Ines Montani 49cee4af92
💫 Interactive code examples, spaCy Universe and various docs improvements (#2274)
* Integrate Python kernel via Binder

* Add live model test for languages with examples

* Update docs and code examples

* Adjust margin (if not bootstrapped)

* Add binder version to global config

* Update terminal and executable code mixins

* Pass attributes through infobox and section

* Hide v-cloak

* Fix example

* Take out model comparison for now

* Add meta text for compat

* Remove chart.js dependency

* Tidy up and simplify JS and port big components over to Vue

* Remove chartjs example

* Add Twitter icon

* Add purple stylesheet option

* Add utility for hand cursor (special cases only)

* Add transition classes

* Add small option for section

* Add thumb object for small round thumbnail images

* Allow unset code block language via "none" value

(workaround to still allow unset language to default to DEFAULT_SYNTAX)

* Pass through attributes

* Add syntax highlighting definitions for Julia, R and Docker

* Add website icon

* Remove user survey from navigation

* Don't hide GitHub icon on small screens

* Make top navigation scrollable on small screens

* Remove old resources page and references to it

* Add Universe

* Add helper functions for better page URL and title

* Update site description

* Increment versions

* Update preview images

* Update mentions of resources

* Fix image

* Fix social images

* Fix problem with cover sizing and floats

* Add divider and move badges into heading

* Add docstrings

* Reference converting section

* Add section on converting word vectors

* Move converting section to custom section and fix formatting

* Remove old fastText example

* Move extensions content to own section

Keep weird ID to not break permalinks for now (we don't want to rewrite URLs if not absolutely necessary)

* Use better component example and add factories section

* Add note on larger model

* Use better example for non-vector

* Remove similarity in context section

Only works via small models with tensors so has always been kind of confusing

* Add note on init-model command

* Fix lightning tour examples and make excutable if possible

* Add spacy train CLI section to train

* Fix formatting and add video

* Fix formatting

* Fix textcat example description (resolves #2246)

* Add dummy file to try resolve conflict

* Delete dummy file

* Tidy up [ci skip]

* Ensure sufficient height of loading container

* Add loading animation to universe

* Update Thebelab build and use better startup message

* Fix asset versioning

* Fix typo [ci skip]

