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from typing import List, Union, Dict, Any, Optional, Iterable, Callable, Tuple
from typing import Iterator, TYPE_CHECKING
import os
import importlib
import importlib.util
import re
from pathlib import Path
import thinc
from thinc.api import NumpyOps, get_current_ops, Adam, Config
import functools
import itertools
import numpy.random
import numpy
import srsly
import catalogue
import sys
import warnings
from packaging.specifiers import SpecifierSet, InvalidSpecifier
from packaging.version import Version, InvalidVersion
import subprocess
from contextlib import contextmanager
import tempfile
import shutil
import shlex
import inspect
import cupy.random
except ImportError:
cupy = None
try: # Python 3.8
import importlib.metadata as importlib_metadata
except ImportError:
import importlib_metadata
# These are functions that were previously (v2.x) available from spacy.util
# and have since moved to Thinc. We're importing them here so people's code
# doesn't break, but they should always be imported from Thinc from now on,
# not from spacy.util.
from thinc.api import fix_random_seed, compounding, decaying # noqa: F401
from .symbols import ORTH
from .compat import cupy, CudaStream, is_windows
from .errors import Errors, Warnings
from . import about
# This lets us add type hints for mypy etc. without causing circular imports
from .language import Language # noqa: F401
_PRINT_ENV = False
OOV_RANK = numpy.iinfo(numpy.uint64).max
LEXEME_NORM_LANGS = ["da", "de", "el", "en", "id", "lb", "pt", "ru", "sr", "ta", "th"]
class registry(thinc.registry):
languages = catalogue.create("spacy", "languages", entry_points=True)
architectures = catalogue.create("spacy", "architectures", entry_points=True)
tokenizers = catalogue.create("spacy", "tokenizers", entry_points=True)
lemmatizers = catalogue.create("spacy", "lemmatizers", entry_points=True)
lookups = catalogue.create("spacy", "lookups", entry_points=True)
displacy_colors = catalogue.create("spacy", "displacy_colors", entry_points=True)
assets = catalogue.create("spacy", "assets", entry_points=True)
# These are factories registered via third-party packages and the
# spacy_factories entry point. This registry only exists so we can easily
# load them via the entry points. The "true" factories are added via the
# Language.factory decorator (in the spaCy code base and user code) and those
# are the factories used to initialize components via registry.make_from_config.
_entry_point_factories = catalogue.create("spacy", "factories", entry_points=True)
factories = catalogue.create("spacy", "internal_factories")
# This is mostly used to get a list of all installed models in the current
# environment. spaCy models packaged with `spacy package` will "advertise"
# themselves via entry points.
models = catalogue.create("spacy", "models", entry_points=True)
class SimpleFrozenDict(dict):
"""Simplified implementation of a frozen dict, mainly used as default
function or method argument (for arguments that should default to empty
dictionary). Will raise an error if user or spaCy attempts to add to dict.
def __init__(self, *args, error: str = Errors.E095, **kwargs) -> None:
"""Initialize the frozen dict. Can be initialized with pre-defined
error (str): The error message when user tries to assign to dict.
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.error = error
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
raise NotImplementedError(self.error)
def pop(self, key, default=None):
raise NotImplementedError(self.error)
def update(self, other):
raise NotImplementedError(self.error)
def set_env_log(value):
global _PRINT_ENV
_PRINT_ENV = value
def lang_class_is_loaded(lang):
"""Check whether a Language class is already loaded. Language classes are
loaded lazily, to avoid expensive setup code associated with the language
lang (str): Two-letter language code, e.g. 'en'.
RETURNS (bool): Whether a Language class has been loaded.
return lang in registry.languages
def get_lang_class(lang):
"""Import and load a Language class.
lang (str): Two-letter language code, e.g. 'en'.
RETURNS (Language): Language class.
