mirror of https://github.com/explosion/spaCy.git synced 2025-03-19 01:22:14 +03:00
Lj Miranda 7d50804644
Migrate regression tests into the main test suite ()
* Migrate regressions 1-1000

* Move serialize test to correct file

* Remove tests that won't work in v3

* Migrate regressions 1000-1500

Removed regression test 1250 because v3 doesn't support the old LEX
scheme anymore.

* Add missing imports in serializer tests

* Migrate tests 1500-2000

* Migrate regressions from 2000-2500

* Migrate regressions from 2501-3000

* Migrate regressions from 3000-3501

* Migrate regressions from 3501-4000

* Migrate regressions from 4001-4500

* Migrate regressions from 4501-5000

* Migrate regressions from 5001-5501

* Migrate regressions from 5501 to 7000

* Migrate regressions from 7001 to 8000

* Migrate remaining regression tests

* Fixing missing imports

* Update docs with new system [ci skip]


- Fix formatting
- Update wording

* Remove lemmatizer tests in el lang

* Move a few tests into the general tokenizer

* Separate Doc and DocBin tests
2021-12-04 20:34:48 +01:00

668 lines
24 KiB

import os
import pytest
import srsly
from click import NoSuchOption
from packaging.specifiers import SpecifierSet
from thinc.api import Config, ConfigValidationError
from spacy import about
from spacy.cli import info
from spacy.cli._util import is_subpath_of, load_project_config
from spacy.cli._util import parse_config_overrides, string_to_list
from spacy.cli._util import substitute_project_variables
from spacy.cli._util import validate_project_commands
from spacy.cli.download import get_compatibility, get_version
from spacy.cli.init_config import RECOMMENDATIONS, init_config, fill_config
from spacy.cli.package import get_third_party_dependencies
from spacy.cli.validate import get_model_pkgs
from spacy.lang.en import English
from spacy.lang.nl import Dutch
from spacy.language import Language
from spacy.schemas import ProjectConfigSchema, RecommendationSchema, validate
from spacy.training import Example, docs_to_json, offsets_to_biluo_tags
from spacy.training.converters import conll_ner_to_docs, conllu_to_docs
from spacy.training.converters import iob_to_docs
from spacy.util import ENV_VARS, get_minor_version, load_model_from_config, load_config
from ..cli.init_pipeline import _init_labels
from .util import make_tempdir
def test_issue4665():
conllu_to_docs should not raise an exception if the HEAD column contains an
input_data = """
1 [ _ PUNCT -LRB- _ _ punct _ _
2 This _ DET DT _ _ det _ _
3 killing _ NOUN NN _ _ nsubj _ _
4 of _ ADP IN _ _ case _ _
5 a _ DET DT _ _ det _ _
6 respected _ ADJ JJ _ _ amod _ _
7 cleric _ NOUN NN _ _ nmod _ _
8 will _ AUX MD _ _ aux _ _
9 be _ AUX VB _ _ aux _ _
10 causing _ VERB VBG _ _ root _ _
11 us _ PRON PRP _ _ iobj _ _
12 trouble _ NOUN NN _ _ dobj _ _
13 for _ ADP IN _ _ case _ _
14 years _ NOUN NNS _ _ nmod _ _
15 to _ PART TO _ _ mark _ _
16 come _ VERB VB _ _ acl _ _
17 . _ PUNCT . _ _ punct _ _
18 ] _ PUNCT -RRB- _ _ punct _ _
def test_issue4924():
nlp = Language()
example = Example.from_dict(nlp.make_doc(""), {})
def test_issue7055():
"""Test that fill-config doesn't turn sourced components into factories."""
source_cfg = {
"nlp": {"lang": "en", "pipeline": ["tok2vec", "tagger"]},
"components": {
"tok2vec": {"factory": "tok2vec"},
"tagger": {"factory": "tagger"},
source_nlp = English.from_config(source_cfg)
with make_tempdir() as dir_path:
# We need to create a loadable source pipeline
source_path = dir_path / "test_model"
base_cfg = {
"nlp": {"lang": "en", "pipeline": ["tok2vec", "tagger", "ner"]},
"components": {
"tok2vec": {"source": str(source_path)},
