2020-09-26 13:13:57 +02:00

429 lines
16 KiB

import pytest
from click import NoSuchOption
from import docs_to_json, offsets_to_biluo_tags
from import iob_to_docs, conll_ner_to_docs, conllu_to_docs
from spacy.schemas import ProjectConfigSchema, RecommendationSchema, validate
from spacy.cli.init_config import init_config, RECOMMENDATIONS
from spacy.cli._util import validate_project_commands, parse_config_overrides
from spacy.cli._util import load_project_config, substitute_project_variables
from spacy.cli._util import string_to_list, OVERRIDES_ENV_VAR
from spacy.cli.debug_config import check_section_refs
from thinc.api import ConfigValidationError, Config
import srsly
import os
from .util import make_tempdir
def test_cli_converters_conllu_to_docs():
# from NorNE:
lines = [
input_data = "\n".join(lines)
converted_docs = conllu_to_docs(input_data, n_sents=1)
assert len(converted_docs) == 1
converted = [docs_to_json(converted_docs)]
assert converted[0]["id"] == 0
assert len(converted[0]["paragraphs"]) == 1
assert len(converted[0]["paragraphs"][0]["sentences"]) == 1
sent = converted[0]["paragraphs"][0]["sentences"][0]
assert len(sent["tokens"]) == 4
tokens = sent["tokens"]
assert [t["orth"] for t in tokens] == ["Dommer", "Finn", "Eilertsen", "avstår"]
assert [t["tag"] for t in tokens] == ["NOUN", "PROPN", "PROPN", "VERB"]
assert [t["head"] for t in tokens] == [1, 2, -1, 0]
assert [t["dep"] for t in tokens] == ["appos", "nsubj", "name", "ROOT"]
ent_offsets = [
(e[0], e[1], e[2]) for e in converted[0]["paragraphs"][0]["entities"]
biluo_tags = offsets_to_biluo_tags(converted_docs[0], ent_offsets, missing="O")
assert biluo_tags == ["O", "B-PER", "L-PER", "O"]
def test_cli_converters_conllu_to_docs_name_ner_map(lines):
input_data = "\n".join(lines)
converted_docs = conllu_to_docs(
input_data, n_sents=1, ner_map={"PER": "PERSON", "BAD": ""}
assert len(converted_docs) == 1
converted = [docs_to_json(converted_docs)]
assert converted[0]["id"] == 0
assert len(converted[0]["paragraphs"]) == 1
assert converted[0]["paragraphs"][0]["raw"] == "Dommer FinnEilertsen avstår. "
assert len(converted[0]["paragraphs"][0]["sentences"]) == 1
sent = converted[0]["paragraphs"][0]["sentences"][0]
assert len(sent["tokens"]) == 5
tokens = sent["tokens"]
assert [t["orth"] for t in tokens] == ["Dommer", "Finn", "Eilertsen", "avstår", "."]
assert [t["tag"] for t in tokens] == ["NOUN", "PROPN", "PROPN", "VERB", "PUNCT"]
assert [t["head"] for t in tokens] == [1, 2, -1, 0, -1]
assert [t["dep"] for t in tokens] == ["appos", "nsubj", "name", "ROOT", "punct"]
ent_offsets = [
(e[0], e[1], e[2]) for e in converted[0]["paragraphs"][0]["entities"]
biluo_tags = offsets_to_biluo_tags(converted_docs[0], ent_offsets, missing="O")
assert biluo_tags == ["O", "B-PERSON", "L-PERSON", "O", "O"]
def test_cli_converters_conllu_to_docs_subtokens():
lines = [
input_data = "\n".join(lines)
converted_docs = conllu_to_docs(
input_data, n_sents=1, merge_subtokens=True, append_morphology=True
assert len(converted_docs) == 1
converted = [docs_to_json(converted_docs)]
assert converted[0]["id"] == 0
assert len(converted[0]["paragraphs"]) == 1
assert converted[0]["paragraphs"][0]["raw"] == "Dommer FE avstår. "
assert len(converted[0]["paragraphs"][0]["sentences"]) == 1
sent = converted[0]["paragraphs"][0]["sentences"][0]
assert len(sent["tokens"]) == 4
tokens = sent["tokens"]
assert [t["orth"] for t in tokens] == ["Dommer", "FE", "avstår", "."]
assert [t["tag"] for t in tokens] == [
assert [t["pos"] for t in tokens] == ["NOUN", "PROPN", "VERB", "PUNCT"]
assert [t["morph"] for t in tokens] == [
assert [t["lemma"] for t in tokens] == ["dommer", "Finn Eilertsen", "avstå", "$."]