# Check if language is registered / entry point is available
if lang in registry.languages:
return registry.languages.get(lang)
module = importlib.import_module(f".lang.{lang}", "spacy")
except ImportError as err:
raise ImportError(Errors.E048.format(lang=lang, err=err))
set_lang_class(lang, getattr(module, module.__all__[0]))
return registry.languages.get(lang)
def set_lang_class(name, cls):
"""Set a custom Language class name that can be loaded via get_lang_class.
name (str): Name of Language class.
cls (Language): Language class.
registry.languages.register(name, func=cls)
def ensure_path(path):
"""Ensure string is converted to a Path.
path: Anything. If string, it's converted to Path.
RETURNS: Path or original argument.
if isinstance(path, str):
return Path(path)
return path
def load_language_data(path):
"""Load JSON language data using the given path as a base. If the provided
path isn't present, will attempt to load a gzipped version before giving up.
path (str / Path): The data to load.
RETURNS: The loaded data.
path = ensure_path(path)
if path.exists():
return srsly.read_json(path)
path = path.with_suffix(path.suffix + ".gz")
if path.exists():
return srsly.read_gzip_json(path)
raise ValueError(Errors.E160.format(path=path))
def get_module_path(module):
if not hasattr(module, "__module__"):
raise ValueError(Errors.E169.format(module=repr(module)))
return Path(sys.modules[module.__module__].__file__).parent
def load_model(
name: Union[str, Path],
disable: Iterable[str] = tuple(),
component_cfg: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]] = SimpleFrozenDict(),
"""Load a model from a package or data path.
name (str): Package name or model path.
disable (Iterable[str]): Names of pipeline components to disable.
component_cfg (Dict[str, dict]): Config overrides for pipeline components,
keyed by component names.
RETURNS (Language): The loaded nlp object.
cfg = component_cfg
if isinstance(name, str): # name or string path
if name.startswith("blank:"): # shortcut for blank model
return get_lang_class(name.replace("blank:", ""))()
if is_package(name): # installed as package
return load_model_from_package(name, disable=disable, component_cfg=cfg)
if Path(name).exists(): # path to model data directory
return load_model_from_path(Path(name), disable=disable, component_cfg=cfg)
elif hasattr(name, "exists"): # Path or Path-like to model data
return load_model_from_path(name, disable=disable, component_cfg=cfg)
raise IOError(Errors.E050.format(name=name))
def load_model_from_package(
name: str,
disable: Iterable[str] = tuple(),
component_cfg: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]] = SimpleFrozenDict(),
"""Load a model from an installed package."""
cls = importlib.import_module(name)
return cls.load(disable=disable, component_cfg=component_cfg)
def load_model_from_path(
model_path: Union[str, Path],
meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
disable: Iterable[str] = tuple(),
component_cfg: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]] = SimpleFrozenDict(),
"""Load a model from a data directory path. Creates Language class with
pipeline from config.cfg and then calls from_disk() with path."""
if not model_path.exists():
raise IOError(Errors.E052.format(path=model_path))
if not meta:
meta = get_model_meta(model_path)
config_path = model_path / "config.cfg"
if not config_path.exists() or not config_path.is_file():
raise IOError(Errors.E053.format(path=config_path, name="config.cfg"))
config = Config().from_disk(config_path)
override_cfg = {"components": {p: dict_to_dot(c) for p, c in component_cfg.items()}}
overrides = dict_to_dot(override_cfg)
nlp, _ = load_model_from_config(config, disable=disable, overrides=overrides)
return nlp.from_disk(model_path, exclude=disable)
def load_model_from_config(
config: Union[Dict[str, Any], Config],
disable: Iterable[str] = tuple(),
overrides: Dict[str, Any] = {},
auto_fill: bool = False,
validate: bool = True,
) -> Tuple["Language", Config]:
"""Create an nlp object from a config. Expects the full config file including
a section "nlp" containing the settings for the nlp object.
if "nlp" not in config:
raise ValueError(Errors.E985.format(config=config))
nlp_config = config["nlp"]
if "lang" not in nlp_config:
raise ValueError(Errors.E993.format(config=nlp_config))
# This will automatically handle all codes registered via the languages
# registry, including custom subclasses provided via entry points
lang_cls = get_lang_class(nlp_config["lang"])
nlp = lang_cls.from_config(
return nlp, nlp.resolved
def load_model_from_init_py(
init_file: Union[Path, str],
disable: Iterable[str] = tuple(),
component_cfg: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]] = SimpleFrozenDict(),
"""Helper function to use in the `load()` method of a model package's
init_file (str): Path to model's __init__.py, i.e. `__file__`.
