mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 11:55:47 +03:00
Vendor DataLoader
from aiodataloader
and move get_event_loop()
out of __init__
function. (#1459)
* Vendor DataLoader from aiodataloader and also move get_event_loop behavior from `__init__` to a property which only gets resolved when actually needed (this will solve PyTest-related to early get_event_loop() issues) * Added DataLoader's specific tests * plug `loop` parameter into `self._loop`, so that we still have the ability to pass in a custom event loop, if needed. Co-authored-by: Erik Wrede <erikwrede2@gmail.com>
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
from asyncio import (
from collections import namedtuple
from collections.abc import Iterable
from functools import partial
from typing import List # flake8: noqa
Loader = namedtuple("Loader", "key,future")
def iscoroutinefunctionorpartial(fn):
return iscoroutinefunction(fn.func if isinstance(fn, partial) else fn)
class DataLoader(object):
batch = True
max_batch_size = None # type: int
cache = True
def __init__(
self._loop = loop
if batch_load_fn is not None:
self.batch_load_fn = batch_load_fn
assert iscoroutinefunctionorpartial(
), "batch_load_fn must be coroutine. Received: {}".format(self.batch_load_fn)
if not callable(self.batch_load_fn):
raise TypeError( # pragma: no cover
"DataLoader must be have a batch_load_fn which accepts "
"Iterable<key> and returns Future<Iterable<value>>, but got: {}."
if batch is not None:
self.batch = batch # pragma: no cover
if max_batch_size is not None:
self.max_batch_size = max_batch_size
if cache is not None:
self.cache = cache # pragma: no cover
self.get_cache_key = get_cache_key or (lambda x: x)
self._cache = cache_map if cache_map is not None else {}
self._queue = [] # type: List[Loader]
def loop(self):
if not self._loop:
self._loop = get_event_loop()
return self._loop
def load(self, key=None):
Loads a key, returning a `Future` for the value represented by that key.
if key is None:
raise TypeError( # pragma: no cover
"The loader.load() function must be called with a value, "
"but got: {}."
cache_key = self.get_cache_key(key)
# If caching and there is a cache-hit, return cached Future.
if self.cache:
cached_result = self._cache.get(cache_key)
if cached_result:
return cached_result
# Otherwise, produce a new Future for this value.
future = self.loop.create_future()
# If caching, cache this Future.
if self.cache:
self._cache[cache_key] = future
self.do_resolve_reject(key, future)
return future
def do_resolve_reject(self, key, future):
# Enqueue this Future to be dispatched.
self._queue.append(Loader(key=key, future=future))
# Determine if a dispatch of this queue should be scheduled.
# A single dispatch should be scheduled per queue at the time when the
# queue changes from "empty" to "full".
if len(self._queue) == 1:
if self.batch:
# If batching, schedule a task to dispatch the queue.
enqueue_post_future_job(self.loop, self)
# Otherwise dispatch the (queue of one) immediately.
dispatch_queue(self) # pragma: no cover
def load_many(self, keys):
Loads multiple keys, returning a list of values
>>> a, b = await my_loader.load_many([ 'a', 'b' ])
This is equivalent to the more verbose:
>>> a, b = await gather(
>>> my_loader.load('a'),
>>> my_loader.load('b')
>>> )
if not isinstance(keys, Iterable):
raise TypeError( # pragma: no cover
"The loader.load_many() function must be called with Iterable<key> "
"but got: {}."
return gather(*[self.load(key) for key in keys])
def clear(self, key):
Clears the value at `key` from the cache, if it exists. Returns itself for
method chaining.
cache_key = self.get_cache_key(key)
self._cache.pop(cache_key, None)
return self
def clear_all(self):
Clears the entire cache. To be used when some event results in unknown
invalidations across this particular `DataLoader`. Returns itself for
method chaining.
return self
def prime(self, key, value):
Adds the provied key and value to the cache. If the key already exists, no
change is made. Returns itself for method chaining.
cache_key = self.get_cache_key(key)
# Only add the key if it does not already exist.
if cache_key not in self._cache:
# Cache a rejected future if the value is an Error, in order to match
# the behavior of load(key).
future = self.loop.create_future()
if isinstance(value, Exception):
self._cache[cache_key] = future
return self
def enqueue_post_future_job(loop, loader):
async def dispatch():
loop.call_soon(ensure_future, dispatch())
def get_chunks(iterable_obj, chunk_size=1):
chunk_size = max(1, chunk_size)
return (
iterable_obj[i : i + chunk_size]
for i in range(0, len(iterable_obj), chunk_size)
def dispatch_queue(loader):
Given the current state of a Loader instance, perform a batch load
from its current queue.
