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synced 2025-03-06 20:35:48 +03:00
* Handle docs with no entities If a whole batch contains no entities it won't make it to the model, but it's possible for individual Docs to have no entities. Before this commit, those Docs would cause an error when attempting to concatenate arrays because the dimensions didn't match. It turns out the process of preparing the Ragged at the end of the span maker forward was a little different from list2ragged, which just uses the flatten function directly. Letting list2ragged do the conversion avoids the dimension issue. This did not come up before because in NEL demo projects it's typical for data with no entities to be discarded before it reaches the NEL component. This includes a simple direct test that shows the issue and checks it's resolved. It doesn't check if there are any downstream changes, so a more complete test could be added. A full run was tested by adding an example with no entities to the Emerson sample project. * Add a blank instance to default training data in tests Rather than adding a specific test, since not failing on instances with no entities is basic functionality, it makes sense to add it to the default set. * Fix without modifying architecture If the architecture is modified this would have to be a new version, but this change isn't big enough to merit that.
1219 lines
44 KiB
1219 lines
44 KiB
from typing import Callable, Iterable, Dict, Any
import pytest
from numpy.testing import assert_equal
from spacy import registry, util
from spacy.attrs import ENT_KB_ID
from spacy.compat import pickle
from spacy.kb import Candidate, InMemoryLookupKB, get_candidates, KnowledgeBase
from spacy.lang.en import English
from spacy.ml import load_kb
from spacy.ml.models.entity_linker import build_span_maker
from spacy.pipeline import EntityLinker
from spacy.pipeline.legacy import EntityLinker_v1
from spacy.pipeline.tok2vec import DEFAULT_TOK2VEC_MODEL
from spacy.scorer import Scorer
from spacy.tests.util import make_tempdir
from spacy.tokens import Span, Doc
from spacy.training import Example
from spacy.util import ensure_path
from spacy.vocab import Vocab
def nlp():
return English()
def assert_almost_equal(a, b):
delta = 0.0001
assert a - delta <= b <= a + delta
def test_issue4674():
"""Test that setting entities with overlapping identifiers does not mess up IO"""
nlp = English()
kb = InMemoryLookupKB(nlp.vocab, entity_vector_length=3)
vector1 = [0.9, 1.1, 1.01]
vector2 = [1.8, 2.25, 2.01]
with pytest.warns(UserWarning):
entity_list=["Q1", "Q1"],
freq_list=[32, 111],
vector_list=[vector1, vector2],
assert kb.get_size_entities() == 1
# dumping to file & loading back in
with make_tempdir() as d:
dir_path = ensure_path(d)
if not dir_path.exists():
file_path = dir_path / "kb"
kb2 = InMemoryLookupKB(nlp.vocab, entity_vector_length=3)
assert kb2.get_size_entities() == 1
def test_issue6730(en_vocab):
"""Ensure that the KB does not accept empty strings, but otherwise IO works fine."""
from spacy.kb.kb_in_memory import InMemoryLookupKB
kb = InMemoryLookupKB(en_vocab, entity_vector_length=3)
kb.add_entity(entity="1", freq=148, entity_vector=[1, 2, 3])
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
kb.add_alias(alias="", entities=["1"], probabilities=[0.4])
assert kb.contains_alias("") is False
kb.add_alias(alias="x", entities=["1"], probabilities=[0.2])
kb.add_alias(alias="y", entities=["1"], probabilities=[0.1])
with make_tempdir() as tmp_dir:
assert kb.get_size_aliases() == 2
assert set(kb.get_alias_strings()) == {"x", "y"}
def test_issue7065():
text = "Kathleen Battle sang in Mahler 's Symphony No. 8 at the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra 's May Festival."
nlp = English()
ruler = nlp.add_pipe("entity_ruler")
patterns = [
"label": "THING",
"pattern": [
{"LOWER": "symphony"},
{"LOWER": "no"},
{"LOWER": "."},
{"LOWER": "8"},
doc = nlp(text)
sentences = [s for s in doc.sents]
assert len(sentences) == 2
sent0 = sentences[0]
ent = doc.ents[0]
assert ent.start < sent0.end < ent.end
assert sentences.index(ent.sent) == 0
def test_issue7065_b():
# Test that the NEL doesn't crash when an entity crosses a sentence boundary
nlp = English()
vector_length = 3
text = "Mahler 's Symphony No. 8 was beautiful."