**overrides: Specific overrides, like pipeline components to disable.
RETURNS (Language): `Language` class with loaded model.
model_path = Path(init_file).parent
meta = get_model_meta(model_path)
data_dir = f"{meta['lang']}_{meta['name']}-{meta['version']}"
data_path = model_path / data_dir
if not model_path.exists():
raise IOError(Errors.E052.format(path=data_path))
return load_model_from_path(
data_path, meta, disable=disable, component_cfg=component_cfg
def get_installed_models():
"""List all model packages currently installed in the environment.
RETURNS (list): The string names of the models.
return list(registry.models.get_all().keys())
def get_package_version(name):
"""Get the version of an installed package. Typically used to get model
package versions.
name (str): The name of the installed Python package.
RETURNS (str / None): The version or None if package not installed.
return importlib_metadata.version(name)
except importlib_metadata.PackageNotFoundError:
return None
def is_compatible_version(version, constraint, prereleases=True):
"""Check if a version (e.g. "2.0.0") is compatible given a version
constraint (e.g. ">=1.9.0,<2.2.1"). If the constraint is a specific version,
it's interpreted as =={version}.
version (str): The version to check.
constraint (str): The constraint string.
prereleases (bool): Whether to allow prereleases. If set to False,
prerelease versions will be considered incompatible.
RETURNS (bool / None): Whether the version is compatible, or None if the
version or constraint are invalid.
# Handle cases where exact version is provided as constraint
if constraint[0].isdigit():
constraint = f"=={constraint}"
spec = SpecifierSet(constraint)
version = Version(version)
except (InvalidSpecifier, InvalidVersion):
return None
spec.prereleases = prereleases
return version in spec
def is_unconstrained_version(constraint, prereleases=True):
# We have an exact version, this is the ultimate constrained version
if constraint[0].isdigit():
return False
spec = SpecifierSet(constraint)
except InvalidSpecifier:
return None
spec.prereleases = prereleases
specs = [sp for sp in spec]
# We only have one version spec and it defines > or >=
if len(specs) == 1 and specs[0].operator in (">", ">="):
return True
# One specifier is exact version
if any(sp.operator in ("==") for sp in specs):
return False
has_upper = any(sp.operator in ("<", "<=") for sp in specs)
has_lower = any(sp.operator in (">", ">=") for sp in specs)
# We have a version spec that defines an upper and lower bound
if has_upper and has_lower:
return False
# Everything else, like only an upper version, only a lower version etc.
return True
def get_model_version_range(spacy_version):
"""Generate a version range like >=1.2.3,<1.3.0 based on a given spaCy
version. Models are always compatible across patch versions but not
across minor or major versions.
release = Version(spacy_version).release
return f">={spacy_version},<{release[0]}.{release[1] + 1}.0"
def get_base_version(version):
"""Generate the base version without any prerelease identifiers.
version (str): The version, e.g. "3.0.0.dev1".
RETURNS (str): The base version, e.g. "3.0.0".
return Version(version).base_version
def get_model_meta(path):
"""Get model meta.json from a directory path and validate its contents.
path (str / Path): Path to model directory.
