mirror of
synced 2024-11-14 13:47:13 +03:00
* fix type annotation in docs * only restore entities after loss calculation * restore entities of sample in initialization * rename overfitting function * fix EL scorer * Relax test * fix formatting * Update spacy/pipeline/entity_linker.py Co-authored-by: Raphael Mitsch <r.mitsch@outlook.com> * rename to _ensure_ents * further rename * allow for scorer to be None --------- Co-authored-by: Raphael Mitsch <r.mitsch@outlook.com>
1313 lines
48 KiB
1313 lines
48 KiB
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, Tuple
import pytest
from numpy.testing import assert_equal
from spacy import Language, registry, util
from spacy.attrs import ENT_KB_ID
from spacy.compat import pickle
from spacy.kb import Candidate, InMemoryLookupKB, KnowledgeBase, get_candidates
from spacy.lang.en import English
from spacy.ml import load_kb
from spacy.ml.models.entity_linker import build_span_maker
from spacy.pipeline import EntityLinker
from spacy.pipeline.legacy import EntityLinker_v1
from spacy.pipeline.tok2vec import DEFAULT_TOK2VEC_MODEL
from spacy.scorer import Scorer
from spacy.tests.util import make_tempdir
from spacy.tokens import Doc, Span
from spacy.training import Example
from spacy.util import ensure_path
from spacy.vocab import Vocab
def nlp():
return English()
def assert_almost_equal(a, b):
delta = 0.0001
assert a - delta <= b <= a + delta
def test_issue4674():
"""Test that setting entities with overlapping identifiers does not mess up IO"""
nlp = English()
kb = InMemoryLookupKB(nlp.vocab, entity_vector_length=3)
vector1 = [0.9, 1.1, 1.01]
vector2 = [1.8, 2.25, 2.01]
with pytest.warns(UserWarning):
entity_list=["Q1", "Q1"],
freq_list=[32, 111],
vector_list=[vector1, vector2],
assert kb.get_size_entities() == 1
# dumping to file & loading back in
with make_tempdir() as d:
dir_path = ensure_path(d)
if not dir_path.exists():
file_path = dir_path / "kb"
kb2 = InMemoryLookupKB(nlp.vocab, entity_vector_length=3)
assert kb2.get_size_entities() == 1
def test_issue6730(en_vocab):
"""Ensure that the KB does not accept empty strings, but otherwise IO works fine."""
from spacy.kb.kb_in_memory import InMemoryLookupKB
kb = InMemoryLookupKB(en_vocab, entity_vector_length=3)
kb.add_entity(entity="1", freq=148, entity_vector=[1, 2, 3])
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
kb.add_alias(alias="", entities=["1"], probabilities=[0.4])
assert kb.contains_alias("") is False
kb.add_alias(alias="x", entities=["1"], probabilities=[0.2])
kb.add_alias(alias="y", entities=["1"], probabilities=[0.1])
with make_tempdir() as tmp_dir:
assert kb.get_size_aliases() == 2
assert set(kb.get_alias_strings()) == {"x", "y"}
def test_issue7065():
text = "Kathleen Battle sang in Mahler 's Symphony No. 8 at the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra 's May Festival."
nlp = English()
ruler = nlp.add_pipe("entity_ruler")
patterns = [
"label": "THING",
"pattern": [
{"LOWER": "symphony"},
{"LOWER": "no"},
{"LOWER": "."},
{"LOWER": "8"},
doc = nlp(text)
sentences = [s for s in doc.sents]
assert len(sentences) == 2
sent0 = sentences[0]
ent = doc.ents[0]
assert ent.start < sent0.end < ent.end
assert sentences.index(ent.sent) == 0
@pytest.mark.parametrize("entity_in_first_sentence", [True, False])
def test_sentence_crossing_ents(entity_in_first_sentence: bool):
"""Tests if NEL crashes if entities cross sentence boundaries and the first associated sentence doesn't have an
entity_in_prior_sentence (bool): Whether to include an entity in the first sentence associated with the
sentence-crossing entity.
# Test that the NEL doesn't crash when an entity crosses a sentence boundary
nlp = English()
vector_length = 3
text = "Mahler 's Symphony No. 8 was beautiful."
entities = [(10, 24, "WORK")]
links = {(10, 24): {"Q7304": 0.0, "Q270853": 1.0}}
if entity_in_first_sentence:
entities.append((0, 6, "PERSON"))
links[(0, 6)] = {"Q7304": 1.0, "Q270853": 0.0}
sent_starts = [1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0]
doc = nlp(text)
example = Example.from_dict(
doc, {"entities": entities, "links": links, "sent_starts": sent_starts}
train_examples = [example]
def create_kb(vocab):
# create artificial KB
mykb = InMemoryLookupKB(vocab, entity_vector_length=vector_length)
mykb.add_entity(entity="Q270853", freq=12, entity_vector=[9, 1, -7])
alias="No. 8",
mykb.add_entity(entity="Q7304", freq=12, entity_vector=[6, -4, 3])
return mykb
# Create the Entity Linker component and add it to the pipeline
entity_linker = nlp.add_pipe("entity_linker", last=True)
entity_linker.set_kb(create_kb) # type: ignore
# train the NEL pipe
optimizer = nlp.initialize(get_examples=lambda: train_examples)
for i in range(2):
nlp.update(train_examples, sgd=optimizer)
