import json from http import HTTPStatus from unittest.mock import patch import pytest from django.db import connection from .models import Pet try: from urllib import urlencode except ImportError: from urllib.parse import urlencode def url_string(string="/graphql", **url_params): if url_params: string += "?" + urlencode(url_params) return string def batch_url_string(**url_params): return url_string("/graphql/batch", **url_params) def response_json(response): return json.loads(response.content.decode()) def j(**kwargs): return json.dumps(kwargs) def jl(**kwargs): return json.dumps([kwargs]) def test_graphiql_is_enabled(client): response = client.get(url_string(), HTTP_ACCEPT="text/html") assert response.status_code == HTTPStatus.OK assert response["Content-Type"].split(";")[0] == "text/html" def test_qfactor_graphiql(client): response = client.get( url_string(query="{test}"), HTTP_ACCEPT="application/json;q=0.8, text/html;q=0.9", ) assert response.status_code == HTTPStatus.OK assert response["Content-Type"].split(";")[0] == "text/html" def test_qfactor_json(client): response = client.get( url_string(query="{test}"), HTTP_ACCEPT="text/html;q=0.8, application/json;q=0.9", ) assert response.status_code == HTTPStatus.OK assert response["Content-Type"].split(";")[0] == "application/json" assert response_json(response) == {"data": {"test": "Hello World"}} def test_allows_get_with_query_param(client): response = client.get(url_string(query="{test}")) assert response.status_code == HTTPStatus.OK assert response_json(response) == {"data": {"test": "Hello World"}} def test_allows_get_with_variable_values(client): response = client.get( url_string( query="query helloWho($who: String){ test(who: $who) }", variables=json.dumps({"who": "Dolly"}), ) ) assert response.status_code == HTTPStatus.OK assert response_json(response) == {"data": {"test": "Hello Dolly"}} def test_allows_get_with_operation_name(client): response = client.get( url_string( query=""" query helloYou { test(who: "You"), ...shared } query helloWorld { test(who: "World"), ...shared } query helloDolly { test(who: "Dolly"), ...shared } fragment shared on QueryRoot { shared: test(who: "Everyone") } """, operationName="helloWorld", ) ) assert response.status_code == HTTPStatus.OK assert response_json(response) == { "data": {"test": "Hello World", "shared": "Hello Everyone"} } def test_reports_validation_errors(client): response = client.get(url_string(query="{ test, unknownOne, unknownTwo }")) assert response.status_code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST assert response_json(response) == { "errors": [ { "message": "Cannot query field 'unknownOne' on type 'QueryRoot'.", "locations": [{"line": 1, "column": 9}], }, { "message": "Cannot query field 'unknownTwo' on type 'QueryRoot'.", "locations": [{"line": 1, "column": 21}], }, ] } def test_errors_when_missing_operation_name(client): response = client.get( url_string( query=""" query TestQuery { test } mutation TestMutation { writeTest { test } } """ ) ) assert response.status_code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST assert response_json(response) == { "errors": [ { "message": "Must provide operation name if query contains multiple operations.", } ] } def test_errors_when_sending_a_mutation_via_get(client): response = client.get( url_string( query=""" mutation TestMutation { writeTest { test } } """ ) ) assert response.status_code == HTTPStatus.METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED assert response_json(response) == { "errors": [ {"message": "Can only perform a mutation operation from a POST request."} ] } def test_errors_when_selecting_a_mutation_within_a_get(client): response = client.get( url_string( query=""" query TestQuery { test } mutation TestMutation { writeTest { test } } """, operationName="TestMutation", ) ) assert response.status_code == HTTPStatus.METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED assert response_json(response) == { "errors": [ {"message": "Can only perform a mutation operation from a POST request."