import datetime import pytest from django.db import models from django.utils.functional import SimpleLazyObject from py.test import raises import graphene from graphene.relay import Node from ..utils import DJANGO_FILTER_INSTALLED from ..compat import MissingType, JSONField from ..fields import DjangoConnectionField from ..types import DjangoObjectType from ..settings import graphene_settings from .models import Article, Reporter pytestmark = pytest.mark.django_db def test_should_query_only_fields(): with raises(Exception): class ReporterType(DjangoObjectType): class Meta: model = Reporter only_fields = ('articles', ) schema = graphene.Schema(query=ReporterType) query = ''' query ReporterQuery { articles } ''' result = schema.execute(query) assert not result.errors def test_should_query_simplelazy_objects(): class ReporterType(DjangoObjectType): class Meta: model = Reporter only_fields = ('id', ) class Query(graphene.ObjectType): reporter = graphene.Field(ReporterType) def resolve_reporter(self, info): return SimpleLazyObject(lambda: Reporter(id=1)) schema = graphene.Schema(query=Query) query = ''' query { reporter { id } } ''' result = schema.execute(query) assert not result.errors assert == { 'reporter': { 'id': '1' } } def test_should_query_well(): class ReporterType(DjangoObjectType): class Meta: model = Reporter class Query(graphene.ObjectType): reporter = graphene.Field(ReporterType) def resolve_reporter(self, info): return Reporter(first_name='ABA', last_name='X') query = ''' query ReporterQuery { reporter { firstName, lastName, email } } ''' expected = { 'reporter': { 'firstName': 'ABA', 'lastName': 'X', 'email': '' } } schema = graphene.Schema(query=Query) result = schema.execute(query) assert not result.errors assert == expected @pytest.mark.skipif(JSONField is MissingType, reason="RangeField should exist") def test_should_query_postgres_fields(): from django.contrib.postgres.fields import IntegerRangeField, ArrayField, JSONField, HStoreField class Event(models.Model): ages = IntegerRangeField(help_text='The age ranges') data = JSONField(help_text='Data') store = HStoreField() tags = ArrayField(models.CharField(max_length=50)) class EventType(DjangoObjectType): class Meta: model = Event class Query(graphene.ObjectType): event = graphene.Field(EventType) def resolve_event(self, info): return Event( ages=(0, 10), data={'angry_babies': True}, store={'h': 'store'}, tags=['child', 'angry', 'babies'] ) schema = graphene.Schema(query=Query) query = ''' query myQuery { event { ages tags data store } } ''' expected = { 'event': { 'ages': [0, 10], 'tags': ['child', 'angry', 'babies'], 'data': '{"angry_babies": true}', 'store': '{"h": "store"}', }, } result = schema.execute(query) assert not result.errors assert == expected def test_should_node(): # reset_global_registry() # Node._meta.registry = get_global_registry() class ReporterNode(DjangoObjectType): class Meta: model = Reporter interfaces = (Node, ) @classmethod def get_node(cls, info, id): return Reporter(id=2, first_name='Cookie Monster') def resolve_articles(self, info, **args): return [Article(headline='Hi!')] class ArticleNode(DjangoObjectType): class Meta: model = Article interfaces = (Node, ) @classmethod def get_node(cls, info, id): return Article(id=1, headline='Article node',, 3, 11)) class Query(graphene.ObjectType): node = Node.Field() reporter = graphene.Field(ReporterNode) article = graphene.Field(ArticleNode) def resolve_reporter(self, info): return Reporter(id=1, first_name='ABA', last_name='X') query = ''' query ReporterQuery { reporter { id, firstName, articles { edges { node { headline } } } lastName, email } myArticle: