import graphene from graphene import relay from .data import create_ship, get_empire, get_faction, get_rebels, get_ship class Ship(graphene.ObjectType): """A ship in the Star Wars saga""" class Meta: interfaces = (relay.Node,) name = graphene.String(description="The name of the ship.") @classmethod def get_node(cls, info, id): return get_ship(id) class ShipConnection(relay.Connection): class Meta: node = Ship class Faction(graphene.ObjectType): """A faction in the Star Wars saga""" class Meta: interfaces = (relay.Node,) name = graphene.String(description="The name of the faction.") ships = relay.ConnectionField( ShipConnection, description="The ships used by the faction." ) def resolve_ships(self, info, **args): # Transform the instance ship_ids into real instances return [get_ship(ship_id) for ship_id in self.ships] @classmethod def get_node(cls, info, id): return get_faction(id) class IntroduceShip(relay.ClientIDMutation): class Input: ship_name = graphene.String(required=True) faction_id = graphene.String(required=True) ship = graphene.Field(Ship) faction = graphene.Field(Faction) @classmethod def mutate_and_get_payload( cls, root, info, ship_name, faction_id, client_mutation_id=None ): ship = create_ship(ship_name, faction_id) faction = get_faction(faction_id) return IntroduceShip(ship=ship, faction=faction) class Query(graphene.ObjectType): rebels = graphene.Field(Faction) empire = graphene.Field(Faction) node = relay.Node.Field() def resolve_rebels(self, info): return get_rebels() def resolve_empire(self, info): return get_empire() class Mutation(graphene.ObjectType): introduce_ship = IntroduceShip.Field() schema = graphene.Schema(query=Query, mutation=Mutation)