entities = [(0, 6, "PERSON"), (10, 24, "WORK")]
links = {
(0, 6): {"Q7304": 1.0, "Q270853": 0.0},
(10, 24): {"Q7304": 0.0, "Q270853": 1.0},
sent_starts = [1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
doc = nlp(text)
example = Example.from_dict(
doc, {"entities": entities, "links": links, "sent_starts": sent_starts}
train_examples = [example]
def create_kb(vocab):
# create artificial KB
mykb = InMemoryLookupKB(vocab, entity_vector_length=vector_length)
mykb.add_entity(entity="Q270853", freq=12, entity_vector=[9, 1, -7])
alias="No. 8",
mykb.add_entity(entity="Q7304", freq=12, entity_vector=[6, -4, 3])
return mykb
# Create the Entity Linker component and add it to the pipeline
entity_linker = nlp.add_pipe("entity_linker", last=True)
# train the NEL pipe
optimizer = nlp.initialize(get_examples=lambda: train_examples)
for i in range(2):
losses = {}
nlp.update(train_examples, sgd=optimizer, losses=losses)
# Add a custom rule-based component to mimick NER
patterns = [
{"label": "PERSON", "pattern": [{"LOWER": "mahler"}]},
"label": "WORK",
"pattern": [
{"LOWER": "symphony"},
{"LOWER": "no"},
{"LOWER": "."},
{"LOWER": "8"},
ruler = nlp.add_pipe("entity_ruler", before="entity_linker")
# test the trained model - this should not throw E148
doc = nlp(text)
assert doc
def test_no_entities():
# Test that having no entities doesn't crash the model
"The sky is blue.",
"sent_starts": [1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
nlp = English()
vector_length = 3
train_examples = []
for text, annotation in TRAIN_DATA:
doc = nlp(text)
train_examples.append(Example.from_dict(doc, annotation))
def create_kb(vocab):
# create artificial KB
mykb = InMemoryLookupKB(vocab, entity_vector_length=vector_length)
mykb.add_entity(entity="Q2146908", freq=12, entity_vector=[6, -4, 3])
mykb.add_alias("Russ Cochran", ["Q2146908"], [0.9])
return mykb
# Create and train the Entity Linker
entity_linker = nlp.add_pipe("entity_linker", last=True)
optimizer = nlp.initialize(get_examples=lambda: train_examples)
for i in range(2):
losses = {}
nlp.update(train_examples, sgd=optimizer, losses=losses)
# adding additional components that are required for the entity_linker
nlp.add_pipe("sentencizer", first=True)
# this will run the pipeline on the examples and shouldn't crash
def test_partial_links():
# Test that having some entities on the doc without gold links, doesn't crash
"Russ Cochran his reprints include EC Comics.",
"links": {(0, 12): {"Q2146908": 1.0}},
"entities": [(0, 12, "PERSON")],
"sent_starts": [1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
nlp = English()
vector_length = 3
train_examples = []
for text, annotation in TRAIN_DATA:
doc = nlp(text)
train_examples.append(Example.from_dict(doc, annotation))
def create_kb(vocab):
# create artificial KB
mykb = InMemoryLookupKB(vocab, entity_vector_length=vector_length)
mykb.add_entity(entity="Q2146908", freq=12, entity_vector=[6, -4, 3])
mykb.add_alias("Russ Cochran", ["Q2146908"], [0.9])
return mykb
# Create and train the Entity Linker
entity_linker = nlp.add_pipe("entity_linker", last=True)
optimizer = nlp.initialize(get_examples=lambda: train_examples)
for i in range(2):
losses = {}
nlp.update(train_examples, sgd=optimizer, losses=losses)
# adding additional components that are required for the entity_linker
nlp.add_pipe("sentencizer", first=True)
patterns = [
{"label": "PERSON", "pattern": [{"LOWER": "russ"}, {"LOWER": "cochran"}]},
{"label": "ORG", "pattern": [{"LOWER": "ec"}, {"LOWER": "comics"}]},
ruler = nlp.add_pipe("entity_ruler", before="entity_linker")
# this will run the pipeline on the examples and shouldn't crash
results = nlp.evaluate(train_examples)
assert "PERSON" in results["ents_per_type"]
assert "PERSON" in results["nel_f_per_type"]
assert "ORG" in results["ents_per_type"]
assert "ORG" not in results["nel_f_per_type"]
def test_kb_valid_entities(nlp):
"""Test the valid construction of a KB with 3 entities and two aliases"""
mykb = InMemoryLookupKB(nlp.vocab, entity_vector_length=3)
# adding entities
mykb.add_entity(entity="Q1", freq=19, entity_vector=[8, 4, 3])
mykb.add_entity(entity="Q2", freq=5, entity_vector=[2, 1, 0])
mykb.add_entity(entity="Q3", freq=25, entity_vector=[-1, -6, 5])
# adding aliases
mykb.add_alias(alias="douglas", entities=["Q2", "Q3"], probabilities=[0.8, 0.2])
mykb.add_alias(alias="adam", entities=["Q2"], probabilities=[0.9])
# test the size of the corresponding KB
assert mykb.get_size_entities() == 3
assert mykb.get_size_aliases() == 2
# test retrieval of the entity vectors
assert mykb.get_vector("Q1") == [8, 4, 3]
assert mykb.get_vector("Q2") == [2, 1, 0]
assert mykb.get_vector("Q3") == [-1, -6, 5]
# test retrieval of prior probabilities
assert_almost_equal(mykb.get_prior_prob(entity="Q2", alias="douglas"), 0.8)
assert_almost_equal(mykb.get_prior_prob(entity="Q3", alias="douglas"), 0.2)
assert_almost_equal(mykb.get_prior_prob(entity="Q342", alias="douglas"), 0.0)
assert_almost_equal(mykb.get_prior_prob(entity="Q3", alias="douglassssss"), 0.0)
def test_kb_invalid_entities(nlp):
"""Test the invalid construction of a KB with an alias linked to a non-existing entity"""
mykb = InMemoryLookupKB(nlp.vocab, entity_vector_length=1)
# adding entities
mykb.add_entity(entity="Q1", freq=19, entity_vector=[1])
mykb.add_entity(entity="Q2", freq=5, entity_vector=[2])
mykb.add_entity(entity="Q3", freq=25, entity_vector=[3])
# adding aliases - should fail because one of the given IDs is not valid
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
alias="douglas", entities=["Q2", "Q342"], probabilities=[0.8, 0.2]
def test_kb_invalid_probabilities(nlp):
"""Test the invalid construction of a KB with wrong prior probabilities"""
mykb = InMemoryLookupKB(nlp.vocab, entity_vector_length=1)
# adding entities
mykb.add_entity(entity="Q1", freq=19, entity_vector=[1])
mykb.add_entity(entity="Q2", freq=5, entity_vector=[2])
mykb.add_entity(entity="Q3", freq=25, entity_vector=[3])
# adding aliases - should fail because the sum of the probabilities exceeds 1
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
mykb.add_alias(alias="douglas", entities=["Q2", "Q3"], probabilities=[0.8, 0.4])
