Paul O'Leary McCann b4e457d9fe
Accept multiple code files in all CLI commands (#12101)
* Add support for multiple code files to all relevant commands

Prior to this, only the package command supported multiple code files.

* Update docs

* Add debug data test, plus generic fixtures

One tricky thing here: it's tempting to create the config by creating a
pipeline in code, but that requires declaring the custom components
here. However the CliRunner appears to be run in the same process or
otherwise have access to our registry, so it works even without any
code arguments. So it's necessary to avoid declaring the components in
the tests.

* Add debug config test and restructure

The code argument imports the provided file. If it adds item to the
registry, that affects global state, which CliRunner doesn't isolate.
Since there's no standard way to remove things from the registry, this
instead uses to run commands.

* Use a more generic, parametrized test

* Add output arg for assemble and pretrain

Assemble and pretrain require an output argument. This commit adds
assemble testing, but not pretrain, as that requires an actual trainable
component, which is not currently in the test config.

* Add evaluate test and some cleanup

* Mark tests as slow

* Revert argument name change

* Apply suggestions from code review

Co-authored-by: Adriane Boyd <>

* Format API CLI docs

* isort

* Fix imports in tests

* isort

* Undo changes to package CLI help

* Fix python executable and lang code in test

* Fix executable in another test


Co-authored-by: Adriane Boyd <>
Co-authored-by: Raphael Mitsch <>
2023-08-01 15:24:02 +02:00