assert [t["head"] for t in tokens] == [1, 1, 0, -1]
assert [t["dep"] for t in tokens] == ["appos", "nsubj", "ROOT", "punct"]
ent_offsets = [
(e[0], e[1], e[2]) for e in converted[0]["paragraphs"][0]["entities"]
biluo_tags = offsets_to_biluo_tags(converted_docs[0], ent_offsets, missing="O")
assert biluo_tags == ["O", "U-PER", "O", "O"]
def test_cli_converters_iob_to_docs():
lines = [
"I|O like|O London|I-GPE and|O New|B-GPE York|I-GPE City|I-GPE .|O",
"I|O like|O London|B-GPE and|O New|B-GPE York|I-GPE City|I-GPE .|O",
"I|PRP|O like|VBP|O London|NNP|I-GPE and|CC|O New|NNP|B-GPE York|NNP|I-GPE City|NNP|I-GPE .|.|O",
"I|PRP|O like|VBP|O London|NNP|B-GPE and|CC|O New|NNP|B-GPE York|NNP|I-GPE City|NNP|I-GPE .|.|O",
input_data = "\n".join(lines)
converted_docs = iob_to_docs(input_data, n_sents=10)
assert len(converted_docs) == 1
converted = docs_to_json(converted_docs)
assert converted["id"] == 0
assert len(converted["paragraphs"]) == 1
assert len(converted["paragraphs"][0]["sentences"]) == 4
for i in range(0, 4):
sent = converted["paragraphs"][0]["sentences"][i]
assert len(sent["tokens"]) == 8
tokens = sent["tokens"]
expected = ["I", "like", "London", "and", "New", "York", "City", "."]
assert [t["orth"] for t in tokens] == expected
assert len(converted_docs[0].ents) == 8
for ent in converted_docs[0].ents:
assert ent.text in ["New York City", "London"]
def test_cli_converters_conll_ner_to_docs():
lines = [
"I O",
"like O",
"London B-GPE",
"and O",
"New B-GPE",
"York I-GPE",
"City I-GPE",
". O",
"I PRP O",
"like VBP O",
"London NNP B-GPE",
"and CC O",
"New NNP B-GPE",
"York NNP I-GPE",
"City NNP I-GPE",
". . O",
"I PRP _ O",
"like VBP _ O",
"London NNP _ B-GPE",
"and CC _ O",
"New NNP _ B-GPE",
"York NNP _ I-GPE",
"City NNP _ I-GPE",
". . _ O",
input_data = "\n".join(lines)
converted_docs = conll_ner_to_docs(input_data, n_sents=10)
assert len(converted_docs) == 1
converted = docs_to_json(converted_docs)
assert converted["id"] == 0
assert len(converted["paragraphs"]) == 1
assert len(converted["paragraphs"][0]["sentences"]) == 5
for i in range(0, 5):
sent = converted["paragraphs"][0]["sentences"][i]
assert len(sent["tokens"]) == 8
tokens = sent["tokens"]
# fmt: off
assert [t["orth"] for t in tokens] == ["I", "like", "London", "and", "New", "York", "City", "."]