def test_kb_invalid_combination(nlp):
"""Test the invalid construction of a KB with non-matching entity and probability lists"""
mykb = InMemoryLookupKB(nlp.vocab, entity_vector_length=1)
# adding entities
mykb.add_entity(entity="Q1", freq=19, entity_vector=[1])
mykb.add_entity(entity="Q2", freq=5, entity_vector=[2])
mykb.add_entity(entity="Q3", freq=25, entity_vector=[3])
# adding aliases - should fail because the entities and probabilities vectors are not of equal length
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
alias="douglas", entities=["Q2", "Q3"], probabilities=[0.3, 0.4, 0.1]
def test_kb_invalid_entity_vector(nlp):
"""Test the invalid construction of a KB with non-matching entity vector lengths"""
mykb = InMemoryLookupKB(nlp.vocab, entity_vector_length=3)
# adding entities
mykb.add_entity(entity="Q1", freq=19, entity_vector=[1, 2, 3])
# this should fail because the kb's expected entity vector length is 3
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
mykb.add_entity(entity="Q2", freq=5, entity_vector=[2])
def test_kb_default(nlp):
"""Test that the default (empty) KB is loaded upon construction"""
entity_linker = nlp.add_pipe("entity_linker", config={})
assert len(entity_linker.kb) == 0
assert entity_linker.kb.get_size_entities() == 0
assert entity_linker.kb.get_size_aliases() == 0
# 64 is the default value from pipeline.entity_linker
assert entity_linker.kb.entity_vector_length == 64
def test_kb_custom_length(nlp):
"""Test that the default (empty) KB can be configured with a custom entity length"""
entity_linker = nlp.add_pipe("entity_linker", config={"entity_vector_length": 35})
assert len(entity_linker.kb) == 0
assert entity_linker.kb.get_size_entities() == 0
assert entity_linker.kb.get_size_aliases() == 0
assert entity_linker.kb.entity_vector_length == 35
def test_kb_initialize_empty(nlp):
"""Test that the EL can't initialize without examples"""
entity_linker = nlp.add_pipe("entity_linker")
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
entity_linker.initialize(lambda: [])
def test_kb_serialize(nlp):
"""Test serialization of the KB"""
mykb = InMemoryLookupKB(nlp.vocab, entity_vector_length=1)
with make_tempdir() as d:
# normal read-write behaviour
mykb.to_disk(d / "kb")
mykb.from_disk(d / "kb")
mykb.to_disk(d / "new" / "kb")
mykb.from_disk(d / "new" / "kb")
# allow overwriting an existing file
mykb.to_disk(d / "kb")
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
# can not read from an unknown file
mykb.from_disk(d / "unknown" / "kb")
def test_kb_serialize_2(nlp):
v = [5, 6, 7, 8]
kb1 = InMemoryLookupKB(vocab=nlp.vocab, entity_vector_length=4)
kb1.set_entities(["E1"], [1], [v])
assert kb1.get_vector("E1") == v
with make_tempdir() as d:
kb1.to_disk(d / "kb")
kb2 = InMemoryLookupKB(vocab=nlp.vocab, entity_vector_length=4)
kb2.from_disk(d / "kb")
assert kb2.get_vector("E1") == v
def test_kb_set_entities(nlp):
"""Test that set_entities entirely overwrites the previous set of entities"""
v = [5, 6, 7, 8]
v1 = [1, 1, 1, 0]
v2 = [2, 2, 2, 3]
kb1 = InMemoryLookupKB(vocab=nlp.vocab, entity_vector_length=4)
kb1.set_entities(["E0"], [1], [v])
assert kb1.get_entity_strings() == ["E0"]
kb1.set_entities(["E1", "E2"], [1, 9], [v1, v2])
assert set(kb1.get_entity_strings()) == {"E1", "E2"}
assert kb1.get_vector("E1") == v1
assert kb1.get_vector("E2") == v2
with make_tempdir() as d:
kb1.to_disk(d / "kb")
kb2 = InMemoryLookupKB(vocab=nlp.vocab, entity_vector_length=4)
kb2.from_disk(d / "kb")
assert set(kb2.get_entity_strings()) == {"E1", "E2"}
assert kb2.get_vector("E1") == v1
assert kb2.get_vector("E2") == v2
def test_kb_serialize_vocab(nlp):
"""Test serialization of the KB and custom strings"""
entity = "MyFunnyID"
assert entity not in nlp.vocab.strings
mykb = InMemoryLookupKB(nlp.vocab, entity_vector_length=1)
assert not mykb.contains_entity(entity)
mykb.add_entity(entity, freq=342, entity_vector=[3])
assert mykb.contains_entity(entity)
assert entity in mykb.vocab.strings
with make_tempdir() as d:
# normal read-write behaviour
mykb.to_disk(d / "kb")
mykb_new = InMemoryLookupKB(Vocab(), entity_vector_length=1)
mykb_new.from_disk(d / "kb")
assert entity in mykb_new.vocab.strings
def test_candidate_generation(nlp):
"""Test correct candidate generation"""
mykb = InMemoryLookupKB(nlp.vocab, entity_vector_length=1)
doc = nlp("douglas adam Adam shrubbery")
douglas_ent = doc[0:1]
adam_ent = doc[1:2]
Adam_ent = doc[2:3]
shrubbery_ent = doc[3:4]
# adding entities
mykb.add_entity(entity="Q1", freq=27, entity_vector=[1])
mykb.add_entity(entity="Q2", freq=12, entity_vector=[2])
mykb.add_entity(entity="Q3", freq=5, entity_vector=[3])
# adding aliases
mykb.add_alias(alias="douglas", entities=["Q2", "Q3"], probabilities=[0.8, 0.1])
mykb.add_alias(alias="adam", entities=["Q2"], probabilities=[0.9])
# test the size of the relevant candidates
assert len(get_candidates(mykb, douglas_ent)) == 2
assert len(get_candidates(mykb, adam_ent)) == 1
assert len(get_candidates(mykb, Adam_ent)) == 0 # default case sensitive
assert len(get_candidates(mykb, shrubbery_ent)) == 0
# test the content of the candidates
assert get_candidates(mykb, adam_ent)[0].entity_ == "Q2"
assert get_candidates(mykb, adam_ent)[0].alias_ == "adam"
assert_almost_equal(get_candidates(mykb, adam_ent)[0].entity_freq, 12)
assert_almost_equal(get_candidates(mykb, adam_ent)[0].prior_prob, 0.9)
def test_el_pipe_configuration(nlp):
"""Test correct candidate generation as part of the EL pipe"""
pattern = {"label": "PERSON", "pattern": [{"LOWER": "douglas"}]}
ruler = nlp.add_pipe("entity_ruler")
def create_kb(vocab):
kb = InMemoryLookupKB(vocab, entity_vector_length=1)
kb.add_entity(entity="Q2", freq=12, entity_vector=[2])
kb.add_entity(entity="Q3", freq=5, entity_vector=[3])
kb.add_alias(alias="douglas", entities=["Q2", "Q3"], probabilities=[0.8, 0.1])
return kb
# run an EL pipe without a trained context encoder, to check the candidate generation step only
entity_linker = nlp.add_pipe("entity_linker", config={"incl_context": False})
# With the default get_candidates function, matching is case-sensitive
text = "Douglas and douglas are not the same."
