bees"
02056971 38 v 01 drive 2 011 @ 01850315 v 0000 + 00307631 n 0101 + 03242713 n 0101 + 10034906 n 0101 ^ 02056466 v 0102 ^ 02002720 v 0102 ^ 02002720 v 0106 ^ 02002720 v 0104 $ 01930482 v 0000 ~ 02057337 v 0000 ~ 02058049 v 0000 02 + 20 00 + 21 00 | cause someone or something to move by driving; "She drove me to school every day"; "We drove the car to the garage"
02057337 38 v 01 pull 0 002 @ 02056971 v 0000 $ 02057499 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | steer into a certain direction; "pull one's horse to a stand"; "Pull the car over"
02057499 38 v 01 pull 1 003 $ 02057337 v 0000 @ 02057656 v 0000 ~ 02057878 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | move into a certain direction; "the car pulls to the right"
02057656 38 v 01 drive 9 006 @ 01930874 v 0000 @ 01835496 v 0000 + 03244388 n 0102 + 03242713 n 0101 + 00307631 n 0101 ~ 02057499 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | move by being propelled by a force; "The car drove around the corner"
02057878 38 v 01 cut_in 0 001 @ 02057499 v 0000 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | drive in front of another vehicle leaving too little space for that vehicle to maneuver comfortably
02058049 38 v 02 drive_around 0 chauffeur 0 002 @ 02056971 v 0000 + 09908853 n 0201 03 + 02 00 + 09 00 + 20 00 | drive someone in a vehicle
02058191 38 v 03 bustle 0 bustle_about 0 hustle 0 004 * 02058994 v 0000 @ 01831531 v 0000 + 00555138 n 0302 + 00555138 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | move or cause to move energetically or busily; "The cheerleaders bustled about excitingly before their performance"
02058448 38 v 01 fidget 0 002 @ 01831531 v 0000 + 07513795 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | move restlessly; "The child is always fidgeting in his seat"
02058590 38 v 02 linger 0 dawdle 0 004 @ 01831531 v 0000 + 09993252 n 0201 ! 02058994 v 0101 ^ 02640226 v 0102 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | take one's time; proceed slowly
02058756 38 v 06 drag 0 trail 2 get_behind 0 hang_back 0 drop_behind 0 drop_back 3 002 @ 01997862 v 0000 + 09993252 n 0205 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | to lag or linger behind; "But in so many other areas we still are dragging"
02058994 38 v 0c rush 0 hotfoot 0 hasten 0 hie 0 speed 3 race 0 pelt_along 0 rush_along 0 cannonball_along 0 bucket_along 0 belt_along 0 step_on_it 0 011 @ 01835496 v 0000 + 15282696 n 0501 + 05058140 n 0501 + 00330160 n 0502 ^ 00438178 v 0502 + 00555648 n 0103 + 00555648 n 0104 ! 02058590 v 0101 ~ 01996574 v 0000 ~ 02055267 v 0000 ~ 02061495 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | move fast; "He rushed down the hall to receive his guests"; "The cars raced down the street"
02059462 38 v 02 race a rush a 003 @ 01850315 v 0000 + 00555648 n 0203 + 10502576 n 0101 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 | cause to move fast or to rush or race; "The psychologist raced the rats through a long maze"
02059675 38 v 02 rush_off 0 rush_away 0 001 @ 02009433 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | depart in a hurry
02059770 38 v 01 rush 1 004 @ 01926311 v 0000 + 00560293 n 0101 + 10544067 n 0101 + 00560293 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | run with the ball, in football
02059916 38 v 02 trail 1 shack 0 002 @ 01835496 v 0000 + 09993252 n 0105 02 + 02 00 + 04 00 | move, proceed, or walk draggingly or slowly; "John trailed behind his class mates"; "The Mercedes trailed behind the horse cart"
02060141 38 v 04 diffuse 0 spread 2 spread_out 0 fan_out 0 009 @ 01378556 v 0000 + 00367976 n 0201 + 05088324 n 0202 + 07445896 n 0201 + 00368592 n 0104 ~ 02060437 v 0000 ~ 02060588 v 0000 ~ 02060792 v 0000 ~ 02085320 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | move outward; "The soldiers fanned out"
02060437 38 v 01 percolate 1 002 @ 02060141 v 0000 + 14997888 n 0101 01 + 04 00 | spread gradually; "Light percolated into our house in the morning"
02060588 38 v 01 creep 6 002 @ 02060141 v 0000 + 13102648 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | grow or spread, often in such a way as to cover (a surface); "ivy crept over the walls of the university buildings"
02060792 38 v 02 run 8 bleed 0 003 $ 00444629 v 0000 @ 02060141 v 0000 ~ 02060959 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | be diffused; "These dyes and colors are guaranteed not to run"
02060959 38 v 01 crock 0 001 @ 02060792 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | release color when rubbed, of badly dyed fabric
02061069 38 v 08 flinch 0 squinch 0 funk 0 cringe 1 shrink 0 wince 0 recoil 0 quail 0 005 @ 01831531 v 0000 + 06879056 n 0601 + 00865471 n 0601 + 00865471 n 0102 ~ 02061366 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | draw back, as with fear or pain; "she flinched when they showed the slaughtering of the calf"
02061366 38 v 02 shrink_back 0 retract 0 001 @ 02061069 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | pull away from a source of disgust or fear
02061495 38 v 06 dart 0 dash 0 scoot 0 scud 0 flash 0 shoot 0 011 $ 02055267 v 0000 @ 02058994 v 0000 ^ 02004701 v 0502 + 04562122 n 0303 + 03556811 n 0303 + 03791053 n 0302 + 04149374 n 0301 + 00555983 n 0201 + 00294452 n 0201 + 00334356 n 0102 ~ 01834053 v 0000 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | run or move very quickly or hastily; "She dashed into the yard"
02061846 38 v 01 commute 0 006 @ 01843055 v 0000 + 00315700 n 0101 + 09945745 n 0101 + 03078802 n 0101 + 00315700 n 0102 ~ 01177505 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | travel back and forth regularly, as between one's place of work and home
02062081 38 v 01 shuttle 0 002 @ 01835496 v 0000 + 04211970 n 0101 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | travel back and forth between two points
02062212 38 v 04 lunge 0 hurl 0 hurtle 0 thrust 1 010 @ 01831531 v 0000 + 00103834 n 0402 + 01173965 n 0402 + 10495756 n 0402 + 00334935 n 0406 + 00105479 n 0201 + 10277231 n 0101 + 00290276 n 0102 ~ 01899708 v 0000 ~ 02062503 v 0000 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | make a thrusting forward movement
02062503 38 v 01 riposte 0 002 @ 02062212 v 0000 ;c 01171644 n 0000 01 + 02 00 | make a return thrust; "his opponent riposted"
02062632 38 v 04 crouch 0 stoop 0 bend 3 bow 1 009 @ 02035919 v 0000 * 01983771 v 0000 + 07274425 n 0401 + 00336654 n 0201 + 10659762 n 0201 ^ 00909134 v 0201 + 00405766 n 0101 ~ 02063225 v 0000 ~ 02063988 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | bend one's back forward from the waist on down; "he crouched down"; "She bowed before the Queen"; "The young man stooped to pick up the girl's purse"
02063018 38 v 01 incline 1 003 @ 01973125 v 0000 + 00335384 n 0101 + 00335384 n 0102 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | lower or bend (the head or upper body), as in a nod or bow; "She inclined her head to the student"
02063225 38 v 01 squinch 1 001 @ 02062632 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | crouch down
02063309 38 v 03 double_over 0 double 0 double_up 0 001 @ 02035919 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | bend over or curl up, usually with laughter or pain; "He doubled and vomited violently"
02063486 38 v 01 uncurl 0 001 @ 01983771 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 09 00 | move out of a curled position; "He uncurled himself"
02063610 38 v 02 prostrate 0 bow_down 0 003 @ 01985029 v 0000 + 01167548 n 0101 + 00341109 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | get into a prostrate position, as in submission
02063771 38 v 06 fawn 0 crawl 3 creep 7 cringe 0 cower 0 grovel 0 006 @ 02035919 v 0000 + 09800631 n 0605 + 09800631 n 0604 + 09614047 n 0501 + 10684827 n 0203 + 09800631 n 0103 01 + 22 00 | show submission or fear
02063988 38 v 02 huddle 0 cower 1 002 @ 02062632 v 0000 + 10190745 n 0101 01 + 22 00 | crouch or curl up; "They huddled outside in the rain"
02064131 38 v 05 throng 0 mob 0 pack 0 pile 0 jam 0 005 @ 02027612 v 0000 + 13774404 n 0411 + 07961480 n 0401 + 08184600 n 0201 + 08182716 n 0102 01 + 22 00 | press tightly together or cram; "The crowd packed the auditorium"
02064358 38 v 02 pounce 0 swoop 0 004 @ 01970826 v 0000 + 00327033 n 0201 + 01258161 n 0101 ~ 02064612 v 0000 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | move down on as if in an attack; "The raptor swooped down on its prey"; "The teacher swooped down upon the new students"
02064612 38 v 01 stoop 4 001 @ 02064358 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | descend swiftly, as if on prey; "The eagle stooped on the mice in the field"
02064759 38 v 01 swoop 1 002 @ 01831531 v 0000 + 06857264 n 0101 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | move with a sweep, or in a swooping arc
02064887 38 v 02 deviate 0 divert 0 006 @ 01907258 v 0000 + 00350380 n 0201 + 00350380 n 0102 ~ 02066028 v 0000 ~ 02066203 v 0000 ~ 02066304 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | turn aside; turn away from
02065085 38 v 01 deviate 1 005 @ 01952363 v 0000 + 00350380 n 0102 ~ 02065329 v 0000 ~ 02065652 v 0000 ~ 02065885 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to turn away from a previous or expected course; "The river was deviated to prevent flooding"
02065329 38 v 01 perturb 0 003 @ 02065085 v 0000 + 11414874 n 0101 $ 02065652 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | cause a celestial body to deviate from a theoretically regular orbital motion, especially as a result of interposed or extraordinary gravitational pull; "The orbits of these stars were perturbed by the passings of a comet"
02065652 38 v 01 perturb 1 004 $ 02065329 v 0000 @ 02065085 v 0000 + 11414874 n 0101 + 00553173 n 0102 01 + 11 00 | disturb or interfere with the usual path of an electron or atom; "The electrons were perturbed by the passing ion"
02065885 38 v 01 shunt 1 002 @ 02065085 v 0000 + 04211001 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | provide with or divert by means of an electrical shunt
02066028 38 v 01 yaw 0 003 @ 02064887 v 0000 + 07411350 n 0101 ~ 02034147 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | deviate erratically from a set course; "the yawing motion of the ship"
02066203 38 v 01 detour 0 002 @ 02064887 v 0000 + 03182506 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | travel via a detour
02066304 38 v 04 sidetrack 0 depart 2 digress 0 straggle 0 004 @ 02064887 v 0000 + 07939159 n 0401 + 10660729 n 0401 + 00310201 n 0301 03 + 01 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | wander from a direct or straight course
02066510 38 v 02 flow 1 flux 0 006 @ 01831531 v 0000 + 07407970 n 0202 + 14005892 n 0102 + 00329227 n 0101 ~ 02040054 v 0000 ~ 02066757 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | move or progress freely as if in a stream; "The crowd flowed out of the stadium"
02066757 38 v 02 transpire 0 transpirate 0 002 @ 02066510 v 0000 + 13569905 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | pass through the tissue or substance or its pores or interstices, as of gas
02066939 38 v 04 run 1 flow 0 feed 4 course 0 024 @ 01831531 v 0000 + 08681222 n 0401 + 00329227 n 0201 + 15277730 n 0201 + 07405893 n 0201 + 07405893 n 0202 ^ 02634567 v 0202 + 09415938 n 0103 + 07407777 n 0103 ^ 02072159 v 0104 ~ 00455212 v 0000 ~ 01516290 v 0000 ~ 01903756 v 0000 ~ 02042404 v 0000 ~ 02047650 v 0000 ~ 02067889 v 0000 ~ 02068223 v 0000 ~ 02069248 v 0000 ~ 02069888 v 0000 ~ 02070466 v 0000 ~ 02070874 v 0000 ~ 02071457 v 0000 ~ 02071974 v 0000 ~ 02084879 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | move along, of liquids; "Water flowed into the cave"; "the Missouri feeds into the Mississippi"
02067540 38 v 01 course 2 002 @ 01912159 v 0000 + 09387222 n 0103 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | move swiftly through or over; "ships coursing the Atlantic"
02067689 38 v 01 flow 2 005 > 02066939 v 0000 + 13482330 n 0101 + 00329227 n 0101 + 15277730 n 0101 + 07405893 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to flow; "The artist flowed the washes on the paper"
02067889 38 v 02 waste 0 run_off 4 003 @ 02066939 v 0000 + 07407272 n 0202 + 14856263 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | run off as waste; "The water wastes back into the ocean"
02068062 38 v 01 spin 0 002 @ 02070466 v 0000 ~ 02047263 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | stream in jets, of liquids; "The creek spun its course through the woods"
02068223 38 v 01 run_down 2 001 @ 02066939 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | move downward; "The water ran down"
02068324 38 v 01 pump 2 001 @ 02068413 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | flow intermittently
02068413 38 v 04 spurt 1 spirt 1 gush 0 spout 0 011 @ 02069248 v 0000 + 04287153 n 0401 + 04287351 n 0401 + 02072953 n 0401 + 07439570 n 0302 + 03471030 n 0301 + 07436100 n 0204 + 07436100 n 0103 ~ 02068324 v 0000 ~ 02068745 v 0000 ~ 02068877 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | gush forth in a sudden stream or jet; "water gushed forth"
02068745 38 v 01 blow c 002 @ 02068413 v 0000 + 00835501 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | spout moist air from the blowhole; "The whales blew"
02068877 38 v 01 whoosh 0 001 @ 02068413 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | gush or squirt out; "Oil whooshed up when the drill hit the well"
02069014 38 v 02 hiss 0 whoosh 1 001 @ 01835496 v 0000 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | move with a whooshing sound
02069120 38 v 02 woosh 0 whoosh 2 001 @ 01850315 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | move with a sibilant sound; "He whooshed the doors open"
02069248 38 v 01 pour 2 003 @ 02066939 v 0000 ~ 02068413 v 0000 ~ 02069396 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | flow in a spurt; "Water poured all over the floor"
02069396 38 v 01 regurgitate 0 002 @ 02069248 v 0000 + 07406474 n 0101 01 + 04 00 | pour or rush back; "The blood regurgitates into the heart ventricle"
02069551 38 v 01 pour 3 008 > 02066939 v 0000 @ 01850315 v 0000 ^ 01202374 v 0105 ~ 01541803 v 0000 ~ 01611516 v 0000 ~ 01853440 v 0000 ~ 02069788 v 0000 ~ 02070296 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | cause to run; "pour water over the floor"
02069788 38 v 02 effuse 0 pour_out 2 001 @ 02069551 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | pour out; "effused brine"
02069888 38 v 02 spill 0 run_out 0 005 @ 02066939 v 0000 + 00329619 n 0101 + 15049594 n 0101 $ 01542207 v 0000 ~ 02072159 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | flow, run or fall out and become lost; "The milk spilled across the floor"; "The wine spilled onto the table"
02070150 38 v 03 spill_over 1 spill_out 0 pour_out 1 001 @ 02028366 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | be disgorged; "The crowds spilled out into the streets"
02070296 38 v 03 decant 0 pour 4 pour_out 0 003 @ 02069551 v 0000 + 02960903 n 0102 + 00935608 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | pour out; "the sommelier decanted the wines"
02070466 38 v 02 stream 0 well_out 0 005 @ 02066939 v 0000 + 00329227 n 0102 + 07406765 n 0102 + 09448361 n 0101 ~ 02068062 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | flow freely and abundantly; "Tears streamed down her face"
02070679 38 v 01 stream 1 002 @ 01902783 v 0000 + 14005892 n 0101 01 + 04 00 | to extend, wave or float outward, as if in the wind; "their manes streamed like stiff black pennants in the wind"
02070874 38 v 03 trickle 0 dribble 0 filter 0 003 @ 02066939 v 0000 + 07432559 n 0102 ~ 02071627 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | run or flow slowly, as in drops or in an unsteady stream; "water trickled onto the lawn from the broken hose"; "reports began to dribble in"
02071142 38 v 01 drip 0 004 $ 01611516 v 0000 @ 01970826 v 0000 + 07432559 n 0101 + 07673249 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | fall in drops; "Water is dripping from the faucet"
02071316 38 v 02 cascade 0 cascade_down 0 002 @ 01970826 v 0000 + 09236957 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | rush down in big quantities, like a cascade
02071457 38 v 02 drain 0 run_out 1 003 @ 02066939 v 0000 + 00396029 n 0102 + 03231912 n 0101 01 + 04 00 | flow off gradually; "The rain water drains into this big vat"
02071627 38 v 02 leach 0 percolate 0 004 @ 02070874 v 0000 + 14997888 n 0201 + 13534274 n 0201 + 13506587 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | permeate or penetrate gradually; "the fertilizer leached into the ground"
02071837 38 v 01 leach 1 003 > 02071627 v 0000 @ 00173338 v 0000 + 13506587 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | cause (a liquid) to leach or percolate
02071974 38 v 02 seep 0 ooze 0 004 @ 02066939 v 0000 + 07432119 n 0202 + 07432119 n 0203 + 07432119 n 0101 01 + 04 00 | pass gradually or leak through or as if through small openings
02072159 38 v 05 overflow 0 overrun 0 well_over 0 run_over 0 brim_over 0 006 * 02066939 v 0000 @ 02069888 v 0000 + 00914343 n 0202 + 07407272 n 0101 + 00329819 n 0102 ~ 02072394 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | flow or run over (a limit or brim)
02072394 38 v 01 geyser 0 002 @ 02072159 v 0000 + 09288635 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | to overflow like a geyser
02072501 38 v 02 edge 0 inch 0 003 @ 01992503 v 0000 + 13649791 n 0201 ^ 02017937 v 0101 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | advance slowly, as if by inches; "He edged towards the car"
02072673 38 v 03 ratchet 0 rachet_up 0 ratchet_down 0 002 @ 01992503 v 0000 + 04055180 n 0101 01 + 04 00 | move by degrees in one direction only; "a ratcheting lopping tool"
02072849 38 v 09 elapse 0 lapse 0 pass 3 slip_by 0 glide_by 0 slip_away 0 go_by 0 slide_by 0 go_along 2 003 @ 01992503 v 0000 + 15271417 n 0201 ~ 02073065 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | pass by; "three years elapsed"
02073065 38 v 03 fly 6 fell 9 vanish 5 002 $ 00153061 v 0000 @ 02072849 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | pass away rapidly; "Time flies like an arrow"; "Time fleeing beneath him"
02073233 38 v 03 break 2 break_out 0 break_away 1 004 $ 02030764 v 0000 @ 02074677 v 0000 + 00059989 n 0202 + 00059989 n 0101 04 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 + 08 01 | move away or escape suddenly; "The horses broke from the stable"; "Three inmates broke jail"; "Nobody can break out--this prison is high security"
02073545 38 v 04 shake 4 shake_off 0 throw_off 0 escape_from 0 001 @ 02074677 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | get rid of; "I couldn't shake the car that was following me"
02073714 38 v 07 abscond 0 bolt 2 absquatulate 0 decamp 1 run_off 2 go_off 0 make_off 0 006 @ 02075462 v 0000 + 00055633 n 0402 + 00204943 n 0201 + 00055633 n 0101 + 09755241 n 0101 ~ 02074093 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | run away; usually includes taking something or somebody along; "The thief made off with our silver"; "the accountant absconded with the cash from the safe"
02074093 38 v 01 levant 0 001 @ 02073714 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | run off without paying a debt
02074186 38 v 02 elope 0 run_off 3 002 @ 02075462 v 0000 + 00058608 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | run away secretly with one's beloved; "The young couple eloped and got married in Las Vegas"
02074377 38 v 03 elude 0 evade 0 bilk 0 005 @ 02074677 v 0000 + 00059127 n 0201 + 00149262 a 0101 + 00059376 n 0102 + 00059376 n 0103 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | escape, either physically or mentally; "The thief eluded the police"; "This difficult idea seems to evade her"; "The event evades explanation"
02074677 38 v 03 escape 0 get_away 0 break_loose 0 011 @ 02075462 v 0000 + 00060201 n 0201 + 00173283 n 0101 + 00058743 n 0101 + 10062905 n 0101 ~ 02073233 v 0000 ~ 02073545 v 0000 ~ 02074377 v 0000 ~ 02076280 v 0000 ~ 02100476 v 0000 ~ 02599004 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 22 00 | run away from confinement; "The convicted murderer escaped from a high security prison"
02075049 38 v 0d scat 0 run 4 scarper 0 turn_tail 0 lam 0 run_away 0 hightail_it 0 bunk 0 head_for_the_hills 0 take_to_the_woods 0 escape 2 fly_the_coop 0 break_away 0 005 @ 02009433 v 0000 + 10115082 n 0602 + 00060201 n 0502 ~ 02075462 v 0000 ~ 02075764 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 22 00 | flee; take to one's heels; cut and run; "If you see this man, run!"; "The burglars escaped before the police showed up"
02075462 38 v 03 flee 0 fly 3 take_flight 0 010 @ 02075049 v 0000 + 00058743 n 0102 + 10115082 n 0103 ~ 02030764 v 0000 ~ 02056300 v 0000 ~ 02073714 v 0000 ~ 02074186 v 0000 ~ 02074677 v 0000 ~ 02092907 v 0000 ~ 02584097 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | run away quickly; "He threw down his gun and fled"
02075764 38 v 01 skedaddle 0 001 @ 02075049 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | run away, as if in a panic
02075857 38 v 02 take 5 make 5 001 @ 01935233 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | head into a specified direction; "The escaped convict took to the hills"; "We made for the mountains"
02076027 38 v 05 slip_away 1 steal_away 0 sneak_away 0 sneak_off 0 sneak_out 0 001 @ 02009433 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | leave furtively and stealthily; "The lecture was boring and many students slipped out when the instructor turned towards the blackboard"
02076280 38 v 01 slip 5 004 @ 02074677 v 0000 + 00170710 n 0101 ^ 02072849 v 0104 ^ 02076027 v 0101 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | move smoothly and easily; "the bolt slipped into place"; "water slipped from the polished marble"
02076501 38 v 01 slip c 002 > 02076280 v 0000 @ 01850315 v 0000 03 + 20 00 + 21 00 + 22 00 | cause to move with a smooth or sliding motion; "he slipped the bolt into place"
02076676 38 v 03 vacate 0 empty 0 abandon 0 002 @ 02009433 v 0000 + 01087977 a 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | leave behind empty; move out of; "You must vacate your office by tonight"
02076857 38 v 02 decamp 2 break_camp 0 002 @ 02008396 v 0000 + 00055227 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | leave a camp; "The hikers decamped before dawn"
02076999 38 v 01 eject 0 002 @ 02015598 v 0000 + 00116687 n 0103 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | leave an aircraft rapidly, using an ejection seat or capsule
02077148 38 v 02 expand 0 spread_out 1 009 @ 00230746 v 0000 + 00947264 a 0103 + 00844263 a 0103 + 00947264 a 0102 + 00844263 a 0102 + 00946499 a 0101 ! 00240571 v 0102 ~ 02077430 v 0000 ~ 02077546 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | extend in one or more directions; "The dough expands"
02077430 38 v 01 dispread 0 001 @ 02077148 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | spread abroad or out; "The sun dispread its beams"
02077546 38 v 01 bush_out 0 001 @ 02077148 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | grow outward; "the plant quickly bushed out"
02077656 38 v 03 bring 0 convey 0 take a 021 $ 01433294 v 0000 $ 01434140 v 0000 @ 01449974 v 0000 * 01849221 v 0000 + 09962789 n 0201 + 03100897 n 0203 + 00315986 n 0205 ^ 01993926 v 0102 ^ 01981036 v 0103 ^ 01973125 v 0105 ^ 01974062 v 0105 ^ 02157100 v 0102 ^ 02157100 v 0103 ~ 01433674 v 0000 ~ 01853696 v 0000 ~ 01949674 v 0000 ~ 02078294 v 0000 ~ 02079525 v 0000 ~ 02079679 v 0000 ~ 02079933 v 0000 ~ 02087156 v 0000 06 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | take something or somebody with oneself somewhere; "Bring me the box from the other room"; "Take these letters to the boss"; "This brings me to the main point"
02078294 38 v 03 return c take_back 3 bring_back 0 002 @ 02077656 v 0000 + 00328015 n 0101 03 + 08 00 + 15 00 + 21 00 | bring back to the point of departure
02078453 38 v 01 track 2 002 @ 02078591 v 0000 + 09387222 n 0102 01 + 21 00 | carry on the feet and deposit; "track mud into the house"
02078591 38 v 02 bring_in 0 introduce 0 003 ~ 00413704 v 0000 ~ 02078453 v 0000 ~ 02078855 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 | bring in a new person or object into a familiar environment; "He brought in a new judge"; "The new secretary introduced a nasty rumor"
02078855 38 v 01 insinuate 0 001 @ 02078591 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | introduce or insert (oneself) in a subtle manner; "He insinuated himself into the conversation of the people at the nearby table"
02079051 38 v 01 interpose 0 001 @ 01618693 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | introduce; "God interposed death"
02079151 38 v 01 church 0 003 @ 02374764 v 0000 + 03028079 n 0101 + 01032368 n 0102 01 + 09 00 | perform a special church rite or service for; "church a woman after childbirth"
02079330 38 v 01 carry_over 1 001 @ 01953810 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | transport from one place or state to another; "Adam would have been carried over into the life eternal"
02079525 38 v 01 tube 0 003 @ 02077656 v 0000 + 05246511 n 0101 + 04493505 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | convey in a tube; "inside Paris, they used to tube mail"
02079679 38 v 01 whisk 0 001 @ 02077656 v 0000 02 + 20 00 + 21 00 | move somewhere quickly; "The President was whisked away in his limo"
02079818 38 v 01 whisk 1 001 @ 01835496 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | move quickly and nimbly; "He whisked into the house"
02079933 38 v 06 impart 0 conduct 0 transmit 0 convey 2 carry 3 channel 1 017 $ 02741357 v 0000 @ 02077656 v 0000 + 06260121 n 0601 + 06259898 n 0601 + 11501230 n 0502 + 00318735 n 0501 + 06251781 n 0301 + 00121366 n 0302 + 00557813 a 0201 + 11512818 n 0201 + 14821043 n 0201 + 03088707 n 0201 $ 01061017 v 0000 ~ 02080482 v 0000 ~ 02080652 v 0000 ~ 02080783 v 0000 ~ 02080924 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | transmit or serve as the medium for transmission; "Sound carries well over water"; "The airwaves carry the sound"; "Many metals conduct heat"
02080482 38 v 01 wash_up 0 002 $ 00423257 v 0000 @ 02079933 v 0000 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | carry somewhere (of water or current or waves); "The tide washed up the corpse"
02080652 38 v 01 pipe_in 0 001 @ 02079933 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | bring in through pipes; "Music was piped into the offices"
02080783 38 v 01 bring_in 1 001 @ 02079933 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | transmit; "The microphone brought in the sounds from the room next to mine"
02080924 38 v 01 retransmit 0 001 @ 02079933 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | transmit again
02081006 38 v 01 peregrinate 0 002 @ 01843055 v 0000 + 00296478 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | travel around, through, or over, especially on foot; "peregrinate the bridge"
02081178 38 v 02 clear 0 top 0 005 @ 02049696 v 0000 + 08617963 n 0204 + 08663354 n 0201 + 05090111 n 0101 ~ 02094922 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | pass by, over, or under without making contact; "the balloon cleared the tree tops"
02081410 38 v 01 pronate 0 003 @ 01907258 v 0000 + 05292468 n 0101 + 00343091 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | turn the forearm or the hand so that the palm is directed downwards
02081578 38 v 01 leave_behind 0 003 * 02009433 v 0000 $ 00360092 v 0000 ~ 02081795 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 | depart and not take along; "He left behind all his possessions when he moved to Europe"
02081795 38 v 03 outdistance 0 outstrip 0 distance 0 001 @ 02081578 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | go far ahead of; "He outdistanced the other runners"
02081946 38 v 08 start 3 protrude 0 pop 0 pop_out 1 bulge 0 bulge_out 0 bug_out 0 come_out 0 005 @ 00140967 v 0000 + 13894434 n 0501 + 00944848 a 0202 + 01353226 a 0201 + 13894434 n 020a 01 + 01 00 | bulge outward; "His eyes popped"
02082181 38 v 01 career 0 001 @ 01835496 v 0000 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | move headlong at high speed; "The cars careered down the road"; "The mob careered through the streets"
02082355 38 v 03 revolve_around 0 circle_around 0 circle_round 0 001 @ 01911339 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | move around in a circular motion; "The Earth revolves around the Sun"
02082527 38 v 01 circuit 0 003 @ 01835496 v 0000 + 08616985 n 0101 + 00310666 n 0102 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | make a circuit; "They were circuiting about the state"
02082690 38 v 03 spread 0 scatter 2 spread_out 4 012 @ 02043190 v 0000 + 00369138 n 0201 + 05088324 n 0201 + 00369138 n 0202 + 00367976 n 0101 + 05088324 n 0102 + 07445896 n 0101 + 02903204 n 0102 ~ 02083087 v 0000 ~ 02083237 v 0000 ~ 02083396 v 0000 ~ 02754855 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | strew or distribute over an area; "He spread fertilizer over the lawn"; "scatter cards across the table"
02083087 38 v 02 manure 0 muck 0 003 @ 02082690 v 0000 + 14854847 n 0203 + 14863521 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | spread manure, as for fertilization
02083237 38 v 02 birdlime 0 lime 0 003 @ 02082690 v 0000 + 14702703 n 0202 + 14702703 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | spread birdlime on branches to catch birds
02083396 38 v 01 circumfuse 0 001 @ 02082690 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | spread something around something
02083497 38 v 01 collapse 1 004 @ 01277974 v 0000 + 00465737 a 0101 ~ 01436865 v 0000 ~ 02083694 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 08 00 | fold or close up; "fold up your umbrella"; "collapse the music stand"
02083694 38 v 01 concertina 0 002 @ 02083497 v 0000 + 03086670 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | collapse like a concertina
02083806 38 v 02 bestir 0 rouse 1 001 @ 00014549 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | become active; "He finally bestirred himself"
02083923 38 v 02 debouch 0 march_out 0 001 @ 01996735 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 22 00 | march out (as from a defile) into open ground; "The regiments debouched from the valley"
02084104 38 v 02 exteriorize 0 bring_outside 0 002 @ 01850315 v 0000 + 00932624 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | bring outside the body for surgery, of organs
02084252 38 v 01 flurry 0 002 @ 01831531 v 0000 + 00555138 n 0103 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | move in an agitated or confused manner
02084380 38 v 01 march 4 005 > 01919391 v 0000 @ 01907076 v 0000 + 08428019 n 0101 + 00290579 n 0101 ~ 02084767 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | force to march; "The Japanese marched their prisoners through Manchuria"
02084587 38 v 01 march a 003 @ 01906823 v 0000 + 08428019 n 0101 + 00290579 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | cause to march or go at a marching pace; "They marched the mules into the desert"
02084767 38 v 01 frogmarch 0 001 @ 02084380 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | march a person against his will by any method
02084879 38 v 01 gutter 0 001 @ 02066939 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | flow in small streams; "Tears guttered down her face"
02085004 38 v 01 hare 0 002 @ 01926311 v 0000 + 02326432 n 0101 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | run quickly, like a hare; "He hared down the hill"
02085158 38 v 01 lance 0 001 @ 01835496 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | move quickly, as if by cutting one's way; "Planes lanced towards the shore"
02085320 38 v 01 mantle 0 002 @ 02060141 v 0000 + 09223725 n 0102 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | spread over a surface, like a mantle
02085446 38 v 02 outflank 0 go_around 0 001 @ 01835496 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | go around the flank of (an opposing army)
02085573 38 v 01 propagate 1 003 @ 01835496 v 0000 + 11512992 n 0101 $ 01436139 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | travel through the air; "sound and light propagate in this medium"
02085742 38 v 01 dock 0 008 @ 02016523 v 0000 + 03216828 n 0102 + 03216828 n 0101 + 03933529 n 0104 + 10655169 n 0104 + 00052146 n 0101 ! 02085971 v 0101 ~ 01305361 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | come into dock; "the ship docked"
02085971 38 v 01 undock 0 002 @ 02015598 v 0000 ! 02085742 v 0101 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | move out of a dock; "We docked at noon"
02086100 38 v 01 upstage 0 002 @ 01850315 v 0000 + 10740732 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | move upstage, forcing the other actors to turn away from the audience
02086260 38 v 01 welter 1 001 @ 01867816 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | toss, roll, or rise and fall in an uncontrolled way; "The shipwrecked survivors weltered in the sea for hours"
02086458 38 v 02 remove 0 transfer 1 003 @ 02012344 v 0000 + 10724699 n 0201 + 10724699 n 0202 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | shift the position or location of, as for business, legal, educational, or military purposes; "He removed his children to the countryside"; "Remove the troops to the forest surrounding the city"; "remove a case to another court"
02086805 38 v 01 stampede 1 002 > 02056300 v 0000 + 07446270 n 0101 03 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | cause to run in panic; "Thunderbolts can stampede animals"
02086963 38 v 01 pack 2 002 > 02064131 v 0000 @ 00452512 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | fill to capacity; "This singer always packs the concert halls"; "The murder trial packed the court house"
02087156 38 v 01 land 3 005 @ 02077656 v 0000 + 09334396 n 0101 + 00052334 n 0101 ~ 02022486 v 0000 ~ 02087377 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | bring ashore; "The drug smugglers landed the heroin on the beach of the island"
02087377 38 v 01 strand 3 001 @ 02087156 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | drive (a vessel) ashore
02087472 38 v 01 port 6 002 $ 01979085 v 0000 + 08633957 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | bring to port; "the captain ported the ship at night"
02087605 38 v 01 streak 0 001 @ 01831531 v 0000 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | move quickly in a straight line; "The plane streaked across the sky"
02087745 38 v 01 swing 2 005 @ 01850315 v 0000 + 00571609 n 0103 + 01173660 n 0101 + 10683801 n 0101 ~ 02087979 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | move in a curve or arc, usually with the intent of hitting; "He swung his left fist"; "swing a bat"
02087979 38 v 01 wind_up 0 002 @ 02087745 v 0000 ;c 00471613 n 0000 01 + 02 00 | give a preliminary swing to the arm pitching
02088107 38 v 01 draw 2 001 @ 01835496 v 0000 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | move or go steadily or gradually; "The ship drew near the shore"
02088241 38 v 02 transfer 2 change 0 002 @ 01835496 v 0000 + 06519480 n 0101 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | change from one vehicle or transportation line to another; "She changed in Chicago on her way to the East coast"
02088470 38 v 01 heave 1 001 @ 01831531 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | move or cause to move in a specified way, direction, or position; "The vessel hove into sight"
02088627 38 v 01 crash 1 002 @ 01831531 v 0000 + 07380144 n 0107 01 + 04 00 | move with, or as if with, a crashing noise; "The car crashed through the glass door"
02088792 38 v 01 thunder 0 002 @ 01831531 v 0000 + 07377682 n 0104 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | move fast, noisily, and heavily; "The bus thundered down the road"
02088949 38 v 01 snap 1 002 @ 01831531 v 0000 + 07381423 n 0103 01 + 04 00 | move with a snapping sound; "bullets snapped past us"
02089082 38 v 01 swash 0 001 @ 01835496 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | make violent, noisy movements
02089174 38 v 06 come_to_the_fore 0 step_forward 0 come_forward 0 step_up 0 step_to_the_fore 0 come_out 1 001 @ 02367363 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | make oneself visible; take action; "Young people should step to the fore and help their peers"
02089420 38 v 02 turn 1 turn_over 9 004 @ 01850315 v 0000 + 04500060 n 0101 ~ 02089632 v 0000 ~ 02089837 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cause to move around a center so as to show another side of; "turn a page of a book"
02089632 38 v 01 evert 0 005 @ 02089420 v 0000 + 05080616 n 0101 + 00335653 n 0102 + 00335653 n 0103 + 10963815 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | turn inside out; turn the inner surface of outward; "evert the eyelid"
02089837 38 v 01 leaf 0 002 @ 02089420 v 0000 + 06256229 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 22 00 | turn over pages; "leaf through a book"; "leaf a manuscript"
02089984 38 v 01 turn 2 008 @ 01850315 v 0000 + 00345454 n 0102 + 07351612 n 0102 $ 01907258 v 0000 ~ 01908543 v 0000 ~ 02090243 v 0000 $ 02090435 v 0000 ~ 02090854 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cause to move around or rotate; "turn a key"; "turn your palm this way"
02090243 38 v 01 supinate 0 003 @ 02089984 v 0000 + 05292587 n 0101 + 00345297 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | turn (the hand or forearm) so that the back is downward or backward, or turn out (the leg)
02090435 38 v 01 turn d 003 $ 02089984 v 0000 @ 01850315 v 0000 ~ 02090679 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | cause to move along an axis or into a new direction; "turn your face to the wall"; "turn the car around"; "turn your dance partner around"
02090679 38 v 01 bring_about 0 001 @ 02090435 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cause to move into the opposite direction; "they brought about the boat when they saw a storm approaching"
02090854 38 v 01 port 4 002 @ 02089984 v 0000 + 03642928 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | put or turn on the left side, of a ship; "port the helm"
02090990 38 v 01 slide 2 003 @ 01850315 v 0000 + 00328502 n 0101 + 06857264 n 0102 01 + 21 00 | move smoothly along a surface; "He slid the money over to the other gambler"
02091165 38 v 01 pace 1 009 @ 01835496 v 0000 + 00285889 n 0101 + 13757249 n 0102 + 15280497 n 0101 + 02387983 n 0101 ~ 01959669 v 0000 ~ 01959776 v 0000 ~ 01960491 v 0000 ~ 01960643 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | go at a pace; "The horse paced"
02091410 38 v 02 step 1 tread 1 006 @ 01835496 v 0000 + 00285889 n 0203 + 06645039 n 0103 + 13757249 n 0103 + 00285557 n 0101 ~ 02092039 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | put down or press the foot, place the foot; "For fools rush in where angels fear to tread"; "step on the brake"
02091689 38 v 01 step 3 003 @ 01904930 v 0000 + 00285557 n 0101 + 13757249 n 0103 01 + 22 00 | walk a short distance to a specified place or in a specified manner; "step over to the blackboard"
02091885 38 v 01 step 4 003 @ 01835496 v 0000 + 07383823 n 0103 + 00285557 n 0101 01 + 07 00 | move with one's feet in a specific manner; "step lively"
02092039 38 v 02 step_on 0 tread_on 0 001 @ 02091410 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | place or press the foot on; "He stepped on the hem of her long gown"
02092183 38 v 01 hurtle 1 001 @ 01835496 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | move with or as if with a rushing sound; "The cars hurtled by"
02092309 38 v 01 run a 004 @ 01850315 v 0000 + 00293916 n 0101 + 07460104 n 0103 $ 01143838 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause an animal to move fast; "run the dogs"
02092476 38 v 01 retreat 2 004 @ 01835496 v 0000 + 03517647 n 0102 + 08643015 n 0101 ~ 02092680 v 0000 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | move away, as for privacy; "The Pope retreats to Castelgondolfo every summer"
02092680 38 v 01 cocoon 0 001 @ 02092476 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | retreat as if into a cocoon, as from an unfriendly environment; "Families cocoon around the T.V. set most evenings"; "She loves to stay at home and cocoon"
02092907 38 v 01 high-tail 0 001 @ 02075462 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | retreat at full speed; "The actress high-tailed to her villa when reporters began to follow her to the restaurant"
02093088 38 v 01 whistle 0 001 @ 01835496 v 0000 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | move with, or as with, a whistling sound; "The bullets whistled past him"
02093234 38 v 01 whistle 1 001 @ 01850315 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | move, send, or bring as if by whistling; "Her optimism whistled away these worries"
02093390 38 v 02 beat 2 flap 2 006 @ 01831531 v 0000 + 07439284 n 0201 + 07439284 n 0202 $ 02093610 v 0000 ~ 02093920 v 0000 ~ 02094172 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | move with a flapping motion; "The bird's wings were flapping"
02093610 38 v 02 beat 4 flap 3 008 $ 02093390 v 0000 @ 01850315 v 0000 + 07439284 n 0201 + 07439284 n 0202 + 05058893 n 0101 ~ 01900255 v 0000 ~ 02094057 v 0000 ~ 02094299 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | move with a thrashing motion; "The bird flapped its wings"; "The eagle beat its wings and soared high into the sky"
02093920 38 v 02 flail 2 thresh 4 001 @ 02093390 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | move like a flail; thresh about; "Her arms were flailing"
02094057 38 v 01 bate 0 001 @ 02093610 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | flap the wings wildly or frantically; used of falcons
02094172 38 v 01 clap 3 001 @ 02093390 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | strike the air in flight; "the wings of the birds clapped loudly"
02094299 38 v 01 clap 4 001 @ 02093610 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | cause to strike the air in flight; "The big bird clapped its wings"
02094428 38 v 01 fling 0 001 @ 01831531 v 0000 02 + 21 00 + 22 00 | move in an abrupt or headlong manner; "He flung himself onto the sofa"
02094569 38 v 04 thrust 2 stuff 0 shove 1 squeeze 0 003 @ 01871979 v 0000 + 00113726 n 0301 + 11498203 n 0102 02 + 20 00 + 21 00 | press or force; "Stuff money into an envelope"; "She thrust the letter into his hand"
02094788 38 v 01 hop 1 003 @ 01963942 v 0000 + 00120010 n 0101 $ 02094922 v 0000 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | make a jump forward or upward
02094922 38 v 01 hop 2 003 $ 02094788 v 0000 @ 02081178 v 0000 + 00120010 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | jump across; "He hopped the bush"
02095060 38 v 01 hop 3 002 @ 01912159 v 0000 $ 02095211 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | traverse as if by a short airplane trip; "Hop the Pacific Ocean"
02095211 38 v 01 hop 4 005 $ 02095060 v 0000 $ 01840736 v 0000 @ 01831531 v 0000 + 00120010 n 0101 + 10185327 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | move quickly from one place to another
02095390 38 v 03 bed-hop 0 bedhop 0 sleep_around 0 001 @ 01427278 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | be sexually active with more than one partner; "His wife bed hops"
02095545 38 v 01 ride 3 001 @ 01921964 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | climb up on the body; "Shorts that ride up"; "This skirt keeps riding up my legs"
02095696 38 v 01 singsong 0 003 @ 01850315 v 0000 + 07084927 n 0101 + 01255648 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | move as if accompanied by a singsong; "The porters singsonged the travellers' luggage up the mountain"
02095900 38 v 01 island_hop 0 001 @ 01835496 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | travel from one island to the next; "on the cruise, we did some island-hopping"
02096047 38 v 01 shoot 3 001 @ 01632897 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | send forth suddenly, intensely, swiftly; "shoot a glance"
02096167 38 v 01 turn 4 002 @ 01831531 v 0000 ~ 02045043 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | move around an axis or a center; "The wheels are turning"
02096312 38 v 01 hustle 1 001 @ 01850315 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 11 00 | cause to move furtively and hurriedly; "The secret service agents hustled the speaker out of the amphitheater"
02096494 38 v 01 dodge 0 002 @ 01831531 v 0000 + 00059895 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | make a sudden movement in a new direction so as to avoid; "The child dodged the teacher's blow"
02096670 38 v 01 dodge 1 001 @ 01831531 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | move to and fro or from place to place usually in an irregular course; "the pickpocket dodged through the crowd"
02096853 38 v 02 plow 0 plough 0 001 @ 01835496 v 0000 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | move in a way resembling that of a plow cutting into or going through the soil; "The ship plowed through the water"
02097047 38 v 03 topple 1 tumble 6 tip 4 002 @ 01871979 v 0000 + 00076884 n 0202 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | cause to topple or tumble by pushing
02097204 38 v 01 throw 0 001 @ 01831531 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | move violently, energetically, or carelessly; "She threw herself forwards"
02097341 38 v 01 throw 3 001 @ 01494310 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | to put into a state or activity hastily, suddenly, or carelessly; "Jane threw dinner together"; "throw the car into reverse"
02097544 38 v 01 lurch 1 001 @ 01835496 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | move slowly and unsteadily; "The truck lurched down the road"
02097676 38 v 01 jackrabbit 0 001 @ 01910373 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | go forward or start with a fast, sudden movement
02097800 38 v 01 draw 7 002 $ 00097029 v 0000 @ 00173338 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to flow; "The nurse drew blood"
02097925 38 v 02 come_out 6 fall_out 0 001 @ 00528990 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | come off; "His hair and teeth fell out"
02098041 38 v 01 rip 0 001 @ 02055267 v 0000 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | move precipitously or violently; "The tornado ripped along the coast"
02098179 38 v 01 wash 1 002 @ 01850315 v 0000 $ 00274942 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | move by or as if by water; "The swollen river washed away the footbridge"
02098332 38 v 01 make_way 0 001 @ 01831531 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | get out of the way; "make way for the President's motorcade"
02098458 38 v 03 curl_up 1 curl 0 draw_in 3 003 @ 02035919 v 0000 + 13875970 n 0204 $ 01505254 v 0000 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | shape one's body into a curl; "She curled farther down under the covers"; "She fell and drew in"
02098680 38 v 01 sit_up 1 002 @ 01983771 v 0000 + 00630786 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | change to an upright sitting position; "He sat up in bed"
02098827 38 v 01 sift 0 001 @ 01835496 v 0000 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | move as if through a sieve; "The soldiers sifted through the woods"
02098964 38 v 01 interpose 1 000 01 + 11 00 | be or come between; "An interposing thicket blocked their way"
02099075 38 v 01 dance 2 001 @ 01831531 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | skip, leap, or move up and down or sideways; "Dancing flames"; "The children danced with joy"
02099239 38 v 01 grab 2 002 @ 01831531 v 0000 + 00138956 n 0102 01 + 22 00 | make a grasping or snatching motion with the hand; "The passenger grabbed for the oxygen mask"
02099413 38 v 01 fall 1 001 @ 01835496 v 0000 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | move in a specified direction; "The line of men fall forward"
02099544 38 v 01 drag 6 001 @ 01835496 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | move slowly and as if with great effort
02099669 38 v 01 rake 0 002 @ 01850315 v 0000 + 04050066 n 0101 01 + 21 00 | move through with or as if with a rake; "She raked her fingers through her hair"
02099829 38 v 01 run b 004 $ 01926984 v 0000 @ 01835496 v 0000 + 13995935 n 0101 $ 02421921 v 0000 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | move about freely and without restraint, or act as if running around in an uncontrolled way; "who are these people running around in the building?"; "She runs around telling everyone of her troubles"; "let the dogs run free"
02100176 38 v 01 bang 0 002 @ 01835496 v 0000 + 07376257 n 0101 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | move noisily; "The window banged shut"; "The old man banged around the house"
02100341 38 v 01 tool 1 002 $ 01956708 v 0000 @ 01930874 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | drive; "The convertible tooled down the street"
02100476 38 v 01 run_away 4 001 @ 02074677 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 21 00 | escape from the control of; "Industry is running away with us all"
02100632 38 v 01 blow 3 005 @ 01850315 v 0000 + 11465017 n 0103 + 03271574 n 0102 + 02855089 n 0101 ~ 02100861 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to move by means of an air current; "The wind blew the leaves around in the yard"
02100861 38 v 01 whiff 0 002 @ 02100632 v 0000 + 11497888 n 0103 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | drive or carry as if by a puff of air; "The gust of air whiffed away the clouds"
02101046 38 v 01 blow 9 004 @ 01951480 v 0000 + 03271574 n 0102 + 02855089 n 0101 ~ 02101216 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | cause air to go in, on, or through; "Blow my hair dry"
02101216 38 v 01 blast 2 001 @ 02101046 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 11 00 | apply a draft or strong wind to to; "the air conditioning was blasting cold air at us"
02101373 38 v 01 break f 001 @ 00550117 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | change directions suddenly
02101470 38 v 01 precess 0 001 @ 01835496 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | move in a gyrating fashion; "the poles of the Earth precess at a right angle to the force that is applied"
02101649 38 v 01 cut f 002 @ 01831531 v 0000 ;c 00445802 n 0000 01 + 22 00 | move (one's fist); "his opponent cut upward toward his chin"
02101789 38 v 01 drag a 001 @ 01850315 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | use a computer mouse to move icons on the screen and select commands from a menu; "drag this icon to the lower right hand corner of the screen"
02102002 38 v 02 travel 5 move_around 0 005 @ 01835496 v 0000 + 00295701 n 0101 + 09629752 n 0102 + 09629752 n 0101 ~ 02102247 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | travel from place to place, as for the purpose of finding work, preaching, or acting as a judge
02102247 38 v 01 itinerate 0 002 @ 02102002 v 0000 + 02128566 a 0101 01 + 02 00 | travel from place to place, as for work; "an itinerating merchant"
02102398 38 v 01 ride 4 005 $ 01955984 v 0000 $ 01957529 v 0000 @ 01835496 v 0000 + 00307631 n 0102 + 10530150 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | sit on and control a vehicle; "He rides his bicycle to work every day"; "She loves to ride her new motorcycle through town"
02102655 38 v 01 advect 0 003 @ 01953810 v 0000 + 02606182 a 0101 + 13427989 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | convey by horizontal mass movement of a fluid; "energy advected from the environment"
02102840 38 v 01 wander 2 003 $ 01881180 v 0000 @ 01995549 v 0000 $ 01882814 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | go via an indirect route or at no set pace; "After dinner, we wandered into town"
02103021 38 v 01 ascend 4 001 @ 01991931 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | go along towards (a river's) source; "The boat ascended the Delaware"
02103162 38 v 02 pull d draw b 002 @ 01850315 v 0000 $ 01448100 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | cause to move in a certain direction by exerting a force upon, either physically or in an abstract sense; "A declining dollar pulled down the export figures for the last quarter"
02103451 38 v 01 snowshoe 0 001 @ 01835496 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | travel on snowshoes; "After a heavy snowfall, we have to snowshoe to the grocery store"
02103612 38 v 01 beetle 0 001 @ 01835496 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | fly or go in a manner resembling a beetle; "He beetled up the staircase"; "They beetled off home"
02103781 38 v 01 lateralize 0 002 @ 01850315 v 0000 + 05992624 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | move or displace to one side so as to make lateral
02103925 38 v 01 translate 4 003 @ 01850315 v 0000 ;c 06090869 n 0000 + 00330984 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | subject to movement in which every part of the body moves parallel to and the same distance as every other point on the body
02104161 38 v 02 hit 2 strike 2 002 @ 01850315 v 0000 ~ 02104373 v 0000 02 + 20 00 + 21 00 | drive something violently into a location; "he hit his fist on the table"; "she struck her head on the low ceiling"
02104373 38 v 01 smash 2 001 @ 02104161 v 0000 02 + 20 00 + 21 00 | hit violently; "She smashed her car against the guard rail"
02104503 38 v 01 close 8 002 @ 01831531 v 0000 ;c 00471437 n 0000 01 + 02 00 | change one's body stance so that the forward shoulder and foot are closer to the intended point of impact
02104690 38 v 01 teleport 0 003 @ 01953810 v 0000 ;c 06368628 n 0000 + 01254473 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | transport by dematerializing at one point and assembling at another
02104860 38 v 01 snowboard 0 004 @ 01887576 v 0000 + 04251791 n 0101 + 10617665 n 0101 + 00329468 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | glide down a snow-covered slope while standing on a board; "The children love to snowboard in winter"
02105082 38 v 03 jump b leap b jump_off 2 001 @ 01831531 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | jump down from an elevated point; "the parachutist didn't want to jump"; "every year, hundreds of people jump off the Golden Gate bridge"; "the widow leapt into the funeral pyre"
02105340 38 v 01 sling 1 001 @ 01850315 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | move with a sling; "sling the cargo onto the ship"
02105453 38 v 01 sling 2 001 @ 01481360 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | hang loosely or freely; let swing
02105549 38 v 01 slip 2 001 @ 01831531 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | move easily; "slip into something comfortable"
02105657 38 v 02 ascend a climb_up a 000 01 + 01 00 | appear to be moving upward, as by means of tendrils; "the vine climbed up the side of the house"
02105810 39 v 02 record 0 register 0 003 $ 02139740 v 0000 * 02106506 v 0000 $ 00728224 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 | be aware of; "Did you register any change when I pressed the button?"
02106006 39 v 02 feel 0 sense 0 013 @ 02106506 v 0000 + 01748152 a 0201 + 02102484 a 0201 + 02102484 a 0202 + 02103481 a 0201 + 05651971 n 0201 + 05651971 n 0202 + 05712076 n 0201 + 03180969 n 0202 + 00876874 n 0201 + 04946553 n 0102 + 05721500 n 0101 $ 02730471 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | perceive by a physical sensation, e.g., coming from the skin or muscles; "He felt the wind"; "She felt an object brushing her arm"; "He felt his flesh crawl"; "She felt the heat when she got out of the car"
02106506 39 v 02 perceive 0 comprehend 0 024 + 05805902 n 0201 + 01717471 a 0101 + 01287282 a 0102 + 02868326 a 0101 + 00876874 n 0102 + 09626589 n 0101 ~ 02106006 v 0000 ~ 02107097 v 0000 ~ 02107248 v 0000 ~ 02107588 v 0000 ~ 02117649 v 0000 ~ 02117840 v 0000 ~ 02117955 v 0000 ~ 02118242 v 0000 ~ 02121511 v 0000 ~ 02124748 v 0000 ~ 02127358 v 0000 ~ 02129289 v 0000 ~ 02163746 v 0000 ~ 02169702 v 0000 ~ 02169891 v 0000 ~ 02191546 v 0000 ~ 02197781 v 0000 ~ 02198973 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | to become aware of through the senses; "I could perceive the ship coming over the horizon"
02107097 39 v 01 apperceive 0 003 @ 02106506 v 0000 ;c 06136258 n 0000 + 05708658 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | perceive in terms of a past experience
02107248 39 v 02 pick_up 1 receive 0 005 @ 02106506 v 0000 + 00333611 a 0202 + 04060647 n 0201 + 05299178 n 0203 ~ 02107442 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | register (perceptual input); "pick up a signal"
02107442 39 v 01 hear 1 001 @ 02107248 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | receive a communication from someone; "We heard nothing from our son for five years"
02107588 39 v 01 divine 0 006 @ 02106506 v 0000 + 01882754 a 0101 + 06750154 n 0102 + 05776212 n 0101 + 10020031 n 0101 ~ 02107817 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | perceive intuitively or through some inexplicable perceptive powers
02107817 39 v 01 chiromance 0 003 @ 02107588 v 0000 + 05777830 n 0103 + 10395209 n 0103 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | divine by reading someone's palms; "The Gypsies chiromanced"; "She refused to chiromance my fate"
02108026 39 v 04 experience 0 receive 3 have 6 get 0 007 * 02106506 v 0000 @ 02108377 v 0000 + 07285403 n 0101 + 05984584 n 0101 ~ 00065639 v 0000 ~ 02109045 v 0000 ~ 02116777 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | go through (mental or physical states or experiences); "get an idea"; "experience vertigo"; "get nauseous"; "receive injuries"; "have a feeling"
02108377 39 v 01 undergo 4 006 @ 00109660 v 0000 ~ 00002325 v 0000 ~ 00057506 v 0000 ~ 00669762 v 0000 ~ 02108026 v 0000 ~ 02110220 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | pass through; "The chemical undergoes a sudden change"; "The fluid undergoes shear"; "undergo a strange sensation"
02108654 39 v 02 get e receive f 001 $ 02109645 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | receive as a retribution or punishment; "He got 5 years in prison"
02108791 39 v 03 hit 0 strike 0 come_to 0 001 $ 01767949 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | cause to experience suddenly; "Panic struck me"; "An interesting idea hit her"; "A thought came to me"; "The thought struck terror in our minds"; "They were struck with fear"
02109045 39 v 01 take 0 002 @ 02108026 v 0000 $ 00669762 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | experience or feel or submit to; "Take a test"; "Take the plunge"
02109190 39 v 02 suffer 1 endure 0 004 @ 02110220 v 0000 ! 02110793 v 0101 ~ 02109404 v 0000 ~ 02109818 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | undergo or be subjected to; "He suffered the penalty"; "Many saints suffered martyrdom"
02109404 39 v 01 tolerate 0 002 @ 02109190 v 0000 ;c 06043075 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | have a tolerance for a poison or strong drug or pathogen or environmental condition; "The patient does not tolerate the anti-inflammatory drugs we gave him"
02109645 39 v 02 catch 9 get 9 003 $ 00543016 v 0000 @ 02121511 v 0000 $ 02108654 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | suffer from the receipt of; "She will catch hell for this behavior!"
02109818 39 v 01 die 0 008 @ 02109190 v 0000 + 07355491 n 0101 + 11444117 n 0101 + 15143276 n 0101 + 09488259 n 0101 + 13962498 n 0101 + 00219575 n 0101 $ 00358431 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | suffer or face the pain of death; "Martyrs may die every day for their faith"
02110082 39 v 02 suffer 2 meet 0 001 @ 02110220 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | undergo or suffer; "meet a violent death"; "suffer a terrible fate"
02110220 39 v 03 experience 1 see c go_through 0 010 @ 02108377 v 0000 + 07285403 n 0101 + 05758059 n 0101 ~ 00596644 v 0000 ~ 02109190 v 0000 ~ 02110082 v 0000 ~ 02110552 v 0000 ~ 02110793 v 0000 ~ 02128873 v 0000 ~ 02197360 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | go or live through; "We had many trials to go through"; "he saw action in Viet Nam"
02110552 39 v 01 feel 1 002 @ 02110220 v 0000 + 14526182 n 0104 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | undergo passive experience of:"We felt the effects of inflation"; "her fingers felt their way through the string quartet"; "she felt his contempt of her"
02110793 39 v 01 enjoy 0 002 @ 02110220 v 0000 ! 02109190 v 0101 01 + 11 00 | have for one's benefit; "The industry enjoyed a boom"
02110927 39 v 01 subject 3 010 > 02110220 v 0000 @ 00137313 v 0000 ~ 00138360 v 0000 ~ 02111371 v 0000 ~ 02111499 v 0000 ~ 02111625 v 0000 ~ 02111838 v 0000 ~ 02112029 v 0000 ~ 02113430 v 0000 ~ 02721031 v 0000 02 + 20 00 + 21 00 | cause to experience or suffer or make liable or vulnerable to; "He subjected me to his awful poetry"; "The sergeant subjected the new recruits to many drills"; "People in Chernobyl were subjected to radiation"
02111371 39 v 01 vitriol 0 001 @ 02110927 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | expose to the effects of vitriol or injure with vitriol
02111499 39 v 01 put d 001 @ 02110927 v 0000 01 + 20 00 | cause (someone) to undergo something; "He put her to the torture"
02111625 39 v 01 shipwreck 0 003 @ 02110927 v 0000 ;c 00313647 n 0000 + 04197110 n 0101 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | cause to experience shipwreck; "They were shipwrecked in one of the mysteries at sea"
02111838 39 v 01 refract 0 005 @ 02110927 v 0000 ;c 06100778 n 0000 + 02312918 a 0102 + 02788005 a 0101 + 11503287 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | subject to refraction; "refract a light beam"
02112029 39 v 01 expose 2 008 @ 02110927 v 0000 + 05043973 n 0101 + 00157463 n 0101 ~ 02112345 v 0000 ~ 02112546 v 0000 ~ 02112891 v 0000 ~ 02113054 v 0000 ~ 02113253 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 20 00 | expose or make accessible to some action or influence; "Expose your students to art"; "expose the blanket to sunshine"
02112345 39 v 01 ventilate 0 003 @ 02112029 v 0000 + 04526964 n 0101 + 04526520 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | expose to the circulation of fresh air so as to retard spoilage; "Wheat should be well ventilated"
02112546 39 v 04 sun 0 insolate 0 solarize 0 solarise 0 007 @ 02112029 v 0000 + 05044387 n 0402 + 05044387 n 0301 + 14204586 n 0202 + 11509968 n 0201 + 00662972 n 0202 + 11485367 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | expose to the rays of the sun or affect by exposure to the sun; "insolated paper may turn yellow and crumble"; "These herbs suffer when sunned"
02112891 39 v 03 air_out 0 air 0 aerate 0 003 @ 02112029 v 0000 + 14841267 n 0301 + 13428159 n 0301 01 + 08 00 | expose to fresh air; "aerate your old sneakers"
02113054 39 v 01 overexpose 0 004 @ 02112029 v 0000 ;c 00903559 n 0000 + 00157687 n 0101 ! 02113253 v 0101 02 + 09 00 + 20 00 | expose excessively; "As a child, I was overexposed to French movies"
02113253 39 v 01 underexpose 0 003 @ 02112029 v 0000 ;c 00903559 n 0000 ! 02113054 v 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | expose insufficiently; "The child was underexposed to language"
02113430 39 v 01 expose 1 006 @ 02110927 v 0000 ;c 00903559 n 0000 + 13640206 n 0101 + 00907340 n 0101 ~ 02113622 v 0000 ~ 02114228 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | expose to light, of photographic film
02113622 39 v 01 overexpose 1 005 @ 02113430 v 0000 ;c 00903559 n 0000 + 00907500 n 0101 ! 02114228 v 0101 ~ 02113850 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | expose to too much light; "the photographic film was overexposed and there is no image"
02113850 39 v 02 solarize 1 solarise 1 004 @ 02113622 v 0000 ;c 00903559 n 0000 $ 02114056 v 0000 $ 02114433 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | overexpose to sunlight; "be careful not to solarize the photographic film"
02114056 39 v 02 solarize 2 solarise 2 004 $ 02113850 v 0000 @ 00109660 v 0000 ;c 00903559 n 0000 $ 02114433 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become overexposed; "The film solarized"
02114228 39 v 01 underexpose 1 004 @ 02113430 v 0000 ;c 00903559 n 0000 + 00907642 n 0101 ! 02113622 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | expose to too little light; "The film is underexposed, so the image is very dark"
02114433 39 v 02 solarize 3 solarise 3 004 $ 02113850 v 0000 $ 02114056 v 0000 @ 02138766 v 0000 ;c 00903559 n 0000 01 + 11 00 | reverse some of the tones of (a negative or print) and introduce pronounced outlines of highlights, by exposing it briefly to light, then washing and redeveloping it
02114730 39 v 02 photosensitize 0 photosensitise 0 001 @ 02115778 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make (an organism or substance) sensitive to the influence of radiant energy and especially light
02114924 39 v 02 desensitize 0 desensitise 0 009 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 13463255 n 0202 ! 02115778 v 0202 + 13463255 n 0101 ! 02115778 v 0101 ~ 02115273 v 0000 ~ 02115430 v 0000 ~ 02115618 v 0000 ~ 02189940 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 | cause not to be sensitive; "The war desensitized many soldiers"; "The photographic plate was desensitized"
02115273 39 v 04 numb 0 benumb 0 blunt 0 dull 1 001 @ 02114924 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 | make numb or insensitive; "The shock numbed her senses"
02115430 39 v 03 stun 0 bedaze 0 daze 0 003 @ 02114924 v 0000 + 07510625 n 0301 + 10613996 n 0102 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | overcome as with astonishment or disbelief; "The news stunned her"
02115618 39 v 02 besot 0 stupefy 0 002 @ 02114924 v 0000 + 01267135 n 0201 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | make dull or stupid or muddle with drunkenness or infatuation
02115778 39 v 02 sensitize 0 sensitise 0 005 > 02106006 v 0000 ! 02114924 v 0202 ! 02114924 v 0101 ~ 02114730 v 0000 ~ 02116118 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 | cause to sense; make sensitive; "She sensitized me with respect to gender differences in this traditional male-dominated society"; "My tongue became sensitized to good wine"
02116118 39 v 03 stimulate 0 excite 0 stir 0 016 @ 02115778 v 0000 + 07514345 n 0301 + 02309971 a 0201 + 14037011 n 0201 + 14037011 n 0202 + 02309341 a 0101 + 02310371 a 0101 + 05827684 n 0102 ~ 01430633 v 0000 ~ 01430952 v 0000 ~ 02116568 v 0000 ~ 02116980 v 0000 ~ 02117170 v 0000 ~ 02117333 v 0000 ~ 02117534 v 0000 ~ 02194913 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 | stir feelings in; "stimulate my appetite"; "excite the audience"; "stir emotions"
02116568 39 v 01 horripilate 0 003 @ 02116118 v 0000 + 00866606 n 0107 $ 02116777 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | cause (someone's) hair to stand on end and to have goosebumps; "Hitchcock movies horripilate me"
02116777 39 v 01 horripilate 1 003 $ 02116568 v 0000 @ 02108026 v 0000 + 00866606 n 0107 01 + 02 00 | have one's hair stand on end and get goosebumps; "I horripilate when I see violence on television"
02116980 39 v 01 work a 003 $ 01817574 v 0000 $ 01162754 v 0000 @ 02116118 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | provoke or excite; "The rock musician worked the crowd of young girls into a frenzy"
02117170 39 v 04 fellate 0 suck 0 blow 8 go_down_on 0 002 @ 02116118 v 0000 + 00855169 n 0102 01 + 09 00 | provide sexual gratification through oral stimulation
02117333 39 v 01 thrill 0 003 @ 02116118 v 0000 + 07528470 n 0106 + 06370403 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | cause to be thrilled by some perceptual input; "The men were thrilled by a loud whistle blow"
02117534 39 v 02 whet 0 quicken 0 001 @ 02116118 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make keen or more acute; "whet my appetite"
02117649 39 v 01 hallucinate 0 005 @ 02106506 v 0000 + 01936997 a 0101 + 14377617 n 0101 + 05812921 n 0101 + 05896733 n 0102 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | perceive what is not there; have illusions
02117840 39 v 01 misperceive 0 002 @ 02106506 v 0000 ~ 02132579 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | perceive incorrectly
02117955 39 v 02 catch 1 pick_up 0 001 @ 02106506 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | perceive with the senses quickly, suddenly, or momentarily; "I caught the aroma of coffee"; "He caught the allusion in her glance"; "ears open to catch every sound"; "The dog picked up the scent"; "Catch a glimpse"
02118242 39 v 01 dream 0 005 * 00014742 v 0000 @ 02106506 v 0000 + 05768553 n 0101 + 10032987 n 0101 + 05768553 n 0102 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 26 00 | experience while sleeping; "She claims to never dream"; "He dreamt a strange scene"
02118476 39 v 03 notice 0 mark 0 note 0 009 * 02106506 v 0000 + 06646243 n 0202 + 02323204 a 0101 + 01746995 a 0102 + 01286799 a 0101 + 05703429 n 0101 + 10363445 n 0101 ! 02119241 v 0101 ~ 02118793 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 26 00 | notice or perceive; "She noted that someone was following her"; "mark my words"
02118793 39 v 01 take_notice 0 001 @ 02118476 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | observe with special attention; "Take notice of the great architecture"
02118933 39 v 03 note 2 take_note 0 observe 1 008 * 02106506 v 0000 + 01287486 a 0303 + 00164462 a 0301 + 09626589 n 0303 + 06767035 n 0301 + 05818741 n 0301 + 05703429 n 0302 + 00879759 n 0301 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 02 02 | observe with care or pay close attention to; "Take note of this chemical reaction"
02119241 39 v 01 ignore 0 002 ! 02118476 v 0101 ~ 02119353 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 26 00 | fail to notice
02119353 39 v 01 pass_up 0 001 @ 02119241 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | fail to acknowledge; "he passed me up in the street"
02119470 39 v 01 glimpse 0 003 @ 02129289 v 0000 + 05934396 n 0101 + 00877625 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | catch a glimpse of or see briefly; "We glimpsed the Queen as she got into her limousine"
02119659 39 v 03 chafe 0 gall 0 fret 0 005 @ 00063291 v 0000 + 04683002 n 0302 + 14184390 n 0201 + 14275240 n 0202 + 14333136 n 0101 04 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | become or make sore by or as if by rubbing
02119874 39 v 03 rub 0 scratch 0 itch 1 006 @ 00063291 v 0000 + 05723563 n 0301 + 14180327 n 0302 + 14286549 n 0202 + 10563711 n 0201 + 00125126 n 0101 04 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | scrape or rub as if to relieve itching; "Don't scratch your insect bites!"
02120140 39 v 03 tickle 0 titillate 0 vellicate 0 006 @ 02121188 v 0000 + 14361664 n 0303 + 00144445 n 0203 + 00144445 n 0101 + 05723417 n 0101 + 00144445 n 0102 03 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | touch (a body part) lightly so as to excite the surface nerves and cause uneasiness, laughter, or spasmodic movements
02120451 39 v 03 bite 0 sting 2 burn 0 007 $ 02121048 v 0000 @ 02122164 v 0000 + 14325437 n 0301 + 14332085 n 0201 + 02465693 n 0201 + 01174988 n 0201 ~ 02120715 v 0000 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | cause a sharp or stinging pain or discomfort; "The sun burned his face"
02120715 39 v 02 nettle 0 urticate 0 004 @ 02120451 v 0000 + 05724357 n 0201 + 12392070 n 0101 $ 02120912 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | sting with or as with nettles and cause a stinging pain or sensation
02120912 39 v 01 urticate 1 002 $ 02120715 v 0000 @ 01398032 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | whip with or as with nettles
02121048 39 v 01 burn 4 003 @ 02122164 v 0000 + 14325437 n 0101 $ 02120451 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | feel hot or painful; "My eyes are burning"
02121188 39 v 01 itch 0 006 @ 02122164 v 0000 + 14180327 n 0102 + 05723563 n 0101 + 05723563 n 0103 ~ 02120140 v 0000 ~ 02122983 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 10 00 + 22 00 + 23 00 | have or perceive an itch; "I'm itching--the air is so dry!"
02121423 39 v 01 itch 2 000 01 + 01 00 | cause to perceive an itch; "his skin itched"
02121511 39 v 03 hurt 1 ache 1 suffer 0 012 @ 02106506 v 0000 + 10595647 n 0303 + 14324274 n 0302 + 07495327 n 0301 + 14323683 n 0201 + 14323683 n 0202 + 14285662 n 0102 + 14322699 n 0102 ~ 02109645 v 0000 ~ 02121845 v 0000 ~ 02123424 v 0000 ~ 02198819 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | feel physical pain; "Were you hurting after the accident?"
02121845 39 v 01 twinge 1 002 @ 02121511 v 0000 + 05725269 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | feel a sudden sharp, local pain
02121958 39 v 01 hunger 0 002 @ 02122164 v 0000 + 14039534 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | feel the need to eat
02122060 39 v 01 thirst 0 002 @ 02122164 v 0000 + 14040660 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | feel the need to drink
02122164 39 v 03 ache 0 smart 0 hurt 0 015 @ 02123903 v 0000 + 07496463 n 0302 + 14322699 n 0302 + 14331873 n 0202 + 14331873 n 0201 + 14323683 n 0101 + 14323683 n 0102 ~ 02120451 v 0000 ~ 02121048 v 0000 ~ 02121188 v 0000 ~ 02121958 v 0000 ~ 02122060 v 0000 ~ 02122522 v 0000 ~ 02122665 v 0000 ~ 02123175 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 23 00 | be the source of pain
02122522 39 v 01 act_up 0 001 @ 02122164 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 23 00 | make itself felt as a recurring pain; "My arthritis is acting up again"
02122665 39 v 01 throb 0 005 @ 02122164 v 0000 + 07401726 n 0101 + 14333334 n 0101 + 07401726 n 0102 ~ 02122895 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 23 00 | pulsate or pound with abnormal force; "my head is throbbing"; "Her heart was throbbing"
02122895 39 v 01 twang 2 001 @ 02122665 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | twitch or throb with pain
02122983 39 v 02 tingle 0 prickle 0 005 @ 02121188 v 0000 + 05722868 n 0201 + 05722868 n 0102 + 07520112 n 0107 + 05722868 n 0103 02 + 01 00 + 23 00 | cause a stinging or tingling sensation
02123175 39 v 01 shoot 0 001 @ 02122164 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | cause a sharp and sudden pain in; "The pain shot up her leg"
02123298 39 v 02 prickle 1 prick 1 002 @ 02123424 v 0000 + 05722868 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 23 00 | cause a prickling sensation
02123424 39 v 03 prick 0 sting 0 twinge 0 007 @ 02121511 v 0000 + 05725269 n 0301 + 14332085 n 0201 + 02465693 n 0201 + 01174988 n 0201 + 14332085 n 0202 ~ 02123298 v 0000 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | cause a stinging pain; "The needle pricked his skin"
02123672 39 v 01 smell 0 007 @ 02123903 v 0000 + 00882961 n 0101 + 05658603 n 0101 + 05713737 n 0101 + 04980008 n 0102 ^ 02126022 v 0102 ~ 02124332 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 06 00 + 07 00 | emit an odor; "The soup smells good"
02123903 39 v 01 cause_to_be_perceived 0 006 ~ 02122164 v 0000 ~ 02123672 v 0000 ~ 02125641 v 0000 ~ 02160552 v 0000 ~ 02176268 v 0000 ~ 02180747 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | have perceptible qualities
02124106 39 v 02 reek 0 stink 0 006 @ 02124332 v 0000 + 05714894 n 0204 + 04320731 n 0201 ^ 02126022 v 0201 ^ 02126022 v 0203 + 05714894 n 0105 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | smell badly and offensively; "The building reeks of smoke"
02124332 39 v 01 smell 2 004 @ 02123672 v 0000 + 05713737 n 0101 ~ 02124106 v 0000 ~ 02124501 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | smell bad; "He rarely washes, and he smells"
02124501 39 v 01 salute 0 001 @ 02124332 v 0000 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | become noticeable; "a terrible stench saluted our nostrils"
02124632 39 v 01 reach_one's_nostrils 0 001 * 02123672 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | be smelled; have a strong odor
02124748 39 v 01 smell 1 010 @ 02106506 v 0000 + 00882961 n 0101 + 05658603 n 0101 + 04980008 n 0102 + 05713737 n 0101 + 00882961 n 0102 ~ 02125032 v 0000 ~ 02125223 v 0000 ~ 02126152 v 0000 ~ 02126269 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | inhale the odor of; perceive by the olfactory sense
02125032 39 v 02 sniff 0 whiff 0 004 @ 02124748 v 0000 + 00883139 n 0101 + 10616670 n 0101 ^ 02125460 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | perceive by inhaling through the nose; "sniff the perfume"
02125223 39 v 03 scent 1 nose 1 wind 0 006 @ 02124748 v 0000 + 05658826 n 0201 + 05598147 n 0201 + 04980008 n 0106 + 05714161 n 0101 ^ 02125460 v 0102 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | catch the scent of; get wind of; "The dog nosed out the drugs"
02125460 39 v 04 sniff_out 0 scent_out 0 smell_out 0 nose_out 0 001 * 02124748 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | recognize or detect by or as if by smelling; "He can smell out trouble"
02125641 39 v 03 odorize 0 odourise 0 scent 2 016 > 02123672 v 0000 @ 02123903 v 0000 + 05714466 n 0304 + 04980008 n 0306 + 05714161 n 0301 + 05713737 n 0202 + 04980008 n 0204 ! 02126863 v 0203 + 05713737 n 0102 + 04980008 n 0104 ! 02126863 v 0101 + 04980008 n 0205 + 05713737 n 0203 ~ 02126022 v 0000 ~ 02126382 v 0000 ~ 02126686 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cause to smell or be smelly
02126022 39 v 03 stink_up 0 smell_up 0 stink_out 0 001 @ 02125641 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cause to smell bad; fill with a bad smell
02126152 39 v 02 snuff 0 snuffle 0 002 @ 02124748 v 0000 + 00883139 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | sniff or smell inquiringly
02126269 39 v 02 get_a_noseful 0 get_a_whiff 0 001 @ 02124748 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | smell strongly and intensely
02126382 39 v 03 perfume 0 aromatize 0 aromatise 0 008 @ 02125641 v 0000 + 05714466 n 0301 + 04980008 n 0303 + 05714466 n 0201 + 04980008 n 0203 + 05714466 n 0103 + 03916031 n 0101 + 03916470 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | fill or impregnate with an odor; "orange blossoms perfumed the air in the garden"
02126686 39 v 03 cense 0 incense 0 thurify 0 004 @ 02125641 v 0000 + 14873951 n 0304 + 14918994 n 0201 + 05714745 n 0201 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | perfume especially with a censer
02126863 39 v 03 deodorize 0 deodorise 0 deodourise 0 005 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 03176594 n 0302 + 03176594 n 0101 ! 02125641 v 0101 ! 02125641 v 0302 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | eliminate the odor from; "This stick will deodorize your armpits"
02127100 39 v 02 fumigate 0 fume 0 006 @ 00515154 v 0000 + 11508092 n 0102 + 00712979 n 0101 + 14876206 n 0101 + 10115840 n 0101 + 03402785 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | treat with fumes, expose to fumes, especially with the aim of disinfecting or eradicating pests
02127358 39 v 01 touch 0 005 @ 02106506 v 0000 + 05722427 n 0101 + 05655119 n 0101 + 07409592 n 0101 + 07409592 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | perceive via the tactile sense; "Helen Keller felt the physical world by touching people and objects around her"
02127613 39 v 01 feel a 007 $ 01209678 v 0000 $ 01210352 v 0000 $ 01210152 v 0000 * 02127358 v 0000 @ 01315613 v 0000 + 04946553 n 0102 ~ 01314440 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | grope or feel in search of something; "He felt for his wallet"
02127853 39 v 02 miss 0 lose 1 001 ~ 02166361 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | fail to perceive or to catch with the senses or the mind; "I missed that remark"; "She missed his point"; "We lost part of what he said"
02128066 39 v 01 discover 0 005 * 02106506 v 0000 + 07214432 n 0101 + 05808218 n 0101 + 00043195 n 0101 ~ 02156384 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | see for the first time; make a discovery; "Who discovered the North Pole?"
02128286 39 v 01 witness 0 006 @ 02150510 v 0000 + 10786517 n 0101 + 10786270 n 0101 + 10786033 n 0101 + 10786033 n 0102 ~ 02128514 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | be a witness to; "She witnessed the accident and had to testify in court"
02128514 39 v 01 eyewitness 0 002 @ 02128286 v 0000 + 10075299 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | be present at an event and see it with one's own eyes
02128653 39 v 02 watch 2 look_on 0 005 * 02129289 v 0000 + 10633450 n 0104 + 00880662 n 0101 + 00879759 n 0103 ~ 02374099 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 01 | observe with attention; "They watched as the murderer was executed"
02128873 39 v 03 witness 1 find 1 see 2 006 $ 02197781 v 0000 $ 00598954 v 0000 @ 02110220 v 0000 + 10090498 n 0201 + 10633450 n 0102 ~ 00726009 v 0000 02 + 24 00 + 26 00 | perceive or be contemporaneous with; "We found Republicans winning the offices"; "You'll see a lot of cheating in this school"; "The 1960's saw the rebellion of the younger generation against established traditions"; "I want to see results"
02129289 39 v 01 see 0 010 $ 02150948 v 0000 $ 02156225 v 0000 @ 02106506 v 0000 + 10576071 n 0101 + 05710860 n 0103 + 05656537 n 0102 ~ 02119470 v 0000 ~ 02129709 v 0000 ~ 02129879 v 0000 ~ 02130160 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 | perceive by sight or have the power to perceive by sight; "You have to be a good observer to see all the details"; "Can you see the bird in that tree?"; "He is blind--he cannot see"
02129709 39 v 01 see 5 003 @ 02129289 v 0000 + 05656537 n 0102 $ 00591115 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | see and understand, have a good eye; "The artist must first learn to see"
02129879 39 v 03 catch_sight 0 get_a_look 0 catch_a_glimpse 0 001 @ 02129289 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | see something for a brief time
02130017 39 v 01 lose_sight_of 0 000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | be no longer able to see; "We lost sight of the tower as pulled out of the harbor"
02130160 39 v 02 behold 0 lay_eyes_on 0 002 @ 02129289 v 0000 + 09626589 n 0104 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | see with attention; "behold Christ!"
02130300 39 v 03 view 0 consider 8 look_at 1 006 @ 00644583 v 0000 + 05784831 n 0201 + 06208751 n 0102 + 04534651 n 0101 ~ 02164825 v 0000 ~ 02165002 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | look at carefully; study mentally; "view a problem"
02130524 39 v 01 look 0 031 * 02129289 v 0000 + 10633450 n 0105 + 00877127 n 0101 ^ 02132099 v 0101 ^ 02132263 v 0101 ^ 02167435 v 0101 ^ 02128653 v 0102 ^ 01827858 v 0102 ^ 01315613 v 0103 ^ 00661824 v 0103 ^ 00696414 v 0102 ^ 00877083 v 0103 ~ 00033406 v 0000 ~ 02131777 v 0000 ~ 02132099 v 0000 ~ 02132263 v 0000 ~ 02132420 v 0000 ~ 02132745 v 0000 ~ 02133185 v 0000 ~ 02164067 v 0000 ~ 02164186 v 0000 ~ 02164288 v 0000 ~ 02164531 v 0000 ~ 02164694 v 0000 ~ 02165146 v 0000 ~ 02165304 v 0000 ~ 02166861 v 0000 ~ 02167052 v 0000 ~ 02167875 v 0000 ~ 02168070 v 0000 ~ 02168965 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | perceive with attention; direct one's gaze towards; "She looked over the expanse of land"; "Look at your child!"; "Look--a deer in the backyard!"
02131279 39 v 02 examine 0 see d 016 * 02130524 v 0000 + 00635850 n 0101 + 10067968 n 0101 ~ 01317723 v 0000 ~ 02149786 v 0000 ~ 02149899 v 0000 ~ 02150039 v 0000 ~ 02150192 v 0000 ~ 02150328 v 0000 ~ 02152278 v 0000 ~ 02152504 v 0000 ~ 02152812 v 0000 ~ 02153387 v 0000 ~ 02153709 v 0000 ~ 02165543 v 0000 ~ 02533282 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | observe, check out, and look over carefully or inspect; "The customs agent examined the baggage"; "I must see your passport before you can enter the country"
02131777 39 v 03 take_a_look 0 have_a_look 0 get_a_load 0 001 @ 02130524 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | look at with attention; "Have a look at this!"; "Get a load of this pretty woman!"
02131963 39 v 01 watch 3 001 + 00880662 n 0101 01 + 29 00 | observe or determine by looking; "Watch how the dog chases the cats away"
02132099 39 v 02 look_back 0 look_backward 0 001 @ 02130524 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | look towards one's back; "don't look back while you walk"
02132263 39 v 01 look_away 0 001 @ 02130524 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | avert one's gaze; "She looked away when the nurse pricked her arm with the needle"
02132420 39 v 01 look_around 0 001 @ 02130524 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | look about oneself; "look around to see whether you can find the missing document"
02132579 39 v 01 see_double 0 002 * 02129289 v 0000 @ 02117840 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | see things as if they were there twice; "After taking the drug, John saw double"
02132745 39 v 02 gaze 0 stare 0 006 @ 02130524 v 0000 + 00878456 n 0201 + 10648909 n 0201 + 00878648 n 0101 ~ 02132989 v 0000 ~ 02133297 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | look at with fixed eyes; "The students stared at the teacher with amazement"
02132989 39 v 03 stare_down 0 outstare 0 outface 0 001 @ 02132745 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | overcome or cause to waver or submit by (or as if by) staring; "He simply stared down his opponent"
02133185 39 v 02 regard 0 consider 4 002 @ 02130524 v 0000 + 00878648 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | look at attentively
02133297 39 v 01 stargaze 0 004 @ 02132745 v 0000 ;c 06095022 n 0000 + 09818343 n 0103 + 00880563 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | observe the stars
02133435 39 v 03 look 1 appear 0 seem 0 017 @ 02604760 v 0000 + 05939432 n 0201 + 14526182 n 0107 + 04679738 n 0102 + 04674715 n 0101 ~ 02134050 v 0000 ~ 02134232 v 0000 ~ 02134350 v 0000 ~ 02134492 v 0000 ~ 02134927 v 0000 ~ 02136138 v 0000 ~ 02161530 v 0000 ~ 02162947 v 0000 ~ 02674564 v 0000 ~ 02696801 v 0000 ~ 02696961 v 0000 ~ 02730471 v 0000 03 + 06 00 + 07 00 + 28 00 | give a certain impression or have a certain outward aspect; "She seems to be sleeping"; "This appears to be a very difficult problem"; "This project looks fishy"; "They appeared like people who had not eaten or slept for a long time"
02134050 39 v 01 make c 001 @ 02133435 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 28 00 | appear to begin an activity; "He made to speak but said nothing in the end"; "She made as if to say hello to us"
02134232 39 v 01 cut 3 001 @ 02133435 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | give the appearance or impression of; "cut a nice figure"
02134350 39 v 01 feel 9 002 @ 02133435 v 0000 + 14526182 n 0103 01 + 06 00 | produce a certain impression; "It feels nice to be home again"
02134492 39 v 01 pass_off 0 001 @ 02133435 v 0000 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | be accepted as something or somebody in a false character or identity; "She passed off as a Russian agent"
02134672 39 v 02 appear 1 seem 1 004 @ 02604760 v 0000 + 01873985 a 0101 + 01618376 a 0101 ~ 02198234 v 0000 01 + 34 00 | seem to be true, probable, or apparent; "It seems that he is very gifted"; "It appears that the weather in California is very bad"
02134927 39 v 01 sound 6 001 @ 02133435 v 0000 02 + 06 00 + 07 00 | appear in a certain way; "This sounds interesting"
02135048 39 v 01 sound 3 009 + 11480930 n 0101 + 07371293 n 0101 + 05718254 n 0101 + 04981139 n 0101 ~ 01056102 v 0000 ~ 01717436 v 0000 ~ 02135328 v 0000 ~ 02135487 v 0000 ~ 02135607 v 0000 02 + 06 00 + 07 00 | give off a certain sound or sounds; "This record sounds scratchy"
02135328 39 v 01 dissonate 0 002 @ 02135048 v 0000 + 01164561 a 0102 01 + 01 00 | be dissonant or harsh; "The violins in this piece dissonated disturbingly"
02135487 39 v 01 pierce 0 001 @ 02135048 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | sound sharply or shrilly; "The scream pierced the night"
02135607 39 v 01 speak 0 001 @ 02135048 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | make a characteristic or natural sound; "The drums spoke"
02135727 39 v 01 blow 0 003 $ 02135877 v 0000 $ 02178340 v 0000 @ 02179518 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | play or sound a wind instrument; "She blew the horn"
02135877 39 v 01 blow 1 003 @ 02176268 v 0000 + 00835501 n 0101 $ 02135727 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | make a sound as if blown; "The whistle blew"
02136019 39 v 01 ting 0 002 @ 02176268 v 0000 + 07398097 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | make a light, metallic sound; go `ting'
02136138 39 v 01 come_across 0 001 @ 02133435 v 0000 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | be perceived in a certain way; make a certain impression
02136271 39 v 02 reflect 0 reverberate 4 006 ;c 06094774 n 0000 + 02009280 a 0201 + 04069276 n 0101 $ 02136533 v 0000 ~ 02136533 v 0000 ~ 02766925 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | to throw or bend back (from a surface); "Sound is reflected well in this auditorium"
02136533 39 v 01 reverberate 6 003 $ 02136271 v 0000 @ 02136271 v 0000 + 02009280 a 0101 01 + 01 00 | be reflected as heat, sound, or light or shock waves; "the waves reverberate as far away as the end of the building"
02136754 39 v 01 reflect 2 002 @ 02137132 v 0000 ;c 06100778 n 0000 01 + 11 00 | show an image of; "her sunglasses reflected his image"
02136892 39 v 01 reflect 1 001 @ 00923793 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | manifest or bring back; "This action reflects his true beliefs"
02137020 39 v 01 redound 0 001 @ 02357072 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | return or recoil; "Fame redounds to the heroes"
02137132 39 v 01 show 0 016 > 02129289 v 0000 ! 02144835 v 0101 ^ 02141973 v 0103 ~ 01716283 v 0000 ~ 02136754 v 0000 ~ 02137592 v 0000 ~ 02138075 v 0000 ~ 02138453 v 0000 ~ 02138611 v 0000 ~ 02139883 v 0000 ~ 02140033 v 0000 ~ 02140965 v 0000 ~ 02143283 v 0000 ~ 02148788 v 0000 ~ 02199119 v 0000 ~ 02736778 v 0000 05 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 + 14 00 + 15 00 | make visible or noticeable; "She showed her talent for cooking"; "Show me your etchings, please"
02137592 39 v 01 peep 1 001 @ 02137132 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cause to appear; "he peeped his head through the window"
02137710 39 v 02 disclose 0 expose 3 003 @ 02143283 v 0000 + 00522537 n 0201 ~ 02137907 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | disclose to view as by removing a cover; "The curtain rose to disclose a stunning set"
02137907 39 v 01 face 4 004 @ 02137710 v 0000 + 03313602 n 0101 + 08510666 n 0102 $ 01908365 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | turn so as to expose the face; "face a playing card"
02138075 39 v 01 project 1 005 > 00422090 v 0000 @ 02137132 v 0000 + 06887599 n 0101 + 04009552 n 0101 ~ 02138283 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | project on a screen; "The images are projected onto the screen"
02138283 39 v 01 silhouette 0 002 @ 02138075 v 0000 + 08613345 n 0101 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | project on a background, such as a screen, like a silhouette
02138453 39 v 01 do_justice 0 001 @ 02137132 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 12 00 | bring out fully or to advantage; "This photograph does not do her justice"
02138611 39 v 01 flash 2 003 @ 02137132 v 0000 + 15247110 n 0102 + 10070942 n 0102 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | expose or show briefly; "he flashed a $100 bill"
02138766 39 v 01 develop 0 009 @ 00126264 v 0000 ;c 13536794 n 0000 ;c 00903559 n 0000 + 13464557 n 0101 + 03182912 n 0101 + 13464557 n 0102 ~ 02114433 v 0000 ~ 02139063 v 0000 ~ 02139361 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make visible by means of chemical solutions; "Please develop this roll of film for me"
02139063 39 v 01 underdevelop 0 004 @ 02138766 v 0000 ;c 13536794 n 0000 ;c 00903559 n 0000 + 13571041 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | process (a film or photographic plate) less than the required time or in an ineffective solution or at an insufficiently high temperature; "These photos are underdeveloped"
02139361 39 v 01 redevelop 0 002 @ 02138766 v 0000 ;c 13536794 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | develop for a second time, in order to improve the contrast, colour, etc., of a negative or print
02139544 39 v 02 show 1 show_up 0 002 @ 00422090 v 0000 ~ 02139740 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | be or become visible or noticeable; "His good upbringing really shows"; "The dirty side will show"
02139740 39 v 01 register 1 002 @ 02139544 v 0000 $ 02105810 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | show in one's face; "Her surprise did not register"
02139883 39 v 01 screen 0 003 @ 02137132 v 0000 + 04152829 n 0101 + 06888345 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | project onto a screen for viewing; "screen a film"
02140033 39 v 03 expose 0 exhibit 1 display 0 015 @ 02137132 v 0000 + 00521209 n 0301 + 00521209 n 0202 + 00522145 n 0201 + 00522537 n 0101 ~ 02140630 v 0000 ~ 02141146 v 0000 ~ 02141559 v 0000 ~ 02141722 v 0000 ~ 02141840 v 0000 ~ 02141973 v 0000 ~ 02142520 v 0000 ~ 02142626 v 0000 ~ 02142775 v 0000 ~ 02483941 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | to show, make visible or apparent; "The Metropolitan Museum is exhibiting Goya's works this month"; "Why don't you show your nice legs and wear shorter skirts?"; "National leaders will have to display the highest skills of statesmanship"
02140630 39 v 01 open a 002 @ 02140033 v 0000 ! 02140781 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | display the contents of a file or start an application as on a computer
02140781 39 v 01 close a 004 @ 02735418 v 0000 + 00229260 n 0101 + 00344040 n 0102 ! 02140630 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | cause a window or an application to disappear on a computer desktop
02140965 39 v 01 fly 0 002 @ 02137132 v 0000 $ 01848058 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | display in the air or cause to float; "fly a kite"; "All nations fly their flags in front of the U.N."
02141146 39 v 02 produce 1 bring_forth 0 003 @ 02140033 v 0000 + 00522736 n 0101 ~ 02141414 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | bring out for display; "The proud father produced many pictures of his baby"; "The accused brought forth a letter in court that he claims exonerates him"
02141414 39 v 01 turn_on 0 001 @ 02141146 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | produce suddenly or automatically; "Turn on the charm"; "turn on the waterworks"
02141559 39 v 01 hold_up 0 001 @ 02140033 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | hold up something as an example; hold up one's achievements for admiration
02141722 39 v 01 bench 0 001 @ 02140033 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | exhibit on a bench; "bench the poodles at the dog show"
02141840 39 v 01 moon 0 002 @ 02140033 v 0000 + 09358550 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | expose one's buttocks to; "moon the audience"
02141973 39 v 05 flaunt 0 flash 1 show_off 0 ostentate 0 swank 0 007 @ 02140033 v 0000 + 06889330 n 0401 + 04789274 n 0401 + 10070711 n 0302 + 06890846 n 0101 ~ 02142280 v 0000 ~ 02142413 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | display proudly; act ostentatiously or pretentiously; "he showed off his new sports car"
02142280 39 v 01 flex 0 001 @ 02141973 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | exhibit the strength of; "The victorious army flexes its invincibility"
02142413 39 v 01 splurge 0 002 @ 02141973 v 0000 + 06890000 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | be showy or ostentatious
02142520 39 v 01 brandish 0 001 @ 02140033 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | exhibit aggressively; "brandish a sword"
02142626 39 v 01 model 0 002 @ 02140033 v 0000 + 10291240 n 0106 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | display (clothes) as a mannequin; "model the latest fashion"
02142775 39 v 04 model 1 pose 0 sit 0 posture 0 010 @ 02140033 v 0000 ;c 00933420 n 0000 + 05079866 n 0402 + 09813219 n 0302 + 00344421 n 0301 + 05081300 n 0201 + 10324560 n 0202 + 00344421 n 0202 + 10324560 n 0101 ~ 02143124 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | assume a posture as for artistic purposes; "We don't know the woman who posed for Leonardo so often"
02143124 39 v 01 ramp 0 003 @ 02142775 v 0000 ;c 05801594 n 0000 + 01236964 a 0101 01 + 01 00 | be rampant; "the lion is rampant in this heraldic depiction"
02143283 39 v 04 uncover 0 bring_out 0 unveil 0 reveal 0 005 @ 02137132 v 0000 ~ 02137710 v 0000 ~ 02143539 v 0000 ~ 02143906 v 0000 ~ 02144101 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make visible; "Summer brings out bright clothes"; "He brings out the best in her"
02143539 39 v 02 excavate 0 unearth 0 005 @ 02143283 v 0000 + 08550076 n 0102 + 03302121 n 0101 + 00941974 n 0101 ~ 02143756 v 0000 01 + 07 00 | recover through digging; "Schliemann excavated Troy"; "excavate gold"
02143756 39 v 03 dig 0 dig_up 0 dig_out 0 001 @ 02143539 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | remove, harvest, or recover by digging; "dig salt"; "dig coal"
02143906 39 v 01 trot_out 0 001 @ 02143283 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | bring out and show for inspection and admiration; "His novel trots out a rich heiress"; "always able to trot out some new excuse"
02144101 39 v 01 unfold 0 001 @ 02143283 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | open to the view; "A walk through town will unfold many interesting buildings"
02144243 39 v 01 reveal 4 005 @ 00933821 v 0000 ;c 06183899 n 0000 + 01882292 a 0103 + 07213232 n 0101 + 06447897 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | disclose directly or through prophets; "God rarely reveal his plans for Mankind"
02144460 39 v 01 express 9 002 @ 01644746 v 0000 + 13478205 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | manifest the effects of (a gene or genetic trait); "Many of the laboratory animals express the trait"
02144644 39 v 01 stamp 0 003 @ 00956687 v 0000 + 07998573 n 0101 + 13913566 n 0104 02 + 20 00 + 21 00 | reveal clearly as having a certain character; "His playing stamps him as a Romantic"
02144835 39 v 02 hide 0 conceal 1 015 + 14416089 n 0204 + 01048912 n 0202 ! 02137132 v 0101 ~ 01483247 v 0000 ~ 02145271 v 0000 ~ 02145543 v 0000 ~ 02147109 v 0000 ~ 02147313 v 0000 ~ 02147466 v 0000 ~ 02148369 v 0000 ~ 02148604 v 0000 ~ 02157731 v 0000 ~ 02158587 v 0000 ~ 02371469 v 0000 ~ 02640053 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | prevent from being seen or discovered; "Muslim women hide their faces"; "hide the money"
02145271 39 v 01 secrete 2 002 @ 02144835 v 0000 + 00501004 a 0104 01 + 08 00 | place out of sight; keep secret; "The money was secreted from his children"
02145429 39 v 01 occult 0 001 @ 02146790 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | hide from view; "The lids were occulting her eyes"
02145543 39 v 02 obstruct 4 block 0 003 @ 02144835 v 0000 + 01074694 n 0201 $ 01478002 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | shut out from view or get in the way so as to hide from sight; "The thick curtain blocked the action on the stage"; "The trees obstruct my view of the mountains"
02145814 39 v 02 hide 1 hide_out 0 007 + 08584218 n 0201 ~ 00588703 v 0000 ~ 02146175 v 0000 ~ 02146377 v 0000 ~ 02146525 v 0000 ~ 02146674 v 0000 ~ 02146990 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | be or go into hiding; keep out of sight, as for protection and safety; "Probably his horse would be close to where he was hiding"; "She is hiding out in a cabin in Montana"
02146175 39 v 01 stow_away 0 002 @ 02145814 v 0000 + 10660471 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | hide aboard a ship or a plane to get free transportation; "The illegal immigrants stowed away on board the freighter"
02146377 39 v 01 hunker_down 0 001 @ 02145814 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | take shelter; "During the sandstorm, they hunkered down in a small hut"
02146525 39 v 01 hole_up 0 001 @ 02145814 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | remain secluded or in hiding; "He is writing his book and is holing up in his study"
02146674 39 v 01 lie_low 0 001 @ 02145814 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | keep a low profile, try to be inconspicuous
02146790 39 v 03 conceal 0 hold_back 0 hold_in 0 003 + 01048912 n 0101 + 01048912 n 0102 ~ 02145429 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | hold back; keep from being perceived by others; "She conceals her anger well"
02146990 39 v 01 earth 0 002 @ 02145814 v 0000 + 14842992 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | hide in the earth like a hunted animal
02147109 39 v 01 cover e 005 @ 02144835 v 0000 + 01049685 n 0101 + 04151940 n 0102 + 01049685 n 0102 + 00828082 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | spread over a surface to conceal or protect; "This paint covers well"
02147313 39 v 01 bosom 0 003 @ 02144835 v 0000 + 14416473 n 0101 + 05553486 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | hide in one's bosom; "She bosomed his letters"
02147466 39 v 01 bury 0 001 @ 02144835 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 21 00 + 16 01 | cover from sight; "Afghani women buried under their burkas"
02147603 39 v 03 dissemble 0 cloak 0 mask 0 004 @ 02158587 v 0000 + 01049475 n 0301 + 01049685 n 0304 + 03045698 n 0201 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | hide under a false appearance; "He masked his disappointment"
02147824 39 v 01 dissimulate 0 003 @ 02158587 v 0000 + 02181926 a 0101 + 00752431 n 0104 01 + 08 00 | hide (feelings) from other people
02147962 39 v 01 masquerade 0 004 @ 02158587 v 0000 + 03320519 n 0102 + 08253450 n 0101 + 10297841 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | take part in a masquerade
02148109 39 v 04 whitewash 0 gloss_over 0 sleek_over 0 hush_up 0 002 @ 02148369 v 0000 + 01241594 n 0101 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 | cover up a misdemeanor, fault, or error; "Let's not whitewash the crimes of Stalin"; "She tried to gloss over her mistakes"
02148369 39 v 02 cover c cover_up 0 004 @ 02144835 v 0000 + 01050187 n 0201 + 01049685 n 0102 ~ 02148109 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | hide from view or knowledge; "The President covered the fact that he bugged the offices in the White House"
02148604 39 v 03 harbor 0 harbour 0 shield 0 001 @ 02144835 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | hold back a thought or feeling about; "She is harboring a grudge against him"
02148788 39 v 05 show 2 demo 0 exhibit 0 present 0 demonstrate 1 015 @ 02137132 v 0000 + 06879180 n 0501 + 00521562 n 0503 + 10003120 n 0501 + 00521562 n 0402 + 07167415 n 0401 + 06891022 n 0401 + 00521562 n 0401 + 10070563 n 0301 + 06879180 n 0202 + 00520257 n 0101 + 06619065 n 0101 + 06888345 n 0102 + 00521209 n 0103 ~ 00543161 v 0000 05 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 14 00 + 15 00 + 17 00 | give an exhibition of to an interested audience; "She shows her dogs frequently"; "We will demo the new software in Washington"
02149302 39 v 01 condemn 0 004 @ 00820976 v 0000 + 14574846 n 0101 + 06709692 n 0102 ~ 02149501 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | demonstrate the guilt of (someone); "Her strange behavior condemned her"
02149501 39 v 01 attaint 0 001 @ 02149302 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | condemn by attainder; "the man was attainted"
02149611 39 v 01 occult 2 001 @ 00109660 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become concealed or hidden from view or have its light extinguished; "The beam of light occults every so often"
02149786 39 v 01 x-ray 0 002 @ 02131279 v 0000 + 00901316 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | examine by taking x-rays
02149899 39 v 01 candle 0 002 @ 02131279 v 0000 + 13641534 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | examine eggs for freshness by holding them against a light
02150039 39 v 01 autopsy 0 003 @ 02131279 v 0000 ;c 06043075 n 0000 + 00141396 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | perform an autopsy on a dead body; do a post-mortem
02150192 39 v 01 auscultate 0 003 @ 02131279 v 0000 ;c 06043075 n 0000 + 00876542 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | examine by auscultation
02150328 39 v 01 survey 0 004 @ 02131279 v 0000 * 02130524 v 0000 + 00644503 n 0101 ~ 02166248 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | look over carefully or inspect; "He surveyed his new classmates"
02150510 39 v 01 watch 0 007 * 02130524 v 0000 + 00880662 n 0101 + 10633450 n 0104 ~ 02128286 v 0000 ~ 02150740 v 0000 ~ 02150948 v 0000 ~ 02169352 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 | look attentively; "watch a basketball game"
02150740 39 v 01 rubberneck 0 003 @ 02150510 v 0000 + 10541106 n 0101 + 00879607 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | strain to watch; stare curiously; "The cars slowed down and the drivers rubbernecked after the accident"
02150948 39 v 05 watch 5 view 2 see 3 catch 2 take_in 6 012 @ 02150510 v 0000 + 10576071 n 0301 + 02517169 a 0201 + 08560952 n 0201 + 00881649 n 0201 + 05933246 n 0201 + 10633450 n 0203 + 00880662 n 0101 $ 02129289 v 0000 ~ 02151394 v 0000 ~ 02151700 v 0000 ~ 02151816 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | see or watch; "view a show on television"; "This program will be seen all over the world"; "view an exhibition"; "Catch a show on Broadway"; "see a movie"
02151394 39 v 02 visualize 0 visualise 0 003 @ 02150948 v 0000 ;c 06043075 n 0000 ~ 02151603 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | view the outline of by means of an X-ray; "The radiologist can visualize the cancerous liver"
02151603 39 v 01 image 3 001 @ 02151394 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | render visible, as by means of MRI
02151700 39 v 01 spectate 0 002 @ 02150948 v 0000 + 10633450 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | be a spectator in a sports event
02151816 39 v 01 preview 0 002 @ 02150948 v 0000 + 06888506 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | watch (a movie or play) before it is released to the general public
02151966 39 v 03 watch 1 look_out 0 watch_out 0 009 + 10271216 n 0201 + 08597176 n 0201 + 03688943 n 0201 + 00881545 n 0201 + 10770059 n 0102 + 10271216 n 0105 ~ 00724664 v 0000 ~ 02167210 v 0000 ~ 02167435 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | be vigilant, be on the lookout or be careful; "Watch out for pickpockets!"