# Take the current loader queue, replacing it with an empty queue.
queue = loader._queue
loader._queue = []
# If a max_batch_size was provided and the queue is longer, then segment the
# queue into multiple batches, otherwise treat the queue as a single batch.
max_batch_size = loader.max_batch_size
if max_batch_size and max_batch_size < len(queue):
chunks = get_chunks(queue, max_batch_size)
for chunk in chunks:
ensure_future(dispatch_queue_batch(loader, chunk))
ensure_future(dispatch_queue_batch(loader, queue))
async def dispatch_queue_batch(loader, queue):
# Collect all keys to be loaded in this dispatch
keys = [loaded.key for loaded in queue]
# Call the provided batch_load_fn for this loader with the loader queue's keys.
batch_future = loader.batch_load_fn(keys)
# Assert the expected response from batch_load_fn
if not batch_future or not iscoroutine(batch_future):
return failed_dispatch( # pragma: no cover
"DataLoader must be constructed with a function which accepts "
"Iterable<key> and returns Future<Iterable<value>>, but the function did "
"not return a Coroutine: {}."
values = await batch_future
if not isinstance(values, Iterable):
raise TypeError( # pragma: no cover
"DataLoader must be constructed with a function which accepts "
"Iterable<key> and returns Future<Iterable<value>>, but the function did "
"not return a Future of a Iterable: {}."
values = list(values)
if len(values) != len(keys):
raise TypeError( # pragma: no cover
"DataLoader must be constructed with a function which accepts "
"Iterable<key> and returns Future<Iterable<value>>, but the function did "
"not return a Future of a Iterable with the same length as the Iterable "
"of keys."
).format(keys, values)
# Step through the values, resolving or rejecting each Future in the
# loaded queue.
for loaded, value in zip(queue, values):
if isinstance(value, Exception):
except Exception as e:
return failed_dispatch(loader, queue, e)
def failed_dispatch(loader, queue, error):
Do not cache individual loads if the entire batch dispatch fails,
but still reject each request so they do not hang.
for loaded in queue:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,452 @@
from asyncio import gather
from collections import namedtuple
from functools import partial
from unittest.mock import Mock
from graphene.utils.dataloader import DataLoader
from pytest import mark, raises
from graphene import ObjectType, String, Schema, Field, List
"1": {"name": "Luke Skywalker", "sibling": "3"},
"2": {"name": "Darth Vader", "sibling": None},
"3": {"name": "Leia Organa", "sibling": "1"},
get_character = Mock(side_effect=lambda character_id: CHARACTERS[character_id])
class CharacterType(ObjectType):
name = String()
sibling = Field(lambda: CharacterType)
async def resolve_sibling(character, info):
if character["sibling"]:
return await info.context.character_loader.load(character["sibling"])
return None
class Query(ObjectType):
skywalker_family = List(CharacterType)
async def resolve_skywalker_family(_, info):
return await info.context.character_loader.load_many(["1", "2", "3"])
mock_batch_load_fn = Mock(
side_effect=lambda character_ids: [get_character(id) for id in character_ids]
class CharacterLoader(DataLoader):
async def batch_load_fn(self, character_ids):
return mock_batch_load_fn(character_ids)
Context = namedtuple("Context", "character_loader")
async def test_basic_dataloader():
schema = Schema(query=Query)
character_loader = CharacterLoader()
context = Context(character_loader=character_loader)
query = """
skywalkerFamily {
sibling {
result = await schema.execute_async(query, context=context)
assert not result.errors
assert result.data == {
"skywalkerFamily": [
{"name": "Luke Skywalker", "sibling": {"name": "Leia Organa"}},
{"name": "Darth Vader", "sibling": None},
{"name": "Leia Organa", "sibling": {"name": "Luke Skywalker"}},
assert mock_batch_load_fn.call_count == 1
assert get_character.call_count == 3
def id_loader(**options):
load_calls = []
async def default_resolve(x):
return x
resolve = options.pop("resolve", default_resolve)
async def fn(keys):
return await resolve(keys)
# return keys
identity_loader = DataLoader(fn, **options)
return identity_loader, load_calls
async def test_build_a_simple_data_loader():
async def call_fn(keys):
return keys
identity_loader = DataLoader(call_fn)
promise1 = identity_loader.load(1)
value1 = await promise1
assert value1 == 1
async def test_can_build_a_data_loader_from_a_partial():
value_map = {1: "one"}
async def call_fn(context, keys):
return [context.get(key) for key in keys]
partial_fn = partial(call_fn, value_map)
identity_loader = DataLoader(partial_fn)
promise1 = identity_loader.load(1)
value1 = await promise1
assert value1 == "one"
async def test_supports_loading_multiple_keys_in_one_call():
async def call_fn(keys):
return keys
identity_loader = DataLoader(call_fn)
promise_all = identity_loader.load_many([1, 2])
values = await promise_all
assert values == [1, 2]
promise_all = identity_loader.load_many([])
values = await promise_all
assert values == []