} ] } def test_allows_mutation_to_exist_within_a_get(client): response = client.get( url_string( query=""" query TestQuery { test } mutation TestMutation { writeTest { test } } """, operationName="TestQuery", ) ) assert response.status_code == HTTPStatus.OK assert response_json(response) == {"data": {"test": "Hello World"}} def test_allows_post_with_json_encoding(client): response =, j(query="{test}"), "application/json") assert response.status_code == HTTPStatus.OK assert response_json(response) == {"data": {"test": "Hello World"}} def test_batch_allows_post_with_json_encoding(client): response = batch_url_string(), jl(id=1, query="{test}"), "application/json" ) assert response.status_code == HTTPStatus.OK assert response_json(response) == [ {"id": 1, "data": {"test": "Hello World"}, "status": 200} ] def test_batch_fails_if_is_empty(client): response =, "[]", "application/json") assert response.status_code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST assert response_json(response) == { "errors": [{"message": "Received an empty list in the batch request."}] } def test_allows_sending_a_mutation_via_post(client): response = url_string(), j(query="mutation TestMutation { writeTest { test } }"), "application/json", ) assert response.status_code == HTTPStatus.OK assert response_json(response) == {"data": {"writeTest": {"test": "Hello World"}}} def test_allows_post_with_url_encoding(client): response = url_string(), urlencode({"query": "{test}"}), "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", ) assert response.status_code == HTTPStatus.OK assert response_json(response) == {"data": {"test": "Hello World"}} def test_supports_post_json_query_with_string_variables(client): response = url_string(), j( query="query helloWho($who: String){ test(who: $who) }", variables=json.dumps({"who": "Dolly"}), ), "application/json", ) assert response.status_code == HTTPStatus.OK assert response_json(response) == {"data": {"test": "Hello Dolly"}} def test_batch_supports_post_json_query_with_string_variables(client): response = batch_url_string(), jl( id=1, query="query helloWho($who: String){ test(who: $who) }", variables=json.dumps({"who": "Dolly"}), ), "application/json", ) assert response.status_code == HTTPStatus.OK assert response_json(response) == [ {"id": 1, "data": {"test": "Hello Dolly"}, "status": 200} ] def test_supports_post_json_query_with_json_variables(client): response = url_string(), j( query="query helloWho($who: String){ test(who: $who) }", variables={"who": "Dolly"}, ), "application/json", ) assert response.status_code == HTTPStatus.OK assert response_json(response) == {"data": {"test": "Hello Dolly"}} def test_batch_supports_post_json_query_with_json_variables(client): response = batch_url_string(), jl( id=1, query="query helloWho($who: String){ test(who: $who) }", variables={"who": "Dolly"}, ), "application/json", ) assert response.status_code == HTTPStatus.OK assert response_json(response) == [ {"id": 1, "data": {"test": "Hello Dolly"}, "status": 200} ] def test_supports_post_url_encoded_query_with_string_variables(client): response = url_string(), urlencode( { "query": "query helloWho($who: String){ test(who: $who) }", "variables": json.dumps({"who": "Dolly"}), } ), "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", ) assert response.status_code == HTTPStatus.OK assert response_json(response) == {"data": {"test": "Hello Dolly"}} def test_supports_post_json_quey_with_get_variable_values(client): response = url_string(variables=json.dumps({"who": "Dolly"})), j(query="query helloWho($who: String){ test(who: $who) }"), "application/json", ) assert response.status_code == HTTPStatus.OK assert response_json(response) == {"data": {"test": "Hello Dolly"}} def test_post_url_encoded_query_with_get_variable_values(client): response = url_string(variables=json.dumps({"who": "Dolly"})), urlencode({"query": "query helloWho($who: String){ test(who: $who) }"}), "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", ) assert response.status_code == HTTPStatus.OK assert response_json(response) == {"data": {"test": "Hello Dolly"}} def test_supports_post_raw_text_query_with_get_variable_values(client): response = url_string(variables=json.dumps({"who": "Dolly"})), "query helloWho($who: String){ test(who: $who) }", "application/graphql", ) assert response.status_code == HTTPStatus.OK assert response_json(response) == {"data": {"test": "Hello Dolly"}} def test_allows_post_with_operation_name(client): response = url_string(), j( query=""" query helloYou { test(who: "You"), ...shared } query helloWorld { test(who: "World"), ...shared } query helloDolly { test(who: "Dolly"), ...shared } fragment shared on QueryRoot { shared: test(who: "Everyone") } """, operationName="helloWorld", ), "application/json", ) assert response.status_code == HTTPStatus.OK assert response_json(response) == { "data": {"test": "Hello World", "shared": "Hello Everyone"} } def test_batch_allows_post_with_operation_name(client): response = batch_url_string(), jl( id=1, query=""" query helloYou { test(who: "You"), ...shared } query helloWorld { test(who: "World"), ...shared } query helloDolly { test(who: "Dolly"), ...shared } fragment shared on QueryRoot { shared: test(who: "Everyone") } """, operationName="helloWorld", ), "application/json", ) assert response.status_code == HTTPStatus.OK assert response_json(response) == [ { "id": 1, "data": {"test": "Hello World", "shared": "Hello Everyone"}, "status": 200, } ] def test_allows_post_with_get_operation_name(client): response = url_string(operationName="helloWorld"), """ query helloYou { test(who: "You"), ...shared } query helloWorld { test(who: "World"), ...shared } query helloDolly { test(who: "Dolly"), ...shared } fragment shared on QueryRoot { shared: test(who: "Everyone") } """, "application/graphql", ) assert response.status_code == HTTPStatus.OK assert response_json(response) == { "data": {"test": "Hello World", "shared": "Hello Everyone"} } @pytest.mark.urls("graphene_django.tests.urls_inherited") def test_inherited_class_with_attributes_works(client): inherited_url = "/graphql/inherited/" # Check schema and pretty attributes work response =, query="{test}")) assert response.content.decode() == ( "{\n" ' "data": {\n' ' "test": "Hello World"\n' " }\n" "}" ) # Check graphiql works response = client.get(url_string(inherited_url), HTTP_ACCEPT="text/html") assert response.status_code == HTTPStatus.OK @pytest.mark.urls("graphene_django.tests.urls_pretty") def test_supports_pretty_printing(client): response = client.get(url_string(query="{test}")) assert response.content.decode() == ( "{\n" ' "data": {\n' ' "test": "Hello World"\n' " }\n" "}" ) def test_supports_pretty_printing_by_request(client): response = client.get(url_string(query="{test}", pretty="1")) assert response.content.decode() == ( "{\n" ' "data": {\n' ' "test": "Hello World"\n' " }\n" "}" ) def test_handles_field_errors_caught_by_graphql(client): response = client.get(url_string(query="{thrower}")) assert response.status_code == HTTPStatus.OK assert response_json(response) == { "data": None, "errors": [ { "locations": [{"column": 2, "line": 1}], "path": ["thrower"], "message": "Throws!", } ], } def test_handles_syntax_errors_caught_by_graphql(client): response = client.get(url_string(query="syntaxerror")) assert response.status_code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST assert response_json(response) == { "errors": [ { "locations": [{"column": 1, "line": 1}], "message": "Syntax Error: Unexpected Name 'syntaxerror'.", } ] } def test_handles_errors_caused_by_a_lack_of_query(client): response = client.get(url_string()) assert response.status_code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST assert response_json(response) == { "errors": [{"message": "Must provide query string."}] } def test_handles_not_expected_json_bodies(client): response =, "[]", "application/json") assert response.status_code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST assert response_json(response) == { "errors": [{"message": "The received data is not a valid JSON query."}] } def test_handles_invalid_json_bodies(client): response =, "[oh}", "application/json") assert response.status_code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST assert response_json(response) == { "errors": [{"message": "POST body sent invalid JSON."}] } def test_handles_django_request_error(client, monkeypatch): def mocked_read(*args): raise OSError("foo-bar") monkeypatch.setattr("", mocked_read) valid_json = json.dumps({"foo": "bar"}) response =, valid_json, "application/json") assert response.status_code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST assert response_json(response) == {"errors": [{"message": "foo-bar"}]} def test_handles_incomplete_json_bodies(client): response =, '{"query":', "application/json") assert response.status_code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST assert response_json(response) == { "errors": [{"message": "POST body sent invalid JSON."}] } def test_handles_plain_post_text(client): response = url_string(variables=json.dumps({"who": "Dolly"})), "query helloWho($who: String){ test(who: $who) }", "text/plain", ) assert response.status_code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST assert response_json(response) == { "errors": [{"message": "Must provide query string."}] } def test_handles_poorly_formed_variables(client): response = client.get( url_string( query="query helloWho($who: String){ test(who: $who) }", variables="who:You" ) ) assert response.status_code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST assert response_json(response) == { "errors": [{"message": "Variables are invalid JSON."