doc = nlp(text)
assert doc[0].ent_kb_id_ == "NIL"
assert doc[1].ent_kb_id_ == ""
assert doc[2].ent_kb_id_ == "Q2"
def get_lowercased_candidates(kb, span):
return kb.get_alias_candidates(span.text.lower())
def get_lowercased_candidates_batch(kb, spans):
return [get_lowercased_candidates(kb, span) for span in spans]
def create_candidates() -> Callable[
[InMemoryLookupKB, "Span"], Iterable[Candidate]
return get_lowercased_candidates
def create_candidates_batch() -> Callable[
[InMemoryLookupKB, Iterable["Span"]], Iterable[Iterable[Candidate]]
return get_lowercased_candidates_batch
# replace the pipe with a new one with with a different candidate generator
entity_linker = nlp.replace_pipe(
"incl_context": False,
"get_candidates": {"@misc": "spacy.LowercaseCandidateGenerator.v1"},
"get_candidates_batch": {
"@misc": "spacy.LowercaseCandidateBatchGenerator.v1"
doc = nlp(text)
assert doc[0].ent_kb_id_ == "Q2"
assert doc[1].ent_kb_id_ == ""
assert doc[2].ent_kb_id_ == "Q2"
def test_nel_nsents(nlp):
"""Test that n_sents can be set through the configuration"""
entity_linker = nlp.add_pipe("entity_linker", config={})
assert entity_linker.n_sents == 0
entity_linker = nlp.replace_pipe(
"entity_linker", "entity_linker", config={"n_sents": 2}
assert entity_linker.n_sents == 2
def test_vocab_serialization(nlp):
"""Test that string information is retained across storage"""
mykb = InMemoryLookupKB(nlp.vocab, entity_vector_length=1)
# adding entities
mykb.add_entity(entity="Q1", freq=27, entity_vector=[1])
q2_hash = mykb.add_entity(entity="Q2", freq=12, entity_vector=[2])
mykb.add_entity(entity="Q3", freq=5, entity_vector=[3])
# adding aliases
mykb.add_alias(alias="douglas", entities=["Q2", "Q3"], probabilities=[0.4, 0.1])
adam_hash = mykb.add_alias(alias="adam", entities=["Q2"], probabilities=[0.9])
candidates = mykb.get_alias_candidates("adam")
assert len(candidates) == 1
assert candidates[0].entity == q2_hash
assert candidates[0].entity_ == "Q2"
assert candidates[0].alias == adam_hash
assert candidates[0].alias_ == "adam"
with make_tempdir() as d:
mykb.to_disk(d / "kb")
kb_new_vocab = InMemoryLookupKB(Vocab(), entity_vector_length=1)
kb_new_vocab.from_disk(d / "kb")
candidates = kb_new_vocab.get_alias_candidates("adam")
assert len(candidates) == 1
assert candidates[0].entity == q2_hash
assert candidates[0].entity_ == "Q2"
assert candidates[0].alias == adam_hash
assert candidates[0].alias_ == "adam"
assert kb_new_vocab.get_vector("Q2") == [2]
assert_almost_equal(kb_new_vocab.get_prior_prob("Q2", "douglas"), 0.4)
def test_append_alias(nlp):
"""Test that we can append additional alias-entity pairs"""
mykb = InMemoryLookupKB(nlp.vocab, entity_vector_length=1)
# adding entities
mykb.add_entity(entity="Q1", freq=27, entity_vector=[1])
mykb.add_entity(entity="Q2", freq=12, entity_vector=[2])
mykb.add_entity(entity="Q3", freq=5, entity_vector=[3])
# adding aliases
mykb.add_alias(alias="douglas", entities=["Q2", "Q3"], probabilities=[0.4, 0.1])
mykb.add_alias(alias="adam", entities=["Q2"], probabilities=[0.9])
# test the size of the relevant candidates
assert len(mykb.get_alias_candidates("douglas")) == 2
# append an alias
mykb.append_alias(alias="douglas", entity="Q1", prior_prob=0.2)
# test the size of the relevant candidates has been incremented
assert len(mykb.get_alias_candidates("douglas")) == 3
# append the same alias-entity pair again should not work (will throw a warning)
with pytest.warns(UserWarning):
mykb.append_alias(alias="douglas", entity="Q1", prior_prob=0.3)
# test the size of the relevant candidates remained unchanged
assert len(mykb.get_alias_candidates("douglas")) == 3
def test_append_invalid_alias(nlp):
"""Test that append an alias will throw an error if prior probs are exceeding 1"""
mykb = InMemoryLookupKB(nlp.vocab, entity_vector_length=1)
# adding entities
mykb.add_entity(entity="Q1", freq=27, entity_vector=[1])
mykb.add_entity(entity="Q2", freq=12, entity_vector=[2])
mykb.add_entity(entity="Q3", freq=5, entity_vector=[3])
# adding aliases
mykb.add_alias(alias="douglas", entities=["Q2", "Q3"], probabilities=[0.8, 0.1])
mykb.add_alias(alias="adam", entities=["Q2"], probabilities=[0.9])
# append an alias - should fail because the entities and probabilities vectors are not of equal length
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
mykb.append_alias(alias="douglas", entity="Q1", prior_prob=0.2)
def test_preserving_links_asdoc(nlp):
"""Test that Span.as_doc preserves the existing entity links"""
vector_length = 1
def create_kb(vocab):
mykb = InMemoryLookupKB(vocab, entity_vector_length=vector_length)
