import inspect import json import re from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseNotAllowed from django.http.response import HttpResponseBadRequest from django.shortcuts import render from django.utils.decorators import method_decorator from django.views.decorators.csrf import ensure_csrf_cookie from django.views.generic import View from graphql import OperationType, get_operation_ast, parse, validate from graphql.error import GraphQLError from graphql.error import format_error as format_graphql_error from graphql.execution import ExecutionResult from graphene import Schema from graphql.execution.middleware import MiddlewareManager from .settings import graphene_settings class HttpError(Exception): def __init__(self, response, message=None, *args, **kwargs): self.response = response self.message = message = message or response.content.decode() super(HttpError, self).__init__(message, *args, **kwargs) def get_accepted_content_types(request): def qualify(x): parts = x.split(";", 1) if len(parts) == 2: match = re.match(r"(^|;)q=(0(\.\d{,3})?|1(\.0{,3})?)(;|$)", parts[1]) if match: return parts[0].strip(), float( return parts[0].strip(), 1 raw_content_types = request.META.get("HTTP_ACCEPT", "*/*").split(",") qualified_content_types = map(qualify, raw_content_types) return list( x[0] for x in sorted(qualified_content_types, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) ) def instantiate_middleware(middlewares): for middleware in middlewares: if inspect.isclass(middleware): yield middleware() continue yield middleware class GraphQLView(View): graphiql_template = "graphene/graphiql.html" # Polyfill for window.fetch. whatwg_fetch_version = "3.2.0" whatwg_fetch_sri = "sha256-l6HCB9TT2v89oWbDdo2Z3j+PSVypKNLA/nqfzSbM8mo=" # React and ReactDOM. react_version = "16.13.1" react_sri = "sha256-yUhvEmYVhZ/GGshIQKArLvySDSh6cdmdcIx0spR3UP4=" react_dom_sri = "sha256-vFt3l+illeNlwThbDUdoPTqF81M8WNSZZZt3HEjsbSU=" # The GraphiQL React app. graphiql_version = "1.0.3" graphiql_sri = "sha256-VR4buIDY9ZXSyCNFHFNik6uSe0MhigCzgN4u7moCOTk=" graphiql_css_sri = "sha256-LwqxjyZgqXDYbpxQJ5zLQeNcf7WVNSJ+r8yp2rnWE/E=" # The websocket transport library for subscriptions. subscriptions_transport_ws_version = "0.9.17" subscriptions_transport_ws_sri = ( "sha256-kCDzver8iRaIQ/SVlfrIwxaBQ/avXf9GQFJRLlErBnk=" ) schema = None graphiql = False middleware = None root_value = None pretty = False batch = False subscription_path = None def __init__( self, schema=None, middleware=None, root_value=None, graphiql=False, pretty=False, batch=False, subscription_path=None, ): if not schema: schema = graphene_settings.SCHEMA if middleware is None: middleware = graphene_settings.MIDDLEWARE self.schema = self.schema or schema if middleware is not None: if isinstance(middleware, MiddlewareManager): self.middleware = middleware else: self.middleware = list(instantiate_middleware(middleware)) self.root_value = root_value self.pretty = self.pretty or pretty self.graphiql = self.graphiql or graphiql self.batch = self.batch or batch if subscription_path is None: self.subscription_path = graphene_settings.SUBSCRIPTION_PATH assert isinstance( self.schema, Schema ), "A Schema is required to be provided to GraphQLView." assert not all((graphiql, batch)), "Use either graphiql or batch processing" # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def get_root_value(self, request): return self.root_value def get_middleware(self, request): return self.middleware def get_context(self, request): return request @method_decorator(ensure_csrf_cookie) def dispatch(self, request, *args, **kwargs): try: if request.method.lower() not in ("get", "post"): raise HttpError( HttpResponseNotAllowed( ["GET", "POST"], "GraphQL only supports GET and POST requests." ) ) data = self.parse_body(request) show_graphiql = self.graphiql and self.can_display_graphiql(request, data) if show_graphiql: return self.render_graphiql( request, # Dependency parameters. whatwg_fetch_version=self.whatwg_fetch_version, whatwg_fetch_sri=self.whatwg_fetch_sri, react_version=self.react_version, react_sri=self.react_sri, react_dom_sri=self.react_dom_sri, graphiql_version=self.graphiql_version, graphiql_sri=self.graphiql_sri, graphiql_css_sri=self.graphiql_css_sri, subscriptions_transport_ws_version=self.subscriptions_transport_ws_version, subscriptions_transport_ws_sri=self.subscriptions_transport_ws_sri, # The SUBSCRIPTION_PATH setting. subscription_path=self.subscription_path, ) if self.batch: responses = [self.get_response(request, entry) for entry in data] result = "[{}]".format( ",".join([response[0] for response in responses]) ) status_code = ( responses and max(responses, key=lambda response: response[1])[1] or 200 ) else: result, status_code = self.get_response(request, data, show_graphiql) return HttpResponse( status=status_code, content=result, content_type="application/json" ) except