02152278 39 v 05 scan 0 skim 0 rake 0 glance_over 0 run_down 0 003 @ 02131279 v 0000 + 06598746 n 0201 + 06598746 n 0202 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | examine hastily; "She scanned the newspaper headlines while waiting for the taxi"
02152504 39 v 01 scan 1 004 @ 02131279 v 0000 + 04142549 n 0101 + 00643943 n 0101 ~ 02152690 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | examine minutely or intensely; "the surgeon scanned the X-ray"
02152690 39 v 01 glass 0 002 @ 02152504 v 0000 + 03333129 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | scan (game in the forest) with binoculars
02152812 39 v 01 peruse 0 004 @ 02131279 v 0000 + 06598445 n 0102 + 06598445 n 0101 ~ 02153023 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | examine or consider with attention and in detail; "Please peruse this report at your leisure"
02153023 39 v 06 flick a flip a thumb a riffle a leaf a riff a 002 @ 02152812 v 0000 + 06256229 n 0501 01 + 22 00 | look through a book or other written material; "He thumbed through the report"; "She leafed through the volume"
02153253 39 v 01 zoom_in 0 001 @ 00722232 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | examine closely; focus one's attention on; "He zoomed in on the book"
02153387 39 v 04 size_up 0 take_stock 0 scrutinize 0 scrutinise 0 007 @ 02131279 v 0000 + 10565302 n 0402 + 00878052 n 0401 + 00635850 n 0402 + 10565302 n 0301 + 00878052 n 0301 + 00635850 n 0302 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | to look at critically or searchingly, or in minute detail; "he scrutinized his likeness in the mirror"
02153709 39 v 02 search 0 look 2 008 @ 02131279 v 0000 + 00945401 n 0101 + 10567401 n 0101 + 10575787 n 0102 ~ 01144657 v 0000 ~ 02154031 v 0000 ~ 02154180 v 0000 ~ 02169119 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | search or seek; "We looked all day and finally found the child in the forest"; "Look elsewhere for the perfect gift!"
02154031 39 v 01 cruise 0 001 @ 02153709 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | look for a sexual partner in a public place; "The men were cruising the park"
02154180 39 v 01 prospect 0 002 @ 02153709 v 0000 + 14482968 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | search for something desirable; "prospect a job"
02154312 39 v 04 descry 0 spot 0 espy 0 spy 0 006 @ 02163746 v 0000 + 00151087 n 0404 + 00151087 n 0303 + 10271216 n 0206 + 10090498 n 0203 + 00151087 n 0205 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | catch sight of
02154508 39 v 05 detect 0 observe 2 find 2 discover 3 notice 4 027 $ 01637982 v 0000 @ 02163746 v 0000 + 05703429 n 0501 + 10090498 n 0402 + 07214432 n 0401 + 05808218 n 0401 + 00043195 n 0401 + 00043195 n 0302 + 10090498 n 0301 + 09279458 n 0301 + 00151497 n 0302 + 01287486 a 0203 + 01745517 a 0201 + 09626589 n 0203 + 06767035 n 0201 + 05818741 n 0201 + 01002956 n 0201 + 05703429 n 0203 + 00151087 n 0101 + 03181293 n 0101 + 03180969 n 0101 + 00635205 n 0102 ~ 00731574 v 0000 ~ 02155248 v 0000 ~ 02155493 v 0000 ~ 02156063 v 0000 ~ 02156225 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 26 00 | discover or determine the existence, presence, or fact of; "She detected high levels of lead in her drinking water"; "We found traces of lead in the paint"
02155248 39 v 01 sense 2 003 @ 02154508 v 0000 + 02103481 a 0101 + 05651971 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | detect some circumstance or entity automatically; "This robot can sense the presence of people in the room"; "particle detectors sense ionization"
02155493 39 v 01 instantiate 0 005 @ 02154508 v 0000 + 07308889 n 0102 + 05820620 n 0103 + 05927169 n 0101 $ 02155799 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | find an instance of (a word or particular usage of a word); "The linguists could not instantiate this sense of the noun that he claimed existed in a certain dialect"
02155799 39 v 01 instantiate 1 005 $ 02155493 v 0000 @ 02541921 v 0000 + 07308889 n 0102 + 05820620 n 0103 + 05927169 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | represent by an instance; "This word instantiates the usage that the linguists claimed to be typical for a certain dialect"
02156063 39 v 01 trace 0 003 @ 02154508 v 0000 + 06647036 n 0101 + 13773361 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | discover traces of; "She traced the circumstances of her birth"
02156225 39 v 01 see b 002 @ 02154508 v 0000 $ 02129289 v 0000 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | observe as if with an eye; "The camera saw the burglary and recorded it"
02156384 39 v 01 rediscover 0 002 @ 02128066 v 0000 + 00151914 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | discover again; "I rediscovered the books that I enjoyed as a child"
02156546 39 v 03 vanish 0 disappear 0 go_away 0 008 @ 02609764 v 0000 + 07335716 n 0201 + 00230172 n 0202 + 10746346 n 0101 + 00053806 n 0101 ~ 00344492 v 0000 ~ 02156844 v 0000 ~ 02156963 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 22 00 | become invisible or unnoticeable; "The effect vanished when day broke"
02156844 39 v 01 clear 5 001 @ 02156546 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | go away or disappear; "The fog cleared in the afternoon"
02156963 39 v 01 bob_under 0 001 @ 02156546 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | disappear suddenly, as if under the surface of a body of water
02157100 39 v 03 produce 0 bring_on 0 bring_out 1 005 > 00422090 v 0000 + 07006951 n 0101 + 00912960 n 0101 + 10480018 n 0101 ~ 02157361 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | bring onto the market or release; "produce a movie"; "bring out a book"; "produce a new play"
02157361 39 v 01 offer 6 001 @ 02157100 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | produce or introduce on the stage; "The Shakespeare Company is offering `King Lear' this month"
02157519 39 v 03 crop_up 0 pop_up 0 pop 4 001 @ 00422090 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 22 03 | appear suddenly or unexpectedly; "The farm popped into view as we turned the corner"; "He suddenly popped up out of nowhere"
02157731 39 v 08 obscure 0 befog 0 becloud 0 obnubilate 0 haze_over 0 fog 0 cloud 0 mist 0 004 @ 02144835 v 0000 + 05684561 n 0602 + 14521648 n 0601 ~ 02158196 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | make less visible or unclear; "The stars are obscured by the clouds"; "the big elm tree obscures our view of the valley"
02158034 39 v 03 film_over 0 glaze_over 0 blur 1 001 + 05940414 n 0301 01 + 01 00 | become glassy; lose clear vision; "Her eyes glazed over from lack of sleep"
02158196 39 v 01 overshadow 0 002 @ 02157731 v 0000 ~ 02158340 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | cast a shadow upon; "The tall tree overshadowed the house"
02158340 39 v 02 eclipse 0 occult 1 002 @ 02158196 v 0000 + 07368646 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | cause an eclipse of (a celestial body) by intervention; "The Sun eclipses the moon today"; "Planets and stars often are occulted by other celestial bodies"
02158587 39 v 02 disguise 0 mask 1 007 @ 02144835 v 0000 + 01049266 n 0101 + 03206718 n 0101 ~ 02147603 v 0000 ~ 02147824 v 0000 ~ 02147962 v 0000 ~ 02158896 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | make unrecognizable; "The herb masks the garlic taste"; "We disguised our faces before robbing the bank"
02158896 39 v 01 camouflage 0 004 @ 02158587 v 0000 + 02944579 n 0101 + 02944459 n 0101 + 01049266 n 0102 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | disguise by camouflaging; exploit the natural surroundings to disguise something; "The troops camouflaged themselves before they went into enemy territory"
02159197 39 v 02 orient 0 orientate 0 004 @ 00697589 v 0000 ! 02159741 v 0101 ~ 02159427 v 0000 ~ 02159594 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | determine one's position with reference to another point; "We had to orient ourselves in the forest"
02159427 39 v 02 guide 0 guide_on 0 003 @ 02159197 v 0000 + 10151570 n 0101 + 10562749 n 0103 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | use as a guide; "They had the lights to guide on"
02159594 39 v 02 reorientate 0 reorient 0 002 @ 02159197 v 0000 + 06208614 n 0201 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | orient once again, after a disorientation
02159741 39 v 02 disorient 0 disorientate 0 003 @ 00621734 v 0000 + 05684003 n 0101 ! 02159197 v 0101 01 + 10 00 | cause to be lost or disoriented
02159890 39 v 05 flash 0 blink 0 wink 0 twinkle 0 winkle 0 008 @ 02160552 v 0000 + 07411645 n 0401 + 09464486 n 0401 + 07262704 n 0201 + 02852173 n 0201 + 04953186 n 0101 + 02852173 n 0102 ~ 02160177 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 08 00 | gleam or glow intermittently; "The lights were flashing"
02160177 39 v 02 flicker 0 flick 0 002 @ 02159890 v 0000 + 07412310 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | flash intermittently; "The lights flicked on and off"
02160321 39 v 01 beat_down 0 001 @ 02763740 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | shine hard; "The sun beat down on the hikers"
02160433 39 v 01 beacon 0 003 @ 02763740 v 0000 + 07264213 n 0101 + 02814860 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | shine like a beacon
02160552 39 v 01 radiate 0 006 @ 02123903 v 0000 + 00280463 a 0104 + 04953954 n 0101 ~ 02159890 v 0000 ~ 02160779 v 0000 ~ 02160944 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | cause to be seen by emitting light as if in rays; "The sun is radiating"
02160779 39 v 02 gleam 0 glimmer 0 004 @ 02160552 v 0000 + 07412478 n 0203 + 07412478 n 0101 + 07412478 n 0102 01 + 01 00 | shine brightly, like a star or a light
02160944 39 v 01 glow 0 004 @ 02160552 v 0000 + 05018785 n 0102 ~ 02161160 v 0000 ~ 02199435 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | emit a steady even light without flames; "The fireflies were glowing and flying about in the garden"
02161160 39 v 01 fluoresce 0 005 @ 02160944 v 0000 + 00271419 a 0101 + 00403505 a 0101 + 11458102 n 0101 ~ 02161330 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | exhibit or undergo fluorescence
02161330 39 v 01 scintillate 0 002 @ 02161160 v 0000 + 11506349 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | physics: fluoresce momentarily when struck by a charged particle or high-energy photon; "the phosphor fluoresced"
02161530 39 v 04 glow 1 beam 3 radiate 5 shine 6 002 @ 02133435 v 0000 + 04954534 n 0103 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | have a complexion with a strong bright color, such as red or pink; "Her face glowed when she came out of the sauna"
02161758 39 v 01 blur 0 003 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 05940414 n 0101 ! 02161922 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | to make less distinct or clear; "The haze blurs the hills"
02161922 39 v 01 focus 0 006 @ 02190786 v 0000 + 11455695 n 0101 + 04703235 n 0101 + 00375625 n 0103 ! 02161758 v 0101 ~ 02162162 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to converge on or toward a central point; "Focus the light on this image"
02162162 39 v 01 refocus 0 002 @ 02161922 v 0000 + 00375938 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | focus once again; The physicist refocused the light beam"
02162310 39 v 02 dim 1 dip 0 001 @ 02191106 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | switch (a car's headlights) from a higher to a lower beam
02162434 39 v 03 dazzle 0 bedazzle 0 daze 1 003 @ 02168555 v 0000 + 05684561 n 0301 + 04952821 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | to cause someone to lose clear vision, especially from intense light; "She was dazzled by the bright headlights"
02162672 39 v 01 glare 1 003 @ 02763740 v 0000 + 04952570 n 0101 ~ 02162815 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | shine intensely; "The sun glared down on us"
02162815 39 v 01 beat 3 001 @ 02162672 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | glare or strike with great intensity; "The sun was beating down on us"
02162947 39 v 05 glitter 0 glisten 0 glint 0 gleam 1 shine 1 006 @ 02133435 v 0000 + 07412310 n 0303 + 04952944 n 0203 + 04952944 n 0101 ~ 02163183 v 0000 ~ 02706478 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | be shiny, as if wet; "His eyes were glistening"
02163183 39 v 01 spangle 0 002 @ 02162947 v 0000 + 04173698 n 0102 01 + 01 00 | glitter as if covered with spangles
02163301 39 v 02 monitor 0 supervise 0 007 @ 02169352 v 0000 + 01135529 n 0201 + 10676877 n 0201 + 03781787 n 0101 + 10478960 n 0102 + 00880046 n 0101 ~ 00785690 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | keep tabs on; keep an eye on; keep under surveillance; "we are monitoring the air quality"; "the police monitor the suspect's moves"
02163626 39 v 01 monitor 1 001 @ 02169352 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 10 00 | check, track, or observe by means of a receiver
02163746 39 v 02 spy 1 sight 0 009 @ 02106506 v 0000 + 00881649 n 0203 + 05623818 n 0201 + 05654362 n 0201 + 06888944 n 0201 + 05933054 n 0201 + 00880269 n 0201 ~ 02154312 v 0000 ~ 02154508 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | catch sight of; to perceive with the eyes; "he caught sight of the king's men coming over the ridge"
02164067 39 v 01 ogle 0 002 @ 02130524 v 0000 + 10374282 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | look at with amorous intentions
02164186 39 v 01 give_the_glad_eye 0 001 @ 02130524 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | look seductively at someone
02164288 39 v 01 leer 0 003 @ 02130524 v 0000 + 04680027 n 0101 + 06716483 n 0102 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | look suggestively or obliquely; look or gaze with a sly, immodest, or malign expression; "The men leered at the young women on the beach"
02164531 39 v 04 goggle 0 gape 0 gawp 0 gawk 0 003 @ 02130524 v 0000 + 00879037 n 0201 + 06877381 n 0201 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | look with amazement; look stupidly
02164694 39 v 01 admire 0 003 @ 02130524 v 0000 + 09771664 n 0101 + 09771435 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | look at with admiration
02164825 39 v 01 contemplate 0 003 @ 02130300 v 0000 + 05785508 n 0101 + 00878926 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | look at thoughtfully; observe deep in thought; "contemplate one's navel"
02165002 39 v 01 groak 0 001 @ 02130300 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | look or stare at longingly; "The dog his master who was eating a sausage"
02165146 39 v 01 peep 0 003 @ 02130524 v 0000 + 00878221 n 0102 + 10761326 n 0103 01 + 22 00 | look furtively; "He peeped at the woman through the window"
02165304 39 v 03 glance 0 peek 2 glint 2 003 @ 02130524 v 0000 + 00878221 n 0201 + 00877625 n 0101 01 + 22 00 | throw a glance at; take a brief look at; "She only glanced at the paper"; "I only peeked--I didn't see anything interesting"
02165543 39 v 01 inspect 0 005 @ 02131279 v 0000 ~ 00696700 v 0000 ~ 02165754 v 0000 ~ 02165982 v 0000 ~ 02166117 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | look over carefully; "Please inspect your father's will carefully"
02165754 39 v 01 perambulate 0 002 @ 02165543 v 0000 + 00292386 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | make an official inspection on foot of (the bounds of a property); "Selectmen are required by law to perambulate the bounds every five years"
02165982 39 v 01 case 0 001 @ 02165543 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | look over, usually with the intention to rob; "They men cased the housed"
02166117 39 v 01 vet 0 001 @ 02165543 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | examine carefully; "Someone should vet this report before it goes out"
02166248 39 v 01 overlook 0 001 @ 02150328 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | watch over; "I am overlooking her work"
02166361 39 v 01 overlook 1 001 @ 02127853 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | look past, fail to notice
02166460 39 v 02 study 0 consider 0 009 @ 00630380 v 0000 + 07138915 n 0201 + 05822746 n 0203 + 05784831 n 0201 + 05784242 n 0102 + 00644503 n 0102 ~ 00640650 v 0000 ~ 00653620 v 0000 $ 00813044 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 29 00 | give careful consideration to; "consider the possibility of moving"
02166761 39 v 01 bethink 0 001 > 02166460 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | cause oneself to consider something
02166861 39 v 01 gloat 0 003 @ 02130524 v 0000 + 07532276 n 0101 + 07532276 n 0102 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | gaze at or think about something with great self-satisfaction, gratification, or joy
02167052 39 v 02 eye 0 eyeball 0 005 @ 02130524 v 0000 + 05316025 n 0201 + 05703307 n 0101 + 05614476 n 0101 + 05311054 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | look at
02167210 39 v 03 keep_one's_eyes_peeled 0 keep_one's_eyes_skinned 0 keep_one's_eyes_open 0 002 @ 02151966 v 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | pay attention; be watchful; "Keep your eyes peeled for any policemen"
02167435 39 v 01 look_after 0 001 @ 02151966 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | keep under careful scrutiny; "Keep an eye on this prisoner!"
02167571 39 v 03 scout 0 reconnoiter 0 reconnoitre 0 009 @ 02169352 v 0000 + 00984609 n 0301 + 00985106 n 0304 + 00984609 n 0201 + 00985106 n 0203 + 10562749 n 0101 + 10562968 n 0101 + 10540984 n 0102 + 00985106 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | explore, often with the goal of finding something or somebody
02167875 39 v 02 give_the_eye 0 give_the_once_over 0 001 @ 02130524 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | look at with a critical eye; "When the movie star entered, all the women gave him the once over"
02168070 39 v 01 squint 0 002 @ 02130524 v 0000 + 14557415 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | be cross-eyed; have a squint or strabismus
02168194 39 v 01 blind 0 003 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 07944408 n 0101 ~ 02168378 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | make blind by putting the eyes out; "The criminals were punished and blinded"
02168378 39 v 01 abacinate 0 001 @ 02168194 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | blind by holding a red-hot metal plate before someone's eyes; "The prisoners were abacinated by their captors"
02168555 39 v 01 blind 1 005 + 04593629 n 0103 + 07944408 n 0101 ~ 02162434 v 0000 ~ 02168710 v 0000 ~ 02168830 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | render unable to see
02168710 39 v 01 seel 0 002 @ 02168555 v 0000 ;c 05635448 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | sew up the eyelids of hawks and falcons
02168830 39 v 01 snow-blind 0 001 @ 02168555 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | affect with snow blindness; "the glare of the sun snow-blinded her"
02168965 39 v 01 peer 0 001 @ 02130524 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | look searchingly; "We peered into the back of the shop to see whether a salesman was around"
02169119 39 v 05 intrude 0 horn_in 0 pry 0 nose 0 poke 0 004 @ 02153709 v 0000 + 05637106 n 0401 ^ 02125460 v 0404 + 05683390 n 0302 01 + 22 00 | search or inquire in a meddlesome way; "This guy is always nosing around the office"
02169352 39 v 01 observe 0 012 @ 02150510 v 0000 + 01287486 a 0103 + 06767035 n 0101 + 05818741 n 0101 + 05703429 n 0102 + 00879759 n 0101 + 00879759 n 0102 ~ 01139865 v 0000 ~ 02163301 v 0000 ~ 02163626 v 0000 ~ 02167571 v 0000 ~ 02197629 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 | watch attentively; "Please observe the reaction of these two chemicals"
02169702 39 v 01 hear 0 005 @ 02106506 v 0000 + 00173764 a 0102 + 05657718 n 0101 ~ 02189168 v 0000 ~ 02189398 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 | perceive (sound) via the auditory sense
02169891 39 v 01 listen 0 010 * 02169702 v 0000 @ 02106506 v 0000 + 10165448 n 0102 + 00882159 n 0101 ^ 02189714 v 0101 ~ 02170181 v 0000 ~ 02170304 v 0000 ~ 02170427 v 0000 ~ 02189588 v 0000 ~ 02189714 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | hear with intention; "Listen to the sound of this cello"
02170181 39 v 01 hear_out 0 001 @ 02169891 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | listen to every detail and give a full hearing to
02170304 39 v 01 listen_in 1 001 @ 02169891 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | listen quietly, without contributing to the conversation
02170427 39 v 05 attend 0 hang 0 advert 0 pay_heed 0 give_ear 0 011 @ 02169891 v 0000 + 00164308 a 0301 + 05704096 n 0302 + 05704096 n 0301 + 01194483 a 0102 + 00163592 a 0101 + 05853636 n 0101 + 05650579 n 0101 + 05702275 n 0101 + 10165448 n 0104 ~ 02170861 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 02 | give heed (to); "The children in the audience attended the recital quietly"; "She hung on his every word"; "They attended to everything he said"
02170861 39 v 01 fixate 0 002 @ 02170427 v 0000 + 05700401 n 0102 01 + 22 00 | pay attention to exclusively and obsessively; "The media are fixating on Princess Diana's death"
02171039 39 v 03 listen 1 hear 5 take_heed 0 006 @ 00722232 v 0000 + 10165448 n 0201 + 00882159 n 0202 + 10165448 n 0102 + 00882159 n 0101 ~ 02171322 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | listen and pay attention; "Listen to your father"; "We must hear the expert before we make a decision"
02171322 39 v 01 incline 0 002 @ 02171039 v 0000 + 00335384 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | bend or turn (one's ear) towards a speaker in order to listen well; "He inclined his ear to the wise old man"
02171514 39 v 01 tune_in 0 001 @ 00295966 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | regulate (a radio or television set) in order to receive a certain station or program
02171664 39 v 06 whine 0 squeak 0 screech 0 creak 0 screak 0 skreak 0 007 @ 02172888 v 0000 + 07381864 n 0402 + 07381864 n 0401 + 07393161 n 0301 + 07393161 n 0302 + 07395623 n 0201 + 04292733 n 0201 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | make a high-pitched, screeching noise; "The door creaked when I opened it slowly"; "My car engine makes a whining noise"
02172008 39 v 01 racket 0 002 @ 02172888 v 0000 + 07390945 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | make loud and annoying noises
02172127 39 v 03 clatter 0 clack 0 brattle 0 003 @ 02172888 v 0000 + 07379963 n 0201 + 07380473 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | make a rattling sound; "clattering dishes"
02172296 39 v 02 stridulate 0 clitter 0 002 @ 02172888 v 0000 + 07395957 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 11 00 | make a shrill creaking noise by rubbing together special bodily structures; "male insects such as crickets or grasshoppers stridulate"
02172534 39 v 01 drown_out 0 001 @ 02172888 v 0000 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | make imperceptible; "The noise from the ice machine drowned out the music"
02172683 39 v 03 jingle 0 jingle-jangle 0 jangle 0 003 @ 02172888 v 0000 + 07385998 n 0302 + 07385998 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | make a sound typical of metallic objects; "The keys were jingling in his pocket"
02172888 39 v 03 make_noise 0 resound 0 noise 0 020 @ 02176268 v 0000 + 05720248 n 0301 + 07387509 n 0301 + 02010536 a 0201 ~ 00862591 v 0000 ~ 01046059 v 0000 ~ 01046815 v 0000 ~ 01053495 v 0000 ~ 01056214 v 0000 ~ 01058224 v 0000 ~ 02171664 v 0000 ~ 02172008 v 0000 ~ 02172127 v 0000 ~ 02172296 v 0000 ~ 02172534 v 0000 ~ 02172683 v 0000 ~ 02173336 v 0000 ~ 02173663 v 0000 ~ 02175861 v 0000 ~ 02182479 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | emit a noise
02173336 39 v 01 scream 0 003 @ 02172888 v 0000 + 07393161 n 0105 + 07393161 n 0106 01 + 01 00 | make a loud, piercing sound; "Fighter planes are screaming through the skies"
02173513 39 v 01 splat 0 003 @ 02176268 v 0000 + 07395303 n 0101 + 07394814 n 0103 01 + 01 00 | give off the sound of a bullet flattening on impact
02173663 39 v 01 backfire 0 002 @ 02172888 v 0000 + 07408621 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | emit a loud noise as a result of undergoing a backfire; "My old car backfires all the time"
02173838 39 v 01 twang 0 002 @ 02176268 v 0000 + 07398873 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | sound with a twang; "the bowstring was twanging"
02173967 39 v 01 twang 1 002 @ 02179518 v 0000 + 07398873 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to sound with a twang; "He twanged the guitar string"
02174115 39 v 02 clang 0 clangor 1 005 @ 02176268 v 0000 + 07380144 n 0202 + 07380144 n 0101 + 07380144 n 0102 + 00076393 n 0101 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make a loud noise; "clanging metal"
02174311 39 v 01 clank 0 002 @ 02176268 v 0000 + 07380144 n 0105 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make a clank; "the train clanked through the village"
02174461 39 v 02 clangor 0 clangour 0 003 @ 02176268 v 0000 + 07380144 n 0203 + 07380144 n 0102 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make a loud resonant noise; "the alarm clangored throughout the building"
02174662 39 v 02 boom 1 boom_out 0 002 @ 02176268 v 0000 + 07377682 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make a deep hollow sound; "Her voice booms out the words of the song"
02174830 39 v 03 drum 0 beat 0 thrum 0 004 @ 02176268 v 0000 + 07086518 n 0202 + 10036929 n 0101 $ 01880673 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | make a rhythmic sound; "Rain drummed against the windshield"; "The drums beat all night"
02175057 39 v 01 rattle 0 008 @ 02176268 v 0000 + 07391240 n 0101 + 07391240 n 0102 ^ 00945648 v 0102 ^ 00945648 v 0101 ^ 01037498 v 0104 ~ 02175283 v 0000 ~ 02175384 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | make short successive sounds
02175283 39 v 01 ruckle 0 001 @ 02175057 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | make a hoarse, rattling sound
02175384 39 v 02 crepitate 0 crackle 0 004 @ 02175057 v 0000 + 07381678 n 0201 + 07381678 n 0202 + 07381678 n 0103 01 + 01 00 | make a crackling sound; "My Rice Krispies crackled in the bowl"
02175578 39 v 04 tick 1 ticktock 0 ticktack 0 beat 1 006 @ 02176268 v 0000 + 07376937 n 0401 + 07397955 n 0201 + 01776313 n 0101 + 04555897 n 0102 + 07397761 n 0102 01 + 01 00 | make a sound like a clock or a timer; "the clocks were ticking"; "the grandfather clock beat midnight"
02175861 39 v 01 ring_out 0 001 @ 02172888 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | sound loudly; "a shot rang out"
02175958 39 v 02 resonate 0 vibrate 0 010 @ 02176268 v 0000 + 01563923 a 0201 + 02011002 a 0201 + 04989657 n 0207 + 04080454 n 0101 + 04080138 n 0101 + 11477921 n 0101 + 04988258 n 0101 + 04989657 n 0102 ~ 01052936 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 11 00 | sound with resonance; "The sound resonates well in this theater"
02176268 39 v 02 sound 0 go 0 061 @ 02123903 v 0000 + 06278136 n 0102 + 07371293 n 0101 + 11480930 n 0101 + 04981139 n 0101 ~ 00916520 v 0000 ~ 01043887 v 0000 ~ 02135877 v 0000 ~ 02136019 v 0000 ~ 02172888 v 0000 ~ 02173513 v 0000 ~ 02173838 v 0000 ~ 02174115 v 0000 ~ 02174311 v 0000 ~ 02174461 v 0000 ~ 02174662 v 0000 ~ 02174830 v 0000 ~ 02175057 v 0000 ~ 02175578 v 0000 ~ 02175958 v 0000 ~ 02177512 v 0000 ~ 02177661 v 0000 ~ 02177846 v 0000 ~ 02177976 v 0000 ~ 02178186 v 0000 ~ 02178340 v 0000 ~ 02178484 v 0000 ~ 02178576 v 0000 ~ 02178709 v 0000 ~ 02178866 v 0000 ~ 02179154 v 0000 ~ 02179279 v 0000 ~ 02179372 v 0000 ~ 02180898 v 0000 ~ 02182109 v 0000 ~ 02182342 v 0000 ~ 02182662 v 0000 ~ 02182851 v 0000 ~ 02183024 v 0000 ~ 02183175 v 0000 ~ 02183626 v 0000 ~ 02183787 v 0000 ~ 02184610 v 0000 ~ 02184965 v 0000 ~ 02185187 v 0000 ~ 02185373 v 0000 ~ 02185664 v 0000 ~ 02185861 v 0000 ~ 02185988 v 0000 ~ 02186506 v 0000 ~ 02186868 v 0000 ~ 02187041 v 0000 ~ 02187171 v 0000 ~ 02187320 v 0000 ~ 02187510 v 0000 ~ 02187693 v 0000 ~ 02187922 v 0000 ~ 02188198 v 0000 ~ 02188442 v 0000 ~ 02188587 v 0000 ~ 02198014 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 06 00 + 07 00 | make a certain noise or sound; "She went `Mmmmm'"; "The gun went `bang'"
02177512 39 v 01 crash 0 001 @ 02176268 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | make a sudden loud sound; "the waves crashed on the shore and kept us awake all night"
02177661 39 v 02 tweet 0 twirp 0 003 @ 02176268 v 0000 + 07399027 n 0101 + 04502670 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | make a weak, chirping sound; "the small bird was tweeting in the tree"
02177846 39 v 01 skirl 0 002 @ 02176268 v 0000 + 07393988 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | make a shrill, wailing sound; "skirling bagpipes"
02177976 39 v 01 gurgle 2 003 $ 02187922 v 0000 @ 02176268 v 0000 + 07384741 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | make sounds similar to gurgling water; "The baby gurgled with satisfaction when the mother tickled it"
02178186 39 v 01 glug 0 001 @ 02176268 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | make a gurgling sound as of liquid issuing from a bottle; "the wine bottles glugged"
02178340 39 v 01 blow 5 002 @ 02176268 v 0000 $ 02135727 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | sound by having air expelled through a tube; "The trumpets blew"
02178484 39 v 01 whish 0 001 @ 02176268 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | make a sibilant sound
02178576 39 v 01 guggle 1 001 @ 02176268 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | make a sound like a liquid that is being poured from a bottle
02178709 39 v 01 ping 0 002 @ 02176268 v 0000 + 07389569 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | make a short high-pitched sound; "the bullet pinged when they struck the car"
02178866 39 v 03 pink 3 ping 1 knock 1 004 @ 02176268 v 0000 + 07386370 n 0301 + 07386370 n 0302 + 07389569 n 0201 01 + 01 00 | sound like a car engine that is firing too early; "the car pinged when I put in low-octane gasoline"; "The car pinked when the ignition was too far retarded"
02179154 39 v 01 trump 0 002 @ 02176268 v 0000 + 03110669 n 0104 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | produce a sound as if from a trumpet
02179279 39 v 01 squelch 0 001 @ 02176268 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | make a sucking sound
02179372 39 v 01 chug 0 002 @ 02176268 v 0000 + 07379852 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | make a dull, explosive sound; "the engine chugged down the street"
02179518 39 v 01 sound 1 016 > 02176268 v 0000 + 07371293 n 0101 + 11480930 n 0101 + 05718254 n 0101 + 04981139 n 0101 ^ 01651110 v 0101 ~ 01726172 v 0000 ~ 02135727 v 0000 ~ 02173967 v 0000 ~ 02179915 v 0000 ~ 02180152 v 0000 ~ 02180262 v 0000 ~ 02180362 v 0000 ~ 02181538 v 0000 ~ 02186192 v 0000 ~ 02186690 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to sound; "sound the bell"; "sound a certain note"
02179915 39 v 01 prepare 0 003 @ 02179518 v 0000 ;c 07020895 n 0000 + 07027942 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | lead up to and soften by sounding the dissonant note in it as a consonant note in the preceding chord; "prepare the discord in bar 139"
02180152 39 v 01 gong 0 003 @ 02179518 v 0000 + 03017168 n 0103 + 03447721 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | sound a gong
02180262 39 v 01 ting 1 002 @ 02179518 v 0000 + 07398097 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | cause to make a ting
02180362 39 v 02 strum 0 thrum 2 003 @ 02179518 v 0000 + 07397230 n 0201 + 07396120 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | sound the strings of (a string instrument); "strum a guitar"
02180529 39 v 01 sound 2 007 @ 00974367 v 0000 + 07111047 n 0103 + 06278136 n 0102 + 07371293 n 0101 + 11480930 n 0101 + 05718254 n 0101 + 04981139 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | announce by means of a sound; "sound the alarm"
02180747 39 v 01 project 0 002 @ 02123903 v 0000 + 11512331 n 0101 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to be heard; "His voice projects well"
02180898 39 v 02 ring 0 peal 1 010 @ 02176268 v 0000 + 07389330 n 0201 + 07389330 n 0202 + 07391863 n 0101 + 07391863 n 0102 ^ 02175861 v 0101 ~ 02181174 v 0000 ~ 02181281 v 0000 ~ 02181402 v 0000 ~ 02181865 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | sound loudly and sonorously; "the bells rang"
02181174 39 v 03 ding 0 dong 0 dingdong 0 001 @ 02180898 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | go `ding dong', like a bell
02181281 39 v 01 tintinnabulate 0 002 @ 02180898 v 0000 + 07391863 n 0103 01 + 01 00 | ring or sound like a small bell
02181402 39 v 01 peal 0 003 @ 02180898 v 0000 + 07389330 n 0101 + 07389330 n 0102 01 + 01 00 | ring recurrently; "bells were pealing"
02181538 39 v 02 ring 1 knell 1 007 > 02176268 v 0000 @ 02179518 v 0000 + 07386194 n 0201 + 07391863 n 0101 + 10714851 n 0103 + 07391863 n 0102 ~ 02181973 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 02 01 | make (bells) ring, often for the purposes of musical edification; "Ring the bells"; "My uncle rings every Sunday at the local church"
02181865 39 v 01 knell 0 002 @ 02180898 v 0000 + 07386194 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | ring as in announcing death
02181973 39 v 01 toll 0 003 @ 02181538 v 0000 + 07377244 n 0102 + 10714851 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | ring slowly; "For whom the bell tolls"
02182109 39 v 03 buzz 0 bombinate 0 bombilate 0 006 @ 02176268 v 0000 + 07378234 n 0302 + 07378234 n 0203 + 07378234 n 0101 + 02930080 n 0101 + 03222516 n 0103 01 + 01 00 | make a buzzing sound; "bees were buzzing around the hive"
02182342 39 v 01 chime 0 003 @ 02176268 v 0000 + 03017168 n 0101 ^ 00780191 v 0101 01 + 01 00 | emit a sound; "bells and gongs chimed"
02182479 39 v 02 blast 0 blare 1 003 @ 02172888 v 0000 + 07377473 n 0201 + 07376257 n 0104 01 + 01 00 | make a strident sound; "She tended to blast when speaking into a microphone"
02182662 39 v 01 rustle 0 003 @ 02176268 v 0000 + 07392783 n 0101 + 07392783 n 0102 01 + 01 00 | make a dry crackling sound; "rustling silk"; "the dry leaves were rustling in the breeze"
02182851 39 v 02 snap 0 crack 0 004 @ 02176268 v 0000 + 03125352 n 0201 + 00344699 n 0101 + 07394236 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 08 00 | make a sharp sound; "his fingers snapped"
02183024 39 v 01 crack 1 003 @ 02176268 v 0000 + 03345115 n 0102 + 07381423 n 0102 01 + 01 00 | make a very sharp explosive sound; "His gun cracked"
02183175 39 v 05 honk 0 blare 0 beep 0 claxon 0 toot 0 007 @ 02176268 v 0000 + 07398276 n 0501 + 03622058 n 0402 + 07377082 n 0301 + 02823124 n 0301 + 10183556 n 0101 ~ 02183442 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 08 00 | make a loud noise; "The horns of the taxis blared"
02183442 39 v 01 tootle 0 002 @ 02183175 v 0000 + 07398362 n 0101 03 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 08 00 | play (a musical instrument) casually; "the saxophone player was tootling a sad melody"
02183626 39 v 01 whistle 0 003 @ 02176268 v 0000 + 10777768 n 0101 + 07400156 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | make whistling sounds; "He lay there, snoring and whistling"
02183787 39 v 04 resound 1 echo 0 ring 4 reverberate 0 013 @ 02176268 v 0000 + 02010536 a 0405 + 02009280 a 0401 + 05010801 n 0402 + 04989657 n 0403 + 04981658 n 0301 + 04989657 n 0304 + 05010801 n 0201 + 02010536 a 0101 ~ 02184163 v 0000 ~ 02184265 v 0000 ~ 02184394 v 0000 ~ 02184503 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 22 00 | ring or echo with sound; "the hall resounded with laughter"
02184163 39 v 01 consonate 0 002 @ 02183787 v 0000 + 04984351 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | sound in sympathy
02184265 39 v 01 reecho 0 001 @ 02183787 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | repeat or return an echo again or repeatedly; send (an echo) back
02184394 39 v 01 reecho 1 001 @ 02183787 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 11 00 | echo repeatedly, echo again and again
02184503 39 v 01 bong 0 001 @ 02183787 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | ring loudly and deeply; "the big bell bonged"
02184610 39 v 02 thud 0 thump 0 004 @ 02176268 v 0000 + 07396945 n 0201 + 07396945 n 0202 + 07396945 n 0105 01 + 01 00 | make a dull sound; "the knocker thudded against the front door"
02184797 39 v 03 crump 0 thud 1 scrunch 0 003 @ 01058224 v 0000 + 07393500 n 0301 + 07396945 n 0205 01 + 01 00 | make a noise typical of an engine lacking lubricants
02184965 39 v 04 clop 0 clump 0 clunk 0 plunk 0 004 @ 02176268 v 0000 + 07390307 n 0401 + 07396945 n 0304 + 07396945 n 0203 02 + 01 00 + 22 00 | make or move along with a sound as of a horse's hooves striking the ground
02185187 39 v 02 patter 0 pitter-patter 0 003 @ 02176268 v 0000 + 07389757 n 0201 + 07389170 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 22 00 | make light, rapid and repeated sounds; "gently pattering rain"
02185373 39 v 04 tap 1 rap 0 knock 0 pink 0 007 @ 02176268 v 0000 + 07386370 n 0301 + 07410021 n 0201 + 07410021 n 0103 + 00125436 n 0101 + 07388987 n 0103 + 07396658 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 22 00 | make light, repeated taps on a surface; "he was tapping his fingers on the table impatiently"
02185664 39 v 02 click 0 tick 0 004 @ 02176268 v 0000 + 07397761 n 0201 + 07397761 n 0202 + 07379223 n 0102 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 22 00 | make a clicking or ticking sound; "The clock ticked away"
02185861 39 v 02 chatter 0 click 1 001 @ 02176268 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | click repeatedly or uncontrollably; "Chattering teeth"
02185988 39 v 01 pop 0 005 @ 02176268 v 0000 + 07390400 n 0101 + 07390400 n 0102 $ 02186192 v 0000 ~ 02186360 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | make a sharp explosive noise; "The cork of the champagne bottle popped"
02186192 39 v 01 pop 6 003 $ 02185988 v 0000 @ 02179518 v 0000 + 07390400 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | cause to make a sharp explosive sound; "He popped the champagne bottle"
02186360 39 v 01 sputter 0 003 @ 02185988 v 0000 + 07394814 n 0105 + 07394814 n 0107 01 + 01 00 | make an explosive sound; "sputtering engines"
02186506 39 v 04 tinkle 0 tink 0 clink 0 chink 0 004 @ 02176268 v 0000 + 07379223 n 0401 + 07379223 n 0303 + 07398097 n 0102 01 + 01 00 | make or emit a high sound; "tinkling bells"
02186690 39 v 01 clink 1 003 > 02186506 v 0000 @ 02179518 v 0000 + 07379223 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | make a high sound typical of glass; "champagne glasses clinked to make a toast"
02186868 39 v 04 splash 0 splosh 0 slosh 0 slush 0 002 @ 02176268 v 0000 + 07395104 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 22 00 | make a splashing sound; "water was splashing on the floor"
02187041 39 v 02 hum 0 thrum 1 002 @ 02176268 v 0000 + 07385803 n 0101 03 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 08 00 | sound with a monotonous hum
02187171 39 v 01 bleep 0 002 @ 02176268 v 0000 + 07377082 n 0102 01 + 01 00 | emit a single short high-pitched signal; "The computer bleeped away"
02187320 39 v 02 rumble 0 grumble 0 005 @ 02176268 v 0000 + 07392483 n 0203 + 07392483 n 0204 + 07392483 n 0101 + 07392483 n 0102 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | make a low noise; "rumbling thunder"
02187510 39 v 02 boom 0 din 0 003 @ 02176268 v 0000 + 07377473 n 0205 + 07377682 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | make a resonant sound, like artillery; "His deep voice boomed through the hall"
02187693 39 v 01 bang 0 003 @ 02176268 v 0000 + 07376257 n 0101 + 03345115 n 0103 02 + 01 00 + 08 00 | to produce a sharp often metallic explosive or percussive sound; "One of them banged the sash of the window nearest my bed"
02187922 39 v 06 ripple 0 babble 0 guggle 0 burble 0 bubble 0 gurgle 0 006 @ 02176268 v 0000 + 07384741 n 0601 + 09229709 n 0501 + 03241335 n 0503 + 07344663 n 0101 $ 02177976 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 22 00 | flow in an irregular current with a bubbling noise; "babbling brooks"
02188198 39 v 04 lap 0 swish 0 swosh 0 swoosh 0 002 @ 02176268 v 0000 + 07396414 n 0201 02 + 01 00 + 22 00 | move with or cause to move with a whistling or hissing sound; "The bubbles swoshed around in the glass"; "The curtain swooshed open"
02188442 39 v 01 drone 0 002 @ 02176268 v 0000 + 07084560 n 0103 01 + 01 00 | make a monotonous low dull sound; "The harmonium was droning on"
02188587 39 v 06 whizz 0 whiz 0 whirr 0 whir 0 birr 0 purr 0 006 @ 02176268 v 0000 + 07399917 n 0504 + 07399917 n 0401 + 07399917 n 0403 + 07399917 n 0302 + 07400361 n 0201 01 + 01 00 | make a soft swishing sound; "the motor whirred"; "the car engine purred"
02188848 39 v 04 wiretap 0 tap 0 intercept 0 bug 0 006 @ 02189714 v 0000 + 02912440 n 0401 + 00654400 n 0202 + 10691318 n 0201 + 00654400 n 0101 + 10691318 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | tap a telephone or telegraph wire to get information; "The FBI was tapping the phone line of the suspected spy"; "Is this hotel room bugged?"
02189168 39 v 03 catch 0 take_in 0 overhear 0 003 @ 02169702 v 0000 * 02169891 v 0000 $ 02189398 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 25 00 | hear, usually without the knowledge of the speakers; "We overheard the conversation at the next table"
02189398 39 v 02 catch c get d 002 $ 02189168 v 0000 @ 02169702 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | perceive by hearing; "I didn't catch your name"; "She didn't get his name when they met the first time"
02189588 39 v 03 hark 0 harken 0 hearken 0 001 @ 02169891 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | listen; used mostly in the imperative
02189714 39 v 02 listen_in 0 eavesdrop 0 003 @ 02169891 v 0000 + 10042690 n 0201 ~ 02188848 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | listen without the speaker's knowledge; "the jealous man was eavesdropping on his wife's conversations"
02189940 39 v 02 deafen 0 deaf 0 002 @ 02114924 v 0000 + 07945949 n 0201 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | make or render deaf; "a deafening noise"
02190077 39 v 01 deafen 1 001 * 02172888 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | be unbearably loud; "a deafening noise"
02190188 39 v 06 quieten 0 hush 0 quiet 0 quiesce 0 quiet_down 0 pipe_down 0 006 @ 02191106 v 0000 + 00040909 a 0401 + 04982207 n 0302 + 04982478 n 0201 ! 02190477 v 0101 $ 00461493 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | become quiet or quieter; "The audience fell silent when the speaker entered"
02190477 39 v 01 louden 0 003 $ 00461956 v 0000 @ 02191106 v 0000 ! 02190188 v 0101 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | become louder; "The room loudened considerably"
02190632 39 v 01 soften 0 003 @ 02191106 v 0000 ! 02190786 v 0101 ~ 02191311 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | make (images or sounds) soft or softer
02190786 39 v 01 sharpen 0 003 @ 02191106 v 0000 ! 02190632 v 0101 ~ 02161922 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | make (images or sounds) sharp or sharper
02190943 39 v 02 gag 0 muzzle 0 003 @ 00461493 v 0000 + 03410740 n 0202 + 03410740 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | prevent from speaking out; "The press was gagged"
02191106 39 v 01 change_intensity 0 006 @ 00126264 v 0000 ~ 02162310 v 0000 ~ 02190188 v 0000 ~ 02190477 v 0000 ~ 02190632 v 0000 ~ 02190786 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | increase or decrease in intensity
02191311 39 v 06 muffle 0 mute 0 dull 0 damp 0 dampen 0 tone_down 0 005 @ 02190632 v 0000 + 03161450 n 0401 + 03802973 n 0201 + 03161450 n 0102 + 04218564 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | deaden (a sound or noise), especially by wrapping
02191546 39 v 01 taste 0 006 @ 02106506 v 0000 + 00882702 n 0101 + 05658226 n 0101 + 05715283 n 0101 + 00882702 n 0102 ~ 02193974 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | perceive by the sense of taste; "Can you taste the garlic?"
02191766 39 v 03 season 0 flavor 0 flavour 0 018 > 02194286 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 + 05715864 n 0303 + 07809368 n 0302 + 07809368 n 0304 + 05715864 n 0202 + 07809368 n 0201 + 07809368 n 0203 + 10567848 n 0101 + 07809368 n 0105 + 07809368 n 0106 + 00248368 n 0101 ~ 01364357 v 0000 ~ 02192225 v 0000 ~ 02192383 v 0000 ~ 02192570 v 0000 ~ 02194138 v 0000 ~ 02196214 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | lend flavor to; "Season the chicken breast after roasting it"
02192225 39 v 01 curry 0 003 @ 02191766 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 + 07823951 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | season with a mixture of spices; typical of Indian cooking
02192383 39 v 01 resinate 0 003 @ 02191766 v 0000 ;c 01126709 n 0000 + 14894140 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | impregnate with resin to give a special flavor to; "Greek wines are often resinated"
02192570 39 v 03 zest 0 spice 0 spice_up 0 009 @ 02191766 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 + 04992570 n 0202 + 07812184 n 0201 + 15050011 n 0201 + 04992570 n 0203 + 04993108 n 0107 ~ 02192818 v 0000 ~ 02196081 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | add herbs or spices to
02192818 39 v 01 ginger 0 004 @ 02192570 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 + 07814925 n 0101 + 07815163 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | add ginger to in order to add flavor; "ginger the soup"
02192992 39 v 01 taste 1 006 * 02191546 v 0000 @ 00618451 v 0000 + 00882702 n 0101 + 05658226 n 0101 + 05715283 n 0101 + 10692482 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | distinguish flavors; "We tasted wines last night"
02193194 39 v 08 spot 2 recognize 1 recognise 1 distinguish 0 discern 0 pick_out 0 make_out 0 tell_apart 0 007 * 02106506 v 0000 + 01747195 a 0501 + 01287486 a 0501 + 00581812 a 0501 + 05710210 n 0501 ~ 02193612 v 0000 ~ 02193765 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | detect with the senses; "The fleeing convicts were picked out of the darkness by the watchful prison guards"; "I can't make out the faces in this photograph"
02193612 39 v 01 resolve 0 003 @ 02193194 v 0000 ;c 06100778 n 0000 + 05782884 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | make clearly visible; "can this image be resolved?"
02193765 39 v 01 discriminate 0 004 @ 02193194 v 0000 + 00775301 a 0101 + 00775301 a 0102 + 05748054 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | distinguish; "I could not discriminate the different tastes in this complicated dish"
02193974 39 v 02 savor 0 savour 0 004 @ 02191546 v 0000 + 05715864 n 0206 + 00841901 n 0203 + 00841901 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | taste appreciatively; "savor the soup"
02194138 39 v 02 savor 1 savour 1 004 @ 02191766 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 + 05715864 n 0206 + 05715864 n 0105 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | give taste to
02194286 39 v 03 taste 2 savor 2 savour 2 006 + 05715864 n 0306 + 05715864 n 0205 + 00882702 n 0101 + 05658226 n 0101 + 05715283 n 0101 ~ 02194495 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 06 00 | have flavor; taste of something
02194495 39 v 02 smack c taste c 006 @ 02194286 v 0000 + 00882702 n 0201 + 05658226 n 0201 + 05715283 n 0201 + 00882702 n 0202 + 05715864 n 0107 01 + 11 00 | have a distinctive or characteristic taste; "This tastes of nutmeg"
02194723 39 v 03 smack d reek d smell 3 001 @ 00930368 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | have an element suggestive (of something); "his speeches smacked of racism"; "this passage smells of plagiarism"
02194913 39 v 04 disgust 0 gross_out 0 revolt 0 repel 0 008 @ 02116118 v 0000 + 00221934 a 0402 + 01625063 a 0405 + 01804422 a 0403 + 01625893 a 0408 + 01625893 a 0407 + 07503260 n 0101 ~ 02195191 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | fill with distaste; "This spoilt food disgusts me"
02195191 39 v 03 sicken 0 nauseate 0 turn_one's_stomach 0 004 @ 02194913 v 0000 + 14359952 n 0201 + 07504111 n 0201 + 03283519 n 0204 01 + 10 00 | upset and make nauseated; "The smell of the food turned the pregnant woman's stomach"; "The mold on the food sickened the diners"
02195470 39 v 04 sweeten 0 dulcify 0 edulcorate 0 dulcorate 0 009 @ 02196948 v 0000 + 07858595 n 0102 + 07858595 n 0101 + 00248636 n 0101 ! 02196690 v 0101 ~ 02195852 v 0000 ~ 02195951 v 0000 ~ 02196378 v 0000 ~ 02196540 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make sweeter in taste
02195751 39 v 01 bitter 0 002 @ 02196948 v 0000 + 04994824 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make bitter
02195852 39 v 01 honey 0 002 @ 02195470 v 0000 + 07858978 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | sweeten with honey
02195951 39 v 02 sugar 0 saccharify 0 002 @ 02195470 v 0000 + 07859284 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | sweeten with sugar; "sugar your tea"
02196081 39 v 01 pepper 0 003 @ 02192570 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 + 07815588 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | add pepper to; "pepper the soup"
02196214 39 v 01 salt 0 006 @ 02191766 v 0000 ;c 00243918 n 0000 + 05717342 n 0101 + 07813107 n 0101 + 10549165 n 0101 + 00248534 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | add salt to
02196378 39 v 03 sugarcoat 0 glaze 0 candy 0 002 @ 02195470 v 0000 + 07621001 n 0201 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | coat with something sweet, such as a hard sugar glaze
02196540 39 v 01 mull 0 002 @ 02195470 v 0000 + 03798165 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | heat with sugar and spices to make a hot drink; "mulled cider"
02196690 39 v 04 sour 0 acidify 0 acidulate 0 acetify 0 008 @ 02196948 v 0000 + 07828987 n 0402 + 14599641 n 0401 + 14607521 n 0301 + 14607521 n 0201 + 04993882 n 0102 + 05716744 n 0101 ! 02195470 v 0101 03 + 01 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make sour or more sour
02196948 39 v 01 change_taste 0 004 @ 00126264 v 0000 ~ 02195470 v 0000 ~ 02195751 v 0000 ~ 02196690 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | alter the flavor of
02197091 39 v 01 lose 0 000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | allow to go out of sight; "The detective lost the man he was shadowing after he had to stop at a red light"
02197250 39 v 01 get_off 0 001 @ 01828736 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | enjoy in a sexual way; "He gets off on shoes"
02197360 39 v 01 come 0 002 @ 02110220 v 0000 + 00062133 n 0104 01 + 02 00 | experience orgasm; "she could not come because she was too upset"
02197505 39 v 01 greet 0 000 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | be perceived by; "Loud music greeted him when he entered the apartment"
02197629 39 v 01 track 0 002 @ 02169352 v 0000 + 09387222 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | observe or plot the moving path of something; "track a missile"
02197781 39 v 01 find 5 002 @ 02106506 v 0000 $ 02128873 v 0000 01 + 20 00 | perceive oneself to be in a certain condition or place; "I found myself in a difficult situation"; "When he woke up, he found himself in a hospital room"
02198014 39 v 01 roll 0 004 @ 02176268 v 0000 + 07388816 n 0102 + 07389330 n 0103 + 07389330 n 0104 01 + 01 00 | emit, produce, or utter with a deep prolonged reverberating sound; "The thunder rolled"; "rolling drums"
02198234 39 v 01 seem 2 001 @ 02134672 v 0000 01 + 28 00 | appear to one's own mind or opinion; "I seem to be misunderstood by everyone"; "I can't seem to learn these Chinese characters"
02198423 39 v 01 block 5 002 @ 00021065 v 0000 + 02854156 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | interrupt the normal function of by means of anesthesia; "block a nerve"; "block a muscle"
02198602 39 v 03 surveil 0 follow d survey d 001 $ 02000868 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | keep under surveillance; "The police had been following him for weeks but they could not prove his involvement in the bombing"
02198819 39 v 01 kill 0 002 @ 02121511 v 0000 + 05688630 n 0101 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | be the source of great pain for; "These new shoes are killing me!"
02198973 39 v 01 see_through 0 001 @ 02106506 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | perceive the true nature of; "We could see through her apparent calm"
02199119 39 v 01 etch 0 001 @ 02137132 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | cause to stand out or be clearly defined or visible; "a face etched with pain"; "the leafless branches etched against the sky"
02199307 39 v 01 sight 3 001 @ 01151110 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | take aim by looking through the sights of a gun (or other device)
02199435 39 v 01 flush 0 001 @ 02160944 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 11 00 | glow or cause to glow with warm color or light; "the sky flushed with rosy splendor"
02199590 40 v 01 give 0 029 > 02203362 v 0000 @ 02220461 v 0000 + 10025730 n 0102 + 00090779 n 0101 + 01086081 n 0101 ! 02205272 v 0101 ^ 02284951 v 0104 ~ 01182709 v 0000 ~ 02200341 v 0000 ~ 02208903 v 0000 ~ 02219094 v 0000 ~ 02251743 v 0000 ~ 02255268 v 0000 ~ 02255462 v 0000 ~ 02262752 v 0000 ~ 02263692 v 0000 ~ 02263788 v 0000 ~ 02294436 v 0000 ~ 02297142 v 0000 ~ 02308741 v 0000 ~ 02310007 v 0000 ~ 02310855 v 0000 ~ 02316649 v 0000 ~ 02324182 v 0000 ~ 02327200 v 0000 ~ 02344060 v 0000 ~ 02345647 v 0000 ~ 02362916 v 0000 ~ 02363371 v 0000 02 + 14 00 + 15 00 | transfer possession of something concrete or abstract to somebody; "I gave her my money"; "can you give me lessons?"; "She gave the children lots of love and tender loving care"
02200341 40 v 03 cough_up 0 pony_up 0 spit_up 0 001 @ 02199590 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | give reluctantly; "He coughed up some money for his children's tuition"
02200498 40 v 01 give 2 001 @ 02230772 v 0000 01 + 14 00 | leave with; give temporarily; "Can I give you my keys while I go in the pool?"; "Can I give you the children for the weekend?"
02200686 40 v 03 give 1 gift 0 present 0 017 + 10025730 n 0303 + 01086081 n 0202 + 13265011 n 0201 + 10025730 n 0102 + 00090779 n 0101 ~ 02201268 v 0000 ~ 02201644 v 0000 ~ 02201855 v 0000 ~ 02201975 v 0000 ~ 02202133 v 0000 ~ 02229055 v 0000 ~ 02235229 v 0000 ~ 02255942 v 0000 ~ 02261642 v 0000 ~ 02263027 v 0000 ~ 02296615 v 0000 ~ 02310328 v 0000 02 + 14 00 + 15 00 | give as a present; make a gift of; "What will you give her for her birthday?"
02201138 40 v 01 take 8 000 01 + 08 00 | to get into a position of having, e.g., safety, comfort; "take shelter from the storm"
02201268 40 v 02 endow 0 dower 0 007 @ 02200686 v 0000 + 13264203 n 0201 + 13265425 n 0203 + 13265425 n 0202 + 13271320 n 0101 + 01086744 n 0101 ~ 02201521 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 17 01 | furnish with an endowment; "When she got married, she got dowered"
02201521 40 v 01 benefice 0 003 @ 02201268 v 0000 + 09850121 n 0101 + 13248087 n 0101 01 + 17 00 | endow with a benefice
02201644 40 v 04 distribute 1 give_out 0 hand_out 0 pass_out 0 003 @ 02200686 v 0000 + 00467913 a 0101 ~ 02294179 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 14 00 + 15 00 | give to several people; "The teacher handed out the exams"
02201855 40 v 01 give_away 0 001 @ 02200686 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make a gift of; "She gave away her antique furniture"
02201975 40 v 02 raffle 0 raffle_off 0 002 @ 02200686 v 0000 + 00508672 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | dispose of in a lottery; "We raffled off a trip to the Bahamas"
02202133 40 v 03 tip 0 fee 1 bung 0 003 @ 02200686 v 0000 + 13298701 n 0102 + 10712573 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 14 00 | give a tip or gratuity to in return for a service, beyond the compensation agreed on; "Remember to tip the waiter"; "fee the steward"
02202384 40 v 02 keep 0 hold_on 0 014 $ 02283716 v 0000 @ 02203362 v 0000 + 00810598 n 0102 ! 02287789 v 0101 ^ 02213690 v 0102 ^ 02283324 v 0103 ~ 02202802 v 0000 ~ 02212825 v 0000 ~ 02215001 v 0000 ~ 02225492 v 0000 ~ 02281093 v 0000 ~ 02282506 v 0000 ~ 02283324 v 0000 ~ 02350065 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 22 02 | retain possession of; "Can I keep my old stuffed animals?"; "She kept her maiden name after she married"
02202802 40 v 02 carry_over 0 hold_over 0 001 @ 02202384 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | hold over goods to be sold for the next season
02202928 40 v 01 keep 1 006 $ 02733122 v 0000 @ 02203362 v 0000 + 10229498 n 0101 + 09984298 n 0102 + 00818466 n 0102 ~ 02280132 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | look after; be the keeper of; have charge of; "He keeps the shop when I am gone"
02203168 40 v 02 keep a maintain a 001 @ 02203362 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | maintain for use and service; "I keep a car in the countryside"; "She keeps an apartment in Paris for her shopping trips"
02203362 40 v 03 have 0 have_got 0 hold 0 013 + 13244109 n 0303 + 10529231 n 0103 ~ 01184625 v 0000 ~ 02202384 v 0000 ~ 02202928 v 0000 ~ 02203168 v 0000 ~ 02203844 v 0000 ~ 02204242 v 0000 ~ 02204564 v 0000 ~ 02285392 v 0000 ~ 02302220 v 0000 $ 02630189 v 0000 ~ 02636516 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 | have or possess, either in a concrete or an abstract sense; "She has $1,000 in the bank"; "He has got two beautiful daughters"; "She holds a Master's degree from Harvard"
02203844 40 v 01 keep c 002 @ 02203362 v 0000 $ 02204094 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | have as a supply; "I always keep batteries in the freezer"; "keep food for a week in the pantry"; "She keeps a sixpack and a week's worth of supplies in the refrigerator"
02204094 40 v 01 keep d 002 $ 02203844 v 0000 @ 02282506 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | store or keep customarily; "Where do you keep your gardening tools?"
02204242 40 v 02 monopolize 0 monopolise 0 011 @ 02203362 v 0000 + 10329337 n 0201 + 01128806 n 0202 + 10329337 n 0203 + 14444114 n 0201 + 14444326 n 0201 + 10329337 n 0101 + 01128806 n 0101 + 10329337 n 0102 + 14444114 n 0101 + 14444326 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | have or exploit a monopoly of; "OPEC wants to monopolize oil"
02204564 40 v 03 wield 0 exert 0 maintain 1 001 @ 02203362 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | have and exercise; "wield power and authority"
02204692 40 v 03 own 0 have 4 possess 0 009 + 00792476 a 0301 + 00030508 a 0301 + 00809465 n 0301 + 10389398 n 0302 + 10529231 n 0203 + 10388924 n 0101 + 10389398 n 0101 ~ 02205012 v 0000 $ 02630189 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | have ownership or possession of; "He owns three houses in Florida"; "How many cars does she have?"
02205012 40 v 01 prepossess 0 001 @ 02204692 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | possess beforehand
02205098 40 v 01 have 1 001 ~ 02730135 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | have left; "I have two years left"; "I don't have any money left"; "They have two more years before they retire"
02205272 40 v 01 take 0 016 ! 02199590 v 0101 ^ 02311387 v 0103 ^ 02205887 v 0101 ^ 02492584 v 0101 ~ 00413195 v 0000 ~ 02205719 v 0000 ~ 02205887 v 0000 ~ 02218173 v 0000 ~ 02273293 v 0000 ~ 02273922 v 0000 ~ 02278592 v 0000 ~ 02301825 v 0000 ~ 02304648 v 0000 ~ 02312478 v 0000 ~ 02314275 v 0000 ~ 02360171 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 16 00 | take into one's possession; "We are taking an orphan from Romania"; "I'll take three salmon steaks"
02205719 40 v 01 take_away 1 001 @ 02205272 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | take from a person or place; "We took the abused child away from its parents"
02205887 40 v 02 take_back 0 repossess 3 002 @ 02205272 v 0000 + 00089891 n 0201 01 + 08 00 | regain possession of something
02206014 40 v 02 come_by 0 come_into 0 002 @ 02210855 v 0000 ~ 02206462 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | obtain, especially accidentally
02206140 40 v 01 kite 0 002 @ 02238085 v 0000 + 13382306 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | get credit or money by using a bad check; "The businessman kited millions of dollars"
02206313 40 v 01 kite 1 002 @ 00153263 v 0000 + 13382471 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | increase the amount (of a check) fraudulently; "He kited many checks"
02206462 40 v 02 stumble a hit 5 001 @ 02206014 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | encounter by chance; "I stumbled across a long-lost cousin last night in a restaurant"
02206619 40 v 01 take 1 009 ~ 02206920 v 0000 ~ 02207036 v 0000 ~ 02241621 v 0000 ~ 02274482 v 0000 ~ 02304013 v 0000 ~ 02312882 v 0000 ~ 02321757 v 0000 ~ 02344568 v 0000 ~ 02345048 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 16 00 | take by force; "Hitler took the Baltic Republics"; "The army took the fort on the hill"
02206920 40 v 01 rescue 0 001 @ 02206619 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | take forcibly from legal custody; "rescue prisoners"
02207036 40 v 01 scale 0 002 @ 02206619 v 0000 + 00325364 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | take by attacking with scaling ladders; "The troops scaled the walls of the fort"
02207206 40 v 02 buy 0 purchase 0 024 $ 02646757 v 0000 * 02251743 v 0000 * 00674607 v 0000 @ 02210855 v 0000 ;c 01090446 n 0000 + 13253612 n 0201 + 00079018 n 0201 + 09885145 n 0202 + 00081572 n 0202 + 13253751 n 0102 + 09885145 n 0101 + 00081572 n 0101 ! 02242464 v 0101 ^ 02323286 v 0102 ^ 02274299 v 0103 ^ 02274299 v 0102 ~ 02207890 v 0000 ~ 02208118 v 0000 ~ 02208265 v 0000 ~ 02209745 v 0000 ~ 02274299 v 0000 ~ 02287041 v 0000 ~ 02326955 v 0000 ~ 02353984 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 16 00 | obtain by purchase; acquire by means of a financial transaction; "The family purchased a new car"; "The conglomerate acquired a new company"; "She buys for the big department store"
02207890 40 v 02 buy_back 0 repurchase 0 003 @ 02207206 v 0000 + 00079212 n 0202 + 00079212 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | buy what had previously been sold, lost, or given away; "He bought back the house that his father sold years ago"
02208118 40 v 01 take 2 003 @ 02207206 v 0000 ;c 01090446 n 0000 ^ 02311387 v 0103 01 + 08 00 | buy, select; "I'll take a pound of that sausage"
02208265 40 v 01 get d 003 @ 02207206 v 0000 ;c 01090446 n 0000 + 00041899 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | purchase; "What did you get at the toy store?"
02208409 40 v 01 clear 9 002 @ 02242464 v 0000 ;c 01090446 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | sell; "We cleared a lot of the old model cars"
02208537 40 v 06 lease 0 rent 0 hire 0 charter 0 engage 0 take 3 007 @ 02210855 v 0000 + 06522501 n 0401 + 13295657 n 0201 + 10700201 n 0202 + 01111375 n 0201 + 15274863 n 0101 + 06523132 n 0101 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 16 00 | engage for service under a term of contract; "We took an apartment on a quiet street"; "Let's rent a car"; "Shall we take a guide in Rome?"
02208903 40 v 03 lease 1 let 0 rent 1 010 @ 02199590 v 0000 + 13295657 n 0301 + 10520804 n 0301 ^ 02209499 v 0302 + 10255207 n 0201 + 10255096 n 0201 + 13248393 n 0101 + 06523132 n 0101 + 15274863 n 0101 ~ 02209261 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 14 00 + 15 00 | grant use or occupation of under a term of contract; "I am leasing my country estate to some foreigners"
02209261 40 v 02 sublet 0 sublease 0 003 @ 02208903 v 0000 + 13248928 n 0201 + 13248928 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 15 00 | lease or rent all or part of (a leased or rented property) to another person; "We sublet our apartment over the summer"
02209499 40 v 03 hire_out 0 rent_out 0 farm_out 0 001 @ 02324182 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 15 00 | grant the services of or the temporary use of, for a fee; "We rent out our apartment to tourists every year"; "He hired himself out as a cook"
02209745 40 v 03 subscribe 0 subscribe_to 0 take 4 003 @ 02207206 v 0000 + 13260190 n 0303 + 10670483 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 02 01 | receive or obtain regularly; "We take the Times every day"
02209936 40 v 02 take f accept c 003 + 01124768 a 0202 + 01020709 a 0201 ~ 02362460 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make use of or accept for some purpose; "take a risk"; "take an opportunity"
02210119 40 v 02 receive 0 have 3 011 @ 02210855 v 0000 + 00090253 n 0101 + 09627906 n 0102 + 09627906 n 0101 ~ 01540844 v 0000 ~ 02210496 v 0000 ~ 02210622 v 0000 ~ 02210754 v 0000 $ 02236124 v 0000 ~ 02264397 v 0000 ~ 02315759 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 16 00 | get something; come into possession of; "receive payment"; "receive a gift"; "receive letters from the front"
02210496 40 v 01 hustle 1 001 @ 02210119 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | get by trying hard; "she hustled a free lunch from the waiter"
02210622 40 v 01 accept 7 002 @ 02210119 v 0000 + 14412725 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | receive (a report) officially, as from a committee
02210754 40 v 01 fence 0 002 @ 02210119 v 0000 + 10085101 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | receive stolen goods
02210855 40 v 02 get 0 acquire 0 045 + 00029343 a 0201 + 00183832 a 0201 + 00041899 n 0201 + 05752544 n 0202 + 00077419 n 0201 + 08419163 n 0202 + 09764201 n 0201 + 08419354 n 0201 + 08419562 n 0201 + 00041899 n 0102 ~ 00496770 v 0000 $ 00522751 v 0000 ~ 01111570 v 0000 ~ 01351754 v 0000 ~ 01480149 v 0000 ~ 02206014 v 0000 ~ 02207206 v 0000 ~ 02208537 v 0000 ~ 02210119 v 0000 ~ 02211948 v 0000 ~ 02212103 v 0000 ~ 02212275 v 0000 ~ 02212507 v 0000 ~ 02212646 v 0000 ~ 02213336 v 0000 ~ 02236124 v 0000 ~ 02238085 v 0000 ~ 02247977 v 0000 ~ 02248299 v 0000 ~ 02249438 v 0000 ~ 02276322 v 0000 ~ 02285629 v 0000 ~ 02288295 v 0000 ~ 02289295 v 0000 ~ 02290196 v 0000 ~ 02290461 v 0000 ~ 02295208 v 0000 ~ 02302454 v 0000 ~ 02302652 v 0000 ~ 02305586 v 0000 ~ 02315525 v 0000 ~ 02324026 v 0000 ~ 02355410 v 0000 ~ 02359340 v 0000 ~ 02454835 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 16 00 | come into the possession of something concrete or abstract; "She got a lot of paintings from her uncle"; "They acquired a new pet"; "Get your results the next day"; "Get permission to take a few days off from work"
02211948 40 v 01 turn d 002 @ 02210855 v 0000 ;c 01090446 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | get by buying and selling; "the company turned a good profit after a year"
02212103 40 v 01 buy 3 001 @ 02210855 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | acquire by trade or sacrifice or exchange; "She wanted to buy his love with her dedication to him and his work"
02212275 40 v 01 find 3 002 @ 02210855 v 0000 $ 02285629 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | obtain through effort or management; "She found the time and energy to take care of her aging parents"; "We found the money to send our sons to college"
02212507 40 v 01 glom d 001 @ 02210855 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | seize upon or latch onto something; "The Republicans glommed onto Whitewater"
02212646 40 v 03 enter_upon 0 come_upon 1 luck_into 0 001 @ 02210855 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 16 00 | take possession of; "She entered upon the estate of her rich relatives"
02212825 40 v 02 deny 0 refuse 1 006 @ 02202384 v 0000 + 07205573 n 0201 + 10003283 n 0101 ! 02255462 v 0101 $ 02213074 v 0000 ~ 02213690 v 0000 01 + 14 00 | refuse to let have; "She denies me every pleasure"; "he denies her her weekly allowance"
02213074 40 v 02 deny 4 abnegate 0 005 $ 02212825 v 0000 @ 02510337 v 0000 + 00205649 n 0201 + 10003283 n 0101 + 00205649 n 0103 01 + 14 00 | deny oneself (something); restrain, especially from indulging in some pleasure; "She denied herself wine and spirits"
02213336 40 v 04 line_up 0 get_hold 0 come_up 0 find 1 001 @ 02210855 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 22 03 + 22 02 | get something or somebody for a specific purpose; "I found this gadget that will serve as a bottle opener"; "I got hold of these tools to fix our plumbing"; "The chairman got hold of a secretary on Friday night to type the urgent letter"
02213690 40 v 02 withhold 0 keep_back 0 010 @ 02212825 v 0000 + 10785695 n 0101 + 10785574 n 0101 + 00810794 n 0101 ~ 00269423 v 0000 ~ 02214042 v 0000 ~ 02214190 v 0000 ~ 02214485 v 0000 ~ 02214864 v 0000 ~ 02313250 v 0000 01 + 16 00 | hold back; refuse to hand over or share; "The father is withholding the allowance until the son cleans his room"
02214042 40 v 01 keep_to_oneself 0 001 @ 02213690 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | withhold information; "I kept your little secret to myself all these years"
02214190 40 v 01 deny 1 003 @ 02213690 v 0000 + 10003283 n 0101 + 07204401 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 14 00 | refuse to grant, as of a petition or request; "The dean denied the students' request for more physics courses"; "the prisoners were denied the right to exercise for more than 2 hours a day"
02214485 40 v 01 reserve 3 004 @ 02213690 v 0000 + 13368052 n 0101 + 00820091 n 0101 ~ 02214717 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | hold back or set aside, especially for future use or contingency; "they held back their applause in anticipation"
02214717 40 v 01 devote 0 001 @ 02214485 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | set aside or apart for a specific purpose or use; "this land was devoted to mining"
02214864 40 v 02 immobilize 0 immobilise 0 001 @ 02213690 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | hold as reserve or withdraw from circulation; of capital
02215001 40 v 03 withhold 1 deduct 0 recoup 1 006 @ 02202384 v 0000 + 00689673 a 0201 + 10785695 n 0101 + 13311368 n 0102 + 00361192 n 0101 ~ 02215266 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 16 00 | retain and refrain from disbursing; of payments; "My employer is withholding taxes"
02215266 40 v 01 dock 0 001 @ 02215001 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | deduct from someone's wages
02215355 40 v 01 annex 0 002 @ 02274482 v 0000 ~ 02590340 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | take (territory) as if by conquest; "Hitler annexed Lithuania"
02215506 40 v 01 fund 0 009 @ 02219094 v 0000 * 02217266 v 0000 + 13358549 n 0101 + 13365698 n 0103 + 01099109 n 0102 $ 02215790 v 0000 ~ 02216232 v 0000 ~ 02216384 v 0000 ~ 02216560 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | furnish money for; "The government funds basic research in many areas"
02215790 40 v 01 fund 3 002 $ 02215506 v 0000 @ 02304982 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | accumulate a fund for the discharge of a recurrent liability; "fund a medical care plan"
02215966 40 v 01 fund 4 002 @ 02271137 v 0000 + 08070850 n 0104 01 + 08 00 | invest money in government securities
02216083 40 v 01 fund 5 002 @ 02327200 v 0000 + 08070850 n 0104 01 + 08 00 | provide a fund for the redemption of principal or payment of interest
02216232 40 v 01 grubstake 0 002 @ 02215506 v 0000 + 13287239 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | supply with funds in return for a promised share of profits
02216384 40 v 01 bankroll 0 001 @ 02215506 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | provide with sufficient funds; finance; "Who will bankroll the restoration of the former East German economy?"
02216560 40 v 02 absorb 0 take_over 0 001 @ 02215506 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | take up, as of debts or payments; "absorb the costs for something"
02216710 40 v 02 subsidize 0 subsidise 0 009 @ 02219094 v 0000 + 13385583 n 0202 + 00087423 n 0203 + 10670885 n 0202 + 13267014 n 0201 + 13385583 n 0101 + 00087423 n 0102 + 10670885 n 0101 + 13267014 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | support through subsidies; "The arts in Europe are heavily subsidized"
02217011 40 v 02 subsidize 1 subsidise 1 005 @ 02251743 v 0000 + 13385583 n 0202 + 00087423 n 0203 + 13385583 n 0101 + 00087423 n 0102 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | secure the assistance of by granting a subsidy, as of nations or military forces
02217266 40 v 01 finance 0 009 @ 02251743 v 0000 + 01134037 n 0101 + 06150633 n 0101 + 01098698 n 0101 + 01099109 n 0101 ~ 02217546 v 0000 ~ 02217695 v 0000 ~ 02218546 v 0000 ~ 02218924 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | obtain or provide money for; "Can we finance the addition to our home?"
02217546 40 v 01 seed 0 001 @ 02217266 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | help (an enterprise) in its early stages of development by providing seed money
02217695 40 v 01 back 0 004 @ 02217266 v 0000 + 09793717 n 0102 + 13365698 n 0104 + 01213886 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | support financial backing for; "back this enterprise"
02217864 40 v 01 finance 1 003 @ 02264752 v 0000 + 01134037 n 0101 + 01098698 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | sell or provide on credit
02217990 40 v 03 fund-raise 0 fund_raise 0 fundraise 0 001 @ 02306281 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 22 00 + 28 00 | raise money for a cause or project; "We are fundraising for AIDS research"
02218173 40 v 02 collect 1 take_in 9 005 @ 02205272 v 0000 + 00136884 a 0101 + 09936362 n 0101 ~ 02218443 v 0000 ~ 02306281 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 16 00 | call for and obtain payment of; "we collected over a million dollars in outstanding debts"; "he collected the rent"
02218443 40 v 01 farm 0 002 @ 02218173 v 0000 ^ 02209499 v 0103 01 + 08 00 | collect fees or profits
02218546 40 v 01 refinance 0 001 @ 02217266 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | renew the financing of
02218635 40 v 01 fund 1 002 @ 02304982 v 0000 + 13358549 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | place or store up in a fund for accumulation
02218759 40 v 02 computerize 0 computerise 0 003 @ 02281093 v 0000 + 03082979 n 0201 + 03082979 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | store in a computer; "computerized dictionary"
02218924 40 v 01 fund 2 001 @ 02217266 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | convert (short-term floating debt) into long-term debt that bears fixed interest and is represented by bonds
02219094 40 v 01 support 0 009 @ 02199590 v 0000 + 13365698 n 0101 + 13365286 n 0101 + 01215902 n 0101 ~ 02215506 v 0000 ~ 02216710 v 0000 ~ 02219442 v 0000 ~ 02219732 v 0000 ~ 02219940 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | support materially or financially; "he does not support his natural children"; "The scholarship supported me when I was in college"
02219442 40 v 02 provide 8 bring_home_the_bacon 0 002 @ 02219094 v 0000 + 01057200 n 0101 01 + 22 00 | supply means of subsistence; earn a living; "He provides for his large family by working three jobs"; "Women nowadays not only take care of the household but also bring home the bacon"
02219732 40 v 01 see_through 0 001 @ 02219094 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | support financially through a period of time; "The scholarship saw me through college"; "This money will see me through next month"
02219940 40 v 03 sponsor 0 patronize 0 patronise 0 006 @ 02219094 v 0000 + 10407954 n 0301 + 10407954 n 0201 + 10466198 n 0102 + 10407954 n 0102 ~ 02220349 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | assume sponsorship of
02220148 40 v 01 sponsor 1 002 @ 02556126 v 0000 + 10407954 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | assume responsibility for or leadership of; "The senator announced that he would sponsor the health care plan"
02220349 40 v 01 cosponsor 0 001 @ 02219940 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | sponsor together with another sponsor
02220461 40 v 01 transfer 0 017 * 01850315 v 0000 > 02221959 v 0000 + 01107932 n 0101 + 10724699 n 0101 + 10724699 n 0102 + 10724999 n 0101 + 01107932 n 0102 ~ 02199590 v 0000 ~ 02220914 v 0000 ~ 02221010 v 0000 ~ 02221178 v 0000 ~ 02221454 v 0000 ~ 02221794 v 0000 ~ 02228531 v 0000 ~ 02230772 v 0000 ~ 02257370 v 0000 ~ 02479990 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 12 00 + 15 00 + 16 00 | cause to change ownership; "I transferred my stock holdings to my children"
02220914 40 v 01 demise 0 001 @ 02220461 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | transfer by a lease or by a will
02221010 40 v 02 alien 0 alienate 0 002 @ 02220461 v 0000 + 00093275 a 0201 01 + 08 00 | transfer property or ownership; "The will aliened the property to the heirs"
02221178 40 v 01 negociate 0 001 @ 02220461 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | transfer by endorsement to another in return for value received; "negociate a bond"
02221328 40 v 01 negociate 2 002 @ 02242464 v 0000 ;c 01090446 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | sell or discount; "negociate securities"
02221454 40 v 01 convey 0 005 @ 02220461 v 0000 ;c 08441203 n 0000 + 00093556 a 0102 + 01108402 n 0104 + 01108402 n 0101 03 + 08 00 + 12 00 + 14 00 | transmit a title or property
02221635 40 v 01 pass 2 001 @ 00109660 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | transfer to another; of rights or property; "Our house passed under his official control"
02221794 40 v 02 desacralize 0 secularize 0 002 @ 02220461 v 0000 + 01109311 n 0201 01 + 08 00 | transfer from ecclesiastical to civil possession, use, or control
02221959 40 v 02 change_hands 0 change_owners 0 004 @ 01850315 v 0000 ~ 02222179 v 0000 ~ 02229550 v 0000 ~ 02230056 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | be transferred to another owner; "This restaurant changed hands twice last year"
02222179 40 v 01 vest 3 002 $ 02362916 v 0000 @ 02221959 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | become legally vested; "The property vests in the trustees"
02222318 40 v 0d discard 0 fling 2 toss 0 toss_out 0 toss_away 0 chuck_out 0 cast_aside 0 dispose 0 throw_out 0 cast_out 0 throw_away 0 cast_away 0 put_away 0 017 @ 02224055 v 0000 + 00043609 n 0802 + 00043609 n 0801 + 00105164 n 0201 + 00091234 n 0101 + 09267490 n 0101 ~ 00598502 v 0000 ~ 02222994 v 0000 ~ 02223136 v 0000 ~ 02223238 v 0000 ~ 02223479 v 0000 ~ 02225204 v 0000 ~ 02225342 v 0000 ~ 02228031 v 0000 ~ 02247584 v 0000 ~ 02247749 v 0000 ~ 02352538 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | throw or cast away; "Put away your worries"
02222846 40 v 01 slough_off 0 001 @ 02224055 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | discard as undesirable; "the candidate sloughed off his former campaign workers"
02222994 40 v 02 deep-six 0 give_it_the_deep_six 0 001 @ 02222318 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | toss out; get rid of; "deep-six these old souvenirs!"
02223136 40 v 01 jettison 0 001 @ 02222318 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | throw away, of something encumbering
02223238 40 v 03 trash 0 junk 0 scrap 0 004 @ 02222318 v 0000 + 14857497 n 0303 + 14857897 n 0203 + 14857497 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | dispose of (something useless or old); "trash these old chairs"; "junk an old car"; "scrap your old computer"
02223479 40 v 01 waste 1 002 @ 02222318 v 0000 + 14856263 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | get rid of; "We waste the dirty water by channeling it into the sewer"
02223630 40 v 02 weed_out 0 comb_out 0 002 @ 02224055 v 0000 + 00090610 n 0201 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 | remove unwanted elements; "The company weeded out the incompetent people"; "The new law weeds out the old inequities"
02223858 40 v 01 work_off 0 001 @ 02224055 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cause to go away through effort or work; "work off the extra pounds you have gained over the holidays"; "we must work off the debt"
02224055 40 v 02 get_rid_of 1 remove 0 031 + 00391599 n 0201 ~ 02222318 v 0000 ~ 02222846 v 0000 ~ 02223630 v 0000 ~ 02223858 v 0000 ~ 02224781 v 0000 ~ 02224945 v 0000 ~ 02341086 v 0000 ~ 02363972 v 0000 ~ 02364072 v 0000 ~ 02364171 v 0000 ~ 02364266 v 0000 ~ 02364393 v 0000 ~ 02364491 v 0000 ~ 02364573 v 0000 ~ 02364668 v 0000 ~ 02364767 v 0000 ~ 02364849 v 0000 ~ 02364965 v 0000 ~ 02365073 v 0000 ~ 02365168 v 0000 ~ 02365294 v 0000 ~ 02365396 v 0000 ~ 02365481 v 0000 ~ 02365586 v 0000 ~ 02365692 v 0000 ~ 02365824 v 0000 ~ 02365936 v 0000 ~ 02366241 v 0000 ~ 02366351 v 0000 ~ 02366451 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | dispose of; "Get rid of these old shoes!"; "The company got rid of all the dead wood"
02224781 40 v 01 cull 0 002 @ 02224055 v 0000 + 05790572 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | remove something that has been rejected; "cull the sick members of the herd"
02224945 40 v 02 dump 2 ditch 3 001 @ 02224055 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | sever all ties with, usually unceremoniously or irresponsibly; "The company dumped him after many years of service"; "She dumped her boyfriend when she fell in love with a rich man"
02225204 40 v 01 dump 0 002 @ 02222318 v 0000 + 08560027 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | throw away as refuse; "No dumping in these woods!"
02225342 40 v 01 retire 0 001 @ 02222318 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | dispose of (something no longer useful or needed); "She finally retired that old coat"
02225492 40 v 02 save 0 preserve 1 005 @ 02202384 v 0000 + 14515463 n 0201 + 10553627 n 0101 ~ 01000214 v 0000 ~ 02269143 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | to keep up and reserve for personal or special use; "She saved the old family photographs in a drawer"
02225739 40 v 03 stint 1 skimp 1 scant 0 002 @ 02327200 v 0000 + 10656832 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | supply sparingly and with restricted quantities; "sting with the allowance"
02225911 40 v 01 fin 0 002 @ 02339413 v 0000 + 04384406 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | equip (a car) with fins
02226013 40 v 01 motorize 3 003 @ 02339413 v 0000 + 00102927 n 0101 + 03789946 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | equip with a motor; "motorized scooters are now the rage"
02226172 40 v 01 motorize 5 003 @ 02339413 v 0000 + 00102927 n 0101 + 03789946 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | equip with a motor vehicle; "The police around here are not motorized and patrol the streets on horseback"
02226380 40 v 02 terrace 0 terrasse 0 003 @ 02327200 v 0000 ;c 00610738 n 0000 + 03899768 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | provide (a house) with a terrace; "We terrassed the country house"
02226559 40 v 01 dado 0 002 @ 02327200 v 0000 ;c 00607775 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | provide with a dado; "The owners wanted to dado their dining room"
02226706 40 v 01 innervate 0 002 @ 02327200 v 0000 + 05088189 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | supply nerves to (some organ or body part)
02226833 40 v 02 reclaim 3 recover 6 003 @ 01162425 v 0000 * 02225492 v 0000 + 00093354 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | reuse (materials from waste products)
02226981 40 v 01 embalm 0 004 @ 02280132 v 0000 + 00820406 n 0101 + 10051215 n 0101 ~ 02227127 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | preserve a dead body
02227127 40 v 01 mummify 0 004 $ 00242205 v 0000 @ 02226981 v 0000 + 00820583 n 0101 + 05218630 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | remove the organs and dry out (a dead body) in order to preserve it; "Th Egyptians mummified their pharaohs"
02227362 40 v 02 chuck 0 ditch 1 002 @ 02228031 v 0000 ;u 07157273 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | throw away; "Chuck these old notes"
02227487 40 v 04 foreswear 0 renounce 0 quit 0 relinquish 0 006 @ 02227741 v 0000 + 00212808 n 0401 + 07254836 n 0402 + 01301056 a 0201 + 07254594 n 0201 ~ 00758197 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | turn away from; give up; "I am foreswearing women forever"
02227741 40 v 02 abandon 1 give_up 0 002 + 00204439 n 0101 ~ 02227487 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | give up with the intent of never claiming again; "Abandon your life to God"; "She gave up her children to her ex-husband when she moved to Tahiti"; "We gave the drowning victim up for dead"
02228031 40 v 01 abandon 0 006 @ 02222318 v 0000 + 00091013 n 0101 ~ 02227362 v 0000 ~ 02303235 v 0000 ~ 02303331 v 0000 ~ 02348324 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | forsake, leave behind; "We abandoned the old car in the empty parking lot"
02228268 40 v 01 ditch 0 001 @ 00614057 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | forsake; "ditch a lover"
02228355 40 v 02 maroon 0 strand 0 002 @ 00614057 v 0000 + 10295190 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | leave stranded or isolated with little hope of rescue; "the travellers were marooned"
02228531 40 v 01 assign 0 005 @ 02220461 v 0000 + 00093556 a 0101 + 13254237 n 0102 + 06545528 n 0101 + 09815455 n 0101 02 + 14 00 + 15 00 | transfer one's right to
02228698 40 v 03 assign 1 allot 1 portion 0 005 @ 02294436 v 0000 + 01085098 n 0302 + 01083645 n 0107 ~ 00724150 v 0000 ~ 02234087 v 0000 02 + 14 00 + 15 00 | give out; "We were assigned new uniforms"
02228901 40 v 01 reallot 0 002 @ 02294436 v 0000 + 01084180 n 0101 03 + 08 00 + 14 00 + 15 00 | allot again; "They were realloted additional farm land"
02229055 40 v 03 bequeath 0 will 0 leave 1 009 @ 02200686 v 0000 + 06544142 n 0201 ! 02316097 v 0101 $ 00360092 v 0000 ~ 02229412 v 0000 ~ 02230247 v 0000 $ 02296153 v 0000 ~ 02356567 v 0000 ~ 02363234 v 0000 02 + 14 00 + 15 00 | leave or give by will after one's death; "My aunt bequeathed me all her jewelry"; "My grandfather left me his entire estate"
02229412 40 v 01 devise 0 003 @ 02229055 v 0000 + 13416241 n 0101 + 10010632 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | give by will, especially real property
02229550 40 v 04 fall d return d pass d devolve d 003 @ 02221959 v 0000 ~ 02229828 v 0000 $ 02230056 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | be inherited by; "The estate fell to my sister"; "The land returned to the family"; "The estate devolved to an heir that everybody had assumed to be dead"
02229828 40 v 02 fall 8 light c 003 @ 02229550 v 0000 $ 02230056 v 0000 $ 02358655 v 0000 02 + 10 00 + 24 00 | fall to somebody by assignment or lot; "The task fell to me"; "It fell to me to notify the parents of the victims"
02230056 40 v 02 accrue a fall 9 004 $ 02229828 v 0000 $ 02229550 v 0000 @ 02221959 v 0000 + 00372013 n 0102 01 + 10 00 | come into the possession of; "The house accrued to the oldest son"
02230247 40 v 01 pass_on 0 003 @ 02229055 v 0000 ~ 02230447 v 0000 ~ 02230615 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 15 00 | give to or transfer possession of; "She passed the family jewels on to her daughter-in-law"
02230447 40 v 01 propagate 0 002 @ 02230247 v 0000 + 00849982 n 0103 02 + 08 00 + 15 00 | transmit from one generation to the next; "propagate these characteristics"
02230615 40 v 01 hand_down 0 001 @ 02230247 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 15 00 | passed on, as by inheritance; "This ring was handed down through many generations"
02230772 40 v 06 pass 0 hand 0 reach 0 pass_on 1 turn_over 0 give 6 017 @ 02220461 v 0000 + 05564590 n 0201 ^ 02201644 v 0203 ^ 02230615 v 0201 ^ 02293321 v 0201 + 00318035 n 0101 ^ 02589013 v 0102 ^ 02230247 v 0101 ^ 02296153 v 0104 ^ 00742320 v 0102 ~ 02200498 v 0000 ~ 02231328 v 0000 ~ 02246686 v 0000 ~ 02293321 v 0000 ~ 02316304 v 0000 ~ 02349212 v 0000 ~ 02356230 v 0000 03 + 09 00 + 14 00 + 15 00 | place into the hands or custody of; "hand me the spoon, please"; "Turn the files over to me, please"; "He turned over the prisoner to his lawyers"
02231328 40 v 02 slip a sneak a 001 @ 02230772 v 0000 02 + 14 00 + 15 00 | pass on stealthily; "He slipped me the key when nobody was looking"
02231473 40 v 01 pass 1 004 @ 01508368 v 0000 + 10404242 n 0101 + 00560529 n 0101 + 00560529 n 0104 04 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 14 00 + 15 00 | throw (a ball) to another player; "Smith passed"
02231661 40 v 03 convey a transmit a communicate a 007 @ 02232190 v 0000 + 00033020 n 0301 + 01314537 a 0206 + 01303042 a 0205 + 07360647 n 0203 + 09469285 n 0202 ~ 00742320 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 15 00 | transfer to another; "communicate a disease"
02231910 40 v 01 load c 002 @ 02232190 v 0000 ;c 06128570 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | transfer from a storage device to a computer's memory
02232044 40 v 01 offset 1 002 @ 02232190 v 0000 + 06680570 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | cause (printed matter) to transfer or smear onto another surface
02232190 40 v 01 transfer 1 020 @ 01850315 v 0000 + 00315986 n 0103 + 00201671 n 0101 + 10724699 n 0102 + 00315986 n 0104 ~ 01031256 v 0000 ~ 01062555 v 0000 ~ 02231661 v 0000 ~ 02231910 v 0000 ~ 02232044 v 0000 ~ 02232722 v 0000 ~ 02232877 v 0000 ~ 02233081 v 0000 ~ 02233195 v 0000 ~ 02233352 v 0000 ~ 02233533 v 0000 ~ 02233704 v 0000 ~ 02233898 v 0000 ~ 02348568 v 0000 ~ 02362130 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | move from one place to another; "transfer the data"; "transmit the news"; "transfer the patient to another hospital"
02232722 40 v 01 import 1 003 @ 02232190 v 0000 ;c 06128570 n 0000 ! 02232877 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | transfer (electronic data) into a database or document
02232877 40 v 01 export 1 003 @ 02232190 v 0000 ;c 06128570 n 0000 ! 02232722 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | transfer (electronic data) out of a database or document in a format that can be used by other programs
02233081 40 v 01 offload 0 001 @ 02232190 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | transfer to a peripheral device, of computer data
02233195 40 v 02 post 5 carry d 003 @ 02232190 v 0000 + 00318735 n 0201 $ 02012725 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | transfer (entries) from one account book to another
02233352 40 v 01 FTP 0 002 @ 02232190 v 0000 + 06665370 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | use the file transfer protocol to transfer data from one computer to another; "You can FTP these data"
02233533 40 v 01 spool 0 002 @ 02232190 v 0000 ;c 06128570 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | transfer data intended for a peripheral device (usually a printer) into temporary storage
02233704 40 v 01 download 0 002 @ 02232190 v 0000 ! 02233898 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | transfer a file or program from a central computer to a smaller computer or to a computer at a remote location
02233898 40 v 01 upload 0 002 @ 02232190 v 0000 ! 02233704 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | transfer a file or program to a central computer from a smaller computer or a computer at a remote location
02234087 40 v 02 allocate 0 apportion 1 012 @ 02228698 v 0000 + 00468176 a 0203 + 01083645 n 0202 + 00468176 a 0102 + 00468176 a 0101 + 00164579 n 0101 + 13289467 n 0102 + 01083645 n 0104 + 09784707 n 0101 ~ 02234551 v 0000 ~ 02234803 v 0000 ~ 02261888 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 15 00 | distribute according to a plan or set apart for a special purpose; "I am allocating a loaf of bread to everyone on a daily basis"; "I'm allocating the rations for the camping trip"
02234551 40 v 02 reapportion 0 reallocate 0 004 @ 02234087 v 0000 + 13289630 n 0201 + 01084180 n 0203 + 01084180 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 15 00 | allocate, distribute, or apportion anew; "Congressional seats are reapportioned on the basis of census data"
02234803 40 v 02 ration 0 ration_out 0 003 @ 02234087 v 0000 + 07565725 n 0101 + 13286099 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 15 00 | distribute in rations, as in the army; "Cigarettes are rationed"
02234988 40 v 01 ration 1 004 @ 00235368 v 0000 + 13286099 n 0101 + 07565725 n 0101 + 01084932 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | restrict the consumption of a relatively scarce commodity, as during war; "Bread was rationed during the siege of the city"
02235229 40 v 04 surrender 0 cede 0 deliver 2 give_up 1 007 @ 02200686 v 0000 + 00213052 n 0201 + 00213343 n 0101 + 10679998 n 0101 ~ 02235549 v 0000 ~ 02235666 v 0000 ~ 02343816 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 15 00 | relinquish possession or control over; "The squatters had to surrender the building after the police moved in"
02235549 40 v 01 yield_up 0 001 @ 02235229 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | surrender, as a result of pressure or force
02235666 40 v 01 sell 2 002 @ 02235229 v 0000 $ 02537407 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 14 00 + 15 00 | give up for a price or reward; "She sold her principles for a successful career"
02235842 40 v 01 give 7 005 @ 01009240 v 0000 + 06685198 n 0101 ~ 01023925 v 0000 ~ 02236023 v 0000 $ 02296153 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | convey or reveal information; "Give one's name"
02236023 40 v 01 cast d 001 @ 02235842 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | deposit; "cast a vote"; "cast a ballot"
02236124 40 v 03 accept 0 take 5 have 5 014 $ 02210119 v 0000 @ 02210855 v 0000 + 10689784 n 0201 ^ 02216560 v 0202 ^ 02301825 v 0202 ^ 02346724 v 0204 ^ 02656995 v 0201 + 00180413 n 0103 + 00082525 n 0101 ! 02237338 v 0101 ~ 02236624 v 0000 ~ 02237206 v 0000 ~ 02237631 v 0000 ~ 02346724 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 16 00 | receive willingly something given or offered; "The only girl who would have him was the miller's daughter"; "I won't have this dog in my house!"; "Please accept my present"
02236624 40 v 04 accept 3 admit 0 take 7 take_on 0 003 @ 02236124 v 0000 ~ 00888657 v 0000 $ 02449847 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | admit into a group or community; "accept students for graduate study"; "We'll have to vote on whether or not to admit a new member"
02236888 40 v 01 refuel 0 002 @ 02237024 v 0000 + 01059719 n 0102 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | take on more fuel, as of a plane, ship, or car
02237024 40 v 01 fuel 3 004 @ 01540844 v 0000 + 14875077 n 0101 + 01059719 n 0101 ~ 02236888 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | take in fuel, as of a ship; "The tanker fueled in Bahrain"
02237206 40 v 01 welcome 0 002 @ 02236124 v 0000 + 06631322 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | accept gladly; "I welcome your proposals"
02237338 40 v 05 refuse 0 reject 0 pass_up 0 turn_down 0 decline 0 008 + 06634239 n 0501 + 00205349 n 0402 + 00203342 n 0201 + 06634095 n 0101 ! 02236124 v 0101 $ 00796976 v 0000 ~ 02237943 v 0000 ~ 02254767 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 16 00 | refuse to accept; "He refused my offer of hospitality"
02237631 40 v 02 honor 0 honour 0 003 @ 02236124 v 0000 + 14436875 n 0101 ! 02237943 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | accept as pay; "we honor checks and drafts"
02237782 40 v 02 put_up 1 contribute 2 002 @ 02251743 v 0000 + 01089778 n 0201 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | provide; "The city has to put up half the required amount"
02237943 40 v 02 dishonor 0 dishonour 0 002 @ 02237338 v 0000 ! 02237631 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | refuse to accept; "dishonor checks and drafts"
02238085 40 v 01 obtain 0 019 @ 02210855 v 0000 + 00184363 a 0103 + 00077856 n 0102 + 00077856 n 0101 ~ 01101571 v 0000 ~ 01313923 v 0000 ~ 01630751 v 0000 ~ 02206140 v 0000 ~ 02238536 v 0000 ~ 02238770 v 0000 ~ 02239098 v 0000 ~ 02239261 v 0000 ~ 02239405 v 0000 ~ 02239846 v 0000 ~ 02270404 v 0000 ~ 02292125 v 0000 ~ 02325968 v 0000 ~ 02353088 v 0000 ~ 02358217 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 16 00 | come into possession of; "How did you obtain the visa?"