# adding entities
mykb.add_entity(entity="Q1", freq=19, entity_vector=[1])
mykb.add_entity(entity="Q2", freq=8, entity_vector=[1])
# adding aliases
mykb.add_alias(alias="Boston", entities=["Q1"], probabilities=[0.7])
mykb.add_alias(alias="Denver", entities=["Q2"], probabilities=[0.6])
return mykb
# set up pipeline with NER (Entity Ruler) and NEL (prior probability only, model not trained)
patterns = [
{"label": "GPE", "pattern": "Boston"},
{"label": "GPE", "pattern": "Denver"},
ruler = nlp.add_pipe("entity_ruler")
config = {"incl_prior": False}
entity_linker = nlp.add_pipe("entity_linker", config=config, last=True)
assert entity_linker.model.get_dim("nO") == vector_length
# test whether the entity links are preserved by the `as_doc()` function
text = "She lives in Boston. He lives in Denver."
doc = nlp(text)
for ent in doc.ents:
orig_text = ent.text
orig_kb_id = ent.kb_id_
sent_doc = ent.sent.as_doc()
for s_ent in sent_doc.ents:
if s_ent.text == orig_text:
assert s_ent.kb_id_ == orig_kb_id
def test_preserving_links_ents(nlp):
"""Test that doc.ents preserves KB annotations"""
text = "She lives in Boston. He lives in Denver."
doc = nlp(text)
assert len(list(doc.ents)) == 0
boston_ent = Span(doc, 3, 4, label="LOC", kb_id="Q1")
doc.ents = [boston_ent]
assert len(list(doc.ents)) == 1
assert list(doc.ents)[0].label_ == "LOC"
assert list(doc.ents)[0].kb_id_ == "Q1"
def test_preserving_links_ents_2(nlp):
"""Test that doc.ents preserves KB annotations"""
text = "She lives in Boston. He lives in Denver."
doc = nlp(text)
assert len(list(doc.ents)) == 0
loc = doc.vocab.strings.add("LOC")
q1 = doc.vocab.strings.add("Q1")
doc.ents = [(loc, q1, 3, 4)]
assert len(list(doc.ents)) == 1
assert list(doc.ents)[0].label_ == "LOC"
assert list(doc.ents)[0].kb_id_ == "Q1"
# fmt: off
("Russ Cochran captured his first major title with his son as caddie.",
{"links": {(0, 12): {"Q7381115": 0.0, "Q2146908": 1.0}},
"entities": [(0, 12, "PERSON")],
"sent_starts": [1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}),
("Russ Cochran his reprints include EC Comics.",
{"links": {(0, 12): {"Q7381115": 1.0, "Q2146908": 0.0}},
"entities": [(0, 12, "PERSON"), (34, 43, "ART")],
"sent_starts": [1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}),
("Russ Cochran has been publishing comic art.",
{"links": {(0, 12): {"Q7381115": 1.0, "Q2146908": 0.0}},
"entities": [(0, 12, "PERSON")],
"sent_starts": [1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}),
("Russ Cochran was a member of University of Kentucky's golf team.",
{"links": {(0, 12): {"Q7381115": 0.0, "Q2146908": 1.0}},
"entities": [(0, 12, "PERSON"), (43, 51, "LOC")],
"sent_starts": [1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}),
# having a blank instance shouldn't break things
("The weather is nice today.",
{"links": {}, "entities": [],
"sent_starts": [1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0]})
GOLD_entities = ["Q2146908", "Q7381115", "Q7381115", "Q2146908"]
# fmt: on
def test_overfitting_IO():
# Simple test to try and quickly overfit the NEL component - ensuring the ML models work correctly
nlp = English()
vector_length = 3
assert "Q2146908" not in nlp.vocab.strings
# Convert the texts to docs to make sure we have doc.ents set for the training examples
train_examples = []
for text, annotation in TRAIN_DATA:
doc = nlp(text)
train_examples.append(Example.from_dict(doc, annotation))
def create_kb(vocab):
# create artificial KB - assign same prior weight to the two russ cochran's
# Q2146908 (Russ Cochran): American golfer
# Q7381115 (Russ Cochran): publisher
mykb = InMemoryLookupKB(vocab, entity_vector_length=vector_length)
mykb.add_entity(entity="Q2146908", freq=12, entity_vector=[6, -4, 3])
mykb.add_entity(entity="Q7381115", freq=12, entity_vector=[9, 1, -7])
alias="Russ Cochran",
entities=["Q2146908", "Q7381115"],
probabilities=[0.5, 0.5],
return mykb
# Create the Entity Linker component and add it to the pipeline
entity_linker = nlp.add_pipe("entity_linker", last=True)
assert isinstance(entity_linker, EntityLinker)
assert "Q2146908" in entity_linker.vocab.strings
assert "Q2146908" in entity_linker.kb.vocab.strings
# train the NEL pipe
optimizer = nlp.initialize(get_examples=lambda: train_examples)
assert entity_linker.model.get_dim("nO") == vector_length
assert entity_linker.model.get_dim("nO") == entity_linker.kb.entity_vector_length
for i in range(50):
losses = {}
nlp.update(train_examples, sgd=optimizer, losses=losses)
assert losses["entity_linker"] < 0.001
# adding additional components that are required for the entity_linker
nlp.add_pipe("sentencizer", first=True)