HttpError as e: response = e.response response["Content-Type"] = "application/json" response.content = self.json_encode( request, {"errors": [self.format_error(e)]} ) return response def get_response(self, request, data, show_graphiql=False): query, variables, operation_name, id = self.get_graphql_params(request, data) execution_result = self.execute_graphql_request( request, data, query, variables, operation_name, show_graphiql ) status_code = 200 if execution_result: response = {} if execution_result.errors: response["errors"] = [ self.format_error(e) for e in execution_result.errors ] if execution_result.errors and any( not e.path for e in execution_result.errors ): status_code = 400 else: response["data"] = if self.batch: response["id"] = id response["status"] = status_code result = self.json_encode(request, response, pretty=show_graphiql) else: result = None return result, status_code def render_graphiql(self, request, **data): return render(request, self.graphiql_template, data) def json_encode(self, request, d, pretty=False): if not (self.pretty or pretty) and not request.GET.get("pretty"): return json.dumps(d, separators=(",", ":")) return json.dumps(d, sort_keys=True, indent=2, separators=(",", ": ")) def parse_body(self, request): content_type = self.get_content_type(request) if content_type == "application/graphql": return {"query": request.body.decode()} elif content_type == "application/json": # noinspection PyBroadException try: body = request.body.decode("utf-8") except Exception as e: raise HttpError(HttpResponseBadRequest(str(e))) try: request_json = json.loads(body) if self.batch: assert isinstance(request_json, list), ( "Batch requests should receive a list, but received {}." ).format(repr(request_json)) assert ( len(request_json) > 0 ), "Received an empty list in the batch request." else: assert isinstance( request_json, dict ), "The received data is not a valid JSON query." return request_json except AssertionError as e: raise HttpError(HttpResponseBadRequest(str(e))) except (TypeError, ValueError): raise HttpError(HttpResponseBadRequest("POST body sent invalid JSON.")) elif content_type in [ "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "multipart/form-data", ]: return request.POST return {} def execute_graphql_request( self, request, data, query, variables, operation_name, show_graphiql=False ): if not query: if show_graphiql: return None raise HttpError(HttpResponseBadRequest("Must provide query string.")) try: document = parse(query) except Exception as e: return ExecutionResult(errors=[e]) if request.method.lower() == "get": operation_ast = get_operation_ast(document, operation_name) if operation_ast and operation_ast.operation != OperationType.QUERY: if show_graphiql: return None raise HttpError( HttpResponseNotAllowed( ["POST"], "Can only perform a {} operation from a POST request.".format( operation_ast.operation.value ), ) ) validation_errors = validate(self.schema.graphql_schema, document) if validation_errors: return ExecutionResult(data=None, errors=validation_errors) return self.schema.execute( source=query, root_value=self.get_root_value(request), variable_values=variables, operation_name=operation_name, context_value=self.get_context(request), middleware=self.get_middleware(request), ) @classmethod def can_display_graphiql(cls, request, data): raw = "raw" in request.GET or "raw" in data return not raw and cls.request_wants_html(request) @classmethod def request_wants_html(cls, request): accepted = get_accepted_content_types(request) accepted_length = len(accepted) # the list will be ordered in preferred first - so we have to make # sure the most preferred gets the highest number html_priority = ( accepted_length - accepted.index("text/html") if "text/html" in accepted else 0 ) json_priority = ( accepted_length - accepted.index("application/json") if "application/json" in accepted else 0 ) return html_priority > json_priority @staticmethod def get_graphql_params(request, data): query = request.GET.get("query") or data.get("query") variables = request.GET.get("variables") or data.get("variables") id = request.GET.get("id") or data.get("id") if variables and isinstance(variables, str): try: variables = json.loads(variables) except Exception: raise HttpError(HttpResponseBadRequest("Variables are invalid JSON.")) operation_name = request.GET.get("operationName") or data.get("operationName") if operation_name == "null": operation_name = None return query, variables, operation_name, id @staticmethod def format_error(error): if isinstance(error, GraphQLError): return format_graphql_error(error) return {"message": str(error)} @staticmethod def get_content_type(request): meta = request.META content_type = meta.get("CONTENT_TYPE", meta.get("HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE", "")) return content_type.split(";", 1)[0].lower()