
400 lines
16 KiB

# cython: profile=True
# cython: embedsignature=True
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import json
import random
from os import path
import re
from cython.operator cimport preincrement as preinc
from cython.operator cimport dereference as deref
from libc.stdio cimport fopen, fclose, fread, fwrite, FILE
from cymem.cymem cimport Pool
from murmurhash.mrmr cimport hash64
from preshed.maps cimport PreshMap
from .lexeme cimport Lexeme
from .lexeme cimport EMPTY_LEXEME
from .lexeme cimport init as lexeme_init
from .lexeme cimport check_flag
from .utf8string cimport slice_unicode
from . import util
from .util import read_lang_data
from .tokens import Tokens
from .tokens cimport Morphology
cdef class Language:
def __init__(self, name): = name
self.mem = Pool()
self._cache = PreshMap(2 ** 25)
self._specials = PreshMap(2 ** 16)
rules, prefix, suffix, infix = util.read_lang_data(name)
self._prefix_re = re.compile(prefix)
self._suffix_re = re.compile(suffix)
self._infix_re = re.compile(infix)
self.lexicon = Lexicon(self.get_props)
self.pos_tagger = None
self.morphologizer = None
def load(self):
self.lexicon.load(path.join(util.DATA_DIR,, 'lexemes'))
self.lexicon.strings.load(path.join(util.DATA_DIR,, 'strings'))
if path.exists(path.join(util.DATA_DIR,, 'pos')):
self.pos_tagger = Tagger(path.join(util.DATA_DIR,, 'pos'))
self.morphologizer = Morphologizer(self.lexicon.strings,
cpdef Tokens tokens_from_list(self, list strings):
cdef int length = sum([len(s) for s in strings])
cdef Tokens tokens = Tokens(self, length)
if length == 0:
return tokens
cdef UniStr string_struct
cdef unicode py_string
cdef int idx = 0
for i, py_string in enumerate(strings):
slice_unicode(&string_struct, py_string, 0, len(py_string))
tokens.push_back(idx, <const Lexeme*>self.lexicon.get(tokens.mem, &string_struct))
idx += len(py_string) + 1
return tokens
cpdef Tokens tokenize(self, unicode string):
"""Tokenize a string.
The tokenization rules are defined in three places:
* The data/<lang>/tokenization table, which handles special cases like contractions;
* The data/<lang>/prefix file, used to build a regex to split off prefixes;
* The data/<lang>/suffix file, used to build a regex to split off suffixes.
string (unicode): The string to be tokenized.
tokens (Tokens): A Tokens object, giving access to a sequence of Lexemes.
cdef int length = len(string)
cdef Tokens tokens = Tokens(self, length)
if length == 0:
return tokens
cdef int i = 0
cdef int start = 0
cdef bint cache_hit
cdef Py_UNICODE* chars = string
cdef bint in_ws = Py_UNICODE_ISSPACE(chars[0])
cdef UniStr span
for i in range(1, length):
if Py_UNICODE_ISSPACE(chars[i]) != in_ws:
if start < i:
slice_unicode(&span, chars, start, i)
cache_hit = self._try_cache(start, span.key, tokens)
if not cache_hit:
self._tokenize(tokens, &span, start, i)
in_ws = not in_ws
start = i
if chars[i] == ' ':
start += 1
i += 1
if start < i:
slice_unicode(&span, chars, start, i)
cache_hit = self._try_cache(start, span.key, tokens)
if not cache_hit:
self._tokenize(tokens, &span, start, i)
return tokens
cdef int _try_cache(self, int idx, hash_t key, Tokens tokens) except -1:
#cached = <Cached*>self._specials.get(key)
cached = <Cached*>self._cache.get(key)
if cached == NULL:
return False
cdef int i
if cached.is_lex:
for i in range(cached.length):
idx = tokens.push_back(idx,[i])
for i in range(cached.length):
idx = tokens.push_back(idx, &[i])
return True
cdef int _tokenize(self, Tokens tokens, UniStr* span, int start, int end) except -1:
cdef vector[Lexeme*] prefixes
cdef vector[Lexeme*] suffixes
cdef hash_t orig_key
cdef int orig_size
orig_key = span.key
orig_size = tokens.length
self._split_affixes(span, &prefixes, &suffixes)
self._attach_tokens(tokens, start, span, &prefixes, &suffixes)