# Add a custom component to recognize "Russ Cochran" as an entity for the example training data
patterns = [
{"label": "PERSON", "pattern": [{"LOWER": "russ"}, {"LOWER": "cochran"}]}
ruler = nlp.add_pipe("entity_ruler", before="entity_linker")
# test the trained model
predictions = []
for text, annotation in TRAIN_DATA:
doc = nlp(text)
for ent in doc.ents:
assert predictions == GOLD_entities
# Also test the results are still the same after IO
with make_tempdir() as tmp_dir:
nlp2 = util.load_model_from_path(tmp_dir)
assert nlp2.pipe_names == nlp.pipe_names
assert "Q2146908" in nlp2.vocab.strings
entity_linker2 = nlp2.get_pipe("entity_linker")
assert "Q2146908" in entity_linker2.vocab.strings
assert "Q2146908" in entity_linker2.kb.vocab.strings
predictions = []
for text, annotation in TRAIN_DATA:
doc2 = nlp2(text)
for ent in doc2.ents:
assert predictions == GOLD_entities
# Make sure that running pipe twice, or comparing to call, always amounts to the same predictions
texts = [
"Russ Cochran captured his first major title with his son as caddie.",
"Russ Cochran his reprints include EC Comics.",
"Russ Cochran has been publishing comic art.",
"Russ Cochran was a member of University of Kentucky's golf team.",
batch_deps_1 = [doc.to_array([ENT_KB_ID]) for doc in nlp.pipe(texts)]
batch_deps_2 = [doc.to_array([ENT_KB_ID]) for doc in nlp.pipe(texts)]
no_batch_deps = [doc.to_array([ENT_KB_ID]) for doc in [nlp(text) for text in texts]]
assert_equal(batch_deps_1, batch_deps_2)
assert_equal(batch_deps_1, no_batch_deps)
def test_kb_serialization():
# Test that the KB can be used in a pipeline with a different vocab
vector_length = 3
with make_tempdir() as tmp_dir:
kb_dir = tmp_dir / "kb"
nlp1 = English()
assert "Q2146908" not in nlp1.vocab.strings
mykb = InMemoryLookupKB(nlp1.vocab, entity_vector_length=vector_length)
mykb.add_entity(entity="Q2146908", freq=12, entity_vector=[6, -4, 3])
mykb.add_alias(alias="Russ Cochran", entities=["Q2146908"], probabilities=[0.8])
assert "Q2146908" in nlp1.vocab.strings
nlp2 = English()
assert "RandomWord" not in nlp2.vocab.strings
assert "RandomWord" in nlp2.vocab.strings
assert "Q2146908" not in nlp2.vocab.strings
# Create the Entity Linker component with the KB from file, and check the final vocab
entity_linker = nlp2.add_pipe("entity_linker", last=True)
assert "Q2146908" in nlp2.vocab.strings
assert "RandomWord" in nlp2.vocab.strings
@pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Needs fixing")
def test_kb_pickle():
# Test that the KB can be pickled
nlp = English()
kb_1 = InMemoryLookupKB(nlp.vocab, entity_vector_length=3)
kb_1.add_entity(entity="Q2146908", freq=12, entity_vector=[6, -4, 3])
assert not kb_1.contains_alias("Russ Cochran")
kb_1.add_alias(alias="Russ Cochran", entities=["Q2146908"], probabilities=[0.8])
assert kb_1.contains_alias("Russ Cochran")
data = pickle.dumps(kb_1)
kb_2 = pickle.loads(data)
assert kb_2.contains_alias("Russ Cochran")
@pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Needs fixing")
def test_nel_pickle():
# Test that a pipeline with an EL component can be pickled
def create_kb(vocab):
kb = InMemoryLookupKB(vocab, entity_vector_length=3)
kb.add_entity(entity="Q2146908", freq=12, entity_vector=[6, -4, 3])
kb.add_alias(alias="Russ Cochran", entities=["Q2146908"], probabilities=[0.8])
return kb
nlp_1 = English()
entity_linker_1 = nlp_1.add_pipe("entity_linker", last=True)
assert nlp_1.pipe_names == ["ner", "entity_linker"]
assert entity_linker_1.kb.contains_alias("Russ Cochran")
data = pickle.dumps(nlp_1)
nlp_2 = pickle.loads(data)
assert nlp_2.pipe_names == ["ner", "entity_linker"]
entity_linker_2 = nlp_2.get_pipe("entity_linker")
assert entity_linker_2.kb.contains_alias("Russ Cochran")
def test_kb_to_bytes():
# Test that the KB's to_bytes method works correctly
nlp = English()
kb_1 = InMemoryLookupKB(nlp.vocab, entity_vector_length=3)
kb_1.add_entity(entity="Q2146908", freq=12, entity_vector=[6, -4, 3])
kb_1.add_entity(entity="Q66", freq=9, entity_vector=[1, 2, 3])
kb_1.add_alias(alias="Russ Cochran", entities=["Q2146908"], probabilities=[0.8])
kb_1.add_alias(alias="Boeing", entities=["Q66"], probabilities=[0.5])
alias="Randomness", entities=["Q66", "Q2146908"], probabilities=[0.1, 0.2]
assert kb_1.contains_alias("Russ Cochran")
kb_bytes = kb_1.to_bytes()
kb_2 = InMemoryLookupKB(nlp.vocab, entity_vector_length=3)
assert not kb_2.contains_alias("Russ Cochran")
kb_2 = kb_2.from_bytes(kb_bytes)
# check that both KBs are exactly the same
assert kb_1.get_size_entities() == kb_2.get_size_entities()
assert kb_1.entity_vector_length == kb_2.entity_vector_length