"tagger": {"source": str(source_path)},
"ner": {"factory": "ner"},
base_cfg = Config(base_cfg)
base_path = dir_path / "base.cfg"
output_path = dir_path / "config.cfg"
fill_config(output_path, base_path, silent=True)
filled_cfg = load_config(output_path)
assert filled_cfg["components"]["tok2vec"]["source"] == str(source_path)
assert filled_cfg["components"]["tagger"]["source"] == str(source_path)
assert filled_cfg["components"]["ner"]["factory"] == "ner"
assert "model" in filled_cfg["components"]["ner"]
def test_cli_info():
nlp = Dutch()
with make_tempdir() as tmp_dir:
raw_data = info(tmp_dir, exclude=[""])
assert raw_data["lang"] == "nl"
assert raw_data["components"] == ["textcat"]
def test_cli_converters_conllu_to_docs():
# from NorNE: https://github.com/ltgoslo/norne/blob/3d23274965f513f23aa48455b28b1878dad23c05/ud/nob/no_bokmaal-ud-dev.conllu
lines = [
input_data = "\n".join(lines)
converted_docs = list(conllu_to_docs(input_data, n_sents=1))
assert len(converted_docs) == 1
converted = [docs_to_json(converted_docs)]
assert converted[0]["id"] == 0
assert len(converted[0]["paragraphs"]) == 1
assert len(converted[0]["paragraphs"][0]["sentences"]) == 1
sent = converted[0]["paragraphs"][0]["sentences"][0]
assert len(sent["tokens"]) == 4
tokens = sent["tokens"]
assert [t["orth"] for t in tokens] == ["Dommer", "Finn", "Eilertsen", "avstår"]
assert [t["tag"] for t in tokens] == ["NOUN", "PROPN", "PROPN", "VERB"]
assert [t["head"] for t in tokens] == [1, 2, -1, 0]
assert [t["dep"] for t in tokens] == ["appos", "nsubj", "name", "ROOT"]
ent_offsets = [
(e[0], e[1], e[2]) for e in converted[0]["paragraphs"][0]["entities"]
biluo_tags = offsets_to_biluo_tags(converted_docs[0], ent_offsets, missing="O")
assert biluo_tags == ["O", "B-PER", "L-PER", "O"]
def test_cli_converters_conllu_to_docs_name_ner_map(lines):
input_data = "\n".join(lines)
converted_docs = list(
conllu_to_docs(input_data, n_sents=1, ner_map={"PER": "PERSON", "BAD": ""})
assert len(converted_docs) == 1
converted = [docs_to_json(converted_docs)]
assert converted[0]["id"] == 0
assert len(converted[0]["paragraphs"]) == 1
assert converted[0]["paragraphs"][0]["raw"] == "Dommer FinnEilertsen avstår. "
assert len(converted[0]["paragraphs"][0]["sentences"]) == 1
sent = converted[0]["paragraphs"][0]["sentences"][0]
assert len(sent["tokens"]) == 5
tokens = sent["tokens"]
assert [t["orth"] for t in tokens] == ["Dommer", "Finn", "Eilertsen", "avstår", "."]
assert [t["tag"] for t in tokens] == ["NOUN", "PROPN", "PROPN", "VERB", "PUNCT"]
assert [t["head"] for t in tokens] == [1, 2, -1, 0, -1]
assert [t["dep"] for t in tokens] == ["appos", "nsubj", "name", "ROOT", "punct"]
ent_offsets = [
(e[0], e[1], e[2]) for e in converted[0]["paragraphs"][0]["entities"]
biluo_tags = offsets_to_biluo_tags(converted_docs[0], ent_offsets, missing="O")
assert biluo_tags == ["O", "B-PERSON", "L-PERSON", "O", "O"]
def test_cli_converters_conllu_to_docs_subtokens():
# https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ohenrik/nb_news_ud_sm/master/original_data/no-ud-dev-ner.conllu
lines = [
input_data = "\n".join(lines)
converted_docs = list(
input_data, n_sents=1, merge_subtokens=True, append_morphology=True
assert len(converted_docs) == 1
converted = [docs_to_json(converted_docs)]
assert converted[0]["id"] == 0
assert len(converted[0]["paragraphs"]) == 1
assert converted[0]["paragraphs"][0]["raw"] == "Dommer FE avstår. "
assert len(converted[0]["paragraphs"][0]["sentences"]) == 1
sent = converted[0]["paragraphs"][0]["sentences"][0]
assert len(sent["tokens"]) == 4
tokens = sent["tokens"]
assert [t["orth"] for t in tokens] == ["Dommer", "FE", "avstår", "."]