}] } def test_handles_unsupported_http_methods(client): response = client.put(url_string(query="{test}")) assert response.status_code == HTTPStatus.METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED assert response["Allow"] == "GET, POST" assert response_json(response) == { "errors": [{"message": "GraphQL only supports GET and POST requests."}] } def test_passes_request_into_context_request(client): response = client.get(url_string(query="{request}", q="testing")) assert response.status_code == HTTPStatus.OK assert response_json(response) == {"data": {"request": "testing"}} @patch("graphene_django.settings.graphene_settings.ATOMIC_MUTATIONS", False) @patch.dict( connection.settings_dict, {"ATOMIC_MUTATIONS": False, "ATOMIC_REQUESTS": True} ) def test_form_mutation_multiple_creation_invalid_atomic_request(client): query = """ mutation PetMutations { petFormMutation1: petFormMutation(input: { name: "Mia", age: 99 }) { errors { field messages } } petFormMutation2: petFormMutation(input: { name: "Enzo", age: 0 }) { errors { field messages } } } """ response = content = response_json(response) assert "errors" not in content assert content["data"]["petFormMutation1"]["errors"] == [ {"field": "age", "messages": ["Too old"]} ] assert content["data"]["petFormMutation2"]["errors"] == [] assert Pet.objects.count() == 0 @patch("graphene_django.settings.graphene_settings.ATOMIC_MUTATIONS", False) @patch.dict( connection.settings_dict, {"ATOMIC_MUTATIONS": True, "ATOMIC_REQUESTS": False} ) def test_form_mutation_multiple_creation_invalid_atomic_mutation_1(client): query = """ mutation PetMutations { petFormMutation1: petFormMutation(input: { name: "Mia", age: 99 }) { errors { field messages } } petFormMutation2: petFormMutation(input: { name: "Enzo", age: 0 }) { errors { field messages } } } """ response = content = response_json(response) assert "errors" not in content assert content["data"]["petFormMutation1"]["errors"] == [ {"field": "age", "messages": ["Too old"]} ] assert content["data"]["petFormMutation2"]["errors"] == [] assert Pet.objects.count() == 0 @patch("graphene_django.settings.graphene_settings.ATOMIC_MUTATIONS", True) @patch.dict( connection.settings_dict, {"ATOMIC_MUTATIONS": False, "ATOMIC_REQUESTS": False} ) def test_form_mutation_multiple_creation_invalid_atomic_mutation_2(client): query = """ mutation PetMutations { petFormMutation1: petFormMutation(input: { name: "Mia", age: 99 }) { errors { field messages } } petFormMutation2: petFormMutation(input: { name: "Enzo", age: 0 }) { errors { field messages } } } """ response = content = response_json(response) assert "errors" not in content assert content["data"]["petFormMutation1"]["errors"] == [ {"field": "age", "messages": ["Too old"]} ] assert content["data"]["petFormMutation2"]["errors"] == [] assert Pet.objects.count() == 0 @patch("graphene_django.settings.graphene_settings.ATOMIC_MUTATIONS", False) @patch.dict( connection.settings_dict, {"ATOMIC_MUTATIONS": False, "ATOMIC_REQUESTS": False} ) def test_form_mutation_multiple_creation_invalid_non_atomic(client): query = """ mutation PetMutations { petFormMutation1: petFormMutation(input: { name: "Mia", age: 99 }) { errors { field messages } } petFormMutation2: petFormMutation(input: { name: "Enzo", age: 0 }) { errors { field messages } } } """ response = content = response_json(response) assert "errors" not in content assert content["data"]["petFormMutation1"]["errors"] == [ {"field": "age", "messages": ["Too old"]} ] assert content["data"]["petFormMutation2"]["errors"] == [] assert Pet.objects.count() == 1 pet = Pet.objects.get() assert == "Enzo" assert pet.age == 0 @patch("graphene_django.settings.graphene_settings.ATOMIC_MUTATIONS", False) @patch.dict( connection.settings_dict, {"ATOMIC_MUTATIONS": False, "ATOMIC_REQUESTS": True} ) def test_model_form_mutation_multiple_creation_invalid_atomic_request(client): query = """ mutation PetMutations { petMutation1: petMutation(input: { name: "Mia", age: 99 }) { pet { name age } errors { field messages } } petMutation2: petMutation(input: { name: "Enzo", age: 0 }) { pet { name age } errors { field messages } } } """ response = content = response_json(response) assert "errors" not in content assert content["data"]["petMutation1"]["pet"] is None assert content["data"]["petMutation1"]["errors"] == [ {"field": "age", "messages": ["Too old"]} ] assert content["data"]["petMutation2"]["pet"] == {"name": "Enzo", "age": 0} assert