02238536 40 v 01 source 0 003 @ 02238085 v 0000 + 04263614 n 0101 ~ 02361100 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 08 00 | get (a product) from another country or business; "She sourced a supply of carpet"; "They are sourcing from smaller companies"
02238770 40 v 02 procure 0 secure 0 010 @ 02238085 v 0000 + 10479328 n 0202 + 00083729 n 0101 + 10479328 n 0101 + 00083729 n 0102 + 00083729 n 0103 ~ 00835158 v 0000 ~ 02239533 v 0000 ~ 02239692 v 0000 ~ 02240151 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 16 00 | get by special effort; "He procured extra cigarettes even though they were rationed"
02239098 40 v 01 extract 0 001 @ 02238085 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | get despite difficulties or obstacles; "I extracted a promise from the Dean for two new positions"
02239261 40 v 01 take_out 2 001 @ 02238085 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | obtain by legal or official process; "take out a license"; "take out a patent"
02239405 40 v 02 get_in 1 get_into 0 001 @ 02238085 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 02 | secure a place in a college, university, etc.
02239533 40 v 01 copyright 0 002 @ 02238770 v 0000 + 06473168 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | secure a copyright on a written work; "did you copyright your manuscript?"
02239692 40 v 01 patent 0 003 @ 02238770 v 0000 + 06501141 n 0101 + 10405410 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | obtain a patent for; "Should I patent this invention?"
02239846 40 v 02 eke_out 0 squeeze_out 0 001 @ 02238085 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | obtain with difficulty; "He eked out some information from the archives"
02239997 40 v 02 eke_out 1 squeeze_out 1 001 @ 02289295 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make by laborious and precarious means; "He eked out a living as a painter"
02240151 40 v 02 engage 1 enlist 0 002 @ 02238770 v 0000 ~ 02240319 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 16 00 | hire for work or assistance; "engage aid, help, services, or support"
02240319 40 v 01 recruit 0 002 @ 02240151 v 0000 + 01263711 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | seek to employ; "The lab director recruited an able crew of assistants"
02240481 40 v 01 seek 0 004 @ 01825237 v 0000 + 00788362 n 0101 ~ 02240674 v 0000 ~ 02240881 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | try to get or reach; "seek a position"; "seek an education"; "seek happiness"
02240674 40 v 01 bid 4 003 @ 02240481 v 0000 + 07165086 n 0101 + 00786887 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make a serious effort to attain something; "His campaign bid for the attention of the poor population"
02240881 40 v 01 quest 0 003 @ 02240481 v 0000 + 00946650 n 0101 + 10575787 n 0103 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | make a search (for); "Things that die with their eyes open and questing"; "The animal came questing through the forest"
02241107 40 v 05 extort 0 squeeze 3 rack 0 gouge 0 wring 0 006 @ 02319050 v 0000 + 09955015 n 0405 + 00788097 n 0203 + 13307901 n 0101 + 00784388 n 0101 ~ 02360003 v 0000 01 + 16 00 | obtain by coercion or intimidation; "They extorted money from the executive by threatening to reveal his past to the company boss"; "They squeezed money from the owner of the business by threatening him"
02241497 40 v 01 gazump 1 001 @ 02573275 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | raise the price of something after agreeing on a lower price
02241621 40 v 01 extort 1 004 @ 02206619 v 0000 ;c 00766234 n 0000 + 01061726 n 0101 ~ 02241767 v 0000 01 + 16 00 | obtain through intimidation
02241767 40 v 01 blackmail 0 004 @ 02241621 v 0000 ;c 00766234 n 0000 + 00784598 n 0101 + 09858299 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | obtain through threats
02241911 40 v 01 scalp 0 003 @ 02242464 v 0000 ;c 00766234 n 0000 + 10554846 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | sell illegally, as on the black market
02242049 40 v 01 bootleg 0 004 @ 02242464 v 0000 ;c 00766234 n 0000 + 07902520 n 0102 + 09866922 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | sell illicit products such as drugs or alcohol; "They were bootlegging whiskey"
02242256 40 v 02 run 6 black_market 0 006 $ 01864038 v 0000 @ 02260362 v 0000 ;c 00766234 n 0000 + 08425173 n 0201 + 01097739 n 0201 + 00308871 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | deal in illegally, such as arms or liquor
02242464 40 v 01 sell 0 029 * 02199590 v 0000 @ 02257370 v 0000 ;c 01090446 n 0000 + 01115162 n 0101 + 10577284 n 0101 + 01113068 n 0101 ! 02207206 v 0101 ~ 02208409 v 0000 ~ 02221328 v 0000 ~ 02241911 v 0000 ~ 02242049 v 0000 ~ 02243186 v 0000 ~ 02243461 v 0000 ~ 02243630 v 0000 ~ 02243758 v 0000 ~ 02243967 v 0000 ~ 02244248 v 0000 ~ 02244426 v 0000 ~ 02244603 v 0000 ~ 02244773 v 0000 ~ 02247028 v 0000 ~ 02247226 v 0000 ~ 02343961 v 0000 ~ 02350878 v 0000 ~ 02351467 v 0000 ~ 02354922 v 0000 ~ 02355959 v 0000 ~ 02554066 v 0000 $ 02727883 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 14 00 + 15 00 | exchange or deliver for money or its equivalent; "He sold his house in January"; "She sells her body to survive and support her drug habit"
02243186 40 v 01 sell_short 0 002 @ 02242464 v 0000 ;c 01090446 n 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | sell securities or commodities or foreign currency that is not actually owned by the seller, who hopes to cover (buy back) the sold items at a lower price and thus to earn a profit
02243461 40 v 01 remainder 0 003 @ 02242464 v 0000 ;c 01090446 n 0000 + 13810818 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | sell cheaply as remainders; "The publisher remaindered the books"
02243630 40 v 01 resell 0 002 @ 02242464 v 0000 ;c 01090446 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | sell (something) again after having bought it
02243758 40 v 01 syndicate 0 003 @ 02242464 v 0000 + 08355324 n 0101 + 01115348 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | sell articles, television programs, or photos to several publications or independent broadcasting stations
02243967 40 v 01 deaccession 0 003 @ 02242464 v 0000 ;c 00933420 n 0000 ;c 01090446 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | sell (art works) from a collection, especially in order to raise money for the purchase of other art works; "The museum deaccessioned several important works of this painter"
02244248 40 v 01 sell_off 0 002 @ 02242464 v 0000 + 01119949 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | get rid of by selling, usually at reduced prices; "The store sold off the surplus merchandise"
02244426 40 v 03 foist_off 0 palm_off 0 fob_off 0 003 @ 02242464 v 0000 ;c 00766234 n 0000 ;c 01090446 n 0000 01 + 19 00 | sell as genuine, sell with the intention to deceive
02244603 40 v 02 realize 0 realise 0 004 @ 02242464 v 0000 ;c 01090446 n 0000 + 01119620 n 0202 + 01119620 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | convert into cash; of goods and property
02244773 40 v 03 auction 0 auction_off 0 auctioneer 0 005 @ 02242464 v 0000 ;c 01090446 n 0000 + 09608377 n 0301 + 00092366 n 0101 + 09608377 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | sell at an auction
02244956 40 v 03 deal 0 sell 1 trade b 024 @ 02245765 v 0000 ;c 01090446 n 0000 + 01110274 n 0302 + 01091905 n 0301 + 00079398 n 0301 + 01115162 n 0201 + 10577284 n 0201 + 01113068 n 0201 + 10474446 n 0102 + 01110274 n 0101 + 10720453 n 0103 + 08063446 n 0101 + 01106808 n 0103 + 01106808 n 0102 ^ 02294436 v 0109 ^ 02260362 v 0101 ~ 02245555 v 0000 $ 02245993 v 0000 ~ 02245993 v 0000 ~ 02246166 v 0000 ~ 02246300 v 0000 ~ 02298471 v 0000 ~ 02302817 v 0000 $ 02727883 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 22 00 | do business; offer for sale as for one's livelihood; "She deals in gold"; "The brothers sell shoes"
02245555 40 v 01 push 0 003 @ 02244956 v 0000 ;c 00766234 n 0000 + 10495555 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | sell or promote the sale of (illegal goods such as drugs); "The guy hanging around the school is pushing drugs"
02245765 40 v 01 transact e 007 @ 02376958 v 0000 ;c 01090446 n 0000 + 01106808 n 0101 + 10723597 n 0101 ~ 02244956 v 0000 ~ 02261256 v 0000 ~ 02343374 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | conduct business; "transact with foreign governments"
02245993 40 v 01 deal b 006 $ 02244956 v 0000 @ 02244956 v 0000 ;c 01090446 n 0000 + 08063446 n 0101 + 01110274 n 0101 + 10721470 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | sell; "deal hashish"
02246166 40 v 01 black_marketeer 0 003 @ 02244956 v 0000 ;c 00766234 n 0000 + 09858560 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | deal on the black market
02246300 40 v 01 pyramid 1 002 @ 02244956 v 0000 ;c 00766234 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | use or deal in (as of stock or commercial transaction) in a pyramid deal
02246456 40 v 01 deal 2 007 @ 02294436 v 0000 ;c 00488225 n 0000 + 01085337 n 0101 + 07956887 n 0102 + 09996636 n 0101 $ 02246686 v 0000 ~ 02246908 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | distribute cards to the players in a game; "Who's dealing?"
02246686 40 v 01 deal 6 006 $ 02246456 v 0000 @ 02230772 v 0000 ;c 00488225 n 0000 + 09996636 n 0101 + 07956887 n 0102 + 01085337 n 0101 01 + 15 00 | give (a specific card) to a player; "He dealt me the Queen of Spades"
02246908 40 v 01 misdeal 0 003 @ 02246456 v 0000 ;c 00488225 n 0000 + 01085567 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | deal cards wrongly
02247028 40 v 01 retail 0 007 @ 02242464 v 0000 ;c 01090446 n 0000 + 10525436 n 0101 + 01114458 n 0101 + 01115866 n 0101 ! 02247226 v 0101 $ 02728570 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | sell on the retail market
02247226 40 v 01 wholesale 0 005 @ 02242464 v 0000 ;c 01090446 n 0000 + 01114646 n 0101 + 10222497 n 0103 ! 02247028 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | sell in large quantities
02247390 40 v 03 fetch 0 bring_in 0 bring 0 001 * 02221959 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | be sold for a certain price; "The painting brought $10,000"; "The old print fetched a high price at the auction"
02247584 40 v 03 sell_out 0 sell_up 0 liquidize 0 003 * 02242464 v 0000 @ 02222318 v 0000 ;c 01090446 n 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | get rid of all one's merchandise
02247749 40 v 01 de-access 0 001 @ 02222318 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | dispose of by selling; "the museum sold off its collection of French impressionists to raise money"; "the publishing house sold off one of its popular magazines"
02247977 40 v 04 recover 0 retrieve 0 find f regain 0 007 @ 02210855 v 0000 + 00089351 n 0404 + 00045907 n 0202 + 10522759 n 0102 + 00045907 n 0101 ~ 02248808 v 0000 $ 02285629 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 16 00 | get or find back; recover the use of; "She regained control of herself"; "She found her voice and replied quickly"
02248299 40 v 01 catch 0 001 @ 02210855 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | get or regain something necessary, usually quickly or briefly; "Catch some sleep"; "catch one's breath"
02248465 40 v 05 find 2 happen c chance c bump c encounter 0 003 + 07414922 n 0502 + 00043195 n 0102 + 10090498 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | come upon, as if by accident; meet with; "We find this idea in Plato"; "I happened upon the most wonderful bakery not very far from here"; "She chanced upon an interesting book in the bookstore the other day"
02248808 40 v 01 access 0 005 @ 02247977 v 0000 ;c 06128570 n 0000 + 02671224 n 0101 ~ 02249018 v 0000 ~ 02249147 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | obtain or retrieve from a storage device; as of information on a computer
02249018 40 v 01 address 0 003 @ 02248808 v 0000 ;c 06128570 n 0000 + 06356515 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | access or locate by address
02249147 40 v 03 log_in 0 log_on 0 log-in 0 002 @ 02248808 v 0000 ! 02249293 v 0101 01 + 02 00 | enter a computer; "Have you logged in lately?"
02249293 40 v 02 log_out 0 log_off 0 002 @ 02015598 v 0000 ! 02249147 v 0101 01 + 02 00 | exit a computer; "Please log off before you go home"
02249438 40 v 03 recover 1 recoup 0 recuperate 0 002 @ 02210855 v 0000 ~ 02520730 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | regain or make up for; "recuperate one's losses"
02249591 40 v 02 recoup 2 reimburse 1 002 @ 02249741 v 0000 + 13290002 n 0201 02 + 09 00 + 20 00 | reimburse or compensate (someone), as for a loss
02249741 40 v 03 compensate 0 recompense 0 remunerate 0 011 @ 02251743 v 0000 + 01871774 a 0303 + 01708663 a 0303 + 13279262 n 0304 + 01121855 n 0301 + 10409752 n 0302 + 00259643 n 0201 + 13282007 n 0201 + 13282550 n 0101 + 00259643 n 0102 ~ 02249591 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | make payment to; compensate; "My efforts were not remunerated"
02250077 40 v 01 overpay 0 004 @ 02251743 v 0000 + 13279046 n 0101 + 01121390 n 0101 ! 02250216 v 0101 02 + 09 00 + 22 00 | pay too much
02250216 40 v 01 underpay 0 003 @ 02251743 v 0000 + 01122488 n 0101 ! 02250077 v 0101 02 + 09 00 + 22 00 | pay too little
02250340 40 v 01 prepay 0 002 @ 02251743 v 0000 + 01121492 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | pay for something before receiving it
02250467 40 v 01 go_Dutch 0 001 @ 02251743 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | share expenses equally and split the cost of something; "My boyfriend and I always go Dutch"
02250625 40 v 04 compensate 1 recompense 1 repair 0 indemnify 0 009 @ 02251743 v 0000 + 13290676 n 0404 + 00259894 n 0401 + 13290676 n 0403 + 13292613 n 0301 + 00095329 n 0301 + 13282550 n 0101 + 00259643 n 0102 ~ 02359553 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 15 00 | make amends for; pay compensation for; "One can never fully repair the suffering and losses of the Jews in the Third Reich"; "She was compensated for the loss of her arm in the accident"
02251065 40 v 01 insure 0 005 @ 01128193 v 0000 + 14539826 n 0102 ~ 00891734 v 0000 ~ 02251509 v 0000 ~ 02251631 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | take out insurance for
02251247 40 v 01 indemnify 1 003 @ 00891216 v 0000 + 14539826 n 0101 + 14529408 n 0101 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | secure against future loss, damage, or liability; give security for; "This plan indemnifies workers against wages lost through illness"
02251509 40 v 01 reinsure 0 001 @ 02251065 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | provide additional insurance for
02251631 40 v 01 coinsure 0 002 @ 02251065 v 0000 + 13346209 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | take out coinsurance
02251743 40 v 01 pay 0 033 @ 02199590 v 0000 + 13279262 n 0102 + 13278375 n 0101 + 01120448 n 0101 + 10409634 n 0101 + 10409752 n 0101 ^ 02215506 v 0101 ^ 02352019 v 0102 ^ 02256853 v 0102 ^ 02284803 v 0102 ^ 02301502 v 0102 ~ 02217011 v 0000 ~ 02217266 v 0000 ~ 02237782 v 0000 ~ 02249741 v 0000 ~ 02250077 v 0000 ~ 02250216 v 0000 ~ 02250340 v 0000 ~ 02250467 v 0000 ~ 02250625 v 0000 ~ 02252542 v 0000 ~ 02255081 v 0000 ~ 02256853 v 0000 ~ 02267060 v 0000 ~ 02284096 v 0000 ~ 02284951 v 0000 ~ 02287209 v 0000 ~ 02301502 v 0000 ~ 02317289 v 0000 ~ 02317548 v 0000 ~ 02349945 v 0000 ~ 02355259 v 0000 ~ 02400251 v 0000 06 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 14 00 + 15 00 + 17 00 | give money, usually in exchange for goods or services; "I paid four dollars for this sandwich"; "Pay the waitress, please"
02252542 40 v 01 tithe 2 003 @ 02251743 v 0000 + 10713012 n 0101 $ 02252755 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | pay a tenth of one's income, especially to the church; "Although she left the church officially, she still tithes"
02252755 40 v 01 tithe 3 002 $ 02252542 v 0000 + 10713012 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | pay one tenth of; pay tithes on, especially to the church; "He tithed his income to the Church"
02252931 40 v 03 pay_up 0 ante_up 0 pay 4 006 @ 02253154 v 0000 + 13279262 n 0302 + 13278375 n 0301 + 01120448 n 0301 ! 02253766 v 0101 ~ 02352019 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | cancel or discharge a debt; "pay up, please!"
02253154 40 v 01 pay e 005 @ 02254258 v 0000 + 13278375 n 0101 + 01120448 n 0101 + 10409752 n 0101 ~ 02252931 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | discharge or settle; "pay a debt"; "pay an obligation"
02253341 40 v 01 square 0 001 @ 02254258 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | pay someone and settle a debt; "I squared with him"
02253456 40 v 04 pay 2 pay_off 4 make_up 0 compensate 2 008 @ 02254258 v 0000 + 13282550 n 0401 + 00259643 n 0402 + 13279262 n 0102 + 10409634 n 0101 + 10409752 n 0101 ^ 01153947 v 0101 ^ 01153947 v 0102 01 + 20 00 | do or give something to somebody in return; "Does she pay you for the work you are doing?"
02253766 40 v 02 default 0 default_on 0 006 * 02253956 v 0000 @ 02529284 v 0000 + 13300141 n 0102 + 13300411 n 0101 + 09999532 n 0101 ! 02252931 v 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | fail to pay up
02253956 40 v 01 owe 0 002 @ 02604760 v 0000 ~ 02351737 v 0000 04 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 15 01 | be in debt; "She owes me $200"; "I still owe for the car"; "The thesis owes much to his adviser"
02254155 40 v 01 owe 1 001 ~ 02321245 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 14 00 + 15 00 | be obliged to pay or repay
02254258 40 v 01 settle 0 008 @ 01021629 v 0000 + 00228535 n 0102 ~ 00639331 v 0000 ~ 02253154 v 0000 ~ 02253341 v 0000 ~ 02253456 v 0000 ~ 02254495 v 0000 ~ 02254671 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | dispose of; make a financial settlement
02254495 40 v 01 liquidate 3 001 @ 02254258 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | settle the affairs of by determining the debts and applying the assets to pay them off; "liquidate a company"
02254671 40 v 01 clean_up 0 001 @ 02254258 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | dispose of; "settle the bills"
02254767 40 v 01 bounce 1 003 > 02254923 v 0000 @ 02237338 v 0000 $ 02254923 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | refuse to accept and send back; "bounce a check"
02254923 40 v 01 bounce 0 003 $ 02254767 v 0000 @ 02004874 v 0000 ! 02289134 v 0101 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | come back after being refused; "the check bounced"
02255081 40 v 01 remit 0 005 @ 02251743 v 0000 * 02220461 v 0000 + 13299453 n 0104 + 13299453 n 0101 + 13299453 n 0102 03 + 08 00 + 14 00 + 15 00 | send (money) in payment; "remit $25"
02255268 40 v 03 accord 0 allot 0 grant 0 005 @ 02199590 v 0000 + 05176477 n 0301 + 01086572 n 0101 ~ 01069638 v 0000 ~ 02477011 v 0000 02 + 14 00 + 15 00 | allow to have; "grant a privilege"
02255462 40 v 02 allow 0 grant 1 007 @ 02199590 v 0000 + 10143725 n 0201 + 05176477 n 0201 ! 02212825 v 0101 $ 00802318 v 0000 ~ 02255715 v 0000 ~ 02255821 v 0000 01 + 14 00 | let have; "grant permission"; "Mandela was allowed few visitors in prison"
02255715 40 v 01 vouchsafe 0 001 @ 02255462 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 14 00 | grant in a condescending manner
02255821 40 v 01 allowance 0 002 @ 02255462 v 0000 + 13286254 n 0101 01 + 14 00 | put on a fixed allowance, as of food
02255942 40 v 02 grant 2 deed_over 0 004 @ 02200686 v 0000 + 13254237 n 0101 + 10143595 n 0101 + 10143889 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 15 00 | transfer by deed; "grant land"
02256109 40 v 04 prize 0 value 0 treasure 0 appreciate 0 007 @ 00690614 v 0000 + 00774676 a 0401 + 13370448 n 0301 + 02587738 a 0201 + 02500884 a 0201 ~ 00592544 v 0000 ~ 02546467 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | hold dear; "I prize these old photographs"
02256354 40 v 02 cash 0 cash_in 0 006 @ 02257370 v 0000 + 00916965 a 0101 + 13386614 n 0101 ^ 02279513 v 0101 ~ 02256589 v 0000 ~ 02256732 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | exchange for cash; "I cashed the check as soon as it arrived in the mail"
02256589 40 v 01 liquidate 2 001 @ 02256354 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | convert into cash; "I had to liquidate my holdings to pay off my ex-husband"
02256732 40 v 01 redeem 0 002 @ 02256354 v 0000 + 10513623 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | convert into cash; of commercial papers
02256853 40 v 02 redeem 1 pay_off 3 003 @ 02251743 v 0000 + 13299804 n 0101 + 10513623 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | pay off (loans or promissory notes)
02256998 40 v 02 ransom 0 redeem 3 007 @ 02257370 v 0000 ;c 00766234 n 0000 + 00079212 n 0201 + 10513623 n 0201 + 00096851 n 0101 + 01121585 n 0101 + 13284048 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | exchange or buy back for money; under threat
02257232 40 v 01 redeem 4 001 @ 02257370 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | to turn in (vouchers or coupons) and receive something in exchange
02257370 40 v 03 exchange 0 change 0 interchange 0 011 @ 02220461 v 0000 + 00040152 n 0301 + 01109467 n 0101 ~ 02242464 v 0000 ~ 02256354 v 0000 ~ 02256998 v 0000 ~ 02257232 v 0000 ~ 02258617 v 0000 ~ 02259005 v 0000 ~ 02259241 v 0000 ~ 02260085 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | give to, and receive from, one another; "Would you change places with me?"; "We have been exchanging letters for a year"
02257767 40 v 04 substitute 0 replace 0 interchange 1 exchange 2 010 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 00197772 n 0201 + 05696425 n 0101 + 07443761 n 0101 + 00196485 n 0101 ~ 00548913 v 0000 ~ 02258291 v 0000 ~ 02258487 v 0000 ~ 02338109 v 0000 ~ 02360882 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 21 00 + 31 00 | put in the place of another; switch seemingly equivalent items; "the con artist replaced the original with a fake Rembrandt"; "substitute regular milk with fat-free milk"; "synonyms can be interchanged without a changing the context's meaning"
02258291 40 v 01 reduce 4 003 @ 02257767 v 0000 ;c 06000644 n 0000 + 00883611 a 0101 01 + 08 00 | simplify the form of a mathematical equation of expression by substituting one term for another
02258487 40 v 01 truncate 0 003 @ 02257767 v 0000 ;c 06004685 n 0000 + 00942574 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | replace a corner by a plane
02258617 40 v 04 substitute 1 sub 0 stand_in 0 fill_in 0 009 @ 02257370 v 0000 + 10648237 n 0407 + 10648237 n 0301 + 00623670 n 0201 + 10648237 n 0102 + 10671042 n 0101 + 05696425 n 0101 + 07443761 n 0101 + 00623670 n 0102 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | be a substitute; "The young teacher had to substitute for the sick colleague"; "The skim milk substitutes for cream--we are on a strict diet"
02259005 40 v 04 trade 2 swap 0 swop 0 switch 0 006 @ 02257370 v 0000 + 07443761 n 0405 + 00196084 n 0402 + 01109687 n 0303 + 01109687 n 0202 + 01109687 n 0104 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 21 00 | exchange or give (something) in exchange for
02259241 40 v 01 barter 0 003 @ 02257370 v 0000 + 09841400 n 0101 + 01109687 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | exchange goods without involving money
02259387 40 v 02 beat_down 0 bargain_down 0 001 @ 02259547 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | persuade the seller to accept a lower price; "She beat the merchant down $100"
02259547 40 v 04 haggle 0 higgle 0 chaffer 0 huckster 1 006 @ 02259829 v 0000 + 10190516 n 0401 + 10155600 n 0101 + 07150138 n 0102 + 07150138 n 0101 ~ 02259387 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | wrangle (over a price, terms of an agreement, etc.); "Let's not haggle over a few dollars"
02259829 40 v 02 dicker 0 bargain 0 006 @ 00761713 v 0000 + 13253751 n 0201 + 06771159 n 0201 + 09839167 n 0201 + 07149836 n 0201 ~ 02259547 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | negotiate the terms of an exchange; "We bargained for a beautiful rug in the bazaar"
02260085 40 v 02 trade 0 trade_in 0 007 @ 02257370 v 0000 ;c 01090446 n 0000 + 13248792 n 0201 + 01110274 n 0102 + 01109687 n 0104 + 01091905 n 0101 ~ 02294056 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | turn in as payment or part payment for a purchase; "trade in an old car for a new one"
02260362 40 v 02 trade 1 merchandise 0 016 * 02207206 v 0000 * 02242464 v 0000 ;c 01090446 n 0000 + 10309896 n 0202 + 01113068 n 0202 + 03748886 n 0201 + 01110274 n 0102 + 01091905 n 0101 + 10720453 n 0101 ~ 02242256 v 0000 ~ 02260770 v 0000 ~ 02260959 v 0000 ~ 02261123 v 0000 ~ 02298160 v 0000 ~ 02346136 v 0000 ~ 02346409 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | engage in the trade of; "he is merchandising telephone sets"
02260770 40 v 01 traffic 1 004 @ 02260362 v 0000 ;c 01090446 n 0000 + 01113867 n 0101 + 10577284 n 0105 02 + 02 00 + 21 00 | trade or deal a commodity; "They trafficked with us for gold"
02260959 40 v 01 arbitrage 0 004 @ 02260362 v 0000 ;c 01090446 n 0000 + 09803800 n 0102 + 01093965 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | practice arbitrage, as in the stock market
02261123 40 v 01 traffic 0 003 @ 02260362 v 0000 ;c 00766234 n 0000 + 01113867 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | deal illegally; "traffic drugs"
02261256 40 v 01 turn_over 1 003 @ 02245765 v 0000 ;c 01090446 n 0000 + 05112308 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | do business worth a certain amount of money; "The company turns over ten million dollars a year"
02261464 40 v 01 broker 0 006 @ 00761713 v 0000 ;c 01090446 n 0000 + 08057460 n 0101 + 08069878 n 0101 + 02905288 n 0102 + 09777012 n 0103 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | act as a broker
02261642 40 v 01 treat 0 003 $ 01176232 v 0000 @ 02200686 v 0000 + 07289358 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | provide with a gift or entertainment; "Grandmother always treated us to the circus"; "I like to treat myself to a day at a spa when I am depressed"
02261888 40 v 02 award 0 present 2 006 @ 02234087 v 0000 + 01048697 n 0201 + 13268146 n 0102 + 06696483 n 0101 ~ 02262139 v 0000 ~ 02263346 v 0000 02 + 14 00 + 15 00 | give, especially as an honor or reward; "bestow honors and prizes at graduation"
02262139 40 v 01 certificate 0 003 @ 02261888 v 0000 + 13416345 n 0102 + 06471345 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | present someone with a certificate
02262278 40 v 02 award 1 grant 3 004 @ 02316868 v 0000 + 13266892 n 0201 + 10143595 n 0201 ~ 02262601 v 0000 02 + 14 00 + 15 00 | give as judged due or on the basis of merit; "the referee awarded a free kick to the team"; "the jury awarded a million dollars to the plaintiff";"Funds are granted to qualified researchers"
02262601 40 v 02 pension 0 pension_off 1 004 @ 02262278 v 0000 + 10414612 n 0102 + 10414612 n 0101 + 13384164 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | grant a pension to
02262752 40 v 02 present 1 submit 0 005 @ 02199590 v 0000 + 13268842 n 0101 + 01048697 n 0101 + 10466387 n 0101 ~ 02262932 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 15 00 + 17 00 | hand over formally
02262932 40 v 01 bring_in 3 001 @ 02262752 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | submit (a verdict) to a court
02263027 40 v 01 donate 0 004 @ 02200686 v 0000 + 13270038 n 0102 + 01089778 n 0102 ~ 02299269 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 15 00 + 22 00 | give to a charity or good cause; "I donated blood to the Red Cross for the victims of the earthquake"; "donate money to the orphanage"; "She donates to her favorite charity every month"
02263346 40 v 02 confer 0 bestow 0 009 @ 02261888 v 0000 + 01086356 n 0202 + 01086356 n 0201 + 01086356 n 0104 + 09954081 n 0101 + 01086356 n 0103 ~ 02263958 v 0000 ~ 02264075 v 0000 ~ 02264179 v 0000 01 + 19 00 | present; "The university conferred a degree on its most famous former student, who never graduated"; "bestow an honor on someone"
02263692 40 v 01 bestow 2 002 @ 02199590 v 0000 + 13271937 n 0102 01 + 19 00 | give as a gift
02263788 40 v 01 heap 0 002 @ 02199590 v 0000 + 13774404 n 0107 02 + 17 00 + 19 00 | bestow in large quantities; "He heaped him with work"; "She heaped scorn upon him"
02263958 40 v 01 miter 0 002 @ 02263346 v 0000 + 03773970 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | confer a miter on (a bishop)
02264075 40 v 01 bless 0 001 @ 02263346 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | confer prosperity or happiness on
02264179 40 v 01 graduate 1 005 > 02264397 v 0000 @ 02263346 v 0000 + 07454758 n 0104 + 00212065 n 0101 + 09786338 n 0104 01 + 09 00 | confer an academic degree upon; "This school graduates 2,000 students each year"
02264397 40 v 01 graduate 0 004 @ 02210119 v 0000 + 07454758 n 0104 + 00212065 n 0101 + 09786338 n 0104 01 + 02 00 | receive an academic degree upon completion of one's studies; "She graduated in 1990"
02264601 40 v 02 lavish 0 shower 0 001 @ 01158181 v 0000 01 + 19 00 | expend profusely; also used with abstract nouns; "He was showered with praise"
02264752 40 v 01 credit 0 005 @ 02265231 v 0000 + 13405646 n 0101 + 09976728 n 0101 ! 02265560 v 0101 ~ 02217864 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 15 00 + 17 00 | accounting: enter as credit; "We credit your account with $100"
02264967 40 v 01 balance 0 002 @ 02265231 v 0000 + 13408980 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | compute credits and debits of an account
02265090 40 v 01 overbalance 0 001 @ 02265231 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cause to be off balance; "It is not desirable to overbalance the budget"
02265231 40 v 02 account 0 calculate 0 014 + 05802185 n 0201 + 00868910 n 0201 + 06516955 n 0102 + 09761403 n 0101 + 13405962 n 0101 + 13354985 n 0102 + 05662532 n 0101 + 00618734 n 0102 ~ 02264752 v 0000 ~ 02264967 v 0000 ~ 02265090 v 0000 ~ 02265560 v 0000 ~ 02265881 v 0000 ~ 02320374 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | keep an account of
02265560 40 v 01 debit 0 005 @ 02265231 v 0000 ;c 05662532 n 0000 + 13405807 n 0101 ! 02264752 v 0101 ~ 02321046 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 15 00 + 17 00 | enter as debit
02265726 40 v 01 trust 1 002 @ 02324182 v 0000 ;c 01090446 n 0000 01 + 09 00 | extend credit to; "don't trust my ex-wife; I won't pay her debts anymore"
02265881 40 v 01 compound 0 001 @ 02265231 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | calculate principal and interest
02265979 40 v 03 save 1 lay_aside 0 save_up 0 002 + 13359572 n 0101 ~ 02305856 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 02 01 | accumulate money for future use; "He saves half his salary"
02266148 40 v 01 blow 0 002 $ 02268351 v 0000 @ 02267060 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 19 00 | spend lavishly or wastefully on; "He blew a lot of money on his new home theater"
02266317 40 v 01 overspend 0 002 @ 01158181 v 0000 ! 02266557 v 0101 01 + 02 00 | spend at a high rate
02266422 40 v 03 wanton 1 wanton_away 0 trifle_away 0 001 @ 02267060 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | spend wastefully; "wanton one's money away"
02266557 40 v 01 underspend 0 002 @ 02267060 v 0000 ! 02266317 v 0101 01 + 02 00 | spend at less than the normal rate
02266677 40 v 01 misspend 0 001 @ 02267060 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | spend (money or other resources) unwisely
02266784 40 v 02 penny-pinch 0 nickel-and-dime 0 001 @ 02267060 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | spend money frugally; spend as little as possible
02266920 40 v 01 save 2 003 * 02207206 v 0000 + 10553627 n 0101 ~ 02345498 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 19 00 | spend less; buy at a reduced price
02267060 40 v 03 spend 0 expend 0 drop 0 021 @ 02251743 v 0000 + 00933154 a 0201 + 10635275 n 0203 + 13275288 n 0203 + 01122601 n 0202 + 01122601 n 0201 + 10635275 n 0101 + 01122149 n 0101 ~ 01157517 v 0000 ~ 01158181 v 0000 ~ 01192628 v 0000 ~ 02266148 v 0000 ~ 02266422 v 0000 ~ 02266557 v 0000 ~ 02266677 v 0000 ~ 02266784 v 0000 ~ 02271137 v 0000 ~ 02357228 v 0000 ~ 02366575 v 0000 ~ 02708123 v 0000 ~ 02708301 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 19 00 | pay out; "spend money"
02267529 40 v 01 spend 1 005 @ 01157517 v 0000 + 10635460 n 0103 + 01122149 n 0101 ~ 02267727 v 0000 ~ 02267851 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 19 00 | spend completely; "I spend my pocket money in two days"
02267727 40 v 01 overspend 1 002 @ 02267529 v 0000 ! 02267851 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | spend more than available of (a budget)
02267851 40 v 01 underspend 1 002 @ 02267529 v 0000 ! 02267727 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | spend less than the whole of (a budget, for example)
02267989 40 v 03 take 6 occupy 8 use_up 2 004 $ 01157517 v 0000 @ 01158572 v 0000 + 15141486 n 0201 ~ 02268246 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | require (time or space); "It took three hours to get to work this morning"; "This event occupied a very short time"
02268246 40 v 01 be 0 001 @ 02267989 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | spend or use time; "I may be an hour"
02268351 40 v 03 waste 0 blow 2 squander 1 008 @ 01158572 v 0000 + 10479561 n 0303 + 04894964 n 0102 + 00742645 n 0101 + 10769459 n 0102 ! 02269143 v 0101 $ 02266148 v 0000 ~ 02268881 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | spend thoughtlessly; throw away; "He wasted his inheritance on his insincere friends"; "You squandered the opportunity to get and advanced degree"
02268704 40 v 01 tighten_one's_belt 0 001 @ 02357228 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | live frugally and use less resources; "In the new economy, we all have to learn to tighten our belts"
02268881 40 v 01 burn 1 001 @ 02268351 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | spend (significant amounts of money); "He has money to burn"
02269003 40 v 02 splurge 0 fling 1 002 @ 01158181 v 0000 + 00510475 n 0202 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | indulge oneself; "I splurged on a new TV"
02269143 40 v 04 conserve 0 husband 0 economize 0 economise 0 008 @ 02225492 v 0000 + 10044470 n 0402 + 10044470 n 0301 + 05644727 n 0301 + 04893787 n 0301 + 00192613 n 0301 ! 02268351 v 0101 ~ 02269767 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | use cautiously and frugally; "I try to economize my spare time"; "conserve your energy for the ascent to the summit"
02269485 40 v 02 rationalize 0 rationalise 0 003 @ 02432530 v 0000 + 01137760 n 0202 + 01137760 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | structure and run according to rational or scientific principles in order to achieve desired results; "We rationalized the factory's production and raised profits"
02269767 40 v 01 retrench 0 002 @ 02269143 v 0000 + 00192910 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | tighten one's belt; use resources carefully
02269894 40 v 02 scrounge 0 forage 0 005 @ 01143838 v 0000 + 00945916 n 0202 + 00945916 n 0201 + 10330189 n 0104 ~ 02270090 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 22 00 | collect or look around for (food)
02270090 40 v 01 rustle 2 001 @ 02269894 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | forage food
02270165 40 v 04 schnorr 0 shnorr 0 scrounge 1 cadge 1 003 @ 02270815 v 0000 + 10330189 n 0403 + 10330189 n 0304 02 + 02 00 + 16 00 | obtain or seek to obtain by cadging or wheedling; "he is always shnorring cigarettes from his friends"
02270404 40 v 05 mooch 0 bum 0 cadge 0 grub 0 sponge 0 007 @ 02238085 v 0000 + 10252674 n 0503 + 10252674 n 0504 + 10330189 n 0303 + 10197967 n 0205 + 10330189 n 0101 ~ 02270648 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | ask for and get free; be a parasite
02270648 40 v 01 freeload 0 002 @ 02270404 v 0000 + 10110893 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | live off somebody's generosity; "This young man refuses to work and is freeloading"
02270815 40 v 01 beg 0 004 @ 00752764 v 0000 + 07187996 n 0101 ~ 02270165 v 0000 ~ 02270978 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 20 00 | ask to obtain free; "beg money and food"
02270978 40 v 01 panhandle 0 002 @ 02270815 v 0000 + 10396337 n 0101 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 | beg by accosting people in the street and asking for money
02271137 40 v 04 invest 0 put 0 commit 5 place 3 013 @ 02267060 v 0000 + 01239868 n 0301 + 13333237 n 0101 + 01099436 n 0102 + 10216106 n 0101 + 01099436 n 0101 ! 02313906 v 0101 ~ 02215966 v 0000 ~ 02271490 v 0000 ~ 02271817 v 0000 ~ 02271923 v 0000 ~ 02272090 v 0000 ~ 02284544 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | make an investment; "Put money into bonds"
02271490 40 v 01 roll_over 0 002 @ 02271137 v 0000 + 01155722 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | re-invest (a previous investment) into a similar fund or security; "She rolled over her IRA"
02271667 40 v 01 roll_over 1 001 @ 00762043 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | negociate to repay a loan at a later date for an additional fee; "roll over a loan"
02271817 40 v 01 shelter 0 001 @ 02271137 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | invest (money) so that it is not taxable
02271923 40 v 01 tie_up 0 001 @ 02271137 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | invest so as to make unavailable for other purposes; "All my money is tied up in long-term investments"
02272090 40 v 02 speculate 0 job 0 005 @ 02271137 v 0000 + 02274537 a 0104 + 13342692 n 0101 + 10634075 n 0101 ~ 02272373 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | invest at a risk; "I bought this house not because I want to live in it but to sell it later at a good price, so I am speculating"
02272373 40 v 01 bull 0 004 @ 02272090 v 0000 ;c 01099436 n 0000 + 09878921 n 0101 $ 00156139 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | try to raise the price of stocks through speculative buying
02272549 40 v 04 appropriate 0 capture 0 seize 1 conquer 0 007 @ 02274482 v 0000 + 00089027 n 0402 + 00088481 n 0303 + 00088481 n 0201 + 02636123 a 0101 + 09802641 n 0101 ~ 02303878 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 16 00 | take possession of by force, as after an invasion; "the invaders seized the land and property of the inhabitants"; "The army seized the town"; "The militia captured the castle"
02272938 40 v 01 reconquer 0 001 @ 02304013 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | conquer anew; "The country reconquered the territory lost in the previous war"
02273083 40 v 01 preoccupy 0 002 @ 02274482 v 0000 + 00087073 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | occupy or take possession of beforehand or before another or appropriate for use in advance; "the army preoccupied the hills"
02273293 40 v 05 impound 0 attach 0 sequester 0 confiscate 1 seize 2 011 @ 02205272 v 0000 + 00085219 n 0501 + 00085678 n 0401 + 00087218 n 0301 + 06554981 n 0201 + 00086297 n 0101 + 00086297 n 0102 ~ 02273768 v 0000 $ 02273922 v 0000 ~ 02274079 v 0000 ~ 02353664 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | take temporary possession of as a security, by legal authority; "The FBI seized the drugs"; "The customs agents impounded the illegal shipment"; "The police confiscated the stolen artwork"
02273768 40 v 01 condemn 0 001 @ 02273293 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | appropriate (property) for public use; "the county condemned the land to build a highway"
02273922 40 v 01 sequester 1 002 $ 02273293 v 0000 @ 02205272 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | requisition forcibly, as of enemy property; "the estate was sequestered"
02274079 40 v 02 garnishee 0 garnish 0 002 @ 02273293 v 0000 + 06557827 n 0201 01 + 08 00 | take a debtor's wages on legal orders, such as for child support; "His employer garnished his wages in order to pay his debt"
02274299 40 v 03 take_over 3 buy_out 0 buy_up 0 003 @ 02207206 v 0000 + 00789534 n 0201 + 00789906 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | take over ownership of; of corporations and companies
02274482 40 v 05 assume 0 usurp 0 seize 7 take_over 7 arrogate 0 012 @ 02206619 v 0000 + 00085678 n 0502 + 09810364 n 0501 + 01145015 n 0404 + 00085432 n 0201 + 10742546 n 0201 + 00082870 n 0101 ~ 02215355 v 0000 ~ 02272549 v 0000 ~ 02273083 v 0000 ~ 02275034 v 0000 ~ 02275152 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | seize and take control without authority and possibly with force; take as one's right or possession; "He assumed to himself the right to fill all positions in the town"; "he usurped my rights"; "She seized control of the throne after her husband died"
02275034 40 v 01 hijack 0 001 @ 02274482 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | seize control of; "they hijacked the judicial process"
02275152 40 v 01 raid 2 003 @ 02274482 v 0000 + 00777324 n 0101 + 08076253 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | take over (a company) by buying a controlling interest of its stock; "T. Boone Pickens raided many large companies"
02275365 40 v 03 claim 0 lay_claim 0 arrogate 2 009 @ 00752764 v 0000 + 09810364 n 0301 + 06729864 n 0101 + 09925592 n 0101 ! 02303331 v 0101 $ 00758333 v 0000 ~ 02275799 v 0000 ~ 02276000 v 0000 ~ 02276746 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 22 02 | demand as being one's due or property; assert one's right or title to; "He claimed his suitcases at the airline counter"; "Mr. Smith claims special tax exemptions because he is a foreign resident"
02275799 40 v 01 pretend 3 004 @ 02275365 v 0000 + 10469979 n 0101 + 06730371 n 0101 + 04788853 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | put forward a claim and assert right or possession of; "pretend the title of King"
02276000 40 v 01 requisition 0 003 @ 02275365 v 0000 + 07192240 n 0101 ! 02276202 v 0101 01 + 09 00 | demand and take for use or service, especially by military or public authority for public service
02276202 40 v 01 derequisition 0 002 @ 02316304 v 0000 ! 02276000 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | release from government control
02276322 40 v 02 reclaim 0 repossess 0 003 @ 02210855 v 0000 ~ 02276453 v 0000 ~ 02276568 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 16 00 | claim back
02276453 40 v 01 distrain 2 001 @ 02276322 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | legally take something in place of a debt payment
02276568 40 v 01 foreclose 0 002 @ 02276322 v 0000 + 00090076 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | subject to foreclosing procedures; take away the right of mortgagors to redeem their mortgage
02276746 40 v 02 arrogate 1 assign 2 002 @ 02275365 v 0000 + 09810364 n 0101 01 + 15 00 | make undue claims to having
02276866 40 v 0c pilfer 0 cabbage 0 purloin 0 pinch 0 abstract 0 snarf 0 swipe 0 hook 0 sneak 0 filch 0 nobble 0 lift 0 005 @ 02321757 v 0000 + 09866661 n 0c03 + 13385216 n 0203 + 10616204 n 0102 + 00781355 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 16 00 | make off with belongings of others
02277138 40 v 02 rustle 0 lift 3 004 @ 02321757 v 0000 ;c 00766234 n 0000 + 10544480 n 0101 + 00966504 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 02 01 | take illegally; "rustle cattle"
02277303 40 v 01 shoplift 0 004 @ 02321757 v 0000 ;c 00766234 n 0000 + 09866661 n 0102 + 00781480 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | steal in a store
02277448 40 v 02 hold_up 0 stick_up 0 006 * 01120069 v 0000 @ 02321391 v 0000 ;c 00766234 n 0000 + 00781912 n 0204 + 00781912 n 0103 ~ 02277663 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | rob at gunpoint or by means of some other threat
02277663 40 v 01 mug 0 005 @ 02277448 v 0000 ;c 00766234 n 0000 + 10337134 n 0101 + 10337300 n 0101 + 00774009 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | rob at gunpoint or with the threat of violence; "I was mugged in the streets of New York last night"
02277897 40 v 01 pirate 0 004 @ 02321757 v 0000 ;c 00766234 n 0000 + 10437262 n 0105 + 00750405 n 0104 02 + 08 00 + 16 00 | copy illegally; of published material
02278061 40 v 03 plagiarize 0 plagiarise 0 lift 1 013 @ 02321757 v 0000 ;c 00766234 n 0000 + 10437262 n 0201 + 10437262 n 0203 + 00750405 n 0203 + 07277158 n 0201 + 00750405 n 0201 + 10437262 n 0101 + 10437262 n 0102 + 00750405 n 0102 + 07277158 n 0101 + 00750405 n 0101 ~ 02278470 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 16 00 | take without referencing from someone else's writing or speech; of intellectual property
02278470 40 v 01 crib 0 002 @ 02278061 v 0000 ;c 00766234 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | take unauthorized (intellectual material)
02278592 40 v 01 pocket 0 002 @ 02205272 v 0000 + 03972524 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 16 00 | put in one's pocket; "He pocketed the change"
02278727 40 v 01 line_one's_pockets 0 001 @ 02278830 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | make a lot of money
02278830 40 v 02 profit 0 turn_a_profit 0 007 @ 02289295 v 0000 + 13258362 n 0105 ! 02288828 v 0101 ! 02280018 v 0101 ~ 02278727 v 0000 ~ 02279113 v 0000 ~ 02279315 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | make a profit; gain money or materially; "The company has not profited from the merger"
02279113 40 v 03 turn_a_nice_dime 0 turn_a_nice_penny 0 turn_a_nice_dollar 0 001 @ 02278830 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | make a satisfactory profit; "The company turned a nice dime after a short time"
02279315 40 v 01 clean_up 4 002 @ 02278830 v 0000 + 13259797 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | make a big profit; often in a short period of time; "The investor really cleaned up when the stock market went up"
02279513 40 v 01 cash_in_on 0 001 @ 02290461 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | take advantage of or capitalize on
02279615 40 v 01 profiteer 0 002 @ 02290461 v 0000 + 10481003 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | make an unreasonable profit, as on the sale of difficult to obtain goods
02279772 40 v 03 capitalize 0 capitalise 0 take_advantage 0 003 @ 02290461 v 0000 + 00951626 n 0202 + 00951626 n 0101 01 + 22 00 | draw advantages from; "he is capitalizing on her mistake"; "she took advantage of his absence to meet her lover"
02280018 40 v 01 break_even 0 002 ! 02278830 v 0101 ! 02288828 v 0101 01 + 02 00 | make neither profit nor loss
02280132 40 v 04 conserve 2 preserve 0 maintain 0 keep_up 0 009 @ 02202928 v 0000 + 00267522 n 0302 + 01888554 a 0201 + 00819024 n 0201 + 07419599 n 0101 + 00819274 n 0101 ~ 02226981 v 0000 ~ 02280647 v 0000 ~ 02319946 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | keep in safety and protect from harm, decay, loss, or destruction; "We preserve these archeological findings"; "The old lady could not keep up the building"; "children must be taught to conserve our national heritage"; "The museum curator conserved the ancient manuscripts"
02280647 40 v 01 plastinate 0 002 @ 02280132 v 0000 + 13538314 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | preserve (tissue) with plastics, as for teaching and research purposes; "The doctor plastinates bodies to teach anatomy to his students"
02280869 40 v 05 run_down 0 exhaust 0 play_out 0 sap 0 tire 0 004 @ 01157517 v 0000 + 10551751 n 0401 + 00356621 n 0201 $ 00572788 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | deplete; "exhaust one's savings"; "We quickly played out our strength"
02281093 40 v 07 store 0 hive_away 0 lay_in 0 put_in 0 salt_away 0 stack_away 0 stash_away 0 008 @ 02202384 v 0000 + 13367070 n 0101 + 00811355 n 0101 ~ 01493142 v 0000 ~ 02218759 v 0000 ~ 02281485 v 0000 ~ 02304982 v 0000 ~ 02306087 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | keep or lay aside for future use; "store grain for the winter"; "The bear stores fat for the period of hibernation when he doesn't eat"
02281485 40 v 01 victual 0 002 @ 02281093 v 0000 + 07556637 n 0105 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | lay in provisions; "The vessel victualled before the long voyage"
02281641 40 v 01 mothball 0 002 @ 02282506 v 0000 + 03788703 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | put into long-term storage
02281751 40 v 01 reposit 0 003 @ 02282506 v 0000 + 00372607 n 0102 + 00372607 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | put (something) in a place for storage; "the treasure found int he ancient tomb was reposited in the museum"
02281960 40 v 01 wharf 0 002 @ 02282506 v 0000 + 03933529 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | store on a wharf; "Wharf the merchandise"
02282082 40 v 01 tank 0 004 @ 02282506 v 0000 + 13770529 n 0101 + 04388743 n 0101 + 00812055 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | store in a tank by causing (something) to flow into it
02282252 40 v 01 loft 0 003 @ 02282506 v 0000 + 03686470 n 0101 + 03686130 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | store in a loft
02282365 40 v 01 warehouse 0 004 @ 02282506 v 0000 + 04551055 n 0101 + 10767519 n 0101 + 00372607 n 0104 01 + 08 00 | store in a warehouse
02282506 40 v 01 store 2 014 @ 02202384 v 0000 + 04329190 n 0105 + 00811355 n 0101 ~ 01493041 v 0000 ~ 02204094 v 0000 ~ 02281641 v 0000 ~ 02281751 v 0000 ~ 02281960 v 0000 ~ 02282082 v 0000 ~ 02282252 v 0000 ~ 02282365 v 0000 ~ 02282946 v 0000 ~ 02283080 v 0000 ~ 02283197 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | find a place for and put away for storage; "where should we stow the vegetables?"; "I couldn't store all the books in the attic so I sold some"
02282946 40 v 01 garage 0 002 @ 02282506 v 0000 + 03416489 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | keep or store in a garage; "we don't garage our car"
02283080 40 v 01 bottle 0 002 @ 02282506 v 0000 + 02876657 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | store (liquids or gases) in bottles
02283197 40 v 01 ensile 0 002 @ 02282506 v 0000 + 07801342 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | store in a silo; "ensile fodder for the cows"
02283324 40 v 04 retain 0 hold 2 keep_back 1 hold_back 0 004 @ 02202384 v 0000 + 00810598 n 0203 + 00810598 n 0101 ~ 02283608 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | secure and keep for possible future use or application; "The landlord retained the security deposit"; "I reserve the right to disagree"
02283608 40 v 01 hold_down 0 001 @ 02283324 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | keep; "She manages to hold down two jobs"
02283716 40 v 04 keep_open 0 hold_open 0 keep 9 save 3 002 @ 02498320 v 0000 $ 02202384 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | retain rights to; "keep my job for me while I give birth"; "keep my seat, please"; "keep open the possibility of a merger"
02283949 40 v 01 advance 0 002 @ 02324182 v 0000 + 13375891 n 0101 03 + 08 00 + 14 00 + 15 00 | pay in advance; "Can you advance me some money?"
02284096 40 v 04 bribe 0 corrupt 0 buy 2 grease_one's_palms 0 009 @ 02251743 v 0000 ;c 00766234 n 0000 + 00621207 a 0201 + 00621207 a 0102 + 09874260 n 0101 + 00776262 n 0101 + 13284562 n 0101 ~ 02284429 v 0000 ~ 02284803 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | make illegal payments to in exchange for favors or influence; "This judge can be bought"
02284429 40 v 01 sop 0 002 @ 02284096 v 0000 + 07216615 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | give a conciliatory gift or bribe to
02284544 40 v 01 buy_into 0 002 @ 02271137 v 0000 ;c 01099436 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | buy stocks or shares of a company
02284662 40 v 01 rake_off 0 003 @ 02289295 v 0000 ;c 00766234 n 0000 + 13289306 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | take money from an illegal transaction
02284803 40 v 02 buy_off 0 pay_off 1 002 @ 02284096 v 0000 ;c 00766234 n 0000 01 + 09 00 | pay someone with influence in order to receive a favor
02284951 40 v 04 refund 0 return 0 repay 0 give_back 0 007 @ 02251743 v 0000 + 13299651 n 0301 + 01121690 n 0302 + 01121690 n 0101 + 13282161 n 0101 ~ 02285205 v 0000 ~ 02310482 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 14 00 + 15 00 | pay back; "Please refund me my money"
02285205 40 v 01 reimburse 0 002 @ 02284951 v 0000 + 13290002 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 14 00 | pay back for some expense incurred; "Can the company reimburse me for my professional travel?"
02285392 40 v 03 stock 0 carry 0 stockpile 0 007 @ 02203362 v 0000 + 08462205 n 0301 + 13368052 n 0303 + 00372977 n 0301 + 13367070 n 0102 + 04321534 n 0101 + 10658304 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | have on hand; "Do you carry kerosene heaters?"
02285629 40 v 02 find 0 regain 1 011 $ 02247977 v 0000 $ 02212275 v 0000 @ 02210855 v 0000 + 10090745 n 0101 + 00043195 n 0102 + 10090498 n 0101 ! 02287618 v 0101 ~ 02286027 v 0000 ~ 02286204 v 0000 ~ 02286687 v 0000 ~ 02292265 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | come upon after searching; find the location of something that was missed or lost; "Did you find your glasses?"; "I cannot find my gloves!"
02286027 40 v 01 feel 0 003 @ 02285629 v 0000 + 02585285 n 0102 + 02584915 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | find by testing or cautious exploration; "He felt his way around the dark room"
02286204 40 v 02 locate 0 turn_up 0 006 $ 01313923 v 0000 @ 02285629 v 0000 + 00155487 n 0103 + 00027167 n 0101 ~ 02286550 v 0000 ~ 02287380 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | discover the location of; determine the place of; find by searching or examining; "Can you locate your cousins in the Midwest?"; "My search turned up nothing"
02286550 40 v 01 unearth 1 001 @ 02286204 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | bring to light; "The CIA unearthed a plot to kill the President"
02286687 40 v 0a fall_upon d strike 0 come_upon 9 light_upon 0 chance_upon 0 come_across 2 chance_on 0 happen_upon 0 attain d discover 0 003 @ 02285629 v 0000 + 07214432 n 0a01 + 00043195 n 0a01 01 + 08 00 | find unexpectedly; "the archeologists chanced upon an old tomb"; "she struck a goldmine"; "The hikers finally struck the main path to the lake"
02287041 40 v 01 pick_up 0 003 @ 02207206 v 0000 ;c 01090446 n 0000 + 01016201 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | buy casually or spontaneously; "I picked up some food for a snack"
02287209 40 v 02 foot 0 pick 0 001 @ 02251743 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | pay for something; "pick up the tab"; "pick up the burden of high-interest mortgages"; "foot the bill"
02287380 40 v 02 pinpoint 0 nail 0 002 @ 02286204 v 0000 + 04681230 n 0102 04 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | locate exactly; "can you pinpoint the position of the enemy?"; "The chemists could not nail the identity of the chromosome"
02287618 40 v 01 lose 1 003 + 13329322 n 0101 ! 02285629 v 0101 ~ 00613018 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | miss from one's possessions; lose sight of; "I've lost my glasses again!"
02287789 40 v 01 lose 2 003 ! 02202384 v 0101 ~ 00546398 v 0000 ~ 02288042 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | fail to keep or to maintain; cease to have, either physically or in an abstract sense; "She lost her purse when she left it unattended on her seat"
02288042 40 v 01 sleep_off 0 001 @ 02287789 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | get rid of by sleeping; "sleep off a hangover"
02288155 40 v 01 lose 0 001 ! 02288295 v 0102 02 + 08 00 + 15 00 | fail to get or obtain; "I lost the opportunity to spend a year abroad"
02288295 40 v 03 acquire 6 win 0 gain 1 009 @ 02210855 v 0000 + 10117511 n 0301 + 10782791 n 0201 + 13259917 n 0202 + 09762821 n 0202 + 13259917 n 0201 + 00064018 n 0201 ! 02288155 v 0201 ~ 02288656 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 16 00 | win something through one's efforts; "I acquired a passing knowledge of Chinese"; "Gain an understanding of international finance"
02288656 40 v 01 cozen 0 003 @ 02288295 v 0000 @ 02573275 v 0000 + 00754280 n 0102 03 + 08 00 + 21 00 + 22 00 | cheat or trick; "He cozened the money out of the old man"
02288828 40 v 02 lose 6 turn_a_loss 0 004 + 10272782 n 0101 + 13329322 n 0101 ! 02278830 v 0101 ! 02280018 v 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | fail to make money in a business; make a loss or fail to profit; "I lost thousands of dollars on that bad investment!"; "The company turned a loss after the first year"
02289134 40 v 01 clear 7 001 ! 02254923 v 0101 01 + 01 00 | be debited and credited to the proper bank accounts; "The check will clear within 2 business days"
02289295 40 v 09 gain 0 take_in 0 clear 0 make 1 earn 1 realize 1 realise 1 pull_in 0 bring_in 1 012 $ 02291258 v 0000 @ 02210855 v 0000 + 10041887 n 0501 + 10117511 n 0101 $ 00012267 v 0000 ~ 02239997 v 0000 ~ 02278830 v 0000 ~ 02284662 v 0000 ~ 02289854 v 0000 ~ 02290029 v 0000 ~ 02291434 v 0000 ~ 02291708 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | earn on some commercial or business transaction; earn as salary or wages; "How much do you make a month in your new job?"; "She earns a lot in her new job"; "this merger brought in lots of money"; "He clears $5,000 each month"
02289854 40 v 02 take_home 0 bring_home 0 001 @ 02289295 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | earn as a salary or wage; "How much does your wife take home after taxes and other deductions?"
02290029 40 v 02 rake_in 0 shovel_in 0 001 @ 02289295 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | earn large sums of money; "Since she accepted the new position, she has been raking it in"
02290196 40 v 02 earn 3 garner 1 003 @ 02210855 v 0000 + 13279262 n 0103 ~ 02290349 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | acquire or deserve by one's efforts or actions
02290349 40 v 01 letter 0 002 @ 02290196 v 0000 + 06706504 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | win an athletic letter
02290461 40 v 03 profit 2 gain 2 benefit 0 009 @ 02210855 v 0000 + 05142641 n 0301 + 10117511 n 0201 + 05157574 n 0101 ~ 02279513 v 0000 ~ 02279615 v 0000 ~ 02279772 v 0000 ~ 02290756 v 0000 ~ 02291258 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | derive a benefit from; "She profited from his vast experience"
02290756 40 v 01 pyramid 0 002 @ 02290461 v 0000 ;c 01099436 n 0000 01 + 02 00 | enlarge one's holdings on an exchange on a continued rise by using paper profits as margin to buy additional amounts
02290956 40 v 02 benefit 1 do_good 0 004 @ 00082081 v 0000 + 10191613 n 0202 + 00223802 a 0101 + 05142641 n 0101 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | be beneficial for; "This will do you good"
02291135 40 v 01 agree 2 001 @ 02735282 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | be agreeable or suitable; "White wine doesn't agree with me"
02291258 40 v 04 net 0 sack 1 sack_up 0 clear 4 003 @ 02290461 v 0000 $ 02289295 v 0000 $ 02291548 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make as a net profit; "The company cleared $1 million"
02291434 40 v 01 gross 0 002 @ 02289295 v 0000 + 13256691 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | earn before taxes, expenses, etc.
02291548 40 v 02 net 1 clear 3 003 $ 02291258 v 0000 @ 02291708 v 0000 + 13258362 n 0102 01 + 11 00 | yield as a net profit; "This sale netted me $1 million"
02291708 40 v 03 yield 0 pay 1 bear 1 008 @ 02289295 v 0000 ;c 13333237 n 0000 + 13279262 n 0202 + 04612722 n 0101 + 00914632 n 0102 + 13758745 n 0102 ~ 02291548 v 0000 ~ 02292004 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | bring in; "interest-bearing accounts"; "How much does this savings certificate pay annually?"
02292004 40 v 01 pay_off 2 001 @ 02291708 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | yield a profit or result; "His efforts finally paid off"
02292125 40 v 02 derive 0 gain 3 002 @ 02238085 v 0000 ~ 02293148 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 16 00 | obtain; "derive pleasure from one's garden"
02292265 40 v 02 rout_up 0 rout_out 0 002 * 02153709 v 0000 @ 02285629 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | get or find by searching; "What did you rout out in the library?"
02292432 40 v 02 pocket 1 bag 1 002 @ 02321757 v 0000 + 03972524 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | take unlawfully
02292535 40 v 05 embezzle 0 defalcate 0 peculate 0 misappropriate 0 malversate 0 010 @ 02321757 v 0000 + 00735832 n 0501 + 00776732 n 0405 + 00776732 n 0302 + 10051337 n 0303 + 00776732 n 0203 + 10051337 n 0202 + 00776732 n 0101 + 10051337 n 0101 ~ 02292989 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 16 00 | appropriate (as property entrusted to one's care) fraudulently to one's own use; "The accountant embezzled thousands of dollars while working for the wealthy family"
02292989 40 v 01 fiddle 0 001 @ 02292535 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | commit fraud and steal from one's employer; "We found out that she had been fiddling for years"
02293148 40 v 02 reap 0 draw 0 002 $ 01760300 v 0000 @ 02292125 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 16 00 | get or derive; "He drew great benefits from his membership in the association"
02293321 40 v 07 hand_over 0 fork_over 0 fork_out 0 fork_up 0 turn_in 0 deliver 1 render 3 006 @ 02230772 v 0000 + 10001058 n 0601 + 01108753 n 0601 + 00213186 n 0101 ~ 02293732 v 0000 ~ 02293915 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 15 00 | to surrender someone or something to another; "the guard delivered the criminal to the police"; "render up the prisoners"; "render the town to the enemy"; "fork over the money"
02293732 40 v 01 bail 0 003 @ 02293321 v 0000 + 01108971 n 0101 + 09832978 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | deliver something in trust to somebody for a special purpose and for a limited period
02293915 40 v 01 give_away 1 001 @ 02293321 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | formally hand over to the bridegroom in marriage; of a bride by her father
02294056 40 v 01 barter_away 0 002 @ 02260085 v 0000 ;c 01090446 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | trade in in a bartering transaction
02294179 40 v 05 share 0 divvy_up 0 portion_out 0 apportion 0 deal 7 007 * 01557774 v 0000 @ 02201644 v 0000 + 01084637 n 0501 + 00468176 a 0403 + 01085098 n 0103 + 10401639 n 0102 + 01085793 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | give out as one's portion or share
02294436 40 v 0c distribute 0 administer 0 mete_out 0 deal 1 parcel_out 0 lot 0 dispense 0 shell_out 0 deal_out 0 dish_out 0 allot 2 dole_out 0 014 @ 02199590 v 0000 + 01083645 n 0b01 + 13285714 n 0701 + 01083504 n 0701 + 10017794 n 0701 + 03210683 n 0701 + 01084637 n 0401 + 01083077 n 0101 + 09784707 n 0102 + 03213014 n 0102 ~ 02228698 v 0000 ~ 02228901 v 0000 ~ 02246456 v 0000 ~ 02309165 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 15 00 | administer or bestow, as in small portions; "administer critical remarks to everyone present"; "dole out some money"; "shell out pocket money for the children"; "deal a blow to someone"; "the machine dispenses soft drinks"
02295082 40 v 01 admeasure 0 002 * 02294179 v 0000 @ 00918872 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | determine the quantity of someone's share
02295208 40 v 03 partake 0 share 1 partake_in 0 006 @ 02210855 v 0000 + 01085098 n 0203 + 13285176 n 0201 + 10401639 n 0202 + 10401639 n 0101 ~ 02295447 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 02 01 | have, give, or receive a share of; "We shared the cake"
02295447 40 v 01 cut_in 0 001 @ 02295208 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | allow someone to have a share or profit
02295550 40 v 01 share 2 005 @ 01158872 v 0000 + 13843920 n 0101 ~ 02295717 v 0000 ~ 02295842 v 0000 ~ 02295979 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | use jointly or in common
02295717 40 v 01 double_up 0 001 @ 02295550 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | share a room or a bed designed for only one person
02295842 40 v 01 pool 0 002 @ 02295550 v 0000 + 13369857 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | combine into a common fund; "We pooled resources"
02295979 40 v 02 communalize 0 communalise 0 003 @ 02295550 v 0000 + 00493012 a 0101 + 02700918 a 0101 01 + 08 00 | make something the property of the commune or community
02296153 40 v 04 impart 0 leave 2 give 9 pass_on 3 007 $ 02235842 v 0000 $ 02229055 v 0000 @ 00952524 v 0000 + 06685198 n 0301 + 06252954 n 0103 + 06252954 n 0102 ~ 00928630 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 15 00 | transmit (knowledge or skills); "give a secret to the Russians"; "leave your name and address here"; "impart a new skill to the students"
02296495 40 v 01 tender 0 002 @ 02297142 v 0000 + 07165086 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | make a tender of; in legal settlements
02296615 40 v 01 tender 1 001 @ 02200686 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 14 00 + 15 00 | offer or present for acceptance
02296726 40 v 01 offer 2 003 @ 02327200 v 0000 + 07185076 n 0101 ~ 00781652 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 14 00 + 15 00 | make available or accessible, provide or furnish; "The conference center offers a health spa"; "The hotel offers private meeting rooms"
02296984 40 v 02 signalize 0 signalise 0 002 @ 02327200 v 0000 + 06791372 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | provide with traffic signals; "signalize a busy intersection"
02297142 40 v 02 offer 0 proffer 0 007 @ 02199590 v 0000 + 07162680 n 0203 + 07185076 n 0101 + 10371052 n 0101 + 10371052 n 0102 ~ 00108604 v 0000 ~ 02296495 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 14 00 + 15 00 | present for acceptance or rejection; "She offered us all a cold drink"
02297409 40 v 01 offer 3 002 @ 02298160 v 0000 ~ 02297571 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make available for sale; "The stores are offering specials on sweaters this week"
02297571 40 v 01 put_up 0 001 @ 02297409 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make available for sale at an auction; "The dealer put up three of his most valuable paintings for auction"
02297742 40 v 02 offer 9 extend 4 004 @ 01060494 v 0000 + 07185076 n 0101 + 07185076 n 0102 $ 02297948 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 15 00 + 14 01 | offer verbally; "extend my greetings"; "He offered his sympathy"
02297948 40 v 02 extend 5 offer a 003 $ 02297742 v 0000 @ 02327200 v 0000 + 07185076 n 0201 03 + 08 00 + 15 00 + 14 02 | make available; provide; "extend a loan"; "The bank offers a good deal on new mortgages"
02298160 40 v 01 market 0 008 @ 02260362 v 0000 ;c 01090446 n 0000 + 02062133 a 0101 + 00877119 a 0101 + 08424951 n 0101 + 01097292 n 0101 + 10577284 n 0102 ~ 02297409 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | engage in the commercial promotion, sale, or distribution of; "The company is marketing its new line of beauty products"
02298471 40 v 01 market 1 005 @ 02244956 v 0000 ;c 01090446 n 0000 + 03461385 n 0104 + 00082081 n 0101 + 01113068 n 0103 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | deal in a market
02298632 40 v 03 offer 1 bid 0 tender 2 012 * 02259829 v 0000 ;c 00092366 n 0000 + 07165086 n 0302 + 07165086 n 0201 + 09853087 n 0201 + 07164546 n 0101 ~ 02298998 v 0000 ~ 02299110 v 0000 ~ 02299552 v 0000 ~ 02299687 v 0000 ~ 02299801 v 0000 ~ 02299924 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 21 00 | propose a payment; "The Swiss dealer offered $2 million for the painting"
02298998 40 v 01 by-bid 0 002 @ 02298632 v 0000 ;c 00092366 n 0000 01 + 02 00 | bid on behalf of someone else
02299110 40 v 01 subscribe 1 002 @ 02298632 v 0000 ;c 01099436 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | offer to buy, as of stocks and shares; "The broker subscribed 500 shares"
02299269 40 v 02 pledge 4 subscribe 4 004 @ 02263027 v 0000 + 01090018 n 0201 + 10670310 n 0201 + 10441694 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | pay (an amount of money) as a contribution to a charity or service, especially at regular intervals; "I pledged $10 a month to my favorite radio station"
02299552 40 v 01 overbid 0 003 @ 02298632 v 0000 ;c 00092366 n 0000 ! 02299687 v 0101 01 + 02 00 | bid more than the object is worth
02299687 40 v 01 underbid 0 003 @ 02298632 v 0000 ;c 00092366 n 0000 ! 02299552 v 0101 01 + 02 00 | bid too low
02299801 40 v 01 outbid 0 003 @ 02298632 v 0000 ;c 00092366 n 0000 ! 02299924 v 0101 01 + 09 00 | bid higher than others
02299924 40 v 01 underbid 1 003 @ 02298632 v 0000 ;c 00092366 n 0000 ! 02299801 v 0101 01 + 09 00 | bid lower than a competing bidder
02300060 40 v 02 bid 1 call 5 013 @ 01072949 v 0000 ;c 00488225 n 0000 + 09888832 n 0201 + 06737112 n 0101 + 09853184 n 0101 + 06737112 n 0102 ~ 01156406 v 0000 ~ 02300425 v 0000 ~ 02300734 v 0000 ~ 02300866 v 0000 ~ 02301000 v 0000 ~ 02301151 v 0000 ~ 02301321 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | make a demand, as for a card or a suit or a show of hands; "He called his trump"
02300425 40 v 01 double 3 002 @ 02300060 v 0000 + 00803394 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | bridge: make a demand for (a card or suit)
02300549 40 v 01 declare 0 004 @ 01149470 v 0000 ;c 00490569 n 0000 + 09961012 n 0102 + 06737394 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | designate (a trump suit or no-trump) with the final bid of a hand
02300734 40 v 01 outcall 0 001 @ 02300060 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | make a higher bid than (the previous bid or player); in a card game
02300866 40 v 01 underbid 2 001 @ 02300060 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | bid (a hand of cards) at less than the strength of the hand warrants
02301000 40 v 01 outbid 1 002 @ 02300060 v 0000 ;c 00490569 n 0000 01 + 02 00 | bid over an opponent's bid when one's partner has not bid or doubled
02301151 40 v 01 overbid 1 004 @ 02300060 v 0000 ;c 00490569 n 0000 + 07165298 n 0101 + 06737758 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | to bid for more tricks than one can expect to win,
02301321 40 v 01 preempt 1 005 @ 02300060 v 0000 ;c 00490569 n 0000 + 01765237 a 0101 + 10464870 n 0101 + 01765237 a 0102 01 + 08 00 | make a preemptive bid in the game of bridge
02301502 40 v 02 disburse 0 pay_out 0 005 @ 02251743 v 0000 + 13275495 n 0103 + 01122149 n 0102 + 10635275 n 0102 + 01122149 n 0103 02 + 08 00 + 15 00 | expend, as from a fund
02301680 40 v 01 belong 0 002 @ 02604760 v 0000 + 13244109 n 0102 01 + 10 00 | be owned by; be in the possession of; "This book belongs to me"
02301825 40 v 04 bear 2 take_over 6 accept 1 assume 1 003 @ 02205272 v 0000 + 00082870 n 0401 ~ 02302081 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | take on as one's own the expenses or debts of another person; "I'll accept the charges"; "She agreed to bear the responsibility"
02302081 40 v 02 face_the_music 0 carry-the_can 0 001 @ 02301825 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | accept the unpleasant consequences of one's actions
02302220 40 v 02 bear 0 hold 4 003 @ 02203362 v 0000 + 10179911 n 0201 + 10179911 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | have rightfully; of rights, titles, and offices; "She bears the title of Duchess"; "He held the governorship for almost a decade"
02302454 40 v 01 preempt 0 006 @ 02210855 v 0000 + 01765237 a 0101 + 05178394 n 0101 + 00085041 n 0101 + 10465002 n 0101 + 01765237 a 0102 01 + 08 00 | acquire for oneself before others can do so
02302652 40 v 01 preempt 2 001 @ 02210855 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | gain possession of by prior right or opportunity, especially so as to obtain the right to buy (land)
02302817 40 v 06 peddle 0 monger 0 huckster 0 hawk 0 vend 0 pitch 0 016 @ 02244956 v 0000 + 08624656 n 0601 + 07248653 n 0603 + 02062133 a 0505 + 02062133 a 0504 + 01116968 n 0504 + 10577284 n 0503 + 10577284 n 0504 + 01116968 n 0501 + 10411551 n 0404 + 01116968 n 0403 + 10190516 n 0301 + 10720453 n 0204 + 10495555 n 0103 + 10411551 n 0101 + 01116968 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | sell or offer for sale from place to place
02303235 40 v 01 dispense_with 0 001 @ 02228031 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | forgo or do or go without
02303331 40 v 06 forfeit 0 give_up 2 throw_overboard 0 waive 0 forgo 0 forego 0 010 @ 02228031 v 0000 + 00213694 n 0402 + 13301174 n 0102 + 13300922 n 0102 + 00205891 n 0102 + 13301174 n 0101 + 13300922 n 0101 + 00205891 n 0101 ! 02275365 v 0101 ~ 02303761 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | lose (s.th.) or lose the right to (s.th.) by some error, offense, or crime; "you've forfeited your right to name your successor"; "forfeited property"
02303761 40 v 01 lapse 0 002 @ 02303331 v 0000 + 15271417 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | let slip; "He lapsed his membership"
02303878 40 v 01 carry 4 001 @ 02272549 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | capture after a fight; "The troops carried the town after a brief fight"
02304013 40 v 02 recapture 0 retake 0 004 @ 02206619 v 0000 + 00096969 n 0202 + 00096969 n 0101 ~ 02272938 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 16 00 | take back by force, as after a battle; "The military forces managed to recapture the fort"
02304241 40 v 01 capture 1 002 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 13442715 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | bring about the capture of an elementary particle or celestial body and causing it enter a new orbit; "This nucleus has captured the slow-moving neutrons"; "The star captured a comet"
02304507 40 v 01 fall 5 003 @ 01116447 v 0000 + 00067707 n 0102 $ 02620213 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | be captured; "The cities fell to the enemy"
02304648 40 v 03 snap_up 0 snaffle 0 grab 0 003 @ 02205272 v 0000 + 00138956 n 0302 ~ 02304862 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | get hold of or seize quickly and easily; "I snapped up all the good buys during the garage sale"
02304862 40 v 01 hog 0 002 @ 02304648 v 0000 + 10179649 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | take greedily; take more than one's share
02304982 40 v 07 roll_up 3 collect 0 accumulate 0 pile_up 0 amass 0 compile 0 hoard 0 018 @ 02281093 v 0000 + 06593099 n 0601 + 01014731 n 0601 + 00048460 a 0301 + 00029769 a 0301 + 07951464 n 0303 + 00372013 n 0301 + 01014066 n 0201 + 01014066 n 0202 ~ 00159553 v 0000 ~ 01381796 v 0000 ~ 01384439 v 0000 ~ 01384752 v 0000 ~ 01385920 v 0000 ~ 01386200 v 0000 ~ 01480469 v 0000 ~ 02215790 v 0000 ~ 02218635 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | get or gather together; "I am accumulating evidence for the man's unfaithfulness to his wife"; "She is amassing a lot of data for her thesis"; "She rolled up a small fortune"
02305586 40 v 04 collect 3 pick_up 1 gather_up 0 call_for 0 002 @ 02210855 v 0000 + 01016201 n 0201 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | gather or collect; "You can get the results on Monday"; "She picked up the children at the day care center"; "They pick up our trash twice a week"
02305856 40 v 06 hoard 1 stash 0 cache 0 lay_away 0 hive_up 0 squirrel_away 0 006 @ 02265979 v 0000 + 13366912 n 0302 + 02934888 n 0301 + 13366912 n 0203 + 13366912 n 0101 + 10178611 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | save up as for future use
02306087 40 v 01 hive 3 004 @ 02281093 v 0000 + 02822865 n 0102 ^ 02281093 v 0102 ^ 02305856 v 0105 01 + 08 00 | store, like bees; "bees hive honey and pollen"; "He hived lots of information"
02306281 40 v 01 raise 0 002 @ 02218173 v 0000 ~ 02217990 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | collect funds for a specific purpose; "The President raised several million dollars for his college"
02306462 40 v 02 levy 0 impose 0 010 @ 02320374 v 0000 + 01127623 n 0201 + 13308864 n 0101 ~ 02306728 v 0000 ~ 02306869 v 0000 ~ 02307140 v 0000 ~ 02307261 v 0000 ~ 02307412 v 0000 ~ 02307547 v 0000 ~ 02353752 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | impose and collect; "levy a fine"
02306728 40 v 01 toll 0 002 @ 02306462 v 0000 + 13323749 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | charge a fee for using; "Toll the bridges into New York City"
02306869 40 v 01 tithe 0 002 @ 02306462 v 0000 $ 02307008 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | levy a tithe on (produce or a crop); "The wool was tithed"
02307008 40 v 01 tithe 1 002 $ 02306869 v 0000 @ 02320374 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | exact a tithe from; "The church was tithed"
02307140 40 v 01 reimpose 0 002 @ 02306462 v 0000 + 01148398 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | impose anew; "The fine was reimposed"
02307261 40 v 01 lay 0 001 @ 02306462 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 21 00 | impose as a duty, burden, or punishment; "lay a responsibility on someone"
02307412 40 v 01 mulct 0 002 @ 02306462 v 0000 + 13301328 n 0102 02 + 09 00 + 33 00 | impose a fine on; "he was fined for littering"
02307547 40 v 01 tax 0 011 @ 02306462 v 0000 + 02400218 a 0101 + 13308999 n 0101 + 13261916 n 0102 + 13308999 n 0102 + 01160170 n 0101 + 10693235 n 0101 ~ 02307882 v 0000 ~ 02307993 v 0000 ~ 02308115 v 0000 ~ 02308275 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | levy a tax on; "The State taxes alcohol heavily"; "Clothing is not taxed in our state"
02307882 40 v 01 excise 0 002 @ 02307547 v 0000 + 13316332 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | levy an excise tax on
02307993 40 v 01 tariff 0 002 @ 02307547 v 0000 + 13315999 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | charge a tariff; "tariff imported goods"
02308115 40 v 01 surtax 0 002 @ 02307547 v 0000 + 13315364 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | levy an extra tax on; "surtax luxury items that cost more than $1,000"
02308275 40 v 01 overtax 0 001 @ 02307547 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | tax excessively; "Don't overtax my constituents!"
02308389 40 v 02 tax 1 assess 0 003 @ 00699815 v 0000 + 13403146 n 0201 $ 02308552 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | set or determine the amount of (a payment such as a fine)
02308552 40 v 01 assess 1 004 $ 02308389 v 0000 @ 02320374 v 0000 + 13403146 n 0101 + 09815076 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | charge (a person or a property) with a payment, such as a tax or a fine
02308741 40 v 04 contribute 0 give 8 chip_in 0 kick_in 0 007 @ 02199590 v 0000 + 00090779 n 0201 + 01086081 n 0201 + 00787465 n 0101 + 01089778 n 0101 + 10670310 n 0102 ~ 02309008 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 15 00 | contribute to some cause; "I gave at the office"
02309008 40 v 01 combine 0 003 @ 02308741 v 0000 + 07373803 n 0102 + 00378985 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | add together from different sources; "combine resources"
02309165 40 v 02 give e apply 0 004 $ 02309374 v 0000 @ 02294436 v 0000 ~ 02309513 v 0000 ~ 02309621 v 0000 01 + 15 00 | give or convey physically; "She gave him First Aid"; "I gave him a punch in the nose"
02309374 40 v 01 give d 003 @ 00081072 v 0000 $ 00748616 v 0000 $ 02309165 v 0000 01 + 15 00 | give (as medicine); "I gave him the drug"
02309513 40 v 01 tread 0 002 @ 02309165 v 0000 + 04477091 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | apply (the tread) to a tire
02309621 40 v 01 administer 1 003 @ 02309165 v 0000 * 02483267 v 0000 ~ 02309801 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 15 00 | perform (a church sacrament) ritually; "administer the last unction"
02309801 40 v 01 insufflate 0 002 @ 02309621 v 0000 + 00835830 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | breathe or blow onto as a ritual or sacramental act, especially so as to symbolize the action of the Holy Spirit
02310007 40 v 02 render 0 return 8 003 @ 02199590 v 0000 + 00089351 n 0202 ~ 02310157 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 14 00 + 15 00 | give back; "render money"
02310157 40 v 02 feed_back 0 resubmit 0 002 @ 02310007 v 0000 + 13479380 n 0101 03 + 08 00 + 15 00 + 21 00 | submit (information) again to a program or automatic system
02310328 40 v 02 render 1 submit 1 002 @ 02200686 v 0000 ;c 08441203 n 0000 02 + 08 00 + 15 00 | make over as a return; "They had to render the estate"
02310482 40 v 02 restore 0 restitute 0 003 @ 02284951 v 0000 + 00089351 n 0201 + 00089351 n 0103 02 + 08 00 + 15 00 | give or bring back; "Restore the stolen painting to its rightful owner"
02310674 40 v 01 cover 0 002 @ 02604760 v 0000 + 13318411 n 0102 01 + 22 00 | be sufficient to meet, defray, or offset the charge or cost of; "Is this enough to cover the check?"
02310855 40 v 02 deposit 0 bank 0 009 @ 02199590 v 0000 + 00018069 a 0201 + 08420278 n 0202 + 02787772 n 0201 + 01100273 n 0201 + 13381145 n 0101 + 10005006 n 0101 ! 02311387 v 0101 ~ 02311135 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | put into a bank account; "She deposits her paycheck every month"
02311135 40 v 01 redeposit 0 002 @ 02310855 v 0000 + 13547380 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | deposit once again; "redeposit a cheque"
02311260 40 v 02 cheque 0 check_out 2 002 @ 02311387 v 0000 + 13381734 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | withdraw money by writing a check
02311387 40 v 04 withdraw 0 draw 1 take_out 0 draw_off 4 013 $ 01854132 v 0000 @ 00173338 v 0000 + 10032342 n 0201 + 10032524 n 0201 + 10784795 n 0101 + 01262713 n 0101 ! 02310855 v 0101 ~ 02311260 v 0000 ~ 02311857 v 0000 ~ 02312014 v 0000 ~ 02312186 v 0000 ~ 02312318 v 0000 ~ 02313906 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 22 00 | remove (a commodity) from (a supply source); "She drew $2,000 from the account"; "The doctors drew medical supplies from the hospital's emergency bank"
02311857 40 v 01 dip c 001 @ 02311387 v 0000 03 + 20 00 + 21 00 + 22 00 | take a small amount from; "I had to dip into my savings to buy him this present"
02312014 40 v 02 divert 0 hive_off 0 001 @ 02311387 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | withdraw (money) and move into a different location, often secretly and with dishonest intentions
02312186 40 v 01 overdraw 0 001 @ 02311387 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | draw more money from than is available; "She overdrew her account"
02312318 40 v 01 tap 0 001 @ 02311387 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 21 00 | draw from or dip into to get something; "tap one's memory"; "tap a source of money"
02312478 40 v 04 recall 0 call_in 0 call_back 0 withdraw 1 004 @ 02205272 v 0000 + 07280072 n 0302 + 07280072 n 0101 ~ 02312742 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cause to be returned; "recall the defective auto tires"; "The manufacturer tried to call back the spoilt yoghurt"
02312742 40 v 01 decommission 0 001 @ 02312478 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | withdraw from active service; "The warship was decommissioned in 1998"
02312882 40 v 01 relieve 0 001 @ 02206619 v 0000 01 + 18 00 | take by stealing; "The thief relieved me of $100"
02312996 40 v 01 relieve 1 001 @ 02350175 v 0000 01 + 18 00 | free from a burden, evil, or distress
02313098 40 v 02 smooth 0 smooth_out 0 001 @ 02350175 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | free from obstructions; "smooth the way towards peace negotiations"
02313250 40 v 01 deprive 0 011 @ 02213690 v 0000 + 01150200 n 0102 ~ 01186958 v 0000 ~ 01187740 v 0000 ~ 01187948 v 0000 ~ 02313542 v 0000 ~ 02313690 v 0000 ~ 02313801 v 0000 ~ 02316097 v 0000 ~ 02317661 v 0000 ~ 02476846 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 18 00 | keep from having, keeping, or obtaining
02313542 40 v 01 tongue-tie 0 001 @ 02313250 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | deprive of speech; "When he met his idol, the young man was tongue-tied"
02313690 40 v 01 dock 1 001 @ 02313250 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 18 00 | deprive someone of benefits, as a penalty
02313801 40 v 01 bilk 0 001 @ 02313250 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | evade payment to; "He bilked his creditors"
02313906 40 v 02 divest 0 disinvest 0 004 @ 02311387 v 0000 + 00396509 n 0201 + 01115017 n 0101 ! 02271137 v 0101 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 22 00 | reduce or dispose of; cease to hold (an investment); "The company decided to divest"; "the board of trustees divested $20 million in real estate property"; "There was pressure on the university to disinvest in South Africa"
02314275 40 v 03 deprive 1 strip 3 divest 1 013 @ 02205272 v 0000 + 06540863 n 0301 + 14493426 n 0103 + 01150200 n 0102 ~ 01088005 v 0000 ~ 01472642 v 0000 ~ 01608951 v 0000 ~ 02314658 v 0000 ~ 02314784 v 0000 ~ 02314946 v 0000 ~ 02315175 v 0000 ~ 02315277 v 0000 ~ 02315421 v 0000 01 + 18 00 | take away possessions from someone; "The Nazis stripped the Jews of all their assets"
02314658 40 v 01 dispossess 0 002 @ 02314275 v 0000 + 01194331 n 0102 01 + 09 00 | deprive of the possession of real estate
02314784 40 v 01 clean_out 0 001 @ 02314275 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | deprive completely of money or goods; "The robbers cleaned us out in a couple of hours"
02314946 40 v 01 unclothe 0 001 @ 02314275 v 0000 01 + 18 00 | strip; "unclothe your heart of envy"
02315048 40 v 02 deplume 0 displume 0 001 @ 02344568 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | strip of honors, possessions, or attributes
02315175 40 v 01 unsex 0 001 @ 02314275 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | deprive of sex or sexual powers
02315277 40 v 01 orphan 0 004 @ 02314275 v 0000 + 14571181 n 0101 + 03856012 n 0101 + 10384392 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | deprive of parents
02315421 40 v 01 bereave 0 002 @ 02314275 v 0000 + 13989280 n 0102 01 + 18 00 | deprive through death
02315525 40 v 01 inherit 0 005 @ 02210855 v 0000 + 10168584 n 0102 + 00083585 n 0101 $ 02315759 v 0000 $ 02315938 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 16 00 | obtain from someone after their death; "I inherited a castle from my French grandparents"
02315759 40 v 01 inherit 1 003 $ 02315525 v 0000 @ 02210119 v 0000 + 04922338 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | receive by genetic transmission; "I inherited my good eyesight from my mother"
02315938 40 v 01 inherit 2 001 $ 02315525 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | receive from a predecessor; "The new chairman inherited many problems from the previous chair"
02316097 40 v 02 disinherit 0 disown 0 005 @ 02313250 v 0000 + 07207860 n 0201 + 07207860 n 0202 + 01022992 n 0101 ! 02229055 v 0101 01 + 09 00 | prevent deliberately (as by making a will) from inheriting
02316304 40 v 05 release 0 relinquish 1 resign 4 free 1 give_up 3 007 @ 02230772 v 0000 + 07254836 n 0201 + 00212808 n 0202 + 00213694 n 0101 + 06552814 n 0102 ~ 02276202 v 0000 ~ 02343595 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 15 00 | part with a possession or right; "I am relinquishing my bedroom to the long-term house guest"; "resign a claim to the throne"
02316649 40 v 04 concede 0 yield 1 cede 1 grant 4 004 @ 02199590 v 0000 + 00213052 n 0301 + 07176243 n 0101 + 07176243 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 15 00 | give over; surrender or relinquish to the physical control of another
02316868 40 v 01 give 3 004 $ 02339171 v 0000 ~ 00089750 v 0000 ~ 02262278 v 0000 ~ 02358327 v 0000 01 + 14 00 | cause to have, in the abstract sense or physical sense; "She gave him a black eye"; "The draft gave me a cold"
02317094 40 v 02 grant 5 give b 002 + 10143725 n 0101 + 10143595 n 0101 02 + 14 00 + 15 00 | bestow, especially officially; "grant a degree"; "give a divorce"; "This bill grants us new rights"
02317289 40 v 01 charge 1 003 @ 02251743 v 0000 + 07190941 n 0101 ! 02317548 v 0101 03 + 08 00 + 15 00 + 21 00 | pay with a credit card; pay with plastic money; postpone payment by recording a purchase as a debt; "Will you pay cash or charge the purchase?"
02317548 40 v 01 pay_cash 0 002 @ 02251743 v 0000 ! 02317289 v 0101 01 + 02 00 | pay (for something) with cash
02317661 40 v 01 impoverish 0 006 @ 02313250 v 0000 + 01150467 n 0103 ! 02318648 v 0101 ~ 02317836 v 0000 ~ 02317970 v 0000 ~ 02318165 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | make poor
02317836 40 v 01 reduce 0 001 @ 02317661 v 0000 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | lessen and make more modest; "reduce one's standard of living"
02317970 40 v 03 beggar 0 pauperize 0 pauperise 0 006 @ 02317661 v 0000 + 01150467 n 0302 + 14493716 n 0205 + 01150467 n 0201 + 10409011 n 0201 + 09847010 n 0101 01 + 10 00 | reduce to beggary
02318165 40 v 04 bankrupt 0 ruin 0 break 7 smash 0 002 @ 02317661 v 0000 + 14478433 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | reduce to bankruptcy; "My daughter's fancy wedding is going to break me!"; "The slump in the financial markets smashed him"
02318403 40 v 01 fail 0 001 + 14478433 n 0102 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | become bankrupt or insolvent; fail financially and close; "The toy company went bankrupt after the competition hired cheap Mexican labor"; "A number of banks failed that year"
02318648 40 v 01 enrich 0 004 @ 00182406 v 0000 + 13271498 n 0101 ! 02317661 v 0101 ~ 02318843 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | make wealthy or richer; "the oil boom enriched a lot of local people"
02318843 40 v 01 feather_one's_nest 0 001 @ 02318648 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | enrich oneself by taking advantage of one's position; "The congressmen feathered his nest through his connection with big business"
02319050 40 v 09 overcharge 0 soak 0 surcharge 0 gazump 0 fleece 0 plume 0 pluck 0 rob 1 hook 2 005 @ 02573275 v 0000 * 02320374 v 0000 + 13307784 n 0101 ! 02319290 v 0101 ~ 02241107 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | rip off; ask an unreasonable price
02319290 40 v 01 undercharge 0 003 @ 02320374 v 0000 + 13307685 n 0101 ! 02319050 v 0101 01 + 09 00 | charge (someone) too little money
02319428 40 v 01 discount 0 006 @ 02320078 v 0000 + 13274597 n 0102 + 00362103 n 0101 + 03206405 n 0103 ~ 02319669 v 0000 ~ 02320200 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | give a reduction in price on; "I never discount these books-they sell like hot cakes"
02319669 40 v 01 allow 1 001 @ 02319428 v 0000 01 + 14 00 | grant as a discount or in exchange; "The camera store owner allowed me $50 on my old camera"
02319824 40 v 01 mark_up 0 003 @ 02351010 v 0000 + 13303880 n 0101 ! 02320078 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | increase the price of
02319946 40 v 01 hold_the_line 0 001 @ 02280132 v 0000 01 + 13 00 | hold the line on prices; keep the price of something constant
02320078 40 v 01 mark_down 0 003 @ 02349597 v 0000 ! 02319824 v 0101 ~ 02319428 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | reduce the price of
02320200 40 v 01 rebate 0 002 @ 02319428 v 0000 + 13282275 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | give a reduction in the price during a sale; "The store is rebating refrigerators this week"
02320374 40 v 02 charge 3 bill 0 011 @ 02265231 v 0000 + 06516955 n 0201 + 13306870 n 0101 + 07190941 n 0101 ~ 02306462 v 0000 ~ 02307008 v 0000 ~ 02308552 v 0000 ~ 02319290 v 0000 ~ 02320773 v 0000 ~ 02320903 v 0000 $ 02321046 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 14 00 | demand payment; "Will I get charged for this service?"; "We were billed for 4 nights in the hotel, although we stayed only 3 nights"
02320773 40 v 01 surcharge 1 002 @ 02320374 v 0000 + 13325505 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | charge an extra fee, as for a special service
02320903 40 v 01 invoice 0 002 @ 02320374 v 0000 + 06516955 n 0103 01 + 09 00 | send an bill to; "She invoiced the company for her expenses"
02321046 40 v 01 charge 2 005 $ 02320374 v 0000 @ 02265560 v 0000 + 13306870 n 0101 + 13400798 n 0101 + 07190941 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 15 00 | enter a certain amount as a charge; "he charged me $15"
02321245 40 v 02 chalk_up 0 run_up 0 001 @ 02254155 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | accumulate as a debt; "he chalked up $100 in the course of the evening"
02321391 40 v 01 rob 0 005 @ 02321757 v 0000 + 10534586 n 0101 + 00781685 n 0101 ~ 02277448 v 0000 ~ 02321648 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 16 00 | take something away by force or without the consent of the owner; "The burglars robbed him of all his money"
02321648 40 v 01 pick 1 002 @ 02321391 v 0000 + 00714477 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | pilfer or rob; "pick pockets"
02321757 40 v 01 steal 0 016 @ 02206619 v 0000 + 10707804 n 0102 + 00780889 n 0105 ~ 02276866 v 0000 ~ 02277138 v 0000 ~ 02277303 v 0000 ~ 02277897 v 0000 ~ 02278061 v 0000 ~ 02292432 v 0000 ~ 02292535 v 0000 ~ 02321391 v 0000 ~ 02322230 v 0000 ~ 02322433 v 0000 ~ 02322596 v 0000 ~ 02345288 v 0000 ~ 02571511 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 16 00 | take without the owner's consent; "Someone stole my wallet on the train"; "This author stole entire paragraphs from my dissertation"
02322230 40 v 06 hook 1 snitch 0 thieve 0 cop 0 knock_off 0 glom 0 004 @ 02321757 v 0000 + 00780889 n 0304 + 00780889 n 0303 + 10616204 n 0203 01 + 08 00 | take by theft; "Someone snitched my wallet!"
02322433 40 v 01 walk_off 0 001 @ 02321757 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | take without permission; "he walked off with my wife!"; "The thief walked off with my gold watch"
02322596 40 v 03 hustle 0 pluck 1 roll 0 003 @ 02321757 v 0000 + 10663315 n 0104 + 10194566 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 16 00 | sell something to or obtain something from by energetic and especially underhanded activity
02322810 40 v 01 plant 0 002 @ 02323059 v 0000 ;c 00917211 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | place into a river; "plant fish"
02322924 40 v 01 restock 0 002 @ 02323059 v 0000 ;c 00917211 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | stock again; "He restocked his land with pheasants"
02323059 40 v 01 stock 2 006 @ 02327200 v 0000 + 13367070 n 0102 + 10658304 n 0101 + 01061029 n 0101 ~ 02322810 v 0000 ~ 02322924 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | provide or furnish with a stock of something; "stock the larder with meat"
02323286 40 v 03 stock 1 buy_in 0 stock_up 0 007 @ 02327200 v 0000 ;c 01090446 n 0000 + 04321534 n 0101 + 13367070 n 0102 + 10658304 n 0101 ~ 02323604 v 0000 ~ 02323714 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | amass so as to keep for future use or sale or for a particular occasion or use; "let's stock coffee as long as prices are low"
02323604 40 v 01 overstock 0 002 @ 02323286 v 0000 ! 02323714 v 0101 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | stock excessively
02323714 40 v 01 understock 0 002 @ 02323286 v 0000 ! 02323604 v 0101 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | stock with less than the usual or desirable number or quantity
02323870 40 v 01 caption 0 003 @ 02327200 v 0000 + 06347588 n 0102 + 06346891 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | provide with a caption, as of a photograph or a drawing
02324026 40 v 01 borrow 0 003 @ 02210855 v 0000 + 09867633 n 0101 ! 02324182 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 16 00 | get temporarily; "May I borrow your lawn mower?"