assert kb_1.get_entity_strings() == kb_2.get_entity_strings()
assert kb_1.get_vector("Q2146908") == kb_2.get_vector("Q2146908")
assert kb_1.get_vector("Q66") == kb_2.get_vector("Q66")
assert kb_2.contains_alias("Russ Cochran")
assert kb_1.get_size_aliases() == kb_2.get_size_aliases()
assert kb_1.get_alias_strings() == kb_2.get_alias_strings()
assert len(kb_1.get_alias_candidates("Russ Cochran")) == len(
kb_2.get_alias_candidates("Russ Cochran")
assert len(kb_1.get_alias_candidates("Randomness")) == len(
def test_nel_to_bytes():
# Test that a pipeline with an EL component can be converted to bytes
def create_kb(vocab):
kb = InMemoryLookupKB(vocab, entity_vector_length=3)
kb.add_entity(entity="Q2146908", freq=12, entity_vector=[6, -4, 3])
kb.add_alias(alias="Russ Cochran", entities=["Q2146908"], probabilities=[0.8])
return kb
nlp_1 = English()
entity_linker_1 = nlp_1.add_pipe("entity_linker", last=True)
assert entity_linker_1.kb.contains_alias("Russ Cochran")
assert nlp_1.pipe_names == ["ner", "entity_linker"]
nlp_bytes = nlp_1.to_bytes()
nlp_2 = English()
nlp_2.add_pipe("entity_linker", last=True)
assert nlp_2.pipe_names == ["ner", "entity_linker"]
assert not nlp_2.get_pipe("entity_linker").kb.contains_alias("Russ Cochran")
nlp_2 = nlp_2.from_bytes(nlp_bytes)
kb_2 = nlp_2.get_pipe("entity_linker").kb
assert kb_2.contains_alias("Russ Cochran")
assert kb_2.get_vector("Q2146908") == [6, -4, 3]
kb_2.get_prior_prob(entity="Q2146908", alias="Russ Cochran"), 0.8
def test_scorer_links():
train_examples = []
nlp = English()
ref1 = nlp("Julia lives in London happily.")
ref1.ents = [
Span(ref1, 0, 1, label="PERSON", kb_id="Q2"),
Span(ref1, 3, 4, label="LOC", kb_id="Q3"),
pred1 = nlp("Julia lives in London happily.")
pred1.ents = [
Span(pred1, 0, 1, label="PERSON", kb_id="Q70"),
Span(pred1, 3, 4, label="LOC", kb_id="Q3"),
train_examples.append(Example(pred1, ref1))
ref2 = nlp("She loves London.")
ref2.ents = [
Span(ref2, 0, 1, label="PERSON", kb_id="Q2"),
Span(ref2, 2, 3, label="LOC", kb_id="Q13"),
pred2 = nlp("She loves London.")
pred2.ents = [
Span(pred2, 0, 1, label="PERSON", kb_id="Q2"),
Span(pred2, 2, 3, label="LOC", kb_id="NIL"),
train_examples.append(Example(pred2, ref2))
ref3 = nlp("London is great.")
ref3.ents = [Span(ref3, 0, 1, label="LOC", kb_id="NIL")]
pred3 = nlp("London is great.")
pred3.ents = [Span(pred3, 0, 1, label="LOC", kb_id="NIL")]
train_examples.append(Example(pred3, ref3))
scores = Scorer().score_links(train_examples, negative_labels=["NIL"])
assert scores["nel_f_per_type"]["PERSON"]["p"] == 1 / 2
assert scores["nel_f_per_type"]["PERSON"]["r"] == 1 / 2
assert scores["nel_f_per_type"]["LOC"]["p"] == 1 / 1
assert scores["nel_f_per_type"]["LOC"]["r"] == 1 / 2
assert scores["nel_micro_p"] == 2 / 3
assert scores["nel_micro_r"] == 2 / 4
# fmt: off
("entity_linker", {"@architectures": "spacy.EntityLinker.v1", "tok2vec": DEFAULT_TOK2VEC_MODEL}),
("entity_linker", {"@architectures": "spacy.EntityLinker.v2", "tok2vec": DEFAULT_TOK2VEC_MODEL}),
# fmt: on
def test_legacy_architectures(name, config):
# Ensure that the legacy architectures still work
vector_length = 3
nlp = English()
train_examples = []
for text, annotation in TRAIN_DATA:
doc = nlp.make_doc(text)
train_examples.append(Example.from_dict(doc, annotation))
def create_kb(vocab):
mykb = InMemoryLookupKB(vocab, entity_vector_length=vector_length)
mykb.add_entity(entity="Q2146908", freq=12, entity_vector=[6, -4, 3])
mykb.add_entity(entity="Q7381115", freq=12, entity_vector=[9, 1, -7])
alias="Russ Cochran",
entities=["Q2146908", "Q7381115"],
probabilities=[0.5, 0.5],
return mykb
entity_linker = nlp.add_pipe(name, config={"model": config})
if config["@architectures"] == "spacy.EntityLinker.v1":
assert isinstance(entity_linker, EntityLinker_v1)
assert isinstance(entity_linker, EntityLinker)
optimizer = nlp.initialize(get_examples=lambda: train_examples)
for i in range(2):
losses = {}
nlp.update(train_examples, sgd=optimizer, losses=losses)
# perfect case
[{"label": "CHARACTER", "pattern": "Kirby"}],
# typo for false negative
[{"label": "PERSON", "pattern": "Korby"}],
# random stuff for false positive
[{"label": "IS", "pattern": "is"}, {"label": "COLOR", "pattern": "pink"}],
def test_no_gold_ents(patterns):
# test that annotating components work
"Kirby is pink",
"links": {(0, 5): {"Q613241": 1.0}},
"entities": [(0, 5, "CHARACTER")],
"sent_starts": [1, 0, 0],
nlp = English()
vector_length = 3
train_examples = []
for text, annotation in TRAIN_DATA:
doc = nlp(text)
train_examples.append(Example.from_dict(doc, annotation))
# Create a ruler to mark entities
ruler = nlp.add_pipe("entity_ruler")