assert [t["tag"] for t in tokens] == [
assert [t["pos"] for t in tokens] == ["NOUN", "PROPN", "VERB", "PUNCT"]
assert [t["morph"] for t in tokens] == [
assert [t["lemma"] for t in tokens] == ["dommer", "Finn Eilertsen", "avstå", "$."]
assert [t["head"] for t in tokens] == [1, 1, 0, -1]
assert [t["dep"] for t in tokens] == ["appos", "nsubj", "ROOT", "punct"]
ent_offsets = [
(e[0], e[1], e[2]) for e in converted[0]["paragraphs"][0]["entities"]
biluo_tags = offsets_to_biluo_tags(converted_docs[0], ent_offsets, missing="O")
assert biluo_tags == ["O", "U-PER", "O", "O"]
def test_cli_converters_iob_to_docs():
lines = [
"I|O like|O London|I-GPE and|O New|B-GPE York|I-GPE City|I-GPE .|O",
"I|O like|O London|B-GPE and|O New|B-GPE York|I-GPE City|I-GPE .|O",
"I|PRP|O like|VBP|O London|NNP|I-GPE and|CC|O New|NNP|B-GPE York|NNP|I-GPE City|NNP|I-GPE .|.|O",
"I|PRP|O like|VBP|O London|NNP|B-GPE and|CC|O New|NNP|B-GPE York|NNP|I-GPE City|NNP|I-GPE .|.|O",
input_data = "\n".join(lines)
converted_docs = list(iob_to_docs(input_data, n_sents=10))
assert len(converted_docs) == 1
converted = docs_to_json(converted_docs)
assert converted["id"] == 0
assert len(converted["paragraphs"]) == 1
assert len(converted["paragraphs"][0]["sentences"]) == 4
for i in range(0, 4):
sent = converted["paragraphs"][0]["sentences"][i]
assert len(sent["tokens"]) == 8
tokens = sent["tokens"]
expected = ["I", "like", "London", "and", "New", "York", "City", "."]
assert [t["orth"] for t in tokens] == expected
assert len(converted_docs[0].ents) == 8
for ent in converted_docs[0].ents:
assert ent.text in ["New York City", "London"]
def test_cli_converters_conll_ner_to_docs():
lines = [
"I O",
"like O",
"London B-GPE",
"and O",
"New B-GPE",
"York I-GPE",
"City I-GPE",
". O",
"I PRP O",
"like VBP O",
"London NNP B-GPE",
"and CC O",
"New NNP B-GPE",
"York NNP I-GPE",
"City NNP I-GPE",
". . O",
"I PRP _ O",
"like VBP _ O",
"London NNP _ B-GPE",
"and CC _ O",
"New NNP _ B-GPE",
"York NNP _ I-GPE",
"City NNP _ I-GPE",
". . _ O",
input_data = "\n".join(lines)
converted_docs = list(conll_ner_to_docs(input_data, n_sents=10))
assert len(converted_docs) == 1
converted = docs_to_json(converted_docs)
assert converted["id"] == 0
assert len(converted["paragraphs"]) == 1
assert len(converted["paragraphs"][0]["sentences"]) == 5
for i in range(0, 5):
sent = converted["paragraphs"][0]["sentences"][i]
assert len(sent["tokens"]) == 8
tokens = sent["tokens"]
# fmt: off
assert [t["orth"] for t in tokens] == ["I", "like", "London", "and", "New", "York", "City", "."]
# fmt: on
assert len(converted_docs[0].ents) == 10
for ent in converted_docs[0].ents:
assert ent.text in ["New York City", "London"]
def test_project_config_validation_full():
config = {
"vars": {"some_var": 20},
"directories": ["assets", "configs", "corpus", "scripts", "training"],
"assets": [
"dest": "x",
"url": "https://example.com",
"checksum": "63373dd656daa1fd3043ce166a59474c",
"dest": "y",
"git": {
"repo": "https://github.com/example/repo",
"branch": "develop",
"path": "y",
"commands": [
"name": "train",
"help": "Train a model",
"script": ["python -m spacy train config.cfg -o training"],
"deps": ["config.cfg", "corpus/training.spcy"],
"outputs": ["training/model-best"],
{"name": "test", "script": ["pytest", "custom.py"], "no_skip": True},
"workflows": {"all": ["train", "test"], "train": ["train"]},
errors = validate(ProjectConfigSchema, config)
assert not errors
{"commands": [{"name": "a"}, {"name": "a"}]},
{"commands": [{"name": "a"}], "workflows": {"a": []}},
{"commands": [{"name": "a"}], "workflows": {"b": ["c"]}},
def test_project_config_validation1(config):
with pytest.raises(SystemExit):