02324182 40 v 02 lend 0 loan 0 008 @ 02199590 v 0000 + 13398953 n 0201 + 00184676 a 0101 + 10254392 n 0101 ! 02324026 v 0101 ~ 02209499 v 0000 ~ 02265726 v 0000 ~ 02283949 v 0000 02 + 14 00 + 15 00 | give temporarily; let have for a limited time; "I will lend you my car"; "loan me some money"
02324478 40 v 06 lend 1 impart 1 bestow 1 contribute 1 add 0 bring 2 006 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 02679415 n 0501 ~ 02324901 v 0000 ~ 02325042 v 0000 ~ 02325405 v 0000 ~ 02356974 v 0000 04 + 04 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 15 00 | bestow a quality on; "Her presence lends a certain cachet to the company"; "The music added a lot to the play"; "She brings a special atmosphere to our meetings"; "This adds a light note to the program"
02324901 40 v 01 factor 0 001 @ 02324478 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | be a contributing factor; "make things factor into a company's profitability"
02325042 40 v 02 instill 0 transfuse 0 002 @ 02324478 v 0000 ~ 02325272 v 0000 04 + 04 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 15 00 | impart gradually; "Her presence instilled faith into the children"; "transfuse love of music into the students"
02325272 40 v 01 breathe 0 001 @ 02325042 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | impart as if by breathing; "He breathed new life into the old house"
02325405 40 v 01 tinsel 0 002 @ 02324478 v 0000 + 04440210 n 0101 02 + 04 00 + 15 00 | impart a cheap brightness to; "his tinseled image of Hollywood"
02325558 40 v 01 sacrifice 1 004 @ 02613487 v 0000 + 00227595 n 0101 + 10545296 n 0101 ~ 02325736 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 15 00 | make a sacrifice of; in religious rituals
02325736 40 v 01 immolate 0 002 @ 02325558 v 0000 + 00227969 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | offer as a sacrifice by killing or by giving up to destruction; "The Aztecs immolated human victims"; "immolate the valuables at the temple"
02325968 40 v 01 shop 0 007 * 02207206 v 0000 @ 02238085 v 0000 ;c 01090446 n 0000 + 04202417 n 0101 + 10592397 n 0101 + 00081836 n 0101 ~ 02326198 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | do one's shopping; "She goes shopping every Friday"
02326198 40 v 01 market 5 003 @ 02325968 v 0000 ;c 01090446 n 0000 + 03461385 n 0104 01 + 02 00 | buy household supplies; "We go marketing every Saturday"
02326355 40 v 02 shop 1 browse 0 010 @ 01315613 v 0000 ;c 01090446 n 0000 + 09877587 n 0201 + 04202417 n 0101 + 10592397 n 0101 + 00081836 n 0101 $ 01315333 v 0000 ~ 02326672 v 0000 ~ 02326795 v 0000 ~ 02327074 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | shop around; not necessarily buying; "I don't need help, I'm just browsing"
02326672 40 v 01 comparison-shop 0 002 @ 02326355 v 0000 ;c 01090446 n 0000 01 + 02 00 | compare prices for a given item
02326795 40 v 01 antique 0 003 @ 02326355 v 0000 ;c 01090446 n 0000 + 02723754 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | shop for antiques; "We went antiquing on Saturday"
02326955 40 v 02 take_out 1 buy_food 0 001 @ 02207206 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | purchase prepared food to be eaten at home
02327074 40 v 01 window-shop 0 001 @ 02326355 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | examine the shop windows; shop with the eyes only
02327200 40 v 04 supply 0 provide 0 render 2 furnish 0 105 @ 02199590 v 0000 + 01057200 n 0201 + 10677271 n 0202 + 01057200 n 0102 + 13777344 n 0101 + 10677271 n 0101 + 01057200 n 0103 ~ 00214407 v 0000 ~ 00517847 v 0000 ~ 00734927 v 0000 ~ 01181166 v 0000 ~ 01358191 v 0000 ~ 02216083 v 0000 ~ 02225739 v 0000 ~ 02226380 v 0000 ~ 02226559 v 0000 ~ 02226706 v 0000 ~ 02296726 v 0000 ~ 02296984 v 0000 ~ 02297948 v 0000 ~ 02323059 v 0000 ~ 02323286 v 0000 ~ 02323870 v 0000 ~ 02329292 v 0000 ~ 02329413 v 0000 ~ 02329578 v 0000 ~ 02329733 v 0000 ~ 02329999 v 0000 ~ 02330109 v 0000 ~ 02330247 v 0000 ~ 02330407 v 0000 ~ 02330583 v 0000 ~ 02330742 v 0000 ~ 02330967 v 0000 ~ 02331175 v 0000 ~ 02331326 v 0000 ~ 02331786 v 0000 ~ 02331919 v 0000 ~ 02332086 v 0000 ~ 02332173 v 0000 ~ 02332311 v 0000 ~ 02332445 v 0000 ~ 02332627 v 0000 ~ 02332788 v 0000 ~ 02332891 v 0000 ~ 02332999 v 0000 ~ 02333225 v 0000 ~ 02333358 v 0000 ~ 02333979 v 0000 ~ 02334302 v 0000 ~ 02334595 v 0000 ~ 02334867 v 0000 ~ 02335262 v 0000 ~ 02335363 v 0000 ~ 02335629 v 0000 ~ 02335904 v 0000 ~ 02336015 v 0000 ~ 02336255 v 0000 ~ 02336375 v 0000 ~ 02336483 v 0000 ~ 02336684 v 0000 ~ 02336947 v 0000 ~ 02337066 v 0000 ~ 02337364 v 0000 ~ 02337545 v 0000 ~ 02337699 v 0000 ~ 02337870 v 0000 ~ 02338003 v 0000 ~ 02338227 v 0000 ~ 02338386 v 0000 ~ 02338975 v 0000 ~ 02339171 v 0000 ~ 02339413 v 0000 ~ 02340736 v 0000 ~ 02341816 v 0000 ~ 02352395 v 0000 ~ 02352704 v 0000 ~ 02352824 v 0000 ~ 02352946 v 0000 ~ 02353201 v 0000 ~ 02353408 v 0000 ~ 02353537 v 0000 ~ 02353844 v 0000 ~ 02354112 v 0000 ~ 02354287 v 0000 ~ 02355806 v 0000 ~ 02356113 v 0000 ~ 02356420 v 0000 ~ 02356704 v 0000 ~ 02357561 v 0000 ~ 02357693 v 0000 ~ 02357873 v 0000 ~ 02359690 v 0000 ~ 02360274 v 0000 ~ 02360497 v 0000 ~ 02360702 v 0000 ~ 02361329 v 0000 ~ 02361600 v 0000 ~ 02361811 v 0000 ~ 02361981 v 0000 ~ 02363128 v 0000 ~ 02363597 v 0000 ~ 02366105 v 0000 ~ 02366884 v 0000 ~ 02656390 v 0000 06 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 + 17 00 + 31 00 | give something useful or necessary to; "We provided the room with an electrical heater"
02329292 40 v 01 tube 0 002 @ 02327200 v 0000 + 05246511 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | provide with a tube or insert a tube into
02329413 40 v 01 ticket 1 002 @ 02327200 v 0000 + 06518719 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | provide with a ticket for passage or admission; "Ticketed passengers can board now"
02329578 40 v 01 stock 5 004 @ 02327200 v 0000 ;c 00917211 n 0000 + 08101410 n 0103 $ 02329733 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | supply with livestock; "stock a farm"
02329733 40 v 01 stock 6 004 $ 02329578 v 0000 @ 02327200 v 0000 ;c 00917211 n 0000 + 13367070 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | supply with fish; "stock a lake"
02329883 40 v 01 stock 7 002 @ 02339413 v 0000 + 04322026 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | equip with a stock; "stock a rifle"
02329999 40 v 01 rim 0 002 @ 02327200 v 0000 + 13902336 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | furnish with a rim; "rim a hat"
02330109 40 v 01 fret 0 002 @ 02327200 v 0000 + 03396074 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | provide (a musical instrument) with frets; "fret a guitar"
02330247 40 v 01 step 0 003 @ 02327200 v 0000 ;c 00610738 n 0000 + 04314914 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | furnish with steps; "The architect wants to step the terrace"
02330407 40 v 01 rail 0 005 @ 02327200 v 0000 ;c 00610738 n 0000 + 04046590 n 0101 + 04047401 n 0102 + 04047401 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | provide with rails; "The yard was railed"
02330583 40 v 01 grate 0 004 @ 02327200 v 0000 + 03454707 n 0101 + 03454536 n 0101 + 03454536 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | furnish with a grate; "a grated fireplace"
02330742 40 v 02 capitalize 2 capitalise 2 002 @ 02327200 v 0000 + 13354420 n 0201 01 + 08 00 | supply with capital, as of a business by using a combination of capital used by investors and debt capital provided by lenders
02330967 40 v 01 alphabetize 0 003 @ 02327200 v 0000 ;c 06282651 n 0000 + 06497459 n 0101 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | provide with an alphabet; "Cyril and Method alphabetized the Slavic languages"
02331175 40 v 01 wharf 1 003 @ 02327200 v 0000 + 03933529 n 0102 + 03933529 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | provide with a wharf; "Wharf the mouth of the river"
02331326 40 v 02 air-cool 0 air-condition 0 004 @ 02327200 v 0000 ;c 00610738 n 0000 + 02686379 n 0201 + 02686379 n 0202 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | equip with an apparatus for controlling the humidity and temperature; "Our house is not air-conditioned"
02331575 40 v 01 air-condition 1 003 @ 00515154 v 0000 + 02686379 n 0101 + 02686379 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | control the humidity and temperature of; "The room was cool because it had been air-conditioned"
02331786 40 v 01 uniform 0 002 @ 02327200 v 0000 + 04509592 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | provide with uniforms; "The guards were uniformed"
02331919 40 v 01 railroad 0 004 @ 02327200 v 0000 + 04048568 n 0102 + 04048075 n 0102 + 00951037 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | supply with railroad lines; "railroad the West"
02332086 40 v 01 partner 0 001 @ 02327200 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | provide with a partner
02332173 40 v 02 bewhisker 0 whisker 0 002 @ 02327200 v 0000 + 01901828 n 0201 01 + 08 00 | furnish with whiskers; "a whiskered jersey"
02332311 40 v 01 subtitle 0 003 @ 02327200 v 0000 ;c 06157326 n 0000 + 06347588 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | supply (a movie) with subtitles
02332445 40 v 01 headline 0 004 @ 02327200 v 0000 ;c 01101958 n 0000 + 06344461 n 0101 + 10163723 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | provide (a newspaper page or a story) with a headline
02332627 40 v 01 match 0 001 @ 02327200 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 | provide funds complementary to; "The company matched the employees' contributions"
02332788 40 v 01 hobnail 0 002 @ 02327200 v 0000 + 03523849 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | supply with hobnails
02332891 40 v 01 wive 0 001 @ 02327200 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | provide with a wife; marry (someone) to a wife
02332999 40 v 01 victual 2 006 @ 02327200 v 0000 + 07556637 n 0105 + 10753182 n 0101 + 10681557 n 0102 + 10753182 n 0102 + 10681557 n 0103 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | supply with food; "The population was victualed during the war"
02333225 40 v 02 surfeit 0 cloy 0 003 @ 02327200 v 0000 + 00841628 n 0102 + 14452294 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | supply or feed to surfeit
02333358 40 v 01 heat 0 009 @ 02327200 v 0000 + 01249137 a 0101 + 03509025 n 0104 + 05725527 n 0101 + 05016171 n 0102 + 11466043 n 0101 + 03508101 n 0101 + 03509025 n 0103 ~ 02333599 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | provide with heat; "heat the house"
02333599 40 v 01 steam-heat 0 001 @ 02333358 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | heat by means of steam
02333689 40 v 03 locate 1 place 0 site 0 007 @ 01088923 v 0000 + 08651247 n 0301 + 00586262 n 0207 + 08513718 n 0201 + 05075602 n 0201 + 01051331 n 0102 + 00027167 n 0101 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | assign a location to; "The company located some of their agents in Los Angeles"
02333979 40 v 01 seat 0 006 @ 02327200 v 0000 ;c 00610738 n 0000 + 04161358 n 0101 + 08647616 n 0101 + 04161981 n 0101 ~ 02334173 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | provide with seats; "seat a concert hall"
02334173 40 v 01 reseat 0 002 @ 02333979 v 0000 ;c 00610738 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | provide with new seats; "reseat Carnegie Hall"
02334302 40 v 01 seat 1 005 @ 02327200 v 0000 ;c 00607542 n 0000 + 08647616 n 0101 + 04161981 n 0101 ~ 02334458 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | put a seat on a chair
02334458 40 v 01 reseat 1 002 @ 02334302 v 0000 ;c 00607542 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | provide with a new seat; "reseat the old broken chair"
02334595 40 v 01 ramp 0 004 @ 02327200 v 0000 ;c 00610738 n 0000 + 04615728 n 0101 + 04051549 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | furnish with a ramp; "The ramped auditorium"
02334756 40 v 01 munition 0 002 @ 02334867 v 0000 + 04566257 n 0105 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | supply with weapons
02334867 40 v 01 arm 0 005 @ 02327200 v 0000 + 02738031 n 0101 + 04565375 n 0102 ~ 02334756 v 0000 ~ 02335078 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | supply with arms; "The U.S. armed the freedom fighters in Afghanistan"
02335078 40 v 01 rearm 0 002 @ 02334867 v 0000 + 01157384 n 0101 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | arm again; "After the war, the defeated country was not rearmed by the victors"
02335262 40 v 01 interleave 0 001 @ 02327200 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | provide (books) with blank leaves
02335363 40 v 02 glass 0 glaze 0 004 @ 02327200 v 0000 + 10132145 n 0204 + 14881303 n 0101 ~ 02335527 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | furnish with glass; "glass the windows"
02335527 40 v 01 double-glaze 0 001 @ 02335363 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | provide with two sheets of glass
02335629 40 v 03 crenel 0 crenelate 0 crenellate 0 010 @ 02327200 v 0000 ;c 00610738 n 0000 + 03130340 n 0302 + 03130340 n 0301 + 02811936 n 0303 + 00911572 n 0302 + 03130340 n 0202 + 03130340 n 0201 + 02811936 n 0202 + 00911572 n 0201 01 + 08 00 | supply with battlements
02335904 40 v 01 causeway 0 001 @ 02327200 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | provide with a causeway; "A causewayed swamp"
02336015 40 v 03 canal 0 canalize 0 canalise 0 008 @ 02327200 v 0000 + 01142843 n 0302 + 02947212 n 0301 + 01142843 n 0201 + 02947212 n 0201 + 01142843 n 0102 + 01142843 n 0101 + 02947212 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | provide (a city) with a canal
02336255 40 v 01 bush 0 003 @ 02327200 v 0000 + 02925250 n 0101 + 02925107 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | provide with a bushing
02336375 40 v 01 brattice 0 001 @ 02327200 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | supply with a brattice, to ventilate mines
02336483 40 v 01 furnish 1 004 @ 02327200 v 0000 + 03405725 n 0101 + 03405265 n 0101 ~ 02336807 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | provide or equip with furniture; "We furnished the house in the Biedermeyer style"
02336684 40 v 01 slat 0 002 @ 02327200 v 0000 + 04234455 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | equip or bar with slats; "Slat the windows"
02336807 40 v 01 refurnish 0 001 @ 02336483 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | furnish with new or different furniture; "We refurnished the living room"
02336947 40 v 01 berth 0 003 @ 02327200 v 0000 + 08640111 n 0103 + 02831724 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | provide with a berth
02337066 40 v 01 bed 0 003 @ 02327200 v 0000 + 02818832 n 0101 ~ 02337230 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | furnish with a bed; "The inn keeper could bed all the new arrivals"
02337230 40 v 01 bunk 0 002 @ 02337066 v 0000 + 02920259 n 0102 01 + 09 00 | provide with a bunk; "We bunked the children upstairs"
02337364 40 v 02 computerize 1 computerise 1 003 @ 02327200 v 0000 + 03082979 n 0201 + 03082979 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | provide with computers; "Our office is fully computerized now"
02337545 40 v 01 costume 0 003 @ 02327200 v 0000 ;c 06157326 n 0000 + 09968259 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | furnish with costumes; as for a film or play
02337699 40 v 01 bottom 0 004 @ 02327200 v 0000 ;c 00607542 n 0000 + 08511970 n 0101 + 08511241 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | provide with a bottom or a seat; "bottom the chairs"
02337870 40 v 01 rafter 0 003 @ 02327200 v 0000 ;c 00610738 n 0000 + 04045644 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | provide (a ceiling) with rafters
02338003 40 v 01 tool 0 002 @ 02327200 v 0000 + 04451818 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | furnish with tools
02338109 40 v 01 retool 0 001 @ 02257767 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | provide (a workshop or factory) with new tools
02338227 40 v 01 key 0 002 @ 02327200 v 0000 + 03613294 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | provide with a key; "We were keyed after the locks were changed in the building"
02338386 40 v 01 fuel 0 006 @ 02327200 v 0000 + 14875077 n 0101 + 01059719 n 0101 ~ 02338629 v 0000 ~ 02338729 v 0000 ~ 02338872 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | provide with a combustible substance that provides energy; "fuel aircraft, ships, and cars"
02338629 40 v 01 gas_up 0 001 @ 02338386 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | fill with gasoline; "Gas up the car"
02338729 40 v 01 refuel 1 002 @ 02338386 v 0000 + 01059719 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | provide with additional fuel, as of aircraft, ships, and cars
02338872 40 v 01 bunker 0 001 @ 02338386 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | fill (a ship's bunker) with coal or oil
02338975 40 v 02 provision 0 purvey 0 006 @ 02327200 v 0000 + 10495299 n 0201 + 01060924 n 0201 + 01057200 n 0101 + 13367448 n 0101 + 10681557 n 0104 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | supply with provisions
02339171 40 v 03 yield 2 give 5 afford 0 004 @ 02327200 v 0000 ~ 00539936 v 0000 $ 02316868 v 0000 ~ 02721438 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | be the cause or source of; "He gave me a lot of trouble"; "Our meeting afforded much interesting information"
02339413 40 v 04 equip 0 fit 0 fit_out 0 outfit 0 034 @ 02327200 v 0000 + 03619396 n 0402 + 03859958 n 0401 + 10387712 n 0401 + 01157138 n 0401 + 02730568 n 0202 + 03294048 n 0101 + 03730153 n 0102 + 01156899 n 0103 ~ 00408085 v 0000 ~ 00480751 v 0000 ~ 01137829 v 0000 ~ 01215694 v 0000 ~ 01241379 v 0000 ~ 02225911 v 0000 ~ 02226013 v 0000 ~ 02226172 v 0000 ~ 02329883 v 0000 ~ 02340247 v 0000 ~ 02340360 v 0000 ~ 02340543 v 0000 ~ 02340897 v 0000 ~ 02341200 v 0000 ~ 02341370 v 0000 ~ 02341491 v 0000 ~ 02341592 v 0000 ~ 02341684 v 0000 ~ 02342016 v 0000 ~ 02354536 v 0000 ~ 02362601 v 0000 ~ 02362700 v 0000 ~ 02362798 v 0000 ~ 02386675 v 0000 ~ 02475401 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 17 00 | provide with (something) usually for a specific purpose; "The expedition was equipped with proper clothing, food, and other necessities"
02340247 40 v 01 horseshoe 0 001 @ 02339413 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | equip (a horse) with a horseshoe or horseshoes
02340360 40 v 01 turn_out 3 002 @ 02339413 v 0000 + 03859958 n 0104 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | outfit or equip, as with accessories; "The actors were turned out lavishly"
02340543 40 v 01 instrument 0 004 @ 02339413 v 0000 + 00173761 n 0101 + 03575240 n 0102 + 00097348 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 10 00 | equip with instruments for measuring, recording, or controlling
02340736 40 v 02 transistorize 0 transistorise 0 002 @ 02327200 v 0000 + 04471632 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | equip (an electronic circuit or device) with transistors
02340897 40 v 01 muzzle 0 004 @ 02339413 v 0000 ! 02341086 v 0101 + 03803284 n 0101 + 10342893 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | fit with a muzzle; "muzzle the dog to prevent it from biting strangers"
02341086 40 v 01 unmuzzle 0 002 @ 02224055 v 0000 ! 02340897 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | remove the muzzle from (a dog)
02341200 40 v 03 kit_out 0 kit_up 0 kit 0 003 @ 02339413 v 0000 + 03619396 n 0301 + 03619650 n 0301 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 17 00 | supply with a set of articles or tools
02341370 40 v 01 appoint 0 001 @ 02339413 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 17 00 | furnish; "a beautifully appointed house"
02341491 40 v 02 re-equip 0 rejig 0 001 @ 02339413 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | re-equip a factory or plant
02341592 40 v 01 refit 0 001 @ 02339413 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 17 00 | fit out again
02341684 40 v 02 armor 0 armour 0 003 @ 02339413 v 0000 + 02739668 n 0202 + 02739668 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | equip with armor
02341816 40 v 01 upholster 0 005 @ 02327200 v 0000 ;c 00607542 n 0000 + 10740482 n 0101 + 04513827 n 0101 + 01120348 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | provide furniture with padding, springs, webbing, and covers
02342016 40 v 02 accouter 0 accoutre 0 001 @ 02339413 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | provide with military equipment
02342132 40 v 01 supplement 0 009 @ 00182406 v 0000 * 02327200 v 0000 + 02671421 n 0103 + 05110772 n 0101 + 05110772 n 0102 ~ 02342422 v 0000 ~ 02342580 v 0000 ~ 02359839 v 0000 $ 02752931 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 31 00 | add as a supplement to what seems insufficient; "supplement your diet"
02342422 40 v 02 vitaminize 0 vitaminise 0 002 @ 02342132 v 0000 + 15089258 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | add vitamins as a supplement; "vitaminized processed foods"
02342580 40 v 02 eke_out 2 fill_out 0 001 @ 02342132 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | supplement what is thought to be deficient; "He eked out his meager pay by giving private lessons"; "Braque eked out his collages with charcoal"
02342800 40 v 04 thrive 0 prosper 0 fly_high 0 flourish 0 001 @ 00146138 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | make steady progress; be at the high point in one's career or reach a high point in historical significance or importance; "The new student is thriving"
02343056 40 v 01 bank 1 007 @ 02410855 v 0000 + 00018069 a 0101 + 09837824 n 0101 + 08420278 n 0102 + 02787772 n 0101 + 01100658 n 0101 $ 02343252 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | be in the banking business
02343252 40 v 01 bank 3 002 $ 02343056 v 0000 @ 01095899 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | act as the banker in a game or in gambling
02343374 40 v 01 bank 2 005 @ 02245765 v 0000 + 00018069 a 0101 + 08420278 n 0102 + 02787772 n 0101 + 01100273 n 0101 01 + 22 00 | do business with a bank or keep an account at a bank; "Where do you bank in this town?"
02343595 40 v 02 sacrifice 0 give a 004 $ 00732224 v 0000 $ 00887463 v 0000 @ 02316304 v 0000 + 00205891 n 0103 02 + 08 00 + 15 00 | endure the loss of; "He gave his life for his children"; "I gave two sons to the war"
02343816 40 v 02 sign_away 0 sign_over 0 001 @ 02235229 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 15 00 | formally assign ownership of; "She signed away her rights"
02343961 40 v 01 sacrifice 2 002 @ 02242464 v 0000 + 13328073 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | sell at a loss
02344060 40 v 02 requite 0 repay 1 005 @ 02199590 v 0000 + 13299651 n 0201 + 01121690 n 0202 + 01235137 n 0101 ~ 02344243 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make repayment for or return something
02344243 40 v 01 pay d 002 $ 01153947 v 0000 @ 02344060 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make a compensation for; "a favor that cannot be paid back"
02344381 40 v 03 reward 0 repay 2 pay_back 0 002 @ 02367363 v 0000 + 07295629 n 0102 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 17 00 | act or give recompense in recognition of someone's behavior or actions
02344568 40 v 09 plunder 0 despoil 0 loot 0 reave 0 strip 0 rifle 0 ransack 0 pillage 0 foray 0 014 @ 02206619 v 0000 + 13262663 n 0803 + 10443170 n 0802 + 00965895 n 0803 + 10443170 n 0303 + 13262663 n 0301 + 00966599 n 0301 + 00966869 n 0205 + 00966869 n 0206 + 10443170 n 0205 + 10443170 n 0101 + 13262663 n 0104 + 00965895 n 0101 ~ 02315048 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | steal goods; take as spoils; "During the earthquake people looted the stores that were deserted by their owners"
02345048 40 v 02 sack 0 plunder 1 007 * 01564144 v 0000 @ 02206619 v 0000 + 10443170 n 0201 + 13262663 n 0204 + 00777439 n 0201 + 00965895 n 0201 + 00967446 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | plunder (a town) after capture; "the barbarians sacked Rome"
02345288 40 v 02 loot 1 plunder 2 003 @ 02321757 v 0000 ;c 00766234 n 0000 + 13262663 n 0204 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 | take illegally; of intellectual property; "This writer plundered from famous authors"
02345498 40 v 03 scrimp 0 stint 0 skimp 0 002 @ 02266920 v 0000 + 10656832 n 0201 01 + 13 00 | subsist on a meager allowance; "scratch and scrimp"
02345647 40 v 04 spare 0 give_up 5 part_with 0 dispense_with 1 001 @ 02199590 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | give up what is not strictly needed; "he asked if they could spare one of their horses to speed his journey"
02345856 40 v 01 smuggle 0 006 @ 02346409 v 0000 @ 02346136 v 0000 ;c 00766234 n 0000 ;c 01090446 n 0000 + 10615334 n 0101 + 01112132 n 0101 05 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | import or export without paying customs duties; "She smuggled cigarettes across the border"
02346136 40 v 01 import 0 011 @ 02260362 v 0000 ;c 01090446 n 0000 + 03564667 n 0102 + 01111750 n 0102 + 10200531 n 0102 + 10200531 n 0101 + 03564667 n 0101 + 10201366 n 0101 + 01111750 n 0101 ! 02346409 v 0101 ~ 02345856 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | bring in from abroad
02346409 40 v 01 export 0 009 @ 02260362 v 0000 ;c 01090446 n 0000 + 03306207 n 0102 + 01111952 n 0102 + 03306207 n 0101 + 10073634 n 0101 + 01111952 n 0101 ! 02346136 v 0101 ~ 02345856 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 16 00 + 21 00 | sell or transfer abroad; "we export less than we import and have a negative trade balance"
02346724 40 v 04 adopt 0 borrow 1 take_over 5 take_up 0 003 @ 02236124 v 0000 + 01034296 a 0102 + 00084371 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 16 00 | take up and practice as one's own
02346895 40 v 03 adopt 2 follow 0 espouse 0 006 $ 02542280 v 0000 @ 00674607 v 0000 + 00180413 n 0304 + 08223263 n 0201 + 00180413 n 0101 ~ 02638845 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | choose and follow; as of theories, ideas, policies, strategies or plans; "She followed the feminist movement"; "The candidate espouses Republican ideals"
02347220 40 v 03 pawn 0 soak 3 hock 0 005 @ 02347637 v 0000 ;c 01090446 n 0000 + 02463205 n 0301 + 01111236 n 0101 + 13350875 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | leave as a guarantee in return for money; "pawn your grandfather's gold watch"
02347447 40 v 01 check 0 003 @ 02347637 v 0000 + 09913110 n 0101 $ 02347905 v 0000 01 + 15 00 | hand over something to somebody as for temporary safekeeping; "Check your coat at the door"
02347637 40 v 02 consign 0 charge 4 008 @ 02349212 v 0000 + 09909760 n 0201 + 09958569 n 0101 + 09958447 n 0101 ~ 00886281 v 0000 ~ 02347220 v 0000 ~ 02347447 v 0000 ~ 02347905 v 0000 01 + 15 00 | give over to another for care or safekeeping; "consign your baggage"
02347905 40 v 01 check d 002 $ 02347447 v 0000 @ 02347637 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | consign for shipment on a vehicle; "check your luggage before boarding"
02348057 40 v 01 recommit 0 001 @ 02349212 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 15 00 | commit again; "It was recommitted into her custody"
02348182 40 v 01 obligate 0 002 @ 02349212 v 0000 + 14490110 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | commit in order to fulfill an obligation; "obligate money"
02348324 40 v 01 consign 1 003 @ 02228031 v 0000 + 01165692 n 0103 + 09958569 n 0102 01 + 21 00 | commit forever; commit irrevocably
02348459 40 v 01 consign 2 002 @ 01438304 v 0000 + 00317917 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | send to an address
02348568 40 v 05 commit 2 institutionalize 0 institutionalise 0 send 0 charge 5 007 @ 02232190 v 0000 + 03746574 n 0304 + 00240184 n 0304 + 03746574 n 0204 + 01165692 n 0101 + 01165692 n 0102 ~ 02348927 v 0000 01 + 20 00 | cause to be admitted; of persons to an institution; "After the second episode, she had to be committed"; "he was committed to prison"
02348927 40 v 02 hospitalize 0 hospitalise 0 007 @ 02348568 v 0000 + 00658627 n 0202 + 15119185 n 0101 + 14576053 n 0101 + 00658627 n 0101 + 08054417 n 0101 + 03540595 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | admit into a hospital; "Mother had to be hospitalized because her blood pressure was too high"
02349212 40 v 05 entrust 0 intrust 0 trust 0 confide 0 commit 0 011 @ 02230772 v 0000 + 08324514 n 0501 + 13929852 n 0401 + 13929852 n 0302 + 04895246 n 0301 + 10516294 n 0302 + 10732314 n 0301 ~ 00883112 v 0000 ~ 02347637 v 0000 ~ 02348057 v 0000 ~ 02348182 v 0000 01 + 15 00 | confer a trust upon; "The messenger was entrusted with the general's secret"; "I commit my soul to God"
02349597 40 v 02 shave 0 knock_off 3 002 @ 00429060 v 0000 ~ 02320078 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cut the price of
02349706 40 v 01 secure 1 002 @ 00890100 v 0000 ~ 02349813 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | assure payment of
02349813 40 v 01 certify 2 003 @ 02349706 v 0000 + 00154233 n 0102 + 13416345 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | guarantee payment on; of checks
02349945 40 v 01 defray 0 003 @ 02251743 v 0000 + 01120448 n 0103 + 01120448 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | bear the expenses of
02350065 40 v 02 harbor 0 harbour 0 001 @ 02202384 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | keep in one's possession; of animals
02350175 40 v 03 rid 0 free 2 disembarrass 0 009 + 07305760 n 0301 + 00395333 n 0102 ^ 02629256 v 0102 ~ 00501896 v 0000 ~ 02312996 v 0000 ~ 02313098 v 0000 ~ 02350440 v 0000 ~ 02350620 v 0000 ~ 02350767 v 0000 01 + 18 00 | relieve from; "Rid the house of pests"
02350440 40 v 01 clear c 002 @ 02350175 v 0000 + 00264192 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | clear from impurities, blemishes, pollution, etc.; "clear the water before it can be drunk"
02350620 40 v 01 disinfest 0 002 @ 02350175 v 0000 + 00251520 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | rid of vermin; "The exterminator disinfests the house"
02350767 40 v 01 disembody 0 001 @ 02350175 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | free from a body or physical form or reality
02350878 40 v 02 dump 1 underprice 0 002 @ 02242464 v 0000 + 01115589 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | sell at artificially low prices
02351010 40 v 01 price 0 007 @ 00699815 v 0000 + 13303315 n 0101 + 05736736 n 0101 ~ 02319824 v 0000 ~ 02351239 v 0000 ~ 02351378 v 0000 ~ 02351616 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | determine the price of; "The grocer priced his wares high"
02351239 40 v 02 rig 0 manipulate 0 002 @ 02351010 v 0000 + 00780148 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | manipulate in a fraudulent manner; "rig prices"
02351378 40 v 01 overprice 0 001 @ 02351010 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | price excessively high
02351467 40 v 02 undersell 0 undercut 0 003 @ 02242464 v 0000 * 02319428 v 0000 + 10736926 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | sell cheaper than one's competition
02351616 40 v 01 underquote 0 001 @ 02351010 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | offer for sale at a price lower than the market price
02351737 40 v 01 mortgage 0 006 @ 02253956 v 0000 + 10331347 n 0101 + 10331569 n 0102 + 10331569 n 0101 + 13352138 n 0101 ~ 02351925 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | put up as security or collateral
02351925 40 v 01 bond 0 002 @ 02351737 v 0000 + 13417410 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | issue bonds on
02352019 40 v 02 liquidate 0 pay_off 0 004 @ 02252931 v 0000 + 00228535 n 0101 ~ 02352181 v 0000 ~ 02352263 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | eliminate by paying off (debts)
02352181 40 v 01 lift 2 001 @ 02352019 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | pay off (a mortgage)
02352263 40 v 02 amortize 0 amortise 0 003 @ 02352019 v 0000 + 01121070 n 0202 + 01121070 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | liquidate gradually
02352395 40 v 01 cleat 0 002 @ 02327200 v 0000 + 03041265 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | provide with cleats; "cleat running shoes for better traction"
02352538 40 v 01 close_out 0 002 @ 02222318 v 0000 + 01118890 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | terminate by selling off or disposing of; "He closed out his line of sports cars"
02352704 40 v 01 coal 0 002 @ 02327200 v 0000 + 14814616 n 0101 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | supply with coal
02352824 40 v 01 corbel 0 003 @ 02327200 v 0000 ;c 06123363 n 0000 + 03105467 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | furnish with a corbel
02352946 40 v 01 cornice 0 004 @ 02327200 v 0000 ;c 06123363 n 0000 + 03111041 n 0101 + 03111296 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | furnish with a cornice
02353088 40 v 01 snag 0 001 @ 02238085 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | get by acting quickly and smartly; "snag a bargain"
02353201 40 v 01 constitutionalize 0 002 @ 02327200 v 0000 + 06533648 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | provide with a constitution, as of a country; "The United States were constitutionalized in the late 18th century"
02353408 40 v 01 copper-bottom 0 001 @ 02327200 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | provide with a copper bottom; "copper-bottom a frying pan"
02353537 40 v 01 curtain 0 002 @ 02327200 v 0000 + 03151077 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | provide with drapery; "curtain the bedrooms"
02353664 40 v 01 distrain 0 001 @ 02273293 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | confiscate by distress
02353752 40 v 01 distrain 1 001 @ 02306462 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | levy a distress on
02353844 40 v 01 gate 0 003 @ 02327200 v 0000 ;c 00610738 n 0000 + 03427296 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | supply with a gate; "The house was gated"
02353984 40 v 01 impulse-buy 0 002 @ 02207206 v 0000 ;c 01090446 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | buy on impulse without proper reflection
02354112 40 v 01 index 0 005 @ 02327200 v 0000 ;c 01101958 n 0000 + 06491786 n 0101 + 10203016 n 0101 + 01013156 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | provide with an index; "index the book"
02354287 40 v 02 joint 0 articulate 0 007 @ 02327200 v 0000 ;c 00607775 n 0000 + 13911151 n 0201 + 05595083 n 0202 + 00147314 n 0201 + 13911151 n 0103 + 03601638 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | provide with a joint; "the carpenter jointed two pieces of wood"
02354536 40 v 01 wire 0 005 @ 02339413 v 0000 + 04594489 n 0101 + 10783734 n 0102 + 04595855 n 0101 ~ 02354736 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | provide with electrical circuits; "wire the addition to the house"
02354736 40 v 01 rewire 0 001 @ 02354536 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | provide with new wiring; "the university rewired the dormitories when most students brought computers and television sets"
02354922 40 v 01 dispose b 003 @ 02242464 v 0000 + 00043609 n 0102 ~ 02355109 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | give, sell, or transfer to another; "She disposed of her parents' possessions"
02355109 40 v 01 redispose 0 002 @ 02354922 v 0000 + 01143760 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | dispose anew; "The goods were redisposed at a great loss"
02355259 40 v 01 kick_back 0 003 @ 02251743 v 0000 ;c 00766234 n 0000 + 13284784 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 15 00 | pay a kickback; make an illegal payment
02355410 40 v 01 pick_up 2 001 @ 02210855 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | get in addition, as an increase; "The candidate picked up thousands of votes after his visit to the nursing home"
02355596 40 v 03 have 2 get 1 make 2 002 @ 01111816 v 0000 $ 00012267 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | achieve a point or goal; "Nicklaus had a 70"; "The Brazilian team got 4 goals"; "She made 29 points that day"
02355806 40 v 01 pour 0 001 @ 02327200 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | supply in large amounts or quantities; "We poured money into the education of our children"
02355959 40 v 01 move 0 001 @ 02242464 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | dispose of by selling; "The chairman of the company told the salesmen to move the computers"
02356113 40 v 01 pump 0 001 @ 02327200 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | supply in great quantities; "Pump money into a project"
02356230 40 v 02 entrust 1 leave 6 001 @ 02230772 v 0000 01 + 15 00 | put into the care or protection of someone; "He left the decision to his deputy"; "leave your child the nurse's care"
02356420 40 v 02 fuel 1 fire 0 003 @ 02327200 v 0000 + 13480848 n 0201 + 14875077 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | provide with fuel; "Oil fires the furnace"
02356567 40 v 01 remember 0 002 @ 02229055 v 0000 + 06688522 n 0103 01 + 09 00 | show appreciation to; "He remembered her in his will"
02356704 40 v 03 flood 0 oversupply 0 glut 0 004 @ 02327200 v 0000 + 05119837 n 0301 + 05119837 n 0202 + 13775706 n 0101 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 17 00 | supply with an excess of; "flood the market with tennis shoes"; "Glut the country with cheap imports from the Orient"
02356974 40 v 01 throw_in 0 001 @ 02324478 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | add as an extra or as a gratuity
02357072 40 v 01 return 3 003 @ 02372326 v 0000 + 07199922 n 0103 ~ 02137020 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | return in kind; "return a compliment"; "return her love"
02357228 40 v 03 save 4 economize 2 economise 2 008 @ 02267060 v 0000 + 10044470 n 0302 + 10044470 n 0201 + 05644727 n 0201 + 04893787 n 0201 + 00192613 n 0201 + 10553627 n 0101 ~ 02268704 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 11 00 | spend sparingly, avoid the waste of; "This move will save money"; "The less fortunate will have to economize now"
02357561 40 v 01 toggle 0 003 @ 02327200 v 0000 + 04445327 n 0101 + 04445952 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | provide with a toggle or toggles
02357693 40 v 01 patch 0 003 @ 02327200 v 0000 + 04682462 n 0104 + 00267349 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | provide with a patch; also used metaphorically; "The field was patched with snow"
02357873 40 v 01 water 0 004 @ 02327200 v 0000 + 14845743 n 0101 + 10770767 n 0101 + 10770309 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | provide with water; "We watered the buffalo"
02358034 40 v 03 afford 1 open 4 give f 002 + 05612809 n 0201 + 05249636 n 0202 01 + 04 00 | afford access to; "the door opens to the patio"; "The French doors give onto a terrace"
02358217 40 v 01 grab 3 001 @ 02238085 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | obtain illegally or unscrupulously; "Grab power"
02358327 40 v 02 deliver 7 drive_home 0 002 @ 02316868 v 0000 ~ 02358527 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 15 00 | carry out or perform; "deliver an attack", "deliver a blow"; "The boxer drove home a solid left"
02358527 40 v 01 land 0 001 @ 02358327 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | deliver (a blow); "He landed several blows on his opponent's head"
02358655 40 v 01 fall 3 002 $ 02229828 v 0000 $ 02358922 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | to be given by assignment or distribution; "The most difficult task fell on the youngest member of the team"; "The onus fell on us"; "The pressure to succeed fell on the youngest student"
02358922 40 v 01 fall c 001 $ 02358655 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | to be given by right or inheritance; "The estate fell to the oldest daughter"
02359061 40 v 02 call 9 call_in 2 004 $ 00874002 v 0000 @ 01017826 v 0000 + 00136589 a 0101 + 07192661 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | demand payment of (a loan); "Call a loan"
02359228 40 v 01 carry a 001 @ 02630871 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | have on the surface or on the skin; "carry scars"
02359340 40 v 01 get e 003 $ 00639849 v 0000 $ 00589904 v 0000 @ 02210855 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | acquire as a result of some effort or action; "You cannot get water out of a stone"; "Where did she get these news?"
02359553 40 v 01 give c 001 @ 02250625 v 0000 01 + 20 00 | deliver in exchange or recompense; "I'll give you three books for four CDs"
02359690 40 v 01 leverage 0 002 @ 02327200 v 0000 + 01099946 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | provide with leverage; "We need to leverage this company"
02359839 40 v 01 leverage 1 002 @ 02342132 v 0000 + 01099946 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | supplement with leverage; "leverage the money that is already available"
02360003 40 v 01 bleed 9 001 @ 02241107 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 16 00 | get or extort (money or other possessions) from someone; "They bled me dry--I have nothing left!"
02360171 40 v 01 unburden 0 001 @ 02205272 v 0000 01 + 18 00 | free or relieve (someone) of a burden
02360274 40 v 01 tap 4 005 @ 02327200 v 0000 + 04390977 n 0101 + 10691764 n 0102 $ 01613732 v 0000 $ 01854519 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | furnish with a tap or spout, so as to be able to draw liquid from it; "tap a cask of wine"
02360497 40 v 02 top 0 top_out 0 003 @ 02327200 v 0000 + 08663860 n 0101 + 10715671 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | provide with a top or finish the top (of a structure); "the towers were topped with conical roofs"
02360702 40 v 02 reflectorize 0 reflectorise 0 001 @ 02327200 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | provide with reflectors, such as chemicals; "the driveway was reflectorized for safety reasons"
02360882 40 v 01 subrogate 0 002 @ 02257767 v 0000 + 00198118 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | substitute one creditor for another, as in the case where an insurance company sues the person who caused an accident for the insured
02361100 40 v 01 outsource 0 001 @ 02238536 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | obtain goods or services from an outside supplier; to contract work out; "Many companies outsource and hire consultants in order to maintain a flexible workforce"
02361329 40 v 01 retrofit 0 002 @ 02327200 v 0000 $ 01569896 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 31 00 | provide with parts, devices, or equipment not available or in use at the time of the original manufacture; "They car companies retrofitted all the old models with new carburetors"
02361600 40 v 02 border 0 edge 0 005 @ 02327200 v 0000 + 03264136 n 0201 + 08565701 n 0201 + 10044763 n 0201 + 03264906 n 0201 01 + 08 00 | provide with a border or edge; "edge the tablecloth with embroidery"
02361811 40 v 01 machicolate 0 003 @ 02327200 v 0000 ;c 00610738 n 0000 + 03699754 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | supply with projecting galleries; "machicolate the castle walls"
02361981 40 v 01 sanitate 0 003 @ 02327200 v 0000 ;c 00610738 n 0000 + 14495466 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | provide with sanitary facilities or appliances
02362130 40 v 01 translocate 0 001 @ 02232190 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | move from one place to another, especially of wild animals; "The endangered turtles were translocated to a safe environment"
02362323 40 v 01 translocate 1 002 @ 02012344 v 0000 + 13569464 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | transfer (a chromosomal segment) to a new position
02362460 40 v 01 co-opt 0 001 @ 02209936 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | take or assume for one's own use; "He co-opted the criticism and embraced it"
02362601 40 v 01 shaft 0 002 @ 02339413 v 0000 + 04182708 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | equip with a shaft
02362700 40 v 01 spar 0 002 @ 02339413 v 0000 + 04267577 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | furnish with spars
02362798 40 v 01 stave 0 002 @ 02339413 v 0000 + 04119892 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | furnish with staves; "stave a ladder"
02362916 40 v 01 vest 2 002 @ 02199590 v 0000 $ 02222179 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | place (authority, property, or rights) in the control of a person or group of persons; "She vested her vast fortune in her two sons"
02363128 40 v 01 hat 0 002 @ 02327200 v 0000 + 03497657 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | furnish with a hat
02363234 40 v 02 fee-tail 0 entail 0 001 @ 02229055 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | limit the inheritance of property to a specific class of heirs
02363371 40 v 01 enfeoff 0 002 @ 02199590 v 0000 + 06545960 n 0101 01 + 17 00 | put in possession of land in exchange for a pledge of service, in feudal society; "He enfeoffed his son-in-law with a large estate in Scotland"
02363597 40 v 01 theme 0 001 @ 02327200 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | provide with a particular theme or motive; "the restaurant often themes its menus"
02363742 40 v 01 check_out 0 002 * 02207206 v 0000 + 03011741 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | record, add up, and receive payment for items purchased; "She was checking out the apples that the customer had put on the conveyer belt"
02363972 40 v 02 deaerate 0 de-aerate 0 001 @ 02224055 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove air or gas from
02364072 40 v 01 decaffeinate 0 001 @ 02224055 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove caffeine from (coffee)
02364171 40 v 01 decarbonate 0 001 @ 02224055 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove carbon dioxide from
02364266 40 v 01 decerebrate 0 002 @ 02224055 v 0000 ;c 06063588 n 0000 01 + 09 00 | remove the cerebrum from (a human body)
02364393 40 v 01 dechlorinate 0 001 @ 02224055 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove chlorine from (water)
02364491 40 v 01 defat 0 001 @ 02224055 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove the fat from
02364573 40 v 01 defibrinate 0 001 @ 02224055 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove fibrin from (blood)
02364668 40 v 01 degrease 0 001 @ 02224055 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove grease or oil from (a pan)
02364767 40 v 01 deionize 0 001 @ 02224055 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove ions from
02364849 40 v 01 delist 0 001 @ 02224055 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove (a security) from listing at a stock exchange
02364965 40 v 01 delocalize 0 001 @ 02224055 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove from the proper or usual locality
02365073 40 v 01 deoxygenate 0 001 @ 02224055 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove oxygen from (water)
02365168 40 v 01 destain 0 001 @ 02224055 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove stain from (a laboratory specimen) to enhance contrast
02365294 40 v 02 desulfurize 0 desulphurize 0 001 @ 02224055 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove sulfur from
02365396 40 v 01 detick 0 001 @ 02224055 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | free (a pet) of ticks
02365481 40 v 01 devein 0 001 @ 02224055 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove the dark dorsal vein of (a shrimp)
02365586 40 v 01 fettle 0 001 @ 02224055 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove mold marks or sand from (a casting)
02365692 40 v 01 flesh 0 001 @ 02224055 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove adhering flesh from (hides) when preparing leather manufacture
02365824 40 v 01 flense 0 001 @ 02224055 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | strip the blubber or skin from (a whale or seal)
02365936 40 v 01 kern 0 004 @ 02224055 v 0000 ;c 06677302 n 0000 ! 02366105 v 0101 + 03611169 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | remove a portion of space between (adjacent letters)
02366105 40 v 01 kern 1 004 @ 02327200 v 0000 ;c 06677302 n 0000 ! 02365936 v 0101 + 03611169 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | furnish with a kern
02366241 40 v 01 pith 0 002 @ 02224055 v 0000 + 13096159 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | remove the pith from (a plant)
02366351 40 v 01 scum 0 002 @ 02224055 v 0000 + 04157703 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | remove the scum from
02366451 40 v 01 unbridle 0 002 @ 02224055 v 0000 ! 01300655 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | remove the bridle from (a horse or mule)
02366575 40 v 01 lay_out 0 001 @ 02267060 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | spend or invest; "lay out thousands on gold"; "he laid out a fortune in the hope of making a huge profit"
02366745 40 v 01 embattle 0 001 @ 01606205 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | fortify by furnishing with battlements for defense; "an embattled castle"
02366884 40 v 01 headquarter 0 001 @ 02327200 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | provide with headquarters; "the compnay is headquartered in New Jersey"
02367032 41 v 04 vacate 0 resign 0 renounce 0 give_up 5 004 @ 02382367 v 0000 + 07254267 n 0201 + 01087977 a 0101 ~ 02379198 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 02 02 + 02 01 | leave (a job, post, or position) voluntarily; "She vacated the position when she got pregnant"; "The chairman resigned when he was found to have misappropriated funds"
02367363 41 v 02 act 0 move 0 081 + 00165942 n 0201 + 14006945 n 0101 + 00037396 n 0101 + 00030358 n 0101 ! 02725714 v 0101 ^ 02376429 v 0103 ^ 02517655 v 0101 ^ 02536557 v 0102 ~ 00121214 v 0000 ~ 00352558 v 0000 ~ 00459498 v 0000 ~ 00520019 v 0000 ~ 00717358 v 0000 ~ 00781303 v 0000 ~ 01118449 v 0000 ~ 01350449 v 0000 ~ 01685313 v 0000 ~ 02089174 v 0000 ~ 02344381 v 0000 ~ 02369123 v 0000 ~ 02369390 v 0000 ~ 02369633 v 0000 ~ 02369811 v 0000 ~ 02369948 v 0000 ~ 02370131 v 0000 ~ 02370433 v 0000 ~ 02370650 v 0000 ~ 02370987 v 0000 ~ 02371684 v 0000 ~ 02371811 v 0000 ~ 02372161 v 0000 ~ 02372326 v 0000 ~ 02372605 v 0000 ~ 02373974 v 0000 ~ 02374764 v 0000 ~ 02374924 v 0000 ~ 02375131 v 0000 ~ 02376631 v 0000 ~ 02376958 v 0000 ~ 02378623 v 0000 ~ 02402271 v 0000 ~ 02417098 v 0000 ~ 02425112 v 0000 ~ 02428316 v 0000 ~ 02437465 v 0000 ~ 02439281 v 0000 ~ 02450256 v 0000 ~ 02517202 v 0000 ~ 02517827 v 0000 ~ 02518161 v 0000 ~ 02519666 v 0000 ~ 02530167 v 0000 ~ 02534492 v 0000 ~ 02534761 v 0000 ~ 02545045 v 0000 ~ 02560767 v 0000 ~ 02564841 v 0000 ~ 02565491 v 0000 ~ 02581900 v 0000 ~ 02582615 v 0000 ~ 02584906 v 0000 ~ 02587532 v 0000 ~ 02591312 v 0000 ~ 02591455 v 0000 ~ 02591597 v 0000 ~ 02593551 v 0000 ~ 02594290 v 0000 ~ 02595234 v 0000 ~ 02595662 v 0000 ~ 02596493 v 0000 ~ 02597449 v 0000 ~ 02597601 v 0000 ~ 02599636 v 0000 ~ 02599878 v 0000 ~ 02600948 v 0000 ~ 02602458 v 0000 ~ 02641463 v 0000 ~ 02684924 v 0000 ~ 02723564 v 0000 ~ 02747709 v 0000 ~ 02747922 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 22 00 | perform an action, or work out or perform (an action); "think before you act"; "We must move quickly"; "The governor should act on the new energy bill"; "The nanny acted quickly by grabbing the toddler and covering him with a wet towel"
02369123 41 v 02 satisfice 0 satisfise 0 001 @ 02367363 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | decide on and pursue a course of action satisfying the minimum requirements to achieve a goal; "optimization requires processes that are more complex than those needed to merely satisfice"
02369390 41 v 03 maneuver 3 manoeuver 0 manoeuvre 3 002 @ 02367363 v 0000 + 05905152 n 0304 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | act in order to achieve a certain goal; "He maneuvered to get the chairmanship"; "She maneuvered herself into the directorship"
02369633 41 v 01 dispatch 3 002 @ 02367363 v 0000 + 05059830 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | dispose of rapidly and without delay and efficiently; "He dispatched the task he was assigned"
02369811 41 v 01 evade 0 002 @ 02367363 v 0000 + 00896182 a 0101 01 + 02 00 | practice evasion; "This man always hesitates and evades"
02369948 41 v 01 race 3 001 @ 02367363 v 0000 01 + 28 00 | to work as fast as possible towards a goal, sometimes in competition with others; "We are racing to find a cure for AIDS"
02370131 41 v 01 use 3 002 @ 02367363 v 0000 + 00413239 n 0102 01 + 28 00 | habitually do something (use only in the past tense); "She used to call her mother every week but now she calls only occasionally"; "I used to get sick when I ate in that dining hall"; "They used to vacation in the Bahamas"
02370433 41 v 01 play_it_by_ear 0 001 @ 02367363 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | decide on one's actions as one goes along, depending on the situation; "She didn't know what to expect from her new job, so she played it by ear"
02370650 41 v 01 play c 004 $ 02597601 v 0000 @ 02367363 v 0000 + 00947596 n 0101 + 14009763 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | act or have an effect in a specified way or with a specific effect or outcome; "This factor played only a minor part in his decision"; "This development played into her hands"; "I played no role in your dismissal"
02370987 41 v 01 deal 9 003 @ 02367363 v 0000 + 00040804 n 0101 + 01135372 n 0101 01 + 22 00 | take action with respect to (someone or something); "How are we going to deal with this problem?"; "The teacher knew how to deal with these lazy students"
02371239 41 v 01 let_it_go 0 001 @ 02725714 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | not act; "He thought of a reply but let it go"
02371352 41 v 01 keep_to_oneself 0 000 01 + 02 00 | shun the company of others; "The new student keeps to herself"
02371469 41 v 01 sweep_under_the_rug 0 001 @ 02144835 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | to conceal something in the hopes it won't be discovered by others; "The president tried to sweep the embarrassing incident under the rug"
02371684 41 v 01 partner 0 002 @ 02367363 v 0000 + 09935434 n 0103 01 + 09 00 | act as a partner; "Astaire partnered Rogers"
02371811 41 v 01 exert 0 003 @ 02367363 v 0000 + 00621627 n 0103 ~ 02371975 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | make a great effort at a mental or physical task; "exert oneself"
02371975 41 v 01 overexert 0 002 @ 02371811 v 0000 + 00633717 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | exert (oneself) excessively and go beyond one's strength; "don't overexert yourself when exercising!"
02372161 41 v 01 egotrip 0 001 @ 02367363 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | act in a way that attracts attention; "This teacher always egotrips and the students don't like him"
02372326 41 v 01 reciprocate 0 007 @ 02367363 v 0000 + 01946595 a 0101 + 00040152 n 0102 + 01236049 n 0101 + 01946764 a 0102 + 01946764 a 0101 ~ 02357072 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | act, feel, or give mutually or in return; "We always invite the neighbors and they never reciprocate!"
02372605 41 v 03 go 0 proceed 0 move 1 007 @ 02367363 v 0000 + 01023820 n 0201 + 01184814 n 0203 + 01184814 n 0201 ~ 02373015 v 0000 ~ 02373336 v 0000 ~ 02373578 v 0000 04 + 04 00 + 06 00 + 07 00 + 22 00 | follow a procedure or take a course; "We should go farther in this matter"; "She went through a lot of trouble"; "go about the world in a certain manner"; "Messages must go through diplomatic channels"
02373015 41 v 01 work 5 003 @ 02372605 v 0000 + 00575741 n 0101 $ 02051031 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | proceed towards a goal or along a path or through an activity; "work your way through every problem or task"; "She was working on her second martini when the guests arrived"; "Start from the bottom and work towards the top"
02373336 41 v 02 venture 1 embark 0 003 @ 02372605 v 0000 + 00797878 n 0101 + 09606009 n 0102 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | proceed somewhere despite the risk of possible dangers; "We ventured into the world of high-tech and bought a supercomputer"
02373578 41 v 02 steamroller 0 steamroll 0 004 @ 02372605 v 0000 + 10226556 n 0202 + 10226556 n 0102 $ 02505807 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | proceed with great force; "The new teacher tends to steamroller"
02373785 41 v 02 assert 0 put_forward 0 002 @ 02518161 v 0000 + 00156101 a 0101 01 + 09 00 | insist on having one's opinions and rights recognized; "Women should assert themselves more!"
02373974 41 v 01 come_close 0 001 @ 02367363 v 0000 01 + 28 00 | nearly do something; "She came close to quitting her job"
02374099 41 v 02 sit_by 0 sit_back 0 001 @ 02128653 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | be inactive or indifferent while something is happening; "Don't just sit by while your rights are violated!"
02374282 41 v 01 whip_through 0 001 @ 01161947 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | go through very fast; "We whipped through the last papers that we had to read before the weekend"
02374449 41 v 02 bull 0 bull_through 0 001 @ 00765977 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | push or force; "He bulled through his demands"
02374572 41 v 01 backslap 0 002 @ 00010435 v 0000 + 09831166 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 09 00 | display excessive cordiality (towards); "he is always backslapping his colleagues at staff meetings"
02374764 41 v 01 perform 2 003 @ 02367363 v 0000 ~ 02079151 v 0000 ~ 02382087 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | perform a function; "Who will perform the wedding?"
02374924 41 v 03 make_bold 0 dare 0 presume 0 002 @ 02367363 v 0000 + 01225562 n 0301 03 + 32 00 + 28 03 + 28 01 | take upon oneself; act presumptuously, without permission; "How dare you call my lawyer?"
02375131 41 v 03 prosecute 2 engage 6 pursue 0 008 @ 02367363 v 0000 + 00431552 n 0303 + 10495167 n 0301 + 01239064 n 0201 + 01022008 n 0102 ~ 02375468 v 0000 ~ 02375619 v 0000 ~ 02375748 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | carry out or participate in an activity; be involved in; "She pursued many activities"; "They engaged in a discussion"
02375468 41 v 02 commit 1 practice 3 001 @ 02375131 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | engage in or perform; "practice safe sex"; "commit a random act of kindness"
02375619 41 v 01 close f 002 @ 02375131 v 0000 + 00281462 n 0101 01 + 22 00 | engage at close quarters; "close with the enemy"
02375748 41 v 01 politick 0 002 @ 02375131 v 0000 ~ 02375902 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | engage in political activities; "This colleague is always politicking"
02375902 41 v 01 logroll 0 002 @ 02375748 v 0000 + 01110063 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | work toward the passage of some legislation by exchanging political favors such as trading votes
02376089 41 v 02 engage c wage 0 003 @ 01090335 v 0000 + 00953559 n 0104 ~ 02376289 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | carry on (wars, battles, or campaigns); "Napoleon and Hitler waged war against all of Europe"
02376289 41 v 03 put_up 1 provide 0 offer 3 001 @ 02376089 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | mount or put up; "put up a good fight"; "offer resistance"
02376429 41 v 03 pursue 1 follow_up_on 0 act_on 0 004 @ 02378623 v 0000 + 00577405 a 0101 + 01022008 n 0101 ~ 02376833 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | carry further or advance; "Can you act on this matter soon?"
02376631 41 v 01 act_on 1 001 @ 02367363 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | regulate one's behavior in accordance with certain information, ideas, or advice; "The Founding Fathers acted on certain moral principles"
02376833 41 v 02 run_down 0 check_out 0 001 @ 02376429 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | trace; "We are running down a few tips"
02376958 41 v 01 interact 0 023 @ 02367363 v 0000 + 01946439 a 0102 + 00039021 n 0101 ~ 00707624 v 0000 ~ 00740577 v 0000 ~ 00744572 v 0000 ~ 00908977 v 0000 ~ 01070102 v 0000 ~ 01803936 v 0000 ~ 02245765 v 0000 ~ 02377520 v 0000 ~ 02377938 v 0000 ~ 02378453 v 0000 ~ 02384940 v 0000 ~ 02388950 v 0000 ~ 02389346 v 0000 ~ 02428924 v 0000 ~ 02458103 v 0000 ~ 02514187 v 0000 ~ 02514881 v 0000 ~ 02538765 v 0000 ~ 02589245 v 0000 ~ 02590910 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | act together or towards others or with others; "He should interact more with his colleagues"
02377520 41 v 02 marginalize 0 marginalise 0 003 @ 02376958 v 0000 + 13510946 n 0202 + 13510946 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | relegate to a lower or outer edge, as of specific groups of people; "We must not marginalize the poor in our society"
02377764 41 v 01 deal 4 003 @ 02518161 v 0000 + 13780449 n 0102 + 01135372 n 0101 01 + 22 00 | behave in a certain way towards others; "He deals fairly with his employees"
02377938 41 v 01 combine 0 005 @ 02376958 v 0000 + 07964495 n 0101 + 08272961 n 0101 + 08236621 n 0103 ~ 02378183 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | join for a common purpose or in a common action; "These forces combined with others"
02378183 41 v 01 summate 0 003 @ 02377938 v 0000 + 07959016 n 0101 + 05921123 n 010f 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | form or constitute a cumulative effect
02378330 41 v 01 lie_dormant 0 000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | be inactive, as if asleep; "His work lay dormant for many years"
02378453 41 v 01 have 0 001 @ 02376958 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | have a personal or business relationship with someone; "have a postdoc"; "have an assistant"; "have a lover"
02378623 41 v 02 react 0 oppose 0 005 @ 02367363 v 0000 + 01246148 a 0201 + 09773245 n 0204 ~ 02376429 v 0000 ~ 02378851 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | act against or in opposition to; "She reacts negatively to everything I say"
02378851 41 v 02 buck 0 go_against 1 001 @ 02378623 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | resist; "buck the trend"
02378950 41 v 03 backfire 0 backlash 0 recoil 0 003 @ 00339934 v 0000 + 00203020 n 0201 + 00073032 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | come back to the originator of an action with an undesired effect; "Your comments may backfire and cause you a lot of trouble"
02379198 41 v 02 abdicate 0 renounce 1 008 @ 02367032 v 0000 + 07254594 n 0201 + 00205079 n 0201 + 07254594 n 0202 + 02528048 a 0101 + 06511762 n 0101 + 07254456 n 0101 + 09755657 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | give up, such as power, as of monarchs and emperors, or duties and obligations; "The King abdicated when he married a divorcee"
02379528 41 v 02 start 0 take_up 0 004 + 00235435 n 0102 + 15265518 n 0106 + 07325190 n 0101 ~ 02383842 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | begin work or acting in a certain capacity, office or job; "Take up a position"; "start a new job"
02379753 41 v 01 retire 1 006 @ 02382367 v 0000 + 13954118 n 0101 + 00212205 n 0101 + 10525617 n 0101 ~ 00536921 v 0000 ~ 02380760 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | go into retirement; stop performing one's work or withdraw from one's position; "He retired at age 68"
02380009 41 v 02 retire 2 withdraw 1 007 $ 02380760 v 0000 $ 01766952 v 0000 @ 02680814 v 0000 + 00384933 n 0202 + 00212205 n 0101 + 10525617 n 0101 ~ 02383174 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | withdraw from active participation; "He retired from chess"
02380251 41 v 01 retire 3 003 > 02379753 v 0000 @ 02402825 v 0000 ~ 02380418 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | make (someone) retire; "The director was retired after the scandal"
02380418 41 v 01 superannuate 0 002 @ 02380251 v 0000 + 00197229 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | retire and pension (someone) because of age or physical inability
02380571 41 v 01 pension_off 0 002 > 02379753 v 0000 @ 02402825 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | let go from employment with an attractive pension; "The director was pensioned off when he got senile"
02380760 41 v 02 bow_out 0 withdraw 3 003 @ 02379753 v 0000 + 00053913 n 0201 $ 02380009 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | retire gracefully; "He bowed out when he realized he could no longer handle the demands of the chairmanship"
02380980 41 v 05 chicken_out 0 back_off 0 pull_out 0 back_down 0 bow_out 1 003 @ 01766952 v 0000 $ 02015168 v 0000 ~ 02381227 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | remove oneself from an obligation; "He bowed out when he heard how much work was involved"
02381227 41 v 01 resile 0 001 @ 02380980 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | pull out from an agreement, contract, statement, etc.; "The landlord cannot resile from the lease"
02381397 41 v 02 accede 0 enter 0 004 @ 02406585 v 0000 @ 02383842 v 0000 + 00236581 n 0101 ~ 02381571 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | take on duties or office; "accede to the throne"
02381571 41 v 01 ascend 0 002 @ 02381397 v 0000 + 14441825 n 0104 01 + 22 00 | become king or queen; "She ascended to the throne after the King's death"
02381726 41 v 04 assume 0 adopt 1 take_on 1 take_over 1 003 @ 02383842 v 0000 + 00082870 n 0101 ~ 02381951 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | take on titles, offices, duties, responsibilities; "When will the new President assume office?"
02381951 41 v 01 resume 0 001 @ 02381726 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | assume anew; "resume a title"; "resume an office"; "resume one's duties"
02382087 41 v 01 officiate 1 006 @ 02374764 v 0000 + 00548173 n 0101 + 00720565 n 0102 + 01033458 n 0101 + 10373390 n 0101 ~ 02489456 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | act in an official capacity in a ceremony or religious ritual, such as a wedding; "Who officiated at your wedding?"
02382367 41 v 04 leave_office 0 quit 0 step_down 0 resign 5 008 @ 02383440 v 0000 + 06511560 n 0401 + 07254267 n 0401 ! 02383842 v 0101 ~ 02367032 v 0000 ~ 02379753 v 0000 ~ 02382742 v 0000 ~ 02385153 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 04 | give up or retire from a position; "The Secretary of the Navy will leave office next month"; "The chairman resigned over the financial scandal"
02382742 41 v 01 top_out 0 001 @ 02382367 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | give up one's career just as one becomes very successful; "The financial consultant topped out at age 40 because he was burned out"
02382938 41 v 01 drop_out 0 003 @ 02383440 v 0000 + 09995925 n 0101 $ 02383174 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | leave school or an educational program prematurely; "Many students drop out because they are not prepared for our challenging program"
02383174 41 v 01 drop_out 1 002 $ 02382938 v 0000 @ 02380009 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | withdraw from established society, especially because of disillusion with conventional values; "She hasn't heard from her brother in years--he dropped out after moving to California"
02383440 41 v 03 leave 0 depart 0 pull_up_stakes 0 004 $ 02009433 v 0000 @ 00109660 v 0000 ~ 02382367 v 0000 ~ 02382938 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | remove oneself from an association with or participation in; "She wants to leave"; "The teenager left home"; "She left her position with the Red Cross"; "He left the Senate after two terms"; "after 20 years with the same company, she pulled up stakes"
02383842 41 v 01 take_office 0 004 @ 02379528 v 0000 ! 02382367 v 0101 ~ 02381397 v 0000 ~ 02381726 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | assume an office, duty, or title; "When will the new President take office?"
02384041 41 v 02 install 0 instal 0 004 + 07453195 n 0103 + 00240938 n 0101 ~ 02384275 v 0000 ~ 02386388 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 20 00 | put into an office or a position; "the new president was installed immediately after the election"
02384275 41 v 03 induct 0 invest 1 seat 0 005 @ 02384041 v 0000 + 08647945 n 0301 + 10028765 n 0103 + 07453195 n 0102 + 10203949 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 20 00 | place ceremoniously or formally in an office or position; "there was a ceremony to induct the president of the Academy"
02384554 41 v 01 induct 3 001 @ 01470225 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | admit as a member; "We were inducted into the honor society"
02384686 41 v 03 invite 0 ask_over 0 ask_round 0 006 $ 01469770 v 0000 @ 00752764 v 0000 + 01358534 a 0101 + 07186661 n 0101 + 10150940 n 0102 + 07186148 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | invite someone to one's house; "Can I invite you for dinner on Sunday night?"
02384940 41 v 02 invite 1 pay_for 0 006 @ 02376958 v 0000 + 01358534 a 0101 + 07186661 n 0101 + 10150940 n 0102 + 07186148 n 0101 ^ 02486693 v 0102 01 + 09 00 | have as a guest; "I invited them to a restaurant"
02385153 41 v 01 fall 0 004 $ 02620213 v 0000 @ 02382367 v 0000 + 00067707 n 0102 + 07427728 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | lose office or power; "The government fell overnight"; "The Qing Dynasty fell with Sun Yat-sen"
02385372 41 v 02 divest 0 disinvest 1 004 @ 02422026 v 0000 ! 02386388 v 0101 ~ 02391453 v 0000 ~ 02476731 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 18 01 | deprive of status or authority; "he was divested of his rights and his title"; "They disinvested themselves of their rights"
02385634 41 v 01 post 1 003 @ 02391803 v 0000 + 00586262 n 0102 + 09854510 n 0102 02 + 09 00 + 20 01 | assign to a post; put into a post; "The newspaper posted him in Timbuktu"
02385813 41 v 01 cast e 004 $ 01710481 v 0000 @ 02391803 v 0000 + 08237863 n 0101 + 00161603 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | assign the roles of (a movie or a play) to actors; "Who cast this beautiful movie?"
02386012 41 v 04 ordain 0 consecrate 0 ordinate 0 order 2 006 @ 02386388 v 0000 + 08227214 n 0407 + 01041111 n 0201 + 01040646 n 0201 + 10381214 n 0101 + 00165298 n 0102 02 + 09 00 + 20 00 | appoint to a clerical posts; "he was ordained in the Church"
02386266 41 v 01 take_orders 1 000 01 + 02 00 | be ordained; enter the Christian ministry; "She took orders last month"
02386388 41 v 03 invest 0 vest 0 enthrone 1 008 @ 02384041 v 0000 + 07453638 n 0302 + 07453638 n 0105 ! 02385372 v 0101 ~ 02386012 v 0000 ~ 02390949 v 0000 ~ 02391193 v 0000 ~ 02427726 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | provide with power and authority; "They vested the council with special rights"
02386675 41 v 03 invest 2 clothe 0 adorn 0 003 @ 02339413 v 0000 + 00198919 n 0101 + 07453638 n 0105 01 + 17 00 | furnish with power or authority; of kings or emperors
02386845 41 v 02 socialize 0 socialise 0 003 @ 02387486 v 0000 + 01128984 n 0202 + 01128984 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | train for a social environment; "The children must be properly socialized"
02387034 41 v 03 prepare 0 groom 0 train 0 012 $ 00602805 v 0000 @ 02387486 v 0000 + 10722385 n 0301 + 10722575 n 0301 + 00893955 n 0301 + 00893955 n 0203 + 00126830 a 0102 + 00126830 a 0101 + 00893955 n 0102 ~ 00300761 v 0000 $ 00603298 v 0000 $ 02553697 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | educate for a future role or function; "He is grooming his son to become his successor"; "The prince was prepared to become King one day"; "They trained him to be a warrior"
02387486 41 v 01 educate 0 011 @ 00205885 v 0000 + 01324424 a 0101 + 10665698 n 0103 + 08132637 n 0103 + 00611433 n 0101 + 00883297 n 0101 + 10045713 n 0101 ~ 02386845 v 0000 ~ 02387034 v 0000 ~ 02387792 v 0000 ~ 02387910 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | give an education to; "We must educate our youngsters better"
02387792 41 v 02 co-educate 0 coeducate 0 001 @ 02387486 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | educate persons of both sexes together
02387910 41 v 01 school 1 008 @ 02387486 v 0000 + 15203229 n 0101 + 08277393 n 0101 + 05757536 n 0101 + 04146050 n 0101 + 08276720 n 0101 + 00888693 n 0101 ~ 02388215 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | educate in or as if in a school; "The children are schooled at great cost to their parents in private institutions"
02388215 41 v 01 home-school 0 001 @ 02387910 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | educate (one's children) at home instead of sending (them) to a school; "The parents are home-schooling their daughter"
02388403 41 v 06 educate 1 school 2 train 1 cultivate 0 civilize 0 civilise 0 006 @ 00474017 v 0000 + 04811995 n 0603 + 04811995 n 0502 + 14459824 n 0404 + 04921900 n 0101 ~ 02388764 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | teach or refine to be discriminative in taste or judgment; "Cultivate your musical taste"; "Train your tastebuds"; "She is well schooled in poetry"
02388764 41 v 01 sophisticate 0 003 @ 02388403 v 0000 + 10625285 n 0101 + 04880273 n 0101 01 + 10 00 | make less natural or innocent; "Their manners had sophisticated the young girls"
02388950 41 v 02 socialize 1 socialise 1 011 @ 02376958 v 0000 + 01232412 n 0202 + 10619492 n 0202 + 01232412 n 0204 + 01232412 n 0101 + 10619492 n 0101 + 01232412 n 0103 ~ 02389815 v 0000 ~ 02389927 v 0000 ~ 02390169 v 0000 ~ 02492198 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | take part in social activities; interact with others; "He never socializes with his colleagues"; "The old man hates to socialize"
02389346 41 v 03 get_in_touch 0 touch_base 0 connect 0 004 @ 02376958 v 0000 + 00145218 n 0302 + 00145218 n 0303 $ 02389592 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | establish communication with someone; "did you finally connect with your long-lost cousin?"
02389592 41 v 01 connect 1 004 $ 02389346 v 0000 @ 02458103 v 0000 + 00563980 a 0101 + 09956147 n 0101 01 + 22 00 | establish a rapport or relationship; "The President of this university really connects with the faculty"
02389815 41 v 02 swing 0 get_around 0 001 @ 02388950 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | be a social swinger; socialize a lot
02389927 41 v 02 fraternize 0 fraternise 0 005 @ 02388950 v 0000 + 01081867 n 0202 + 08075388 n 0202 + 01081867 n 0101 + 08075388 n 0102 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | be on friendly terms with someone, as if with a brother, especially with an enemy
02390169 41 v 01 hobnob 0 001 @ 02388950 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | rub elbows with; "He hobnobs with the best of society"
02390287 41 v 01 hang_out 0 002 @ 01844431 v 0000 + 08581503 n 0102 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | spend time in a certain location or with certain people; "She hangs out at the corner cafe"
02390470 41 v 02 initiate 1 induct 1 007 @ 02449847 v 0000 + 07453195 n 0202 + 10203949 n 0201 + 10363913 n 0105 + 10206887 n 0101 + 07948518 n 0101 + 07453195 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 20 00 | accept people into an exclusive society or group, usually with some rite; "African men are initiated when they reach puberty"
02390786 41 v 01 readmit 1 002 @ 02449847 v 0000 + 01248418 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 20 00 | admit again or anew; "After paying a penalty, the player was readmitted"
02390949 41 v 02 crown 0 coronate 0 006 @ 02386388 v 0000 + 06884097 n 0201 + 03138669 n 0201 + 07453638 n 0201 + 03138669 n 0101 + 06884097 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | invest with regal power; enthrone; "The prince was crowned in Westminster Abbey"
02391193 41 v 02 enthrone 0 throne 0 007 @ 02386388 v 0000 + 00605023 n 0201 + 04429376 n 0201 + 07453638 n 0102 + 07453638 n 0103 + 07453638 n 0104 ! 02391453 v 0101 01 + 09 00 | put a monarch on the throne; "The Queen was enthroned more than 50 years ago"
02391453 41 v 01 dethrone 0 003 @ 02385372 v 0000 + 00208943 n 0102 ! 02391193 v 0101 01 + 09 00 | remove a monarch from the throne; "If the King does not abdicate, he will have to be dethroned"
02391650 41 v 01 unseat 0 001 @ 02404224 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | remove from political office; "The Republicans are trying to unseat the liberal Democrat"
02391803 41 v 04 delegate 0 designate 0 depute 3 assign 0 023 @ 02475922 v 0000 + 00730247 n 0401 + 00163779 n 0402 + 08402442 n 0301 + 01140839 n 0305 + 00163779 n 0203 + 10000787 n 0101 + 01140839 n 0102 + 00165178 n 0101 ~ 00751279 v 0000 ~ 01710481 v 0000 ~ 02385634 v 0000 ~ 02385813 v 0000 ~ 02392385 v 0000 ~ 02392600 v 0000 ~ 02392762 v 0000 ~ 02392961 v 0000 ~ 02393086 v 0000 ~ 02395395 v 0000 ~ 02395603 v 0000 ~ 02397637 v 0000 ~ 02399331 v 0000 ~ 02537960 v 0000 03 + 14 00 + 15 00 + 20 00 | give an assignment to (a person) to a post, or assign a task to (a person)
02392385 41 v 01 devolve 2 003 @ 02391803 v 0000 + 01141160 n 0102 + 01141160 n 0101 01 + 15 00 | pass on or delegate to another; "The representative devolved his duties to his aides while he was in the hospital"
02392600 41 v 01 task 0 003 @ 02391803 v 0000 + 00719705 n 0102 + 00795720 n 0103 01 + 31 00 | assign a task to; "I tasked him with looking after the children"
02392762 41 v 01 place 1 004 @ 02391803 v 0000 + 13947867 n 0101 + 13926786 n 0101 + 05611822 n 0101 01 + 20 00 | place somebody in a particular situation or location; "he was placed on probation"
02392961 41 v 01 regiment 0 002 @ 02391803 v 0000 + 08213817 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | assign to a regiment; "regiment soldiers"
02393086 41 v 02 transfer 0 reassign 0 005 @ 02391803 v 0000 + 00732076 n 0201 + 10724372 n 0101 ~ 02393304 v 0000 ~ 02393489 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 20 00 | transfer somebody to a different position or location of work
02393304 41 v 01 second 1 002 @ 02393086 v 0000 + 00732201 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | transfer an employee to a different, temporary assignment; "The officer was seconded for duty overseas"
02393489 41 v 01 exchange 0 003 @ 02393086 v 0000 + 00196485 n 0102 ~ 02393726 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | hand over one and receive another, approximately equivalent; "exchange prisoners"; "exchange employees between branches of the company"
02393726 41 v 01 alternate 0 003 @ 02393489 v 0000 + 10680153 n 0102 ~ 02393894 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | exchange people temporarily to fulfill certain jobs and functions
02393894 41 v 01 rotate 0 004 @ 02393726 v 0000 + 05045381 n 0101 $ 00245913 v 0000 $ 01096305 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | exchange on a regular basis; "We rotate the lead soprano every night"
02394081 41 v 01 fill 1 001 @ 02409412 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | appoint someone to (a position or a job)
02394183 41 v 03 fill 0 take 0 occupy 4 002 $ 01982395 v 0000 @ 02410855 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | assume, as of positions or roles; "She took the job as director of development"; "he occupies the position of manager"; "the young prince will soon occupy the throne"
02394445 41 v 03 depute 1 deputize 0 deputise 0 007 @ 02475922 v 0000 + 10005721 n 0301 + 10005548 n 0301 + 10005280 n 0301 + 10005721 n 0201 + 10005280 n 0201 + 01140839 n 0105 01 + 09 00 | appoint as a substitute
02394662 41 v 04 substitute 9 deputize 9 deputise 9 step_in 9 010 @ 02405390 v 0000 + 10005721 n 0301 + 10005548 n 0301 + 10005280 n 0301 + 10005721 n 0201 + 10005280 n 0201 + 10671042 n 0101 + 10648237 n 0102 + 00623670 n 0102 ~ 02395194 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | act as a substitute; "She stood in for the soprano who suffered from a cold"
02395000 41 v 01 cover 1 002 @ 01128193 v 0000 $ 00891216 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | to take an action to protect against future problems; "Count the cash in the drawer twice just to cover yourself"
02395194 41 v 01 cover a 001 @ 02394662 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | help out by taking someone's place and temporarily assuming his responsibilities; "She is covering for our secretary who is ill this week"
02395395 41 v 02 delegate 1 depute 0 007 @ 02391803 v 0000 + 01140839 n 0205 + 10000787 n 0101 + 08402442 n 0103 + 01140839 n 0102 + 01140839 n 0101 + 00165178 n 0101 01 + 15 00 | transfer power to someone
02395603 41 v 01 mandate 0 005 @ 02391803 v 0000 + 01140658 n 0101 + 10289969 n 0102 + 10289969 n 0101 + 10290099 n 0101 01 + 15 00 | assign under a mandate; "mandate a colony"
02395782 41 v 02 inaugurate 0 kick_off 0 007 @ 01650610 v 0000 + 15265518 n 0207 + 07329568 n 0201 + 00239910 n 0101 + 00243373 n 0101 ~ 01017501 v 0000 ~ 02395996 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | commence officially
02395996 41 v 01 dedicate 0 002 @ 02395782 v 0000 + 07452348 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | open to public use, as of a highway, park, or building; "The Beauty Queen spends her time dedicating parks and nursing homes"
02396205 41 v 04 appoint 1 name 0 nominate 0 constitute 0 010 @ 01647229 v 0000 + 00846625 a 0302 + 00164152 n 0301 + 00163779 n 0204 + 02635794 a 0101 + 00846462 a 0101 + 09607630 n 0101 + 09800964 n 0101 ~ 02396536 v 0000 ~ 02397266 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | create and charge with a task or function; "nominate a committee"
02396536 41 v 01 pack 0 001 @ 02396205 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | set up a committee or legislative body with one's own supporters so as to influence the outcome; "pack a jury"
02396716 41 v 03 name 1 nominate 1 make 3 005 @ 02475922 v 0000 + 00846625 a 0202 + 00164152 n 0201 + 00163779 n 0104 ~ 02396981 v 0000 01 + 14 00 | charge with a function; charge to be; "She was named Head of the Committee"; "She was made president of the club"
02396981 41 v 01 rename 0 001 @ 02396716 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | name again or anew; "He was renamed Minister of the Interior"
02397106 41 v 01 slate 0 002 @ 02472033 v 0000 + 06495948 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | enter on a list or slate for an election; "He was slated for borough president"
02397266 41 v 01 co-opt 1 003 @ 02396205 v 0000 + 00164999 n 0101 + 00164999 n 0102 01 + 09 00 | appoint summarily or commandeer; "The army tried to co-opt peasants into civil defence groups"
02397460 41 v 01 tenure 0 003 @ 02397637 v 0000 ;c 08274923 n 0000 + 15291498 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | give life-time employment to; "She was tenured after she published her book"
02397637 41 v 06 promote 0 upgrade 0 advance 0 kick_upstairs 0 raise 4 elevate 0 012 @ 02391803 v 0000 + 13940456 n 0603 + 00373544 n 0603 + 07251984 n 0303 + 00198451 n 0101 ! 02399331 v 0101 ~ 02397460 v 0000 ~ 02398161 v 0000 ~ 02398314 v 0000 ~ 02398463 v 0000 ~ 02400037 v 0000 ~ 02554797 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | give a promotion to or assign to a higher position; "John was kicked upstairs when a replacement was hired"; "Women tend not to advance in the major law firms"; "I got promoted after many years of hard work"
02398161 41 v 01 bring_up 1 001 @ 02397637 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | promote from a lower position or rank; "This player was brought up to the major league"
02398314 41 v 01 spot_promote 0 001 @ 02397637 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | promote on the spot; "Supreme Bishop Digby had been spot-promoted to Archangel"
02398463 41 v 03 ennoble 0 gentle 0 entitle 1 005 @ 02397637 v 0000 + 00065098 n 0101 ~ 02398681 v 0000 ~ 02398854 v 0000 ~ 02399185 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | give a title to someone; make someone a member of the nobility
02398681 41 v 02 baronetize 0 baronetise 0 002 @ 02398463 v 0000 + 09840639 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | confer baronetcy upon; "He was baronetized for his loyalty to the country"
02398854 41 v 01 lord 0 002 @ 02398463 v 0000 + 10271677 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | make a lord of someone
02398956 41 v 03 lionize 0 lionise 0 celebrate 2 002 @ 02457233 v 0000 + 10265070 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | assign great social importance to; "The film director was celebrated all over Hollywood"; "The tenor was lionized in Vienna"
02399185 41 v 02 knight 1 dub 0 002 @ 02398463 v 0000 + 10238375 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | raise (someone) to knighthood; "The Beatles were knighted"
02399331 41 v 05 demote 0 bump 0 relegate 0 break 6 kick_downstairs 0 007 @ 02391803 v 0000 + 01013434 n 0301 ^ 02482425 v 0205 + 00198793 n 0101 ! 02397637 v 0101 ~ 02399679 v 0000 ~ 02399888 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 21 00 | assign to a lower position; reduce in rank; "She was demoted because she always speaks up"; "He was broken down to Sergeant"
02399679 41 v 01 sideline 0 001 @ 02399331 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | remove from the center of activity or attention; place into an inferior position; "The outspoken cabinet member was sidelined by the President"
02399888 41 v 01 reduce 0 001 @ 02399331 v 0000 01 + 24 00 | bring to humbler or weaker state or condition; "He reduced the population to slavery"
02400037 41 v 03 prefer 0 favor 0 favour 0 005 @ 02397637 v 0000 + 07500414 n 0302 + 07500414 n 0201 + 00198631 n 0101 ~ 02513268 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | promote over another; "he favors his second daughter"
02400251 41 v 01 prefer 1 002 @ 02251743 v 0000 ;c 08441203 n 0000 01 + 09 00 | give preference to one creditor over another
02400378 41 v 04 screen 0 screen_out 0 sieve 0 sort 0 004 @ 00674607 v 0000 + 13558696 n 0401 + 00644967 n 0101 + 10564224 n 0101 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | examine in order to test suitability; "screen these samples"; "screen the job applicants"
02400637 41 v 01 vote_in 0 001 @ 00674607 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | elect in a voting process; "They voted in Clinton"
02400760 41 v 01 elect 0 009 @ 00674607 v 0000 + 00851744 a 0101 + 00846052 a 0101 + 00181781 n 0101 + 08386853 n 0102 + 08161068 n 0101 + 10760340 n 0102 ~ 02401051 v 0000 ~ 02401296 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | select by a vote for an office or membership; "We elected him chairman of the board"
02401051 41 v 01 co-opt 2 003 @ 02400760 v 0000 + 00181191 n 0101 + 00181191 n 0102 01 + 09 00 | choose or elect as a fellow member or colleague; "The church members co-opted individuals from similar backgrounds to replenish the congregation"
02401296 41 v 02 reelect 0 return 0 002 @ 02400760 v 0000 + 00181373 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | elect again
02401399 41 v 01 engage 0 001 @ 02409412 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | ask to represent; of legal counsel; "I'm retaining a lawyer"
02401523 41 v 02 nominate 2 propose 0 004 @ 00674607 v 0000 + 00846625 a 0102 + 10360101 n 0101 ~ 00879540 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 14 00 | put forward; nominate for appointment to an office or for an honor or position; "The President nominated her as head of the Civil Rights Commission"
02401809 41 v 06 oust 0 throw_out 0 drum_out 0 boot_out 0 kick_out 0 expel 1 006 @ 02404224 v 0000 + 00206927 n 0603 + 10386071 n 0101 + 00208797 n 0102 ~ 02402112 v 0000 ~ 02405252 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 22 00 | remove from a position or office; "The chairman was ousted after he misappropriated funds"
02402112 41 v 01 excommunicate 0 003 $ 01030397 v 0000 @ 02401809 v 0000 + 14413993 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | oust or exclude from a group or membership by decree
02402271 41 v 01 take_time_by_the_forelock 0 001 @ 02367363 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | act quickly and decisively; not let slip an opportunity
02402409 41 v 04 overthrow 0 subvert 0 overturn 0 bring_down 0 006 @ 02405252 v 0000 + 00963283 a 0203 + 00215838 n 0201 + 10527334 n 0204 + 00215683 n 0101 ~ 02402695 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | cause the downfall of; of rulers; "The Czar was overthrown"; "subvert the ruling class"
02402695 41 v 01 revolutionize 0 002 @ 02402409 v 0000 + 00962722 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | overthrow by a revolution, of governments
02402825 41 v 0b displace 4 fire 0 give_notice 0 can 0 dismiss 0 give_the_axe 0 send_away 0 sack 0 force_out 0 give_the_sack 0 terminate 1 014 @ 02404224 v 0000 + 00216174 n 0807 + 00216174 n 0808 + 01526769 a 0501 + 00216174 n 0502 + 00216174 n 0501 + 00216174 n 0204 ! 02409412 v 0201 ~ 02380251 v 0000 ~ 02380571 v 0000 ~ 02403408 v 0000 ~ 02403537 v 0000 ~ 02404076 v 0000 ~ 02465939 v 0000 04 + 09 00 + 24 00 + 22 0a + 22 06 | terminate the employment of; discharge from an office or position; "The boss fired his secretary today"; "The company terminated 25% of its workers"
02403408 41 v 01 clean_out 0 001 @ 02402825 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | force out; "The new boss cleaned out the lazy workers"
02403537 41 v 02 furlough 0 lay_off 0 003 @ 02402825 v 0000 + 00229814 n 0201 ~ 02403773 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | dismiss, usually for economic reasons; "She was laid off together with hundreds of other workers when the company downsized"
02403773 41 v 01 downsize 0 001 @ 02403537 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | dismiss from work; "three secretaries were downsized during the financial crisis"
02403920 41 v 01 drop 1 002 $ 02465939 v 0000 @ 02404224 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | terminate an association with; "drop him from the Republican ticket"
02404076 41 v 01 squeeze_out 0 001 @ 02402825 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | force out; "Some employees were squeezed out by the recent budget cuts"
02404224 41 v 01 remove 0 009 + 00216723 n 0101 ~ 02391650 v 0000 ~ 02401809 v 0000 ~ 02402825 v 0000 ~ 02403920 v 0000 ~ 02404467 v 0000 ~ 02404622 v 0000 ~ 02404784 v 0000 ~ 02482889 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | remove from a position or an office
02404467 41 v 01 pull_off 1 001 @ 02404224 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | cause to withdraw; "We pulled this firm off the project because they overcharged"
02404622 41 v 01 winkle_out 0 001 @ 02404224 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | force from a place or position; "The committee winkled out the unqualified candidates"
02404784 41 v 01 invalid 0 001 @ 02404224 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | force to retire, remove from active duty, as of firemen
02404904 41 v 03 take_out 1 move_out 0 remove 2 004 > 01831531 v 0000 ~ 00450691 v 0000 ~ 02405120 v 0000 ~ 02597246 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | cause to leave; "The teacher took the children out of the classroom"
02405120 41 v 01 call_in 2 001 @ 02404904 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | take a player out of a game in order to exchange for another player
02405252 41 v 02 depose 0 force_out 1 003 @ 02401809 v 0000 + 00208943 n 0101 ~ 02402409 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | force to leave (an office)
02405390 41 v 05 supplant 0 replace 0 supersede 0 supervene_upon 0 supercede 0 015 $ 01308381 v 0000 $ 00162688 v 0000 @ 02406585 v 0000 + 00197419 n 0302 + 00197419 n 0301 + 10680153 n 0203 + 05696425 n 0202 + 00197772 n 0201 + 00197772 n 0202 + 10742546 n 0102 + 00197610 n 0101 ~ 02394662 v 0000 ~ 02406011 v 0000 ~ 02406287 v 0000 ~ 02406449 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | take the place or move into the position of; "Smith replaced Miller as CEO after Miller left"; "the computer has supplanted the slide rule"; "Mary replaced Susan as the team's captain and the highest-ranked player in the school"
02406011 41 v 02 preempt 0 displace 2 001 @ 02405390 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | take the place of or have precedence over; "live broadcast of the presidential debate preempts the regular news hour"; "discussion of the emergency situation will preempt the lecture by the professor"
02406287 41 v 01 usurp 0 001 @ 02405390 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | take the place of; "gloom had usurped mirth at the party after the news of the terrorist act broke"
02406449 41 v 01 oust 1 001 @ 02405390 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | remove and replace; "The word processor has ousted the typewriter"
02406585 41 v 03 succeed 1 come_after 0 follow 1 009 + 01667729 a 0105 + 05044822 n 0103 + 01010458 n 0101 + 10671736 n 0101 + 10671613 n 0101 + 05696803 n 0101 ! 02407766 v 0101 ~ 02381397 v 0000 ~ 02405390 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 09 00 + 22 00 | be the successor (of); "Carter followed Ford"; "Will Charles succeed to the throne?"
02406916 41 v 05 tug 0 labor 1 labour 1 push 0 drive 0 009 @ 02407338 v 0000 + 00798245 n 0504 + 04836683 n 0402 ^ 01993549 v 0402 + 00620752 n 0302 + 00795720 n 0204 + 10241300 n 0201 $ 00765977 v 0000 ~ 01146051 v 0000 01 + 28 00 | strive and make an effort to reach a goal; "She tugged for years to make a decent living"; "We have to push a little to make the deadline!"; "She is driving away at her doctoral thesis"
02407338 41 v 02 fight 0 struggle 0 007 @ 02530167 v 0000 + 00622068 n 0201 + 00788973 n 0201 + 10665302 n 0201 + 04837425 n 0102 ~ 02406916 v 0000 ~ 02407632 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | make a strenuous or labored effort; "She struggled for years to survive without welfare"; "He fought for breath"
02407632 41 v 01 flounder 0 001 @ 02407338 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | behave awkwardly; have difficulties; "She is floundering in college"
02407766 41 v 02 precede 0 come_before 0 004 + 01257145 n 0101 + 10464711 n 0101 + 01257145 n 0102 ! 02406585 v 0101 02 + 09 00 + 22 00 | be the predecessor of; "Bill preceded John in the long line of Susan's husbands"
02407987 41 v 02 work 1 put_to_work 0 010 > 02410855 v 0000 @ 01158872 v 0000 + 00584367 n 0102 + 00575741 n 0101 ~ 00100551 v 0000 ~ 00100905 v 0000 ~ 01718952 v 0000 ~ 02408722 v 0000 ~ 02409148 v 0000 $ 02410855 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | cause to work; "he is working his servants hard"
02408281 41 v 01 drive d 006 $ 01930874 v 0000 @ 02410855 v 0000 + 03244388 n 0102 + 00307631 n 0101 + 03242713 n 0101 + 10034906 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | work as a driver; "He drives a bread truck"; "She drives for the taxi company in Newark"
02408530 41 v 01 overdrive 0 002 @ 02409148 v 0000 + 14009020 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | drive or work too hard; "The teacher is overworking his students"; "Overdriving people often suffer stress"
02408722 41 v 01 rack 1 002 @ 02407987 v 0000 + 04038727 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | put on a rack and pinion; "rack a camera"
02408843 41 v 01 carpenter 0 003 @ 02413480 v 0000 + 09896685 n 0101 + 00607775 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | work as a carpenter
02408965 41 v 01 implement 1 003 @ 01158872 v 0000 + 00044150 n 0101 + 03563967 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | apply in a manner consistent with its purpose or design; "implement a procedure"
02409148 41 v 02 overwork 0 exploit 0 008 @ 02407987 v 0000 + 01867768 a 0203 + 01867768 a 0201 + 01867768 a 0202 + 00948206 n 0201 + 00623370 n 0101 + 00623370 n 0102 ~ 02408530 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | work excessively hard; "he is exploiting the students"
02409412 41 v 03 hire 0 engage 1 employ 0 014 + 13968092 n 0302 + 01217859 n 0301 + 10053808 n 0301 + 10054657 n 0301 + 01217859 n 0202 + 09867956 n 0102 ! 02402825 v 0102 ~ 00751775 v 0000 ~ 02394081 v 0000 ~ 02401399 v 0000 ~ 02409838 v 0000 ~ 02409941 v 0000 ~ 02413140 v 0000 ~ 02461063 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | engage or hire for work; "They hired two new secretaries in the department"; "How many people has she employed?"