* Add note on project idea label
2018-04-29 02:06:46 +02:00

368 lines
15 KiB
Raw Blame History

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| Tokenization is the task of splitting a text into meaningful segments,
| called #[em tokens]. The input to the tokenizer is a unicode text, and
| the output is a #[+api("doc") #[code Doc]] object. To construct a
| #[code Doc] object, you need a #[+api("vocab") #[code Vocab]] instance,
| a sequence of #[code word] strings, and optionally a sequence of
| #[code spaces] booleans, which allow you to maintain alignment of the
| tokens into the original string.
include ../_spacy-101/_tokenization
+h(4, "101-data") Tokenizer data
| #[strong Global] and #[strong language-specific] tokenizer data is
| supplied via the language data in
| #[+src(gh("spaCy", "spacy/lang")) #[code spacy/lang]].
| The tokenizer exceptions define special cases like "don't" in English,
| which needs to be split into two tokens: #[code {ORTH: "do"}] and
| #[code {ORTH: "n't", LEMMA: "not"}]. The prefixes, suffixes and infixes
| mosty define punctuation rules for example, when to split off periods
| (at the end of a sentence), and when to leave token containing periods
| intact (abbreviations like "U.S.").
include ../../assets/img/language_data.svg
| For more details on the language-specific data, see the
| usage guide on #[+a("/usage/adding-languages") adding languages].
+h(3, "special-cases") Adding special case tokenization rules
| Most domains have at least some idiosyncrasies that require custom
| tokenization rules. This could be very certain expressions, or
| abbreviations only used in this specific field.
+aside("Language data vs. custom tokenization")
| Tokenization rules that are specific to one language, but can be
| #[strong generalised across that language] should ideally live in the
| language data in #[+src(gh("spaCy", "spacy/lang")) #[code spacy/lang]]  we
| always appreciate pull requests! Anything that's specific to a domain or
| text type like financial trading abbreviations, or Bavarian youth slang
| should be added as a special case rule to your tokenizer instance. If
| you're dealing with a lot of customisations, it might make sense to create
| an entirely custom subclass.
| Here's how to add a special case rule to an existing
| #[+api("tokenizer") #[code Tokenizer]] instance:
import spacy
from spacy.symbols import ORTH, LEMMA, POS, TAG
nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm')
doc = nlp(u'gimme that') # phrase to tokenize
print([w.text for w in doc]) # ['gimme', 'that']
# add special case rule
special_case = [{ORTH: u'gim', LEMMA: u'give', POS: u'VERB'}, {ORTH: u'me'}]
nlp.tokenizer.add_special_case(u'gimme', special_case)
# check new tokenization
print([w.text for w in nlp(u'gimme that')]) # ['gim', 'me', 'that']
# Pronoun lemma is returned as -PRON-!
print([w.lemma_ for w in nlp(u'gimme that')]) # ['give', '-PRON-', 'that']
| For details on spaCy's custom pronoun lemma #[code -PRON-],
| #[+a("/usage/#pron-lemma") see here].
| The special case doesn't have to match an entire whitespace-delimited
| substring. The tokenizer will incrementally split off punctuation, and
| keep looking up the remaining substring:
assert 'gimme' not in [w.text for w in nlp(u'gimme!')]
assert 'gimme' not in [w.text for w in nlp(u'("...gimme...?")')]
| The special case rules have precedence over the punctuation splitting:
special_case = [{ORTH: u'...gimme...?', LEMMA: u'give', TAG: u'VB'}]
nlp.tokenizer.add_special_case(u'...gimme...?', special_case)
assert len(nlp(u'...gimme...?')) == 1
| Because the special-case rules allow you to set arbitrary token
| attributes, such as the part-of-speech, lemma, etc, they make a good
| mechanism for arbitrary fix-up rules. Having this logic live in the
| tokenizer isn't very satisfying from a design perspective, however, so
| the API may eventually be exposed on the
| #[+api("language") #[code Language]] class itself.
+h(3, "how-tokenizer-works") How spaCy's tokenizer works
| spaCy introduces a novel tokenization algorithm, that gives a better
| balance between performance, ease of definition, and ease of alignment
| into the original string.
| After consuming a prefix or infix, we consult the special cases again.
| We want the special cases to handle things like "don't" in English, and
| we want the same rule to work for "(don't)!". We do this by splitting
| off the open bracket, then the exclamation, then the close bracket, and
| finally matching the special-case. Here's an implementation of the
| algorithm in Python, optimized for readability rather than performance:
def tokenizer_pseudo_code(text, special_cases,
find_prefix, find_suffix, find_infixes):
tokens = []
for substring in text.split(' '):
suffixes = []
while substring:
if substring in special_cases:
substring = ''
elif find_prefix(substring) is not None:
split = find_prefix(substring)
substring = substring[split:]
elif find_suffix(substring) is not None:
split = find_suffix(substring)
substring = substring[:split]
elif find_infixes(substring):
infixes = find_infixes(substring)
offset = 0
for match in infixes:
tokens.append(substring[offset : match.start()])
tokens.append(substring[match.start() : match.end()])
offset = match.end()
substring = substring[offset:]
substring = ''
return tokens
| The algorithm can be summarized as follows:
+item Iterate over space-separated substrings
| Check whether we have an explicitly defined rule for this substring.
| If we do, use it.
+item Otherwise, try to consume a prefix.
| If we consumed a prefix, go back to the beginning of the loop, so
| that special-cases always get priority.
+item If we didn't consume a prefix, try to consume a suffix.
| If we can't consume a prefix or suffix, look for "infixes" — stuff
| like hyphens etc.
+item Once we can't consume any more of the string, handle it as a single token.
+h(3, "native-tokenizers") Customizing spaCy's Tokenizer class
| Let's imagine you wanted to create a tokenizer for a new language or
| specific domain. There are five things you would need to define:
| A dictionary of #[strong special cases]. This handles things like
| contractions, units of measurement, emoticons, certain
| abbreviations, etc.