# This shouldn't crash.
entity_linker.predict([example.reference]) # type: ignore
def test_no_entities():
# Test that having no entities doesn't crash the model
"The sky is blue.",
"sent_starts": [1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
nlp = English()
vector_length = 3
train_examples = []
for text, annotation in TRAIN_DATA:
doc = nlp(text)
train_examples.append(Example.from_dict(doc, annotation))
def create_kb(vocab):
# create artificial KB
mykb = InMemoryLookupKB(vocab, entity_vector_length=vector_length)
mykb.add_entity(entity="Q2146908", freq=12, entity_vector=[6, -4, 3])
mykb.add_alias("Russ Cochran", ["Q2146908"], [0.9])
return mykb
# Create and train the Entity Linker
entity_linker = nlp.add_pipe("entity_linker", last=True)
optimizer = nlp.initialize(get_examples=lambda: train_examples)
for i in range(2):
losses = {}
nlp.update(train_examples, sgd=optimizer, losses=losses)
# adding additional components that are required for the entity_linker
nlp.add_pipe("sentencizer", first=True)
# this will run the pipeline on the examples and shouldn't crash
def test_partial_links():
# Test that having some entities on the doc without gold links, doesn't crash
"Russ Cochran his reprints include EC Comics.",
"links": {(0, 12): {"Q2146908": 1.0}},
"entities": [(0, 12, "PERSON")],
"sent_starts": [1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
nlp = English()
vector_length = 3
train_examples = []
for text, annotation in TRAIN_DATA:
doc = nlp(text)
train_examples.append(Example.from_dict(doc, annotation))
def create_kb(vocab):
# create artificial KB
mykb = InMemoryLookupKB(vocab, entity_vector_length=vector_length)
mykb.add_entity(entity="Q2146908", freq=12, entity_vector=[6, -4, 3])
mykb.add_alias("Russ Cochran", ["Q2146908"], [0.9])
return mykb
# Create and train the Entity Linker
entity_linker = nlp.add_pipe("entity_linker", last=True)
optimizer = nlp.initialize(get_examples=lambda: train_examples)
for i in range(2):
losses = {}
nlp.update(train_examples, sgd=optimizer, losses=losses)
# adding additional components that are required for the entity_linker
nlp.add_pipe("sentencizer", first=True)
patterns = [
{"label": "PERSON", "pattern": [{"LOWER": "russ"}, {"LOWER": "cochran"}]},
{"label": "ORG", "pattern": [{"LOWER": "ec"}, {"LOWER": "comics"}]},
ruler = nlp.add_pipe("entity_ruler", before="entity_linker")
# this will run the pipeline on the examples and shouldn't crash
results = nlp.evaluate(train_examples)
assert "PERSON" in results["ents_per_type"]
assert "PERSON" in results["nel_f_per_type"]
assert "ORG" in results["ents_per_type"]
assert "ORG" not in results["nel_f_per_type"]
def test_kb_valid_entities(nlp):
"""Test the valid construction of a KB with 3 entities and two aliases"""
mykb = InMemoryLookupKB(nlp.vocab, entity_vector_length=3)
# adding entities
mykb.add_entity(entity="Q1", freq=19, entity_vector=[8, 4, 3])
mykb.add_entity(entity="Q2", freq=5, entity_vector=[2, 1, 0])
mykb.add_entity(entity="Q3", freq=25, entity_vector=[-1, -6, 5])
# adding aliases
mykb.add_alias(alias="douglas", entities=["Q2", "Q3"], probabilities=[0.8, 0.2])
mykb.add_alias(alias="adam", entities=["Q2"], probabilities=[0.9])
# test the size of the corresponding KB
assert mykb.get_size_entities() == 3
assert mykb.get_size_aliases() == 2
# test retrieval of the entity vectors
assert mykb.get_vector("Q1") == [8, 4, 3]
assert mykb.get_vector("Q2") == [2, 1, 0]
assert mykb.get_vector("Q3") == [-1, -6, 5]
# test retrieval of prior probabilities
assert_almost_equal(mykb.get_prior_prob(entity="Q2", alias="douglas"), 0.8)
assert_almost_equal(mykb.get_prior_prob(entity="Q3", alias="douglas"), 0.2)
assert_almost_equal(mykb.get_prior_prob(entity="Q342", alias="douglas"), 0.0)
assert_almost_equal(mykb.get_prior_prob(entity="Q3", alias="douglassssss"), 0.0)
def test_kb_invalid_entities(nlp):
"""Test the invalid construction of a KB with an alias linked to a non-existing entity"""
mykb = InMemoryLookupKB(nlp.vocab, entity_vector_length=1)
# adding entities
mykb.add_entity(entity="Q1", freq=19, entity_vector=[1])
mykb.add_entity(entity="Q2", freq=5, entity_vector=[2])
mykb.add_entity(entity="Q3", freq=25, entity_vector=[3])
# adding aliases - should fail because one of the given IDs is not valid
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
alias="douglas", entities=["Q2", "Q342"], probabilities=[0.8, 0.2]
def test_kb_invalid_probabilities(nlp):
"""Test the invalid construction of a KB with wrong prior probabilities"""
mykb = InMemoryLookupKB(nlp.vocab, entity_vector_length=1)
# adding entities
mykb.add_entity(entity="Q1", freq=19, entity_vector=[1])
mykb.add_entity(entity="Q2", freq=5, entity_vector=[2])
mykb.add_entity(entity="Q3", freq=25, entity_vector=[3])
# adding aliases - should fail because the sum of the probabilities exceeds 1
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
mykb.add_alias(alias="douglas", entities=["Q2", "Q3"], probabilities=[0.8, 0.4])
def test_kb_invalid_combination(nlp):
"""Test the invalid construction of a KB with non-matching entity and probability lists"""
mykb = InMemoryLookupKB(nlp.vocab, entity_vector_length=1)
# adding entities
mykb.add_entity(entity="Q1", freq=19, entity_vector=[1])
mykb.add_entity(entity="Q2", freq=5, entity_vector=[2])
mykb.add_entity(entity="Q3", freq=25, entity_vector=[3])
# adding aliases - should fail because the entities and probabilities vectors are not of equal length
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
alias="douglas", entities=["Q2", "Q3"], probabilities=[0.3, 0.4, 0.1]
def test_kb_invalid_entity_vector(nlp):