02409838 41 v 01 ship 0 002 @ 02409412 v 0000 + 04194289 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | hire for work on a ship
02409941 41 v 04 sign 1 contract 0 sign_on 0 sign_up 0 004 @ 02409412 v 0000 + 06520944 n 0201 + 10597234 n 0101 ~ 02410719 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 02 01 | engage by written agreement; "They signed two new pitchers for the next season"
02410175 41 v 04 retain 1 continue 0 keep 2 keep_on 0 003 @ 02679530 v 0000 + 05051896 n 0203 $ 02747922 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | allow to remain in a place or position or maintain a property or feature; "We cannot continue several servants any longer"; "She retains a lawyer"; "The family's fortune waned and they could not keep their household staff"; "Our grant has run out and we cannot keep you on"; "We kept the work going as long as we could"; "She retained her composure"; "this garment retains its shape even after many washings"
02410719 41 v 01 contract_out 0 001 @ 02409941 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 21 00 | assign a job to someone outside one's own business
02410855 41 v 02 work 0 do_work 0 021 $ 02407987 v 0000 $ 02413480 v 0000 $ 02594979 v 0000 + 00584367 n 0102 + 09632518 n 0101 ~ 01095218 v 0000 ~ 02343056 v 0000 ~ 02394183 v 0000 ~ 02408281 v 0000 ~ 02411529 v 0000 ~ 02411621 v 0000 ~ 02412939 v 0000 ~ 02419773 v 0000 ~ 02420232 v 0000 ~ 02420606 v 0000 ~ 02420789 v 0000 ~ 02420991 v 0000 ~ 02421199 v 0000 ~ 02460883 v 0000 ~ 02464481 v 0000 ~ 02576110 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | be employed; "Is your husband working again?"; "My wife never worked"; "Do you want to work after the age of 60?"; "She never did any work because she inherited a lot of money"; "She works as a waitress to put herself through college"
02411529 41 v 01 tinker 0 001 @ 02410855 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | work as a tinker or tinkerer
02411621 41 v 01 serve d 002 $ 01095218 v 0000 @ 02410855 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | do military service; "She served in Vietnam"; "My sons never served, because they are short-sighted"
02411802 41 v 01 clerk 0 003 @ 02413480 v 0000 + 09928451 n 0101 + 00619230 n 0102 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | work as a clerk, as in the legal business
02411950 41 v 02 take_off 0 take_time_off 0 001 @ 00778275 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 01 | take time off from work; stop working temporarily
02412089 41 v 01 get_off 0 000 01 + 02 00 | be relieved of one's duties temporarily
02412175 41 v 02 take_over 0 relieve 1 004 @ 02422026 v 0000 + 10648237 n 0204 + 10518194 n 0201 ~ 02412366 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 02 01 | free someone temporarily from his or her obligations
02412366 41 v 01 spell 0 001 @ 02412175 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | relieve (someone) from work by taking a turn; "She spelled her husband at the wheel"
02412513 41 v 01 page 0 002 @ 02413480 v 0000 + 10391248 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | work as a page; "He is paging in Congress this summer"
02412647 41 v 02 strike 0 walk_out 0 004 @ 02521410 v 0000 + 01244341 n 0201 + 01243674 n 0101 + 10663745 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | stop work in order to press demands; "The auto workers are striking for higher wages"; "The employees walked out when their demand for better benefits was not met"
02412939 41 v 04 fink 0 scab 0 rat 1 blackleg 0 005 @ 02410855 v 0000 + 10554455 n 0403 + 10554455 n 0304 + 10007109 n 0306 + 10554455 n 0201 01 + 02 00 | take the place of work of someone on strike
02413140 41 v 01 rat 2 004 @ 02409412 v 0000 ;c 00923444 n 0000 + 10554455 n 0104 + 10007109 n 0106 01 + 08 00 | employ scabs or strike breakers in
02413290 41 v 02 wait 0 waitress 0 003 @ 02413480 v 0000 + 10763620 n 0201 + 10763383 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | serve as a waiter or waitress in a restaurant; "I'm waiting on tables at Maxim's"
02413480 41 v 01 work 2 031 + 09767197 n 0103 + 04599396 n 0101 + 00575741 n 0101 + 09632518 n 0101 + 02207449 n 0101 ! 02417504 v 0101 ~ 01161947 v 0000 ~ 01473346 v 0000 ~ 02408843 v 0000 $ 02410855 v 0000 ~ 02411802 v 0000 ~ 02412513 v 0000 ~ 02413290 v 0000 ~ 02414272 v 0000 ~ 02414473 v 0000 ~ 02414710 v 0000 ~ 02414913 v 0000 ~ 02415039 v 0000 ~ 02415573 v 0000 ~ 02415831 v 0000 ~ 02416278 v 0000 ~ 02424984 v 0000 ~ 02446164 v 0000 ~ 02446660 v 0000 ~ 02446819 v 0000 ~ 02447001 v 0000 ~ 02447247 v 0000 ~ 02516437 v 0000 ~ 02580577 v 0000 ~ 02593107 v 0000 ~ 02594979 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | exert oneself by doing mental or physical work for a purpose or out of necessity; "I will work hard to improve my grades"; "she worked hard for better living conditions for the poor"
02414272 41 v 01 pull_one's_weight 0 001 @ 02413480 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | do one's share in a common task; "Bob has never pulled his weight, and we all have to work harder to make up for his laziness"
02414473 41 v 01 electioneer 0 003 @ 02413480 v 0000 + 07245885 n 0101 + 00799537 n 0104 01 + 02 00 | work actively for a political candidate or a party; "My neighbors are busy electioneering during the Presidential election campaign"
02414710 41 v 01 assist 0 005 @ 02413480 v 0000 + 00793250 a 0102 + 09815790 n 0101 ~ 01129710 v 0000 ~ 02549211 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 09 00 | act as an assistant in a subordinate or supportive function
02414913 41 v 02 beaver 0 beaver_away 0 002 @ 02413480 v 0000 + 02363005 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | work hard on something
02415039 41 v 02 work_at 1 work_on 0 002 @ 02413480 v 0000 ~ 02415265 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | to exert effort in order to do, make, or perform something; "the child worked at the multiplication table until she had it down cold"
02415265 41 v 02 belabor 0 belabour 0 001 @ 02415039 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | to work at or to absurd length; "belabor the obvious"
02415394 41 v 02 potter 0 putter 0 003 @ 02415831 v 0000 + 10496193 n 0201 + 10496193 n 0102 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | work lightly; "The old lady is pottering around in the garden"
02415573 41 v 05 plug_away 0 peg_away 0 slog 0 keep_one's_nose_to_the_grindstone 0 keep_one's_shoulder_to_the_wheel 0 002 @ 02413480 v 0000 + 10442417 n 0302 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | work doggedly or persistently; "She keeps plugging away at her dissertation"
02415831 41 v 02 busy 0 occupy 0 004 @ 02413480 v 0000 + 00582868 n 0201 ~ 02415394 v 0000 ~ 02416030 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 20 00 | keep busy with; "She busies herself with her butterfly collection"
02416030 41 v 03 dabble 1 smatter 0 play_around 2 002 @ 02415831 v 0000 + 09987696 n 0101 03 + 08 00 + 33 00 + 02 01 | work with in an amateurish manner; "She dabbles in astronomy"; "He plays around with investments but he never makes any money"
02416278 41 v 04 collaborate 0 join_forces 0 cooperate 0 get_together 0 012 $ 02416751 v 0000 @ 02413480 v 0000 + 02112108 a 0304 + 00619972 a 0301 + 00411384 n 0301 + 01202904 n 0301 + 09935434 n 0302 + 00620208 a 0101 + 01205156 n 0101 + 09935434 n 0101 ~ 02416751 v 0000 ~ 02417208 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | work together on a common enterprise of project; "The soprano and the pianist did not get together very well"; "We joined forces with another research group"
02416751 41 v 01 collaborate 1 004 @ 02416278 v 0000 + 01205341 n 0101 + 09935793 n 0101 $ 02416278 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | cooperate as a traitor; "he collaborated with the Nazis when they occupied Paris"
02416955 41 v 01 financier 0 002 @ 02443849 v 0000 + 10090020 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | conduct financial operations, often in an unethical manner
02417098 41 v 01 coact 0 002 @ 02367363 v 0000 + 01205156 n 0102 01 + 01 00 | act together, as of organisms
02417208 41 v 02 play_along 0 go_along 0 001 @ 02416278 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | cooperate or pretend to cooperate; "He decided to play along with the burglars for the moment"
02417389 41 v 02 connive_at 1 wink_at 0 001 @ 02554922 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 33 00 | give one's silent approval to
02417504 41 v 04 idle 0 laze 0 slug 0 stagnate 0 012 + 14012667 n 0401 + 14012667 n 0402 + 10612931 n 0302 + 10612931 n 0301 + 10197967 n 0101 + 01065441 n 0102 ! 02413480 v 0101 ~ 02417908 v 0000 ~ 02418029 v 0000 ~ 02418205 v 0000 ~ 02639606 v 0000 ~ 02639905 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | be idle; exist in a changeless situation; "The old man sat and stagnated on his porch"; "He slugged in bed all morning"
02417908 41 v 03 moon 0 moon_around 0 moon_on 0 001 @ 02417504 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | be idle in a listless or dreamy way
02418029 41 v 02 ride_the_bench 0 warm_the_bench 0 002 @ 02417504 v 0000 ;c 00523513 n 0000 01 + 02 00 | be out of the game; "Miller was riding the bench in Saturday's game"
02418205 41 v 02 daydream 0 moon 1 004 @ 02417504 v 0000 + 05769471 n 0103 + 09993901 n 0101 + 05769471 n 0104 01 + 02 00 | have dreamlike musings or fantasies while awake; "She looked out the window, daydreaming"
02418421 41 v 02 play 0 recreate 0 004 + 00426928 n 0202 + 00511817 n 0101 + 00041188 n 0101 $ 02418686 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | engage in recreational activities rather than work; occupy oneself in a diversion; "On weekends I play"; "The students all recreate alike"
02418686 41 v 01 play 3 009 $ 02418421 v 0000 @ 02419073 v 0000 + 00511817 n 0101 + 00431893 n 0101 + 00041188 n 0101 ~ 00604347 v 0000 ~ 00854150 v 0000 ~ 01883716 v 0000 ~ 02419613 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | be at play; be engaged in playful activity; amuse oneself in a way characteristic of children; "The kids were playing outside all day"; "I used to play with trucks as a little girl"
02419073 41 v 01 act 7 004 + 14006945 n 0101 ~ 02418686 v 0000 ~ 02419266 v 0000 ~ 02419438 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | be engaged in an activity, often for no particular purpose other than pleasure
02419266 41 v 01 drive_around 0 001 @ 02419073 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | drive without any particular aim; "we were driving around in the countryside on a fine Sunday morning"
02419438 41 v 01 walk_around 1 001 @ 02419073 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | walk randomly; "We were walking around in the neighborhood to see whether we could find an open drugstore"
02419613 41 v 03 dabble 0 paddle 0 splash_around 0 001 @ 02418686 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | play in or as if in water, as of small children
02419773 41 v 09 labor 0 labour 0 toil 0 fag 0 travail 0 grind 0 drudge 0 dig 0 moil 0 014 @ 02410855 v 0000 + 10035809 n 0701 + 10154601 n 0702 + 00621476 n 0701 + 10684630 n 0602 + 00621476 n 0603 + 00621627 n 0504 + 10700105 n 0301 + 00620752 n 0303 + 00620752 n 0202 + 10241300 n 0203 + 00620752 n 0101 + 00795720 n 0104 + 10241300 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | work hard; "She was digging away at her math homework"; "Lexicographers drudge all day long"
02420232 41 v 01 farm 0 005 @ 02410855 v 0000 + 03322099 n 0101 + 10078806 n 0101 + 00453731 n 0101 ~ 02420430 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | be a farmer; work as a farmer; "My son is farming in California"
02420430 41 v 01 ranch 0 004 @ 02420232 v 0000 + 10506417 n 0101 + 00920062 n 0101 + 04052442 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | manage or run a ranch; "Her husband is ranching in Arizona"
02420606 41 v 01 moonlight 0 002 @ 02410855 v 0000 + 10330593 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | work a second job, usually after hours; "The law student is moonlighting as a taxi driver"
02420789 41 v 01 job 0 005 @ 02410855 v 0000 + 03599761 n 0101 + 03599628 n 0101 + 00576877 n 0101 + 00719705 n 0101 01 + 22 00 | work occasionally; "As a student I jobbed during the semester breaks"
02420991 41 v 01 man 0 003 $ 01088547 v 0000 @ 02410855 v 0000 + 10745332 n 0105 01 + 08 00 | take charge of a certain job; occupy a certain work place; "Mr. Smith manned the reception desk in the morning"
02421199 41 v 04 slave 0 break_one's_back 0 buckle_down 0 knuckle_down 0 003 @ 02410855 v 0000 + 10609556 n 0101 + 00623545 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | work very hard, like a slave
02421374 41 v 06 free 0 liberate 2 release 0 unloose 0 unloosen 0 loose 0 013 + 00095502 n 0302 + 00095502 n 0201 + 13996061 n 0201 + 10257221 n 0201 + 07947958 n 0101 + 00095502 n 0103 ! 02495038 v 0101 ~ 01064696 v 0000 ~ 01288554 v 0000 ~ 02421749 v 0000 ~ 02421921 v 0000 ~ 02494259 v 0000 ~ 02591893 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | grant freedom to; free from confinement
02421749 41 v 01 bail 0 005 $ 00890403 v 0000 @ 02421374 v 0000 + 01763683 a 0101 + 13350976 n 0101 + 05903445 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | release after a security has been paid
02421921 41 v 01 run 4 002 $ 02099829 v 0000 @ 02421374 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | set animals loose to graze
02422026 41 v 02 free 2 discharge 1 009 + 00216174 n 0203 + 00095502 n 0103 ~ 02385372 v 0000 ~ 02412175 v 0000 ~ 02422283 v 0000 ~ 02422409 v 0000 ~ 02422559 v 0000 ~ 02497062 v 0000 ~ 02678070 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | free from obligations or duties
02422283 41 v 01 cut d 001 @ 02422026 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | discharge from a group; "The coach cut two players from the team"
02422409 41 v 01 clear 0 001 @ 02422026 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | free from payment of customs duties, as of a shipment; "Clear the ship and let it dock"
02422559 41 v 01 cashier 0 001 @ 02422026 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | discharge with dishonor, as in the army
02422663 41 v 04 restrain 1 keep 0 keep_back 0 hold_back 0 007 @ 02423762 v 0000 + 10525134 n 0101 + 01145359 n 0101 ~ 00004492 v 0000 ~ 01347298 v 0000 ~ 02423762 v 0000 ~ 02510337 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 20 00 | keep under control; keep in check; "suppress a smile"; "Keep your temper"; "keep your cool"
02422967 41 v 01 quench 2 001 @ 02423762 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | electronics: suppress (sparking) when the current is cut off in an inductive circuit, or suppress (an oscillation or discharge) in a component or device
02423183 41 v 03 let 0 allow 0 permit 0 002 ! 02450505 v 0101 ~ 02423513 v 0000 02 + 25 00 + 35 00 | make it possible through a specific action or lack of action for something to happen; "This permits the water to rush in"; "This sealed door won't allow the water come into the basement"; "This will permit the rain to run off"
02423513 41 v 01 pass b 001 @ 02423183 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | allow to go without comment or censure; "the insult passed as if unnoticed"
02423650 41 v 02 give_up 0 allow 1 000 01 + 08 00 | allow the other (baseball) team to score; "give up a run"
02423762 41 v 03 inhibit 0 bottle_up 0 suppress 0 005 @ 02422663 v 0000 + 01147950 n 0301 ~ 02422663 v 0000 ~ 02422967 v 0000 ~ 02423999 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | control and refrain from showing; of emotions, desires, impulses, or behavior
02423999 41 v 01 choke 0 001 @ 02423762 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | check or slow down the action or effect of; "She choked her anger"
02424128 41 v 06 repress 0 quash 0 keep_down 0 subdue 0 subjugate 1 reduce 3 005 @ 02424652 v 0000 + 10668450 n 0401 + 02004176 a 0102 + 13996571 n 0101 + 00420712 n 0101 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 | put down by force or intimidation; "The government quashes any attempt of an uprising"; "China keeps down her dissidents very efficiently"; "The rich landowners subjugated the peasants working the land"
02424533 41 v 01 dragoon 1 002 @ 02496816 v 0000 + 10029831 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 11 00 | subjugate by imposing troops
02424652 41 v 03 oppress 0 suppress 1 crush 0 008 + 01079604 n 0302 + 02005065 a 0201 + 01079604 n 0201 + 10678472 n 0202 + 00788474 a 0101 + 00421047 n 0101 + 10379758 n 0101 ~ 02424128 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 | come down on or keep down by unjust use of one's authority; "The government oppresses political activists"
02424984 41 v 01 volunteer 0 003 @ 02413480 v 0000 + 10759151 n 0101 + 10759331 n 0103 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | do volunteer work
02425112 41 v 02 volunteer 1 offer 0 002 @ 02367363 v 0000 + 07185076 n 0201 01 + 28 00 | agree freely; "She volunteered to drive the old lady home"; "I offered to help with the dishes but the hostess would not hear of it"
02425337 41 v 01 inaugurate 1 002 @ 02425462 v 0000 + 00239910 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | open ceremoniously or dedicate formally
02425462 41 v 01 open 1 008 @ 01650610 v 0000 + 07326369 n 0101 + 07452699 n 0101 + 00239230 n 0104 ! 02425913 v 0101 ^ 01645421 v 0102 ~ 02425337 v 0000 ~ 02425763 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | begin or set in action, of meetings, speeches, recitals, etc.; "He opened the meeting with a long speech"
02425763 41 v 01 call_to_order 0 001 @ 02425462 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | open formally; "the chairman called the meeting to order by pounding his gavel"
02425913 41 v 01 close 1 005 @ 00352826 v 0000 + 00229260 n 0101 + 15267536 n 0107 + 00211110 n 0103 ! 02425462 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | finish or terminate (meetings, speeches, etc.); "The meeting was closed with a charge by the chairman of the board"
02426171 41 v 02 open 0 open_up 0 004 + 07452699 n 0101 + 00239230 n 0104 ! 02426395 v 0102 ~ 02427103 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 08 00 | start to operate or function or cause to start operating or functioning; "open a business"
02426395 41 v 05 close_up 0 close 0 fold 0 shut_down 0 close_down 0 008 + 00229260 n 0502 + 00229260 n 0404 + 09930464 n 0201 + 00229260 n 0201 + 15267536 n 0207 + 00229260 n 0203 ! 02426171 v 0201 ~ 02428487 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 08 00 | cease to operate or cause to cease operating; "The owners decided to move and to close the factory"; "My business closes every night at 8 P.M."; "close up the shop"
02426799 41 v 03 restore 0 reinstate 1 reestablish 0 004 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 13944914 n 0201 + 01307606 n 0101 ~ 02551501 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | bring back into original existence, use, function, or position; "restore law and order"; "reestablish peace in the region"; "restore the emperor to the throne"
02427103 41 v 04 establish 0 set_up 2 found 0 launch 1 006 @ 02426171 v 0000 + 08406486 n 0301 + 10107303 n 0301 + 00240184 n 0302 + 00237078 n 0102 ! 02427334 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | set up or found; "She set up a literacy program"
02427334 41 v 02 abolish 0 get_rid_of 0 006 + 00738182 a 0101 + 00228283 n 0102 + 00228283 n 0101 ! 02427103 v 0101 ~ 02427596 v 0000 ~ 02478584 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | do away with; "Slavery was abolished in the mid-19th century in America and in Russia"
02427596 41 v 01 cashier 1 001 @ 02427334 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | discard or do away with; "cashier the literal sense of this word"
02427726 41 v 01 ordain 2 003 @ 02386388 v 0000 + 10381214 n 0101 + 00165298 n 0102 01 + 09 00 | invest with ministerial or priestly authority; "The minister was ordained only last month"
02427916 41 v 02 ordain 1 enact 0 004 @ 01027508 v 0000 + 01126856 n 0201 ~ 02428202 v 0000 ~ 02466670 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | order by virtue of superior authority; decree; "The King ordained the persecution and expulsion of the Jews"; "the legislature enacted this law in 1985"
02428202 41 v 01 reenact 0 001 @ 02427916 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | enact again; "Congress reenacted the law"
02428316 41 v 01 get_around_to 0 001 @ 02367363 v 0000 01 + 33 00 | do something despite obstacles such as lack of time; "He finally got around to painting the windows"
02428487 41 v 03 adjourn 0 withdraw 0 retire 0 006 $ 00495998 v 0000 * 02428924 v 0000 @ 02426395 v 0000 + 00053913 n 0201 + 01067070 n 0101 ~ 02428771 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 22 00 + 08 01 | break from a meeting or gathering; "We adjourned for lunch"; "The men retired to the library"
02428771 41 v 01 prorogue 0 002 @ 02428487 v 0000 + 01067192 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | adjourn by royal prerogative; without dissolving the legislative body
02428924 41 v 05 meet 0 gather 0 assemble 0 forgather 0 foregather 0 020 $ 02023107 v 0000 @ 02376958 v 0000 + 07975026 n 0302 + 01229938 n 0302 + 07975026 n 0201 + 01229938 n 0203 + 08310389 n 0101 + 01230965 n 0101 ~ 01089878 v 0000 ~ 02022804 v 0000 ~ 02023600 v 0000 ~ 02023851 v 0000 ~ 02023992 v 0000 ~ 02024508 v 0000 ~ 02025009 v 0000 ~ 02027612 v 0000 ~ 02032634 v 0000 ~ 02429475 v 0000 ~ 02429682 v 0000 ~ 02592111 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | collect in one place; "We assembled in the church basement"; "Let's gather in the dining room"
02429475 41 v 01 turn_out 3 003 @ 02428924 v 0000 + 07987216 n 0101 + 01233917 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | come and gather for a public event; "Hundreds of thousands turned out for the anti-war rally in New York"
02429682 41 v 01 caucus 0 002 @ 02428924 v 0000 + 08308313 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | meet to select a candidate or promote a policy
02429810 41 v 01 call 4 004 > 02428924 v 0000 @ 00752764 v 0000 + 09888269 n 0101 $ 00792471 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | call a meeting; invite or command to meet; "The Wannsee Conference was called to discuss the `Final Solution'"; "The new dean calls meetings every week"
02430078 41 v 02 band_oneself 0 league_together 0 001 @ 02434976 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | attach oneself to a group
02430191 41 v 01 ally 0 005 @ 02589245 v 0000 + 09785042 n 0101 + 08305942 n 0101 + 01081456 n 0102 ~ 02430421 v 0000 01 + 20 00 | become an ally or associate, as by a treaty or marriage; "He allied himself with the Communists"
02430421 41 v 01 misally 0 002 @ 02430191 v 0000 + 13965627 n 0101 01 + 20 00 | make a bad alliance; ally inappropriately; "The two countries are misallied"
02430580 41 v 05 disassociate 0 dissociate 0 divorce 1 disunite 0 disjoint 0 006 @ 02431320 v 0000 + 00385501 n 0401 + 14416845 n 0201 + 00384802 n 0201 + 14421373 n 0101 + 14416845 n 0102 01 + 22 00 | part; cease or break association with; "She disassociated herself from the organization when she found out the identity of the president"
02430922 41 v 02 imprint 0 form 2 004 @ 02536557 v 0000 + 00585398 a 0201 + 05693383 n 0101 + 05754730 n 0101 01 + 19 00 | establish or impress firmly in the mind; "We imprint our ideas onto our children"
02431129 41 v 01 militate 0 001 @ 02536557 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | have force or influence; bring about an effect or change; "Politeness militated against this opinion being expressed"
02431320 41 v 06 separate 2 part 0 split_up 1 split 0 break d break_up 0 013 + 00215314 n 0602 + 07313814 n 0503 + 00386676 n 0402 + 10580030 n 0101 + 01201429 n 0102 + 07331400 n 0602 ~ 00353639 v 0000 ~ 00368662 v 0000 ~ 02430580 v 0000 ~ 02431834 v 0000 ~ 02490634 v 0000 ~ 02535457 v 0000 ~ 02535716 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | discontinue an association or relation; go different ways; "The business partners broke over a tax question"; "The couple separated after 25 years of marriage"; "My friend and I split up"
02431834 41 v 01 break_with 0 001 @ 02431320 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | end a relationship; "China broke with Russia"
02431971 41 v 02 administer 0 administrate 0 013 @ 02436349 v 0000 + 01474806 a 0201 + 02904075 a 0201 + 09770472 n 0201 + 09770743 n 0201 + 09770949 n 0201 + 02904075 a 0101 + 01474806 a 0101 + 15266265 n 0103 + 08164585 n 0101 + 01135952 n 0101 ~ 02432395 v 0000 ~ 02443049 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | work in an administrative capacity; supervise or be in charge of; "administer a program"; "she administers the funds"
02432395 41 v 01 pontificate 1 003 @ 02431971 v 0000 + 08053260 n 0102 + 10452892 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | administer a pontifical office
02432530 41 v 02 organize 0 organise 0 016 @ 02436349 v 0000 + 08164585 n 0207 + 04768657 n 0202 + 01008378 n 0202 + 01136519 n 0202 ! 02436140 v 0202 + 08164585 n 0106 + 00237078 n 0104 + 01008378 n 0101 + 01136519 n 0101 ! 02436140 v 0101 ~ 00735571 v 0000 ~ 02269485 v 0000 ~ 02432975 v 0000 ~ 02433123 v 0000 ~ 02433767 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 | cause to be structured or ordered or operating according to some principle or idea
02432975 41 v 02 territorialize 0 territorialise 0 003 @ 02432530 v 0000 + 01016973 n 0202 + 01016973 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | organize as a territory
02433123 41 v 03 reorganize 0 reorganise 0 shake_up 0 006 @ 02432530 v 0000 + 01137987 n 0303 + 00200768 n 0101 + 01137987 n 0101 + 01137987 n 0304 ~ 02433549 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | organize anew; "We must reorganize the company if we don't want to go under"
02433381 41 v 03 reorganize 1 reorganise 1 regroup 0 003 @ 02448185 v 0000 + 00200768 n 0101 + 01137987 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | organize anew, as after a setback
02433549 41 v 02 retool 0 revise 0 002 @ 02433123 v 0000 + 00399393 n 0201 03 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 08 00 | revise or reorganize, especially for the purpose of updating and improving; "We must retool the town's economy"
02433767 41 v 02 collectivize 0 collectivise 0 005 @ 02432530 v 0000 + 01152787 n 0202 + 08056601 n 0201 + 01152787 n 0101 + 08056601 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | bring under collective control; of farms and industrial enterprises
02433991 41 v 01 hold_one's_own 0 001 @ 02441022 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | maintain one's position and be in control of a situation
02434119 41 v 02 sovietize 0 sovietise 0 001 @ 01295275 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | bring under Soviet control, of a country
02434238 41 v 04 unionize 0 unionise 0 organize 2 organise 2 009 @ 02434976 v 0000 + 08008335 n 0402 + 00237078 n 0405 + 08008335 n 0301 + 00237078 n 0304 + 10383505 n 0301 + 00242583 n 0202 + 00242583 n 0101 + 08233056 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | form or join a union; "The auto workers decided to unionize"
02434541 41 v 01 confederate a 006 @ 02469835 v 0000 + 02476485 a 0103 + 14418822 n 0102 + 01081456 n 0101 + 09761068 n 0102 + 08303275 n 0102 01 + 22 00 | form a confederation with; of nations
02434737 41 v 01 ally_with 0 001 @ 02469835 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 11 00 | unite formally; of interest groups or countries
02434859 41 v 01 fall_in 2 000 01 + 02 00 | to take one's place in a military formation or line; "Troops fall in!"
02434976 41 v 03 join 0 fall_in 0 get_together 2 008 + 10223994 n 0101 ~ 01097309 v 0000 ~ 02430078 v 0000 ~ 02434238 v 0000 ~ 02435311 v 0000 ~ 02435552 v 0000 ~ 02435634 v 0000 ~ 02469835 v 0000 03 + 22 00 + 08 01 + 09 01 | become part of; become a member of a group or organization; "He joined the Communist Party as a young man"
02435311 41 v 01 affiliate 0 005 @ 02434976 v 0000 + 13930385 n 0101 + 01082061 n 0101 + 09776346 n 0101 + 08009478 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | join in an affiliation; "The two colleges affiliated"; "They affiliated with a national group"
02435552 41 v 01 rejoin 0 001 @ 02434976 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | join again
02435634 41 v 02 infiltrate 0 penetrate 0 003 @ 02434976 v 0000 + 00976698 n 0101 + 10205833 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | enter a group or organization in order to spy on the members; "The student organization was infiltrated by a traitor"
02435867 41 v 02 unionize 1 unionise 1 005 > 02434238 v 0000 @ 02471327 v 0000 + 00242583 n 0202 + 00242583 n 0101 + 08233056 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | recruit for a union or organize into a union; "We don't allow people to come into our plant and try to unionize the workers"
02436140 41 v 02 disorganize 0 disorganise 0 006 + 14500341 n 0202 + 00552922 n 0202 ! 02432530 v 0202 + 14500341 n 0101 + 00552922 n 0101 ! 02432530 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | remove the organization from
02436349 41 v 04 manage 0 deal d care b handle 0 019 @ 02441022 v 0000 + 10158608 n 0401 + 01134861 n 0402 + 00829378 n 0301 + 01474513 a 0101 + 01133281 n 0101 ~ 02431971 v 0000 ~ 02432530 v 0000 ~ 02436963 v 0000 ~ 02437157 v 0000 ~ 02437340 v 0000 ~ 02437707 v 0000 ~ 02437905 v 0000 ~ 02438383 v 0000 ~ 02438535 v 0000 ~ 02438861 v 0000 ~ 02439501 v 0000 ~ 02445509 v 0000 ~ 02599325 v 0000 05 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 + 22 03 + 22 02 | be in charge of, act on, or dispose of; "I can deal with this crew of workers"; "This blender can't handle nuts"; "She managed her parents' affairs after they got too old"
02436963 41 v 01 work c 003 @ 02436349 v 0000 + 01822563 a 0105 $ 02444159 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cause to operate or function; "This pilot works the controls"; "Can you work an electric drill?"
02437157 41 v 02 come_to_grips 0 get_to_grips 0 001 @ 02436349 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | deal with (a problem or a subject); "I still have not come to grips with the death of my parents"
02437340 41 v 01 dispose_of 0 001 @ 02436349 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | deal with or settle; "He disposed of these cases quickly"
02437465 41 v 04 dally 0 toy 0 play d flirt 0 005 $ 00711932 v 0000 @ 02367363 v 0000 + 00512522 n 0402 + 00512522 n 0206 + 00512522 n 0105 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | behave carelessly or indifferently; "Play about with a young girl's affection"
02437707 41 v 02 take_care c mind 1 003 @ 02436349 v 0000 + 05703956 n 0201 ~ 02439047 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | be in charge of or deal with; "She takes care of all the necessary arrangements"
02437905 41 v 01 coordinate 0 004 @ 02436349 v 0000 + 05641556 n 0101 + 00807273 n 0101 + 09963914 n 0101 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | bring into common action, movement, or condition; "coordinate the painters, masons, and plumbers"; "coordinate his actions with that of his colleagues"; "coordinate our efforts"
02438228 41 v 01 coordinate 1 003 @ 02667900 v 0000 + 05641556 n 0101 + 00807273 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | be co-ordinated; "These activities coordinate well"
02438383 41 v 01 juggle 0 002 @ 02436349 v 0000 + 00338994 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | deal with simultaneously; "She had to juggle her job and her children"
02438535 41 v 01 process 1 003 @ 02436349 v 0000 + 01023820 n 0102 + 13541167 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | deal with in a routine way; "I'll handle that one"; "process a loan"; "process the applicants"
02438730 41 v 01 expedite 1 001 @ 02582042 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | process fast and efficiently; "I will try to expedite the matter"
02438861 41 v 03 mismanage 0 mishandle 1 misconduct 0 003 @ 02436349 v 0000 + 01134330 n 0301 + 01134479 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | manage badly or incompetently; "The funds were mismanaged"
02439047 41 v 01 tend 1 002 @ 02437707 v 0000 ~ 02439156 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | manage or run; "tend a store"
02439156 41 v 01 stoke 0 003 @ 02439047 v 0000 + 10659042 n 0101 + 04325592 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | stir up or tend; of a fire
02439281 41 v 03 set_about 0 go_about 0 approach 0 003 @ 02367363 v 0000 + 00941140 n 0301 ~ 00812298 v 0000 01 + 33 00 | begin to deal with; "approach a task"; "go about a difficult problem"; "approach a new project"
02439501 41 v 01 direct 0 009 > 02367363 v 0000 @ 02436349 v 0000 + 00199114 a 0103 + 10014939 n 0101 ~ 01733477 v 0000 ~ 02439732 v 0000 ~ 02440244 v 0000 ~ 02443849 v 0000 ~ 02603567 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | be in charge of
02439732 41 v 02 guide 0 steer 0 005 @ 02439501 v 0000 + 06651577 n 0203 + 00815320 n 0201 + 10151570 n 0101 + 01144876 n 0101 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | be a guiding or motivating force or drive; "The teacher steered the gifted students towards the more challenging courses"
02440020 41 v 02 chair 0 chairman 0 003 @ 02440244 v 0000 + 10468962 n 0202 + 10468962 n 0104 01 + 08 00 | act or preside as chair, as of an academic department in a university; "She chaired the department for many years"
02440244 41 v 02 head 0 lead 0 008 @ 02439501 v 0000 + 01256743 n 0201 + 09623038 n 0201 + 10162991 n 0101 ~ 02440020 v 0000 ~ 02440486 v 0000 ~ 02440608 v 0000 ~ 02440770 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | be in charge of; "Who is heading this project?"
02440486 41 v 01 captain 0 002 @ 02440244 v 0000 + 09893344 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | be the captain of a sports team
02440608 41 v 01 spearhead 0 002 @ 02440244 v 0000 + 10631512 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | be the leader of; "She spearheaded the effort to find a cure for the disease"
02440770 41 v 03 take_hold 0 take_charge 0 take_control 0 002 @ 02440244 v 0000 ~ 02440914 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 22 00 | assume control
02440914 41 v 01 move_in_on 0 001 @ 02440770 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | seize control of
02441022 41 v 02 control 0 command 0 027 + 13953608 n 0201 + 05197797 n 0201 + 09941964 n 0202 + 09941383 n 0201 + 09780828 n 0202 + 09941571 n 0201 + 09941964 n 0203 + 10525134 n 0102 + 05196375 n 0101 ~ 01783394 v 0000 ~ 01931768 v 0000 ~ 01935104 v 0000 ~ 02433991 v 0000 ~ 02436349 v 0000 ~ 02441686 v 0000 ~ 02441897 v 0000 ~ 02442106 v 0000 ~ 02442205 v 0000 ~ 02442372 v 0000 ~ 02442546 v 0000 ~ 02442737 v 0000 ~ 02442924 v 0000 ~ 02443609 v 0000 ~ 02539334 v 0000 ~ 02586458 v 0000 ~ 02586619 v 0000 ~ 02601271 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | exercise authoritative control or power over; "control the budget"; "Command the military forces"
02441686 41 v 02 internationalize 0 internationalise 0 003 @ 02441022 v 0000 + 01151605 n 0202 + 01151605 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | put under international control; "internationalize trade of certain drugs"
02441897 41 v 01 hold e 002 $ 01129876 v 0000 @ 02441022 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | take and maintain control over, often by violent means; "The dissatisfied students held the President's office for almost a week"
02442106 41 v 01 hold_sway 0 001 @ 02441022 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | be master; reign or rule
02442205 41 v 01 govern 1 002 @ 02441022 v 0000 + 01124794 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | direct or strongly influence the behavior of; "His belief in God governs his conduct"
02442372 41 v 01 regiment 2 002 @ 02441022 v 0000 + 01148283 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | subject to rigid discipline, order, and systematization; "regiment one's children"
02442546 41 v 02 monopolize 0 monopolise 0 003 @ 02441022 v 0000 + 14444114 n 0101 + 14444326 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | have and control fully and exclusively; "He monopolizes the laser printer"
02442737 41 v 04 harness 0 rein_in 0 draw_rein 0 rein 0 003 @ 02441022 v 0000 + 04072551 n 0401 + 03494706 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | control and direct with or as if by reins; "rein a horse"
02442924 41 v 01 corner 0 002 @ 02441022 v 0000 + 14445072 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | gain control over; "corner the gold market"
02443049 41 v 04 oversee 0 supervise 0 superintend 0 manage 1 013 @ 02431971 v 0000 + 01474513 a 0401 + 01133281 n 0401 + 09931640 n 0402 + 10014939 n 0402 + 10388732 n 0302 + 01135529 n 0303 + 02904372 a 0201 + 01135529 n 0201 + 10676877 n 0201 + 01135529 n 0202 + 10388732 n 0101 ~ 02443424 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | watch and direct; "Who is overseeing this project?"
02443424 41 v 01 build 0 002 @ 02443049 v 0000 + 01104637 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | order, supervise, or finance the construction of; "The government is building new schools in this state"
02443609 41 v 01 preside 0 007 @ 02441022 v 0000 + 10467395 n 0103 + 10468962 n 0101 + 10468750 n 0101 + 10468559 n 0101 + 10467179 n 0101 + 00597265 n 0102 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | act as president; "preside over companies and corporations"
02443849 41 v 02 operate 0 run 2 009 @ 02439501 v 0000 + 01136985 n 0201 + 00409211 n 0101 + 01095966 n 0101 + 10378780 n 0101 ~ 02416955 v 0000 ~ 02444159 v 0000 ~ 02444297 v 0000 ~ 02444397 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | direct or control; projects, businesses, etc.; "She is running a relief operation in the Sudan"
02444159 41 v 01 work b 003 $ 02436963 v 0000 $ 01525666 v 0000 @ 02443849 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | operate in or through; "Work the phones"
02444297 41 v 01 block 3 001 @ 02443849 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | run on a block system; "block trains"
02444397 41 v 01 warm_up 0 001 @ 02443849 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | run until the normal working temperature is reached; "We warmed up the car for a few minutes"
02444555 41 v 01 declare 0 001 @ 00803325 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | authorize payments of; "declare dividends"
02444662 41 v 03 license 0 licence 0 certify 2 016 @ 00803325 v 0000 * 00806502 v 0000 + 02355398 a 0301 + 06471345 n 0302 + 00154233 n 0302 + 01139830 n 0301 ! 02445100 v 0301 + 10258493 n 0201 + 13994806 n 0202 + 01139194 n 0101 + 06549661 n 0101 + 10258493 n 0101 + 10258602 n 0101 ~ 02447542 v 0000 ~ 02447692 v 0000 ~ 02475535 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 24 00 | authorize officially; "I am licensed to practice law in this state"
02445100 41 v 03 decertify 0 derecognize 0 derecognise 0 001 ! 02444662 v 0103 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | cause to be no longer approved or accepted; "Carter derecognized Taiwan in 1979 after the U.S. recognized the People's Republic of China"
02445356 41 v 01 patent 0 004 @ 02471690 v 0000 + 06551627 n 0101 + 06501141 n 0101 + 10405410 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | grant rights to; grant a patent for
02445509 41 v 03 conduct 0 carry_on 0 deal 2 007 @ 02436349 v 0000 + 07956887 n 0302 + 07293180 n 0301 + 01106808 n 0303 + 01106808 n 0302 + 01136265 n 0101 ~ 02445788 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 01 | direct the course of; manage or control; "You cannot conduct business like this"
02445788 41 v 01 racketeer 0 002 @ 02445509 v 0000 + 00776165 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | carry on illegal business activities involving crime
02445925 41 v 02 be 0 follow 9 002 ~ 02446504 v 0000 ~ 02447133 v 0000 03 + 22 00 + 08 01 + 09 01 | work in a specific place, with a specific subject, or in a specific function; "He is a herpetologist"; "She is our resident philosopher"
02446164 41 v 02 specialize 0 specialise 0 009 @ 02413480 v 0000 + 10632576 n 0201 + 10631941 n 0201 + 00583461 n 0202 + 10631941 n 0203 + 10632576 n 0101 + 10631941 n 0101 + 00583461 n 0101 + 10631941 n 0102 01 + 22 00 | devote oneself to a special area of work; "She specializes in honey bees"; "This baker specializes in French bread"
02446504 41 v 01 vet 0 002 @ 02445925 v 0000 + 10749715 n 0104 01 + 02 00 | work as a veterinarian; "She vetted for the farms in the area for many years"
02446660 41 v 01 minister 0 003 @ 02413480 v 0000 + 09983572 n 0103 + 10321126 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | work as a minister; "She is ministering in an old parish"
02446819 41 v 01 intern 0 003 @ 02413480 v 0000 + 10212231 n 0101 + 10211203 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | work as an intern; "The young doctor is interning at the Medical Center this year"
02447001 41 v 01 skipper 0 003 @ 02413480 v 0000 + 10298912 n 0104 + 09892831 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | work as the skipper on a vessel
02447133 41 v 01 cox 0 002 @ 02445925 v 0000 + 09973624 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | act as the coxswain, in a boat race
02447247 41 v 01 boondoggle 0 002 @ 02413480 v 0000 + 00041614 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | do useless, wasteful, or trivial work
02447370 41 v 01 entitle 0 002 @ 02473981 v 0000 + 05181754 n 0101 01 + 24 00 | give the right to; "The Freedom of Information Act entitles you to request your FBI file"
02447542 41 v 01 franchise 0 004 @ 02444662 v 0000 ;c 01090446 n 0000 + 08060193 n 0101 + 06526811 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | grant a franchise to
02447692 41 v 01 charter 0 002 @ 02444662 v 0000 + 06471737 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | grant a charter to
02447793 41 v 03 certify 0 endorse 1 indorse 1 008 @ 00891936 v 0000 + 06687358 n 0304 + 06687358 n 0203 + 00342488 a 0101 + 06471345 n 0102 + 00154233 n 0102 + 01139830 n 0101 + 06471345 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 26 00 | guarantee as meeting a certain standard; "certified grade AAA meat"
02448079 41 v 01 incorporate 0 002 @ 01617192 v 0000 ;c 07966927 n 0000 01 + 02 00 | form a corporation
02448185 41 v 03 form 0 organize 1 organise 1 016 @ 01617192 v 0000 + 08164585 n 0307 + 08008335 n 0302 + 00237078 n 0305 + 01136519 n 0302 + 08164585 n 0206 + 08008335 n 0201 + 00237078 n 0204 + 01136519 n 0201 + 08426461 n 0101 + 00237078 n 0103 ~ 02433381 v 0000 ~ 02448642 v 0000 ~ 02448734 v 0000 ~ 02448886 v 0000 ~ 02449011 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 | create (as an entity); "social groups form everywhere"; "They formed a company"
02448642 41 v 01 choose_up 0 001 @ 02448185 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | form sides, as for a game
02448734 41 v 01 draw_up 0 001 @ 02448185 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | form or arrange in order or formation, as of a body of soldiers
02448886 41 v 01 regiment 1 002 @ 02448185 v 0000 + 08213817 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | form (military personnel) into a regiment
02449011 41 v 01 syndicate 0 005 @ 02448185 v 0000 + 08236438 n 0103 + 01138547 n 0101 + 10687025 n 0101 $ 02449183 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | organize into or form a syndicate
02449183 41 v 01 syndicate 1 003 $ 02449011 v 0000 @ 02622234 v 0000 + 08236438 n 0103 01 + 02 00 | join together into a syndicate; "The banks syndicated"
02449340 41 v 04 exclude 0 keep_out 0 shut_out 0 shut 0 007 @ 02450505 v 0000 + 04211528 n 0401 + 13935227 n 0101 ! 02449847 v 0101 ~ 01030397 v 0000 ~ 02449717 v 0000 ~ 02465658 v 0000 03 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | prevent from entering; shut out; "The trees were shutting out all sunlight"; "This policy excludes people who have a criminal record from entering the country"
02449717 41 v 01 lock_out 0 002 @ 02449340 v 0000 + 00202620 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | prevent employees from working during a strike
02449847 41 v 03 admit 0 let_in 0 include 3 008 $ 02236624 v 0000 @ 00802318 v 0000 + 00373130 n 0301 + 05176188 n 0105 ! 02449340 v 0101 ~ 02390470 v 0000 ~ 02390786 v 0000 ~ 02677567 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 20 00 | allow participation in or the right to be part of; permit to exercise the rights, functions, and responsibilities of; "admit someone to the profession"; "She was admitted to the New Jersey Bar"
02450256 41 v 02 participate 0 take_part 0 004 @ 02367363 v 0000 + 13924659 n 0101 + 01239064 n 0102 ~ 02450417 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | share in something
02450417 41 v 01 partake_in 0 001 @ 02450256 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 33 00 | be active in
02450505 41 v 02 prevent 0 keep 1 012 $ 01302019 v 0000 + 01763813 a 0101 + 01763813 a 0102 + 01077350 n 0101 ! 02423183 v 0101 ~ 01127795 v 0000 ~ 02449340 v 0000 ~ 02450989 v 0000 ~ 02451113 v 0000 ~ 02451261 v 0000 ~ 02451370 v 0000 ~ 02594833 v 0000 02 + 20 00 + 21 00 | stop (someone or something) from doing something or being in a certain state; "We must prevent the cancer from spreading"; "His snoring kept me from falling asleep"; "Keep the child from eating the marbles"
02450989 41 v 01 hold d 001 @ 02450505 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | keep from departing; "Hold the taxi"; "Hold the horse"
02451113 41 v 01 keep_away 0 001 @ 02450505 v 0000 02 + 16 00 + 20 00 | prevent from coming close; "I tried to keep the child away from the pool"
02451261 41 v 01 blank 0 001 @ 02450505 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | keep the opposing (baseball) team from winning
02451370 41 v 02 impede 0 hinder 1 009 @ 02450505 v 0000 + 03520811 n 0201 + 05689249 n 0104 ~ 01476483 v 0000 ~ 02451679 v 0000 ~ 02451912 v 0000 ~ 02452092 v 0000 ~ 02452240 v 0000 ~ 02452413 v 0000 03 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | be a hindrance or obstacle to; "She is impeding the progress of our project"
02451679 41 v 01 inhibit 4 003 ;c 06037666 n 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 @ 02451370 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | limit, block, or decrease the action or function of; "inhibit the action of the enzyme"; "inhibit the rate of a chemical reaction"
02451912 41 v 01 interfere 1 002 @ 02451370 v 0000 + 01073995 n 0103 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | come between so as to be hindrance or obstacle; "Your talking interferes with my work!"
02452092 41 v 01 set_back 0 002 @ 02451370 v 0000 + 07475870 n 0103 01 + 10 00 | slow down the progress of; hinder; "His late start set him back"
02452240 41 v 01 hobble 0 001 @ 02451370 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | hamper the action or progress of; "The chairman was hobbled by the all-powerful dean"
02452413 41 v 01 stunt 0 003 @ 02451370 v 0000 + 01319187 n 0101 ~ 02452614 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | check the growth or development of; "You will stunt your growth by building all these muscles"
02452614 41 v 01 dwarf 0 002 @ 02452413 v 0000 + 10040344 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | check the growth of; "the lack of sunlight dwarfed these pines"
02452758 41 v 01 embargo 0 002 @ 02559752 v 0000 + 06660520 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | prevent commerce; "The U.S. embargoes Libya"
02452885 41 v 05 prevent 1 forestall 1 foreclose 0 preclude 0 forbid 3 009 + 01079042 n 0403 + 01079042 n 0202 + 01763813 a 0101 + 01763813 a 0102 ~ 00549552 v 0000 ~ 02453321 v 0000 ~ 02557199 v 0000 ~ 02558172 v 0000 ~ 02559752 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | keep from happening or arising; make impossible; "My sense of tact forbids an honest answer"; "Your role in the projects precludes your involvement in the competitive project"
02453321 41 v 0b debar 0 forefend 0 forfend 0 obviate 0 deflect 0 avert 0 head_off 0 stave_off 0 fend_off 0 avoid 1 ward_off 0 005 @ 02452885 v 0000 + 00343700 a 0a02 + 00343700 a 0603 + 00343700 a 0604 + 01079042 n 0401 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | prevent the occurrence of; prevent from happening; "Let's avoid a confrontation"; "head off a confrontation"; "avert a strike"
02453692 41 v 03 privilege 0 favor 3 favour 3 006 @ 00802318 v 0000 + 07500414 n 0302 + 01226941 n 0302 + 07500414 n 0201 + 05158296 n 0101 + 05178715 n 0102 01 + 09 00 | bestow a privilege upon
02453889 41 v 06 back 0 endorse 0 indorse 0 plump_for 0 plunk_for 0 support 1 013 $ 02556817 v 0000 @ 00806502 v 0000 + 02354537 a 0601 + 01212519 n 0601 + 10677713 n 0601 + 07248060 n 0302 + 01215168 n 0302 + 07248060 n 0201 + 01215168 n 0201 + 10670668 n 0202 + 01213886 n 0101 ~ 00891936 v 0000 ~ 01149138 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | be behind; approve of; "He plumped for the Labor Party"; "I backed Kennedy in 1960"
02454312 41 v 03 poll 0 canvass 1 canvas 1 006 @ 00647929 v 0000 + 10451590 n 0304 + 10451590 n 0204 + 05800998 n 0204 + 05800998 n 0101 ~ 02454649 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | get the opinions (of people) by asking specific questions
02454548 41 v 01 circularize 2 001 @ 02458747 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | canvass by using a questionnaire
02454649 41 v 02 circularize 0 circularise 0 005 @ 02454312 v 0000 + 01101753 n 0202 + 07250339 n 0201 + 01101753 n 0101 + 07250339 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | canvass by distributing letters
02454835 41 v 01 poll 2 002 @ 02210855 v 0000 + 00653811 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | get the votes of
02454939 41 v 02 patrol 0 police 0 006 @ 02456031 v 0000 + 08209687 n 0201 + 08329113 n 0101 + 00824808 n 0101 + 08216176 n 0101 + 10407552 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | maintain the security of by carrying out a patrol
02455159 41 v 04 stand_guard 0 stand_watch 0 keep_guard 0 stand_sentinel 0 001 @ 02456031 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | watch over so as to protect; "We must stand sentinel to protect ourselves"; "The jewels over which they kept guard were stolen"
02455407 41 v 05 watch 0 observe 0 follow 2 watch_over 0 keep_an_eye_on 0 011 @ 00661824 v 0000 + 09626589 n 0203 + 06767035 n 0201 + 05818741 n 0201 + 05703429 n 0202 + 00879759 n 0201 + 00880662 n 0101 $ 00729109 v 0000 ~ 02455861 v 0000 ~ 02456031 v 0000 ~ 02593354 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 | follow with the eyes or the mind; "Keep an eye on the baby, please!"; "The world is watching Sarajevo"; "She followed the men with the binoculars"
02455861 41 v 01 keep_tabs_on 0 001 @ 02455407 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 | keep a record on or watch attentively; "The government keeps tabs on the dissidents"
02456031 41 v 01 guard 0 007 @ 02455407 v 0000 + 00730538 n 0102 + 10150071 n 0101 ~ 02454939 v 0000 ~ 02455159 v 0000 ~ 02456270 v 0000 ~ 02602898 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | to keep watch over; "there would be men guarding the horses"
02456270 41 v 02 baby-sit 0 sit 5 004 @ 02456031 v 0000 + 09829305 n 0203 + 09829305 n 0101 + 09829305 n 0102 02 + 02 00 + 09 00 | work or act as a baby-sitter; "I cannot baby-sit tonight; I have too much homework to do"
02456493 41 v 05 bury 0 entomb 0 inhume 0 inter 0 lay_to_rest 0 005 @ 01544692 v 0000 + 07451687 n 0404 + 07451687 n 0303 + 07451687 n 0202 + 07451687 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | place in a grave or tomb; "Stalin was buried behind the Kremlin wall on Red Square"; "The pharaohs were entombed in the pyramids"; "My grandfather was laid to rest last Sunday"
02456851 41 v 01 rebury 0 002 @ 01544692 v 0000 + 01050763 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | bury again; "After the king's body had been exhumed and tested to traces of poison, it was reburied in the same spot"
02457058 41 v 02 disinter 0 exhume 0 003 @ 01313923 v 0000 + 00044900 n 0201 + 00044900 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | dig up for reburial or for medical investigation; of dead bodies
02457233 41 v 05 respect 0 honor 1 honour 1 abide_by 1 observe 1 012 @ 00686447 v 0000 + 01983162 a 0203 + 01204419 n 0201 + 04913839 n 0102 + 07545415 n 0102 + 01228877 n 0102 + 06206800 n 0101 + 14437552 n 0103 + 10524223 n 0101 ! 02457825 v 0101 ~ 02398956 v 0000 ~ 02457585 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | show respect towards; "honor your parents!"
02457585 41 v 01 tolerate 1 004 @ 02457233 v 0000 + 00286837 a 0104 + 02436341 a 0101 + 01142324 n 0101 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | recognize and respect (rights and beliefs of others); "We must tolerate the religions of others"
02457825 41 v 01 disrespect 0 006 @ 02458103 v 0000 + 04915687 n 0102 + 06207437 n 0101 + 06714976 n 0101 ! 02457233 v 0101 ~ 02566528 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | show a lack of respect for
02458017 41 v 01 mesh 0 001 @ 02458103 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | work together in harmony
02458103 41 v 01 relate 0 010 @ 02376958 v 0000 + 00040962 n 0101 ~ 00483181 v 0000 ~ 00885217 v 0000 ~ 02389592 v 0000 ~ 02457825 v 0000 ~ 02458017 v 0000 ~ 02458405 v 0000 ~ 02458566 v 0000 ~ 02538086 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | have or establish a relationship to; "She relates well to her peers"
02458405 41 v 01 take_back 0 001 @ 02458103 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | resume a relationship with someone after an interruption, as in a wife taking back her husband
02458566 41 v 04 get_along_with 0 get_on_with 0 get_on 0 get_along 0 001 @ 02458103 v 0000 03 + 09 00 + 06 04 + 06 03 | have smooth relations; "My boss and I get along very well"
02458747 41 v 02 canvass 0 canvas 0 004 @ 00782057 v 0000 + 10623354 n 0202 + 05800998 n 0104 ~ 02454548 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | solicit votes from potential voters in an electoral campaign
02458943 41 v 02 lobby 0 buttonhole 0 003 @ 00782057 v 0000 + 08375526 n 0101 + 10268629 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 02 01 | detain in conversation by or as if by holding on to the outer garments of; as for political or economic favors
02459173 41 v 03 house 0 put_up 0 domiciliate 0 010 @ 02656390 v 0000 + 03195485 n 0303 + 03545150 n 0101 + 03544360 n 0101 + 03546340 n 0101 ~ 02459532 v 0000 ~ 02459633 v 0000 ~ 02651424 v 0000 ~ 02656062 v 0000 ~ 02656995 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | provide housing for; "The immigrants were housed in a new development outside the town"
02459532 41 v 01 rehouse 0 001 @ 02459173 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | put up in a new or different housing
02459633 41 v 01 home 0 005 @ 02459173 v 0000 + 14513694 n 0101 + 08078020 n 0104 + 03528100 n 0101 + 03259505 n 0102 01 + 09 00 | provide with, or send to, a home
02459799 41 v 01 kennel 0 002 @ 02656390 v 0000 + 03610524 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | put up in a kennel; "kennel a dog"
02459915 41 v 01 stable 0 004 @ 02656390 v 0000 ;c 00917211 n 0000 + 04295353 n 0101 + 04294879 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | shelter in a stable; "stable horses"
02460070 41 v 01 stall 0 002 @ 02656390 v 0000 + 04299370 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | put into, or keep in, a stall; "Stall the horse"
02460199 41 v 02 rent 1 lease 0 008 @ 00888786 v 0000 + 15274863 n 0201 + 06523132 n 0201 + 13248393 n 0201 + 10252075 n 0202 + 13295657 n 0101 + 10520804 n 0101 + 01111375 n 0102 03 + 08 00 + 15 00 + 16 00 | let for money; "We rented our apartment to friends while we were abroad"
02460483 41 v 01 tenant 0 004 @ 02649830 v 0000 + 10700517 n 0101 + 10700201 n 0101 + 07955726 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | occupy as a tenant
02460619 41 v 04 rent 0 hire 1 charter 1 lease 1 007 @ 00888786 v 0000 + 15274863 n 0401 + 06523132 n 0401 + 10252075 n 0402 + 06522501 n 0301 + 13295657 n 0101 + 10700201 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 16 00 | hold under a lease or rental agreement; of goods and services
02460883 41 v 01 subcontract 0 004 * 00888786 v 0000 @ 02410855 v 0000 + 06524767 n 0101 + 10667863 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | work under a subcontract; engage in a subcontract
02461063 41 v 03 subcontract 1 farm_out 0 job 3 007 @ 02409412 v 0000 + 03599761 n 0301 + 03599628 n 0301 + 00576877 n 0301 + 00719705 n 0301 + 06524767 n 0101 + 10667863 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 15 00 | arranged for contracted work to be done by others
02461314 41 v 01 vote d 016 @ 00674607 v 0000 + 05857165 n 0101 + 08480662 n 0101 + 05186306 n 0102 + 00182213 n 0101 + 00183505 n 0101 + 10760340 n 0101 + 00183505 n 0103 ^ 02400637 v 0101 ^ 02473688 v 0105 ~ 02461807 v 0000 ~ 02462030 v 0000 $ 02462580 v 0000 ~ 02462997 v 0000 ~ 02463141 v 0000 ~ 02463298 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | express one's preference for a candidate or for a measure or resolution; cast a vote; "He voted for the motion"; "None of the Democrats voted last night"
02461807 41 v 01 write_in 0 003 @ 02461314 v 0000 + 00209789 n 0101 + 10793799 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | cast a vote by inserting a name that does not appear on the ballot; "Many voters wrote in the names of strangers"
02462030 41 v 02 turn_thumbs_down 0 vote_down 2 001 @ 02461314 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | vote against; "The faculty turned thumbs down on the candidate for the Dean position"
02462201 41 v 01 vote c 002 @ 02462386 v 0000 + 10760340 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | bring into existence or make available by vote; "They voted aid for the underdeveloped countries in Asia"
02462386 41 v 01 vote b 002 @ 01061481 v 0000 ~ 02462201 v 0000 02 + 22 00 + 26 00 | express a choice or opinion; "I vote that we all go home"; "She voted for going to the Chinese restaurant"
02462580 41 v 01 vote a 009 $ 02461314 v 0000 @ 01061481 v 0000 + 05857165 n 0101 + 08480662 n 0101 + 00182213 n 0101 + 00183505 n 0101 + 10760340 n 0101 + 00183505 n 0103 ~ 02462858 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | express one's choice or preference by vote; "vote the Democratic ticket"
02462858 41 v 01 bullet_vote 0 001 @ 02462580 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | vote cumulatively and distribute the votes according to some principle
02462997 41 v 01 outvote 0 001 @ 02461314 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 11 00 | defeat by a majority of votes; "The Democrats outvoted the Republicans"
02463141 41 v 01 ballot 0 003 @ 02461314 v 0000 + 06470922 n 0101 + 00183505 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | vote by ballot; "The voters were balloting in this state"
02463298 41 v 01 poll 1 002 @ 02461314 v 0000 + 00653811 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | vote in an election at a polling station
02463426 41 v 01 abstain 0 001 @ 02725714 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | refrain from voting
02463510 41 v 01 avoid 3 001 ~ 02463704 v 0000 01 + 33 00 | refrain from doing something; "She refrains from calling her therapist too often"; "He should avoid publishing his wife's memories"
02463704 41 v 04 fiddle 0 shirk 1 shrink_from 0 goldbrick 0 007 @ 02463510 v 0000 + 00741478 n 0405 + 10608385 n 0202 + 00741478 n 0201 ~ 02463990 v 0000 ~ 02464132 v 0000 ~ 02464342 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 02 04 | avoid (one's assigned duties); "The derelict soldier shirked his duties"
02463990 41 v 01 scrimshank 0 003 @ 02463704 v 0000 ;r 08860123 n 0000 + 10564800 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | British military language: avoid work
02464132 41 v 02 malinger 0 skulk 0 005 @ 02463704 v 0000 + 10286539 n 0202 + 00741272 n 0202 + 10286539 n 0101 + 00741272 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | avoid responsibilities and duties, e.g., by pretending to be ill
02464342 41 v 01 slack 0 003 @ 02463704 v 0000 + 10608385 n 0101 + 00741478 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | avoid responsibilities and work, be idle
02464481 41 v 01 turn_a_trick 0 001 @ 02410855 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | have a customer, of a prostitute
02464583 41 v 02 spare 0 save 5 003 @ 02725714 v 0000 + 10629820 n 0101 ~ 02464725 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 | refrain from harming
02464725 41 v 02 favor 1 favour 1 003 @ 02464583 v 0000 + 07500414 n 0202 + 01226941 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | treat gently or carefully
02464866 41 v 02 sign 0 ratify 0 005 @ 02478701 v 0000 * 00997794 v 0000 + 07179943 n 0201 + 10670668 n 0204 + 10597234 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | approve and express assent, responsibility, or obligation; "All parties ratified the peace treaty"; "Have you signed your contract yet?"
02465145 41 v 02 co-sign 0 cosign 0 002 @ 02478701 v 0000 + 09613690 n 0201 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | sign jointly; "Husband and wife co-signed the lease"
02465297 41 v 01 probate 0 005 @ 02478701 v 0000 ;c 08441203 n 0000 + 02163774 a 0101 + 06544432 n 0101 + 00154894 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | establish the legal validity of (wills and other documents)
02465494 41 v 01 boycott 0 004 @ 02465658 v 0000 + 00206130 n 0101 ! 02466134 v 0101 ! 02466134 v 0102 01 + 08 00 | refuse to sponsor; refuse to do business with
02465658 41 v 02 ostracize 0 ostracise 0 007 * 00811375 v 0000 @ 02449340 v 0000 + 14427633 n 0202 + 00207434 n 0201 + 14427633 n 0102 + 00207434 n 0101 ~ 02465494 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | avoid speaking to or dealing with; "Ever since I spoke up, my colleagues ostracize me"
02465939 41 v 04 dismiss 1 send_packing 0 send_away 1 drop 0 002 @ 02402825 v 0000 $ 02403920 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | stop associating with; "They dropped her after she had a child out of wedlock"
02466134 41 v 07 patronize 0 patronise 0 shop 0 shop_at 0 buy_at 0 frequent 0 sponsor 0 010 @ 02556126 v 0000 + 01066542 a 0601 + 10407726 n 0602 + 04202417 n 0301 + 10592595 n 0301 + 10592397 n 0301 + 10407726 n 0201 ! 02465494 v 0201 + 10407726 n 0101 ! 02465494 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | do one's shopping at; do business with; be a customer or client of
02466496 41 v 01 filibuster 0 005 ;c 01125693 n 0000 @ 02557199 v 0000 + 01068012 n 0101 + 10087868 n 0101 + 10087868 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | obstruct deliberately by delaying
02466670 41 v 02 legislate 0 pass 2 007 @ 02427916 v 0000 + 01126856 n 0202 + 02829422 a 0101 + 08163273 n 0101 + 06535222 n 0101 + 01125693 n 0101 + 10253995 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | make laws, bills, etc. or bring into effect by legislation; "They passed the amendment"; "We cannot legislate how people spend their free time"
02467003 41 v 02 liberalize 0 liberalise 0 005 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 00355691 n 0202 + 00355691 n 0101 $ 02467203 v 0000 ~ 02467399 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make liberal or more liberal, of laws and rules
02467203 41 v 02 liberalize 1 liberalise 1 004 $ 02467003 v 0000 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 00355691 n 0202 + 00355691 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | become more liberal; "The laws liberalized after Prohibition"
02467399 41 v 01 decontrol 0 001 @ 02467003 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | relax or remove controls of; "decontrol marijuana"
02467516 41 v 01 gerrymander 0 002 @ 01557774 v 0000 + 00754593 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | divide unfairly and to one's advantage; of voting districts
02467662 41 v 06 divide 0 split 3 split_up 2 separate 1 dissever 0 carve_up 0 019 @ 00140123 v 0000 + 13286640 n 0201 + 00784533 a 0101 + 00385791 n 0101 + 10637635 n 0102 + 10019888 n 0101 + 03894379 n 0102 ! 02469835 v 0101 ~ 00333066 v 0000 ~ 00563552 v 0000 ~ 02468261 v 0000 ~ 02468618 v 0000 ~ 02468793 v 0000 ~ 02468965 v 0000 ~ 02469085 v 0000 ~ 02469274 v 0000 ~ 02469443 v 0000 ~ 02469596 v 0000 ~ 02469711 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | separate into parts or portions; "divide the cake into three equal parts"; "The British carved up the Ottoman Empire after World War I"
02468261 41 v 02 sectionalize 0 sectionalise 0 003 @ 02467662 v 0000 + 00397953 n 0206 + 00397953 n 0105 01 + 08 00 | divide into sections, especially into geographic sections; "sectionalize a country"
02468465 41 v 01 hive_off 0 001 @ 02512305 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | remove from a group and make separate; "The unit was hived off from its parent company"
02468618 41 v 01 triangulate 0 002 @ 02467662 v 0000 + 13879320 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | divide into triangles or give a triangular form to; "triangulate the piece of cardboard"
02468793 41 v 02 unitize 0 unitise 0 004 @ 02467662 v 0000 + 13810323 n 0101 + 13583724 n 0102 + 09465459 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | divide (bulk material) and process as units
02468965 41 v 01 lot 0 002 @ 02467662 v 0000 + 08674970 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | divide into lots, as of land, for example
02469085 41 v 01 parcel 0 005 @ 02467662 v 0000 + 08673395 n 0105 + 00386164 n 0101 + 01083645 n 0106 + 01083645 n 0105 01 + 08 00 | divide into parts; "The developers parceled the land"
02469274 41 v 02 sliver 0 splinter 1 004 @ 02467662 v 0000 + 09442838 n 0201 + 00377169 n 0203 + 09385137 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | divide into slivers or splinters
02469443 41 v 01 paragraph 0 002 @ 02467662 v 0000 + 06399995 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | divide into paragraphs, as of text; "This story is well paragraphed"
02469596 41 v 01 canton 0 002 @ 02467662 v 0000 + 08540770 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | divide into cantons, of a country
02469711 41 v 02 Balkanize 0 Balkanise 0 001 @ 02467662 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | divide a territory into small, hostile states
02469835 41 v 02 unite 0 unify 0 013 @ 02434976 v 0000 + 00381680 n 0202 ! 02467662 v 0101 ~ 00369064 v 0000 ~ 00369194 v 0000 ~ 02434541 v 0000 ~ 02434737 v 0000 ~ 02470175 v 0000 ~ 02470685 v 0000 ~ 02470893 v 0000 ~ 02488834 v 0000 ~ 02490430 v 0000 ~ 02592250 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | act in concert or unite in a common purpose or belief
02470175 41 v 02 consociate 0 associate 0 009 @ 02469835 v 0000 + 00157659 a 0201 + 13930385 n 0202 + 13782769 n 0201 + 07990377 n 0201 + 08049401 n 0201 + 01081628 n 0201 + 09816771 n 0201 ~ 02470518 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 | bring or come into association or action; "The churches consociated to fight their dissolution"
02470518 41 v 01 walk 1 001 @ 02470175 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | be or act in association with; "We must walk with our dispossessed brothers and sisters"; "Walk with God"
02470685 41 v 02 band_together 0 confederate 0 005 @ 02469835 v 0000 + 14418822 n 0202 + 08303275 n 0201 + 01081456 n 0201 + 09761068 n 0202 01 + 02 00 | form a group or unite; "The groups banded together"
02470893 41 v 02 reunify 0 reunite 1 003 @ 02469835 v 0000 + 00382474 n 0101 + 00382474 n 0102 05 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 | unify again, as of a country; "Will Korea reunify?"
02471087 41 v 01 register 1 001 @ 02471327 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 09 00 | enroll to vote; "register for an election"
02471203 41 v 01 matriculate 0 003 @ 02471327 v 0000 + 01248608 n 0101 + 10302905 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | enroll as a student
02471327 41 v 05 enroll 0 inscribe 0 enter 6 enrol 0 recruit 1 010 @ 02471690 v 0000 + 10512201 n 0501 + 10512708 n 0501 + 00050037 n 0403 + 00050037 n 0102 + 10059162 n 0101 ~ 01097500 v 0000 ~ 02435867 v 0000 ~ 02471087 v 0000 ~ 02471203 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 09 00 + 22 00 | register formally as a participant or member; "The party recruited many new members"
02471690 41 v 01 register 0 012 @ 01000214 v 0000 + 13412321 n 0101 + 06507041 n 0101 + 06479374 n 0101 + 00050037 n 0101 + 10516692 n 0101 + 06507041 n 0102 ~ 01001857 v 0000 ~ 02445356 v 0000 ~ 02471327 v 0000 ~ 02472223 v 0000 ~ 02599754 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | record in writing; enter into a book of names or events or transactions
02472033 41 v 02 cross-file 0 register 5 004 @ 01094086 v 0000 + 13412321 n 0201 + 06507041 n 0201 ~ 02397106 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | have one's name listed as a candidate for several parties
02472223 41 v 01 list 0 009 @ 02471690 v 0000 + 06481320 n 0101 + 10265891 n 0101 + 01011166 n 0101 ~ 02472495 v 0000 ~ 02472703 v 0000 ~ 02472817 v 0000 ~ 02473143 v 0000 ~ 02473331 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 | include in a list; "Am I listed in your register?"
02472495 41 v 03 inventory 0 take_stock 0 stock-take 0 002 @ 02472223 v 0000 + 01011425 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | make or include in an itemized record or report; "Inventory all books before the end of the year"
02472703 41 v 02 empanel 0 impanel 0 001 @ 02472223 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | enter into a list of prospective jurors
02472817 41 v 01 index 0 004 @ 02472223 v 0000 + 06491786 n 0101 + 10203016 n 0101 ~ 02472958 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | list in an index
02472958 41 v 01 cross-index 0 002 @ 02472817 v 0000 + 06764867 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | make an index that refers from one point to the next; "These references are cross-indexed"
02473143 41 v 01 blacklist 0 002 @ 02472223 v 0000 + 06487260 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | put on a blacklist so as to banish or cause to be boycotted; "many books were blacklisted by the Nazis"
02473331 41 v 01 post 0 001 @ 02472223 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 | enter on a public list
02473431 41 v 03 veto 0 blackball 1 negative 0 006 * 02462386 v 0000 @ 00776059 v 0000 + 07204911 n 0301 + 05198928 n 0101 + 00209546 n 0101 ~ 02473688 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | vote against; refuse to endorse; refuse to assent; "The President vetoed the bill"
02473688 41 v 05 kill 1 shoot_down 0 defeat 0 vote_down 0 vote_out 0 002 @ 02473431 v 0000 + 07475364 n 0301 01 + 08 00 | thwart the passage of; "kill a motion"; "he shot down the student's proposal"
02473890 41 v 01 vote 9 000 01 + 08 00 | be guided by in voting; "vote one's conscience"
02473981 41 v 03 empower 0 authorise 0 authorize 0 005 @ 02475922 v 0000 + 01138670 n 0301 + 01138670 n 0103 ~ 02447370 v 0000 ~ 02479154 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 17 01 | give or delegate power or authority to; "She authorized her assistant to sign the papers"
02474239 41 v 06 endow 0 indue 0 gift 0 empower 1 invest 3 endue 0 005 @ 00512877 v 0000 + 05624042 n 0302 + 13265011 n 0301 + 05624042 n 0101 ~ 02474446 v 0000 01 + 17 00 | give qualities or abilities to
02474446 41 v 01 cover 8 001 @ 02474239 v 0000 02 + 20 00 + 21 00 | invest with a large or excessive amount of something; "She covered herself with glory"
02474603 41 v 01 confirm 0 002 @ 02474780 v 0000 ;c 08081668 n 0000 01 + 09 00 | administer the rite of confirmation to; "the children were confirmed in their mother's faith"
02474780 41 v 01 covenant 0 006 @ 00884540 v 0000 ;c 08081668 n 0000 + 06525588 n 0101 ~ 02474603 v 0000 ~ 02474958 v 0000 ~ 02475109 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | enter into a covenant
02474958 41 v 01 bar_mitzvah 0 002 @ 02474780 v 0000 + 07453924 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | confirm in the bar mitzvah ceremony, of boys in the Jewish faith
02475109 41 v 01 bat_mitzvah 0 002 @ 02474780 v 0000 + 07454196 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | confirm in the bat mitzvah ceremony, of girls in the Jewish faith
02475261 41 v 01 commission 0 004 @ 00803325 v 0000 + 00731222 n 0103 + 09943811 n 0101 + 01140471 n 0102 01 + 24 00 | charge with a task
02475401 41 v 01 commission 1 002 @ 02339413 v 0000 + 14009274 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | put into commission; equip for service; of ships
02475535 41 v 03 accredit 0 recognize 0 recognise 0 002 @ 02444662 v 0000 + 01140193 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | grant credentials to; "The Regents officially recognized the new educational institution"; "recognize an academic degree"
02475772 41 v 01 accredit 1 002 @ 02475922 v 0000 ;c 08138466 n 0000 01 + 09 00 | provide or send (envoys or embassadors) with official credentials
02475922 41 v 02 appoint 0 charge 0 014 + 09909760 n 0201 + 07169480 n 0202 + 00731222 n 0202 + 00829378 n 0202 + 02635794 a 0101 + 00846462 a 0101 + 09607630 n 0101 + 09800964 n 0101 ~ 02391803 v 0000 ~ 02394445 v 0000 ~ 02396716 v 0000 ~ 02473981 v 0000 ~ 02475772 v 0000 ~ 02476385 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 14 00 | assign a duty, responsibility or obligation to; "He was appointed deputy manager"; "She was charged with supervising the creation of a concordance"
02476385 41 v 01 create 0 001 @ 02475922 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 14 00 | invest with a new title, office, or rank; "Create one a peer"
02476518 41 v 01 confirm 1 002 @ 00806502 v 0000 + 07179943 n 0102 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | support a person for a position; "The Senate confirmed the President's candidate for Secretary of Defense"
02476731 41 v 02 defrock 0 unfrock 0 001 @ 02385372 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | divest of the frock; of church officials
02476846 41 v 02 disenfranchise 0 disfranchise 0 004 @ 02313250 v 0000 + 01022824 n 0201 + 01140029 n 0101 ! 02477011 v 0101 01 + 09 00 | deprive of voting rights
02477011 41 v 01 enfranchise 0 003 @ 02255268 v 0000 + 05187446 n 0102 ! 02476846 v 0101 01 + 09 00 | grant voting rights
02477135 41 v 02 affranchise 0 enfranchise 1 002 @ 02497062 v 0000 + 13992387 n 0201 01 + 09 00 | grant freedom to; as from slavery or servitude; "Slaves were enfranchised in the mid-19th century"
02477334 41 v 02 cancel 0 strike_down 0 009 @ 00822367 v 0000 + 07207142 n 0101 + 00232386 n 0101 + 06867218 n 0102 ~ 00799798 v 0000 ~ 01018800 v 0000 ~ 02477655 v 0000 ~ 02478059 v 0000 ~ 02480216 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | declare null and void; make ineffective; "Cancel the election results"; "strike down a law"
02477655 41 v 01 write_off 0 002 @ 02477334 v 0000 + 00232604 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | cancel (a debt)
02477755 41 v 04 cancel 3 call_off 0 scratch 0 scrub 0 002 * 00794981 v 0000 + 00232386 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | postpone indefinitely or annul something that was scheduled; "Call off the engagement"; "cancel the dinner party"; "we had to scrub our vacation plans"; "scratch that meeting--the chair is ill"
02478059 41 v 06 invalidate 0 annul 0 quash 1 void 0 avoid 0 nullify 0 014 @ 02477334 v 0000 + 10214390 n 0603 + 06185748 n 0601 + 00231567 n 0601 + 10365984 n 0601 + 01760293 a 0402 + 14455700 n 0402 + 10214390 n 0402 + 01240979 n 0201 + 01240979 n 0102 + 10214390 n 0101 ! 02478701 v 0101 ~ 02478469 v 0000 ~ 02601680 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | declare invalid; "The contract was annulled"; "void a plea"
02478469 41 v 01 break a 001 @ 02478059 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | invalidate by judicial action; "The will was broken"
02478584 41 v 01 abrogate 0 003 @ 02427334 v 0000 + 09757311 n 0101 + 00231887 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | revoke formally
02478701 41 v 03 validate 0 formalize 1 formalise 1 007 @ 00803325 v 0000 + 01009637 n 0302 + 01009637 n 0201 ! 02478059 v 0101 ~ 02464866 v 0000 ~ 02465145 v 0000 ~ 02465297 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | declare or make legally valid
02478936 41 v 02 formalize 0 formalise 0 004 @ 00822367 v 0000 + 01009637 n 0202 + 01009637 n 0101 ~ 00525446 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make formal or official; "We formalized the appointment and gave him a title"
02479154 41 v 01 sanction 1 005 @ 02473981 v 0000 + 01195128 a 0101 + 01139000 n 0101 + 06687358 n 0101 + 05176607 n 0104 01 + 08 00 | give authority or permission to
02479323 41 v 02 issue 0 supply 0 012 @ 02479990 v 0000 + 01057200 n 0202 + 13563522 n 0201 + 13777344 n 0201 + 01060234 n 0101 + 13367593 n 0101 + 08055150 n 0101 + 01060234 n 0102 ! 02480216 v 0101 ~ 00269682 v 0000 ~ 02479701 v 0000 ~ 02494047 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | circulate or distribute or equip with; "issue a new uniform to the children"; "supply blankets for the beds"
02479701 41 v 01 reissue 0 001 @ 02479323 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | issue (a new version of); "if you forget your password, it can be changed and reissued"
02479853 41 v 01 reticulate 0 002 @ 02479990 v 0000 + 05501485 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | distribute by a network, as of water or electricity
02479990 41 v 01 distribute 0 006 @ 02220461 v 0000 + 01112885 n 0101 + 10018861 n 0101 + 10018861 n 0102 ~ 02479323 v 0000 ~ 02479853 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make available; "The publisher wants to distribute the book in Asia"
02480216 41 v 01 recall 0 004 @ 02477334 v 0000 + 07280072 n 0101 ! 02479323 v 0101 ~ 02480448 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make unavailable; bar from sale or distribution; "The company recalled the product when it was found to be faulty"
02480448 41 v 01 retire 4 001 @ 02480216 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | withdraw from circulation or from the market, as of bills, shares, and bonds
02480588 41 v 01 disbar 0 003 @ 00972608 v 0000 ;c 00611143 n 0000 + 00206779 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 20 00 | remove from the bar; expel from the practice of law by official action; "The corrupt lawyer was disbarred"
02480803 41 v 01 commission 2 002 @ 00745499 v 0000 + 07169480 n 0101 03 + 08 00 + 16 00 + 24 00 | place an order for
02480923 41 v 05 outlaw 0 criminalize 0 criminalise 0 illegalize 0 illegalise 0 008 @ 00795863 v 0000 + 00766234 n 0301 ! 02481436 v 0304 ! 02481436 v 0203 + 04811126 n 0102 + 09977660 n 0104 ! 02481436 v 0101 ~ 02493666 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | declare illegal; outlaw; "Marijuana is criminalized in the U.S."
02481231 41 v 02 monetize 0 monetise 0 003 @ 02481436 v 0000 + 00154689 n 0202 + 00154689 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | give legal value to or establish as the legal tender of a country; "They monetized the lira"
02481436 41 v 09 legalize 0 legalise 0 decriminalize 0 decriminalise 0 legitimize 0 legitimise 0 legitimate 0 legitimatize 0 legitimatise 0 010 @ 00802318 v 0000 + 01195380 n 0703 + 04810035 n 0701 ! 02480923 v 0403 ! 02480923 v 0302 + 01195380 n 0202 ! 02480923 v 0201 + 01195380 n 0101 ! 02480923 v 0101 ~ 02481231 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make legal; "Marijuana should be legalized"
02481819 41 v 01 trust 0 001 @ 00802318 v 0000 01 + 24 00 | allow without fear
02481900 41 v 03 desegregate 0 integrate 0 mix 0 004 + 01202415 n 0201 + 01202415 n 0202 + 01202415 n 0103 ! 02482139 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | open (a place) to members of all races and ethnic groups; "This school is completely desegregated"
02482139 41 v 01 segregate 0 004 @ 02512305 v 0000 + 08380340 n 0101 + 10576316 n 0101 ! 02481900 v 0101 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 | separate by race or religion; practice a policy of racial segregation; "This neighborhood is segregated"; "We don't segregate in this county"
02482425 41 v 08 murder 0 slay 0 hit 0 dispatch 1 bump_off 0 off 0 polish_off 0 remove 1 009 @ 01323958 v 0000 + 00222248 n 0401 + 01250335 n 0301 + 10231087 n 0202 + 00220522 n 0202 + 00220522 n 0101 + 10338707 n 0101 ~ 02482784 v 0000 ~ 02484208 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | kill intentionally and with premeditation; "The mafia boss ordered his enemies murdered"
02482784 41 v 01 burke 0 001 @ 02482425 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | murder without leaving a trace on the body
02482889 41 v 01 bench 0 002 @ 02404224 v 0000 + 08209519 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | take out of a game; of players
02483000 41 v 01 assassinate 0 004 @ 01323958 v 0000 + 09813696 n 0101 + 00221056 n 0101 + 09813696 n 0102 01 + 09 00 | murder; especially of socially prominent persons; "Anwar Sadat was assassinated because many people did not like his peace politics with Israel"
02483267 41 v 02 execute 0 put_to_death 0 008 @ 01323958 v 0000 @ 02499629 v 0000 + 01163779 n 0101 + 01163779 n 0102 ~ 02484049 v 0000 $ 02484208 v 0000 ~ 02485322 v 0000 ~ 02485451 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | kill as a means of socially sanctioned punishment; "In some states, criminals are executed"
02483564 41 v 03 draw d quarter 0 draw_and_quarter 0 002 @ 01323958 v 0000 + 13737480 n 0204 01 + 09 00 | pull (a person) apart with four horses tied to his extremities, so as to execute him; "in the old days, people were drawn and quartered for certain crimes"
02483828 41 v 01 pillory 0 002 @ 02499629 v 0000 + 03938037 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | punish by putting in a pillory
02483941 41 v 02 pillory 1 gibbet 1 001 @ 02140033 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | expose to ridicule or public scorn
02484049 41 v 01 crucify 0 003 @ 02483267 v 0000 + 01165337 n 0101 + 03140292 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | kill by nailing onto a cross; "Jesus Christ was crucified"
02484208 41 v 01 execute 1 003 $ 02483267 v 0000 @ 02482425 v 0000 + 00220522 n 0103 01 + 09 00 | murder in a planned fashion; "The Mafioso who collaborated with the police was executed"
02484397 41 v 01 lynch 0 002 @ 01323958 v 0000 + 00224599 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | kill without legal sanction; "The blood-thirsty mob lynched the alleged killer of the child"
02484570 41 v 02 shoot 0 pip 0 007 @ 01323958 v 0000 + 10593115 n 0102 + 10152083 n 010a + 00225150 n 0101 $ 01137138 v 0000 ~ 02484771 v 0000 ~ 02484875 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | kill by firing a missile
02484771 41 v 01 flight 0 002 @ 02484570 v 0000 + 00302394 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | shoot a bird in flight
02484875 41 v 01 pick_off 0 001 @ 02484570 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | shoot one by one
02484957 41 v 02 electrocute 0 fry 0 002 @ 01323958 v 0000 + 01165112 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | kill by electrocution, as in the electric chair; "The serial killer was electrocuted"
02485135 41 v 01 electrocute 1 002 @ 01325536 v 0000 + 00228078 n 0101 01 + 10 00 | kill by electric shock; "She dropped the hair dryer into the bathtub and was instantly electrocuted"
02485322 41 v 01 burn 0 002 * 00378664 v 0000 @ 02483267 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | burn at the stake; "Witches were burned in Salem"
02485451 41 v 02 hang 0 string_up 0 004 @ 02483267 v 0000 + 01164874 n 0101 ~ 02485631 v 0000 ~ 02485731 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | kill by hanging; "The murderer was hanged on Friday"
02485631 41 v 01 halter 0 002 @ 02485451 v 0000 + 03491724 n 0103 01 + 09 00 | hang with a halter
02485731 41 v 01 gibbet 0 002 @ 02485451 v 0000 + 03413124 n 0103 01 + 09 00 | hang on an execution instrument
02485844 41 v 01 date 0 005 $ 02486232 v 0000 @ 01842204 v 0000 + 09992538 n 0101 + 08385009 n 0101 ~ 02486060 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 09 01 | go on a date with; "Tonight she is dating a former high school sweetheart"
02486060 41 v 01 double-date 0 002 @ 02485844 v 0000 + 08385602 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | go out on a date with a partner and another couple; "let's double date this Saturday"
02486232 41 v 04 go_steady 0 go_out 0 date 1 see 0 004 @ 02589245 v 0000 + 09992538 n 0301 + 08385009 n 0301 $ 02485844 v 0000 04 + 02 00 + 09 00 + 22 02 + 22 01 | date regularly; have a steady relationship with; "Did you know that she is seeing an older man?"; "He is dating his former wife again!"
02486534 41 v 01 pick_up 0 002 @ 02486932 v 0000 + 10432053 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | meet someone for sexual purposes; "he always tries to pick up girls in bars"
02486693 41 v 03 ask_out 0 invite_out 0 take_out 0 001 @ 00752764 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | make a date; "Has he asked you out yet?"
02486822 41 v 01 reunite 0 002 @ 02486932 v 0000 + 00382474 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | have a reunion; unite again
02486932 41 v 02 meet 1 get_together 1 010 + 08310389 n 0202 + 07467846 n 0101 + 09608002 n 0104 + 08310389 n 0101 + 01230965 n 0101 ~ 02486534 v 0000 ~ 02486822 v 0000 ~ 02487226 v 0000 ~ 02487573 v 0000 ~ 02490877 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | get together socially or for a specific purpose
02487226 41 v 01 rendezvous 0 004 @ 02486932 v 0000 + 08385717 n 0102 + 08642870 n 0101 + 01231548 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | meet at a rendezvous
02487368 41 v 02 stick_together 0 stay_together 0 001 @ 00117985 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | be loyal to one another, especially in times of trouble; "The two families stuck together throughout the war"
02487573 41 v 03 visit 0 call_in 0 call 0 010 @ 02486932 v 0000 + 09887850 n 0301 + 01055954 n 0301 + 01233156 n 0101 + 10757193 n 0101 + 10757193 n 0102 $ 02487901 v 0000 ~ 02488304 v 0000 ~ 02488488 v 0000 ~ 02488641 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 02 01 | pay a brief visit; "The mayor likes to call on some of the prominent citizens"
02487901 41 v 01 call c 002 $ 02487573 v 0000 @ 01862918 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | make a stop in a harbour; "The ship will call in Honolulu tomorrow"
02488056 41 v 01 pay 0 001 @ 01755816 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 13 00 + 14 00 | render; "pay a visit"; "pay a call"
02488168 41 v 01 send_in 0 001 * 02487573 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | give one's name or calling card to a servant when making a formal visit
02488304 41 v 01 see b 002 $ 01470670 v 0000 @ 02487573 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | go to see for professional or business reasons; "You should see a lawyer"; "We had to see a psychiatrist"
02488488 41 v 01 see c 002 $ 02493030 v 0000 @ 02487573 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | go to see for a social visit; "I went to see my friend Mary the other day"
02488641 41 v 03 drop_by 0 drop_in 0 come_by 0 001 @ 02487573 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | visit informally and spontaneously; "We frequently drop by the neighbors' house for a cup of coffee"
02488834 41 v 07 marry 0 get_married 0 wed 0 conjoin 0 hook_up_with 0 get_hitched_with 0 espouse 0 011 @ 02469835 v 0000 + 01036996 n 0302 + 01036996 n 0101 + 10295819 n 0101 ~ 02489183 v 0000 ~ 02489363 v 0000 $ 02489456 v 0000 ~ 02489916 v 0000 ~ 02490004 v 0000 ~ 02490090 v 0000 ~ 02490247 v 0000 03 + 09 00 + 02 02 + 02 01 | take in marriage
02489183 41 v 01 inmarry 0 002 @ 02488834 v 0000 + 13965049 n 0103 01 + 02 00 | marry within one's own tribe or group; "The inhabitants of this isolated village tend to inmarry"
02489363 41 v 01 mismarry 0 001 @ 02488834 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | marry an unsuitable partner
02489456 41 v 04 marry 1 wed 1 tie 0 splice 0 005 $ 02488834 v 0000 @ 02382087 v 0000 + 07452074 n 0201 + 01036996 n 0101 ~ 02489748 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | perform a marriage ceremony; "The minister married us on Saturday"; "We were wed the following week"; "The couple got spliced on Hawaii"
02489748 41 v 02 solemnize 1 solemnise 1 003 @ 02489456 v 0000 + 00516086 n 0203 + 00516086 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | perform (the wedding ceremony) with proper ceremonies
02489916 41 v 01 wive 0 001 @ 02488834 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | marry a woman, take a wife
02490004 41 v 01 wive 1 001 @ 02488834 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | take (someone) as a wife
02490090 41 v 01 intermarry 0 003 @ 02488834 v 0000 + 13965274 n 0102 + 13965049 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | marry within the same ethnic, social, or family group
02490247 41 v 01 remarry 0 002 @ 02488834 v 0000 + 01248752 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 09 00 | marry, not for the first time; "After her divorce, she remarried her high school sweetheart"
02490430 41 v 04 pair 0 pair_off 0 partner_off 0 couple 0 004 @ 02469835 v 0000 + 07985628 n 0401 + 07976936 n 0101 + 00389610 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | form a pair or pairs; "The two old friends paired off"
02490634 41 v 02 divorce 0 split_up 0 005 * 02488834 v 0000 @ 02431320 v 0000 + 01201271 n 0101 + 01201271 n 0102 + 10020366 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 09 00 | get a divorce; formally terminate a marriage; "The couple divorced after only 6 months"
02490877 41 v 02 celebrate 0 fete 0 011 @ 02486932 v 0000 + 07449862 n 0201 + 02684875 a 0101 + 07450651 n 0101 + 00428000 n 0101 + 09902954 n 0101 + 09902954 n 0102 ~ 02491262 v 0000 ~ 02491383 v 0000 ~ 02491851 v 0000 ~ 02493511 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 | have a celebration; "They were feting the patriarch of the family"; "After the exam, the students were celebrating"
02491262 41 v 01 jubilate 0 003 @ 02490877 v 0000 + 15250312 n 0101 + 07450651 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | celebrate a jubilee
02491383 41 v 08 revel 0 racket 0 make_whoopie 0 make_merry 0 make_happy 0 whoop_it_up 0 jollify 0 wassail 0 009 @ 02490877 v 0000 + 10769321 n 0801 + 00509846 n 0703 + 00509846 n 0401 + 07390945 n 0201 + 00510189 n 0101 + 10526096 n 0102 + 00510189 n 0102 ~ 02493260 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | celebrate noisily, often indulging in drinking; engage in uproarious festivities; "The members of the wedding party made merry all night"; "Let's whoop it up--the boss is gone!"
02491851 41 v 01 party 0 004 @ 02490877 v 0000 + 08252602 n 0101 + 07447641 n 0101 ~ 02492054 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | have or participate in a party; "The students were partying all night before the exam"
02492054 41 v 01 rave 0 003 @ 02491851 v 0000 + 07449676 n 0101 + 10508272 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | participate in an all-night techno dance party
02492198 41 v 01 entertain 0 005 @ 02388950 v 0000 + 00429048 n 0101 + 09616922 n 0101 ~ 01194418 v 0000 ~ 02492362 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | provide entertainment for
02492362 41 v 03 amuse 0 divert 0 disport 0 004 @ 02492198 v 0000 + 00426928 n 0201 + 01344485 a 0102 + 00429048 n 0102 01 + 09 00 | occupy in an agreeable, entertaining or pleasant fashion; "The play amused the ladies"
02492584 41 v 01 take_in 0 001 @ 02493030 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | visit for entertainment; "take in the sights"
02492694 41 v 01 slum 0 002 @ 02708420 v 0000 + 08651832 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | spend time at a lower socio-economic level than one's own, motivated by curiosity or desire for adventure; usage considered condescending and insensitive; "attending a motion picture show by the upper class was considered sluming in the early 20th century"
02493030 41 v 02 visit 2 see a 005 @ 01845229 v 0000 + 10757193 n 0101 + 10757193 n 0102 $ 02488488 v 0000 ~ 02492584 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | go to see a place, as for entertainment; "We went to see the Eiffel Tower in the morning"
02493260 41 v 03 carouse 0 roister 0 riot 1 006 @ 02491383 v 0000 + 00511212 n 0305 + 10536897 n 0201 + 00511041 n 0101 + 10769321 n 0102 + 00511041 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | engage in boisterous, drunken merrymaking; "They were out carousing last night"
02493511 41 v 01 receive 0 002 @ 02490877 v 0000 + 08254331 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 09 01 | have or give a reception; "The lady is receiving Sunday morning"
02493666 41 v 02 ban 0 censor 0 005 @ 02480923 v 0000 ;c 06254475 n 0000 + 07255401 n 0101 + 06542047 n 0102 ~ 02493876 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | forbid the public distribution of ( a movie or a newspaper)
02493876 41 v 01 embargo 1 001 @ 02493666 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | ban the publication of (documents), as for security or copyright reasons; "embargoed publications"
02494047 41 v 02 free 1 release 1 003 @ 02479323 v 0000 + 04073208 n 0201 ~ 02509107 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make (information) available for publication; "release the list with the names of the prisoners"
02494259 41 v 01 bail_out 0 002 @ 02421374 v 0000 ;c 08441203 n 0000 01 + 09 00 | free on bail
02494356 41 v 0a imprison 0 incarcerate 0 lag 0 immure 0 put_behind_bars 0 jail 0 jug 0 gaol 0 put_away 0 remand 0 012 @ 02495038 v 0000 ;c 08441203 n 0000 + 00328327 n 0a01 + 10149867 n 0804 + 03592245 n 0803 + 10149867 n 0602 + 10149867 n 0603 + 03592245 n 0601 + 13999206 n 0404 + 13999206 n 0203 + 01162376 n 0101 + 01146768 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | lock up or confine, in or as in a jail; "The suspects were imprisoned without trial"; "the murderer was incarcerated for the rest of his life"
02494850 41 v 02 raid 0 bust 0 002 @ 01119169 v 0000 + 00976953 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | search without warning, make a sudden surprise attack on; "The police raided the crack house"
02495038 41 v 02 confine 0 detain 0 014 + 13999663 n 0201 + 01161635 n 0201 + 10009162 n 0201 + 01146576 n 0101 ! 02421374 v 0101 ~ 01302019 v 0000 ~ 01388571 v 0000 ~ 02494356 v 0000 ~ 02495387 v 0000 ~ 02495592 v 0000 ~ 02495817 v 0000 ~ 02496036 v 0000 ~ 02496185 v 0000 ~ 02496388 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | deprive of freedom; take into confinement
02495387 41 v 01 intern 2 004 @ 02495038 v 0000 + 10212074 n 0101 + 14000302 n 0101 + 01146768 n 0102 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | deprive of freedom; "During WW II, Japanese were interned in camps in the West"
02495592 41 v 01 bind_over 0 002 @ 02495038 v 0000 ;c 08441203 n 0000 01 + 09 00 | order a defendant to be placed in custody pending the outcome of a proceedings against him or her; "The defendant was bound over for trial"
02495817 41 v 01 imprison 1 002 @ 02495038 v 0000 + 13999206 n 0102 01 + 09 00 | confine as if in a prison; "His daughters are virtually imprisoned in their own house; he does not let them go out without a chaperone"
02496036 41 v 02 cage 0 cage_in 0 003 @ 02495038 v 0000 + 13998966 n 0101 + 02936714 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | confine in a cage; "The animal was caged"
02496185 41 v 02 trap 0 pin_down 0 002 @ 02495038 v 0000 + 05837370 n 0101 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | place in a confining or embarrassing position; "He was trapped in a difficult situation"
02496388 41 v 01 keep_in 0 001 @ 02495038 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | cause to stay indoors
02496498 41 v 02 manumit 0 emancipate 0 006 @ 02497062 v 0000 + 02005364 a 0201 + 01247413 n 0201 + 10051026 n 0201 + 01247807 n 0101 + 10051026 n 0102 01 + 09 00 | free from slavery or servitude
02496696 41 v 01 enslave 0 002 @ 02496816 v 0000 + 00089234 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | make a slave of; bring into servitude
02496816 41 v 02 subjugate 0 subject 0 008 @ 02539334 v 0000 + 09625401 n 0202 + 13996300 n 0202 + 00089027 n 0203 + 13996300 n 0101 + 10669125 n 0101 ~ 02424533 v 0000 ~ 02496696 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | make subservient; force to submit or subdue
02497062 41 v 02 liberate 0 set_free 2 010 @ 02422026 v 0000 + 00095502 n 0101 + 00787832 n 0101 + 13996061 n 0101 + 13994456 n 0101 + 13992514 n 0102 + 10257221 n 0101 ~ 02477135 v 0000 ~ 02496498 v 0000 ~ 02590667 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | grant freedom to; "The students liberated their slaves upon graduating from the university"
02497400 41 v 02 emancipate 1 liberate 1 004 @ 00146138 v 0000 + 00787832 n 0201 + 13992514 n 0202 + 01247413 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | give equal rights to; of women and minorities
02497586 41 v 01 appeal 0 005 @ 00868591 v 0000 + 00132849 a 0101 + 03044083 a 0102 + 09800469 n 0101 + 01185611 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | take a court case to a higher court for review; "He was found guilty but appealed immediately"
02497824 41 v 01 appeal 4 004 @ 00808162 v 0000 + 00132849 a 0101 + 03044083 a 0102 + 01185611 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | challenge (a decision); "She appealed the verdict"
02497992 41 v 01 arraign 0 003 * 02521284 v 0000 * 00843468 v 0000 + 07235936 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | call before a court to answer an indictment
02498136 41 v 01 book 0 002 @ 01000214 v 0000 ~ 02498716 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 20 00 | record a charge in a police register; "The policeman booked her when she tried to solicit a man"
02498320 41 v 03 reserve 0 hold 0 book 1 008 * 02238770 v 0000 @ 00752764 v 0000 + 01988565 a 0301 + 01218327 n 0301 + 05795460 n 0101 + 01218327 n 0102 $ 00795632 v 0000 ~ 02283716 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | arrange for and reserve (something for someone else) in advance; "reserve me a seat on a flight"; "The agent booked tickets to the show for the whole family"; "please hold a table at Maxim's"
02498716 41 v 02 ticket 0 fine 0 004 @ 02498136 v 0000 + 13301328 n 0201 + 06558678 n 0101 ~ 02498987 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | issue a ticket or a fine to as a penalty; "I was fined for parking on the wrong side of the street"; "Move your car or else you will be ticketed!"
02498987 41 v 01 amerce 1 004 $ 02500265 v 0000 @ 02498716 v 0000 + 01402343 a 0101 + 13301328 n 0103 01 + 09 00 | punish by a fine imposed arbitrarily by the discretion of the court
02499172 41 v 01 court-martial 1 003 @ 02501278 v 0000 + 01196316 n 0101 + 08331525 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | subject to trial by court-martial
02499312 41 v 03 expatriate 0 deport 0 exile 0 008 @ 02501738 v 0000 + 10071139 n 0301 + 00207761 n 0301 + 10071139 n 0202 + 00207306 n 0201 + 00207761 n 0202 + 00207761 n 0103 ! 02502387 v 0101 01 + 09 00 | expel from a country; "The poet was exiled because he signed a letter protesting the government's actions"
02499629 41 v 03 punish 0 penalize 0 penalise 0 016 * 00672433 v 0000 + 01160342 n 0304 + 01160342 n 0302 + 01160342 n 0203 + 01902468 a 0101 + 01902468 a 0102 + 01160342 n 0101 ~ 01153486 v 0000 ~ 01272582 v 0000 ~ 02483267 v 0000 ~ 02483828 v 0000 ~ 02500144 v 0000 ~ 02500265 v 0000 ~ 02500619 v 0000 ~ 02500775 v 0000 ~ 02553428 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | impose a penalty on; inflict punishment on; "The students were penalized for showing up late for class"; "we had to punish the dog for soiling the floor again"
02500144 41 v 01 castigate 0 002 @ 02499629 v 0000 + 01161017 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | inflict severe punishment on
02500265 41 v 01 amerce 0 003 @ 02499629 v 0000 + 01402343 a 0101 $ 02498987 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | punish with an arbitrary penalty
02500397 41 v 01 get_it 0 000 01 + 02 00 | receive punishment; "You are going to get it!"
02500489 41 v 01 catch_it 0 000 01 + 02 00 | receive punishment; be scolded or reprimanded; "I really caught it the other day!"
02500619 41 v 02 victimize 0 victimise 0 004 @ 02499629 v 0000 + 10752093 n 0201 + 10752480 n 0101 + 10752093 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | punish unjustly
02500775 41 v 01 scourge 0 003 @ 02499629 v 0000 + 04149968 n 0101 + 10096964 n 0102 01 + 09 00 | punish severely; excoriate
02500902 41 v 02 hear 0 try 5 004 @ 00788564 v 0000 + 10729175 n 0201 + 07147267 n 0101 ~ 02501159 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | examine or hear (evidence or a case) by judicial process; "The jury had heard all the evidence"; "The case will be tried in California"
02501159 41 v 02 rehear 0 retry 6 002 @ 02500902 v 0000 + 01199365 n 0201 01 + 08 00 | hear or try a court case anew
02501278 41 v 03 judge 9 adjudicate 3 try 6 012 @ 00697589 v 0000 + 10729175 n 0301 + 01195867 n 0301 + 02603926 a 0201 + 02603926 a 0202 + 10225219 n 0201 + 09769636 n 0201 + 10225219 n 0101 + 06551784 n 0103 + 01187810 n 0101 + 08166187 n 0101 ~ 02499172 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | put on trial or hear a case and sit as the judge at the trial of; "The football star was tried for the murder of his wife"; "The judge tried both father and son in separate trials"
02501738 41 v 03 expel 0 throw_out 1 kick_out 1 009 @ 01850315 v 0000 + 00206927 n 0103 ~ 01468576 v 0000 ~ 02499312 v 0000 ~ 02502037 v 0000 ~ 02503365 v 0000 ~ 02503803 v 0000 ~ 02504017 v 0000 ~ 02504280 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | force to leave or move out; "He was expelled from his native country"
02502037 41 v 02 suspend 0 debar 5 005 @ 02501738 v 0000 * 02499629 v 0000 + 01077881 n 0201 + 00209132 n 0101 ~ 02502232 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 20 00 | bar temporarily; from school, office, etc.
