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synced 2025-03-10 06:15:49 +03:00
176 lines
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176 lines
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"""Align the raw sentences from Read et al (2012) to the PTB tokenization,
outputing the format:
section: int,
file: string,
paragraphs: [{
raw: string,
segmented: string,
tokens: [int]}]}]
import plac
from pathlib import Path
import json
from os import path
from spacy.munge import read_ptb
def read_unsegmented(section_loc):
# Arbitrary patches applied to the _raw_ text to promote alignment.
patches = (
('. . . .', '...'),
('....', '...'),
('Co..', 'Co.'),
("`", "'"),
paragraphs = []
with open(section_loc) as file_:
para = []
for line in file_:
if line.startswith('['):
line = line.split('|', 1)[1].strip()
for find, replace in patches:
line = line.replace(find, replace)
para = []
return paragraphs
def read_ptb_sec(ptb_sec_dir):
ptb_sec_dir = Path(ptb_sec_dir)
files = []
for loc in ptb_sec_dir.iterdir():
if not str(loc).endswith('parse') and not str(loc).endswith('mrg'):
with loc.open() as file_:
text = file_.read()
sents = []
for parse_str in read_ptb.split(text):
words, brackets = read_ptb.parse(parse_str, strip_bad_periods=True)
words = [_reform_ptb_word(word) for word in words]
string = ' '.join(words)
return files
def _reform_ptb_word(tok):
tok = tok.replace("``", '"')
tok = tok.replace("`", "'")
tok = tok.replace("''", '"')
tok = tok.replace('\\', '')
tok = tok.replace('-LCB-', '{')
tok = tok.replace('-RCB-', '}')
tok = tok.replace('-RRB-', ')')
tok = tok.replace('-LRB-', '(')
tok = tok.replace("'T-", "'T")
return tok
def get_alignment(raw_by_para, ptb_by_file):
# These are list-of-lists, by paragraph and file respectively.
# Flatten them into a list of (outer_id, inner_id, item) triples
raw_sents = _flatten(raw_by_para)
ptb_sents = _flatten(ptb_by_file)
assert len(raw_sents) == len(ptb_sents)
output = []
for (p_id, p_sent_id, raw), (f_id, f_sent_id, ptb) in zip(raw_sents, ptb_sents):
alignment = align_chars(raw, ptb)
sepped = []
for i, c in enumerate(ptb):
if alignment[i] is False:
output.append((f_id, p_id, f_sent_id, ''.join(sepped)))
return output
def _flatten(nested):
flat = []
for id1, inner in enumerate(nested):
flat.extend((id1, id2, item) for id2, item in enumerate(inner))
return flat
def align_chars(raw, ptb):
i = 0
j = 0
length = len(raw)
alignment = [False for _ in range(len(ptb))]
while i < length:
if raw[i] == ' ' and ptb[j] == ' ':
alignment[j] = True
i += 1
j += 1
elif raw[i] == ' ':
i += 1
elif ptb[j] == ' ':
j += 1
assert raw[i].lower() == ptb[j].lower(), raw[i:1]
alignment[j] = i
i += 1; j += 1
return alignment
def group_into_files(sents):
last_id = 0
this = []
output = []
for f_id, p_id, s_id, sent in sents:
if f_id != last_id:
this = []
this.append((f_id, p_id, s_id, sent))
last_id = f_id
if this:
return output
def group_into_paras(sents):
last_id = 0
this = []
output = []
for f_id, p_id, s_id, sent in sents:
if p_id != last_id and this:
this = []
last_id = p_id
if this:
return output
def get_sections(odc_dir, ptb_dir, out_dir):
for i in range(25):
section = str(i) if i >= 10 else ('0' + str(i))
odc_loc = path.join(odc_dir, 'wsj%s.txt' % section)
ptb_sec = path.join(ptb_dir, section)
out_loc = path.join(out_dir, 'wsj%s.json' % section)
yield odc_loc, ptb_sec, out_loc
def main(odc_dir, ptb_dir, out_dir):
for odc_loc, ptb_sec_dir, out_loc in get_sections(odc_dir, ptb_dir, out_dir):
raw_paragraphs = read_unsegmented(odc_loc)
ptb_files = read_ptb_sec(ptb_sec_dir)
aligned = get_alignment(raw_paragraphs, ptb_files)
files = [group_into_paras(f) for f in group_into_files(aligned)]
with open(out_loc, 'w') as file_:
json.dump(files, file_)
if __name__ == '__main__':