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#ifndef __NPY_MATH_C99_H_
#define __NPY_MATH_C99_H_
#include <math.h>
#ifdef __SUNPRO_CC
#include <sunmath.h>
#include <numpy/npy_common.h>
* NAN and INFINITY like macros (same behavior as glibc for NAN, same as C99
* XXX: I should test whether INFINITY and NAN are available on the platform
NPY_INLINE static float __npy_inff(void)
const union { npy_uint32 __i; float __f;} __bint = {0x7f800000UL};
return __bint.__f;
NPY_INLINE static float __npy_nanf(void)
const union { npy_uint32 __i; float __f;} __bint = {0x7fc00000UL};
return __bint.__f;
NPY_INLINE static float __npy_pzerof(void)
const union { npy_uint32 __i; float __f;} __bint = {0x00000000UL};
return __bint.__f;
NPY_INLINE static float __npy_nzerof(void)
const union { npy_uint32 __i; float __f;} __bint = {0x80000000UL};
return __bint.__f;
#define NPY_INFINITYF __npy_inff()
#define NPY_NANF __npy_nanf()
#define NPY_PZEROF __npy_pzerof()
#define NPY_NZEROF __npy_nzerof()
#define NPY_INFINITY ((npy_double)NPY_INFINITYF)
#define NPY_NAN ((npy_double)NPY_NANF)
#define NPY_PZERO ((npy_double)NPY_PZEROF)
#define NPY_NZERO ((npy_double)NPY_NZEROF)
#define NPY_INFINITYL ((npy_longdouble)NPY_INFINITYF)
#define NPY_NANL ((npy_longdouble)NPY_NANF)
#define NPY_PZEROL ((npy_longdouble)NPY_PZEROF)
#define NPY_NZEROL ((npy_longdouble)NPY_NZEROF)
* Useful constants
#define NPY_E 2.718281828459045235360287471352662498 /* e */
#define NPY_LOG2E 1.442695040888963407359924681001892137 /* log_2 e */
#define NPY_LOG10E 0.434294481903251827651128918916605082 /* log_10 e */
#define NPY_LOGE2 0.693147180559945309417232121458176568 /* log_e 2 */
#define NPY_LOGE10 2.302585092994045684017991454684364208 /* log_e 10 */
#define NPY_PI 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884 /* pi */
#define NPY_PI_2 1.570796326794896619231321691639751442 /* pi/2 */
#define NPY_PI_4 0.785398163397448309615660845819875721 /* pi/4 */
#define NPY_1_PI 0.318309886183790671537767526745028724 /* 1/pi */
#define NPY_2_PI 0.636619772367581343075535053490057448 /* 2/pi */
#define NPY_EULER 0.577215664901532860606512090082402431 /* Euler constant */
#define NPY_SQRT2 1.414213562373095048801688724209698079 /* sqrt(2) */
#define NPY_SQRT1_2 0.707106781186547524400844362104849039 /* 1/sqrt(2) */
#define NPY_Ef 2.718281828459045235360287471352662498F /* e */
#define NPY_LOG2Ef 1.442695040888963407359924681001892137F /* log_2 e */
#define NPY_LOG10Ef 0.434294481903251827651128918916605082F /* log_10 e */
#define NPY_LOGE2f 0.693147180559945309417232121458176568F /* log_e 2 */
#define NPY_LOGE10f 2.302585092994045684017991454684364208F /* log_e 10 */
#define NPY_PIf 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884F /* pi */
#define NPY_PI_2f 1.570796326794896619231321691639751442F /* pi/2 */
#define NPY_PI_4f 0.785398163397448309615660845819875721F /* pi/4 */
#define NPY_1_PIf 0.318309886183790671537767526745028724F /* 1/pi */
#define NPY_2_PIf 0.636619772367581343075535053490057448F /* 2/pi */
#define NPY_EULERf 0.577215664901532860606512090082402431F /* Euler constan*/
#define NPY_SQRT2f 1.414213562373095048801688724209698079F /* sqrt(2) */
#define NPY_SQRT1_2f 0.707106781186547524400844362104849039F /* 1/sqrt(2) */