self._save_cached(&[orig_size], orig_key, tokens.length - orig_size)
cdef UniStr* _split_affixes(self, UniStr* string, vector[const Lexeme*] *prefixes,
vector[const Lexeme*] *suffixes) except NULL:
cdef size_t i
cdef UniStr prefix
cdef UniStr suffix
cdef UniStr minus_pre
cdef UniStr minus_suf
cdef size_t last_size = 0
while string.n != 0 and string.n != last_size:
last_size = string.n
pre_len = self._find_prefix(string.chars, string.n)
if pre_len != 0:
slice_unicode(&prefix, string.chars, 0, pre_len)
slice_unicode(&minus_pre, string.chars, pre_len, string.n)
# Check whether we've hit a special-case
if minus_pre.n >= 1 and self._specials.get(minus_pre.key) != NULL:
string[0] = minus_pre
prefixes.push_back(self.lexicon.get(self.lexicon.mem, &prefix))
suf_len = self._find_suffix(string.chars, string.n)
if suf_len != 0:
slice_unicode(&suffix, string.chars, string.n - suf_len, string.n)
slice_unicode(&minus_suf, string.chars, 0, string.n - suf_len)
# Check whether we've hit a special-case
if minus_suf.n >= 1 and self._specials.get(minus_suf.key) != NULL:
string[0] = minus_suf
suffixes.push_back(self.lexicon.get(self.lexicon.mem, &suffix))
if pre_len and suf_len and (pre_len + suf_len) <= string.n:
slice_unicode(string, string.chars, pre_len, string.n - suf_len)
prefixes.push_back(self.lexicon.get(self.lexicon.mem, &prefix))
suffixes.push_back(self.lexicon.get(self.lexicon.mem, &suffix))
elif pre_len:
string[0] = minus_pre
prefixes.push_back(self.lexicon.get(self.lexicon.mem, &prefix))
elif suf_len:
string[0] = minus_suf
suffixes.push_back(self.lexicon.get(self.lexicon.mem, &suffix))
if self._specials.get(string.key):
return string
cdef int _attach_tokens(self, Tokens tokens, int idx, UniStr* string,
vector[const Lexeme*] *prefixes,
vector[const Lexeme*] *suffixes) except -1:
cdef bint cache_hit
cdef int split
cdef const Lexeme* const* lexemes
cdef Lexeme* lexeme
cdef UniStr span
cdef int i
if prefixes.size():
for i in range(prefixes.size()):
idx = tokens.push_back(idx, prefixes[0][i])
if string.n != 0:
cache_hit = self._try_cache(idx, string.key, tokens)
if cache_hit:
idx =[tokens.length - 1].idx + 1
split = self._find_infix(string.chars, string.n)
if split == 0 or split == -1:
idx = tokens.push_back(idx, self.lexicon.get(tokens.mem, string))
slice_unicode(&span, string.chars, 0, split)
idx = tokens.push_back(idx, self.lexicon.get(tokens.mem, &span))
slice_unicode(&span, string.chars, split, split+1)
idx = tokens.push_back(idx, self.lexicon.get(tokens.mem, &span))
slice_unicode(&span, string.chars, split + 1, string.n)
idx = tokens.push_back(idx, self.lexicon.get(tokens.mem, &span))
cdef vector[const Lexeme*].reverse_iterator it = suffixes.rbegin()
while it != suffixes.rend():
idx = tokens.push_back(idx, deref(it))
cdef int _save_cached(self, const TokenC* tokens, hash_t key, int n) except -1:
cdef int i
for i in range(n):
if tokens[i] == 1:
return 0
cached = <Cached*>self.mem.alloc(1, sizeof(Cached))
cached.length = n
cached.is_lex = True
lexemes = <const Lexeme**>self.mem.alloc(n, sizeof(Lexeme**))
for i in range(n):
lexemes[i] = tokens[i].lex = <const Lexeme* const*>lexemes
self._cache.set(key, cached)
cdef int _find_infix(self, Py_UNICODE* chars, size_t length) except -1:
cdef unicode string = chars[:length]
match =
return match.start() if match is not None else 0
cdef int _find_prefix(self, Py_UNICODE* chars, size_t length) except -1:
cdef unicode string = chars[:length]
match =
return (match.end() - match.start()) if match is not None else 0
cdef int _find_suffix(self, Py_UNICODE* chars, size_t length) except -1:
cdef unicode string = chars[:length]
match =
return (match.end() - match.start()) if match is not None else 0
def _load_special_tokenization(self, object rules):
'''Add a special-case tokenization rule.