RETURNS (dict): The model's meta data.
model_path = ensure_path(path)
if not model_path.exists():
raise IOError(Errors.E052.format(path=model_path))
meta_path = model_path / "meta.json"
if not meta_path.is_file():
raise IOError(Errors.E053.format(path=meta_path, name="meta.json"))
meta = srsly.read_json(meta_path)
for setting in ["lang", "name", "version"]:
if setting not in meta or not meta[setting]:
raise ValueError(Errors.E054.format(setting=setting))
if "spacy_version" in meta:
if not is_compatible_version(about.__version__, meta["spacy_version"]):
warn_msg = Warnings.W095.format(
if is_unconstrained_version(meta["spacy_version"]):
warn_msg = Warnings.W094.format(
return meta
def is_package(name):
"""Check if string maps to a package installed via pip.
name (str): Name of package.
RETURNS (bool): True if installed package, False if not.
return True
except: # noqa: E722
return False
def get_package_path(name):
"""Get the path to an installed package.
name (str): Package name.
RETURNS (Path): Path to installed package.
name = name.lower() # use lowercase version to be safe
# Here we're importing the module just to find it. This is worryingly
# indirect, but it's otherwise very difficult to find the package.
pkg = importlib.import_module(name)
return Path(pkg.__file__).parent
def split_command(command: str) -> List[str]:
"""Split a string command using shlex. Handles platform compatibility.
command (str) : The command to split
RETURNS (List[str]): The split command.
return shlex.split(command, posix=not is_windows)
def join_command(command: List[str]) -> str:
"""Join a command using shlex. shlex.join is only available for Python 3.8+,
so we're using a workaround here.
command (List[str]): The command to join.
RETURNS (str): The joined command
return " ".join(shlex.quote(cmd) for cmd in command)
def run_command(command: Union[str, List[str]]) -> None:
"""Run a command on the command line as a subprocess. If the subprocess
returns a non-zero exit code, a system exit is performed.
command (str / List[str]): The command. If provided as a string, the
string will be split using shlex.split.
if isinstance(command, str):
command = split_command(command)
status = subprocess.call(command, env=os.environ.copy())
except FileNotFoundError:
raise FileNotFoundError(
Errors.E970.format(str_command=" ".join(command), tool=command[0])
if status != 0:
def working_dir(path: Union[str, Path]) -> None:
"""Change current working directory and returns to previous on exit.
path (str / Path): The directory to navigate to.
YIELDS (Path): The absolute path to the current working directory. This
should be used if the block needs to perform actions within the working
directory, to prevent mismatches with relative paths.
prev_cwd = Path.cwd()
current = Path(path).resolve()
yield current
def make_tempdir():
"""Execute a block in a temporary directory and remove the directory and
its contents at the end of the with block.
YIELDS (Path): The path of the temp directory.
d = Path(tempfile.mkdtemp())
yield d
except PermissionError as e:
warnings.warn(Warnings.W091.format(dir=d, msg=e))
def is_cwd(path: Union[Path, str]) -> bool:
"""Check whether a path is the current working directory.
path (Union[Path, str]): The directory path.
RETURNS (bool): Whether the path is the current working directory.
return str(Path(path).resolve()).lower() == str(Path.cwd().resolve()).lower()
def is_in_jupyter():
"""Check if user is running spaCy from a Jupyter notebook by detecting the
IPython kernel. Mainly used for the displaCy visualizer.
RETURNS (bool): True if in Jupyter, False if not.
# https://stackoverflow.com/a/39662359/6400719
shell = get_ipython().__class__.__name__
if shell == "ZMQInteractiveShell":
return True # Jupyter notebook or qtconsole
except NameError:
return False # Probably standard Python interpreter
return False
def get_object_name(obj: Any) -> str:
"""Get a human-readable name of a Python object, e.g. a pipeline component.
obj (Any): The Python object, typically a function or class.
