from textwrap import dedent from django.core import management from io import StringIO from mock import mock_open, patch from graphene import ObjectType, Schema, String @patch("") def test_generate_json_file_on_call_graphql_schema(savefile_mock): out = StringIO() management.call_command("graphql_schema", schema="", stdout=out) assert "Successfully dumped GraphQL schema to schema.json" in out.getvalue() @patch("json.dump") def test_json_files_are_canonical(dump_mock): open_mock = mock_open() with patch("", open_mock): management.call_command("graphql_schema", schema="") open_mock.assert_called_once() dump_mock.assert_called_once() assert dump_mock.call_args[1][ "sort_keys" ], "json.mock() should be used to sort the output" assert ( dump_mock.call_args[1]["indent"] > 0 ), "output should be pretty-printed by default" def test_generate_graphql_file_on_call_graphql_schema(): class Query(ObjectType): hi = String() mock_schema = Schema(query=Query) open_mock = mock_open() with patch("", open_mock): management.call_command( "graphql_schema", schema=mock_schema, out="schema.graphql" ) open_mock.assert_called_once() handle = open_mock() assert handle.write.called_once() schema_output = handle.write.call_args[0][0] assert schema_output == dedent( """\ schema { query: Query } type Query { hi: String } """ )