Adriane Boyd b57be94c78
Fix memory issues in Language.evaluate (#6386)
* Fix memory issues in Language.evaluate

Reset annotation in predicted docs before evaluating and store all data
in `examples`.

* Minor refactor to docs generator init

* Fix generator expression

* Fix final generator check

* Refactor pipeline loop

* Handle examples generator in Language.evaluate

* Add test with generator

* Use make_doc
2020-12-31 10:45:50 +11:00

304 lines
9.5 KiB

import itertools
import pytest
from spacy.language import Language
from spacy.tokens import Doc, Span
from spacy.vocab import Vocab
from import Example
from spacy.lang.en import English
from import German
from spacy.util import registry
import spacy
from .util import add_vecs_to_vocab, assert_docs_equal
def nlp():
nlp = Language(Vocab())
textcat = nlp.add_pipe("textcat")
for label in ("POSITIVE", "NEGATIVE"):
return nlp
def test_language_update(nlp):
text = "hello world"
annots = {"cats": {"POSITIVE": 1.0, "NEGATIVE": 0.0}}
wrongkeyannots = {"LABEL": True}
doc = Doc(nlp.vocab, words=text.split(" "))
example = Example.from_dict(doc, annots)
# Not allowed to call with just one Example
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
# Update with text and dict: not supported anymore since v.3
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
nlp.update((text, annots))
# Update with doc object and dict
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
nlp.update((doc, annots))
# Create examples badly
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
example = Example.from_dict(doc, None)
with pytest.raises(KeyError):
example = Example.from_dict(doc, wrongkeyannots)
def test_language_evaluate(nlp):
text = "hello world"
annots = {"doc_annotation": {"cats": {"POSITIVE": 1.0, "NEGATIVE": 0.0}}}
doc = Doc(nlp.vocab, words=text.split(" "))
example = Example.from_dict(doc, annots)
scores = nlp.evaluate([example])
assert scores["speed"] > 0
# test with generator
scores = nlp.evaluate(eg for eg in [example])
assert scores["speed"] > 0
# Not allowed to call with just one Example
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
# Evaluate with text and dict: not supported anymore since v.3
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
nlp.evaluate([(text, annots)])
# Evaluate with doc object and dict
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
nlp.evaluate([(doc, annots)])
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
nlp.evaluate([text, annots])
def test_evaluate_no_pipe(nlp):
"""Test that docs are processed correctly within Language.pipe if the
component doesn't expose a .pipe method."""
def pipe(doc):
return doc
text = "hello world"
annots = {"cats": {"POSITIVE": 1.0, "NEGATIVE": 0.0}}
nlp = Language(Vocab())
doc = nlp(text)
nlp.evaluate([Example.from_dict(doc, annots)])
def vector_modification_pipe(doc):
doc.vector += 1
return doc
def userdata_pipe(doc):
doc.user_data["foo"] = "bar"
return doc
def ner_pipe(doc):
span = Span(doc, 0, 1, label="FIRST")
doc.ents += (span,)
return doc
def sample_vectors():
return [
("spacy", [-0.1, -0.2, -0.3]),
("world", [-0.2, -0.3, -0.4]),
("pipe", [0.7, 0.8, 0.9]),
def nlp2(nlp, sample_vectors):
add_vecs_to_vocab(nlp.vocab, sample_vectors)
return nlp
def texts():
data = [
"Hello world.",
"This is spacy.",
"You can use multiprocessing with pipe method.",
"Please try!",
return data
@pytest.mark.parametrize("n_process", [1, 2])
def test_language_pipe(nlp2, n_process, texts):
texts = texts * 10
expecteds = [nlp2(text) for text in texts]
docs = nlp2.pipe(texts, n_process=n_process, batch_size=2)
for doc, expected_doc in zip(docs, expecteds):
assert_docs_equal(doc, expected_doc)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("n_process", [1, 2])
def test_language_pipe_stream(nlp2, n_process, texts):
# check if nlp.pipe can handle infinite length iterator properly.
stream_texts = itertools.cycle(texts)
texts0, texts1 = itertools.tee(stream_texts)
expecteds = (nlp2(text) for text in texts0)
docs = nlp2.pipe(texts1, n_process=n_process, batch_size=2)
n_fetch = 20
for doc, expected_doc in itertools.islice(zip(docs, expecteds), n_fetch):