"""Test the invalid construction of a KB with non-matching entity vector lengths"""
mykb = InMemoryLookupKB(nlp.vocab, entity_vector_length=3)
# adding entities
mykb.add_entity(entity="Q1", freq=19, entity_vector=[1, 2, 3])
# this should fail because the kb's expected entity vector length is 3
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
mykb.add_entity(entity="Q2", freq=5, entity_vector=[2])
def test_kb_default(nlp):
"""Test that the default (empty) KB is loaded upon construction"""
entity_linker = nlp.add_pipe("entity_linker", config={})
assert len(entity_linker.kb) == 0
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="E139"):
# this raises an error because the KB is empty
assert entity_linker.kb.get_size_entities() == 0
assert entity_linker.kb.get_size_aliases() == 0
# 64 is the default value from pipeline.entity_linker
assert entity_linker.kb.entity_vector_length == 64
def test_kb_custom_length(nlp):
"""Test that the default (empty) KB can be configured with a custom entity length"""
entity_linker = nlp.add_pipe("entity_linker", config={"entity_vector_length": 35})
assert len(entity_linker.kb) == 0
assert entity_linker.kb.get_size_entities() == 0
assert entity_linker.kb.get_size_aliases() == 0
assert entity_linker.kb.entity_vector_length == 35
def test_kb_initialize_empty(nlp):
"""Test that the EL can't initialize without examples"""
entity_linker = nlp.add_pipe("entity_linker")
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
entity_linker.initialize(lambda: [])
def test_kb_serialize(nlp):
"""Test serialization of the KB"""
mykb = InMemoryLookupKB(nlp.vocab, entity_vector_length=1)
with make_tempdir() as d:
# normal read-write behaviour
mykb.to_disk(d / "kb")
mykb.from_disk(d / "kb")
mykb.to_disk(d / "new" / "kb")
mykb.from_disk(d / "new" / "kb")
# allow overwriting an existing file
mykb.to_disk(d / "kb")
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
# can not read from an unknown file
mykb.from_disk(d / "unknown" / "kb")
def test_kb_serialize_2(nlp):
v = [5, 6, 7, 8]
kb1 = InMemoryLookupKB(vocab=nlp.vocab, entity_vector_length=4)
kb1.set_entities(["E1"], [1], [v])
assert kb1.get_vector("E1") == v
with make_tempdir() as d:
kb1.to_disk(d / "kb")
kb2 = InMemoryLookupKB(vocab=nlp.vocab, entity_vector_length=4)
kb2.from_disk(d / "kb")
assert kb2.get_vector("E1") == v
def test_kb_set_entities(nlp):
"""Test that set_entities entirely overwrites the previous set of entities"""
v = [5, 6, 7, 8]
v1 = [1, 1, 1, 0]
v2 = [2, 2, 2, 3]
kb1 = InMemoryLookupKB(vocab=nlp.vocab, entity_vector_length=4)
kb1.set_entities(["E0"], [1], [v])
assert kb1.get_entity_strings() == ["E0"]
kb1.set_entities(["E1", "E2"], [1, 9], [v1, v2])
assert set(kb1.get_entity_strings()) == {"E1", "E2"}
assert kb1.get_vector("E1") == v1
assert kb1.get_vector("E2") == v2
with make_tempdir() as d:
kb1.to_disk(d / "kb")
kb2 = InMemoryLookupKB(vocab=nlp.vocab, entity_vector_length=4)
kb2.from_disk(d / "kb")
assert set(kb2.get_entity_strings()) == {"E1", "E2"}
assert kb2.get_vector("E1") == v1
assert kb2.get_vector("E2") == v2
def test_kb_serialize_vocab(nlp):
"""Test serialization of the KB and custom strings"""
entity = "MyFunnyID"
assert entity not in nlp.vocab.strings
mykb = InMemoryLookupKB(nlp.vocab, entity_vector_length=1)
assert not mykb.contains_entity(entity)
mykb.add_entity(entity, freq=342, entity_vector=[3])
assert mykb.contains_entity(entity)
assert entity in mykb.vocab.strings
with make_tempdir() as d:
# normal read-write behaviour
mykb.to_disk(d / "kb")
mykb_new = InMemoryLookupKB(Vocab(), entity_vector_length=1)
mykb_new.from_disk(d / "kb")
assert entity in mykb_new.vocab.strings
def test_candidate_generation(nlp):
"""Test correct candidate generation"""
mykb = InMemoryLookupKB(nlp.vocab, entity_vector_length=1)
doc = nlp("douglas adam Adam shrubbery")
douglas_ent = doc[0:1]
adam_ent = doc[1:2]
Adam_ent = doc[2:3]
shrubbery_ent = doc[3:4]
# adding entities
mykb.add_entity(entity="Q1", freq=27, entity_vector=[1])
mykb.add_entity(entity="Q2", freq=12, entity_vector=[2])
mykb.add_entity(entity="Q3", freq=5, entity_vector=[3])
# adding aliases
mykb.add_alias(alias="douglas", entities=["Q2", "Q3"], probabilities=[0.8, 0.1])
mykb.add_alias(alias="adam", entities=["Q2"], probabilities=[0.9])
# test the size of the relevant candidates
assert len(get_candidates(mykb, douglas_ent)) == 2
assert len(get_candidates(mykb, adam_ent)) == 1
assert len(get_candidates(mykb, Adam_ent)) == 0 # default case sensitive
assert len(get_candidates(mykb, shrubbery_ent)) == 0
# test the content of the candidates
assert get_candidates(mykb, adam_ent)[0].entity_ == "Q2"
assert get_candidates(mykb, adam_ent)[0].alias_ == "adam"
assert_almost_equal(get_candidates(mykb, adam_ent)[0].entity_freq, 12)
assert_almost_equal(get_candidates(mykb, adam_ent)[0].prior_prob, 0.9)
def test_el_pipe_configuration(nlp):
"""Test correct candidate generation as part of the EL pipe"""
pattern = {"label": "PERSON", "pattern": [{"LOWER": "douglas"}]}
ruler = nlp.add_pipe("entity_ruler")
def create_kb(vocab):
kb = InMemoryLookupKB(vocab, entity_vector_length=1)
kb.add_entity(entity="Q2", freq=12, entity_vector=[2])
kb.add_entity(entity="Q3", freq=5, entity_vector=[3])
kb.add_alias(alias="douglas", entities=["Q2", "Q3"], probabilities=[0.8, 0.1])
return kb
# run an EL pipe without a trained context encoder, to check the candidate generation step only
entity_linker = nlp.add_pipe("entity_linker", config={"incl_context": False})
# With the default get_candidates function, matching is case-sensitive
text = "Douglas and douglas are not the same."
