adrianeboyd adc9745718 Modify morphology to support arbitrary features (#4932)
* Restructure tag maps for MorphAnalysis changes

Prepare tag maps for upcoming MorphAnalysis changes that allow
arbritrary features.

* Use default tag map rather than duplicating for ca / uk / vi

* Import tag map into defaults for ga

* Modify tag maps so all morphological fields and features are strings
  * Move features from `"Other"` to the top level
  * Rewrite tuples as strings separated by `","`

* Rewrite morph symbols for fr lemmatizer as strings

* Export MorphAnalysis under spacy.tokens

* Modify morphology to support arbitrary features

Modify `Morphology` and `MorphAnalysis` so that arbitrary features are

* Modify `MorphAnalysisC` so that it can support arbitrary features and
multiple values per field. `MorphAnalysisC` is redesigned to contain:
  * key: hash of UD FEATS string of morphological features
  * array of `MorphFeatureC` structs that each contain a hash of `Field`
and `Field=Value` for a given morphological feature, which makes it
possible to:
    * find features by field
    * represent multiple values for a given field

* `get_field()` is renamed to `get_by_field()` and is no longer `nogil`.
Instead a new helper function `get_n_by_field()` is `nogil` and returns
`n` features by field.

* `MorphAnalysis.get()` returns all possible values for a field as a
list of individual features such as `["Tense=Pres", "Tense=Past"]`.

* `MorphAnalysis`'s `str()` and `repr()` are the UD FEATS string.

* `Morphology.feats_to_dict()` converts a UD FEATS string to a dict
  * Each field has one entry in the dict
  * Multiple values remain separated by a separator in the value string

* `Token.morph_` returns the UD FEATS string and you can set
`Token.morph_` with a UD FEATS string or with a tag map dict.

* Modify get_by_field to use np.ndarray

Modify `get_by_field()` to use np.ndarray. Remove `max_results` from
`get_n_by_field()` and always iterate over all the fields.

* Rewrite without MorphFeatureC

* Add shortcut for existing feats strings as keys

Add shortcut for existing feats strings as keys in `Morphology.add()`.

* Check for '_' as empty analysis when adding morphs

* Extend helper converters in Morphology

Add and extend helper converters that convert and normalize between:

* UD FEATS strings (`"Case=dat,gen|Number=sing"`)
* per-field dict of feats (`{"Case": "dat,gen", "Number": "sing"}`)
* list of individual features (`["Case=dat", "Case=gen",

All converters sort fields and values where applicable.
2020-01-23 22:01:54 +01:00

