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# cython: infer_types=True
# coding: utf8
from __future__ import unicode_literals, absolute_import
cimport cython
from libc.string cimport memcpy
from libc.stdint cimport uint64_t, uint32_t
from murmurhash.mrmr cimport hash64, hash32
from preshed.maps cimport map_iter, key_t
from libc.stdint cimport uint32_t
import ujson
import dill
from .typedefs cimport hash_t
from . import util
cpdef hash_t hash_string(unicode string) except 0:
chars = string.encode('utf8')
return hash_utf8(chars, len(chars))
cdef hash_t hash_utf8(char* utf8_string, int length) nogil:
return hash64(utf8_string, length, 1)
cdef uint32_t hash32_utf8(char* utf8_string, int length) nogil:
return hash32(utf8_string, length, 1)
cdef unicode _decode(const Utf8Str* string):
cdef int i, length
if string.s[0] < sizeof(string.s) and string.s[0] != 0:
return string.s[1:string.s[0]+1].decode('utf8')
elif string.p[0] < 255:
return string.p[1:string.p[0]+1].decode('utf8')
i = 0
length = 0
while string.p[i] == 255:
i += 1
length += 255
length += string.p[i]
i += 1
return string.p[i:length + i].decode('utf8')
cdef Utf8Str _allocate(Pool mem, const unsigned char* chars, uint32_t length) except *:
cdef int n_length_bytes
cdef int i
cdef Utf8Str string
cdef uint32_t ulength = length
if length < sizeof(string.s):
string.s[0] = <unsigned char>length
memcpy(&string.s[1], chars, length)
return string
elif length < 255:
string.p = <unsigned char*>mem.alloc(length + 1, sizeof(unsigned char))
string.p[0] = length
memcpy(&string.p[1], chars, length)
assert string.s[0] >= sizeof(string.s) or string.s[0] == 0, string.s[0]
return string
i = 0
n_length_bytes = (length // 255) + 1
string.p = <unsigned char*>mem.alloc(length + n_length_bytes, sizeof(unsigned char))
for i in range(n_length_bytes-1):
string.p[i] = 255
string.p[n_length_bytes-1] = length % 255
memcpy(&string.p[n_length_bytes], chars, length)
assert string.s[0] >= sizeof(string.s) or string.s[0] == 0, string.s[0]
return string
cdef class StringStore:
"""Map strings to and from integer IDs."""
def __init__(self, strings=None, freeze=False):
"""Create the StringStore.
strings (iterable): A sequence of unicode strings to add to the store.
RETURNS (StringStore): The newly constructed object.
self.mem = Pool()
self._map = PreshMap()
self._oov = PreshMap()
self._resize_at = 10000
self.c = <Utf8Str*>self.mem.alloc(self._resize_at, sizeof(Utf8Str))
self.size = 1
self.is_frozen = freeze
if strings is not None:
for string in strings:
_ = self[string]
property size:
def __get__(self):
return self.size -1
def __len__(self):
"""The number of strings in the store.
RETURNS (int): The number of strings in the store.
return self.size-1
def __getitem__(self, object string_or_id):
"""Retrieve a string from a given integer ID, or vice versa.
string_or_id (bytes or unicode or int): The value to encode.
Returns (unicode or int): The value to be retrieved.
if isinstance(string_or_id, basestring) and len(string_or_id) == 0:
return 0
elif string_or_id == 0:
return u''
cdef bytes byte_string
cdef const Utf8Str* utf8str
cdef uint64_t int_id
cdef uint32_t oov_id
if isinstance(string_or_id, (int, long)):
int_id = string_or_id
oov_id = string_or_id
if int_id < <uint64_t>self.size:
return _decode(&self.c[int_id])
utf8str = <Utf8Str*>self._oov.get(oov_id)
if utf8str is not NULL:
return _decode(utf8str)
raise IndexError(string_or_id)
if isinstance(string_or_id, bytes):
byte_string = <bytes>string_or_id
elif isinstance(string_or_id, unicode):
byte_string = (<unicode>string_or_id).encode('utf8')
raise TypeError(type(string_or_id))
utf8str = self._intern_utf8(byte_string, len(byte_string))
if utf8str is NULL:
# TODO: We need to use 32 bit here, for compatibility with the
# vocabulary values. This makes birthday paradox probabilities
# pretty bad.
# We could also get unlucky here, and hash into a value that
# collides with the 'real' strings.
return hash32_utf8(byte_string, len(byte_string))
return utf8str - self.c
def __contains__(self, unicode string not None):
"""Check whether a string is in the store.
string (unicode): The string to check.