#define NPY_El 2.718281828459045235360287471352662498L /* e */
#define NPY_LOG2El 1.442695040888963407359924681001892137L /* log_2 e */
#define NPY_LOG10El 0.434294481903251827651128918916605082L /* log_10 e */
#define NPY_LOGE2l 0.693147180559945309417232121458176568L /* log_e 2 */
#define NPY_LOGE10l 2.302585092994045684017991454684364208L /* log_e 10 */
#define NPY_PIl 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884L /* pi */
#define NPY_PI_2l 1.570796326794896619231321691639751442L /* pi/2 */
#define NPY_PI_4l 0.785398163397448309615660845819875721L /* pi/4 */
#define NPY_1_PIl 0.318309886183790671537767526745028724L /* 1/pi */
#define NPY_2_PIl 0.636619772367581343075535053490057448L /* 2/pi */
#define NPY_EULERl 0.577215664901532860606512090082402431L /* Euler constan*/
#define NPY_SQRT2l 1.414213562373095048801688724209698079L /* sqrt(2) */
#define NPY_SQRT1_2l 0.707106781186547524400844362104849039L /* 1/sqrt(2) */
* C99 double math funcs
double npy_sin(double x);
double npy_cos(double x);
double npy_tan(double x);
double npy_sinh(double x);
double npy_cosh(double x);
double npy_tanh(double x);
double npy_asin(double x);
double npy_acos(double x);
double npy_atan(double x);
double npy_aexp(double x);
double npy_alog(double x);
double npy_asqrt(double x);
double npy_afabs(double x);
double npy_log(double x);
double npy_log10(double x);
double npy_exp(double x);
double npy_sqrt(double x);
double npy_fabs(double x);
double npy_ceil(double x);
double npy_fmod(double x, double y);
double npy_floor(double x);
double npy_expm1(double x);
double npy_log1p(double x);
double npy_hypot(double x, double y);
double npy_acosh(double x);
double npy_asinh(double xx);
double npy_atanh(double x);
double npy_rint(double x);
double npy_trunc(double x);
double npy_exp2(double x);
double npy_log2(double x);
double npy_atan2(double x, double y);
double npy_pow(double x, double y);
double npy_modf(double x, double* y);
double npy_copysign(double x, double y);
double npy_nextafter(double x, double y);
double npy_spacing(double x);
* IEEE 754 fpu handling. Those are guaranteed to be macros
#define npy_isnan(x) ((x) != (x))
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#define npy_isnan(x) _isnan((x))
#define npy_isnan(x) isnan((x))
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#define npy_isfinite(x) _finite((x))
#define npy_isfinite(x) !npy_isnan((x) + (-x))
#define npy_isfinite(x) isfinite((x))
#define npy_isinf(x) (!npy_isfinite(x) && !npy_isnan(x))
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#define npy_isinf(x) (!_finite((x)) && !_isnan((x)))
#define npy_isinf(x) isinf((x))
int _npy_signbit_f(float x);
int _npy_signbit_d(double x);
int _npy_signbit_ld(long double x);
#define npy_signbit(x) \
(sizeof (x) == sizeof (long double) ? _npy_signbit_ld (x) \
: sizeof (x) == sizeof (double) ? _npy_signbit_d (x) \
: _npy_signbit_f (x))
#define npy_signbit(x) signbit((x))
* float C99 math functions
float npy_sinf(float x);
float npy_cosf(float x);
float npy_tanf(float x);
float npy_sinhf(float x);
float npy_coshf(float x);
float npy_tanhf(float x);
float npy_fabsf(float x);
float npy_floorf(float x);
float npy_ceilf(float x);
float npy_rintf(float x);