doc = nlp(text)
assert doc[0].ent_kb_id_ == "NIL"
assert doc[1].ent_kb_id_ == ""
assert doc[2].ent_kb_id_ == "Q2"
def get_lowercased_candidates(kb, span):
return kb.get_alias_candidates(span.text.lower())
def get_lowercased_candidates_batch(kb, spans):
return [get_lowercased_candidates(kb, span) for span in spans]
def create_candidates() -> Callable[
[InMemoryLookupKB, "Span"], Iterable[Candidate]
return get_lowercased_candidates
def create_candidates_batch() -> Callable[
[InMemoryLookupKB, Iterable["Span"]], Iterable[Iterable[Candidate]]
return get_lowercased_candidates_batch
# replace the pipe with a new one with with a different candidate generator
entity_linker = nlp.replace_pipe(
"incl_context": False,
"get_candidates": {"@misc": "spacy.LowercaseCandidateGenerator.v1"},
"get_candidates_batch": {
"@misc": "spacy.LowercaseCandidateBatchGenerator.v1"
doc = nlp(text)
assert doc[0].ent_kb_id_ == "Q2"
assert doc[1].ent_kb_id_ == ""
assert doc[2].ent_kb_id_ == "Q2"
def test_nel_nsents(nlp):
"""Test that n_sents can be set through the configuration"""
entity_linker = nlp.add_pipe("entity_linker", config={})
assert entity_linker.n_sents == 0
entity_linker = nlp.replace_pipe(
"entity_linker", "entity_linker", config={"n_sents": 2}
assert entity_linker.n_sents == 2
def test_vocab_serialization(nlp):
"""Test that string information is retained across storage"""
mykb = InMemoryLookupKB(nlp.vocab, entity_vector_length=1)
# adding entities
mykb.add_entity(entity="Q1", freq=27, entity_vector=[1])
q2_hash = mykb.add_entity(entity="Q2", freq=12, entity_vector=[2])
mykb.add_entity(entity="Q3", freq=5, entity_vector=[3])
# adding aliases
mykb.add_alias(alias="douglas", entities=["Q2", "Q3"], probabilities=[0.4, 0.1])
adam_hash = mykb.add_alias(alias="adam", entities=["Q2"], probabilities=[0.9])
candidates = mykb.get_alias_candidates("adam")
assert len(candidates) == 1
assert candidates[0].entity == q2_hash
assert candidates[0].entity_ == "Q2"
assert candidates[0].alias == adam_hash
assert candidates[0].alias_ == "adam"
with make_tempdir() as d:
mykb.to_disk(d / "kb")
kb_new_vocab = InMemoryLookupKB(Vocab(), entity_vector_length=1)
kb_new_vocab.from_disk(d / "kb")
candidates = kb_new_vocab.get_alias_candidates("adam")
assert len(candidates) == 1
assert candidates[0].entity == q2_hash
assert candidates[0].entity_ == "Q2"
assert candidates[0].alias == adam_hash
assert candidates[0].alias_ == "adam"
assert kb_new_vocab.get_vector("Q2") == [2]
assert_almost_equal(kb_new_vocab.get_prior_prob("Q2", "douglas"), 0.4)
def test_append_alias(nlp):
"""Test that we can append additional alias-entity pairs"""
mykb = InMemoryLookupKB(nlp.vocab, entity_vector_length=1)
# adding entities
mykb.add_entity(entity="Q1", freq=27, entity_vector=[1])
mykb.add_entity(entity="Q2", freq=12, entity_vector=[2])
mykb.add_entity(entity="Q3", freq=5, entity_vector=[3])
# adding aliases
mykb.add_alias(alias="douglas", entities=["Q2", "Q3"], probabilities=[0.4, 0.1])
mykb.add_alias(alias="adam", entities=["Q2"], probabilities=[0.9])
# test the size of the relevant candidates
assert len(mykb.get_alias_candidates("douglas")) == 2
# append an alias
mykb.append_alias(alias="douglas", entity="Q1", prior_prob=0.2)
# test the size of the relevant candidates has been incremented
assert len(mykb.get_alias_candidates("douglas")) == 3
# append the same alias-entity pair again should not work (will throw a warning)
with pytest.warns(UserWarning):
mykb.append_alias(alias="douglas", entity="Q1", prior_prob=0.3)
# test the size of the relevant candidates remained unchanged
assert len(mykb.get_alias_candidates("douglas")) == 3
def test_append_invalid_alias(nlp):
"""Test that append an alias will throw an error if prior probs are exceeding 1"""
mykb = InMemoryLookupKB(nlp.vocab, entity_vector_length=1)
# adding entities
mykb.add_entity(entity="Q1", freq=27, entity_vector=[1])
mykb.add_entity(entity="Q2", freq=12, entity_vector=[2])
mykb.add_entity(entity="Q3", freq=5, entity_vector=[3])
# adding aliases
mykb.add_alias(alias="douglas", entities=["Q2", "Q3"], probabilities=[0.8, 0.1])
mykb.add_alias(alias="adam", entities=["Q2"], probabilities=[0.9])
# append an alias - should fail because the entities and probabilities vectors are not of equal length
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
mykb.append_alias(alias="douglas", entity="Q1", prior_prob=0.2)
def test_preserving_links_asdoc(nlp):
"""Test that Span.as_doc preserves the existing entity links"""
vector_length = 1
def create_kb(vocab):
mykb = InMemoryLookupKB(vocab, entity_vector_length=vector_length)
# adding entities
mykb.add_entity(entity="Q1", freq=19, entity_vector=[1])
mykb.add_entity(entity="Q2", freq=8, entity_vector=[1])
# adding aliases
mykb.add_alias(alias="Boston", entities=["Q1"], probabilities=[0.7])
mykb.add_alias(alias="Denver", entities=["Q2"], probabilities=[0.6])
return mykb
# set up pipeline with NER (Entity Ruler) and NEL (prior probability only, model not trained)
patterns = [
{"label": "GPE", "pattern": "Boston"},
{"label": "GPE", "pattern": "Denver"},
ruler = nlp.add_pipe("entity_ruler")
config = {"incl_prior": False}
entity_linker = nlp.add_pipe("entity_linker", config=config, last=True)
assert entity_linker.model.get_dim("nO") == vector_length
# test whether the entity links are preserved by the `as_doc()` function
text = "She lives in Boston. He lives in Denver."
