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Get a mapping of (lemma, sense_number)-->supersense, and a mapping
(lemma, ON group)-->(lemma, sense_number).
Then we can read the OntoNotes token-->(lemma, ON group) annotations, and resolve
them to the token-->supersense annotations we want to train from.
supersense: A WordNet lexical file number
sense_number: A WordNet sense key, found in e.g. wordnet/index.sense file
lex_filenum: A WordNet "super sense", or lexical file number.
onto_group: An OntoNotes sense grouping, which dominates zero or more WN senses.
from __future__ import division
from os import path
import os
import re
import codecs
def get_sense_to_ssense(index_dot_sense_loc):
mapping = {}
pos_tags = [None, 'n', 'v', 'j', 'a', 's']
for line in codecs.open(index_dot_sense_loc, 'r', 'utf8'):
sense_key, synset_offset, sense_number, tag_cnt = line.split()
lemma, lex_sense = sense_key.split('%')
ss_type, lex_filenum, lex_id, head_word, head_id = lex_sense.split(':')
pos = pos_tags[int(ss_type)]
mapping[(lemma, pos, int(sense_number))] = int(lex_filenum)
return mapping
sense_group_re = re.compile(r'<sense .*?</sense>', re.DOTALL)
wn_mapping_re = re.compile(r'version="3.0">([^<]+)<')
def get_og_to_sense(sense_inv_dir):
mapping = {}
for filename in os.listdir(sense_inv_dir):
if not filename.endswith('.xml'):
if '-' not in filename:
lemma, pos = filename.split('-')[:2]
pos = pos[0]
# Word is these often don't validate, because of course. So, just parse
# with regex...
xml_str = open(path.join(sense_inv_dir, filename)).read()
for sense_grouping in sense_group_re.findall(xml_str):
group_num = sense_grouping.split('n="')[1].split('"')[0]
if not group_num:
group_num = int(float(group_num))
key = (lemma, pos, int(group_num))
mapping.setdefault(key, [])
wn_elem = wn_mapping_re.search(sense_grouping)
if wn_elem is not None:
sense_num_str = wn_elem.groups()[0].replace('.', ',')
sense_ids = [(lemma, pos, int(n)) for n in sense_num_str.strip().split(',')]
return mapping
def get_lexnames(loc):
names = {}
for line in open(loc):
id_, name, syn_type = line.split()
names[int(id_)] = name
return names
def get_og_to_ssenses(wordnet_dir, onto_dir):
sense_inv_dir = path.join(onto_dir, 'data', 'english', 'metadata', 'sense-inventories')
og_to_sense = get_og_to_sense(sense_inv_dir)
sense_to_ssense = get_sense_to_ssense(path.join(wordnet_dir, 'index.sense'))
lexnames = get_lexnames(path.join(wordnet_dir, 'lexnames'))
mapping = {}
for key, senses in og_to_sense.items():
if senses is not None:
mapping[key] = set([lexnames[sense_to_ssense[s_key]]
for s_key in senses if s_key in sense_to_ssense])
return mapping
def make_supersense_dict(wordnet_dir):
sense_to_ssense = get_sense_to_ssense(path.join(wordnet_dir, 'index.sense'))
gather = {}
for (word, pos, sense), supersense in sense_to_ssense.items():
key = (word, pos)
gather.setdefault((word, pos), []).append((int(sense), supersense))
mapping = {}
for (word, pos), senses in gather.items():
n_senses = len(senses)
probs = {}
remaining = 1.0
for sense, supersense in sorted(senses):
remaining /= 2
probs[supersense] = probs.get(supersense, 0.0) + remaining
for sense, supersense in sorted(senses):
probs[supersense] += remaining / len(senses)
mapping.setdefault(word, {}).update(probs)
return mapping
def main(wordnet_dir, onto_dir):
mapping = make_supersense_dict(wordnet_dir)
print mapping[('dog', 'v')]
print mapping[('dog', 'n')]
print mapping[('abandon', 'v')]
print mapping[('abandon', 'n')]
if __name__ == '__main__':
import plac