float npy_truncf(float x);
float npy_sqrtf(float x);
float npy_log10f(float x);
float npy_logf(float x);
float npy_expf(float x);
float npy_expm1f(float x);
float npy_asinf(float x);
float npy_acosf(float x);
float npy_atanf(float x);
float npy_asinhf(float x);
float npy_acoshf(float x);
float npy_atanhf(float x);
float npy_log1pf(float x);
float npy_exp2f(float x);
float npy_log2f(float x);
float npy_atan2f(float x, float y);
float npy_hypotf(float x, float y);
float npy_powf(float x, float y);
float npy_fmodf(float x, float y);
float npy_modff(float x, float* y);
float npy_copysignf(float x, float y);
float npy_nextafterf(float x, float y);
float npy_spacingf(float x);
* float C99 math functions
npy_longdouble npy_sinl(npy_longdouble x);
npy_longdouble npy_cosl(npy_longdouble x);
npy_longdouble npy_tanl(npy_longdouble x);
npy_longdouble npy_sinhl(npy_longdouble x);
npy_longdouble npy_coshl(npy_longdouble x);
npy_longdouble npy_tanhl(npy_longdouble x);
npy_longdouble npy_fabsl(npy_longdouble x);
npy_longdouble npy_floorl(npy_longdouble x);
npy_longdouble npy_ceill(npy_longdouble x);
npy_longdouble npy_rintl(npy_longdouble x);
npy_longdouble npy_truncl(npy_longdouble x);
npy_longdouble npy_sqrtl(npy_longdouble x);
npy_longdouble npy_log10l(npy_longdouble x);
npy_longdouble npy_logl(npy_longdouble x);
npy_longdouble npy_expl(npy_longdouble x);
npy_longdouble npy_expm1l(npy_longdouble x);
npy_longdouble npy_asinl(npy_longdouble x);
npy_longdouble npy_acosl(npy_longdouble x);
npy_longdouble npy_atanl(npy_longdouble x);
npy_longdouble npy_asinhl(npy_longdouble x);
npy_longdouble npy_acoshl(npy_longdouble x);
npy_longdouble npy_atanhl(npy_longdouble x);
npy_longdouble npy_log1pl(npy_longdouble x);
npy_longdouble npy_exp2l(npy_longdouble x);
npy_longdouble npy_log2l(npy_longdouble x);
npy_longdouble npy_atan2l(npy_longdouble x, npy_longdouble y);
npy_longdouble npy_hypotl(npy_longdouble x, npy_longdouble y);
npy_longdouble npy_powl(npy_longdouble x, npy_longdouble y);
npy_longdouble npy_fmodl(npy_longdouble x, npy_longdouble y);
npy_longdouble npy_modfl(npy_longdouble x, npy_longdouble* y);
npy_longdouble npy_copysignl(npy_longdouble x, npy_longdouble y);
npy_longdouble npy_nextafterl(npy_longdouble x, npy_longdouble y);
npy_longdouble npy_spacingl(npy_longdouble x);
* Non standard functions
double npy_deg2rad(double x);
double npy_rad2deg(double x);
double npy_logaddexp(double x, double y);
double npy_logaddexp2(double x, double y);
float npy_deg2radf(float x);
float npy_rad2degf(float x);
float npy_logaddexpf(float x, float y);
float npy_logaddexp2f(float x, float y);
npy_longdouble npy_deg2radl(npy_longdouble x);
npy_longdouble npy_rad2degl(npy_longdouble x);
npy_longdouble npy_logaddexpl(npy_longdouble x, npy_longdouble y);
npy_longdouble npy_logaddexp2l(npy_longdouble x, npy_longdouble y);
#define npy_degrees npy_rad2deg
#define npy_degreesf npy_rad2degf
#define npy_degreesl npy_rad2degl
#define npy_radians npy_deg2rad
#define npy_radiansf npy_deg2radf
#define npy_radiansl npy_deg2radl
* Complex declarations
* C99 specifies that complex numbers have the same representation as
* an array of two elements, where the first element is the real part
* and the second element is the imaginary part.