RETURNS (str): A human-readable name.
if hasattr(obj, "name"):
return obj.name
if hasattr(obj, "__name__"):
return obj.__name__
if hasattr(obj, "__class__") and hasattr(obj.__class__, "__name__"):
return obj.__class__.__name__
return repr(obj)
def get_cuda_stream(require=False, non_blocking=True):
ops = get_current_ops()
if CudaStream is None:
return None
elif isinstance(ops, NumpyOps):
return None
return CudaStream(non_blocking=non_blocking)
def get_async(stream, numpy_array):
if cupy is None:
return numpy_array
array = cupy.ndarray(numpy_array.shape, order="C", dtype=numpy_array.dtype)
array.set(numpy_array, stream=stream)
return array
def env_opt(name, default=None):
if type(default) is float:
type_convert = float
type_convert = int
if "SPACY_" + name.upper() in os.environ:
value = type_convert(os.environ["SPACY_" + name.upper()])
print(name, "=", repr(value), "via", "$SPACY_" + name.upper())
return value
elif name in os.environ:
value = type_convert(os.environ[name])
print(name, "=", repr(value), "via", "$" + name)
return value
print(name, "=", repr(default), "by default")
return default
def read_regex(path):
path = ensure_path(path)
with path.open(encoding="utf8") as file_:
entries = file_.read().split("\n")
expression = "|".join(
["^" + re.escape(piece) for piece in entries if piece.strip()]
return re.compile(expression)
def compile_prefix_regex(entries):
"""Compile a sequence of prefix rules into a regex object.
entries (tuple): The prefix rules, e.g. spacy.lang.punctuation.TOKENIZER_PREFIXES.
RETURNS (regex object): The regex object. to be used for Tokenizer.prefix_search.
expression = "|".join(["^" + piece for piece in entries if piece.strip()])
return re.compile(expression)
def compile_suffix_regex(entries):
"""Compile a sequence of suffix rules into a regex object.
entries (tuple): The suffix rules, e.g. spacy.lang.punctuation.TOKENIZER_SUFFIXES.
RETURNS (regex object): The regex object. to be used for Tokenizer.suffix_search.
expression = "|".join([piece + "$" for piece in entries if piece.strip()])
return re.compile(expression)
def compile_infix_regex(entries):
"""Compile a sequence of infix rules into a regex object.
entries (tuple): The infix rules, e.g. spacy.lang.punctuation.TOKENIZER_INFIXES.
RETURNS (regex object): The regex object. to be used for Tokenizer.infix_finditer.
expression = "|".join([piece for piece in entries if piece.strip()])
return re.compile(expression)
def add_lookups(default_func, *lookups):
"""Extend an attribute function with special cases. If a word is in the
lookups, the value is returned. Otherwise the previous function is used.
default_func (callable): The default function to execute.
*lookups (dict): Lookup dictionary mapping string to attribute value.
RETURNS (callable): Lexical attribute getter.
# This is implemented as functools.partial instead of a closure, to allow
# pickle to work.
return functools.partial(_get_attr_unless_lookup, default_func, lookups)
def _get_attr_unless_lookup(default_func, lookups, string):
for lookup in lookups:
if string in lookup:
return lookup[string]
return default_func(string)
def update_exc(base_exceptions, *addition_dicts):
"""Update and validate tokenizer exceptions. Will overwrite exceptions.
base_exceptions (dict): Base exceptions.
*addition_dicts (dict): Exceptions to add to the base dict, in order.
RETURNS (dict): Combined tokenizer exceptions.
exc = dict(base_exceptions)
for additions in addition_dicts:
for orth, token_attrs in additions.items():
if not all(isinstance(attr[ORTH], str) for attr in token_attrs):
raise ValueError(Errors.E055.format(key=orth, orths=token_attrs))
described_orth = "".join(attr[ORTH] for attr in token_attrs)
if orth != described_orth:
raise ValueError(Errors.E056.format(key=orth, orths=described_orth))
exc = expand_exc(exc, "'", "’")
return exc
def expand_exc(excs, search, replace):
"""Find string in tokenizer exceptions, duplicate entry and replace string.
For example, to add additional versions with typographic apostrophes.
excs (dict): Tokenizer exceptions.
search (str): String to find and replace.
replace (str): Replacement.