02502232 41 v 02 send_down 0 rusticate 1 002 @ 02502037 v 0000 + 00209301 n 0201 01 + 09 00 | suspend temporarily from college or university, in England
02502387 41 v 01 repatriate 0 004 @ 02502536 v 0000 + 10521288 n 0101 + 00051385 n 0101 ! 02499312 v 0101 01 + 09 00 | admit back into the country
02502536 41 v 04 admit 1 allow_in 0 let_in 2 intromit 0 010 $ 02671279 v 0000 @ 00802318 v 0000 + 00320852 n 0403 + 01762065 a 0102 + 01762065 a 0101 + 13321495 n 0102 + 01248191 n 0101 ! 02502916 v 0101 ~ 02502387 v 0000 ~ 02503212 v 0000 03 + 09 00 + 11 00 + 20 00 | allow to enter; grant entry to; "We cannot admit non-members into our club building"; "This pipe admits air"
02502916 41 v 04 reject 0 turn_down 0 turn_away 0 refuse 0 005 + 07205573 n 0401 + 00205349 n 0202 + 05790572 n 0102 ! 02502536 v 0101 $ 00796976 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | refuse entrance or membership; "They turned away hundreds of fans"; "Black people were often rejected by country clubs"
02503212 41 v 01 readmit 0 002 @ 02502536 v 0000 + 01248418 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 20 00 | admit anew; "The refugee was readmitted into his home country"
02503365 41 v 03 extradite 0 deliver 0 deport 1 004 @ 02501738 v 0000 + 10071139 n 0302 + 00213482 n 0101 ~ 02503633 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | hand over to the authorities of another country; "They extradited the fugitive to his native country so he could be tried there"
02503633 41 v 01 repatriate 1 003 @ 02503365 v 0000 + 10521288 n 0101 + 00051385 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | send someone back to his homeland against his will, as of refugees
02503803 41 v 03 banish 0 relegate 1 bar 0 004 @ 02501738 v 0000 + 00208521 n 0201 + 00206302 n 0101 ~ 02558090 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 20 00 | expel, as if by official decree; "he was banished from his own country"
02504017 41 v 07 banish 1 ban 1 ostracize 1 ostracise 1 shun 0 cast_out 0 blackball 0 007 @ 02501738 v 0000 + 00207622 n 0702 + 14427633 n 0402 + 00207434 n 0401 + 14427633 n 0302 + 00207434 n 0301 + 14427633 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | expel from a community or group
02504280 41 v 02 banish 2 ban 2 002 @ 02501738 v 0000 ~ 02504416 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | ban from a place of residence, as for punishment
02504416 41 v 01 rusticate 0 002 @ 02504280 v 0000 + 00208694 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | send to the country; "He was rusticated for his bad behavior"
02504562 41 v 05 coerce 0 hale 0 squeeze 1 pressure 0 force 0 018 > 02367363 v 0000 @ 02506546 v 0000 + 05194578 n 0501 + 10461424 n 0502 + 14451349 n 0405 + 05195362 n 0401 + 00788097 n 0303 + 01826327 a 0101 + 01127245 n 0101 + 00156812 n 0102 ~ 02505141 v 0000 ~ 02505358 v 0000 ~ 02505606 v 0000 ~ 02505807 v 0000 ~ 02506068 v 0000 ~ 02506181 v 0000 ~ 02506361 v 0000 ~ 02507278 v 0000 02 + 24 00 + 30 00 | to cause to do through pressure or necessity, by physical, moral or intellectual means :"She forced him to take a job in the city"; "He squeezed her for information"
02505141 41 v 02 turn_up_the_heat 0 turn_up_the_pressure 0 001 @ 02504562 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | apply great or increased pressure; "The Democrats turned up the heat on their candidate to concede the election"
02505358 41 v 01 drive 2 004 @ 02504562 v 0000 + 14035298 n 0101 $ 01516534 v 0000 $ 01646300 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | to compel or force or urge relentlessly or exert coercive pressure on, or motivate strongly; "She is driven by her passion"
02505606 41 v 01 bludgeon 0 002 @ 02504562 v 0000 + 02855793 n 0101 01 + 30 00 | overcome or coerce as if by using a heavy club; "The teacher bludgeoned the students into learning the math formulas"
02505807 41 v 02 steamroller 1 steamroll 1 005 $ 02373578 v 0000 @ 02504562 v 0000 + 10226556 n 0202 + 10226556 n 0102 $ 01110661 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | bring to a specified state by overwhelming force or pressure; "The Senator steamrollered the bill to defeat"
02506068 41 v 01 squeeze_for 0 001 @ 02504562 v 0000 01 + 14 00 | squeeze someone for money, information, etc.
02506181 41 v 03 dragoon 0 sandbag 2 railroad 0 001 @ 02504562 v 0000 01 + 30 00 | compel by coercion, threats, or crude means; "They sandbagged him to make dinner for everyone"
02506361 41 v 02 terrorize 0 terrorise 0 005 @ 02504562 v 0000 + 00765193 n 0202 + 07520612 n 0202 + 00765193 n 0101 + 07520612 n 0102 01 + 09 00 | coerce by violence or with threats
02506546 41 v 03 compel 0 oblige 0 obligate 0 013 > 02367363 v 0000 @ 00770437 v 0000 + 01129920 n 0303 + 01129920 n 0203 + 00156812 n 0101 ~ 00747418 v 0000 ~ 01906823 v 0000 ~ 02504562 v 0000 ~ 02506924 v 0000 ~ 02507093 v 0000 ~ 02508078 v 0000 ~ 02560164 v 0000 ~ 02560424 v 0000 01 + 24 00 | force somebody to do something; "We compel all students to fill out this form"
02506924 41 v 01 clamor 0 001 @ 02506546 v 0000 01 + 24 00 | compel someone to do something by insistent clamoring; "They clamored the mayor into building a new park"
02507093 41 v 01 condemn 0 001 @ 02506546 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | compel or force into a particular state or activity; "His devotion to his sick wife condemned him to a lonely existence"
02507278 41 v 01 bring_oneself 0 001 @ 02504562 v 0000 01 + 24 00 | cause to undertake a certain action, usually used in the negative; "He could not bring himself to call his parents"
02507464 41 v 04 trouble_oneself 0 trouble 1 bother 0 inconvenience_oneself 0 002 @ 01146051 v 0000 + 00623862 n 0201 02 + 01 00 + 28 00 | take the trouble to do something; concern oneself; "He did not trouble to call his mother on her birthday"; "Don't bother, please"
02507736 41 v 07 trouble 0 put_out 0 inconvenience 1 disoblige 0 discommode 0 incommode 0 bother 1 008 @ 00137313 v 0000 + 14406573 n 0704 + 05830059 n 0703 + 07372565 n 0703 + 04722715 n 0301 + 14446878 n 0301 + 05687338 n 0101 ~ 02603424 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | to cause inconvenience or discomfort to; "Sorry to trouble you, but..."
02508078 41 v 01 shame 1 003 @ 02506546 v 0000 + 14440137 n 0101 + 07506569 n 0101 01 + 30 00 | compel through a sense of shame; "She shamed him into making amends"
02508245 41 v 05 stigmatize 0 stigmatise 0 brand 0 denounce 0 mark 0 008 @ 01029852 v 0000 + 06794666 n 0501 + 00924635 a 0402 + 07232988 n 0402 + 06794666 n 0303 + 01223488 n 0202 + 01223488 n 0101 + 06794666 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | to accuse or condemn or openly or formally or brand as disgraceful; "He denounced the government action"; "She was stigmatized by society because she had a child out of wedlock"
02508663 41 v 01 brand 1 002 @ 00508032 v 0000 + 06795543 n 0101 01 + 14 00 | burn with a branding iron to indicate ownership; of animals
02508803 41 v 01 classify 0 003 @ 02509287 v 0000 + 01148904 n 0101 ! 02509107 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | declare unavailable, as for security reasons; "Classify these documents"
02508977 41 v 01 taboo 0 003 @ 02509287 v 0000 + 04884302 n 0101 + 05950234 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | declare as sacred and forbidden
02509107 41 v 01 declassify 0 003 @ 02494047 v 0000 + 01149115 n 0101 ! 02508803 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | lift the restriction on and make available again; "reclassify the documents"
02509287 41 v 01 restrict 0 008 @ 02510337 v 0000 + 01888941 a 0101 + 00808182 n 0102 ! 02510071 v 0101 ~ 02508803 v 0000 ~ 02508977 v 0000 ~ 02509820 v 0000 ~ 02509919 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | place under restrictions; limit access to; "This substance is controlled"
02509552 41 v 01 train 3 002 @ 02510337 v 0000 ~ 02509705 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cause to grow in a certain way by tying and pruning it; "train the vine"
02509705 41 v 01 trellis 0 002 @ 02509552 v 0000 + 04478512 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | train on a trellis, as of a vine
02509820 41 v 02 scant 0 skimp 1 001 @ 02509287 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | limit in quality or quantity
02509919 41 v 02 localize 0 localise 0 003 @ 02509287 v 0000 + 00155487 n 0202 ~ 00097029 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | restrict something to a particular area
02510071 41 v 01 derestrict 0 002 @ 02564146 v 0000 ! 02509287 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | make free from restrictions
02510184 41 v 01 pull_the_plug 0 001 @ 02680814 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | prevent from happening or continuing; "The government pulled the plug on spending"
02510337 41 v 07 control 1 hold_in 0 hold f contain 0 check 8 curb 0 moderate 0 016 @ 02422663 v 0000 + 05117660 n 0701 + 01146039 n 0603 + 01146039 n 0502 + 05641959 n 0102 ~ 00233335 v 0000 ~ 00462092 v 0000 ~ 00573085 v 0000 ~ 01801847 v 0000 ~ 02213074 v 0000 ~ 02509287 v 0000 ~ 02509552 v 0000 ~ 02510905 v 0000 ~ 02511075 v 0000 ~ 02511424 v 0000 ~ 02564973 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | lessen the intensity of; temper; hold in restraint; hold or keep within limits; "moderate your alcohol intake"; "hold your tongue"; "hold your temper"; "control your anger"
02510905 41 v 01 catch d 001 @ 02510337 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | check oneself during an action; "She managed to catch herself before telling her boss what was on her mind"
02511075 41 v 01 bate 0 001 @ 02510337 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | moderate or restrain; lessen the force of; "He bated his breath when talking about this affair"; "capable of bating his enthusiasm"
02511276 41 v 01 indulge 1 002 + 01073241 n 0101 ~ 01191974 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | give free rein to; "The writer indulged in metaphorical language"
02511424 41 v 01 thermostat 0 002 @ 02510337 v 0000 + 04422875 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | control the temperature with a thermostat
02511551 41 v 05 regulate 1 regularize 0 regularise 0 order 1 govern 2 011 @ 00697589 v 0000 + 05663671 n 0501 + 03450018 n 0501 + 13968547 n 0401 + 05846054 n 0102 + 00806902 n 0101 + 10517826 n 0101 + 00805034 n 0102 ! 02512005 v 0101 ~ 00467717 v 0000 ~ 02512150 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 11 00 | bring into conformity with rules or principles or usage; impose regulations; "We cannot regulate the way people dress"; "This town likes to regulate"
02512005 41 v 01 deregulate 0 004 @ 02564146 v 0000 + 00805337 n 0101 + 00805337 n 0102 ! 02511551 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | lift the regulations on
02512150 41 v 02 zone 0 district 0 003 @ 02511551 v 0000 + 08552138 n 0201 + 08688247 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | regulate housing in; of certain areas of towns
02512305 41 v 03 discriminate c separate 0 single_out 0 012 @ 00650353 v 0000 + 00565289 a 0202 + 00997394 a 0101 + 00065184 a 0101 + 00285148 a 0102 + 01153548 n 0101 + 10012815 n 0102 ~ 00494269 v 0000 ~ 02468465 v 0000 ~ 02482139 v 0000 ~ 02512666 v 0000 ~ 02513460 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 02 01 + 22 01 | treat differently on the basis of sex or race
02512666 41 v 01 redline 0 001 @ 02512305 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | discriminate in selling or renting housing in certain areas of a neighborhood
02512808 41 v 01 stratify 0 005 @ 00650353 v 0000 + 13939158 n 0101 + 01013604 n 0101 + 08657249 n 0101 $ 02513048 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | divide society into social classes or castes; "Income distribution often stratifies a society"
02513048 41 v 01 stratify 1 004 $ 02512808 v 0000 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 13939158 n 0101 + 01013604 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | develop different social levels, classes, or castes; "Society stratifies when the income gap widens"
02513268 41 v 01 advantage 0 004 @ 02400037 v 0000 + 05142863 n 0101 + 05155821 n 0101 ! 02513460 v 0101 03 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | give an advantage to; "This system advantages the rich"
02513460 41 v 03 disadvantage 0 disfavor 0 disfavour 0 007 @ 02512305 v 0000 + 14413644 n 0302 + 14413644 n 0201 + 05161614 n 0101 ! 02513268 v 0101 ~ 01085474 v 0000 ~ 02513742 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | put at a disadvantage; hinder, harm; "This rule clearly disadvantages me"
02513742 41 v 01 prejudice 0 003 @ 02513460 v 0000 ;c 00694681 n 0000 + 06201908 n 0102 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | disadvantage by prejudice
02513879 41 v 01 aggrieve 0 002 @ 02513989 v 0000 ;c 08441203 n 0000 01 + 09 00 | infringe on the rights of
02513989 41 v 01 wrong 0 007 @ 02514187 v 0000 + 04854604 n 0101 + 00744131 n 0101 ! 02519991 v 0101 ~ 02513879 v 0000 ~ 02517112 v 0000 ~ 02574205 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | treat unjustly; do wrong to
02514187 41 v 03 treat 0 handle 3 do_by 0 018 $ 01033527 v 0000 $ 00651145 v 0000 @ 02376958 v 0000 ~ 00849080 v 0000 ~ 01059564 v 0000 ~ 02513989 v 0000 ~ 02514704 v 0000 ~ 02515080 v 0000 ~ 02515194 v 0000 ~ 02515443 v 0000 ~ 02515583 v 0000 ~ 02515727 v 0000 ~ 02515828 v 0000 ~ 02515934 v 0000 ~ 02516107 v 0000 ~ 02516255 v 0000 ~ 02516594 v 0000 ~ 02570267 v 0000 03 + 05 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 | interact in a certain way; "Do right by her"; "Treat him with caution, please"; "Handle the press reporters gently"
02514704 41 v 01 handle_with_kid_gloves 0 001 @ 02514187 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | handle with great care and sensitivity; "You have to handle the students with kid gloves"
02514881 41 v 01 fall_all_over 0 001 @ 02376958 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | display excessive love or show excessive gratitude towards; "This student falls all over her former professor when she sees him"
02515080 41 v 01 criminalize 2 002 @ 02514187 v 0000 + 09977660 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | treat as a criminal
02515194 41 v 01 nurse 3 002 @ 02514187 v 0000 + 10367409 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | treat carefully; "He nursed his injured back by lying in bed several hours every afternoon"; "He nursed the flowers in his garden and fertilized them regularly"
02515443 41 v 01 strong-arm 0 002 @ 02514187 v 0000 + 10184081 n 0108 01 + 09 00 | handle roughly; "He was strong-armed by the policemen"
02515583 41 v 02 ride_roughshod 0 run_roughshod 0 001 @ 02514187 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | treat inconsiderately or harshly
02515727 41 v 01 upstage 0 001 @ 02514187 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | treat snobbishly, put in one's place
02515828 41 v 01 rough-house 0 001 @ 02514187 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | treat in a rough or boisterous manner
02515934 41 v 02 brutalize 0 brutalise 0 005 @ 02514187 v 0000 + 14574675 n 0202 + 00733317 n 0202 + 14574675 n 0101 + 00733317 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | treat brutally
02516107 41 v 01 do_well_by 0 001 @ 02514187 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | treat with respect and consideration; "children should do well by their parents"
02516255 41 v 05 gloss_over 0 skate_over 0 smooth_over 0 slur_over 0 skimp_over 0 001 @ 02514187 v 0000 03 + 05 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 | treat hurriedly or avoid dealing with properly
02516437 41 v 02 skimp 0 scant 1 002 @ 02413480 v 0000 ^ 02516255 v 0105 01 + 02 00 | work hastily or carelessly; deal with inadequately and superficially
02516594 41 v 06 mistreat 0 maltreat 0 abuse 0 ill-use 0 step 0 ill-treat 0 010 @ 02514187 v 0000 + 00419908 n 0602 + 00419908 n 0403 + 01160584 a 0301 + 00419908 n 0304 + 09758643 n 0301 + 00419908 n 0201 + 09758643 n 0202 + 00418025 n 0101 ~ 02516978 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 21 05 | treat badly; "This boss abuses his workers"; "She is always stepping on others to get ahead"
02516978 41 v 01 kick_around 0 001 @ 02516594 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | treat badly; abuse; "They won't have me to kick around any more!"
02517112 41 v 01 sandbag 0 001 @ 02513989 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | treat harshly or unfairly
02517202 41 v 03 misbehave 0 misconduct 2 misdemean 0 006 @ 02367363 v 0000 + 00732746 n 0203 + 00735936 n 0101 ! 02519666 v 0101 ~ 02517443 v 0000 ~ 02517655 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 09 00 | behave badly; "The children misbehaved all morning"
02517443 41 v 01 fall_from_grace 0 001 @ 02517202 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | revert back to bad behavior after a period of good behavior; "The children fell from grace when they asked for several helpings of dessert"
02517655 41 v 02 act_up 0 carry_on 2 001 @ 02517202 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | misbehave badly; act in a silly or improper way; "The children acted up when they were not bored"
02517827 41 v 03 condescend c stoop c lower_oneself c 001 @ 02367363 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | debase oneself morally, act in an undignified, unworthy, or dishonorable way; "I won't stoop to reading other people's mail"
02518043 41 v 01 hugger_mugger 0 002 @ 00010435 v 0000 + 13976731 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | act stealthily or secretively
02518161 41 v 07 behave 1 acquit 0 bear 0 deport 2 conduct 1 comport 1 carry 1 012 @ 01601234 v 0000 @ 02367363 v 0000 + 04910377 n 0602 + 04897762 n 0505 + 01220984 n 0503 + 04897762 n 0406 + 04910377 n 0301 ~ 01791973 v 0000 ~ 02373785 v 0000 ~ 02377764 v 0000 ~ 02518625 v 0000 ~ 02519183 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | behave in a certain manner; "She carried herself well"; "he bore himself with dignity"; "They conducted themselves well during these difficult times"
02518625 41 v 01 walk_around 0 001 @ 02518161 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | behave in a certain manner or have certain properties; "He walks around with his nose in the air"; "She walks around with this strange boyfriend"
02518839 41 v 01 walk 0 001 @ 02519666 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | live or behave in a specified manner; "walk in sadness"
02518956 41 v 01 sauce 0 001 @ 00010435 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | behave saucily or impudently towards
02519055 41 v 01 assert_oneself 0 001 @ 02519666 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | put oneself forward in an assertive and insistent manner
02519183 41 v 02 pose 0 posture 0 004 @ 02518161 v 0000 + 00755673 n 0103 + 04788011 n 0102 ~ 02519494 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | behave affectedly or unnaturally in order to impress others; "Don't pay any attention to him--he is always posing to impress his peers!"; "She postured and made a total fool of herself"
02519494 41 v 02 attitudinize 0 attitudinise 0 004 @ 02519183 v 0000 + 05079866 n 0203 + 00755863 n 0201 + 00755863 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | assume certain affected attitudes
02519666 41 v 02 behave 0 comport 0 006 @ 02367363 v 0000 + 04910377 n 0202 ! 02517202 v 0101 ~ 02518839 v 0000 ~ 02519055 v 0000 ~ 02597968 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | behave well or properly; "The children must learn to behave"
02519890 41 v 01 footle 0 001 @ 00010435 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | act foolishly, as by talking nonsense
02519991 41 v 04 right 0 compensate 0 redress 0 correct 1 011 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 00259177 n 0301 + 13290676 n 0306 + 13282550 n 0201 + 00259643 n 0202 ^ 02672540 v 0201 + 13341756 n 0101 + 05174653 n 0101 ! 02513989 v 0101 ~ 02520360 v 0000 ~ 02520509 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | make reparations or amends for; "right a wrongs done to the victims of the Holocaust"
02520360 41 v 02 over-correct 0 overcompensate 0 001 @ 02519991 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | make excessive corrections for fear of making an error
02520509 41 v 04 expiate 0 aby 0 abye 0 atone c 006 @ 02519991 v 0000 + 13292787 n 0401 + 02940509 a 0102 + 02940509 a 0101 + 13292787 n 0102 + 00095121 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 22 04 | make amends for; "expiate one's sins"
02520730 41 v 02 make_up 0 catch_up_with 0 003 @ 02249438 v 0000 + 07322769 n 0101 + 07322769 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | make up work that was missed due to absence at a later point; "I have to make up a French exam"; "Can I catch up with the material or is it too late?"
02520997 41 v 02 control 2 verify 0 004 $ 00662589 v 0000 ;c 05999797 n 0000 @ 02531625 v 0000 + 05798569 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | check or regulate (a scientific experiment) by conducting a parallel experiment or comparing with another standard; "Are you controlling for the temperature?"
02521284 41 v 01 indict 0 003 @ 00843468 v 0000 + 07237409 n 0101 + 07235335 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | accuse formally of a crime
02521410 41 v 03 protest 0 resist 2 dissent 0 014 @ 00776059 v 0000 + 00075737 a 0301 + 01177033 n 0303 + 10018021 n 0301 + 00695938 a 0203 + 00695938 a 0202 + 00514175 a 0101 + 01177033 n 0101 + 10018021 n 0103 + 10002760 n 0102 ~ 02412647 v 0000 ~ 02521816 v 0000 ~ 02583139 v 0000 ~ 02583379 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | express opposition through action or words; "dissent to the laws of the country"
02521816 41 v 02 demonstrate 0 march 0 006 @ 02521410 v 0000 + 08428019 n 0201 + 00290579 n 0201 + 01177703 n 0101 + 10002760 n 0101 ~ 02522153 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | march in protest; take part in a demonstration; "Thousands demonstrated against globalization during the meeting of the most powerful economic nations in Seattle"
02522153 41 v 01 picket 0 002 @ 02521816 v 0000 + 10431770 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | serve as pickets or post pickets; "picket a business to protest the layoffs"
02522319 41 v 01 fail c 003 $ 02523521 v 0000 + 07317764 n 0101 + 14462946 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 22 00 | fall short in what is expected; "She failed in her obligations as a good daughter-in-law"; "We must not fail his obligation to the victims of the Holocaust"
02522581 41 v 06 breeze_through 0 ace 0 pass_with_flying_colors 0 sweep_through 0 sail_through 0 nail 0 002 @ 02525044 v 0000 + 09762509 n 0201 01 + 08 00 | succeed at easily; "She sailed through her exams"; "You will pass with flying colors"; "She nailed her astrophysics course"
02522864 41 v 05 pull_off 0 negociate 2 bring_off 0 carry_off 0 manage 9 002 @ 02524171 v 0000 ! 02599528 v 0501 02 + 08 00 + 28 05 | be successful; achieve a goal; "She succeeded in persuading us all"; "I managed to carry the box upstairs"; "She pulled it off, even though we never thought her capable of it"; "The pianist negociated the difficult runs"
02523221 41 v 02 do 3 manage 2 000 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | carry on or function; "We could do with a little more help around here"
02523351 41 v 02 pass 4 clear 1 002 @ 02524171 v 0000 ~ 02053490 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | go unchallenged; be approved; "The bill cleared the House"
02523521 41 v 04 fail 1 flunk 0 bomb 0 flush_it 0 005 + 07365193 n 0302 + 00066901 n 0101 ! 02525044 v 0101 $ 02522319 v 0000 $ 02523784 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | fail to get a passing grade; "She studied hard but failed nevertheless"; "Did I fail the test?"
02523784 41 v 01 fail 7 004 $ 02523521 v 0000 @ 00670261 v 0000 + 00066901 n 0101 ! 02523953 v 0101 01 + 09 00 | judge unacceptable; "The teacher failed six students"
02523953 41 v 01 pass 7 005 > 02525044 v 0000 @ 00670261 v 0000 + 07176499 n 0102 + 00065575 n 0101 ! 02523784 v 0101 01 + 09 00 | accept or judge as acceptable; "The teacher passed the student although he was weak"
02524171 41 v 05 succeed 0 win 4 come_through 0 bring_home_the_bacon 0 deliver_the_goods 0 015 * 02530167 v 0000 + 09762821 n 0202 + 09762821 n 0104 ! 02528380 v 0101 ~ 01152396 v 0000 ~ 02522864 v 0000 ~ 02523351 v 0000 ~ 02524739 v 0000 ~ 02524897 v 0000 ~ 02525044 v 0000 ~ 02525312 v 0000 ~ 02525447 v 0000 ~ 02525985 v 0000 ~ 02526085 v 0000 ~ 02585860 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 22 00 + 28 00 | attain success or reach a desired goal; "The enterprise succeeded"; "We succeeded in getting tickets to the show"; "she struggled to overcome her handicap and won"
02524739 41 v 02 luck_out 0 hit_the_jackpot 0 001 @ 02524171 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | succeed by luck; "I lucked out and found the last parking spot in the lot"
02524897 41 v 03 nail_down 0 nail 1 peg 0 001 @ 02524171 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | succeed in obtaining a position; "He nailed down a spot at Harvard"
02525044 41 v 02 pass 8 make_it 5 005 @ 02524171 v 0000 + 10404426 n 0101 + 00065575 n 0101 ! 02523521 v 0101 ~ 02522581 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 01 | go successfully through a test or a selection process; "She passed the new Jersey Bar Exam and can practice law now"
02525312 41 v 01 run 1 004 @ 02524171 v 0000 ;c 00523513 n 0000 + 00189565 n 0101 + 00558883 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | make without a miss
02525447 41 v 02 work 3 act 6 004 $ 01629589 v 0000 @ 02524171 v 0000 + 01822563 a 0105 + 04599396 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | have an effect or outcome; often the one desired or expected; "The voting process doesn't work as well as people thought"; "How does your idea work in practice?"; "This method doesn't work"; "The breaks of my new car act quickly"; "The medicine works only if you take it with a lot of water"
02525868 41 v 01 overreach 0 001 @ 02528380 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 09 00 | fail by aiming too high or trying too hard
02525985 41 v 01 pan_out 0 001 @ 02524171 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | be a success; "The idea panned out"
02526085 41 v 04 achieve 0 accomplish 0 attain 0 reach 0 015 @ 02524171 v 0000 + 01822153 a 0301 + 00062806 n 0301 + 00035189 n 0201 + 01821690 a 0102 + 00035189 n 0102 + 09762821 n 0101 ~ 01112364 v 0000 ~ 02022162 v 0000 ~ 02526509 v 0000 ~ 02526811 v 0000 ~ 02526934 v 0000 ~ 02527085 v 0000 ~ 02527294 v 0000 ~ 02527431 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 26 00 | to gain with effort; "she achieved her goal despite setbacks"
02526509 41 v 01 begin 0 001 @ 02526085 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | achieve or accomplish in the least degree, usually used in the negative; "This economic measure doesn't even begin to deal with the problem of inflation"; "You cannot even begin to understand the problem we had to deal with during the war"
02526811 41 v 02 come_to 0 strike 2 001 @ 02526085 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | attain; "The horse finally struck a pace"
02526934 41 v 01 culminate 0 003 @ 02526085 v 0000 + 15291199 n 0102 + 06373747 n 0102 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | reach the highest or most decisive point
02527085 41 v 01 compass 0 004 @ 02526085 v 0000 ;u 07073447 n 0000 + 05623628 n 0101 + 05125377 n 0105 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | bring about; accomplish; "This writer attempts more than his talents can compass"
02527294 41 v 01 average 0 002 @ 02526085 v 0000 + 06021761 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | achieve or reach on average; "He averaged a C"
02527431 41 v 03 wangle 0 finagle 0 manage 8 005 @ 02526085 v 0000 + 10089615 n 0201 + 05906554 n 0101 + 10089615 n 0102 + 05906554 n 0102 02 + 02 00 + 14 00 | achieve something by means of trickery or devious methods
02527651 41 v 18 botch 0 bodge 0 bumble 0 fumble 0 botch_up 0 muff 0 blow 0 flub 0 screw_up 0 ball_up 0 spoil 2 muck_up 0 bungle 0 fluff 0 bollix 0 bollix_up 0 bollocks 0 bollocks_up 0 bobble 0 mishandle 0 louse_up 0 foul_up 0 mess_up 0 fuck_up 0 017 @ 02528380 v 0000 + 00074790 n 1807 + 00075618 n 1704 + 00074790 n 1606 + 00076072 n 0e01 + 00074790 n 0d04 + 09879744 n 0d01 + 01263018 n 0b01 + 01263018 n 0b03 + 01263018 n 0b02 + 00075618 n 0a01 + 01134699 n 0901 + 00074790 n 0808 + 09879744 n 0403 + 09879744 n 0304 + 09879744 n 0107 + 00074790 n 0109 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | make a mess of, destroy or ruin; "I botched the dinner and we had to eat out"; "the pianist screwed up the difficult passage in the second movement"
02528380 41 v 03 fail 0 go_wrong 0 miscarry 0 014 + 07319652 n 0301 + 00066636 n 0101 + 14477877 n 0101 + 10273064 n 0101 + 07317764 n 0101 ! 02524171 v 0101 ~ 00669528 v 0000 ~ 02022659 v 0000 ~ 02525868 v 0000 ~ 02527651 v 0000 ~ 02528833 v 0000 ~ 02528985 v 0000 ~ 02529162 v 0000 ~ 02530003 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | be unsuccessful; "Where do today's public schools fail?"; "The attempt to rescue the hostages failed miserably"
02528833 41 v 01 strike_out 0 001 @ 02528380 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | be unsuccessful in an endeavor; "The candidate struck out with his health care plan"
02528985 41 v 01 fall 2 003 @ 02528380 v 0000 + 00067707 n 0102 + 07427728 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | suffer defeat, failure, or ruin; "We must stand or fall"; "fall by the wayside"
02529162 41 v 01 shipwreck 1 002 @ 02528380 v 0000 + 07478718 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | suffer failure, as in some enterprise
02529284 41 v 02 fail 2 neglect 0 008 + 04665813 n 0202 + 00066397 n 0101 ~ 00595306 v 0000 ~ 01509280 v 0000 ~ 02253766 v 0000 ~ 02529669 v 0000 ~ 02529896 v 0000 ~ 02613672 v 0000 01 + 28 00 | fail to do something; leave something undone; "She failed to notice that her child was no longer in his crib"; "The secretary failed to call the customer and the company lost the account"
02529669 41 v 01 choke 3 002 @ 02529284 v 0000 + 09919899 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | fail to perform adequately due to tension or agitation; "The team should have won hands down but choked, disappointing the coach and the audience"
02529896 41 v 01 muff 1 002 @ 02529284 v 0000 + 00075912 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | fail to catch, as of a ball
02530003 41 v 04 fall_through 0 fall_flat 0 founder 0 flop 0 002 @ 02528380 v 0000 + 07365024 n 0401 01 + 01 00 | fail utterly; collapse; "The project foundered"
02530167 41 v 05 try 0 seek 0 attempt 0 essay 0 assay 0 016 @ 02367363 v 0000 + 00787218 n 0401 + 10728998 n 0403 + 00786195 n 0301 + 10728998 n 0302 + 00786195 n 0105 + 10728998 n 0101 ^ 02531625 v 0104 ~ 00950206 v 0000 ~ 02407338 v 0000 ~ 02530770 v 0000 ~ 02530936 v 0000 ~ 02531199 v 0000 ~ 02532458 v 0000 ~ 02544348 v 0000 ~ 02545578 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 28 00 + 02 01 | make an effort or attempt; "He tried to shake off his fears"; "The infant had essayed a few wobbly steps"; "The police attempted to stop the thief"; "He sought to improve himself"; "She always seeks to do good in the world"
02530770 41 v 02 have_a_go 0 give_it_a_try 1 001 @ 02530167 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | make an attempt at something; "I never sat on a horse before but I'll give it a go"
02530936 41 v 01 grope 0 002 @ 02530167 v 0000 + 00141027 n 0101 01 + 28 00 | search blindly or uncertainly; "His mind groped to make the connection"
02531088 41 v 02 take_pains 0 be_at_pains 0 001 @ 02531199 v 0000 01 + 28 00 | try very hard to do something
02531199 41 v 03 endeavor 0 endeavour 0 strive 0 009 @ 02530167 v 0000 + 00788766 n 0301 + 00786195 n 0204 + 00796886 n 0203 + 00786195 n 0103 + 00796886 n 0102 ~ 01505058 v 0000 ~ 02531088 v 0000 ~ 02531500 v 0000 01 + 28 00 | attempt by employing effort; "we endeavor to make our customers happy"
02531500 41 v 01 buck 1 001 @ 02531199 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | to strive with determination; "John is bucking for a promotion"
02531625 41 v 06 test 0 prove 3 try 1 try_out 0 examine 0 essay 1 013 @ 00670261 v 0000 + 07197021 n 0501 + 05787005 n 0502 + 00636461 n 0501 + 10068234 n 0501 + 05799212 n 0404 + 10728998 n 0301 + 00794367 n 0302 + 05799212 n 0103 + 00639975 n 0101 ~ 02520997 v 0000 ~ 02532079 v 0000 ~ 02532261 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | put to the test, as for its quality, or give experimental use to; "This approach has been tried with good results"; "Test this recipe"
02532079 41 v 01 float 3 001 @ 02531625 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | circulate or discuss tentatively; test the waters with; "The Republicans are floating the idea of a tax reform"
02532261 41 v 01 field-test 0 002 @ 02531625 v 0000 + 05799581 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | test something under the conditions under which it will actually be used; "The Army field tested the new tanks"
02532458 41 v 02 give_it_a_whirl 0 give_it_a_try 0 002 @ 02530167 v 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 01 + 02 00 | try; "let's give it a whirl!"
02532595 41 v 01 experiment 1 007 @ 00789138 v 0000 + 05798043 n 0102 + 00639556 n 0102 + 05798043 n 0101 + 00639556 n 0101 + 09617577 n 0101 $ 02532886 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | to conduct a test or investigation; "We are experimenting with the new drug in order to fight this disease"
02532886 41 v 02 experiment 2 try_out 5 002 $ 02532595 v 0000 + 05798043 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | try something new, as in order to gain experience; "Students experiment sexually"; "The composer experimented with a new style"
02533109 41 v 02 screen 1 test 1 001 @ 02533282 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | test or examine for the presence of disease or infection; "screen the blood for the HIV virus"
02533282 41 v 01 check 4 005 @ 02131279 v 0000 + 05825245 n 0103 ~ 02533109 v 0000 ~ 02533508 v 0000 ~ 02533597 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | make an examination or investigation; "check into the rumor"; "check the time of the class"
02533508 41 v 01 countercheck 0 001 @ 02533282 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | check a second time
02533597 41 v 02 breathalyze 0 breathalyse 0 001 @ 02533282 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | test someone's alcohol level in his blood by means of a breathalyzer
02533748 41 v 02 democratize 1 democratise 1 003 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 08361329 n 0101 + 06217103 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | introduce democratic reforms; of nations
02533907 41 v 02 democratize 0 democratise 0 003 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 08361329 n 0101 + 06217103 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | become (more) democratic; of nations
02534062 41 v 06 waive 0 relinquish 0 forgo 0 forego 0 foreswear 0 dispense_with 0 002 + 00213694 n 0102 ~ 01196524 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | do without or cease to hold or adhere to; "We are dispensing with formalities"; "relinquish the old ideas"
02534307 41 v 01 dispense 0 003 @ 02564146 v 0000 + 01142014 n 0101 ^ 02534062 v 0106 01 + 20 00 | grant a dispensation; grant an exemption; "I was dispensed from this terrible task"
02534492 41 v 04 woo 0 court 0 romance 0 solicit 0 008 @ 02367363 v 0000 + 06371267 n 0302 + 13931436 n 0302 + 07188685 n 0203 + 10674130 n 0103 + 07188685 n 0102 ~ 02535093 v 0000 ~ 02535227 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | make amorous advances towards; "John is courting Mary"
02534761 41 v 01 court a 002 @ 02367363 v 0000 + 07188685 n 0103 02 + 02 00 + 09 00 | engage in social activities leading to marriage; "We were courting for over ten years"
02534936 41 v 02 woo 1 court 1 002 + 01229223 n 0201 + 10674130 n 0103 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | seek someone's favor; "China is wooing Russia"
02535093 41 v 02 chase 0 chase_after 0 002 @ 02534492 v 0000 + 00319939 n 0102 01 + 09 00 | pursue someone sexually or romantically
02535227 41 v 01 display 0 001 @ 02534492 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | attract attention by displaying some body part or posing; of animals
02535360 41 v 02 take_the_stage 0 take_stage 0 000 01 + 02 00 | attract attention onto oneself
02535457 41 v 03 secede 0 splinter 0 break_away 0 003 @ 02431320 v 0000 + 00385266 n 0301 + 00384933 n 0101 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | withdraw from an organization or communion; "After the break up of the Soviet Union, many republics broke away"
02535716 41 v 02 break 1 break_away 1 002 @ 02431320 v 0000 + 15271008 n 0103 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | interrupt a continued activity; "She had broken with the traditional patterns"
02535896 41 v 01 neutralize 0 003 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 00234423 n 0101 ~ 02536098 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make politically neutral and thus inoffensive; "The treaty neutralized the small republic"
02536098 41 v 01 co-opt 3 001 @ 02535896 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | neutralize or win over through assimilation into an established group; "We co-opted the independent minority tribes by pulling them into the Northern Alliance"
02536329 41 v 03 manipulate 0 pull_strings 0 pull_wires 0 003 @ 02536557 v 0000 + 00149461 a 0101 + 00158185 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | influence or control shrewdly or deviously; "He manipulated public opinion in his favor"
02536557 41 v 03 influence 0 act_upon 0 work a 016 @ 00137313 v 0000 + 10461747 n 0101 + 11414608 n 0101 + 05692910 n 0101 + 05194151 n 0101 ~ 00680145 v 0000 ~ 02430922 v 0000 ~ 02431129 v 0000 ~ 02536329 v 0000 ~ 02537092 v 0000 ~ 02537238 v 0000 ~ 02581073 v 0000 ~ 02586121 v 0000 ~ 02586371 v 0000 ~ 02603299 v 0000 ~ 02646931 v 0000 05 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 + 22 03 | have and exert influence or effect; "The artist's work influenced the young painter"; "She worked on her friends to support the political candidate"
02537092 41 v 02 color 0 colour 2 002 @ 02536557 v 0000 + 14984973 n 0204 01 + 11 00 | modify or bias; "His political ideas color his lectures"
02537238 41 v 02 swing 1 swing_over 0 001 @ 02536557 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | influence decisively; "This action swung many votes over to his side"
02537407 41 v 02 betray 0 sell 0 005 $ 02235666 v 0000 @ 02575082 v 0000 + 10206173 n 0102 + 00749767 n 0102 ~ 02537812 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | deliver to an enemy by treachery; "Judas sold Jesus"; "The spy betrayed his country"
02537642 41 v 01 fall_for 0 001 @ 00617748 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | be deceived, duped, or entrapped by; "He fell for her charms"; "He fell for the con man's story"
02537812 41 v 01 double_cross 0 004 @ 02537407 v 0000 + 10027590 n 0101 + 00749991 n 0102 + 00749991 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | betray by double-dealing
02537960 41 v 01 place 0 003 @ 02391803 v 0000 + 00586262 n 0107 + 08559508 n 0102 01 + 20 00 | assign to (a job or a home)
02538086 41 v 04 bind 1 tie 1 attach 3 bond d 007 @ 02458103 v 0000 + 13792183 n 0402 + 07545161 n 0301 + 01212882 n 0301 + 13930385 n 0203 ~ 02538365 v 0000 ~ 02588677 v 0000 02 + 10 00 + 22 04 | create social or emotional ties; "The grandparents want to bond with the child"
02538365 41 v 01 fixate 0 002 @ 02538086 v 0000 + 05700401 n 0102 01 + 22 00 | attach (oneself) to a person or thing in a neurotic way; "He fixates on his mother, even at the age of 40"
02538553 41 v 02 uproot 0 deracinate 0 002 @ 02013571 v 0000 + 00315830 n 0202 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | move (people) forcibly from their homeland into a new and foreign environment; "The war uprooted many people"
02538765 41 v 04 intervene 0 step_in 0 interfere 0 interpose 0 006 @ 02376958 v 0000 + 06661562 n 0302 + 10213034 n 0101 + 01240210 n 0101 ~ 02539101 v 0000 ~ 02591736 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | get involved, so as to alter or hinder an action, or through force or threat of force; "Why did the U.S. not intervene earlier in WW II?"
02539101 41 v 02 meddle 0 tamper 0 004 @ 02538765 v 0000 + 00201516 n 0202 + 10305192 n 0101 + 00201516 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | intrude in other people's affairs or business; interfere unwantedly; "Don't meddle in my affairs!"
02539334 41 v 02 dominate 0 master 0 009 @ 02441022 v 0000 + 10388440 n 0202 + 14442530 n 0202 + 01128655 n 0201 + 00791227 a 0101 + 14442530 n 0101 + 05196582 n 0105 ~ 00751887 v 0000 ~ 02496816 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 | have dominance or the power to defeat over; "Her pain completely mastered her"; "The methods can master the problems"
02539686 41 v 02 undertake 0 take_in_charge 0 001 @ 00797697 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | accept as a charge
02539788 41 v 05 rear 0 raise 0 bring_up 0 nurture 0 parent 0 013 > 02540347 v 0000 + 10399491 n 0501 + 14425414 n 0502 + 13813765 n 0501 + 08101937 n 050b + 01129532 n 0405 + 04922113 n 0403 + 04922113 n 0201 + 04922113 n 0102 + 01129532 n 0107 ~ 02540151 v 0000 ~ 02540262 v 0000 ~ 02540569 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | bring up; "raise a family"; "bring up children"
02540151 41 v 01 fledge 0 001 @ 02539788 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | feed, care for, and rear young birds for flight
02540262 41 v 01 cradle 0 001 @ 02539788 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | bring up from infancy
02540347 41 v 01 grow_up 0 002 @ 00250181 v 0000 ~ 02540445 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | become an adult
02540445 41 v 01 come_of_age 0 001 @ 02540347 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | reach a certain age that marks a transition to maturity
02540569 41 v 01 foster 1 001 @ 02539788 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | bring up under fosterage; of children
02540670 41 v 05 serve 1 attend_to 1 wait_on 0 attend 0 assist 1 009 @ 02547586 v 0000 + 01207609 n 0502 + 09821831 n 0401 + 09821831 n 0402 + 10582154 n 0101 + 10583250 n 0101 ~ 02541138 v 0000 ~ 02592776 v 0000 $ 02593107 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 17 00 | work for or be a servant to; "May I serve you?"; "She attends the old lady in the wheelchair"; "Can you wait on our table, please?"; "Is a salesperson assisting you?"; "The minister served the King for many years"
02541138 41 v 01 valet 0 002 @ 02540670 v 0000 + 10745332 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | serve as a personal attendant to
02541251 41 v 02 service 0 serve 0 003 @ 01525666 v 0000 + 08186047 n 0101 $ 02670890 v 0000 04 + 04 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 + 28 00 | be used by; as of a utility; "The sewage plant served the neighboring communities"; "The garage served to shelter his horses"
02541509 41 v 01 represent 0 005 @ 01095218 v 0000 + 00716562 a 0101 + 14000403 n 0101 + 08337108 n 0101 + 01217499 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | be a delegate or spokesperson for; represent somebody's interest or be a proxy or substitute for, as of politicians and office holders representing their constituents, or of a tenant representing other tenants in a housing dispute; "I represent the silent majority"
02541921 41 v 01 represent 2 004 @ 02604760 v 0000 + 02469407 a 0101 ~ 02155799 v 0000 ~ 02542141 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | be representative or typical for; "This period is represented by Beethoven"
02542141 41 v 01 speak_for 0 001 @ 02541921 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 10 00 | be a spokesperson for; "He represents the Government's position"
02542280 41 v 03 comply 0 follow 0 abide_by 0 009 @ 02542795 v 0000 + 04641153 n 0103 + 01203676 n 0103 + 00696518 a 0101 $ 00351406 v 0000 ~ 00885925 v 0000 $ 02346895 v 0000 ~ 02542706 v 0000 ~ 02668956 v 0000 04 + 02 00 + 22 00 + 08 03 + 08 02 | act in accordance with someone's rules, commands, or wishes; "He complied with my instructions"; "You must comply or else!"; "Follow these simple rules"; "abide by the rules"
02542706 41 v 01 toe_the_line 0 001 @ 02542280 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | do what is expected
02542795 41 v 01 obey 0 009 @ 00150287 v 0000 + 01612053 a 0101 + 01167146 n 0102 + 04906273 n 0101 + 01167146 n 0101 ! 02543181 v 0101 ~ 02542280 v 0000 ~ 02543023 v 0000 ~ 02571901 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | be obedient to
02543023 41 v 01 take_orders 0 001 @ 02542795 v 0000 01 + 16 00 | receive and be expected to follow directions or commands; "I don't take orders from you!"
02543181 41 v 01 disobey 0 008 @ 00797430 v 0000 + 02330762 a 0101 + 01613463 a 0101 + 01179707 n 0101 ! 02542795 v 0101 ~ 02543482 v 0000 ~ 02543607 v 0000 ~ 02583545 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | refuse to go along with; refuse to follow; be disobedient; "He disobeyed his supervisor and was fired"
02543482 41 v 01 sit_in 0 002 @ 02543181 v 0000 + 01178850 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | participate in an act of civil disobedience
02543607 41 v 06 sabotage 0 undermine 0 countermine 0 counteract 1 subvert 1 weaken 0 003 @ 02543181 v 0000 + 01244895 n 0101 ~ 02012043 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | destroy property or hinder normal operations; "The Resistance sabotaged railroad operations during the war"
02543874 41 v 04 counteract 3 countervail 0 neutralize 2 counterbalance 0 006 @ 02717831 v 0000 + 13291189 n 0401 + 00233386 n 0301 + 00042837 a 0101 + 00233386 n 0103 ~ 02544191 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | oppose and mitigate the effects of by contrary actions; "This will counteract the foolish actions of my colleagues"
02544191 41 v 01 override 0 002 @ 02543874 v 0000 + 00231567 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | counteract the normal operation of (an automatic gear shift in a vehicle)
02544348 41 v 08 gamble 0 chance 0 risk 1 hazard 0 take_chances 0 adventure 1 run_a_risk 0 take_a_chance 0 011 @ 02530167 v 0000 + 00796315 n 0601 + 10072708 n 0602 + 09606009 n 0601 + 14541852 n 0401 + 00802238 n 0301 + 00802629 n 0201 + 00802962 n 0101 + 10119200 n 0101 ~ 02544781 v 0000 ~ 02544937 v 0000 03 + 26 00 + 02 07 + 22 07 | take a risk in the hope of a favorable outcome; "When you buy these stocks you are gambling"
02544781 41 v 01 go_for_broke 0 001 @ 02544348 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | risk everything in one big effort; "the cyclist went for broke at the end of the race"
02544937 41 v 02 luck_it 0 luck_through 0 001 @ 02544348 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | act by relying on one's luck
02545045 41 v 01 dare 1 003 @ 02367363 v 0000 + 07231532 n 0101 + 04858785 n 0102 02 + 02 00 + 32 00 | to be courageous enough to try or do something; "I don't dare call him", "she dares to dress differently from the others"
02545272 41 v 05 venture 0 hazard 1 adventure 0 stake 0 jeopardize 0 009 @ 02545578 v 0000 + 14541852 n 0502 + 13343526 n 0401 + 00796315 n 0301 + 09606009 n 0301 + 14541852 n 0201 + 13342692 n 0102 + 01117164 n 0101 + 09606009 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | put at risk; "I will stake my good reputation for this"
02545578 41 v 03 risk 0 put_on_the_line 0 lay_on_the_line 0 005 @ 02530167 v 0000 + 00802238 n 0101 + 14541852 n 0104 ~ 02545272 v 0000 ~ 02545939 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 33 00 | expose to a chance of loss or damage; "We risked losing a lot of money in this venture"; "Why risk your life?"; "She laid her job on the line when she told the boss that he was wrong"
02545939 41 v 01 bell_the_cat 0 001 @ 02545578 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | take a risk; perform a daring act; "Who is going to bell the cat?"
02546075 41 v 03 honor 0 honour 0 reward 1 011 @ 02546467 v 0000 + 07295629 n 0302 + 06696483 n 0204 + 14436875 n 0202 + 14436875 n 0101 + 06696483 n 0103 + 10183757 n 0101 ! 02547225 v 0101 ~ 01175467 v 0000 ~ 02546876 v 0000 ~ 02547046 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | bestow honor or rewards upon; "Today we honor our soldiers"; "The scout was rewarded for courageous action"
02546467 41 v 02 recognize 1 recognise 1 003 @ 02256109 v 0000 ~ 02546075 v 0000 ~ 02546710 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | show approval or appreciation of; "My work is not recognized by anybody!"; "The best student was recognized by the Dean"
02546710 41 v 01 rubricate 3 001 @ 02546467 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | place in the church calendar as a red-letter day honoring a saint; "She was rubricated by the pope"
02546876 41 v 02 ennoble 1 dignify 0 002 @ 02546075 v 0000 + 04886881 n 0201 03 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | confer dignity or honor upon; "He was dignified with a title"
02547046 41 v 01 decorate 0 002 @ 02546075 v 0000 + 06706676 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | award a mark of honor, such as a medal, to; "He was decorated for his services in the military"
02547225 41 v 05 dishonor 0 disgrace 0 dishonour 0 attaint 0 shame 0 009 + 14440137 n 0501 + 07506569 n 0501 + 04873939 n 0302 + 14439447 n 0302 + 14440137 n 0202 + 04873939 n 0101 + 14439447 n 0101 ! 02546075 v 0101 ~ 00492410 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | bring shame or dishonor upon; "he dishonored his family by committing a serious crime"
02547586 41 v 03 help 0 assist 2 aid 0 021 @ 02556126 v 0000 + 05154908 n 0301 + 01196276 a 0201 + 09815790 n 0201 + 01207609 n 0202 + 01207609 n 0203 + 09815790 n 0102 + 09608709 n 0102 + 09815790 n 0103 + 05154908 n 0103 + 01207609 n 0104 ~ 00518395 v 0000 ~ 02540670 v 0000 ~ 02548219 v 0000 ~ 02548422 v 0000 ~ 02548588 v 0000 ~ 02548710 v 0000 ~ 02548893 v 0000 ~ 02549048 v 0000 ~ 02550296 v 0000 ~ 02552052 v 0000 06 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 28 01 | give help or assistance; be of service; "Everyone helped out during the earthquake"; "Can you help me carry this table?"; "She never helps around the house"
02548219 41 v 01 benefact 0 003 @ 02547586 v 0000 + 13270260 n 0101 + 01226679 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | help as a benefactor; "The father benefacted his daughter in more ways than she was aware of"
02548422 41 v 01 help_out 2 001 @ 02547586 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | be of help, as in a particular situation of need; "Can you help out tonight with the dinner guests?"
02548588 41 v 01 subserve 0 003 @ 02547586 v 0000 + 01196775 a 0103 + 14529835 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | be helpful or useful
02548710 41 v 02 succor 0 succour 0 005 @ 02547586 v 0000 + 10671898 n 0202 + 01209220 n 0203 + 10671898 n 0101 + 01209220 n 0102 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | help in a difficult situation
02548893 41 v 02 expedite 0 hasten 0 001 @ 02547586 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | speed up the progress of; facilitate; "This should expedite the process"
02549048 41 v 01 avail 0 002 @ 02547586 v 0000 + 05149832 n 0101 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | be of use to, be useful to; "It will avail them to dispose of their booty"
02549211 41 v 01 abet 0 005 @ 02414710 v 0000 + 07251619 n 0101 + 07251619 n 0102 + 09756049 n 0101 + 09756049 n 0102 01 + 09 00 | assist or encourage, usually in some wrongdoing
02549392 41 v 01 minister c 003 @ 02549581 v 0000 + 01197207 a 0101 + 01209220 n 0104 01 + 12 00 | attend to the wants and needs of others; "I have to minister to my mother all the time"
02549581 41 v 04 attend c take_care b look d see e 004 @ 02550296 v 0000 + 00654885 n 0102 ~ 02549392 v 0000 ~ 02549847 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | take charge of or deal with; "Could you see about lunch?"; "I must attend to this matter"; "She took care of this business"
02549847 41 v 01 tend 0 005 @ 02549581 v 0000 + 09821831 n 0103 + 00654885 n 0104 ~ 01740969 v 0000 ~ 02550044 v 0000 02 + 20 00 + 21 00 | have care of or look after; "She tends to the children"
02550044 41 v 01 shepherd 0 002 @ 02549847 v 0000 + 10587605 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | tend as a shepherd, as of sheep or goats
02550168 41 v 01 shepherd 1 001 @ 01129337 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | watch over like a shepherd, as a teacher of her pupils
02550296 41 v 02 care d give_care 0 006 @ 02547586 v 0000 + 00654885 n 0101 ~ 01186844 v 0000 ~ 02549581 v 0000 ~ 02550516 v 0000 ~ 02550698 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | provide care for; "The nurse was caring for the wounded"
02550516 41 v 03 mother 0 fuss 0 overprotect 0 003 @ 02550296 v 0000 + 00555138 n 0205 + 10332385 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 22 02 | care for like a mother; "She fusses over her husband"
02550698 41 v 01 nurse 0 004 @ 02550296 v 0000 + 10366966 n 0101 + 08112976 n 0101 + 00665079 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | serve as a nurse; care for sick or handicapped people
02550868 41 v 04 salvage 0 salve 0 relieve 0 save 1 008 @ 02551144 v 0000 + 10522759 n 0403 + 00096513 n 0201 + 13247554 n 0201 + 00096343 n 0201 + 00096343 n 0101 + 13247554 n 0101 + 10549510 n 0101 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | save from ruin, destruction, or harm
02551144 41 v 02 rescue 0 deliver 1 008 @ 02551832 v 0000 + 10553805 n 0204 + 00093483 n 0203 + 00093483 n 0202 + 00093483 n 0101 + 10553805 n 0103 ~ 02550868 v 0000 ~ 02551390 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | free from harm or evil
02551390 41 v 01 reprieve 0 002 @ 02551144 v 0000 + 14446034 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | relieve temporarily
02551501 41 v 01 redeem 0 001 @ 02426799 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | restore the honor or worth of
02551602 41 v 03 deliver 3 redeem 4 save 2 008 ;c 08081668 n 0000 + 01130733 a 0201 + 03109399 a 0201 + 03109399 a 0203 + 00094001 n 0201 + 11083656 n 0209 + 11083656 n 010a + 10553805 n 0104 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | save from sins
02551832 41 v 04 save 0 carry_through 0 pull_through 0 bring_through 0 002 + 10553805 n 0101 ~ 02551144 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 | bring into safety; "We pulled through most of the victims of the bomb attack"
02552052 41 v 01 bootstrap 0 001 @ 02547586 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | help oneself, often through improvised means
02552163 41 v 01 rehabilitate 0 003 @ 02552449 v 0000 + 01903412 a 0101 + 00400645 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | help to readapt, as to a former state of health or good repute; "The prisoner was successfully rehabilitated"; "After a year in the mental clinic, the patient is now rehabilitated"
02552449 41 v 02 restore 1 reconstruct 4 010 @ 01631072 v 0000 + 00585856 a 0201 + 00268557 n 0101 + 10514962 n 0103 + 14424517 n 0102 ~ 01389607 v 0000 ~ 02552163 v 0000 ~ 02552829 v 0000 ~ 02553002 v 0000 ~ 02553262 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | return to its original or usable and functioning condition; "restore the forest to its original pristine condition"
02552829 41 v 01 rehabilitate 3 004 @ 02552449 v 0000 + 00585856 a 0102 + 00700260 n 0101 + 00269018 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | restore to a state of good condition or operation
02553002 41 v 01 defibrillate 0 003 @ 02552449 v 0000 + 03171635 n 0101 + 00698959 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | stop the fibrillation and restore normal contractions, usually by means of electric shocks; "The patient's heart had to be defibrillated to save his life"
02553262 41 v 01 reinstate 0 004 @ 02552449 v 0000 + 13944914 n 0101 + 00401459 n 0101 ~ 02565272 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | restore to the previous state or rank
02553428 41 v 03 discipline 0 correct 0 sort_out 0 005 @ 02499629 v 0000 + 00634862 a 0201 + 01300661 a 0201 + 01161821 n 0202 + 01161821 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | punish in order to gain control or enforce obedience; "The teacher disciplined the pupils rather frequently"
02553697 41 v 04 discipline 1 train 2 check 2 condition 0 007 $ 02387034 v 0000 @ 00253761 v 0000 + 09953178 n 0401 + 01146039 n 0302 + 10722385 n 0201 + 05662876 n 0101 ~ 01802070 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | develop (children's) behavior by instruction and practice; especially to teach self-control; "Parents must discipline their children"; "Is this dog trained?"
02554066 41 v 01 prostitute 0 004 @ 02242464 v 0000 + 00748155 n 0101 + 10485440 n 0101 ~ 02554235 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 09 01 | sell one's body; exchange sex for money
02554235 41 v 02 street-walk 0 streetwalk 0 002 @ 02554066 v 0000 + 10663315 n 0201 01 + 02 00 | walk the streets in search of customers; "The prostitute is street-walking every night"
02554422 41 v 02 foster 0 further 1 005 @ 02554922 v 0000 + 07251984 n 0202 + 07252206 n 0102 + 07252206 n 0101 + 01129532 n 0103 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | promote the growth of; "Foster our children's well-being and education"
02554647 41 v 01 spur 0 002 @ 02554922 v 0000 + 07252378 n 0107 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | incite or stimulate; "The Academy was formed to spur research"
02554797 41 v 01 brevet 0 002 @ 02397637 v 0000 + 06471069 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | promote somebody by brevet, in the military
02554922 41 v 05 promote 1 advance 1 boost 0 further 0 encourage 0 017 @ 02556126 v 0000 + 01211019 n 0502 + 07251984 n 0402 + 10677713 n 0305 + 10482220 n 0302 + 01211339 n 0301 + 07357388 n 0203 + 00866987 a 0101 + 07251984 n 0101 + 00249780 n 0103 ~ 02417389 v 0000 ~ 02554422 v 0000 ~ 02554647 v 0000 ~ 02555434 v 0000 ~ 02555684 v 0000 ~ 02555787 v 0000 ~ 02555908 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | contribute to the progress or growth of; "I am promoting the use of computers in the classroom"
02555434 41 v 01 help c 005 @ 02554922 v 0000 + 09815790 n 0102 + 09608709 n 0102 + 05154908 n 0103 + 01207609 n 0104 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | contribute to the furtherance of; "This money will help the development of literacy in developing countries"
02555684 41 v 01 carry c 001 @ 02554922 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | take further or advance; "carry a cause"
02555787 41 v 01 feed 0 001 @ 02554922 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | support or promote; "His admiration fed her vanity"
02555908 41 v 03 contribute c lead c conduce c 004 @ 02554922 v 0000 + 00323426 a 0301 + 00323426 a 0103 + 00323426 a 0104 01 + 04 00 | be conducive to; "The use of computers in the classroom lead to better writing"
02556126 41 v 02 support 0 back_up 0 011 + 01213886 n 0202 + 02354537 a 0101 + 05693919 n 0101 + 10407954 n 0103 + 09815790 n 0104 ~ 02220148 v 0000 ~ 02466134 v 0000 ~ 02547586 v 0000 ~ 02554922 v 0000 ~ 02556729 v 0000 ~ 02556817 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | give moral or psychological support, aid, or courage to; "She supported him during the illness"; "Her children always backed her up"
02556537 41 v 01 carry 6 002 @ 02672540 v 0000 $ 01218084 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | compensate for a weaker partner or member by one's own performance; "I resent having to carry her all the time"
02556729 41 v 01 undergird 0 001 @ 02556126 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | lend moral support to
02556817 41 v 04 second 0 back 1 endorse 2 indorse 2 011 @ 02556126 v 0000 + 10670668 n 0403 + 07180372 n 0404 + 07248060 n 0301 + 01215168 n 0301 + 10670668 n 0302 + 01213886 n 0201 + 07180372 n 0101 + 07180372 n 0102 + 10568443 n 0101 $ 02453889 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | give support or one's approval to; "I'll second that motion"; "I can't back this plan"; "endorse a new project"
02557199 41 v 07 obstruct 0 blockade 0 block 0 hinder 0 stymie 0 stymy 0 embarrass 0 013 @ 02452885 v 0000 + 05691376 n 0501 + 05689249 n 0401 + 14507951 n 0302 + 01074694 n 0301 + 01074498 n 0101 + 10349243 n 0103 + 10349243 n 0102 ~ 01034932 v 0000 ~ 02466496 v 0000 ~ 02557638 v 0000 ~ 02557790 v 0000 ~ 02557902 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | hinder or prevent the progress or accomplishment of; "His brother blocked him at every turn"
02557638 41 v 01 check e 002 @ 02557199 v 0000 + 00562935 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | block or impede (a player from the opposing team) in ice hockey
02557790 41 v 01 hang 3 001 @ 02557199 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | prevent from reaching a verdict, of a jury
02557902 41 v 01 bottleneck 0 001 @ 02557199 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | slow down or impede by creating an obstruction; "His laziness has bottlenecked our efforts to reform the system"
02558090 41 v 01 spike 0 001 @ 02503803 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | stand in the way of
02558172 41 v 09 thwart 0 queer 0 spoil 0 scotch 0 foil 0 cross 0 frustrate 0 baffle 0 bilk 1 014 @ 02452885 v 0000 + 01764745 a 0702 + 07518663 n 0701 + 07540866 n 0701 + 00067990 n 0701 + 14477667 n 0601 ^ 02537812 v 0601 + 00067990 n 0503 + 10349243 n 0105 + 00067990 n 0102 ~ 01798936 v 0000 ~ 02558703 v 0000 ~ 02558811 v 0000 ~ 02558951 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | hinder or prevent (the efforts, plans, or desires) of; "What ultimately frustrated every challenger was Ruth's amazing September surge"; "foil your opponent"
02558703 41 v 01 dash 0 001 @ 02558172 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | destroy or break; "dashed ambitions and hopes"
02558811 41 v 01 short-circuit 0 001 @ 02558172 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | hamper the progress of; impede; "short-circuit warm feelings"
02558951 41 v 01 ruin 0 006 @ 02558172 v 0000 + 07318133 n 0102 + 10008716 n 0102 ~ 02559199 v 0000 ~ 02559395 v 0000 ~ 02559613 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | destroy or cause to fail; "This behavior will ruin your chances of winning the election"
02559199 41 v 01 undo 0 003 @ 02558951 v 0000 + 10008716 n 0103 + 10737717 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | cause the ruin or downfall of; "A single mistake undid the President and he had to resign"
02559395 41 v 01 break 9 002 @ 02558951 v 0000 ! 00891038 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause the failure or ruin of; "His peccadilloes finally broke his marriage"; "This play will either make or break the playwright"
02559613 41 v 01 shipwreck 0 002 @ 02558951 v 0000 + 07478718 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | ruin utterly; "You have shipwrecked my career"
02559752 41 v 04 stop 0 halt 0 block 1 kibosh 0 007 @ 02452885 v 0000 + 01074694 n 0301 + 01063697 n 0202 + 07365849 n 0202 + 01076046 n 0101 ~ 02452758 v 0000 ~ 02560021 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | stop from happening or developing; "Block his election"; "Halt the process"
02560021 41 v 01 stay 0 002 @ 02559752 v 0000 + 06542267 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | stop a judicial process; "The judge stayed the execution order"
02560164 41 v 03 enforce 0 implement 0 apply 6 007 @ 02506546 v 0000 + 01834812 a 0301 + 01127019 n 0101 + 10161867 n 0102 ! 02564146 v 0101 ~ 02563327 v 0000 ~ 02563860 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | ensure observance of laws and rules; "Apply the rules to everyone";
02560424 41 v 02 enforce 1 impose 0 002 @ 02506546 v 0000 + 01127019 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | compel to behave in a certain way; "Social relations impose courtesy"
02560585 41 v 02 make 0 do 1 002 $ 01755816 v 0000 ~ 02568999 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | engage in; "make love, not war"; "make an effort"; "do research"; "do nothing"; "make revolution"
02560767 41 v 01 effect f 007 @ 02367363 v 0000 + 11410625 n 0102 + 10046527 n 0101 + 10046527 n 0102 ~ 02560999 v 0000 ~ 02561168 v 0000 ~ 02561846 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | act so as to bring into existence; "effect a change"
02560999 41 v 01 bring_to_bear 0 001 @ 02560767 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | bring into operation or effect; "The new members brought to bear new concerns to the U.N."
02561168 41 v 01 carry 0 002 @ 02560767 v 0000 + 00318735 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | extend to a certain degree; "carry too far"; "She carries her ideas to the extreme"
02561332 41 v 03 practice 1 apply 1 use 4 008 $ 01158872 v 0000 + 05149978 n 0301 + 00413239 n 0303 + 01975448 a 0201 + 00949134 n 0201 + 00631378 n 0101 + 00410247 n 0101 ~ 02561697 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | avail oneself to; "apply a principle"; "practice a religion"; "use care when going down the stairs"; "use your common sense"; "practice non-violent resistance"
02561697 41 v 01 follow b 001 @ 02561332 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | adhere to or practice; "These people still follow the laws of their ancient religion"
02561846 41 v 01 backdate 0 001 @ 02560767 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make effective from an earlier date; "The increase in tax was backdated to January"
02561995 41 v 02 do 4 perform 0 008 @ 01640855 v 0000 + 09767197 n 0102 ~ 02562235 v 0000 ~ 02562425 v 0000 ~ 02562585 v 0000 ~ 02563014 v 0000 ~ 02563120 v 0000 ~ 02595383 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | get (something) done; "I did my job"
02562235 41 v 01 overachieve 0 002 @ 02561995 v 0000 + 00047356 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | perform better or achieve a greater degree of success than expected; "His daughter always overachieves"
02562425 41 v 01 turn a 003 @ 02561995 v 0000 + 10733574 n 0101 $ 01584450 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | accomplish by rotating; "turn a somersault"; "turn cartwheels"
02562585 41 v 02 underachieve 0 underperform 0 005 @ 02561995 v 0000 + 10736394 n 0202 + 08076578 n 0201 + 00047550 n 0101 + 10736394 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | perform less well or with less success than expected; "John consistently underachieves, although he is very able"; "My stocks underperformed last year"
02562901 41 v 01 give 0 001 @ 00983824 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | emit or utter; "Give a gulp"; "give a yelp"
02563014 41 v 01 misdo 0 001 @ 02561995 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | do wrongly or improperly; "misdo one's job"
02563120 41 v 04 go_all_out 0 give_one's_best 0 do_one's_best 0 give_full_measure 0 001 @ 02561995 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | perform a task as well as possible; "The cast gives full measure every night"
02563327 41 v 02 run 0 execute 4 004 @ 02560164 v 0000 + 03017922 a 0201 $ 01717169 v 0000 ~ 02563616 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | carry out a process or program, as on a computer or a machine; "Run the dishwasher"; "run a new program on the Mac"; "the computer executed the instruction"
02563616 41 v 01 step 1 001 @ 02563327 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cause (a computer) to execute a single command
02563724 41 v 03 dispatch 0 discharge 0 complete 0 001 @ 01640855 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | complete or carry out; "discharge one's duties"
02563860 41 v 01 execute 3 005 @ 02560164 v 0000 + 03017922 a 0101 + 06554078 n 0101 + 10070219 n 0101 ~ 02564052 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | carry out the legalities of; "execute a will or a deed"
02564052 41 v 01 give a 001 @ 02563860 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | execute and deliver; "Give bond"
02564146 41 v 03 exempt 0 relieve 2 free 7 007 + 14528873 n 0101 ! 02560164 v 0101 ~ 02510071 v 0000 ~ 02512005 v 0000 ~ 02534307 v 0000 ~ 02564426 v 0000 ~ 02564674 v 0000 01 + 20 00 | grant relief or an exemption from a rule or requirement to; "She exempted me from the exam"
02564426 41 v 01 forgive 0 001 @ 02564146 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 14 00 | absolve from payment; "I forgive you your debt"
02564546 41 v 01 throne 1 003 @ 02586619 v 0000 + 00605023 n 0101 + 04429376 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | sit on the throne as a ruler
02564674 41 v 01 spare 1 001 @ 02564146 v 0000 02 + 14 00 + 20 00 | save or relieve from an experience or action; "I'll spare you from having to apologize formally"
02564841 41 v 03 antagonize 0 antagonise 0 counteract 0 002 @ 02367363 v 0000 + 13860548 n 0201 01 + 09 00 | act in opposition to
02564973 41 v 02 countercheck 1 counteract 2 001 @ 02510337 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | oppose or check by a counteraction
02565090 41 v 01 purge 0 003 @ 02585489 v 0000 ! 02565272 v 0101 + 00216834 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | oust politically; "Deng Xiao Ping was purged several times throughout his lifetime"
02565272 41 v 01 rehabilitate 1 004 @ 02553262 v 0000 + 01241997 n 0101 + 00400645 n 0101 ! 02565090 v 0101 01 + 09 00 | reinstall politically; "Deng Xiao Ping was rehabilitated several times throughout his lifetime"
02565491 41 v 04 anticipate 0 foresee 0 forestall 0 counter 0 004 @ 02367363 v 0000 + 01079042 n 0302 + 00122245 a 0101 + 09797113 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | act in advance of; deal with ahead of time
02565687 41 v 03 sin 0 transgress 2 trespass 2 006 @ 02566528 v 0000 + 00745005 n 0201 + 00757080 n 0101 + 10601078 n 0101 + 00757080 n 0102 ~ 02565911 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | commit a sin; violate a law of God or a moral law
02565911 41 v 01 fall 1 005 @ 02566092 v 0000 @ 02565687 v 0000 + 07478531 n 0101 + 00756919 n 0101 $ 02566092 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | yield to temptation or sin; "Adam and Eve fell"
02566092 41 v 01 fall f 003 $ 02565911 v 0000 + 00756919 n 0101 ~ 02565911 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | lose one's chastity; "a fallen woman"
02566227 41 v 05 drop_the_ball 0 sin 1 blunder 0 boob 0 goof 0 006 @ 02566528 v 0000 + 10157744 n 0502 + 10039391 n 0404 + 09879744 n 0302 + 00074790 n 0301 + 09930876 n 0503 03 + 02 00 + 22 00 + 08 03 | commit a faux pas or a fault or make a serious mistake; "I blundered during the job interview"
02566528 41 v 07 transgress 0 offend 0 infract 0 violate 0 go_against 0 breach 0 break 0 019 @ 02457825 v 0000 ! 02578872 v 0702 + 00068901 n 0601 + 02510446 a 0401 + 01631386 a 0402 + 10754449 n 0401 + 00770270 n 0303 + 01631386 a 0201 + 01627965 a 0203 + 09633969 n 0202 + 00766234 n 0205 + 00745005 n 0101 + 10285762 n 0101 + 00766234 n 0202 ~ 02565687 v 0000 ~ 02566227 v 0000 ~ 02567147 v 0000 ~ 02567422 v 0000 ~ 02571251 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | act in disregard of laws, rules, contracts, or promises; "offend all laws of humanity"; "violate the basic laws or human civilization"; "break a law"; "break a promise"
02567147 41 v 04 conflict b run_afoul b infringe 0 contravene 0 005 @ 02566528 v 0000 + 01170813 n 0402 + 00770543 n 0302 + 00770270 n 0305 + 13980845 n 0101 01 + 22 00 | go against, as of rules and laws; "He ran afoul of the law"; "This behavior conflicts with our rules"
02567422 41 v 01 trespass 0 002 @ 02566528 v 0000 + 00734482 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | break the law
02567519 41 v 07 rape 0 ravish 0 violate 1 assault 3 dishonor 2 dishonour 2 outrage 0 011 @ 01120069 v 0000 + 00425090 n 0701 + 14439447 n 0501 + 01629349 a 0401 + 00773402 n 0302 + 10754281 n 0301 + 00773402 n 0204 + 10754281 n 0203 + 00773402 n 0101 + 10507230 n 0101 ~ 02567917 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | force (someone) to have sex against their will; "The woman was raped on her way home at night"
02567917 41 v 01 gang-rape 0 001 @ 02567519 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | rape (someone) successively with several attackers; "The prisoner was gang-raped"
02568065 41 v 04 desecrate 0 profane 0 outrage 1 violate 2 006 @ 01120069 v 0000 + 01631386 a 0402 + 00746232 n 0402 + 00733483 n 0403 + 00746587 n 0201 + 00746587 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | violate the sacred character of a place or language; "desecrate a cemetery"; "violate the sanctity of the church"; "profane the name of God"
02568392 41 v 03 sodomize 0 sodomise 0 bugger 0 005 @ 01428853 v 0000 + 00849294 n 0302 + 10621514 n 0304 + 00849294 n 0201 + 00849294 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | practice anal sex upon
02568572 41 v 02 sodomize 1 sodomise 1 001 @ 01428853 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | copulate with an animal
02568672 41 v 04 practice 0 practise 0 exercise 0 do 2 004 * 02410855 v 0000 + 00947128 n 0306 + 00631378 n 0101 ~ 02568884 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | carry out or practice; as of jobs and professions; "practice law"
02568884 41 v 02 shamanize 0 shamanise 0 002 @ 02568672 v 0000 + 10626194 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | practice shamanism
02568999 41 v 02 overdo 0 exaggerate 0 005 @ 02560585 v 0000 + 00367552 n 0201 ~ 00857407 v 0000 ~ 02569235 v 0000 ~ 02569396 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | do something to an excessive degree; "He overdid it last night when he did 100 pushups"
02569235 41 v 01 oversimplify 0 002 @ 02568999 v 0000 + 01212037 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | simplify to an excessive degree; "Don't oversimplify the problem"
02569396 41 v 01 overleap 0 001 @ 02568999 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | defeat (oneself) by going too far
02569495 41 v 01 molest 0 002 @ 01120069 v 0000 + 00773047 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | harass or assault sexually; make indecent advances to
02569630 41 v 03 undertake 1 tackle 0 take_on 0 002 @ 00812298 v 0000 ~ 01155545 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | accept as a challenge; "I'll tackle this difficult task"
02569790 41 v 04 impinge a encroach a entrench 0 trench a 004 @ 02570062 v 0000 + 00157957 n 0202 + 00157957 n 0101 + 07339329 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | impinge or infringe upon; "This impinges on my rights as an individual"; "This matter entrenches on other domains"
02570062 41 v 02 trespass c take_advantage c 002 @ 02600490 v 0000 ~ 02569790 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | make excessive use of; "You are taking advantage of my good will!"; "She is trespassing upon my privacy"
02570267 41 v 09 pamper 0 featherbed 0 cosset 0 cocker 0 baby 0 coddle 0 mollycoddle 0 spoil 1 indulge 0 010 @ 02514187 v 0000 + 01073241 n 0902 + 01073241 n 0901 + 10395390 n 0802 + 10395390 n 0704 + 10327583 n 0701 + 10395390 n 0603 + 09827683 n 0501 + 10395390 n 0101 + 01073241 n 0103 01 + 09 00 | treat with excessive indulgence; "grandparents often pamper the children"; "Let's not mollycoddle our students!"
02570684 41 v 02 break_in 0 break b 003 @ 02571251 v 0000 + 00785263 n 0102 ~ 02571067 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 22 02 + 02 01 | enter someone's (virtual or real) property in an unauthorized manner, usually with the intent to steal or commit a violent act; "Someone broke in while I was on vacation"; "They broke into my car and stole my radio!"; "who broke into my account last night?"
02571067 41 v 01 crack 0 002 @ 02570684 v 0000 + 09974278 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | gain unauthorized access computers with malicious intentions; "she cracked my password"; "crack a safe"
02571251 41 v 02 trespass 1 intrude 0 007 @ 02566528 v 0000 + 00733483 n 0204 + 10213652 n 0201 + 00733483 n 0101 + 10213652 n 0103 ^ 02570062 v 0101 ~ 02570684 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | enter unlawfully on someone's property; "Don't trespass on my land!"
02571511 41 v 04 burglarize 0 burglarise 0 burgle 0 heist 0 007 * 02570684 v 0000 @ 02321757 v 0000 + 00781912 n 0402 + 00783063 n 0401 + 00785045 n 0301 + 09880741 n 0201 + 00785045 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | commit a burglary; enter and rob a dwelling
02571768 41 v 01 condition 1 002 @ 00829107 v 0000 + 05752921 n 0101 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 24 00 | establish a conditioned response
02571901 41 v 03 heed 0 mind 0 listen b 004 @ 02542795 v 0000 + 00882159 n 0301 + 05703956 n 0201 + 05702726 n 0102 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 22 03 | pay close attention to; give heed to; "Heed the advice of the old men"
02572119 41 v 0f victimize 3 swindle 0 rook 0 goldbrick 1 nobble 0 diddle 0 bunco 0 defraud 0 scam 0 mulct 0 gyp 0 gip 0 hornswoggle 0 short-change 1 con 0 011 @ 02573275 v 0000 + 00779248 n 0f05 + 00779248 n 0b09 + 09955015 n 0906 + 00754280 n 0901 + 09955015 n 0802 + 00779248 n 0701 + 09955015 n 0201 + 00780148 n 0201 + 00418903 n 0102 ~ 02572667 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 20 00 | deprive of by deceit; "He swindled me out of my inheritance"; "She defrauded the customers who trusted her"; "the cashier gypped me when he gave me too little change"
02572667 41 v 02 short-change 0 short 0 001 @ 02572119 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | cheat someone by not returning him enough money
02572792 41 v 01 bilk 0 001 @ 02573275 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 18 00 | cheat somebody out of what is due, especially money
02572913 41 v 01 job 2 001 @ 02574516 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | profit privately from public office and official business
02573031 41 v 01 shark 0 001 @ 02574516 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | play the shark; act with trickery
02573127 41 v 02 rig 0 set_up 1 002 @ 02574516 v 0000 + 00780148 n 0103 01 + 08 00 | arrange the outcome of by means of deceit; "rig an election"
02573275 41 v 03 cheat 0 rip_off 0 chisel 1 017 * 02575082 v 0000 @ 02574205 v 0000 + 09955015 n 0304 + 09955015 n 0303 + 00783063 n 0202 + 00754424 n 0101 + 09998101 n 0103 + 00754424 n 0102 ~ 02241497 v 0000 ~ 02288656 v 0000 ~ 02319050 v 0000 ~ 02572119 v 0000 ~ 02572792 v 0000 ~ 02573853 v 0000 ~ 02573958 v 0000 ~ 02574072 v 0000 ~ 02578235 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 09 00 + 18 00 | deprive somebody of something by deceit; "The con-man beat me out of $50"; "This salesman ripped us off!"; "we were cheated by their clever-sounding scheme"; "They chiseled me out of my money"
02573853 41 v 02 beat 3 bunk 0 001 @ 02573275 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | avoid paying; "beat the subway fare"
02573958 41 v 01 whipsaw 0 001 @ 02573275 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | victimize, especially in gambling or negotiations
02574072 41 v 02 welsh 0 welch 0 002 @ 02573275 v 0000 + 10773527 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | cheat by avoiding payment of a gambling debt
02574205 41 v 02 victimize 1 victimise 1 011 @ 02513989 v 0000 + 00418903 n 0203 + 10752719 n 0202 + 10752480 n 0201 + 10752093 n 0201 + 14477509 n 0101 + 10752719 n 0101 + 10752480 n 0101 + 10752093 n 0101 ~ 02573275 v 0000 ~ 02575082 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | make a victim of; "I was victimized by this con-man"
02574516 41 v 02 cheat 1 chisel 0 012 @ 02575082 v 0000 + 09955015 n 0204 + 09955015 n 0203 + 09998101 n 0102 + 09998101 n 0103 + 00754424 n 0102 ~ 02572913 v 0000 ~ 02573031 v 0000 ~ 02573127 v 0000 ~ 02574874 v 0000 ~ 02574977 v 0000 ~ 02576921 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | engage in deceitful behavior; practice trickery or fraud; "Who's chiseling on the side?"
02574874 41 v 01 cozen 0 002 @ 02574516 v 0000 + 00754280 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | act with artful deceit
02574977 41 v 01 crib 0 002 @ 02574516 v 0000 + 06347225 n 0103 01 + 02 00 | use a crib, as in an exam
02575082 41 v 04 deceive 0 lead_on 0 delude 0 cozen 1 019 @ 02574205 v 0000 + 01942507 a 0301 + 01938975 a 0302 + 14376855 n 0301 + 05896733 n 0301 + 00754767 n 0301 + 01938975 a 0101 + 01224253 a 0101 + 06758225 n 0103 + 00752431 n 0101 ~ 02537407 v 0000 ~ 02574516 v 0000 ~ 02575536 v 0000 ~ 02575723 v 0000 ~ 02576349 v 0000 ~ 02576503 v 0000 ~ 02577586 v 0000 ~ 02578008 v 0000 ~ 02593001 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | be false to; be dishonest with
02575536 41 v 01 shill 0 002 @ 02575082 v 0000 + 10589402 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | act as a shill; "The shill bid for the expensive carpet during the auction in order to drive the price up"
02575723 41 v 08 flim-flam 0 play_a_joke_on 1 play_tricks 0 trick 0 fob 0 fox 0 pull_a_fast_one_on 0 play_a_trick_on 0 008 @ 02575082 v 0000 + 10022759 n 0602 + 00171618 n 0401 + 10463714 n 0404 + 06760722 n 0401 + 00752954 n 0401 + 00779248 n 010c ~ 02578384 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 30 04 | deceive somebody; "We tricked the teacher into thinking that class would be cancelled next week"
02576110 41 v 01 freelance 0 006 @ 02410855 v 0000 + 10110421 n 0102 + 00863823 a 0101 + 10110421 n 0104 + 10110421 n 0103 + 10110421 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | work independently and on temporary contracts rather than for a long-term employer
02576349 41 v 03 fool 0 gull 0 befool 0 004 @ 02575082 v 0000 + 09921409 n 0203 + 09921409 n 0102 + 10100761 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | make a fool or dupe of
02576503 41 v 05 cheat_on 0 cheat 9 cuckold 0 betray 1 wander 0 004 @ 02575082 v 0000 + 09982152 n 0301 ~ 02576790 v 0000 ~ 02598642 v 0000 03 + 09 00 + 02 05 + 02 02 | be sexually unfaithful to one's partner in marriage; "She cheats on her husband"; "Might her husband be wandering?"
02576790 41 v 01 two-time 0 001 @ 02576503 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | carry on a romantic relationship with two people at the same time
02576921 41 v 07 fudge 0 manipulate 1 fake 0 falsify 0 cook 0 wangle 1 misrepresent 0 014 @ 02574516 v 0000 + 06758225 n 0701 + 05906554 n 0601 + 10089615 n 0602 ^ 01634424 v 0503 + 00751145 n 0401 + 00750890 n 0401 + 13960464 n 0401 + 10076957 n 0401 + 03318438 n 0301 + 10201535 n 0304 + 10201535 n 0305 + 00752298 n 0301 ~ 02577391 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 02 02 + 02 01 | tamper, with the purpose of deception; "Fudge the figures"; "cook the books"; "falsify the data"
02577391 41 v 01 juggle 1 003 @ 02576921 v 0000 + 00338994 n 0101 + 00338994 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | manipulate by or as if by moving around components; "juggle an account so as to hide a deficit"
02577586 41 v 03 hoax 0 pull_someone's_leg 0 play_a_joke_on 0 003 @ 02575082 v 0000 + 00753685 n 0104 + 10463714 n 0105 01 + 09 00 | subject to a playful hoax or joke
02577755 41 v 01 decoy 0 002 @ 00782527 v 0000 + 02776205 n 0102 01 + 09 00 | lure or entrap with or as if with a decoy
02577877 41 v 01 bait 0 003 @ 00782527 v 0000 + 05695232 n 0101 + 02776205 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | lure, entice, or entrap with bait
02578008 41 v 04 ensnare 0 entrap 0 frame 0 set_up 0 003 @ 02575082 v 0000 + 00751398 n 0402 + 01199035 n 0201 01 + 09 00 | take or catch as if in a snare or trap; "I was set up!"; "The innocent man was framed by the police"
02578235 41 v 03 juggle 2 beguile 0 hoodwink 0 003 @ 02573275 v 0000 + 09998101 n 0205 + 00754118 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 02 01 | influence by slyness
02578384 41 v 01 snooker 0 001 @ 02575723 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | fool or dupe; "He was snookered by the con-man's smooth talk"
02578510 41 v 03 observe 2 celebrate 1 keep 5 010 + 07450651 n 0201 + 00516086 n 0201 + 00428000 n 0201 + 09902954 n 0201 + 09902954 n 0202 + 01395821 a 0102 + 07450842 n 0104 ~ 00612612 v 0000 ~ 01797204 v 0000 ~ 02579247 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | behave as expected during of holidays or rites; "Keep the commandments"; "celebrate Christmas"; "Observe Yom Kippur"
02578872 41 v 02 observe 4 keep 3 004 + 01205010 n 0201 ! 02566528 v 0207 + 01204419 n 0102 ~ 02579140 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | conform one's action or practice to; "keep appointments"; "she never keeps her promises"; "We kept to the original conditions of the contract"
02579140 41 v 01 make_good 0 001 @ 02578872 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | act as promised; "make good on promises"
02579247 41 v 02 solemnize 0 solemnise 0 003 @ 02578510 v 0000 + 00516086 n 0203 + 00516086 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | observe or perform with dignity or gravity; "The King solemnized this day of morning"
02579447 41 v 0b corrupt 0 pervert 0 subvert 3 demoralize 0 demoralise 0 debauch 0 debase 0 profane 1 vitiate 0 deprave 0 misdirect 0 023 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 04850996 n 0a03 + 04850996 n 0a04 + 00273319 n 0801 + 00271263 n 0702 + 10257647 n 0602 + 10754281 n 0602 + 00511212 n 0603 + 00511212 n 0602 + 00272713 n 0502 + 00272713 n 0401 + 00272448 n 0302 + 01132366 a 0202 + 10419047 n 0201 + 00621207 a 0101 + 01132366 a 0101 + 00272448 n 0101 ~ 00133978 v 0000 ~ 02580237 v 0000 ~ 02580392 v 0000 ~ 02580678 v 0000 ~ 02580853 v 0000 ~ 02581276 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | corrupt morally or by intemperance or sensuality; "debauch the young people with wine and women"; "Socrates was accused of corrupting young men"; "Do school counselors subvert young children?"; "corrupt the morals"
02580237 41 v 01 infect 2 001 @ 02579447 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | corrupt with ideas or an ideology; "society was infected by racism"
02580392 41 v 02 lead_off 0 lead_astray 0 001 @ 02579447 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | teach immoral behavior to; "It was common practice to lead off the young ones, and teach them bad habits"
02580577 41 v 01 whore 0 002 @ 02413480 v 0000 + 10485440 n 0103 01 + 02 00 | work as a prostitute
02580678 41 v 01 poison 0 002 @ 02579447 v 0000 + 05166397 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 10 00 | spoil as if by poison; "poison someone's mind"; "poison the atmosphere in the office"
02580853 41 v 02 bastardize 0 bastardise 0 005 @ 02579447 v 0000 + 00272303 n 0202 + 02804772 n 0201 + 00272303 n 0101 + 02804772 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | change something so that its value declines; for example, art forms
02581073 41 v 03 blackmail 0 blackjack 0 pressure 1 005 @ 02536557 v 0000 + 05195362 n 0301 + 14451349 n 0305 + 00784598 n 0101 + 09858299 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | exert pressure on someone through threats
02581276 41 v 01 suborn 0 003 @ 02579447 v 0000 + 07252967 n 0101 + 09874260 n 0102 01 + 09 00 | incite to commit a crime or an evil deed; "He suborned his butler to cover up the murder of his wife"
02581477 41 v 01 prosecute 0 003 + 01198307 n 0101 + 10484858 n 0101 ! 02581675 v 0101 01 + 09 00 | bring a criminal action against (in a trial); "The State of California prosecuted O.J. Simpson"
02581675 41 v 02 defend 0 represent 6 004 + 01217499 n 0201 + 09762101 n 0101 + 08064523 n 0102 ! 02581477 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | be the defense counsel for someone in a trial; "Ms. Smith will represent the defendant"
02581900 41 v 01 prosecute 1 003 @ 02367363 v 0000 + 01198307 n 0101 + 10484858 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | conduct a prosecution in a court of law
02582042 41 v 04 action 0 sue 0 litigate 0 process 0 009 @ 00868591 v 0000 + 06556692 n 0402 + 01186810 n 0301 + 01182654 n 0202 + 10672192 n 0201 + 01370864 a 0101 + 01181902 n 0102 ~ 02438730 v 0000 $ 02582450 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 02 02 | institute legal proceedings against; file a suit against; "He was warned that the district attorney would process him"; "She actioned the company for discrimination"
02582450 41 v 01 litigate 1 005 $ 02582042 v 0000 @ 00868591 v 0000 + 01186810 n 0101 + 10266848 n 0101 + 10266848 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | engage in legal proceedings
02582615 41 v 03 perpetrate 0 commit 0 pull 0 008 @ 02367363 v 0000 + 00625427 n 0301 + 00773235 n 0202 + 00773235 n 0203 + 00773235 n 0101 + 10417168 n 0101 ~ 02582921 v 0000 ~ 02583041 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | perform an act, usually with a negative connotation; "perpetrate a crime"; "pull a bank robbery"
02582921 41 v 01 make d 001 @ 02582615 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | carry out or commit; "make a mistake"; "commit a faux-pas"
02583041 41 v 01 recommit 1 001 @ 02582615 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | commit once again, as of a crime
02583139 41 v 04 rebel 0 arise 0 rise 0 rise_up 0 006 @ 02521410 v 0000 + 00962129 n 0304 + 10210137 n 0104 + 00962129 n 0101 ~ 02583780 v 0000 ~ 02583958 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | take part in a rebellion; renounce a former allegiance
02583379 41 v 02 rebel 1 renegade 0 004 @ 02521410 v 0000 + 10520544 n 0201 + 10303654 n 0102 + 01177327 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | break with established customs
02583545 41 v 04 resist 0 balk 0 baulk 0 jib 0 008 @ 02543181 v 0000 + 09833997 n 0302 + 09833997 n 0201 + 00695938 a 0103 + 00695938 a 0102 + 09773245 n 0105 + 10349243 n 0104 + 01169317 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | refuse to comply
02583780 41 v 01 revolt 0 003 @ 02583139 v 0000 + 00962129 n 0103 + 00962722 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | make revolution; "The people revolted when bread prices tripled again"
02583958 41 v 01 mutiny 0 003 @ 02583139 v 0000 + 10342180 n 0101 + 00963896 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | engage in a mutiny against an authority
02584097 41 v 02 defect 0 desert 0 009 * 02521410 v 0000 @ 02075462 v 0000 + 00204439 n 0203 + 10007109 n 0201 + 10006842 n 0201 + 14413411 n 0103 + 00055315 n 0103 + 10006842 n 0102 ~ 02584475 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | desert (a cause, a country or an army), often in order to join the opposing cause, country, or army; "If soldiers deserted Hitler's army, they were shot"
02584475 41 v 01 rat 0 003 @ 02584097 v 0000 + 10539715 n 0103 + 10007109 n 0106 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | desert one's party or group of friends, for example, for one's personal advantage
02584661 41 v 01 riot 0 005 @ 02584906 v 0000 + 13977043 n 0102 + 01170502 n 0101 + 10532058 n 0101 + 13977043 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | take part in a riot; disturb the public peace by engaging in a riot; "Students were rioting everywhere in 1968"
02584906 41 v 01 rampage 0 003 @ 02367363 v 0000 + 00554541 n 0101 ~ 02584661 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | act violently, recklessly, or destructively
02585050 41 v 03 agitate 0 foment 0 stir_up 0 005 @ 00794079 v 0000 + 00156625 n 0201 + 09778783 n 0202 + 09778783 n 0101 ~ 02585259 v 0000 04 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 | try to stir up public opinion
02585259 41 v 01 rumpus 0 002 @ 02585050 v 0000 + 00553823 n 0105 01 + 02 00 | cause a disturbance
02585360 41 v 01 connive c 002 @ 00804139 v 0000 + 06689125 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | encourage or assent to illegally or criminally
02585489 41 v 02 persecute 0 oppress 1 006 @ 01803003 v 0000 + 00788474 a 0201 + 10379758 n 0201 + 00420477 n 0101 + 10716005 n 0103 ~ 02565090 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | cause to suffer; "Jews were persecuted in the former Soviet Union"
02585722 41 v 01 haze 0 001 @ 01789514 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | harass by imposing humiliating or painful tasks, as in military institutions
02585860 41 v 04 arrive 0 make_it 0 get_in 0 go_far 0 001 @ 02524171 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | succeed in a big way; get to the top; "After he published his book, he had arrived"; "I don't know whether I can make it in science!"; "You will go far, my boy!"
02586121 41 v 03 carry 2 persuade 0 sway 0 005 $ 01101416 v 0000 @ 02536557 v 0000 + 05194043 n 0301 + 02361848 a 0203 + 01769843 a 0201 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | win approval or support for; "Carry all before one"; "His speech did not sway the voters"
02586371 41 v 01 get_at 0 001 @ 02536557 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | influence by corruption
02586458 41 v 02 charm 0 becharm 0 003 @ 02441022 v 0000 + 07159791 n 0104 ~ 00776988 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | control by magic spells, as by practicing witchcraft
02586619 41 v 02 govern 0 rule 0 012 @ 02441022 v 0000 + 14442933 n 0202 + 15295416 n 0201 + 10541229 n 0201 + 08050678 n 0101 + 10140314 n 0101 + 01124794 n 0102 + 01124794 n 0103 ~ 02564546 v 0000 ~ 02586979 v 0000 ~ 02587084 v 0000 ~ 02587375 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 02 02 + 02 01 | exercise authority over; as of nations; "Who is governing the country now?"
02586979 41 v 01 misgovern 0 002 @ 02586619 v 0000 + 01125562 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | govern badly
02587084 41 v 01 dictate 0 005 @ 02586619 v 0000 + 10011902 n 0101 + 06663940 n 0101 + 07168131 n 0104 ~ 02587239 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | rule as a dictator
02587239 41 v 03 tyrannize 0 tyrannise 0 grind_down 0 002 @ 02587084 v 0000 + 10735298 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | rule a country as a tyrant
02587375 41 v 01 reign 0 003 @ 02586619 v 0000 + 14443532 n 0101 + 15260814 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | have sovereign power; "Henry VIII reigned for a long time"
02587532 41 v 08 cope 0 get_by 0 make_out 2 make_do 0 contend 0 grapple 0 deal 0 manage 3 006 @ 02367363 v 0000 ~ 02587895 v 0000 ~ 02588122 v 0000 ~ 02588280 v 0000 ~ 02588464 v 0000 ~ 02594674 v 0000 06 + 22 00 + 02 08 + 02 04 + 02 03 + 02 02 + 02 01 | come to terms with; "We got by on just a gallon of gas"; "They made do on half a loaf of bread every day"
02587895 41 v 02 improvise 0 extemporize 0 002 @ 02587532 v 0000 + 00178832 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | manage in a makeshift way; do with whatever is at hand; "after the hurricane destroyed our house, we had to improvise for weeks"
02588122 41 v 01 fend 0 001 @ 02587532 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | try to manage without help; "The youngsters had to fend for themselves after their parents died"
02588280 41 v 02 hack 0 cut a 001 @ 02587532 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | be able to manage or manage successfully; "I can't hack it anymore"; "she could not cut the long days in the office"
02588464 41 v 06 scrape_along 0 scrape_by 0 scratch_along 0 squeak_by 0 squeeze_by 0 rub_along 0 001 @ 02587532 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | manage one's existence barely; "I guess I can squeeze by on this lousy salary"
02588677 41 v 01 befriend 0 002 @ 02538086 v 0000 ~ 02588871 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | become friends with; "John and Eric soon became friends"; "Have you made friends yet in your new environment?"
02588871 41 v 03 pal 0 pal_up 0 chum_up 0 002 @ 02588677 v 0000 + 09877951 n 0105 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | become friends; act friendly towards
02589013 41 v 03 relegate 2 pass_on 0 submit 0 003 @ 00878636 v 0000 + 01140839 n 0104 + 01140839 n 0103 01 + 15 00 | refer to another person for decision or judgment; "She likes to relegate difficult questions to her colleagues"
02589245 41 v 04 consort c associate 2 affiliate c assort c 008 @ 02376958 v 0000 + 08049401 n 0201 + 01081628 n 0201 + 09945905 n 0205 + 09958724 n 0101 ~ 02430191 v 0000 ~ 02486232 v 0000 ~ 02716767 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | keep company with; hang out with; "He associates with strange people"; "She affiliates with her colleagues"
02589576 41 v 06 crusade a fight a press c campaign a push a agitate a 007 @ 00976653 v 0000 + 04836683 n 0502 + 00798245 n 0401 + 09906538 n 0202 + 00798245 n 0103 + 10515194 n 0103 $ 00976653 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | exert oneself continuously, vigorously, or obtrusively to gain an end or engage in a crusade for a certain cause or person; be an advocate for; "The liberal party pushed for reforms"; "She is crusading for women's rights"; "The Dean is pushing for his favorite candidate"
02590072 41 v 03 fall_back 0 resort b recur b 003 @ 01158872 v 0000 + 01208597 n 0202 + 05155123 n 0203 01 + 08 00 | have recourse to; "The government resorted to rationing meat"
02590253 41 v 01 take d 000 01 + 22 00 | develop a habit; "He took to visiting bars"
02590340 41 v 02 colonize 0 colonise 0 009 @ 02215355 v 0000 + 01252280 n 0202 + 09937903 n 0202 + 08374049 n 0201 ! 02590667 v 0202 + 01252280 n 0101 + 09937903 n 0101 + 08374049 n 0101 ! 02590667 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | settle as a colony; of countries in the developing world; "Europeans colonized Africa in the 17th century"
02590667 41 v 02 decolonize 0 decolonise 0 005 @ 02497062 v 0000 + 01082548 n 0202 ! 02590340 v 0202 + 01082548 n 0101 ! 02590340 v 0101 01 + 08 00 | grant independence to (a former colony); "West Africa was decolonized in the early 1960's"
02590910 41 v 03 philander 0 womanize 0 womanise 0 007 @ 02376958 v 0000 + 10789118 n 0302 + 10788852 n 0301 + 10787470 n 0301 + 10789118 n 0201 + 10788852 n 0201 + 10789118 n 0103 01 + 02 00 | have amorous affairs; of men; "He has been womanizing for years"
02591171 41 v 01 take_up 1 001 @ 01951937 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 33 00 | turn one's interest to; "He took up herpetology at the age of fifty"
02591312 41 v 03 condescend 0 deign 0 descend 0 001 @ 02367363 v 0000 01 + 28 00 | do something that one considers to be below one's dignity
02591455 41 v 01 condescend 1 002 @ 02367363 v 0000 + 04655168 n 0101 02 + 22 00 + 28 00 | behave in a patronizing and condescending manner
02591597 41 v 01 take_care 0 001 @ 02367363 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | be careful, prudent, or watchful; "Take care when you cross the street!"