#define __NPY_CPACK_IMP(x, y, type, ctype) \
union { \
ctype z; \
type a[2]; \
} z1;; \
z1.a[0] = (x); \
z1.a[1] = (y); \
return z1.z;
static NPY_INLINE npy_cdouble npy_cpack(double x, double y)
__NPY_CPACK_IMP(x, y, double, npy_cdouble);
static NPY_INLINE npy_cfloat npy_cpackf(float x, float y)
__NPY_CPACK_IMP(x, y, float, npy_cfloat);
static NPY_INLINE npy_clongdouble npy_cpackl(npy_longdouble x, npy_longdouble y)
__NPY_CPACK_IMP(x, y, npy_longdouble, npy_clongdouble);
#undef __NPY_CPACK_IMP
* Same remark as above, but in the other direction: extract first/second
* member of complex number, assuming a C99-compatible representation
* Those are defineds as static inline, and such as a reasonable compiler would
* most likely compile this to one or two instructions (on CISC at least)
#define __NPY_CEXTRACT_IMP(z, index, type, ctype) \
union { \
ctype z; \
type a[2]; \
} __z_repr; \
__z_repr.z = z; \
return __z_repr.a[index];
static NPY_INLINE double npy_creal(npy_cdouble z)
__NPY_CEXTRACT_IMP(z, 0, double, npy_cdouble);
static NPY_INLINE double npy_cimag(npy_cdouble z)
__NPY_CEXTRACT_IMP(z, 1, double, npy_cdouble);
static NPY_INLINE float npy_crealf(npy_cfloat z)
__NPY_CEXTRACT_IMP(z, 0, float, npy_cfloat);
static NPY_INLINE float npy_cimagf(npy_cfloat z)
__NPY_CEXTRACT_IMP(z, 1, float, npy_cfloat);
static NPY_INLINE npy_longdouble npy_creall(npy_clongdouble z)
__NPY_CEXTRACT_IMP(z, 0, npy_longdouble, npy_clongdouble);
static NPY_INLINE npy_longdouble npy_cimagl(npy_clongdouble z)
__NPY_CEXTRACT_IMP(z, 1, npy_longdouble, npy_clongdouble);
* Double precision complex functions
double npy_cabs(npy_cdouble z);
double npy_carg(npy_cdouble z);
npy_cdouble npy_cexp(npy_cdouble z);
npy_cdouble npy_clog(npy_cdouble z);
npy_cdouble npy_cpow(npy_cdouble x, npy_cdouble y);
npy_cdouble npy_csqrt(npy_cdouble z);
npy_cdouble npy_ccos(npy_cdouble z);
npy_cdouble npy_csin(npy_cdouble z);
* Single precision complex functions
float npy_cabsf(npy_cfloat z);
float npy_cargf(npy_cfloat z);
npy_cfloat npy_cexpf(npy_cfloat z);
npy_cfloat npy_clogf(npy_cfloat z);
npy_cfloat npy_cpowf(npy_cfloat x, npy_cfloat y);
npy_cfloat npy_csqrtf(npy_cfloat z);
npy_cfloat npy_ccosf(npy_cfloat z);
npy_cfloat npy_csinf(npy_cfloat z);
* Extended precision complex functions
npy_longdouble npy_cabsl(npy_clongdouble z);
npy_longdouble npy_cargl(npy_clongdouble z);
npy_clongdouble npy_cexpl(npy_clongdouble z);
npy_clongdouble npy_clogl(npy_clongdouble z);
npy_clongdouble npy_cpowl(npy_clongdouble x, npy_clongdouble y);
npy_clongdouble npy_csqrtl(npy_clongdouble z);
npy_clongdouble npy_ccosl(npy_clongdouble z);
npy_clongdouble npy_csinl(npy_clongdouble z);
* Functions that set the floating point error
* status word.
void npy_set_floatstatus_divbyzero(void);
void npy_set_floatstatus_overflow(void);
void npy_set_floatstatus_underflow(void);
void npy_set_floatstatus_invalid(void);