mirror of
synced 2025-02-11 09:00:36 +03:00
* verbose and tag_map options * adding init_tok2vec option and only changing the tok2vec that is specified * adding omit_extra_lookups and verifying textcat config * wip * pretrain bugfix * add replace and resume options * train_textcat fix * raw text functionality * improve UX when KeyError or when input data can't be parsed * avoid unnecessary access to goldparse in TextCat pipe * save performance information in nlp.meta * add noise_level to config * move nn_parser's defaults to config file * multitask in config - doesn't work yet * scorer offering both F and AUC options, need to be specified in config * add textcat verification code from old train script * small fixes to config files * clean up * set default config for ner/parser to allow create_pipe to work as before * two more test fixes * small fixes * cleanup * fix NER pickling + additional unit test * create_pipe as before
94 lines
3.5 KiB
94 lines
3.5 KiB
from timeit import default_timer as timer
from wasabi import msg
from ..gold import GoldCorpus
from .. import util
from .. import displacy
def evaluate(
# fmt: off
model: ("Model name or path", "positional", None, str),
data_path: ("Location of JSON-formatted evaluation data", "positional", None, str),
gpu_id: ("Use GPU", "option", "g", int) = -1,
gold_preproc: ("Use gold preprocessing", "flag", "G", bool) = False,
displacy_path: ("Directory to output rendered parses as HTML", "option", "dp", str) = None,
displacy_limit: ("Limit of parses to render as HTML", "option", "dl", int) = 25,
return_scores: ("Return dict containing model scores", "flag", "R", bool) = False,
# fmt: on
Evaluate a model. To render a sample of parses in a HTML file, set an
output directory as the displacy_path argument.
if gpu_id >= 0:
data_path = util.ensure_path(data_path)
displacy_path = util.ensure_path(displacy_path)
if not data_path.exists():
msg.fail("Evaluation data not found", data_path, exits=1)
if displacy_path and not displacy_path.exists():
msg.fail("Visualization output directory not found", displacy_path, exits=1)
corpus = GoldCorpus(data_path, data_path)
if model.startswith("blank:"):
nlp = util.get_lang_class(model.replace("blank:", ""))()
nlp = util.load_model(model)
dev_dataset = list(corpus.dev_dataset(nlp, gold_preproc=gold_preproc))
begin = timer()
scorer = nlp.evaluate(dev_dataset, verbose=False)
end = timer()
nwords = sum(len(ex.doc) for ex in dev_dataset)
results = {
"Time": f"{end - begin:.2f} s",
"Words": nwords,
"Words/s": f"{nwords / (end - begin):.0f}",
"TOK": f"{scorer.token_acc:.2f}",
"TAG": f"{scorer.tags_acc:.2f}",
"POS": f"{scorer.pos_acc:.2f}",
"MORPH": f"{scorer.morphs_acc:.2f}",
"UAS": f"{scorer.uas:.2f}",
"LAS": f"{scorer.las:.2f}",
"NER P": f"{scorer.ents_p:.2f}",
"NER R": f"{scorer.ents_r:.2f}",
"NER F": f"{scorer.ents_f:.2f}",
"Textcat AUC": f"{scorer.textcat_auc:.2f}",
"Textcat F": f"{scorer.textcat_f:.2f}",
"Sent P": f"{scorer.sent_p:.2f}",
"Sent R": f"{scorer.sent_r:.2f}",
"Sent F": f"{scorer.sent_f:.2f}",
msg.table(results, title="Results")
if displacy_path:
docs = [ex.doc for ex in dev_dataset]
render_deps = "parser" in nlp.meta.get("pipeline", [])
render_ents = "ner" in nlp.meta.get("pipeline", [])
msg.good(f"Generated {displacy_limit} parses as HTML", displacy_path)
if return_scores:
return scorer.scores
def render_parses(docs, output_path, model_name="", limit=250, deps=True, ents=True):
docs[0].user_data["title"] = model_name
if ents:
html = displacy.render(docs[:limit], style="ent", page=True)
with (output_path / "entities.html").open("w", encoding="utf8") as file_:
if deps:
html = displacy.render(
docs[:limit], style="dep", page=True, options={"compact": True}
with (output_path / "parses.html").open("w", encoding="utf8") as file_: