mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 22:05:50 +03:00
392 lines
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392 lines
14 KiB
include _includes/_mixins
- var colors_primary = { 'spaCy Blue' : '#09a3d5', 'spaCy Red': '#e4514f', 'spaCy Yellow' : '#f4c025', 'Black' : '#222222', 'Dark Grey': '#999999', 'Medium Grey': '#dddddd', 'Light Grey': '#f6f6f6', 'White': '#ffffff' }
- var colors_secondary = { 'spaCy Blue' : '#09a3d5', 'spaCy Red': '#e4514f', 'Green': '#3ec930', 'Purple' : '#8130c9', 'Orange' : '#f47725', 'spaCy Yellow' : '#f4c025', 'Dark Grey': '#999999' }
- var colors_logo = [colors_primary['Black'], colors_primary['spaCy Blue'], colors_primary['spaCy Red']]
- var grid = { 'half': 2, 'third': 3, 'quarter': 4, 'fifth': 5 }
//- Styleguide
//- ============================================================================
//- Introduction
+h2('introduction') Introduction
This style guide is loosely based on the concept and principles of
#[a(href='http://bradfrost.com/blog/post/atomic-web-design/' target='_blank') Atomic Design].
The templates consist of small elements (atoms) which are combined and
connected to form larger molecules and full components. CSS is written in
#[a(href='http://sass-lang.com' target='_blank') Sass] and preprocessed
using #[a(href='https://github.com/postcss/autoprefixer' target='_blank') Autoprefixer].
It follows an adapted version of the standards presented in the
#[a(href='https://pages.18f.gov/frontend/css-coding-styleguide/' target='_blank') 18F CSS Coding Styleguide]
and #[a(href='https://en.bem.info' target='_blank') BEM]-oriented naming conventions.
The site is compiled using #[a(href='#section-harp') Harp], a static web
server with built-in preprocessing. Templates are written entirely in
#[a(href='#section-jade') Jade], a clean, whitespace-sensitive templating
language that compiles to HTML.
//- Design: Colors
+h2('colors') Colors
+button('secondary', 'small', 'source')(href='https://github.com/' + profiles.github + '/spacy/blob/master/website/assets/css/_variables.scss#L44' target='_blank') SCSS Color Swatches
+grid('space-between', 'padding').block
each hex, color in colors_primary
.card-figure(style='background: ' + hex)
+label #{color}
div #{hex}
+label('strong') Secondary Colors for Syntax Highlighting
each hex, color in colors_secondary
.x-bubble(style='background: ' + hex data-tooltip=color + ': ' + hex)
//- Design: Logo
+h2('logo') Logo #[+button('secondary', 'small', 'source')(href='/assets/img/logo.svg' target='_blank') SVG] #[+button('secondary', 'small', 'source')(href='/assets/img/logo.png' target='_blank') PNG]
The spaCy logo changes colour across the site and can be used in colour
or in white on a coloured background.
each hex, color in colors_logo
.card(style='color: ' + hex): +logo
each hex, color in colors_logo
.card(style='color: #fff; background: ' + hex + '; border-color: ' + hex): +logo
+aside('Usage (Jade)')
| Possible values for #[code size] are 'tiny', 'small', 'regular'
| or 'large'.
//- Design: Typography
+h2('typography', 'https://github.com/' + profiles.github + '/spacy/blob/master/website/assets/css/_base/_typography.sass') Typography
+h1 Heading Level One #[span.label Work Sans bold, 50px]
+h2 Heading Level Two #[span.label Work Sans bold, 28px]
+h3 Heading Level Three #[span.label Work Sans bold, 24px]
+h4 Heading Level Four #[span.label Work Sans bold, 20px]
+h5 Heading Level Five #[span.label Work Sans bold, 16px]
+h6 Heading Level Six #[span.label Work Sans bold, 14px]
+aside('Usage (Jade)')
+h2(id, source) ...
| If a unique #[code id] is specified, the headline becomes a permalink.
| #[code source] takes a string containing a link that's used to add
| a source button to the headline (both optional).
This is a lead paragraph. It is bigger and can be used for introduction
texts in blog posts. #[span.label Lato regular, 28px]
This is a big text paragraph. The font size is slightly bigger than
the regular base size which makes the content a lot easier to read.
It's mainly used in blog posts. #[span.label Lato regular, 20px]
This is a regular paragraph. It's used everywhere else across the whole
website. It can contain #[strong bold text] and of course
#[em italicized text] as well. #[span.label Lato regular, 16px]
//- Design: Grid
+h2('grid', 'https://github.com/' + profiles.github + '/spacy/blob/master/website/assets/css/_base/_grid.sass') Grid
each count, col in grid
- var i = 0
while i < count
+grid-col(col, 'text-center')
- i++
+aside('Usage (Jade)')
| #[code style] arguments can be flexbox attributes like
| 'space-around', alignment attributes like 'valign-bottom'
| or the column type ('third', 'quarter' etc.) for grid columns.
//- Design: Elements
+h2('elements') Elements
+label('strong') Buttons
+button('primary')(href="#") Primary
+button('secondary')(href="#") Secondary
+button('tertiary')(href="#") Tertiary
+aside('Usage (Jade)')
+button(type, ...style)
| Possible values for #[code type] are 'primary', 'secondary' and
| 'tertiary'. #[code style] can be 'small'.
+button('primary', 'small')(href="#") Primary small
+button('secondary', 'small')(href="#") Secondary small
+button('tertiary', 'small')(href="#") Tertiary small
+label('strong') Tooltips
p(data-tooltip='I am a tooltip!').visible This is text
p(data-tooltip='Tooltip!'): strong Hover me
p(data-tooltip='Type something here')
+input('Input with tooltip')
+aside('Usage (Jade)')
a(data-tooltip='Tooltip text')
| A tooltip can be attached to most elements, but should ideally
| be used on only links and icons.
+label('strong') Icons
each icon in [ 'Website', 'Feed', 'Permalink', 'Twitter', 'GitHub', 'Facebook', 'LinkedIn', 'HackerNews', 'Reddit', 'ProductHunt', 'Medium', 'Codepen']
+icon(icon.toLowerCase(), 'large')(data-tooltip=icon)
+aside('Usage (Jade)')
+icon(type, ...style)
| #[code type] takes the name of the icon, #[code style] can be
| 'small', 'medium' or 'large'.
//- Design: Components
+h2('components', 'https://github.com/' + profiles.github + '/spacy/blob/master/website/assets/css/_components') Components
+label('strong') Lists
+item I am a bulleted list
+item I have nice bullets
+item And I'm very
+item flexible
+item I am an ordered list
+item I have nice numbers
+item And I'm very
+item flexible
+item I am an ordered list
+item I have uppercase letters
+item And I'm very
+item flexible
+item I am an ordered list
+item I have roman numerals
+item And I'm very
+item flexible
+aside('Usage (Jade)')
+list(type, start)
+item ...
+item ...
| Possible values for #[code type] are 'numbers' (default),
| 'letters' and 'roman'. #[code start] is an integer and defines
| the starting point of the list (defaults to 0).
+label('strong') Blockquote
+quote('This is a source link', '#').
This is a blockquote. It stands out from the rest of the content
with the quotation marks being a bold visual statement. It can be
used all over the site but its main purpose is displaying quotes
in the blog posts.
+aside('Usage (Jade)')
+quote(source, link)
| #[code source] (author / source of the quote) and #[code link]
| (full link to source) both take strings (optional)
+label('strong') Code block
+code('python', 'This is a label').
# This is an example of a regular code block. It supports syntax highlighting.
nlp = English()
+aside('Usage (Jade)')
+code(language, label).
| #[code language] defaults to 'python', see
| #[a(href='http://prismjs.com/download.html') Prism.js] for more
| options. #[code label] takes a string (optional).
| #[strong Important:] The #[code .] preserves whitespace and
| prevents code from being interpreted.
+label('strong') Table
+table([ 'Column 1', 'Column 2', 'Column 3'], 'table--data')
+cell This is a table
+cell It displays data
+cell #[code and even code!]
+cell Tables are uncool but in this case
+cell they're actually really useful.
+cell('highlight') I am highlighted!
+aside('Usage (Jade)')
+cell ...
+cell ...
| #[code head] takes an array of strings containing the column
| heading names (optional, otherwise table is displayed without headings)
+label('strong') Info Box
+infobox('This is a label', 'has-aside').
This is an infobox. It can be used to add notes,updates or warnings
to blog articles or docs sections. It comes with an optional label
or headline that's displayed at the top.
+aside('Usage (Jade)')
#[code label] takes a string (optional).
+label('strong') Aside
#[strong See example on the right.] Asides can be used in blog
posts or the documentation to display additional information without
spoiling the flow of reading (typically footnotes). They can contain
a headline, links, images and even code blocks.
Paragraphs (#[code p]) and table cells (#[code td] or #[code +cell])
support nested asides by default. All other elements can be wrapped
in the class #[code .has-aside] together with their respective aside.
+aside('Usage (Jade)')
| #[code headline] takes a string (optional).
//- Code: Source
+h2('source') Source
The source of this website is published on
#[a(href='https://github.com/' + profiles.github + '/spaCy/tree/master/website' target='_blank') GitHub]
under the MIT license. To compile the site, you need to install and run
#[a(href='http://harpjs.com/' target='_blank') Harp]:
sudo npm install --global harp
git clone https://github.com/#{profiles.github}/spaCy
cd spaCy/website
harp server