assert_docs_equal(doc, expected_doc)
def test_language_from_config_before_after_init():
name = "test_language_from_config_before_after_init"
ran_before = False
ran_after = False
ran_after_pipeline = False
def make_before_creation():
def before_creation(lang_cls):
nonlocal ran_before
ran_before = True
assert lang_cls is English = "bar"
return lang_cls
return before_creation
def make_after_creation():
def after_creation(nlp):
nonlocal ran_after
ran_after = True
assert isinstance(nlp, English)
assert nlp.pipe_names == []
assert == "bar"
nlp.meta["foo"] = "bar"
return nlp
return after_creation
def make_after_pipeline_creation():
def after_pipeline_creation(nlp):
nonlocal ran_after_pipeline
ran_after_pipeline = True
assert isinstance(nlp, English)
assert nlp.pipe_names == ["sentencizer"]
assert == "bar"
assert nlp.meta["foo"] == "bar"
nlp.meta["bar"] = "baz"
return nlp
return after_pipeline_creation
config = {
"nlp": {
"pipeline": ["sentencizer"],
"before_creation": {"@callbacks": f"{name}_before"},
"after_creation": {"@callbacks": f"{name}_after"},
"after_pipeline_creation": {"@callbacks": f"{name}_after_pipeline"},
"components": {"sentencizer": {"factory": "sentencizer"}},
nlp = English.from_config(config)
assert all([ran_before, ran_after, ran_after_pipeline])
assert == "bar"
assert nlp.meta["foo"] == "bar"
assert nlp.meta["bar"] == "baz"
assert nlp.pipe_names == ["sentencizer"]
assert nlp("text")
def test_language_from_config_before_after_init_invalid():
"""Check that an error is raised if function doesn't return nlp."""
name = "test_language_from_config_before_after_init_invalid"
registry.callbacks(f"{name}_before1", func=lambda: lambda nlp: None)
registry.callbacks(f"{name}_before2", func=lambda: lambda nlp: nlp())
registry.callbacks(f"{name}_after1", func=lambda: lambda nlp: None)
registry.callbacks(f"{name}_after1", func=lambda: lambda nlp: English)
for callback_name in [f"{name}_before1", f"{name}_before2"]:
config = {"nlp": {"before_creation": {"@callbacks": callback_name}}}
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
for callback_name in [f"{name}_after1", f"{name}_after2"]:
config = {"nlp": {"after_creation": {"@callbacks": callback_name}}}
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
for callback_name in [f"{name}_after1", f"{name}_after2"]:
config = {"nlp": {"after_pipeline_creation": {"@callbacks": callback_name}}}
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
def test_language_custom_tokenizer():
"""Test that a fully custom tokenizer can be plugged in via the registry."""
name = "test_language_custom_tokenizer"
class CustomTokenizer:
"""Dummy "tokenizer" that splits on spaces and adds prefix to each word."""
def __init__(self, nlp, prefix):
self.vocab = nlp.vocab
self.prefix = prefix
def __call__(self, text):
words = [f"{self.prefix}{word}" for word in text.split(" ")]
return Doc(self.vocab, words=words)
def custom_create_tokenizer(prefix: str = "_"):
def create_tokenizer(nlp):
return CustomTokenizer(nlp, prefix=prefix)
return create_tokenizer
config = {"nlp": {"tokenizer": {"@tokenizers": name}}}
nlp = English.from_config(config)
doc = nlp("hello world")
assert [t.text for t in doc] == ["_hello", "_world"]
doc = list(nlp.pipe(["hello world"]))[0]
assert [t.text for t in doc] == ["_hello", "_world"]
def test_language_from_config_invalid_lang():
"""Test that calling Language.from_config raises an error and lang defined
in config needs to match language-specific subclasses."""
config = {"nlp": {"lang": "en"}}
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
def test_spacy_blank():
nlp = spacy.blank("en")
assert nlp.config["training"]["dropout"] == 0.1
config = {"training": {"dropout": 0.2}}
meta = {"name": "my_custom_model"}
nlp = spacy.blank("en", config=config, meta=meta)
assert nlp.config["training"]["dropout"] == 0.2
assert nlp.meta["name"] == "my_custom_model"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("value", [False, None, ["x", "y"], Language, Vocab])
def test_language_init_invalid_vocab(value):
err_fragment = "invalid value"
with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e:
assert err_fragment in str(e.value)