async def test_batches_multiple_requests():
identity_loader, load_calls = id_loader()
promise1 = identity_loader.load(1)
promise2 = identity_loader.load(2)
p = gather(promise1, promise2)
value1, value2 = await p
assert value1 == 1
assert value2 == 2
assert load_calls == [[1, 2]]
async def test_batches_multiple_requests_with_max_batch_sizes():
identity_loader, load_calls = id_loader(max_batch_size=2)
promise1 = identity_loader.load(1)
promise2 = identity_loader.load(2)
promise3 = identity_loader.load(3)
p = gather(promise1, promise2, promise3)
value1, value2, value3 = await p
assert value1 == 1
assert value2 == 2
assert value3 == 3
assert load_calls == [[1, 2], [3]]
async def test_coalesces_identical_requests():
identity_loader, load_calls = id_loader()
promise1 = identity_loader.load(1)
promise2 = identity_loader.load(1)
assert promise1 == promise2
p = gather(promise1, promise2)
value1, value2 = await p
assert value1 == 1
assert value2 == 1
assert load_calls == [[1]]
async def test_caches_repeated_requests():
identity_loader, load_calls = id_loader()
a, b = await gather(identity_loader.load("A"), identity_loader.load("B"))
assert a == "A"
assert b == "B"
assert load_calls == [["A", "B"]]
a2, c = await gather(identity_loader.load("A"), identity_loader.load("C"))
assert a2 == "A"
assert c == "C"
assert load_calls == [["A", "B"], ["C"]]
a3, b2, c2 = await gather(
identity_loader.load("A"), identity_loader.load("B"), identity_loader.load("C")
assert a3 == "A"
assert b2 == "B"
assert c2 == "C"
assert load_calls == [["A", "B"], ["C"]]
async def test_clears_single_value_in_loader():
identity_loader, load_calls = id_loader()
a, b = await gather(identity_loader.load("A"), identity_loader.load("B"))
assert a == "A"
assert b == "B"
assert load_calls == [["A", "B"]]
a2, b2 = await gather(identity_loader.load("A"), identity_loader.load("B"))
assert a2 == "A"
assert b2 == "B"
assert load_calls == [["A", "B"], ["A"]]
async def test_clears_all_values_in_loader():
identity_loader, load_calls = id_loader()
a, b = await gather(identity_loader.load("A"), identity_loader.load("B"))
assert a == "A"
assert b == "B"
assert load_calls == [["A", "B"]]
a2, b2 = await gather(identity_loader.load("A"), identity_loader.load("B"))
assert a2 == "A"
assert b2 == "B"
assert load_calls == [["A", "B"], ["A", "B"]]
async def test_allows_priming_the_cache():
identity_loader, load_calls = id_loader()
identity_loader.prime("A", "A")
a, b = await gather(identity_loader.load("A"), identity_loader.load("B"))
assert a == "A"
assert b == "B"
assert load_calls == [["B"]]
async def test_does_not_prime_keys_that_already_exist():
identity_loader, load_calls = id_loader()
identity_loader.prime("A", "X")
a1 = await identity_loader.load("A")
b1 = await identity_loader.load("B")
assert a1 == "X"
assert b1 == "B"
identity_loader.prime("A", "Y")
identity_loader.prime("B", "Y")
a2 = await identity_loader.load("A")
b2 = await identity_loader.load("B")
assert a2 == "X"
assert b2 == "B"
assert load_calls == [["B"]]
# # Represents Errors
async def test_resolves_to_error_to_indicate_failure():
async def resolve(keys):
mapped_keys = [
key if key % 2 == 0 else Exception("Odd: {}".format(key)) for key in keys
return mapped_keys
even_loader, load_calls = id_loader(resolve=resolve)
with raises(Exception) as exc_info:
await even_loader.load(1)
assert str(exc_info.value) == "Odd: 1"
value2 = await even_loader.load(2)
assert value2 == 2
assert load_calls == [[1], [2]]
async def test_can_represent_failures_and_successes_simultaneously():
async def resolve(keys):
mapped_keys = [
key if key % 2 == 0 else Exception("Odd: {}".format(key)) for key in keys
return mapped_keys
even_loader, load_calls = id_loader(resolve=resolve)
promise1 = even_loader.load(1)
promise2 = even_loader.load(2)
with raises(Exception) as exc_info:
await promise1
assert str(exc_info.value) == "Odd: 1"
value2 = await promise2
assert value2 == 2
assert load_calls == [[1, 2]]
async def test_caches_failed_fetches():
async def resolve(keys):
mapped_keys = [Exception("Error: {}".format(key)) for key in keys]
return mapped_keys
error_loader, load_calls = id_loader(resolve=resolve)
with raises(Exception) as exc_info:
await error_loader.load(1)
assert str(exc_info.value) == "Error: 1"
with raises(Exception) as exc_info:
await error_loader.load(1)
assert str(exc_info.value) == "Error: 1"
assert load_calls == [[1]]
async def test_caches_failed_fetches_2():
identity_loader, load_calls = id_loader()
identity_loader.prime(1, Exception("Error: 1"))
with raises(Exception) as _:
await identity_loader.load(1)
assert load_calls == []
# It is resilient to job queue ordering
async def test_batches_loads_occuring_within_promises():
identity_loader, load_calls = id_loader()
async def load_b_1():
return await load_b_2()
async def load_b_2():
return await identity_loader.load("B")
values = await gather(identity_loader.load("A"), load_b_1())
assert values == ["A", "B"]
assert load_calls == [["A", "B"]]
async def test_catches_error_if_loader_resolver_fails():
exc = Exception("AOH!")
