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synced 2025-02-07 15:10:35 +03:00
* Reset the global registry after each test (teardown) * Create a settings fixtures that returns graphene_settings and resets the graphene_settings after use (teardown) * Convert test_mutation tests from unittests.TestCase to pytest * Convert test_mutation PetType to a pet_type fixtures that reregisters the type
320 lines
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320 lines
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import pytest
from django import forms
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from py.test import raises
from graphene import Field, ObjectType, Schema, String
from graphene_django import DjangoObjectType
from graphene_django.tests.models import Pet
from ..mutation import DjangoFormMutation, DjangoModelFormMutation
def pet_type():
class PetType(DjangoObjectType):
class Meta:
model = Pet
fields = "__all__"
return PetType
class MyForm(forms.Form):
text = forms.CharField()
def clean_text(self):
text = self.cleaned_data["text"]
if text == "INVALID_INPUT":
raise ValidationError("Invalid input")
return text
def save(self):
class PetForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Pet
fields = "__all__"
def clean_age(self):
age = self.cleaned_data["age"]
if age >= 99:
raise ValidationError("Too old")
return age
def test_needs_form_class():
with raises(Exception) as exc:
class MyMutation(DjangoFormMutation):
assert exc.value.args[0] == "form_class is required for DjangoFormMutation"
def test_has_output_fields():
class MyMutation(DjangoFormMutation):
class Meta:
form_class = MyForm
assert "errors" in MyMutation._meta.fields
def test_has_input_fields():
class MyMutation(DjangoFormMutation):
class Meta:
form_class = MyForm
assert "text" in MyMutation.Input._meta.fields
def test_mutation_error_camelcased(pet_type, graphene_settings):
class ExtraPetForm(PetForm):
test_field = forms.CharField(required=True)
class PetMutation(DjangoModelFormMutation):
class Meta:
form_class = ExtraPetForm
result = PetMutation.mutate_and_get_payload(None, None)
assert {f.field for f in result.errors} == {"name", "age", "test_field"}
graphene_settings.CAMELCASE_ERRORS = True
result = PetMutation.mutate_and_get_payload(None, None)
assert {f.field for f in result.errors} == {"name", "age", "testField"}
class MockQuery(ObjectType):
a = String()
def test_form_invalid_form():
class MyMutation(DjangoFormMutation):
class Meta:
form_class = MyForm
class Mutation(ObjectType):
my_mutation = MyMutation.Field()
schema = Schema(query=MockQuery, mutation=Mutation)
result = schema.execute(
""" mutation MyMutation {
myMutation(input: { text: "INVALID_INPUT" }) {
errors {
assert result.errors is None
assert result.data["myMutation"]["errors"] == [
{"field": "text", "messages": ["Invalid input"]}
def test_form_valid_input():
class MyMutation(DjangoFormMutation):
class Meta:
form_class = MyForm
class Mutation(ObjectType):
my_mutation = MyMutation.Field()
schema = Schema(query=MockQuery, mutation=Mutation)
result = schema.execute(
""" mutation MyMutation {
myMutation(input: { text: "VALID_INPUT" }) {
errors {
assert result.errors is None
assert result.data["myMutation"]["errors"] == []
assert result.data["myMutation"]["text"] == "VALID_INPUT"
def test_default_meta_fields(pet_type):
class PetMutation(DjangoModelFormMutation):
class Meta:
form_class = PetForm
assert PetMutation._meta.model is Pet
assert PetMutation._meta.return_field_name == "pet"
assert "pet" in PetMutation._meta.fields
def test_default_input_meta_fields(pet_type):
class PetMutation(DjangoModelFormMutation):
class Meta:
form_class = PetForm
assert PetMutation._meta.model is Pet
assert PetMutation._meta.return_field_name == "pet"
assert "name" in PetMutation.Input._meta.fields
assert "client_mutation_id" in PetMutation.Input._meta.fields
assert "id" in PetMutation.Input._meta.fields
def test_exclude_fields_input_meta_fields(pet_type):
class PetMutation(DjangoModelFormMutation):
class Meta:
form_class = PetForm
exclude_fields = ["id"]
assert PetMutation._meta.model is Pet
assert PetMutation._meta.return_field_name == "pet"
assert "name" in PetMutation.Input._meta.fields
assert "age" in PetMutation.Input._meta.fields
assert "client_mutation_id" in PetMutation.Input._meta.fields
assert "id" not in PetMutation.Input._meta.fields
def test_custom_return_field_name(pet_type):
class PetMutation(DjangoModelFormMutation):
class Meta:
form_class = PetForm
model = Pet
return_field_name = "animal"
assert PetMutation._meta.model is Pet
assert PetMutation._meta.return_field_name == "animal"
assert "animal" in PetMutation._meta.fields
def test_model_form_mutation_mutate_existing(pet_type):
class PetMutation(DjangoModelFormMutation):
pet = Field(pet_type)
class Meta:
form_class = PetForm
class Mutation(ObjectType):
pet_mutation = PetMutation.Field()
schema = Schema(query=MockQuery, mutation=Mutation)
pet = Pet.objects.create(name="Axel", age=10)
result = schema.execute(
""" mutation PetMutation($pk: ID!) {
petMutation(input: { id: $pk, name: "Mia", age: 10 }) {
pet {
variable_values={"pk": pet.pk},
assert result.errors is None
assert result.data["petMutation"]["pet"] == {"name": "Mia", "age": 10}
assert Pet.objects.count() == 1
assert pet.name == "Mia"
def test_model_form_mutation_creates_new(pet_type):
class PetMutation(DjangoModelFormMutation):
pet = Field(pet_type)
class Meta:
form_class = PetForm
class Mutation(ObjectType):
pet_mutation = PetMutation.Field()
schema = Schema(query=MockQuery, mutation=Mutation)
result = schema.execute(
""" mutation PetMutation {
petMutation(input: { name: "Mia", age: 10 }) {
pet {
errors {
assert result.errors is None
assert result.data["petMutation"]["pet"] == {"name": "Mia", "age": 10}
assert Pet.objects.count() == 1
pet = Pet.objects.get()
assert pet.name == "Mia"
assert pet.age == 10
def test_model_form_mutation_invalid_input(pet_type):
class PetMutation(DjangoModelFormMutation):
pet = Field(pet_type)
class Meta:
form_class = PetForm
class Mutation(ObjectType):
pet_mutation = PetMutation.Field()
schema = Schema(query=MockQuery, mutation=Mutation)
result = schema.execute(
""" mutation PetMutation {
petMutation(input: { name: "Mia", age: 99 }) {
pet {
errors {
assert result.errors is None
assert result.data["petMutation"]["pet"] is None
assert result.data["petMutation"]["errors"] == [
{"field": "age", "messages": ["Too old"]}
assert Pet.objects.count() == 0
def test_model_form_mutation_mutate_invalid_form(pet_type):
class PetMutation(DjangoModelFormMutation):
class Meta:
form_class = PetForm
result = PetMutation.mutate_and_get_payload(None, None)
# A pet was not created
Pet.objects.count() == 0
fields_w_error = [e.field for e in result.errors]
assert len(result.errors) == 2
assert result.errors[0].messages == ["This field is required."]
assert result.errors[1].messages == ["This field is required."]
assert "age" in fields_w_error
assert "name" in fields_w_error