doc = nlp(text)
for ent in doc.ents:
orig_text = ent.text
orig_kb_id = ent.kb_id_
sent_doc = ent.sent.as_doc()
for s_ent in sent_doc.ents:
if s_ent.text == orig_text:
assert s_ent.kb_id_ == orig_kb_id
def test_preserving_links_ents(nlp):
"""Test that doc.ents preserves KB annotations"""
text = "She lives in Boston. He lives in Denver."
doc = nlp(text)
assert len(list(doc.ents)) == 0
boston_ent = Span(doc, 3, 4, label="LOC", kb_id="Q1")
doc.ents = [boston_ent]
assert len(list(doc.ents)) == 1
assert list(doc.ents)[0].label_ == "LOC"
assert list(doc.ents)[0].kb_id_ == "Q1"
def test_preserving_links_ents_2(nlp):
"""Test that doc.ents preserves KB annotations"""
text = "She lives in Boston. He lives in Denver."
doc = nlp(text)
assert len(list(doc.ents)) == 0
loc = doc.vocab.strings.add("LOC")
q1 = doc.vocab.strings.add("Q1")
doc.ents = [(loc, q1, 3, 4)]
assert len(list(doc.ents)) == 1
assert list(doc.ents)[0].label_ == "LOC"
assert list(doc.ents)[0].kb_id_ == "Q1"
# fmt: off
("Russ Cochran captured his first major title with his son as caddie.",
{"links": {(0, 12): {"Q7381115": 0.0, "Q2146908": 1.0}},
"entities": [(0, 12, "PERSON")],
"sent_starts": [1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}),
("Russ Cochran his reprints include EC Comics.",
{"links": {(0, 12): {"Q7381115": 1.0, "Q2146908": 0.0}},
"entities": [(0, 12, "PERSON"), (34, 43, "ART")],
"sent_starts": [1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}),
("Russ Cochran has been publishing comic art.",
{"links": {(0, 12): {"Q7381115": 1.0, "Q2146908": 0.0}},
"entities": [(0, 12, "PERSON")],
"sent_starts": [1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}),
("Russ Cochran was a member of University of Kentucky's golf team.",
{"links": {(0, 12): {"Q7381115": 0.0, "Q2146908": 1.0}},
"entities": [(0, 12, "PERSON"), (43, 51, "LOC")],
"sent_starts": [1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}),
# having a blank instance shouldn't break things
("The weather is nice today.",
{"links": {}, "entities": [],
"sent_starts": [1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0]})
GOLD_entities = ["Q2146908", "Q7381115", "Q7381115", "Q2146908"]
# fmt: on
def test_overfitting_IO_gold_entities():
# Simple test to try and quickly overfit the NEL component - ensuring the ML models work correctly
nlp = English()
vector_length = 3
assert "Q2146908" not in nlp.vocab.strings
# Convert the texts to docs to make sure we have doc.ents set for the training examples
train_examples = []
for text, annotation in TRAIN_DATA:
doc = nlp(text)
train_examples.append(Example.from_dict(doc, annotation))
def create_kb(vocab):
# create artificial KB - assign same prior weight to the two russ cochran's
# Q2146908 (Russ Cochran): American golfer
# Q7381115 (Russ Cochran): publisher
mykb = InMemoryLookupKB(vocab, entity_vector_length=vector_length)
mykb.add_entity(entity="Q2146908", freq=12, entity_vector=[6, -4, 3])
mykb.add_entity(entity="Q7381115", freq=12, entity_vector=[9, 1, -7])
alias="Russ Cochran",
entities=["Q2146908", "Q7381115"],
probabilities=[0.5, 0.5],
return mykb
# Create the Entity Linker component and add it to the pipeline
entity_linker = nlp.add_pipe(
"entity_linker", last=True, config={"use_gold_ents": True}
assert isinstance(entity_linker, EntityLinker)
assert "Q2146908" in entity_linker.vocab.strings
assert "Q2146908" in entity_linker.kb.vocab.strings
# train the NEL pipe
optimizer = nlp.initialize(get_examples=lambda: train_examples)
assert entity_linker.model.get_dim("nO") == vector_length
assert entity_linker.model.get_dim("nO") == entity_linker.kb.entity_vector_length
for i in range(50):
losses = {}
nlp.update(train_examples, sgd=optimizer, losses=losses)
assert losses["entity_linker"] < 0.001
# adding additional components that are required for the entity_linker
nlp.add_pipe("sentencizer", first=True)
# Add a custom component to recognize "Russ Cochran" as an entity for the example training data
patterns = [
{"label": "PERSON", "pattern": [{"LOWER": "russ"}, {"LOWER": "cochran"}]}
ruler = nlp.add_pipe("entity_ruler", before="entity_linker")
# test the trained model
predictions = []
for text, annotation in TRAIN_DATA:
doc = nlp(text)
for ent in doc.ents:
assert predictions == GOLD_entities
# Also test the results are still the same after IO
with make_tempdir() as tmp_dir:
nlp2 = util.load_model_from_path(tmp_dir)
assert nlp2.pipe_names == nlp.pipe_names
assert "Q2146908" in nlp2.vocab.strings
entity_linker2 = nlp2.get_pipe("entity_linker")
assert "Q2146908" in entity_linker2.vocab.strings
assert "Q2146908" in entity_linker2.kb.vocab.strings