324 lines
13 KiB

# cython: infer_types
from libc.string cimport memset
import srsly
from collections import Counter
import numpy
from .strings import get_string_id
from . import symbols
from .attrs cimport POS, IS_SPACE
from .attrs import LEMMA, intify_attrs
from .parts_of_speech cimport SPACE
from .parts_of_speech import IDS as POS_IDS
from .lexeme cimport Lexeme
from .errors import Errors, Warnings, user_warning
from .util import ensure_path
def _normalize_props(props):
"""Convert attrs dict so that POS is always by ID, other features are left
as is as long as they are strings or IDs.
out = {}
props = dict(props)
for key, value in props.items():
# convert POS value to ID
if key == POS:
if hasattr(value, 'upper'):
value = value.upper()
if value in POS_IDS:
value = POS_IDS[value]
out[key] = value
elif isinstance(key, str) and key.lower() == 'pos':
out[POS] = POS_IDS[value.upper()]
# sort values
elif isinstance(value, str) and Morphology.VALUE_SEP in value:
out[key] = Morphology.VALUE_SEP.join(
# accept any string or ID fields and values
elif isinstance(key, (int, str)) and isinstance(value, (int, str)):
out[key] = value
user_warning(Warnings.W028.format(feature={key: value}))
return out
cdef class Morphology:
'''Store the possible morphological analyses for a language, and index them
by hash.
To save space on each token, tokens only know the hash of their morphological
analysis, so queries of morphological attributes are delegated
to this class.
def __init__(self, StringStore strings, tag_map, lemmatizer, exc=None):
self.mem = Pool()
self.strings = strings
self.tags = PreshMap()
# Add special space symbol. We prefix with underscore, to make sure it
# always sorts to the end.
space_attrs = tag_map.get('SP', {POS: SPACE})
if '_SP' not in tag_map:
tag_map = dict(tag_map)
tag_map['_SP'] = space_attrs
self.tag_names = tuple(sorted(tag_map.keys()))
self.tag_map = {}
self.lemmatizer = lemmatizer
self.n_tags = len(tag_map)
self.reverse_index = {}
self._cache = PreshMapArray(self.n_tags)
self.exc = {}
if exc is not None:
for (tag, orth), attrs in exc.items():
attrs = _normalize_props(attrs)
self.strings.as_string(tag), self.strings.as_string(orth), attrs)
def _load_from_tag_map(self, tag_map):
for i, (tag_str, attrs) in enumerate(sorted(tag_map.items())):
attrs = _normalize_props(attrs)
self.tag_map[tag_str] = dict(attrs)
self.reverse_index[self.strings.add(tag_str)] = i
def __reduce__(self):
return (Morphology, (self.strings, self.tag_map, self.lemmatizer,
self.exc), None, None)
def add(self, features):
"""Insert a morphological analysis in the morphology table, if not
already present. The morphological analysis may be provided in the UD
FEATS format as a string or in the tag map dict format.
Returns the hash of the new analysis.
cdef MorphAnalysisC* tag_ptr
if features == self.EMPTY_MORPH:
features = ""
if isinstance(features, str):
tag_ptr = <MorphAnalysisC*>self.tags.get(<hash_t>self.strings[features])
if tag_ptr != NULL:
return tag_ptr.key
features = self.feats_to_dict(features)
if not isinstance(features, dict):
features = {}
features = _normalize_props(features)
string_features = {self.strings.as_string(field): self.strings.as_string(values) for field, values in features.items()}
# normalized UFEATS string with sorted fields and values
norm_feats_string = self.FEATURE_SEP.join(sorted([
self.FIELD_SEP.join([field, values])
for field, values in string_features.items()
# intified ("Field", "Field=Value") pairs
field_feature_pairs = []
for field in sorted(string_features):
values = string_features[field]
for value in values.split(self.VALUE_SEP):
self.strings.add(field + self.FIELD_SEP + value),
cdef MorphAnalysisC tag = self.create_morph_tag(field_feature_pairs)
# the hash key for the tag is either the hash of the normalized UFEATS
# string or the hash of an empty placeholder (using the empty string
# would give a hash key of 0, which is not good for PreshMap)
if norm_feats_string:
tag.key = self.strings.add(norm_feats_string)
tag.key = self.strings.add(self.EMPTY_MORPH)
return tag.key
cdef MorphAnalysisC create_morph_tag(self, field_feature_pairs) except *:
"""Creates a MorphAnalysisC from a list of intified
("Field", "Field=Value") tuples where fields with multiple values have
been split into individual tuples, e.g.:
[("Field1", "Field1=Value1"), ("Field1", "Field1=Value2"),
("Field2", "Field2=Value3")]
cdef MorphAnalysisC tag
tag.length = len(field_feature_pairs)
tag.fields = <attr_t*>self.mem.alloc(tag.length, sizeof(attr_t))
tag.features = <attr_t*>self.mem.alloc(tag.length, sizeof(attr_t))
for i, (field, feature) in enumerate(field_feature_pairs):
tag.fields[i] = field
tag.features[i] = feature
return tag
cdef int insert(self, MorphAnalysisC tag) except -1:
cdef hash_t key = tag.key
if self.tags.get(key) == NULL:
tag_ptr = <MorphAnalysisC*>self.mem.alloc(1, sizeof(MorphAnalysisC))
tag_ptr[0] = tag
self.tags.set(key, <void*>tag_ptr)
def get(self, hash_t morph):
tag = <MorphAnalysisC*>self.tags.get(morph)
if tag == NULL:
return []
return self.strings[tag.key]
def lemmatize(self, const univ_pos_t univ_pos, attr_t orth, morphology):