({"commands": {"a": []}}, 1),
({"commands": [{"help": "..."}]}, 1),
({"commands": [{"name": "a", "extra": "b"}]}, 1),
({"commands": [{"extra": "b"}]}, 2),
({"commands": [{"name": "a", "deps": [123]}]}, 1),
def test_project_config_validation2(config, n_errors):
errors = validate(ProjectConfigSchema, config)
assert len(errors) == n_errors
[10, pytest.param("10", marks=pytest.mark.xfail)],
def test_project_config_interpolation(int_value):
variables = {"a": int_value, "b": {"c": "foo", "d": True}}
commands = [
{"name": "x", "script": ["hello ${vars.a} ${vars.b.c}"]},
{"name": "y", "script": ["${vars.b.c} ${vars.b.d}"]},
project = {"commands": commands, "vars": variables}
with make_tempdir() as d:
srsly.write_yaml(d / "project.yml", project)
cfg = load_project_config(d)
assert type(cfg) == dict
assert type(cfg["commands"]) == list
assert cfg["commands"][0]["script"][0] == "hello 10 foo"
assert cfg["commands"][1]["script"][0] == "foo true"
commands = [{"name": "x", "script": ["hello ${vars.a} ${vars.b.e}"]}]
project = {"commands": commands, "vars": variables}
with pytest.raises(ConfigValidationError):
[342, "everyone", "tout le monde", pytest.param("42", marks=pytest.mark.xfail)],
def test_project_config_interpolation_override(greeting):
variables = {"a": "world"}
commands = [
{"name": "x", "script": ["hello ${vars.a}"]},
overrides = {"vars.a": greeting}
project = {"commands": commands, "vars": variables}
with make_tempdir() as d:
srsly.write_yaml(d / "project.yml", project)
cfg = load_project_config(d, overrides=overrides)
assert type(cfg) == dict
assert type(cfg["commands"]) == list
assert cfg["commands"][0]["script"][0] == f"hello {greeting}"
def test_project_config_interpolation_env():
variables = {"a": 10}
env_var = "SPACY_TEST_FOO"
env_vars = {"foo": env_var}
commands = [{"name": "x", "script": ["hello ${vars.a} ${env.foo}"]}]
project = {"commands": commands, "vars": variables, "env": env_vars}
with make_tempdir() as d:
srsly.write_yaml(d / "project.yml", project)
cfg = load_project_config(d)
assert cfg["commands"][0]["script"][0] == "hello 10 "
os.environ[env_var] = "123"
with make_tempdir() as d:
srsly.write_yaml(d / "project.yml", project)
cfg = load_project_config(d)
assert cfg["commands"][0]["script"][0] == "hello 10 123"
# fmt: off
(["--x.foo", "10"], {"x.foo": 10}),
(["--x.foo=10"], {"x.foo": 10}),
(["--x.foo", "bar"], {"x.foo": "bar"}),
(["--x.foo=bar"], {"x.foo": "bar"}),
(["--x.foo", "--x.bar", "baz"], {"x.foo": True, "x.bar": "baz"}),
(["--x.foo", "--x.bar=baz"], {"x.foo": True, "x.bar": "baz"}),
(["--x.foo", "10.1", "--x.bar", "--x.baz", "false"], {"x.foo": 10.1, "x.bar": True, "x.baz": False}),
(["--x.foo", "10.1", "--x.bar", "--x.baz=false"], {"x.foo": 10.1, "x.bar": True, "x.baz": False})
# fmt: on
def test_parse_config_overrides(args, expected):
assert parse_config_overrides(args) == expected
@pytest.mark.parametrize("args", [["--foo"], ["--x.foo", "bar", "--baz"]])
def test_parse_config_overrides_invalid(args):
with pytest.raises(NoSuchOption):
@pytest.mark.parametrize("args", [["--x.foo", "bar", "baz"], ["x.foo"]])
def test_parse_config_overrides_invalid_2(args):
with pytest.raises(SystemExit):
def test_parse_cli_overrides():
overrides = "--x.foo bar --x.bar=12 --x.baz false --y.foo=hello"
os.environ[ENV_VARS.CONFIG_OVERRIDES] = overrides
result = parse_config_overrides([])
assert len(result) == 4
assert result["x.foo"] == "bar"
assert result["x.bar"] == 12
assert result["x.baz"] is False
assert result["y.foo"] == "hello"
os.environ[ENV_VARS.CONFIG_OVERRIDES] = "--x"
assert parse_config_overrides([], env_var=None) == {}
with pytest.raises(SystemExit):