predictions = []
for text, annotation in TRAIN_DATA:
doc2 = nlp2(text)
for ent in doc2.ents:
assert predictions == GOLD_entities
# Make sure that running pipe twice, or comparing to call, always amounts to the same predictions
texts = [
"Russ Cochran captured his first major title with his son as caddie.",
"Russ Cochran his reprints include EC Comics.",
"Russ Cochran has been publishing comic art.",
"Russ Cochran was a member of University of Kentucky's golf team.",
batch_deps_1 = [doc.to_array([ENT_KB_ID]) for doc in nlp.pipe(texts)]
batch_deps_2 = [doc.to_array([ENT_KB_ID]) for doc in nlp.pipe(texts)]
no_batch_deps = [doc.to_array([ENT_KB_ID]) for doc in [nlp(text) for text in texts]]
assert_equal(batch_deps_1, batch_deps_2)
assert_equal(batch_deps_1, no_batch_deps)
eval = nlp.evaluate(train_examples)
assert "nel_macro_p" in eval
assert "nel_macro_r" in eval
assert "nel_macro_f" in eval
assert "nel_micro_p" in eval
assert "nel_micro_r" in eval
assert "nel_micro_f" in eval
assert "nel_f_per_type" in eval
assert "PERSON" in eval["nel_f_per_type"]
assert eval["nel_macro_f"] > 0
assert eval["nel_micro_f"] > 0
def test_overfitting_IO_with_ner():
# Simple test to try and overfit the NER and NEL component in combination - ensuring the ML models work correctly
nlp = English()
vector_length = 3
assert "Q2146908" not in nlp.vocab.strings
# Convert the texts to docs to make sure we have doc.ents set for the training examples
train_examples = []
for text, annotation in TRAIN_DATA:
doc = nlp(text)
train_examples.append(Example.from_dict(doc, annotation))
def create_kb(vocab):
# create artificial KB - assign same prior weight to the two russ cochran's
# Q2146908 (Russ Cochran): American golfer
# Q7381115 (Russ Cochran): publisher
mykb = InMemoryLookupKB(vocab, entity_vector_length=vector_length)
mykb.add_entity(entity="Q2146908", freq=12, entity_vector=[6, -4, 3])
mykb.add_entity(entity="Q7381115", freq=12, entity_vector=[9, 1, -7])
alias="Russ Cochran",
entities=["Q2146908", "Q7381115"],
probabilities=[0.5, 0.5],
return mykb
# Create the NER and EL components and add them to the pipeline
ner = nlp.add_pipe("ner", first=True)
entity_linker = nlp.add_pipe(
"entity_linker", last=True, config={"use_gold_ents": False}
train_examples = []
for text, annotations in TRAIN_DATA:
train_examples.append(Example.from_dict(nlp.make_doc(text), annotations))
for ent in annotations.get("entities"):
optimizer = nlp.initialize()
# train the NER and NEL pipes
for i in range(50):
losses = {}
nlp.update(train_examples, sgd=optimizer, losses=losses)
assert losses["ner"] < 0.001
assert losses["entity_linker"] < 0.001
# adding additional components that are required for the entity_linker
nlp.add_pipe("sentencizer", first=True)
# test the trained model
test_text = "Russ Cochran captured his first major title with his son as caddie."
doc = nlp(test_text)
ents = doc.ents
assert len(ents) == 1
assert ents[0].text == "Russ Cochran"
assert ents[0].label_ == "PERSON"
assert ents[0].kb_id_ != "NIL"
# TODO: below assert is still flaky - EL doesn't properly overfit quite yet
# assert ents[0].kb_id_ == "Q2146908"
# Also test the results are still the same after IO
with make_tempdir() as tmp_dir:
nlp2 = util.load_model_from_path(tmp_dir)
assert nlp2.pipe_names == nlp.pipe_names
doc2 = nlp2(test_text)
ents2 = doc2.ents
assert len(ents2) == 1
assert ents2[0].text == "Russ Cochran"
assert ents2[0].label_ == "PERSON"
assert ents2[0].kb_id_ != "NIL"
eval = nlp.evaluate(train_examples)
assert "nel_macro_f" in eval
assert "nel_micro_f" in eval
assert "ents_f" in eval
assert "nel_f_per_type" in eval
assert "ents_per_type" in eval
assert "PERSON" in eval["nel_f_per_type"]
assert "PERSON" in eval["ents_per_type"]
assert eval["nel_macro_f"] > 0
assert eval["nel_micro_f"] > 0
assert eval["ents_f"] > 0
def test_kb_serialization():
# Test that the KB can be used in a pipeline with a different vocab
vector_length = 3
with make_tempdir() as tmp_dir:
kb_dir = tmp_dir / "kb"
nlp1 = English()
assert "Q2146908" not in nlp1.vocab.strings
mykb = InMemoryLookupKB(nlp1.vocab, entity_vector_length=vector_length)
mykb.add_entity(entity="Q2146908", freq=12, entity_vector=[6, -4, 3])
mykb.add_alias(alias="Russ Cochran", entities=["Q2146908"], probabilities=[0.8])
assert "Q2146908" in nlp1.vocab.strings
nlp2 = English()
assert "RandomWord" not in nlp2.vocab.strings
assert "RandomWord" in nlp2.vocab.strings
assert "Q2146908" not in nlp2.vocab.strings
# Create the Entity Linker component with the KB from file, and check the final vocab
entity_linker = nlp2.add_pipe("entity_linker", last=True)
assert "Q2146908" in nlp2.vocab.strings
assert "RandomWord" in nlp2.vocab.strings
@pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Needs fixing")
def test_kb_pickle():
# Test that the KB can be pickled
nlp = English()
kb_1 = InMemoryLookupKB(nlp.vocab, entity_vector_length=3)
kb_1.add_entity(entity="Q2146908", freq=12, entity_vector=[6, -4, 3])
assert not kb_1.contains_alias("Russ Cochran")
kb_1.add_alias(alias="Russ Cochran", entities=["Q2146908"], probabilities=[0.8])
assert kb_1.contains_alias("Russ Cochran")
data = pickle.dumps(kb_1)
kb_2 = pickle.loads(data)
assert kb_2.contains_alias("Russ Cochran")
@pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Needs fixing")
def test_nel_pickle():
# Test that a pipeline with an EL component can be pickled
def create_kb(vocab):
kb = InMemoryLookupKB(vocab, entity_vector_length=3)
kb.add_entity(entity="Q2146908", freq=12, entity_vector=[6, -4, 3])
kb.add_alias(alias="Russ Cochran", entities=["Q2146908"], probabilities=[0.8])
return kb
nlp_1 = English()
entity_linker_1 = nlp_1.add_pipe("entity_linker", last=True)
assert nlp_1.pipe_names == ["ner", "entity_linker"]
assert entity_linker_1.kb.contains_alias("Russ Cochran")
data = pickle.dumps(nlp_1)
nlp_2 = pickle.loads(data)
assert nlp_2.pipe_names == ["ner", "entity_linker"]
entity_linker_2 = nlp_2.get_pipe("entity_linker")
assert entity_linker_2.kb.contains_alias("Russ Cochran")
def test_kb_to_bytes():
# Test that the KB's to_bytes method works correctly
nlp = English()
kb_1 = InMemoryLookupKB(nlp.vocab, entity_vector_length=3)
kb_1.add_entity(entity="Q2146908", freq=12, entity_vector=[6, -4, 3])
kb_1.add_entity(entity="Q66", freq=9, entity_vector=[1, 2, 3])
kb_1.add_alias(alias="Russ Cochran", entities=["Q2146908"], probabilities=[0.8])
kb_1.add_alias(alias="Boeing", entities=["Q66"], probabilities=[0.5])
alias="Randomness", entities=["Q66", "Q2146908"], probabilities=[0.1, 0.2]
assert kb_1.contains_alias("Russ Cochran")
kb_bytes = kb_1.to_bytes()
kb_2 = InMemoryLookupKB(nlp.vocab, entity_vector_length=3)
assert not kb_2.contains_alias("Russ Cochran")
kb_2 = kb_2.from_bytes(kb_bytes)
# check that both KBs are exactly the same
assert kb_1.get_size_entities() == kb_2.get_size_entities()
assert kb_1.entity_vector_length == kb_2.entity_vector_length
assert kb_1.get_entity_strings() == kb_2.get_entity_strings()
assert kb_1.get_vector("Q2146908") == kb_2.get_vector("Q2146908")
assert kb_1.get_vector("Q66") == kb_2.get_vector("Q66")
assert kb_2.contains_alias("Russ Cochran")
assert kb_1.get_size_aliases() == kb_2.get_size_aliases()
assert kb_1.get_alias_strings() == kb_2.get_alias_strings()
assert len(kb_1.get_alias_candidates("Russ Cochran")) == len(
kb_2.get_alias_candidates("Russ Cochran")
assert len(kb_1.get_alias_candidates("Randomness")) == len(
def test_nel_to_bytes():
# Test that a pipeline with an EL component can be converted to bytes
def create_kb(vocab):
kb = InMemoryLookupKB(vocab, entity_vector_length=3)
kb.add_entity(entity="Q2146908", freq=12, entity_vector=[6, -4, 3])
kb.add_alias(alias="Russ Cochran", entities=["Q2146908"], probabilities=[0.8])
return kb
nlp_1 = English()
entity_linker_1 = nlp_1.add_pipe("entity_linker", last=True)
assert entity_linker_1.kb.contains_alias("Russ Cochran")
assert nlp_1.pipe_names == ["ner", "entity_linker"]
nlp_bytes = nlp_1.to_bytes()
nlp_2 = English()
nlp_2.add_pipe("entity_linker", last=True)
assert nlp_2.pipe_names == ["ner", "entity_linker"]
assert not nlp_2.get_pipe("entity_linker").kb.contains_alias("Russ Cochran")
nlp_2 = nlp_2.from_bytes(nlp_bytes)
kb_2 = nlp_2.get_pipe("entity_linker").kb
assert kb_2.contains_alias("Russ Cochran")
assert kb_2.get_vector("Q2146908") == [6, -4, 3]
kb_2.get_prior_prob(entity="Q2146908", alias="Russ Cochran"), 0.8
def test_scorer_links():
train_examples = []
nlp = English()
ref1 = nlp("Julia lives in London happily.")
ref1.ents = [
Span(ref1, 0, 1, label="PERSON", kb_id="Q2"),
Span(ref1, 3, 4, label="LOC", kb_id="Q3"),
pred1 = nlp("Julia lives in London happily.")
pred1.ents = [
Span(pred1, 0, 1, label="PERSON", kb_id="Q70"),
Span(pred1, 3, 4, label="LOC", kb_id="Q3"),
train_examples.append(Example(pred1, ref1))
ref2 = nlp("She loves London.")
ref2.ents = [
Span(ref2, 0, 1, label="PERSON", kb_id="Q2"),
Span(ref2, 2, 3, label="LOC", kb_id="Q13"),
pred2 = nlp("She loves London.")
pred2.ents = [
Span(pred2, 0, 1, label="PERSON", kb_id="Q2"),
Span(pred2, 2, 3, label="LOC", kb_id="NIL"),
train_examples.append(Example(pred2, ref2))
ref3 = nlp("London is great.")
ref3.ents = [Span(ref3, 0, 1, label="LOC", kb_id="NIL")]
pred3 = nlp("London is great.")