Pet.objects.count() == 0 @patch("graphene_django.settings.graphene_settings.ATOMIC_MUTATIONS", False) @patch.dict( connection.settings_dict, {"ATOMIC_MUTATIONS": False, "ATOMIC_REQUESTS": False} ) def test_model_form_mutation_multiple_creation_invalid_non_atomic(client): query = """ mutation PetMutations { petMutation1: petMutation(input: { name: "Mia", age: 99 }) { pet { name age } errors { field messages } } petMutation2: petMutation(input: { name: "Enzo", age: 0 }) { pet { name age } errors { field messages } } } """ response = content = response_json(response) assert "errors" not in content assert content["data"]["petMutation1"]["pet"] is None assert content["data"]["petMutation1"]["errors"] == [ {"field": "age", "messages": ["Too old"]} ] assert content["data"]["petMutation2"]["pet"] == {"name": "Enzo", "age": 0} assert Pet.objects.count() == 1 pet = Pet.objects.get() assert == "Enzo" assert pet.age == 0 @patch("graphene_django.utils.utils.transaction.set_rollback") @patch("graphene_django.settings.graphene_settings.ATOMIC_MUTATIONS", False) @patch.dict( connection.settings_dict, {"ATOMIC_MUTATIONS": False, "ATOMIC_REQUESTS": True} ) def test_query_errors_atomic_request(set_rollback_mock, client): client.get(url_string(query="force error")) set_rollback_mock.assert_called_once_with(True) @patch("graphene_django.utils.utils.transaction.set_rollback") @patch("graphene_django.settings.graphene_settings.ATOMIC_MUTATIONS", False) @patch.dict( connection.settings_dict, {"ATOMIC_MUTATIONS": False, "ATOMIC_REQUESTS": False} ) def test_query_errors_non_atomic(set_rollback_mock, client): client.get(url_string(query="force error")) set_rollback_mock.assert_not_called() VALIDATION_URLS = [ "/graphql/validation/", "/graphql/validation/alternative/", "/graphql/validation/inherited/", ] QUERY_WITH_TWO_INTROSPECTIONS = """ query Instrospection { queryType: __schema { queryType {name} } mutationType: __schema { mutationType {name} } } """ N_INTROSPECTIONS = 2 INTROSPECTION_DISALLOWED_ERROR_MESSAGE = "introspection is disabled" MAX_VALIDATION_ERRORS_EXCEEDED_MESSAGE = "too many validation errors" @pytest.mark.urls("graphene_django.tests.urls_validation") def test_allow_introspection(client): response = url_string("/graphql/", query="{__schema {queryType {name}}}") ) assert response.status_code == HTTPStatus.OK assert response_json(response) == { "data": {"__schema": {"queryType": {"name": "QueryRoot"}}} } @pytest.mark.parametrize("url", VALIDATION_URLS) @pytest.mark.urls("graphene_django.tests.urls_validation") def test_validation_disallow_introspection(client, url): response =, query="{__schema {queryType {name}}}")) assert response.status_code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST json_response = response_json(response) assert "data" not in json_response assert "errors" in json_response assert len(json_response["errors"]) == 1 error_message = json_response["errors"][0]["message"] assert INTROSPECTION_DISALLOWED_ERROR_MESSAGE in error_message @pytest.mark.parametrize("url", VALIDATION_URLS) @pytest.mark.urls("graphene_django.tests.urls_validation") @patch( "graphene_django.settings.graphene_settings.MAX_VALIDATION_ERRORS", N_INTROSPECTIONS ) def test_within_max_validation_errors(client, url): response =, query=QUERY_WITH_TWO_INTROSPECTIONS)) assert response.status_code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST json_response = response_json(response) assert "data" not in json_response assert "errors" in json_response assert len(json_response["errors"]) == N_INTROSPECTIONS error_messages = [error["message"].lower() for error in json_response["errors"]] n_introspection_error_messages = sum( INTROSPECTION_DISALLOWED_ERROR_MESSAGE in msg for msg in error_messages ) assert n_introspection_error_messages == N_INTROSPECTIONS assert all( MAX_VALIDATION_ERRORS_EXCEEDED_MESSAGE not in msg for msg in error_messages ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("url", VALIDATION_URLS) @pytest.mark.urls("graphene_django.tests.urls_validation") @patch("graphene_django.settings.graphene_settings.MAX_VALIDATION_ERRORS", 1) def test_exceeds_max_validation_errors(client, url): response =, query=QUERY_WITH_TWO_INTROSPECTIONS)) assert response.status_code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST json_response = response_json(response) assert "data" not in json_response assert "errors" in json_response error_messages = (error["message"].lower() for error in json_response["errors"]) assert any(MAX_VALIDATION_ERRORS_EXCEEDED_MESSAGE in msg for msg in error_messages)