[aliases] test=pytest [bdist_wheel] universal=1 [flake8] exclude = docs,graphene_django/debug/sql/*,migrations max-line-length = 120 select = # Dictionary key repeated F601, # Ensure use of ==/!= to compare with str, bytes and int literals F632, # Redefinition of unused name F811, # Using an undefined variable F821, # Defining an undefined variable in __all__ F822, # Using a variable before it is assigned F823, # Duplicate argument in function declaration F831, # Black would format this line BLK, # Do not use bare except B001, # Don't allow ++n. You probably meant n += 1 B002, # Do not use mutable structures for argument defaults B006, # Do not perform calls in argument defaults B008 [coverage:run] omit = */tests/* [isort] known_first_party=graphene,graphene_django multi_line_output=3 include_trailing_comma=True force_grid_wrap=0 use_parentheses=True line_length=88