RETURNS (bool): Whether the store contains the string.
if len(string) == 0:
return True
cdef hash_t key = hash_string(string)
return self._map.get(key) is not NULL
def __iter__(self):
"""Iterate over the strings in the store, in order.
YIELDS (unicode): A string in the store.
cdef int i
for i in range(self.size):
yield _decode(&self.c[i]) if i > 0 else u''
# TODO: Iterate OOV here?
def __reduce__(self):
strings = [""]
for i in range(1, self.size):
string = &self.c[i]
py_string = _decode(string)
return (StringStore, (strings,), None, None, None)
def to_disk(self, path):
"""Save the current state to a directory.
path (unicode or Path): A path to a directory, which will be created if
it doesn't exist. Paths may be either strings or `Path`-like objects.
path = util.ensure_path(path)
strings = list(self)
with path.open('w') as file_:
ujson.dump(strings, file_)
def from_disk(self, path):
"""Loads state from a directory. Modifies the object in place and
returns it.
path (unicode or Path): A path to a directory. Paths may be either
strings or `Path`-like objects.
RETURNS (StringStore): The modified `StringStore` object.
path = util.ensure_path(path)
with path.open('r') as file_:
strings = ujson.load(file_)
return self
def to_bytes(self, **exclude):
"""Serialize the current state to a binary string.
**exclude: Named attributes to prevent from being serialized.
RETURNS (bytes): The serialized form of the `StringStore` object.
return ujson.dumps(list(self))
def from_bytes(self, bytes_data, **exclude):
"""Load state from a binary string.
bytes_data (bytes): The data to load from.
**exclude: Named attributes to prevent from being loaded.
RETURNS (StringStore): The `StringStore` object.
strings = ujson.loads(bytes_data)
return self
def set_frozen(self, bint is_frozen):
self.is_frozen = is_frozen
def flush_oov(self):
self._oov = PreshMap()
def _reset_and_load(self, strings, freeze=False):
self.mem = Pool()
self._map = PreshMap()
self._oov = PreshMap()
self._resize_at = 10000
self.c = <Utf8Str*>self.mem.alloc(self._resize_at, sizeof(Utf8Str))
self.size = 1
for string in strings:
_ = self[string]
self.is_frozen = freeze
cdef const Utf8Str* intern_unicode(self, unicode py_string):
# 0 means missing, but we don't bother offsetting the index.
cdef bytes byte_string = py_string.encode('utf8')
return self._intern_utf8(byte_string, len(byte_string))
cdef const Utf8Str* _intern_utf8(self, char* utf8_string, int length):
# TODO: This function's API/behaviour is an unholy mess...
# 0 means missing, but we don't bother offsetting the index.
cdef hash_t key = hash_utf8(utf8_string, length)
cdef Utf8Str* value = <Utf8Str*>self._map.get(key)
if value is not NULL:
return value
value = <Utf8Str*>self._oov.get(key)
if value is not NULL:
return value
if self.is_frozen:
# OOV store uses 32 bit hashes. Pretty ugly :(
key32 = hash32_utf8(utf8_string, length)
# Important: Make the OOV store own the memory. That way it's trivial
# to flush them all.
value = <Utf8Str*>self._oov.mem.alloc(1, sizeof(Utf8Str))
value[0] = _allocate(self._oov.mem, <unsigned char*>utf8_string, length)
self._oov.set(key32, value)
return NULL
if self.size == self._resize_at:
self.c[self.size] = _allocate(self.mem, <unsigned char*>utf8_string, length)
self._map.set(key, <void*>&self.c[self.size])
self.size += 1
return &self.c[self.size-1]
def _realloc(self):
# We want to map straight to pointers, but they'll be invalidated if
# we resize our array. So, first we remap to indices, then we resize,
# then we can acquire the new pointers.
cdef Pool tmp_mem = Pool()
keys = <key_t*>tmp_mem.alloc(self.size, sizeof(key_t))
cdef key_t key
cdef void* value
cdef const Utf8Str ptr
cdef int i = 0
cdef size_t offset
while map_iter(self._map.c_map, &i, &key, &value):
# Find array index with pointer arithmetic
offset = ((<Utf8Str*>value) - self.c)
keys[offset] = key
self._resize_at *= 2
cdef size_t new_size = self._resize_at * sizeof(Utf8Str)
self.c = <Utf8Str*>self.mem.realloc(self.c, new_size)
self._map = PreshMap(self.size)
for i in range(self.size):
if keys[i]:
self._map.set(keys[i], &self.c[i])