pred3.ents = [Span(pred3, 0, 1, label="LOC", kb_id="NIL")]
train_examples.append(Example(pred3, ref3))
scores = Scorer().score_links(train_examples, negative_labels=["NIL"])
assert scores["nel_f_per_type"]["PERSON"]["p"] == 1 / 2
assert scores["nel_f_per_type"]["PERSON"]["r"] == 1 / 2
assert scores["nel_f_per_type"]["LOC"]["p"] == 1 / 1
assert scores["nel_f_per_type"]["LOC"]["r"] == 1 / 2
assert scores["nel_micro_p"] == 2 / 3
assert scores["nel_micro_r"] == 2 / 4
# fmt: off
("entity_linker", {"@architectures": "spacy.EntityLinker.v1", "tok2vec": DEFAULT_TOK2VEC_MODEL}),
("entity_linker", {"@architectures": "spacy.EntityLinker.v2", "tok2vec": DEFAULT_TOK2VEC_MODEL}),
# fmt: on
def test_legacy_architectures(name, config):
# Ensure that the legacy architectures still work
vector_length = 3
nlp = English()
train_examples = []
for text, annotation in TRAIN_DATA:
doc = nlp.make_doc(text)
train_examples.append(Example.from_dict(doc, annotation))
def create_kb(vocab):
mykb = InMemoryLookupKB(vocab, entity_vector_length=vector_length)
mykb.add_entity(entity="Q2146908", freq=12, entity_vector=[6, -4, 3])
mykb.add_entity(entity="Q7381115", freq=12, entity_vector=[9, 1, -7])
alias="Russ Cochran",
entities=["Q2146908", "Q7381115"],
probabilities=[0.5, 0.5],
return mykb
entity_linker = nlp.add_pipe(name, config={"model": config})
if config["@architectures"] == "spacy.EntityLinker.v1":
assert isinstance(entity_linker, EntityLinker_v1)
assert isinstance(entity_linker, EntityLinker)
optimizer = nlp.initialize(get_examples=lambda: train_examples)
for i in range(2):
losses = {}
nlp.update(train_examples, sgd=optimizer, losses=losses)
# perfect case
[{"label": "CHARACTER", "pattern": "Kirby"}],
# typo for false negative
[{"label": "PERSON", "pattern": "Korby"}],
# random stuff for false positive
[{"label": "IS", "pattern": "is"}, {"label": "COLOR", "pattern": "pink"}],
def test_no_gold_ents(patterns):
# test that annotating components work
"Kirby is pink",
"links": {(0, 5): {"Q613241": 1.0}},
"entities": [(0, 5, "CHARACTER")],
"sent_starts": [1, 0, 0],
nlp = English()
vector_length = 3
train_examples = []
for text, annotation in TRAIN_DATA:
doc = nlp(text)
train_examples.append(Example.from_dict(doc, annotation))
# Create a ruler to mark entities
ruler = nlp.add_pipe("entity_ruler")
# Apply ruler to examples. In a real pipeline this would be an annotating component.
for eg in train_examples:
eg.predicted = ruler(eg.predicted)
# Entity ruler is no longer needed (initialization below wipes out the
# patterns and causes warnings)
def create_kb(vocab):
# create artificial KB
mykb = InMemoryLookupKB(vocab, entity_vector_length=vector_length)
mykb.add_entity(entity="Q613241", freq=12, entity_vector=[6, -4, 3])
mykb.add_alias("Kirby", ["Q613241"], [0.9])
# Placeholder
mykb.add_entity(entity="pink", freq=12, entity_vector=[7, 2, -5])
mykb.add_alias("pink", ["pink"], [0.9])
return mykb
# Create and train the Entity Linker
entity_linker = nlp.add_pipe(
"entity_linker", config={"use_gold_ents": False}, last=True
assert entity_linker.use_gold_ents is False
optimizer = nlp.initialize(get_examples=lambda: train_examples)
for i in range(2):
losses = {}
nlp.update(train_examples, sgd=optimizer, losses=losses)
# adding additional components that are required for the entity_linker
nlp.add_pipe("sentencizer", first=True)
# this will run the pipeline on the examples and shouldn't crash
def test_tokenization_mismatch():
nlp = English()
# include a matching entity so that update isn't skipped
doc1 = Doc(
words=["Kirby", "123456"],
spaces=[True, False],
doc2 = Doc(
words=["Kirby", "123", "456"],
spaces=[True, False, False],
eg = Example(doc1, doc2)
train_examples = [eg]
vector_length = 3
def create_kb(vocab):
# create placeholder KB
mykb = InMemoryLookupKB(vocab, entity_vector_length=vector_length)
mykb.add_entity(entity="Q613241", freq=12, entity_vector=[6, -4, 3])
mykb.add_alias("Kirby", ["Q613241"], [0.9])
return mykb
entity_linker = nlp.add_pipe("entity_linker", last=True)
optimizer = nlp.initialize(get_examples=lambda: train_examples)
for i in range(2):
losses = {}
nlp.update(train_examples, sgd=optimizer, losses=losses)
nlp.add_pipe("sentencizer", first=True)
def test_abstract_kb_instantiation():
"""Test whether instantiation of abstract KB base class fails."""
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
KnowledgeBase(None, 3)
# fmt: off
(False, {"@architectures": "spacy.EntityLinker.v2", "tok2vec": DEFAULT_TOK2VEC_MODEL}),
(True, {"@architectures": "spacy.EntityLinker.v2", "tok2vec": DEFAULT_TOK2VEC_MODEL}),
# fmt: on
def test_threshold(meet_threshold: bool, config: Dict[str, Any]):
"""Tests abstention threshold.
meet_threshold (bool): Whether to configure NEL setup so that confidence threshold is met.
config (Dict[str, Any]): NEL architecture config.
nlp = English()
text = "Mahler's Symphony No. 8 was beautiful."
entities = [(0, 6, "PERSON")]
links = {(0, 6): {"Q7304": 1.0}}
sent_starts = [1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
entity_id = "Q7304"
doc = nlp(text)
train_examples = [
doc, {"entities": entities, "links": links, "sent_starts": sent_starts}
def create_kb(vocab):
# create artificial KB
mykb = InMemoryLookupKB(vocab, entity_vector_length=3)
mykb.add_entity(entity=entity_id, freq=12, entity_vector=[6, -4, 3])
probabilities=[1 if meet_threshold else 0.01],
return mykb
# Create the Entity Linker component and add it to the pipeline
entity_linker = nlp.add_pipe(
config={"threshold": 0.99, "model": config},
entity_linker.set_kb(create_kb) # type: ignore
nlp.initialize(get_examples=lambda: train_examples)
# Add a custom rule-based component to mimick NER
ruler = nlp.add_pipe("entity_ruler", before="entity_linker")
ruler.add_patterns([{"label": "PERSON", "pattern": [{"LOWER": "mahler"}]}]) # type: ignore
doc = nlp(text)
assert len(doc.ents) == 1
assert doc.ents[0].kb_id_ == entity_id if meet_threshold else EntityLinker.NIL
def test_span_maker_forward_with_empty():
"""The forward pass of the span maker may have a doc with no entities."""
nlp = English()
doc1 = nlp("a b c")
ent = doc1[0:1]
ent.label_ = "X"
doc1.ents = [ent]
# no entities
doc2 = nlp("x y z")
# just to get a model
span_maker = build_span_maker()
span_maker([doc1, doc2], False)