def do_resolve(x):
raise exc
a_loader, a_load_calls = id_loader(resolve=do_resolve)
with raises(Exception) as exc_info:
await a_loader.load("A1")
assert exc_info.value == exc
async def test_can_call_a_loader_from_a_loader():
deep_loader, deep_load_calls = id_loader()
a_loader, a_load_calls = id_loader(
resolve=lambda keys: deep_loader.load(tuple(keys))
b_loader, b_load_calls = id_loader(
resolve=lambda keys: deep_loader.load(tuple(keys))
a1, b1, a2, b2 = await gather(
assert a1 == "A1"
assert b1 == "B1"
assert a2 == "A2"
assert b2 == "B2"
assert a_load_calls == [["A1", "A2"]]
assert b_load_calls == [["B1", "B2"]]
assert deep_load_calls == [[("A1", "A2"), ("B1", "B2")]]
async def test_dataloader_clear_with_missing_key_works():
async def do_resolve(x):
return x
a_loader, a_load_calls = id_loader(resolve=do_resolve)
assert a_loader.clear("A1") == a_loader
@ -2,6 +2,10 @@
exclude = setup.py,docs/*,*/examples/*,graphene/pyutils/*,tests
max-line-length = 120
# This is a specific ignore for Black+Flake8
# source: https://black.readthedocs.io/en/stable/guides/using_black_with_other_tools.html#id1
extend-ignore = E203
omit = graphene/pyutils/*,*/tests/*,graphene/types/scalars.py
@ -53,7 +53,6 @@ tests_require = [
@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
from collections import namedtuple
from unittest.mock import Mock
from pytest import mark
from aiodataloader import DataLoader
from graphene import ObjectType, String, Schema, Field, List
"1": {"name": "Luke Skywalker", "sibling": "3"},
"2": {"name": "Darth Vader", "sibling": None},
"3": {"name": "Leia Organa", "sibling": "1"},
get_character = Mock(side_effect=lambda character_id: CHARACTERS[character_id])
class CharacterType(ObjectType):
name = String()
sibling = Field(lambda: CharacterType)
async def resolve_sibling(character, info):
if character["sibling"]:
return await info.context.character_loader.load(character["sibling"])
return None
class Query(ObjectType):
skywalker_family = List(CharacterType)
async def resolve_skywalker_family(_, info):
return await info.context.character_loader.load_many(["1", "2", "3"])
mock_batch_load_fn = Mock(
side_effect=lambda character_ids: [get_character(id) for id in character_ids]
class CharacterLoader(DataLoader):
async def batch_load_fn(self, character_ids):
return mock_batch_load_fn(character_ids)
Context = namedtuple("Context", "character_loader")
async def test_basic_dataloader():
schema = Schema(query=Query)
character_loader = CharacterLoader()
context = Context(character_loader=character_loader)
query = """
skywalkerFamily {
sibling {
result = await schema.execute_async(query, context=context)
assert not result.errors
assert result.data == {
"skywalkerFamily": [
{"name": "Luke Skywalker", "sibling": {"name": "Leia Organa"}},
{"name": "Darth Vader", "sibling": None},
{"name": "Leia Organa", "sibling": {"name": "Luke Skywalker"}},
assert mock_batch_load_fn.call_count == 1
assert get_character.call_count == 3
Reference in New Issue
Block a user