| A function #[code prefix_search], to handle
| #[strong preceding punctuation], such as open quotes, open brackets,
| etc
| A function #[code suffix_search], to handle
| #[strong succeeding punctuation], such as commas, periods, close
| quotes, etc.
| A function #[code infixes_finditer], to handle non-whitespace
| separators, such as hyphens etc.
| An optional boolean function #[code token_match] matching strings
| that should never be split, overriding the previous rules.
| Useful for things like URLs or numbers.
| You shouldn't usually need to create a #[code Tokenizer] subclass.
| Standard usage is to use #[code re.compile()] to build a regular
| expression object, and pass its #[code .search()] and
| #[code .finditer()] methods:
import re
import spacy
from spacy.tokenizer import Tokenizer
prefix_re = re.compile(r'''^[\[\("']''')
suffix_re = re.compile(r'''[\]\)"']$''')
infix_re = re.compile(r'''[-~]''')
simple_url_re = re.compile(r'''^https?://''')
def custom_tokenizer(nlp):
return Tokenizer(nlp.vocab,,,
nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm')
nlp.tokenizer = custom_tokenizer(nlp)
doc = nlp(u"hello-world.")
print([t.text for t in doc])
| If you need to subclass the tokenizer instead, the relevant methods to
| specialize are #[code find_prefix], #[code find_suffix] and
| #[code find_infix].
+infobox("Important note", "⚠️")
| When customising the prefix, suffix and infix handling, remember that
| you're passing in #[strong functions] for spaCy to execute, e.g.
| #[code] not just the regular expressions. This means
| that your functions also need to define how the rules should be applied.
| For example, if you're adding your own prefix rules, you need
| to make sure they're only applied to characters at the
| #[strong beginning of a token], e.g. by adding #[code ^]. Similarly,
| suffix rules should only be applied at the #[strong end of a token],
| so your expression should end with a #[code $].
+h(3, "custom-tokenizer") Hooking an arbitrary tokenizer into the pipeline
| The tokenizer is the first component of the processing pipeline and the
| only one that can't be replaced by writing to #[code nlp.pipeline]. This
| is because it has a different signature from all the other components:
| it takes a text and returns a #[code Doc], whereas all other components
| expect to already receive a tokenized #[code Doc].
include ../../assets/img/pipeline.svg
| To overwrite the existing tokenizer, you need to replace
| #[code nlp.tokenizer] with a custom function that takes a text, and
| returns a #[code Doc].
nlp = spacy.load('en')
nlp.tokenizer = my_tokenizer
+table(["Argument", "Type", "Description"])
+cell #[code text]
+cell unicode
+cell The raw text to tokenize.
+cell returns
+cell #[code Doc]
+cell The tokenized document.
+infobox("Important note: using a custom tokenizer")
| In spaCy v1.x, you had to add a custom tokenizer by passing it to the
| #[code make_doc] keyword argument, or by passing a tokenizer "factory"
| to #[code create_make_doc]. This was unnecessarily complicated. Since
| spaCy v2.0, you can simply write to #[code nlp.tokenizer]. If your
| tokenizer needs the vocab, you can write a function and use
| #[code nlp.vocab].
nlp.tokenizer = my_tokenizer
nlp.tokenizer = my_tokenizer_factory(nlp.vocab)
nlp = spacy.load('en', make_doc=my_tokenizer)
nlp = spacy.load('en', create_make_doc=my_tokenizer_factory)
+h(3, "custom-tokenizer-example") Example: A custom whitespace tokenizer
| To construct the tokenizer, we usually want attributes of the #[code nlp]
| pipeline. Specifically, we want the tokenizer to hold a reference to the
| vocabulary object. Let's say we have the following class as
| our tokenizer:
import spacy
from spacy.tokens import Doc
class WhitespaceTokenizer(object):
def __init__(self, vocab):
self.vocab = vocab
def __call__(self, text):
words = text.split(' ')
# All tokens 'own' a subsequent space character in this tokenizer
spaces = [True] * len(words)
return Doc(self.vocab, words=words, spaces=spaces)
nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm')
nlp.tokenizer = WhitespaceTokenizer(nlp.vocab)
doc = nlp(u"What's happened to me? he thought. It wasn't a dream.")
print([t.text for t in doc])
| As you can see, we need a #[code Vocab] instance to construct this — but
| we won't have it until we get back the loaded #[code nlp] object. The
| simplest solution is to build the tokenizer in two steps. This also means
| that you can reuse the "tokenizer factory" and initialise it with
| different instances of #[code Vocab].
+h(3, "own-annotations") Bringing your own annotations
| spaCy generally assumes by default that your data is raw text. However,
| sometimes your data is partially annotated, e.g. with pre-existing
| tokenization, part-of-speech tags, etc. The most common situation is
| that you have pre-defined tokenization. If you have a list of strings,
| you can create a #[code Doc] object directly. Optionally, you can also
| specify a list of boolean values, indicating whether each word has a
| subsequent space.
import spacy
from spacy.tokens import Doc
from spacy.lang.en import English
nlp = English()
doc = Doc(nlp.vocab, words=[u'Hello', u',', u'world', u'!'],
spaces=[False, True, False, False])
print([(t.text, t.text_with_ws, t.whitespace_) for t in doc])
| If provided, the spaces list must be the same length as the words list.
| The spaces list affects the #[code doc.text], #[code span.text],
| #[code token.idx], #[code span.start_char] and #[code span.end_char]
| attributes. If you don't provide a #[code spaces] sequence, spaCy will
| assume that all words are whitespace delimited.
import spacy
from spacy.tokens import Doc
from spacy.lang.en import English
nlp = English()
bad_spaces = Doc(nlp.vocab, words=[u'Hello', u',', u'world', u'!'])
good_spaces = Doc(nlp.vocab, words=[u'Hello', u',', u'world', u'!'],
spaces=[False, True, False, False])
print(bad_spaces.text) # 'Hello , world !'
print(good_spaces.text) # 'Hello, world!'
| Once you have a #[+api("doc") #[code Doc]] object, you can write to its
| attributes to set the part-of-speech tags, syntactic dependencies, named
| entities and other attributes. For details, see the respective usage
| pages.