node(id:"QXJ0aWNsZU5vZGU6MQ==") { id ... on ReporterNode { firstName } ... on ArticleNode { headline pubDate } } } ''' expected = { 'reporter': { 'id': 'UmVwb3J0ZXJOb2RlOjE=', 'firstName': 'ABA', 'lastName': 'X', 'email': '', 'articles': { 'edges': [{ 'node': { 'headline': 'Hi!' } }] }, }, 'myArticle': { 'id': 'QXJ0aWNsZU5vZGU6MQ==', 'headline': 'Article node', 'pubDate': '2002-03-11', } } schema = graphene.Schema(query=Query) result = schema.execute(query) assert not result.errors assert == expected def test_should_query_connectionfields(): class ReporterType(DjangoObjectType): class Meta: model = Reporter interfaces = (Node, ) only_fields = ('articles', ) class Query(graphene.ObjectType): all_reporters = DjangoConnectionField(ReporterType) def resolve_all_reporters(self, info, **args): return [Reporter(id=1)] schema = graphene.Schema(query=Query) query = ''' query ReporterConnectionQuery { allReporters { pageInfo { hasNextPage } edges { node { id } } } } ''' result = schema.execute(query) assert not result.errors assert == { 'allReporters': { 'pageInfo': { 'hasNextPage': False, }, 'edges': [{ 'node': { 'id': 'UmVwb3J0ZXJUeXBlOjE=' } }] } } def test_should_keep_annotations(): from django.db.models import ( Count, Avg, ) class ReporterType(DjangoObjectType): class Meta: model = Reporter interfaces = (Node, ) only_fields = ('articles', ) class ArticleType(DjangoObjectType): class Meta: model = Article interfaces = (Node, ) filter_fields = ('lang', ) class Query(graphene.ObjectType): all_reporters = DjangoConnectionField(ReporterType) all_articles = DjangoConnectionField(ArticleType) def resolve_all_reporters(self, info, **args): return Reporter.objects.annotate(articles_c=Count('articles')).order_by('articles_c') def resolve_all_articles(self, info, **args): return Article.objects.annotate(import_avg=Avg('importance')).order_by('import_avg') schema = graphene.Schema(query=Query) query = ''' query ReporterConnectionQuery { allReporters { pageInfo { hasNextPage } edges { node { id } } } allArticles { pageInfo { hasNextPage } edges { node { id } } } } ''' result = schema.execute(query) assert not result.errors @pytest.mark.skipif(not DJANGO_FILTER_INSTALLED, reason="django-filter should be installed") def test_should_query_node_filtering(): class ReporterType(DjangoObjectType): class Meta: model = Reporter interfaces = (Node, ) class ArticleType(DjangoObjectType): class Meta: model = Article interfaces = (Node, ) filter_fields = ('lang', ) class Query(graphene.ObjectType): all_reporters = DjangoConnectionField(ReporterType) r = Reporter.objects.create( first_name='John', last_name='Doe', email='', a_choice=1 ) Article.objects.create( headline='Article Node 1',, reporter=r, editor=r, lang='es' ) Article.objects.create( headline='Article Node 2',, reporter=r, editor=r, lang='en' ) schema = graphene.Schema(query=Query) query = ''' query NodeFilteringQuery { allReporters { edges { node { id articles(lang: "es") { edges { node { id } } } } } } } ''' expected = { 'allReporters': { 'edges': [{ 'node': { 'id': 'UmVwb3J0ZXJUeXBlOjE=', 'articles': { 'edges': [{ 'node': { 'id': 'QXJ0aWNsZVR5cGU6MQ==' } }] } } }] } } result = schema.execute(query) assert not result.errors assert == expected @pytest.mark.skipif(not DJANGO_FILTER_INSTALLED, reason="django-filter should be installed") def test_should_query_node_multiple_filtering(): class ReporterType(DjangoObjectType): class Meta: model = Reporter interfaces = (Node, ) class ArticleType(DjangoObjectType): class Meta: model = Article interfaces = (Node, ) filter_fields = ('lang', 'headline') class Query(graphene.ObjectType): all_reporters = DjangoConnectionField(ReporterType) r = Reporter.objects.create( first_name='John', last_name='Doe', email='', a_choice=1 ) Article.objects.create( headline='Article Node 1',, reporter=r, editor=r, lang='es' ) Article.objects.create( headline='Article Node 2',, reporter=r, editor=r, lang='es' ) Article.objects.create( headline='Article Node 3',, reporter=r, editor=r, lang='en' ) schema = graphene.Schema(query=Query) query = ''' query NodeFilteringQuery { allReporters { edges { node { id articles(lang: "es", headline: "Article Node 1") { edges { node { id } } } } } } } ''' expected = { 'allReporters': { 'edges': [{ 'node': { 'id': 'UmVwb3J0ZXJUeXBlOjE=', 'articles': { 'edges': [{ 'node': { 'id': 'QXJ0aWNsZVR5cGU6MQ==' } }] } } }] } } result = schema.execute(query) assert not result.errors assert == expected def test_should_enforce_first_or_last(): graphene_settings.RELAY_CONNECTION_ENFORCE_FIRST_OR_LAST = True class ReporterType(DjangoObjectType): class Meta: model = Reporter interfaces = (Node, ) class Query(graphene.ObjectType): all_reporters = DjangoConnectionField(ReporterType) r = Reporter.objects.create( first_name='John', last_name='Doe', email='', a_choice=1 ) schema = graphene.Schema(query=Query) query = ''' query NodeFilteringQuery { allReporters { edges { node { id } } } } ''' expected = { 'allReporters': None } result = schema.execute(query) assert len(result.errors) == 1 assert str(result.errors[0]) == ( 'You must provide a `first` or `last` value to properly ' 'paginate the `allReporters` connection.' ) assert == expected def test_should_error_if_first_is_greater_than_max(): graphene_settings.RELAY_CONNECTION_MAX_LIMIT = 100 class ReporterType(DjangoObjectType): class Meta: model = Reporter interfaces = (Node, ) class Query(graphene.ObjectType): all_reporters = DjangoConnectionField(ReporterType) r = Reporter.objects.create( first_name='John', last_name='Doe', email='', a_choice=1 ) schema = graphene.Schema(query=Query) query = ''' query NodeFilteringQuery { allReporters(first: 101) { edges { node { id } } } } ''' expected = { 'allReporters': None } result = schema.execute(query) assert len(result.errors) == 1 assert str(result.errors[0]) == ( 'Requesting 101 records on the `allReporters` connection ' 'exceeds the `first` limit of 100 records.' ) assert == expected graphene_settings.RELAY_CONNECTION_ENFORCE_FIRST_OR_LAST = False def test_should_error_if_last_is_greater_than_max(): graphene_settings.RELAY_CONNECTION_MAX_LIMIT = 100 class ReporterType(DjangoObjectType): class Meta: model = Reporter interfaces = (Node, ) class Query(graphene.ObjectType): all_reporters = DjangoConnectionField(ReporterType) r = Reporter.objects.create( first_name='John', last_name='Doe', email='', a_choice=1 ) schema = graphene.Schema(query=Query) query = ''' query NodeFilteringQuery { allReporters(last: 101) { edges { node { id } } } } ''' expected = { 'allReporters': None } result = schema.execute(query) assert len(result.errors) == 1 assert str(result.errors[0]) == ( 'Requesting 101 records on the `allReporters` connection ' 'exceeds the `last` limit of 100 records.' ) assert == expected graphene_settings.RELAY_CONNECTION_ENFORCE_FIRST_OR_LAST = False def test_should_query_promise_connectionfields(): from promise import Promise class ReporterType(DjangoObjectType): class Meta: model = Reporter interfaces = (Node, ) class Query(graphene.ObjectType): all_reporters = DjangoConnectionField(ReporterType) def resolve_all_reporters(self, info, **args): return Promise.resolve([Reporter(id=1)]) schema = graphene.Schema(query=Query) query = ''' query ReporterPromiseConnectionQuery { allReporters(first: 1) { edges { node { id } } } } ''' expected = { 'allReporters': { 'edges': [{ 