# fmt: on
assert len(converted_docs[0].ents) == 10
for ent in converted_docs[0].ents:
assert ent.text in ["New York City", "London"]
def test_project_config_validation_full():
config = {
"vars": {"some_var": 20},
"directories": ["assets", "configs", "corpus", "scripts", "training"],
"assets": [
"dest": "x",
"url": "",
"checksum": "63373dd656daa1fd3043ce166a59474c",
"dest": "y",
"git": {
"repo": "",
"branch": "develop",
"path": "y",
"commands": [
"name": "train",
"help": "Train a model",
"script": ["python -m spacy train config.cfg -o training"],
"deps": ["config.cfg", "corpus/training.spcy"],
"outputs": ["training/model-best"],
{"name": "test", "script": ["pytest", ""], "no_skip": True},
"workflows": {"all": ["train", "test"], "train": ["train"]},
errors = validate(ProjectConfigSchema, config)
assert not errors
{"commands": [{"name": "a"}, {"name": "a"}]},
{"commands": [{"name": "a"}], "workflows": {"a": []}},
{"commands": [{"name": "a"}], "workflows": {"b": ["c"]}},
def test_project_config_validation1(config):
with pytest.raises(SystemExit):
({"commands": {"a": []}}, 1),
({"commands": [{"help": "..."}]}, 1),
({"commands": [{"name": "a", "extra": "b"}]}, 1),
({"commands": [{"extra": "b"}]}, 2),
({"commands": [{"name": "a", "deps": [123]}]}, 1),
def test_project_config_validation2(config, n_errors):
errors = validate(ProjectConfigSchema, config)
assert len(errors) == n_errors
def test_project_config_interpolation():
variables = {"a": 10, "b": {"c": "foo", "d": True}}
commands = [
{"name": "x", "script": ["hello ${vars.a} ${vars.b.c}"]},
{"name": "y", "script": ["${vars.b.c} ${vars.b.d}"]},
project = {"commands": commands, "vars": variables}
with make_tempdir() as d:
srsly.write_yaml(d / "project.yml", project)
cfg = load_project_config(d)
assert cfg["commands"][0]["script"][0] == "hello 10 foo"
assert cfg["commands"][1]["script"][0] == "foo true"
commands = [{"name": "x", "script": ["hello ${vars.a} ${vars.b.e}"]}]
project = {"commands": commands, "vars": variables}
with pytest.raises(ConfigValidationError):
# fmt: off
(["", "10"], {"": 10}),
([""], {"": 10}),
(["", "bar"], {"": "bar"}),
([""], {"": "bar"}),
(["", "", "baz"], {"": True, "": "baz"}),
(["", ""], {"": True, "": "baz"}),
(["", "10.1", "", "--x.baz", "false"], {"": 10.1, "": True, "x.baz": False}),
(["", "10.1", "", "--x.baz=false"], {"": 10.1, "": True, "x.baz": False})
# fmt: on
def test_parse_config_overrides(args, expected):
assert parse_config_overrides(args) == expected
@pytest.mark.parametrize("args", [["--foo"], ["", "bar", "--baz"]])
def test_parse_config_overrides_invalid(args):
with pytest.raises(NoSuchOption):
@pytest.mark.parametrize("args", [["", "bar", "baz"], [""]])
def test_parse_config_overrides_invalid_2(args):
with pytest.raises(SystemExit):
def test_parse_cli_overrides():
os.environ[OVERRIDES_ENV_VAR] = " bar --x.baz false"
result = parse_config_overrides([])
assert len(result) == 4
assert result[""] == "bar"
assert result[""] == 12
assert result["x.baz"] is False
assert result[""] == "hello"
os.environ[OVERRIDES_ENV_VAR] = "--x"
assert parse_config_overrides([], env_var=None) == {}
with pytest.raises(SystemExit):
os.environ[OVERRIDES_ENV_VAR] = "hello world"
with pytest.raises(SystemExit):
del os.environ[OVERRIDES_ENV_VAR]
@pytest.mark.parametrize("lang", ["en", "nl"])
"pipeline", [["tagger", "parser", "ner"], [], ["ner", "textcat", "sentencizer"]]
@pytest.mark.parametrize("optimize", ["efficiency", "accuracy"])
def test_init_config(lang, pipeline, optimize):
# TODO: add more tests and also check for GPU with transformers
init_config("-", lang=lang, pipeline=pipeline, optimize=optimize, cpu=True)
def test_model_recommendations():
for lang, data in RECOMMENDATIONS.items():
assert RecommendationSchema(**data)
# fmt: off
" parser, textcat ,tagger ",
' parser, textcat ,tagger ',
' "parser"," textcat " ,"tagger "',
" 'parser',' textcat ' ,'tagger '",
'[" parser" ,"textcat ", " tagger " ]',
"[ parser, textcat , tagger]",
"[' parser' , 'textcat', ' tagger ' ]",
# fmt: on
def test_string_to_list(value):
assert string_to_list(value, intify=False) == ["parser", "textcat", "tagger"]
# fmt: off
'[" 1" ,"2 ", " 3 " ]',
"[' 1' , '2', ' 3 ' ]",
# fmt: on
def test_string_to_list_intify(value):
assert string_to_list(value, intify=False) == ["1", "2", "3"]
assert string_to_list(value, intify=True) == [1, 2, 3]
def test_check_section_refs():
config = {"a": {"b": {"c": "a.d.e"}, "d": {"e": 1}}, "f": {"g": "d.f"}}
config = Config(config)
# Valid section reference
check_section_refs(config, ["a.b.c"])
# Section that doesn't exist in this config
check_section_refs(config, ["x.y.z"])
# Invalid section reference
with pytest.raises(ConfigValidationError):
check_section_refs(config, ["a.b.c", "f.g"])