from py.test import raises from collections import namedtuple from pytest import raises from graphene.core.fields import ( Field, StringField, NonNullField ) from graphene.core.options import Options from graphql.core.type import ( GraphQLField, GraphQLNonNull, GraphQLInt, GraphQLString, GraphQLBoolean, GraphQLID, ) class ObjectType(object): _meta = Options() def resolve(self, *args, **kwargs): return None def can_resolve(self, *args): return True def __str__(self): return "ObjectType" ot = ObjectType() ObjectType._meta.contribute_to_class(ObjectType, '_meta') class Schema(object): pass schema = Schema() def test_field_no_contributed_raises_error(): f = Field(GraphQLString) with raises(Exception) as excinfo: f.internal_field(schema) def test_field_type(): f = Field(GraphQLString) f.contribute_to_class(ot, 'field_name') assert isinstance(f.internal_field(schema), GraphQLField) assert f.internal_type(schema) == GraphQLString def test_field_name_automatic_camelcase(): f = Field(GraphQLString) f.contribute_to_class(ot, 'field_name') assert == 'fieldName' def test_field_name_use_name_if_exists(): f = Field(GraphQLString, name='my_custom_name') f.contribute_to_class(ot, 'field_name') assert == 'my_custom_name' def test_stringfield_type(): f = StringField() f.contribute_to_class(ot, 'field_name') assert f.internal_type(schema) == GraphQLString def test_nonnullfield_type(): f = NonNullField(StringField()) f.contribute_to_class(ot, 'field_name') assert isinstance(f.internal_type(schema), GraphQLNonNull) def test_stringfield_type_required(): f = StringField(required=True) f.contribute_to_class(ot, 'field_name') assert isinstance(f.internal_field(schema), GraphQLField) assert isinstance(f.internal_type(schema), GraphQLNonNull) def test_field_resolve(): f = StringField(required=True, resolve=lambda *args: 'RESOLVED') f.contribute_to_class(ot, 'field_name') field_type = f.internal_field(schema) assert 'RESOLVED' == field_type.resolver(ot, 2, 3) def test_field_resolve_type_custom(): class MyCustomType(object): pass class Schema(object): def get_type(self, name): if name == 'MyCustomType': return MyCustomType s = Schema() f = Field('MyCustomType') f.contribute_to_class(ot, 'field_name') field_type = f.get_object_type(s) assert field_type == MyCustomType def test_field_resolve_type_custom(): s = Schema() f = Field('self') f.contribute_to_class(ot, 'field_name') field_type = f.get_object_type(s) assert field_type == ot def test_field_orders(): f1 = Field(None) f2 = Field(None) assert f1 < f2 def test_field_orders_wrong_type(): field = Field(None) try: assert not field < 1 except TypeError: # Fix exception raising in Python3+ pass def test_field_eq(): f1 = Field(None) f2 = Field(None) assert f1 != f2 def test_field_eq_wrong_type(): field = Field(None) assert field != 1 def test_field_hash(): f1 = Field(None) f2 = Field(None) assert hash(f1) != hash(f2) def test_field_none_type_raises_error(): s = Schema() f = Field(None) f.contribute_to_class(ot, 'field_name') with raises(Exception) as excinfo: f.internal_field(s) assert str(excinfo.value) == "Internal type for field ObjectType.field_name is None" def test_field_str(): f = StringField() f.contribute_to_class(ot, 'field_name') assert str(f) == "ObjectType.field_name" def test_field_repr(): f = StringField() assert repr(f) == "" def test_field_repr_contributed(): f = StringField() f.contribute_to_class(ot, 'field_name') assert repr(f) == ""