cdef int i
cdef unicode chunk
cdef list substrings
cdef unicode form
cdef unicode lemma
cdef dict props
cdef Lexeme** lexemes
cdef hash_t hashed
cdef UniStr string
for chunk, substrings in sorted(rules.items()):
tokens = <TokenC*>self.mem.alloc(len(substrings) + 1, sizeof(TokenC))
for i, props in enumerate(substrings):
form = props['F']
lemma = props.get("L", None)
slice_unicode(&string, form, 0, len(form))
tokens[i].lex = <Lexeme*>self.lexicon.get(self.lexicon.mem, &string)
if lemma:
tokens[i].lemma = self.lexicon.strings[lemma]
set_morph_from_dict(&tokens[i].morph, props)
cached = <Cached*>self.mem.alloc(1, sizeof(Cached))
cached.length = len(substrings)
cached.is_lex = False = tokens
slice_unicode(&string, chunk, 0, len(chunk))
self._specials.set(string.key, cached)
self._cache.set(string.key, cached)
cdef int set_morph_from_dict(Morphology* morph, dict props) except -1:
morph.number = props.get('number', 0)
morph.tenspect = props.get('tenspect', 0)
morph.mood = props.get('mood', 0)
morph.gender = props.get('gender', 0)
morph.person = props.get('person', 0) = props.get('case', 0)
morph.misc = props.get('misc', 0)
cdef class Lexicon:
'''A map container for a language's Lexeme structs.
Also interns UTF-8 strings, and maps them to consecutive integer IDs.
def __init__(self, object get_props):
self.mem = Pool()
self._map = PreshMap(2 ** 20)
self.strings = StringStore()
self.get_lex_props = get_props
def __len__(self):
return self.lexemes.size()
cdef const Lexeme* get(self, Pool mem, UniStr* string) except NULL:
'''Get a pointer to a Lexeme from the lexicon, creating a new Lexeme
if necessary, using memory acquired from the given pool. If the pool
is the lexicon's own memory, the lexeme is saved in the lexicon.'''
cdef Lexeme* lex
lex = <Lexeme*>self._map.get(string.key)
if lex != NULL:
return lex
if string.n < 3:
mem = self.mem
cdef unicode py_string = string.chars[:string.n]
lex = <Lexeme*>mem.alloc(sizeof(Lexeme), 1)
lex[0] = lexeme_init(self.lexemes.size(), py_string, string.key, self.strings,
if mem is self.mem:
self._map.set(string.key, lex)
while self.lexemes.size() < ( + 1):
self.lexemes[] = lex
lex[0].id = 1
return lex
def __getitem__(self, id_or_string):
'''Retrieve a lexeme, given an int ID or a unicode string. If a previously
unseen unicode string is given, a new Lexeme is created and stored.
This function relies on Cython's struct-to-dict conversion. Python clients
receive a dict keyed by strings (byte or unicode, depending on Python 2/3),
with int values. Cython clients can instead receive a Lexeme struct value.
More efficient Cython access is provided by Lexicon.get, which returns
a Lexeme*.
id_or_string (int or unicode): The integer ID of a word, or its unicode
string. If an int >= Lexicon.size, IndexError is raised.
If id_or_string is neither an int nor a unicode string, ValueError
is raised.
lexeme (dict): A Lexeme struct instance, which Cython translates into
a dict if the operator is called from Python.
if type(id_or_string) == int:
if id_or_string >= self.lexemes.size():
raise IndexError
cdef UniStr string
slice_unicode(&string, id_or_string, 0, len(id_or_string))
cdef const Lexeme* lexeme = self.get(self.mem, &string)
return lexeme[0]
def __setitem__(self, unicode uni_string, dict props):
cdef UniStr s
slice_unicode(&s, uni_string, 0, len(uni_string))
# Cast through the const here, since we're allowed to change our own
# Lexemes.
lex = <Lexeme*><void*>self.get(self.mem, &s)
lex[0] = lexeme_init(, s.chars[:s.n], s.key, self.strings, props)
def dump(self, loc):
if path.exists(loc):
assert not path.isdir(loc)
cdef bytes bytes_loc = loc.encode('utf8') if type(loc) == unicode else loc
cdef FILE* fp = fopen(<char*>bytes_loc, 'wb')
assert fp != NULL
cdef size_t st
cdef hash_t key
for i in range(self._map.length):
key = self._map.c_map.cells[i].key
if key == 0:
lexeme = <Lexeme*>self._map.c_map.cells[i].value
st = fwrite(&key, sizeof(key), 1, fp)
assert st == 1
st = fwrite(lexeme, sizeof(Lexeme), 1, fp)
assert st == 1
st = fclose(fp)
assert st == 0
def load(self, loc):
if not path.exists(loc):
raise IOError('Lexemes file not found at %s' % loc)
cdef bytes bytes_loc = loc.encode('utf8') if type(loc) == unicode else loc
cdef FILE* fp = fopen(<char*>bytes_loc, 'rb')
assert fp != NULL
cdef size_t st
cdef Lexeme* lexeme
cdef hash_t key
i = 0
while True:
st = fread(&key, sizeof(key), 1, fp)
if st != 1:
lexeme = <Lexeme*>self.mem.alloc(sizeof(Lexeme), 1)
st = fread(lexeme, sizeof(Lexeme), 1, fp)
if st != 1:
self._map.set(key, lexeme)
while self.lexemes.size() < ( + 1):
self.lexemes[] = lexeme
i += 1