02591736 41 v 01 interlope 0 002 @ 02538765 v 0000 + 10213652 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | encroach on the rights of others, as in trading without a proper license
02591893 41 v 01 parole 0 003 @ 02421374 v 0000 + 01257701 n 0101 + 10477585 n 0102 01 + 09 00 | release a criminal from detention and place him on parole; "The prisoner was paroled after serving 10 years in prison"
02592111 41 v 01 club 3 002 @ 02428924 v 0000 + 08227214 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | gather and spend time together; "They always club together"
02592250 41 v 01 club a 002 @ 02469835 v 0000 + 08227214 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | unite with a common purpose; "The two men clubbed together"
02592397 41 v 02 emcee 0 compere 0 003 @ 01194418 v 0000 + 09946814 n 0201 + 10299250 n 0102 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | act as a master of ceremonies
02592543 41 v 01 do_the_honors 0 001 @ 01194418 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | act as the host and receive or introduce one's guests
02592667 41 v 01 tutor 0 002 @ 02724417 v 0000 + 00829378 n 0103 01 + 09 00 | act as a guardian to someone
02592776 41 v 01 fag 1 001 @ 02540670 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | act as a servant for older boys, in British public schools
02592895 41 v 02 frivol 0 trifle 0 002 @ 00010435 v 0000 + 10729330 n 0201 01 + 02 00 | act frivolously
02593001 41 v 01 humbug 0 002 @ 02575082 v 0000 + 00753685 n 0105 02 + 02 00 + 09 00 | trick or deceive
02593107 41 v 01 serve 2 002 $ 02540670 v 0000 @ 02413480 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | devote (part of) one's life or efforts to, as of countries, institutions, or ideas; "She served the art of music"; "He served the church"; "serve the country"
02593354 41 v 02 invigilate 0 proctor 0 004 @ 02455407 v 0000 + 10478960 n 0201 + 01135795 n 0101 + 10216403 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | watch over (students taking an exam, to prevent cheating)
02593551 41 v 04 lord_it_over 0 queen_it_over 0 put_on_airs 0 act_superior 0 001 @ 02367363 v 0000 09 + 02 00 + 02 04 + 22 04 + 02 03 + 22 03 + 08 02 + 09 02 + 08 01 + 09 01 | act like the master of; "He is lording it over the students"
02593790 41 v 01 queen 0 002 @ 01080235 v 0000 + 04033287 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | promote to a queen, as of a pawn in chess
02593912 41 v 01 happen 0 002 @ 02594102 v 0000 $ 00344643 v 0000 02 + 28 00 + 34 00 | chance to be or do something, without intention or causation; "I happen to have just what you need!"
02594102 41 v 01 chance 1 004 @ 00339934 v 0000 + 14483917 n 0102 + 11418138 n 0103 ~ 02593912 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | be the case by chance; "I chanced to meet my old friend in the street"
02594290 41 v 01 stampede 0 001 @ 02367363 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | act, usually en masse, hurriedly or on an impulse; "Companies will now stampede to release their latest software"
02594469 41 v 01 stampede 1 001 > 02594290 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | cause a group or mass of people to act on an impulse or hurriedly and impulsively; "The tavern owners stampeded us into overeating"
02594674 41 v 03 meet 2 match 0 cope_with 0 001 @ 02587532 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | satisfy or fulfill; "meet a need"; "this job doesn't match my dreams"
02594833 41 v 02 rain_out 0 wash_out 0 001 @ 02450505 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | prevent or interrupt due to rain; "The storm had washed out the game"
02594979 41 v 01 work 4 003 @ 02413480 v 0000 + 00575741 n 0101 $ 02410855 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 22 00 | operate in a certain place, area, or specialty; "She works the night clubs"; "The salesman works the Midwest"; "This artist works mostly in acrylics"
02595234 41 v 02 make_a_point 0 make_sure 0 001 @ 02367363 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | make a point of doing something; act purposefully and intentionally
02595383 41 v 01 ply 0 003 @ 02561995 v 0000 + 10442093 n 0101 + 10442093 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | apply oneself diligently; "Ply one's trade"
02595523 41 v 01 apply 9 002 @ 00887463 v 0000 + 00633329 n 0101 01 + 20 00 | apply oneself to; "Please apply yourself to your homework"
02595662 41 v 02 repeat 0 take_over 2 004 @ 02367363 v 0000 + 01964367 a 0101 + 07342049 n 0101 + 10521470 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | do over; "They would like to take it over again"
02595840 41 v 01 rest 0 002 + 01064148 n 0101 ~ 02596004 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | be inactive, refrain from acting; "The committee is resting over the summer"
02596004 41 v 01 hibernate 0 001 @ 02595840 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | be in an inactive or dormant state
02596113 41 v 01 meet 3 000 02 + 02 00 + 09 00 | get to know; get acquainted with; "I met this really handsome guy at a bar last night!"; "we met in Singapore"
02596275 41 v 01 stag 0 000 01 + 02 00 | attend a dance or a party without a female companion
02596371 41 v 01 come_near 0 000 01 + 28 00 | almost do or experience something; "She came near to screaming with fear"
02596493 41 v 01 surprise 0 005 @ 02367363 v 0000 + 00553655 n 0101 + 07298154 n 0101 + 00553655 n 0102 ~ 02596730 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | come upon or take unawares; "She surprised the couple"; "He surprised an interesting scene"
02596730 41 v 01 blindside 0 001 @ 02596493 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | catch unawares, especially with harmful consequences; "The economic downturn blindsided many investors"
02596908 41 v 02 swell 0 puff_up 0 001 @ 00010435 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become filled with pride, arrogance, or anger; "The mother was swelling with importance when she spoke of her son"
02597095 41 v 01 mingle 0 001 + 01082350 n 0101 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | get involved or mixed-up with; "He was about to mingle in an unpleasant affair"
02597246 41 v 01 estrange 0 002 @ 02404904 v 0000 + 07502387 n 0103 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | remove from customary environment or associations; "years of boarding school estranged the child from her home"
02597449 41 v 01 sneak 0 001 @ 02367363 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | put, bring, or take in a secretive or furtive manner; "sneak a look"; "sneak a cigarette"
02597601 41 v 01 play 2 002 @ 02367363 v 0000 $ 02370650 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 05 00 + 07 00 | behave in a certain way; "play safe"; "play it safe"; "play fair"
02597762 41 v 01 appear 3 001 + 01233627 n 0101 01 + 04 00 | present oneself formally, as before a (judicial) authority; "He had to appear in court last month"; "She appeared on several charges of theft"
02597968 41 v 01 remember_oneself 0 001 @ 02519666 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | recover one's good manners after a lapse or stop behaving badly; "Please remember yourself, Charles!"
02598143 41 v 03 assemble 3 gather 2 get_together 3 007 > 02428924 v 0000 + 08310389 n 0302 + 07975026 n 0201 + 01229938 n 0203 + 07975026 n 0102 + 01229938 n 0102 ~ 02598483 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | get people together; "assemble your colleagues"; "get together all those who are interested in the project"; "gather the close family members"
02598483 41 v 01 make 1 002 @ 02598143 v 0000 $ 02745332 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 | form by assembling individuals or constituents; "Make a quorum"
02598642 41 v 02 play_around 0 fool_around 0 001 @ 02576503 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | commit adultery; "he plays around a lot"
02598765 41 v 01 join 1 000 01 + 09 00 | come into the company of; "She joined him for a drink"
02598863 41 v 01 move 2 001 @ 02614387 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | live one's life in a specified environment; "she moves in certain circles only"
02599004 41 v 02 escape 0 get_away 0 003 @ 02074677 v 0000 + 10062996 n 0101 + 00740712 n 0102 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | remove oneself from a familiar environment, usually for pleasure or diversion; "We escaped to our summer house for a few days"; "The president of the company never manages to get away during the summer"
02599325 41 v 01 touch 0 001 @ 02436349 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | deal with; usually used with a form of negation; "I wouldn't touch her with a ten-foot pole"; "The local Mafia won't touch gambling"
02599528 41 v 01 fail 8 001 ! 02522864 v 0105 01 + 28 00 | be unable; "I fail to understand your motives"
02599636 41 v 01 take 4 001 @ 02367363 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | carry out; "take action"; "take steps"; "take vengeance"
02599754 41 v 01 book 3 003 @ 02471690 v 0000 + 01988565 a 0101 + 01218327 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | register in a hotel booker
02599878 41 v 01 guard 1 001 @ 02367363 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | take precautions in order to avoid some unwanted consequence; "guard against becoming too friendly with the staff"; "guard against infection"
02600082 41 v 01 break f 002 @ 00339934 v 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 01 + 01 00 | happen or take place; "Things have been breaking pretty well for us in the past few months"
02600255 41 v 01 follow a 003 @ 00010435 v 0000 + 10099375 n 0101 + 08223263 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | accept and follow the leadership or command or guidance of; "Let's follow our great helmsman!"; "She followed a guru for years"
02600490 41 v 01 use e 005 @ 01162754 v 0000 + 00158185 n 0102 + 10072546 n 0102 + 00418903 n 0104 ~ 02570062 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | seek or achieve an end by using to one's advantage; "She uses her influential friends to get jobs"; "The president's wife used her good connections"
02600779 41 v 01 take_to 1 000 02 + 08 00 + 33 00 | develop a habit; apply oneself to a practice or occupation; "She took to drink"; "Men take to the military trades"
02600948 41 v 02 begin 4 start 4 004 $ 02608823 v 0000 @ 02367363 v 0000 + 00235435 n 0202 + 07325190 n 0201 01 + 08 00 | begin an event that is implied and limited by the nature or inherent function of the direct object; "begin a cigar"; "She started the soup while it was still hot"; "We started physics in 10th grade"
02601271 41 v 03 call_the_shots 0 call_the_tune 0 wear_the_trousers 0 001 @ 02441022 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | exercise authority or be in charge; "Who is calling the shots in this house?"
02601456 41 v 02 address 8 call e 002 $ 01028748 v 0000 @ 00897564 v 0000 01 + 14 00 | greet, as with a prescribed form, title, or name; "He always addresses me with `Sir'"; "Call me Mister"; "She calls him by first name"
02601680 41 v 01 stet 0 002 $ 01070968 v 0000 @ 02478059 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | printing: cancel, as of a correction or deletion
02601808 41 v 02 relax 0 loosen 0 003 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 00355691 n 0103 $ 02601996 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become less severe or strict; "The rules relaxed after the new director arrived"
02601996 41 v 02 relax 1 loosen 1 003 $ 02601808 v 0000 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 00355691 n 0103 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | make less severe or strict; "The government relaxed the curfew after most of the rebels were caught"
02602212 41 v 02 relax 2 loosen_up 2 002 @ 00010435 v 0000 + 07515974 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | become less tense, less formal, or less restrained, and assume a friendlier manner; "our new colleague relaxed when he saw that we were a friendly group"
02602458 41 v 02 go_off_half-cocked 0 go_off_at_half-cock 0 001 @ 02367363 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | act prematurely or without reflection or too soon; "she wanted to quit her job but her mother told her not to go off half-cocked"
02602685 41 v 01 slam-dunk 0 002 @ 00137313 v 0000 + 04757350 n 0101 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | make a forceful move against; "the electronic travel market is slam-dunking traditional travel agencies"
02602898 41 v 01 baby-sit 1 001 @ 02456031 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | take watchful responsibility for; "I baby-sit the neighbor's plants when she is out of town"
02603056 41 v 02 unite 4 unify 4 002 @ 00126264 v 0000 ~ 01607072 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | bring together for a common purpose or action or ideology or in a shared situation; "the Democratic Patry platform united several splinter groups"
02603299 41 v 01 fix 4 001 @ 02536557 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | influence an event or its outcome by illegal means; "fix a race"
02603424 41 v 02 straiten 0 distress 0 001 @ 02507736 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | bring into difficulties or distress, especially financial hardship
02603567 41 v 01 administer 1 001 @ 02439501 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | direct the taking of; "administer an exam"; "administer an oath"
02603699 42 v 02 exist 0 be 0 016 + 13954253 n 0201 + 00043765 a 0102 + 01932973 a 0102 + 00927017 a 0101 + 13954253 n 0103 ~ 00342812 v 0000 ~ 02604100 v 0000 ~ 02604305 v 0000 ~ 02604477 v 0000 ~ 02617196 v 0000 ~ 02648502 v 0000 ~ 02653381 v 0000 ~ 02697120 v 0000 ~ 02743727 v 0000 ~ 02754696 v 0000 ~ 02755773 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 22 00 | have an existence, be extant; "Is there a God?"
02604100 42 v 01 preexist 0 004 @ 02603699 v 0000 + 00122386 a 0101 + 00122386 a 0102 + 13957117 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | exist beforehand or prior to a certain point in time; "Did this condition pre-exist?"
02604305 42 v 03 kick_around 0 knock_about 0 kick_about 0 001 @ 02603699 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | be around; be alive or active; "Does the old man still kick around?"
02604477 42 v 01 coexist 0 004 @ 02603699 v 0000 + 02378347 a 0101 ~ 02604618 v 0000 ~ 02660442 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | exist together
02604618 42 v 01 coexist 1 003 @ 02604477 v 0000 + 02378347 a 0101 + 13957268 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | coexist peacefully, as of nations
02604760 42 v 01 be 3 137 ~ 00033599 v 0000 ~ 00065070 v 0000 ~ 00065495 v 0000 ~ 00078401 v 0000 ~ 00105958 v 0000 ~ 00117985 v 0000 ~ 00118523 v 0000 ~ 00473003 v 0000 ~ 00621734 v 0000 ~ 00660102 v 0000 ~ 01152670 v 0000 ~ 01188725 v 0000 ~ 01484027 v 0000 ~ 01545883 v 0000 ~ 01610990 v 0000 ~ 01767612 v 0000 ~ 01805247 v 0000 ~ 02133435 v 0000 ~ 02134672 v 0000 ~ 02253956 v 0000 ~ 02301680 v 0000 ~ 02310674 v 0000 ~ 02541921 v 0000 ~ 02607432 v 0000 ~ 02607658 v 0000 ~ 02608823 v 0000 ~ 02609203 v 0000 ~ 02611373 v 0000 ~ 02611630 v 0000 ~ 02618001 v 0000 ~ 02619612 v 0000 ~ 02633356 v 0000 ~ 02633881 v 0000 ~ 02635033 v 0000 ~ 02637592 v 0000 ~ 02638630 v 0000 ~ 02639075 v 0000 ~ 02645007 v 0000 ~ 02645839 v 0000 ~ 02646227 v 0000 ~ 02646378 v 0000 ~ 02646757 v 0000 ~ 02655958 v 0000 ~ 02661015 v 0000 ~ 02664234 v 0000 ~ 02664575 v 0000 ~ 02674173 v 0000 ~ 02674340 v 0000 ~ 02693842 v 0000 ~ 02698443 v 0000 ~ 02701210 v 0000 ~ 02702508 v 0000 ~ 02704349 v 0000 ~ 02706605 v 0000 ~ 02715279 v 0000 ~ 02718543 v 0000 ~ 02718750 v 0000 ~ 02719399 v 0000 ~ 02721284 v 0000 ~ 02722207 v 0000 ~ 02722782 v 0000 ~ 02722902 v 0000 ~ 02724417 v 0000 ~ 02724705 v 0000 ~ 02724835 v 0000 ~ 02725286 v 0000 ~ 02725460 v 0000 ~ 02725562 v 0000 ~ 02726717 v 0000 ~ 02726884 v 0000 ~ 02727039 v 0000 ~ 02727462 v 0000 ~ 02727883 v 0000 ~ 02728142 v 0000 ~ 02729023 v 0000 ~ 02729260 v 0000 ~ 02729632 v 0000 ~ 02729963 v 0000 ~ 02730326 v 0000 ~ 02731996 v 0000 ~ 02732292 v 0000 ~ 02732603 v 0000 ~ 02733334 v 0000 ~ 02733928 v 0000 ~ 02734338 v 0000 ~ 02734488 v 0000 ~ 02734952 v 0000 ~ 02735142 v 0000 ~ 02735282 v 0000 ~ 02735418 v 0000 ~ 02735753 v 0000 ~ 02736391 v 0000 ~ 02737063 v 0000 ~ 02737569 v 0000 ~ 02737724 v 0000 ~ 02738701 v 0000 ~ 02739861 v 0000 ~ 02740552 v 0000 ~ 02741546 v 0000 ~ 02741960 v 0000 ~ 02742107 v 0000 ~ 02742842 v 0000 ~ 02743020 v 0000 ~ 02743214 v 0000 ~ 02744977 v 0000 ~ 02745713 v 0000 ~ 02745882 v 0000 ~ 02746017 v 0000 ~ 02746140 v 0000 ~ 02746275 v 0000 ~ 02747140 v 0000 ~ 02747287 v 0000 ~ 02747403 v 0000 ~ 02748206 v 0000 ~ 02748355 v 0000 ~ 02748495 v 0000 ~ 02748627 v 0000 ~ 02748927 v 0000 ~ 02750854 v 0000 ~ 02751271 v 0000 ~ 02751597 v 0000 ~ 02751787 v 0000 ~ 02751952 v 0000 ~ 02752277 v 0000 ~ 02752431 v 0000 ~ 02752567 v 0000 ~ 02753255 v 0000 ~ 02753426 v 0000 ~ 02753865 v 0000 ~ 02754032 v 0000 ~ 02754158 v 0000 ~ 02754598 v 0000 ~ 02755452 v 0000 ~ 02755565 v 0000 ~ 02755911 v 0000 ~ 02756063 v 0000 ~ 02756359 v 0000 06 + 04 00 + 06 00 + 07 00 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 22 00 | have the quality of being; (copula, used with an adjective or a predicate noun); "John is rich"; "This is not a good answer"
02607432 42 v 01 account 1 001 @ 02604760 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | be the sole or primary factor in the existence, acquisition, supply, or disposal of something; "Passing grades account for half of the grades given in this exam"
02607658 42 v 01 cut_across 0 001 @ 02604760 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | be contrary to ordinary procedure or limitations; "Opinions on bombing the Serbs cut across party lines"
02607830 42 v 02 stretch 0 stretch_along 0 002 @ 02655135 v 0000 + 09448945 n 0101 01 + 04 00 | occupy a large, elongated area; "The park stretched beneath the train line"
02608004 42 v 02 neighbor 0 neighbour 0 003 @ 01466978 v 0000 + 09368224 n 0202 + 09368224 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | be located near or adjacent to; "Pakistan neighbors India"
02608176 42 v 02 neighbor 1 neighbour 1 003 @ 02649830 v 0000 + 10352299 n 0202 + 10352299 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | live or be located as a neighbor; "the neighboring house"
02608347 42 v 02 begin 0 start 0 012 + 00235435 n 0202 + 15265518 n 0206 + 07325190 n 0201 ! 02609764 v 0101 ~ 00345508 v 0000 ~ 00345652 v 0000 ~ 00346958 v 0000 $ 02608823 v 0000 $ 02609203 v 0000 ~ 02609439 v 0000 ~ 02609614 v 0000 ~ 02743343 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 04 00 + 11 00 | have a beginning, in a temporal, spatial, or evaluative sense; "The DMZ begins right over the hill"; "The second movement begins after the Allegro"; "Prices for these homes start at $250,000"
02608823 42 v 02 begin 3 start 3 006 $ 02608347 v 0000 $ 02679227 v 0000 @ 02604760 v 0000 + 00235435 n 0202 + 07325190 n 0201 $ 02600948 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | have a beginning characterized in some specified way; "The novel begins with a murder"; "My property begins with the three maple trees"; "Her day begins with a workout"; "The semester begins with a convocation ceremony"
02609203 42 v 01 begin 4 003 $ 02608347 v 0000 $ 00348746 v 0000 @ 02604760 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | have a beginning, of a temporal event; "WW II began in 1939 when Hitler marched into Poland"; "The company's Asia tour begins next month"
02609439 42 v 02 set_in 0 kick_in 0 001 @ 02608347 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | enter a particular state; "Laziness set in"; "After a few moments, the effects of the drug kicked in"
02609614 42 v 01 dawn 1 003 @ 02608347 v 0000 + 15267945 n 0101 + 07326108 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | appear or develop; "The age of computers had dawned"
02609764 42 v 05 end 0 stop d finish 0 terminate 0 cease d 028 + 01010569 a 0401 + 08566554 n 0404 + 07291312 n 0303 + 15267536 n 0304 + 00210518 n 0301 + 06398401 n 0102 + 08565894 n 0101 + 08566707 n 0101 + 14562960 n 0101 + 05868477 n 0101 + 07291794 n 0101 + 15266911 n 0101 + 08566028 n 0101 ! 02608347 v 0101 ~ 00351576 v 0000 ~ 00351824 v 0000 ~ 00352310 v 0000 ~ 00352419 v 0000 ~ 00364297 v 0000 ~ 00427397 v 0000 ~ 00485609 v 0000 ~ 00561571 v 0000 ~ 01192773 v 0000 ~ 02156546 v 0000 ~ 02610628 v 0000 ~ 02610845 v 0000 ~ 02683840 v 0000 ~ 02746617 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | have an end, in a temporal, spatial, or quantitative sense; either spatial or metaphorical; "the bronchioles terminate in a capillary bed"; "Your rights stop where you infringe upon the rights of other"; "My property ends by the bushes"; "The symphony ends in a pianissimo"
02610628 42 v 02 conclude 2 close 0 005 @ 02609764 v 0000 + 15267536 n 0207 + 00210797 n 0202 + 06398401 n 0204 + 00211110 n 0203 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | come to a close; "The concert closed with a nocturne by Chopin"
02610845 42 v 02 turn_out 2 come_out 0 003 @ 02609764 v 0000 ~ 02611002 v 0000 ~ 02611106 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | result or end; "How will the game turn out?"
02611002 42 v 01 eventuate 0 002 @ 02610845 v 0000 + 11410625 n 0105 01 + 01 00 | come out in the end
02611106 42 v 01 work_out 0 001 @ 02610845 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | happen in a certain way, leading to, producing, or resulting in a certain outcome, often well; "Things worked out in an interesting way"; "Not everything worked out in the end and we were disappointed"
02611373 42 v 01 stand 4 008 @ 02604760 v 0000 + 06210363 n 0103 ^ 02699497 v 0102 ^ 02674564 v 0104 ^ 02673965 v 0102 ^ 02726385 v 0101 ^ 02638630 v 0101 ^ 01116585 v 0104 02 + 06 00 + 07 00 | be in some specified state or condition; "I stand corrected"
02611630 42 v 05 specify 0 define 0 delineate 0 delimit 0 delimitate 0 004 @ 02604760 v 0000 + 07201804 n 0303 ~ 00700708 v 0000 ~ 02611827 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | determine the essential quality of
02611827 42 v 01 redefine 0 002 @ 02611630 v 0000 + 06745628 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | give a new or different definition to; "She redefined his duties"
02611976 42 v 03 fall 4 shine 0 strike 0 001 @ 00339934 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | touch or seem as if touching visually or audibly; "Light fell on her face"; "The sun shone on the fields"; "The light struck the golden necklace"; "A strange sound struck my ears"
02612234 42 v 01 run 6 002 @ 02612368 v 0000 $ 02647497 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | occur persistently; "Musical talent runs in the family"
02612368 42 v 01 occur 3 005 @ 00425071 v 0000 ~ 01465365 v 0000 ~ 02612234 v 0000 ~ 02612610 v 0000 ~ 02715923 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | to be found to exist; "sexism occurs in many workplaces"; "precious stones occur in a large area in Brazil"
02612610 42 v 01 collocate 0 001 @ 02612368 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | have a strong tendency to occur side by side; "The words 'new' and 'world' collocate"
02612762 42 v 02 attend 0 go_to 0 009 @ 02655135 v 0000 ;c 01032368 n 0000 + 09608002 n 0101 + 09608002 n 0102 + 09821831 n 0102 + 01233397 n 0101 ! 02613672 v 0101 ~ 02613140 v 0000 ~ 02613275 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | be present at (meetings, church services, university), etc.; "She attends class regularly"; "I rarely attend services at my church"; "did you go to the meeting?"
02613140 42 v 01 sit_in 0 001 @ 02612762 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | attend as a visitor; "Can I sit in on your Intermediate Hittite class?"
02613275 42 v 01 worship 0 005 @ 02612762 v 0000 + 01028655 n 0101 + 09847727 n 0102 + 09847727 n 0103 ~ 02613487 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 22 00 | attend religious services; "They worship in the traditional manner"
02613487 42 v 02 offer 0 offer_up 0 004 @ 02613275 v 0000 + 07185076 n 0101 + 01041498 n 0102 ~ 02325558 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | present as an act of worship; "offer prayers to the gods"
02613672 42 v 01 miss 1 003 @ 02529284 v 0000 ! 02612762 v 0101 ~ 02613860 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | fail to attend an event or activity; "I missed the concert"; "He missed school for a week"
02613860 42 v 02 cut 0 skip 0 004 @ 02613672 v 0000 + 00074624 n 0202 + 10607824 n 0201 ~ 02614023 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | intentionally fail to attend; "cut class"
02614023 42 v 02 bunk_off 0 play_hooky 0 002 @ 02613860 v 0000 ;u 07157273 n 0000 01 + 02 00 | play truant from work or school; "The boy often plays hooky"
02614181 42 v 02 be 1 live 0 003 + 13961642 n 0203 + 00004475 n 0102 $ 02618149 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | have life, be alive; "Our great leader is no more"; "My grandfather lived until the end of war"
02614387 42 v 01 live 6 016 * 02603699 v 0000 + 10268299 n 0101 + 05810561 n 0102 ~ 02598863 v 0000 ~ 02614812 v 0000 $ 02614970 v 0000 ~ 02615140 v 0000 ~ 02615300 v 0000 ~ 02615451 v 0000 ~ 02615580 v 0000 ~ 02615739 v 0000 ~ 02615880 v 0000 ~ 02616012 v 0000 ~ 02616118 v 0000 ~ 02616236 v 0000 ~ 02755232 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | lead a certain kind of life; live in a certain style; "we had to live frugally after the war"
02614812 42 v 01 dissipate 4 002 @ 02614387 v 0000 + 00748307 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | live a life of pleasure, especially with respect to alcoholic consumption
02614970 42 v 01 live 7 001 $ 02614387 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | pursue a positive and satisfying existence; "You must accept yourself and others if you really want to live"
02615140 42 v 01 swing 1 001 @ 02614387 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | live in a lively, modern, and relaxed style; "The Woodstock generation attempted to swing freely"
02615300 42 v 02 unlive 0 live_down 0 001 @ 02614387 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | live so as to annul some previous behavior; "You can never live this down!"
02615451 42 v 01 wanton 1 002 @ 02614387 v 0000 + 10766260 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | indulge in a carefree or voluptuous way of life
02615580 42 v 01 vegetate 0 003 @ 02614387 v 0000 + 02833331 a 0101 + 01065057 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | lead a passive existence without using one's body or mind
02615739 42 v 02 pig 0 pig_it 0 003 @ 02614387 v 0000 + 02395406 n 0102 + 10179649 n 0102 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | live like a pig, in squalor
02615880 42 v 01 bushwhack 0 002 @ 02614387 v 0000 + 09881748 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | live in the bush as a fugitive or as a guerilla
02616012 42 v 01 buccaneer 0 002 @ 02614387 v 0000 + 10435367 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | live like a buccaneer
02616118 42 v 02 bachelor 0 bach 0 002 @ 02614387 v 0000 + 09829923 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | lead a bachelor's existence
02616236 42 v 01 eke_out 0 001 @ 02614387 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | live from day to day, as with some hardship; "He eked out his years in great poverty"
02616386 42 v 01 be 6 000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | be identical to; be someone or something; "The president of the company is John Smith"; "This is my house"
02616542 42 v 01 rusticate 0 004 @ 02650552 v 0000 + 10544232 n 0101 + 14579215 n 0101 + 00212551 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | live in the country and lead a rustic life
02616713 42 v 04 exist 1 survive 0 live 1 subsist 0 006 $ 02618149 v 0000 + 10681194 n 0402 + 13962360 n 0401 + 13962166 n 0201 ~ 02617083 v 0000 ~ 02617338 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 13 00 + 22 00 | support oneself; "he could barely exist on such a low wage"; "Can you live on $2000 a month in New York City?"; "Many people in the world have to subsist on $1 a day"
02617083 42 v 01 breathe 0 001 @ 02616713 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | be alive; "Every creature that breathes"
02617196 42 v 01 indwell 0 002 @ 02603699 v 0000 + 13498213 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | to exist as an inner activating spirit, force, or principle
02617338 42 v 02 freewheel 0 drift 0 003 @ 02616713 v 0000 + 10109662 n 0103 $ 01903218 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | live unhurriedly, irresponsibly, or freely; "My son drifted around for years in California before going to law school"
02617567 42 v 05 do 0 fare 0 make_out 0 come 2 get_along 0 001 @ 00341560 v 0000 02 + 06 00 + 07 00 | proceed or get along; "How is she doing in her new job?"; "How are you making out in graduate school?"; "He's come a long way"
02617798 42 v 01 go 3 002 + 00048051 n 0101 ^ 02660819 v 0105 01 + 01 00 | pass, fare, or elapse; of a certain state of affairs or action; "How is it going?"; "The day went well until I got your call"
02618001 42 v 01 go 7 001 @ 02604760 v 0000 02 + 06 00 + 07 00 | be or continue to be in a certain condition; "The children went hungry that day"
02618149 42 v 08 survive 1 last 1 live 4 live_on 0 go e endure 0 hold_up 0 hold_out 0 008 * 02614181 v 0000 $ 02614181 v 0000 + 13962166 n 0602 + 13962166 n 0101 $ 02616713 v 0000 ~ 02618688 v 0000 ~ 02618877 v 0000 ~ 02619020 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 08 00 | continue to live through hardship or adversity; "We went without water and food for 3 days"; "These superstitions survive in the backwaters of America"; "The race car driver lived through several very serious accidents"; "how long can a person last without food and water?"
02618688 42 v 03 stand_up 0 hold_up 1 hold_water 0 001 @ 02618149 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | resist or withstand wear, criticism, etc.; "Her shoes won't hold up"; "This theory won't hold water"
02618877 42 v 01 perennate 0 003 @ 02618149 v 0000 + 11553240 n 0101 + 13534608 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | survive from season to season, of plants
02619020 42 v 01 live_out 0 001 @ 02618149 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | live out one's life; live to the end
02619122 42 v 04 last_out 0 stay 3 ride_out 0 outride 0 002 + 01319001 n 0201 ~ 02619291 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | hang on during a trial of endurance; "ride out the storm"
02619291 42 v 01 outstay 1 001 @ 02619122 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 11 00 | surpass in staying power; "They outstayed their competitors"
02619424 42 v 01 visit 4 003 @ 02637202 v 0000 + 01055360 n 0102 + 10757193 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | stay with as a guest; "Every summer, we visited our relatives in the country for a month"
02619612 42 v 02 make_sense 0 add_up 0 001 @ 02604760 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 34 00 | be reasonable or logical or comprehensible
02619739 42 v 03 outlive 0 outlast 0 survive 3 002 * 02614181 v 0000 + 10681060 n 0301 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | live longer than; "She outlived her husband by many years"
02619924 42 v 05 survive 2 pull_through 0 pull_round 0 come_through 0 make_it 0 005 * 00092690 v 0000 @ 01108148 v 0000 + 10681194 n 0101 + 13962166 n 0101 ! 02620466 v 0101 02 + 02 00 + 08 01 | continue in existence after (an adversity, etc.); "He survived the cancer against all odds"
02620213 42 v 01 fall 0 003 $ 02304507 v 0000 @ 00358431 v 0000 $ 02385153 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 22 00 | die, as in battle or in a hunt; "Many soldiers fell at Verdun"; "Several deer have fallen to the same gun"; "The shooting victim fell dead"
02620466 42 v 02 succumb 0 yield 5 002 @ 00358431 v 0000 ! 02619924 v 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | be fatally overwhelmed
02620587 42 v 05 constitute 0 represent 0 make_up 0 comprise 3 be 2 010 + 04933544 n 0304 + 00901345 a 0101 + 04933544 n 0305 ~ 02621133 v 0000 ~ 02621244 v 0000 ~ 02621395 v 0000 ~ 02690384 v 0000 ~ 02705680 v 0000 ~ 02722663 v 0000 ~ 02752931 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | form or compose; "This money is my only income"; "The stone wall was the backdrop for the performance"; "These constitute my entire belonging"; "The children made up the chorus"; "This sum represents my entire income for a year"; "These few men comprise his entire army"
02621133 42 v 01 make f 001 @ 02620587 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | constitute the essence of; "Clothes make the man"
02621244 42 v 01 compose 0 002 @ 02620587 v 0000 + 05868954 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | form the substance of; "Greed and ambition composed his personality"
02621395 42 v 03 form 0 constitute 3 make 5 006 @ 02620587 v 0000 + 04933544 n 0201 + 03081021 n 0202 + 07092356 n 0101 ~ 02621706 v 0000 ~ 02745172 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | to compose or represent:"This wall forms the background of the stage setting"; "The branches made a roof"; "This makes a fine introduction"
02621706 42 v 01 chelate 0 004 @ 02621395 v 0000 + 13445972 n 0101 + 13445831 n 0101 + 14619033 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | form a chelate, in chemistry
02621853 42 v 02 separate 0 divide 0 002 + 08679369 n 0203 + 03894379 n 0202 01 + 11 00 | act as a barrier between; stand between; "The mountain range divides the two countries"
02622033 42 v 02 hang_together 0 interdepend 0 004 @ 01354673 v 0000 + 00726445 a 0201 + 13841863 n 0203 + 13841863 n 0202 01 + 01 00 | be connected; "In my heart I can make the world hang together"
02622234 42 v 05 connect 2 link 1 link_up 0 join 1 unite 2 009 + 00381680 n 0405 + 13911151 n 0404 + 00145218 n 0401 + 14419164 n 0202 + 03674440 n 0201 + 00563980 a 0101 ~ 02449183 v 0000 ~ 02622637 v 0000 ~ 02622969 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | be or become joined or united or linked; "The two streets connect to become a highway"; "Our paths joined"; "The travelers linked up again at the airport"
02622637 42 v 01 articulate 0 001 @ 02622234 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | unite by forming a joint or joints; "the ankle bone articulates with the leg bones to form the ankle bones"
02622812 42 v 01 intercommunicate 0 002 @ 02622969 v 0000 ~ 01355518 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | be interconnected, afford passage; "These rooms intercommunicate"
02622969 42 v 03 complect 0 interconnect 0 interlink 0 004 @ 02622234 v 0000 + 14420240 n 0201 + 07964324 n 0101 ~ 02622812 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | be interwoven or interconnected; "The bones are interconnected via the muscle"
02623194 42 v 02 bridge 0 bridge_over 0 003 @ 01354673 v 0000 + 13793330 n 0101 ^ 02623346 v 0102 01 + 11 00 | connect or reduce the distance between
02623346 42 v 03 tide_over 0 bridge_over 1 keep_going 0 001 @ 02669789 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | suffice for a period between two points; "This money will keep us going for another year"
02623529 42 v 01 become 0 006 ~ 00723349 v 0000 ~ 02623731 v 0000 ~ 02623906 v 0000 ~ 02624263 v 0000 ~ 02625786 v 0000 ~ 02674708 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | come into existence; "What becomes has duration"
02623731 42 v 01 root 0 003 @ 02623529 v 0000 + 08507558 n 0103 + 08507558 n 0104 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | come into existence, originate; "The problem roots in her depression"
02623906 42 v 04 form 2 take_form 0 take_shape 0 spring 0 003 @ 02623529 v 0000 + 00927516 n 0101 ~ 00167824 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | develop into a distinctive entity; "our plans began to take shape"
02624128 42 v 01 head 4 001 @ 00144850 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | form a head or come or grow to a head; "The wheat headed early this year"
02624263 42 v 07 originate 0 arise 0 rise 1 develop 0 uprise 2 spring_up 0 grow 0 012 @ 02623529 v 0000 + 07324673 n 0703 + 01687363 a 0102 + 07323922 n 0101 + 07323922 n 0102 + 00240184 n 0105 $ 00342980 v 0000 ~ 02624806 v 0000 ~ 02625016 v 0000 ~ 02625339 v 0000 ~ 02626405 v 0000 ~ 02754463 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | come into existence; take on form or shape; "A new religious movement originated in that country"; "a love that sprang up from friendship"; "the idea for the book grew out of a short story"; "An interesting phenomenon uprose"
02624806 42 v 01 resurge 0 003 @ 02624263 v 0000 + 02013864 a 0101 + 01047338 n 0102 01 + 01 00 | rise again; "His need for a meal resurged"; "The candidate resurged after leaving politics for several years"
02625016 42 v 02 come_forth 0 emerge 0 004 @ 02624263 v 0000 + 00003553 a 0201 + 00050693 n 0202 ~ 02625187 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | happen or occur as a result of something
02625187 42 v 01 break e 001 @ 02625016 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | come forth or begin from a state of latency; "The first winter storm broke over New York"
02625339 42 v 02 come 4 follow 4 002 $ 02743565 v 0000 @ 02624263 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | to be the product or result; "Melons come from a vine"; "Understanding comes from experience"
02625521 42 v 01 bead 0 002 @ 00144850 v 0000 + 13901585 n 0102 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | form into beads, as of water or sweat, for example
02625659 42 v 01 reticulate 0 003 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 04083113 n 0101 + 05501485 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | form a net or a network
02625786 42 v 03 arise 1 come_up 0 bob_up 0 001 @ 02623529 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | originate or come into being; "a question arose"
02625916 42 v 01 flocculate 0 003 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 01154351 a 0101 + 13482187 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | form into an aggregated lumpy or fluffy mass; "the protoplasms flocculated"
02626095 42 v 01 flocculate 1 002 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 01154351 a 0101 01 + 11 00 | cause to become a fluffy or lumpy aggregate; "The chemist flocculated the suspended material"
02626274 42 v 01 nucleate 0 002 @ 02626604 v 0000 + 05434927 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | form into a nucleus; "Some cells had nucleated"
02626405 42 v 02 well_up 0 swell 3 001 @ 02624263 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | come up (as of feelings and thoughts, or other ephemeral things); "Strong emotions welled up"; "Smoke swelled from it"
02626604 42 v 02 become 1 turn 0 008 @ 00381601 v 0000 + 07423365 n 0201 $ 00146138 v 0000 ~ 00237704 v 0000 ~ 00391203 v 0000 ~ 02626274 v 0000 $ 02626934 v 0000 ~ 02627363 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 11 00 | undergo a change or development; "The water turned into ice"; "Her former friend became her worst enemy"; "He turned traitor"
02626934 42 v 01 turn d 002 $ 02626604 v 0000 @ 00126264 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | cause to change or turn into something different;assume new characteristics; "The princess turned the frog into a prince by kissing him"; "The alchemists tried to turn lead into gold"
02627221 42 v 01 carbonate 0 004 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 14799084 n 0101 + 14633206 n 0101 + 14798450 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | turn into a carbonate
02627363 42 v 03 come b add_up 1 amount 0 002 @ 02626604 v 0000 ~ 02627555 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | develop into; "This idea will never amount to anything"; "nothing came of his grandiose plans"
02627555 42 v 01 aggregate 0 002 @ 02627363 v 0000 + 04353803 n 0104 01 + 11 00 | amount in the aggregate to
02627666 42 v 01 originate_in 0 001 ~ 02627753 v 0000 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | come from
02627753 42 v 01 stem 0 002 @ 02627666 v 0000 + 06300193 n 0104 01 + 11 00 | grow out of, have roots in, originate in; "The increase in the national debt stems from the last war"
02627934 42 v 09 necessitate 0 ask 0 postulate 0 need 0 require 0 take 0 involve 7 call_for 0 demand 0 014 $ 00756076 v 0000 + 05892651 n 0902 + 14449126 n 0902 + 05892651 n 0501 + 09367991 n 0401 + 14450691 n 0101 + 09367203 n 0101 ! 02629256 v 0101 ~ 00756076 v 0000 ~ 02628647 v 0000 ~ 02628832 v 0000 ~ 02628961 v 0000 ~ 02629111 v 0000 ~ 02635420 v 0000 04 + 11 00 + 24 05 + 34 05 + 34 01 | require as useful, just, or proper; "It takes nerve to do what she did"; "success usually requires hard work"; "This job asks a lot of patience and skill"; "This position demands a lot of personal sacrifice"; "This dinner calls for a spectacular dessert"; "This intervention does not postulate a patient's consent"
02628647 42 v 01 govern 0 001 @ 02627934 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | require to be in a certain grammatical case, voice, or mood; "most transitive verbs govern the accusative case in German"
02628832 42 v 01 draw 2 001 @ 02627934 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | require a specified depth for floating; "This boat draws 70 inches"
02628961 42 v 01 cost 1 002 @ 02627934 v 0000 + 05163807 n 0102 01 + 14 00 | require to lose, suffer, or sacrifice; "This mistake cost him his job"
02629111 42 v 02 cry_out_for 0 cry_for 0 001 @ 02627934 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | need badly or desperately; "This question cries out for an answer"
02629256 42 v 03 obviate 0 rid_of 0 eliminate 1 003 + 01079042 n 0101 ! 02627934 v 0101 ~ 02629390 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | do away with
02629390 42 v 03 preclude 0 rule_out 0 close_out 0 002 @ 02629256 v 0000 + 01765132 a 0101 01 + 11 00 | make impossible, especially beforehand
02629535 42 v 03 incorporate 0 contain 0 comprise 0 002 @ 02632940 v 0000 + 00373278 n 0101 02 + 11 00 + 21 00 | include or contain; have as a component; "A totally new idea is comprised in this paper"; "The record contains many old songs from the 1930's"
02629793 42 v 04 embrace 0 encompass 0 comprehend 0 cover 2 006 $ 01033527 v 0000 @ 02632940 v 0000 + 01863970 a 0301 + 00525453 a 0301 + 13794034 n 0302 + 14427537 n 0201 01 + 11 00 | include in scope; include as part of something broader; have as one's sphere or territory; "This group encompasses a wide range of people from different backgrounds"; "this should cover everyone in the group"
02630189 42 v 02 have 0 feature 0 023 $ 02203362 v 0000 $ 02204692 v 0000 + 05601758 n 0201 + 05849789 n 0201 ! 02632353 v 0102 ~ 00047610 v 0000 ~ 00047745 v 0000 ~ 01123609 v 0000 ~ 02630734 v 0000 ~ 02630871 v 0000 ~ 02631005 v 0000 ~ 02631163 v 0000 ~ 02631349 v 0000 ~ 02631659 v 0000 ~ 02632167 v 0000 ~ 02636132 v 0000 ~ 02715456 v 0000 ~ 02715595 v 0000 ~ 02715812 v 0000 ~ 02717102 v 0000 ~ 02730813 v 0000 ~ 02740034 v 0000 ~ 02746735 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | have as a feature; "This restaurant features the most famous chefs in France"
02630734 42 v 01 carry 8 001 @ 02630189 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | be equipped with (a mast or sail); "This boat can only carry a small sail"
02630871 42 v 01 bear 1 002 @ 02630189 v 0000 ~ 02359228 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | have; "bear a resemblance"; "bear a signature"
02631005 42 v 01 give_off 0 001 @ 02630189 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | have as a by-product; "The big cities gave off so many wonderful American qualities"
02631163 42 v 02 unite 1 combine 0 003 @ 02630189 v 0000 + 07373803 n 0202 + 07373803 n 0201 01 + 31 00 | have or possess in combination; "she unites charm with a good business sense"
02631349 42 v 01 star 0 004 @ 02630189 v 0000 + 10163723 n 0102 + 10648696 n 0101 ~ 02631537 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | feature as the star; "The movie stars Dustin Hoffman as an autistic man"
02631537 42 v 01 co-star 0 002 @ 02631349 v 0000 + 09967967 n 0101 01 + 10 00 | feature as the co-star in a performance
02631659 42 v 03 sport 0 feature 1 boast 0 003 @ 02630189 v 0000 + 03325769 n 0201 + 06268784 n 0201 01 + 11 00 | wear or display in an ostentatious or proud manner; "she was sporting a new hat"
02631856 42 v 01 exhibit 0 003 @ 02632167 v 0000 + 00522145 n 0101 ~ 02632035 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | show an attribute, property, knowledge, or skill; "he exhibits a great talent"
02632035 42 v 01 phosphoresce 0 003 @ 02631856 v 0000 + 00272555 a 0101 + 11491026 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | to exhibit phosphorescence
02632167 42 v 01 possess 0 002 @ 02630189 v 0000 ~ 02631856 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | have as an attribute, knowledge, or skill; "he possesses great knowledge about the Middle East"
02632353 42 v 02 miss 0 lack 0 004 + 14449405 n 0201 ! 02630189 v 0101 ~ 02632567 v 0000 ~ 02633714 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | be without; "This soup lacks salt"; "There is something missing in my jewelry box!"
02632567 42 v 01 want 1 005 @ 02632353 v 0000 + 10766025 n 0101 + 14449405 n 0103 + 14493426 n 0102 + 09367991 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | be without, lack; be deficient in; "want courtesy"; "want the strength to go on living"; "flood victims wanting food and shelter"
02632838 42 v 01 miss 2 000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | be absent; "The child had been missing for a week"
02632940 42 v 01 include 0 008 * 02630189 v 0000 ! 02633714 v 0101 ~ 02629535 v 0000 ~ 02629793 v 0000 ~ 02633218 v 0000 ~ 02634667 v 0000 ~ 02700867 v 0000 ~ 02705535 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | have as a part, be made up out of; "The list includes the names of many famous writers"
02633218 42 v 01 involve 2 001 @ 02632940 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | contain as a part; "Dinner at Joe's always involves at least six courses"
02633356 42 v 02 consist 1 comprise 1 001 @ 02604760 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | be composed of; "The land he conquered comprised several provinces"; "What does this dish consist of?"
02633534 42 v 02 equate 0 correspond 4 004 @ 02664769 v 0000 + 02071973 a 0202 + 13946760 n 0103 + 06669864 n 0101 02 + 04 00 + 11 01 | be equivalent or parallel, in mathematics
02633714 42 v 01 exclude 0 002 @ 02632353 v 0000 ! 02632940 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | lack or fail to include; "The cost for the trip excludes food and beverages"
02633881 42 v 03 prove 0 turn_out 0 turn_up 3 002 @ 02604760 v 0000 ~ 02634265 v 0000 04 + 06 00 + 07 00 + 28 00 + 34 00 | be shown or be found to be; "She proved to be right"; "The medicine turned out to save her life"; "She turned up HIV positive"
02634133 42 v 01 turn_out 1 001 @ 00339934 v 0000 01 + 34 00 | prove to be in the result or end; "It turns out that he was right"
02634265 42 v 02 result 0 ensue 0 009 @ 02633881 v 0000 + 00122844 a 0107 + 11410625 n 0104 + 07292694 n 0101 + 13941337 n 0101 ~ 00344886 v 0000 ~ 02634567 v 0000 ~ 02720149 v 0000 ~ 02720354 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 34 02 | issue or terminate (in a specified way, state, etc.); end; "result in tragedy"
02634567 42 v 02 be_due 0 flow_from 0 001 @ 02634265 v 0000 02 + 11 00 + 04 01 | be the result of
02634667 42 v 01 subsume 0 002 @ 02632940 v 0000 + 05736002 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | contain or include; "This new system subsumes the old one"
02634808 42 v 02 entail 0 implicate 0 004 @ 02635956 v 0000 + 13860281 n 0201 + 05780885 n 0203 + 05920791 n 0203 01 + 11 00 | impose, involve, or imply as a necessary accompaniment or result; "What does this move entail?"
02635033 42 v 01 account_for 0 001 @ 02604760 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | be the reason or explanation for; "The recession accounts for the slow retail business"
02635189 42 v 03 entail 1 imply 0 mean 0 004 @ 02635547 v 0000 + 00723542 a 0201 + 05780885 n 0203 + 05780885 n 0102 01 + 11 00 | have as a logical consequence; "The water shortage means that we have to stop taking long showers"
02635420 42 v 01 compel 0 001 @ 02627934 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | necessitate or exact; "the water shortage compels conservation"
02635547 42 v 01 necessitate 1 002 @ 02635956 v 0000 ~ 02635189 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | cause to be a concomitant
02635659 42 v 03 leave 0 result 2 lead 4 007 $ 02730135 v 0000 @ 01752884 v 0000 + 00122844 a 0207 + 11410625 n 0204 + 07292694 n 0202 ~ 02635956 v 0000 $ 02729414 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | have as a result or residue; "The water left a mark on the silk dress"; "Her blood left a stain on the napkin"
02635956 42 v 01 lead c 003 @ 02635659 v 0000 ~ 02634808 v 0000 ~ 02635547 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | tend to or result in; "This remark lead to further arguments among the guests"
02636132 42 v 02 imply 1 involve 0 004 @ 02630189 v 0000 + 13793504 n 0201 + 05780885 n 0103 ~ 02636325 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | have as a necessary feature; "This decision involves many changes"
02636325 42 v 01 carry 2 002 @ 02636132 v 0000 $ 02746735 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | be necessarily associated with or result in or involve; "This crime carries a penalty of five years in prison"
02636516 42 v 01 carry c 003 @ 02203362 v 0000 + 00318735 n 0101 $ 02717102 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | have or possess something abstract; "I carry her image in my mind's eye"; "I will carry the secret to my grave"; "I carry these thoughts in the back of my head"; "I carry a lot of life insurance"
02636810 42 v 02 get_into 0 tangle_with 0 001 @ 00146138 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | get involved in or with
02636921 42 v 03 incriminate 0 imply 2 inculpate 0 010 @ 00930368 v 0000 + 00923993 a 0302 + 00923993 a 0301 + 07237758 n 0302 + 13793776 n 0201 + 07238102 n 0201 + 00924952 a 0104 + 07237758 n 0101 + 00767477 n 0101 + 00766234 n 0101 01 + 10 00 | suggest that someone is guilty
02637202 42 v 03 bide 0 abide 1 stay 1 006 @ 02727462 v 0000 ;u 07073447 n 0000 + 01053617 n 0301 + 01053920 n 0203 ~ 02619424 v 0000 ~ 02637466 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | dwell; "You can stay with me while you are in town"; "stay a bit longer--the day is still young"
02637466 42 v 02 overstay 0 outstay 0 001 @ 02637202 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | stay too long; "overstay or outstay one's welcome"
02637592 42 v 01 remain 5 004 @ 02604760 v 0000 + 13810818 n 0101 + 03286383 n 0102 + 13811184 n 0102 01 + 01 00 | be left; of persons, questions, problems, results, evidence, etc.; "There remains the question of who pulled the trigger"; "Carter remains the only President in recent history under whose Presidency the U.S. did not fight a war"
02637938 42 v 01 wait 0 006 + 01063939 n 0101 + 10763725 n 0101 + 01063939 n 0102 ~ 01138204 v 0000 ~ 02638206 v 0000 ~ 02638444 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | stay in one place and anticipate or expect something; "I had to wait on line for an hour to get the tickets"
02638206 42 v 02 kick_one's_heels 0 cool_one's_heels 0 001 @ 02637938 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | wait or pass the time aimlessly or futilely; be kept waiting; "She kicked her heels for hours at the gate of the Embassy"
02638444 42 v 03 stand_by 2 stick_around 0 stick_about 0 003 @ 02637938 v 0000 + 04301919 n 0101 + 10737103 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | be available or ready for a certain function or service
02638630 42 v 04 stand_by 1 stick_by 0 stick 0 adhere 1 001 @ 02604760 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 21 03 | be loyal to; "She stood by her husband in times of trouble"; "The friends stuck together through the war"
02638845 42 v 02 adhere 2 stick 5 003 @ 02346895 v 0000 + 01212882 n 0103 + 10016103 n 0102 01 + 22 00 | be a devoted follower or supporter; "The residents of this village adhered to Catholicism"; "She sticks to her principles"
02639075 42 v 0d loiter 0 lounge 0 footle 0 lollygag 0 loaf 0 lallygag 0 hang_around 0 mess_about 0 tarry 0 linger 0 lurk 0 mill_about 0 mill_around 0 005 @ 02604760 v 0000 + 10270232 n 0a02 + 09988703 n 0205 + 10270232 n 0101 ~ 02639475 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | be about; "The high school students like to loiter in the Central Square"; "Who is this man that is hanging around the department?"
02639475 42 v 02 prowl 0 lurch 0 002 @ 02639075 v 0000 + 00292125 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | loiter about, with no apparent aim
02639606 42 v 0d bum 0 bum_around 0 bum_about 0 arse_around 0 arse_about 0 fuck_off 0 loaf 1 frig_around 0 waste_one's_time 0 lounge_around 0 loll 0 loll_around 0 lounge_about 0 002 @ 02417504 v 0000 + 10197967 n 0702 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | be lazy or idle; "Her son is just bumming around all day"
02639905 42 v 02 lie_about 0 lie_around 0 001 @ 02417504 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | hang around idly; "She did all the work while he lay around"
02640053 42 v 02 lurk 1 skulk 0 003 @ 02144835 v 0000 + 10277352 n 0202 + 10277352 n 0101 01 + 22 00 | lie in wait, lie in ambush, behave in a sneaky and secretive manner
02640226 42 v 02 dwell_on 0 linger_over 0 001 @ 02640440 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | delay
02640311 42 v 01 boggle 0 001 @ 02640440 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | hesitate when confronted with a problem, or when in doubt or fear
02640440 42 v 03 hesitate 0 waver 0 waffle 0 016 * 00687523 v 0000 + 10762212 n 0301 + 01063350 n 0202 + 10603528 n 0201 + 05699434 n 0203 + 00686573 a 0101 + 05699434 n 0101 + 04645943 n 0103 + 10603528 n 0104 + 04645943 n 0102 + 10603528 n 0103 ~ 02640226 v 0000 ~ 02640311 v 0000 ~ 02640906 v 0000 ~ 02706046 v 0000 ~ 02740204 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 28 00 + 29 00 | pause or hold back in uncertainty or unwillingness; "Authorities hesitate to quote exact figures"
02640906 42 v 02 hover 1 linger 1 001 @ 02640440 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | move to and fro; "The shy student lingered in the corner"
02641035 42 v 02 hesitate 1 pause 0 007 @ 02641957 v 0000 + 01062817 n 0201 + 15271008 n 0201 + 01063350 n 0101 + 10603528 n 0104 ~ 01061881 v 0000 ~ 02641298 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 29 00 | interrupt temporarily an activity before continuing; "The speaker paused"
02641298 42 v 01 scruple 0 003 @ 02641035 v 0000 + 05957737 n 0101 + 07525555 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | hesitate on moral grounds; "The man scrupled to perjure himself"
02641463 42 v 03 wait 1 hold_off 0 hold_back 0 005 @ 02367363 v 0000 + 15272029 n 0105 + 10763725 n 0101 ~ 02641741 v 0000 ~ 02641957 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 08 00 + 33 00 | wait before acting; "the scientists held off announcing their results until they repeated the experiment"
02641741 42 v 01 hold_out 2 003 @ 02641463 v 0000 + 10180580 n 0101 + 07150328 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | wait uncompromisingly for something desirable; "He held out for the dessert and did not touch the cheeses"
02641957 42 v 01 delay 0 006 @ 02641463 v 0000 + 15272029 n 0101 ~ 02641035 v 0000 ~ 02642238 v 0000 ~ 02642610 v 0000 ~ 02642814 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | act later than planned, scheduled, or required; "Don't delay your application to graduate school or else it won't be considered"
02642238 42 v 07 procrastinate 0 stall 0 drag_one's_feet 0 drag_one's_heels 0 shillyshally 2 dilly-dally 0 dillydally 0 007 @ 02641957 v 0000 + 09988703 n 0702 + 01067362 n 0503 + 01075725 n 0201 + 01067362 n 0101 + 10478626 n 0101 ~ 02642610 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | postpone doing what one should be doing; "He did not want to write the letter and procrastinated for days"
02642610 42 v 01 procrastinate 1 003 @ 02642238 v 0000 @ 02641957 v 0000 + 05062370 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | postpone or delay needlessly; "He procrastinated the matter until it was almost too late"
02642814 42 v 0a postpone 0 prorogue 0 hold_over 2 put_over 0 table 0 shelve 0 set_back 1 defer 0 remit 0 put_off 0 015 * 02477755 v 0000 * 00795475 v 0000 @ 02641957 v 0000 + 06759974 n 0a01 + 01066881 n 0802 + 01066881 n 0803 + 10588724 n 0601 + 01067192 n 0201 + 01066881 n 0101 + 10478626 n 0102 ~ 02643421 v 0000 ~ 02643574 v 0000 ~ 02643740 v 0000 ~ 02643872 v 0000 ~ 02644035 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | hold back to a later time; "let's postpone the exam"
02643280 42 v 01 hold_over 1 002 @ 02727462 v 0000 + 10180791 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | continue a term of office past the normal period of time
02643421 42 v 01 call 9 001 @ 02642814 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | stop or postpone because of adverse conditions, such as bad weather; "call a football game"
02643574 42 v 01 hold c 002 @ 02642814 v 0000 + 15272029 n 0102 01 + 11 00 | stop dealing with; "hold all calls to the President's office while he is in a meeting"
02643740 42 v 01 suspend 0 001 @ 02642814 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | render temporarily ineffective; "the prison sentence was suspended"
02643872 42 v 01 probate 0 003 @ 02642814 v 0000 + 15297303 n 0101 + 01258251 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | put a convicted person on probation by suspending his sentence
02644035 42 v 02 reprieve 0 respite 1 004 @ 02642814 v 0000 + 01259034 n 0202 + 01259034 n 0101 + 06548317 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | postpone the punishment of a convicted criminal, such as an execution
02644234 42 v 05 predominate 0 dominate 0 rule 0 reign 0 prevail 2 008 + 05122099 n 0502 + 15260964 n 0401 + 01066787 a 0103 + 14442749 n 0102 + 14442749 n 0101 ~ 02644622 v 0000 ~ 02644771 v 0000 ~ 02645597 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | be larger in number, quantity, power, status or importance; "Money reigns supreme here"; "Hispanics predominate in this neighborhood"
02644622 42 v 01 override 3 002 @ 02644234 v 0000 + 00231567 n 0102 01 + 11 00 | prevail over; "health considerations override financial concerns"
02644771 42 v 01 overarch 0 001 @ 02644234 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | be central or dominant; "This scene overarches the entire first act"
02644905 42 v 01 outnumber 0 001 @ 02645007 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 | be larger in number
02645007 42 v 05 total 0 number 0 add_up 3 come c amount 1 012 @ 02604760 v 0000 + 05861067 n 0502 + 00033615 n 0503 + 06807198 n 0202 + 13582013 n 0201 + 05121418 n 0201 + 04353803 n 0102 + 05861067 n 0103 ~ 00638585 v 0000 ~ 02644905 v 0000 ~ 02645389 v 0000 ~ 02745332 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | add up in number or quantity; "The bills amounted to $2,000"; "The bill came to $2,000"
02645389 42 v 02 average 0 average_out 0 002 @ 02645007 v 0000 + 06021761 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | amount to or come to an average, without loss or gain; "The number of hours I work per work averages out to 40"
02645597 42 v 04 preponderate 0 outweigh 0 overbalance 0 outbalance 0 005 @ 02644234 v 0000 + 00792202 a 0105 + 05191486 n 0101 + 05028159 n 0101 + 05122099 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | weigh more heavily; "these considerations outweigh our wishes"
02645839 42 v 03 count 0 matter 0 weigh 3 005 @ 02604760 v 0000 + 05814291 n 0204 + 05169242 n 0201 ^ 02678663 v 0201 ~ 02646064 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 34 00 | have weight; have import, carry weight; "It does not matter much"
02646064 42 v 02 weigh 4 press 1 001 @ 02645839 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | to be oppressive or burdensome; "weigh heavily on the mind", "Something pressed on his mind"
02646227 42 v 01 rate 1 002 @ 02604760 v 0000 + 14429382 n 0101 02 + 06 00 + 11 00 | be worthy of or have a certain rating; "This bond rates highly"
02646378 42 v 02 deserve 0 merit 4 004 @ 02604760 v 0000 + 02586747 a 0202 + 04807050 n 0202 ~ 02646601 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | be worthy or deserving; "You deserve a promotion after all the hard work you have done"
02646601 42 v 01 have_it_coming 0 001 @ 02646378 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | deserve (either good or bad); "It's too bad he got fired, but he sure had it coming"
02646757 42 v 01 buy 0 003 @ 02604760 v 0000 + 13253751 n 0102 $ 02207206 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | be worth or be capable of buying; "This sum will buy you a ride on the train"
02646931 42 v 01 dominate 1 008 @ 02536557 v 0000 + 00791227 a 0101 + 14442933 n 0101 + 14442530 n 0101 + 01128390 n 0101 + 14441825 n 0101 ~ 02647184 v 0000 ~ 02647311 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | be in control; "Her husband completely dominates her"
02647184 42 v 01 overbear 0 001 @ 02646931 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | overcome; "overbear criticism, protest, or arguments"
02647311 42 v 01 possess 2 001 @ 02646931 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | enter into and control, as of emotions or ideas; "What possessed you to buy this house?"; "A terrible rage possessed her"
02647497 42 v 05 prevail 0 persist 0 die_hard 0 run 3 endure 8 008 $ 02612234 v 0000 @ 00118523 v 0000 + 10721124 n 0302 + 01758339 a 0201 + 04765355 n 0101 + 01066787 a 0102 ~ 00349951 v 0000 ~ 02647918 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | continue to exist; "These stories die hard"; "The legend of Elvis endures"
02647798 42 v 01 stick 4 001 @ 02731024 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | endure; "The label stuck to her for the rest of her life"
02647918 42 v 01 reverberate 0 002 @ 02647497 v 0000 + 11416722 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | have a long or continuing effect; "The discussions with my teacher reverberated throughout my adult life"
02648110 42 v 02 run 5 run_for 0 001 @ 02704928 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | extend or continue for a certain period of time; "The film runs 5 hours"
02648253 42 v 01 perpetuate 0 003 @ 02679899 v 0000 + 01018366 n 0103 ~ 02648406 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cause to continue or prevail; "perpetuate a myth"
02648406 42 v 01 eternize 0 001 @ 02648253 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cause to continue indefinitely
02648502 42 v 03 prevail 1 hold 2 obtain 0 001 @ 02603699 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | be valid, applicable, or true; "This theory still holds"
02648639 42 v 03 occupy 0 reside 1 lodge_in 0 013 @ 02649830 v 0000 + 02125409 a 0201 + 10523519 n 0201 + 01053920 n 0201 + 01053920 n 0202 + 00086809 n 0101 + 10523519 n 0103 + 10523519 n 0102 + 01054335 n 0101 ~ 01856096 v 0000 ~ 02649600 v 0000 ~ 02649712 v 0000 ~ 02657080 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | live (in a certain place); "She resides in Princeton"; "he occupies two rooms on the top floor"
02649042 42 v 02 occupy 1 fill 0 004 @ 02655135 v 0000 + 15141486 n 0101 ~ 02649305 v 0000 ~ 02649493 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | occupy the whole of; "The liquid fills the container"
02649220 42 v 02 douse 9 dowse 9 001 @ 00214951 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | wet thoroughly
02649305 42 v 01 crowd 0 003 @ 02649042 v 0000 + 08182379 n 0101 + 13933841 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | fill or occupy to the point of overflowing; "The students crowded the auditorium"
02649493 42 v 01 take_up 0 001 @ 02649042 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | take up time or space; "take up the slack"
02649600 42 v 01 stay_at 1 001 @ 02648639 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | reside temporarily; "I'm staying at the Hilton"
02649712 42 v 01 squat 0 002 @ 02648639 v 0000 + 10643095 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | occupy (a dwelling) illegally
02649830 42 v 04 populate 0 dwell 0 live 8 inhabit 0 023 @ 02655135 v 0000 + 01054545 n 0402 + 09620078 n 0401 + 01054545 n 0401 + 01423676 a 0302 + 01423676 a 0301 + 10268180 n 0301 ^ 01177314 v 0301 ^ 01177505 v 0301 + 09620078 n 0203 + 03259505 n 0201 + 08179879 n 0101 ~ 02460483 v 0000 ~ 02608176 v 0000 ~ 02648639 v 0000 ~ 02650552 v 0000 ~ 02650840 v 0000 ~ 02651014 v 0000 ~ 02651193 v 0000 ~ 02652494 v 0000 ~ 02653996 v 0000 ~ 02654947 v 0000 ~ 02656763 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | inhabit or live in; be an inhabitant of; "People lived in Africa millions of years ago"; "The people inhabited the islands that are now deserted"; "this kind of fish dwells near the bottom of the ocean"; "deer are populating the woods"
02650552 42 v 04 reside 0 shack 0 domicile 0 domiciliate 0 007 @ 02649830 v 0000 + 03547054 n 0204 + 02125409 a 0101 + 10523519 n 0101 + 01053920 n 0101 + 01053920 n 0102 ~ 02616542 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | make one's home in a particular place or community; "may parents reside in Florida"
02650840 42 v 01 people 0 004 @ 02649830 v 0000 + 08180190 n 0105 + 08160276 n 0102 + 07942152 n 0101 01 + 22 00 | furnish with people; "The plains are sparsely populated"
02651014 42 v 01 overpopulate 0 002 @ 02649830 v 0000 + 08178935 n 0101 01 + 22 00 | cause to have too great a population; "Some towns in New Jersey are becoming overpopulated"
02651193 42 v 03 cohabit 0 live_together 0 shack_up 0 003 @ 02649830 v 0000 + 01054876 n 0101 ~ 02739121 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | share living quarters; usually said of people who are not married and live together as a couple
02651424 42 v 02 lodge 0 accommodate 1 010 @ 02459173 v 0000 + 02672371 n 0201 + 01210816 n 0201 + 03685486 n 0101 + 03195485 n 0104 + 01054227 n 0101 ^ 02648639 v 0103 ~ 02651745 v 0000 ~ 02651853 v 0000 ~ 02653159 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 20 00 | provide housing for; "We are lodging three foreign students this semester"
02651745 42 v 01 barrack 0 002 @ 02651424 v 0000 + 02794779 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | lodge in barracks
02651853 42 v 01 keep 1 001 @ 02651424 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | supply with room and board; "He is keeping three women in the guest cottage"; "keep boarders"
02652016 42 v 01 keep c 002 @ 01739814 v 0000 ~ 02652158 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | raise; "She keeps a few chickens in the yard"; "he keeps bees"
02652158 42 v 01 herd 0 005 @ 02652016 v 0000 + 07994555 n 0101 + 07994331 n 0101 + 10171567 n 0101 ~ 02652376 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | keep, move, or drive animals; "Who will be herding the cattle when the cowboy dies?"
02652376 42 v 01 wrangle 0 002 @ 02652158 v 0000 + 10186216 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | herd and care for; "wrangle horses"
02652494 42 v 01 lodge 2 007 @ 02649830 v 0000 + 10269458 n 0101 + 03685486 n 0101 + 03541696 n 0104 + 03195485 n 0104 + 01054227 n 0101 ~ 02652729 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | be a lodger; stay temporarily; "Where are you lodging in Paris?"
02652729 42 v 02 sleep_over 0 stay_over 0 002 @ 02652494 v 0000 + 07455984 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | stay overnight; "The boy's friends were allowed to sleep over after the birthday party"
02652922 42 v 02 lay_over 0 stop_over 0 003 @ 01862918 v 0000 + 01056411 n 0202 + 01056411 n 0103 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | interrupt a journey temporarily, e.g., overnight; "We had to stop over in Venezuela on our flight back from Brazil"
02653159 42 v 03 quarter 0 billet 0 canton 0 006 @ 02651424 v 0000 ;c 08199025 n 0000 + 02944826 n 0303 + 02839200 n 0201 + 03679384 n 0102 + 04031884 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 09 00 | provide housing for (military personnel)
02653381 42 v 04 dwell 1 consist 0 lie 1 lie_in 0 002 @ 02603699 v 0000 + 08624196 n 0301 01 + 04 00 | originate (in); "The problems dwell in the social injustices in this country"
02653564 42 v 01 inhere 0 004 @ 02719930 v 0000 + 01348528 a 0104 + 00941940 a 0102 + 13958138 n 0101 01 + 04 00 | be inherent in something
02653706 42 v 02 pertain 0 appertain 0 004 @ 02719930 v 0000 + 02354897 a 0205 + 02671421 n 0202 + 01975833 a 0101 01 + 12 00 | be a part or attribute of
02653862 42 v 01 go 6 000 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | be awarded; be allotted; "The first prize goes to Mary"; "Her money went on clothes"
02653996 42 v 05 camp 0 encamp 0 camp_out 0 bivouac 0 tent 0 010 @ 02649830 v 0000 + 01055165 n 0504 + 04411264 n 0501 + 08518171 n 0405 + 02944826 n 0404 + 01055165 n 0202 + 02945161 n 0101 + 02944826 n 0101 + 09889941 n 0101 + 01055165 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | live in or as if in a tent; "Can we go camping again this summer?"; "The circus tented near the town"; "The houseguests had to camp in the living room"
02654416 42 v 01 inhabit 2 004 @ 02655135 v 0000 + 01054545 n 0102 ~ 02654585 v 0000 ~ 02654686 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | be present in; "sweet memories inhabit this house"
02654585 42 v 01 infest 0 001 @ 02654416 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | live on or in a host, as of parasites
02654686 42 v 03 invade 0 overrun 0 infest 2 004 @ 02654416 v 0000 + 14452616 n 0301 + 07996412 n 0301 + 07429976 n 0101 02 + 04 00 + 11 00 | occupy in large numbers or live on a host; "the Kudzu plant infests much of the South and is spreading to the North"
02654947 42 v 01 nest 0 003 @ 02649830 v 0000 + 01514926 n 0101 + 09369169 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | inhabit a nest, usually after building; "birds are nesting outside my window every Spring"
02655135 42 v 01 be 5 021 ~ 02607830 v 0000 ~ 02612762 v 0000 ~ 02649042 v 0000 ~ 02649830 v 0000 ~ 02654416 v 0000 ~ 02655698 v 0000 ~ 02685665 v 0000 ~ 02685951 v 0000 ~ 02686471 v 0000 ~ 02687916 v 0000 ~ 02690093 v 0000 ~ 02690708 v 0000 ~ 02691214 v 0000 ~ 02692882 v 0000 ~ 02693691 v 0000 ~ 02705913 v 0000 ~ 02720544 v 0000 ~ 02723445 v 0000 ~ 02731390 v 0000 ~ 02737876 v 0000 ~ 02743565 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 22 00 | occupy a certain position or area; be somewhere; "Where is my umbrella?" "The toolshed is in the back"; "What is behind this behavior?"
02655698 42 v 05 stand_back 0 keep_one's_eyes_off 0 keep_one's_distance 0 keep_one's_hands_off 0 stay_away 0 001 @ 02655135 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | stay clear of, avoid; "Keep your hands off my wife!"; "Keep your distance from this man--he is dangerous"
02655958 42 v 01 shine 4 001 @ 02604760 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | be clear and obvious; "A shining example"
02656062 42 v 01 chamber 0 003 @ 02459173 v 0000 + 03004146 n 0101 + 03003730 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | place in a chamber
02656189 42 v 02 harbor 0 harbour 0 005 @ 02656390 v 0000 + 03492250 n 0202 + 08644045 n 0202 + 03492250 n 0101 + 08644045 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | secretly shelter (as of fugitives or criminals)
02656390 42 v 01 shelter 0 010 @ 02327200 v 0000 + 13313733 n 0102 + 14539960 n 0102 + 04191943 n 0101 + 04191595 n 0101 ~ 02459173 v 0000 ~ 02459799 v 0000 ~ 02459915 v 0000 ~ 02460070 v 0000 ~ 02656189 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | provide shelter for; "After the earthquake, the government could not provide shelter for the thousands of homeless people"
02656763 42 v 02 board 0 room 0 006 @ 02649830 v 0000 + 04105893 n 0201 + 10269458 n 0203 + 07565259 n 0101 + 03201208 n 0102 + 09862345 n 0101 01 + 22 00 | live and take one's meals at or in; "she rooms in an old boarding house"
02656995 42 v 01 take_in 0 001 @ 02459173 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | provide with shelter
02657080 42 v 01 crash 0 001 @ 02648639 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | occupy, usually uninvited; "My son's friends crashed our house last weekend"
02657219 42 v 08 match 0 fit 4 correspond 0 check 8 jibe 0 gibe 0 tally 0 agree 0 027 $ 02700104 v 0000 @ 02664769 v 0000 + 00577122 a 0802 + 04713428 n 0801 ! 02718543 v 0801 + 02071973 a 0302 + 04713428 n 0302 + 03728811 n 0101 ~ 02658050 v 0000 $ 02658283 v 0000 ~ 02658447 v 0000 ~ 02658570 v 0000 ~ 02658734 v 0000 ~ 02658867 v 0000 ~ 02658979 v 0000 ~ 02659222 v 0000 ~ 02659358 v 0000 ~ 02659541 v 0000 ~ 02663340 v 0000 ~ 02665282 v 0000 ~ 02667900 v 0000 ~ 02699783 v 0000 ~ 02699941 v 0000 ~ 02700104 v 0000 ~ 02712243 v 0000 ~ 02718178 v 0000 ~ 02750432 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | be compatible, similar or consistent; coincide in their characteristics; "The two stories don't agree in many details"; "The handwriting checks with the signature on the check"; "The suspect's fingerprints don't match those on the gun"
02658050 42 v 01 consist 2 003 @ 02657219 v 0000 + 04745932 n 0101 + 04745932 n 0102 01 + 01 00 | be consistent in form, tenor, or character; be congruous; "Desires are to be satisfied only so far as consists with an approved end"
02658283 42 v 02 check 9 check_out 6 002 $ 02657219 v 0000 + 00141806 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | be verified or confirmed; pass inspection; "These stories don't check!"
02658447 42 v 01 look 2 001 @ 02657219 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | accord in appearance with; "You don't look your age!"
02658570 42 v 01 answer 0 001 @ 02657219 v 0000 02 + 04 00 + 11 00 | match or correspond; "The drawing of the suspect answers to the description the victim gave"
02658734 42 v 01 coincide 1 002 @ 02657219 v 0000 + 00561757 a 0101 01 + 01 00 | be the same; "our views on this matter coincided"
02658867 42 v 01 align 0 002 @ 02657219 v 0000 + 01000068 n 0101 01 + 04 00 | be or come into adjustment with
02658979 42 v 01 correlate 0 007 @ 02657219 v 0000 + 01974298 a 0101 + 13841651 n 0101 + 06031248 n 0101 + 06032246 n 0103 + 05858407 n 0101 $ 00713996 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | to bear a reciprocal or mutual relation; "Do these facts correlate?"
02659222 42 v 01 parallel 0 002 @ 02657219 v 0000 + 04746430 n 0103 01 + 11 00 | be parallel to; "Their roles are paralleled by ours"
02659358 42 v 03 twin 0 duplicate 0 parallel 1 002 @ 02657219 v 0000 + 03117939 n 0103 01 + 11 00 | duplicate or match; "The polished surface twinned his face and chest in reverse"
02659541 42 v 01 square 0 001 @ 02657219 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | be compatible with; "one idea squares with another"
02659656 42 v 01 square 1 001 @ 00150287 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | cause to match, as of ideas or acts
02659763 42 v 02 fit 2 go 5 006 $ 02700455 v 0000 @ 02735753 v 0000 + 04930307 n 0101 + 00795008 n 0101 ~ 02660014 v 0000 ~ 02660147 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | be the right size or shape; fit correctly or as desired; "This piece won't fit into the puzzle"
02660014 42 v 01 tessellate 0 001 @ 02659763 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | fit together exactly, of identical shapes; "triangles tessellate"
02660147 42 v 01 joint 0 003 @ 02659763 v 0000 + 03600977 n 0101 + 13911151 n 0103 01 + 01 00 | fit as if by joints; "The boards fit neatly"
02660290 42 v 01 dovetail 0 003 > 02659763 v 0000 @ 00300537 v 0000 + 03228967 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | fit together tightly, as if by means of a dovetail
02660442 42 v 03 coincide 0 co-occur 0 cooccur 0 005 @ 02604477 v 0000 + 07284554 n 0304 ^ 02660819 v 0303 + 02378496 a 0101 ~ 02660631 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | go with, fall together
02660631 42 v 01 overlap 3 004 @ 02660442 v 0000 + 05048833 n 0101 + 05764365 n 0101 ~ 02718309 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 04 00 + 08 00 | coincide partially or wholly; "Our vacations overlap"
02660819 42 v 05 collocate_with 0 construe_with 0 cooccur_with 0 co-occur_with 0 go_with 0 001 @ 02716165 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | go or occur together; "The word 'hot' tends to cooccur with 'cold'"
02661015 42 v 01 fall 2 002 $ 00342443 v 0000 @ 02604760 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | be due; "payments fall on the 1st of the month"
02661142 42 v 01 scan 0 002 @ 02662979 v 0000 ;c 07092592 n 0000 01 + 01 00 | conform to a metrical pattern
02661252 42 v 04 deviate 0 vary 0 diverge 1 depart 0 022 @ 02666239 v 0000 + 07366289 n 0403 + 02066662 a 0301 + 07366289 n 0302 + 02068277 a 0201 + 11415084 n 0201 + 10341660 n 0203 + 00194969 n 0201 + 07366627 n 0203 + 00194969 n 0202 + 01596122 a 0102 + 10419047 n 0103 + 07366289 n 0101 + 06022291 n 0101 + 04802776 n 0101 + 00737399 n 0101 + 10419047 n 0102 ! 02662979 v 0101 + 01596122 a 0103 ~ 02661769 v 0000 ~ 02662076 v 0000 ~ 02663141 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | be at variance with; be out of line with
02661769 42 v 01 aberrate 0 005 @ 02661252 v 0000 ;c 06100778 n 0000 + 14503665 n 0103 + 11420139 n 0101 + 14503665 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | diverge or deviate from the straight path; produce aberration; "The surfaces of the concave lens may be proportioned so as to aberrate exactly equal to the convex lens"
02662076 42 v 01 aberrate 1 005 @ 02661252 v 0000 + 14503665 n 0103 + 14386590 n 0101 + 09755893 n 0101 + 14503665 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | diverge from the expected; "The President aberrated from being a perfect gentleman"
02662297 42 v 01 vary 1 011 @ 02666239 v 0000 + 02507515 a 0102 + 02504131 a 0101 + 02505415 a 0101 + 02068277 a 0101 + 13893310 n 0103 + 11415084 n 0101 + 07337390 n 0101 + 05864177 n 0102 ~ 02662647 v 0000 ~ 02662821 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | be subject to change in accordance with a variable; "Prices vary"; "His moods vary depending on the weather"
02662647 42 v 01 co-vary 0 004 @ 02662297 v 0000 ;c 06018465 n 0000 + 06025287 n 0101 + 06032752 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | vary in the same time period (of two random variables)
02662821 42 v 01 drift 3 002 $ 00572502 v 0000 @ 02662297 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | vary or move from a fixed point or course; "stock prices are drifting higher"
02662979 42 v 01 conform 6 004 + 01203676 n 0102 + 04713692 n 0102 ! 02661252 v 0101 ~ 02661142 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 04 00 + 27 00 | be similar, be in line with
02663141 42 v 03 contradict 0 belie 0 negate 0 006 @ 02661252 v 0000 + 06751572 n 0301 + 02356579 a 0102 + 00578234 a 0103 + 00508750 a 0101 + 02382144 a 0101 01 + 11 00 | be in contradiction with
02663340 42 v 04 corroborate 0 underpin 0 bear_out 0 support 0 005 @ 02657219 v 0000 + 00154433 n 0402 + 02355521 a 0105 + 02355521 a 0106 + 06650431 n 0103 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | support with evidence or authority or make more certain or confirm; "The stories and claims were born out by the evidence"
02663643 42 v 04 repose_on 0 rest_on 0 build_on 0 build_upon 0 002 @ 02711987 v 0000 ~ 02731814 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | be based on; of theories and claims, for example; "What's this new evidence based on?"
02663848 42 v 02 depend_on 1 rely_on 2 000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | be dependent on, as for support or maintenance; "elderly parents often depend on their adult children"
02664017 42 v 04 depend_on 2 depend_upon 2 rely_on 0 rely_upon 0 000 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | put trust in with confidence; "she is someone you can really rely on when times get rough"; "you can rely on his discretion"
02664234 42 v 01 depend 0 004 @ 02604760 v 0000 + 00556174 a 0101 + 00556174 a 0102 ~ 02664413 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | be contingent upon (something that is elided); "That depends"
02664413 42 v 02 hang_by_a_thread 0 hang_by_a_hair 0 001 @ 02664234 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | depend on a small thing or be at risk; "His life now hangs by a thread"
02664575 42 v 01 underlie 0 001 @ 02604760 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | be or form the base for
02664664 42 v 03 rest c reside c repose c 001 @ 02705535 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | be inherent or innate in;
02664769 42 v 02 equal 0 be 7 005 ! 02666239 v 0101 ~ 02633534 v 0000 ~ 02657219 v 0000 ~ 02699497 v 0000 ~ 02753100 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 11 00 | be identical or equivalent to; "One dollar equals 1,000 rubles these days!"
02664992 42 v 01 amount 3 001 ~ 02665124 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | be tantamount or equivalent to; "Her action amounted to a rebellion"
02665124 42 v 01 make b 002 $ 02745332 v 0000 @ 02664992 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | amount to; "This salary increase makes no difference to my standard of living"
02665282 42 v 01 resemble 0 008 @ 02657219 v 0000 + 04747445 n 0101 ~ 02665617 v 0000 ~ 02665767 v 0000 ~ 02665937 v 0000 ~ 02666060 v 0000 ~ 02674879 v 0000 ~ 02675458 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | appear like; be similar or bear a likeness to; "She resembles her mother very much"; "This paper resembles my own work"
02665617 42 v 01 look_like 0 001 @ 02665282 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | bear a physical resemblance to; "She looks like her mother"
02665767 42 v 01 come_to_life 0 001 @ 02665282 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | be lifelike, as of a painting; "If you look at it long enough, this portrait comes to life!"
02665937 42 v 01 take_after 0 001 @ 02665282 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | be similar to a relative; "She takes after her father!"
02666060 42 v 02 approximate 0 come_close 0 003 @ 02665282 v 0000 + 00915976 a 0102 ~ 02703952 v 0000 02 + 11 00 + 04 02 | be close or similar; "Her results approximate my own"
02666239 42 v 01 differ 0 010 + 02070342 a 0101 + 00490413 a 0101 + 02070030 a 0101 + 01410363 a 0103 + 02064745 a 0101 + 04748836 n 0101 ! 02664769 v 0101 ~ 02661252 v 0000 ~ 02662297 v 0000 ~ 02666882 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | be different; "These two tests differ in only one respect"
02666531 42 v 02 oppose 0 counterbalance 0 003 @ 02666882 v 0000 + 03118539 n 0202 ~ 02666691 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 11 00 | contrast with equal weight or force
02666691 42 v 03 counterweight 0 counterpoise 0 counterpose 0 003 @ 02666531 v 0000 + 03118539 n 0203 + 03118539 n 0101 02 + 11 00 + 21 00 | constitute a counterweight or counterbalance to
02666882 42 v 02 contrast 0 counterpoint 0 009 @ 02666239 v 0000 + 02066142 a 0102 + 02382572 a 0101 + 13855627 n 0101 + 05748786 n 0104 + 00651813 n 0101 ~ 02666531 v 0000 ~ 02667228 v 0000 ~ 02739688 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | to show differences when compared; be different; "the students contrast considerably in their artistic abilities"
02667228 42 v 01 conflict 0 005 @ 02666882 v 0000 + 13980845 n 0101 + 07483439 n 0101 + 04714679 n 0101 ~ 02667698 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | be in conflict; "The two proposals conflict!"
02667419 42 v 01 come_in 0 003 @ 00109660 v 0000 ;c 05750657 n 0000 ! 02667558 v 0101 01 + 01 00 | come into fashion; become fashionable
02667558 42 v 01 go_out 0 003 @ 00109660 v 0000 ;c 05750657 n 0000 ! 02667419 v 0101 01 + 01 00 | go out of fashion; become unfashionable
02667698 42 v 03 clash 0 jar 0 collide 0 003 @ 02667228 v 0000 + 07183000 n 0301 + 13981137 n 0101 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | be incompatible; be or come into conflict; "These colors clash"
02667900 42 v 03 meet 1 fit 1 conform_to 1 006 @ 02657219 v 0000 ~ 02438228 v 0000 ~ 02668170 v 0000 ~ 02668378 v 0000 ~ 02671880 v 0000 ~ 02702830 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | satisfy a condition or restriction; "Does this paper meet the requirements for the degree?"
02668170 42 v 02 fit_the_bill 0 fill_the_bill 0 001 @ 02667900 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | be what is needed or be good enough for what is required; "Does this restaurant fit the bill for the celebration?"
02668378 42 v 02 behoove 0 behove 0 001 @ 02667900 v 0000 01 + 34 00 | be appropriate or necessary; "It behooves us to reflect on this matter"
02668523 42 v 03 violate 0 go_against 0 break 0 005 + 02510446 a 0101 + 01631386 a 0102 + 00770543 n 0101 ! 02668956 v 0101 ~ 02668798 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | fail to agree with; be in violation of; as of rules or patterns; "This sentence violates the rules of syntax"
02668798 42 v 02 fly_in_the_face_of 0 fly_in_the_teeth_of 0 001 @ 02668523 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | go against; "This action flies in the face of the agreement"
02668956 42 v 01 conform_to 0 002 @ 02542280 v 0000 ! 02668523 v 0101 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | observe; "conform to the rules"
02669081 42 v 06 exceed 0 transcend 1 overstep 0 pass 4 go_past 0 top 0 010 @ 02673965 v 0000 + 13940456 n 060a + 09851165 n 0602 + 06781878 n 0601 + 02344793 a 0201 + 13950440 n 0202 + 13950440 n 0201 + 01533974 a 0101 + 05092635 n 0101 + 01374912 a 0201 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | be superior or better than some standard; "She exceeded our expectations"; "She topped her performance of last year"
02669477 42 v 03 exceed 1 transcend 0 surpass 1 004 + 02344793 a 0201 + 13950440 n 0201 + 01374912 a 0201 ~ 02669709 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | be greater in scope or size than some standard; "Their loyalty exceeds their national bonds"
02669709 42 v 01 overgrow 2 001 @ 02669477 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | grow too large
02669789 42 v 04 suffice 0 do 1 answer 2 serve c 010 @ 02671880 v 0000 + 02335828 a 0101 + 14492953 n 0101 + 13580415 n 0102 + 05112609 n 0101 ~ 02623346 v 0000 ~ 02670270 v 0000 ~ 02670890 v 0000 ~ 02679012 v 0000 ~ 02738126 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 34 01 | be sufficient; be adequate, either in quality or quantity; "A few words would answer"; "This car suits my purpose well"; "Will $100 do?"; "A 'B' grade doesn't suffice to get me into medical school"; "Nothing else will serve"
02670270 42 v 01 go_a_long_way 0 001 @ 02669789 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | suffice or be adequate for a while or to a certain extent
02670398 42 v 01 serve 1 003 $ 02670578 v 0000 @ 01642924 v 0000 ~ 02735897 v 0000 02 + 04 00 + 28 00 | contribute or conduce to; "The scandal served to increase his popularity"
02670578 42 v 02 serve 2 serve_well 0 003 @ 00908351 v 0000 + 13952171 n 0103 $ 02670398 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | promote, benefit, or be useful or beneficial to; "Art serves commerce"; "Their interests are served"; "The lake serves recreation"; "The President's wisdom has served the country well"
02670890 42 v 02 serve 3 function c 005 $ 02541251 v 0000 @ 02669789 v 0000 + 05149325 n 0201 ~ 02671498 v 0000 ~ 02671613 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 | serve a purpose, role, or function; "The tree stump serves as a table"; "The female students served as a control group"; "This table would serve very well"; "His freedom served him well"; "The table functions as a desk"
02671279 42 v 01 admit 3 005 @ 02709107 v 0000 + 01762065 a 0102 + 01762065 a 0101 + 13321495 n 0102 $ 02502536 v 0000 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | serve as a means of entrance; "This ticket will admit one adult to the show"
02671498 42 v 01 prelude 0 002 @ 02670890 v 0000 + 07327013 n 0103 01 + 11 00 | serve as a prelude or opening to
02671613 42 v 01 act_as 0 001 @ 02670890 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 | function as or act like; "This heap of stones will act as a barrier"
02671761 42 v 01 fall_short_of 0 001 ! 02671880 v 0101 01 + 11 00 | fail to satisfy, as of expectations, for example
02671880 42 v 04 satisfy 0 fulfill 0 fulfil 0 live_up_to 0 010 @ 02667900 v 0000 + 00062451 n 0302 + 00062451 n 0201 + 01124768 a 0101 + 02080577 a 0101 + 01072565 n 0101 + 09424489 n 0101 ! 02671761 v 0101 ~ 02669789 v 0000 ~ 02675935 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | meet the requirements or expectations of
02672187 42 v 04 equal 1 touch 2 rival 0 match 1 004 @ 01072262 v 0000 + 09626238 n 0403 + 09626238 n 0102 $ 00417001 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 11 00 | be equal to in quality or ability; "Nothing can rival cotton for durability"; "Your performance doesn't even touch that of your colleagues"; "Her persistence and ambition only matches that of her parents"
02672540 42 v 07 compensate 0 counterbalance 1 correct 3 make_up 3 even_out 0 even_off 0 even_up 0 007 @ 02673134 v 0000 + 00232754 a 0301 + 13291189 n 0201 + 03118539 n 0202 + 00259643 n 0102 ~ 02556537 v 0000 ~ 02672859 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | adjust for; "engineers will work to correct the effects or air resistance"
02672859 42 v 03 cover e compensate 3 overcompensate 0 004 $ 00891216 v 0000 @ 02672540 v 0000 + 13529616 n 0301 + 13450636 n 0201 01 + 11 00 | make up for shortcomings or a feeling of inferiority by exaggerating good qualities; "he is compensating for being a bad father"
02673134 42 v 04 balance 0 equilibrate 0 equilibrize 0 equilibrise 0 016 $ 01602318 v 0000 $ 02743020 v 0000 @ 00456740 v 0000 + 13934900 n 0301 + 13897996 n 0302 + 13934900 n 0201 + 13897996 n 0202 + 13446197 n 0202 + 05659365 n 0201 + 14002279 n 0101 ! 02673630 v 0101 ~ 00455919 v 0000 ~ 02672540 v 0000 ~ 02717831 v 0000 ~ 02718015 v 0000 ~ 02752107 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | bring into balance or equilibrium; "She has to balance work and her domestic duties"; "balance the two weights"
02673630 42 v 01 unbalance 0 001 ! 02673134 v 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | throw out of balance or equilibrium; "The tax relief unbalanced the budget"; "The prima donna unbalances the smooth work in our department"
02673844 42 v 02 rank 0 outrank 0 001 @ 02673965 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 09 02 | take precedence or surpass others in rank
02673965 42 v 03 excel 0 stand_out 0 surpass 0 005 + 02343110 a 0101 + 04728786 n 0101 ~ 02669081 v 0000 ~ 02673844 v 0000 ~ 02674447 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | distinguish oneself; "She excelled in math"
02674173 42 v 01 stink 0 002 @ 02604760 v 0000 + 03655838 n 0102 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | be extremely bad in quality or in one's performance; "This term paper stinks!"
02674340 42 v 01 suck 0 001 @ 02604760 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | be inadequate or objectionable; "this sucks!"
02674447 42 v 02 shine_at 0 excel_at 0 001 @ 02673965 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 33 00 | be good at; "She shines at math"
02674564 42 v 05 leap_out 0 jump_out 0 jump 0 stand_out 2 stick_out 2 001 @ 02133435 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 04 00 + 34 00 | be highly noticeable
02674708 42 v 01 make 0 001 @ 02623529 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 11 00 | be or be capable of being changed or made into; "He makes a great host"; "He will make a fine father"
02674879 42 v 01 imitate 0 004 @ 02665282 v 0000 ~ 02675067 v 0000 ~ 02675270 v 0000 ~ 02675603 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 11 00 | appear like, as in behavior or appearance; "Life imitate art"
02675067 42 v 01 ape 0 004 @ 02674879 v 0000 + 09964411 n 0104 + 09964411 n 0105 + 00549472 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 11 00 | imitate uncritically and in every aspect; "Her little brother apes her behavior"
02675270 42 v 01 emulate 1 003 @ 02674879 v 0000 ;c 06128570 n 0000 + 05665984 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | imitate the function of (another system), as by modifying the hardware or the software
02675458 42 v 02 echo 0 recall 0 002 @ 02665282 v 0000 + 05010801 n 0101 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | call to mind; "His words echoed John F. Kennedy"
02675603 42 v 01 follow_suit 0 001 @ 02674879 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | do what someone else is doing
02675701 42 v 01 emulate 0 004 @ 01742886 v 0000 + 07484929 n 0101 + 01021270 n 0101 + 09964411 n 0103 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | strive to equal or match, especially by imitating; "He is emulating the skating skills of his older sister"
02675935 42 v 01 cover 0 001 @ 02671880 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | provide for; "The grant doesn't cover my salary"
02676054 42 v 09 refer 0 pertain 1 relate 0 concern 0 come_to 3 bear_on 0 touch 0 touch_on 0 have-to_doe_with 0 009 $ 01026728 v 0000 + 00138314 a 0203 + 13795180 n 0203 + 13795180 n 0202 + 05922949 n 0101 ~ 02676496 v 0000 ~ 02676789 v 0000 ~ 02677097 v 0000 ~ 02678663 v 0000 05 + 10 00 + 11 00 + 04 03 + 04 02 + 04 01 | be relevant to; "There were lots of questions referring to her talk"; "My remark pertained to your earlier comments"
02676496 42 v 06 focus_on 0 center_on 0 revolve_around 0 revolve_about 0 concentrate_on 0 center 0 003 @ 02676054 v 0000 + 05812038 n 0601 + 05704694 n 0606 04 + 10 00 + 11 00 + 04 06 + 22 06 | center upon; "Her entire attention centered on her children"; "Our day revolved around our work"
02676789 42 v 03 apply 0 hold 4 go_for 0 004 $ 02707429 v 0000 @ 02676054 v 0000 + 01834812 a 0101 + 01975448 a 0101 04 + 01 00 + 04 00 + 10 03 + 11 03 | be pertinent or relevant or applicable; "The same laws apply to you!"; "This theory holds for all irrational numbers"; "The same rules go for everyone"
02677097 42 v 03 involve 1 affect 0 regard 0 004 @ 02676054 v 0000 + 05820170 n 0302 + 13793504 n 0101 ~ 02677332 v 0000 03 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | connect closely and often incriminatingly; "This new ruling affects your business"
02677332 42 v 01 implicate 1 003 @ 02677097 v 0000 + 13793776 n 0101 + 07238102 n 0101 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | bring into intimate and incriminating connection; "He is implicated in the scheme to defraud the government"
02677567 42 v 01 involve 4 006 @ 02449847 v 0000 + 01239064 n 0104 + 13924659 n 0102 + 01239064 n 0103 ~ 02677797 v 0000 ~ 02678287 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 20 00 | engage as a participant; "Don't involve me in your family affairs!"
02677797 42 v 06 embroil 0 tangle 0 sweep 0 sweep_up 0 drag 0 drag_in 0 002 @ 02677567 v 0000 + 13936153 n 0102 02 + 09 00 + 20 00 | force into some kind of situation, condition, or course of action; "They were swept up by the events"; "don't drag me into this business"
02678070 42 v 03 disinvolve 0 disembroil 0 disentangle 0 002 @ 02422026 v 0000 + 01244593 n 0303 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | free from involvement or entanglement; "How can I disentangle myself from her personal affairs?"
02678287 42 v 02 entangle 0 mire 0 002 @ 02677567 v 0000 + 04568557 n 0102 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | entrap; "Our people should not be mired in the past"
02678438 42 v 04 concern 1 interest 1 occupy 4 worry 0 004 + 00582868 n 0301 + 05682950 n 0201 + 07524529 n 0101 + 05832264 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | be on the mind of; "I worry about the second Germanic consonant shift"
02678663 42 v 02 matter_to 0 interest 0 003 @ 02676054 v 0000 + 05192451 n 0201 ~ 02678839 v 0000 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | be of importance or consequence; "This matters to me!"
02678839 42 v 02 intrigue 0 fascinate 0 004 @ 02678663 v 0000 + 14407899 n 0201 + 04689450 n 0201 ~ 00737476 v 0000 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | cause to be interested or curious
02679012 42 v 02 qualify 0 measure_up 0 006 @ 02669789 v 0000 + 04717139 n 0101 + 13948026 n 0101 + 04728068 n 0101 + 10498196 n 0101 + 00065575 n 0103 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | prove capable or fit; meet requirements
02679227 42 v 01 begin 2 002 + 05868051 n 0101 $ 02608823 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | be the first item or point, constitute the beginning or start, come first in a series; "The number `one' begins the sequence"; "A terrible murder begins the novel"; "The convocation ceremony officially begins the semester"
02679530 42 v 03 prolong 0 sustain 1 keep_up 0 007 @ 02679899 v 0000 + 02806261 a 0201 + 10740219 n 0203 + 01216191 n 0201 + 05051896 n 0102 + 01018366 n 0101 ~ 02410175 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | lengthen or extend in duration or space; "We sustained the diplomatic negotiations as long as possible"; "prolong the treatment of the patient"; "keep up the good work"
02679899 42 v 05 continue 0 uphold 0 carry_on 0 bear_on 1 preserve 0 011 $ 02684924 v 0000 $ 01995549 v 0000 @ 02681795 v 0000 + 14578940 n 0501 + 10740219 n 0201 ! 02680814 v 0101 ~ 00350104 v 0000 ~ 00350461 v 0000 ~ 02648253 v 0000 ~ 02679530 v 0000 ~ 02680358 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | keep or maintain in unaltered condition; cause to remain or last; "preserve the peace in the family"; "continue the family tradition"; "Carry on the old traditions"
02680358 42 v 01 mummify 0 002 @ 02679899 v 0000 + 14578634 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | preserve while making lifeless; "mummified ideas and institutions should be gotten rid of"
02680531 42 v 02 shut_off 0 close_off 0 001 @ 02680814 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 | stem the flow of; "shut off the gas when you leave for a vacation"
02680691 42 v 01 cheese 0 001 @ 02680814 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | used in the imperative (get away, or stop it); "Cheese it!"