250 lines
9.1 KiB

import re
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Union
import srsly
from thinc.api import fix_random_seed
from wasabi import Printer
from .. import displacy, util
from ..scorer import Scorer
from ..tokens import Doc
from import Corpus
from ._util import Arg, Opt, app, benchmark_cli, import_code_paths, setup_gpu
def evaluate_cli(
# fmt: off
model: str = Arg(..., help="Model name or path"),
data_path: Path = Arg(..., help="Location of binary evaluation data in .spacy format", exists=True),
output: Optional[Path] = Opt(None, "--output", "-o", help="Output JSON file for metrics", dir_okay=False),
code_path: str = Opt("", "--code", "-c", help="Comma-separated paths to Python files with additional code (registered functions) to be imported"),
use_gpu: int = Opt(-1, "--gpu-id", "-g", help="GPU ID or -1 for CPU"),
gold_preproc: bool = Opt(False, "--gold-preproc", "-G", help="Use gold preprocessing"),
displacy_path: Optional[Path] = Opt(None, "--displacy-path", "-dp", help="Directory to output rendered parses as HTML", exists=True, file_okay=False),
displacy_limit: int = Opt(25, "--displacy-limit", "-dl", help="Limit of parses to render as HTML"),
per_component: bool = Opt(False, "--per-component", "-P", help="Return scores per component, only applicable when an output JSON file is specified."),
# fmt: on
Evaluate a trained pipeline. Expects a loadable spaCy pipeline and evaluation
data in the binary .spacy format. The --gold-preproc option sets up the
evaluation examples with gold-standard sentences and tokens for the
predictions. Gold preprocessing helps the annotations align to the
tokenization, and may result in sequences of more consistent length. However,
it may reduce runtime accuracy due to train/test skew. To render a sample of
dependency parses in a HTML file, set as output directory as the
displacy_path argument.
def evaluate(
model: str,
data_path: Path,
output: Optional[Path] = None,
use_gpu: int = -1,
gold_preproc: bool = False,
displacy_path: Optional[Path] = None,
displacy_limit: int = 25,
silent: bool = True,
spans_key: str = "sc",
per_component: bool = False,
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
msg = Printer(no_print=silent, pretty=not silent)
setup_gpu(use_gpu, silent=silent)
data_path = util.ensure_path(data_path)
output_path = util.ensure_path(output)
displacy_path = util.ensure_path(displacy_path)
if not data_path.exists():"Evaluation data not found", data_path, exits=1)
if displacy_path and not displacy_path.exists():"Visualization output directory not found", displacy_path, exits=1)
corpus = Corpus(data_path, gold_preproc=gold_preproc)
nlp = util.load_model(model)
dev_dataset = list(corpus(nlp))
scores = nlp.evaluate(dev_dataset, per_component=per_component)
if per_component:
data = scores
if output is None:
"The per-component option is enabled but there is no output JSON file provided to save the scores to."
else:"Per-component scores will be saved to output JSON file.")
metrics = {
"TOK": "token_acc",
"TAG": "tag_acc",
"POS": "pos_acc",
"MORPH": "morph_acc",
"LEMMA": "lemma_acc",
"UAS": "dep_uas",
"LAS": "dep_las",
"NER P": "ents_p",
"NER R": "ents_r",
"NER F": "ents_f",
"TEXTCAT": "cats_score",
"SENT P": "sents_p",
"SENT R": "sents_r",
"SENT F": "sents_f",
"SPAN P": f"spans_{spans_key}_p",
"SPAN R": f"spans_{spans_key}_r",
"SPAN F": f"spans_{spans_key}_f",
"SPEED": "speed",
results = {}
data = {}
for metric, key in metrics.items():
if key in scores:
if key == "cats_score":
metric = metric + " (" + scores.get("cats_score_desc", "unk") + ")"
if isinstance(scores[key], (int, float)):
if key == "speed":
results[metric] = f"{scores[key]:.0f}"
results[metric] = f"{scores[key]*100:.2f}"
results[metric] = "-"
data[re.sub(r"[\s/]", "_", key.lower())] = scores[key]
msg.table(results, title="Results")
data = handle_scores_per_type(scores, data, spans_key=spans_key, silent=silent)
if displacy_path:
factory_names = [nlp.get_pipe_meta(pipe).factory for pipe in nlp.pipe_names]
docs = list(nlp.pipe(ex.reference.text for ex in dev_dataset[:displacy_limit]))
render_deps = "parser" in factory_names
render_ents = "ner" in factory_names
render_spans = "spancat" in factory_names
msg.good(f"Generated {displacy_limit} parses as HTML", displacy_path)
if output_path is not None:
srsly.write_json(output_path, data)
msg.good(f"Saved results to {output_path}")
return data
def handle_scores_per_type(
scores: Dict[str, Any],
data: Dict[str, Any] = {},
spans_key: str = "sc",
silent: bool = False,
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
msg = Printer(no_print=silent, pretty=not silent)
if "morph_per_feat" in scores:
if scores["morph_per_feat"]:
print_prf_per_type(msg, scores["morph_per_feat"], "MORPH", "feat")
data["morph_per_feat"] = scores["morph_per_feat"]
if "dep_las_per_type" in scores:
if scores["dep_las_per_type"]:
print_prf_per_type(msg, scores["dep_las_per_type"], "LAS", "type")
data["dep_las_per_type"] = scores["dep_las_per_type"]
if "ents_per_type" in scores:
if scores["ents_per_type"]:
print_prf_per_type(msg, scores["ents_per_type"], "NER", "type")
data["ents_per_type"] = scores["ents_per_type"]
if f"spans_{spans_key}_per_type" in scores:
if scores[f"spans_{spans_key}_per_type"]:
msg, scores[f"spans_{spans_key}_per_type"], "SPANS", "type"
data[f"spans_{spans_key}_per_type"] = scores[f"spans_{spans_key}_per_type"]
if "cats_f_per_type" in scores:
if scores["cats_f_per_type"]:
print_prf_per_type(msg, scores["cats_f_per_type"], "Textcat F", "label")
data["cats_f_per_type"] = scores["cats_f_per_type"]
if "cats_auc_per_type" in scores:
if scores["cats_auc_per_type"]:
print_textcats_auc_per_cat(msg, scores["cats_auc_per_type"])
data["cats_auc_per_type"] = scores["cats_auc_per_type"]
return scores
def render_parses(
docs: List[Doc],
output_path: Path,
model_name: str = "",
limit: int = 250,
deps: bool = True,
ents: bool = True,
spans: bool = True,
docs[0].user_data["title"] = model_name
if ents:
html = displacy.render(docs[:limit], style="ent", page=True)
with (output_path / "entities.html").open("w", encoding="utf8") as file_:
if deps:
html = displacy.render(
docs[:limit], style="dep", page=True, options={"compact": True}
with (output_path / "parses.html").open("w", encoding="utf8") as file_:
if spans:
html = displacy.render(docs[:limit], style="span", page=True)
with (output_path / "spans.html").open("w", encoding="utf8") as file_:
def print_prf_per_type(
msg: Printer, scores: Dict[str, Dict[str, float]], name: str, type: str
) -> None:
data = []
for key, value in scores.items():
row = [key]
for k in ("p", "r", "f"):
v = value[k]
row.append(f"{v * 100:.2f}" if isinstance(v, (int, float)) else v)
header=("", "P", "R", "F"),
aligns=("l", "r", "r", "r"),
title=f"{name} (per {type})",
def print_textcats_auc_per_cat(
msg: Printer, scores: Dict[str, Dict[str, float]]
) -> None:
(k, f"{v:.2f}" if isinstance(v, (float, int)) else v)
for k, v in scores.items()
header=("", "ROC AUC"),
aligns=("l", "r"),
title="Textcat ROC AUC (per label)",