Ines Montani 49cee4af92
💫 Interactive code examples, spaCy Universe and various docs improvements (#2274)
* Integrate Python kernel via Binder

* Add live model test for languages with examples

* Update docs and code examples

* Adjust margin (if not bootstrapped)

* Add binder version to global config

* Update terminal and executable code mixins

* Pass attributes through infobox and section

* Hide v-cloak

* Fix example

* Take out model comparison for now

* Add meta text for compat

* Remove chart.js dependency

* Tidy up and simplify JS and port big components over to Vue

* Remove chartjs example

* Add Twitter icon

* Add purple stylesheet option

* Add utility for hand cursor (special cases only)

* Add transition classes

* Add small option for section

* Add thumb object for small round thumbnail images

* Allow unset code block language via "none" value

(workaround to still allow unset language to default to DEFAULT_SYNTAX)

* Pass through attributes

* Add syntax highlighting definitions for Julia, R and Docker

* Add website icon

* Remove user survey from navigation

* Don't hide GitHub icon on small screens

* Make top navigation scrollable on small screens

* Remove old resources page and references to it

* Add Universe

* Add helper functions for better page URL and title

* Update site description

* Increment versions

* Update preview images

* Update mentions of resources

* Fix image

* Fix social images

* Fix problem with cover sizing and floats

* Add divider and move badges into heading

* Add docstrings

* Reference converting section

* Add section on converting word vectors

* Move converting section to custom section and fix formatting

* Remove old fastText example

* Move extensions content to own section

Keep weird ID to not break permalinks for now (we don't want to rewrite URLs if not absolutely necessary)

* Use better component example and add factories section

* Add note on larger model

* Use better example for non-vector

* Remove similarity in context section

Only works via small models with tensors so has always been kind of confusing

* Add note on init-model command

* Fix lightning tour examples and make excutable if possible

* Add spacy train CLI section to train

* Fix formatting and add video

* Fix formatting

* Fix textcat example description (resolves #2246)

* Add dummy file to try resolve conflict

* Delete dummy file

* Tidy up [ci skip]

* Ensure sufficient height of loading container

* Add loading animation to universe

* Update Thebelab build and use better startup message

* Fix asset versioning

* Fix typo [ci skip]

* Add note on project idea label
2018-04-29 02:06:46 +02:00

163 lines
7.3 KiB
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include _includes/_mixins
| Industrial-Strength#[br]
| Natural Language#[br]
| Processing
span.u-text-label.u-text-label--light in Python
+h(3) Fastest in the world
| spaCy excels at large-scale information extraction tasks.
| It's written from the ground up in carefully memory-managed
| Cython. Independent research has confirmed that spaCy is
| the fastest in the world. If your application needs to
| process entire web dumps, spaCy is the library you want to
| be using.
+button("/usage/facts-figures", true, "primary")
| Facts & figures
+h(3) Get things done
| spaCy is designed to help you do real work — to build real
| products, or gather real insights. The library respects
| your time, and tries to avoid wasting it. It's easy to
| install, and its API is simple and productive. We like to
| think of spaCy as the Ruby on Rails of Natural Language
| Processing.
+button("/usage", true, "primary")
| Get started
+h(3) Deep learning
| spaCy is the best way to prepare text for deep learning.
| It interoperates seamlessly with TensorFlow, PyTorch,
| scikit-learn, Gensim and the rest of Python's awesome AI
| ecosystem. With spaCy, you can easily construct linguistically
| sophisticated statistical models for a variety of NLP problems.
+button("/usage/training", true, "primary")
| Read more
+code-exec("Edit the code & try spaCy", true).
# pip install spacy
# python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm
import spacy
# Load English tokenizer, tagger, parser, NER and word vectors
nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm')
# Process whole documents
text = (u"When Sebastian Thrun started working on self-driving cars at "
u"Google in 2007, few people outside of the company took him "
u"seriously. “I can tell you very senior CEOs of major American "
u"car companies would shake my hand and turn away because I wasnt "
u"worth talking to,” said Thrun, now the co-founder and CEO of "
u"online higher education startup Udacity, in an interview with "
u"Recode earlier this week.")
doc = nlp(text)
# Find named entities, phrases and concepts
for entity in doc.ents:
print(entity.text, entity.label_)
# Determine semantic similarities
doc1 = nlp(u"my fries were super gross")
doc2 = nlp(u"such disgusting fries")
similarity = doc1.similarity(doc2)
print(doc1.text, doc2.text, similarity)
+h(2) Features
+item Non-destructive #[strong tokenization]
+item #[strong Named entity] recognition
+item Support for #[strong #{LANG_COUNT}+ languages]
+item #[strong #{MODEL_COUNT} statistical models] for #{MODEL_LANG_COUNT} languages
+item Pre-trained #[strong word vectors]
+item Easy #[strong deep learning] integration
+item Part-of-speech tagging
+item Labelled dependency parsing
+item Syntax-driven sentence segmentation
+item Built in #[strong visualizers] for syntax and NER
+item Convenient string-to-hash mapping
+item Export to numpy data arrays
+item Efficient binary serialization
+item Easy #[strong model packaging] and deployment
+item State-of-the-art speed
+item Robust, rigorously evaluated accuracy
+landing-banner("Convolutional neural network models", "New in v2.0")
| spaCy v2.0 features new neural models for #[strong tagging],
| #[strong parsing] and #[strong entity recognition]. The models have
| been designed and implemented from scratch specifically for spaCy, to
| give you an unmatched balance of speed, size and accuracy. A novel
| bloom embedding strategy with subword features is used to support
| huge vocabularies in tiny tables. Convolutional layers with residual
| connections, layer normalization and maxout non-linearity are used,
| giving much better efficiency than the standard BiLSTM solution.
| Finally, the parser and NER use an imitation learning objective to
| deliver accuracy in-line with the latest research systems,
| even when evaluated from raw text. With these innovations, spaCy
| v2.0's models are #[strong 10× smaller],
| #[strong 20% more accurate], and #[strong even cheaper to run] than
| the previous generation.
+button("/models", true, "secondary-light") Download models
+landing-logos("spaCy is trusted by", logos)
+button(gh("spacy") + "/stargazers", false, "secondary", "small")
| and many more
+landing-logos("Featured on", features).o-block-small
+landing-banner("Prodigy: Radically efficient machine teaching", "From the makers of spaCy")
| Prodigy is an #[strong annotation tool] so efficient that data scientists can
| do the annotation themselves, enabling a new level of rapid
| iteration. Whether you're working on entity recognition, intent
| detection or image classification, Prodigy can help you
| #[strong train and evaluate] your models faster. Stream in your own examples or
| real-world data from live APIs, update your model in real-time and
| chain models together to build more complex systems.
+button("", true, "secondary-light") Try it out
+h(2) Benchmarks
| In 2015, independent researchers from Emory University and
| Yahoo! Labs showed that spaCy offered the
| #[strong fastest syntactic parser in the world] and that its
| accuracy was #[strong within 1% of the best] available
| (#[+a("") Choi et al., 2015]).
| spaCy v2.0, released in 2017, is more accurate than any of
| the systems Choi et al. evaluated.
+button("/usage/facts-figures#benchmarks", true, "secondary") See details
include usage/_facts-figures/_benchmarks-choi-2015