RETURNS (dict): Combined tokenizer exceptions.
def _fix_token(token, search, replace):
fixed = dict(token)
fixed[ORTH] = fixed[ORTH].replace(search, replace)
return fixed
new_excs = dict(excs)
for token_string, tokens in excs.items():
if search in token_string:
new_key = token_string.replace(search, replace)
new_value = [_fix_token(t, search, replace) for t in tokens]
new_excs[new_key] = new_value
return new_excs
def normalize_slice(length, start, stop, step=None):
if not (step is None or step == 1):
raise ValueError(Errors.E057)
if start is None:
start = 0
elif start < 0:
start += length
start = min(length, max(0, start))
if stop is None:
stop = length
elif stop < 0:
stop += length
stop = min(length, max(start, stop))
return start, stop
def minibatch(items, size=8):
"""Iterate over batches of items. `size` may be an iterator,
so that batch-size can vary on each step.
if isinstance(size, int):
size_ = itertools.repeat(size)
size_ = size
items = iter(items)
while True:
batch_size = next(size_)
batch = list(itertools.islice(items, int(batch_size)))
if len(batch) == 0:
yield list(batch)
def minibatch_by_padded_size(docs, size, buffer=256, discard_oversize=False):
if isinstance(size, int):
size_ = itertools.repeat(size)
size_ = size
for outer_batch in minibatch(docs, buffer):
outer_batch = list(outer_batch)
target_size = next(size_)
for indices in _batch_by_length(outer_batch, target_size):
subbatch = [outer_batch[i] for i in indices]
padded_size = max(len(seq) for seq in subbatch) * len(subbatch)
if discard_oversize and padded_size >= target_size:
yield subbatch
def _batch_by_length(seqs, max_words):
"""Given a list of sequences, return a batched list of indices into the
list, where the batches are grouped by length, in descending order.
Batches may be at most max_words in size, defined as max sequence length * size.
# Use negative index so we can get sort by position ascending.
lengths_indices = [(len(seq), i) for i, seq in enumerate(seqs)]
batches = []
batch = []
for length, i in lengths_indices:
if not batch:
elif length * (len(batch) + 1) <= max_words:
batch = [i]
if batch:
# Check lengths match
assert sum(len(b) for b in batches) == len(seqs)
batches = [list(sorted(batch)) for batch in batches]
return batches
def minibatch_by_words(docs, size, tolerance=0.2, discard_oversize=False):
"""Create minibatches of roughly a given number of words. If any examples
are longer than the specified batch length, they will appear in a batch by
themselves, or be discarded if discard_oversize=True.
The argument 'docs' can be a list of strings, Doc's or Example's. """
from .gold import Example
if isinstance(size, int):
size_ = itertools.repeat(size)
elif isinstance(size, List):
size_ = iter(size)
size_ = size
target_size = next(size_)
tol_size = target_size * tolerance
batch = []
overflow = []
batch_size = 0
overflow_size = 0
for doc in docs:
if isinstance(doc, Example):
n_words = len(doc.reference)
elif isinstance(doc, str):
n_words = len(doc.split())
n_words = len(doc)
# if the current example exceeds the maximum batch size, it is returned separately
# but only if discard_oversize=False.
if n_words > target_size + tol_size:
if not discard_oversize:
yield [doc]
# add the example to the current batch if there's no overflow yet and it still fits
elif overflow_size == 0 and (batch_size + n_words) <= target_size:
batch_size += n_words
# add the example to the overflow buffer if it fits in the tolerance margin
elif (batch_size + overflow_size + n_words) <= (target_size + tol_size):
overflow_size += n_words
# yield the previous batch and start a new one. The new one gets the overflow examples.
if batch:
yield batch
target_size = next(size_)
tol_size = target_size * tolerance
batch = overflow
batch_size = overflow_size
overflow = []
overflow_size = 0
# this example still fits
if (batch_size + n_words) <= target_size:
batch_size += n_words
# this example fits in overflow
elif (batch_size + n_words) <= (target_size + tol_size):
overflow_size += n_words
# this example does not fit with the previous overflow: start another new batch
if batch:
yield batch
target_size = next(size_)
tol_size = target_size * tolerance
batch = [doc]
batch_size = n_words
if batch:
yield batch
def filter_spans(spans):
"""Filter a sequence of spans and remove duplicates or overlaps. Useful for
creating named entities (where one token can only be part of one entity) or
when merging spans with `Retokenizer.merge`. When spans overlap, the (first)
longest span is preferred over shorter spans.
spans (iterable): The spans to filter.
