mirror of
synced 2024-11-22 17:47:12 +03:00
* 🔧 Add pre-commit config Similar to graphene and graphene-sqlalchemy * ⬆ Bump black * 👷 Lint on CI * ⬆ Bump flake8-black * 🔧 Keep excluding migrations * ⬆ Bump flake8 * 🔧 Remove black and flake8 from tox config * ⬆ Update pre-commit versions * Upgrade syntax to python 3.7+ * Format with pre-commit dedent docs/schema.py to allow formatting * Fix tests on python 3.7
193 lines
5.7 KiB
193 lines
5.7 KiB
# from django import forms
from collections import OrderedDict
import graphene
from graphene import Field, InputField
from graphene.relay.mutation import ClientIDMutation
from graphene.types.mutation import MutationOptions
# from graphene.types.inputobjecttype import (
# InputObjectTypeOptions,
# InputObjectType,
# )
from graphene.types.utils import yank_fields_from_attrs
from graphene_django.constants import MUTATION_ERRORS_FLAG
from graphene_django.registry import get_global_registry
from ..types import ErrorType
from .converter import convert_form_field
def fields_for_form(form, only_fields, exclude_fields):
fields = OrderedDict()
for name, field in form.fields.items():
is_not_in_only = only_fields and name not in only_fields
is_excluded = (
in exclude_fields # or
# name in already_created_fields
if is_not_in_only or is_excluded:
fields[name] = convert_form_field(field)
return fields
class BaseDjangoFormMutation(ClientIDMutation):
class Meta:
abstract = True
def mutate_and_get_payload(cls, root, info, **input):
form = cls.get_form(root, info, **input)
if form.is_valid():
return cls.perform_mutate(form, info)
errors = ErrorType.from_errors(form.errors)
return cls(errors=errors, **form.data)
def get_form(cls, root, info, **input):
form_kwargs = cls.get_form_kwargs(root, info, **input)
return cls._meta.form_class(**form_kwargs)
def get_form_kwargs(cls, root, info, **input):
kwargs = {"data": input}
pk = input.pop("id", None)
if pk:
instance = cls._meta.model._default_manager.get(pk=pk)
kwargs["instance"] = instance
return kwargs
class DjangoFormMutationOptions(MutationOptions):
form_class = None
class DjangoFormMutation(BaseDjangoFormMutation):
class Meta:
abstract = True
errors = graphene.List(ErrorType)
def __init_subclass_with_meta__(
cls, form_class=None, only_fields=(), exclude_fields=(), **options
if not form_class:
raise Exception("form_class is required for DjangoFormMutation")
form = form_class()
input_fields = fields_for_form(form, only_fields, exclude_fields)
output_fields = fields_for_form(form, only_fields, exclude_fields)
_meta = DjangoFormMutationOptions(cls)
_meta.form_class = form_class
_meta.fields = yank_fields_from_attrs(output_fields, _as=Field)
input_fields = yank_fields_from_attrs(input_fields, _as=InputField)
_meta=_meta, input_fields=input_fields, **options
def perform_mutate(cls, form, info):
if hasattr(form, "save"):
# `save` method won't exist on plain Django forms, but this mutation can
# in theory be used with `ModelForm`s as well and we do want to save them.
return cls(errors=[], **form.cleaned_data)
class DjangoModelDjangoFormMutationOptions(DjangoFormMutationOptions):
model = None
return_field_name = None
class DjangoModelFormMutation(BaseDjangoFormMutation):
class Meta:
abstract = True
errors = graphene.List(graphene.NonNull(ErrorType), required=True)
def __init_subclass_with_meta__(
if not form_class:
raise Exception("form_class is required for DjangoModelFormMutation")
if not model:
model = form_class._meta.model
if not model:
raise Exception("model is required for DjangoModelFormMutation")
form = form_class()
input_fields = fields_for_form(form, only_fields, exclude_fields)
if "id" not in exclude_fields:
input_fields["id"] = graphene.ID()
registry = get_global_registry()
model_type = registry.get_type_for_model(model)
if not model_type:
raise Exception(f"No type registered for model: {model.__name__}")
if not return_field_name:
model_name = model.__name__
return_field_name = model_name[:1].lower() + model_name[1:]
output_fields = OrderedDict()
output_fields[return_field_name] = graphene.Field(model_type)
_meta = DjangoModelDjangoFormMutationOptions(cls)
_meta.form_class = form_class
_meta.model = model
_meta.return_field_name = return_field_name
_meta.fields = yank_fields_from_attrs(output_fields, _as=Field)
input_fields = yank_fields_from_attrs(input_fields, _as=InputField)
_meta=_meta, input_fields=input_fields, **options
def mutate_and_get_payload(cls, root, info, **input):
form = cls.get_form(root, info, **input)
if form.is_valid():
return cls.perform_mutate(form, info)
errors = ErrorType.from_errors(form.errors)
return cls(errors=errors)
def perform_mutate(cls, form, info):
obj = form.save()
kwargs = {cls._meta.return_field_name: obj}
return cls(errors=[], **kwargs)
def _set_errors_flag_to_context(info):
# This is not ideal but necessary to keep the response errors empty
if info and info.context:
setattr(info.context, MUTATION_ERRORS_FLAG, True)