02680814 42 v 06 discontinue 0 stop 0 cease 0 give_up 0 quit 4 lay_off 0 018 + 07362075 n 0301 + 15268239 n 0301 + 01056411 n 0201 + 01076046 n 0201 + 07365849 n 0201 + 01076046 n 0202 + 01022483 n 0102 + 01022483 n 0101 ! 02679899 v 0101 ~ 00363110 v 0000 ~ 00572661 v 0000 ~ 00974031 v 0000 ~ 02380009 v 0000 ~ 02510184 v 0000 ~ 02680531 v 0000 ~ 02680691 v 0000 ~ 02681335 v 0000 ~ 02681524 v 0000 05 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 33 00 + 28 03 + 28 02 | put an end to a state or an activity; "Quit teasing your little brother"
02681335 42 v 02 call_it_quits 0 call_it_a_day 0 001 @ 02680814 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | stop doing what one is doing; "At midnight, the student decided to call it quits and closed his books"
02681524 42 v 01 break 3 002 @ 02680814 v 0000 $ 02681639 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | give up; "break cigarette smoking"
02681639 42 v 01 break 4 002 $ 02681524 v 0000 > 02681524 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | cause to give up a habit; "She finally broke herself of smoking cigarettes"
02681795 42 v 03 keep 0 maintain 0 hold 0 022 ^ 01131473 v 0306 ^ 01116585 v 0302 ^ 02682424 v 0301 ^ 02618149 v 0308 ^ 00459776 v 0303 + 01963688 a 0201 + 10740219 n 0202 ^ 02496388 v 0101 ^ 02449340 v 0102 ^ 01189823 v 0101 ^ 02679530 v 0103 ^ 00811720 v 0101 ^ 00235918 v 0102 ^ 00495808 v 0103 ^ 01113975 v 0101 ~ 00403401 v 0000 ~ 02679899 v 0000 ~ 02682424 v 0000 ~ 02682567 v 0000 ~ 02682773 v 0000 ~ 02683127 v 0000 ~ 02683316 v 0000 03 + 05 00 + 20 00 + 21 00 | keep in a certain state, position, or activity; e.g., "keep clean"; "hold in place"; "She always held herself as a lady"; "The students keep me on my toes"
02682424 42 v 01 hold_over 0 002 @ 02681795 v 0000 + 01022292 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | keep in a position or state from an earlier period of time
02682567 42 v 01 conserve 0 002 @ 02681795 v 0000 + 06104073 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | keep constant through physical or chemical reactions or evolutionary change; "Energy is conserved in this process"
02682773 42 v 01 preserve 7 001 @ 02681795 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | keep undisturbed for personal or private use for hunting, shooting, or fishing; "preserve the forest and the lakes"
02682954 42 v 01 carry e 002 @ 01184625 v 0000 $ 01218084 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | keep up with financial support; "The Federal Government carried the province for many years"
02683127 42 v 01 distance 0 002 @ 02681795 v 0000 + 07505871 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | keep at a distance; "we have to distance ourselves from these events in order to continue living"
02683316 42 v 01 housekeep 0 003 @ 02681795 v 0000 + 10188715 n 0101 + 00580961 n 0102 01 + 02 00 | maintain a household; take care of all business related to a household
02683489 42 v 01 hold 1 001 @ 02684924 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 22 00 | remain in a certain state, position, or condition; "The weather held"; "They held on the road and kept marching"
02683671 42 v 04 taper_off 0 peter_out 0 fizzle_out 0 fizzle 0 001 @ 02683840 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | end weakly; "The music just petered out--there was no proper ending"
02683840 42 v 01 discontinue 1 005 @ 02609764 v 0000 ! 02684924 v 0101 ~ 02683671 v 0000 ~ 02684078 v 0000 ~ 02684784 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | come to or be at an end; "the support from our sponsoring agency will discontinue after March 31"
02684078 42 v 01 leave_off 0 001 @ 02683840 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | come to an end, stop or cease; "the road leaves off at the edge of the forest"; "leave off where you started"
02684254 42 v 02 run_on 0 keep_going 2 002 $ 00908621 v 0000 @ 02684924 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | continue uninterrupted; "The disease will run on unchecked"; "The party kept going until 4 A.M."
02684453 42 v 03 ramble_on 0 ramble 0 jog 0 002 @ 00781000 v 0000 + 10506094 n 0201 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | continue talking or writing in a desultory manner; "This novel rambles on and jogs"
02684644 42 v 01 ride 0 002 @ 02684924 v 0000 + 00307631 n 0102 01 + 01 00 | continue undisturbed and without interference; "Let it ride"
02684784 42 v 02 run_out 0 expire 0 002 @ 02683840 v 0000 + 15268682 n 0202 01 + 01 00 | lose validity; "My passports expired last month"
02684924 42 v 05 continue 1 go_on 0 proceed 0 go_along 0 keep 7 010 @ 02367363 v 0000 + 05051896 n 0103 + 01017987 n 0102 + 01017987 n 0101 ! 02683840 v 0101 $ 02679899 v 0000 ~ 02683489 v 0000 ~ 02684254 v 0000 ~ 02684644 v 0000 $ 02747709 v 0000 05 + 33 00 + 01 02 + 02 02 + 01 01 + 02 01 | continue a certain state, condition, or activity; "Keep on working!"; "We continued to work into the night"; "Keep smiling"; "We went on working until well past midnight"
02685390 42 v 04 cross 0 traverse 0 span 0 sweep 3 003 @ 02687916 v 0000 + 05127959 n 0401 + 05087061 n 0301 01 + 11 00 | to cover or extend over an area or time period; "Rivers traverse the valley floor", "The parking lot spans 3 acres"; "The novel spans three centuries"
02685665 42 v 03 reach 0 extend_to 0 touch 1 006 @ 02655135 v 0000 + 07409592 n 0301 + 08628921 n 0102 ^ 02690093 v 0103 ^ 02690299 v 0101 ~ 02690299 v 0000 02 + 04 00 + 11 00 | to extend as far as; "The sunlight reached the wall"; "Can he reach?" "The chair must not touch the wall"
02685951 42 v 05 run 0 go 0 pass 8 lead 0 extend 3 008 $ 02727039 v 0000 @ 02655135 v 0000 + 05123416 n 0501 ^ 02685665 v 0502 ^ 02703539 v 0102 ~ 02686805 v 0000 ~ 02686952 v 0000 ~ 02733673 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | stretch out over a distance, space, time, or scope; run or extend between two points or beyond a certain point; "Service runs all the way to Cranbury"; "His knowledge doesn't go very far"; "My memory extends back to my fourth year of life"; "The facts extend beyond a consideration of her personal assets"
02686471 42 v 02 go 8 lead 3 001 @ 02655135 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | lead, extend, or afford access; "This door goes to the basement"; "The road runs South"
02686625 42 v 02 run 8 lead 2 003 @ 02052476 v 0000 $ 01212230 v 0000 $ 02727039 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | cause something to pass or lead somewhere; "Run the wire behind the cabinet"
02686805 42 v 01 come 3 001 @ 02685951 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | extend or reach; "The water came up to my waist"; "The sleeves come to your knuckles"
02686952 42 v 02 radiate 0 ray 0 004 @ 02685951 v 0000 + 13913427 n 0201 + 05503555 n 0101 + 01252918 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 08 00 | extend or spread outward from a center or focus or inward towards a center; "spokes radiate from the hub of the wheel"; "This plants radiate spines in all directions"
02687251 42 v 02 roll 0 undulate 0 001 + 13875970 n 0103 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | occur in soft rounded shapes; "The hills rolled past"
02687385 42 v 02 lead 1 top b 003 * 01072262 v 0000 + 13940456 n 020a + 09851165 n 0202 06 + 02 00 + 22 00 + 08 01 + 09 01 + 10 01 + 11 01 | be ahead of others; be the first; "she topped her class every year"
02687596 42 v 01 rim 0 002 @ 02703539 v 0000 ~ 02687730 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | run around the rim of; "Sugar rimmed the dessert plate"
02687730 42 v 01 beard 0 003 @ 02687596 v 0000 + 05261566 n 0101 + 02416270 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | go along the rim, like a beard around the chin; "Houses bearded the top of the heights"
02687916 42 v 03 cover 1 continue 6 extend 1 009 $ 01129201 v 0000 @ 02655135 v 0000 + 05123416 n 0301 ~ 02685390 v 0000 ~ 02688403 v 0000 ~ 02688794 v 0000 ~ 02689299 v 0000 ~ 02689730 v 0000 ~ 02689882 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | span an interval of distance, space or time; "The war extended over five years"; "The period covered the turn of the century"; "My land extends over the hills on the horizon"; "This farm covers some 200 acres"; "The Archipelago continues for another 500 miles"
02688403 42 v 01 sweep a 003 @ 02687916 v 0000 + 05127959 n 0101 ~ 02688527 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | cover the entire range of
02688527 42 v 01 rake a 002 @ 02688403 v 0000 ~ 02688657 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | sweep the length of; "The gunfire raked the coast"
02688657 42 v 01 enfilade 0 001 @ 02688527 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | rake or be in a position to rake with gunfire in a lengthwise direction
02688794 42 v 01 overlap 1 004 @ 02687916 v 0000 + 03641706 n 0102 + 03561657 n 0102 ~ 02689008 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 08 00 | extend over and cover a part of; "The roofs of the houses overlap in this crowded city"
02689008 42 v 01 imbricate 0 003 @ 02688794 v 0000 + 03561657 n 0101 $ 02689146 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | overlap; "The roof tiles imbricate"
02689146 42 v 01 imbricate 1 003 $ 02689008 v 0000 @ 01494310 v 0000 + 03561657 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | place so as to overlap; "imbricate the roof tiles"
02689299 42 v 02 spread 0 overspread 0 006 @ 02687916 v 0000 + 00367976 n 0101 + 05088324 n 0102 + 07445896 n 0101 + 07445896 n 0102 ~ 02689529 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | spread across or over; "A big oil spot spread across the water"
02689529 42 v 01 transgress 0 002 @ 02689299 v 0000 + 11520435 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | spread over land, especially along a subsiding shoreline; "The sea transgresses along the West coast of the island"
02689730 42 v 01 ridge 0 003 @ 02687916 v 0000 + 09409752 n 0101 + 09409512 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | extend in ridges; "The land ridges towards the South"
02689882 42 v 03 dot 0 stud 0 constellate 0 004 @ 02687916 v 0000 + 05731779 n 0302 + 04343346 n 0201 + 13911872 n 0102 01 + 11 00 | scatter or intersperse like dots or studs; "Hills constellated with lights"
02690093 42 v 03 extend 2 poke_out 0 reach_out 0 003 @ 02655135 v 0000 + 00944449 a 0102 + 01434530 a 0101 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | reach outward in space; "The awning extends several feet over the sidewalk"
02690299 42 v 01 reach_into 0 001 @ 02685665 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | run into or up to
02690384 42 v 02 range 0 straddle 2 003 @ 02620587 v 0000 + 05125377 n 0102 ~ 02690577 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | range or extend over; occupy a certain area; "The plants straddle the entire state"
02690577 42 v 01 spread-eagle 0 001 @ 02690384 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | stretch over; "His residences spread-eagle the entire county"
02690708 42 v 01 lie 0 022 $ 02731390 v 0000 @ 02655135 v 0000 + 08624196 n 0101 ~ 02691354 v 0000 ~ 02691489 v 0000 ~ 02691722 v 0000 ~ 02691890 v 0000 ~ 02692089 v 0000 ~ 02692197 v 0000 ~ 02692335 v 0000 ~ 02692558 v 0000 ~ 02692686 v 0000 ~ 02693088 v 0000 ~ 02693168 v 0000 ~ 02693319 v 0000 ~ 02693965 v 0000 ~ 02694106 v 0000 ~ 02694287 v 0000 ~ 02696129 v 0000 ~ 02703539 v 0000 ~ 02713184 v 0000 ~ 02721966 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | be located or situated somewhere; occupy a certain position
02691214 42 v 01 sit 5 001 @ 02655135 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | be located or situated somewhere; "The White House sits on Pennsylvania Avenue"
02691354 42 v 01 nestle 0 001 @ 02690708 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | lie in a sheltered position; "The little cottage nestles in the forest"
02691489 42 v 01 intervene 0 001 @ 02690708 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | be placed or located between other things or extend between spaces and events; "This interludes intervenes between the two movements"; "Eight days intervened"
02691722 42 v 01 top 2 002 @ 02690708 v 0000 + 08663860 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | be at the top of or constitute the top or highest point; "A star tops the Christmas Tree"
02691890 42 v 01 mediate 0 001 @ 02690708 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | occupy an intermediate or middle position or form a connecting link or stage between two others; "mediate between the old and the new"
02692089 42 v 01 ride 2 001 @ 02690708 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | lie moored or anchored; "Ship rides at anchor"
02692197 42 v 01 lap 0 002 @ 02690708 v 0000 + 03641706 n 0101 01 + 04 00 | lie partly over or alongside of something or of one another
02692335 42 v 04 localize 0 localise 0 focalize 0 focalise 0 003 @ 02690708 v 0000 + 13482781 n 0402 + 13482781 n 0301 01 + 04 00 | concentrate on a particular place or spot; "The infection has localized in the left eye"
02692558 42 v 01 slant 0 002 @ 02690708 v 0000 + 05069199 n 0103 01 + 04 00 | lie obliquely; "A scar slanted across his face"
02692686 42 v 02 precede 1 predate 1 004 @ 02690708 v 0000 + 00126497 a 0101 + 01257145 n 0101 + 06600282 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | come before; "Most English adjectives precede the noun they modify"
02692882 42 v 02 sit 0 sit_around 0 001 @ 02655135 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | be around, often idly or without specific purpose; "The object sat in the corner"; "We sat around chatting for another hour"
02693088 42 v 01 underlie 1 001 @ 02690708 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | lie underneath
02693168 42 v 02 cap 0 crest 0 003 @ 02690708 v 0000 + 08617963 n 0203 + 08547544 n 0201 01 + 11 00 | lie at the top of; "Snow capped the mountains"
02693319 42 v 03 front 0 look 0 face 0 007 $ 02693691 v 0000 @ 02690708 v 0000 + 08626080 n 0101 + 08573472 n 0101 + 13827943 n 0101 ! 02693965 v 0101 ~ 02742638 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | be oriented in a certain direction, often with respect to another reference point; be opposite to; "The house looks north"; "My backyard look onto the pond"; "The building faces the park"
02693691 42 v 01 face 2 002 @ 02655135 v 0000 $ 02693319 v 0000 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | be opposite; "the facing page"; "the two sofas face each other"
02693842 42 v 02 subtend 0 delimit 1 001 @ 02604760 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | be opposite to; of angles and sides, in geometry
02693965 42 v 01 back 0 003 @ 02690708 v 0000 + 04059701 n 0102 ! 02693319 v 0101 01 + 11 00 | be in back of; "My garage backs their yard"
02694106 42 v 01 flank 0 004 @ 02690708 v 0000 + 13897377 n 0101 + 10095265 n 0102 + 10095061 n 0101 03 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | be located at the sides of something or somebody
02694287 42 v 01 head 0 007 @ 02690708 v 0000 + 08572467 n 0102 + 06343971 n 0102 + 08664184 n 0101 + 06343971 n 0101 ~ 02694548 v 0000 ~ 02694677 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | be in the front of or on top of; "The list was headed by the name of the president"
02694548 42 v 01 surmount 0 002 @ 02694287 v 0000 ~ 02694802 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | be on top of; "The scarf surmounted the gown"
02694677 42 v 01 crown 0 001 @ 02694287 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | form the topmost part of; "A weather vane crowns the building"
02694802 42 v 01 pinnacle 0 002 @ 02694548 v 0000 + 03943266 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | surmount with a pinnacle; "pinnacle a pediment"
02694933 42 v 02 situate 0 locate 0 011 @ 00918872 v 0000 + 10268930 n 0202 + 00155487 n 0203 + 00027167 n 0201 + 10268930 n 0201 + 08622950 n 0102 ~ 02695378 v 0000 ~ 02695520 v 0000 ~ 02695709 v 0000 ~ 02695895 v 0000 ~ 02756196 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | determine or indicate the place, site, or limits of, as if by an instrument or by a survey; "Our sense of sight enables us to locate objects in space"; "Locate the boundaries of the property"
02695378 42 v 01 acquire 0 001 @ 02694933 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | locate (a moving entity) by means of a tracking system such as radar
02695520 42 v 01 radiolocate 0 002 @ 02694933 v 0000 + 04039848 n 0104 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | locate by means of radar; "The pilot managed to radiolocate the lost aircraft"
02695709 42 v 01 map 0 002 @ 02694933 v 0000 + 01024643 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | locate within a specific region of a chromosome in relation to known DNA or gene sequences; "map the genes"
02695895 42 v 03 place 0 localize 1 localise 1 005 @ 02694933 v 0000 + 00155487 n 0302 + 00155487 n 0201 + 08677628 n 0202 + 05075602 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | identify the location or place of; "We localized the source of the infection"
02696129 42 v 04 dominate 2 command 0 overlook 0 overtop 0 003 @ 02690708 v 0000 + 08614104 n 0301 ~ 02696306 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | look down on; "The villa dominates the town"
02696306 42 v 03 shadow 0 overshadow 1 dwarf 0 003 @ 02696129 v 0000 + 10040344 n 0301 + 13959642 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | make appear small by comparison; "This year's debt dwarfs that of last year"
02696503 42 v 04 loom 0 tower 0 predominate 1 hulk 0 004 @ 02696801 v 0000 + 10129133 n 0402 + 04707409 n 0301 + 13900422 n 0202 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | appear very large or occupy a commanding position; "The huge sculpture predominates over the fountain"; "Large shadows loomed on the canyon wall"
02696801 42 v 03 rise 0 lift 1 rear 0 003 @ 02133435 v 0000 + 05068918 n 0102 ~ 02696503 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | rise up; "The building rose before them"
02696961 42 v 01 loom 2 001 @ 02133435 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | come into view indistinctly, often threateningly; "Another air plane loomed into the sky"
02697120 42 v 07 endanger 0 jeopardize 0 jeopardise 0 menace 0 threaten 0 imperil 0 peril 0 006 @ 02603699 v 0000 + 14543552 n 0702 + 14541852 n 0703 + 14543231 n 0401 + 14541852 n 0302 + 14541852 n 0202 03 + 10 00 + 11 00 + 28 05 | pose a threat to; present a danger to; "The pollution is endangering the crops"
02697435 42 v 02 overhang 0 beetle 0 002 @ 01482075 v 0000 + 03864356 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | be suspended over or hang over; "This huge rock beetles over the edge of the town"
02697610 42 v 01 dote 0 002 @ 00248026 v 0000 + 10027105 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | be foolish or senile due to old age
02697725 42 v 03 embody 0 be 8 personify 0 005 @ 00836236 v 0000 + 05929008 n 0305 + 04677716 n 0301 ~ 02698944 v 0000 ~ 02723733 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | represent, as of a character on stage; "Derek Jacobi was Hamlet"
02697950 42 v 02 characterize 1 characterise 1 005 @ 00651991 v 0000 + 05849284 n 0202 + 05849284 n 0102 ~ 02698178 v 0000 ~ 02698319 v 0000 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | be characteristic of; "What characterizes a Venetian painting?"
02698178 42 v 01 individuate 0 003 @ 02697950 v 0000 + 05749402 n 0103 + 04763293 n 0103 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | give individual character to
02698319 42 v 01 define 1 001 @ 02697950 v 0000 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | determine the nature of; "What defines a good wine?"
02698443 42 v 04 incarnate 0 body_forth 0 embody 1 substantiate 0 003 @ 02604760 v 0000 + 00933000 n 0301 + 10418302 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | represent in bodily form; "He embodies all that is evil wrong with the system"; "The painting substantiates the feelings of the artist"
02698726 42 v 02 reincarnate 0 transmigrate 0 004 @ 00360932 v 0000 ;c 05946687 n 0000 + 07321387 n 0201 + 10518003 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | be born anew in another body after death; "Hindus believe that we transmigrate"
02698944 42 v 02 body 0 personify 1 005 @ 02697725 v 0000 + 10418101 n 0201 + 07108123 n 0201 + 05217688 n 0201 + 05217859 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | invest with or as with a body; give body to
02699141 42 v 03 typify 0 epitomize 0 epitomise 0 009 @ 00836236 v 0000 + 06468818 n 0301 + 05937524 n 0303 + 06468818 n 0201 + 05937524 n 0203 + 05765901 n 0101 + 09909060 n 0103 + 08111419 n 0101 + 05840188 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | embody the essential characteristics of or be a typical example of; "The fugue typifies Bach's style of composition"
02699497 42 v 03 represent 2 stand_for 0 correspond 1 003 @ 02664769 v 0000 + 02071973 a 0302 + 00898518 n 0101 02 + 11 00 + 04 03 | take the place of or be parallel or equivalent to; "Because of the sound changes in the course of history, an 'h' in Greek stands for an 's' in Latin"
02699783 42 v 01 homologize 0 002 @ 02657219 v 0000 + 04744319 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | be homologous; "A person's arms homologize with a quadruped's forelimbs"
02699941 42 v 03 befit 0 suit 0 beseem 0 001 @ 02657219 v 0000 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | accord or comport with; "This kind of behavior does not suit a young woman!"
02700104 42 v 07 harmonize 0 harmonise 0 consort 0 accord 0 concord 0 fit_in 0 agree 1 009 @ 02657219 v 0000 + 00577122 a 0702 + 13969243 n 0502 + 00552841 a 0401 + 04713332 n 0401 + 13969243 n 0101 + 04713118 n 0101 $ 02657219 v 0000 ~ 02700455 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 | go together; "The colors don't harmonize"; "Their ideas concorded"
02700455 42 v 03 blend 0 go b blend_in 0 002 @ 02700104 v 0000 $ 02659763 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | blend or harmonize; "This flavor will blend with those in your dish"; "This sofa won't go with the chairs"
02700666 42 v 01 go c 000 01 + 01 00 | be sounded, played, or expressed; "How does this song go again?"
02700772 42 v 01 go d 000 01 + 11 00 | be contained in; "How many times does 18 go into 54?"
02700867 42 v 04 hold d bear e carry 3 contain d 009 @ 02632940 v 0000 + 00591817 a 0401 + 13779374 n 0402 + 03094503 n 0401 + 00318735 n 0301 + 02964634 n 0104 $ 02701210 v 0000 ~ 02701628 v 0000 ~ 02711114 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | contain or hold; have within; "The jar carries wine"; "The canteen holds fresh water"; "This can contains water"
02701210 42 v 03 contain e take f hold e 004 $ 02732798 v 0000 $ 02700867 v 0000 @ 02604760 v 0000 + 02964634 n 0304 01 + 11 00 | be capable of holding or containing; "This box won't take all the items"; "The flask holds one gallon"
02701445 42 v 01 sleep 0 004 @ 02732798 v 0000 + 15273626 n 0101 + 04235646 n 0101 + 04236001 n 0102 01 + 10 00 | be able to accommodate for sleeping; "This tent sleeps six people"
02701628 42 v 01 retain 0 002 @ 02700867 v 0000 + 02005756 a 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | hold back within; "This soil retains water"; "I retain this drug for a long time"; "the dam retains the water"
02701828 42 v 01 house 2 002 @ 02732798 v 0000 + 03546766 n 0101 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | contain or cover; "This box houses the gears"
02701962 42 v 01 seat 0 004 @ 02732798 v 0000 + 04161981 n 0101 + 08647616 n 0101 + 04162998 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | be able to seat; "The theater seats 2,000"
02702120 42 v 02 stand 0 remain_firm 0 004 $ 01115916 v 0000 @ 01116585 v 0000 + 06210363 n 0103 ! 02703289 v 0101 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | hold one's ground; maintain a position; be steadfast or upright; "I am standing my ground and won't give in!"
02702368 42 v 01 stand 1 002 @ 02704349 v 0000 + 08653706 n 0101 01 + 04 00 | be tall; have a height of; copula; "She stands 6 feet tall"
02702508 42 v 02 cost 0 be 9 004 @ 02604760 v 0000 + 05145118 n 0103 + 13275847 n 0101 ~ 02702674 v 0000 02 + 11 00 + 14 01 | be priced at; "These shoes cost $100"
02702674 42 v 03 set_back 0 knock_back 0 put_back 0 001 @ 02702508 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | cost a certain amount; "My daughter's wedding set me back $20,000"
02702830 42 v 03 suit 5 accommodate 0 fit 5 004 @ 02667900 v 0000 + 10093908 n 0301 + 00513388 a 0201 + 07369604 n 0202 01 + 10 00 | be agreeable or acceptable to; "This suits my needs"
02703018 42 v 01 stand 2 002 @ 00118523 v 0000 ~ 02703153 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | be in effect; be or remain in force; "The law stands!"
02703153 42 v 01 wash c 001 @ 02703018 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | admit to testing or proof; "This silly excuse won't wash in traffic court"
02703289 42 v 03 yield 0 relent 0 soften 0 002 ! 02702120 v 0101 ~ 02703432 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | give in, as to influence or pressure
02703432 42 v 01 truckle 0 002 @ 02703289 v 0000 + 09800631 n 0106 01 + 21 00 | yield to out of weakness
02703539 42 v 02 line 0 run_along 0 003 @ 02690708 v 0000 + 08430203 n 0101 ~ 02687596 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | be in line with; form a line along; "trees line the riverbank"
02703711 42 v 01 skirt 0 001 @ 02710673 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | form the edge of
02703790 42 v 01 verge 1 003 @ 02710673 v 0000 + 05125193 n 0101 + 13903738 n 0103 01 + 11 00 | border on; come close to; "His behavior verges on the criminal"
02703952 42 v 02 border_on 0 approach 0 003 @ 02666060 v 0000 + 04746134 n 0201 ~ 02732401 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | come near or verge on, resemble, come nearer in quality, or character; "This borders on discrimination!"; "His playing approaches that of Horowitz"
02704213 42 v 01 line_up 0 001 @ 01463963 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | form a line; "The buildings all line up neatly"
02704349 42 v 01 measure 0 008 @ 02604760 v 0000 + 03735637 n 0102 + 00996969 n 0103 ^ 02679012 v 0102 ~ 02702368 v 0000 ~ 02704818 v 0000 ~ 02704928 v 0000 ~ 02728388 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | have certain dimensions; "This table surfaces measures 20inches by 36 inches"
02704617 42 v 02 weigh 0 librate 0 004 $ 02704818 v 0000 @ 00489837 v 0000 + 10773277 n 0101 ~ 01456341 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 | determine the weight of; "The butcher weighed the chicken"
02704818 42 v 01 weigh 1 002 @ 02704349 v 0000 $ 02704617 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | have a certain weight
02704928 42 v 02 last 0 endure 6 004 @ 02704349 v 0000 ~ 02648110 v 0000 ~ 02705132 v 0000 ~ 02705428 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | persist for a specified period of time; "The bad weather lasted for three days"
02705132 42 v 03 wear 0 hold_out 1 endure 1 002 @ 02704928 v 0000 + 02539359 a 0101 02 + 06 00 + 11 00 | last and be usable; "This dress wore well for almost ten years"
02705303 42 v 01 outwear 0 001 @ 01105639 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | last longer than others; "This material outwears all others"
02705428 42 v 02 drag_on 0 drag_out 0 001 @ 02704928 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | last unnecessarily long
02705535 42 v 02 inhere_in 0 attach_to 0 002 @ 02632940 v 0000 ~ 02664664 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | be part of; "This problem inheres in the design"
02705680 42 v 02 fall_into 0 fall_under 0 001 @ 02620587 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | be included in or classified as; "This falls under the rubric 'various'"
02705832 42 v 01 straddle 0 001 + 06211702 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | be noncommittal
02705913 42 v 01 straddle 1 003 @ 02655135 v 0000 + 00349213 n 0101 + 00438893 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | sit or stand astride of
02706046 42 v 04 hover 0 vibrate 3 vacillate 0 oscillate 0 006 @ 02640440 v 0000 + 13527965 n 0401 + 01992867 a 0301 + 05699434 n 0302 + 10603528 n 0302 ~ 02706386 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | be undecided about something; waver between conflicting positions or courses of action; "He oscillates between accepting the new position and retirement"
02706386 42 v 01 shillyshally 0 001 @ 02706046 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | be uncertain and vague
02706478 42 v 01 shimmer 0 002 @ 02162947 v 0000 + 07411851 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | give off a shimmering reflection, as of silk
02706605 42 v 03 hum 0 buzz 0 seethe 0 005 @ 02604760 v 0000 + 01260008 n 0201 + 07385803 n 0101 + 07385803 n 0102 ~ 02714974 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | be noisy with activity; "This office is buzzing with activity"
02706816 42 v 04 defy 0 withstand 0 hold 8 hold_up 2 004 @ 01116585 v 0000 + 10785869 n 0201 + 00695523 a 0101 ~ 02707251 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | resist or confront with resistance; "The politician defied public opinion"; "The new material withstands even the greatest wear and tear"; "The bridge held"
02707125 42 v 01 stand 6 002 @ 00117985 v 0000 + 07366145 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | remain inactive or immobile; "standing water"
02707251 42 v 04 weather 0 endure 4 brave 0 brave_out 0 002 @ 02706816 v 0000 + 07944754 n 0301 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | face and withstand with courage; "She braved the elements"
02707429 42 v 02 lend_oneself 0 apply 1 006 + 01834812 a 0201 + 01975448 a 0201 + 01834812 a 0202 + 00949134 n 0201 ! 02707800 v 0101 $ 02676789 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | be applicable to; as to an analysis; "This theory lends itself well to our new data"
02707681 42 v 01 beggar 0 001 @ 02707800 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | be beyond the resources of; "This beggars description!"
02707800 42 v 03 defy 1 resist 1 refuse 0 003 @ 02723232 v 0000 ! 02707429 v 0101 ~ 02707681 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | elude, especially in a baffling way; "This behavior defies explanation"
02707987 42 v 01 weekend 0 004 @ 02708420 v 0000 + 15170504 n 0101 + 10772472 n 0101 + 04570815 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | spend the weekend
02708123 42 v 05 piddle 0 wanton 0 wanton_away 0 piddle_away 0 trifle 0 002 @ 02267060 v 0000 + 01067819 n 0503 01 + 02 00 | waste time; spend one's time idly or inefficiently
02708301 42 v 01 misspend 0 001 @ 02267060 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | spend time badly or unwisely; "He misspent his youth"
02708420 42 v 02 spend 0 pass 0 009 ~ 01097031 v 0000 ~ 02492694 v 0000 ~ 02707987 v 0000 ~ 02708707 v 0000 ~ 02709107 v 0000 ~ 02709277 v 0000 ~ 02709422 v 0000 ~ 02709573 v 0000 ~ 02709774 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | pass time in a specific way; "how are you spending your summer vacation?"
02708707 42 v 02 vacation 0 holiday 0 007 @ 02708420 v 0000 + 15137890 n 0202 + 15137890 n 0101 + 10744164 n 0102 + 10744164 n 0101 + 01065805 n 0101 ~ 02708923 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | spend or take a vacation
02708923 42 v 01 honeymoon 0 003 @ 02708707 v 0000 + 15138903 n 0101 + 10356066 n 0102 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | spend a holiday after one's marriage; "they plan to honeymoon in Hawai'i"
02709107 42 v 02 serve 0 do 2 002 @ 02708420 v 0000 ~ 02671279 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 22 00 | spend time in prison or in a labor camp; "He did six years for embezzlement"
02709277 42 v 02 while_away 0 get_through 0 001 @ 02708420 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | spend or pass, as with boredom or in a pleasant manner; of time
02709422 42 v 01 sojourn 0 003 @ 02708420 v 0000 + 10621847 n 0101 + 01055360 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | spend a certain length of time; reside temporarily
02709573 42 v 02 winter 0 overwinter 0 002 @ 02708420 v 0000 + 15237782 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | spend the winter; "We wintered on the Riviera"; "Shackleton's men overwintered on Elephant Island"
02709774 42 v 01 summer 0 002 @ 02708420 v 0000 + 15237250 n 0101 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | spend the summer; "We summered in Kashmir"
02709906 42 v 01 diverge 0 005 + 00612652 a 0101 + 01004072 n 0102 ! 02710402 v 0101 ~ 02710137 v 0000 ~ 02718863 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | extend in a different direction; "The lines start to diverge here"; "Their interests diverged"
02710137 42 v 01 divaricate 0 001 @ 02709906 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | branch off; "The road divaricates here"
02710244 42 v 01 breast 0 002 @ 02710402 v 0000 + 05553288 n 0101 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | meet at breast level; "The runner breasted the tape"
02710402 42 v 02 converge 0 meet 2 008 $ 01205696 v 0000 + 00612114 a 0101 + 00146572 n 0103 + 00146572 n 0102 + 07414740 n 0101 ! 02709906 v 0101 ~ 02710244 v 0000 ! 02732603 v 0101 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | be adjacent or come together; "The lines converge at this point"
02710673 42 v 02 bound 0 border 0 012 @ 02711114 v 0000 + 13903387 n 0202 + 08565701 n 0202 + 08512736 n 0202 ^ 02703952 v 0201 + 13903079 n 0101 + 08512259 n 0101 + 13903079 n 0103 + 08512259 n 0102 ~ 02703711 v 0000 ~ 02703790 v 0000 ~ 02710981 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | form the boundary of; be contiguous to
02710981 42 v 01 shore 0 002 @ 02710673 v 0000 + 09433442 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | serve as a shore to; "The river was shored by trees"
02711114 42 v 03 enclose 0 hold_in 0 confine 0 009 @ 02700867 v 0000 + 13998576 n 0301 + 09273291 n 0101 + 03285912 n 0101 ~ 02710673 v 0000 ~ 02711375 v 0000 ~ 02711543 v 0000 ~ 02711721 v 0000 ~ 02711835 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | close in; darkness enclosed him"
02711375 42 v 01 embank 0 002 @ 02711114 v 0000 + 03282060 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | enclose with banks, as for support or protection; "The river was embanked with a dyke"
02711543 42 v 02 rail 0 rail_in 0 004 @ 02711114 v 0000 + 04046590 n 0101 + 04047401 n 0102 + 04047401 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | enclose with rails; "rail in the old graves"
02711721 42 v 02 box_in 0 box_up 0 001 @ 02711114 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | enclose or confine as if in a box
02711835 42 v 01 frame 0 004 @ 02711114 v 0000 + 10108606 n 0101 + 03390983 n 0102 + 03390983 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | enclose in a frame, as of a picture
02711987 42 v 07 depend_on 0 devolve_on 0 depend_upon 0 ride 7 turn_on 0 hinge_on 0 hinge_upon 0 001 ~ 02663643 v 0000 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | be contingent on; "The outcomes rides on the results of the election"; "Your grade will depends on your homework"
02712243 42 v 01 pattern 0 004 @ 02657219 v 0000 + 08492747 n 0103 + 00410247 n 0102 + 05930736 n 0103 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | form a pattern; "These sentences pattern like the ones we studied before"
02712443 42 v 06 predate 0 precede 0 forego 0 forgo 0 antecede 0 antedate 0 009 + 05047279 n 0503 + 07326880 n 0501 + 05047279 n 0502 + 00126497 a 0201 + 01257145 n 0201 + 05821486 n 0201 + 05047279 n 0206 + 05047279 n 0205 ! 02712772 v 0101 01 + 11 00 | be earlier in time; go back further; "Stone tools precede bronze tools"
02712772 42 v 02 postdate 0 follow 0 002 ! 02712443 v 0101 $ 02720354 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | be later in time; "Tuesday always follows Monday"
02712914 42 v 01 orient 1 003 > 02713184 v 0000 @ 01987160 v 0000 ~ 02713065 v 0000 01 + 21 00 | cause to point; "Orient the house towards the West"
02713065 42 v 01 stem 3 002 @ 02712914 v 0000 + 00441501 n 0102 01 + 08 00 | cause to point inward; "stem your skis"
02713184 42 v 02 orient 0 point 0 003 @ 02690708 v 0000 + 06818121 n 0202 + 03975232 n 0201 01 + 04 00 | be oriented; "The weather vane points North"; "the dancers toes pointed outward"
02713372 42 v 05 stick_out 1 protrude 0 jut_out 0 jut 0 project 0 010 + 00407090 n 0502 + 00407090 n 0404 + 00944848 a 0202 + 01353226 a 0201 + 00407090 n 0201 ~ 02713748 v 0000 ~ 02713852 v 0000 ~ 02714200 v 0000 ~ 02714360 v 0000 ~ 02714865 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | extend out or project in space; "His sharp nose jutted out"; "A single rock sticks out from the cliff"
02713748 42 v 01 overhang 1 002 @ 02713372 v 0000 + 03864356 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | project over
02713852 42 v 02 thrust 0 push_up 0 003 @ 02713372 v 0000 + 11498203 n 0102 $ 02714057 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | push upward; "The front of the trains that had collided head-on thrust up into the air"
02714057 42 v 01 thrust 1 003 $ 02713852 v 0000 ;c 06115701 n 0000 + 11498203 n 0102 01 + 11 00 | force (molten rock) into pre-existing rock
02714200 42 v 02 spear 0 spear_up 0 002 @ 02713372 v 0000 + 04270891 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | thrust up like a spear; "The branch speared up into the air"
02714360 42 v 02 bulge 0 bag 0 003 @ 02713372 v 0000 + 13894434 n 0101 ~ 02714541 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | bulge out; form a bulge outward, or be so full as to appear to bulge
02714541 42 v 01 protuberate 0 004 @ 02714360 v 0000 + 01353618 a 0106 + 14087321 n 0101 $ 02714731 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | form a rounded prominence; "The starved child's belly protuberated"
02714731 42 v 01 protuberate 1 003 $ 02714541 v 0000 + 01353618 a 0106 + 13894434 n 0109 01 + 11 00 | cause to bulge out or project
02714865 42 v 01 cantilever 0 002 @ 02713372 v 0000 + 02953056 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | project as a cantilever
02714974 42 v 03 teem 0 pullulate 0 swarm 0 005 @ 02706605 v 0000 + 07996149 n 0301 + 08184217 n 0303 ^ 02715923 v 0102 ~ 02716048 v 0000 02 + 04 00 + 01 01 | be teeming, be abuzz; "The garden was swarming with bees"; "The plaza is teeming with undercover policemen"; "her mind pullulated with worries"
02715279 42 v 01 abound 0 004 @ 02604760 v 0000 + 00013887 a 0101 + 05115040 n 0101 ^ 02715923 v 0101 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | be abundant or plentiful; exist in large quantities
02715456 42 v 01 bristle 2 001 @ 02630189 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | have or be thickly covered with or as if with bristles; "bristling leaves"
02715595 42 v 03 abound 1 burst 0 bristle 0 002 @ 02630189 v 0000 + 00555325 n 0201 01 + 08 00 | be in a state of movement or action; "The room abounded with screaming children"; "The garden bristled with toddlers"
02715812 42 v 01 brim 0 001 @ 02630189 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | be completely full; "His eyes brimmed with tears"
02715923 42 v 03 abound_in 0 teem_in 0 pullulate_with 0 001 @ 02612368 v 0000 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | exist in large quantity
02716048 42 v 01 crawl 0 001 @ 02714974 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | be full of; "The old cheese was crawling with maggots"
02716165 42 v 04 attach_to 1 accompany 0 come_with 0 go_with 1 004 + 07284554 n 0201 ~ 02660819 v 0000 ~ 02716567 v 0000 ~ 02716995 v 0000 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | be present or associated with an event or entity; "French fries come with the hamburger"; "heart attacks are accompanied by distruction of heart tissue"; "fish usually goes with white wine"; "this kind of vein accompanies certain arteries"
02716567 42 v 01 attend 1 002 @ 02716165 v 0000 + 00122844 a 0101 01 + 11 00 | to accompany as a circumstance or follow as a result; "Menuhin's playing was attended by a 15-minute standing ovation"
02716767 42 v 04 company 0 companion 0 accompany 1 keep_company 0 006 @ 02589245 v 0000 + 00827782 n 0302 + 09946278 n 0201 + 09760609 n 0201 + 09945905 n 0201 + 08264897 n 0102 02 + 09 00 + 10 00 | be a companion to somebody
02716995 42 v 01 rule 1 001 @ 02716165 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | have an affinity with; of signs of the zodiac
02717102 42 v 03 carry 1 pack 0 take a 003 $ 02636516 v 0000 @ 02630189 v 0000 + 00318735 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | have with oneself; have on one's person; "She always takes an umbrella"; "I always carry money"; "She packs a gun when she goes into the mountains"
02717362 42 v 01 bag 1 002 @ 01985524 v 0000 + 04123567 n 0102 01 + 01 00 | hang loosely, like an empty bag
02717472 42 v 03 dangle 0 swing 0 drop 4 004 @ 01482075 v 0000 + 04371774 n 0201 + 00327824 n 0202 ~ 02717701 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | hang freely; "the ornaments dangled from the tree"; "The light dropped from the ceiling"
02717701 42 v 02 droop 0 loll 1 002 @ 02717472 v 0000 + 13905572 n 0102 01 + 01 00 | hang loosely or laxly; "His tongue lolled"
02717831 42 v 03 cancel 0 offset 0 set_off 0 003 @ 02673134 v 0000 + 13291189 n 0202 ~ 02543874 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | make up for; "His skills offset his opponent's superior strength"
02718015 42 v 02 offset 1 countervail 0 002 @ 02673134 v 0000 + 13291189 n 0102 01 + 11 00 | compensate for or counterbalance; "offset deposits and withdrawals"
02718178 42 v 01 adhere 0 001 @ 02657219 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | be compatible or in accordance with; "You must adhere to the rules"
02718309 42 v 01 share 0 004 @ 02660631 v 0000 + 13843786 n 0101 ~ 02736660 v 0000 ~ 02751055 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 11 00 + 31 00 | have in common; "Our children share a love of music"; "The two countries share a long border"
02718543 42 v 03 disagree 0 disaccord 0 discord 0 006 @ 02604760 v 0000 + 01164250 a 0301 + 00553899 a 0301 + 13979064 n 0301 + 01170175 n 0302 ! 02657219 v 0108 01 + 01 00 | be different from one another
02718750 42 v 03 gape 0 yawn 0 yaw 0 001 @ 02604760 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | be wide open; "the deep gaping canyon"
02718863 42 v 01 bifurcate 0 004 @ 02709906 v 0000 + 00388392 n 0103 + 13887056 n 0101 + 00388710 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | split or divide into two
02719016 42 v 03 sulk 0 pout 0 brood 0 004 * 01773346 v 0000 + 10627899 n 0204 + 07551498 n 0101 ~ 01805384 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | be in a huff and display one's displeasure; "She is pouting because she didn't get what she wanted"
02719246 42 v 01 take_kindly_to 0 001 @ 02719399 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | be willing or inclined to accept; "He did not take kindly to my critical remarks"
02719399 42 v 05 tend 1 be_given 0 lean 1 incline 1 run 1 009 @ 02604760 v 0000 + 07498854 n 0401 + 06196584 n 0401 + 04944048 n 0402 + 07499113 n 0103 + 06196584 n 0103 ~ 02719246 v 0000 ~ 02719807 v 0000 ~ 02732148 v 0000 01 + 28 00 | have a tendency or disposition to do or be something; be inclined; "She tends to be nervous before her lectures"; "These dresses run small"; "He inclined to corpulence"
02719807 42 v 01 suffer 4 001 @ 02719399 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | be given to; "She suffers from a tendency to talk too much"
02719930 42 v 02 belong_to 0 belong 6 002 ~ 02653564 v 0000 ~ 02653706 v 0000 03 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | be a part or adjunct; "the uniform looks like it belonged to a museum collection"; "These pages don't belong"
02720149 42 v 02 follow 5 fall_out 2 001 @ 02634265 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 34 00 | come as a logical consequence; follow logically; "It follows that your assertion is false"; "the theorem falls out nicely"
02720354 42 v 02 follow 1 come_after 0 003 $ 02712772 v 0000 $ 02720544 v 0000 @ 02634265 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | come after in time, as a result; "A terrible tsunami followed the earthquake"
02720544 42 v 01 follow 2 002 @ 02655135 v 0000 $ 02720354 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 22 00 | be next; "Mary plays best, with John and Sue following"
02720697 42 v 01 follow 3 001 > 02720544 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | to bring something about at a later time than; "She followed dinner with a brandy"; "He followed his lecture with a question and answer period"
02720904 42 v 01 run 2 001 @ 02721031 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | be affected by; be subjected to; "run a temperature"; "run a risk"
02721031 42 v 01 incur 0 005 @ 02110927 v 0000 + 00072691 n 0101 + 00078217 n 0101 + 01240064 n 0101 ~ 02720904 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | make oneself subject to; bring upon oneself; become liable to; "People who smoke incur a great danger to their health"
02721284 42 v 02 run 4 go 2 001 @ 02604760 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | have a particular form; "the story or argument runs as follows"; "as the saying goes..."
02721438 42 v 04 leave 1 allow_for 0 allow 0 provide 0 002 $ 02745486 v 0000 @ 02339171 v 0000 03 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 22 04 | make a possibility or provide opportunity for; permit to be attainable or cause to remain; "This leaves no room for improvement"; "The evidence allows only one conclusion"; "allow for mistakes"; "leave lots of time for the trip"; "This procedure provides for lots of leeway"
02721840 42 v 01 come_up 1 001 @ 00339738 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | be mentioned; "These names came up in the discussion"
02721966 42 v 04 look_out_on 0 look_out_over 0 overlook 1 look_across 0 002 @ 02690708 v 0000 + 08614104 n 0301 01 + 11 00 | be oriented in a certain direction; "The house looks out on a tennis court"; "The apartment overlooks the Hudson"
02722207 42 v 02 figure 0 enter 0 001 @ 02604760 v 0000 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | be or play a part of or in; "Elections figure prominently in every government program"; "How do the elections figure in the current pattern of internal politics?"
02722449 42 v 01 play 0 000 01 + 02 00 | be received or accepted or interpreted in a specific way; "This speech didn't play well with the American public"; "His remarks played to the suspicions of the committee"
02722663 42 v 02 present 0 pose 0 001 @ 02620587 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | introduce; "This poses an interesting question"
02722782 42 v 01 press 0 002 @ 02604760 v 0000 + 14451349 n 0105 01 + 01 00 | be urgent; "This is a pressing problem"
02722902 42 v 01 rage 0 002 @ 02604760 v 0000 + 13980128 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | be violent; as of fires and storms
02723016 42 v 03 ramp 0 rage 1 storm 0 006 @ 00010435 v 0000 + 13978344 n 0301 + 14036735 n 0201 + 07516997 n 0202 + 00601032 a 0101 + 00554541 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | behave violently, as if in state of a great anger
02723232 42 v 02 elude 0 escape 0 004 @ 00622384 v 0000 + 01273316 a 0101 + 01717901 a 0101 ~ 02707800 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | be incomprehensible to; escape understanding by; "What you are seeing in him eludes me"
02723445 42 v 01 center_on 1 001 @ 02655135 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | have as a center; "The region centers on Charleston"
02723564 42 v 02 do_well 0 had_best 0 001 @ 02367363 v 0000 01 + 32 00 | act in one's own or everybody's best interest; "You will do well to arrive on time tomorrow!"
02723733 42 v 02 exemplify 0 represent 1 004 @ 02697725 v 0000 + 05765901 n 0102 + 05937112 n 0102 + 05820620 n 0101 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | be characteristic of; "This compositional style is exemplified by this fugue"
02723951 42 v 03 go_back 0 date_back 0 date_from 0 002 @ 01628449 v 0000 ~ 02751451 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | belong to an earlier time; "This story dates back 200 years"
02724126 42 v 01 cloister 0 002 @ 01467370 v 0000 + 03047941 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | surround with a cloister, as of a garden
02724258 42 v 02 become 3 suit 1 001 @ 00293141 v 0000 01 + 10 00 | enhance the appearance of; "Mourning becomes Electra"; "This behavior doesn't suit you!"
02724417 42 v 02 relate 1 interrelate 0 008 @ 02604760 v 0000 + 13844212 n 0201 + 00040962 n 0101 + 00031921 n 0101 $ 00713818 v 0000 ~ 01017222 v 0000 ~ 02592667 v 0000 ~ 02736106 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 01 | be in a relationship with; "How are these two observations related?"
02724705 42 v 01 rut 0 002 @ 02604760 v 0000 + 14038264 n 0104 01 + 01 00 | be in a state of sexual excitement; of male mammals
02724835 42 v 01 stagnate 0 005 @ 02604760 v 0000 + 01241248 a 0102 + 14013005 n 0101 + 14013005 n 0102 $ 02725067 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | cease to flow; stand without moving; "Stagnating waters"; "blood stagnates in the capillaries"
02725067 42 v 01 stagnate 2 006 $ 02724835 v 0000 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 01241248 a 0102 + 14012667 n 0101 + 14013005 n 0101 + 14013005 n 0102 01 + 11 00 | cause to stagnate; "There are marshes that stagnate the waters"
02725286 42 v 01 stagnate 1 003 @ 02604760 v 0000 + 00810764 a 0101 + 14012667 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | stand still; "Industry will stagnate if we do not stimulate our economy"
02725460 42 v 01 come_in_handy 0 001 @ 02604760 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | be useful for a certain purpose
02725562 42 v 01 squat 1 001 @ 02604760 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 08 00 | be close to the earth, or be disproportionately wide; "The building squatted low"
02725714 42 v 02 refrain 0 forbear 0 010 + 01066689 n 0201 ! 02367363 v 0101 ~ 00136991 v 0000 ~ 02371239 v 0000 ~ 02463426 v 0000 ~ 02464583 v 0000 ~ 02726044 v 0000 ~ 02726164 v 0000 ~ 02726385 v 0000 ~ 02726543 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | resist doing something; "He refrained from hitting him back"; "she could not forbear weeping"
02726044 42 v 02 forbear 1 hold_back 1 001 @ 02725714 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | refrain from doing; "she forbore a snicker"
02726164 42 v 02 help_oneself 0 help 8 001 @ 02725714 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 33 00 | abstain from doing; always used with a negative; "I can't help myself--I have to smoke"; "She could not help watching the sad spectacle"
02726385 42 v 01 stand_by 0 001 @ 02725714 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | not act or do anything; "He just stood by when the police beat up the demonstrators"
02726543 42 v 01 sit_out 0 002 @ 02725714 v 0000 ;c 00523513 n 0000 01 + 08 00 | not participate in (an activity, such as a dance or a sports event); "He sat out the game"
02726717 42 v 01 hoodoo 0 004 @ 02604760 v 0000 + 10184290 n 0101 + 03603958 n 0103 + 03532080 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | bring bad luck; be a source of misfortune
02726884 42 v 01 impend 0 003 @ 02604760 v 0000 + 14030820 n 0105 + 14030820 n 0104 01 + 01 00 | be imminent or about to happen; "Changes are impending"
02727039 42 v 02 range 1 run 7 007 $ 02686625 v 0000 @ 02604760 v 0000 + 08399586 n 0101 + 08628921 n 0101 + 05125377 n 0102 + 08000304 n 0102 $ 02685951 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | change or be different within limits; "Estimates for the losses in the earthquake range as high as $2 billion"; "Interest rates run from 5 to 10 percent"; "The instruments ranged from tuba to cymbals"; "My students range from very bright to dull"
02727462 42 v 04 stay 2 stay_on 0 continue a remain 3 005 @ 02604760 v 0000 + 05051896 n 0303 + 01053617 n 0101 ~ 02637202 v 0000 ~ 02643280 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 22 00 | continue in a place, position, or situation; "After graduation, she stayed on in Cambridge as a student adviser"; "Stay with me, please"; "despite student protests, he remained Dean for another year"; "She continued as deputy mayor for another year"
02727883 42 v 01 sell 0 007 $ 02242464 v 0000 $ 02244956 v 0000 @ 02604760 v 0000 + 01115162 n 0101 + 01113068 n 0101 ~ 02728570 v 0000 ~ 02728784 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | be sold at a certain price or in a certain way; "These books sell like hot cakes"
02728142 42 v 01 translate 0 003 $ 00959827 v 0000 @ 02604760 v 0000 + 06536389 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | be translatable, or be translatable in a certain way; "poetry often does not translate"; "Tolstoy's novels translate well into English"
02728388 42 v 01 scale 0 004 @ 02704349 v 0000 + 04141975 n 0101 + 01005814 n 0101 + 01005284 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | measure by or as if by a scale; "This bike scales only 25 pounds"
02728570 42 v 01 retail 0 005 $ 02247028 v 0000 @ 02727883 v 0000 ;c 01090446 n 0000 + 01114458 n 0101 + 01115866 n 0101 01 + 04 00 | be sold at the retail level; "These gems retail at thousands of dollars each"
02728784 42 v 01 trade 0 005 @ 02727883 v 0000 ;c 01090446 n 0000 + 01110274 n 0102 + 01091905 n 0101 ~ 02754276 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | be traded at a certain price or under certain conditions; "The stock traded around $20 a share"
02729023 42 v 02 head 1 head_up 0 005 $ 01999423 v 0000 @ 02604760 v 0000 + 08572467 n 0102 + 08482271 n 0101 + 10162991 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | be the first or leading member of (a group) and excel; "This student heads the class"
02729260 42 v 01 come_in_for 0 001 @ 02604760 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | be subject to or the object of; "The governor came in for a lot of criticism"
02729414 42 v 01 leave 2 002 $ 02635659 v 0000 @ 00120316 v 0000 02 + 05 00 + 10 00 | act or be so as to become in a specified state; "The inflation left them penniless"; "The president's remarks left us speechless"
02729632 42 v 01 compare 0 004 @ 02604760 v 0000 + 04746842 n 0102 $ 00652900 v 0000 ~ 02729819 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | be comparable; "This car does not compare with our line of Mercedes"
02729819 42 v 01 go a 001 @ 02729632 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | be ranked or compare; "This violinist is as good as Juilliard-trained violinists go"
02729963 42 v 02 fall 3 come 0 001 @ 02604760 v 0000 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | come under, be classified or included; "fall into a category"; "This comes under a new heading"
02730135 42 v 01 leave 3 003 @ 02205098 v 0000 $ 00136991 v 0000 $ 02635659 v 0000 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | have left or have as a remainder; "That left the four of us"; "19 minus 8 leaves 11"
02730326 42 v 02 run_into 1 encounter 0 001 @ 02604760 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | be beset by; "The project ran into numerous financial difficulties"
02730471 42 v 01 feel 0 004 $ 02106006 v 0000 @ 02133435 v 0000 + 14526182 n 0103 ~ 02730682 v 0000 02 + 06 00 + 07 00 | be felt or perceived in a certain way; "The ground feels shaky"; "The sheets feel soft"
02730682 42 v 01 crawl 1 001 @ 02730471 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | feel as if crawling with insects; "My skin crawled--I was terrified"
02730813 42 v 02 read 0 say 0 003 @ 02630189 v 0000 + 06590065 n 0101 $ 00625119 v 0000 02 + 06 00 + 11 00 | have or contain a certain wording or form; "The passage reads as follows"; "What does the law say?"
02731024 42 v 03 persist 1 remain 1 stay 4 003 + 01758339 a 0101 ~ 02647798 v 0000 ~ 02731242 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | stay behind; "The smell stayed in the room"; "The hostility remained long after they made up"
02731242 42 v 01 linger 2 001 @ 02731024 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | remain present although waning or gradually dying; "Her perfume lingered on"
02731390 42 v 02 lie 2 rest 0 003 @ 02655135 v 0000 + 08624196 n 0101 $ 02690708 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | have a place in relation to something else; "The fate of Bosnia lies in the hands of the West"; "The responsibility rests with the Allies"
02731632 42 v 02 count 1 number 1 002 @ 00654625 v 0000 + 08480512 n 0201 02 + 20 00 + 21 00 | put into a group; "The academy counts several Nobel Prize winners among its members"
02731814 42 v 01 owe 0 001 @ 02663643 v 0000 02 + 15 00 + 21 00 | be indebted to, in an abstract or intellectual sense; "This new theory owes much to Einstein's Relativity Theory"
02731996 42 v 01 gravitate 0 002 @ 02604760 v 0000 + 06198313 n 0101 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | be attracted to; "Boys gravitate towards girls at that age"
02732148 42 v 01 gravitate 1 002 @ 02719399 v 0000 + 06198313 n 0101 01 + 04 00 | move toward; "The conversation gravitated towards politics"
02732292 42 v 01 pay 0 001 @ 02604760 v 0000 01 + 34 00 | be worth it; "It pays to go through the trouble"
02732401 42 v 01 converge 1 005 @ 02703952 v 0000 ;c 06000644 n 0000 + 05863106 n 0102 + 05863106 n 0101 ! 02732603 v 0101 01 + 01 00 | approach a limit as the number of terms increases without limit
02732603 42 v 01 diverge 2 006 @ 02604760 v 0000 ;c 06000644 n 0000 + 05863302 n 0102 + 05863302 n 0101 ! 02710402 v 0101 ! 02732401 v 0101 01 + 01 00 | have no limits as a mathematical series
02732798 42 v 03 accommodate 3 hold 5 admit 4 005 + 01762065 a 0302 $ 02701210 v 0000 ~ 02701445 v 0000 ~ 02701828 v 0000 ~ 02701962 v 0000 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | have room for; hold without crowding; "This hotel can accommodate 250 guests"; "The theater admits 300 people"; "The auditorium can't hold more than 500 people"
02733122 42 v 02 keep 2 preserve 1 005 @ 01128193 v 0000 + 08587439 n 0201 + 00819024 n 0201 + 10466918 n 0201 $ 02202928 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | maintain in safety from injury, harm, or danger; "May God keep you"
02733334 42 v 01 shine 1 001 @ 02604760 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | be distinguished or eminent; "His talent shines"
02733453 42 v 01 resplend 0 004 @ 02765924 v 0000 + 00219389 a 0102 + 04684358 n 0103 + 04684358 n 0102 01 + 01 00 | be resplendent or radiant; to shine brightly; "The Queen's garments resplended in velvet and jewels"
02733673 42 v 02 go_far 0 go_deep 0 001 @ 02685951 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | extend in importance or range; "His accomplishments go far"
02733806 42 v 01 go_down 0 000 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | be recorded or remembered; "She will go down as the first feminist"
02733928 42 v 01 iridesce 0 005 @ 02604760 v 0000 + 00403072 a 0103 + 00282020 a 0101 + 04953678 n 0102 ~ 02734140 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | be iridescent; "The corals iridesced under the surface of the clear water"
02734140 42 v 01 opalesce 0 003 @ 02733928 v 0000 + 00282020 a 0103 + 04953678 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | exhibit a play of colors like that of an opal; "This nitrate opalesces under certain conditions"
02734338 42 v 01 lie 3 002 @ 02604760 v 0000 + 08624196 n 0101 02 + 06 00 + 07 00 | be and remain in a particular state or condition; "lie dormant"
02734488 42 v 01 stand 3 002 @ 02604760 v 0000 + 06210363 n 0103 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | occupy a place or location, also metaphorically; "We stand on common ground"
02734653 42 v 01 photograph 0 001 + 03925226 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | undergo being photographed in a certain way; "Children photograph well"
02734800 42 v 02 keep 3 stay_fresh 0 002 @ 00117985 v 0000 $ 00212414 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | fail to spoil or rot; "These potatoes keep for a long time"
02734952 42 v 01 hang 0 002 @ 02604760 v 0000 ~ 02744061 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | be menacing, burdensome, or oppressive; "This worry hangs on my mind"; "The cloud of suspicion hangs over her"
02735142 42 v 01 litter 0 003 @ 02604760 v 0000 + 14858292 n 0101 + 10267166 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | strew; "Cigar butts littered the ground"
02735282 42 v 01 suit 2 002 @ 02604760 v 0000 ~ 02291135 v 0000 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | be agreeable or acceptable; "This time suits me"
02735418 42 v 02 end 1 terminate 5 011 @ 02604760 v 0000 + 01010569 a 0201 + 05981768 n 0202 + 06398401 n 0102 + 14562960 n 0101 + 05868477 n 0101 + 15266911 n 0101 + 07291794 n 0101 + 15266911 n 0102 + 07291312 n 0101 ~ 02140781 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | be the end of; be the last or concluding part of; "This sad scene ended the movie"
02735753 42 v 01 fit 3 002 @ 02604760 v 0000 ~ 02659763 v 0000 02 + 05 00 + 06 00 | conform to some shape or size; "How does this shirt fit?"
02735897 42 v 02 help 0 facilitate 0 004 @ 02670398 v 0000 + 01208291 n 0201 + 05154908 n 0103 + 01207609 n 0104 05 + 02 00 + 28 00 + 34 00 + 35 02 + 35 01 | be of use; "This will help to prevent accidents"
02736106 42 v 01 tie_in 0 001 @ 02724417 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | be in connection with something relevant; "This ties in closely with his earlier remarks"
02736259 42 v 01 go_into 0 000 01 + 11 00 | be used or required for; "A lot of energy went into the organization of this banquet"
02736391 42 v 01 lend 0 001 @ 02604760 v 0000 02 + 20 00 + 21 00 | have certain characteristics of qualities for something; be open or vulnerable to; "This story would lend itself well to serialization on television"; "The current system lends itself to great abuse"
02736660 42 v 01 partake 0 001 @ 02718309 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | have some of the qualities or attributes of something
02736778 42 v 02 define 3 delineate 1 006 @ 02137132 v 0000 + 01979326 a 0201 + 03173524 n 0201 + 00900726 n 0202 + 04702957 n 0101 + 13555446 n 0102 01 + 11 00 | show the form or outline of; "The tree was clearly defined by the light"; "The camera could define the smallest object"
02737063 42 v 01 let_go 0 001 @ 02604760 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | be relaxed; "Don't be so worried all the time--just let go!"
02737187 42 v 03 derive 0 come f descend 0 009 $ 02743214 v 0000 + 13813042 n 0301 + 08101937 n 0304 + 10006511 n 0302 + 10006511 n 0301 + 00698586 a 0101 + 08508105 n 0101 + 04922787 n 0103 $ 00251791 v 0000 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | come from; be connected by a relationship of blood, for example; "She was descended from an old Italian noble family"; "he comes from humble origins"
02737569 42 v 01 belong 1 001 @ 02604760 v 0000 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | be rightly classified in a class or category; "The whales belong among the mammals"
02737724 42 v 01 belong 2 001 @ 02604760 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | be suitable or acceptable; "This student somehow doesn't belong"
02737876 42 v 02 belong 3 go 4 001 @ 02655135 v 0000 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | be in the right place or situation; "Where do these books belong?"; "Let's put health care where it belongs--under the control of the government"; "Where do these books go?"
02738126 42 v 01 go_around 0 001 @ 02669789 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | be sufficient; "There's not enough to go around"
02738241 42 v 01 fry 0 001 @ 00372665 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | be excessively hot; "If the children stay out on the beach for another hour, they'll be fried"
02738396 42 v 01 circumvolute 0 001 @ 02738701 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | wind or turn in volutions, especially in an inward spiral, as of snail
02738544 42 v 01 spiral 0 003 @ 02738701 v 0000 + 13876561 n 0102 + 13876371 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | form a spiral; "The path spirals up the mountain"
02738701 42 v 03 wind 0 twist 0 curve 0 006 @ 02604760 v 0000 + 05072663 n 0302 + 02829696 n 0302 ~ 02738396 v 0000 ~ 02738544 v 0000 ~ 02738976 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | extend in curves and turns; "The road winds around the lake"; "the path twisted through the forest"
02738976 42 v 01 snake 0 002 @ 02738701 v 0000 + 04248010 n 0101 01 + 04 00 | form a snake-like pattern; "The river snakes through the valley"
02739121 42 v 01 miscegenate 0 002 @ 02651193 v 0000 + 00849768 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | marry or cohabit with a person of another race
02739254 42 v 04 synchronize 0 synchronise 0 contemporize 0 contemporise 0 006 @ 00339934 v 0000 + 13845239 n 0206 + 13845239 n 0202 + 13845239 n 0105 + 13845239 n 0102 + 13845239 n 0107 01 + 01 00 | happen at the same time
02739480 42 v 03 meet 0 encounter 2 receive 0 003 @ 00121046 v 0000 + 01773420 a 0301 + 01985247 a 0301 04 + 08 00 + 11 00 + 04 01 + 22 01 | experience as a reaction; "My proposal met with much opposition"
02739688 42 v 01 foil 0 002 @ 02666882 v 0000 + 05853924 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | enhance by contrast; "In this picture, the figures are foiled against the background"
02739861 42 v 02 jumble 0 mingle 0 003 @ 02604760 v 0000 + 05953416 n 0103 + 14500567 n 0102 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | be all mixed up or jumbled together; "His words jumbled"
02740034 42 v 01 wear 1 001 @ 02630189 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | have in one's aspect; wear an expression of one's attitude or personality; "He always wears a smile"
02740204 42 v 02 falter 0 waver 2 002 @ 02640440 v 0000 + 10603528 n 0201 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | be unsure or weak; "Their enthusiasm is faltering"
02740352 42 v 01 embody 2 002 @ 00988028 v 0000 + 05941210 n 0102 01 + 11 00 | represent or express something abstract in tangible form; "This painting embodies the feelings of the Romantic period"
02740552 42 v 01 promise 0 002 @ 02604760 v 0000 + 05950733 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | give grounds for expectations; "The new results were promising"; "The results promised fame and glory"
02740745 42 v 01 have c 000 01 + 08 00 | be confronted with; "What do we have here?"; "Now we have a fine mess"
02740859 42 v 01 hold_one's_own 0 000 01 + 02 00 | be sufficiently competent in a certain situation; "He can hold his own in graduate school"
02741003 42 v 01 hang 1 001 $ 01482075 v 0000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | be exhibited; "Picasso hangs in this new wing of the museum"
02741149 42 v 01 range 3 003 + 08628921 n 0101 + 05623628 n 0102 ~ 02741357 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | have a range; be capable of projecting over a certain distance, as of a gun; "This gun ranges over two miles"
02741357 42 v 01 carry f 003 @ 02741149 v 0000 + 00318735 n 0101 $ 02079933 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | be conveyed over a certain distance; "Her voice carries very well in this big opera house"
02741546 42 v 02 accept 0 take 3 001 @ 02604760 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | be designed to hold or take; "This surface will not take the dye"
02741682 42 v 01 admit 0 000 01 + 04 00 | give access or entrance to; "The French doors admit onto the yard"
02741793 42 v 01 agree 3 002 ;c 06174404 n 0000 + 13797313 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | show grammatical agreement; "Subjects and verbs must always agree in English"
02741960 42 v 01 clean 0 003 @ 02604760 v 0000 + 00251013 n 0101 $ 01532589 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | be cleanable; "This stove cleans easily"
02742107 42 v 01 draw 0 002 $ 01854132 v 0000 @ 02604760 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | allow a draft; "This chimney draws very well"
02742232 42 v 02 drive 0 ride 3 006 + 00307631 n 0202 + 03244388 n 0102 + 03242713 n 0101 + 00307631 n 0101 $ 01930874 v 0000 $ 01955984 v 0000 01 + 06 00 | have certain properties when driven; "This car rides smoothly"; "My new truck drives well"
02742482 42 v 01 mean 3 000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | have a specified degree of importance; "My ex-husband means nothing to me"; "Happiness means everything"
02742638 42 v 01 confront 0 003 @ 02693319 v 0000 + 07181043 n 0101 + 01169744 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 09 00 | be face to face with; "The child screamed when he confronted the man in the Halloween costume"
02742842 42 v 01 wash 0 004 @ 02604760 v 0000 + 02533810 a 0101 + 00255710 n 0101 $ 01535246 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 06 00 | be capable of being washed; "Does this material wash?"
02743020 42 v 01 balance 1 005 @ 02604760 v 0000 + 14002279 n 0101 + 02152212 n 0103 + 09833751 n 0101 $ 02673134 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | be in equilibrium; "He was balancing on one foot"
02743214 42 v 02 hail 0 come 9 002 @ 02604760 v 0000 $ 02737187 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | be a native of; "She hails from Kalamazoo"
02743343 42 v 01 originate 2 004 @ 02608347 v 0000 + 08507558 n 0102 + 07323922 n 0101 + 07323922 n 0102 01 + 04 00 | begin a trip at a certain point, as of a plane, train, bus, etc.; "The flight originates in Calcutta"
02743565 42 v 01 come 5 002 @ 02655135 v 0000 $ 02625339 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | exist or occur in a certain point in a series; "Next came the student from France"
02743727 42 v 01 flow 0 005 @ 02603699 v 0000 + 15277730 n 0101 + 07405893 n 0101 + 13482330 n 0101 + 00329227 n 0101 01 + 04 00 | be abundantly present; "The champagne flowed at the wedding"
02743921 42 v 02 issue_forth 0 come d 000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | come forth; "A scream came from the woman's mouth"; "His breath came hard"
02744061 42 v 04 brood 1 hover 5 loom 6 bulk_large 0 002 @ 02734952 v 0000 ~ 02744280 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | hang over, as of something threatening, dark, or menacing; "The terrible vision brooded over her all day long"
02744280 42 v 03 overshadow 0 dominate 3 eclipse 0 001 @ 02744061 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | be greater in significance than; "the tragedy overshadowed the couple's happiness"
02744451 42 v 01 afford 0 001 + 00935103 a 0103 01 + 08 00 | have the financial means to do something or buy something; "We can't afford to send our children to college"; "Can you afford this car?"
02744651 42 v 01 open 0 003 + 09379111 n 0101 + 05249636 n 0102 + 03499142 n 0102 01 + 04 00 | have an opening or passage or outlet; "The bedrooms open into the hall"
02744820 42 v 01 be d 001 @ 00117985 v 0000 01 + 09 00 | to remain unmolested, undisturbed, or uninterrupted -- used only in infinitive form; "let her be"
02744977 42 v 01 act 0 005 $ 01719921 v 0000 @ 02604760 v 0000 + 00795785 a 0101 + 06892016 n 0101 + 00548326 n 0101 01 + 06 00 | be suitable for theatrical performance; "This scene acts well"
02745172 42 v 01 add 0 003 $ 00182406 v 0000 @ 02621395 v 0000 + 00048129 a 0101 01 + 11 00 | constitute an addition; "This paper will add to her reputation"
02745332 42 v 01 make c 004 $ 02598483 v 0000 @ 02645007 v 0000 ;c 06004067 n 0000 $ 02665124 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | add up to; "four and four make eight"
02745486 42 v 02 admit 6 allow 7 003 + 01762257 a 0201 + 01985812 a 0101 $ 02721438 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | afford possibility; "This problem admits of no solution"; "This short story allows of several different interpretations"
02745713 42 v 01 test 0 003 @ 02604760 v 0000 + 00791078 n 0101 + 00644702 n 0101 01 + 07 00 | show a certain characteristic when tested; "He tested positive for HIV"
02745882 42 v 01 seem 0 001 @ 02604760 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | appear to exist; "There seems no reason to go ahead with the project now"
02746017 42 v 01 answer 1 001 @ 02604760 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | be liable or accountable; "She must answer for her actions"
02746140 42 v 01 beat 0 001 @ 02604760 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | be superior; "Reading beats watching television"; "This sure beats work!"
02746275 42 v 01 hold 7 001 @ 02604760 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | have as a major characteristic; "The novel holds many surprises"; "The book holds in store much valuable advise"
02746449 42 v 01 break 5 002 @ 00123170 v 0000 + 07367812 n 0102 01 + 11 00 | vary or interrupt a uniformity or continuity; "The flat plain was broken by tall mesas"
02746617 42 v 01 break f 001 @ 02609764 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | come to an end; "The heat wave finally broke yesterday"
02746735 42 v 01 carry d 003 $ 02636325 v 0000 @ 02630189 v 0000 + 09897350 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | have as an inherent or characteristic feature or have as a consequence; "This new washer carries a two year guarantee"; "The loan carries a high interest rate"; "this undertaking carries many dangers"; "She carries her mother's genes"; "These bonds carry warrants"; "The restaurant carries an unusual name"
02747140 42 v 01 count 4 001 @ 02604760 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | have a certain value or carry a certain weight; "each answer counts as three points"
02747287 42 v 01 contain 6 002 @ 02604760 v 0000 ;c 06004067 n 0000 01 + 11 00 | be divisible by; "24 contains 6"
02747403 42 v 01 connect 5 003 @ 02604760 v 0000 + 00316989 n 0101 + 00316989 n 0102 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | be scheduled so as to provide continuing service, as in transportation; "The local train does not connect with the Amtrak train"; "The planes don't connect and you will have to wait for four hours"
02747709 42 v 01 continue b 004 $ 02684924 v 0000 @ 02367363 v 0000 + 05051896 n 0103 + 01017987 n 0102 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | continue after an interruption; "The demonstration continued after a break for lunch"
02747922 42 v 02 continue c persist_in 0 003 $ 02410175 v 0000 @ 02367363 v 0000 + 01017987 n 0102 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | do something repeatedly and showing no intention to stop; "We continued our research into the cause of the illness"; "The landlord persists in asking us to move"
02748206 42 v 01 sell d 002 @ 02604760 v 0000 + 01115162 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | be responsible for the sale of; "All her publicity sold the products"
02748355 42 v 01 sell e 001 @ 02604760 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | be approved of or gain acceptance; "The new idea sold well in certain circles"
02748495 42 v 01 kill 0 002 @ 02604760 v 0000 + 00219012 n 0102 01 + 01 00 | be fatal; "cigarettes kill"; "drunken driving kills"
02748627 42 v 01 make d 002 @ 02604760 v 0000 + 03714899 n 0101 02 + 09 00 + 11 00 | be suitable for; "Wood makes good furniture"
02748759 42 v 01 make 9 003 @ 00109660 v 0000 + 03714899 n 0101 + 00923995 n 0103 01 + 04 00 | undergo fabrication or creation; "This wool makes into a nice sweater"
02748927 42 v 06 deck 0 adorn 0 decorate 0 grace 0 embellish 0 beautify 0 009 @ 02604760 v 0000 + 00261604 n 0601 + 04683814 n 0601 + 05003590 n 0401 + 01091234 a 0302 + 03169390 n 0301 + 00262249 n 0301 + 02681518 n 0201 ~ 02749247 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | be beautiful to look at; "Flowers adorned the tables everywhere"
02749247 42 v 01 ornament 0 003 $ 01675963 v 0000 @ 02748927 v 0000 + 13920322 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | be an ornament to; "stars ornamented the Christmas tree"
02749405 42 v 01 blanket 0 002 @ 01207951 v 0000 + 09223725 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | form a blanket-like cover (over)
02749520 42 v 01 carpet 0 002 @ 01207951 v 0000 + 04118021 n 0102 01 + 11 00 | form a carpet-like cover (over)
02749633 42 v 01 smother 0 001 @ 01207951 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | form an impenetrable cover over; "the butter cream smothered the cake"
02749768 42 v 01 shroud 2 002 @ 01207951 v 0000 + 03879116 n 0102 01 + 11 00 | form a cover like a shroud; "Mist shrouded the castle"
02749904 42 v 01 be 4 000 04 + 01 00 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | happen, occur, take place; "I lost my wallet; this was during the visit to my parents' house"; "There were two hundred people at his funeral"; "There was a lot of noise in the kitchen"
02750154 42 v 01 ride 4 001 @ 01838651 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | be sustained or supported or borne; "His glasses rode high on his nose"; "The child rode on his mother's hips"; "She rode a wave of popularity"; "The brothers rode to an easy victory on their father's political name"
02750432 42 v 02 rhyme 0 rime 0 004 @ 02657219 v 0000 + 07096661 n 0202 + 07096661 n 0101 ~ 02750642 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | be similar in sound, especially with respect to the last syllable; "hat and cat rhyme"
02750642 42 v 01 assonate 0 004 @ 02750432 v 0000 + 02063279 a 0101 + 01966016 a 0101 + 07097346 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | correspond in vowel sounds; rhyme in assonance; "The accented vowels assonated in this poem"
02750854 42 v 01 consist 4 001 @ 02604760 v 0000 01 + 22 00 | have its essential character; be comprised or contained in; be embodied in; "The payment consists in food"; "What does love consist in?"
02751055 42 v 01 osculate 0 003 @ 02718309 v 0000 ;c 06000644 n 0000 + 14419889 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 11 00 | have at least three points in common with; "one curve osculates the other"; "these two surfaces osculate"
02751271 42 v 01 work a 002 $ 01235355 v 0000 @ 02604760 v 0000 01 + 06 00 | behave in a certain way when handled; "This dough does not work easily"; "The soft metal works well"
02751451 42 v 01 ascend 2 001 @ 02723951 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | go back in order of genealogical succession; "Inheritance may not ascend linearly"
02751597 42 v 01 lubricate 0 004 @ 02604760 v 0000 + 14578104 n 0101 + 14890659 n 0101 + 14890659 n 0102 01 + 01 00 | have lubricating properties; "the liquid in this can lubricates well"
02751787 42 v 01 breathe 1 001 @ 02604760 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | allow the passage of air through; "Our new synthetic fabric breathes and is perfect for summer wear"
02751952 42 v 01 trim 5 003 @ 02604760 v 0000 + 13828520 n 0101 $ 02752107 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | be in equilibrium during a flight; "The airplane trimmed"
02752107 42 v 01 trim 6 003 $ 02751952 v 0000 @ 02673134 v 0000 + 13828520 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | balance in flight by regulating the control surfaces; "trim an airplane"
02752277 42 v 01 swing a 003 @ 02604760 v 0000 + 07066042 n 0101 + 04992008 n 0102 01 + 01 00 | have a certain musical rhythm; "The music has to swing"
02752431 42 v 01 osculate 3 001 @ 02604760 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | be intermediate between two taxonomic groups; "These species osculate"
02752567 42 v 01 retard 0 004 @ 02604760 v 0000 + 15275598 n 0101 + 05061345 n 0103 + 01067577 n 0103 01 + 01 00 | be delayed
02752695 42 v 04 summarize 0 summarise 0 sum 0 sum_up 0 005 $ 01007924 v 0000 @ 01009240 v 0000 + 06469874 n 0301 + 06467445 n 0202 + 06467445 n 0101 01 + 11 00 | be a summary of; "The abstract summarizes the main ideas in the paper"
02752931 42 v 01 supplement 0 003 $ 02342132 v 0000 @ 02620587 v 0000 + 05110772 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | serve as a supplement to; "Vitamins supplemented his meager diet"
02753100 42 v 01 translate 3 001 @ 02664769 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | be equivalent in effect; "the growth in income translates into greater purchasing power"
02753255 42 v 01 transplant 0 003 $ 01855155 v 0000 @ 02604760 v 0000 + 00331102 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | be transplantable; "These delicate plants do not transplant easily"
02753426 42 v 01 cohere 0 002 @ 02604760 v 0000 + 00464513 a 0101 01 + 01 00 | have internal elements or parts logically connected so that aesthetic consistency results; "the principles by which societies cohere"
02753642 42 v 01 cohere 1 004 > 02753426 v 0000 @ 00126264 v 0000 + 02477047 a 0101 + 00464513 a 0101 01 + 11 00 | cause to form a united, orderly, and aesthetically consistent whole; "Religion can cohere social groups"
02753865 42 v 01 object 0 002 @ 02604760 v 0000 + 01177033 n 0102 02 + 04 00 + 22 00 | be averse to or express disapproval of; "My wife objects to modern furniture"
02754032 42 v 01 stick 7 001 @ 02604760 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | be or become fixed; "The door sticks--we will have to plane it"
02754158 42 v 01 recognize 0 001 @ 02604760 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | exhibit recognition for (an antigen or a substrate)
02754276 42 v 01 close 1 001 @ 02728784 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | be priced or listed when trading stops; "The stock market closed high this Friday"; "My new stocks closed at $59 last night"
02754463 42 v 01 head 5 001 @ 02624263 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | take its rise; "These rivers head from a mountain range in the Himalayas"
02754598 42 v 01 distribute 0 001 @ 02604760 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | be mathematically distributive
02754696 42 v 01 distribute 1 002 @ 02603699 v 0000 $ 02754855 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | be distributed or spread, as in statistical analyses; "Values distribute"
02754855 42 v 01 distribute 2 002 $ 02754696 v 0000 @ 02082690 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | spread throughout a given area; "the function distributes the values evenly"
02755017 42 v 03 resist 4 reject 4 refuse 4 002 @ 00717358 v 0000 + 02363614 a 0102 01 + 11 00 | resist immunologically the introduction of some foreign tissue or organ; "His body rejected the liver of the donor"
02755232 42 v 01 cash_out 0 001 @ 02614387 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | choose a simpler life style after questioning personal and career satisfaction goals; "After 3 decades in politics, she cashed out and moved to Polynesia"
02755452 42 v 01 put_out 0 001 @ 02604760 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | be sexually active; "She is supposed to put out"
02755565 42 v 02 bake 0 broil 0 001 @ 02604760 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | be very hot, due to hot weather or exposure to the sun; "The town was broiling in the sun"; "the tourists were baking in the heat"
02755773 42 v 02 dwell 3 inhabit 3 001 @ 02603699 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | exist or be situated within; "Strange notions inhabited her mind"
02755911 42 v 02 swim 0 drown 0 001 @ 02604760 v 0000 01 + 04 00 | be covered with or submerged in a liquid; "the meat was swimming in a fatty gravy"
02756063 42 v 01 swim 2 001 @ 02604760 v 0000 01 + 02 00 | be dizzy or giddy; "my brain is swimming after the bottle of champagne"
02756196 42 v 01 base 4 001 @ 02694933 v 0000 04 + 08 00 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | situate as a center of operations; "we will base this project in the new lab"
02756359 42 v 01 belong 7 001 @ 02604760 v 0000 03 + 02 00 + 04 00 + 22 00 | be a member, adherent, inhabitant, etc. (of a group, organization, or place); "They belong to the same political party"
02756558 43 v 02 rain 0 rain_down 0 007 @ 02756821 v 0000 + 15008607 n 0101 + 11501381 n 0101 ~ 02757475 v 0000 ~ 02757651 v 0000 ~ 02757828 v 0000 ~ 02758033 v 0000 02 + 03 00 + 11 00 | precipitate as rain; "If it rains much more, we can expect some flooding"
02756821 43 v 03 precipitate 0 come_down 0 fall 0 009 * 00364868 v 0000 + 13772653 n 0101 + 11494638 n 0101 $ 01972298 v 0000 ~ 02756558 v 0000 ~ 02757182 v 0000 ~ 02758977 v 0000 ~ 02759115 v 0000 ~ 02759254 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 08 00 | fall from clouds; "rain, snow and sleet were falling"; "Vesuvius precipitated its fiery, destructive rage on Herculaneum"
02757182 43 v 01 spat 0 001 @ 02756821 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | come down like raindrops; "Bullets were spatting down on us"
02757304 43 v 01 liquefy 0 003 @ 00146138 v 0000 + 02261985 a 0101 + 13508651 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | become liquid; "The garden air overnight liquefied into a morning dew"
02757475 43 v 02 drizzle 0 mizzle 0 003 @ 02756558 v 0000 + 11502322 n 0202 + 11502322 n 0101 01 + 03 00 | rain lightly; "When it drizzles in summer, hiking can be pleasant"
02757651 43 v 02 shower 0 shower_down 0 003 @ 02756558 v 0000 + 11502497 n 0101 + 07363668 n 0101 01 + 03 00 | rain abundantly; "Meteors showered down over half of Australia"
02757828 43 v 05 sprinkle 0 spit 0 spatter 0 patter 0 pitter-patter 0 003 @ 02756558 v 0000 + 11506167 n 0102 + 11506167 n 0103 01 + 03 00 | rain gently; "It has only sprinkled, but the roads are slick"
02758033 43 v 05 pour 0 pelt 0 stream 0 rain_cats_and_dogs 0 rain_buckets 0 004 @ 02756558 v 0000 + 11502102 n 0206 ~ 02758262 v 0000 ~ 02758399 v 0000 01 + 03 00 | rain heavily; "Put on your rain coat-- it's pouring outside!"
02758262 43 v 01 sheet 0 001 @ 02758033 v 0000 01 + 03 00 | come down as if in sheets; "The rain was sheeting down during the monsoon"
02758399 43 v 02 sluice 0 sluice_down 0 002 @ 02758033 v 0000 + 04244379 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | pour as if from a sluice; "An aggressive tide sluiced across the barrier reef"
02758581 43 v 03 ice_up 0 frost_over 0 ice_over 0 002 * 02758826 v 0000 @ 00109660 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 03 00 | become covered with a layer of ice; of a surface such as a window; "When the wings iced up, the pilot was forced to land his plane"
02758826 43 v 01 freeze a 002 + 11440521 n 0101 + 13484644 n 0102 01 + 03 00 | be very cold, below the freezing point; "It is freezing in Kalamazoo"
02758977 43 v 01 snow 0 003 @ 02756821 v 0000 + 15043763 n 0101 + 11508382 n 0101 01 + 03 00 | fall as snow; "It was snowing all night"
02759115 43 v 01 hail 0 002 @ 02756821 v 0000 + 11465530 n 0101 01 + 03 00 | precipitate as small ice particles; "It hailed for an hour"
02759254 43 v 01 sleet 0 002 @ 02756821 v 0000 + 11507951 n 0101 01 + 03 00 | precipitate as a mixture of rain and snow; "If the temperature rises above freezing, it will probably sleet"
02759443 43 v 01 flame 0 003 @ 00377002 v 0000 + 13480848 n 0102 + 13480848 n 0103 01 + 01 00 | be in flames or aflame; "The sky seemed to flame in the Hawaiian sunset"
02759614 43 v 02 ignite 0 light 0 019 > 00377002 v 0000 @ 02762468 v 0000 + 03666591 n 0202 + 15101361 n 0203 + 03666591 n 0201 + 00473243 a 0103 + 00473243 a 0102 + 13495873 n 0101 + 00378479 n 0101 + 15101361 n 0101 + 03666591 n 0103 + 15101361 n 0102 + 03666591 n 0104 ! 02761897 v 0103 ~ 01199881 v 0000 ~ 02760344 v 0000 ~ 02761372 v 0000 ~ 02764122 v 0000 ~ 02764245 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to start burning; subject to fire or great heat; "Great heat can ignite almost any dry matter"; "Light a cigarette"
02760139 43 v 04 set_ablaze 0 set_aflame 0 set_on_fire 1 set_afire 0 002 * 02759614 v 0000 @ 02762468 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | set fire to; cause to start burning; "Lightening set fire to the forest"
02760344 43 v 01 reignite 0 001 @ 02759614 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | ignite anew, as of something burning; "The strong winds reignited the cooling embers"
02760495 43 v 02 douse 0 put_out 0 001 @ 02761897 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | put out, as of a candle or a light; "Douse the lights"
02760622 43 v 06 erupt 0 ignite 1 catch_fire 0 take_fire 0 combust 0 conflagrate 0 010 @ 00146138 v 0000 + 00472992 a 0501 + 00473502 a 0503 + 00473243 a 0203 + 00473243 a 0202 + 00378479 n 0201 ~ 02761012 v 0000 ~ 02761134 v 0000 ~ 02761229 v 0000 $ 02762468 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | start to burn or burst into flames; "Marsh gases ignited suddenly"; "The oily rags combusted spontaneously"
02761012 43 v 01 blow_out 1 001 @ 02760622 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | erupt in an uncontrolled manner; "The oil well blew out"
02761134 43 v 01 catch 4 001 @ 02760622 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | start burning; "The fire caught"
02761229 43 v 01 light_up 1 001 @ 02760622 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | start to burn with a bright flame; "The coal in the BBQ grill finally lit up"
02761372 43 v 04 kindle 0 enkindle 0 conflagrate 1 inflame 0 003 @ 02759614 v 0000 + 00378479 n 0405 ~ 02761594 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to start burning; "The setting sun kindled the sky with oranges and reds"
02761594 43 v 01 rekindle 0 001 @ 02761372 v 0000 01 + 08 00 | kindle anew, as of a fire
02761685 43 v 02 kindle 1 inflame 1 004 @ 02764245 v 0000 + 00378479 n 0205 + 15101586 n 0101 + 00378479 n 0104 01 + 01 00 | catch fire; "The dried grass of the prairie kindled, spreading the flames for miles"
02761897 43 v 04 snuff_out 0 blow_out 0 extinguish 0 quench 0 008 + 00229934 n 0403 + 00229934 n 0301 + 03345837 n 0302 + 00229934 n 0302 ! 02759614 v 0301 ~ 01210622 v 0000 ~ 02760495 v 0000 ~ 02762299 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | put out, as of fires, flames, or lights; "Too big to be extinguished at once, the forest fires at best could be contained"; "quench the flames"; "snuff out the candles"
02762299 43 v 01 black_out 0 001 @ 02761897 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | obliterate or extinguish; "Some life-forms were obliterated by the radiation, others survived"
02762468 43 v 02 burn 2 combust 2 010 > 00377002 v 0000 $ 02760622 v 0000 + 00472992 a 0201 + 00473502 a 0203 + 00378069 n 0202 + 00473243 a 0101 ~ 02759614 v 0000 ~ 02760139 v 0000 ~ 02771997 v 0000 ~ 02772310 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to burn or combust; "The sun burned off the fog"; "We combust coal and other fossil fuels"
02762806 43 v 04 flare 0 flame_up 0 blaze_up 0 burn_up 0 002 @ 00377002 v 0000 + 13481883 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | burn brightly; "Every star seemed to flare with new intensity"
02762981 43 v 02 flare 1 flame 1 003 @ 02763740 v 0000 ^ 02762806 v 0202 + 13481883 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | shine with a sudden light; "The night sky flared with the massive bombardment"
02763166 43 v 01 outshine 0 001 @ 02763740 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | shine brighter than; "What star outshines the sun?"
02763283 43 v 01 shine 3 002 > 02763740 v 0000 + 04953954 n 0103 02 + 08 00 + 21 00 | throw or flash the light of (a lamp); "Shine the light on that window, please"
02763450 43 v 01 shimmer 0 002 @ 02763740 v 0000 + 07411851 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | shine with a weak or fitful light; "Beech leaves shimmered in the moonlight"
02763609 43 v 02 flicker 0 flick 0 002 @ 02763740 v 0000 + 07412310 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | shine unsteadily; "The candle flickered"
02763740 43 v 02 shine 0 beam 3 012 + 11428023 n 0201 + 04953954 n 0103 ~ 02160321 v 0000 ~ 02160433 v 0000 ~ 02162672 v 0000 ~ 02762981 v 0000 ~ 02763166 v 0000 ~ 02763450 v 0000 ~ 02763609 v 0000 ~ 02764614 v 0000 ~ 02764765 v 0000 ~ 02768874 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | emit light; be bright, as of the sun or a light; "The sun shone bright that day"; "The fire beamed on their faces"
02764122 43 v 01 light_up 2 001 @ 02759614 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | ignite; "The sky lit up quickly above the raging volcano"
02764245 43 v 01 flare_up 0 002 @ 02759614 v 0000 ~ 02761685 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | ignite quickly and suddenly, especially after having died down; "the fire flared up and died down once again"
02764438 43 v 01 blaze 0 003 @ 00377002 v 0000 + 13439088 n 0101 ^ 02762806 v 0103 01 + 01 00 | burn brightly and intensely; "The summer sun alone can cause a pine to blaze"
02764614 43 v 01 blaze 1 002 @ 02763740 v 0000 + 04952570 n 0102 01 + 01 00 | shine brightly and intensively; "Meteors blazed across the atmosphere"
02764765 43 v 03 twinkle 0 winkle 0 scintillate 0 008 @ 02763740 v 0000 ;c 09239740 n 0000 + 00279618 a 0308 + 04771128 n 0301 + 09426038 n 0301 + 07411645 n 0101 + 09464486 n 0101 $ 02767760 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | emit or reflect light in a flickering manner; "Does a constellation twinkle more brightly than a single star?"
02765090 43 v 01 glare 1 001 @ 02765924 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | be sharply reflected; "The moon glared back at itself from the lake's surface"
02765231 43 v 01 opalesce 0 003 @ 02765924 v 0000 + 00282020 a 0103 + 04953678 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | reflect light or colors like an opal; "Distant clouds opalesce like pale brocade"; "raindrops caught in a sunbeam seem to opalesce"
02765464 43 v 02 absorb 0 take_in 0 006 + 00006336 a 0102 + 00006336 a 0101 + 00008734 a 0101 + 13424183 n 0101 ! 02767308 v 0101 ~ 02765692 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | suck or take up or in; "A black star absorbs all matter"
02765692 43 v 02 suck 0 suck_in 0 003 @ 02765464 v 0000 + 00842692 n 0102 + 00842692 n 0103 01 + 11 00 | attract by using an inexorable force, inducement, etc.; "The current boom in the economy sucked many workers in from abroad"
02765924 43 v 02 reflect 0 shine 1 009 @ 02767308 v 0000 + 09432990 n 0201 + 04953954 n 0203 + 02007882 a 0101 ~ 02733453 v 0000 ~ 02765090 v 0000 ~ 02765231 v 0000 ~ 02766223 v 0000 ~ 02766390 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | be bright by reflecting or casting light; "Drive carefully--the wet road reflects"
02766223 43 v 01 luminesce 0 004 @ 02765924 v 0000 + 00272410 a 0101 + 11476430 n 0101 + 05018785 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | be or become luminescent; exhibit luminescence
02766390 43 v 03 sparkle 0 scintillate 3 coruscate 0 009 @ 02765924 v 0000 + 00279618 a 0302 + 07412668 n 0303 + 00279618 a 0208 + 04952944 n 0204 + 04952944 n 0105 + 07412668 n 0102 + 13372123 n 0102 + 07411645 n 0103 01 + 01 00 | reflect brightly; "Unquarried marble sparkled on the hillside"
02766687 43 v 02 spark 0 sparkle 2 005 @ 02767308 v 0000 + 07412668 n 0202 + 09442341 n 0101 + 11511523 n 0102 + 07412310 n 0102 01 + 01 00 | emit or produce sparks; "A high tension wire, brought down by a storm, can continue to spark"
02766925 43 v 01 mirror 0 003 @ 02136271 v 0000 + 05767245 n 0101 + 03773035 n 0101 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | reflect as if in a mirror; "The smallest pond at night mirrors the firmament above"
02767116 43 v 01 radiate 0 005 @ 02767308 v 0000 + 00280463 a 0104 + 11499284 n 0101 + 04953954 n 0102 + 04953954 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 11 00 | send out rays or waves; "The sun radiates heat"
02767308 43 v 03 emit 0 give_out 0 give_off 0 013 + 01253060 n 0101 + 03283827 n 0101 ! 02765464 v 0101 ~ 00291286 v 0000 ~ 02765924 v 0000 ~ 02766687 v 0000 ~ 02767116 v 0000 ~ 02767760 v 0000 ~ 02767922 v 0000 ~ 02768120 v 0000 ~ 02768259 v 0000 ~ 02768431 v 0000 ~ 02768579 v 0000 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | give off, send forth, or discharge; as of light, heat, or radiation, vapor, etc.; "The ozone layer blocks some harmful rays which the sun emits"
02767760 43 v 01 scintillate 1 003 $ 02764765 v 0000 @ 02767308 v 0000 + 07411645 n 0102 01 + 11 00 | give off; "the substance scintillated sparks and flashes"
02767922 43 v 02 fume 0 smoke 0 005 @ 02767308 v 0000 + 13556893 n 0201 + 11508092 n 0201 + 13556893 n 0202 + 11508092 n 0102 01 + 01 00 | emit a cloud of fine particles; "The chimney was fuming"
02768120 43 v 01 reek 0 001 @ 02767308 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | give off smoke, fumes, warm vapour, steam, etc.; "Marshes reeking in the sun"
02768259 43 v 01 shoot 0 001 @ 02767308 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | emit (as light, flame, or fumes) suddenly and forcefully; "The dragon shot fumes and flames out of its mouth"
02768431 43 v 01 ray 0 002 @ 02767308 v 0000 + 11428023 n 0104 01 + 11 00 | emit as rays; "That tower rays a laser beam for miles across the sky"
02768579 43 v 01 steam 0 001 @ 02767308 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 02 00 | emit steam; "The rain forest was literally steaming"
02768702 43 v 03 shadow 0 shade 0 shade_off 0 004 @ 00311559 v 0000 + 13984613 n 0201 + 08646306 n 0103 + 13984944 n 0101 03 + 09 00 + 10 00 + 11 00 | cast a shadow over
02768874 43 v 02 burn 1 glow 0 003 @ 02763740 v 0000 + 11467786 n 0202 ~ 02769077 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | shine intensely, as if with heat; "The coals were glowing in the dark"; "The candles were burning"
02769077 43 v 01 gutter 0 001 @ 02768874 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | burn unsteadily, feebly, or low; flicker; "The cooling lava continued to gutter toward lower ground"
02769241 43 v 01 blow 0 007 + 11465017 n 0103 ~ 02769480 v 0000 ~ 02769642 v 0000 ~ 02769783 v 0000 ~ 02769900 v 0000 ~ 02770019 v 0000 ~ 02770362 v 0000 03 + 01 00 + 03 00 + 04 00 | be blowing or storming; "The wind blew from the West"
02769480 43 v 01 breeze 0 002 @ 02769241 v 0000 + 11431754 n 0101 03 + 01 00 + 03 00 + 04 00 | blow gently and lightly; "It breezes most evenings at the shore"
02769642 43 v 01 set_in 0 001 @ 02769241 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | blow toward the shore; "That gale could set in on us with the next high tide"
02769783 43 v 01 waft 0 001 @ 02769241 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 04 00 | blow gently; "A breeze wafted through the door"
02769900 43 v 01 storm 0 002 @ 02769241 v 0000 + 11462526 n 0101 01 + 03 00 | blow hard; "It was storming all night"
02770019 43 v 01 squall 0 002 @ 02769241 v 0000 + 11514008 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | blow in a squall; "When it squalls, a prudent sailor reefs his sails"
02770170 43 v 01 storm 1 002 * 02756558 v 0000 + 11462526 n 0101 01 + 03 00 | rain, hail, or snow hard and be very windy, often with thunder or lightning; "If it storms, we'll need shelter"
02770362 43 v 01 bluster 0 002 @ 02769241 v 0000 + 11465297 n 0101 01 + 03 00 | blow hard; be gusty, as of wind; "A southeaster blustered onshore"; "The flames blustered"
02770535 43 v 02 thunder 0 boom 0 002 * 02769900 v 0000 + 07397355 n 0101 01 + 03 00 | be the case that thunder is being heard; "Whenever it thunders, my dog crawls under the bed"
02770717 43 v 02 overcast 0 cloud 0 010 @ 00311559 v 0000 + 09247410 n 0201 + 13449566 n 0201 ^ 02771020 v 0202 ^ 02771020 v 0203 + 13984468 n 0102 + 14524198 n 0103 ! 02771169 v 0101 ~ 02771888 v 0000 ~ 02772202 v 0000 01 + 11 00 | make overcast or cloudy; "Fall weather often overcasts our beaches"
02771020 43 v 03 overcloud 0 cloud_over 0 cloud_up 0 001 @ 00312380 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 03 00 | become covered with clouds; "The sky clouded over"
02771169 43 v 04 clear_up 0 clear 0 light_up 0 brighten 0 001 ! 02770717 v 0101 02 + 01 00 + 03 00 | become clear; "The sky cleared after the storm"
02771320 43 v 02 blight 0 plague 0 006 @ 00259927 v 0000 + 07996412 n 0202 + 14076479 n 0201 + 14138691 n 0201 + 14215331 n 0101 + 14562854 n 0101 02 + 10 00 + 11 00 | cause to suffer a blight; "Too much rain may blight the garden with mold"
02771564 43 v 02 swamp 0 drench 0 002 @ 00217152 v 0000 + 09452395 n 0101 02 + 01 00 + 11 00 | drench or submerge or be drenched or submerged; "The tsunami swamped every boat in the harbor"
02771756 43 v 02 run_dry 0 dry_out 1 001 @ 00219403 v 0000 01 + 01 00 | become empty of water; "The river runs dry in the summer"
02771888 43 v 01 fog_up 0 001 @ 02770717 v 0000 02 + 01 00 + 03 00 | get foggy; "The windshield fogged up"
02771997 43 v 02 char 0 coal 0 004 @ 02762468 v 0000 + 14814616 n 0201 + 09273130 n 0202 + 14685172 n 0101 01 + 08 00 | burn to charcoal; "Without a drenching rain, the forest fire will char everything"
02772202 43 v 01 haze 0 002 @ 02770717 v 0000 + 11465888 n 0101 01 + 01 00 | become hazy, dull, or cloudy
02772310 43 v 01 deflagrate 0 002 @ 02762468 v 0000 + 13450417 n 0101 02 + 08 00 + 11 00 | cause to burn rapidly and with great intensity; "care must be exercised when this substance is to be deflagrated"