RETURNS (list): The filtered spans.
get_sort_key = lambda span: (span.end - span.start, -span.start)
sorted_spans = sorted(spans, key=get_sort_key, reverse=True)
result = []
seen_tokens = set()
for span in sorted_spans:
# Check for end - 1 here because boundaries are inclusive
if span.start not in seen_tokens and span.end - 1 not in seen_tokens:
seen_tokens.update(range(span.start, span.end))
result = sorted(result, key=lambda span: span.start)
return result
def to_bytes(getters, exclude):
return srsly.msgpack_dumps(to_dict(getters, exclude))
def from_bytes(bytes_data, setters, exclude):
return from_dict(srsly.msgpack_loads(bytes_data), setters, exclude)
def to_dict(getters, exclude):
serialized = {}
for key, getter in getters.items():
# Split to support file names like meta.json
if key.split(".")[0] not in exclude:
serialized[key] = getter()
return serialized
def from_dict(msg, setters, exclude):
for key, setter in setters.items():
# Split to support file names like meta.json
if key.split(".")[0] not in exclude and key in msg:
return msg
def to_disk(path, writers, exclude):
path = ensure_path(path)
if not path.exists():
for key, writer in writers.items():
# Split to support file names like meta.json
if key.split(".")[0] not in exclude:
writer(path / key)
return path
def from_disk(path, readers, exclude):
path = ensure_path(path)
for key, reader in readers.items():
# Split to support file names like meta.json
if key.split(".")[0] not in exclude:
reader(path / key)
return path
def import_file(name, loc):
"""Import module from a file. Used to load models from a directory.
name (str): Name of module to load.
loc (str / Path): Path to the file.
RETURNS: The loaded module.
loc = str(loc)
spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(name, str(loc))
module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
return module
def minify_html(html):
"""Perform a template-specific, rudimentary HTML minification for displaCy.
Disclaimer: NOT a general-purpose solution, only removes indentation and
html (str): Markup to minify.
RETURNS (str): "Minified" HTML.
return html.strip().replace(" ", "").replace("\n", "")
def escape_html(text):
"""Replace <, >, &, " with their HTML encoded representation. Intended to
prevent HTML errors in rendered displaCy markup.
text (str): The original text.
RETURNS (str): Equivalent text to be safely used within HTML.
text = text.replace("&", "&")
text = text.replace("<", "<")
text = text.replace(">", ">")
text = text.replace('"', """)
return text
def get_words_and_spaces(words, text):
if "".join("".join(words).split()) != "".join(text.split()):
raise ValueError(Errors.E194.format(text=text, words=words))
text_words = []
text_spaces = []
text_pos = 0
# normalize words to remove all whitespace tokens
norm_words = [word for word in words if not word.isspace()]
# align words with text
for word in norm_words:
word_start = text[text_pos:].index(word)
except ValueError:
raise ValueError(Errors.E194.format(text=text, words=words))
if word_start > 0:
text_words.append(text[text_pos : text_pos + word_start])
text_pos += word_start
text_pos += len(word)
if text_pos < len(text) and text[text_pos] == " ":
text_spaces[-1] = True
text_pos += 1
if text_pos < len(text):
return (text_words, text_spaces)
def copy_config(config: Union[Dict[str, Any], Config]) -> Config:
"""Deep copy a Config. Will raise an error if the config contents are not
config (Config): The config to copy.