'node': { 'id': 'UmVwb3J0ZXJUeXBlOjE=' } }] } } result = schema.execute(query) assert not result.errors assert == expected def test_should_query_connectionfields_with_last(): r = Reporter.objects.create( first_name='John', last_name='Doe', email='', a_choice=1 ) class ReporterType(DjangoObjectType): class Meta: model = Reporter interfaces = (Node, ) class Query(graphene.ObjectType): all_reporters = DjangoConnectionField(ReporterType) def resolve_all_reporters(self, info, **args): return Reporter.objects.all() schema = graphene.Schema(query=Query) query = ''' query ReporterLastQuery { allReporters(last: 1) { edges { node { id } } } } ''' expected = { 'allReporters': { 'edges': [{ 'node': { 'id': 'UmVwb3J0ZXJUeXBlOjE=' } }] } } result = schema.execute(query) assert not result.errors assert == expected def test_should_query_connectionfields_with_manager(): r = Reporter.objects.create( first_name='John', last_name='Doe', email='', a_choice=1 ) r = Reporter.objects.create( first_name='John', last_name='NotDoe', email='', a_choice=1 ) class ReporterType(DjangoObjectType): class Meta: model = Reporter interfaces = (Node, ) class Query(graphene.ObjectType): all_reporters = DjangoConnectionField(ReporterType, on='doe_objects') def resolve_all_reporters(self, info, **args): return Reporter.objects.all() schema = graphene.Schema(query=Query) query = ''' query ReporterLastQuery { allReporters(first: 2) { edges { node { id } } } } ''' expected = { 'allReporters': { 'edges': [{ 'node': { 'id': 'UmVwb3J0ZXJUeXBlOjE=' } }] } } result = schema.execute(query) assert not result.errors assert == expected def test_should_query_dataloader_fields(): from promise import Promise from promise.dataloader import DataLoader def article_batch_load_fn(keys): queryset = Article.objects.filter(reporter_id__in=keys) return Promise.resolve([ [article for article in queryset if article.reporter_id == id] for id in keys ]) article_loader = DataLoader(article_batch_load_fn) class ArticleType(DjangoObjectType): class Meta: model = Article interfaces = (Node, ) class ReporterType(DjangoObjectType): class Meta: model = Reporter interfaces = (Node, ) use_connection = True articles = DjangoConnectionField(ArticleType) def resolve_articles(self, info, **args): return article_loader.load( class Query(graphene.ObjectType): all_reporters = DjangoConnectionField(ReporterType) r = Reporter.objects.create( first_name='John', last_name='Doe', email='', a_choice=1 ) Article.objects.create( headline='Article Node 1',, reporter=r, editor=r, lang='es' ) Article.objects.create( headline='Article Node 2',, reporter=r, editor=r, lang='en' ) schema = graphene.Schema(query=Query) query = ''' query ReporterPromiseConnectionQuery { allReporters(first: 1) { edges { node { id articles(first: 2) { edges { node { headline } } } } } } } ''' expected = { 'allReporters': { 'edges': [{ 'node': { 'id': 'UmVwb3J0ZXJUeXBlOjE=', 'articles': { 'edges': [{ 'node': { 'headline': 'Article Node 1', } }, { 'node': { 'headline': 'Article Node 2' } }] } } }] } } result = schema.execute(query) assert not result.errors assert == expected def test_should_handle_inherited_choices(): class BaseModel(models.Model): choice_field = models.IntegerField(choices=((0, 'zero'), (1, 'one'))) class ChildModel(BaseModel): class Meta: proxy = True class BaseType(DjangoObjectType): class Meta: model = BaseModel class ChildType(DjangoObjectType): class Meta: model = ChildModel class Query(graphene.ObjectType): base = graphene.Field(BaseType) child = graphene.Field(ChildType) schema = graphene.Schema(query=Query) query = ''' query { child { choiceField } } ''' result = schema.execute(query) assert not result.errors