# Apply ruler to examples. In a real pipeline this would be an annotating component.
for eg in train_examples:
eg.predicted = ruler(eg.predicted)
# Entity ruler is no longer needed (initialization below wipes out the
# patterns and causes warnings)
def create_kb(vocab):
# create artificial KB
mykb = InMemoryLookupKB(vocab, entity_vector_length=vector_length)
mykb.add_entity(entity="Q613241", freq=12, entity_vector=[6, -4, 3])
mykb.add_alias("Kirby", ["Q613241"], [0.9])
# Placeholder
mykb.add_entity(entity="pink", freq=12, entity_vector=[7, 2, -5])
mykb.add_alias("pink", ["pink"], [0.9])
return mykb
# Create and train the Entity Linker
entity_linker = nlp.add_pipe(
"entity_linker", config={"use_gold_ents": False}, last=True
assert entity_linker.use_gold_ents is False
optimizer = nlp.initialize(get_examples=lambda: train_examples)
for i in range(2):
losses = {}
nlp.update(train_examples, sgd=optimizer, losses=losses)
# adding additional components that are required for the entity_linker
nlp.add_pipe("sentencizer", first=True)
# this will run the pipeline on the examples and shouldn't crash
def test_tokenization_mismatch():
nlp = English()
# include a matching entity so that update isn't skipped
doc1 = Doc(
words=["Kirby", "123456"],
spaces=[True, False],
doc2 = Doc(
words=["Kirby", "123", "456"],
spaces=[True, False, False],
eg = Example(doc1, doc2)
train_examples = [eg]
vector_length = 3
def create_kb(vocab):
# create placeholder KB
mykb = InMemoryLookupKB(vocab, entity_vector_length=vector_length)
mykb.add_entity(entity="Q613241", freq=12, entity_vector=[6, -4, 3])
mykb.add_alias("Kirby", ["Q613241"], [0.9])
return mykb
entity_linker = nlp.add_pipe("entity_linker", last=True)
optimizer = nlp.initialize(get_examples=lambda: train_examples)
for i in range(2):
losses = {}
nlp.update(train_examples, sgd=optimizer, losses=losses)
nlp.add_pipe("sentencizer", first=True)
def test_abstract_kb_instantiation():
"""Test whether instantiation of abstract KB base class fails."""
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
KnowledgeBase(None, 3)
# fmt: off
(False, {"@architectures": "spacy.EntityLinker.v2", "tok2vec": DEFAULT_TOK2VEC_MODEL}),
(True, {"@architectures": "spacy.EntityLinker.v2", "tok2vec": DEFAULT_TOK2VEC_MODEL}),
# fmt: on
def test_threshold(meet_threshold: bool, config: Dict[str, Any]):
"""Tests abstention threshold.
meet_threshold (bool): Whether to configure NEL setup so that confidence threshold is met.
config (Dict[str, Any]): NEL architecture config.
nlp = English()
text = "Mahler's Symphony No. 8 was beautiful."
entities = [(0, 6, "PERSON")]
links = {(0, 6): {"Q7304": 1.0}}
sent_starts = [1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
entity_id = "Q7304"
doc = nlp(text)
train_examples = [
doc, {"entities": entities, "links": links, "sent_starts": sent_starts}
def create_kb(vocab):
# create artificial KB
mykb = InMemoryLookupKB(vocab, entity_vector_length=3)
mykb.add_entity(entity=entity_id, freq=12, entity_vector=[6, -4, 3])
probabilities=[1 if meet_threshold else 0.01],
return mykb
# Create the Entity Linker component and add it to the pipeline
entity_linker = nlp.add_pipe(
config={"threshold": 0.99, "model": config},
entity_linker.set_kb(create_kb) # type: ignore
nlp.initialize(get_examples=lambda: train_examples)
# Add a custom rule-based component to mimick NER
ruler = nlp.add_pipe("entity_ruler", before="entity_linker")
ruler.add_patterns([{"label": "PERSON", "pattern": [{"LOWER": "mahler"}]}]) # type: ignore
doc = nlp(text)
assert len(doc.ents) == 1
assert doc.ents[0].kb_id_ == entity_id if meet_threshold else EntityLinker.NIL
def test_span_maker_forward_with_empty():
"""The forward pass of the span maker may have a doc with no entities."""
nlp = English()
doc1 = nlp("a b c")
ent = doc1[0:1]
ent.label_ = "X"
doc1.ents = [ent]
# no entities
doc2 = nlp("x y z")
# just to get a model
span_maker = build_span_maker()
span_maker([doc1, doc2], False)