RETURNS (Config): The copied config.
return Config(config).copy()
except ValueError:
raise ValueError(Errors.E961.format(config=config))
def deep_merge_configs(
config: Union[Dict[str, Any], Config], defaults: Union[Dict[str, Any], Config]
) -> Config:
"""Deep merge two configs, a base config and its defaults. Ignores
references to registered functions to avoid filling in
config (Dict[str, Any]): The config.
destination (Dict[str, Any]): The config defaults.
RETURNS (Dict[str, Any]): The merged config.
config = copy_config(config)
merged = _deep_merge_configs(config, defaults)
return Config(merged)
def _deep_merge_configs(
config: Union[Dict[str, Any], Config], defaults: Union[Dict[str, Any], Config]
) -> Union[Dict[str, Any], Config]:
for key, value in defaults.items():
if isinstance(value, dict):
node = config.setdefault(key, {})
if not isinstance(node, dict):
promises = [key for key in value if key.startswith("@")]
promise = promises[0] if promises else None
# We only update the block from defaults if it refers to the same
# registered function
if (
and any(k.startswith("@") for k in node)
and (promise in node and node[promise] != value[promise])
defaults = _deep_merge_configs(node, value)
elif key not in config:
config[key] = value
return config
def dot_to_dict(values: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, dict]:
"""Convert dot notation to a dict. For example: {"token.pos": True,
"token._.xyz": True} becomes {"token": {"pos": True, "_": {"xyz": True }}}.
values (Dict[str, Any]): The key/value pairs to convert.
RETURNS (Dict[str, dict]): The converted values.
result = {}
for key, value in values.items():
path = result
parts = key.lower().split(".")
for i, item in enumerate(parts):
is_last = i == len(parts) - 1
path = path.setdefault(item, value if is_last else {})
return result
def dict_to_dot(obj: Dict[str, dict]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Convert dot notation to a dict. For example: {"token": {"pos": True,
"_": {"xyz": True }}} becomes {"token.pos": True, "token._.xyz": True}.
values (Dict[str, dict]): The dict to convert.
RETURNS (Dict[str, Any]): The key/value pairs.
return {".".join(key): value for key, value in walk_dict(obj)}
def walk_dict(
node: Dict[str, Any], parent: List[str] = []
) -> Iterator[Tuple[List[str], Any]]:
"""Walk a dict and yield the path and values of the leaves."""
for key, value in node.items():
key_parent = [*parent, key]
if isinstance(value, dict):
yield from walk_dict(value, key_parent)
yield (key_parent, value)
def get_arg_names(func: Callable) -> List[str]:
"""Get a list of all named arguments of a function (regular,
func (Callable): The function
RETURNS (List[str]): The argument names.
argspec = inspect.getfullargspec(func)
return list(set([*argspec.args, *argspec.kwonlyargs]))
class DummyTokenizer:
# add dummy methods for to_bytes, from_bytes, to_disk and from_disk to
# allow serialization (see #1557)
def to_bytes(self, **kwargs):
return b""
def from_bytes(self, _bytes_data, **kwargs):
return self
def to_disk(self, _path, **kwargs):
return None
def from_disk(self, _path, **kwargs):
return self
def link_vectors_to_models(vocab):
vectors = vocab.vectors
if vectors.name is None:
vectors.name = VECTORS_KEY
if vectors.data.size != 0:
for word in vocab:
if word.orth in vectors.key2row:
word.rank = vectors.key2row[word.orth]
word.rank = 0
VECTORS_KEY = "spacy_pretrained_vectors"
def create_default_optimizer():
learn_rate = env_opt("learn_rate", 0.001)
beta1 = env_opt("optimizer_B1", 0.9)
beta2 = env_opt("optimizer_B2", 0.999)
eps = env_opt("optimizer_eps", 1e-8)
L2 = env_opt("L2_penalty", 1e-6)
grad_clip = env_opt("grad_norm_clip", 10.0)
L2_is_weight_decay = env_opt("L2_is_weight_decay", False)
optimizer = Adam(
return optimizer