os.environ[ENV_VARS.CONFIG_OVERRIDES] = "hello world"
with pytest.raises(SystemExit):
@pytest.mark.parametrize("lang", ["en", "nl"])
"pipeline", [["tagger", "parser", "ner"], [], ["ner", "textcat", "sentencizer"]]
@pytest.mark.parametrize("optimize", ["efficiency", "accuracy"])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("pretraining", [True, False])
def test_init_config(lang, pipeline, optimize, pretraining):
# TODO: add more tests and also check for GPU with transformers
config = init_config(
assert isinstance(config, Config)
if pretraining:
config["paths"]["raw_text"] = "my_data.jsonl"
load_model_from_config(config, auto_fill=True)
def test_model_recommendations():
for lang, data in RECOMMENDATIONS.items():
assert RecommendationSchema(**data)
# fmt: off
" parser, textcat ,tagger ",
' parser, textcat ,tagger ',
' "parser"," textcat " ,"tagger "',
" 'parser',' textcat ' ,'tagger '",
'[" parser" ,"textcat ", " tagger " ]',
"[ parser, textcat , tagger]",
"[' parser' , 'textcat', ' tagger ' ]",
# fmt: on
def test_string_to_list(value):
assert string_to_list(value, intify=False) == ["parser", "textcat", "tagger"]
# fmt: off
'[" 1" ,"2 ", " 3 " ]',
"[' 1' , '2', ' 3 ' ]",
# fmt: on
def test_string_to_list_intify(value):
assert string_to_list(value, intify=False) == ["1", "2", "3"]
assert string_to_list(value, intify=True) == [1, 2, 3]
def test_download_compatibility():
spec = SpecifierSet("==" + about.__version__)
spec.prereleases = False
if about.__version__ in spec:
model_name = "en_core_web_sm"
compatibility = get_compatibility()
version = get_version(model_name, compatibility)
assert get_minor_version(about.__version__) == get_minor_version(version)
def test_validate_compatibility_table():
spec = SpecifierSet("==" + about.__version__)
spec.prereleases = False
if about.__version__ in spec:
model_pkgs, compat = get_model_pkgs()
spacy_version = get_minor_version(about.__version__)
current_compat = compat.get(spacy_version, {})
assert len(current_compat) > 0
assert "en_core_web_sm" in current_compat
@pytest.mark.parametrize("component_name", ["ner", "textcat", "spancat", "tagger"])
def test_init_labels(component_name):
nlp = Dutch()
component = nlp.add_pipe(component_name)
for label in ["T1", "T2", "T3", "T4"]:
assert len(nlp.get_pipe(component_name).labels) == 4
with make_tempdir() as tmp_dir:
_init_labels(nlp, tmp_dir)
config = init_config(
config["initialize"]["components"][component_name] = {
"labels": {
"@readers": "spacy.read_labels.v1",
"path": f"{tmp_dir}/{component_name}.json",
nlp2 = load_model_from_config(config, auto_fill=True)
assert len(nlp2.get_pipe(component_name).labels) == 0
assert len(nlp2.get_pipe(component_name).labels) == 4
def test_get_third_party_dependencies():
# We can't easily test the detection of third-party packages here, but we
# can at least make sure that the function and its importlib magic runs.
nlp = Dutch()
# Test with component factory based on Cython module
assert get_third_party_dependencies(nlp.config) == []
# Test with legacy function
nlp = Dutch()
"model": {
# Do not update from legacy architecture spacy.TextCatBOW.v1
"@architectures": "spacy.TextCatBOW.v1",
"exclusive_classes": True,
"ngram_size": 1,
"no_output_layer": False,
assert get_third_party_dependencies(nlp.config) == []
# Test with lang-specific factory
def test_factory(nlp, name):
return lambda x: x
# Before #9674 this would throw an exception
("/tmp", "/tmp", True),
("/tmp", "/", False),
("/tmp", "/tmp/subdir", True),
("/tmp", "/tmpdir", False),
("/tmp", "/tmp/subdir/..", True),
("/tmp", "/tmp/..", False),
def test_is_subpath_of(parent, child, expected):
assert is_subpath_of(parent, child) == expected