if orth not in self.strings:
return orth
cdef unicode py_string = self.strings[orth]
if self.lemmatizer is None:
return self.strings.add(py_string.lower())
cdef list lemma_strings
cdef unicode lemma_string
# Normalize features into a dict keyed by the field, to make life easier
# for the lemmatizer. Handles string-to-int conversion too.
string_feats = {}
for key, value in morphology.items():
if value is True:
name, value = self.strings.as_string(key).split('_', 1)
string_feats[name] = value
string_feats[self.strings.as_string(key)] = self.strings.as_string(value)
lemma_strings = self.lemmatizer(py_string, univ_pos, string_feats)
lemma_string = lemma_strings[0]
lemma = self.strings.add(lemma_string)
return lemma
def add_special_case(self, unicode tag_str, unicode orth_str, attrs,
"""Add a special-case rule to the morphological analyser. Tokens whose
tag and orth match the rule will receive the specified properties.
tag (unicode): The part-of-speech tag to key the exception.
orth (unicode): The word-form to key the exception.
attrs = dict(attrs)
attrs = _normalize_props(attrs)
attrs = intify_attrs(attrs, self.strings, _do_deprecated=True)
self.exc[(tag_str, self.strings.add(orth_str))] = attrs
cdef int assign_untagged(self, TokenC* token) except -1:
"""Set morphological attributes on a token without a POS tag. Uses
the lemmatizer's lookup() method, which looks up the string in the
table provided by the language data as lemma_lookup (if available).
if token.lemma == 0:
orth_str = self.strings[token.lex.orth]
lemma = self.lemmatizer.lookup(orth_str, orth=token.lex.orth)
token.lemma = self.strings.add(lemma)
cdef int assign_tag(self, TokenC* token, tag_str) except -1:
cdef attr_t tag = self.strings.as_int(tag_str)
if tag in self.reverse_index:
tag_id = self.reverse_index[tag]
self.assign_tag_id(token, tag_id)
token.tag = tag
cdef int assign_tag_id(self, TokenC* token, int tag_id) except -1:
if tag_id > self.n_tags:
raise ValueError(Errors.E014.format(tag=tag_id))
# Ensure spaces get tagged as space.
# It seems pretty arbitrary to put this logic here, but there's really
# nowhere better. I guess the justification is that this is where the
# specific word and the tag interact. Still, we should have a better
# way to enforce this rule, or figure out why the statistical model fails.
# Related to Issue #220
if Lexeme.c_check_flag(token.lex, IS_SPACE):
tag_id = self.reverse_index[self.strings.add('_SP')]
tag_str = self.tag_names[tag_id]
features = dict(self.tag_map.get(tag_str, {}))
if features:
pos = self.strings.as_int(features.pop(POS))
pos = 0
cdef attr_t lemma = <attr_t>self._cache.get(tag_id, token.lex.orth)
if lemma == 0:
# Ugh, self.lemmatize has opposite arg order from self.lemmatizer :(
lemma = self.lemmatize(pos, token.lex.orth, features)
self._cache.set(tag_id, token.lex.orth, <void*>lemma)
token.lemma = lemma
token.pos = <univ_pos_t>pos
token.tag = self.strings[tag_str]
token.morph = self.add(features)
if (self.tag_names[tag_id], token.lex.orth) in self.exc:
self._assign_tag_from_exceptions(token, tag_id)
cdef int _assign_tag_from_exceptions(self, TokenC* token, int tag_id) except -1:
key = (self.tag_names[tag_id], token.lex.orth)
cdef dict attrs
attrs = self.exc[key]
token.pos = attrs.get(POS, token.pos)
token.lemma = attrs.get(LEMMA, token.lemma)
def load_morph_exceptions(self, dict exc):
# Map (form, pos) to attributes
for tag_str, entries in exc.items():
for form_str, attrs in entries.items():
self.add_special_case(tag_str, form_str, attrs)
def feats_to_dict(feats):
if not feats:
return {}
return {field: Morphology.VALUE_SEP.join(sorted(values.split(Morphology.VALUE_SEP))) for field, values in
[feat.split(Morphology.FIELD_SEP) for feat in feats.split(Morphology.FEATURE_SEP)]}
def dict_to_feats(feats_dict):
if len(feats_dict) == 0:
return ""
return Morphology.FEATURE_SEP.join(sorted([Morphology.FIELD_SEP.join([field, Morphology.VALUE_SEP.join(sorted(values.split(Morphology.VALUE_SEP)))]) for field, values in feats_dict.items()]))
def list_to_feats(feats_list):
if len(feats_list) == 0:
return ""
feats_dict = {}
for feat in feats_list:
field, value = feat.split(Morphology.FIELD_SEP)
if field not in feats_dict:
feats_dict[field] = set()
feats_dict = {field: Morphology.VALUE_SEP.join(sorted(values)) for field, values in feats_dict.items()}
return Morphology.dict_to_feats(feats_dict)
cdef int check_feature(const MorphAnalysisC* morph, attr_t feature) nogil:
cdef int i
for i in range(morph.length):
if morph.features[i] == feature:
return True
return False
cdef list list_features(const MorphAnalysisC* morph):
cdef int i
features = []
for i in range(morph.length):
return features
cdef np.ndarray get_by_field(const MorphAnalysisC* morph, attr_t field):
cdef np.ndarray results = numpy.zeros((morph.length,), dtype="uint64")
n = get_n_by_field(<uint64_t*>, morph, field)
return results[:n]
cdef int get_n_by_field(attr_t* results, const MorphAnalysisC* morph, attr_t field) nogil:
cdef int n_results = 0
cdef int i
for i in range(morph.length):
if morph.fields[i] == field:
results[n_results] = morph.features[i]
n_results += 1
return n_results