diff --git a/graphene/relay/connection.py b/graphene/relay/connection.py
index 691919ca..3be23d08 100644
--- a/graphene/relay/connection.py
+++ b/graphene/relay/connection.py
@@ -8,51 +8,61 @@ from ..types.objecttype import ObjectType, ObjectTypeMeta
 from ..utils.props import props
+from ..types.field import Field, InputField
+from ..utils.get_fields import get_fields
+from ..utils.copy_fields import copy_fields
+from ..utils.props import props
+from ..types.objecttype import ObjectType
+from ..utils.is_base_type import is_base_type
+from ..types.options import Options
 class ConnectionMeta(ObjectTypeMeta):
-    def get_options(cls, meta):
-        options = cls.options_class(
-            meta,
+    def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs):
+        super_new = type.__new__
+        # Also ensure initialization is only performed for subclasses of Model
+        # (excluding Model class itself).
+        if not is_base_type(bases, ConnectionMeta):
+            return super_new(cls, name, bases, attrs)
+        options = Options(
+            attrs.pop('Meta', None),
-            abstract=False
-        options.graphql_type = None
-        return options
-    def construct(cls, bases, attrs):
-        if not cls._meta.abstract:
-            Edge = attrs.pop('Edge', None)
-            edge_fields = props(Edge) if Edge else {}
+        Edge = attrs.pop('Edge', None)
+        edge_fields = props(Edge) if Edge else {}
+        edge_fields = get_fields(ObjectType, edge_fields, ())
-            edge_fields = {f.name: f for f in ObjectType._extract_local_fields(edge_fields)}
-            local_fields = cls._extract_local_fields(attrs)
+        connection_fields = copy_fields(Field, get_fields(ObjectType, attrs, bases))
-        cls = super(ConnectionMeta, cls).construct(bases, attrs)
-        if not cls._meta.abstract:
-            from ..utils.get_graphql_type import get_graphql_type
-            assert cls._meta.node, 'You have to provide a node in {}.Meta'.format(cls.__name__)
-            edge, connection = connection_definitions(
-                name=cls._meta.name or re.sub('Connection$', '', cls.__name__),
-                node_type=get_graphql_type(cls._meta.node),
-                resolve_node=cls.resolve_node,
-                resolve_cursor=cls.resolve_cursor,
+        cls = super_new(cls, name, bases, dict(attrs, _meta=options))
-                edge_fields=edge_fields,
-                connection_fields=local_fields,
-            )
-            cls.Edge = type(edge.name, (ObjectType, ), {'Meta': type('Meta', (object,), {'graphql_type': edge})})
-            cls._meta.graphql_type = connection
+        assert options.node, 'You have to provide a node in {}.Meta'.format(cls.__name__)
+        from ..utils.get_graphql_type import get_graphql_type
+        edge, connection = connection_definitions(
+            name=options.name or re.sub('Connection$', '', cls.__name__),
+            node_type=get_graphql_type(options.node),
+            resolve_node=cls.resolve_node,
+            resolve_cursor=cls.resolve_cursor,
+            edge_fields=edge_fields,
+            connection_fields=connection_fields,
+        )
+        cls.Edge = type(edge.name, (ObjectType, ), {'Meta': type('Meta', (object,), {'graphql_type': edge})})
+        cls._meta.graphql_type = connection
         return cls
 class Connection(six.with_metaclass(ConnectionMeta, ObjectType)):
-    class Meta:
-        abstract = True
     resolve_node = None
     resolve_cursor = None
diff --git a/graphene/utils/is_graphene_type.py b/graphene/utils/is_graphene_type.py
index c9b8e1cf..8d24b50f 100644
--- a/graphene/utils/is_graphene_type.py
+++ b/graphene/utils/is_graphene_type.py
@@ -9,8 +9,9 @@ def is_graphene_type(_type):
     from ..types.scalars import Scalar
     from ..types.enum import Enum
     from ..relay.mutation import ClientIDMutation
+    from ..relay.connection import Connection
-    if _type in [Interface, InputObjectType, ObjectType, Mutation, ClientIDMutation]:
+    if _type in [Interface, InputObjectType, ObjectType, Mutation, ClientIDMutation, Connection]:
         return False
     return inspect.isclass(_type) and issubclass(_type, (